#adorkable author
wordsbyparker · 6 months
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New character art reveal for Renegade's Shadow!
Meet Talia Morgan, Bradley Danvers, and The Mysterious Alpha! Featuring @syntheticcharmva as Tyler Carson and character art by @palilious !
Audio RP for the art reveal here: https://youtu.be/s3IHVswG2jg
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biohazard-4ever · 14 days
Which Leon is Yours?
The actually very aggressive and ill tempered psychotic with multiple personalities dog
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The one you will get for guard but is actually an adorkable goofy
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You will get him to be a guard and he is a guard dog. Now if others respect his authority... That is a talk for another time.
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prying-pandora666 · 11 months
The Bachelorette: Toph Beifong Edition - Who is the Dad?
(Adapted from a Twitter thread of mine)
Since I’ve been asked several times if I know the answer to this question, let’s just compile a post.
Who is the father of Toph’s children? A comprehensive guide of the five most cited candidates.
It’s stated in canon that Lin and Suyin have different fathers. Right away this complicates matters as we can’t use the evidence for one sister and apply it to the other.
So let’s break them down separately, starting with the youngest.
Suyin Beifong
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Bachelor #1: Sokka
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We all know who he is. The man, the myth, the legend himself. FOR: Probably the most popular as he’s a fan favorite and canon tells us he never married or had children (not officially).
Toph had a crush on him in childhood, and Sokka considered her his best friend, so it’s not impossible these two developed romantic feelings down the line, especially if Sokka’s long-time squeeze Suki was out of the picture. Suki doesn’t seem to be around for unknown reasons in LOK.
Suyin has a noticeably swarthy complexion compared to her mother or sister, which many credit to Sokka.
Her more light-hearted and free-spirited personality compared to Lin is also cited as potentially coming from Sokka.
AGAINST: Sokka is absent from Lin and Suyin lives in flashbacks. Even though we see he still works with Toph well into adulthood and there doesn’t seem to be any bad blood between them.
After losing his own mother and his father being absent due to the war for most of his childhood, it seems unlikely that Sokka wouldn’t be present in his child’s life.
Some fans argue that perhaps Sokka didn’t know Suyin was his daughter, but considering that Sokka and Toph stayed close friends and worked together into adulthood, it’s hard to believe that brilliant detective Sokka wouldn’t have put it together. Unless Toph went out of her way to deceive Sokka, but given their positive relationship it seems out of character for Toph to deprive Sokka of his own child and vice verse.
Unless more information comes out to explain what reasons there could’ve been to keep Sokka away from the girls, this theory falls apart. There just isn’t enough evidence to support both him and Toph acting so bizarrely unlike themselves
Bachelor #2: Satoru
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Satoru was an engineer and industrialist who worked for the Earthen Fire Refinery. Lao Beifong (Toph’s dad) left him in charge after Satoru’s corrupt Uncle had a change of heart and resigned.
Satoru is kind and naive to a fault. He has an “adorkable” quality about him and is a HUGE Toph fan.
FOR: Toph became co-executive-partners for Earthen Fire Refinery with Satoru, and although we never saw them progress to a relationship, there was clear mutual attraction.
Satoru admired Toph greatly and advocated for her against his bosses; his Uncle and Toph’s father.
He has wavy hair that resembles Suyin’s.
Works with metal. Zaofu is made of metal. That’s about it.
AGAINST: There isn’t a whole lot to go off of. Satoru isn’t even mentioned by Toph when he isn’t around, and despite her strong interest in him in The Rift story, in Imbalance Toph seems more interested in Sokka, indicating she may have moved back to her initial crush.
Satoru’s naïveté and capitalist employment practices inadvertently served as a catalyst for the bender supremacy movement in the colonies. Womp womp.
Neither he nor Toph has Suyin’s tanned complexion. So where did it come from?
Satoru’s presence is so vague that it’s hard to make a case for him other than a case from exclusion. There aren’t any huge issues disqualifying him, but neither is there much to support him over other candidates.
Bachelor #3: Sun
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Sun was a street urchin and prodigy lava bender competing in underground fighting tournaments until Toph plucked him from obscurity and made him her student.
FOR: The resemblance. He’s swarthy, he has a similar smirk and distaste for authority, and is a young prodigy bender.
His distaste for authority and rebellious spirit make him a suitable match for Toph, especially if she was trying to reconnect with her old self by then.
He was a wild spirit and not fan of Aang and the group due to perceiving them as being subservient to the Earth King. This makes a case for why Toph may not have told anyone he was the father, and is more justified than hiding it from Sokka if he were the dad.
He spent time with
Toph as her student, presumably.
AGAINST: Toph was police chief by then (I know, I hate it). If Sun remained a hooligan, they may not have still been compatible.
Sun is never mentioned outside of the one comic he appears in. Despite her initial fascination with him, Toph seems to have forgotten him.
