#a born coward
sproutletmoss · 1 year
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utaitemusic · 2 years
Shall I tell you what I've been thinking for a long time? If I can be your friend once again, I won't ask for more If you don't care, I won't care either I'm a liar and this is a love song of "contrary words" I spat out
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plutonicbees · 2 years
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jimjam w that transmasc eboy swag (a fav dysphoria jumper he refuses to throw away)
i'm a little late to trans awareness week but have a good trans remembrance day 💙💗🤍
[id in alt text]
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courfee · 10 months
if you ask nicely
@jegulus-microfic | august 27 - shade | wc 1.2k | implied nsfw after the ending
this is just james trying to flirt and getting flustered instead
Now the thing is – James is great at flirting. He’s great at appearing confident and cocky and making the people around him blush with genuine compliments and well-placed flirtations. What he is not great at, he recently had to learn, is being flirted with.
“You’re standing in my sun,” Regulus huffs, looking up at him from where he is sitting with his back against a tree, book in hand.
“I know,” James replies with an easy grin.
Regulus glares at him. “Would it hurt you to live one single day without going out of your way to annoy me?”
James pretends to think, moving his head from one side to the other. “I don’t know,” he hums finally. “I’m not willing to find out the answer though. Just in case. Don’t want to risk getting hurt, you know?” Really, he just likes getting Regulus’ attention. And annoying him simply is the easiest way to do that.
“If you want to be a nuisance please at least do so sitting down.”
“Why?” James asks, making no move to comply. “Don’t you like this gorgeous me-shaped shadow around you?”
James pouts. “I’m only trying to help you out here. You should probably spend more time in the shade with your pale skin. Wouldn’t want your pretty face to get burned.”
“I’m fine,” Regulus retorts, completely bypassing James’ compliment. He had worked so hard on the conversational build-up to make it come naturally, and Regulus just ignores it... “I like the sun.”
“You know, people keep telling me I’m like the sun, so I think me standing here is a win-win for you.”
“You’re not,” Regulus disagrees and James is already opening his mouth to express his hurt at that comment when Regulus continues. “As opposed to the sun, I actually really enjoy looking at you.”
James shuts his mouth again, his cheeks heating up ever so slightly. He tries again, but with those few simple words Regulus has perfectly managed to wipe any witty counterremarks from his mind.
“Now, if you could please move...”
Defeated in his attempt at flirting he sighs. To this day, however, James is undefeated in his attempts at being annoying, and he’s not planning on changing that now. He sits down next to Regulus with his back to the sun so he can look at the other boy, shuffling close enough that their legs touch. Regulus turns back to his book and resumes reading.
For a while James is satisfied enough just watching Regulus. For all his talk earlier, he really does like looking at Regulus doused in sunlight. There’s a silver shine to his dark hair and the freckles across his nose stand out more prominently. He’s absolutely beautiful. He’s also absolutely ignoring James once again, and that will simply not do.
James starts by repeatedly poking Regulus’ knee. At first this only earns him a glare over the edge of the book. But when James returns that glare with a blinding smile and continues, Regulus reaches over to swat his hand away.
James sighs dramatically and falls backwards onto the grass, spreading his arms out around him. He busies himself with cloud watching for a good minute before getting bored again, so he decides the next best step to getting Regulus’ attention is picking daisies and placing them one by one along Regulus’ leg.
“James,” Regulus says with a sigh, but he doesn’t even look up from his book.
“Regulus,” James replies, and when Regulus doesn’t react to that either, he adds on, “What are you reading?”
Regulus lifts his book a little higher so James can read the title off the cover, which is not the reply he had been hoping for.
James groans in frustration, throwing his hands up in the air. This at least seems to gain Regulus’ attention, as he glances over at him. With a desirous glint that doesn’t escape James’ notice he lets his eyes travel across James’ arms down to the sliver of skin beneath the hem of his shirt that got lifted in the process.
Even though it only lasts a moment, Regulus turning back to his book almost instantly, James smirks and decides it is time to be more of a menace. If this is what gets Regulus’ attention he can work with it. He grabs the back of his shirt and in one swift motion pulls it over his head, tossing it aside. He stretches, more than necessary, and at the pull in the muscles of his back lets out another groan.
Unfortunately, Regulus’ determination to keep his attention off of James is apparently higher than James had expected, but it’s still no match for his own determination to counteract that. One by one James picks up the daisies from Regulus’ legs and starts twisting them into a thin flower crown. Once he’s done he reaches over and places it gingerly on top Regulus’ head. “Beautiful,” he assesses the picture before him.
“I’m sure you are,” Regulus replies without missing a beat despite still only looking at his book.
“Are you?” James asks critically. “You’re not even looking at me. I might have very well lost all my beauty in the last couple minutes.”
Regulus looks up in annoyance, but that annoyance quickly dissipates when he realises James is sitting very much shirtless in front of him. With a loud snap he shuts his book in frustration. “Fucking stop distracting me, I’m trying to read.”
“Oh, so you think I’m distracting?” James says, wiggling his eyebrows at Regulus and flexing his abs, just because he can and also because apparently it’s distracting. He likes being distracting. A lot.
“Oh, fuck you,” Regulus huffs, but there’s a pink tint to his cheeks so the words lose some of their bite.
“Sure,” James says, conspiratorially leaning forward with a mischievous grin, “If you ask nicely.”
Regulus glares at him defiantly for several seconds, before dropping his gaze. A beat later he is looking up at James again, his eyes half lidded, gazing up at him through his long dark lashes. “Please, James, will you fuck me?” he asks sweetly.
James chokes. His face is burning red and he’s coughing and blinking away tears as he splutters, “What?”
“I nicely asked you to please fuck me,” Regulus repeats, as if James hasn’t perfectly heard him the first time. As if James isn’t currently close to death because of it.
