#again its not a huge deal its whatever but i was excited
wlwinry · 2 months
was so excited about the d20 madison square garden liveshow bc i live in the nyc area but presale tickets sold out before i could even add any to cart and the tickets today are 1500 USD. this is just a vent ig its not really a big deal but i just feel kinda sad and disappointed.
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tfgalore · 7 months
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Test Of Time
“One…two…three…four….” I grunted as I struggled to lift the plate loaded bar. I set it back down, panting as I sat up, annoyed at myself. The last few weeks, and even months, I’d been getting weaker. Thanks to my aging body, I was getting weaker, it was harder to build muscle in the gym, and even people were coming up to me, telling me I looked tired or pointing out slowly graying hairs. I sighed, knowing that my 60’s was something I’d have to deal with eventually. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by a excited whoop from my left. I turned to look, seeing a younger guy benching almost thrice my weight. His muscles were bulging, and he had a grin on his face. He was clearly in the prime of his youth, which made me jealous. If only there was a way to get back my youth…
That thought was the beginning of my obsession with witchcraft. At first, I just looked for ways to turn back the hands of time, to get my body back to its 20’s but I came up with nothing. Just as I was about to give up, I came across a possession spell. An idea clicked in my mind as memories of the hunk from the gym flashed in my mind. A grin spread across my face, as I delved into more research about it.
A week later, I was back at the gym, prepared to take my new life. I wiped my sweaty palms on my sweatpants, gulping as beads of sweat dripped down my face, a nervous expression plastered on. I had no clue if this was actually going to work, but I had to try. As the hunk, who’s name is learned was Sam, walked by, I quickly grabbed him by the wrist. He locked eyes with me, in confusion as he tried to pull away, but I started to mutter the spell, and our worlds seemed to spin.
I could feel my body changing. My wrinkled skin started to tighten, and glow with renewed youth as his started to crinkle slightly like creased paper. My muscles started to inflate and bulge, newfound strength flowing through them as the same happened to my legs and calves. I grinned as I looked down to see I now had muscular and toned thighs just like Sam had before. Our faces started to shift and warp. Sam was panicking. He clearly had no idea what was happening, other than the fact that he was getting weaker and weaker. I stared back up, only to come face to face with my previous self. It was like looking into a mirror, except now, I looked exactly like Sam had before.
I pulled away from the other, grinning. A quick look in the nearby mirror had me smiling from ear to ear as I flexed my bicep and rolled my abs. The control I had over each muscle was amazing. “Holy shit…it worked!” I grinned. Meanwhile, Sam was having a breakdown. He grabbed me, trying to force me to undo whatever curse I’d just done. A slight altercation and a phone call to the police later, Sam was getting dragged out by security guards, cursing and screaming that I’d stolen his body. Everyone assumed he was crazy, a man going senile after the stress of work and age had finally caught up to him.
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Ever since then, living as Sam has been such a blast. Everyone was surprised when I came out as gay, but now I’ve got plenty of guys lining up at my door just to be fucked or fuck me. Sam has a huge trust fund too, but instead of dipping into that, I decided to start up an OnlyFans. Something about having guys pay to watch me jerk off or have sex just turns me on beyond anything, and I make some good money from it. I wonder if the old Sam is subscribed too. I’ve even graduated from college now. The old Sam wasn’t doing too well, but with my previous knowledge, I’ve managed to turn that around, graduating as one of the top students. Life really couldn’t get any better…and the best part, I never have to worry about getting old again. All o have to do is find another hunk when the time comes.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
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"What a wild couple years its been..... I just turned nineteen and was attending university for photography. I was living with my mom when she met this sleazy rich dude on Tinder who swept her off her feet. They hit it off so well, she was so happy that maybe money wouldn't be a big deal ever again. Her bf, now my step father, promised her she'd want for nothing. Before I knew it he was moving us to Hawaii and I was told I wouldn't be completing my education. I got a bit nervous but had no idea what my new future dad had in store for me.
Shortly after we arrived he started bonding with me, telling me how beautiful I was and what an amazing body I have, but he thought I could use some enhancements. I asked him what he meant and he told me he wanted to pay for me to get surgery, but he wouldn't say what. It was all a surprise, a gift from him to me. He did add that Hawaii has a very active erotic dancing scene and I should strongly consider getting a job at a strip club. I couldn't believe he said that to me..... I was kind of grossed out. But mom talked me into being nice and doing what my new dad wanted. So, I agreed to get the surgeries and apply to a strip club......
Two years later and my life is completely different. As my step dad puts it to all his business friends, I'm a super-enhanced fuck doll. I can't even walk without making my new hips and huge fake ass jiggle and bounce. My boobs are twice the size of my head and rock hard. They barely feel like or resemble breasts, they much more closely resemble nothing but toys for men to use and abuse. My step dad keeps buying me more tattoos to sell my new look, and I honestly kind of love it. When I woke up the first time and saw my first set of expanders, my new ass and fuller lips, I was mortified. I though I looked so ridiculous.... now I really do, and it's so exciting. Nobody can take me seriously. I legit just exist to fuck and everybody knows it.
I was a virgin when mom met my step dad. I lost my virginity to a client at the strip club who fucked me by the dumpster, making me take bumps of cocaine as he fucked my ass. Now I've fucked over a thousand guys and can't get enough. I take all kinds of drugs, and mom encourages all of it. She loves seeing me come home with three guys and get gang banged as they shoot me up with drugs, not even asking permission, they just fill a syringe with whatever they want out of a girl, like shooting me up is how you select the settings on me as a fuck doll. Then I lay there, laughing and moaning, or drooling and pissing myself in a high stupor as all my holes are used, and I'm passed around. Every house on our block is loud with the sounds of their stripper/hooker daughters getting fucked. Mostly all white families that fell into money, coming here to live out the dream of turning their daughter into the perfect fuckdoll. I'm soooo happy I can live out that dream for my mom, and my new dad! ❤️"
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passivenovember · 4 days
thinking about the first time Billy has cherry pie and the lengths he'll travel to have it again.
Fresh Cherries (part one)
Because it's December, Neil makes concessions.
Billy isn't allowed to do whatever he wants, never that, but his leash isn't vice-like. There's some give as he tests his boundaries when there's snow on the ground. Billy isn't sure why, but he isn't about to ruin a good thing.
But. Steve calls on a Wednesday night and says, "Come over."
Billy has to chew and swallow the automated response he's used to giving. It's a school night, Neil'd kill me, and feels like he just got dusted with sugar and put in the oven. Says, "Sure. Let me ask my dad."
"Just sneak out," Steve tells him.
Billy checks the alarm clock on his bedside table. "It's seven thirty."
"So, it's not sneaking out hours."
"You're such a stick in the mud," Steve says.
"I'm not, I just--" don't feel like getting my teeth knocked in. Billy picks at the threads in his duvet cover. Counts to three. "I want to be a good influence on you, Harrington."
Steve squaks. Some bright, quaffed bird. "I'm a year older than you!"
"Only 'cause you got held back in the third grade," Billy says. He flops over onto his belly, bringing the phone with him as he tries not to get wrapped up in the chord when Steve laughs.
"This is what I get for telling you all my deepest darkest shit," Steve rustles on the other end of the line and Billy imagines him in bed, or laying on the couch. Maybe flat on the carpet, near the fireplace, shirtless and eating chocolate covered strawberries--
"C'mon," Steve says gently, "Be a bad influence, come hang out with me."
"My dad--"
"Just sneak out, Malibu."
Billy grunts, not wanting to tell the truth, kind of into how Steve's growing more and more whiny as the scene presses on. "I dunno."
"C'mon, it's not hard. I sneak out all the time. Out of my house and into my car and in through your window--"
"--That's different. Your parents don't give a shit where you are."
"You're right. Who cares, though? I'd still sneak out to see you even if they had a bell permanently installed around my neck."
Billy's heart feels like raw cookie dough, sticking to the ribs around him as he bakes and proves under some bright, shining, plastic feeling. "Are they home this week?"
"Nope," Steve says, and the P explodes over the phone line. Wipes out half the city in his excitement. "Mom bought a ton of shit to get me through 'till the twenty-eighth, so we can--"
"You're spending Christmas alone?"
"I always spend Christmas alone," Steve says. Quiet sits heavy, like a filed of snow, between them. Stretching out in every direction. "It's not a big deal. We celebrate Christmas in November."
"With Thanksgiving?"
"Nah, right at the start of November."
"Alongside Halloween?" Billy spats, sitting upright on the mattress. It jostles underneath him. He feels like a raft lost in some huge, freezing, disorienting sea.
He tries to get his barring's, tries to sink his heel into Steve's answering laugh but its hollow like a dead tree, "One year Santa was my dad, dressed as the Cowardly Lion." Steve says.
Billy tries to imagine it. He puts the hard, chilled seed of Steve's childhood near his molars and chews on it for a while, trying to envision the light refracted from all the ways childhood has to bend and contort to suit a kid's parents.
"I never believed in Santa," He says. An offering. Sadness for sadness, or something, like I see you.
Steve hums, and that horrible field of ice and snow between them melts, just like it always does. "Come over," He says, not as hollow as before. Blooming.
Billy puts his shoes on.
The Harringtons live in some demented alternate reality where Christmas in December is all for show. Their house has been decorated since the last time Billy was here in Saturday.
He knocks and stares down at Santa, the looming silver-screen image from his childhood, dressed in a floral button down, board shorts and flip flops. Somehow feels colder. When Steve opens the door, he points at it.
"My mom's theme this year is Blue Hawaii." Steve says.
Billy stumbles over the threshold, teeth chattering to shards in his skull. "That's not a Christmas Movie."
"Yeah, but it turns out, Santa can be anything. He's kinda like a chameleon."
"Santa isn't Elvis."
"He could be," Steve says.
Billy shrugs out of his jacket, handing it off, like always. Steve holds it close to his chest, watching with amusement as Billy takes in the foyer. Toes out of his snow-covered boots. "It's like a tiki bar made of pine trees instead of sweet grass."
Steve nods, still clutching the jacket.
His eyes are red.
Billy squints at him, padding closer. "Are you high?"
Steve giggles, bright like a fresh log in the fire.
Billy scrubs a hand across his face, trying to hide the way it makes him go up in Steve's flame. "You're such a dork."
"What? I thought we could--"
"I only have a few hours," Billy tells him gently, trying not to get lost in the sleepy, apple-red flush across Steve's perfect nose. "My dad'll--"
"Just tell him I'm left on my own for Christmas. Maybe he'll feel sorry for me and let you stay the night."
"How do you think I got him to agree to an 11:30 curfew?"
Steve blinks at him and then explodes into glowing, glaring joy. "Are you shitting me?"
"Nope, I'm all yours 'till 11:30."
Steve flushes again, clutching Billy's jacket closer to his chest. "But it's a school night--"
"Guess my old man took pitty on you. Such a lonely boy in his Elvis-themed mansion on the hill, it's kinda pathetic," Billy says, "In a cute way."
"It's not Elvis," Steve says, still grinning, "It's Blue Hawaii."
"Still cute," Billy shrugs, feeling hot all over. Feeling proud of himself. He nearly combusts when Steve moves into his space, eyes nearly going cross to focus on the bridge of Steve's nose.
Billy holds his breath.
He waits for Steve to say something, feeling that huge filed stretch out between them, but it's not snow-covered now.
It's thawing. It's burning up.
Steve wets his lips.
"Uh," Billy says intelligently, looking down when the sleeve of his jacket tugs at him, still viced in Steve's hold. "You can put that in the closet," Billy tells him, caught on the strech of skin over Steve's knuckles. "If you want."
"I don't," Steve tells him.
Billy looks up, eyes crossing again.
Steve winks. "You're warm," He says but Billy feels it, more than anything else.
The smell of marijuana and pine is overwhelming, searing through the air after the first shared joint.
Billy rolls his neck and asks if they can crack a window. Steve blinks at him, sealing the second joint with spit. "You trying to get caught, or something?"
"Caught?" Billy asks, trying to force his shoulders to relax. "But. I thought--"
"--The neighbors are nosy 'round these parts." Steve says. He tucks his rolling tray under the coffee table, and Billy watches with droopy red eyes the way his lips close around the butt of the thing.
Steve's lips are perfect.
If Billy was an artist he'd fill sketchbooks with watercolor renditions of that cupid's bow. His fingers would permanently stain with lapping waves of purple-pink, etching the warmth of breath into his nail beds so that the faucet would never run clear of this boy.
He could get lost in those lips. That hair--
Steve hands him the joint and Billy takes it, focusing on the cherry so he won't get lost in Steve's eyes, too, because he's looking. Always.
Billy tries not to drown in it and fails when Steve says, "Y'know. Your eyes are kinda like Blue Hawaii."
"Again with Elvis?" Billy rolls them, handing the joint back. "You're the one who stole his wig."
"My hair is not a wig, fuck you."
"Coulda fooled me."
Steve holds smoke in his lungs, exhaling it toward the popcorn ceiling as he says, "Your eyes are blue."
Billy snorts, laying with his back on the carpet.
"They're the bluest things I've ever seen," Steve says, ashing the joint. "And I've tried to find something bluer. Around town. I even went to the library to look for something in an atlas when Indiana disappointed me, like maybe the ocean is bluer and clearer in the Caribbean, or something, but no."
Billy's heart thumps, nailing his ribs to the floor underneath.
He counts the joints in the popcorn overhead. He feels Steve looking at him, feels himself burning from the inside.
"You're just the most detailed asshole who's ever lived," Steve says, softly.
Billy could sink into it. "Thanks."
Silence falls, again. It's comfortable. Billy stretches, a little bit, twisting until his spine cracks, until he feels like he could pass out from how relaxed he is.
Steve hands him the joint.
Billy shakes his head.
"Why not?" Steve asks.
"I'm laying down," Billy tells the ceiling, "I feel like if I smoke anymore my lungs will give out, or maybe I'll float through the ceiling and disappear."
Steve exhales more smoke. "And right before Christmas, too."
Billy sits crisscross on the carpet, watching Steve puff, inhale, puff, inhale. "You're really not stressed about being home by yourself for six days?"
Steve shakes his head.
"Why not?"
"I like having the house to myself," Steve tells him, "Besides, I feel like if I have to spend any more time with my parents this year I'm going to sink right through the floor." Teasing. An echo of Billy's childhood fear of ascending into the ozone.
Billy pokes him with his foot, flushed.
Steve finishes the joint and slides closer. Their knees touch. "What kind of Christmases did you have when you were growing up?"
Billy shrugs. "I'm sill growing up."
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah, just. I dunno," Billy gets lost in Steve's eyes, a little. Classic beauty. "It was the Coca-Cola Santa kind?"
Steve laughs at him, and then his palms are warm on Billy's knee caps. "The kind with Bing Crosby and miniature towns on the dining room table?"
Billy's mom loved to collect those goddamn things. Neil smashed them all when she ran away and killed herself.
He nods, relishing the weight of Steve's fingertips.
Steve fiddles with the hole in Billy's jeans. "What kind of food did you have?"
"Pizza," Billy says.
Steve blinks at him, lost. "That's not very Coca-Cola of the Hargrove's."
"My mom didn't like to cook."
"Funny," Steve says, combing through the tussle of hair on Billy's kneecap, "Mine doesn't either."
Billy aches to knit their fingers together until they meld, forming the kind of sweater you dig out from the back of your closet year after year, echoing on the stiff frigid breeze until it's tattered and falling apart.
Steve looks at him, smiling. "Do you want some pie?"
Steve guts and skins the freezer until it's empty. A carcass picked clean.
Mrs. Harrington must have spent her entire bonus at Melvalds on Christmas dinner, enough to feed four Steve Harrington's and all the people who are desperately in love with him.
