#a guy who actually IS a normal professor who just really likes his job. but when serious shit happens hes fuckin haunted by a ghost of a guy
i just really like the name henry. i have no reason for it or anything. im bad at picking names so id be like "ummm how about henry as a placeholder haha ^_^" and leave it at that because i just wanted a placeholder to easily think of a character concept. but it turns out that using placeholder names means that its gonna fuckin stick unless you replace it. this is how i have 2 guys named henry.
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i-yap · 4 months
Hi there! LOVE your thoughts on Jason like truly i <3 clingy Jason!!!!! What do you think a relationship would be like between Jason and a corporate baddie? Like she's serious, career-driven, and almost viciously ambitious, but for him? a total softie!! Like they just melt for each other despite the fact that they both put up a tough exterior to others!!
Omg i love that , here are my headcanons -
Jason todd x corporate baddie!y/n
I think the time schedules would be a mess. She works 9-5 and he 'works' 9pm-5am. But since she is a really career driven woman, I can see her sort of completing her extra or personal work/ international calls etc from the time that jason is vigilanting and therefore cutting her shift from like 9-3 or something similar. Since she gets all her work done, no one can say a word and honestly no one would dare to either way. Relstionship is about compromise and I think jason will cut down his vigilante time to get home to his stressed worker bee.
Jason prolly cant sleep without her so while she is at her job, he is working out or doing his other stuff. They catch up on sleep after her shift . This means afternoon cuddles !!( Ofc I am firm believer that jason should with time leave crime fighting and become an English professor )
I also love how most of her coworkers thinks she is prolly dating a Submissive type of guy or like a really serious professional dude cause she is so scary and strict . But then Jason- 6 feet something, huge asf, leather jacket, tattoos(maybe) and motorcycle dude walks in bringing her lunchbox( that looks so tiny in his hand). Yea now they're even more scared.
And I think everyone from jason's side also assumed that he'd either get a super cute-sy girl that will "fix him" or another vigilante girl that'll " make him worse". But he walks in with this poised, smart hardworking no nonsense woman and everyone's like DAMN
Damian loves you probably. He doesn't get how todd wooed you, like he thinks todd is a doofus. For once you are a normal (non crime fighting) girl that his brother is dating who is this career driven and also treats his brother properly. He loves talking business with you ( there was this scene where he figures out who is stealing money by looking at the finances at wayne enterprises) . and for once someone doesn't take him for a kid and actually wants to listen to pointers that he has. Tim prolly also loves talking to you about business cause he is a CEO too same thing for bruce.
Power couple fr.
but once you too get home...yea no one recognizes you.
Jason loves the fact that you show your soft side only to him. He has never been someones first choice in anything and this makes him feel so much more loved and cherished. and vice versa applies to you
he loves taking care of you after your long ass workday, helping you just be vulnerable and drop the whole tough act and be human. you do the same for him once he comes back at night. Just taking care of each other the way you guys need.
And you can bet jason knows how to be your biggest supporter. big raise? promotion? or just a good presentation?? He is genuinely excited for you.
Will give you back rubs when you've been sitting on the desk the whole day
will cook you brunch/snacks for when you come back and you will cook him breakfast/dinner for when he does .
it will take some compromise and adjustments but its all worth it and no price at all for loveeee.
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ganseysglasses · 1 year
I can imagine Gansey in the future gets a job as a professor of ancient Welsh history at some small prestigious school and starts teaching about Glendower but has to leave so much out.
“-then, Glendower’s corpse was found some years ago and left to the hands of the proper historical authorities.”
“Who found it professor?”
“Well, about that actually-“
Or being interviewed for some scholarly journal about him ACTUALLY discovering Glendowers tomb
“So, Mr.Gansey, how did you know where to find Glendower?”
And he’s mentally freaking out because obviously he can’t say the magic birds and the magic sentient forest his eldritch dream god bestie created led him there in the middle of the night.
So he’s all like “Years of research. I also followed the ley lines and asked a few psychics. And performed a few rituals.”
But apparently that’s also not a good answer because the interviewer looks personally offended.
I don’t know I just really like the idea of Normal Guy Gansey being forced to act like his life isn’t insane and magical. And him pretending to not have died twice, because I know for a FACT that changed him in ways. He’s just slightly more unsettling now. I think I need a whole different post about him coming back to life the second time actually.
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sadnightforus · 10 months
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biker boyfriend!juyeon x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: In an attempt to surprise you for the 500 days anniversary, he took you on a ride to his favorite places that are far away from the city, after various complaints from you that you found nothing to do in Seoul. 
WARNINGS: none… we reached this point guys (besides the mentioning of Eric being a super rich guy that’s all). too much fluff *insert the crying waterfall emoji because normal emoji does not cut it* 
A/N: don’t know if y’all know this but I was inspired by that one particular fanmade video. the og concept was supposed to have a bad boy vibe but he looks too good in that middle pic so I have to comply with this one instead. so cute, I’m kicking my feet fr. also omg full on fluffy soft fic from me??? I Will Die. 😭😭😭
reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
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You’re bored of Seoul. 
 Don’t get it wrong, you don’t hate the city at all. But Seoul always has something going on. The streets look amazing during the day and night and there’s modern technology everywhere. Everything seems so fancy and lavish. You’re proud of how far the world has come. 
 Even though it’s incredibly hard to earn a quiet time for yourself since it’s a really busy city and if you want complete silence, you have to block out their own voices. It’s hard to ignore the presence of others when there are loud noises and so many people at once. 
 However, for you, it’s also the city of love.
 You met Juyeon when you both first enrolled into the same college and happened to closely share a semester together due to the duo group work your professor was making you do (and the deadline was well over 2 weeks). Those 2 weeks were blissful, you used to think he was a bit cold and even more so, a bit too full of himself, since he is immediately dubbed as ‘the dancing prince’ and he hangs out with the popular crowd. But your first impressions didn’t matter because he was incredibly nice and polite, and was so helpful when helping you with the project too, be it ideas or just offering to take places in completing the work. And you both ended up getting an A due to the outstanding efforts you put into your work, which you have to thank your amazing partner for. 
 And after the project ended, he still keeps in contact with you, insisting that you’re quite an interesting individual to know and hope to develop a further friendship. A total lie from him because he later admitted that when you both got into a relationship with the saying that by then, he already liked you and he just wanted to see if he has a chance with you. 
 Now back to the present. 
 It’s Saturday and you both are on a semester break. You live with your roommate/coworker and she’s off to work already, leaving you alone in this apartment as it’s your day off today. You were cleaning up your room and wiping off the dust off the furniture when suddenly you received a phone call. You look at your caller ID and you can’t help but smile when you see who it is. 
 So you pick up, pausing your cleaning process so you can talk to him just a little bit. 
“Hi, my pretty baby.” 
 That name never fails to flatter you and make your heart jump out of your chest. 
“Hey there, pretty boy.” 
 You think you do a pretty job concealing your flustered face and tone (rightfully, sue him for reducing you into a mushy lover). Otherwise, you would’ve been so embarrassed if he knew he had done irreversible damage to you. 
“You don’t have any plans for anything today, right?” 
“Why? You wanna take me to one of Eric’s father’s fancy restaurants?” 
“Great idea, actually.” He laughs, humoring you along. It’s no secret that Juyeon loves spoiling you. He had a hard exterior, according to all of your friends and you yourself. But when you guys began dating, they were subjected to the PDA between you two and their opinions on him quickly changed because just who is this guy? And plus, he also likes to take you on a new adventure. 
 Somehow, it makes you feel like a naïve teenage girl who’s dating a bad boy and you always wanted to ask him if he is truly one (even if you know he works part-time as a barista for his parents’ café shop). It’s hard to believe that someone as perfect as him can possibly exist. It’s unbelievable. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to join me for today's exploring.” He shyly explains and you can feel his shy smile tugs through his tone. What have you done in your past life to get a guy like him wrapped around your finger? Whatever you were doing, you’ve done it right. 
“If it’s Seoul, I’ve practically walked through every shady alleyway. It’s no fun.” You whine, your wet cloth cleaning off the dust is long forgotten amidst the phone call between you and your lover. 
“It’s not Seoul. I wanna take you somewhere else.” He keeps it vague and you suspect that he has a surprise for you. 
“Okay, let me clean myself up a bit.” You exclaim, putting down the wet cloth and hanging it up to dry from your bedroom (in your defense, it’s not dirty at all. You have a habit of wiping off your dust often and you definitely don’t have enough time in your hand to clean it right now). 
“Can you pick me up in an hour and a half?” You ask him, strutting around in your room to go to your bathroom to freshen yourself up. 
“You can still show up in sweats and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He says, means every single word of it because he thinks you’re pretty. So goddamn pretty he loses his mind over you and he doesn’t believe that he’s the one who gets to have you all the time. 
“Lee Juyeon, shut up. I think I stink. Do you honestly like it when I’m sweating like a dog?” You make a gagging face while you’re putting on your cleansing foam. 
“The sweats can’t wipe away your beauty.” His reply makes you want to bang your head into the wall so bad. 
 God, he’s such a romantic. 
“I’m showering. You can save that sappiness when you pick me up later.” You furiously blush, trying to get him to end the call so you can get ready to go wherever he leads you to. 
“I’ll see you later then, baby.” 
 And the line is disconnected. 
 You sulk a bit before putting your device back as you snap back to reality. But you’re also beyond excited where he will take you to today. 
 So you divert your attention back onto getting ready and hoping that the new things you’ve been wanting to try out will work. 
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“You look absolutely breathtaking.” Is the first thing Juyeon says after he comes to pick you up. 
 You decide to wear a black big cozy jacket, combined with black jeans and white shirt, which goes with his similar casual wear that he chooses. 
 There’s a spark in his eyes as he scams your whole body. A boyish smile yet so much of a shyness ticks behind that expression. He hands you a helmet, to which you still remember that the particular item is a gift from his dad who bought motorcycle tools equipment as a present for his 19th birthday and that includes the helmet you’re holding in your hand. You check to see if it has been unlocked yet. Once you see that it does, you quickly put it on your head, adjusting it properly before locking it and you gently hop onto the vehicle, excited for the ride.
“Are you ready?” He asks, wanting to make sure that you’re seating yourself comfortably before the motorcycle takes off.
“I’m all done.”
 And you hear the engine takes off, as the vehicle takes both of you far away from your place.
 The air feels fresher than usual, the atmosphere and the feelings remind you of the old Hong Kong movies you used to watch with your friends as a teenager. You always dream of doing something wild and adventurous to feel the essence of the ‘neon & loneliness’— something that has been used to precisely describe those types of movies. And now it’s like you’re living your dreams out. 
 If it’s a dream then you don’t want to wake up from it. 
 His soft woody cologne that radiates from his body all makes you feel like everything is in a daze and you’re the main protagonist of those films that you always loved. How did you get so lucky? 
 The motor is being driven further away from the city and you’ve crossed numerous luxurious stores and fancy places as you hold on tight to your lover. You’ve seen different kinds of people today; the sad, the happy, the singles, the couples, the divorced, the kids, teenagers, adults and you think you might’ve driven past celebrities by accident too. 
 Your eyes are trained to watch the road and take your worries off the daily life you’re experiencing today. You think though, instead, it’s making you realize something very precious about life. 
 People can be in a state of anything, regardless of their age. And they’re diverse, they have something to tell. Behind every person, there’s a story that is waiting for a person to uncover those. Uncover the deepest, best and worst parts of themselves. 
 You think you’re lucky that your boyfriend is the most gentle and caring person who always brings out the best part of yourself. Never once had you ever felt as if you were held back or restricted from good opportunities. He always encourages you to chase after your dream, while he steadily works towards his goal. 
 The short breeze through the city now has long escaped. You both are going somewhere unfamiliar, although you’re not sure how exactly familiar he is with where he plans to take you. However, you know better than to doubt him when he is quite literally the very same person with a really great taste in everything.
 Your thoughts do eventually come to a stop as he drives to a gas station and by that time, it’s around 3 and a half in the afternoon. The vehicle’s engine is no longer running after he shuts the power off and you know it’s time you get off the bike.
“I’d like to fill in the tank please.” Is what he says. His honey voice, ever so softly, makes you wonder how people aren’t falling for him already. The staff comes to him immediately and helps fill in the gas as per request. 
“Do you want to buy something?” He turns to ask you. “Or do you need to use the bathroom?”
“Not really.” You respond as you shake your head.
 You both stand while waiting for them to pump the gas and calculate the bill. And when you both are done, he gears up the vehicle to signal that the adventure is nowhere done. You hop on it, excited to see what will be waiting for you.
