#a boost
witchywitchy 4 months
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Keep talking about Palestine!
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4ft10tvlandfangirl 30 days
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About Gaza Funds
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Verified Palestinian gofundme鈥檚 Masterlist
Rightfully so, I have gotten messages worrying if everything I post is legit (I try my best to make sure the answer is yes), but here鈥檚 a masterlist of ones that one or more people have confirmed are legit Palestinians. Most are from the blogs @el-shab-hussein, @ibtisams, @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc ,@90-ghost, @nabulsi and @palipunk
I will also be making individual posts for most of these
Help Khaled and his family escape Gaza
Help lara and abdalla Family to be safe in Gaza
Emergency: Help Ibrahim's Family Find Safety - $50 is 500kr
HELP Ezzideen & his Family to EVACUATE Gaza
Your help is the only hope to save us from war.
Hope : Help Little Elen Fetch a brighter Future
Help Aseel鈥檚 family evacuate from Gaza.
EMERGENCY: HELP evacuate Bashar from Gaza
Help Mohammad Hammad evacuate his family from Gaza
Help Madleen's Family From Gaza
Help Jehad Evacute From Gaza
Help a med student & his family evacuate to safety
Help Fadi's Family Rebuild Their Life Amidst Crisis
Help Us Safely Evacuate a family from Gaza
Help child with Cerebral Palsy evacuate
Protect an open source engineer and his family
Help Bring Ayah鈥檚 Family in Gaza to Safety
Call to Action: Keep Gazas Talent Alive
Help Belal and His Family Escape the War in Gaza
Urgent Rescue Mission for the Mortaja Family
Save my family from the war in Gaza
Urgent: Help Evacuate My Family From Gaza War
Urgent help to evacuate my family out of Gaza
Help evacuate Safi鈥檚 family from Gaza in warfare
emergency : Help Support the Khalaf Family in Gaza
Help AbdulAziz and his family
Help Yousef escape Gaza and treat his cancer
Help my family rebuild home und evacuate Gaza
Please Help Me Evacuate My Children To Safety
Escape From War Nightmare: Support Gazan Family
Help my family in Gaza
Salaam Animal Care, find a safe home for animals
URGENT HELP help my family to evacuate Gaza
Help me & my Family Evacuate from Gaza
Urgent Appeal for Support: Help a Photographer
Help Jana's Family Find Refuge and Peace
Help me to save my family from the war in Gaza
Help evacuate my brother and his family from Gaza
Urgent apeal to help Elzomar family leave Gaza immediately
Help my mum to travel to a safe place
Help Afnan to find safety and to complete her education
Support getting Linda and her family out of Gaza
Support Mohammed and His Family Affected by the Gaza War
Help Ala's Family Overcome Crisis in Gaza
Freedom and home repair for Aesha an family
Help us evacuate and rebuild what's left of our lives
Help Tamer and his Family in Gaza!
Help my family escape death and reunite with me.
Help me and my family escape the Genocide in Gaza
Help rebuild Ahmed's family life in Gaza .
Emergency : Saving My Mother and only brother From War Zone
Rescue Mahmoud's Family: A Call to Escape Gaza's Devastation
Help Mohammed & His Family To Safety
Help Almoghrabi family to evacuate Gaza strip
Urgent Appeal: Help Save Ruba & Muhammad in Gaza!
Urgent help to evacuate my family from Gaza
Help Alia's family and their children get out of Gaza
Urgent Appeal: Save Little Yusuf and His Family Amidst Gaza
Support My Family Escape War in Gaza
Help me get my family out to safety
Help my family out of Gaza
Help me get my family out to safety
Help my children and family from the Gaza war !!
Please Help Evacuate Fadi's Family from Gaza
URGENT: Help Hayam and her Family Escape the Genocide
For what remained in us 賲賳 兀噩賱 賲丕 鬲亘賯賶 賮賷賳丕
Please Help Restore The Sharifs home & Help Leave A War Zone
Help Shymaa's Family Reunite in Egypt
Help Mahmoud鈥檚 family evacuate from Gaza
Donate to help Deyaa and his family escape Gaza
Fatima鈥檚 Journey to Restore Artistry in Gaza
My family under fire, help them evacuate Gaza.
Help me to evacuate from the genocide
Help Mahmoud to evacuate from Gaza to continue education
Help my family evacuate from Gaza
Help Sana鈥檃 and her family evacuate from Gaza
Haytham needs your help to support his family
Help my family survive and evacuate from Gaza
Help me rebuild a shelter for my family in Rafah
HelpYoussef and his family get out of Gaza for a better life
Let my family be safe and live in peace!
