clay-cuttlefish · 1 year
Hey, the @fyeahghosttrick Ghost Swap has arrived, and I've finally finished a... fic? Game? Interactive fiction thing! Lynne wakes up dead, again, and tries to piece together what's happening. Sissel doesn't help.
For @ace-cyclic, with the prompt "What does it feel like to be a ghost without Temsik powers? Can Ghost!Lynne or Ghost!Jowd see in the dark? Do they feel stuck since they' can't move on their own (or maybe they can, but they can't do anything with the cores they possess?)".
I highly recommend reading the interactive version. The plaintext is provided for accessibility purposes, but it's really intended to be a game. Warning: it doesn't work properly on mobile.
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fyeahghosttrick · 1 year
Ghost Swap - matching done, emails tomorrow!
Team! Veterans! New faces! Ancient mutuals! I'm floored by the support and participation for this last year as an exchange (stay tuned for deets on Gswap rising like a phoenix, or a ghost, in its next edition). From the bottom of my heart, thank you, everyone. 43 signups! That's so many people!
Between the huge amount of forms to handle and RL being RL, I have the matching all done here but ran out of time to send out everyone's emails. So that'll happen tomorrow. And then public prompts in the weekend, I say confidently, probably lying. So:
If by tomorrow night you don't have your assignment at the email address you provided, please contact me asap. Your assignment should have a format match with what you offered (fanart or fanfiction) and at least one prompt that's a match with your offers. If something doesn't sound right, please contact me asap.
@siverwrites @guccisystem @epiceisaloser @starsofcarnephel @rookiebotwx78 @dieanywhereelseart @emeraldfox11 @bunnybead123 @katecattus @soup-for-ghosts @gippley-png @yunaffie @wyrmswears @dinner-rol @ace-cyclic @graegrape @kiaroou @yami-yomiel @okiroash @puzzling-angel @arbuthnotblob @clay-cuttlefish @gxos @darknessconsumesmeslowly @gavinnersroadie @serrangelic-art @raygirlramblings @ravensa @alto-tenure @shibasquish @moodlemcdoodle @octopeachy @dreamdancerdotfile @azurefishnets @playghosttrick @catgirl-frostmoon @tankens @dapskie @pichumaster @space-biscuit @phantriicks @marenwithanm @laughingmango (whew!)
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prommytheus · 1 year
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im going insane. heres the cyclical hell that i think apollo justice is caught in
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xamaxenta · 1 year
Something something the eventual madness of the oracle but I want it for Marco
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ooo! I’d love to read it if/when you post it 😭😭
I just read “I’d Like To Figure Them Out By” and holy shit it’s so good /genuine
-same anon
That fic is the whole reason I quit writing lol I accidentally deleted almost all of it (because I am in fact, stupid) after trying very pathetically hard and it made me so depressed I'd give up every time I tried writing other things.
Hazbin Hotel was the reason I stopped writing and Hazbin Hotel is the reason I started writing again
Abuse is cyclical💖
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arotechno · 4 months
happy 10 year unofficial aroversary to me <2
around that same time 10 years ago, i had to do a school project outlining my 10 year plan for the future. in the midst of figuring out who i was, that seemed like such an impossible task. it was like staring down the barrel of a future that was getting more uncertain for me each day and being expected to somehow know who i wanted to become. who at age 15 really knows what they want out of life? 7 of those years were going to be school for me anyway.
but i did the project, and those 10 years came and went, and all things considered, i'm much happier than i was back then. it was scary to figure out who i was. it was incredibly isolating to be aro in 2014. sometimes, it still is. by and large, i've gotten lucky with the people i have in my life. but i also know that an aro future is one that must be built from scratch with your own two hands. i'm more confident in my aro identity now, as time, maturity, and community are wont to do. but even more importantly, i don't fear that uncertainty as much anymore.
i draw strength from knowing how much things have changed in the past 10 years. my first year in college, on several occasions i spotted the same person on the bus with aro and ace pins on their bag, but i never had the chance to stop them and say hello. it was the first time i didn't feel alone. i think about them whenever i wear my own pins and patches out in public, and i wonder if i've been that person for somebody else. that reminder that we are not alone, that you will not have to hide who you are forever, that aromanticism is something to be proud of. life is cyclical like that; be the out and proud aro you wish to see in the world. build your own castle.
that's all for my rambling thoughts on 10 years. i hope if 15 year old me saw me now, they'd be overjoyed. if you're a young aro, know that you can be whoever you want to be. your life is yours, you were born whole, and there is nothing anyone can do or say to change that.
do i get a senior discount for this?
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nebulaic147 · 1 month
Suggestion for a New Flag
Hello my friends,
I have been reconsidering parts of my sexuality recently. I have found it difficult to find a title that works with my specific, fluctuating relationship to asexuality and allosexuality. Graysexuality came closest but it still didn't sit right for me.