 You both leave the place, 
 Your boyfriend’s scent soon lures you to sleep, with you being barely able to open your eyes. It hasn’t been that long that you fall asleep together with him, but you both are somehow always away with the college assignments and personal workloads that are being dumped on you. Having him really close for the first time in 3 weeks does nothing but really makes you want to rest up.
 And you think to yourself, hmm, screw that. He’ll wake me up when we arrive at the place.
 Then you lay your head and close eyes as you feel yourself drifting further away to the dreamland that has been long awaited for you.
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 You woke up once you felt like you were being carried.
 You didn’t register it until you felt the abnormality of the said body pillow that you’ve been resting on start moving up and going even gradually higher. It’s only then that you open your eyes, consciousness not fully hitting you yet as your exhaustion keeps luring you to the dreamland. However, since you don’t have such a habit of sleeping when you are being moved around, you try your very best to open your eyes and pray that the sunlight will hit your eyes, although it’s unlikely as the sky beams with the color of soft orange and yellow, like a beautiful fire in flames.
“Shh, baby. Just sleep.” He shushes you, continuing to give you a piggyback ride. You immediately protest and almost go feral and also, almost cause a disturbance to him too.
“I’m wide awake, you can put me down and I can walk.” 
“Nice try, but no.” He chuckles and you can already imagine the most annoying yet such a beautifully crafted boyish grin plastered all over his face. He’s lovely– that’s just who he is.
“But where are you taking me?” You ask, eyes now can’t close on their own as your sleepiness already wears off from talking earlier.
“You’ll see.”
 And several minutes later, you both reach a part of a town that you’re sure has never been here before. He seems to be lost, with the way he hesitates to take a step further as he walks. 
“But Ju…” You whine. “Can’t you tell where you’re going?” You plead for him to give an answer, you so badly wanted to know what place he will show you this time. 
“Nuh uh.” He shakes his head a bit, still insisting on being mysterious and vague with the direction you’re heading. 
“But will you put me down? It’s uncomfortable being carried when I’m like, awake.” You complain and he finally gives in, sighing as he puts you down and you almost stumble forward and fall as the gravity feels new to you and if your boyfriend wasn’t there to catch you at all, you’d certainly slip by now. 
“Thank you.” You mumble out. 
“You good to go?” He asks, offering you his hand to hold as you busk in a new, unfamiliar place together. His eyes sparkle up, light of hope and love, so much adoration stores up in a gaze of his that belongs to a person that you’re proud to call him yours. 
 You’re losing track of yourself with the way you keep looking at him without a word, like a dumbfounded teenager that has no idea what they should do when they harbor romantic feelings towards their crush. But he lets you, until you gulp down to wet your throat and proceed with the next thing you’re going to say. 
“Yes.” You have a dopey smile on your face. “I can’t wait.”
 And you both take one step, two steps and more steps forward. Until you get inside the mysterious building. 
 Your boyfriend is not a man of many words, but his actions are always sincere. When he speaks, he always expresses his love for you. 
 You can even say that in almost two years of your relationship, you never have to doubt his feelings for you. That’s just how transparent he is. You don’t think you can find a greater love than him.
 With more steps further, you make it past the door and you see many abstract arts and paintings being hung, scattered all across the wall. Each frame and piece, colorfully coming together to make a piece of stories that is waiting to be told. The lines that piece it together, asymmetrically perfect in a way that it never seems to be out of place, although if you separate it, it wouldn’t make much sense to the naked eyes that only saw the remaining pieces and never get the chance to witness the beauty of the completion and harmony that lies in the form of crafts that you see with your own eyes. 
 Similarly, that’s how you feel about your boyfriend. 
 Not many people know him and you always had the impression that he was rather cold and closed off. That’s how he appears to the outsiders. The description of him from fellow classmates and his friends are drastically different because they never get to fully see what he is like as a person. 
 A person who is full of love to give to others, the one who dotes on others and is full of adventures. 
 Life with him is never boring, he brings a new kind of joy in your life. The kind of excitement that is dangerous, but you’ll let him lead you to go anywhere, even if it’s a thousand miles away. You trust him to keep you safe because never once had you been harmed or run into dangers.
 He instructs you to stand in front of him, you do so without a question. He pulls out a silky fabric and you already know what he wants to do– blindfolds you for the surprise. You let him as he carefully wraps the material around your eyes in a gentle manner to ensure that it doesn’t hurt you.
“Hold my hand and follow me.” He speaks to you softly and you nod your head. “I want to show you something.”
In a sight of darkness that is hard to break from, you let him guide you. He’s your light amongst all of this and you know he’ll never let you slip or stray away. With careful steps forwarding on the stairs and going up, further and further and then the floor feels smoother without the anxiety of reckoning,  it only takes a bit to finally realize you’re past the staircase.
 You feel like time freezes and you’re not sure how much time has passed by, although you think it’s not that much. It’s by far, the most anticipated thing for you. 
 Then you hold his hand tighter as he takes you in this unfamiliar place.
 You’re not the only one with so much adoration for your significant other. Your boyfriend is no different from you. 
 For Juyeon, being with you makes him feel like he’s in heaven. There’s no greater feeling than your presence around. 
 You heal a broken part of him that he didn’t know existed until you become the most cherished and frequent presence in his life, which is no doubt, loneliness.
 You’re calming, intelligent and intriguing. You’re an open book, but also, a mystery that he wants to keep uncover. He can lose himself in just studying about you and he wouldn’t care. You’re that someone to him who he trusts, with all of his life.
 When he inherited a motorcycle as a present from his parents in 11th grade, he usually rode it everywhere alone, even when he had friends. He discovered many fascinating locations, hearing every kind of life story from strangers whom he met on the road when he did his little exploring and witnessed people going through many stages of life. He used to watch people flirting and he wished that he had someone else to share his perspective and sightseeing with.
 You came along unexpectedly and stole his heart away. He can barely imagine a life without you now. The things you do to his heart is unhealthy. You’re the sole reason that his burning passion for life doesn’t become something he deeply despises. 
 The once cold seat of the motorcycle is now replaced by the warmth of you. And he wouldn’t want to have it in any other way. 
 He has seen many beautiful things that calm and heal his soul, but none of it were you.
 He thought beauty lies in the empty roads of complete darkness, or constellations and stars in the sky. But it’s clearly you, who is a Venus personified. 
 He’s in love and he’s not hiding it. 
 Which is why he wants to show you this view.
 By stopping in his track as he has reach the final destination, he reaches to slowly the blindfold off your eyes, all while tells you to still your eyes closed and only open under his command. 
 Both of you walk further and further away, with the help of Juyeon who guides you in the desired direction. Cold breeze hits you and you realize now that you’re most likely on the balcony and not in the secured walls of this building. 
“Open your eyes, baby.” 
 You let the light penetrate your vision as the skin that covers your seeing splits apart. 
 The view is breathtaking. 
 The sky turns into a light beat of deep orange, pale blue, deep pink and purple. You see the simplicity, the complexity and something so lively. 
 You see how the sky slowly turns itself into a pitch black, as the colors start to beautifully blend themselves, creating an unforgettable view that spreads through all across the universe from your own eyes. The wind blows slowly, as if to celebrate the magic of your shared happiness with him, which makes the moment even more unreal. 
 The lights that hang from there only intensifies its beauty. 
 You see polaroids of you both together being decorated, some you weren’t aware that the pictures were being taken. There are books and a table for dining that are put together like high end restaurants and you have no doubt that it wasn’t just a one day of work at all. 
“Happy 500 days anniversary.” He tells you, hand gently caressing you. “This house originally belonged to my grandpa. He has since passed it down to me.” He states so ever so softly and you’re shell shocked. 
“He told me that if I find someone special, I should bring them here. Because this house witnesses how my grandma and grandpa love each other and everyday is always special to them. For a long time, I didn’t understand what he meant because the idea of a lover that exists in a lonely person’s story doesn’t make sense. But I met you, my special person. I want this house to witness our love, too.” 
 You have tears brimming in your eyes as you listen to him speak further, all while his gaze lovingly settles on you and his thumbs wipe your tears. 
“I didn’t know what love was until I met you. When you’re away, I miss you. When you’re sleeping, I wish you’re awake so I can tell you some jokes that make you laugh.” 
“Me too.” You lose yourself into the warm brown eyes of his. “When I think about you, all my sadness disappears. It’s cliché, I know. But.. I think I’m so lucky to have you.” You choke on your own silent sob as he presses light kisses onto your lips.
“I’m so lucky to have you too.” He says truthfully. “I never believe in destiny, but I think we’re destined to love each other.” 
 And under the now moonlight that slowly shines onto you both, he cups your face and kisses you with all his might, as fireworks go off in the sky, as if to be a witness of this beautiful love story. 
 You don’t care for any of that as he whispers ‘I love you’ and you whisper one back too.
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Hi! I ended up reading through Choas Plan in pretty much two days (your writing is actually phenomenal) but I was actually curious on your inspirations to write it? Did it come from any other particular works or maybe episodes from sp?
You can't just ask me shit like that dude I will respond with a huge fucking essay I LOVE questions like that!!!!
I honestly have several inspirations, many come from the show itself and some I've drawn from cyber crime documentaries and books I like (namely the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo, you might recognize the scene with Mysterion and Harris in chapter 3 is very VERY similar to the one between Kaz and Jan Van Eck at the beginning of the book), but if you've read the notes in the fic you might have seen that the story idea was initially born when I was playing TFBW.
The Idea
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The U-Stor-It scene where Butters/Chaos locks the C**n and Friends in the facility and talks to them through a screen was just so fascinating to me, it reminded me a lot of Jinx from Arcane and the Joker in The Dark Knight (especially because of the flashy decorations and graffiti). Mainly the story evolved from the question I posed to myself in that moment, which was: "What needs to happen for Butters to become someone like Jinx?" and that's how I started brainstorming the backstory.
The Backstory
Obviously that was inspired mainly by Linda's behavior in Butters' Very Own Episode, but it features elements from stuff all over the series and the games that prove just how fucked up Butters' parents are and treat him.
(Remember when in TFBW he mentioned that they bought an electronic lock system to keep him in his room because he left the bathroom once while grounded? yeah, that convinced me Butters' home life probably would only get worse with the years, especially with him entering his teens & puberty, and Post Covid honestly just confirmed that.)
The Villain/Hero Concept
I hadn't yet watched much more of South Park than up until seasons 15/16 so I didn't know about Post Covid's Vic Chaos yet, I mostly just wanted to do something with Mysterion and Chaos that had a darker and serious tone without either of them having any Marvel-esque powers or tech-organizations aiding them, something closer to the South Park lore at hand and realistic enough to feel like it could happen in our world.
Chaos' Methods
With Butters having a knack for Internet-related shit and him being able to hack into a baseball stadium screen to broadcast his evil plans in the Professor Chaos episode, and ofc his whole thing in TFBW and the episode of him becoming a pimp, I figured he has the stuff to be a hacker and entrepreneur.
I started getting spoilered a lot on the whole Vic Chaos and NFT scammer thing so even though I hadn't watched Post Covid I drew a lot of inspiration from that as well. I've been watching a lot of documentaries on Cryptocurrency scams and other cyber crime related stuff, so yeah all that shit also gets my brain generating a bunch of ideas as well.
As for Kenny/Mysterion's side of the story- I'm a huge fan of the "criminal who gets paid by a shitty pig/capitalist who would normally never hire them to take on a job" concept in Six of Crows, so that's how I got Harris involved, later further fueled by his Thin White Line arc in TFBW.
The way Kenny used his death powers in the C**n & Friends episodes I found very intriguing, and I absolutely LOVE playing around with them, so I included my own interpretation & spin of it as an active "superpower" he uses in order to be successful enough as a vigilante to be taken seriously. His canon powers separate him from your average humanbeing. It's a way to show the audience "hey look, Kenny really is just some guy, but also no one else could take on this role, ever. He may not have super strength or speed or money for equipment backing him, but he can get into places and out like no other person ever."
