#ace annabeth chase
judoflipped · 9 months
I've been obsessed with them since I was 13 guys they make me so sick I love them so much ughhhh
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aceforwhatevenisthis · 6 months
it’s the way that i used to think “omg i wanna be like annabeth when i grow up” and now i yelled THATS MY DAUGHTER when she came onscreen
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t1oui · 1 month
definitely not hp related but here's my hcs for the sexualities of the main 7 bc i was thinking about valgrace again and there's no way this crew is straight
percy - queer annabeth - bisexual demiromantic hazel - omniromantic demisexual frank - panromantic aceflux piper - sapphic leo - bisexual jason - panromantic asexual
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theaceofarrows · 4 months
I love watching the pjo show with my sister, because both of us have read the books and we're having the time of our lives yelling at the screen. Here are some of my favorite things we've yelled so far
My sister, "It's the Grover cheese scene!"
Both of us "BLACKJACK!"
My sister about Nancy"Have you considered that she's a bitch?"
Me about Chiron "Gaslight, gatekeep, NOT girlboss"
Both of us when Gabe showed up on screen "That fucker" "Asshole"
Me "The Blue candy!"
Sally "I believe my kid" my sister "what a great mom"
Me "di Angelo's delly! My boy!!"
Both of us "poor Grover" "honestly"
Me, when Percy asks about the minotaur wearing underpants "it's a fair question"
My sister about Sally in the car chase "she's got this. She's a New Yorker"
My sister "oh, look it's Thalia"
Me "Annabeth said the thing"
Me, when Dionysus shows up "PETER JOHNSON!" Mr. D "Peter Johnson" "YES!"
My sister when Chiron first shows up as a centaur "give the kid some warning before you just walk up like that"
Me about the Hermes cabin "the crime cabin. The fun cabin"
My sister "unrealistic how none of the Hermes kids stole Percy's stuff"
Us almost everything time Luke says something we know has double meaning "you know, like a liar"
My sister when Percy makes the toilets explode "gee, I wonder who your dad is? Hmm?"
My sister every time someone asks Percy why he doesn't know something "because you don't tell him anything. You are not fucking telling him anything!"
My sister when Percy gets claimed "Why does that trident look more like a dinner fork?" Me "aren't all forks just small tridents" "Okay, true"
My sister about the Poseidon cabin "why is there just a giant water trough in the middle of the room? Why did you think that was a good idea?" "to put rubber ducks in" "okay, fair"
Us whenever Zues is mentioned "FUCK ZUES!"
My sister when Hades is acusesed of stealing the master bolt "would you leave him out of this?! The man just wants to stay with his dog and wife"
My sister when Luke says the shoes are a gift from my dad "that's why they're old hand-me-downs" "so true"
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immabitqueer · 7 months
Re-reading The Lost Hero and, may I just say, Leo "comp-het" Valdez
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I'm gonna throw up laughing,i just realized Percy and Annabeth went to superhell for gay(transgender in Percy's case but)crimes almost 10 years before that nigga from Supernatural did
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wonderlandgoblin · 3 months
Okay, so I don’t watch Hazbin Hotel (if I wrote it wrong, sorry) but for like weeks, the only thing I see in the asexual tag is people complaining about allos shipping ace characters in a very allo way, and it’s been annoying me to no end, because while we do have to be upset about that, the ace tag should also function in a way for us to share jokes, have fun and enjoy our identity without having to fight for our right to exist.
So I propose we do something different. Let’s annoy the aphobes. I propose that from now on, every character becomes ace/aro/aroace. No more shipping fanfics, just platonic relationships and friendships. Every fanart is now SFW and has the ace/aro/aroace flags colors.
Tell me the characters you’re claiming!
My ace claimings are:
1-Luffy (any pairing with him just gives me nausea)
2-Zoro (fuck zosan, he prefers swords over anything except maybe luffy, who he has a squish on)
3-Bakugou Katsuki (I love that kid, I’m making him one of my own)
4-Sasuke (I hate that guy, but he rejected both Sakura and Naruto, that kid’s definitely aroace)
5-Yor (my queen mama prefers killing over kissing, that should be an obvious sign)
6-Yona (no one’s touching my queen, she never liked Soo-won nor Hak, it was all social pressure to not end up alone, fight me)
7-Xie Lian (I don’t like the idea of anyone touching the god I worship, so that means he’s ace now)
8-Kageyama (idk why, he just has a vibe)
9-Handa from Barakamon (I don’t think this needs explanation)
10-Fushiguro Megumi (I like him, he’s one of my own now)
11-Maomao (she prefers venoms over sex)
12-Mash from Mashle (like, look at him, that guy just wants to exercise, eat and be with his family)
13-Violet Evergarden (I don’t think I need to explain this, this girl dedicated her entire life to understanding romance as it made no sense to her, aroace queen)
14-Sokka (he’s too smart to like sex)
15-Zuko (he’s an angel, angels don’t have sex)
16-Magnus Chase AND Alex Fierro (they’re my babies, I identify too much with them, the idea of them having sex gives me the ickies)
17-Jude from the Cruel Prince (I liked her better before she fell for that stupid fairy)
18-Edmund from Narnia (he was my childhood crush, I’m making him ace)
19-Annabeth Chase (she’s too perfect to have sex)
20-Alec Lightwood (I just like imagining Magnus loosing his shit every once in a while because of it)
21-Leo Valdez (bc why not?)
