#adoptive mom chloe
unchartedthelostlegacy · 10 months
Coming back for me
One big job and they'd be home free. High risk, yeah, but high reward, hello? A near-priceless lost art piece from before World War II in, if her informant was truthful, near-immaculate condition. Chloe even had a fence lined up.
That didn't mean it was going to be easy to convince her.
The orphanage didn't look so bad from the outside. Chloe was even a little impressed at the new TV inside, where kids of various ages sat on the floor in a semicircle with Paw Patrol reflected in their eyes. The rug they were on was nice. The white-sponge-painted walls decorated with colorful murals here and there were nice.
Meenu saw her from down the hall. The time between her blinking in shock, gasping, flashing a grin almost like an emoji and then barreling into Chloe's midsection was approximately two seconds.
Chloe pushed at the girl's shoulders, but Meenu had wrapped her arms around her midsection and grinned up at her. She'd been so loud a couple of the little kids looked away from the telly.
"You have a black eye," Chloe said, gritting her teeth. The child finally released her.
Meenu snorted, affecting a smug pose with her hands on her hips. "It's no big deal."
"Oh really?"
Chloe wanted to choke on her own spit. She wanted to pick the girl up and run for the gate. Right now.
Not an option though. India did not mess around with out-of-country adoption and was one of the toughest places to finagle the paperwork mess of it all. And maybe Chloe understood that, but not all of it.
As a single woman, she could adopt, provided her background check came back clean. Which. Well. Chloe hadn't done any jail time, at least. But she had wanted to chew her arm off after reading the rule against gay couples adopting.
"What happened, Meenu?"
"What, my new eyeshadow?" Meenu fluttered her eyelashes, grinning. "I was trying your signature look."
"Very funny," Chloe said. "On just your right eye?"
"I was interrupted midway through my influencer makeup routine."
Chloe would have deflected in the same way when she was that age. She bit her lip and squatted down, the hem of her vermilion kurta brushing the floor.
"Listen, I don't have a lot of time. What happened to--to everything? Your store? Where's your parrot?"
Meenu's face didn't break its grin. Chloe knew it was a mask. Breaking the facade would allow the floodgates to burst open.
She sighed.
"Kid, you don't have to smile."
"You think I want to cry in front of everyone?"
Meenu said it in a quick, quiet, snappy voice that belied her years. It ached that it reminded Chloe of Nadine when she refused to discuss a pain point she was probably overdue getting off her chest.
"'Right then," Chloe said. "What happened to your face?"
Chloe, for her part, knew no amount of gentle or pointed questions would have gotten through to her when she was that age either. The gauze of the hurt wound around itself until it became armor, a tough spot that was also a sore spot.
She reached into the pockets of her dungarees and brought out Ganesh. The fabric of the kurta revealed him and the statuette caught Meenu's big, brown, sad eyes.
"Remember this?"
Meenu blinked several times at the elephant-headed god in her hands, then back at Chloe.
"You really wanted it, right?"
"Are you leaving me again?" Meenu shot back.
"What's all this then?" Chloe folded her arms, still squatting to meet Meenu's eyes. "Y'know that my father gave me that? It means a lot to me."
It looked like Meenu was realizing something.
"But I--"
"You know I'll be coming back for it," Chloe said, and stood up, her knees' lament finally having reached intolerable levels. "Take care of it for me, yeah?"
Meenu's fist had closed over the little Ganesh and she had gripped Chloe's kurta with the other.
The girl was looking around them, as if making sure the little ones were engrossed in watching Marshall the Dalmatian save the day, and that the minder, an elderly woman with an inscrutable face watching them from a short distance, and the security by the doors wouldn't hear. She waved Chloe down again and whispered into her ear.
"They took BTS to a pet shop!"
Chloe took several points of psychic damage before connecting the dots. "Your bird--"
"Yes!" Meenu was frantic suddenly. Chloe was reminded of their first meeting, of how Meenu couldn't even let her go back then. "They have him in the window at the Woodstock Pet Shop in--"
"--is named after a K-Pop group--"
"--you have to get him out!'
Chloe blinked at the girl. Her mental to-do list of getting Meenu out of here and back home to Australia and its bulleted requirements was now straining under the weight of adding buy or, if Meenu's attitude is any sort of sign, possibly commit a pet store heist to rescue a small yellow-green parrot named BTS.
And that same to-do list had convince Nadine to join me in stealing back a famous painting from an alleged war criminal on it.
Chloe swallowed and put on a bright smile for the minder, whose glare could melt an American car right about now. The woman's sari was immaculate and she had gripped Meenu's arm above the elbow as a subtle sign of ending the visit.
"See you soon, kid!"
"Bye, Chloe!"
Meenu had tucked the Ganesh statue into her sleeve, Chloe saw as the minder led her away, back down the hall and around the corner.
Out on the street, finally exhaling, Chloe hunched over to look at her phone. Thank goodness that it seemed only one using-a-Charles-Schulz-comic-strip-character-without-license pet store appeared nearby as she panned around Google Maps with her finger.
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jennrypan · 1 year
Andre does not acknowledge that he raised Chloe badly in the least ep. In fact, he claims HE'S the victim of his "heartless" daughter(he calls her that, btw)
"Am I, the grown man that raised this child and let my abusive wife treat her like shit, the victim?"
Petition for Andre to die like Gabriel alongside Audrey.
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Rob and his wife Chloe are literally so cute. I love them :)
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jtownraindancer · 10 months
Finished Arkham County, and-
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prncessjaeger · 7 months
eren headcannons: random edition ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
an: also ty for 100+ i genuinely appreciate it!!! here’s another set of my personal hc’s for eren, also towards the end, the show dialogue is from ‘dance moms.’
song inspo: tyrant
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♡ if you’re not with him after his intense workout, he purposely drives to your house just to hug you, all drenched in sweat
♡ has a huge obsession with playing monopoly go! but hates when you tear down his buildings:
“why would you tear this building i JUST bought- then you robbed me?”
“i mean, that’s how you play the game eren-.”
“blah blah blah, nerd”
♡ HATES carrots. he thinks they’re repulsing but would tear UP a carrot cake (or 2)
♡ a personal ‘bobthebuilder’ for you. if anything’s broken? he’d fix it…(even if it takes a youtube video and a small prayer)
♡ enjoys wearing face masks with you!
♡ loves spoiling you, he calls it his “personal hobby”
♡ has an obsession with peaches…?
♡ loves kissing you 24/7
♡ one day he went to cat adoption center and brought home two cats, one black and white:
“we can name them ore and o”
♡ drinks chocolate milk willingly
♡ steady complains about your obsession with reality tv, but the MINUTE it gets real good and messy, he’s all focused on the tv, giving side commentary and everything
“wait- so she went to the judges to count chloe’s score cause she didn’t want her to win??”
“yep, what a bitch-.”
“SHHHHH, it’s back on.”
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Okay so I really wanted to talk about emonette's character plus Shadybug and Clawnoir's relationship......... Well this is gonna be a long one so sorry in advance
Okay let's go!!!
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So as we saw in the special emonette said that she was constantly bullied by Chloe(guess she doesn't change in any universe 😔 that damn brat I hate her.... not more than Lila though) and considering how broken she sounded that was not the same bullying that Chloe of this universe did to Mari that shit must've been extreme. However, I donot think that the bullying alone there must've been more aspects which lead her to the path of evil.
Well, while we're at it let's talk about this scene.. God this was so heart wrenching....
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When she said that-
"I'm sorry mommy dear, I fine I just- just dropped my sewing kit it's A BIT DAMAGED"
When she said the above line while glancing at her face which reflected on those broken pieces of mirror.... I swear I wanted to cry. Don't you see how poetic this was, while she seemed to be taking about the broken mirror we can clearly see that the one who is broken Is her some one once said
"But that's the irony, broken people, are not fragile....."
So while emonette is completely broken inside she never lets show on her face, no matter how sad, how broken, how miserable she is she keeps moving forward, you wonder why? Well, because it's MARINETTE for crying out loud.... no matter what universe it is our Mari puts on a brave face in front of other, she tends to hide her scars and crying silently not letting others know. Even in the original universe she would have broken much sooner if it was not for Alya finding out her identity. But as emonette said herself she doesn't have loving parents, a best friend and a supportive boyfriend, she was left all alone to suffer without anyone by her side
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I still wonder what her wish really was though, knowing her it certainly not power. Could it be something else which she yearns for. Okay so hear me out do you remember what she said to Mari? She said:
"Do you think that it'd be any different from how it is now? Guess what, I don't have your nice little life. The world where I'm from there are no awesome girlfriends to inspire me everyday, no amazing bff, lovable, calm and gentle mom or a boyfriend who doesn't think I'm a total loser...."
These lines broke me though 😭...
So my theory is that in that universe Tom is dead and Sabine is abusive( I totally can't imagine that tho) that would explain why she behaved like that with Sabine and she works in her dad's bakery to keep his name.
Oh well I have a worse on........ Both Tom and Sabine are dead and she was adopted by someome who were very abusive(let's consider that after she graduated junior high she moved out of that school and is probably out of Chloe's grasp) they even intended to sell the bakery, the only belonging of her late parents she was left with. That was when she met supreme and he offered her that in exchange of killing her abusive guardian she will have to work with him. So maybe her wish could be returning to those happy times with her parents without Chloe or any suffering. Well I guess it was a bit far fetched but anywaaaays.... 😅
Okay let's analyse another scene..... The one where she was reading Mari's diary.
What's interesting about her in Mari's room was that she certainly recognised her room and we can see that she does live in the bakery after all. The reason why she acted that way was to save her identity getting exposed to Claw Noir(which I don't think she cares that much about) or she really wanted to find out if this version of her had a better and happier life than hers.while she pretended that she wanted to look for clues, she went through Mari's personal stuff life her computer, her diary and her other things not because she was looking for clues but because she wanted know what kind of life this MARINETTE had.
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Look, she was crying while reading that diary. She wants this life.
Just look at her... Looking into the life of a version of herself she wishes she could be. A world where "THERE ARE AMAZING GIRLFRIENDS TO INSPIRE HER EVERYDAY, AN AMAZING BFF, LOVABLE AND CALM MOM AND A BOYFRIEND WHO DOESN'T THINK THAT SHE IS A TOTAL LOOSER".
You see.. behind that evil mask there is a broken girl who longs to be loved. she wants a shoulder to cry on, hands who would embrace her tight when she is crying. She may look like a total badass who doesn't need anyone but no! that's not the case at all.
Aaaand I think she does have someone like that in her life already, and that person is the one and only CLAW NOIR. ........Even if she refuses to acknowledge it.
So, while she was shutted down, abandoned, bullied and absused her whole life and had no one to helf her up, Claw Noir was there for her,even though he is a total dork who teases her all the time.
Well yeah he is hella rude and disrespects her A LOT, it may look like she may never fall for him normally, but lets consider emonette's circumstances...... As much as we know she doesn't have anyone to rely on, no friends and probably no family. She never had anyone to inspire her. In a life like this...... After she got her miraculous and met Claw Noir, she finally had a reason to live, a reason to fight and a person, she could work together with and trust just a little bit yeah not totally cuz well he does let her fall head on..
In Mari's room when she reads the diary and learns about Ladybug and Chat Noir's relationship, their friendship, their partnership. She does look like she wants that too. (Also this may not apply to everyone but sometimes two people who like each other tease each other a lot....... )
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They may fight eachother and not consider each other as partners, but they do make an amazing team. They may not be partners but they've got eachother's back at time of need. Just how Shadybug needs Clawnoir's strength while fighting and how Clawnoir relies on Shadybug's plans.
