#aaand even more advanced stuff!
hyperionwitch-art · 7 months
Would you mind sharing a little about how you made your website for sharing your art? I want to make one, but I'm not sure where to start.
Not at all!
So, what I did was write my site in HTML and CSS from scratch and then hosted it on Neocities. Which, for a little bit of background, I had a li'l leg up on because I learned HTML in high school and then picked both it and CSS back up recently for my day job, and my partner was a huge help in understanding some of the backend type stuff for editing and adding a bit of Javascript. It has its pros and cons versus using something like Squarespace, or even using a framework to help shortcut the HTML/CSS--some stuff on the page is still a little broken, and I haven't fixed it yet!
If you're interested in going down the same path I did, there are lots of resources available! I started with (the free parts of) Codecademy, but Neocities itself has a page on learning skills for website building, and personally if I was going to start over I think that's where I'd begin. You can find that here: https://neocities.org/tutorials
Otherwise, if picking that up is too intimidating or time consuming (very understandable!) you can look into WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editors like Squarespace, Wordpress, or Wix, which I believe are more built to drag and drop page elements onto a site so you can see it as its being built, and you don't have to mess with the code part (unless you want to!).
I hope that helps! If you've got questions, I can try to assist--though I'm not sure I'm the best at explaining stuff, haha~
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freddagrr · 3 months
Phantom Thieves MD AU Spoiler
TW: Someone gets shot blood mention, idk what more TW could be added, sorry in advance if theres is no TW that should be here. *Read with caution :)*
"Do you think we can start over?" Doll looked over at her rival, who was in worse shape than she was. "As friends?"
Uzi looked at her expressionless eyes, but could see a small spark in them. She just let out a mocking smile and stood up with difficulty.
"It's never too late to start a new story, i guess." Uzi extended her hand, ready to shake Doll's hand, her face changing to a warmer expression. Finally...she would finally have someone who truly understood what was happening to her-
Everything happened very quickly.
Doll had the same expression of surprise as she did. Her eyes, full of shock, locked onto hers as her body fell, leaving a dull thud against the stone floor ringing in Uzi's ears.
"Wups, I think I interrupted something" the woman observed the scene with her amber eyes, gun still raised.
"Who would've thought, the two people I hate the most…"
"Ended up coming to me without even trying."
"Come on, wipe that expression off your face, darling, after all…"
Uzi looked over to where Doll was lying, her labored breathing indicating that the shot hadn't killed her, but had left her in worse shape than Uzi herself was in. The sound of the girl moaning in pain as she tried to cover the hemorrhage caused by the shot only made Uzi's heart race even faster. Both where in danger. Then why her body wasnt listening to her to move?!
Her eyes could only stay fixed on her rival, she could feel her breathing was irregular and, despite wanting to scream Doll's name, or V's, or N's, hell, she would even settle for J's, nothing came out. The sound of a gun being reloaded was enough to snap her out of the trance she was in… But it was too late to react to the gun aimed at her head as that person approached her with slow but sure steps.
"You can still be friends in the afterlife, once I'm done with both of you, of course."
Okey so jsjsjjs....I do really like writting, but i stopped it for like...4-5 years ago and kept drawing stuff. Buuuut...I was just writting down ideas and shared with some ppl and they said it was good so jsjsjs...Tehe.
Seriously debating if i should do the AU as a comic or as a fanfic. Like...Debating it bc my first language is not english.
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megabuild · 11 months
what is aoyuer? is that an acronym for something?
okay so i meant to make a big doc explaining what aoyuer is like months ago but then i started working on different projects and put it on the back burner.. and then i got ill and now i don't have much time to work on stuff at all. but not having the doc sucks and means anything i ever say about it is very confusing. so i'm so sorry anon for using your ask as an excuse to just dump as much aoyuer lore as i can without reasonably spoiling it but also thanks for reminding me that i have a lot of followers here who have never heard of it. a sobering thought
tldr; aoyuer (as of yet untitled empires rewrite) (sorry bree) is my au rewrite of empires smp that aims to connect seasons 1 and 2 as well as after life, new life, and a bunch more inbetween, with a major focus on pixlriffs' story. it also ties up a lot of loose ends and is generally darker and more adult-aimed than the original series. technically that's all you need to know but here's the no spoilers plot rundown for those interested
so aoyuer is built up of ~7 arcs but only 4 of them are like Super important
arc 0: this is just afterlife smp and a ton of early worldbuilding, the crash of the great stags, etc; what's most important from this is that oli exists and has for thousands of years, probably
arc 1: empires season 1! set in the 1500s, the world is going through a sort of renaissance period with massive technological advancements. pixlriffs the copper king (cprk) is working a boring little library job and spending most of his time kicking himself and being mad he hasn't done anything with his life (he is only like 30 but the idea of feeling old and unaccomplished even when you're young is a major theme for arc 1). enter fwhip! who is his annoying ex-roommate ex-bestie ex-boyfriend from university that left him on pretty bad terms. he has a way more accomplished job and as part of that he has been allowed to head The Empires Project which is a major journey intended to further some distant colonies while also investigating the land they're on. the land has some weiiird properties which fwhip thinks could be harnessed to create functional immortality (which was the subject of pix's thesis). he wants pix to come with him and investigate. pix feels weird about it but agrees to come along and be the "emperor" for the desert colony while he does his research... and then things get fucked up and scary! its a high fantasy that switches between a metaphorical dissection of their horrid will they won't they relationship and both of their issues aaand a more Literal dissection of the land and things living in it. including people and animals. at times. and also involves pix accidentally awakening a curse for a billion million years which sets the rest of aoyuer in motion.
arc 1.5 is sort of Not important but iwlike it a lot. there's not much to be said for it without major spoilers but it's set a little bit after arc 1 and comprises of fwhip being very upset about how his stupid project fell apart and trying to write up an Official Report on why everything fell apart while also coming to terms with him being the worst guy to ever have lived or something. much of aoyuer is like thinly veiled metaphors for mental illness but this one is just about mental illness
arc 2 sends us years forward into season 2 in the 1800s and our protagonist is professor pixelle riffs, lorekeeper (lrkp) who leaves his job as an archaeology lecturer to go and study the ancient capital and The Machiiine. because the machine set up WAY too much cool stuff to just ignore. sculk infection/possession is a big part of this arc. however while he's doing all this he meets oli! remember him? who has crash landed in S2 (basically the same way he did in canon) and is now regularly butting heads with pix. they eventually become friends and then umm something more :3 a lot of this remains the same as canon except the sculk arc gets a proper conclusion and ties into the ghost stuff. it ends with oli's finale where he still fakes his death (the goblin stuff is going to be changed but it's up in the air right now) and pix is devastated but pretty certain there's something not quite right so he picks greggory up and goes off in search of his lame ass boyfriend.
arc 2.5 actually takes place mid arc 2 because it's the hermpires crossover, which is less different dimensions and more different times (hermitcraft is our present and the rift facilitates time travel). when pixelle the archaeologist steps through the rift it causes serious time fuckery and so he sort of gets. forcefully ejected from his body and becomes a ghost possessing pixl riffs of the hermitcraft recap (rcp) who stumbles out of the rift very tired and very confused! there's a lot of fun mistaken identity stuff between him and oli and this is generally the most like. comedic and casual of the arcs though it still has some sweet moments.
arc 3 is just new life smp. where pixelle finally ends up in nl, finds that his lame ass boyfriend is still alive, and has relationship drama with him Except on top of that the land that new life is set on has similar properties to the land from arc 1 (functional immortality except it has some different effects, aka. going through drastic physical changes every time you "die") and so pixelle starts investigating that and maybe finds out that his whole life and his ancestors and descendants lives might be caught up in a time loop because of the copper king. forever and ever. this hasn't got much for it because i was going to work from new life canon as a base but then both pix and oli stopped playing on it LMFOHALDH but anyway.
aaand arc 4! final arc! which is set in the present right after pixl (the recap one) returns home from the hermitpires crossover. except the weird ghost voice of his ancestor in his head.. isn't going away? or rather its been replaced by a different one who is sending him on The Heros Journey. along with zloy and lyarrah and modern fwhip. this is basically the long awaited Conclusion to the curse that the copper king put in place and a lot of bullshit happens that icant really explain but it ties up all the loose ends and is generally just pix consistently having the worst time. hes the only pix who goes through hell without bringing it upon himself like he was just born.
and um. that's aoyuer! obviously there's more for all the arcs and i am happy to answer Basically any questions even though i get a little nervous sharing stuff about it because im shy. But iwhope thag explains at least a bit for everyone. My dream is to write this all into various fanfics but that looks kinda unlikely rn but it means a lot to me and you can kinda safely assume if I'm ever talking about or drawing empires there's a 99% chance it's actually aoyuer because I forget canon exists .AOYUER WORLDWIDE
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atomiciva · 1 year
Hi hi!! Just so say in advance but for some reason i cant write questionmarks so ive just put them in brackets of where they go lmao. I wanted to shoot you a message and so I hope you dont mind but I was wondering what sort of portfolio you submitted to be able to work on Unicorn Warriors Eternal, I currently am an animator who has been struggling on getting a 2d animation job for a few years now and I was wondering if you would have any advice for someone who feels like they are struggling to get into the industry (Questionmark) Your animation for the show is amazing and I love the little bit of fanart that you made of melinda and edred too!! Once again, sorry if this is a bother but I figured that I would atleast try to ask :)
Heya! No worries at all!
I still feel super lucky honestly and I've only ever been at this one studio so far, so I don't know how helpful this is gonna be but I'll give it my best shot haha
This was my old showreel straight from the end of university which I had on my portfolio site when I applied:
I was lucky in the fact that the main thing I enjoyed doing during uni was animation clean-up in TVPaint, aaaand then I saw the job listing looking for... animation clean-up in TVPaint! I'm still not the best at rough animation, but as you can see my reel had lots and lots of clean-up examples, and that was exactly what Studio Zmei was looking for.
So, first tip: Focus your showreel on what you want to get a job for! If you're applying for rough traditional animation, show your roughs vs the final thing, or a clean-up heavy reel like mine if you wanna do clean-up, or a reel just for ToonBoom rigged animation if that's what you're applying for.
Second? Tip? Look for more obscure studios, or ask around your local studios (if you have any) if they offer internships or even junior level jobs? Studios are often really biased towards local people, and I was lucky that Zmei just happened to be situated in my home city. We often get interns not from any listings but just from people showing interest in an email. But I also know that's a bit unusual and a lot of studios are more closed off?? And going back to the more obscure studios part: The more well known a studio is, the more insane the competition to get a spot is, hence why usually it's not so much your portfolio's fault rather than the huge influx of candidates. This is where looking at general animation job listings sites can help a lot, and I even found Zmei's listing here in the first place:
aaand there's one for games too: https://gamejobs.work/
Lots of studios use these and they also have twitter/instagram pages to keep you updated as well. If a job is listed as remote, go for it! A lot of smaller studios that handle outsource animation are often starved for animators. (a lot of those do 2D rigged animation in ToonBoom or Adobe too, so it's def worth making a fresh reel for that if it's up your alley) Following a lot of studios on social media and especially LinkedIn helps too, as some of them post listings there exclusively.
