#ah yes my fave quote
samijey · 1 year
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#you know me better than I know myself
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also, if you don’t mind multiple submissions:
two other favorite Black characters of mine are Claudia and Louis from interview with the vampire (the show version)
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(why did the photos crop so weirdly. if you click on them you should be able to see the full pictures lol) Bailey Bass and Delainey Hayles are both excellent as Claudia, and Claudia herself is a very interesting and tragic character. her anger at her situation and the people responsible for it is a hundred percent justified, and portrayed as such in the show. and she’s also one of, if not the most, sympathetic characters in interview with the vampire. she wants someone to choose her first for once in her life. she also has some of my favorite costumes in the whole show.
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Louis! god I love him. I hope he gets a nice vacation or something in season 3. all of the actors, but especially Jacob Anderson, are so good at portraying the wide emotional range of the show. sad, funny, angry, soft, nostalgic, tragic, violent, romantic… all the characters are so delightfully complicated and messed up. including Louis! but at the same time, I can’t help but be on his side. his story about both enabling and escaping cycles of abuse is so well done, and very emotional.
also, a quote from Jacob Anderson on playing Louis: “I feel very proud to be a Black Creole vampire, in the show. I mean, I hope that all it does is opens the gates for more. Let’s tell more stories. Let’s be monsters! And enjoy it! Yeah, let’s be problematic. Give us the space to be a problem.”
Finally, somebody who actually said Louis! I will say, I do think it's interesting how the difference in how fandom treats these two exposes part of the very antiblackness that the show attempted to talk about. I wish more people actually like... Understood it. Claudia's not just "scary girl power" and "never did anything wrong". Louis isn't either 1) the Black lying monster that mistreated their white fave and their Token Black Girl Character or 2) again, "never did anything wrong". Understanding the racial context behind the storytelling makes it that much better. I cannot fathom what everyone was watching, if they did not see it.
And Jacob is right! Louis was such a complex character, and that was worth talking about! We deserve to have characters that cause that sort of discomfort, that take up that kind of space- and be valued for it! But people were so busy being some of the most overt racist shits ever to be worth having that conversation with 🤣 truly one of the worst fandoms I've ever attempted. Sorry to vent. Just don't get how you could have a show with two of the MCs being Black and somehow just... Not get it. So yes, every time someone likes Louis, I have faith that ah, okay, maybe some people walked away with some understanding of the assignment.
Hot Chocolate: That blonde boy that all those people love? Lestat de león whatever? Fuck that guy. Wholeheartedly
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dailykafka · 6 months
ah yes, my fave Kafka quote:
Does Bruno Mars is gay?
Sure, yeah
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fumifooms · 6 months
Do you know about the Marchil h-doujin, just called "Marchil Meshi"? (Dunno wether you're comfortable about adult content regarding the ship. If not, sorry and feel free to ignore).
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Imagine my surprise… When a few months ago, I was looking up places to buy doujins for dunmeshi online bc of that new-ish laimar (sfw) doujin and I find, many many nsfw ones bUT AMONGST THE HORDE… MARCHIL MESHI. I ate it up. It’s a lil iconic to me ngl, I quote it in my head sometimes. Marcille angrily gesturing always gets me cackling. It honestly has no business being this good, it was made pretty early on in the story so many years ago, and STILL! So in character, and honestly so funny, AND no weird business either. Like listen, I scour the internet, looking for any marchil content, any marchil content at all… And find a dry af desert, no life here, literally jackshit nothing. Only Pixiv has some afaik but the nsfw is def… Hm. 😔 (2 fics tagged chirumaru on there btw!! That aren’t mine lol) Thank you marchil meshi author if I had to pick 1 piece of marchil nsfw to exist I’d choose this one (honestly that’s already so close to reality lol) Thank u Asaki Takayuki I owe u my life. I like zines but I’ve never bought doujins before so it didn’t cross my mind, but dunmeshi is taking a lot of my first times in fandom engagement and I bought said laimar doujin just the other day hehe 
I do want to keep my blog generally sfw but yes I’m 100% cheering on nsfw marchil content from the shadows, glad that ao3’s finally getting some too. I hope that fic writer makes more… Tallman Chil is so so good but I hope they also do some more general premises, which the end notes on that one do make me hopeful 👀 I want more marchil writers in general. More marchil fanartists. Sfw nsfw idk I need to be fed 😭 (<- This post was drafted before that new marchil smut fic WOOHOO. So much new marchil content this week!!)
Oh while I’m here, I find this so funny/odd, but in japanese fandom ship names are simply the beginning of each name smushed together, like marchil or chilmar. The order of the names is that the first one is the "top"… Idk how jp fandoms live without switches but aight, but in m/f ships this means that typically the man is the first half of the ship name right. WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT marchil is so much more used than chilmar lmaoo. Even more stats: On Pixiv, the tag marchil had all the artworks, but the chilmar tag had all the fics. Ain’t that wack to think about. Anyways marchil or chilmar idc you go guys
Sighh thinking about them. They are so "I beg your pardon??!" "Then beg", "Fuck you!" "Fuck me yourself you coward"… Forget stamens and pistils, Chil is the cursed "You see, there are keys and there are locks…"
More under cut since I don’t get to talk about this often, screenshots and hcs for horny time
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^ said panel that lives rent free in my head and makes me giggle. I wish I’d just put the whole page here it’s my fave but nahh go find it yourself
Why are they like this. Like what is thatttt
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I need to stop collecting these I’m making myself feel insane (thank you fic writer for that last one I’d never noticed but omg)
Alright hc time what was I gonna talk about… Ah yes ah yes. I def think Chil is a pest, he’s horny and he wants sex and is flagrant about it, but also we know that he stayed faithful for 4 years without getting any, I feel like realistically the relationship sex wise would 100% be on Marcille’s pace. And this is the fun part, bc would Marcille be very eager? Would she want to do the romance book correct™️ route and that means no tapping until marriage, or he needs to court her all princely first? I hc that elves have a much lower libido than humans because of the whole long af lifespan thing, it’d be kinda funny if Marcille was like "Let’s take things slow… 🥺" aka first base achieved after two years of being together lol
But seee that’s the thing too bc Marcille is so afraid of loss she might rush through things as well, she very well could like, jump on him right after confessing. Is Chilchuck kind of a shithead or is he very gentlemanly and romantic, wanting to do it right and treat her well? They are such a blank canvas of sexual chemistry listen LISTENNN there are just so so many ways you can go with them they are so special. God the banter… They cannot stop bantering for a second I swear So many kinks they could fit… I like uhh praise kink for him and for her… Idk she just really loves him and the emotional adoration is what’s at the core of her enjoying it all so like, loving Chilchuck kink, which turns out those two really match together 🫶 He makes her sing and ummm um you see where this goes. They are so grossly in love and into each other
They are so domestic. I hate them
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Ahsoka "Dreams and Madness" Liveblog
My week has sucked, let's get into this already, this is some of the only true joy I'm deriving from life right now.
(I'm okay but legitimately, my week has sucked, lemme have this.)
Ho daaaaayum, Hera bringing the fire to this meeting.
I am... annoyed by the emphasis on Hera as a maverick though, she was the Rebels character MOST beholden to the protocol and procedure of the hierarchy, the time she saved Kanan was the only time she ever really defied orders and dammit I have just patchworked myself my own answer okay so obviously she's normally very rule-abiding EXCEPT for times when her family and the people she cares about most need her help and no one else will give aid to her.
Curses upon my ability to iron out plot wrinkles I don't like.
Filoni must REALLY not like Xiono, he's giving him all the skeptic lines.
Course this is also one of the times the writing has to be hampered by trying to patchwork and salvage the Sequel Trilogy by explaining why the New Republic ignored the problem of the First Order until it was too late.