“You can’t just say that,” James says once he’s remembered how to breathe normally again. “This is not what’s supposed to happen. You’re the one that’s supposed to be flustered. This isn’t– What the fuck, Reg, you’re not supposed to actually ask?”
“And yet I did,” Regulus says, a smirk hiding rather visibly in the corners of his lips, “And you have yet to reply. Or do you want to take back your promise?”
James doesn’t have to think about his answer this time, which is a blessing, because all the blood needed to restart his brain is currently on its way to a different part of his body. “No,” he says, “I don’t.”
The smile Regulus gives him before getting up and pulling James to his feet alongside him is enough to nearly bring him back down to his knees.
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insanesonofabitch · 8 months
They really did the “seeing your lover for the first time after a long time apart” trope with Dean and Cas over and over and over again in all the different flavors and expected us to act normal about them?
Like yeah let’s kill Cas off he’s too gay. Wait hold on the fans didn’t like that. Okay let’s bring him back but he comes back with a WIFE. Wait hold on DEAN didn’t like that—
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merakiui · 10 months
Hey Mera 👋🏻 there's something I've been meaning to ask you for quite some time now. It's about one of your fics. To be more specific, I'm talking about your Alpha Floyd fwb fic from your lunar love hotel event. There's a scene that I noticed after reading it for the 2 time that I didn't notice before, which left me looking. "🧐👀"
So, in the beginning, the reader gets her heat unexpectedly and asks floyd to help her with her heat, then the reader removes Floyd's jacket and says she'll cover his shifts at the mostro lounge for 2-3 weeks if he just fucks her but he refused. Then, in another scene, the reader returns Floyd's jacket to Jade, and they end up having their usual banter, AND THIS IS THE PART WHICH LEFT ME .🧐👀"Jade gets interrupted by floyd before he could finish his sentence, but he literally was about to say the SAME FRICKING thing that the reader said to floyd at the time she had her heat about covering his shifts for a few weeks!
NOW this is very interesting cuz how did he know what the reader had said to floyd?! 🧐 Either A) Floyd casually told him B) He could smell it or C) THIS PERVERTED STALKER decided to follow the reader while she was having her heat for whatever reason?! but most likely followed her cuz he wanted to be the one to "help" her with her heat, but decided to stay hidden somewhere and watch his brother fingering the reader!!
Which makes me wonder if he had any feelings for the reader in this fic? but didn't do anything about his feelings cuz of floyd? especially how in that one scene where Jade and the reader had their usual banter again and floyd pops in, says, "shrimpy's marrying jade?" and the reader denies it, but Jade response with "that can be arranged"?!
Am i overthinking this, or ??????
Hi hiii!! Firstly, thank you so much for reading that fic!! I'm always honored to hear that others have read my fics more than once. >v<
As for your questions, I hate to disappoint, but Jade isn't yandere in the alpha Floyd fic. Jade just likes to tease, so he's saying all kinds of silly things that he knows will get an amusing reaction from you. I like to imagine Floyd told Jade about that night in the hall because, in classic Floyd fashion, he found it funny and just had to share the gossip with Jade. But you never want to share anything intimate with Jade because he uses it like a double-edged sword, to either help or hurt you (although usually it's the latter because he likes to cause mischief and watch you squirm or scowl hehe). That, and Floyd returned to their room smelling of you, and Jade quickly put two and two together.
Even though he isn't yandere, Jade is fond of you in the fic! You could read it as a romantic fondness or something friendly and platonic. Although it is fun to put the twins in concepts where one of them is healthy (to a certain degree) about his love for you and the other is just crazily obsessed. Jade makes for such a gross, creepy stalker, so it would certainly be on brand for him to watch you during your heat, waiting for the right moment to swoop in and help (or tease you endlessly until you're begging for him to touch you). He's a menace, but I love him. <3
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paul-newmans-sauce · 18 days
happy pride month to everyone except these gay fucks bc they make me sad
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wulfhalls · 9 months
can you really blame paul for All Of That when he was marked as the chosen one since, like, 10,000 years prior to his conception? like have you ever tried being a chosen one? with the weight of millennia of prophecy on your shoulders? it’s hard not to fulfill your destiny when the entire universe is leading you inexorably toward it!
ne exactly!! in the beginning he was all like idk dad being duke is maybe not super duper my thing u know? like I'm only 15 it feels like a lot to take on rn? but then u have jessica swagging in with well. that's awkward now but. I may have. well. I sort of kinda made u a god? but also not but then again I have. and paul has to go like. that might as well happen because what the fuck else could he even say here. 🤷
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covertblizzard · 3 months
if i had a nickel every time garth got really really mad about people choosing to be pacifists instead of actively fighting the danger/evil that exist around them, i'd have (at least) 2 nickels, and that's not a lot but it's interesting that it has happened twice
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wajb · 2 months
sucks when you’re going through a bad time but you have something to live for so you cant even think about killing yourself you have to actually figure shit out
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ms-boogie-man · 5 months
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bonefall · 1 year
"Onestar's Concussion" lol, what's the backstory behind that book's nickname? Asking honestly because I love it (the nickname. never read that super edition)
The story is, that's what reading the SE felt like <3
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bypatia · 3 months
I’ve been wanting to wish everyone haereth mubarak but I don’t know how to, well then I guess, haereth mubarak everyone who reads this <3
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semercury · 2 months
I don't deserve to be alive bro it's not just bc it's 4am it's not bro I promise I'm for real like bro I should be dead bro these are rational thoughts bro I promise
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everyryuujisuguro · 8 months
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gl1tchxr · 16 days
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ny is trans! as for his orientation, he doesn't know. he's like a cat who didn't get socialized properly, he hasn't actually met that many people yet
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