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Also this scene...... While you can say that he is acting this way because he now knows that she is Marinette, the girl he likes.., but we know he is Adrien afterall he may care about Shadybug deep down without realising it and with him now knowing who she really is has realised it.
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Just look at him he looks sad when he sees her cry too. He may act like he doesn't care but he actually does. He is like "I am the only one who can hurt her, anyone else who dares to do that must pay....." .
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And the scene where she opens up to Mari was just so emotional, I literally started crying. There was pain, sorrow and grief in her eyes. She was suffering and was jealous of Mari,'cuz she thought that she had everything for granted, she thought that she never knew what suffering was like. Her words were so sad. But after Mari made her feel that they really are alike and changed her for better I felt so happy......
And after that when she met (now improved) Claw Noir they felt like they were more to each other and I loved it..
All I want now is a ShadyClaw series.. we need to know what happened after that.... And before they landed in the multiverse.
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Well aren't they the cutest.
I wish they become a couple in future.....
Oh well that was a long one.....
Well I had it in mind for quite a long time but couldn't write it because I have exams coming 😭. But wanted to finish it before I forgot it. So here I am. I hope y'all liked it though.
Okay let's end it with a quote:.
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
I hope this becomes true for our beloved emoadrinette.
Bug out!🐞🐾
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kari-go · 2 months
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I am aware that some people weren't here from the start or are just confused so take this as a sort of rundown or at least some basic information about this au. While it is still a WIP, I don't think I'm really gonna change this info. I hope this isn't overwhelming or anything :D also apologies if my English is wonky
Text written down in case it's unreadable xd
Stephan Petrov
moved to Paris after his dad's death
he's trying his best, he's just having a rough time
rlly athletic and (intellectually) smart
also really pretty
also in denial
someone help him
holder of the cat -> Gato Noir
*arrow pointing to Luxx* Luxx
Chris Duval
moved from New York to Paris out of nowhere
yearns for knowledge
especially about the kwamis
surprisingly adjusting well to everything
holder of the lion -> Lion Blanc
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
still lives in a bakery
Nino & Kim's childhood friend
has only heard about Chloe from Kim
my babygirl, baby
Lukagaminette endgame
holder of the ladybug -> Ladybug
Chloe Bourgeois
gets a redemption (if she even has to have one)
still the mayor's daughter
Audrey is still absent
has done many sports but slowed down cuz of her low grades -> Sabrina is her tutor
has been friends with Kagami for a while now, they met in a fencing match (no Chlogami) (Kagami was definitely her awakening tho)
later the holder of the monkey -> Prima Queen
Lila Rossi
Chris' childhood friend (back when they used to live in Italy)
exchange student
absolutely despises the Parisian Butterfly
just a normal with a pretty normal life!
Luxx hates him
had the Matter duo *arrow pointing to the cat and ladybug*, gave it away
only has Fluff now
*arrow pointing to Fluff* NO TIME TRAVEL!
You had perfectly good children and what did you do to them?
Arthur Duval
Chris' dad
Blanche's lovely husband <3
looks calm & collected but isn't
still lives in New York
rlly charismatic but gets overwhelmed in a crowd
Blanche Duval
Chris' mom
Arthur's lovely wife <3
capable of murder but doesn't because Arthur told her no
lives in Paris with Chris
works in a museum
somehow the most responsible adult in most situations (idk if that's a good thing)
Marianne's (adopted) daughter
Sofia Petrov
Stephan's mom
moved to Paris after she got a job offer from Gabriel (and her husband died)
she just wants the best for her son
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
ONE MORE EPISODE LEFT TO WRITE! CONGRATULATIONS!! 🎉🎊 Based on everything we’ve seen up to this point in-show, what are your thoughts on Nathalie, her Catalyst akuma and Mayura villain persona, and the Heroes’ Day Season 2 two-parter after your fresh rewatch of the episodes?
I'll be watching both parts at once, but since I'll probably have to rewatch part 2: "Mayura" when I finish my own part 1, I'll mostly focus on Part 1: "Catalyst", with some bleed in from Part 2. I'll be taking a linear critique of the episode in a stream of consciousness way.
To start, "Heroes' Day" is not a real French holiday, yet Marinette's parents say it's come again "just like every year", implying that this has been going on for multiple years? Implying that a Hero Day based off your local superheroes have been happening for YEARS while Marinette and Adrien are in the same class, in the same school year....make it make sense.
Of course, this could be a totally in universe regular holiday that USED to be about just doing good deeds for a day that they adopted to theme around their superheroes, what do I know.
About those good deeds...Marinette deserves slack here. She does good deeds for her friends all the freaking time, but the first part of the two episodes puts a lot of pressure for her to not only do a Good Deed but a Good Enough Good Deed, which to me defeats the purpose of a good deed. You're supposed to do good deeds for the sake of being kind and improving the world, not for...recognition. Or maybe they're being graded...
This feels like a dropped plot line, which is a shame because this was actually a decent lesson for Marinette for once about taking on too much and pressuring herself. Except for Chloe, Marinette is the only person demanding Marinette do a Good Enough Deed, to the point of making a promise she couldn't keep. (Though it's dumb she feels pressured thanks to CHLOE of all people, when all the richest girl in Paris is offering is her own autographs). Yet they only go part way and nearly completely drop this plot line in the second half.
You know, instead of that scene of Adrien meeting Marinette on the steps and assuming he's not invited, they could've used that time for Marinette to admit to Adrien that she panicked and is struggling to keep to her word. Marinette could've actually confided in Adrien, showing their friendship by allowing her to be vulnerable with him about how she was feeling inadequate compared to everyone else and how these feelings spurred her into trouble. This also would've been a great lead in for the end of the two parter:
In Part 2, the picnic/taste testing that Marinette promised but had no time for? It still happens. How? According to Adrien at the end of his speech, the class "jumped at the chance to help". Would've been nice to see any of that, or see any REAL conclusion to Marinette's issue in these episodes, which was putting too much pressure on herself and not telling the truth when it became overwhelming. Even her mom tells her that bravely admitting when you've messed up is heroic, but...Marinette never tells anyone.
On screen anyway.
By having Marinette tell Adrien, Adrien could've rounded up the class to make the picnic happen. And Marinette should've been distraught - this was supposed to be HER good deed yet THEY did all the work! She failed! And then the class disagrees. She does good deeds all the time! Checking in on Ivan after he was an akuma! Breaking Juleka's picture curse! Bringing Marc and Nathaniel together! A single day can't compare to the number of things she's done for everyone here! And now it's their turn to do something for her!
And then she's brought to tears and kisses his cheek in thanks blah blah blah you've seen canon. Instead it's treated as a "oh yeah, we did that thing with Marinette in the first part, uhhh, that's resolved now, okay?" What a waste.
Actually I'm sure this is a completely dropped plot line because Adrien says "Like Rose said earlier" when she didn't say anything.
Where were we? Oh right, Lila's first sighting in a whole season.
Alya here says Marinette is jealous of Lila for trying to hit on Adrien (or in the French, "seduce"~ lol). I'd just like Alya to remember that for later when she actually believes Lila when she says she doesn't have feelings for Adrien, but we all know continuity doesn't live here.
Speaking of, I'm not surprised how many salt fics paint Lila's (first) mom as an idiot. Right after Lila tells her mom that Principal Damocles is also stuck as an akuma thanks to Ladybug's "incompetence", a giant floating balloon of Ladybug floats past her bedroom window.
Woman, how you gonna believe that Paris' heroes are incompetent on the word of your daughter while Paris throws a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in her honor? (I also assume this woman doesn't talk to anyone other than Lila despite apparently being out of the house so often that they don't even share breakfast together. Sure ZAG.) But at least I get to enjoy Gabriel deliberately poking the bear by bringing up Volpina when she was completely and utterly irrelevant. That did in fact make me laugh.
Oh, this is something that I only just put together, but Alya says her good deed was going to the Mayor and getting him to sign off on making the school accessible for disabled students, and we see in this episode on-wards that the school has a ramp. I HAD noticed the ramp in Season 3, but I had completely forgotten that Alya talked about it here at the end of Season 2. So, wow! Good continuity detail, Zag! You get one gold star. ⭐
(though that ramp is hella steep)
I was about to also praise the continuity of Gabriel bringing up financing a Ladybug movie, since that seemed to be setting up "Animaestro"...but then he says it's playing that day (on EVERY tv channel?!). But..."Animaestro" was the movie's premiere...So I guess there's another in universe Ladybug movie ( funded by a fashion director?) that we'll never see. U_U
Damn, I was gonna point out the nepotism of hiring your primary sponsor's son to voice act the male lead, but I guess I can't anymore, bummer 😗
I do make a mental note of the things Lila is calling Ladybug as she's cycling through news coverage. "Liar. Traitor. Coward." Just...interesting. Where did Ladybug lie? Where did Ladybug betray Lila? Where did she run and hide? Interesting, interesting, interesting.
And betrayals only happen when there's trust between you, in order for Ladybug to "betray" Lila she would've had to have Lila's trust or loyalty to begin with.
Even here she didn't accept the akuma as willingly as she did in "Chameleon", but she still greeted Hawkmoth like an old friend, and is DELIGHTED to ruin everyone's Heroes' Day and traumatize them with her illusion for a chance to help Hawkmoth succeed, just to get back at Ladybug. Yikes.
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Lmao, not the unfinished png photoshop background on the flute. Great quality check, guys.
I do think this is the first time I actually thought Hawkmoth did something smart. After putting all his eggs in the Audrey/Style Queen basket and then handing the basket to Chloe/Queen Wasp, I wasn't too impressed with him, but this plan was actually good. (I mean it should've PARTIALLY fallen apart once people saw both the Unakumatized Ladybug AND Chat Noir now that we know people can reject their akumas, but sure. We didn't know it at THIS point, so it seems smart.)
But all this energy could've just been channeled into making the ultimate doctor akuma. I mean, you literally made a Miraculous Holder Power Booster with Catalyst, so I'm just saying what we've all been saying~
"I know, it wouldn't be very heroic to use my powers on my personal business" - GIRL at this point YOU'VE EARNED IT, SCREW what Tikki says!
This does make it the second time someone's told Marinette to just come clean to her friends. Why did they drop this plot line after pushing it so hard?!?!?!
"You don't have enough cake for me, do you?" Sir, did you pull a muscle with that leap?! I guess the intention of this scene was that Marinette was ABOUT to come clean to her friends but Adrien's excitement put the pressure for her to pull off the picnic back on. Again, there is no solid conclusion for this part of the story, Marinette just festers on it until there's akuma stuff to deal with. Wait, maybe the mass akuma outbreak is how she really got out of it... "Sorry guys I TOTALLY had this whole thing planned, but, you know. Akumas. Lots of them. Couldn't do it."
How satisfying. 🙃
"Heroes' Day is now...meaningless!" This is like in Christmas movies when people say Christmas is RUINED because a tree caught fire or Santa didn't come. Did the Whos in Whoville teach you nothing, that's the not the true meaning of Christmas and Superheroes are not the true meaning of Heroes Day when you set it up as a reoccurring holiday where people go the extra mile to be kind to one another!
