#I need to kill zack too
smellpelt · 10 months
if aerith doesnt die in this new version im gonna have to kill her myself
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animutate · 2 years
being a ng liker is literally the worst because a majority of well-known users are just racist and if they arent theyre a pedo and if they arent either theyre friends with someone who is
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Let’s reverse the question, AGSZC get stuck in a timeloop COLLECTIVELY, what’s the first thing they do?
The Nibelheim Time Loop (from hell)
Nibelheim Loop #1
Cloud: Man, I had the weirdest dream last night.
Zack: One where Sephiroth burns your village down?
Cloud: That's so creepy! How did you know?
Zack: I had the exact same dream.
*Sephiroth walks up to them*
Zack: Sephiroth, did you have any weird dreams last night?
Sephiroth: I had a dream where I turned into an infant kangaroo and was taken from my mother at birth, deprived of the comfort of her pouch, and forced to work for Shinra. Years later I discovered my mother was complicit in denying me the pouch. Seeking solace, I found an artificial pouch from a robotic alien kangaroo mother. I then rode contentedly in her pouch as she burned everything around us to keep me warm.
Zack: A simple yes would've sufficed.
Nibelheim Loop #5
Zack: You're living the same day over and over too, right? I'm not going crazy?
Sephiroth: Actually, I just noticed that we're in a time loop this morning.
Zack: You burned down Nibelheim four times.
Sephiroth, gaslighting him: What a touching story.
Zack: !?
Nibelheim Loop #8
*Nibelheim is burning*
Sephiroth, roasting marshmallows: Professor Hojo never let me roast marshmallows when I was a child. He claimed the sugar would provide excess dopamine, tricking my brain into thinking I could be happy and want more out of life.
Cloud: Shit man I had no idea
Nibelheim Loop #12
*Zack, Cloud and Genesis are holding Sephiroth down to keep him from entering the library*
Sephiroth: I YEARN.
Zack: FOR WHAT!?
Sephiroth: I YEARN.
Nibelheim Loop #16
*After tying Sephiroth up and sedating him*
Zack: There! Now he can't escape, and Jenova can't do mind control on him! Problem solved! No more Jenova cell people running around.
Zack: *smells smoke*
Zack: That apple bastard.
Nibelheim Loop #23
Cloud: You know what!? This is a time loop! There are no consequences! I can go up to Sephiroth and kill him right now! Fuck it!
*Sephiroth walks up to him, Cloud punches his chest (nothing happens)*
Sephiroth: …..
*Cloud punches him again. He doesn't move*
Sephiroth: …..
*Cloud tries again. It's like punching a brick wall*
Sephiroth: Please stop fondling my chest.
Cloud: Oh my god.
Nibelheim Loop #36
Sephiroth: Am I….a human being?
Sephiroth: ….
*Sephiroth turns around*
Sephiroth: Where's Genesis?
Zack: He's not here, but he left this note. Here, let me read it—"Dear Sephiroth, I grew tired of flying from Banora to Nibelheim 35 times only to be met with disappointment, so I'm spending this loop in Costa Del Sol. Best Wishes, your friend, Genesis Rhapsodos."
Sephiroth: Wow. And he didn't even insult me this time.
Zack: "P.S.: No such luck kitty-boy you're a monster and yer mum's an alien. Get rekt."
Nibelheim Loop #???
*At the library*
Zack: Sephiroth! Stop!
Sephiroth: Each time I return here, my mind becomes clearer, more adept at absorbing information. This only fuels my bitterness and resentment, rather than allowing me to grow accustomed to it. I think this time I'll burn—
*Vincent appears and knocks him out with a pipe*
Zack: Woah! You got sick of the time loop too?
Vincent: What time loop?
*The next day, after the time loop is broken*
Vincent: I'm glad I could be of assistance.
Cloud: Who would've thought that would end the time loop.
Vincent: Yes. It appears all Sephiroth needed was paternal discipline.
Cloud, gasping: You mean....? You're...?
Vincent: Yes. I'm Sephiroth's parent—
Cloud: !!
Vincent: —tal figure since I was in love with his real mother and his father is Professor Hojo, a role I've assigned myself purely due to the fact that I see myself as his primary caregiver during trying times, which is how an adequate father should act.
Vincent: Not that I would know.
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altocat · 1 month
Other than your opinions on Genesis what's your other biggest hot take? I agree about Genesis. He's underrated and the hate should stop.
People give Angeal WAY too much shit.
I've seen people tear into Angeal when he is reacting how any normal person would during an incredibly fucked up emotional crisis. The man was 1.) Mentally fucked, 2.) Emotionally fucked, 3.) Lost his family (after finding out his mom fucked him over and his beloved father wasn't his biological dad), and most importantly 4.) Su*cidal. Of course he's going to do some crazy things that lack consistency or self-awareness. That's not even accounting for the fact he's dealing with LITERAL BODY HORROR stuff happening beneath his own skin, losing his BEST FRIEND to Degradation, being conflicted about his sense of self, losing faith in his own ideals, guilt, self-loathing, etc. Need I go on?