Man I am gonna cry ugly tears when we lose Antony Daniels, he loves playing Threepio so much, he's always up for it, never once complained that no one knows him from anything else.
Right so I get why they had Threepio deliver a message instead of trying to CGI frankenstein Leia into this but also Disney are cowards JUST RECAST THE MAIN TRIO I PROMISE NO ONE ACTUALLY HOLDS IT AGAINST ALDEN, TLJ JUST SUCKED AND SOLO WAS THE NEXT PRODUCT WE HAD TO TAKE THINGS OUT ON.
Seriously, the de-aging and CGI puppetry is starting to get uncomfortable and weird.
Chopper bout to throw hands in this courthouse lol.
I'm sorry, the emphasis on just how LONG this hyperspace trip is is absolutely making me reel with adoration for Ezra, he held the air inside the bridge of the Chimaera and the door closed and Thrawn in place ALL THE WAY TO PERIDEA IN ANOTHER FREAKING GALAXY.
Loosen up a bit Rosario, you're stiff.
Oof that little bow between Ahsoka and Holo!Anakin.
Huyang begrudgingly having to remember to trust the Force lol.
Ohhhhh bastard, he put explosives in orbit to stop the purrgil!
.....Making the ring against the planet like that was supposed to be a visual reminder of the Death Star right?
The look of subtle but dawning horror in Thrawn's face when he realizes Ahsoka was Anakin's padawan lololol.
Like, "Ffffffffffffff--"
"Jedi are very good at hiding. They've been practicing that for years." Ah yes, excellent, another moment/quote I can add to my collection of "Thrawn barely containing his seething loathing of Ezra" bits lol.
*perks* Oh? Are we at the interesting parts now?
Ahhhh yes the minivan convoy with mom and dad Sabezra at the front.
There should have been waaaaaay more infodumping in this conversation, I need Ezra to boggle over everything.
Sabine still avoiding the question, but lol at Ezra's "The usual level [of complicated] or worse?" that's so cute.
Ugh and he doesn't push her to talk about it, he's still so considerate of her armor and walls.
Someone, maybe multiple someones commented that they could see serious Two Towers aesthetics in this and... yeah no this is super LOTR-esque.
Lars Mikkelson continuing to kill it with his performance, as basic as it is.
I'm ignoring this, I'm pretending she reached out to Ezra instead.
"Took me in when I really needed help." Ohhhhh do not do that, do not plant hurt/comfort ideas in my head ghgkasuhfkauhf.
He is so softly concerned about her aaaaahhhhhh.
I saw a few people confused by Baylan basically abandoning Shin to things here when he was acting so fond of her last episode so let me maybe shed some light on that situation. Ahem:
So yes, Baylan chucking Shin out to find her destiny or whatever because whatever it is that he's trying to seize power from is making him completely overlook her feelings.
Ezra can't leave the one crashed one, awwwwww.
Frick, him being the Noti's protector is just so frigging cute. I need fluff fics.
Battle Couple Sabezra now? Y/Y?
Baylan's whole demeanor is changing, it's like he's soaking up the Dark Side energy of this place. Once again, awed by Ray Stevenson's sheer presence. The man feels massive and he's just standing there.
I'm grinning.
But also I wanna see Ezra hold his lightsaber again, pretty please?
Ahsoka doing much better now that she has both her blades this time.
*pillows hands* Can I watch Ezra forever please. I missed you son. Never leave me again.
Oh man, how much dread and chagrin do you think Ezra had when he saw the stormtroopers?
Ho ho Thrawn looks eager for this.
(They are this close to holding hands you guys.)
This is probably giving Ezra flashblacks.
Oh sue me I want some angst and whump and pain to have happened in the interim.
Ahsoooooookkaaaaaaaaaaa! :D
Oh for, please stop using the beskar as literal plot armor. It sucks a lot of danger out of the fight.
Thrawn being all Xanatos Gambit like the pro he is.
Shin looking like she might cry, oh wow actual emotions.
Oh gosh, don't jinx it don't jinx it don't jinx it...
Wheeeeeeeeee that was... fun, actually!
The Sabezra bits were adorable. I have quibbles here and there but I'm just so happy being Sabine being happy and content and seeing Ezra being... Ezra.
Nervous for the last ep though. Hhhgnghhhhh I am very much stressed and I do not wish to be.
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ok folks, highly specific One Piece poll lmao
I know None Piece has in many parts aged like milk, but it does have some iconic quotes that live in my brain rent free to this day. And idk, I'm curious, if you could pick one single quote/joke to be referenced in some way in the op live action series, what would it be?
here are some of my personal faves (though realistically I know they probably wouldn't. I think there's only a couple I could see fitting with the show lol this is just for fun really):
this one was too long to fit. oh well, here
"Maybe it was the majestic flight of this fat bird, but for the first time I experienced true serenity" _Luffy being carried by the head by a big bird
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thisonesatellite · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by the amazing and infinitely talented @voylitscope. Thank you so much! 💕💕💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now primarily stucky /MCU.
i got started with CS /OUAT (which i no longer write for), and have also ventured into dramione /HP (where i will go again as soon as i have some time).
i also wrote one Leverage fic, which --- guys, i don't know what happened there. It just knocked on my door and demanded to be written. 🤷‍♀️
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is interesting. i would have thought the OUAT fics would grab all top 5 spots, because they've been around the longest, but actually---
we build our lives out of chaos and hope - dramione
Burn To Shine - stucky
The Unexpected Life - CS
break me - CS
if you live by the word, you die by the pen - CS
If you're counting by fandom, well -- i mean, i have exactly five stucky fics so far. That's the top five right there. 😂 (There will be more soon, and then we can see who grabs the brass rings.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
ALWAYS. Always always always. i love comments. They make my day.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
OK. Like. i don't write angsty endings, OK? i may or may not put my characters through the fucking wringer during a fic, but i ALWAYS HEA them, you feel me.
Having said that, i think militae species amor est (CS) is the one with the least openly stated fluff at the end. (Then again, the title is a quote i ripped off Ovid which means "love is a kind of warfare". Take from that what you will. 😂)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh, all of them? i happy end HARD, ok?
If you're going to make me pick, for stucky it's probably a tie between Burn To Shine and a handful of dust. (So far. There will be others.)
For all of my fic across fandoms, it's everybody knows (CS). Which is also by far the most complex emotional character arcs for an OTP i've ever wrapped around an impossibly complicated plot line. And angst abounded here. Such abounding. The ending had to make up for it and consequently will rot every last one of your teeth.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. i once had someone tell me in great detail why they didn't like my writing style, but while i did wonder why they bothered to read my fic in the first place if my style wasn't for them, i don't count it as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ah. The eternal question. No, i don't. i don't know how. i don't think there's anything wrong with smut at all, but i can't write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i don't write crossovers. Lots of AUs, but no crossovers. i don't like to cross the streams. 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of, knock on wood.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My lovely and wonderful friend @mariakov81 translated her birthday fic ad extremum terrae into Ukrainian. i may have cried when she told me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. The Sword and The Heart - with the amazing and talented @ohmightydevviepuu. It was one of the hardest and yet one of the most rewarding experiences of my writing life and i strongly recommend the process to every writer out there. The things you will learn about yourself and your writing are immeasurable, and you will emerge a better writer for it.
Also, it was so much fun.