There is no indication from what we saw that Toph’s fascination with him was in any way romantic, but rather she was intrigued by his bending abilities.
I personally find him the most likely candidate simple due to Suyin’s looks and personality. Sun and Toph not working out due to her job as a cop and him being an anti-authority hooligan could well explain why Toph doesn’t talk about Suyin’s father. Their relationship could’ve ended disastrously.
Sun may have also been a catalyst for Toph reflecting on what she had become and deciding to abandon her job as chief of police, deciding to instead go be a swamp with in retirement.
But this is all speculation.
Bachelor #4: Someone else!
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A character we haven’t met and who hasn’t been named.
FOR: We have no information so it could be anyone.
AGAINST: Why name-drop Lin’s dad and not Suyin’s unless there’s reason to hide it?
CONCLUSION: Possible. But why?
The most boring possibility.
Bachelor #5: Kanto
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FOR: He’s the only canon relationship for Toph we’ve had confirmed.
AGAINST: It’s been stated clearly that Lin had a different father from Suyin, and there isn’t a good reason to suspect Toph is lying.
That’s about it for Suyin. So let’s get into her older sister.
Lin Beifong
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The GOAT and the most unfairly disrespected character in LOK.
Bachelor #1: Sokka Again
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He really was a rizz-bender in the end… FOR: Same reasons. Fan favorite. Him and Toph are BFFs for life.
Older Lin has a hairline very similar to Katara’s. Could that be a sign of Sokka’s genes?
AGAINST: Same reasons. Why would Sokka not be involved in her life? Why would Toph lie about him?
Even worse, Lin was in a serious relationship with Tenzin for years. They were even engaged at one point. Seeing as Tenzin is Sokka’s nephew, if he were Lin’s father it would’ve made Lin and Tenzin first cousins. I doubt Toph would’ve hidden her child’s parentage to the point she would allow incest.
CONCLUSION: Impossible.
For all of our sanity, let’s not make kissing-cousins a thing in Avatar.
As Sokka would say, “MAJOR OOGIE!”
Bachelor #2: Satoru
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FOR: Same reasons as Suyin
The hair resemblance is still there, but there’s no longer the issue of skin tone. Satoru is a similar complexion.
AGAINST: Why would Toph lie about Lin’s father being named Kanto? Unless there was a falling out we’ve never heard about.
Toph just didn’t seem to be that into Satoru after their initial appearance, and she never brings him up outside of dealing with the company.
Probably the most likely candidate at this time, though the Kanto question is still an odd curveball.
Bachelor #3: Sun
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FOR: Same reasons as Suyin.
Sun and Lin’s hair have some similarity.
AGAINST: Same reasons as Suyin x10.
Toph would‘ve been at the height of her role as police chief. Not exactly a great time to be having affairs with hooligans who oppose authority. (Unless maybe Bryke wants to decanonize Toph becoming a cop? Pretty please? Hey, I can dream!)
Although Sun has more reason for Toph to lie about Lin’s parentage and throw out the made-up name “Kanto”, there just isn’t enough to support the idea, especially given how strict and serious Lin’s personality can be compared to her sister.
Bachelor #4: Kanto
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FOR: Toph said Lin’s dad was a nice guy named Kanto but that it didn’t work out between them. We’ve been given no concrete reason to believe Toph was being deceptive.
That’s about it.
Seriously, not even a flashback or a picture? No one else ever mentions him? Sus. Even Asami’s mom got a character design.
It could just be some rando named Kanto no one stayed in contact with.
Anti-climactic but sometimes life be like that.
Bachelor #5: Zuko
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Yeah. That Zuko. Fire Lord Zuko. Son of Ursa and Ozai. Great grandson of Roku. The Blue Spirit. Aka the fandom bicycle.
Buckle up. This one is a doozy.
FOR: Politically it’s a smart match. Zuko has to make amends with the Earth Kingdom. Political marriages were a common tool to broker peace between nations. Toph is EK nobility from the fine house of Beifong and would be an ideal candidate.
Toph has the capacity to be a refined Lady and hold court, she just chooses not to.
Toph has a built-in perfect response anytime Zuko starts to spiral about his scar. “Looks fine to me!” She’s the only person who has never seen it and doesn’t associate him with a scar upon mention.
Toph seems to have a small crush by the end of Book 3, insisting on going on a field trip with him and glomping onto him. In the comics, she roots for Zuko over Sokka in a sword match, indicating she may have transferred her crush from Sokka to Zuko.
Iroh would be all for it. He loves Toph. He even calls them a perfect match for each other in Legacy of the Fire Nation.
Mai dumped Zuko in The Promise and as of yet they haven’t gotten back together.
Toph and Zuko are depicted standing under twin doves together during their field trip. One of the doves even has a black spot where Zuko’s scar is, making it clear these doves represent him and Toph. Doves are a sign of eternal love. And just as Zuko walks away from Toph in this scene, the doves kiss. Perhaps a sign of their future?