No. Angeal was just as much a victim as Sephiroth and Genesis. He could seem a bit stern, even hypocritical at times. But he also reacted the way anyone as medically and psychologically violated as him would be. Frankly, I really don't like how people rag on Genesis and Angeal doing shady stuff when Sephiroth's actions are infinitely way, WAY worse. Angeal didn't even want to live with himself. He's upset about not killing Genesis because he empathizes with him, recognizes that this is true suffering. And after Genesis hurt so many people, Angeal wanted to be the one to provide final closure, upset that he ultimately couldn't. He has Zack kill him because he genuinely believes that's the honorable thing to do--to pass his tarnished legacy into worthier hands, the apprentice surpassing the teacher in combat. He knows it will mess Zack up. Is Angeal being callous in forcing Zack into that position? Sure. But this is also a way to bring HIMSELF closure, the kind he couldn't give Genesis. Angeal's not in a good headspace atm. He's a little insane. He's SICK. All of this makes sense to him. He lashes out because he's unable to make sense of what's going on. Sephiroth and Genesis are the exact same way.
Angeal goes through so much shit, man. He never wanted to hurt anyone. He never wanted to lose everything he held dear. He removes himself from the equation because, in his mind, death is solace. The Final Honor. He's out of his mind and in so, so much pain. I think he can be afforded a little sympathy.
His life was ruined.
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sephirthoughts · 6 days
crisis core but if cloud was aware of his cuteness:
zack: hey, tseng, i forgot my wallet at the office. can i borrow ten gil for lunch?
tseng: you being irresponsible with your things is not my problem. i hope going hungry teaches you a valuable lesson
cloud: tseng-gege, can i—
tseng: here's my wallet take whatever you need
later on the helicopter to modeoheim:
cloud pouting and rubbing his ass: ow this seat is so hard
zack still mad about lunch: why don't you sit on tseng-gege's lap
tseng: wouldn't be any better
after they crash in modeo ravine:
zack: fuck! my leg's broken!
tseng: you SOLDIERs are supposed to be tough. use a cure materia and walk it off
cloud leans against tseng: sorry, tseng-gege. i'm a little dizzy
tseng scoops him up like a princess: i better carry you. can't take any chances with your health
zack: what about his rifle and gear?
tseng: good thinking. make sure you grab those. and pick up the pace, will you?
zack: a̵g̴s̸h̴f̷l̸a̶g̶s̴h̸f̶g̷a̵k̷
later outside the mako extraction facility:
cloud shivers: wow it's pretty cold up here
tseng: zack you can handle a few hundred enemies on your own, right?
zack: well not—
tseng: excellent. take care of this and meet us in town afterward. we'll be at the hot spring baths
zack: COME ON, MAN
years later in nibelheim:
tifa: not goin' too fast for you, am i?
zack: of course not. we're just trying to pace ourselves
cloud: actually, my feet kind of hurt
sephiroth turns around: your feet hurt? you are a shinra trooper. when we are in the field, you represent all of us. you should—
cloud: -takes off his helmet-
sephiroth: —be looked after with the utmost care, like the precious treasure you are. as such, i am duty bound to carry you the rest of the way up the mountain.
tifa: cloud…?
later in the shinra basement library:
zack visibly twitching: hey, sephiroth. what you got, there?
sephiroth reading a book to cloud, who is sitting in his lap: oh, zack, it's you. you'll never believe this. i'm not even human. turns out i was created in a lab, from the dna of an ancient creature they dug out of a sedimentary rock layer. isn't that cool?
cloud snuggling up to sephiroth: i think it's cool, sephi-chan
sephiroth: see? cloud thinks it's cool. i guess you just don't get it. actually, you'd better leave. you're kind of killing the vibe
zack: i̴̘̥̕ ̷̨͗͝å̶̱̝ḿ̴̡̕ ̶̰͋̕b̸̢͚́u̴̘̯͊͂r̸̼̭̐n̵̢̿ȋ̵̜n̴͙̠͒͘ģ̷́́ ̶̦̀t̵̼̗͑h̸̠̺̾͒i̷͚̗̿s̴̡̥͐ ̶̤͝f̵̤͐u̴̖͖͌c̷̱̲͑͗k̸͔̃̾i̵̮̥̊n̴͕̆̓g̸̨̒͝ ̴͎̈́t̵̼̞́̍ṏ̸͚w̷̡͗̃ń̸̫̈́ ̵̟̎t̸̞̓o̶̼̎ ̶̢͔̈́ẗ̸̼̩ḧ̵̳̮́e̴͚̋ ̵͎͚́̅g̴̗͒̈́r̸͉̓̕o̴̗͌̕u̶̹̓n̷̛̘̹d̴̙̑
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wowa-bublord · 6 months
I just wanted to say that your drawings and ideas for Zack Lives have brought me so much joy! Thank you so much for sharing them!
Also, alternative idea for which one of the two gets a case of the Sephiroths: What if it was both of them, but neither felt like they could tell the other? :0
OHH I LIKE THIS IDEA. they are both sooo good at ignoring problems. it'd be kinda funny to see them both witnessing The Horrors while trying to play it cool so the other doesn't notice
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however, I don't think Cloud could hide it for very long. With how he's presented in canon as immediately leaping towards any vision of Sephiroth, his first thought doesn't seem to be "I'm seeing things" as it does. Sephiroth is here and i need to KILL HIM. I don't know how well Zack could hide it, but I think he'd absolutely try out of the worry of distressing Cloud and Tifa. He has a habit of being too protective over Cloud, to the point that it's unhealthy for him (I can go into detail as to why but I will spare you on this post) and I don't think he'd be willing to admit even to himself that theres a new threat trying to go after him. Cloud is growing frustrated atp with Zacks self destructive behaviors and his over-prioritizing of Cloud. Not just because Cloud doesn't want Zack to think that he's weak, but also because he wants to protect Zack, too.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Lookism Boys: 'I can fix them' list
Don't need no fixing
Sinu Han: The only thing he needs to fix is communication issues because 10 years of pining is just ridiculous. But he's the original big daddy bro boss. Romantic, selfless, kind, funny. Green flag king.
