#a sprinkle of shameless self promo
catcrumbled · 5 months
imagine being six feet deep in denial that you’re in love with your long distance best friend of 5+ years and you’ve been having dreams of your future together nearly every night, seeing his face and hugging him and kissing him and yet you tell yourself that maybe there’s an alternate universe where all of that is real, just probably not this one, but each dream progressively gets more intense and so frighteningly real that at one point you’re like, okay, i just have to find a way to fall out of love with him now, so that it won’t hurt so badly anymore to be apart from him. well—guess what? you can travel in time and those dreams you’ve had are actual fragments of your future with him, and yes, you do have a future with him, and you’d go to the ends of the Earth and beyond just so you two can be together finally, but you’re losing hope and drifting apart further and further and further but you have such an unending love for this person you’ve never actually met that it’s consuming you entirely, but you can’t tell him that, in the same way that you also can’t tell him about the future you’ve seen in fear that it’ll mess things up somewhere along the way
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
The Ghost of Kamar-Taj
Request: So, the reader has insomnia, and will do anything to busy themselves during the night. Train with magic and combat by themselves, clean, cook, garden, read, draw, etc. You lived in Kamar-Taj, but didn't know stephen that well. Stephen begins to notice the circles under your eyes, the extra cleaness of the building, a new painting, and decides to stay up a bit later and see what going on.
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Warning(s): sleep deprivation, Stephen is a caring little bean, fluff (lots of it)...I think that’s all, as per usual, lemme know if I missed anything!
also...Ella not using language? Maybe I need to see our favourite doctor...
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Darkness had once again fallen over Kamar-Taj, leaving the sacred grounds empty and quiet. Not a sorcerer or sense of magic in sight; then again, who in their right mind would be awake at 1:45 in the morning? 
You! That’s who.
For as long as your sleep-deprived brain could remember, you hadn’t had a proper nights sleep in a very long time. And eventually it just got to the point where you just live with it. 
Of course, nights can become extremely boring laying down in bed and staring at the ceiling, so, you’ve taken up a few quiet activities around Kamar-Taj throughout the night. 
On tonight’s agenda, we’ve got:
Cleaning the rarely used kitchen (ugh);
Tend to the peonies in the meditation garden; and  
Finish off the painting
With your list sorted, you headed in the direction of the kitchen; ensuring to step over the creaky floor board in front of Master Wong’s room...the one time you stepped on it did not end up well for you.
It gives you shudders remembering it to this day. 
Pulling the memory from your mind, you found yourself in the kitchen. Summoning your headphones, you quickly connected them to your phone and pressed shuffle on a random playlist. 
Shameless self-promo but checkout my Spotify playlist for Stephen 😳
Staring at the kitchen, you only had one thought. For the one place that was hardly ever used, it sure was filthy. You cringed. You could only hope that the Vishanti would help you get through this new endeavour. 
Giddy with excitement (not sarcasm in the slightest), you began your vigorous cleaning process. Tossing out mouldy food from the fridge; scrubbing the sink clean from weird alien goop (who cleans alien goo off of themselves in the kitchen sink?); wiping down the counters from Wong’s famous tuna melts. 
Your work was cut out for you, that’s for sure...
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Two and a half hours of scrubbing, washing, and tidying up later and the kitchen was finally clean. Conjuring a cloth, you wiped the cold sweat from your sticky forehead. Cleaning was extremely hard work. You now had a newfound respect for those who worked in the cleaning industry.
Taking a final look at the now spotless kitchen--one that you could only hope would stay that way--you grabbed your slip of paper and crossed cleaning the kitchen off of your to-do list.
The cool Nepalese air tickled your cheeks as you left the cozy building behind. A smile graced your features as you mindlessly walked off in the direction of the gardens; they were your favourite place here at Kamar-Taj. 
It was the one place that reminded you of home. 
Taking a deep breath of the cool night air, you moved towards the northern side of the garden; and the sight that greeted you was mesmerising. Colours were splashed across the gardens as if a child had run around throwing paint at the flowerbed randomly. 
Your peonies were finally in bloom. A handful of baby pink peonies to the left, a couple crystal white ones sprinkled here and there, three blood red ones lined up in between the mixture. What really brought a sparkle to your eye was the singular yellow peony--they were your mother’s favourite. 
You began weeding the flowers; removing every piece of green that wasn’t supposed to be there. The ritualistic movements reminded you of tending the garden with your mother, and her eloquent “lessons” that came along with them. 
“If you truly want to know how a man feels about you, Monkey, look into his eyes. The eyes are the window into the soul; and the soul shows the trueness of one’s heart.”
Reminiscing at the many “lessons” that came along with your gardening adventures helped pass the time; and before you knew it your adventures in the cold Nepalese air came to an end. 
Summoning your list once again, you crossed ‘Tending the peonies’ off your list. Now, there was only one thing left for the night, and you were incredibly excited for it. 
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Is it? I can’t be...a Stephen POV? In Ella’s work? Dormammu must be coming...
The sun greeted Stephen through the slightly ajar curtains and roused him from his slumber. With a groan he planted his face into his pillow. It was nowhere near the time for waking up, but, the Sorcerer Supreme duties called. 
Summoning his robes, he grumpily slid them on, mumbling curses as every new layer graced his body. With a final sigh, he left his room and began his daily routine. First stop: the kitchen for a mediocre and somewhat filling breakfast. 
Walking down the hall was pretty much muscle memory by now. Exit room, turn right, walk down hallway until Wong’s room, and turn left. But something just felt off today. 
Shaking the feeling away, he arrived at the kitchen, and was only somewhat surprised at the state of it. The kitchen was clean; absolutely spotless. Yesterday some apprentice had decided that it was a good idea to clean off some Orloni goo in the sink; not that you’d know if was ever there in the first place. 
Walking over to the fridge, he opened it, and to no surprise, the moulding fruits and milk were no longer there either. 
“...and that Kamar-Taj Ghost strikes again!” 
Stephen only rolled his eyes, “You really believe in that nonsense, Wong?” 
Wong just shrugged his shoulders, “We fight multiversal beings for a living, Strange. How are we to know whether the supernatural truly exists or is just figments of our own imaginations?” 
Stephen just ignored him. For a man who claims to be rational, Wong surely didn’t show it. 
Deciding the forgo breakfast--and whatever the conversation with Wong was--he made his way towards the library. Maybe he could get all his reading done before the irritating apprentices decide they need to “study”. 
Opening the large, wooden doors was like a ritual. Quickly making his way to his chair, he sat down and opened the nearest tome. Halfway through the first page that feeling from earlier rose again. Something wasn’t right.
He pulled his head out of the book and looked around the room, and that’s when he saw it. A painting of...himself?
That was new, but still not ultimately surprising. Turning his head caused the Sorcerer Supreme to raise his eyebrows. What he found on the couch beside the painting was what truly was surprising. 
Back to your regular scheduled programming. 
The end of today’s tonight’s itinerary left you with dusting the bookshelves in the library...oh the joys!
Picking up the duster, you began running it along the finely-crafted wooden shelves. The stories and spells that sat on this single shelf alone were probably centuries old. To think that sorcerers years before you were born-
“You’re the Ghost of Kamar-Taj, aren’t you?” 
You jumped, not expecting to hear someone’s voice at 3:15 in the morning.  Quickly spinning around, you came face-to-face with none other than the Sorcerer Supreme; your superior. 
He rolled his eyes, “Irrelevant facts. What are you doing awake?” 
You huffed, “I could ask you the same question, Doctor.” 
Stephen cracked a smile, “When was the last time you actually slept?” 
“Slightly puffed under-eyes, both of which are a deep purplely-blue. Reduced energy when doing something as simple as dusting; don’t lie, I can see you swaying. All indicators that show you have a lack of sleep. So, I’ll ask again, when was the last time you actually slept?” 
You lowered your eyes to the floor as you shuffled your feet, “Last night?” 
He deadpanned, “You expect me to believe that?”
You took a deep breath, “I can’t sleep. It just doesn’t happen.” 
Stephen walked over to the couch and pointed at it. “Here, now.”
You shook your head, “What?” 
“Come here, now. We’re going to fix this.” 
You sighed, “With all due respect, Sir. I’ve tried everything. There is nothing that can-”
“You haven’t had help from me, so come here.” 
Trudging over to the couch, you took a seat. “What happens now, your highness?” 
He took a seat on the couch and smirked. “We cuddle.” 
“W-we what?” You sputtered. 
“You heard me.” With that he pulled you towards himself and placed your head on his surprisingly comfortable chest. 
“Now sleep. I have some work to do.”
“Sir, I don’t want to be a bother-”
He huffed, “You finish that sentence and I force you to sleep.” 
You sleepily smiled, “Thank you, sir.”
Stephen smiled, “I can’t let my star apprentice fall behind.”