Zuko and Toph both left abusive homes due to the Avatar. Zuko was banished and sent to chase Aang, while Toph ran away from her stifling home to teach Aang. Parallels.
Both act tough as nails but have a sensitive heart that can’t handle rejection.
Izumi and Lin look quite similar. Izumi has glasses (vision problems, like Toph) and Lin has a prominent facial scar (like Zuko). Were these intentional choices to tie them to their respective parents?
Zuko and Lin have facial similarities, and Izumi shares some with Toph’s mom Poppy.
AGAINST: While it’s easy to make a case for Toph crushing on Zuko, there is no evidence that Zuko has ever returned such feelings. He never even says her name for the entire show.
Toph claims he still owes her a life-changing field trip in old age, implying they didn’t get one.
That would’ve made Toph Fire Lady, even temporarily, and it seems like SOMEONE would’ve mentioned that! Kind of a big detail to leave out!
Zuko shows no interest in Lin. Then again he doesn’t show interest in Izumi either, so who knows?
All evidence is circumstantial at best.
CONCLUSION: Crack but compelling
I love everything about this theory but personal biases aside it’s just pure crack.
Still, I’ll leave you with this: It gives a good reason for Toph to lie about Lin’s parentage. And Kanto can be written as “冠都” which means “crown capital”.
You’ve heard the evidence! So you decide!
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steddieficfind · 20 days
In My Head (I See a Supercut of Us) by foresthearts
"I just want him to know how I feel--and not be freaked out or anything. I don't need him to feel the same, I just want him to understand."
In which Eddie accidentally makes a deal with a devil, and Steve's bisexual awakening takes him by force
Recommended anonymously! Here’s what they had to say:
This is a perfect example of why I troll the searching page - I had seen this in my ao3 search results, but the author-provided summary hadn't piqued my interest at all. The person that was searching, however, had details from the fic that caught my attention and made me want to take a closer look. The fic itself is delightful - adorkable, spicey, cringey, funny. It hits all the right notes while telling an engaging romance story. 10/10 Would (will) read again.
As always, remember to comment, bookmark, and leave kudos!
Participate in the 1000-follower rec event!
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lilenui · 2 months
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Shino, Yamagi and Eugene give some adorkable meta commentary on the Mobile Suit Gundam: Try Age cards:
[Shino] and Try-Age "It's amazing, isn't it! I can't believe there's a card of mine that can be used in a machine called Try-Age!! If you use it, you'll be able to admire my cool and brave figure! I'm so excited! My card must be more popular than Mikazuki's or Akihiro's! Whoever gets it is super lucky, they must be so happy they won't be able to sleep tonight, right!? (Norba Shino) [Yamagi] and Try-Age "This is Gjallarhorn's....... this helps a lot. I think the try age cards are very useful as mobile suit data, even if they are just for fun. As usual, we don't have a lot of leeway, so we'll use whatever we can ...Um, in that case, if you have any other cards, could you please give them to me? Like Shino's Ryusei-Go ...they're based on the same Graze model, and I was wondering if I could have one for comparison." (Yamagi Gilmerton) (Isurugi's Schwalbe Graze card)
[Eugene] and Try-Age "Huh, if you take this card to a machine called Try-Age, you can play with it like fighting with mobile suits. Since this one has Gusion Rebake drawn on it, does that mean there are other cards with Isaribi as well? .....Whaat, you don't have any~! Sure its a battleship, but it moves super fast you know? Let me show you next time, it's fine, it's fine! That's the authority of the deputy boss! (Eugene Sevenstark)
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chaoticke · 1 year
I think reading All of Us Villains and All of Our Demise was the first time I’ve really seen authors call a character clumsy and stick to the bit.  Like, usually when I see characters in books that are called clumsy, it’s like “oh no, I broke one thing and was never clumsy again!” “oh no, I’m just clumsy enough to instigate the meet-cute but I’m perfectly smooth afterwards!” “oh no, I’m clumsy, but in a cute and adorkable way!” But no. No.  Alistair Lowe is clumsy in an “I accidentally fell off a cliff and broke my own arm while running alone in a death tournament” way and honestly it’s enthralling.  Absolute disaster of a human being.  Can’t live up to his own dramatic tendencies because he’s too busy tripping over his own feet and falling off a throne.  Quality content, 10/10, would trap him in a jar and rotate him at speed
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thegoddessyuri · 1 year
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Tittle: My Dear Lass
Author: 特雷西胡
Genre: Shoujo ai, slice of life.
Status: ongoing.
Synopsis: "It seems like I'd like someone like you.""You're really like a little pony."This is a slice-of-life of the romance and exploits of an adorkable and ditzy senior "little fox" and her dependable junior "little pony".
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What are you headcanons about Teen Philip?