Sorry, this is nit picky, like really nit picky, but don't create a fictional holiday that's about joy and kindness and then "ruin" it by something only tangentially related. I know it's totally just to get the plot going forward, but I'm too old and have seen this too many times (mostly in Christmas media) and it starts to grate on you. Just make the holiday a new one in tribute TO the heroes, then it can be ruined by the heroes turning bad, otherwise you're killing your message about the Everyday Heroes doing Good Deeds to Keep the World a Kind and Happy Place by putting all the weight on the SUPERNATURAL EXTRAORDINARY FIGURES THAT NORMAL HUMANS COULD NEVER COMPARE TO!
*huff huff*
So...Sabrina should know what's up with Lila at least a little, right? Since Ladybug firmly believes Volpina was involved, right? Well, based off some spoilers, MAYBE (strong maybe, this is speculation entirely), Sabrina might finally be using this knowledge. You know, 3 Seasons later. Maybe. They've been doing pretty decent at pulling stuff from earlier seasons, even if it DOES feel too little too late, so it's possible that Sabrina will FINALLY remember this moment with Ladybug.
"You're Rena Rouge and you didn't tell me?!" You didn't tell her you were Carapace either, but I see this is where it freaking starts with you young man. I remember this being a funny moment but hindsight has ruined it, so, thanks for that "Rocketear". 🙃
See, THESE are the Adrien/Chloe moments that I wanted: annoying sibling energy 100%. But alas, this is ALSO ruined. Chloe is calling it her Miraculous, give me MY Miraculous, putting down Chat Noir as Ladybug's "underling". This was never going to work.
Wow, Nora totally nailed it: "If he's talking to Ladybug, then Ladybug and Mr. Whiskers are still on the good side!" I thought she was supposed to be the dumb one?
Anyway, that's part 1 (or at least most of what I have to say about it). As a stand alone, this feels like a huge lead up, which I think gets mostly paid off on the akuma side of things...and definitely not on the Marinette side of things. Wah wah.
I don't have many feelings on Nathalie, Catalyst, or Mayura since they're barely in the first part (or not in it lol) and when she is in it she feels very OOC - smiling a lot, shy glances to the side, all in to go full Team Rocket with Hawkmoth. Up until now she's been so peripheral that seeing her main stage (though again, just barely) is so jarring.
Well, we'll see her "shine" in the next part I guess.
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papyrusgayfont · 1 year
* ok here’s why Sole Crusher and Zoe’s story throughout it is a queer allegory: a very long post (that might be good idk)
* (doing this because I only just paid attention to it and I haven’t really seen anyone else mention it, like I found an amino post and that’s it so yeah)
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* before I begin, I know Zoe is queer, she is sapphic, but this episode came out before Adoration so it wasn’t “official” then (she was probably always intended to be sapphic but still)
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* ok so first, Zoe states that she has to act all the time in front of people, how she’s “acting all the time, playing these different roles, trying to please everyone, until I couldn’t do it anymore”, and that can absolutely be read as a queer kid who’s in a situation where the people around them won’t be accepting of who they are, hence why she wants to be accepted; “the real me”, she says, and why it hurts her when, even though she left New York, she has to do act AGAIN to please her mom and Chloe. It can be read as someone in a more conservative household/environment being forced to pretend, to act they way their family and others around them want them to act.
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* Zoe says that she wanted to meet her family’s expectations, and that if she did everything Chloe told her to do, she’d accept her (basically saying, my family expects me to be “normal”, so I will pretend I’m not like this hoping that they’ll accept me)
* she says that, at the boarding school, she was “playing a part, being someone else, hoping they’d accept me. But finally, I just couldn’t anymore. That’s when everyone turned against me.” This can so clearly be read as her “playing a part, being someone else, hoping they’d accept me” (pretending to be straight in front of others, hoping that if she keeps up the act, people won’t question her and she’ll be safe from everyone’s prejudice and judgement).
* and then there’s “But finally, I just couldn’t anymore. That’s when everyone turned against me”, which can be read as “when I just couldn’t act anymore, and I let my guard down, and I came out, everyone judged me, everyone hated me, I wasn’t ‘normal’ to them anymore”.
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* she says that she understands if the others don’t want to be her friend, and is then surprised when they accept her. Mylene says they’re “one big happy family”, and Rose says that she’ll be fine with them (Rose also suggested “adopting” Zoe earlier in the episode, and idk if this is just my experience but in middle school a lot of my friends were queer and two of them “adopted” me and a few of our other friends, so yeah)
* Marinette states that “You’ll never have to leave again, Zoe. Welcome to Paris”, which can be her telling Zoe that there’s now people she can connect with that won’t ridicule and judge her for who she is, that they’ll accept her, and she won’t have to leave again if things go south.
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* now onto the Andre scenes, first there’s the roof scene, where Andre admits that when he was young, he wanted to be a movie director, but he had to give that up to “earn his place”, which leads to Zoe confessing to him how she wanted to be an actress, but now acting just hurts her since she does it all the time to please everyone else, to be accepting.
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* and so, Andre decided to show her his “cellar of dreams”, a cellar where he keeps things from his directing days. He then states that “it can be lonely when even your own family can’t accept you for who you are. We end up burying our feelings deep here, and here”, putting back Emilie’s profile. “If you want, I can make some space for you”, he says, and Zoe puts her sneakers inside.
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* I 100% read this as an adult, someone else who is queer, seeing someone younger going through a similar situation to theirs, and being able to sympathize with them. He says “it can be lonely when even your own family can’t accept you for who you are”, which is, unfortunately, what a lot of queer kids (and adults too) go through with their own families. Him showing her what’s in the cellar could be seen as him showing her that she’s not alone, that he’s like her, that he’s gone through what she’s going through now (note how he holds the profile close to his heart), and that he is able to understand her.
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* now the ending scene. Chloe and Audrey are upset that Zoe went against them and demand that she be sent back to New York, and Andre says that it would just take too long to enroll her in another boarding school, so for now she can stay, but Chloe demands that she has to stay in another part of the hotel, where she can’t see her, and Andre obliges. Zoe thanks Andre, and asks him to promise that he won’t keep his dreams locked away for too long, which he agrees too. The end cards then show Zoe interacting with the others, all while texting Marinette, saying “Thank you for everything! You were right. I can be myself here, ‘cause you and the others will always be there for me. For the first time in my life, I actually feel at home!”
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* the constant threat of sending Zoe back to New York, which is in almost all of Zoe’s major appearances, can be seen as someone being disowned and kicked out of their home because they’re queer, because they’re not abiding by their families’ expectations.
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* Zoe asking Andre to not leave his dreams behind can be seen as her trying to encourage him to be himself, to have more confidence in who he is.
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* and the text message can be read as her thanking Marinette for introducing her to a community of people who will accept her no matter what, people who will help her live authentically, which is something she’s always wanted. She now has people she can talk too, and who will support her, without the threat of ridicule and harassment.
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* now onto the more visual aspects of the episode, there isn’t as much here but still (this post is so long I’m sorry lmao)
* first, Zoe blushing after giving Marinette her number
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* then there’s the cellar and what that represents
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* and then there are two instances, from what I could see, of the pan flag being put into the episode (maybe I missed some idk)
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* and lastly, this one card with Nino pointing and Zoe smiling (conveniently he’s pointing to where the rainbow is hmmmmmmmmm)
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* and then for the final end card, where there are hearts next to Zoe as she looks at Marinette, the first person who was nice to her (aside from Jess, but we didn’t know that until recently so)
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* (again, so sorry that the post is this long lmao, I just had so much to say about this episode and I’m bad at condensing my thoughts)
* (also please like and reblog this, but also you don’t have to lol)
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c-rose2081 · 10 days
Mom Quotes (from Audrey to her eight kinda-adopted teenagers):
- “Ariana Rose, for gods sake, go put on more clothes. No, I’m not arguing about it. Go change or get a sweatshirt.”
- “What is this and why am I signing it *puts on glasses*”
- “No Eddie, we can’t get a pet. You don’t even live here.”
- “Did you ask Chad?”
- “What do you mean he said yes.”
- “Anxelin did you put on sunscreen? A lot of sunscreen? I don’t care what Ariana said, you burn not tan. I don’t want to explain to your mother why her daughter’s now a lobster.”
- “No you may NOT build go-carts in my garage. I pay for a lot of things in this house and medical bills are not one of them.”
- “Don’t play chicken with the car, you heathens!”
- “*running out the door* Chloe, knee-pads! Don’t forget your knee-pads!”
- “You’re calling me at work so this better be an emergency.”
- “The bus is leaving! Anyone not out to the van in the next two minutes is walking to school!”
- “No we’re not going out to eat, we have food at home.”
- *orders $250 worth of takeout*
Audrey is the ‘no’ parent and Chad is the ‘yes’ parent and of course they can’t agree on shit when it comes to their kids XD
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Disney Descendants Random Headcanons (Part 1);
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(No Kids Born Pre D1 Addition since I don't have the full list yet).
Let me Know if I'm missing any characters because I'm well aware I'm missing more than a few.
Akio (number 42): He is the son of Tomiko (from Elena of Avalor).
Ally: Her dad is Pinocchio, making Pin her younger brother.
Amber Dearly: She's a waitress but still does beauty pageant events when they're in season.
Anthony Tremaine: Jacob Lathyn (The Baker from Cinderella 2) is his dad.
Anxelin Fitzherbert: She's Goth.
Arabella: She's morally gray (and had ill intentions when she stole her granddad's trident).
Ariana Rose: Grows less jealous of Audrey over time and cuts contact with their grandmother. Is very popular in college.
Artie Pendragon: Somehow ends up with a pet dragon. No one knows how it happened.
Audrey Rose: Goes on to be the CEO she always wanted to be.
Aziz: He takes after his mother in looks and personality.
Bashful Jr.: He goes by Bash and is very popular in school.
Beezlebub (The Cat): Beelzebub is the Lucifer's least favorite kitten.
Ben: Likes building miniature models and wanted to be in a band with Ben and Lonnie when he was a kid.
Big Murph: He lost his eye as a kid when rough housing with the Gaston Twins.
Bobby Hood: He's Tiger Peony's boyfriend and a sports commentator at school.
Bobby Radcliffe: is a good friend of Artie Pendragon and is very shy.
Bonny: Is the medic of Uma's crew.
Carina Potts: Wears a cooking pot as a hat.
Carlos de Vil: He becomes Henry's mentor and gets Beelzebub back.
Carter: The 'nice' twin.
Celia Facilier: Goes on to be a very successful business woman (in whatever you think she'd go on to do).
Chaca: She's Li Shang Jr's girlfriend and Kuzco is very protective of her, much to her and his wife's bemusement.
Chad Charming: Redeems himself sometime after d3 and leaves to find himself.
Cheerful: Is emo.
Chip Potts: Babysat Ben a lot when he was younger. Has 13 siblings. He works at the castle.
Chloe Charming: Learned a lot of what she knows in ROAR from Lonnie.
Claudine Frollo: She had red hair and is left handed.
Clay Clayton: He's a party animal and is very hard to take out in a fight.
Crabby: is actually quite pleasant to be around.
Crocodile Descendants: They love tormenting Captain Hook and wrestling.
Cubby: He handles Neverland Academy's finances.
Danny Darling-Cooper: He's good at tourney and ROAR.
Derek: He's a selective mute and carries a bell around to get his friends' attention when they're arguing.
Derelict (Electric Eel): He's the friendly eel.
Desiree: She's one of the most wild pirate kids. Even when compared to her crewmates.
