#watching him as his timidly eats treats from my hand
spineless-lobster · 1 year
Are you guys ready to see the saddest, wettest, most pathetic creature you have ever laid your eyes upon?
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Here he is!!! I originally tried to draw him with a tired face but that somehow ended up looking like this sooooo…???
Bonus original sketch:
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hanilessa · 1 year
You're more human than you might think
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` Wanderer x Fem!Reader
` Genre: romance
` Author’s notes: for you, my dear @silverbladexyz! i hope you enjoy it <3
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You gently stroked the wounded ear of a little rabbit, who sat trustingly on your lap and ate the delicacy offered to him — fresh green grass and ripe red apples. Your heart sang joyfully in your chest as you peacefully watched this view. The wounded ear, from which dark red blood had previously flowed, gradually stopped bleeding, and this was a sign for you that you could start treating the wound.
Your heart bled every time when small children approached you with a request to heal a small injured animal that they found on the street. You could never refuse them because you were a kind and sympathetic person, and your heart ached when you saw small animals that were injured. Everyone in the area knew that you were a good nurse, and you never refused to help anyone, kind-hearted and generous. But what they might not know is that you rose to the surface from the depths of hell.
The artificially created Khaenri’ah puppet that you were couldn't consider yourself a living and compassionate person. But why, every time you saw a wounded person or animal, did your heart overflow with pain and compassion? Was there really something alive in you? Or have you tried to imitate life by trying to help the people around you? It was a heavy burden that you have been carrying for five hundred years.
The rabbit in your hands continues to eat the grass, and you can feel with your hands how soft its white fur was. It pleasantly caresses your skin, and for a moment you close your eyes to let go of all the thoughts that torment you. A few more moments pass, and you hear the sound of someone's unhurried steps next to you.
"Miss nurse is sleeping at her workplace. How unprofessional." You heard a familiar voice, and your heart suddenly began to beat rapidly in your chest, and you hurried to open your big beautiful eyes, meeting Wanderer's gaze.
His cold eyes smoothly explore your entire figure, sweeping over your body and stopping at the little rabbit that continued to sit on your lap. In turn, you notice a small kitten in Wanderer's hands. Your heart fluttered excitedly.
"What's happened?" You ask, your voice trembling with excitement as you see the wounded animal in the man's arms.
"People don't notice where they're going. So vile." The man snorted as you carefully rose from your seat and placed the rabbit in a small basket.
"Please wait a little." You say and hurry to treat your hands with a special tool to start treating wounds on the bodies of poor animals. "I have to finish my previous case."
Wanderer only nods, continuing to maintain silence in the infirmary, while you were treating wounds. Your heart beat relentlessly in your chest as you treated the wounds on the body of the rabbit, after which you proceeded to treat the wounds of the kitten, whose tail was very tattered and mangy. You wondered how cruel some people were.
When you finished dressing the small wounds, you made sure that the animals were fed and kept in a safe place for them. You felt a little better when the rabbit and the kitten started showing a little more activity. With a happy smile, you turned to Wanderer, who had remained silent all this time, and saw that his cheeks slightly blushed when you smiled at him.
"Did Lesser Lord Kusanali ask you to bring a kitten to me?" You asked timidly to keep the conversation going and break the awkward silence.
At the mention of Nahida, the man was a little confused, but immediately frowned and snorted. You were friends with Nahida, and the two of you often discussed many interesting stories and facts. It was amusing to watch how Wanderer got embarrassed.
"Why do you think that I only fulfill her requests?" The man snorted, crossing his arms over his chest, and then timidly looked away from you, continuing to say, "Maybe I did it of my own free will. And I wanted to see you again."
You were a little taken aback by his confession, your cheeks blushing red, but after a moment you pushed away the embarrassing thoughts and replied, "You're more human than you might think."
The kitten and the rabbit continued to eat the food offered to them. Wanderer snorted defiantly, but a slight semblance of a smile appeared on his face.
"Same as you."
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idyllicwillowtree · 1 year
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Smitten Kittens
Genre: Eddie Munson x fem!reader; fluff
Summary: Eddie helps out a very special cat who turns out to be yours. 
Word count: 3.3K
Warnings: light drug-use, swearing, illusions to bad parental relationships/toxic parents, reader is called ‘Ms. Y/L/N’ at one point, Eddie-centric, Eddie being a crazy cat lady
Author’s note: Loosely based off of me and my cat <3 ; pictures found on pinterest
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4:37. Every morning Eddie’s body wakes him up at 4:37 and no matter how long he lays in bed or how late he stays up he can’t go back to sleep. He could have his eyes closed, unmoving for hours and still his mind would not allow him anymore rest. 
That’s where his little friend Mary-Jane comes in handy.
His uncle, Wayne, is usually still at work at this time so Eddie doesn’t bother being gentle as he swung the front door open, a joint dangling from his chapped lips and a couple cans of tuna in his hand. 
Stepping out of his muggy trailer, he took a deep breath of fresh morning air as goosebumps emerged on his skin. In preparation for the sun to rise, the night sky became a dark blue mixing with the yellow street lamps, light enough for Eddie not to use a flashlight. He plopped himself down on his front steps, his sock covered feet avoiding the dewy grass below by setting them on the last wooden step.
He lit up his joint, taking a deep inhale and enjoying a short moment alone before gently tapping the tuna can with his lighter.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie clutched his chest before turning towards the noise, “Oh, there you are Ozzy.”
When Eddie started using weed to help him sleep in the middle of the night he slowly made some new furry friends. Once he set a precedent that the stray cats could come to him for a snack, he became the unofficial cat-guy of the trailer park. 
Something about taking care of the mangy little beasts of the neighborhood made him feel important. Knowing there were four starving cats out there that turned to him for comfort filled him with a sense of purpose. Something he doesn’t always get with the people in his life.
As he starts filling the large dog dish he leaves outside with the fishy treat, the rest of his cat gang arrives, greeting him with quiet chirps, excited purring, and vertical tails. 
Ozzy was the leader, a short-haired tabby that was pure muscle. He usually sported an intimidating glare as he watched over the other cats, keeping them protected and in line. His right-pawed man was a skinny gray cat Eddie named Dio. He was the only one who let Eddie hold him, never clawing to get away, but still preferring to keep all four paws on land. Then there was Dungeon and Dragon, two orange cats attached at the hip and always getting into trouble. Dungeon was very talkative while Dragon was the most affectionate. 
Eddie continued smoking his joint, blowing the smoke in the opposite direction of the eating cats. He listened as their loud smacking and happy purrs echoed in the dish.
Ozzy abruptly stopped eating, eyes zeroed in on something under Eddie’s trailer porch to his right. The cat’s back immediately puffed, fur standing up on its own. He let out an aggressive hiss followed by a yowl that sent a chill down Eddie’s spine. The rest of the cats perked up in curiosity. 
“Please don’t be a raccoon,” Eddie mumbled to himself as he leaned over to get a better look.
Suddenly, a tentative black paw emerged from the shadow of the porch. The most beautiful cat Eddie had ever seen revealed herself, delicately sniffing at the fishy morning air.
Ozzy was not about to share his food with this new cat, making it known through his loud yowling that Dio soon joined in on. Dungeon and Dragon’s ears were pulled back, hissing at the new arrival.
Eddie watched as the cat timidly backed up under the porch again, not wanting any trouble but still eyeing their leftover tuna. 
“Alright guys, that’s enough,” Eddie began gently shooing the clowder of cats away. They all snapped out of it and scampered off to do whatever it is they usually do when they’re done with their breakfast. Not before Ozzy could send one last hiss in the direction of the black cat.
 “Yeah, yeah, we get it. You’re a big tough guy. Go on.” 
Pleased with himself, Ozzy trotted away in the direction of his pack. Once they were gone, Eddie finally got a good look at black cat who, once again, was making her way out of hiding.
In comparison to the rest of the cats, this one stuck out like a sore thumb. While the others were matted flea-covered strays, this cat had perfectly groomed long hair that looked particularly soft and fluffy. Her neon green eyes were clear and bright and her ears remained pointed and intact. 
After she made sure all the other cats were gone, she immediately perked up and began approaching Eddie with her fluffy tail pointing towards the sky.
“Hi there,” Eddie said gently. “You’re new.”
Eddie slowly lifted his hand, pointer finger stretched out towards the feline. She sniffed at it attentively before dragging her cheek across his short nails repeatedly. Eddie got the hint and started scratching behind her ears and down her spine, watching happily as she leaned into his touch before getting distracted by the leftover fish. 
She was even softer than he imagined.
Eddie knew she didn’t belong out here, she’s too healthy and social to be an outdoor cat or a stray. His heart ached at the thought of someone out there looking for this sweet and loving companion. He knew he needed to help her find her home.
“In the meantime, I bestow upon you the title of ‘Sabbath’. Pretty metal, huh?”
Eddie cautiously scooped her up, pleasantly surprised by how easy this was for her. She immediately settled in his grip and turned to wrap her paws around his neck, nuzzling affectionately into his long hair. 
Eddie took a moment with her, enjoying the feeling of her vibrating purrs against his chest, before heading back inside and to bed. The purring heals his heart a bit, it’s nice having someone around who offers their love to him without needing anything in return.
As soon as Eddie sets her down on the comforter, she spins around a couple times before passing out, Eddie falling asleep not long after.
Eddie was sitting in class hunched over his notebook, planning out the next Dungeons and Dragons campaign for Hellfire. He was so focused he didn’t even realize the rest of the class packed up their things and left already.
“Mr. Munson, class is dismissed,” the teacher pointed out tiredly.
“You sure you want me to go, Mr. K?” Eddie said slyly, knowing Mr. Kowcheski hates the nickname, “we could talk about our feelings? Who have you been crushing on these days?”
Mr. Kowcheski deadpanned at the delinquent for a long moment before looking past him.
“You too, Ms. Y/L/N. Class is over.”
Eddie turned around, noticing you were still there for the first time. You sat slumped in your chair with a slack expression and wet dull eyes as you stared at the linoleum floor. You jumped slightly and blushed from the attention, eyes jumping around the room.
“S-sorry Mr. Kowcheski,” your voice wavered as you shakily gathered your things and made a break for it, Eddie following close behind.
He’s not sure what possessed him to approach you, but he knew he needed to make sure you were okay. 
 You never gave Eddie a reason to hate you, always sending him shy smiles and letting him borrow a pencil whenever he asked. You were a breath of fresh air in a school full of stale and rotten posers who made his life a living nightmare.
Everytime Eddie’s eyes wandered to you in class, you were always paying close attention and absorbing the lecture through taking notes and asking questions. He always admired that about you. That’s why it was so strange seeing you so zoned out that you didn’t even realize the bell had already rung.
“Hey, you okay?” Eddie said, catching up to you in the hallway.
“Huh? O-oh hi Eddie. What’s up?”
Now that Eddie was closer, he could see your red-trimmed eyes and dark bags as you avoided his gaze. Your usual up-beat tone of voice was now scratchy and tired. Eddie felt sadness and worry flip through his stomach at the sight.
“Nothing, I just wanted to see if you were okay,” he tilted his head, trying to catch your eye, “You don’t seem like your normal self.”
Eddie could tell by the way your eyes widened and your breathing stuttered that he caught you off guard. Once you gather your bearings, you offer him a shy smile that comes as quickly as it goes.
“Thanks, Eddie. I’m fine,” you looked down at your shoes, shaking your head solemnly. “It’s…it’s stupid. But thanks anyway,” you said, voice breaking along with Eddie’s heart.
You walked away before he could press any further. 
Now that school was out, Eddie could finally head home and brainstorm ideas on how to return Sabbath to her rightful home.
 Eddie sauntered through the trailer door, shopping bags full of canned cat food in tow, as he shook the rain from his wet hair like a dog. He turned to Wayne, lounging in his usual spot on the armchair, only this time he wasn’t alone.
“Boy, if you don’t get this damn cat off of me…”
Sabbath looked perfectly happy, stretched out on Wayne’s jean covered legs. Blissfully unaware that he wanted her off of him. Or maybe she just didn’t care. She sent Eddie, what could only be described as a smile as he walked over and delicately scooped her up. She protested a little with a long closed mouth “mew”, then settled into his arms, hugging him around the neck once more.
Wayne looked up at Eddie, ocean eyes flooded with disapproval.
“I know, I know. It’s the last time I swear,” Eddie defended.
His Uncle stayed silent.
“I couldn’t just leave the poor thing, she wouldn’t have survived. She’s a lover, not a fighter!”
Wayne's face stayed the same, only lifting the corner of his brow at him.
“I’m looking for her owner, I swear. She definitely belongs to someone.”
At that, Wayne lifted himself from his armchair with an “old man grunt”, as Eddie liked to call it. His Uncle gave him a loving pat on the shoulder as he walked past him, heading to the bathroom to get ready for his night shift at the plant. 
Eddie spent the rest of the evening making posters out of cheap printer paper, writing on them with a giant black magic marker. 
“Found Cat
Black, long hair, green eyes”
Eddie added his phone number and called it good. It wasn’t much to go off of, but he figured there couldn’t be too many missing black cats out there in Hawkins.
Eddie flicked the pen cap towards Sabbath, watching as she swatted it off the edge of the table and chased it around. Soon she riled herself up so much that the zoomies overcame her, running from one end of the trailer all the way into Eddie’s room and back again. He found himself completely entertained just by watching this cat do cat things that a couple hours went by without him even noticing.
Eddie was hoping the rain would subside but this was Indiana, the weather never did what you wanted it to do. He wanted to get the word out sooner, but it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Not that he was complaining. Fondness blossomed in his chest as Sabbath trotted over to him and rubbed the top of her soft head against his chin. Then she settled on his lap for the rest of the evening.
6:14. This morning, Eddie managed to sleep in. Although he would’ve much rather slept longer, he was pleasantly surprised to have a couple extra hours. 
That was until he realized why he had woken up. Sabbath was meowing continuously, barely stopping to breathe. Jumping back and forth from the pillow Eddie was resting his head on, to the top of his dresser that was set in front of his bedroom window. When she leaped up, sliding a bit on the smooth surface, she scratched at the window overlooking the front yard. Eddie sluggishly pulled himself up and out of bed to see what Sabbath was getting so worked up about.
You were riding your bike in the soft glow of the morning, tires crutching in protest as you slowly pedaled. You kept your eyes and head moving, scanning the area diligently. In one hand you gripped the handle bars, in the other you held a small bag of cat treats that you were shaking every few seconds. Hope lightens your eyes at the sound of Dungeon’s meows, but it dissolves instantly when he’s not the one you’re looking for.
Eddie watched as Sabbath propped herself up on her back legs and began scratching at the single paned glass window like she could dig her way through. When she looked back at Eddie, begging him to understand her pleas, he patted her head softly and moved towards the front door.
By the time Eddie stepped outside you had stopped your bike and were silently sobbing in the middle of the road. Your back was partially turned to him but he could tell by the quivering of your shoulders and the slouch of your neck that you were overwhelmed with emotion.
“Hey Y/N!” Eddie greeted, louder than he intended.
Eddie cringed slightly as you jumped three feet into the air, dropping the open bag of treats in the process. The clowder of strays devours the fallen snacks in seconds before running off into the woods. Not before Ozzy could send Eddie a look that portrayed his disappointment in him for not feeding them earlier in the morning.
“Ah, shit. Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, no it’s alright,” you sniffed hard and vigorously wiped your face before turning to Eddie, playing it off like you weren’t just weeping.
As Eddie got closer he noticed the plastic cat carrier zip tied to the back of your bike and the pile of clothes in the basket attached to your handlebars. You watched him scan your bike, his eyes sparkling with what you misinterpreted for judgment. 
“Sorry, I’m just looking for…for my cat,” you sent him a tightlipped smile and sniffed back your tears. 
“She must be some cat, huh?” Eddie couldn’t stand to leave you hanging for any longer, watching your face crumple as you nodded. He smiled softly, “she wouldn’t happen to be a fluffy black cat, would she?”
Your head snapped up, eyes wide and hopeful. The last remnants of your tears sliding down your cheeks as you blinked owlishly at him. Your mouth was agape in an attempt to respond, but all you could manage was a frantic nod.
Eddie walked backwards slowly and smiled playfully, dimples on full display as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. He swiftly spun around before jogging up his front steps to open his front door. You watched him curiously before you noticed what emerged from his trailer.
“KITTY!” a sob ripped through your throat as you lurched forward, bike clattering to the ground in the process.
“Kitty?” Eddie mumbled to himself incredulously.
He watched as the relief you were feeling had a physical effect on you. Your knees wobbled, feet crossing over each other as you ran forward. It would’ve taken you down had you not been so eager to reach the feline. Whimpers cracked through your chest when you finally met in the middle, ‘Kitty’ being just as excited to get to you. You expertly scooped her up and let her snuggle into your hair as you clung to each other. The way you held one another reminded Eddie of how a caring mother would hold her child.
Watching this reunion was something special. Seeing these two beings who were unconditionally in love, coming together after days apart sent a warmth through Eddie’s heart. He felt a bit selfish for being proud of himself for making this happen, but quickly shook it off. That cat definitely wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for him and you would still be heartbroken.
“I was s-so w-worried about you, Kitty,” you blubbered as you pressed kiss after kiss on her soft little head. Your happy tear-filled eyes blinked up at Eddie, “t-thank you so much, Eddie. You have no idea what this means to me, thank you-” before you could back out you gently held Eddie’s face and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. 
Eddie’s face tingled with heat as a blush crept up his neck. He was just standing there, dumbfounded, not expecting the affection but not hating it either. He moved to touch his burning cheek to savor the feeling, but it made you cringe seeing the moisture you left behind.
“S-sorry,” you said with a wet laugh.
“Don’t apologize. I should be thanking you,” Eddie said, still in a lovesick daze.
“What? You’re the one that saved my cat!”
“Yeah, but you’re the one that kissed me!” Eddie would like to say that his flirting was smooth and intentional, but really he was just flabbergasted that someone as sweet and pretty as you would give him any sort of attention. 
You barked out a surprised laugh as Kitty moved to nuzzle her face into the other side of your neck. You wiped at the tears and snot still caked on your face, suddenly feeling embarrassed by your emotional outburst.
“Sorry,” you apologized again, “I feel kinda stupid for crying so hard over a cat.”
“You keep saying that,” Eddie said with a smile and a soft head shake that made his curly hair float around his shoulders.
You sniffed, “saying what?”
“That your emotions are stupid. Like it’s some offense to be sad and worried about the greatest cat in the world.”
Eddie’s words surprised you. You scanned his face, looking for anything that would suggest he’s teasing or making fun of you. Luckily, it wasn’t there.
“You…you think she’s the great cat in the world?”
“Yeah! What’s not to like? She’s affectionate, entertaining, and really fucking cute. I’d probably lose my mind if I was the one to lose her. I mean, she’s a cat that hugs. What’s better than that?”
You gasped dramatically, turning to look at the cat still in your arms, “you hugged him? What a little traitor! She usually only hugs me,” you giggled.
Eddie was shocked, yet flattered. “She must be a good judge of character,” he said with a smug grin.
“Yeah, that explains why she hates my parents.”
Eddie erupted in laughter, catching you off guard. You didn’t mean to make a joke but it was kind of funny. Your chortles mixing together and echoing throughout the quiet trailer park. 
Your cat pulled back from your neck so she could look back at Eddie and send him a grateful “meow” and a slow blink. Eddie reached out to stroke behind her ears lovingly. It made you tense for a second, scared she’d take a swipe at the metal-head but instead she leaned into his touch.
“You like that, don’t you Sabbath?” he cooed, the pitch to his voice raising an octave.
“You named her Sabbath?”
“Oh, uhh y-yeah,” Eddie said, scratching the back of his neck bashfully. “Yeah, it was just a placeholder name until I found her owner.”
You nodded slowly as a knowing smile slithered across your lips, “Black Sabbath. Very clever.”
Eddie could have proposed to you right then and there. Instead, he would have to settle for dinner and a movie.
Thanks for reading!