And, third tip - there's no shame in starting small. I constantly get spammed by studios looking for mobile game animators or educational video animators on LinkedIn. Sure not all of those are gonna be worth looking into, but a lot of my friends started off like that. Every little bit of experience counts and builds up your CV. It's really hard to jump straight into being a rough animator, or a designer, or a storyboarder. Even my role of doing clean-up is considered more junior, and we had lots of people who did only coloring and shading too. And the more entry level version of a storyboard artist would be a storyboard revisionist. Everyone starts somewhere!
Other things like putting a direct link or linktree to your portfolio site or showreel easily accessible on all of your social medias could also help, as recruiters often have no time to dig for that stuff. (altho I'll be honest I've only ever been approached once (1) by a local studio on just instagram, so that's a really rare occurrence. still helps to be prepared though!)
I hope this was somewhat helpful haha. Good luck!!!
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
and now I’ve finished my rewatch of s1
(EDIT: yankee doodle doctor! I forgot to fuckn include it - done now)
which, I’ve gotta say -- considering I only watched it for the first time... in late August of this year? -- I think I’d already internalised this idea of the show “still finding its feet” in that season/generally not being as good
however while this is true in the sense that there are some concepts that are rougher now/better explored in later stories + character things that definitely don’t exist later on (Hawkeye mentions “mom and sis,” and Radar smokes and drinks I think are the two I noticed the most... there’s also Henry’s wife giving birth in showtime, which I don’t think is ever brought up again, but I can include it in my show canon)
(makes him cheating on her feel worse though)
(also saved this:)
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(haha... ha.... oh no)
anyway, a lot of character stuff and concepts persist! 
the “dear” episodes of course, the depiction of the army as both inherently ridiculous and dangerous (the ringbanger, the army-navy game, tuttle) feels pretty consistent, even some early experimentation in episodes like yankee doodle doctor and showtime (which, I take back my previous post, showtime also feels like a season-ending episode, so that makes it s1,3,5,7 for me so far). And Klinger made appearances much sooner and more consistently than I remembered. Even that early on it feels like the writers could tell that character was something special
then there’s Hawkeye becoming Chief Surgeon in episode 4 already, early seeding for Margaret to become more friendly with especially Hawkeye (although they’re right in showtime -- she and Trapper always seemed to have a tension... she shoulda given some % of the perfect guy to him, she and Hawkeye bonding over wanting to lowkey bone Trapper), and Mulcahy’s series-long arc of not feeling like he’s necessary in comparison to the others in the camp
an early couple of entries into the “Hawkeye’s brain works a certain kind of way” with “yankee doodle doctor,” “bananas, crackers, and nuts,” “tuttle,” “sticky wicket,” “major fred c dobbs,” and the whole nude-camp-walk in “dear dad again” especially
a lot of same-sex flirting, including some of my favourite scenes, such as: Hawkeye and Trapper dancing, Hawkeye kissing Frank -- on the forehead and on the mouth, Hawkeye warning Frank that he’s going to call an usher if he doesn’t stop walking his fingers up his thigh, Hawkeye and Klinger discussing gaudy outfits, Hawkeye telling Trapper he won’t go home with him just because he gets him drunk, Hawkeye and Trapper flirting in Margaret’s bed, and Hawkeye telling the general he wants his baby, and also general vibes, such as Tommy saying young Hawkeye was “a bit of a sissy,” Hawkeye giving Trapper his long-johns because of one pathetic cough, and the way Hawkeye grabs the back of Trapper’s neck in relief and support in showtime
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(not shown on this screenshot is how he shakes him a bit, like he’s holding onto the scruff of a puppy)
and then of course the first suggestion of the show’s overall trajectory with “sometimes you hear the bullet,” but would argue particularly “yankee doodle doctor,” “ceasefire,” “sticky wicket,” and “showtime” are also strong indications of that
Shower scenes: 3 (the ringbanger, sticky wicket, showtime)
Most shocking thing that never comes up again: Klinger threatening to use a hand-grenade in camp and Mulcahy talking him down
Favourite 3 episodes: sometimes you hear the bullet (yeah yeah it’s obvious but it’s That Episode!), tuttle (this was the first episode for me that really cemented how into the show I was going to be), aaand then a tie between sticky wicket and ceasefire 
Singing: I forgot to document that this season! Silly me...
Kind of insane about this:
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Followed by Hawkeye refusing her advances and her pressing on regardless (with the line “I’m not interested in your mind,” interested in the role reversal happening here), and then Trapper comes in and interrupts them
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 31: The Sincerest Form of Flattery Season 1, Episode 32: A Transplant For Blue Lion
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Episode 31: The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Lotor made the mistake of trying to boss Zarkon around and immediately was greeted with robeasts to "escort" him away from Zarkon's presence I'd ask if you even understood what you were doing, but the answer is a resounding no
The fight seemed so weird until I realized dotu cut out a handful of scenes because they were gory, Lotor definitely stabbed one robeast through the chest and maybe beheaded another
Oh shit! Zarkon v Lotor but for real this time! Lotor obviously is going to lose, but this should be fun to watch him fail at
I'm so mad that the main antagonist for the team got switched to Lotor instead of being kept as Zarkon, he feels like a better villain than his overgrown pet sperm
Haggar to save Lotor's life, though she should've let Lotor get turned into a robeast like he himself suggested lol instead we get an ACTUAL mech for Voltron to fight this time, the rest have usually been cyborg type deals
Back on Arus, the team formed Voltron to help out with reconstruction after the last attack on the city that happened We really should see that more often tbh, nice to see the team doing humanitarian (Arusianarian?) work
Ooh new defense system, Ad EAS i think Coran said, stands for Advanced Early Alarm System which isn't a bad acronym Apparently the regular defense system detects when an enemy gets within 50 tyketes(?) of Arus but the new one detects and attacks enemies that enter 200 tyketes this definitely won't go wrong
And it immediately gets destroyed LMAO Lotor showed up and decided to mess with it before getting pissed and shooting one of the command ship's lasers right through the satellite maybe the castle should've deployed more than 4 of those things
Actually though, Ad EAS is a good early detection system to help stall for time while the teams gets up to space, Arus IS rebuilding after all so even if it doesn't do much time is precious
The team is NOT having a good time up there, again I know it's for the drama but c'mon guys if you were already freaked out by the legitimate giant robot you have to fight why not even it up with your own giant robot
It's cool to know that voltron has more than one weapon at their disposal, but I wish they were used more sparingly just because I want Voltron to start throwing hands LMAO
OH SHIT THE ROBEAST ACTUALLY MANAGED TO KNOCK VOLTRON BACK INTO THE ATMOSPHERE It pierced through blue lion, getting real close to Allura, so she freaked out and lost control of blue's thruster so Voltron isn't doing so hot
aaand all that hard work for the city has gone to shit, Arus can't catch a fucking break huh, maybe the people should just move further away from the castle, so they don't get hit, assuming this is the nearest town
I'm sorry the joint above blue lion is where most of Voltron's energy is stored?? Absolute bullshit reasoning, the writers could've done better by literally reminding Lotor that blue's already weakened
Voltron just became a cripple omg, blue lion still as a foot btw just DROPPED so confused as to how voltron still existed after that, but the boys disbanded anyway to protect Allura who's out cold after a crash-land
They're still fighting holy shit, usually the episode ends after the robeast gets fucked and the lions are getting beat up too, castle defenses had to chase away Lotors command ship what a wild turn of events
Into the hospital Allura goes, she had an injury on her shoulder, she's fine though as always
/episode end
Episode 32: A Transplant For Blue Lion
WOAH CONTINUITY?? They're picking up this episode with a bit of a time skip to remind viewers that Lotor actually did something right for once
Allura's still hurt, but that hasn't stopped her yet, what a good princess
I always liked the idea that the boys didn't see Alfor as often as Allura did so they just think she's still grieving for him but every time this show uses Alfor as a crutch it hurts ME
Keith being a poetry nerd is such an on brand thing, I'm so sad they removed all this personality he had in preference for making him emo and solitary This man is goofy as hell! He's optimistic and happy-go-lucky, where did it all go
Keith getting angry out of nowhere is wild, he's never done that before especially towards Lance and yes it's out of nowhere because it's not like Lance was being a dick he was just being lazy AND THAT'S HIS NORMAL
Allurance moment though not super convincing to me because other Allurance versions have insane chemistry, dotu lance is for my mutual thank you
A militia! Good on the nearby townsfolk for choosing to fight against Lotor on their own grounds, I mean they will probably get DECIMATED, but they've got the spirit
Training time, the blue lion has been repaired fairly quick actually and Allura is having a tough time with keeping up I do like that this show shows her struggling and actively working to do better but like a little more continuity please? I say as it's a show aimed for children
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Animation error? Is that Keith the blue pilot uniform
Some Hunk focus! I wonder if he has some kind of rejection sensitivity because he just started bawling when as the left leg of voltron got hit and fell off like allura's did last episode, very much doesn't like making mistakes
And the attack begins! As I thought the town is burnt to hell though the people did fight for a while so good for them EXCEPT HUNK IS STILL THINKING HE'S EXPENDABLE LIKE SIR THOSE ARE NOT GOOD THOUGHTS SUICIDE IS NOT THE WAY
Looks like the training actually helped! They blew up the robeast's head without forming Voltron, though they still formed up because they have to double tap the thing to make sure it isn't still kicking
Robeast defeated and a pregnant woman from earlier in the episode gave birth by the end! How cute, though using Voltron or Voltrisha as a name for an actual child is literally setting them up for bullying OSIDN
/episode end
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vivaldiny · 2 years
TBoI headcannons/AU (I guess)
So, uhh, to the reason I got an account here💀
Me and @hyafrok were talking about how we'd approach making a TBoI AU, and I felt the need to share my, uhh, headcanon/AU stuff with someone else.
Just a bit of a warning: I might have unintentionally drawn inspiration from some ideas I've seen, so I apologise in advance if something seems similar to other AUs.
I also apologise if I sound unsure or if my wording is a bit wonky. I don't always have a specific interpretation of stuff from the game, plus expressing my thoughts in English is harder.
So, I think I can begin with saying that I prefer to keep a bit closer to canon, and it's more of a "how i would adapt game mechanics if I were to write a story" thing. 
I guess the main difference is that all characters except dead versions of Isaac are separate individuals. But are they born from the mind of Isaac or are they real? I'd actually leave it up to the interpretation.
Oh, and important note: their age for me is vague, but it's definitely not five. I'll be calling them children in this post, but they are closer to the teenagers, I guess. Or young adults.
As for the other things...
Basement and all other locations do come from the subconscious of Isaac. In fact, they would feel like something out a fever dream. A seemingly endless maze full of weird rooms, with strange creatures and items that sometimes look like they represent your experiences... Almost no character knows how this whole place works and why they're here in the first place.
Each floor is huge, by the way. So much so that multiple characters might not even meet one another.
Everyone has very little memory of coming to the Basement. They remember their past lives and veeery vaguely remember circumstances that led them to ending up in this weird place.
Characters don't use tears and rely on weapons instead. Or their ability to run away and/or distract the inhabitants of the Basement for long enough.