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nkhaotic · 4 years
After Phil's five years of hardcore had finally ended, he was left with nothing but an empty space in his life.
Unfortunately for him, life decided to fill that space with a Samsung Smart Refridgerator, a magic fridge that then decided to fill said space with children.
Y’all in a moment of utter brainrot I started writing this semi-cursed fanfic centered on Philza, his magical Samsung Smart Refridgerator, and his new children. This isn’t as scuffed as it sounds I promise so go check it out.
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vulpixelates · 6 years
Just a reminder for those of you who like mediocre Cullavellan smut, I have two of my NSFW fics up on my AO3 and others posted on here.  ✌️
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readathousandlives · 2 years
Your page is so fucking cool. TEACH ME.
Terminal 03 v0.98
Press [ESC] to exit
Type "HELP" to get help using the terminal
Type "COMMANDS" to list all commands
Loading log, tutorial, progress : 100%
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Thank you so much! I spent so long trying to make a mobile theme that I liked (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I took heavy inspo from the game GTFO, more specifically, the terminals that you can use while trying to sneak by creepy creatures that will fuck you the hell up if you wake them...
I don't know if you were actually looking for a tutorial or not, but I'm giving one to you anyways lol...
There will be many sections to this post, with some links sprinkled in, and it's a bit long, so it'll be under the cut...
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-#: TEXT
While simple, this is easily the place where you can make or break your theme. While tumblr does supply alternative fonts (i use chat for my theme), others are not as nice (lucille im looking at you bitch)...
I have two different places I go to for my fonts. I have a custom keyboard on my phone (it has a subscription option for more fonts that I refuse to pay for), and a website that I copy and paste from. The website has more options, and it's completely free, so I mostly use that...
𝖙𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 — 𝕥𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 — 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 — 𝓉𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 — 𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜
Keep in mind that using an abundance of fancy text could make it hard for people to read whatever's written in that font. That, and i find using only the copy pasted text to be quite ugly. I've seen someone use the second testing font entirely for their pinned post, and it is not a good look...
The same can be said for making all of your text small, though I personally haven't had issue with small text unless I'm reading fanfiction in the dark...
Text colour is also a nice addition to pull together a theme. While there are some bright colours that you can use from what's provided, it's not much...
This text post goes through the steps of adding custom gradients or colours to text, if that's something you're interested in...
Also, please, for the love of god, put a fucking read more on any text post that's longer than one(!!!) mobile screen in length. The amount of fics that are good that I refuse to reblog because you have to spend 5 minutes just to scroll past it is infuriating and saddening, we don't need a text version of "do you love the colour of the sky?" Okay? Okay...
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It's the little things that tie everything together, so I suggest looking here or here or here for some ideas...
To make things easier for you, I would suggest copy pasting anything you like into a google doc, so that you have everything in one place for future use...
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There are many different ways you can spice up a text post, and dividers are one of them! animated or still work just as good, you just have to find what works with your aesthetic...
There are many places you can find dividers gifs or static, let me know if you would like me to compile a set for you from what I have saved...
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Pinterest is my go to for aesthetic pictures. There's a huge variety, and making a pintrest board for your theme will help to curate more options if you wanna change something up...
You can mix multiple pictures together, up to three side by side...
Or you can make it look like there's only one picture by putting white/black/ transparent photos on either side, depending on your theme...
Keep in mind that a post is limited to 10 pictures, so you might have to break out a photo editor if you planned on using a lot of media...
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A good place to start for making your theme is to look at the anime fanfic community here on tumblr. The way these people make pinned posts look like works of art...
Some of my favourites:...
#. @bykii #. @eijirhoe
#. @aitarose #. @21-06-1996
#. @tteokdoroki #. @kurosukii
!NOTE! Many of these blogs are 18+ please follow their dni before interacting with any of their content...
Some shameless self promo:...
#. @lxvlxck #. @pythonees
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In the end, all that matters is what you like. I tried to keep things vague enough, though I don't know how well I did as this is my first tutorial...
Hope this was helpful! Enjoy making your aesthetic pinned post, or a cute template for your fan-fiction!...
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mikadokyun · 3 years
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Shameless self promo but i have Redbubble store! So if you’re interested in getting some merch with my art, you can go there. Tons of it is with my old art though :’D But it’s mostly DRRR with some few other series sprinkled there.
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bravomckenzie · 5 years
fluff alphabet: bobby mckenzie
i must admit that i haven’t written anything fic-ish since i was a teenager in the midst of my 1d stan days so i’m kinda nervous to post this lol. thank you to @ravena-dottir and @therealityofthematteris for being supportive and saying i should go ahead and go for it and post this. 🥺 also i’m sorry if it’s bad!! be gentle with me!!! it’s also pretty long and whether that’s a good or bad thing is up to you hahahah.
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Bobby loves the way you light up a room. He loves the way your eyes crinkle when you smile. How your laughter is loud and unapologetic - it’s music to his ears. As for your body, he loves every inch of it but if he had to pick, your thighs & butt.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Bobby can’t wait to have kids, especially with you. He’s excited to send them special baked treats in their lunches and to wave them off as they get on the bus each morning. He hopes they look like you.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
We been knew Bobby loves to be little spoon, so besides that - He loves to face each other in an embrace. His arms wrapped around your neck and yours around his waist while you scratch his back & chat until you both drift asleep.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Despite waking up beside you every morning, Bobby never stops trying to woo you. He still flirts with you the way he did on the first day in the villa. He feels like the luckiest man alive to have you, and he’ll do anything to keep you. The romance is still alive, no matter where you are or what you do. From wearing your nicest clothes in a fancy restaurant, all the way to your pajamas on the couch for a movie night. He never fails to impress you.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You are my home. Bobby had never known someone who felt like home... at least until he met you. Home is wherever he is with you. You’re his comfort and home base, where he goes when he needs a soft place to fall.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Bobby knew he was in for it the second he laid eyes on you. He felt a spark before you even spoke. He knew you were special from the moment he met you. You slowly became the only thing he thought about. He found himself just staring at you, lost in your beauty. Your laughter became his favorite song. He wasn’t joking around and being funny for everyone anymore, he was doing it for you. After you left for Casa Amour, he realized that. He realized you were all he wanted. He missed just the sound of your voice. He had never felt that way in his life. He knew then that you were the love of his life. Bobby didn’t come to the villa with the intentions of finding forever, but he realized he had found it with you.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Bobby’s gentle touch was something you quickly noticed about him. The way his hand would gently rest on the small of your back. How he would softly tuck your hair behind your ear before he kissed you. But sometimes, he gets lost in you and the kisses become harder, the grips become tighter. He’s the best of both worlds.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
If Bobby is able to be touching you, he will be. (That’s one of my headcannons for him. I imagine that touch is his love language.) He rarely lets go of your hand in public. He loves for everyone to see that you’re with him. He finds comfort in your fingers intertwined. He loves the way your hand looks in his.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
When you walked out in front of him on that first day in the villa, he assumed he was your last choice. You were the most beautiful person he had ever seen and he was just him. He didn’t know that he instantly caught your eye and sometimes, he still doesn’t believe you when you tell him that. You’re not just the girl of his dreams, but the girl of his wildest dreams. He thought that girls like you didn’t like guys like him. He was just the class clown and you were the head cheerleader. But at the same time, he wasn’t going to let any of that stand in his way. He knew then that he was going to spend that summer with you, and if he didn’t, he would’ve spent the whole summer trying.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Not at all. Bobby enjoys other guys looking at you. He knows that every eye is on you when you walk in a room and he loves it. He wants them to see that he’s the one you’re with. Other guys flirting with you boosts his ego. He takes it as a compliment himself. When the two of you are out at a bar together and guys send you drinks, he looks their way and raises the glass with a smile to say thanks before drinking it himself. When they compliment you, he tells them they have good taste while he wraps his arm around you as a subtle hint to back off. It amuses him. Any guy would love for you to be their girl, but you’re not. You’re his and he knows that... and he loves for them to know it too.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You initiated your first kiss, not because he didn’t want to, but because he was scared of messing up. He didn’t want to screw it up before he got a real chance at impressing you. He was surprised when you kissed him, in the best way possible. Your confidence and boldness impressed him. He had always been in control and setting the pace for the relationships he had in the past, it was new and foreign to him, but above all, it was exciting.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He did. Bobby is the kind of person who is all or nothing. He dives in deep. He gives everything his all. He also sees no reason to ever not be 100% open and honest with the important people in his life. He had to tell you that he loved you. He needed you to know, no matter how nervous he was to finally tell you.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
In the villa, Bobby’s favorite memory with you is your trip to the grocery store. He was so excited to be in the real world with you. He cherishes that first taste of life outside the villa. It was when he really knew that this wasn’t just a summer fling.
