#a shame for such a big RE presence
superiorpotentate · 2 years
Honest to God Code Veronica Wesker is my absolute favorite
Prime fucking theatre kid complete with many evil laughs, this isn't over Kim possible moments, RUNNING AWAY LIKE A SCARED GIRL FROM ALEXIA, beating up Claire because fuck you Chris, AND just this broad array of emotions and scenes despite not even being the main villain and even in the end he gets what he wants and they can't do anything about it like?????
When the fuck are we getting a remake of that
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Random Soap MacTavish headcanons
sfw and nsfw
pairing: sgt. Soap MacTavish x reader (cod mw)
tags/tw: domestic stuff, afab!reader, handjobs, shower-sex
a/n: just a taste of our cinnamon-role-but-can-kill-you Scottish man before I start publishing my new series with him, tihi
Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish MASTERLIST
-the way to this man's heart is through his stomach and I will die on that hill
-has such a big appetite, two portions minimum and has no shame in eating more, ''m a big lad, bonnie, need the fuel'
-but he's still respectful if you're having dinner outside your closest circles of friends and family, not complain and always lets everyone have their fill before even thinks about serving himself a second one
-this means Soap always has some snacks with him, most times it's a protein bar or something verging on healthy
-such good table manners??? you were surprised when Soap didn't eat like the average man, scarfing down the food in seconds well he still did that sometimes
-you got the explanation when he caught your poorly hidden astonishment, explaining how his ma drilled him with all kinds of etiquette and manners always saying 'just because yer in the army doesn't mean yer need to behave like a Neanderthal'
-give this man an evening with a home-cooked meal and cuddle on the couch to nap away the food coma afterwards and he's whipped
-he never puts on a shirt at home, just really likes walking around with only a pair of joggers
-he unmistakably has golden retriever energy, but compared to popular belief, his seemingly never-ending social battery can run out, and when it does, Soap's behaviour can flip like a switch
-makes him an introverted extrovert, he loves people, loves chatting and social situations, but craves alone time to re-charge
-you're his uncertified pillow, if you sit together he most certainly either has his head in your lap, is sprawled on top of you and face in your neck, head on your stomach with arms wrapped around your waist
nsfw under the cut
-much like, but compared, to Price, Soap doesn't mind your ass but he's a certified boob man
-if your boobs are big enough, he likes using them as cushy pillows, which often end with his face between them
-yes, he's definitely motorboated you out of the blue
-other times he repeatedly nudges them so they wobble or simply squish them together, grinning when you question if he's having fun
-if you don't have fuller busts, he likes to just rest his hand on your chest, always defending himself that even you unconsciously do it sometimes, but the argument falls apart when he rubs your nipple to make it perk against his palm
-Soap. loves.handjobs
-will never forget when he was taking a shower and you decided to join him, boobs pressed nicely against his back as your arms wrapped around his torso, then your hand slipped down his stomach until brushing his already half-hard cock, blood rushing straight to it the second you joined him
-when your fingers wrapped around him, Soap's hands fell to the wet tiles, head hanging between his shoulders, staring at your small hands jerking him off
-sometimes he feels like a teenager concerning how reactive he's to your presence, you don't even need to do something overly sexual and blood rushes south
-sometimes you caught the way he watches you intently, asking an innocent 'what?' squealing out a 'Johnny!' when he pulled away whatever cover or his pants remember the point of him going commando most of the time? showing off his bulge or rock-hard erection rather than verbally answering
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nevadancitizen · 10 months
synopsis: könig comes into your reality.
word count: 1.2k
characters: könig, player! reader
trigger warnings: mention of canon-typical violence, maybe slightly obsessive könig oops lol
notes: self-aware cod au belongs to @puff0o0 , inspired by @simp4konig // i moved for college lol hopefully i'll be able to upload(?) more often + salf-aware aus are really my thing huh. my jam if you will
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It had been a week since König figured out he wasn’t real. 
At least, that’s what he approximated it to be. Time was tricky if he actually tried to count the seconds and minutes and hours. 
But when he stepped off the helicopter and trudged back into base, he knew he would at least have some sense of relief. Some sense of… realness, even though he knew he only existed through the wires of ethernet cables, or maybe even something as primitive as a CD.
König knew his boots tracked in mud and blood and maybe even guts, but he didn’t care. Everything would be wiped clean and be put on a new plate tomorrow for… he guessed they would be called the players, to eat. 
He shut the door to his quarters behind him and leaned against it, closing his eyes and sighing. He desperately wished he could tell someone, anyone, about what he had witnessed – what he knew to be true. 
He felt crazy. He felt blessed. He felt like a conspiracy theorist that was just re-inventing the idea that the whole world is a simulation – because it is! People re-invented ideas all the time, but there was nothing shameful in it. But if the rest of humanity (and for all he knew, humanity could only be KorTac and Specgru) oohed and aahed and said, “God, we live in a simulation? I’ve never heard that one before!” just to make him feel good, nothing would ever get done. But it still stung to know such a heavenly being existed and to keep such a huge secret. 
Of course he was talking about you, thinking about you. When did he not think of you, actually?
He felt almost hollow without you. Like you had given him warmth with your control – a raging bonfire he could only observe from a distance, but still felt the full heat of: as in, an actual heat in his chest whenever he felt his control slipping away, replaced with the security that came with being in your presence. And König didn’t hate it. Not at all. 
He didn’t even bother to shrug off his work equipment before he threw himself onto his bed. He turned over and swaddled himself with his blanket to try and emulate your warmth. It did nothing. 
It was a while before he fell asleep. And he had the strangest dream…
He was in your room. He had only caught glances of it, but here he was, tangled in your blankets and in your bed. 
And there you were. Sitting at your desk, typing away at your laptop. Your back was to him, but he could tell it was you. Even at this distance, you were so warm. 
You were wearing the big, chunky headphones you always wore when you played. He could hear quiet thumping bass coming from them. It was the only sound he could hear aside from your quick keystrokes. 
König slowly untangled himself from your blankets – he still had his boots on, the ones that had mud and blood and maybe even guts. Then he realized he had all of his work equipment on. 
He stood and surveyed his surroundings. Everything in your room was so… you. (Obviously. It was your room.)
His eyes snapped back to you when you took off your headphones. You pressed a button on the side to pause your music and then set them down. You stretched your arms above your head and let out a quiet groan as you leaned back. 
You looked so soft. So cute. Nothing like what König had seen through the screen. You had been slightly bitcrushed and pixelated, but now…
The warmth that blossomed in his chest was like no other. It spread out into his limbs, almost making him weak in the knees. His eyelids fluttered, but he forced them open to look at you, take in more of you. 
He tried to say your name softly, as to not startle you, but it came out choked and loud and awkward. His voice even cracked. 
You were so scared you nearly punched a hole through your monitor. You stood and turned, immediately grabbing a pair of scissors that were on your desk. 
Your hand shook as you pointed the pair of scissors at König. “T… take off the hood!”
König kept his feet planted firmly on the ground, even bending at the knee a little to be less threatening. He puts up his hands in a surrendering manner. “Schatz, no, it’s me. It’s König.”
“Shut up!” you barked. “I’m not – no way am I being killed or robbed or whatever by someone in cosplay!” Your eyes flit over his body, spotting a knife on his utility belt. “And give me your knife. Try anything and I’m – I’ll…” you glanced down at the pair of scissors (which you can’t really stab him with). “I’ll snip your dick off!” 
It honestly takes a bit of effort on König’s part not to laugh. Still, he slowly, carefully took the knife out of its holster and offered it to you, the blade pointed towards his chest. “Please, be careful.”
“I know how to handle knives,” you snapped. You put the pair of scissors back on your desk and took to pointing König’s knife at him. You took a tentative step closer, your jaw set. You reached a shaking hand out towards König’s face. “Don’t… move.”
"Mein Leibling.” König breathed out the words. “What are you doing?”
“The mask,” you said. “I’m taking it off. Then I’m calling the police.”
König just looked at you with wide eyes, his blue-grey eyes stark against his eyeblack. His eyebrows creased as he looked down at you, but said nothing. 
And then, König felt a blossoming warmth as his face was exposed for the first time in what felt like forever. 
His eyes fluttered shut as he felt your eyes rove over his face. Under the hood wasn’t a face: nothing except for his eyes, eyebrows, and a little bit of the surrounding skin. The rest of it was unloaded textures, a checkerboard of black and bright purple. 
König’s eyes opened as you said his name. You didn’t notice before, but his eyes were detailed, told a story. This wasn’t the king of the battlefield – this was König. Here, he wasn’t a killer, wasn’t someone who saws someone’s head off with a dull plastic knife and doesn’t even blink when the blood spurts out. He wasn’t the long-shot-drop-pop one-bullet-wonder. He was a man. 
König gently reached up and took your wrist and pulled your hand away from his hood. It fell back into place, covering up his checkerboard face. 
He looked down at you, his eyebrows still furrowed. He didn’t say anything. He couldn’t. 
“You’re…” you sighed – not disappointedly, but more surprised. “You’re actually him. You’re König.”
“I am,” König said simply. 
“Schatz,” you said. “What does that mean?”
König smiled down at you, even though he didn’t have a mouth. His eyes crinkled at the outsides. “Treasure.”
He gently let go of your wrist, his hand traveling up your arm until it came to your shoulder. His fingers brushed against your jaw, the rough texture of his gloves making you tense just the slightest bit. 
He whispers softly, like he’s afraid of you hearing his voice. “My treasured player.”
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tonyspank · 11 months
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut and idk what else sooo
Words: 3.1k
A/N: Tell me if you guys like this series so far. Also I re-wrote this chapter and changed readers age in the prologue.
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"You didn't have to drive me. I could've walked or taken the bus." You tell Jenna from the passenger seat, but you gotta admit, the heated seats in her car felt amazing. She smiled and said, "It's no problem. I wanted to make sure you got here safely." You thanked her and looked out the window, feeling grateful for her kindness.
"And what kind of babysi-" You cut her off, a playful serious look on your face. "Stop." She laughed, a warm and genuine sound, and enjoyed it a bit too much. Your phone began vibrating in your pocket. You try to ignore it but it continues. You reluctantly take out your phone, it shows multiple messages from your best friend.
you - im like 5 mins away chill
eli - ure always rushin me, it's time u get the same treatment.
you - i rush u bc ur honda civic needs to speed up a bit
eli - are u...
eli - are u poor shaming me?
you - you're not poor so
you - yes.