Diego de Vil: His most popular song is titled 'Kill the Beast'.
Dizzy Tremaine: She joins Evie's business when she graduates and her jewelry becomes very popular.
Doc II: Goes by Raphael.
Doug: Evie helps him meet his favorite band (The Dragon Players) on his 21st birthday.
Dude (The Dog): He is jealous of Beelzebub.
Eddie Balthazar: He is always tired.
Eliza: She becomes more of a rebel as she grows up and is always backing Jane up when FG gets difficult (like most parents do).
Elle: She's adopted.
Emir (number 26): He's Aziz's younger brother and is a lot like his dad, personality wise. He does not like his mom's cousins.
Evie: She is Dizzy's half sister.
Finn the Mer-Boy: He works at neverland academy but also remains as Neverland's Protectors (kicking entitled tourist out when they cause too much non fun trouble/damage).
Freddie Facilier: Is banned from being alone with Jordan because those two are just as bad as Ally and Cj when alone together.
Gaston Jr.: He relates a lot to Luisa Madrigal. He also walks with a limp after a failed escape attempt he and his father attempted (he nearly drowned).
Gaston The 3rd.: He's the smart twin.
Gesundheit: Cannot for the life of him spell his name.
Gil: Has stolen a penguin from the zoo with Jay, Chad, Harry, and Carlos before.
Ginny Gothel: Is allergic to flowers. Her middle name is flower.
Gordon: Is a mechanic.
Hadie: Has a villain phase as a teen that no one takes seriously.
Hamish of DunBroch: He works with bears.
Hana: She is the royal party planner in her kingdom.
Hap: He's a hippie/hipster mixture and has a van he customized himself.
Harriet Hook: She has a hip high rose tattoo and broke Anthony Tremaine's nose once when she was 12.
Harris of DunBroch: Will not hesitate to bite people in fights even as an adult.
Harry Badun: He is a detective and has made it his job to make everyone behind the isle and every bad isle adult's lives hell. He will also make up outrageous theories to mess with people he doesn't like.
Harry Hook: Is good at art and has Dyscalculia.
Henry: He's a long lost de Vil.
Herkie: He has his dad's personality and strength but his mama's brain and kinda looks like a blend of his parents.
Hermie Bing: She has a variety of circus related skills, loves clowns, has a sweet tooth, and wears very colorful clothes.
Hubert of DunBroch: Loves reminding his sister of how she turned him into a bear all the time.
Hunter de Vil: His influencer career takes off when the barrier is brought down.
Ivy de Vil: She's allergic to hair dye and becomes a great model when off the isle.
Izzy: She's ROAR instructor at Neverland Academy.
Jace Badun: His mom was a strong woman at the Ringmaster's circus. He is the most exasperated person you will ever meet.
Jack/Korak: He prefers 'Korak' over Jack. He takes after his dad looks wise but his mom personality and fashion wise.
Jade: She has tons of scars from the crocodile wrestling.
Jake: Because of him, Princess Pirate, Finn, Stormy, Marina, Izzy, and Cubby all grew up.
James Brown Jr.: He works at a candy shop.
Jane: She's a big gossip and she and Carlos both bonded over this.
Jane Darling-Cooper: She's a teaching assistant at Neverland Academy.
Jay: He sleeps with a stuffed tiger but will deny it if asked.
Jenna: She's Aziz's oldest sibling and is the heir to the throne. She has a pet Elephant.
Jonas: He's Uma's cousin.
Jordan: She's the one who created the secret Agrabah Club at school (along with Aziz).
La Foux Doux: He's younger than LeFou Deux and loves puppet shows.
Lagan (Electric Eel): He's the mean eel.
LeFou Deux: He has a crush on Claudine and is the isle's Santa Claus.
Li (number 85): His parents took creative liberty with his name without checking to see if that spelling already existed.
Li Lonnie: She does eventually get her show. Her successful ROAR career probably helped (: .
Li Shang Jr: His music is decent but few people take him seriously because of the whole 'Lil Shang' nickname thing.
Lil Yaz: He died of appendicitis after d1. He was morally grey/apathic and had eyes for Quinlynn Hearts.
Lina: Jasmine was her favorite babysitter and she in turn, ended up babysitting the younger of Jasmine's kids when she was in Agrabah.
Lucifer: Lucifer often escapes from the saloon and gets on everyone's nerves.
Lulu Brown: She's much younger than her brother, Jim/James Brown Jr. and is a very good at ballet.
Mad Maddy: She has quite the sweet tooth.
Madam Mim's granddaughters: No one is sure how many there are or how they came to be.
Maddox Hatter: He's an inventor and is very close to Red.
Mal: She grows up a lot after the royal wedding and gets back in touch with her artistic side.
Marina the Mermaid: She's the swim coach at Neverland Academy.
Marya Rasputin: She's the doctor of Harriet's crew.
Max La Bouf: He works at Tiana's palace and often caters the events for his family and Ralphie's.
Melody: She's an environmental activist and the go-to cousin everyone talks to when they need someone who will hear them out.
Meriem: She and Korak are married now, and she's very into learning languages.
Miguel (number 44): He's a Madrigal.
Morgie le Fay: Morgie is just a nickname.
Opal: She's Freddie and Celia's aunt.
Othello (The Parrot): He repeats the things EQ used to say to Evie but is a very loving pet otherwise.
Pin: He's very smart and skipped a grade.
Pirate Kitty (Cat): It's Gil's pet cat (seen in a missing poster in d2).
Princess Pirate: Her friends now call her 'Princess' for short.
Quinlynn Hearts: She's the oldest Heart child and she had a crush on LIl Yaz.
Rafi: He gets along the best with his younger brother, Aziz, and works in the royal guard now.
Ralphie: He and Max are Pen Pals.
Rami: He's a party animal.
Red Hearts: Red is just a nickname. She's also in the school newspaper.
Reza: He is very interested in forensics and was adopted by Mozenrath and Sadira. He has two younger siblings.
Rick Ratcliffe: His middle name is 'Perseus'. Yes, after the pug. And he has a habit of saving people from drowning/bodies of water.
Ruby Fitzherbert: She's shy and artsie.
Salima: She's a middle child now.
Sammy Smee: He's an inventor and a book worm.
Scarlet: She's Carter's twin and is considered the 'evil' twin.
Shy: His name is very fitting because he really is shy.
Sleepy Jr.: He's a gamer.
Snoozy: Snoozy is a night owl.
Sophie: She's Snow White's eldest child.
Spotted Hyenas: They like tormenting Gaston but not his kids.
Squeaky Smee: He's a selective mute.
Squirmy Smee: He and his brother look up to Harry a lot.
Stabbington cousins: They're only known by their nicknames by those outside of their family (and for good reason, since they're secretly Westergaards).
Stormy The Mermaid: She becomes a hippie when's older and mellows out.
The Sea witches: They're the daughters of Ursula's sisters.
The Tweedledum and Tweedledee cousins: They all have varying shades of red hair.
The Wicked Step-Granddaughters: The seven that are Drizella's are Hans' daughters as well. If any are Anastasia's, they're adopted.
Tiger Peony: She's a hippie vegetarian who's really into Tourney but doesn't play.
Tipo: He learns to cook from Kronk and helps him out with  Camp Chippamunka during the summer when he's older.
Tyrone (number 32): He's Tiana and Naveen's son. Lotte spoiled him, lol.
Uma: She gets her OWN sea phonies after d3 and she keeps her shark friends as well.
William (number 12): Wendy's oldest son and Jane Darling's younger brother.
Yi-Min: She's good at tourney as well as Swords and Shields.
Yupi: He is Kuzco's favorite 'nephew'.
Yzla: She's good at gymnastics.
Zam: He is the oldest of the kids in Yzma's family and has also caught his cousins doing weird things most often.
Zellie: She's the oldest of Flynnpunzal's kids.
Zephyr: He looks more like his mom as he grows up.
Zevon: His dad (and his siblings' dad) is Cedric from Sofia the first. His mom also accidentally turned him into a llama as a baby.
Zim: He still practices chemistry but the idea of being evil bores him.
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venusvity · 11 days
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IN WHICH ... The hopelessly devoted comes face to face with their idol only to find she is not as kind as she seems.
TRIGGER WARNINGS ... Self-harm. Abuse of power. Blood. Manipulation. Mentions of past sexual abuse and abusive relationships. Fan x Idol relationship. Juyeon is kinda lowkey a sasaeng, but that's neither here nor there. Mentally Ill Characters.
WRITERS NOTE … This is a dark piece and Chloe is not a good person in it! Finally, got around to finishing this after starting it in March lol I want to say timeline wise this fits right before they left Flowerbank so earlier this year! Not proofread btw! rbs, comments, and asks are always appreciated ♡
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“I know everything about you.”
“Oh yeah?” 
Juyeon nods like a dumb dog, with wide eyes yet a stoic expression, making Chloe smile brighter at him and tilt her head.
“What’s my favorite color?”
“Purple. Lilac.” He barely even needs a second, causing Chloe to give him an impressed look, nodding. Her eyes scan him slowly as if she’s a snake watching her pray nussle his way through the garden so unaware, so unexpecting.
Chloe hums, inching closer to him. Juyeon’s breath caught slightly at their knees, barely brushing as they sat on her bed. He hopes she doesn’t notice, but she does. Chloe notices everything. She has to. Bad things happen when she doesn’t pay attention. At least that’s what she tells herself, hoping never to repeat her past mistakes.
“What’s my mom’s name?”
“Kimberly. She’s a lawyer. And your dad’s name is Jeff. He’s also a lawyer. He adopted you when you were six.” Chloe is so intrigued by how someone could know so much about a person they never met. Sena is like that with her little celebrity crushes, but Chloe thinks Sena is a loser. She tries not to view Juyeon in such a harsh light, but it’s hard with how he is. He’s a kind loser, though. A kind loser dedicated to her and only her. That makes him different.
Chloe reaches out and puts her hand on his knee. Juyeon blinks down at her hand like he can’t believe she’s really there. Chloe wonders what he’s thinking as he sits in her room in the middle of the night. He looks like a small and fuzzy animal that Chloe can’t think of the name of right now. She bets his heart is beating like crazy, and his mind is racing trying to rationalize how he got here. 
He’ll never conclude because there is no rationale behind it. Nothing Chloe does when it comes to men is rational.
“You’re so special, Juyeon. You make me feel safe,” Chloe tells him in a sickly, sweet voice, smiling at him. Juyeon smiles proudly at her words, looking as if he has gained an ounce of confidence right in front of her. Chloe likes that. She likes that a lot.
“Good,” Juyeon nods. “You deserve to feel safe, Chloe.” 
Those words strike something in her that makes her lips twitch. It’s true; she deserves to feel safe, so why didn’t she get that liberty years ago? Why did she go through what she did? Why can she still feel the crisp air from that night? Why doesn’t she actually feel safe years later and in the privacy of her own home? Chloe has so many questions she can’t answer and knows no one else can either.
The only person who could give her maybe some closer is dead. A pile of ash remains in the dirt. It’s not like Hyojin would’ve given her the relief of a reason anyway. He wanted Chloe to suffer for as long as she could, and she has.
Chloe inhales deeply through her nose, trying to get out of her head as she looks at Juyeon, who stares at her with nothing but awe and admiration. Chloe tilts her head, reaching out and touching his cheek. He gives that same look of shock as he did when she put her hand on his knee just a moment ago, making her chuckle quietly like she’s endeared.