(All the credit here goes to @ohmightydevviepuu, whose patience was infinite every time i went and did A Thing with the plot and the characters. She is the reason we have a fic at all.)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
i think stucky will always have a place in my heart. (So will many others, some of which i don't even write for, but stucky is my fave, i think.)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None. i am a very linear writer. i write one fic at a time. Therefore i never have any additional WIPs cooking, and so i do finish everything i start.
i know. So annoying. 😂
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character development, realistic dialogue, action. (Also probably plot underpinned by emotion. While i'm patting myself on the back here.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
SMUT. i cannot write it (as stated above). Which means there will always be a sense of the explicit lacking in my fic, and i'm sorry for that. But i can't change it.
And certain popular tropes--- some of them perennial favorites--- do nothing for me, so i am also unable to write them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i have utilized the fact that i speak more than one language, and have several good friends who speak other languages, in some of my stucky fics. But i will say that sometimes it's hard to keep true to the characters in a different language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Once Upon A Time (OUAT). It's the one that started it all. i was never going to write, you know. And then, one day, i--- did.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
OMG. You're going to make me choose? Between all the blood, toil, tears, and sweat on every page? Yes, i'm being dramatic.
My favorite fic (IF i HAVE TO PICK ONE) is probably we kill the flame (CS). It plays in my favorite sandbox -- cyberpunk dystopia -- and i built an entire world for it. In painstaking detail.
My favorite stucky (so far) is probably despite all my rage - for much the same reasons: World building and cyberpunk dystopia. Also because it has my favorite Sam and Clint.
Honorable mention has to go to Burn To Shine (stucky), which introduced me to the pure and unadulterated fun that is Grumpy!Bucky (who is now my favorite chew toy), as well as the disaster muppet combo that is Scott and Clint, and we build our lives out of chaos and hope (dramione), because i went on a thinly-veiled political tear halfway through it and still cannot believe i got away with it.
Absolutely zero pressure tags for @sparkagrace , @cable-knit-sweater, @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy, @wistfulcynic, @ohmightydevviepuu, and @mxaether 💕
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
Can you do the whole favorite thing about them, least favorite thing about them, favorite line, brOTP, OTP, nOTP, etc. for Yuya?
Warning: Long post, contains slight spoilers.
I am so very sorry for long this stayed in the box- but thanks a lot for the ask!
Favorite thing about them: Why must you make me choose. I can't. I can't do that. There's genuinely too many things to choose from.
...fine, I can do honorable mentions. One thing that piqued my interest in the tomato son all those years ago was how layered his persona can be... if you squint. Or if you're like me and relate to him on a spiritual level. You see, at the surface of his character, Yuuya's your average protag boy: fun-loving, good-natured and full of innocent hopes and dreams-
Except, that's not all there is to it. Not even at the very start of the story. We see from the get-go how he struggles with the weight of past events and his own doubts and insecurities -which only gets more and more prominent as the show goes on- all while holding onto his smiles in defiance against adversity, and trying to help others do the same as well. Personally, I still think that this is a deceptively simple yet very powerful message.
Least favorite thing about them: Ah, that's a question I can't quite answer. You see, there isn't anything specific I dislike about him, as much as there's stuff I dislike that happen to him- as in, to his character. Like the last stretch of the Xyz and Fusion arcs. Those parts did irreversible damage Yuuya's portrayal- so much so that even I, known for being more forgiving of the story's flaws than most, was shaking my head in denial through the first, second, and third watch. Lord help me when I reach them in the fourth.
Favorite line: Quoting myself from the Yuugo version of this post: would it be cheating the question if I said there's too many to count? Because it's still true. I know for a fact that I'll mention a line here and then find another one I prefer not a day later- that's how it is with the faves, I suppose. For the sake of not leaving this empty, though, here's one quote that stuck with me longer than most:
"The dueling I've had up until now isn't something I made alone. Because everyone was there, I was able to make it this far!"
brOTP: Yuugo!
...Saw that coming? Yes? No? Look, Yuuya's the protagonist so he naturally has a lot of interesting friendships, some established, some made over the course of the show... and a few entirely hypothetical, like this one. What can I say? I just think they'd go great together. Picture this: two idiots with half a braincell between them, who meet each other proper and instantly click. And get on like a house on fire from there. Seriously, they're so different yet similar in so many ways, and I think that'd lend itself to a great mutual underdtanding between the two- almost as if they have some kind of telepathetic link (hmmm). Putting them in one room for extended periods of time will either result in the most fun sort of chaos or in talks so deep they both end up bawling their eyes out in each other's arms.
They're friends. Besties. Brothers even.
OTP: Look, I'm a bonafide vanilla when it comes to romantic ships. Fruitshipping is my first and main OTP in all media of interest, and the threatre kiddos get a badge of honor for being one of a scant few pairs that got me extremely close to crying on more than 1 occasion. That's more than can be said for... *checks notes* ...99.8% of the characters I know!
nOTP: Hmm... there's none that come to mind, honestly. I don't mind seeing Yuuya paired with anyone, as long as the ship is not inherently inappropriate and/or isn't portrayed in any weird ways.
Random headcanon: Thanks to certain happenings towards the end of the plot, Yuuya ends up developing the unconscious habit of hoarding things precious to him. He'll go to sleep curled up in the middle of a nest of blankets and pillows, surrounded by all his favorite plushies, random trinkets and gifts from friends, and of course, his pendulum and card partners (thank god in-universe cards are stupidly sturdy). The first time Youko chances upon him in this state, deep in the peaceful bliss of slumber, she stealthily snaps a photo and- huh? No, you didn't hear a thing. "Cuteness overload can be heard from over a mile away?" Pfft, nonsense.
Unpopular opinion: No idea how unpopular this may be, but... I don't get the claims that Yuuya's not a good duelist?
Several people point out that he relies on Action cards to stall out a duel until he can turn it around, and conclude that as such, he's less skillful than most of his opponents. That take confuses me more than anything; after all, isn't it in the nature of the Action duel rule that one must make use of the card scattered around them? They're not just there for show, nor are they solely used for their effects. And besides, it's clear that Yuuya's particular brand of entertainment dueling places heavy emphasis on the dynamic aspect, which is why he's always running around the field and trying to make a spectacle out of every move. That doesn't diminish his skill in any way I can see- he's just more inclined to using resources outside those in his deck, thanks in part to needing more combo pieces than survivability cards by virtue of using Pendulums.
Song I associate with them: Assuming any song qualifies, I'd say it's Future Fighter; because it's literally Yuuya's (and Reiji's) very own personal song. It highlights core aspects of their personalities through the lyrics- and what do you know, our boy has a very nice singing voice too! It was one among many highlights from the back half of ARC-V S1 to me.
Favorite picture of them: Look, I just want to see him happy. I think he deserves to display genuine joy more often. And the more sparkles the episode budget allows, the better! So with that in mind, here's a few of my favorite pics of the boyo.
....oh, you thought I could pick only one?
