#afa reminder
spnfanficpond · 4 months
June 2024 AFA Raffle - Prize Clearance Bonanza!!
The prize list is long, and the pile of things to be added to the list is longer, so we need to clear the old prizes out to make space for the new prizes!!
Actual photo of Dean and Cas walking through Admin Michelle's office:
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It's really bad, guys. There are just SO MANY prizes. (Click here to see the whole list.)
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What this means:
For June, we've added an extra question to the Angel Fish Awards nomination form. You can find the form by clicking here. This question asks what prize you want your nomination to be an entry for. You can find the prize list by clicking here.
The bad, sad nitty gritty:
We're trying to get rid of the physical prizes that are piling up in Admin Michelle's office, so this will only apply to physical prizes. Prizes like podfics and story commissions and such are not a part of this. Sadly, this means that folks in EU are also not eligible for this, since we have all collectively decided that shipping and landing costs and duties are ridiculous and we don't want them. We don't want to leave the EU folks out, though, so IF YOU ARE IN THE EU, note that in the prize question on your AFA nomination form, and we will put you in a separate raffle for a non-thing prize.
How it works:
Fill out the AFA nomination form, as usual. When you get to the last question, type in the name of the prize you want that nomination to go towards. For example, the Coloring Book for Writers.
You can submit as many nominations as you want, and each nomination will be an entry, like always. You can assign each entry to a different prize, though, or assign them all to one prize.
If multiple people want the same prize, there will be a drawing for that prize. This is where assigning multiple entries to one prize would be beneficial.
All the other bits and bobs about the AFA's are as usual, and you can read all of that by clicking here.
So, let's clean out Admin Michelle's office and win fabulous prizes all while spreading love and fic recs!! So many wins!!
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Marie - @mariekoukie6661
MJ - @thoughtslikeaminefield
Mana - @manawhaat (Founder and Admin Emeritus)
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aurenzo · 2 years
Citizen of Tumblr,
Today we come together as a nation to elect our new parliment. This vital and sacred part of our democracy unites us, even in these unprecedented times.
Are you still undecided? Use the Election Values Quiz to see which party aligns with you on the issues:
Reblog to remind fellow citizens to complete their civic duty! Together we keep democracy alive. Thank you.
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lee-hellenic-butch · 3 months
Problematic and Bigoted Pagan Authors (and how to avoid them)
After what was pretty much a mess in a discord server I'm in over an author posting artwork containing Nazi symbols, I decided to make a post letting everyone know about certain authors and what to look out for. I will keep updating this list as I discover things!
Big thanks to @dvudushnydiaries for letting me know ab some Slavic Polytheist authors, as well as my friend Agnes for letting me know about some Irish Polytheist Authors too! <3
If you have any suggestions to add to this list, please let me know!!!
🛑 = Avoid as much as possible
⚠️ = Be very cautious around this author
Generally, here is some red flags to look out for:
Use of symbols associated with hate groups
Claims an (open culture) is closed via ethnicity, especially if these cultures or religions historically shared with other cultures.
Claims there is a "true" or "pure" version of a certain open religion.
Use of dogwhistles.
Writes historical inaccuracies, misinformation, appropriation, making up things and presenting them as fact, etc.
Refusal to take accountability for actions.
Any form of bigotry or discrimination
The list is under the cut!
Hellenic Polytheist Authors
🛑 Timothy Jay Alexander
creator of the "Pillars of Hellenismos", which have little historical basis.
Made homophobic and ableist remarks in a blog post, essentially saying that because ancient Greece did not allow same-sex marriage, that modern Hellenic Polytheists shouldn't too. In this same post he said that marriage should be for making a family, and that since LGBTQ+ people, as well as people with "physical deformities" either can not or should not have children, they cannot marry according to him.
The same ableist remarks listed above were used as reasoning as to why a disabled person shouldn't become a priest or priestess or any higher up positions due to not being in good health. This also reminds me of eugenics.
In that same blog post, referenced a group called YSEE, which is notorious for being homophobic, xenophobic, displaying nationalism among other things better explained in this post by @hellenic-reconstructionism
Books include: A Beginner’s Guide to Hellenismos - Hellenismos Today - The Gods of Reason: An Authentic Theology for Modern Hellenismos
🛑 Galina Krasskova
Numerous things have happened with this author, some of the most notable being selling "Bacchic Lives Matter" pins on Etsy during the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement protests, as well as defending a neo-nazi and fascist group, AFA, on a blog post
Some of her Hellenic Polytheist books include: Honoring the Mothers: Novenas to the Mothers of Our Gods and Heroes - Combatting the Evil Eye - Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology for Independent Goddesses - Out of Arcadia: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Pan - Guardian of the Road: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hermes
See Norse Polytheist section for her books on that.
🛑 Edward P. Butler
Supports Hindutva, which is Hindu fascism, antisemitic, as well as defends and supports Galina Krasskova.
Books include: Essays on a Polytheistic Philosophy of Religion - Essays on Hellenic Theology.
🛑 H. Jeremiah Lewis / Sannion
Neo-nazi, having nazi symbols on his blog. Also transphobic, islamophobic, and everything under the sun, really.