22-Blue Sargent and half the women she lives with (no explanation needed)
23-Dick Gansey the Third (he prefers dead kings over sex)
24-Katniss Everdeen (if you disagree, what is wrong with you?)
25-Castiel (fuck destiel shippers, angels don’t have sex)
26-Felicity from Arrow (haven’t finished the series but as far as I know, she’s too cool for sex)
27-Barbie (she’s a doll, she has no reproductive organs, she can’t feel desire)
I could probably pick more characters but I think this is enough for now, have fun annoying the aphobes!
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awkwardanxiousasexual · 5 months
Things I'm excited for in Season 2 after rereading Sea of Monsters last Night
-More Clarisse!!! Especially seeing her interact with her dad
-Tyson! I'm excited to see how they develop his and Percys relationship since there are moments that is is a bit strained at the beginning. I hope they don't cut some of that out
-Annabeth and the sirens please I need this girls fatal flaw and showing her dreams I need architecture annabeth
-More Grover! Manipulate that cyclops dude I can't wait to see those scenes with show grover it'll be so fun
-Circe better still be a trap
-More of Camp Half-Blood we were barely there in season 1. More Mr.D as well
-More Hermes! LMM kinda ate that performance NGL
-Silena, Charlie, Chris, Stoll brothers
-Percy and his boat powers
-Potential flashbacks with Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth
Sidenote, a few things that surprised me: Percy is a lot more knowledgeable about myths in this book than I remember. He recognizes Tantalus and remembers the story of Andromeda. He also recognizes the two people guarding the sea of monsters. I wonder if they wrote him knowing Greek myths in the show early to set this up.
Also, Annabeth is angry at Luke. Yes she feels betrayed and hopes he will change his mind as shown in the siren scene but she's also bitter. She wants to beat him up when they meet on the boat, shes feels betrayed, saying that he's going against Thalias memory and claiming that he won't remember where any of the safe house were. This "Annabeth is supposed to be in denial" tale that people are using as a defense to argue against her seeing the betrayal in the show doesn't make a lot of sense. She is against Luke, even if she wishes deep down he can be saved. Those aren't mutually exclusive.
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automatonwithautonomy · 6 months
anyway. annabeth chase and jonathan sims parallels.
-affliation with wisedom and knowledge entity/god
-chosen one of said knowledge entity/god
-very traumatising experience with spider entity at young age
-fate of the world in their hands
-just. trauma in general. so much trauma good lord.
-goes through literal hell/reality-warped-hell-on-earth with significant other
-has a not really enemies to lovers with said significant other. more like a you annoy me a lot to i will kill and die and other worse things for you
-series of scarring misadventures over a few years
-several entity/gods who hate them specifically and try very hard to torture them. including the knowledge one theyre tied to
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ADHD/Autism Duos: Second-Chance Smackdown!! Final Phase
Matchup 3
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Your vote will determine which duo will return to Round 4 of the main competition on Sunday 14th May (1pm EST/6pm BST), as part of Side A Matchup 2!
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zayray030 · 10 months
Me, after realising I'm going to have to feed my self if I ever want to see any content of my faves:
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✨ 🕯️. ✨
✨🕯 ✨ 🕯✨
✨🕯 Manifesting 🕯✨
✨🕯 Posidon casting 🕯✨
✨🕯 today 🕯✨
✨ 🕯 ✨ 🕯✨
✨ 🕯️. ✨
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clazbly · 6 months
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do u think thier periods synced up
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Sick of the annabeth chase slander of her having straight a’s.
Yes she’s smart but she has ADHD too.
Why would she do English homework when Leo has the audacity to tell her water isn’t wet?
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neverbesokind · 11 months
I think you're supposed to read Annabeth having the pamphlets for the huntresses at the beginning of Titan's Curse as her supporting Thalia or like going WITH Thalia or something...? Anyway I instead have decided that in reality it's because she's a confused baby ace overcompensating 💜
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Gentlemen perfer blondes but blondes perfer the ladies
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