#affirmations oracle
2day-ago-kids · 1 year
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PICK A CARD "This card is confirming what you are hesitating about your inner journey to the next level. Because you may have to set out to find a reliable shaman. And you may have already met him. He will lead you to a sacred temple. The hidden veil will be revealed. You will find knowledge through the individuality of wisdom."
Available here <--------
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n3xii · 7 months
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How to read energy with tarot and oracle cards
Energy can be read in a variety of ways, you can feel it, see it or even ''know'' it cognitively. But a universal way to read ALL energy is by using tarot and oracle cards. This method is perfect for analyzing the details of your own aura because you can identify what blockages there are, where they came from, how to heal them etc.
But first, let's talk about DECKS. You can use any deck to read energy, litterally any deck you feel a connection to will do perfect. but preferably the deck is artistic and has alot of details, symbols, colors, or even references to chakras and different spiritual concepts. I will have a post soon with a list of deck recommendations based on different topics in spirituality soon, so refer to that if you'd like!
Prepare your space: when tapping into your own energy, or someone else's, you will want to do some prep beforehand by clearing your mind and focusing on your intention. I don't think it's appropriate to "cleanse' yourself before doing this type of reading IN MY OPINON, the whole point of energy reading is to read what's currently in your energy. How can you do that if you CLEANSE IT. Use your cards to help identify whats currently in your aura, whats effecting you, and if there's external energy that's disturbing you, then cleanse if needed! if you want to cleanse the deck itself, thats up to you but I think that's the best idea.
2. Choose a spread (if you prefer spreads.): to be honest, I think if you're gonna use spreads, regardless of experience level, the reading will actually be more successful. this is because you can configure and customize the spread to be WHATEVER you need in that moment. You want to read your aura? pull a card for each layer of the aura, OR, pull a card for energy thats leaving your aura, energy thats currently in your aura, and energy that's coming in. you want to read someone elses energy? pull a card that represents their aura, a card for how their energy is effecting themselves or others, a card for whats contributing to their energy ETC.
3. shuffle and focus: shuffle your cards in your preferred method and focus on whom you're reading for. if you're reading for someone else, let them touch the cards. if thats not applicable, focus on an aspect or characteristic of that person.
4. lay out your cards/spread
5. pay attention to reversed cards. if you read reversals, these can be indicators of blockages OR of energies that are dissipating, it depends on the meaning of the card. For example, ten of swords reversed may indicate that the energies of betrayal, endings and despair is leaving your life. Meanwhile, the upright meaning by indicate a blockage. use context and your intuition to interpret cards.
6. Pay attention to colors: colors in a card and tone can indicate the color of your aura. here's a list of aura colors, this list doesnt contain all of them but it's a good starting point.
Red: Energetic, passionate, and strong-willed.
Orange: Creative, adventurous, and enthusiastic.
Yellow: Intellectually curious, cheerful, and optimistic.
Green: Compassionate, harmonious, and nurturing.
Blue: Communicative, calm, and spiritually connected.
Purple: Intuitive, visionary, and spiritually aware.
Pink: Loving, empathetic, and affectionate.
White: Pure, spiritually awakened, and balanced.
Silver: Intuitive, psychic, and open to new ideas.
Gold: Enlightened, wise, and spiritually evolved.
Black: Protective, strong-willed, and potentially blocking energy.
Brown: Grounded, practical, and connected to the Earth.
Gray: Indecisive, emotionally neutral, and detached.
Indigo: Highly intuitive, sensitive, and perceptive.
Turquoise: Creative, communicative, and balanced in emotions.
7. Pay attention to symbols: symbols can be signs from the universe or carry extra messages about your/someone's elses energy. here's a list of common symbols in tarot AND oracle decks
Celtic Knots: Represent interconnectedness, cycles, and eternity.
Roses: Symbolize love, beauty, and balance.
Laurel Wreaths: Signify victory, honor, and achievement.
Sphinx: Represents wisdom, mystery, and enigma.
Cherub/Angel: Symbolizes divine guidance, purity, and protection.
Ankh: Represents life, vitality, and eternal existence.
Infinity Symbol (∞): Signifies limitless potential, eternity, and balance.
Butterflies: Symbolize transformation, growth, and renewal.
