#ah yes the life package
sarayu-sunrays · 11 months
hi bhagwan,,, do you think i can unsubscribe from this life package?? what do you mean cancellation fee??? what???
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satorusugurugurl · 3 months
My Wedding Date is an Escort!
Summary: When invited to your best friend's wedding, you panic. One of the groomsmen, Toji Fushiguro, is your ex-fiancè. Not wanting to deal with probing questions and the embarrassment of being single, your friend Haibara recommends using an Escort! Taking a leap of faith, you book one, the hottest one. Gojo Satoru is hot, sweet, and funny! The package deal! Men and Women pay thousands to go on a date with him (even more, which he doesn't do often). So when your request comes in, the desperation and pleading tone of your voice. Gojo’s heartthrobs, even more so when you tell him you don't want to have sex.
Pairing: Escort!Gojo x FAB Reader
Word Count: 3,882
Warning: Mentions of depression, anxiety, language, steamy kisses, pillow walls
A/N: Ah yes, trauma dumping before things get super spicy!!! Love the communication, it’s giving this could be a great relationship but it’s complicated. If you want to be included in the tag list, you MUST have your age in your bio PLEASE!!! Thank you!!
Part One Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight
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Your breathless words had the world crashing down around Satoru as he stared at your flushed face. His eyes widened as he released you, his own heart hammering in his chest. He had never lost control like that before! But there was this pull in his chest, one that screamed that he needed to protect you from the walking douchebag with black hair away from his; no, what the fuck? Not his girl, his client! 
“Holy fuck, I'm sorry! Shit, uhm, I shouldn't have done that.” Satoru grumbled, scrubbing his hands down his face. “I’m sorry.”
Your fingers trailed slowly over your lips. They were still tingling. “No, it's okay. I almost blew our cover.” Satoru slowly dragged his hands down his face, his eyes transfixed on you as you spoke. “That was all part of the act. If you didn't do that, it wouldn't have looked as convincing.”  Satoru visibly seemed to relax, shoulders slumping as he sighed.
“Thank fuck.” 
“It was just weird.” 
“I'm sorry?”A white eyebrow cocked up at your words. “Me kissing you was weird? Was it bad?” 
Your face flushed more, the heat spreading across your cheeks before setting over your chest. “Oh god, that came out wrong!” Your hands shot up in defense. “I-I didn't mean like that, Satoru! I just—I haven't kissed anyone in over a year and a half. So I guess I just—yeah, I’m rusty.”
“No,” you jerked your head up, “no, it was nice.” Stunning blue eyes softened, making you swallow hard. He thought it was nice. He is the hottest man on the planet, and ESCORT thought kissing you was nice.
What the fuck was this life?
Snapping out of the trance Satoru had you in; you cleared your throat. “I-I think I’m gonna take a s-shower!” You tossed the extra pillow to the futon on the floor. “Oh, and uhm, that kiss was nice for me too.” You turned, bolting for the bathroom before slamming the door. 
You slowly slid down it, sitting on the ground as you touched your lips. Satoru had such soft lips. It felt really good being kissed like you were wanted. No, no, it was an act! It's all an act. An act that had Satoru pacing the floor as he ran his hand through his hair.
It was only once he heard the shower running that he sat on the ground. What the fuck was that?! His pale skin was almost red as he tugged at white tufts of hair. He never got flustered with clients before! Maybe he was going insane. He must be because his mind keeps replaying the kiss repeatedly. 
The way you stiffened, how your hands gripped him so tight as he kissed you like he had never kissed a client before. Satoru slapped both his cheeks before shaking his head. That breathtaking kiss was nothing more than him doing his job. He was looking out for you as a client. Yeah, that was it. That asshole of a guy was the reason his heart was still racing as he thought of you and your lips.
By some miracle, both of you managed to pull your thoughts away from the kiss. You showered before switching with Satoru. He finally came out ten minutes later, grinning as he witnessed you placing the four extra pillows down the middle of the futon. You fluffed, pushed, and sat back to assess your constriction before repeating the process repeatedly until Satoru barked out a laugh from behind.
“Quit the impressive wall you’ve built.” Looking over your shoulder, you watched Satoru pull a tank top over his head. He slowly pulled it down over chiseled abs that had to have been crafted by a Renaissance artisan. Because there was no way those were real. “I’ve never had a client do that before.”
”Please don’t take it personally.” You whispered under your breath before fluffing another pillow. “It makes me feel a bit better; I haven’t shared a bed with anyone in a while.”
“Hey, no worries, whatever makes you feel comfortable, you keep doing it.”
God, why was he so nice? Sure, you paid him the big bucks to pretend to be your boyfriend. But that didn’t mean he had to be so understanding and kind regarding your antics. If anything, you would have assumed your pillow wall would have irritated anyone. You know for a fact that Toji would have hated it.
His kind, understanding patience had you transfixed on his movements as you both settled into bed. You were on your side, facing him as he stared at the ceiling, his hands resting behind his head. The silence wasn’t at all awkward. It was comforting in a way. You didn’t have to force yourselves to make dreadful small talk; you could enjoy the silence. 
The silence, however, had questions eating away at your insides. “Satoru?” Your voice mingled with chirping crickets and the warm spring breeze outside. You waited until his head turned in your direction before you continued. “Would it be okay if I asked you a question?” His face softened as he nodded his head.
”Of course.” 
“Why did you become an escort?”
Satoru chuckled, rolling onto his side so you both faced each other. “I think I’ve answered that question about a million times, so it’s easy.” His arm snaked around one of the pillows between you, hugging it to his chest. “I come from a pretty influential clan. It’s all about power, money, and success with them, and being an only child, they expected a lot from me.” His eyes rolled. “The old geezers kept going about when I would get married and have my own kids. And I didn't want anyone else feeling that way.” A cunning smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “So, I became an escort to help people.” He snickered, hugging the pillow tighter. “Plus, I get to annoy those controlling old farts. So it’s a win-win for me. But I still handle my family affairs; being an escort is like my second job.” His words were genuine, and they had you smiling.
”That’s actually really sweet.” You shifted, inching just a bit closer to him. “You seem like a genuinely nice guy, doing stuff like this for strangers.” You giggled nervously, shaking your head. “That speaks volumes; I know you’re a nice guy, but I don’t know a thing about you.”
”I’ll tell you anything you want to know. Honestly.”
“Okay, so do you like sleeping with your clients? Or has sex lost its spark?” You watched him curiously.
He shrugged a shoulder, smirking. “Sex is still good when it's with a good partner. But I honestly don't sleep with a majority of my clients. One because, well, let's be honest, they can't afford it. I charge double the price of a single day for sex. So that's ¥240,000.” 
“For sex?!” 
“Yep! So people can't afford it, especially when I do family events like this. But I usually refuse; I don't particularly like sleeping with someone unless I know them. You know?” 
You hummed, and Satoru grinned, inching himself closer. Another one of your constructed pillows shifted out of the way. “I understand. I'm glad you have the right to refuse.” He nodded, blue eyes almost sparkling in the light of the moon flooding the room. “Have you ever been in love?” 
“Puppy love, nothing more than that.” Satoru pursed his lips in thought. “But I'm not opposed to falling in love someday.”
“God,” you groaned, rolling into your back, “look at me, asking you stupid questions like I’m in high school.”
Satoru sat up, laying on his elbow as he looked down at you with a pout. “No! No, I don't mind! I like talking to you.” He was leaning over you, smiling wide, white strands of hair falling in his face.
“I like talking to you too, Satoru.”
Satoru wanted to reach out and move Y/H/C strands out of your face. To see if your skin felt as soft as it looked, to feel your warmth. His hand moved, and just before it touched you, he dropped it, clenching it in the pillow
“Y/N, could I ask you something?” 
“Seeing as I asked you something, it's only fair.” You smiled, and it was so fucking cute Satoru wanted to bury his face in the pillow and kick his feet. Restraining his urge, he cleared his throat. 
“You mentioned your ex in passing. I'm assuming it was that asshole from earlier?” You frowned, nodding. “I don't like to pry or push my clients, but I keep thinking about what you said. What did you mean by ‘why didn't he?’ when I asked why he broke up with you.”
Sitting up, you sighed, eyes slowly shutting. Remembering that night was something you desperately tried to avoid. Satoru, however, had opened up to you, and he was helping you. Plus, he'd already caught a glimpse of Toji, so you might as well bite the bullet and tell him. 
Sucking in a deep breath, you exhaled slowly, bringing your knees to your chest, hugging them. “Toji Zen’in and I were high school sweethearts. He was my first for everything, so of course, I fell hard. We moved in together when we graduated high school into a small apartment in Kyoto. We got engaged at nineteen, and things went downhill.” Your grip tightened around yourself. “To make a painfully long story short, Toji developed a gambling habit, burning through his savings while I was in college.” The sheets shifted as Satoru sat up, turning to watch you with narrowed eyes.
“So, as a novice baker working at my parent's inn at twenty-one, I faced a dilemma. My fiancè was jobless, nonetheless, and behind on our rent.” The inside of your nose began to burn as tears threatened to escape. “I could leave him and focus on me and my career. I'd be losing my home and the supposed love of my life. Or I could use the money I saved up for pastry school to cover the rent we were behind on.” 
Sheets shifted, and a large hand gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look into Satoru’s eyes. “You didn’t.” The tears streaming down your cheeks answered his question. “Y/N—” A sad, broken laugh sounded in your chest. 
“I did. Used everything I saved up to keep us in our apartment for four years.” Nausea churned in your stomach as you laughed a little louder. “After all of that, everything I did, he broke off our engagement. He said he didn't love me, that he couldn't see himself with me five years down the road.” More tears fell down your cheeks, landing on the sheets. “Toji said I was too focused on my career, my dreams, that I was eating too many sweets. That I wasn't as exciting as I used to be.” Satoru’s gaze darkened as you spoke, watching you wipe uselessly at your eyes. “That devastated me, so I packed up, moved to Tokyo, and got pastry training. I haven't been back since.” 
“That fuckin’ dick!” Satoru looked obviously upset over everything coming out of your mouth. “Seriously, you're beautiful, god I hate people like that!” No one should ever be treated the way you have been. To take care of a partner, give up on a dream for someone who you were supposed to marry, to have them pull shit like that. It made Satoru sick to his stomach. 
“Yeah, I'm still trying to get over it. In a way, I guess I'm happy it happened because I feel like I wouldn't have gotten as far in my career as I have. But the scars are still there, along with the trust issues. I can't bring myself to date anyone, let alone have sex.” 
Oh. Satoru perked up at you mentioning sex. You had told him you didn't need sex. The reasoning behind that was like an itch he couldn't scratch. You brought it up, so he might as well take the opportunity to ask while he had that.
“Why is that? The sex part, I mean, you deserve your needs to be taken care of as much as the next person.”
“That my friend is because he broke up with me right after we had sex. Imagine just having an orgasm, and your boyfriend gets off of you and tells you he wants to break up before listing everything wrong with you.”
“Fuckin’ shithead.” Satoru wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his chest and hugging you as tightly as possible. “I'm so sorry you went through that. He's an asshole for doing that to you.” Satoru’s hand gently stroked your head as your face rested in the crook of his neck. “I hope you recover soon because you deserve to feel loved and happy.” His hand paused as he snickered. “And have mind-blowing sex that makes you forget all about those bullshit excuses he gave you.” 
Gojo Satoru’s words and tone were so genuine you found yourself smiling into his neck. Your arms wrapped around him as you lay down. “I hope so, too. Thank you, Satoru.” 
“No, thank you for sharing that with me; it means a lot.” 
The two of you stayed like that, his hand stroking your hair while you rested on his chest. Your pillow wall lasted thirty minutes and was never constructed again that night or the following one because there was a comfort you and Satoru found in each other.
The two of you had so much fun during the day. Laughing and talking as you would hang around with your family and friends. You told stories and jokes and went to dinners with the wedding party together. He got along well with everyone, and your friends liked him and his looks. At the same time, your parents admired him for helping around the inn, delivering towels to guests, and cleaning up with you. They saw him as a perfect partner, just like you had paid him to do it.
But you were beginning to wonder if it was just his job or just him being Gojo Satoru. The amount of laughing and talking you did in front and behind closed doors didn't feel like he was doing another job. He seemed to be enjoying himself truly. The days seemed to fly by, and it was hard to believe it was Wednesday night. Satoru walked you to the bar your friends were at for the bachelorette party. If it was Wednesday, you only had four days left with him. 
“Are you planning on getting drunk, like super drunk?” Satoru asked, looking at you from over his sunglasses. “Because that's a sight I would pay money to see.”
“Nah, I'll have a few drinks, but I don't like getting hammered drunk.” You gently bumped your shoulder into his side. “You sure you don't want to join us? The girls said they’re okay if you join.”
“Eh, I don't like drinking. I'm a lightweight, and it never appealed to me. If Suguru were here, oh, he'd be down.” You beamed up at him as he mentioned his one and only best friend. “Seriously, he'd love this shit. Being surrounded by girls, drinking with them.” Satoru shoved his hands in his pockets. “Seriously though, he'd love you. You two would get along great. I’ll have to introduce you to him when we get back to Tokyo.” 
His words struck you like a hot iron. He was pulling out his phone and checking the time, oblivious to what he had just said. The man you were paying to be your boyfriend for a week wanted to introduce you to his friend? His best friend! 
It had your heart fluttering as butterflies swarmed in your stomach. Satoru hadn't even corrected himself as he peered down at you, returning the warm and happy smile you were positive was tugging at your lips. God, you hadn't been this happy in so long.
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.” 
“Cool! We should set something up. Maybe we could get din—”
The door to the bar flew open, and your friends, all looking intoxicated, spotted you. “There she is! Hurry up, Y/N, you need to catch up!” the bride-to-be slurred as she reached for you. 
“Waaait!! Mina, let her say bye to Satoru!!” another bridesmaid said, smacking her arm. 
“Right! Right, sorry!”
You giggled, looking into Satoru’s cerulean eyes. “I'm being summoned. I should get going.” Gojo snorted, leaning down and kissing you on the lips. “I'll see you later.”
“Uhm, excuse me.” Mina had a disgusted look on her face. “What the fuck was that lame-ass kiss?” Your other friends nodded in agreement. “Satoru, what the fuck? Don't you like Y/N?” 
“Of course, I like my girlfriend Mina.” 
“Then kiss her like you mean it!!” 
You turned, giving Mina a look that could curdle dairy. “Mina, stop.” She flipped you off, her attention never leaving Satoru’s face.
“If I don't get to go to a strip club, I wanna see a steamy kiss!” The other girls whistled and cheered. “I want it steamy! I'm talking smutty romance-level shit!” 
“What you both are hot as fuck! Consider it a wedding gift!!”
“Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!!” 
Oh great, now your drunken friends were chanting, and bystanders were watching. With a grimace, you turned to the very amused Satoru, who stared down at the drunken girls before his gaze fixed on you.  He shrugged a shoulder as if saying, sure, why not? But he left the decision up to you.
While you were tempted not to make your poor pretend boyfriend a walking spectacle for a group of drunk women. The thought of having to listen to them bitch and moan about you being a party pooper was way worse. So you sighed before turning to face Satoru with a smile. 
“You heard them. If we do this, I can return the dish set we bought.” 
“You don't have to tell me twice.” 
Satoru grabbed you by the throat, pinning you against the wall of the bar. His lips slammed against yours in a heated kiss you'd only seen in movies. His tongue was licking your bottom lip, and you so willingly obliged, opening your mouth, allowing his tongue entrance. Satoru trailed the hand that was around your throat down your curves. His large hand gripped your hips as he growled. Fuck he tasted so good, like cola and vanilla candy. Your tongue moved against his, trying to taste more of him. 
While you tasted like strawberries and chocolate to him, it was like a symphony of tastes between your tongues. One that he didn't want to end, his knee pushed its way between your legs, pressing firmly over your clothes core, making you gasp into his mouth, eyes going wide as the intimate touch. Your moan only made Satoru kiss you harder, desperate to feel the vibrations from the desperate sounds escaping your mouth.
“Whoa! Okay! Okay!” Mina shouted, her wine spilling as she hurried forward. “I said kiss her! Not fuck her in public.” Your best friend playfully swatted at his arm.
When Satoru broke the kiss, a string of saliva connected your bottom lips as you both gasped for air. The sheer intensity of the kiss rendered you speechless as he allowed his eyes to trail over your face. Taking in the flush tint of your cheeks, the way your body trembled under his hand, and the subtle way your hips rocked forward against his thigh. It looked like the kiss had as much of an effect on you as it did on him.
He pressed a soft kiss against your slightly swollen lips. “You did ask for a smutty book kiss.” Satoru sighed as he pulled away. “I just delivered what you asked for.” Mina said something along the lines of ‘smutty kiss without the smut, please’ as she headed back into the bar. “Well, she might not have enjoyed it, but at least you seemed like you did.” His teasing tone slowly brought you back to reality.
”Y-Yeah, it was lovely.” You fanned yourself before heading to follow after your friends. “I’ll see you later tonight.” You breathed out, but just before you could make it inside the door, Satoru grabbed your wrist, pulling you in for a hug.
”Call me when you’re done, and I’ll come get you, okay?”
His lips were against yours again before he released you. “Okay.” He repeated your word back to you before waving you off as he headed back in the direction of the inn.
His kiss, the tone of voice, and the mere conversation of introducing him to his best friend whirled around your mind as you guzzled down a shot of sake, which had to have been the fifth one in the last forty minutes. While the other bridal party members were laughing and talking, you stared at the table. The kiss and Satoru’s words replayed over and over again in your head, like old sitcom reruns. 
Was it normal for an escort to tell a client they wanted to introduce them to their friends? Was he just being friendly or taking pity on you? Then there was that kiss outside of the bar! He didn’t have to put his knee between your legs, but he did! Now your panties were wet, and the more you thought about the kiss, about him, the wetter they seemed to get.
Holy shit, what was wrong with you!? 
Just three days ago, you told the guy you didn’t have sex; you didn’t need it. But the more you got to know him, the more times he kissed you, the more your icy resolve began to melt. Gojo Satoru was lighting a fire within you. One that you were very cautious of because you didn’t want to be burned again.
You got up from the table, swaying as you headed for the bathroom. Was Satoru just being nice? Or did he feel the same way you did? There was some sort of connection between the two of you. One that you might want to explore if he wants to as well. Why else would he talk to you the way that he did?
Entering the bathroom, you sighed, staring at your reflection in the mirror. Your fingers trailed over your still-swollen lip. Toji had never kissed you like that in the past. Staring in the mirror, you groaned. An image of Toji stood behind you, haunting you like he had done for the last year and a half. 
“Ugh, just get the fuck out of my head and let me heal already.” You scolded the image of him in the mirror, flipping it off.
”I’m in your head?”
Your heart stopped, and your hand dropped to your side. Toji’s image smirked as he tilted his head. You were getting ready to ask yourself how drunk you were when Toji moved. His hands landed on the sink, caging you in while the smell of cedarwood engulfed you like a cloud of smoke.
“Shut up, we need to talk.”
@arminloverlol @jamzywiththejam28 @gojoful @maskedpacific @ahseyy @kash77 @sadmonke @ari-maccha @sugurubabe @hyori2 @bluechocolatemint @itsinherited @dellappatca @therealestpussyeater @dead-at-tokyo @nvrgojover @drakenswifeyy @nealeart @yunho-leeknow @fire-child-kira
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sebscore · 1 year
please write about the gzd doing twitch streams! she would have the most entertaining ones i think. she react to different grill the grid videos and funny f1 videos too.
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader 
warnings: swearing. drunk reader. 
author's note: someone asked for gzd to do some streaming! I know it's not twitch, but i'm quite happy with the way this turned out! X 
• • • • • • •
''Hello, everyone! I am here again, gracing you with my presence!'' Y/N greeted the thousands of people tuning into her Instagram live. 
She waved at the camera. ''I hope everyone had a great day or is about to have a great day, depends on where you live,'' she grinned, ''I'm here to live out my influencer life and unbox a package that has been delivered to me.'' 
