#af: everday
sufficeittosimspo · 6 months
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default of yfbodyurbanprimitive by marja for GoS request here
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meochicc · 5 months
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- 4t3 Sophomore Collection conversion -
All credits go to @serenity-cc - These are not my meshes nor textures! Original here;
1.3k polycount
3 recolourable channels
4 presets
Morphed - all LODS
Everyday, Formal, Career, Maternity, Not valid for random
1k polycount
3 recolourable channels
3 presets
Morphed - all LODS
Everday, Formal, Career, Outerwear, Maternity, Not valid for random
Due to overlap in UV map the shoes can have shiny lighting in CAS but are completely fine in Live Mode.
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powerpcinside · 3 months
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Saruin Spooky Sweater
This is from Saruin's Pastel Goth set. It was originally for men only but I decided to make it for both male or female. It was originally a full body outfit but I decided to make it as a top so it can be used with pants or pantless bottoms (as shown with Nervous in the second from the left). It's adult only but I also enabled it for elder males (I tried elder females but the EF specific pants clipped through). It doesn't clip through any of the EA pants, I can't guarantee for custom ones though, so be careful.
There are 23 swatches, which is a lot but it originally had 40(!). I cut down on duplicates that just had different color schemes (except I kept all the cats in) and didn't do the ones that were NSFW (or veering that way). It's for AF and AM, preg/fat morphs included, categorized as everday and outerwear (if you have separates for all), enabled for elder male. I also screwed up and mistyped the creator's name but I can't be bothered to go back and fix it.
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kaluxsims · 2 years
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First a chicken chair, now a snail sweater! @tipsy-clouds' fall sweaters were an instant "gotta have it" for me. It took me a little while, because I was in full Simblreen mode when they came out. Plus, @joliebean's Finn sweater hadn't been converted yet. (It has now, by me!) @pixelunivairse's French sweater had already been converted by @platinumaspiration, so at least a bunch of the work was already done.
Finn is available for TM-EM. French is only TF-AF. (I miiiight convert Finn for more ages/shapes eventually. Maybe.) Everyone gets fat morphs, all adults get preg morphs too. Everday only. Ten swatches, the same ten for all.
I've tweaked PlatAsp's mesh a bit, but her versions will still work with these texture conversions. I fixed a little clipping at the sleeve cuffs, reshaped the body slightly, smoothed some seams, etc. My edits have the same file names, so you can just override hers, or keep using them.
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Download TF-AF REPO - SFS or MediaFire Download TF-AF standalone - SFS or MediaFire
Download TM-EM REPO - SFS or MediaFire Download TM-EM standalone - SFS or MediaFire
Credits: @tipsy-clouds for the TS4 recolors, patterns from Vecteezy, @joliebean for the Finn sweater mesh, @pixelunivairse for the French sweater mesh, @platinumaspiration for the French sweater conversion,
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phantomram-b00 · 1 year
Oh boy I got another headcanon today. This time with Ineffable bureaucracy since they definitely deserve their flowers after that W in the finale.
And also that they’re adorable af 🤭
Anyway, so considering Beelzebub favorite song is Everday, and Beelzebub gave him a cute fly. Gabriel was able to get ticket to an fair or amusement park because he saw they got rollercoaster (nudge nudge) as a surprise for them.
“You…got this for us?” Beelzebub would say giving a cheeky smile. “Didn’t take you for a amusement park, you surprise me everyday Archangel”
“W-well, I just thought since you got me something and you really like roller coasters“ he stumbles in his word as his face grows redder. “A-and You know, I just thought it would be nice if me and y-you would l-like to check out this humanly designed a-attractions these human invented a-“
“Of course I’ll love to go Gabe.” They chuckled as their face too grows red.
And then they go, Gabriel is in awe with how colorful the park is with there decor and almost all rigged games with cute plushies as Beelzebub talks about them. And they both raved as they play their rigged games; Gabriel starts to realize just how much he beginning to love humanity.. how could they destroy something so precious, so beautiful. And to see Beelzebub smile that glows it wash away his own worries back home. As long as they were both having fun, that all that matters in this moment. And to think they could destroy this planet.
Then, after using countless miracles to win prizes and consuming delectable park foods Beelzebub look up and smiles.
