#a lot of atticus content coming up
unpleasantview · 1 year
i was gonna do a poll when it was time for the next gen heir for my frost household but ive been playing w atticus esp since he’s a teen in game now and he just got his first girlfriend and i love them so much so he’s gonna be the next heir lol
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soracities · 1 year
how do you know when you're getting good at poetry? everybody dunks on halsey and rupi kaur's poetry, and i never really got why and idk if that's what i sound like
Honestly, I don't think there's ever a point at which you "know" you're getting good at poetry--I think "good" and "bad" are kind of vague and amorphous (and distracting) categories that don't do much in helping us understand the feel and impact of certain writing, chiefly because they can also be deeply subjective. How a poet views a particular work and how a reader views it will be very, very different because their relationship to the work is different. I also think "good" is a sort of external category that does not (or should not) carry into the act of writing itself--when you make "is this good?" the chief consideration as you write, you're not actually present in the writing: you're focused on the finished product, not the process, but the process is the most important thing: that's where the poem actually meets you. I think growth, in writing, is less about knowing if you're "good" in this regard, and more about being able to have confidence, or simply just trust, in the writing as it happens.
There's a famous saying somewhere that a work of literature is never "finished"--it just stops. I think skill, when it comes to writing, lies in recognising where this point is, in learning and developing how you navigate what it is you want to say, and how you say it. Some poems, eventually, reach a point where you can take them no further and you know there is nothing more to be said in them or through them. Some poems reach a point where you can take them no further, but there is still something left to be said in them. Those poems get revisited, worked, and reworked again, until they (maybe) get close to the first category: this may mean you work on them for a few weeks, or for years--but either way you are prioritizing the process of making the poem, not how it will be received. "Is this a good poem?" in my view at least, is not really the relevant question--what's relevant is "is this true to what I wanted to say?" Leonard Cohen famously wrote over 100 drafts of "Hallelujah"--I don't know if the central question for him here was just a matter of his skills as a songwriter.
Regarding Halsey and Rupi Kaur, I've only been able to read Halsey's poems through previews on Google Books so I don't know what other people's critiques are--based on what I saw, though, I don't know if it makes sense to criticize their quality as "poems" when she is primarily a songwriter and a lot of those poems wound up as songs. I'm more familiar with Rupi Kaur's writing, though, and others like her (Atticus, Michael Faudet etc), and while I have a personal policy of not getting into Kaur online (there's an ask here which is about as much as I'm willing to say regarding my feelings on her writing)--I can get into this trend or poetry "style" as a whole. And to be honest I think the chief issue here with poetry like this is that poetry, by definition, involves a deep and intimate relationship with language: this holds true regardless of whether the poem is simple, or complex, whether it's 5 lines long or goes on for 50 pages. As I said in that previous ask, it's not something you can reduce to a formula, nor is it a matter of mere reportage or a collection of statements: what makes a poem has nothing to do with line breaks (prose poems exist), but everything to do with how the language moves, how the language of a poem engages with its own content, with itself, and, as a result, with the reader.
The kind of work that proliferates on Instagram does not have that kind of engagement with language--they are, to me, pieces of information more than anything else. They reduce language to a series of stock phrases that act, not as actual words, but as images (and I don't mean this in a visually evocative way). It tries to evoke something that requires a thoughtful and sustained examination in order to be expressed, by surpassing the reality of what that examination actually requires. It tries to ape the effect of a powerful poem without the work that goes into actually being able to make that kind of a poem in the first place: and that work is a sustained encounter and confrontation with the language used and its relationship to what it tries to convey, in understanding that words are not interchangeable blocks you move around willy-nilly but that they have weight and intention, that they interact with each other to build up an idea or a feeling or a landscape in the most accessible way (insofar as language can make anything accessible, at least). But this is rarely, if ever, felt in IG poetry because it refuses to recognize or respect the demands and requirements of the medium it uses.
And because it is lacking in this engagement and recognition, these poems are also, for the most part, lacking sincerity--and this, to me, is one of the most crucial things when it comes to writing. I recall one IG poet whose work was in the same class as someone like Atticus, but I also recall one of his poems which genuinely moved me--and it moved me because, unlike everything else on his account, that poem felt sincere: the structure and the language wasn't any different to anything else he wrote, but in reading it, it was not a question for me of whether it was "bad" or "good"--what made the impact was that it was honest: and the difference showed. You can't come into a poem with ulterior motives. You can't come into it without an understanding, or respect, for the language you use. I'm absolutely not policing what people should or shouldn't read, and I'm not saying people are wrong for liking these poems, either, or that Halsey, Kaur, Atticus et al., are wrong for writing them. Expression is expression, and what speaks to you speaks to you. And to be honest, it is a different kettle of fish when you are writing something purely for yourself (and I think allowing yourself to partake in any kind of artform, without worrying about needing to be good at it, is deeply important for the human spirit)--but because they are putting their work out publicly, if we are going to be evaluating what they write and how they write it, that evaluation has to be rooted in an understanding of the art form they intend their work to be a part of.
For me, these are the main issues I have with these writers and their work and why I just do not like them. But I also want to stress that, ultimately, what you sound like in your own poems, anon, does not matter as much as being sincere to yourself does. As I said, I don' like using terms like "good" and "bad" and I think that often they're fairly reductive (and sometimes outright pointless) categories to use when we talk about and assess poetry--more than anything else, the key to building a robust and informed discernment when it comes to poems is to simply just read--read a lot of it and read widely. The broader and richer your repository of poetry (and literature in general) is, the more informed you are when it comes to all the different ways language can move through a poem, and all the different impacts it can have as a result. It deepens and enriches your understanding of all the different ways of looking at something, questioning something, expressing something. Your vocabularly grows and deepens; your net of associations--visual, linguistic etc--strengthens. And when this understanding grows you are able to place the things you read into a much wider and far more informed context. And this in turn allows you to grow as a reader and a writer. I hope this helps you a little, anon 💕
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pokemenlovingmen · 11 months
Could I request some headcannons of the ScarVi boys with an agender s/o who struggles a lot with dissociation and stuff? Like maybe how they’d comfort them. Preferably it/its and nym/nyms pronouns please. I personally don’t like being seen as super human due to how often I dissociate if that gives any ideas for writing.
Hello~ so sorry for how long this took. Life has been. A lot. I don't know how much use of pronouns I'll have since I generally write in the second person but I'll do my best! I also have issues with dissociation, but not a lot, so I hope I represent things as best as I can for you. I know everyone's dissocciation manifests differently as well as what helps, some folks need to be put into a lot of activity while others need isolation for a bit, at least from my experience, so I just want to represent all I can. :)
Also if I left anyone out you were looking for please let me know! There's a lotta guys so I left out a few, you said "boys" so I went with the academy guys.
ScarVio Boys x Agender S/O Who Dissocciates!
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🥪 - Arven is definitely a little confused when you first dissocciate around him. First he's worried it's something he did. Then he's worried you're sick or something. So he doesn't handle it super well the first time it happens. But once he realizes what's going on he falls into a rhythm.
🥪 - He's always incredibly communicative but tries to keep himself from grilling you with questions. He handles things with a fair bit of caution as he gradually gets a feel of what dissocciating looks like for you and what you need.
🥪 - Arven always has your back when it comes to your needs. He makes sure you're well-fed and hydrated. If you can't bring yourself to cook for yourself, of course he's going to be doing it for you. (And speaking from personal experience god wouldn't that be the best)
🥪 - Mabosstiff is always hanging out with you too. Sometimes Arven will help guide your hands through the Pokemon's long, coarse fur as a grounding device. Or if you need a lot of sensory input to help, he can also totally just let Mabosstiff jump on you and lick you half to death.
🥪 - He gets restless when there's not something he can do for you at all times and he needs to take time to learn sometimes the best thing he can do to help is just sit with you in silence. Though, occasionally, he'll ask if you'd feel better if he talks. He'd talk for hours if it meant helping bring you down to Earth.
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🔈 - Music is one of the best grounding tools and you can bet your ass Giacomo is using every last bit of his musical knowledge and gear to help you.
🔈 - He gets you your own pair of custom headphones, whatever kind you want, one of those types that have noise cancelling you can switch on and off if you're dissocciating for reasons of being overwhelmed.
🔈 - He puts together all the very playlists of all your favorite songs, organized by vibe ofc.
🔈 - And if you need it he'd be happy to share an earbud with you if you need the one-on-one connection of listening to music together.
🔈 - If you're in a public space he's also very swift and on the spot with getting you somewhere calm to decompress.
🔈 - He doesn't really have many words for you, but he'll squeeze your hand and remind you with gentle touches that you're here, and so is he.
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🧵 - If talking helps guide you through dissocciation, he's probably the one for you. You ask, and he'll just sit next to you and wax poetry for hours. It can help if you're someone who just needs words or conversation, it doesn't matter what the content is.
🧵 - If what you need is a quiet place to come back down to earth he'll whisk you to the very best right away. He has some good spots he finds ideal for meditation that he finds would be ideal.
🧵 - Atticus has lots of little one-on-one activities he offers to do with you. He'll paint your nails, let you try things on or model for him, even just hold up a sleeve of one of his current projects for him to stitch.
🧵 - Or if you need him to just sit next to you in silence, he can do that too. Or if you need him completely gone he'll leave you alone for as long as you need. I think Atticus understands better than most what you might need and to be patient with you, and he never takes your distance personally if it needs to happen.
🧵 - He can also put together some kind of garment like a sweater or hoodie that's sensory-friendly and he will take every last one in your preferences into account. Colors, weight, length, especially material, if you ever make a request expect it to be followed to a T.
🧵 - No matter what it is, if there's one thing you can be sure of it's that Atticus will be patient.
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ridreamir · 2 years
I just want to live out a fantasy of attending the academy alongside everyone tbh so whatever headcanons you have I'd be down for 👍
It seems you've been carving a place out for yourself at Mesagoza's highly esteemed Academy, haven't you?
[Spoiler Warning! Post Operation Starfall and Path of Legends] [Romance/Pining + Possible touch of Polyamory] [Slight Content Warning! Obsessive and unhealthy behaviors]
I went a little overboard with the pairings, very indulgent. You're popular, you know?