Jake Kim: Learned from the best (see above) and by doing the opposite of his dad.
+ Daniel Park, Vasco, Zack Lee, Jace Park, Jay Hong
I can fix them
Samuel Seo: Hint of inferiority complex. Just a little. Needs someone stable and loyal to keep him in line to help him get over the Gapryong/Gun shit. Hasn't really shown any redeemable traits but we're all weak for Big Deal Golden Era and big tits.
Vin Jin: Killed one person like a million years ago - please get over it. Now just an average school bully. Sorta. Cares and looks out for Mary Kim so he is capable of being good.
Johan Seong: Touch-starved, childish and a little feral. Desperately lonely and needs a friend (that's where you come in). Momma's boy through and through with good intentions deep down.
Ryuhei: Attention-starved. Quick fix would be to redirect his efforts and simping to the right person.
DG: Used to pluck out peoples eyes and take their limbs. No biggie, hasn't done it in a while. Generally reformed but someone should really help keep that urge in check.
+ Xiaolong (can't fix his lack of dong tho), Eli Jang, Hudson Ahn?
Drags you into their insanity (and you would go willingly)
Gun Park: His leopard print shirt can't change its spots. He's a demon and the Shiro Oni. Gets kicks out of people trying to kill him. Obviously unhinged but man's too hot. You will also never compare to UI Daniel Park (who broke his arm, heart and ghosted).
Goo Kim: Tiniest sense of morals saving Vasco and Jace in middle school but this guy is deranged, big sadist vibes. Probably much worse now he's earning the big bucks. Shame because he's a lot of fun and super entertaining.
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rocketbirdie · 1 month
At some point Dark Zack has some or other mild (by his standards, compared to his situation) breakdown and pulls Kunsel into a hug and cries on his shoulder and Kunsel is just standing there paralysed with his arms out awkwardly to the side, heart beating practically out of his chest, seeing Cloud eyeing him speculatively from the corner and thinking “fuck fuck fuck what do I do what do I do. Zack needs comfort or he wouldn’t have grabbed me but if I hug him back Cloud might take my arms off fuck fuck fuckkkk” and everyone else in the room (I think someone of avalanche walked in on accident possibly?) is also holding their breath waiting for Cloud to snap and kill Zack’s SOLDIER friend that they frankly don’t trust either, but damn he doesn’t deserve whatever Cloud’s gonna do to him-
meanwhile Cloud in the corner isn’t actually thinking of ways to hurt Kunsel, for once he’s thinking slightly positively towards someone who isn’t Zack, something like “oh Zack trusts trusts this guy. Went to him for comfort and everything. Hmm. Maybe I can trust him a little too. He obviously knows how much Zack hates being touched since he’s not hugging back. I guess I don’t have to worry too much about him hurting Zack. Maybe he’ll know how to help me make Zack happy” and fully unaware that nobody can tell when his thinking face is oriented positively or violently because it looks the same and it’s making them nervous
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prismaticpichu · 10 days
(Inspired by an ask recently sent to the lovely @altocat!!)
I kinda have an… interesting perspective on the “Jenova controlling Sephiroth during Nibelheim” debate x3
While I do think the whole thing is objectively nebulous (as in we’re intentionally supposed to be left without a clear-cut answer), I do believe that Sephiroth was indeed himself at Nibelheim. I do believe he was the one who chose to kill the townspeople, set Nibelheim ablaze, and did believe think—amid self-induced, sleepless delirium—that Jenova was his mother.
HOWEVER!! I also believe that, although Sephiroth was the one driving the car at Nibelheim, that his emotions were coming from his own brain and anger, Jenova had the capability to 100% control him under completely different circumstances. Something important to remember is that Sephiroth was completely alone for 7 days in a row, slowly degrading in his own right as he read book after book after book after book… Books that ripped apart his world, stabbed him in the back, told him in brutal, endless detail that the fundamental threads of his world were a lie. A lie. And this was all after Genesis—his friend, his rival, his enemy—cut the wound right open in the first place, after Angeal had died, after Zack had seemingly forgot about him… and after Sephiroth forgot about him, too. He had no one left. He had nothing in his world to live for. He had no friends. He had no one who cared. He had no dreams. He had no aspirations, no hope, no comfort…
He had nothing.
Nothing, of course, but a false painting of his Mother.
BUTBUTBUT… what if these weren’t the circumstances that Sephiroth was in? What if he wasn’t alone? What if, instead of leaving him alone, Zack was there? What if he refused to leave? What if they talked, vented? What if it wasn’t even Zack who did it—what if it was, I dunno, Tifa?? Or Cloud?! Or just Sephiroth himself pulling himself together a little?
What if… what if he was okay?
ISTG THIS ISN’T JUST SOME FIX-IT POST LOL, I HAVE A POINT xDDD And that point is, should Sephiroth have recovered even the slightest bit from the Reactor visit rather than immediately falling into an irreversible rabbit hole of despair, I DO think Jenova would’ve pushed back harder. I DO think we would have seen more of a struggle on Sephiroth’s end; I DO think, overall, that Jenova woulda been more in the picture had she needed to be, had Sephiroth not been left to his own devices with no one to stop him from utterly destroying himself from the inside out. I think we definitely woulda seen more things in a similar vein to how he clutched his head/struggled against some kinda invisible pull in the Reactor (when, remember, he still had something by his side…) x,3
Obv, LOL, this is more headcanon territory than anything, and I’m not gonna sit here and pretend there’s a game where Sephiroth is saved in the library xD Nibelheim is Nibelheim, and things played out the way they did x3 But I do ultimately think Jenova has more power than we give her credit for, and definitely could have fully brainwashed Sephiroth had she needed to. She just didn’t… didn’t LOL, bc the guy was broken enough at the time as it was.