You put away your phone and it immediately starts to vibrate again, but knowing who it is you ignore it. You smile a bit as you remember your own joke, and also the lie you told. You weren't five minutes away from the school, you were ten. You knew that you'd be late, but you didn't want to tell Jenna that and make her feel bad. So, you decided to keep it to yourself in order to keep Jenna from worrying.
"You could plug in your aux if you want." Jenna smiles, sparing a quick glance at you. "Nah, that's okay." She hums, "Okay. But me personally I can't survive without listening to music. I always have a pair of headphones on me. Sometimes I don't even listen to music, I just wear the headphones."
She laughs, shaking her head. "It's like my security blanket. It's just a habit now." You grin, "Lowkey... me too, I have about three pairs of headphones in my bookbag."
She smiles. "It's nice to know I'm not alone in this. We can be headphone buddies." You let out a chuckle. "Sounds like a plan."
Before you knew it ten minutes were up and Jenna was parked outside your school. "I expected more people to be outside." She chuckles taking in her surroundings. Her eyes widen as her mind connects a few dots. "Wait, are you late?"
"Yes, I'm late," you admit. Jenna sighs and shakes her head. "Shit, do they notify your parents?"
You nod. "Yeah unless either of them excuse me in the office." Jenna takes a deep breath before turning off the car, "Here, I'll tell the office. C'mon." Jenna takes her keys out of the car, opening the door.
You hesitate before grabbing your bookbag and following Jenna inside the building. Upon walking in, the receptionist smiles warmly at you. Jenna explains the situation to her and the receptionist nods in understanding.
As you turn around to leave the office you see a familiar face in the hallway, Eli. His eyes widen as he stares at you in disbelief. You shake your head while exiting the office, Jenna right behind.
Eli walks away as Jenna stops in front of the door, sending you a slight frown. "Sorry for making you late," you wave her off with a small smile on your lips. "It's okay. It's not a big deal."
"I'll be here to pick you up." You nod and smile as Jenna turns and walks away. You take a deep breath and feel a presence behind you. You turn around to find Eli standing there, his eyes fixed on something behind you. He looks at you for a few moments before speaking, his voice low. "She is so fucking gorgeous."
You roll your eyes at your best friend walking toward your class. Eli follows behind and you begin explaining what happened the night before. As you finish you stand outside your classroom door and Eli furrows his eyebrows holding up a hand. "Wait. You're telling me that you're mad that you have a young and attractive woman living under your roof with you without any adult supervision?"
You shake your head, "She IS the adult supervision." Eli stares for a moment and then shrugs. "She's still young. You said she's what, 24?" You pull on your bookbag strap, responding immediately in the same tone as the brown-haired boy. "She's what, married?"
"And you also said what, her husband is out of the country?" He mocks back, a smirk rising from his lips. "She's going to be super lonely and she's living under a roof with an actual godd– you..."
Your eyes and eyebrows raise in surprise. He was actually about to compliment you. "I know you wanted to compliment me there." You smile, Eli shakes his head frowning his lips. "If I had finished that sentence I would've dropped down to my knees and died."
You laugh, amused by his comment. He grins, shaking his head. "Anyway. I'm just saying that your nanny, Jenna, is absolutely breathtaking. Can I come over today?"
You feel a twinge of jealousy. Weird. But you ignore it. You roll your eyes and give him a stern look. "No, I don't think that's a good idea. I have to ask permission now." He responds with a shrug of his shoulders. "If I show up uninvited don't be surprised." He jokes, letting out a small laugh.
"Oh, and Olivia was looking for you this morning." He adds on, you furrow your eyebrows scratching your neck. "Rodrigo?" You ask confused. "No. Olivia Mcfuckingfartface. Yes, Rodrigo." You roll your eyes, "She's been looking for me for weeks now." You sigh, "What does she want this time?"
"You know she wants. She wants you!" You shut your eyes, taking in a deep breath. "I told her multiple times that I'm not ready for a relationship."
He laughs, "It goes in one ear and out the other," he continues, "I don't know what else you can do. She's persistent and won't back down easily." You open your eyes again, sighing. "Alright. Go to class."
Eli salutes to you, standing up completely straight. "Yes, ma'am!" Then turns around heading to his homeroom class. You laugh and open the door to your classroom. Mr. Anderson, an older teacher stops speaking, staring at you. "Nice of you to join us Y/N." You give him a tight-lipped smile before finding a seat.
Jenna had stuck to her word. She had texted you mid-day asking what time she should come to pick you up. You informed her that you had basketball practice and six would be an ideal time to come, and here she was. It was six on the dot when you recognized the car parked right outside the school.
Jenna waved at you as you walked out of the building and opened the car door, a smile on her face. She remembered your request and was here right on time. You thanked her and got in the car, relieved that she had kept her word.
"How was practice?" You sighed leaning back before replying, "Tiring." She giggles reaching over you to open the car vents on your side. You can't help but take in her smell, vanilla and a bit of citrus filling your nostrils. You turn to her, your eyes meeting as you take in her beauty. Her bottom lip was tucked into her mouth as she bit on it, and her hundreds of freckles that you wanted to reach out and trace them.
You felt as though you were in a trance, suddenly forgetting how exhausted you felt after practice. You leaned a bit closer, taking in her scent and admiring her features.
Fuck. Eli was getting into your head.
You snap back to reality, quickly leaning back away from her. She finally gets the vent open and then turns on the A/C for you. You felt like a true passenger princess. She asked what had happened during practice and you filled her in on the details of the drills and the scrimmages. She listened intently, an understanding smile on her face.
"I made chicken and rice. Your plate is in the microwave," Jenna says, holding the front door open for you. You smile and thank her, quickly taking a shower before heating up your dinner. You sit down and enjoy the meal she made, appreciating the effort she put into it. It tasted pretty damn good too.
As you're washing your dish out you hear the doorbell ring. Jenna furrows her eyebrows raising her head from her laptop as she sits at the kitchen island. "I'll go answer the door," you say, putting down your plate. Jenna nods in agreement as you make your way to the door. You open the door to find Eli standing there, a large smile on his face.
Your eyes widen. "Eli! I told you, don't come over." Eli ignores your protests and steps inside, looking around. "Bro. That joke is getting old now," he says, obviously not understanding you were being dead serious. In his defence, he normally comes over without warning and your parents let him inside with no protest. Jenna appears in the hall. Her face is a mixture of confusion and surprise.
You take a deep breath and try to keep your voice even as you explain the situation to Jenna. Eli takes a step back as he realizes he has overstepped.
Jenna shakes her head and says, "I have no issue with your friend but you should've told me first." You nod and start to apologize but Eli cuts you off, "I am so sorry, I came uninvited. It's not her fault."
Jenna stares at Eli, her face neutral. Eli looks at Jenna, his face full of regret. Jenna sighs and says, "It's alright, I understand."
"I'm Elias Cooper the third by the way," you furrow your eyebrows side-eyeing the brunette boy. "He's not a third." You tell Jenna. She laughs and gives Eli a small smile and the tension in the room dissipates.
"Behave." She teases as she points to you. You smile and she turns walking away.
Eli watches her go with a look of relief on his face. He takes a deep breath and turns to you, offering a sheepish smile. "She has such an intense stare bro."
You sigh out walking into the kitchen. Eli follows behind you closely. He places his arms on your shoulder as he leans into your ear whispering, "She made me mad nervous man."
You turn towards Eli, a slight smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. "I could tell. She had your ass gagged badly." You whisper back, Eli's face scrunched up in a grimace and he laughed. "Yea, she did."
"Are you hungry?" Jenna asks Eli, "No ma'am. I'm good." Jenna nodded in understanding and focused back on her computer. Eli watched as Jenna focused on her computer, her eyes flickering rapidly as she typed away. He felt a pang of admiration, and he smiled to himself.
You notice this and push him. And maybe with a little bit too much force because he stumbled back, catching himself just before he fell. He quickly glanced back up at Jenna, embarrassed, and saw that she hadn't noticed. "Dickhead." He mouths, not really meaning it.
"We're going to go watch a movie, Jen." Jenna looks at you with a smile, "Okay. Have fun." You smile back at her, pulling Eli into a headlock and dragging him into the living room. "Jen, huh?" He mutters laughing as he tries to escape your headlock.
You let him go and he shakes his head laughing. "Alright, alright," he says. You both laugh and sit down on the couch, "Hey, did you ever talk to Olivia?"
"No, not yet," you reply. "I couldn't find her." He smiles, "Or you didn't try to find her." You laugh, "Potato, Poe-ta-toe!" He laughs as well and begins discussing about a movie to watch. Eli beat you in rock paper scissors, so he got to choose the movie. And you wanted to cry. He chose an old Western movie that wasn't even in color.
After about thirty minutes in a warm blanket covered you and you began to drift off to sleep.
You woke up, walking into the kitchen. Eli was gone, which Jenna had informed you once you were in the kitchen. You hum in response, crossing your arms as you lean against the counter. Jenna feels your eyes on her and she looks up from her MacBook, smiling at you. "What are you staring at?"
You shrug, a smile on your face. "You. You're so pretty." Jenna blushes, averting her gaze. "You don't have to say that," she murmured, but her lips curled into a smile. She returned her attention to her laptop, but with a contented sigh.
It's silent for a moment until you speak up, "It's the truth. I was thinking about it in the car."
Jenna looked up again, her cheeks still slightly pink. She looked him in the eye, her gaze intense. "Thinking about what exactly?" You scratched your chin, not knowing where this extra confidence came from but you were glad you had it.
"Your lips. And how I wanted to be the one biting down on it," Jenna smiled, her blush getting brighter. She suddenly stood up and moved closer to you and said, "So what are you waiting for?" You lean forward and kiss her, your lips meeting in a passionate embrace.
Jenna's hand holds your face as you deepen the kiss. You can feel her heart beating just as fast as yours. Jenna pulls away, her face still close to yours, and whispers, "I've been wanting to do that for so long." You smile and kiss her again, this time softer and slower. You both stay in that embrace, not wanting to let go. Her hands leave your face, resting on your clothed abs.
