#ahhh well everything else looks really cool
smellpelt · 10 months
if aerith doesnt die in this new version im gonna have to kill her myself
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moutainrusing · 2 months
608 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
When the mirror displayed the face of her son, Sirius, Walburga slashed it to pieces with her nails.
“Execute him,” she ordered.
- - -
“Go,” James pushed Sirius towards the forest. “I won’t let the executioner kill you.”
“But,” Sirius pleaded. “James, come with—”
“No,” James shook his head resolutely, turning towards the castle gates.
- - -
“Everything is cool,” Sirius hummed, snapping twigs despite his attempts at silence.
- - -
Sirius wiped his forehead, sighing in relief as he leant back on a tree trunk, closing his eyes after his exhausting escape from a spider.
When he opened them, there was a knife to his throat.
“Hey, princess,” the huntsman growled.
“Oh,” Sirius mumbled shakily. “Hey, Remus.”
- - -
There was a long silence between them before Remus sighed, “So, are you gonna try to defend yourself? I can’t really kill someone who—”
Sirius kneed him in the nuts.
“Ow!” Remus hopped away.
Sirius smirked, and kicked him again. Remus’s knife flashed dangerously as he turned it on Sirius, and then…
Sirius ran away.
- - -
“Fucking princess,” Remus smiled despite himself.
He chased after Sirius, and promptly tripped over.
“Ha,” Sirius grinned, picking up the knife he’d just dropped. “So,” Sirius twirled it. “I can’t really kill someone who’s not defending themselves.”
Remus glared. Sirius sat down next to him, knife gripped in hand.
- - -
“How much did my mother pay you to kill me?” Sirius asked casually.
Remus looked away guiltily. “My… my family’s struggling a lot. We have… nothing. She gave me a thousand.”
“Damn,” Sirius whistled. “I’ve never felt so precious before.”
“You… you are precious,” Remus mumbled.
“Says my killer,” Sirius pointed carelessly. But he cared. He cared so much.
Remus shrugged helplessly. He looked at Sirius, then away, then at Sirius, then, “She’s captured James for protecting you. They’re torturing him.”
Sirius got up immediately. “Well, then. We have to save him.”
Sirius rolled his eyes, and hauled Remus off the ground.
- - -
“Townspeople!” Sirius hollered. “We all know Queen Walburga’s a conniving bitch—”
He smirked triumphantly at Remus when the entire town went up in cheers.
“To kill the Queen!” Sirius raised.
- - -
“James! Love of my life, I have freed you!” Sirius pulled him into a hug.
Remus shuffled awkwardly behind them, letting out a sound of surprise when he was tugged into the hug too.
“Okay,” Remus patted their backs. “That’s enough hugging, damsels. We need to kill the Queen.”
- - -
Remus spun his knife in one hand, parrying the guards with the other. Around him, townspeople were dropping buckets of dirty water onto guards’ heads, tripping them up with washing lines, knocking them out with metal pokers.
He grinned, manoeuvring himself to the Queen’s quarters.
- - -
Sirius screamed, kicking as the guards dragged him to the Queen’s quarters.
“Well,” she snarled. “If no one else can kill you, I guess it’s up to me.”
Sirius’s eyes widened as an apple materialised in the air. He felt drawn to it, a halo around it, he needed to taste it, the sweet, ripe flesh…
- - -
Remus drove his sword through the door, hacking it open furiously. He twisted back, flinging it open.
“SIRIUS!” Remus yelled, grasping the apple in both hands, feeling the urge to press it to his lips…
But then he tore his eyes away, fixating on Sirius. He would rather press Sirius to his lips.
Remus chucked the apple away, and it landed in Walburga’s gaping mouth. A crunch. She collapsed on the floor.
Seizing his arm, Sirius tugged Remus into a hug, face buried into his shoulder as he let himself finally break down.
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didyoutrydynamite · 10 months
Renegades: First Sight
Jaune: *Wandering the Beacon hallways, guitar in hand, having just been rejected by Weiss, again.* I spent like five hours on that song… *Notices Cardin and Russel peering out into the courtyard* … huh?
Cardin: I mean she’s… she’s something else.
Russel: Man, she’s not even on the SCALE!
Cardin: Maybe on the Scoville Scale.
Russel: Ha! Nice.
Jaune: Uh… hey guys!
Russel/Cardin: *Jump up and yelp* AH!
Cardin: Oh, its just you. Sup?
Russel: *Immediately get’s up in Jaune’s face* Yeah, man! You got a problem-?
Cardin: *Shoves Russel’s shoulder* Hey. I told you we’re not doing that anymore. Jaune’s cool now.
Russel: Oh, right. My bad. *Smacks Jaune’s hand in greeting and brings him for a quick pat on the back* How’s it going, Big-J? You doing good? You in a band now or something?
Jaune: *Looks at his guitar* Oh this? It’s nothing really. What are you guys up to?
Russel: Just checking out the Haven-Hottie.
Jaune: Who?
Cardin: Oh you have to have seen her. Look! *Drags Jaune over to their spot and point* Right there.
Jaune: *Squints until he notices Cinder sitting on a bench in the courtyard, his eyes practically bulging out upon really getting a look at her* Whoa…
Cardin/Russel: RIGHT?!
Cardin: Dude, she’s like the eighth wonder of Remnant or something!
Russel: Nah, she's beyond that—she’s the ninth, tenth, and eleventh wonder combined! I heard when she walks by, even the statues stop and stare!
Cardin: *Chuckles* I heard that she was held back a few times because the headmaster didn’t want their favorite student to graduate.
Russel: *Leans towards Jaune* And Cardin thinks he has a shot with her.
Cardin: *Blushes* I could! I’ve got the charm and the muscles to back it!
Russel: So why don’t you go and do it then?
Cardin: I would, but I’m still sore from my morning workout.
Russel: It’s 4:30 P.M.
Cardin: It was a really intense workout! Besides I don’t see you going!
Russel: Are you kidding?! A woman like that is only made for heartbreak. I can’t handle that stress, man! You couldn’t pay me to talk to her!
Cardin: *Suddenly has an idea and then slyly looks to Jaune* Hey, Jaune. You feel like making a quick buck?
Jaune: What do you mean?
Cardin: Here’s the deal, Blondie. I’ll give you 50$ if you go over there, right now, and ask that hottie out to the Vytal Festival Dance. 200$ if she says yes.
Jaune: (50 bucks? I can make myself look like an idiot for 50 bucks! I practically do it for free all the time! I could use that to buy Weiss some really nice flowers, then she’d have to go!) Deal! *Claps Cardin on the shoulder, hands Russel the guitar, and walts right out into the open* Watch and learn boys!
Russel: No way…
Cardin: Oh this is gonna be amazing.
Cinder: *Seemingly lost in deep thought*
Jaune: *Saunters right up to Cinder* Well hello~ beau-
Cinder: *Snaps a horrid glare at him*
Jaune: AHHH! *Jumps back startled*
Cinder: *Quickly switches to her signature “Just a regular happy school girl smile” that she’s become so adept at using* Oh hi. Didn’t see you there.
Jaune: *Gulps* I… um… hi.
Cinder: *Continues forced smile*
Jaune: *Awkwardly scratches his cheek* …so- uh.
Cinder: Was there something you wanted?
Jaune: *Deciding now is not the best time to ask her to the dance*…Yeah. I wanted to know… is… uh… everything ok?
Cinder: *Tilts her head* Of course I am. Do I seem upset to you? *Gives her best smile*
Jaune: Yeah, a little….
Cinder: *Her smile fades, replaced by a faint grimace of irritation.* Am I that transparent? *Lets out an exasperated huff* I'm fine, honestly. Just some personal matters, nothing you need to worry about.
Jaune: *Expression softens empathetically* Oh… Do you want to talk about it anyways? 
Cinder: *Glances at him quizzically.* 
Jaune: You know. Just to get it off your chest? If you want?
Cinder: And share my problems with a complete stranger?
Jaune: Well, my mom always said, "Strangers are friends you just haven't met yet."
Cinder: *Stares blankly* That is... a horribly naive saying. Not only is that statistically false but it's also VERY dangerous advice to give to a child.
Jaune: *Scratches the back of his head* Yeah… I kinda used to wander off with a lot of random adults as a kid.
Cinder: *Hold’s back a sudden laugh.* Snrk!
Jaune: *Smiles* But I like to think I came out alright. 
Cinder: *Faintest hint of a smile* You at least seem harmless enough. *Looks Jaune up and down.* Have I seen you around before?
Jaune: *Suddenly more nervous* Y-Yeah, maybe! *Straightens his uniform out* I’m Jaune Arc. My friends call me… Jaune. *Cringes inside.*
Cinder: *Raises an eyebrow, the hint of a smirk forming.* Jaune, is it? Well, Jaune, I'm Cinder. Cinder Fall. Pleasure’s all yours I presume.
Jaune: *Nods and smiles* Yeah, it’s nice to meet you! See? Not strangers anymore, are we?
Cinder: *Gives a small chuckle.* I suppose not. *Glances around briefly* So, you really care to know?
Jaune: If I can be of any help, yeah.
Cinder: *Sighs* It’s about a… “colleague” of mine…
Jaune: *Sit’s down on the bench with her* Like, a teammate?
Cinder: That's it, precisely. A "teammate" who's proving rather insubordinate. Now, because of that, I find myself at a loss. She refuses to undertake a task that would suit her perfectly!
Jaune: Ohhhh I see. You’re having leadership troubles. Has your teammate told you why she won’t help?
Cinder: It’d be a miracle to get a single word out of her. *Grumbles quietly to herself* That mute insect. *Continues to talk normally* She won’t do a single thing I say unless it’s conveyed through her… “father.”
Jaune: Huh. I get you. I’m a leader too, and trust me, I’ve had my fair share of trouble reigning in a certain teammate of mine. She even has a “brother” that she tends to listen better to than me sometimes.
Cinder: *Listens intently* How do you command her obedience?
Jaune: *Looks at her confused* Her what?
Cinder: How do you get her to listen to you?
Jaune: Oh, well. Whenever talking doesn’t work, I go to Ren, her “brother”, well, not really brother, but- you know it’s this whole thing that I don’t really need to get into, but the point is I go to Ren and inform him that I’ll no longer be providing them part of the team budget for pancakes until she settles down.
Cinder: *Looks at Jaune incredulously*  Pancakes???
Jaune: *Nods* Mhmm, it’s her most favorite thing in the world. Literally seen her eat if for every breakfast I’ve had with her.
Cinder: *Digests the information* Withhold the budget so she can’t have her favorite luxuries… I can work with that. *Sighs* But the task is rather time sensitive, what if she doesn’t yield in time to get it done?