Ouroboros (Snake Eating Its Tail): Represents cyclical nature, infinity, and rebirth.
Keys: Signify unlocking hidden knowledge, opportunities, and solutions.
Hourglass: Symbolizes time, cycles, and the fleeting nature of life.
Mystical Gates: Represent opportunities, choices, and thresholds.
Lion: Signifies strength, courage, and boldness.
Scorpion: Symbolizes transformation, regeneration, and intensity.
Scales: Represent balance, justice, and equilibrium.
Winged Creatures: Signify the spirit, transcendence, and higher knowledge.
Wreaths: Symbolize victory, achievement, and honor.
Ships/Boats: Signify journeys, exploration, and movement.
Bulls: Represent determination, stubbornness, and material wealth.
Stars: Symbolize hope, inspiration, and guidance from the cosmos.
Crescent Moon: Signifies intuition, change, and the feminine energy.
Skulls: Symbolize mortality, transformation, and facing one's fears.
Clouds: Represent uncertainty, confusion, and change in perspective.
Castle: Signifies protection, security, and the inner self.
Serpents: Symbolize knowledge, transformation, and hidden wisdom.
Lightning: Signifies sudden change, revelation, and powerful energy.
Pyramids: Represent spirituality, ascension, and hidden truths.
Cross: Symbolizes sacrifice, faith, and spiritual growth.
Oracle cards:
Animals: Animal symbols can represent qualities, characteristics, and messages associated with specific animals. For example, a lion might symbolize courage and strength, while a butterfly could signify transformation and growth.
Hearts: Hearts are associated with love, emotions, and matters of the heart. Their presence in a card can indicate love, compassion, or emotional healing.
Stars: Stars symbolize inspiration, guidance, and divine energy. They may suggest hope and opportunities.
Moons: Moons are linked to cycles, intuition, and the subconscious. They can imply the need for introspection or changes in emotions.
Sun: The sun represents success, vitality, and enlightenment. It may indicate a positive outcome or a period of happiness.
Keys: Keys symbolize unlocking potential, solutions, and opportunities. They suggest that answers are within reach.
Crossroads: Crossroads represent choices and decisions. They can indicate a need to make a significant life decision or consider options.
Water: Water symbolizes emotions, intuition, and fluidity. It may suggest a need to navigate your feelings or adapt to changes.
Fire: Fire represents passion, transformation, and energy. It may suggest the need for action or a burst of inspiration.
Feathers: Feathers are often associated with messages from the spirit realm and can imply the need to pay attention to signs and synchronicities.
Coins/Pentacles: These symbols often relate to material matters, finances, and practical concerns. They may suggest issues related to money or resources.
Clouds: Clouds can symbolize uncertainty, confusion, or a clouded judgment. They may suggest the need for clarity.
Doors: Doors represent new opportunities, opportunities, and transitions. They may suggest entering a new phase in life.
Trees: Trees symbolize growth, strength, and connection to nature. They can suggest personal development and grounding.
Angels: Angels represent divine guidance, protection, and higher wisdom. Their presence can indicate a need for spiritual guidance or support.
Spirals: Spirals symbolize evolution, cycles, and personal growth. They suggest that you are on a journey of self-discovery.
Mandalas: Mandalas often represent unity, wholeness, and balance. They suggest the need to find harmony in your life.
Roses: Roses symbolize love, beauty, and passion. They may suggest matters of the heart or self-love.
Wings: Wings can symbolize freedom, elevation, and spirituality. They suggest a desire for greater understanding and spiritual growth.
Rainbows: Rainbows are a symbol of hope, promises, and blessings. They can suggest that positive developments are on the horizon.
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Thats all for this post so far, I hope you found it informative and you're welcome to add any more tips to this post if you'd like!
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atravesty · 1 month
April 8th Solar Eclipse Messages
This is my first ever 'pick a pile' style reading, so I greatly appreciate any & all feedback. If any of this resonated with you, please heart and share. I'm currently refining my intuitive readings, so happy to do a couple free or exchanged readings as well - slide in my inbox.
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Pick an Object - 1. Raccoon Skull, 2. Unicorn, 3. Dragon
1. Raccoon Skull
I felt a similar energy for 2. Unicorn so check it out if you felt called to it as well, and the following resonates with you:
Channeled song: Thumbs Up - The Howl & The Hum
Numbers: 1, 3, 4
The Starseed Oracle: The Courageous Peony Multifaceted, unique nature. Let yourself be seen.
