#again this was supposed to be like 500 words lol
jetii · 23 hours
So excited you are taking requests! I love your work ❤! Could I request a S(ish)FW (language and innuendos ok, basically anything except actual smut) with Prompt #56? I was thing fem Jedi!reader and Crosshair having a snarky/flirting conversation post mission? Maybe leads up to implied sexy times, I'll leave that up to you.
This prompt was so Crosshair lol thank you for requesting it!
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Pairing: Crosshair x Jedi!Reader
Words: 3,132
Tags/Warnings: fluff, canon-typical violence, arguing as a form of flirting, a gratuitous amount of swearing, some making out but nothing too crazy
Prompt: 56. “I-I don’t know if I want to yell at you or fuck you.” / “Surprisingly that is not the first time I’ve heard that.”
500 Follower Celebration Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“Eyes up, General.” Crosshair's smooth voice sounds in your ear. “You’ve got company.”
You quickly pocket your datapad, taking a look around the forest. You don't see anything, and you look up at the tree where you know Crosshair is perched, the tip of his rifle just barely poking through the leaves. 
"How many?" you ask, keeping your voice low.
"Just one, but it's a big one."
You take another look around the trees. "Where is it? I don't see anything."
"You will."
“That’s not helpful,” you grumble, turning back to your datapad, tapping on the screen to wake it back up. The screen lights up, and you go back to your notes, continuing your read through as you walk through the woods, your eyes flicking up every so often to glance around you.
Your eyes focus back on the datapad. You’re still searching for an elusive herb that is supposedly native to this planet, one which is a rare and valuable medicinal ingredient. It’s not uncommon for Jedi and other medics to search for them, though it was a pain to do so. Making matters more complicated was that this planet was so far removed from the Republic that you were risking getting into trouble just by being here. 
The natives had yet to be contacted by the Republic, so your presence was an unknown to them. You don't even know if they're civilized enough to communicate with you, and if they were, whether or not they'd be hostile to you.
What you do know is that you’d be punished if you were caught on this planet without permission, and the last thing you wanted was to be sent to the AgriCorps. Again.
Crosshair, of course, thinks you're stupid for even thinking about searching for this herb. He had made a point to tell you exactly what he thought as the two of you set off earlier this morning. You’d left Tech and Echo behind to repair the ship’s systems, while the two of you went out to explore, Hunter and Wrecker doing the same in the opposite direction.
Crosshair was less than pleased at the idea, but he'd agreed to go with you anyway, even if his reasoning was more to ensure you wouldn’t get yourself killed.
As much as you hated to admit it, the sniper was probably right. Your chances of actually finding this herb was slim. You'd spent several days searching for it already, and your only reward was sore feet and an empty vial. You didn't even know how the plant was supposed to look, other than the brief description provided to you by a Jedi Master who had been on this planet before and some poor quality photos.
Small, white, fragrant flowers. Leaves long and thin, shaped like a star, growing in groups of five.
You were sure there was plenty of vegetation that matched the description on this planet. Hell, it was a forest, and it seemed like everything was green. The only problem was finding the right one.
You had no idea how long you had until the flower stopped blooming, and the plant lost its medicinal value. If you didn't find it soon, you'd have to leave, and then you'd be forced to return home empty handed, without the rare herb and with no explanation as to why you'd returned without it.
And worse, Crosshair would be proven right.
The thought of that alone was enough to make you want to find the damn thing.
You walk a few steps farther, pausing at a small clearing in the forest. You glance at your datapad again, checking your notes, then scan the ground for any sign of the flower.
"It's not there."
You look up. You don't see Crosshair anywhere.
"Where are you?" you ask.
"Behind you."
You turn and look, and you still can't see him. "Well, if you're going to criticize my choices, the least you could do is get down here and help."
"I am helping. By keeping you alive."
You scowl. "Where the hell are you?"
"You should really watch your language, General."
You roll your eyes. "Come down here and help me," you say.
"Help you with what?"
You jump and turn, letting out a surprised yelp when you see Crosshair standing next to you, the butt of his rifle resting on the ground, one hand resting on it, the other on his hip. His helmet is still on, and you're unable to read his expression. You hadn't heard him approach, and it had startled you, enough so that your hand had gone to the lightsaber at your waist.
"What is wrong with you?" you demand.
He tilts his head. "I didn't realize you were so jumpy.”
"Yeah, well, if you weren't always hiding in trees and making creepy comments, I wouldn't be," you grumble, releasing your hold on your saber one finger at a time.
"If I wasn't always watching your back, you'd be dead," he retorts.
"Yeah, yeah," you mutter. "You're the only reason we're not all dead."
"You're welcome."
You let out a sigh and roll your eyes. You’re sure he’s smirking underneath his helmet, and you're not entirely sure how you feel about it. There's something about him that irritates you, that gets under your skin, but he's also the only one on the squad that seems to pay attention to you. And he does a good job of it, too.
It's strange, really, because he seems to notice things about you that nobody else does. He knows when you're annoyed, or upset, or when you need to eat. He can tell when you're not sleeping well, or when you're tired, or when you're distracted. And when you're focused, like now.
The two of you spend a moment staring at each other, neither of you saying anything. You can practically see the smirk on his face, and you narrow your eyes, not trusting him. He's the most unpredictable member of the squad, and he always seems to catch you off guard. He seems to take great pride in it, too, and you don't appreciate it.
"Whatever," you finally say, turning back to your datapad and looking at it again. The description of the herb and its supposed medicinal value was all well and good, but the picture of the plant was very generic. It looked like pretty much every plant in this damn forest.
"Do you actually have any idea what you're looking for?" he asks, stepping up next to you.
You give him a withering look, and he just stares back at you.
"No," you hiss. He chuckles, a low, warm sound that makes your skin prickle. "You wanna tell me what's so funny?"
"Not really," he says, his helmet turning towards you.
"Asshole," you mutter, turning away from him and scanning the ground. He's still staring at you, and the feeling of his eyes on you makes your skin crawl. "Do you mind?"
"No," he replies, his voice low. His helmet tilts to the side as he watches you, and you can feel your cheeks growing warm. He's close, and it makes you feel uneasy, but you don't back down, and he doesn't move.
“Look, if you don't want to be here, you can leave," you say, turning to him, your voice rising.
He takes a step closer, and you have to fight the urge to back away. You stand your ground, and he leans closer, the black visor of his helmet mere inches from your face.
He scoffs. “And get blamed when you disappear and die on this planet? No thanks."
"You'd love that, wouldn't you?"
He shrugs. "Wouldn't matter to me," he says. "But I like to think of myself as a loyal soldier. Wouldn't leave a comrade behind, no matter how idiotic the mission. Or the person.”
You roll your eyes. He's just trying to piss you off, and he's succeeding.
"You're insufferable," you hiss. "Get lost, and stop following me. That's an order."
He chuckles, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. "Can't," he says. "I'm stuck with you."
He doesn't answer, just shrugs.
"Then just leave," you mutter, turning and walking away. You hear him follow behind, but you don't bother to look. You know he'll keep pace with you.
You walk in silence for a few minutes, before he speaks.
"What exactly are we looking for, anyway?"
"Are you actually going to help, or are you just gonna complain?"
"Complain, probably."
"Then leave."
"Not until you do."
"Ugh," you groan. "Fine. Look for anything with long, thin leaves, and white flowers."
"What does it do?"
"You don't care."
"Probably not, but I'm asking anyway."
"It's for an antidote," you reply. "For a poison. It's very rare, and expensive, and the only way to obtain it is by harvesting the flower. If we can find one with roots in tact, we can bring it back with us and grow our own. But the only place it's grown is here, and the blooming season is only a few days and then it's over."
"Sounds like a lot of trouble," he comments.
"It's worth it," you argue. "This could save thousands of lives."
"So, what do I look for?" he asks. You give him a look, and he shakes his head. "What? You asked for my help. Tell me what to do."
"Fine," you sigh. "The flower is usually found growing at the base of a tree or shrub, and the roots are long and deep, and it has a unique scent."
"Unique how?"
"I don't know, it's like..." You wrinkle your nose, thinking. "Like... honey and mint, I think? It's hard to explain. I don't really smell it myself, but that's what I was told."
Crosshair stares at you for a moment, his hands flexing. He looks like he's contemplating something, but doesn't say anything. Instead, he just turns away, walking into the woods.
"Keep your eyes open, and don't die," he calls back.
"Where are you going?"
"To find your precious herb," he replies, waving over his shoulder.
You roll your eyes. "Just don't get lost!"
He doesn't answer, disappearing among the trees.
You continue on your way, stopping every so often to check the ground for any sign of the flower, and then move on. The day passes slowly, and you feel yourself getting more and more frustrated. Your frustration only grows when you see the sun starting to set, the sky slowly darkening.
"Fuck," you grumble, turning and heading back in the direction of the ship. Crosshair had left hours ago, and you hadn't seen or heard from him since. You had no idea where he was, or if he was still alive.
"Cross, you there?" you ask, tapping your comm.
"Crosshair, come in."
Still nothing.
You let out a frustrated huff. He was probably fine, but that didn't stop the worry from creeping up inside of you. It wasn't unusual for him to disappear, but you had expected him to stay close to you, especially after insisting that he stick with you.
"Dammit," you growl, turning back around. You're about to call out for him again, when you hear a twig snap behind you. You go still, your hand instinctively going to your lightsaber, and you spin around, igniting it.
You're not prepared for what greets you.
You're met by a massive, six-legged creature, easily three times your size, and twice as wide. It's covered in thick, shaggy fur, its legs ending in sharp talons. It lets out a growl, its teeth bared, saliva dripping from its mouth.
You're frozen in place, your heart pounding. You can't move, your limbs trembling, and you try to think, to find a way out of this, but you can't.
The creature takes a step towards you, its head lowered, and you can feel the air around you shift as it inhales. It's trying to catch your scent.
You grip the hilt of your lightsaber tightly, willing your hands to stop shaking, trying to keep the blade steady. You’ve fought bigger, more dangerous things than this. You can handle it.
You swallow hard, trying to calm your nerves. You can do this. You're a Jedi.
The creature opens its mouth, a low, rumbling growl echoing in the woods. It's almost on top of you now, and you brace yourself, knowing you have to act, or you'll be dead.
You move forward, swinging your lightsaber towards the creature. It reacts immediately, lunging at you.
A loud shot rings through the forest, and the creature stumbles, its head jerking to the side. Another shot, and another, and the creature falls, the life draining from its body.
You stand there for a moment, your lightsaber humming quietly, the smell of the creature's blood filling the air. You can feel your heart beating wildly, and you know you should be relieved, but you're not. You're angry, and terrified.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You could have gotten yourself killed."
Crosshair is standing next to you, his rifle aimed at the creature, his eyes hidden behind the black visor of his helmet. His hands are steady, his finger resting lightly on the trigger, and you can feel the tension radiating off of him.
Okay, now you're furious.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" you demand, glaring at him. "There’s no way the locals didn’t hear that. We're going to be in so much shit."
"That thing was about to kill you, and all you can think about is how much trouble you're going to be in?"
He lowers his rifle and pulls off his helmet, and you're met with his usual expression of disdain. "You're unbelievable."
"Where the hell were you, anyway?"
"Helping you," he says.
"Bullshit," you hiss. "If you were helping me, we'd have found the damn flower by now."
He holsters his rifle and digs into the pouch on his belt, pulling out a vial and holding it up.
You stare at it for a moment, not believing what you're seeing. It can't be. There's no way.
"Are you kidding me?" you ask, snatching the vial out of his hand and turning it over. Sure enough, inside is a small, white flower, its roots still intact.
"You're welcome."
"This can't be real," you murmur, your eyes widening as you stare at the herb. It's everything you'd hoped for, and more.
"It is," he says.
You turn to him, your mouth hanging open. “I…”
"It's okay," he says, taking the vial back and handing you his helmet. "You can say it."
“I—I don’t know if I want to yell at you or fuck you.” The words are out of your mouth before you can stop them, and you cover your mouth with your free hand, your face burning.
His eyebrows shoot up, and he tilts his head.
“Surprisingly not the first time I’ve heard that," he says, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"It just slipped out," you protest. "I didn't--"
"Sure you did," Crosshair cuts in, taking a step towards you. He's close, so close that you can feel the heat of his breath against your skin, and it makes your knees weak. "I've got that effect on people."
"I hate you," you whisper, unable to look away from him.
"No, you don't," he murmurs, leaning in and pressing his lips against yours.
You gasp, but don't pull away, your eyes fluttering closed as his hands rest on your hips, pulling you against him. His lips are soft, his kiss gentle, and you can't help but kiss him back, your arms wrapping around his neck, his helmet dangling from your fingers.
The two of you are pressed together, his warmth surrounding you, and you melt into his embrace. You're not sure how long you stand there, your lips moving against his, your heart pounding in your chest.
You can't seem to think straight, and all you can focus on is him, his touch, his scent, his taste. He takes a step forward, and you gasp as your back hits a tree, his body pinning you there. He takes advantage of the opportunity, his tongue slipping past your lips, exploring your mouth. You moan softly, and he deepens the kiss, his hands gripping your hips tighter.
Your knees are trembling, and you have to wrap your arms around his neck, afraid that you'll fall. He seems to sense this, his hands moving to your waist, pulling you flush against him. His armor is hard, digging into your skin, and you let out a soft whimper, a sound that makes him smirk against your lips.
He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, his breath hot against your skin. His eyes are dark and hooded, his cheeks flushed, and he's breathing hard. He doesn't speak, just stares at you, his gaze intense.
"Thank you," you finally whisper.
“For the flowers or the kiss?" he asks.
He smiles, and it's one of the first genuine smiles you've ever seen from him. He's beautiful, and you can't help but stare at him, his sharp features, his piercing eyes.
"Come on," he says, pulling back and taking your hand. "Let's get back to the ship before the locals figure out we're here. You can show me how grateful you are later."
Your cheeks burn, and you quickly look away, trying to hide the blush that's creeping up your neck. 
"Yeah, yeah," you mutter, rolling your eyes, though you can't help but smile as he takes your hand and tugs you towards the ship. The two of you walk in silence, his fingers laced through yours. He's surprisingly gentle, his touch light, his thumb brushing over your skin.
You're still not entirely sure what to make of him. He's cocky and arrogant, but he's also protective, and attentive. He notices things that others don't, and he does what needs to be done, even when he doesn't want to. And he doesn't let anyone else tell him what to do.
But most of all, he's the one person who's always been there for you. He's the one who's always watched over you, even when you didn't want him to. And even when he's a pain in the ass, you're glad he's there.
You steal a glance at him, and he's looking at you, his expression soft.
"What?" you ask.
"Nothing," he replies, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Just wondering how grateful you're going to be."
You flush, looking away, and he chuckles, squeezing your hand.
"Shut up," you mutter, trying, and failing, to hold back a smile. You can’t deny you’re looking forward to it.
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Taglist: @baddest-batchers @covert1ntrovert @stellarbit @bruh-myguy-what @qvnthesia
@spicy-clones @kindalonleystars @cw80831 @totallyunidentified @heidnspeak
@lovelytech9902 @frozenreptile @chocolatewastelandtriumph @etod @puppetscenario
@umekohiganbana @resistantecho @dindjarins1ut @tech-aficionado @aynavaano
@burningnerdchild @ihatesaaand @lolwey @hobbititties @mere-bear
@thegreatpipster @lordofthenerds97 @tentakelspektakel @notslaybabes @mali-777
@schrodingersraven @megmegalodondon @dangraccoon @dreamie411 @sukithebean
@bimboshaggy @anything-forourmoony @9902sgirl @jedi-dreea @salaminus
@ghostymarni @gottalovehistory @burningnerdchild @yoitsjay @callsign-denmark
@julli-bee @sonicrainbooms @captn-trex @feral-ferrule @webslinger-holland
@marchingviolist @deerspringdreams @chaicilatte @somewhere-on-kamino @silly-starfish
84 notes · View notes
Summary: After months of dating you spend the first night at Logan's waking up to him having a nightmare. He has to remind himself that you're still alive once you finally got him awake.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x fem. reader
Wordcount: 1.5k
Rating: E
Warnings: angst, dating, nightmares, fluff, smut (unprotected sex), kissing
A/N: Hi. I am Steph and this was just supposed to be just 500 words to test the waters after watching Deadpool & Wolverine. I might have more ideas, but let's see how we all like this one first lol
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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At first you did not know what exactly woke you up, the room still dark as night when your eyes blinked open. For a moment you did not know where you were, but then the memories of last night came back. 