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arigatonamuse · 1 year
continuing with my A3! re-read, this week it was time for
Act 3 - Bad Boy Portrait (pt1)
this re-read really solidified their arc as my fave, i apologise in advance for how long this is gonna be
warnings: i will vaguely discuss violence this time around, as well as call Banri names (i show my love for him that way)
Chapter 1
aight here we go two words in and i’m already overwhelmed with feelings
i am normal about Banri Settsu i swear
can’t bring myself to press play because i am having so many feelings already
deep breaths deep breaths
this is totally not stirring any emotion inside me wdym
i don’t think i’d paid that much attention to his voice back when i first read this but whew he sounds so… dead inside when he’s narrating all this? like there’s no emotion to it but there’s some sort of… heaviness in it? that we don’t normally hear in Banri now that i know the context behind the portraits, i am trying to pay attention to (and understand) the tone because Banri’s acting this monologue out, the voice and every word are intentional so he’s most likely portraying how he felt about all this with his voice and i’m feeling things (don’t take this at face value, i’m not good at understanding tone)
ah these lines [comment redacted bc i still have got some self respect tyvm]
oh this bitch is so depressed
the way that a mention of Juza Hyodo is what changed Banri’s life but also what immediately made me perk up and smile
the way Banri makes a point to say that he’s not “buddy-buddy” with… basically anyone pre-Mankai is really telling about his own loneliness but also about his not wanting to change that loneliness
he really sounds so dead inside, more so when he’s acting out his lines of dialogue, i can’t 
“a quick hunt” is such an interesting choice of words it reveals so much about his expectations of this fight (it was gonna be quick and ofc easy) and about how he was so sure he was gonna be the winner, but also about how he’s the one seeking this whole thing out in a completely one-sided way and how this “hunt” continued into Mankai and still seeped into Banri and Juza’s early relationship
ah yes, the exchange that started my own obsession with this fucker i’d say more about this but i’d just be quoting myself here so uhhhh yeah
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okay i did NOT point this out in my essay but now i’m thinking about it and his explicit use of the word alone (i’m pretty sure i heard a hitori there) is making me feel like that’s important something something the fact that he’s alone with the incapacity of understanding himself and how that means it’s harder for him to process… himself? Maybe? i don’t wanna get ahead of myself but i’m kinda connecting this to my “‘til this moment i never knew myself” pseudo essay on the impact of Juza’s portrait in Banri, he NEEDS the company and coaxing of Izumi and to see Juza’s portrait, to see his foil as he is, until Banri can finally start to figure himself out or maybe i’m just reading too much into a single word but hey, who am i if not the person who reads too much into anything and everything Banri?
the smug ass smile i just gave with Banri’s loss 
not me getting all smiley and giggly at just hearing Juza
yeah well what’d you expect dude? for him to keep fighting you despite not being able to move? or what else were you hoping for? the fight’s done lmao
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there’s a first time for everything also no one can’t tell me that the taste of defeat is not important to Banri, not just because it led him to Mankai and blablabla we all know the rest, but because it showed to him that there was more to life, more to experience and more to live in general
yeah his obsession with beating Juza kinda proves my point… the two weeks it took him to heal he finally had something to look forward to, fucked up as it was
the way Juza’s dismissal of Banri wanting a rematch is so important and so telling for them both
god, Juza could see right through him from the start, he saw the empty, no ambitions Banri and called it as it was right away i can only imagine how much that stung Banri back then
something something, the same thing that made Banri actually feel something for once getting absolutely no reaction from Juza
they’re so narrative foils i swear
eheheheh it’s coming
Banri your obsession may be getting out of hand
thank you, Matsukawa, for forcing him in, he needed that push 
Chapter 2
oh i’d forgotten Taichi was the first one to arrive to the audition considering that he’s the only one who we don’t know how he got there (yet) should’ve been suspicious the first time around huh?
yes and it’s one of my fave nicknames in all of Mankai (<- likes repetition)
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i’d forgotten how lost he acted with Kazu at first but tbh? same, Omi, i feel you
something something the wanwan duo hitting it off through their personas while not knowing the other’s putting up a front
Taichi’s reaction to Yuki roasting him is SO funny i’d forgotten how he’d immediately gone into simp mode 
it can still happen, Taichi! don’t close yourself to the possibilities lol
I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN ABOUT OMI’S EXPLANATION he sounds so unsure with the “i guess” you can tell this man still has a lot of shit to process and i’m gonna cry just at thinking about it
Izumi, Omi’s not gonna traumadump about his dead best friend during his audition
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heheh Muku recognising his cousin :3
aaaaaaah the start of Juza pushing Muku away (for what he considers to be the best) and i’m emo already ough his words sting so hard ;-; i’m so sorry Mukkun
THE WAY BANRI LITERALLY HAD TO BE PUSHED IN SDKBVHDFBV boy needs a push in more than one way for him to get into this tho
Banri really had a one track mind with fighting Juza lol, all his bitching to Matsukawa stopped the second he saw him and he went right to confront him instead lol
i’m so sorry Izumi… you’re not gonna go back to not being Fight Club for a while now
that’s a way to put it, Omimi
yes, Sumi, you’re right, Juza has the prettiest triangle eyes <3
i was gonna comment on Juza and Banri fighting but if i start doing that, we’re gonna be here for like a month so i’ll only mention it when i consider it Important
Chapter 3
Misumi’s too cute
okay i said i was gonna talk about it but the fact that Juza could’ve easily just pushed Banri away but he didn’t because that’s how hard he’s avoiding fights with him, he won’t “throw the first punch” even though this asshole’s been harassing him for a while now, he could beat him just as easily as he did in the past but he doesn’t want to be that person anymore so he won’t even try and aaaaaaaaaaah
kdjsbvhsdvbd that’s a way to put it
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Also i love how Izumi has come to care so much about Sakyo’s love for the theatre, so much that she wouldn’t start the audition without him ;w;
god i love akigumi so much they’re MY punks
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hm do you think Taichi was maybe rethinking what he had to do just by seeing who his potential troupemates were? bc i think he has reasons to be scared for real here instead of just acting inoffensive
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OMI MY BELOVED he sure knows what he’s talking about, isn’t he?
hell yeah Izumi, expose Sakyo for how caring he is
awwww is the tsun feeling a bit too seen?
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Omi’s tone is so neutral in the audition, one must wonder how much time and effort he’s invested in keeping his tone (and all of him) under control after… y’know so it makes sense he doesn’t really know how to use his tone to act yet, his whole act for the past couple years has been suppression 
heheh i love how easily Izumi sees through Taichi, even if she can’t put her finger to it yet
something something while Omi’s struggle comes from not putting himself out there, Taichi is now starting to try to hide the actor part of himself and struggling with keeping it hidden
Chapter 4
oh Banri really just wants to be a nuisance here, huh? he had no reason for saying he’d go first for the audition other than not letting Juza go? i’m once again reminded of the anime, where we see Banri volunteering as the leader as soon as he sees Juza hesitate to volunteer himself
i hate him so much i hate him i hate him i hate him why is he like this (i would’ve acted out the dialogue with the same intonation, pauses and additions like laughter)
why, thank you, Izumi
huh this line right here… i’m now thinking about Fallen Blood and how Banri’s acting is explored and approached there
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oh Juza… my beloved daikon Juza… i’m so emo hearing his acting here, he’s come so far and worked so hard and aaaaaaaaah ;w;
Banri fuck off
and there’s the passion and determination that make Juza the heart of akigumi
Juza’s so fucking lovely, he’s so earnest in his plea tbh that alone makes him one of the best candidates to be part of the troupe
Sakyo saying exactly what was on my mind
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i’m so sorry, Izumi
Sakyo sounds SO SOFT during his audition reading thingie ;w; i’m now thinking about how this is how he’d probs talk to his real mum and aaaaaah
Yuki, need i remind you that one of your troupemates literally broke into and squatted at your dorm AND has stolen government property?
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i think one of the reasons that i am not as annoyed with Banri as i was with Tenma is that Juza can and does dish back and he can hold his own while, say, Muku just crumbles
thank you, da- i mean Sakyo
Chapter 5
i’m sorry, i know that he’s an annoying little shit at this point but i can’t help but laugh at how utterly obsessed Banri is with Juza at this point
huh i just realised we never really got a followup or a call to the parents for Banri, Juza or Taichi’s stay at the dorms it kinda makes sense with Banri given… y’know, how his family is, but now i feel robbed of hearing and reading a call with Mama Hyodo
yeah i’m not even gonna stop myself at this point, Sakyo’s such a dad, and he cares for the theatre so much and wants to help so bad he’s too cute
Omi eldest daughter syndrome?