You're being called to embrace all of what you are and show it off to the world, without comparing yourself to others. Own your unique gifts without apology, as we all have something different and special to offer. Embody all of who you are and share your voice. You may feel insecure and vulnerable about owning your truth, but it becomes easier every time you practice it. By being your true, authentic self, you attract your soul tribe and those who are truly meant for your highest good.
How are you being called to allow yourself to be more visible and seen in the world?
Tarot: Sun Reversed, Justice, Emperor, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups Reversed
Perhaps you are currently in an unfulfilling situation or relationship (platonic, romantic, business, etc.) that is making you question your self-worth and self-esteem. Despite your best efforts, you may feel as though you're not being given the recognition or treatment that you know you deserve. If so, you are being guided to protect and defend your standards; stand up for what you believe in and deserve, as karma is on your side. You are being encouraged to walk away from any unfulfilling situations or relationships in pursuit of better opportunities that align with you and empower you. You are being supported by the Universe to identify what it is that truly fulfills your soul, not what fuels your egotistical desires, and align yourself with what makes you happy.
2. Unicorn
I felt a similar energy for 1. Raccoon Skull so check it out if you felt called to it as well, and the following resonates with you:
Channeled song: Double Negative (Skeleton Milkshake) - Dominic Fike
Numbers: 2, 6, 8
The Starseed Oracle: Karmic Relationships Orion energy. Polarity. Soul growth. Conflict.
You are being called to use polarity and separation in relationships to promote growth and unity. Open your heart and mind to see things from a different perspective; avoid reacting from your own past woundings. Grow closer through conflict and use challenges as a means for self improvement.
What relationships are the most challenging? How can you see things from a different perspective? How are you being called to allow growth through the conflict?
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune Reversed, 10 of Cups, Hanged Man, 9 of Swords, Hierophant Reversed
You may have experienced a string of bad luck in the past that is currently causing you to resist necessary change, out of fear that it will only result in another failure. However, what you may not be aware of, or reluctant to truly believe, is that the fulfillment you seek in your relationships (romantic, platonic, career, etc.) is just around the corner and waiting for you to make the changes to align yourself with it. You are being guided to refresh your perspective and release yourself from your self-imposed limitations. Your fears and anxieties may be preventing you from taking the first steps, but the Universe supports you in your journey of rebelling against old belief systems and structures that have been imposed on you by others and your past self. This is a time to be unconventional.
3. Dragon
Channeled song: Sorry You're Not a Winner - Enter Shikari
Numbers: 1, 6, 7
The Starseed Oracle: Messenger Sirius energy. Bringing harmony and balance.
You are being called to bring harmony and balance in everyone by creating it in your own life. Your soul has dedicated lifetimes to the upliftment of this planet - you may be destined to become an Ascended Master. Hold the frequency of pure love, and help balance masculine & feminine energies within everyone. You may have an affinity for music, which you can infuse with healing vibrations and share with the world.
How are you being called to bring harmony to your life or the planet? How are you being called to honour the sacred masculine & feminine within you?
Tarot: Knight of Swords, Devil Reversed, 10 of Pentacles Reversed, Moon, Empress Reversed
The relief you seek from your current situation may require you to take powerful action using the information that you already know. Be quick to move forward, but remember to think things through and do not be hasty or cut corners. You are being guided to release yourself from your temptations to fill the void with material items and spend wisely to plan for a stable future. You may be spending recklessly and living beyond your means and/or accumulating wealth and possessions that inflate your ego, but do not serve your soul. There may be deeply rooted subconscious fears and illusions that are influencing how you live your life. Instead of trying to control external situations and people, the Universe is supporting you in your journey to connect with yourself to truly know what you need to take care of yourself and others.
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hamsahoney777 · 7 months
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Today's Butterfly Affirmation 🦋 💕
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enchant33 · 1 year
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What affirmations do you need to say today?
NOTE: Each duck in every pile has a few affirmations from the universe that are very important for you to say today, so meditate for a while and intuitively choose one of these piles.
Piles order
1- Mug Duck
2- Duck in grassy field.
3- Duck that stares from afar.