“Juyeon,” Chloe sings playfully as she leans in closer to him, “Have you ever been touched like this before?”
He’s a grown man, but Chloe isn’t naive. He’s been her fansite for three years. She can’t imagine many women throwing themselves at him, even with his cute exterior. Juyeon is awkward and at times off-putting, but not to Chloe—No, to Chloe, it’s endearing because he only wants her. No one else could want Juyeon because he only wants her. That’s what made him special. That’s what made him safe.
Juyeon shakes his head with a sheepish laugh.
“N-No. I study a lot, and when I don’t study, I…” He motions towards her, tilting his head slightly to lean into her palm, obviously liking the touch. “I’m taking pictures of you…I don’t really talk to girls like this.”
Chloe rubs her lips together, smiling.
“Why not?”
“Hm?” Juyeon raises his brows. Chloe hums. She wants to hear him say it.
“Why don’t you talk to girls? You’re a really handsome guy, Juyeon. Girls probably throw themselves at you.”
Juyeon genuinely laughs at that, shaking his head.
“Oh no. No…Not me. They don’t–Girls don’t notice me.” Chloe pouts almost mockingly at Juyeon’s confession, clicking her tongue with a pitiful ‘aw’ as she drops his hand from his cheek. For a moment, he looks disappointed until Chloe climbs in his lap, a surprised expression taking over his face, and her hands find purchase on his shoulders.
“Why don’t girls notice you, Juyeon?” Chloe asks with a voice feigning pity as she situates herself in his lap. Her smile slowly turns into a smirk the more she watches his face. She can see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows audibly when their hips touch, keeping his eyes locked with hers. 
He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, leaving them hovering awkwardly over her hips like he’s not allowed to touch her. Chloe likes that. She likes touching him without asking, but he wouldn’t dare do the same to her. Chloe likes being in control.
Juyeon shrugs his shoulders, causing Chloe’s hands to slide to the side of his neck. She can feel his pulse racing beneath her fingers. It makes her nearly giddy that she is right about that. 
“I…I don’t know.”
“Do you want them to notice you?” Chloe asks, voice soft like they’re sharing secrets. She supposes they are. At least, Juyeon is.
“Not really,” Juyeon answers swiftly, almost sounding eager. Chloe hums, taking his face into her hands and running her thumbs across his sharp jawline.
“Tell me why.”
Juyeon blinks up at her, gulping quietly.
“Because…I only…” There’s a long pause, but Chloe waits, knowing she’ll get the answer she wants if she lets him work it out in his head. Juyeon reaches up to where her hands rest on his face, hovering over Chloe’s but not touching her. 
“I only want you.”
It's like a switch was finally flipped in Chloe’s brain. She smiles proudly, nodding at him and leaning forward to press her forehead to his.
“You’re such a good boy, Juyeon.” Chloe kisses his cheek at that, leaving behind a pretty pink lipgloss mark as she does so. Juyeon makes a small sound when she kisses his skin, hands still awkwardly in the air as they ball into fists, unsure how to cope with the emotions inside him. Chloe looks at his hands, taking his wrists into her palms and guiding him to where they should be on her waist. His breathing stops for a second, taking a second before fully holding her in his palms for the first time. Juyeon looks up at her like she’s an unspoken God, his full lips parted like he’s about to say something, but the words just don’t come out. He’s so pathetic, Chloe thinks with a coy smile.
“Jueyon,” Chloe whispers like a soothing siren call, taking his chin between her fingers to keep him looking up at her. “What would you do for me?”
“Anything,” Juyeon answers with an ounce of hesitancy, making Chloe bite her bottom lip with a low hum.  She smiles, her eyes darkening slightly. 
"Anything?" she asks again, her voice warm and inviting. Juyeon nods, his heart pounding in his chest.
  Chloe leans in closer, her breath hot against Juyeon's ear. She whispers a single question, barely audible but laden with promise.
"Want to prove it?” Her words are taunting and even daunting, making Juyeon’s throat tight. He nods regardless, waiting for her word to move. Chloe easily crawls out of his lap, moving swiftly towards her desk. 
She’s had this planned before she invited Juyeon over—the ultimate test of his devotion. It’ll prove not only how loyal he is to her but how far he’ll go for her. Chloe likes pushing people, especially men, even sweet ones like Juyeon. She figures she likes them more when they’re sweet like she’s preparing them for how cruel and harsh the world is, something she wished someone had done to her before she collided with Hyojin.
Often, there are days when Chloe sits in her room and stares at the floor, remembering who she used to be. People talk about the person Chloe once was with sorrow, mourning her despite her still being alive. Chloe was sweet, Chloe was kind, and Chloe had a light inside her that burned brighter than a thousand sunsets, but that Chloe died in a field at the hands of several men who didn’t care how hard she cried and pleaded for them to stop touching her. That Chloe was so decomposed by this point she was not even bones; she was nothing but dust in the dirt, waiting to be blown away by a gust of wind that never came.
Chloe puts out a pink boxcutter to Juyeon, pushing up the blade with her thumb, filling the room with several clicking sounds. She raises her brows at him, smiling warmly at Juyeon’s widened gaze on the blade in her hand.
“I want my name on you.”
Juyeon takes a deep breath through his nose, shaky and uncertain, before his gaze lifts to Chloe’s face. He still looks like a dumb dog to her, eyes wide and full of something Chloe can’t pinpoint, but she thinks it’s fear. It feels like she’s holding her breath in the best way, her head feeling light and her stomach in the tightest knots. She raises her brows at his look, letting out a hum of disappointment that makes Juyeon quickly shake his head before she can even voice any discontentment. 
“Where? Where do you want your name?” His words are choppy, overthinking each one as his eyes dart around before deciding to settle on the carpet where Chloe stood. Chloe smiles, striding towards him, causing Juyeon to lean back slightly to stay out of reach of the blade. Chloe’s dark brown eyes scan Juyeon’s body, taking in his near-perfect posture. Her eyes linger over his chest, puckering her lips as her gaze rakes over his arms like he’s a piece of meat she’s inspecting at the market for dinner. 
Chloe jabs a pink polished nail into his bicep, nodding as an excited smile grows on her lips. Juyeon’s head follows her finger, thick lips curling in, but he says nothing. Slowly, he reaches for the box cutter in Chloe’s hand. Chloe can see his hand shaking as it extends in midair, reaching to meet hers. Her eyes widen in excitement, flicking up to watch his face as he wraps his hand tightly around the tool.
Chloe knows he doesn’t want to do this. She can see it on his face, how his body tensed, and how hesitant he is to roll up his sleeve, but she doesn’t care. 
The first cut is too shallow for Chloe. He barely breaks the skin but still hisses at the sensations. Blood barely beads from the cat's scratch, making Chloe shake her head disapprovingly.
“Don’t be a bitch about it,” Chloe tells him gruffly, grabbing the hair at the crown of Juyeon’s head, shaking him by it as if to physically shake out the worries and doubts filling his head. Juyeon lets out a pathetic sound that Chloe can’t decipher if it’s a moan or not. Either way, she smirks, letting go of his hair to smack the side of his head like she’s hitting a beach ball. “Do it right. I want to see you bleed. That’s the point. You’re supposed to prove how much you like me–”
“I love you,” Juyeon corrects, breathing heavier than Chloe thinks he should, so she smacks the other side of his head, laughing at how he just takes it, moving in every direction Chloe pushes and pulls him. Chloe coos at his whiny words, grabbing him by the hair again and pulling his head back to look up at her as she leans closer to him. He smells like oranges and cedar. It makes Chloe hum, tracing the bridge of his nose with the tip of hers. 
“Then prove it,” She whispers, pulling his head back with a final tug before letting go of him. She stands in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest in refusal to touch him until he gives her what she wants.
Chloe proves to be a bloody name to spell into the skin.
Blood drips and pours from the cuts on Juyeon’s bicep, running down his forearm and tangling in the hair. The arm with her name now forever etched into it twitches and shakes as she runs a wet washrag over the wound. He takes shaky breaths with every swipe, eyes wet and dripping with tears that run down his high cheekbones. Chloe thinks he looks cute like this, a gentle smile on her lips as she tends to his wound. There’s blood on her sheets, but Chloe doesn’t care. There’s a sick sense of pleasure winding inside her at the sight of the crimson staining her once spotless pink sheets. They’re now like her, she thinks, like Juyeon too. Juyeon is forever marked with her, a mark he can never get rid of even if he tries. 
He’s tainted. No one wanted tainted meat.
Chloe leans in to kiss the side of his head, feeling Juyeon lean into her touch almost instantly. He keeps leaning in, ducking his head down to rest on her chest with tightly shut eyes as his not-injured arm wraps around her waist to keep her close. Chloe smiles at that, running a hand through his silky black hair.
“I love you, Juyeon,” Chloe tells him because she knows he wants to hear it. She isn’t sure if she really does love him, more so she’s obsessed with him but not like he is with her. Juyeon moans quietly into her skin at her words, holding her waist tighter before loosening his hold. Chloe looks down at him before turning her head to look at his arm.
He’s still bleeding. Chloe figures it won’t stop until she puts a bandage on it. She stares at the cuts, a dull buzzing taking over her body as she reaches out and swipes her finger across the cuts, pressing down so the skin drags and rips further beneath her touch. Juyeon groans, wincing against her, but doesn’t lift his head, wanting to stay as close to her as possible. Chloe looks at the blood covering the tip of her finger, tilting her head at it like she’s never seen anything like it before. She presses the digit on the pad of her tongue, dragging it down to clean herself of Juyeon’s blood, leaving a streak of red behind. 
Chloe hums at the taste, puckering her lips as she thinks about what to compare him to. He tastes sweet but metallic, reminding her of a not-yet-ripe grapefruit.
“So sweet,” Chloe hums, rubbing Juyeon’s back as a reward. Juyeon lifts his head just a bit to press into her neck, taking a deep breath, causing goosebumps to rise on Chloe’s arms. “You really would do anything for me, wouldn’t you?”
Juyeon only nods, the wetness of his face smudging against the skin of Chloe’s neck. Chloe’s eyes stare ahead of her, smiling as her fingers card through the man’s dark hair, soothing him and her. She pulls back, taking his strong jawline in her hands. Juyeon’s eyes are wet, still dripping with tears, but he looks at Chloe with unwavering love and devotion. She smiles at him like nothing is awry, leaning down to press her forehead to his.
“I love you, Juju. So good to me,” Chloe whispers, nuzzling her nose against him, watching as his eyes shut in bliss while a tear rolls down his cheek. Chloe thinks he’s had enough for one night, earning what he’s probably been dreaming about for years. She dips her head down, pressing her lips to his gently for a moment before pressing deeper, hearing a moan leave his throat and vibrate against her lips as she does so. The kiss is warm and still, Juyeon barely moving an inch as Chloe presses her chest against his for a second then pulls back, a small smacking sound filling the room.
Juyeon looks up at Chloe with hazy eyes, blinking up at her like she’s some kind of magical being that shouldn’t be visible to the human eye. He reaches up, holding her cheek in his hand with the arm that now has her name engrained forever. Her breathing catches, looking down at Juyeon with wide eyes. She expects violence, prepping for a strike that never comes. Instead, his thumb runs over her cheekbone and then drags down to run across her plump bottom lip. Juyeon could overpower her if he wanted to. Most people could. Chloe is small and frail, her hands bony and real nails brittle. It’s always been hard for her to put on weight, but that’s not a real issue in the industry in which she works. Juyeon isn’t violent, though. There’s not even anger in his gaze, only love.