The dinner at the small pizza place you had your first date in many months back. The ice cream you shared as you walked by the river. How surprised you were when he asked if you would go to his place tonight to spend the night. 
You met Logan a couple of months ago when your car broke down just outside of town, your phone dead, not knowing what to do and how to get home. 
He was the only one who stopped. And while you of course were hesitant at first to accept the help of this big and frankly grumpy looking man, it changed when he gave you his phone to hold on to while he offered to take took a look at you car. 
His surprisingly warm smile was a big help too. 
Maybe you fell for him right back on that first day. You weren’t exactly sure. 
You just knew that you fell for him fast and hard, even though he seemed to have done everything to stop it. 
He was… a complicated man with a past he was only hesitant to share. You still didn’t know everything, but you knew enough. Even though it was a little struggle for you to accept that he was from another universe in the beginning. 
Another universe where he lost everything and everyone that he loved. 
It began to make sense to you the more time went by. 
How he struggled to let you in, even though he told you he would love nothing more than to do so. 
How he sometimes grew quiet all of the sudden. 
How sometimes he saw someone and struggled to breathe.
But you were a patient person, never pushing him to open up, trusting that if this thing between the two of you was real, that with time he would let his walls down. 
And he did. Slowly, but he did. 
And tonight was that big last step that he let the two of you take. Spending the night together at his place. 
He told you he suffered from nightmares. And his biggest fear was that his nightmares would make him hurt you. 
Logan told you about and showed you his powers early on, somehow thinking you would run right away, while you only joked about never needing to hire anyone cutting the bushes in your garden ever again. You’d always remember how he looked at you in disbelief before he laughed. 
But sleeping in the same bed with him (even though you of course spend a lot of time in bed with him, doing anything but sleep) was something he quite frankly told you that he was scared of because the most recurring nightmare he had was that he killed someone he loved in his sleep. 
And you knew you would have no way of stopping this mountain of a man if he somehow ended up attacking you in his sleep. 
It was why you had never spend a night in the same bed together up until tonight. 
Suddenly fully awake as you heard his mumbling you turned around, finding him laying on his back, his skin sweaty. 
Sucking your bottom lip in, trying to figure out what to do you reached to your side, turning the lamp on the bedside table on before you looked at him again. You shivered as the bedsheet slipped down your naked chest, pulling it up again to cover yourself up. 
He was mumbling in his sleep, his head shaking slowly, yet somehow even while asleep his arms where behind his back, as if to keep them away from you, his hands behind his back. 
You knew for a fact that he did not fall asleep like this, because he fell asleep before you and you had been laying on his chest with his arms securely around you. 
The thin bedcover had slipped down, only barely hiding his crotch, his naked chest rising quickly as he took quick breaths. 
Touching him when he was like this was probably not a good idea. 
He had told you that you should just get out of the bed should something like this happen, but it did not feel right to just leave him stuck in his nightmare. 
„Logan,“ you whispered.
No reaction. 
You took a deep breath. 
„Logan. Baby, wake up,“ you said, louder now. 
He groaned, mumbling your name. 
„Logan!“ You raised your voice and his eyes blinked open, wide and disoriented before his eyes found yours. He took deep breaths, looking at you, his eyes blinking as if he had to make sure you were there.
„You were having a nightmare, I think,“ you said quietly, your hand slowly reaching out to touch him. 
Yet before your fingertips reached his skin he somehow had you under him, his warm body on top of you, his forehead against yours. 
You released a quiet shriek, surprised by the sudden manhandling of your man. 
You brought your arms around, one hand on his cheek your other hand in his soft hair. 
„You died,“ he whispered and your heart broke. 
„You died, over and over again and I couldn’t stop it,“ he shook his head against yours. 
„Baby…“ you whispered, your fingers running over his scalp. 
„Can’t lose you,“ he said and you gasped when you felt him roll his hips against yours, his cock hard against your thigh. 
„You won’t,,“ you said, tilting your chin up so you could kiss him, as your hand ran down from his head to his back. One of his hands pulled your face closer towards his as he deepened the kiss while his other hand pulled one of your legs up to cross it behind his as he moved his hips, the tip of his cock slipping inside of you, making you moan against his lips. 
„I won’t,“ he said, his hips diving forward, his cock filling you completely in one fluent motion. You gasped, thankful that you were still wet from the time he had fucked you just before you fell asleep in his arms earlier. 
„Never gonna leave you,“ you said, arching your back, your tits brushing against his chest while he slowly fucked into you. He put one arm behind you back, his big hand pushing you up against him as his cock filled you with deep hard thrusts. 
He somehow immediately found that spot inside of you that made your whole body shake, your orgasm building quickly. 
„Gonna keep you here with me until you’re sick of me,“ he mumbled, kissing down your neck. 
„Logan…“ you gasped. 
„Gonna keep you full of me, you’d like that sweetheart huh?“ He asked and you whimpered a quiet yes.
„Yeah you do,“ you could hear him smile before his lips found yours again, his tongue dipping inside of your mouth. 
„Cum for me,“ he mumbled against your lips, his cock hitting that perfect spot inside of you, fucking you faster. 
„I’m gonna…“ you gasped, your lips parting in a silent cry as wave after wave of your orgasm washed over you, your eyes never leaving his as he drilled his cock into you, fucking you through your orgasm. 
„So fucking pretty,“ he said with a small grin, kissing you softly before he pushed himself up on his knees. His hands grabbed both of your legs, slipping them over his shoulder before he grabbed your hips, to pull you closer.
You were still riding out your first orgasm when he quickened his thrust, now fucking you in earnest. The whole bed shook as he pumped into you, his eyes flying between your face and your tits that he had shaking with every thrust.
„Want you to cum with me again,“ he said and gave you no chance to react when his fingers found your clit, slipping his fingers over it, playing with it. 
„Oh shit,“ you let your head falls back against the mattress, your eyes slipping close. 
Within what felt seconds another orgasm washed over you, Logan following you only moments later, pumping his cum inside of you until he stilled, his cock still twitching inside of you. He slowly pulled your legs from his shoulders before he carefully pulled you up against his chest, his lips finding yours in a deep kiss. 
Hours later, the sun already out you woke up in Logan’s arms with him still deep asleep behind you, hoping that this was the first of many nights you would spend like this. 
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
Cleansing The Mind, The Soul And The Body | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF credits to @reedusmcbridedaily.*
Summary: Getting Daryl to take a shower or a bath when he wasn't in the mood was never easy. It took a lot of skillful convincing and even some bribery. Luckily, as his wife, all it took was a batting of your eyelashes and he was putty in your hands—and you took this to your advantage.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Alexandria; post Saviour arc, pre the building of the bridge.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of past abuse, Daryl's scars.
Word count: 1.6k
A/n: A fic born from this idea by @louifaith. Hope you like this! This was originally supposed to be a 500 word blurb but I got carried away lol.
The sun was almost completely gone from the sky. The first stars of the night sky were twinkling brightly outside the window of the bathroom in your shared home with Daryl, and the calming, cool breeze was flowing in through the slightly open window. The water was starting to fill up the bathtub, and you meticulously added just enough bubble bath liquid you had found on a run a few weeks prior.
Behind you, Daryl was reluctantly slowly undressing himself, carelessly tossing his shirt into the laundry hamper. He was grumbling to himself under his breath, making you laugh lightly.
“Whatever you want to say, you can say it to my face, Dixon,” you joked, turning the faucet off and turning around to face your half naked husband.
Daryl rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Nothin',” he answered, slowly stepping out of his jeans and boxers and walking over to the bathtub and settling into the bubbly water. “Let's just get this fuckin' over with already.”
You chuckled affectionately, settling onto your knees beside the bathtub and bringing a hand up to brush through his hair. Even though the archer didn't admit it, the warm water of the bathtub was soothing the aches in his body. And your soft hand gently threading through his hair had him practically melting into the water. Despite originally being against the idea of having you bathe him, insisting that he wasn't a little kid and he didn't need someone cleaning him, if he was already so content with just your hand in his hair, he didn't even want to know how relaxed he'd feel if you were to gently wash him.
Daryl subconsciously leaned into your touch and let out a small, content sigh, eliciting a light laugh from you. “Relaxed? I thought you didn't want this. Didn't you say that you "didn't need to be babied" and that "this would be a waste of time"?”
Daryl grumbled under his breath, lightly swatting your hand away. “Shut up,” he mumbled, trying to hide how his lips twitched up into a smile.
You giggled and leaned over the bathtub, catching his lips for a quick, tender kiss, before pulling away again. “Okay, handsome. What first? Body or hair?”
“Hair,” Daryl replied slowly, suddenly feeling hyper aware of the fact that he was naked and vulnerable in front of your eyes.
You nodded and carefully got to work on his hair, wetting it and carefully applying shampoo, working it into his hair while lightly scratching his scalp. “I love your hair. Long hair really suits you.”
“Yeah?” he asked, looking at you.
“Yeah. It compliments your features perfectly. I love it.”
Daryl closed his eyes and basked in the caring, loving moment. However, he couldn't help the nervousness that creeped up on him. The scars on his body were on full display, but luckily the ones on his back were hidden from your view for now. He chastised himself for feeling so insecure about his scars—you were his partner for two years before you became his wife a couple of months prior, and a loyal companion and friend for two years before that, dating all the way back to the quarry. You were well aware of his scars and about his father's abuse, and always worshipped him and reassured him that his scars were nothing to be ashamed of, but that didn't stop his insecurity from creeping up from time to time.
And what should've been a loving, tender moment could potentially be ruined by his insecurity.
While applying the conditioner to his hair, you noticed his now opened eyes staring ahead at the wall, his eyebrows furrowed together as he subconsciously crossed his arms over his chest, right over his scars. You instantly knew what was going through his mind, and you took it on yourself to lift his spirits.
You gently cupped his cheek with one of your hands, prompting him to look at you. His beautiful, ocean coloured eyes locked with your eyes, and you could clearly see the turmoil within their beautiful depths. It made your heart ache to know that someone caused the man you loved so much harm. If his father was still alive, Daryl wouldn't have had to worry about a confrontation with him. No, you would've given the man a taste of his own cruel medicine and after that, you would've killed him.
“Baby,” you whispered softly. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
Daryl could feel a blush creep up onto his cheeks. He scoffed and ducked his head, letting his wet hair fall in front of his eyes. “Stop,” he mumbled, but he couldn't help the small smile that crept up onto his face.
You giggled and tucked his hair behind his ears. “You are! You're so beautiful, Daryl. I can't believe how lucky I got with you. I won't be surprised if every woman here has a crush on you. Well, except Tara, but other than her...”
“Nah,” he denied and shook his head in disagreement. “Ain't no woman who would give me the time of day 'cept ya. 'Sides, even if there were, I ain't need no other woman. I already have the perfect one.”
You smiled and leaned over for another kiss, this one lasting longer than the previous one. You pulled back with a soft laugh, admiring the man who you'd come to love above everything else.
“And you swear on your life that you're not a romantic. That last line was smooth, Dixon,” you mused, grabbing the soap bar that smelled like lavender and turned back to the archer. “Is this okay?” you asked, motioning to his body.
Daryl's heart swelled at your thoughtfulness. You never wanted to do something that would make him uncomfortable, and he appreciated you for that. Nobody understood him quite like you did.
“Yeah, s'fine,” he replied with a nod, pushing that nagging voice in the back of his mind away. You loved him, every part of him. If you didn't, you would've run for the hills a long time ago. You weren't freaked out by his scars. You loved him for him, scars and all, and he'd be damned if he let his self deprecating thoughts ruin a good, loving moment.
The two of you remained in a comfortable silence for a few minutes while you continued to wash his body. However, when he slowly sat forward so that you could wash his back, you broke the serene silence with your loving, soft whispers.
“You're so strong, Dar,” you whispered, gently tracing your soapy fingers over his scars. An involuntary shiver traveled across Daryl's spine, eliciting a small giggle from you. “You're a warrior. You've been fighting to live the life you deserve even before the dead started rising. You've been surviving for far longer than most of us. That makes you so fucking brave, baby. And I know you don't feel like it, but you deserved to be loved, and you are loved. Rick loves you. Michonne loves you. Carol, Maggie, Rosita, Aaron, all of them. But I can assure you, nobody loves you as much as I do. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. I'd die for you. I'd kill for you. I'd do anything for you.”
Daryl inhaled sharply. He swallowed hard, willing the lump in his throat to go away. Hearing that from you was exactly what he needed in that moment. He knew it would be a long journey for him until he actually believed he was worthy of love, worthy of your love, but with you by his side, he knew he'd get there eventually.
“I love ya,” he whispered, staring into your eyes to let you know he meant it. He truly did love you. Nothing could ever change that.
“I love you too,” you answered with a smile, gently rinsing the soap from his back before grabbing the handheld showerhead and instructing him to lean his head back. You carefully rinsed the conditioner from his hair, bringing an end to the bath time.
You grabbed a towel and shook it out, using it to dry your husband. He looked at you in amusement but allowed you to do so, not-so-secretly enjoying the attention you were giving him. You then grabbed the fresh pair of boxers and handed it to him, as well as a pair of flannel pants. He got dressed in them and turned back at you.
“Lift your arms,” you instructed, watching the man lift an eyebrow at you but complying nonetheless. You helped him slip his shirt on, and after he was dressed, you wrapped your arms around him and nuzzled your face into his clothed chest.
Daryl wasted no time in returning the hug. He tightly wrapped his arms around you, placing a kiss to the top of your head before resting his chin there. He gently rocked you from side to side.
“Dar?” you whispered, catching his attention.
“Do you wanna cuddle?”
“You wanna be the little spoon?” you asked, giggling as Daryl's arms tightened around you. You already knew what the answer was without him having to say anything. “C'mon. Let's go to bed, handsome.”
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simpxxstan · 2 months
hi i would like to req cheol x fem!reader with the song you are in love by taylor swift. thank you!
congrats on 500 followers btw 🫶🏼
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this is part of my 550 followers celebration event (closed now)!
thank you for this request, really hoping you like it! i'm not a swiftie so i was unsure of how to interpret the song prompt. hope i did it justice! posting very very late, thank you for being patient for so long <3 happy bday month to cheollie!!! i love him so much and this couple too. i think i might write a few more drabbles for them later lol
genre: coworkers to lovers, friends to lovers, fluff
word count: 3.3k words
warnings: reader is fwb with an oc (not seungcheol).
"you are in love!" your best friend says. "yeah, i know." you sigh, "that's why i've been ranting for so-" "no, silly! not with jay. you're in love with seungcheol!" you had laughed off her words, wondering if she'd become tipsy way too fast into your girls' night.
but when you're lying in your bed later that night, the thought lingers in your mind- the alcohol clearing up and making you progressively more sober as the cold air from the open window hits you, while your friend snores soundly next to you.
"think about it." "i am thinking ab-" "no, you've never really thought about this before. think about it clearly." you'd laughed heartily at her faux-wisdom, which always appeared after finishing two cans of beer.
but she's right. you have actually never thought about this. you've been so obsessed with getting jay to like you that you've never really given a second thought about seungcheol... and what he really means to you now.