Coming up with a kryptonite-type weakness was also super fun, because I didn't want things to just be too easy. Mainly it's his need to remain anonymous, but the biggest reason for that need is because he needs to keep up his ability to financially support Karen. That, I obviously got from the show-, namely episodes like Mysterion Rises, The Poor Kid and City Part of Town, but his dynamic with Karen got increasingly more interesting and influenced in the fic after I played the TFBW DLC From Dusk Til Casa Bonita. The fact that he's so obsessed with keeping her safe the best way he knows how but completely overlooks to consider letting her have a say in it, is absolutely delicious. Like fuck yes, let's go complicate these character relationships (rubs hands evilly)
Inspirations come from all over, but of course the main ones do come from the show and games. Kenny and Butters have always been increasingly fascinating characters to me the more I watched the show, so the fact that Kenny canonically is the only kid Butters respects (source: s16, Ep "Going Native"), to an extent that in the future Butters funded his entire career, I thought had a shit ton of potential. Hence their friendship in the fic before "the incident", and the way Butters goes about Kenny now that he's taking over the town >:)))
Thank you SO SO MUCH for the ask!!!! I hope I didn't ramble too much for what you actually wanted to know, but I just absolutely love sharing my inspirations for this fic. Really gets my brain go brrrrr heheheh I'm so so grateful that this interests you <33333
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scoobydoodean · 4 months
I've noticed people often point to Donatello as the model soulless person and then argue the sharp contrast between him and Sam as proof that deep down, Sam is just a really shitty guy who has terrible thoughts that he manages to keep under wraps only with a soul. I don't think this is that fair of a take.
I think using Donatello as the contrasting character is cherry-picking and that Donatello is a very poor comparison for Sam. Donatello is more of an exceptional soulless person than a rule. We see multiple examples in season 11 of other people losing their souls. Several go crazy and murder people like feral animals. None of them have the ability to feel right vs wrong—they just understanding the existence of the societal rules they've grown up with, and either accept those rules or don't based on what they believe is in their best interest. Previous traumas also seem to play a role.
Someone like Donatello has never been through anything traumatic that we know of, and he's just a professor. He has no need or incentive to kill anyone and no previous traumas that might induce him to want to harm anybody. Intellectually, he likely understands rules as a good way of maintaining societal order. He also understands that if he breaks the rules, he's going to get in trouble and lose his job, go to jail, etc. He isn't a fighter. He's just a professor and all he wants to be is a professor. The biggest moral quandary he deals with on a daily basis is whether to bump a student's course total up half a point to get them to the next letter grade. His goal is simply to continue being a professor. The rational option for him is to be a model citizen whether he can feel what the right thing is or only understands rules on an intellectual level.
The core thing soulless Sam tells you about Sam is that being a hunter is the occupation he finds most interesting (or else he'd go do something else that he found more intellectually fulfilling). All he cares about is killing monsters and capturing alphas and the intellectual fulfillment he feels when he clocks a witnesses lies (6.06) or solves the latest case puzzle. Fulfillment isn't nearly so cut and dry for Sam with a soul, because he has to deal with emotions which create more conflicting goals and desires than simple intellectual stimulation.
Hunters live lives where they are constantly faced with moral dilemmas that normal people will never face, and they know how to escape legal consequences. This is what makes soulless Sam such a dangerous hunter and why the outcome is so different from someone like Donatello. Soulless Sam's most rational option is not necessarily the societally acceptable one. Sometimes there is no societally acceptable option or any written rule that encompasses the complexity of the actual situation. Normally, hunters will "feel" out what's right and what's wrong in these situations. Soulless Sam identifies this ability as something he lacks. Sam recognizes this as a hindrance at first and wants Dean to fill that role for him (6.01, 6.06, 6.08). However, he also slowly begins to think that maybe other hunters are the problem and are hindered by their emotions and that he is better because he's capable of pure efficiency-based rationality. This is why he lies to Samuel, lies to Dean, and keeps secrets from Dean for Samuel (6.06, 6.07). He wants their help to reach his own goals, but increasingly sees their potential emotional reactions to his actions and each others actions as an inefficient hindrance that will impede the mission.
Letting a vamp turn Dean isn't something Sam with a soul would do or likely even think to do. This is the guy who went on two multi month revenge quests after his brother was killed (3.11, 4.01/4.09). With a soul, he cares about Dean's safety—even when he pretends he doesn't. He's hurt and killed people for hurting Dean or to keep Dean safe and he's been willing to hurt and kill more (example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4, example 5, example 6). Soulless Sam also has no reason to want Dean harmed unless it benefits him. There is nothing in him to love Dean, but there's also nothing in him to hate Dean. When he sees Dean being turned, and stops in his tracks, and smiles, it isn't actually because he's taking pleasure in seeing Dean being humiliated. There's nothing in him to feel hate toward Dean like that. Even hate like that would require a soul. Why Sam is smiling—what he's taking pleasure in—is seeing his plan come together—a solution to the issue of "find the alpha vampire". He immediately realizes he has an "in", and because Dean is merely a tool who can benefit him, his suffering that occurs in the process doesn't matter to the equation—just what Soulless Sam can get out of him. Using Dean, he's solved the latest intellectual puzzle. The same thing happens in 6.10 when Meg is on Dean's lap with a knife, making sexually suggestive commentary. Sam laughs—and Dean at first thinks it's because soulless Sam enjoys seeing him being treated that way, but Sam tells us he's laughing because he's figured Meg out—because he realizes she's desperate and scared of Crowley. Laughing at her takes also takes away her sense that she has the upper hand.
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tiger-moran · 3 months
Seeing all this stuff lately about 'foreshadowing' with Moriarty, where he's kind of this vaguely sinister presence in the background and we the audience know who he really is but Holmes and Watson do not is making me kind of glad I haven't really done that in my story. Yes I like some of the 'looming shadow' symbolism and that sort of thing but I think there's often too much of that and very little else with Moriarty. I want in this universe for Moriarty and Holmes to end up in opposition yes but not where it's like... he's always lurking and watching and obsessing over Holmes long before he's revealed as the criminal mastermind and then they try to kill each other. I like the idea they start out almost as friends, however I've never really liked that idea that used to get used quite often (though it seems to have fallen out of favour a bit more recently) that Moriarty was Holmes's tutor or teacher and then for whatever reason they ended up as enemies. And I don't like the idea of them being obsessed with each other and it ending up where everything Moriarty does revolves around Holmes. I just want to see more where Holmes sees that other facet of Moriarty, the affable maths professor side, and in some ways they actually genuinely like each other, not it just ending up with his only exposure to Moriarty being where Moriarty is a master criminal. Also something I would like to see more of: Moriarty knowing Mycroft Holmes, probably even before he knows Sherlock Holmes. It makes so much sense to me that Mycroft and Moriarty know each other, that they get along even (yes this does also happen in my story).
Moriarty in my story though is a mathematics professor just not only a mathematics professor, because I still think not enough is made overall of Moriarty actually being a professor and having this entire career that has absolutely nothing to do with Holmes. In so many texts and adaptations he's still called 'Professor' but then nothing of him actually being a professor or a tutor or anything of that kind is ever mentioned or shown and pretty much all he is is 'the criminal mastermind'. Yet one of the things that makes him so dangerous I'm sure is that he is hiding in plain sight all along because he has this absolutely genuine entire other career which sure probably crosses over with his criminal career in some ways but is still a genuine and totally legitimate occupation not just a disguise. That is why he's beyond suspicion, that is why he is able to do what he does on the criminal side. But that idea seems to get overlooked often in favour of having him being a professor in name only who turns up solely as the 'villainous criminal genius' and all his actions basically being 'evil'. Occasionally we get something else, like for example in A Game of Shadows, where yes Moriarty is also effectively hiding in the shadows [of criminality] all along but he is also very clearly still an actual professor and teacher in that, that facet of him is explicitly shown in that so he is very much hiding in plain sight there too not merely 'lurking in the shadows'. But I think that's what we do need more of, Moriarty being this 'normal' guy who has this other job where he's respected, maybe even liked by some people, but realistically where probably most people think he's kind of nerdy and really boring. While yes I do like the idea of Holmes meeting him and sensing something off about him from the start, I dislike the tendency often to make Moriarty too up front about his 'dark side' or too 'flamboyantly evil' and to try to paint him as responsible for pretty much all major crime and doing this basically entirely to antagonise Holmes or 'flirt' with him even and where he has no real interest in anything else, when actually Moriarty's just spending a lot of his time simply being a teacher and writing about mathematics. And this 'foreshadowing' that often gets inserted into things, where it's eventually revealed to us, if not to the characters, that here's Moriarty and he's the Big Bad Criminal and he's responsible for all these crimes... I want to see less of that and way more showing the multiple sides to Moriarty's character.
Also, I am definitely very interested too in seeing a little bit more of Holmes's dark side coming out, because we the audience also know that Holmes absolutely does have a dark side and we know that he pretty much explicitly says later in the canon that if Watson had been killed, he would have murdered Watson's killer. But I don't think Holmes knows this to the same extent we do, at least not consciously and particularly not earlier on; it's something I think he's much more in denial about. I still think that's a big reason why Holmes is so afraid of Moriarty and why he does twist him into this sort of bogeyman/nightmare/ghoulish figure in his mind who looks practically like a walking skeleton in Holmes's descriptions even though really Moriarty is actually just Some Guy, a genius maybe but he's still just a human being - I think Holmes is not afraid of Moriarty so much as he's afraid he is just as capable of doing 'bad' things as his 'dark mirror' Moriarty is. Moriarty is Holmes without many of the shackles imposed by society and I think that thought does frighten Holmes.
Also I do simultaneously really like the idea of Watson seeing Moran falling further and further into crime and Moran becoming Watson's own 'dark mirror' character and not really understanding that this is how the narrative was always going to play out, where we the audience know that Moran started off as an 'honourable soldier' but is Watson's dark mirror but Watson did not know this (also this happening while Watson is still definitely a little bit in love with Moran). I don't think the similarities between the characters and the Moran as Watson's mirror thing or the very real possibility that these characters knew each other well before the actual stories take place are ideas that have been explored anywhere near enough, often because Moran is frequently just erased or written out and considered to be not important, when actually, Watson is important and so is his own mirror character Moran.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
Out of the characters rank them from "best" yandere to worst yandere???👀👀👀👀 Only if you want of course 🩷
Rubs hands together. Alright, you asked for this.
(read more + this came from me and Eros's perspective, so its going to be filled with some answers and small tidbits of everyone. Be warned.)
ZHONGLI: As he is a historian professor and has particular tastes for romantic matches, he's actually your safest pick in the list! He makes sure to know your dealbreakers, likes, dislikes, and even your preferences.
DAINSLEIF: Another "parent" figure/platonic choice for most people. The only difference, though, is that he sticks to one person and he doesn't really like being with someone romantically.
BAIZHU: He's a pharmacist and is the third of "he sees people platonically until he finds someone that he can be romantically with".
VENTI: Although he can be a bit questionable, he's still one of the (arguably) safer guys out there. Even if you two don't become an actual couple, he doesn't like hurting those he sees as 'uninvolved', so to speak. Although, it does depend if you'd be able to figure out his 'intent', or you'd dismiss it as one of his jokes.
KAEDEHARA KAZUHA: Kazuha normally should be on people's radars due to his past. After all, you'd never trust a man that is associated with one of the biggest 'scandals' that hurt Inazuma and how he lost his lineage. However, he isn't the worst as he can keep his ground and is mostly focused on exploring than hurting someone.
AETHER: Aether is... The same as Kazuha. Also, he doesn't really see his matches as anything romantically? He'd rather stick to it being a slow friends to potential lovers. (Eros says that he's like a guy who got lost upon getting to the corporation, and I can't help but agree. He's really nice, he's just... Yeah.)
FREMINET: He's the youngest of the triplets, but the danger he can possess is more of his charm. Still, I think whoever gets him has to keep him safe. As a diver, he works independently with the House of Hearth, but he also makes machinery! If you need someone to fix something for you, please contact him. He's the best mechanic you can find.
THOMA: Jack of all trades, master of none. He's just really nice, but protection is a bit... Well, it can be difficult, haha! If anything, I think the danger he has is more of his connections. He's working for the Kamisatos, and I hear that he has some ties to what goes down █████.
GOROU: He's... Uh, he's a veterinarian that trains dogs. Although, he's dangerous as a yandere if you end up getting on his bad side. After all, he had a bad past with Wriothesley and the others, so I can't exactly fault the guy. Just... Be safe.
WRIOTHESLEY: Just like Gorou, he can be very dangerous/bad if you get on his bad side. However, Wriothesley has the patience of the saint. He does accept one since he's a workaholic. (Eros told me he's married to his job, and I sometimes joke that we'll get an invitation for that).
DILUC RAGNIVINDR: Okay, I know this is absurd, but he's... Er, he has some history with Dawn Winery. We can't say too much, but he's not there, I guess. To be frank, he does give me the vibes of being obsessive... Which is weird.
KAEYA ALBERICH: ... Please don't ask us why.
SHIKANOIN HEIZOU: Detectives are pretty much master criminals in the making, honestly. I wouldn't trust a man as him if he suddenly tells you he wants to try something 'new' to catch criminals.
NEUVILLETTE: As the judge, you'd think he would be somewhat high up there, but... He's the same as Kaeya. Please don't ask.
KAMISATO AYATO: ... Sorry. We can't answer why he's here.
