#ahhhh...i wish i could experience all this
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Books, Watching The Moon, Poetries, Castles, Tiaras, Royal Libraries, Tea Parties, Macaroons, Cookies, Late night strolls in the garden, Avoiding your desk-work just to sneak out with your significant other, Handwritten Love Letters, Royal politics, Horse riding, Dance lessons, Balls, Masquerades, Waltz, Classical Music, Ball Gowns, Saving your last dance, Stolen stares, Curtsies, Kisses on hands....
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hhhhleb · 2 months
Hi, I just saw your recent post with little!Jake and Marc, and I just wanted to say it's so heartwarming, the relationship Marc is feeling about Jake ! Like you said, the relationship he have with Jake looks so close to the one Marc had with Randall ( Roro ? ) and I find it so cute.
It’s a bit heartbreaking too, but I find so cute.
And just asking, does Little!Jake feel the same, is he too shy to respond to the ( I guess a bit clumsy ) affection from Steven and Marc, or just Jake doesn’t want it ?
And does Jake miss Randall ( Roro ) too ? Since I guess he maybe have the memories of Randall by Marc’s mind and memories ?
I’m just really curious about their relationship with little!Jake, especially with Marc, and their past relationship with their brother and maybe their parents.
( Hope you don’t mind my questions. And hope you get the questions, since my English isn’t really perfect, since it isn’t my first language. Take your time to answer if you want to, I don’t want to overwhelm you. )
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTIONS!! I’m guilty ur honor, I couldn’t answer them for how long? Two weeks?😶🧎im rlly sorry..
Well, Marc&Jake’s relationship aren’t so simple I guess, in some way it is similar to the Marc&Roro’s but in other way it’s not.
1. Jake isn’t ready to open up to M&S. To people in general. He’s cautious, It is safe when he’s playing adult’s role, it’s like a mask, a shield from the real(adult) world, but when M&S figured out he’s a kid he feels too exposed to them. Too open, too easy to hurt. I feel like he doesn’t want this affection from them because he doesn’t really know how to be a loved child? So he doesn’t know how to respond to it. As I said here Jake never have met Wendy, he doesn’t consider her as his own mother. Thus, all his behaviour&attitude is based on Marc&Roro’s playtime as children. That’s why he’s so into this roleplay of a badass guy))
2. Jake actually misses Roro. If Steven had no idea about him, Jake considered Roro his own brother. It’s the only thing in Marc’s memories he accepts as his own. Marc(Jake) loved Roro so much that he(Jake) adopted this love for art from him(similar to Steven and his accent, I suppose). He also inherited Marc’s feelings of responsibility as an older brother from that time, so Jake’s not used to be the youngest. Therefore, it’s quite an experience for him to adept to this whole new dynamic with S&M. He pushes them away feeling like he shouldn’t can’t rely on them.
Absolutely love this idea of a bunk bad for M&R!! It fits so well! saw it in this concept art for MK. It’s amazing. Like, I think Roro was a very sensitive kid(he looks rueful when Marc calls him a baby for being wary of playing in the cave while it's raining), so he’s afraid of dark and not sleeping with parents SOOOoooo Marc took the bottom bed and have told him, that he would defend him from any monster who would be stupid enough to try to attack them! He also hung all Roro’s drawings there, because he’s very proud of him)
Ahhhh my heart aches for them. I spent half of my childhood on a bunk bad like that, my siblings and I plastered it all over with stickers, there were glasses of juice everywhere lmao, loads of thrilling books on shelves, we used to do a blanket castle on the bottom bed and read some stories with a flashlight
I feel like it’s the thing Marc&Roro could do.. I wish they had more screen time in the show..
(am I projecting? Yes.
Also, I think that’s where Steven’s love for reading is coming from)
ps even though Jake doesn’t want this affection, he needs it just like any other person, just like any other child. He has a hard way ahead of him. Comics about the table thing was one of the first steps:)
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
Ahhh congrats on 666!!!!