Relief Appeal: Secure Evacuation from Gaza War
Please Help Tahani save her children and husband
Urgent Help Appeal: exit the war of Gaza"
Help My Family Get Out Of Gaza
Vegetables, food, and water for Palestinian families
HELP Muhammad evacuate his family out of GAZA
Secure a Safe Future for Youssef鈥檚 Family - Act now
Support My Journey to a New Start
Help Shymaa's Family Reunite in Egypt
Help Me and my Family to evacuate from Gaza ASAP
Saving My Family from the Horrors of War in Gaza
Help the Allahawani family escape genocide
URGENT - Help Azzam evacuate his family from Gaza
help my children get out of gaza safely
Emergency: Help Evacuate My Family from Gaza
Help Safaa secure her children鈥榮 lives after war
Help Kareem get his family from Gaza to safety
Help Karim and his family get to a safe place
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belladonnaprice 1 month
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zuko-always-lies 3 months
From instructions on how to opt out, look at the official staff post on the topic. It also gives more information on Tumblr's new policies. If you are opting out, remember to opt out each separate blog individually.
Please reblog this post, so it will get more votes!
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risoria 13 days
Please if you have the means consider buying an e-sim for Gaza! It鈥檚 very quick and easy!
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Link to gazaesims ->
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iri-desky 4 months
(IMPORTANT UPDATE: Kosa will not necessarily pass on the 26th. It only has the support to pass in Senate, and we STILL HAVE TIME. That being said, time is of the essence.)
Reblog this post in every LEGAL way you can under the Tumblr guidelines with the appropriate tags. TELL AND TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW, then add the tags to see below... and more if you can think of any complying.
Visit badinternetbills.com if you want to find a way to defeat KOSA. It WILL NOT take much of your time. Reblog with any other information or sources, too-- but make sure to reblog if you can.
Reblog if you support lgbtq+ content.
Reblog if you support questioning queer youth and/or abused youth getting the information they need.
Reblog if you support Ao3 and/or other sites that wholeheartedly preserve talentedly made media.
Reblog if you're going to repost this on other sites than Tumblr and spread the word across Twitter, Tik Tok, Pinterest, or elsewhere, alongside the link to badinternetbills.com.
Reblog if you think KOSA is unfair and shouldn't be anyone's problem -- including the adults ALL OVER THE DAMN EARTH forced to face the mass censorship it causes because "think of the American Children!".
Reblog if you support internet activism and Palestine.
Reblog if you hate fascism or censorship, and don't want actually serious and helpful conversations censored on the internet.
Reblog if you value the internet in any way at all whatsoever.
CHECK THIS PETITION, TOO! https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-kosa?recruiter=1331807538&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=sms&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf&recruited_by_id=57368c40-d0fd-11ee-98f7-2175430f819f&share_bandit_exp=initial-36809664-en-US
(Also, please reblog with at least "stop kosa" as a tag and not "kosa". I made the mistake of not adding just "kosa" as a tag...)
We won't let this stand any longer. Let's start a riot and get this trending.
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hershelchocolateart 8 months
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Just to make a point, every time I finished a panel of this I would export it as a PNG on the perceptual setting and use it as a color reference for the next panel
EDIT: If you're still having problems, it might help to switch from "Save/Save as" to "Export (as a) Single Layer". Just. Make SURE the box labeled "Expression Color" is set to RGB. I've been messing with this all day, and it looks like this combination of settings will allow exported PNGs to maintain their colors perfectly. To you. So far both Discord and Toyhouse still only display desaturated images and I cannot for the life of me figure out why
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intersectionalpraxis 3 months
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Where do I even begin? I'm appalled. The Canadian government living up to its roots in colonial-settler violence... this is beyond criminal. Contact your MP's. This erasure and anti-Palestinian racism is unacceptable.
For anyone reading this on or after February 26th, 2024 -here is more information/updates:
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booasaur 4 months
Sudan is going through a famine, and with Ramadan coming up (this year it'll start March 10th), it would be nice to donate so that families can have food and medicine.
With the exchange rates for many of us, even a small donation could help in a big way, you don't need to donate the full $30.
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Direct link to the gofundme:
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taffybuns 4 months
if anyone has money to spare for donations, im forwarding more links for palestinian aid
CareforGaza is a nonprofit that provides direct aid to Palestine, and you can donate directly here
Operation Olive Branch is a document that lists evacuating families that need assistance, which gives information on the families, the urgency, and tracks the progress of their fundraisers
eSims for Gaza lists very clear instructions on how to purchase e-sims to keep them connected, they are urgently in demand
Here is a project that distributes feminine hygiene kits directly to Gaza
Mutual Aid Diabetes has channels set up for you to donate insulin and medication to diabetics in Gaza, as well as lists fundraisers for diabetics seeking to evacuate
please keep sharing and adding links on this site, please add more if i'd missed any, and please don't stop talking about Palestine.
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witchywitchy 5 months
"B-but Palestinians can get their freedom with peace not violence 馃ズ馃ズ" no. Screw your feelings. The armed resistance against colonizers and murderers is what will give Palestinians their freedom and what will eventually achieve real peace.
