#a very simple drawing but I’m quite proud of it
spineless-lobster · 11 months
Are you guys ready to see the saddest, wettest, most pathetic creature you have ever laid your eyes upon?
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Here he is!!! I originally tried to draw him with a tired face but that somehow ended up looking like this sooooo…???
Bonus original sketch:
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hhhhleb · 3 months
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Marc tries really hard… he does…
pt 1 pt 2 pt 3
So a lot of text again I suppose haha!
Was thinking about how they would get to know each other. And how M&S are getting ahold of the situation oh-god-we-got-a-kid-here. So, Steven will be more accepting&understanding about it, but Marc would be more initiative. And I’ll explain that now:)
We see how terrified Marc is when he says ‘we blacked out’ in ep6. It could be because he afraid that he ‘made to suffer’ someone else. He already feels guilty that Steven “appeared” in the first place, and is just devasted when Steven found out about Wendy.
Marc is a very deeply loving and very deeply feeling person. Incredibly sensitive, and so closed up because of it. He’s not ready for another guilt trip of his mind.
So I think that he would completely deny Jake till the ‘oh he’s only a kid’ moment. Then all the brother love would burst out of him. He would buy albums, paints, brushes, colour pencils, watercolours, canvases etc just for him. The ‘proud corner’ is basically his idea. He had made something similar as a kid for Roro. So. Yes.
He’s not really good at communicating with him, but he loves him very, very deeply, and adores him in every way possible:) he’s always eager to do smt for Jake, with time they will learn how to be real brothers:3
Therefore all M&J&S communication falls on Steven’s shoulders.
He is better in understanding Jake, what he wants, what to tell him. It was his idea to make some personal space for Jake, his own table with lots of shelves for his car models, instruments, interesting things he found on the street, his drawings, things he did out of clay(so, all his stuff basically). Steven choose and assembled both table and shelves himself. (I think he himself did the interior of histheir home, Marc bought an empty apartment and just let Steven do whatever he wants lmao. So he quite experienced in all that furniture stuff) And it was hell of a process I might add AHHA He wanted it to be perfect, so he was pretty anxious while preparing all that, and when they finally introduced Jake his new space and oh it is the thing I actually planning to draw soon so nope I’m stopping my self right here:D
To sum up, they’re doing their best to live a happy simple normal life and they are damn good at it:3
ps yes jake burns all his drawings so he doesn't get caught. steven always wondered why the wiring in his house is so bad...
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seeing as it’s now been one year since the last chapter of slippery slopes was posted, i decided to make a big sappy post talking about what this fic has meant to me over the last two and a half years
i started writing slippery slopes after a bolt of inspiration struck me on this post. i’d tried writing my fair share of long fics prior, most of them remaining unpublished and all of them unfinished. i’m not quite sure what made me think i could write slippery slopes other than a strong desire to write the alenoah fic i wanted to read but that didn’t exist at the time. slippery slopes was the 30th fic posted in the alenoah tag, which didn’t have any finished long fics at the time. i think if you told 2021 pj that in two years there would be over 600 alenoah fics, many of them tdwt rewrites, their head would explode.
i honestly had no idea what i was jumping into when i started writing slippery slopes. looking back, i was very insecure about my writing. i’d actually forgotten about that until i was reading some posts i’d made while i was still writing it, where i wondered if i was going to be able to pull off the miscommunication plotline and the unplanned alecourtney friendship. almost every announcement of a chapter draft being completed included me saying i felt weird about it, or thought it was bad. i felt incredibly uncomfortable writing serious angst and when that started playing an important role in the fic at around chapter seven i feared that my writing was awful and other people would dislike it the way i had. i genuinely don’t think it hit me that slippery slopes was a popular fic until a few months before it became the most kudosed fic on ao3.
back then, i was able to understand why other people liked slippery slopes, but i couldn’t read it without cringing. i’m not sure when exactly the switch flipped—probably after i finally finished it and was able to distance myself from the writing process—but it became a fic that i’m incredibly proud of. i can reread it now and enjoy it without cringing in the slightest. i was able to see my writing as good, and well-crafted. i will always appreciate slippery slopes as a fic where i grew incredibly as a writer. i understand how to plan out long fics while still allowing for spontaneity. i can comfortably write angst. i feel strong in my choices for characterization and friendship even if it may seem unconventional. i have so much more confidence in my writing now, and a lot of that is thanks to you all.
other than desperately wanting an alenoah tdwt rewrite fic, a huge part of why i wrote slippery slopes was because i felt lonely in the td fandom and was hoping that this fic could connect me with more people out there. and boy oh boy it sure has. and not just the plethora of alenoah shippers—way more than i expected—but there were also people who didn’t ship alenoah, but still stayed for the story, and people who had never considered alenoah but gave my fic a chance and ended up shipping it anyway. when i didn’t believe my writing was good, there were many, many kind commenters who showed my fic love and encouraged me to keep going with it. and even now, there are commenters whose fresh excitement make me feel like all the time i spent on this fic was so, so worth it. and they all inspire me to keep writing. 
i may be a good writer, but i don’t think i can ever fully express what everyone’s support has done for me. i still struggle to wrap my mind around the fact that there are dozens of drawings of my fic that you all have made! that’s crazy! i am so, so lucky to have such wonderful readers, and i hope you all know how incredibly grateful i am. slippery slopes would not exist without you. this was a joint effort. it’s amazing to me how a spontaneously started fic for a crackship ended up changing the total drama fandom landscape the way it did. who would’ve guessed that a simple whim to write an alenoah fic could become quite the slippery slope.
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meruz · 1 year
maybe a weird question, but does the show that your backgrounds appear in ever make you feel differently about your work? like as an artist im sure youre pretty much always proud of the finished product but if the show that uses them is one you dont like does it ever.. make you feel weird?? or is it still just like "hey, i did that!"
nah..Not any weirder than posting art in general feels LOL. the thing is, liking a tv show as entertainment is different from liking it as a workplace which is also different from liking it as idk… an art object to put in my portfolio. I’m not going to pretend there isn’t overlap there like if I had to kind of draw it out (in more ways than one haha)...