I think he would be really quiet and also smart and very tidy
I love Teenage Pip ❤️
• Smart (agree anon)
• Really quiet / keeps to himself (agree anon)
• Tidy (agree anon)
• Little big brother (Caleb is older than him, but he acts a bit more mature. Also, he's the person who usually wakes up Caleb in the morning and prepares breakfast for the both of them).
• Bookworm.
• Adorkable.
• Respects / looks up to higher authority.
• Matthew Hopkins fanboy (wrote a short fic about that).
• BIG fan of horses.
• He accepts zero nonsense.
• A scaredy cat (sometimes).
• Sarcastic.
• When he wants, he can be as kind and caring as his big brother (In town, he develops a close and friendly bond with a truly sweet old lady. He occasionally converses with her and takes her groceries from the market to her home. She evokes a lot of memories of his mother for him.)
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Greetings it is I the Anon who fixed their modded Skyrim.
I've been playing this game for a relatively long time and only yesterday I learned of the Skyrim Romance mod.
H-how big of a dumpster fire is this mod?? I only heard not so positive things..
(Also I love Lucien Flavius. He's such a good follower, however he is kinda slow.)
Hey! I hope your Skyrim is still running smoothly after you fixed it!
Who told you about the SRM? Was it me? I'm sorry, Nonnie. It's a hard thing to learn about.
If you check this ask, you'll see my basic rundown of the mod.
SRM is a big dumpster fire. There is an entire community built around it involving more creators than just Mara the original mod author. It has become infamous in Skyrim modding circles, roasted and showcased in turn by several YouTubers. (Check out these videos here and here.) Objectively, the story is essentially the downfall of the Dragonborn as she goes from being an independent hero on a quest to save the world to Bishop's wife in a cottage in the woods. (This is if you "complete" the mod; while your PC can continue to adventure and do quests after marrying Bishop, as your PC would after marrying any vanilla spouse, the tone is a bit weirder, especially after they have a kid.)
I wish I knew more about Lucien Flavius! He seems so adorkable! Maybe I'll look at him more when I'm done with my fanfic.
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phiralovesloki · 5 months
12, 15, & 20 for the book asks?
Thank you, friend! <3
12. Any books that disappointed you?
In particular, I was very disappointed by Ana Maria and the Fox by Liana De la Rosa. I might have been less disappointed if I hadn't waited for months to get it off of my library holds list, or if some romance authors I follow hadn't hyped it up.
While I did appreciate the look into an aspect of history that I wasn't familiar with (the French occupation of Mexico), I found the lead female character very tiresome.
15. Did you read any books that were nominated for or won awards this year (Booker, Women’s Prize, National Book Award, Pulitzer, Hugo, etc.)? What did you think of them?
Not really! I tend to read a lot of thrillers and historical romance. I think Babel by R.F. Kuang won a Nebula last year, and The Maid has won a bunch of smaller awards. I also read The Hate U Give this year, even though it's definitely not a new book.
I absolutely loved Babel (like, I couldn't stop thinking about it when I finished it and even wrote a Tumblr post about it). I also loved The Hate U Give, although it was not an easy read. The Maid was a little disappointing--I liked it on first read but the more I thought about it, the less I liked it. But I think I was in the minority there, since it's very popular.
20. What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
Oh man, it was Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn. And yes, it absolutely met my expectations. Exceeded them, honestly. The whole summary smacked of adorkable manic pixie dream girl energy, but I trust Kate Clayborn as a writer, and she delivered a really wonderful romantic novel. Highly recommend!
End of the year book asks!
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wordsbyparker · 17 days
Pali & I are working on the "Smoke & Mirrors" series logo. 🥳 Early stages, but it's in progress.
Still weird seeing Davenport & Griffin outside of my head.
And the anticpation of what the actors are going to do with their characters.... oh, yeah. We're gonna have a blast. 😁
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daychiie · 4 months
hi hi! 1, 4 and 12 for the manga asks :D
LITOOOO HIII HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥳🥳🥳🥳 CONGRATS IN THE IZUTSUMI IN THE DUNMESHI OPENING HIII!!!! Thanks for the ask,took a while cause laptop busted forfed to type on my phone tragic so tragic <\3 but we stay silly!!! 🥳🥹👍
1. Your top 5 reads of 2023
I already answered this one here, but you know what ? Let me make a....top 6 to 10?! JGDJKSJFJ also honestly kinda funny cause most of those are things I got into because of you lol the influence the power 💪💪💪
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Gowon for symmetry
You and I are Polar Opposites - the popular gyaru likes the glasses loner, they're opposites...omg so how they gonna be together? Is she ever going to confess? Yes it happens in chapter one JFJSJFJDJAJDJ. I really wasn't expecting that when I started but it was a nice surprise. As much as I can enjoy seeing the before of a relationship it's is nice sometimes just going after things officialized. The whole cast is a delightful, it's a extremely sweet and fun read, love to see all those characters friendship evolve too. I just wish some characters had a lil more focus,like I can only remember like ...one chapter with the short black haired girl lol.