So, I would like to propose a new sexuality term:
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Trochosexuality (from the Greek prefix trocho- meaning ‘wheel, hoop’); an individual who identifies with this label is trochosexual, or a trochi/trochee (there is no gender definition in this distinction, it's more a matter of personal preference as 'trochee' is also a term associated with poetic metre).
Trochosexuality fluctuates between asexual and allosexual in varied degrees and intensities, generally with a sex-positive outlook. It is related to graysexuality where a person experiences little or no sexual attraction. However, trochosexuality is defined by undulating patterns of attraction. Sometimes, one is sex-repulsed or -indifferent, other times, sex-favourable.
The key difference from graysexuality is that one can experience sexual attraction (sex-favourable) on a relatively frequent and intense basis, but only at certain times and under certain circumstances. The same is the case with sex indifference or sex repulsion. One might have no allosexual inclinations, no asexual inclinations, or a blend of both at different times and in different situations.
It is possible for these patterns of attraction to overlap and co-exist (for example, feeling sex-favourable but having enough of a repulsed or indifferent edge to not want to act on it). Trochosexuals can but do not necessarily shift from one extreme to another (from sex-repulsed ace to sex-favourable allo). Periods of attraction and non-attraction can shift slowly or swiftly.
The Flag
Purple: Represents queerness and community; Can also be taken to represent the ace flag
White: Represents a lack of attraction and/or sex-repulsion; May also be taken to represent the allo flag
Orange: Represents presence of attraction and/or sex-favourableness; Has historically been used in flags as a symbol of healing, independence, and nonconformity (as with maveriques and gender nonconforming persons) - here, one might extend that meaning to trochosexuality's nonconformity to societal standards about sexual attraction
Yellow: Represents the middling or layered presence of attraction and/or sex-indifference; Can also mean joy in one's sexuality and sexual attraction/lack thereof
NOTE: The fluctuation of more and less vibrant colours in the lines represents the shifts of trochosexual attraction.
The hoops: Represent one’s cyclical, yet complex and often interwoven patterns of attraction. The threaded links–whose black and white lining and inner colours are inverted–reflect how attraction can weave and overlap seamlessly.
Let me know if you want clarification, there is confusion, or if you have any further suggestions to elaborate or change. Everyone who relates to this term is fully welcome to use it regardless of gender or sexual or romantic orientation.
If you plan to share this information, please reblog and/or give me credit.
With love, T. C.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
(Oh no more cyclical wank) Straight passing. A concept that exists, makes sense in certain queer discussion, but experience tells me it's used 90% of the time to shit on anyone not part of the L and G.
I think what makes me doubly groan like an old man with knee problems is when someone who's not the L or G repeats "Straight passing" arguments against themselves and with they way they do it basically drag everyone along with it.
Eg saw a video by a pan queer activist and she said "I feel like as someone who's sexuality gives her the privilege of being straight passing..." Yes, she rambled off that entire fucking excuse and then some. Wanna know the topic? Abuse experienced by queer people in relationships. Oh and general queerphobia. Sorry, maybe yooooou're a privileged straight passing pan shitlord, who's never experienced any abuse in your relationships for being a queer pan person. Some of us though, are legit feeling incredibly unsafe in queer spaces because that type or argument is frequently used to excuse abuse experienced by non-LG queer people in either "queer or straight relationships". As if us being in a "straight" relationship suddenly removed the stigma we experience from being queers, or as if it suddenly makes us less victims from queer partners who abuse us. (Esp if those partner are L or G) This includes trans, NB, aces, not just those who's sexuality is treated as "half striaght/half gay" or "Half gay/half straight by you have no standards" bullshit. (Bi + Pan)
God damn I wish I could take that woman's camera away, and force her to read abuse statistics of us "privileged straight passing" queers.
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comparativetarot · 1 year
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Wheel of Fortune. Art by Claire Goodchild, from The Antique Anatomy Tarot.
When you are gifted with the Wheel of Fortune you know that destiny is about to step in, so it's best that you just go with the flow!
This card is all about the cyclical nature of life and the four themes you deal with on a day-to-day basis, represented by the aces of the Minor Arcana: Blades-mental matters; Coins-material matters; Elixirs— emotional matters; Rods-creative matters.
While you can't be certain where the wheel will stop, it is generally considered a positive omen that points to an uplifting situation. That said, the wheel also has the ability to return your karma to you-something to bear in mind if you have wronged another. 
Keywords: Karma, cycle, fate, change, opportunity, luck
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elminx · 7 months
Numerology, Part 4: 1, the Magic of Starting Over
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Note: This is part of an ongoing series about numerology, how it is used in astrology and magic, and its uses in spellwork. If I've made a master post, you will see it linked here. If not, bug me to make a master post.
Why Numerology
At its most basic, numerology is a study of the occult meanings behind numbers. Numbers have intrinsic significance in modern society and carry specific meanings that come from folklore, magical traditions, and mathematics. Using the art of sympathy, we can apply these meanings to our magic by using numbers in our magic to bring their energy into our work.