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deepperplexity · 10 months
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Prompt: 6. Out Of Care [C2]
Pairing: Turpin x fem!Reader
POV: Second, Reader & Third, Turpin
Setting: Turpin’s house
Continuation of: Prompt 4. Sharing
A/N: And we're back to our dear Judge Turpin this Wednesday! 😍👏 I'm honestly super excited about this story and feel my creativity brewing and bubbling like crazy this December - all the stories have me aching to write more 😂👏
Anyway, I'm hoping you're all in good spirits, that December is treating you nicely (kicking it in the tush if not) and that you're feeling ready for more Rickman content! 🥰❤ (Reminder, the Turpin serial for Rickmas2023 will get darker before we get the HEA)
Tags/TW’s: Regrett, Worry, Wanting Forgiveness, Reunion, Returning Home, Half-Admitting Feelings [Love, Fear, Hurt, Want], Changing For Another, Admitting To Wrongfulness/Selfishness, Pillow Hugging, Slightly Smutty Thoughts
Abbr.: Y/N - Your Name
Word Count: 3.1k+
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⩤• You •⩥
The echo of the door slamming shut, the memory of stumbling down the stairs, it was all so fresh in your mind. It nearly felt as if it had just happened, a mere second ago, yet it had been two days. Your husband had been gone for two days, after a fight you had never imagined ever having. His words, those cold accusatory truths, made you shiver. The remnants of the revelation of how selfish you had been, how single-mindedly you had been viewing Christmas, and the whole thought process behind decorating your home for the holiday.
You shivered and glared at the overly decorated tree, it ought to have caught fire with the intensity of your eyes — it did not, of course, burst into flames. “I did warn you, me Lady,” said Miss Lowel as she sat a tray of tea down on the table in the drawing room. “His Lordship does not take the holidays lightly, me Lady.” “You don’t say…” you murmured with a snark in your voice. “Could have been worse, me Lady. Could have put you out.” “Instead he abandoned our home. Me.” “Me Lady?” You looked toward her. “Does the lady… Do me Lady fancy his Lordship?” she asked timidly, her hands held tightly before her while a look of trepidation and something close to disgust flitted across her sweet features.
You sighed, averting your gaze to the hearth and the glowing embers within it. Is there a point in denying it any longer? If I didn’t, I wouldn’t feel so… sad… “Yes, Miss Lowel. I-, I do,” you said quietly. “I think… I think perhaps I may have come to like the man, a bit.” A lot… Miss Lowel smiled, but it was a forced sort of thing. “I see, me Lady.” “Not that it matters, the man could never feel a thing for me, I’m not sure he’s capable of feelings of a positive nature.” “Oh, I don’t know about that, me Lady. His Lordship is quite… different with you.” “Ha, funny, Miss Lowel, very funny,” you said dryly, reaching for the teacup. “He barely speaks a word to me, at dinner he does not so much as hold half a conversation with me, he always storms off to his study, to the court, away from me.” “His Lordship eats dinner at home, he quietly watches you speak, he offers space and no forced proximity, apart from insisting on sharing a bed but, if I may be so bold, I dare say there’s been no coercion inside the bedroom, me Lady?”
Your eyes bulged at her brazen words and forward manner. She spoke the truth though. So you nodded. “I dare say that is quite the change from the man I have served these past four years, me Lady.” “How so?” you asked while sipping your tea, endeavouring to not appear too hungry for information about the man who grasped your heart tighter with each passing day.
“Neither of the things I just mentioned would have been connected to His Lordship before your arrival miss. I do not think I’ve once served him dinner at home before ten in the evening before your arrival, me Lady, and even those times were rarities. This was not a place he remained for more time than necessary. And conversation within this house, no, that was not a possibility, yet you are given time to speak, not simply to reply to commands. Me Lord even listens, that is quite something, me Lady.”
You looked at her, wondering if she’d lost her mind — had too much eggnog perhaps? “That’s silly, Miss Lowel.” “Silly? His Lordship has changed with your arrival.” “I highly doubt it has anything to do with me, the man is brutal and cold. Unfeeling. I will not even attempt to pretend to possess any value for him beyond being his wife as the daughter of an upstanding and wealthy family. He seems to be a man completely out of care for anyone and anything, I am no different to him than any other person.” Miss Lowel bowed her head with a straight face. “If you say so, me Lady. I do not possess the frankness to contradict your words.” The maid left the room while your thoughts whispered, you just did.
The last piece of Christmas decore landed in the sack by your feet. The house was restored to its less festive state after a couple of hours of your hard work. It had taken longer to put it all up than take it down, down was easy, especially with a simmer of anger and hurt in your muscles which had forced you to move faster.
You wouldn’t admit to it, but you hoped he’d return and you’d be forgiven for what you’d unwittingly done. Your intentions had been good, but Richard’s view of it all had changed your perspective of your actions. He hadn’t been wrong, you hadn’t talked with him, asked him, or even thought of taking his input on decorating the house. But, how could you have known the man didn’t like Christmas?
He may hold no care for me, or anyone else in the world, but I can still care for him. Can I not? I can still change and do things out of care for him even if it’s not reciprocated. But you knew it would be a difficult task, loving and caring for someone who housed none of that love or care in return, but you were a stubborn person. Once you set your mind to something you refuse to back down or give up until you have enough evidence to show something was an impossibility. Perhaps that was why you had been used by people you believed to be your friends, even family, before?
You had dragged the sack back to the attic, locking the door again before heading toward the drawing room where you plopped down in a graceless heap on the sofa. Miss Lowel had stoked the fire recently it seemed so you soaked up the warmth by pointing your feet toward the hearth, watching the flames dance while your heart turned heavier.
You had no idea where Richard had gone, he had said he would not return until after Christmas to give you your holiday cheer but you had never felt as dreary or sad in December before. Especially now, with no holiday cheer to be found in your home. It felt utterly wrong, but the way Richard had reacted and how he had felt when seeing all the decorations you’d spent the entire day putting up had been worse. That you’d hurt him made you feel beyond heavy, no matter if it was on purpose or not. He’d been hurt, and you had for the first time gotten to hear of his emotions — how he saw it all.
“Sharing, as in taking the liberty to completely alter my one sanctuary without so much as a word with me beforehand? Sharing seems to be all, about, you,” he had seethed two days ago, for the first time truly sharing how he felt and it had hurt you deeply. Admittedly, in the moment, you had felt hurt yourself by his words but now, with some time to think of it all and look at it from his viewpoint, you felt horrible at having caused him harm.
What did he mean by his sanctuary? You didn’t quite understand that, he didn’t act as if his home was a sanctuary. Did he mean from the holiday? I mean, all of London is filled with Christmas cheer — carols, decorations, happier people, all the markets and — Your mind turned quiet as you understood what he’d meant.
Christmas was inescapable. One foot out the door and there was a carol floating on the wind, the smell of roasted chestnuts, someone ringing a bell for donations to the poor during the time a year of giving and gifting. The holiday was tangible everywhere, oppressively so if one disliked it… To give up the holiday wasn’t a possibility for you, though. You’d celebrate, but perhaps you didn’t need to do so in a way that reached or imposed itself on your husband — after all, Christmas wasn’t actually about the decorations, the songs, the food, or even the gifts. No, it was about a feeling, a sense of hope and joy, a warmth on the inside rather than sparkling surroundings.
You stood up, patting down your dress. “I can do that. But, how do I tell him I took it all down?” You nibbled your bottom lip, wondering if your husband was at court perhaps — it was Wednesday after all. “Should I even bother him? Can I go to him?” His angry features, his cold eyes, the harsh tone of his voice — it all told you you couldn’t. Richard was a man who made his own choices, took his own decisions, and as far as you knew he never went back on his word.
He had declared he’d be back after Christmas, perhaps all you had to do was wait for time to pass, respecting his choice? You’d already overstepped so greatly it felt as if seeking him out would only enrage him, perhaps forever close off the slightest possibility he’d ever grow close to you as you had grown to truly like him. You dared not think the feelings you had for the man were even deeper than that; if you admitted to it things would become far too hard to endure. You had had hope the feelings were mutual, the difference between the man you had heard of before wedding him and the man he was around you were far different from each other. 
You sighed and looked at the clock, it struck eleven and it was time to sleep. You moved through the silent house, halting by the guest room, a sense of lacking enveloped you as your fingers lingered on the knob. You glanced down the hall, toward the door leading into your shared bedroom. You missed him. Missed sleeping next to him, and as Miss Lowel had pointed out there had never been anything more than sleep happening in there since you moved in. He’d never forced you, never asked you, never even so much as changed in the same room. He’d respected you, and your privacy, only sharing a bed through sleep. Why it was like that you didn’t quite know, your husband had been known to take whores before your wedding but not once had you noticed such a thing happening after you became his wife.
Your face mushed against his pillow a few minutes later. You inhaled his distinct scent, a shiver slid down your back before you squeezed the feather-filled thing. You curled up in a ball for a moment under his cover, thinner than yours but comforting despite not fully keeping you warm. “I miss you,” you whispered and inhaled deeply, feeling yourself go heavy by the comfort of his scent.
⩤• Turpin •⩥
The wind tugged at the ends of his hair peeking out beneath his top hat. The house lay nearly dark, save for one single candle in the window of his bedroom. The bedroom he shared with you. There were differences to when he had stormed out of the house though. The curtains were changed back to their ordinary ones, there were no longer any decorations in the windows from what he could tell, empty as usual.
The cold had begun to slip inside his clothes, yet he remained on the sidewalk across the road — watching his house in a tense silence. For two days he had stewed over his reaction, his behaviour towards you when you had so obnoxiously obviously been exuberantly happy about decorating the house for Christmas. Everywhere his eyes had gone there had been reminders. Old decorations, from his time as a boy when joy was as far from Christmas as one could get despite the house being abysmally drenched in beautiful decorations looking to spark a sense of awe. All it ever meant for him were dread, loneliness, and pretending.
His family, rich and well-off as it was, had no real riches beyond money and status. His mother was a shell of a human, his father a devil of cruelty, his brother a demon of wickedness, and his sister… dead. The one who had been a joy, had died far too young, and what little love there had been in the mansion of a house went with her.
He shrugged, flexing his fingers within the leather gloves to bring some blood and warmth back to the tips. His eyes remained fixed on the dreary-looking house, darker than others along the street with not so much as a glimmer of a sparkle or flicker of an ornate lantern anywhere to be found. It had his jaw clenching as he thought of the sparkle that had been in your eyes before he’d snuffed it out with words of cruelty. Honest words, yet cruel in their harsh nature.
His spine stiffened as the curtain flickered in the bedroom. Mrs Lowel appeared, blowing out the candle, and given her timid motions he guessed you lay fast asleep in the bed he usually shared with you. Our bed, our home, my wife… My sweet wife… He drew a deep breath and marched towards the door on stiff legs while his mind ran rampant — wondering if you could forgive his outburst and rage, his words and behaviour. You were a joy in his dark life, and as he opened the door that very darkness seemed to glare at him.
All your work, all your thoughts, all your sparkling wonder; all of it was gone. He found not a single shred of tinsel, not even a lonesome garland remained as he removed his cloak and snow-covered boots, stepping into a pair of slippers while looking all around him at the utter lack of Christmas. That you listened and possibly respected him enough to remove it all made a warmth bloom in the pit of his stomach where a knot had formed over the whole situation. I usually do not care. I am not a caring man. I am not a man who cares for others’ emotions, yet, I find myself caring for yours most deeply. Disturbing business.
He moved up the stairs, his steps heavy yet quiet. His heart beat harder for each stride while his hand glided along the railing — partly for support as he felt himself waver at the possibility you may not be able to forgive him. Or, worse, you would possibly only do so with an explanation, a tale of his past he never wished to divulge.
He quietly opened the door, his body tense and his face set in a stoic mask as he struggled for the control he nearly always held a firm grasp of. When his eyes landed on your sleeping form, curled up on his side of the bed with his pillow held in a vice grip against your chest half buried under his cover, his heart stuttered and his body stiffened.
You were beautiful, angelic in your sleep, and he had to resist the urge exploding within his body as it had done every day since you became his wife. He yearned to touch each part of you, kiss each sliver of skin, caress each dip and mound, and explore every aspect of your body in its entirety. Months upon months had passed since he last took pleasure from another body. Ever since he vowed before God and congregation, before you, to be your faithful husband he had not touched or even looked at another woman. You were the only one for him, yet your innocence had proven a difficult thing to conquer. His own sins were like long shadows keeping him away, forcing him to wait for you to come to him willingly. He had tried, by God and Heaven, he had tried to be kind and caring, thoughtful and patient, yet you had not come to him still.
He stepped up to the bed, his eyes roaming your outline, and reached out his still-cold hand. His fingers graced your cheek, stroking away a tendril of hair so utterly soft to the touch he twirled it once between his fingers before letting go. “Sweet wife,” he whispered and just barely stopped himself from leaning in to kiss you. You stirred at his deep voice. “Richard?” you asked, your eyes blinking away the haze of sleep while he stood over you with nothing but his willpower to respect and be kind towards you keeping him in place while he watched your eyes clear — sleepy, to happy, to sad. It tore at his heart that your eyes no longer sparkled like last time he had come home.
“I took it down,” you whispered, your voice a meek sound. “I saw.” “Will you stay now?” He blinked at that, his brain addled with worry and an uncomfortable amount of desperation to hold you close. He was far too enchanted, in far too deep when it came to you. Not that he could verbally admit that. “I will,” he said, his voice a quiet drone while he attempted to keep himself in control. “Will you—” “I’ll move,” you said before he could ask for your forgiveness, and you shimmied out from his cover while laying his pillow in its proper place before situating yourself on your side of the bed. Not once did you expose any part of your nightdress-clad body — to his utter dismay and relief at the same time.
“I won’t look,” you whispered while turning around to face the window, giving him your back. He wished to turn you over again, make you watch him undress, make you see what you always did to his anatomy. But he did not. He watched the back of your head with growing agony and want, with a wish for forgiveness he could not quite bring himself to ask for now that his body burned with lust despite the cold sadness you emitted. I am a lesser man, thinking of ravaging you at a time like this. I will not yield to it, love. I vowed to myself you would be the one to come to me. If I so perish without ever having felt your warmth, it shall be so.
He slipped on his nightshirt and slunk in under the cover, keeping space between you both. The warmth you left behind, the wonderful scent now embedded on his side of the bed, made his entire body turn rigid. You were perfection, and now he may have ruined whatever chance he had so painstakingly long worked to gain. He drew a deep breath, your warmth and closeness offering relief of the acutest kind, and fell asleep in a matter of seconds. Too drained to remain in the moment, too comforted by your closeness to resist the relaxation. The knot in his stomach was ignored for the moment as dreams slipped in with nothing but you in them.
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: Uffh, these two have me in such a grip - and their story isn't quite at the HEA yet 👀 I'm kinda itching to make Y/n a bit more fierce, after all, her emotions are running rampant and Richard isn't really in control of his emotional state either - they have a lot to figure out between themselves and perhaps we ought to throw in another curveball or two to really make them argue (or perhaps bang) it out? 🤔🤭❤
Q: Do you have any tradition of your own around this time of year that you always keep? A: I have a few, one of my longest-running ones is being the one to put up and decorate the Christmas tree (the first weekend of December since I moved out of my childhood home). I've been in charge of doing the tree since I was a teenager and I've always loved it 🥰🎄✨
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87
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biohazard-inevitable · 2 months
Thinking so much about CrocFoxx ALWAYS but specifically recently i’ve had the idea of being a bastard and giving buggy heart attacks in the cross guild.
Like, at first Buggy just think I’m some new rookie recruit who is always getting lost and so he obviously tries to impress me anytime we run into each other cause hes all “i’m a goddamn emperor everyone respects me!” And hes REALLY not used to “weaklings” brushing him off so casually and stuff so everytime he makes himself huge and tries to look scary and intimidating hes met with a glare and an annoyed flick of my ear before i simply walk past him.
And then, one day, hes just exited crocodile’s office and hes just thankful he SURVIVED because that man is HORRIFYING and croc had clearly been in a horribly bad mood and would probably kill the next person who even slightly annoyed him and then buggy sees me walk up to the office and stuff and I go “is crocodile in today?”
And buggy nods a bit and then goes, “ah- but you really shouldnt go in. Hes in a horrible mood.”
And of course I completely ignore buggy because i refuse to take the clown seriously and waltz right into crocodile’s office, tail wagging happily.
Buggy of course nearly screams and is CONVINCED hes about to watch some idiot die a horrible death right before his very eyes as i scrabble myself on top of crocodile’s enormous desk.
Buggy watches timidly from the doorway as i calmly smile and say some things to croc just out of earshot, and the clown is even MORE stunned when instead of murdering me, the big ol horror of a man pulls me into his lap instead and starts petting me gently before going back to his work, saying a few soft things under his breath and I give a shit eating bastard smirk at buggy in the doorway, practically mentally flipping him off as Buggy realizes hes got a whole *new* problem on his hands considering the way some of his staff may have treated me
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apotodiplodocus · 1 year
Gyutaro X Reader
Chapter 1
The air is humid. Much too humid for your liking, stepping out of your agency’s HQ after a hard day of practice and into the debilitatingly hot air of summer was not ideal. The sweltering heat instantly makes the mask on your face unbearable, but it would be easier to stick it out than worry about being recognised. You only needed to stop by a supermarket for groceries before you head home to get ready for the night’s show.
You lower the cap on your head as you grab a trolley, carting it through the double doors and having to fight back a sigh when you finally entered the air-conditioned store. You mill about the aisles looking for what you need and even take the time to smell some candles, inevitably picking up a cherry and vanilla candle. Putting it in the cart you don’t notice someone walking past and accidentally pull back into their side.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” You exclaim, the man stiffens, looking down at you. Self-conscious, you adjust your hat before you look up at his face. The man has dark marks on his face, framed by fading, grown-out green hair. You hold eye contact with him, and he stiffens a bit. His eyes flicker between you and your cart a few times, he decides you already smell like the candle you were just holding.
“… Watch out next time.” He gruffly responds, swiftly turning and walking away, basket clutched tightly in one hand. You wonder what was up with him but shrug it off, you’d never see him again anyway. All the while he was wondering why you seemed so familiar, he swore he could recognise your eyes and voice but couldn’t place them.
You smile to yourself when you leave the store, bags in hand. Ever since starting your job as an idol you could afford to be a bit flippant about your money. You preferred to budget, but wouldn’t stop yourself from getting the average treat, like the candle you had picked up. As such when you saw an ice cream van on the way home you stopped to get yourself something. On your approach, you spot a girl not far from you also staring at the van but with a bit of sadness like she wanted one but couldn’t for some reason. You would feel awful to get something in front of her and you timidly approach her.
“Hi, I’m about to get something from the ice cream van do you want something?” Her head snaps to stare at you and for a second, she regards you like you were an unpleasant bug. She quickly plasters on a smile though.
“And what would you want in return, if I did ask you to?” She says, voice sickly sweet.
“Hey, I get it,” You put your hands up in surrender. “You can give me the service smile all you want. I personally don’t want anything from you. I’m not asking out of pity, you can call it a selfish offer, you get the ice cream you want, and I get the satisfaction of knowing I won’t feel guilty for getting an ice cream.” You realise after the fact how suspicious you must have looked, a cap pulled low and face mask on, so you pull the mask down under your mouth to set her a bit at ease. She thinks for a second, looking you up and down and decides you’re fashionable enough to not embarrass her.
“OK, I’m… Daki. Thanks for the offer, I’ll take a twin flake with bubble gum sauce.” She declares, sauntering to the van with you.
“I’m, uh, Minori, that’s no problem.” You come up with a fake name, not wanting to give anything about your identity away. You order what you both want and hand the money over, receiving your respective ice creams in under a minute. You don’t like to eat and walk so you take a seat nearby and invite Daki to join you. To your surprise she does.
You idly chatter for a few moments enjoying the cool ice cream, thankfully in the shade. You learn a bit about her, she loves to talk about her brother, fashion and make-up. You think she’s sweet, a bit haughty at times but she was just an average teenage girl. Coming from nothing and working your way up to where you were from a young age allowed you to feel recuperated with Daki, taking you back to your high school self.
“It was really nice talking to you, Daki. I have to get going but I hope everything works out how you want, and that you get that dream makeup palette.” You flash her a quick smile before you pull your mask up, bending down to reach your shopping bags.
“Yeah, uh, thanks for the ice cream.” She said watching you walk away.
It wasn’t long to your home, barely 5 minutes. You put away the groceries quickly and collapse onto your couch with a groan, hat and mask ripped off along the way. It was too hot in your apartment, and you were waiting for the air con to kick in before you would hop in the shower. To pass the time you watch videos on your phone, accidentally swiping along to a video about yourself. It talks about silly theories, that you were actually a clone of a woman who had died before you were even born, or that you only ate raw onions to keep your skin smooth. You laughed at the videos, feeling so strange that people were actually buying into the theories. You were tempted to comment but your agency would freak out.