"i'd expect more from a stats major and a data analyst, honestly. aren't you supposed to be logical and rigorous-" you slap her arm while doubling over with laughter, knowing full well that she's imitating the words of an infamous professor in your college. "i am being logical. we're just coworkers."
were you?
now that you think about it, certainly not. you're more than coworkers. more like friends. more like best friends. in fact, he's the closest friend you've made since your days in college. just coworkers don't buy each other their favourite drinks when the other has a bad day. just coworkers don't hang out for hours after work nearly every other day. just coworkers don't invite each other to parties with their separate friend groups. just coworkers don't have inside jokes that prevent you from forming friends with anyone else in the office.
your mind travels back to last thursday, when seungcheol had saved your ass for the nineteenth time this year when you'd arrived late by preventing the boss from noticing.
and the thursday before that, when seungcheol had dropped you home after he'd found out that jay had made you cry during an argument in the break room just before work got over.
and the thursday before that, when you'd gone with seungcheol to taste the menu at three different banquets because he was busy planning the wedding of his best friend, joshua, and needed an unbiased taster.
did just coworkers know everything about each other? including his dentist appointment's dates, the last time you went grocery shopping, the last time he went to watch a movie, the vitamin supplements you eat after breakfast, and so much more.
you smile in the darkness. no, you and seungcheol could never be just coworkers. you're best friends, nothing less of that.
but love?
ah, no. you'll bet your life on this one. you've been in love before. and what you feel for seungcheol is nothing like it.
your heart hammers in your chest as you ring the doorbell again, the weight of the melting cake heavy in your hand. you distinctly remember jay telling you that he'd be home tonight, then why wasn't he responding to his calls nor opening his door?
you're answered about twenty minutes later. you're sitting on the stairs in front of his flat when you hear him walking up the stairs... and there's someone else's voice too. a female voice.
words get caught in your throat when you see mina, the new intern fresh out of a college, walking right beside him, arm looped in his, a hickey prominent on her neck, freshly bruised.
"why are you here?" she asks you, and you wince.
"i wanted to surprise you... for your birthday! sorry, i- i didn't know you had plans."
jay smiles as he looks at mina next to him, and pulls her closer. "no, mina actually surprised me too. and we went out dancing. sorry, have you been waiting for long? you should've call-"
"i did."
jay pulls out his phone and checks it. "oh shucks. you've been calling for the last twenty minutes," he takes a step forward and leans in to kiss your cheek, lightly. "you can join us for dinner? i'm sure mina won't mind." mina definitely minds, because she looks like she's going to shoot you down in a matter of seconds.
"nah, i'll just leave. happy birthday though. i can see you had a good one." would you be petty if you didn't give him the cake?
"sorry for making you wait for so long, y/n-ah."
one year and four months.
"no worries, man. enjoy your night. bye mina!" and you smile, like the stupid people-pleaser you are. at least you brought the cake with you.
"what's up?" seungcheol opens the door and you smell the heavenly aroma of fried noodles from his kitchen greet you.
"thank you for opening the door."
seungcheol raises an eyebrow at you. "why would i not open the door? you're literally-"
"yeah no, that's cause jay didn't. he went out with mina, it turns out." you stuff the cake into his fridge and stand next to him where he's cooking in a wok.
"mina? intern mina?"
"yeah. they made out too... so i'm guessing it wasn't friendly."
seungcheol scoffs. "mina joined, like, last week."
"two weeks."
"he switched you up for her although he's been with you for a year and a half."
"she's twenty-two, cheol. i'm pushing thirty. i'm not sexy anymore." you bite your lip as you look at the word puzzle in the newspaper on the coffee table. seungcheol doesn't reply immediately, so your heart sinks a little further. even if he doesn't subjectively find you sexy, he could just say it to console you. well, but it's a stretch to even expect that from-
"you're the sexiest woman i've ever met." seungcheol says, his voice softer, as he plops down next to you, holding two bowls filled with the fried noodles. he begins to eat wordlessly, legs propped up on the coffee table, almost inhaling the food. if you move your leg a little, your bodies would touch.
you don't reply. you can't reply. you start eating the food too, relishing the flavours in silence.
"want some more? there's more egg bits towards the bottom, i know you-"
"it doesn't matter if you think i'm the sexiest woman. clearly he doesn't."
"is jay the only person whose opinion matters?"
"are you really asking me that?"
"what i am asking you is that you've wasted one year and a half pining over a man who doesn't care for anything more than sex, and you still hope he's worth your time?"
your breath stutters. seungcheol's staring at you, and you feel shameful and self-conscious suddenly. all the fire and rage from your earlier comments dissipate and you sigh.
"you think i don't have a chance at all?"
"jay is an asshole, y/n. i think that you shouldn't care about him at all. but that's just what i think. my opinion doesn't ma-"
"shut the fuck up," you extend a hand to grab his wrist and make him look at you again.
seungcheol does look at you again but doesn't say anything.
"my best friend says i like you."
seungcheol's fork clatters in his bowl and you both turn to look at each other.
you have no idea why you say that. sure, it's been on your mind all day, all evening, and suddenly you feel like you're on your toes around him through the day. even when you two sat together at work, you'd become oddly conscious of his presence in your periphery, which has never occurred to you before.
"do you?"
and you have no idea why he says it either. in all the million possible options of things he could've said right now, you'd never imagined him asking this to you right on your face.
so you have nothing to say, except a very shaky, a very feeble, "i don't know."
the next day, two things happen.
first, seungcheol isn't talking to you. well, he is talking. but not properly. talking like could you press the elevator button or do you want some grapes or did you read the mail.
second, jay's talking to you a lot. he follows you into the break room and apologises again for standing you up on his birthday night.
"it's okay really. i hope you had a wonderful time with mina." you don't make eye contact, not really interested in listening to his whining, instead more focused on making the espresso you know that seungcheol craves during the afternoon.
"i... just wanted to clarify. there's nothing between us, you know. nothing going on." "you don't have to clarify that to me-" "i know. but still. wanted to know if it's all good between us." you push your tongue into your cheek to stop a curse from coming out. finally you pick up the two mugs of coffee and face him. "yes jay, all's good." jay smiles widely. "so are we on for the annual company dinner for this weekend?"
shit. you'd forgotten about that.
"but we go every year!" and jay throws you those puppy eyes that bring out the wrinkles next to his eyes that were the first reason you'd fallen for him.
it, surprisingly, doesn't make you feel weak in the knees.
"i'll confirm by tonight, okay? gotta go."
you head straight to seungcheol's desk and put down the cup of coffee on his desk, making him look up from his desktop.
"do you have a plus one for the company dinner?"
his eyes widen, and he responds after a moment's pause. "no. but-"
"will you come with me?"
"will you be my plus one?"
"but you're going with jay?"
"who told you that?"
"you did, genius. that's all you could talk about on monday."
you cringe internally. you don't even know why you do that- talking so much about jay, thinking so much about jay, just... caring so much for him. is it a parasocial thing? like people crush on their celebrities and make imaginary daydreams about taking care of their crushes? because jay certainly hasn't recicprocated even a tenth of your affection.
or maybe it's because of the sex. it is natural for friends with benefits to end up liking each other. well, in your case, liking the other without the other liking you. perhaps it's the physical intimacy. perhaps it's the consolation that you may be pushing thirty but you're still attractive enough to be on the market. perhaps it's the attention he gives you during your hookups. and perhaps it's the lack of attention from anyon-
you don't have a lack of attention. you have friends.
so it's not the attention bit.
is it specifically male attention?
but seungcheol is male. and he gives you a lot of attention, but only as a friend. you may be the sexiest woman he's ever met but he would never hook up with you. he's way out of your league.
"i don't want to go with jay." you finally respond back, clicking your tongue.
"huh? isn't that like your dream?"
"seungcheol. don't push it."
"i'm the one pushing it? i tell you not to like him, and you're mad at me. i tell you to like him, and you're still mad at me. what am i supposed to say, y/n?" and he pouts. fucking pouts at you like a little boy who's not allowed to eat sweets, and your heart breaks into a million pieces. you know he's not even trying to fake his cuteness (like jay does sometimes) and yet there's something so adorable about him right now that makes you want to-
"just answer me, cheol. please. yes or no?"
"when have i ever said no to you?"
your mouth twists as you nod. he hasn't. ever said no to you.
"i'll tell jay i'll be going with you then."
you turn around to walk away, but seungcheol pulls you back, grabbing your wrist and pulling you up close to his chest so that you have to tilt your head up to talk to him. "what?"
"is this some let's make jay jealous mission?"
"what?!" your eyes go wide and you scoff.
"of course NOT. what do you think i am? i'm not that desperate."
seungcheol sighs.
"whatever you say, darling."
seungcheol looks as good as ever when he comes around to pick you up and drive you to the company dinner that weekend.
"red suits you," he says, taking in the dress you've brought out from your mother's closet specially for this event. this dress is made to impress. it's the dress your mom wore at the party where she met your dad for the first time, and you've heard from dad countless times how enchanting she looked in the dress. you're hoping you'll do the dress half the justice, but clearly you haven't inherited your mother's body proportions, so it doesn't look as good as it did on her. and yet, the plunging sweetheart neckline allows you to wear pretty accessories that you hardly get to wear to work. it is really a dress to impress. somehow, something inside you wants to impress.... someone. and for some reason, you don't think it's jay.
the car ride is silent. it's extremely uncomfortable because you don't remember the last time you spent ten minutes in the same space as seungcheol without talking to him. you knew you shouldn't have raised the my friend thinks i like you shit. but you've raised it and now you can't go back. his question still lingers in your mind, and it feels like a challenge.
do you like him?
when you look at him in the moonlight, his jawline is shaved clean and his hair is slicked off his forehead. it's not like you've never realised before this how handsome seungcheol is. in fact, it was the one of the first things you'd noticed about him. he's got an aura about him that's so attractive from the outside. but as you grew closer to him, the attraction somewhat wore off into a casual comfort... where you can exist in the same space with him without double taking at his beautiful smile or wondering why his dimples are so cute.
but that's not to say that his appeal is lost on you.
under the moonlight, he looks godly.
''i heard jay's going with mina." he finally tells you when he parks into the parking lot.
"good for them." he looks at you and cocks an eyebrow, and you shrug.
you're about to open the door and step out, but he quickly grabs your hand across the car, and pulls you inside.
"umm. y/n, i don't know what you're doing. but i- whatever i said that day- look, i don't like jay because i think he's rude to you? but apart from that i'm sure he's a great guy and you should like him if you want to. and i have no right to say anything about it-"
"what?" you're so confused by his little monologue.
"sorry i'm saying this poorly. what i mean is, please don't let what i said that night make you avoid jay or anything."
"this isn't about that."
"it's not?" he tilts his head in query.
"no. this isn't about how i feel about jay."
"it's not?" he asks you again, his face more confused. you're tempted to smile at the cute confusion on his features, but you know it'll make him mad for spoiling this serious moment.
"this is about how i feel about you."
seungcheol does not utter any more words to you after that. there's still a very prominent confusion on his face, but he masks it well with his natural charm.
but you're not confused at all for once. everything seems to become clear to you with 100% HD clarity. for some reason, it all makes sense now. why your best friend thinks you're in love with seungcheol.
because you've never been in love before.
you've always fallen for the toxic type of person, like jay. relationships that are more about hookups and drunken fights than emotional bonds and care. and your past experience has made you feel that love is nothing smooth. it's always been a rocky path for you. push and pull, where you're both pushed around and pulled to meet to other's conveniences.
but being with seungcheol is so... different.
there's no loneliness. no push and pull, no compromise. only laughter and memories. he makes you smile you more than any of your love interests have made you smile. he makes you laugh ever so often. he takes care of you when you're sick. he cooks for you whenever he comes over because you can't cook to save your life. he wrote you a birthday card. he bought matching t-shirts from a thrift store because you both happened to like the design. right now, when you see the way he's talking to another colleague, his pretty lips articulating every word clearly, your heart warms with fondness. a stray hair sticks out, and you fix it back. he doesn't notice. or he pretends not to. when jay comes around within your periphery, he pulls you closer, and you can't help but smile again. something about everything he does is so endearing.
it's not a eureka moment.
and yet, it feels good to feel love for real for the first time of your life. you can die tonight happily, knowing you're capable of real love. because you know you do love seungcheol. for all his pouty tantrums and all his whining complaints, you love him the most in the world right now, and you simply cannot imagine choosing a life without him.
"do you want to dance?"
seungcheol's been deliberately avoiding eye contact, but now he looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights.
you giggle at the sudden reply. "why?" his frown deepens, and you tug at his lips with your fingers. "you don't look good when you frown." "it doesn't matter." "it does." "no one's looking at me." "no one's looking at me either." "shut up. jay's boring holes into your dress with the way he's ogling you." seungcheol's face flares up, and you're mildly amused. "and what about the boy i want to ogle?" "huh?" "you. you're so handsome, cheol." his eyes unfocus from jay and back at you, his eyes wide and lips slightly parted.
"what are you doing, y/n? why are you playing with my heart?"
"i'm not, though? i'm just telling you how i feel."
"and how's that?"
"i feel like dancing with you under the moonlight. i feel like going on a long drive with you. i feel like hugging you on the warmth of your couch until we fall asleep. i've never done these things, seungcheol, will you come with me?"
"never danced? fuck, you're not being treated right."
and he shows you. he takes you to the centre of the hall area, where the roof's glass so that it's slightly isolated from the result of the expanse, and the moonlight's shining in like a spotlight. there are only a few people dancing there, mostly couples. but seungcheol and you dance at the very centre, lost in each other's eyes, forgetting that this is a public place. it doesn't matter. nothing does. except him.
you are in love, your best friend's voice floats into your mind. and you smile as you look into seungcheol's eyes, realising she was right all along.
so you tell him.
"i love you, cheol."
seungcheol stutters in his step for a second. but it doesn't matter. your pace was anyway too slow. he pulls you closer against his chest, and cups your cheek with one hand. "what's that?"
"i told you this night's about you. and i've realised it now. i am in love."
and when seungcheol kisses you later that night, you're downright thankful you've finally realised your feelings. because how did you ever think you'd survive without his cherry kisses?
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cheolhub · 2 years
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summary. soobin can’t be mean to you no matter how hard he tries.
wc. 1.87k (oops)
warnings. super soft dom!soob, brief mention of spankings, lots of teasing, heavy praise, heavy use of pet names (princess, baby, good girl), unprotected s3x, creamp!e, slight (?) size kink (it’s soobin…), lots and lots of (sloppy) kissing :,) — MINORS DNI 18+
note. this was supposed to be 500 words lol… BASED ON A REQUEST !!! idk if this is any good, i wrote it at 2am lololol, ur feedback and likes/reblogs are really appreciated !!! mwah ily all (IF U SAW ME REPOST THIS 7 TIMES, NO U DIDNT)
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he tried. he really did. he tried to be the mean boyfriend who knew how to punish and ravish you like an animal. truly, from the bottom of his heart, he did try. 
but then you turned your head to look at him over your shoulder and he saw your face. that pretty little pout and those fucking tears and he slowly felt the facade fade. he wants so badly to be a big, bad, mean dom, but the grip you have on him makes it hard. really hard. it makes his cock really, really hard, too.
in all honesty, soobin gets off on your pleasure. it makes his brain fog when you moan out his name so sweet and it makes his stomach churn when you beg for more, “please, ‘binnie! just a lil faster—right there!” it makes his orgasm hit so hard when you cum all over him, clamping around him like a vice. 
it’s all the reason why he can’t lay another smack on the flesh of your ass. he can see the substantial handprints he’s left on both cheeks and he just can’t bear to see you like this. 
you turn your head to look at him again, tears staining your face and whisper, “‘binnie,” you can barely whimper out. “‘s okay, i-i can take it, i’ve been bad.” 
you’re gonna be the death of him, he decides. he shakes his head softly, rolling you onto your back. he looks at you in awe. like he’s never seen anything as beautiful as you– his pretty little gem. his plush lips press against your teary face. he wants to cover every inch of you in kisses and you can’t withstand without letting out a giggle due to his sudden change in behavior.
and to him, it sounds so pretty, much like the sound of music– he much rather prefers it over the sound of your pained screams and cries. 