For the purposes of this work, we are looking at Western numerology that focuses on the numbers 1-9 (sometimes 1-10). By this system, all numbers are reduced by adding each digit together until you have a single-digit number. It is best in the beginning to view numerology as an ascending story with 1 being the beginning and 9 being the ending. Note here that the number 10 (1+0) is, in this way, a number 1; this is an important part of the "story" of numerology. When something ends, something else begins.
The Magic of the Number 1
I wanted to start to write this yesterday on 2/1 because it seemed like a fitting beginning to a post about the number 1. And that is, inherently, the point of the number 1. Number 1 is the number of beginnings. Any time we want to start a project or forge a new future, we begin with the number one.
You know this already: this is the magic behind making a New Year's resolution on 1/1.
You see this in Tarot where the Aces cards all represent new beginnings. It is also reflected in the natal birth chart in astrology where we start the chart with house #1 or the point of the Ascendant (your "Rising Sign") calculated from the moment of your first breath. If you want to dig deeper into the meaning of the Number 1 in numerology, a study of Aries and the 1st house in astrology or the way Aces are used in Tarot is a great place to start. 1 is the seed of creation - it is the reminder that the egg MUST have come before the chicken because all ideas hatch from somewhere.
In American culture, there's a lot of bullshit wrapped up in the mythos of the Number 1. On the one hand, it is heavily celebrated through our rampant pursuit of individualism and exceptionalism. Still, on the other, it is demonized through our toxic family values and obsession with coupledom. Everybody criticizes and fears the eternal bachelor or the "Crazy Cat Lady", those oddball individuals who choose (or are forced into) bucking our societal conventions to pair up and settle down. As the song goes "One is the loneliest number" but, with a caveat: if you do not want to be a Number 1.
That said, if you need to put aside all of the noise and focus, or if you're at a point in your life when you want or need to go at it alone, the magic of the Number 1 can be highly supportive of this.
Some magical associations of the number 1: birth, Aries, the 1st house, The Magician, Aces (tarot or playing cards), Spring and more specifically the Spring equinox, New Year's Day (any tradition - Wicca, the modern calendar, the Lunar New Year), new moons, January, Mondays, Dawn/Morning, the Dagaz and Jera Elder Futhark runes
The Magic of Starting Over
One of the most important lessons that the cyclical nature of numerology can teach us is that there is always another chance to start over. If you've had a bad day, tomorrow can be better. If you've had a bad month, next month can be better. If you've had a bad year, next year can be better. This is a great way to think obviously, but we can do more than just think because we're sorcerers.
We can MAKE tomorrow/next month/next year better.
It really is that easy. Number 1 magic is incredibly simplistic, all it takes is a general proficiency with magic of some kind. It's not stuck up in a single magical paradigm or belief system - you use numbers in your everyday life and you can use numbers in your magic, too!
At most all you need to harness 1 energy is to craft one intention, use one correspondence, or perform one action. And, since 1 is a correspondence in and of itself, if you are willing to wait a hot minute to do your magic (1 energy comes about at least twice a month with the 1st and the new moon), you really only need an intention or one action. See also: writing out an intention for the month ahead and putting it on your mirror so you'll read it every morning. See also: carving your intention into a candle and burning it.
Yes, I know that there is more to magic than this (most times) but as I said above - I am expecting you to bring your own magic to this circus. This isn't a how-to on magical technique here, this is about using the Number 1 as a correspondence in your magic.
You can use this correspondence in many different ways: you can take one action, you can craft one intention or one mantra, you can enchant one object or light one candle.
The idea here is that you are taking 1 step to start over. That keeps it simple and doable. This isn't about making a complicated resolution that you can't keep. We're not overhauling our entire lives here: we are pretending today is the first day of the rest of our lives.
Because it IS. That is the magic of the Number 1.
Note here that as a correspondence, 1 can be used as a demarcation of time OR as a number (of objects).
If you are looking to incorporate 1 as a demarcation of time, you want to cast your magic of a day associated with the Number 1. The easy all-of-the-time choices here are the 1st of every month, the new moon, or Mondays as the defacto "start of the week". January is also considered a "1" month and Aries is the "1" astrological season which puts 1/1 and the Spring Equinox (the first day of Aries Season and the astrological New Year) as the two of the most auspicious days of the year for 1 magic.
Additionally, each year, month, and new and full moon carries specific numerological energy that you can use in your magic. (I wrote more about that here) You could also use your solar return as a "1" day of profound significance for you.
You can use the Number 1 as both a demarcation of time and as a number in your spellwork: for instance, casting a spell with one candle on the 1st of the month. You can incorporate as many aspects of 1 Energy into your spells as you like: this is why it's highly auspicious to have a new moon on the 1st of the month and even more so to have a new moon on the first of the year!
Putting it all Together
As stated, using 1 Numerologically in Magic as a correspondence of "Starting Over" is quite easy. As it's most simple, you are choosing a day with which to Start. This day will be most auspicious if you incorporate 1 "Date" energy but this isn't necessary because the magic of 1 inherently is that every day that you wake up to is a new chance.