Billy tries not to think about them and watches from the counter face, his sock feet thumping gently against the cabinet as Steve pulls dish after dish from a cloud of white exhaust, plopping containers onto the island. "Green bean casserole," Steve says, "Pumpkin pie, pecan, apple, blueberry--"
"--You're supposed to eat all of this?"
"You're gonna help me."
"I don't like green bean casserole," Billy says, yelping when Steve feigns death and collapses into the counter. "Jesus Christ--"
"I'm midwestern, that's a cardinal sin to me."
"Dope makes you dramatic, pretty boy."
"You hate midwestern people."
"Yeah," Billy says, giggling.
"You hate me."
"Shut up," Billy slips off the counter and onto his feet, examining every frozen item while Steve repacks.
"Which pie sounds good?"
"I dunno," Billy says, eyeing the blueberry with suspicion, "Don't we have to wait for them to thaw before we throw them in the oven?"
"I don't think so," Steve says, "I've already tried the cherry and that baked fine."
"I've never had it before."
Steve blinks at him, shocked. "How have you never had cherry pie?"
"My dad doesn't like cherries," Billy admits.
"Just because your dad doesn't like cherries--"
"--Look, my mom wasn't on great terms with the oven, and nobody else is going to waste time cooking shit my dad won't eat," Billy snaps. Feeling red-hot all of a sudden. Angry in a way he hasn't been in a long time for being reminded that other people's dads are shitty in the normal way.
Not like Neil.
Steve either doesn't notice or chooses not to take it personally.
He opens the refrigerator and pulls out a half-eaten cherry pie, picking at its cling-wrap until Billy can see the cherries where the glitter between layers of perfectly brown crust. Bloody little eyes staring up at him like dead fish.
"You can have the rest."
"The rest?" Billy demands, "But what if I don't like it?"
"Not possible," Steve tells him. He opens the microwave and attempts to shove the pie tray in, yelping when Billy snatches it out of thin air. "What--"
"--Aluminum will catch fire in the microwave." Billy snaps. He tries to find it annoying, but Steve just blinks those big, soft eyes at him and the anger washes away. "Get me a plate, bambi boy," He says.
Steve watches Billy plate the pie, giggling as his nose wrinkles in disgust over its dripping red innards. "This is so gross," Billy says.
"You won't think so, once you try it."
Billy walks it to the microwave, carefully pinching the edges of the plate between his palms. "I can't think of a single other instance where that has been true."
He turns the dial. Forty seconds.
Steve's watching him, face illuminated in the golden hum of the microwave.
"What?" Billy demands.
"Nothing," Steve says, leaning against the counter top, "I just can't believe I'm gonna be here when your life is changed forever."
Billy snorts, stalking to the drawer where the Harringtons keep their silver. "Still dramatic, pretty boy."
"Why do you always say that?" Steve wonders.
Billy freezes in place. Two forks in hand. He peers across the island at Steve, heart thrumming loudly. "Why do I always say what?"
"Pretty boy," Steve clarifies.
It hangs between them. The microwave hums, the longest forty seconds of Billy's life. "I," He says intelligently, "It's just. True."
"What is?"
"You're. Pretty," Billy says. And it's like having teeth pulled.
The microwave beeps.
Steve turns away, yanking the pie from its incubation, "Shit," He says, wiggling his fingers. "Plate's hot as hell."
Billy stands there watching him. Breathing. Dying.
Steve looks at him. "Well, do you wanna try it?" Billy nods. Doesn't move. Steve laughs at him. "Come here."
Billy goes easily, like a lap dog being called to perch. He and his forks stare down at the pie with caution, stomach churning at the congealed mess before him.
Steve grabs one of the forks from Billy and cuts the point off, blowing on it until its warm enough to eat. Steve pops it into his mouth, brown eyes falling closed. "Mmmm," He says, like someone would with a spooked and disgusted baby, "It's good."
Billy shakes his head.
"You're so dramatic," Steve says, cutting another huge chunk for Billy. He holds it in the air between them, eyebrows raised. "Trust me."
Billy stares at it. "Why's mine so big?"
"I want you to get the full range of flavor."
Steve shoves the fork into Billy's mouth, swiftly depositing the little cherry eyeballs onto Billy's tongue. He coughs and sputters, lips curling around the fork as Steve yanks it away. "Chew," Steve says.
Billy does.
Like it's the first time he's ever done it, clumsy and a little rushed and very, very distracted by the way Steve's watching him.
"Swallow," Steve says softly, barely there.
Billy does. There's something on his face. On his lips.
"What do you think?" Steve asks, staring at them.
Billy resists the urge to lick it away, "Sucked," He says, expecting Steve to laugh, but.
Something rests between them, not growing or stretching or changing shape, but it's there. It suffocates.
Steve looks at him, somehow closer than he was before. "Sorry, pretty boy," He says.
Billy's heart stops. "Why would you say that?"
"It's true. You're pretty," Steve says, watching the red on Billy's lips burn brighter. "You've got a little something on your face." Billy lifts a hand, mouth falling open when Steve grabs his wrist. "Can I," Steve says, soft as summer rain, "Can I kiss you, Billy?"
Billy doesn't move as Steve licks into his mouth, Cherry washing away under the rough, sweet drag of intention.
Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I get around to part two <3
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kisscookin · 2 years
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 ♡
— 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 —
hi everyone! its your kisscookin again in another tarot PAC reading :) today, you'll read message that your beloved future spouse want you to know. I channeled each letter exactly the way your spouse said it.
please give a lot of love to this reading cause it's my first reading like that and don't forget to check previous readings here :)
I really value any type of feedback from your side ♡ follow, like, reblog ♡
close your eyes, take a deep breath and think about your person. then choose letter that draws you the most.
sorry for any possible grammar or orthography mistakes. I do not own those pictures.
do not upload my post on any other platform without my clear consent
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𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝟏, 𝟐, 𝟑
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— 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 —
take only what resonates
hi love,
it's been a while since we made telepathic connection, haven't we? do you remember it? did you even noticed messages that I've been sending you non stop? I feel like I'm calling you, but you're not picking up :( my love, I feel so empty without you, like someone ripped my ribcage open and took my heart out? where did you go, where did you hide? have I met you? have I dreamed of you? I don't know. I'm so confused about my love life right now. I feel like I'm standing on this goddamn crossroad and I don't know which way should I go to meet my love of my life, my beloved wifey (hubby), the one that will put heart in my wounded body and mind. Will you do that? Will you give me your heart? I'm so confused.
I'm huge hopeless romantic. I dream about love and soulmates and romance all damn time. I wander alone on the streets of New York (or any other city?), and I see all those happy couples holding hands and kissing each other. I smile at them with pain in my heart and my soul. I'm love sick. I want to love you. I want to kiss you. kissing every inch of your body makes me wanna move mountains, I feel so excited. why? I don't really now. sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and I forget to do my earthy duties and my errands so my boss is mad at me. but I'm Pisces so whatever, I don't care. I love smelling roses, they remind me of the desire hidden inside me to find my love, my beloved, my soulmate, my twin flame. I want to reach my hand to you right now, but I dont know where you are. Will you tell me? Will you find me? Are you even on this earth? man, I can't deal with awful adult life all by myself :( help me out babe. I really need you.
I know I may sound boring, whining and depressed. but trust me, I'm not. I just can't deal with my loneliness and my life without you. you're only one that I need. you're the one that will complete my lost soul. are you ready to join me on my journey? please say that you do :(
Love you :(
Your spouse :(
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— 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 —
take only what resonates
tw: swear words
what's up babyyyy. I know you've been missing me. who wouldn't miss me tbh. I hope you're doing good these days. I'm confident, loud and super outgoing person so I hope I don't scare or intimidate you :3 you're so precious to me ♡ but I'll love the shy look on your face when I'll be flirting with you shamelessly. I'll love how your face becomes red any time I complement and kiss you in front of your family, friends and other people. don't be shy, you can hold my hand or hold my biceps. I know you love my muscles :3
now I'm gonna tell you what's going on in my life. nothing special. I'm working, I'm chilling with my boys, we watch football and other sports together, we drink beer together, we fuck bitches. just what ordinary, stupid guys my age do. I'm single but I don't wanna commit right now. I wanna party like crazy, I wanna gain a lot of experience, so later on life I would be perfect husband (wife) for you. I'll be loyal and committed to you till my death, but right now I don't care about relationships. those cheap bitches ain't as precious as you so I'm not planning on ....... omg I was about to spill a secret 🤫 am I a fuckboy (fuck girl)? yes. do I care? no. but sooner or later this period will come to an end and along my path I will find you ♡ my dearest ♡
babyyy, sorry if my message is tooooooo short but I don't have anything else to say to you :3 we still have a long journey ahead of us before we meet so my love, please live your life to the fullest and try to experience as many things as possible, so one day when we lay down in your bed, with a glass of wine, we can share our most fucked up and funny stories. babyyy I promise I'll make you laugh until you struggle to breathe.
keep yourself safe my dearest ♡
your spouse :3
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— 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 —
take only what resonates
how are you? how you doing? :) recently I moved out from my family house to collage. it's been rough period in my life but somehow I managed to get through it. I miss my family soo freaking much. I'm here alone. I'm shy, so it's struggle to find friends. but my love I promise I'm working on all my anxieties and my shyness. I'm practising being more open and bold but sometimes I hold up. I'm naturally very introverted and I love living in my inner temple. I love meditating and I do it a lot. it helps me soothe my loneliness and my past wounds. also it helps my cope with stress. my love, do you meditate? if not, then try it. lately you've been nervous and stressed. it's not worth it. take care of your mind, soul and body. it's important. take all witamins and nutrition. eat healthy and drink enough water. I study degree related to those issues so trust me, I know what I'm talking about :D I'm a nerd 🤓 but you'll learn a lot from me and I'll learn from you. our relationship will be very growth orientated.
I've never had any girlfriend (boyfriend) before, so at the beginning things may be awkward for a while. please don't be turned off by that 🙈 I'm a fun person after all, but it takes time to break my hard shell. I've been like that since I was little child.
my love, you'll recognise me easily when we finally meet. I always wear glasses and turtleneck (not in summer tho) and I always carry classic book with me and of course coffee. I may look like new yorker or sophisticated parisian. I love plants and I recently decorated my collage room with plants and other hipster stuff. I love aesthetically pleasing things.
my love, take good care of yourself. can't wait to kiss you 💋
your spouse ♡
《 KissCookin 》
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1ns3n1ty3x1sts · 7 months
Law with an airheaded s/o HC's ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
How would the infamous pirate, "Surgeon of Death" Trafalgar Law deal with an extremely extroverted, yet dumb s/o, who can't seem to stop pestering him, no matter what?
Warnings: None, just pure fluff and comedy!
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Law really adores you, and trust me, he'd split the world in half just for you. But sometimes all the time actually, you'd ended up giving him more migraines.
Please, give this poor man a break, his sleep schedule is already fucked up and not to mention the way you're only worsening it is just- 😭
Aside from that, he'll let you slide. Why? Because you're his special person, and he tolerates you more compared to Luffy.
Blud's sick of your shenanigans, getting to the point where he even started questioning himself whether he's dead or not 💀
You're always bugging him and invading his personal spaces, ithough he actually appreciates that, considering you're basically offering him a break from his works.
Law is always having this emo demeanour and this unfazed expression while he looks at you like a half-dead person most of the time while you talk his ear off max volume. Even when he's always annoyed with you, he's actually listening.
He's also your #1 Saviour, whenever you're getting chased by multiple marines for doing such a stupid thing, he's just going to shambles you out, no worries. ;)
It's also no surprise that your bounty is high, and all Law do is watch you scream and shout with excitement as your bounty somehow, magically gotten higher by 50 million. 😃
You're like a fly, always surrounding him and annoying tf out of him. Sometimes, ain't no way Law could just actually get mad at you 💀 You're way too adorable and innocent for him to get angry at, just like Bepo. <3
And genuinely, he already can tell you aren't even the sharpest tool, just from one glance at you.
Whenever you tried to play tag with him, he'll just ended up using shambles to put you back into place.
And once, while the Polar Tang docked on an island, Shachi had met a bet that 99.99%, he'll ended up having to drag you while you lay there, soaking wet from recklessly jumping into a river full of blood-thirsty crocodiles. And he was right. Poor him
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - -
"Y/n-ya, you're soaking wet and it's quite chilly here." Law sighed, dragging your soaked figure towards the ship.
"Huh? It's chilly?" You titled your head, staring at him with a blank gaze, before it suddenly hits you. "wHoA! It's cOld! it'S coLD!" You shouted, teeth clattering, your delayed reaction unspoken of till now.
Law deadpanned, rubbing his forehead with his free hand, "That's why I told you not to jump in there." He lightly scolded, "Damn it, why is it always you who keep on causing me trouble.." He muttered under his breath, audio barely audible for you to hear.
"It's not my fault the crocodiles snap my stick I took!" You huffed, a pout forming on your lips. Earlier, you found a huge stick you found that came off from a 300 year old tree. "Besides, I don't want an animal who already committed a mass murder touch the precious stick!"
"Whatever, just don't do that again." Law lets out a tired hum, slightly rolling his eyes. 'Crocodile snap the stick that, mass murder this, how about one homicide?'
Another thing is, you always somehow managed to ruin plan, literally running towards the marine with no hesitation, and 90% Law gotta use shambles.
What happened? You may ask, and it ended up with you blowing up 9 warships and the heart pirate's screaming with terror as they saw you rampaging the marines just by running off 🥰
"Y/n-ya, you're gonna be the death of me." Is what Law would say all the time, treating your wounds you recklessly earned while all you did was sit there, smiling like a complete idiot, as if nothing had happened.
Don't worry, this man is going to treat your wounds as if its a delicate glass, kissing your bandages skin right after, and not saying a word. It's one of the way of how he showed you his love for you <3
Bro's also got that magic mom power, like you could be searching for something you can't even find, and he'll be there like "It's right here." while holding up the item you're searching for.
You caused him so much chaotic moments, he's not even panicking anymore when you run off somewhere, 'cause he knows you'll reappear, with probably a bunch of beaten up people.
Law really is thinking about his life decision, thinking about the bad sides. And when you suddenly barge into him, you'll be shouting, and he'll forget about these thoughts and instantly become relief.
For his perspective, he'll eye you overtime, alert to protect you from potential danger. Even if that danger is yourself
Last time, when y'all docked on an island, you found a flower. "Hey Law! This flower looks so pretty, don't you think?!" You'd shouted with excitement, presenting it in front of his face, before eating it.
"Yeah, it's pretty" He mutters, before realisation hits. "Wait what."
Turns out, you had eaten a rhododendron, and even touched it.
It ended up with you having an extreme skin irritation, a dangerously low blood pressure and heart rate.
Don't worry though! Law had saved you, and you completely recovered in a few days. During your sick days, he'll help you with your abdominal pain, stomach irritation and your gastroenteritis. And that also caused him to have like what? 5 minutes of sleep.
When you do one of the most random thing ever, he'll just watch you with an unamused facial expression like (ಠ_ರ). Yeah that.
I mean, you've been annoying him for 8 years, to the point where he could predict every single of your stunts. Sometimes, on rare occasion, he couldn't, since you lacked your non-existent braincells.
Just like Luffy, Law makes plan but you never really go along with it so many times, to the point where he doesn't get annoyed anymore.
But for sure, he loves you no matter what.