“Oi! Gabe! Check out this beauty. Think you can handle this one Angel?” Beelzebub daringly with hints of mischief in their tone as Gabriel look to see a rollercoaster ride with more loops than any halos manufactured. At least according to Gabriel’s view.
“Pfft, you insult me” he spoke to retort to amuse their banter with a smile. “You’re on.”
They ran to the rollercoaster and Gabriel start to feel his heart beating in an irregular fashion as they wait in line. ‘it’s fine! It’s fine! It’s fine!’ He repeats in his mind as they wait in line. Though the more he repeats the more he shakes. The more he look at the rollercoaster the more he’s shakes about having to deal with paperwork heaven forbid something happens. ‘It’s fine! It’s all fine! Don’t worry, you’ve dealt with worse things. I-I mean you even fight in the Great War all those millennia ago! It’s fine! It’s fine!’
Then they get to the front, Beelzebub look at Gabriel’s Violet shaking eyes. Their raise an eyebrow before
“Gabe, you alright?” They asked making a soft smile with a more soften look.
“O-oh! Yeah Pfft totally.” Gabriel shakes his head looking away from their gaze. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s happening.”
“Let me guess, heart beating faster than the speed of light? Shaking? And thoughts going fast?” Gabriel hesitates before nodding. “Hm. Angel, you might be scared.”
“Scared? Me? Can’t be. I’m an archangel. How can I be frighten over this death trap.” Gabriel’s shaky laugh was all that needed to be said.
“You know. We don’t have to go. it was a silly dare. I may be a demon but I won’t even put the lower class demons through this torture. Though, that can be interesting to suggest to the dark council” Beelzebub snicker at the last sentence. But Gabriel can tell they’re being genuine.
“N-no. I’m willing to do it, j-just. What can be another way to help me not f-feel this..”
“Fear?” Gabe nodded again. “Well, from what I’ve understand with the complexity of these humans. You either can expose yourself and go through it. Or as the humans bravely say “face your fears” or whatever nonsense” Gabriel got confused. “Yeah human are very confusing, yet so crafty with their craftsmanship. But another is..singing while facing your fears.”
“Singing? Singing. Y-yes! Let try that.”
Beelzebub thinks as the rollercoaster came at a halt as the previous riders began jumping off. They didn’t know what can be a song that they know can soothe the poor supreme archangel’s fear. At least not the one they were thinking about with song from Metallica to fast pace instrumental music from the strings of electric guitars. Then the idea clicked, of course. ‘Buddy Holly do your work!’ They thought as they and the rest of the riders began sitting.
“Everyday it’s-a getting closer” Beelzebub sang as they begging to pull down the handles. Gabriel smiles.
“Going faster than a rollercoaster” Gabriel sang back as he reached to hold Beelzebub hand.
“Love like yours will surely come my way” they both sing looking at their eyes. The world stop for a short moment as they look at each other with reddish face.
“A-hey A-hey- Aaaaa!” Gabriel shouted as the rollercoaster blasted off and Beelzebub couldn’t help but chuckles. And soon. Gabriel’s fear also washed away. But not because the song calmed him but Beelzebub laughs was enough to make sure they’re okay.
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es-sims · 2 years
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Tired of your teens growing up and wearing some weird outfits that are more suited for dance halls of the future? How about some defaults to fix that issue!
This download features default replacements of TF_PoodleSkirt and TF_NYC2 with conversions of @12raben’s CasualPreppy and NYC2 outfits for AF. Both dresses use the same 3.3K poly mesh and have a 1024x1024 texture size. TF_NYC2 has been categorized for Everyday and Formal while TF_DressPoodle has been categorized for Everday, Formal and Gym. Custom version of the conversions are also available.
There are two versions for the custom dresses; standalone and repo. The defaults are repo only, sorry. If you are chosing the repositoried version of the custom dresses, you will need 12Raben’s original AF DR/Customs found in the credits. The NYC2 default is repositoried to the AF files, if you want the remaining dresses you will need to get 2Tone Dress 5 through 8. The mesh is included in the files but are not necessary if you are downloading the defaults; the mesh is already included.