If you can't wait until a new moon or the 1st of the month, a Monday will do just fine. If you can't wait until Monday, tomorrow is just fine. If you are inclined towards working with the runes, the Dagaz/Day/Dawn rune is a good place to start when you are working with the energy of A Brand New Day and Jera/Year/Harvest is a great rune to work with for new moons (each new moon in a sign happens once a year), new year's work, and work around your solar return/birthday. The Magic of Starting Over can be as simple as drawing either of these runes on a candle and lighting it in a way appropriate to your magic. (You, as always, bring your own intentions to this work) Or, instead, pick the Ace Card that represents where you wish to start over and burn a candle near the card. Alternatively, find a free-to-use copy of the card (Rider-Waite cards are in the public domain) and print it out as a petition paper underneath your candle.
You can add oils, herbs, or other accouterments, but you definitely don't have to. If you need a bit more oomph, perform a banishing or cleansing on one day (say that dark of the moon) and then perform the candle lighting ceremony the next (on the new moon).
The timing of the spell can matter a lot here. If you want to work with the lunar cycle, remember to check the time (in your time zone) of the new moon - you would want to cast your spell AFTER the Sun and Moon meet up in conjunction and perform your banishing/cleansing (if using) BEFORE the conjunction. In this way, it is sometimes better to cast a spell of this nature on the day after the new moon if it is later in the evening and inconvenient for you.
That said, this spell can be cast at dawn or in the morning on every single day of the year. It is that simple.
You could cast it every single day of the year. (though that does sound exhausting to me)
A Note on New Moon Magic* and Rune Spells
Of all of the dates mentioned, New Moons are unique in that they can be used for both short-term "brand new day" spells and longer-term "brand new month"/"brand new year" spells. To determine whether you want to use Jera or Dagaz for a new moon spell, I would consider how quickly you wish for the turnover to manifest itself.
This is built into new moon magic.
We often talk about the cycle from new moon to full moon as complete. A lot of magic needs more than 14 days to fully actualize though. For that, we look at a full lunar cycle of six months, from the new moon in a particular sign to the full moon in that sign. The short moon cycle is Dagaz and the long moon cycle is Jera.
*I think that, to a degree, this also applies to New Year's Day magic, but most people don't set short-term goals for the New Year. *********
I've decided that will finish off this piece and set it to publish on 1/10 which is the start of the Lunar New Year. Of all of the modern New Year's days that exist on our planet, this is one that strikes me the most true as it coincides every year with the Aquarius new moon.
To quote Robert Jordan: it isn't THE beginning, but it is A beginning. *********
Read more about Numerology here:
Part One: Years, Months,and Lunar Events Part Two: Numerology Uses in Spellwork Part Three: 3x3 Spell Format
Do you like my work? You can support me over on Kofi.
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redandfranticfeelings · 7 months
questioning being asexual and/or aromantic (or along the spectrum) on this site is hell but Not just for the obvious discourse reasons. but also because so much discussion of asexuality on this site seems to be framed around either appealing to allosexuals or putting them down rather than discussing the experience of just Being asexual / aromantic, and i get that because it's hard to discuss the Absence of a feeling without referencing the alienation you feel compared to everything around you.
but a lot of the jokes and memes (and this goes for the entire queer community on tumblr especially) boil down to this strange competitive attitude among sexualities, this belittlement of anybody who has a different experience, jokes about how ace people are better than others because they don't have sex, this overcompensation that forgets that, actually, most forms of sexual expression are already heavily scrutinized for the same core reason as asexuality (the push for heterosexual sex for the sake of procreation). posts agreeing with literal conservative talking points about censoring sexual expression (even inexplicit) at spaces that allow it because of their personal distaste. so much of the discussion reads like spiting romance and sex rather than spiting amatonormativity and finding joy in not having it yourself.
and then on the flip side, you'll have the discussions about the spectrum of asexuality, and how many ace people are okay with some things and not others, which is great! but sometimes it feels like talking about one experience invites people to assume you're excluding the other (this post explains it well), and as someone whose questioning stems from Genuinely Not Knowing What The Fuck Sexual Attraction Feels Like, i find it hard to find spaces actually describing it, rather people just explaining what it isn't. (there's a good chance i may experience sexual attraction but not arousal, but i only ever really see people defend the notion of having sex but not feeling attraction, not the other way around, but i genuinely don't know what constitutes sexual attraction, it just seems to Exist as a concept everyone is supposed to immediately recognize and distinguish from other forms of attraction!)
i think a lot of the chase for "validity" in the community makes it difficult for me to find resources on what it's like to just be ace rather than what it's like to argue with people about asexuality, because even bringing up these issues was difficult for me, and i spent over a year as a teenager going along with toxic exclusionary views i didn't fully believe because i had these concerns, but the only people voicing them were trying to exclude discussions about asexual oppression entirely. and i think it's worth having these discussions in a fair way, and maybe people are and i just don't see enough of it. even when trying to ask about things that genuinely confuse me, things i might recognize in myself if i could have some questions answered, people assume hostility and/or just give a cyclic explanation.
idk i just want to feel like it's possible to be asexual and be comfortable with the prospect of never having sex while also not caring about whether other people would rather have sex or not. because the whole point of this fight should be that sex should be a morally neutral act.
