#actually I wanted to watch Mamma Mia and then I forgot
viva-la-bohemia · 2 years
The Aftermath
“Come on, get up.”
Lark groaned and clasped the outstretched hand of g-man, his gun-buddy, the man he had done Fortnite dances with at prom while nick and marco laughed from the side Grant Wilson to pull himself up. He looked around slowly at his friends co-workers and made a mental note to take care of the definite concussion that he had. Grant was unloading and reloading his handgun, a nervous tick that had somehow become normalized over the years. TJ, the man who got drunk with him for the first time on the roof of DADDIES and took all the blame when darryl found them, the man that convinced him to be the Ryan to his Sharpay in bop to the top when they auditioned for mamma mia in high school Terry’s glasses were broken in both lenses somehow, and he was flexing his arm in the way that he had done ever since his elbow had gotten popped out of the socket, oh so many years ago.
Lark’s brother was sat on the stairs, twisting his ring and glaring at his shoelaces, for some reason, as if he wanted to ground them into next month. Lark couldn’t quite say he disagreed with the sentiment. The next time he saw his nephew, ooh boy. No more late night Uncle-Lark-Can’t-Sleep-And-You-Spend-Too-Much-Time-Hyperfixating-On-Random-Shit-So-We’re-Going-To-Get-Ice-Cream trips, that was for sure.
He was snapped out of his stewing by Grant lightly hitting him in the arm.
“What the hell even happened, man?”
Lark dragged a hand across his face. “Nick’s kid broke the glass on the Whale’s tank,” Sparrow and Terry’s heads both snapped to him. Lark winced. “And then I ran in, slipped, fell into the tank, and shattered it.”
Grant’s jaw was practically on the floor. “Holy shit dude, how are you even moving right now?”
Lark smirked. “Dunno, but what I do know is that I’m gonna kill that teenager.”
The walk to the parking lot was silent, none of them wanting to actually admit that they had gotten their asses handed to them by their own kids. Lark pushed the door open into the parking lot, sopping wet, sore, and pissed.
He locked onto the kids and opened his mouth, about to relish in the rare gift that was yelling obscenities and Sparrow not scolding him for it. However, his joy and anger vanished quickly and his mouth closed with an audible click.
From behind him, Lark vaguely heard Grant’s gun drop onto the pavement in surprise and Sparrow gasp out a “holy shit”. Then Terry let out an anguished sob and Lark thought that that about summed it up.
their captor, the mean one, the head purple robe, the one who forgot to feed them, the one that tried to kill their dads, the one that tried to kill “spare-ow” because having two backups was unnecessary, the one that gave him his first scar that even henry didn’t know about, ron’s deadbeat dad that tried to kill his own son, the one who killed a man in front of his nephew, the one manipulating terry’s daughter
Willy Stampler was holding the headless body of the very sixteen-year-old that Lark had been planning to yell at until he was blue in the face. Like watching a train crash, he followed the trail of blood to Taylor Swift’s head at the feet of Scary Marlowe, who was gripping a net so tight that her knuckles were white. Her jeans were splattered with blood. She looked horrified, and mere seconds away from sobbing.
Normally Swallows-Oak-Garcia normie, norm, his nephew, his star, his kiddo, his ice cream partner, Teeny the Teen was shrieking nonsensically on the ground, his knees appearing to have given out entirely, and he pulled at his hair as tears streamed down his face.
Lincoln Li-Wilson link, his godson, the kid who he’d watched take his first steps, the kid who’d somehow gotten taller than him in the years that he’d been banned from the Li-Wilson household, in all of his six-foot-three glory, was glaring at Willy with an intensity that could’ve killed a man.
Lark wondered why he hadn’t jumped at the man already, and then saw the cause. He was supporting the small DC-obsessed kid, the one that had spent two months monologuing himself into identity crisis after identity crisis and also apparently had a crush on his nephew? who was leaning his entire body weight on the taller kid, face blank except for a few stray tears working their way down.
Willy looked bored. Taylor’s body thumped on the ground as he checked his watch. “Ugh. I really thought that this would be faster, huh kiddo? Guess some parents just don’t care.”
Scary Marlowe teresa, terry the third, terry jr jr, the emo one, mini-him, edgelord supreme, the one he somehow knew the least even though they had sat at the same table at the wedding squeaked.
Her fingers flew free from their fisted prisons and Lark could see both the indent of the netting and the bloody crescents from her nails etched into her palms.
The net dropped heavily onto Taylor’s head (Lark choked back the bile rising in his throat) and his stupid pork-pie hat tipped off and onto Scary’s shoes.
Normal had stopped shrieking and was full-on sobbing into the ground. And then Row, his better side, his beautiful half, his twin, his six-minutes-older brother, the man that had saved his life time over time, the man that had taken him in without a second thought when he realized that Lark was sleeping on the streets, Sparrow Oak-Garcia stepped forward. His foot caught on a loose piece of gravel and it skittered across the blacktop, catching the attention of everyone.
Lark managed to drag his eyes away from the decapitated child in front of him and lock them onto Sparrow as he addressed the children with what he hoped would be their saving grace.
“Would this be a bad time to say I told you so?”
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shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
This Is Not The Princess You’re Looking For: bowser x luigi
one of bowser’s lines based on THIS
wanted a story where luigi’s in a dress but not as princess peach, kind of like in THIS doodle i drew
bowser comes to kidnap peach
she’s not here at the moment but why not talk to her cute brunet friend with the super short hair and pretty green dress?
story under the read more
This Is Not The Princess You’re Looking For (also on ao3)
‘There’s-a no way this is-a actually happening,’ Luigi thought to himself, dumbfounded. He watched Bowser flex an arm while continuing his exaggerated story about fighting Mario.
Mamma Mia this was happening.
A few minutes ago Luigi had been waiting for Peach in the Tea Room; she’d mentioned needing more time to prepare their snacks and Mario took the car because he forgot something at their house. Bowser had broken into the castle and landed right in front of Luigi.
It was a good thing the plumber was wearing one of his dresses today; it didn’t take long for the king to notice someone else was in the room after seeing a distinct lack of Peach. No, the real surprise came when said Koopa King, destroyer of castles, kidnapper of princesses, fighter of plumbers, looked the dress clad brother up and down...
...and started flirting with him.
Luigi was thankful he was wearing a mask because of a cold or Bowser would have noticed his jaw dropping. And the mustache, he guessed. Regardless, he could only mumble out that he was a foreign guest from far away when Bowser asked who he was.
‘Of course everyone knows who I am,’ he’d bragged, proudly puffing out his chest and thumping it with an equally large hand. Opening an eye to look down at the other, Bowser tilted his head to the side. He leaned down to take a white gloved hand in his and smirked, sharp teeth on display. ‘I’m a little upset Peachy girl never mentioned having such a cute friend though.’
Luigi coughed, choking on his own spit. Wow. Woooooow. He wasn’t sure if he was cringing or impressed; maybe both if he was being honest.
The green plumber waved the king’s concerned looks, stating that he just had a cold.
‘I could kiss you to make you feel better?’
That just started another, shorter coughing fit with Luigi rejecting the offer on the grounds that he didn’t want the king to catch his cold. Surprisingly, Bowser didn’t look like he was coming onto him with the suggestion. ‘Maybe it’s-a his solution whenever his kids were sick,‘ Luigi thought in between coughs.
‘Ahem, how do you know the princess again?’ Hopefully asking about Peach would be enough to buy some time before Mario came back.
Bowser lit up and immediately started talking about his (glorified) perspective of their adventures. He had to admit, it was interesting seeing them from a different point of view. Even if that point of view was peppered with a few cheesy pick up lines and saucy winks.
Speaking of...
Comfortable now that he knew Bowser wouldn’t try and incinerate him, Luigi yawned, stretching in his seat. He could hear the king’s speech falter before picking back up. Hmmm.
Focusing his attention back on the koopa, the green plumber adjusted his skirts and placed his elbow on the tea table, hand in cheek. He leaned forward towards the king and watched the taller man fumble his words when they made eye contact. Heh, he should probably stop before Bowser caught on.
“I hate to cut this short, Your Majesty, but I guess I’ll be going home now. Peach must’ve forgotten to tell me she was busy today.”
Luigi stood up and patted the imaginary dust off his skirts. “It was nice ‘meeting’ you though,” he said, smiling behind his mask.
“You can just call me ‘Bowser’ y’know. I could give you a ride home, easy peasy,” the king offered.
“Ha ha, no thank you. It wouldn’t do to go with a stranger now would it?” He winked. “I can just wait for my ride.”
Bowser blushed. “Right, right,” he coughed, awkwardly. Welp, if Peach wasn’t even here, he didn’t need to be either. Even if he wanted to keep talking to her friend in the pretty green dress. “Here’s my number, if you ever wanna be more than strangers.” Clawed hands pressed a business card with Bowser’s insignia on the front into his own and in a moment the king was gone, the sound of his clown car puttering off into the distance.
Luigi let out a breath. Oof, trying not to let his accent out was hard when you had a cold.
“Treats are ready~!” Peach sang out, gliding into the tea room; cart full of different pastries and teas pushed by Mario followed.
“Hey-a, bro! Did we-a miss anything?”
Luigi laughed and started telling them what happened.
bowser tells kamek what happened and kamek responds the way commander peepers did at the end of The Date from wander over yonder
hater: /talks about disguised sylvia and wander/
peepers, deadpan: you mean sylvia and wander in dresses
hater: ... WHAT?!?
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emoprincey · 1 year
It Must Come To An End (analoroceit)
I know it's the end of the week, but I finally managed to get something done for analoroceit week!! Thanks @loganisanobody for hosting this awesome event! This is actually the prequel to an au I've been planning for a while, the title is from Mamma Mia, you'll see why...