Books include: Ecstatic: For Dionysos - End to End - Everything Dances: Strange Spirits 3 - Gods and Mortals: New Stories of Hellenic Polytheism
Norse Polytheist Authors
🛑 Galina Krasskova
See Hellenic Polytheist section for details.
Her Norse Polytheist books include: Living Runes; Theory and Practice of Norse Divination - Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner - Neolithic Shamanism; Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition
Irish Polytheist Authors
⚠️ Lora O'Brien
Has a cultish following, thier followers and even themselves bullying and publicly shaming other Irish Polytheists. Often acts negatively towards the Irish diaspora. Has taught Irish Catholic practices, which are closed.
Runs the Irish Pagan School, which has similar rhetoric.
Books include: Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch - A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood
Slavic Polytheist Authors
🛑 Patricia Woodruff
Has a cultish following, often writes wildly inaccurate information. In a recent book she had completely made up a deity whose name means "swastika". Rated her own books on Goodreads, and publicly responded to any reviews criticizing her books.
Books include: Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities - Roots of Slavic Magic Book 1: Slavic Deities & Their Worship
🛑 Madame Pamita
Recently had a (now-deleted) post with an artwork containing various Nazi symbols, and deleted any criticism and seemingly refused to take any accountability. In DM's had repeatedly alluded to if you didn't follow her you "didn't know anything about Slavic Polytheism". Said to be friends with Patricia Woodruff
Books include: The Book of Candle Magic, Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft
🛑 Dmitriy Kushnir
Writes about Rodnovery, which many Rodnovery groups in the US and other countries often have ethnonationalist and right-wing connotations and ideology.
Books include: Rodnover
⚠️ Natasha Helvin
Misconstrues Slavic culture to be Wiccan
Says witchcraft are the "universal laws of nature" and that subjects of karma and divine judgement are solely monotheistic.
Claims to be an initiated Haitian Vodou priestess, which is doubtful.
Kemetic Polytheist Authors
⚠️ E. A Wallis Budge
Inaccurate translations of texts
Books include: The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Translation)
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nando161mando · 9 months
🇨🇵 Face aux nationalismes et aux identitaires, construisons un large front antifasciste.
Samedi 13 Janvier, prenons la rue, ne les laissons pas exister.
➡️ Rendez-vous dès 14h place de la République au cortège antifasciste de la marche Palestinienne.
➡️ Puis partons ensemble pour le rassemblement antifasciste, 18h Place de La Sorbonne contre la manifestation Paris-Fierté.
🇬🇧 Facing nationalism and identitarianism, let's build a broad anti-fascist front.
Saturday January 13, let's take to the streets, let's not let them exist.
➡️ Meet at 2 p.m. on Place de la République for the anti-fascist procession inside the Palestinian march.
➡️ Then let's leave together for the anti-fascist rally, 6 p.m. Place de La Sorbonne against the Paris-Fierté demonstration.
Via AFA Paris-Banlieue
Paris, Paris, antifa ! 🏴‍☠️
@anarchistmemecollective @antifainternational @kropotkindersurprise @left-reminders @radicalgraff
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elbiotipo · 6 months
The sound of the bioalarm clock woke Marcos up. It was time to go to the bioclub. Marcos was a biopunk, which meant he had a cool tattoo that could read and modify genomes, but instead of having like cool superpowers he just made like fruit and weird flowers because superheroes are an imperialist fantasy and I don’t want to write about them.
Marcos washed his teeth with the biotoothpaste and ate biofruit he biomodded himself with his biotattoo on the local bioforge. He read the bionews in his biosmartphone and then went away. He went to the biotoilet which recycled his poop into more bioinfraestructure because that's how it is in the future. Marcos lived in a barrio made of container boxes because the world was fucked up because of The War and it was all the Argentine goverment could give him. He put on his Official AFA Argentine National Football Team jersey and went away.
Marco turned on his Yamaha™ Old School motorcycle. You should keep in mind that it’s weird that it uses gas because it’s The Future and nothing uses gas anymore because there was an Oil Crisis that created an Neo-Inca Civilization I'm not talking about here. But Marcos is relatable so he goes everywhere in motorcycle.
Buenos Aires was a cool city. It was very much buenosairean, with old buildings in the uhhh porteño style, and new buildings that looked like DNA and molecules and all that stuff I should be studying instead of writing this. The city was green with plants and everything was shiny… Except for the places that were fucked up by bioweapons and war that nobody should go into, so pretty much like today.
Helicopters that were ripped off Neon Genesis Evangelion or perhaps Half Life 2 flew over the city. They were part of the Genendarmería, the Argentine Genetic Police, which were asshole cops just like the gendarmería but with talking dogs. Their mission was to provide dramatic tension and show that behind all the wonders of technology this is a post-apocalyptic world destroyed by The War.
“Hmm, che the fact I live in a post-apocalyptic world is kind of a bajón” Marcos thought in Argentinean. He was Argentine by the way.
Marcos arrived at the Mariposa Tecnicolor bioclub. It was like a huge tree with buildings stuck on it, or a building with trees growing out of it, I don’t know. It was cool, but it had Seen Better Days.
