#after it was done i wanted to eat all the crackers and he said no so i said id buy them from him and he said sure
ericshoney · 1 month
Return of the vlogs ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Based on the video titled "Return of the vlogs!" where you, their little sister, join in also.
Warnings: possible swearing, nicknames, fluff
You were spending time with your brothers in LA and today they had planned a Wednesday vlog. You weren't bothered about being in it as your brothers had filmed with you before. They had filmed part of the vlog yesterday, where you went with Matt to the doctors.
"Good morning!" Chris cheered as you walked into the kitchen area. You saw Nick sat opposite Matt who was eating rice crackers.
"Morning." You called calmly.
"What would you like for breakfast?" He asked.
"Depends on what you got." You answered, a hint of sass in your tone.
"Teenage sass alert." Nick mumbled, you saw he was holding the camera.
"Barely a teenager." Matt mentioned.
"I'm fourteen, that's a teen!" You exclaimed, making him shake his head.
"Whatever." He grumbled.
You laughed and grabbed a rice cake too, nibbling on that as Chris rambled on about what he wanted to do.
"I'm down for anything really." You mentioned. You were just happy to be away from school and with your brothers.
After your short breakfast, you all headed to the car as Matt drove to the garage, mumbling about needing gas, whilst Chris was talking about getting a slurpie.
When you arrived, you followed Chris in, both of you rushing to the sulrpie machines, only to see they didn't have any.
"That sucks." You said, as Chris nodded in agreement.
"There's my favourite teenage boy." You heard Nick call.
"I'll kill you." Matt responded, making you giggle.
"Matt they don't have any slurpie!" Chris cried.
With that information, Matt turned around to leave, only to be stopped by Nick.
"I wanna get Skittle littles." Chris then said.
You shook your head, sharing a look with your other brothers, who were thinking the same thing. Did Chris really need more sweets? When he saw they didn't have any Skittles, he ended up getting two large banana taffies.
"You want anything, kid?" He asked.
"I'm good." You answered.
He nodded as they went to pay. You let them continue vlogging as you got back in the car, heading to the next destination, searching for a slurpie machine that works.
When you got there, you spotted the machines at the back and headed to them quickly, making your brothers laugh.
"Kid loves her slurpies as much as Chris." Nick said, focusing the camera on you.
When they caught up, they saw you were already filling your cup with your favourite flavour. Chris went and pressed the lemonade one, jumping as the drink came out and he didn't have a cup. You laughed and got close to the camera.
"We found slurpies!" You exclaimed, making the guys laugh, but Nick also shh you as you were in public.
"Do you really need sugar, sweetheart?" Nick asked.
"Does Chris? Not really, but it's good." You answered with a shrug.
He shook his head as he went to find what Chris wanted. Once you were all done in the store you paid and left. You sat in the back with Nick, as Matt explained to the camera that he bought scratch tickets and how the lady thought he looked thirteen, which made you laugh.
"I like vlogging with you guys. It's so random." You said.
"We like vlogging with you too, petal." Matt replied.
"But the challenge videos are more fun." You added.
"We'll keep that in mind." Nick said.
You smiled as Matt drove to Madison's place, as you were going to hang out with her now. You knew the rest of the day would be fun and relaxed.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann
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0asisbliss · 6 months
Taking care of the JJK men
A/N: Hii guys!! It’s been a little while. I’m hope you’re all doing okay, and I hope you enjoy. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.💞🤍
Characters included: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Yuuji, Higuruma.
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Gojo alone was the strongest sorcerer alive. But at the end of the day he was still a man. Not some touchless, and indestructible god. He’s come home hurt before. He’s even come home injured in some cases.
This time you could tell it hurt him. A lot. He opened the door to your shared home with his key. He walked in and started to limp towards the staircase. You heard the door open and assume it was him. When you turned around from the stove you saw Satoru limping and cuts and bruises flush blue and purple on his pretty skin.
You gasped lightly and towards him.
“Satoru what the hell-? What the hell happened.”
“Nothing-. I-I just wanna lay down and sleep-..”
He reached for the bars that lead to the staircase, but failed and you catch him. You throw his arm around you soldiers, and lead him to your shared bedroom.
You get a damp rag, and clean his bruises. He winced at the as you gently caressed, and wiped some of the dried blood of his face.
It made your heart ache the way he looked. He almost looked like a wet puppy in a since. You tried to get as much blood as you could off, but it was clear he had them all over since his clothes were torn also.
You grab and hold onto him again and lead him into the bathroom where you run a hot bath for him. You make sure to add a couple bubbles too. He likes the bubbles. Especially when you two were in there together. When he finally sat down he took a very much needed deep inhale. He looked up at you soaking up a washcloth and you stared to throughly wash his body off and slowly rub the sensitive cut skin areas. When doing this it helped get some of the blood off, and also get him clean.
You washed his back, his neck, and you made sure to get behind his ears. You just wanted to make sure he was clean.
After you helped him on his nightclothes and sat him up right in bed.
“Okay Toru.. are you hungry? I mean, I uh made dinner, and plus you haven’t said a wit since you got here all bloodied up and bruised.”
“I love you.” He said as he smiled at you.
Geto was full of himself you thought at you made him soup. He thought he couldn’t get sick because how he is. He was a literal idiot. That’s what you thought anyways. You made his favorite tomato soup. You made sure it wasn’t too hot, or really warm. He doesn’t like his soup cold, or too warm. Just good amount of hot.
You bring it to him in a little stand. You gave him a stack of crackers too.
“If you eat this I’ll get you some ice cream.”
You tried to get him to eat it because he thinks he’s so right that he’s not sick. (He’s been throwing up and shitting bricks all day.)
“No m’not sick just lemme alonee!”
He’s just simply acting like a child because he can’t get his way, and you won’t let him eat anything else than soup. Everything else hits goes right through after he digests it. It absolutely murder on his stomach.
“Suguru? Please ..”
“Fine. I won’t like it though.” He said frowning as he scooped up some of the soup in a spoon.
When he ate it his frown changed from a frown to a slight smile.
“At least he likes it.” You thought to yourself.
After he gets done eating he immediately tries to go to sleep, but you stop him. You sit him back up, and put a cooling pad on his head, and give him a quick kiss in on his cheek. You then notice that he didn’t eat his crackers.
You get one of the crackers and hold it in front of his mouth. He looks at the cracker than back at you. He takes the cracker in his mouth and eats it. He start to pick up the crackers on by one and feed the to him.
Once you get done feeding him all the crackers you give him on last kiss on the forehead and get up to leave.
“Heyyy don’t s’don’t leave mee!” He says in a childish like tone.
You think it might be his fever. You get in bed with yo and spoon him until he falls asleep.
Nanami started to let himself go just a bit. He was slowly growing a beard, and not top if that his hair was always everywhere. You decided that you finally needed to do something about it.
Nanami got home a little later than usual and he looked terrible. Bags under his eyes, terrible acne, you decided it was due to him not washing his face properly. He his eyes also looked crusty. All in all he looked stressed, tired, and sickly.
“Kento? Are you uhm okay?”
“Fine.” He answered in low grumble making his way to the couch.
You walked over to him and sat down beside him on the couch.
“Nanami are you really okay? Cmon let’s take a shower together yeah?”
“I don’t really feel like-.””
You dragged him off the sofa before he could finish his sentence. You helped undress, and held his hand as you two got in the shower. You took his body wash, and lathered up his wash cloth. You caressed his back with the towel, and washed him throughly.
Yes Nanami could do it himself he just didn’t have the energy.
After you two got out the shower you could tell Nanami felt a little bit better about himself seeing how he reacted to seeing his clean, and shinning body in the mirror.
Nanami started to make his way towards your shared bedroom to get his night clothes on before you stopped him.
“Let’s do something different tonight yeah?”
You took your self care products, and started lining the up on the counter.
Your face oils, lotions, body creams, lip masks, etc. They were all going to be used tonight, but not for you. For Nanami.
You started with the face masks. You took the mask carefully out the packet. You placed the mask on his face. He looked relaxed.
After applying all of the stuff to his face Nanami looked a looot better.
Yuuji has had his moments where he has came to you pretty bad looking. But you knew despite he cute looks he could beat ass. But still it didn’t make you worry, and take care of him any less. You were sitting at home doing nothing but slacking off all day due to your weekends off work.
You walked into the kitchen to grab a quick snack. The doorbell rang, and you went to answer it. You opened the door to face Itadori covered head to toe in blood. He was also black and blue. You ran up to him.
“Itadori? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” He gave you that big bright smile you loved so much.
You lead into your bedroom, and sat him down on your bed. You grabbed band-aids.
You had to patch him up quickly it’s like he was bleeding more and more. Itadori didn’t seem like he was in pain, but with these amount of cuts and bruises he had to be in some type of pain right?
“Idiot. I know you did something stupid.”
He just laughed at you catered to his wounds.
He was sweet. He always had his twos in a bag. He never asked you for big favor or anything like that. But he really needed to take better care of himself.
Bags under his eyes 24/7 at first you thought that was just how he looked, but no. Higuruma came in late as usual from work.
He unlocked the door, and entered your shared home with a nonchalant look on his face. You were almost don’t with dinner when he came in. Higuruma went straight you shared bedroom to undress. You followed him curious of what he was doing.
“Higuruma? Whatcha doin?”
“Taking my clothes off?” You were rather clingy when it came to him. It was rare that he spent the night his work often kept him busy 24/7.
Higuruma never ate much and you decided it was time for him to get a full meal. A good one at that. He was always eating something quick.
You can’t remember the last time you had a nice dinner with him, or seen him eat a home cooked meal. He was about to get in the shower before you pulled him downstairs in the kitchen. You sat him down at the table in which he just let you do it.
It took a couple of minutes for the food to get done but eventually everything was cooked. You had his plate full. His eyes lit up when he saw all the this that were on the table.
You took the opportunity to start conversation in which he returned. For the first time in forever Higuruma had slight smile on his face.
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stanathanxoox · 6 months
Our Babies
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“Our babies would be so cute.”
“Oh, yeah?” - Ominis Gaunt x MC
You had just escaped from the hospital wing, your boyfriend helping to escort you there when you had began to feel incredibly nauseous and dizzy during potions class with Professor Sharp. Matron Blainely had insisted that you spent the rest of the day in the hospital wing until whatever ails you passed, having sent Ominis back to class straight after he was sure you were settled. Matron Blainely had run some tests throughout the afternoon and come to only one conclusion, one that you should’ve probably suspected given your most recent turn in your relationship with your boyfriend. You made your way through the door into the room of requirement, having sent Ominis an owl when you were being released from the hospital wing for him to meet you there. You settled on the couch having noticed that he hadn’t arrived yet. Deek appeared a couple minutes later and bowed in front of you saying
“I have a plate full of plain crackers and some soup at Matron Blainely’s request for you Miss Y/N, she said that given your certain situation at the moment you may not feel like eating what is being served for dinner in the Great hall”. You take it gratefully, and chew slowly on the crackers
“Thank you Deek, I appreciate it greatly. Do you mind giving me and Ominis some space while I tell him?” you ask and Deek nods, taking your hand in his small one before he says
“Mr Gaunt has been worried sick about you all day Miss Y/N, kept on calling me to see if I knew any more about your condition. I’m sure he will be positively thrilled to hear your news”. And with that theres a poof and Deek is gone.
You don’t have time to even think or dwell on what Deek had just said to you because the door cracks open and you hear the worried voice of your boyfriend call out
“Y/N? Are you in here? I got your owl and came as quickly as I could” he says as he rushes into the room. You stand and make your way over to him, suddenly very nervous about the whole situation. You had known right from the beginning of your friendship with Ominis that he didn’t care much for his family or for what they had done and how much he wanted to escape. How much after this last year of school he wanted to leave and never return to his families home ever again. You hadn’t really talked about children apart from that if you had them they weren’t to be anything like his family. But you couldn’t help but worry what would happen given that you were both unmarried and - you couldn’t think of that. Your hands are ringing together, a sign of how anxious and nervous you are, something that even though Ominis can’t see he can still pick up
“My sweet Y/N, what is wrong?” he asks, placing his hands gently on your arms to reassure you
“Our babies would be so cute” you say, blurting the first thing that comes to your mind, another anxious trait you had. He raises an eyebrow even more confused as he asks
“Oh yeah?” and you nod your head before gently taking his hands and placing them on the slight bump that is your growing baby. You watch the different expressions flicker across his face, from shock, astonishment and wonder, to happiness and excitement
“Are you serious right now?” he asks, his voice a whisper and you nod leaning in and whispering
“Yes Ominis, we’re having a baby, Blainely thinks I’m about 12 and a half weeks pregnant” 
“We’re having a baby” he whispers before pressing a kiss to your lips and you smile
“Ominis, what does this mean for us and the baby?” you ask and he places a kiss to your forehead
“We have two months left till graduation my sweet girl, and then we can marry and raise this baby  together” he declares as if it was the surest thing in the whole world.