“‘m sorry,” he murmurs once his lips finally inch towards your lips. “didn’t mean to hurt you,”
you hum softly, basking in the sweet feeling of his lips. “soobin, you didn’t, promise,” your lips stretch into a wide smile and your eyes flutter closed. “i’m the one who should apologize… didn’t mean to make you mad, ‘m sorry, baby,”
he melts at the familiar pet name, smiling to himself. his lips finally find yours, slotting into one another and you both sigh. it’s sweet and innocent and full of love. well, it was at first.
with every minute that passes while he’s hovering over your body, the deeper and more eager the kiss gets. before he can fully comprehend, you’re tangling your fingers into his beautiful, blonde locks, tugging at them urgently. 
“hey, soobin?” you pant against his lips. you don’t wait for his response, hotly asking, “can we still…?”
he pulls back from you, looking at you with a tiny grin, “you want it?”
“mhm,” you nod, pussy growing wetter and soaking your panties at the sight of his already-swollen lips and disheveled hair.
“hmm, can you ask me nicely?” you know he’s teasing, but you still whine nonetheless.
you frown, begging in that voice he loves so much, “can you please fuck me, ‘binnie? wanna be good and take it all.” 
he groans as his mind reels, “ah… you’re so cute.” he sits up and discards the clothes that separates the two of you, nearly moaning when he notices your arousal dripping for your pretty, pretty cunt. “‘n so wet for me.”
“all for you,” you tell him breathily. 
“good girl.” he praises and you can’t help the shiver that runs through your body. you arch your back a bit and soobin giggles at the satisfying reaction. “that’s right. my good girl, always so good for me, aren’t you?”
his words have your eyes threatening to roll back as you slowly lose your mind. “fuck, baby, please… can’t take it, n-need your cock,” you whimper as you nod mindlessly at his question. “please lemme have it… ‘m gonna go crazy.”
soobin knows why he prefers this– prefers rewarding you rather than shoving your head into a pillow and fucking you from behind like a punishment. he loves watching you unravel for him. his sweet, shy girl begging for his cock. begging him to fuck you and make you feel good. he doesn’t like being mean, doesn’t like not letting you talk, doesn’t like to punish you for something as silly as being desprate for him while he’s busy.  
his breath hitches. “tell me what to do, princess.” he whispers, hand grabbing his length, stroking up and down. 
you watch him with wide eyes, envious of his hand. “p-put it in…” you say, meekly– as if you’ve never asked for his cock before. (you have about a hundred times now, but the shyness never really goes away.)
“put what in?” he teases once more, but he can tell you’re on the verge of breaking down, so he knows to tone it down. 
“your… your cock, put it in me. please…” you plead, voice cracking.
soobin loves you, every part of you. he loves your personality, your sensitive body, and he loves how needy you get. he’s not one to think with his cock, but your voice just does it for him. the way there’s so much need and desperation laced in your pleads and begs make him feel alive. it makes him feel beyond lucky that he’s the only one who gets to have you like this. 
which is another reason why he can’t be mean. you deserve the princess treatment. yeah, he teases you a bit, but that’s only because he knows you love it. he would bend and break for you– he loves doing whatever you want him to do. 
so when he pushes the bulbous head of his cock into your weeping cunt, he can’t resist the loud moan that erupts in his throat. you’re quick to sob out his name and clamp around him at the not-so-sudden invasion. he pushes himself inside you more and more til he’s nestled deep in your cunt. 
you can feel the slightly painful stretch send shockwaves through your body and you hate to admit that you like the pain, but you can’t help it. the delicious and addictive stretch of the cock you know and love makes you delirious. that’s why you give him the cue to move as soon as he bottoms out. 
“so full,” you mumble. “move, please, wan’ you to fuck me.”
he raises an eyebrow as if he’s asking if you’re sure and you nod incessantly. the anticipation has your stomach in knots, hands moving to grip at his broad shoulders. 
soobin does an experimental thrust for safety measures and when he hears your moan of pleasure and a gush of sticky arousal coating his dick, he knows you mean it. 
he takes your waist in his hands, squeezing gently as he begins to move his hips. he starts off slow but with every thrust, his pace gets more harsh, more precise until he has you right where he wants you. or maybe right where you want him. 
“o-oh!” you gasp when his tip hits all the sensitive spots inside of you. he’s so big that he doesn’t even have to try to make you feel good and the thought of it has your toes curling. you can’t even begin to imagine what it looks like when his hips meet your pelvis– your messy cunt taking in his fat cock, swallowing him whole. the idea makes you tighten around him once more, crying out, “ah! fuck, b-baby! please!”
“yeah, princess?” he moans breathily and his speed doesn’t falter. if anything, you feel like he’s fucking you harder. faster. deeper. “what is it? what do you need?”
your body feels hot, like you’re burning red and close to exploding. you can feel his tip now kissing your cervix, and you let out a throaty moan, nails digging into his shoulders. you pull him into you, “k-kiss me please.” you whine.
soobin twitches inside you, hips stuttering a bit, but he obliges (obviously) pressing his lips to yours once more for a sloppy kiss. you both moan into each other's mouths. it’s needy, hungry, amateurish– but you’re both careless. his tongue is in your mouth, and you love it but he thinks he loves it more. 
you’re so in love with how the speed of his thrusts increase. the tell-tale signs that he’s growing desperate to make you feel good and make you cum just so he can fill you up. 
the only sounds that can be heard in your shared room now are the ones of your skin meeting, the smacking of your lips and the high-pitched moans and whines coming from you and soobin (though, his moans are deeper and hotter). 
you break from the kiss to warn him, “‘bin-binnie… ‘m gonna cum,” you nearly sob, body heaving under him, both out of breath from the kiss and because the tightrope in your tummy is close to completely unraveling. 
“go on and do it for me, angel.” he whispers, putting his lips back on yours.
your eyes roll at that as your back arches off the once crisp white sheets of your bed. you moan loudly into his mouth before your body completely convulses under his. you clench around him and your pussy tries to push him out, but his cock keeps working its way back into you, allowing you to ride out your orgasm.
soobin is a mess on top of a mess. he’s trying to keep it together as your cum gushes all over his dick, but it’s so hard (like him). his thrusts are becoming uncoordinated and thoughtless as he fucks you with haste. 
“m-my good fucking girl,” he grunts, parting from your lips to hear your cute whines and shuddered breaths as you come down from your euphoric state. “god, i’m gonna cum, baby.”
you let out a cracked moan at his affirmation, “p-please… in me,” you pant again, clenching around him weakly at the familiar idea of feeling his cum. “oh, soobin, please cum inside me.”
there you go again with your pleads and your angelic voice. you make him crazy and he knows there isn’t a single thing in the world he wouldn’t do for you. when you ask beg him to cum, he does so in an instant. his hips press against your pelvis and he stills completely. his cock twitches in your pulsing cunt and he shoots ribbons of warm seed inside of you. 
he moans loudly when he releases, your name mixed with a string of swears and incoherent words. you fight the urge to smile lazily as you watch him in all of his contorted glory, eyelids heavy out of exhaustion– he’s so fucking beautiful. 
you hum in content at his warmth inside of you and as soon as he moves to pull out, you wrap your legs around him tightly. 
“stay with me just like this,” you murmur, arms wrapping around his neck to give him a bear hug. 
he smiles, head nuzzling into your neck as he presses soft pecks to the skin. “whatever you want, princess.” he whispers. 
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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cha-melodius · 3 months
firstprince +💚
💚 true love's kiss / magic kiss / healed (I said no more than 500 words and of course this is 589 lol. Sorry for the cliffhanger; I just can't help myself. send me a heart and get a ficlet)
When the summons comes, Henry refuses to believe it’s real.
It is, course—heavy paper, dark ink, embossed seal. Your assistance is respectfully requested concerning a matter of some urgency…
Henry doesn’t read the rest. He knows what it says. The whole world knows what it says. Every since the American President’s son was cursed and fell into a deep and unending slumber, which was supposedly only able to be cured by true love’s kiss, there’d been a steady stream of hopeful girls through the White House. Still, Alex remained stubbornly asleep. Henry hadn’t heard of any men being invited, though, which is one reason he’s convinced this was a mistake.
“The palace staff must have mixed up our mail,” he tells Bea, trying unsuccessfully to shove the invitation at her.
Bea just gives him an exasperated look. “It has your name on it.”
“Then someone at the White House made an error in addressing it.”
“Because ‘Beatrice’ is so close to ‘Henry’. Happens all the time, really. The other day I got a polo club invitation meant for you.”
“Really?” Henry asks.
“No,” she huffs. “This is for you, dumbass.”
Henry stares down at it, chewing his lip. “But why me? Out of everyone else?”
“You didn’t hear?” Bea asks, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Hear what?” He’s been actively trying not to read news about Alex’s condition, actually.
“It’s supposed to be someone he’s touched before. Otherwise, he’d still be awake. Someone must have remembered you two shaking hands in Rio.”
“But Alex hates me,” he says plaintively. This is, of course, the other reason this must be a mistake.
“So, now’s your chance,” Bea tells him with far too much mischief sparkling in her eyes. “Go lay one on him, and he’ll never remember.”
“Bea,” Henry gasps, horrified. “I would never—”
She rolls her eyes at him. “It was a joke, Haz. But the fact of the matter is that you don’t have much of a choice. Think of how it would look for international relations if the Crown refused a request from the President.”
And so, Henry finds himself with sweating palms and his heart in his throat, staring down at the most beautiful boy in the world as he lays sleeping in his bedroom at the White House. The First Family are all wan and sallow as his interminable condition wears on them, but Alex himself looks vibrant, as if he’d just nodded off. Perks of magic sleep, Henry supposes. A terrifying woman in stilettos and pencil skirt gives Henry instructions that he barely hears, then they all file out to wait.
Henry wrings his hands and twists his signet ring and shifts on his feet, knowing he can’t put this off for much longer. He’s not sure what he’s more terrified of—that it won’t work, or that it will.
“I’m sorry, Alex,” he murmurs. For the past, for this, for what may come.
He leans in—and hesitates. The aroma of cinnamon strikes him, drawing him in like a gravitational field he can’t escape, and he sways closer. When their lips brush, Henry feels it—not the kiss, but the fire that it kindles under his skin, the flame that flashes down his spine and out to his toes, the inferno that sets him alight. It’s too much, it’s going to burn him up—
Alex’s lips part and he gasps, long eyelashes fluttering as he wakes, and Henry stumbles backwards. He stares at Henry, rubs his eyes, then looks again.
“It's you?!”
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beomiracles · 3 months
Glad to be one of the 500!!
I had a few ACTUAL dreams of taehyun but I remember only glimpses of them, so I'll write what I remember, and you can choose, tho I'm not sure they will be towards your interest, but I'll try. You can make them suggestive if you want cuz smut is a survival necessity. They are:
- I and taehyun had met at a dating (for choosing partners) vacation camp for college students and we went there with our bsfs where tyun had beom with him and we grew attached or something like that, but I don't really remember much other than a field with soccer, and a date.
- taehyun had come to me from the future to the time when we still hadn't met (only me and my sibling could see him cuz he was from the future and cuz we had strong connection) while I was on vacation with my family, to complete a mission lol or to correct a mistake, I don't know? But I only remember an open roof bus ride with my head on his shoulder and me pretending to sleep while my brother and tyun were discussing ways to complete the mission and my brother said to taehyun, "bro, stop taking continuous glances at her, and pay attention to what I'm saying." And I tried my best to not smile cuz I was 'pretending' to sleep.
The above two options were for the 'build your own dream' category.
For the 500 words category:
- soft morning fluff with waking up beside bf or husband tyun, cuz soft morning fluffs keep me alive.
You can choose either of them, thankyou so much<3!!
And sorry if these were dumb or didn't make sense at all!!
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#serene adds ✎... these weren't dumb at all!! They were really cute, I'm so jealous that you get actual dreams of them, I only ever dreamt about Jungkook and even then he barely acknowledged my existence.. I picked the first one hehe! Though I changed it up a little but kept the college and football theme, I hope you'll still enjoy (੭ ・ᴗ・ )੭ sort of proofread
wc -> 1.4k
pairings football player!taehyun x afab!reader warnings making out, handjob & fingering but like at the same time, implied oral (f. rec), taehyun is kinda whiny I think, ft. bsf beomgyu
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The sun was practically melting the blue plastic seats off the bleachers and you felt your thighs sticking to them in a most uncomfortable manner. Loud cheering echoed out over the field and with a hand shielding your eyes from the vile exposure of sunlight, you peer out amongst the players in the hopes of spotting your boyfriend amongst the crowd. 
Before you can find him, a voice calls out for you, shifting your attention to your left as Beomgyu takes the seat next to yours. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” He exclaims as he hands you a soda which you gratefully accept, the cool liquid much needed. “You found him yet?” He asks as he, too, squints toward the players running on the grass. 
“There”, you say as you point toward the very front. Taehyun was dribbling the ball between his legs as he ran toward the other team’s goal. The cheering around you only increases as he maneuvers past the opposing players before finally finding an open slot to shoot his shot. — The screams erupting were deafening yet you couldn’t help but smile as your boyfriend ran back to his teammates, all of them jumping with joy. 
“Tsh, what a show-off”, Beomgyu mutters as he studies his cuticles. You scoff as you give his shoulder a push, “and you could’ve done it better?” — “Give me two weeks”, he sneers as he raises his injured arm, covered in a thick layer of bandage. “Would you really want to crush your best friend’s ego like that?” You muse as you take a sip of your soda. Beomgyu huffs as he leans back, “such trivial things hold no significance out there.” 
He then turns to you with a small frown, “speaking of which, where were you earlier? I thought we were supposed to meet by the library?” Oh, right, you had completely forgotten about that. “Oh my god I’m sorry I was just going to say goodbye to Taehyun I-” Beomgyu holds up a hand as he shakes his head, “don’t. I do not wish to indulge in such gruesome details.” 
Your lips part as you frown, “it was just a goodluck kiss!” Well at least it was supposed to be. 
“Taehyun!” Your voice echoes off the walls as you wander down the empty hallway toward the locker rooms. There was no reply, maybe he had already left for the field? Yet the loud chatter coming from the other side of the door to the guy’s changing room told you that he must still be around. Fishing up your phone from your back pocket, your fingers search for his contact when suddenly someone grips onto your arm. 
It’s with a small shriek that you’re pulled inside one of the old out of use classrooms. “Taehyun, what the fuck!” You practically yell as you give your boyfriend’s chest a hard shove. “Scream a little louder and we’ll have coach coming for us”, he mumbles as his arms wrap around your body, pulling you flush against him. 
“Shouldn’t you be out there, with your coach?” You question as you raise him an eyebrow. Taehyun chuckles as he shakes his head, “he won’t notice me being missing for a couple of minutes.” — “You’re team captain”, you point out to which your boyfriend snorts. “Don’t remind me.” 
Your eyes flutter as he pushes a few strands of hair from your face, “you came to wish me goodluck?” He lets his head tilt to the side as you stammer for a response, “I uh, mhm!” you finally splutter and he grins. “Just a quick kiss though”, you say as you study him with a wary expression, all too familiar with your boyfriend’s antics. “Alright, just a quick kiss”, he agreed as his hand slid down your back to take place on your hip. 