4- Duck with a freshly lip filler surgery done, that stares into your soul while holding a bag of crunchy potatoes.
The cards that are used : Gaia Oracle.
Pile 1
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I release myself from all negative attachment.
I help others the most by not allowing myself or them be co-dependent .
Life constantly transforms, but in essence nothing changes.
Pile 2
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I give thanks for the changing seasons.
In solitude I grow stronger and wiser.
I am always on the right path.
Every ending marks a beggining.
Love and light fill my heart.
Pile 3
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I am free and guided.
I am free from all negative attachment.
I deserve to be happy.
I am safe and loved.
I am one with the goddess.
I express all I feel honestly and lovingly.
Pile 4
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I am the master of my own destiny.
All I truly desire, I create.
I have the power to create my reality.
My life is clear of obstacles.
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satanandsoul · 1 year
How is your future spouse doing at the moment?
This one is a nosy reading. This is for those of you who are wondering how your future spouse is doing right now. 🤭 You don't need to know your future spouse already.
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<<Pile 1>>
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Your cards: 7 0f Coins Rx, 9 of Swords, Justice
Your future spouse is going through some legal issues. It can be related with contracts or taxes. These issues are giving him or her a lot of anxiety and they may keep him or her up at night. They may even give him or her headaches. Things are not growing or developing because of these legal issues. In short, I feel a very stagnant energy from your future spouse.
<<Pile 2>>
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Your cards: Death, 6 of Wands, King of Coins
Your future spouse is going through a massive transformation at the moment. I can see that he or she is finally getting the recognition that he or she deserves. It is a very happy time for your future spouse. He or she finally felt seen for their hard work and merits. In the near future, he or she will further upgrade themselves into the King of Coins energy. He or she will have material success and authority over the things that they do. I will not be surprised that he or she will become a boss of his or her own company as well. Life is looking good for your future spouse.
<<Pile 3>>
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Your cards: 10 of Coins Rx, 9 of Coins Rx, 9 of Cups Rx
Oh no... This pile... 😰 Your future spouse is not going good at the moment. His or her sense of long term success has just been crushed. It can be related to business or family. This blow also negatively affects his or her own self esteem. He or she feels useless at the moment. He or she does not feel accomplished, and in fact, he or she is not accomplished in this physical world either. I hope your future spouse will get out of this slump in the near future. 🤞🏻🤞🏻
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motherwytch · 21 days
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Morning Coffee Affirmation
What I am seeking is seeking me.
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tarot-and-stuff · 4 months
Pick A Card Reading - The Rest Of January 2024
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Pick based on number or animal or however you want to. Pile 1 is Cat, Pile 2 is Bear, Pile 3 is Bunny, and Pile 4 is Dog.
There is also a video uploaded on youtube for this reading - support on there is supported.
Readings are under the read more.
Pile 1/Cat
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This was a bit of a confusing pile, since it seemed like there were multiple messages in it that didn't seem to go together.
The first tarot card for this pile was the Knight of Pentacles. This card is often associated with slow progress. A lot of focusing on details with this card.
The second tarot card for this pile was the Page of Pentacles. This card is associated with learning new skills, likely something that you can use to earn money/further your career in some way with this card being a Pentacle.
The third tarot card for this pile was The Emperor. This card is often associated with taking charge and being a leader. I feel like this is what you're working towards and/or trying to behave like.
The kipper cards for this pile were House and Thoughts. This suggests some thoughts about the house occurring for you. This can be thinking about some changes to the home or the dynamic in the home.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Heart and Child. This can be associated with a first love/past sweetheart. I also feel like this can be connected to caring for a child (likely yours if you have one) - with that aspect, I think that some of the thoughts related to the house may be connected to changes associated with the child's growth/desire for more independence.
The affirmation card for this pile was I Am At Ease And Happy When I Am On My Own. Basically, about not relying on others for your happiness.
The love oracle card for this pile was 32. Undeniable Evidence. This is associated with some kind of physical evidence of a relationship (like how rings are associated with engagement and marriage). This does suggest that a relationship (if you are in one) may get a bit more serious, as someone gives some kind of token to show commitment to the connection.