Outside the villa, the day you met his family. He had never seen his parents welcome anyone the way they did you. Bobby had only ever brought one other girl home to meet his parents and it didn’t go well. You both were a little nervous (not that he let you see it) considering that and some of your....shenanigans they had to watch on national television. You weren’t sure what they’d think of you. The way they wrapped you in their arms made you feel silly for ever thinking that though. He’ll never forget the pride he felt when his dad commented that you were even better in person than you were on TV or the sound of his mom’s voice telling him that she knew you were the one from the very first day in the villa.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Bobby isn’t concerned with material things, neither are you. Your love languages are far from gifts. You both tend to show your love through touch, but especially Bobby. A hand on your thigh in the car means more to both of you than a bracelet. But when it is time for gifts, the both of you go all out. Neither of you have to tell the other what you want as gifts because you both just know.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Bobby if he could only pick one, he would say the color yellow because to him, it’s the happiest color. But there isn’t anything in this world that doesn’t make him think of you. You’re every color.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Lass, of course. There’s an occasional sprinkling in of things like baby/babe, beautiful, darling, etc.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
If he’s not building blanket forts in the living room with you, you’re cuddled up on the couch watching something together while you wait for whatever he’s got baking in the kitchen to be ready.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Bobby firmly believes that laughter is the best medicine. When you’re down, he’s quick to find something to make you laugh. You do the same for him. You both always forget what it was that upset you in the first place.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Bobby wants to talk about anything and everything. He wants to know your opinion on everything under the sun (and you’ll give it to him!). He asks you random questions seemingly out of the blue. He wants to know everything there is to know about you. He loves hearing your stories as much as you do his.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Cooking and baking! You can always find him in the kitchen at the end of a stressful day. Those previously mentioned shenanigans help too.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You. you, you, you... a million times you. You’re his proudest achievement. He’s no stranger to PDA. Like I said, he wants everyone to know that you’re his. He knows they want what he has. Besides that, he loves to show off his baking skills. He’s always doing the most and being extra about his creations, just because he can.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
That next summer after the villa, you and the other islanders planned a group vacation. You wanted to spend at least part of the summer with them again for old times’ sake. He knew he wanted to do it then, in front of all the people who had become like your family in that one summer. They were the people who watched the two of you fall in love and he felt it was only right that they be there when he proclaimed his eternal love for you.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Say You Won’t Let Go by James Arthur & New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift
bonus: Creep - Radiohead always makes him think of you! also shameless self promo of my bobby playlist which includes all three of these songs lol
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
You and Bobby talk about your wedding constantly, planning long before he technically proposed.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
A rescue dog! A medium to large sized pup. You’re definitely dog people. I imagine it would be a cute and scruffy mixed breed.
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justsalpals · 4 years
I’m feeling pretty good about myself right now, so do you know what that means? Hell yeah, now that I’ve finally got a tumblr it’s time for a Shameless Self-Promo just like all the cool kids are doing.
You like Your Turn to Die? You like Shin angst, followed closely by more Shin angst, with some sprinkling of KeiSou? You like long rambling introspection with clunky dialogue, because my most consistent writing practice growing up was rp (where I learned to focus heavly on character thought process and only had to take care of one half of the conversation)? Well have I got a couple of fics for you. 
I’ll let you down: the fics where it’s not explained how they get out of the death game, but boy golly you can bet your bottom dollar that Shin is Not Coping. Come validate me please, I have no shame and Shin has no cool.
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Reader x Victor - Refuge from the Rain
Title: Refuge from the Rain
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Character: Victor
Genre: soft romance!
Warnings: minor spoilers about Souvenir if you haven’t gotten there yet
Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience 
Word Count: 865 words
Requested by: Anon! (MLQC Victor x MC kiss prompt #25 – wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain)
Shameless self-promo: written by @mythiica​ and @Kiarigirl-blog
Other comments: very soft request!! this is only due tomorrow, but i wanna post it so i dont forget! 
Victor did not tell you where the two of you were going. In fact, he insisted that he keep the evening a surprise. Perhaps he thought it would add to the romantic feel of this mystery-date, but it does not stop you from feeling all giddy with excitement. Really, for all you know, he could be taking you to the other side of the world for a weekend getaway at a high end resort. Of course, this was the most extreme fantasy of yours, but considering Victor had thrown the concept into casual conversations, the possibility still lingers. 
          “Please tell me where we are going!” You grasp his large hand and give him pleading eyes, but Victor only chuckles to himself before patting your head. 
         “Is it not enough to tell you that I am taking you away for the night? I want your attention tonight. All of it.  No distractions from mundane things such as work… or other people.” The corners of his lips curl into a sly grin, but it only makes you giggle more. 
         “If I guess, will you tell me?” 
        “You wish to play a game with me?” 
        Nodding your head, you squeeze his hand gently. 
        “Alright. I will humor you.” 
        “Are we leaving the city?” 
        Victor raises an eyebrow. “No.” 
        “But we are going to eat somewhere, right?” 
        Leaning your head back, you kick your legs and pout. “I was hoping that you would reveal more about where we are going!” 
        Victor tucks a few strands of hair behind your ear.  His touch lingers on your cheek, warm and tender, and it makes you shiver slightly.  As he is not one to show much affection, you take these small displays of his love to heart. 
        The limousine finally comes to a stop in a familiar area–when you look out the window, you see the sign for Souvenir. It has quickly become your favorite restaurant in the past few weeks, especially since Victor owns it and cooks. 
        “You sound disappointed.” 
        Shaking your head and smiling. “Not at all!” 
        Victor pinches your cheek. “You wanted something else. Do not worry, I will make this a dinner you won’t forget.” 
Indeed, by the end of dinner, you are grateful for everything that you have eaten. Everything is delicious, and you now rest against his side, your fingers curled in the lapel of his suit. “Do we have to move?” 
        Victor presses his cheek to the top of your head. “It would be best to go for a walk. You’ll feel lighter.” 
        Groaning, you nuzzle deeper against his arm. “Please no…” 
        “Two hours ago, you were hoping that I would whisk you away, but now, you can barely move?” 
        Victor smirks, knowing that he is using his words against you. Then, when he stands up, Victor pulls you along with him. “Come, or I’ll have someone roll you out on a wheelbarrow.” 
        “Carry me..” You reach for him, but Victor takes a step back. 
        He gives you that look. 
        You glare at Victor, but lazily get up. 
        Outside, the crisp air of night hangs heavy with humidity. Before long, it starts sprinkling. When you look up though, the sky is too dark for you to see clouds. “It’s raining…” 
        Victor does not usually like getting wet, but after holding a hand out, you accept it and walk with him. The two of you stroll steadily in the courtyard in front of Souvenir. There is no need to exchange words, for the two of you are lost in the joy of each other’s company. He even spins you around playfully to admire the way your hair fans out in the motion. 
        “I give in. This is a wonderful way to spend an evening,” you say. 
        “Did you really think I would give you something less?” 
        His hand slips down the curve of your side until it rests over your waist. He pulls you close, and you lose yourself in the scent of his suit and aftershave. 
        You want to kiss him again, but the rain starts to fall more frequently. In fact, it starts pouring suddenly, making you squeal. Victor pulls you close and ushers you to take cover under a tree with dense branches. Fairy lights wrap around the trunk and climb into the leaves, illuminating your impromptu haven. 
        Despite only staying in the rain for a bit, both you and Victor are soaked. 
        A sneeze tickles your nose. Victor pushes your wet hair back and laughs. “I suppose everything was a bit too perfect.” 
        “You’re not upset?” 
        “Idiot..” he mumbles under his breath. “How can I be upset..?” 
        You do not entirely understand, but Victor cups your face with both hands, and he kisses you. Time slows down, and the droplets of water hangs in the air as his lips melt with yours. He tastes like the wine you two shared earlier, and Victor grows hungrier. Your fingers hook on the edge of his jacket to pull him closer, and he drops a hand to your waist once more. 
        Pulling back gently, Victor presses his forehead against yours. “I will, however, be upset if you catch a cold because of this.” 
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The Other Day at Hot Topic: Claire’s
Axel steps out of Hot Topic with a guilty conscience and a pleased smile that he cannot quite contain. 
“Let It Snow” ironically graces the island mall’s speakers overhead, as he traces the familiar path over to Claire’s. He finds himself caught up in the surge of people mid-morning brings to their two story, air-conditioned corner of paradise. Locals and tourists alike beginning their holiday shopping clad in pompom hats and red and green Hawaiian shirts. Above their spirited chatter, Axel can already hear the staccato grumble of Vanitas giving Roxas hell back in Hot Topic. 
Dumbass is going to have to cut that out quick if he wants to get Aqua her job back. 
Axel hammers a few more exclamation points into the ‘hurry up’ message he’s composing before firing it off to Demyx. 
Axel would have liked to stay with Roxas and Vanitas himself, but his own shift has already begun, and the children of Claire’s can’t pierce their own ears. Or so Marluxia tells him. And he needs to play nice with Marly today, for Saïx’s sake.