Y/N grabbed the box from next to her so it was more visible on the screen. ''My good friend, Daniel Ricciardo sent me a box of his new wine collection,'' she showed the large logo to everyone, holding the box close to the camera, ''and I'm gonna try it out now.'' 
The young driver opens the package and picks out one of the three identical wine bottles. ''So this is called 'DR3 the Third Cabernet Sauvignon' and it was made in the South of Australia.'' She read the label out loud, an impressed look on her face. 
Y/N held the wine bottle up in front of her phone as if she were a Youtuber showing their viewers the make-up product they were using. ''Very, very pretty.'' 
She took the corkscrew that she had quickly grasped before starting the live and easily opened the bottle. ''This isn't my first time at the rodeo, guys.'' Y/N chuckled as she saw fans commenting about how she opened the bottle with ease. 
''Okay, let's taste this baby!'' Filling her glass with wine, she was excited to try Daniel's new wine. 
The young woman made several comedic attempts at seeming like a professional wine expert; smelling the drink and spinning her glass around. 
''Cheers, everyone!'' She tapped her glass against the screen of her phone. 
Y/N took a big sip from the wine, letting out a big ''Ah'' at the end. ''I love this! Holy Moly, Danny Ric!'' She drank from her glass again, immediately filling it up again. ''I'm a fan!'' 
She glanced at the comments, seeing a certain Australian man camping in there. ''Danny! You're here! I just drank it, it's amazing!'' 
| danielricciardo that's some fine wine
| danielricciardo happy you like it 💙
| danielricciardo say hi to me, pls
| danielricciardo HI Y/N!!
''Hi, Daniel! I miss you, haven't seen you in a while.'' Y/N pouted, waving to the camera. ''You better be there in Melbourne! It won't be the same otherwise.'' She said, trying to come across as threatening. 
| danielricciardo will be there 😎
| danielricciardo miss you too 
| landonorris you're drinking again? 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the entrance of the Brit. ''Fuck off, Lando. People who have won a Grand Prix get to drink on a livestream.'' She teased him, a smirk on her face. 
| landonorris okay, that is mean 
| landonorris drink then i guess 
Before she knew it, her once full glass was empty again. ''Let's fill you up, eh?'' She cringed as the words left her mouth. ''Ew- that sounds disgusting. Forget I said that.'' 
''Dan, good thing you put three bottles in here- I'm really enjoying myself and these babies.'' The 'babies' being the wine bottles. 
| alex_albon a Y/N drunk live? don't want to miss that 
''Albono!'' She greeted Alex, excitedly. ''Where is Lily, though? I want her here.'' 
| alex_albon my presence isn't good enough for you? 😒
''No, your presence is not good enough.'' Y/N bluntly answered, grinning from ear to ear. 
She scratched her voice. ''Am I drinking this too fast? My glass is almost done and I refilled it like 2 minutes ago.'' The driver observed her glass, frowning when she saw it was almost empty again. 
| danielricciardo yes, you are drinking too fast
| landonorris no, you're not
| landonorris drink faster 
| landonorris I can drink way faster 😌
''Norris, are you challenging me?'' She raised her eyebrow at the camera as if she was looking at Lando in real life. ''Accepted, Rumple.'' 
| alex_albon this is a disaster waiting to happen
| lilymhe you look lonely, Y/N 😏💋
''Lily! My wife is here, guys!'' Y/N yells as soon as she saw Lily's comment. ''I do look lonely,'' she smirked, ''I bet you can fix that.'' 
| alex_albon STOP IT 
| alex_albon ENOUGH 
| lilymhe wait for me ❤️❤️❤️
''Alex, you stop it with the jealousy! Never let someone's boyfriend stop you from finding your wife, guys!'' She told the viewers as if she was a teacher telling her students about an important subject. 
Y/N took another big gulp from her wine, leaving it empty. ''Should I just drink from the bottle, cause I don't plan on stopping soon.'' She showed said bottle to the viewers as if they could talk back to her. 
''Oh, fuck it.'' She put her glass away and started drinking from the bottle itself. 
| danielricciardo CALM DOWN
| georgerussell63 You worry me sometimes. 
''Go away, Russell George!'' Y/N exclaimed, waving her hand at the camera. ''You only drink tea, you're not allowed to judge me.'' 
''I'm just joking, you can stay.'' The pretend annoyed look on her face was replaced for a genuine smile. ''As long as you don't judge me, you British tall glass of water.'' The driver quickly added with a teasing grin. 
| georgerussell63 I have to go.
| georgerussell63 I have to make tea 😉
| landonorris BYE GEORGE 👋👋👋👋
''Anyway,'' Y/N gave the camera a sassy look, ''we should turn this into a Q&A! If you have questions for me- please leave them in the comments!'' She loudly clapped her hands together, scaring herself at the loud sound. 
| user1 Y/N, are you drunk yet? 
''No, I'm not drunk,'' the woman answered, ''I have a very high alcohol tolerance!'' 
| landonorris she doesn't
| danielricciardo No, you really don't 
| pierregasly you were on the floor after one pastis 😅
''Shut up and when did Pierre get here?'' Y/N shook her head at her colleagues' comments. ''Gasly, you don't know what you're talking about.'' She dismissed his reply, despite knowing he's telling the truth. 
| user2 there's something behind you
Y/N's eyes widened at the comment, slowly looking behind her. ''Dude- fuck off! Don't say stuff like that! I don't have a ghost in my house!'' She put her hand on her heart, feeling the rapid beating underneath her palm. 
''It would be cool to have one, though.'' She thought deeply. ''Like, I would be less lonely and we could keep each other company… I hope they're like, cool, like not a serial killer, you know? Or a child- UGH! Please, don't let it be a child! I like kids, but I don't want to have one and especially not a ghost one.'' 
| landonorris who is youre favourite driver? 🤭
| georgerussell63 It is 'your', Lando. 
| alex_albon your* 
| landonorris don't you have drivers to hit? 
''My favourite driver? Well, Lando, that's an excellent question! My answer is Lewis Hamilton! My favourite McLaren driver of all time.'' She smiled evilly. 
| landonorris 😑
| danielricciardo excuse me
| danielricciardo that's my wine you are drinking 😤
''Danny, you're my second favourite! And my bottle is almost done so you can see that I'm really appreciating the wine.'' Y/N defended her answer, once again showing the bottle to the camera. 
| user3 How old are you? 
''I'm 23!'' She replied, excitedly. ''That's also the amount of brain cells Lando has, funny enough.'' 
| landonorris meanie 
| landonorris I don't want to be your friend anymore 😢
''Wait- we were friends to begin with? Oh, Lando…'' Y/N dramatically shook her head, sighing in feigned disappointment as if she were a teacher upset with her student. ''You have so much to learn about the real world.'' 
''Also, now that we're on the topic of the real world,'' she started off speaking about the new thought that had somehow found its way into her head, ''Pluto.'' 
''Like, I feel so bad for them. They were just chilling, you know? And then on one tragic day, they were just kicked out - as if they were nothing. I wonder how they're doing these days. I was heartbroken when I received the news. The solar system hasn't been the same without them.'' She bumped her fist on her chest and pointed at the sky, shouting Pluto out. 
| danielricciardo pls stop drinking
| danielricciardo you're doing it again
''That second bottle is looking very sexy right now, I can't lie.'' Y/N eyed the second bottle in the wine box, pursing her lips. 
| alex_albon Y/N NO! 
| pierregasly dude, you're on live 😂😂😂
''You know when you tell a child that they shouldn't do something, but it makes them want to do it even more? Yeah, that is what's happening right now.'' The driver chuckled, grabbing the bottle out of the box and opening it with the corkscrew. 
''I already know I'm going to regret this, but frankly, I don't give a shit.'' And with that she took a large gulp of the wine. 
| user7 do you want to become world champion this year? 
Y/N gave the camera a side-eye as she read the question out loud. ''I mean… isn't that kinda the point? HA! No, I'm just doing all of this for funsies.'' 
''But Max will probably win this year again… I'm gonna try to not let that happen, but that Red Bull… it's too good.'' She sighed, getting more real thinking about the season. 
''You know… maybe the real World Championship is the friends we made along the way.'' 
| charles_leclerc oh, you are really drunk 😂
| pierregasly I told you, charlito 
| zhouguanyu24 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
| landonorris someone needs to hack her account and stop this 
''Please, don't hack my account.'' Y/N said in a monotone voice. ''Am I acting bad or something? I'm just answering questions, Lando.'' 
| nicorosberg Hello, Y/N! 👋
''BRITNEY!'' The young woman exclaimed as she noticed the former driver's comment. ''You know how this shit works? Damn, what can't Nico Rosberg do?'' 
''You're still my favourite Monaco-based Youtuber, by the way.'' She winked at the camera, pretending it is the German she's winking at. ''I can't believe I have a World Champion watching my Instagram live.'' 
''You really are a legend for 2016, Brit.'' 
| nicorosberg Thank you! 
| danielricciardo I think it's time to log off, Y/N… 
| user10 lewis and seb watching this : 👁👄👁
''Gentlemen, a short view back to the past-''
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taglist :: @starsanova @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @alonsogirlie @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123 @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis @champomiel @ooooohmicky @koufaxx @flannelforthetoads 
@mysticfalls01 @ghostcorazon @mango-bear @totally-random-person @youkissedareaderinthedark @phoenix-luv @hamilton-mount @calcaneous @aurora-maria @idkiwantchocolatee @anonymous-platypus1
3K notes · View notes
manias-wordcount · 8 months
Her Good Girl (Vi)
Kinktober 2023 Day Eleven: Dildo
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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“Deep breath for me, sweetheart. Come on, in…”
  You take a deep breath in, letting precious air fill your lungs and give you life.
  “...and out.” 
  You let it all go. Letting the breath of life slip past your parted lips for a short trip away from you and your body. It’s necessary. To keep on living. To keep on going. So you don’t miss it. You don’t miss the air that is used to fill your lungs. Besides…
  You have that smile of hers to look forward to.
  “Good girl,” Vi hums at you from between your legs. Her eyes are half-lidded, and her gaze sits heavy, heavy, heavy on your lower stomach. As if it’s the real trouble you have to worry about right now. And not the fact that there’s a hand settling over your waist, trying to keep you still. Or the fact that your legs are thrown over her shoulders, putting you in an especially vulnerable position. Or even the fact that you measly little tank top you were wearing is pushed up high enough that your boobs can do nothing but sit out on your chest- exposed and on display. All for her to see. All for her to enjoy. “Do you want more?”
  “Yes.” You respond quickly. With a shaky voice and a swiftness that’s a little too embarrassing for even you in this moment. In fact, you can even feel all the blood rushing to your face as you only grow more and more flustered. Though that might have something to do with the way Vi’s gaze is constantly flickering downwards towards the main event happening between your thighs. “Yes, I- I want more. Please.”
  Your own voice sounds pathetic in your ears. But in front of you, Vi shutters at the sound and sight of your pretty pink tongue darting out to lick at your lips at the same time. She’s always been so soft with you. She’s always been so weak for you. Wanting to do nothing but touch you. Please you. Pleasure you- the whole nine yards. 
  That’s the whole reason why you’re here right now. Almost completely naked while lying on your back with her between your legs. With your legs up and spread nice and wide. And your soaking wet panties somewhere across the room. Though, you imagine they aren’t as wet as you were when Vi finally stopped teasing you and had you riding her tongue for so, so long. And you imagine they aren’t as wet as you right now
  Considering just how easily this new dildo Vi bought for you glides so easily into your fluttering little hole.
  “Then I’ll give you more,” Your girlfriend murmurs quietly as her hands work to make more of this shiny new toy disappear inside of you. Instantly, you’re pulling a face and breathing harder now than you were before. She moves slowly- not enough to get you loud or screaming. But enough to keep you a little noisy. To make you feel a little stretch. To get you biting at your lip and grabbing at her wrist for a chance to ground yourself as the dildo pushes further and further and further inside of you. “I’ll give you exactly what you want.”
  You don’t doubt that. You didn’t doubt that. Not the first time she said it to you. Not the last time she said it to you. Not even for a second. You believed her full-heartedly when she called you to come back home and told you that she was going to take care of your every little need tonight. 
You believed her completely when you arrived to see the packaging of a seven-inch bright pink and thick dildo in the trash and the toy itself sitting out on the counter to dry. And now you believe it with every fiber of your being. That she’ll take care of you. That she’ll pleasure you. Give you all you want. Especially now that had she started pushing this brand-new toy of hers past your lower lips and into your dripping-wet hole…
  …only to pull it all the way out and shove it fully back in.
  “Ah…” Your moans are soft. Near silent in this bedroom safe space she shares with you. But she drives it up. Her ears drink up every sound you and your lewd body make for her and for her alone. From the sounds of your moans and groans and gasps to the sounds of the sheets rustling beneath you. And even the wet, dirty sounds that your pussy makes as your walls are stretched out and stuffed full all by Vi’s doing. All by Vi’s hands. “Oh…oh…”
  You start to sit up on the bed, propping yourself up on your arms as you try to watch her work out the tightness building within you. But she’s quick to take the hand she had on your waist and to push you back into flying flat on the bed. And without missing a beat, you find your legs being bent further and your body being nearly folded in half as Vi leans into you. But then she starts taking you further. While still using one hand to work the dildo inside of you- slipping it in and sliding it out so, so easily- she’s using the other to bring your knees to your chest.
  This angle allows her to get closer to you. So, so much closer. Now her face is mere inches away from your drooling pussy, ready for your clit to be licked and flicked if Vi so wishes. Now her face is mere inches away from your chest- nipples ready to be sucked on if Vi so wishes. And even more than that- now her face is mere inches away from yours. With eyes ready to meet and lips ready to kiss and kiss until she has to remind you to breathe for her again.
  And that’s exactly what she does.
  Because while she’s kissing you, she can move even closer to you. She can swallow up your even sound- your every moan and cry and whimper and gasp for air. She can swallow it all up, and she owns it. And she does all of that while another hand comes up and cups at your boobs. Fondling them. Rolling a nipple between two fingers. Squeezing, touching, holding, feeling. But most of all?
  She can do all that while working the dildo inside of you to reach deeper. To hit harder. To make the pleasure feel even more sweeter. Even more intense. Then the second before. And the second before that. And the second before that as well. 
  She can stretch you out. She can make you feel so full and stuffed and tight before pulling it all away. Making you miss the feeling of that brand-new toy being pushed past your lower lips and swallowed by your pretty little cunny. More than you miss the air that leaves your lungs. Because even though you know it’s going to come back. Even though you know it’s about to happen all over again and again and again and again? You find that it’s something to look forward to. You still find that it’s something that feels necessary. To keep on going. To keep on living. To keep on feeling good. To keep on being hers.
  “Good girl...good, good, good girl….”
  Her good girl.
636 notes · View notes
All I Wanted - Part 3
summary: when you are kidnapped discovered by TF141 they can't help but fall in love.
pairing: 141 x fem!teen!reader (platonic)
warnings: mentions of child abuse, drugs, canon typical violence, kidnapping
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: so uh.. not dead.. I kinda forgot about thos between school and life so apologies for not posting.. for two months.. anyways, enjoy the chapter <3
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Soap continued to ramble on about this and that, with Gaz occasionally butting in when necessary, as the pair showcased the base to you and how they weren't staying much longer. Something about how they had better chances finding this Nombre person in Mexico, where they were originally.
Gaz brought up the other members when they entered the shooting range, just past the training room. Apparently the barracks were deeper into the facility, (how much you believe that you aren't entirely sure). He pointed to two figures standing next to eachother, conversing with adoration in their eyes, "That's Alejandro-" you followed his finger to the taller of the two, "-And that's Rudy, they're a package deal if you get what I mean," To ensure his comment came across perfectly, Gaz shot you a wink.
With a clap on the back, Soap pushed you towards the two lovebirds. It was Alejandro who noticed you first, "Ah, here she is! Hola, niña, estas muy pequeño!" Rudy looked at the man fiercely before elbowing him in the ribs, "Qué? I was just pointing out the obvious mi vida!" A long sigh left Rudy at Alejandro's incompetence.
"So sorry about him, Ale can be, stupid occasionally," Rudy's smile was warm and inviting. Alejandro scowled at Rudy before giving a sympathetic grin towards you, a nod of the head as an apology.
"Do you want to show us how well you can shoot?" Soap gestured to the gun poking out of the duffle bag, a cheeky look in his eyes.
You moved too quickly for them to register, the eye piercing pink with hello kitty, kirby and cat stickers moulded into the metal of the rifle. A sparkly purple keychain dangling from it, blue stars twinkling alongside. The hold was confident, strong and firm, an aim to please familiar to the hardened soldiers.
Gaz gave a soft chuckle at the obvious excitement, pointing in the direction of the shooting range. Lines of plywood separating lanes with hip level metallic benches. Long pathways with human shaped targets, most paper but a few were made of a harder substance such as cardboard. Some of these were hidden behind more bits of scrap wood.
Practically skipping over and setting up the perfect first shot. And that's what it was; well maybe to some it could have been better but instantly the gun continued to fire again at a different target, and then another and another. Bullet casings falling past your face at each reload.
To be honest, you could have gone the whole day, it was when a hand on your shoulder pulled you away from the rhythmic sound of metal hitting the cold concrete. The action made you jerk, a startled yelp following as you whipped your head to the side, staring up at Skully. A very audible gulp was heard throughout the now silent room.
For a while nothing happened. A staring contest happening between the two of you before he spoke up, "..Sorry.." his voice was rough and deep, the words so softly spoken you were sure you misheard the behemoth of a man. "Good shot kiddo, but think about breathing. You're gonna make yourself pass out if you hold ya' breath for that long, hmm?" His eyes were an endless void of darkness, the coffee and gold colours swirling into a beautiful helix of patterns. The words soaked into your brain as you came to the conclusion.
"Yes Sir!" The smile plastered on your face was one of pure adoration, the twinkle in your eyes matching that on the glitter sparkling on the rifle, still clasped in your almost too small hands.
The shooting lasted a while. Each man giving tips and tricks to you, letting you improve on your gunmanship. Eventually, the sun slowly lowered in the sky, and the canteen opened for dinner. A selection of grimy looking slop, greens, beans and a lukewarm soup.
They gave recommendations of what to have and what to avoid (mostly the slop). The soup was better than you thought. Leek and potato. Though, there weren't any potatoes in it, just soft clumps of leek with other veggies thrown in to pad it out.
Tables weren't assigned in the mess hall, but it seemed each group had claimed a table. You bit your lip, standing in the middle, tray in hand. A whistle caught your attention, Gaz calling you over to their table.
You set the tray down next to Ghost before Price walked in, marching over to table 141. He gave you a warm smile as he saw you eating. "Glad to see ya eating, dolly," in return, you gleamed up at him, a spoonful of soup making its way down your throat.
At least half an hour passed, the group chattering and giggling at the stories and jokes that were passed around, before a yawn interrupted the fun. It was Soap who noticed - "Aye lass, ya tir'd?" a meek nod a was All it took before he started to rise, being stopped by the Captain.
"I've got her Johnny. Cmon dolly, I'll show ya you're room," A hum was all that followed.
The walk was comfortable, going back through the winding halls and plain walls. Price stopped abruptly at one of the doors, Knockin on the solid wood. "Here ya are. I put ya next to me, hope you don't mind, you get a bigger room- and~" He drew out the ending as he opened the door, "-an ensuite bathroom!"
You giggled at the man, going in and exploring the room a bit. "Does that mean I have to listen to your snoring, sir?" It was said cheekily, the smirk evident on your face and the chuckle on his lips.
"Aye, so better invest in some ear plugs!"
Giggles erupted from you, turning to face him. Braces were on show with how wide your grin was. "Thank you.." was all that was said. And a nod was all that was needed, Price turned leaving the room with a click of the door.