For the event! Levi with “you s-s-sound beautiful moaning my n-n-name”
MC Female reader; gaming and snacks laced with aphrodisiac (by Asmo) to give these 2 the motivation to finally fuck. No Dom/Sub just exploring each others bodies and cumming like crazy
A/n: Ahhhh thanks for being the first request!!💖 I loved this idea so much!! I hope you enjoy it!
Cw: pronouns you/your, reader has vagina/breasts, aphrodisiac, two dick levi, vaginal penetration, fingering.
Word count: 2.3k
Prompt 6
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It started like any other normal night with Levi, him quickly pulling out options to play, you choosing one, him kicking your ass for the next twenty minutes until you decide to switch games. While you were no match for his gaming skills you enjoyed spending alone time with him, although you wished you could experience his other skills.
There was clearly tension between the two of you anytime you were alone, be it late at night or in the library at RAD, and while the two of you had your fair share of kisses and late night dirty talking it never went any further. That all changed tonight thanks to Asmo.
You had excused yourself to the bathroom for a moment, trying to collect your nerves. You had expressed your frustration to Asmo hoping he would have a solution to your predicament, of course he had multiple.
You went with an easier option, a small bag of gummies laced with an aphrodisiac that would give you and your lover the nerve to finally go all the way. You had no issue eating a few yourself but were unsure of how Levi would respond to the idea, terrified he would be upset with you for offering but also worried that if you were the only one to take them he wouldn’t be in the mood and you’d be left high and dry.
You collected your thoughts and headed out to rejoin the third born, panic set in when you found him though. Eyes on the screen, mouth clearly chewing something and hand shoved in the bag grabbing more little gummies.
“What are you doing?” You tried not to sound panicked.
“Eating some of your gummies, I was hungry and saw this bag fall out of your jacket when you got up!”
“Levi….how many did you eat?” You tried to level your voice to not raise suspicion.
“I didn’t think it was a big deal? We share food all the time?” Levi slowed his chewing and looked rather startled. You had to choose your words carefully now.
“Listen to me, how many did you eat?” You sat down next him, your legs tucked under you. You took the bag from him noticing a good amount missing, you looked back to him still awaiting an answer.
“I….I just had like…seven—”
“SEVEN??” Your voice higher than normal.
“Wha— its not that many!! I’ll pay you back! I’m sorry! Did I screw up? Are you mad now??” Leviathan’s eyes searched you for some sort of reassurance.
“No I’m— Leviathan I….shit…” This was not how you wanted to tell him about your little secret. “I don’t care that you ate the gummies, I care because of how many you ate! They’re laced with an aphrodisiac…”
You watched the panic set in and then the blush consume Levi’s face. You explained where they came from and why you had them, this calmed Levi enough to not bolt out of the room but he was still incredibly embarrassed.
“S-so now what?” He eventually asked, avoiding eye contact. You knew what would happen, you knew it was only a matter of minutes before the aphrodisiac would take over and Leviathan would be filled with sexual desire, you knew what you had to do. You opened the bag and took five gummies out, you paused for only a second before popping them in your mouth and swallowing.
“Now we wait.” You picked your controller up and handed Levi his, he took the controller and tried to refocus on the game at hand. The two of you sat shoulder to shoulder in silence, the only sound coming from the tv before you.
Not even half an hour later you found yourself completely consumed by the thought of Leviathan touching all over your naked body. You did your best to remain in control, glancing over at Levi from the corner of your eye, the third born was in a much worse state. He sat with his thighs pressed together, gripping his controller as tight as he could, eyes glued to the screen but not paying a bit of attention as his character kept wandering off screen.
He was so cute…you just needed a small kiss, just a quick one and that was all. You leaned over just slightly, your lips brushed against his cheek and you could feel the heat radiating from them, you placed a soft kiss on his skin.
A strangled moan left Levi and you could see his thighs shake as he did, his controller dropping to his lap and both hands covering his face. He started muttering an apology as his face turned a deep red, you ran your hand across his chest and tugged on his shirt trying to get him to turn back to you.