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
If Lookism Characters (and Y/N) were in horror movies
WARNINGS: mentions of death (not too graphic/explicit) mentions of paranormal/disturbing stuff (mentions with the word killer/s), cursing/swearing
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Daniel Park/ Y/N
Would probably be the main protagonist (lmao)
Plot armor 100%
Will tell everybody to calm down when things go wrong "C'mon guys calm down! It's probably just an animal or something".
Will 100% scream and have a mental crisis if one of their friends died.
Zack Lee/Eli Jang
That one motherfucker who's always loud (especially Zack when things started going wrong, Eli's calmer though)
Will have a mental breakdown when his friends (Mira for Zack and Yenna for Eli) was put into danger.
His vengeance will get in the way and they'll seek revenge and has the balls to fight off the killer.
"I don't give a shit Daniel! They're in danger and you're expecting me to chill the fuck out! You're so pathetic I'm killing that little d*ck!"
Jay Hong
If someone's always the quiet one in horror movies, they're probably the killer.
Lol kidding he's not he's just being framed (either by Samuel, Ryuhei or Goo those mfs.)
Tired of everyone's bullshit but still willing to help for the sake of everybody.
Will risk his life to protect everyone especially Danny, I need this boy so much.
Vasco/Warren Chae/Jerry Kwon (add in Alexander Wang)
The dumb one lmao
Will probably die first if they're not careful enough (NO VASCO/WARREN/JERRY/ALEXANDER STOP)
Or, he'll be the one who will be seeing abnormal/paranormal stuff (monsters/killers/ghosts). "Did you see that?" "Wait is that a white lady?" "GUYS I JUST SAW SOMEONE WEARING A WEIRD LOOKING MASK HE'S RUNNING LIKE A MAD MAN!"(will talk and ask a lot).
Zack and the others will probably not listen to him since he thinks they're so "dumb" (bitch listen to them they're being honest).
Goo Kim/Samuel Seo/Olly Wang/Vin Jin/Kuroda Ryuhei (add in Gun Park and James Lee: well a little bit)
The fucking menace who won't listen.
You said to not open the door? Bitch he'll kick it down.
And will pick fights with the others (especially with Zack or Eli). Wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice somebody lmao.
Believes ghosts are stupid, yet thinks killers are cool (they're probably the killer).
Crystal Choi/Sally Park/Jace Park/Mary Kim/Xiaoleoung/ Gun Park/James Lee/Johan Seong/Jake Kim/Hudson Ahn (add in Daniel Park/ Y/N)
Another one who's tired of everyone's crap
Will make the escape plans for the team
Calm outside, angry and scared inside
"Why did I get into this position?" type
Zoe Park/Mira Kim/Yui Kim/Mitsuki/Vivi/Doo Lee/Alexander Wang (edited: add in Heather)
The ones who will cry af (or pretend they're not scared: Doo Lee and Alexander)
Will have a mental breakdown bc they're scared that they'll be dying later or be the first one to die (it's both scary for them).
"I just wanna go home!" type
Will be so worried about themselves and their friends.
Jake Kim/Johan Seong/Kwak Jihan/Hudson Ahn/Sinu Han (add in Zack Lee, Kuroda Ryuhei, Doo Lee and Vin Jin)
"Wtf just happened" type.
Would not believe anything that's happening is real (Fuck this shit I'm out type).
Will curse a lot when the killer/ghost is coming.
"Oh shit, shit, SHIT RUN!" type.
Gun Park/James Lee
This mfs
Will smirk or laugh when somebody dies (I swear to God)
Everybody will probably ditch them for being a sussy baka thinking they're the killer (can you blame them?)
Doesn't give a sh*t since he can either solo the killer or he is the killer (if it's a ghost they just won't care or accept their fate lmao).
A/N: For Y/N you can be anything you want since we all have diff. personalities and ways to handle problems and situations and yeah hope you like it :).
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icycoldninja · 7 months
FFVII incorrect quotes
Cloud: You know, I used to play back in my gory days. Tifa: You mean glory days? Cloud: Ah, that too.
Barret: A stake to the heart won't kill a vampire if their tits are big enough. Aerith : Yeah, you just catch it. Tifa: Nah nah nah, deflects it. Stake? Just bounces right off. Done. Back to doing hot girl shit. Cloud: Then I just use a spear instead. Barret: You are trying so hard to kill a vampire with big bazongas, and for what? Why would you do that to the ecosystem?
Zack, throwing a pokeball at Sephiroth: Sephiroth, I choose you! Sephiroth, not looking up from his book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
Rude: Last week, Reno tried to flush a live lobster down the toilet "because it worked for Nemo".
Rufus: I taught the dog a new trick. throws ball Fetch! Dog: just stands there Tseng: He didn’t do it. Rufus: I taught him to ignore social conventions and think for himself.
Rude : Is… Is that meant to be on fire? Reno : No… not really. Rude : Are you going to do something about it? Reno : Hm… nah.
Cloud: Hey, Vincent, do you have any hobbies? Vincent: Swimming.. Cloud: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to- Vincent: In a pool of self hatred and regret.
Genesis: Do you ever feel like exploding? Have you experienced the urge to enter the process of combustion? Has your mind created a logical idea, known as thought, to disperse your body into thousands of particles suddenly? Angeal: It’s 3 am, please go back to sleep.