Your life at the academy has been a somewhat quiet one, despite the small interpersonal issues that you seem to keep finding yourself in. It hadn't been the worst, however, attending classes at your leisure and having a space of your own. The academy lived up to its reputation, and the studying hadn't felt overly laborious-- if anything, you were worried you were finding things to be a bit too easy.
The faculty have all come to recognize you, from the lunch ladies that Arven spends time with to the adjunct professors that have been overseeing the Star Training Center volunteer efforts, there's probably none in the academy that couldn't recognize you for one reason or another.
Speaking of, the former bosses of Team Star have taken it upon themselves to be your people, self-appointed. They seem almost a little possessive of you, potentially under the suggestion of Penny to keep watch on you while at school. Even though they're not afraid to stick up for anyone who might need it, it feels a little more personal when Mela herself comes storming in at the slightest sign of friction between you and some other student, or when Eri hovers over your shoulder in the cafeteria, sending threatening glares at whoever even thinks about staring at you for too long. You almost feel bad for Arven and Nemona who've begun to be crowded out by the possessive Team Star Bosses-- who have each at some point whisked you away under the guise of needing you for whatever excuses they've come up with in their little book of strategies to steal you away.
Not to mention, one of the Team Star Bosses, Atticus, walks completely silently and lingers whether you're aware of him or not. When you do spot him, he's quick to drag you to somewhere secluded so that he can play with your uniform and tack little dress-code-violating trinkets onto your attire. Miss Tyme has given you some flack for it, but she's a little more forgiving with you than she is with the other students and faculty, which you think might just be blatant favoritism working in your favor. However, favoritism only gets you so far, and Atticus seeks you out often enough that your professor's patience is wearing thin. (She knows, however, that your little team of delinquents are willing to listen if their time with you is on the line.) Ortega and Giacomo are constantly working on their respective hobbies, and come to you for feedback on superficial roadblocks that aren't really a problem, not that you know that-- It's an opportunity for praise, and they live off it. Giacomo seems to be adjusting somewhat poorly to his return to the academy, more so than the other Team Star Bosses, and so he seeks you out when he needs a quiet moment away from some of the other students. He's capable of socializing, but struggles to trust other people outside of Team Star. And Ortega, well, he can be a bit abrasive toward other people, in a way that's witty but also rubs people the wrong way. He doesn't really care about other people and only tones down the sass and sarcasm when he knows you're watching.
He's in actuality the most possessive, secretly. Everyone knows he acts sweet and innocent around you, but the moment you turn your back he becomes an absolute menace... His dapper pastel look only whispers warning to your classmates not to step too out of line. Friendly is fine, but he's a Tinkaton ready to hunt the greedy Corviknight that dare step a toe too close to his treasure.
While they spend a lot of time out in the field doing their community service hours, they've made a point of memorizing your erratic study habits as well as possible, and it's Penny's job to figure out the schedule so they can maximize their chances of running into you. She tries to come across as not as invested in the mission as they are, but she's low-key keeping tabs on you and the others aren't afraid to call her out on it if she acts like they're weird for being so obsessed with what you're doing. Truth is, there's honestly no one out there as pure-hearted as you, as little as you know it. You're a tantalizing thing after all that you've done for a gang of social outcasts without a single thought about what it might do to them. Of course, they have to be careful, or else that battle-maniac student council girl might crack down on their activities. Though it's pretty obvious to them that she's got something going on with you too, as her punishments seem much more targeted when she catches them doing something they shouldn't.
They... Haven't discussed their sensitivities toward you in general, but each of them sort of does their own thing and then they reconvene when it benefits them. It's silently been agreed upon that they each get to take their chances and aren't allowed to sabotage each other on purpose. No hard feelings when things skew in one's favor, not that momentary bitterness can entirely be avoided. On rare occasions, it is you that stumbles upon them while out and about. Atticus especially for some time, when you were out doing research in his neck of the woods. It's Mela that sees you least, despite her base being literally the easiest to get to. She's definitely had a hard time regulating her jealousy since she's the emotionally upfront type.
It's Giacomo that's the quietest with what he's doing, silently observing the others and trying to strategize in secret. The whole not being good with people is a little bit of a stretch, though not entirely a lie. Besides, he's kept it under ropes that you've let him into your dorm room on a couple different occasions now, and the fact that he's writing a song and has a little less than subtly eluded to the fact that it's absolutely about you.
...And it's Eri that's pushing that Arven boy away the most, not that Ortega hasn't been trying to get him to back off. Actually, they've all had him on their radar at some point. There's no denying that you've been friends with him longer than the rest of them, or that there's some strange little secret between the two of you that rubs them the wrong way. Eri's the only one that's physically able to match him, and she tries to eat lunch with you whenever she can because it really grinds their gears when he sneaks off with you to do Arceus knows with his little sandwich picks and baggies of culinary ingredients that you just so happen to like. He's too obvious. Around the school, long before you came, everyone knew who he was and how impossible it was to approach him. In that sense, they suppose they can understand him, but that doesn't change the fact that they're rivals and currently at a disadvantage when pitted against him.
Actually, it's a little crazy how many people are pining after you. ... {Pt. 2?|| Maybe with the Gym Leaders/Academy faculty/League Staff} {Larry, Grusha... I may not like Geeta toooo too much but I definitely see her having an eye for you... Funny Iono scenarios go brrr}
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voiddaisy · 9 months
The Victors of the Hunger Games
So when I get obsessed with a new thing, I literally need to know everything about it, even if that means making shit up. Thankfully, that means I can produce some decent, accurate content, so here that is! I made a list of all of the “known” Hunger Games victors. The canon ones are bolded, but the rest of them are named based on their district (I got the name inspiration from this naming guide). 
Huge credits to @one-mopeyboi for this idea!
I know that canonically Districts 1 and 2 have the best chance of having a lot of Victors, so I made sure that was represented, as well as when the career programs began (I have a headcanon that after the career programs were implemented, Districts 1 and 2 went on a winning streak for years). This is similar to District 4, though I think that their “career system” is hugely different than the first two districts, so they probably had fewer victors. I included statistics at the end (how many victors came from each district, genders, ages, etc..).
During the first ten games, even though District 2 didn’t have a career program, I think they still had a lot of victors due to them being the defense and masonry district -- possible peacekeepers-in-training could have been reaped, or just kids who grew up around weapons and fighting. That’s why they appear so much in the first ten years, even though the first ten years were so disorganized! 
I also gave some of my favs last names based on my interpretation of their characters, much like Suzanne Collins put a lot of time and effort into naming other characters! I’ll explain their last names when they come up!
A lot of canon victors had a range in which they could have won their games, so take any victor marked with an asterisk (*) is an up for interpretation -- add or subtract five years from their set date in this list and you should still be in the ballpark in which they won their games. Also, the ages at which they won their games are speculated and headcanons mostly, so do with those what you wish!
Ominis Jing / D1 / M18
Indigo Andrews / D8 / M16
Severus Florez / D2 / M17
Hercules Caine / D7 / M15
Atticus Gomez / D2 / M18
Vizio Everest / D3 / M18
Beatrix Regime / D2 / F17 (First female Victor)
Selerate Vega / D6 / M17
Nucleo Lamont / D5 / M18
Lucy Gray Baird / D12 (Covey) / F16 (MEMORY ERASED)
Mags Flannigan (nee Navarro) / D4 / F18 (Possibly implemented the career program in District 4 a few years after her win, and after Districts 1 and 2 implemented theirs. This is a headcanon of mine!)
Mercury Chow / D1 / M17 (Marks the beginning of “Career Districts”)
Remus Prasio / D2 / M18 
Sterling Ryfe / D2 / F18 (First time a district had a Victor two years in a row)
Victoria Argyros / D1 / F17
Cicero Shale / D2 / M16
Woof Damask / D8 / M15 *
Makari Perch / D4 / F17
Pompeii Rhine / D4 / M18
Octavio Pyrite / D2 / M17
Nyx Maelstrom / D4 / F15
Night Raleigh / D7 / F17
Ardor Maron / D1 / M18
Ting Harta / D1 / M16
Celestia Dean / D5 / F17
Seeder Harrow / D11 / F15 *
Aphrodite Penz / D1 / F18
Ceres Tritt / D9 / M16
Parsley Citron / D11 / M18
Aquarius Mokosh / D4 / M17
Spruce Hawthorn / D7 / M17
Willow Elwood / D7 / F15 (First winning streak of a non-Career district)
Olympio Knight / D6 / M16
Elixer Dynamo / D1 / M18
Lazurus Yuki / D2 / M17
Twix Serratos / D10 / M15
Tanzanite Valor / D1 / M18
Porter Millicent Tripp / D6 / F15
Tameo Swift / D5 / M16
Ciabette Pizelle / D9 / F17
Denver Propel / D6 / M16
Phyllite Hatch / D2 / F16
Beetee Latier / D3 / M16 *
Broze Aegis / D2 / M18
Chaff Pitaya / D11 / M17
Marrow Banker / D10 / M18
Wiress Latier (neē Neith) / D3 / F18 * 
Thetis Firth / D4 / M16
Cloque Madder / D8 / M17
Haymitch Abernathy / D12 / M16 (“First” D12 winner)
Brutus Castor / D2 / M18 *
Brasilia Cadillac / D6 / F17
Vestis Thompson / D1 / M18
Lyme Rabe / D2 / F18
Blight Page / D7 / M16 *
Emmer Graham / D9 / M18
Mirabelle Ortega / D11 / F17
Dahlia Celsius / D5 / F17
Eloquence Fleur / D1 / F18
Lennox Rodriguez / D10 / F17
Celia Khampan / D8 / F17 *
Enobaria Calypso / D2 / F15 (Calypso means hidden or concealed -- as an Enobaria lover who definitely sees past the whole “brutal” teeth thing, I definitely think that she has a lot of hidden rage towards the Capitol, even though people in District 2 notoriously side with the Capitol. Not only this, but she was seen running with Finnick during the breaking of the arena in Catching Fire, which I definitely interpret as she was either secretly working with Finnick or had some type of solidarity with him to be able to not attack him while running -- meaning she hid this tolerability from her district and the Capitol. I could make an entire post about Enobaria, but I’ll leave it at that.)