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good on you, Omi, you shouldn’t spend all your life looking after others (and yes this means at Mankai too)
Sakyo writing history right here
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i’m sorry i keep smiling to myself at all the Juza-Banri bickering bc reading these makes me so nostalgic ;w;
Omimi so respectful (but also this makes me double down on him having eldest daughter syndrome)
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heheh Sakyo is too cute
Sakoda my beloved
i love him so much he’s so puppy
ngl i know Omi and Taichi rooming together was a “by default thing” but with how much that arrangement’s done for the two of them it kinda feels like it was meant to be
Chapter 6
heheh the start of Omi being the cook at Mankai Omi my dear, just last chapter you were talking about how he didn’t want his family to need his looking after them all the time and now you’re adding to your responsibilities in this new place
huh i’d forgotten that Juza was the one to initiate their conversation at room 104
honestly Juza’s approach to this makes it noticeable how much he respects theatre as an art, even before he ever stepped foot on the stage as an actor himself he’s annoyed at Banri following him around, yeah, but that much he can manage and ignore but joining the troupe with no interest? that’s where he finally confronts Banri
Banri’s reasoning is so funny ngl like my dude if you don’t give a shit at theatre what satisfaction are you gonna get from winning at it? is your ego really that delicate that a random win at something you don’t care about will heal having been defeated in a fight? come on
also the way Banri deflected the questions and made them about insulting Juza? this boy is a mess who’s scared of being vulnerable in any way and, once again, it shows that not even he knows what he’s thinking
oh the localisation team sure knew what they were doing here
i love Juza so much everything he says and does makes me smile like a fool bestest boy
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Omi’s smile-sweat expression hurts me when he sees Banri and Juza fighting and i don’t think i understand why, not entirely at least
the way Omi just walks in and restrains Juza like it’s no big deal I’m curious about this because yeah, he was with the Wolves and all but they disbanded years ago so can he do this while being rusty? or did he somehow keep himself fighting / training?
also i find it super interesting that he restrains Juza out of the two did he somehow know that Juza was the strongest out of the two / the one who could cause more damage? or maybe he’s seen their interactions enough to know that Banri just does shit to rile Juza up so if he restrains Juza then Banri won’t be that interested in fighting at the moment? idk but i think about it often
also the fact that… yeah Banri did not have any interest in fighting Juza while restrained He did try to fight Omi for restraining Juza but not Juza himself, which is honestly so interesting to me he wants to beat Juza, yeah, but he wants it to be a real victory because that’s what his bruised ego needs (and also, maybe subconsciously, the emotions/excitement he’s been craving) which brings me back to the point of him beating Juza at theatre not being that meaningful, not yet anyway, what he craves is something that he will not get if things remain as they are
Taichi trying to drag Banri away is so cute and funny
Juza is so ashamed for doing what he did while Banri craves more fight
this is SUCH a gesture of trust and now i’m having so many Juza thoughts
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the way Juza can trust Omi when they’ve known each other for so little shows how ready Juza is to commit to his troupe, and also how he tends to see the good in people despite having been ostracised and hurt… basically through all of his life also him ASKING for help shows how humble he is and how he knows where he isn’t doing that well and wants to work towards improving in those areas, he’s not afraid of showing said vulnerability to someone he met a couple hours ago and who literally just restrained his wrists and aaaaaaah something something Omi proving that he could’ve hurt Juza yet Juza trusting him with this but also trusting him not to hurt him and aaaaaaaah
and here we see Omi starting to see Nachi in Juza ;w;
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oughhhh the fact that Izumi assumes that Sakyo knows more about her father than herself hurts so bad
Chapter 7
oh okay we’re here already… cool just let me get some tissues real quick
i’m too scared to press play i know this is gonna hurt like a bitch
deep breaths (is 8 words into the portrait)
his opening words are brilliant and i don’t think i appreciated it enough on the first read this is a self portrait, he’s showing who he is to the audience, but he starts what’s meant to be a self introduction by saying he wishes he wasn’t himself, and that already says so much about who he IS, about his self-loathing and about the work he’s put into the portrait itself and into himself as an actor yeah, he wishes he was someone else, but he’s now starting to accept himself as he is, enough to admit these things out loud
something something we are taught to hate ourselves for our differences
the world has been so unkind to Juza and THAT’S why he wishes he was someone else, not because he didn’t like who he was (at the start at least), but because others didn’t and that led him to the fighting that now make him resent himself
i need Juza to read Frankenstein so bad i know it’d resonate with him in his soul
also i’m gonna fight his teachers like wtf what problem did they have
Juza’s story is so heartbreaking he was literally just a kid trying to exist and people had a problem with it? and began picking fights with him? and while i’d like to say that that’s an odd thing to do… is that not what every single school bully does? picks up when someone is different and then makes their life hell for it and i think its closeness to reality is one of the things that makes it so heartbreaking Juza’s just a bullied kid who fought back and got a(n even worse) reputation from it
Juza seeing theatre as salvation from… being himself will always hurt, bc what he needed to do was accept himself (and THAT’S what he learns when putting himself out on stage but y’know, not yet)
honestly i hate Juza’s teachers
i’m so glad he didn’t give up on theatre after what happened in middle school tho
oh i had NOT taken in this line in completely the first time around, but it sure does support my point Muku didn’t become someone else, he just grew more confident in himself as a person and as an actor, he’s enjoying himself with friends who know and accept him as he is and that’s why he’s “completely at ease with himself” maybe Juza knows in some degree that that’s what he wants too, bc i don’t see why he’d use those words otherwise
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okay yeah at this point he DOES know that he doesn’t want to be someone else, not really
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and then, after this, we go back to the self loathing sobs
I love that we see the pieces for his character development there, but they haven’t yet clicked together, there’s still work to do and it’s something that takes him a lot of time, and i love how real that feels
he says he wants to come out of his shell but he also says he wants to be someone else, anyone else and i think that’s such a complex and interesting struggle
i’m so emo about Juza Hyodo
also i have more thoughts but i don’t wanna be redundant so i’m just gonna link y’all to a lil something i’d already written about Juza’s portrait (in the anime):
screaming Juza really works so hard
Muku trying to approach Juza again ;w; and Juza not knowing how to react to that ;w;
i’m not ready for what comes next
even when i know this scene by heart it hurts me so much and both of them having it as fuel for their own self loathing makes it so much worse
sobbing sobbing so much
Juza my beloved, you’re ALREADY someone people should be proud of, and i’m so sorry that you can’t see it yet
Chapter 8
Banri trying to pick a fight over him and Juza choosing where to sit is so funny to me
Omi and Taichi taking separating Banri and Juza as their personal task is also so funny
huh Taichi could’ve just… not helped… he could’ve pretended to be scared or something and not helped, which would make things worse overall for the troupe which… was his goal yet he helped and now that has a whole other meaning for me
heheheh i love this part so much
Sakoda is so proud of both Sakyo’s idea and his work, it’s too cute
evhbhbcksd Matsukawa why are you like this
eheheheheh Syu-san hi~
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Sakyo cares so much about this troupe, really, he has thought so much about… well everything
huh so Yukio disappeared either when Izumi was in middle school or in her first year of high school?