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13as07 · 3 months
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Coffee #1
(Neji Hyuga)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Marimari999]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,878
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Neji didn't die in the war because I said so and it was a pointless death :)
     I feel excited, I shouldn't feel excited. It's just a cup of coffee, it's no big deal. It's just a cup of coffee. Friends get friends coffee all the time. I mean, Kakashi brings Gai-Sensei coffee all the time and vice versa. It's just coffee, it's just coffee, it's just -
     "Neji!" Lee's voice rings out, making me snap my eyes closed and let out a long sigh. "Neji, Neji, Neji!" He continues, his voice picking up the closer he gets to me. "Neji!" He screams once more, continuing to race forward, amping for another sad attempt to take me on.
     I deck down, making sure not to spill the coffee as I avoid Lee's jump kick. He goes flying over my head, another missed attempt to take me down. How sad. Lee lands a couple of paces ahead of me, quickly turning around to face me. "Oh! Did you get Tenten and I coffees?"
     "No," I answer shortly, straightening up before I continue walking down the road.
     "Then who's it for? You don't drink coffee." Lee pushes, strolling next to me, his hands on his head as he walks.
     "They're for me," I mutter, letting out another sigh. Why is Lee my squad mate again? Oh right, I didn't have a choice. "Can I help you with something or are you just here to pester me?"
     "I want us to meet up for lunch, are you down?"
     "Sure," I grumble, stopping on the corner of the street, waiting to see who I'm looking for. "What time are we meeting?"
     "How about noon? Met me at Yakiniku Q," Lee tells me, jumping around as he pumps his arms. "So you're coming, right?"
     "Ya, ya, ya. Whatever Lee," I grumble, watching my new... friend, slide into the academy building. "I'll see you at noon, okay?" I push out, waiting for a beat before I rush across the street.
     "Oh, okay. See you at lunch," he calls after me, waving as I race across the way.
     When I get outside the door, I stop for a moment, balancing my breathing and setting my mind straight. It's just coffee. I'm just giving a nice girl coffee before I get my duty orders for the day. I am an active shinobi, I am a pillar of the Hyuga clan, I survived a war Lord being, I can give a nice girl with pretty eyes a cup of coffee.
     With that, I let out another long sigh before pushing the door open. I'm just here to get my duty form for the day and I just so happened to accidentally get two coffees. Even though I don't like coffee. At all. And purposely bought two. But she doesn't know that.
     I keep my breath even as I walk down the hallway, making the lefts and rights as I head towards the right room. The secretary's laugh rings out even through the door, making my hands tighten around the to-go cups. "It's just a coffee for a friend," I whisper to myself, squeezing my eyes closed for a second.
     When I open my eyes again, I push the door open, the metal squeaking on its hinges. "Good morning, Hyuga-San," the adorable secretary greets me, a huge smile on her face.
     It's just coffee. For a friend. With beautiful eyes. Who smiles every morning she sees me. "Hello, Aburame-Chan," I greet back, taking slow steps forward. "How are you today?"
"Oh, I'm great! How about you?"
"I'm good," I mutter, eyes caught on her toothy grin. Does she smile that big for everyone or just me? Hopefully just me, I want it to just be me. "I... stopped at the coffee shop," I add on, pushing the cups forward. "Fun story, I ordered one cup and they gave me two and... um... I would like to give you the other one."
"Aww, thank you, Hyuga-San. I appreciate the thought but I must insist you take it for yourself," the woman says, smile softening as she waves her hands around.
"No, no, no. Please take it, Aburame-Chan. I don't have any use for two coffees and I don't want the second one going to waste," I gently push, my heart pounding in my chest. Maybe it was a mistake getting her a coffee.
"Alright," she says, letting out an airy laugh. "I appreciate being in your thoughts," Aburame-Chan adds, taking one of the cups from me. She takes a small sip of it, giving me a soft smile after she pulls the cup away. The rim is stained, the clear sticky gloss coating her lips stamped into it. "Thank you, Hyuga-San."
My eyes flicker to her lips, the source of the stained cup. They're pink, plump, and shiny because of her gloss. I wonder if it's flavored gloss. What kind of flavored gloss would Aburame-Chan use? Would it be orange, like the scent of her perfume?
"You're welcome," I tell her, fighting down my nauseousness. The thought of her lips and her smile is making me nervous. I need to get my work order and leave. "Do you have my work form ready?"
"Of course I do!" She chirps, the top row of her teeth resting on her bottom lip, chewing on it as she smiles. Would her lips feel bruised if we kissed? Probably, since she chews on her lips. Is that why she wears the gloss? To make up for her chewing on them? "You walk in every day at ten thirty-two. It took a while but I've figured out how to get your forms in order before you come in."
"Oh," I breathe out, the feeling of heat crawling up my neck. Is my face red too? Or just my neck? Can Aburame-Chan tell I'm flustered? I hope not. "Well, thank you."
"You're welcome!" She says, her voice still cheery as she hands me my daily file. "I'll see you tomorrow, Hyuga-San."
"Neji," I correct, tightening my hand around the papers. "Please call me Neji."
"Okay, Neji," she says, my name sounding like a million praises falling from her lips. Her plump, gloss-tinted lips. "I'll see you tomorrow, Neji."
"I'll see you tomorrow," I echo, trying to even out my breath again. I slowly turn around, the thought of Aburame-Chan's lips still locked in my mind as I walk away. I peep back into the room as the door starts swinging closed behind me, catching her throwing my coffee into the trash.
"Did you not like it?" The man minding the desk with her asks.
"Not really, I'm not a fan of - " she says, her answer getting cut off by the door clicking closed. Not a fan of what? Me? Coffee? Black coffee?
     My eyes light up at the sight of the Hyuga boy standing outside the Duty Report room. He's a cute boy, with long dark hair, tied at the end with a loose band so that his locks still flow freely without getting in his face. His bangs hang loose though, framing his oval face.
"Stop making googly eyes," Rito - the fellow Duty Report worker - says, a chuckle following his words.
"I'm not making googly eyes," I grumble, my cheeks heating up from being called out. So what if I have a little crush on the Hyuga boy? It doesn't hurt to check him out on occasion. He's hot after all, and single, so it doesn't hurt anyone. Maybe I poked around Rock Lee about his squad mate a tiny bite. There's no harm in that. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being... friendly with a taken man.
"You are though. You guys flirt every time he stops in."
"We do not!"
"'Oh thank you so much, Aburame-Chan,', 'Oh, you're so welcome, Hyuga-San,'. Not to mention the eye fucking the two of you do," Rito teases, switching between fake gagging and making kissy faces. "Dear Lord, can't one of the two of you make a move already?"
I roll my eyes at the man, my senses out-weighing the small crush I have. "Don't the hyugas practice arranged marriages? Last time I checked I'm not from their clan so that disqualifies me."
"Ya, but rumor has it since Hinata has eyes for Naruto that the chief is going to get rid of the arranged marriage policies. If that's the case then you can have Neji all to yourself."
"Come on, Rito. Don't feed into the rumor mill," I grumble, scanning the window of the door again, watching as Neji stands outside.
"I'm being serious! I swear! I'm pretty sure I saw it on the Hokage agenda for next week's meeting."
I roll my eyes at my coworker again. I know the Hyuga Chief has gone soft after the war, but I don't think he's gone that soft. Nonetheless, I make a mental note to appear at the council's meeting next week. Just to debunk this rumor.
My attention flickers toward the door, the sound of it opening filling the room. A smile cracks across my face before I can stop it, Rito bouncing his eyebrows to tease me. "Good morning, Hyuga-San," I welcome him, kicking my coworker under the table. He grumbles in response, kicking me back.
"Hello, Aburame-Chan," he greets me back, walking towards the desk. The closer he gets, the louder my heartbeat seems to be. "How are you today?"
Great now that you're here. Would be even better if you'd ask me out, renounce your clan, gave me your beautiful babies, or at the very least tell me your hair care routine. "Oh, I'm great. How about you?" I ask, pushing down the butterflies in my stomach. That task gets easier when Rito kicks me under the table again.
"I'm good. I... stopped at the coffee shop," Neji tells me, holding the two cups towards me, steam spilling out from the holes of the lids. "Fun story, I ordered one cup and they gave me two and... um... I would like to give you the other one."
Another kick under the table lands on my shin. This time I return the kick, slamming my foot into Rito's leg. Despite Neji's story, his nervousness sparks my hopes of him purposely getting two coffees. The thought is - possibly - there even if I can't enjoy the treat.
"Aww, thank you, Hyuga-San!" I gush, throwing my hands up as I prepare to gently deny his gift. "I appreciate the thought but I must insist you take it for yourself." This time Rito steps on my foot under the table. Instead of returning it, I kick him in the shin again.
"No, no, no. Please take it, Aburame-Chan. I don't have any use for two coffees and I don't want the second one going to waste," Neji says, making my heart flutter again.
I feel like my face is on fire with embarrassment. "Alright," I answer, letting out a light laugh. My laugh sounds stupid, why did I laugh like that? That's so embarrassing. "I appreciate being in your thoughts," I tell him, taking one of the cups from him.
I lift the cup to my lips, tiling it back a bit. I make sure to keep my mouth sealed around the lid, not letting any of the liquid slip past my lips. After a beat or two I pull the cup back, setting it down on the counter. "Thank you, Hyuga-San," I mutter, sending him another smile.
"You're welcome. Do you have my work form ready?" He asks, eyes locked on me. I swear I can drink up his eyes like the milk color they are. Lord the things I would let this boy use his byakugan to do. Is there anything 'risky' you could use the byakugan for?
"Of course I do! You walk in every day at ten thirty-two. It took a while but I've figured out how to get your forms in order before you come in," I spill, instantly feeling embarrassed once the words are out. I nibble on my lip as I think about how stupid I sound. That sounds creepy, right? The kick to my leg answers my question for me; it did sound stupid.
"Oh," Neji says as I hand him his work order, only furthering my proof of how stupid I sound. "Well, thank you," he adds, his cheeks going red. So much for taking advantage of the possible end to the Hyuga marriage traditions.
"You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow, Hyuga-San."
"Neji," he says, catching me off guard. "Please call me Neji." Maybe I didn't embarrass myself as badly as I thought I did.
"Okay, Neji. I'll see you tomorrow, Neji." His name feels heavy on my tongue like I want to say it another hundred times. It makes my heart flutter too, hearing my voice say his name, getting to be so casual with him.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he repeats, staying put for a moment before he turns on his heels. My eyes trail up and down his back, imagining how defined it must be under his shirt.
I pop my cheeks out, slowly letting my breath out as I try to clear my mind. Once Neji is out the door, I pick up the coffee and drop it into the trash. My lips are already feeling itchy from having the caffeine pressed against them. "Did you not like it?" Rito asks, making his eyebrows jump again.
"Not really, I'm not a fan of caffeine."
"Why not? I figured you'd down any drink Neji bought you."
"I'm allergic to caffeine," I shortly explain, rubbing my fingers against my lips that I'm sure are already forming a rash.
"Do you need to go to the hospital?"
"No, I'll just end up with a rash on my lips. It should go away in a few hours."
     "I think you're looking into it too much," Lee tells me, his chin prepped on his hands he has folded on the table. "Doesn't your clan do forced marriages or whatever? Why put any effort into this girl if your uncle is just going to sell your life away?"
I blink slowly at the stupidity rolling off of Lee. I swear if I didn't know how empty-minded he was, I would mistake him as a Hyuga hater. "Arranged marriages. My clan does arrange marriages."
"Same thing."
"No," I sigh, rubbing my temples. Why is my best friend an idiot? Why am I best friends with Lee of all people? "Besides," I sigh again, dropping my hands to my lap. "My uncle is getting rid of those traditions. Something about 'wanting better relations with the village' and 'not wanting to be seen in the same light as the Uchiha Clan'. I'm getting dragged to a council meeting next week to get the tradition terminated."
"Oh, that's great news!" Lee says, jumping up from his relaxed spot and clapping his hands. "That means you can go for the cute secretary!"
"Yes, unless she doesn't like me."
"Maybe she just didn't like the coffee. Most people don't like black coffee, that's probably why she threw it away. Try getting her something sweeter tomorrow." This. This is why I'm friends with Lee because he wasn't cooped up in a clan his whole life and knows how to interact with other people. Plus, his support is a bit nice.
"I do not like coffee, let alone know anything about it. I don't know what I should order for us tomorrow."
"Ya, first off maybe just be upfront and tell her you bought her a coffee. Second, you said she likes oranges right?"
"She smells like oranges so I would assume so, yes," I mumble, picking up my glass of water, taking a few sips of it as I listen to Lee talk.
"Well, when you stop at the coffee shop tomorrow ask for two coffees with two shots of espresso, two shots of creamer, and four shots of orange juice. It'll be a sweet coffee with a tangy taste to it." Maybe Lee is so jumpy and happy because he drinks too much caffeine. That would make sense.
"And she will like it?" I ask, repeating the order in my head a few times. Maybe I should write it down so I don't forget it.
"I don't know," he says, shrugging his shoulders as he rests against the booth. "I don't know your secretary lady so I don't know what she likes, but if she likes oranges she should like the coffee. I think."
"Well," I mutter, slowly blinking at Lee again. "I suppose it's better than nothing."
     My heart races again as I walk down the familiar path to the academy, two coffees in my hold just like yesterday. Lee said two shots of Expresso, right? Or maybe he said three? I should have written the order down. It's fine, I'm sure it's fine. All that matters is that it takes like oranges instead of coffee.
     I repeat the same steps as yesterday. Waiting on the corner to watch Aburame-Chan slip into work, waiting a moment before walking across the street, slow steps along the hallways of the academy, and waiting outside the Duty Order room to even out my breath.
     I watch her talk to her coworker, it's a different one today than from yesterday, but I already knew that. It's Aburame-Chan and the guy on Mondays, Aburame-Chan and the girl on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, then a second guy on Thursdays, and then she's off for the weekend. Is it creepy that I know her work schedule? Or is it just a coincidence that I've noticed when she's not here? I'm going with the second situation, it's less weird.
     When the women's laughs ring out, it snaps me back into the moment. Right, coffee for Aburame-Chan, which I purposely bought for her, with orange juice in it to make it tangy because she - most likely - doesn't like black coffee.
     I push the door open, the normal shrieking of the metal overpowering the secretaries's laughter. "Oh, good morning Hyuga-San!" The secretary that's caught my eye chirps out.
     "Neji, I asked you to call me Neji," I correct her, a bit worried that she forgot our conversation yesterday.
"Right. Neji." She says, a smile crawling across her face. "It seems you have a light day today," Aburame-Chan mutters, holding out my file for the day. She's not wrong, it is thinner than usual.
"Well... I guess I'll have some free time this afternoon then," I respond, setting down a cup in front of her on the table. "Perhaps you would like to spend my open afternoon with me? We could go grab something to eat? Or we could do something else more to your liking."
The secretary blinks at me a few times, tilting her head as her smile loosens. Lee was wrong, it's not that she didn't like the coffee. It's that she didn't like me. Why would I stoop down to listening to Lee? I should have known that was a bad idea.
"I get off at five. Met me here?" Or, Lee was right. I suppose even the dumbest of people have to be correct on occasion.
"Yes, of course. I will see you at five," I mumble, the familiar heat caused by the Aburame clan member crawling across my face. "Have a good day, Aburame-Chan," I say, nodding my head a bit before I turn around.
"Oh, don't forget your coffee, Neji." I swear I don't know how I'm going to survive our date if she keeps saying my name. Why did I give her my name? She already had my name. Why did I ask her to use it? Because it sounds good falling off her lips.
I slowly turn around, sending her a soft smile as I do so. "It is for you. Please enjoy," I shortly explain, nodding my head again and turning away before she can try and fight me on it like she did yesterday. By the time I slip out the door, I feel like I'm going to be sick from excitement.