Keys, bombs and coins are the real thing, hearts... I'm not sure, actually. They represent different thing in the game (like blue hearts being assosiated both with holy protection, the feeling of comfort and the dead) so I feel like it'd be individual. For now, I'd treat red heart pickups as something akin to the food and blue/black ones as something closer to magical items - they dissipate on touch and create sort of an aura. They're also signs of divine/infernal protection aaand they might influence emotions (blue hearts make you feel comforted and/or happier, while black ones' effects range from the feeling of emptiness to the enhancement of negative emotions... or hidden urges. The damaging properties of the latter are also linked to the bearer's pain or hatred towards attackers). As for the starting hearts, it depends on a character.
By the way, finding pickups is more like randomly stumbling upon a lost item. Or finding it in your pockets sometimes. Anyway, they don't just... drop.
Characters need to eat and drink. Luckily, red hearts are a good food source. As for water, it can be obtained from the "wild" or bought in shops/arcade rooms. ...Yes, both these rooms additionally provide commodities.
Since there are no tears, some items have no effects and are just subproducts of the subconscious... and a source of trauma and/or confusion for some characters (would there be an episode of Cain finding Abel? Maybe). Other items, however, retain their effects and serve as a sort of amulets.
There are no heart container increases. Food is, well, food and all other items are more about regeneration or increased endurance.
Most active items and tarot should be channeled (and yes, not all characters might get the hang of it as fast). Other require a specific interaction (like throwing a dice). Actives also probably have different compatibility with different characters. Yes, these'd require some experimentation to understand how they work.
Satan exists. He's, however, not really evil: he just needs hearts/souls to keep Sheol running and... well, I think anyone would be pissed if a bunch of kids broke into their place, killed their demons and had the audacity to come directly to them.
Angels also exist, and they are willing to help as long as you don't bomb them. Why are they suddenly aggressive in the Cathedral? Well, I think anyone would be pissed if a bunch of kids broke into their cathedral, smashed all the vases and then tried to find the very source of the dungeon-
Oh, and speaking of angels and demons - Satan deals are where heart containers actually matter. With "heart up" items you can make more deals before feeling exhausted, empty and weak.
There is actually the third major force in a dungeon, and it's Ultra Greed and his greedlings. It's not clear why he surfaced in a first place, but he and his "family" are sort of dungeon keepers. Whatever is not handled by the weird dream stuff, is their job. Why are some of them suddenly aggresive? Well... That's a good question, actually. I'd personally say that some of them are just greedy assholes. As for the Ultra Greed himself, he's not particularly fond of intruders.
Aaand the last thing for now: death. Death exists, but not for the characters. Each time they die, they just go back to the beginning... while losing all of their memories. So, from their perspective they've never died and it's just an endless journey in the dungeon. However, they still might get deja vu, feel like they somehow know how things work or straight up have pieces of their memories resurface.
The only exceptions to the rule are various ressurection items. They allow the bearer to retain their memories, but the second death will work as usual, with memory wipe and all. In my head, there are only two characters that might stay undead till the end: Lazarus (the rule of death after ressurection doesn't work on him) and Judas (as a shadow).
That's probably all! I really hope that it sounds not as silly as it sounds for me, and. Yeah. Pretty nervous about it.
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joytraveler · 2 years
25. Reward For Being Good
The first thing on screen is Redhead Mom again! In fact it's the same scene as in Keep Your Promises, except it's daylight outside and she has a smile on her face.
aroseahorseboy: AY REDMOM
[ "You did a great job playing so far! You haven't missed any games!"]
"......Cool! Hi, uh, I've seen you at least one before, nice meeting you in a better mood?" Bea finds herself smiling at the screen. After Box Baby, this feels like meeting up with an old friend.
[ "You must really love video games! Me too. I'm glad you picked Joy Traveler 1*67!" ]
"I dunno, have you seen some of the stuff in these games?"
Syrupentine: We love you too Redmom! <3<3
[ "Since you do... Here's a special treat for you! Have fun, but don't forget to come back and play more Joy Traveler games!" ]
"Wait, what? Treat? Yes, Bea like treat" When she dismisses the text box, it fades to... a list of letters, and a cursor to choose one.
HNV: oh boy alphabet soup my favorite mom
"Have I ever mentioned I think moms are great, maybe not Isaac's but.. Oh.. Do I get to choose? How does this work? Well let's press B, that's the name of the show!"
B opens up another, much shorter list-- it consists of "Bally Astrocade", "Bandai Super Vision 5000", and "Back."
"I used to be a huge Power Rangers fan so let's see what the Bandai one is all about!"
Another list of 7 items appears: Beam Galaxian. Gun Professional. Missile Vader. Space Fighter. Submarine. Othello. PacPacBird.
Bee52: dude wtf
"What is this? Redmom, are you a giant nerd?? Me too!! I didn't even know about most of these though"
Syrupentine: Yo Bea I heard you like games so I put a multicart in your multicart so you can game while you game
aroseahorseboy: these kinda suck but its awesome to get more games at all!
"Let's not be rude, thank you Redhead Mom! You just helped me get another five or six episodes out of this!"
HNV: Dude. Bea. I have a hunch. Go back and pick "N"
"Mmmkay let's see what happens here.." she does so, sipping her Cactus Cooler thoughtfully.
The list that pops up here are much more familiar phrases: 3DS. DS. Game Boy. Game Boy Advance. Game Boy Color. GameCube? Nintendo 64?? Nintendo Entertainment System???
HNV: YESSS IT WORKED aroseahorseboy: no way man Klickitat_Street: Seriously??
"No no no. No it can't. Really?" She opens N64... Scrolls down through the list until she hits the Ms... there it is.
VRROOOOOM. "Welcome to Mario Kart!"
Syrupentine: OMG OMG OMG ButterflyDefect: FAKE FAKE NO WAY Aroseahorseboy: Bea how much did you pay for this game I WANT ONE
Bea's not really listening, she's too engrossed in the DK Rap at the moment. "I, not nearly what it's worth, I can assure you! Wow, thank you, Best Mom Ever! Now look.. don't pirate games, its bad, etc. I should probably say that."
Syrupentine: Wait, that thing doesn't have an analog stick how can it play N64 and GC games???
The answer-- surprisingly well. All the Joy Traveler games have played so simply, Bea hadn't even noticed the analog capacity of the directional pad! "I really don't have a lot of words, this is unbelievable. Pretty much impossible, at least I would have thought so? I'll be honest, I'm not a tech nerd, I just really like playing games, so if you think you have any idea how this crap works.."
"Gonna come back to this one. Many, many more times, methinks"
aroseahorseboy: I wish red mom was MY mom
"I'd say she just topped my upcoming Top 10 Video Game Moms list except I don't think anyone else has played this thing"
Bee52: I can't think of any other moms DueyDecimal: Ms. Pac-Man is a mom, right...?
"Uh, ness's mom, Ms. Pac, and your character's mom from Pokemon.. aaand.. hm, well its a work in progress"
Syrupentine: Hinawa.... *sob* snerd_burglar: nah mama red blows them ALL away DueyDecimal: Weird she's in so many games! Bee52: she's like the host or something MaxForce: Great, horror movies get Elvira, we get an Irish MILF
"You say that like its a bad thing!"
The emulation isn't perfect since there's only so many buttons on that tiny pad; and of course Bea's out of luck if it's a twin-stick game like Panzer Dragoon. But after about fifteen minutes of suggestions from the viewers, she has yet to find a game that isn't included!
"Ok so this all the video games ever and I can only play most of them! I dunno maybe I can figure out some way to hook up another controller with the right buttons but I think I'm set for a while.."
She chomps down on a candy bar, going quiet because it's a really chewy one but also she's deep in thought about what all this means. "I know we want to see everything but let's come back, the Library of Alexandria isn't going anywhere"
Baconnaise: I wonder where the arcade games are though Klickitat_Street: This is some dark shit you're messing with, Bea. MaxForce: There's something called the Switch listed there! I never even heard of it! DueyDecimal: Maybe it's one of those China-exclusive Nintendo consoles? Like the iQue?
"Beg pardon?" She scrolls down the list: Xenoblade 2. Splatoon 2. Super Mario Odyssey. "This isn't even out. None of these games exist yet, do they? WHAT IS THIS MACHINE?!"
aroseahorseboy: HOLY SHIT MARIO MEETS ABE Klickitat_Street: I can't belive they didn't go with "Spla2n"... snerd_burglar: of course it's all sequels, please understand
"This is just too good to be true, I feel like any minute some goons in Mario and Luigi clothes are gonna burst down my door and break my legs here. This must have been made by either a brilliant hacker or someone with the time and resources to make all these on their own."
The first one she chooses is heralded by a singularly beautiful image of the Nintendo logo...then suddenly Redhead pops up in a hard hat. "Oops! You entered the year 2015 in your profile-- This attraction will not be available until 2017. Sorry, but we can't show you a game that hasn't been made yet!"
Klickitat_Street: I knew it Bee52: BOOOO Llord_Kuruku: Lol, Trollmom
"Oh come on, don't go all Mrs. Resetti on me here!" she exclaims. "I mean I don't wanna be ungrateful but its not like I can play 'em anywith.. all right, never mind. Anything else cool on here?"
"Ok hive, let's get right back into the Awesome Companion and explore the next game and hope that last one is still here when we get back!"
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What career choice do you see Pacifica taking when she's older? I could see her being a lawyer, real estate or even Mable clothing business partner with the company selling all kinds of sweaters.
oooh boy you made a mistake asking me that cause i'm gonna have so much to say JJDFJFDSKL
don't fret, this WILL include doodles, I'm a doodle sideblog it's my thing ✨
also dipper is gonna be included in little bits of this thing here and there cause dipcifica blog, par for the course 👍
sorry in advance, love!💖
ok SO
when thinking about careers for the kids, including mabel, i try to think about what their goals seem to be in canon vs their talents
for pacifica, her goal is clearing up her family name and her talents are... quite a few for her age. she's charismatic, she has an eye for fashion, she's great at golf though i severely doubt she'd be interested in that as a career, and she probably has a decent amount of knowledge on legality and things in that vein considering who her parents are and what they deal in
she could be an actress, a lawyer, a fashion designer, a model... lotta options there JFDDS
for dipper, his goal is... well he doesn't quite have one tbh. neither him nor mabel lol
we know what he likes! he really loves mysteries, he likes singing (as shy as he is about it) and has a decent voice imo, he's pretty charismatic as well when he feels comfortable and confident in himself, and he's a very analytical guy
but none of those things are a goal per say, and they could all branch off into multiple career paths: archaeologist, adventurer, scientist, novelist, detective...
different circumstances could also change his career path very easily because of his not very solid goal - provided he has enough motive, he could absolutely pull a stan and exploit the supernatural for monetary gain, if something happens to his family or pacifica that would require an easy way to make a lot of money
there's a LOT of ways to decide for dipper and they're all centered around what kind of story one would like to tell lmao
anyway, onto pacifica's options!!
careers for her would depend on how she wants to approach clearing up her family name i'd say?
if she were to decide to become a well-accomplished person so that her family name would be cleared because of how great and well-known she was, she could pursue acting tbh?
there's a lot of things she could do but idk i feel like she could be a great actress if she wanted to be
that or a politician, but i don't think she's interested in the mess that would bring lol, that's more within her father's line of interests
the nice thing about her being an actress is her bringing dipper to all the galas and premieres and stuff and him not knowing how exactly to act in that situation (of course, assuming he didn't pick a career that has him deal with large crowds of people daily - he'd already be used to it in that scenario)
hence: doodle
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now, if pacifica were to decide that the best way to clear up her family name would be to take all legal matters into her own hands and go about that very literally, she'd absolutely become a lawyer or something in that vein
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this could lead to a lot of sleepless nights especially while she's studying to be a lawyer, so - many fluff and flangst options there ;)
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aaand that's all I have on Pacifica rn - it's 5 am so my brain's a lil mush
anyway sorry for the rambling, you activated the essayist in me 😔
i'm very talkative despite how it might seem JDFSKLSD w h o o p s
have a great day! ✨💖
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kettouryuujin · 2 years
[Inspired by @monsoon-of-art's Pokerus AU]
Warden Arezu was… upset. She’d hoped after blacking out in the twisted Mirelands that becoming a copy of her partner was a dream, but…no. No, it wasn’t.