Gloss Mirat / D1 / M18 (Mirat means mirror -- Gloss and Cashmere were mirrors of each other -- two siblings going into the games seperately, then immensly regretting it as soon as they won for the same or different reasons. Then, they had to reenter the game together, knowing that one or both of them would die in the arena, but showing the Capitol excitement, anyway, because that is was District 1 taught them to do. They mirror each other and what their district wants them to be.)
Cashmere Mirat / D1 / F17 ^^
Finnick Odair / D4 / M14
Maze Targaren / D10 / M15
Augustus Braun / D1 / M17
Maida Pondaro / D9 / F18
 Cable Denoir / D3 / M17
Annie Cresta / D4 / F18
Johanna Mason / D7 / F17
Obsidian Trenton / D2 / M17
Lazulia Mace / D2 / F16
Katniss Everdeen / D12 / F16 and Peete Mellark / D12 / M16
Victor Stats
District 1 Total Victors: 13 Male Victors: 9 Female Victors: 4 Average Age: 17 (17.54)
District 2 Total Victors: 15 Male Victors: 9 Female Victors: 6 Average Age: 17 (17.07)
District 3 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 17 (17.25)
District 4 Total Victors: 8 Male Victors: 4 Female Victors: 4 Average Age: 16 (16.63)
District 5 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 17
District 6 Total Victors: 5 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 16 (16.2)
District 7 Total Victors: 6 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 3 Average Age: 16 (16.17)
District 8 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 16 (16.25)
District 9 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 17 (17.25)
District 10 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 16 (16.25)
District 11 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 16 (16.75)
District 12 Total Victors: 3 (4) Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 1 (2) Average Age: 16
ALL VICTORS Total Victors: 75 Male Victors: 44 Female Victors: 31 Average Age: 16 (16.7)
let me know if you spot any mistakes and I'll fix them!
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plasmaapologist · 1 year
...just realized i left my introduction in the drafts. oops. at least i have a better photo now.
my names tula, and i'm a registered pokémon nurse with a horrible tendency to ramble. i live in unova and do some work here, but i mainly travel to other regions for this.
i am a former member of team plasma. former. my username is ironic because i cope with humor.
i ran away from home at age 14- it's a long story - and ended up being indoctrinated in. i, like many others, were lucky to have a sort of "snap to reality" moment after ghetsis' first arrest, before the formation of neo plasma, but not before i spent 10 years of my life working for him. many people are shocked by how open i am about my experience, but i think its extremely important to talk about these things: if i could help just one person leave this cycle, or keep someone from entering it, then it would make the shame worth it.
i have dedicated my life to helping pokémon, as a way to attone, i suppose. my darling solosis, mini, travels with me, though i must admit she's quite the spoiled brat. to have such an innocent creature love and trust you is the most healing experience someone can ask for, and i acknowledge that i was so very lucky. i had a home to return to, i was able to find work despite my history, and physically, i bear only a scar on my back and a missing finger... also just so we all know i am a natural ginger and i am not going to dye my hair please stop asking thanks
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feel free to ask me any questions you may have: about pokemon, about myself, or my experience with team plasma, any of the sort. and if you need help leaving neo plasma or a group like it, please shoot me a message, i'll give you all the advice i can.
- tula ☆
ooc and admin info:
hi! im cassini, im 21, and i have not rpd since middle school. please be nice
im okay with joining events and plotlines! but i do not know how to join in naturally and get too embarrassed to ask. please shoot me a message/invite! muse list bellloowwwww tulas info
im not lore compliant at times and am even willing to bend (most) of my own headcanons bc multiverse and the likes! very flexible in general
okay more important tula things:
- sapient pokemon interaction is okay! tula will generally believe them. shes seen weirder. legendaries will be met with much more scrutiny, but kindness.
- i keep her age purposefully vauge for "pokemon timeline makes no sense" reasons, but you can generally imagine her somewhere between 26-30, probably.
- shes been through a lot and often copes with humor, which means she tends to come off the wrong way a lot of the time
- though open about her time in plasma, she doesnt like talking about how it affected her
- she speaks before thinking and often posts in bursts do to this
- she has a pretty shitty memory
Timeline 1:
Tula Gagnon - @plasmaapologist (OC. 📍Unova. Birthday: January 1st)
Callisto Aoki - @cherishcherubi (OC. 📍 Kalos. Birthday: October 25th)
Iolana Kealoha - @teamskullkalos (OC. 📍Kalos. Birthday: April 12th)
Timeline 2:
Mari Pijotto - @marifromkoto (OC. 📍Paldea. Birthday: December 18th)
Katy - @patisserie-soapberry (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Atticus - @navisquadatticus (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Larry - @medali-gym (Canon. 📍Paldea. Half joke blog.)
Robin Lusk - @absolsrenegade (OC/Self Insert. 📍Unova. Birthday: July 5th)
Timeline 3:
Timeline Unknown:
Grise (Hilda Lewis) - @driftingtrainer (Canon. 📍 Vagabond. Birthday: October 5th)
Rochelle Ichihara - @basaltpowder (OC. 📍Hoenn. Birthday ??? )
Barbie & Ken: @championbarbie-swimmerken - (It's fucking Barbie. Yeah, the pink one. 📍 Everywhere. She's Barbie. Birthdays: March 9th, March 11th)
Ice - @rottenice OC. 📍Primarily Sinnoh, but travels a lot. Birthday: December 21st. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
Miki Nakajima - @nakajima-lgm OC.📍 Johto. Birthday unknown. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
@galacticfoundation - Team Galactic AU blog.
@twotoypokemon Pokémon Rumble based blog. Sapient Pokémon OC. 📍Axel Town
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netherworldpost · 2 years
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From 2016 through 2018, Evil Supply Co. (hi, it me, we are rebranding) published 21 monster newspapers detailing the lives and tomfooleries of ghosts, witches, mermaids, monsters, dragons, gorgons, wizards, rock creatures, goblins, orcs... etc.
The Complete Evil Supply Co. collection is available for free via PDF by clicking this link here.
Please feel free to share. Please feel free to link to it on your own blog or media or whatevers.
The link will take you to a Google Drive page, so when I say "there is no obligation or sign ups" I mean it. I won't even know that you downloaded it.
You can of course tell me. But you don't have to.
The entire point of making this public is to give you something without asking for something in return.
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Every issue. Every in-universe ad. A few extra rambles at the beginning and end discussing the future. It's just over 100 pages and something like 40- 50,000 words. I counted once and it took forever.
I've been making it free for years and have given away several copies because the community of folks who love monsters and Halloween and mermaids has provided me an audience to build an unimaginably fun life.
A company can exist for many reasons. Making the world a better place via a utopian paradise is one of mine.
When I say this project is my life's work, I mean it.
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I'm getting far too sappy.
Let's talk about the future a moment.
I have been exploring various printed versions of the book for months. I'm hoping to narrow down a company to work with sometime before the store launches (Autumn 2023). Did you know that books are absurdly heavy?
The printed version will not be free. The link above (and here, we love utility in this crypt) is formatted to print fine on 8.5" x 11" paper. It is again though 100+ pages, so do be aware. The PDF will always be free, even after said printed version launches.
Onwards to next, non-secret things
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Remember this? I've signed a contract today to build a microsite on the blog that will house the Dispatch in web format. This is third in priority --
blog (April 2023)
shop (Autumn 2023)
Dispatch microsite (...?)
-- for obvious reasons. The PDF will be available for free for as long as I run this company, this is not a limited time offer. I mentioned that above but I like mentioning things, including "I like mentioning things."
The existence of non-secret things implies... secret... things?
One of the features of the blog that I'm really excited to offer is advice columns and in-character pen pal exchanges. "Hey Strawberry, how does magic work underwater?" and then you'll get a reply if your ask is chosen.
And by reply I mean a published thing online + an actual physical letter in the mail as this company is a non-governmental postal facility after all. A post office, if you will. A Netherworld Post Office, even!
The stories from Evil Supply Co.'s dispatch are serving as a near-final draft of new stories.
Or maybe a solid starter. Anyway, the point being:
All of the plot points and characters (etc) are sticking around (with the exception of Atticus, as a fictional character in the newspaper, I've decided to just be a semi-fictional character in actual real life).
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The direction of new stories is "more of everything" and "cleaning up minor plot point holes" and/or "using plot point holes for comedic purposes and strategic hilarity."
There will be a brand new character replacing the Atticus character.
I really liked running the Dispatch. It was one of the things I'm most proud of -- a monster newspaper?! all original content!! I drew it all, I wrote it all!
I want to explore bringing it back in some form.
I recognize I have a lot on my plate at the moment. So the best path forward is, as above, giving away the base + building the microsite.
One of the beautiful things, I have come to realize after surviving my 2020 traffic accident + ensuing as well as not related legal battles to get people to pay me what they owe:
I have a lot of time.
I don't need to rush things.
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Wrong link.
Try this one instead.
(That terrible joke was as immensely satisfying to write as you think it was. Doubly so if you get that the link is from Ocarina of Time and I was just talking about time okay I'll see myself to the door this post has gone on way too long.)
Let's wrap this up!
NetherworldPost.com has the email signup.
If you've signed up before, the auto- duplication- resolution- witchcraft- tech- things will take care of it. You won't get a ton of emails.
First email will go out saying "blog is launched" when said blog launches and then rambles thereafter.
(Bugs Bunny and others gifs used in this post do not appear but are included as helping legibility of said this post.)