Chapter 9
ksdbvhbdf Sakyo’s reaction is hilarious
kdbevhfdbvfd Kamekichi you drama queen
JUZA BELOVED i’m smiling so wide he’s so cute
Banri you have absolutely no right to say this
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ngl i’m kinda curious about how exactly those taste but also i know myself and i know i wouldn’t be able to stand the sweetness
Juza’s so unbothered by everything going on around him and just enjoying his kamebuns, it’s cute
Juza you don’t have to lie about you liking sweets ;-; 
oh Omi’s such a little shit for this i love it
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huh Banri could see through Juza here interesting
Banri’s such a nuisance
huh even when Izumi looks at him to give him the chance, he doesn’t take it i’d forgotten about this, this makes Banri becoming leader a bit less infuriating (i am not actually infuriated)
also ngl while he is the heart of akigumi, Juza’s self doubt would have been a problem for his leading, at this point of the story he’s not ready to lead a team, so despite everything… Banri WAS the better choice, huh?
see, i wanna bitch about Banri’s behaviour because it IS annoying and he’s a brat but anything i write ends up sounding / feeling insinceres so just know i’m annoyed at him
i love how Sakyo sensed Izumi’s hesitation and explained his reasoning to her heh
oh Izumi you have no idea just how much
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Chapter 10
sobbing about Juza turning down the offers from Taichi and Tenma just because he doesn’t want those two to have their reputations affected by his own
i’d say something about Banri skipping but honestly i can’t fault him for it, being in classes where you already understand everything is boring and unnecessary as hell, might as well spend that time in better things (i had a rant here about the school system but that’s a rant for another day)
i’m sigh-laughing and shaking my head with a smile on my face at Banri’s explanations
it’s been done before and it’ll be done again, Izumi, it’s really not that big of a deal
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sorry Izumi, but i’m with Banri in this one
still, i AM looking forward for the verbal beating Sakyo’s about to give him
hell yeah you tell him Sakyo
i have talked about this somewhere (maybe in my Banri Essay? But i’m not sure) but it’s so telling how Banri doesn’t say anything back to Sakyo because he KNOWS he’s right, he can’t say anything because there’s nothing he can say in his defence and it’s only after Sakyo leaves that he bitches about it but still doesn’t contradict him or anything 
honestly if i was Banri i’d just walk out the door and then go somewhere else to chill lmao (totally not talking from experience or anything wdym)
you hit the nail, Izumi
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Chapter 11
sighing at Banri
heheh i love that Izumi gives Juza some special treatment, it’s what he deserves <3 she sees his passion and determination and she will recognise that as it should be
periodic reminder that Tsuzuru writes RPF
GAMER BOYS! i love that they include Citron in this scene, he deserves to be recognised as part of the gamer group ;w;
Omi taking care of the food for the first time holy shit
also something something Sakyo saying he will eat whatever because he doesn’t wanna be a burden, neither financially nor in terms of doing things for him
aww Sakyo so mean! you just said you’d eat whatever! why not curry!
Omi and Juza being the first ones to be on alert and worry about Tsuzuru older siblings behaviour
now that i’m saying it… isn’t all of (act 1) autumn troupe older brothers except for Banri?
“just passed out” guys come on, this is not normal 
as a Spanish golder century lit nerd, i will forever be upset about the localisation taking away the word “picaresque” from the title
huh i’d forgotten that Itaru offered to carry Tsuzuru to his room first he’s got to have some strength for that
why is Citron so cute ;w;
A3!EN Iconic line right here
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what was that again, Banri? something’s a “tall order” for you? huh
heheheh handcuffs incoming 
sdkbvhdfbv i love how cryptic they are about the handcuffs in the dialogue
Chapter 12
this is the second chapter in this ep names after a song (that i know) and now i’m curious
i love this CG so much i’ve been just staring at it for a couple minutes now
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i’m obsessed with this chapter you guys don’t understand i know the dialogue by heart
Sumi and Kazu just commenting on the handcuff situation is so funny
Kazu so helpful <3 do you think he offered to help (at least in part) because he's scared of conflict and he saw one incoming and decided to try to avoid that?
Sumi baby… that’s not how that works he’s so cute and he’s just following Kazu’s example but it’s so funny
i can’t stop smiling i love this chapter
Juza just jumping into action to help at any moment is so important to me
heheh they’re working together now~
i actually hadn’t paid attention to the details in this part but for once, Banri’s leading and communicating his plans, and Juza follows along because he knows they both have the same goal in mind and he is actually trusting Banri to take them there and idk that’s actually so cool to me? it’s not just that they bonded over beating that rando up, they were already working together since before they did
heheh i’m so excited for what’s coming
Banri’s so smug his smile is contagious
Banri’s so happy he finally gets to fight
honestly knowing how he is (was) with fights, this must be the most excitement he’s been feeling in a while and the fact that he has someone to share that moment with may make it better for him, given how lonely he usually is so what i’m saying is that now he has two instances in which Banri’s feeling something that’s possibly new and exciting, and both are tied to Juza fucking Hyodo
okay so they didn’t quite kill that guy, cool, i’d forgotten about that
also i think this is the first time that Juza gets praised and thanked for… this part of himself, and maybe the first time where he sees it being good for those around him right away and i’m emo now
“ONE OF MY OWN” i am feeling so very normal about this line, i’m not crying about Juza being an extremely group oriented and protective guy, i’m not crying about Juza finally having a place for himself and him protecting it however he can
and then he gets so shy and flustered at Izumi acknowledging his words i love him
i love how in sync Banri and Juza are when it comes to playfully lying about what they did to the dude it’s so funny
Sakyo so protective and caring too
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ellieellieoxenfree · 5 months
4, 17, 36
i have been sitting on this one! finally getting around to it.
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
yes! across a few different fandoms. the most notable/fleshed out i would say are:
beth (the flash tv): ah, beth. earth-2's harry wells' executive assistant, modeled after every lovely middle-aged administrative employee i have worked with. i loved beth. she, like all real executive or administrative assistants, is the real brains of the operation and the one who keeps the wheels on the bus; she knows all, remembers all, and does not give a hot fuck about senior leadership being petty, bickering, useless assholes because she knows that if she so much as hinted at leaving, the walls would start shaking and the foundation would collapse. she was kind of a mom figure to my homie hartley during his acclimation to earth-2 -- very grounding, sweet, and non-judgmental. she is widowed, but has two adult kids, one of whom she has drafted into white-collar crime via identity fraud (for a good cause). she bakes, she tours vineyards on weekends, and she has an unerring ear for gossip and when to spill which salacious details. (there are certain secrets beth will take to her grave, of course; she knows the value of being discreet and there is no torture on earth that will get her to share certain things.) her favorite revenge when her boss is being a twit is to make him the world's worst coffee and feign complete ignorance about it. this is the only way she will express her displeasure.
oat and non (That Fucking Show): minor family bodyguards assigned to protect MVP; oat specifically is a second-generation bodyguard and his father worked closely with gun. he's the older of the two, more solid and practical, a born leader. non is younger, more religious, and less settled -- he looks up to oat more for guidance. they both have seen Some Shit, and their loyalty is to the REAL minor family and not the usurper korn installed, although they both have enough self-preservation skills to know that maintaining outward loyalties to the institution is going to serve them well in the long run.
(name redacted because he hasn't been officially introduced yet but hopefully soon) (kiseki: dear to me): i have a gestating kiseki wip that i want to use to introduce a major figure from chen yi's past. i can't say a lot about him yet, though some people know a bit more about him, but he's been really fun to play with in terms of how he affected chen yi's life and how his arc continues to have ramifications in the present day. also, he's not a love interest, just to be clear. none of that. i want to formally introduce him soon :(
17. Past or present tense? Why?
i switch depending on my mood and depending on the vibe of the fic. present tense can create more of an immediacy/urgency, whereas past tense is generally easier to wrangle grammatically. it's not always true, but present tense can be more of a smoothly rolling rhythm for me, whereas past tense i think is easier to use for rapid-fire/staccato pacing.
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
ima be real chief like 95% of those puppies are ripped from the split enz lyrics handbook. i cannot claim to be above the time-honored, time-tested tradition of song lyrics as titles. we all did it in the dark ages; we all do it now. i embrace my cringe life.
the one i like the best, despite the fact that i never fucking use its full name when referencing it, is 'by your response to danger it is easy to tell how you have lived and what has been done to you,' from my girl j holz. the full quote:
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punches me right in the goddamn throat every time. i fucking love j holz more than anybody on the planet except ars. this is the quote that most sums up how i pick fictional faves.