XIAO: Same as Ayato, Neuvillette, and Kaeya. (Sheesh, we got some that are TOTAL red flags...)
ALBEDO: He's a bit decent and has a good head on his shoulders, but I don't exactly trust him. Who knows when a chemist may make something that can potentially hurt someone? Well, I doubt he could, but... be careful.
LYNEY: A magician has his secrets, but we don't exactly know Lyney's. Although, knowing his track record, we have our reasons why he's here. Let's just say he's as two-faced as Kaeya, okay?
TIGHNARI: Oh, come on! A ranger who can specialize in forests is like... A disaster waiting to happen. He's also got a mean streak, so good luck.
CYNO: The same as Ayato.
ALHAITHAM: ... Actually, I don't know why he's here. We decided he won't be but... Maybe that incident is why he's here.
IL DOTTORE: Ayato. Please look at his answer there. And Albedo's. That's our conclusion.
"CHILDE": He reeks danger. Please, to whoever gets him run. We cannot tell you why, just run. Don't answer his phone, don't answer the door, just run and don't be a sitting duck.
WANDERER: Do you want to die? No, seriously. Do you? He's the worst of all these men. If you get him... We wish you luck. Because we don't want to be anywhere near him.
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lailawinchesterr · 2 months
part nine, in a good way [jensen ackles]
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C'mon I know this. Explain S phase. I know this. DNA replication. I know what he's talking about but all I can think of is yesterday. All I can think of is Jensen driving me home, kissing me, texting me after.
Getting me lunch, clothes, paying for our drinks... everything he did yesterday. I'm wearing his jacket even today because God that cologne can kill.
But that's not the point. The point is... S phase? What's S phase? Right, DNA replication. So... hydrogen bonds break then... 
But his hand on my neck yesterday, pulling me closer while we kissed. My first kiss ever. With Jensen Ross Ackles. Then him saying he wants to do it again later. What's later? He said Sunday but it's his busiest filming day, maybe it's for drinks again? I wouldn't mind, but I'd rather we go eat.
"Pens down!" My eyes widen and I place my blue ink pen down into the table, hearing it clatter and my whole future crashes with it. I haven't finished quarter of this paper. I thought the exam was two hours?
"Laila," the TA ‘tsks’, Connor, as he looks down at my paper, "you didn't finish this question. It's easy, you should know it."
"I do, just don't have time." He looks around, seeing most of the students getting up and handing their paper to the professor at the end of the class. He motions to me to quickly write it down and I don't think I've ever written so fast in my life.
I manage to finish the six mark question just in time for him to take my paper and hand it to the professor without much suspicion. I pack up and while I'm walking out he winks at me. 
Choosing to ignore the shit exam, I call Gen so we could go out for anything really. Usually set would be my go-to but since yesterday with Jensen there's something holding me back from casually walking into set, maybe afraid that our dynamic would change. I haven't been there since we talked.
I change my mind half-way through writing the message to Gen. I don’t want to let what we did yesterday affect me this much. He's probably working normally, focusing on his fucking job, so why can't I focus on my future? This is so stupid, I don't do this. I don't let romantic feelings get in between me and my grades. Not since I failed a whole year because of a boy back in middle school, not happening again, ever.
I decide to do what I usually do on Fridays, study on set with Jared. I won't change my routine.
"Hey, Lils." Rachel calls out and immediately she hugs me. "We haven't seen you in forever."
"Two days, Rach." I let out a laugh as we let each other go.
"Two days too many. C'mon, we're getting lunch. Or they're making lunch— either way!" We walk over to crafts where lots of tables are set and most of the cast is sitting in groups. She drags me over to the table with Gen, Jared, Misha and Alex.
"Hey, guys." And for the first time in the history of ever, my seat is between Jensen and Rachel. And I actually sit in it. "How's filming?"
Misha smiles at me— that's the most noticeable response to my action, anyways— but everyone else just answers my question then keep talking about scenes and plans for the weekend. 
Then, "Lils, how was your exam?" Gen's question makes me freeze for many reasons. One, it reminds everyone how much younger I am than them, something I like not bringing up as much as physically possible. Second, it puts me under the spotlight and I can not lie for the life of me.
So I hum and nod, hoping that's an acceptable answer for the whole table (who probably don’t care that much anyways). And thankfully they shrug it off and keep talking. 
Two seconds into random conversation Jensen scoots his chair closer to mine, whispering into my hair, "How'd you do today?"   
Smiling, I face him to look as honest as I can, "It was fine. Just didn't have enough time to finish it." He seems genuinely concerned as he puts a hand on the back of my chair. 
"Yeah? You think you'll do well? 'Sides, you said this is a mock, when's the final?" I'm not actually sure when I said it was a mock but the fact that he remembers is giving me butterflies in places that shouldn’t have so much feelings in them. My heartbrainlungs.
"Hopefully I'll pass. But yeah, just a mock. Final's in two weeks." I keep my voice low so as to not disturb the rest of the group, but Gen is already giving me a look and I can feel Rachel's eyes burning into my side. 
"Laila, you sure you're on for Sunday?" Damn, this again? "And don't go defensive on me—" 
"I know, Jensen. I'm not. Yeah, Sunday's good," and for extra measures, "and today had nothing to do with our date yesterday."
"Date, huh?" The corner of his lips pull upwards as he leans back in his chair and I roll my eyes. I go to shove his shoulder, like I would with Jared or maybe even Misha, but quickly decide against it and look down at my bag instead with a small laugh. 
Now that grabs the entire table's attention. Before I can explain anything— thank the Lord— a PA runs up to us, calling on Jared, Jensen, Misha and Alex. 
The four men leave and that allows my two girls to huddle up next to me, screaming for an explanation. God, this feels like high school all over again.
"Nothing, we're just friends now. Who went on one date," I flinch back a little before adding, "and have another one planned for Sunday." They both explode into a fit of giggles and now I really feel like it's high school.
"You're joking! You have a date with Jensen, again?" Rach's question is both due to curiosity and... concern?
"Yeah. So what?"
"So... Lils, we talked about this. You told me I'm right." She says exasperatedly, and I can see it in her eyes that she's as concerned as an older sister would be, but still.
"Yeah, so what—"
Gen clears her throat. "Right about what?"
"Jensen's older than me."
"Well, no shit."
"See?" Rach points at the brunette, "Genny agrees."
"That what? That they're a bad idea? No way! Jensen and Laila could be good for each other, the age thing is just a little bump in the road. They need to talk about it ‘s all." I have to hold in a laugh at how ridiculous her suggestion is. Me? And Jensen? Communicating? Why? Have I lost my head?
"Guys, we don't even know if me and him are, like, getting serious, it's just a tiny date." Of course, I'm only saying what I think Jensen wants. I've never been on a date, never had a boyfriend, never kissed or had my first time. Jensen is my first everything if he decides he wants me for the long haul— but he's had all that. And more. He has kids. 
I can't think about this. If I do, I'll drop everything and block Jensen's number and maybe even overreact by killing myself. 
Great. Sunday is going to be great.
part ten
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i want to change the oc to x reader when I’m done with the whole thing, what do you guys think? tags: @kr804573 @n-o-p-e-never
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hinatastinygiant · 10 months
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1 | Crimson Glory
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Fem!Reader
Serpents and Roses
You see George, you really had a wonderful life. Don't you see what a mistake it would be to throw it away?
"You're watching this again?" your older brother, James, grumbles as he opens the front door to your shared apartment and sees you sitting on the couch shoving popcorn in your mouth. "You do know it's only August, right?"
"Yeah," you nod, not letting your eyes leave the screen. "But I like this movie. It's-"
"I know," James cuts you off and you can feel his eye roll from across the room. "It's a 'classic'."
You pause the movie and look over at him, "What's that supposed to mean? Don't you think it's a good film?"
"Sure," he sighs, setting down his stuff and walking over to the small kitchen. "But you watch this movie any time of year. Why not wait until Halloween and watch it then, too?"
You groan as you reach for the remote and once more continue what you were watching. It's not long after that James comes over, sorting through the mail as he sits beside you. "Anything interesting in the post?" you ask, glancing at him quickly between handfuls of popcorn.
"Huh," he replies, piquing your interest.
"'Huh', what?" you say, putting the bowl aside.
"It's a response."
"Ooh," you say, getting a closer look at the envelope. "You think you've actually found a stable job, James?"
"Oh shut up, you," he laughs, swatting at you with the letter before going back to open it. You wait with bated breath, hoping this isn't just another rejection. James has been struggling to find a job ever since graduating high school. And since it's just the two of you, well, there's just that much more pressure on him.
"Who's it even from?" you then question him. "What'd you apply to this time? Gonna go shake some ass at Chix N Dix," you begin to laugh.
"No!" he snaps, glaring at you. "I met this guy... Black, he said his name was, a few weeks back. He offered me a job on the spot but I really didn't think he actually meant it."
"Really?! And you didn't tell me?!"
"Didn't you hear what I just said?" he groans. "There was something off about him, I've got to say... I mean, if he wants me then he's got to be desperate."
You roll your eyes at your brother's comment. He always was smart. If only you had money, he'd thrive in college. "Huh, well the letter does look strange... Open it."
James does. But just after he rips the seal, the letter forms into a mouth and begins to speak. Immediately, you let out a scream and grab onto him. James laughs at you as though he's seen this happen a hundred times before.
"I-Is this normal to you?" you ask, gulping hard to still your nerves.
"I must be tripping so hard right now," he shakes his head.
"Idiot," you say, punching him in the arm. "I can see it, too."
"James Bennett, you have been cordially invited to join the staff of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as its newest Muggle Studies Professor. Please report to the school immediately to begin your employment," the letter says aloud.
"Hogwarts? A what kind of school?" you ask him, trying to process everything from over his shoulder.
"Don't know, but it must be a private boarding school or something," James nods.
"This letter's all fancy," you reply, taking a closer look. "That sounds like a really big deal. Are you sure you're up to it? You're barely twenty thr-"
"Please, this isn't just about me. It's a high school. You could attend. It would be great for your senior year!"
"I'm eighteen. It's not like I'm just starting high school. Besides, I don't have the grades to-"
"You can still get in," James says, placing his hands on your shoulders. "They must want us for a reason. We should at least try it."
Before you can object, James replies to the letter, saying that he accepts the offer to work at Hogwarts. Immediately, it deflates like some sort of balloon, leaving the two of you to sit there and stare at each other like the two idiots you are.
"Well, better get packing," James says as he stands up.
"What?! So we're not even going to talk about-"
"Nope. Go and pack your things, Y/N. You heard the letter. Immediately," he tells you as he begins to walk out of the room.
"James," you call out, following him as your bowl of popcorn falls to the floor. "What about our home? Where is this place? We don't have a car."
"This place has housing. Black told me," he insists. "We'll be okay."
"But how do you know that?" you hum.
He lets out a sigh and turns around to face you. With worried eyes, you watch as he drops his hands on your shoulders. "Because I just do. I've got a good feeling about this, Y/N. I promise. And I think you'll like it there, too."
"Fine," you sigh, giving in. "But if you're wrong and it's awful, we're coming right back here and we're done with whatever this is. You have a year to make it work."
"Sounds fair," James grins as he goes back to walking down the short hallway to his room.
In the meantime, you walk back to the main room, turn off the television, and pick up the spilled popcorn. You unload the DVD from the player and carry it to your bed. Then, begrudgingly, begin to back.
"James!" you shout once you've finished. "Hey! I'm all packed! Where exactly did you say this place-"
You stop once you set foot in James' room. He isn't there. "James?!" you call out again, looking everywhere in the small apartment. But he isn't anywhere to be found. "Fucking asshole," you grumble as you reach for your phone. But suddenly, there's a whooshing sound right in front of you and you see a tall man dressed in a black suit staring down at you. In a panic, you scream and drop your phone. But before you can make a run for the door, he grabs you and somehow teleports you out of your room.
"Holy shit," you say once your world stops spinning. You fall to your knees, thinking you're about to throw up. "What the fuck just happened to me?!"
You look around the room, an office of some kind, and see James sitting on a couch nearby. "Are you okay?" he asks softly. All you can manage to do is nod.
"Hello, Miss. Y/N. My name is Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black. I do apologize for the way you were brought here. I am quite aware that it can be disorienting. However, it is the best way to enter and exit Hogwarts on such short notice."
You look at the man, standing beside the door. He must have been the one who brought you here. It all happened so fast you can't quite remember his face. You smile at him like a drunken idiot.
"Professor Bennett, Miss Y/N, please do not worry about your things. I will have Scrope, my house elf, fetch them for you," he nods politely.
"House... elf..." you mutter. You must be hearing things.