You pull away for a slight breather, immediately kissing her again. The force causes Jenna to groan, and you take the chance to slip your tongue into her mouth. Jenna's hand slips under your shirt examining you as you deepen the kiss.
You can feel her body trembling with pleasure as you explore her mouth with your tongue. You eventually break the kiss, both of you out of breath.
Jenna looks up at you, her eyes filled with desire. She then begins to crouch down, her hands moving to the waistband of your sweatpants. She pulls your sweatpants down, her eyes never leaving yours.
She slowly moves her lips toward your inner thigh, and you can feel the heat of her breath as she starts to gently kiss your skin. You let out a soft moan, and she looks up at you with a mischievous smile.
Fully on her knees, she pulls your underwear down as well, you press a hand against the counter, stabling yourself. Jenna finds her mouth watering at the sight in front of her, your perfect hard cock fully hard swollen and pink. She licks her lips as she moves closer, her hands cupping you before she takes your length into her mouth.
She swirls her tongue around you, exploring every inch. She looks up at you as she starts to suck and you can't help but moan in pleasure. "Shit..."
Her mouth is hot and wet, and her tongue feels amazing as it slithers across your skin. As she takes you deeper, her lips wrap tightly around your shaft and her tongue strokes the underside with each lick. She increases her suction and you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge as her hand moves up and down your shaft.
Her gaze makes the experience 100x better, those dark brown eyes look anything but innocent. "You're so hot, Jen."
She only breaks it when her eyes roll back in pleasure when she feels you start to quiver in her mouth. Her tongue rolls around your shaft as if it were a delicious lollipop. To her, you were.
Your left-hand leaves the grip on the countertop, moving to grip Jenna's tied-up hair. You pull her away slightly and hear her hum at you, her eyes still closed. With your other hand, you caress her face, tracing her delicate features. You can feel her smile around you, and your heart skips a beat.
She opens her eyes and your back in her mouth as if it pained her for you not to be. You were addicted and so was she, her head bopping fast as loud breathing and sloppy noises are heard throughout the kitchen.
She pulls off with a pop and starts to lick your head, her tongue swirling around and around. She looks up at you with a mischievous glint in her eye as she takes you back into her mouth and starts to suck again. You can feel yourself about to reach the brink.
"I'm about to cum, Jenna." Jenna smiles and quickens her pace, her tongue and lips working together to bring you closer and closer. You can feel the pleasure coursing through your body, and you scream out as you finally reach your peak.
Jenna swallows your seed and looks up at you with a satisfied smirk, before running her tongue along her lips. You lean back, exhausted and satisfied, and Jenna smiles up at you, opening her mouth to speak. "That was amazing wasn't it —"
"—Y/N." Your eyes snap open, and you can barely see Jenna in the dark room. You sit up quickly, realizing you were in the middle of a dream. Jenna has a hand on your shoulder, her thumb caressing your shoulder. "You okay?" You nod and take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. And trying to get yourself to relax as you feel the hard-on pressing against your shorts. Thank God for the blanket and the night.
You feel Jenna's hand leave. "Yeah, I'm okay," you say, and she smiles in the darkness. "It's late. Elias already left. I didn't want you sleeping on the couch." You place your hands on your lap. Think of something bad! You say to yourself, you really didn't wanna make Jenna uncomfortable.
"Thank you, I uh... I'll be upstairs soon." Jenna nods, "Okay. Goodnight." Jenna turns and makes her way up the stairs. You sit in the darkness, thinking about the events of the night. You eventually make your way up to bed, your thoughts still lingering on the wet dream you had of Jenna.
You lay in bed, unable to sleep as images of Jenna flood your mind. You look at the lotion on your nightstand. "Fuck me, man." You mutter to yourself.
taglist - @raven-ss
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pathetic-sapphic · 11 months
Could I please request headcanons/imagines/anything for Arcane milfs + a makeout session with fem!reader? How spicy they get is totally up to you. If you're uncomfortable w this then please ignore. I am simply a thirsty girl 😌
How the Arcane milfs kiss you
a/n: you were so real for this one anon. enjoy!
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SEVIKA's kisses are passionate and messy. She kisses you so strongly that it feels like she's trying to eat you alive (and, really, she is). Barely lets you breathe as her tongue is sliding over the entire expanse of your mouth, making you breathless and drooling. Loves it when you have that hazy look in your eye and chuckles as she wipes of a bit of drool from the corner of your puffy lips. Will also nip at them, hard enough to draw blood if you made her feel jealous in any way but will soothe the wound with her tongue immediately after. Making out with Sevika is intense, wiping your mind clear of any thoughts and turning you into her cute, dumb sweetheart. Loves to have you sit on her lap or thigh while you're going at it, especially while you're at the Last Drop. She will grip your face with her big hand and devour you so that everyone knows you're hers.
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GRAYSON's kisses you fondly and longingly. She misses you so much when she's away for work and worries about you all the time. She tries to convey all her feelings and affection towards you through her kisses. Grayson's job is tiring, to say the least, and she's not as young as she used to be. So when she comes home after a long day at work, there's nothing she loves more than having you sit in her lap and enjoying a lazy, relaxing make-out session with you. She gently caresses your cheek with her thumb, her other hand wrapped protectively around your waist. She'll stop to breathe every now and then and use that opportunity to admire your beautiful features and the way your chest lightly heaves from how breathless her kisses left you. Whenever you visit her while she's working, Grayson makes sure to ask for kisses in order to re-charge her batteries and more often than not it escalates into something more. She has a lot of pent up energy so your little visits come in handy. Don't worry, she won't leave you hanging, her office door has a lock for a reason.
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Make-out sessions with CASSANDRA are a treat that the two of you can rarely afford to enjoy due to her duties. Most of the time, the two of you indulge in passing pecks as you're both going through your day. At night, she is entirely devoted to you and your needs. Will have you sit next to her on a luxurious couch in the lounge area after dinner and have the door locked to ensure your privacy. Her kisses are tense at first, but she quickly relaxes with the feeling of your warmth and softness against her body. Loves running her de-gloved hands through your hair while kissing you, muttering praises in-between kisses. It's often lazy and tender, with both of you being tuckered out after a long day and just enjoying each other's presence before going to bed. If you tease her during the day, she will drag you into her office and kiss you silly. This is when her kisses get more forceful and passionate, with both of you pent up and looking to satisfy your need for the other's closeness.
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AMBESSA's kisses are rough and demanding. It's hard to keep up with her stamina and force, but she doesn't mind. In fact, she prides herself in seeing you so hot and bothered only after a mere kiss. Make-out sessions with Ambessa happen all the time and in any location. She has no shame whatsoever, why should she have to hide her affection for her precious pet? Engulfs your body with her buff arms and will often hold you up against the wall while pressing her full lips to yours. Loves nipping on your lower lip and hearing you whine. Tugs on your hair harshly after she learned how it makes you moan and arch your body into hers. She relishes in the way her presence and actions affect you and make you squirm. Ambessa thinks you're absolutely adorable and never lets you leave her side. Besides, it's not like you need anyone else now that you have her, right?
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aspiringtrashpanda · 27 days
HI TUMBLR USER ASPIRINGTRASHPANDA im a big fan of your work please keep it up!!!!!!!!
would it be too oddly specific to request raph introducing mc to hella britney spears obey me? :D
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Characters: Raphael, MC, appearances by Solomon and Simeon Raph shows MC his pet. pure fluff! No warnings apply
“Ah, welcome,” Simeon smiled from the doorway of Purgatory Hall. “I heard from Luke that you were coming by. Are you seeking refuge?”
You shuffled your feet, ducking your head as shame prickled the nape of your neck. “How did you know?”
His eyes squinted, that pretty jingle of his laugh filling the air between you. “I think I can see smoke coming in the direction of the House of Lamentation.” 
“Oh. Yeah, you see…” Where did you even begin to explain the domino effect that had happened this time?
“No need,” Simeon came to your rescue, gentle gaze oozing sympathy. “I know those brothers well enough to surmise what happened.”
When you winced something akin to an agreement, he ushered you inside, sheltering you from the occasionally overwhelming presence of your favorite brothers. As you toed your shoes off in the entrance, the scent of Simeon’s cooking washed over you. You may as well have turned into a cartoon caricature of yourself, floating towards the delightful smell in the kitchen. 
“Luke and I are making lunch.” As if he even had to clarify. He did, however, add, “but you’ll find Solomon and Raphael in the living room,” which was basically Simeon for don’t bother trying to help.
Making the familiar turns throughout the first floor, you lifted a hand to wave at Solomon and Raphael, only to drop it to your side when you found them. The two men stood side by side, folding laundry. Or, more like Solomon was hauling clothes out of a basket, molding them into a roughly square shape, and placing them on the coffee table… Just to have Raphael re-fold them right beneath his nose, with piercing eye contact. 
You watched for a few seconds before making your presence known. There was a twinkle in Solomon’s eyes, a twitch to his neutral lips that had you wondering if he was intentionally ruffling the angel’s - currently withdrawn - feathers. 
Solomon’s amusement was lost on Raphael. You were certain you could see the cogs whirring in his brain beneath his ashy hair. The crease of his brow told you he had absolutely no idea how Solomon could be so bad at laundry. 
“Hi,” You broke through the silence, putting on your cheeriest smile, “How is my favorite Purgatory Hall resident today?”
As you saw the confusion give way to suspicion in their twin looks of surprise, you considered that perhaps you, like Solomon, also liked to stir the pot. It was funny, how they both straightened their spines, puffed out their chests, sized the other up while simultaneously pretending to be unbothered. Subtle peacocking, in a way. 
You would do the same to the brothers, but… Well, then you would just end up at Purgatory Hall once more, wouldn’t you? Such a taunt was sure to start another fire of some sort between the Rulers of the Underworld. 
“Well, if it isn’t my adorable apprentice,” Solomon beamed, reaching behind the laundry basket to procure a bowl of pastries. “Can I interest you in a macaroon?”
“Did you make them?” You eyed the fluffy cookies. They did look good…
“Of course!”
Never mind.