You faceplanted onto the bed, soft duvet covers wrapping around you like a burrito as sleep quickly overcame you. Soft snores left you as the moon rises high into the sky.
taglist: @urfavsunkissedleo @greenkiki @daryldixonh0e @elijahssuit @theunknownartistsworld @rafaelacallinybbay @cycy-nicole @romanticizedillness @thedeluded @blueoorchid @guiltyconfessions @r3dc4ndy @unnoticed-human @crazyfandomist @jaymum @chb-7 @chromslover @connierk690 @lilpothoscuttings @darkfaethedestroyer @cptg00s3 @elvyshiarieko @8-29pm @howlerwolfmax @minkyungseokie @tapioca-marzipan @cinnamoroll-things @kittythebloodykiller @thicc-plum @phoenixmistycal @marytvirgin @eddiesbitch83 @dwkfan @kdkj122920 @deakyspuff @dressycobra7 @swaggbella @sarraa-26 @autrefleur @revengze @elvyshiarieko @dweebsthings @maeplayscello
525 notes · View notes
Same as it ever was 11
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as neglect, bullying, manipulation, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Between your home life and work, you just can’t catch a break. Especially after you draw the ire of your boss.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen ft. Pete Brenner
Note: I'm just tryna get through the week.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The waiting room is excruciating. You find yourself standing more than you sit. Both are torture. Your concern mounts with your discomfort and the more you think of Hansen’s response. He’s a demanding asshole, he told you several times he takes what he wants, but today, he let you go. Even he could see something was seriously wrong.
Funny how you never dread the doctor so much when you’re there for Simone or Malik, but for yourself, it makes your insides knot. You can’t even think of the last time you made an appointment for yourself. That’s probably not good either.
As the doctor examines you and goes over your symptoms, you wince and struggle not to keel over. He’s patient and gentle, treatment you’re unused to. That stray realisation is even grimmer as it sticks in your head.
“Hmm, I’m going to be optimistic and say it’s a bruised tailbone,” he explains, “we can send you for imaging to check for a fracture but it wouldn’t likely be possible today. I’ll call the lab with a request, just to make sure.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” you lean on the examination table, “so what does that mean? Painkillers? Stretches?”
“Rest,” he points at you with his gold pen, “avoid sitting. You want to keep pressure off the tailbone. Lay on your stomach when you sleep.” He tucks his pen in his coat pocket and goes to the cabinet in the corner by the sink, “you’ll want to keep this handy.” He opens the door and slips out a box, “it’ll help.”
As he gives you the box, you consider the image of the donut cushion on the front. The inflatable seat is stuffed into the tight package. You’re not unfamiliar with it.
“Apply ice. Every twenty minutes for the next two days, then two to three times a day should work,” he takes his pen out and his little pad, writing as he talks. “Make your husband do some of the chores.”
You cringe. You nod as you accept his advice. You were just about to argue; you have two kids and a job.
“I’m writing you a note. You’re not working for a week at least. I’ll fax a letter that should be acceptable for the time-off,” he rips off the top page and hands it over.
“Thank you,” you utter again as you look at his chicken scratch. “What is this?”
“Something for the pain and something for your blood pressure.”
“My blood pressure?”
“Your readings are elevated. It could be stress, it could be anything. Right now, I want you to keep track. Measure it and write it down. Come back in a month so we can go over the numbers.”
“Is it that bad?”
“At your age, it’s not entirely unusual,” he assures you, “better we catch it before it’s too serious. You get headaches? Feel tired?”
“Well, I have kids, I’m always tired and yes, they give me headaches sometimes,” you shrug.
“How often do the headaches come?”
“I don’t know, sometimes two or three times a week.”
“Do you have a history of migraines?”
“Not since college,” you answer.
“Ah,” he nods. “Take the pills, icy your tailbone, and stay in bed.”
“Doctor,” you go to argue.
“If it isn’t already a break, you’ll make it one,” he girds, “the lab will call you about your imaging appointment.”
You swallow down his orders. They’re much easier to follow than Hansen’s. And surely better for you. You thank him once more and leave the room, stopping by the counter to give your work address and get your imaging paperwork.
As you get to the car, you unpack the cushion and use the little pump to inflate it. You drop it on the seat and get in. It still hurts like a bitch but not intolerable. You sit behind the wheel and stare. 
You could cry as you go over the appointment. Is it that obvious that you don’t take care of yourself? That you don’t have time? The doctor saw right through you and that brings it all flooding in. You’re barely holding it all together, you’re not sure how much longer you can.
You make yourself start the car and pull out of the lot. You go down to the pharmacy and turn in the script, wandering the aisles as you wait for it to be filled. You take out your phone to check the time. A missed call from Pete and another from Hansen. You don’t have the energy for either of them. Once you have your meds, you have to get the kids.
You claim your prescriptions and start your race against time. Waiting to see the doctor alone took up the bulk of your day. Now you have to get through the rest.
You nearly speed up to the curb of the school, at the tail end of the pick-up as the clock ticks on. You roll around as you see Simone and Malik waiting with Mrs. Guinness. You roll down the window and wave, thanking her loudly as the kids rush to the car.
You get out to strap Malik into his seat as Simone grips her book in her lap but doesn’t open it. You’re breathing loudly as the pain coils around your spine. You muffle it and give her a smile as she watches you. Her eyes dart to the front seat.
“Mom, are you okay?”
“Good,” you say as you snap the buckles together.
“What’s that for?” She points to the cushion.
“The seat’s uncomfortable,” you grunt and push yourself out of the back door. 
You shut the door and get in the front. You settle in, clicking in your own belt and fix your mirror. Simone is smart, too smart. She’s quiet as you shift into drive.
“Mommy, mommy! We played a game today–”
“Shh,” Simone interjects, silencing her brother, “mom,” she utter tenuously, “are you pregnant?”
You nearly scoff as you grip the wheel tight. You laugh and shake your head. “Why would you ask that?”
“Well…” she lets her thoughts hang in the air before she speaks to them, “you and dad have been… arguing and you have that cushion.”
“Trust me, I’m too old,” you shake your head, “don’t worry, you won’t be having another little brother.”
“Oh,” she hums, disappointed, “I was hoping for a sister.”
You take a breath. It’s all so complicated but some of it isn’t. They’re going to know sooner than later.
“Look, the cushion is because I hurt myself. I was waiting until we got home to tell you but I fell and hit my bum pretty bad. Got some bruising is all,” you explain lightly, “doctor says I’m good, just need to rest.”
“Mommy’s hurt?” Malik babbles. 
“Oh,” Simone accepts again, “I… does dad know?”
“He’s been working but I’m gonna give him a call,” you fight to keep your tone steady, “he’s gonna have to come home and help me out a bit.”
“Mommy, you can have Donny, he’ll make you feel better.”
“Mal, she doesn’t want your stupid dragon.”
“Sim,” you rebuff, “don’t be mean. Malik, you can bring Donny in to snuggle with me, okay? That’s really nice of you.”
“Ugh,” Simone huffs and you see her roll her eyes in the rear view.
“Sim, do you have enough time between chapters to help with dinner?” You tease. She doesn’t answer. “Oh, don’t worry, I can manage some mac and cheese on my own.”
You flip on the radio and let the music waft through the car, trying to push away the other worries. You are going to have to call Pete but you really don’t know how much help he’s going to be.
You pull into the driveway and repress a groan. You’re really starting to feel it. Your legs are numb yet painful. You push yourself out of the car and grab your purse and the cushion, your keys jingling loudly in your hand.
You open the back door but Simone’s too quick. She’s right beside you, waving you off.
“I’ll get him out,” she insists, “the doctor said.”
“I know what the doctor said,” you chuckle, “thanks, Sim.”
Another car door snaps shut from somewhere unseen. You don’t think much of it as other neighbours often get home at the same time. You wait patiently for your daughter to unbuckle Malik as he squirms impatiently.
“About damn time,” the timbre roils in the air hotly.
You almost let a ‘shit’ slip through your lips as Hansen’s voice makes you tense. You squeeze the cushion and look over Simone’s head at him. She lifts Malik down onto the ground and she turns to face your uninvited guest.
“Ew, it’s him,” she sneers.
“Nice to see you too, toots,” he struts up the walk with his hands in his pockets, “isn’t this sweet? Got the whole clan together.”
“What are you doing here?” Simone challenges.
He tilts his head, brows arching, “you know, maybe I should give your mom some time off so she can teach you some manners.”
“Hansen,” you put your hand on Simone’s shoulder and sidle past her and echo the same question, “what are you doing here?”
“I’m actually being a good guy,” he leans around, speaking to Simone pointedly, “not evil at all. Checking in since I sent you off to the hospital.”
You hesitate. That’s not exactly believable. You know why he’s here; to taunt you. At least he has the discretion to try to hide that from your children.
“Bruised tailbone, doctor is sending a letter, I’ll have to take a few days off to recover,” you say cautiously, knowing he won’t like the news.
“A few days…” he mulls with a sour expression, “bullsh–” he stops himself as Malik comes for to cling to your leg, peeking out from behind you.
“Mommy,” your son whines, “I wanna go inside.”
“Tell him to go away,” Simone hisses.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hansen, I gotta get the kids inside and make dinner–”
“You can do all that but you can’t drag your –behind– to work,” he challenges.
“I have a doctor’s note–”
“I don’t f–” he struggles to censor himself, stopping as he waves off his agitation. He exhales and wipes the frustration from his face, “you’re right. You’re in bad shape, it’s plain to see. So where’s the husband? Shouldn't he be here doing the heavy lifting?”
“My dad’s on his way home,” Simone insists.
“Yeah, he’ll be here soon,” you repeat her lie, “to help.”
“Well, he ain’t,” Hansen bounces on his feet, “but I am, so why don’t I help you out, huh? We need you back to work,” he reaches for your purse, latching onto the strap. “So you should rest.”
“Dude, go,” Simone snarls and pushes his arm.
“Hey,” he growls back at her. “I’m helping.”
“We don’t want your help. She’s not at work, you don’t boss her around here.”
“Simone, Mr. Hansen,” you snip, “please.”
“I’m being a nice guy,” Lloyd retracts his hand and throws it up, “she’s the one making this hard.”
You look at your daughter as she sticks her tongue out.
“She’s twelve,” you state.
“Yeah, and what are you? Sixty?” Simone accuses him.
He recoils, his lashes batting violently, “excuse me?”
“Oh my god,” you sigh, “Simone, take your brother inside,” you hold your keys out, “let me talk to him. It’s just work.”
“And the doctor said–”
“Please, Simone, thank you,” you shake the keys.
She sniffs and takes them. She blows a raspberry at Hansen as she grabs Malik and tears him away from your legs. You rub your neck, the donut cushion around your elbow, as you wait, staring at Hansen as he watches over your shoulder.
“Why?” You ask pointedly.
“What? I’m being good. I let you see a doctor for your fucked up booty and now I’m just tryna fill the hole left by that deadbeat–”
“Not in front of my kids,” you say.
“I was polite.”
“You are arguing with a twelve year old,” you shake your head, “please, I will do my best to get back to work. I know you don’t give a shit but I’m in so much pain, I can’t handle this right now. So please, go.”
“Huh, alright, let’s understand something here, you might be a little broken at the moment but you don’t tell me what to do,” he snarls, “that’s the first thing. Second, you put a muzzle on that daughter–”
“Don’t,” you warn.
“That mouth,” he points in your face, “it’s the ass that’s bruised, not that.”
You clamp your lips tight as your nostrils flare. You stand in a deadlock, silently glaring back at your boss. You feel the tension ready to snap. This is the moment where you could fuck everything up.
Neither of you speak, each measuring your next word but almost afraid to say it. A screech of tires veers in behind your car and fills the end of the driveway. You flinch and look past Hansen as Pete’s garish sports car beams back at you.
“Just in time,” Hansen mutters as he turns slowly.
Pete hops out and swings the door shut, almost frantic as his hair flops forward.
“Hey, I’ve been calling,” he puffs and stops short as he notices Hansen, “uh, everything okay? Where… are the kids?”
“Inside,” you eke out, clearing the frog from your throat, “everything is good, alright?” You try to convince yourself as much as your husband, “Mr. Hansen was just checking in. I missed work today. I went to see the doctor about… my fall.”
Pete blanches and nods, giving a guilty glance to his leather shoes.
“Yeah?” He dares to look at you, “you okay?”
“Bruised,” you answer bluntly, “so I was just telling Mr. Hansen that I am fine. I just need a few days to rest. And I was going to call to tell you the same but I had to get the kids.”
“Your wife’s a busy woman,” Hansen interjects, “hard worker. And she speaks so highly of you, bud.” He claps Pete’s shoulder, “you’re a businessman?”
Pete twitches, as if surprised. He looks at Hansen’s grasp on his shoulder but doesn’t shove it off. There’s a moment of recognition in his eye. Men and their ‘business’.
“Yeah, I run a fitness agency. We do equipment and training, aiming to get into the big leagues, you know, furnish facilities on the National scale,” Pete goes into his pitch.
“Ah, fitness, thriving right now,” Hansen slips easily into his role, “you know, I’m not wearing Louis Vuittons because I work in a dipshit office. I invest and I do it well.” He pulls his hand back and puts it on his hip, “why don’t you tell me more about this agency? I’m intrigued.”
You just stare. This has been an awful, painful day and it just won’t end.
“Uh, yeah, sure, come on in,” Pete sputters excitedly, waving him up the drive. “I got all my stuff in my bag.”
“Great, dinner’s on me,” Hansen offers, “for your time.”
“Oh, awesome,” Pete grins, “I’ll just get my bag out of the car. Honey,” he turns to you.
“Uh, yeah,” you swallow as Hansen faces you with a smirk, “right this way.”
You turn and hug the cushion against your stomach, each step tender and tingling. You sense him behind you, too close for comfort. He snickers quietly as you get to the door. You stop with your hand on the handle.
“Please,” you whisper.
“Be good and I will be, too,” he shoots back.
158 notes · View notes
hearteyesforjoel · 8 months
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Summary: Baker!Reader wins Jackson!Joel’s heart with a basket of cookies. And a little something else.
MDNI 18+
warnings: fem!reader, unprotected p in v (do better than these characters and wrap it), light choking, oral (f receiving), hair pulling, quite the dirty talk, talks of food, mentions of pregnancy, general thirstiness for joel, aftercare, fluff
word count: 4.6k (oops)
Walking into the small bakery, you realize you’ll never get tired of the smell. Every morning when you step foot through the doors and head to the back, the scent of the baked goods from the ovens bringing you a sense of a comfort, warmth. Fresh baked bread, cookies, small pies. These things were luxuries. A delicacy during the apocalypse.
“Ah, Sweets, there you are!”, the voice coming from none other than Carl, the precious old man in charge of the bakery. When you first came to Jackson, it was difficult to adjust to the new way of life. On the days when you had trouble focusing, too nervous, too busy preparing for danger, Carl was there for you. A small, frail old man, Carl was a shoulder to lean on, always there to listen and comfort you through your worries. He almost reminds you of your own father, whom you’d lost along with your mother shortly after escaping from the daunting QZ walls. Ever since you’d started coming in for shifts at the bakery, Carl has been nothing but welcoming, treating you like one of his own.
“Morning Carl”, you said with a small smile on your face, sleep still evident on your face. As you walk to behind the counter, you place your jacket on the hook, right next to Carl’s. The ovens in the back warming the small building, a nice contrast to the slight chill Autumn day outside.
Carl hands you your apron, a comforting smile on his face, “You doing okay this morning, kiddo?”.
“I’m good, doing a lot better”, you say honestly. “Had dinner with Tommy and Maria last night, they actually asked me a wild question during dinner”, your voice carrying a knowing tone and raising your brows, eyeing Carl.
“Well spit it out, Sweets! You know I’m all ears”, Carl urges with curiosity written all over his face.
Taking in a deep breath, “Well, since Maria and Tommy are expecting, and Maria has basically been like a sister to me, they asked me to be their baby’s godmother! Can you believe it?”. The news was still shocking, yes, but it brought a type of comfort like no other. It’s been a long time since you’ve been this close to anyone, it’s almost scary. Ever since you came to Jackson, Maria talking you through the ins and outs of the commune, you knew this would be different. A place like this, you don’t always have to be on the lookout for threats. That idea though, it was just too hard to grasp. Recognizing this, seeing her past self in you, Maria took you under her wing. She became a sister to you, something you’ve never had. Eventually, when you became more comfortable with your surroundings, the two of you would have lunch together, which became dinners at the Millers every weekend. Only with the promise of a homemade sweet from yourself, of course. “We’re having dinner at their place again tonight, promised I’d bring over something sweet to celebrate”, you say with a real, genuine smile.
“Sweets, oh my, that’s such good news!”. As Carl spoke to you, you could see tears gathering in his blue eyes. He stands up straight, looking you in the eyes and putting a hand on your shoulder, “You have no idea how proud I am of you, kiddo. Don’t ever forget that.”
With a shaky breath, you smile and nod. “Never, Carl. Never.”
Finally, after a busy afternoon of passing off loaves and sweets, you can finally take a breather. Leaning against the counter, you stare out the glass windows of the shop, enjoying the quiet of the moment. With a sigh, you begin to package up the batch of snickerdoodle cookies you baked personally for tonight’s dinner with the Millers. As you turn to place your goodies in a cute box, you hear the bell to the shop ring, letting you know your short break was over.
“Holy shit, it smells good in here!”. You snap your head to the owner of the voice, a young girl, around fourteen or fifteen. Wait, she looks familiar. Oh, you remember now. And you remember who she came to Jackson with. How could you forget?
There was a crowd near the gates, whispers coming from every direction.
“Isn’t he a Miller?”
“I heard he’s a friend of Tommy’s.”
“No, I heard he’s his brother!”
“What about the kid with him?”
Peaking through the crowd, you see Tommy and Maria, guiding a young girl, expletives already leaving her mouth, and older man through the sea of people. As they pass by your place in the horde of nosy neighbors, you see him. You really see him. And oh, oh my. You can’t help but to look at him from head to toe, taking in his ruggedly gorgeous being. Feeling your eyes on him, the mystery man looks up, meeting your gaze. His eyes leaving yours as quick as he met them, you feel your breath catch in your throat, electricity shooting yo your spine.
Who was he?
Shaking your head from the memory, you look back to the girl, “I’m sorry, can I get you something?”.
She raises her brows with a grin on her face, “Well, I actually came here for some bread, but now I kinda want whatever smells so fucking awesome right now.”
Letting out a small laugh, you gesture to the shelf full of the many types of breads, still warm from the oven. “How about we start with the bread and then I’ll sneak you some of the sweets from the oven, yeah?”
She sighs in absolute content, “Oh I already like you.” The young girl leans against the counter as you pack up her bread order, “I’m Ellie by the way, figured you should know my name since you’ll definitely be seeing me more often.” Ellie gives you a mischievous smile.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ellie. You can call me Sweets, s’what everyone around here calls me”, you say with a kind expression.
Ellie raises a brow, “Sweets, huh? Why do they call you that?”
You beam at her, gesturing her to follow you to the back, “Come on, I’ll show you!”
As you guide her to the back of the small bakery, the smell of cinnamon invades your senses. Conveniently, the timer dings, letting you know your favorite recipe is complete. Putting on your oven mitts, you remove the fall favorites out of the oven, the heat from the oven warming your cold nose.
“Are those cookies? Holy fuck, these smell amazing. I’m taking some of these home, you promised me some sweets, Sweets.” She laughs at her own words, wiggling her brows.
You roll your eyes, biting back your amused smile. “Of course, Ellie. There’s plenty more, so let’s pack some up for you to take home, okay?”
Later that evening after your day in the bakery, you’re walking to Tommy and Maria’s, hands occupied with the cookies you’d made earlier, placed neatly in a small basket. As you walk up the steps to the house you’ve become so familiar with, knocking lightly, you hear chatter coming from inside the house. Except, it’s not just Tommy and Maria this time. There’s a deeper, unfamiliar voice. The second voice, however, you know this voice. Wait a second, isn’t that-
“Hey, it’s you! What are you doing here?”, Ellie opens the door, eyes immediately darting to your basket of cookies.
Behind Ellie, you see Maria approaching, a hand on her small, growing stomach. “Sweets, there you are. And you brought my favorite!”
Maria opens the door wider and stepping aside, allowing you to step into the cozy home. From the kitchen, you hear Tommy shout, “Hey, Sweets! Come on, bring my goodie basket in here.”