You never got tired of kissing Taehyun. He was tender, gentle, your kisses taste like cotton candy, sweet and soft, quickly melting on your tongues. But those very kisses soon sparked into something far more lewd as your boyfriend backed you up against the neatest desk. — “Taehyun..” your low whisper rings out in the quiet classroom and he hums against your lips. “It was only supposed to be a quick kiss”, you whine as his hands trail beneath your loose t-shirt. 
“Mhm”, he breaths against your cheek before reconnecting your lips. “We are still kissing”, he says. “Yes but-” you gasp as his fingers shamelessly slip past the cup of your bra, methodically stimulating your nipples as they harden under his touch. “So, it’s still just a quick kiss”, he assures you as his other hand trails down your chest, struggling with the button of your jeans. 
You consider his words for approximately half a second before giving in. You were still kissing, so it could count as a quick kiss, no? The second Taehyun’s hand slips beneath the fabric of your panties you suddenly find that you don’t care anymore. Your hips immediately move forward as you chase his touch. Taehyun groans against your mouth as he drags his fingers between your wet folds, coating himself in your slick before pushing inside your throbbing cunt. 
“F-fuck”, you croak as you bite down on his lip, pulling a soft gasp from your boyfriend. — “Touch me”, he practically whimpers. You didn’t have to be told twice, your hand quickly unzipping his pants as they pulled his underwear back to free his cock. Your fingers around his shaft cause his breath to hitch as his own fingers curl inside of you, making your thighs tremble. 
You squeeze his tip, thumb pressing against his slit before letting your palm slide down the length of him. “Mhn, fuck angel”, he splutters as his hips jerk forward, the twitching of his dick only making you clench down harder around his fingers as you gasp in ecstasy. 
“You’d better win out there today”, you murmur against his wet lips, tongue dwelling deep inside his hot mouth and you feel him shudder against you. “Anythin’ for you angelface”, he groans as his thumb rubs your clit feverishly. “Anything huh?” You hiccup as his fingers stretch your pretty cunt, your boyfriend nods against you. 
Feeling the familiar knot building in your stomach, you draw in a sharp breath as your hand quickens its pace on his cock. “If you win today, I’ll let you fuck me raw”, the statement falling from your lips surprises you just as much as it does him. You felt him twitch within the grasp of your hand, the thought of you granting him something like that felt almost unreal and he moaned into your mouth. 
“I’ll win, I’ll win”, he murmurs as he deepens your already messy kiss. “Fuck angel I’m-” he barely gets his warning out before he spills all over your hand, hips stuttering as his fingers inside of your freeze. — He’s barely come down from his high when he pulls himself from your lips, making you gasp as he falls to his knees, impatiently tugging your jeans down your thighs as he buries his head between them, determined to make you finish before his game. 
Taehyun is the first to greet you after the match, his shirt drenched in sweat as he clings to you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Ew, gross”, Beomgyu bitterly comments as he watches the two of you with distaste. Your boyfriend rolls his eyes as he leans back to press a sloppy kiss to your cheek. “Jesus Taehyun, you smell awful”, you grin as your hand on his chest prevents him from going in for seconds. 
“You wound me”, he drawls as he tugs you closer despite your greatest efforts. — Swinging his bag over his shoulder, Beomgyu’s gaze suspiciously flickers between you and Taehyun. “You guys are coming to the celebration party tonight, right?” 
Your lips part in an unspoken reply but your boyfriend beats you to the matter. “No can do”, he shrugs as his hand squeezes your waist. Beomgyu frowns as his eyes flit toward you, only to be met by an equally unenthusiastic shrug. “She owes me a kiss”, Taehyun then adds and you shoot him a glare. 
“Actually she owes me a lot of kisses.”
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congratulations on your new milestone! you said you’d love more javi so here i am lol how about javier + best friend’s brother/brother’s best friend (whichever inspires you more) + "you look so pretty like this." 🫶🏾
2 Murphy's and a Peña.
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y. Brothers best friend + 18. "You look so pretty like this."
Author's Note - this is a drabble written as part of my 500 Followers Celebration!! find that post here. anon - i know you sent me another request that said to discard the brother's best friend bit because i've already done it, but i had to do it again for javi!! i'll admit, i did bump this request to the top of the pile. what can i say, i was feeling inspired by mr peña , as per usual. thanks for being the sweetest!!
Pairing - Javier Peña x Female Reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - smut!! + cursing
Word Count - 1081
Masterlist. 500 Follower Celebration Masterlist.
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Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.
Javier swings open his front door, eager to find out who's attempting to punch their way into his neighbours apartment.
"Cariño, if he hasn't answered by now, I'm guessing he isn't home."
You spin on your heel, relieved to be met with the sight of Javier Peña leaning against his doorframe, whiskey in hand.
"Him and Connie rarely go out. I assumed they'd be in," you shrug.
Javi takes a moment to look you up and down. You're wearing a tight dress that hugs your curves just right, and doesn't leave much to the imagination. The colour compliments your skin tone beautifully, and Javi has to remind himself that you are his partners sister. Strictly off limits. It doesn't stop him from staring, though.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," you wink.
"I'll hang it in my apartment if you like, right above the fireplace," he teases.
You both laugh, the sound echoing down the hallway.
"What do you need, hermosa? Where are you going dressed like that?"
"Dressed like what?"
"All pretty."
You try not to blush at his compliment. He's so smooth, so easy with it, you understand why all of his informants are so willing to sleep with him.
"I'm not going out, I'm coming back. I had a date, and now I've locked myself out of my apartment. I was hoping to crash at Steve's, but I guess that option has gone out the window," you sigh, leaning back against the door.
"Well, come in while you wait for him to get back. You can tell me more about this date of yours."
He steps aside, gesturing at you to enter his apartment. It's not the first time you've been inside, but usually you're with Steve. It feels different now it's just the two of you.
"You don't wanna hear about the date, I promise you. It was fuckin' awful. God, guys suck. It's my own fault, really."
He pours you a drink as he listens, moving to sit next to you on the couch.
"What's your fault, huh?"
"I just needed to get laid, so I put too much faith in him. He did not deliver."
It's now that Javier realises you've probably had a drink or two. You're never usually this open, this brazen with him. He'd be lying if he said it didn't turn him on a little.
"That bad?" he asks, voice an octave deeper than before.
"Worse than you can imagine. I was dry as the goddamn desert. What's the complete opposite of turned on?"
He laughs, the sound rumbling through his chest. It makes you smile, the corners of your mouth turning up.
"It was like he was a teenager," you continue. "He kept grabbing at me. And not in a sexy way. In a clumsy, I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing kind of way."
Javi keeps chuckling, whiskey loosening him up more than usual.
"What the fuck are you laughing at, Javier?" you giggle.
"I just - " he takes a breath to try and stifle his amusement. "You need a real man, cariño. Not one of these stupid little boys. You need a guy who knows what he's doing."
"Yeah?" you tease. "And where am I supposed to find someone like that?"
"He's probably closer than you think," he murmurs.
Javier has, in fact, gotten closer. He's slowly shuffled along the couch so your legs are pressed together. You can feel his breath tickle your cheek everytime he exhales.
"You need a man who puts you first," he mutters, his nose brushing yours. "You gonna let me put you first, honey?"
His tone is low and slow, like golden honey. The timbre of it is shooting straight to your core, lust clouding your judgment.
"We can't," you whisper. "What if my brother finds out?"
"I won't tell if you won't."
Decision made. You lean in, closing the tiny space between you and pressing your lips to his. Javier kisses you greedily, trying to consume you, swallow you whole.
You hitch a leg over so you're straddling him, sitting comfortably in his lap. His hands go straight to your hips, grabbing so hard you know he'll leave fingerprints. You're moaning into his mouth, tangling your fingers through his hair to pull him closer.
Javi tugs your dress up around your waist, kneading your ass with his strong hands. You start to rock your hips slowly, reveling in the way his zipper catches your clit occasionally.
"Come here," he whispers, moving you to sit on one of his thighs. The rough denim of his jeans is a welcome contrast to the soaking material of your underwear, pleasure coursing through you instantly.
You fist your hands into the front of his shirt, using him as leverage. Javi starts to bump his leg up and down as you rock your hips back and forth, both sensations making you whine.
"You look so pretty like this," he groans. "Prettiest girl I've ever seen."
It's like his verbal filter is gone, filth spewing from his mouth in a constant stream.
"That's right baby, use me. Take what you need."
"Told you you needed a real man. I'm not even touching you and look how close you are already."
"You like that, hermosa? You like riding me like this? Fuck, I can't wait to show you what you've been missing all this time, messing around with those stupid boys."
"You're almost there, honey, I can feel it. Just a little more. That's it, atta girl. Just a little more."
His dulcet voice is driving you closer and closer to the edge, your hips moving faster on their own accord.
"Javi," you whine. "So good. So so good."
"Come for me, hermosa. Show me how pretty you look when you come. Good girl. Give it to me."
Your climax hits you like an ocean wave, crashing over your entire body. It's white hot and blinding, muscles tensing and hips stuttering.
You're spent, head falling forward to lean on Javi's shoulder. He wraps his arms around you, tracing patterns on your back soothingly.
"You did good, sweetheart."
"So did you," you chuckle sleepily.
"How about you have a nap, and then I'll show you what else I'm good at?" he asks, teasing lacing his tone.
"Sounds perfect," you whisper, settling down into his lap, face nuzzling into his chest.
Javi doesn't tell you when he hears Steve get home. You look pretty comfortable where you are.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Congrats on the 500 followers! It is well deserved!
For my request :)
Gemstone: Ruby or sapphire. Your choice!
Partner: I’m going to have to go with Echo. He’s one of my favourites.
Season: I’ve always loved sunset in the fall because of all of the colours.
I have no thoughts as to where this would go so have fun with it :)
Congratulations again! Thank you so much for doing requests!
Sunset Kisses
Summary: Sunset has always been your favorite time of day, luckily Echo agrees.
Pairing: TBB Echo x GN!Reader
Word Count: 575
Prompt: Ruby - Passionate Love
Warnings: Echo got possessed by the ghost of Fives or Jesse or both and made a very innuendo-y comment.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thank you for your request! I hope this story makes you happy, because it basically sprang from my fingers fully written, lol.
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Honestly, you weren’t planning on spending your evening sitting on a rock and watching the sunset over the water, but here you are anyway. You’ve always loved watching the sunset, even when you were a child, and now that it's fall, the setting sun paints the skies in pinks and purples and oranges-
It speaks to the artist deep in your heart.
Shame you don’t have the time to put paint on a canvas anymore.
You lean back, casting your gaze out over the water, allowing all of the stress of the day to fade away, just for a moment.
“Have room for one more?”
You tilt your head to the side, and a small smile plays on your lips when you see Echo standing there, “Didn’t know you liked watching the sunset, Echo. You seem a bit…steady for that.”
It’s not an insult, and he seems amused by your comment, “Well, how can I not when it’s so pretty?” Though he keeps his gaze locked on you, and you feel yourself flush.
“Well, there’s plenty of room, if you don’t mind being close.” You reply with a small smile.
He climbs up onto the boulder with ease, and settles next to you, your thighs pressed together. Echo doesn’t, technically, need to be so close, there is enough room that he doesn’t have to be pressed against you, but you don’t mind.
It’s Echo after all.
And you’ve been crushing on him for weeks.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye. The sunset is painting him in gold and you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen anything more gorgeous in your life.
Seeing this, you can understand why people believe in the divine. 
His lips curl up, “You’re staring, mesh’la.”
“Ah! Sorry!” Your gaze snaps back to the water, though you glance at him when he laughs.
“I don’t mind,” He bumps you with his shoulder, “Though, I’m curious to hear what you’re thinking?”
“Um…nothing interesting.” You say sheepishly.
“Well, I definitely don’t believe that.” He bumps you again, “Come on, I won’t make fun of you, I promise.”
You definitely don’t want to have this conversation, but he’s so sweet-
You groan and press your hands over your burning face, “I was thinking that you look like a god when bathed in the gold of the setting sun. Please don’t laugh at me.”
Echo doesn’t say anything for a long moment, and you take a moment to glance at him from between your fingers. He looks stunned, and then a slow grin crosses his face, “Funny,” He says slowly, “Because I was thinking something very similar about you.”
“...wait, what-”
You’re not able to get anything else out because his lips are pressed heavily against yours. His hand comes up to press against your cheek, pulling you closer and closer, the kiss becoming more and more heated the longer it lasts.
And when he breaks the kiss and presses his forehead against yours, you’re kind of breathless, and surprised. But there’s a little grin playing on his lips. “I was thinking,” Echo murmurs as his fingers trail down your throat, “Why don’t I walk you home?”
You tilt your head questioningly.
“That way I can worship you the way divinity is supposed to be worshiped.” His smile becomes sly, “On my knees.”
Your face heats, but you can’t pull your gaze away from his, “I think,” You mumble, “That sounds wonderful.”
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qqtxt · 1 year
[🌸] no hand? we got a problem. w/ txt
✿ pairing: ot5 x reader / minor cursing (none with ill-intention!) / fluff, crack (maybe LOL) ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 500 words for each member / altogether, word count: 1,902 words ✿ in which you playfully try to not let him hold your hand and...
✿ just a quick note of thank you for all the love and support! during the 500 followers mini fics, there’s plenty of people who came on board and i’m so grateful! i have loads planned for this blog but i figured i’d start off with something cute and silly 😛
[masterlist 🌸] / other members under the cut! / @kflixnet​​ 💞
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[🐰] soobin it was a simple stroll out today and everything would’ve been perfect if you hadn’t kept pulling your hand from his grasp every five god damn seconds. he knows you’re doing this to tick him off, as a way to be playful and he would’ve let it slide if it wasn’t for the fiery pit in his gut trying to get even, choi soobin!
his attempt is... weak, to say the least. just as you two pass by a café, it was his turn to whip his hand from your grasp. it seems like it catches you by surprise and it makes you giggle. so much that he forgets he’s supposed to get back at you but with the way you’re smiling at him, eyes locked with his has him in a trance. he gapes at the way you pull your hands back to yourself, crossing your arms in front of your chest with a cheeky grin.
he juts out his bottom lip out of habit; feeling the tinge in his chest as he catches up to your stride with a huff. his demeanour earlier crumbles to a helpless putty in your hand. he hooks an arm to yours, shoving his way through and anchoring his feet to the ground so that you’ll follow him to stop walking. at the side of the sidewalk, he blinks down at you with this frown on his face. the creases line his forehead, his dimples nearly showing with the way his face muscles are triggered and... okay, fine. of course you cave in.
unfolding your arms, you shake soobin’s arm away so that you can gently hold his hand in yours. you lace your fingers with his and he tests the waters by gripping back. raising his brows at you, a quick check of no more funny games? you give him a kiss on the hand you’re holding before nudging him to follow you to continue walking. the moment of excitement and playfulness earlier is something you two enjoy but... soobin enjoys this peace of being able to hold you close to him as you walk through the world together.
tl;dr: introducing, offended™️. initially, he would try to be petty with fine, i didn’t want to hold your hand either but... would crack when he sees you’re reeling your hands back. puppy eyes, dimples, anything to make you feel bad for him because get back here! long story short; he’ll try to get back at you but wouldn’t be able to pull through because he’d want to hold your hand :”) don’t be mean, hold soobin’s hand, you monster.