Finally, you decide to get a good look at what Headmaster Black looks like without your vision completely impaired. He's got his hair slicked back and is wearing what must be a suit more expensive than your home. But his face is kind so it does help you relax a bit.
"Again, I am sorry for the last-minute notice, but this is a new class we're offering as some of our students don't quite understand muggle life and are not very empathetic to them," he explains to the both of you.
"I'm sorry sir, but you're going to have to give me some time to get familiar with your jargon," you hear James say, and it nearly makes you laugh. "Could you explain what a muggle is?"
"Why, it refers to a human who has no knowledge of the magic community. And no magical abilities. Which is why we're bringing the two of you here," he explains. "This is a school for witches and wizards to learn their craft. There are classes such as herbology, defense against the dark arts, charms, transfiguration, and many more."
You're still kneeling on the floor. You can't seem to bring yourself to stand up as you listen to him drone on and on.
"So, what about this new class?" James finally asks for the pair of you.
Headmaster Black approaches you and holds out his hand. You accept it and allow him to walk you over to where James is sitting. You thank him as you fall back into the softest sofa in the world.
"This new class, taught by a muggle, will educate the students on what life is like in the muggle world. Things they'll need to know in the future, as all of them will deal with the muggle world at some point in their lives if they haven't already," Headmaster Black tells the two of you.
"Shit, I must be tripping so hard right now," you shake your head, earning a nudge on the shoulder from James.
"I accept your offer, Headmaster. I'm happy to teach. Though, I'd appreciate if you could explain the jargon," he then says as a woman walks in and steals your attention.
"All in due time my friend," Black bows. "And to you, Miss Y/N, our newest seventh-year student, you will be able to finish out your last school year at Hogwarts, and then you'll be free to pursue a career of your own choosing," he smiles at you.
"Wait, what?!" you gasp, shooting up from your seat.
"Professor Weasley," he continues, ignoring your outburst. "Would you be so kind as to escort Professor Bennett and Miss Y/N to where they will be staying?"
"Of course, Headmaster," she nods. "Welcome to Hogwarts. My name is Matila Weasley. I'm sure you're both very confused and overwhelmed, but I'll be happy to answer any questions you have along the way."
"Where's the bathroom?" James immediately asks. "I'm going to throw up."
After a ten-minute break, once James has emptied all the contents of his stomach, Professor Weasley begins to walk the two of you through the castle. "It's quite late now, but tomorrow you'll be able to explore the grounds at your leisure," she tells the two of you.
"So... this is real?" you ask as you guide your hand along a moving wall.
"Quite," Professor Weasley nods. "This is the reality. The muggle world is merely an illusion."
"And what the hell are we supposed to tell our friends back home? That their world is a lie?" James then asks.
"The truth," Weasley shrugs. "But no one will believe you. Most people assume we're a myth. You'd have a better chance convincing them you've met a talking lion than telling them you work and study here."
"Oh please, James," you roll your eyes. "Your only friend is the pillow you kiss every night."
"Shut up," he groans.
"Here we are," Weasley announces. She steps aside, allowing the both of you to get a good look at your new living quarters. "Y/N, this will only be temporary for you. Once school begins in a week, you'll be sorted into one of the four houses and will move into your dormitory."
"Okay," you nod, not wanting to get much more info on that right now.
"James, this will be where you live. I do hope you find it comfortable enough," she adds, turning her head towards him. "It includes a bathroom and a muggle kitchen for you to use at your leisure. As a member of the staff, you have full access to the grounds and all of its amenities."
"This will be nice, thank you," James smiles, taking a few steps inside.
"Of course," she says, returning the gesture. "You two get a good night's sleep. Professor Bennett, I'll see you tomorrow to show you to your classroom. You've got a lot to do in just one week."
"Thank you," he nods, waving her off. "Good night."
"Good night," she says to the pair of you before walking off.
Once the two of you are alone, you let a big smirk grow on your face. "I'd appreciate if you could explain the jargon," you say, mocking the words he had said before. "Please, James, do tell me what you know the word 'jargon' means."
"I swear I'm gonna kill you," he sighs. "You better not mess this up for us."
"I'm sure I'll be fine as long as you don't poison me with your shit cooking," you snort.
"That was one time!" he groans. "Can't I ever live that down?"
"Nope!" you laugh as the two of you head further into the small flat.
"Anyway," James says, changing the subject. "Let's unpack and get some rest."
"Sure," you nod, heading to your room.
Once you get there, you notice all of your things have been brought and neatly arranged inside. It makes you feel a little less homesick. Even though you've barely even left.
"Oh, Y/N, one thing," James calls out, stopping you in your tracks.
"What?" you groan, turning around to face him.
"No fucking the professors, alright?" he smirks, waging a finger at you.
"Oh please," you laugh. "If anyone's gonna have an inappropriate relationship, it's gonna be you. But don't worry, I'll stay away from your little boyfriend, Black."
"God, you're such a bitch," he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
"You love me," you blow a kiss to him. "Night, James."
"Go to bed, you little brat. I'll see you in the morning."
Serpents and Roses
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Because I'm Bored: Doctors 1-13 Ordered from "Most Human" to "Most Alien"
So, some incarnations of the Doctor seem more "human" than others. Factoring vibes, aesthetic, social skills, emotional connection to companions, and then just shrugging and picking an order that makes sense, here goes:
Short Version, from most human to most alien: 1, 3, 5, 10, 9, 12, 6, 8, 2, 13, 7, 11, 4
(Very) Long Version:
Here There Be Spoilers for multiple Doctor Who Stories, the most recent of them being from Series 12 (and I'm not sure if the bit I'm talking about counts as a spoiler since it's just a thing that happens in the episode). Also this really got away from me and there are quite a few tangents in there. And because it's so long and it's very late I didn't really edit it, so I hope it's at least mostly coherent.
Most "Human"
Okay, this could be defined in a lot of ways, but based on my own definitions:
The Doctor wasn't originally intended to be an alien, just an eccentric human from the future. So One isn't very "wacky". His cloths are a sort of vaguely Victorian/Edwardian normal. Because of Hartnell's age and health, he usually isn't very high energy. He's curious and mysterious, but if you didn't know from future reveals, you might not think he's a literal space alien.
This one was almost a tie. Three was the first incarnation to be established as an alien from his first story, and because he was written as an alien, he's more alien than an incarnation mainly written as a human. But, he usually comes across more like an eccentric professor with little regard for rules and regulations.
The UNIT Era setting might be a part of this. You take time travel from a Time Lord and what you've got left his a lord. He's an aristocrat who's fallen on hard times and had to get a job and is grumpy about it.
Five is one of the more cautious Doctors. He's aware of how his curiosity can get the better of him and sometimes tries to reign it in. He can also pass as human very easily. In Black Orchid, he fits perfectly into the setting, a costume party/cricket match in the 1920s. He is very traditionally British, and the British are almost definitely humans.
Five has more alien companions than most incarnations, which means that the ways in which he's alien don't stand out as much. He's been traveling the universe for centuries and he loves Earth, so he's picked up on a lot of human stuff. Adric and Nyssa are much younger and much more sheltered, so they're the alien fish out of water. Turlough has a bit more experience with humanity, but he hated it and is quite proud of being an alien to these people, actually. So, the Doctor blends into Earth surroundings while his companions either have no idea what's going on or are actively protesting it.
But, Fivey's still a space alien. He's still eccentric, and somewhat socially awkward. He misses social cues and tends to deal with emotions by avoiding them. Adric just died? Sadness is happening? Well, he doesn't know how to process and express that emotion while also comforting two people who are also feeling that emotion. So, he basically tells them to stop grieving and get back to the plot. He still feels emotions, of course, but he tries to ditch them whenever possible.
He's often thought of as the most human Doctor. He's got quite an emotional range and can connect with humans very well. But, a thing with Ten isn't that he's the most human, but more that he most wants to be human. The Time Lords are dead because he killed them and humans are his adoptive species. But he can never truly be one of them. That's one of the many tragedies of the Tenth Doctor.
Ten is more overtly quirky than the Doctors listed before him. He talks a mile a minute, he's easily distracted, and he can say some very silly things. He's the guy who gave as "wibbly wobbly timey wimey". He's the first Doctor on this little list to regularly seem too weird to pass for human, though he still can when he's really committed to it.
I honestly wasn't sure where to put him. He has a less quirky appearance than most Doctors, with his leather jacket not being out of place in a modern setting.
But, he's still very quirky with an added element of being unstable and more emotionally distant than Ten. He's a bit more cynical about the universe, having just come out of a war.
Honestly, 9 and 10 sort of tie. They're both human and alien to around the same degree in different ways.
Twelve changes a lot throughout his run, so it was hard putting him in one spot. He has the darker edges of Nine, but those soften over time and he becomes your silly professor who was in a band in the 70s.
So, in Series 8, he's a grumpy space grandpa. The first to point out that he's an alien. By Series 10, he's hung out on Earth for a while and lightened about. Strangely, he feels more human when he's being silly than when he's being serious.
There's also the added element of Moffatisms, which aren't exclusive to Moffat, but they are elements of the show that became more prominent around 2010. The Moffat Era had the Doctor as more genuinely socially awkward than before and more likely to view that as a problem. It feels like the bit where the Doctor's an alien but he's spent centuries around humans so he knows the basics at least was sorta lost.
Even though I called this a Moffatism, this trend only became more noticeable after Moffat left. We'll get there when we get there.
The only reason Six isn't higher on the alien scale is his darker, more violent edge. It doesn't feel very alien. But, Six is probably the most alien-looking Doctor.
Six is great at pissing people off, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not. But, even in the TV episodes that usually had weak scripts, you could still see how much he cared.
When I think of the Doctor being socially awkward, I often think of The Mysterious Planet, of all stories. Basically, Peri has a bit of an existential crisis over realizing that she's on a far future Earth and that Earth won't last forever. Six has a little speech about how everything ends at some point. It's not very comforting, but you can tell from his tone that he intended it to be. As a centuries-old time traveller, the fact that everything ends isn't quite that big a deal. You can just go back in time to before the world ended. But Peri, though she's been traveling with the Doctor for a while, is still a regular human from 1984, of a single time and place where time travel doesn't exist. So when something ends, that's it. The Doctor understands that Peri is upset and he wants to comfort her, but he doesn't understand her feelings enough to succeed at it. It's a great little moment from one of the more "meh" stories of the era.
So, there's the Doctor being an alien depicted in a slightly more subtle way, underneath the loud technicolor dream coat.
A while ago, I made a post that sorted the Doctors into three loose categories. One of them was called something like Wacky, Zany, Silly, Fun-Time War Criminal. All the Doctors I'll talk about as the most alien are in that category. Eight is the most alien incarnation to not be in that category. Eight is a romantic, heroic type, who also happens to basically be a puppy with the zoomies for whatever parts of the TV Movie he doesn't have amnesia in.
I haven't seen a lot of Eight, so I don't have much else to say. He gets more seriously later on, because of the Time War and several companions dying. There's also a difference between the Eight Doctor Adventure novels and the Big Finish audios. Big Finish is where a lot of the "Eight gets more serious" arc happens. Both series have the overall plot of "the puppy is kicked repeatedly by absolutely everything". The EDA Doctor is traumatized by it and that's another thing that triggers an amnesia arc, but he remains upbeat when he isn't suffering The Horrors. BF Eight grows more cynical over time.
The Most Human of the Most Alien. He's very silly and very energetic. He plays the recorder and behaves in a way that often feels half-child/half-grandma. He's the template that all the other Wack, Zany, Fun-Time alien Doctors are built from.
So why's he the most human of that category?
Two actually has a unique skill. Though many incarnations of the Doctor can be manipulative, or use their understanding of people to accomplish their goals, Two is the most socially intelligent Doctor. He acts silly because he likes being silly, for the most part. People underestimate him, which can be useful. But, his more serious moments show a side to him that, though he doesn't act like a normal human, he understands humans, as individuals and as a species, very well.
Compare that scene from The Mysterious Planet I mentioned earlier to The Tomb of the Cybermen. Victoria is a knew companion who only became a companion because she'd otherwise have been stranded on Skaro. She's also just become an orphan. The Daleks killed her father. So, though she's trying her best, she's obviously not doing very well. The story stops for a moment and the Doctor talks to Victoria and what he says actually comforts her. While Six couldn't understand Peri's existential crisis, Two can understand grief, losing family, and being forced to leave home. So, he's able to emotionally connect with Victoria in a way Six couldn't with Peri, even though he wanted to.
Two's emotional intelligence gives him a strong human side, or at least a side that can relate to humanity.