You follow Maria to the kitchen, Ellie hot on your tail. “You know Tommy and Maria?”
Glancing at Ellie, you give her a small smile, “I should, I’m going to be their kid’s godmother.”
When you pass the threshold of the kitchen, you see him. Leaning against the island in the center of the kitchen, he’s wearing a green flannel and dark jeans, his face neutral.
That feeling. That electrifying feeling. Your heart skipping a beat as you make eye contact.
“Was wonderin’ when you were going to show up, girl”, Tommy leans in to give you a small hug. As he pulls away, he gestures to the mystery man. “Sweets, this is my older brother, Joel.”
Joel. Huh. Fitting.
Tommy moves to stand next to Joel, leaning against the island, “Joel, this is Sweets. She’s a close friend of Maria and I.” Joel looks over to you, his eyes quickly scanning over your figure, giving you a curt nod.
Putting a hand on your shoulder, Maria adds with a bright smile, “And as of yesterday, the future godmother to our baby.”
“Dude, why didn’t you tell me you were basically family?”, Ellie butts in, clearly thrilled to know she’d see you more often. It’s almost sweet. Even though you know it’s just because she now has more access to your baked goods.
You smile lightly, “It’s nice to see you too, Ellie.”
Across from you, Joel looks between you and Ellie, confused. As if reading his mind, Tommy chimes in, “You two already know each other?”
“We may have met, and I may have already claimed the bakery as my new favorite place”, Ellie smirks as she explains.
“Well, c’mon folks, dinner’s waiting at the table. Let’s get a move on!”, Tommy guides Maria into the dining room, Ellie close behind them.
You chuckle, placing the basket of cookies on the kitchen counter. Then you feel it again. It hits you, sending shock waves down your spine.
As you look up, you meet Joel’s gaze. Normally, you’re pretty good at reading people, but with Joel, it’s different. There’s just something about him. He breaks your eye contact, his eyes trailing down your body. Your breathing is getting heavier, your heart basically beating out of your chest. Thank god you wore your good jeans today, hugging your lower half in just the right way. As Joel’s eyes meet yours again, yours quickly shift down to his lips. You can only imagine how they feel, how they taste.
A loud laugh that could only come from Ellie breaks the tension between you and Joel. You quickly snap out of your trance and walk towards the dining room, Joel following.
Usually, during your dinners with the Millers, your night is relaxing, content. Tonight was no different, except for the fact that you couldn’t get Joel’s lingering gaze out of your head. The tension between the both of you in the kitchen, was Joel thinking what you were thinking? You’ve only known him for about an hour and he’s already consuming your mind. You look at him from your place at the table, sitting across from you. On your left is Ellie, leaving Tommy and Maria at the ends of the table. Joel keeps his eyes focused on his plate, occasionally raising his gaze to Ellie whenever she drops and expletive, furrowing his eyebrows at her. As he sits across from you, you take a few moments to study him, really take in his appearance. The way his lips wrap around his fork, his broad shoulders hidden behind his flannel. As your eyes trail further down his seated figure, you focus on his hands. And oh. Oh. They look rough, callused, veiny.
Staring at his hands, you can feel that spark again. This time, lower.
All you can imagine now is how beautiful his hands would look as a neckla-
“Sweets, are you with us?” Maria pulls you out of your trance, your cheeks going pink.
You give her a light smile, “Sorry, just thinking about work. What were you saying?”
Maria gives you a knowing look, having caught you in the spell Joel had casted over you. “I was asking if you’re excited to be a godmother, to finally meet the baby.”
A genuine smile grows on your face, “Both you and Tommy know I’m ecstatic to meet my godchild. You know I’m going to spoil them, right?”
Tommy lets out a chuckle, “Oh I don’t doubt it one bit, Sweets. Speaking of, I can’t wait to devour whatever you’re hiding in that basket of yours.”
You let out a laugh, standing up from your chair and walking to the kitchen, “I’m already on it, Tommy.”
As you re-enter the dining room, you catch Joel’s eyes, his gaze only leaving yours to glance at your lips.
Holy fuck.
You place the basket of cookies at the center of the table, “I hope you guys like them, it’s a new recipe.”
“Hey, would you look at that. Snickerdoodle, Joel’s favorite!”, Tommy takes a generous bite of his cookie, looking over at Joel, silently urging him to grab a serving.
Beside you, Ellie groans in utter delight, “Oh fuck yeah! Dude, Sweets, you’re so stuck with me. Please, never stop feeding me.”
You huff out a laugh and give her a nod. This kid is pretty cool, don’t kids her age usually suck?
Movement out of the corner of your eye grabs your attention. Joel grabs a single cookie, hesitantly taking a bite. Closing his eyes for mere seconds, Joel, almost silently, moans from the taste.
You could definitely get used to those sounds.
Speaking to Joel for the first time, you ask, “So, what’s the verdict? The recipe up to par?”
He looks over to you, a small smile on his face. “I’d say so, darlin’. Keep it up, Sweets.”
Who knew snickerdoodle cookies were the way to the big bad Joel Miller’s heart?
With bellies full and smiles on your faces, Maria walks you to the door, Joel and Ellie putting on their coats to head home as well. Holding the door open, Tommy pats your back, “Make sure to say hi to Carl for me, Sweets.”
As you step onto the porch, you turn to Maria, bidding her goodnight with a tight hug. That’s when you hear Tommy, talking quietly to Joel, mumbling a quick “make sure she gets home safe”.
Ellie follows you to the sidewalk, Joel not too far behind.
With a low voice, Joel instructs Ellie, “Go ahead and get home kiddo. I’ll meet you there.”
Speaking softly, Ellie replies, “Actually, I was hoping I could hang out with Dina for a while? I promise I’ll be back in a few hours.” She raises her brows expectedly, hoping to persuade her father figure.
Letting out a sigh, Joel looks to you before focusing on Ellie. “That’s fine. Just be safe, kid.”
The young girl jumps in excitement, with a quiet “yesss”, before making her way down the street.
Now, it’s just the two of you. That tension, that spark, it comes back, hanging heavily in the air. Joel clears his throat, “It’s gettin’ kinda late, let me walk you home.” He stares at you, awaiting your answer.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach, trying to keep your anticipation at bay. “Yeah, uh sure, follow me. It’s just this way.”
The walk to your home was filled with comfortable silence, neither of you wanting to speak first. Stepping onto the porch, you turn to unlock your door, Joel standing behind you. Turning to him, you speak up first, “Thanks for walking me home. I uh, I- did you want to come in? I have a stash of coffee, I could brew some. You know, if you like coffee. If not, I could brew some tea-“.
“Sweets, I like coffee. Haven’t had a good cup in a while. Lead the way in.” He interrupts your rambling, surprising you with his acceptance.
Opening the door, you both step inside, hanging your coats on the hooks. Joel closes the door, eyes trailing down your figure as you make your way to the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, you head to the cabinet hiding your stash of coffee, a luxury these days. Opening the cabinet door, you realize how high up you placed the coffee. Why did you put it on such a high shelf? Standing on your toes, you stretch your arm out, the coffee just out of reach. Suddenly, you feel a hand on your hip, a much bigger ah d grabbing the coffee from the shelf, placing it on the counter in front of you. Your heart is beating so fast it feels like it might burst. Even though he didn’t need to, Joel kept his grip on your hip, staying behind you, awaiting your next move. Finally, after taking a deep breath, you gather the courage to turn around to face him.
When you turn, his eyes meet yours, hand not leaving its place on your hip. Slowly, you grab Joel’s hand, sliding it from your hip to your ass. Within seconds, his eyes turn dark, his chest heaving as he breathes harder. Joel’s gentle touch becoming rough, one hand gripping your backside, the other coming to rest on your jaw. Giving him bedroom eyes, you bring your hands to rest on his chest. You can feel his heart pounding against his ribcage. Joel brings your face closer to his, nudging his nose against yours, “Tell me you want this too.”
You let out a breathe against his lips, looking into his eyes. “Please, Joel. Please.”
“No, Sweets. I need to hear you say it. Tell me what you need, darlin’.” He brushes his lips against yours.
He’s really going to make you say it.
With a deep gasp of air, you nearly whine, “Please, Joel. I need you to fuck me.”
Before you can even blink, Joel smashes his lips against yours, breathing you in. They’re just as you imagined. Chapped against yours, but it feels so good. You bring your hands to his hair, gripping his locks tightly. Catching you off guard, Joel bites your bottom lip. You whimper, allowing him to explore your mouth even further. The hand on your ass pulling you closer, bringing your hips together. With just his taste, you can already feel wetness begin to pool in your panties. Reluctantly, you pull away for air, “My room is just upstairs”, you say against his lips.
“Lead the way, baby.”
You grab his hand, walking up the stairs with Joel hot on your trail. Pushing open your bedroom door, you pull him inside, closing the door behind you. Joel moves to sit on the edge of your bed, patting his lap. Slowly, you bring yourself to straddle him, legs on either side of him. When you’re fully seated on lap, you feel it.
He’s fucking huge.
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you lightly grind on him, his cock growing harder by the second. Joel reaches out to grip your hips, urging you to continue. Bringing your hands back to his hair, you pull his lips to yours, needing to taste him again. He groans in your mouth as you grind down harder, raising his hips a bit to meet yours. Joel pulls away, breathing heavily, “Stand up for me, darlin’. I need you undressed when your grindin’ on me.”
Without having to be told twice, you stand up, stripping off your layers. When you’re left in nothing but your underwear, Joel stops you. He stands up, towering over your frame. Surprising you, Joel slides his hand up to your neck, gripping lightly, “I want you on the bed. Let me see how sweet you really are.”
Embarrassingly fast, you scramble to the bed, lying in the center. Joel’s eyes never leave yours, even as he begins to undress. His body is even more beautiful than you could have ever imagined. Joel leaves his boxers on, beginning to climb over your body. You place your hands on his chest, spreading your legs to make room for him. Sliding your hands to the back of his neck, you pull him down to kiss you, but he stops to rest his lips against yours. “No no, Sweets. Let me get a taste of something else.”
Joel slides down your body, trailing kisses along the way. He leaves a wet trail, stopping at your breasts, sucking and nipping on each nipple. Your breathing gets heavier, whining as he brings you pleasure. Continuing his path, Joel licks and nips his way down your stomach, your hips raising in anticipation. Finally, he settles between your legs, leaving kisses over your thighs. Your breath hitches, your center growing wetter, surely leaving a wet patch on your panties. Gripping your hips, Joel holds you down, “Easy there, Sweets. I wanna take my time making you cum on my tongue.”
Fuck fuck fuck. Could he get any sexier?
Dragging your underwear down your legs, he tosses them somewhere on the floor, out of sight. Joel settles between your legs, throwing them over his shoulders. You’ve got to be dripping onto the sheets at this point. Feeling his breath on your pussy, you grip the sheets in anticipation. Joel locks eyes with you, his tongue diving between your folds. You jolt in pleasure, moaning into the warm, sticky air of your room. Joel swirls his tongue around your clit, wrapping his lips around your bundle of nerves, sucking. You arch your back, breathing heavily as moans flow from your mouth. Out of instinct, you bring your hands to his head, gripping on his greying locks. Mind too foggy to keep your eyes on Joel, you mewl out when you feel his large finger slips inside you. As he pumps his digit inside of you, he continues to pay extra attention to your clit. With ease, Joel slides another finger inside, angling them in a ‘come hither’ motion. Hitting the soft spongey spot inside of you, you nearly scream out in pleasure, surely waking your neighbors. “Joel, I- fuck, oh my god I’m gonna cum!” Pulling his hair, you jolt in your bed, legs squeezing his head between your thighs. It hits you like a bolt of lightning, your orgasm sending shock waves from your pussy to every inch of your body. As you come down from your high, you loosen your grip on his hair, legs falling off his shoulders and onto the bed. Your chest is heaving as you breathe heavily, Joel making his way back up to you. He places his hand on your face gently, bringing your lips to his, tasting yourself on his lips.
Joel pulls away, eyes locking onto yours. “Fuck, darlin’. You definitely live up to your name”, he says with a smirk on his face.
What a cheeky little shit.
Raising his frame from your body, Joel slides off his boxers, finally exposing himself to you. And fuck was he huge. His tip, angry and leaking with precum, making your mouth water. You lift yourself up, grabbing his girthy cock with your smaller hands slowly moving them up and down. Joel groans at the contact, twitching in grip. “Sweets, as much as I want your mouth on me, I need to be inside you. Now.” Biting your lip, you hold back a whimper as you obey his command, lying on your back, opening yourself up for him. Situating himself between your legs, Joel slides a hand up your leg and towards your center, spreading your lips for a better look at your already soaking pussy.
“Joel, please. I need you so bad, it hurts”, you nearly whine, raising your hips to chase his thick fingers.
Groaning, Joel grabs his cock, ever so lightly teasing your clit with his tip. You wrap you legs around his hips, pulling him impossibly closer. It’s still not enough though. Reaching for his much larger hand, you lift his fingers that were once in your cunt to your mouth, sucking on his digits. Above, Joel swears, grabbing his cock and sliding into you slowly with ease. He’s so fucking big. Loudly, you both moan in unison, the feeling of him inside you heavenly. Nearly collapsing over your body, Joel leans over you, arms on either side of your head, locking eyes with you. While letting you adjust to his size, Joel brings his lips to yours gently, a stark contrast from his earlier kisses. Pulling away for air, you grab Joel’s wrist, bring his large hand to wrap around your neck. Eyes turning dark, Joel lightly squeezes, extracting a breathy moan from your lips.
Staring into his dark brown, almost black lustful eyes, you whisper to him, “Ruin me, Joel.” That was all he needed to hear. Pulling almost all the way out, Joel thrusts back into you slow and hard, keeping his hand on your neck. You slide your hands up his back, grasping for dear life, your nails marking his skin. You’re both breathing heavily, drunk on each others bodies. Joel begins to pick up the pace of his thrusts, the bed frame knocking into the wall with how hard he’s fucking you. With every thrust, you let out a little ‘fuck, fuck, fuck’, your whimpers beginning to grow louder and louder, his cock going deeper and deeper. Reading your body like a book, Joel moves the hand on your neck to your clit, rubbing tight little circles to match the pace of his hips. Your back arches, legs tightening around his hips, “Joel, oh my god, please, I’m so fucking close, don’t fucking stop.” The pleasure so good, it brings tears to your eyes. As you turn your head to the side, hands moving to grip the sheets in desperation, Joel moves his lips to your ear, barely whispering, “Come on, Sweets. Cum on my cock, let me feel you.”
His dirty words being all you need, sending you over the edge. Electricity shoots through your body, your center tightly squeezing him as you nearly scream his name in absolute bliss. You feel Joel’s cock twitch inside of you, his thrusts getting sloppier and faster. He begins to groan louder with each thrust, his hands gripping your hips so tightly they’re sure to leave a bruise. Gripping the sheets tighter in your hands, you bring your hips to meet his, working him to his pleasure. While still riding out your high, you whimper, “Fuck, Joel, inside me, fill me up, please. I need it.” Your words going straight to his cock, you feel him twitch deep inside, his seed spilling inside you as he growls with pleasure. Slowing down the pace of his hips, Joel loosens his grip on you, eventually his thrusts stopping completely.
Joel slowly pulls out of you, both his and your cum dripping from your center. While trying to catch his breath, he lies next to your sweaty body, the room now humid and smelling of sex. Too busy trying to control your breathing, you don’t realize Joel leaving the room, coming back with a towel to clean you up. As he cleans between your legs, you jolt, overstimulated and sensitive. Sweetly, Joel leans over and kisses your forehead, “I know darlin’ I know. Just let me get you cleaned up.” Once he’s gotten you cleaned up, he returns to the bed, bringing the duvet to cover your spent bodies.
You turn on your side, Joel behind you, bringing his muscular arm to wrap around your middle. Still in a slight daze from your activities, you intertwine your fingers with his, keeping him close. Joel leans forward, leaving small kisses from your neck to your shoulder, “Let me take you on a date, Sweets.” You barely hear him, his voice coming out soft and almost timid.
Tilting you head back towards him, you give him a small smile, seeing a slight blush on his cheeks.
“After tonight, I’ll let you take me anywhere.”
if you read all the way through this ily and thank you :’) this fic has been a work in the making, i’m happy i can finally post it for you all to read
as always, if you want to be tagged or have any requests, my inbox is always open!<3
tag list: @reddedmiller @amy172 @joeldjarin
338 notes · View notes
justjams2003 · 6 months
Fast Pace- 10
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, the word 'daddy', tell me if I missed any
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @dark-night-sky-99 @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae
Word count: 3,1k
Part 9~Part 11(coming soon)
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"Carlos! Carlos! Carlos! Look! Look! Look!” Your excitement is uncontainable. There was a knock on the door early in the morning. You opened the door to a package in the hands of one of your security guards. With the name of one of the lesser-known clothing brands in Milan. You'd slept in the same bed as Carlos, and it’s brought you closer together. You jump on the bed, just barely missing his sleeping form, well, now no longer sleeping. 
He doesn't even groan at your excitement. Instead, he wakes up with a smile. "Goodmorning, mi dulce niña, what has got you so riled up before 7 in the morning?” He asks, picking you up by the waist and placing you in his lap. "I got a package, see?” He rubs his eyes, now really waking up. He takes the box from your hands and reads the letter that came with.  
"Dear, Y/N, we've seen your videos and would love for you to show off some of our best looks on the paddock. Gioia Bini.” He doesn't show much of a reaction, clearly though just a bluff, a wide grin covers his face. He grabs you and then pulls you close to him. His scruff tickles you as he places a thousand small kisses all over. Your neck, your shoulders, your cheeks.  
You can't help but laugh, joy coursing through you. "I'm so proud of you!” His words feel like adrenaline through your bones. You can feel your childhood hopes and dreams spark alive again. This is a moment you'll be saving forever. Like a wallpaper for your mind. Because while he gives you words of praise you feel nothing but pure joy.  
"Let me fit it, and you can help me chose when and which one.” The first one is that classic Ferrari read, never before have you realised how good you look in the colour. Or just how good it feels to see him look at you like that. As if you're worth a million, no, a billion dollars. The second one is a short, white dress.  
"Mmh, a difficult choice. You know I love you in red, but I can't wait to see you in white.” "What?” Did he really just say that? Marriage? Yes, you're crazy about him, but you've only known him a month. But he doesn't answer. At all. He brushes it off as if he never said it. As if he meant to keep it in his mind or say it in Spanish.  
He then checks his watch; he'd already gotten ready in his gym clothes. "We'll decide after the gym.” You smile and go to get ready for your everyday. "Okay, enjoy yourself,” yet before you could go change, he grabs you by the wrist. "Ah, ah, ah. You're joining me. Remember the deal?” The realisation hits you, he must be making a joke, he can't be serious.  
Yet, he was dead serious about the smoking. He was dead serious about the healthy eating; you could see your hips becoming a bit softer and your legs just a bit rounder. His fingers come up to your chin and close your mouth. "You'll catch flies, why is this bothering you so much?” You rip your wrist from his hand.  
"Fine.” You don't mean to sound so harsh, but you can feel the memories surfacing. You can't help but stare at yourself in the mirror. Does he not like your body? Does he want it different? Will he be taking your privilege if you don't go? You thought you were more to him? More than just a body. Is that why he won't touch you? He doesn't think your body is good enough yet? 
"You're killing me,” you're heaving heavily. Squeezing your sides from the stitches as you hang over the treadmill. All while your sugar daddy and your shared personal trainer is laughing at your reaction. "You! This is all your fault. I thought you-” the word love plays on your tongue. No, he can't possibly love you. If he does, there must be something wrong with him.  
"-cared for me! And now? Now you're trying to kill me.” You just barely peer over to him. He hasn't even broken a sweat and yet he's done 3 times more than you. "It's just a 10 minute run, Y/N. I understand you had that classic French diet, but we have to start somewhere.” Rupert explains, trying to encourage you.  