Jaune: Then it sounds like you may need to do it yourself.
Cinder: *Raises an eyebrow, almost insulted* Me?
Jaune: Well, if it’s crucial and she's not budging, sometimes it’s best to step in and handle it personally. I know it’s probably not ideal, but that comes with being a leader, they depend on you when no one else can do it.
Cinder: Hmph. They do depend on me, don’t they?
Jaune: *Nods encouragingly* Yeah! That’s why they put you in charge.
Cinder: *Gets pumped* I am in charge! They’d be completely lost without me!
Jaune: *Getting pumped too* Exactly! Sometimes we have to roll up our sleeves and lead by example. Show them how things really get done!
Cinder: *Jumps up out of her seat* You’re right! It’s time I take matters in my own hands, and show that little mute who is really the boss around here!
Jaune: *Gets up too* That's the spirit!
Cinder: *Nods determined* Thank you. I now know exactly what I must do.
Jaune: *Smiles warmly* Happy to help. Oh and hey, good luck, Cinder.
Cinder: *Smiles confidently* Luck is for the ill-prepared, Jaune. *Turns and saunters off* And I never need luck.
Jaune: *Watches her walk off, feeling proud* So. Cool. *Whistles and walks off*
Cardin/Russel: *Stop him immediately*
Cardin: What did she say?!
Jaune: Huh?
Russel: *Smacks Cardin’s arm* What do you think she said?! They both walked away all smiling and shit! Jaune, you are a GOD.
Jaune: What do you guys think happened?
Cardin: That’s what we want to know! What did she say when you asked her to the dance?!
Jaune: *A long moment of silence before he starts sputtering in disbelief and panic now realizing that he completely forgot to ask her out*
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
Just wanna say I love everything you write, I’m really addicted
I was wondering if you could write one where the reader is training with Rowan and he ends up going too far saying things like “you are not trying hard enough” “you're not doing enough, you'll never be able to defend yourself like this”, and Aelin has to interfere
that's enough
poly!Rowaelin x reader
Summary: Aelin let Rowan take over your training for a bit, and it didn't go well.
Warnings: rowan is mean, a bit of suggestiveness
A/N: ahhh thank you so much, you're so sweet, and honestly this is exactly how I picture this would go.
Aelin knew Rowan had been training you. Normally she would, knowing his methods were … harsh. She was excited to surprise both of you, having been gone for a week. And knew you’d be training in one of the courtyards they’d sectioned off for themselves. You were still shy about it, only having started about a month ago with Aelin. But, you were making progress, and she was so damn proud of you. Aelin kept her footsteps silent as she approached. 
“Stop,” she heard you hiss, “just stop,” and heard the tears in your voice, knowing you were at your breaking point. 
“Get up.” Rowan barked, and he heard shuffling. “You’re not doing enough, do you think you could defend yourself like this?” 
Tears streamed down your face but Rowan looked completely unapologetic. “Crying isn’t going to get you out of this.” You’d already ran several miles than morning, spent nearly an hour on archery and the last hour practicing different strikes with a variety of blades. 
Then - Aelin came streaming in. “That’s enough,” she roared, flames of fury in her eyes - directed right at Rowan, who stood with the same stony mask, not even flinching. 
“It’s the truth,” he snarled at her, “she’s not trying hard enough.” 
“I am,” you screamed back at him. “I”m doing my best, what the hell else do you want from me?” 
Before he could retort, Aelin ordered him to leave, to go cool off. Only when he disappeared from sigh, you crumpled, letting Aelin catch you. You took deep, steady breaths as she rubbed circles into your back, telling you that you are more than enough, how proud she is of you, and that he’d never be training you again. 
Aelin was beyond fury, not only did he reduce you to tears, but he didn’t give a fuck about it. So, Aelin dealt out a punishment of her own. 
Three days of the cold shoulder from both of you, and he ended up apologizing. Aelin made him repeat it until she was pleased, and you were amused and the Great Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius near-begging. 
Apparently being forced to sleep on the couch, knowing the two of you were alone in the bedroom, sometimes - a lot of times, making noises that forced himself to exercise centuries of restraint and self control, threw away the last bit of pride holding him back. 
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periprose · 1 year
Hello dear! My request for you is: TASM Peter Parker + IDFC by Blackbear. I think the music fits perfectly in the dilemmas of Peter and fem!reader. What do you think? Thanks ;)
ahhh this is the best idea ever!! I love this song lol thank you for requesting it!
note: I'm writing Peter as the person feeling the emotions of the song
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Peter watches as you get more inebriated. God, how many drinks could you throw back, the burning amber liquid seeming to have no effect on your throat?
His jaw clenches as he watches you giggle, snort, stumble over your words towards Flash. Flash Thompson, big blonde jock, not worthy of your attention, not like this. Flash would never know how much pining and groveling Peter had done just to get you to look at him the same way.
And last week? You did. You smiled at him, as if he was the only person in the world, the only guy worthy of your attention. You smiled and Peter's stomach exploded with butterflies and nausea and all those typical feelings that Uncle Ben had always told him would happen.
You certainly don't remember any of that right now. You're drunkenly giggling- your face reaches closer to Flash's own at the dinner table, and Peter cringes as he tries to look away, heart shattering as Flash combs back a piece of your hair. He knows- he knows- you might as well have been another pretty girl at Flash's disposal, and that he would never treasure you as you should be.
Flash licks his lips, and Peter feels himself give in. To the anger that he swore he'd never feel- the agony he feels because he's always thought you liked him. That one day, you would put a resolution to this dynamic you had with him- he just never thought it would be like this.
Peter gets going. He takes his bag, his camera, everything he brought for your stupid party, and heads out the front door, slamming it a little too hard.
Flash moves, perturbed. "Looks like that psycho is getting into one of his moods again."
"Oh, no..." You don't know why Peter's run out the door like that, but you let go of Flash, who to his credit, doesn't really mind.
"Peter, Peter!" You call after him, wrapping your arms around yourself. It's cold outside and your drunken stupor does not help.
He stops in the middle of the sidewalk. The street light illuminates him, and you don't notice how Peter's hand is balled into a fist.
"Hey. Why are you leaving, what happened?" You look up at him in confusion.
Peter can tell you're still too drunk to really talk things out with him. The fact that you're even pretending to care with him right now hurts. But despite that... he still wants you to lie to him. To be compassionate- even if Peter knows it's fake, he feels like it's better than nothing.
Unfortunately, you're still rather drunk, and Peter has to steady you with the most chaste of touches. He watches as you stumble over your words, not once, not twice, but three times of trying to work up something to say. And he just... he doesn't want your half-assed, drunken pity.
He knows for a fact you don't love him. That it was a fake dynamic concocted by his own idiocy.
"P-Peter?" You mumble up at him. "I don't want you to be unhappy with me. What's wrong?"
Peter shuts his eyes, feeling embarrassed to have to comfort you, but he doesn't know what else to do.
"Nothing's wrong. I didn't have anything to do at the party, so I thought I'd go back home." Peter shrugs as if it was completely nonchalant on his part. "No offense, but I was bored out of my mind. And I don't fucking care enough to exchange niceties and make other people feel comfortable."
You flinch, and Peter feels bad for just a moment. Just a second. Becuase you're not sober, so you're not in the best state of mind.
But he's been playing the fool this entire time, and he thinks it would be nice if you felt the same for a bit. Just for a day or two. He really doesn't care to see what you get up to at your fun, cool party, with fun, cool drinks and slutty, slutty hook ups.
"I... I'm sorry. If I knew that..." You swallow, looking down at the sidewalk, feeling humiliated by Peter's comments. You've always tried to be a good friend for him- you've always wanted to do right by him.
But something about the coldness in his tone right now tells you to back off. And you do so, with a lump in your throat.
"I would tell you to stay, but, um..." You shake your head. "Have a safe walk home."
Peter nods tightly and moves quickly, telling himself that he doesn't care. He didn't see the tears hanging from your eyelashes. He does not care especially because you're willing to tamper with his feelings so much.
He thinks that you'll be fine. You'll have Flash whispering sweet nothings into your ear, pressing kisses on your cheek and neck, and you won't ever pay him mind ever again. He represses the urge to go and make things right- go and fix things so you won't end up with a douche like Flash.
Peter knows no one has ever cared about him. He knows he's a bit of a nerd, an anti-social weirdo, and even if you made the effort to bridge the gap... he feels it's better this way. Why change?
He works on not giving a fuck. He pretends to not care when Aunt May asks how the party was. He does not lie awake thinking about you in the throes of passion, mouth open, chest flushed and red as Flash begins his disgustingly inelegant thrusts. Especially because it should've been him doing that, him and you together, and since it isn't- he doesn't fucking care.
Peter is surprised to see you sitting at his dinner table the next morning.
He's half asleep, but entirely awake when he sees you. Your eyes are bright, misty, a little teary- you have clearly been waiting for him. It looks as if you've spent some time regretting what you did to him.
Good, Peter thinks. Good that you understand how I felt for once.
"Aunt May let you in?" Peter asks, and you meekly nod. Peter doesn't have it in him to scoff at you- you're too clearly upset and he, try as he might not to care, still doesn't want to see you cry.
He thinks for a moment that you might've done so last night.
"Peter. Please, talk to me." You stand up from the table, but Peter isn't really listening, because he's grabbing cereal and a bowl, and trying to ignore you.
"You said everything you needed to say yesterday." Peter shrugs.
"No way. We didn't even get to talk about anything before you ran off." You cross your arms, but your gaze is still soft. "What did I do wrong? Tell me, so I can make things right."
"Sure, tell me a few more of your pretty little lies. That'll help." Peter scoffs with a heaping amount of pessimism, and you look even more hurt than you did yesterday.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Really?" Peter shuts the fridge a little too hard after pulling out the milk. "Okay, play dumb. I don't really care anymore. You've been out all night, probably fucking Flash, and you want me at your beck and call to be... what? Some sort of pushover? Do you have any idea how ruthless it is to mess with people's feelings?"
You gasp, but Peter isn't finished.
"You never loved me. You never even liked me." He shakes his head, getting a resolute look of sadness on his face. "You know how hard it is to be me? Be a fucking loser who has to try so hard to even get people to like him a little bit?"
Peter bites back some of his resentment, knowing that he doesn't want your pity. "Never mind. I don't care, just live your life without me."
"Peter. How can you just-" You inhale, a tight short breath that has Peter feeling that maybe he said too much.
Oh well. Seeing you again had ignited those angry feelings, and even if he pretended not to care- he still needed to speak on it.