When the heat starts to become more bearable you rush into the shower washing away the sweat that had accumulated from both practice and the weather. You use your normal shampoo and conditioner but decide to use a vanilla body wash that day, for no particular reason, you just enjoyed the smell. When you were finished and dry, you quickly made yourself a small meal, not wanting to be too full for all the dancing you would be doing soon. The rest of the afternoon passes ordinarily and it’s not long before you need to head out. You needed to be at the venue early for them to get you and your bandmates ready. You snatch your keys as you head out and are met at the door by your manager. A rambunctious man, Tengen Uzui had discovered you one day when you were singing in your kitchen. He had somehow gotten to your second-story window and passed you a card through your kitchen window, shaken you had taken it and barely listened to his sales pitch. You originally resolved to ignore the strange man but you were bored and struggling for money so you figured what would be the harm. Luckily for you, he was a successful talent scouter and quickly gathered a group of girls who would become your friends and co-workers.
“Ah! (Y/N)! There you are. If you’d have made me wait any longer, I was gonna break your door down!” He exclaims, a wide grin on his face. You raise an eyebrow unamused. While he was a fantastic man, you couldn’t help but feel annoyed by him sometimes, and the heat was not helping. His smile doesn’t even falter at your lack of enthusiasm, ushering you to the car quickly. He almost breaks the speed limit three times on the way to the venue, you weren’t even late, he was just a menace that had you white knuckling your seat the whole way. His girlfriends practically egged him on from the back seat with their amused screams, except for Hinatsuru who was gently discouraging him for scaring you, but she had a forgiving smile on her face, holding one of his arms in the front seat.
When you get to the venue you feel a bit car sick but force yourself through the process of getting ready, hair, make-up, outfit and mic all being sorted by many hands. You almost felt like a doll passed around children, but the team had yet to let you down. After this show, there was going to be a meet and greet where merch like face cards and lights would be sold. You weren’t exactly looking forward to it because you were a private person, but you did enjoy the chance to interact with your fans, as long as they didn’t try to get too personal with you.
Just like that, you are on stage performing to a fair few people, your group was steadily rising in popularity, and this was one of your last shows that would be hosted in a bar/restaurant venue. Due to this, there were a few people who were just regular patrons that just paid an entry fee to gain access to their bar of choice. You sing and dance as hard as you can, the practice earlier in the day preparing you but making you tired easier than usual. After the last song, you are in desperate need of fresh air.
You step back behind the curtain, grab your phone, and put a long coat over your costume, hiding your face as you rush to a back exit. Propping open the door to make sure you don’t get locked out; you lean against the wall taking desperate deep drags of the cool night air. It was still warmer than usual but compared to the heat of the building it was nice. You couldn’t see the stars because of the bright lights around the bar, which makes you a bit sad, but you just focus on the cooling sensation on your face. You hear the door scrape open and assume it’s one of your bandmates turning with a smile, you’re greeted by a clearly tipsy man, who has his eyes set on you.
You squeak in surprise and back up a bit, hands going to tighten the coat around you. How did he see you come out here or was this somehow a coincidence? It didn’t really matter as every time you took a step back, he took a step towards you. He was rambling about how he was such a big fan, had been in love with you for some time now and wanted to be in a relationship with you. He then disgustingly starts detailing how he wanted to keep you perpetually pregnant with his children and you felt sick. Your brain was thinking of a million different ways to get away from the man but in the closed-off alleyway, there was no escape other than the door he was blocking.
The cool air that had been soothing before now felt suffocating, like you were drowning. But you had prepared for this, Uzui had prepared you. Once he got too close and started to look a bit grabby, you took a step back to steady yourself, taking a second to look at the intense, perverse glint in his eye before you wound back your foot and kicked him in the crotch. He grunts and drops to one knee, but as you rush past you clearly didn’t kick hard enough as his hand whips out and grabs your hair. He yanks, sending you to the floor, and landing hard on your ass. You gasp at the pain, grunting against the strain of his pull on the hair at the base of your neck. He leans in and starts whispering about how bad you were and that he needed to teach you a lesson now. Taking some sick pleasure in your fear, he licks up the length of your face.
It's at that moment, his tongue halfway up your cheek that someone walks out into the alley. They grunt in disgust at the position you were both in.
“Ugh, fuckin’ disgustin’ both a’ya. Get a fuckin’ room.” He snarls and turns.
“H-Help! Please!” You yell as he heads back through the door. He quickly peeks his head around the corner of the doorframe, bright blue eyes seeming to glow as he took in the situation again. The man was now covering your mouth, glaring at the man, telling him it was none of his business. Your eyes stay trained on his as he quickly assesses the situation, his expression quickly turning to rage and disgust. His eyes finally lock with yours, a pleading expression, sweat and tears on your face as you struggle against the much older man, though scared you are defiant. He steps back onto the alley.
“Men like you are so gross, what can’t afford a girl so you gotta attack one? Fuckin’ disgusting.” His voice wobbles in pitch as he stomps his way over. He slams the bottom of his shoe into the man’s face with enough force that the man collapses onto the ground. A sickening crack rings out as his head hits the ground, the foot still on his face pushing. The man squirms against the shoe on his cheek, attempting to push up or away, his grip on your hair long forgotten. You take this chance to quickly shuffle yourself away watching the exchange. The man from the grocery store relents his foot, letting the man stand up and yells abuse at him. He barely waits for the tipsy man to stabilise himself before he’s smacking the man’s face with his fist. Completely pummelling him to the ground again, he leaps on top of him and keeps the fist flying, there’s clearly no contest. You can’t help but watch, strangely enraptured with the show the man is providing. You never liked violence in the past but seeing the man who had attacked you getting the shit beat out of him was an arousing display of power. You want to look away, the man’s face starting to become bloody, but you just can’t, instead focusing on every aspect of the dominant man. He’s thin but lean, his loose clothing flies around with the speed of the man’s attacks and his hair, a bit of it tied into a ponytail that manages to stick straight up is swishing with the force. You stay like this for a moment longer before someone else comes rushing out, pulling him off.
“Brother! What the fuck are you doing?” You snap to look at them and see Daki, the girl you had bought the ice cream for. She looks just as surprised to see you.
“Minoru? Wait, Minori?” She looks confused, the semi-revealing outfit you’re wearing clues her in on the fact you were an idol. You were surprised she managed to recognise you from only having seen the lower half of your face. Both of your attentions are drawn back to Daki’s brother when he spits on the man, who was now a twitching mess on the ground. He had been calm, not wriggling or anything, probably so he didn’t accidentally hurt Daki.
“Disgustin’ bastard thinks s’OK to attack women.” He looks like he’s getting ready to spit again but then he realises that you recognised each other. “You know her?” He looks like there is rising panic, a light blush dusting his face, which is very confusing for you.
“Yeah, she bought me an ice cream, she-” Daki is cut off by her brother.
“Wait let’s talk about this somewhere else.” He then gives one last kick to the man’s ribs before rushing back inside. Daki sighs and you scramble to your feet to follow the pair, you hadn’t even had a chance to say thank you after all, yeah that’s the reason.
Definitely not for any other reason.
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mostmouse · 1 year
The One Blessed by Arceus (Ch. 8)
You help Professor Laventon while Adaman helps himself.
(Adaman x f!reader, explicit, 4,300 words, AO3)
It was a clear night, the crisp wind petting your cheeks as you made your way through the moonlit village. A few people were out and about, mostly guards patrolling. You rounded the small bridge and made your way to the pokemon sanctuary, waving to Professor Laventon as you approached the gate.
Hopping the sturdy wood fence, you called out to him as he met you halfway, research notes in his hands, “Hey Lav! What can I help you with?” He smiled, greeting you and trying to organize the multiple journals in his arms as well as various pens.
“Ah! My girl, I was actually hoping you could help me with the moon pokemon, I’d like to study the entire evolutionary line.” Professor Laventon was animated as he spoke, moving his arms and gesturing wildly around him.
You were lucky the full moon was out, and even though they weren’t at the Fabled Spring, the cleffa, clefairy, and clefable were all basking in the moonlight and leaping and dancing. You smiled at the sight, heart warming at their performance. Nodding along with him, you walked side by side as you made your way to the dancing pokemon.
“We’re lucky you’re so talented with the wild pokemon around here, even here in the sanctuary, they’re as docile as ever. Would you mind feeding some of them and interacting with them?” Professor Laventon was already sitting on the ground, choosing what notebooks to write in and gathering a pen and ink.
You smiled, happy to help and even happier to interact with the pokemon. You loved every one you caught, even if it was one of many. Settling in with the pink pokemon, you fished out some berries and treats. Holding them out you let them come to you and sniff them.
A cleffa crawled atop your head, resting there and humming. On one shoulder, a clefairy tugged herself up to hang on you, squealing as you laughed and hauled her up so she could sit comfortably. You heard a clefable approach from behind, his voice calling out to you as he leaned over you and the other pokemon.
Laughing delightedly, you tossed a treat up, the alpha clefable catching it and munching on it happily, loudly plopping down to join you and the others. You could hear Professor Laventon mumbling away, not quite able to make out his rushed words. You hoped you were doing it right, whatever ‘it’ was.
Setting down your bag, you held the cleffa’s back as you tilted your head up to the stars. “It’s so beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” The pokemon around you cried out, their melodious voices like tinkling crystals. You smiled softly, handing out a few more berries to the other cleffa and clefairy who snuck up to you.
You smiled as a few regular sized clefable walked up as well, choosing to sit and eat berries as they watched the sky along with you. “Do you ever miss where you’re from? Or are you happy here, where you live?” You couldn’t help the bitterness that sprouted inside you at your own question.
To your side, Professor Laventon looked up, watching you timidly as you talked with the pokemon. It seemed you were absorbed in your conversation with them as they chirped around you. Some pointed to the sky, then whispered in their own tongue, some of the others nodding.
You looked at the pokemon as they spoke, some voices sweet while some were sad. The clefable behind you put his small hands on your back, leaning forward so you could see him without turning around. He trilled calmly, pointing up at the sky and nodding, eyes closed. As you frowned, he opened his eyes once more, tapping your back quickly before squealing. He held his heart and then tapped against the dirt, animated expression watching you closely.
You smiled softly, turning so you could face him fully. “You miss where you’re from, but you’re happy to be here, too?” Professor Laventon listened closely, scrawling notes as fast as he could as he took in your interaction with the pokemon. How were you able to converse with them so freely, as if you spoke their language? He’d have to ask you after this entire session.
Selfishly, he also listened to your words, wondering what it was you were thinking. He was aware of the task given to you by Arceus, and knew that once that was completed, something big was bound to happen. He hated to even think of it, but he was terrified you’d ask Arceus to send you home, or maybe the pokemon would do it regardless of your choice. Were you only ever meant to be here temporarily?
Shaking himself of his thoughts, he went back to eavesdropping, eyes never leaving you and the clefable. “What makes you so happy to be here, rather than where you’re from? Did you have family there, were you separated from them?” You knew your questions were boarding a little unrealistic and complex for a conversation with a pokemon, but you couldn’t help yourself.
The clefable frowned, holding his hands to his cheeks, eyes closed in thought as he tilted his head side to side. Finally, he opened his eyes, sad gaze looking up to the moon. He sighed heavily, then nodded. However, the other cleffa and clefairy came up to him, jumping across his lap and crawling atop him. Clefable danced all around him, chirping and singing. He clapped his little hands, reaching towards you and holding yours tight.
You slowly smiled, letting him pull you up as the clefairy on your shoulder and cleffa on your head bounced off quickly. Laughing, you let the alpha pokemon pull you into their dance, the pokemon jumping all around you as the large clefable spun you around. You felt the bitterness inside you subside, instead enjoying yourself in the moment.
It wasn’t as if you could change what might happen once you met Arceus again, or maybe you would be able to. Only time would tell. With that thought flitting through your head, you smiled forlornly, wishing you had the Diamond Clan leader with you, experiencing all this as well. You supposed you could bring him another full moon.
Professor Laventon was speechless as he watched the show in front of him. You were pulled up into the clefable’s arms as he bounced around, crying out with all the other pokemon as well. Some rifled through your satchel for other treats, and he was thankful you only brought safe edible items.
The night wore on, the bright moon never once obscured by a single cloud. You had broken away from the alpha clefable, instead sitting on the ground as other pokemon mingled, including other species. You laughed warmly, happy and content to be surrounded by pokemon. It was second nature to you, to be around pokemon of any and all types. You were glad, deep down, that Arceus had chosen you to come here. It broke your heart to see all these people terrified of pokemon.
Pokemon were your friends, helpers, team, and partners. You had participated in contests, battles, gym competitions… Everything you did you had done with your pokemon. Even though there wasn’t much structure to this world, you were able to show people that pokemon could be trusted and partnered with. You also delighted in watching people fall in love with pokemon, recruiting them to help or to just keep them company.
You thought once more of Adaman, of how he held all your views at a cautious arm’s length when you first met. How you helped him understand wild pokemon, and how the two of you battled with your own pokemon. You knew he had experiences with pokemon he hadn’t yet told you about - you were positive the scars on his arm were from such an event. But you understood that he’d tell you in time.
Looking back over at Professor Laventon before you became lost in your thoughts about your beloved, you called out to him, “Got all you need? Anything you want me to do in particular?” He looked up, confused look on his face, tilting his head. With a laugh you repeated yourself, starting to get up and brush the dirt off you.
The pokemon around you stirred as well, some having fallen asleep while the others were relaxing with you. “Oh! Yes, actually. Could you give them this and see what happens?” He handed you something wrapped in a cloth, excited look on his face as he stayed seated.
Unwrapping it, you laughed softly, holding the moon stone up in the moonlight. “Yeah, we’ll see if any of them want to interact with it.” As you turned around, Professor Laventon tilted his head, confused by your words and flipping to a clean page as he prepared to write more. Your interactions so far this evening had given him more than enough information, he was thrilled to rewrite the messy pages back in his office soon.
Walking back up to the pink pokemon, you held out the stone before setting it down in the dirt. “I’m sure you all know what this is. If any of you would like to evolve, or feel you’re ready for it, please feel free to use this moon stone.” Stepping back, you smiled softly as a few clefairy stepped forward, tilting their heads.
You recognized the cleffa that had been cuddling with you approached it as well. Laughing, you picked her up, holding her in your arms. “Sorry little one, you can’t use it yet.” Giggling as she squirmed and pouted, you kissed the top of her head, small horns touching your cheeks, “This is just for the older ones. Don’t worry, you'll grow up soon enough.”
Professor Laventon watched carefully as a small amount of clefairy started to sing and dance in the moonlight around the moon stone. It glinted softly, soon glowing brightly as the clefairy were enveloped in a bright light as well. Closing your eyes contentedly, you waited for the static in the air to die down before looking once again.
In the small circle now stood clefable, cheering as the other clefairy and cleffa danced around them. The clefable who had already been evolved grabbed the hands of their newly evolved siblings and led them in a jubilant dance. You laughed, letting the little cleffa go and join her family as they sang and danced together.
Making your way back over to the man scribbling notes at a pace that had you worried for the paper, you knelt down. “Whatcha think, Lav. Got some good research for the pokedex?” Smiling, you watched as he paid you no mind, off in his own world as his eyes flicked up from the pokemon to his journal.
Peeking over his shoulder, you scrunched your face in thought, trying to make out his shorthand. However, it must’ve been his own code, nothing on the pages making any sense to you. Sitting back on your bottom, you relaxed until he was done, counting the stars you could see in the sky. Rolling your shoulders and stretching your neck, you wondered what time it was.
Finally, Professor Laventon came back to his senses, looking confused before facing you and yelping. “When did you get there?” Laughing, you watched as he smiled too, shaking his head. “I get so lost in these notes of mine. I’m excited to go back and decipher them all.”
Standing up, he offered you a hand. Taking it gratefully, you let him pull you up, the two of you stretching tall and popping your joints. “Think you’ve gotten enough to decide these cool dudes are officially discovered?” Walking back towards the gate, you fondly looked back and watched as the pokemon danced and danced.
“Ah, my girl, I do believe so. I’ve gotten invaluable research tonight, and it’s all thanks to you.” He let you go first before turning and fastening the lock once more, “Seeing you interact with pokemon is astounding. Thank you so much for staying by my side throughout this journey.”
You laughed good naturedly, tossing an arm up over his shoulders as you both yawned widely. “Please, we’re friends, Lav. I’d do anything for you, you know that.” He smiled gratefully, body suddenly weary as he looked up towards the sky. Imitating him, you winced, “It’s gonna be a late morning for us, huh?”
He laughed tiredly, patting your back as you approached the Galaxy Team barracks. “Yes, it most certainly will be. I hope nobody comes to bother us until well past noon.” Going towards your respective doors, he called out to you, “Have a goodnight, my girl! I’ll update you as soon as I can about my notes.”
You smiled tiredly, waving to him and wishing him a goodnight as well as you went inside your small barrack room. Kicking off your shoes and outer clothing, you fell heavily onto your futon and passed out.
The next morning was lit brightly as the sun shone over the Crimson Mirelands. Adaman was walking alongside his Leafeon, admiring his home as he surveyed the lands. It was about to begin the rainy season, and he wanted to make sure there weren’t any problematic dams or fallen trees and rocks that could hinder the land or his clan’s settlement.
Working together with his pokemon, he cleared out some fallen and decaying trees and cracked heavy stones that blocked rivers. Apologizing to some of the wild pokemon he disturbed, he made his way across the land. He had plans to come see you soon, perhaps even that evening. You had said you were going back to Jubilife Village for a day or so to help with Professor Laventon.
He was looking forward to hearing about what the two of you had done together, he was excited for the pokedex to be completed as well. Smiling, he watched as the wild pokemon around him went about their business, some coming up close to him and sniffing him out. Laughing softly, he called out to his Leafeon, making his way to the Cobalt Coastlands.
Surely you’d be there tonight, or at the very least in the morning. He wanted to hear about everything you had gotten up to while you were apart. It wasn’t often he wasn’t with you, but when you were away, he found himself thinking of you constantly.
He was sure he was in love with you, hopelessly. He wanted to scream it from the mountain tops, wanted to go to the center of Lake Valor and scream so loudly the echoes would inform all of Hisui how he felt. But of course, he couldn’t. Not until he was sure what your future looked like, what his looked like with you. Ever since he voiced his fears to Meli, he couldn’t help but obsess over the fact you could leave this place, leave him.
It wasn’t fair for him to ask you to stay, but he hoped you would. That he would be a deciding factor and that you’d want to stay and be with him. But neither of you knew what your actual life had really been like. You could remember your pokemon, some family, and where you were from - but the interpersonal details of your life were still a blur.
Shaking his head, he slapped his cheeks. “Lighten up! You can’t worry about the future. You can only meet tomorrow with her… You can’t control what’s going to happen.” Stopping, he sighed, looking at his shoes. Groaning aloud, he looked towards Leafeon, “What’re we gonna do if she leaves us?”
Leafeon whined, lowering his head and pawing at the grass. Adaman sighed again, leaning down and letting his partner jump into his arms. “I know, I hope she stays too. Let’s pray to Mighty Dialga that everything will come to pass in time and be okay.” Leafeon trilled, his tail fluttering in the wind.
It was sunset by the time Adaman made it to your homestead in the Cobalt Coastlands, nearly dusk, even. He couldn’t see any lights on inside, your pokemon relaxing around the cabin comfortably. As they heard him approach, they growled and got up. Realizing it was only Adaman, they calmed down just as quickly, his Leafeon jumping in the air and crying out before sprinting to meet up with your pokemon.
He smiled as his partner played with your team, a few joining in and chasing him as the rest watched contentedly, calling out as they all ran past each other joyously. Laughing softly, he hoisted himself up onto your porch from the side, looking out towards the sunset on the water. He’d have to check with Iscan if the tides tended to swell in the rainy season, not yet being overly familiar with the weather patterns in this part of the region.
Letting himself inside, he smiled at the homely feeling. Your home was feeling almost more like home to him than his own settlement did. He knew it was because he was madly in love with you, that being with you brought him the sort of comfort and safety he never knew he could feel. Even if you weren’t there at the moment, he could feel your presence around him, welcoming him home.
Letting his hair down, he tugged off his haori and top, throwing them on the table as he shook out his messy hair. He’d have to get you back in the spring for a soak when you got there. Stiffening slightly, he thought back to your shared bath a few weeks ago. His cheeks warmed up as he cleared his throat.
Looking around almost suspiciously, he swallowed thickly. Surely your pokemon would make a fuss when you approached, and he’d hear your gyarados as well, she wasn’t exactly quiet. Nibbling on his lip he slinked off to your bedroom, looking at your neatly made bed and simple dresser.