She's quirky. Very, very quirky. She has no attention span and often just does things. Chibnall takes the Moffat Era social awkwardness even further. Thirteen is self-aware and obviously insecure about not relating to her companions socially. She's also one of the more secretive incarnations, so she sometimes just refuses to connect with her companions, but even when she wants to connect with them, it often feels like there's a barrier between them.
Some of this is, at least as I perceive it, the result of consistent writing problems. Basically every writer of this era had difficulty distributing lines between the three companions and making sure everyone had something to do. Unless the plot had stopped for the characters to talk about their feelings, the companions tended to all fall into the stock "what's happening, Doctor?" role. I get the feeling that people who like these characters, and there are people who love these characters, love them for the fleeting moments when they get to be characters, when there's nothing else going on. Yaz stands out when she's talking to the Doctor on the beach, trying to sort out romantic feelings, but not when she's one of three companions in the middle of some Alien Bullshit.
But, you often don't get the "what's happening, Doctor?" Many scenes of exposition involve the Thirteenth Doctor thinking aloud, asking herself questions and answering her own questions, while three other people just stand there and wait to be addressed. Of course the Doctor is going to seem distant from her companions when she's talking to herself most of the time they're around.
Thirteen's social awkwardness actually led to a somewhat infamous moment in Can You Here Me, where Graham talks about having cancer and his fear that it might come back someday...and the Doctor straight up admits to being too socially awkward to know what to say in this situation and there's a complete tonal whiplash from Graham's serious talk about cancer to a "Doctor is socially awkward" joke, as if the seen was getting to heavy and the writer was desperate to change the subject.
A lot of people complained about this and the defense basically amounted to "It's not that the Doctor doesn't care about Graham. She just doesn't always know what to say.". My problem with it isn't that she didn't know what to say, but that she didn't try. Again with The Mysterious Planet. Six was also socially awkward and didn't know what to say to comfort his companion, but he tried. It didn't work, but he tried. And there wasn't a tonal whiplash, since Six not understanding why Peri's upset wasn't being playing as a joke. Thirteen can be socially awkward. She can admit to being socially awkward. But, what you had in that scene with Graham was a poorly timed joke that, because the show tried to lighten the mood, made it feel like Thirteen wasn't taking things seriously. That clearly wasn't the intent, but that's what felt so wrong to so many people.
So, she's about as far from Two as you can get in terms of social skills.
But, the fact that she is so self-aware, insecure in a way that previous incarnations weren't, feels like a very human trait. So despite everything I've had to say, she's still just shy of the top three.
Quirky Moffatisms at full force. He is silly, acts like a child, comes with several wacky catchphrases, and sales of bowties in the real world increased about he said they were cool. That was supposed to be weird but the world changed for him.
Eleven is better at connecting to his companions than Thirteen, so I wasn't quite sure which to put first, but Eleven has more in common with the two I haven't gotten to yet. Thirteen didn't really have the confidence to pull of the "angry god" thing that some incarnations, especially in the the new series, sometimes do. She had her lapses in sanity and could be downright cruel during those lapses but it felt more like "the Doctor is having a bad day" than "Do Not Piss Off This Eldritch Horror". When Eleven snapped, it felt like the Wrath of God. No human could really do that.
There's a reason I call this one category of Doctor the Wacky, Zany, Fun-Time War Criminal. They're the silliest Doctors, but also the ones that are the scariest when angry.
Eleven is heavily inspired by Two, but I also tend to see him as combining traits of Seven and Ten. He's high energy and high intensity like Ten.
As for Seven, who was also based on Two, well, there are Eleventh Doctor moments that are basically their own versions of Second and Seventh Doctor moments. Victory of the Daleks has the "Daleks pretend to serve humanity to win their trust so they can take over" lifted from The Power of the Daleks, but while Two was scared of the Daleks, Eleven was enraged. In Two's case, it was because this was his first story. One rarely expressed fear quite this openly, which made it clear that 1. Two is different from One and 2. Daleks are serious business. For Eleven, it was something of a rehash of Nine torturing a Dalek in Dalek. Victory of the Daleks is made up of little moments stolen from better stories.
However, a deliberately similar moment isn't necessarily stolen. Sometimes, it creates another opportunity to compare and contrast. So, let's talk about Seven.
He's got all the clownish behavior of Two and Eleven, but he comes across as more alien from his tendency to act like a supervillain from time to time. It's all part of the plan and sometimes he screws his friends over along the way. Of course he still cares. Ace is still his Space Daughter. But, sometimes sacrifices have to be made to save the universe...
So, we did a Two vs. Six. vs. Thirteen on the subject of Comforting Companions. Now it's Two vs. Seven. Eleven in Betraying Companions.
Okay, not really. But the companions are made to feel betrayed, whatever the intentions behind it were.
The obvious two to compare are The Curse of Fenric and The God Complex. This is one of the more obvious "new who just does a classic scene" moments. Both stories have a reoccurring theme of faith, which has an effect on the Monster of the Week. The Curse of Fenric has one of the many varieties of Doctor Who Vampire that are repelled by faith. It turns out that the sign of the cross only worked on vampires because it was used by devout Christians. Any sort of faith works. A Soviet soldier repels vampires with a hammer and sickle badge because of his faith in Communism. The Doctor starts listing the names of past companions to repel them because he has faith in his friends.
Jumping over to The God Complex, we have a sort of Minotaur thing that eats faith. There's this weird prison hotel thing where people are shown their worst fears. Everyone has a room with a fear in it. Except for Rory. He's experienced all the Horrors and came back from the dead so many times that he doesn't care anymore. People who have some sort of faith tend to think of that faith when scared for their lives. So, the fear leads to faith, the Minotaur converts that faith into worship of the Minotaur and then it kills people.
The Doctor, Amy, and Rory end up in the prison hotel with a group of other random people. There's a gambler who believes in luck, a conspiracy theorist, a Tivolian, who are a culture of strategic cowardice, and his faith in his oppressors oppressing him, and a sane woman who is a devout Muslim. They all get picked off one by one.
Then we have the companions. Eleven has two with him, but Rory just kind of hangs back for this one. You have Ace and Amy. A names are apparently unlucky.
As companions who jumped at the chance to be companions, Ace and Amy have faith in the Doctor. In The Curse of Fenric, you'd think this would be a good thing, since it keeps the vampires away, but because of Reasons it becomes necessary to turn the faith off to save the universe. In Amy's case, her faith is putting her at risk of getting eaten by a minotaur.
So, the Doctor has to break his companion's faith in him.
But I also mentioned Two, so let's derail things even further to talk about The Evil of the Daleks. It's not as direct of a comparison, but I want to bring it up because the Doctor betrays a companion's trust and challenges his faith in him. In this case, it's Jamie. The Doctor tricks him into taking part in a Dalek experiment to discover the Human Factor, all the things that make humans special, so they can understand the people who keep beating them.
The Evil of the Daleks softens the blow. We see the build-up to the Dalek experiment from the Doctor's perspective. The Daleks demand that Jamie be used in the experiment. The Doctor asks why it has to be him and not some other human. The Daleks say that traveling in time makes Jamie unique. The Doctor asks why they can't just to the experiment on him, and since a later plot point in this serial is dependent on the Doctor NOT being human, I'm going to just say he was lying here. The Doctor's traveled in time too much, apparently.
So, the Doctor did everything he could to keep Jamie out of it, including lying to put his own life on the line. This was an absolute last resort and the Doctor tries to make the most of.
But, Jamie wasn't present for any of this, so all he knows is that the Doctor put his life on the line working with the bad guys.
So, it's not quite the same as the later Faith Breaking stories. The Evil of the Daleks feels more like a misunderstanding.
So we go back to Seven and Eleven. Seven breaks Ace's faith by claiming not to care about her, that he was just using her this whole time, and that he doesn't care if she dies. It's absolutely brutal. With Eleven, it's more about recklessness and incompetence. He failed to protect Amy. He let her down. He put her in danger knowingly, because he likes having companions and he cares more about having their company than about their safety. He keeps talking people into running off with him to see the universe, only for terrible things to happen because it wasn't safe. The Doctor knows it isn't safe, but he just can't stop endangering people's lives. It's more complicated, a deconstruction of the Doctor/Companion dynamic, but it seems like a last minute confession, like the Doctor is breaking down in the face of losing another companion. In the end, he did deliberately say what he needed to to break Amy's faith, but it doesn't seem quite so cold.
Eleven doesn't usually have master plans. He's just willing to get very dark in certain situations. Seven plans ahead, so you can't know just how long he was planning to emotionally destroy the teenager he sort of adopted. That also adds to the brutality. Ace's faith in the Doctor is more like a child's faith in a parent. Eleven was Amy's imaginary friend who turned out to be real, so it's a more abstract faith.
Okay, I've gone on an on and on about so many things. Let's wrap this up.
Four is big and loud. His hair, his eyes, his teeth, his impressively long scarf...You can't not pay attention to him. He looks a bit silly, but he can also be a little intimidating. You have all the quirkiness of the Doctors we already mentioned, but with an added sense of authority. Everywhere he shows up, he just sort of takes over. Two and Seven will just blend into places at times, put Four doesn't need to. He walks in, offers people jelly babies, and starts asking about what's going on. People tell him. It's refuge in audacity. People are too confused to even ask questions and they just start following along.
If you take the idea of a renegade Time Lord: There's a powerful species of aliens and this one went rogue to travel the universe and help people, Four perfectly fits. He's authoritative, like you'd expect a powerful person to be, weird and distant from humans, as you'd expect an alien to be, and chaotic, like you'd expect someone acting in defiance of the ultimate Lawful Neutral Bordering on Evil.
Four is alien in a very specific way that might be the entire show, so yeah, he's the Most Alien Doctor.
This thing's really fucking long I'm sorry...
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modernghostfare · 1 year
alright let's do this. do you have some mace headcanons about his backstory 😳 and early years in the military
YESSS !!! i do 🥺 i keep meaning to make a post about this but i have so many thoughts about him 🥺 #1 hater of the military but lover of guns and violence and being in a militia. OKAY so
parents had him later in life but divorced young, when he was like 5, and his mom came out as a lesbian. amicable divorce, they stay close friends and even-headed about raising mace. his dad stays single but his mom meets a woman she ends up marrying.
his dad is like a self employed carpenter and he does decently well for himself. both of his mother is a professor. his stepmother is a writer. doing well in school was very important in his young life to his parents but not to Him. hes very smart but he does not sit well in a class its hard for him to engage with school work.
he did sports and he was good at them but he never really made any close friends. hes friendly to everyone but not super often hes very involved in his own shit almost exclusively.
i do like to thiinkk he had a girl he was dating like a highschool sweetheart that he stayed with after school. engaged right out of high school which his parents didnt like but he didnt care because he wasnt interested in going to college. which is what they wanted. but neither him nor her went to college
buuttt he wasn't good at holding a job either. he's very headstrong and very vocal and as a younger man he has unresolved anger from feeling pressure to succeed but having no drive.
so. military. he's 20, he applies. his dad is ecstatic. his moms hate it. his fiancee isn't sure about it.
he, personally, really enjoys being able to disengage from his family during boot camp. he feels better in his own little bubble, focused mainly on hard labor. its good exercise, gives his brain a rest. for all these reasons its almost TOO easy to disconnect. he completely ghosts his family. and his girl (even though she's pregnant).
i don't have exact timelines for the rest i just think he generally spent the next few years while in active duty going on sparse contact w his family and struggling with his image of himself. selfish at his core, i do think he struggles w empathy but hes understanding of the world around him and in many cases he understood the people fighting against the boot of the american military. his own boots.
so, like, next step is merc work and obviously hes going into shadow company. better pay but more of the same shit + he has a growing hatred for capitalism and the us govt and just sort of govt in general. its harder for him to connect with his family and harder for him to act like a normal human being bc he has this constant internal turmoil going on so hes mad. hes mad at the state of too many things.
(also think he meets ghost here. they are at this stage using each other as punching bags bc it's sort of like a "youre the only mf in this company who can handle me" type deal. there is real affection there, too, but a lot of it is toxic codependency on having someone to lash out at and hurt.)
but mace isn't like ghost he does not actually want to wallow in self hate and anger forever. so. he moves to africa, clean slate, no more fucking america, back to his roots to reconnect with the type of person he actually wants to be. he meets zane, he joins jackals. 👍 hes a good guy (he is not. he is. he is very complicated.)
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averagewriter777 · 2 years
More Than What You Signed Up For
(Jacksepticeye & Egos x Female!Reader)
You had met Seán unexpectedly and had not known he was as well. No, you don’t live under a rock… you just have a full-time job and would rather spend time on Adult Swim than YouTube during your free time. And by ‘freetime’ that means grading discussion boards and assignments.