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tonguetiedartist · 2 years
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ah yes my fave quote, "whatever fuck you who cares you stupid old piece of shit fuck you I hate you". Wanted to draw a little something for Star Boys, ended up putting more effort that I wanted haha! Bonus my first doodle of what I actually wanted to draw
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onlyswan · 1 year
hi art! i wanted to tell you that i am a silent reader, and i am a huge fan of the in which drabbles! i started reading since 'in which jk gives you a concussion' and i've reading them all since then! i literally drop anything I’m doing whenever you post a newer one jsdjs!
and i have lots of faves, but one i go back to very often is 'in which cruel fate leads you and jk to bright places' there's just something in it that i just love so much, is it intimacy? just so much love between oc and jk? how caring and loving they are towards eachother? see, I don’t know what it is, but i want to experience a love like that someday fr. I also love 'in which you get your period and jk just wants to be with you' i relate to oc on this one, and how i wished i had a in which jk in my life in those painful moments sjdsjdsjdj. I just love the in which couple so much, like they are !!!!!!!!!!!!! so so !!!!!!!!!!!!! cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i truly love how you write, is very refreshing and very very poetic, you have such a beautiful way of explaining things that i just never get tired of, and just every sentence is full of warmth, and like at this point i have way to many fav quotes from you. tbh, thank you for letting us read such beautiful pieces for free:')
i read that you wanted to take a break? idk if you will, but you do what you feel its necessary for you:') and hope that you feel better ❤️‍🩹anyway, i wish you all the best always bc you give me such a nice vibe and you seem like such a kind and amazing person🥺and you’re very funny too and i love how you react to anything jungkook does bc that's a mood, he's just as amazing as you are! :)
hope you have a nice weekend! a nice rest of the month art! 🥺🤲💖
oh wow hello beloved 😭🤍 this was such a pleasant surprise in my inbox :") AND if i’m not mistaken that’s literally the first in which drabble????? that’s so crazy oh my god thank you soooo much for reading my works all this time i can’t comprehend it 😭
AND AHHSJJDDJ I LOVE LEARNING YOUR FAV ONES !! that drabble fills me with nostalgia that’s why it’s so freaking special to me <3 you have no idea i’m so happy to know it is often visited by you 🥺 ah yes and the first period drabble 🫶🏼 i know it’s been done a lot so i wasn’t sure if y’all would enjoy it 🥺 hopefully it’s able to provide you some warmth during those hellish days
this is one of the sweetest messages i’ve ever received thank you thank you thank you 💜💜💜 writing has kept me sane for years and i’m happy to have a space where i can freely share bits and pieces of myself <3
life just gets more exhausting as i grow older :( i think i’ll just be posting less frequently from now on! thank you for understanding and sending kind wishes 🥺 i wish life treats you with kindness always and you have a wonderful festa :P OMGSJSHDD MY HUMOR IS BROKEN BUT THANK U 😭 jungkook makes me lose any sort of composure…
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 2 parts 1&2]
“It’s the same as hitting on someone, keep pushing and pushing” You, stop talking right now
Ah yes the shooting arrows scene, amazing
Talay last time you two spoke he told you he hates you, what makes you think antagonising him on his archery skills is gonna make that any better
“Move, I need space.” Tun: “oh I’ll move. Very very far away”
Looove that Ohm goes back to being Sea as soon as Tun’s left
And when he talks to Tun he’s Ohm again
Given that the whole “Tess dated a girl Tun liked” thing isn’t even true where the hell did people get that idea, especially since marriage is equal in this universe and so I assume/hope people are more accepting
“I’m a screenwriter, I have to believe in anything” Not sure how that works
Crying at how Talay’s wearing a different outfit everytime he talks to Tun in this episode, as if it’s the fault of the clothing
W h a t is the music playing as Talay puts an arm around Tun’s shoulders
The half-hearted hand tap ;;
“Take that stupidity to your grave” I’ve always loved that line, it’s so fucking good
“Can you make the light pinker?” THIS GUY GETS IT
Talay @ the pink light: >:( 
“The reason I broke up with you. The truth is…” I’m a lesbian
Also I get it now, people believe the “stealing Tun’s crush” story because Tess is a piece of shit
Ah yes the first instance of drunk!Talay blurting out universe-swapping stuff
Can’t believe I was such a dumb-dumb the first time watching and didn’t realise Tun was now Puen basically until Jimmy appeared on-screen
Gorgeous transition though
“He loved that cat more than his life apparently” Tbh same and that’s not even a joke, I have three cats and I love cats to death and I’d sooner end up in the hospital than run one over
Puen: “what are you talking about?” *tries to act cool by drowning his anxiety in a drink*
Puen died in a car accident, almost hit a cat, and later in the show gets caught drunk driving, this guy should not be allowed behind the wheel
Puen I get that you won’t tell him your name now but you’ll tell him eventually right? …. RIGHT??
Talay acting so all-knowing about the situation all of a sudden, these dorks are both trying too hard to look cool
“Whom should I go to?” “Me” Puen: *d-doki*
Those cups couldn’t be any emptier if they tried
Okay but what if he HAD been naked under there Talay
Kdfjksdl the drunk kissing scene is so fecking cute, one of my fave scenes tbh
I’m glad Talay didn’t use tongue because his breath must stink like hell
“Me hurting you sounds more like it” At least ASK if he’s into that, god
Those bread cone thingies look delicious ngl
So I loved this from the get-go but I still love that Talay guesses “Rose” and neither of them comments how that’s “weird” because it’s a girl’s name
“Don’t you know the quote from that movie?” Puen: hang on I gotta be as extra about my answer as possible
Is… is the cone in his mouth a metaphor for…….
“Tess didn’t go easy on the car” It looked fine to me when you tried to give Tun a lift
Oh my goddddd I love this girl, I don’t know if she’s a cameo but I’m in love with her energy
Also she’s you when Puen starts kissing Talay asljdfkldd
talay showing up in front of tun with a new outfit every time: that will throw him off his rhythm STREET SMARTS!!!!!!!
yeah the reason why everyone believed that tess dated a girl tun liked is because the asshole actually went around BRAGGING about stealing her from tun to all his friends. that alone already tells me everything i need to know about tess but somehow he's gonna get even worse, if you can believe it. also i know love is blind and all that but tun.... my dude....... you can do SO MUCH BETTER
im gonna take a moment to lose my mind over the lyrics of the song puen decides to sing because "DID IT ACTUALLY HAPPEN OR AM I DREAMING/US MEETING EACH OTHER IN THIS WORLD/DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT IT/BUT WITH ALL MY HEART I BELIEVE THIS IS/A MIRACLE THAT WE MET/IT'S A MIRACLE THAT I LOVE YOU/IT'S THE GREATEST MIRACLE I'VE EVER WITNESSED/OH YOU ARE THE MIRACLE" [FROTHING AT THE MOUTH CLAWING AT THE WALLS GOING RABID] literally the most puentalay song to ever exist they're gonna play it at their wedding and slow dance to it and puen still hums it to talay from time to time when he can't believe he actually gets to spend the rest of his life with talay
DRUNK KISS MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!! GOD I TRULY ADORE THAT SCENE SO MUCH. i still can't believe talay really tried true love's kiss as a way to bring them back to their universe sfjksgdj he is such an endearing and dramatic drunk!!!! i really wish we could have had at least one more scene with talay being drunk around puen because talay is usually very self-conscious and tends to keep everything to himself, but when he's drunk he's just so openly affectionate and honest!!!!!! i know he would cling to puen the entire time and tell puen all kinds of things he'd be to embarrassed to say while sober and puen would be SO FOND!!!!!! anyway, back to the kiss, i know we all laugh at puen's expressions during that scene, but i love how realistic his reaction is!!!! also episode 2 and 3 are so important to me because you can literally pinpoint every single moment that makes puen fall in love with talay and this is such an important one for both of them!!!!!