Anyway, it’s Dem’s day off, and Xigbar can only take so many of his distractions at the tattoo parlor before he starts barking like his German Shepherd. So Dem’d jumped at the chance to come in and continue wooing another potential Organization member. Never mind that the band already has a singer... 
And that would turn off Vanitas to the conversation, for sure. No way was he getting caught in Demyx’s web of rehearsals, demos, and shameless merch promotion. No way in hell. 
Roxas can probably hold his own until then. Vanitas might wind up in a neck brace, but it’s a sacrifice Axel is willing to make. 
And it’d be Aqua’s fault, really, for getting a little too into her part and storming out instead of babysitting Hot Topic’s newest rivals for him. 
God. Saïx is going to throw a fit if he finds out about any of this. 
And Axel figures his introverted boyfriend is already going to be in a rare state from his long day of meetings, margs, and sucking up. 
Of course, Axel will have to tell him something. 
He just might have to temper it first. Nothing will be too over the top tonight. He’s thinking red wine, candles, massage oil, bubble bath…
Then Saïx can just drown me. 
Axel snickers to himself and then laughs outright, recalling Roxas’ flat out refusal to believe that Saïx would date him. A soccer mom trips over her Adidas slides at Axel’s sudden outburst, and, used to being stared at, Axel winks at her—which does not help her catch her footing—before ducking into Claire’s. 
Axel’s smirk finds its way back out as he surveys the moderately busy store. Everything smells like spilt sugar plum perfume. One cluster of small fries gathers around the metallic green and red tinsel hair accessories and another around the tourist faves—cowrie shell bracelets, puka shell necklaces, silver starfish shaped earrings—all strategically located near the entrance. Axel weaves easily between them, too absorbed to notice the lanky, red-headed freak in their midst, and sidles up to the side of the register, where an athletic blonde woman with a pixie cut is finishing up a sales transaction.  
“Larxene, you light up my world like nobody else,” Axel croons to his coworker, overtop the One Direction lyrics floating through the speakers. “The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed!”
He leans fairly close to her ear, his arms crossing on the counter, but she ignores him in favor of straightening a stack of coupons, a scowl forming across glossy pink lips. “You’re late,” she says. 
A dry sound escapes his throat. “Missed you too.”
Larxene puts in beaucoup hours at both Claire’s and Hot Topic to pay for her apartment fees and architecture courses, and, therefore, Axel sees entirely too much of her, and vice versa.
She replaces the 15% off stack atop the cash drawer and checks for anyone else in line before turning around and leaning back to speak to him. “I was hoping you weren’t coming.” Her smile is not charming, but he returns it with vigor. 
“Sometimes life disappoints us.”
Her smirk twists, and an eyebrow rises. “That why you look like crap today?”
“Hm?” Axel glances toward one of the thousand mirrors atop their neat white accessory displays and sights his swept back, unstyled hair, the shock of golden freckles sprinkling his nose, the foreign, childlike quality of his eyes without their cat eye liner. 
He’d almost forgotten. Saïx, Xigbar, Roxas…Why hadn’t they said anything about it?
Xigbar’d told him once he prefers his men without makeup. But of course now he’s dating Demyx and his glitter bronzer loving self, so what the hell does he know. Saïx has seen him with and without and everything in between and would never have said anything. Vanitas and Aqua had been a smidge distracted what with his threats to fire them and all. But Roxas…
Huh. Curiouser and curiouser.
“Saïx monopolized the bathroom this morning,” Axel tells Larxene with a playful touch of bitterness.
“Taste of your own medicine, hm?” teases a voice, approaching from his other side. 
Axel doesn’t need to look up to recognize his manager—Saïx’s closest friend. 
An arm inked with a familiar black, brown, and forest green pattern of vines, leaves, and thorns wraps Axel’s shoulders and gives a brief squeeze. Axel raises a hand to press Marly’s wrist, turning and narrowing his eyes at him skeptically. 
“Hello, Marluxia.”
“You look good,” Marly insists in his easy, confident way, stepping back to observe him. “Natural beauty.”
They are all acutely aware he is only saying this because Axel is not breaking as much of the dress code as usual.
“Don’t listen to him,” Larxene cuts in, tapping Axel’s chin. “You look like crap.”
Axel raises his hands defensively to either side, eyelids shutting them out, “There’s this hoity-toity Hot Topic management conference today. I am a good boyfriend and let Sai primp for an extra hour.”
“And Axel spent the extra time squeezing into those pants,” Larxene quips to her boss, pinching the tight gold denim in question, opposite hand propped on her hip.
“Unquestionably.” Marluxia smirks, eyes flitting through the store to ensure he’s not neglecting his head managerly duties. 
Axel balks, shooing away Larxene’s loose grip on his thigh. “You don’t like the pants?”
“No,” both say in unison, horrified, wide eyes back on Axel and the outfit in question. “We’re obsessed with the pants,” Larxene corrects quickly on both of their behalves. “It’s your face that’s the problem.”
Marluxia chuckles despite his earlier disagreement, as Axel’s arms cross, and he steps off in the direction of his piercing station. 
“Boss,” he growls, “I’d like to report one of my coworkers for unsportsmanlike conduct.”
Larxene pauses in rooting through a fringed black pleather handbag to stick her tongue out at him, flashing the lime green plastic of the tongue piercing he’d done for her. “Then maybe you should go work at Dick’s.”
“I hope you mean Dick’s Sporting Goods,” Axel raps his knuckles against the top of her head, grinning thinly.
“Either way,” she interrupts, smirking up from her handbag, from which she’s produced a tube of liquid eyeliner. 
Axel opens his palm for it with a sheepish smile. “You’re an absolute darling, you know.”
“Screw yourself,” she snipes pleasantly, but releases the tube into his palm. He snatches and pockets it hastily, lest she change her mind. 
“Children. Please,” Marluxia’s hand raises to rub his forehead beneath his neat bubblegum pink bangs. “You primadonnas are making me miss my old job managing White Castle.” Marluxia’s elegant nose crinkles as if he can still smell the burger place’s unique onion stench. “If I’d had to manage both their incompetence and your drama, I think I would have taken an early grave.”
Axel rubs at the back of his neck and chuckles good-naturedly, and Larxene scowls and elbows him in the ribs.
Marly winces at this interaction and rolls his eyes. His throat clears with a neat little cough. “Regardless, there are a few things I’d like to discuss with you both while I have you here. First and foremost, we are running our flower crown promo through this weekend. You are encouraged to wear a crown to advertise the sale and may take one from the display or bring one from home if you like.” 
Marly straightens the ring of red roses crowning the shoulder length, sharply layered pink hair he’s undone from his usual ponytail.
Axel’s lips tip up just as Larxene’s tip down. 
“I’ll do it if she does.”
For a moment, Larxene’s glare could set off a smoke alarm, but noting Marly’s noble attempt to cover a groan with his hand, her expression softens. Larxene sighs. “Fine. I’ll do it for you, Marly.”
“And the children,” Axel prompts with an alligator smile, eyes following a trio currently knocking over Naminé’s elaborate pyramid of bug-eyed Beanie Boos. “Do it for the sweet little children.”
“Sure, yeah, whatever,” she flicks her wrist toward another group of their miniature customers, pulling down a shelf of earrings whole, “and the bratty little children.”
Axel snorts, though he knows deep down she doesn’t mean it. Larxene enjoys seeing little kids smile over stupid little cute things and helping preteens accessorize for their first dates. She would just stab him with a stiletto heel for saying so. 
“And another thing,” Marly continues, loudly enough to pause their squabble, and ushers them toward the back of the store. They pause near the wall length, color-coded flower crown display, where conversations are less likely to be overheard and customer complaint surveys less likely to be filed. “We need to discuss your timeliness.”
Axel blanches and then wonders why Larxene does too. 
“Larxene, I know that you picked up Kairi’s shift at the last minute,” Marly begins, sweeping a few strands of hair behind his ear and pretending not to notice Axel’s shoulder jutting into hers. 
“And Axel, I’m aware that Saïx asked you to check up on Hot Topic in his absence.”
Axel nods and tries not to scowl at the reminder. 
“Ordinarily, as you know, I’m happy to let these things slide,” Marly continues, folding his hands in front of him above his short violet half-apron.
“And we appreciate it Marly—” Axel puts in, though it doesn’t stop the man’s expression from growing steelier, and there’s a reason he gets on so well with Saïx. 
“However,” Marly interrupts, “with the holiday season upon us and new recruits starting out, I’m going to need you, my more experienced warriors to lead the charge.” He gives each of them a measured look and nods with approval at their attentiveness. “I hope I can count on you.”
“Of course, boss,” Axel purrs easily, patting the man’s bicep.
Larxene crosses her arms and nods as well. “Anything you need.”