Hirayasumi - OUGH MY EVERYTHING. What if we were just having a good time. Trully a comfort manga,very dear to me I'm so happy the hiatus gonna end soon!!!!
Romance 101 - just like polar opposites that's another romance that focus on the friendships of the cast, what it always really really nice <3 Bareum is such a adorkable sweetheart! It's really fun and nicely written!!!
She Loves to Eat and She Loves to Cook - ELAAAAS AAAAAA AS QUERIDAAAAS!!!!! It's so nice. At times it feels a bit awkward with on-the-nose metaphors and almost educational with it's message, but those two are such darlings. And I love the new characters as well. Loved the drama as well,excited for season two this month :]
Your Wings and Mine - I wondered if this one counts or not, cause it's not a manga but I already put other webtoons lol. Anyway it's a hysterical comedy absurd non-sense (sometimes maybe a little too much,but just sometimes) and well. It is funny. And I feel invested in the story, I really enjoy Shealtiel arc so far, it really pulls off very well the serious tone when needed!!
4. An underrated gem
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Ice Castle Wall - same mangaka of Polar Opposites, IT IS REALLY REALLY GOOD SO FAR!!!!! The vibe is a little less cheerful, but still funny and nice. I feel is just more underrated because unlike their sister it's not licensed, it got a scan working on it but only recently so there's less than 10 chapters avaliable in english for now. I check daily waiting for more. BUT YEAH, because of that is a little less accessable </3 I hope that more people get into it in the future:]
I'm already in love with the protagonist Koyuki,the whole cast so far is very nice!!! It's kinda funny Amamiya going all "I gonna unlock the barriers this person is putting up, we gonna becomes friends cause it brings me satisfaction". Like he's playing mind games to get a good score in social interaction. Meanwhile Koyuko is with her autistic swag playing mind games trying to get out of those situations in the less awkward way she can. It's amazing!!!
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12. A manga that made you look forward to every update
I guess every single one of my favorites that still releasing fits here, so hmmn... Aside from that I think Merry Marbling !!
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It's a ongoing BL very neat. It's nothing extraordinary, but it's fun. It's by the same author of Robber X Lover and overall I share similar feelings about both manhwas: I really appreciate how it doesn't feel like is following a formula, the characters realize their feelings and deal with situations with not super cliche way. I feel like how genuinely is trying to give more identity for their own characters. It's also funnily stupid and absurd at times and it's mostly aware of it. The art is very adorable too!!
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justhellacesome · 2 years
House of Crows by SilverShine
On Fanfiction. net.
ITS AWESOME READ!!! Binge it straight for a few days.
Whats interesting is its a decade or so old. Completed and has an interesting plot which makes it an awesome story.
Surrounding Hatake clan and Sakura being pregnant. I think anyone who like Kakasakuwould appreciate it.
I rarely rec any naruto fanfics but I think this one deserves it cuz it really a great one.
Its KakaSaku and set before even the 4th war was published (I suspect.). That the identity for the Rokubi is a birb instead of our “adorkable slug” as said by the author.
There are some questions that wasn’t answered but really Im satisfied and happy with how it ended.
I thank whoever that random guy in twitter who recommended it as their favorite naruto fanfic. Thankyou lots.
(I would be lot more excited if the damn car im in isnt trying to slowly roast me. Or that I just literally finished reading it and need to slowly come back to reality. Take it in ya know. Before i go back and find another to binge.)
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wallyaxiom · 1 year
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              josh axiom-hawkins.
the oldest of the hawkins clan josh has always been the quiet one though that never made him weak. he’s protective of his siblings and those around him. being part of fight club also made him brave. it was hard not to be when he had such strong willed people as his friends. while he doesn’t apologize for his existence anymore josh is still very much the the soft one of the group. opting to suffer in silence or in his words than letting someone see him crumble. josh became a successful author and is working on the fourth book in his lost galaxy series. although he’s the child of a famous parent and has found fame himself, josh prefers a life away from the spotlight. he’s been dating dante mcqueen for a while. he’s still not keen on marriage but he’ll happily spend the rest of his life with dante. ring or no ring.
INSPIRED  BY  : charlie spring ( heartstopper ) , todd anderson  (  dead poets society  ) , tamaki amajiki (  my hero academia  )  ,  bill denbrough  (  it  )  ,  jonathan larson (  tick tick boom!  )  ,  armin arlert (  attack on titan  )
BIRTH NAME.  joshua matthew axiom-hawkins / middle name changed to pollux when he was thirteen by the request of percy NICKNAMES.    josh, joshy DATE OF BIRTH.  september 12. AGE.  thirty GENDER.  cis male. PRONOUNS.    he/him POWERS. chlorokinesis ( heavily swayed by his emotions, therefore josh tries not to feel too intense of emotions ).       . SEXUALITY.   bisexual. PLACE OF BIRTH.   elias, california. CURRENT RESIDENCE.    elias, california. OCCUPATION.  author.