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zalrb · 5 months
we already talked a bit about this in private, but now that you had some time to think about it, i think you might be able to give a more detailed response so here's my question - do you think bojack losing diane was enough of a consequence for him? how do you feel about his dynamic with diane vs pc?
1. This will be long and all over the place since I'm writing my thoughts in real time. Because of the 30-image limit, I'll probably answer this in two posts.
2. OK so, as you know, I'm not in the Bojack fandom, I just watched the series for the first time and finished it a couple of days ago and we've been talking about my impressions and you've been sharing trivia with me so my view feels like it's probably an unpopular opinion especially because what you indicate
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is certainly meant to be illustrated. I'm not saying that it's narratively untrue because it isn't, I just don't believe it the way that I should because while I was watching the show, I was like Diane's relationship to Bojack is like a 2.0 version of his relationship with PC
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and so I became interested in what it would've meant if the person he "lost" at the end of the series was PC because I do think that would've been an appropriate and big enough emotional consequence for him and his actions and I do think it would've been more narratively resonant. So, you wanted me to expand a bit more on the 2.0/two sides of the same coin thing and why I thought PC and Bojack were more "entwined" than him and Diane -- I'll do this part in another post.
There are just a few things I don't think we can ignore, like the 23-year history between Bojack and PC because, of course, knowing someone for a long time doesn't automatically mean that your relationship with that person means more or is more profound than someone you met later but while I was watching the show, I did draw parallels
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or things like
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that made me go, I don't think his relationship with Diane is more profound either or that he treats her with more reverence in a genuine way, I just think he knew her for six years
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while he knew PC for over two decades
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and he's restarting a cycle.
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even the way that Bojack would leave drunken, long-winded messages on Diane's voicemail parallels the way that he would drunkenly show up on PC's lawn.
To be fair, I don't think we can ignore the way in which Bojack expects the people in his life, particularly women, in general to emotionally labour for him. PC says it herself, "You want a mommy you can slide your dick in and out of" and we could of course talk about the cyclical nature of his self-hatred which can then create the same type of relationships with other people in general, over and over, and obviously because Diane and PC are different people, their relationships to Bojack aren't exactly the same. There are similarities between them with how they get sucked into Bojack's orbit
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but they do respond to him differently, one major difference being that Bojack and Diane never had sex and were never together romantically but that again reinforces to me that they're two sides of the same coin
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even the way that Bojack desperately begs Diane to tell him that he's a good person
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is just the other side of Bojack lashing out at Princess Carolyn for making him feel like he's a bad person
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and both instances sprout from him thinking that they know him too well and while some of the scenes with Princess Carolyn happen after they happen with Diane, they're also contextualized by their long history.
So, for me, while obviously he has two separate relationships with each character and while obviously the Original Relationship(s) Bojack has is with Beatrice (and Butterscotch), which impacts all of the relationships he has afterwards, I ended up looking at his relationship with Diane through the lens of his relationship with Princess Caroyln, which made Princess Carolyn and her relationship with Bojack the more narratively compelling and why I ended up with this as my takeaway
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because I actually thought that it had already been established that Diane moved on and coming back to that in the finale felt like an unnecessary rehash but more importantly, what Bojack said about Princess Carolyn was right, I do believe that she was this person in his life and had been for nearly thirty years
“You're the little plastic table they put in pizza boxes to keep the pizza from getting smushed."
and to have that table removed, would've been emotionally resonant and a well-earned consequence that also isn't a punishment, it's just life.
I don't know if any of this makes sense.