"Me and Flash aren't anything. We didn't even kiss, for crying out loud-" You run your hand through your hair, feeling insane. "I'm sorry. I should've watched how close I was to him. I got a little bit too drunk."
"Yeah, you did." Peter snaps back.
"I really, really like you, asshole." You shut your eyes, feeling bile in your throat from how Peter seems to be judging you so harshly. "I thought I did. I don't know anymore. I pretended not to give a fuck because you always- you seem so aloof, Peter, and it was easier to pull away because I didn't want to get hurt- but I'm actually fucking scared of losing you. I guess I should've made that more obvious."
Peter pauses. Feels his heart thump a little harder, this time with immense regret. He loves you, he knows he does, and hearing the same thing from you? The same feeling of inadequacy, of wanting to be enough but having to pretend not to care?
Peter grabs your arm as you try to leave. You're stubborn, but he shakes his head- he looks remorseful.
"I'm sorry." He pulls you into a hug, one that you don't respond to for a moment, until you tentatively hug him back. "I am an asshole. I love you a lot, you must know that. It's not an excuse- I just wanted you to feel as bad as I did."
"Well, mission accomplished." You mumble into his chest. "I'm sorry, too."
"I thought I was like, some fool that was easily duped by a pretty girl like you." Peter admits, and you laugh. "No, really. You're too good for me."
"Let me decide that, Peter." You shake your head at him. "Come on. Why don't we try this again?"
Peter agrees, and thinks now is a better moment than ever to do what he wanted to do yesterday. He combs back your hair behind your ear, pressing a kiss there, and then leans in and kisses you, relishing in the fact that you tipped your head back so easily. Just for him, no one else.
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bellaxgiornata · 3 months
OH MY GOD OKAY- so hang on- first off, BELLA, how are you? how's the newborn? how are the kids in general?! i'm happy to hear the birth went well, i hope you're recovering well and that you're not pushing yourself too muchhhhh
ANYWAY. i just found out how my godfather/uncle met his wife and- HOLY SHIT it gives me SUCH Frank or Matt vibes (more frank than matt in my opinion, but 100% either of them) and i had to tell you about it to see if you agreeeeeee (+ it could be a cool oneshot idea if you want it hehe, i'll give it for free)
OKAY SO for the purposes of clarity, my uncle/godfather's name is now Peter, and his wife's name is Molly, because why not?
Peter is invited to his best friend's wedding, and the bride at that wedding warns him "hey, don't you dare talk to Molly" (while pointing Molly out in a crowd) "she just went through a really difficult breakup and though you guys are 100% eachother's types, she is absolutely not ready for another relationship and i don't want you to break her heart if the relationship isn't going to last."
and Peter respects that. except the bride wasn't clear about who she was pointing to. so Peter was avoiding another random girl in the friend group he'd never met and had been talking and flirting all night with Molly without realising it was Molly and he legit spent the whole ceremony and most of the reception sitting right next to her and chatting.
and then during the reception, the bride realises that Peter and Molly are talking and she tells Peter like- "why are you talking to Molly, I told you to stay away from her!" and he's like "that's Molly? well you were right then" and then the bride is like "about what?" and he's like "that we're eachother's types. I gave her my phone number an hour into us meeting and I've already asked her out on a date and she said yes."
and now they've been married for 10 years or so and have two daughters
LIKE IT'S ALL SO CUTE- when i found out i wanted to die because of how adorable it is- like it's genuinely the meet-cute in a rom-com kind of shit- and to me it's SO Frank or Matt-coded (helps that my godfather/uncle is military and is built nearly exactly like Frank- like seriously shave frank's head, make him look slightly less worn out and traumatised and you have my godfather/uncle + they have the exact same sense of humour and stuff).
Hey, friend!! 💖 My response is a bit long so I put it below the cut. But enjoy this Frank gif to break things up (and because I wouldn't be able to resist that man looking at me like that at a wedding...).
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I am doing well! I've had a cold shortly after coming home from the hospital which has been rough on top of everything else, but I feel a little better today and I have been taking time to try to take care of myself. Our little baby is doing well, boy can down milk like no one's business and he's generally a pretty happy little guy all the time. My toddler absolutely adores him already, but he's been an only child for almost 4 years so he's been having a hard time sharing our attention. The birth had some scary ups and downs last week, but things ended up okay and both baby and I are alright! I will say that I've had enough experience with child birth and don't want to do it a third time after that, though 😅
Ahhh!! OMG! I love stories like this! I used to be a wedding photographer for about 11 years before becoming a stay at home mom and I LOVE hearing stories of how couples met (or got engaged) because it's so interesting to hear about! And I can actually see a story for either Matt or Frank so I may keep that in mind for a one shot now, thank you 😆
But yes! I could absolutely see an innocent Frank at a wedding getting the women mixed up and genuinely talking to the "wrong" one and they end up hitting it off in the end and he sticks by her side for most of the night. Sweet Frank would soothe anyone's broken heart. As for Matt, well, I could see him making an innocent mistake, but truly I could see Fog warning him to stay away from a family member or friend and Matt "accidentally" talking to her and pretending he thought it was another woman Fog warned him to stay away from. I mean, it's Matt and he's a little shit sometimes 🤣
But that's so crazy!! Thank you for sharing this story with me!! I always love taking real life moments and then thinking about how the guys might react if it had happened to them! But I do agree that this screams more Frank than Matt (unless it was about intentionally ignoring the friend's warning because that screams Matt).
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memyselfandmya · 5 months
Notes on the JWCT Trailer
This will include spoilers and also my possible theories for events that will happen in the show so if you don't want to read that then keep scrolling.
Why is future Brooklynn always shoving her face into cameras?? Fits her character, I guess. In all serious, I love her new design even if it's only for a few seconds, the hair suits her face really well.
ALSO SHE'S DEAD????? I mean I had a feeling that if it were to be one of the campers it be her, but to have it confirmed is insane.
I secretly believe she's not dead and I might make another post about that. Unless we actually see her die I won't believe it.
Darius is never going to escape this guilt and the pressure of being responsible for the lives of others, is he? Give my baby a break.
Also I'm so used to referring to the campers as my babies but now they're grown ass adults that are significantly older than me, like what?
I'm excited to see what's actually going to be on Dark Jurassic bc we know people are tracking dinosaurs but I want to know all of the crazy conspiracies.
Why are they after the campers? That's my biggest question. I truly can't wait to see who's hunting them and why.
AHHH the rest of the campers are 100% confirmed. It was kind of obvious after the leaks and the show description but actually seeing them is making me feel some kind of way.
YASAMMY. As for if Sammy and yaz are still together, that's what I'm interested in. The way Ben was talking, it seems like everyone is separated, which would include Sammy and Yaz. It's possible that they could be physically together but I feel like that it would also make it way more easier to track everyone down if two of the three people were already with each other. This doesn't necessarily mean that they're now separated, they could always just be doing long distance or whatever. My theory is that Yaz and Sammy broke up at one point--Why? I don't know--just to make the separation/isolation between the campers more drastic but then that classic thing will happen where the two characters part of a larger group have broken up but are forced to regroup with everyone else, and therefore each other, and it's awkward at first, especially with the close proximity but then they begin to rekindle their relationship and make amends. Sometimes that ends with one of them dying at the end but praying that won't happen. If they're not together then this is the only alternative I'll take. Sammy and Yaz do seem to be very cutesy in the later scenes so it doesn't seem tooo out of reach.
The scene where Ben's van is driving along a road is giving major Texas vibes -> Sammy?? My guess is that she's the first they go to find.
I love Sammy's new design; her outfit just feels like her and the pink hair ends are everything I need. An homage to Brooklynn maybe? We all know Sammy was her biggest fan.
Also the clip of her seems to be like a fair or something which makes sense but it also looks like a couple of things are knocked over like a pole and a bucket. Also she's taking up a defensive stand. Could there have been like a county fair that was attacked by dinosaurs? That's what I'm thinking.
Kenji's design is cool. I don't have much to say about it but it feels like him enough. My boy is also getting active, I see. Is that his coping mechanism? Such a stark contrast to the lazy boy we once knew.
Yaz's new design I like. She's my favorite so I feel like I might me most critical about her design. Her hair is super cute but it's also taking a bit to get used to because in one clip she reminded me of Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug and I can't unsee it but it looks great in her first clip. I love the bangs. I'm curious about the background in that clip, I wish we got to see more of it. It looks sort of like a metal fence so could she be in Texas with Sammy. Later, I'm going to propose a theory that might oppose this idea though.
The next scene with the mysterious man is interesting. Is he one of the guy hunting them? The phone also seems to pink which does't seem like a color he would have. You want to know who would have a pink phone?? BROOKLYNN. I saw a theory by @snaileo which I like, that it's Brooklynn's phone which seems plausible. Perhaps it could be directly after Brooklynn's been attacked and sent that video to the others (Ben?) to warn them. So now the campers would know they're being hunted or whatever which could be the potential "problem" the guy is talking about. Just an idea.
I can't fucking wait until May 24th
The next scene definitely has to take place on Sammy's ranch. It's got that Texas terrain and there's also those pasture fence things and Sammy's in the scene. (And Bumpy too??? FUCKING YESSS). She also kind of moves in front of Ben and Darius like, "who the fuck is coming to my ranch??" Maybe I'm just overanalyzing that but we do know Sammy gets defensive over her ranch. Ben and Darius probably went to her first by the looks of it as Kenji and Yaz aren't pictured. Anyways, I'm so excited to see this place that Sammy committed corporate espionage for.
The scene with Ben in the kitchen place area talking about the raptors has a bunch of boxes in the background. I'm thinking this might still be Darius' cabin but the walls and general atmosphere seem a lot lighter. It could just be because it's day in that scene. Whoever's place it is, the boxes likely either mean that somebody's just moved in or that whoever lives there is prepared to leave at a moment's notice which is why I think it's Darius' cabin. At the same time, the door that's seen for a split second on 0.25 (yes that's the speed I'm watching it at, they're lucky I can't go slower) doesn't seem like a door that would belong in his cabin. It kind of reminds me of an RV. I do have to go and re-watch the teaser trailer to remind myself of what his cabin looks like. But if it's not Darius' place then who could it be? It could be Kenji's place because he looks all comfortable on the bed but then again, it's Kenji, he'll make himself comfortable anywhere. Maybe it's where Ben is staying. I'm probably looking way too deeply into this location but I need to know every detail until the show comes out.