She was incredibly grateful that Commander Cyllene had instructed her on how to hover, even if she was struggling with staying airborne for long enough to move more than a few feet at a time. It was better - and more controllable - than hopping, at least. But Lilligant’s Warden would like to have legs again sooner than later, please.
Of course, there was also the matter of the young Dewott Rei was traveling with. She was nice, and knew her stuff, but was definitely on the weird end. “You’re…planning a party. In the middle of a crisis.”
“Well, I can see why some people would rather wait, but… Rei evolved, Miss Arezu. It’s one of the most important days of any Pokemon’s life!”
A tinny sigh left the Bronzong’s mouth. “Just… maybe we can put it off a bit, at least? Until we get Lady Lilligant free at a minimum?”
“But…OH. Right, you’re the Lady’s Warden. Ok. We’ll get some offerings and plan for the party, but we’ll hold it later. Get the Lady over here first.”
It wasn’t until later that Arezu was informed of Akari’s origins. That made the skewed priorities more understandable… but not entirely. 
Rei was surprised at how easy it had been to adapt to his evolved form… or rather, not adapt.
It was like he had been born this way, the same way Akari was. The biggest example, in the Corps member’s mind, was that he wouldn’t notice his tail moving freely unless it was pointed out to him - yet he never got it caught in anything. The professor likened it to the Scolipede’s Dilemma, and the now-a-Raichu had to agree. If he stopped to think about what was happening, he was sure he’d end up tangled in his own tail or something.
He could tell that the Diamond Clan warden was watching in shock as he zipped around, the two smaller ‘mon using their standard strategy of Paralyze and Razor Shell to mow through the weaker enemies. That’s not to say that Arezu was staying out of the melee, though - she was right in the thick of things, using her weight and Extrasensory to knock tougher foes aside. If anything, she could do a good bit of damage just by landing on a ‘mon from above. 
Between the three of them, they’d made good progress. They’d only taken one break to top up so far, and going off of how things were in the past couple of dungeons they probably weren’t far from Lady Lilligant.
Of course, his mood soured slightly when the group stumbled across an item shop. As before, the still-human Volo sat in the middle of the cloth, waving.
Akari advanced to talk with the merchant as Rei leaned over towards the Steel-type. “Whatever you do, do not take anything off the carpet until you’ve paid for it.”
“What? Why?”
“Just…trust me on this.” A shudder as the Raichu recalled just how…drastic…the shop’s “security” was. It was almost as if Sinnoh himself had smote the Pikachu (and he was NOT fancying his chances, even after evolving).
“OTT!” Aaand something just startled Akari. Wonder what that could’ve been. 
“...would you mind giving me some more details?” …oh Sinnoh he’d been afraid of this.
The Dewott tilted her head. “So… we missed one of those Plate thingies?”
“I’m afraid so. See?” The merchant reached into his pack and - OH SWEET ARCEUS!
Akari stumbled back with a yelp, stumbling over a couple of items. If her attention wasn’t fixed on the artifact before her, she’d thank the Legendaries nothing had fallen off the rug. Instead, there was just one thing on her mind.
“Is…is that a Legendary-damned Arcean Plate?!?”
Volo blinked once. Twice. And then laughed, as if he had no clue what relic he was holding onto! “Oh! Oh, you’ll have to forgive me. I never expected to meet someone else who knew what this was!”
Oh-kay, so he did know what it is. That just made the reckless laughter all the more inexcusable. “You-That belongs to Arceus! It needs to be returned to him, like now!” The merchant just smiled in return, irritating the blue otter more. “Did you hear me? That needs to be-”
“Oh, I heard you. Unfortunately, I’m not sure you heard me the first time we met.” What was he talking about? He’d mentioned the Plates, although she thought he was talking about something less critical at the time. And apparently, he was collecting them for a “friend”? Hah! As if…
…oh. OH. Realization dawned on Akari’s features as Volo smiled, stowing the Plate again. “Exactly.
Now, given earlier, I suppose you’d like some more direction, yes?”
Nod. Very much nod…ok slow down the nod. She was getting a bit dizzy. “Well, I know not where the rest are, but I do know this - each Noble was given a Plate to keep. Of these, three have been found…”
“And we’re about to find another…” Eyes widened in glee - what Pokemon hadn’t wanted to see an Arcean Plate in person? Not an imitation, but the real thing? And here she was, having seen one already, and already on the way to finding several more?
And she could hear her party laughing at her. A-hem. “R-right. Let’s just…do our business here, then I’ll be out of your way.”
“Indeed. You have a Noble to quell, after all. Not to mention quite a bit of laughter…” Oh rub it in why don’t you?
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drukhari · 2 years
heya, this is a bit of a two part ask. hope this is an okay ask.
I've got a question about sexting, and how to start it when it comes to stuff that would be a bit more like roleplay? I feel like it's easier when it's just "normal" sexting and I can ask stuff like what are you doing rn/ what are you wearing etc to start off but then with like roleplay or like an established set scene, I'm not sure how to introduce it... if that makes sense?
also, I was wondering if there was such a thing as sexting aftercare? ik I can ask them how they feel, if they're doing okay etc... but other than direct questions like that, is there anything else I could do? like something that would feel more like a hug or holding them or something like that... but via text?
thanks, and hope you are having an awesome day
So full disclosure: I haven't actually roleplay sexted before myself so the only real experience I have to draw on would be from in-person scenes. For a lot of those there's been a general discussion between myself and my partner beforehand wrt what's the overall scene, who's taking on what role, and an agreement on the start or lead-up. In some cases we've literally just kicked things off by both saying "aaand go" (which is kind of funny I'll admit but hey it worked in the moment). There's nothing that says rp sexting can't be handled the same way. You could both agree on like a "starting phrase" (or a few, just stuff that would fit the roles) if you don't want to literally just ask "hey, you feeling up for this right now?" Your partner may even prefer a starting point like that because it more clearly blocks off the start of the scene, but exactly how subtle you should be with it would be something you'd probably want to discuss together beforehand because everyone's preferences are different.
As far as sexting aftercare goes, I can imagine it'd be just as important as physical aftercare (again, not drawing off experience myself but speaking more as someone who is a strong advocate of aftercare as a general sexual practice) and outside of direct questions like the one you mentioned, some other possible options could include sending them reassurance, comforting statements or praise, if sharing pictures is something you're comfortable with and have done that in the past then that's also an option because then they can feel like they are in that moment with you.
With in-person aftercare there's certain elements that can be considered sort of as standards, especially when it comes to physical damage, but with sexting the physical is less the concern and the focus is instead fully on the mental/emotional - and those are both areas where things can get highly subjective. My best advice here would be that when you go about negotiating the terms of the roleplay scene with your partner, that'd also be a good time to ask them what sort of things they would personally appreciate in terms of aftercare. You can let them know if you have some ideas in advance, but emphasize that you want to make sure the experience is tailored to their own individual needs and comfort.
I hope this helps anon, and that you have an awesome day as well!
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frauleinjustice · 3 years
Saioumaweek Prompt: Kokichi’s Birthday!
HEY EVERYONE, I KNOW IT’S A DAY LATE, BUT!!! Wanted to write something for Kokichi’s birthday!! 🍰🍇 Just something very fluffy and cute for his special day... 
Summary: It’s nearing the midnight of Kokichi’s birthday. He had sent a text to Shuichi for an impromptu hangout, wanting to spend private time with him since they’ll celebrate with their classmates later tomorrow, and Kokichi with his organization later that night! After a fun time at the amusement park, and enjoying some food and cake together... they head back to Shuichi’s house together, where Shuichi gives him a very special gift. And from there, just a very soft moment between the boys...
So basically, just some cute mindless fluff I wanted to write with the boys~ As always, to anyone who gives it a read: thank you in advanced, and I hope you’ll enjoy! ♥ And Happy Birthday once more to the glorious supreme leader Kokichi Ouma!!! 🎉
Running down the late light streets at 11:00pm towards the main Shibuya train station... not exactly what Shuichi expected to suddenly find himself doing. It all had started with an unexpected text from Kokichi 10 minutes earlier. ‘Saihara Shuichi, WHY are you late!!!’ Is what it said. Shuichi-understandingly-was very confused, and responded:
{Txt: Ouma-kun} Huh...? Late??? Late for what?
{Txt: Saihara-chan!} Huh! so not only do you have the audacity of keeping someone like ME waiting; you don’t even remember you were supposed to spend time with me tonight? s...s-so CRUEL, Saihara-chan...!!!
Which was a lie, of course: they didn’t plan to actually meet up tonight, as they were going to see each other tomorrow, anyway; at school where Kokichi’ll celebrate his birthday in the day with his classmates, before celebrating it with DICE later that night. But as always, Shuichi played along, knowing this was always Kokichi’s way of asking him to hang out without directly saying so... so he “apologized” for daring to “forget” their promise, before he rushed out the house like that after getting dressed, towards the train station where Kokichi told him to meet him. He honestly didn’t mind spending personal time with Kokichi tonight; in fact, he was happy about it. They probably wouldn’t have had time to tomorrow, with how busy the supreme leader would be... so a ‘pre-celebration’ together, just the two of them.... he was excited for it.
Once he made it to the station, he comes to a stop before taking a moment to catch his breath. "Hah....hah.... I-I made it..." He lifts his head up to glance around, looking for Kokichi. "I-I don't see Ouma-kun anywhere, though... I'm sure I'm at the right entra-"
"Ahh!?" Shuichi jumped when he also felt hands grip his sides firmly. He quickly turn ls around to see the culprit. "O-Oh!! ...O-Ouma-kuun! You scared the heck out of me..."
"Nishishi~! Surpriiise!" He giggles, having purposely hidden behind a nearby wall to scare him. "You actually made it in less than 10 minutes! I'm impressed: well....not that I would've spared you long enough to explain yourself..."
“Well that’s because you told me you’d “send your boys after me” if I didn’t. Yeah, right.” He playfully tugged on his cheek, emitting a giggle from the boy. “So what would you like to do? I don’t imagine there’s many places still open tonight...”
“Lots of things! Like going to the amusement park: it’s still open. That’s why I wanted you to meet me here at the train station. And then after that, you’ll treat me to a fancy dinner and allow me to take over your bed when we go back to your house in the end! I’ll be my birthday midnight by then, so you must do everything I wish without no complaint~!”