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toastybugguy · 2 years
wow okay. holy shit. disgusting. tw for the mention of the whole atticus mitchell thing.
so I’ve been made aware of the whole situation with atticus mitchell being a groomer (sorry that I’m super super late to this, I haven’t interacted with the fandom or any outside-of-show content until very recently so I apologize that I have to bring this up again when most of you already know). thank you to that person for letting me know.
knowing what I know now, with the intentions of being responsible, respectful, and doing what is comfortable and in the most amount of people’s best interest, i wanna know y’all’s thoughts on me putting up any benny related content in the future (and this is purely hypothetical and will be based on ppl’s feedback, it’s not like i have a massive backlog of benny related things waiting to be posted or something like that). i know some people are cool with interacting with things solely about the character, while others prefer to ignore him altogether because of the actions of the actor. I still care about this show and it’s characters, but in no way do I support mitchell’s actions and I do not want anyone coming onto my page attempting to defend him. again, i wanna know what’s best for YOU guys so that i can respect that in whatever i potentially do going forward (if I do post anything it would most likely would be art bc that’s my ballpark, but again, this is all completely hypothetical, because hearing about the whole situation has honestly drained a lot of my motivation).
responses welcome, my inbox is open and anon is currently on in case people are more comfortable talking anonymously (responses will not be shared) ! take care of yourselves ♡
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petsvillage · 2 days
Unique Pet Names | Explore Creative Names for Dogs, Cats, and More”
One of the most fun and important aspects of getting a new pet is coming up with creative names for them. Your pet's name reflects their personality, your relationship with them, and maybe even your originality. Choosing the ideal name for a playful puppy, a majestic cat, or a peculiar hamster takes careful consideration and creativity. In this post, we'll look at some of the top pet names in various categories to help you choose the perfect moniker for your new friend.
Traditional pet names   For a reason, traditional pet names have endured over time. They are ageless, straightforward, and frequently simple to pronounce. A few well-liked traditional dog names are Bella, Lucy, Max, and Buddy. Some of the most popular names for cats are Whiskers, Simba, Mittens, and Shadow. These names are popular because they are easily recognizable and appealing to most animals.   Popular pet names   Pet names are subject to trends, much like baby names. Pet names inspired by pop culture themes have been increasingly popular in recent years. Names like Arya, Luna, Thor, and Elsa have gained popularity because they are connected to well-liked television programs and motion pictures. Although giving your pet a trendy name might be a delightful way to tie them to something you love or reflect your interests, it's important to keep in mind that trends could become antiquated in a few years.   Novel and imaginative pet names   Picking a name for your pet that is unusual or imaginative could help it stand out from the crowd. Consider what makes your pet unique, and draw inspiration from that. For instance, Emerald or Jade might be the names of a cat with remarkably green eyes. Ziggy or Moxie are two possible names for a dog with an eccentric nature. Some even appreciate giving their pets food-inspired names, such as Taco, Coco, or Peanut. These names are not only unusual, but they also frequently make people grin.   Names Depending on Appearance and Personality   Choosing a name for your pet based on their appearance or personality is one of the most common approaches to doing so. A cat that is peaceful and content might be nicknamed Sleepy or Chill, whereas a dog that is constantly moving might be dubbed Dash or Rocket. You may want to think about naming your pet Spot, Stripe, Blaze, or Smokey if they have a unique color or marking. These names might help emphasize what makes your pet unique and can be very apt.   Human Pet Names   Pet names derived from human names are becoming more and more common. A cat named Sophie or a dog named Henry have a certain appeal. Human names can be used to make pets seem more respectable or can be used in a lighthearted way, particularly if the name is formal or somewhat outdated. Pet names with distinctive twists, such as Walter, Eleanor, Bernard, and Agnes, can make their names lovable and unforgettable.   Names from literature and mythology   Naming a pet after a famous character or mythological figure can be very fulfilling for bookworms and mythology fans. Names with a lot of meaning, like Gatsby, Atticus, Hermione, or Odysseus, might spark discussion. Powerful names with strong, unique personalities are mythological figures such as Athena, Zeus, Apollo, and Loki.   Neutral Pet Names for Gender   There are lots of wonderful possibilities if you would rather not have a name that indicates the gender of your pet. Popular possibilities include Bailey, Charlie, Sky, and Jordan. Regardless of the pet's gender, these names are appropriate for all animals and can be especially helpful if you're adopting a pet whose gender is uncertain or if you just want a more contemporary, inclusive name.   Conclusion   Selecting the ideal name for your pet is a unique and private choice. The most crucial thing is that the name you choose feels appropriate for you and your new companion, regardless of whether you go with a traditional name, a fashionable one, a creative moniker, or a name derived from your pet's personality. As you name your pet for years to come, choose a name you and your pet will love. Take your time and enjoy the process.  
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thekyterion · 2 years
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BONES AND ALL (2015 Novel by Camille DeAngelis, 2022 film dir. Luca Guadagnino)
When I first heard a film about a cannibal love story was coming to theaters, my first instinct was to say “absolutely not”. Then I learned of the talent behind the film and my interest was piqued, as was my stomach. I am not a big fan of body horror, and knowing that the content matter of this film would likely be grisly and gross, I was ready for the nausea to sit right next to me in my recliner.
I was delighted to find out that the film was based on a novel, and I ran over to purchase it as soon as I could. I ended up reading it over the course of three days and found myself transported by the story and emotions running throughout, despite some more grisly moments. DeAngelis captures a story of growing up, discovering self and love/loss all guised under a cannibalistic backdrop in a beautiful portrait of what it means to understand one’s self. She also brilliantly weaves in the narrative of a young woman struggling to understand herself and her role in the world through Maren, one of my favorite protagonists I’ve had the pleasure of following in a very long time.
The film, unsurprising if you’ve any seen Guadagnino’s previous works, captures that perfectly. Taylor Russell leaps off the screen and once again gives a performance for the ages. I cannot wait to see her continue to grow and develop as an actress who already has so much talent and empathy at such a young age. Supporting players like Mark Rylance and Timothee Chalamet also turn in phenomenal work, specifically Rylance, who should definitely be in the awards conversation this year. He gives a performance of nightmares and he is a relentless and terrifying force, even when not on screen. Chalamet makes a great foil for Russell and the two have a natural chemistry that makes their characters incredibly believable and natural.
The crafts behind the film, especially the score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross and the cinematography from Arseni Khachaturan, are worth the price of admission alone. There are changes from the book to the film, and, like most adaptations, some work and some do not. If you asked me now which I preferred, I would have to say the book, solely because there are details from the novel that help to tie a lot of strings together and gives more closure to our characters in a way the film doesn’t (that feels purposeful in the film, however). Still, the changes that happen never take away from what we are seeing: a beautiful, messy coming of age story.
TW: lots of gore, violence, icky stuff
- Raw (2016, dir. Julia Ducournau)
- Waves (2019, dir. Trey Edward Shults)
- Suspiria (2017, dir. Luca Guadagnino)
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bodycountgame · 3 years
hi! hopefully this hasn't been asked before (couldn't find it on mobile!) but how often would the ROs say i love you?
ps. congrats on 100 days & thank u for the giveaway, it's such a lovely idea! 💖
Aw you're welcome, anon! :) And thanks for this question, it's made me Big Soft xoxo
Nyra: Don’t hold your breath for it. It’ll be whispered quietly when she thinks they’re asleep and won’t hear it but might just absorb it. I can't picture her ever just saying it, but maybe one day.
Imogen: A lot. She just wants to check that they remember. It comes out like a question – just checking in, making sure they still know.
Syd: Has their own language so, to the untrained observer, it might seem like they never really say it. They do, though, when they say things like “Be careful, you absolute rhino” and “You’re such a fucking idiot” and “Eugh you’re the worst” with their little smile. Once in a blue moon, they might crack out the actual words – if they ever get scared.
Rowan: Pretty often – when her heart is just too full to contain it. She screams it over thumping music in clubs and at the top of rollercoasters and with her arms up and head out the sunroof.
Atticus: It takes him a long time to say it for the first time, and he finds it hard every time after that too, so don’t expect to hear it often. He has a look, though, and his SO’ll know the one, and his friends make fun of him because he is so obvious even though he doesn’t know he’s doing it.
Charlie: All the time, every day. Fills every silence with it. Can’t say it enough.
Vinh: Every now and then, but they might need to be reminded. They don’t need to hear it because they know, so they might forget that not everyone is as sure.
Adegoke: Often. At random moments during the day when they’re doing seemingly mundane little things and it just pops into his head and he feels content and secure and happy.
Arthur: Whenever he needs them to remember it or thinks they need to hear it. Whenever he needs to hear it back.
Ellis: Fairly regularly and always earnestly, with their hands on both side of their SO’s face so they have to hear it.
Florrie: Constantly, and pretty flippantly. Throws in a “love you” at the end of most text chats/phone calls and definitely whenever she’s saying goodbye in person. Has a bit of a thing about what if someone dies and what her last words to them would have been, so she always tries to make them “I love you” and it’s just become a habit.
Avery: Not particularly frequently, but she isn’t really withholding either. It often comes out as a thank you, when she just doesn’t know what she’d do without them or how she got by before.
Griffin: A lot – between kisses when his lips are all swollen or with his hand resting on their thigh over breakfast or when he’s lounging next to them on the beach. Just whenever feels right, but whenever he thinks it, he'll say it.
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How would one write a realistic argument?
How to Write a Realistic Argument
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Everyone argues.
Whether it be with a friend, sibling, parent, or coworker—arguments usually break out whenever there’s a stark contrast in opinion over certain things, which can happen a lot.
There are a variety of different kinds of arguments involving a wide range of people with different tempers. Because of this, writing arguments can be a bit difficult, but fear not, for this post is here to help!
1. Know The Writing Style of an Argument
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For a very serious argument, the characters probably won’t stop and listen to what their opponent has to say.
It’s quick, choppy, and broken—each character shoving their emotions at one another and trying to get their point across without bothering to understand the other side’s opinions.
There should be a lot of em-dashes and italicized words for emphasis, and if it’s between two people, you want as few speech tags as possible; because there’s going to be a lot of back and forth, speech tags can serve to trip up the flow of the argument rather than help them.
When you do want speech tags or if there are multiple people arguing at once here’s some examples you can use:
But you also must know that your characters won’t just be standing stock still and yelling at one another; they’re going to be moving around, so here are some things you can describe your character doing during an argument
Expression contorting
Eyes narrowing
Speaking through clenched teeth
Baring their teeth
Lips twisting (into a sneer/into a snarl)
Hands balling into fists
Breaking things/knocking stuff over
Pointing accusingly
Spittle flying from their mouth
Stamping their feet
Face getting hot
Vein in forehead popping
Blood roaring in their ears/heart pounding
And if you want, to build tension you can put it in a dangerous place, like at the edge of a cliff or something—so you know fully well that if one of them goes too far it may end up with the other’s accidental death.