It doesn't help, you can feel your lungs burning. But Carlos knows. He knows what motivates you, he knows what pushes your buttons. He tells Bob to go fill out your water bottle again. Then he does the same as before, lifts your chin and then brings your ear close to his mouth. "Come on, show Daddy you'll be able to keep up with me.” He shoots you a wink and before you know it, Bob is back.  
Your cheeks are bright red, and you just hope and pray that the trainer will think it's from the exercise. "Alright, Rupert, peak health. As good as a high-performance athlete.” You send Carlos a wink, hoping that it has the same effect on him as it has on you. It doesn't he doesn't blush, not once, in fact his smirk grows wider.  
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"Carlos did what?” You bite your lip at Alexandra's reaction. "He gave me his card and told me to go shop.” Kika lets out a laugh. "We heard you; we're just shocked.” You look at the both of them, their opinions matter a lot to you. You want what they have, what they are. You want to join them on their girls-trips and always enjoy the hospitalities with them on the paddock.  
"What? Does Pierre not do that?” You ask, feeling a bit like a deer caught in headlights. "I wish." She scoffs taking a sip from her drink. "Neither does Charles. I mean, he does give me presents and naturally we go on vacation together, but rarely does he just give me his card.” She still looks a bit taken back. "His Black Amex at that too.” Kika interrupts.  
The realisation of just how different your relationship is hits you. You didn't think from the start that they're sugar babies, but you thought at least their boyfriends would treat them the same. Or at least, similarly. Even so, for the most part your behaviour seems more girlfriend than sugar baby. Should you be acting different?  
"And the car too! Kika, did you see her car?” Alex calls out, putting down her drink. "Car?” Portuguese girl asks after swallowing her bite. Alex squeals and then pulls out her phone. At the moment, you feel like an outsider. You feel like they're gossiping about you, even if you're right next to them. She then shows Kika your Instagram, and they both swoon. Has she been watching you? 
 "You follow me?” She chuckles and nods, "Of course, girl, I've been stalking you since Charles told me Carlos got a new girl.” You chuckle, this all feels so schoolgirl. As if you aren't surrounded by some of the riches people on earth. "So, he's had plenty of girlfriends then?” She thinks for a moment, before backtracking on her words. 
"I wouldn't call them girlfriends. They're more like flings than anything. But you... I think you're here to stay.” She takes your hands in her own. "Why do you say so.” Before she even starts speaking, she leers over her sunglasses to Brutis and Otis. "Because they've never been here before." You regret wearing the claw-clip now, because you're so ready to hide.  
Kika finishes her drink, "Yeah, do they follow you everywhere?” She asks while turning back and waving to them. No reaction on their part. You sigh, letting go of Alex's hands and hiding your face. "Ugh, yes, it's Carlos' only fault. His protectiveness." Alex laughs and then shrugs. "It makes sense, the fans can be more dangerous than you realise..." It feels like the same speech he gave you.
"Yeah, didn't you see all those videos at the concerts? People are throwing things these days..." Kika agrees with Alex. If three people think the same, maybe it is logical? You haven't told Ilsa or Jasmine about them, you already know how they'll overreact.  
"I guess he's just worried about me," both of the girls only hum, but like classic good friends they give each other a knowing look. "But they're not much fun, are they?" She reads you like a book, they've been such a drag. A looming figure you just can't get rid of. And you know other people are staring more at them than they are at you. After all, you're not even that famous. "Why don't we ditch them?" Alex asks, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "I don't know, I don't want to stress Carlos out. With the practice and all, I don't want him to get hurt..."  
They both groan and boo at your hesitation. "He's not your dad, you don't have to do everything he says." Kika gives a sharp side eye, but she too has the playful aura. "Yeah, all three our boys are busy right now. We won't be bothering them. You can barely reach them when they're caught up in the media like this." She's right, so far you've just been sitting here eating lunch with them. After that, you have no idea. Carlos has so much to do and you honestly don't feel like getting in his hair. "Oh alright, how are we going to do this?"  
"Woohoo! Isn't this so much more fun than sitting around with those old men?" You can barely hear her over the sound of the radio. You're driving down the streets of Milan, again. This time an even bigger budget in mind with your new girl friends.
Even better so that those two boys aren't here to ruin the party, they'd been blowing up your phone and you've been gladly ignoring them. Gucci scarves, Prada heels, Hermés handbags, anything you could dream off. All the while the three of you go crazy on your Instagram. Showing everyone the life.  
"Oo girl, Carlos is going to attack you like some vicious animal when he sees you in that." Kika smirks as you all fit the lingerie on, after all the shopping and treats you all feel much closer together. You can only laugh, too ashamed to truly speak of all that is happening. Alex whines and places her head on your shoulder. "You really have the perfect guy." You can only laugh at her. "And what? Charles Leclerc is a deadbeat?"  
He's getting paid more than Carlos, he's more stable with Ferrari than Carlos and they've been longer together than the two of you. She laughs and admires herself in the changing room mirror. "I really like him, don't get me wrong. But he's not obsessed with me like Carlos is with you."
You blush and begin changing back into your clothes. "I wouldn't say he's obsessed with me." You both leave the changing room at the same time, conveniently with Kika outside still deep in your conversation.  
"Girl, have you seen the way he looks for you? All he does for you? What has it been? 6 Months? I would marry that man already if I were you. Just to make sure he doesn't get away." If you had a drink you would've spit it out. "Kika! It's a bit early, don't you think?" You're glad she shares your shock, otherwise you'd be certain that they're both crazy. "Not at all." You all three laugh at her, now you're really enjoying yourself.  
The ringtone rings, Sade's Smooth Operator plays due to the ringtone. "Speak of the devil." You say, holding up your phone after paying. You answer the phone while walking out the doors. "Where the fuck are you?" You can't help but let a laugh escape. He must be joking or something, you've never heard this time from him. He's never been aggressive towards you, ever. "This is not something to be fucking laughing about. Get back to the hotel, now."  
You fall back, behind the two girls, not wanting them to listen to the conversation. "Why? It's not even," you go to look at the time only to realise free practice has long since ended. Not to mention, it's almost 5. "Oh shit..." You mutter, not realising how long you've been out and about.
"Oh shit is right. Get back to the hotel. Now." His voice is much sterner than you've ever heard him be. Comparable to the rage you've seen in the videos, after he's been let down by his team, again. Have you let him down?  
You open the hotel door. All while taking off your heels and putting them to the side. "Carlos?" You call out, not seeing him lounging around, likely guessing that he's changing. In your mind, he's supposed to go to the gym right around now. The trainer has kept your sessions three times a week for now. However, walking further into the hotel room you see him on the balcony. In his workout clothes, his back faced to you with the setting sun of Italy in the background.  
"Carlos," he doesn't look to be as angry as he sounded on the phone. Then again, you've never really seen him angry. He turns to you, now you can truly gauge his emotions. "Where were you?" You go to answer him but he raises his hand. "More importantly why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Anger, yes, it's prevalent, but more importantly you see fear. Utter frustration in his eyes, he looks like he's ran a  marathon. 
You shrug, inspecting your still un-pedicured toes. That was one of the many things you plan on doing with your mom next week when you visit. "I didn't want to bother you. You were busy with the media." He scoffs at your words, his dark hair moving with his dramatic reactions. He repeats your words in a mutter. "So you thought it would be better to scare the living shit out of me?" He does look truly terrified. His usually soft eyes are now hard like rock. Like the amber stones his eyes so resemble.  
"Do you know how it felt? I was in the middle of a drivers meeting. I thought someone took you from me!" You see tears form in his eyes. His backlash has a similar effect on you. You can feel the rock in your throat and the burning in your jaw. Yet still you don't dare say a word, after all you have nothing to say.
"Worse even, I thought you left me. I thought that they had said something that made you leave. That you realise you deserve much more than me." This makes you laugh, or maybe it's just to keep the sobs from escaping.  
But the laugh seems to pierce his heart. "You're laughing? I'm ready to burn the whole of Italy just to find you and you're laughing?" Now, now you see anger. Raging burning anger. Like it's been locked in a cage and now it's free and gulping up oxygen.
"No, Carlos. It's funny to me that you think I deserve better? You quite literally took me in from the streets. Fed me with Caviar, clothed me with Gucci and cared for me like a king his queen, expecting nothing in return. And yet still believe I deserve better?"  
Now it's his turn to laugh. You can see his fighting a battle in his mind. What to say and what not to say. "Can't you see? In five years I'll be washed up. Not a single Championship to my name and my money spent on stupidly expensive watches and cars that don't even hold one shopping bag. But you, you're immortal. Your beauty should be and I'm convinced will be remembered until every last mind withers from this earth.  Every single dime spent on you, is for the betterment of humanity."  
How on earth can you really mean so much to him? What is it about you? How can one glance from an alleyway have this man in tears in front of you. You can't control yourself, you just need to feel his arms around you.
You need to hold him and comfort him. Tell him you'll stay forever. How sorry you are and that it won't ever happen again. And he lets you. He lets the tears fall in the crook your neck. His grip tighter than you thought possible. To the point where it aches. But, that's what love is, right? It aches.  
He combs his fingers through your hair, whispering words that you'll never know what they mean. "Estoy obsesionado contigo. Si no puedo abrazarte por el resto de mi vida, entonces no tengo vida que esperar. Si no es en tus brazos donde muero, será en ese maldito coche de carreras, aunque tenga que asegurarme de ello."  
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mikoishere · 1 year
Alpha jing yuan x Omega male reader
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Type: Smut | some angst
Kinks: Breeding kink | belly bulge kink | praising kink
Nicknames: pretty boy | Cockslvt | Daddy’s little b!tch
Contains: M!preg | Abortion | possesive jing yuan | omega verse | alpha x omega | creampies
Part 2
[Time skip] it was the next day, you woke up in Jing yuan’s bedroom..he wasn’t beside you since he probably went to work earlier than you, you got up dressing in the same clothing from yesterday, then quietly rushed out heading back to your house as you opened the door you head to the bathroom taking a quick shower changing into new clothes you then put on a black cloak heading out your house going to a nearby store “Hiya! Whatcha looking for?” The worker asked “your boss, he’s someone I know tell him I’m here for the pills.” You spoke quietly the cloak covering your features “ah so it’s you..right away.” The worker rushed at the back of the store coming back as quickly as possible setting the pills down on the counter “there ya go.“ he spoke, You sent down a pouch of gold coins it jingled. You then took the pills leaving the store, You then went to the Xianzhou luofu taking a glass of water drinking it down with the pill then I quickly threw the package that held the pill away going back to where everyone was, I helped out with yanqing and the others before You dropped to your knees coughing out blood as yanqing was taken by surprise but quickly taking action kneeling beside me holding my shoulder “[Name]..?!” He spoke panicking my vision getting blurry as jing yuan saw the current scene before his eyes as he rushed to carry you on his back rushing to his room as yanqing followed [time skip] it was the afternoon You woke up with Jing yuan sitting beside my bed looking at me worried, You then broke the silence speaking “it’s done for,” You held your belly “the life inside me.” You spoke looking at Jing yuan as he looked terrified his eyes was tearing up breath getting ragged as he leaned closer holding both my shoulders yelling at me as tears left his eyes “O-Our child..?!” The scene before you was heart breaking, but you knew you two wouldn’t work out..you were afraid of having a child. “I didn’t ask for you to knot me jing yuan..I was in heat and couldn’t think straight so even if the alpha weren’t you I probably would’ve let them have their way with me anyway.” You spoke coldly. Jing yuans face, was devastated he lowered his head his tears dripping on the sheets “we- we could’ve talked about this..” he spoke swallowing his own saliva, “it’s done for general, you know we can’t be together.” I spoke “so what exactly do you want from me?” I asked sternly as jing yuan looked at me tears filled his eyes “another child..!” He still held my shoulder as his expression was still the same, devastated and heart broken “w-who would want anything like that happen to their child..?!” Jing yuan spat out I clenched the blanket on me “you know we can’t conceive another child it would just die again anyway.” You spoke. His world shattered with those words “don’t say that!” He yelled back “of course we can conceive another child! So don’t think about anything like that!” He spat out tears rolling down his cheeks “so please..” he cried out “let’s conceive another child..” he pleaded
Yes reader is toxic in this😚
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jacenotjason · 8 months
Eddie's Big Lift!
(Opposite AU edition!)
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VV Script VV
JULIE: [Said with laughter in her words] Well it’s.. a hilarious idea, Frank, I’ll give you that. But I just don’t believe it’s possible!
FRANK: No, it’s true! I swear, I swear!
BARNABY: [whispering with concern as he walks outside, limping without his caine.] What on Earth is going on out here?
FRANK: Oh, hi, Barnaby! I thought today was reshelf-ing day!!
BARNABY: [softly] It's, reshelving, Frank.. and reshelving day needs a quiet atmosphere.. How could anyone reshelf with you guys bickering so loudly?
JULIE: [still laughing] Our most idiotic Frank here insists that the local mailman is enough of a unit to lift every! Single! Neighbor! In the neighborhood!
BARNABY: [With the tone of someone who’s heard this before, and is concerned] Oh, Frank, not this again..
FRANK: It’s true, it’s true! Barnaby You’ve seen it too!
BARNABY: Now.. Eddie is very capable what with carrying all his packages and such around, but--
FRANK: [Loudly Interrupting] So you agree!!
BARNABY: I did not say-- Frank, our neighborhood includes the likes of Me, Poppy and Home, no one could--
FRANK: [Triumphantly shouting] EDDIE! CAN! LIFT! A! HOOOUUUSSSEEE!!
BARNABY: [Whimper of fear that becomes muffled as he covers his face]
JULIE: Well, I can’t accept such a boast without proof.
FRANK: Oh, I can prove it! Look, here comes Eddie now! Watch this!
BARNABY: [sound of realization] No, wait, Frank-
EDDIE: [as monotone as always] Mail’s here. I’ve got- oh no.
FRANK: [Overlapping him, running off in his direction] EDDIE, EDDIE, EDDIE, CATCH ME! QUICK! CATCH ME!
[Sound of packages hitting the ground and Eddie grunting slightly as he catches Frank.]
FRANK: TA-DAA!! See? See??
JULIE: [Dismissively, with a scoff] Oh come on, that’s barely an accomplishment! I could lift you Frank! Sally could lift you.
BARNABY: [still worried] Yes, I could probably lift you if sufficiently motivated, Frank.
FRANK: [Hmph’s] And yet you two never play “throw-Frank-up-in-the-air-as-hard-as-you-can-and-see-where-he-lands” with me!
BARNABY: [voice cracking with worry] We’ve talked about this, Frank! I didn’t want you to get hurt-
JULIE: [cutting off Barnaby] Well, I’m not convinced. Eddie, [snapping of her fingers], here!
EDDIE: I ain’t a dog, Julie.
JULIE: I just- [quick gasp as shes lifted suddenly] Ah-!
EDDIE: [still monotone as he lifts Julie above his head] voila.
JULIE: A warning would've been nice you ass. [a small, monotone, "ow" from Eddie as she playfully kicks him.] But, I’m still not convinced.
Eddie: [incredibly sarcastic] Oh no. I'm devastated. [drops Julie] Julie: Wait- ['OOF' as shes dropped onto the path] you ass!
FRANK: [overlapping Julie's unceremonious fall and cursing] BARNABY NEXT! BARNABY NEXT!!
EDDIE: Alrighty.
EDDIE: Why not?
FRANK: [said at the same time as Eddie, but much louder] WHY NOOOOT!!
BARNABY: I will not let you hurt yourself attempting to lift me into the air, Eddie! I’d feel terrible!
BARNABY: [gasp of delight] Oh- look! Wally and Poppy! Hello!
POPPY: What’s up? How did the ground taste, Julie?
WALLY: Hi, Barnaby. Hi, Julie. Hi, Frank. Hi, Eddie. What are you--
FRANK: [interrupting Wally mid-greetings; he keeps going underneath his dialogue] EDDIE! LIFT WALLY INSTEAD!
EDDIE: Alright, c’mere little guy- hup!
WALLY: Oh, I’m up here now.
JULIE: [Scoffs] Oh please! Wally weighs 3 apples soaking wet! Watch, put him down.
EDDIE: And down you go.
WALLY: I’m on the ground again.
JULIE: And hup!!
[Another “ta-da!!” to signify her lifting Wally.]
WALLY: Oh, and now I’m up again.
POPPY: Life’s sure got its ups and downs, huh? [chuckling at her own joke] Uhh, but seriously, Cloudie, what’s this new game of yours?
FRANK: [excitedly explaining the situation to Poppy] It’s not a game, Poppy! I’m proving to Julie that Eddie can lift everyone in the neighborhood!
POPPY: Ohhh, why didn’t you say so? Eddie, ya shoulda started with me. Seein’ as I’m such a tiny li’l birdy and all.
EDDIE: [long sigh] ..fuckin.. okay.
POPPY: I mean, it wouldn’t be much harder than liftin’ a couple envelopes, huh? Pickin’ up a li’l girl like me. It’s hardly even worth showin’ off at this point, when you’ve already managed guys so much bigger! But might as well just so you can say honestly you’ve managed the full collection, right?
EDDIE: [groaning, the sound of a flask being taken out of his jacket and quickly swigged from] Mng, okay, c’mere.. I figure I can... Yeah, yup, here we-- [grunt of effort] Hup-- all right-- little more– shit–
POPPY: [under Eddie’s struggle] watch the talons hun.
[Big, forceful, weightlifter-style exhale as he gets Poppy lifted; little “woah-ho-ho!” from Poppy.]
FRANK: [overlapping others] YEE-EES!!
JULIE: [overlapping others, little applause] Hell yeah!
BARNABY: [overlapping others, gasp of fear, his voice muffled behind his paw] oh Mary please..
WALLY: [overlapping others] Oh, now Poppy’s up there.
[One solid beat. Then, sound of Eddie collapsing and taking Poppy down with him, with a loud “OOF!” from both of them. A terrified yip from Barnaby]
POPPY: Ahah! Holy crap, I don’t even have a joke about that! That was awesome! You okay, Ed?
EDDIE: [Groan, sarcasm in his normal monotone as he speaks into the dirt] Oh yes, just fuckin peachy, augh..
JULIE: I still say it’s just passable. Ma, get over here! I bet I can lift you over my head and carry you to Sally’s window to show her!
POPPY: [snort-laugh] Yeah, all right.
BARNABY: [gasping in fear] NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. I’m ending this right now!
FRANK: Oooh, let’s go see if Eddie can lift Howdy next! We can save Home for the big finish!! Sally can watch from her window!
JULIE: Not if I can lift them first!! [her voice becomes distant as she continues to talk, fading until shes not heard anymore] I bet Howdy weighs less because his heart is so empty! Jackass won’t even see it coming. I bet I can carry Home all the way to…
POPPY: Well, I know what I’m doin’ with the rest of my day. C’mon, li’l buddy, let’s catch this party!
WALLY: Eddie’s going to lift up Home? That’s the most. We can go to Howdy’s together and Home can pick out his own hot dog.
EDDIE: Ain’t the first time I spent the day on the dirt path. [spoken in the dirt, his voice muffled]
[Long beat. Just Eddie and Barnaby are left.]
BARNABY: [soft, concerned voice of a father] Oh, Eddie..
EDDIE: What? [his voice louder as he lifted his head from the dirt]
BARNABY: [small chuckle of delight, then whispers] Thank you for entertaining Frank.
EDDIE: ..I don’t know what you’re talking about.
BARNABY: I just think its funny.. If anyone else had asked you to lift people up you wouldn’t have done it, hm? EDDIE: [laugh] Tch. [groan as he attempts to stand] Alright, yeah.. Figured Frank would get a good laugh out of that..
BARNABY: A good laugh? [the sound of struggle as he lifts Eddie to his feet] I think you made his day, Edward. You, quite literally, bent over backwards for him.
EDDIE: [an unusual sound of joy in his voice] Yeah.. well.. Frank makes mine. It’s the least I can do. [the sound of him brushing the dirt off his clothes]
BARNABY: I’m sure he’d be happy to hear that.
Eddie: [a sigh of defeat] mm..
BARNABY: Well, I’m going to go inside and get my caine so I can join everyone else without limping all day.. I’ll see you in a second.