Cloud: …I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something. Sephiroth, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
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melodystark · 5 months
Zach Snyder Justice League Movie Is A Love Story Between Batman And Superman
I Have No Proof But No Doubts Either
Well Maybe I Have Proofs
Number 1
This is Lois Lane face when Superman died the love of is life is death and she look like this
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Now this is Batman face when Superman dies
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Look is crying 。°(°¯᷄◠¯᷅°)°。
(Obviously less ignore the he tried to kill him ignore completely Batman V Superman)
Number 2
Lois Lane she spent this time "grieving" the loss of the love of is life doing nothing just went to one place over and over again and when she was going to move on he came back
(And there is also the fact that it was not too long, it was maximum two months)
But Bruce Wayne he went to put together a team because of a promise he made on his grave {see number 4} and he felt desperate for not finding any of the others
(In the same time then Lois was "grieving" Bruce he was going crazy in the mountains to find Aquaman in a place that the people who live there say is impossible to do that travel)
Number 3
This is the face of somebody who lost their love of his life when he said "he died fighting next to me" Bruce looks so heartbreaking like he is suffering from just saying that
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Number 4
This line
"This have nothing to do with Lex Luthor.
It has to do with him.
I made a promise to him on his grave. "
Okay so this line is when Alfred and Bruce are in the jet going back to Gotham and Alfred say that Bruce is working so hard to find this people (Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg) he is going to make the justice league for Superman
He is going crazy and suicidal because Superman
Number 5
The most lame marriage proposal ever
Again Ignore BVS
I Only Care About The Zack Snyder Cut
Now there's something that feels off why Lois Lane have a box with things of Clark like she is not his wife why Martha the mother of Clark don't have it, and the other thing off is she was going through the private things of Clark then she find the ring and this delusional girl put it like seriously let's put this in context
You boyfriend dies, you don't give anything of him to his family (BECAUSE THE SCENE WITH MARTHA AND LOIS BEFORE SUPERMAN CAME BACK IS NOT MARTHA) , you find this ring then you think yes he was going to ask me to marry him (AND PLEASE SHE JUST ASSUME THAT) and when he came back he say so that is a yes just because in they delusional head that have sense
This don't have sense okay you didn't propose to this girl she just put this ring then you came back and boom engaged
How this is the love story of Lois Lane and Clark Kent
Number 6
Again this lines
"There are six, not five.
There is no us without him. "
I know the Bruce is talking about the team but seriously is the most emotional line along with this other lines
"Alfred, for once,
I'm operating strictly on faith,
not on reason"
In this line Alfred say before "You put the team together to fight this war. You've fulfilled your promise. "
He say the it was the guilt but really Bruce it was going fully on a suicide mission this entire time but now he have faith because Superman
"You do when it's this red cape.
This red cape charges back. "
And awww he defending Superman against Alfred is so cute
The commentary from Alfred his about the team no Superman he never say anything about Superman Bruce just say that he was like Cady with Regina George obsessed with Clark
Number 7
She was moving on
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In the scene when Superman came back Lois take the pregnancy test 🙄 really and she was going to move on she was going to say goodbye to the memory of Clark (IT WAS LIKE 2 MONTHS THE HE DIED) and she get over him so quickly and he came back and she is like OMG 👁️👄👁️
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In the same time Bruce with the team the are doing witchcraft to resurrected him and he so desperately trying to get him back like super desperate when Superman attack him Bruce said
"Clark, no this world needs you. "
Like I'm starting to think the delusional girl is me but meh 😐
Number 8
The reunion of Lois and Clark
What is wrong with this people YOU SMELL GOOD seriously YOU SMELL GOOD like what you boyfriend/future fiance or whatever came back to life and the first thing you say when you two are alone is YOU SMELL GOOD
Clark was like WHAT DO YOU MEAN
Now the reunion with Bruce is good no great but good
Superman go to Bruce house find Alfred there and is like I'm late
And Alfred is like he say you would come
They fight this dude and win then they have this epic scene all the Justice League together but first Clark help to Bruce to get up with all of them he grabbed his arm and they share a cute look
See this is how you make a good reunion no YOU SMELL GOOD just a cute look and buy the house of his childhood back from the bank if this don't work buy the bank
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For this I watch the movie 5 times
Sorry for the things that i said about Lois Lane I don't like her
I'm so delusional but meh 😐
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, and Zack take Wired’s Most Searched for Questions interview
How does it go?
Is Sephiroth evil?
Sephiroth: Not yet.
Is Sephiroth gay?
*Sephiroth stares blankly at the camera with his mouth parted open*
Is Sephiroth left-handed?
Sephiroth: I'm ambidextrous, though I prefer using my left hand to write, eat and maneuver a sword.
Is Sephiroth part cat?
Sephiroth: Perhaps I would be happier if I were.
Why is Sephiroth shirtless?
Sephiroth: An excellent question.
Why is Sephiroth so attractive?
Sephiroth: I seem to have inherited my looks from my mother. She was very beautiful.
Where are Sephiroth's parents?
Sephiroth: Ah. I've tried looking this question up. It's ineffective and provides no answers.
Why does Sephiroth hate Genesis?
Sephiroth: That's absurd. I like Genesis very much. He's my best friend. He's a special person to me. If I were asked who my vest friend is, I would have to say Genesis.
Who is Sephiroth's best friend?
Sephiroth: Angeal! He's very dear to me. We have a good relationship and there is no one in the world who I like more than him.
Why does Sephiroth like pasta?