2.Know Your Characters
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The most important factors of your argument are the characters participating in it.
You should have your characters’ tempers established beforehand so you know if they’re going to be hanging back while others argue or if they’re going to be throwing hands every other chapter.
Your characters’ tempers will shape how much tension the argument causes.
An argument with someone who is usually chill and slow to anger will be a whole lot more impactful and important than an argument with someone who is a known hothead, but it wouldn’t make sense if the argument happened over something minor.
Here’s a list of some of the tempers your character can have, ranked from lowest to highest on how much tension an argument with them causes
 (Just so you know, these aren’t rigid categories; most people are usually a mix of everything!):
–Hotheaded Character–
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Fights with a hothead hold the least tension. 
Hotheads will fight over anything and everything, their quick fuse making them easy to irritate and anger. Their words can hurt people who aren’t used to it, but usually bounce off of close friends who are used to it and know that the hothead usually doesn’t mean it.
Arguments with hotheads have a high chance of turning physical, because their rage explodes in bursts rather than a slow buildup (the definition of going from zero to one hundred), and in any situation, hotheads are usually the ones to throw the first punch.
 Because a hothead could get riled up about a spilled drink just as quickly as they can get riled up about a friend dying, just having a hothead getting angry during a moment of severe tension won’t bring you the umph that you’re looking for.
However, your hotheaded character can serve as an instrumental character in triggering more serious arguments, one of their mindless snide remarks going too far with a level-headed or shy character.
Examples of hotheaded characters:
Stanley Kowalski, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Lt. Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky, Top Gun (1986)
Anger, Inside Out (2015)
–Aloof Character–
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These characters are a lot like hotheads, but the many, many fights that they pick don’t involve them getting raging, screaming mad.
They’re cold, calculating, and cutthroat, and they couldn’t care less about what you think of them.
Their anger is a lot less “loose cannon” than the hotheads’. They say what they mean and mean what they say, and it’ll take a long time to recover from the tongue-lashings these people can dish out.
The greater tension, however, comes from when the aloof characters raise their voices and start shouting—their schooled, uncaring façade fades away and they’re left truly and undeniably angered by whatever tipped the scales.
It’s not too tension-building because these characters were just bastards to begin with, but it’s still unnerving and shocking to see a normally collected character lose their cool.
Examples of aloof characters:
Mr. Darcy, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Prince Cardan, The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Alex Stern, The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Sherlock Holmes, Most Media Types
Tony Stark, The Avengers
–Nonchalant Character–
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These people usually don’t engage in meaningful arguments because they literally don’t care enough to bother. 
When another character tries to pick a fight, a character who is more nonchalant will sometimes roll their eyes at whatever accusation is being leveled at them rather than retorting. This can go either way, perhaps escalating the tension or diffusing it by not offering up a reply.
Kind of like with the aloof character, they don’t have any emotional attachment arguments that they start or are dragged into. They’ll argue for the sake of arguing, but they really don’t give a fuck about it. 
The part that draws the tension, however, is when the characters do give a fuck. A fight they get into turns heated, and a character’s normal devil-may-care attitude may morph into something else altogether.
Most nonchalant characters also may exhibit some hotheaded tendencies, which shows how muddles these archetypes can be.
Examples of Nonchalant Characters:
Han Solo, The Star Wars Saga
Deadpool, Deadpool (2016)
Angel Dust, The Hazbin Hotel
–Level-headed/Stoic Character–
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These characters are the cool cucumbers of the group. They’re very, very, VERY slow to anger, and usually exhibit more maturity than their peers, almost never starting arguments. 
They’re the masters of diffusing arguments with a few words, and hardly ever raise their voices.
Sure, they may serve as backup to someone else and may jump to their aid with a bit of heat behind their words, but this hardly happens when the argument is their own.
Many hotheaded or aloof characters may try teasing or pushing these characters in order to act out, but it rarely works.
On the few instances that a level-headed character is angered, it is pretty serious.
Either one of the other characters poked fun at something they shouldn’t’ve—their dead parents, something they’re self-conscious about, etc.—or a member of the group makes a terrible mistake with dire consequences, and the stoic character has had enough.
This causes a lot of tension because “oh shit, the calmest person in our group just went off” and can usually signal a breakdown of the group because their strongest link is snapping.
Examples of Stoic Characters:
Geralt of Rivia, The Witcher
The Mandalorian, The Mandalorian
Spock, Star Trek
The Doctor, Doctor Who
Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird
–Timid/Shy/Quiet Character– 
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An argument with a timid person causes by far the most tension out of everything, to the point where I call it “The Snap.”
Someone who is timid, shy, or quiet would rather not argue at all because they don’t have it in them to retort.
They may care a whole lot about the situation under contention, but for one reason or another they don’t want to start too much trouble. These people actively avoid conflict and usually try their best to diffuse situations before they start, whether it be by conceding, walking away, or pulling the nonchalant route and not saying anything.
However, unlike the stoic characters, they might be much more emotional; it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for a timid character to cry when being berated by the others, and they may even be outwardly livid, but they always back down in the end.
 However, they can only hold it in for so long.
 If you have a character who spends the entire book meekly accepting the verbal (or perhaps physical) harassment of other characters, you should most definitely put a “Snap” somewhere in the story, a point where the character has had enough and fights back.
 The timid character’s pent-up rage and sorrow explodes into a raging argument that will most definitely frighten the other characters.
 The tipping point may be the death of the loved one or just a simple, ordinary jab from an antagonist—the straw that broke the camel’s back.
 Unlike with the hothead’s quick bursts of anger like snap fireworks, the anger of a quiet character—much like with a stoic character—is like ten thousand pounds of dynamite with a very, very long fuse.
A quiet character will almost never have a contained argument once they’ve snapped; it will be like a category five hurricane, and God help the poor bastard that set it off.
Examples of timid/shy/quiet characters:
Carrie White, Carrie by Stephen King
Amélie Poulain,  Amélie (2001)
Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein
3. Know The Rhythm of An Argument
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An argument isn’t just 0 to 100 and then back to 0. 
The tension levels look more like a squiggly line than a single spike; the tension peaks and ebbs on various levels throughout an argument, especially if it’s a long, important one where both characters are snapping over a novel’s worth of building tension.
The argument can come in like a freight train or it can build up slowly, a character storming in after a realization or a single snide remark that snowballs into something much greater.
Then comes an accusation. Both characters brace themselves and realize that this argument isn’t just going to putter out.
More back and forth words exchanged. “I don’t like that you do this, this and this,” while the characters’ tempers flare even further, pushing them to say more extreme, hurtful things and working each other up into a rage.
A physical fight may break out between the two, throwing punches and insults.
The climax should be a huge, shocking exclamation or accusation. “I hate you!” “If you were never born, Mom would still be alive!” “This is all your fault!”
The tension ebbs. The characters stand in silence, bitter and ashamed of themselves.
They may agree on a few things, their tempers start to die down. They may come to some understandings or storm off with the tension unresolved. The argument ends.
This is the basic format of an argument; however, there are usually several levels of accusation-buildup before the eventual climax.
The whole point of an argument is that it leaves the characters’ relationships much different than they’d been before; they either understand each other much more, or they’ve become much more wary of one another.
If your characters’ relationship doesn’t change after an argument, then there was no point in writing it.
I really hope this helped! Happy Writing!
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qjhughes · 4 years
fic recs january 2021
hi guys!! okay so i got to thinking and i’ve seen a lot of these posts around so i made my own!! i think that fic rec masterposts are such a great way to support writers and get more people to have the chance of seeing fics!!! plus i’m leaving a bit of feedback too :))
if you know of any fics that you’d like to share a little love on / you’d like me to read so that i can reblog and give it a little love, send me an ask with the title and the author’s url!!! 
so here it is, all the fics that i read in january 2021 (and the very end of december but i’m including them anyway)
total number of fics listed: 92 (series counted as a single piece)
aster / tattoo artist harry aster | daffodil | sweet pea | gardenia | poppy
i read this entire series at like 8 am after not sleeping the night before and oh my god i was literally so soft!! like this is so fucking cute i literally felt like i was going to throw up the entire time (in the best way yk) like omg the butterflies i got from this series? unmatched. also, i feel that it’s necessary to add the part of this that made my heart absolutely explode: Harry’s thumb stroked her jawline, a smile molding his features. “Y’not a baby love, unless you want to be my baby. And I like you a lot, too. And stuff. like okay kill me <3
citrine / witch harry citrine | opal | lepidolite | sodalite | carnelian | angelite
alright so h is literally so sweet in this one!! he’s so gentle and lovely and i truly fell in love with him in the very first few paragraphs. and he’s so out of tune with everything but he’s trying his best to understand and just... sigh. “I’d look forever for you, if I had to.” love love love this line so much it’s literally the perfect way to tie everything together
chiaroscuro / vampire harry chiaroscuro | sfumato | craquelore | non finito | fresco | renaissance 
this is very creepy during the first chapter but in such a good way!!! i literally found myself gasping and i barely ever vocally react to a fic unless i am squealing at the fluff or crying but i vocally react to lindsee’s fics literally they are so good pleaseee. and omg the growth throughout this fic truly is impeccable i swear.
adore you
okay this is so cute!!! loved every single word of it!!! there was a bit of angst at the very beginning that had my heart hurting but it was all mended by the end!!! the dad!harry content was absolutely immaculate omg i literally loved reading about atticus!!!!! i absolutely love long pieces and i think that this piece was the perfect length!! there were so many things that were packed in there but it didn’t seem rushed or jumbled or anything like that!!!!
watashi no sakura
okay first things first, i love japanrry in any form so i knew just by looking at the description that i was going to love this regardless of what was in it. to be honest i didn’t expect him to have a penny board that he used to get everywhere but there’s something so cute about that to me. throughout this entire fic, i was so amazed at the way that their relationship moved along so naturally and at such a good pace. i feel like there’s an art to making things move along at the right pace, and you definitely have that down!! i truly loved this fic so much and will probably be coming back at times to reread!