“Good,” Marly’s smile grows jagged fangs, “because in Kairi’s absence, I’ll need one of you to train our new employee later today.”
Larxene groans loud enough that a passing service dog yips back. “Anything but that,” she corrects. 
Marluxia laughs a villainous sort of laugh, before he walks off to take over ringing on the register, waving his fingers at them like a noble might a peasant. “Work it out, darlings.”
*           *
Axel and Larxene duck into the narrow lavender painted staff lounge, mid-argument. He heads for the time clock, while she props herself up on her knees on the sleek, black sofa that feels much like a slab of stone in an old timey prison, to try on flower crowns in the mirror above it. 
“I’m not training another Kairi clone,” she repeats.
“Naminé and Kairi have completely different personalities,” Axel interjects readily, having had this conversation, regarding Marluxia’s interest in hiring doppelgängers, more than once already. 
“Then you train Kairi 3.0.”
The first crown has golden leaves that stick up from Larxene’s head like horns, and she swaps it out for another with black and purple blossoms and silver stems. She seems to prefer that. He has to admit it’s striking with her skinny black jeggings and slinky white camisole. 
“I’m happy to train Kairi 3.0.” Axel shrugs turning around as he ties off his Claire’s apron. She beckons him forward and he bows his head so that she can crown him with a ring of ocean blue and seafoam white blooms. 
“What,” her hand near slips, setting the flower crown slightly askew, “seriously?”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to subject anyone to you.” Axel joins her, kneeling on the couch to get at the mirror. Shifting her eyeliner from his pocket, he begins tracing a lid as she readjusts his crown. “But if she doesn’t want to pierce ears, sweetie, you don’t have much of a choice.”
She tugs the crown half off, down below his ear, and smacks him with it. The line above his eye smudges hopelessly.
Glancing back at the mirror, he frowns at the flowers tangled in his hair, scoffs at his single charcoal raccoon eye, and abruptly starts to laugh. Larxene joins in, clapping him on the shoulder. “You suck,” she says, “do you know that?”
“I know,” he says after a minute, tugging at the crown and further upsetting his hair, “just help me fix this.”
“Fine,” she pushes him by the shoulder down onto his ass, and loosens his ponytail, wrapping the band around her wrist, “but I want to hear the latest Hot Topic drama.”
“Drama?” His shoulders stiffen though he attempts to hide it as he combs fingers through his hair. “No drama. When has there ever been drama?”
“You were 15 minutes late, genius.” She lifts the flowers and tugs harshly at a snarl. “Tell me the drama.”
Axel hisses, hands raising in attempt to stop her. She removes the crown entirely and gently smooths back his auburn locks. He lowers his hands. “Alright, alright, gees.” He exhales and his hands fold neatly in his lap. “His name is Roxas.”
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galhowell · 6 years
Phanfiction Finder Fest!
@phandomficfests has been running a fic fest where each person is sent a card with a list of prompts, and each person has to complete their card and give their fic recommendations in a list - after much reading and bookmarking, this is mine!
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Moving in Together:
Ruff & Tumble
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8450014?view_adult=true
by: angstangelo
rating: E
word count: 6.5k
Dan moves into his new apartment for the dog park downstairs – little does he know that the town comes with more than just fluffy tails. 
AU where Phil has a dog and Dan almost doesn’t know if he likes the dog or the boy more.
- Ah! What can I say that will make you want to read this fic other than the summary which says it all. This work is sweet, and making it from Dan’s perspective (therefore swooning over Phil and his unfairly cute dog) just makes it even better. If you want a fic that will make your day brighter and make you grin uncontrollably - this is it.
Vérité La Joie 2014
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13405965
by: dizzy 
rating: Teen and up
wordcount: 1778
Phil has an unpleasant phone call, and handles it completely like an adult.
- What can I say about this fic that hasn’t been said already? Soft caring Dan and open Phil is what I live for. If angst makes you uncomfortable, maybe skip this one (but I will say that the angst is VERY minor, and the fic ends on a happier note.) but I think it is a very good example of what interactions between d&p would be like on a daily basis, when one of them is suffering.
when I sing, you sing harmonies
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12468080
by: The_Blonde
rating: M
word count: 46017
"Dan’s two minute sonatas reduce to one minute and then to a sad thirty seconds of something lilting and beautiful. It’s sad in such a way that Phil, having begged Dan to play, actually can’t stand and listen to something so full of longing. Sad in a way that it could have been written for Phil (but not possible. Dan doesn’t even know Phil). Sad in a way that Dan could just walk over, take Phil’s heart from his chest and say can I have this? and Phil would say of course, it’s yours".
Or: Witch Phils and the Piano Playing Dans that they just want to make happy (with a sprinkling of magic).
- It must be fate that I got ‘bakery’ on my bingo card, as this is my all time favourite phanfic. Also written by my favourite author in the phandom, this fic has it all. A love story, magic, music, a cute sidekick, and delicious sounding baking. This fic is a must-read, and it never fails to make me smile, cry, and love it even more each time I read it.
Motion Sickness:
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15205025
by: softiedanniie
rating: G
word count: 703
Pancakes and tour busses don’t always mix.
- A cute slice of life drabble, this fic depicts d&p on their tour bus during Interactive Introverts. Phil has eaten too much, and Dan (deservingly) nags him but in the end, takes care of him like the good boyfriend (and phil trash) he is.
Mario Kart:
0 to 60 in 3.5
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17565776
by: liquidsky
rating: G
word count: 1014
In which Dan and Phil are professional racing drivers. Dan's paranoid and Phil's smitten.
- This. Is. So. Cute. I never knew I needed d&p as racers until I read this fic, and now I just want more! Their interaction in this fic is so genuine and adorable, and the miscommunication between how Phil really feels and how Dan perceives it is so pure.
Jealous Phil
Sun-Kissed Confessions
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11433123
by: jestbee
rating: G
word count: 2729
Mostly Phil is just jealous of the way Dan seems to be perfectly at ease with the idea of kissing Anthony, but wouldn't consider it with Phil.
- This fic is so adorable! There needs to be more jealous Phil fics out there (if you are an author yourself, there’s a prompt for you!) and this take on it is wonderful.
Fic w/a secondary pairing
just the way you look tonight
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14917833
by: Gal_tic
rating: G
word count: 802
Jimmy can't help but get caught up with the idea of what could have been when he meets Phil again at a BBC party. 
- Shameless self promo. If you know me, you’ll know that I LOVE Phimmy, and couldn’t help writing it myself!
Secret Admirer
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13691589
by: worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
rating: G
word count: 3118
When Dan starts to get notes in his locker in the form of terrible pick up lines, he doesn't know who it could be and he doesn't really care. All he cares about is his violin and his studies. He could care less about the nonchalant cellist who never seems to take anything seriously.
- Enemies to lovers. How can you not love this kind of love story? Also - Phil makes puns. You can’t say no.
Set in 2014
home is where the wifi connects automatically
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8108575
by: oqua
rating: G
word count: 8477
The wifi at Dan's parents' house is utter crap, which is definitely why he's always so miserable when he visits his family for Christmas. Because of the wifi. (Or at least, that's what he chooses to tell himself.)
- Dan missing Phil, and them discussing future plans. What more could you ask for?
One/Both Take a Bath
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14616990
by: larry_hystereks
rating: G
word count: 1629
dan just wants a bath
phil just wants to join
- Two fluffy boys on tour, and Phil teasing Dan. A must read.
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bussanbaby · 6 years
self promo for the gays
hey idk how many of you like bts but here:
i wrote some hyyh yoonkook sappiness with a sprinkle of ot7 love
this has been a shameless plug and now i will disappear into the dark void again, nice seeing ya
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crossant-creachure · 6 years
Random tag game
@timothythemultifandomedowl forgot to tag me but messaged me so I could do this anyway~ thank you for taking the time to do that btw! ^^
Rules: You don’t have to answer all of these. But you at least have to answer 10 of them. You can tag as many people as you want but please always try to tag someone to keep the game going.
1. How did you meet your newest friend
I met @immortalwinterdragon at uni! She commented on my BTS wristband at the end of a seminar on the first day and from then on we started talking. She already knew I liked K-pop bc I wore my Stray Kids shirt on the introduction day so at least we had a topic to talk about ^^
2. Name one person you call “b”
“B” is literally @wannamakesomemagic ‘s nickname. I tend to call her by a different nickname but here and there I might use this name.
3. Xbox or PlayStation
Playstation! Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to play Project Diva XD Also, I grew up without an Xbox
4. Name one of your anon’s codenames (Ex: BlueFlower Anon)
Corn time anonie
5. Which Kpop group do you bias the most
Atm it’s Stray Kids! Before them it was BTS, and before BTS it was EXO, so it changes, but for now I really, really love Stray Kids
6. Who is your ultimate kpop bias
Han Jisung! That boy is just so talented and funny and sweet it makes me want to cry :’)
7. Do you like to draw
Yes! I like it a lot! I don’t think I’m all that good at it but I feel like I’m improving so that’s nice ^^ also, if y’all wanna see some of my drawings @stray-stay-drawings is my art blog this is not shameless self promo what made you think that?