“Are you sure?” you ask and he nods
“Of course I’m sure my sweet girl, a life without you in it just doesn’t seem worth living and now that I know we’re having our own precious little one well that’s even more reason for us to be together don’t you think sweet girl?” he asks and you nod, as tears slip down your face
“I love you Ominis” you whisper and he beams. 
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
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tlou-reid · 7 months
could you do an aaron hotchner x bau wife where she’s up all night throwing up and he just takes care of her
tw vomit and vomiting!!
do your daily clicks
"hun," aaron coos as he walks into the bathroom. his voice was groggy and deep, reflecting the fact that he'd just woken up. you were doing your best to be quiet, not wanting to wake him. you knew he spent a lot of time not being able to sleep, whether it be from working or the nightmares the job caused, so you tried to let him rest as much as possible when he was home. but, the nausea in your stomach that had lingered all day finally spilt over, sending you rushing to the bathroom a little after one in the morning.
"i'm sorry," is all you can mumble out from your position with your head practically in the toilet. aaron doesn't reply, choosing to slowly sit next to you, bringing one hand to hold your hair out of your face and the other to soothingly rub down your back instead. you're happy to have his presence, not liking being alone while you're vomiting.
you two sit like that for a few minutes. you can't really tell how long it takes for your stomach to settle, but you refuse to move your head away from the toilet, just in case.
"any better?" aaron asks, rising from his spot on the bathroom floor. "a little," you mumble. you were being honest, getting some of it out helped settle the nausea, but your body ached and your throat burned. "i'm sorry," aaron echoes your sentiment from earlier as he hands you a clean wash rag. you wipe off your face as he lays another across the back of your neck. the chill makes you jump at first, but you quickly enjoy the feeling.
"want to brush your teeth?" he questions, helping you stand. you nod in response and he moves to grab your toothbrush. he sets it up for you, with a small bead of toothpaste and runs extra water over it. once he hands it to you, he brings his hand to rest comfortingly on your shoulder.
"did you eat something bad?" he questions after you hand him the toothbrush back and go to rinse your mouth. you shrug, "my stomach was messed up all day, it might've been the jet." aaron nodded in understanding. no one on the team was especially prone to airsickness, but after gruesome cases, being sick from the movement was possible.
"well, lets go get some crackers," aaron instructs, reaching out for your hand. you don't have the energy to argue, to tell him no, i just want to go to bed, so you take it, and let him lead you to the kitchen.
he led you to a stool in the kitchen, helping you get on it and relax against the counter in front of you. once you were settled, aaron turned on the light over the stove and reached in the cabinet for the box of saltines you kept for when jack was sick. you were grateful he didn't turn on the big overhead light.
"we don't have any ginger ale," he informed, reaching for a bottle of water instead. he knew if it was cold, it would upset your stomach more. once the crackers and bottle were sat in front of you, aaron said, "eat slow, so it doesn't upset you more."
you nodded in reply, slowly bringing a cracker to your lips. you ate three or four, before sliding them across the counter, signaling to aaron that you were done. "did they help any?" aaron asked as he cleaned up.
"yeah, but i want to try and sleep." aaron nodded at your words, moving to help you off the stool and get you into bed. despite being unsure if there was vomit in your hair, he let you cuddle up to his side, making yourself comfortable.
"feel any better?" you nodded in reply, closing your eyes. aaron gently rubbed his hand along your side until you fell asleep.
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olinblogin · 8 months
Someone requested this but I lost the request so I hope they see this TAT
I also added Mihawk speaking Spanish in this- I’m using google translate so please correct me if I said anything wrong :3
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Shuffling through your papers, your hands shook and nearly made you drop all of them. It was the first time you’d ever been complicit in a Warlord meeting.
They usually didn’t let you into these kinds of meetings since you were just a lower rank, but still a bit higher than cadets. Only reason you were here is because Sengoku got sick with something and Garp is too busy trying not to choke on rice crackers to deliver this speech.
Sighing, you mumbled words of assurance tk yourself, “it’s fine, I got this. I got this.” you tried and tried, but it only seemed to make you more afraid and aware of you soon being in the presence of the seven deadliest pirates of the sea… well… apart from the four Yonkou’s, that is.
Twisting the knob to the room where they usually held these kinds of things. All seven warlords were sat around a table, some chattering about, some paying zero mind. The babbling consisted of Gecko Moria trying to threaten Bartholomew Kuma… and he wasn’t reacting, only sitting through his Bible he carried at all times.
Thankfully they didn’t seem to pay mind to you… besides two of them. By far some of the most intimidating of the two, Dracule Mihawk, and Crocodile.
Mihawk’s eyes bore into you as you walk past, golden eyes piercing into the back of your head as if he was skimming you with them. Choking back a shudder, you sped-walk towards Garp, who was, of course, eating rice crackers. You two whispered among each other; and thankfully, he had that relationship with you that calmed your severe anxiety. You saw him as a grandfather in a way… even if not blood related..
Letting out a little sigh, you positioned yourself in front of the table, clearing your throat and catching the attention of all seven of the pirates.
“I.. uhm-.. as you all likely know, there’s been a spike in pirate attacks and raiding in the east blue… we’ve tried stationing marine galleons in those areas but there seems to be some that are infiltrated and firing at marine ships that come in. As much as we’d like to limit violence as much as we possibly can and put an end to those pirates reins; we do need your help. We ask you to please, if possible, go into the East blue and search for their marine galleons that have been hijacked. We understand this is likely frustrating we’ve had to call on all of you do many times..-“
Your speech was cut off by Doflamingo, to which you fought back a sneer at his audacity.
“So you want us to go beat around some low-lives, that’s it? Fufufu… and might I ask what you of all people are delivering this speech for. I thought it was supposed to be Sengoku blabbering on. Not a pretty thing such as yourself… such a shame you ended up in the marines, though.” He scoffed. You couldn’t help but recognized the not-so-discreet glares from Mihawk and Crocodile sent his way… they were just oozing with Conquerer’s Haki.
“Please allow me to finish my speech, then we can talk afterwards…” you say meekly.
“But why? I’m just stating how it’s a waste of such a beauty as yourself getting pushed into the Marines like this. Why don’t you come back to my kingdom with me, I promise I’ll treat you right and make you feel bliss you’ve never f—“ with that, Garp had cut him off, “I’d like to ask you to please be quiet as Y/N said; save any questions for after they are done giving their speech.”
You gave a quiet ‘thanks’ to Garp, resuming your speech.
The meeting flew by faster than you thought… and you were thankful for that.
You skittered out of the room… after you have the speech Garp had promised to let you go around town for a bit… you slipped off your uniform and slid yourself into a black tank top and some cargo shorts.
Shuffling out of your room and out of the marine base, you wandered aimlessly around town; not having any goal in mind besides just looking around.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a voice behind you.
A smooth, soft voice may you add.
Spinning around you nearly stumbled and fell, catching yourself clumsily.
“My apologies for startling you, cosa bonita.” You recognized the man as Dracule Mihawk. His cold, golden eyes were unblinking, staring into your very soul… it was no wonder he was called ‘Hawk-Eye Mihawk’.
“Oh.. uhm. That’s fine.” You’d mutter.
There was an awkward silence.
“Well, uhm… it was nice talking to you..” you turned to leave, shuddering when you felt his cold, calloused hand grab your wrist. “Wait, cariño, por favor. I have a proposition… one I believe you might be interested in.” His words lingered in your mind.
A deal? What was he about to say…
“Don’t scare the poor thing. They’d be better off with me anyhow, considering how freaky your place is.”
This time, a rougher voice. In a gust of sand whirling around, you covered your eyes with your arm, shielding then from the whipping sand until it formed a person, Crocodile. You could see the curl of Mihawk’s nose; offended by Crocodile’s backhanded insult… you felt meek. You were practically sandwiched between these two warlords.
“I’ll have you know.. the gothic architecture of my home is authentic.” You could hear the sass in Mihawk’s voice…
“Wait..- Wait, What Are you two talking about..? Does this have to do with Mihawk’s.. uh.. proposition?”
“The proposition. Right. How forgetful of me, mi amado.” Mihawk said thoughtfully. “I would like you to come back with me.” Your eyes must’ve been wide as saucers… because Crocodile smirked, flicking ash from his cigar. “Seems there’s a bit of a competition. I was going to ask the same thing. You should come with me; I’d shower you with gifts of gold. You’d be the ruler alongside me.” Crocodile spoke sweetly, soothing and convincing, his hand slithering up your arm until he rested a hand on your hot cheeks.
“I don’t believe they would enjoy waking to the hot desert every day. Besides, that would be quite agitating, the sand in your eyes, si, Mi amada?” Mihawk spoke just as smoothly. “I would cook meals for you every night. We could unwind in my study and drink wine… I have the finest server to you.”
“Tch. That’s nothing.” Crocodile mused.
“That does sound lovely, really but..” you cleared your throat and stepped back. “but I’d prefer to stay here, I think. I don’t really want to leave here because I don’t really want to leave Garp behind-“
“That slag will be fine on his own.” Crocodile interrupts, biting down on the cigar in his mouth.
“I know he’ll be fine.. I mean- yeah, he’s more than capable of taking care of himself. It’s more of an emotional attachment than anything.” The two let out a quiet ‘ah’ as they listened intently, softening their posture when you’d back away. After a moment of awkward silence you scooter away, “it was a pleasure meeting you, goodbye.” Before you scurry along the streets, getting lost in the crowd of people who battered the merchant stalls and haggled.
The stress collapsed when you could smell the familiar scent of spices. Even if the streets were as crowded as they were, you still felt a sense of comfort knowing there were people around.
A horrible fear of being alone, you had.
Through the winding crowd you finally made it to your safe space among the cliff side overlooking the vast ocean, a particularly beautiful glint among the oceans currents that the sun beamed down on.
Taking out your rice cakes you packed for your lunch-break you chowed down like a starving dog.
“It seems they don’t give you proper portions of food in the marines,” you nearly squealed out of fear and choked on your rice cake, whipping around to see Mihawk looming over you.
“N-no.. they feed us proper portions—.. ᴵ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏ..” you spoke after swallowing a large portion of the rice cake that went down quite painfully.
“Is that so. Hm. If that were the case would you not be in the mess hall, and eating the food they provide, cariño?” He questioned smoothly, standing by you, keeping eye contact with you.
It made a flush creep up your neck.
“I get really anxious when being around people—“
“But you seemed to feel quite comfortable in that crowd not much earlier,”
You pursed your lips shut, unsure what to say. When the words finally came to you, they came out much meeker than you’d wished; “I guess I’m just really anxious at work..?”
Mihawk’s eyes narrowed, royal golden eyes pierced yours. “I see.” He said simply.
You both say in a somewhat comfortable silence as you—as quietly as you could—finished your lunch. “Where’s uhm..- Crocodile?” You asked, cleaning up your area a bit. “I’m not sure where that oaf has gone. There’s no need to worry for someone as he is, Querida.” Mihawk would hum quietly.
Just as if on cue, it was like Crocodile materialized behind you two. “Don’t taint the dear’s mind, you enigmatic man. We both know they need someone with real emotion.” You had no clue what to say after it clicked in your head.
Were they truly fighting for your affection?
A few comments—mainly from Crocodile—were passed, until both turned to you.
“Well, who will you choose?”
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cultofdixon · 8 months
Small but mighty
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • It’s adorable watching this short and mighty woman take on 6’ foot men that mess with her. It’s a little less adorable when the archer is being carried on her shoulders • ANSGT/SFW • TW: Injuries
Requested by: Anon
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After the war, a lot needed to be done to bring every community back to its former glory without the wrath of Negan coming down on them.
Alexandria had more structural rebuilding needing to be done so that was the priority.
“Ready to pull?”
“Like you need my help, sunshine” Daryl scoffs playfully, ignoring the smirk on Y/N’s face as they were helping a few bring up the new wall.