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So theres a lot of push and pull between factors. Its VERY common for artists to have shows they enjoyed working on that they wouldn’t personally enjoy watching and vice versa. And for me personally? I’m a glass half full kind of guy so even amongst mixed feelings I tend to focus on the good parts and I've liked almost every show I've worked on, come out feeling pretty good about my work almost all the time. 
I’m lucky though. I’ve never had to stay at a job with truly heinous working conditions. I’ve always had the privilege of enough resources (savings, parents house to fall back on, etc) to quit and find something new which is something not all people have. 
And I guess I would feel weird/bad about my work if it turned out to be used for like… a horrendous hate crime or something? Like if god forbid I ended up somehow…presumably accidentally?? working on the 21st century’s version of Birth of a Nation???? But (knock on wood) I like to think the chances of that in animation are pretty slim LOL or at the very least I'd be able to see the red flags ahead of time and get out of there…. one of the good/lame things about mass media is that it’s supremely moderate like it can’t be transgressive or radical (on either end of the political spectrum) or else it risks losing profit. And on top of that, animation is one of the least spontaneous storytelling mediums. just by nature of how much coordination and planning that has to be done ahead of time for something as simple as moving a character across the screen. Backgrounds in particular are relatively middle-late in the animation pipeline. every show runs a little differently but normally by the time we're working on bgs the story, boards, and characters are like... 70-90% locked in? So it’s pretty rare to be working on a show only to later be surprised by whats on screen when it airs.
I do know that south park turns on a dime and makes episodes slapdash in like one week but uh I like to think they're the exception not the rule LOL. most western animation will take about a year per ep from outline to final export.
anyways thanks for sending a thoughtful ask as opposed to something patronizing or obnoxiously leading like "im so sorry you had to work on such a shitty show" which ive been getting a bit of lately.
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houseofheroesau · 4 months
Some questions:D!! If you dont mind answering them!
Which of the Link’s design do you think is the most unique in your au?
Is there anyone you have difficulty drawing?? If so, why?
Who WOULDNT would you want to be your roommate? Who WOULD would you want as your roommate?
Any lore you came up with that your proud of? (That you can share, of course, cause secrets)
1. Ask me again when I make up my mind about my boys’ designs. 😅 I’m trying to find the right balance between unique, distinguishable, and simple yet interesting enough for me to draw consistently without hating myself lol. I’ve had this AU for years but that balance has eluded me (it’s why I haven’t shown much. Unfinished work anxiety). I fear the designs will not be unique enough, but we’ll see what happens. Practice makes perfect. And I want them to be done soon so I can show everyone this story I so adore.
2. Of the Links, I’d say Wind. I’m not very used to drawing young people like him. Body shapes like what Time has are what I’m more used to. Funny I say that when Wind has a final design that I like. 😂
3. As much as I love him, I wouldn’t want Time as a roommate for certain reasons. Not just his grumpiness. On the other hand, I’d easily take Twilight as a roommate.
4. I am quite proud of the world HoH is set in itself. I originally built it from scratch around the concept of a Linksmeet AU in one primary setting, and the result I like a lot. And I hope you will too. :)
Thank you so much for your ask! ❤️
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gummycatsss · 1 year
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a lost catch
commission of death for @tsaoshin! this was so much fun to draw ;a; i loved this movie
i think this piece took about.. 15-18 hours collectively? i’m a very slow worker lol (dyk death is ridiculously hard to find good references for??? i scrubbed through the whole movie for screenshots because i would be mad at myself if i missed a detail)
initially it was bought as/meant to be a chibi, but i thought the pose i wanted and facial expressions would’ve been too hard to try and condense into such a small/simple style, so i just boosted it up to a coloured sketch similar to my schwarzwalder drawing (which turned out to be the right decision).
overall i’m quite proud of this! which is a pleasant surprise considering i’ve barely drawn anything since around october, and i’ve felt super rusty in my recent attempts at drawing. i was really worried this commission would fall through and i’d have to offer an alternative idea/refund and i’m glad it turned out well regardless.
i do wish i had made his face a little longer/more angular and that i made him a bit bigger from the torso up, but i’ll give myself grace since i’ve never drawn him before.
i have lots of stuff to say about this drawing (it was a big learning experience) but this keep reading tab would be like 50 miles long so i’ll hold my tongue www
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copiaslilrat · 2 months
Riding in the Shadows Behind You: Chapter 6
See the master post for Tumblr links to the other chapters. Read on AO3 here.
Eros is certain they've died and gone to Hell when they wake up in Copia’s arms the following morning.
They wake before he does, just as the sun is beginning to poke over the horizon. They would both need to get ready for work soon, but Eros wanted to spend a few more moments in bed to admire him. He is still very much deep in sleep, his breathing slow and even, his face relieved of its usual signs of stress. His normally tidy hair is mussed from sex and sleep; rogue strands of hair droop onto his forehead, giving him a boyish appearance. Copia may not need sleep, but he seems to be enjoying his time with it.
Eros readjusts slightly, and Copia’s arm tightens around them. He stirs, but his eyes remain closed. His voice is heavy with sleep. “Are you trying to escape from me, mio caro ?”
“Oh, yes,” they murmur and rolls over to face him. “Being in your company is absolutely dreadful.”
Copia’s eyes open and he gives them a lopsided smile. “Well, that is too bad. It would seem that you are stuck here with me for all of eternity.” He punctuates each word with a small kiss on various places on Eros’s face, eliciting a fit of soft laughter from them.
“Well, one of us has eternity, at least." It had sounded like a joke in their head, but it was less so when they said it aloud.
Copia’s expression falls as he gives them a sad smile. “Let us not think of such things right now. Even if I was not a vampire, I already have many years on you." He kisses their nose. "You have a lot of catching up to do, cuoricino .”
Eros nods, sad but understanding. Copia senses their lingering disappointment and pulls them closer into his warmth and gently rubs their cheek with his thumb. “How did you sleep?”
They smile and melts into his touch. “Amazing. I don’t think I ever want to sleep without you again.”
He hums thoughtfully at this. “You do not have to if you do not wish it. There is always plenty of room for you in my bed.”
“The offer is tempting, but I don’t think Sisters Harlowe and Rosaleth would forgive me if I stopped coming back to my dorm after finally starting to talk to them.” They nudge his nose with theirs and flash him a grin. “Maybe we can settle on spending most nights together.”
“Mm, that sounds like a perfect compromise.” Copia smiles and kisses them.