8. Do you like your name
I guess so? I have quite unique names and they’re quite nice, though I feel like they don’t match me all that well sometimes :/
9.) What’s your age
I’m 17 and in exactly a month I will turn 18 holy shit im gonna be an adult no im not ready
10. What do you identify as / what are your pronouns
I am genderfluid and my pronouns are she/her and they/them. Usually I don’t mind which ones are used.
11. What’s your sexuality
Ace ace baby~
12. What’s your current mood
Neutral with a huge sprinkle of exhaustion
13. Name 5 songs to go with your mood right now
SHINee - Our Page, TAEK - Everywhere, Bad People Are There, WILDES - Bare, Taylor Swift - Clean, Bolbbalgan4 - To My Youth
14. Do you like taking selfies
Generally speaking, no. I only feel confident enough in my looks for that once in a blue moon
15. How much money do you have to your name
16. What is a scent you really like
Burning wood. It reminds me of Sweden
17. Do you prefer crayons or colored pencils
Coloured pencils. I hate the greasy texture of crayons so freaking much
18. What’s your favorite color 
My favourite colours atm are blue and light grey
19. Name three of your friend groups and who’s in them 
20. Who is your bestest friend in the whole world
There are two people I feel comfortable with atm (they are @wastelandnoodle @immortalwinterdragon) and I would consider them my best friends. I’ve known Noodle for 6 years now so it’s comfortable with her. And despite knowing Dragon for only 2 weeks now I just feel at ease around her, knowing I can be myself. And they have the same first names. Coincidence? Perhaps. I just hope that we’ll stay friends for a long time.
I guess I’ll tag the people I tagged in the list for this XD but if you see this and want to fill it in as well go on ahead~
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xxalatteteaxx · 7 years
Well I’m going to be promoting my blog a bit! I really want my characters to become known, and get out there and interact with others! I want to be an active part of the Cuphead fandom! I just wanna have fun! So I hope this shameless self promo will help me accomplish that! 
Anywho here’s a MASTER list of all my characters SO FAR and some backstories surrounding them. Maybe if you get to know my characters a little more, curiosity will spark and you’ll be intrigued to interact with them! Who knows anywho here they are!!!
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Name: Pumpkin Spicella Latte {{ Nicknames: Pumpkin Spice, Pumpkin, Pumpy, Pumpkaboo, Puddin, P.Pie, Kinny }}
Age: 20
Gender: Ambiguous
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Homoromantic homosexual
Relationship status: Single
Pumpkin lives on Inkwell isle with their half sibling, Teacup. Pumpkin and Teacup work at a family run bakery by the name of Sweet N’ Spicy Delights. Their parents are no longer among the living, but their grandparents, who own the bakery, are still around. Pumpkin loves making sweet and spicy treats, and always lets costumers have free samples of their treats.
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Name: Teacup/Teakettle {{ Nickname: T.C. Tia, Kettie}}
Age: 18
Gender: Ambiguous
Romantic/Sexual orientation: biromantic bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Teacup lives on Inkwell Isle with their half sibling, Pumpkin. While Pumpkin likes making sweet and spicy treats, Teacup on the other hand loves making cold sweets, like icecream, fruit pops, and other such treats. One of Teacup’s favorite things to make is icecream cake. Teacup can also make cakes for different occasions such as a birthday or even a wedding.
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Name: Rootbeer Float {{ Nicknames: Rue, Rooty/Rootie, Rubie, Root/Rooter, Ru-Ru, Rb, B., Flo }}
Gender: Male {{ But doesn’t mind what pronouns are used for him. }}
Age: No set age, but he is an adult
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Homoromantic homosexual
Relationship status: Single
Personality: Timid, shy, honest, caring, considerate, eccentric, sly -when he wants to be-, can be charming/flirty when he comfortable around the person he’s being flirty with. Despite being timid and shy, he can be very brave when he needs to be.
Rootbeer lives just on the outskirts of Inkwell. He’s a shy fellow who mostly keeps to himself. Rootbeer was kicked out of his home at the age of 14 by his neglectful and unsupportive parents. Rootbeer built his house by his own hands, and survived on the streets for four years, before he was able to build his home. He took refuge in homeless shelters and did odd jobs just to make money. He was mugged quite often and he almost made a deal with the Devil for riches beyond his wildest imagination. But a kind elderly woman kept him from doing so, and he and the elderly woman became good friends. At the age of 18 Rootbeer had built his home and the elderly woman, with no living relatives left moved in with him. Sadly, the elderly woman has passed away, her last wish was to be cremated and that her dust be sprinkled underneath a cherry blossom tree. Rootbeer honored her wishes and did just that. Rootbeer is now trying to make a living in the music industry.
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Name: Dustella Bunnie Cinders {{ Nicknames: Duzzy, Duzzles, Dustie }}
Gender: Nonbinary but goes by female pronouns.
Age: A legal adult
Personality: Meek, naive, easily frightened, but when they are around those they knows well they are open, zany, free spirited and outspoken.
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Homoromantic asexual
Relationship status: Single
Dustella lives outside of Inkwell isle as a farmer. She lives with her grandfather and the manage the farm by themselves. Her grandmother, although still around, cannot work because of her arthritis. Dustella loves working the farm, but her dream is to become a big star through singing and earn enough money so her grandparents can have a peaceful retirement. That and so Dustella can help fix up the farm.
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Name: Claudia Cirrusula Accumalita {{ Claudie, Clu, Chloe, Dia }}
Gender: Agender
Age: ??? Do clouds even age, I don’t know. Eh fck it they are an adult!
Personality: Zesty and always full of cheer. They are wacky and silly, not afraid to speak their mind. They aren’t afraid to show off and they aren’t afraid to express themselves, no matter what others may think.
Romantic/Sexual orientation: panromantic pansexual
Relationship status: Single
Claudia runs a boutique where they make fashionable clothes for all ages. They love fashion, its their whole world. There’s nothing they are more passionate about than the world of fashion. They are not interested in anything that has already been done, but only what will be. Claudia is always looking for inspiration for new and unique ideas for outfits. They also host a monthly fashion show, The gets to have their own line of clothing displayed in Claudia’s boutique, so they can advertise their own brand of fashion. Claudia’s parents are very rich, and are proud of Claudia’s accomplishments. Often paying for very expensive vacations and other such things for Claudia. However, despite Claudia’s accomplishments and the pride of their parents, Claudia isn’t always a bundle of joy. Claudia wants nothing more than to spend time with their parents, but due to work schedules and other such matters it is hard for them and their parents to take time off to hang out.
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Name: Marshie Amanita {{ Nicknames: Mars, Mari, Mai }}
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Anthro Mushroom
Personality: He’s very reckless and bold. He loves pranking people, but can also be very lazy. Making puns is his favorite thing to do. But he’s a hopeless romantic and can’t flirt worth a damn, he freezes up around other guys. He’s often mistaken for a female, due to wearing female clothing and his soft feminine sounding voice.
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Homoromantic homosexual
Relationship status: Single
Marshie is Claudia’s fashion model. Marshie was adopted by Claudia’s parents after Marshie’s birth parents died. Marshie’s mother died of cancer and his father committed suicide by hanging himself. Marshie has always loved fashion since he was little, and when Claudia was old enough to start their own boutique, Marshie asked to be a model. Claudia accepted, and now Marshie is happily modeling for Claudia.
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Name: Raimen Eduardo Payne {{ Nicknames: Ramen and Ray }}
Gender: Male
Species: Ramen Noodle head object.
Age: 22
Personality: Raimen is very nonchalant and laid back. He’s not much for a conversation and would much rather just listen to people talk, than actually talk to them himself. 
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Homoromantic homosexual
Relationship status: Single
Raimen makes money by selling noodle based dishes he makes himself. He sets up a food stand and just waits for costumers. He also has a horrible smoking habit and suffers from insomnia. He often suffers from pain caused by his fibromyalgia. Which causes him to not get enough sleep, making him also suffer insomnia as well. He doesn’t have the best of health and gets ill often.
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Name: Razzmatazz {{ Nicknames: Raz, Razzie, Razzles, Razzle Dazzle, Rara }}
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Anthro moth
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Homoromantic homosexual
Relationship status: Single
Personality: He’s very quiet and reserved, keeping to himself most of the time. Razz is very much an introvert and doesn’t do well in crowds. But he’s a good listener and a great advice giver. 
Backstory: Not much is known about Raz, other than the fact that he doesn’t seem to talk at all. Many people wonder if he’s mute, considering he writes down what he wants to say and shows it to whoever he’s talking to. He seems to want to become an author of novels and poems.