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fyeahghosttrick · 1 year
Ghost Swap 10: closing ceremonies, happy rerelease day, and what comes next
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Ghost Trick is out! On Steam, Switch, everywhere! Ghost!!! Tricks!!! Please play Ghost Trick. Let’s party! These are the SIXTY-SEVEN works that were created for the Ghost Swap exchange / the anniversary celebrations last week, in our biggest edition by a landslide. What a triumph:
@ace-cyclic​ for @catgirl-frostmoon: So You Had a Bad Day (fic, Sith, Sith’s robot, Yonoa crew)
@arbuthnotblob​ for @gippley-png: Chapter 15 Cabanela angst (art, Cabanela)
@azurefishnets​ for @dieanywhereelseart​: Without Form and Void (fic, Jowd, Missile, Sissel)
@azurefishnets for @arbuthnotblob: FFVI crossover, Personal Demons (fic, Cabanela, Sissel)
@azurefishnets for @laughingmango: Maelstrom (fic, Alma, Jowd, Cabanela, Sissel)
@azurefishnets for @siverwrites: Testing the Waters (fic, Jowd, Cabanela, Alma, Kamila)
@azurefishnets, @laughingmango and @siverwrites: Celestial Miracle: Angelic Investigator (illustrated fic, Kamila, Amelie, Emma, Cabanela, Jowd, Lynne, Yomiel)
@bunnybead123 for @pichumaster: Time in a Bottle (fic, Yomiel, Sissel, Sissel - Yomiel’s wife, Lynne, Jowd, Cabanela)
@catgirl-frostmoon​ for @katecattus: Memories Come in on Little Cat Feet (fic, Sissel & Yomiel)
@clay-cuttlefish​ for @ace-cyclic: Lynnvestigation (interactive fic, Lynne, Sissel)
@crushcircuit​ with @mrkanman for @marenwithanm: Jowd holding Sissel (art, Jowd, Sissel)
@dapskie​ for @yunaffie: Sissel and Missile being cute together (art, Sissel, Missile)
@darknessconsumesmeslowly​ for @clay-cuttlefish: The Darkness Within (fic, Yomiel)
@dinner-rol​ for @starsofcarnephel: Bailey and partner living together (art, Bailey, Bailey’s partner)
@dreamdancerdotfile​ for @moodlemcdoodle: Ghost Trick/Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover (art, Sissel, Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright)
@epiceisaloser​ for @rookiebotwx78: Sissel trying to be impulse control for Lynne (art, Sissel, Lynne)
@gavinnersroadie​ for @space-biscuit: AA crossover Lynne and Ema snacking (art, Lynne, Ema)
@gippley-png​ for @serrangelic-art: Multiple prompts, mob psycho crossover (art, Yomiel, Jowd, Cabanela, Alma, Sissel)
@graegrape​ for @siverwrites: Odd gift giving Ot3 fluff (art, Alma, Jowd, Cabanela)
@guccisystem​ for @dinner-rol: Kamila and Amelie pro-gaming (art, Kamila, Amelie, Missile, Sissel)
@gxos​ for @guccisystem: Yomiel and Sissel caught in the rain (art, Yomiel, Sissel)
@katecattus​ for @darknessconsumesmeslowly: Question (fic, Yomiel, Sissel, Sissel - Yomiel’s wife, Lynne, Cabanela, Jowd)
@katecattus​ for @epiceisaloser: Sissel as tarot cards (art, Sissel)
@katecattus for @methemystery: Hair down Yomiel (art, Yomiel)
@katecattus for @okiroash: Touch (fic, Yomiel, Sissel, Sissel - Yomiel’s wife)
@katecattus for @phantriicks: Flower Yomiel (art, Yomiel)
@kiaroou​ for @octopeachy: A day at the garden (art, Amelie, Kamila, Memry)
@laughingmango​ for @playghosttrick: Disco Elysium crossover, majestic cockatoos (art, Cabanela, Harry du Bois)
@laughingmango for @arbuthnotblob: FFVI Crossover, Princess Kamila & Feral Pomeranian (art, Kamila, Missile)
@laughingmango for @azurefishnets: New timeline Jowd and Pigeon Man (art, Jowd, Pigeon Man)
@laughingmango for @dapskie: Cabanela & Jowd role swap (art, Jowd, Cabanela)
@laughingmango for @raygirlramblings: A most ignominious dog theft (art, Lynne, Memry, Missile)
@laughingmango for @siverwrites: Undercover Jowd (art, Cabanela, Jowd)
@laughingmango for @yunaffie: Some hurt/comfort (art, Jowd, Cabanela)
@laughingmango for domestic Alma/Jowd/Cabanela lovers: What it says on the tin (art, Alma, Jowd, Cabanela)
@laughingmango​ for @clay-cuttlefish​: Another ghost that night (art, Untitled Goose Game crossover)
@marenwithanm​ for @soup-for-ghosts: Bittersweet, long-awaited reunion (art, Yomiel, Sissel)
@moodlemcdoodle​ for @ravensa: Cute pet outfits (art, Sissel, Missile)
@nebulacloudz​ for @azurefishnets: OT3 arcade winnings (art, Alma, Jowd, Cabanela)
@phantriicks​ for @dreamdancerdotfile: The most fashionable duo (art, Cabanela, Missile)