Marina opened the door. She was reading a book. She was always reading a book. Paper books are a hipster thing in The Future but don't tell her.
"Olá, Marcos." she said in Brazilian (she's from Brazil)
Marcos smiled.
"What are you reading, Marina?" "Oh I'm reading Borges." Borges is an Argentine author. "Wouldn't you say this tree is kind of like a Borges story?" Marina said an awkward literary reference. "I sure would!" Marcos answered happily, because she was her crush. "In fact, it reminds me to a Julio Cortázar story!" Marcos said another awkward reference. "I like literary references!" Marina said. They also liked each other, because books. They didn't say it, because Sexual Tension.
They entered the tree. Inside there was a messy laboratory that I would describe in more detail but since I'm lazy think about it like some sort of art school classroom mixed with a cheap university biolaboratory all made in wood. In The Future, biological laboratories are biological, but not in the gross usual biopunk way, they are made of wood and look like trees, because trees are the best laboratories and can make drugs, you should know this if you're learned plant physiology.
Marcos friends were there. They were drinking mate, because this is set in Argentina. They were six in total, because Friends.
Then, a cyborg dolphin spoke:
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 3 months
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My Deepest Condolences To The Anoaʻi Family 🙏🏾♥️🕊
Leati Sika Amituana'i Anoaʻi (April 5, 1945 – June 25, 2024), better known as Sika, was an American Samoan professional wrestler. He is best known as one-half of the tag team the Wild Samoans with his brother Afa. They held the WWF World Tag Team Championship three times, were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2007 and the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2012. He was a member of the Anoaʻi family and the father of professional wrestlers Rosey (Matthew Anoa'i) and Roman Reigns (Joe Anoa'i).
Anoaʻi was born in the village of Leone on the island of Tutuila in American Samoa on April 5, 1945, one of Amituana and Tovale Anoaʻi's thirteen children. In 1959, at the age of 14, he moved with his family to San Francisco, California in the United States. Shortly after, he enlisted in the United States Merchant Marine, working on ships sailing to the Philippines and Japan. He demobilized in 1969 and worked as a stevedore before leaving that to join his brother Afa in pro wrestling.
Anoaʻi was trained as a wrestler by his brother Afa and Kurt Von Steiger, debuting in 1973 in Stampede Wrestling as "Sika". Calling themselves "The Wild Samoans", the brothers and gained notoriety due to their large, wild afros, sarongs, and habit of wrestling barefoot and eating raw fish in the ring. Throughout the 1970s, The Wild Samoans appeared with promotions including Big Time Wrestling, the Continental Wrestling Association, Gulf Coast Championship Wrestling, NWA All-Star Wrestling, NWA Mid-America, Stampede Wrestling, and the World Wrestling Council, winning multiple tag team championships. From 1977 to 1979, the Samoans made repeated tours of Japan with International Wrestling Enterprise; in January 1978, they briefly held the IWA World Tag Team Championship.
On April 12, 1980, The Wild Samoans defeated Ivan Putski and Tito Santana to win the WWF World Tag Team Championship. Their reign lasted until August 9, 1980, when they lost to Backlund and Pedro Morales at Showdown at Shea. As Backlund was the then-WWF Champion, he and Morales were forced to vacate the championship, and The Wild Samoans regained the championship on the September 9, 1980, episode of WWF Championship episode of WWF Championship Wrestling, defeating Tony Garea and Rene Goulet in the finals of a tournament. Their second reign lasted until November 8, 1980, when they lost to Garea and Rick The Wild Samoans left the WWF in December 1980.
Following his retirement, Anoaʻi remained active in wrestling. He trained wrestlers at the Wild Samoan Training Center, a professional wrestling school run by Afa in Minneola, Florida.
On August 15, 1997, both men reunited for one night teaming with Disco Inferno, Gene Ligon and the Big Cheese as they defeated Ken Timbs, George Love, Jay Love, Gary Royal and Kane Adams at IWA Night Of The Legends in Kannapolis, North Carolina.
In 1999, he founded XW 2000, an independent wrestling promotion based in Pensacola, Florida.
On March 31, 2007, The Wild Samoans were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame by Sika's son Matt and Afa's son Samu.
The Wild Samoans appeared at Hell in a Cell to celebrate Roman Reigns' victory.
Anoaʻi died on June 25, 2024 at the age of 79. An Instagram post by his nephew Jahrus Anoa’i reads: "It is with profound sadness that I share the news of the passing of Former Hall of Famer, Polaivao Leati Sika Anoa’i. He passed away peacefully on June 25th. Sika was a celebrated figure whose contributions and legacy have left an indelible mark. His memory will live on through his achievements and the many lives he touched. He was many things: a hard working father, a caring brother, a supportive uncle, and a proud grandfather. He was a cherished friend to many, a loving family member whose warmth and kindness knew no bounds, and an inspiration to countless individuals. His legacy will continue to inspire and uplift future generations, reminding us of the impact one person’s life can have on so many.
Rest in love Uncle Sika.