I used the day 2 prompt: Argument/taking sides.
Writing taglist: @iclaimedtobethebetterbard
It was ironic, Virgil thought, that he worried so much about everything, but he hadn’t seen this coming.
He and Janus had been arguing more often recently, over every conceivable thing. What to eat for dinner, the price of their dates. It didn’t help that Virgil had felt more irritable than usual lately, so even the clinking of Janus's spoon against his coffee mug was enough to set him on edge.
"Will you stop that?" Virgil snapped one morning, when the sound of Janus stirring his drink became too much to bear.
"Well, I'm sorry for stirring my coffee in my own kitchen," Janus shot back with a glare.
"You could at least be quieter about it, you're giving me a headache," Virgil grumbled.
"You're welcome to sleep at your own apartment if you wish," Janus said shortly.
The only reason Virgil had stayed at Janus's last night was because they'd finally managed to schedule a date with both Roman and Logan, and afterwards the four of them had curled up in Janus's king-sized bed. It would've been nice, if Janus didn't keep complaining about Virgil’s cold elbows poking him, and Virgil himself wasn't plagued with waves of nausea throughout the night.
Virgil was about to retort, but he was interrupted.
"Everything alright?" Roman's voice came from the doorway. He was leaning sleepily against the doorframe, looking gorgeous in the baggy white T-shirt he'd slept in, with his hair tousled and falling into his eyes.
Virgil momentarily forgot about his annoyance, until Janus spoke again.
"It's fine, Virgil is just feeling a little tired." His tone was smooth, as if nothing was amiss between the two of them.
Roman didn't seem to notice anything was off, because he kissed Janus's cheek before he walked over to massage Virgil’s shoulders.
"How are you feeling, love? Perhaps we could get Logan to give you a proper massage later."
Virgil sighed, relaxing into his touch. "I'd like that. Where is he, anyway? It's not like him to be the last one up."
Roman shrugged. "Maybe he partied a little too hard last night and needs to sleep it off."
Virgil snickered. They'd only been out to a restaurant, and he doubted the singular glass of wine Logan had would be enough to bother him.
"I can assure you, I am not hungover in the slightest," Logan said, walking into the kitchen already dressed in a black polo shirt and trousers from the small supply of clothes he kept at Janus's place. He gave Roman a look of disapproval and headed over to the fridge. "I simply wanted to get dressed before breakfast."
Roman just chuckled and made his way over to Logan. He kissed him sweetly and Logan immediately melted into it.
Virgil noticed Janus watching the two of them with a soft expression, and sent a smile in his direction. No matter how much the two of them fought, they both loved their boyfriends. Virgil hoped that whatever happened between him and Janus wouldn't end up hurting either of them.
The end had still come as a shock. When Janus said they should break up, Virgil had stared at him in silence for a few moments, unsure how to respond.
The next few days were rough. Virgil stayed at his own apartment, and barely responded to any of Roman or Logan's texts. He was just glad the two of them weren't breaking up with him as well.
He was sitting on the sofa when he heard a knock at his door. The TV was on so his apartment wouldn't feel too silent, but he had the volume too low to actually listen to what the hosts of whatever boring talkshow were saying as he scrolled through Tumblr on his phone.
When Virgil opened his door, his eyes widened in surprise. He'd known that one of his boyfriends would probably want to visit him soon, but he hadn’t expected this. Roman stood there, looking devastated. His hair was messed up, and his face was blotchy with tear-stains.
"I just broke up with Janus," Roman said.
"Oh," was all Virgil said, before he wrapped Roman in his arms. Roman crumpled into the hug, as Virgil was the only thing keeping him standing, and sobbed into his shoulder.
Once Roman calmed down a little bit, Virgil guided him inside and put the kettle on to make Roman's favourite herbal tea.
"Are you okay?" Roman asked Virgil when he sat down, which was absurd because Roman had been the one crying into his shoulder just a moment ago. The last thing he should be doing was worrying about Virgil.
Virgil just shrugged. "I didn't mean to make you choose me over him," he said quietly, dipping his head.
Roman sighed, then leaned over to press a kiss to the side of Virgil’s head. "You didn't make me do anything. I was mad at him for the way he treated you, but I made my own decision. Besides... me and Janus have been fighting for a while now."
"Oh?" Virgil raised his head slightly.
"Yeah," Roman said. "We tried to tone it down when you and Lo were around, but he's really been getting on my nerves, and I know I've been getting on his."
Virgil felt bile rise up in his throat, though he was sure it wasn't at the statement.
It must've shown on his face, because Roman looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just feeling a little sick, is all," Virgil said.
"Do you need to go to a doctor?" Roman asked.
"No, I'll be fine," Virgil said. "It'll pass."
Virgil paced around his small bathroom. He was sure he was fine. He'd just been feeling a bit under the weather recently, there was no way-
But it was best to be sure.
He couldn’t bring himself to glance at the pregnancy test on the counter. After everything that had happened with Janus, the last thing he needed was something else to worry about.
Finally, he convinced himself to look down and check the result.
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3cheers4evil · 2 years
mbav as me and my friends’ antics
erica calling benny a bitchslap magnet
ethan denying rory’s offer of chocolate to which rory says “but the peel contains all the vitamins :(“
betharah staying outside of a school dance cause the music is horrendous but then international love by pitbull plays and they drop everything unsupervised (including phones and wallets) in the hallway to rush in for a dance
ethan & jane having sleepovers with individual friend groups on the same night and jane calling ethan’s sleepover a kids’ play date which ethan tries to prove wrong just for his polycule to fall asleep at 9pm playing mario kart while jane & friends stay up til 3am
sarah sleep talking and rory responding to her. sarah convinces rory that he needs to put his glasses on asap or else he won't be able to see and rory does in half-asleep panic and sleeps wearing them
ethan having face id pay on his phone and accidentally clicking on an ad and confirming a yearly subscription to hbo max in the span of like 3 seconds
benny trying to impress a girl in the pouring rain stating he's survived the chicken pox as a kid (we overheard this actually but it's him)
erica entering a busy classroom by mistake and the teacher saying “excuse me” to which she says “oh you’re good no worries” before leaving
benny ordering pizza and having a cough fit when they pick up and the pizza place says they have no time for pranks and hang up and block his number
sarah dreaming that she was talking to taylor swift about her discography and upon waking up she asks if she's still there because she really wants to discuss the reputation album
rory (seeing the screen from the corner of his eye) to sarah: “you’re watching drag race without me???” sarah (completely unphased): “you mean cbc news?”
erica posting a selfie with the caption “i will raffle one survivor from the likers of this post, everyone else will die tonight”
benny begging ethan to let him sing abba karaoke just to yell I FORGOT THE LYRICS 😭 into the mic giving it back to him & now ethan has to sing mamma mia against his will
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itsdelicate · 2 years
omg i remember u mentioning getting a new tat and wanted to ask what u wanted to get but completely forgot dkjfns. so what did you get?
yes it isss!! it took me forever to properly get into music like the only reason i ever started liking specific artists was quarantine lmao. that is so wow omg. so like fearless era? that mustve been fun tho!! honestly i would love to spend half my life a swiftie lol. i was i was!! like omg the bad blood mv is prob one of the biggest "omg girls?!!?!??!!?" moments of my life like that scene w her velcroing on the boxing glove w her teeth,,, the hair, the makeup, just everything. i still scream a little when i see that scene lmao. and also like ybwm, love story, ikywt, blank space (another mv i was obsessed w), etc etc. the popular ones!! and my vocal teacher actually introduced me to cruel summer (which i loved) and also her cover of riptide. like now thinking ab it,,, how did he even know omg??? SO TRUE like inject ivy into my veins its so *chefs kiss*. YES YES YES mad woman is so scream in the car or into a pillow while crying i love her sm. LMAO YES i remember seeing it and genuinely thinking. huh. a happy song cool! and then its just pain for 5 mins which i absolutely LOVE.
AWWW THEYRE SO SWEET I CANT JKMDWMV i would cry if any of them did that to me. so valid so true shes just so !!!??!??!??!?!?!?
yessssssss. rapunzel is such an icon <3 she so issss!!!! OMG I LOVE MAMMA MIA SM!!!!! abba is obvs everything and meryl streep???!?!?!!!! AND amanda seyfried AND julie walters AND christine baranski???!!?!!!? AND colin firth and pierce brosnan?!?!?!?! its such a classic and i could watch it forever jkdmsfvjnm. yes omg i immediately stop the second i feel a bit annoyed w it. okok i def will!!
it is it is njskodjn. haha yea ik a lot of ppl dont really like it lmao but the second i heard it was obsessed. RIGHT??? makes me cry everytime. im very much a sad songs lover <3
yea me too!! like to go to a mall and seeing the massive tree and all the decorations?? so pretty so fun i love it.