I poke my head around, looking through the window of the door to see Aburame-Chan's reaction to the coffee. My excitement is quickly diminished when her head turns towards her coworker and her hand wraps around the cup to drop it into the trash again. She didn't even try it!
I knew it was me she did not like. What is the point of our date tonight if she does not like me? As I walk away from the academy two things are running through my head. One, I'm going to ask Aburame-Chan what in the world she is thinking and two, Lee is not as smart as he thinks he is.
"I am just saying, if she does not like me, what is the point of going to dinner?" I grumble, getting another chuckle from Lee. He's waiting with me around the corner of the academy door for Aburame-Chan to get off work. He insists that he snooped around and figured out why she won't drink the coffee I get her. He also insists on not telling me, which is testing my patience. If he knows, why won't he tell me?
"Like I told you yesterday, I'm pretty sure she likes you. Don't cut your losses yet," he hums out, slowly shifting his head back and forth as he rests against the brick wall of the academy.
"Don't cut my losses," I grumble, mocking Lee's words. What does he know anyway? I mean, it's already four past five, if Aburame-Chan is oh so excited about our date, where is she?
As if the Lord himself can hear me, the door to the academy is pushed open, Aburame-Chan's laugh filtering out from the hallway. "You're stupid, Shino," she giggles out, the man called for walking behind her as they exit the building. His hands are buried in her hair, trying to tie it up for her.
     "I am not stupid. You are empty-minded and believe everyone is your friend. I am not saying Neji is a bad guy, I am just saying he is a guy." Shino's lecture angers me. What's that supposed to mean? 'He's a guy'? Of course I'm a guy. I swear, this whole date thing is getting more frustrating by the moment.
     Why did Aburame-Chan agree to a date if she doesn't like me? Why won't she drink the coffee I get her? Why is Shino fixing her hair for her? Why are women confusing?
     "Fine, you're not stupid brain-wise but you're stupid protective-wise. Lord, Onii-San, you think you can give me a little space?" She whines, unknotting Shino - her brother's - hands out of her hair. Well, this must be what Lee feels like in these moments.
     "The guy keeps bringing you coffee. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's trying to kill you."
     "Neji doesn't know I'm allergic to caffeine. I'll talk to him about it at dinner tonight, okay? Give the guy a break. It's sweet he keeps bringing me coffee." This is definitely how Lee feels, my thought solidified by the cocky smile on his face.
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dudadragneel · 3 months
Hello guys! It's me!
How are you?
Like I promised! Another fic!
Dear 🙊, I hope you like it!
Ok so, i was thinking of skz in a free day, and they go out for dinner to a restaurant that is a bit far away, so they have to go by car. the long ride messes with lee know a little, but he forgets it when they arrive.
they order dinner and all good at first, but on the ride back lee know sits at the back and he starts to feel worse, but doesn’t say anything yet.
at the dorm, he goes straight to the bathroom to be sick but tells the others he’s gonna shower (he’s not, obv)
since he doesn’t feel any better and his stomach starts to cramp bad as well as still feeling the nausea, he goes to the living room to wait for it to settle before going to bed.
it’s late and the rest are in their bedrooms but 3racha are still there (finishing a song or doing whatever), so he just tells them he’s gonna stay there with them for a bit since he doesn’t feel well, and they try to subtly make him feel better, but in the end he gets sick again (can write whatever you want from there on)
Free day, a rare thing in the busy life of idols, specially SKZ, who seemed to be making comebacks left and right with no break in between.
To celebrate their efforts in preparing the next album, although there was still a lot to do, but they deserved it, they decided to go out for dinner in a restaurant they really liked but was a little far from their area, which was good because it meant less chance of paparazzi.
They all gathered inside the car and the manager started the hour-long drive to the restaurant. They were excited about it and also kept talking about the new songs, choreographies, and photoshoots.
Lee Know took part in some of the conversation, but the drive was starting to take its toll on his tired body. The movement of the car starts to make him feel a little queasy, with an uneasy feeling lingering around. He didn't feel like throwing up but the thought of food wasn't amusing him anymore, if anything he wanted to get it over with and go home.
The nausea was mixing with hunger and that combo was definitely not pleasant, because he wanted to eat but was afraid of getting sick.
After a tiring 1 hour drive, they arrived at the restaurant and the manager had to deal with 8 hungry, hyped kids. Lee Know felt better once he was out of the car and the combo he was feeling, was replaced with only hunger and he couldn't wait to eat.
To say the food was good was an understatement, it was delicious, Lee Know enjoyed every single bite, after all, there's nothing better than to be rewarded after a long day's work.
They all talked and had fun along with the manager, some of them drank just a little bit, and the others were completely focused on eating.
Since it was getting late, they needed to go home, especially now that their bellies were full, the thing they wanted the most was sleep, anywhere, anytime.
For the ride back, Lee Know sat at the very back of the car, meaning his only field of view was the other members. As the drive went on, Lee Know was starting to feel the consequences of sitting at the far back of the car after a huge meal. Not being able to see the road, along with the constant rocking of the car due to the pavement and being full was doing a number on his already unsettled stomach. It was in absolute turmoil but he didn't tell the others, he'd rather deal with it on his own but oh boy was it difficult.
After another 30 minutes, due to traffic, they arrived at the dorms. Once the car came to a stop, Lee Know didn't know whether he felt relieved or not because he was afraid of moving and triggering his stomach. He took deep breaths as the others exited the van and then came out himself but being on solid ground didn't provide him the comfort he thought it would. Instead, being upright made him aware of how bad his stomach was feeling and the nausea that kept building up on the ride was now fully settled in, he needed to get to the bathroom now.
He got on the elevator with the others, staying unusually quiet but the boys didn't ask him about it since he was probably tired. But the more he thought about getting home, the more unsettled his stomach felt and now that they were close to their floor, his stomach jumped wanting to send its contents up his throat but he clenched his fists and managed to calm it down.
But once they were at their door, it jumped again warning him he had no other choice, he needed to get to the bathroom immediately or he'd vomit on the entrance.
- I'm gonna go shower.
He lied and barely managed to say that, sensing that if he tried to say anything else it wouldn't end well, and hurriedly made his way to the bathroom.
The boys were a little dumbfounded but didn't make much of it and went on to do their things.
Lee Know closed the door behind him and hurriedly turned on the shower to convince the others he was indeed showering and muffle the sound of him throwing up the dinner he just had.
He quickly opened the toilet as he lost the battle against his stomach, vomit escaping his lips and hitting the edges of the toilet.
- Shit.
He cursed quietly and another cramp made him gag up another thick stream of undigested chunky food, the fact that he had just eaten making him feel even worse due to the texture of the food on his throat and mouth coming back up.
He rocked back and forth as his stomach cramped and made him gag unproductively a few times before a rather productive one gushed out of him, coming out through his nose as well.
He could only hope no one was hearing him being miserable inside the bathroom and that the sound of the water was doing a good job muffling the noises.
Another gag brought up what seemed to be the last of it along with some bile. He flushed the toilet and straightened his back, taking deep breaths and making sure his stomach was better. It wasn't, but the nausea was bearable so he did indeed step into the shower, he needed to calm down and wash that gross feeling.
He finished his shower and stood by the sink, looking at the mirror and seeing his complexion wasn't looking the greatest but he could brush it off as just being tired. He thought that after throwing up that much his stomach would be somewhat settled now but it wasn't, it was still cramping and throughout the shower, the nausea had increased a little.
He took a few deep breaths as he contemplated his choices: go to the bedroom, lay down, and risk throwing up on the bed or the floor, or go to the living room, sit on the couch, and hopefully wait for it to settle before going to bed.
The latter it is. He washed his face one more time and made his way to the living room where the others were.
- Hyung, you okay?
- Yeah. I was just tired and the hot water felt good.
- That's something an old man would say~
Hyunjin teased earning a death stare from Lee Know who was ready to get tissues and turn on the air fryer.
- Sorry.
He said bowing his head and making the others laugh.
Lee Know sat on the couch and grabbed a pillow to hug since his stomach was not giving him a break.
The boys were watching TV, some were on the computer, on their phones and Lee Know tried to focus on the TV, and from time to time his stomach would cramp making him grip the pillow tightly until it went away. And it stayed like that for a long time, which meant that no matter how tired he was going to bed was still not an option.
As the night went on, the boys went to their bedrooms, and by 3 AM everyone was in their bedrooms, except for Lee Know and 3racha who decided to stay up to work on some songs.
Lee Know knew they would find it strange that he was still up so when they turned to him and before they could ask anything, he just opened up.
- I'll stick around for a bit...I don't feel well...
The confused faces now turned into worried ones.
- What's wrong hyung?
- It's just my stomach...it doesn't feel good.
- Stay with us then, if you feel anything say it, okay?
- Alright.
The three boys tried to focus on the music and also tried to help Lee Know, by making him listen to some of the song samples, maybe that would distract him.
At first, it worked and he did give some opinions on the songs, but eventually, his stomach started cramping even worse than before and he grew quiet.
He just sunk into the couch hugging the pillow and wishing he'd just melt into the couch. And the boys noticed the change in behavior.
- Hey, Lee Know-yah, are you okay?
Chan said, tapping the younger boy's knee.
Lee Know just nodded a no, sensing his stomach could send everything up at any minute.
Lee Know then felt the nausea increase rapidly, his stomach contracted and the color drained from his face, he could feel the vomit coming up.
- Changbin-ah, grab a bucket, he's gonna throw up. Han-ah, get some water.
The two boys quickly obeyed the leader's order and we're out of the living room in a flash.
Changbin arrived with the bucket just in time, placing it by Lee Know's feet.
- Here.
Lee Know bent forward and a wet burp brought up even more undigested food hitting the bucket with a disgusting sound.
Chan and Han kept rubbing Lee Know's back up and down, trying to comfort him as he puked up another wave. After the second wave, his stomach gave him a little break, enough for the others to try to understand what was going on. Changbin took the opportunity to take the bucket away before the smell or sight could make Lee Know sick again.
- Hey, you okay?
- No...it's cramping and the nausea won't go away...
- Was it the food?
Changbin asked giving Lee Know the bottle so he could drink a little bit.
- No...
- It would be weird if it was the food, some of us ate the same thing.
- Yeah. Then what was it?
- The ride... started bothering me before we got to the restaurant...but once we were there it stopped...but then the ride back just made everything worse...
- So when you said you were gonna take a shower, you were actually being sick, right?
Chan said with an assertive tone of voice, one that showed that he was both worried and upset he didn't say anything.
- why didn't you say anything?
Han asked with that cute quokka face, one that made Lee Know smile.
- I didn't want to worry you guys...and I really thought it would go away, that it was just a bit of carsickness...
- Don't hide anything from us, okay?
- O-okay...
He said choking and Changbin quickly appeared in front of him with a plastic bag where the boy gagged a few times before another wave came up, a little more liquid since he had just drank water.
- Get everything out. You're doing good.
Chan reassured rubbing his back along with Han and Changbin kept holding the bag for his hyung.
- Aigoo, hyung~
He said with a cute voice, trying to lighten up the mood and also tease him a little since they matched each other's energy so much.
Lee Know coughed up a thin stream of bile and saliva with only a bit of undigested food and then was left dry heaving over the filled bag.
- Hyung? Do you think you're done?
- Yeah...
He said weakly, voice raspy from the strain.
Chan made him sit back on the couch and do a few breathing exercises to calm down a bit.
- Do you wanna go lie down?
- No, not really...
The boy shared a bedroom with other members and the last thing he wanted was to get the others' attention as well.
- We'll sleep here then.
Chan suggested, his father-like instincts telling him Lee Know wasn't 100% yet and being around in case he needed was the wisest choice.
- Changbin-ah, get that bucket and leave it here, with a plastic bag so we don't need to keep washing it all the time. Han, can you grab some pillows, blankets, and mattresses?
- Yes, hyung.
They both said already leaving the living room to get the stuff.
- It's okay, hyung. I can sleep here by myself.
- No. You don't have a say in this. I know you don't want to sleep with the others and worry them and I'm not letting you sleep alone here.
- Okay.
Changbin and Han got back with everything they'd need for a night in the living room, spreading the mattresses close to the couch where Lee Know would be sleeping because it was a bit more comfortable than sleeping on the floor.
Chan gave an antiemetic to Lee Know to see if it would help him sleep through the night without vomiting again and tucked him into bed.
- Thanks, kids. Thanks, Chan-hyung.
- No need to thank us.
They all said smiling at an almost sleeping Lee Know.
Chan, Han, and Changbin all lay down and kept working on their stuff and took turns throughout the night to help Lee Know who got sick a few times.
It would usually mortify him to be like this in front of the others but he couldn't be more thankful to his dongsaengs and his only hyung.
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everythingpresley · 11 months
My Secret Ken-Doll (part three)
summary: Elvis has a little secret named Kennedy Jackson. Part 3!
word count: 6.4k
Author's Note: It's been a while!!! I've missed writing and I've missed this community. I haven't been on tumblr a lot. I hope you guys enjoy the final part of this story! I wrote a lot these past 2 days, getting back in the groove of writing again :)
Part 1, Part 2
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My Secret Ken-Doll (part three)
“I’m pregnant.” Kennedy replied.
Earlier that day
Kennedy woke up feeling extremely sick, she launched out of bed and sprinted towards the bathroom getting to the toilet in record time to throw up all the contents of her stomach. 
She sat on that bathroom floor for a while, she didn’t feel like it was food poisoning because that would include other things, not just throwing up. She got up and brushed her teeth before heading towards the calendar that was on her fridge. 
She’s supposed to get her period this week, it was supposed to be two days ago but that doesn’t mean anything. Her period sometimes comes late depending on her food or stress, anything could affect it. It doesn't mean anything. Kennedy kept trying to justify it and couldn't even bring herself to say the words out loud let alone in her head. 
She pulled on a pair of jeans and threw on a t-shirt before speed walking to the nearest supermarket. She walked around, shy to walk out with a pregnancy test so she got some ice cream, chips and chocolate. She wanted junk after the amount of stress she’s been in trying to figure out if she’s pregnant. Why was she stressing herself out over nothing, it’s probably nothing. Right? 
“Please god. Let it be nothing.” She prayed in her head as she grabbed a pregnancy test off of the shelf. She walked over to the counter and paid for her things before walking out. Okay maybe no one cares that she bought a pregnancy test but for her it was a big deal. Her life was about to be flipped upside down. She’s gonna be pregnant with a rockstar’s kid. The same rockstar who cheated on her and she was stupid enough to sleep with him after breaking up with him. 
But damnit a part of her wanted to keep a part of Elvis. She loved him so much and she couldn’t help but picture a little boy with Elvis’ looks.
She shook her thoughts, walking back to her apartment. A baby was a huge responsibility and what if Elvis says he doesn't want to be a part of the baby’s life, the baby will already be born in a broken home. 
She took the test and waited anxiously for the lines to appear. The box said three minutes but Kennedy could already see the two lines on the pregnancy test. She gripped the sink and let her tears fall. She had to tell Elvis. And she hoped he’d stand by her and make her feel better about all of this. 
One thing for sure, she wasn’t about to get rid of that baby. Life was gonna get so much harder but she’s willing to do whatever it takes to provide for that little thing growing inside of her stomach. 
Present time
Elvis looked at Kennedy with confusion on his face. Did he hear correctly? Did his ex girlfriend say she’s pregnant? 
“Elvis?” Kennedy asked, her voice diminishing significantly. She was scared of what he would say like it was her fault but it wasn’t, it was both of them. She makes sure to always take her birth control pills so she wasn’t sure how that happened.
“You-you’re pregnant?” He asked, his voice slightly above whisper. 