HEIGHT. 5'9" BUILD. toned. HAIR COLOUR/STYLE. dark brown // has some wave to it. ( X ) EYE COLOUR.   blue. PIERCINGS.  n/a TATTOOS.  a d on his left ring finger he got as a wedding ring of sorts for dante, the number 2 to signify his birth order in fight club and a little boxing glove for fight club NOTABLE MARKINGS.    n/a GLASSES/CONTACTS ?  both, wears his glasses at home. FACECLAIM.  logan lerman. VOICECLAIM. logan lerman. ( X )
PHYSICAL AILMENTS.   none. ALLERGIES.    none. SLEEPING HABITS. if he’s not writing a book he sleeps 8 hours. if he’s writing his sleep patterns are irregular. EXERCISE HABITS.  running is his exercise of choice. BODY TEMPERATURE.  he runs cold. DOMINANT HAND.    right. DRUGS / SMOKE / ALCOHOL ?   no / no / an occasional glass of wine
TROPES.   adorkable, apologises a lot, beware the quiet ones, bookworm, heroic self-deprecation, loveable nerd, puppy dog eyes, the quiet one. POSITIVE TRAITS.  intelligent, compassionate, responsible, analytical, naturally curious, gentle NEGATIVE TRAITS.  anxious, self-conscious, fixated on improvement, perfectionist, reticent USUAL MOOD.   calm. LIKES.  books, space, fight club, nature ( trees !!! ), the color blue, quiet spaces, reading with rain in the background, being in the arms of dante, m&m’s, comics DISLIKES.  being touched by people he’s not comfortable with, loud noises, crowded areas, people invading his personal space. BAD HABITS. keeping his problems in until they spill over. being a pushover
MOTHER.    wally axiom. FATHER.      jim hawkins. SIBLINGS.    circe, asteria, andi and percy hawkins. CHILDREN.    carolina mcqueen. BIRTH ORDER.   first of five children // only child between wally & oliver spade. SIGNIFICANT OTHER.  dante mcqueen, boyfriend. let’s be honest they’re practically husbands without the official paperwork.  CLOSEST FRIENDS. asher pendragon, ben teague, kieran adastra, claire teague, kion santucci & dusty duck
ZODIAC SIGN. virgo. MBTI. infj. TEMPERAMENT.  melancholic. HOGWARTS HOUSE.    hufflepuff. MORAL ALIGNMENT.   neutral good.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN.   english, spanish & french DRIVE ?         yes. JUMP START A CAR ?         no. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE ?         yes. RIDE A BICYCLE ?         yes. SWIM ?        yes. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT ?        no. PLAY CHESS ?        yes. BRAID HAIR ?       yes. TIE A TIE ?          yes. PICK A LOCK ?          no. SEW ?         no.
COMPASSION.          9/10.
EMPATHY.          8/10.
CREATIVITY.          10/10.
MENTAL FLEXIBILITY.          9/10.
PASSION.          8/10.
LUCK.         5/10.
EDUCATION.          10/10.
INTELLIGENCE.          9/10.
CHARISMA.         5/10.
REFLEXES.          5/10.
WILLPOWER.          9/10.
STAMINA.          10/10.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH.          10/10.
BATTLE SKILL.          9/10.
INITIATIVE.         10/10.
RESTRAINT.          8/10.
STRATEGY.         7/10.
TEAM WORK.         8/10.
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melody-everbelle · 9 months
If I Let You Go (Pee-wee Herman x Reader)
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Title: If I Let You Go
Pairing: Pee-wee Herman x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1,496
Warning(s): Y/N is harassed by Francis, denial of feelings, angst/hurt, and fluff
Summary: When Pee-wee confesses his feelings for you, you struggle to reciprocate them.
Author's Note: Yeah, funny story... I've been interested in Pee-wee-related stuff ever since Paul Reubens (Pee-wee's actor) died, so this fanfic is dedicated to him. This fanfic was also inspired by the song "If I Let You Go" by Westlife (Fun fact: Pee-wee's Big Adventure and said song were both released on the same day, only 14 years apart.)
And yes, this fic takes place in the film, so expect some similarities there.
But if I let you go, I will never know What my life would be holding you close to me Will I ever see you smiling back at me? (Oh yeah) how will I know if I let you go?
If I Let You Go by Westlife
You remembered the first time you had feelings for Pee-wee.
It all started sometime after you moved into his neighborhood. You were taking a walk around it, trying to get to know the place better. As you continued your tour, you were confronted by a big man by the name of Francis Buxton.
"Hey there, pretty girl/boy/fella," he grinned as he repeatedly raised his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
"Um, thanks?" You replied, albeit uncomfortable with Francis' "compliment." You slowly backed away from him as he moved closer to you.