After a few gentle pulls Levi slowly turned back to face you, he lowered his hands to speak but was consumed by your kiss instead. Your lips locked with his and you cupped his cheek with one hand, you gave a few kisses but quickly became needy. You wanted more, you needed more…you needed all of him.
You deepened your kiss, running one hand up his shirt while the other held his face still. His hands quickly found their way to your waist, pulling you into his lap so you straddled him, one lingering at your waistband and the other running up your back to pull you closer. Slowly you worked his mouth open enough to slip your tongue in, moaning softly into his mouth as your tongues danced around each other, you felt him tense at the noise.
The kisses became sloppier, the aphrodisiac kicking in fully, you started pulling at each other’s clothes desperately. You could feel the bulge in Levi’s pants getting bigger, the heat between your legs growing just as fast, you started grinding slowly against his erection. Levi’s hands stopped moving and a lewd moan ripped from his throat, the red on his face now spread down his neck, you pulled your lips from his and turned his head enough to get to his throat.
You made your way up and down both sides of his neck, licking and sucking in certain spots, leaving wet hickies in your wake. Leviathan whimpered with every kiss, his hands drifting down to your ass and squeezing at the plush skin, he switched to grab your hips and grind you further down on his now throbbing bulge. You couldn’t take it anymore, you raised your head up and pressed your forehead against his, you had to have him.
“Levi,” you whined softly, eyes flickering between his own lust filled eyes and his red swollen lips. “I want you….all of you…please!”
“A-are you sure,” his voice shaky. He gripped the bottom of your shirt and avoided your gaze the best he could. You gently removed his hands from your shirt so you could grab the bottom yourself, slowly pulling it over your head before tossing it off to the side leaving your chest on full display.
“Yes,” you took his hands and placed them on top of your bra, his thumbs making contact with the soft flesh of your breasts. “I’m sure.”
Leviathan wasted no time, quickly shedding his own shirt, tracing the edges of your bra to feel your skin lightly brush against his fingers, he reached around to undo the clasp. You had sent him plenty of nudes before but nothing compared to seeing you in person.
Levi quickly latched on to one of your nipples while his fingers teased the other, every moan you released only encouraged him to continue, your hands in his hair as he sucked and licked at your sensitive bud felt euphoric. He did his best to gently lay you in your back while still latched on to you, you felt his free hand slide down your side, quickly pulling off your bottoms.
Your legs squeezed shut involuntarily, desperately seeking some type of attention to your overly aroused cunt. The third born released your tit from his mouth and sat back to look at you, your face flushed and eyes filled with lust, arms stretched above your head, chest exposed and nothing but sheer panties separating him from your pussy.
Levi sat back on his heels, the wet spot on your underwear driving him wild, he palmed himself through his sweatpants that still concealed his now massive bulge.
“Fuck,” his hips bucked against his hand wanting more friction. You spread your legs a little wider to give him a full view, a wicked grin on your face, practically begging for him to fuck you already. You knew he was nervous, filled with doubt and not believing that you would actually enjoy this, so you gave a few soft moans to encourage him to remove those stupid pants.
Leviathan hooked a thumb under his waistband, pulling his pants down just enough to expose his happy trial, you gave another encouraging moan while rubbing your thighs together to push him further. The red that consumed his face and neck now spread down to his chest, he turned away just a little but watched you from his peripheral, Leviathan slowly pulled his pants down until both his cocks were free.
“Fuuuuck” you moaned on instinct. Levi had told you about his not so little secret a few months back, after much encouragement he had finally started sending dick pics, but very rarely of both in the same shot. Nothing prepared you for seeing them in person, both fully erect, red and throbbing, precum leaking quickly from both. You watched as precum from the first cock dripped down onto the second, you could feel yourself throbbing just from watching him.
The third born discarded his pants completely before pulling off your panties. You watched his cocks twitch as soon as your pussy was exposed, you were already so wet he could’ve slid in without any prep at all. Levi slowly stroked one of his cocks while taking in your naked body on full display for him finally, you wanted to tease him for living out one of his pervy little fantasies but your mind was so fogged over with lust all you could do was moan and wiggle your hips.