Sephiroth: I feel complete and whole when I eat it. I assume that's what being loved feels like.
Why is Sephiroth's hair long?
Sephiroth: Because it's not short.
How old is Genesis?
Genesis: How dare you insinuate that I'm old.
Is Genesis gay?
Genesis: Hm. About 50%, sometimes it's 75%. It depends on the day and my mood.
Is Genesis shorter than Sephiroth?
Genesis, through gritted teeth. I am.
Why does Genesis like red?
Genesis: It's the most vibrant, eye-catching, attractive color of the rainbow. Like me.
Why does Genesis dye his hair red?
Genesis: Lies and falsehoods.
Why is Genesis obsessed with Loveless?
Genesis: And I'm expected to answer with one sentence? I need an hour at least to accurately describe how much it means to me.
Why is Genesis called Genesis?
Genesis: I'm sure Dr. Hollander was trying to be poetic.
Why is Genesis annoying?
Genesis: WHAT?
Why is Genesis shorter than Sephiroth?
Why does Genesis say his hair is red when it's brown?
Is Angeal related to Zack?
Angeal: Not blood related, but he's like my little brother. Don't tell him I said that though. He'll cry and hug me and then I'll be covered in Zack snot.
Is Angeal dating Sephiroth and Genesis?
Angeal: Simultaneously?? Dating one would be a nightmare on its own.
Why is Angeal so attractive?
*Angeal stares up at the camera blankly, blushing profusely*
Is Angeal single?
Angeal: Uhh...yeah.
Does Angeal have a girlfriend?
Angeal: No, I don't.
Why is Angeal single?
Angeal: Who's writing these? My mom??
Is Angeal dead?
Angeal: Only on the inside.
Is Angeal stronger than Sephiroth?
Angeal: I'm not sure. I can sit on him and he starts flailing and struggling though. That's very funny.
Is Angeal older than Sephiroth and Genesis?
Angeal: Believe it or not, I'm the middle child.
Does Angeal kill plants?
Angeal, tearing up: I—...No? Once...It was a sunflower. There's barely any sun in Midgard.... I learned that the hard way.
Is Zack alive?
Zack: Yeah I am! *finger guns*
Is Zack stronger than Sephiroth?
Zack: Not yet.
Why is Zack popular?
Zack: Uhhh.... because I'm a nice guy? At least I hope I am! I like to make friends, so maybe that's why.
Why is Zack called a puppy?
Zack: Because Angeal thought he was funny when he compared me to a puppy, so now the nickname stuck. I don't mind though! Although it'd be cool if I had a badass nickname like wolf. Or snake!
Why does Zack do squats?
Zack: Because it's fun! Plus, it's a great exercise. It strengthens your core and leg muscles. .....I also have a lot of energy and don't like being still for too long. It stresses me out.
Why is Zack so adorable?
Zack: Aww! Am I? That's just my natural charm.
Does Zack have ADHD?
Zack: The TV in my room is HD, yeah.
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Hi I love your Self-awarebsd au wanted to know if I can Request a scenario that the reader Loves acting and singing And enter the character who is acting (example: from victim to villain, a boss) the reader is sweet but likes to play pranks.
Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, my first language is not English 😅
Finished. I hope, you like it. Reader, who is an actor and need some help from BSD characters for their performance.
Self-Aware! Mori Ogai x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Strictly Platonic! Elise
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Description: You are a part of a little troupe of actors. Soon, you have a concert. Unfortunately, two actors have fallen ill right before the performance. Thankfully, you have someone to help you.
Set after BSD gang got into your world.
Fluff. Reader are a volunteer. They perform to the kids.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
Breakfast almost ended, when the doorbell rings.
Goncharov, who already finished eating, hurry to open the front door. After a minute or two, all of you head the sound of footsteps. And jingle of little bells. Suddenly, you flinch.
"My senses are tingling, and my back is killing me," mumble you and stand up. You quickly went into the kitchen.
Right after you walked away, Goncharov was back. Behind him were standing two people. Man and woman.
The tall and curvy woman has light blue eyes and curly, brown hair. She was wearing a bright summer dress.
Short and plump, the man has brown eyes and short black hair. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and scarf, that was decorated with small bells, that was juggling with every step.
Both of them looked calm and slightly curious.
Goncharov clears his throat.
"Where is [Y/N]? They have guests."
Like you were summoned, you walked from the kitchen, back to the dinning room. You had two glasses of water in your hands. You smile.
"Good morning, miss Glover. Good morning, mister Wilson"
Hana Glover, a middle-aged woman, smiles in return.
"[Y/N], long time no see, dear. I see, live has been treating you well"
You nodded and give the miss Glover a glass of water.
"You bet. Here, Miss Glover, have some water. Today is awfully hot outside."
After Hana takes the glass from you, you turn towards Mr. Wilson.
Zack Wilson, a middle-aged man, take the glass from you.
"Thanks, [Y/N], Good morning to you too."
After he made the first sip of water, he coughs.
"Lemon juice, really?"
You chuckle.
"Yes, really"
Hana glares at her old friend.
"Zack, be glad that it just small pranks. Do you remember, what happened, when the whole thing happened?"
Mr. Wilson huffs, but stay quiet. Yosano looked at the three of you and asked.
"[Y/N], who are..."
You interpreted her, before she can finish.
"Okay, everyone, meet Hana Glover and Zack Wilson, directors and founders of "The Volunteer Troupe of Amateur Actors", a small charity organization. They perform in hospitals, orphanages, retirement houses and even on the streets. All money they earn during performance are donated."
Everyone takes a moment to let the information sink in. Elise eyes shine.