There are so many wrestlers that have stories about the OGs of the Samoan Dynasty being generous to them when they started wrestling. They went above and beyond to train and help the younger generations. Sika is known as a tough, strong man but also a fair, kind and generous man. He will definitely be missed by the wrestling community, the fans and his family.
The wrestling world and fans lost one of the best today, a legend and most importantly The Anoaʻi/Fatu Family lost a brother, father, grandfather, uncle, husband and cousin.
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There is no mention of repentance and faith, or what Jesus did on the cross for the sins of the world.
For a couple of years now, He Gets Us has been airing ads about how Jesus relates to everyday human life. The one that aired during Sunday's Super Bowl game featured people from apparently opposing identity groups – like a police officer and a black man, a suburban woman and an illegal immigrant, a pro-lifer and a woman outside an abortion clinic, etc. – washing the other person’s feet.
I'd like to remind us that there is more to Jesus than simply "getting us." A lot more. The gospel invitation includes repentance for one's sins and salvation requires faith in Christ. and AFA wants to correct the false narrative from the deceptive "He Gets Us" campaign..
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
Tales: How the Undead are Born
"This should be the last batch sir." Dr. West turned to face the men who brought him the final crate, he opened it up and looked inside as the mist form the liquid nitrogen poured out. Because he was wearing protective gloves, he was able to reach in and pulled out one of the samples. It was a small sample jar holding a dead embryo from one of the failed cloning experiments. Dr West smiled while the men looked at it in disgust and quickly left. 
Dr. West just placed the sample back, closed the crate, and rolled it into the testing chamber. There he found Dr. Haselhurst along with the rest of their staff placing the already collected embryos into large pillars. These pillars were about 3 meters in diameter and stood about 20 meters tall. There were about 40 of them spaced apart and were made up of 50 sections where six embryos were placed each. These pillars were originally meant to be used in mass cloning experiments before the project was shut down due to the cloning process still not being perfected, especially for mass production. However, these pillars were still good for growing embryos into healthy babies if needed so they were provided for Dr. West's and Dr. Haselhurt's experiment. 
They had 12,000 embryos ready for this experiment as failure was bound to be met several times. Of course, each embryo was dead, so growth was impossible which is why this experiment was meant to once again test the effectiveness of SCP-AEF. Each embryo was placed in its artificial womb within the pillars but instead of the typical artificially created Amniotic fluid it was filled with SCP-AEF. Though that was not all, each embryo was given a different chemical, medicine, nanobots, energy exposure, and combos of said elements. 
Dr. West walked in between the pillars as two of the researchers walked to the crate and started taking the embryos out to place them in the pillars. There were also levitation drones that handle taking the embryos to the higher levels. Though they are not alone as SCP-ACT was up there as well making sure to the embryos up there were getting their dosages of the project as well. With all of them working it didn't take any longer than two more hours, afterwards all the staff and SCP-ACT left while Dr. West and Dr. Haselhurt stayed to looked at the pillars a little longer. 
"With this, so many possibilities will be born right here."
"I wonder, could we possible find a new and more effective method to create immortal MTF units, perhaps the first step to actually resurrecting the dead and therefore an improvement to my cure, maybe create other medicines that will make our fellow staff happy... or perhaps... Finally, I will get the proof I need to show everyone the pestilence exists." Dr. West smiled at Dr. Haselhurt, he didn't believe the pestilence existed either, but he admired Dr. Haselhurt's devotion to finding it. It reminded him of his own devotion to perfecting SCP-AEF and finally being the one to resurrect the dead through science, not magic.
As he requested earlier, an AFA-1 servent walked in with a trey of two cups of coffee. Dr. West took one and waved his hand to silently offer Dr. Haselhurt the other. Though Dr. Haselhurt had no need to eat or drink he was willing to humor his fellow doctor and took the other anyways. Dr. West then held his coffee up and near Dr. Haselhurt.
"To the progress of science?" Dr. Haselhurt chucked and chinked his coffee cup with Dr. West's.
"To the progress of science. May it bear the fruit needed to feed our ambitions." Dr. West smiled and took a large drink while Dr. Haselhurt just took a small sip. Both doctors looking at all their work before leaving for the day. In a decade or so they were sure to see grand results. 
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
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direwombat · 9 months
I mean the perennial 👀 is set on the muzzle fic lol but also I don't know if I have ever heard about Ex Paradiso???
ex paradiso is the katc sequel/new dawn fic! I talk about it a bit over here, since amanda also asked for it <3
so afa;lfkdjadsf the poor muzzle fic is one that's been written in stops and starts and it's *clenches fist* so close to being done. but it just. isn't quite there yet. it's sitting at about 6k words worth of jakitsyb smut wherein our favorite toxic soldier trio have fun with "disciplinary" actions. or, syb bit off and chewed up a chosen's trigger finger in her post-trials haze, and jacob and kit put her in a muzzle because of it.
i can't remember what bits and pieces i have and haven't shared with you (sorry) but here's some syb and kit goodness (and jacob's there too i guess <3)
nsfw under the cut (fingering and dom/sub dynamics with hints of subspace)
Adjusting the angle of the hand fucking into Kit, she crooks her fingers to rub at that sweet spot. With her other hand, she rests the heel of her palm against the other woman’s clit, and lets her fingers lay flat against her lower abdomen. A spark of mischief breaks through the haze in her eyes. She glances up to find Kit lost in a sea of pleasure as she nears the cresting wave of her orgasm. 