The oracle cards for this pile were Choosing Your Path - All Is Possible and Horse - Care For Others And Let Them Be Free. I feel like the choosing your path is something that many of you have been in the process of doing with the tarot cards that had came out. I feel like the path many of you are choosing/have chosen/are being encouraged to choose is one that has you in more of a leadership role, whether that is even simply you being in more control of your life. The horse card I feel like relates to those of you that having a child/the changes involving a child dynamic since it's you trying to find a balance on showing your care but also not controlling them too much. Even for those of you without the child dynamic, it can be about examining your behavior in relationships if there is a tendency to wish to control/change others.
The runes for this pile were Hagalaz and The Rings. Hagalaz can be rather destructive and testing. This does suggest that you're going through some testing times. The Rings are associated with commitments and partnerships. I do like that rings with that Undeniable Evidence card for those of you that are in a serious relationship.
Pile 2/Bear
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The first tarot card for this pile was the 9 of Pentacles. This is associated with independence and having worked hard to get to where you are at.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 6 of Cups reversed. This card is often associated with the past. With it coming out reversed, it suggests that there may be a bit of living in the past or dwelling on the past quite a bit.
The third tarot card for this pile was the Ace of Cups. This suggests a new emotional opportunity or outlet is in store for you.
The kipper cards for this pile were Pathway and Child. I feel like this can be interpreted a few ways. The main one that I feel is that you are being encouraged to make a choice with an innocent, unbiased perspective. Another is that you are having to make a choice related to a child, whether it is related to a child that you have or if you are considering having children.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Garden and Book. This has to with secrecy and groups. This could be connected to a meeting of some sorts that you're keeping a secret. It could also represent a meeting/gathering/etc where you learn some kind of secret or information that you hadn't known prior.
The affirmation card for this pile was I Have The Courage To Be The Happiest Healthiest Version Of Myself. This is encouragement to focus on yourself and being your best self.
The love oracle card for this pile was 30. Futile Waiting. This card suggests that you may be holding onto someone who isn't sincere or going to return. Like you're taking a vow much more seriously than they are. That could be connected to that 6 of Cups reversed that came out in the tarot.
The oracle cards for this pile were Wondrous Universe - Walk In Beauty and Deer - Trust In The Support Of The Universe. Basically, I feel like both of these are encouraging you to trust that the universe has your back and you aren't taking everything on by yourself.
The runes for this pile were Othala and the Moon. Othala is connected to values and other things that you inherited from ancestors. I feel like this goes along with trusting that the universe has your back, as well as your ancestors. The Moon is associated with mystery, transitions, and feminine energy. Basically, you're experiencing changes and it can feel like there's more going on than you can see.
Pile 3/Bunny
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The first tarot card for this pile was Temperance. This is connected to patience and remaining calm. Basically, I feel like you're trying to remain level-headed despite the challenges that are getting thrown at you.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 9 of Wands. This is connected with standing your ground despite the challenges that are coming at you, many of which are often repetitive issues. These challenges can be rather tiring and are likely wearing you out.
The third tarot card for this pile was the King of Pentacles. This is someone who is very practical and good with the finances. This again suggests to me that you are trying to be practical with how you're handling situations.
The kipper cards for this pile were Main Female and Family Room. The main female card often represents you (or a significant female in your life, likely a family member in this case with the Family Room card). I feel like you're likely focusing on your family at this time, possibly taking on more responsibility for some reason as that King of Pentacles.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Fox and Mice. This can suggest some issues at work, involving deception or other issues. There can also be gaslighting or suspicions involved here.
The affirmation card for this pile was Whatever I Choose To Believe Comes True For Me.
The love oracle card for this pile was 2. Unrequited Love. This can involve unrequited love as it is usually thought of. It can also involve someone being oblivious to someone else's crush/feelings for them.
The oracle cards for this pile were Staying Focused - Hold The Course and Badger - Bring Your Life Into Balance. I feel like these are all things that you're working on doing and are being encouraged to keep doing.
The runes for this pile were Tiwaz and The Crossroads. Tiwaz is associated with leadership and authority. It is also connected with knowing your own strengths and a willingness to self-sacrifice. The Crossroads is associated with making changes and/or having choices to make.
Pile 4/Dog
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The first tarot card for this pile was the 8 of Pentacles. This is associated with working on things and getting them done. It can also be associated with working on mastering a skill.