Once they were in a position holding the wall up and letting those taking care of wielding get the job done. Eugene walked over in hopes to find Rick helping out so he could ask him something but he noticed Y/N holding onto the rope with Daryl behind her as his mind instantly went to—
“Yea sure she’s strong enough to help steady the wall in place for a while?” Eugene’s voice directed toward the archer as he gave him a you’re kidding? look before letting go of the rope. “Wait!—-…wait”
Y/N noticed the rope drop from behind her as she gave Daryl a confused look before fixing her stance to have her more cemented. Daryl crossed his arms giving Eugene an annoyed look.
“She can handle herself. Just didn’t want her to strain so much”
“If she holds this ability, mind if she helps me with somethin’ later?”
“As long as it’s before nightfall or imma have to—-“
“I’m not property Daryl, but yeah I’m not working on shit past nightfall” Y/N interrupted as Eugene respected such before getting one last word in to inform him when she’s done.
After helping with the wall it was onto carrying the tech scraps that Eugene collected that were being unused at the Sanctuary in hopes he could make something useful out of it for all of them. Daryl even helped to make the job faster so he could spend some alone time with his partner.
“You can make a radio with these parts. Have stations at each community but you’re definitely missing a few things that could connect them all” Y/N went on while rummaging through the scraps as Eugene took inventory of everything useful.
“We can also improve the solar system we have here in Alexandria by having a sole source. Then bring one to the Hilltop”
“That’s a lot of heavy lifting you’re going to have to do”
“Thank the higher power we got you” Eugene smiles at her before returning to his work. Y/N laughs to herself with an eye roll to his words.
Daryl watches the two work from the door way which gave his position. Leading for Michonne to quickly get his attention for help in regard to watching Judith for the night. He could never say no to the small grimes even if he wanted a peaceful night with his partner.
“Of course it’s okay! How could you say no to this face?” Y/N smiles in the comforts of their basement living holding Judith in her arms.
“She’s gonna want those crackers you stash away for later”
“Don’t bring those up!” She laughs which lead Judith to start laughing. “She can have some but after I try and get her to eat whatever a-n-i-m-a-l you caught”
“She loves r-a-b-b-i-t. And Carol sent over some veggies that have started growin’ since the war ended about a month ago. Jude loves that stew yea make”
“Everybody does or at least I hope” Y/N smiles bringing Judith on her shoulders as she instantly reached for Daryl who closed the distance to let Judith grab at him.
A bit of domesticity was nice after a long day and while Judith currently lays passed out in Daryl and Y/N’s bed. The two were enjoying the other’s company in the mini living room not far from the bedroom, the door being open just in case Jude needed either of them.
“Michonne said they’d be back in the mornin’ to grab her. Then we’ll head to the Kingdom”
“M’kay…guess this is our bed for the night” Y/N laughs softly laying against his chest on the couch feeling his hand gently go up and down her arm.
The two fell asleep fast and woke rather early, the usual habit of feeling unsteady after sleeping. Y/N lifted herself up and off Daryl even with his short lived protests on the matter. She went to check on Judith only to be met with a note that Rick came through during the night to pick her up.
“Guess we have an early start with no baby” Y/N smiles kissing Daryl’s forehead on her way to their small kitchenette. “There’s leftover stew from last night if you’re hungry. But I’m gonna pack my bag for the trip to the kingdom”
“Just toss a couple clothes in my pack and then we’re good” Daryl pulled himself up and off the couch heading toward the fridge to grab the jar of jelly Ezekiel gave him. The archer went to open it only for a struggle that Y/N witnessed when she came back into the main room.
“You want—-“
“Nah fuck off” Daryl continued to struggle, turning away from Y/N��s gaze as she rolls her eyes setting her clothes on the couch before getting his pack.
The second she heard the jar hit the counter, Y/N knew that was her cue for her turn at opening it. Once she did, she left it on the counter for Daryl to approach it later to get a spoon full of what he wanted.
“Okay I did what you said but I also included my first aid. Not like we’ll need it but better safe than sorry” Y/N smiles slipping her jacket on and pulling her pony tail out. She relaxed when Daryl brought himself up behind her kissing the spot where her neck meets her shoulder.
“Let’s get going, sunshine” Daryl playfully pats her butt on the way out of their living quarters.
Then two always stop to hunt for a moment before completing the trip to the Kingdom, but the second the gates opened Carol couldn’t help the laugh to erupt from her watching her friend carry in two bucks on her back while Daryl brought his bike to a stop with only rabbits over his shoulder.
“How do you manage to carry those things from wherever the two of you hunted?”
“Don’t ask questions I’ve brought dinner” Y/N laughs walking past Carol to Jerry who helped her take the hunt to their kitchen to prep it. Leaving Daryl alone with his best friend.
“Why didn’t you carry them in? Why make your partner?”
“Funny you think I didn’t ask” Daryl scoffs. “Besides you know—-“
“She’d argue with you. I do know that” She smiles bringing him in for a hug before pulling away to lead to where they’ll be staying for the night. “You would think someone of her stature wouldn’t be able to carry things four times her weight. But look at her go. Freak of nature…respectfully” she clarified when Daryl gave her a glare to that comment.
“It’s adorable.” Daryl states opening the door for Carol. “Sometimes”
“She opened the jar for you again huh?” She smirks getting a groan out of the man. “Ha!”
“Shut the fuck up” He groans once more as he walked through the mess hall to head into the kitchen watching Y/N prepare one of the bucks. “Need a hand?”
A few hours went by and the two got a lot done in the Kingdom, all they had to do left for their agenda was to set up snares and a few trigger points in case herds passed through. Daryl took care of the trigger points while Y/N set up traps but neither of them accounted for old traps that were still placed just that the environment grown over them making it difficult to spot.
So when the sound of a bear trap went off followed by a thud, Y/N thought it was one and hers and retraced her steps. But the obvious scream coming from the archer, made it clear to Y/N it wasn’t one of hers.
“Fucking—-SON OF A BITCH” Daryl shouted staring at the bear trap latched to his left calf. “Stupid fucking shit didn’t warn—-“ Trying to blame someone else for your misstep isn’t going to make this not happen—after it already did.
The quick steps triggered Daryl to grab his crossbow and aim it, forgetting Y/N was out there with him.
“Woah!” Y/N held her hands up alerting her presences as Daryl drops his crossbow with a huff. “What the fuck did you do?!”
“Oh me?! Look at what yea—-“
“STOP YELLING” Y/N was last to shout as she quickly ran in a direction that Daryl had to make his head fall back to see what she was doing which was take out the walker coming toward them after their screaming match. But her sense of heat of the moment action, was to kick the walker down and stomp on its head instead of using her knife. Effective but the whole “you bit?” conversation—-
“You gotta stop doing that!”
“It didn’t bite me!”
“The one you fucking threw the other day almost did!”
“I didn’t have my gun or my knife. I had to think fast! Besides—-Can we just agree it was impressive of me to throw a body like it was nothing?!”
“Can yea PLEASE just help me??”
“Right!” Y/N drops her backpack by her side when she knelt down to Daryl’s leg. “Was it just…under a lot of shit? Maybe we need to start be gardeners and check how many are actually under this grass”
Daryl scoffs, wincing immediately when Y/N held his leg to straighten it a bit so she could get the shirt she pulled out around it to use it as a tourniquet.
“Not too tight! Ain’t losing—-“
“Shut up I know what I’m doing” Y/N ignored Daryl because she does indeed know what she’s doing and his anxiety will only stress her into doing something wrong.
After the tourniquet was on just enough to stop the bleeding but not to kill the foot, she took out her first aid kit taking out the gauze and wrap getting it ready for when she unclenched the trap. Daryl braced himself but when he watched his partner take out her journal, his mind went to its intended use before—-
“You want to scream a herd over? Bite down, Dar” Y/N held up the journal as he immediately took it in his mouth before gripping the earth when she didn’t even give him a countdown and quickly opened it. Y/N ignored the muffled scream as she felt her anxiety crawl up her shoulders but she focused on what’s in front of her.
Daryl spit out the journal once Y/N finished getting the gauze and wrap onto his wound. Taking a deep breath even when every part of him is screaming internally.
“Okay. I have to carry you”
“FUCK that. I ain’t about to be carried by yea”
“Well you can’t walk on the leg and you shouldn’t put more pressure on it. It needs stitches. This is only a temporary fix”
“I can walk” He scoffs trying to rise to his feet only to fall on his ass. Daryl groans a bit looking up at Y/N who rose to her feet when he tried to stand. The annoyance grew in her face. “FINE!”
Y/N didn’t even wait another second and grabbed Daryl’s arms before pulling him over her shoulders. Adjusting him enough for his weight to be evenly distributed on her shoulders before starting to walk back to the main gate of the Kingdom.
It didn’t take long for word to travel fast as Carol busted into the infirmary they have.
“The fuck happen to you?!”
“Bear trap” Y/N states sitting in the chair beside Daryl’s bed as he’s already been stitched up and now stuck in the bed until he can get back on his bike. Or someone from Alexandria travels with a car.
“Wow. Well you better stay in the fucking bed, Dixon” Carol sighs. “I’ll go get your room set up and I’ll help you move him later” she stated before leaving as Y/N turned to Daryl who’s annoyed look never left him.
“Not like I need the he—“
“Shut up”
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sturniololoco · 9 months
C. Sturniolo x fem reader
Requested: nope!
Warnings: sickness, vomit, etc. fluff 
I woke up this morning with an awful pain in my stomach and my head. I was also sweating like crazy, and was glad, for the first time ever, that Chris was on his side of the bed for once. I lean over and look at the clock on my nightstand.
3:27 am
Just as I decided I would try and get a little more rest before morning, my mouth went dry and a horrible pain shot through my stomach, coming up my through.
Not caring about waking Chris, I tore off the covers and sprinted to the bathroom, just in time to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet.
Suddenly, I feel my hair being pulled back out of my face and off my neck. 
Chris I assume. 
After about two more rounds of vomit, I leaned back into Chris sitting on the cold tile floor, shaking. 
Taking the hair tie he kept in his wrist just for me, he tied my hair into a loose bun in the back of my head, and then held me close.
Only then did I notice the tears streaming down my sweaty face.
“Shh, you’re ok mama, you’re ok. Good job getting all that up, do you feel any better?” He cooed in my ear.
I start to shake my head yes, but the sudden movement caused a sudden wave of nausea, and my head was back over the toilet bowl. Chris continued whispering praises and comforting words onto my ear.
“I-I think I’m d-done.” I said in a shaky tone. Throwing up has always been one of my biggest fears and I was terrified that I would do it again.
“Ok mama, why don’t we go get you back in bed-“ Chris started to say but I cut him off.
“N-No, I wanna lay on the floor.” I’m still sweating like crazy and I could never imagine getting back under those covers.
Chris gave me a confused look but agreed all the same. He gently picked me up and walked me back to our room, and laid me down on the cool floor. After he let me go, he started to walk for the door.
“Chris? Where are you going? Don’t leave me.” I whined, giving him grabby hands. 
He walked back over and kneeled in front of me.
“I’m just gunna run upstairs and get you some ginger ale and crackers to help your tummy, ok mama? I’ll be right back, I promise.” 
“Can I have cuddles when you get back?” I asked, my voice sounding strained from throwing up, but whiny from being sick.
“Of course ma, anything you want.” He gave me a quick kiss on the top of my head and made his way upstairs, leaving the door open. 
The cool flooring of Chris’s room was cooling me down and I was begging to stop sweating. I was actually starting to get a little cold and started to shiver.
Chris came back with ginger ale and crackers like he promised, but also brought a heating pad, some medicine, and a thermometer.
He then grabbed some pillows of his bed for me to lay on, plugged in the heating pad, and carefully adjusted it on my tummy.
“Ahh” Chris said with the thermometer in his hand, tapping my chin lightly with the other, motioning for me to open my mouth. I did so quietly and waited for the beep. 
Chris took the thermometer out of my mouth and looked down at it with wide eyes. 
“Damn, 103.2”
I groaned, knowing that this was NOT going to be going away soon. I gave Chris grabby hands again, wanting to be held, but instant he handed me two crackers and a little cup of ginger ale with a straw.
“If you can eat at least one of those crackers and have a sip of ginger ale, I’ll give you some cuddles.” He said, giving me a look because he knew I wanted to complain.
I gave him a pout but took a sip of ginger ale and slowly started nibbling at one of the saltine crackers in my hand.
“Good girl, ma” he told once I finished tue last of the cracker in my hand. I shoved the other one back in his hand not even wanting to think about eating another thing.
He chuckled and put the cracker back on the nightstand, then scooped me up into his lap, being careful not to mess up my heating pad. My eyes slowly started to close as I began to drift off, listening to Chris whispering sweet stuff into my ear.