He gathered a good amount of precum on his hand before reaching down to tease your clit, the sudden friction making you gasp and your entire body twitch, he ran two fingers along your folds slowly before sliding them in to rub against your walls. The moans and whines escaping you mixed with Leviathan’s own, his other hand switching between his cocks and occasionally reaching down to his balls, you were quickly growing jealous. He should be fucking into you, not his own hand.
“Baby pleeeease,” you whined as his fingers pulled out of you finally. “want you to fuck me!”
“O-okay,” Levi positioned himself between your legs, taking one of his cocks in hand and lightly rubbing it against your folds. You could feel him throb against your clit, the sensation running straight to your core and causing you to mewl loudly for more. Leviathan slowly pushed his tip in, taking his time to sink all the way in until your hips connected. “FU~UCK!”
He gave you time to adjust to his size before starting to thrust in and out, with each drag of his cock your eyes rolled back. Levi stroked his other cock with one hand while using your hip to pull you further onto the one filling you. Leviathan watched you close your eyes in bliss and got an idea, he let go of his cock so it could rut against your clit as he continued to fuck into you.
The friction of his one cock rubbing continuously against your swollen clit along with the throbbing cock inside you hitting your sweet spot made your head spin, you started grabbing at the air trying to find his shoulders to pull him closer. He got the message and dropped lower, propped up on his elbows as he quickened his pace, your arms wrapped around his neck.
“Shit! LEVIATHAN FUCK! Yes baby! Right there Levi! Oh fuck baby yes!” Your praise filling his ears as he rammed into you even faster. Precum from his one cock coating your stomach and giving him the ability to thrust harder. You chanted his name as you came around his cock, every cry of it sounded angelic to him.
“Y-you sound s-so beautiful moaning m-my n-name,” Leviathan pressed his lips against yours. He hated to cut off your moans but he needed to taste you again, his mind growing fuzzy as his own orgasm quickly approached. “Shit, gonna…..haaaa…gonna cum.”
Seconds after his warning Levi pulled out quick and released a deep moan as you reached down to milk both his cocks through the climax. Your hands, stomach and thighs coated in his cum, you brought one hand up to your mouth and gave it a slow lick, Levi shuttered while watching you.
The aphrodisiac was still going strong even post orgasm, you were both breathless but still incredibly horny. Leviathan lowered himself to lay beside you, you turned over to hook one leg around his waist giving him better access to your pussy again. The two of you began to lazily make out, hands roaming each other’s bodies as gentle moans and whimpers filled the room. Levi began to tease your clit once more and slid his fingers deep inside your folds while you started stroking both his cocks. You began slowly grinding against each other waiting to catch your breath for round two.
After tonight you’d no longer need the gummies to get things started, but you’d be sure to thank Asmo for his help. That is, if he couldn’t already hear you.
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fatuismooches · 9 months
The idea was originally for my dottore fic but it got a but too long so I had to scrap it... So where else to share it than to you ofc (and the other dottore likers here)
I've always like the idea who works with/for Dottore. (This means you've been experimented/modified to keep you from dying, similar to the modifications he's made onto his own body) Ofc you would, you're his most trusted assistant among all others! Working with him though meant you partially work for the Fatui as well... As per order from the Jester himself, and sometimes Dottore, you're sent out on missions, but they're never big enough to take you too long.