@playghosttrick​ for @arbuthnotblob: Game Night with a Ghost! (fic, Yomiel, Jowd, Alma, Cabanela, Lynne, Kamila, Sissel)
@pichumaster​ for @gxos: Yomiel as hanged Tarot card (art, Yomiel)
@puzzling-angel for @epiceisaloser: Yomiel and Kamila being witches/wizards with familiars (Yomiel, Kamila, Sissel, Missile)
@octopeachy​ for @yami-yomiel: Happy anniversary (art, Yomiel)
@okiroash​ for @wyrmswears: Sissel makes a not-so-convincing human (art, Sissel, Lynne)
@okiroash​ for @serrangelic-art: Human-sona Sissel and comic (art, Sissel, Jowd, Cabanela)
@ravensa​ for @emeraldfox11: Ghost Trick Disco Elysium crossover (art, Cabanela, Harry du Bois)
@raygirlramblings​ for @dapskie: Peace, Love, and Pigeons! (art, Rock Jailbird, Lovey-Dove, pigeons)
@raygirlramblings for @okiroash: Rube Goldberg gift giving machine (art, Kamila, Yomiel, Sissel)
@serrangelic-art​ for @phantriicks: Sissel comforting Yomiel (art, Sissel, Yomiel)
@shibasquish​ for @tankens: bothering Jowd after hours (art, Cabanela, Jowd)
@siverwrites​ for @graegrape: Splintering (fic, Lynne, Cabanela, Kamila)
@siverwrites for @catgirl-frostmoon: Breath of Fresh Air (fic, Lynne, Kamila, Missile)
@siverwrites for @emeraldfox11: The Reticence of Mangoes and Cheesecake: The Guide to Not Getting Answers (fic, Cabanela)
@siverwrites for @yunaffie: An evening’s celebration (fic, Alma, Jowd, Kamila, Cabanela, Lynne, Missile, Sissel)
@s00r00me for Ghost Trick anniversary: Ghostly Yomiel (art, Yomiel)
@soup-for-ghosts​ for @gavinnersroadie: FianSissel destroying Yomiel at card games (art, FianSissel, Yomiel)
@space-biscuit​ for @kiaroou: AA crossover, Maya makes a friend (art, Maya, Sissel)
@starsofcarnephel​ for @alto-tenure: Sissel comforting Yomiel (art, Sissel, Yomiel)
@tankens​ for @shibasquish: Jowd relaxing with Cabanela (art, Cabanela, Jowd)
@theriveroflight​ for @darknessconsumesmeslowly: The Case of the Missing Allen Wrench (fic, Sissel, Missile, Kamila, Jowd, Alma, Lynne, Cabanela)
@theriveroflight for @laughingmango: hoping for a last-minute miracle (fic, Cabanela, Jowd, Lynne, Sissel, Pigeon Man, Amelie, Kamila, Yomiel)
@theriveroflight for @okiroash:A Chance Encounter (fic, Jowd, Cabanela, Yomiel, Sissel)
@wyrmswears​ for @raygirlramblings: Sissel, Missile and Lovey-Dove cuteness (art, Sissel, Missile, Lovey-Dove)
@yami-yomiel​ for @bunnybead123: Sissel being a good kitty doing something silly (art, Sissel, Yomiel)
@yunaffie​ for @puzzling-angel: The Good Old Days (fic, Sissel, Yomiel)
@yunaffie for @okiroash: To Feel You At Last (fic, Sissel, Yomiel, Jowd)
A big big thank you to all participants! It’s thrilling and moving to see so much love and energy poured into this edition. As planned, this has been the last edition of Ghost Swap as an exchange. 9 years and 10 editions (pulling double duty to shift to June on the 10th anniversary)! It’s been an honor, folks. Truly. From now on, the event will run as a simpler fan fest: participants will send in their prompts and freely pick at least one that they like. Guaranteed to work on a prompt you love, not guaranteed to get a gift, but if more than just your gift in the list here felt like a present for you in the overall festive spirit, that’ll for sure still apply. But more on that next year! For now: ghost’d. tricks. you know how it goes. Nothing like it, baby!
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 months
oough...wahh......thinking about meklords again. as i am always
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im such a bananas bonkers freak for when the yugioh card archetype storytells through the way its played/its effects, and ESPECIALLY when it ties to the person playing the archetype... if I think too hard about the Emperors and Aporia using an archetype that utilizes its own self-destruction to unlock its true power I gotta start pacing around. CYCLICAL SUFFERING!!! OUROBOROS!!! MY PAIN SHALL BECOME YOUR PAIN!!! AND SO ON AND SO FORTH!!!!
i also. think a lot about how while Meklords have a predominately DARK attribute spread, it's extraordinarily poignant that Astro Mekanikle, Aporia's ace monster, the monster that he fuckin LOOKS LIKE, is LIGHT attribute.