i am very in love with this!!! boxer!h is so freaking yummy plus it’s so well written that i can feel everything, which is so amazing. i love that i’m able to feel all the emotions and picture everything while reading!! my heart broke a bit for harry while he was sad and just looking for love in any way he could find it. like mega sigh. also, i love the way that the characters are introduced. like, y/n doesn’t come at the very beginning but it’s so natural when she’s finally introduced. and omg the interactions that they had??? the reassurances??? *chef’s kiss*
baby, it’s cold outside
before i even started reading this, i knew i would love it!!! teacher!h has a special place in my heart for some reason i truly love him so much!! oh my god the yearning in this piece is so heartbreaking!!!! i literally read through the entire thing thinking that i was going to cry because of how much i could feel y/n and harry yearning for each other. sigh this is so cute i will definitely be rereading (most likely multiple times)
bright & blooming
ahhh this is literally so cute i live for the long distance friendships + only seeing each other over the summer!!! that is literally so amazing to me that you love someone that much to wait all year to only see them for a month!!! and this was such a good representation of the love and yearning that come with that!!! and i absolutely adore the way that you described each of them and their nicknames for each other!!!! love love love!!!
where the world takes you
this is my study abroad dream!!!!! the loveliness of them meeting and drunk!harry is just so sweet i love it so much!!! and the way that the flashback is in the middle and explains everything is so genius!!! and the full circle of it all makes me so happy!!! also the way that i cried at the end of the four months!! like that was heartbreaking but everything was pieced back together as it went along!!!
extra credit
this is prof!h so you know it’s great!!! i am such a sucker for this au i swear. this was so cute!! the way that everything progressed and the confession and the tension!!!! and then the “Yours.” at that one part had me screaming!!! and the way that he literally had a plan oh my god that’s so cute!!!! i love their dynamic so much!!!
deep sleep
this is so :) :( :) :( if that makes sense!! like i love love love dad!harry but there are just a few things that make me want to sob <3 i absolutely adore it though!!!!! it’s very sweet how mr. styles comes out here comforting as he should!!!!
beautiful inside & out
this is so sweet oh my god it’s beautifully written and i really felt everything that was going on!! personally, i’m not a person of color, but i think that this piece truly was written so wonderfully and it’s very lovely!!!! the insecurities made me literally want to cry, but the way that h was there to comfort was very nice, it made me so soft!!
this is so sweet!! the background snippet in there is so well done i love getting to know exactly how they met!!! and the way that harry’s being admired is just!!! so good!!!! like i love the descriptions and the feelings connected to that!!!! the entire thing is just so cute!!
for your eyes only
i shed tears reading this!! like it is so sad but also so happy!! i know that makes no sense but there was just a sense of my heart breaking and then it being put back together again and i love that!!! definitely a fantastic use of ‘if i could fly’ which is one of my fav one direction songs so that’s just a plus honestly!!!
to feel good
miss ava!!!! coming out strong with your first harry fic!!!! it’s so lovely, so pure, so sweet!!!! the memories that are included make everything that much better!!! the flashback really fills out everything nicely!!! the interaction that the two of them had at the end was so comforting to read like... that’s literally one of the most wonderful endings i’ve ever experienced on a fic like this!!!
demon!harry  angel!y/n -  a total of 51 blurbs, drabbles, and one-shots demon!y/n - a total of 8 blurbs, drabbles, and one-shots
yeah okay so there are...... a lot of things here so i’ll do a demon!harry + angel!y/n feedback thingy and a different one for demon!harry + demon!y/n demon!harry + angel!y/n: he’s such an asshole but he’s... already kinda turning soft like... he’s already got the little simp showing through!!  “ When it comes to love, if it doesn’t hurt, it isn’t fun.” i’ll cry right here right now what the fuck is this?? sigh. “Tell me…” He gulps thickly, licking his burning lips in anticipation, “tell me you want me. Tell me this— whatever this is— tell me it’s real.” yeah that made me almost scream literally shut up andrea. also not me reading this and literally sobbing at some of the pieces like... no <3 “I promise on my soul— as damned as it may be— that I will not let anything bad happen to you. I swear.” i literally want to set myself on fire what the hell the things your brain comes up with literally what the fuck. i literally read all 51 pieces in a day and cried a million times but they were just because i’m soft for simprry. demon!harry + demon!y/n: okay so i am writing this after i’ve read the first two pieces and.... that escalated quite quickly i would say!!! if you like smut, you’ll like this!!!!!! if you like smut just go to andrea she’s got you!!!!! and we see some more simprry but not full swing because he doesn’t want to admit that he’s wrapped around her finger!!! and the way they’re not exclusive but they’re each other’s? *chef’s kiss* 
harry is the bad boy cliché of y/n’s dreams, she just doesn’t know it yet
this is so very sweet, so very soft!! all the pet names have me crying omg it’s literally one of the cutest things!!!! the way harry is so soft for her and he’s just so sweet and so obvious about his feelings even though she doesn’t completely see it is so sweet!!!!
harry’s a porn star and y/n is new
i love their dynamic here!! they automatically click and everything between them is so genuine and lovely!!! the way that they care about each other so immensely even though they haven’t known each other that long is so beautiful!!
harry is y/n’s dominant 
okay obviously this is like... smut but it’s so much more than that!!! their relationship is so sweet and lowkey domestic even from the very beginning and i love the trust that they have in each other!!! very cute!! and the ending was so so perfect!!!
y/n works in a roller rink and harry goes there to read
literally so sweet!!! the shy, kinda introverted h is to ide for!!!! and the way that they’re so cute together ahhh!!!!!! and i absolutely love the way that they support each other and are falling for each other before they even admit that they are!!!!
harry’s a vampire and y/n never dresses for the weather 
i love how when they met it wasn’t on great terms and he couldn’t get her off his mind so he was like “no, stay away!” but he was already so whipped for her and then!!!! when he asked how to be warm for her??? that made me so soft i literally thought i was going to cry.
harry and y/n are best friends and y/n isn’t his “type” (or so she’s heard)
this is so absolutely soft!!! they’re so whipped for each other and don’t even know it!!! and miss y/n hearing things made my heart break but all was well at the end!!! love love love!!! the entire dynamic that they have is so fun plus there were peeks of jealous h so that’s always a win!!!
y/n and harry don’t really mesh well, until they do
we love a bit of an enemies to lovers moment!! and the whole “y/n’s being a good friend to jeff, that’s it” and the tension and the drunk cuteness and literally all of it, it’s so wonderful!! harry being a softie is one of my weaknesses and although he’s a bit mean at first, he redeems himself!!
harry’s on the football team and y/n steals a dog
this is absolutely so cute!!! y/n has such a beautiful little personality and harry feeling things with her even though his “reputation” is different than hanging out with people like her is so great!! and the way that he takes up for her and the way that she comforts him is so lovely!!
harry is y/n’s grumpy neighbor and he has a secret part 2
this is actually the second time that i’ve read this fic tbh!! it’s just so good!! the dynamic of him trying to stay away from her because it’s dangerous for her to be too close to him and then him trying even harder to stay away from her and hide his feelings only for her to make a move is golden.
y/n pretends to be harry’s girlfriend
okay this one hurt a bit at first. i wanted to flick h in the forehead at first for trying to make someone else jealous with y/n but he redeemed himself as he does so i shall let him off the hook this time haha. i think that the way that they progress is so sweet plus!!! everyone loves a good fake dating au!!!
werewolves exist... pt. 2
this is the first werewolf au i’ve read in a while and it’s actually really good!! i love how everything progressed and the way that harry was like.... this isn’t supposed to happen like this!!!! it’s all very cute and it’s very enemies to lovers-esque even though they aren’t enemies lmao
y/n delivers sweets and harry lives on the side of a mountain
this made me so sad tbh like... the fact that they treated harry so bad just because they judged him before they know him makes me so sad and i really wanted to punch some people but it’s a fictional universe so i can’t actually do that lol. but the way that y/n was with him made me so soft i really love this piece
y/n is on harry’s tour crew and harry just think’s she’s lovely
y/n is so sweet in this piece!!! it makes my heart hurt when harry gets overwhelmed and snaps but thankfully everything is well in the end and he gets his act together so that he can realize what is truly important!!!
harry is y/n’s criminology instructor part 2
this dynamic is an automatic yes and that’s on my love for this au. anyway, the way that he was like “it’s just a kiss” made me absolutely want to scream but i didn’t and thankfully i didn’t write him off as a prick because he’s actually so sweet and he takes care of her and loves her and just... he’s everything.
harry used y/n as a model for his art final
i wanted to smack harry upside the head so hard when he kept talking about his crush when y/n just wanted a good partner. thankfully he finally saw the light and realized that the only thing he wants is y/n by his side because y/n is there for him and cares about him and loves him
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gucciwins · 4 years
Three Time
The one where Harry, Atticus, and Y/N celebrate. 
Word Count: 2,988
A/N: Hello friends, this is a little continuation to my story Adore You.  Harry is now a three time grammy nominated artist and i think that is beautiful. This is something short and i really do hope you enjoy it. 
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There is a lot that happened this year that she never saw coming. 
First, a worldwide pandemic that would keep everyone locked indoors and having to wear masks. Secondly, Harry's Love on Tour getting rescheduled to 2021, but even that isn't looking good now. And lastly, being in Los Angeles in November as Harry is filming a movie as the lead male actor. 
Ever since Fine Line was released in December, time seemed to fly by for them.
Harry was overjoyed at how loved Fine Line was by his fans. He was getting support left and right. He was a humble man, never letting it go to his head, always saying he couldn't do it without the help of the people on his team. 
There have been rumors flying around speculating Harry having a girlfriend, a famous songwriter, but they have learned to ignore it. Harry doesn't feel the need to address his relationships because it's theirs. He would love to shout his love for Y/N to the world, but as long as she knows, he's content. 