“Anything for my Chloe,” Juyeon whispers like an oath. Chloe hated admitting it, but her heart skipped a beat at that, her hands delicately resting on his bicep. Her eyes fall down to the bloodied mess on the inside of Juyeon’s arm, rubbing her lips together at the messy sight before looking back at his face. She doesn’t say anything, only leans in and kisses his lips again. He tilts his head up to return the kiss, initiating a deepening, but Chloe pulls back before either of them can.
“Need to bandage you up,” Chloe hums, kissing his cheek as a parting gift as she moves off the bed to get the first aid kid from the same desk she got the boxcutter from. Even now, there’s a smile on her face.
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k7l4d4 · 13 days
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 20
And here we are, the episode where Lila does Lila things!
I'll be blunt; this episode, more than any other, illustrates the problem with Lila. Even ignoring all the instances of people being gullible lemmings at the writer's insistence when it comes to Lila, this episode shows how cliched and forced her competence as a manipulator is. Why? Because throughout this episode, despite it opening by revealing that Lila is manipulating three separate women into believing she's their daughter somehow AND making all of them believe she's famous and important... Lila spends the entire opening of the episode drawing as much attention to herself as possible, without any thought towards the possibility that her adoptive mothers will see the pictures and videos being taken of her posted online, when at least ONE OF THEM thinks she's in freaking AFRICA of all places.
This episode showed that not only is Lila not bothering to put in any effort to keep from getting caught, but she's actively making it harder for her lies to be kept by making sure people see her and notice her as much as possible, which is the last thing you want as a liar or manipulator who is keeping multiple contradictory lies running at the same time.
Oh, and Lila somehow being able to pressure a new election for Class Rep into place. Which makes no sense as I literally checked the timeline and she wasn't a student until AFTER the Elections were held, making her entire argument meant to push people into agreeing with her plan fall apart. It's not undemocratic for a person who was never eligible for an election in the first place to not get a chance to run.
Additionally, this episode just highlights how some of the reveals and retcons introduced this season just don't work. The show tries to push the narrative in this episode that Chloe is beyond helping and that Marinette's antagonism towards her is justified... when this same episode literally revealed that Chloe cheating on her coursework has been an open secret, and Marinette neglected her responsibilities as Class Rep in not reporting this to the teacher, when everyone would've backed her up on it. For an episode that had one of the very first "morals" in the series being "for evil to triumph, good has to do nothing," Marinette has apparently been doing a heaping load of nothing... and when the info finally gets out, Marinette basically throws a fit that Chloe... is being made to redo her work, just because her teacher didn't frame it as a punishment, when as an educator, Miss Bustier's focus SHOULD be that Chloe is getting an education... and the fact that she'll be apparently making up YEARS of work means it's still a punishment regardless.
I could go on... but I feel that if I do, I would be writing an entirely new review. Anyway, onto the REAL review, and as always, warning for my profanity.
Episode 20: Revelation
Okay, and the opening scene is of Lila lying to her mother about being in the Savannah. Wow, what a brilliant lie, much effort was put into being believable. Clearly a teenager with no background would be entrusted with aiding in the rescue of endangered animals from poacher traps, that isn't something that is restricted to trained professionals at all! And then we get a deaf woman coming in, who starts signing, and then Lila signs back, calls her mom, and says that the woman she was talking to was her "agent." She says they've "just been reunited," which if this is meant to imply that she's impersonating some woman's actual missing kid, or if there was a missing kid in the first place... this is utter bullshit. And I mean this is beyond the NORMAL fucking bullshit of this nonsense season, in that not only is the idea that Lila COULD EVER FOOL TWO WOMEN, LET ALONE THREE, INTO BELIEVING SHE IS HER DAUGHTER IS RIDICULOUS, HOW IN THE WORLD COULD ANY OF THIS WORK WHEN LILA'S LIES ALL INVOLVE CALLING AS MUCH ATTENTION TO HERSELF AS FUCKING POSSIBLE!? Seriously, the lie she told her "deaf mom" falls apart right from the outset because she says she's going to a "movie shoot in Mexico." Just, just how STUPID is this woman supposed to be!? If her alleged daughter is meant to be a movie star, surely she's been in films before!! It's not as if films don't get subtitles, so it's not as if she could say that this woman just hasn't seen the films because she's deaf (which is exactly the kind of tone-deaf ablest answer I'd expect from Astruc if someone asked about this)...
Yeah, I'm gonna move on before my blood pressure pops.
And we get a scene of Lila walking to an art class, smug in how famous she is with her face plastered all across Paris as the girl on the Alliance Ring... this, this alone shoots down her ability to maintain ANY OF HER LIES because we literally get a scene of her taking a selfie with a woman who she deliberately called attention to herself who recognized her!! This is the kind of thing that gets plastered across social media!! Heck, her fake moms should be plastering her across social media too, because "she's their daughter," of course they are gonna spread the image!! And then we get a scene of her using her fame to get a free bus ride, UGH!!! And then she ends up telling one of her tall tales to the people riding the bus, who are actively filming her, THIS IS FUCKING STUPID!!! PRO TENNIS!? CHARITY WORK!? THIS IS WHY HER LIES ARE SO RIDICULOUS!! SHE IS UTTERLY UNABLE TO AVOID THE SPOTLIGHT EVEN IF IT WOULD KILL HER!!! THE IDEA SHE COULD MAINTAIN ALL THESE LIES THAT INVOLVE NO ONE QUESTIONING HER OR LOOKING INTO HER IS FUCKING NONSENSE, BECAUSE SHE MAKES HERSELF AS VISIBLE AS FUCKING POSSIBLE!!! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!
And we see that the art class is being taught by Sabine (for some reason, how the fuck is she able to teach a class when she helps run a bakery??), and simultaneously tries to butter up to Sabine while bad mouthing Marinette about not taking advantage of her mother's teachings on art. Thankfully, before it can get stupider, all the Alliance Rings announce a short update... I'm feeling some anticipation and dread in equal amounts. Yup, she got replaced by Kagami, PFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! OH man, that is fucking hilarious. A terrible idea, since this basically shatters the established brand of Lila being the face of Alliance, AND alienates one of Gabe's best operatives; granted, she had it coming by shooting her mouth off at her boss, but still, it's too little too late to cut her off.
And after a brief look of anger, Lila tries to blow it off like she just "forgot about the update." Yeah, no, they cut her off and are hanging her out to dry. PFFHAHAHAHAAA!!! It's hilarious how stupid this is. I'm feeling spiteful right now! Now she's spinning a yarn about being "tired of fame and all the superficial connections" BITCH YOU ARE FUCKING FULL OF IT!!! Like, this isn't even fucking clever!! This is a non-stop gullibility train that involves everyone taking every fucking word out of her mouth as gospel!!
Her going "You're like a mother to me" makes me feel gross inside. With how she treats her current "mothers" that isn't a compliment. Then we pop back in with Gabe, ooh, that Cataclysm damage isn't looking too good, maybe you shouldn't have literally wasted your remaining lifespan with non-stop and pointless resets? Then Nathalie, who is clearly still working for him despite no longer being on his side, what the fuck is up with that, lets him know that "someone" is at the gate. Who could it be... yeah, it's clearly Lila. I'll give her this, when she's feeling slighted, she does not waste time.
Ooh, a double-whammy of an ego train! Lila apparently has quite the high opinion of herself for being "the face of Gabriel's brand," which is completely unjustified seeing as she's a two-bit congirl who only GOT her agreement with Gabe because she lied her ass off about Marinette being "a bad influence," but while Gabe is spot on that she's only the face of his brand because of their deal, him acting as if Lila failing to keep Marinette away from Adrien is anyone's fault but his own is fucking rich, and a "media friendly pairing," AS IF YOUR SON ISN'T ALREADY REJECTING YOUR CONTROL AND HAS MADE IT CLEAR MORE THAN ONCE HE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING WITH KAGAMI!! God fucking DAMMIT, how dense is this titanium tightwad!? Okay, he's actually aware that Kagami and Adrien being together is a facade... but the fact that he thinks he'll be able to force it into existing is stupid on so many levels.
"Such intense hate, it's almost tempting. But entrusting power in someone who hates me so much wouldn't be a good idea." AS IF YOU HAVEN'T FUCKING DONE THAT WHO KNOWS HOW MANY TIMES ALREADY!? FUCKING DAMMIT, GABE, HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU!? I'd say that he's being smart, but if this episode is the one I think it is, we all know he'll break that bullshit. Also, apparently he can sense emotions even outside of his Hawkmoth form, which is all kinds of disturbing, honestly. And we get one-hundred percent confirmation that Lila knows Gabe's true identity! ...Yeah, this is not gonna end well, at all.
Okay, it looks like Marinette and Adrien are about to learn about the Alliance update... oh boy. Here comes the fireworks. Oh, and a creepy comment from some girl about shipping Adrien and Kagami and needing to write a fanfic about them. Also, confirmation that Adrien did NOT know about the update.
Ignoring Rose's uncomfortable description of Marinette and Adrien's relationship as "the most romantic love story ever," YES, Gabe knows god damn well his son isn't dating Kagami anymore (not that it was much of a relationship to start with), he just doesn't fucking care. WHY IS THIS SOME KIND OF SHOCK!? THE DUDE HAS BEEN A COMPLETE AND UTTER ASSHOLE SINCE DAY FUCKING ONE!! I'd say I hope this makes them kick him out of the Resistance (which mysteriously has had no real relevance since its establishment), but we all know the odds of THAT happening.
Yes, Adrien, Rose is fully aware that the Avatars aren't actually you and Kagami, that doesn't mean they can't be used as a way to harass you and Marinette or feed into tabloid bullshit. Okay, it looks like we are about to get the reveal to Ms. Bustier that Sabrina has been doing Chloe's homework. And... Sabrina literally admits to making cheat sheets for Chloe upon Miss Bustier pointing out that two tests both have Sabrina's names on them... when Chloe could've just said that she had been daydreaming and put Sabrina's name on her own test. It's not as if she wouldn't have believed it!! At worst she would've just made them redo the tests!!
Seriously, WHY THE FUCK IS CHLOE JUST ADMITTING TO ALL THIS!? HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK SHE IS!? And THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY SHE AND SABRINA WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO KEEP UP THE PRETENSE OF CHLOE DOING ALL HER OWN HOMEWORK FOR LITERAL YEARS!! NO FUCKING WAY!! THAT IS NOT REASONABLE BY ANY SANE METRIC!!! THAT IS JUST STUPIDITY FUCKING SQUARED!!!! And that's not even getting into the question on how Sabrina is apparently the better student of the two, so unless she's deliberately doing the homework badly so as to fit Chloe's skill level, Chloe should be getting bumped up grades from Sabrina doing her homework. I'd comment on the cheat-sheets, but given that they are stated to be for end of the year exams, odds are she usually doesn't have cheat sheets and just doesn't bother putting in any effort at all.
And, after taking in a breath, and processing everything, Miss Bustier states that Chloe is going to need a lot of help to get caught back up... Marinette butts in. Oh boy... And she pointblank admits that literally everyone knew Chloe was cheating... and NONE OF THEM TOLD THE TEACHER!? IF EVERYONE FUCKING KNEW, MARINETTE, THEN YOU COULD'VE JUST TOLD MISS BUSTIER THIS ENTIRE FUCKING TIME!! YOU DON'T GET TO BE MAD AT CHLOE FOR "TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SABRINA" WHEN YOU HAVE APPARENTLY BEEN ENABLING HER THIS ENTIRE FUCKING TIME!!!!