glad i could be of service lol ajnsmf <3 yes it did thanks!! my friends and i are planning on watching the black panther movie together so that hopefully!! have u watched it? and wbu do u have any plans? also i realise that i totally spam u in these replies iwdkfvs im so sorry i talk and ramble a lot lmao
xxx ur secret santa
very rude of tumblr not to tell me i got your ask 😒 anyway! it’s a little mermaid rat!! it has the prettiest colours in it’s tail and the design was to raise funds for the mermaids charity who support trans, non-binary and gender diverse kids and families <33333
oooh gotcha i totally get it a lot of my friends aren’t into music like at all but i’m so glad you found a love for taylor’s music hehe yess fearless era!! but you’re here now!! you can be an honorary since-fearless-era stan 😌 love that for you omg the scene you’re talking about it,,, Yes whew on this topic i didn’t know it then but the story of us mv was a gay awakening for me ahdjfj and yes the blank space mv was SO good!! (is it your fav music video?) i will never not be upset that cruel summer didn’t become a single IT WAS RIGHT THERE!!! omgggg stop her cover of riptide is my fav thing ever i listened to it obsessively for ages your vocal teacher knew what he was doing 😌 help i didn’t even process that it’s over 5 mins long it’s so 🥲
EXACTLY EXACTLY!!! i had like post concert (convention 🤔) depression for days after lmao
YESSS it’s such a classic and so feel good i love it so so much!! my cousin introduced me to all the abba songs when i was like 7 and she burned them onto a cd for me under the instructions that id stop singing mamma mia at all hours cause i was annoying her 💀 and then i proceeded to audition with mamma mia the song for my school’s talent show and all the teacher’s laughed cause i was literally 8 years old singing about how i’d been cheated on and i was brokenhearted 😭 shfkgk i have to do that when i overplay taylor’s songs sometimes like ok i have to listen to another album now or i’ll burn myself out smh
it had such a different sound! but i love it now and omg i always find myself avoiding really sad songs 🤧
yeah!! it’s such a lovely time and i adore going to christmas markets <3
omg nice! no i haven’t ahdjf i actually haven’t seen mcu movies 🫣 i never got into them and my friend’s a huge fan who keeps asking to me watch them but it feels like there’s too much to get into now from the beginning shdjf and no omg i love it!! spam away 😌
i hope you’re having a good week!! 🥰
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tapdancingowl · 6 months
Gala Gone Awry (Script Writing Part 2)
Scene One
Briana and Jess crawl through the window of a banquet hall. They emerge on the second floor which is clearly being used for storage. Both women are adorned in formal wear fitting for a gala. They look around, as they quietly collect themselves; the floor they are on is empty but music and voices from the party below can be lightly heard in the background. Jess looks at her phone while Briana starts to rummage through her bag.
BRIANA: Ugh, have you seen my…
JESS: (Interrupting Briana) Your lip gloss? Here I grabbed an extra. (She hands over the lip gloss)
BRIANA: Actually wasn’t that, but thanks, I forgot mine. I’m looking for my watch. (She finds it at the bottom of her purse) Oop.  Never mind, not missing anything.
JESS: (Walking towards the elevator) How can you be the smartest person I know, yet almost lose something where its whole point is to be attached to your body?
BRIANA: Just lucky I guess, but hey at least I’ve never lost my glasses like I’m straight out of a 1960s Scooby Doo cartoon.
JESS: That was one time Bri…
BRIANA: (Jokingly) Whatever you say Velma.
The two continue towards the elevator but Briana breaks off and moves towards the fire escape stairs
JESS: (Rolls her eyes playfully) What are you doing? You’re going to blow our cover, no legitimate guest is going to be taking the back staircase down from the bathroom. What do you even have against elevators in the first place?
BRIANA: (Cheekily and slightly embarrassed at being called out) I don’t hate elevators, I just really like stairs.
JESS: Oh come on. (She pulls Briana into the waiting elevator that has just arrived, thankfully empty).
BRIANA: (Mumbing) We’re in a limited-access storage hallway, at least with the stairs our mission didn’t depend on whether or not the elevator happened to be empty at the exact right time.
JESS: You got a problem with the plan, you take it up with headquarters. 
The elevator moves down to the first floor.
JESS: You ready for this? Blend in, find the contact, then just in and out like we weren’t even here. No unnecessary contact this time.
BRIANA: In-N-out, as quick as getting a fast food burger.
(Jess gives Briana a look)
Scene Two
The elevator doors open into an extravagant entryway to a bustling ballroom. Briana and Jess exit the elevator and confidently make their way through the crowd, grabbing wine glasses along the way.
BRIANA: (Taking a sip of her drink and whispering to Jess) That’s our door to the left. Let’s go.
They walk to the door and slip through. Inside is a man, Phineas, dressed in a blue suit with his back to the door.
JESS: (Nonchalantly to Briana, yet with practiced emphasis) Did you look at the news today? There was an article in the The New York Times this morning about how those big baggy pants are in…
PHINEAS: (Turning around) A line about pants? Is that the best the agency can do with code phrases now-a-days?
BRIANA: (Annoyed) Ugh this guy again…
JESS: (Annoyed and unphased) Phineas, long time no see. You wouldn’t have happened to have seen another person come through here, we had made plans to catch up with someone. Awww, unless you have had a change of heart and just wanted to come enjoy the party?
PHINEAS: Hah, don’t play coy with me agent. And rest assured, your contact has been well taken care of. (Jess and Bri share a worried glance) Oh don’t worry he’ll be fine, but then again, he never existed. I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to get the agency’s best out of the picture, so I decided to create the perfect opportunity.
5 bodyguards emerge, previously hidden in the corner of the room
PHINEAS: Enjoy your evening, ladies. (He exits out a back door)
JESS: (Dropping into a fighting stance) Well, so much for subtly. Guess we have to do this the hard way. Again.
BRIANA: (Following in suit, singing) Mamma Mia, here we go again.
Briana and Jess begin to fight, quickly taking out two of the guards.
BRIANA: (Lining up for a kick) Oh, do you guys still want a feet closeup? (She kicks a guard in the face) Because Imma gonna be charging.
Briana pulls out the lipstick from earlier, opening it and revealing a mini-taser. She and Jess knock out the rest of the guards. They pull them to the side behind some boxes to be taken into custody later.
JESS: (Breathing heavily) Boxes! So many uses, always there when you need them.
BRIANA: (Looks at Jess quizzically) I swear so many of our missions turn out like a bad James Bond movie…
JESS: We are literally spies Bri.
BRIANA: Yeah, and? (Briana gives her a look) Nevermind, you know it’s coming but you’re still never ready for it. At least this time he didn’t make anything too obnoxious comment-wise.
JESS: Who, Phineas? Everything that comes out of that man’s mouth is obnoxious.
BRIANA: Well the night is still young, want to go get ice cream?
JESS: (Laughing) Wow so hardcore. But we still have a job to do. (Nodding towards the door Phineas left out of) Come on. (She takes off)
BRIANA: (Calling after her) What? We should try to end the night NOT in a foot chase sometime. (Taking off after her and laughing) It would be a fun goal!
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notebookmusical · 1 year
Hey! I know you didn't reply yet but I am very intrigued by your Barbie musical choices. I love that cast idea! Unfortunately I missed the movie again the other day but maybe I will see it the next week..idk. but I realized that I never told you my favorite musicals. So..my musical knowledge at first was from a lot of movie musicals..which I still love. Like I was familiar with Hairspray, Mamma Mia, Sweeney Todd and Rent..which are some of my favorites still cuz I'm so familiar with them. One of my absolute favorites is Sweeney Todd..and I know the show is better now but I still enjoy the movie. I was able to see Rent on tour which was better but I still enjoy the movie too. Then when I saw the Les Mis movie..I became obsessed with it and got more into Broadway because of it. But before that..I was familiar with a few songs from Wicked..and that was the first show I saw on tour so I still love it. Then I got really into Newsies and Jeremy Jordan for a while..and I think the musical is better than the movie..even if I saw the movie first lol. By this time..Hamilton had come out and I also loved that..but maybe not as much as other people..and 2016 was the first year I watched the Tony's. I enjoyed Waitress too. I also started watching old musical movies around that time..and just wanted to know as many musicals as possible..so West Side Story is one of my favorite movie musicals. La La Land had come out and I was obsessed with it..but Emma Stone is my favorite actress and her being in a musical was a dream come true. I know many people don't like it..but I did since it wasn't based on anything and reminded me of old musicals. Basically I like any musicals mostly..and don't really pick favorites between them. Unfortunately I haven't been as into Broadway as much lately for new shows but I try to see shows on tour. Hadestown on tour was really good and I hope you get tickets!!!There are a lot of cast recordings I haven't listened to yet. What are some of your favorite musicals? Sorry this is so long..and I know you haven't replied yet. Also I forgot to ask you your opinion on the new Emily Henry book!!!
have you watched the barbie movie yet? i'd love to hear your thoughts — especially with my casting! a friend suggested gavin creel (especially with his current hair) as ken, and once that was suggested most things just fell into place! i was toying around with stephanie styles (or taylor louderman) for barbie, originally, but then once i got attached to the idea of gavin creel as ken, i knew i needed someone who i was confident could hold their own next to gavin, someone who was a strong actor (and a more subtle actor), among other things and i just really, really want meghann fahy to go back to theatre! i'm really happy for her success in tv (and i loved watching her in bold type, and will someday get around to watching white lotus for her and her alone), but i do miss her doing theatre. she just has such a beautiful voice, and i've loved her since her sam brown days! i think about her singing valentine by preston max allen, and her as riley in the we are the tigers concert all the time! a fun fact about me is that i've only actually seen the sweeney todd movie, and i've actually never seen rent! for some reason, i've had it in my mind that i should just hold out on seeing rent until i can see it in person, and the last time the tour was here in seattle i had bronchitis and wasn't up for seeing it. i'm hoping i can see it sometime soon! i love love love mamma mia, and i think it's just the perfect movie musical — and also a perfect musical! it is simply just so fun! my friends and i did a powerpoint night a few years ago, and her powerpoint was on potential mamma mia sequels (and i think she had like, eight different titles + plots picked out). as a les mis snob, i have a love hate with the les mis movie, but it also did pull me deeper into the world of musical theatre 🤍 newsies was the first show i saw on broadway and it'll forever have a special place in my heart (my first musical ever was annie!). and i do also agree that the newsies musical is much better than the movie! i have such a soft spot for it. i used to follow the tony awards religiously (and also just like, constantly check up on broadway grosses, etc.) but i don't anymore! waitress is another show that has a special place in my heart; it's tied for the show i've seen the most, actually! speaking of la la land, i just remembered they were hoping to adapt it for the stage — i wonder what happened to it, or if it's just fizzled out. the choreo in la la land is spectacular, and i was just talking to a friend a little bit ago about how paramour (the cirque show) did a la la land tribute back in the day! i also haven't been as interested in current shows on broadway, unfortunately! i'm hoping that something will speak to me soon, because i'd love to go back and see some shows. i know the notebook musical is transferring, and i wonder if the cast will stay with it! i saw the notebook musical last october in chicago, and i thought it was ... very weak, but the cast was incredible. i was particularly blown away by john cardoza (who i still maintain should be orpheus in hadestown someday; i love him), and joy woods! and yes — i managed to get hadestour tickets while on the plane to chicago, actually! i'm super excited to see hadestown again 🤍 some of my favorite musicals are: les miserables, waitress, sunday in the park with george, hadestown, deaf west spring awakening, newsies, once, an american in paris, come from away, alice by heart, ride the cyclone, venice, marie dancing still, we are the tigers, company, amélie! i'm sure i'm leaving something out too! i haven't been listening to a lot of newer cast recordings either; i've been meaning to listen to the sweeney one, actually but i might hold off till the entire thing is released! and i'm so excited for the new emily henry! it sounds so up my alley (i say, as if any of her adult romances haven't been up my alley)! i saw the cover got leaked and it's so pretty too — i just wish it was coming out in paperback, and not hardback!