Download: Simfile
Credits: Original Dresses: 12Raben (CasualPreppy, NYC2) Teen Mesh: Lamliz (edited by Dicreasy & VampireKiss6661)
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thecostcobrandegirl · 3 years
Sunday morning afternoon
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midvalkyrie · 5 years
Fun fact about me... I have watched The Mummy (1999), Dir. Stephen Sommers starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz well over a thousand times.
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platinumaspiration · 3 years
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I feel like I've been gone a lifetime but it was only 3 weeks... ish? I missed you all, even while lurking.
Casteru's Check Long Skirt
10 recolors | YF-AF only | all morphs | everday only
Know you are valued, needed, and loved!
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a-s-levynn · 4 years
So about those little pies
It is a just for fun rundown like my previous post on armour weights and Douxies seemingly unnatural strenght. (Where i forgot about the possibility of additional chainmail and it’s added weight, but well..) This is not an academic article, so mistakes and inaccuracies are bound to be here. It’s based on just my common knowledge i picked up here and there. I just did it for the fun of it, i don’t mean to be educational or anything of the sort.
If this kind of discussion is not your cup of tea just scroll past, no hard feelings.
So my post today is about this scene, you know the one:
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More specifically about those little bite sized pies.
Correction: could be sheep as well... they have the same type of eyes. But that's less fun 😂
(I’m going to call them pies, because they look like small pies and i have no idea if there is a more appropriate name for them.)
Douxie revels in the taste because “they don’t do it as well anymore as they used to.” Which is valid because recipes and ingredients change with time and ca. 900 years is a pretty long time. But maybe there is more to it. Not much but hey this is just for fun because i’d rather do this than anything else. (Yes, i’m procrastinating what about it?) The easy answer to why they are different back than is that the cooking books of the time were usually written by professional cooks to professional cooks so the measurements were sparse or non existant.
Now Steve finds these pies somewhere around the tournament grounds so it is safe to assume it is appropriate for even the king himself or at least to anyone in his court so it has to be good quality delicacies. The tournament is held by the king’s curt, the contestents are his knights and foreign guest. And for the latter of course it is going to be tastier than most foods and it will use the best ingredients that can be found far and wide. King’s gotta represent their reach and what better way to do it then food? Expensive spices, rare meats all that jazz.
So it is safe to assume they are the best of the best. Of course Doux never going to find anything like it in the modern era because now days he probably does not eating what potantially could be on a king’s table. Which he (tho not all the time) probably did time to time in Camelot, being Merlin’s apprentice. But in the modern era let’s be honest, as far as we know he is broke af and i’d bet my arse that he can cook decently but rarely has the time nor the energy for it because he barely even sleeps. And i don’t think there is many people besides him that are running around remembering how the camelothian meat pies tasted. No wonder no one can reproduce it.
Also about these little pies being meat pies and more on the filling:
Here: That’s a goat’s eye. No doubt about it.
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I’d honestly be really surprised if they were not meat pies and somehow a goat’s eye was just accidentally mixed into it. Because it had to be good pies because court people and guests could eat it and all. No one wants to loose their head because they messed up some higher up’s or foreign dignity’s day with a bad pie. And Douxie seems more surprised at Steve’s reaction than anything so i assume he kind of expected to find something like that inside one of those pies? So i’m sticking to the idea that those are indeed meat pies.
So on the goat eye and the filling: If we assume it is just goat meat and the eye is accidental somehow, then correct me if i’m wrong but as far as i remember from my upbringing in mid europe, in european cuisine, especially on the mid and northren parts, goat is not the everyday go to meat. It’s not unheard of, it’s just not that common. It’s more of a delicacy? Or necessity in time of need. At least it’s a bit more uncommon than any other of the kind. Goats were kept more for their milk (and subsequently cheese) rather than their meat. Just like chicken which you usually did not kill for eating it if you were common folk, because the eggs provided a more steady source of food. I mean many households had a pig or two but not for everday consumption but for the pork bacon, smoked and salt-dried meats, sausages and all that for longer preservation and long term useage. Also fish were more freely available in rivers and such anyway. So fish is more of an evey day food for the masses. So having goat meat in the pies are indicating that the target is higher society who does not have to worry about the next day’s meals and can just eat the providing live-stock.