One day though, after returning from a mission, you stumble inside Dottore's laboratory, all bloodied and littered with injuries. Of course, upon seeing your state, the segments go on a frenzy of panic, concern and rage. Everything else is forgotten and they're all immediately on you, and it was prettyyy overwhelming... Some of them are asking with concern if you're okay, and what hurts and if you could walk, others are scolding you for being reckless enough to get badly hurt from your mission. But you could tell they were all so concerned for you and they HATE to see you covered with YOUR own blood :(
I'm pretty sure you'll do fine, you have a bunch of doctors fretting and caring for you. A few segments are patching you up, disinfecting your woulds and wiping away your blood, while some are (mildly) testing your body and fixing the wires and mods attached to what's left of your organic parts... They're all soooo gentle and soothing, when you flinch or hiss from the pain, they're all frowning and muttering silent apologies and promising you'll feel much better afterwards.. Then they're 100% all making mental notes to make the people who hurt you for... No other reason :3
And then when you finally go to Dottore's office, covered in bandages, he's so fussy that you didn't call for him for his help. You try to reassure him the segments took care of you but... Yeah, he's pretty jealous and upset because he can take care of you 1000x better than all of them combined (he personally did all the modifications on ur body after all), but he's so glad ur okay and he's not letting you go outside of his lab for at least a month or so 😭😭😭
I just think there's something so intimate on dottore fixing your parts and body x3
Aww yes,,, ;( I so completely agree, I feel like having *the* Dottore work on your body is such a huge show of trust between the two of you! Like, you know what he's done to other people, but you aren't scared of what he'd do you to at all, because you really do trust and love him that much. It makes me think of that moment in your Dottore drabble that I really loved, when he put his hands around reader's neck but they weren't scared at all, being more curious and sassy than anything, i LIVE for displays of affection (which, to normal people, would not be 💀) between these two like that 🤭 Okay moving on- yes yes I agree... sometimes Dottore wishes he kept you a secret because he doesn't like how the Fatui just steals you away from him at all. But he and the clones deal with it.
For the most part, you never needed to worry about injuries, as you were quite strong. It kind of comes with being the Doctor's lover... unfortunately, you aren't as calculating as he, and sometimes things go haywire. Such as this time... For the most part, you really have nothing to worry about, you have a bunch of clones of one of the most knowledgeable men in Teyvat healing you with NO rest or stopping at all. What other injured person could say they've been treated that well? That's right, there is none. Ahhhh... but they also don't have to deal with all of the segments talking at once and doing 10 different operations and treatments on you and asking you 15 questions per minute, and also them swearing to do *censored bad things* to the people who did this to you, and then them fighting with each other for asking you dumb questions and "stressing you out". Yes, indeed overwhelming, but... at least they are cuties and they genuinely care for you.
OMGGG IDEK WHAT I CAN ADD FOR THE SEGMENTS TREATING YOUR WOUNDS THAT'S SOOOO CUTE 😭❤️❤️❤️ I am just. Disintegrating. Them turning soft just for you and giving you that royalty treatment fr ;( ahhh my heart <33 It's not everyday you see the segments working in harmony together, but you know it's a serious matter when they are!
LMFAO I bet you'd walk into Dottore's office like "honey im home! <3" and he'll look up and see you just smiling with a bunch of bandages and he'd just be .... blank for a few seconds. Oh he is so fussy. Mad you got injured, mad at the people who hurt you, mad at the Jester for sending you out which got you hurt, mad at the segments who got to treat you instead, mad that he let you get hurt... reader get ready because you're not leaving the lab for a bit! Ahaha !!! 😅😅😅
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kunikame · 1 year
¡ ! ❝ REDAMANCY . . ❞
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natsume sakasaki x reader smau
warning(s) : cussing, death mention, sakasaki natsume is a simp, rip mao im sorry ill write a mao fic as an apology for what i put him through one day i promise
w/c : 1.1k
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wataru hibiki has, in his time at yumenosaki academy, seen many dreams crumble. he's witnessed many dreamers fall apart, give up and leave, become a shell of who they once used to be. he's familiar with this particular feeling of loss, of not remembering who you once were; who you wished to be. 
it's a common experience and he has long accepted it strikes when least expected, to the ones you least expect it to happen to, because their dreams are simply too precious– too pure, yet they're still thrown into such a distressing situation.
he wishes he could keep that view, keep looking at the world in black and white, see the evil in the good and the purity in the bad. perhaps it would be easier, less taxing on the mind.
and yet, he hesitates, finds himself looking for an exception; a fault in his theory. he feels his gaze wandering around the ballroom– black and white, filled with fraudulent faces– only to be met with the smiling face of the one who so dearly refers to him as his 'master'.