"I remember! [Y/N] were talking about a group of volunteers they are a part of. They were talking about you."
Miss Glover chuckled.
"Yes, they were talking about us. [Y/N], in two weeks we are going to arrange a concert for children. You and other actors will perform. Sing some songs and act some fairy tales, you know the drill."
You hum, showing, that you are listening.
Miss Glover take a small box from her purse, opened the lid, and hold the box towards you.
"Here, take two"
You take three folded pieces of paper from the box. You open them.
1. Try everything;
2. Goldilocks and three bears (narrator).
You show the papers to Hana and Zack.
"Here, I will sing and be a narrator. Not a heaver, you see it, Mister Wilson?"
Mr. Wilson looked away, visibly embarrassed.
Miss Glover rolls her eyes, and grabs Zacks by the elbow.
"Good, it's done. See you in two weeks, [Y/N]."
With thanks, Hana and Zack left.
"What with the heaver? And with this man scarf?" asked Naomi. You rub your neck.
"Well, you see..."
"Mr. Wilson, what do you mean, that we have to be heavers and help with moving these planks? Yes, we understand, that other workers aren't working today, then, maybe, let's not touch the planks? Tomorrow, workers will do their job."
"We are not laughing at hard work"
"Mr. Wilson, it will be impossible for us, actors, to carry all this planks. We have a performance right now."
"What? Carry them while we're performing? But!"
"It will be an interesting version of 'Romeo and Juliet'".
"Finally, the last plank... WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'IT'S TIME TO CARRY SAND'?!"
"Five broken backs, six sprains, thirty splinters..."
"At the end Mr Wilson not only paid for our recovery, but also agree to wear this silly scarf to show, that he was an idiot. Also, allows us to prank him."
You finished your tale. BSD gang, for the most part, looked, somehow, amused and sad at the same time.
"And with papers?" Asked Naomi once again.
"Lottery. That's how we are choosing, what we are going to perform. Okay, I need to start rehearsing, see you later."
You left the dining room.
Three days before the performance
"Okay, I understand. Hope you and Anna will be better soon."
You finish the call and groan. Currently, you were talking with Port Mafia members about future movie night (They want to see "The God Father"), when Max, your co-actor, called.
"Two of our actors are sick. Anna, who played Goldilocks, and Max, who played Papa Bear. It means, no fairy tale."
Kouyou tilts her head.
"Can't someone preform instead of them?"
You shake your head.
"No. We are short on stuff. Many of our actors still angry at Mr Wilson for making us carry all that stuff. And I know, that he paid for our recovery, but some people got serious injuries."
Help came from the one, you didn't expect.
Elise grabs your hand and proclaims.
"I will help! I can be a Goldilocks!"
You open your mouth and wanted to say something. But Mori grabbed your other hand.
"And I can be a Papa Bear. I can't let my Dear Elise-chan and My Dear Light [Y/N] to be on a stage all alone. What if mad fans will hurt you two?"
Well... one time you almost were trampled by the children who ran to get their gifts...
"You two aren't kidding, right?" You look at Mori, then at Elise, then at Mori again.
Mori squeeze your hand.
"I am serious, [Y/N]."
Elise looked at you with big puppy eyes.
Why not?
"I will discuss it with Hana and Zack"
The day of the performance
The square before the open-air theater was full of people.
Children, Parents, BSD gang...
You, Elise and Mori were at the backstage.
Elise were wearing simple white dress. Mori were wearing a stereotypical farmer clothes and a pair of fake bear ears on his head.
"The performance will start in five minutes! Singers, be ready!" shout Zack.
You take a deep breath. Mori patted you on the back reassuringly.
"Don't worry, [Y/N], everything will be alright"
You smile. It's time.
The sounds of happy beat.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"
You were singing on the stage. Kids in the audience were clapping.
"I messed up tonight, I lost another fight
Lost to myself, but I'll just start again
I keep falling down, I keep on hitting the ground
I always get up now, see what's next"
Atsushi's eyes glow. Akutagawa hide his smirk behind his hand.
"Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without gettin' it wrong"
"Go, Birdy!"
"Gogol, where did you get glowing sticks?"
I won't give up, no, I won't give in
'Til I reach the end, and then I'll start again
No, I won't leave, I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail
Despite dancing and singing, you were full of energy and your breath was normal.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
When you finish singing, the audience start clapping and cheering.
It was great!
The happiness, the emotions of audience.
That's why you liked performing.
You hope, that the fairy tale will also be performed as it should.
Apparently, not only Goldilocks and Papa Bear were recast. Mama Bear and Baby Bear were also recast.
New actors were Sam and Mary, brother and sister. And Mary was trying to find a boyfriend.
When she saw Mori... She forgot, that she was performing for kids.
At first, Mama Bear decide to flirt with Papa Bear. Mori-Bear immediately asked for divorce.
When you tried to do your job as a narrator, and return the back to what it should be, Mama Bear, with 'Don't stand in the way of my happiness', try to kick you down from the stage.
Thankfully, you manage to stay on your feet.
Before Mary can do something else, Mori glared at her. With His Famous Glare.
Everyone on stage, and in the audience, gulped.
Mori puts a hand on your head.
"Sorry, Narrator, we can continue"
After getting back on track, you tried to stay calm.
Finally, bears have gone for a walk.
The scene in Goldilocks'house and in the empty house of Three Bears were fine. Elise were natural, she enjoyed playing on stage.
But then the bears were back.
Mary-Bear was holding Mori's hand in an iron grip. Sam-Bear was trying to intimidate Mori into dating Mary. Mori was angry.