And then there is this medieval thing called Humble or Umble pie (can’t remember which is the correct one) which is made from the kind of leftover? unused parts, usually the guts of the served animals. At that timeperiod they did not wasted anything that is edible or useable for something or by someone so it’s natural really that they did this. So this pie’s filling is a mix of whatever was on the menu, which very well could include goat meat on the royal table so those guts would be included as well. Now i never eaten goat myself but those who did, say it is a bit sweeter than lamb and if kept good, can have a game-esque flavour to it. It sound actually really good, if meat is your thing that is. So i can see that being served for the people of the court.
Now an entire eye of a goat in a pie that size is a bit over the top but we are talking about a cartoon. An eyeball would never remain as intact as it is in that scene especially after baked into something. But comedic as it is to see Steve’s reaction to findig it in the pie it is actually really interesting to think about all this.
For those who reached the end, thank you for taking your time to chew through this wall of text, i hope you enjoyed it and don’t take it too seriously. These are just my ramblings about little details that catch my eyes.
Correction: could be sheep as well... they have the same type of eyes. But that's less fun
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sufficeittosimspo · 6 months
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default by moogle here (lj link)
0 notes
meochicc · 5 months
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- 4t3 Serenity Shoes conversion -
All credits go to @serenity-cc - These are not my meshes nor textures! Original here & here;
976 polycount
2 recolourable channels
4 presets
Morphed - all LODS
Everyday, Formal, Swimwear, Career, Outerwear, Maternity, Not valid for random
1.1k polycount
2 recolourable channels
4 presets
Morphed - all LODS
Everday, Formal, Career, Maternity, Not valid for random
Due to overlap in UV map the Giuliana Shoes can have shiny lighting and artifacts in CAS but are completely fine in Live Mode.
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jbird-the-manwich · 5 years
Can we please kill the term "baby witch"?
Like I just see ppl in groups on fb going "awe! You're a baby witch!" When someone mentions being a beginner and like... That's fucking condescending af. If someone calls you a baby witch, they may -not- mean any harm - it's a normalized term - but you have the right to be treated as an equal and to say "don't call me that." There's putting yourself on a pedestal and then theirs literally infantilizing newcomers so they'll see you as a superior. Both are dick moves. Both happen everday in every corner of the witchternet.
Say beginner.
Or seeker.
Or anything else.
Don't let people fucking talk down to you cuz some people don't have lives or real skills and they stay in "the community" just to read books and shit on people. Once you establish that dynamic of power where they tower over you, you're gonna have a bad time.
Don't be shy, don't be anxious, seize the goddamn witch fire that brought you here and burn all oppressors. You can ask questions without demeaning yourself or your experience level. You don't owe anybody shit, least of all an explanation of why you have a question.
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sammilimyy · 4 years
Also I got a project from my boss during this terrible time and I’m like wow she was gunna pay me $70 for 15-20 sec animated clip and I was like choking cause I was already underpaid af for my first freelance $100 for 10 secs logo animation and paid FUCKIN LATE waited more than a month btw. My now boss is nice to me like she gives me a lot of creative control and I know as a diploma graduate I can’t ask for much too. I just hope I get a response for the Uni I applied for cause I’m anxious everday for the past 2 months since I applied so that I don’t have to go back to my old school and finish my degree there and my mental health suffering greatly AGAIN
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changmiii · 6 years
100 favorite Taekook fics!
I seriously have so much taekook bookmarked so I thought I’d rec some of my favorites!