“I-I see...” He slumps his shoulders, giving an exasperated smile. “Well then, you certainly got a lot on your agenda already, hmm? So the amusement park, then dinner, and then you want to stay over my place...” His smile brightening, he gives a nod. “Sure! That all sounds good to me: whatever you’d like to do Ouma-kun, we will do it.”
“You mean it!?” Beaming, Kokichi does several happy hops. “Yaaay~! That’s why Shumai’s the best! O-kaaay, let’s hurry down the stairs: our train will arrive in 5 more minutes!”
“Oh-!” Grabbing Shuichi’s hand, Kokichi rushes them down the stairs so they could make it down to the line they need to ride. Minutes later, their train did arrive, where they grabbed a window seat. They simply chatted about whatever, admiring the view of the city lights after exiting the train tunnel. It reminded them of the times they’d sometimes take walks together along the beach shore, where they could admire the skyline nearby at night. It was one of the times they could feel most relaxed, without a care in the world...
Once they got off the train, it was only a short walk until they reached the amusement park. While it was still expectantly pretty lively with people, it wasn't nearly as packed as it would be in the daytime. "Alright, Ouma-kun: where would you like to ride, first?"
Without missing a beat, he explains: "The roller coaster!!"
That frozen smile on Shuichi's face makes Kokichi laugh, a mischievous gleam in his eyes as his smile widens: "You heard me!! The roller coaster! Ohh I can't wait for Shumai to scream his lungs out!"
"W-W-Wait, wait, wait! C-Can we not ride something more uh....m-milder like the Ferris wheel or some-" Kokichi starts dragging him to the direction of the roller coaster. "thiiiing?!"
"Norpe!! Wahahaha!"
"Ouma-kuuun!!!" While Shuichi wasn't afraid of roller coasters, they still weren't exactly a ride he'd choose to get on compared to anything else. But for Kokichi, he'll get on it.
"Yaaahoooo!!!" One screaming in exaggerated delight, and the other in distress, they were zipping through the air with how fast they were going. "We're going so fast, Saihara-chan!! Don't you love it?!"
"Noooo, I don't!! I don't at alll!!" He screams out, literally wrapping his arms around Kokichi as best as he could, as if holding on for dear life.
"N-Nishishi, hah hah haaah! You sound so funny when you scream, Shumai!!"
"D-Damn you, Ouma-kuun!!"
Kokichi cackled even more, cheeks turning a slight pink when Shuichi held onto him. This made coming here and riding the rollercoaster all the more worth it, now. Once the ride was over, Kokichi merrily steps off the ride without a care in the world. "Woo, that was fun! Right, Saihara-chan?"
"Guuuuh...." Meanwhile, Shuichi was blue in the face as he slumped over a nearby bench. "Y-Yeah. Sooo fun...." ("Thank god I didn't eat yet...") He thinks to himself...
"There, there...” He slowly strokes Shuichi’s hair, feeling just a little bad for him. “I have to admit... I didn’t expect you to actually get on with me. I guess you really do know better than to disappoint me, hmm?” He smiles, clearly joking. “But that’s a lie: Shumai was being so brave for me... it makes me happy.” There was a sincere touch of softness in his tone. He then leans his head up a bit, so that he can plant a soft kiss to Shuichi’s cheek.
“Ah....” Shuichi gasped softly at the kiss, cheeks now turning a warm shade of pink as he nuzzled his head slightly against his hand. “O-Ouma-kun...” It made his heart flutter in his chest, and to hear that he could make him happy like that. Anything was always worth it to make Kokichi happy... “I...I-I’m glad that... it made you happy! Even if, well-felt my life flashed before my eyes several times-I-I guess I also... had fun riding it, still...”
“Nishishi... good...” That made Kokichi just as happy to hear. Already, he was having fun on their little date. It made him wonder if Shuichi even saw this as one, knowing how oblivious the detective can be. Giving Shuichi’s head a few more pats, Kokichi hops out his seat. “Alllright! Time to get on more rides!! We’ll spin super fast on the teacups, bump into each other super hard in the bumper cart rides, and-”
“You’re seriously trying to kill meeee!!” And riding the many different rides at the amusement park, they did. While they didn’t actually spin super fast on the teacups (which Kokichi playfully “threatened” to do several times, resulting in very amusing Shuichi yelps as Kokichi’s hand was gently smacked each time), they still had a fun time on them; along with the bumper carts, swing rides, the games at the booths and arcade section, enjoying treats at the snack booths.... by the time they decided to get on the Ferris Wheel as the final ride for the night, they were fitting several bags of stuff they bought from the item shops, and prizes won at the game: including a giant white cat plushie Shuichi won for him at a shooting game. Even if he insisted Shuichi win him one of the best possible prizes as a worthy ‘tribute’, he didn’t expect him to actually try multiple times to get a high enough score to win him that cat plushie. It made him swoon.... he’d definitely treasure it.
“Wooow....” Kokichi leaned up from his seat a bit to observe the view of the amusement park below and the skyline in the distance. “So pretty....!”
“Yeah...” Shuichi looks out the cart’s window, admiring the scenery, too. “I’ve never really been here this late, before: I never thought the view from the Ferris wheel could look so pretty.”
“Makes you all the more happy I dragged you here, riiiight~?” He snickers, looking towards Shuichi with a smile. “I had a lot of fun, and was spoiled tons as I deserve to be! And don’t forget, we’re not done just yet: you still owe me a 5-star dinner aaand your bed.”
“Yes, yes...” He playfully rolls his eyes with a chortle. “Trust me, I didn’t forget. And I will still do all that for you: happily so.” He nods, smiling softly at him.
That smile, and hearing just how happily Shuichi will indulge and spoil Kokichi so much like this.... it made a deep blush spread on his cheeks, feeling his heart bounce around in his chest. “You’re the best, Shumai.” He flashes him an even brighter and bigger smile: one as genuine as the gentle tone he told him that in... and before he knew it, he was moving to sit next to Shuichi, so that he could lean his head against his shoulder, closing his eyes in content. “Mmm....” Until the ride is over, he just wants to stay just like this: enjoying the warmth of leaning against his beloved’s side....
Shuichi’s smile warmed when seeing Kokichi lean against him like that. Then when gazing down at their hands.... they were so close together, just barely touching. Maybe... it’d be okay to do this, he thinks to himself: to go and... rest his hand gently on top of Kokichi’s, intertwining their fingers together.
“....!” This made Kokichi open his eyes in surprise, darting down at their intertwined hands, before looking up at Shuichi. He was tempted to tease the heavily blushing boy who didn’t dare look Kokichi’s way, for being surprisingly bold like that. But for once, he wanted to spare Shuichi and not fluster him too badly. So to reassure him he’s okay with this... he gives Shuichi’s hand a soft squeeze, intertwining their fingers together just a bit more, before he closes his eyes back once more, an even bigger smile on his reddened face.
“Ahh...” A sea of relief washing over him, he also closes his eyes and leans a bit more against Kokichi, too. He also wanted to enjoy this moment as much as he could before they would have to eventually get off. He almost wouldn’t want the ride to end... neither of them did.
After they left the amusement park, it took a moment to find a restaurant that was even still open at this hour. They eventually did, and while it wasn’t some super fancy place or anything... Kokichi didn’t truly care about that: just being able to eat with Shuichi was good enough for him... they still enjoyed some great food together, and the detective even bought him a to-go cake that they could enjoy together later at his house, which Kokichi was very much looking forward to.
Once they arrived at Shuichi’s home, they quietly made their way to his bedroom. An impromptu sleepover: the perfect excuse he can give to his aunt and uncle when they’ll surely wonder why Kokichi is suddenly there in the morning. Having brought no change of clothes made for the perfect excuse of him grabbing some of Shuichi’s pajamas to wear, instead. They were notably a little big on him, but why he was all the more cozy in them. He’d tried not to pay attention to how much it made his heart flutter just wearing his beloved’s clothes.... and while Shuichi would be too shy to outright say it: he thinks Kokichi looks cute in his clothes, especially because they’re a bit oversized on him.
Shuichi also took a moment to change into pajamas as they sit at his coffee table. The container of the blackberry lavender cake Shuichi bought them sits in the center, and he made them cups of tea to go along with it. He cuts them both a slice, serving Kokichi one with a smile. “Enjoy.”
“Thank you~! I totes will!” He chimes, uttering a hum in delight at how delicious it tasted, along with the honey green tea Shuichi made them. As they were eating, curiosity couldn’t help but make him ask: “So! Saihara-chan definitely got me a present, right? Where is it, where is it? I wanna see!”
“Of course I did.” He nods with a smile, before chuckling. “It’d ruin the surprise if I told you before showing you, wouldn’t it? It’s still in the bag I was going to bring to school tomorrow, since I planned on giving it to you during the party. But since you’re already here... might as well just give it to you tonight, yeah? After we finish our cakes, I’ll show you it.”
“Okaaaay!” While he was usually impatient when he really wanted something, Kokichi gives several excited nods. From how that sounded, Shuichi must have gotten him something good. No: he knows it will be good, because it’s from Shuichi. “I can’t wait! A worthy present for a supreme leader of evil like me.... perhaps I’ll promote you to a higher rank in my organization if the the gift really wows me, hmmm?”
“I love the implication I was one of your subordinates to begin with. But wow, a higher ranking one, huh? What an honor: then I hope the present will be impress you well enough, ‘Boss’.” He plays along with a laugh, Kokichi laughing with him. He truly does hope Kokichi will love it, though: as he wanted to make it something extra special.... when they were done cleaning and quietly cleaned their dishes, Kokichi got comfy on Shuichi’s bed as he saw him go into his closet to pull something out. “Here is the bag containing your present.”
“Oho!” Giddily, Kokichi sits upright on the bed, excitedly kicking his feet in the air. “Present time!! Let’s see what Shumai has bestowed upon me!”
Smiling, he nods and hands Kokichi the gift bag. “Here you go. I... really hope you’ll like your gift. And since it’s past midnight now... Happy Birthday.”
“Thanks, Saihara-chan! And yeah, I’d better: if you’d wish to survive but that’s a lie, of course I’ll love it! Shumai never breaks my high expectations, after all!” He snickers, emitting a shy giggle from Shuichi. Without taking a second longer, Kokichi reaches into the bag.... and his eyes widened in surprise. “....!”  
In Kokichi’s hands was a journal; a handmade one. The cover was a deep purple color, and made out of soft leather, complete with a thin strap to be able to close it once tied. In the lower left corner of the journal, ‘K.O.’ was engraved in gold lettering, symbolizing the initials of his first and last name. Kokichi slowly coursed his fingers down the fabric of the journal, admiring its soft touch. Shuichi had been nervously standing in place as he saw Kokichi examine the cover. “It’s a journal....! A-A handmade one. I thought, if I made one myself... it’d make the gift feel all the more special to you.”
“A handmade one, huh...” Shuichi had actually made this for him. To make his gift feel all the more special: Shuichi put in that much effort... for him. “Ah...” Feeling his cheeks burn, it was hard to ignore the loud pounding his heart. Just when he thought he couldn’t fall for the detective any harder than he already does: he’s proven wrong, once again.
“S...So... what do you think?”