About 30 minutes later I sprang up from Chris’s lap and, once again, sprinted to the bathroom, throwing up that cracker and single sip of ginger ale. The rest was all acid.
The tears were flowing again a Chris came in and fixed the hair tie holding up my bun. 
Once I was finally done, I collapsed back into Chris’s arms and sobbed,
“M-Make it stop…please make it s-stop” I begged gripping onto Chris’s arm with as much force as I could muster.
“I know mama, it’ll get better soon, you’re doing so good.”
He was right. Over the next week, we went to see a doctor, finding out that I had gotten food poisoning. However, Chris was with me every step of the way, always taking care of me.
“Thank you for taking care of me Chrissy. I love you.” I said as I snuggled into his chest before going to sleep one night.
“I love you too mama, I’ll always be there for you whenever you need me. I promise.”
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
pitiful little guy
for @steddielovemonth prompt ‘taking care of them when they’re sick’
rated t | 514 words | cw: flu and all its glorious symptoms (vomiting, fever, aches, etc) | tags: established relationship, sick fic, hurt/comfort, Eddie is a baby when he’s sick
The cold washcloth against the back of his neck was refreshing, but it was only a temporary relief from the raging fever and sweat and nausea he’d been fighting for more than 24 hours now.
Eddie was maybe dying, a delayed reaction to the bat bites or the general funk of the Upside Down. He’d never been this sick. If he had, he’d blocked out the memory.
Steve’s hand was rubbing his back slowly, not saying anything because the last time he’d tried to comfort him, Eddie snapped at him. Eddie didn’t deserve any of his care.
“You wanna try some water again?” Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head.
“Baby, you’re gonna get dehydrated. It’ll just make you feel worse.”
Yeah, obviously. But he’d just thrown up the four sips of water he’d taken a few minutes before and he wasn’t too thrilled at the idea of it happening again.
“Maybe I’ll pass out and sleep through it,” Eddie finally said.
“Don’t,” Eddie felt the saliva gathering in his mouth again. “Not again.”
But apparently his body still had something to expel.
When he was done, he felt lightheaded, a little dizzy, and the cool cloth on his neck was no longer refreshing.
“Bed?” He rasped.
“C’mon, love,” Steve wrapped an arm around his waist to help him up, managing most of his weight as they walked into the bedroom. “You can take more Tylenol now. But you have to try to drink some water with it.”
Eddie groaned.
“I know you don’t want to, but I’m not giving you a choice.”
Eddie pouted.
“That’s not gonna work on me and you know it.”
Eddie whined.
“That was pitiful.”
“I’m a pitiful little guy, what can I say?”
Steve snorted. “You can take the medicine and go back to sleep.”
And after the last 24 hours of being beyond miserable and making Steve deal with the worst of him, he figured he could suck it up and do one thing Steve asked of him. Maybe it would actually help this time.
Steve got a new cool cloth for his forehead as he settled in the bed after taking his medicine.
“You want me to put your hair up again?” Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head, but immediately regretted the head rush it brought.
“You want a massage?”
“Please don’t touch me,” Eddie sighed. “I want one, but everything hurts too much and I might throw up.”
“Mkay.” Steve sat on the edge of the bed, being careful not to touch him. “I love you, you pitiful guy.”
“Love you. Sorry I’m…like this,” Eddie’s eyes were closed, but he could tell Steve was smiling at him.
“It’s alright. Just know you’re doing all the laundry when you’re better.”
It took two more days for Eddie to be able to eat more than a cracker, and another day after that to meet Steve at the door when he got home from work and wrap him up on his arms.
“Thanks for taking care of me,” he said against his neck.
“Always will, baby.”
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yearning-for-autumn · 7 months
Trauma-Verse -- Part II
A/N - I really hurt my own feelings with this one. Cassian is so precious to me. If you have ever struggled with an eating disorder, especially bullemia or are sensitive to that sort of thing I would give this one a miss.
Summary - A young teenage Cassian struggles with eating after years of malnourishment. Az catches him in a vulnerable moment.
Warnings - Eating Disorders, Vomiting, Childhood trauma, angst.
Pairings - None
Word Count - 600
These days, Cassian had enough food to last him weeks. These days, Cassian could eat whatever he wanted from the pantry, and he knew it would be replaced the next day. These days, he was safe.
So why was it so hard for him to believe it?
There were rice cakes and crackers and hunks of bread in his wardrobe, just in case. He had pilfered sweets from Rhys’ room and hid them in his night stand drawer. All around his room, little hiding places for food were carefully kept secret. It was his food. No one else’s. If they couldn’t see it. They couldn’t take it.
For a growing boy, Cassian ate surprisingly little at dinner times. Rhys’ mother was as patient as ever. It’s not like he was the only one who struggled to sit at the High Lords table. He was a bastard born Illyrian. He could never belong there anyway. He picked at his food, pushing it around his plate with his fork, held awkwardly in his hands, more like a weapon than a delicate piece of silverware. He hated eating off of it. He hated eating in front of everyone, especially Rhys who ate off of his fork with all the poise of the Prince he was.
Later that night he would sneak down to the kitchen, where the leftovers were waiting in the fridge. Too much for one person, but he would eat it all. He would use his hands, much more fitting for someone like him.
The sheer amount of food was overwhelming, his stomach churned and rolled, but he kept eating, as if at any moment it would be snatched from his hands. It hurt. He felt light-headed, and dizzy, and only had a few seconds to make it to the sink before he threw it up.
“Cassian, what the fuck are you doing?” That was Azriel’s voice behind him. He was never asleep early. Cassian should have waited longer.
“I got hungry.” He said, as if the number of empty bowls on the kitchen counter didn’t give him away. Azriel sighed.
Newly un-bandaged hands came up to rub Cassian’s scalp. Cassian remembered when he had finally taken them off. How he and Rhys had gone pale at the sight of them. But they were Azriel’s hands. His brothers hands. They could never hurt him.
“Cassian, that was all the food for tomorrow.” He said, peering into the bowls, pushing the plates back from the edge. Azriel rarely showed how much he cared, but Cassian knew he did. When he heaved into the sink again, Azriel was by his side in an instant, rubbing just between his wings. Cassian couldn’t help the tears that fell, nor the embarrassing whimper he made when Azriel gathered him in his arms.
Azriel gave a withering sigh, but let Cassian sob onto his pyjama shirt anyway. He kept one hand on his back, the other reached over to turn the sink on, washing away the evidence of Cassian’s late night binge.
“You want to show me where you’ve hidden the rest?” Az asked. Cassian shook his head. By now the crackers and bread would be stale. But he needed them there. Just in case.
Just in case.
“Come sleep in my room, Cass.” Azriel said, already leading him up the stairs, one hand on his shoulder. Cassian brushed his teeth. Then got into Azriel’s bed, like they had done a hundred times before.
He didn’t worry about whether Az might have a nightmare. Whether he might wake up with the burning need to finish off the food downstairs. Because Azriel’s soft breathing was against his forehead, his scarred hands were gently rubbing his back. He was warm. He was comfortable.
He was safe.
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that-weird-mime · 1 month
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The rest of the Hatz! Who I guess become the Scruffzgang when they get older. Wanted to get these fellas out because .. queer platonic polyhats.. I need to draw them.
Anyways, like usual, HCS
Young Robert- Just.. the littlest guy.. can do no wrong (on his own). Probably the moral compass of the group as they get a little more mature. Would kill (or try to) for any of arsenal of siblings. Likes watching bad alien movies with his big brother. 90% of his outfits are hand-me-downs from Rad. He wears a lot of his old t-shirts to bed, including a My Chemical Romance shirt which had a lot of the logo scratched off. As a toddler, he ran around wearing this shirt before the logo was gone. Gave Roy his hat so they matched. Dyslexic along with ADHD (matching his big brother Rad!) so he struggles at school a lot. Ross helps him study. Sectoral heterochromia! His entire family has heterochromia because I said so.
Older Robert- He lost his young metabolism and is getting chubby. Sort've had that nerdy dad look. A killer pillow. Got into college for programming and 3D modeling. He liked bad alien movies. Now he's *making* the bad alien movies and he loves it. Treats Roxie and Ross to 'dates' all the time. Spoils them a lot, he can't help himself. Roxie likes late night walks (reminds her of the trouble they'd get into all the time!) and Ross likes movie nights. Is growing scruff on his upper lips! He hoped to get a full stache like his uncle, but it stopped growing around peach fuzz. More affectionate to Ross simply because Roxie doesn't like too much touching. The two snuggle a lot and are inseparable when they're both at home. Forgets to eat and drink water sometimes (got this from my bestie. Who also forgets to eat and drink sometimes. Have y'all hydrated today?) Young Ross- TRANS. His parents are very supportive. Jaune also helped dye his hair black and is teaching him emo eyeliner. (He also gets tips from Roy.) His mom is a bit *too lax* and he struggles a bit with responsibility and authority. Shows at his school work, and he avoids honors classes. He happily coasts with a B. Has some cat beanies, but he's too shy to wear them. The mediator of the group, dispels fights and keeps them together. Roy cheats off him a lot, with his permission. They've done it for so long, Roy has mastered the act of copying without making it obvious. Selectively mute. Older Ross- So much more confidence. Takes a lot after his dad. On his 21st birthday, Aaron got him his first (and currently only) tattoo. It's a long salamander and he loves it. Rarely wears long sleeves so long as the weather is fair. Got into art with Robert. However, he's using it to get into tattooing and contemporary art. Takes commissions! Looks tough and scary, but he keeps cheese cracker snacks in his fanny pack so whenever Robert accidentally forgets to eat, Ross can throw him a snack. Draws a lot for Roxie and Robert. Usually the dumb thoughts they have sometimes. His masterpiece was an alien hotdog doodle Roxie and Robert idea-collabed on that he wants to get tattooed on his shoulder.
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akaashislover1 · 6 months
Part 2 (Cop NanamiXwife reader
If you haven’t read part one here it is💕:
Tears streamed down your husband’s face as you held him close. His head was buried deep into the crook of your neck. Quiet sobs and tears toppled over your skin. You stared ahead with a blank expression. You felt like crying yet nothing came out.
It has been a month since the incident. A month since you’ve lost your baby girl. A month since your family crumbled.
“Come on, y/n. Y-you gotta eat something. I know today is going to be difficult but remember we’re in this together. I love you.” Nanami whispered on the top of your head, ending it with a little smooch. He had placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of you. Your brain instantly went to your daughter as you stared at the bowl. She always loved to crush crackers with her bare hands and sprinkle them into the soup. Every time she did that, she yelled that it was snowing.
Your eyes looked over to where she would normally sit. She loved sitting at the end of the table. It made her felt like she was royalty or something. She was always daddy’s little princess.
Nanami sat down in the chair across from you. He looked exhausted. His face also wore a blank expression. You could tell just by his eyes that he was ready to fall asleep. Ever since the incident he’s been working more and more. Working harder to find the scumbags that took your joy away. So far he’s had no luck. Mostly everyone that was there answered any questions they could. ‘Did you see anybody before the shootings that looked suspicious?’ Or ‘Did you happen to know or recognize any of the shooters?’
Nanami even got his partner to ask you to identify some recent criminals they caught in other shootings. He knew the toll that that took on you but he felt like it had to be done being as you were the only one that he knew of that saw them. Still, it didn’t make him feel any better when you teared up, shaking your head, none of the guys in the line up room matched what you remembered. It made Nanami sick to his stomach every time he would have to ask you questions about it. It would either end in an argument or both of you embracing each other covered in tears.
What Nanami hated the most though was almost every night you would wake up screaming. Nightmares and paralysis would haunt you. Images of your daughter’s dead body surged through your head every night. You would sometimes feel the tingles and chills as you remembered the feeling of blood on your skin or on your clothes. Nanami has long threw out the clothes all four of you wore that day. You wanted to keep your daughter’s shirt at least but the stained blood said otherwise.
Nanami cleared his throat and gripped your hand that was resting on the table.
“We have to be there in about two hours. Before the guests arrive too. Your mom called me and said her and your dad were going to stay for a couple days after.” Your eyes started to water and the hand that your husband didn’t have made its way to your mouth, trying to stop the whimpers. Before you could say anything, your baby boy started crying. He was lying in the portable crib you had in the living room. You had given him a bottle when Nanami woke you up. If you were being honest, Nanami and your son were the only things keeping you going right now.
You had the door to the bathroom open as you stepped into the shower. The lukewarm water began to drench your body. Your hair slowly fell into place when you looked down at your feet.