After dating for a year and a half, you had brought up moving in together. Seán seemed uneasy about it, saying he was unorganized at home and a lot of the time ‘like’ a different person. You said you didn’t care and if it was really that serious, you would continue to live in your apartment, but would soon love to move in with him. Strangely, the next morning, you got a text saying to completely ignore everything he said the night before and that he’d love you at his apartment.
Your schedules were not too far apart. Though you lived in the United Kingdom, you were a professor for Stanford University- just online. Your lectures were not pre-recorded, because you didn’t like your previous students to be talking to your new students… you learned that in your third year of teaching abroad. So, you woke up at 6am every morning to record a lecture for the week- which only took about two hours, before heading to the kitchen to start on your and Seán’s morning.
Though usually an early riser, Seán had quickly discovered not to record while you were recording. Even with his walls padded, you told him you could still hear him and had to clip out and re-record parts of your lecture the first time. He was awfully apologetic about it, and promised to record when you were finished. It meant sleeping in for him anyway.
One morning, however, was different. It was Fall Break for Stanford University, so you remained in bed next to him, even sleeping past that 8am mark that breakfast was usually being made. You, however, woke up when you felt him violently twitch next to you- and even heard his neck snap. “Seán?!” Your grogginess disappeared when you saw him lying there for a moment before inclining his neck to the side again to crack it. “Jesus H. Christ! What the hell was that?”
His blue eyes fell upon your half open (e/c) ones. His eyes seemed to have a strange green glow in the pupils- but you decided to ignore it. “Didn’t mean to wake you… Thought you would be recording your lecture…” His voice was lower in pitch and rough- you almost couldn’t recognize it as his own at first. “I’ll go get started on breakfast.” Seán gave you a kiss, then slid out of bed, not bothering to put on a pair of pants or a shirt.
You watched him leave the room, muttering something to himself that sounded like a self-argument. It was too quiet for you to hear, but he sounded upset. “What the actual fuck…” So, you decided to get out of bed, grabbing one of Seán’s t-shirt’s on your way out and stopping just outside the room to listen in on what was happening in the kitchen. Literally an argument he was having with himself.
“You scared her- I thought I told you not to do that! Any of you… It’s bad enough she hardly knows me YouTube wise. This would scare the shit out of her!” Seán’s voice was back to normal, and his Irish seemed to really be coming out. It happened a lot when he was upset.
“It’s been weeks since I’ve taken over. I mean no harm… especially to her. Your feelings towards her are mine as well.” There was the change in his tone of voice again, deeper and rougher. “The others have been subtly around her- and I’ll be honest in saying I didn’t mean to come out like that. Forgot about Fall Break.”
There was a long sigh, and a completely different voice came out. Almost as if another person entered the room. “ ‘ow could you forget about zat of all things? Ze rest- except me, of course, have been careful around this. You’re just a dummkopf, Anti.” The voice was German- and who the hell was ‘Anti’?
“Umm… you guys are aware that she’s standing outside the bedroom, right? She can probably hear this going on. So, she’s either going to think Seán is crazy or… yeah.” He sounded exactly like Seán, but he seemed to have a strange brighter tone to his voice. “(Y/n)? Please come out so we can talk about this-- all of us.”
You bit your bottom lip and decided to come out, just as what was suggested. The only person in the kitchen was Seán. He had a cup of coffee in his hand and was working towards making yours. “Umm… so you probably have questions.” You crossed your arms and stuck out your hip. “This would be a lot easier if you were somewhat of a fan.”
“Seán… you’re scaring the shit out of me right now, what the actual fuck is this?” You didn’t mean to be so forward about it, but if your boyfriend had multiple personalities and he didn’t tell you by now- by God you were going to have some words with him. “Do you have some multiple personality disorder? Is this why you didn’t want us living together?”
Your boyfriend tapped his chin, took a long sip of his coffee, then sighed. “You could call it a multiple personality disorder, but it’s really not. Because they’re real? I don’t know how to put it. I can, uh… bring them out, like transparent figures- but I really don’t want to freak you out more than you already are.” He looked at your crossed arms and your tapping foot, and sighed again. “Fine… I’ve warned you, please sit on the couch in case you faint. Despite knowing, Amy fainted when Mark did this.”
When the two of you had moved to the living room and you were comfortable on the couch, Seán closed his eyes and crossed his legs- as if he was meditating. Slowly but surely, however, six transparent figures spread throughout the room- all looking like Seán, but in different outfits and styles. The one closest to you made you feel the most uneasy because on his throat were faded knife marks. “Holy fuck--”
“(Y/n), these are my ‘egos’.” Sean sighed, gesturing to the six transparent figures around them. The figures waved and smiled at her, well, except for the one closest to her- who started to smile, but glitched out. “Closest to you is Anti, a darker ego, but he thankfully has a soft spot for you. Next to Anti is Chase, if you ever find me in a sort of dad-like or bro-mode… It's because of him. Henrik is a German doctor, so I strangely know German because of him and I could become a doctor if I wanted, but would switch nationalities. The one in the white mask is Marvin the Magnificent… if you remember our second date when I showed you some magic tricks- that was Marvin showing off. Then we have Jameson, the one who looks like he belongs in a silent movie… he’s literally mute so- if you ever need translating for him or I find myself switching to him, I might use a notepad. He’s quite the romantic. Lastly is my superhero ego, his full name is Jackaboyman, but we all call him Jackie. So, usually when you call me that… I switch over to him- not on purpose…”
You hadn’t moved during the explanation and you were pretty sure you stopped breathing at one point, but continued halfway through. All seven versions of Seán looked at one another, as if they were speaking telepathically (which they probably were) and waited on you. “You mean to tell me… you weren’t even the one doing magic on our second date?”
Seán blinked at you. “That’s… That’s your question?” Anti and Marvin burst out into laughter at his response. “Not ‘you have six other personalities, why didn’t you tell me?’ or ‘This is a lot more than I bargained for’ which isn’t a question, but I feel like that’s what I would be feeling at this moment in time.”
“Oh no, I want to know why you didn’t tell me. I’m slightly upset about that, but not too upset.” You watched the egos smile, then move themselves back to Seán. “And you’re dating me, I have multiple personalities- not like this… but you know what I mean.” You scooted yourself close to Seán and embraced him, to which he immediately hugged back. “Glad you told me, I was getting really worried about you, love. With all your twitching out…”
Seán shook his head and laughed. “That’s mostly Anti glitching, if you get annoyed by it, just call him ‘Glitch Bitch’ he hates it.” His eye twitched, but nothing else happened. “Can I have a morning kiss now?”
You laughed and pressed your lips firmly to his.
(Open to requests if anyone sees this! I'm sticking to Jacksepticeye for several reasons at the moment... and because he's my favorite. Hope y'all enjoyed!)
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varietyacademy · 3 months
Hey there New Students!
Welcome to Variety Academy, where both students and teacher Can Study and learn about the World Wide Creature known As... pokemon!
The Academy is In the Region of Lachian! A Wide Island far from The other regions and Hope to all sort of Pokemon from Kanto to Paldean. That's why It's the perfect place to study Pokemon!
Let me introduce Myself, My Name is Lisa and I'm the Principal of this lovely Academy! there might be a few Teachers and Staff but Our top tier are called 'Mentor' Here! And they're around 9 Mentor in this Academy (including me), Each Mentor Have different speciality And Depending on the students choice of Passion they will be Put under Different Mentors to help the students grow to becoming An excellent Trainer in their fields.
I'll introduce Them to you right Away!
Before I Introduced the Mentors I'd like to introduce Professor Anthony! He's the Professor Specialist in Pokemon Behavior and Nature, He's the One that'll give New students their very first pokemon! He's quite busy though so dont bother him unless it's really important.
Our Number One is Kheara, She's an Adventure Type of Mentor, for Those who wants to explore the world and Be Free like the wind then she's your Best Picked of Mentor. Although you'll rarely see her around and she rarely Teach her class or the students under her care... Hehe
Our Second is Kasory, He's The Research Mentor, Focused on Research and Pokemon Development in scientific and or Supernatural Occurrence! He's Quite approachable and most students adored him because of His Charismatic Energy and How Friendly he is... Although Dont be around him when Anthony is around because that Pacifist And friendly attitude of Kasory will be flip upside down once he and Anthony See each other... The two gets quite violence...
Our third Is Antonio, He's Our Current Region Champion and He's a Mentor in the Academy too! He's a Battle Mentor, He doesn't speak much... And tends to write what he's saying instead of Speaking, he's quite an introvert so he tends to be distance from his student, If you want to know where Kheara is... he's the Right guy to ask... If you can even talk to him that is-
Of course I already Introduce you to me, I'm Lisa! I am the Hatcher Mentor, I focused on Pokemon Eggs and Their Progress, You need quite a passion to be able to Wait fpr an egg to hatch! But once it does it's definitely worth it.
Then we Have Tyson or well known as Tosya, He's The Medical Mentor, Head of the Pokecenter in the Academy and In the whole Region, He's Quite easy to talk too and very chsrming but Dont get too attached... He's a Wolf in sheep clothing.
There's Also Taylor, She's the Fashion Mentor, Is it different from a Coordinator Mentor? It is! Because Fashion Study in the Academy focus on MAKING a Fashion instead of Performing, They're more of a Model designers. She Gave out Wine aunt Energy and It seems like the student likes her lol
We Have... Masuyo, The Coordinator-Performer Mentor, Mostly exclusive for Women but in Lachian any genders can be a coordinator or performer! Masuyo is An Idol Icon in our Region... So dont be surprised if you see her walking down a Red Carpet With a bunch of paparazi.
There's Raice, He's The Cooking Mentor, He's quite sensitive about food and he always have high expectations for his student to Make sure the food they Made is actually edible and not... Crawling out of the pan
And Last but not Least Azrae, she's the Tamer Mentor, If you're looking for to be a Tamer... She's the right mentor for you, she's the youngest out of all of us yet she's the most dedicated to her job! But dont spook her she's quite timid.
Each Mentors hold Maximum 10 students and let the rest Be handles by the other regular Teachers, And Each New Students gets to choose the mentor they want... It's just depending on if the mentor accept them Or not if not we'll they'll be Handed down to the Normal Teachers.
Now that the introduction is Over, I'd like to thank you for Visiting our Academy I hope to see you soon! There will be a lot more to this! So just keep an eye open :)
Author need to stop being lazy and start drawing
Author's Commission
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Valentine's Nonsense
Deuce Spade x GN!Reader
1.7k words
valentine's day is my favorite holiday, so naturally imma write something. this is basically a self insert for my oc, but i figured you guys would prefer an xreader.
AN: completely fluffy, nrc nonsense, reader hates trey, i have no real idea how a japanese private school works so i just chose whatever classmates i wanted
TW: mentions of trey
The day had dragged on and on, every class seeming more boring than usual. NRC wasn't big on celebrating Valentine's Day. A few of the boys would confess to someone every year, but it wasn't a spectacle like it would be at a co-ed school. So why was it a spectacle this year? Because so many of the NRC students became enamored with the mysterious Ramshackle prefect.
You had made chocolates for one boy in particular. They sat safely in your bag, away from prying eyes. You had asked headmaster Crowley if it was normal for this school to give chocolates, and he (so benevolently) dismissed it, saying that this was a prestigious school who's students didn't focus on foolish things like valentines. You assumed you didn't need to make any more than the ones for the sweet boy who was away at a track meet.
He was absent all day, and he was frustrated about it. He knew what day it was, and he actually wanted to give you chocolates. He didn't originally plan on it, but he heard that Ace was going to give you some, and he didn't want to be left out. He slumped into his seat on the bus (does NRC have buses for sports meets? let's pretend they do). Jack sat besides him, and peaked over into the duffle Deuce was digging through.
"Chocolates. I guess it is Valentine's Day." Jack said ever so nonchalantly. A pink blush creeped up onto Deuce's cheeks.
"I heard that Ace was going to give Y/N chocolates because he wanted to 'fluster' them." He opened the box to reveal some of the saddest looking chocolates. Jack didn't have the heart to tell him that.
"It's a kind gesture, Deuce. I'm sure the prefect will love them."
You were hoping to give your chocolates to Deuce in class, but that was going to have to wait. You sat back in your chair for first period, and a little white box was slapped down on your desk. You looked up at Ace, the dumbass looking away to avoid eye contact.
"I figured no one else would give you chocolates, so I took the liberty to make you feel a bit better." He still couldn't meet your gaze.
"Headmaster Crowley told me that this school doesn't really do chocolates. If I had known, I would’ve made some for you too." You opened the box and looked at the three little truffles that were made.
"Yeah, well I guess I can forgive you this time for forgetting about me. It was mostly Trey-kun that made them anyways." You hesitated for a moment before picking on up and popping it into your mouth.