As per usual, a simple kiss between them auickly evolves into something more, and it’s not long before their hands are roaming to very distracting places and Copia’s fangs are brushing against Eros’ lips. They playfully run their tongue over their points, not quite hard enough to draw blood, but Copia still shudders at the feel of hot flesh beneath them.
“As much as I would love to have a repeat of last night, we do have to go to work today.” Copia runs a hand through their hair. “I have to go be a Cardinal, and you have a Papa to appease.”
Eros sighs heavily. “Oh, Satanas , Terzo. He isn’t going to let me hear the end of this, is he?”
Copia laughs. “No. He’s rather proud of himself for pairing us together for that ritual preparation. After some subtle nudging from myself, of course.”
“Ah, so that was you.” Eros playfully pokes his chest. In the throes of sex last night, they hadn’t noticed, but he does actually does have “666” tattooed on his chest. The numbers spiral around each other, just beneath his collarbone. They run their fingers absently over the mark, which is grown over with curls of soft chest hair.
“Eh, well, what can I say? It was love at first bite.”
They groan at his joke. “Alright. I’m getting out of bed. I’ve had enough of you.”
“You love me, caro .”
Eros looks over their shoulder at him with a soft smile. “Yeah, actually.”
They shower together, exercising extreme amounts of restraint to not get sidetracked by each others’ bodies, and part for their respective work days with a goodbye kiss.
As soon as Eros enters Terzo’s office, his head snaps up and the filthiest, most shit-eating grin spreads across his face.
Eros sighs. “Please don’t.”
“Oh, come now,” Terzo teases. “Let me have just this one, per favore . ”
They resign, knowing that he would not let this go. “Okay, fine.”
“IIIIII fucking knew it!” He slaps the top of his desk. “You piccoli timidi are very cute together. I am glad that everything seems to be working out.”
Eros rolls their eyes and sits down in the chair across from him. “ U h-huh. Thanks. So what can I help you with today, Papa?”
His shit-eating grin makes a return, and Eros already knows what’s in store for them. “Research,” they say at the same time with vastly different levels of enthusiasm. They accept their fate with a polite bow of their head and rise from their chair.
“Sibling Eros?” Terzo calls after them as they leave his office.
They turn to face him. “Yes, Papa?”
His smile is genuine this time. “Thank you for everything that you do for myself and the Ministry. And...for making mio fratello feel happy again. I have known him since we were bambini , and he has not been himself since, well...you know."
“Of course, Papa.” Eros’ hand lingers on the doorknob, unsure if they should ask the question that they want to. “What happened to him?”
“Ah.” Terzo’s gazes becomes unfocused as he thinks on it, similar to how Copia’s had. “It is not my story to tell. I am sure he will tell you when he is ready. It has only been a few years since it happened; the wounds left behind are still very much fresh, hm?”
Eros nods. “I understand. Thank you, Papa.”
“Of course, bello . If you need me, I will be here in my office.”
Eros was deep into reading about the medical and toxic properties of hellbore when someone’s hand rests on their shoulder. They startle—not normally fond of being touched without permission—but immediately relax when they see who it is.
“ Mi dispiace. I did not mean to frighten you, Sibling Eros.”
“No harm done, Cardinal.” Using formalities feels weird considering their relationship, but they suppose that being so casual in a public space during work hours would also feel weird. Regardless, Eros can’t help but smile at Copia’s surprise visit. “Is there something I can assist you with?”
“ Sí . Will you follow me, per favore ?” His tone is professional and his expression unreadable.
Curiosity piqued, they stand from the window seat they had been reading in and follow Copia. He leads them out of the library and into one of the less-frequented hallways in the abbey. Most of the doors lead to meeting rooms or supply closets.
“In here, per favore , Sibling,” Copia gestures to one of them.
Eros opens the door to find a mostly empty supply closet. “Cardinal, what–“
He swiftly pushes them inside and closes the door. He pins Eros up against it in the same breath. “I do not have much time, but I have not been able to stop thinking about fucking you all morning and I need you, amore . Desperately.”
Eros inhales sharply before pressing their lips against his. Copia presses his body firmly against theirs, not breaking the mood for a moment as he deftly unwraps their cincture and unbuttons their cassock just enough to access their trousers.
He pulls back, slightly breathless as he works on their belt. “Are you okay with this, caro ? As much as I would enjoy worshipping and loving on every part of your perfect body, I am afraid that we do not have the time or the comfort of doing so.”
“I am more than okay with this,” Eros breathes out.
He grins mischievously as he works off their trousers before dealing with his own. “ Perfetto . Now try to keep quiet, sì ?” His gives them a lopsided grin as he cups their face in his hands. “I would hate for anyone to hear us being so… unprofessional .”
Eros grins and bites their lower lip. Both of them know that nobody would actually care if two Ministry employees were fucking in a coat closet; it happens multiple times on any given day. They brush their lips against his. “You’re asking a lot of me. You know exactly how hard it is for me to keep my mouth shut when you’re fucking me, Cardinal .”
He inhales sharply at the emphasis on his title. “Oh, Satanas . You are a vixen.”
Copia’s lips hungrily land on theirs again. Still firmly pinned up against the door, he supports Eros’ weight with his hands on their hips, and they wrap their legs around his waist to open themself to them. Copia meets little resistance as he slowly eases his way inside of them, letting out a satisfied growl as he does. Eros’ eyes roll back in their head as they bite their lower lip in an attempt to stifle their moans, but their effort is futile as they can't stop themselves from whimpering anyway.
Copia rests his head on the door beside theirs. He's struggling to control his breathing and his own groans as he fucks them. “Sei così perfetto per me, mio amore. Cazzo.”
Eros’ legs tighten around his waist as their climax quickly approaches. They are still trying their best to play along and be quiet, but the rhythmic slamming of their body against the wooden door doesn’t leave much to the imagination if someone happened to be passing by.
“Fuck, Copia, I want to feel you come inside of me. Please! Fuck! ” Eros cries out as they abandon their oath of silence.
Copia places a finger against their lips. “Shh, mio principe . Be a good boy for your Cardinal and keep quiet, and I will give you exactly what you are asking for.”