EDDIE: seeya.. [silence as Barnaby walks away, a few sounds of dirt being kicked around by Eddie]
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 5 months
The first time
Your best friends are offering you a deal that you... can't refuse?
I can't write smut, so… yes… But I just wanted to write something like that, ah!..
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who suggest that you lose your virginity with them because "it's better with us than with an incomprehensible stranger in an alley."
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who pretend to be so confident and experienced that you start to believe they've already had sex. You agree, because they promise you a huge amount of pleasure and tenderness. "We promise, we will be affectionate and kind to you! Just let us give you ~l~o~v~e~."
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who have loved you for many years and even got into a fight over it once. They heard that you liked some guy, and they almost went crazy. You shared your first kiss with them, why not share your first time with them?
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who bring condoms and lube to your bedroom with them. (Just in case. They are going to give you so much fun that no additional measures will be needed). You look at the size on the package with doubt. "Do you know that 'L' means 'large'?" They both just stick their tongues out and wink at you, which you can only swallow at.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who are confused and can't look at you once you are completely undressed. You think they're experienced, so you're no longer embarrassed or afraid, as you did once you entered your bedroom. You stand naked in front of them, your chest sticking out, waiting for them to take action.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who just can't budge. They always thought you were cute and pretty, but now? You are a goddess. They are not sure that they are ready to "desecrate" your body.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who are about to leave because they feel ashamed of their own actions, but then you go over and kiss Suguru on the lips and start removing Satoru's clothes. They both freeze in shock before succumbing closer to you, to your warm skin and the gentle touch they've always dreamed of.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who become hard just from the fact that you lightly touched their cocks. Both of them have been dreaming about this for so long that they can now cum from any of your touch.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who don't let you please them. (And not only for the reasons described above). "This is your special day, baby." Satoru winks at you, trying to hide his own awkwardness, and Suguru silently buries his face in your neck, leaving a fleeting kiss.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who put you on the bed and freeze for a few seconds. They either admire your body or try to figure out what to do with you next. They are afraid that they will hurt you. Still, Suguru musters up his resolve and leaves fleeting kisses on your neck before slowly moving down to your chest. Satoru prefers to immediately lower his hand to feel your soft flesh and hardened nipple.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who are ready to thank any people or non-humans for being in this situation. They worship your body, ask if everything is okay, kiss you, and make you think you're going to have sex with your boyfriend.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who spend so much time covering your neck with kisses and little possessive marks, gently nibbling your shoulders, complimenting your breasts, and finally playing with your nipples. Fingers slide between them, gently, slowly twisting and squeezing. The sorcerers just can't help but kiss them. But what about the taste? Satoru's teeth only cause a little pain when he nibbles on your nipples and slightly wrinkles his nose to hide his happiness. Suguru focuses on sucking on your nipples as if his life depends on it, his right hand pressing against your cheek and supporting your head so that you can lie down more comfortably.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who aren't quite sure what to do with the bottom of your body. You have to patiently explain what the labia, clitoris, and vagina are, and what to do with them all. Fortunately, boys learn quickly, so you'll soon be lying on your back again, enjoying a treat you never imagined.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who are even now trying to fight for you. You have to shush them to stop them from breathing on your pussy and arguing, and they've already done something. In the end, Satoru leans in first and presses a careful kiss to your clit before licking the long way from the bottom of your labia to there. Suguru can only swallow his saliva and bend down to kiss your stomach and mumble that he just can't wait for his turn.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who still find a common language and come to a compromise. Satorus tongue is deep within you, exploring everything slowly and thoroughly. Blue eyes watch your every reaction, so as not to miss the moment when you will be particularly pleased. Satoru may forget mission tasks, but he will never forget where to press his fingers or tongue to make you moan. His big hands rest on your hips, preventing you from closing your legs even a little. Meanwhile, Suguru finds pleasure in sucking and licking your clit, his lips and tongue never leaving it. His dark eyes are also focused on your face, and he wouldn't be able to look away from you even if a gun was held to his forehead. The fingers of his left hand sometimes find themselves deep inside you, exploring everything along with Satoru`s tongue. His other hand plays with your left nipple. You can't refuse him when he gently and quietly asks you to touch another breast that has not received attention.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who almost earn a squint when you cum. They don't know where to look! On your face, on that shock in your eyes, when almost all your most intimate areas are aroused at the same time and so well? Or at your thighs twitching in Satoru's iron grip, the muscles clenching around his fingers, the clit that Suguru continues to cover with kisses? It's all so beautiful that they would love to take lots of photos and record videos, if only it weren't for the fact that they want you to be completely comfortable and trust them!
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who unwittingly overstimulate you because they are too interested. They want to know everything about you. They already know your birthday, favorite color, your favorite character from a video game, TV series, and anime, the name of your favorite toy, your favorite food, and much, much more. So what's the problem with finding out what they need to do with your beautiful body to make you cum so hard that the stars will appear in front of your eyes?
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who change to feel you fully. They whisper to each other how wonderful you taste, how wonderful you smell, how hard you squeeze on their fingers or tongue. They say you're a nice, sweet girl who does a great job with everything they give her. They murmur that one day they will make you their own, and you will bathe in love, pleasure and tenderness every day. These words aren't exactly meant for you, but you still get confused and try to hide from them. The sorcerers don't notice it at all, because they're too busy looking at the clear liquid that's all over your thighs.
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who are ready to go completely naked to fight and find out who will take your virginity. You have to stop them and tell them that it will be Suguru, because Satoru is literally shaking with anticipation and you are afraid that he will accidentally hurt you. And while Satoru tries to convince you that he will be gentle and careful with you, Suguru unpacks a fresh pack of condoms.
Best friend!Geto, who intertwines his fingers with your right hand, with the other he holds your left thigh, his cock is about to enter you. Suguru feels his heart beating fast somewhere at the level of his temples, he can't catch his breath, his heart is about to stop from happiness. He carefully moves his hips forward and watches in horror as you grimace. He wants to come out and apologize to you, but calms down and continues to push when you say that you are just a little unpleasant and unusual, but definitely not in pain.
Best friend!Gojo, who lies next to your side and holds your other hand, watching enviously as his friend's cock disappears into the place he's been dreaming of for months. However, Satoru can't complain because he's too busy massaging your clit with his left hand and whispering in your ear that everything will be fine. He showers you with sweet compliments and tells you that soon you will feel so much pleasure that you will forget about the pain. You've already cum as many times as you've never cum in a single week of your life, so you're not sure whether to be happy or tense.
Best friend!Geto, who freezes as soon as his cock is fully inside you. He leans down and covers your cheeks with kisses, gently wipes away the traces of tears (left over and just appeared), asks if you are feeling well. He kisses you as many times as he can before you tell him, during a brief pause, that he can move.
Best friend!Gojo, who watches all this with envy, but doesn't interfere. He refuses when you offer to touch his penis. He wants so much to be inside you, to experience warmth and comfort! Satoru continues to touch your clit, hold your hand, but now his mouth has found its home on your left breast.
Best friend!Geto, who is very embarrassed when he suddenly cums. It seems to him that he did not give you any pleasure at all! His hands tighten on your hip and press your hand into the mattress. Suguru opens his mouth and can only groan loudly, feeling waves of pleasure wash over him. He lands gently on your chest and exhales loudly, his cheeks and neck red, and his eyes can't see anything because of happy tears.
Best friend!Gojo, who gently pushes Suguru in the side because it's his turn. He puts on a condom and enters you easier and easier, there is no stiffness and an invisible barrier in the form of your uncertainty or discomfort. Satoru curses it and adores it at the same time. He can move his hips faster, push you harder and harder, but the problem is that he was rubbing against your side, watching Suguru fuck you, so now he can cum even faster than his friend!
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who lie down next to your sweaty, overexcited body and whisper that you did a great job. You want to go to sleep, but suddenly you feel their cocks getting hard again. You still offer to "lend a helping hand", but your friends refuse. They come up and tell you that they haven't satisfied you enough, so they'll have sex with you over and over and over again until they think you've had enough fun and cum enough times! After all, they are the strongest, so nothing is impossible for them!
Best friends!Gojo and Geto, who kiss you with all the tenderness and love that they have been hiding all this time. You're almost asleep when they whisper in your ear how much they love you.
Boyfriends!Gojo and Geto, who would like to kneel in front of you forever and call you "goddess" if only you would show them these cute faces showing how much you enjoy their touches, praises and words of love.
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fishermanshook · 5 months
"You look, oddly familiar." (surviors! x gn!reader)
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A prompt where you knew said Survivor before they came to the manor. Your reason for coming here? Probably because of them.
꒰wc꒱ 1.0k words (grammar and spelling warning, mentions of abuse in Female Dancer’s part.)
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The Enchantress
You and the Enchantress were together a lot as kids, or has your growing age started to wipe your memory clean? Do you struggle to remember such personal moments the two of you shared? Such a shame, as it's been over 5 years and you've yet to trace her location down. Has she disappeared from the world entirely? Seems like it, doesn't it?
Oh. Wait. There's a memory. An old one for sure, but a memory is still a memory. You and Patricia had spent what seemed to be every waking second together. So much so that Patricia's "mother" had started to see you as her own. Another child to take under her wing, and she gladly would. You understand that, right? Had she not taught you enough? The two of you had made a habit of strolling through New Orleans together, knowing almost every face that inhabited every corner of the city. You'd be down there for any number of reasons. To pick something up, to look for new ingredients, or just to look around the place you know by the back of your hand.
If the two of you had spent so much time with each other, then why didn't she tell you where the hell she went? She never left a note, a letter, or even a single clue as to where she ran off. So yes, when you received a letter stating to know her whereabouts you followed. Was it dumb? Oh for sure. But you would take every chance you could get to find her. You didn't even get to go up to her when you spotted her, she already knew.
"I wish you hadn't come," The Enchantress says with her back turned to yours. "but I can't help but be happy that you did." She chimed, turning around with a smile and a strange-looking artifact in her hand.
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The Painter
You were there when it all started. You know, his painting thing. At first, he was a mess, paint slobbered all over his hands and face like a child. But I guess he was a child when he first picked up the paintbrush. Who would’ve known he would never put it down?
As Edgar’s talent increased, he started painting other things. Boats in the river, flowers growing outside, people strolling around the park where the two of you frequented. His drawings decorated his room and cluttered his bedroom floor.
For your 12th birthday, little Edgar (in all honesty) had forgotten about your birthday. The thought of it struck his mind at 1 in the morning as he quickly grabbed for his paints before whisking out a canvas. Throwing himself into his work, he produced his first of many portraits of you. From that point forward, it was a tradition for him to paint you for each birthday. No matter how many fights you had over his short temper or accidental paint spills imported from the other side of the country, you still received a packaged painting. Wrapped in fine silk with a “happy birthday” note tucked in between the folds. For you, he spared little to no expense. That is, until he got older.
It has been over two years since you've seen the man and you haven’t received a single portrait since. Arriving at the manor, you find him in the garden alone, painting a familiar portrait.
“It’s nice that you remember my face, as I’m starting to forget yours.” Your voice nearly makes him drop his paintbrush, as he whips around to meet you. You in all your stunning beauty, god, how you’ve grown from the small child he once knew.
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Female Dancer
It is either that you met Nata-Margaretha in Lakeside Village or during your shared time spent in the Hullabaloo circus. Both experiences that you will not forget, but time makes things foggy. It blurs memories that were important to your life that you can no longer recall. But for the sake of going to bed without a piercing migraine tonight, your brain tells you it was during the circus.
Ah, now you're starting to remember things. As memories (some unwanted) come flooding back to you about the circus. A curious place that produced good and bad thoughts. Your mind flashes back to before the accident when time was spent helping Margie (a nickname used widely throughout the circus by many of its performers) tame animals and perform new jaw-dropping tricks to stun the audience. 
You remember when your ignorance of what was happening behind closed curtains came crashing down. When Margaretha came crying to you, sobbing that she needed to tell you something. She then began to show you bruises and cuts that littered her body, all deliberately hidden in places that couldn't be noticed unless further expected. To keep it short, you were shocked that "he" could do something this horrible, to decorate her upper body in purple and red marks. It was even more shocking that if anyone noticed, "he" would just brush it off and say that she got hurt while practicing. 
At that time, you knew you had to get her and yourself out of there. A lack of knowledge has landed your friend with bruises, cuts, and unwanted love from someone she thought she cared for.
You haven't seen Margaretha since the fire. Actually, you haven't seen anyone since the fire. Not Mike, not Murro, not even Violetta. But following breadcrumbs as to where they all went earned you a one-way ticket to the Oletus Manor, maybe your questions will be answered there.
"Margie?" You almost choke on your words. Seeing her for the first time in so long feels nostalgic. (how old are you again?) She can't even respond, she can’t even believe it's you. All you'll get from her is a death-griping hug and a stained shirt accompanied by her ever-flowing tears.
note: I love you Patricia (writers block is kicking my a rn)
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(2024)©️fishermanshook — do not steal, translate, plagiarize, or repost my work on any other platform
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faeriekit · 10 months
Health and Hybrids (VII)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWOis here PART THREEis here PART FOUR is here and PART FIVE is here PART SIX is here and this is lucky number seven baby 💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Martian Manhunter did a Whoopsie. Things are better than they were though, so...success? YJ got in trouble with Batman but Danny wasn't exactly cognizant enough to notice so that got relegated to the tags.
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
The debriefing team meets J’onn in a meeting room not too far from the cafeteria. By the time he makes it to the correct floor, the team has clearly been waiting on him; on the table are a pack of Chocco cookies, a large order of fries, and a ten pack of chicken nuggets. 
J’onn inclines his head. It’s nice to see that his favorite meal is remembered. “Thank you, Batman.” 
Batman’s nod is equally as formal. The human is already most of the way through his italian sub. “No thanks needed. Were you successful in your contact with the entity?” 
Ah. Right to the details, then. J’onn obliges the question with a seat at the table. Black Canary, a chair to his right, gently scoots over to provide him more space. 
In the end, J’onn is relieved to have a prop in his hands. It creates a small, if flimsy barrier between himself and the images the boy had shown him. 
What he knows now…
J’onn sighs. 
The room is peaceful— likely intentionally so, in order to ease the oncoming conversation. Wonder Woman and Black Canary sit beside each other, their individual meals open and half-eaten between them. As the facilitator of the conversation, Batman sits at the end of the table; as the secretary of the meeting, Superman sits beside him, his sloppy joe in one hand and a keyboard beneath the other. 
J’onn quietly tears open the packaging of his pack of cookies. Plucks one from its plastic insert inside. Chews. Swallows.
“The first thing to note is that although the entity's primary language is not known to me, he is extremely familiar with humans— and, likely, with Earth.” 
Superman swallows the rest of his sandwich in one gulp, nods, and begins to type. Batman turns to face J’onn directly. “How so?” 
“He has many memories of flying freely in Earth’s atmosphere, specifically; the stars line up with the star patterns as viewed from this planet. He is intimately familiar with several aspects of Earth’s culture, including the idea of ‘a bedroom’, which he identified as his own, and a childhood toy, which was a scale model of an Earth spacecraft. If I was shown a variety of options, I could likely pick out which craft specifically. He has a mind for detail.”
Superman’s fingers flick rapid-fire over the keyboard. J’onn happens to be aware of the Krytponian’s career, as the local telepath, but rarely is the man's passion so clearly shown; the focus and quick hands certainly project an air of professionalism around an otherwise at-ease debriefing room.
“You’re using he/him,” the Kryptonian observes, making additional notes in the margins of the in-progress report. “How did that come about?”
“He does have an understanding of the most common gender identities of Earth, and has a favored one. How he came about it…” J’onn inhales. It is a very human gesture. “…I do not know his origins for certain, but I have several theories.”
Batman cuts off an oncoming question from Superman with a silent wave of his hand. “Base information first. Questions and theoreticals at the end.”
Superman’s face at the hindering of his professional instincts is perhaps less than completely mature. “Yes, yes.”
J’onn takes a second cookie.
It’s easy to report on certain things; the entity's initial inability to communicate without acute pain, the subsequent reaction of the teenage team, the eventual discovery of clear communication and transference of emotion.
“Not all of his thoughts were particularly clear.” J’onn nibbles on the edge of his cookie. Black Canary pushes aside her empty tray of California rolls to give her pen and notepad space. This portion of the debrief necessitates more of her skills. “Most of the memories that he aimed to show me were value-neutral, or otherwise unrelated memories, likely due to the stress of his current and deeply traumatic situation. He preferred memories that did not have pain or distress associated with them. When prompted—I displayed my own perspective of the crash we had found him in— the associated memories that were brought up implied that not only was he the pilot of the craft, but that he had a hand in building it.”
Superman’s rhythmic tapping undercuts the soft conversation. “So he is sapient, then, despite the difficulties in communication,” Wonder Woman confirms softly.
“More than. There are echoes of formalized schooling and other instruction in his mind, although I couldn’t discern the topics of the lessons.”
“Were there other beings like him? Anyone we could reach out to? Family members, friends…?”
J’onn hesitates. There’s no way to confirm what he saw. However…
“…There are memories that he has of his own person, in which he looks very human. His self-conceptualization is of an adolescent human boy.”
The grief in the room is palpable. J’onn doesn’t have to look up to feel it press in on him from all sides.
“I suspect that…in the same way that Superman has largely spent his life on Earth, this boy has at least spent several years on Earth as well. There are glosses of memories of an adapted human house, though I was unable to safely explore how far back they went. There are humans who prominently play a role in his self-image and expected worldview, although the mental representations of them have scarred over with some form of psychological trauma. Overall, despite his current form, there was likely a time this child felt safe around both humans and human scientists.” 
Silence rules over the room. 
“...Do we know what changed that?” Black Canary asks, without looking up from her notes. Her pencil eraser taps quietly against the table. 
J’onn sets the package of cookies to the side. “Not…so exactly. There were hints of memories threaded throughout the recalled moments that he did not wish to pin down. Claustrophobia. Fear of incarceration. The fear of physical harm done to him— and the psychological harm of knowing with exact certainty that there were those willing to hurt him. …Intimate betrayal.” 
Superman and Black Canary’s eyes quietly close. Batman looks hardly moved under his cowl; if J’onn could not feel the man’s stress spike in the air, he might not have ever known how worried the human was. 
J’onn isn’t actually meant to know Superman’s circumstances as to his arrival on planet Earth, but there are equally few ways that any of the league can hide the entirety of their thoughts from him— especially at the time of his initial arrival into the League, when mental defenses had yet to be erected in a comprehensive manner. This situation smacks strongly of the story of Clark Kent, son of his human parents. 
“There is no way to confirm my guess without further conversation on the topic. However, it is incredibly likely that he lived under the radar, on Earth, for a lengthy enough span of time to acclimate to human society. The discovery of his non-human biology would have spurred further action, and the result would have given reason for his fear of medical professionals, scientists, and adult humans. Likely, the other humans in his memories meant to support him, and were prevented from doing so or injured in the process. The vehicle that had crashed back to Earth would have served as—”
“—An escape route,” several voices overlap together. 
J’onn nods. His fingers steeple together. “There is no way to know how far into space he had gotten, or if his escape was aided by others of his species, or even if the point of origin was in low atmosphere or Earth's orbit. Either way, our patient is alone now, is in extreme background pain, has lost perception in several of his senses that exclude taste, and has reluctantly bonded with the junior team due to a lack of more familiar presences.”
Batman’s emotional presence circles into a silent exhale of frustration. “That would be Impulse’s under-the table operation,” the human correctly identifies, dry as the desert. 
(J’onn is certain that the vigilante will never reveal it, even to himself, but the exhale has its own quiet, microscopic tinge of reluctant amusement.)
“I don’t think it qualifies as under-the-table if you have a running file on his activities, dated and timed by every individual interaction,” Superman points out, not even bothering to glance at the now-slightly-peeved Batman. 
“Oh, very mature.” 
“It was not league sanctioned.”
“Neither are the majority of your movements,” Wonder Woman points out. The fork from her salad punctuates her sentence with a tease and a wave. “If you informed us your security plans for the Watchtower any earlier than a week after you had already installed the new measures, I would assume you were an imposter and prepare for battle.”