“The cover feels soft.... I like it. And my initials being engraved in gold... nishishi, you truly are aware just how much of a big deal I am, huh? As expected from my beloved Saihara-chan!” He cheers, smiling brightly at him. “I love it! And you know that’s not a lie!”
“Ahhh....!” His eyes shining in delight, relief instantly washed over him as he clasped his hands together.  “O-Ohh, I’m so happy to hear that, Ouma-kun: so happy that you love it! I thought you might like the soft leather and gold letters, heheh... ah, but there’s more-!” Now sitting down close to him, Shuichi gestures: “Open the journal and look at the inside cover. I left a...l-little surprise for you!”
“Ohhh?” Curious, Kokichi does as told and opens it to look at the inside cover. There was a small note inside, also written in golden letters. It reads:
‘Ouma Kokichi’s very own personal journal! One befitting of a supreme leader, I hope? Hahaha: in all seriousness, I hope that you love it, Ouma-kun. Happy Birthday, and may today and the following days be great to you... my beloved supreme leader.’ - Shuichi
“...............” The expression on Kokichi’s face froze. Eyes widened, he purses his lips, stifling a sharp gasp that wanted to leave it. He felt his cheeks burn even worse than ever, not being able to help the small whine that leaves him. “Nnnnghh....” From the heartfelt message, to Shuichi calling him his beloved supreme leader: that officially obliterated Kokichi, feeling like his heart was going to explode. “K...Killing me with something so damn sappy.... d-damn you, detective!!” He points an accusatory finger at him, feigned look of irritation on his completely red face. “How dare you!? This is treason!”
“H-Hahaha! That doesn’t even make sense!” He laughs, feeling his own cheeks darken. He shyly darts his eyes as he scratches his cheek. “I-I just, um... wanted to leave you something nice that you could always read whenever you use this journal. To ah... put a smile on your face...”
“So damn cheesy...” Yet there was nothing but fondness in Kokichi’s tone as he said that. Shuichi being so cheesy like that, was exactly what he loved so much about him. Carefully placing the journal down beside him on the bed after he curiously flipped through the empty pages.... Kokichi goes to wrap his arms tightly against Shuichi in a big hug, burying his face in his chest. “...I love the message: really, I do. It makes me so happy. My beloved always makes me so happy...”
“!” A surprised gasp left him when Kokichi suddenly hugged him tightly. But then he instantly returns it, smiling warmly at him. “I’m so happy that you do.... and that I always make you happy. I always want to, since... when I’m with Ouma-kun, I’m always happy, too.”
“Heheh...” Nuzzling his face into his chest, he lets out the happiest sigh. He was so happy, it was nearly overwhelming: a feeling he wasn’t used to... but loves it so much. “Good... I’m glad.” And as he nuzzled his chest, he could hear Shuichi’s heartbeat. It was so calm, so soothing... he wants to just stay in his arms all night. “Thanks so much for the gift, Saihara-chan: I’ll treasure it forever and ever.... and because I’m so nice, it’s only fair I give you a special reward as thanks.” Feeling his heart suddenly pound faster, he was admittedly incredibly nervous about doing this. Would Shuichi even like this for a reward? Would it make him uncomfortable or upset? Before those anxious thoughts started playing in his head, Kokichi quickly buries them. He wanted to do this: for so long, he’s wanted to. While a bit reluctant to, he breaks out of the hug.... so that he can gently cup Shuichi’s chin, making him look directly at Kokichi. that hand would then go to cup his cheek. “Here.... for my beloved detective.” And as he slowly leans up, closing the distance between them further and further... there’s a special kind of love and warmth in Kokichi’s eyes, that he would never give to anyone else. Those eyes slowly come to a close... and after a quick pause, right before their lips touch... he closes the distance between them in a soft kiss.
“....!” Shuichi’s eyes had widened when Kokichi cupped his chin and leaned in closer. He really was going to kiss him... something Shuichi always wanted to do with him as well, but he never thought it would happen. And that look Kokichi gave him as he did lean in, and eventually locked his lips with his... made Shuichi’s heart burst with warmth and happiness. A soft hum emitted from him as his eyes also came to a close. He leaned his face in just a bit more to press his lips more against Kokichi’s. Kokichi returns the gesture by also pressing his lips firmer against his, gently stroking Shuichi’s cheek now. The kiss felt so nice to them both, finding the other’s lips so soft. It made them not want the kiss to end anytime soon.... and even after that kiss was over, their faces stayed very close to each other’s. “Ouma....kun....”
“Shumai...” Their foreheads touching, he gently nuzzles his. “...Now give me one. As...another special gift for me. Spoil me some more...”
“...Of course: happily so.” Without hesitation, Shuichi closes the distance between them in a kiss this time, lips pressed more firmly against Kokichi’s. Kokichi lets out a very satisfied sigh in the kiss, slowly positioning himself to sit on Shuichi’s lap as he throws his arms around his neck. Shuichi wraps his arms around Kokichi’s waist in turn, soft sighs and pants emitting from the two as they gently peck each other’s lips. And they kissed each other again... and again.... just enjoying the feel of the other’s lips so much they didn’t want to stop. It was until they literally needed to catch their breath, do they finally break away. They exhale and pant deeply, faces heated and hearts pounding like crazy. “H-Hah....ahh....th-that, um... th-that was nice...”
“Nishi....s-shishi....” Kokichi nods his head in agreement. “Mm... it was. I’ve always wanted to kiss my beloved.... and if he’s okay with it... I want to kiss him whenever I want, even after my birthday’s over.”
“Heheh.... of course I’d be okay with that. Since I...I-I....” The look in his eyes grow much more loving as he softly whispers: “....I love you so much, and: I want to be with you. K....Kokichi.....”
“...........................” For a moment, Kokichi had to question if he actually heard that. That he heard Shuichi say he loves him... and called him Kokichi.... “A...Ahhhh....” Oh it killed him so badly, he immediately buried his face in Shuichi’s chest once more, needing to take a moment to deeply exhale and calm down. Everything Kokichi wanted... was happening in one ight: on his birthday, no less. It made him emotional, needing to fight back actual tears that dared spring up i his eyes. Tears of nothing but absolute happiness. “Shumai... truly can surprise me all the time, h-huh...? Inflicting a fatal combo attack on me like that....”
“H-Hehehe....” Shuichi was honestly surprised he confessed, too. But in the heat of the moment, and being so full of love for the boy... he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He just had to finally tell him how much he loves him. “S-So...um.... would you like that?”
“Dummy...” Sniffling, he looks back up at him. The smile he gives him is so warm... the warmest  smile he’s ever given to someone. “Of course I would. You’d have to be out of your mind to not wanna be Shumai’s boyfriend. Since, well....you stole my heart.... and I always want to be with you, too. I-I.... love you, too. Shuichi...” Saying it so bluntly was so embarrassing... but he was happy to finally be able to say, how much he loves him, too.
Shuichi could feel himself grow emotional as well when Kokichi accepts his confession. “A-Aww, Ouma-ku....K-Kokichi.... and... I’m so happy!! Th-That you feel the same! You ah, a-also stole my heart...!”
“Mmhm...” Though before he could die from how flustered he was, he suddenly exclaims: “N...Now cuddle me! The birthday king demands it!” And after placing the journal safely on the table, he gets under the blankets, patting the spot next to him. “Come, come!”
“H-Hahaha, alright, alright! Here I come-!” After taking a quick moment to turn off the lights, Shuichi crawls into bed with him, too. He then goes to shyly, but happily wrap his arms around him, pulling Kokichi close against him.
“Ehehe~! Shumai pillow obtained!! And he’s not allowed to let go of me the whooole night!” He giggles, beaming up at him.
“And letting go of you, I shall not.” He giggles as well, softly cuddling Kokichi. It makes the happiest little noise leave the supreme leader, who snuggled up even more in his arms as he cuddled him back. It felt like Heaven in Shuichi’s arms... he felt so warm, so happy.... so safe. A combination of things he never thought he’d feel in someone’s arms. Waking up as Shuichi’s boyfriend in the morning... he was already looking so forward to waking up. But for now: he’ll enjoy being cozy in his beloved’s arms. A soft yawn, one hand goes to stroke Kokichi’s hair as Shuichi mumbles: “Alrighty... let’s get some sleep. You’ve got quite an eventful day later in the day, after all! I hope your birthday will continue being a great one for you.”
He hums happily at he hair strokes, nuzzling thee back of his head against his hand. “Mmm...! I’ll get some sleep, yeah.... and thanks, Shuichi: totes! You already made it feel like the best birthday ever. Thanks again for coming out with me tonight: and for the prizes you won me, the journal... everything. Let’s have lots more fun later!”
“Heheh. of course, Kokichi: Everything was worth it to make you happy. Yes...! Let’s... but for now: goodnight...sw-sweetheart.”
His heart leaps when he calls him his sweetheart, looking at him with love-filled eyes. “You’re so sappy... I love it. Goodnight, my beloved Shumai~! And thanks again....” And with one last kiss they give each other, the two get comfier in each other’s arms before eventually drifting off to sleep. Never before has Kokichi been happier to send Shuichi a text for an impromptu hangout: because of it, he was going to start the day later as Shuichi’s boyfriend.... and Shuichi being Kokichi’s. This birthday was going to be one Kokichi remembers forever and ever...
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torivikachu · 4 years
okay I promised myself I'll get to this topic one day, so here's my venting about Orochimaru in the whole SNS dynamics and in general.
first of all -
there is a Russian expression that is roughly translated like "the crook-backed can only be changed by grave" and well that's like literally the case since he just made a fucking 180° spin after his revival /okay mb a 179° one he still is kinda creepy in some cute way /
so I wanna start from the beginning.
when Orochimaru was first introduced he was sort of an ultimate villain, a disgusting and merciless and heartless and just the epitome of fucking evil, you know?
I mean his tongue? dude that was the creepiest thing I saw by the age of 12 /and probably till my current age of proud 22 / and I already discovered some pretty heavy hentai shit by then /aaand showed to my 6 yo sister....talk about childhood trauma / so I was ready to pretty much everything BUT THAT
and his ripping off faces and reviving the dead and killing his sensei and all those experiments on humans .... he is THE CREEPIEST villain in Naruto. I mean it.
this is why seeing him on Boruto all cute and caring parent / even though his son is a homunculus / really throws me off.
but lets return to a moment he marked Sasuke.
first of all, when Naruto sees them battle, he charges right in and goes all kyuubi to protect Sasuke and encourages him / even if in a somehow mocking naruto-isch way - well what do you want a guy never had anybody encourage him before how is he supposed to know this stuff / - so Naruto already sees Orochimaru as a threat to Sasuke.
if you remember, Naruto was unconscious and didn't know about the mark since Sasuke asked Sakura not to tell him. so he just went on believing it was over and honestly thought he and Sasuke were okay / which they actually were until Itachi was back in town /
and then when the 4 of Sound find Sasuke and convince him to turn to Orochimaru, even though Naruto saw they were falling apart, he felt betrayed. and twice as much, because it was OROCHIMARU Sasuke turned to. fucking Orochimaru, who Sasuke believed to be better suited for helping him / even though it meant he'd have to sacrifice his body / then anybody in Konoha, even with his hands not functional Orochimaru was his choice and that must have hurt Naruto bad.
he chose to believe Sasuke was abducted, but then he caught up to him and discovered that he was not, that Sasuke was leaving him for the damn snake and the worry the betrayal the devastation he felt ...
it could have broken him, but he chose to fight. he channeled all of this heartbreak and pain into motivation. and that is exactly what I admire about Naruto.
so back to Sasuke, who made the hardest choice of his life / yet / and comes to Orochimaru. he is drained, physically and emotionally, but he enters the life of constant fear and being on guard, because he can't trust the snake - his intentions of taking over his body were clear as a day.