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despite all the despair and darkness that has characterized Aporia's life at the end of it all there's light inside him....there's still good in there.... bangs fists on the floors cries WAILS
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satellites-halo · 6 months
Queer discourse is so weird to me bc it's like. Cyclic? People always find the Next Queer Group to call the bad guys. Nonbinary people, xenogenders, pansexuals, aros/aces, mspec monos... It's always the same people who "learned from their mistakes" repeating them too by jumping headfirst into the next wave of Trendy Exclusionism instead of taking a few steps back and going "ok, maybe the real enemies are the people trying to get us all killed?", and when the next identity that's trendy to hate on pops up they'll move on to that. I don't get it. Why do you want to hate queer people so badly
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How TWST Charas Love (As Told By Tarot) | Scarabia + Savanaclaw
tags: gn!reader, headcanons, tarot
a/n: it’s about time i start writing for the dudes in twisted wonderland. i got some ideas swirling in my head, but the easiest and funnest are always doing the tarot headcanons since every reading is so different. there’s too many characters to do this in one post, so this is gonna be spread out across several. anyway, sup twst writing community, happy to join you guys
deck: true black tarot
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the star, the hierophant, nine of cups, nine of pentacles
you want for nothing if you are loved by kalim. whether it’s smothering your faces with kisses when you’re sick or whisking you away for an impromptu ride on a magic carpet anywhere in the isle of the sages, kalim is aware he has a blessed life and he wishes to share that life with you wholly. a family, kalim wants to incorporate you in all of his families and vice versa. while at school, the whole of scarabia is your family. your family is his family. and, of course, kalim’s exceedingly large family is yours for as long as you’ll have him. kalim chooses to believe in the good of the world and trusts that in spite of the bad, the world will give back what it receives. he believes meeting you is no different and returns the world’s generosity in full in how much effort he puts into maintaining your relationship. he’s more than your boyfriend, he’s one of your best friends. someone you can dance with when you’re happy, someone you can lean on when you’re not at your strongest and he knows that he can trust you to be the same for him. in the rare chance he hasn’t thought of marriage, his parents definitely have plans to add you to the family.
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the lovers, four of pentacles, anant, seven of cups
if you were to ask jamil whether or not he believes in the concept of soulmates, he’d probably scoff. “are you seriously asking me that?” that’s a childish concept kalim and najma would believe in, not someone like himー but his actions say otherwise. the man is a romantic, a hopeless one at that. while your relationship might have started with you initially being a pawn in jamil’s game of currying favor among the student body, true feelings developed on his part. romance was the last thing on jamil’s list of priorities and yet him being with you just makes sense, like a law of the universe. the cycle of the universe is one cyclical in nature, what happens once will surely happen again and jamil doesn’t doubt your relationship works the same way. this life into the next. he still wishes to make a name for himself yes, but the thought of a domestic life with you in tandem with those hypothetical accomplishments isn’t far from his mind either. but this aspect of jamil stays strictly between the both of you. he wouldn’t be able to live it down if others knew about this side of himself.
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five of pentacles, four of swords, the fool, ace of cups
getting together with leona was needlessly hard in the beginning for the man refused to acknowledge the feelings he had for you. he outright rejected them. wanting things in the past regardless of how hard he worked for them never worked in the past, why would they in the present? it took serious reflection and (unwanted but needed) advice from his friends to take the steps to accept how he felt and move forward. a relationship of this nature is new territory for leona but blind as he might be, he walks forward with confidence. he isn’t the best at words but he shows he loves you in his actions. in how he holds your hand when you’re scared, in the small but warm smile he wears when he sees your victories and in how he drags you out to the botanical garden for a nap if you’re working well-beyond your limits. those moments with you comfort him as much as he hopes they comfort you. despite his gruffness, leona is a thoughtful lover and he pays attention to you more than you initially think. don’t be surprised if you off-handedly mention something you’d like to what you think is an inattentive boyfriend. a week later, leona will present it to you nonchalantly and raise an eyebrow when you look surprised. of course he listens to you when you ramble, dork.
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page of pentacles, queen of pentacles, the hanged man, justice
looking out for number 1 might come naturally to ruggie, but he is surprisingly mature and knowledgeable with matters of the heart. as such, he surrenders easily to his feelings when he is aware of them and doesn’t hesitate to tell you how he feels. as far as he saw it at the time, he could either come to terms with things and ask you out and know if you feel the same way. or he could fight it and end up losing his chance to be with you because someone else with their shit together asked you out first. it was a pretty clear choice. ruggie prides himself in being dependable as your boyfriend and enjoys doting on you as much as he enjoys teasing. ruggie might poke fun at your room being messy but he is already rolling his arms up to sweep as he speaks. ruggie is well aware that there are plenty of people out there who have him beat in certain areas, but ruggie also knows there are plenty of things that he does excellently. while your own acknowledgement of those things isn’t necessary, it pleases him nonetheless. he might not be able to give you bundles of extravagant gifts, but he is able to get you plenty with his skills at haggling.
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queen of swords, knight of wands, the chariot, king of swords
another one who is pretty in-tune with his emotions and doesn’t hesitate to tell you how he feels. what’s the point in lying to you or himself about how he feels? when you look good, he says it. when you look like you’re having a rough time, jack says he might not be able to make your troubles go away but he’ll try. his honesty is endearing most of the time. jack tells it to you straight, good, bad and in between. he wants you to feel this way as well. if there’s a problem with the relationship, how is he supposed to fix it if you don’t tell him anything? jack says things bluntly, but he will find ways to soften his words if he sees that certain levels of bluntness hurt you. surprisingly not against pda; if you’re within an arm’s reach, jack will have an arm around you to hold you close. it’s not so much about letting everyone in a three mile radius know you’re taken ーwell part of it isー he just enjoys feeling you close and smelling your scent. jack wouldn’t call himself prince charming or anything, but he quick to come to your ‘rescue’ even if he knows you can handle yourself. 2 against however many is a lot better than just 1, just know that jack is your backup.
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