He whined in the back of this throat, excitement pooling in his belly. He shouldn’t be thinking of you that way, especially since he respected and loved you so much. You deserved more than some filthy fantasy in his head, by Mighty Dialga, you two weren’t even married yet!
However, with all that in his head, he still couldn’t help himself as he approached your dresser, opening that familiar drawer and bashfully looking at your clean panties. He whined in the back of his throat, hand tentatively reaching in and stroking the soft fabric. Looking around again, he whipped his head back and forth before swallowing thickly and grabbing a pair that caught his eye.
He felt his heart rate pick up as he thought about what he was doing, but the constant tension he felt when he was both with you and away from you was becoming overwhelming. He wanted to take you up on your offer of doing handsy things, but he couldn’t bring himself to actually do so.
Wanting your first time together to be special held him back from advances with you, but it did nothing for his imagination. Seeing you bare during your bath had ruined his fantasies completely, he knew what your body looked like, every freckle and mole, how your tattoos wound around your limbs and torso… His imagination was as vivid and explicit as ever.
Clapping a hand over his mouth, he whimpered aloud. You were perfect, every part of you was mouthwatering. He felt his heart pound in his head, mouth watering as he pictured you once more, being a familiar figure in every thought, every fantasy, he had recently.
Clenching your panties tightly in his fist, he stripped himself down completely before crawling into your futon. He brought the sheets up to his face, burying himself in your pillows and scent. Sighing contentedly, he ghosted his hand over his throbbing cock, hard and hot against his thigh. Whimpering, he draped your clean panties over himself, stroking himself through the thin fabric.
You were so perfect to him, in every way possible. Every imperfection or some other thing you didn’t like about yourself… He quite simply couldn’t see it. You were a blessing in his life, he adored you more than anything else in the world.
“Ahh~” He couldn’t help but sigh and pant as he stroked himself, tugging your panties to the base of his cock as he rubbed the tip. He was making a mess, wetness covering his palm as he moaned softly. He hoped you wouldn’t be on your way soon, or perhaps if you were, you could help him with his frustration and tension.
Moaning loudly, he imagined you coming home, seeing him pressed into your sheets and getting off onto your clean panties. He wrapped his hand around himself, sharply inhaling as he surrounded himself in your scent. Whispering your name, he started stroking himself faster, gasping softly.
Adaman flipped onto his back, bucking his hips as he closed his eyes tightly. He imagined you there with him, pressed to his side as your soft warm body moved over him. You’d offer to help him with that wolfish grin you had every now and then, your eyes lustful and drinking him in, as he had so often caught you doing when you thought he wouldn’t notice.
“Fuck!” He tossed his arm over his eyes, gasping and moaning. You’d kiss across his chest, licking and biting him as your hand would replace his. It would be softer and smaller than his, not covered in tough skin and calluses. You’d tease him more as well, barely touching him and ghosting your fingertips along his cock.
Biting his lip, he groaned deep in his chest. Maybe you’d slip under the sheets and kiss him down there, too. Blushing hotly, he moaned, the sound coming out as more of a whimper. He hadn’t ever thought about someone kissing him there, not until the countless times you had been staring and licking your lips.
He cried out, picturing your cute tongue swirling around his flushed tip, tongue licking up his mess from his arousal. Would you take him into your mouth? Could you slip all of him inside, until he reached your throat? “D-Damn it- ahhh~” He wondered what it would feel like, your tongue playing with his cock like you did with his own tongue.
His hand tightened, your panties damp with sweat and arousal at the base of his cock, pressed tight to his coarse bush. He pulled at his messy hair, crying out as he felt himself get closer. Gritting his teeth, he squeezed the base of his shaft tightly, trying to stop himself from climaxing - he didn’t want to make a mess in your bed, he was sure you’d notice that.
Panting, he moaned as he rose to his knees, shuddering at the cool air as the blanket fell down his back. He faced your pillow, hazy eyes unfocused as he resumed his quick pace. Tossing his head back, he cried out, fantasy shifting now to your breasts pressed against his back as you reached around and touched him.
You’d say such filthy things in his ears, overwhelming his mind as well as his body. Maybe you’d call him naughty, call him dirty for touching himself in your home while you weren’t there, soiling your panties without a care in the world. Whimpering, he spread his legs just a bit wider, conjuring you in his mind, sucking him off in front of him.
Panting, he could practically see you on your knees, or maybe your tummy. Your ass on display for him to smack, your back exposed so he could scratch you. Considering whenever he accidently pulled your hair while putting it up, you seemed flustered… He was sure could pull your hair while you licked his cock, surely that would get you as excited as he was.
“Fuck!” He gasped loudly, moaning as he felt himself orgasm, other hand quickly grabbing your panties as he blew his load all over them. Wanton noises left his full lips, head falling forward as he stared at himself, hand moving slowly and working himself tightly. Every aftershock had his body rattling, moaning softly as he spilled himself all over your intimates.
Catching his breath, he felt his hips tremble and jerk forward less and less, the euphoria of his climax clouding his mind still. Trying to clean up his mess with your sticky panties, he finally fell forward onto his side, sweaty damp body lying on your sheets and his flushed face in your pillow.
Turning so he faced your ceiling, he slowly felt himself coming back down to his body. Letting his eyes flutter closed, he fought off the feelings of embarrassment and humiliation, instead thinking of how delighted you’d surely be at finding him like this.
You wanted him so badly it was almost comical. Surely if you found him in such a prone position, you’d have to hold yourself back from pouncing on him. Laughing breathlessly, he opened his eyes once more, feeling himself calm down and feel more content and safe in his skin. You wouldn’t be mad at him, you might tease him, but you would be thrilled with his actions.
Swallowing thickly, he hauled himself up, scratching the back of his head. Getting up, he slipped his own shorts back on, hiding your soiled panties in the pocket of his pants. Opening up the windows in your room, he cautioned a peek outside, seeing his Leafeon sleeping with your other pokemon. Glancing around the area the best he could, he couldn’t spot your gyarados in the skies, either.
Sighing to himself, he went back to your futon, crawling in and bringing the blankets up to his jaw. Snuggling within them, he huffed in laughter at the scent of himself as well as your own. Licking his lips, he nuzzled your pillow, falling into a content sleep. His breathing evened out, pleasant dreams of the two of you being married and talking about starting a family as the rest of the clan celebrated you danced within his mind, a small smile on his lips.
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 72
how soft would aster be if angel told him she was considering starting therapy 😔 I think it would be something she brings up to him so timidly, maybe they're laying on the couch one night with her on his chest and she says a quiet little "harry?" and he hums in response, still stroking her back so gently and she's quiet for so long that he lifts his head to look at her and says "what's the matter, love?" and he can see her starting to pick at her nails so he takes her fingers so gently and pulls them apart 😔 he's quiet for as long as she needs bc he knows she'll talk when she's ready 😔 finally she says "what do you think about therapy?" and he rests his head on top of hers, saying in a gentle voice "I think it's a really good tool and it can really help you work though things you're worried about" and she nods a little bit but doesn't say anything, so he prompts "have you maybe been thinking about it lately?" and she nods again, saying "I don't know, I just thought- maybe it's silly, I don't know" and he's so quick to say "it's not silly, if it's something you think you want to try then i think it's a great idea" and he can feel her relax against him 😔 then if she decided she needs to start having sessions he would absolutely help her find a therapist 😔 they would look together and he would go through all the reviews with her to find someone she thinks she would feel safe with 😔 and he would absolutely drive her to every session, he knows she gets nervous beforehand so he's so gentle and soft with her for the whole day before making sure she feels loved and he tries to calm her nerves the best he can 😔 and he would pick her up and immediately take her to get her favorite coffee or some other little treat and hold her hand the whole way home, letting her know she can talk about it if she wants, or they can just sit for a while 😔 and ofc he would let her know that he's so so proud of her for doing this even though it's new and scary, he makes sure she knows how proud he is and how much he loves her 😔🤕
STOPPPP her seeing a harry calendar in the store and being all 😧that's daddy!!!! they have pictures of daddy!!!!! and she's too little to understand why but she knows it's him and that mom will love it 😔 she's so excited to give it to you and she's so cute and smiley 😔
thinking about harry makes me so 🤕 I just can't do it 🤕 he would be so good in bed and he KNOWS how good he is and he never fails to make you blush about it 🤕 he would be all "I think it's time for bed..." all smirky and you're saying "oh really?" teasing him saying "i don't think I'm too tired yet 😌" and he's leaning closer to kiss at your ear and he says "that's okay... if you come upstairs with me I'll be so good to you... I'll make your legs shake and I'll make you cry so pretty for me" and that's all it takes you have you getting up and following him 🤕
harry knowing your relationship with your family isn't the best and it's hard during christmas 😔 he makes sure to give you lots and lots of extra love, not bringing anything up or asking about any touchy subjects he just lets you know he's there for you if you need anything 😔 he makes sure your day together is relaxing and stress free and all you do is sit around together watching movies and eating little Christmas treats 😔 and maybe something little happens like you get a text from a family member or something that just upsets you and you're trying to keep it together saying "it's fine, it's no big deal" and he's all "it's okay if you're not fine" and that's enough to have you crying 😔 he gives you such a big hug and you're all "I'm sorry I'm ruining our day" and he shushes you so gently saying "you're not ruining anything, you could never ruin anything" and he holds you until you're feeling better 😔 then he gives you a kiss on your forehead and says "my pretty girl, I love you so much" and you smile through the leftover tears saying "i don't think I look too pretty right now" but he shakes his head and says "you look pretty always, i promise" 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
thinking about having a young daughter from before you met harry, and by Christmas you're really close so he has lots of sleepovers at your house. that morning she comes running in saying "ITS CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY WAKE UP ITS TIME FOR PRESENTS!!!!!" and he's laughing and scooping her up and putting her on the bed between the two of you 🥹 she would be giggling and trying to push him away so you can get up but he just hugs her and puts his head on her shoulder pretending to snore 🥹 she's all "haaaaaarry no sleeping it's time to wake up 😤" and you're so happy seeing how close they've gotten 🥹 when she finally pulls the two of you out of bed she's so excited to give him his presents the two of you picked out and she would say "THIS one i picked out all by myself 😁" amd he would be all "no way, you didn't!" he's just so good with her 🥹
I just need harry to hold me while I cry 😔 he comes home from work to find you laying in bed all wrapped up in blankets with tears on your face 😔 he quickly puts it together that you had therapy early that day and it must have been a rough session, so he doesn't say anything he just climbs in behind you and wraps his arms around you 😔 he presses a kiss to the top of your head and gently turns you so you can hear his heartbeat since he knows that always calms you down 😔 after a little while he can feel you start to breathe faster and soon it's a little too fast and he can tell you're freaking out a bit, so he just keeps taking deep steady breaths and he says "you're alright, i know it's hard but you're safe and I'm right here" and he stays calm because he knows it's what you need 😔 when you start to breathe slower again and the tears are coming a little slower he says "want to tell me about it?" and you're quiet for a minute before you say "I'm just really hurting" and he hugs you a little tighter 😔 he says "I know, sweet girl, and I'm so sorry" and he would hold you for as long as you need ,😔 making sure that you know you're safe and he's there for anything you need 😔
angel being kind of stressed on her and Harry's first Christmas together bc she's not sure what to get him 😔 she knows he says he doesn't want anything and he'll be so happy with whatever she gets but she can't help but be a little worried 😔 she's never seen Christmas as a day to spend time with family and feel loved, it's always been a stressful experience with judgey family members so she's really anxious to get the perfect gift for him 😔 then on Christmas morning when she wakes up with harry he would be so sweet saying "good morning pretty girl" and cuddling her closer bc it's cold in their room 😔 and right away she's a little worried about the presents but she doesn't say anything not wanting to ruin the mood 😔 when they finally go out to the tree and get all the presents sorted she would be so nervous saying "i really wasn't sure what to get you, I had some trouble picking things but I think-" and he cuts her off to say "none of that, I'm going to love everything you got me, i promise" and she still looks a little nervous so he gives her a kiss and murmurs "there's nothing to worry about, it's a happy day, hm?" nudging his nose against hers 😔 and he would be so so happy about every gift she got him, he can tell she put so much thought into each and every one 😔 he makes sure to let her know how happy he is with all the gifts and how much he loves her 😔 later she tells him this is definitely the best Christmas she's ever had 😔🤕
okay im so sorry in advance this is disgusting but I just have to get this off my chest... aster would ask angel to h*mp a pillow while he watches 🤕 she's been whiny and needy all day and he loves it so he's been so mean doing little things to rile her up, giving her little touches and kisses but never acknowledging how she's basically begging with her eyes 🤕 instead he's all "give me a kiss sweet girl :)" giving her the tiniest little kiss on the corner of her lips or her cheek and never what she really wants 🤕 so by the end of the day she's an absolute mess for wanting him so bad 🤕 and he knows she's shy about initiating so he's usually not tooooo mean but sometimes it's just so fun he can't help it 🤕 so he comes to bed acting like he's ready to sleep, doing a big stretch and yawning and ignoring the way she's looking at him like 🥺🤕 then he says "I'm all done if you need to brush your teeth and stuff" and she doesn't respond, finally he looks up and he's all sweet saying "what's the matter precious?" and she's so frustrated she could cry 🤕 she says "you're- why are you doing this???" and he's pretending he has no idea what she means, he's all "doing what?" and she gets all huffy saying "you know what! all day you've been- ignoring me and not giving me what I want" and she knows she sounds so spoiled but she doesn't care 🤕 he says "what do you mean? I've been sweet to you today don't you think?" and finally she catches on that he's playing with her 🤕 there's such an evil glint in his eye but it's making her a little 🤕 so she decides to go along and see how far he'll go 🤕 she says "you've been being so gentle but I just want you to touch me" and her voice is so whiny at the end 🤕 he has a little smirk and he says "oh really? poor thing, should have told me earlier... I'm a bit too tired now" and she's all 😟 bc he's so mean 🤕 they both know he's playing and if she wasn't okay with it she'd speak up, but she's still so needy so she just says "well i need you, what am i supposed to do🤕" and he only smirks more 🤕 he says "I think I'm too tired to help you out, but i have an idea for you" and at this point she'll do anything so she nods, and he tips his head towards one of the smaller pillows they always throw off the bed while they're sleeping 🤕 she doesn't get what he means at first, so he picks it up and hands it to her 🤕 she's looking at him like ???? so he very gently moves her legs and places the pillow between them, just barely pressing against her covered clit so she'll get the hint 🤕 she's looking at him like 😧 and he can't help but smirk, he says "what do you think? want to be so sweet to me and try it?" and she's so shy basically whispering "I can't do that" and he's so smirky saying "oh yeah? why not?" and she says "it's dirty" and he says "wouldn't be the first dirty thing you've ever done for me, hm?" and she still looks so unsure so he gets all soft again saying "you know I'm just teasing, right? if you're not okay with this you don't have to at all, I'll give my sweet girl anything she wants" and she's a little hesitant but also she can feel how wet she is and she has to admit she's getting wet at the thought of this 🤕
so she nods and says "I know, i think... I think i want to" and he furrows his brows a tiny bit saying "I don't want to do anything you don't like, so maybe let's save this for a different night-" and she cuts him off to say she wants to try 🤕 then she says "you're just- you're not allowed to make fun of me" and he's all "i would never make fun of you..." then he leans closer so he can whisper "at least, not in a way that doesn't make you soak through your panties" and she's blushing so hard it huuurts 🤕 he leans a little closer bc he knows she likes it when he crowds her a little bit and he presses gentle little kisses along her jaw where it's sensitive 🤕 then he kisses right under her ear and whispers "want you to make yourself cum" and before she can even gasp he catches her lips in a kiss 🤕 he knows she always gets needy when they kiss so it's no surprise when he can feel her hips starting to rock so gently against the pillow and he smiles against her lips 🤕 soon she's so distracted she can barely even kiss him back so he's mostly just kissing on her upper lip while she whines 🤕 he has his arms wrapped around her and one of his hands on the back of her head so he's really surrounding her, and he's all she can feel and see and smell and think about all while she's feeling so so good and it's just so 🤕🤕🤕🤕 soon he can hear her little noises getting louder and she's pressing against the pillow more and he knows she's about to cum so he just has to tease her a little more, he murmurs "close already, baby? didn't take much hm?" and she has her face tucked in his shoulder but he knows she's blushing 🤕 he says "that's okay, I knew it would feel so good for my sweet girl" and he puts his hands on her hips to help her keep her rhythm 🤕 soon she's stuttering and she says "I'm close, I'm going to-" and he smiles saying "I know sweet girl, want you to cum whenever you're ready" and it's only a few more seconds before she's tensing up in his arms and gasping out his name 🤕 since she's already kind of in his arms she would just collapse on top of him, breathing so fast and trying to feel normal again 🤕 he would reach to move the pillow, maybe accidentally brushing it against where she's so sensitive and she lets out a little whine, he would pout and say "I know, I know, I'm sorry" and pull it away from her more gently before he throws it off the bed🤕 she's still breathing so fast against his neck and he has his arms around her, holding her how he knows she needs and doing everything to help her come down 🤕 finally when she's feeling a little more normal she would say "I was right, that was embarrassing" against his chest, and he laughs bc he knows she loved every second and he would say "well then, it's a good thing you like it when i embarrass you, hm?" and kiss her forehead 🤕
stop I can see him always being all "yeah precious girl? is it just feeling so good?" and all she can do is let out little whimpers and squirm when his fingers reach down to rub at her clit 🤕 but he would be so mean saying "hm? can't hear you, need you to use your words baby" and he would keep her right there on the edge driving her absolutely insane, being so mean even as he talks so sweetly to her 🤕 he would talk so gently and act like he's not keeping her from cumming, saying stuff like "what's the matter sweet girl? can't give you what you want until you tell me" and he would pout at her when that only makes her whine more 🤕
not to romanticize this blizzard rn but I'm thinking about being snowed in with harry 😔 he convinced you to stay with him knowing you might be stuck at home for a few days and you went grocery shopping together to stock up on all the necessities 😔 making sure you have lots of snacks and drinks and he would probably want to buy some matching pajama sets too 😔 you're cuddled up on his couch together watching a movie and sipping some hot cocoa, checking on the storm every so often and he's all "hmmm seems like it's gonna be pretty bad i think you might have to stay even longer than you thought😁" and he's just so cute 😔 maybe later that night the power goes out and you're a little freaked out but he's all "it's okay, it'll come back soon and we have enough snacks to last us for weeks" and also he's very excited to be able to cuddle you to keep you warm 😌 and ofc he's very down to find alternative ways to keep you warm and make sure you're not bored 😌
when it's been a while since you've been together he would be trying so hard to keep from cumming fast and after he makes you cum at least twice and you're saying "it's okay, I want you to feel good too" and he would be gripping your hips to try and control himself when he grits out "it's going to be a lot, I'm sorry but it's- there might be a lot" and you whisper "that's okay" and lean up to kiss his ear and that's all it takes before he's crying out and cumming in you 🤕
I can see harry being all "baby it's cold outside" obvi without the creepy stuff just how he would beg you to stay 🥹 you're saying "I probably should go, it's late..." and he says "no I think you should just sleep over tonight 😁" and you're laughing saying "i haven't been home in 3 days, my neighbors are going to think I died" and he says "they'll understand 😁" as he kisses at your cheeks 🥹 you say "I don't know..." really just teasing to get him all worked up but he keeps giving you kisses and saying "it's snowing so much... it's so windy... you'll be cold.... I know you hate being cold..." doing the absolute most to get you to stay 🥹 and you say "hmmm but I have a certain someone who would go start my car for me wouldn't he?" and he pouts saying "maybe... but it would still be cold when you're walking out there" giving you his best puppy dog eyes 🥹 and you're still acting all unconvinced until he says in between kisses "you know I'll keep you warm all night... I'll cuddle you so close and I'll make you breakfast in the morning, and tomorrow we can do whatever you want" and finally you say "I guess I can stay... all those perks are hard to say no to" and you both knew you were going to agree all along but he looks so happy 🥹
think about how much harry would love it when you get all whiny for him 🤕 he would pout at you and say "is it just feeling so good for my sweet girl?" and all you can do is whine 🤕 he's so cocky bc he knows you're so out of it you can't say anything but he likes to tease and make you even more whiny 🤕
no he's such a tease always 🤕 saying "how come you're so worked up baby? I've barely even done anything, what's the matter sweet girl 😟" as he's edging her into next week 🤕 and i think he would definitely try to talk to her while his fingers are literally inside 🤕 making her cut herself off with little gasps and whimpers bc it feels so good 🤕but he would just say "what's that? keep taking love, I didn't ask you to stop" 🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕
just think about his big arms holding you down while he coos so sweetly and tells you how good you're being 🤕 there's a few little tears in your eyes because he's making you feel so so good but he would wipe them away so gently and say "my sweet girl, doing so so good for me precious" 🤕 as he fucks you deeper and makes you see stars 🤕
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134340am · 2 years
22. smiling in-between kisses
suna rintarou x gn!reader, 0.4k words, sfw + cw food
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“what should we do after this?” suna asks, words interspersed with the soft smacks of his lips against his melting chuupet. the strawberry flavouring had stained his lips and tongue a saturated blush-pink, making him look more kissable than ever.
you suck on your own citrus chuupet, wincing at the ice-cold tanginess that slithers down your throat quicker than you expected. “i’unno. it’s too damn hot to do anything.” you shrug.