"I still don't trust Trey at all, but he did a really good job on these." You wanted to keep chatting with Ace, but Professor Trein began class and you weren't ready to risk detention.
On the way to your next class, you tucked the chocolates from Ace into your bag with the one's for Deuce. You desperately hoped that he liked them. It took you a whole week's worth of Crowley allowance to afford the materials. Lost in your budgeting thoughts, you didn't hear the distant sounds of someone screaming for their shrimpy.
"SHRIMPY!" Floyd's loud voice echoed in your ears as he wrapped his arms around you for a squeeze. He was tailed by Jade and Azul.
"Hey guys, what's up?" you casually remove Floyd's arms. Azul looked at you and adjusted his glasses while the tips of his ears turned red.
"Well, on behalf of the Monstro Lounge, we'd like to give you these chocolates." He extended his hand and gave you a little purple box with three chocolates. One was shaped like an octopus, and the others like eels.
"Considered it repayment for all the help with the Lounge and Azul's mental health." Jade said with an uncomfortably normal smile. Azul couldn't bear looking you in the eyes.
"Yeah, 'Zul basically begged us to help him make chocolates for you."
"Okay that's enough. I think we've taken up plenty of Y/N's time." Azul was still avoiding eye contact, but he gave a friendly smile and thanked you for your time. You watched the octotrio walk away before adding their chocolates to your collection in your bag.
You prepped for you alchemy class since the bell hadn't rung yet. You kept eyeing the door, waiting for your lab partners to arrive. When they did finally arrive, it was with a box of chocolate each.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Y/N. Kalim couldn't decide on which box to give you." Jamil put on his lab coat and handed the other one to Kalim.
"I wanted to give you all of them, but Jamil said it was 'overkill' to give someone 30 boxes of chocolate on Valentine's Day. So I went through and picked out the biggest and most pretty looking box." He shoved the large, gold, heart shaped box into your arms. The chocolates inside were adorned with gold and other fancy looking chocolate toppers.
"Kalim, it's beautiful!" You gave the bouncy Scarabia housewarden a hug and popped a chocolate into your mouth.
"Mine aren't as fancy as Kalim's, but I made them myself with Scalding Sand's spices." He held out a little red box. His gaze appeared very genuine as you accepted the other box, popping one of those chocolates into your mouth too.
"You guys are so sweet. I have some awesome lab partners!" You beamed and both of the boy's faces had a light blush on them. Once you added new additions of chocolate to your collection, you began your alchemy lab.
While warming up for PE, you wondered why Headmaster Crowley had lied about Valentine's Day to you. You felt so bad for not making everyone chocolate, especially because everyone seemed to have made some for you. Silver and Sebek had stopped you in the hallway earlier to hand you chocolate, and you weren't going to lie, your bag was getting full.
"Oi, herbivore," you heard the lazy lion call your name. Ruggie was next to him holding to boxes of chocolate.
"Leona here told me to buy whatever chocolates I thought you'd like with his money, so they're both technically from him, but one is from me I promise, shishishi." He handed you the two boxes with the same chocolates. One of them had a chocolate missing, and you giggled as you saw a tiny speck of chocolate on Ruggie's lip.
"Thank you guy's. I don't have any chocolates for you guys, but I'll make it up to you."
"I don't want anything from you, herbivore." Leona pretended like he wasn't a little disappointed to not receive anything from you.
"You can just buy me lunch one of these days, shishishi." You smiled at the hyena's laugh.
Once back from his track meet, Deuce ran to Ramshackle dorm, knowing classes were over and that's where you'd probably be. One of the ghosts answered the door when he knocked, breaking the news to him that you left a little while ago. They didn't know where you were or when you'd get back.
A little disheartened, Deuce made his way to Heartslabyul. He was going to go straight to his room and rest, but he wasn't in the mood to talk to Ace. Instead, he took a walk in the rose gardens. There was one little undisturbed corner he liked to retreat to when he just wanted to think. Only one other person knew about his little spot, and they were already waiting there for him.
"Y/N?" his eyes brightened when he saw you sitting on the bench.
"Hi, Deuce." You don't know why you suddenly felt so shy. It was just Deuce, and you two hung out alone all the time. He sat down next to you, your knees bumping lightly. He started digging around in his duffle, only to pull out a small pink box.
"I'm not sure if you like this kind of thing, but I know Ace was making you some and I didn't want to feel left out and-" he stopped when he felt you take the box. His heart was racing and his whole face was red, but something about the way you smiled made all of this anxiety worth it. You reached into your own bag to grab the chocolates for him, only for all the other boxes to come spilling out too. He eyed all of the boxes dejectedly. How could his compare to everyone else's.
"Crowley told me that nobody celebrates Valentine's Day here, but he was clearly a liar." You finally pulled out the box for Deuce. His eyes widened, however that didn't calm the aching feeling in his heart from seeing all those boxes.
"Well, you're very popular, so I can see why everyone gave you chocolate..." he opened the box and saw the sweetest little heart shaped truffles.
"I felt so bad though, because I hadn't made anyone else chocolate."
"But you made me chocolate?" his heart rate sped up.
"I wanted to make you some, Deuce. You're always beside me, ready to help. You were the only person that really deserved them." You opened the chocolates Deuce gave you, only to see how disturbing they actually were. No matter, you loved them because they were from him.
"I know they're not perfect, and that you deserve perfect, but I put my whole heart into making them!" He would've kept defending them if you hadn't laid your head on his shoulder.
"They're perfect, loosey Deucey." Your hand reached for his in the quiet rose garden, they only thing filling both of your ears was his heartbeat. A gentle kiss fell on your head before both of you succumbed to the exhaustion from today.
"What's this? Two lovebirds taking a small nap in the rose garden?" a hushed voice spoke to avoid waking them. "And look at all this chocolate. Looks like someone received sweets from the Ramshackle prefect after all. The school will want to see this." Cater snapped a quick picture and posted it to MagicCam. #happyvalentinesday #prefectanddeucey #whowouldvethought
AN: i'm almost so sorry if this sucked, but i did put my heart and soul into making it, kinda like deuce and his chocolate
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doomednarrative · 2 years
Leon, I have been seeing your posts for the past, like, week, and I just cannot piece together what donbros actually is. The plot, the setting, the characters, the story. Please, enlighten me. And feel free to include as much detail and personal opinion as you want
See thats the thing!!! The plot is ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers breaks a Lot of regular sentai rules. Usually sentai shows have a pretty clear plotline and enemies and goals to achieve and are more kinda Drama focused. Donbrothers is instead a slice of life/sitcom style sentai, so while it Has a plot, it's a lot more lose and it plays fast with it. It has the pacing of like either one really slow episode or 5 episodes in one and you never know what it's going to be like episode to episode. It's literally been described as the "It's Always Sunny" of Sentai and that really is the best way to describe it.
But if you would like to know the actual plot is up to what I know of it (I'm on episode 33 of 50 atm) then I'd be more than happy to explain
I'm putting this under a read more it got Very long, buckle up :)
The basics is that you're following the story of Taro Momoi, one of the last surviving members of the Don Clan. He and the rest of the Donbrothers (who I'll get to) are at odds with the Noto, the members of a realm called Ideon. The Noto are...well! Tbh I'm not entirely sure right now, this show deals out its lore in bits and pieces, but they're a race of higher beings basically who live separate from humans and without the imperfections of humanity, mainly the imperfection of Desire. It's something that they actively shun.
The reason that they shun it is that the Noto need humanity's brainwaves to survive, it's what sustains Ideon basically, and when humans become too full of their desires, they can turn into Hitotsuki. The Hitotsuki are monsters of pure desire, and their very existance disrupts the peace of Ideon and those human brainwaves that they need, so they go out of their way to destroy them.
The problem is that the way the Noto destroy Hitotsuki also destroys the human that they originally were, essentially killing them by locking their soul away in an alternate dimension.
This is where the Donbrothers come in. Their whole purpose is to fight the Hitotsuki with their method that eventually turns them Back into humans and lets them retain their life, and usually solves whatever problem corrupted them in the first place. So they're fundamentally at odds with the Noto and their way of doing things because they don't want to kill people in the process of getting rid of Hitotsuki.
This team. This team that fights monsters. Is made up of the weirdest lineup ever and I love all of them so much, they're such a weird family and they actively all think that they're the most normal person in the room at any given time while not realizing they're just as weird as the others.
From left to right here in this pic, we have:
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Shinichi Saruhara - Guy who is 21 and lives the wabi sabi lifestyle. He's never had a job, presumably doesn't pay taxes, and is actively allergic to money and can't touch it or it'll burn him. He speaks in haikus half the time and has earned the nickname of Professor without having any schooling. He's the blue sentai ranger, Sarubrother.
Tsuyoshi Kijino - 33 year old office worker who is a complete wife guy, like obsessed with his wife to an insane degree. He's pathetic, this site would babygirl him so much if this show was bigger on here. He's also canonically let a guy be murdered by the Noto for fucking with his wife and has turned into a Hitotsuki TWICE because of his desire to see his wife being so huge. He's the pink ranger, Kijibrother.
Taro Momoi - Leader of the Donbrothers as the red ranger Don Momotaro. Taro is 21, he's a deliveryman who delivers good fortune/good deeds as well as packages, and he's literally so perfect at everything that he does that he had an entire village protest against him when he was a child and leave him and his dad to live there alone. Being perfect at things makes him a bit rude at times. He literally cannot lie or it will kill him and I mean that 100% seriously it's happened multiple times in canon.
Haruka Kito - Haruka is a manga artist who after her first big break into the manga world had her entire life fall apart after being falsely accused of plagiarizing her work. She views everything in life as a chance to get manga inspiration and this has led to her letting herself be held hostage for a chance at getting life experience. She's incredibly angry and violent at times and is usually the viewpoint character for most of the series. She's the yellow ranger, Oni Sister.
Tsubasa Inuzuka - Tsubasa, similar to Haruka, has been falsely accused of committing some sort of crime and is actively a fugitive of the law because of it. Everything he does is with the motivation to hopefully see his fiance Natsumi again who he lost a year ago. Incidentally, Natsumi looks Exactly like Tsuyoshi's wife Miho, and so there's a lot of fuckshit going on there. Tsubasa is also canonically a dogboy and cannot get rid of this image for himself. He's the black ranger, Inubrother.
There's also another member who comes in later down the line named Jirou Momotani who is meant to be Taro's successor, but he's his own can of worms while also being my fuckin son. Jirou is both the gold and silver rangers Don Doragoku and Don Torabolt respectively.
And I can't introduce the Donbrothers without introducing their Noto trio counterparts now can I?
From left to right we have:
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Sonoza - Sonoza is obsessed with wanting to understand human emotions and why things make them feel the ways they do. This leads to him going up to people and asking them if he's laughing or crying correctly, and then eventually after picking up a copy of Haruka's manga and feeling the full range of emotions from reading it himself, becoming her editor to oversee her making a sequel that makes him feel just as excited as her first manga did.
Sonoi - He's not really the leader of the trio seeing as they're all equals in combat, but the other two do seem to kinda follow his lead a lot of the time. Sonoi is fascinated with human art, thinking that it's existance is the way that humans express their inperfections, and it frusterates him that he hasn't figured out how to make his own art due to this separation from humans. Sonoi becomes fascinated with Taro when they first cross paths before finding out each others true identity, thinking that Taro is someone the world needs more of due to his honest nature and the way he leads his life trying to help others. This fascination still continues even after finding out that they're fated to be rivals, and I mean this 100% seriously when I say that the affections they both share for each other isn't even subtext, it's just plain text (they literally have the first red ranger and villain duet song in the history of the entire franchise), and it ends up changing the course of the entire narrative for both Sonoi and Taro and the rest of their teams. It's insane how much those two matter to each other and what impact that has on the story.
Sononi - Sononi finds herself interested in love itself, the concept of it and how it makes people feel and why it motivates them to do what they do in the name of it. She gets particularly interested in Tsubasa's whole affair and likes to watch both from afar and not so far what's happening with that soap opera level drama. She has the coolest weapon of the entire show, that being a bow that can turn into duel wielded daggers or a bigger blade by itself.
The Noto trio are very interesting because despite seemingly shunning humanity and it's desires, they each find themselves utterly fascinated with a member of the Donbrothers and an aspect of humanity that ultimately sets them apart from the rest of their people and it leads to some very interesting story moments. I love them all so so so much.
But yeah! That's the Basics of Donbrothers as I know it right now. There's other plotlines going on as well but seeing as I only have pieces for them yet I can't really explain them here. Hopefully you can understand my crazed posting a little bit more after all of this though :)
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