The next scene obviously takes place in Sammy's house/ranch. One, she's there. Two, the overall home has that western/southern vibe to it, like with that swinging door thing. Three, if you look closely enough, there's a sign that says, "love hard, ranch harder," which, honestly that's definitely something that would be in Sammy's house. Four, if you still need proof, the thing she knocks over is a pitch fork thing which is very farmer-y. Also that door that she runs out of? That is a southern-door if I've ever seen one. Im jk but also I'm not. I wonder if this is happening before or after Ben and Darius arrive there. I want to say it's after because of the, "they found us," that precedes the scene but if so, where are they in that moment? An idea I have is that this scene happens first, and as she's running, she stumbles upon those two which is where we have that other scene where the car is driving up which could be the people who are handling/using the raptors. Edit: probs wrong bc the sky/times don't match
I cannot read maps for the fucking life of me. Does anybody know what it's of? I wonder where, when, and how Sammy acquired that map from Brooklynn because it could likely mean that Brooklynn had more contact with people before she "died." I just really want to find out the mystery surrounding her death/disappearance. What does the note say, hmm?
I ran out of space so I have to make a Pt.2 lmao
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mesmir-ized · 1 year
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*flipping through cue cards
ponysona…no……..my little persona……..no…………
(elaboratig on cutie marks below BC i thought about them a lot !!! ahhh so long)
(not spoiler free !!!!!!!!!!!!)(corn get outta here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i wanted to keep these as simple as possible , and not cram too much imagery in to them , so they wouldnt look out of place in the show &c ! fun little challenge i gave myself , just for context :D
akechi: a white pawn chess piece ! my friend actually came up with this ! and its kinda genius ! to paraphrase what she said: white chess pieces move first ; akechi is always the one to (attempt to be) one step ahead of the thieves , having everything lined up for himself to succeed . 
     her words: “akechi sets the first gambit, the tone, and gets to begin laying out the chess board how he sees fit, and joker is the reactionary. but heres the thing. strategists differ on how you should play as black, like if you should automatically be on defense from white's offensive move. but the most famous black player of all time is magnus carlsen, who is WILDLY an offensive player and absolutely goes for it every time, to the point where white has been INTIMIDATED by him and played poorer statistically against him because of it . like thats CRAZY!! hes one of the boldest chess players in existence and he prefers to go SECOND! it was pretty much unheard of before him.”
    plus , (my words now) theres the idea of not only him manipulating others (the pawn) , but he himself becoming a pawn in a plan much grander than him . the p5 wildcards and their games of strategy a nd all !
joker: joker card(+mask !) i was actually trying to come up with something “better” , but the joker card really , really fits him . not only literally being a wildcard in the metaverse/persona sense , but also IRL , how he’s adaptable to every situation ! canon pretty much explains it , LOL ! but again bringing in the theme of classic games of strategy , joker with his joker card !
ryuji: EPIC awesome skull (literally his na,me...) , but i liked it with the idea of delinquency/pirates(YIPPY !) , as well as the lightning not only for power , but symbolizing speed~  hes just cool
ann: lipstick kiss mark ! this one actually came to me really quick , LOL ! it symbolizes her role as a model (makeup !) , but also has to do with how she reclaims her sexuality and looks for herself ! that , as well as her caring nature , especially to the little guys(like a mother’s kiss goodbye on your forehead..)
yusuke: ink brush + swirls !!! funny enough this one took me the longest to come up with . i wanted to avoid giving him a palette , since i wanted to focus on traditional japanese art forms above all else (since thats basically his whole tyhing !) and ended up going with an ink brush ! it’s not exclusively japanese by any means , but its recognizable , and we see him work with ink many times ! the little swirls are meant to be the golden ratio (beauty ?)LOL , but just kinda look like swirls.......maybe shapes found in his art ?
makoto: gavel and books ! also took me a weirdly lomg time to come up with , but i figured it out ! the gavel is obviously meant to represent justice/the justice system , but also wanted it to represent power as well (since makoto can often act like a secondary “boss” LOL , and her role as a leader at school !) . the books are for her intelligence (perhaps legal books) ? yippy !!!!
haru: a coffee cup with a plant growing out of it ! this is a bit on the nose , but i had fun figuring it out ! keeping her goal of opening a cafe (and coming up with new coffee blends throughout the game) in mind , as well as her love for plants and gardening ! the plant is meant to form a sort of heart (which can also look like steam coming fromt he cup).. , to also show her nurturing side !
futaba: computer and medjed eyes !!!!!! also a bit on the nose , LOL ! for this 1 , the computer is obviously tied to her skill as a hacker/her computer-focused life , but the eyes carry a bit more weight ! theyre literally the eyes of the deity medjed , who is known for those two eyes that look directly at you ! we dont see any medjed logo with graphics like this in game IIRC , but i added it for the double(triple?) meaning ! medjed in game carries the weight of being a part of the book of the dead , and connected to futaba’s palace themed around egyptian tombs , but i also felt the eyes could be tied to how she monitors everyone , and interacts with the world through her computer (almost as if shes looking out from it !) yippy !!!!!!!!! :D
sumire: magic wand/gymnastics ribbon ! as explained by my description , LOL , this mark is meant to look both like a magic wand (cinderella/fairy gdmother ...) as well as a gymnastics ribbon ! we see her with these in game , which made my job much easier ! the ribbon forms sort of an “s” for her name , and also looks kind of like a shooting star , to symbolize how she is always shooting for the top ! (and on a darker note , how shooting stars can often be meteors that fall apart)... kasumi’s mark is hers but reversed , and has an additional sparkle/star on it , for “3 stars”, 1st place ! the absence of this sparkle for sumire can represent how she lost her sister , and how she feels lesser (even if just as wonderful !)
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okay yayyayy thats all bye bye !!!!!!!!!
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24hlevi · 2 years
Ahhh that ballerina headcanons with bachira made my heart flutter >.< i do ballet myself and i’ve been feeling down about my performances as i feel like i’m not enough :( may i request for comfort scenario or HCs with Bachira? thank youuu <333
ah im so glad you enjoyed the ballerina hcs i didnt really know much about the dance genre so it was fun to learn about and such :)
thank you for requesting this!
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— 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮, 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲
Bachira Meguru (Blue Lock) X Gn!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Comforting hcs + a scenario w/ bachira
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if bachira were to ever find you upset in even the slightest, he is immediately by your side to try and cheer you up in every way possible
literally, he would try everything in existence just so you would feel better, even if it made him look stupid because the only thing he wants is for you to always be happy, and he will do anything to keep it that way
he would first buy you food, whatever it is you like that comes from a convenience store and isn't an actual meal and he's got it covered, he doesn't mind spending his money on you, plus he always gets big enough portions of food that you both can eat it
then he would try putting on a movie or tv show that he knows you really like, he somehow remembers which episodes are your favorites so he always puts those on to surprise you, a different show each time
if watching something doesn't help, then bachira would suggest you two just eat and go out somewhere afterward that might make you cheer up somehow
he is a very good listener so if all you want is to talk then he is completely okay with it, he has no problem with it
he will only do whatever you say you're okay with, which he always does, but especially when you're upset in some sort of way
and if nothing else worked he would just lie down with you and just cuddle until you feel better or fall asleep, whichever comes first it doesn't matter much to him
he would constantly be repeating how much he loves you and that nothing will change how he views you even if you were to do something so drastic people would usually hate someone for it because he just loves you so much
he would totally give you his clothes to wear while you're upset, especially his jackets and hoodies, he claims they look better on you than him
the moment bachira found out you were upset about something just by a simple text, he quickly abandoned his practice and rushed over to your house, well, not before getting something to eat for the two of you first, he always had to get food when he went over to your place. he knocked on the front door and immediately smiled brightly when you opened the door, "y/n!" but soon after seeing your expression, the smile dropped from his face, "oh, you're more upset than i thought, then," he mumbled under his breath. "i got food, though!" he said, holding up the two grocery bags he had in his hands that he got from the convenience store down the street from your place.
"thanks," you replied, taking the bags from his hands and opening the door wider, and starting to walk back to your room with bachira quickly following after you, closing the front door behind him. once making it to your bedroom, you sat back down on your bed and took the contents out of the bags and placing the food and drinks beside you but with enough space for bachira to sit down too.
"so," bachira started as he sat down next to you, "do you wanna watch a movie?" he asked, situating who had what food and drink before looking at you.
all you did was shrug in response, not feeling in the mood for watching something. bachira nodded silently, opening his drink and taking a sip from it, and then speaking, "is there anything you want to do, then?"
"i don't know," you answered, "can we just eat for now?"
"yeah, that's totally cool with me," bachira nodded again, starting to eat. after a few minutes of eating quietly, bachira spoke again, "so, do you wanna talk about it?"
"it's nothing really, just school stuff," you responded to him, looking up for a second to see him before back down at your food. "i did really bad on the test for math and it dropped my grade a lot."
bachira looked at you confused for a second, and then his face lit up as he pointed at you, "oh! you mean the one we did last week? you wanna know what i got on it? a 58," he laughed.
a short laugh came from you as well upon hearing his grade results, and you looked at him again, "well i didn't do that bad, at least," you said. "i don't know how you get grades like that."
"well, i don't really study now that i think about it," he said, putting his fingers on his chin as if he were thinking hard about something, "but you know, not everyone is great at every single subject! we all have our different strengths in which we are better in, like english over science or something. one bad grade isn't going to be like, the end of the world! it's just one out of like, i don't know like 50 different assignments and tests! so i think it'll all be perfectly fine!" he grinned at the end.
looking at him long for a few seconds, you then nodded, "yeah, i guess you're right."
bachira's already wide grin somehow grew even wider and he reached over the food and hugged you, "yay! does that mean you're happy again?!"
"yes, i'm happy again," you chuckled, hugging him back.
"good! because i love you! and it hurts me to see you upset in any way, so i'm glad you're happy again!" bachira told you, then proceeding to kiss your cheek.
"i love you too, meguru."
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fairly-fairy-shampoo · 11 months
“In Every Universe”
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🌙☀️ Summary: Everything about your situationship with Yeonjun seemed perfect. There were no rules, no romantic feelings, and you stayed friends. But when jealousy leads to a falling out between the two of you, Yeonjun is forced to look inward and re-evaluate his feeling for you as well was what kind of relationship he wants with you. The question is, are his feeling more powerful then fate?
pairing: yeonjun x fem!reader × Soobin
Warnings: none
Chapter 1
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Yeonjun had been anticipating her arrival since she texted “I NEED to see you!!!”. It had been a while since she was so comfortable and casual with him. Everything became so formal and unfamiliar since their big fight so this text was the perfect gateway back to normalcy. He went out of his way to make everything perfect; create an atmosphere, put out a candle (cause he bought new ones), soft blankets on the couch (cause it cold), gray sweat pants and tank top (you know for the atmosphere). He even ordered her favorite food (but only cause HE was hungry). He can’t be too obvious. CAN’T scare her away. This was his shot. The knock on his door took him out of his mind. One more spritz of cologne and a shake of his hair should do it.