Batman hardly looks put out. He achieves deception with his whole body. J’onn genuinely admires how discordant his behavior and churning thoughts can be. 
 “Oh, very well-spoken,” Black Canary flatters insincerely, toying with her pencil against her paper. 
It would be very immature of Batman to sulk. Therefore, he does not. 
“Returning to the point of this meeting… Are there any other pertinent details we ought to know?” 
J’onn considers shrugging. He packs three chocco cookies into his mouth instead, chews, and swallows. There are only two cookies left in the pack, now. 
“The biological mechanism utilized for his empathic sense is vibrationally-based. That would be why my initial attempt at communication failed so tremendously; if he does have a neurological center, it is too deeply damaged to interpret telepathic input. He has a fondness for astronomy, can recognize the color red with greatest ease, and likely needs high contrast if we would like him to recognize any materials we provide. He imprinted on Impulse likely because the boy’s presence in the Speedforce mimics the energy readings he expects to see in those of his species.” 
Superman hums. His fingers fly. “So he must have met others of his species before.” 
J’onn makes a so-so motion. “There is no way to be certain. His abilities may be instinctually pre-programmed, or he may have had access to outside materials to teach him.” 
Batman’s arms cross. His sandwich, which had been sitting on the table, is now entirely vanished— wrapper and all. “Was there any evidence as to either particular theory you were able to pick up on?”
“...No.” Hadn’t he indicated such?
“Was there any personal information you were able to pick up on?” 
J’onn has to think about that one. The topic hadn’t come up during their mental exchange, when so much more of the focus had been on creating basic understanding of the Watchtower, his presence within their base as a patient and not as a prisoner, and his current location on the moon. Anything else that J’onn might have gleaned would have to be determined on supposition and analysis. 
“...He enjoys astronomy.” J’onn tries to recall the exact memories he had seen, and only ends up reiterating what he has already said. Perhaps highlighting certain moments will make the narrative clearer. “His childhood dwelling had little stickers on his ceiling. They would stay lit even when the room went dark—”
“...Glow in the dark stars,” Superman whispers under his breath. J’onn exhales. This isn’t a familiar point of human culture for him. He’s glad his description is recognizable. 
“Yes. He organized them to mimic Earth's constellations. He had smaller, handheld versions of rocket ships. Even if he had not known of extraterrestrial origins, he was drawn to the cosmos.” 
Batman coughs. The gesture is a reflex to suppress some welling emotion. J’onn pretends that it works. “Both items are…markers of a young child,” Batman admits. “Indications of a quite young, very human childhood.” 
Ah. J’onn can more deeply recognize the sense of tragedy welling in the air. The items are astronomy-based yes, but they equally highlight his age. 
“When he donned a human appearance, he matched the coloration of the human family who took him in. As fleeting as their acquaintance might have been, he modeled his human form after them— solidly enough and surely enough that, if he feels strong enough to form a mental self-representation, I can see the outline of it in his memories.” No details, beyond vague hints in the entity's mind of his hair and her eyes and their skin.
“Very loved,” Wonder Woman murmurs. 
“Very young, and very loved,” Black Canary reiterates with a sigh. Her notes are a black mess of graphite. “And now he fears adult humans.” 
“Yes,” J’onn admits. The cookies are gone. He sets the wrapper to the side. He reaches for the chicken nuggets. “That said, he has an instinctual familiarity with black and with red hair, will likely experience less fear with a female profile as opposed to a male, and responded favorably when offered the chance to interact with an adult who did not mean him harm. The fact that we have largely indestructible adults at our disposal works to our advantage.”
It is very, very clear who exactly fills that description. Wonder Woman sits up straight, laces her fingers together, and very kindly curtails her smugness. If Superman and Batman would like to be jealous of her current position, they may do so at their own discretion.
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sebastianswallows · 11 months
A new family — Chapter 5
— PAIRING: dark!Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
— SYNOPSIS: Ominis gets tired of his family and how miserable life is with them after he graduates. So he follows Sebastian's example for once, and kills them in cold blood. Now that he has the mansion to himself, he discovers he would still like to have a family, but one of his own making.
— WARNINGS: just Marvolo being a nasty boy. I tried to keep him accurate, and he's probably the worst character I've ever written.
— TAGLIST: @littletealight @skarathewitch @myrachondria @mrimperio @ssnapsaurus @tarotwitchy-main @hufflepuff-16
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Her hand went instinctively to the wand in her skirt pocket, but Marvolo stepped forward slowly, casually, throwing on a bemused smile. The doors closed behind him as if from a draft.
There was little in him that reminded her of Ominis. The high cheekbones and full lips were there, but his hair was dark and duller, his brows bullish thick, and his body was more broad. Although clothed quite finely in a gentleman’s suit, grey with black pinstripes, he moved in an uncouth manner, rough and lumbering and careless, if not outright uncivil.
“I wasn’t aware we were having guests,” he said, his brown eyes distastefully tracking her up and down before settling on her own. His voice was flat and low. It moved like something buried beneath mud. “Although you don’t seem like the sort of person that would be welcome here.”
She immediately hated him. She had heard of him throughout the years by Ominis, although not too much as it was, understandably, difficult for him to talk about his family in detail. She’d seen his pictures around the house as well, a few moving photographs and paintings, and he made himself unpleasant in each one, arrogant and egotistical and proud. And not only was he was as repulsive as his parents, but he’d been party to many of the torments inflicted on her dear Ominis.
She placed the parcel on the coffee table, almost in defiance, and smoothed her hands down her skirt. “I wasn’t aware yours was a welcoming family,” she said coolly.
“It isn’t,” he laughed, coming around to plop himself down on the sofa without even asking for her name. He crossed his legs and sat back, his arms spanning across its backrest almost from one end to another. “Which is why I wonder how you got here. You seem to have made yourself… comfortable,” he said, his eyes going down her figure once again. He might have noted the quality of the robes which she had bought with Ominis, or the dragon-skin boots she wore. His eyes, inevitably, fell to the gift-wrapped package on the table. “I can, of course, think of only one culprit,” grinned Marvolo.
“Is that so?”
“Where is my baby brother?”
“He’s your brother. How would I know?” she said, slowly stepping back.
“I only ask,” he shrugged, “because since I’ve got here I haven’t seen hide nor hair of mother and father, and you’re nothing like sissy’s friends.”
“Perhaps they’ve all gone out.”
His eyes flashed suspiciously up at her. He must have been thinking she was an interloper, or a thief, or worse… She had said nothing to discourage that opinion, of course, but she did not particularly care either way. She hated Marvolo, and didn’t intend to hide it.
“Yes, they must be out there somewhere, draining the family coffers… Am I right?”
Ah, so Ominis withdrawing funds from their account must have tipped him off. Perhaps even one of the Gringotts goblins told him about it. From across the distance, she could feel Sebastian laugh and say ‘I told you so’.
“I don’t know anything about that —”
“No, you wouldn’t, would you? What’s… this?” he said in one breath, leaning forward mid-sentence to pick up the little parcel. He held it to his ear and shook it to guess what was inside.
She took a few steps to the side and sat down on one of the armchairs by the fire, stretching out her legs as she lay almost on her side lazily.
“It’s a gift,” she said, “but not for you.”
“For someone special, is it?” Mavolo grinned, leaning back with it still in his hands. “Enough chitchat. Where’s Ominis?”
“You don’t care.��
“No, I don’t, but tell me anyway.” He looked around the room with a critical eye, suddenly humourless. “I know something odd has happened. I can smell it.”
Her eyes narrowed and she cocked a brow. A sliver of Legilimency told her the truth was slightly different.
“Someone told you.”
“Oh,” he laughed boomingly, “you caught me.”
“The house-elves?”
Marvolo scoffed. “Simpering vermin. No, it was the serpents that live on our grounds. Dug one out of his burrow and a nice long chat. Interesting little fellow. Didn’t recall seeing my family for many moons, although you and Ominis are known to take frequent walks lately…” His eyes glinted with satisfaction, no doubt feeling boastful about his special ability.
“Well then, perhaps the snakes can tell you where Ominis has gone. I certainly can’t.”
“I see he’s done nothing creative with the place,” said Marvolo, making a show of casting his eyes around. “Bought a distasteful little muggle device and littered the place with books, but aside from that… Not exactly an improvement. Even though father’s been gone for… how long, now?”
She shrugged. In truth, she didn’t know for certain how long it had been. “I have no idea what, if anything, has happened to him.”
“I suppose Ominis didn’t have the heart to tell me our beloved parents went ‘missing’. An owl would have been nice, you know… That or he didn’t have the courage to try to make me disappear as well.”
“Ominis has done nothing of the sort. He’s —”
“I thought you said you didn’t know,” he smirked. “So how do you know he’s innocent?”
“If anyone’s to be suspected of something, it’s you,” she said, leaning forward. “After all, I certainly can’t verify what the snake told you, can I?”
“Ah yes, you’re a mudblood. How could you possibly?”
“For all I know, you’re the —”
“Let me guess. I’m the big bad villain, am I? Why? Because I didn’t spoil your little cripple? Because I didn’t give in to his tantrums and melodramas? He was always so disgusting, the little milk-eye… Such an embarrassment. You have no idea what it’s like to have someone like that born in the family. A burden to be dragged about.”
“You really are vile.”
“Do you think,” he continued, leaning forward to brace his thick arms on his knees, “that your scrawny little boyfriend —”
“— He’s not my boyfriend.”
“— didn’t bring his misfortunes on himself? I think he relished it, as a matter of fact… He loved the attention. It was the only thing he had to contribute, after all. No magical talent, no interest in anyone other than himself, no respect for his own family who made him and raised him in the lap of luxury.”
“You call what you did to him ‘luxury’?!”
“Any other wizard would’ve given an arm and a leg to be born into this noble family. No, Ominis wants to be pitied… It is the only way he can stand out. But I know better. So do mother and father — or at least, they did.”
Her sprawl in the armchair turned more into a coiling, like an angry snake ready to strike, but she kept her jaw shut — clenched, in fact — and let Marvolo’s words wash over her. She burned to defend Ominis, but it was clearly a lost cause. Marvolo spoke as if he believed every word, as if he thought Ominis deserved all the nasty things his family inflicted upon him… She’d met people like that before, usually on the other end of her wand. There was no reasoning with them.
“You are convinced they are dead,” she said coolly. “And yet between you and Ominis, you seem to be the one fond of Unforgivables. Only further leads me to believe you killed them, and have come here to try to pin it on him before the Ministry hears of it.”
“Me?” he laughed. “Why would I hurt my own blood?”
“You need money, correct? All those gambling dens in London must be clamouring to get their dues…” she smirked.
In passing, she knew from Ominis about Marvolo’s stay in London, and his squandering habits. It wasn’t difficult to put two and two together…
Marvolo leaned back and smirked, not even attempting to deny it.
“I’ll just remind you that I’m not the only one in this family who is, as you so feebly put it, fond of the Unforgivables.”
“You forced Ominis to use them!”
“You believe everything that blind fool tells you?”
“He’s not a —”
“Although I must admit, pretty girls like you tend not to be very clever. Am I right?”
“Your compliments are as banal as your insults.”
“Come, now,” he chuckled, finally standing up and throwing the parcel back on the sofa. “You’re not as picky as all that, are you?”
With his distinctive heavy steps, hands stuffed in his pockets, Marvolo made his way around the room and vaguely toward her. She could now see that he was leaving mud trails everywhere he went, likely leaving it for the elves to deal with.
“After all,” he shrugged, “if you’ve set up here with that pale bat, your standards must be through the floor.”
“You don’t even care about what happened to your parents, admit it. You’re just upset Ominis is living his life outside of your malign influence.”
“So is that why he’s been dripping the account dry? My account, my inheritance?” he asked, coming slowly closer. “To pay for you? To buy you nice things — although, that piece, I must say,” he tutted and shook his head as he looked her up and down, “not particularly fitting. Guess he must’ve chosen it himself.”
Her fingers itched to curse him, but then Marvolo went by and past her, walking toward the right side of the room. She turned and kept him in her sights as he strolled, completely confident, with his back toward her. Slowly, she rose to her feet and faced him, keeping the armchair between them, ready to duck if tried to take out his wand. She suspected it was either up his sleeve or in his pocket.
“Is that the only reason you’re here?” she asked. “Because you noticed some galleons missing?”
“No,” he said, still looking around. “I’m here because I have yet to receive my annual invitation to father’s special Modranicht feast. Ominis wouldn’t know, he was never invited. It takes… a special pair of eyes to appreciate that celebration,” he grinned, winking at her from over his shoulder.
She glared at him but said nothing. She vaguely knew about the festival, something ancient that used to take place around Christmas Eve. It was supposed to be a celebration of motherhood, although she didn’t want to think of how the Gaunts observed it. The stains down in the dungeon flashed in her memory for a split second.
“Perhaps you have fallen out of your father’s favour,” she said.
Marvolo only laughed and turned his back to her again. His gaze fell to the glass cabinet, and he stepped closer to observe it.
“It is true, though,” he drawled. “I have been a bit of a villain. Not that Ominis didn’t deserve it. He’s never stood up for himself… Not against me, not against mother or father — who, to be fair, is rather terrifying — not even against sissy. I suppose that makes him the family ‘sissy’, doesn’t it?” he laughed. “Which makes me wonder what you’re doing with him.”
“I told you, I’m not doing anything.”
“Sure,” he nodded, looking at her again. “Only wearing his gifts and spending my money and living for months in my house!” said Marvolo, his voice rising with each word until he was shouting at her. His tone changed so quickly from the mocking laughter to the furious rage that it gave her whiplash. “If whoring yourself to a Gaunt is how you pay for your school supplies, so be it,” he said, his tone gentle again. “But you won’t do it on my galleons. Now, you little whore, for the last time: what happened to my father?”
“I’m not your little whore, and I have no idea what befell your father. Since he is supposed to be such a marvellous wizard, I’m sure nothing bad could possibly happen to him.”
“That’s right,” he nodded. “Not from a weakling like Ominis.”
His face turned one last time toward the cabinet and he frowned, noticing that something was off about the display but not being able to tell what.
“Regardless,” Marvolo continued, starting to walk back to her, “just tell me where he is and I’ll take it up with him, brother-to-brother, if not man-to-man.”
“I told you, I don’t know where he is.”
His dark eyes flashed with a dangerous glint as he stalked toward her. “It wouldn’t do to ruin those good looks by lying to me.”
“She told the truth,” came Ominis’ voice. Just then, the fireplace burst green and the flames grew large, dying swiftly to reveal his figure. He was dressed in a long warm cloak, his hands hidden beneath its folds. “But not to worry, Marvolo. Here I am. Now,” he said, stepping out of the fireplace, “I understand you’re looking for our family?”
“Oh, welcome back!” he clapped. “Off to bury their corpses, were you?”
“Oh no,” he said calmly, “I would never do them that honour.”
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forthechubbies · 11 months
Watch out for strangers //Boxer! Bad Boy Au x Chubby! reader// Loser Drabble Series # 1
Warning! Groping, noncon touching, violence (Yn slaps the menace), bruised up pretty bad boy..um, I think that's it.
"Next stop Tokyo station!"
6:34am. Your usual mornings aren't this bad..You come to the realization you're life is like picking from a hat. Sometimes good and sometimes your crammed on the train similar to packaged sardines.
You gasped being shoved by the wave flooding the train. "Ouch." You massaged your sore nose. You hit something....or someone pretty hard. "That hurts."
Your eyes met a pair of black round eyes. He stood a foot over your tiny plushy status. "Fuck, someone's pup is out for a morning walk.. Where are you headin?....and all alone too."
You didn't like the vibe of him. He looks like violence is always the solution type. His brow had a mean gash making him squint like left eye slightly, purplish blue bruises can be spotted easily on his face and let's not forget the bandaids covering his bloodstained knuckles and other visible patches of skin.
Bad news! Alert! Red flag!
Yet you obediently answered. He chuckles. "Well, lucky for you, I'm free for the next-" You watched him check the time. " Ah, fuck dem, We can call me if they need me so bad-" He clicked his tongue before those eyes held you prisoner.
What is he on drugs?! Who is this guy?
"No!-I-I I don't even know you or anything about you besides you smell like sweat and blood." You attempted to widen the distance between you and the strange...and as much as you hate to admit it he's extremely handsome and by his cocky smirk.
He's well aware.
The stranger nonchalantly tilts his head examining your outfit instead of acknowledging you sassing him. "You'll catch a cold running around in this." You squeaked at his large grabby hand tugging around the base of your skirt. He paused at your cute sound, leaning in to whisper- "Fuck" He groaned, " Your too cute to pass up..."
"How about I make you mine?" He accepted his own question, quickly snatching your chubby hips into him. " You smell good-feel good to-" The bastard hands snuck behind you squeezing your bum like it's his.
You gasped, unconsciously gripping his biceps.
"Who did you think you are!? Get your hands off me!" The loud smack of a harsh slap caused silence to bleeding through your section of the train.
All eyes are on y'all.
Your eyes widen at your unintentional action, hurting him wasn't a part of the plan you just wanted to get his hands off you yet you manage to strike him.
" I didnt-I really didn't mean too- I'm sorry."
The smirk was gone in it's replacement was a really pissed off look but it was strangely temporary. He scoffed curling the corners of his lips into a rather unsettling smirk. "It's fine, sweetheart. I can take a hit."
He struggles to hold his laughter at your cute expression at the nickname. "But we should save the foreplay for later. Yes?" He aggressively snatches your chubby figure against his firm body.
You could only imagine what he's hiding under that baggy hoodie.
"What are you-"
You were interrupted by the train coming to a stop, seeing a window of opportunity you kneeled the creep in his groin before dashing into the crowd of people getting off.
You could hear his arrogant voice spitting insults from every direction.
God, I hope I never see that psycho again.
Loser Drabbles is a new series created to resemble the boyfriend's drabbles but in my way dumb way. This bad boy can be anyone you want but I thought of Kota Miura.
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heyidkyay · 1 year
Who can say no to bridezilla? |
Part one
I had to write another after seeing the love the last one got, thank you btw! I've actually missed writing a fair bit so I'm glad you enjoyed it.
> With this one, I started and just couldn't stop, so I might make it into a couple of parts? Maybe? Idk, let me know if that's something anyone would want:)
Summary: With no date to your sister's wedding, what are you to do? No worries though, she's already got it covered, well, sort of...
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"It's just annoying. I mean- don't get me wrong, I'm proper chuffed you're finally tying the knot and all, but it's just a shitty situation.” I huffed defeatedly as I leant up against the cabinet, watching as a grey sky crept by my kitchen window. 
“I know,” I heard my sister sigh, her voice soft even through the phone’s tinny speaker. “And I’m sorry, but you know what mum’s like, y/n/n. She’ll be devastated when she finds out you’re coming alone! That, and the fact that if you don’t end up bringing a plus one, all of my wedding photos will turn out uneven… And I really, really need this day to be perfect! I want you to think its perfect! To enjoy it! Not just be sat there on the sidelines, watching.”
I closed my eyes for a long moment as I ran a hand through my hair. It was in dire need of a good wash, but between my job and the stress of having recently moved, I hadn’t found the time to even sit down. Still, I could understand where my sister was coming from, and I really wanted her to have the picture perfect day she’d always dreamt of too. But, we both knew that she was laying it on thick now, and with me being the eldest, we both also knew I’d do just about anything to make her happy. This though, was a big ask.
“Listen, yes things ended badly between Alex and I, but now that it’s all finally over, I just don’t think I have it in me to try and force myself to find someone else to replace him. Not yet, anyway.”
Alex, being my most recent ex. We’d parted ways about three months ago now- though ‘parted’ definitely wasn’t the term I preferred to use. But how else was I supposed to describe him cheating and me having to walk in on it happening? With my best mate of all people, too. 
Yeah, that hadn’t been the easiest of transitions, especially since I’d also been flat-sharing with the pair of them.
But my sister knew all of this already.