Sybille grinds her palm against Kit’s clit and presses down with considerable weight, as if trying to feel her own fingers through Kit’s abdomen. 
Kit’s hand darts down to fist a handful of Sybille’s hair and she tugs. “So fucking good, Bunny. So close -- Oh, fuck!” 
She comes with a shriek, walls clamping tight around Sybille’s fingers. 
The sound of her captor’s roaring ecstasy goes straight to Sybille’s cunt and her own fluttering walls clench down hard around a nothingness that makes her feel utterly gutted and empty. Her underwear is entirely soaked, and she’s far too hot in her clothes. She needs to be stripped bare and she needs to be filled. But for now, she strokes Kit through the aftershocks until the woman’s hips stop twitching. When she pulls her fingers from Kit’s cunt, her hand and forearm are entirely soaked. 
Slumping back in her chair, Kit’s legs spread wider as she goes limp. A satiated smile tugs at the corners of her lips and when she opens her eyes again, they’re half-lidded. The steely, predatory glint from before is gone. She blinks slowly as she takes in the sight of Sybille kneeling before her and a low, rumbling purr sounds in the back of her throat. “Good girl,” she coos.
A whimper slips past Sybille’s lips at the praise and she leans her head against Kit’s thigh as the woman strokes her hair. 
“Gorgeous,” Jacob breathes. He leans against the desk, gazing upon the two women with dark, lustful eyes. His jaw hangs slack and the hand at his cock is wrapped tightly around the base, keeping himself from ejaculating too soon. He drinks in the sight of them -- his ferocious Wildcat and clever Jackrabbit; his girls -- savoring it for a long, lingering moment before he pushes off the desk and strides towards them. 
“You still want the muzzle off?” Kit asks.
“Yes, ma’am,” Sybille nods and she looks up at the two of them with wide, glistening eyes. “Wanna be good. Please.”
“We know, Bunny,” Kit says with a gentle click of her tongue and she continues stroking her hair. “Just had to remind you what your purpose is. Aren’t things nicer like this?”
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lenbryant · 2 years
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Those "One Million Moms" are still trying to disappear us. Their first failed boycott came in the 1990s when Disney finally extended health insurance benefits to our spouses. Oh, the horror! (From LGBTQNation) Christian conservatives demand boycott of Disney over gay teen character in “Strange World”
"Disney has left conservative and Christian families with no choice," a petition they're circulating says. By Alex Bollinger Friday, November 18, 2022 Disney’s “Strange World” is getting positive attention in Hollywood for including a gay, biracial teen character since its world premiere on Tuesday. But One Million Moms (OMM) – a project of the anti-LGBTQ hate group American Family Association (AFA) – is calling for a boycott of Disney over the movie.
“Strange World” follows a biracial family of adventurers as they explore a treacherous land filled with bizarre and dangerous creatures. Back in June, Disney screened several scenes from the film at France’s Annecy International Animation Film Festival, one of which shows 16-year-old Ethan awkwardly flirting with another boy.“The scene describes [Ethan] being very shy in front of his boy crush, and his dad comes in and says ‘So nice to meet you! my son talks about you all the time,’ and further embarrasses his son,” Emmy Award-winning producer Matthieu Saghezchi tweeted after seeing the scene in June. “Very cute.” “Very cute” isn’t how OMM described that scene: “Obviously, this part of the movie is a nod to inclusivity, along with a blatant attempt by Disney to normalize a same-sex crush.” The problem for OMM isn’t just “Strange World,” but Disney in general. “Disney is no longer being discrete, but now Disney has traded its subtlety for intentionality,” the group wrote on its website. “The Disney that parents knew as children is long gone. Disney has now decided to be politically correct instead of providing family-friendly programming. But Disney should stick to entertaining, not pushing an agenda.”
The group has set up a petition to protest the movie. Instead of calling for a boycott of only the movie, though, they’re calling for a boycott of the entire Disney Corporation.
“I do not agree with the LGBTQ agenda you are pushing on families in the upcoming animated movie Strange World,” the petition reads. “My family and I will not watch this film. Disney has left conservative and Christian families with no choice but to avoid “Strange World” since it goes against our beliefs and values. My family will not support Disney; you have lost our trust.”
The group claims to have almost 16,000 signatures so far on the petition. 
OMM isn’t the only group that’s upset the movie includes a gay teen character.“
As Disney begins pushing ‘Strange World’ for next week’s release, here’s the reminder that their ‘not-at-all-secret gay agenda’ to target kids is ongoing,” said Daily Wire editor Ben Shapiro earlier this week. “It’s a part of the plot of this movie, just as it was with ‘Lightyear.’ Your kids, your choice.”