“Yes.” Kennedy gulped. 
“And it’s mine.” Elvis stated. 
Kennedy nodded, her eyes starting to water once again. 
Elvis’ lower lip trembled, a smile starting to grow on his face “We’re having a baby?”
“Only if you want to be a part of its life.” Kennedy replied.
“Of course I want to be a part of its life.” He replied and stepped forward pulling her into a tight embrace “We’re having a baby.” He whispered in her ear, completely ecstatic and excited “I love you.” he whispered.
Kennedy sobbed, holding onto Elvis for dear life. She was relieved. She definitely did not picture him to be happy when she announced the news but she could literally feel the weight of the world drop from her shoulders. She couldn’t say she loved him back. Of course she did but she didn’t want to lead him on. 
“I got you.” He said as she continued to cry on his chest “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. And we’ll be the best parents for that little boy or girl.” He said while rubbing her back reassuringly.
Kennedy slowly calmed down, no longer sobbing but she stayed in Elvis’ arms. Elvis pulled back and cupped her face, wiping the leftover tears that stained her cheeks. Her eyes red and her face puffy but he loved her so much. He was grinning from ear to ear, they’re meant to be. He leaned forward and kissed her. Kennedy kissed him back before pulling away completely out of his arms. He frowned and looked at her.
“I still can’t be with you Elvis. We can coparent but I-I don’t wanna be with you.” She whispered.
“What? Why?” Elvis took a step towards her.
“You still cheated, Elvis. And it hurt me so much. I don’t want to get back together only to get cheated on once again.” She replied.
“I promise I won’t make the same mistake twice. We’re meant to be, baby. Can’t you see that? It’s god’s way for telling us we belong together and now we’re tied for life.” He said, trying to convince her to take him back. 
“Elvis.” Kennedy shook her head “We’re tied for life and I can’t wait to see you become a father. I think you’ll be an amazing dad but I can’t be with you.” 
“Kennedy.” He sighed but shook his head. He was determined to show her that he could be the best partner and parent to that little kid. 
The first trimester for Kennedy was hell. She was very anxious all the time for no apparent reason and she was sick all the time that meant she barely went to work. 
Her doorbell rang as she collected herself from the ground where she laid clutching the toilet bowl for life. 
“Hello?” She rasped, answering the intercom.
“Ken. Open up.” Elvis replied.
She sighed not even bothering to argue with him. The baby was not here yet so he had no business to be in her apartment but he kept showing up. Especially now that he had wrapped filming for Viva Las Vegas. Kennedy unlocked the door and quickly ran back to the bathroom. As she threw up she felt Elvis come up behind her and hold her hair back while rubbing her back. 
“This is hell.” She muttered as Elvis reached over to flush the contents of her stomach that was now in the toilet. 
“I know, baby. I’m sorry.” Elvis replied. He hated seeing her like this, he hated seeing her in pain. 
Kennedy sighed and went back to laying down on the floor. She did not have the energy to stand up and right now the floor just felt comfortable and cold. 
Elvis frowned, he did not know this was how pregnancy was for women. He thought the worst part was pushing a baby out but over the last few weeks he had been reading lots of pregnancy books and how to be a supportive partner to your pregnant wife. Even though she wasn’t his wife but he wished they were married and living in Graceland together. Cuddling in bed together. He missed being in her arms. He sighed and lifted Kennedy off the floor, he knew if she wasn’t tired she would’ve fought him but she was too tired to fight him. He carried her over to her bed and tucked her in. 
Elvis kissed her head before heading to the kitchen and pulling the bag he brought with him. He bought tea, salt crackers and lemons all things that would help with her morning sickness. He heated up a kettle of water and made Kennedy some tea before going to her bedroom and placing it on her bedside table.
She slowly blinked and opened her eyes. She smiled gently “Thank you.”
Elvis smiled and reached down pushing her hair away from her face “I told you I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Come on now, get up and drink your tea before it gets cold.”
Kennedy sighed and shook her head “I can’t even pick my head up. I’m so tired, I did not sleep at all the past few days.”
“It will make you feel better.” Elvis replied.
Kennedy pouted and shook her head again.
Elvis sighed and walked around the bed to sit next to her on top of the covers. 
Kennedy felt him sit next to her.
“I’m gonna sit you up now, okay?” He asked her. She nodded, keeping her eyes closed. He placed his arms under her pits, dragging her up. He sat behind her and let her lean back into him. Kennedy leaned her head back on his shoulder. Elvis grabbed the mug, brought it to his lips and blew on it before testing if it was too hot. Then he brought it to Kennedy’s lips and helped her take some sips from the tea. 
She took a few sips before leaning her head back against Elvis’ shoulder and fell asleep. Elvis sighed and kissed her temple before helping her lie back down on her pillow. 
As he moved to get out of bed Kennedy reached over and grabbed his hand “Can you stay?” she rasped. 
Elvis smiled softly, his heart racing “Yeah-yes.” 
He got in bed next to her, keeping a distance because he did not want to push her boundaries and then get kicked out. Kennedy turned to face him and shuffled closer to him, placing her head on his chest. Elvis grinned and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body even closer to his body. 
Kennedy woke up a few hours later, her stomach grumbling. She blinked awake and turned to look at her bed to see it empty. She frowned in confusion but then she heard the soft rumblings of Elvis’ baritone voice singing softly from the kitchen/living room. She could also smell something yummy which made her stomach rumble even louder. 
She shuffled out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth, feeling much more refreshed and energized. It was almost 7PM now, she took a sick day off of work but she needed to get her butt in the office tomorrow or else she would definitely get fired for taking so many sick days back to back. 
“Hey.” She smiled walking out of her bedroom to see Elvis singing softly while cooking some pasta. 
“Hey! Good morning - or Evening?” Elvis chuckled looking back at her “I bet you’re hungry.”
“I am.” Kennedy replied, smiling gratefully at Elvis and walked to sit on the stool by the kitchen island. Elvis had his back towards her as he threw in some tomato paste into the pan “This smells really good. I thought you didn’t know how to cook?” Kennedy teased because she always cooked for him when he was here. She loved cooking for him because he really appreciated good food. 
“I don’t.” Elvis chuckled “I had to call Mary and write down instructions on how to cook pasta.” 
Kennedy laughed and shook her head at him.
“I’m sorry by the way.” Elvis said softly, turning to look at her.
“For what?” Kennedy frowned.
“I-I don’t know. For having a really tough pregnancy.” Elvis shrugged, looking at her with worry and genuine concern in his eyes.
Kennedy smiled softly “Don’t apologize for something that isn’t your fault. Some have hard pregnancies, some have hard postpartum and some have hard deliveries. We’re all built different.” 
Elvis smiled back at her “Let’s hope you have the easiest delivery and postpartum then.”
Kennedy chuckled and nodded.
“Thank you.” Kennedy said as Elvis went to go back to finishing the pasta.
“For?” It was his turn to ask.
“For being here and taking care of me and learning how to cook pasta.” Kennedy replied, smiling softly feeling extremely grateful to have him here “I know I keep pushing you away- it’s just I don’t want to rely on you especially since we’re not together. I-I don’t want to get used to having you around and then when you meet someone, they’re gonna be your priority.” Kennedy gulped, getting slightly hot at admitting her fears. 
Elvis frowned and walked around the kitchen island to get to Kennedy “You will always be my number 1 priority.” He cupping both her cheeks when she swiveled around in her stool to face him “You’re gonna be the mother of my kid. Maybe you’ll get bumped to second place when he or she gets here but thats it.” He joked making Kennedy smile “I love you. You’re the love of my life. I screwed up but I’m gonna do the best I can to show you I can be the best partner to you and the best father to that kid.” 
Kennedy felt her eyes burn with tears, she wanted to say she loved him too. So much. But she was terrified. 
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered, already bending his head down to kiss her. 
She can never say no to him or to his soft pillow lips, she gripped his arms and nodded. Elvis smiled and kissed her lips softly. 
“You should move into Graceland with me.” He said as he pulled away but kept his hands on her cheeks, his forehead resting against Kennedy’s forehead.
“Okay, now you’re pushing it.” Kennedy chuckled. 
Elvis chuckled and pulled away “Fine.” he rolled his eyes teasingly, going back to finished up the pasta. 
Elvis evenly distributed the pasta into two plates, for him and for Kennedy. He was waiting for her to kick him out but she never did. They both sat on the couch turning on their favorite TV show that they loved to watch together and ate pasta. It felt like the good old times when they were actually dating. Kennedy would cook for the both of them, they would eat on the couch then they would make out on the couch, head into the bedroom to make love and then they would stay up till the early hours of the morning talking and catching up. Every weekend without fail Elvis was at her apartment even when he was filming in Vegas or working on something in Los Angeles. He still flew all the way back to Memphis during the weekends to spend time with her. It was hard but when they came together during those 2 days it was the best. 
The next few months flew by, Elvis was slowly gaining Kennedy’s trust back but nothing happened between them. They were more of a strong front and team, he was always there to help. He had some work to do in LA so weekdays he wasn’t in Memphis but he was always at her place if he was in Memphis. Sometimes they would kiss but nothing more. 
They were finally able to learn the sex of the baby, so Elvis was extra excited. He was practically bouncing in his seat as he drove him and Kennedy to the hospital. Kennedy was slightly terrified because it was the first time she was getting a scan with Elvis, she wondered how people would react once they spotted him especially with a pregnant girl that they’re never heard of in the media. 
Elvis turned his head as he drove to the hospital to see Kennedy looking out of the window while biting her lower lip anxiously. 
“Hey.” Elvis said and placed his hand on her bare thigh, Kennedy was dressed in a sundress since none of her pants fit her anymore. She officially needed to go buy maternity clothes.
Kennedy turned her head and smiled at him.
“Relax. There’s doctor-patient confidentiality. No one can say anything unless they want to lose their job.” Elvis said.
“I know.” Kennedy sighed and placed her hand on Elvis’ hand that rested on her thigh.
“Plus. People are bound to know that I’m gonna be a dad.” Elvis shrugged.
“I know but still I don’t want to get bombarded by fans and paparazzi at my place or at work.” 
“I know, I know.” Elvis sighed, dropping the conversation but keeping his hand on her bare thigh. 
Elvis kept his head down as they quickly walked through the hospital to their scheduled appointment.
The nurse walked on, her eyes lingered on Elvis. Kennedy could see that she recognized him and she was grateful that she didn’t say anything or acknowledge that he was Elvis Presley. 
Elvis sat next to Kennedy and held her hand as the nurse squirted some gel on her stomach. 
“There’s the heartbeat.” The nurse smiled as the picture on the monitor came to life. They could see a little baby.
“Oh my god.” Elvis whispered, his grip on Kennedy’s hand tightening. He had never seen a scan except from the pictures Kennedy had shown him. 
Kennedy smiled at Elvis who was staring intently at the screen with wide eyes. 
“Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” The nurse asked smiling softly at Kennedy and Elvis.
“Yes, please.” Kennedy smiled. 
“Okay.” The nurse replied “It’s a girl.”
“Really?” Kennedy breathed, a smile spreading on her face. She turned to see Elvis looking down at her with a soft smile on his face, his eyes brimming with tears.
“We’re having a little girl.” He whispered. 
“Yeah.” Kennedy replied. 
He leaned down and captured Kennedy’s lips with his own “I love you.” He whispered against her lips. They heard the nurse walk out, the door clicking shut behind her. 
“She’s gonna be the cutest little thing. I hope she looks exactly like you.” Elvis said once he pulled away, resting his forehead against Kennedy’s.
“I hope she gets your eyes.” Kennedy replied. 
“Oh I can’t wait to have a little Kennedy running around.” Elvis grinned. 
“We’re gonna have our hands full if she gets your personality.” Kennedy giggled and kissed him again. It was the first time she had initiated the kiss which made Elvis grin against her lips. 
It was now starting to feel real for the both of them. They’re gonna be parents. To a little girl. And they were over the moon.
A few months later, Elvis called Kennedy telling her to throw on some clothes and open the door. As she opened the door dressed for the day a large group of men walked in carrying boxes and bags, the last that appeared was Elvis.
“What’s all this?” She asked Elvis with wide eyes. 
“Crib, stroller, clothes, bibs, diapers, bottles, breast pump for you…” Elvis replied as the guys placed all the boxes and bags in a corner of the living room before leaving. 
“Wow, Elvis.” She replied, shutting the door “You really didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to. And I think we should assemble the crib.” Elvis replied.
“There are two crib boxes here.” Kennedy pointed out when she walked closer to see all the items he bought. 
“Uh yeah, one is for Graceland. I mean if you think it would be fine if I take her for the day or something obviously when she’s a bit older.” Elvis stuttered. 
“Oh.” Kennedy replied, her heart sinking when she realized that they’d have to share custody and wouldn’t be a real family. Taking turns when the baby would cry or needed changing “Yeah, that makes sense.” 
Later that night, Kennedy curled up on the couch as she watched Elvis sitting on the floor, assembling the crib. He was shirtless in just his black jeans and he looked so good, his back flexing as he tightened the screws. 
“Are you enjoying the view?” Elvis asked looking at her from over his shoulder with a huge grin on his face.
“Well nothing is on TV so…” Kennedy chuckled, her face turning red after being caught staring at him.
Kennedy was asleep, she was due at any day now. She was officially on maternity leave. She woke up to Elvis whisper shouting in the living room. 
“I told you I’m taking the next month off!” He whisper shouted but it was still loud enough to travel through her cracked open door. He was asleep on her couch because he was scared she would give birth when he wasn’t around so he was her new roommate for now until she gives birth. Her apartment was once again littered with his things, in the bathroom, on the vanity and he had some of his clothes in her drawers. 
“No! Kennedy could give birth right now. And if I were to miss the birth because I’m working in a different state it would kill me Daddy.” Elvis growled “Tell that goddam son of a bitch that I’m not signing any new contract with anyone.” He said, referring to his manager. 
Kennedy did not want to intervene, she definitely did not want to tell him that it was okay for him to leave. She was scared of giving birth and she needed him by her side. She couldn’t imagine doing it without him. Her parents were very old and can’t fly in to be with her but she was excited to show them the baby once she’s born.
She shuffled out of bed and wadded towards the living room as he hung up on his dad.
“Oh I’m sorry honey, did I wake you?” He asked, concern on his features. 
“No, no.” She shook her head. She was ready to pop, her stomach was bulging out and she looked really cute, according to Elvis. He realized he loved seeing her pregnant with his kid. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him. He looked at her with furrowed brows, she never hugs him but he happily wrapped his arms around her. They couldn’t properly hug because of Kennedy’s belly but he still pulled her as close as he could. 
“Thank you, I know you’re sacrificing your career to be here with me.” She murmured against his chest.
“I’m not sacrificing anything, the Colonel is just money hungry.” Elvis joked “I’m happy to be here with you.”
Kennedy just hugged him tighter.
Elvis started getting anxious about leaving Kennedy’s side. He had most of his clothes in the washing machine and was currently walking around in boxers only. 
“Elvis.” Kennedy chuckled from where she was sitting on the couch. She didn’t want to admit that seeing him in his boxers were doing something to her internally. She missed him… in bed “Go home and get more clothes.”
“No.” Elvis frowned as he poured himself a cup of freshly brewed coffee “I know my luck. The moment I step out of this apartment building your water will break.” 
“Elvis- go.” Kennedy replied “It’s literally a ten minute drive.” 
“Noooo, it’s ten minutes going and ten minutes coming back. That’s twenty minutes away from you.” 
Kennedy heaved herself off of the couch and wadded over to Elvis, she took the cup from his hands while he frowned at her. She placed the mug on the kitchen counter and cupped his cheeks “I’m fine. I’m literally going to be here in twenty minutes, still on the couch.” 