“Mum will just have to worry about me being lonely a little longer, y/s/n, and I'll just have to prepare myself to deal with her constant fussing over me for the entire evening.” I attempted to cajole, not wanting to outright deny her. “As well as the rest of my life, I suppose.” I added unhelpfully under my breath.
It wasn’t that I didn’t love my mum, God, she was just about the only person who truly understood me. That, and she’d done absolutely everything within her power to make sure that her kids had gotten everything she'd never had. She was an utter saint. But saying that, she could also tend to be a tad bit… overbearing. 
“Ah come on, she won’t be that bad!” My sister fired back before she then paused, as though she’d only just understood the words she’d spoken. I couldn’t not let out an airy chuckle when she sighed, “Alright, fair enough, she will be. But! If you just ask someone along, you won’t have to spend my entire wedding day avoiding her!”
I groaned, rubbing at my face.
“It’s been months since I ended things with Al- mum knows that, babe. I’ve had her on the phone almost every day since, hassling and FaceTiming me constantly to make sure I’m still alive. She even sends down little care packages in the post! Care. Packages. Y/s/n.”
I actually looked over towards the most recent arrival which had awoken me early the previous morning. It was still where I’d left it, chucked beside the foot of the sofa, barely opened. 
Again, I adored the woman, but she tended to be a fair bit dramatic. I could really see where my sister got it all from.
“Besides, how am I supposed to convince her I'm perfectly fine with someone I've only just met hanging off my arm?” I added, puttering on over to the sink to fill the kettle. I think I could feel another migraine coming on.
“I get it, y/n, I do. And I’m also sorry for suggesting it, but if I knew of an easier solution that would magically solve all our problems, then I would. But I don’t, and even though I want the biggest day of my life to go perfectly, I also want you happy.”
I could hear the sincerity in her voice and as I picked up my mug and tossed a teabag inside, I could also picture her sat at the dinning table back home, foot anxiously tapping away in an attempt to conjure up a better idea. She was a nitpicker, right down to the very bone, and I could only guess the amount of stress she was putting herself under in order to make sure that her wedding went off without a hitch for all those involved. 
After a few moments of shared silence, she spoke again, “To be honest, I can’t believe you stuck around as long as you did.”
My mind wandered back to all the time I’d wasted on Alex. We’d met growing up, he’d been our next door neighbour. We went through all of primary school despising one another, only to end up in the same friendship group come secondary. It didn’t take much more than that for us to suddenly become joined at the hip. He’d been my best mate, and when we finally got together, I’d pictured the rest of our lives spent with one another. 
He’d honestly really fucked me over in the end. I hadn’t just lost my boyfriend that day, but both of my closest friends, as well as a few others who’d taken his side in the awkward aftermath that came when most relationships ended. But that being said, I felt more at peace now than I had in a long while. With every relationship came troubles, and by the end of ours, I guessed we had more than most. That wasn’t me making excuses for him though- nah, he was still a massive prick.
“Yeah, me either.” I admitted, a breathy chuckle slipping from my lips as I softly shook away the rest of my thoughts. 
“I am proud of you though, for moving on as well as you have. Always knew he was an arse.” Came my sister’s voice and I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me.
I grinned, so very thankful for her.
“God, was he!” I agreed instantly, listening to her giggle as I laughed, “A right tit.”
I blinked at the sudden exclamation heard from down the phone and furrowed my brow slightly as the last of my laughter tittered out, “You alright there?”
“Uh, yes! I’ve just had the most perfect idea!” My sister declared, not even giving me the chance to question her before she was off on a tangent. “Forget about having to chat anyone up, or having some godawful colleague of yours to pose as a fake date- I’ve already got the perfect person for you!”
I felt my mouth part slightly in confusion and was just about to speak up when she beat me to the punch, seemingly excited about whatever plan she’d formulated in her head.
“Right, okay, just listen. I know this guy, a friend of Adam’s, yeah? He’s been off of relationships for a little while now, not really looking for anything at the moment ‘cause he’s been away for a bit. Busy, and what not. But y/n, he’s a right charmer, proper looker, too! He also happens to owe Ad a big favour!”
I closed my eyes for a moment, frowning. “What are you getting at here, y/s/n?”
The huff that sounded then, all but echoed in my ear and I couldn’t not roll my eyes at her dramatics.
“He can be your date, y/n! I know he’d be well up for helping us out if I give him free-rein to do what he pleases, always up for a laugh, and he'll be able to keep mum off your back about finding someone new. Plus, I can guarantee you a good time because I just know that the two of you will instantly hit it off.”
“What?” I squawk, far beyond perplexed. “You can’t just ask some randomer to pretend to be my date to your wedding, y/s/n! Are you actually insane?”
“He’s not some randomer though! I know him through Adam, and Adam’s known him since school!” My sister pestered, and I could practically feel her excitement bubbling up from down the phone. “He’s well lovely, nothing like He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named— Plus! When we were first introduced, I’d had the thought of setting him up with you, but well, you know, you were still with What’s-his-face and you seemed happy enough.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, to be frank. And went to say as much, when she cut me off again.
“Come on, y/n/n! It’ll be so great! And besides, who would it hurt? You’re both single, not looking for any sort of commitment, and both without dates to my wedding. Mum’ll be over the moon about it, too, once I let her know! And this way, I won’t have to fork out God knows how much on another two plus ones.”
“I’m really not sure about- hang on, he’s already going?” I questioned, confusedly. 
“He’s Adam’s best mate, of course he’s coming!”
“I thought Ad’s best mate was George?”
Her eye roll was implied when she retorted. “You can have more than one best mate, y/n. Look, you worry too much. I’ll have Ad phone him now and ask, yeah? If he agrees, I’ll get him to message you.” I was still beyond fucking baffled and could hear the obvious delight which lined my sister’s tone. “That settles it, I’ll do it right now. So talk to you later, yeah? God, I'm so excited! Love you lots!”
Then she was gone.
I let the phone fall away from my ear and stared down at the blank screen with vacant eyes.
What the fuck.
“What the actual fuck?” I found myself asking my empty flat aloud. I rubbed at my forehead tiredly before I ultimately tossed the device onto the pile of cushions perched on the nearest armchair, leaving it there to hopefully die, or something. 
Didn’t quite turn out that way though. I ended up fishing it out about an hour later when I’d started running a bath, needing it for it’s musical capabilities.
It was then, after the tub had filled and I’d slipped into its mountain of bubbles, that a notification disturbed the perfect playlist I’d curated. 
I grumbled as I pulled myself up and out of the water.
It was a text from an unknown number, I frowned as I unlocked the device.
“Oh, for fucks sake!”
I hadn’t actually believed that she would do it. Ask someone to be her sister’s fake date to her own wedding! But I really, really, really should’ve known better. 
And so I tossed the phone back on the side, submerging my body in its entirety back under the soapy water in hopes that I might just drown. She was so dead.
Maybe I’d been a tad bit hasty in scheduling the perfectly timed event of my sister’s impending death. 
Listen, I could admit when I was being a total drama queen, but my sister had well and truly pushed her luck this time around, and so I’d been quick in my judgement of the situation. Perhaps a little too quick.
Several weeks had passed since that day and in the time leading up to my sister’s wedding, I had spent a good portion of it texting Matty back and forth. 
That was his name, by the way- the poor bloke my sister had roped into accompanying me on her big day. And if I was being honest, I was rather grateful for the fact that she’d chosen to stick her big nose in where it wasn’t wanted and set the whole thing up. Though, I might have been better inclined to admit so if she’d been a whole lot more normal and just introduced the two of us in a much more conventional way.
When Matty had texted me that first night- rather delighted by the fact that he’d been gifted the privilege of a front row ticket to the shit-show I was still calling my life- I’d been dreading the entire thing. 
He had taken the utter piss out of me in all truth, and had then proceeded to rinse the shit out of the entire situation for all it was worth. But, strangely enough, he’d done so in the very best way. 
I can honestly admit that I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard as I have than when I’m messaging Matty. He was everything my sister had described and more.
He knew how to have a good laugh, when to flirt or to tease, and he was pretty open about the things that mattered most to him once you’d bartered your way past that overzealous ego of his. He also appeared to love music almost as much as me, which was honestly saying something. And he spoke highly of his family and friends, in length too when they had come up here and there in conversation.
I really hadn’t expected to have grown so close to him in the time we’d spent texting back and forth, but there was just something about him, in his nature maybe, that just made things feel so easy.
It was so, so strange, because I hadn’t even seen a picture of the bloke, and I’d only ever heard a few short snippets of his voice through the odd voicenote we'd shared here and there, but I’d openly call him a close friend to any one who now asked. It was as though we’d known each other for years. 
And I really wasn’t one to let many people in, I liked the small family I had created for myself, one full of friends I’d known for eons, and relatives that meant the world to me. So to have Matty slip by all of my defences so effortlessly, was something I thought a lot about.
“Oi,” Jamie suddenly prompted with a bright grin, a jabbing finger to my side untangled me from my thoughts. "You ready for the big day?
I’d been stood a little way a way from the chapel’s entrance, waiting for everyone else to arrive, and was seemingly a little lost in my own head. Apprehensive, maybe. Jamie had startled me slightly as I’d not even heard his approach, but I allowed myself to relax somewhat as I gave him the once over.
“Just about.” I replied with a teasing smile, “Clean up nice, Jim. Loving the suit.”
Jamie was my cousin, but we were so close in age I practically saw him as another brother. We’d grown up together, which also meant that he’d been close with Alex too.
Though, he’d actually been one of the few people who had taken my side after everything that happened, even with the two boys having been rather close since they were kids. I was glad to still have him, so glad, even if it did mean that I still felt a little guilty about the whole thing from time to time.
“Don’t look too surprised.” Jamie laughed at my light jab as he pulled me in for a short hug. “Though, you are looking good too, I suppose.”
I swatted at his shoulder when we parted. “Don’t be a twat, you know I’m the best dressed here.”
“Oh yeah…” He dragged out sarcastically, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Definitely ready to upstage the bride.”
I just rolled my eyes as I laughed. “Where is bridezilla anyway?”
“Just saw her with your mum, actually. They were fussing about something or other, but I reckon they ended up sorting it out.” Jamie replied with a small shrug as he pulled on his lapels.
I let my eyes roam around the surrounding area again for a brief moment as he did, skirting over the mass of maple trees, which were now in full bloom, and the familiar faces that crowded the gravel drive. 
“Exactly why I can never see myself going through with any of this.” I commented offhandedly, too preoccupied with the anxiety of finally meeting my so called date.
My gaze found Jamie’s again when he wearily voiced, “What- even when you were with…?” His voice held a hint of genuine curiosity.
I shrugged, in truth, I’d never really given it much thought, my wedding day. Even after having been with Alex all that time. I could just never see it happening for myself.
“Not really.” I said, “How about you though? Can you picture yourself all kitted out and waiting at the end of that aisle?”
Jamie laughed, his eyes squinted. “Not too sure about that. I mean I like the sound of it, spending forever with someone and all, but I dunno who’d be brave enough to have me.”
I snorted as I clapped my cousin’s shoulder in condolence. “They’d have to be a tad bit mental, Jim. But they’d also be fucking lucky too. You’re a gooden.”
“Love you.” Jamie smiled as he enveloped me in another hug. He was a lot taller than me now so he all but squished me into his side, but I couldn’t bring myself to mind even as I jokingly shoved him away.
“Stop, you’ll ruin my hair and makeup.” I scolded lightly, wrinkling my nose.
Jamie just chuckled, “Since when have you cared about any of that crap?”
“Never.” I grinned back at him in retort, “Just didn’t want you sliming all over me, snail-face.”
“You’re a right fucking weirdo, you know that?”
“I do, Jim, I do.”
I fixed the side of my dress whilst my cousin just rolled his eyes, seemingly content with waiting beside me now.
When I’d made sure that I was still somewhat presentable, mostly for both my mother and sister’s sake, I allowed myself to reevaluate the rest of the oncoming arrivers. Still no sign of that date of mine.
I sighed quietly, checking the time on my phone again to make sure I hadn’t missed a text.
“You all good there?” Jamie questioned quietly after a few minutes, I looked up to find him staring down at me with a concerned frown. 
I hummed, “Fine, why?”
“Just seem a bit nervous, not like you that.”
I huffed a light laugh before shooting my cousin a somewhat strained smile. “Yeah, maybe a bit. It’s just I’m waiting for my date to arrive and-”
As I uttered that sentence Jamie’s eyes all but boggled out of his head, “You never said nowt about a date!”
I gave him a sheepish grin, I hadn’t really mentioned Matty to anyone. Only having allowed my sister to pass on the message that I wasn’t turning up completely alone to my mum. I’d not given much thought to anyone else’s reaction.
“Um, yeah.” I replied, feeling a little uncomfortable upon having to mentally decide whether I should let Jamie in on the truth or not. The kid had always been a massive blabbermouth though, he just couldn’t seem to help it, but I knew he’d understand wholeheartedly. “It's new, but it’s going good…”
Jamie’s smile was wide enough that I could practically see either side of his molars, a megawatt sort of thing.
Immediately I felt my stomach churn. There was that guilt again.
“I’m well chuffed for you, y/n/n! Can’t wait to meet the lucky fella- when’s he set to get here? Didn’t you come together? Where’d you even meet him, anyhow? Does y/s/n know you’re bringing him along?”
Fucking hell, what was with the twenty-one questions?
I swallowed thickly. I hadn’t realise how hard this was all going to be. Was the rest of the day going to be like this? All consuming guilt?
“Er, should be here soon enough, I think.” I found myself saying, playing with one of the rings on my left hand. “Something came up last minute- his mum needed him. Urgent, you know how it is… and he’s a right mummy’s boy that one! So I suggested he just meet me here, and well, he was grateful. Felt really bad though. Promised he wouldn’t be late and all that.”
Jamie seemed to be eating it up and just kept nodding along, making me feel as though I had to continue on.
“We actually met through y/s/n, weirdly enough. She introduced us when I’d popped round to surprise her a while back. He’s close with Adam, best mates and that. We just hit it off I guess.”
I silently cursed myself and my ability to not know when to stop. fucking. rambling. But I was too nervous to think up a believable enough lie and so I’d decided to just tangent off from the truth. It was close enough, I figured.
“Awh, I’m so happy for you, cuz. Congrats!” Jamie said, obviously thrilled for me, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and squeezed. “Know why you’re so wound up now, your mum will be on your case all night!”
We shared a laugh. Because wasn’t that the fucking truth.
I tried my hardest to hide my slight grimace though as I allowed my cousin to congratulate me. During a few shared conversations with Matty, we had thought up a convincing enough plan, but now that it was time to put it all into action I wasn’t sure we’d actually be able to pull it off. Especially with the reminder that we’d be lying to my mum of all people.
“Oh shit, there’s Laura! Best head on over.” Jamie suddenly announced, his eyes focused on a brunette in the distance, far enough that I had to squint to even make out who he was referring to. 
But before I could comment or question Jamie’s twenty/twenty vision, my cousin was already bouncing on the balls of his feet, all but ready to run off.
He turned to me before he did though, squeezing my shoulder slightly. “Make sure you come find me with this date of yours, yeah? Gotta make sure he meets the mark.” I smiled, a little touched. “But I truly am buzzing for you, y/n. After everything, you deserve someone good.”
My chest ached and as my cousin gave me one final grin I couldn’t help but feel a little like the grinch, my heart had to have shrunk to half its size at the very thought of having just lied to Jamie. 
I couldn’t linger too long on the regret I felt though as my phone buzzed in my hand. Immediately I peered down at it, chewing on my lower lip. 
As the screen lit up, I frowned. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?
Matty had just messaged, but before I could even think up a reply I heard a few of the other guests around me start to whisper. I glanced up and over to where I then heard a muffled squeal. I pulled a face as I watched one of my younger cousins, Arielle who’d just turned fifteen, jump behind Jordan, her older brother. 
I shook my head and pivoted slightly, eyes scanning over the rest of the guests who had yet to make their way into the chapel. A few of the women were openly staring down the gravel drive, gossiping amongst themselves, and I couldn’t not follow their gaze.
I was really confused, everyone’s attention seemed to be drawn towards the figure who was wandering closer. He was decent looking, I supposed, clad in a fitted tuxedo he'd paired with a black bowtie and an uncaring expression, but he was no James Dean. So I couldn’t quite get my head round why they were all so bothered.
As he grew nearer, I took in what I could. The dark narrowed eyes hidden beneath a pair of furrowed brows, the cropped cut of the hair he’d greased back, the handful of silver rings which cluttered his fingers. What caused me to pause though was the cigarette, which hung effortlessly from his bottom lip. Because, shit. 
Instantly my focus moved back down to where my phone screen was now dimming and I quickly tapped at the home screen to view the last message I’d been sent. 
Keep an eye out for the oncoming smoker, alright x
My heartbeat quickened, and my gaze flitted back and forth between the approaching figure and the text. Surely it couldn’t have been anyone else.
“Sweetheart?” A voice called out with a sure northern twang, erupting goosebumps up both of my arms. I glanced up.
Sure enough it was him, he’d been the only one to ever call me that.
My throat grew dry, “Fuck me.”
“Little early for that, I reckon. Heard about there being an open bar though, buy me a drink and we can talk again later, yeah?” The man ribbed, smirking as he plucked the fag from his lip. He drew closer and I was taken back a bit from how confident he appeared, almost identical to the way he seemed over the phone. But now in tenfold.
"God, sorry.” I laughed, covering my face with the back of my hand as I shook my head to try and cover my reddening cheeks. “Didn’t expect, well- this.” I added, only furthering my embarrassment by vaguely gesturing towards him.
Matty’s grin dimmed almost immediately then, and I frowned.
“Hang on, you are Matty, right? The same Matty I’ve been messaging for weeks. The guy who texts me at all hours of the night going on about how ripe a banana has to be before you can eat it… and who sends me little voice memos of theme tunes he’s rewritten so that they sound aesthetically more pleasing?”
The man looked confused for a moment, and his brown eyes surveyed me before he ultimately chuckled. I blinked at the sudden change in behaviour.
“Guess you could put it like that.” Matty laughed once more, this time a little more airily. And God, did I want to listen to it on repeat. I’d thought about it once or twice, what it would be like to hear him laugh, to listen to him talk. “Hope you weren’t half-expecting some model to come waltzing in here. I mean, I’m fit but I can only do so much, babe.”
It was said jokingly and though Matty was probably one of the most vainest people I’d had the pleasure of meeting, I also knew that there was some genuine apprehension in his eyes. Almost like he’d been both dreading and craving this moment as much as I had. 
“Fuck off! Model.” I scoffed, and laughed alongside him as I shook my head. But then I peered around at the few who were still staring and was now suddenly hyperaware of them all. I didn’t really think too much about it as I stepped in closer to shield him somewhat. “Christ, Matty. Feels like you’ve just walked off an album cover or something, with the way you’ve got everyone leering at you.”
And wow. I watched in slight disbelief as Matty scratched at the back his neck with a small, almost bashful smile. I took note of the small hoop he had cuffed around his lobe.
“Piss off.” The man chuckled, finding his feet again as he realised the proximity we now held. “Reckon they’re all looking at you though.” He commented, looking me over with a sly smile. “Hann painted a good picture, but you’ve exceeded all expectations, darling.” 
I couldn’t help but smirk, regaining my usual confidence. “Spent a lot of time thinking about me, have you Healy?”
Matty’s tongue darted out to wet his lower lip, his unlit cigarette dangling between his fingers in the small space that separated our bodies.
“You’d know all about that, babe. Your first words, if I do recall, were 'fuck me'. And though I’d be happy to comply with your reasonable request, I don’t think Adam, or your sister, would very much approve of me taking you in front of all these lovely people.”
I hummed mischievously, eyeing him. Yeah, this was my Matty alright.
“Can’t say I’ll come to regret those words.” Then, before Matty could even think up another retort, I wound my arm around his and started leading us in towards the chapel. “Best play the part, yeah?”
And I had to dampen my grin when I heard the man’s joyous laughter sound beside me. Ignoring all of the other onlookers to sneak a peak over at him, I found myself loving the squinted grin he made as he tucked his cigarette behind his ear.
This night would definitely be memorable.
Part two >
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