Also, Marinette, this "help" is literally just going to be tutoring and forcing her to make up all the work she's fallen behind on. So getting off on an angry rant on Chloe "getting off easily," despite this basically amounting to Chloe having most of her free time taken away to catch up her grades, IS FUCKING STUPID. Also, Lila gave an evil smirk, so she's gonna do something, you can literally tell.
Wow, they are really hammering home the "Chloe is a rich idiot" button as hard as they can. This is literally fucking stupid. This, I cannot even begin to go into how low-effort this is. This isn't Chloe. This is a cardboard cutout they slapped her name on and played voice recordings to imitate speech for.
Also, it's really fucking stupid how both Chloe AND Marinette seem to think Chloe will have any choice in making up her lost work. And now Lila is butting in, acting shocked that Chloe didn't tell her about "having trouble in school." And Chloe, because of course she's that stupid, doesn't pick up on Lila's blatant attempt to pretend this is actually about Chloe struggling and not just being lazy, so she sends Chloe an email. There's also a snobby speech about school being pointless, but I am actively trying to tune it OUT.
Oooh, Lila calls out Marinette (politely, of course) about Marinette not telling the teachers about Chloe's cheating, despite clearly knowing about it... that's actually clever. "She doesn't have difficulties, only privileges," wow, they are literally having Marinette parrot Astruc's BS, and Marinette... TELLING THE TEACHER A CLASSMATE IS CHEATING IS LITERALLY YOUR FUCKING JOB AS CLASS REP, YOU ARE THE ONE IN THE WRONG HERE. Also, badmouthing the teachers, in FRONT of your teacher!? They are really showing off that Marinette's no smarter than Chloe in this. Also, Chloe saying her father would kick the teachers out of school, despite her dad not having that power.
Lila throwing doubt on Marinette not being fit to be Class Rep anymore would be good... if she weren't making it about Marinette's relationship with Adrien, instead of, you know, NOT DOING HER DUTIES AS CLASS REP WHEN IT COMES TO CHLOE DESPITE HAVING THE AUTHORITY AND ABILITY TO EXPOSE HER LONG BEFORE SHE AND ADRIEN GOT TOGETHER!!! And NOW we get the claim of Lila trying to replace Marinette as class rep. This feels like another case of the writers trying to insist "we're totally in on the joke!" despite not getting the joke at all.
If it weren't reliant on all the phony good will and trust she's generated by lying her ass off and people taking her at her word, this would actually be a good plan on Lila's part. Then she goes and tries to throw shade on the election being "undemocratic for not giving her a chance" since she didn't get a chance to run the last time  around... WHEN SHE WAS NOT EVEN A STUDENT AT THE TIME!! Seriously, Marinette, YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS!!!
And we see that Alya and Nino still swallow Lila's bullshit hook line and sinker. And they literally brush off Adrien sticking up for Marinette, WOW, WHAT GREAT FRIENDS THESE TWO ARE, HUH!? What a "great bestie" and "great bro" they are for their best friends!! Clearly these are two people Marinette and Adrien should trust!!
Also, them describing "saying anything to stick up for his sweetheart" and describing it as being a real couple is disgusting. Legitimately disgusting. If the writers think unconditionally backing up your partner even when they are in the wrong or lying for them is something a real couple should do, or is "sweet," that is disturbing on multiple levels.
Wow, loving how Alya and Marinette are just shutting down any possibility of Chloe ever changing, what great heroic spirits these two have, because clearly refusing to believe someone has changed or can change is heroic!
Alya trying to convince Marinette to trust her falls apart upon the fact that Alya STILL believes Lila unconditionally, despite literally now knowing that one of the very FIRST lies Lila ever told her (that she's best friends with Ladybug) is fake, BECAUSE MARINETTE, WHO IS LADYBUG, IS LITERALLY TELLING HER SHE DOESN'T TRUST LILA AT ALL!! FUCK! THIS!! NOISE!!!
Also, the juxtaposition of Alya sticking up for Lila by insisting that she's a nice girl with Lila literally describing wanting to "exterminate Marinette like the vermin that she is" is disturbing, not funny. It makes Alya come off as delusional and Lila as UTTERLY PSYCHOTIC. Describing another human being as "Vermin to be exterminated" IS DISTURBING, NOT FUNNY.
Them trying to give Sabrina a sad face over Chloe listening to Lila falls apart from the simple fact that Sabrina has always been Chloe's accomplice without any word of complaint prior to this Season.
Miss Bustier, LILA WAS NOT EVEN A STUDENT DURING THE LAST ELECTION!!! THIS IS NOT BEING FAIR, THIS IS BEING STUPID!!! SHE CAN LITERALLY COMPETE NEXT YEAR WITHOUT ANY ISSUE!! Or she could theoretically, anyway. Also, Marinette is going to bomb this election; this entire episode has done nothing but hammer home how Lila functionally rules the school when it comes to the writers bending over backwards to put things in her favor. There is no chance she WON'T win.
Also, it's disturbing how the writers are using Lila as a strawman against the idea of redemption. Specifically, as a strawman against CHLOE'S redemption. This is just plain unhealthy. Also, Chloe's reaction to Lila asking her to be her deputy makes no sense; even ignoring the context of Lila basically telling Chloe "do whatever I say if you want to get rid of Marinette," CHLOE has always been the class rep prior to Marinette, and if she's not reacting with annoyance at being the "deputy" instead of the Class Rep entirely, she should be having a smirk at regaining her "rightful power and position." But that would undermine the message that "Chloe is a lazy brat with no redeeming qualities and who is lazy."
Wait, Nino phrasing how weird it is that Chloe would willingly agree to not be the one in charge does highlight how odd this is... but COME THE FUCK ON, HOW DOES ANYONE NOT SMELL HOW SUSPICIOUS THIS FUCKING IS!? SHE'S GOT THE CREEPIEST FUCKING GRIN ON HER FACE, WHAT IS WITH THAT!? Also, the fact that Alya's immediate reaction is that Chloe's an impostor instead of this being a set-up is eye-roll inducing. Marinette literally having a meltdown and rabidly angry at her desk (she is LITERALLY vibrating on screen) over Lila's lies really goes to show why people don't believe her; heck, if Lila weren't such a transparently bad liar, I'd be hard pressed to believe her myself! Granted, it took about five seasons for her to get to this point, but you get the picture, right?
Wow, the insistence that it's because of Marinette's love life that she couldn't "fix Chloe" is kinda hilarious, since that's arguably accurate. The show has sacrificed EVERYTHING on the altar of pushing Marinette's obsession with getting with Adrien above all else. So in a meta way, it WAS because of Marinette's love life that Chloe never got "fixed"! Of course, that's under the assumption they would've let Chloe change to begin with.
Seriously, Chloe's smile in this is DISTURBING. It looks wrong on every level, and NO ON SHOULD BE DUMB ENOUGH NOT TO REALIZE HOW FAKE IT IS!! Seriously, does NO ONE think that maybe she's just playing along to spite Marinette!? NO ONE!? And it all gets brushed aside in favor of Lila's lies about how "trustworthy" she is, and her "humanitarian work." This episode's moral feels like it boils down to "trust no one because no one can be trusted."
Her saying she's gone into conflict zones is an immediate red flag, literally no ethical humanitarian organization would EVER have someone her age actually near a conflict zone, and her bringing this up in regards to redeeming Chloe feels like it's a stealth attempt at an insult.
And now we get Marinette's speech, talking about how they hoped Chloe would become a better person, and saying how Ladybug, Miss Bustier, and basically the class reached out to her. Right off the bat, this is wrong. Oh sure, they TECHNICALLY reached out to her... and going by this show's track record, that "reaching out" amounted to a single gesture of basic decency and then leaving Chloe to her toxic homelife without ever actually addressing ANY OF HER PROBLEMS. Heck, Adrien in particular is the worst example in that he literally extracted a promise from her to be better, and then did FUCKING NOTHING WITH IT for literal months, only bothering to use it when she'd already decided "Fine, if you want me to be bad, then I'll be bad." FUCK THIS BULLSHIT.
When did they reach out to her? HOW did they reach out to her!? Seriously, this entire fucking sequence just feels like them insisting that "everyone already gave her a chance, never mind when it happened, she squandered it and that's all there is to it!!" The fact that they literally had Chloe NOD HER HEAD IN AGREEMENT to Marinette's cruel description of her really hammers home that Chloe is just a strawman at this point. It's really funny how Marinette describes helping Chloe as "wasting her energy in vein," when it's very obvious to anyone who has seen the show that she's done basically NOTHING when it comes to redeeming Chloe, and as stated earlier, literally has been neglecting her duties by enabling Chloe's bad behavior.
Also, her description of "I'd rather help the majority who are nice rather than help the one difficult person who needs it most" is really disgusting. And then we get Lila withdrawing her candidacy from the Election SHE insisted on having. This is literally a blatant attempt at manipulating the votes by artificially generating sympathy. The fact that she's putting words in Marinette's mouth (calling Lila an idiot, which she never did), it's honestly hard to take Lila's manipulations seriously when they have weird sketchy sounding music on. Instead of making this feel like a dangerous moment of Lila turning the class to her side by acting like a wounded gazelle, it feels like it just highlights how thick the class is when it comes to Lila's character.
This, ALL of this, would make so much more sense and be workable, if they hadn't also shown, however unintentionally, that Lila's lies are a house of cards propped up by luck and the gullibility of her audience. The fact that the people who literally watched Marinette's speech, which didn't include the word "idiot" even once, are taking Lila's crocodile tears at face value is stupid beyond words.
Miss Bustier is honestly being a good teacher in this episode; her insisting that Marinette go after Lila is spot on in this case, as while it would be best if Miss Bustier went herself, class is still going on, and as Class Rep, Marinette IS obligated to provide some degree of support for Lila, even someone she dislikes, when the entire reason she's even in this situation (ignoring Lila's idiotic lies and blatant manipulations) is because she shirked her responsibilities as Class Rep by letting Chloe's actions continue rather then reporting them as she should. It's telling that the show is framing Miss Bustier as being a reasonable, if slightly naive, authority figure as being in the wrong here.
Oh, now we see Lila stashing her phone in the locker, camera pointed out. THAT probably doesn't mean anything! (Sarcasm)
Oooh, now we see Monarch spitting on his own promise NOT to give powers to someone who deeply hates him, who didn't see THAT coming!? For real, he's SHOWN that he can sense WHO is feeling certain emotions at a given time, so he should know damn well that this is Lila, and she would ABSOLUTELY turn those powers against him the second she gets the chance! What is this moron thinking!? Seriously, he KNOWS she hates him, and FELT her hatred TOWARDS him earlier, WHY THE FUCK DOES HE THINK THAT SHE WON'T GO AFTER HIM, JUST BECAUSE HE'S NOT THE IMMEDIATE SOURCE OF HIS RAGE THIS TIME!?
Also, why the fuck did he describe her emotion as "despair?" He can literally sense emotions, and KNOWS that what she's feeling is hatred. Also, the powerset he gave "Hoaxer" is literally just making her figurative ability to make people believe whatever she says, no matter how contrived or stupid, literal. It's idiotic.