“we can watch a movie?” suna quips, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
“it’s too hot to sit on the couch.” you pointed out, lethargically gesturing at where you and suna were huddled together on the floor in front of a fan.
“what if we sit outside?”
“i’m pretty sure it’s hotter. there’s barely any breeze.”
“...we can make out?”
“nah, still too hot for that.”
you lick at a trail of yellow-orange that’s dripped down the side of your chuupet’s plastic tube, relishing in the refreshing, sweet flavour on your tongue. you were just about to go in for another slurp of your sweet treat when it was abruptly tugged out from your hand—by a smug suna with a shit-eating grin on his face.
before you could react—cuss him out, express your disapproval, whine and cry in the way you knew would get on his nerves, suna’s pressing his cold lips to yours. the kiss quite literally sent you into a state of brain freeze, and it took a moment for you to reciprocate, one hand sliding into suna’s hair and the other curling around the back of his neck.
you sigh into the kiss, enjoying the cool, smooth glide of his lips against yours. you let yourself lick his bottom lip timidly, then summon up the courage to capture his bottom lip between your teeth, which you pulled at teasingly. suna laughs at your attempt, a faint rush of air that tickles your lips, and he rewards you with a series of affectionate, warm pecks that had you smiling into the kiss.  
you feel his mouth curve up against yours, mirroring your smile, and faintly register one of his hands running up your thigh. the pair of you kissed until your lips were no longer cold and you couldn’t tell the difference between the taste of strawberry and citrus and his lips.
when you pulled apart, lips shiny with spit and breaths laboured and heavy, suna’s gaze was swirling with equal parts affection and desire.
“it’s summertime, babe.” he flashes you a quick, lazy grin—one that revealed a faint dimple on his left cheek. “why let the heat stop you?”
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a/n: this is an edited repost sooo sorry if you’ve seen this before :*) and yes i m once again pushing the all-my-faves-have-dimples agenda
(series masterlist) (masterlist)
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Reaction to You hiding under a table... (All the boys)
Hiding under a table. Reactions and laughs abound! All the brothers and the dateables.
He walked into the room and saw you ducking under the table with the cloth hiding most of you. He lifts the cloth to reveal that you’re not shivering with fear at the sight of him. Obviously, you’re not just hiding like Mammon has done. Nope, you had a book and were under a… table???
Cue questionable scowl. WTF is this human doing now?
It only is more confusing for him when you glance up to see him, wave, and smile before returning to your book.
Does he even want to know? Actually, he does. However, should he spend the time to ask?
He does. He’s a sucker for you. Your response is simple. You wanted to read in peace, and (almost) no one would see you here.
He inwardly groans and tells you to go hide in his room next time.
No, he wouldn’t mind seeing you reading in there when he gets home. In fact, go ahead, make that your primary space to hide. Coming home to you would be exactly what he dreamt about.
Bonus points if you laugh and agree. Melted firstborn, anyone?
“If you insist on hiding from my brothers for some peace, you may do so in my room. I won’t be perturbed as long as you don’t tell them.”
Walks into the dining room to try and find something to sell for some quick coin. Scowls at the sight of your shoes sticking out from under the table.
Most definitely will crouch and stick his face in your space. This boi is perplexed at you huddled under the table with your phone.
Huh? Is this a human thing?
You smile and ask if he wants to come to sit with you.
Mammon will snort and toss an insult or bravado of some sort but still be really confused at your new place to sit.
Hiding from Asmo because he wants to dye your hair? Well, that makes a little more sense. However, he still doesn’t get it. You have a bedroom.
You pat the ground again, and he grumbles but agrees. Sitting with him, you start playing the funny Deviltube videos of demons getting scared by human items. You and he are laughing at the idiots together.
He soon wraps his arm around you as you’re cozy in the dim light. Forgetting about his task, he asks if you want to come back to his room. Ya know, to watch videos there???
If you agree, he’ll drag you off. It wasn’t the first time he was hiding under a table, but it would be your last.
“Now, human, that happens again, and ya just come to my room. I’m supposed to be watchin’ ya.”
He was walking up to the bathroom. Usually, his nose was stuck to his D.D.D, but he caught sight of you. You were napping under a table?! What?
He thought about leaving you there. Belphie usually falls asleep in the weirdest places. However, why??? Why were you under a table? In the hallway???
Bending down, he touches your shoulder, and you wake up. He asks what you’re doing sleeping under a table like a normie?
You tell him that you were waiting for the bathroom to take a bath, but Mammon was taking forever. You got caught up reading a manga and fell asleep under the table.
Cue heart eyes and blushes! He stammers about going to use the bathroom. When he comes out, you were still under there reading.
Immediately he was a jumbling mess. Asks you if you would read it in his room instead of under a table.
If you agree, expect blushy boi to timidly ask what it's about. If you explain the plot to him, he will definitely show you similar types from his own collection!
He will likely keep you captive all night because the thought of you under a table with a manga stole his otaku heart out of his chest.
“If you d-don’t mind spending time with a disgusting otaku. You could come read it with me. I have more if you like. P-please?”
Inquisitive and actually perceptive about his surroundings, he wanders into the library to immediately see you under the table in there. You pulled a chair over to block the view of anyone who would be just glancing in the room.
He ignores you, for the time being, grabbing the book he had an interest in reviewing. Instead of leaving, he picks that chair to sit in.
Minutes go by as he enjoys the subtle sound of your breathing and the beautiful announcement of the pages being turned when he thumbs them.
Is he curious why you’re hiding under a table? Absolutely. Will he ask? Well, he was debating on how long he’d let you believe you’re actually hidden.
Instead of asking flat out, he turns and slams the book on the tabletop, causing you to jump and bump your head. He’ll ask you why you’ve been hiding under a table at that point.
Enough said. He offers a better solution to your issue. He invites you to his room, where you can seclude yourself from his fury until the firstborn is busy with other tasks.
If you agree, he’ll smirk and feel smug as hell. Lucifer will ask and ask where the human went, and he won’t say a word.
“Honestly, there are far better ways to disappear than under a table. Come to my room, and I’ll shield you from the chaos.”
Glorious clothes. Fabulous makeup! Asmo just returned from his shopping trip and was on a high. He walks into the sitting room to see you lying under the table.
Flat out asks you what you’re doing under the table. Oh, you’re glancing at all the cute outfits in the latest Devildom fashion??? He would climb on the floor and join you if it wasn’t dirty.
Comments on the dirt.
You say that you’re waiting for Mammon, and he never looks lower than the sofa. You wanted to scare him for him stealing your hairbrush. True. Very true. A great place to jump out and scare him.
However, just not working for Asmo. Nope. Insists that you end your ploy to scare Mammon and help him go through his new things.
He promises to help you get back at Mammon with a better, less dirty plan.
If you agree, he will be skipping all the way up to his room. He’ll have you all to himself, and you both can do a fashion montage!!!
“Honey, he’s an idiot, but this is no way to treat your poor skin. Let’s go through all my new clothes and plan something far more deserving!”
Baby boy just got done with his workout and was going to walk into the kitchen to make a snack. Walks by the dining room to see your knees under the table.
He stops and scowls. This is a new behavior. Beel goes into the room and ducks down to see you huddled under the table… eating Simeon’s cookies?!
You give him a simper and offer the bag saying he can have one. Beel accepts and then asks why you’re under the table.
Hiding from the others because you didn’t want them to know Simeon made them just for you?
He's a little hurt that Simeon wouldn’t make him any, but happy that you shared. You ask him if he wants a few more because you only had a handful left.
He sits down and eats the offering with a smile. After you both have finished the cookies, he asks if you want to come with him to make a snack.
If you agree, this teddy bear is glowing. He’ll make everything you want, and you just need to sit on the counter and tell him about your day.
“If you want, since you shared, I could make your favorite snack. I love sharing my food with you too.”
Tired. Grumbly. Tired. He walks into the sitting room to see you stationed under the side table.
Um? What? He scowls and smacks his pillow at you reading a book before slumping on the sofa.
His version of asking you what’s wrong??? Well, it worked.
You tell him that Lucifer was looking for you to do a chore and figured you could plead ignorance if he didn’t find you sitting under a table.
Mammon never gets away with anything like that, and Belphie tells you so.
You curl smaller and laugh. See, he can’t find something this tiny, right?
Thump. Thump. Thump. Yes, his heart is just beating for how cute you could be. Tells you how ridiculously stupid that is instead.
You unbunch your legs and sigh. Well, he sucks at times… So, instead of apologizing, he offers to take you up to the attic and hide you in the blankets if Lucifer comes knocking.
If you agree, he walks with you all the way up, and when you snuggle on the bed together, he apologizes for being grumpy.
Turns into a melty soft boy when you run your hands through his hair and say you didn’t even notice with a smile.
“Well, if you want a plan that actually will work. You can come with me to the attic. I’ll hide you in the blankets, and we can nap.”
Walks into the library at RAD with one goal in mind. There was a book on energy manipulation he wanted to read. However, the goal is postponed.
Sees you under the table, and now, he’s completely intrigued. You had your book in hand. You even looked to be in perfect health. Hmm… odd.
Approaches you, and you glance up. No words. Not even a plea for help. Still odd.
He finally asks you why you’ve chosen this space to sit instead of a useful chair. You reply that there was a demon giving you dirty looks. So you ducked under a table, and the demon walked away in confusion.
He finds it fascinating that something this odd would work. Now is intrigued if that’s all demons or just you doing it.
Climbs under the table with you and asks what you’re reading. Makes no effort to remove you from under the table nor ask you to sit in the chair.
Both of you read under the table and watch as demons glance at you with pure befuddlement. Cue laughter and enjoyment. He would have never thought he’d walk into a rare social experiment with demons that day.
“You know, that poses an interesting question. Do demons insist on the same social norms as humans? Care to perform this experiment with me?”
Walks into the House of Lamentation to have tea with Lucifer. However, he is quite amused at the sight of seeing you trying to tuck as far under the side table near the hallway.
He walks over and ducks down, lifting the cloth, asking, what are you doing?
You rush out in a whisper that Levi is angry with you because you beat him at a game. You don’t want him to send Lotan on you!
He nods and hears footsteps on the staircase, so he stands in front of you. Levi comes storming down the staircase and asks if he’s seen you. Simeon spills a few lines from TSL. Levi is blushing and waves him off before stomping by.
He checks the hallway before bending down and whispering that you can come with him back to Purgatory Hall. He’ll explain what happened to Lucifer so he can calm Levi down.
If you agree, he doesn’t waste time to skirt you out the door and away from danger. What a freaking angel??? Well, maybe it’s a little selfish. He gets to keep you safe, after all.
“If you would like, you can come with me and have some tea to calm your nerves. You look shaken, and I do hate to see you out of sorts.”
Skips into the sitting room at Purgatory Hall and immediately scowls. What are you doing under the table???
Walks over, and you press a finger over your mouth. You thought you saw a bat. A flappy bat in the sitting room! They see with sound.
What??? Is it a blood-sucking bat??? Does it eat humans? Are things like that really in the Devildom?
Climbs under the table with you and looks around with a hint of anxiety on his face. It doesn’t help that his clothing tickled your arm, and you jumped and screamed.
Insists that you both run into the kitchen to tell Simeon! He’ll know what to do!
If you agree, both of you are bolting into the kitchen to describe an exaggerated version of the event. Your fear was enough to scare this wee angel. You weren’t scared of demons, but were of a bat??? This had to be a very evil bat!
“If we run as fast as we can, it won’t find us right away! Simeon will be able to help!”
He was well aware of lunacy thanks to his very creative prince. There were things he just expected to weave sideways from the norm. However, you under a table in the hallway of the Demon Lord’s Castle wasn’t one he foresaw.
Should he bother to ask? Yes, he best do so. Bends and questions your oddity.
You explain that one of the Little D’s was yelling at you for walking on their clean floors. It called you a stupid, ignorant human. You wiped your face, and he noted the blotchy color of your cheeks. Well, someone was going to have an unfortunate accident later…
He asks if you would like to come with him to the kitchen. You could have some tea while he prepares dinner.
If you agree (let’s face it, no one tells Barbatos no), he will assist you in climbing from under the table. He will pull out a handkerchief and wipe the tears from your cheek and escort you to the kitchen.
You may not have seen it, but it did bother him immensely that you were cowering under a table. He would fix that and have you smiling in no time.
“I’m apologetic that someone was rude to you. Let me make it up to you with some tea and cookies. We will cure this bad experience with a better one.”
He was enjoying the party thus far but was in need of a moment, just a brief moment alone. Walking into the dark sitting room, he turns on the lights to see you under a table. Your formal attire was pooling around you.
He walks over and ducks down to see the shock on your face and D.D.D in your hand. Asking what you’re doing in here, he smiles.
You answer with taking a break from the party. Though it’s beautiful and jovial, you were tired of dancing with so many demons.
He agrees and asks if you don’t mind the company. Actually, while he’s asking, he found a way to duck his torso under the table with you. (Big boi could actually break furniture and you if he wasn’t careful)
You show him the cute animal videos off Deviltube, and both of you begin to laugh. One video leads to six leads to twelve. It didn’t matter. It was so nice to just spend time with you.
He asks you if you want to have another table date again. He actually would sit under any piece of furniture as long as you said yes.
“I’m so glad to see you! I was actually exhausted from all the dancing myself. Care if I join you in watching whatever was amusing you?”
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Hey there😄😄I hope you're doing fine....I love your fanfictionss just too much and *adorable addition* is just my top favorite atory of yours😍😍😍. Yesterday you said i could make a request too so i was wondering if you can take in a request??😅😅 which is a Steve Rogers x reader request, which I had in mind for a long long time...I have made this request to some authors before but some of them never responded or just weren't interested in writing it so you can too decline but hear me out please😅😅... Ok so here goes nothing....
**Steve and reader being in an arranged marriage and steve is very rude towards the reader and would blame her, that due to their marriage he is not with peggy and how she irritates him, but still the reader did sweet things for him, made him food, tried to make him happy and tried to make their marriage work...but one day when she has enough of all the hurt, she stop doing stuff for steve and starts ignoring him..and also steve sees that peggy didn't love him but only his status as Captain America and was happy with someone else..then he realises his mistake and felt bad for treating his wife poorly...he tries to make up things with her but she now ignores him...His team members berate him for ignoring his wife and he gets jealous seeing someone else making a move on her.....and now he has to work his ass off to win back his wife...And can you end it with a happy ending and can it be long also? please🥺🥺
Arrange Marriage (S.R)
A/N: Thank you so much lovely and I loved the plot line. I loved writing about it and I made a few additions to the story. Hope you like it and I am open to more requests.
Steve Rogers Fanfiction (Fanfiction Master List)
Summary: Steve and you are married because the government wants Captain America to be a family ma. Steve is not happy with the arrangement and thinks he is in love with Peggy. You try to make your marriage work but he insults you every chance he gets. However, everything works out eventually.
Warnings: Angst but eventual fluff.
"I prepared some dinner for you," You spoke out when you saw your husband rushing towards his room. That's right, his room. Even though you were married for about a month now, you have never been in the same room for more than ten minutes.
"I am not hungry." He was quick to dismiss you and went straight to his room. You just looked at the muddy footsteps that were the only evidence that Steve was here. He was on one of his missions with your dad, Nick Fury. Your step dad, actually, because he rescued you from one of hydra base camps when you were eight years old. Those times were something that you have repressed in your mind and you would never think about them.
A few tears escaped your eyes when you kept all of the untouched food in the fridge which you spent hours preparing. You understood that you were not your husband's first choice but you both had an obligation to try to make it work. But lately, it was like you were all alone in this relationship and you felt so worthless.
Wiping the tears away, you made your way to the master bedroom because you had enough. If years of therapy have taught you anything, it is that no one had the right to make you feel that way. "Come in!" His pissed off voice filtered through the door and you took a shaky breath before entering.
"Hi. I just wanted to say that I prepared all of your favorite food and you didn't even look at it." You spoke timidly.
"I told you I was not hungry." He said from the changing closet and came out in his sweats. Looking tired was something not new for Captain America now a days and everyone at work was also starting to notice the change. "Why are we pretending to be like a normal, married couple?"
"Why can't we be one? I am trying here." He looked anywhere but at you because he knew that he would see those damp eyes. That was enough to make him feel guilty and he wanted to prevent that.
"You know why. I am in love with Peggy." The most hurtful thing that your life partner can say to you and Steve just did without taking your feelings into account.
"Then you could have said something before we got married." Panic was slowly setting in because you realised that you were stuck in a marriage that is never going to work out.
"The whole government was pushing me towards this marriage and Peggy was still not ready for that kind of commitment. I was stuck with you." Steve knew that the statement hurt you the moment the words escaped his lips. This was a revelation that rocked your world. And not in a great way, might you add. "You could have rejected the proposal."
"Do you think it was that simple for me? Dad has done so much for me and this was the one thing that he asked off me so I did not refuse. I thought that you agreed to this marriage and we could work it out in the future." Those dreams were being crushed right now and you knew that this marriage was doomed. It was like a hit to your gut and you felt caged in this room with your husband.
"Well, we can not." Leaving the room, you went straight to bed and cried yourself to sleep because there was nothing else you could add to that conversation.
After sometime, Steve came out of his room and made his way towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he took out the food to heat it up and realised that you made all of his favorite food. He was never going to admit it but he loved your cooking. Every night he comes in to the kitchen to eat all the food that you prepared for him. However, he realised that you didn't eat any of the food so you probably went to bed hungry. The guilt was eating him up and he felt helpless because he wanted to think that he didn't care about you. But sometimes, you don't even realise when a person is warming their way into your heart.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Steve was home today and you were going out of your mind with boredom so you thought of asking him for some company.
"I am not in the mood." He was quick to dismiss the idea and turned around in the hallway while still scrolling through his phone.
"I just thought-"
"You thought nothing. Why are you so clingy? I told you I do not want to work on this relationship. You are the reason that I can not be with the love of my life. Please just leave me alone.” He rudely interrupted you because he was not in the mood to interact with anyone. Seeing a picture of Peggy on instagram, he became aware of the fact that he could not be with her because he is a married man now.
Peggy Carter had been the first person that he saw when he woke up from the ice after 40 years. She helped him to become Captain America and she was the most important person in his eyes. Those few months were really difficult for Steve but she helped him get through them. Peggy quickly became his girlfriend and when the councilmen wanted him to get married, he was quick to propose. But she told him that she was not ready to take that step and she backed off. He was still pining over her and it was not fair to blame you for everything but he needed to do that to make himself feel better.
“I am sorry.”
“(Y/N)-” You left before he could say anything else. There is only so much a person can tolerate.
Over the course of a few days, Steve noticed that you were indeed leaving him alone. You were not there to welcome him home when he got back from his missions and give him a massage even after he told you not to. You did not cook from him anymore and he really missed it. He loved the fact that you always made his favorites and you never even had to ask him. You haven’t talked to him since the night he yelled at you. Guilt was an emotion that he often felt whenever he saw you.
“So there is a charity event that we both are invited too. It’s black tie optional.” He leaned against the door as he watched you doing laundry.
“Okay, I will be ready.” These were the only five words that you have said to him in the past two weeks and they were not enough. He has missed you and your conversations. The house was too quiet now a days and he didn’t like it one bit. But he was too stubborn to be the one to break the wall.
“You have to wear a dress. Many people will be watching you because you are Captain America’s wife so please do not go with your sense of style.” He wanted to slap himself in the face when he saw you freeze. Why couldn’t he just have said something nice to her? Steve didn’t know how to talk to you without messing it up.