They celebrated their one year anniversary in Italy for a week before flying back home, they would have stayed longer, but they missed Atticus too much to do that. As soon as they got home, it felt like everything changed. Not between them, but with the world. It was madness to see a lockdown, fear had spiked, but safety was a priority that they took seriously. Meaning they had to take it day by day.
Ever since the worldwide lockdown in March, Harry discussed staying in Los Angeles with Mitch and Sarah for a few months. Atticus was quick to agree, but Y/N really wanted to go home. Harry reminded her it was better to be surrounded by a good group of friends than to be distanced from everyone in London's separate homes. She was quick to agree after. 
Y/N didn't mind it much after; they all always helped each other out. There was also a lot of music playing, as well as creating. Harry said they might just have to get Mitch to release a quarantine album, which got Harry hit in the head with a pillow. 
The one who was taking this the hardest was Atticus, missing Anne and Gemma, who was back in London. He missed going to the park to play, he missed running around free, and honestly, she did as well. They would go hiking and on walks, but it was not as open as before. 
This is why, by June, they returned back home to London, and after a week of quarantine and negative test results, they went on the journey to visit both families. Y/N separated from them to visit her mother and step-dad even though Harry tried to convince her they could go together, but honestly, as much as she loved Anne and had started to see her as a second mother, she really needed a hug from her own. She promised Harry and Atticus she would see them the day after as she was coming to see Anne and they would stay the week with her. 
During this time, Y/n started knitting, something she learned at a young age but would only do when she was stressed. She began teaching Atticus, but he could only keep still for a little bit before he had to run off and do a new activity. She knitted socks, hats, and blankets for their family and friends and shipped them off to them. Y/N even made Atticus and herself the JW Anderson Cardigan. It was a lot of work, but it came out lovely. Harry made them do a little backyard photoshoot because he loved it so much.  
Harry had even surprised her when he told her it would be on the cover of Vogue. She was in shock, but she never stopped hugging him, telling Harry how proud of him she was. The day of the shoot was gorgeous, she had to remind herself to breathe a few times, or she would have passed out. Atticus was in the shoot with Gemma and Harry as they did a family shoot to surprise Anne. Harry kept asking her if she was enjoying it, and honestly, her smile said everything. That she was proud of him, that he was doing fantastic but most importantly, that she loved him. The skirt had a lot of filthy thoughts floating through her head, and she really hoped they'd lend it to Harry if she told him everything she wanted to do with him, specifically her under that skirt touching him. 
Harry had her join for a few photos, Lambert pulling out a surprising look just for her. Harry promised these photos were just for them, even if he wanted to have them put one in just so the world could know how much he loved his family. 
It's November now, and they are in Y/N's Malibu home, which they have been staying at since October. Harry has started filming "Don't Worry Darling," in Olivia Wilde's film. It was surreal when they found out; she couldn't be any prouder. Staying in her home was an easy choice; not many knowing where she lives, only a few friends, and Atticus loves having the beach so close even if it is a little too cold to go in now. 
Y/N and Atticus can't go to set due to safety and regulations, but Harry calls and facetime them every time he gets a break in his trailer. He lets them know he misses them, but he really loves everyone he's working with. That the cast is incredible and kind. Harry would not stop teasing Y/N for her reaction when she saw the wedding ring on his left hand. It made her stop mid-sentence. Husband Harry is something she wishes to one day get because Dad Harry is an angel to his sweet son. 
Harry has recently gone back to filming as it was postponed for two weeks because someone on set came out positive to make up for the lost time they started filming on weekends, which bummed out Atticus. Still, Harry quickly told him it wasn't his choice and that they would watch movies of his options as soon as he was back. Atticus loves Y/N a lot, but he's never going to love anyone more than his dad, even though Atticus does push Harry second sometimes. 
More times than not, Harry will get home and find Y/N and Atticus napping in a new place of the house; the last time was outback in a little tent Y/N set up with fairy lights and had many pillows and blankets to stay warm. Harry was quick to climb in and wrap his arms around Y/N, who quickly woke up due to his cold hands, but he apologized quickly with kisses. She's a sucker for his kisses.
Every moment together is special for them. 
Atticus called her 'Mum' a week ago and ran off, feeling embarrassed would not talk to her all day. Which was hard to do, seeing that they were the only three people in the house. Harry saw how sulky she was and talked with Atticus because neither would tell him what happened. Harry was surprised when Atticus told him what he said, but he was mostly filled with joy and a bit of fear. A fear that she could leave any day and not only would he be left heartbroken but so would his son, but he knows Y/N and the love she has for them. She's here forever, she might not say it, but her actions say enough for her. How she tucks in Atticus to bed with a kiss and an 'I love you.' Asking Anne and her mother on first time parenting tips when she thinks Harry isn't around. How much she cried when he got a scrape on his knee for the time in her care. There isn't anything stopping her from leaving, but she stays because she loves all she has. In the end, Atticus apologized for not speaking with her, and she hugged him and cuddled him all night long. Harry told Atticus that Y/N wasn't his mother, but she loved him like one and that it was okay with him if she called her that. Y/N was fearful of being a mom, but she loved Atticus like her own; even if she hadn't watched and cared for him since he was born, she was here known and would do so for as long as Harry and Atticus let her. 
November 24th, a long-awaited day for artists in the music industry. Harry has to be on set at 11AM today, meaning they will be watching the live stream together. Jeff is with Glenne and is on facetime with Harry. He has his phone perched up against a candle. Harry is sitting in the middle, Atticus to his left and Y/N to his right. He's in sweats and a plain white tee, not needing to be dressed up, seeing as it only is nine in the morning. 
The live stream is an hour-long. Y/N truly forgets how many categories they have until she watches. They woke up at eight am, had pancakes for breakfast, and spoke of their daily plans letting time go by them, allowing them to enjoy breakfast together as they do each morning. 
Atticus can barely sit still, just wanting to hear his daddy's name being called. Harry is surprisingly quiet, just sitting back with his arms crossed as the live stream goes on. Honestly, Y/N is the only one showing emotion. She cheers as she hears HAIM and Phoebe Bridgers get nominated. She itches to grab her phone to shoot them a congratulations message but fears she'll miss something, so she just gives herself a silent reminder to do it after. 
Sharon Osbourne had just begun to say the nominees for Best Comedy Album, and Y/N knows what is coming up soon. She isn't even listening to the nominees, just waiting for her to name the Best Music Video nominees. 
As soon as she says, "Brown Skin Girl, Beyoncé," Y/N feels Harry's hand on her thigh tighten, and she feels for him. His nerves must be out of the roof, but he tries his best not to show it. Y/N shuts her eyes tight, putting her hand over his to let him know she's there for him. 
When she hears the words "Adore You, Harry Styles," she feels her heart speed up. She opens her eyes wide and looks at Harry; his face is blank. Atticus is running circles around the couch, just cheering and yelling nonsense. Jeff and Glenne are cheering from the phone. 
Harry lets out a big smile when he finally meets her eyes. "Adore you did it, angel." She whispers.
He nods. "That's unreal. To hear my name." 
She leans in to give him a quick kiss as they settle back down, ready to listen for the upcoming categories. Megan the Stallion is starting the new section of categories, and Y/N isn't sure how to feel because she won't be able to take it if they don't name Harry again. 
"Best Pop Solo Performance, Watermelon Sugar." This time they all break out into cheers as soon as they hear them call Harry's name after Dua Lipa's. "Watermelon Sugar" had been a hit from the day of its release. Now it has been nominated for a Grammy feels unreal to Harry. Two nominations, he would have never believed it. 
Y/N's buzzing waiting for Megan to announce Best Pop Vocal Album. Harry is now leaning forward, knowing this is another category he could potentially be nominated for. 
"Fine Line Harry Styles" As soon as she hears those words, the tears start running down her face; he did this. His album was nominated. Harry can't stop smiling as Atticus hugs him tight around his neck. He lets out a small chuckle as he sees her tears. He pulls her in, kissing her head repeatedly, smiling at Jeff's congratulations but mostly basking in the joy of three nominations and that he has the opportunity to share it with those he loves. 
Harvey Mason JR. is here once again to announce the general field categories. Harry and Y/N nod along as the names of the nominees are called out. Jeff let out a cheer hearing HAIM nominated for album of the year. Y/N sighs, not hearing Harry being nominated but continues ready to hear Adore You for record of the year. Only it doesn't happen. Harvey Mason JR. bids everyone goodbye, and just like that, it's over. 
Jeff breaks the silence, congratulating Harry before hanging up. Harry sits back with Atticus in his lap, a big smile on his face. 
Harry is happy. Extremely happy, this has always been a dream of his, one he never knew would come true. 
His second album got him three Grammy nominations. Atticus has no clue what these awards mean, but he's happy just seeing Harry and Y/N happy.  Atticus climbs off Harry's lap, kissing Harry and Y/N's cheek, saying he's going to his room now. 
Harry turns to look at Y/N, and the smile she had has now left her face, and now she sits there, lost in thought. This worries Harry; she was fine moments ago. He's got to go soon, so he needs to figure this out now. 
"Honey, you alright?" Harry places his hand on her thigh, and she looks at him, nodding. 
"Fine." She kisses his cheek. "Really happy for you." 
Harry knows she is, but there's something else. "Spill." 
She sighs, knowing nothing gets past him. "You weren't named for any general category. I'm proud of the three you got, but I was sure you would be at least nominated for record of the year." Awards don't mean much to Y/N anymore, but she knows how important this is for Harry. "I'm sorry, ruining your mood." 
"You didn't. Thank you for caring so much." His smile is sincere, and she knows he wouldn't lie to her. 
"It's okay," Harry tells her, wanting her to repeat it with him.
"But Harry," He puts his hands on her cheeks to get her to stop and look at him. 
"Honey, it's okay. Three nominations are amazing, and I couldn't be happier." 
"I know," She deflates. "3-time Grammy Nominated Artist Harry Styles has a nice ring to it." She smirks, noting the blush on his cheek. 
"Dork." He leans in to kiss her nose. 
"Fine Line is still my favorite album, you know, from everything released, named number one." 
"You're just saying that." 
Y/N shakes her head no, "Of course not. Yours is the one album I had on repeat the most. My Spotify wrapped will prove just that." 
Harry snorts, "You're too much." 