he protected natsume once, he can do it again, and yet as he truly focuses on his expression, wataru finds there is nothing to protect the boy from.
he's smiling– truly smiling, with his entire being, because natsume has found his safe place.
wataru thinks he is okay with that. as his gaze slides to the person natsume is looking at so fondly, he finds himself relieved she's looking at him the exact same way, like he himself hung the stars and the moon in the night sky. 
perhaps, perhaps some dreams won't crumble
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contrary to the flourish in natsumes speech and movements, he hates social events that include the higher classes. he’s been trained for them, taught how to behave, move, interact, stand, lift a glass,.. he knows it all. he has always, always hated these. so then why does he find himself so at ease at this specific event?
because it celebrates his mother? his friends are here? the color scheme makes him feel at ease? no.
you laugh at something kohaku says and suddenly he has the answer to all the questions running through the back of his mind, and he knows it’s you and it’s always been you and it always will be you.
because natsume sakasaki gazes down at you like you are his sun and his world revolves around you; he wants to be yours– he is yours, but only if you want him to be. he thinks he would continue being yours even if you didn't desire it to be so, he simply couldn't stop following the predetermined route he is meant to take; following the course mapped out for him, much like the planets you hold so dear orbit the sun (and he hopes you hold him dear, too).
he finds himself desperately wishing soulmates were real because then his feelings would make sense because now he just feels and he doesn’t understand why.
and yet as you turn his way when you notice him walking towards you with that breathtaking smile of yours and something akin to sparkles in your eyes, his heart starts racing a mile a minute and he’s not even sure he can walk properly anymore. is this a curse? is he dying? what have you done to him?
“natsu! you were so great! i wish you would’ve seen yourself! err, well, i suppose performing was better but- not the point! ahhhh, i wish i had recorded it.. actually i think tsukasa said–”
you went on animatedly explaining whatever it is you were saying while he just stared. he wishes he could listen but he’s gonna be absolutely, brutally honest, he can’t bring himself to. his ears are ringing and his palms are suddenly sweating and holy shit has it always been so hot in here? where’s all the air from his lungs gone? why is his throat so dry? oh god you’re looking at him and what were you even saying oh go-
“natsu? are you okay? would you like to sit down for a bit? i’m sorry, i should’ve known you were tired– come, i’ll go get you some water,” you grab onto his elbow and pull him along with you universe knows where and he just lets you. 
suddenly he’s sitting in a chair and you’re fawning all over him; checking his temperature because apparently his ’forehead is too warm’ and sending mao to get some water (which he, to everyones surprise, does) while kohaku and tsukasa keep the other guests away from your unsuspecting corner and natsume just dazedly stares up at you while you gently push his bangs back with a look of genuine concern for him.
suddenly, air re-enters his lungs and his throat opens up, but the ringing and the fuzz in his brain remain. he doesn’t think you’ve ever been so close to each other before and frankly, it’s making him lightheaded. his amber eyes trace the curves of your face and he’s late to realize he could probably count your lashes if he really wanted to (he does, god does he want to) and, makeup be damned, even without it you put all beauty standards and so-proclaimed “most beautiful women in the world” to shame. 
despite the fuzz there is a singular coherent thought swirling in his brain, he thinks you’re beautiful. no, gorgeous. no, that’s not quite good either.
“you’re ethereal..”
and yet, that still doesn’t fully capture your essence. heavenly might be close. breathtaking? heartstopping? not quite.. they need to come up with a new word for you specifically because whatever high natsume is riding on, he can’t find a word good enough for you.
you’re looking at him in the eyes with an adorably flustered face and your hands are no longer messing with his bangs or touching his forehead and he’s a little slow to realize he accidentally voiced his thoughts when he sees you give him the softest of smiles; his face now feels 10 times warmer than before.
“thank you, i would say the same about you. ethereal, breathtakingly so,” your hand slides from his forehead to cup his cheek and natsume sakasaki thinks he might short circuit.