“Okay.” Sighing, he left the room and sulked in his bedroom for the remaining day.
You were never going to say it out loud, but you were really hurt by what he said today and that day. None of it was your fault and you have been thinking about ending this marriage. However, the thing was that you made a commitment and you were never the one to back out from things. You quickly finished doing the laundry and went to take a shower.
“Are you ready?” Steve fixed his bow tie before you opened the room and he was left speechless. You in a red dress with a slit running through the side was a side of you that he had never seen. So bold and outgoing.
“Yes. Just let me quickly apply my lipstick.” Watching you apply a red lipstick left him in a trance. His wife was truly something unique but he just ignored it. Shaking himself out of it, he thought about Peggy and how he loves her. You both left afterwards and the car ride was quiet with the exception of a few stolen glances.
‘We have to go hand in hand and smile for the red carpet.”
You were always a little scared to walk in to these kinds of events and so you tightly clutched on to your husband’s arm. Steve knew that you were a little bit of an introvert so he squeezed your hand in response.
“I am going to go meet some councilmen.”
“I’ll be by the bar.” Making your way towards the makeshift bar, you ordered a martini and just sat there mixing your drink. On the other hand, Steve made polite talk with the councilmen and then excused himself to the washroom. He heard someone mention his name on his way to the washroom and that piqued his interest.
“Come on, I was never in love with Steve. He was my assignment from the S.H.I.E.L.D and that was it. I had to help Captain America adjust to this life.  I love you, Oliver and that is a fact.” Steve quickly left before he could hear anything else.
Honestly, he couldn’t believe that all those months spent with Peggy were just a lie and he was ruining his marriage because of her. He thought that it would hurt a lot but it was kind of a relief. He was now realising that he was never in love with her. It was kind of an obligation for him because he thought that he somehow owed it to Penny. But he didn’t and now he can finally give his marriage a fair try and not feel guilty about it.
“So what is a beautiful girl like you doing at a bar all alone?” Turning around, you saw Bucky with a smile adorning his face.
“Hi. It’s been such a long time since I last saw you.” You hugged your friend because he was one of the people that you were close to. You actually missed him in these past few months and were glad to see him right now. Getting in to a conversation was way easier than you thought.
“Hey Buck. What are you doing?” Your husband was quick to place his hands on the small of your back and you silently choked on his intimate gesture.
“I am fine, Stevie. Just catching up with (Y/N).”
“Oh okay. Would you mind if I take my wife to the dance floor?”
“No worries.” Silently taking you to the middle of the room, you both got to dancing and your breath hitched when he was so close to you right now. His cologne had taken over all your senses and you were drunk on him. God, it was pathetic but you could not help yourself.
“I want to try to work on our marriage.” You didn’t know if you were hearing things right now so you muttered a silent, “Come again.” He silently chuckled and repeated the sentence again. Looking at him, you stopped dancing and left the room.
“Why did you leave?” He found you at the balcony just staring at the stars with your hands wrapped around yourself. “It’s freezing.”
“Why? Why would you say something like that?” You whispered silently.
“I mean it. I want to try.”
“Don’t you love Peggy?”
“I have realised that I didn’t love her. It was like an obligation to me and I like you.”
“I can’t do this. You insulted me every chance you got and you made me think so low of myself.”
“I know and I am so sorry for that. I will spend my life apologising to you for it. Please, give me a chance.” There were some tears in your eyes and everything was becoming blurry.
“I can’t do that. I will always be your second choice.”
“No, you are not. Trust me, I have had feelings for you but I have been trying to repress them from the very start.” He tried to touch you but you took a step back.
“If we try this relationship thing out, will you promise me that you will tell me when you want to get out. We can get divorced right then and there.”
“I don’t want to be divorced and I will spend my life making it up to you.” He was quick to kiss you and it was way better than your wedding ceremony kiss. “I like you, (Y/N).”
“I like you too, Steve.” You went in to kiss him again and were glad that this marriage was going to work.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: I love Captain America and I was happy to write a fanfiction about him. If you guys have any more request, I will be happy to write about them and message me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Tag list: @kalopsia-flaneur, @justile 
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blegh-110 · 2 years
Sad Tangerine fic update
i am so sorry but I don’t think i can have the second chapter posted today... ive been piled with so much school work and I’m only halfway with writing this chapter. good news is that it’s going to be great chapter once I’m done with it. if all goes well this weekend, I promise to have it up by monday... here’s a little snippet though...
You give up unwrapping the plastic from the cap with your hands and bring the bottle up to your mouth, ready to use your teeth to tear it when Tangerine stops you.
“No, don’t use your teeth. Give that to me.” He takes the bottle away from you and easily tears through the plastic, then gives it back. You let out a small thank you, once again, your heart fluttering at the smallest amount of his attentiveness he gives you. As you’re taking a sip, you watch Tangerine grab a fish biscuit and open it before placing it on a napkin and pushing it to you. Again, a small action that probably didn’t mean much to anyone, but it meant everything to you.
You can’t remember the last time someone showed you an ounce of kindness. And here this stranger is, treating you decently and raising your expectations of men in a blink of an eye. Even though you didn’t have much to offer, you want to repay his kindness back, so you do the same thing, minus the drink part because you struggle to open it.
“Well aren’t you a sweetheart, thank you.” Tangerine wants to lean across the table and kiss your warm cheeks when you push a biscuit and drink to him. You really were an angel, a silent dream. How you remained this way through your asshole coworkers and viscous parents, Tangerine does not know. He would have lost his shit long ago and taken his frustration out on anybody that crossed him.
Before he takes a bite, he takes his blue blazer off and rolls his sleeves up, revealing a couple tattoos and veins running down his forearm. You gulp and have to force yourself to look away, thinking how a man like him is real and attractive and at the same time, not insane or a jerk. 
“You’re welcome.” You say timidly and begin eating, trying not to stare. Tangerine chuckles at your response, finding your manners incredibly cute. 
“Also, sorry for having a seat so close to you, the guy selling me the ticket didn’t let me choose my seat.”
“That’s okay, I don’t mind.” You give him another smile that goes straight to Tangerine’s heart and he withholds himself from wrapping his arms around you and wiping away the crumbs on your lips. 
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otptings · 3 years
Puzzle Piece
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♡Idol: Wong Yukhei
♡Requested: Yessss Hi, I ult Lucas and love your writing, could you write a story with praising kink? A little bit of fluff too, just very cute and sexy stuff! He’s treats y/n as a goddess! Thank you and keep going with your amazing stories!
♡Word Count: 3.1k+
♡Genre: Angst, Smut mixed with Fluff
♡Warning: gossip, insecurities, mentions of weight gain, semi public sex, marking, slight breeding kink, cream pie, fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (2)
♡Synopsis: Stylists noonas aren't always correct, especially when it comes to Lucas' relationship.
♡A/n : this is the fourth way that I've written this one shot, sorry that it is so late I just couldn't figure out how I wanted to do it and kept messing around with various ideas. Those other ideas might make an appearance on my page later on. Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoyed it and if you did please like, reblog, or donate to my Ko-Fi in my bio, thank you so much for reading
Dating an idol is always an adventure, and after two years you’d think that you’d be used to everything that comes along with it. Having your picture taken while out and about, dates being interrupted by random schedules, fans recognizing one or both of you despite your masks and precautions, even being stalked by crazy saesangs. But there are still some things that you don’t think you’ll ever get used to. Fans asking for a picture of you and Lucas together, the random fan edits that will get set to your dms about your relationship, or even some of the endless praise that fans give you.
Another thing you’ll never get used to is the random VIP tickets and backstage passes gifted to you courtesy of Lucas. Bypassing the normal concert security checkpoints and being led directly to your special front row seat where WayV’s security watches over you diligently. It always gives you an adrenaline rush being able to properly see Lucas in his element in person, not just over a monitor in a cozy backstage room to keep you safe. Along with Lucas being a gigantic flirt, constantly winking at you or making sure to look in your direction while singing specifically saucy lyrics. Backstage is a whole nother story.
Being allowed backstage at certain award shows always leaves you in awe. Seeing the workers rushing around and doing all of the little things that make the concert possible in the first place, seeing all of the idols along with the boys warming up and goofing around for their vlogs. It’s a sight that made you grateful that you were ever able to go to concerts. This was only made better because Lucas always made sure that you had a place backstage during award shows while he was preparing for his performances. Winking at you while he’s getting his makeup and hair done, flirting with you while putting on his mic pack and in-ears, pulling you into a quick kiss before he’s hoarded backstage, and you’re led either to your observation or the crowd. It’s one of the things you can never get used to, even now while walking towards your observation room, Taeyong waving at you while he walks past getting ready to watch the performance himself.
“I don’t know what Lucas sees in her.” Your steps faltered as you passed by the dressing room, hearing the voices of the stylist noonas. “She’s not even that pretty and is always draping herself all over Lucas.”
“It’s so embarrassing. She’s so annoying.” You unconsciously walked closer to the door, trying to hear more of the conversation, feeling slight embarrassment run through you.
“She’s only using him for his money and fame. Like what girlfriend always asks for free VIP tickets?”
“A golddigger.”
“Exactly. I just don't understand how sweet Lucas falls for it.” Peeking around the corner you saw the two stylists giggling from where they sat on the couch.
“I mean, I’m so much prettier than her. And I’m skinnier than her, Lucas should really be dating me.”
“Plus Lucas deserves someone good for him, good for his image. She’s only bringing it down.”
“Are you okay?” You jumped feeling someone grab your shoulder, accidentally hitting the door causing the two stylists to stand up abruptly. Turning around you saw that it was only WayV’s managers, surely coming to check on you since you’ve never made it to the room. When you glanced back the stylist noonas at least had the nerve to act embarrassed while cleaning up their supplies. Nodding your head you allowed him to lead you to the observation room, checking on you once more before leaving to go backstage.
You tried to watch the performance, focusing on Lucas as he rapped and danced but their words kept flowing through your head.
Were you always clinging on to him? Sure you held his hand a lot but that’s because he was actually the clingy one. What if he was only doing it because he thought that you wanted it? Always hugging you, and kissing you only because he felt obligated to do it? Were you just using him for money and fame? Sure having fans recognize the two of you and compliment your relationship was a fun side effect but that’s not the only reason you were in a relationship. All of the concert tickets were gifts, you never purposely asked for them. You also never declined them. You may not have been as skinny as female idols but that doesn’t mean that you're fat. Right? Lucas is the one always taking you out on dates or buying you dinner and constant snacks, what if you were gaining weight. What if you were getting fat?
Shaking your head you tried to forget all of the negative thoughts and focus on the concert, Lucas didn’t try so hard convincing your manager all those months ago to allow you to come to concerts just for you to not even pay attention. But they refused to leave, the negative thoughts swirling around your mind so aggressively that you hadn’t realized the performance was over until Lucas gently knocked on the door, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Babyyy.” Lucas’ face popped up in the opening, smiling happily at you despite the sweat dripping down his face. Weakly smiling at him you stood up reading to open your arms for him before the words of you being clingy echoed in your mind. “Did you like our performance?”
Nodding your head you gave him two thumbs up. If Lucas realized your awkwardness he didn’t let in on it, only opening the door fully and holding his hand out to you. “Are you hungry? I can find something for you to eat since we still have a couple more hours here.” Hastily shaking your head, you tried to make your smile bigger, hoping that it would distract Lucas from your strange behavior considering you never declined food.
“I’m fine Lucas, anyway don’t you need to get out of your performance clothes?” Lucas nodded his head before tossing his arm over your shoulder, leading you back towards the dressing room to put on the suit that he arrived in. Or so you thought.
Instead of taking you back to the dressing room the rest of WayV was occupying he led you into one of the single bathrooms, quickly pushing you inside and locking the door behind the both of you.
“Lucas? We don’t have time for a quickie. You need to change your clothes and meet up with the boys.” Lucas turned back around toward you, trying to resist the urge to place a kiss onto your pouty lips and get to the root of the problem.
“What’s wrong?” You opened your mouth to deny it but Lucas quickly cut you off, “Don’t tell me that it’s nothing because I know you better than that. You’re being really quiet, and not greeting me with a hug and kiss like you normally are.” Sighing you rubbed your hands up and down your arms, knowing that it was no use lying to Lucas.
“I feel like you could do better than me. Not someone who always takes your tickets and clings onto you. You'd be better off with another idol.” Staring at your feet you waited for the inevitable rejection that was to come, Lucas would realize all of the stylist noonas were correct and would leave you. Maybe he’d get with someone in Twice, they’re all gorgeous and skinny. Lucas’ hands cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look at him while fighting the urge to let out a laugh at your obscene statement.
“Do better? Why would I want to do better than the person who’s perfectly made for me?” The typical heat rising to your cheeks and urge to smile didn’t happen as usual, so focused on the negative words of the stylists. “What made you think like this? Actually, who made you think like this? The tickets to concerts are all gifts and I don’t even have to pay for them, I actually cling onto you more, and I like your affection anyway. It makes me feel special, and no one else is better for me than who. So once more, who could be better than my gorgeous baby in front of me?”
“The stylists.” You muttered, not wanting to ruin the sweet moment of Lucas always knowing the right things to say.
“Which stylists? They had no right to say any of that about you especially when it’s false.”
“Two of your stylists, the ones with the red and blonde hair.” Lucas nodded understandingly, a plan underway to make sure that they knew better than to speak about you like that.
“”Can I show you how much I love you?”
“Don’t you have to go back to the crowd soon?” Lucas only shrugged.
“I need to make sure you’re good first.” Timidly nodding your head a smile spread across Lucas’ face as he spun the two of you around and pressed you against the door. Lucas’ right hand cupped the back of your neck, keeping you in place while his lips pressed against your. His left hand slid underneath your dress, fingers toying with the lace that covered your thin panties, not wasting any time to get you aroused. You could feel the smirk on his lips when you nipped your bottom lip and sucked on it drawing out a loud moan from you. Lucas pulled away and you rolled your eyes, already knowing that teasing was going to follow.
“Can’t wait for everyone to hear all the pretty noises you make for me.”His lips reconnected with yours, this time easily parting allowing him access. Slipping his tongue into your mouth you moaned again at the taste of him, the sweet candy that he always eats before performances still coating his tongue. You’ve never been more grateful for the easy access that a dress gives you - besides when Lucas bent you over in one of the unoccupied dressing rooms during Resonance filming, a very awkward conversation ensued when Taeil accidentally walked past - when Lucas pulled your panties to the side and slid two fingers past your folds and leant down to your neck.
A fun fact that not many people don’t know is that Lucas is a great multi-tasker, and it shows in the way that his fingers skillfully worked over your clit as he sucked a bruise under your ear, much too high to be covered with the low neck of your dress. All you could do was run your fingers through his hair, biting back the whimper that wanted to come out of your throat. His fingers slipped past your folders, finally pushing in two fingers causing you to throw your head back against the door. Lucas could only lean back and admire you, the growing whimper that you were hiding finally bubbling past your lips, hickeys lining your neck showing off that you were only his.
“Do you really think I’d want anyone else? No one else is as sensitive as you, dripping all over my fingers.” Lucas’ voice paired with his fingers brushing over your g spot caused another loud moan to slip from your lips, if it wasn’t for the intense pleasure that Lucas was giving you, you might’ve had the nerve to be embarrassed over how wet you were. “You’re so perfect baby, just like this.”
“Please Xuxi.” You couldn’t help the desperation that bled into your voice, Lucas always knowing your body better than you did, knowing all of the little things that made you wet, and knowing the perfect way to use that knowledge to have you coming undone underneath of him. Even now as you looked at him, his stereotypical smirk on his face as he watched you beg him, a multiple of ‘please’ and ‘Xuxi’ leaving your mouth as his fingers continued to work on your g spot bringing your orgasm dangerously close.
“You can cum baby. But we’re still not done.” That’s all that you needed to hear before your orgasm hit you, a loud cry on your lips as his fingers continued to move, helping you ride out your orgasm until you were overstimulated and working towards another one.
“Xuxi.” Lucas couldn’t deny that he wanted to give you another orgasm on his fingers, especially as your thighs started to shake and your hands pulled his hair causing him to let out a groan, but as he felt his cock twitch he knew that he really just wanted to be inside of you. Plus, both of you did need to be out in the audience to hear the award results or else that would be just another scandal that he would have to deal with.
“What do you want, baby? Use your words, I’ll give you anything that you want.”
“Need you, please Xuxi, need you to fuck me.” Lucas cooed at you, loving just how needy you were.
“You know I can never say no to my baby girl.” You felt heat rush to your cheeks as his patronizing tone, but it soon left as he pulled his fingers from your cunt, placing them in his mouth and sucking your cum off of them. Letting out a loud exaggerated moan that caused you to weakly smack his arm.
“You’re annoying.” Lucas only smiled happily before pulling his pants, sighing from relief as his cock was finally free from the tight confine of his leather pants.
“You love it.” Gripping the back of your thighs Lucas lifted you up, causing you to squeal before wrapping your legs tightly around him. Leaning in and placing multiple pecks on your lip, a giggle leaving you as your arms slid around his neck.
“Maybe I do.” Lucas leaned back so that he could see you properly, your swollen lips parted slightly as you watched him, curious of his next move.
“You know that I love you. Right? It doesn’t matter what anyone else says about our relationship, you're perfect for me.” All of the attention from Lucas made you shy, a shocking feat after dating for two years, opting to place your head in the crook of his neck as you nodded. Lucas grabbed the base of his cock with one his free hands, lining it up with your entrance and bottoming out with one thrust. Your arms tightened around his neck and you couldn’t help the breathy moan that you let out at the feeling of his thick cock stretching your walls. Lucas was no better, squeezing your thighs tightly as he let out a low groan, the feeling of being properly inside of you with your warm walls tightening around him.
“Fuck, you’re always so tight.” Lucas slowly started to thrust inside you, a little awkward at first due to the angle but soon he had set a quick pace that had you pulling his hair harshly as his cock massaged your walls.
“You think anyone else could take me like this?” You let out a loud whine at his words, feeling the tile digging into your back from how hard he pressed you against it, his balls slapping against your ass with every brutal thrust. “No one else could take my cock as perfectly as you, fuck, no one else could even make me as hard as you.” Another loud moan as he changed the angle of his thrust, reaching deeper spots that were previously untouched by anyone else in your past, only proving his point of being made for him as his cock perfectly massaged over your a spot causing your eyes to roll back. “You’re made for my cock, and so pretty while taking it at all.” Lucas leaned back slightly, never stopping his brutal thrusts as one of his hands cupped your chin, sliding his thumb over your bottom lip, which you happily accepted and sucked on, swirling your tongue around causing Lucas to let out another loud groan.
“My pretty girl, I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.” Lucas’ sweet words greatly contrasted his brutal pace that had you steadily clenching around his cock, rapidly bringing you to your second orgasm at a pace that you couldn’t even warn him before it was washing you, you release coating his thighs as you let out a muffled moan around his thumb.
“Gorgeous.” Lucas took his thumb from your mouth, increasing his pace as you cried out from the overstimulation. “So close baby.” Lucas barely got his words out before he was twitching inside of you, loud groan leaving his mouth as his warm cum spurted into your tired cunt, leaking out as he continued to fuck it deeper into you, riding out both of your orgasms.
His hands slid from your thighs up to your waist, wrapping his arms around you tightly while nuzzling your neck. Both of you enjoying the comfortable silence, a moment of calm before you will be forced back out to deal with the chaos that comes with an award show. Lucas gently set you down on your shaky legs, trying to hide his laugh as you gripped the wall for support.
“This is your fucking fault. Now I’m going to walk around with cum in my panties.” Lucas only shrugged while pulling wiping your cum off of his cock, tossing away the napkin before pulling his pants up that were surprisingly not noticeably soiled.
“Nuh uh. I had to make sure my gorgeous girlfriend knew that I wanted no one else but her. Now you know there’s no one else that I would risk getting pregnant except for you.” Scoffing you tried to hit Lucas, only for him to catch your hand and pull you closer to him, his typical love sick look fading into something more serious.
“You are the only one that I want, you’re my other half, my missing puzzle piece. I don’t care what anyone else says, you are the only person for me. Okay?” Nodding your head you muttered a quiet okay, Lucas placed a quick kiss on your neck before turning you around. “And look just how pretty you are all marked up.” All embarrassment that was hidden while y’all where having sex showcased itself in that moment, your ears and cheeks heating up as you looked at yourself. Hickeys lined your neck, weirdly resembling an L in a way that you had no hopes of trying to cover it with anything more than a gigantic hood over your head. There was no way you could walk out of the bathroom like this.