got a kiss (with your name on it) by marienadine
Suburb Hospitality by GinForInk
Promises to Keep (and Miles to Go Before We Sleep) by TrappingLightningBugs
Like Honey and Grenadine by bazooka
Cinnamon Crisp by teatimetaemint
Don't Let Your Love Go To Waste by krscnl
don't wanna let you go 'til you see the light!by infiniteandsmall
Look Around by pornographicpenguin
but all your flaws and scars are mine bymisanthrpic
And, Home (Will Feel Like Home Again) by mindheist
Invisible People by mindheist
In the Blind by mindheist
Let Us by mindheist
Kiss Me Hard Before You Go by mindheist
Give Me Your Hands (I Will Pick the Stars for You) by mindheist
i say that i'm gonna erase you (but i still can't let you go) by misanthrpic
Riptide by novilunar
maybe we’re all just fools by airplanewishes
dream a little dream by orphan_account
King of the Library, Knight of His Trade by madigraye
City of Trees by GinForInk
No Clue by pornographicpenguin
That Wonderful Feeling by bazooka (ok this isn’t technically taekook focused but the one taekook chapter is CUTE AF trust me)
i try to picture me without you (but i can't) by nikkumeul
Watchers of the Eternal Flame by mindheist
He's Mine by dyegu (shuuvee)
beep boop by vppa
Rich Bitch by mindheist
You were dreaming out loud (I caught on) by lovuntitled (orphan_account)
cuz in a sky full of stars (i think i saw you)by wowoashley (orphan_account)
Bone + Tissue by mnsg 
love me like you do by wowoashley (orphan_account)
the moon and the stars (are nothing without you) by wowoashley (orphan_account)
and i want you (do you want me too?) bywowoashley (orphan_account)
maybe we found love (right where we are) by wowoashley (orphan_account)
you can leave a toothbrush (at my place) bywowoashley (orphan_account)
Shark in the Water by mindheist
Pour Up (Drank) by mindheist
Take You All The Way by lethallergic
Date Me by flywithtaetae (kimtaehyungs)
#2: caramel macchiato by yeoubi
keep the water warm by sassyneki
i'd give you some violets, but they withered by taehyuungi
Hit The Lights by lethallergic
Drive Me Wild by lethallergic
i’ll be a man (of you, you, you, babe) by monsterplaza (aesthesiae)
when i get you alone by minyoongmeme
maybe i'm fine with being by myself by misanthrpic
electric together by aeterisks
Show Me Mercy by drannie
You got me (smiling all the time) by taeggukswitch (rooxynroll)
Hustlers by tbz
After school by happiestwhenvkook
I Can Make You (Cry For Me) by officialmaknae
Suit & Tie by Wontonz
Sugar and Spice by kkozumes
night winds by sassyneki for locks
Resonance by rix
i can feel that body shake, and the heat between your legs by taetastic
i caught your fever, i'll be feeling it forever by centurystorm
Kill Cams and Knee Highs by NastaeTae
Gold Star For Effort by teatimetaemint
feel it coming by aeterisks
i got your ass (in the scope) by nutaella
i breathe you in (exalt your flames) by dilse
Call Me Sir (Or A Good Boy) by musclekink
Halloween Fright by MysticMusicBox
only you can set my heart on fire by taetastic
you’re the bright side of everday (me without you just isn’t the same) by piryohae
you’re the bright side of everday (me without you just isn’t the same) by piryohae
see me, feel me by aeterisks
wanna be loved (same love as you) by sugacravings
whatta man (good man) by aeterisks
Pucker Up by lethallergic
Call Me Tweet Me If You Wanna Reach Me by taekover
Armani can't compare to you by taleofatub
iron man has nothing on you by foolishbangtan
can you be (mine?) by melonnim
Headed to Hell for the Company by rix
dating for dummies by sugasus
Take Me Higher Than I've Ever Been by pomepanda
Hickory by rix
Principle of Behaviour by rix
And Suddenly You're All I Need by JemKay
You Smell Like Home by bananamilks
The most beautiful moment in life by taleofatub
fever started long ago by thestarsabove
vampires will never hurt you by snowmoney
maps to you by lumier (streya) for avaselm
Comeback Kids by rix
Maybe we can be (each other's company) by foolishbangtan
Our Red Scarf (Keep Me Warm) by MirreRover
Hercules by GinForInk
pick me up, buttercup by vppa
change my world (you're the sunlight in my universe) by yururin
Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes) bytaekookmusings
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ghost-woods · 5 years
Eliot specifically says that women are like Thai food for him. It is good sometimes but he doesnt like it everday. Pretty much he prefers men but can enjoy sleeping with women from time to time (I just recently watched the entire series XD)
yes! thank you 💕 it's when he's talking with Margo. someone (sorry, i forgot where) shared the exact quote, which is:
“This would only be equivalent if Ess was a girl and you found pussy, you know, interesting in a ‘sometimes you like Thai food’ kind of way. And now it’s all Thai food, forever, until you die.”
apparently some people have claimed this was him speaking generally?? but he's literally comparing Margo's situation to his own, so like... nah y'all. Eliot is on-screen canon confirmed as down for pussy occasionally but doesn't want it every day. understandable, consistent to character, and queer af.
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