[🦊] yeonjun the clothing store that you and yeonjun frequented every now and then was surprisingly quiet (mainly for yeonjun’s wardrobe sake; his infamous have you seen this new (insert product name) that just came out?!) it wasn’t unusual for you to follow him around as he browsed through what he wanted to get or sometimes just for outfit inspiration.
yeonjun’s grip on your hand is loose but it still firmly lures you around to follow his lead. sometimes when you have something you want to see, you’d peel away from his hand and he’ll mindlessly follow you until he has your hand in his again. once... twice... you can tell if you do what you had done twice in a row, yeonjun will cause a ruckus.
you’re proven correct when you yank your hand from his grasp for the third time. his eyes shut momentarily, his free hand shoving the hanger of a jacket he was about to take a look and his other hand that was once holding yours is now empty, again. when his eyes open after a deep breath, you try to test the waters by smiling at him, hands behind your back.
you can tell he’s about to yell but it’s taking everything in his being to control himself considering you two were in public. he extends his hand out and uses his eyes to point at it. the piercing looks in his eyes that cross between being annoyed and just wanting to hold onto your hand gets you every time. you snicker and slip your hand in his, then effectively tugging him to follow you to where you’ve spotted a cute jumper. he yelps as he struggles to not trip over his own foot but when he sees how widely you’re smiling, with the way you’re squeezing his hand, he already forgot your little fiasco early on.
tl;dr: get ready for aggressive!jun because if he wants to hold your hand, he is going to hold your hand. if you two were alone, at the comfort of your own home, he’s going to yell because you play too damn much! he knows that you know he’s an affectionate being through and through so if you keep teasing him, he’ll either crack with overflowing aggressiveness or pettiness (usually a mix of both, making you cave to stop because of how adorable he’s acting).
[🐯] beomgyu  beomgyu has tolerated the previous times you’ve done it; when you two left the café, when you two entered the clothing store and now again when he’s trying to look at a shirt? he’s losing it. you’ve broken him. the second you yeet your hand away from him, he gasps so loud it nearly echoes in the store you two were in. half-embarrassed, you lower your head and glance around to make sure no one was looking as you take a couple of steps away from him.
his face morphs into one that looks like a hopeless puppy. wide eyes, a small pout lining his lips, brows lightly furrowed as he shamelessly holds his hand out despite being a distance away from you.
“come here and i’ll hold your hand,” you half-whisper, half-yell, hiding behind a mannequin in case anyone was watching, extending your hand out. he remains firm at where he is, shaking his head and keeps his hand out. 
“come back here and get me or i’m screaming so loud they’re gonna call the police.”
“that would ruin your reputation, not mine.”
“i’ll mention your name at every single given moment so either get back here or–”beomgyu’s words get all garbled up when you stride back to where he is and grab him by the hand. he snickers the moment he processes what’s happening, but more so when he feels your palm against his palm and he’s able to giddily slip his fingers between your own as a security measure so you can’t pull away as easily this time. (and you don’t. maybe it’s enough teasing for the day but you’d want to hold his hand just as much as he wants to)
tl;dr: drama bitch activated. if he’s feeling playful, he’ll say something like it’s a scheme that you no longer love him or find him attractive which is why you have resorted to banishing him like this. to shut him up for your sake, you’ll have to take his hand back willingly. (and never let go, you demon, how could you do that to sweet beoms who only wants to hold your hand and never let go?)
[🐿] taehyun taehyun doesn’t mind following you wherever you wanted to go when it came to spending the day at the mall. whether it’s a bookstore or a clothing store you’d wanted to frequent, he’ll be right by your side. so when it’s his turn of wanting to look at the sports department for some gear he’s been eyeing, he’s constantly grabbing your hand every time you try that little trick of trying to not hold his hand.
five, six, seven... by the eighth time is when taehyun calls it quits when you remove your hand from his. after mindlessly grabbing it back each time, he lifts his head up to eye you this time. with a deep breath, he puts back whatever he was looking at with his free hand. turning to face you, he grabs your wrist with one hand, placing it in his other hand so he can hold it properly.
“if you let go of my hand again this time, i’m not holding your hand for the rest of the week.”
as much as you like to play around with taehyun, you also know when he’s reaching the point he’s starting to get annoyed. although taehyun was a fairly patient person to begin with, you figured it’s time to actually stop. with a small smile and a nod, you sway his hand in yours back and forth that it easily melt his nerves just like that. what a simp i’ve become, his mind sighs. the previous times you’ve done it easily dissolves to nothing when you giddily clutch onto his hand and get him to follow you to where you’re fascinated to look at next. (just like that, he forgot everything)
tl;dr: unbothered at first but the more it continues on, he’ll just tell you straight that either you hold my hand now or not at all for the rest of the week. he’ll know how to turn your game back on you and get you to comply, so when it happens just... surrender and stop the games. he’s fine with the teasing once in a while but when it continues on too much, he’ll know how to put a stop to it in a way you’ll listen (and you do, because kang taehyun doesn’t play around and you two know this).
[🐧] kai kai knew that you were doing it as a joke but he still, still gives you the kind of reaction that makes it all the more hilarious to begin with. in the midst of movie night with the boys, the two of you occupy one of the beanbags on the floor, snuggled up together with you resting in his embrace, arms banded around your waist as he plays with your fingers on your lap.
it was an animation film–soobin’s choice–and a lighthearted one, too. seeing the main character pulling the hand away from the other makes you grin, playfully doing the same when kai’s trying to draw circles on the back of your hands. a gasp nearly snaps through the entire living room and you’re surprised it drew a bigger reaction than you had intended.
now with yeonjun and taehyun watching, you’re watching as kai’s brows knit the centre of his forehead, a frown dragging his features down. when you keep your hands away from his reach, he starts to whine quietly that it elicits chuckles from the sofa behind the pair of you.
“just hold his hand, please? before soobs gets mad that we’re not paying attention.” yeonjun nudges the beanbag with a foot. you scoff a laugh and nod, already soothing your hands into kai’s grasp. it’s like giving candy back to a baby when he’s all smiles again, kissing your shoulder and squeezing your fingers between his own.
tl;dr: dramatic and petty king activated... except it doesn’t actually stay on. he thought he’ll be dramatic or petty but the reality is he’ll be more fixated on wanting to hold your hand again that he doesn’t really remember what his intentions were. would already look helpless and sad when you pull your hands away that it makes you feel guilty that you’ll hold his hands again. (yes, you monster, don’t do that to huening)
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mousydentist · 5 months
For reverse trope prompts: I feel like fake amnesia could be super cracky and/ or angsty for kimchay post-breakup. Kim pretending to lose his memory to see if Chay will give him a second chance, OR to try to push Chay further away. Chay using fake amnesia to see how Kim reacts if he thinks Chay doesn't remember getting his heart broken. Or Chay doing it just to fuck with Kim's head for a few mins as payback lol.
ok tysm for the ask and sorry this took a while i probably shouldnt have opened asks right before a three hour exam hdjdjd BUT here it is and. this was hard to do in 500 words so i don’t know what this is dhjdhd but i hope you enjoy
It was around noon when Chay got a text from Porsche that had him sprinting for the elevator: You know Kinn’s brother Kim, right? He’s hurt pretty bad. Chay’d been pissed at Kim for a while, of course, but in the wake of it was the fear that he’d never find someone like Kim again, someone he really, really loved, and a desire not to be alone anymore. Truthfully, he’d nearly taken Kim back after he sent the song. At that moment, he’d seen his own loneliness reflected back at him, and his heart ached. But he’d stayed stubborn and refused to forgive Kim, or even acknowledge his existence. He’d tried to pretend he didn’t care for so long - and now, rushing through winding halls to the compound’s infirmary, all he could do was pray it wasn’t too late. Porsche was right, Kim was in bad shape. His unconscious body was connected to a dozen wires and monitors, and his head was covered in a large wrap that had been bled through.  Chay said nothing as he took a post next to Kinn, and in return, Kinn didn’t ask. They stayed vigil for several hours before Kim finally showed signs of life. Kinn immediately called for the doctor when Kim blinked his eyes open, glancing blearily around the room. When he locked onto Chay, his brows furrowed.  Chay stood close to him, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Hi.” The crease in his brow got larger. “Who…?” Chay’s heart skipped a beat, but he didn’t have time to investigate further before the doctor came back with Kinn and started a volley of questions at Kim. “And do you know who this is?” “My brother, Kinn.” “Great, and the other person?” Kim squinted at Chay’s face. “Am I supposed to know you?” Chay bit the inside of his cheek in an effort not to cry, or throw up, or something else that wouldn’t be helpful. “I’m Porchay.” Kim seemed to understand something then, and for a second Chay thought he might have remembered, but then he said, “Nice to meet you, Porchay.” Chay really did try to listen to the doctor when she pulled him and Kinn aside, but he only heard bits and pieces like “short-term amnesia” and “brain damage” and a bunch of other horrible things. He did hear when she said he’d need to stay under observation for the next few days, and decided maybe this was the universe’s way of telling him to start over with Kim. That night, Chay told Kinn to go sleep in his own bed, that he’d watch over Kim and let him know if anything happened. Chay could tell he needed it, especially when he watched how the man drag himself out of the room. Chay refilled Kim’s water and threw a pillow to one side of the loveseat he’d be sleeping on.  “Psst, psst.” Chay turned around, and sure enough, Kim was waving him over conspiratorially. “How was that?” “Uh…” “Do you think he bought it?” Kim whispered like he was sharing a secret. “What are you talking about?” Chay squinted at him. “Do you think Kinn believed that I didn’t know you?” “Wh- you remember me?” Chay screeched, only feeling half bad when Kim cringed in pain. “Kim, why on earth would I want you to pretend you didn’t know me? He knows we’ve met!” Kim shrugged as much as he seemed to be able to. "I asked if I was supposed to know you." Chay let his face fall into his hands as he flopped to the ground, all the stress and grief of the day finally leaving his body as he cried. “Sorry,” Kim muttered, and Chay just laughed. What the fuck was his life. He did stay with Kim that night, and he spent a lot of it on the floor next to him with Kim’s hand locked in his own.
[kim's texts] Kinn: Did you pretend to have amnesia so Porchay would forgive you? Me: excuse me Me: it’s not my fault he assumed i had amnesia Me: i was drugged and delirious i didn’t know what i was saying Kinn: Whatever you say
(from a reverse trope ask game)
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goosewriting · 1 year
Congratulations on 500 subs! 🎉🎉 I hope you keep reaching bigger milestones!!
Pink 45! Reader gets back to the lair drunk after a party and donnie ends up taking care of them. Through readers drunken mind, they think back to all the moments they have had with donnie and their heart flutters and ends up saying "I think im falling in love with you" and of course donnie responds with "I think im okay with that" :3
I hope I did this correctly!
Drunk on your love (rottmnt Donnie x reader)
prompt 45: “I think I’m falling in love with you.” “I think I’m okay with that.”
summary: reader gets back to the lair drunk and ends up confessing to Donnie
relationship: Rise!Donnie x GN reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol, drunk reader, characters are aged up to drinking age!
word count: ~910
A/N: had a lil, much needed burst of inspo so here you go! hope you like it <3 this marks the end of the 500 subs event :'D thank you all so much for partictpating! ♥ (also donnie is wearing a t-shirt in this one because of reasons lol)
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
It was well into the night and Donnie was in his lab as per usual when he heard distant steps walking into the lair. By the pattern and weight he concluded that it was you, although it sounded like you were dragging your feet, which was unusual for you. He looked up from his work for a second, tilting his head to pay attention to any more sounds coming from your direction. He was about to go back to his project when he heard some clattering and your curses echoing through the main room. 
With a slightly amused sigh the turtle got up and went to see what was going on, but his heart betrayed him. He tried looking cool on the surface, yet he couldn‘t deny that there was also a hint of concern in the haste of his steps. When he arrived to where you were, he took a moment to take in the sight: you looked pretty dishevelled but in a comical way, your hair was a mess, your clothes hung on your body not quite how they were supposed to, and there was the distinct smell of liquor surrounding you.
You had already taken off one shoe and were unsuccessfully trying to rid yourself of the other, but had evidently fallen over, hence the noise earlier. Now you were half leaning, half lying on the table in the main room, the objects that had previously been on it now scattered on the floor.
Once you more or less found your balance again, you finally noticed Donnie was already standing there, giving you a once-over with a light shake of his head. At the sight of him you couldn‘t hold back a giggle, and you looked up at him. Your eyes were glossed over and unfocused, and a silly grin was plastered on your face. That‘s when he realised: you were drunk off your butt. 
“Oh wow“ is all he decided to comment about your state. Without another word he approached you and let you lean into his side as he helped you to the guest room in the lair. By now, it had essentially been claimed by you and everyone called it “your room”, given how often you had stayed the night at the lair.
“I take it you had fun” Donnie said, more as an observation rather than a question, shaking his head at the smell of booze. You really needed a shower, but that would have to wait until morning.
“Hmm~” you confirmed, your feet tripping over themselves, but Donnie’s firm grip kept you from falling face-first into the floor.
Somewhere in the haze of your mind, you recognised that this wasn’t the first time this was happening. You remembered a handful of other times where you had gotten back drunk, and Donnie had taken care of you. He always had. After all, he was a turtle of few words but of actions. And oh did his action speak.
As you slowly made your way to the room, it occurred to you that the only reason you allowed yourself to get this drunk in the first place was because you knew that there would be someone back home to take care of you.
Heh, home, you think, smiling up at the turtle pressed to your side.
Yeah, by now the lair felt like your home. Or rather, the people in the lair made it feel like home. 
Your eyes remained on Donnie, and you felt a new wave of warmth grow from your insides until it reached your already flushed cheeks, and it wasn’t the alcohol this time.
You had known the turtle brothers for so long now; when had been the first time you had felt this way? You couldn’t remember. You did remember however, that the moment you had seen him, deep within your heart you had known he was the one.
Once finally at the bed, Donnie helped you get your remaining shoe off as well as your jacket and other garments that would be uncomfortable to sleep in. He set you down softly to sit on the mattress and leaned back up, but you didn’t let go, fisting the fabric of his shirt at his chest to keep him eye-level with you.
He looked at you with confusion and slight concern, and sat on the edge of the bed, placing his hand over yours trying to loosen your grip.
Taking a deep breath, you thought about how the other reason you allowed yourself to get this drunk was because with every glass you drank at the bar, you hoped you would be brave enough to confess your feelings for Donnie once you got home to him. Looks like it finally worked, you thought contently to yourself as you climbed into the bed.
“Donnie” you said firmly but barely louder than a whisper, your gaze finding his in the blur that was the room. He merely hummed in response, waiting for you to continue.
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
You hoped that even after the hangover (which was inevitably coming your way), you’d be able to remember the soft smile he gave you, the softest you had seen on him yet.
“I think I’m okay with that.” he responded just as softly, and your grin only grew wider.
Sleep was already taking over your senses, but you didn’t miss the gentle kiss to your temple as he tucked you in.
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @hearteyedracoon, @maribatshipper, @whygz, @/lovelylovelydreams, @o0-starboy-0o, @xnorthstar3x, @yarabutterfly
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ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
Congrats on 2k 🎉. Can I have headcanons of “girl next door” and “going on a date in a flower field” with Senju. And they share their first kiss together. Fluff. Thanks.
— senju kawaragi [akashi] // girl next door // date in a flower field
[𖤐] me after going 500 words over once again lol. i couldnt help it though okay it was too cute to keep at just 1000 words....anywho. thank you for requesting this anon, and i hope the wait was worth it! enjoy my loveliessss xoxo
wc ; 1.5k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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♡ a big smile stretched across your lips as you hefted open the window in your room; you already knew that your day was going to get better as soon as you saw senju’s face popping out of her own window, waving her arms crazily to try and get your attention. 
“senjuuu, what’s up?”  “do you wanna go somewhere with me today?! i found this amazing place that i think you’ll love!!” 
♡ you immediately agreed; how could you have said no to the excited look on her face? 
♡ she had given you exactly zero details though, so you weren’t exactly sure what to be getting ready for. whatever the circumstances though, you were very excited. sure, maybe it was a bad thing that you were hiding your feelings from your friendly neighbor, but it wasn’t like it was harming anything, so it was fine, right? 
♡ you threw some random things into a bag and hastily fixed your hair, checking your reflection in the mirror to make sure that you look alright. when you were satisfied, you hastily wrote a note down where you were going and stuck it on the fridge, exiting your house and looking around for senju. 