"Aww, what's wrong, sweetie?" Francis pouted. "Y'know I'm a very charming, handsome guy. Even my dad would agree to pay a million bucks for our future wedding..."
"Yeah, about that," you stuttered, trying to hide your disgust from him, "I don't think I'm ready for it. Besides, I don't even know you that mu..."
"Don't you dare try to run away from me!" Francis threatened, much to your shock. "I'm a good guy, always has been, and always will be for the rest of my life, whether you like it or not."
At this point, you were panicking from Francis' harassment, which continued until a familiar voice spoke, "Leave her/him/them alone, Francis."
Francis stopped to turn to who it was that told him off. Much to his surprise, and to your relief, it was no one other than Pee-wee Herman.
"What did you just say?" Francis muttered, seemingly ticked that Pee-wee had "interrupted" him.
"I'm telling you to leave her/him/them alone!" Pee-wee answered in his slightly falsetto voice.
You stood frozen, watching the confrontation. Normally, you saw Pee-wee as this fun-loving, childish, adorkable guy, but you never saw him be serious until now. 
Eventually, Francis growled, "Alright, fine. But don't you think the next time's gonna be easy, Y/N will never be yours, Pee-wee Herman!"
Wait a minute, you thought. I'll never be Pee-wee's? Thoughts and questions like that raced in your mind as Francis marched out of the scene, all while hearing him mutter some things you couldn't understand. Once he was gone, you deeply exhaled at ease.
"You okay, Y/N?" Pee-wee asked while taking your hand into his.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you replied while feeling a wave of goosebumps from Pee-wee's touch. You even felt a slight flutter in your chest as your fingers intertwined with his.
"I'm sorry about Francis," Pee-wee confessed. "He thinks that just because he's rich, he can get away with what he wants."
"I know," you nodded, about to face the concrete until Pee-wee's fingers lift your chin up to where your eyes met his.
"No matter what he says, Y/N, I'll always like you," he cooed, tinges of pink colored across his cheeks as he spoke, "even if you don't feel the same way about me."
"I... I don't know what to say," you smiled, trying to fight back tears over Pee-wee admitting his feelings for you. "But thanks."
"Anytime," he winked before the both of you shared a nuzzle.
Later that night, you were alone in your bed, thinking about the incident involving Pee-wee and Francis, what the latter had said about you and him, and Pee-wee confessing his love for you. But could any of this be true? You thought. If so, then why can't this feeling just fade away? As you were lying alone in your thoughts, you remembered how much you and Pee-wee had in common. You were both childish, you both had a favorite object (Pee-wee's being his bicycle, while yours being your favorite toy/plushie), except you were more mature and down-to-earth than him. As you got the chance to know Pee-wee more, you realized you felt validated knowing you weren't the only whimsical grownup around here.
Pee-wee was just perfect.
You were determined to reciprocate your feelings back to him in person, if only it were that easy.
For the next several days, you spent countless hours practicing your confession to Pee-wee, though most of the time, you just felt rather awkward about it until the last few times. When the time came, you were ready.
The day Pee-wee took his bike to the mall to get a couple of things, you secretly followed him there. Eventually, you stopped at Chuck's Bike-O-Rama, where you caught him talking to his friend, Dottie, from out the window. Without any words spoken, you slightly opened one of the store's doors to eavesdrop what Pee-wee had to say.
"You don't want to get mixed up with a guy like me," you heard him murmur. "I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel."
In shock, you let go of the door, covering your mouth with your hands. You immediately walked back home, knowing very well that you weren't ready. You weren't mad at Pee-wee, of course, but the fact that you secretly heard him tell Dottie those things gave you a knot in the pit of your stomach, you seriously hoped he didn't mean anything too bad. You remained in your home until later that night, when you and many other people were called into Pee-wee's basement, where he explained about his stolen bicycle. When everyone left, you offered to help Pee-wee find his bike in hopes of spending time with him more, but he pushed you away, much to your pain. As he ran off, you wept in silence, remembering how much he liked you, even if you didn't reciprocate your feelings for him right away.
Throughout the next few days Pee-wee was off on an adventure, you met up with Dottie as she was taking care of Pee-wee's pet dog, Speck, when you asked, "Are you Pee-wee's friend?"
"Of course, I am," Dottie answered. "What's up?"
"There's something I've been wanting to tell you," you said, "but you promise me you won't tell anyone."
"I promise," she listened.
"So you see," you revealed, "I have a crush on Pee-wee."
"Wait, really?" Dottie's eyes widened in shock.
"Yeah," you admitted. "I know it's complicated, but hear me out. Ever since he confessed his feelings for me after saving me from Francis the other day, I've been wanting to tell him about it, but I... I just can't." You sighed, not expecting Dottie to give you any advice, but she did, to your surprise.
"You know, if I were you," she said, "I'd tell him how I feel as soon as possible."
"Are you sure?"