His words alone were enough to give Eros that last nudge over the precipice. Copia gives a small, satisfied chuckle that his words had such an effect on them before increasing his pace, fucking them through their orgasm while chasing his own. He rounds on his own release and he gives one final, deep thrust, his body shuddering as he finishes inside of them. He groans their name against their jawline, his breath coming out hot and heavy as he languidly fucks them for a few more strokes before pulling out.
Eros laughs softly and attempts to smooth his hair back into some semblance of order again, their own breaths coming out in soft pants. “Feel better?”
“You have no idea.” He sighs. “You are irresistible, caro . I think you truly have bewitched me.”
They grin and capture his lips in a kiss. “Oops.”
“Mmh, please do not apologize for that.” Copia run his thumb along their lower lip before kissing them back, letting his fangs playfully brush against it.
He sets them down on the ground and held them re-dress, and then Eros helps him do the same. Copia gives them two quick kisses before reaching for the door. “I am sorry for having to leave so soon. Are you okay? Do you need anything from me before I go?”
“I’m doing wonderful. Thank you for always checking in with me.” They reach out and ghost their hand over his cheek. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“Of course.” He smiles and gives them one more kiss before opening the door. “ Tí amo, mio caro. ”
“I love you, too,” Eros replies, reciprocating his smile. The words feel foreign in their mouth, but it feels so right to say them.
They give Copia a few minutes for a head start before exiting the closet and reutrning the library to wrap up work for the day. Back at their makeshift study area that they had set up in a window seat, they give a determined tug to their cassock and settle back into it. trying very hard–and being mostly unsuccessful–to not get distracted with thoughts of what tonight would have in store for them once they are alone with Copia, in a proper bed and all of the time in the world.
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Mumbo Jumbo
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Something to hold you off as I get back into the rest of the cast. Beef really went crazy this last month im so proud of him!
“Chuffed to bits” - Screech but instead of a scream type move he just makes a chuffing noise that does damage
“Spoon” - Pulls out a spoon from his considerable scruff and throws it at the enemy.
Mumbo. Just Mumbo
“Moustache” - The ends of his moustache are very useful appendages. They swing out and pack quite the punch. They are also retractable and can form a regular moustache if he is at ease. 
“Quite Simple” - Empties his pockets of a random assortment of redstone components and throws them all at the enemy. There is a 50/50 chance that the contraption might actually come together and deal extra damage. If there is a prankster type on the opposite team, the jumble of parts (which will usually include a sticky piston) will snag one of the prankster’s obsidian pieces and deal extra damage. 
Merry christmas by the way! Sorry these have been coming along slowly, I had to relearn how to draw after finals kicked my butt. (more under the cut)
I am very happy that beef is almost done! I’m so excited to finish designing the cards and finally starting to draw squads when the hermits start building their decks. More designs are on the way, I’m currently stuck on Pearl because I want her second form to look awesome simply because of the name of the special move. 
Thank you for your patience!
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your-gay-grandma · 1 year
Hi grandma ♡ first off, I just want to say thank you for being here. I don't really have either of my biological grandmothers anymore, and I never got to come out to either of them, so having you here is comforting, in a way. I hope you're having a lovely pride month.
Today I learned how to use a new feature on my drawing app! It makes taking the background out of pictures *much* easier, which means I can make even more edits and art easily!
I also finally remade an old pin. The first piece of pride merch I made myself (in secret) was a pin made out of hot glue and nail polish and it had the word "Ace" on a galaxy background. Today, now that I'm out and have learned new art mediums, I was able to remake it in uv resin, and it looks so pretty, and I love how the change from simple, easy to work with, quick-and-messy to more complex, detailed, and professional looking illustrates how I was in the closet compared to how I am now that I can be out.
It also feels kind of empowering, which is nice because lately with the news I've been feeling pretty anxious and unsure, because although I live in a pretty safe state, not everyone does, and I fear for the rest of our community and for the future of the US (and the world). So having something that represents being unapologetic is nice.
Lastly, it's officially six years since I got my asexual pride ring that I wear basically 24/7, and I feel really proud of who I've become and I'm really happy about who I've been able to meet because of being part of the queer community. I wish the ace and aro communities were more accepted and welcomed in online pride spaces, but the experiences I've had in real life have been nothing but wonderful.
Are you looking forward to anything this pride? Do you have any new projects you're working on? I'd love to hear about them! I hope you have a wonderful evening, and a wonderful pride month. Thank you, grandma ♡
oh my dearest, this is the sweetest message and i appreciate your kind words and hearing about your art and what is happening for you more than you could ever know.
i am so proud of you and who you are! you sound like a wonderful person and artist with much light to share with the world and our community! how lucky we are to have you.
in excellent and hopeful news, some harmful legislation has not been passed in the US which is a great relief for our community. i know things can be quite frightening at the moment but i’m trying to see the hope when it comes.
this pride, i am so fortunate to have a very very wonderful girlfriend! we had a delightful celebration picnic this week and are planning ways to celebrate our love and community. my library is hosting a local queer history exhibit i am very excited to investigate. i’ve many artistic projects on the go at the moment! i just finished up production week on a show i am currently working on which was thrilling and wonderful. i’ve recently got a rather large commission i’m very excited to get started on also. today though, i am enjoying the sun on the balcony with tea and an excellent book.