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melancholicvampires · 5 years
Some more asks requested by @swingxilly from this post.
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
Amalia: Sometimes simply revealing she carries a weapon deals with a confrontation. Otherwise she sorts it out in a duel
Carmilla: provokes further or/and acts very polite. If that doesn’t help she deals with the problem like the confrontation never happened (meaning the other person might not be there the next day)
Rebecca: has to deal with angry customers a lot, who aren’t satisfied with the outcome of a prophecy or the words from a called deceased. She explains very slowly and calm she’s only a messenger. Sometimes they understand, but most will just stomp out of the shop when they notice they won’t get their money bag
Adara: whoever starts a confrontation with Adara must be either brave or very dumb. She either lets fall a few words about an unpleasant truth or someone coincidentally goes missing
Dahlia: gives argument and explains the most logical way to resolve the conflict, but reasoning isn’t always met with understanding. So they try explaining it again and if the other person doesn’t listen to them, they give up and leave the other person with their problem
Célestin: he doesn’t. Or to be exact, he just talks his way out
Enzio: resolves conflict by talking it out in a calm manner and understanding the reasoning behind it
Claude: depending on the person he either explains how tiresome and exhausting arguing is or will try to calm the confrontation down
Valère: tries to find a compromise, which most of the time has more benefits for the other person, if they actually follow his suggestion. But most pf the time he just gets through with the confrontation and waits until it’s done, because he doesn’t have enough energy to deal with that and to repeat his suggestion once more. He can’t do more than explaining the consequences and the best possible way to solve the problem
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Amalia: see the answer above
Carmilla: also see above
Rebecca: she doesn’t like violence and rather falls back upon magic. But before she does anything hurtful, she'd do a scare first
Adara: when someone gets too pesky or proofs to be a danger. She won’t do the violence herself obviously, except it's about someone very important and strong
Dahlia: not particularly stoked about violence and rather solves confrontations with words and logic. Only if there’s no other choice, they resort to violence
Célestin: he’s less the active part in that regard. Of he gets challenged to a duel, he'll probably participate or leaves the person hanging, depending on his mood and how serious he takes the situation. When the other person chooses a violent approach to solve the confrontation, he will warn them and if his warning gets ignored, he won’t turn back on using violence
Enzio: is not keen on violence and tries to calm the situation by talking it through, only exception being self-defence
Claude: he would rather avoid a confrontation turning ugly like that and with unnecessary blood spilling. Harpies are quite strong, so it’s unlikely someone would go as far as beginng a violent confrontation, which would be the only case when he would resort to violence. Or someone insults Valère, but he wouldn’t go too far. More only to show the person what they woild be about to experience, if they don’t quiet down
Valère: that is the consquence mentioned above
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Amalia: rats, mice
Carmilla: wet fallen out hair
Rebecca: the feel of wet earth, warm breath touching her skin
Adara: dirt, dust, clothes people have already worn
Dahlia: nothing mich really
Célestin: spiders
Enzio: the smell of rot and death
Claude: cigarette smoke, blood
Valère: Arsène
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autistic--crows2-0 · 2 years
I couldn’t get google forms to work so deal with this ok :)
1.)What’s your name/s (preferred or nickname) optional*
For now it’s, Rowan, Bee, Ray or Ace idk yet
2.)Preferred Pronouns
They/he/, but I accept all pronouns
3.)What are you interested in
4.)What are your plans for this summer
Hanging out with friends, doing art, picnics, watching shows etc
5.)Tell me a bit more about yourself
I’m 14/5
6.)How do you dress (not important at all i just wanna know ok I’m bored)
Corvidcore, like a gay bartender according to my friends, goblin-core, funky idk etc a mix
7.) favorite show/s or movies
Atypical, owl house, amphibia, arcane, heartstopper, our flag means death, mamma Mia, Steven universe, and more
8.) favorite YouTuber or tumblr person?
Aw man, so many YouTubers, but I have some favorite YouTubers in bio, I will make a post
9.) favorite song, artist, playlist or podcast
Ummmmm, I like TMA podcast, some playlists I have made, I can make a link to my Spotify ig, I really like Conan gray, Cavetown and more lol
10.) favorite cosplayer
I am only actually friends with one, @arsonist-twink but I have talked with a lil or seen really talented people online! I really want to go to a cosplay event
11.) favorite book
Suicide notes, and others
12.)favorite creature or plant.. do you have any pets
Umm actually my friend got me into orchids a lot, I wonder if he ever heard of the chocolate something one that smells really good lol I forgot to ask him, I still have a note about it somewhere on paper behind my chrome book screen lol
13.) do you want to be friends? Yeah
Would you survive the zombie apocalypse. If so why. If not why would you die what did you do??
Idk how to answer this one myself, I think I might try to fight for fun just to have a sword fight on my bucket list and die eventually
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kissmeaboutit · 3 years
So this is just a short self indulgent fic because I love Buddie and I love Mamma Mia. It’s really not that good, but I had fun with it.
I suggest listening to the song while you read! ( starting when Eddie asks the guy to start the music)
Buck loved Mamma Mia. It was sorta a highly known fact between everyone at the station and honestly anyone in his life. It’s his go to movie to watch when he was sad. It’s also his go to soundtrack when he was doing stuff, cleaning, cooking, laundry. Anything. He’s watched it with Eddie at least 10 times.
Eddie finds it endearing and apparently he’s the only one who thinks so. Which is why he was here. At karaoke. About to spill his feeling to Buck through a duet. Eddie pretty much never went up and sang. He liked to watch everyone else, but today was different.
He pulled away from the table “ Hey. I’m going to put us on the list.” Buck froze, turning to Eddie in shock. Before he could question him, Eddie turned and left the table.
“ Wow I never thought i’d see the day.” Hen commented, her brows raised up high.
“ Think he’s sleep deprived or something?” Chim added.
Eddie sighed as he moved up in line to write down their names and the song. He decided to stand up by the bar until they were called because he’d be going through twenty questions if not.
It was only two songs later that the announcer called their name. Eddie didn’t wait for Buck though. No he actually went on stage and asked him to start the song before Buck even got up there. Eddie grabbed his mic, swallowing hard. He was nervous. When he looked to Buck, who was almost to the stage, he found a big smile on his face.
“ Mamma Mia?!” Buck took two steps at a time to grab his own mic. Eddie didn’t wait for him before he started to sing.
“I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every man that I see is a potential threat”
Buck didn’t seem to notice that Eddie was literally singing too him. He stepped in closer, his smile was blinding. Eddie didn’t dare look at anyone else though. “And I'm possessive, it isn't nice. You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice” He took a step around Buck, circling him like a shark. His voice wasn’t half bad.
“But now it isn't true” Eddie’s hands were sweating so badly, but he just gripped the microphone and continued. “Now everything is new.” He rounded back to stand in front of Buck, stepping into his space “And all I've learned has overturned,I beg of you”
Buck’s eyes were wide, unsure if Eddie was just really into the song or not. He almost missed the next part, but brought the microphone up to his lips so he could start singing his line “ Don't go wasting your emotion. Lay all your love on me.”
Buck took a few steps backwards so he could actually breathe. His eyed were still locked on Eddie. “ It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little small talk, a smile and baby I was stuck.” He felt like he was burning up under the bright lights on the stage. “I still don't know what you've done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily”
Eddie licked his lips a little, his fingers twitched. He wanted to reach out to him.
“I feel a kind of fear.” Buck stepped back in again, unable to be far from him for long. “When I don't have you near.” He reached out to cup Eddie’s cheek. “Unsatisfied, I skip my pride.” Buck’s thumb slid down his cheek, his eyes flickered to Eddie’s lips. “I beg you, dear.”
Eddie shakily sang along softly to the chorus. He honestly forgot they were in a room full of other people. They were staring at each other like they were communicating through their minds. “I've had a few little love affairs.” Buck sang, making a face which in turn made Eddie roll his eyes. “They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce.” Why didn’t Buck ever realize how much he related to this song, even though it was his favorite from the movie.
“ I used to think I was sensible It makes the truth even more incomprehensible.” Eddie was so blinded by everything that was Buck. He had been for years and he didn’t realize it until recent.