“Ah, sorry Sol, I ate before coming here and I’m stuffed.” You lied. Thankfully, Raphael’s malfunctioning tastebuds saved you from further scrutiny. He lit up like the heavens above, blue gaze sparkling like sapphires as he snagged one of the sweets.
“Truly delicious, Solomon.” Despite his praise, Raphael remained as stoic as ever. Only the slightest glimmer of joy dancing in his eyes gave away his genuine gratitude. “I must get your recipe. Michael is so fond of sweets.” 
“I’ll make sure to bake him a special batch at the end of the semester,” Solomon preened beneath the compliment, “You could send him my regards.”
And just like that, the angel’s guard flew back up, an expression edging confusion finding solace in your hum of surprise. What on earth - er, the three realms? - did Solomon want to send regards to archangel Michael for? 
As Solomon turned back to the laundry, excusing himself by claiming he had to retrieve another load from the dryer, Raphael eyed you with unveiled curiosity. You shrunk under the intensity of his stare. It wasn’t often you found yourself alone with the latest exchange student from the Celestial Realm, and you weren’t sure you would ever get used to the way he watched you so carefully. Though he rarely voiced his thoughts, his stare had a certain weight to it. One that told you that he was questioning every flex of your fingers, every slope of your lips, every shift of your limbs. Why he found you so interesting, you weren’t sure. 
As for you… Of course you found him interesting! Luke had said it himself - Raphael was the youngest angel to ever be given the rank of seraph! He was quiet and mysterious and so very guarded. You never knew just what he was thinking at any time. You could examine him for hours and you were certain boredom would elude you.
In fact, you were about to find out who would win a casual staring contest between the two of you. Almost taken aback by your confidence, there was a split second where you thought he was going to cave, his jaw clenching and his lips pursing in a pout you almost considered petulant. But then, he steeled his resolve, doubled back with a burning question in his gaze.
You had no answer for his silent inquisition, but you felt scorched regardless. 
“Hey,” He blinked slowly, forfeiting. “Do you want to see my spears?”
“Actually…” You were answering before you even knew what you were going to say. “Yeah, I do.”
“Come with me,” He nodded curtly, exiting the living room with little warning. 
Nearly tripping over your feet in your haste, you raced after him, the flutter of his Celestial Realm clothes a flash of ivory turning a corner. Your heart thudding in your chest, you felt your anticipation growing with each step. You had heard so much about his rain of spears! The terrifying display of violence that struck fear into even Belphegor’s heart!
And so, you were completely flabbergasted when Raphael spun around from the corner of his temporary bedroom, brandishing… not a weapon. 
You almost considered it anticlimactic, but the disappointment lingered for less than a second. Your brain’s buffering complete, it reached a very reasonably enthusiastic conclusion: Raphael was cradling a hedgehog. Not just any hedgehog, but a shadow hedgehog native to the Devildom. Its charcoal quills quivering under your awestruck gaze, you hit the brakes on your excitement, your index finger hovering an inch away from its curious nose.
“Can I pet it?” You whispered, even though no one had told you to keep quiet.
“He likes when you rub his forehead,” Raphael matched your volume, lifting the little mammal closer to your face.
Sure enough, the shadow hedgehog squeaked in delight as you carefully ran the pad of your finger up his nose to the patch of fur between his ears. “Is… Is his name Spears?”
Raphael looked at you incredulously, as if the answer was obvious. “His back is made of a thousand spears.”
To accentuate his point, he gently stroked the needles laid flat over Spears’s back. You smiled, “Shadow hedgehogs are known to inflate like pufferfish when they feel threatened.”
Raphael regarded you with a stern frown, “I would never harm Spears.” 
“No!” You squawked, startling the hedgehog. He hissed softly, nuzzling into Raphael’s thumb for reassurance. “I didn’t mean it like that!”
A pensive hesitance fogged those sapphire eyes. Cradling his pet close to his chest, he seemed to calculate the potential risks in his head before offering, “Would you like to hold him?”
Did you ever! Your hands shaking, you extended them towards Spears, your palms pressed together in a makeshift platform. “Okay…”
It tickled, the way his little paws scurried across your skin. His nose - wet and cold - nudged against the base of your thumb, his miniature spears raising in apprehension until he deemed your hands safe. Then, he sat still and allowed you to marvel at his pristine quills and beady onyx eyes. He was an awfully cute hedgehog. 
“You know, in the human world, there’s a musician named Britney Spears.” You weren’t entirely sure why you were bringing up the pop star. You were positive she was not to Raphael’s liking. 
“Are they any good?”
You sidestepped. “They’re iconic.”
His silence seemed louder this time, his lips twisted into the smallest frown as he watched his pet tentatively lick at your palms. With a resolute jerk of his head, he decided, “I will allow Britney to be his middle name.”
“Middle name? Like, Spears Britney… Last name?” 
“His first name is Hella.” 
“What?” You blinked. Listen, you led quite a bizarre life. From being yoinked into the Devildom, to nearly dying at the hands of Levi because you lowkey cheated at a quiz show, to actually dying in a different timeline for wanting to hug Belphie, and then to somehow becoming the apprentice of the world’s strongest sorcerer. And yet, this hedgehog’s name managed to be the oddest thing you had heard yet.
Raphael shrugged, “Solomon assures me it is a name for only the most honorable warriors in the human world.”
Your lips curled inwards, sucked by the force of your inhale. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh.
Still, your voice wavered with amusement. “Hella…Britney Spears, the shadow hedgehog.”
“Yes,” Raphael confirmed, pride overwhelming his gaze as he gently took the little mammal from your hands. “The best around.”
The glint in his eye told you that arguing would only end in a rain of actual spears. All you could do was nod, thank him for sharing a piece of his life with you, and echo, “The best around.”
My requests are open! Find out more HERE. Banner by the incredible @4laurus, Beel fan extraordinaire.
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jungle-angel · 5 months
The Students Become The Masters (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: D'Nadi clearly made a mistake picking on you and Cal and your students couldn't have made it clearer than that
Tagging: @floydsmuse
Warnings: Pregnancy, D'Nadi being an asshole etc.
Calvin re-emerged from the kitchen with a hot mug of homemade tea to help calm your nerves. God it had been a day. Never in his life had Calvin seen you so upset about D'Nadi approaching you and not giving you a reason as to why you had been sent home from the college. He had felt terrible about cancelling his other classes for the rest of the day, but he knew that you needed him now more than ever.
"C'mere love," he said, gently lifting your tired head into his lap.
You sniffed a little as the tears stung your eyes. "God I hate D'Nadi," you croaked.
"I know, I do too sweetheart," Calvin said, running his fingers through your hair. "Try not to stress so much. I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby."
"I know," you croaked again. "I have an appointment at the teaching hospital tomorrow."
You snuggled into Calvin, a little too tired to drink the tea he had made, until he had finally convinced you to drink just a little. His hand trailed to your now noticeable bump, gently caressing the little life that grew within. A knock at the front door had startled you both and threw Six-Thirty into a barking fit until Calvin shooed him back to his bed near the fireplace. When Calvin opened the front door, he was a little surprised to find Father McDowell standing there on the front porch.
"Sorry to be disturbin ya laddy," he apologized. "I know it's late and you and the missus are probably settlin in fer bed."
"It's alright Padre," Calvin said. "Just a bit of a rough day is all."
"Ah so I can tell," Father McDowell said, seating himself in the old wingback near the living room window. "How are ye (y/n)? Still feelin a little blue are ye?"
You nodded.
Father McDowell sighed as Six-Thirty put his paws up on the chair arm, the priest gladly letting him have a few scritches. "Tis a damn shame we ain't back in Cork," he said. "If he'd have been attendin me old boardin school, the nuns would've lashed'em so hard he wouldn't be able to sit for at least a week."
You and Cal both chuckled a little. Despite his salty nature, Father McDowell's presence was always welcome at times like these as well as his rather twisted sense of humor.
"One way or another m'lamb, ye'll get through it," he assured you, lighting his pipe. "All will be right with the world......somehow."
And you and Calvin had hoped so.
Dark night had fallen over the college campus, but that didn't mean the halls were dead. No, they remained brightly lit, the rushed footsteps of students feet on the tile and parquet floors, hurrying to an out of order bathroom at the very end of the hall.
Two students, one of Father McDowell's theology students and his girlfriend, knocked on the door of the bathroom which was promptly opened by Sandy Levenstein, one of your assistants in the classroom.
"You two here from the Padre?" she asked.
"Yep," the young man answered.
"Get in," Sandy told them.
The bathroom was crowded with students and TAs alike, everyone packed elbows to assholes in that small little room from all walks of the campus life, bookworms, jocks, exchange students, chemistry majors, nursing majors, art and art history majors and everyone and anyone in between.
"Alright, you wanna take this Mei? Or should I?" Sandy asked from her perch on top of the garbage can.
"I'll do it," Mei told her. "Marshall? Wanna gimme a hand?"
"Hell yeah honey!" he answered, hoisting Mei up onto his big shoulders.
Mei began pounding on a metal garbage can lid with her Nainai's wooden cooking spoon. "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY SHUT UP FOR TWO SECONDS!!!!"
She waited until the whole room fell silent before speaking again. "Alright, now that I've got your undivided attention," she said. "Marsh, you can put me down now, thank you."
Marshall lowered her down to the floor, letting Mei stand amongst the eager to listen crowd.
"It seems to me that some foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach, had a bone to pick with our dearly beloved professors," Mei explained. "So I ask you, good people of this university.......what the hell are we gonna do about it? Are we gonna stand by and watch him pick on them again?"
"HELL NO!" everyone exclaimed.
"Are we gonna stand for this shit?" Mei asked.
"Are we gonna let that slimy little schlemiel get away with it?!" Sandy declared.
"HELL NO!!!!"
"I don't care how any of you have to do it," Mei told the crowd. "I don't care how long it takes, what methods you have to use, orthodox or not as long as it's within legal means.........but all of you, get out there and show the little cockroach who really runs this place!"
The crowd in the bathroom cheered, high-fiving and slapping the overhang of the door on their way out.
"You think this is gonna work?" Sandy asked.
"It's worth a shot," Mei laughed.