I'm confused on when exactly he gave her the power to teleport. Also, the fact that Marinette literally walked in and she decided that using her powers to turn people against Marinette and attack her FOR her really shows how stupid she is.
Seeing as this entire "fight" is just gonna be Lila brainwashing people (not gonna comment on why Mylene and Ivan weren't affected, since them being "no tech" has never been hinted at before EVER), I'm gonna skip to the end of it for the sake of my sanity.
Okay, I'll add one thing, Hoaxer using her powers to brainwash Nathalie into sending her all the dirt she has on Gabe without letting him know is actually clever. It's the ONE THING I'll give her.
Alright, I'm at the end of the episode, and Lila fakes "rejecting an Akuma," which at least in her case makes more sense then the numerous other times it's happened, as she accepted it willingly to start with. And now, here at the end, we get Adrien telling Marinette he was wrong to give Lila a chance, which wouldn't be a problem... if it weren't for the fact that Marinette NEVER gave Lila a chance and routinely tried to call her on her lies, this feels like another meanspirited "Bad people never change, they just stay bad meanies!!" rant.
And they make it about Adriennette, again, of course. It's "funny" how they put a superficial coat of paint over the show's flaws by trying to reframe the character's actions rather then, you know, LET THEM HAVE JUST PLAIN FUCKED UP. Even this is more them acting as if Adrien did a lot to help Lila and Chloe... when literally all he did was stand to the side and, AT MOST, put in a lukewarm effort to get Chloe to shape up that he never followed up on. It's pathetic. AND ANOTHER CASE OF ASTRUC USING MARINETTE TO PARROT HIS OWN BIASED AS FUCK TALKING POINTS, HOW ORIGINAL!!! Because NO, "the good you see in others is just a reflection of your own" is cynical BS spouted by narcissists and egotists who don't wanna admit to being in the wrong or having fucked things up with their personal relationships by making the other person out to be the sole fucking bad guy.
And of course they gave Lila the unanimous vote, because why the hell not. And it ends with Marinette shutting down Alya congratulating her for giving Lila a chance by spelling out that she was just letting Lila have her way so she has a better shot at exposing her lies, and Lila retrieving the email Nathalie sent her. And with that, I'm done with this episode, and it's time for me to grab dinner for tonight. I hope you enjoyed seeing me lose my shit over this. It was actually fun to just vent on how stupid this episode was!
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Ghost Brother Au resurrecting just like our best boy Danny
Le Phantome
My Brain: Okay, so the exact timeline is-- Me: Shut up about the timeline, shut up about the timeline!!
Danny was a member of the Casper High French class when he was in Amity Park. he wasn’t good at it, but it got him by. unfortunately for Danny, he forgot about the Annual Senior Year Trip to Paris.
Danny is working with his parents when Valerie of all people walks into the bakery.
Que spiderman meme
Marinette watches them interact; this is the first person from Danny’s past to ever find him and she’s curious. Is she a friend? An ex-girlfriend? She’s nosy.
They’re thrilled to see each other again, even though Danny is hiding that they know each other from the Dupain-Chengs. Valerie spent the last three years thinking Danny was dead He says that he ran bc he was hiding from the ghost that killed his family, which is true from a certain point of view. They exchange numbers.
Valerie gives his number to Vlad.
Valerie has basically become a full-blown employee of Vlad at this point, still not knowing he’s a half-ghost. Ghosts are still in Amity Park, just not as much in number, probably left over juju from the Fenton portal. Obviously she’s going to report that the boy he’s been looking for for years is in Paris.
Vlad, still a fruitloop and having next to no idea on what actually happened during Ultimate Enemies, is determined to get his soon-to-be son.
What happened from Vlad’s PoV: Danny got caught cheating and the entire family, friends, and teacher met at the Nasty Burger. A ghost--identity unknown--attacks and Danny fights him, but the nasty burger blows up in the process. Everyone dies (and for a while, Vlad thinks Danny died too) and the mysterious ghost is in the wind.
he knows a vague description of the mystery ghost/dan. White flaming hair, black and white suit with a cape, green skin and pointed ears. whoever vlad interrogated didn’t see the phantom symbol on Dan’s chest though
Vlad, instead of being happy that Danny’s been found, is furious. Instead of coming to him after his family died, Danny ran away across the ocean, and even allowed some random people to adopt him!? Even though Vlad’s been trying to find him, even though Vlad was there the entire time!?
He wants his son. Now.
Vlad calls Danny, scaring him, threatening his family. Danny is horrified and furious, but manages to negotiate a meeting, telling Vlad that he’d explain everything. Vlad has reservations at Le Grand Paris at lunch. Danny agrees to go.
Danny tells his parents that he can’t work around noon, he’s eating lunch with someone. Alya is there (sleepover?) and tries to interrogate him about where he’s going and who he’s going with, but Danny shuts it down.
Marinette thinks that he’s going to eat out with Valerie from the other day. Danny’s never dated before (to her knowledge) or even had a crush (again to her knowledge), so Alya convinces her to follow Danny.
Danny dresses himself to the nines, due to the location of their meeting, but takes the time to slip on one of the first bracelets Marinette made for him when he moved it. It���s made of yarn and clay beads, but he loves it. It’s from his new life.
Danny arrives at the restaurant at Le Grand Paris, though he’s there early and takes a seat inside. Alya and Marinette can’t get in at first, but because her mom’s the chef, they get a table nearby.
they’re wearing comically bad disguises, but Danny’s so distracted that he doesn’t notice them.
Chloe spots them and tries to throw a fit, but they fill her in on the deets---aka, Danny’s on a date and they’re spying. I’ve decided that Chloe has a crush on both Danny and Kaitou LeBlanc (non-reciprocated of course), so she’s immediately down to clown with the other girls.
Imagine their confusion when some middle-aged man sits down at the table.
Danny fully intended to tell Vlad what happened. It’s been years, he’s had therapy, but when he tries to tell Vlad... he chokes.
It doesn’t help that Vlad is being a total a-hole about this. Insulting the hotel, the city, Danny’s grasp on the French language (which has improved dramatically, he’s proud to report). Vlad doesn’t particularly care about answers, he wants the son he was promised.
Vlad gives an ultimatum; Danny comes with him willingly and Vlad won’t destroy his family. He’s a powerful man; he can shut down one little bakery, get one girl expelled from school, get two parents arrested for kidnapping. Vlad can ruin them.
It should be noted that Vlad didn’t know about the current situation in Paris. The Mayor had been keeping it quiet. If he’d known, he would have arranged for their conversation to occur outside the boards of the city.
Neither man nor teen notice the butterfly landing on his bracelet.
“Le Phantome, I am Hawkmoth. I will grant you the power to retaliate against the man threatening your family. In return, all I ask is for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.”
Danny knew he should say no. He should fight. But two words slipped out instead. “Yes, Hawkmoth.”
A black, bubbling ooze overtook Danny. In his place was a man with green skin and pointed ears, flaming white hair, and a black and white supersuit with a cape. Almost exactly like Dan.
Taglist: @bee-a-garbage-shipper @cell113 @burningprincesssuit @tgfangirl4eva @winter-rose-wolf @princertain @bean2342 @obnoxious-avian-personal @nillajinx @imspectralboiii @readlikereblogrepeat @iglowinggemma28 @letterlust @lysslovsanime @pinkcc1 @darkthunder1589 @jdc1717 @henloamkitty @theauthorandtheartist @spinatelle @murlinmouse @arken-99 @mango-mush
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adriensaltprompts · 2 years
Submitted prompt: Monster
Lila's mother is aroace. She adopted Lila, she loves her very much despite Lila's massive flaws as a person, and she's in a queerplatonic relationship with another aroace woman.
Adrien doesn't get how that works, doesn't think people can really be aroace, and mislabels Lila's mom a lesbian (An allo lesbian, specifically, but Adrien doesn't know that term). Lila tries to correct him.
When he makes the mistake of saying to Lila that romance is the most important thing in existence and all that he lives for, and her mom sounds like a monster if she doesn't love anyone at all, he angers the most charming person in school, who can absolutely make his life a living hell.
So she does.
Cue the Adrien Agreste saltblog, where Lila shares gossip, pics, and audio of him being a jerk, an idiot in the way only rich people who have no experience in the real world can pull off, and an enabler for Chloe's bullying.
Gabriel tries to get her to stop but Lila has exactly one person she loves, and anyone who's against her mom, she will destroy with everything she has.
She's so focused on this that she's immune to being Akumatized because she's just not in the damn mood, Hawkmoth.
Adrien's reputation is trash now, Hawkmoth is down an ally, Marinette has quit associating with Adrien because unlike him, she's someone who supports all queer people, and Chat Noir is on thin ice with Ladybug when she vents about this obnoxious aphobe in her class and Chat Noir doesn't understand why what Adrien said is wrong.
Things get worse for Adrien when Lila hears Chat Noir being an aphobic asshole and decides a Chat Noir saltblog could be fun, too.
She's getting a lot more attention now, more than she ever got prior, and it's largely positive, made up of an online audience that supports her and loves that she stood up for her mom. She's not reformed, but she's no longer an active threat to Marinette, who is 100% supportive of Lila's mom and her right to not need romance to be whole or be a good parent.
I'm not saying this leads to Chat Noir being akumtatized (though it's not off the table as an option) but it definitely leads to him having to stop sexually harassing Ladybug if he doesn't want Lila to put it up on her blog along with (some false, some true) witness testimonies about his gross actions.
He simply can't outdo her in charm and ability to manipulate a narrative. She could have the mainstream media turn on him if she wanted to.
Lila is a monster, but her mom isn't, and anyone who says otherwise is going to wish to God they'd never said it in front of her.
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purplesimmer455 · 2 months
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Back in the ✨️alternate universe✨️ for a bit:
So, in the main universe, Tess met and dated Amy Wu for a few weeks before they split amicably, neither of them wanting a serious relationship. Tess went on to marry Megan (who happens to be Amy’s cousin) and Amy married Chloe Zhao-Roswell.
In this universe, Tess and Amy kept dating for 6 months, and then made it official. Two years later, when they were 23, Tess proposed to Amy and the two got married in a small ceremony with Tess’s moms, siblings, cousin Luna and her wife Chrissy and kids, as well as Amy’s dad, stepmom Savanna, baby brother Darren, cousin Megan, and Megan’s wife Iseul in attendance.
Two years after this, Amy and Tess started discussing the idea of having kids. They'd discussed this early on in the relationship, and both had been open to the idea but weren't ready. After talking about it now and going through options like pregnancy, adoption, etc, they decided to get a surrogate (and excuse the bad science because I love using the game's same-sex pregnancy option 😅) and used both of their eggs to have their daughter, who they named Ming Alice Feldman-Wu. Ming after Amy’s late mom Ming Wu, and Alice after Tess’s grandma Alice Spencer-Kim.
Now, Ming's 6½ years old and she looks mostly like Amy* but she goes after Tess as well. Plus, she has both of her moms' love of sports and is in her school's little league baseball team. She loves making crafts like her mom Amy and helps her with some diy projects, and she has her mama Tess’s interest in science, although she's not as good at the math parts of it like Tess is.
Also I took a few cute photos of Tess and Amy with their nooboo. Amy holds Ming on her shoulders while Tess hugs her. Ming grimaces as Tess leans in to kiss Amy. "Mama, stop being gross with my mom!" She says, and Amy and Tess laugh.
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