my exceptional friend, i am wishing you the happiest and safest of pride months! thank you for your joyous update and please do keep me in the loop! sending you all my love 💛
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prussiasqueen · 1 month
💕 How would a beach date go for you and Gilbert? 💕
Ok so, this would actually be really fun and a bit silly this beach date, then ending in a very sweet way! So in my own personal observations, Gilbert actually doesn’t know how to swim, (hence why he wears floaties a lot and also got really scared when he was younger one time when he almost drowned in cold freezing water (poor baby :’( ) so most of the beach date would contain Brii running around in her black and gold cheetah one piece that’s a one strap, and his pervy self at first blinks a bit gawking at her but then he stops as soon as she challenges him playfully to a match of volleyball. And as she runs across the sand and she tries to play volleyball with him, they get really into it, usually with how much loud banter and playful taunting they do with each other, it usually attracts some other people on the beach to want to join in on a friendly vs. with the game. (Usually by the end of this match though, Gilb has won. Poor Brii but she does put up a fight for it! But she allows her man to get all cocky and rub it in her face. So she would probably I would giggle along and congratulate him but also tease him about it, and as everyone else left the match for us. I’d go to a nearby boardwalk and give him a reward for winning, a nice big ice cream, one so big that when Gilbert gets it his eyes twinkle in delight, but then he looks over at his wifey blushing, mumbling, “meine Schatz…share with me?” So they end up sharing a little ice cream together as he teases her a bit, trying to give her sticky ice cream kisses (ew yuck Pruss! I don’t WANT STICKY D:!!!!!) After that, I’d go to the shallow part of the water and playfully start trying to splash him and let him chase me on the beach some! Oh how much fun and trouble he and I would get into 🤭
And then towards the evening, we build sand castles of course his sandcastle is huge and supreme, he’s even implemented a way for the bridge to draw open on his fortress… (meanwhile my castle is a simple, little default tiny castle) and he notes this, and giggled at it, teasing me about it. So I get mad and kick mine. Gilb then usually realizes I’m a bit perturbed by my castle making skills and just pulls be by the waist and whispers, “I have a better idea mein liebe, let’s build us a castle together, a great and mighty one~ just the two of us~” so that results us working together and we make his castle even more complex and huge. But we did it together and it’s so big it attracts a few people to come and want to take pictures of it! Of course Prussia is beyond cool with that and poses all proud and confident, meanwhile I just do a simple heart gesture in the picture, he notices how standoffish and shy I’m being and immediately pulls me into the picture more and presses his cheek to mine. “Mein Frau! You need to have some pride in yourself too! You built this with me now get in ze picture und show me what a beautiful und confident, brillant woman you are! You built this with me!”
So I comply with it and giggle as we do cute poses for the pictures the admirers of our castle take.
As it heads darker, we eventually lay on our beach towels as I rest my head on his thigh, letting him stroke my head as we both look up at the sky, and see the stars coming out. Brii then slightly lifts her head up to look at him as she moved her position, crawling on top of Gilbert, which at first catches him by surprise, then he just smiles, we banter a bit on the day, then I leave him a small kiss on his chin, then to his cheeks and lips. Which that makes him excited and pulls Brii in, nuzzling her, whispering in her ear how much he loves her and how he loves having his queen, expresses her being his partner in crime and his best friend, they then snuggle together and watch the stars for a bit more before packing up and heading back.
(Hnnn—- This one was quite long, but worth it. I love this so much oh my gosh!)
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every-eye-evermore · 6 months
😊, ❗️, 🔍? for the art asks :D
A piece I’m really proud of and why
This started as just a random doodle I made while reading Fugitive Telemetry that I decided to color in. So unlike most of my art, it has Lines. And it looks so cool! I like the faces a lot, especially Gurathin’s. Putting that extra line for the nose changes the game. I will be making a note of this
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id: a drawing of the scene from fugitive telemetry where ratthi and gurathin peak around murderbot to see the crime scene. Gurathin, drawn with light skin and buzzed blond hair, is standing on his tip-toes to be tall enough to see over murderbot’s shoulder. Ratthi, drawn with a medium skin tone and greying brown hair, looks past its side with a concerned look on his face. They each have a hand hovering near murderbot, not quite touching it. In front of them is a pool of blood but the rest of the crime scene off screen. There are drones scattered around the room.
A particularly ambitious piece
The real answer to this is probably Interrobang in general, but since that’s not exactly finished yet, here’s some frames I like. Now that I’m in the editing phase I don’t get the chance to make art like this that much, but it was so much fun sitting down almost every day to make bright little drawings like this!
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id: two drawings made in the same bright and simple lineless style.
The first takes place in a kitchen, with a person in a 60s housewife’s dress scraping a pan with a spatula. Their face is cutoff past their frown. Behind them, a woman in a suit leans against the counter with a smile.
The second takes place on a village street, with the same person carrying two paper bags. Their hair is much shorter and they have a frustrated look on their face. Behind them is a line of people, one of which is leaning over and about to grab the person’s shoulder.
A detail I’m really proud of
Look at that window! Every time I scroll past this it makes me smile. I like that I got it to look warm and glowing and faded and nostalgic all at once :)
It’s always nice in art when you have a very specific vision for the mood of a drawing- and it actually works out
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id: A painting of the inside of a dusty barn, focused on one white couch with green checkered cushions. On either side of the couch are high windows that let light pour in, which cuts twin beams through the dark room. The boards of the barn’s exterior wall are warped, letting in small cracks of light from outside.
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year
Villain was a lesser villain, often doing small jobs for bigger villains. He generally stays out of the spotlight, only participating to make ends meet. He goes mostly ignored up until he makes the mistake of acquainting himself with Supervillain. She takes an interest in him, drawing the attention of the heroes. When they find out about her big plan, they kidnap Villain and torture Villain for information he may or may not have. Their primary method is by forcing him to puke. His power is saliva-based acid generation.
Weirdest ask I have ever had, thank you. Enjoy!
Villain was asleep.
This was a good thing and a bad thing.
A good thing because finally the Heroes left him alone enough for him to be able to sleep properly, soundly, dreamlessly.
A bad thing because Darwin had just walked into his cell and was about to disturb his sweet, dreamless slumber to drag him back awake and onto the endless torture he is currently enduring under the Heroes care.
This time it was a bucket of ice water that was thrown in Villain’s face to wake him. Which, in hindsight, was quite tame of them. The Heroes must be getting soft on him.
He still gasped awake like he was a fish out of water and threw his body forwards in shock, only to have the leather restraints on his wrists and legs drag him back to the chair he was currently in.
“GOOD MORNING, VILLAIN!” Darwin bellowed, all teeth and smirking lips as he threw the bucket to the wall. “How are we doing today friend?”
“You’re such a fucking douchebag.”
“Ahhh!! Chipper as ever!” Darwin said, going to stand around the back of the chair. Villain was ready for the chair transitioning into a panel and sliding forwards slightly. “I’m here, of course, to talk about your friend, Supervillain. Tell me— why is currently burning half of the city alive?”
Villain’s eyes narrowed. Supervillain wouldn’t do that, she wouldn’t. She cared about people in the city. She wouldn’t hurt people.
“She’s not,” said Villain matter-of-factly, and Darwin grinned as he came to stand in front of Villain again.