“You doing okay, my love?” Nanami’s voice startled you slightly.
“Y-Yeah I’m fine.” Before you could say or do anything else, you felt your husband’s cool hands on your waist. His lips pecked the top of your wet hair. When you turn around Nanami hovered over you. One of his hands stroked your hair out of your face. The water now covered both of you.
“I don’t understand how you take such cold showers.” He chuckled lightly. You gave a nervous smile. The thought of him thinking warm was cold amused you. Nanami reached behind you to turn the water temperature up. Nanami then reached for the shampoo, the scorching water temperature startled you. He squirted some on top of your head, the cool substance contrasted the hot water. His large hands began to message your head. The soap started to bubble as he lathered it all over your head. A light groan escaped your lips as your eyes closed. Nanami’s fingers scrubbed your scalp a little harder.
“I love you so so much y/n. I know with everything it’s been really hard but I am worried about you. You’re barely eating, you’re not getting enough sleep. You know, you could just stay home and I can handle the-”
“No. I-I want to go. I have to. I just. I just miss her so much.” Your eyes teared up. Your husband stroked his fingers through your soapy hair. Your arms instantly wrapped around him. It soothed you, the way he started to stroke the soap out of your hair. Right now was probably the first time in a while that you felt normal. You could hear Nanami’s heart beat against his bare chest. As much as you didn’t want this feeling to end, the both of you knew you had to get ready to leave.
Nanami got your son ready. He wore a little black tux that Nanami had bought for him before he was born so they could match. Your husband always joked about how thankful he is that your baby still fits it. Speaking of matching, Nanami wore a similar black suit but with a black dress shirt underneath. He finished it off with black dress pants and a pair of shiny black dress shoes.
You on the other hand had managed to fix your wet hair into a tight fishtail braid. You had on a multicoloured beaded necklace that your daughter had made for you when she was in kindergarten a few years back. It contrasted the black, skin tight A-line dress that you wore.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked Nanami, who had your son’s diaper bag strapped over his shoulder. He nodded and grabbed the keys to your shared vehicle.
Given the circumstances, it did brighten your mood a little bit that it was such a nice day outside. You and Nanami both would prefer it being sunny and warm as opposed to a cold and rainy day. Your son’s babbling and giggling also made you smile. You looked at the backseat to see the strap on mirror on the backseats headrest. In the mirror, your son was smiling and gripping his clothed feet. A chuckle escaped you as you pondered at how he always managed to get his little shoes off. Suddenly you felt a hand grip your thigh.
“It’s nice to see you smiling again, my love.” Nanami smiled, slipping glances between you and the rear view mirror all the while driving. He gave you a light squeeze as you noticed you were getting closer to the church. Your heart skipped a couple beats. The colour drained from your face as you saw all the different cars starting to arrive at the same time as you.
When you parked in the church’s lot, a group of people dressed in albs and robes, who you guessed worked there came and guided you into the church. The priest and a couple of funeral directors met with you in the back office. Nanami was the one mainly answering questions. You felt as if you were going to start bawling every time you opened your mouth. And if you thought that was tough, when you made it to the main part of the church you saw your mother and father greeting and talking to other relatives. When your mother saw you, you ran up to her and started crying. She embraced you with the tightest hug and you never wanted her to let go. You and Nanami have seen your parents multiple times since then but it didn’t feel real until now.
Nanami hugged your father and they said a few words. You watched still in your mother’s grasp. Your father’s eyes were red and puffy as he spoke. Your husband kept his composure, listening to every word he was saying. Come to think of it, this was a rare occasion, seeing the two most important men in your life on the verge of crumbling. You hated it.
“We’re going to get started soon, if that’s alright? It seems as though everyone is here” the main priest mentioned quietly. He had a look of empathy towards the four of you. You cleared your throat as you looked around. The church wasn’t packed but it wasn’t exactly empty either. A white haired man who you recognized to be Satoru Gojo, your husbands partner, conversed with other coworkers and guests. You remember he was the one who had asked you questions at the station about your daughter. He has known your husband before you two even got married, before you met even. Looking around more, you noticed even more friends and family seated across the church. Most were talking and hugging. Some were quietly conversing. Every second or so a few of that sum would be watching you and/or talking about you. They would have looks of sympathy plastered over their faces. Again, you hated it.
“Hey y/n, how’ve you been?” Gojo appeared out of nowhere. He wore his signature black round shades but it was the fully black suit he was wearing that threw you off. It was the complete opposite of his usual white dress button ups that he wears for work. He wrapped his arms around you. Nanami had warned you so many times of his no sense of personal space but today you found it a little less annoying. More comforting. You squeezed him tighter. Before you could say anything Nanami came and rubbed your back.
“I think everything is ready to go. Satoru, are you going to come sit with us? I think it would be best, especially if you plan on helping.” You moved to Nanami’s side. Gojo agreed only if it was okay with you which you had no problem with.
Nanami escorted you to the front of the church, where your parents were sitting. He gave you a quick kiss and then nodded for your father to join him and Gojo. Your father, Nanami, and Gojo and some other coworkers of your husband all walked towards the doors of the church. Some of them wore their police uniforms while the rest wore all black suits. It made you begin to cry as you saw them lift the small casket. You turned back towards the front of the church. Your mother who sat beside you wrapped her arm around you. Her head landed on your shoulder as the music started.
The tears really didn’t fall until the casket finally made its way to the front. All you could hear was sniffling when the music finally stopped and the casket got placed gently onto its stand.
After the indoor ceremony, you and all of your guests were asked to make your way outside to the cemetery for the burial. Nanami came and gave you a light squeeze and kiss on the cheek and gave your baby boy a little peck before heading back to help carry the casket.
As soon as you, your son and your mother got outside other guests that you haven’t greeted yet surrounded you. They were talking and mumbling at you all at once. Not one thing stuck out to you as you continued walking towards the cemetery. The only thing you noticed was that it was really sunny. The sun played peek a boo, hiding behind the bright fluffy white clouds. Your daughter loved it when it was sunny out. You smiled to yourself as you remembered every single time she would beg to be outside. She wouldn’t stop until she got her way of course. She never stopped. She always reminded you of Nanami in that way. They were both stubborn as hell when they really wanted to be.
Once your mother yelled politely told the people to back off, she yanked your son’s carrier out of your hands. You were too caught up in your thoughts to notice that she began to yank you as well. It took a couple minutes but once everyone made it outside the burial started. You noticed some people had left. You couldn’t care less who was here and who wasn’t at the moment. All that mattered was you and your family.
You saw that her grave was already dug and there was already the metal framework, waiting to be used. Soon enough her casket came. You got to take in the fine details of the woodwork that decorated the top. Once it was placed, your husband walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. Your eyes closed and your arms went to wrap around his broad back.
Tears streamed down your husband’s face as you held him close. His head was buried deep into the crook of your neck. One of your hands rubbed the back of his neck. Quiet sobs and tears toppled over your skin. You stared ahead with a blank expression. You felt like crying yet nothing came out. He’s been holding it together this entire time. Other than the day it happened this was the only other time you’ve seen him cry about her. Now he was finally letting it all out.
You felt your lips quiver with every sob Nanami was letting out. One of your hands began to rub his back as you tried to squeeze him closer if it were possible. It drained you to hear the sobs and hiccups of your husband but you were more than relieved to see him finally letting it out.
“I’m here. You’re okay, my love. Just breathe.” You whispered into his ear. His arms tightened and he planted kisses on your neck and shoulder, reassuring his love and appreciation for you.
After the funeral, your parents took your baby boy back to your house so the two of you could stay with your daughter for a bit. Everyone had left, including the priest and ushers. Nanami laid his jacket on the ground so you could sit down. You laid your head on your husband’s shoulder as he sat with his legs crossed out and his long arms held up his body.
“It’s going to be so hard to get used to not seeing her around. It’s been so weird not being able to read her bedtime stories or play games with her. I know I have you and our son and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you both still. But I just can’t shake this guilty feeling.” Nanami finished as he took your hand in his. You scrunched your face, confused.
“Guilt? What are you talking about?” You asked worried. You squeezed his hand and looked him in the eyes. They were red and puffy but he still looked beautiful. Tears streamed down his face and when you focused more closely you could see that his lip would quiver every so often. It almost looked like he was reluctant to answer.
“I just. If I was quicker- if I had heard you yelling-”
“Hey, hey. Kento… Listen to me. You had no control over where those people were going to shoot. You can’t blame yourself for something you had no control over. As easy as it sounds I know it’s hard to accept it but we’re going to get better, okay? We’re going to be fine.” Your heart sank as those words flew out. That was probably the first time you have said that word and meant it. Even though you felt like crying, tears never came out. Nanami placed one of his hands over his eyes in attempt to shove his tears back into his eyes. You squeezed him into a hug.
Despite your husband’s feelings of guilt and sadness, for whatever reason after you said that your could feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Like you needed to hear yourself say those five words out loud.
We’re going to be fine.
Omg I finally finished it. I am so sorry for the long wait. I have been working non stop even just rn as I write this I’m getting back from a 15hr shift. Gotta bring home the dough.
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed it, it is a little on the long side, but I think it’s good. 💕💕💕
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
how quickly the glamour fades
 “What do you think the Captain does in his down time?” Wally asked, squirting a large amount of cheese whiz onto a cracker and eating it. He was still getting used to being the Flash, being in the Justice League alongside his uncle’s friends. They’d helped him grow as a hero and a person over the years and now he was one of them.
“I don’t know, Cap is always working,” Hal said, taking a bit of his pizza. “The guy never quits I’m telling you. If he’s not here, he’s putting out fires in the jungle or fighting space-magic-tentacle monsters or working with an apron at the soup kitchen. I don’t think he knows the meaning of ‘down time’.”
“We all have to take a break sometimes, even gods,” Wonder Woman said with a raised eye brow. She didn’t technically chastise him but Hal’s shoulder crept up to his ears anyway. “Marvel is the personification of the Gods’ will on Earth. He may not require physical rest I’m sure he must take moments to collect himself but it is, surely, none of our business.”
“I didn’t mean any disrespect,” Wally said hastily. “I’m still new here, trying to figure everything and everyone out with these big shoes to fill.” He cleared his throat and glanced over at the door Captain Marvel had exited out of a few minutes earlier. “I don’t know Marvel well, he was just a reserve member when I first met him and now we’ve moved into big leagues pretty much at the same time. I guess I’m trying to get to know my fellow newbie, he seems like a really nice guy, someone you’d want to talk to outside of work.”
“Yeah good luck with that,” Hal snorted and preemptively winced from the force of Diana’s glare. “What? Look, I love the big cheese as much as the next guy but he’s hard to pin down! He’ll smile and chat up here at the Watchtower no prob but he won’t go out for a drink, he won’t attend any of Bruce’s fancy parties. Barry used to practically beg the guy to come over and have some of Iris’ cooking and he turned him down every time.” A brief moment of silence as Hal coped with the sudden, casual mention of his best friend. “He’s friendly but not sociable.”
“Perhaps he needs time alone, away from all this,” J’onn said, walking in to stand by Diana. Without being asked, she reached into the cabinet and pulled out his favorite cookies. It could have been telepathy or simply years of love and experience. “As you mentioned, he spends much of his time battling the evils of the world, both the grand and the mundane. He may need solitude to cope.”
“Isolation doesn’t heal anything,” Wally grumbled, playing idly with the cheese whiz can. “The Titans taught me that there’s strength in community. I won’t begrudge the man some alone time but,” he sighed and set the can down. “I don’t know, he smiles like Dick does sometimes, when he’s keeping all the hurt inside. I think he could probably use someone to talk to.”
“He’s a god or something, it’s not like we can relate to him,” Hal sighed. “I’m with ya, Kid. I’d be over the moon if Cap ever decided to hang out after the battle was done but he’s just not that kinda guy.”
“Your kindness is appreciated, Wally but Marvel is entitled to his privacy. Should he ever need that listening ear you suggested, he of course knows he can come to us.” Diana smiled. Wally smiled back but still didn’t feel completely settled. There was something about Captain Marvel that never felt right, like he was only seeing a funhouse mirror version. His smiles were too perfect, his lines so cheesy, almost practiced. In a way, he almost didn’t feel real and that the real person was hiding behind this perfect cardboard cut out they all knew.
“Yeah, okay,” he frowned before perking back up. “Did you guys catch the game last nigh-”
“Don’t get me started squirt my team looked like they were sleepwalking, not playing.”
Hundreds of thousands of miles away in Fawcett City, a boy was cold and he was hungry.