Calvin was in his office, working on the grant proposal for the college's chemistry program, the typewriter clicking away as Six-Thirty came back with a note from the college president. It had been almost a week since D'Nadi had pulled his little stunt, the both of you worried sick about work and how things would turn out. Calvin was an anxious mess as he opened the letter and read it, but relieved beyond words when he saw the response.
Dear Professor Evans,
I apologize for this being so late in coming, but I wanted to let you know personally that you and your wife will continue to teach at this establishment. I will allow her full benefits and time for when the baby is born and you as well. Give my best to (y/n) and we look forward to seeing her when she returns.
William B. Hayes III, University President
Calvin was relieved and knew that you would be too. He shoved the letter into one of the pockets inside his briefcase, eager to show you when he got home, when the quiet in his office was suddenly broken by a knock at the door.
"I'm not to be disturbed!" He warned loudly.
"Doc it's me! It's Marshall!" answered a muffled voice from the other side of the door.
Cal quickly rose from his desk chair and opened the door. Marshall Ray Thomas, Eugene Walsh, Cindy Bianchi and Sylvia Patton, all students of his and yours, entered his office, each with a cheeky grin on their faces.
"What did you idiots do?" Calvin asked, suspicious of the reason for their visit.
"Oh ya'll are gonna wanna see this," Marshall laughed, handing Calvin a stack of polaroids.
Calvin flipped through each and every one, his eyes bugging at a few, particularly of one where D'Nadi had been strapped to the surgical gurney in one of the nursing classrooms, the students all surrounding him wearing surgical gear and wielding the tools as though they were in a horror movie.
"Jeebus fuck!" Calvin chuckled, going bug-eyed.
"Oh, wait until you see the ones we took in the chemistry labs," Eugene chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "Sonny Ortega had fun with that one."
Calvin had to stifle a laugh when he saw it. Eugene hadn't been lying, seeing as he and Sonny had been cohorts from day one. What Cal hadn't been expecting was a full recreation of the lab scene in "Frankenstein" and the photographic evidence that had come with it.
"Oh my God," he laughed. "This is just.......wow."
A collective cheer and the chanting of students and teachers alike, soon reached Calvin's ears. Marshall, Eugene, Cindy and Sylvia made their way into the hall where the entire faculty seemed to be chanting "walk of shame" and clapping as loud as they could. Calvin caught sight of a sneering and sulking D'Nadi carrying a box of his things out of his office as the students and faculty kept it up, including Mrs. Petty, the elderly receptionist, who hated D'Nadi with every fiber of her being.
Calvin couldn't help the broad grin that was beginning to crawl across his face, especially when Dr. Powers and Professor Broussard clapped their firm hands on each of his shoulders.
"Mon amie," Professor Broussard said to him. "It seems justice has been served on your behalf."
Calvin laughed as he joined in, everyone cheering loudly when D'Nadi rounded the corner, never to be seen or heard from at the college again.
You laughed as you went through the polaroids again with Calvin as soon as he got home, relieved that you still had your job at the college.
"So wait, tell me again," you laughed. "They seriously did that in the nursing classroom?"
"Photo evidence is right there," Calvin answered.
You snorted when you saw it. "Oh my God what are we gonna do with them?"
"Who knows my love?" Calvin said, kissing your forehead.
You couldn't have been happier than at that moment.
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good evening :)
would it be ok to ask the fallout 4 companions reacting to a sole who manages to get a tank working and takes it for a little cruise?
please and thank you!
Good afternoon! What a polite ask! You’re very welcome. To be honest, I’ve been expecting them to add (or, well, re-add) vehicles into Fallout ever since they made the move to 3D. I suppose there’s always Fallout 5...
Cait is all for it, going so far as to straddle the main guns and point out targets for the tank’s wrath as the Sole Survivor pilots it. Every shot threatens to buck her right off with its force- and only makes her manic grin all the wider. “Yeah! Get that radstag next- wait, fuck do you mean we’re out of shells?!”
Codsworth, more than anything, is just worried that the Sole Survivor is going to run themselves over- or worse, blow themselves up. He constantly hovers behind the tank, chiming in with advice that he surely thinks is helpful. “I beg you to think about this for a moment! The family Chryslus is one thing, but... oh dear.”
Curie is right beside Codsworth in fretting, nervously watching the tank trundle along while half-expecting it to spontaneously explode. “You... need a license to drive such a thing, non? Ah, it is very dangerous- it is not, what is the saying, legal for the street?”
Danse gives it a routine inspection, viewing it as yet another piece of useful pre-War technology to be catalogued, preserved, and never thought about again. “Dual 140-millimeter cannons, smoothbore. Depleted uranium penetrators. Four tread arrays, in good condition. This is a big find for the Brotherhood, soldier. Proctor Ingram’s going to have a field day with this one... you are donating it, correct?”
Deacon wastes little time clambering into the cabin, running his fingers over all the little switches and dials. He looks so at home in the tank that it’s hard to remember that he has absolutely no idea how to use it. “Who, me? Uh, yeah, I’ve seen one of these before. Seventh... Republic of Dave... Mechanized Division, man. It’s a real thing.”
Hancock insists on hotboxing the tank, reminding the Sole Survivor that he’s never had the chance to try it with an actual functional vehicle. What little smoke escapes it as it rolls along only convinces poor Curie further that a catastrophic engine failure has occurred. “It’s a symbol, you dig? We take this Army shit, we smoke up inside it? It’s like giving the Man a big, rolling ‘fuck you’. Trust me on this.”
MacCready takes every opportunity to ham it up alongside Deacon, recalling his time in the Gunners to more accurately imitate a military hardass... which lasts for about fifteen seconds once the lurching tank gives him motion sickness. “Is that insubordination on my crew, private? Drop and give me twenty... oh, God, once we stop. Can we stop?”
Valentine would whistle if he could. He’s not shy about getting up close and personal, nudging the treads with one of his well-worn shoes. “...Well, would you look at that? You fixed the only machine in this place more broken-down than I am. Kinda gives me hope.”
Piper joins the peanut gallery with X6 and Curie, already scribbling the rough draft of an article in her omnipresent notepad. “I dunno, Blue. Tell you what: you can ride around in the big metal coffin all you want, and I’ll tell you when you’re about to crash into a tree. Deal?”
Preston is more than a little nervous... but just as impressed, too. Still, he won’t go near the thing, preferring to have Sturges check it out on his behalf. “...Wow. Uh- wow. General, are you sure this sends the right message? We’re here to help the Commonwealth, not... you know, level it.”
Strong feels a bit threatened by the presence of something potentially more destructive than he is, and immediately tries to lift the tank to prove that he’s still on top. He manages to get its front end maybe half an inch off the ground before collapsing, shamed and indignant. “STRONG NEVER LIKE MACHINES ANYWAY. DON’T FIGHT FAIR!”
X6-88 just watches from a distance, thoroughly unimpressed with it all. “No. I don’t think it’s likely to be of any value. A competent asset retrieval team could take it apart in minutes.” Behind those dark sunglasses, though, his eyes are as wide as dinner plates... and is he flinching every time another explosion rocks his surroundings? A trick of the light, surely.
Dogmeat loves it. Of course he does. It stirs primal memories of chasing cars in his little brain- and this one is actually slow enough to catch!
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melishade · 1 month
Attack on Prime Chapter 90: The Big Twist
Spoilers ahead if you haven't read the chapter. I recommend that you do if you haven't.
let’s talk about Primus. Eh?
So looking back on the Transformers franchise as a whole, Primus himself isn't really capitalized on. In a few of the shows, he’s only name-dropped or doesn’t even exist like TFA. In shows like TFP and the book the Covenant of Primus, he is alluded to and even given a brief backstory of his and Unicron’s origins before shifting gears to the Primes and their dynamics, but never makes an on screen appearance. He’s shown as the core and that’s it. We don’t know what he looks like in the Aligned Continuity. I think there is a toy out for him, but it was never said to be official. The only Transformers content that really explores on Primus is the IDW comics. Where Primus has aligned himself with three other transformer deities, but one of them got really angry with him for some reason and as punishment, got rid of his god powers, made everyone forget ever knowing him after he so much as left the room. (Look my info on IDW is spotty. I never got the chance to read the comics in full. Although god being a therapist is hilarious).
Besides IDW, there aren’t many interpretations or characterizations of Primus, which is a damn shame, considering we’ve always seen Unicron in almost all Transformers iterations. So it was something that I’ve always wanted to take a crack at: putting my own spin on the creator of the Transformers. I wanted to bring him into Attack on Prime, but before the AOT story was completed, I had no clue how to bring Primus into the story without it sounding so contrived and out of nowhere. I couldn’t have him pop out in the sky, tell everyone to stop fighting, and then have him leave, confusing everyone. It wouldn’t have made sense. In fact, I was all but ready to scrap the idea for AOP…until the Paths chapters dropped in the AOT manga, and I realized:
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And I immediately got to work on how to incorporate Primus into the story while also making it make sense. Which took a while. I’ve worked on multiple rewrites of Primus’ character and his interactions with Eren and Zeke before creating the final draft for the chapter. I started my brainstorming of my characterization of Primus in late 2019 with the document titled RELGN 132 (which was the title of a religion course I took at UCLA, so fairly on the nose). So yeah, I’ve been working on it for 4+ years.
But first let’s talk about the multiple lead up I’ve had up until this point, because again, I’m meticulous with my foreshadowing. Chapter of foreshadowing include:
Chapter 45 Chapter 69 Chapter 70 Chapter 72 Chapter 77 Chapter 81 Chapter 82 Chapter 86
(And a bunch of other additional chapter do have foreshadowing and there is a small inkling of Primus' presence, and I might explain that later, but I want to see if people can piece it together by re-reading the chapter. If not, then I'll probably just say it outright, IDK.)
But, some moments might’ve been noticeable, some not so much. I knew that I didn’t want Primus’ introduction in the Paths to feel out of nowhere. Eren and Zeke are talking and suddenly this guy just pops out of nowhere. I needed him to be alluded to, which is where the 4th notebook and Pieck come in, oh and also Unicron. Well, at least Unicron's powerset.