“Aha!! I just cannot seem to fool you, Villain. I guess that is what endeared Supervillain to you in the first place, is it not?”
“It is not! I’m not friends with supervil—“ but Villain didn’t get to finish his sentence before Darwin’s fingers were down his throat, tickling his gag reflex and Villain could feel the acid climb his throat and Darwin gave a little laugh as he took his hand out, now made of gleaming titanium, and watched as Villain’s vomit joined the puddle from yesterday. Bubbling and frothing and green and vile.
Villain spit after it, the taste of Darwin’s sweaty hand making him want to vomit again. “Once, man. Just once would it kill you to wash your fucking hands?”
“I see! You want stick now, jah?” And Villain went pale.
“No. No, no no I don’t want the stick. Your hand is fine. I love the taste of the sweat and dirt and grim. Darwin? Darwin! DARWIN DON’T GET THE STICK PLEASE!”
“Well!! You must be want to tell me about your Supervillain friend now, hmm? Or perhaps… lover?” Darwin asked his eyebrows drawing up suggestively, pulling up a chair just before the vomit puddle between them.
“Okay,” Villain cried defeated. “Okay. I— I met Supervillain when I was doing a job. It was just a simple job, one of the best for Vulcan.”
“Ah yes. Fire breathing villain?”
“Jah,” said Villain, then said quickly: “yeah, I mean yeah. He employs me sometimes when he needs um, well, acid to burn through bank locks. I’m not proud of it, but it pays the rent okay? It’s an easy job too, he just wants me to vomit into tubes that he can throw and it’s like an acid bomb, right?”
“Right, jah. I follow. Continue.”
“So I was doing another job for him, it’s easy I can do it from home. Except he didn’t come to pick up the ship it was Supervillain who showed up at my door and she was very…”
Darwin tilted his head, nodding as he said: “sexy?”
“No!” Villain said quickly, then he coughed and said: “I mean like, she is very attractive—“
“I know this. That alone should be a crime!” Darwin cried and it almost looked like he was going to actually cry. Villain just cocked a brow.
“Uh, yeah. So anyways. She was very invasive, is what I meant to say. Wanted to know more about my power. Told me Vulcan did some jobs for her but he was messing her around with payments and stuff, so she wanted to get the acid bombs straight from me.”
“I see…” Darwin nodded. “So, she recruited you then?”
“No. Employed. Distantly! I promise. That’s all I do! I make the acid bombs, and then she gets someone to pick them up and that’s it!”
Darwin’s eyes narrowed. “I feel there is more to this story. You don’t tell me I get the stick.”
“Okay! Okay!” Villain said, licking his lips and clearing his throat. “So she came to me one night and she said she wanted to get a drop on the heroes and the Hero tower. So she asked me to help her.”
“Make more acid bombs?” Darwin asked and Villain nodded.
“Yeah kind of. Only her plan was far more ambitious than that.”
“Okay. Good. You tell Darwin and I will cut you down.”
“Well, she knew you were going to find me and torture me for information on here—“
Darwin let out a booming laugh. “Of course! Does her intelligence know no bounds? Oh what a criminal mastermind!”
Villain blinked. “Uh-huh. Anyways, she said since this was gonna happen anyways that I should allow myself to get caught and be tortured for a day or two until I created enough acid to create a hole big enough for her and her friends to crawl through and invade the Hero tower without raising the alarm.”
Darwin stood with such force his chair was forced back. “You what?” he asked, shocked but Villain was already vomiting, this time with his actual acid. The hole formed in the floor and there was Supervillain below in the sewer tunnels climbing out, somehow still looking immaculate like she was just off the red carpet.
Darwin’s eyes went wide. “S-s-supervillain,” Darwin said, his tan face gone pale and Supervillain grinned at him, strutting over and looking down at him.
“Darwin, my sweet Hero. Have you been torturing my Good Samaritan over here for information on me?”
Darwin nodded sadly. “Yes…”
“Oh dear. You could have just rang me.”
“But that is not professional! I can’t mix work and pleasure, you know this. Company policy.”
Supervillain frowned, her hand on his throat. “Pity.”
Villain heard the resounding crack, and flinched as she threw Darwin down the hole into the sewers. Then she turned to face Villain.
“You have done your job beautifully, darling. Now let me take it from here.”
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hhhhleb · 2 months
Hi, I just saw your recent post with little!Jake and Marc, and I just wanted to say it's so heartwarming, the relationship Marc is feeling about Jake ! Like you said, the relationship he have with Jake looks so close to the one Marc had with Randall ( Roro ? ) and I find it so cute.
It’s a bit heartbreaking too, but I find so cute.
And just asking, does Little!Jake feel the same, is he too shy to respond to the ( I guess a bit clumsy ) affection from Steven and Marc, or just Jake doesn’t want it ?
And does Jake miss Randall ( Roro ) too ? Since I guess he maybe have the memories of Randall by Marc’s mind and memories ?
I’m just really curious about their relationship with little!Jake, especially with Marc, and their past relationship with their brother and maybe their parents.
( Hope you don’t mind my questions. And hope you get the questions, since my English isn’t really perfect, since it isn’t my first language. Take your time to answer if you want to, I don’t want to overwhelm you. )
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTIONS!! I’m guilty ur honor, I couldn’t answer them for how long? Two weeks?😶🧎im rlly sorry..
Well, Marc&Jake’s relationship aren’t so simple I guess, in some way it is similar to the Marc&Roro’s but in other way it’s not.
1. Jake isn’t ready to open up to M&S. To people in general. He’s cautious, It is safe when he’s playing adult’s role, it’s like a mask, a shield from the real(adult) world, but when M&S figured out he’s a kid he feels too exposed to them. Too open, too easy to hurt. I feel like he doesn’t want this affection from them because he doesn’t really know how to be a loved child? So he doesn’t know how to respond to it. As I said here Jake never have met Wendy, he doesn’t consider her as his own mother. Thus, all his behaviour&attitude is based on Marc&Roro’s playtime as children. That’s why he’s so into this roleplay of a badass guy))
2. Jake actually misses Roro. If Steven had no idea about him, Jake considered Roro his own brother. It’s the only thing in Marc’s memories he accepts as his own. Marc(Jake) loved Roro so much that he(Jake) adopted this love for art from him(similar to Steven and his accent, I suppose). He also inherited Marc’s feelings of responsibility as an older brother from that time, so Jake’s not used to be the youngest. Therefore, it’s quite an experience for him to adept to this whole new dynamic with S&M. He pushes them away feeling like he shouldn’t can’t rely on them.