I am not sure if Orochimaru would make any sexual advances... I think he is into many nasty things pedophilia being one of them, but I like to believe he never did anything to Sasuke. he might have watched or examined certain parts way too intently but I think fucking a body that was going to be his would be too much even for him. but you never know with those psychos.
anyway, he admired Sasuke. way too much. and he felt like a collector owning the best precious thing in the word. and yes for him it was like that - he felt like he owned Sasuke and he liked it. he enjoyed it.
pretty sure Sasuke didn't like that and his rebellious and disrespectful way of speaking with Orochimaru sure shows that.
but Orochimaru never let it phase him. I think he got a bit dillusional after his fight with Sarutobi - whether it was his encounter with the deadly technic that chopped some of his soul or the aftermath... he got more careless and overconfident and he really must have believed he owned Sasuke since he didn't see it coming when the latter attacked him.
so, even if Sasuke did feel something towards Orochimaru, it was disgust, pity and maybe a little respect for all the power the guy harnested. there is a chance he developed some ill-motivated teacher/student bond with him / since the guy was a bit of a batshit crazy parody on a parental figure for three years for him / but it wasn't that strong.
but Naruto didn't know that. all data he posessed was
1. Orochimaru has a weird obsession with Sasuke
2. Sasuke went to Orochimaru
of course Naruto was fucking jelous of Orochimaru! no wonder he went kyuubi after Orochimaru flaunted his ownership of Sasuke on that bridge and almost destroyed a forest in his wrath while Orochimaru kept sliding out of bodies one after another and just enjoying the display of anger.
and when Sasuke killed Orochimaru, I bet Naruto thought that was it! nnnnice! Naruto vs. Orochimaru 1:0! Love wins!
uh huh.
then Sasuke goes on rampage with his band of Orochimaru pets / I think Naruto didn't like that aswell /
but then Sasuke suddenly needs an advice.
guess who he turns to?
a fucking Orochimaru!!!!!
but Naruto didn't know that, he was busy saving the world?? but then Sasuke and his messed up team of hokages and Konoha enemies join them and Naruto had to sense Orochimaru, but I guees he was too happy to see Sasuke to pay much attention to it.
and then Orochimaru is redeemed and can continiou his research / though outside of Konoha - I am pretty much Naruto still doesn't exactly like the guy / and Sasuke keeps using his help for his missions so Naruto HAS to put up with that. he does everything he can, he even lets a homunculus made by Orochimaru / no offense to Mizuki I like Mizuki / enter the academy, because he wants to be a good person and good hokage and not let bad feelings interfere with his ruling...
and Orochimaru agreed to lay low...
and I am pretty sure Sasuke didn't really see the problem and it annoys him when Naruto would bring it up. he doesn't consider Orochimaru to be better than Naruto, it was just a better choice back then and he is a good ally if you think about it.
and I am both relieved and disappointed. I mean I like the fact that he could be redeemed but he was such a strong villain... he had a purpose, he had some messed up principles, he was such a catalyst in SNS dynamics...
but good old days are over, so we have to live in a era of Boruto, where nothing makes sense anymore.
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kaiju-z · 3 years
“Moonlight Tryst Under The Eclipse”
Right! So! A little clarification is in order! Um. So like. There’s this D&D show called “Role With Me”/”The Ties That Bind”. And the party have recently reached a high-tech Elven city and are learning all kinds of things about the society there. Including that they found fucking God fan fiction. Fan fiction written about Arkanos, God of Magic, who is also the elves’ God. And of Solomon, the God of Undeath. Who is basically enemy to all elven kind, after he convinced a group of them to worship him, in exchange for “immortality”, which is the secret origin of the drow in that world.
So like. It’s them. As like. A ship. They found shipfics and were reading them.
So this is basically inspired by that. And it’s a fic, “as written” by a writer in that world, that city. That internet. So yeah. It’s a fic, within a fic. ó ____ ó;;; That’s it. That’s the joke.
Also yes, you should watch Role WIth Me. Very Dark Souls/Witcher-ish. With a flavor of Bloodborne. Also lots of funnies between the rough stuff that our heroes go through.
An Arkanos/Solomon fanfic by RainbowRunner899
It was meant to be a distraction. A simple. Basic. Get your mind off the ear-splitting screams and wails distraction. A honest to yourself one. And yet here you were. Hours after the fact, still locked in an embrace with the long eared boy scout!
Arms around your body, you can easily feel his fingers trace every smooth pattern and ridge of your back as the stars shimmer and shake under his dexterous touch. Unlike your dark dealings in your domain beyond mortal comprehension, here you are incapable of hiding your intents and secrets. Or at least, the ones you can gesticulate.
Damn him! Damn this know-it-all paragon that bewitched you with his soft voice and alluring eyes! His words, his face, his everything! It drives you to madness! Like that’d mean anything to you, anyways. You were already unhinged. By some slight you yourself perceive as such. You blame your makers for it and have stated it as such to him, many a nights.
Many, upon many, for centuries, long since after he took his foolish followers and ran off into parts unknown, leaving you with your defiled flock of sycophants! You hate them, for they fell so easily and thus, you send them to do all sorts of cruelties. Just to test how far they’ll go for you. When they’d snap. Break. You figure that is why he had come out of hiding the first time, since your conflict. And confronted you.
The two of you had fought for dominance, throwing stars and supernovas at one another, frightening the populace around you. And, had it not been for his quick thinking and raised defenses, you two surely would have exterminated all life in the vicinity.
‘Damn him.’ you think, your face flushing as his hands move to your front, caressing the 8 pack. Damn him for seeing through your ruse that night. Through to the very core of who you were and why you did what you did! All that cruelty and anger! All of it, creating a Seeming of unseen proportions, hiding the broken man in need of help underneath.
Only he saw it! Neither Vanderen, nor Fleetfoot. Nor the old man and the revelry wench got even the slightest idea you had this secret pain! They were too stupid, too blind to see. But not Arkanos. He knew and he punished your body so with the palms of his hands. Your breathing growing heavy to his actions and you contemplate evasive maneuvers.
He reaches for your pa-aaand you grab his wrist. “No.” you go, hissing at him with a glare of pure death. Or undead. As is your aspect.
He looks at you with those gentle eyes. Those honest and wise eyes. “No?” he repeats, questioning you with his pretty little face. You’d bite your lip, if you had one. Then shake your head.
“No.” And you’d get up and try to make way out of the room, specifically by him, to protect you both from prying eyes. “I’m leaving. Going back, I-I have work to do. Monsters to raise. Many dark biddings to be made, Arkanos.” You growled, pitifully to show aggression. But he’s unmoving, unperturbed by your behavior as you struggle to put your robe back on. Damn thing! Did you start putting it with the wrong sleeve forward?! You’d struggle and huff and puff as you forced your head through a familiar opening and then flinch backwards, bumping into the wall.
“You’re having those thoughts again, aren’t you, Sol?” he asks you directly, his voice peaceful, like a river during summer. Disgusting. And beautiful, damn it! So beautiful! You think that as he had been standing right to face you once you put your head through the clothing. “Don’t lie to me. My eyes cannot be tricked, my ears cannot be lied to… and my heart- And he’d reach for his chest, tapping the left peck, before reaching over to tap your own.
You had no pulse. Not that it mattered. You were a god and who honestly cared about pulses, when you would live forever! Or unlive. Or-aaah, fuck it! You’d look away, scowling a boney scowl. “This game ends here, Arkanos. You’ve seduced me many a times before, but this ends now. You know you could never beat me in a fair fight and I know that you can’t backstab me like some mortal rogue under the pale moon light.” you scoffed, grabbing the door handle.
Twisting it, turning it. Opening the entrance and, in your case, the exit from his awkward situation. But right before you’d leave, the door would shut, without you even taking a full step ahead. You flinch, step backwards and bump into his frame. Then you have to straighten yourself as you attempt to prevent flushing of the cheeks. Straightening yourself and your clothing, you scoff. “Of course, right. Your wards.”
“Yes, Sol.” He’d smile a little smile your way and you feel your spine shiver. That cute smile that drove you crazy. After everything you did. All the people you killed and brought back as your meat and soul puppets! And he has the gall to smile at you like that.
“Well, undo it!” you try to regain footing. To find your equilibrium and tower over him, make yourself bigger, like one of those bear things that roam Fleetfoot’s forests. But intimidation does not work on him and you know it. He’s too brave. TOO STUPID, you try to think, but you know he’s too smart for you. Of all of them, even you, with all your dark and vile magicks, he was always the superior intellect.
He’d sigh a light sigh and glance over to the nearby window. It had been darkened off with the Darkness spell, which you made sure to cast, in case one of your flunkies or one of his randomly popped their head through. And he’d walk over to it, tapping it gently with a finger, dispelling. The sky appeared an odd mix of colors. It was familiar. Reminded you of your many birthdays. Yes, even the one good one you had all those millennia ago.
He’d wave a hand to you to step on over and join him at the glass separating you two from the outside. No words were needed. He had prepared the right set of movements, didn’t he?! A pregnant pause. And you go over, though you dare not look upwards at what the sky would be like. You just look down, no head in the clouds. Only down towards the muck.
“There is no shame in what you feel, Sol. You know that, right?” he’d say, side-glancing you every now and then as he faced the sky, while you watched the passerby folk, well, pass by. Wordlessly, you listen to him. And then have to find yourself blinking as the silence became deafening. Like he wanted a direct answer from you.
You’d grimace and cant your head some in a direction of your choosing. “I’ve killed and converted and had them kill… so many people. And you’re trying to psychoanalyze me, Arkanos. Don’t you find the flaw in that?!” he’d sneer. “The daddy of the elves meeting with the step dad of your little traitors. In secret and for centuries now. Isn’t that a little-Don’t you think that’s kind of fucked up?!” he’d not even raise a brow over your foul mouth. He was used to it.
He was used to keeping it occupied, too. Hmph!
“Is it really so crazy, Sol? Is it, though?” he’d smile again, resting a hand on your shoulder. “You. And I. Have such a history, spanning many a lifetimes of many a people. From the short-lived to the ancient. Friends. To rivals. To enemies. To friends…” he’d giggle and your face would change shades. It was a whole galactic party on your features. “To so much more.”
“Fuckbuddies.” he scoffed at your phrasing. He was used to the cussing, but that sort of direct crassness gave you a bit of an advantage… every now and then.
“Call it as you want, Sol. But I know the truth. I peered through your actions and your thoughts and I saw the real you… And I saw the broken pieces. They were there, inside you. Calling, screaming to be reshaped.” He spoke to you with such determination and passion. You’d mistake him for one of those new-fangled “bards”. “Is it honestly that big of a surprise that once you reached out as you did, I would reach back in turn?”