Disney released a statement earlier this year opposing Florida’s Don’t Say Gay law, which led to the Florida legislature voting to end a contract with Disneyworld because the corporation spoke out. Conservatives protested in front of Disney theme parks, with rightwingers calling Disney “groomers,” Satanic, and “PEDO World” for supporting LGBTQ rights.
In April of this year, video from a conference call with Disney executives showed that many of the executives supported having more LGBTQ characters in films. Rightwing activist Christopher Rufo, who leaked the video, called for a boycott of Disney.
The AFA first targeted Disney with a boycott in the 1990s because the corporation was giving benefits to employees’ same-sex partners. The boycott ended in 2005 without any policy change at Disney.“We feel after nine years of boycotting Disney we have made our point,” AFA President Tim Wildmon said in the organization’s June 2005 newsletter.
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
August 2023 Angel Fish Awards
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We are making a big change to the Angel Fish Awards, and to celebrate, we're giving away EVERYTHING in the prize pool!
In the past, you could only nominate a Pond member's story. Starting right now, we're changing that! You can now nominate any SPN or The Winchesters fan fiction story, whether the writer is a Pond member or not!
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To celebrate this change, we're opening up the prize pool to EVERYONE who submits a nomination by Monday, September 4th, at midnight California time!
Because of this celebration, FOR THIS MONTH ONLY, nominations will be submitted via THIS GOOGLE FORM HERE.
How it will work:
You submit a nomination via the Google form. You will need to supply your Tumblr URL, the title and author of the fic, a link to the fic, and a sentence or two about why you are nominating this fic.
You will need to be willing to submit your full name and shipping information to Admin Michelle so she can mail you your prize.
You can submit as many nominations as you want. The only limit is four nominations per author. You can nominate an infinite number of authors, though! And an infinite number of fics!
For each nomination, you will let us know what prize you want. You can choose a different prize for each nomination, or put all your nominations toward one prize. It's up to you! CLICK HERE FOR THE PRIZE LIST!
If more than one person has put a nomination towards the same prize, then there will be a drawing to determine the winner of that prize.
If, for some reason, you manage to lose out to someone else for every single prize you choose, we will still send you something. Don't know what. Could be anything. Probably not that egg thing Ketch shipped in s15.
So, send in as many nominations as you can to be eligible for as many prizes as you want! We're clearing out the old prizes to make room for a bunch of new ones coming in! Share the love! EVERYTHING MUST GO!!
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Have questions? Send an ask, drop your question in the discord server, or send a private message to one of our admins!
Admin Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Admin Marie - @mariekoukie6661
Admin Stacey - @princessmisery666
Admin MJ - @thoughtslikeaminefield
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chrisryanspeaks · 11 months
Zara Larsson Releasing New Album ‘Venus’ + Tour Dates
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Today, multiplatinum chart-topping global pop powerhouse Zara Larsson announces her new album VENUS, set for release on February 9, 2024, via Sommer House/Epic Records. Pre-order/pre-save VENUS HERE. Riding high on her current single “On My Love” with David Guetta, Zara has also confirmed details of a spring UK and European headlining tour.  Dubbed The Venus Tour, tickets will be on-sale on November 3rd via www.zaralarssonofficial.com alongside dates for Zara’s Swedish holiday specials, Honor The Light. It marks her first run of global headline shows since the pandemic. See full itinerary below and look out for North American live shows in the new year. A pop album fit for a goddess, VENUS is Zara Larsson setting her own agenda, in part by looking back on where she’s come from. First single “Can’t Tame Her” was a fierce, female-forward anthem that spent over 16 weeks in the UK Top 40, reached number 3 on iTunes, and number 1 on US Dance Radio: a journey all the sweeter given it was also Larsson’s first release on her own Sommer House label, following trailblazing deal with Sony which saw the still-just-25-year-old simultaneously take control of her entire recording catalogue. This summer Zara also dropped “End of Time,” a cinematic visitation with your younger self and a reminder to always follow that inner drive. Last month, Zara Larsson’s latest single with David Guetta, “On My Love,” was crowned the highest debuting record of 2023 at Dance Radio. Just four weeks later, the song has reached #1 on the chart, making it the country’s biggest dance record. Upon release, the song and video were praised by a diverse pool of media, from Good Morning America(who called it “emotional”) to People (a “banger” and “club-ready dance track about a valued bond built on unconditional love”), Uproxx (Best Pop Songs of the Week), Rolling Stone, V Magazine and much more. Recently, she shared the official acoustic video (watch HERE) and Niklas Dee remix (stream HERE). Tomorrow, she will share the official Felix Jaehn Remix (available HERE). Stream the