Absolutely love this idea of a bunk bad for M&R!! It fits so well! saw it in this concept art for MK. It’s amazing. Like, I think Roro was a very sensitive kid(he looks rueful when Marc calls him a baby for being wary of playing in the cave while it's raining), so he’s afraid of dark and not sleeping with parents SOOOoooo Marc took the bottom bed and have told him, that he would defend him from any monster who would be stupid enough to try to attack them! He also hung all Roro’s drawings there, because he’s very proud of him)
Ahhhh my heart aches for them. I spent half of my childhood on a bunk bad like that, my siblings and I plastered it all over with stickers, there were glasses of juice everywhere lmao, loads of thrilling books on shelves, we used to do a blanket castle on the bottom bed and read some stories with a flashlight
I feel like it’s the thing Marc&Roro could do.. I wish they had more screen time in the show..
(am I projecting? Yes.
Also, I think that’s where Steven’s love for reading is coming from)
ps even though Jake doesn’t want this affection, he needs it just like any other person, just like any other child. He has a hard way ahead of him. Comics about the table thing was one of the first steps:)
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asshlyyyy · 2 years
Piercings (Hacketter Headcanons) (Girls Edition)
I’m sorry this is so late. I was busy this whole weekend when I would normally post. I’m also just in a fit to write something else. I am still working on a Jacob one shot and the next part to my Dylan story. Please be paitent! I’m trying *sad face*
warnings: none
When you met Abi, you had a total of ten piercings
Sure, they might've been all earing piercings
It was still quite a lot
You had the lobe, upper lobe, helix, forward helix, and the tragus on both ears
Abi didn't really think much of it
A lot of people tended to get their ears pierced so it was no big deal
But whenever you were fun cute earrings she always made a comment
Even if it was a simple heart or a bee
Every time you did wear fun earing she always had to draw it down
She had a whole sketchbook dedicated to drawings of your and your weird earrings
When you met Kaitlyn you had just a few piercings
You had a smiley piercing and a nose ring
Kaitlyn didn't think much about it like most people wouldn't
But she definitely liked your smiley
She never met anyone with that piercing before
She would often describe it as "badass looking" or "hot"
Your nose ring was most of the time simple
But when you were feeling yourself, you would switch it out for something cute
Later on, you went to get your belly button pierced
Kaitlyn went with you and was honestly proud that you didn't make a fuss about the pain
When you met Emma you only had your ears and belly button pierced
You were plain when it came to the jewelry
You often kept what they gave you at the piercing shop
Emma would buy you some new ones but you never put them on
It's not like you didn't like them
You were just afraid of the pain
You've had them for years and don't take home out much due to the pain
You also didn't want Emma to laugh at you
She did end up laughing, but it was out of love
She did ask if you were okay and brought you some ice
Much like with Abi, you only had your ears pierced
The only difference is you only had your lobes pierced
It was simple, yes, but you made sure that every earing you were matched with your outfit
You didn't really think of getting any other piercings
It was the one you got early on from Claire's and it was a very traumatic experience
I mean come on... a piercing gun??
That doesn't even sound safe
It's crazy that your parents even allowed it
Laura thought it was hilarious that you described it as traumatic
Sure, it turned you away from ever getting another one...
But hey... It was
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ranboo5 · 2 years
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The world around Leaderboards breathes.
Breathing with it does not hurt.
The Beginner’s Guide, 2015 // Sanctuary + Fellowship Hall, Terrytown // Brian Magnier
My @mcytblraufest gift for @moonblanche !!!!!
So sorry for posting so close to the deadline; I was hit with some unexpected delays ^^” Anyway, I saw that you were one of my five fellow MCSR askers and also that you were partial to Tubbo, so...
Well, then I got a little carried away.
I hope you like it!! I had a TON of fun concepting, drawing for, and assembling this, and I ended up making a lot of art I’m quite proud of. I am saur happy with how my varying runner designs turned out in these I truly am
Continuations for the cut off transcripts of writing and some more (extremely rambling) commentary under the cut!
...with a much steeper time than what’s pictured.
...doesn’t come from fear. It can’t come from fear.
So the premise of this AU if it isn’t obvious is that Tubbo is isekai’d into the distributed society of the basically-monk-order of speedrunners loosely organized around Leaderboards, the closest thing there is to an authority, and over the course of his Wacky Adventures, Tubbo learns that meaningful striving for improvement and being part of something larger than yourself doesn’t have to hurt. After meeting Pres. Poundcake, who carries the title (a title Tubbo obviously associates a lot of baggage with) like it’s nothing – because, of course, in the world around Leaderboards it basically is – and learning that neither that title nor the man’s visions can help him orient himself, Tubbo goes to investigate this supposed central hub, only to find that it’s supposedly slow and outdated. Tubbo drifts around trying to decipher how these Verifiers deal with this backlog until he ends up hanging out with Feinberg, undisputed king of AA, who appears at first glance to be doing something Tubbo is familiar with the concept of – securing his supremacy with ever-escalating shows of domination. But one way or the other it turns out the drive isn’t fear. Tubbo has an answer about the meaning of Leaderboards’ apparent hierarchy, buzzing in his hands like a crumbling trident full of lightning.
He doesn’t know what to make of it.
Couriway helps, though. Back from a short-lived excursion into a survival world and one thousand runs that would never make the top of Leaderboards’ towers like his runs once did. Achievement is a strange thing. To make and to improve is a strange thing. To be part of something stranger yet. The brutality of it that Tubbo has known is not the default. There is something more to it, and it is in that that one can at once not be alone and not be consumed.
And, well, the world around Leaderboards breathes, and breathing with it does not hurt.
Drawing these was an Experience Ever. I might upload the timelapse later or something because Jesus Christ I spent 30 years on some of these...