The second tarot card for this pile was the 2 of Swords. This is associated with having to make a difficult choice. Sometimes this choice is difficult because you don't want to make it. I feel like this choice is connected to having to choose to pursue your dreams or stick with something that you've been working on for awhile.
The third tarot card for this pile was The Star. This is associated with hopes and healing.
The kipper cards for this pile were Unexpected Income and Lovers. This does kinda give me sugar daddy vibes. It could also be like a relationship comes in unexpectedly. Possibly learning that a partner has more money/financial security than they previously let on.
The lenormand cards for this pile were Key and Whip. Together these cards can suggest an angry/aggressive response. I also feel like it could also be an aggressive realization/secret coming out.
The affirmation card for this pile was Every Experience In My Life Helps Me To Grow. Basically, trying to look at even the unpleasant situations as a stepping stone that helped you grow, whether it was simply learning that you didn't want to be in that type of situation again.
The love oracle card for this pile was 43. Object Of Ridicule. This card is associated with someone coming at you with the intent to mock you or trying to make a fool out of you. I feel like you don't let it get to you too much and are able to see how it simply makes that person out to be a creep for having those intentions.
The oracle cards for this pile were Overcoming Obstacles - You Can Overcome Anything and Cow - Give With Unconditional Love And Grace. Basically, you're more capable than you may realize and not blocking yourself off from giving/showing love.
The runes for this pile were Kenaz and the Woman. Kenaz is connected to passion, creativity, and revelations. The Woman is associated with feminine energy, possibly literally representing a woman. It can also be associated with a healing and nurturing energy, like The Empress.
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chocoqtelle · 2 years
Soulmate Reading ☕
Pile one Pile two
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Pile three Pile four
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Pile One
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your soul mate is someone who seems like a reward or a possible manifestation. they could possibly be a divine masculine or have heavy masculine energy ( remember that doesn't determine their gender) or have heavy duality of femininity and masculinity. this person seems soft but protective. like they'll treat you gently but might not be as gentle with other people. this doesn't mean theyre mean to other ppl ofc. you've gone through quite a bit and this person will treat you better than how others have treated you before. they'll seem like a new fresh beginning for you and will bring gifts and fortune into your life. they might have issues with mood swings and mental health as well as possessiveness. this person could have borderline personality disorder or possible bipolar but take what resonates. they will always make you feel cared for and appreciated which is something you probably don't feel much of now 😭 but you deserve it. you could be a very stubborn person or have low self esteem but remember that this was brought for a reason. it will get better and you do deserve this connection. this is good karma for you. the best advice is to accept this gift without being too skeptical about it like you most likely are most of the time. don't push this person away to feel safe. if you aren't ready then take your time but you have to open up your emotions and self to love at some point.
Pile Two
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your soulmate is a bit immature 💀 a lot of your friends probably won't like them at first. they present themselves as immature and childish to people and as a person with a carefree energy. in reality, they really just had a bad past and possibly bad childhood too and use immaturity to distance from their feelings and anything serious. they do wanna let go of their past but they haven't confronted it 😞 they might have a lot to work on before getting in a new relationship. could be a former "player 🤪" who's now regretful of their actions. picking up mommy issues 🤕 they aren't used to receiving gentle love and care which is probably your main form of showing affection. they never received much love when they were younger and now they don't know how to accept it from others. they also don't know how to accept their own feelings because they were dismissed so many times and constantly invalidated. the advice for you is that if you have a bad past with this person then let it go. you might have to be generous and take your time with them. even though they don't like gentle love they have to learn how to heal and be comfortable with it so it's best to slowly ease them into it. im channeling the imagine of a traumatized dog who's still learning to not be afraid. they might still need help with coping and emotions. don't feel like you have to do anything though. you don't have to people-please and worship this person. they need a lot of care but you dont have to be the one to supply that either. you could always get them into therapy or counseling if it's too much. don't overwork yourself like you always do.