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Name: Dimitri {{ Nicknames: Dim, Dimi, The Dster }}
Gender: Male - he/him pronouns
Brush type: paint brush
Age: Legal adult
Romantic/Sexual orientation: biromantic bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Personality:  spontaneous, zany, go with the flow, can be somewhat lazy, can be bold/reckless, he’s also a sassy boy who isn’t afraid to express himself.
Backstory: Dimitri’s family died at sea. A horrible storm sunk their family’s private boat and he was place in the orphanage until he was old enough to inherit the family fortune. He doesn’t talk about his past much, but he’s mostly moved on from it. The only thing that really gets to him is watching his sister being swept away by large waves in the storm.
Name: Raine/Rain {{ Nicknames: Rain Mc Grump <- Dimitri likes to call him that }}
Gender: Male - he/him pronouns
Brush type: thinner brush
Age: legal adult
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Homoromantic asexual
Relationship status: Single
Personality: lone-wolf, gruff, moody, very sensitive, sometimes rather cold and blunt. Can be dreadfully sarcastic and rude.
Backstory: Raine’s family died when fire blazed through their family mansion. Raine blocks that night out and refuses to speak of it. He was placed in the same orphanage as Dimitri and Dimitri was the only one who attempted to be friends with him. Raine tried to push Dimitri away, but they soon became friends over time. And now Raine considers Dimitri his brother. Dimitri adopted Raine as his younger sibling and they both moved into the mansion Dimitri’s parents used to own.
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Name: Ross Riaz  {{ Nicknames: Ro, Ruben, Ros-Ros, Rossie }}
Gender: Genderless but goes by male pronouns
Age: He’s ageless, but is a legal adult
Species: Anthro gem 
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Unknown but is rumored to be gay due to the fact that he doesn’t seem interested in woman. 
Relationship status: ???
Personality: Ross is cunning and sly, his suave nature is charming and alluring. He’s a smooth talker and has talked his way out of tough spots before.He’s also very flirty, but he seems to have no interest in any female that makes advances on him.
Occupation: Fashionista by day - part of a mafia organization by night. But this mafia targets known criminals. Like serial killers, rapists, pedos etc etc. They don’t do drugs and don’t go after innocents. They’re a large group of vigilantes and Ross is their boss.
Backstory: Ross grew up the single child of a single mother. His mother was a stripper and a prostitute, but it was only due to the fact that she couldn’t make enough money to survive otherwise. They grew up in the slums and were very poor, Ross used to be the target of many street thugs. He has escaped death multiple times. He almost died five times during his childhood, once by almost drowning, the other time he and his mother were victims of an arson attack by street thugs, the other three times he was beaten and left for dead in allies. Now that he’s the leader of a mafia, albeit it’s a mafia that punishes criminals, he’s the target of many criminals and he is dodging assassination attempts on almost a regular basis. The only other time his life was in danger was before he created his own mafia, but no one knows what happened to him. Whenever that life threatening situation is brought up, he becomes uneasy and seemingly terrified. This is the only time Ross ever shows fear in front of anyone. All he says is that it doesn’t matter what happened to him, all that matters is that he lived. And that’s that. Who knows what he is hiding and what other secrets he has buried?
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Name: Nebula Cosmos Lunetta
Gender: Genderless - goes by any pronouns
Species: Comula-Nebulis {{ A Comet space alien }}
Romantic orientation:  Abroromantic {{ experiences a fluid or rapidly changing romantic attraction to different gender expressions. }}
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual {{ Has to have a deep and close bond with someone, before any sexual desires form. }}
Relationship status: Single
Age: Unknown
Nebula is a mysterious creature, an alien comet. Not much is known about Nebula, the only thing that is known is that they love to serve others. They are very mysterious and their personality is one that is yet to be explained.The only thing that is known about Nebula is that they crash landed from outerspace and that they are a butler for Azura
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Name: Azurette/Azura Sapphiris Okeley {{ Nicknames: Azzie, Azu, Azurrie }}
Gender: ???
Species: Blue Hibiscus
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Unknown
Relationship status: ???
Personality: Azura is very soft spoken, they are a tender and loving soul, who is always willing to help others. Their kindness is their greatest strength but also their greatest weakness, because being kind could end up being their undoing. Despite their sweet and generous nature, Azura’s sense of humor is rather odd. They more often than not will laugh at anyone’s jokes no matter how awful they are. Azura is polite and chivalrous, and if someone is in trouble Azura will be there to assist. Azura isn’t afraid of confrontation and will stand up for others and isn’t afraid to defend others who are either being mugged or assaulted. Azura will even face off with someone wielding a weapon. This often lands Azura in the hospital, but Azura doesn’t mind it.
Azura being born into a rich family, doesn’t have to work a day in their life. But they choose to do so anyways. Azura has many interests and part time jobs. Thankfully their work schedule for their part time jobs never interact. Azura is a part time model for Claudia and a part time maid for the Sweet N’ Spicy Delights bakery. Azura’s full time job is a florist, they own their own flower shop. Azura’s hobbies include painting and volunteering and local animal shelters whenever they can. But by night, Azura is none other than a member of Ross’s Mafia. Azura is only called in for important missions and is Ross’s right hand and the main cook for the Mafia. It is rumored that Ross and Azura are a thing, but this has never been proven.
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Name: Violetto Mauve Lumina (( Nicknames: Vio, Violet, Vivi ))
Gender: Male {{ But doesn’t mind what pronouns are used for him. }}
Age: Early 20s
Romantic/Sexual orientation: Homoromantic homosexual
Relationship status: Single
Personality: Vio is a lone-wolf. He prefers to keep to himself and doesn’t like confrontation. He is always polite even to the most horrid of ruffians. He is very trustworthy and devoted to those he sees as friends and family. However he is sometimes naive to a fault and that can land him in trouble. He’s very empathetic and generous beyond what most people would expect of a lone-wolf like him to be.
Backstory: Not much is known about Vio except that he lives in a mansion on a lonely hill and writes stunning fantasy novels. It seems he and his sister are the only residents of the mansion. He made his fortune through his hit-seller novels. He is often seen around town hastily getting what he needs and going back to the mansion. His sister is rarely seen with him at any point in time.
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Name: Sakura Esme Lumina {{ Nicknames: Sakie, Essie, Kura, Blossom }}
Gender: female
Age: in her 20′s
Romantic/Sexual orientation: biromantic bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Personality: Sakura is a gentle and kind soul, she’s a pacifist and seeing violence of any sort causes her pain. She sees beauty in things that others often miss. She is soft spoken and endearing, she is very patient and always tries to see the good inside of everyone. Even if people tell her that someone’s a lost cause, she will never give up on anyone. She is very sensitive to those around her and will share in their pain.
Sakura grew up with Violetto in their mansion with their rich family. However, the family had a falling out. And they cut some ties with some of the family members. Violetto was able to buy back the mansion and now he and his sister own the mansion. Sakura can be seen tending the gardens, tending to hurt or sick animals, and finally singing and dancing around the grounds. Especially at night. Sakura used to work for an orphanage but that was before... the unfortunate event and she had to quit. Sakura, not wanting to give up work, because she feels antsy without something to do, runs a small flowershop right next to the mansion. Sakura is hardly seen anywhere except her flowershop and inside the mansion. Her brother worries about her immensely and often treats her like she’s a fragile flower.  
And there you have it! There’s all my Cuphead ocs! I hope you enjoyed reading all about them! I can’t wait to be an active member of this wonderful fandom, and make awesome friends! If you’d like to help me out, hit that reblog button~
But don’t feel obligated to do so, but it would be appreciated!
ALatteTea mun out!
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remakethestars · 5 years
Tag Game!
Tagged by @iwillbeherespn. 
Nickname(s): Allie. That’s what most everyone uses. 
Zodiac: Pisces. 
Height: 5′0″. Yes, the weather’s nice down here. Please get your arm off my head -- I am nOT AN ARMREST
Time: A quarter to six in the morning (I didn’t sleep). 
Favorite Band/Artist: Noah Kahan. No contest. 
Song Stuck in My Head: “How Do You Sleep?” by Sam Smith. 
Last Movie I Saw: In theaters? Avengers: Endgame, I think. But yesterday, I watched God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness on Netflix. 
Last Thing I Googled: “Rebound” by Abigail Duhon (it’s the second song in the credits of A Light in Darkness). 
Other Blogs: @alexisaraindrop, @illfigureitoutialwaysdo, & @iwanttohearyourlaugh. 
Do I Get Asks?: No. But I definitley wouldn’t mind! 
Why Is My Username?: I came up with a quote in an it’s-three-in-the-morning-and-i-can’t-sleep haze about creating something so great it out-shines the stars. This was before The Greatest Showman came out, BTW. 
Following: Deadass 829 people.
Average Amount of Sleep: Bold of you to assume I sleep. 