“Achoo!” Billy Batson sneezed. “Ugh either someone’s talking ‘bout me or I’m coming down something.” He sniffled, wiping his nose on his threadbare sweater sleeve. “I don’t even know which is worse.”
It had been warm on the Watchtower when Bill, well Marvel, had finally left. The halls had been crowded and there’d been plenty of food and company. It would’ve been nice to stay but that wasn’t the way things worked. Cap didn’t need food to stay full or heat to keep him warm. He enjoyed the conversation but it felt so empty with the large wall he had to keep around his other life. It was safer this way, for him and for them.
The weather was turning cold and the shelters would have stopped giving out food by this late hour. Another night spent shivering and another night without a meal.
“It’s fine, you’re fine,” Billy chattered to himself as he slowly made his way back to the abandoned apartment he’d been sleeping in. “They don’t need to know about this, won’t care about another homeless kid. You’re lucky you get to know them as Marvel, you’re lucky to have Marvel.” He squeezed his eyes shut to fight back tears. It was an honor, a blessing to have the power to help people but oh did it hurt sometimes.
He wished he had someone to talk to about this but all he had was Tawney and the empty throne of the Wizard. There was the League but he couldn’t risk it, Marvel’s good standing was the only way they let him be active without giving away any details. They wouldn’t listen to him anyway, if they knew who their powerhouse really was. The illusion was hard to keep up sometimes but it was all he had.
All the way home, he hummed a tune he’d heard Black Canary humming while doling out portions of pizza and thought of the way Wonder Women’s gentle strong arms had felt around his shoulders and the sound of Lantern’s loud laughter and imagined that he wasn’t alone.
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Seaweed Soup ~ YJN
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GENRE: caring boyfriend, sweet, soft, looking after sick reader, established-relationships, 
PAIRING: Jeongin x GN!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2023
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The moment you hadn’t shown up at the dorms Jeongin knew that there was something wrong. It wasn’t like you to miss hanging out with him and the guys and it definitely wasn’t like you to ignore all of his calls and text messages which was what led him to stand in your bedroom and whimper at what he found. Months ago you’d given him a key to your place, since the two of you were dating you thought it was only fitting for him to have a key to your apartment so he could come and go whenever he pleased but up until now he hadn’t used it and he was damn glad he did. After quickly shooting a text to the members he made quick work of running around your apartment, cleaning up tissues from the floor and then getting your clothes in the washing machine. All the while you slept seemingly without knowledge that he was even in the apartment. It wasn’t until you heard the front door being knocked on that you’d even woken up.
“Innie? How-When?” You didn’t even know which question to start with and you rubbed your temples a little. What started out as the small flu was now turning into a huge migraine you weren’t sure you were ever going to manage to quit, even the lights were beginning to hurt your eyes.
“Don’t worry about it. Here,” He sat you down on the sofa, gently pulling the coffee table toward you before placing down a bowl of something on the table. Whatever it was smelled incredible and the steam coming from the bowl signalled to you that it was fresh,
“I asked Minho-Hyung to make us some seaweed soup. I also have rice depending on if your stomach can handle it,” Jeongin explained but you said nothing, you just stared at him in complete awe that he was even here. You’d neglected to mention to him when you were getting sick because you didn’t want to be a bother to him and the guys while they were trying to get on with things at work.
“You didn’t have to do all of this,” You sniffled a little, using the sleeves of your shirt to wipe under your eyes where a few tears were beginning to fall. You hadn’t done anything but sleep for the last week and you hated to think about what you could look like right now but in all honesty, you didn’t care. All you cared about was the fact that your boyfriend had shown up and decided to not only take care of you but also of your apartment. 
When you got sick you neglected everything around you, deciding to crash in bed and sleep away the sickness until you were able to move and do everything for yourself again.
“I wanted to. If you told me you were feeling sick I would have been here sooner,” He said with a soft tone, sitting himself down beside you and carefully spooning some of the soup for you and giving it to you. You ate it happily, sighing in contentment at the taste of it. It was the first real food you’d had in days, you’d been solely living off crackers and dry toast to try and suppress the stomach bug you thought you had.
“Eat up, okay? I’m going to run you a bath. I’ll add some bath salts and maybe something to help clear your airways,” Jeongin explained, pressing his lips to your forehead and smiling a little. Your head wasn’t too hot to touch but he was still worried about it being warmer than it should have been.
By the time the bath was finished running, you’d finished two bowls of seaweed soup and had a little rice but stopped as you were feeling pretty full from it all.
“Thank you for doing this, I love you,” You told Jeongin as he took your hand in his and smiled at you. He would have done this sooner if he’d known, he would have been here every day making sure you were taking proper care of yourself. 
“I love you too, baby. You don’t have to thank me for this, it’s what good boyfriends do,” He winks at you a little making you laugh a little before he helped you step into the water in your tub before smiling at you, your head rested against the bath pillow he’d gotten Minho to bring with him and he looked happy with how relaxed you seemed to be. The hot water was doing wonders for the achiness you were feeling all over your body and you had to admit, the steam was unclogging your sinuses too.
“This is heaven,” You mumbled, closing your eyes for a second as Jeongin chuckled to himself, seeing you look so relaxed.
“I’ll be back in a minute, don’t fall asleep in the tub.” He warned you, rushing out of the room and shutting the door behind himself. He knew you’d be soaking for a while so he took this opportunity to strip your bedding and get you some fresh sheets, fresh PJs and some other things to help you sleep better tonight. 
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If the warm bath had been heaven you had no idea how to describe what the fresh clothes and bedding felt like to you but you’d completely ascend. 
“Innie,” You whispered, glancing over at him in the chair in the corner of your room. You’d refused to let him share the bed with you while you were sick and he was blatantly refusing to leave you alone so he’d come up with a compromise. He was going to sleep in the recliner in your room so he could watch over you the night and still be there for you in the morning.
“Yes?” He looked at you as he snuggled into the sheets, smiling when he found you staring back at him while wearing one of his hoodies.
“Thank you for doing all of this,” You knew he was probably sick of hearing you thank him but you had no idea what else to do. You’d never had someone look after you like this and it was incredibly bizarre to have someone kind and caring to do this for you.
“You can thank me by getting better, okay? Sleep.” You nodded, clutching the sheets into your chest and closing your eyes. Even though you’d slept a lot throughout your flu you knew you could sleep more. It was something you did whenever you were sick, just sleep it away.
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When you were finally feeling better you had gone to the dorms again, joining the rest of the guys for a nice home-cooked meal as well as a gaming night. 
“Love you,” Jeongin whispered, kissing your cheek softly before placing down a plus-four and smirking as you stared back at him in complete horror. The nice and caring boyfriend you’d had just days prior was gone and replaced with an evil clone that was beating you all at Uno.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @illicee @army24--7 @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy​ @aerastus​ @lost-leopard-beanie​ @laylasbunbunny​ @critssq​ @pearlygraysky​ @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​ @imafivestarkpopstan​ @jeonginshaelmoni 
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misty-groves · 3 days
Rewind (here we go again) Chapter one
Rating: M
Pairing: Ivy & Batfam, everyone &everyone
Summary: Ivy takes a day to settle in. Complete bedtime stories, meetings, plans, crime confessions, and hugs.
Warnings: Talk of (past) murder, leauge of Assassins
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
Series masterpost .... Previous
Ivy is dropped off with her two baby brothers at two in the morning.
They land on the porch of Wayne manor and watch their mother leave after her parting affections.
She knocks on the door and waits. She has no doubt that they know someone is here. She is just hopeful no one crowds her brothers.
She's nervous. Last time around, she didn't meet back up with her family until seventeen. Now she's fourteen, and in the past, from reasons she dosen’t know.
"Ivy." Damian frowns, "Why is it taking so long?"
"It's a big home, Alfred should be here soon."
"Is he good?" Danyal asks softly.
"Alfred is very good. He's the best man I've known." Ivy smiles softly, fonder than she could ever put into words.
"Okay." Danyal says.
The front door opens to Alfred, who looks fairly unaffected - except his eyes. His eyes look warmer than usual.
His suit is crisp and his arms as behind his back.
"Miss Ivy." The man says, a soft smile on his lips, "These must be your brothers."
"Alfie!" Ivy drops the bag on her shoulder and rushes forwards to hug the older man. She has known him so long- she's missed him so much.
Alfred grunts but hugs her back.
After a moment, he lets go against his better judgement. It's late, and the children need sleep after all.
"Come inside, my dear. You all could probably use some rest." Alfred says as he steps aside.
Ivy picks up the bag and follows the boys inside. She closes the door behind her.
Danyal and Damian stand on either side of their sister. Silent and still as they examine the large entry way of the manor.
There's two grand stair cases, a large family portrait, and marble floors. There's a suit of armor by each staircase.
"I am Alfred Pennyworth, the butler of the manor. Who might you two be?" Alfred asks.
"I am Damian Al Ghul." Damin announces with crossed arms and a haughty air.
"I'm Danyal Al Ghul." Danyal informs quieter, stepping closer to his sister.
Ivy sets a hand on Danyal's head and ruffles his hair. She smiles at him softly. Comfort almost rolls off of her in visible waves.
"Do you need to eat before we send you a lot off to bed?" Alfred asks.
Ivy just hums, "If you don't mind, we could probably eat."
"Of course, what kind of food would you like?"
"Can we have crackers and cheese?" Ivy requests easily.
"Of course, miss Ivy. Do you want to come with me?"
Alfred leads the children to the kitchen and has them sit at the bar.
The old man prepares a quick charcuterie board for them.
The children eat quickly, the two boys much messier than their sister, but that's what nine and a half years age difference is.
Ivy has been quiet. But she thanks Alfred and hugs him once they're done.
The children are led to their rooms, but as soon as Alfred leaves, the boys are breaking into Ivy's room.
It's instinct really to seek out the safest person in an unknown place.
She catches them as they launch at her form. A laugh falls from her mouth.
"Damian said we could have stories." Danyal says evenly.
"Did he?" She asks.
"Yes. I de-mad stories." Damian declares confidently regardless of his mispronounced word.
Ivy dosen’t day anything, he's so advanced in language that a mispronounced word in a second language here and there is nothing.
"Tell us about the twins!"
"Once, many years ago, there was a set of twins named Danny and Dami. The two boys were princes of a very powerful kingdom called Bat-Landia."
"And they had pets made of space!" Danyal chimes in.
Ivy smiles softly, "And they had pets made of the stars themselves. The boys were strong, smart, and capable. One day, their friend, Jon, went missing!"
"No!" Danyal gasps.
"Yes. The boys were very upset, their best friend was missing..."
She continues the story, talking about the daring quest, a troll under the bridge, and the twist where the allies they found were spies. The boys in the story save their friend and ride off into the sunset.
Damian is snoring before the twist and Danyal follows after. They sleep hard.
Ivy covers them all up, before settling down for the night. It's nearly morning, but that's okay.
She falls asleep knowing she's on track with her plan to give the family a better life this time around.
Bruce goes to check on the children after a long night of crime fighting. He cracks the door to Damian's room and finds no one.
He frowns but checks Danyal's room. Maybe the boys are together?
There's no one in Danyal's room either.
He groans.
Bruce dosen’t want to have to tell his daughter the boys have escaped. And he dosen’t know where to start looking on his own just yet. He hasn't even met them yet.
Wait- maybe the boys went to see their sister. She would be the oldest person they know.
Bruce cracks the door to Ivy's room, moonlight spills through it, and runs three lumps in a bed.
He sighs.
The children are all safe.
Bruce steps inside, closing the door as he gazes at the children.
His daughter is in the middle, her arms out to either side. Her dark curls are a messy halo around her. She's got more defined muscles.
But she's whole again, breathing and all.
He never thought he'd see Ivy again. But he gets too.
He draws attention away from his beautiful, strong, and alive (!) Daughter and looks to the boys.
The boy that has a hooked nose - Damian, if he remembers right from the pictures - is closest to the door. He rests his head on Ivy's bicep, arm thrown over her neck.
He's small, and he looks so peaceful.
Danyal is on the left, the side closest to the wall. He has a sharper nose, his mother's nose. He has his head on his sister's chest as if listening to her heartbeat.
Bruce swallows something thick in his throat.
All of his living children are under one roof tonight.
Dick came back to see Ivy. The young man may not be on great terms with Bruce, but when he heard his sister was back, he came home anyway.
Barbra is here too, not Bruce's official daughter but someone who is family nonetheless.
Things are truly looking up.
After losing Jason- everything fell apart.