You look away. “After everything I put you and your kids through, how is that a surprise, Ark-“he has a hand on your cheekbone, slowly turning your face in his direction, as you sought to glance away in your shame and woe. “I-I mean-“
No time to finish the sentence. He pecks your face with his lips. Quick and focused. Your spine shivers at his advance. But you don’t really fight it, though you hate him pulling away.
“You are a lonely man, shrouded in a darkness of your own making. Unwilling to show the pain to those around you, fearing their response.” He’d say softly. “But I saw and I felt and I knew that day…”
“You knew…?” you asked.
He’d nod to you with a, well, knowing smile, his cheeks turning pink. It really didn’t take you that much to figure out what he meant.
“O-oh. Oh!”
“Ohhhhh…” it was all you could say, while he glanced back out the window and you followed his gaze to the sky above. Where the moon had gone before the sun, creating a rare masterpiece that the mortals found fascinating as all hell. But to you? To you this was your birthday. Again, damn it, you’d bite your lip if you had that.
You feel his hand on your person. Fingers entangling with your own. You look to them. And you look to him. His eyes took that “look” again. A familiar one that the two of you would act upon  whenever the opportunity struck.
He walked back. And headed to the bed that faced the door, light step after light step, pulling you along. One knee on the bed. A creeking sound. His other knee on the mattress. A repeat. Shifting of weight as he pulled you on over.
You’d open your mouth to speak. “I-“
And he’d answer. “I know.”
Wordlessly, the two of you would lock faces and commiserate as he helped you take off the robe again. This time much slower and to the point than in a simple moment of passion. There was more feeling there.
As he’d undress you and you him, a thought would crawl into your mind.
Perhaps it was possible. Perhaps it was, yes, that the shattered insides of your soul could be put together again. Perhaps he could do it.
To Be Continued.
Author’s notes: WONDERCRAK! Thank you, dear readers, for all the well wishes and kind words about the last story! Even you, KnuckleTucker3000. I appreciate the criticism on my grammar and took it to heart o w o! Wow, like, wow! So like, I was really excited to get to this part of the story, ‘cause, obviously I finally got to reveal what kinda day Solomon was born on u w u Next week’s continuation’s gonna get extra spicy, tho, so I have to bring back the reminder >8( This one’s for the grown-ups and it’s gonna be tagged NSFW! Don’t read if a Lemon Fic isn’t your thing! I’ll drop the hidden lore bits I’ll be putting in that one!
Stay tuned u w u, RainbowRunner899 out!
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quicksandblock · 4 years
Hi!! I’ve just spent way too long writing down a probably excessive amount of worldbuilding for Jevin’s species in @martuzzio‘s hermit space outlaws AU!!! Disclaimer: I pulled everything scientific-sounding in this post straight out of my ass. Also I’m pretty sure I contradict things that have been established as canon at at least a couple points. martuzzio, please feel free to take this or leave it, or only take part of it, whatever you like. I just got hit by worldbuilding inspiration! And I had to get it out!!
History of Slimes!
Modern slimes’ ancestors were simple, non-intelligent slimes a lot like the Minecraft ones. Jevin’s species (the only intelligent species on the planet) is specifically descended from cave dwelling slimes, but there were also species that lived aboveground in damp environments such as swamps.
Ancient slimes needed very damp environments in order to survive. (Even the ones that lived aboveground were nocturnal, because direct sunlight could be deadly to them!) Modern slimes, including Jevin’s species, are much much more resilient than their ancestors, though hot and dry environments are still bad for them. This change came about because of a mass extinction event that killed most ancient slime species as well as most other life on the planet!
Slimeworld used to be a very wet place, but several million years ago, something happened to cause a planet-wide drought. The evolutionary pressures of the drought are what eventually led to the rise of Slimes as an intelligent species - before then, there was no intelligent life on the planet.
The cause would have to be unnatural, because I'm pretty sure there’s no natural way for a planet to just lose all its water. So I think some advanced spacefaring species came and drained most of the water off of Slimeworld for some reason. Why? Who knows, they’re probably all dead now.
This catastrophe left almost no habitats for slimes to live in. The surface-dwelling species almost all died immediately, with only a few hanging on in obscure corners of the world. The ones in the caves were a little safer, but not for long, because the devastation wasn’t just limited to slimes!
The extreme damage to Slimeworld’s environment killed off most life on the planet. The ancient cave slimes thrived for a little while! Dead stuff falling into caves from above had always been their main food source. But eventually the fallout of the drought settled and the famine hit them too.
Food was scarce and it wasn’t coming to them anymore. Anything that wanted to eat on this new world needed to be able to survive and ideally travel long distances in the harsher climates of the outside world. Most cave slimes couldn’t do that, so most cave slimes died off. But a few had mutations that let them do just well enough to survive. Those were the ones that evolved into Jevin’s species!
Ancient slimes spent a long time hanging around cave mouths, rolling out at night to find food and retreating back during the day. The ones that got the furthest and still managed to make it back were the most successful. The first big break of the Slime species in terms of intelligence was when they started carrying their shelter around with them instead of having to hide every day.
That’s right: the first human technology was sharp stick, but the first Slime technology was leaf hat.
Physiology of Slimes!
Ancient slimes started out pretty much the same as slime molds here on Earth. They were colonies of individual organisms that all acted together like a single body, but could survive just fine on their own. However over time they evolved to become more and more dependent on the colony, and the cells became more and more specialized. Now they’re something in between a colony and an individual! Each cell of their body is technically a different organism, but they can’t function outside of the colony. Also, each colony does have a single consciousness, they’re not hiveminds.
They evolved like this because in the harsh environment of the drought, a single cell would die in minutes. A colony could retain moisture for much longer! The fact that colonies were now staying together all the time let them start to evolve more internal organization, which led to the evolution of intelligence!
Slimes are very structurally simple. A slime is made up of a jelly-like mass and a more rubbery, less malleable core.
The jelly layer cells have a unique structure - under a microscope they kind of look like sea urchins, but with long flexible tendrils instead of spines. The way they tangle and cling lets the slime hold together and keep its structure instead of melting!
The tendrils also act as transmitters and receptors for the electrical signals sent out by the slime’s “brain.” Each cell is in constant communication with all the cells around it, which is how a slime moves and controls its body. They also pass nutrients to each other based on chemical signals!
However the structure of these cells means that they lose water very easily. In hot or dry environments, the tendrils of the cells retract to reduce the amount of surface area that water can escape from. This means they don’t cling together as easily, and the slime “melts.” Enough time in its melted state and the cells start to die because nutrients aren’t being passed around the body like they should be.
The jelly-layer cells are all pretty much interchangeable. They’re also very adaptable! When exposed to open air, jelly cells lock up their tendrils and partially dehydrate themselves, passing the liquid back into the mass of jelly behind them. The result is the thin, rubbery “skin” of a slime’s body. This was the most crucial adaptation that allowed modern Slimes’ ancestors to survive the drought, since it drastically improves their ability to retain water.
The core cells are different, more structured. The core is a slime’s brain. If most of a slime’s body is like jelly, the core would be like stringy algae. It’s still very flexible and malleable, but if it tears or breaks, that damage can’t just be healed by squishing the parts back together. The brain is usually kept scrunched up safely in the middle of the slime’s body, and there’s a dense layer of more rubbery jelly surrounding it.
Slimes can digest almost any organic material, but a lot of the life on their planet evolved to be toxic to them, and if something is toxic to slimes you better believe it’s toxic to most everything else. There are a lot of really weird toxins native to Slimeworld!
Culture of Slimes!
First I’ll just copy/paste the ask about Slime fashion I sent to martuzzio a while ago since I am still enamored with it:
idea: since they're blind, Jevin's species's fashion is entirely based around the vibrations they make when they contact whatever surface they're moving on. you pick up different materials or combinations of material depending on what "look" you're going for and hold it on the outside of your body. they could use all kinds of material for this - cloth, metal, powders, whatever. you arrange different items in patterns on your surface to create different "outfits" (soundscapes) of vibration. the more complex the pattern, the fancier and more formal the "dress." this stuff makes it a bit more difficult to move since it reduces their traction, and it also takes effort to maintain more complicated "outfits", so dressing up is really only for formal situations or showing off. casual dress is keeping just a few things you like the sound of on your surface, and it's also perfectly acceptable to wear nothing at all. of course this all looks really weird to people with eyes.
Slime language doesn’t just involve sound. It also incorporates chemical signals (which give a sense of the slime’s mood and fulfill the same function as body language does for us humans) and touch. Two slimes having a conversation will press tendrils of their body together and communicate with something like a cross between braille and sign language. This is actually the main component of their language - sound is kind of secondary. It’s impossible for a non-slime to “speak” the slime language without the help of technology, and slimes can’t make the range of sounds that humans do with their vocal cords. Fortunately they can hear at least as well as humans and using a soundboard to talk is pretty intuitive for them!
Most slime cities are either underground or underwater. The oceans of Slimeworld are pretty densely populated! It actually led to a lot of environmental problems in the Slime species’s history, because there isn’t a ton of ocean left to live in. A lot of aquatic animals on the planet went extinct during the slimes’ industrial revolution a thousand years or so ago.
Slimes obviously don’t have visual art since they’re blind. Some of the main art forms of the species are perfume and culinary art! Because of all the stuff on their planet that’s toxic to them, slimes evolved a very keen sense of taste/smell. They can detect minuscule amounts of a chemical. Most other species can’t appreciate their art because their senses aren’t fine enough to pick up on all the subtle flavors and smells! Also slimes’ ideas about what tastes and smells good can be... eccentric.
They also do sculpture and music. They have some really awesome musical instruments because they can shape their body to whatever shape it needs to be to use the instrument!
Personal space isn’t really a thing in slime culture. Their language requires being in constant contact to speak, so casual touch with strangers isn’t just normal, it’s the polite thing to do. If there’s a group of slimes in a room, each one is pretty much always touching at least one or two others. Blobbing together is natural for them!
...aaand that’s all I got for now, because it’s 4:30 AM. I hope this is coherent because I didn’t really edit it! If you have literally any questions at all please let me know! because there are certainly details that didn’t make it in here!!
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xplrvibes · 3 years
3, 12, 25 <3
3. all time favorite video of theirs, from any of their channels.
I thought about this for a long time, and I really just don't know if I have just one favorite....especially from the duo channel. The first couple that come to mind are 6 Flags, the 2nd Biltmore, the video they did with Manny and Larray, the xplr video they did in the Poconos, the one they did with Elton in Australia, Griffith Park, the one where the guy threw a cross at them...I could go on all day about the xplr vids.
Their personal channels: gah. This is tough lol. I like all the games Sam used to play on his, and the unboxing haunted stuff videos. On Colby's channel: I love any Colby and Amber video aaand the video where Colby went to the haunted place by himself aaaand the first Truth or Drink.
12. would you rather go xplr or ghost hunting? why?
I would rather watch the boys go xplring, but I personally would rather go ghost hunting. First of all- I don't need to get arrested at my advanced age. Second of all- spiders and shit. Third of all- ghosts intrigue me.
25. least favorite friend of theirs (past or present)?
Well, get ready to be shocked by my answer:
Just, you know why.
Although, I'm not even sure if he counts as a friend at this point? Anyway, he's my pick by a landslide.
Thanks! ❤
Send in more snc asks!
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