“It’s open!” He yells while sprawled out on the couch. Leaning back, legs wide open. He hears the dropping of keys and shuffling as the sound of sock’s dragging across the hardwood comes towards him. But his eyes don’t leave the TV. Remember, gotta play it cool. But all that files out the window as she unexpectedly drop on his lap straddling him.
“AHHH JUNIEEE!!” She shrieks as she starts hugging him and light hits his chest while squirming on his lap.
“Ahh, god what?” he chuckles and his hands settle on her hips. He missed this. His missed YOU. Your smell, your smile, your body on his. The way everything just felt right and easy with you. There’s no one else who makes him feel this way. No one. He has to tell you.
She finally starts to settle down and begins to smile BIG. “Okay, okay, I HAVE to tell you something. You’re my best friend so I couldn’t just call.” Her hands come to his shoulders and he begins rubbing his eyes trying to looking very serious, but constantly reverting back to a smile.
“I have something to tell you too! But… you go first.”
You got first words and he’ll regret that for the rest of his life.
“Okay so don’t be mad that I didn’t tell you earlier but I wasn’t sure how you’d react and…” She takes a breath, tired after using up so much energy from the excitement, and removes her hands from his shoulders to pull her hair behind her ears. His hands never leave her hips. They’re too comfortable there. It’s where they belong…
“After our falling out, I felt like everything was too fresh to discuss this but over the last few months I’ve seen a real growth in our friendship and I feel like we’re finally getting back to a place of comfortability again, you know?”
His eyes light up but he tries to hide it, play it cool.
“Yeah of course.” He looks at where his hands rest and starts rubbing circles into her hips.
“I know exactly what you mean.” he smiles, meeting her eyes again.
“I’m so glad we’re on the same page cause you’re really important to me and I need to tell someone right away…Yeonjun…I’m engaged!!!” She squeals and begins to jump and squirm again on his lap. His hands tighten on her hips and then hesitantly fall back to his legs. Like two magnets being pulled apart. They don’t want to split but something’s forcing them apart. His mind goes blank to match the expression on his face. It’s like in the movies, where they start to hear ringing in the ears at the sound or sight of shocking news. He always thought it was just a dramatization until its happened to him.
He meets her eyes again just for a second while she’s talking. Going miles a minutes. About wedding plans, no doubt. Then his eyes fall to her lips. Lips he’ll never kiss again, cheeks he’ll never caress, hair that will never tickle his neck when they sleep with one another. And then back to eyes that will never look at him the way he looks at her. His eyes drop back to nothing. He has to focus on something, anything, to keep his mind off of the tear that’s threatening to spill from his eyes. Play it cool, right…
“Yeonjun… you okay?” her voice is softer now. The excitement is over. He had time to think of what to say and he’s got nothing. Well, he’d be lying if he if didn’t have one burning question. His eyes finally meets hers.
“Who is it…
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~Master list -Next ~
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Schmicago is Over and Done... so here are my thoughts on all of it (extra long post)
Episode 1: Welcome to Schmicago
In all honesty, I was fully prepared not to like this season bc I’m really not (or at least was not) that into this era of musicals, but all I needed was the start of Welcome to Schmicago and I was so completely in. Thank you to all the geniuses who made it possible.
No but… the second time round that the word ‘farrago’ comes up in the lyrics of the episode’s title song, I well, I was literally thinking ‘what the hey’s a farrago’, and the Narrator says ‘look it up’ — it’s like they’re reading the viewer’s thoughts. I love it. That’s the self-aware humour I’ve come for. Also, I did look it up and farrago means a confused mixture. I like it. It fits.
This is killing me (in the best way) — when they say ‘endings that are tragic’, the Narrator holds up a strand of Melissa’s hair. I love the double meaning.
I love love love this! At one point you can clearly hear Kristin Chenoweth saying ‘peas and carrots, peas and carrots’, and Josh and Melissa are like ‘Please don’t talk all at once, we can’t understand you’. Love that bit of theatre inside humour.
‘Do you have a cigarette, darling, I’m simply desperate’… what an introduction to Dove’s new character, Jenny Banks. Or, as I immediately dubbed her when I saw her, Liza Jr. I feel like I’m going to like her.
‘Fifty’s not that old’ — this coming, of course, from Keegan-Michael Key, who is 52 in real life. And ain’t he living proof of it, too.
I am loving Does That Shock You (I assume that’s the name of the song) [It’s Do We Shock You, actually, but there was no way for me to know that back when the episode aired, now was there?] — it’s like, ‘look, there’s a man and he’s wearing a dress’, ‘I like both boys and girls’, and, most hilariously, ‘I’ve experienced an orgasm. A female one.’ Goodness, this doesn’t shock me or Josh and Melissa, but it sure as the stars would render the people of Schmigadoon catatonic. And I love that, for some reason.
No but the cabaret girls… Annie, Kate, Molly, Tessie, Pepper, Duffy and Elsie. Like… a certain bunch of orphan girls from the same time period as all musicals referenced here take place. Plus Cabaret’s Elsie, of course. That’s basically as if… the girls grew up to become showgirls, which actually isn’t too far-fetched. And Ariana DeBose as the EmCee is slaying it. I love all of this. And Ann Harada is Madam Frau. Lady Lady. Cool! I love it.
‘My true passion is power [dramatic pause]… electricity’ I love love love all of this.
And Jenny Banks does a Cabaret-style number with chairography a la Mein Herr. Which is funny because Dove is just one of a whole bunch of people in this cast who would do (or, in certain cases, have done) a killer Mein Herr. Either way, I just know this will be one of my most replayed songs once the soundtrack comes out. When is that, btw? [That was yesterday, and I can fully attest to the above prediction being true.]
This number isn’t even subtle about what it’s doing. About as subtle as Va-Gi-Na or the Coming Out Reprise were last season ‘We’ve had a fine affair, but please get out of mein hair.’ I love this more than words can say.
Episode 2: Doorway to Where
The Narrator is just everything… ‘schmigadee-death… penalty’, anyone? Lovely.
Ahhh we’ve got Aaron!! That man’s voice makes me swoon in a way I didn’t think was possible to someone of my… identity. If you get what I’m trying to say. [What I’m trying to say is I’m aroace, but I do have a thing for voices, and for unconventionally attractive faces, except the latter isn’t relevant in very conventionally attractive Aaron’s case. He’s all voice to me. He could sing the phone book and I’d be done for.]
No but… his solo once again mentions squirrels and robins, and I’ve got to wonder why… like, is it just a reference to You Can’t Tame Me (my beloved), or is there something else? But also, his new character, Topher, strikes me as the only one who hasn’t changed quite as much — he’s once again a free spirit singing about squirrels and robins and wow, this is just utterly self-referential, isn’t it? I love that. 
‘Please. Mr Flanagan was my father… after he lost his medical license.’ I love that. And I’m going to love Jane Krakowski’s character in this, I feel like. ‘First we court the press, then I press the court.’ I adore sentences like that. Sue me. But only with Bobby Flanagan as my solicitor.
Ok, so this one I caught. Melissa’s showgirl audition is set to a number evoking I Hope I Get It from A Chorus Line. Good going, me!
‘Dad was in the military. You know, the type with a whistle. He used to force my brothers, sisters and me to perform for guests at dinner parties. God, I hated when he did that.’ I see you, Sound of Music. I see you clear and bright. ‘So this one night I begged him for a taste of champagne’… ok, so you’re Liesl, are you? Well, funny, because all I can think of is Cecily as Liesl in that one SNL sketch with John Mulaney.
Ok but when Melissa meets Topher, she’s like ‘You look… groovy’, and I was like, his ‘pants’ are not really high-waisted in this one, though. But there’s a good chance he’s both high and wasted at any given time. I mean, so I imagine, he’s a hippie. Not to stereotype people, but hey, everyone is a walking steretype here.
When Topher’s buddies come to bust him and Josh out of jail on the happiness bus, Josh is like ‘it’s literal? I thought it was a metaphor.’ To which I say… ‘It’s not a metaphor, oh no, it’s something more — it’s a literal bus’. How’s that for a reference?
Episode 3: Bells and Whistles
Ok we’re on to episode 3 and… ‘ Rizzo, ChaCha, Doodie/ Zuko and Kenickie’… why, hello Grease! I didn’t quite expect you there, but of course that was a mistake. And also, in a number starring Danny Bailey/Zuko Aaron Tveit himself, no less.
I see you, Miss Kristin Hannigan! And I’m loving it. Mrs Lovett x Miss Hannigan has never made so much sense before. Add in some Mme Thenardier for good measure, and you’ve got the ultimate composite character.
No, I swear, between Kristin and Alan, this is giving me huge Thenardier vibes, even if it’s actually meant to be a homage to Sweeney Todd, I believe. I’m loving it either way.
Ok, so… Alan’s character, Butcher Dooley Blight, is Jenny’s father here. I love it. But oh wow, this got really bloody and dark and gory really fast.
This might as well be one of my favourite courtroom scenes. I mean, ‘On the grounds of Brooklyn’ is still my go-to, but Bells and Whistles, and Fosse jazz hands are truly something else.
‘Why am I flanked by fools’ is the new ‘I’m surrounded by idiots’, and I love it. No but, his song is actually about wanting love from women who don’t want him. He’s giving Phantom. And, oh gosh, the resounding bass note it ends on… almost more impressive than a high note.
Episode 4: Something Real
Well, it’s true that Dove and Aaron are, in my humblest of opinions, the two people whose characters from this season and the previous one are most alike — I mean, she’s a cheerful girl whose cluelessness may or may not be (and in this one definitely is) just an act and whose father would kill for her sake, and he’s a free spirit who sings about robins and squirrels (even though Danny’s ‘pants are really high-waisted’ whereas Topher would rather forgo any trousers at all because ‘flowers don’t wear pants’... which I think is a valid choice, wanting to emulate a flower. Go for it) — so, in a way, what I called has very much come to pass. Now how this is going to turn out by the end is a whole other matter, so we’ll have to wait and see.
Also, here’s a post I made the day the s1 finale came out, and... I was a bit blindsided, but I had the spirit:
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Ok so the Narrator may be a bit of an arse to Mel and Josh, but I love him. I want Tituss Burgess to narrate every show in song.