“i think i’m in love with you..”
your hand freezes and natsume begins to regret every life decision that’s led him up to this point but then he feels the soft press of your lips against his and, perhaps, he should give himself a pat on the back instead.
mao isara, however, regrets agreeing to come along the moment he walks past the curtain separating you from the rest of the guests just to see you kissing his “arch nemesis” and he’s forced to accept there is nothing, no deal, no faking; you love natsume sakasaki and he can’t do anything but watch. he turns on his heel and walks away, leaving the glass of water with kohaku and with the excuse of needing some fresh air, he exits the ballroom.
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╰┈➤ synopsis ❝after yumenosaki academy resident magician and eccentric sakasaki natsume asks you to “go out with him”, you immediately shut him down. so why is he dedicating a song to you at a switch concert? and why are people whispering about you being the cutest couple?❞
✩₊˚TAGLIST : @myunghology @shionszz @ikasaeki @zephestia @1072v @drihihihi @homonatsume @lialibrary @hugs4shizu @mikctp @emikoisdead @ara-arashi @disa-ster @tjjjrsj @solemn-soliloquy @bxkugzo @buns-inhiding @calxrein @gxwesn @kzmeru @valeriele3 @444neapolitain @theloverofscaramouchie @thelocal-idiot @lunalightlyy @promisedswords @gabirii @booklover-valkyriep @mahouwoageru @kazemiya @yellowdialover @engurishu @ttsukipi @6ellyache @anndangtramcam @pocchapoccha @stxrgxzxr @tamayoris @dexocore @zhenyuus @lunavixia @taruruchi @momomijileaf // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you’re in bold i can’t tag you)
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lady-nuggetz · 1 month
Hello, its me again! (I haven't been able to ask much. I'm doing my thesis, almost done.)
Here are my questions, hope you enjoy answering them!
Regarding Fang and Jest:
What is their happiest memory of one another?
What were those first relationship days like between the two of them?
What would they remember most about the other if one of them perished?
To The Hooligans in general:
If they all had a personal fridge only for themselves, what would be inside that fridge?
And finally, you!
Have you ever thought of your artistry as a gift, or something you earned? I ask because I am a writer! And I am very interested in what other artists think of their own artistic ability so I thought I’d ask.
Hi hello it oh so lovely to see you again!! Tyvm I love getting stuff in my inbox to answer!! 💕💕
I'll go through each question one by one!!!
Fang and Jest Questions:
Their happiest memories would be some of the very few sentimental moments together that they have...... or so they think.
Fang's happiest memory of Jest would be the day where he finally retaliates against Jest and her annoying antics. Not just because he got satisfaction from it trust he found it kinda cute. There would be a day where Jest is once again bothering Fang, [possibly broke his cork gun and started mocking him as he slowly got more furious]. I'd like to think that rather than blow up in a fit of anger, Fang simply smirks and back talks Jest about how much she loves to watch him get angry like an annoying vermin, literally backing her into a corner and having her pinned against a wall while he's all up in her face. And for once in his life he watches her get all red and embarrassed with a big smile on his face. [IF PEOPLE REALLY LIKE THIS SCENARIO AS MUCH AS I DO I'LL WRITE IT IN DEPTH]
Jest's happiest memory of Fang is quite literally the day she met him, where team Hooligan ambushed her, thinking that she was but some mere, helpless bunny rabbit. She found a special fondness from Fang, watching him fumble due to his own hubris. And watching him cowering under her heal just lit a fire in her that gave her the motivation to make his life worse [or for the better ;))].
Fang and Jest don't really have a first relationship day. For a LOOOONG while they will refuse to consider each other as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Despite that though, when they both become strikingly aware of each other's feelings for one another they begin to become more comfortable with doing things like kissing and cuddling in private. Jest calls it "being romantical" and Fang calls it "being bored".
Bark and Bean call it denial.
Ahhhh depression and loss. Never experimented with this before nyanya ha. 😋
Fang would remember Jest for her impeccable wit and energy. And how he'll never really be able to fathom how such a girl could stick around with him outside of being used as a comedic tool. He would wish he had appreciated her company so much more when things go back to being less hectic.