The whole scene was tense.
And then, Baby Bear find Goldilocks.
Sam grabbed Elise, that startled her, and she accidentally slap him on the face.
Sam got angry. She picked Elise up, you immediately run towards them.
"Sam! Stop, she is just a child"
But Sam were always ill-tempered. He pushed Elise right at you. You and Elise both fell from the stage.
You were ready for an impact, but you feel, that your fall stopped. You open your eyes. Elise was levitating. She was holding you and wasn't letting you fall down.
Elise growl.
"While I don't like, when Rintarou take control over me so suddenly, it was for the best. You alright, [Y/N]?"
"Yea. Hey, Elise, I have an idea, how to safe the performance. Can you, please, follow my narration?"
Elise nodded.
The story of characters hating the narrator and narrator punishing them, became quite popular. (Thanks to you, Mori and Elise).
You two manage to pretend, that as Narrator, you have a power to gain characters power. So, you, Elise and Mori spend five minutes, chasing Sam and Mary.
Halfway through the chase, someone put a music from Benny Hill show on.
The show was a success.
At the end, you, Mori and Elise didn't get into trouble. Zack and Hana understand, that Sam and Mary were to blame.
Sam and Mary apologize. But, there were rumors about a ghost (a blond one, in a red dress), that hunts their house and wax the floors (It was discovered, that Mary can sit on a twine).
The Gang is waiting for your next performance. They knew, It would be fun. Maybe, this time, others also will have a chance to be with you on the stage.
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altocat · 3 months
Please also consider the fact that Sephiroth is mixed... race? Species?
There's no need to deny that he's not 100% human. And he gave his 110% in his attempts to be a good human. But he realised that ultimately, being a good human meant killing in the name of ShinRa. He was considered good, obedient, an example, a hero, only when he obeyed his violent masters.
So. Was he indeed evil for trying a different approach? If in his situation (not talking about different AUs or other people, where it's possible to live peacefully selling flowers) killing for ShinRa was his only option to be good. Other SOLDIERs have tried to escape ShinRa. None survived.
They would never have allowed him to live. They would have sent Zack, Roche and all the others to fight him. The Turks. The army. His only option of being good was to continue killing. Rhadorans. Wutainians. Genesis.
And one day he decided a different approach. Injure the Planet, consume the Lifestream, escape humans, build a bright future for himself.
Was it an amazing plan? Not really. But I don't think it was an evil plan. Not any more evil than killing people that ShinRa made him kill.
Would he be deemed less evil if he killed Angeal and Genesis like a good boy he always was? And if he refused, would he be less evil if he killed everyone who was sent to kill him for deserting?
I still think Sephiroth is pretty evil. There's a lot of nuance in his portrayal when he was killing for Shinra that has a different contextual lens than his goals after merging with Jenova. One involved a child soldier killing on behalf of the company that raised him. The other involves Sephiroth wishing to exterminate the entire human race regardless of individual moral expression. His goals involve genocide on a mass extinction level, followed by delusions of godhood in what is functionally now an empty and ravaged universe. You could use the non-human argument with Aerith too. But Aerith's goal is ultimately more selfless, recognizing the value in humanity and wishing to preserve it, regardless of the atrocities she's witnessed.
Sure, Sephiroth himself might view his actions as justified if he associates himself as being of the same race as Jenova. But just as he's not fully human, he's also not fully ALIEN either. He was conceived by two human parents long before Jenova was added into the mix. He might not be FULLY human, but the vast majority of what he is IS human. And that means that regardless, he's working to eliminate his own species. Thus, he can be held accountable on a human level.
Sephiroth is incredibly sympathetic. But he is still evil. We see the seeds of WHY and HOW he became evil. We empathize with him. What happened to him was horrible. But he's still evil.
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agronzky · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄 (𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑) 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒. ♡
“To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn't just about horses, I lost interest.”
“I'm not pretty anymore!”
“Please call me mother.”
“It is literally impossible to be a woman.”
“You are so beautiful and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough.”
“We have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.“
“It's too hard!”
“It's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you!”
“I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us.”
“Humans have only one ending. Ideas live forever.”
“We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back and see how far they've come.”
“I thought I might stay over tonight.”
“Did you bring your rollerblades?”
“Do you guys ever think about dying?”
“I need a clicky pen.”
“It's like I've been in a dream where I was really invested in the Zack Snyder cut of 'Justice League'.”
“Can you start the movie over and just talk the whole time?”
“I don't control the railways or the flow of commerce…”
“I thought we discontinued her.”
“We're just better at hiding it.”
“Is it my destiny to live and die a life of blonde fragility?”
“You can be brainwashed, or you can be ugly. There's nothing in between.”
“Yeah, because actually, my job... it's just beach.”
“I just don't know who I am without you.”
“I'm sensing some kind of entendre here... and it appears to be double.”
“I'll play the guitar at you.”
“I'll see you on the Malibu Beach!”
“She's not dying, she's just having an existential crisis.”
“You don't have your license.”
“I am never going to get out of here!”
“I hope nobody sees us.”
“I’m trained to stand confidently here.”
“It is the best day ever.”
“Every night is girls night.”
“She has her own money, her own house, her own career.”
“What can’t Barbie do?”
“I don’t have anything big planned.”
“You can go back to your regular life, and forget any of this ever happened.”
“Everything is almost like reversed here.”
“We sell dreams and imagination and sparkle.”
“The real world is forever and irrevocably messed up.”
“That’s life. It’s all change.”
“I want to be a part of the people that make meaning, not the thing that is made.”
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