They started singing together, Eddie’s hand moved to touch Buck’s face.“ 'Cause everything is new.” He chickened out last second and just gripped the microphone with two hands. “ And everything is you.” Their faces were leaning in closer.
“And all I've learned has overturned
What can I do?”
As the chorus started, Eddie dropped the mic from his mouth. Thankfully the song still played those lyrics so it wasn’t like it was silent. He was starting to reach up to touch his face again when Buck started singing his part of the chorus. “Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me.” His hand splayed on Eddie’s chest as he pushed him backwards while walking towards him. They moved across the stage effortlessly.
“ Don't go sharing your devotion. Lay all your love on me.” Buck’s eyes were full of everything needed for his next move. Eddie stopped moving backwards, his hands finally reached for Buck’s wrists as he pulled him in close. The song was starting to draw to a close and it was then that they both swooped in for a kiss at the same time.
Their arms wrapped around each other, and it wasn’t until a bottle was being tossed in the recyclable bin they they were pulling away from each other. They panted, their eyes suddenly wide as they remembered they most definitely were not alone.
Looking out into the crowd, Buck’s eyes caught their family’s shocked and also knowing expressions. Hen started clapping which in a matter of seconds had the whole place cheering. Buck and Eddie blushed, looking back to each other.
“ Did you learn the words just for me?” He murmured softly, running his fingers against Eddie’s jaw.
“ Eh. You play it so much I was forced to learn them.” The brunet joked softly, sliding his free hand into Buck’s.
“ Oh ha ha ha. You seemed to be enjoying yourself, so I’m going to take that as a win.” Buck grinned cheekily. “ This is also totally going to be our song.” He said as they stepped off the stage. “ So wanna go back to my place and play Gimmie!Gimmie!Gimmie! ?” Buck bit his lip, handing over his microphone to the man behind the desk.
“I was planning on it.” Eddie smirked, winking at him smoothly as he lead him to the door.
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charleecat-bat · 2 years
Storm the Albatross Headcanons and Interpretation
for @excali8ur cause they asked about storm headcanons and YE SHALL RECEIVE
-Storm is the older cousin of Jet and Wave, who are siblings (Don’t ask me how it works just yet I’M STILL FIGURING IT OUT) Despite Jet being the ‘leader’ of their whole group. He took it upon himself as the oldest to take care of them growing up and watch out for them and support them by any means necessary even if it meant getting into thievery and being very rash and getting into fights to protect them... i could imagine out of all of them, he’d probably want to give up thieving for good if he was given a good chance of getting income or just a better lifestyle. that’s just me though, Wave is smart enough to do it and thinks she can get away with it and Jet just likes doing it and living by his own rules. They managed to get some income with races but it still doesn’t always cut it and well, they’re good at it most of the time. (I still think out of all of them, Storm would feel a little guilty about it). Storm mostly wants to get enough income so the other two can have a better future, thinking they have a better chance then he does.
-Storm is actually very good at cooking, and the only one of the Rogues that can be trusted in the kitchen. It’s his safe space and it’s such a good time for him if he can listen to music and just cook. He does not trust it when his cousins try to cook, especially if he’s sick or sore. HE’D RATHER RISK HIS BODY THEN RISK HIS KITCHEN BEING RUINED.
-He’s actually very into music, but secretly his favourites are classical and musical soundtracks. I’ve joked he’d LOVE the mamma mia soundtrack and you know what HE WOULD
-Like a lot of mobian birds. he POOFS up when he’s flustered or angry, it’s kinda adorable considering he is the fluffiest of the three. he’s nice to hug.
-He trips over his words and stutters a lot when he’s excited or nervous and it embarrasses him. It’s already one thing that he’s literally clumsy but he’s verbally clumsy too
-He mostly only calls Jet ‘boss’ simply because it makes him happy
I also had an odd kinda ‘interpretation’/’headcanon’ that i’ve basically made a thing in my own canon as he gets older, it’s mostly just stuck with me and made me explore his character? its’ just a bit touchy tho but i’ll put it below in case you wanna read:
So I tend to have all the characters in the cast aged up a ton as I got bored of them all being teenagers.
Jet: is like very 18-20 years old, still doing extreme gear racing for cash and on his way to be a champion, but also i think i had him studying or at least going for scholarships as an idea but he needs to grow up a little the insecure little weirdo. He’ll sometimes steal if he feels angry enough and wants to just go “Fuck this shit //yoink”
Wave: mid 20's, trying to start up her own tech business and it's getting there, she's busy a lot but still around. She still boards and steals.
Storm: around late 20's borderline 30s? .. he's having... a rough go of things for many reasons. he still does his best to support the two though by doing all sorts of little jobs, mostly to do with construction or labour because he feels he can't do much else-
Why’s Storm having such a rough time? HMMMM WELL
I pictured a few years before present day in my canon, he was still doing extreme gear racing aong ... unfortunately he had a very bad crash. It felt him in quite a condition, the worst damage was his head. He had hospitalised for quite some time, most likely months; and well the damages that the crash caused were extreme. He had to relearn a lot of things, he passed out a lot, forgot a lot of things. it was difficult for him.. and he still struggles with it.
i did my research on some long-term symptoms of damage to the brain, and he does deal with them and it's bad enough that he's no longer allowed to compete in extreme gear, he can barely do it for fun anymore either. his body just can't take it. So the most he can do is just ride around on it idly, not even do tricks or anything. So having to give up one his biggest skills/hobbies was extremely hard for him.
So he's in a very rough patch of depression, he tries to stick with taking care of his cousins but they can tell he's not doing well, he struggles to find jobs he can handle from his injury, a lot of his phsycal hobbies he can't do anymore and it's left him really sad. he's still got music and cooking but somedays his mental state is not that good.
it doesn't help i imagine after the accident his cousins treat him as if he's fragile and... he hates it. he understands they're worried and want him to be careful but he hates feeling like being babied and like he's gonna break at any slight touch.
he keeps a lot of his emotions about this to himself though buuuut it's kinda obvious he's not doing as well as he used to but he's trying his best to still be there for his cousins
i did explore this in a small short story i wrote with him talking about it with Big while Wave and Jet are off doing their own thing and Big just emotional support friend. Cause i’m weak for the two big bois. <3
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anachilles · 4 years
» somewhere in the crowd, there’s you  ♪  julie/luke [ juke ]
If they weren’t already dead Julie swore she would kill them. Luke especially.
Actually no, that wasn’t fair. This time she couldn’t completely blame them for what was admittedly a dumb decision on her own part. But see it from her perspective - the boys hadn’t seen the Mamma Mia movies. They didn’t even know of their existence. That had to be remedied.
TL;DR - The boys are introduced to the Mamma Mia Cinematic Universe. Alex spectates, Julie sings ABBA, Luke falls further in love, and Reggie ends up reliving the horror of high school math class. Also BROT4 couch cuddles.
link to read on AO3: [x]
taglist: @wokealex @blueruby31
If they weren’t already dead Julie swore she would kill them. Luke especially.
Actually, no, that wasn’t fair. This time she couldn’t completely blame them for what was admittedly a dumb decision on her own part.
But see it from her perspective - the boys hadn’t seen the Mamma Mia movies. Didn’t even know of their existence. They had just been finishing up a group jam session when she’d made some off-hand joke about them hitting the big-time and having their music turned into a movie-musical series “like ABBA”. Reggie’s face had lit up and he immediately jumped on it, “Wait, they made a movie out of ABBA music?”
“Multiple movies?!” Alex had cut in, looking disbelieving but nonetheless delightfully intrigued.
Luke snorted with laughter, throwing his hands up as he turned to look at Julie. “That’s it - I know what we’re doing tonight” he exclaimed, and pointed at her “Do you have them on ta-”
He catches himself before he can finish the word ‘tape’, but Julie’s eyes still narrow, her own smile now challenging. The boys really weren’t that bad at picking up the basics of modern technology, but slip-of-the-tongues still happened and Julie loved to tease them about it. Luke most of all just because he always dogged the other two the most about it when they did it. Also, perhaps a little bit, because he was kind of cute when he got all defensive.
“On what, now?”
Luke floundered for a second, and Alex and Reggie traded a look between them. Suddenly though, a lightbulb dinged above his head and his expression turned smug.
“DVD! Do you have them on DVD”
Julie laughed, making what was meant to be a loud ‘buzzer’ sound. “Wrong answer! Not the most up-to-date form of media storage, but nonetheless thank-you for playing”. Her expression softened though when she heard Alex and Reggie hound him a little behind her, “However, we do have them on DVD because my dad likes having physical copies of stuff”.
She was about to leave to go grab them from the house, only the time on her phone caught her attention and her heart sank.
“Hey guys, I can go get them for you but I don’t think I can stay the whole way through both. I’ve got school tomorrow.”
All three boys erupted in protestations, Luke’s notably the loudest of all, though on Alex’s suggestion she conceded to stay for at least the first one, then they’d pick up the second one tomorrow or something. 
Honestly, it hadn’t taken nearly as much convincing as it should have. 
She just really needed to physically be there to witness the three of them watching Meryl Streep jump off a pier to the tune of ‘Dancing Queen’ and Pierce Brosnan absolutely butcher ‘The Winner Takes it All’ for the very first time. Also, talking to them about the movies had made her realise it had been way too long since she’d last watched them herself, and they always made her feel so light and happy. As silly as it may sound, the care-free, sunshiney tone but with genuine moments in them had helped carry her through some really dark days. Since then, they’d always been comforting to return to.