“Me hurting you sounds more like it” At least ASK if he’s into that, god <<<<< IM NOT SPEAKING I REFUSE TO SPEAK
Is… is the cone in his mouth a metaphor for……. <<<<< 😏😏😏👀👀👀🤭🤭🤭 (apparently im 12 sfjksgdksg)
Also she’s you when Puen starts kissing Talay asljdfkldd
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WE'RE BOTH SQUEALING WITH DELIGHT KICKING OUR FEET COVERING OUR FACE BLUSHING SHE'S JUST LIKE ME FR (also yeah, she's sadly just a cameo but i really like her as an actress i'd love to see her in a GL)
ending this by saying that im forever mourning THIS archery scene from the mock trailer that didn't make it into the actual show:
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senbons · 24 days
For the fic ask game: 😂 (funniest comment on a fic), 👻 (any holiday themed stories), ✏️ (fav fic from another writer), 🔪 (fmk three tropes: fake dating, coffee shop au, friends to lovers), and also 📚 (ur most common grammar mistakes). Thank you! I love everything you write! 💕💕
😂 What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
oh man idk there are so many funny ones. every story has someone saying a hilarious comment (more than one) that i quote to myself forever afterward (i.e. patriotism v. pussy). i love every single comment i get.
👻 Have you written holiday-themed fics? If yes, which is your fave? If not, what’s one holiday you’d want to write for, and which character(s) would the fic be for?
Hm I don't think I have any holiday fics except for valentine's day. and some bday references, but i think that's all
✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer?
ooooooh tough. I absolutely cannot choose. Not shikatema, I'd say the ones that are coming to mind are a teen wolf one, an inception one, and a merlin one. all of those i kept thinking about long after reading them... ooh some oryx and crake. there are so many though. and everything i bookmarked on ao3 is because i came back and read it more than once.
🔪 (fmk three tropes: fake dating, coffee shop au, friends to lovers),
ah okay! i'd fuck around with some fake dating (y'all know i love a good arranged marriage trope), i'd marry coffee shop au (the classic, the absolute amount of drafts i have of various shikatema coffee shops aus i have that will never see the light of day! And let's ax friends to lovers. never been my personal cup of tea ~
📚 What grammar mistakes do you always make?
already answered but my end advice the more i think of it is don't read my work if you're trying to learn to write i am a horrible example i make up words on the daily. and not making shit up in a shakespeare way, more like a sarah palin way
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
MTMTE 9-11
“You're telling me those eyebrows aren't secret recording devices?” Well, not his eyebrows lmAO
as annoying as it made the fandom, I do like how this comic doesn't just gloss over how the Decepticon movement started out with good intentions and solid points, they weren't cartoon villains who loved to kill and oppress because it's fun. They just ended up that way lmfAO
Rewind's out here making relationship charts
Rewind is so cute lmAO no wonder he was initially one of my faves when I first got into this comic
“Is this Prowl fellow going to be a recurring character? 'Cos if so he needs to be fleshed out a bit. I'm not feeling it” fucking womp womp lmfAO talk to Barber about it
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ah, yes. The panel that gave birth to the headcanon that was the bane of my existence for the better part of a decade lmAO honestly it was never even the buymech headcanon in and of itself, it was how everyone who subscribed to it made Drift into a poor little meow meow who needed to be saved from himself, specifically and only through the power of getting dicked down but in the good and respectable way this time that drove me fucking insane lmAO like I get that he has issues, but not the kind that make him helpless, I assure you. Also cool job demonizing sex work as “the scary nasty profession that traumatizes you but is also shameful on your part and you only have the excuse of doing it if you have no other choice”
oh lol I forgot that the same decepticon generics that find Drift tripping in an alleyway are the ones that tried to help Pharma kill everyone on Delphi, including Drift lmAO these dudes just keep fucking with Drift by pure coincidence
love Drift purposefully agitating Ratchet lmAO get his ass. Also still love the little detail of Ratchet getting paint from his hands on Drift's face, it's such a tiny detail only there for one panel, but I cherish it so
nnnfghndf they both still think about it..... oops uh oh I still love Dratchet lmfAO
“These days all you get is state-sponsored scrap or froth like 'the top 10 Metroplex sightings'” god. Fucking. gOD LMFAO THE ABSOLUTE FUCKIN STATE OF IT ALL........
the thing about kinning Ratchet at a young age is that the older you get, the more like him you become. Which is even more fucky in this instance because that was a quote from young Ratchet lmfAO god
aw man I forgot about Red Alert's suicide attempt, poor guy. I remembered that he was out of commission for a while, but I didn't remember that he did it to himself
jdfsks love Chromedome using Rung's model ships to reenact a chase scene
oooghfj Prowl being genuinely nice to Chromedome in the past...
lmao get dunked on, Drift. It's still so funny watching him try to be a cool guy at Cyclonus
oooOOOUGFDHJ WHIRL HONEY........ you got done so dirty I'm so sorry
I remember seeing people criticize Rewind for getting on Chromedome's case about talking about his experiences with Prowl a little too much what with his quest to find Dominus, like “oh so YOU can talk about your ex,” but I think that it's less that Rewind is jealous or something and more that it's about Prowl lmAO like “do not evoke the name of that demon more than necessary.” Which still sucks (mostly bc I wanna hear more, I am so interested in how they almost could've made it work, LOVE that kind of doomed romance shit) but is understandable, Prowl has done too much
I also love this little “thwarting government conspiracies” arc, I like how the mystery has played out. I've been playing/watching a lot of mystery-solving media lately and while my favorite way to do it is in a way where the viewer (me) can piece it together before the grand reveal if they're smart enough, I also like how this has the characters figuring things out as they go along in a way that's not really possible to predict bc they put things together immediately after getting the necessary information, there's no “it's a surprise tool that will help us later,” which I think is fine for this one little arc, especially since it's working within the framework of the characters telling a story that they all know the details of already. But it also doesn't feel like I'm being info dumped upon, like we're getting the clues/information at a rate that lets you breathe a little before hitting you with a new piece of the puzzle. I just really love mystery-oriented media lmAO
I do love that the group that actually gets to tell a story on screen isn't the first group Rewind put together. Just casually dropping that a bunch of background characters that we never really get to see much of (save for Percy, Sunstreaker, and Blaster) are connected to each other
“he's like a historical constant” stares off into space........
oof Roddy feels responsible for Red Alert's suicide attempt, at least on some level... and he gets mad at Magnus for suggesting they not bring him back online, but honestly, I get it. Honestly, I understand both Roddy and Magnus on this one, as someone who constantly struggles with the whole “wanting to live” thing and yet continues to do so out of mostly spite and desperation. On the one hand, you gotta try to live no matter what, but on the other, god please just let me rest lmfAO granted, Magnus just wants to let him rest a bit and resuscitate him later but. Yknow. As a human that can't do that shit, etc, etc, you get it
this fucking ship's alarm goes “awooga” lmfAO looney tunes ass siren
god that fucking Shockwave namedrop, what a cool way to reveal that, what a cool backstory to give Shockwave aaaAAAAA
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azulasprettyservant · 3 years
Azula, getting down on one knee: Katara, will you do me the honour of becoming my sister-in-law?
Zuko: Did you just propose to Katara FOR me?
Azula: Well, someone had to do it, Zuzu.
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