An enemy that bombs and uses white phosphorus against civilians doesn't know nor practice what your broken moral compass describes as "peace". Freedom was proven throughout history not to be achieved through kneeling and asking the oppressor to kindly stop. Freedom needs to be taken by force. Your little Utopian way of thinking doesn't work in the real world. Your feelings don't matter because you're not the one living under occupation. Your feelings don't matter because you're not one of the thousands of children who lost their limbs. You're not one of the children who became orphans due to this genocide. You're not the mother who lost her child to the carpet bombing. You're not the father carrying the remains of your child in plastic bags. You're not the newlywed woman who lost her husband. You're not the one at risk of either getting killed any second or losing your loved ones in the blink of an eye!
"Peace" is not really a thing you see during a live ethnic cleansing!
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nocylipcowa 28 days
everyone living in EU - please support the citizens initiative for safe and accessible abortion!!
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Palestinian gofundme鈥檚 with zero donations as of May 11, 2024:
URGENT: Evacuate My Diabetic Kid Out of GAZA WAR
Help Abood Evacuate Gaza, Rebuild, and Pursue Education
Saving a dental student and his family from war
Family evacuation
Help me to complete my education
We are raising 6000$ to allow Razan to leave Gaza
Save Me, So I Can Live and Continue My Life Safely
Donate to help me and my family in Gaza
They helped Abdullah's family to escape the war on
Gaza Hope: Support Belal, Ameera & Baby Hala
Help Nada and her family to survive in Gaza
Help Ayah to pursuing her education
Help Leen get out of Gaza and get the treatment
Help Ahmed Mughani's brother & companion evacuate
Urgent Appeal for Maria's Medical Treatment
Helping me and my family.
Donte to save my mother from death in Gaza
Support Hadeel for education abroad
Evacuate young Dr Oday and family from Gaza
Help Support samah Family Evacuate from Gaza
Helping me and my family get out of Gaza
A Dream Deferred: A Student's Journey from Gaza
Support Aya's Family's Journey to Safety
help me and my family evacuate from death in Gaza
Support Youssef and Afnan's Medical Journey
Help Abdallah to continue his studies and dream
Support Jamil's Journey to Heart Surgery
Help Ahmed and Heba Breathe Easier in Gaza
Help me treat my father, my brother, and my family in Gaza.
Help Us Escape the Horrors of War and Save Zahra鈥檚 Life
Help Hadeel to Evacuate from Gaze & Resume her Dreams
Rebuilding Dreams : A medical student's in Gaza Genocide
Donate to support us to restore our home and our lives
Please help my father to receive treatment outside Gaza
Help my family to get out of Gaza
Help Maram and her daughter!
Help treat Jud and Fares after they were injured in the Gaza
I need urgent help for my son, Louay, who has autism.
Help me evacuate Gaza and treat my hand urgently
Help Mohammed and Doaa鈥檚 Family Find Safety
Help Darren's Family Survive in Rafah
Help my aunt Wala from gaza
Help Ali and Naema get out of Gaza
Help tariq's family survive the war in gaza
Help me, my children, and my wife to leave Goza
No Survival Without You : Help Malak,And Her Family Survive
Help for my children and family life
Urgent Support for Zainab and Mais's Medical Care fom Gaza
Help Israa leave Gaza and complete its treatment
Help Zain's family evacuate Gaza so he can get medical help
Help my family to get out of Gaza
Donate for peace to us
Help me to get out of Gaza & Back to my studies
Give Sami & his family a chance to get out of Gaza
Help Baraa's family get out of Gaza and not die
Overcoming Obstacles: From Gaza to Education
Help saja to get out of gaza
Evacuate Hamoudy from Gaza for medical treatment!
Help my family escape Gaza and receive Medical aid
Help My Family In Gaza
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trexalicious 2 months
A reminder for those of us with cats at Easter that lilies of ANY kind are BAD for cats. Some species such as Calla, Peace and Peruvian do not cause kidney damage or death like Easter and daylilies, but they can still cause irritation and gastrointestinal issues if ingested...
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villainelle 26 days
as the eurovision final takes place this year, please take this time to instead please reblog, and donate (if you can) instead of watching:
fundraiser for selma cheurfi
help evacuate nisreen shaheen's family from gaza
bring najlaa's family to safety in canada
help evacuate dr ahmad's family from gaza
donate an e-sim to gaza here (several options available) (holafly tutorial)
donate to provide feminine hygiene kits for women in gaza
urgent evacuation for rafah's family from gaza
donate to careforgaza here (twitter) (paypal)
rescue lulu and baby adam from the siege on rafah
help firas and his family escape to egypt
an entire google doc of gofundme's for palestine
help this family evacuate from gaza
donate to the palestinian civil relief
donate to the children of gaza
please read through and support operation olive branch, a cohesive and detailed spreadsheet of fundraisers and links
donate to the palestine children's relief fund
please also reblog other aid posts (especially recent ones), or flood the tag with posts about palestine. this doesn't have to be just donation posts, but also information and updates on rafah/gaza. anything helps and make sure not to give eurovision your view or your vote! do not take your eyes off rafah.
please boost, and add other resources and links to this post.
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