So that’s how she ended up squished on the beat-up old studio couch with three ghost boys from the 90’s, having the absolute pleasure of seeing them react to ‘Mamma Mia’ for the very first time. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, and required Reggie to be sitting with one leg straddled over the arm of the couch and the rest of him pretty much glued to Luke’s side, but they made it work.
Although just as she was getting herself comfy in her spot between Alex and Luke, something niggled at the back of her mind. Something she forgot to do? Maybe? She wracked her brain for a couple of minutes, but her attention quickly and all-too-easily drifted to the screen as the opening chords of ‘Honey, Honey’ sounded, like some sort of siren call, and she couldn’t help but mouth along to the words. She knew them pretty much by heart.
What certainly didn’t help with her cognitive functioning however, is when during ‘Money, Money, Money…’ she felt Luke shift where he was pretty much flush against her side and his arm stretch out behind her neck. His hand settled somewhere near her shoulder; teasingly close but not quite touching it. Her heart rate kicked up a notch, but she was determined to keep her eyes on the screen in front of her, daring not to look his way or even let on that she noticed.
The boys were touchy-feely and generally very physically affectionate with each other, she knew that just from generally being around them these past couple of months. Julie had always found it really sweet and endearing, how unashamedly tactile they were with each other, but at the same time couldn’t help but feel left out as her own friendships with all of them got deeper and she grew closer to them all. Now that they were corporeal, at least to her, suddenly she’d become privy to all that as well.
Now she couldn’t imagine not being able to do stuff like hold their hands during band circles, or not knowing the utter warmth of Alex’s hugs (it was undisputed that he gives the best ones) when he noticed she’d had a tough day at school, or even what it felt like to not have Reggie gleefully grab her hands, or arm, or shoulders when he got super excited about something.
She’d already been falling hard for Luke before when she couldn’t physically feel him under her fingertips. For all intents and purposes wasn’t fully there there, but now? When she’d felt the brush of his body behind her when he’d lean over her shoulder to look at sheet music, or his thigh press up against her leg as they shared a piano stool during their little lyric brainstorming sessions? When they could high-five, lean into each other’s side, playfully shove each other when one thinks the other is being annoying, grab each other’s hands and dance around the room in celebration when they manage to book another gig? All those little moments they could have now added layers to what she already felt.
However, even if she felt something between them, that spark,  and her gut told her Luke possibly felt so too, Julie also couldn’t deny that that kind of affection wasn’t any different to the kind he showed towards Alex and Reggie too. Plus, she didn’t really know how ghosts felt about having relationships, especially with the living, or if Luke would even want to go there. So she tried not to read too much into what kind of felt like Luke pulling that old “arm around shoulder whilst distracted by the movie” move.
So although she never really could forget how close he was, Julie let herself become immersed back in the movie. Her life was generally good, labels and certainty or not, she was happy. The happiness of the movie fed into that. The boys seemed to be having a hoot with it as well, if how much Alex especially was grooving in his seat was any indication.
Julie’s not quite sure what possessed her to say it in the moment, or what she expected to transpire when she did, but when they got to the ‘Super Trouper’ scene coming straight off of the, uh, heaviness of ‘Lay All Your Love on Me’ (during which Luke went weirdly quiet for some reason, prompting Alex and Reggie to share a fleeting look over the top of both his and Julie’s heads) and the opening chords sounded she blurted out 
“Oh, this used to be my karaoke song when I was a kid”. 
Luke’s eyes immediately went wide and she knew she was in trouble. He quickly urged Reggie to grab the remote and pause the movie, ignoring Alex’s soft “Hey, I was watching that!”, before turning his attention fully towards her.
“Well now you have to do the routine; get on up there and show us what you’re made of!”
Julie’s jaw hung open a little and she wasn’t sure whether she could really be annoyed at anyone but herself for practically handing this to him on a silver platter.
“No! I really don’t…” she tried to argue, though his mischievous smile was infectious and damn her lips threatened to twitch into a smile too. “It’s been years! And anyway, I only bust it out for audiences that are deserving of it”.
Luke met her with a challenging gaze. “Bet it’s cause you don’t know the words” he said, turning to Reggie, his tone dripping in antagonism. “Hey, did you hear that the great Julie Molina won’t perform because she doesn’t know all of the words to Super Trouper by ABBA?”. Reggie’s eyebrows shot up and he immediately played along. “Y’know what? I actually did hear that somewhere. Huh…”.
Julie shot a withering look at Alex, a wordless “Can you do anything?” shining in her eyes, but he has the nerve to just shrug (!) with a silent, smiling “I’ll allow it”.
She could’ve got them to drop it if she really had wanted them to, she knew that. Maybe Julie from three months ago would have. Actually, no, that version of herself definitely would have made them drop it; the darkness shrouding her life day-in, day-out smothering any semblance of silly, carefree happiness and convincing her that simply having fun just wasn’t for her.
But she didn’t feel like that anymore.
Julie pulled herself to her feet, eyes fixed with new determination. She crossed the room to the open space, taking a stance mirroring that of the one they’d paused Meryl Streep in and fixed Luke with a playful glare, even though she was addressing Reggie.
“Unpause the movie”.
The performance was one for the history books, if she did say so herself. The boys watched on in amazement as she remembered every word, near enough every step and dance move (the big sleeve shimmy was an interesting one though with sweater sleeves nowhere near dramatic enough to match Donna’s) and personally she thought she sold it.
About halfway through Alex snuck a glance at Luke by his side, and realised karma must be having a slow night given how fast it was paying the other boy back, because he was undeniably staring at Julie with what was clearly pure, open adoration.
“‘Cause somewhere in the crowd, there’s yooooou” she finished with a flourish, heart thumping, and lowered her arm to point at all three of them in turn, but finishing ultimately on Luke even though he was sat in the middle. His face scrunched up with a cheesy smile and he let out a loud whoop of appreciation, kicking off the round of applause before the other boys joined in, Reggie coming in clutch with the standing ovation and everything.
Julie felt breathless but joyful as she flung herself back into her seat, and Luke leaned forward to grab her soda, handing it to her with what looked like contrition.
“I guess I stand corrected, huh?” he said, defeated, but not entirely sorry to be so.
She shrugged, taking a sip of the drink. “I guess you are. It’s a good look on you”.
Luke snorted with laughter and they laughed together for a brief second, an apparent blush rising to sit on his cheeks (Could ghosts blush? How did that even work?).
Before the situation could get weird or questionable though, he turned back towards the movie, but slowly. Like he wasn’t quite ready to leave this moment just yet; like he wanted to stay looking at her just a bit longer. Julie just nudged him and settled back in, trying to go about it in such a way that would implore him to put his arm back around her like he had before.
It didn’t come until the scene where Bill confesses to Sophie that he thinks he’s her father, but eventually that now familiar weight settled behind her head again, setting off a whole herd of butterflies in her stomach.
The first movie came to an end, and things wouldn’t have been awful if she’d just called it a night there and gone to bed. But she was having so much fun and they were all so comfy, and the boys seemed very excited for the prospect of a half-prequel-half-sequel.
“Surely they’ve already used all the good ABBA songs in the first one though, right?” Reggie argued, causing Alex to swing round to look at him, scandalised.
“Are you insinuating that there’s a bad ABBA song?”
While they hashed it out in the background, Luke backing Reggie up just to get a rise out of Alex, Julie acted on impulse and jumped up, running towards the garage window. All the lights in the house were out, meaning her dad was already in bed and everything. As long as she was super quiet sneaking back in and remembered to bypass that squeaky floorboard on the stairs, he never had to know.
“Alright; Here We Go Again - let’s do this”.
Turns out Julie had kind of underestimated how late it was and how long the day had been. She could feel herself getting tired around the ‘Waterloo’ mark, eyelids growing heavier and heavier as she gradually sunk lower and relaxed deeper into the couch. By the time young Donna makes it to the Kalokairi her head had come to rest in the crook Luke’s neck, his flannel soft under her cheek as his cheek leans against the top of her head. Maybe it was a testament to how sleepy she was, but she couldn’t bring herself to move away. The posture felt natural.
She was so comfortable, surrounded by warmth and the soothing hum of the old second-hand TV they’d bought at a garage sale and moved into the garage, she was right on the verge of dozing off… when a realisation crashed into her mind, seemingly out of nowhere.
Julie shot up poker-straight, suddenly very awake. “Oh, crap!”
The three boys startled, most of all Luke when her movement meant he almost fell face-first into the couch cushion.
“What is it?!”
She groaned and fell forward into her hands. “I have a math test tomorrow. And I was going to study for it before bed tonight.”
So that’s how she ends up with Reggie hanging uselessly over her shoulder in the middle of math class, the exchange that came after the realisation still ringing in her ears.
“Hey, hey! It’s fine. Take Reggie - believe it or not, he was good at math” Luke offered up hurriedly.
Reggie himself looked a little stricken. “Yeah, 25 years ago, dude!”.
“Do the rules of math go out-of-date, or…?” Alex teased, though still placed a comforting hand on Julie’s back.
“No, Alex, they don’t - so relax, you’ll be fine, man! You can’t make the situation any worse by trying”
“Don’t give him that challenge, Luke”.
Though admittedly she loved him just for actually turning up and trying, he was staring down at the test with as much confusion as she was. Apparently math had changed over the course of 25 years. They exchange a mutually panicked look. Clearly, neither of them knew shit. Instead, Reggie just runs up to the front of the room and peeps on Mrs Ford’s answer sheet, Julie’s hopeful eyes following him as he dodges around desks and backpacks lying on the floor.
“Are you sure?” she mumbles to him under her breath when he gets back. Apparently not quite low enough though, when the guy next to her turns to give her a funny look, and she has to make a show of furrowing her eyebrows and counting on her fingers, muttering appropriately as she goes.