Topher, arriving at the junkyard: ‘The prodigal son has returned. Someone write that down.’ The Fansie in me, knocking over about three walls at once: ‘I got a pencil!’
S1 Josh: ‘I’m not singing if you’re not singing.’ S2 Josh: ‘Talk to Daddy, talk, talk to Daddy’… now that’s what I call character growth. And that aside, this is just such a fun number. I can see myself listening to it on repeat once the soundtrack drops (which I need now btw). [Ah, yes, the ‘I’m not having an argument that’s part of a musical number’ to ‘I am not a man of many words’ to ‘Talk to Daddy’ pipeline. We stan.]
Whoever decided to pair up Dove and Aaron for a duet is a freaking genius. I need to know who that was so I can send them flowers to thank them for this vocal match made in heaven.
‘More romance’? If there’s one thing I don’t like about Schmigadoon/Schmicago, and it’s just this tiny little thing, really, but… it’s that it seems to emphasise romance as the ultimate solution, the single bringer of happiness. Only, I suppose, it will end up subverting that by the end of the season. Which would be nice if it does, indeed, happen. [Well... not exactly. But next season maybe... hope springs eternal.]
Ok, a scene centring around Kristin Chenoweth and Alan Cumming together in any sort of context is always welcome, but I’m just a bit too distracted by Dooley eating his mash using his cleaver as a spoon. It’s too funny!
No but the way he said ‘Life is just a pile of shit’… it spoke to my soul… somehow.
I have never, ever in my life laughed at the sight of someone openly discussing making children into meat, but if anyone can sell such a number, why, it’s those two. Marvellously morbid.
I hear you, ‘It’s a Hard-Knock Life’. I hear you loud and clear. Or should I say… It’s a Hard-Knock-off Life… ight I’ll see myself out. But who would have thought that mixing Annie with Sweeney Todd (and a sprinkle of Oliver!) would make such a delightfully dark and scrumptiously sinister song? Also, those tap-dancing children are so amazing! I wish we would get more than a number per season from them, but I always take what I can get. [This is another contender, along with Kaput and Talk to Daddy and Bells and Whistles, for my May Top Tracks on Spotify... what will end up happening remains to be seen, but the number of times I’ve looped those just since they were released there yesterday is already large enough to put them all in the top 20 if not the top 10.]
So this now marks two different songs I know where ‘scrumptious’ is rhymed with ‘presumptuous’ (Truly Scrumptious from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, of course, being the first), and in neither of those songs do these words sound like they should rhyme. This must be what Mel meant by that comment about imperfect rhymes, you know.
Doesn’t this just go to prove that you could sell infanticide to me if it’s accompanied by a musical number, and I’d eat it up with a spoon, or even a cleaver if I had one handy… what does that say about me, I wonder…
Episode 5: Famous as Hell
Cecily is such a star! (hey, nice alliterative phrase there) But for real, she is. Also, is this supposed to be Maybe This Time? I’ll know for sure once I watch the Schmeakdown, but I think it is, if not intertwined with something else as well.
Ok but the tribe seems to have imprinted on Josh like a bunch of baby ducklings. He’s their mama now. I love that.
I’m thinking the Narrator’s name should change to the Instigator. Love that for him.
‘Another damn rhetorical question’ might just be funnier than ‘Schmigadee-death penalty’. Either way, I love Tituss Burgess and what he does as the Narrator, or the Instigator if you will.
Ooh… I love this. Famous As Hell seems to be the sort of number which references everybody’s themes, and I love that in a number.
Ok so nobody should be subjected to 12-show day, but, like, as an obsessed fan I’d be there all day for it. Still, don’t make people perform until they bleed. Then again, this is Schmicago, so…
Wait a sec… so that’s what ‘substitutes become expedient’ meant? Not just the obvious ‘children-for-animals’ substitute, but ‘orphans-for-Kratt’. Well. I’m thinking Kratt wouldn’t make a very desirable load of sausages, though. Oh, great, now I’m considering it. I’m in so deep I’m losing awareness of how gory this all is.
Are those the twins who played the white-faced women in ASOUE, playing another pair of white-faced women? Why yes, it is them, Jacqueline and Joyce Robbins. Nice.
Ooh… ‘You’ve been getting my roses? — Moses supposes I have.’ I loved that. I’ve been wondering if Singing in the Rain could make it into the farrago, and it seems like it has.
Ok, now Kratt is definitely Phantom. Kidnapping Mel just after she’s become a star on stage and essentially going like, ‘you marry me or the man you love dies’. Also, what kind of a cliffhanger was this? I’m dying. How on earth will I make it to the finale? And there are so many knots to be untied, too many loose ends to be tied up… that’s an ambitious setup for the finale. [It was, indeed. Bit of a rush to untangle and tie up everything, it really was, but I loved it nonetheless.]
Episode 6: Over and Done
Ahhhh Ariana DeBose solo at last!! I’ve missed that so much. And a Dreamgirls solo at that! I found she was really underutilised this season, which sucks because she’s a queen, but is also completely understandable because there were so many plotlines even without her being at the forefront. Still though…
‘I shut down a dream ballet, I will shut down this’ Yes Mel, be in control of the narrative devices even if you can’t control the narrative… that is so poetic in its way. I love it.
Idk how I came to this thought, but Sgt. Rivera upon being told he has to kill Josh is giving the huntsman from Snow White. Can’t say I love that for him because it’s a really tight spot to be in, but his reaction is still one of my favourite moments.
Ok but like… is Ms. Codwell reluctant to let the orphans be killed now? What exactly was it that made her change her mind? And also, these poor kids are so death-happy, I can’t even begin to comprehend the black comedy of it all. It’s not even black comedy anymore, it’s saccharine tragedy.
Also, if Dooley and Ms Codwell get married, does that mean Kristin is going to be Dove’s mum once again? Because at first I enjoyed the subversion of them being completely unrelated here, but I’m starting to miss them as a mother-daughter duo. Maybe s3 can amend that? Whatever, just please let there be a s3.
Ok but Topher being a JCS homage all season and his tribe digging everything he says, and then once he pulls a literal Jesus, ‘turn the other cheek’ and whatnot, they’re sceptical? Idk, but I kinda dig that just bc I find it (1) funny and (2) totally reasonable.
I can’t… the Somewhere Love Is Waiting for You riff as Dooley reunites with his daughter… it’s too much. I’m going to cry. I was already going to cry, but this really is too much.
Ok but even when he doesn’t intend it, Dooley sure is good with that cleaver. And the narrative pulling a Phantom on the Phantom shout-out character… now that’s what I call poetic justice.
Yeah, sure, I’ll drink to that too. From now on I want all the villain death announcements to be done via Kaput reprise. Ding Dong the Witch is Dead who?
Rocky Horror Sgt. Rivera isn’t what I ever expected, but I’m digging it. I’m actually tearing up. What is with Schmigadoon season finales and making me sob my heart out? I need to have more of that.
Now excuse me for crossing my fandoms over here, but the tribe’s ending is giving Ordinaryish People by AJR: ‘Your hippie friends call you a sellout cos you buckled down and got a job’… indeed.
Goodness, Something Real with Topher and Jenny was one thing, but with Mel and Josh it feels that much more… real. I mean. Tell me it doesn’t. I’m not crying over the cheesiness that is a musical ending number, you are. Except I am, too, of course. How could I not be?
I did not have Narrator x Rivera on my bingo cards for this season, but like, ‘I don’t hate it’. I actually wish I could see it play out.
What’s better than Leprechaun Martin Short? Leprechaun Martin Short x2. I am living for every bizarre, out-of-left-field thing this finale throws at me. I really really really want more.
Ok but, as a lover of child-centric musicals, I now need a s3 with Josh and Mel and their little one in a land with more than one child-centred musical number. It’s not a want, it’s a need. 
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pikablob · 11 months
Trick or Treat! :D
"So, w-what do you think...?"
"I think it looks really good," Camila noted earnestly. She didn't miss the slight quaver in the star-child's voice, looking up at her with big, arcane-red eyes, but she chose not to press that. Her newest adopted child, of several, was still getting used to family and everything else, and she knew how much they needed approval sometimes.
When the Collector didn't say anything else, one hand playing loosely in their suddenly-long hair, she went on softly. "I mean it, mijo. I think growing it out suits you."
"Well, I didn't really grow it," they replied, shifting over to sit slightly closer to her side; their smile grew. "I still don't really know how to make this form grow. But I can change stuff like this!" They ran their hand through the soft white curls, sending flecks of starlight sparkling out onto the sofa.
Camila chuckled warmly; seeing them like this, the way her kids did, the way Eda did, the way Belos or the Titans had never been able to; as just the little kid they were, made a familiar warmth settle in her chest. "So, what made you decide to change it?"
"It's kinda Luz's fault actually," the Collector admitted softly, head tilting over. "She let me read some of her witch books, cause I wanted to know what her and Amity were so obsessed with." They shifted a little, legs kicking restlessly. "And they're actually really good! I can see why Luz wanted to be like Azura, cause she's so cool, and pretty, and she cares about everyone and I..."
They paused for a second, breathing in sharply, before their voice turned down to a quiet whisper, as if what they were saying was the most important secret in their entire mortal life. "I started wishing that I was like her, too."
That gave Camila pause. She knew it was probably too early to call, to little to go on, but instincts born in the books she'd read when Luz had come out to her, instincts she'd already been right on once with her oldest child, were suddenly very awake. Still, she quietly held herself back; whoever the Collector, with their own astral ideas of self and gender, really was was up to them. All she had to do was support her child.
But the star-child wasn't done. "And then that made me think some other stuff, about what parts of Azura I really want to be like, and what I could be that I get to choose and I... I...
"I think I'm maybe like Erin? Kinda?"
Ah. Ahhh. There it was.
"Oh," Camila breathed, "well, maybe you are." She took a moment, choosing her next words carefully and watching for the Collector's reaction "Wanting to have long hair and look pretty doesn't have to mean anything, and sometimes it doesn't. But for some people, like Erin, it means a lot. Whichever way you are, it's okay."
"But I don't know which way I am," the star-child replied quickly, voice suddenly shaking. "I think... I think I like the idea of being a girl, at least sometimes, but everything I know about it comes from a couple of books! It's... Erin took ages to realise, right, but once she did, it was always kinda there? But I've been around for ages and I've never even thought about it until now."
"Well..." Camila trailed off softly, keeping her voice level as she reached for the right thing to say. "Erin grew up in a really harmful environment. The man she thought was her uncle would never have let her transition; he didn't even let her know people like her existed." She had to take another breath to steady herself, old memories of what she'd merely heard of Belos making her heart ache. "So she grew up thinking everything about her identity had to be what Belos said it was, and all the discomfort she felt with being called a boy, or using the name we don't say anymore, was just normal. That's why it took her a long time.