original “On My Love” HERE and watch the music video HERE. See “On My Love” Below: With its elevated sound, eclectic style and unifying visuals, VENUS solidifies Zara Larssonas one of modern pop’s most essential stars. Honor The Light itinerary: 12/8/23 – Stockholm, SE - Cirkus 12/9/23 – Stockholm, SE - Cirkus 12/16/23 – Skelleftea, SE - Sara Kulturhus The Venus Tour itinerary: 2/16/24 – Manchester, UK - Manchester Academy 2/17/24 – Glasgow, UK - O2 Academy 2/18/24 – Birmingham, UK - O2 Academy 2/21/24 – London, UK - Roundhouse 2/24/24 – Paris, FR - Le Trianon 2/25/24 – Brussels, BE - Ancienne Belgique 2/26/24 – Amsterdam, NL - AFAS Live 2/28/24 – Berlin, DE - Verti Music Hall 3/1/24 – Cologne, DE - Palladium 3/2/24 – Milan, IT - Fabrique 3/4/24 – Zurich, CH - Komplex 457 3/6/24 – Prague, CZ - Forum 3/7/24 – Warsaw, PL - Towar 3/8/24 – Vienna, AT - Gasometer 3/16/24 – Reykjavik, IS – Laugardalshollin 6/21/24 – Dublin, IE - Fairview Park About Zara Larsson "One of pop's biggest and outspoken young stars” (The Guardian), Zara Larsson provokes and pushes pop culture forward, with enlightened and energized anthems that soar and seduce all at once. With every move, she continues to quietly make history and break records: her platinum-certified 2017 full-length, So Good, notably stands out as one of the most-streamed debuts on Spotify by a female artist ever. Zara’s growing catalogue boasts one smash after another, from “Never Forget You,” “Lush Life,” and “Ain’t My Fault” to Clean Bandit collaboration “Symphony.” Along the way, she has received awards and nominations ranging from the Swedish Grammys, BRITS and MTV EMAs to even gracing the stage of the Nobel Peace Prize. 2020’s second international album, Poster Girl, featured breakout hits like “Ruin My Life,” “Wow,” and saw Zara make further strides towards Pop’s top table. Launched entirely in lockdown, the project nonetheless saw Zara push boundaries, performing virtually for Roblox and hosting a viral live-stream show in partnership with Ikea on International Women’s Day. In the last year or so, Zara Larsson has been unleashed back into the real world: she played a sold-out Poster Girl European arena tour, scored a hit collaboration with Alesso (“Words” was named by Billboard one of the best dance records of 2022) before returning with brand new single, “Can’t Tame Her.” Conceived alongside close-knit friends like MNEK, MTHR, and Danja - plus choreography from Beyoncé collaborator JaQuel Knight - the track spent 16 weeks in the UK top 40 and aptly captures where Zara Larsson stands in 2023: “Can’t change her / Can’t blame her / Can’t tame her”. Recent track “End Of Time” and David Guetta collaboration “On My Love” further tease Zara Larsson’s upcoming third international album, with Larsson also confirmed to make her acting debut in Netflix’s upcoming movie A Part Of You in 2024. Read the full article
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audiofuzz · 11 months
Zara Larsson Releasing New Album ‘Venus’ + Tour Dates
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Today, multiplatinum chart-topping global pop powerhouse Zara Larsson announces her new album VENUS, set for release on February 9, 2024, via Sommer House/Epic Records. Pre-order/pre-save VENUS HERE. Riding high on her current single “On My Love” with David Guetta, Zara has also confirmed details of a spring UK and European headlining tour.  Dubbed The Venus Tour, tickets will be on-sale on November 3rd via www.zaralarssonofficial.com alongside dates for Zara’s Swedish holiday specials, Honor The Light. It marks her first run of global headline shows since the pandemic. See full itinerary below and look out for North American live shows in the new year. A pop album fit for a goddess, VENUS is Zara Larsson setting her own agenda, in part by looking back on where she’s come from. First single “Can’t Tame Her” was a fierce, female-forward anthem that spent over 16 weeks in the UK Top 40, reached number 3 on iTunes, and number 1 on US Dance Radio: a journey all the sweeter given it was also Larsson’s first release on her own Sommer House label, following trailblazing deal with Sony which saw the still-just-25-year-old simultaneously take control of her entire recording catalogue. This summer Zara also dropped “End of Time,” a cinematic visitation with your younger self and a reminder to always follow that inner drive. Last month, Zara Larsson’s latest single with David Guetta, “On My Love,” was crowned the highest debuting record of 2023 at Dance Radio. Just four weeks later, the song has reached #1 on the chart, making it the country’s biggest dance record. Upon release, the song and video were praised by a diverse pool of media, from Good Morning America(who called it “emotional”) to People (a “banger” and “club-ready dance track about a valued bond built on unconditional love”), Uproxx (Best Pop Songs of the Week), Rolling Stone, V Magazine and much more. Recently, she shared the official acoustic video (watch HERE) and Niklas Dee remix (stream HERE). Tomorrow, she will share the official Felix Jaehn Remix (available HERE). Stream the original “On My Love” HERE and watch the music video HERE. See “On My Love” Below: With its elevated sound, eclectic style and unifying visuals, VENUS solidifies Zara Larssonas one of modern pop’s most essential stars. Honor The Light itinerary: 12/8/23 – Stockholm, SE - Cirkus 12/9/23 – Stockholm, SE - Cirkus 12/16/23 – Skelleftea, SE - Sara Kulturhus The Venus Tour itinerary: 2/16/24 – Manchester, UK - Manchester Academy 2/17/24 – Glasgow, UK - O2 Academy 