Actually- they lost Ivy first, and that messed them all up. The girl had died from a car crash in Dick's arms. And had her mother not been Talia, she would have never been brought back.
Then Jason - who Bruce failed thoroughly - was lost to the Joker and the man's obsession with Batman. The loss broke them further, Dick blaming himself and Bruce, having lost two children in six months far too lost to think clearly, wasn't there for his eldest.
Barbra was paralyzed by the Joker. She is alive, but she still grieved her loss. Still felt like part of her died. Though she has found a new way to help.
"Stop thinking so loud, dad." Ivy calls as she opens one eye.
"You're awake?"
"Have been for a while. I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk or stare."
Bruce chokes a little bit. "I didn't mean to -"
"It's okay, dad. I know you aren't going to hurt us." She opens both eyes and gives someone a soft smile.
"Oh." Bruce manages.
Ivy just hums, "You know, I missed you."
"I missed you too, birdie." Bruce says as he steps closer. "Your brothers looks at peace."
"They are, poor things have been pretty upset." Ivy sighs, "They're not like other kids, dad... They aren't going to be like other kids. There have been assassination attempts on them."
"They're four."
"Four and a half." Ivy corrects. "And they're the heir to Ra's."
Bruce grunts at that, looking upset. Which... is probably good. She's not sure, really.
Ivy just sighs slowly. "You look like you need some sleep."
"I do."
"Go sleep, dad. We're safe here. I'll make sure of it."
Bruce frowns as his heart clenches. "Are you sure?"
"You have great security, and I'm plenty dangerous. We'll be okay. I'll see you in the morning, dad." Ivy smiles at him with an assurance he dosen’t recognize.
"Okay." Bruce breathes softly.
He leaves the room quietly, feeling both worse and better.
He's seen the children, at least. They are safe.
Alfred comes to wake the children around ten in the morning, later than usual but letting them sleep in. They arrived late and are used to a different time zone after all.
He wakes them with a knock and a call of their names.
Ivy sends the boys to get dressed easily before she takes a quick shower.
The twins meet Ivy in the hallway.
The three of them go downstairs and find quite the scene.
The living room is full of tension.
Dick is sitting in the arm of the couch, looking like he'd like to set the wall on fire with his glare.
Barbra has her wheelchair parked between the other end of the couch and the chair Bruce is in. She's got her eyes closed.
Bruce is settled in a leather recliner, arms crossed as he growers at the ceiling.
Alfred is nowhere to be seen.
"Uh- morning?" Ivy tries.
All three heads whip around to look at her and the boys.
"Ivy." Dick breathes out softly.
"Dick." She smiles warmly.
"Dragă," Dick stands, shaking.
"You're really here." Barbara manages.
Ivy just nods, "I am. Would you like to meet my brothers?"
"Yes." Bruce says.
"I am Damian Al Ghul." The green eyed boy says proudly.
"I'm Danyal Al." The blue eyes boy says, just a little less sure but far more confident than many adults.
"It's nice to finally meet you," Bruce says as he stands and walks over. "I'm your father, Bruce Wayne."
"Mother speaks of you." Damian says while his twin nods.
"Talia told you about me?" Bruce manages.
"Talia had kids?" Dick asks.
"Three." Ivy smiles sweetly, "I'm her oldest as far as I know."
Dick blinks, looking confused. Then upset. Although he has never much cared for Talia.
Barbra rolls over and smiles, "It's nice to meet you boys, I'm Barbra, but you can call me Babs."
"Ivy likes you." Danyal hums.
"I hope so," Barbra says with a soft smile.
Dick comes over and focuses on the boys. He can't bring himself to look at his sister again right now. She hurts to look at, she's older now.
And he kind of wants to bundle her up in a tower to keep her safe, but he won't do that. That's weird and probably cruel.
"I'm Dick Grayson." The acrobat says with a bright smile.
Damian looks at him doubtfully, as if offended by the very notion. "You do not look like him."
"What?" Dick manages.
"Ivy told us about him." Danyal explains, "She says he's the best big brother, and he has eyes like the sky. You look boring."
"Oh my god." Ivy wheezes, "Oh fu- fiddlesticks. Boys, no, that is absolutely Dick."
"You said he was the best acrobat. This one looks broken." Damian frowns.
"No. Oh my god." Ivy groans as she sets her face in her hands.
"You said I was the best acrobat?" Dick asks with wide eyes.
"Of course I did, cause you are." She says.
Dick looks at her, and he tears up.
She's perfect.
Dark curls damp as they fall down her back. A black tank top over jeans just shows off how she's grown. ( She's breathing! )
He moves then, hugging her tightly to his chest.
She hugs right back, though. Holding onto him as she takes slow breaths. She has missed him, she hasn't seen him look so young in a while.
"We're glad you're back." Barbra says.
Ivy laughs softly and turns her head to look at Barbra, "You couldn't keep me away."
Barbara sets a hand on her arm where the younger girl is still hugging Dick. "If you ever need me, I'll always be here."
"Thank you, Babs."
Dick steps back finally. Hands resting on his sister's shoulder. "Don't you ever die on me again."
"I don't plan to." Ivy smiles.
"She is not allowed to die." Danyal says sharply.
"You're right about that." Barbra laughs softly.
"Alright, alright, I think it's time you three get to know Damian and Danyal." Ivy says as she steps back.
Damian looks his father up and down before looking to his sister. He seems to be saying,'What now?'
Ivy squats down between her youngest brothers and tilts her head.
"Are these the people you talk about?" Damian asks.
"Absolutely." Ivy smiles, "These are my family."
"We are your family." Danyal says with a frown.
She softens, "Of course you are, habibi. You are my family, but so are they."
Ivy frowns softly now that she's finally alone. She's put the boys to bed in their own rooms and escaped to the library.
As far as she can tell, she's going to be here for a while. She's changed things- but nothing bad has happened yet.
What if she changed more things?
She is going to have to try to track down Jason. Getting him on her side after her last spree of assassination targets shouldn't be hard. The awful clown is dead.
She can try to befriend Tim at school when she goes back next week. Steph, too, maybe?
Then, she has to find Cass, which will be a challenge.
Oh, and she should look for Duke if he can keep his family, that's for the better. But he deserves to have even more family too.
She looks through the books and smiles sadly when she sees a well loved copy of Stephen King's 'The Eyes of the Dragon'. Her favorite book is one she's been read and read herself so many times.
It's one of the first books she got Jason to read and discuss with her.
She misses him so much.
He has always been the one who was there for everything. Her best friend.
"Calm down, Ivy. You can do this." Ivy says to herself as she grabs the book she'd just looked at, the Stephen King fairytale a safety she longs to read again.
She settles on a couch by the fireplace and starts reading. The words wash over her gently as she relaxed into it.
She has time.
The door opens to Alfred, who just clears his throat.
She looks up, "Alfred?"
"Miss Ivy, my dear, it's late. Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"I just can't sleep. There's so much in my head."
Alfred sighs,"I can understand that. The twins seem very attached to you."
She just laughs softly. Her boys are attached to her. In her time, Damian has done all sorts of things just for her happiness and safety. Before she got Danyal out, he would have done anything for her.
"I'm really lucky that way." She says with a soft smile.
"I'm glad you were not alone there. I've watched the league break many." Alfred frowns as he walks closer.
She sighs slowly. "Alfie..."
"Miss Ivy, I just want you to know you can talk to me about anything."
"I know, Alfred. I appreciate that. I just - I don't know how. I did a lot of things there." Ivy admits softly.
She dosen’t know how to talk about it either. Before she went back in time, her family already knew because she had a breakdown and Damian shared her history.
She's never actually told anyone, but Jason outright what she's done. And she had thought he was a criminal she didn't know during that outburst.
"I understand that. Just know that if you ever do tell me, I will not judge you."
"I know. Thank you, Alfie."
"Of course."
Ivy dosen’t know what it is, but she wants someone to know because she chooses it. She wants to knowingly and meaningfully open up.
So she goes on a whim. "Hey, Alfred?"
"Can we talk about it?" She asks as she puts a bookmark in the book.
Alfred nods as he crosses the space and sister on the other end of the couch. "When ever you're ready."
"I'm a killer, Alfred. I've taken lives."
"I'm sorry, I know you didn’t want to."
"No. I didn't. Then I got numb. It stopped hurting." She sighs, "I've made my peace, I don’t plan to do it again... I made sure to make it fast. But I'm not who I was before."
"No one is ever the same," Alfred soothes, "But you can choose to be someone you want to be."
"I am. I don't want to kill again, Alfred. I just... I know I can now."
Alfred just hum, setting a hand on her shoulder. "My dear girl, everyone has the ability in them. Very few have the ability to choose kindness after they unlock it."
"Alfred." She manages, "I- you sound like you don't think I'm a monster."
"No more than I am, my dear."
She hugs him then, tight as she shakes and holds back tears. "You always know how to help."
Alfred hugs her back firmly. His arms are solid and safe, and a haven she's missed.
"I am always here for you, Ivy. You are not a monster for doing things to survive or to help others survive."
Ivy feels better. For the first time, she told someone her history on her own without missing some information.
And she's accepted.
There was no pity or judgment. Just acceptance and commraderie.
Alfred truly is the best of them.
Next (wip)
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1218-814 · 7 months
Cheesecake analysis- Floyd’s thought process
Credibility? idk, I kin Jade but this is how I see Floyd from what he says. a mix of @/numanuma_black's thoughts and mine. But this is mainly for my records
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The Cheesecake analysis is how Floyd thinks. He thinks like he is neurodivergent (me too tbh). So for those of you who have difficulty understanding, if normal people think of using a recipe for baking, he think about it using ratios and somewhat extra thoughts. If Jade thinks in normal numbers such as “1.75 cups of graham crackers, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 stick of butter…” and Floyd thinks like,  “About a 2:1 ratio of batter with crackers, maybe adding jam in place of some sugar so I can change the flavor up a bit, oh maybe there's the leftover fruit from something so I can add that…”
So, why would he do such a long thought and scattered thought process? It’s the process that makes him unable to get “bored”. Also, doing what he's told is something that he probably dislikes because it's just something that is done. After all, others ask him to do (such as food prep, it's just a chore.) When it comes to something new, he would also not listen if you tell him how to do it, it's like babies walking; just telling him isn't going to work because it just doesn't make sense to him and if it’s forced it’s just not something he enjoyed, so for him actually learning that skill is a path of trial and error.
Going back to the cheesecake, this man will most likely give you a graham cracker with cheese on it at first and serve it to people, and also eat it too. Why? Because his image of a “cheesecake” is cheese with cookies, nothing less nothing more. Because Azul is there, he can give more tips on what different kinds of stuff the cake can be, which makes Floyd more curious about what the possibilities are and helps set him a goal “The cheesecake I want”, is an interest and that makes him work more. “There are different types of cheeses? Cool, I want more of a mascarpone. If it’s baked or rare, I think rare is better. Oh that chocolate crust looks good, I want to put that… Jam is sometimes there? I want to say,” With that, the priority of information is labeled mainly according to interests and Floyd's preferences. No recipe yet, but what he wants is super clear. At this point, Floyd begins to prioritize information on "the ideal cheesecake I want to eat", so while collecting information on baked goods, and unusual varieties, he will absorb what he thinks is related to the stuff he wants and incorporate it. The route ends when Floyd starts making something else and it goes well. (Side tracking)
However, if Azul is by his side, he will say: "You said you were going to make cheesecake!" and put him back on his path. Based on the information obtained, it works, he did it with a nice cheesecake! Magic? No, just intuition and trial and error. However, since it is still an experiment, it does not reach the results of various imaginations if he gets his first “success”. Then he’ll make note of what's bad, what he likes the taste of, what texture, what overpowers what, etc.
Then there’s going to be a ton of failures but that's where Jade is better than Floyd in a way; Jade can make a pretty good quality of something because he always follows the recipe, Floyd just changes what he wants but it turns out either amazing or bad. But Floyd does gain the knowledge of what he needs to fix about the cheesecake while making it, and if Azul gives his advice such as “hmmm, a bit of salt can help with flavor at times, and this would go great with coffee, etc.” the data in his brain goes up. If he follows the idea it works great, but Floyd will tweak it and be proud of what he made and show it to Azul. Whatever idea he had before? Probably gone, because his mood changed.