In the Covenant of Primus, Primus and Unicron are said to come from the same being: The One, who split apart due to its own internal conflict regarding the state of the universe. If Primus and Unicron come from the same being, they must have the same abilities. Or similar abilities at least. One of the abilities should include: using their blood to communicate with others who carry their blood. Dark energon flows through Unicron while energon flows through Primus. Through energon, all Cybertronians are connected and return to the place they spawned from after their death, regardless of how good or bad their intentions were. If this concept can apply to Cybertronian, surely it could apply to titan shifters, who’s powers even defy death itself on some level. Once all the titan shifters, or at least the Founder, had access to energon, Primus had access to them, and would have found a way to enter the Paths, either through his own power or Vector’s help, since the Paths operate outside of space time. (Primus himself will provide a brief explanation in the Paths II. And the In Between OVA that I keep bringing up, is simply AOP from Primus' perspective. God I am so happy I can say that now!)
But because the Paths operate outside of space and time and the fact that the full powers of the Founder hadn't been utilized on the flow of time, Primus lacked the tools he needs to figure out what the hell was going on or even eliminate the power of the titans. He is flung through the memories and lives of each titan shifter; however, some memories are blocked from him and he doesn’t know why. And because of Primus lack of control, he can’t properly interact with the world around him. He can only interact with other titan shifters as a distorted image. A shadow. He can’t give so much information to Kruger and Pieck. He can only provide images, hidden clues because of the barrier between them. And Primus wants to learn about the truth of the AOT world, so he sees through their eyes and listens to their stories. Even when Kruger and Pieck interact with Primus and even touch him, they are met with a warm, gentle, touch of comfort. Something to show that he is other worldly. In addition to that, the allusion to the overlap of voices, how Primus knows about even that happened thousands of years into the past, his glowing blue eyes, how he forces Kruger to feel the pain and suffering of the people he turned into titans, how Primus had called Megatron and Arcee by name before asking Pieck to believe in Optimus, proclaiming he would be the one to end the power of the titans. The longer Primus is on screen as the shadow, the more ‘in your face’ the information becomes. If you haven’t pieced together the shadow is Primus, then at the very least, you know that the shadow is Cybertronian.
Other pieces of information that are not so subtle, is actually the local therapist Rung in the Cybertron OVA. If you know your transformers lore, then you should know that Rung is Primus. That was one of the obvious bits of information that I was incorporating here. Some of the interactions that Rung has includes him not batting an eye when Starscream lashes out at him and catches the energon cube with such ease that he completely forgets to react the way a normal person would. The scene that Rung had alone where he looks at the Jackhammer in a remorse manner, almost as if he knows what’s going to happen but can’t do anything about it. Finally, when Rung places a comforting hand on Arcee, Arcee notes that the hand feels warm and comforting, and she feels a swell of emotions. Ya know, like every other interaction he’s had with humans on screen. Not to mention that Rung recommended that Arcee leave the planet on purpose because of prior knowledge of the AOT world because I’ve hinted at the fact that Primus in the story right now is from a time where the events of AOT haven’t happened yet. Right before he sends Optimus (Of course, this will be explain more cohesively within the In between OVA, which is going to focus on Primus and what’s he’s been doing throughout the AOP story).
More subtle bits of information when foreshadowing Primus’ role in the story is the drawing of Optimus Prime’s holoform, or rather Primus, from the 4th notebook. The drawing is led to believe and cement the fact that the Attack Titan can see into the future. Which is true, Primus’ appearance in the story is a future event, however, I have to make a note that what they are looking at is not Optimus. It’s Primus wearing Optimus’ face. So I had to have someone who would take notice of the way that Primus is wearing Optimus’ face. Erwin had to be the observation because he’s the only human that has been known to notice those subtle details and connections. He of course brought this up with Megatron and Megatron does notice the difference. But the drawing is not Megatron’s concern, assuming that someone trying to interpret someone from memory is going to get a few details wrong. Also, they have other priorities to take care of besides a drawing from the past. Megatron and ultimately Erwin let it go, but I’m letting the audience know, something is clearly up. Adding on top of that, Kruger has never met Optimus, but he had seen the shadow’s face before dying. That should be another indicator that it’s not Optimus. It’s the shadow. It’s Primus.
Finally, the more subtle indication of Primus’ presence in the story is the conversation that Eren and Kenshin had about the existence of gods in general. While Kenshin believes that god exists, Eren does not. He critiques god and believe god to be hypocritical while Kenshin believes that god cares and wants the creation to live freely. It’s supposed to be an engaging conversation while also hinting at the fact that Eren’s definitely going to talk to a deity with his mentality and future visions and get the crap kicked out of him.
I’m certain that I missed something but what I’ve wanted to say but the foreshadowing of Primus is there, and I wanted it to be clear. However, Primus’ characterization is something I wanted to discuss for a long time too. Again, we don’t know much about Primus’ character besides Rung, and I didn’t want him to be a stoic deity. That’s boring. I wanted to have some fun. I wanted Primus to be the complete opposite of Unicron. While Unicron is haughty and prideful, Primus is kind and humble. While Unicron loathes the idea of existence and wants death and destruction, Primus believes in life and creation. Unicron believes that everything is beneath him while Primus sees the value of even the smallest living thing. Unicron believes in working alone, and that he is the most powerful being. No one else should have his power. Primus believes in cooperation, unity, and sharing his power. Unicron wants to destroy the universe, Primus wants to be a part of it.
With that in mind, I was able to write a characterization of Primus: a gentle, kind being that cares deeply for the lives of others that may or may not even be his own. Someone who gets excited at the prospect of learning new things about new beings, someone who mourns the loss of life, and someone who gets angry at the prospect of someone wanting to take that life away. Someone who genuinely tries to understand the individual and their experiences in order to truly understand the meaning of life.
However, there is a fatal flaw to Primus. People I've talked with in the transformers fandom, myself included, have criticized Primus for his own inaction during the war. He gave the Matrix to Optimus, sure, but he did nothing to stop the War in its tracks or even stop the caste system from taking place. Why didn’t he help out Megatron and his people? Why didn’t he stop Megatron when he had gone insane? Why did he make Optimus shoulder all his responsibilities twice? Why does Primus not step in when there are life-threatening events that could destroy the universe? The very thing he values and wants to be part of? It’s very simple: Primus is an immortal deity, with powers to see beyond the veil of time and defy reality if he wanted to but chooses not to based on the safety of the whole universe and every living creature. A personal theory I've come up with is the Unicron prophecy in TFP. Unicron was set to reawaken on Earth, but Cybertron doesn’t know about Earth until the war happens. Sure, if the war didn’t happen, the caste system could have been fixed and Cybertron could have been a better place to live, but Unicron would have awakened with no one to stop him and would have destroyed the whole universe, Cybertron included. It’s an example of Primus trying to see the bigger picture and that’s where his flaw lies. When seeing the bigger picture, he ignores the sufferings of mortals who lead very limited lives compared to him. Primus has all the time in the universe to figure everything out, but not Cybertron, and not everyone else. His purpose even if Cybertron is destroyed is to battle Unicron once more. It’s an endless cycle. But Primus ends up missing the point that he wants to understand. There’s a quote from Steven Universe’s character Sapphire that encapsulates this perfectly:
“I keep looking into the future when all of this has already been solved, as if it doesn’t matter how you feel in the present. No wonder you think I don’t care.”
The meaning of life to a mortal is vastly different to that of an immortal. As a result, Primus will never fully understand them and can’t be part of the universe like he wants to. He cannot live and die like they can. But even so, he still tries to, and that’s what makes him all the more understanding. This is what I want to encapsulate for my characterization of Primus in AOP. Now he has to confront two titan shifters with their own flaws and failings: one that wishes to die, and one that wishes to destroy. And he is not happy with either of them trying to play god out of selfishness.
(There's other things that I want to discuss, like Primus' design and other actions within the story, but I think I'll take care of that tomorrow. Still if you haven't, please leave a comment. That would be greatly appreciated. And I encourage you to read back through AOP to find those clues of Primus' presence.
Not to mention, chapter 45 isn't Primus' first appearance.)
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I read Cloudstreet, a modern Australian classic by Tim Winton about two down-on-their-luck families who end up living in the same big ramshackle, haunted home, beginning in Brisbane (someone had misinformed me and told me it was set there) and then throughout the long plane ride home. Now, I liked a lot about it. I liked the surrealist touches, the premonitions and warnings and dreams. I liked the flinty Oriel, a mother and a hard worker, and her soft husband Lester; I liked the journey of young Quick. It's a family epic about two families shaped by tragedies. It's compelling even when sometimes long-winded.
But ultimately, I really struggled with the core character: Fish. The Lamb family's world changes when a tragic accident leaves the favorite son, Fish, mentally disabled. Other characters' stories and journeys are built upon this tragedy. But he also has seemingly magical abilities. He "knows" things, he can talk to the family pig and to the ghosts of the house, he appears to characters in dreams and some version of him is narrating our novel. He is described too often in a very dehumanizing way (was a scene of his brother sobbing as he cleans Fish up after he shit himself necessary to the plot?) and Rose's crush on him becomes a ridiculous childhood fantasy transferred onto his brother instead.
Most upsettingly (spoilers), the ending of the two families, the two mothers, seeming to heal and come together in the house, seems to hinge on his suicide. It's been hinted at throughout the book—when Fish almost drowned, but was resurrected, he felt disappointed to be taken from the water, as if there was something wrong in his rebirth, and he's craved the water ever since. His purposeful drowning is written almost as a correction, a completion of what had been hanging over the Lamb family all this time. It is a release for him and his family—which is extremely troubling.
We can add to that a mysterious black man/spirit/ghost who shows up at random times solely to hand out sage advice or warning. One of the ghosts of the house is an indigenous girl who was killed in the midst of a colonizing, imperialist re-education project. These brown presences haunt the families of Cloudstreet, perhaps a metaphor for colonization's legacies, but mostly an uncomfortable magical-negro style presence instead. The women are...ok, Oriel being the best written of them. The male characters are interesting and complex but they too have their holes.
Ultimately, if it had had a different ending for Fish, I might have been able to better balance the flaws of this book with its successes, but it's impossible in the end. A shame, because a lot in this book was really promising.
Intense content warnings for ableism, suicide. Warnings also for violence, disordered eating, child death, substance abuse/addiction.