"For some people, it's like that. They're in a bad situation, one way or another, and they just don't have a chance to realise or be themself. But not everyone has those uncomfortable feelings; sometimes you're fine, but you'd just feel happier using different words, and if nobody ever uses those words for you, you might never realise."
"Huh," the Collector added after a moment of silence, shaking their... or her? maybe? head softly to one side. "And I guess I never really had anyone to even ask about it until Luz and King and you and Eda and... and everyone." The kid sniffled just a little, and in response Camila reached out, putting one arm around small, shaking shoulders.
"Mhmm," the woman murmured sympathetically, giving her youngest child a gentle squeeze. "There's nothing wrong with only finding yourself now, mija, or with it being sudden." The Collector tensed up at that, but in her eyes, there were only stars, that little word sinking in deep. "It's different for everyone, and that's okay. Trying to make everyone the same only hurts them."
"Yeah," the kid breathed, her own voice still shaky. For a moment she just sat there, letting it sink in, new and uncertain ground underfoot. But then she seemed to find herself, and all-at-once she launched herself at Camila's side, stardust trailing, arms wrapping tightly around the woman's warm sweater.
"Thanks, mom."
"It's alright, mjia, it's alright."
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lizhly-writes · 1 year
Hello— ORV whump prompt because I’m Thinking So Many Things and want to see what cool authors like you think about it!
Scenario fic: one member is brought back to the event that led to the first meeting between the party. Of course it’s our Rat that disappears in a poof of sparkles, and of course KimCom think the first people to meet were KDJ and YSA so they rush to head to Minosoft… BUT!
a) on the way they pass a certain all boys school at Just The Right Time
b) LSK is there and knows the Truth and Freaks Out
c) they don’t find him in time and track him down when he’s on the verge of d**th
Dealer’s choice hehe!
hello! i finally sat down and started writing through this ask! i appreciate that you came into my askbox and immediately slammed the button on 'misery', always a fun time lol
anyway. i have ideas. unfortunately if i attempted to fully finished these ideas, you would probably see this ask either in a year with a full fic or in uh, never, so you get this.
There is a teenager.
She looks much like any other teenager bored out of their mind in class.  Chin propped up on one hand, other hand wielding a pan tapping out a distracted staccato on her notebook, perfectly in time with the tap-tap-tap of her foot, watching the blackboard up front but mostly watching the clock above it, waiting for everything to be done. 
She’s so sick of class.  Sitting in one place, trying and failing to listen to a teacher saying shit she doesn’t care about – ahhh, but she’s got to care about it, doesn’t she?  Gotta make sure she knows enough to score good on the CSAT, except that’s never going to happen because she’s got shit-for-brains, shit-for-grades.  At this point, wouldn’t it be easier just to drop out?  Who wants to live this kind of life?  Not her.  Not anyone else.  Who likes school?
…Yeah.  Jung Heewon was like that, as a kid.
“Hey, you,” Jung Heewon says.
That image of her younger self ignores her.  So does everyone else in her old middle school classroom.  The teacher drones on, uninterrupted – and it really is a droning, the kind of indistinct murmur you hear as background noise, only occasionally cut with actual lecture material.
Everything here is indistinct.  There’s a vague sense of blurriness about everything.  The faces of her teacher and the few classmates she remember are clear, or at least, almost clear.  Everyone else?  Faceless.  Unmemorable.
… Maybe that’s the point.
Yoo Sangah likes to think her memory is good, but truthfully, it’s hard to remember the faces of her middle school classmates when she hasn’t talked to them in years.  A few that she kept in contact with, sure, but everyone else, she’s likely to get wrong.
They’re in some kind of scenario space right now, and if the scenario is drawing things from her memory, that might be why everything is so… unclear.  Unreal, almost, the edges of reality soft instead of well-defined, only sharpening around her younger self as she files out of the classroom, chatting with – is that Ahn Minji?  Yoo Sangah hadn’t thought about her in years.
Things only get worse as they head outside. The younger Yoo Sangah is a beacon of clarity, but everything else is just fog, white and dense and casting a featureless pall over everything.
…No.  Wait.  Not quite.
Lee Hyunsung had taken some time to tear his eyes away from that boy he’d once been, talking to one of his seniors – “I guess I’m not really sure what to do.  I don’t have to think about it if I go directly into the military after high school, right?”  In the end, though, there wasn’t any use to paying attention to that sort of thing, not when he was alone.  He hadn’t entered the scenario alone, so where were the others?
Not in his school, he’d looked.  The only other thing he could do is go straight into that strange white fog, even if it meant he was walking blindly towards nowhere.
Except it hadn’t turned out like that.  In the backdrop of nothingness, he could make out a building, getting clearer and clearer as he ran towards it.  So well-defined – that had to mean something, didn’t it?  
Shin Yoosung pressed her nose against the glass of the window.  That building, the only one she’d seen in what felt like forever, was getting closer.  Maybe that was where the train would finally stop.
Maybe the train wouldn’t stop at all.
But no, that’d be weird, wouldn’t it?  There had to be an end to the scenario somewhere, and it couldn’t end if she was just stuck on a train that never stopped.  Or, well, maybe it could, but – the point.  The point was that the scenario had to have some way of ending it.  It couldn’t go on forever, that wasn’t any kind of proper entertainment at all.  That was just throwing an incarnation into an infinite commercial break, wasn’t it?  No dokkaebi would let that kind of scenario pass.
Yeah.  There had to be a way out, right?
[Ahjussi, are you there?] she sent up tentatively.  
Still nothing.  There had been nothing for a while.  But she had to keep trying, didn’t she?
Lee Gilyoung had been trying.
But there weren’t any bugs on this train.  Sometimes, he’d get the faintest impression that there was something there, and then – nothing.  If he could get a bug, any bug, he could – he didn’t know.  Scout.  Get some information.  Call a plague against anyone moving against him.  Something.
That was Plan A.  Plan A wasn’t working out, so he was stuck with plan B, which was this: if he kept running through this fucking train, he’d run out of carriages eventually.  He’d run into something eventually.  Maybe the conductor’s carriage, and then he could press some buttons and force it to stop, or maybe drive it into a building or whatever.
Yoo Joonghyuk pressed his hands into his eyes.
He’d really thought that he had died.  Ended regression three, back to the start at regression 4, back in that same train carriage all over again, and this time with a death he hadn’t even seen coming.
He’d died three times now, but the shock of it, even though it wasn’t real – hard to snap out of without a scenario in his ears telling to kill someone to live.
What had happened?  
There had been a scenario.  
He had been with his companions.  There had been a scenario, and Kim Dokja had vanished.  Then that subscenario had kicked in… what was it?
[Sub Scenario  – Will to Survive]
Category: Sub (Personal)
Difficulty: ????
Clear Conditions: Help Incarnation, Kim Dokja, realize the will to survive.
Time Limit: ????
Compensation: ????
Failure: ????
Kim Dokja blinks.
He had the strangest feeling that he had forgotten something.  Something important.
…It can’t have been that important if he’s forgotten about it.  He’d already run through his list of things to do, anyway, not that the list was very long.  He supposed the right thing to do was to talk with somebody, but really, he had no one to talk to, so there wasn’t any point.
There was maybe Mother, but… no, she didn’t count.  He didn’t talk to her, he talked at her, and she never cared enough to give a response back.  If she, by some miracle, cared enough to be upset about what he was doing, then – well.  She could get over it.  There was nothing wrong with him enjoying the sunset.  There was nothing wrong with anything he did after that, either.
With that thought firmly in mind, he took one last breath of the air – cool, refreshing – and headed towards the edge of the roof.
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rikihasthebestsmile · 2 years
➳ 004. Y’all drinking as if you’re going to die tomorrow
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Yn’s p.o.v.
I’m really happy to announce that now I can handle alcohol much better than when I was in high school. So I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t an alcohol effect seeing Changbin on the stage with a microphone in his hand.
“You may know me as SpearB of 3RACHA, but what’s my name?” He shouted in the mic.
“SEO CHANGBIN” the crowd shouted.
Well, now I’m sure it’s him, thank you I guess.
“Not Oh Changbin, what’s my name?!” He said again.
“SEO CHANGBIN” the crowd shouted. And then the music started playing and two other guys came on the stage: CB97 and J.One.
“You like them?” Minho shouted in my ear, the only way to comunicate with that music.
“T-They have cool songs yeah” I said.
“They’re our friends, I mean, Changbin is basically Felix best friend and we’re all in the same friend group” he said proud.
“That’s so cool!” I said with a smile.
Hours passed and I started to not care about the fact that Changbin was up there rapping, he was very good too.
“We’re going home soon” Ryujin screamed in my ear pointing at Yeji and Hyunjin completely drunk on the dance floor.
“Okay, I’m going to take some fresh air” I said.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Riki asked.
“No it’s okay, stay where Ryujin can see you” I said going towards the back exit.
“Finally, some air” I said when I was out leaning with my back against the wall.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t know there was someone else here” a masculine voice behind me said.
“Don’t worry, come” I said with a smile, smile that dropped as soon as I saw who I just invited over: Changbin himself. I looked at him for a bit, now in the light of the street lamp I saw him better, he was more muscular than he was in high school. He was very handsome.
“Oh, Yn” he said embarrassed.
“Hi Changbin, long time no seeing eh?” I said.
“Listen Yn, I wanted to apologize for everything that happened in high school, I was so stupid back then and I didn’t realize how rude I was”
Are you apologizing for Asahi? Don’t. He’s the best thing ever happened in my life.
“Don’t worry, I forgive you and I need to apologize too, I wasn’t the best back then and I too said some things that I’m not proud of”
“You don’t need to apologize, you were just coming back to me and it’s okay…” he said, then there was some silence between us “how about we start over?”
I can’t start over even if I try because I have a mini-you who’s probably sleeping by now.
“Sure…Hi my name is Yn Nishimura” I said.
“Hi Yn, I’m Seo Changbin” he said with a smile.
“I really like your song SpearB, you are a really talented rapper”
“Thank you”
“Neesan, Ryujin said that we have to go home” Riki’s voice said at the door.
“Changbin, this is my younger brother Riki, Riki this is my…friend, Seo Changbin” I said with a smile.
“Nice to meet you” they said at the same time.
“I need to go now, se you at school, Changbin” I said.
“See you” he said as me and Riki entered the bar.
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003 | MASTERLIST | 005
A/N: guess who just got two female puppies!! Two Cane Corsos AHHH I love them already,,, anyway I hope you liked this chapter!