Elvis pouted childishly.
“Hey, you’re in charge of laundry. And you didn’t wash your clothes so that’s on you.” Kennedy chuckled, letting her hands slip from his cheeks. 
“At least I washed your clothes.” Elvis pointed out, he made sure to wash her clothes but he would get lazy to wash his own clothes. 
“Thank you. But you could’ve thrown some of your clothes in with mine.” Kennedy replied and went into the bedroom “I have some big sweatpants and a big shirt.”
She walked back to the living room and handed it to him “But this doesn't mean that you shouldn’t go home and get more clothes!” she said sternly. 
“Fine.” Elvis huffed and threw on Kennedy’s sweats and shirt and wore his shoes before grabbing his keys “Don’t break your water.” He said and kissed her head before walking out. 
“I promise.” Kennedy chuckled. 
Once Elvis left, Kennedy went back to lounging on the couch, eating popcorn while she watched a random channel. She felt a sharp pain shoot up her stomach. She gasped, her eyes widening. She wasn’t sure if this is what a contraction felt like. She got up, confusion etched on her face. She didn’t know if she should call Elvis. But she didn’t want him to worry and rush back if it was nothing. 
Then she felt something splash down her legs “Oh crap.” she muttered looking down at her feet. Kennedy quickly wobbled to the landline and called Graceland.
“Hi, is Elvis there? It’s Kennedy.” Kennedy said once Mary picked up.
“She’s coming isn’t she?!” Mary asked excitedly based on Kennedy’s slightly panicked voice.
“I think so.” Kennedy chuckled.
“Hey! I’m here!” Elvis grabbed the phone from Mary “What happened? Are you okay?”
“I broke my promise.” Kennedy joked, she wasn’t feeling the pain yet.
“What promise?” Elvis asked in confusion.
“My water broke.” Kennedy replied.
“Shit! I need ten minutes! Do-do you need me to call an ambulance? I-I-I-“ He stuttered. 
“Elvis-Elvis. Relax, I’m fine. I can wait for you. I need to change and pack my bag.” Kennedy replied.
“Okay, I’m coming.” Elvis replied and hung up. 
Kennedy headed into her bedroom to change her clothes and prepare her bag while Elvis got there in less than 10 minutes. 
“Are you okay? Are you in pain? Do you need me to carry you to the car?” Elvis asked, rushing into her apartment.
“Honey-honey. I’m fine, I swear. Let’s go.” Kennedy chuckled. 
Elvis slung her bag over his shoulder and took Kennedy’s hand.
“When we get back here we’ll have one extra person with us.” Kennedy said.
“An extra person that we created.” Elvis whispered “Woah. I think it’s fully hitting me now that that baby is a mixture of me and you.” 
They stared at each other, both their eyes brimming with tears. 
“Don’t make me cry now. Let’s go.” Kennedy chuckled turning away from Elvis, wiping her tears with her free hand that wasn’t holding Elvis’. 
Elvis helped her down the stairs and into the car, they headed towards the hospital thats when Kennedy’s contractions started to happen more and she started to feel the pain.
Elvis held her hand during the whole ride, looking her with pained eyes. He wanted to take the pain away but all he could do was hold her hand and not complain when she squeezed too hard. 
They rushed Elvis and Kennedy into her into the room and waited to get checked out. They definitely would’ve waited in the waiting room had it not been for Elvis. Plus the hospital did not want to deal with paparazzi rushing to take pictures of the baby and Kennedy. No one knew about her for now. 
“Why isn’t anyone tending to us?” Elvis asked, pushing his hair back anxiously. 
“It’s okay, the nurse checked. I’m still 7CMs dilated.” Kennedy replied, reaching her hand out to Elvis. Elvis huffed and walked back to where Kennedy laid on the bad and took her hand, taking a seat next to her on the chair “I know I never told you this but thank you for standing by me for the past 9 months. I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else.” Kennedy said. Elvis had shown up a lot for Kennedy, proving to her that he is going to stand by her even when he didn’t need to be, they aren’t together so there wasn’t anything forcing him to be with her and sleeping on her couch the past 2 months. 
Elvis smiled and kissed the top of her hand “I’m glad that this little girl is going to have a strong mom like you.” 
Kennedy smiled but quickly pain covered her facial features, screwing her eyes shut tightly. 
An hour later Kennedy was fully dilated, her midwife, delivery doctor and nurses were all around as Kennedy pushed. Elvis stood next to Kennedy, holding her hand and whispering sweet nothings in her ear and pushing her sweat drenched hair back and away from her face.
“You got this sweetheart.” Elvis said kissing Kennedy’s temple. 
Kennedy groaned, huffing as she took a break from pushing for a second. 
“She’s gonna be here and it’s gonna be worth all the pain.” Elvis continued “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry sweetheart. I wanna take the pain away from you, I do.” 
Kennedy squeezed Elvis’ hand in reassurance and gave him a small, tired smile before going back to pushing. 
A while later the baby was out and Elvis had cut the umbilical cord while Kennedy threw her head back against the pillow, her forehead drenched with sweat. She shut her eyes for a second before the baby was placed on her chest.
“Congratulations, it’s a girl.” The nurse smiled at Kennedy but Kennedy was too enamored by the baby that was currently on her chest. Her mind was reeling. This was her kid and my god did she look perfect even as she wailed. 
Elvis was staring at both Kennedy and the baby in awe, his eyes brimming with tears but his cheeks were hurting from smiling so hard.
Kennedy turned her head up to look at Elvis and smiled at him, tears escaping her eyes.
“She’s perfect.” Elvis whispered “What did you decide on the name?” Elvis asked. They had some names in mind for both boys and girls but they hadn’t narrowed it down. 
“Judith Gladys Presley.” Kennedy whispered and looked at Elvis. 
His eyes widened and his lips started to tremble, they both loved the name Judith but they never suggested the name Gladys as her middle name. However, Kennedy knew how much he loves his mom and how heartbroken he was and still is after her passing. He talked about her all the time to the point that Kennedy felt like she knew her even though she never got the chance to meet her. 
Elvis bent down and kissed Kennedy “I love you so much my Ken-doll.” He whispered over her lips. 
Kennedy gulped as the nurse took Jude from her to get her cleaned up. 
Elvis’ dad, Vernon came to visit Kennedy and Elvis in the hospital. It was their first time meeting which was slightly awkward seeing as she just had his baby and was no longer with him. She also met some of the Mafia guys who came with flowers from their wives. Kennedy worried that now that a bigger group of people knew about her and the baby that it would eventually be known publicly which was bound to happen. 
Elvis was by her side the entire time and she loved having him around, she loved him. Elvis was starstruck with Jude, not letting anyone hold her except for him. He would stare down at her and smile. Even when his dad held her, he fussed scared that his father would drop her. It was so cute, he was so protective over her. 
Elvis installed the car seat and got ready to take them home to Kennedy’s apartment. 
The first day at the apartment, Kennedy was able to get some sleep since she barely got any at the hospital but her slumber was disturbed an hour later when Jude started to cry. The moment Jude cried, Elvis came running into Kennedy’s room to grab her before Kennedy could even open her eyes. 
“I think she’s hungry.” Elvis said, cradling her close to his chest “It’s okay, little one. I got you.” He cooed in a baby voice as he gently walked over to Kennedy. Kennedy sat up and took Jude from Elvis, tugging on her night shirt, down to expose one breast, Jude quickly latched on while Elvis stood there looking at Kennedy. He gulped audibly and looked up at the ceiling. Kennedy frowned and looked at him.
“I-um I’m gonna go, now.” He said placing his hands in front of his groin area but Kennedy quickly caught sight of the growing tent in his pajama bottoms. 
Kennedy bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from laughing as Elvis quickly scurried out of her room. 
The next few days in the apartment Kennedy and Elvis were both anxious, scared to sleep and scared to look away from Jude. They were both terrified that something would happen to her or she would stop breathing so they spent a lot of time just staring down at her in her crib as she slept.
They were both stood by her crib in pjs, Elvis was still sleeping over on the couch. 
“Thank you for making me a dad, she’s our perfect little thing.” Elvis whispered, staring at Jude.
“She really is our prefect little thing.” Kennedy smiled softly at Elvis.
“She looks a lot like you.” Elvis said, looking at Kennedy “But she has my eyes.”
“And your mouth.” Kennedy added “Perfect combo of us.”
“Yeah.” Elvis grinned. 
“Thanks for being here. I know it’s not ideal.” Kennedy started “You-sleeping on the couch.”
“Get back together with me.” Elvis whispered, cutting her off. 
“Elvis.” Kennedy gulped, shaking her head. 
“Please.” He whispered, taking a step closer to her and reached out to cup her cheek, caressing her cheek “I need you, I need to be with you.”
“Elvis- we gave it a try once and it didn’t work.” Kennedy replied.
“I made a mistake and I’ve shown up for the past 9 months and I will spend eternity to prove to you that I’m worthy of your love.” He said, leaning his forehead against hers. 
“Thank you for being here, thank you for being by my side but- Elvis I-I can’t and we shouldn’t confuse Jude, we should put some boundaries.” Kennedy replied, taking a step back and away from Elvis “You shouldn’t kiss me anymore and you shouldn’t stay here. You can come and visit anytime but you can’t sleep here.”
“Kennedy.” Elvis’ jaw dropped, his eyes widened with unshed tears. Kennedy could see his heart breaking right in front of her and her mind scrambled to take back all the words she just said. What the heck was she doing? She wanted him here, she loved having him here. But it was hurtful at the same time to not be officially with him but having to share this space with him. 
“I-I-I can’t not be here with you- w-with Jude. I-I.” He stuttered. 
Kennedy bit down on her lower lip to stop them from trembling “I’m sorry.” she whispered. 
Elvis quickly bent down and kissed Jude’s head before quickly heading out of the door, wiping his face as he did. When Kennedy heard the door slam shut, she burst into sobs, quickly heading into the bathroom so that she could cry without waking Judith up. She had to cut her crying short when she heard Jude’s little whines, she wiped her tears and washed her face before going to breast feed Jude. 
Kennedy fed Jude and got into bed, staring up at the ceiling, she couldn’t sleep not with a new born and not after practically kicking Elvis out. 
He was right, he was there for her during the whole nine months of her pregnancy. He took care of her and showed up for her even when he didn’t need to be. She was cheated on previously and got back together with the guy only to get cheated on again, from then on she decided once a cheater always a cheater. She didn’t want her heart to break again. 
A few hours passed and it was officially one in the morning, she was still wide awake and she missed hearing Elvis’ footsteps from the living room or the low lull of the TV, he loved to sleep with the TV on and now the apartment felt way too quiet without him. He’d only been gone a few hours but she missed him terribly.
Kennedy shuffled out of bed and headed towards the phone, she quickly dialed Graceland.
“Hello?” Elvis’ voice traveled through the headset. 
“Hi.” Kennedy breathed.
“Ken? Hey. Are you okay? Is Jude okay?” He asked quickly.
“Yes. Yes. We’re both fine. But can you come by the apartment please?” She asked, swallowing a pit that formed in her throat. 
“Yeah, yeah give me a few minutes and I’ll be there.” He replied.
And in less than ten minutes later Elvis used his key to Kennedy’s apartment. Kennedy gave him a key when she was pregnant.
“What’s wrong? Is she crying? Do you need help?” Elvis asked, shutting and locking the door behind him. Kennedy’s heart skipped a beat and it killed her just replaying the look on Elvis’ face when she told him he couldn’t stay here anymore. She hated herself and she couldn’t help but feel ease and happiness take over by just having him here. How is it that he was so worried and ready to come running especially after she practically kicked him out. He loved her, that’s for sure and he loved his daughter. 
“It’s-it’s Jude.” Kennedy replied.
“What-what’s wrong with Jude? You said everything was fine.” Elvis frowned, worry etched on his features. 
“She missed her dad.” Kennedy replied.
Elvis’ frown remained on his face. 
“And I-I missed her dad as well.” Kennedy continued “I’m sorry. I’m an idiot and I spent the last 9 months trying to convince myself that I wasn’t still in love with you but I am and I still love you and having this baby and seeing you with her only made me love you even more.” 
“Kennedy.” Elvis gasped. 
“I was scared but I’m not anymore. Well I still am a little but you showed me that I shouldn’t be scared anymore. You love me, it’s obvious and you made a mistake.”
“I love you.” Elvis nodded quickly walking towards Kennedy. He cupped her cheeks and slammed his lips on hers. Kennedy eagerly kissed him back “I love you. I love you. I love you.” He chanted with every kiss. 
“Move in to Graceland with me. Dodger would love having a little baby running around the house.” Elvis said, pulling back to look at Kennedy.
“Yes.” She nodded. 
Elvis grinned and kissed her again passionately.
Taglist: @iuv0ana @girlblogger2002 @butlersluvbot @iheqrtaustin @dramaticpandabear @godlypresley @amiets2 @felis-haxb16 @marie73ep @scarlettlight06 @whatstruthgottodowithit @sassanoe @thatbanditqueen @18lkpeters @rjmartin11 @elvispresleyisfit12 @n0vaj3an @richardslady121 @elvispresleyxoxo @xstrengthxinxtragedyx @amydarcimarie @minaxcarter
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cult-of-the-eye · 7 months
MAG 82 let's gooooo
Ok we're gonna get some answers as to what the fuck is happening here nice nice
God I love scary women
Martin's more clever than people give him credit for I think, he immediately notices something is up with this new case and the way daisy is handling it even if he doesn't know what to do about it
He seems like a huge mess my poor dude, he's desperate to believe its not Jon who killed leitner but he's running out of options and answers and hes going about it the right way, by trying to involve Tim and talk about it to figure out a plan but Tim's too wrapped up in his hatred of the situation to try and get out of it
I love him so much I understand the ACAB Martin memes now
Underneath it all, he's just as desperate as desperate as Tim and as much as it seems like he's trying to deal with it constructively, he's putting his faith in the police by sticking with his Michael and Helen story even though they've literally been like yeah we can do whatever we want here
Omg I forgot basira quit!! It seems like she cared about her
Martin K Blackwood being told "everyone I've talked to says you and him were close" literally giggling and kicking his feet
Were they close? I feel like she was mostly saying that to get a reaction from him but I guess Martin did do his little Jon check ups so there's that
Imagine getting framed for someone's murder and then finding out your coworkers were all like yeah bitch had no friends...
When he gets back??? What do you mean by that Elias???
I'm so confused why is he being terrible at framing him?? Like just fucking say he did it, why all the dancing around like yeah he could never kill someone but I hope he could??