Lucky Number: 2. It’s blue. 
What Am I Wearing?: Uh, a black shirt that the cat put a hole in and I darned with blue, purple, and yellow embroidery threads; a pair of black leggings with a hole in the knee I darned and another hole I’ve yet to tackle; and a pair of black, fuzzy socks that belonged to my great grandma. 
Dream Job: Not having to work; I’m lazy AF. 
Dream Trip(s): I dunno. I’m from the country, but I guess I never really imagined going anywhere. Alaska seems like the plot of a horror movie, but my grandma always talks about how much she liked it there, so I don’t think I’d mind going there. 
Favorite Food: I have to pick just one? For a meal, stromboli. For a dessert, Mamaw’s chocolate chip cookies. Oh --! I don’t usually have breakfast because I find it difficult to eat in the morning, but if I do, blueberry muffins with some lemon zest (there no good if you don’t melt butter over them while they’re cooling and sprinkle on some sugar). 
Instraments I Play: I learn to play the ukulele off and on. I can only do one strum pattern.
Eye Color: Gray. But I have central heterochromia, so sometimes, they look green. 
Hair Color: Brown. 
Aesthetic: Overpacking, cracking your neck loudly without touching it, running your hand through water with your fingers splayed, turning the toilet paper roll around to face the right direction, turning the music up when a good song comes on, forgetting to turn it back down, figuring out technology for the older generations, offering others a pocketknife when they need to open something, hitting the target on the first try, saying “Hmm?” when someone asks a question because whatever they were saying wasn’t interesting thirty seconds ago and you stopped listening, silently staring out the window, surprising people just by being yourself, saying something at the same time as someone else, writing and highlighting in your own books, unabashedly correcting someone’s grammar IRL, using both shift keys, shameless self-promo -- You know what, I have an aesthetic board on Pinterest; why don’t you just check that out? 
Languages I Speak: English. But I know a little ASL (American Sign Language), and I’m learning Español and Français on Duolingo (it’s free). 
Most Iconic Song: I don’t understand this question. The song I think is the most iconic? Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” obviously. 
Random Fact: I have associating grapheme-color synesthesia. Letters and numbers appear in color in my head. I never knew what it was called or that other people had it until my grandma found mention of it in a book on the brain she was reading and said, “Oh, that sounds like what Allie’s always talking about.” 
I Tag: No one. I don’t like making people feel like they’re obligated to do things. 
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requiemhqs-blog · 5 years
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❛ ┊ —  ✶  𝚁𝙰𝙸𝚂𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙶𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙴𝚂, let’s raise a toast to our new neighbor. welcome to the neighborhood SEAN DIAZ, ELIZABETH JAMES, BO PEEP, LILY LUNA POTTER, VERONICA SAWYER, RORY GILMORE, IAN GALLAGHER, ANNIE CRESTA, RICHIE TOZIER, MAX MAYFIELD, & BEVERLY MARSH ( PLEASE READ BELOW ) ! adjusting may be hard, but we promise that your newfound autonomy is worth it. ⟶ CLICK !
the following apps have been accepted ! their individual acceptances have been queued in order to give us some promo tomorrow. apologies if that seems strange but i want to get as much exposure as possible in order to get us open !! 
ashton moio, cismale, bisexual. forget what you know about SEAN DIAZ, the ( canon ) one from LIFE IS STRANGE 2 ! they’ve been a 22 y/o art student since arriving six years ago. call them the town MISCREANT ; they’ve got a rep for being CARING & HUMOROUS yet SELF-CONSCIOUS & IMPETUOUS, but are associated w/ [ a hand-me-down lighter; worn from use, wolves howling at a full moon, blaring music to drown out the rest of the world]. maybe one day they’ll remember daniel getting shot. ( emmy, 18+, est)
margot robbie, she/her, bi. forget what you know about ELIZABETH JAMES, the ( canon ) one from THE PARENT TRAP ! they’ve been a 28 y/o wedding gown designer since arriving a week ago. you could call them the town BELLWETHER ; they’ve got a rep for being + TENDER & + ALLURING yet - HIGH STRUNG & - SECRETIVE, but are associated w/ [ torn family photos, sewing needles, pearls, bridal magazines ]. they remember sending annie off to summer camp. ( kay )
imogen poots, she/her, bisexual. forget what you know about BO PEEP, the ( canon ) one from TOY STORY ! they’ve been a 29 y/o pediatric nurse since arriving five months ago. you could call them the town HELPING HAND ; they’ve got a rep for being + SUPPORTIVE & + PRACTICAL yet - CHEEKY & - FRANK, but are associated w/ [ a shepherd’s crook, first-aid kits, silk hiding steel, full circle skirts ]. they remember the end of toy story 4. ( mina, 18+, pst )
kat mcnamara, she/her, pansexual. forget what you know about LILY LUNA POTTER, the ( canon ) one from HARRY POTTER ! they’ve been a 18 y/o student since arriving a month ago. you could call them the town LIONESS ; they’ve got a rep for being + SWEET & + CARING yet - STUBBORN & - RECKLESS, but are associated w/ [ curly long red hair, wand with unicorn hair core, liquorice wand ]. they remember everything up to canon. ( swan! )
diana silvers, she/her, bi. forget what you know about VERONICA SAWYER, the ( canon ) one from THE HEATHERS ! they’ve been a 21 y/o college student since arriving 4 years ago. you could call them the town DEAD GIRL WALKING ; they’ve got a rep for being + ASTUTE & + SANGUINE yet - FICKLE & - IRRITABLE, but are associated w/ [ empty beer bottles, messy bedsheets, red lipstick, plaid skirts, cherry slushies, teen angst bullshit, daily journaling ]. they remember everything in canon. ( cherry )
natasha liu bordizzo, she/her, bi. forget what you know about RORY GILMORE, the ( canon ) one from GILMORE GIRLS ! they’ve been a 23 y/o journalist since arriving one year ago. you could call them the town BOOKWORM ; they’ve got a rep for being + CONSCIENTIOUS & + STUDIOUS yet - OPPURTUNISTIC & - IMPULSIVE, but are associated w/ [ empty takeout boxes, falling asleep with the tv on, textbooks, newspaper cuttings on the fridge, old pyjamas ]. they remember graduating from yale. ( katie, 18+, aedt
cameron monaghan, he/him, homosexual. forget what you know about IAN GALLAGHER, the ( canon ) one from SHAMELESS ! they’ve been a 22 y/o dancer since arriving five years ago. call them the town LOOSE CANNON ; they’ve got a rep for being + PASSIONATE & + HEADSTRONG yet - RECKLESS & - STUBBORN, but are associated w/ [ freckles sprinkled across broad shoulders and disarming hues ]. maybe one day they’ll remember getting admitted into a mental ward. ( madison, 18+, est )
amanda seyfrief, she/her, pan. forget what you know about ANNIE CRESTA, the ( canon ) one from THE HUNGER GAMES ! they’ve been a 27 y/o seashell jewellery maker since four years ago. call them the town MAD GIRL ; they’ve got a rep for being + WHIMISICAL & + BENEVOLENT yet - TROUBLED & - CAPRICIOUS, but are associated w/ [ sea salt hair, shattered glass, freshly washed sheets, endless nightmares, dancing on the beach, hope ]. maybe one day they’ll remember raising her son. ( katie, 18+, aedt. )
jake bugg, he/him, poly. forget what you know about RICHIE TOZIER, the ( canon ) one from STEPHEN KING’S IT ! they’ve been a 18 y/o band member since arriving 1 year ago. you could call them the town TRASHMOUTH ; they’ve got a rep for being + BRAZEN & + STEADFAST yet - TURBULENT & - UNREFINED, but are associated w/ [ cigarette smoke, jean jackets, dingy garage band, tangled hair, blaring music, internet memes, midnight skateboarding ]. they remember everything in canon. ( cherry )
danielle rose russell, she/him, pansexual. forget what you know about MAX MAYFIELD, the ( canon ) one from STRANGER THINGS ! they’ve been a 19 y/o student since arriving 7 years ago. you could call them the town GAMER ; they’ve got a rep for being + GENUINE & + INDEPENDENT yet - SKEPTICAL & - SARCASTIC, but are associated w/ [ knee bruises, chuck taylors, silent tears, change machines, fighting like a girl and cuffed jeans ]. they remember everything. ( audrey )
sophie turner, cis-female, heterosexual. forget what you know about BEVERLY MARSH, the ( canon ) one from IT ! they’ve been a 18 y/o fashion designer since arriving six months ago. you could call them the town BICYCLE ; they’ve got a rep for being INTELLIGENT & CARING yet CYNICAL & SARCASTIC, but are associated w/ [ cigarettes, bruises, chapped lips, messy ponytails, freckles ]. they remember her name disappearing from mike's journal. ( cassandra, she/her, gmt+8, 18 )
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