Hate’s Love taglist: @1-800-simpingcowbaby @ufoundme @phenomenalgirl9 @mchslut @inlovewithallmusic @8rach4
Permanent taglist: @kailoveskpopstuff @aishidaishi @zoeeeeeeeeee @toshijimafarms @mynameisnotlaura @meowmeowisdaname @soobin-chois @vampcharxter @phenomenalgirl9
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Taking a look at past arcs (seriously - for fun). -Hell Of Mirrors
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What a strong hand...
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....... won't deny it... huh? ...............
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-"I will humply do you the favor of replacing you, No.3" How ironic. Oh... my... Tsukasa you...
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... slay!!!
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Your hunt. Thanks Tsukasa my dear! You did us all a favor! lol I only look at this bird for comic relief. that's the only thing it's is good for, I may go as far to saying not a single one in the whole jshk fandom cares to even remember it. even in the story itself it feels it was there to just get replaced. that's how much pathetic this bird is.(no offence to real life birds! this bird is the only one I'm talking about)
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Mirror: forget it... I'm no match for him... I will just take my leave... I mean... get broken. Life is so unfair..... Ahhh... even when this thing is just a joke I made a long time ago, it still never fails to make me laugh. Again, thank you for giving me a grand time in this arc, Tsukasa. ♡
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let me use your words again, dear.
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Though, I'm laughing to myself... this pathetic bird actually managed to achieve something in life. He got Relaxed Tsukasa! to make such a cool face because of how annoying and hatable it was. I call it an achievement... imagine how much it would take you to actually piss off calm and relaxed Tsukasa. oooh! that thing is really really really rare.
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I simply love everything about this whole thing. Look who is begging and screaming for dear life right now after making fun of others.~ so well-deserved.~ Little thing was enjoying himself watching his sick little hunt game escalate with the poor preys while hiding in the safety of his mirror. Too bad a tiger came into the game and became the hunter and the little bird was forced out of the safety of its terrier, started begging for dear life and became the prey under the mercy of the tiger's sharp claws. Lovely tiger put it in its place, no better way to do it. ~ here we go again, thank you Tsu!!! ♡
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Did it really say that to Tsukasa? That's too funny. Know your place little thing.
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Hmm~ yes.~ Just like this.~
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..................... Tsukasa went like: welllll... see... it's simply time to "replace" you. That's exactly what I'm doing. ~ I wonder if little bird regrets saying *his very last words* lol
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A broken mirror vs a "to be replaced" bird... which matters more? pfffftttt... we care about a mirror more than we care about it. Yes, Tsu! ~
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Ahhh.... still can't get over this little thing... the prince who saved princess Nene from the hell she was in is none other than you!! ♡
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Oh... Nene-chan... trust me that's not the case at all. He is on your side.~
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Such a good boy.~~~
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Sooo? This was already the plan since the very start? That's why Mit 2.0 got sent to No.3's boundary specifically. hmm... so... No.3, out of all the other mysteries was the one to be already targeted to get replaced by Mit 2.0 I assume? but like... Mit 2.0 won't ever be able to take down No.3 by himself no matter how long he would stay here... Tsukasa was bound to get the work done himself sooner or later. Also... now that kinda makes sense to me... it's hard for me to believe Tsukasa would go out of his way and do such a thing for nothing, or only because of the claim "No.3 got him angry, never make Tsukasa angry, he is simply ruthless and don't have mercy." that's so wrong to me... Tsukasa is not that type of person. smash someone because he shouted at you or got you angry. something else is at play. I may also take the thing of "Tsukasa taught him a lesson and all"... but it still won't feel enough... While Tsukasa's ongoing plan is to destroy the 7 yorishiros, No.3's case in here seems to never have been meant to actually do that.
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But this I assume? No.3 was only a pawn pre-chosen by you Tsu, huh. cool! also, sure thing Tsukasa can juuuuust appoint a mystery as if it was a little thing. sure thing.
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lol, even sakura once Tsukasa was back with mit 2.0 prepared tea for him, a way to show her relief past annoying no.3 is no longer there. maybe he was actually just the worst and was getting on the broadcasting club nerves. while she is there to only change the rumor of No.2, say No.4 is not bad, tell Nene about No.5 (ordered by Tsukasa I assume), supposedly help No.6, want No.1's yorishiro out of the way, and not care much for No.7, No.3 was like: yeah, it's for the best he is no longer here. let's have tea. For real, I imagine she would be angry if Tsukasa didn't take such an opportunity to get rid of No.3's yorishiro right there if that was already their plan. seems they have different plans for it. according to Tsukasa in ch 92... he told her the yorishiro of No.3 is already a "done deal" for them, whatever that meant. Uh... to put it simply, this bird is never wanted or cared for, not even for a little. The fact that a yorishiro is meant to be a mystery's most precious thing gets to me at time and I'm like... this bird? his yorishiro is an actual ceiling....??? what feelings are in there??? also... now that it belongs to mit 2.0... what memories are restored in it?? the bird's (if there is any 'good' ones) or Mit's?
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♡ Now I wonder, is that thanks to that mirror in the room we see Tsukasa in at times (maybe it works like a door, Tsukasa touched it while speaking about Mit 2.0, probably hinting Mit 2.0 is 'inside' it, reminds me of the fact No.2 also took Kou and Hanako to a mirror as well) , or to a door that leads to No.3's boudary in the nowhere place... (wonder what that room really is)
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Cool reaction... feels special to see your own yorishiro in a boundary that belongs to another mystery, after he 'replaced' it.
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What a rare occasion... 2 yorishiros in the same place... right beside each other...
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hmm... real mit and mit 2.0 have different scarfs, right... so... the one with Mit 2.0 is actually from Tsukasa? sweet. Also, Tsukasa taking care of Mit 2.0 is something I've grown to like... for some reason.
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Hmm... This thing amkes me confused at times, not gonna lie.
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Such a nice game. Also, gotta love the nickname "crazy knife" pretty fitting in a funny way.
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Hmm... look at the change... though... can we really call it a change? I mean... he gave up on the whole idea and made a deal with Kou and let said deal decide how things would end with him... maybe the change will come someday in the future...? Not to say this but... honestly... his whole 'cool' speech about wanting to have Kou end him only to give up on the whole idea after exchanging a few sentences with Kou feels.... boring... unsatisfying... not interesting at all...? Comparing him to Tsukasa and Sumire... makes things a lot worse... Tsukasa wanted to be killed by Amane and it happened and he embraced it happily, and now he is asking for it again it seems. Sumire as well, she never asked to be saved from being sacrificed and had that happening to her with a smile on her face then had No.6 finish things with her while she was all happy. Now, between those 2 who live to their words no matter what and Mit 2.0 who changes his mind every 5 minutes... yeah..... not too cool.....
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Your plan is achieved, chief. Good job. Thanks for all your hard work. ♡ You can enjoy a cup of tea now while talking about what happened during the time the plan took place. ^^
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writebackatya · 1 year
Yeah I think got some left, how many ounces do y-
Oh, right. The fanfic bingo thing. Sure.
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Ahhh, my first DuckTales fanfic! I can’t say “No one else was writing this” because I found out after I first published it that there is a weed-related DuckTales fic on fanfiction dot net and one on AO3 written by Kimberlyeab who I think has written some great DuckTales/The Venture Bros. crossover fanfics. I haven’t read either weed stories cause I don’t want to subconsciously copy what they both have done
And honestly, this whole story came from a high conversation between me and one of my sibs who watches DuckTales. It was about the boys discovering Della smoking weed; we agreed they would be chill about it because Dewey would think she’s cool, Louie also wants to smoke weed and wouldn’t mind, and Huey would be like “Oh you must have heard about the legalization of marijuana” and then Della would be like “Weed is legal now? Cool.”But then something in my brain wanted to take that situation seriously and really think how Della would handle that being a mother now with kids. And voila, Ground Control to Della Duck! was born! Pretty soon I had a bunch of other weed related stories forming in my brain
I put a LOT of research into all of these stories. For one, I want everything to be as accurate as possible, both the characters and the weed. I remember reading a weed related story in another fandom which was funny in its own right, but I disliked that when the characters smoked weed they just became a generic stoner rather than themselves but high. Which isn’t exclusive to that story, but it was something I wanted to avoid. To me Indi-Quack! wouldn’t be as funny or as entertaining if the characters weren’t in character
And yeah, I’m stoner. I occasionally smoke weed when I write these stories. But I still do research on weed (mainly use Leafly) to make sure I’m getting the effects and names right. I think Under the Influence of Gandra Dee! was the most I researched weed for
I try to write in a way for the people who don’t smoke weed can understand what the characters are feeling while the people who do smoke weed will be like “Yeah, that’s accurate”
Besides weed stuff, I did do a lot of research for other things for Indi-Quack!. Stuck in the Middle with DEW! made me do a lot of research on the Woodstock concert; which was honestly pretty fun! I looked up the event schedule, Jimi Hendrix’s set that he played, watched a few live recordings of his performance and listened to any audio I could find (VEVO and other record a-holes make finding Woodstock videos of Jimi hard to get), as well as an interview with Jimi Hendrix on his personal experience at Woodstock. I also looked up any crazy stories that might have happened there (Matilda mentions an incident with The Who in that story. Research paid off!)
Also, there are quite a bit of reference to the 87 show throughout it if you wanna count that as research
Speaking of Stuck in the Middle with DEW!, I remember back when I was writing that I was like so afraid of how people would react to Dewey eating not one, but two edibles and then tripping hard. But it turns out, people loved it!
As for the spite, well there might be a little bit of spite in it. The Dewey story was kinda inspired by the fact that the only Timephoon! stories are angsty stuff about Louie. And the final line of that story is, “That’s cool, I got grounded!”
But I do love Louie but the poor kid might have to wait awhile till he finally smokes weed
And don’t tell anyone but slowly but surely pretty soon EVERYONE in this fandom will embrace the Della and Gandra friendship that I totally know would happen if this show had at least three more seasons! Also some shipping stuff would be nice. It’s like Fenro but both are girls and tops
As for fan art, maybe? I don’t know. Shortly after I posted Do the Write Thing! I found fanart of the Three Caballeros smoking and getting caught in Uncle Scrooge’s garage while Donald is holding a notebook marked song ideas. But honestly, it’s probably just a coincidence. That scene didn’t happen in the story and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has thought of those one-hit wonders smoking in the old man’s garage
Anyway I still can’t believe how much love and attention this fic has gotten. Honestly. I never would have guessed it would have brought me where I am in the fandom to this day. Especially since I found out a good chunk of my readers don’t smoke weed!
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