“Now all the stylists know you’re mine.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter seven rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Series Masterlist
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Peter walked to campus that day with an extra bounce in his step. He couldn’t keep himself from leaping over the school gate, not caring who could’ve seen. He was in love. He walked past Flash with confidence, easily brushing off his backhanded comments. He walked up to Ned and felt oddly compelled to click his heels. Ned noticed the ecstatic expression on his best friends face and smirked.
“What’s got you so happy? Did a certain wall crawling superhero finally beat Venom in a fight?” He asked. Peter shook his head.
“Not yet. Something even better happened.” Peter said proudly.
“And what might that be?” Ned wondered. Peter could barely keep himself from screaming.
“Y/n kissed me.” He exclaimed. He got a few strange looks from passing students on their way to class, but Peter didn’t care. Nothing could ruin his mood.
“What? When? ” Ned gasped.
“This morning. She slept over last night after she had a nightmare. And guess what else?” Peter asked. Ned bounced up and down.
“What? Tell me!” Ned demanded. Peter looked around for who could be listening and smirked.
“She slept in my bed.” He smirked.
“Oh.” Ned said looked disappointed in the anticlimactic finish.
“With me in it.” Peter added and Ned looked amazed. His jaw hung open and he began to bounce up and down again.
“Dude that’s like the greatest thing ever.” Ned cheered. “She’s so hot! We have to tell everyone.”
“We’re not telling anyone just yet.” He shook his head. “She’s only been my girlfriend for a few hours. She’s really special to me, Ned. I don’t want to treat her like shes some prize I won by telling everyone. Girls are worth more than that.”
“Amen to that. What are you losers talking about anyway?” MJ said as she approached them. She was eating trail mix and looked extremely bored already.
“Peter has a girlfriend.” Ned blurted. Peter shot him an angry look while MJ looked impressed.
“Oh really? Who is she, your right hand?” MJ smirked. Ned looked confused while Peters face went red.
“It’s not my right hand. She lives in my building and she’s an angel. That’s all you need to know.” Peter grumbled, still annoyed that Ned spilled his secret. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of you, the exact opposite actually. He would shout it from the rooftops that you were together if he could. He just didn’t want everyone to know. You had only kissed that morning and Peter still wanted to keep the magical details to himself.
“Does this angel have a name?” MJ questioned, actually interested in something for once.
“No.” Peter said at the same time Ned said “Y/n L/n.”
“Y/n L/n from The L/n Report?” MJ was suddenly invested. It was the first time Peter or Ned heard emotion in her voice.
“You know her?” Peter asked.
“Duh.” MJ scoffed. “She’s the only investigative reporter I’ve seen who actually cares about the people she reports on. I read her articles all the time. We have a lot of the same opinions. I used to think she was the coolest girl ever.”
“Used to think?” Ned asked.
“Well clearly something’s wrong with her if she’s dating Peter.” MJ said flatly. Ned laughed and Peter looked at her angrily.
“There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s amazing.” Peter defended.
“I know she is.” MJ shrugged. “I’ve idealized that girl for year. Did you guy see what she did to Carlton Drake?” Peter nodded and smiled proudly at the thought of his girl kicking names and taking ass.
“She’s like my hero. She’s done so much for the homeless back in San Francisco. I was so excited when she said she was moving to New York to work for The Daily Bugle.” MJ gushed. Peter and Ned looked at each other, visibly confused.
“Have you always done that?” Ned asked her.
“Done what?” MJ asked.
“Felt things?” Ned said and MJ rolled her eyes.
“I feel very passionate about a lot of things. Those things just don’t happen to include you two or anyone else in this school. However, I am very passionate about your girlfriend.” MJ stated. She suddenly looked a little uncomfortable and unsure of herself, two things MJ never did. She awkwardly turned to Peter.
“Do you think I could meet her? I’d really love to talk to her about her article on fracking.” MJ asked slowly. She wasn’t used to asking people for things. Peters eyes softened at this new side of MJ.
“She’s picking me up after class today on her motorcycle. You can meet her then.” Peter offered. Then MJ did something very out of character.
She smiled.
“K thanks.” She blurted and then swiftly left. Ned and Peter laughed as she walked away.
“That was new.” Ned commented.
“Yes It was.” Peter agreed.
“She’s so odd.” Ned added.
“Yes, she is.”
“Did you do the hanky panky with Y/n?” Ned asked. Peter snapped his head towards Ned.
“What?” Peter flushed red. “No. And never say ‘hanky panky’ again.”
“It was worth asking. See you in orgo.” Ned said before walking towards his class. Peter shook his head in amusement before heading to his first class of the day.
At 3:30, you pulled up to Peters college on your motorcycle. You took off your helmet, shook your hair out, and scanned the crowd for Peter. You soon saw him, Ned following shortly behind him, and a girl you had never seen before. She wasn’t wearing makeup, which you gave her props for, and had her curly hair tied back in a pony tail. She was undeniably pretty and had a very cool vibe to her.
“Hi beautiful.” Peter said when he reached you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly. “It’s torture not being with you all day.”
“I know. But the school year is almost over right? Then we can spend every second together.” You promised. Peter smiled happily. He leaned in slightly, as if asking for your permission, and you did the same. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He smiled into the kiss and held you closer. This time, there were no interruptions.
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet MJ. MJ, this is Y/n.” Peter said, gesturing to the girl. MJ smiled shyly at you and held out her hand.
“It’s really cool to meet you, Y/n. Your article on greenhouse gases is hanging on my wall. I’m uh, I’m a big fan.” She said timidly.
“You’re a fan? That’s amazing.” You smiled brightly at her. “I’ve never met a fan before. It’s really cool to meet you too, MJ. And if you’re interested in the environment, I have a bunch of scientists numbers I can give you. I had to interview a bunch back in San Francisco to write that article. They gave me some great tips on how to reduce my carbon footprint.” MJ’s eyes widened just a little. She looked baffled and gave you a thankful smile. You noticed one of her front teeth was slightly askew and decided you liked her already.
“Really? That’d be so cool. Thanks.” She said. You squeezed her arm and nodded.
“I think you and I are going to get along just fine. Can I get your number? I’d love to hear more about what you’re interested in.” You handed MJ your phone and she took it. She typed her number it and handed it back.
“This has been really amazing. Thanks for being so cool. I have to run though. I’m running a protest outside of Oscorp.” She explained. “One of their employees got seriously electrocuted and they’re to cover it up.”
“Really?” You gasped. “Is it okay if I tag along? I’m kinda busy with my Cletus Kasady story but I would love to cover your protest too.”
“You’d do that for me?” She asked as if she wasn’t used to people doing things for her.
“Gladly. Can I join? I can give you a ride there.” You offered. She smiled at you and toyed with the strings on her backpack.
“That’d be great. See you losers later.” MJ gave Peter and Ned a peace sign and climbed onto your bike. You gave Peter a quick peck on the lips and got on the bike as well. Peter watched as MJ wrapped her arms around your waist and smirked at him. You two sped off towards Oscorp, leaving Peter and Ned in your wake.
“Dude.” Ned laughed. “MJ just stole your girlfriend.”
“Shut up. No she didn’t.” Peter said. Did she though? You seemed to hit it off with her pretty quickly. Peter didn’t know MJ too well but he knew she was guarded and didn’t let people in easily. In fact, she didn’t let anyone in. And yet, you and her had become best friends in a matter of minutes.
Heading back from Oscorp a few hours later, you saw a familiar hat bobbing up and down in the street. You were about to call out Neds name when two guys came from around the corner. They looked mean and you could hear Ned’s heartbeat rising. You quickly ran over to him.
“Hey.” You panted. Ned looked relived to see you.
“Oh hey Y/n. How’d your date with MJ go?” He teased. You shoved him slightly.
“It wasn’t a date. She’s really cool though. I think we’re going to be good friends.” You said as you passed the two guys. You soon heard a whistle.
“Damn baby. Where you going with him? Don’t you wanna stay here and have some fun?” one of the guys called. You looked at Ned and picked up your pace.
“I know you heard me beautiful. Stop running before I give you a reason to run.” The man said again, louder this time.
“Keep walking.” You whispered to Ned.
“I said stop running.” The man shouted, this time, his threat was accompanied by the sound of a gun cocking. You and Ned froze in your steps. The two men slowly approached you, all while pointing the gun level with your head.
“That’s better.” One man said when he reached you. “Now, how about this. You come with me, or I shoot your friend. Does that sound fair?”
“I better call Peter. He’ll know what to do.” Ned panicked.
“No need.” You growled as your transformed into Venom. You marched up to the guy and grabbed him by the shoulders in a death grip. You spit at a nearby newspaper in the ground. The newspaper quickly disintegrated and left nothing but smoke behind. You smiled devilishly at the man, grateful for a chance to show off your acidic saliva.
“What was that?” The man cowered in your grasp. Meanwhile, his friend ran away terrified.
“Acid spit. Still want me to come with you?” Venom purred. The man whimpered and shook his head furiously.
“Didn’t think so. Now, if you don’t tell us the names of ten historical feminists who would be very disappointed in your sorry ass by the time I count to ten, we’re going to eat you. Does that sound fair?” Venom growled as the man shut his eyes in fear.
“One.” You began to count.
“Uh…” He whimpered.
“Um.” He raked his minuscule brain for answered but came up empty handed.
“Ten.” You said and bit his head off. You quickly ate the rest of his body before turning back into yourself. You wiped your hands and patted your stomach before turning around and making eye contact with Ned, completely forgetting he was there.”
“You’re Venom?!” He gasped as he pointed at you in horror. You ran up to him and covered his mouth.
“What? No.” You lied. “How do you know about Venom anyway?”
“It’s you. I can’t believe it’s you.” Ned exclaimed when you took your hand off his mouth. You were getting more and more confused.
“You’re Venom. You, Y/n, are Venom.” He repeated as if it all made sense now.
“Play dumb.” Venom whispered.
“What? I’m not Venom. What makes you say that?” You stammered.
“Not that dumb!” She yelled. Ned looked at you and laughed, still in shock.
“You and Peter are perfect for each other, you know that? You’re both dumb as shit.” He laughed. You had to laugh a little as well.
“You’re Venom and Peter is…do you know about Peter?” Ned suddenly asked.
“What about Peter?” You didn’t understand what he meant. Neds eyes went wide, and then filled with sadness.
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He shook his head. “Are you gonna tell him about this? Because I’m going to be very honest with you, I’m terrible at keeping secrets. I don’t know if I can keep this from him.”
“I’m gonna tell him eventually. So please, don’t say anything.” You pleaded. “He has to hear it from me. I’m sorry that I’m making you lie to your best friend but this is a very unique situation.”
“It’s a lot more unique than you think.” He muttered. “I won’t tell him.”
“Thank you.” You hugged him tightly, thankful that he was safe and keeping your secret. You walked Ned home and began to make your way back to the apartment building. You wanted nothing more than to cuddle with Peter and forget the day. After all, you missed him all day at school. It was bearable when you guys were just friends, but now that he was your boyfriend you never wanted to be apart.
When you were just a few blocks from your apartment, you felt a strong arm wrap around your neck and hold you in place. Suddenly, there was a knife to your throat.
“I saw what you did to my buddy, you little freak. Now, how about you get down on those pretty little knees before I kill you?” The man threatened. You turned your neck as much as you could and recognized your attacker as the mans friend who ran away from earlier. You sighed deeply. You were full and trying to keep your body count to a minimum, but he was just asking for it. You shut your eyes and were about to turn into Venom when you heard a voice from behind you.
“Now that’s no way to treat a lady.” The voice rang. You recognized it as Peters voice. The guy was quickly pulled away from you as if by some kind of rope. You heard some sort of webbing going on behind you and small cries of struggling from the man.
“Are you alright Miss?” Peter asked.
“I’m fine, Peter.” You said, finally turning around. Instead of seeing your boyfriend, you saw the friendly neighborhood pain in the ass. He had webbed your attacker to the wall and was now looking right at you. You had seen him so many times before, and he’d seen you, but never like this. You felt almost naked, standing before Spider-Man as Y/n instead of Venom.
“Oh.” You said, startled. “I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
“Yea. This is a pretty popular outfit.” Spider-Man joked, gesturing to his skin tight suit. You bit your tongue. He was funny, but you couldn’t let him know that. You were enemies after all. He just didn’t realize it was you.
“Thanks for saving me.” You blurted. “But I had the situation handled.”
“You’re right. You especially looked like you had it handled when he was about to stab and murder you.” Spider-Man said sarcastically. You found him oddly charming, despite your history.
“What are you gonna do with him?” You asked, pointing to the man webbed to the wall.
“I heard what he said to you. I’m going to register him as a sex offender and ruin his life. Unless, you had other plans. You know, since you had the situation handled.” Spiderman remarked. You playfully rolled your eyes. You did have other plans. Plans that involved eating him and digesting him while you cuddled with Peter. But Spider-Mans plan was okay too.
“Alright. I’ll see you around Spider-Man.” You said, giving the superhero one last look. There was something familiar about him. Spider-Man nodded.
“See you around. And please, be careful. Don’t walk alone. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He said and turned back to the man.
You went home, showered, and got into some comfy clothes. You missed your boyfriend dearly and went to his apartment to see him.
After being let in by May, you went into Peters room and flopped on his bed. He was sat at his desk doing homework.
“Did you mean what you said about me sleeping over whenever I wanted?” You asked, voice muffled by his pillow.
“Of course I did.” He swiveled around to look at you and noticed your body language. “What’s wrong, love?”
“I’ve had a long day and I want to cuddle my boyfriend.” You pouted. Peter smiled at you calling him your boyfriend. He closed his textbook and climbed into bed with you. You rested your head on his chest, right over his heart. The sound of his heartbeat calmed you down and you felt sleepy.
“Did you make any progress on your story?” He asked. You shook your head as he began to run his fingers through your hair. You hummed in content and pressed a small kiss to his neck. He blushed at the affection and held you closer.
“No.” You groaned. “I’ve had the worst writers block all day. I was actually thinking of writing an article on Spider-Man until my writers block went away.”
After your encounter with the masked hero, you wanted to know more about him. You were originally against your boss’s idea to write about him, but now you liked it. Sure, there were plenty of articles on Spider-Man out there, but you knew him intimately.
“Spider-Man?” You felt Peters heart stop momentarily. “Why?”
“I think I have a pretty good shot at figuring out who he is.” You shrugged. “Like, think about it, he only operates from the hours of 4 to midnight ish right? Except, on weekends, when he’s seen all throughout the day. What’s he doing all day on weekdays? He can’t be at work because jobs don’t end that early. I think he’s in school. Either high school or college. Probably college though, right? I can’t imagine a high schooler doing what he does. Unless he’s been doing this since high school. That’s also possible.”
“Oh wow.” Peter said, dumbfounded. He was usually blown away by your intelligence, but now it was working against him. There were a million college students in New York, though. Surely you wouldn’t figure it out.
“And think about this, he’s only ever in New York, so he must live here right?” You continued. “But what about that one time he saved those kids in the Washington Monument? What was New York’s superhero doing in Washington? I looked into it and the kids he saved were on a field trip. What if Spider-Man was on the field trip too? If I look up all the schools that were there, I could create a list of suspects and go from there. Then, I could-“ you were cut off with a kiss.
“Let’s not talk about Spider-Man.” Peter said quickly, followed by a smile. “I want to hear about you day. How was Oscorp?”
“We had a really good time.” You smiled. “I interviewed her after I helped her with the protest and then we grabbed lunch. Oh, and I saw Ned on my way home.”
“You saw Ned?” Peter asked. Ned hadn’t mentioned seeing you.
“Yea.” You blew out a breath. “These two guys attacked us. One ran away and I took care of the other. But then the one that ran away came back and you’ll never guess who saved me.”
“Who?” Peter smiled. He knew who.
“Spider-Man. I don’t know. I was wrong about him. I used to think he was just some guy in spandex with a God complex but now I think he just genuinely wants to help people. And…” you trailed off.
“And?” Peter raised an eyebrow.
“He’s got a nice ass.” You admitted. Peter laughed loudly. You smiled into his chest. You loved that damn laugh.
“I’m serious.” You insisted. “I saw it as he walked away and it knocked me out. Spider-Man is dummy thick.”
“Please never say the words “Spider-Man is dummy thick” in my house again.” Peter pleaded. He secretly loved it though.
“I was actually thinking of making that the title of my article.” You joked. Peter laughed again. He chucked a pillow at you and you giggled.
“Let’s go to bed.” You yawned. “In a romantic, but still non sexual way this time.”
“Good night, my Nancy Drew.” Peter said with a kiss to your forehead.
“Goodnight, my whoever Nancy Drew was boning.” You yawed again.
“Ned Nickerson.” Peter laughed.
“Then goodnight Ned Nickelodeon.” You said, half asleep.
“Close enough.” Peter smiled.
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yutahoes · 3 years
(Fourth Part)
Tumblr media
pairing : Yuta Nakamoto x Y/N
word count : 3.6k words
genre : fluff, angst
The last part of Different. 
One - Two - Three - Four
Yuta was staring at the coffee cup in front of him. Today is the day Y/N and Haru are going to New York, with Doyoung. Although he knew their flight details, he doesn’t want to go to the airport or it might just break him. It might be the last time he can see his son. The last time there’s a connection between him and Y/N. So instead of staying in Korea, where he can stop them, he flew to Japan days before.
The chair moved followed by a screeching sound that made him look at the girl occupying the chair in front of him. "You look stressed," Mika commented while removing her sunglasses and placing her bag on the chair beside her. "Where’s Y/N? Haru?" 
He smiled. Funny, she would ask that. “They’re going to New York.” He mumbled then drank the contents of the glass. 
Mika asked why and he shared about the procedure and the high chance that Haru can get treated in another country. “And you just let them go?” The question startled Yuta. “Your son is sick, his mom must be stressed out right now and his dad just abandoned them.” She continued with a scoff. 
"I don't know what to do, Mika. I'm really lost." He confessed. “I can’t do anything to save him. And everyday becomes harder. I’m scared that one day, Haru will be gone.”  
"Because you're always such a coward, Yuta" She claimed that made him look at her. What? "You're scared to get hurt. Isn't that the reason why you married me? Because you're scared that my parents might hurt you if you don't fulfill my promise. Look at us, we're not even happy with each other." Yuta nodded, that might be the case. "Isn't that the reason why you never told Y/N your feelings?"
The guy glared at him and Mika just looked happy at what she claimed. “If it’s hard for you, then what about Y/N? She doesn’t want you to save your child, she wanted you to be there for your child.” Yuta smiled. Mika makes sense and it amazes him that the girl he protects when they were young is telling him these things. “Go to them. I never divorced you just to be miserable like this.” 
“Thank you, Mika.” 
The girl smiled. “Don’t thank me. You should have been with her from the start so please, tell her that you’re in love with her since junior year and that Haru isn’t a mistake.” Yuta chuckled, nodding at her. “I have another meeting but here’s a present for you, it might help cure Haru.” She handed him an envelope before leaving the coffee shop. 
Yuta brushed his hair when he read the contents of the paper. A way to cure Haru. He does need to go to New York. 
But New York is a huge place, he thought. How can he find them in this place? The answer came when he accidentally saw Doyoung while searching for hospitals. The only conversation they had was when Haru introduced the two of them, he didn’t know that he was dating Y/N back then. Now, it feels awkward to be in front of another guy who liked the girl you love. “Haru will be doing a chemotherapy session here and then they might go back to Korea and continue the treatment.” The doctor's voice became quieter, “He might not live for a year.”  
Yuta nodded. So his son’s sickness is that severe already? He was aware that cancer in his blood is spreading to his body, the reason why chemo is essential to help him survive. But less than a year to live? Haru is still young. He can still do a lot of things in his life. Y/N might have a lot of dreams for him. Yuta handed an envelope to Doyoung and waited until he can digest the information written on the paper, “Will this save Haru?” 
“Giving him a sibling?” Doyoung asked then nodded. “It’s a fifty-fifty chance and the chances are high if they have the same DNA.” So it is indeed possible. All he had to do is ask Y/N to have a child with him. But that is the most difficult task. “Yuta, if you’re doing this for just Haru please don’t. Haru will just feel bad that he had to use a sibling to save himself. And Y/N wouldn’t like it.” 
He sighed. “I’m sorry. All I wanted to do now is save Haru. I know you and Y/N are together but….” 