Pile Three
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your soulmate is kinda like the perfect partner. this is a dreamy romantic person with a big heart. they're like one of those manhwa boys (regardless of gender) with the charming behaviors and pretty smiles. they're very committed and romantic. they like cuddles, cafes, and soft casual dates. im channeling moment by vierre cloud/ new kind of love by fro fro (they're the same song anyway 😞) . your person is giving very much simp energy. they might tend to stay alone or prefer being alone than to being around others. they seem very soft and introverted but attractive and mysterious at the same time. they wanna make sure you feel safe and comforted. they're really good with emotions and care (the ace of cups fell out right after I typed that so there's your conformation ig 💀) . they're caring about your mental health and trauma. they are trustworthy for you to open up to and won't judge you for what you went through before. this person could have a lot of options but they're still specifically focused on you. one of your fears is of abandonment and this is a confirmation that you won't be left behind. they're a hard worker especially financially but struggle with over thinking things too much. they can read people well which can come off as intimidating. sometimes they neglect their own feelings and can be scared to commit even though they want to. your advice is to remember they aren't actually perfect and you can't rely on them for everything. they're still a real person with feelings. remember to take care of yourself instead of just having them take care of you and if you're worrying about "will things actually get better? " then they will.
Pile Four
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i channeled the Lana del ray version of the other woman the moment I started this reading. also picking up on dealer? ykw 🙄 get over your ex/ ex crush first of all. they sucked fr 💀 what is there to like??? they aren't your soulmate and you gotta let them go. they were immature and possessive and possibly abusive. you have another person as your soulmate and they're much better. heal yourself and learn to be independent first before dating. you might already know your soulmate. they're the perfect match for you. when you start talking with them you'll realize they just get you like that one episode from girl from nowhere with the anonymous chat and the lesbian teachers (I love them 😭). this person is all you've ever dreamed of and possibly how you imagined your ex/ex crush would be even though they weren't. you're keeping yourself back from isolating from people and avoiding catching feelings on anyone. they like to think and reflect a lot. like one of those people who psychoanalyzes themselves 24/7 to better understand themselves. because of that, they might be feeling insecure or inadequate. they place high standards on themselves and get upset when they don't reach them. my advice for you is that you don't have to be completely innocent or completely oversexualize yourself to be valid. you can find a balance yk. nobody has to fit in just one category and you really weren't meant to.
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dreamytine · 4 months
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The act of putting courage above fear can manifest in various aspects of life, from everyday decisions to extraordinary circumstances. It could be as simple as speaking in a public setting, trying a new activity, or as monumentous as standing up for one’s beliefs in the face of adversity. When people prioritize courage, they are essentially deciding to not let fear control their lives or dictate their actions., which can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic existence. Putting courage over fear is an empowering principle that involves acknowledging fear yet choosing to act despite it. The concept is not about the absence of fear, but rather the ability to overcome it through mental fortitude, strength and resolve. Courage is not a static trait, but a muscle that can be strengthened over time with practice and experience. The cycle of facing fears and taking action builds resilience, confidence and self esteem, contributing to personal growth and the ability to handle future, perhaps more daunting, challenges. Courage can be seen as a balanced approach to fear- one that assesses but does not surrender to it. It involves thoughtful consideration of the situation, understanding possible challenges, then making a reflective decision. Be careful not to recklessly disregard all risks. This transformative approach can lead to achieving a profound sense of accomplishment and empowerment. It is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to transcend limitations and peruse a life of meaning and purpose. Courage involves recognizing your fears and choosing to move through it regardless of the discomfort. It’s the determination to act in alignment with your values and your goals, even when faced with danger and uncertainty. It is a critical quality that enables one to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and grow beyond perceived limitations. It is the quality that supports standing up for what is right, attempting new endeavors, and persisting in the face of adversity.
“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a choice.” -Winston S. Churchill
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mothicbeauty · 6 months
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earthboundtimelord · 9 months
I know this is coming out of literally nowhere but I lost my job recently and don't have any income so I am going to be opening up some readings.
Currently doing dice divination at $5 per 5 questions ( yes/no )
Comfort Entity / Deity bundle $25 ( includes 20-40 song channeled spotify playlist, an affirmation card chosen by your entity / deity of choice, a prism oracle card chosen by your entity / deity of choice, and a moodboard with a channeled message from your entity / deity of choice ) [ because of the amount of things incorporated in the bundle do not expect it all to be done in the same day ]
I will do these for pop culture entities as well.
Note: Do not ask me to do anything for closed practices.