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apocalypticavolition · 5 months
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 36: Among the Elders
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Let's keep this simple. This post? Spoils all of The Wheel of Time. Literally this specific post references the last pages of the final book. You shouldn't be reading this if you don't already know everything or at least don't care about spoilers.
Oh also there's a gif with an incredibly moderate amount of flashing at the bottom. I don't think it should hurt anyone with conditions but I'm feeling overcautious so this is your heads up.
This chapter is another example of the new trefoil leaf icon because we're still hanging out with the Ogier.
A number of Ogier women were watching him, from white-haired grandmothers to daughters Erith’s age, a knot of them talking among themselves but with all eyes on him. His ears jerked, but he looked at the broad door to which the stone steps led down, and nodded again.
Poor Loial really isn't ready for the Pangossipcon of the Ogier steddings.
The Ogier woman in the middle of the dais sat in a chair raised a little higher than those of the others, three bearded men to her left in long, flaring coats, three women to her right in dresses like her own, embroidered in vines and flowers from neckline to hem.
We can conclude here that while Ogier society is a bit dominated by the ladies (almost nowhere in Jordan's world is perfectly equal), it's still one of the more egalitarian and thus thematically functional places.
“I will find the Horn,” Ingtar said angrily. “I must. If you will not permit us to use the Waygate. . . .” He fell silent as Verin looked at him, but the scowl remained on his face.
What are you going to do, Ingtar? Slaughter them all? That's some redemption.
His face sagged, without any expression at all, and his big eyes were vacant and unblinking, not staring, not looking, not even seeming to see. One of the women gently wiped drool from the corner of his mouth. They took his arms to stop him; his foot went forward, hesitated, then fell back with a thump.
It's a shame brain scanning is a long dead technology because I would LOVE to know what's going on with all this. Perhaps Nynaeve will delve into the Ogier victims someday, though I expect that's probably rather unlikely.
“No mind. No soul. Nothing of Trayal remains but his body.”
So what happened to his soul? Did it just get immediately sent back to T'A'R? Is it still rattling around in Machin Shin? Is this a Hopper-esque true death, or will Trayal manage to be reborn someday?
“We do need him,” Verin broke in smoothly. “Few any longer know the Ways, but Loial has studied them. He can decipher the Guidings.”
Verin once again being the useful team member by giving a reason for Loial's presence. Ingtar is continuing to be a handicap at this point. When wtas the last time he actually did something useful?
“I will,” he told her. It had the feeling of a commitment, the swearing of an oath.
Presumably death gets Rand out of his oaths because dude up and ditches Loial as soon as the weaving of the Pattern is done.
“That’s not true,” Mat said, straightening abruptly. “Marisa Ayellin thinks I’m handsome. She told me so more than once.” “Is Marisa pretty?” Loial asked. “She has a face like a goat,” Perrin said blandly. Mat choked, trying to get his protests out.
It's good that they're bantering again. Gotta say though Perrin, I think your standards for pretty are a bit different than most Two Rivers boys.
Around the edge of the clearing the Ogier had built a low stone coping that seemed as if it had grown there, suggesting a circle of roots. The look of it made Rand uncomfortable. It took him a moment to realize that the roots suggested were those of bramble and briar, burningleaf and itch oak. Not the sort of plants into which anyone would want to stumble.
We should let the nuclear waste storage people know about this method because it seems a lot more effective than the whole "THIS IS NOT A PLACE OF HONOR" bs.
“I have told you,” Verin said, “the Black Wind is a creature of the Ways. It cannot leave them.”
With Rand around, anything is possible Verin. Even bad shit. Hell, especially bad shit.
Verin stood with eyes unfocused in thought. Mat was sitting on the coping with his head in his hands, and Perrin watched him worriedly. Loial seemed relieved that they could not use the Waygate, and ashamed at being relieved.
Raise your hand if you've ever felt the way Loial does.
That said, this affair has definitely gone to shit and I'm not even angry at Ingtar for immediately going back to plan "Smash heads until I get what I want."
“What we need,” Hurin said diffidently, “is one of those Portal Stones.” He looked to Alar, then Verin, and when neither told him to stop, he went on, sounding increasingly confident.
Dude really has low self-esteem for someone who is by all rights an independent contractor. I'm beginning to wonder if Borderlander culture is more messed up than the books let on.
“I can find it,” Rand said reluctantly. He felt ashamed. Mat’s going to die, Darkfriends have the Horn of Valere, Fain will hurt Emond’s Field if you don’t follow him, and you’re afraid to channel the Power. Once to go and once to come back. Twice more won’t drive you mad.
"Yeah I said I was only going to use ultra-heroin at parties, but my buddy's coming over and it would make me a bad host if we didn't hit it up a little."
“The Brown Ajah knows many things,” Verin said dryly, “and I know how the Stones may be used.”
I wonder if this is a Brown Ajah secret, a Black Ajah secret, or in fact just a Verin Mathwin secret. Any answer seems possible.
Next time:
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wordiestbird · 1 year
So I finished Kamen Rider Decade the other day...
And I do indeed have some thoughts about it, both as a whole and how it adds some interesting character to Tsuaka's whole deal in Zi-O (and I should really re-watch that at some point too). Thoughts below the read more, spoilers abound as you might expect.
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My dive back into my old FFnet favorites continues and I'm bringing some more recs here for anyone interested in them. Still giving them my own summaries to convey my own impressions of the fics.
As You Wish by YarningChick - A fusion of The Cat Returns and The Princess Bride. Haru is the fiercely proud daughter of a samurai who has vowed to marry none other than her sweetheart - not even his death at sea could change her mind. Unfortunately, the King has decided he is going to marry Haru, whether she likes this idea or not.
Haru/Baron is the main ship and the fic itself is rated G. The main cast is all characters from The Cat Returns and while Haru is very different from her movie self, it's still a really fun and enjoyable re-imagining of The Princess Bride's plot. YarningChick has written a lot of fics for The Cat Returns - most AUs of some sort - and they're pretty much all enjoyable. So not only does the fic get a recommendataion, the author does too.
It looks so far like all YarningChick's fics are on Ao3, so that's where the links will lead.
The Angel's Knight by Philip S - Sixteen years after her death saving the world from Glory, Buffy is given the chance to return to life to aid Angel in one final Apocalypse to determine the world's future. But the truth of what's really happening is bigger than anyone could have possibly imagined.
I remember this one especially for it's rather fascinating take on what happened the night Eyghon killed Giles' pre-series and helps to explain some of the inconsistencies with his earlier portrayal and retcons made as characterization marched on. It's also got my favorite take on Catherine Madison post-trophy-ification and an interesting interpretation of the Key.
Rated T, has Buffy/Angel as the main ship, and is, unfortunately, not to be found on Ao3 yet.
BtVS: The College Years by Philip S - A Season 4 AU. With the Slayer beyond their control for the moment, the Watcher's Council chooses to reactivate the Slayer's counterpart: the Huntsman. Meanwhile, Buffy's dealing not only with college, but with the arrival of soldiers intending to fight the good fight… and whose presence will unearth more of Sunnydale's bloodstained history.
This one I remember really enjoying for the take on the Slayer that it was one of two powerful, ancient spirits. And also for incorporating Angel's return to being human via the Mohra demon, but not allowing him to roll back time like in canon. It's obvious to the reader what Angel's in store for as the fic goes on, but how he gets there is pretty fascinating.
It is rated M for a non-con encounter between Buffy and the first guy to become the Huntsman. So reader beware. The main ship is Buffy/Angel. And, like the rest of Philip S's work, it's not on Ao3 at this time.
If It's Not One Thing… by Gabrielle Lawson - There's never a dull moment on Deep Space Nine as murder, secretive aliens, and Julian's past collide. An alternate take on Julian Bashir's past written before the reveal of his parents or genetic engineering.
Probably my favorite fic about Julian. His backstory here is really well thought out and really quite tragic and it definitely captures the feel of early seasons DS9, with the tensions between Starfleet and the Bajorans playing an important part of the storyline.
It's rated T and is on Ao3 now, along with Gabrielle Lawson's other works. Lawson's Deep Space Nine fics are all pretty good from what I remember, though this one was my favorite.
The Geek's Field Guide to Arachnids by likethekoschka - A big robot spider, anaphylactic shock, and a number of near-death-experiences… all just another ordinary day on Atlantis for John and Rodney. First in a series staring John Sheppard and Rodney McKay in an established relationship, written by liketheriver and koschka under their combined penname.
While at least one of the writers moved to Ao3, it doesn't look like they brought any of their ffnet stuff - solo or cowritten - with them. Which is a shame, but I can hold out hope these'll get migrated to somewhere safer than ffnet eventually. (Like Ao3…)
All of the fics in this series are rated T and I cannot recommend the series enough for Stargate Atlantis fans. It's incredibly well written and a lot of fun to read. Features what is probably my favorite version of Radek Zelenka.
Atlas by distractedKat - Star Trek Kelvin-verse fic set after the 2009 movie and AU from there. Kirk throws himself into aiding the rebuilding of Starfleet in the wake of the Narada disaster as Starfleet Academy has found itself short staffed. This may not have been such a good idea, as his many talents have caught the eye of a corrupt Admiral…
An eventual Kirk/Spock fic that treats Spock and Uhura's friendship really well. Rated T and is up on Ao3.
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winniewings · 1 year
Her name is Sarah 13 (Bucky Barnes )
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x original female character
Warnings : Past rape, protagonist was sexual abuse victim, past abuse, scars, blood .
Summary : Who could say that a normal night walk would change Bucky Barnes life forever, when he finds a distressed woman with blood stained clothes seated next to a New York’s street dust bin , holding her naked newborn baby in her arms staring at the blue eyed man with her vulnareble hazel eyes.
Part 13 (Part 12 )
" I don't want this, I don't want anything... please…" the lady declared, furrowing her brow and looking at Bucky nervously... as if he was the only man who she knew in the whole world to be by her side when she needed it.
"It's all right … you don't have to use it… it's just a gift , we will never force you to use these …"Bucky said, melting the woman's pitiful gaze and walked over to Wanda, whose limbs were frozen midway as she was assembling the furniture.
"We can use this cradle to keep the baby's toys or something… "he added, helping Wanda to fully assemble the baby's bed while the woman had begun to calm down.