Julie can feel Flynn’s discerning gaze from across the room and she knows she knows there’s some ghost-like foolery happening. It’s a mess. She’s a mess.
Eventually the bell sounds and signals an end to the ordeal, and Julie takes out her (locked) phone to genuinely thank Reggie for his help all the same.
“Ehhh I’m not sure how much help I was, but you’re welcome” he says, laughter coloured with self-deprecation.
Julie smiles genuinely, and she would’ve nudged him if she wouldn’t have been nudging thin air in public. “Hey, I think we got about three quarters of those answers down and that’s 75% more than I would’ve gotten without you”.
Reggie looks pleased, and stands up a little straighter as he walks alongside her. “Do you mind if I hang out here for a while, by the way?”
Julie’s a little taken aback. “I mean, sure, but why would you want to? It’s just school”.
Reggie shrugs, and there’s something unreadable in his eyes. It’s weird for him; he’s generally such an open book. “I don’t know. I never graduated, we were still going when we… y’know…” he trails off, eyes scanning the halls and the throngs of students laughing and chatting together at their lockers, going about their normal day. “Kind of miss it”.
“Well, you obviously have free reign to look around wherever you want. If you want me to show you anywhere in particular, just let me know. I’m meeting Flynn for lunch now though, so that might not be as fun for you...”
The way he says it makes something ache in Julie’s chest, and she wishes she could give him a hug. With the boys so real now, and so immersed and predominant in her life, it was getting easier and easier to somewhat forget that they were actually dead and had both led and left lives behind. Being reminded of that was starting to hit her that little bit harder.
Reggie nods sincerely, mirroring her slight chuckle. “Thanks, Julie”.
Approaching the cafeteria, Julie sees Flynn in the distance, and is about to put her phone away when she suddenly stops in her tracks, and keeps it held to her face.
“By the way…” she smirks. “If Alex or Luke ask, I scored a 95 and it was all down to you”.
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army-of-mai-lovers · 4 years
I’m not sure if you’ve answered this question before so apologies if you have! What’s the best movie you’ve seen?
anon this is such a nice ask thank you so much! the way I categorize movies is weird because there’s “best movie I’ve ever seen” like it’s the best technically and it’s written really well and it talks about important subjects and all that jazz, and then there’s “best movie I’ve ever seen” like it makes me feel good and I can look past any flaws because I just love it so much. So technically the best movie I’ve ever seen is Sorry to Bother You or Moonlight or Malcolm X or Get Out, which actually I’m planning to rewatch all of those soon bc Black History Month. StBY this really excellent allegorical critique of racial capitalism, and the layers of it are super interesting and weird and cool and the camera work and lighting and writing and acting are *amazing* and TESSA THOMPSON’S IN IT. And then I’m sure you’ve at least heard of Moonlight, but I know so many people who have *heard* of Moonlight and celebrated it winning the Oscar for best picture but haven’t actually watched it, or don’t think about it anymore, and honestly I really hate that. So, if you haven’t seen it, it’s a wonderful film, the acting and direction and writing is absolutely spectacular, and I’m honestly crying just thinking about it. Also, JANELLE MONAE’S IN IT. And then there’s Malcolm X, which honestly, all biopics should aspire to be that good. Spike Lee definitely has a style and sometimes that style gets to be a lot, but in this movie it actually works really well and draws you in. I’ll be honest about halfway through I just forgot I was watching a movie at all, and when the credits started rolling I couldn’t even process that Angela Bassett had been playing Betty Shabazz and that I hadn’t just been watching Betty Shabazz. If you’ve never seen Angela Bassett in anything but Black Panther, do yourself a favor, and watch Malcolm X. 
Speaking of, honorable mentions to Black Panther, Waves, and Frida. I remember seeing Black Panther in theaters with my white cishet dude nerd friend and feeling like I had just been transported to another plane, and I looked over at him and asked him what he thought and he was like “yeah it was good.” And then we saw Infinity War a month later and he was like HOLY CRAP THAT WAS AMAZING. I and every other Black person I know except for my little sister saw Black Panther when it came out (even my mom, who hates movies) and it was just so affirming to see a cool big budget film from a franchise that I’ve been following since I was a kid release a movie that went beyond being a “race film” while still talking about issues that affect Black folks everywhere in a meaningful way. My brother made me watch Waves a few months ago (but I didn’t mind bc I will watch literally everything Sterling K. Brown is in) and it was technically beautiful and I loved it a lot, but also it was so violent and terrifying and I actually cannot watch it again for my own health so. Watch it at least once, if you’re the type of person who can rewatch Parasite then you’re the type of person who can watch this movie and be fine, I just can’t deal with violence like that. And Frida I had been meaning to watch and I finally sat down and did it like two months ago and it was absolutely fabulous. The director did a really good job blending the surrealistic elements with the more realistic ones, the acting was stellar, the story was told in such a moving way, cannot recommend enough. 
As for movies that bring me enough comfort and joy that I overlook their flaws--Birds of Prey, 27 Dresses, Mamma Mia, The Devil Wears Prada, Legally Blonde, Brooklyn, What a Girl Wants, and Sydney White. This is not to say that any of these movies are bad (although the Amanda Bynes ones are bad, that’s just a fact). What I’m saying is this is what I watch for fun, when I want to turn my brain off. And that might seem weird if you know anything about Brooklyn bc it’s very much an Oscar bait prestige picture, but I’ve seen it like ten times at this point, I get the point, honestly I can’t even tell you why I like that movie so much but it’s the only movie I’ve ever watched twice in the same day, like I literally finished the movie and started it over in that moment, and I don’t understand why. What a Girl Wants, Sydney White, Legally Blonde, and most recently Birds of Prey are my breakup/romantic disappointment movies, as in I put them in the rotation when I get dumped or stood up or rejected. Birds of Prey and Legally Blonde are of course actually good movies that make me feel more confident and better about myself, hence why I like them and put them in the rotation when I’m at my lowest, and the Amanda Bynes movies are there because they remind me of happier times in my childhood (and in the case of What A Girl Wants, Colin Firth is there). Mamma Mia and The Devil Wears Prada are there mostly because I love Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried and Anne Hathaway (but mostly Meryl) and they are just excellent feel good films (also the cerulean scene? I die every time). And 27 Dresses is my favorite rom com of all time, because I relate to Jane and yes that does concern me, and it falls in the Brooklyn category of frequent rewatches (though not *quite* as frequently)
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bluesylveon2 · 4 years
Levihan Mamma Mia AU Side Story 1: Niccolo meets Hange
Nobody asked for this btw. I came up with it after watching the recent episode, and I mention Nicosasha in the latest chapter of my fic. Yeah this probably sucks, and it’s so ridiculous. I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
This takes place in August in the same year Sasha and Niccolo first met. The girls went to Italy a week after graduation (around June). Hange has heard of Niccolo only because Sasha never went into detail with her. She assumed he was one of Sasha’s friends.
Characters: Hange, Moblit, Sasha, Niccolo, Eren, Armin, Annie, Hanami (OC), Hitch, Marco, Marlow, Jean, and Connie
Main story here!
Armin is the one who plans out everything. 
Jean and Connie are the ones who came up with Sasha's graduation gift.
Their main goal is for Niccolo to surprise Sasha at Hotel Hange.
Jean and Connie are in charge of guiding Niccolo to the hotel and then hide before Sasha sees them.
Eren, Marco, and Marlow are in charge of keeping Sasha at the hotel. They have to hide nearby.
Armin is a few buildings away on a roof to oversee everything. Think of him watching the whole thing playing out while wearing binoculars and talking through a walkie talkie
Jean and Eren also have one to communicate with.
Yes, they are not using their phones. Connie insisted on walkie talkies because it makes the whole plan cooler.
At Hotel Hange
Sasha is hanging out with Annie, Historia, and Hanami at the hotel.
Niccolo already makes it to Kalokairi. Jean and Connie help guide him.
Back to Armin
Meanwhile, Hitch happens to walk, by looks up, and sees Armin.
Cue Hitch sneaking up on him
She notices how he is hiding and wearing binoculars. She looks to where he is looking at, and it's….Annie! (He is actually looking at Sasha)
Hitch, being the good friend she is, jumps Armin and starts interrogating him.
Armin freaks out and accidentally drops his walkie talkie.
It falls off the roof and breaks. Good thing they didn’t use phones
Now Armin cannot see what is going on, so he doesn’t see when Hange asks Sasha to run some errands for her.
Back to the hotel
Eren & co freak out. That wasn't supposed to happen!
Sasha, Annie, and Hanami are about to leave, but they are stopped by Eren, Marco, and Marlow. They don’t want her to leave yet.
Except the errand requires Sasha’s help, so she is insistent with going.
Some arguing happens, but Sasha lets the boys join her, Annie, and Hanami with her errand.
The guys agree to go so they can finish quickly and leave.
Too bad Eren forgot about his walkie talkie while arguing with Sasha. Also, he wants to finish before Niccolo arrives.
Speaking of Niccolo, he is already near!
Jean tells the others that lover boy is near, but there is no response
Jean and Connie walk off to find Armin to see what’s up. They have to hide anyway, so they are just doing their part.
Niccolo goes to the door and knocks (AN: you could probably just walk in, but let’s ignore that for this)
Meanwhile, Armin is still trying to explain himself to Hitch. He looks over and sees Niccolo at the door! Now he has to tell Hitch what is going on before it is too late.
Hange and Moblit are in the hotel when they hear the knock.
Moblit is busy fixing some things, so Hange answers it
She opens the door to find a young man with blonde hair holding a bouquet of white roses.
Hange is very confused.
Niccolo asks Hange if Sasha is home (out of politeness).