He pulls her in to lay on his chest, her arms snake around his waist. They hold each other tight. 
"I'm proud of you," Harry whispers in her ear. 
Y.N leans back, but Harry's hold is tight. "I did nothing; you just got nominated. For your second album, you deserve all the praise today." 
"Honey, will you let me continue." Harry laughs. 
"Sorry, H." 
"I'm proud of you because, without you, this album would have never been finished. I would have never had the inspiration to finish Adore You. Would have never had the idea to make a fake island and promote it without ever adding my name to it. I would have never thought to film using a CGI fish, as my friend in the story. I would have never had the released "Lights Up," the song that started this new era for me but most importantly, I would have never found love. A love that is bigger than me that fills me with so much joy. A love that leaves me scared. A love that will forever keep on growing." Harry smiles as he wipes away her tears. 
Harry loves Y/N with all he has. This album was his, but it was also hers. It's what truly brought them together. 
"You made me cry, you jerk." She says, laying her head in the crook of his neck.
Harry laughs. "I just poured my heart out to you, and I'm the jerk." 
"I love you." Harry grins. That's all he wants to hear. "I'll love you, today, tomorrow, forever for as long as you let me. 
Harry can't contain his happiness and needs to show her. He connects their lips. It's a hard, fast kiss full of passion. They pull away because their smiles don't let them continue much. 
"You've got to go." Y/N reminds him as he continues to press kisses all over her face and neck. 
Harry settles down, smiling down at her. "I know." She leans forward, kissing him quickly. "We'll celebrate more when I get home tonight." 
"Three nominations, wow!" Y/N says, standing up. "We're in for a long celebration once we get Atticus down to sleep." She wags her eyebrows at him.
Harry very quickly gets the hint. "I can't wait, honey." 
Atticus comes bouncing down the steps giving his dad a kiss goodbye, walking him to the door, barefoot. Y/N follows Harry, giving her one last kiss goodbye as he walks to his car. 
As he gets in and pulls out of the driveway, he sees Y/N and Atticus waving goodbye to him. Harry has a big smile on his face that no one can see. He's thankful to now be a 3-time Grammy-nominated artist, but what he is most grateful for is getting to be the person who gets to love Y/N and Atticus forever.
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Thank you for reading! This was just a small little piece for a beloved piece I wrote. If inspiration strikes, I shall be revisiting this story. 
Please let me know what you thought!
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kaimelia · 3 years
Please write one about Charlotte going to visit Amelia after she had the baby
surprise visitor
a/n: hi! thank you for the prompt and I hope you enjoy it!
"Atticus Lincoln?" He looked up from his chart, seeing a familiar face walk towards him, but he couldn't quite place his finger on who it was. A blonde woman, and from the look on her face, Link felt as if he should recognize her. He blamed it on the masks. She continued in her hurried path towards him and stuck out her hand. "Come on, now, don't be a stranger."
"I'm sorry, I'm just blanking on-"
"Charlotte King. Amelia's friend?" Link's mouth dropped under his mask, his eyes widening as he eagerly took her hand.
"Oh, of course, I've just only seen you through a phone screen, and the mask threw me off," he muttered, brushing his other hand through his hair. "Amelia didn't mention you were coming, I-"
"Amelia doesn't know that I'm coming," Charlotte murmured, leaning back against the nurses' station beside Link. "Did she really think she could have a baby and not expect me to show up?"
"We were going to wait until after the pandemic."
"I couldn't wait any longer. I got tested this morning; I'm negative; I just want to meet this baby. Did you know that To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book?" He raised his eyebrows.
"No, I didn't; uh, why are you here at the hospital?"
"I don't know your address, and I figured one of you would be working, or I would find someone who could give it to me. I'm hoping to catch a ride with you."
"I've got two hours left on my shift, but I can call Amelia and ask her to come to pick you up," Link suggested, pulling out his phone. Charlotte placed her hand over the device.
"I'll wait. She'll freak out if she knows I'm here. Just tell me where to sit."
"So, you met at the conference?"
"No, we slept together at the conference. But, we were already working together at that point," Link muttered, backing the car out of the lot. "And then we slept together for a while, and then started dating, and then Scout. I know it's not the most traditional love story," he chuckled.
"I met my husband on a sex website. So, I'm not one to judge." Link raised his eyebrows, slightly wanting to question it but knowing Amelia would fill him in later. He glanced over to see Charlotte looking out the window, and he turned the radio on and drove in silence on the short drive to his family's home.
"Alright," he muttered, parking the car. "Welcome to the Shepherd-Lincoln abode." Link pushed open the door, a grin on his face as he anticipated his girlfriend's reaction. His face paused as soon as he looked around the apartment, and Charlotte jumped as he slammed the door closed. "Amelia? Put some clothes on," he shouted against the door, blushing as Charlotte eyed him. "We have a visitor." They listened to the sounds of Amelia clamoring around the apartment until the door opened, a robe clutched tightly around her body.
"What the hell are you doing here?" She gasped, pulling Charlotte into a hug. "And why didn't either of you say anything?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise, and I knew you would say no if I called," Charlotte smiled as Amelia released her, looking up and down the neurosurgeon's body. "Were you naked in there?"
"I was waiting for him to get home," her face flushed, and she glanced down, "and he didn't mention anything about a visitor."
"I ambushed him at the hospital and swore him to secrecy. You've been giving us absolutely nothing, and I need to hold a baby right now," Charlotte muttered, walking through the door.
"It's pretty empty in here right now; we just moved in, but we're getting it together," Amelia sighed, glancing around the barely furnished apartment covered in baby toys and a mess of moving boxes. "You should've said something; this place is a dump."
"I've got four kids; I'm not going to judge you for a messy house. Where is he?" Amelia glanced over at Link, who nodded and jogged down the hallway to their son's room. "He's nice."
"Link. I like him. Reminds me of Cooper, but if he was more appropriate." Amelia grinned, laughing softly and wrapping her robe tighter around her body.
"You left him alone with all four kids?"
"They're old enough to where they only need us for food." Charlotte burst into a grin as Link walked out with a sleeping baby in his arms. "Oh, he's so big already." Amelia watched as her friend held her son, feeling Link's arm wrap around her shoulder and his lips against her head.
"I've gotta go shower," he whispered, dropping his arm and waving to Charlotte before leaving them alone.
"Amelia, he looks just like Christopher," Charlotte murmured, running her thumb over the baby's head. "Are you okay? It can't be easy." Amelia shrugged. "I've been wanting to ask for a while, but it didn't seem right through the phone."
"Some days, it's harder than others, but I get through it. But Link is always there when I need him, and I just take it as it comes." The blonde woman sat on the couch, leaning into the cushions and cooing at the baby in her arms.
"You sound so mature. And you're staying sober?"
"I think this is the hardest time to stay sober, but yeah," Amelia muttered, flopping down beside her friend. "One day at a time, right?"
"When'd you turn into a walking inspirational poster? This is not the Amelia Shepherd that lived in Los Angeles."
"I mean, it's been so long since I've seen you, and my life is completely different," Amelia sighed contently, "I didn't think I would ever have a kid after Christopher. And, after Owen, I wasn't sure that I wanted a big relationship, but sometimes things just happen, and you end up where you're supposed to be. Whether it's because of a sex website," Charlotte smiled, "or because of an accidental pregnancy." Her face relaxed as she watched Scout curl into his new Aunt's embrace, a soft babble escaping from his mouth, causing both of the women to grin. "And, I'm a mom, now, so it's not just about me."
"You've always been a mom, Amelia. Ever since you found out you were pregnant with Christopher, you have been a mom, and that didn't stop when he died." Amelia wiped her hand under her eye, sniffling softly. "I'm proud of you. You've got an incredible life up here, a great kid, a super hot boyfriend who couldn't stop talking about how much he loves you, and even if I'm sad that I can't be more involved, I'm so glad that I get to be a part of it." Charlotte reached out her hand, holding Amelia's as she blinked away tears from her eyes.
"Thank you for coming up; I didn't realize how much I truly missed you."
"You'll be getting a thousand more visits from everyone once the pandemic is over. I just couldn't wait to meet this little guy," Charlotte kissed the baby's forehead. "This kid has some of the best parents in the world."
"Some of? Aren't you supposed to say the best?"
"Well, I can't lie to everyone. I've said the same thing to every woman and man at that practice, and if I say some of, it's always true." Amelia shook her head in amusement, grinning at her friend.
"I missed you, Charlotte."
"I missed you."
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permanentreverie · 2 years
you want to talk about books? lets talk about books
1, 3, 9 (*2022), 132, 134, 135
1. a book that is close to your heart: little women by louisa may alcott! this book and story is so detrimental to my being, I grew up with the march girls. actually, before I saw the 1994 adaption or read the book, I listened to the audiobook by focus on the family productions (who also raised me). the voice acting still stick with me, and oh I just listened to it over and over again for HOURS I love this story so much. plus it's just so- heartening??
3. a stand-alone that you wish was part of a series: honestly a lot of the time I feel like stand alones work so well just as stand alones, the only one that comes to mind is malibu rising! I actually would love to hear more of the riva siblings and their lives, before or after the party.
9. your favourite book of 2022? I don't know if the starless sea counts since I started it in 2021, so I'm either gonna go with book lovers or the final empire!! vicious was also *chefs kiss* however the sequel kinda dampens it I'm sorry miss schwab
132. who is your favourite person to go to for book recs? you are definitely one of them!! I feel like we have pretty similar tastes in books, which definitely helps. @retvenkos also has stellar taste in books, @asecretshekept I trust for contemp romance (though honey I'm sorry the roommate was Not It), and @amycurtismarchs I love reading her reviews, as she's read a lot
134. unreccomend any book you like! six crimson cranes by elizabeth lim. I had such high hopes for this book, but it was just achingly boring and ugh what a waste of my money. will never be reading the sequel.
135. recommend any book you like! to kill a mockingbird by harper lee. yes, it deals with super heavy content matter (honestly I probably read this way too young) but it is so well written and honestly a good summer read (idk it just reminds me of hot summer) and atticus finch is always one of my favourite characters.
book recs asks!
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