"How is the little angel doing? "Natasha asked the woman, walking towards the bed and sitting on the edge of it, trying to divert this topic.
"He's sleeping,'' the lady replied, alerted now seeing the redhead getting near her child.
Unknowingly, her eyes shifted towards Bucky, partly in shame for having denied a gift rudely and in a sleeping fear as the Black Widow approached her child. As an assurance, Bucky nodded, pressing his eyes close at the lady.
Then, he decided to stand beside her as he felt that his presence calmed her amidst this still unknown crowd.
Natasha dearly glared at the baby, who had begun showing signs of leaving the night's slumber. Her admiration only came to a halt when both hers and Wanda's phone began buzzing as a result of Fury calling them for the briefing of their next mission.
" Well… we will take our leave. Fury needs us" Natasha declared, before getting up from the bed and in no time both were gone… As well as Bucky, who was at home, but had left the lady’s room, closing the door when he had stepped out of the dormitory.
Following the departure, the lady took a seat next to her baby and scooped her life in her arms, cradling him in her still scared and shaky limbs.
The little boy had opened his big amber eyes to stare at his gorgeous mother, with an awe and began to smile as his mom's body was felt by his sensitive flesh.
''Good morning my love " the lady greeted her son, in the sweetest manner one could ever imagine, " it's been three hours love, you must be very hungry… but first let's change your diaper" she added lovingly and carried out the task.
After she was done, she comfortably sat on the bed, putting both her legs on the mattress. Then, she unbuttoned her clothes only the bare needed to let her baby latch on her breast, and began nursing her child. The little premature was unable to latch on her in the first few attempts, so she helped him by placing her nipple in between his little feather soft lips with her hand after which he could get some milk inside of his mouth.
The little one took his time to satisfy his hunger, suckling his mom's nipple while his mother was sweetly staring into his pure innocent orbs, as if she was seeing the reflection of her own eyes in his.
However ,once again, her surroundings began troubling her … but this time … it hit her hard.
Both ladies' she had encountered in Bucky's home, Wanda and Natasha ,were spotless.Their face was flawless, they carried no scars on their complexion, their skin had no bruises at all. That, compared to her own body, her skin, her face, was devastating. The harsh reminder of her broken life and horrific past, something that her eyes did not fail to notice while she was feeding her son, driving car sadness to cross the depression border. So much, that she did not even realize that her baby had spilled some milk on her breast... which she only realized some minutes after it took place.
Still drawn in her miserable thoughts, she kept her baby on the bed and got up from it to fetch something to dry the wet patch from the waist length chest of drawers. When she reached there, her head could no longer handle anymore, bursting into tears after holding the edge of the furniture with her hands and lowering her head down.
After cleaning the kitchen, when Buck came out in the hall, the sounds of despair reached his super soldier hearing, forcing him to rush to the source of that cry.
As he opened the door, the sight in front of his eyes broke his mind. The woman was crying, non -stop, uncontrollably with her curls covering both sides of her face.
" What happened? Why are you crying like this?" Bucky asked, shocked, after rushing towards the woman and forcing her to turn towards him, grabbing her by her upper arms.
The woman did not lift her head up or stopped crying at all, only her body was turned due to the brunet's movement. But what Bucky saw was an even more disturbing scene, the lady's face was red hot flushed and her right breast was exposed to his eyes, making him notice all the wounds that she carried on that skin, breaking the man's heart in many more pieces that it had already broken into. However, he quickly brought himself out of the shock that he had gone into, in order to act quickly.
"Please... tell me what happened? Why are you crying so much?" Bucky insisted, horrified.
"I... I... don't know why I am staying here? What am I doing here ?... When his hand prints are and will always remain on my body . It hurts… it burns... very much…" she cried to Bucky, slowly lifting her head up to speak these words to him.
"You are here because I have saved you… from him… you are here because you want to live for your son, remember?" "But… What if he comes again? What if he's searching for me right now...? And… if he snatches my baby away from me? I don't care about myself. I'm used to him... but... he will kill my baby... and I can't... I can't live without my son… I can't live with the killer of my son that I held in my arms… I won't be able to…. Look at me... he is so strong... look what he has done to me... you don't know him... he's a monster... I have felt his teeth on my bones…" the woman cried whilst explaining to Buck.
" No matter how strong he is... he cannot stand in front of me... as long as I am with you… no one can touch you... no one" Bucky spoke intensely, cupping the lady's face in his hands, trying to calm her down making her feel the heat of his palms.
"He will take my son away from me…" the woman helplessly sobbed, while strings of painful saliva stretched from her teeth every time she opened her mouth to speak.
At this point, the super soldier took a step closer to her, intensifying the passion in his orbs as he eyed the gorgeous woman's flushed complexion as he slid his fingers through her soft curls reaching to stroke her lower scalp, whilst his thumb was wiping the tears off her face.
"I promise…" he had just begun speaking when he realized that the woman whose face he lovingly held in his hands, was falling into unconsciousness and her body's weight was becoming apparent in his grip, " no... no… no… please, don't close your eyes" he pleaded.
Finally, when the gravity had pulled the woman into his arms, his metal hand protectively gripped her lower back as her face crashed on his hard chest.
Notes :
Hi guys! First of all , sorry for the late update ,  but now i am back .
Secondly, i hope you are liking this story, please if you do , dont forget to write a comment bellow , hit the like and reblog button!
Have a lovely day!
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obesericewrites · 2 years
Smth light-hearted, what would be everyone's clique if they were transported into those highschool aus? I feel like Mr. Jaha would be the guidance counselor or the professor everyone loves. Can you imagine Prom season?!
Oh, Mr. Jaha is the history professor for sure! All his students absolutely adore him… for his teachings, of course. He is a menace though, if you skip his class or show up late, you’ll never hear the end of it and have a small paper of shame placed on your desk. And when prom arrives, he’s all over the place yet has everything together. Jaha goes from supervising to giving announcements.
Miss Portia is the math professor. She is firm but you will leave her class with straight As, whether it be by her teachings or by force. Portia is the teacher you wouldn’t dare to insult her class or even give a dirty look, her calculated gaze would seek you out like a heat-seeking missile. When prom comes, she lets her presence be a warning in itself to anyone who wants to ruin the night.
(Now for the ROs, I’ll have them be teachers rather than students. If you want to see them in that form of ask, re-ask this again and I’ll write it!)
M is the English teacher. Which is a pain for their students. The heavy accent they speak in and the lack of answering questions make it a pain for whoever takes their class. However, it’s worth it when M brings their daughter from her recess to their classroom. She entertains the high schoolers. When prom arrives, they just stand next to the drinks and give a glare to any students with ill intentions.
S is the PE teacher. Oh…they give their students hell. You talk back or snark a bit too much to them, ten laps and you take the rest of the class with you. It’s a love-hate relationship that S has with their students. Their students love how much fun and open they can be with S, however, they hate how snippy and big-headed their teacher can be. When prom comes around, S is all across the dance floor. Shoving or pinching at any students who get too frisky. Covering up their concern by just being an ass.
B would be a science or health. It doesn’t matter, but they’ll teach whatever they end up picking. Their students love them and have the utmost respect for B. No one ever raises their voice or speaks out of turn. The other teachers joke that B teaches manners along with science/health. When prom arrives, everyone is well-behaved and doesn’t do anything to.. messy. Well, throwing toilet paper all over the walls is something B can’t control.
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roobylavender · 1 year
hi, fellow selina fan here!!! i don't disagree with you in that i don't think selina should ever be permanently restricted to… well, honestly, just about anywhere. to fully disclose my bias here, my favourite daydream with her is currently post "little bird" selina deciding to start robbing museums to build her street rep (more lucrative oppurtunities) and returning them to either the people or countries they were stolen from, but also taking something from the museum she was returning that lacked non-capitalistic value.
but, i also think the idea of her having her "own little corner of gotham", to some people at least, is more so representative of the idea of community loyalty than it is of anything akin to city-level patriotism if that makes any sense. like personally, i tend to interpret things like that as more of a soft spot than territorial boundary-making. like, to me anyways, the general idea sort of has the same appeal as selina's compassion for fellow swers or poor youth moreso than anything similar to how bruce "has" gotham, or dick "has" bludhaven, & so on a & so forth.
mind you, i also think the whole idea of assigning these characters "territories" (i.e. things outside of community-based work or generally frequented areas) is sorta suspect in general, as it's a very proprietary train of thought & therefore sort of capitalist in nature. i just also see the appeal of examining selina's compassion through the idea of her having some allegiance to the people of the streets that bred her so to speak. i also want to clarify that agree with you in that the way fandom plays with this idea and it's canon is... unlikeable at best. i think that, if examining selina from this lens, her tie must be based in an allegiance born in the shared circumstances of the people of her community (and therefore something she should be shown to extend to others in similar circumstances outside of that) rather than any land boundary, or a more base-level idea of "home". and it shouldn't be "her setting" in the way gotham is for bruce, it should have specifc narrative relevancy if she's there, rather than placing her there for ease of writing.
sorry if this is bothersome, and for the length. i really enjoy your takes, particularly on the women of comic mythos, and you are a refreshing fandom presence in general, let alone just dc. i hope your day is a joy,
please omg you are not a bother at all! i love it when i get asks like this that are so thoughtful they really do make my day ❤️
i totally agree though! esp when you say "it should have specific narrative relevancy if she's there, rather than placing her there for the ease of writing" like that sums up so well what some of the issues are with writing her in the past decade or so. her connection is always going to be to community first so it makes sense to connect her to the people wherever she is and then work from there, and i think writers get stuck in trying to frame the city first before they frame the actual conflict or people involved. they get her involved in these big city wide schemes but what i miss are the smaller niche stories she got in the 90s or even in some of brubaker's earliest issues. that idea of her being hyper aware of the spaces bruce wasn't hyper aware of bc he had bigger foes to contend with was really good (even if i did have some issues with the way brubaker framed it to look like bruce didn't care in comparison). bc it's not necessarily gotham or the east end that's special. it's the people she meets who have struggled in ways similar to her and you're always going to find the strongest connections and narrative poignancy when you keep that in mind. i think ram v was trying to go there with his short run esp what with having holly and maggie re-involved but it's a shame we had to see that cut short :/
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