Now Hange is suspicious. She doesn't recognize him at all. Hange thought to herself ‘why would a total stranger ask for her daughter? Unless he's trying to kidnap her!’
Hange snaps out of it when Niccolo introduces himself. (He forgot to earlier out of nervousness)
Hange has a mischievous smile and invites him to some tea. ‘So this is Niccolo, huh?’
With Sasha
Sasha finishes her errand thanks to the guys helping out.
The guys are practically running back to the hotel, and the girls are confused. Why are they rushing back?
Before they make it to the steps, they run into Jean, Connie, Armin, and Hitch. All of them look exhausted.
Sasha was about to question what they were doing there when they heard a scream coming from the hotel.
Sasha opens the door to find her mom with her arm around Niccolo’s shoulders. It looked like her mom was embarrassing him. She kept offering Niccolo deals to buy a room at the hotel (she needs money)
Niccolo is freaking out. This is not the plan at all.
Moblit is also there trying to stop Hange but is unsuccessful.
Niccolo is relieved to see Sasha there. He then asks her who the woman trying to sell him a hotel room is
Sasha sweatdrops before she revealing that the woman is her mom
Meanwhile, the others in the back were silent and just watching the whole exchange.
Connie breaks the silence “Surprise?”
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish
Author’s Note: 
Hanami is my MC from AOT 2 FB
I tried adding some stuff from the recent episode here
I realize after finishing this that I need to edit ch 2 because the timeline is throwing me off
Feel free to talk to me if you are confused with this story or the main one!
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literaila · 3 years
well. sometimes we do journalist stuff and talk, and others we take photos. so far i’ve taken photos of flowers, a coca cola can, and a mcdonald’s cup. i found all these in school, outside. i remember back in 3rd grade, whenever it was a special occasion or something, i drew my teachers cards. and it would take hours of complaining and whining.
i bet i could come up with loads of ideas. but it’s actually writing that’s difficult. i do wonder- how do you come up with titles? that sounds hard. writing in general just seems.. i dunno, challenging? you’re an amazing writer, though.
yep! can’t believe i forgot to tell you. do you have any specific jewelry?
why can’t you keep them all? oohhh! yeah, i’ve been to one. twice, actually. with my brother and sister. just made me love cats more.
it definitely suits you. you just give off green vibes. in a good way, of course. do you have any merch of anything else? oh, i remember when everybody did those. you actually painted it yourself?
also, i can’t remember if i’ve asked, but do you watch anime?
another also. what language do you speak? i mean, is english your first language? my family’s all from the iraq, and i was born in dubai or the emirates, i guess. arabic but broken- since i grew up here mostly. can’t remember if either of us have mentioned this before :/
yeah, i really liked it. loved it, actually. i mean, the idea’s so unique and interesting. i finished the abundance of katherine’s and got scythe. i’m on page 38 or something. i accidentally spoiled it for myself. but still, not fully- i don’t think? have you read book thief yet? most of my favorites are ones you’ve already read, so. but i’ll let you know when i finish and start any book. because why not. i might love books but i don’t actually read that consistently- i barely have any motivation and it’s annoying. i skipped my 100 pages yesterday. i’ll read today. by emily henry? i’ll add both of them to the list. did you like them?
somehow. it’s seriously like i don’t know how to keep up a conversation. i’m not like this with the other teachers. probably because she’s scary. yeah, that’s it. i don’t know?? i’ve never even heard of mamma mia.
then yeah, i’d prefer dm’s. so i don’t take a day and a half to respond. sorry about that, also. i guess i can come off anon?
i don’t know who wouldn’t compliment you. they’d be blind not to. you worked today, right? no, it was yesterday. how was it?
friday went okay. obviously, cares club was cancelled. because my english teacher was absent, and so was the coach that also teaches it. did practically nothing. had a nightmare today. was weird?? i dunno. and i just rewatched mean girls for the millionth time. going to read and then have ramen for dinner. that’s about it.
how’s your day been, my love? everything okay?
— 🐢
that’s cool! do you learn about different photography aspects? i’ve always wanted to know about that… which picture is your favorite? ah yes, hours of torture, but then you get something out of it. just like anything, i guess.
oh yes, the world is full of things to write about. titles? i don’t know, i find them easy. at least, for my fics. i usually build my stories around an “idea” (or a metaphor depending on how poetic i’m feeling) and that usually ends up being the title. you’ll see my titles get longer and longer. it is challenging, for anyone. i’m not really one for explanations so i have to work around that.
mmm just rings. i have a chat noir ring.
technically murphy and pepper are my grandparent’s pets. you should go again! i’ve always wanted to go.
i used to have a twilight poster before we moved. uhh i have a loki sweatshirt. no other big things though. ha, nope. my friend made it for my birthday a couple years ago.
i don’t watch anime. mostly just.. read about it? it’s very popular on social media.
wow! that’s a ways away. your family speaks—some?—arabic too, then? i know that for lots of people languages are easier to understand than to speak. english is my first, and my only fluent. i speak some american sign language, but otherwise i just know some basics. i have a really hard time picking things up and as people grow older it’s harder to learn a new language. i’m jealous of those who can do it easily..
pssh, even if you think you’ve spoiled a book for yourself, you really haven’t. my copy is in a box now so… haven’t read the book thief. i’ve heard great reviews of it but i just have a feeling i won’t like it so i’m hesitant to pick it up.. yep, emily henry. i cry every time i read “beach read” so. yes. they both just make me laugh. i just got another book in the mail today. i’ll read it tonight, probably .
it’s a lot more difficult to talk to people you like. or, it is for me. you should watch it—not my favorite but definitely popular.
whenever you want.
well thank you, darling. that’s very kind. i did work yesterday—we were “really” short staffed so i got the “hardest” section. it was fine though, i’m pretty good at my job (not to boast or anything but i’ve been there a while). also i’m a people pleaser, so, you can imagine how that goes hand in hand with costumer service. (and i was really tired last night, literally fell asleep eating dinner)
practically nothing doesn’t sound too bad. at least it’s friday. i’m sorry. was it a bad nightmare? ah, i was listening to mean girls—the musical—earlier so that fits. nice night. don’t stay up too late.
ah, went furniture shopping again. actually bought stuff this time. and then my mom and i went home to put it together and we’ll go back tomorrow. i’m restless right now. don’t do well with unfinished things. everything’s okay.
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ultimaid · 3 years
What are your favorite movies? I saw you tagging Dirty Dancing so which other ones would you recommend?
!!!! so! anon you may not know this but i’m actually a mass communication major with a concentration in film studies, so this is gonna be a LONG list lmao. i have a collection of 200+ DVDs, but i won’t list every single one of those haha
list is gonna be under the cut!
my favorite film of all time is my own private idaho (1991, dir. gus van sant). it’s a drama about an unhoused gay sex worker with narcolepsy and his quest to find his estranged mother. extremely sad, but really fucking good. starring river phoenix and keanu reeves.
runner-up for my favorite film is jack and the cuckoo-clock heart (2013, dir. stéphanie berla and mathias malzieu). this is an animated musical from france that's based on a concept album by the band dionysos, and it's a gorgeous film to look at. if you like the work of henry selick or tim burton, you'll probably really like jack and the cuckoo-clock heart. it's a story about a boy with a delicate clock for a heart who falls in love even though he's not supposed to. the music slaps and the film is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.
i don't watch a ton of comedies, but i'd have to say my favorite comedic film i've seen in a very long time is dr. strangelove, or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (1964, dir. stanley kubrick). you've probably heard of this movie, as it's considered a classic, but it's still worth the recommendation. funniest movie about nuclear annihilation i've ever seen and holds up even 55 years later.
while we're on the subject of "movies you've probably already heard of but need to watch anyways": pan's labyrinth (2006, dir. guillermo del toro). del toro is one of my favorite contemporary filmmakers (i highly recommend his 2017 film the shape of water if you haven't already seen it) and is the master of the grown-up fairytale. pan's labyrinth is a fucked up movie. it's scary, both because of its monsters (the pale man still gives me shivers) and because of its humans (the film takes place in fascist spain in 1944; suffice it to say some of the characters are reprehensible people). it's a spellbinding film.
let's move on to something more lighthearted. i am not joking when i say that mamma mia! (2008, dir. phyllida lloyd) and mamma mia! here we go again (2018, dir. ol parker) are two of my favorite films of all time. yes, they're corny and silly and the timeline makes no goddamn sense (i could write essays about why the timeline makes no sense...), but they make me feel joy like no other film series can. the second one is leagues better than the first in my opinion (mostly because pierce brosnan doesn't sing at all in the second one), but they're both worth a watch if you just want some good old-fashioned campy fun.
last of these that i'll describe: moonlight (2016, dir. barry jenkins). you have probably heard of moonlight. but i will hammer home that if you are at all interested in the art of filmmaking, you need to see moonlight. i've seen moonlight and i've seen citizen kane, and in my opinion moonlight is better. moonlight tells the story of a young black man's coming of age and self-discovery. it is beautiful and it is heartbreaking and it is honest. i can't count how many times i've seen it.
more films that i strongly recommend: brokeback mountain (2005, dir. ang lee), barbarella: queen of the galaxy (1968, dir. roger vadim), american pop (1981, dir. ralph bakshi), inception (2010, dir. christopher nolan), do the right thing (1989, dir. spike lee), dope (2015, dir. rick famuyiwa), moonrise kingdom (2012, dir. wes anderson), roma (2018, dir. alfonso cuarón), the iron giant (1999, dir. brad bird), and beasts of the southern wild (2012, dir. benh zeitlin).
EDIT: i don’t have time to look up the director or release year now but i forgot. orlando starring tilda swinton. immortal trans main character. it slaps.
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