(although I feel like Elias gets stronger every time he's called a weird little freak)
Oh my god I understand now we do know why she's called daisy and it is sad
Oh my god I can feel her rage through the screen
Ha Elias calling it a strange musty place as if he isn't the head of this strange musty place
Oh he's such a bastard
Oh my god daisy backstory
Oh my god I can imagine how fucking shitty it must feel to have your story be told by this random weirdo freak who absolutely shouldn't know this and the dissonance of him speaking as you, saying how you felt and saying the words "I like to feel strong. To be in control", while wrenching the control from your very hands
Oh my god I could rave about the "that's why it was my fault" "it wasn't my fault" FOR HOURS. Does Elias want her to think it was her fault? I don't think so, cause the statements tend to be truths, so I guess daisy actually does believe it's her fault underneath it all but has attempted to convince herself over the years it wasn't actually her fault
So then feeling that ripped away at that moment must've been fucking terrifying, like you've been slowly plastering a wall over and over again over years and then someone comes and bulldozes it
OMG YOU CANT KNOW THAT. she's accepted that he's telling the truth and that he does know and that she did feel that excitement, so she might be very quickly adapting to what she thinks might be the best course of action, which is going along with Elias or she refuses to accept that the event was her fault but she has no problem accepting that she felt excited seeing the bodies
I guess accepting it was her fault would be a sign of vulnerability right but accepting the excitement is a show of a kind of secretive power
He can't know how terrible she is cause then the secretive bit is taken away, which then takes away from her power
Her whole thing is that she can do whatever she wants when the police department doesn't care, but Elias knows and is threatening to tell them and therefore remove her power
Oh my god she's so interesting I want to study her under a microscope
Jesus Christ that's fucking horrifying
"you've made your point" god she wants it to stop but she's still keeping up pretences of power, she's flipping between horror and fury in response to Elias
It's so interesting the power dynamics here, it's two people used to being the most powerful in the room, one because of the lack other people's knowledge of what she does and the other because of his knowledge of what other people do and in this scenario, Elias obviously wins out and it's clearly the first time she's encountered this kind of struggle and therefore lost a struggle
Which adds to her violent and terrified reaction
Id let her do whatever she wanted to me
"Does close the case and move on" mean pin it on Jon??
"there's not telling what he might be capable of"????? BITCH YOU SAID HE DIDNT HAVE THE STOMACH FOR MURDER
Why doesnt daisy notice his obvious lying???
Is she so rattled by him giving her statement???
God damn that was such a badass way of saying that
I think part of Tim does believe Jon didn't kill Sasha
Tim just wants Martin to show a little bit of anger at the situation, to show that he's not alone in feeling the injustice, cause I guess to him it seems like Martins just taken it all in his stride, he's just been like yeah this is happening now (maybe it's a different type of trauma response? Having to move on cause what other choice is there) which totally makes sense for Tim
Hmm wonder what could've been said for Michael to come across as "Working with Jon" as opposed to "stabbed him in the shoulder and has been a generally nuisance all season"
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ladybellissima · 7 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 31
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Wide awake the young beautiful marine cadet watched the morning sun raise. Finally the day started and finally she was able to work on her plan. Normally the Admiral was already waiting outside her door, but not today. No. Today it would be easier. With Captain Coby by her side, (Y/N) was sure to have more freedom. On top he was better to speak with. A really kindhearted captain. A silent knock at her door let her jump to her feets. Slowly she looked through the gap of the open door and felt relieved to see a smiling pink haired man than a cigar puffing Admiral.
"(Y/N)! Good morning. Are you ready for the day?", he asked happily, while she stepped out of her room to make the professional salut. Chuckling he gave her a stunned look of her appearance.
"Wow look at you. Dressed in our clothes… You look great!", he spoke amazed, but then blushed madly of the way it sounded.
With a short thank you, (Y/N) started to walk along the corridors with him.
"I was looking forward to see you again. After the Admiral got you under his wing I was worried, but you seem okay. That's a relief.", he started, while (Y/N) rolled her eyes annoyed.
Nothing was okay in the slightest.
"It's very early, nevertheless we start right away! Today i show you our training grounds. I hope you are motivated, because I will check your fitness level. I noticed that it's still missing in your papers.", he spoke and remembered how hard it was to run the rounds back then.
(Y/N) balled her fists motivated and was ready to deal with whatever would come. Walking in silence she glanced up to his carefree expression. Now was a good opportunity. Should she ask? Would it be suspicious? Her mind was racing of scenarios. Mostly bad ones.
"Something wrong? Tell me if something bothers you, (Y/N)", he spoke in a caring tone. Nodding quickly she thought wisely about her words.
" Say Captain Coby, what happened with my ship? I am just curious. ", she asked nervously. Thinking for a moment his look wandered straight again. (Y/N)'s heartbeat was increasing. Did she go too far?
"Oh yeah. Now I remember where they took it. You mean the giant bonbon. What an extravagant way to sail the seas. It's at the underground entrance by the other submerge ships. They were struggeling where to put it, because of its size. So it stays there.", he looked down to her uneasy expression. By his happy attitude he seemed completely clueless, which let her calm down a bit.
"Underground entrance.. I don't have a clue where that is. This place is really huge.. Honestly I would be completely lost, if i wouldn't follow you right now..", (Y/N) tried to guide their talk to the right direction. It was really hard to have a conversation with the main goal to get information. Stunned Coby stopped in his tracks and started to search through his pockets.
" Didn't the Admiral show you around?", he asked and already knew the answer, but also got a short no from the innocent girl beside him.
"I can't believe that you didn't have a tour around this place. Normally it's the first thing you get..but what can I say..the Admiral has his own way..", he mumbled, while searching frustrated. Confused (Y/N) watched his doings and it didn't help either after he suddenly fished out a folded paper with sparkling eyes.
" Here! This is the most important paper of every new marine here.", he announced and placed it into her hands. Opening it she gasped surprised of the detailed map in her hands. Every room and corridor was neatly named and give her an perfect overview of her location. Feeling her trembling hands of the starting excitement, she had to take a deep breath to calm down.
"Great isn't it? I still had it in my coat but I don't need it anymore. Now nothing could go wrong.", he spoke happily and (Y/N) felt a tear roll down her cheek. Shocked he asked why she was crying and if he had said something wrong, but he quickly fell silent after getting a bright smile from her and a surprising big hug.
" You are right. Nothing could go wrong now… Thank you Coby…", she spoke relieved, while feeling him hugging her back. Both had a smile on their face, but about complete different thoughts.
Stepping back (Y/N) folded the paper again and put it into her trousers. Her goal was getting closer. What a beautiful day it was. Walking again they reached the training grounds where hell became reality for every new recruit, but she was more than motivated now to face this challenge. If (Y/N) wanted to stay here any longer then she had to show that she was worth it.
"Okay let's start this..Surprise me and we are finished sooner.", he joked. If he would have known that she would take his words literally.
Coby was unsure if this wouldn't be too hard for a lovely girl like her. Becoming a marine wasn't easy and if you would ask him, he saw her more as a person, which was protected by him than letting her out there to fight.
God he was wrong in every way.
He didn't know where (Y/N) was hiding this power inside that fragile beautiful body of hers and this training session was starting to make him quite nervous. It was a hot day and (Y/N) changed into short training shorts, sport bra and an oversized tank top, which she got from the dress room. What could he say. It was underlining her curves in a perfect way and standing before him, motivated, with this special glint in her eyes, he knew that she would achieve everything she longed for. The wall climbing, crawling through fields or running rounds like crazy. Her will to fight was unbelievable. Growling like a monster (Y/N) pushed herself beyond her limits, while she climbed high up in the air on a rope. Not only once Coby had to avoid her sexy moves, because of his dirty thoughts. Her whole body hurted like hell and it felt like she was going to faint. Luckily they made some breaks in between to let her rest a bit, till the next test was calling. She never trained that hard her entire life. To be honest, she never trained at all, but she still kept going for him. For the life of Katakuri, who was also fighting with all he got.
"(Y/N) it's enough."
Finally the words of salvation. Breathing heavily, she carelessly took her shirt off and wiped her face. A sudden cough got her attention and she was met with a blushing Coby, who offered her a new one and water.
"I have to say you mastered every test very well. If you go on like that I am sure you will pass the entry test in one month. It's important to train everyday to get better. if you want to make it, then that will be your daily challenge.", he explained nervously, while (Y/N) lay on the ground half naked.
" Everyday? This? ", she breathed exhausted. God she has to get away from here quick. Chuckling he sat down and gave her time to recover.
" Yeah everyday. You need strength to fight. But for now you are free to go..", he spoke happily and fall back of her sudden jump to her feets.
"You mean I have time for me now? I can sleep or eat or mostly sleep? ", she asked excited and got a heartwarming laugh of Coby as an answer.
"You always remind me of myself. Yeah I give you the rest of the day off. Today it's really hot and nothing ordinary is going on. You need time to recover till the Admiral is back. I will finish the papers. So I wish you a great afternoon. ", Coby spoke and was deeply hugged by (Y/N).
" I can't thank you enough! ", she spoke and got up. Quickly running out like she never was exhausted minutes before, he looked after her with mixed feelings. In a way he found that there was more behind her words than it sounded.
Getting a quick shower to look neatly like it was ordered for every marine and gathering her things together, (Y/N) got ready to step out of her room. It was already late in the afternoon and she knew there wasn't much time left. It was risky to go, because maybe the Admiral was already on his way back. Who knows what this man was planning.
But the moment was so damn perfect.
No one was around. Everyone was doing his own thing, because the high ranked marines were out of sight. Locking her door (Y/N) walked along the corridor, while once in awhile taking a glimpse of the map. Coby was really a lifesaver. It would have been very complicated to find the way on her own.
Step after step she finally reached the doors of the prison district. Taking a deep breath she slowly opened it to not cause any noise.
"No one in sight…"
Quickly getting inside she got deeper and deeper into the darkness. The familiar disgusting smell, which lingered in the thick air made her feel sick. Her hands started to shake of her nervousness. She wanted to see him so badly that she was about to miss the guard. Frozen in the spot she hid behind a wall and thought desperately of what to do.
There was a noise. A growling noise.
Did he notice her? Was this her end now?
But nothing happened. Irritated (Y/N) leaned forward to take a glimpse of what was going on.
To call it sleeping would be an understatement. This man was fighting with his inner self right now.
There wasn't another explanation of the sound he was making. Her look fell onto his belt where the cell keys were carelessly hanging and she realized that she totally forgot that part of meeting her husband. Sighing of her stupidity she was happy that the man was caught in such a deep sleep.
Annoyed about herself and the situation, she walked closer and with shaken hands she grabbed his belt to get the keys off. Her look wandered from his sleeping face to the belt and back. Her body was trembling of fear. One wrong move and everything was over. Her mind was racing about the question, if she should really go this far to see him, but checking his condition was also important for their escape. She had to be prepared for everything. The smell of alcohol reached her nose and by his red face she realized that he had a good time with a bottle of sake. Sighing in relief she got the keys of and walked pass the man who still was mentally on the battlefields and sure wouldn't come back so soon.
Passing the cells she was able to see Katakuri's prison. Finally. Rushing towards it of fear to losing this chance again she looked inside and couldn't see anything. Silently (Y/N) opened the cell doors and took a candle from the wall to light it up with one of the matches, which were laying at a small table by the metal bars. Her look wandered from the candle to the wall.
Her breath stopped.
"Are you sure he would life that long?"
Akainu's words rang in her mind and (Y/N) wasn't sure anymore.
In a way she was afraid to step closer. To maybe make things worse. Her hands were shaking and let the candle light move rapidly.
So much blood.
Cuts, deep wounds, bruises.
" Burn wounds…", she whispered shocked, while coming closer. His head was hanging down carelessly, exposed without his scarf. Trembling she reached out to him, but hesitated midway.
"Katakuri…", her soft voice called out to him desperately. She thought he was unconscious. He sure had to be with these wounds, but she was wrong. Katakuri heard her angelic voice in the darkness and moved slowly. Gasping she watched him lifting his head. His emotionless pained look met her shocked one.
"Am I dreaming?"
Gasping of finally hearing his raspy, but soft voice she fell to her knees and cried silently, while he couldn't believe it that she was there. In front of him. His beautiful wife.
Taking a deep breath (Y/N) had to collect herself. But it was so damn hard. She couldn't stand to see him like that. The man she loved, close to his death.
"Please (Y/N)…. You have to focus on your plan.. There is hope..", she thought desperately and shook her head quickly. She could cry the whole night at her room but not stay by his side forever. Taking her bag with shaken hands, she slowly got up again to face her husband. A shiver ran down her spine after meeting his exhausted look again.
"I know what you will say now…", she sobbed bitterly.
"(Y/N)", he whispered and breathed heavily of the pain.
"I know I risk my life. Go too far. Maybe it's useless and we will end together on the scaffold..", she bite her lip in frustration.
"(Y/N)..", he called out again, but this time in a demanding voice, which let her stop abruptly and look to his soft smile. Hugging herself she tried to control her trembling body, while he whispered his long needed wish.
"Just kiss me.."
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fand0mswithbunny · 7 months
Why Free Shipping winning isn't luck, its all Gin.
This Free Shipping sweep caught everyone off-guard, myself included, just like the first episode the bot that won wasn't the one we expected. But just like The Bro™ it wasn't just luck or the right opponents. Nope. I was originally going to make this analysis on the final fight, but because I can, and to convert botblr to Ginism, I'm doing ALL OF THE FREE SHIPPING FIGHTS. (this is MY HYPERFIXATION and I will deal with it how I please.)
First is the Mammoth fight, Gary knew how unreliable the bot had been and you can this in the driving. Free Shipping was zooming around Mammoth, and Gary says this in the fight hype-up video. clip. thing. "-just gotta be quicker than them." It's like he was trying to tire Mammoth so that Mammoth will always run after FS and he can come in at the right angle for a good hit. Once Mammoth's chain flew off that's when FS started to be more aggressive and aim for the motors/tires. Eventually, Mammoth's drive gets compromised on one side, and then Mammoth's motors are dead. While you can argue Mammoth isn't the most impressive or reliable bot and any bot could've done the same thing, this fight shows how methodical Gary is during fights. (also CHRIS ROSE ILY MAN BUT WHYYY WOULD YOU ASK RICKY IF HE WILL RETIRE MAMMOTH WHY MAN?? DONT DO THIS TO HIM. RICKY NEEDS A COFFEE AND SOME REST AND A HUG.)
Next is the Beta fight, personally I wouldn’t call it a FIGHT, moreso Beta took 2 hits and died. "Key moment in this fight is being able to get underneath uh that huge plow or whatever he's calling it on the front of uh- Beta and um hopefully not take any hits from his hammer." Again, nothing spectacular here, but hey, he did get under the plow. This honestly just shows no matter which hammer Beta's using, or if he uses the plow, Beta is just unreliable, when they win it's great but MAN they really have a habit of just dying. When I tell you when FS won I FLIPPED OUT. I became a Gary believer at that moment. This can possibly be narrowed down to luck but it doesn't matter, Gary's in the finals now and it's SLUSHIES FOR EVERYONE!!!
(as I'm looking over this post, I found out they've actually been MARGARITAS and they never had a slushie machine and they changed it to make it more family-friendly. IK ITS A SMALL THING BUT CMOONN BATTLEBOTS but eh slushies are funnier I guess so eh.)
Finally, it's the finals. The Gigabyte fight. "As soon as that light turns green we're going to turn on our spinner and just go for it." OH. MY GOD. There's so much to talk about. This is probably the best fight FS has since becoming a vert. As soon as the fight began FS ran into Gigabyte to try to get a big hit on them. After that FS kinda isolates and keeps Gigabyte in the corner and lines up another shot to try to get that hit. Usually the opponent will try to be all over Gigabyte to try to stop them from spinning up, BUT GARY GIN ISNT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLIES because he holds back a bit and allows Gigabyte to spin up so that when they finally hit, it’s a massive collision, which is exactly what happens. Once Gigabyte loses their self-righter and is on their head FS can come in and push them to the hammers and wait for them to be counted out. And thus, the Free Shipping sweep is completed and they're headed to the fight for the golden bolt.
This whole episode was an amazing showing for Gary in particular, while FS isn't the bot you'd think of when you wanna predict who will move on to the finals, Gary's precision and technicality really carried him in all his fights. AND I'VE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED I WAS SO HYPED GARY WON. Good for him. GOOD FOR HIM. SLUSHIES FOR EVERYONE!!!!!