“boo!”  “hm? oh, hi! where are we going?” 
♡ senju groaned at your lack of reaction to her attempt at a sneak attack, grumbling about how you were supposed to act scared as she pulled your cheeks, stretching them out with a grumpy look. you only laughed, her expression being quite cute as she pouted. she eventually stopped, grabbing your hand to drag you over to her bike, handing you a helmet as she preached about how you need to protect your head, (she brushed it off when you asked about her own head, saying that she would probably be fine). 
♡ you reluctantly put on the helmet after her insistence, although you were sure to let her know that next time you would not get on her bike if she also didn’t have a helmet. 
“you’re such a worrywart, (y/n)! do you reallyyy think i would do something stupid and get hurt?”  “yes.”  “what!?”
♡ you tried your best to act completely normal as you wrapped your arms around senju’s waist, but you couldn’t help the giddy smile that came from having physical contact with her, (you were just really glad that she couldn’t see you looking like an idiot). despite the fact that you wanted to pull a little bit closer to her, you refrained, going your best to keep a healthy distance between the two of you while still holding onto her. 
♡ it was a lot harder than you could’ve imagined; all the times she would speed through the light as it was turning yellow made you press closer to her than you were originally intending, but you figured if she asked about it that you would blame it on her driving skills. yeah, that’s it. 
♡ you had absolutely no clue as to where you two were going, and your curiosity increased tenfold when senju started driving out of the city limits. you didn’t ask any questions though, feeling a bit excited at being surprised by something. of course though, you didn’t get your hopes up too much. there was absolutely no way she felt the same about you, so you did your best to squash those thoughts before they could emerge. it wasn’t exactly working. 
♡ after another thirty minutes of driving, senju suddenly pulled over to the side of the road, slowing down and turning the engine off. 
“i almost missed it! that would’ve been bad, but anyways, we’re here! let’s go!”
♡ you hastily pulled the helmet off of your head, frantically running after senju as you tried to fix your hair. she had already began the journey to whenever she was taking you, her jogging somehow being a lot faster than your running, (serious, why was she so fast?). 
“we’re here!”  “wait for me, agh, ‘m so tired…woah.”  “right?! let’s go!!” 
♡ you had to stop and do a double take when you finally caught up with her; in front of you was the most wide and vast field of flowers that you had ever seen in your life. the most beautiful sight though, was seeing senju in front of you, waving at you to come and join her. the giddy smile that was on her face as she called your name was making your heart skip several beats, and you could only hope that she didn’t have some sort of super hearing as you walked over to her, trying to keep your eyes on the flowers instead of her. 
“isn’t it awesome, (y/n)?!”  “yeah, it’s super pretty!” 
♡ before you could say anything else, senju had plopped herself down onto the ground, picking some flowers from around her and laying them in her lap, urging you to join her with a blinding smile. 
♡ you hadn’t exactly been sure what she wanted to do in a flower field aside from admire it, but it was obvious now that she wanted to make flower jewelry. over the course of many hours, she did her best to teach you about how to weave the flowers into a flower crown, and how to make bracelets and necklaces. sometimes, she would get over excited and would stop explaining the steps, but she would immediately go back to helping you when she noticed your confusion in trying to copy her steps. 
♡ the day was coming to a close; the sky was filled with beautiful bursts of pinks and oranges, and despite the fact that it was gorgeous, it also meant that you and senju would have to leave soon. 
“aaand, there’s one last thing!”  “oh, what is it?”  “this!” 
♡ from behind her back, senju pulled out a tiny circle of small flowers, woven together to create a ring shape. with no words, she gently grabbed your hand, taking the flower ring and slipping it onto your ring finger. it was taking the most amount of resistance in you to try and not interpret it as something else, but you couldn’t help the quickening pace of your heart and the butterflies in your stomach. 
♡ when you heard senju giggling in front of you, you turned your gaze from the ring to her. you weren’t sure what she was laughing at, but you felt a bit of embarrassment anyways, hoping that you weren’t making a dumb face while you spaced out for a moment. 
“you’re so cute, (y/n)!”  “...don’t say things like that…”  “awh, why not?”  “it could make someone get the wrong idea.”  “i’m not trying to make you get the wrong idea though.” 
♡ the gleeful look on senju’s face was immediately replaced with a serious expression, her eyes suddenly seeming like they were staring into your soul. you swallowed, laughing a little nervously as you tried to figure out what she was saying. 
♡ before you could say anything more, senju had scooched closer to you, her knees moving to rest on top of yours as you leaned back a bit. it was all a little bit more than your heart could handle, and you were sure that if she came any closer you would explode. 
“well, i was more talking about if you said that to another person, they might think something different…”  “you’re the only one i would say that to, (y/n).” 
♡ she had you completely shocked now; your words stopped working. how were you supposed to respond to that? 
♡ senju, apparently, didn’t need any more words from you. her serious expression morphed into a playful one as she climbed onto your lap, pushing you down onto the soft bed of flowers and hovering above you. 
♡ your heart was now beating a million miles a minute, especially with her being directly above you and staring at you with such a soft look in her eyes. you didn’t dare to move; if this was a dream, you did not want to wake up anytime soon. 
♡ without another moment to think about anything else, senju suddenly leaned down right above your face, pausing for a moment and looking at you with a questioning look. when she was sure that you weren’t going to pull away, she gently slotted her lips against yours, seeming a bit hesitant as the two of you looked at each other. 
♡ when you finally realized you weren’t dreaming, you closed your eyes and brought your hand up to her head, threading your fingers through her hair and bringing her closer. senju’s hesitance was immediately thrown out the window at this; her lips moved against yours, feeling velvety soft and warm as her hand went to cup your cheek. 
♡ after a few moments, she pulled away, a warm smile on her face. you had no idea what kind of expression you had on right now; you couldn’t seem to control anything due to the pounding of your heart. senju suddenly flopped, dropping directly onto you and tucking her face into your neck. 
“i’ve been wanting to do that for so long.”
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goodbyeapathy8 · 5 months
Theerapanyakul bodyguard group chat...
Porsche : hey guys i have a funny joke
Big : No
Ken : No
Pol : Maybe later, Porsche
Porsche : 😭 guys it's really funny tho and it's work related! 😄
Pete : Sure, what's up Porsche
Big : Any day now, Porsche
Porsche : jeez ok ok
Porsche : coworkers are like foreskin because when things get hard they disappear
Porsche : hahahahaha get itttttt?!?!
Big : ...
Big has left the chat
Ken has left the chat
Pol : Um wow what does that even mean
Arm : I am circumcised, does not apply
Porsche : guys, not like... literally... it's cuz foreskin disappears when you get hard? like u guys? so i guess that means things got hard for Big and Ken lmaooooooo
Pete : Okay, that was pretty funny lol 
Porsche : *high five*
Pete : *high five* back
Chan : Friendly reminder that group chat is meant for work related issues only, Porsche. 
Porsche : aowh p'chan but it was a work related joke
Big has entered the chat
Ken has entered the chat
Chan : Big, Ken, and another reminder to you two that you are not allowed to leave group chat. 
Big : But P'Chan, did you even SEE the stupid joke that Porsche sent
Ken : Yeah how are we supposed to work in these conditions mate
Porsche : 😭 was it really not funny?? i thought it was hilarious...
Pol : Porsche, where do you even find these jokes
Porsche : Chay sends me these funny tikkytoks or whatever
Arm : ...please don't tell me you've downloaded TikTok on your phone, Porsche
Porsche : but it's just funny videos? like yooootube
Big : It's Youtube, not yooootube wtf
Porsche : tomayto tomahto 
Porsche : or, in ken's case, tomahter
Ken : I do NOT pronounce it like that
Porsche : yes you do
Ken : no i don't
Porsche : just like you say mite instead of mate
Chan : ...did we or did we not review not doing all-caps in group chat
Ken : ...sorry. BUT (sorry) did you not see Porsche making fun of my culture
Chan : You do pronounce it as mite.
Ken : !!!
Arm : Um, can we get back to the fact that Porsche has TIKTOK aka SPYWARE installed on his phone?!
Porsche : waaaaaah?! spies?? where!! 
Arm : Porsche, just... uninstall it and then bring your phone to me. I have to wipe it again.
Porsche : sowwy 😭
Big : ISTG if you do uwu one more time, Porsche
Porsche : i didn't even say uwu!!! 
Chan : I am going to uwu all your asses if you don't get down to morning training 
Porsche : on it
Pete : OMW
Arm : Rgr
Pol : See you soon, P'Chan
Big : ...Ken, are you still there
Ken : Yeah, why
Big : What do you think P'Chan means by "I'm gonna uwu all your asses"
Ken : You've got problems, mate
Big : ...
Ken : *sigh* Why don't you just ask him after training
Big : 👀
If you liked this dialogue heavy, short format bit, check out my Daily Drabbles on AO3! Chapters are under 500 words, unrelated to each other, and full of unhinged nonsense.
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ghostxrose · 2 days
Taking Over Me | Aizawa Shota x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three |
Summary ~ You have been doing this job for a very long time. Maybe since the dawn of time, but who knows? In all of that time, you never had a doubt or question about the way things were. That is, until now.. because you’re pretty sure that Protectors aren’t supposed to fall in love with those that they’re protecting.
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Guardian Angel!Reader, canon typical violence, character injury, angst, hurt, comfort, fluff, medium-slow burn because Shota is bad at feelings, more tags to come as the story develops..
Note ~ Hey, Lovelies! This is something that I've been working on for awhile, and am excited to share with you all! The idea was actually derived from a concept I had for an Original Story that I had started writing a long time ago! There's just something about characters falling in love with ethereal beings and vice versa that I love so much, lol! Anyway, enough of my rambles, enjoy the read, My Lovelies!
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Your kind has many names amongst the humans; Protector, Keeper, Champion, Lifesaver, Watcher, Divine Messenger, Guardian Angel, Guardian Spirit, and so on. In the many millennia you’ve existed, you’ve never had a preferred title, just settled on the most accurate term; Protector. Label or not, you simply exist and you have one job. Something that you instinctively and unconsciously perform, no matter who you’re paired with. Your only job is to steer someone away from life-threatening danger. However, it is up to the person to either acknowledge your signs or ignore them.
You’ve never questioned why you exist, why you’ve been given your role, or who was in charge of all of this. You don’t even remember how you came to exist if you were being honest. But from time to time, you do think about some peculiarities you’ve encountered over the thousands of years you’ve been doing this. One of the peculiarities you find to be more.. odd, for lack of a better word, is that of the billions of souls swimming around out there in the universe you’ve experienced repeated pairings with one of them. Though, once again, you don’t ask questions, you just do your job.
Over the last 500 years, you’ve watched over just under a hundred different souls, and that number has only been so low because you keep getting paired with one soul in particular. He’s had a different name each lifetime that he’s lived through, and his appearance changes with each new life. But you can always recognize his soul; the colors of it, the shape of it, the feelings ebbing from it, and.. the way it pulls at yours unlike any other soul has. In this new life, he has dark hair, dark eyes, and pale skin, and goes by the name Shota Aizawa.
The world that he has been born into this time intrigues you. It seems as though most humans, including Shota, are born with powers of all kinds. It fascinates and challenges you in the sense that these “Quirk-powered” humans will make your job of protecting Shota a bit harder. But despite being paired with his soul again and the impending challenge, you silently vow to do your job as best you can. Shota certainly doesn’t make things easier for you when he decides to attend a high school that helps the youth to become Heroes. You stay by his side, though, unseen to the human eye as you watch him work to become a Hero.
Let it be said that while your sole purpose is to protect those you’re paired with doesn’t mean that you are some unfeeling being. Countless times have you wished so desperately that you could provide comfort to the humans you protect. Moments when they’re overwhelmed, devastated, or grief-stricken, and all you can do is watch them break apart emotionally. Sometimes, most times, it feels like their pain is your pain. Unfortunately, now is one of those times…
You’re standing beside Shota as he looks down at a pile of rubble that has crushed one of his friends. He’s clutching his bleeding arm with a devastated and traumatized look on his face. As if by reflex, you reach out to put a hand on his shoulder, but your hand phases right through him. You whisper an apology to him even though he can’t hear it, and look at the being across from you. The ethereal glow of their body flickers and dims sporadically as they gaze down at the rubble. It’s hard for you to see the look of deep sadness and guilt on a fellow Protector’s face, especially one you’ve come to know fairly well. They look up at you and the disappointment they feel in themselves is practically palpable.
“You did well… His will to save those children just happened to be stronger than his will to pay attention to your signs… You did all that you could…” You say to them in reassurance, the ethereal echo of your voice holding a certainty to it.
“Thank you…” They say before vanishing into thin air, likely pulled to the next soul they’ll be protecting.
You look back to Shota and wish that he didn’t have to experience such pain so early on in his life. A heavy feeling weighs over you as you follow him to the ambulance that he’s being led to by paramedics. You give silent nods of acknowledgment to other Protectors when you cross their paths. You try your best to offer reassurance to dejected-looking Protectors whenever you notice them lingering. When the day is over, and Shota is curled up on a bed trying to deal with his emotions, you almost dread what the future may hold for this lifetime.
Years pass by, and you watch Shota shape into an amazing Hero and person. You feel some relief when Shota accepts a teaching position at the same school he graduated from. You hope that maybe he would mostly stay out of trouble being a teacher versus being a Hero full-time. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that this lifetime has been really making you put in the work toward keeping Shota safe.
School year after school year, you watch Shota intimidate his students and make drastic decisions geared toward helping them realize the path they’ve chosen to pursue. It can be said that his methods are harsh, but you know that he is just trying to help them understand the realities of becoming a Hero. Oftentimes, you think back to the day he lost his friend, and it feels as though you are the only one to see his reasoning.
The day you walk into the classroom for Class 1-A behind Shota, you are interested in what he has planned for this new group of students. The year prior he expelled his entire class, which had even thrown you off a bit. As he gives his introduction, you scan the small sea of students and their Protectors. Most of the Protectors appear neutral, almost laid back for the moment, but a few catch your attention.
The Protector standing near a boy with a scar on his face seems to be wilted, their helplessness almost making their ethereal glow dim to nothing. The Protector to the left of a boy with green hair appears to be harshly glaring at the blonde boy in front of the green-haired child. Meanwhile, the spiky-haired blonde boy’s Protector seems to be exhausted, and from the aura the boy gives off, you wonder if the exhaustion is from protecting him or just observing him. Lastly, the Protector standing near the blonde boy seated closest to the door is rather.. shifty, like they’re nervous. Their gaze keeps darting around the room to look at the other Protectors, then back down to the boy they are paired with.
You understand that as children, none of the students really pose any threat to Shota, but you find that it’s still best to be on higher alert if a human’s Protector is acting strangely. Especially in this lifetime and with all of the many Quirks you’ve seen from being by Shota’s side. You’d much rather err on the side of caution than ignore a potential threat.
By the end of the first day, you’re quite surprised that Shota only expelled one student this year. The short boy seemed quite upset when he learned of his expulsion, but his Protector seemed to have slumped with relief. It made you wonder just what that Protector had observed of the boy throughout his life. Regardless, seeing the posture of the Protectors near each of the female students ease at the news of the boy’s expulsion was enough for you to agree with Shota’s decision.
The second day doesn’t go as smoothly as you or Shota had hoped. Shota wasn’t in any danger, thankfully, he just slept peacefully in the teacher’s lounge while a Hero called All Might took over the class. When Shota was awoken by his phone ringing, it was Recovery Girl informing him that one of his students was very injured during the battle training All Might was supervising. You could practically feel Shota’s worry and anger as you followed behind him as he made his way to the infirmary.