Dottie nodded, "As long as you have the confidence, of course."
"Also, Dottie," you asked, "what did Pee-wee mean when he told you he was a 'loner' and 'rebel?'"
"I'll tell you what, I've no idea, either," she admitted. "But my guess is that he probably likes someone else..."
You stood in silence, expecting Dottie to finish her sentence.
"... and that someone else," she finished, "is you."
You gasped and blushed. After hearing Dottie's words of encouragement, you practiced once again, in hopes of seeing Pee-wee again so you could actually tell him your feelings. Soon, the night of the premiere of his film inspired by his story arrived, and you were dressed as fancy as possible. After watching Pee-wee bring out snacks to the people he met along the way, he stopped at you and Dottie, where he scattered candy up in the air, with you laughing and trying to collect it as much as possible.
"Hey, Pee-wee, can we talk?" You asked.
"What is it, Y/N?" He listened.
"Remember the other day, when you said you liked me?" You confessed. "Well, it turns out I like you, too," your cheeks glowed a slight red as you spoke.
"Aw, Y/N," Pee-wee smiled as he heard this. "I already knew you liked me back."
"For real?"
"Yep," Pee-wee nodded.
You leaned your face closer to his, about to result in a kiss when Francis interrupted, "Well, well, well, look at you two."
"Francis, what are you doing?" You gritted through your teeth.
"Oh, don't mind me, I was just telling them about how Pee-wee and I became friends. And also," Francis was about to sit on Pee-wee's bike when the seat shot him up in the air, much to the laughter of you and Dottie, and to the shock of the reporters and photographers. Serves him right, you thought.
"Looks like Francis was wrong when he said I'll never be yours," you chuckled before kissing Pee-wee on the lips, with you hearing Dottie cheerfully whispering "Yes!" as she eagerly jumped up and down while the cameras flashed. You both pulled away from each other, blushing over the fact that you did this in front of the photographers.
"And by the way, congrats on your film," you praised. "You did a really great job."
Eventually, you, Pee-wee, and Dottie rode all the way back home via bicycles, and you were more than happy to know that you and Pee-wee reciprocated your feelings for each other, thus making the both of you a couple.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 9 months
The World is on Fire, So Let's Have Some Fun
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So, a thing that I am learning about myself lately is that when the world is literally on fire, healthcare is collapsing, and I have to get the hell off Twitter because it's actively damaging my mental health, female character-forward fluffy romances are WONDERFUL. But I was super reluctant to find new romances, so what I went ahead and did was go back to a favorite author's backlog and pulled out Murphy Lawless's Gladiator Shifter series. And guys, gals, and nonbinary pals? That was a WINNING choice. Let's talk Gladiator Bear.
So my experience with shifter romance is pretty minimal still (not a trope you usually get in an English Lit PhD, so consider this the beginning of a self-study course), but Gladiator Bear was a treat. The background on these shifters generally is that their ancestors were the gladiators who fought with animals in the arena, and who bonded with those animals. Hence, their descendents are shifters. These shifters are still governed among themselves by the laws of the arena, and most of them feel a need to engage in fights in early adulthood; some stay in fights in a professional capacity, others choose not to. The other key thing about shifters is that they have fated mates, which is exactly what it says on the tin. However, the finding and relationship building with fated mates is what this book--and the broader series--focus on. So let's meet our competitiors.
Dr. Anna Liffey is a conservationist at a high enough level that she is stuck schmoozing millionaires and billionaires to fund her work. Which is how she finds herself at the Gladiator Gala--the annual ball/fundraiser for the Gladiator Foundation--accidentally punching Garius Beren in the stomach.
In addition to being the head of the Gladiator Foundation and having the MOST BEAR NAME in human history, Garius is himself a shifter. He helps maintain the list of shifter lineages, families, and individuals, and he helps the Gladiator Foundation protect shifters in general. He is also the most adorably introverted thing in the whole dang world, so when Anna accidentally punches him at the Gala, he is doing his damndest to hide his six-foot, bulit-like-a-bear frame in a corner behind a plant. That is going about as well as you think it would and is adorable and darling.
Anna and Garius are one of the most endearing, sweet couples I've had the privilge and joy to read about, and I love watching them hammer out being fated mates and what that means for their position with a foot in the modern world and a foot in the shifter world, which realistically occupies a liminal space of 2,00 years. But Anna and Garius aren't the only thing that pulled me through this book; the worldbuilding is phenomenal for a shifter romance novel.
Lawless constructs a detailed, clear, backstory for shifters, and then does the work of taking it through the years and working it into the modern world in a real, practical way that made me want to know more and keep reading--and the world just keeps expanding in the subsequent four novels.
Between the compelling, adorkable characters and genuinely fascinating and creative worldbuilding, I cannot recommend Gladiator Bear and the Gladiator Shifters books enough. They're fluffy, they're fun, and they have so, so much heart.
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