2/18/24 – Birmingham, UK - O2 Academy 2/21/24 – London, UK - Roundhouse 2/24/24 – Paris, FR - Le Trianon 2/25/24 – Brussels, BE - Ancienne Belgique 2/26/24 – Amsterdam, NL - AFAS Live 2/28/24 – Berlin, DE - Verti Music Hall 3/1/24 – Cologne, DE - Palladium 3/2/24 – Milan, IT - Fabrique 3/4/24 – Zurich, CH - Komplex 457 3/6/24 – Prague, CZ - Forum 3/7/24 – Warsaw, PL - Towar 3/8/24 – Vienna, AT - Gasometer 3/16/24 – Reykjavik, IS – Laugardalshollin 6/21/24 – Dublin, IE - Fairview Park About Zara Larsson "One of pop's biggest and outspoken young stars” (The Guardian), Zara Larsson provokes and pushes pop culture forward, with enlightened and energized anthems that soar and seduce all at once. With every move, she continues to quietly make history and break records: her platinum-certified 2017 full-length, So Good, notably stands out as one of the most-streamed debuts on Spotify by a female artist ever. Zara’s growing catalogue boasts one smash after another, from “Never Forget You,” “Lush Life,” and “Ain’t My Fault” to Clean Bandit collaboration “Symphony.” Along the way, she has received awards and nominations ranging from the Swedish Grammys, BRITS and MTV EMAs to even gracing the stage of the Nobel Peace Prize. 2020’s second international album, Poster Girl, featured breakout hits like “Ruin My Life,” “Wow,” and saw Zara make further strides towards Pop’s top table. Launched entirely in lockdown, the project nonetheless saw Zara push boundaries, performing virtually for Roblox and hosting a viral live-stream show in partnership with Ikea on International Women’s Day. In the last year or so, Zara Larsson has been unleashed back into the real world: she played a sold-out Poster Girl European arena tour, scored a hit collaboration with Alesso (“Words” was named by Billboard one of the best dance records of 2022) before returning with brand new single, “Can’t Tame Her.” Conceived alongside close-knit friends like MNEK, MTHR, and Danja - plus choreography from Beyoncé collaborator JaQuel Knight - the track spent 16 weeks in the UK top 40 and aptly captures where Zara Larsson stands in 2023: “Can’t change her / Can’t blame her / Can’t tame her”. Recent track “End Of Time” and David Guetta collaboration “On My Love” further tease Zara Larsson’s upcoming third international album, with Larsson also confirmed to make her acting debut in Netflix’s upcoming movie A Part Of You in 2024. Read the full article
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mugenthracerlax · 1 year
Dearest Skye,
I find myself writing to you again, the hush of the night in the Port Nyanzaru as my only companion. We continue to traverse the labyrinth of our adventure and each new corner reveals another mystery, another challenge, another wave of yearning for you.
We began by debating over the scrolls Wakanga had given us, with Delores reluctantly accepting the plan to sell some. The Old City, our destination, was a place of despair where the poorest were reduced to shadows of existence. Angle led us into its depths and there we met Toraji, an odd yet affable old man. His willingness to purchase the scrolls was met with relief and our collective purse was greatly enriched by 54,000 gold pieces.
In the midst of this newfound wealth, we turned our attention to the market. The bustle and clamour were a stark contrast to the forlorn Old City, a poignant reminder of the world's inequality. We bought everything from provisions to pets; Seki adopted a triceratops, naming her Chickpea, while De'leon took in a flying monkey and called him Mischief. Orladhall found himself a flying snake he named Nimbus. All our new companions were dressed in protective armour. Angle even acquired chain mail for Pegasus.
We also had the pleasure of visiting the home of Ekene-Afa, a retired gladiator and now a merchant prince. Her arsenal of enchanted weapons held us in awe, especially the yklwa, a spear unique to Chult. Most of us decided to purchase one, along with various magical shields and ammunition. Ekene-Afa mentioned our upcoming fight in the coliseum with a gleam in her eyes, but offered no insights about our opponents.
As dusk fell, we found ourselves in the imposing coliseum, amid a roaring crowd and a strong guard presence. The rules were explained to us: three mystery opponents, one-minute breaks, and a grand prize waiting at the end. Seki and Delores chose not to participate, leaving Angle, De'leon, Orhadhall, and me to represent the Shiny Happy People. As we prepared, I noticed Orladhall wincing with discomfort, his hand constantly going to his shoulder, but he reassured us he was ready.
The first battle was upon us. The ring of Ekene-Afa's gong echoed in the air as seven ferocious tigers were released. As I squared off against the beasts, the echoes of your encouraging words rang in my ears.
I wish you were here, my love, to witness this wild dance of life and death. But I find comfort in the certainty that you watch over me, guiding my every move. I long to see you again, Skye. Until then, I fight and live in your memory.
Yours forever, Mugen
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Date night. And my handsome hubs bought me my AFA shirt!! 💙
The windy picture cracks me up!!
I really miss pictures together. Good reminder to be more mindful and intentional to capture the moments.
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Unfriendly reminder that I don't want anything to do with the AFA or folkish heathens.
Also, if you don't support declaration 127, you can kindly fuck off.
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