After watching Shota give All Might a stern talking-to for letting the students go that far during training, you followed him back to his classroom. You listened idly by as he announced that he would be taking the class on a trip to a facility called the USJ in a couple of days. Most of the students cheered and voiced their excitement over going on a field trip, but Shota was quick to quiet them. He made it clear to the class that it wasn’t going to be a leisurely trip, but another means of Hero training. With most of the class deflated down into more of a serious state, he dismissed them for the day.
The day of the trip arrives without much fanfare, and you stay dutifully by Shota’s side as he leans back against the seat of the bus and naps. Vehicles such as buses were always an interesting environment to be in as a Protector. Looking over your shoulder at the rows of seated students, you see each of their Protectors lining the middle aisle. While your kind doesn’t really exist on the same plane of existence as humans, your ethereal bodies are comparable to what humans call ghosts, you still prefer not to be phasing in and out of a human body.
As the bus slows to a stop, Shota awakens and stands to face the class. He tells them to be on their best behavior and to focus on learning all that they can today. You make your way off of the bus with Shota leading the way and his students following behind. You and Shota walk up to the doors of the USJ, joining up with another Hero dressed in a spacesuit.
The spacesuit Hero, Thirteen, cheerfully greets the students and then begins explaining the purpose of the USJ. They get serious while explaining that there are a lot of dangerous Quirks out in the world that have the potential to be deadly before showing and explaining their own Quirk. Your gaze sweeps over the students, and you find that most of their Protectors are absentmindedly nodding and checking to see if their humans understand the warning being given.
Soon enough, Thirteen pushes the doors to the USJ open, leading Shota and his students into the facility. The students audibly marvel at the inside of the USJ and its different disaster zones. Thirteen gets into explaining what the different zones are and the unique difficulties that come with each zone. When they finish, they look to Shota and he nods at them before beginning to tell the students who would be in which zone. Shota gets interrupted by a red-haired student, their Protector pointing to something behind you and Shota. When you turn around to see what the Protector is pointing at, your intuition and protective instincts flare to max levels.
A massive portal has opened up down in the center plaza of the USJ and sketchy-looking humans have begun pouring out. You hear Shota identify them as villains and you gear yourself up for the fighting he will inevitably engage in. As expected, Shota yells for the students to stay with Thirteen and rushes into battle. You follow closely behind him, confident in his fighting abilities and quick reflexes.. But, you know that even if he isn’t aware of your existence or the parameters of your job, he does rely on you to watch his back.
Being a Hero’s Protector is no easy feat since villains have their own Protectors. Your kind have a job to do, no matter the human you are paired with. A villain’s Protector will protect them just as fiercely as a Hero’s. That said, since being Shota’s Protector in this lifetime, you’ve worked harder to become faster at alerting Shota to danger. More often than not, you can get Shota’s attention and help him to strike before a villain’s Protector can warn them.
As Shota is taking down villain after villain, you take a brief moment to look toward three unmoving villains. The one with multiple severed hands clutching his body scratches at his neck wildly as his Protector stands near him. You notice something strange about the other two near the Hand Villain, though.. While they both seem to be alive, neither of them has a Protector within sight. It’s unusual for your kind to stray very far from the human they are paired with, so not seeing a Protector right next to either villain is very abnormal.
In your momentary distraction, Shota takes down two more thugs and is rushed by the Hand Villain. Disappointment, in yourself, floods you as you watch Shota blink and his Quirk deactivate. The Hand Villain monologues as the spot where his hand is on Shota’s elbow begins to crack and flake away until the muscle underneath is showing. Shota reactivates his Quirk and breaks away from the Hand Villain, but his groans of pain echo in your mind. Berating yourself for being so careless, you stick closer to his side as more low-level thugs surround him.
The Hand Villain continues his annoying chatter as Shota, tired and worn out as he is, fights off the thugs using his good arm. His elbow looks bad, and you feel like you’ve failed him. You work harder to give him every sign and warning possible to take down the thugs relentlessly rushing him. Difficult as it is with one arm, Shota succeeds and turns to face the Hand Villain, putting you both back to back. Horror fills you along with the urgent and intense need to warn Shota, but with the state he’s in, he misses sign after sign that you send his way. He doesn’t notice the hulking beast behind him until the Hand Villain says something.
Despair like nothing you’ve ever felt before fills you as you watch the monstrous creature beat Shota down like he’s nothing but a small bug under someone’s boot. You scream, but the echoing ethereal sound only catches the attention of other Protectors around you. You flinch every time you hear the snapping of bone and cry of pain. The ethereal glow of your body dims from the feeling of failure filling you, and when the merciless creature slams Shota’s face into the ground you think only one thought…
‘Shota is going to die today…’
Falling to your knees next to Shota, you’re gaze is too focused on the growing puddle of blood on the ground to realize that the monster leaves Shota to defend the Hand Villain. Apologies spill from your lips over and over again as you continue looking at his limp and broken form. You can feel that he is dying and for some reason, it causes you immense pain. It’s a pain unlike anything you’ve ever felt before with any other soul, or during any of his other lifetimes. Everything else going on near or around you becomes irrelevant as you place a hand on Shota’s head, your touch light enough to not phase through him.
You startle when you feel the touch of a hand on each of your shoulders and looking up, you find a Protector on either side of you. You also notice that three of Shota’s students, the green-haired boy, the girl with the frog Quirk, and the boy with the tape Quirk, are carefully lifting him. The three students’ Protectors help you up off of your knees and walk with you when the students start moving toward the entrance of the USJ.
“Fret not, he may still have a chance…”
“You did all that you could…”
“His will was to protect those students, and you helped him achieve that…”
The echoing ethereal tones of the three Protectors walking with you fill your ears, but you find it difficult to take comfort in their words. Words that you’ve said to so many others before. Words that you’ve found comfort within before when you were feeling far less pain than you are right now. You can’t find it in yourself to respond to the other Protectors, so you just continue to walk in solemn silence.
At some point, the green-haired boy and his Protector break away to head back to the fight, leaving the other two students to carry Shota to the entrance. When they finally get up the steps and rejoin the small group of other students, they carefully lay Shota’s body down next to Thirteen who also seems to be injured greatly. You gaze down at Shota numbly, unable to comprehend why you feel so.. broken.
“What the hell is going on..?”
You startle as a sudden presence from beside you speaks. Recognizing the voice, your head whips to the side in complete shock. Standing there right next to you is Shota, looking far more translucent than he usually does. You just stare at him in shock and disbelief, your mouth agape and eyes blinking owlishly.
“Who the hell are you? Is this some kind of Quirk? Are you one of the villains?” Shota asks, his tone is demanding and quite confused, not that you blame him.
“Y-you.. you can see me?…” You ask, disbelief and confusion coloring your ethereal voice. Now, at this moment, in this lifetime, you have so many questions as you also wonder what the hell is going on.
“Uhm.. yeah. I can see you.” Shota says with uncharacteristic uncertainty. Apparently deeming you non-threatening, his posture deflates into resignation as his gaze sweeps across his students, “So.. are you here to take me wherever it is dead people go?”
Sadness creeps back into you and you look back down at his broken body, shaking your head, “No, I.. I only protect… Escorting the dead is not part of the job…”
“Protect?” Shota questions quietly as he looks back at you. “What, like a.. Guardian Angel?” The skeptical tone in Shota’s voice makes the corners of your mouth tick up ever so slightly because even though he is quite literally dying, of course, he is trying to be rational right now.
You meet his eyes with a slightly amused look in yours, “You humans have many names for my kind, ‘Guardian Angel’ is one of them… Many are like me; uncaring of what we are called, just here to do our job…”
Shota still looks skeptical, but he nods his head, “Does this normally happen when a person dies? We get to meet our.. Guardian Angels before we move onto whatever afterlife is out there?”
You shake your head and look back down at his body, “This has never happened to me before… We are not meant to be seen by humans, dead or alive.. and technically, you are not dead… Your body is struggling, but you are still alive…”
You pause for a moment as the weight of your failure falls back over your shoulders, almost tenfold. You speak again before Shota has the chance, your tone heavy with sadness, “I am so sorry, Shota… I should have done more to keep you safe… It is my fault that you are in this position… I failed you…”
Silence hangs between you both as you watch paramedics move Shota’s body onto a stretcher. They spend a few moments wrapping his injuries with makeshift bandages and attaching various equipment to him. When they begin moving him to an ambulance, you step forward to follow but are stopped when you feel a warm hand on your shoulder. It’s different than the cold feeling of another Protector’s touch and stops you in your tracks. You turn slightly, your wide eyes meeting Shota’s uncharacteristically soft ones.
“You.. I’d like to think that you did your best to protect me, and whatever happens to me.. just know that I don’t blame you.” Shota’s gentle tone catches you off guard and also strikes something deep within you. The most you can muster is a shaky nod before you both begin to head for the ambulance his body was taken to.
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Divider Credit ~ @cafekitsune
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whatthefishh · 2 years
hi love. for your birthday celebration, i just think it would be neat if you wrote about Poe Dameron and birthday treats. and if the treats somehow involve smut and spit, it’ll really be a party 🥳
so. this was supposed to be ~500 words. I present to you a party of 1.5k ish words. Hope you like it bb 💖
Birthday series part 7.
NSFW under the cut. Warnings: spit, p in v (unprot), creampie lol
Come and Put Your Name On It
“What was so urgent that you had BB-8 come fetch me out of that meeting so incessantly?” 
Ensuring the door sealed behind you, you whirled around only to stop dead in your tracks at the sight that stood in front of you. There, in all his curly haired, bright eyed, almost naked save for his undergarments glory sat Poe, with a thick ribbon wrapped around his throat in a bow. Like a gift. He was presenting himself to you. For your birthday, which you had explicitly told him you didn’t want any presents for. You even went as far as threatening to tell everyone on base about the one time he called Leia ‘mom’. 
Now, here he was, not exactly going against your request but finding a sneaky way around your words, in classic Poe manner. 
“Now hear me out. You said don’t buy or make me anything. In my defense, sweetheart, I didn’t buy or make any of this. Except the bow. That’s from Finn.”
Rolling your eyes, you can’t help but laugh at his antics. Of course he would think his stroke game is the greatest gift of all. Honestly, he could brag if he wanted to. He could. It would be understandable in his case, you’d let it slide. Hell, you’d be parading around behind him attesting to it. You get why you’re on the receiving end of envious looks around base, his previous partners glaring at you with jealousy for locking down the perkiest butt the Rebellion had to offer. 
Taking a second to appraise him, Poe stood up to meet you in the centre of the room, spinning in a slow circle for you before offering you a smug grin with his hands on his hips. Pulling him closer by the elastic waistband of his briefs, the first meeting of your lips was hard enough to bruise. 
“Shut up, just -”
Grasping the nape of your neck, Poe pulls you into him, you felt yourself gravitating towards the heat of his body despite him being nearly bare. The both of you stumble onto the bed, limbs tangling as Poe rolls over on top of you, slotting his knee between yours. 
Your lips meet again in a heated kiss, your frustration from earlier finding its way out in the dance between your tongues. Poe groaned into the kiss, lost in the fire that licked its way up his spine just from your touch. He was devouring you, pulling your hips down to grind on his thigh, effectively making you forget all your troubles of the day, only able to focus on him. 
Removing your clothes in a frenzy, you were desperate to be close to him, barely letting the act break you apart. Soon enough, you were laid bare under him, wandering hands caressing your warm skin. 
Poe kissed you like he hadn’t in days when the opposite was true, the two of you shared kisses all the time. But here he was, dipping his tongue in and groaning at the taste of you every time he slotted his mouth over yours. 
Gasping apart for air, Poe’s pupils were blown wide with lust as he took in your swollen lips and tousled hair. You already looked well and truly fucked out. 
“Poe…” you breathed out his name like a plea. 
Poe pushes his thumb past the seam of your lips and you immediately swirl your tongue around the digit until he presses down on your tongue, gently pulling your jaw open as he does. 
“Look at you, my pretty girl. Taking what I give you so well.” 
Cradling your face with the hand still holding your jaw open, he leans closer to you and spits, finally releasing you of his thumb as he does. Your pussy throbs against the heat of his thigh, clenching around nothing as you frantically swallow what he gives you. 
“Poe, please,” you whimper desperately. 
“Shh, it’s okay, I’ve got you. Just wanna make you feel good, baby.” 
He makes quick work of both your underwear, pushing your thighs back to spread you open for him. Fingers delicately spreading your opening, groaning at the generous amount of honey that’s already gathered for him before tapping the head of his length at it. 
Looking at you for assurance one more time, you nod weakly with a quick ‘please’ falling from your lips before he finally slides himself in, inch by inch. 
“If you won’t let me get you anything, that’s fine. But let me give you this.” Poe buried his face into your neck, pausing to let you adjust to the intrusion. 
He starts at a slow pace, pulling out to the tip only to slowly glide back in to the hilt, grinding his hips on every pass. It drives you absolutely insane, the pleasure spreading through your body to your fingertips. 
He licks a stripe up the side of your neck while maintaining the pace, your soft gasps coming out shorter and shorter. Your hand finds itself wound in the hair at the back of his head, and as the heat becomes overwhelming, you pull his head back by his hair and he’s looking at you with his pupils blown and lips swollen. 
The pleasure washes over you quickly after that, pulling you under its waves and you come with his name on your lips in a surprised cry. He groans as he stops thrusting to hold himself inside you while your core tightens around him, steeling himself to hold off his own pleasure. 
After the pulsing stops he picks up his precious pace, still fucking you ridiculously slow. The buzz of your first orgasm still fresh in your veins, electricity sparking everywhere he touched you. Your mind was unable to focus on a single thought except how good he was giving it to you, the way his eyelids sat low, the small grunts coming from his mouth centimetres from yours. You weren’t even aware of your own noises, gasps and whimpers continuous as he pushed you back up the hill you just came from, intent on making you come again from just his cock. 
“F-feels so good, Poe, oh!”
The second time you came, your back bucked off the bed, eyes rolling back on a gasp until you melted into the mattress. Poe had stopped again just to feel you ride out the waves of pleasure, watching you with ravenous eyes, kissing your jaw.
How was he going for this long? Surely he must be desperate for his own release at this point. 
“Poe, you need to come,” you slurred. 
Shaking his head, he was breathing heavily as he replied, “one more, baby, just one more for me.” 
Moaning as he started up again, this time hitting harder on his returning strokes causing the air to punch out of your lungs on every pass. You felt your slick dripping down your thighs on to the bed, mixing with the sweat you were working up. 
Poe was determined to make you come again on his cock, curls sticking to his sweaty forehead as he looked down between you two to see where you were joined. Groaning at the sight, you felt his hips stutter, clueing you in that he was closer to the edge than he let on. The slapping noises of skin registered at the same time that he shifted your thighs closer to your chest, changing the angle that his hips were snapping into you at. 
Whining at the new angle, you felt out of control, every hard stroke of Poe’s cock hitting something devastating inside you. The pleasure building felt different, mixed with something wholly gut wrenching, pussy fluttering with the upcoming tidal wave. He felt it, too, reaching to your middle to strum at your clit, playing you skillfully like an instrument. 
“C’mon, baby, you’re so pretty when you come, please, come now, come-“ he huffed out, breath hot against your face. 
Ducking his head into your neck again, he bit down on your shoulder as he started pounding into your squelching pussy, groans muffled as he finally let loose. You were moaning incoherently at this point, his name mixed with a few expletives leaving your mouth as your arms came around his back to dig your nails in while you gushed around his cock, his hips stuttering before halting completely as he finished inside you. 
Pulling himself out and rolling off of you, you both lay next to each other breathing heavily, Poe’s damp curls out of place and your mixed spend oozing out of you. 
You lazily turn your head to look at him to find him already watching you with a lopsided smile on his face, the smugness rolling off of him in waves. Your brows furrow upon noticing the piece of fabric that somehow managed to stay on during your escapades. 
“Why do you still have the bow on?” 
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