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crystallinestars · 1 month
Hello! I'm back for another rant :)
I was still thinking about Mihoyo's tendency to pair characters and play the ambiguity game to make more money and something I've noticed is that people will jump through sooo many hoops to defend the company. ''oh they can't be explicit because of censorship'', ''oh it's China, their culture is different!'' or even ''stupid entitled westerners always complaining about things they don't even try to understand smh 🙄''
Now, while I can agree that censorship and culture should be taken into account when talking about these games, I also feel like it's a bit disingenuous and lowkey patronising to chalk it all up to ''the Chinese are just all like that lol''
Like, why are we so vehemently defending a company that makes millions (if not billions) through ship teasing, as you've put before? Censorship does not change the fact that the development that characters get in these games (especially Genshin) goes out the window every other event or as soon as the main story is finished. And whenever I hear someone talk about censorship, I always think about Mo Dao Zu Shi (granted, the situation was different in its case so we should take it with a grain of salt) where its donghua and drama adaptations where indeed censored (but they were much more explicit than whatever's going on in Hoyoverse), yet the novel (the source material) had many MANY chapters with its two male leads going at it
I admit that I've been feeling a bit salty recently (because I feel like people only care about coding when it comes to the 'great' questions of ''OK but do these two men FUCK? How many times a day do they go at it and who's the woman in this ship??'' Meanwhile nobody ever talks about different dynamics, asexuality and aromanticism are seen as boring, and oh lord does bisexuality seem to be often treated as a trump card to say ''ok but this character is at least 50% gay'') and I also don't know that much about how everything works in China, but idk, I guess my point is that if they wanted to make ships canon, they WOULD (or could) find a way to do so
Anyway, your recent posts and asks also got me thinking and I guess I wanted to show you some support! I've seen your bio and I think it's a really smart move on your part to be clear on what you don't feel comfortable with from the get go. It can definitely be awkward when you have to tell someone that's just really excited to share their thoughts on something they enjoy that you're not interested and you'd rather not talk about this AT ALL. And it really does not help that popular ships tend to attract a lot of unhinged behaviour 😑 It's really refreshing to come across content creators like you, who are very clear in their boundaries and write such thoughtful fics
Once again, I hope you will be left to do your own thing in peace and that you'll keep finding ways and solutions for you to enjoy your favourite works without feeling alienated 💜
(And hopefully one day I will learn how to type short rants 😅)
Haha, short rants don't exist, Anon! It's perfectly okay to type long rants to me, I don't mind. If anything, I relish in them. As someone who rants and complains a lot myself, I welcome it when someone else does it. 😊 (I mean, just look at the length of my reply. I am not any better than you, dear Anon)
Lord, the "Mihoyo can't show explicit gay ships because of the CCP censorship" excuse grates on my nerves, as well. Censorship of homosexuality is definitely a thing in China, and it can sometimes be very horrible, but that's not what's stopping Mihoyo from making certain ships canon. They got way with a lot of lesbian ships in Honkai 3rd (though admittedly they had to tone it down once new laws were implemented, but the fact remains that at some point they were able to be blatant about their ships), and if we're talking actual coding, then Jeht being lesbian-coded is a thing that exists! If it was such a huge deal, I feel like Mihoyo would have either been way more subtle about it or not included these things at all.
It's just my personal opinion, but I'm certain that the reason Mihoyo doesn't make any ship canon is for the sake of making money. They need to sell characters, and the best way to do that is to allow players to enjoy characters the way they want. Assigning a specific sexuality or canon ship will crush the interpretations some players have about a character, and make that character unappealing. It would negatively impact their sales. Keeping things vague and only giving teases of the most popular ships seems to be the ideal marketing tactic for them. It panders to a lot more people this way and keeps most of them happy (however, the fact remains that they ignore a particular demographic of women, though that's a story for another time).
Regarding your reasons why people whip out the "coding" card... YOU ARE SO RIGHT! People only use sexuality coding as a way to "prove" their gay ship is canon and discredit any BG pairing. And they focus on things like one guy being muscular and the other more slender, and then assigning traditionally masculine and feminine traits to them, respectively. I could go on a whole separate rant about this topic, but I'll spare you the wall of text. Feminizing one of the guys in a gay ship is one of my biggest pet peeves, especially when it's OOC for the character.
One thing I noticed is that sexuality often gets used as a convenient tool to suit the needs of certain shippers instead of being used for actual diversity.
I can't tell you the amount of times I saw a sexuality tier list where the aromantic and asexual rows were treated as trash bins where people tossed the characters they didn't care about. There's no actual thought put into the sorting, and that's very unfair to actual aro and ace persons.
As for bisexuality... it's such a polarizing topic in fandoms. It's seen as a good thing when you have a canonical BG pairing, because then you can claim one or both are bi and therefore are also attracted to the same sex (as you said, they're "at last 50% gay" and can be shipped in gay pairings). However, if you have a non-canon BL or GL ship, saying one or both characters are bi is tantamount to treason. How dare you suggest they can be attracted to the opposite sex? That's erasing the gay representation!
Basically, bisexuality, much like the term "coding", gets treated like a tool that's allowed to exist only when it's convenient to a person, instead of as an actual sexuality real people have. I feel like bi, aroace, and pansexual people get shafted hard in fandoms in general.
Anyways, thank you for your support, Anon! I mentioned it in another post, but putting your likes and dislikes in the bio is a common practice in the Eastern part of the world, and I chose to copy that. I think it's a good way to meet people with similar interests while also letting those who have opposite interests avoid you. If the BL Anon had checked my bio first before following me, he could have spared himself some trouble haha. Sadly, it seems that many don't look at bios 😢
Thank you for your nice sentiments! I'm fairly confident that I won't be harassed, especially not in the reader-insert community, but I appreciate the thought! And hopefully I can find a way to combat the alienation... If not, then I'll simply uninstall both HSR and Genshin and find games that actually pander to me 😅
May you stay happy and free of harassment as well, dear Anon! 💚
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abiiors · 1 year
been completely obsessing over your mini posts this weekend!!!
more ideas if your up for it!
matty and the gf meeting a fan while they are out for dinner and invitint them to have dinner with them
the gf messing around in the studio but they end up loving it and sampling it on an album
Burgers and Milkshakes
A/N: Thank you so much for reading them, you're really sweet 🥺
I've tweaked the first one a bit so it doesn't get super long and rambly. As for the second one, I truly don't know the first thing about studios and how songs are recorded so I'm gonna have to skip that one unfortunately :(
Still, I hope you enjoy this one!
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‘Wanna get some burgers tonight?’ You poke your head inside his home studio, ‘I don’t feel like cooking.’
He looks up from the piano, still not fully registering what you’d just said. ‘Burgers. Tonight,’ you repeat. ‘Unless you feel like cooking.’
He debates it for a second, ‘whatever you want,’ he answers distractedly. He’s so engrossed in his work that you know you’ll have to remind him of this conversation in two hours when it’s tea time. As predicted, he walks into the living room two hours later. 
That’s how you end up at the small burger joint in a bustling part of the city. He’s excited today, you can tell. He chats about the songs he’s been working on, tells you that something you said to him three Wednesdays ago is going to make it into the lyrics, slings a hand over your shoulder as you walk together. 
The burger joint is crowded as usual. Despite being on a small street, it attracts a lot of people in the area. Just to keep up the anonymity, he hangs back and lets you order the food as well as the milkshakes (strawberry for him, vanilla for you). Once the food has been acquired, you find him sitting at a small table in the corner. 
The night air is just cool enough that both of you get away with wearing oversized hoodies. He’s gone one step ahead and added a beanie to hide his curly hair.
When you sit down with your food, he instantly tries to steal some of your chips and you smack his hand away. 
‘Do you or do you not want a sip of my milkshake?’ he challenges.
‘Are you trying to bribe me?’ you challenge back.
That’s exactly how it goes every single time. He inhales his own food in ten seconds and then tries to steal yours. You have already lost count of how many times you’ve bickered like an old married couple over this. 
As you take another sip of your milkshake, you notice him look at something behind you and then lower his head.
‘Uh…’ he leans in a bit closer to you, ‘I think we’ve been spotted.’
Your eyes widen a bit at that, fan interactions have always been a mixed bag but he’s quick to put a hand on yours. 
‘I mean they haven’t approached us or anything yet.’
You scoot your chair a bit so you can get a better look at them without being too obvious about it. And he’s right; it’s two girls who stand, hand in hand, a bit farther away from you. They are very obviously trying not to stare but the taller one of them looks like she’s debating coming over to say hi. 
‘It’s your call, babe,’ you say to him. Both of you only have a few chips and some more milkshakes left plus it’s not like this is some grand dinner at a fancy restaurant. 
‘Are you sure?’ he asks and you nod at him.
‘In fact, why don’t I wave them over?’ you volunteer.
He asks again if you're sure about this. You give him a quick nod, turn around and wave at them. 
The girls, who are still hesitating, seem to freeze when they see you wave. Then both of their smiles break into huge grins and they waste no time in coming over. 
‘Oh my god, I wasn’t sure if I should approach you while you’re eating,’ the shorter one of the two says a bit sheepishly and you tell her it’s no big deal. 
The other girl is still hanging back and it looks like she’s trying to fight the pink tinge making its way up her cheeks. 
‘I’m Allie,’ the shorter girl introduces herself, ‘and this is my girlfriend Mia. We are huge fans of The 1975,’ she grins. 
Both you and Matty introduce yourself and this time Mia laughs, tells you that of course she knows who you are and she’s so happy that she ran into you. ‘We were at the Manchester show, and honestly, it was such a blast!’
Matty looks genuinely happy to hear that and he tells them as much. They shyly ask for photos and he agrees to it happily. You even volunteer to take the photos but they ask you to be in the photos which is a bit surprising. 
‘We were just here to get milkshakes,’ Allie laughs, ‘I didn’t think I’d run into you.’ She holds up their to-go containers and you notice that they are Strawberry and Vanilla—just like yours. 
It’s such a trivial detail but it endears these two girls to you. 
‘It’s been a good night,’ Mia says. She even sincerely thanks both of you. Then the two of them say their goodbyes and leave, hand-in-hand just like they’d come in. 
‘Ah, young love,’ you sigh, ‘bet they don’t try to steal each other’s chips.’ 
He gives you a cheesy little grin and then swipes the last fry anyway.
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xalygatorx · 6 months
Preface Notes for Unbound
Just a post to store some info, disclaimers, and expecation-setting for Unbound and its relationship to BG3 and D&D.
Unbound is an ongoing generally SFW medium-burn (keeps pace with the canon) romance based in the world of Baldur's Gate 3 between Astarion and a female OC. Any NSFW chapters (if there end up being any) will be marked in the Warnings section. I primarily deal in angst, fluff, and happy endings and this will likely be no different.
Fluff, angst, and explorations of trauma. I will try to note specific triggers in the Warnings for each chapter.
Spice for sure, as a large part of Astarion's arc is tied to his relationship with his body and sex. If anything NSFW happens, I will mark it in the Warnings section above the chapter fold.
Graphic descriptions of fantasy violence of a similar level to what we'd see in the game.
A heavier focus on character interactions than plot unless a plot point is headcanon or changed from the game's canon.
Some light adjustment to dialogue and specific scenes, particularly when those scenes happen. Dialogue will be very close when it mirrors actual lines but not exact as I've yet to find a script online to reference.
As the group grows, there will be companions who stay behind at camp or are temporarily absent from whatever scene is occurring, but I won't be limiting the traveling party to four when it doesn't make narrative sense to do so. They're all traveling together, so if five characters make more sense than four for a scene, that's what I'll do. Again, excited to focus on character interactions.
Minor typos. I edit as I go on these projects, but I don't go back and read through the whole chapter after writing it because I don't want to possibly talk myself out of posting it. 😅
Don't Expect (Disclaimers)
A regimented posting schedule. This is my for-fun project right now. 🥰
Me to stick to any D&D rules for this. BG3 is my full extent of D&D experience. D&D is of course a huge inspiration source and I'm already checking wikis, but if combining two types of magic that would never be combined in D&D makes a scene cool, I'm going to do it. :') Specifically with Aine as her backstory comes more to the forefront, I can't imagine her magic would be 5e-legal, so I'm not even going to sweat it.
An unhappy ending. x We don't do those in this house.
I'll continue to update this as we go with anything else that comes up. :)
Unbound begins here.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
I looooove all of your Ross talk🫶🏻 I’m a sucker for best friends to lovers so imagine being best friends since idk maybe 13 and finally once you’re older realizing/telling each other that you have feelings for one another❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹😭😭😭
oh god yeah like maybe it's one of those situations where you live next door to each other your whole lives, so the two of you walk to and from school together every day and become quite close, and then ross drives you when he passes his test. and i really do think it's mostly a platonic love you have for each other at the start - like obviously he's cute and you're cute and you're both sweet and you get on really well, but the penny doesn't really drop for you romantically until you're about eighteen and at a party.
the band (whatever iteration they are at that point) have played, you're all a bit drunk, someone suggests spin the bottle, and you're all like this is a great idea let's do it. and then ross has a go and it lands on you and you're both a bit like "oh dear haha" but you think nothing of it, and then you kiss and it's just an oh moment for you. like, it's a good kiss. you want it to happen again as soon as your lips pull apart. and there's a softness in ross' eyes when he looks at you afterwards that you've never seen, but it gives you butterflies. and he's the same - kissed you and thought "shit, why did i never do this sooner?", then fell head over heels at the way your cheeks went pink and you smiled at him afterwards. but you both know that a relationship isn't ideal right now - the band are seriously working to get a record deal and break into the industry, and you're going off to uni somewhere else in the country - so you just never mention that you like each other. and you stay in touch over the years - you go to the shows that you can when the boys get bigger, which gets harder as you graduate and start working, and ross isn't always home for christmas for very long, so there's some years you don't get a chance to catch up at all. and you both see other people, but never anything serious, and you both get a little rush of butterflies whenever you see the other has posted on social media. and then maybe in like 2018, one of your friends from school gets married, and you're talking to your old friend group online before it - all of the boys are invited and going, and you're so so excited to see all of them, especially ross. and the day comes, you go by yourself because you're not seeing anyone, but you're feeling good. and you've been in the venue for literally less than five seconds when you hear a familiar voice go "oh, there she is!", and you just turn to see ross looking suave and fly and sexy in his suit (and it's 2018, so he's really tanned and his hair is short) and you're internally like "ooooooooh my fucking god". and you run over to him as fast as your heels will allow and just hug him (you kind of lose it at how huge he is because its been so long since you hugged him. like, he's a man now) and you're like "god you look so good how are you?" and ross pulls back and twirls you round and says "i look good? you look amazing. it's so good to see you". and you're both a bit giddy chatting for a bit, before ross takes you to see the other boys and say hi - they're also very excited to see you, and it's good to catch up. and you end up sitting next to ross during the ceremony, and at the meal too, because he also didn't bring a plus one. and you're having such a a good time chatting with ross - it's just like old times, you and your best friend, but you can't get over how fucking sexy he is, so you're deliberately flirting with him just to see what happens. and he plays into it! whispers in your ear that he can't get over how gorgeous you look, absent-mindedly puts his hand on your thigh, drags you up to dance with him to this must be the place by talking heads (his fave song apparently!). and it's not a slow dance per se, but you're holding hands and bopping and you're trying not to think about how familiar and safe you feel with ross (which is NOT helped by the song lyrics AT ALL), and then he hugs you close and you just sway along to the music. and then when he pulls away from you, he has the same look on his face as he did when you kissed him that night all those years ago and then he's like "let's get a drink". and you do - he pays - and then you take your drinks outside. and it's quiet, just the two of you on this loveseat, and ross is like "you're not seeing anyone at the minute, are you?" and you say no and he's like "neither am i. that's good". and then he kisses you! and that's it - the start of you guys being together <3
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