If Azul wants the cake on the menu, which has happened according to his master chef card, he probably has no recipe. So how does the recipe get recorded? Jade the recipe follower, the planner, and the Floyd translator in the game. Foyd will be vague like “this much cheese” and dump it, but Jade will measure it before something happens to it. That patience he has with Floyd has always helped make the recipe possible; something Azul can’t do. Also, the reason why his food doesn't go and taste the way it should when he's not in the mood is because he’s not careful. He does things like mixing badly, cutting, etc. all things that are crucial in cooking. If it is used in the menu and Azul is the proudest he’s been of them, I bet a dollar that somewhere in that smiley calm exterior, a jealous Jade is there. 
I think Floyd is just misunderstood because he is deffo neurodivergent.
I hope ppl if they read this enjoy how I think how he thinks :)
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lazybutsmexy · 2 years
Bird hunting
Ghost x fem!reader x Soap
Chapter 9: Broken Cage
Ch. 8 <; Series Masterlist
Warnings: violence, blood and injury, character death.
Summary: Canary will make them pay for everything. All at once.
Do not read this work if you're under 18. This work contains mature and triggering themes.
Word count: 2800~
“Luke is taking too long.” Alan comments to no one in particular, his cup of coffee in front of him left untouched after the first few sips - it tasted like sewage water, truth be told. 
Charlie simply hummed in acknowledgment as he munched down on some crackers he had found in his backpack - the only non-stale food in the cabin. He gulped them down with cold coffee, and Alan decided not to think too much about the state of his taste buds. 
“He’s probably just avoiding the cops,” Charlie finally commented after a few silent minutes, “maybe there are blockades and shit.”
Alan said nothing, limiting himself to smoke his cigarette and watch out of the open cabin door towards the road. It was almost noon, and he had returned to the cabin hours ago. He had planned on getting some shut-eye once Luke had come back, but the hours passed with no news and he was growing antsy. 
He knew that as far as Luke was concerned, the only thing the police could arrest him for was driving a stolen van. If that was the case, it would be only a matter of time until he received a call from the police station and he would have to present himself as his friend to bail him out, or as his lawyer and demand his release until a set court date. He had done it with Charlie a couple of times before, it would be a first for Luke. 
A quiet grumble interrupted his musings, and both men looked at the direction it came from. Alan suddenly remembered that their cute little hostage hadn’t had anything to eat in almost two days, and he sighed. “...Right.” He took one cracker from the sleeve and stood up, stepping slowly towards her. 
Canary froze up, inwardly cursing her stomach for being so impatient and calling their attention. She had been painstakingly rubbing the hilt of the knife against her bindings, keeping her wrist movements hidden from her captors with the rest of her body. She had managed to avoid detection so far, and it seemed as if her greatest traitor would be her own body. Her heartbeat was loud in her ears as Alan approached her, and she wormed away from him in an attempt to hide her little plan. 
He stopped right before the bed, and showed her the cracker held between two fingers. “If you try to bite me, I’ll tear your teeth out one by one, understand?” 
Canary gulped and nodded, knowing that her best chance of escaping would be by them letting down their guard. That would only happen if they didn’t see her as a danger, and the only way she could accomplish that, was to be obedient and submissive. Only until she got her damn restraints off, though. 
Alan nodded and leaned down, pressing the cracker against her lips. She took it with her teeth as slowly as she could, trying her best not to touch his fingers with her lips. Alan smirked, releasing the cracker and stroking her cheek with his knuckles. “Good girl.”
She felt like lurching whatever remained in her empty stomach as she heard him - it definitely sounded much better when it was Simon saying it - but she ate the cracker in silence. It was a little humid, but it would do for now. 
“If you behave,” Alan hummed, pulling away, and walking back to his seat, “you’ll get another one later.” 
She now really wanted to bite his fingers off. 
“I can think of something else for her to eat, though,” Charlie leered at her, licking his lips with a wolfish grin. 
She narrowed her eyes. I dare you to try, see how my chompers work, she thought, but stayed silent as she swallowed the cracker. Canary had resumed her work on the ligatures as they were distracted, slowly grinding the knife against the bindings, which were giving away little by little. The more they loosened, the more she could feel the rope burn around her wrists. She kept her breathing steady, not looking away from the men as she worked. 
Alan seemed to read her thoughts, though, as he cackled out loud. “You want to live the rest of your life with half a dick? Be my guest then.” Charlie simply shook his head, lighting a cigarette and clowning the smoke towards her. 
“She won’t be able to if I dislocate her jaw, though,” he chuckled darkly, enjoying the mental image that his brain conjured, already feeling his blood pooling to his crotch. 
“That’s for the buyer to decide, and you know that,” Alan scolded him, and put out the butt of his cig on the table. He checked his wrist watch and stood up with a grunt, patting down the front of his jacket. “I’m off to check if we got an answer from our buyer,” he walked to the door and sent Charlie a last warning, “I’m serious, if you do anything to her that can’t be covered with a band-aid, I’m going to kill you.”
Charlie watched him go with a snort, taking a long drag of his cig, “You’re no fun.” 
The last thread of the rope snapped away at the same moment the door closed shut behind Alan, and Canary nearly cried in relief. She managed to stealthily pull the pieces of rope away from her wrists and hold the knife tightly in one hand. Her blood pounded through the bruises and into her hands, cramping the tips of her fingers, but she was well aware that she had no time to relax. Charlie had stood up from his chair. 
He downed the last bit of his coffee and lit another cigarette, his eyes leisurely traveling from her chest to her feet. He took a step closer to the end of the bed, his eyes shifting to her face. 
“I’ll be quick, I promise,” he grumbled with a smirk, fiddling with the cigarette and leaning in to hold her ankles with his free hand. 
Canary kicked back half-heartedly and let out a small whimper while her eyes fixed on his openings, she needed to make him think she wanted to crawl away from him, that would make him lean in even closer. She was dangling the bait in front of him, and her hand clutched the knife, ready to swing at the smallest chance. “Try not to scream so much, okay? Alan is busy, after all.”
Charlie used his leg to press down on her thighs, unknowingly offering her a full view of his back. His free hand clutched her ankles while the hand holding the cigarette inched closer to her skin. He failed to see the shadow over his shoulder as the knife came down. 
Canary was significantly weakened from her usual strength, due to the drugs, the hunger, the dehydration. But she still managed to dig the knife halfway into his back - more or less where his upper-lung should be. He let out a painful howl and tried to flinch away, but her hand clamped down on his upper arm and pulled out the knife, before forcing it down on his neck as fast as she could. 
The thin muscle gave way to the steel and Canary pulled the knife out just as quickly as she stabbed it, and blood began spurting out in the same rhythm as his heartbeat. Charlie’s legs managed to pull him away from her only to tumble down onto the floor, taking the chair down with him. 
Canary jumped on her feet, ignoring the stinging pain in her soles, and readied herself to attack again. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and fueled her with almost the same energy she felt in the battlefield. A sense of euphoria surrounded her when he looked up at her with a mixture of fear and rage, desperately trying to put pressure on the hole in his neck. He opened his mouth but only a gurgling sound came out, and she knew that he was starting to drown in his own blood.
Canary raised her hand holding the knife and took a deep breath, before smirking down at him. He was going to pay for everything, all at once. 
“Get in,” Luke did as was told, or attempted to, since his hands were still handcuffed behind his back. A strong hand pushed him into the car and he groaned in protest, before setting down in the middle of the backseat. 
He allowed himself a moment to take a deep breath, until he realized he wouldn't be alone. The Sergeant with the mohawk and the Lieutenant with the skull mask climbed in and sat on his sides, their enormous bodies barely fitting in the back of the patrol car - and big weapons held between their legs. Suddenly the air in the back of the patrol was stuffy and he barely had room to breathe.
An officer sat behind the wheel and Hartford climbed in the passenger seat. “Where?” He simply asked, looking at Luke out of the corner of his eye. 
“T-take the road around campus and cross the bridge,” Luke could barely let the words out of his mouth, feeling two pairs of eyes practically digging through his flesh, “then take the first turn to the right.”
The patrol car drove off, and Price’s jeep followed with him and Gaz inside. 
Alan stopped dead in his tracks as he was walking down the road. He knew he had heard a shout, but wasn’t sure of whether it was the girl or Charlie. He slowly turned around, weighing his options. 
If it was the girl and Charlie lost it again and tried to ‘shut her up’, they would surely lose another product before he even got a sale confirmation. If it was Charlie, and the girl had managed to hurt him in some way, it meant that he would fight back - the girl was tied, drugged, and hungry; he was at an advantage and would certainly bust her head open. Again, lost product. 
A third possibility crossed his mind, but he dismissed it quickly - it couldn’t be possible that she had managed to untie herself. Even if she did, he was still stronger than her, there was no way…
A few moments passed in silence before he began walking back to the cabin. Minutes passed when he finally reached the cabin and opened the door, his mouth instantly slackening in shock. 
Charlie was on the floor with his limbs spread out, lying in a pool of his own blood, and their hostage was kneeling on top of him with her hand holding the knife that was still buried to the hilt in Charlie’s chest. She was disheveled, her clothes were covered in blood and her eyes shot up to meet Alan’s. He felt a shiver travel down his spine - her eyes were cold and deadly. His hand reached under his jacket where he hid his holster at the same moment she stood up. 
Canary held the knife tightly in her hand and ran forward, nearly slipping on the blood with her bare feet, as she stormed to her enemy with a battle scream that nearly drowned the bang of the shot being fired. 
“Um… Take the road up north and drive on,” Luke gulped as he sat up straight. He had the feeling that if he relaxed just a little, he would die. However, both Soap and Ghost remained silent, simply watching out of the window and only occasionally sending Luke a glare, just to make sure he couldn’t try anything funny. They both knew that their presence in the car alone was enough to inhibit any fighting plan he could conjure up.
As the car turned right on the intersection, a few minutes passed before Hartford recognized the scenery and his heart dropped. A day prior, Melanie Kirk was shot and killed in that road, and the detective remembered exactly which tree had stopped her car. Now, he was traveling down that same road, with one of the men involved in her death, to rescue the woman she had tried to help. 
He looked into the side view mirror and saw Ghost’s eyes on him. He seemed to be thinking the exact same thing as him. 
They will pay for everything. 
The sound of the bed sheets ripping under the hilt of her knife was barely louder than her panting. Once Canary gathered enough strips of fabric, she took a large square of fabric and folded it several times to create a press, and held it against her open wound with a groan. The bullet had gone through and through, and although it passed dangerously close to her lung, she didn’t hear any whistling sounds coming out of her wound. 
Canary wrapped her makeshift bandages around herself as tightly as she could, knowing that it would be only a matter of time until her blood started to stain the cloth even further. She couldn’t sit still, though. She knew that the third man had been out for a while, and he would be back at any minute now. She was now too injured to hold a fight with an uninjured man who was probably also armed, while she only had a knife.  
Despite the risk of blood loss being too great, it was still a fighting chance that she wouldn’t have if she just stayed idle. If she made it to a road with more traffic, she would be able to find help. 
As she walked out of the cabin, she was faced with a difficult decision: should she walk on the road, or should she sneakily walk through the forest? She would be able to flag down a vehicle easier if she walked on the road. However, she would also be easily found by the third man. Besides, he was supposed to get another vehicle, so she may not recognize the danger until it becomes too late. 
The forest would definitely hide her from view from the road, but it would be hard to navigate in it without having been able to see the road when they got there. She glanced down at her newly acquired shoes, courtesy of Baldie’s corpse. They were a couple sizes too big, but they would help protect her feet from the terrain. 
Her wound stung, and she looked up at the sky. It was past noon now, and the sun felt nice on her skin. The wind made her shiver - she would have at least 4 hours of sunlight before she was consumed by the dark. She needed to find help before then. 
Canary took a deep breath and marched forward, decidedly walking into the forest, unaware of Alan’s eyes trained on her. He had somehow avoided death, and managed to get up as she left, his weapon still in his hand. He wheezed and coughed as the taste of iron filled his mouth at the effort, but his entire body was fueled by rage. Pure adrenaline pumped through his veins as he gripped his gun and staggered after her. 
Straight into the woods.
A/N: Canary made Charlie into a cushion pin for his own knife.
Taglist: @died-in-a-field-of-flowers @rafaelacallinybbay @namenotimportant1373 @ragingbookdragon @zinfairy @scrumplump @speckel @omgitstatertot @fullmoon-94 @kalamataolivesssss @embers-of-alluring @warenai @frazie99 @kee-0-kee @littlezarp @scaredknight @tapioca-marzipan @kendahl757 @sweetybuzz25 @cumbersome-robes @carlyi @oyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoya @scarletbandit @twistytimesandthoughts @angelsquidd @ilovemoneyandcheese @sail-boat21
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