I actually drew them in reverse order from how they appear! I had a lot of trouble getting a clear image for the first one with Pres. Poundcake, and the last one was conversely extremely vivid for me, so I just went ham. It was a pretty simple concept, and I wanted to capture a Feeling, so I decided to go crazy go stupid on painting it, which took easily longer than both the other two put together but ended up alright! Rendering all those trees was worth it lmao
It also helped me figure out what I wanted to do with the others – I tried to compose these so that Tubbo and the runner he’s drawn with would have, like, a diagonal progression down the page. I don’t know how well it comes across but I did it which I’m counting as a win
The second one I easily spent the least time on the environment of but I got to have one of my favorite designs be the star of the show. It was also very much the most fun to light and I’m quite happy with how it ended up! This one had to be dynamically lined in contrast to the Couriway one’s painting, which was mostly a lovely time except for the lightning... worth it however. This is the best my Fein design has ever looked I must say; I hope everyone understands now when I say FEINBERG MANTIS SHRIMP MECHA AGENDA WILL NEVER DIE
The one with Poundcake I had to do in, basically, crunch time (due to aforesaid delays), so I couldn’t spend 30 years lining and coloring it, and from the start it was always planned to be the least ambitious image anyway, but nevertheless I wanted to make it look nice/special and interesting to look at. I’ve come to quite like Pres. Poundcake as a streamer in the past little while and I wanted to have the drawing with his fictionalized avatar be fun, yk? So to compromise this out I decided to experiment a little and go with this picture-book vibe. I had some fun with the brushes, and since Pres. Poundcake is Tubbo’s introduction to the world, I paid the most attention to actually drawing an interesting environment for this one, too, or trying to lmao
I have talked for much too long but you must understand I tryharded this ridiculously hard so I have a lot to say dhsfdhjfjsdfh
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fishedeyelenz · 9 months
Oh fishy! That Billy and Camille mood board was…..*sighs dreamily* everything. Agh!! You just have no idea!! All of y’all!! All the billy writers and artists, the billy mutuals, I know I lurk, anonymously…not unlike how billy does, but in my mind y’all are the attic gang. My attic gang, all of us loving and bullying the attic boy, and also the wall boy….I just…aaah…perfection. Anyways, your stories are keeping me alive woof, I’ll be catching up on the latest chapters of rats in the shadows (gee I hope I got the name right lol) later when I can (life you know) and I’m losing my marbles thinking about BEAN. BILLY BEAN BILLY’S BEAN!!! And how sweetly devoted he is to his Camille and Bean!! It’s just….*sighs happily* so so sweet….all these mood boards have been cracking me up they’re so SILLY!! I keep wishing to stick a sticker of canned beans on Beans’ forehead…these dark urges smh…
Okay but yes, right right, I need to get to the actual reason for my silly little ask, okay so, how would billy be with an s/o who’s very musical? We know he loves Camille in all her drawing and painting glory, (does she paint too? I know she draws, I guess I just assumed she might’ve dabbled in paints as well, apologies if not) but what about a musical gal? My family is extremely musically inclined, we all sing and everyone plays instruments (I draw too but again, we have our answers with precious Camille! And Thank goodness, for I’d love to draw with him, or draw a mustache on him while he sleeps if nothing else) and so I always wonder if he’d like music like I do…..I very much rely on music, it helps me, and I wonder if it’d help him too! The beat of the music grounds me, I can copy and mimic almost all the specific voice of all the singers I listen to, it’s patterns that I can rely on….it’s just all very soothing and helps me be happy while also calming! It’s like….a sturdy rock. Always consistent and nice!
And so I always imagine singing with Billy, (I know he’s a terrible singer but it’d be so wonderful and fun still!) dancing with him, teaching how to tap dance, singing and humming to him while holding him and running my fingers through his hair, playing my concertina for him, playing the piano with him, making up sound games, like, me play a tune and he has to mimic it, or him make up a tune and I’ll try to play it for him, it just seems so fun! All of it! Always singing and dancing with each other!! Loud and fast when we are okay! Or softly and slow, very quiet songs when either of us need soothing or comforting….it just all seems terrible sweet to me, I’m just a sucker and have been having so much fun practicing my concertina, so I’ve just been really having this on the brain eheh (btw I feel like a little sailor with my concertina, I freaking love it aaah)
Hello!! Glad to hear from you again dear anon, I was wondering about a couple of days ago actually!! You always leave such sweet messages <333 The part about the attic gang made me giggle heheheh <333 well, if it means anything, if you ever wanna go off anon I at least will be very accepting, and I'm sure others will do. But I respect your decision to stay anonymous if that's more comfortable to you!! I hope you have a fun time reading the last few chapters, I'm quite proud of them!!
Little Beanie baby honestly deserves a little treat in the form of a sticker on her forehead. Little guy <333 Also yeah, Camille is a painter!! Shes a painting mayor actually. Hats why shes in the college, or I guess the academy she goes to. And Camille would draw a mustache on him ough <3 As for the part about a musical s/o you're pretty spot on!! Certain types of music would definitely be very grounding to him, and could help a lot with calming him down. He in general likes simple little songs I think (think Daisy Bell like in the commentary) and I do think he sings to himself to calm down!! Though he is pretty tuneless... and his singing voice is not pleasant even if he tries... though he usually sings the sing badly on purpose to entertain himself lmao. Hes like a very loud, annoying parrot in human form.
That's why he would love to have a s/o who is actually musical lol. At first it would be to annoy them honestly, ruin their flow with singing badly, mock them when they can't reach a high not and things like that. Being a little shit in general. But as time moves on he would grow to appreciate their talents more. Sometimes he would quiet down when they start playing their instrument and listen carefully, maybe even clap for them in the end if he gets exited. Sometimes his lovers would would sing him to sleep after a hard day. And he would genuinely start joining in on them when they are singing, not to make fun of them but for them to share a moment together. In fact, he would use any chance he can to sing with his s/o, sometimes asking them to join in on singing a silly little song.
One thing though, is to watch over your instrument when around him. It's very fun that you play a concertina but there's always a chance he could break it. Whether on accident from being clumsy, or in a moment when he loses control of himself and breaks everything around him, or maybe out of pettiness after an argument. Either way after the fact he would feel immensely guilty, which will send him spiraling and so on and so forth. Not a pleasant experience for either of you.
This reminds me that Bean will be a musician in the future. She will play bass and melodica and will play in a band. I wonder what else I could do with this concept in relation to Billy...
Thanks once again for sending me this ask, I always am happy to hear from you!!
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