But Doyoung laughed. "I don't know how much she told you but I was rejected when I proposed to her." They're already at that point in their relationship? "Don't make her feel alone again, please." He suddenly felt bad, why did she reject him when Doyoung is obviously in love with her? “This is their hotel,” he said while slipping him a piece of paper. "Haru has a session tomorrow morning. He will be happy to see you." Yuta nodded which made Doyoung smile. 
His first step to being brave for his family. 
"Appa!" Haru called, running to where he is. Yuta gave him a big hug then carried the younger boy in his arms. "Why are you here? I missed you." 
Yuta laughed then ruffled his hair. "I missed you too." He gave a timid smile to Y/N. "I have to be here for you." Haru nuzzled his head on his neck, whispering that he's glad he is here with him and that he's not too scared now. It was Haru who kept on telling him about what he saw in New York, even memorizing the way from the hotel to the hospital which made Yuta's heart hurt. Will this be happening often? 
The younger boy greeted everyone in the hospital, even introducing Yuta to some nurses and doctors. Y/N was only following close by. They stopped outside a room with oncology written on it. Cancer. It really is severe. A man came out of the room and Haru smiled, calling him 'Doctor Johnny'. "This is my dad." He introduced and he smiled at the doctor attending Haru. "I'll be inside. Appa, can you get eomma something to eat?" Yuta lightly glanced at Y/N before nodding at Haru, ruffling his hair once again. 
Haru went inside the room with Johnny after saying goodbye to his parents. "He's going back right?" Y/N nodded, smiling timidly at him. "Let's get some breakfast." 
It feels awkward sitting in front of Y/N in a hospital cafeteria but Yuta was sure that this is what will happen if the treatment continues. He never took her on a date before and now, they're just eating breakfast in this crowded place instead of a diner. "His hair is thinning out." Yuta started, feeling the soft strands on his fingers. "Doyoung told me about the sessions." 
Y/N nodded, rubbing the lips of her cup. "He might not live until his birthday." A heavy sigh escaped Yuta's mouth. "I don't even know what to do. I'm not prepared to lose him." No one is. But she is the most affected of all. "He's everything I have. I honestly don't know what to do without him, Yuta." He held her hand that was above the table. Honestly, he doesn't know what to tell her. The feeling of being useless came once again. Mika is wrong, she doesn't need him. 
"Thank you, Yuta." He gave her a questioning gaze. "For bringing me Haru." There was a small smile on her face as if thinking deeply. "When I graduated, I didn't know what to do. When Haru came, I was so scared at first but he gave me direction in life. He gave meaning to my life." Again, she smiled at him. "Thank you, Yuta." 
He gave her a small smile, rubbing a thumb on the back of her hand. "Y/N, I have to tell you something." He sighed. "That night wasn't a mistake. I knew you were at that party and I followed you upstairs." She listened attentively as if recalling that night. "I regret it when you left me that morning. I should have woke up early and made you stay." 
A gasp escaped her throat. "Why? We don't know each other." 
"But I like you since junior year." Y/N’s eyes widened at that which made him chuckle. She’s just too cute. “I lied to Haru, I didn’t saw you first in school. It was at a bus stop during junior year.” He can see from her expression how she was thinking deeply of it. “It was raining and you gave your umbrella to an old lady. You helped her cross the street and you return to the shed dripping wet from the rain.” He smiled at the memory of the younger Y/N, walking in the rain and looking like a real angel. “That was the time I started liking the rain.” He said more to himself. “I started to like you.” 
“But Mika…”
Yuta smiled timidly. “I thought I love Mika but it’s just the feeling of comfort.” He had known Mika since they were young and she had been there for him. It’s a dick move but he married Mika knowing that he won’t be alone. In the end, they just hurt each other. “I’ve been a coward in facing my feelings, Y/N. If only I’m braver, Haru wouldn’t get hurt this much.”
Y/N shook her head. “Thank you, Yuta. For being here for Haru.”
“I’m also here for you.” He held her hand tighter. “If it’s alright with you, I want to watch Haru grow with you.” He kissed the back of her palm. “Let’s start over, not only for Haru but for the two of us.” 
The girl smiled, tears forming on the corner of her eyes. She nodded that made him grin. 
Haru’s first reaction when he exited the room of his doctor is excitement seeing his parents holding hands. Y/N and Yuta didn’t say anything but the younger would stare at the two in glee. Y/N would always note that he looked brighter now that he is here and Yuta would only smile. The younger had fun exploring some places in New York and eating foods that they can see only in the city. Because of tiredness, he was already sleeping while leaning on his mother’s lap. 
Yuta helped carry him up to their hotel room, even kissing his forehead before muttering a ‘Goodnight’. "What time should I pick you up tomorrow?" He asked, standing in the doorway of their hotel room. 
"Do you want to stay the night instead?" The guy had to stare at her in surprise. "We need to be in the hospital early tomorrow, it's a hassle…" 
"Will that be alright?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "Me staying the night?" 
Y/N nodded nonchalantly that made him nod. "I'll fix the other room for you." But he insisted that he'll just sleep on the sofa. "Are you sure?" Yuta nodded, smiling at her. "Do you want to drink, though?" She disappeared to the kitchen that made him smile. Funny, she would ask that. 
Yuta followed him to the small kitchen as she bent down to look for something on the minifridge. The moment she stood up, with two soda cans on hand, he hugged her from behind. "Please don't get drunk." His hand held her tighter. "You get wild when you're drunk." He chuckled at the memory, "And you get drunk with just a can of alcohol." 
She turned around in surprise. "You still remember that night?" 
He smirked, his hands held her waist. "You smelled like flowers." Unconsciously, she sniffed herself which made him laugh. His hand went to her hip, tracing a certain spot. "And you have a small butterfly tattoo here." A gasp escaped her lips. "You can't really remember anything?" 
"I was so hammered that night, okay?" She revolted that made him laugh. Of course, she is. Her hands went to his shoulder, sliding down his torso. "Yuta…" 
"You're not drunk, are you?" 
She shook her head with a smile. "I like you, too." Y/N stared at him. "You're always there for me and Haru and it hurts me before knowing that you're only here for Haru. I thought you'll be gone when Haru leaves me as well." 
His same dilemma. Yuta leaned in, wrapping her in his arms. "No one is leaving you, Y/N. I'll be here for you, Haru as well." He held her cheeks, raising her head to look at him. "We will save Haru and the three of us will be a happy family together." The tears on the corner of her eyes were back, his thumb rubbing her heated cheeks. "Can I, Y/N?" 
She nodded before he leaned closer to her, placing his lips to hers. A soft kiss. She moaned when he sucked her bottom lip, igniting some fire inside him. He held her by the waist, wrapping her legs around his hip. "I'll make you remember that night." 
Every day is the same routine, going to the hospital in the morning and spending afternoons with Y/N and Haru like they're on a trip. The younger had shown positive results with the treatment that they returned to Korea after the second month. Mika visited the hospital once, giving Haru different stuffed toy dinosaurs much to his delight. Even Yuta's parents visited him and he had fun spending the whole day with his obaasan and oujisan. Jiwon is a frequent visitor, even teaching him the lessons he missed for school. 
Haru's hair got thinner and he'd been vomiting a lot, a side effect of the chemotherapy. They're only thankful that he's getting more cheerful. A premonition that makes Yuta nervous. 
In the third month, there was incessant vomiting not only for Haru but also for Y/N. Yuta felt bad that she got pregnant first before asking her for marriage. For a while, Y/N thought that he planned all of this. But she cannot complain or revolt, this is their last resort in saving Haru.
The younger seemed excited at the thought of a younger person growing inside his mom’s stomach, even noting that he’ll be a great big brother for the baby. “Do you think I can see the baby, eomma?” It must be the hormones, Y/N thought, but she only answered him with a loud cry. “If ever I didn’t, can you just tell the baby that I love him or her?” Haru just smiled wiping her tears and she was annoyed at the fact that he’s slowly becoming more like Yuta. 
In the seventh month of her pregnancy, Y/N was not allowed to see Haru nearby because of the radiation that might hurt the baby. She watched behind the glassed window how he got weak with the medicines injected into his body. Haru kept crying every night, clinging into Yuta’s arms. Yet she can’t do anything to ease her son’s pain. She can’t even hold him in her arms. 
And the stress was too much that she started bleeding early. 
Yuta was panicking, his wife is in labor but he cannot leave Haru. “Dad, what am I going to do?” He asked for the umpteenth time and the older just stared at Doyoung who was seated on the bench opposite Yuta. “Doyoung, you’re a doctor. Do something.” 
The guy sighed. “We wait, Yuta. Your mom is inside with her.”  
“Appa.” They heard a small voice call from the hallways. Haru was walking to where his dad is, followed by Jiwon and her mom who volunteered to look for him. “I want to see the baby.” Yuta smiled, tapping the chair beside him to let Haru sit. “Can we name the baby Hana?” The older nodded, smiling while he gently caressed his already hairless head. He tightly held his hand, thumb rubbing the back of his hand. 
Yuta stood up twice before they heard a baby’s voice coming from inside. His first instinct was to look at Haru’s face. And for the first time since he had been on his medication, he saw the hope in his face. “You’re going to see your sister, Haru.” His grandfather claimed, making the younger smile widely. There was still rustling inside, the sound of a machine consistently beeping. That’s a good sign, he thought. 
The doors of the emergency room opened followed by an incubator dragged outside by a nurse. “Haru, come and see Hana.” Yuta called. Haru hurried to where she is, Yuta carrying him as he touched the glass where his sister is. “She looks like your mom.” 
“She’s so small,” Haru claimed. “Am I like that when I was a baby?” 
“Only your mom knows.” 
The nurse apologized that she had to bring the baby to the neonatal care unit and Yuta agreed, thanking her. Another doctor went out of the room and called Doyoung, she handed him a small tube that had something inside. The doctor looked at Yuta and he nodded before kneeling in front of Haru. “Son, Doctor Doyoung is going to treat you now.” He whispered, holding his cheek. “I want you to be strong for a while.” 
Haru nodded, a tear falling on his cheeks. “I wish I could have hugged eomma or hold Hana.” Yuta wrapped him in his arms. “Please hug them for me, appa.” 
“You will hug them both,” Yuta whispered, looking up to stop a tear from falling down. “We’ll be waiting for you here, Haru.” He tried to regulate his voice to prevent a choke from his throat. “Just listen well to Dr. Kim.” 
The younger nodded, holding Yuta’s cheeks. “I love you, appa. Please tell eomma and Hana that.” Yuta closed his eyes, breathing hard. A premonition. “You can tell them that.” Haru grinned before taking Doyoung’s hand. 
When they disappeared to the hallway, Yuta’s tears fell on their own. He can’t do anything but to wait. Wait for Haru. Wait for Y/N. Wait for Hana. He’s already tired but he’s the only one left to wait for them. When he felt his dad tapped his back, he only cried some more. They were never close, never showed emotion before. “You’re doing well, my son.” He needed to have strength like his dad. For Haru. For Y/N. For Hana. 
He hastily wiped his tears as they attract attention. He breathed hard, calming himself when he heard a loud beep sound created by a machine. 
“You’re late!” Mika shouted while running to the steps to greet Yuta. “Do you really have to be late today?” The guy gave a heavy sigh before smoothing out his black coat. Another sigh that made the girl in front of him, smile. “Yuta-kun, I’m so proud of you. You’ve been through too much. I wish you can get the happiness you truly deserve.” 
Yuta smiled as the church doors opened. His and her friends were seated on their chairs, beautiful white flowers adore the area. “I am happy, Mika. Everything was all worth it.” He gave her a warm hug. “Thank you, Mika. For everything.” 
The girl shook her head and made her exit as his mom wrapped her arm on his, “I can’t believe you’re getting married again.” Yuta chuckled at that. “She’s such a darling. Please don’t hurt her Yuta.” 
“Of course, I won’t.” 
The song played and as he watched the people they care about walking to the aisle of the church, Yuta can’t help but think back at everything. They should have done this way before and maybe they can be saved from the tears and the worry. But seeing Haru carrying Hana, he didn’t wish everything was different. All the tears made him stronger, made Haru stronger. Now, he just wanted to be a better father for the two of them. 
A smile escaped his lips when Y/N can be seen, next to his father. The tears made Y/N stronger. He remembered how it scared him, losing her. He felt his heart fell on his feet when his mom called him inside the emergency room saying that Y/N isn’t responsive. He repeatedly called her name, whispering that Haru already named their daughter and that he wants to hug her. When she gasped for breath then opened her eyes, he felt the heavy thumping of his heart. “You almost killed me.” But she was only chuckling while tears fall from her eyes.  
The moment he knew he wanted to be with her. Whatever it takes. 
“You can still run,” Y/N whispered when he held her hand. “I won’t stop you.” Yet Yuta just smiled, pulling her closer to him. “Yuta, do you wish we could have met differently?” He only smiled. Weird, he was thinking of that earlier. They really are meant to be. 
He lightly stared at Haru who was quietly watching them. His hair is growing back and he looks healthier for the first time since he met him. Although he still has medicines to take, his life isn’t in danger now. His mom’s dream of him playing with kids his age is slowly coming true. All thanks to Hana.
Hana, on the other hand, was sleeping on his mother’s shoulder. His little miracle. Up until now, he was surprised at how she managed to survive the two months of being in neonatal care. When she was cleared, it was Haru who first held her and they had been inseparable ever since. 
Thinking back, they might be a family of warriors. How are the three of them so strong? 
Yuta smiled, shaking his head before bopping her nose. “I won’t wish for anything different, Y/N. We’re perfect.”   
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
omg hi love!! if you ever open request please consider this 🤲🏻 but the single mom scenario you did with some more characters like ex: atsumu, bokuto, or iwazumi or anybody!! anyway ur amazing 🗣
hello love! I'm so sorry for the late response, I was kinda getting my life together, but yes! my requests are open! I'll write Bokuto's on the next part 'cause these scenarios are long
Featuring: Atsumu, Iwaizumi
the calm music and people chatter contradicted Atsumu's idea of a party, which was loud music, people dancing in the dance floor, dj's and a lot of drinking
but then again, it was Meian's party at his house, he has a wife and two daughters, which was why he was stuck at the couch of his captain's living room, watching the wives of his teammates interact and his teammates were either talking to each other or watching over their kids
even Sakusa was invested in his conversation with Ushijima with his son on his lap
he sat there staring at his phone, aching to leave, but can't 'cause it was his captain's birthday
"Hi excuse me?" Atsumu glanced up and oh boy was he in for a treat
manz really freezes on the spot, did he die of boredom? was he in heaven now? is this the angel taking him to the afterlife? 'cause damn he'd go without any hesitation
you waved your hand in front of his face wondering if he had a heat stroke or something
"sir, are you okay?" you waved again
he finally snapped out of his trance and looked away
"uh y-yes?" he asked, uncharacteristically embarrassed
"are you okay?" you asked worriedly
"yeah, yeah I'm fine, do you need anything?" he asks
you scratched the back of your neck and asked shyly
"can you hold her for a while? I-uhhh- I need to go to the bathroom" you were red as a tomato now, you had no choice everybody was busy at the party and he was the only one who appeared free
Atsumu didn't notice the chubby baby girl you were holding, she had a round face with rosy cheeks, she got your eyes, your lips, almost like a baby version of you with two pigtails on
he was in love for the second time today, but realization hit him fast, and he deflated
he cleared his throat and asked "ohh shouldn't her dad help you with her?" he asks politely while smiling at the baby
"oh, he's not really in the picture" you explained
Atsumu's eyes widen, it's for you to decide if it was because of how embarrassed he is for asking that question or because of happiness that holy shit- this absolutely gorgeous woman is single
"sure, I'll hold her" he smiled and took your baby from you
"what's your name by the way?" he asks, situating your baby on his lap
"oh I'm Y/n, and this is Hana, she's ten months old, you?" you asked back
"Atsumu, Miya Atsumu, and ya prolly want to go to the bathroom now"
you nod and went off to do you business
"hey there angel" he coos at the little girl who was staring up at him curiously
the girl giggles at him and smooshed her cheeks against his hard chest
dear lord save this man from eternal rest
"ya really got yer looks from yer momma huh?" he smirks and bounces her on his laps which garnered fits of laughter and giggles from Hana also making him laugh
"looks like she likes you" you say as you smiled and attempted to go to get Hana from him, but the baby just turned her back on you and clutched his shirt tight
"Baby, Atsumu might be tired, come to mommy please"
"nah, don't really mind, ya should relax for a bit and accompany me instead" he smirks at you
you nodded and you ended up spending the rest of the party with Atsumu and talked about random things
by the end of the day, he got your number before you headed home
he was driving his expensive sports car and called his brother
"the hell ya calling for? ya twerp"
"'Samu what does yer daughter and wife likes to do?"
it was the end of another work day for Iwaizumi, he was feeling pretty tired after running around scolding three particularly hyperactive players and attending countless of meetings
and a sight of a little girl being bullied was the cherry on top
he didn't interfere quickly since they were not getting physical with her and just closely listened in
"ew so you don't have a daddy?" the girl in the middle of the group rudely says
the little girl stared down to the ground fiddling with her fingers "n-no, but I-I have m-mama and s-she's the best in the w-whole wide w-world"
"still, you don't have a daddy, that's weird" the other girl said
"you don't have someone to give you a piggyback ride when you're tired what a loser" the girl on the left added
"your mama is probably a loser too since she can't find you a daddy"
Iwaizumi had enough and felt the need to step in
"you should leave her alone" he says in an intimidating voice, but it didn't seem to faze the three girls
"she has a daddy now and that's me now head home brats" he says and went over to the little girl and rested him hand on her shoulder, the girl looked up at him, eyes glossy
"don't lie mister, she clearly said she doesn't have a dad" the girl in the middle says feistily
"well she does now, you better head home before I report you to your school for bullying"
this statement seemed to scare the girls as they retreated grumbling
"you alright?" he asks the little girl with a gentle voice
she nodded
"what's your name?" he asks as he leads her to a bench
"Sara" the girl answers timidly
"where's your mom?" he asks
"she asks me to wait for her here, she's working" she answers and sat on the bench
Iwaizumi nods, inwardly applauding the mom for raising a polite and respectful daughter, despite being a single mother
"I'll wait with you then" he says and sat beside her
"mister?" Sara called out Iwaizumi as he answers with a hum
"what's your name?"
"Iwaizumi, Iwaizumi Hajime"
"would you like some candied fruits Mister Iwaizumi?"
he looks at the girl and she was holding a container full of candied strawberries and apples with toothpicks on them
Iwaizumi nods and took a piece
"mom makes them for me to eat while waiting for her, isn't she the best?" she smiled happily and ate a candied strawberry
it was evident in her eyes how much she adored her mother
"I'm sure she is" he smiled and finished off his candied fruit
"Mister Iwaizumi"
"can I call you dad?"
Iwaizumi was taken aback by her question but smiled
"sure you can"
"Sara!" the two whipped their heads to your direction and saw you carrying a paper bag, a cake box, and your purse, in your office attire
you had a motherly look in your eyes and Iwaizumi was absolutely captivated by you, despite your disheveled state, you were absolutely gorgeous in his eyes
"so much for not believing in love at first sight" Iwaizumi could hear Oikawa's teasing from the other side of the world
"I'm so sorry, I had to get you your birthday cake and gift"
"I told you she's the best didn't I?" Sara whispers to him
"yes, yes she is"
Sara ran over to you and introduced you to Iwaizumi and how he saved her from the bullies
You apologized profusely and he just waved it off saying it was not a big of a deal
"well, would you like to join us for Sara's birthday dinner, Iwaizumi?" you asked politely
"just call me Hajime, sure i'll join you, and you didn't tell me it was your birthday doll, I'll just get you a late birthday gift then" he pats Sara's head
Sara shakes her head "It's fine dad, I'm just happy I got to celebrate my birthday with a dad"
Iwaizumi could get use to this, it was never really in his plan to be a dad at this age, but looking at you smiling teary-eyed as you look at your daughter smiling brightly at him, he would give up everything to see that everyday
was it possible to care for someone this much when you just met them? I guess he got his answer 'cause that's exactly what he was feeling right now
after a night of eating and celebrating, Iwaizumi laid in his bed, fresh out of the shower as he calls someone
"Iwa-chan you're in love are you?"
"how did you-"
"you only call me when you have a problem, I have a problem, or you're in love, judging by your less aggressive voice, I can tell my bestfriend he's in love"
"yeah, yeah, whatever shittykawa"
"so, who's the lucky girl?"
"girls, there's two of them"
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