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hermitsmirror · 8 months
🧜 PICK 🌊 A 🐚 CARD 🧜
Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Imagine yourself stepping into warm, calm salt waters and slowly sinking beneath the waves. You can breathe under there—how magical! And as you look around, you see a surprisingly colorful world. There seems to be music and the song of sirens. Once you feel their vibrations, pick a card from the Seaborn Kipper by Siolo Thompson and me.
What will you pick? Left? Center? Right?
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If you need more time, take your time to explore the world of fish and coral, seaweed and sea witches. Swim and float and flip around. Become one with the waves and find their flow. Ride the currents and explore that inner mystical sea until you come to a still point where you can rest and relax.
How does that feel? I hope it was fun and that you were able to settle into our waters.
Now pick a card (if you want) and read its message in the reveal.
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Let me know how it resonates, and share the post with those who might benefit from a little Seaborn wisdom.
And if you need more in-depth and personalized guidance, schedule a reading.
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atravesty · 5 months
Offerings & Paid Services
I'm here to collect metaphysical resources and insight within a spiritually-aligned community, and to share my birth-right burdens gifts with whomever finds them helpful.
Free Tarot/Oracle/Rune Readings
Pick a Pile Readings
Paid Divination Services
⇉ Rules: Please feel free to send me a DM with any questions regarding these terms, or my services, as I'm happy to offer clarification about anything you're not certain about.
No legal, medical (including pregnancy or illness), financial advice, or questions regarding death.
No questions involving unconsenting parties, or questions that breach boundaries of privacy (celebrities, your partner's ex, etc.).
No questions regarding physical appearances or very specific time estimates.
No confirmation readings for a prior reading you've recently received.
Please confirm with me prior to sending payments for custom questions or anything that isn't specified here; NO refunds after payments have been sent.
Please be respectful :)
⇉ Steps to Follow:
Please send me an email at [[email protected]] *OR* an Ask here with the following information: - What service you'd like and the question(s) you have - Your name/initials and the name/initials of anyone you're inquiring about - Any other relevant information you'd like to share
Please include a screenshot of your proof of payment sent to my PayPal in your email.
Please wait 24-48 hours for simple questions and 48-72 hours for more complex questions (I will answer all emails and Asks privately).
⇉ Feedback & Testimonials (WIP)
Tarot Testimonials
Currently accepting FREE readings in EXCHANGE FOR FEEDBACK for the following (No anonymous questions please, testimonials will be answered publicly):
Please be patient with me and allow 48-72 hours!
Simple YES/NO Tarot Reading (with brief explanation) 1-2 Card Spread/per Question
$3.00 CAD per Question
$5.00 CAD for 2 Questions
♥ Love Readings ♥ You can choose questions from below or a custom question (please confirm the question with me first prior to sending payment).
$10.00 CAD per Question
$15.00 CAD for 2 Questions
$20.00 CAD for 3 Questions
+ $3.00 for a rune or oracle draw in addition to tarot
- What's currently going on in my love life? - General guidance for love life? - What are their feeling towards me? - Does my crush like me back? - What are their thoughts towards me? - What's coming up next in my love life? - What is my future spouse's energy like?
☀ General Readings ☀ What's on your mind? Let's get you some answers.
2 Card Spread - $3.33 CAD per Question
3-5 Card Spread - $5.55 CAD per Question
6-8 Card Spread - $9.99 CAD per Question
10-12 Card Spread - $15.55 CAD per Question (more complex answers for more complex issues)
+ $3.00 for a rune or oracle draw in addition to tarot
Spirit Guide Messages Number of cards will depend on clarity of the message. Channeling guidance from the Universe that is specifically meant for you to align with your highest path forward. You can choose spreads from below or a custom spread for your question (please confirm the question with me first prior to sending payment).
Current Situation/Suggested Action/Possible Outcome - $5.55
Dream Theme/Dream Message/Dream Call to Action - $5.55
Past/Present/Future - $5.55
Current Situation/Past Influences/Future Influences/Suggested Action/Unwise Action/Possible Outcome - $7.77
Celtic Cross - $15.55
+ $3.00 for a rune or oracle draw in addition to tarot
This post is a work in progress!
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hamsahoney777 · 8 months
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Today's Butterfly Affirmation 🦋 💕
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hiddenhearthwitch · 9 months
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An affirmation card to start the week ✨
"True healing occurs when I give myself permission to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers."
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