Jest would remember Fang for his stubbornness, it was always something she adored about him. How no matter what got in his way, he always managed to pick himself back up somehow and get back to plotting. She always admired it and it made her bullying so much more fun that way.
Hooligan Question:
What would be in their fridge?
Cinnamon buns
Soda pop
Baby carrots
Neapolitan ice cream
Some kind of leftover meat
Orange juice
Chocolate pudding
Orange Soda
Raw fish
Leftover pasta
And for that final question:
I believe that my artistry is something I earned, I never really believe people are gifted with talent despite how many people tell me that I am. A talent is something you earned, not something you're born with!!!!
Thank you so much for all the questions though, I'm so delighted to answer these!!!
[Image unrelated, base is by WeirdSushi on DeviantArt]
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Hi! I love the way you write Itto :). Could you please write a fluff scenario of Itto x gn!reader spending Christmas together? 🎄
Ahhhhh! That himbo is my FAVORITE to write. He is so unserious and thinking about him my therapy at this point. MERRY CHRISTMAS and thanks for the request!
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Jingle All The Way!
Itto Christmas shenanigans.
Tags: Itto x GN!reader, Silly, Can be read as Established Relationship or not, Fluff, Kisses, Comedy, AU where Teyvat has a Chrismas.
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As soon as December hits, something just overcomes Itto.
The man is gonna deck the halls so hard that even Santa will shed a single manly tear. There's no escaping the festivities, especially since you're his partner in crime this year.
It's like a damn speedrun. Cozy sweaters, CHECK. Decorations, CHECK. Egg, NOGGED. Hot Chocolate, GUZZLED. Carols, BELTED. Gingerbread house, DESTROYED.
By the time Christmas rolls around you are beat. At this point the holiday spirit is running through your veins. But at the end of the day, seeing the joy that it brings to the goofy oaf next to you makes it almost worth it.... almost.
"Alright! Next up is the ultimate snowball battle for the ages! Then we gotta- " Your hand quickly covered the oni's mouth, preventing him from saying another word.
"Hold up, I thought we did those things already?" You questioned while raising an eyebrow in suspicion.
"Yeah, but today's Christmas." Itto explained. "It's the big day so we gotta go out with a bang! All the greatest hits in one epic marathon!" He looked so rearing to go that you could almost get swept up in his boundless determination. Your aching muscles reminded you that you COULD NOT take another day running around Inazuma yelling out Christmas carols and double fisting hot coco.
"You want a finale? Alright then, how about a new exciting experience?" You stepped up, hoping Itto would take the bait. He looked at you as though he was mulling it over, gears cranking in his head.
"Oh yeah? Then whats this grand finale of yours? It's a pretty big order to top my masterfully crafted Christmas extravaganza." Itto challenged meanwhile looking quite proud of himself.
"Well you're just going to have to trust me and see." You taunted, knowing full well that the oni's curiosity would get the better of him. So when you grabbed your coat and headed out, it wasn't a question whether the other was following.
Itto tried his best to remain aloof but you could feel anticipation radiating off the boy. You had to make sure not to skimp him on all the experiences that the holidays had to offer. But before you arrived, you instructed the tall man cover his eyes and led him to stand exactly where you wanted him.
"Alight, open!" You smiled as the hand covering Itto's eyes swung away in excitement. He eagerly looked around and took in the beautiful surroundings. The bustling city really was a sight to behold. From the top tier of stairs you could see the lights that twinkled on every store front and white fluffy snow blanket every surface. Intricate decorations were strung across the main road while last minute shoppers scurried on below it. Laughter, music, and wishes of good faith fill the air.
"I gotta give you, this is a great view, buuuuut....." Itto wore a victorious smile. "I can't say it's a new mind blowing experience. I know it's hard to believe that the great leader of the Arataki gang has done it all but-"
"Ah ah ah, the view wasn't the finale." You interrupted, taking an extra step so you were almost eye level with the large man. You pointed upward to guide Itto's gaze. Affixed to the red arch above you was a dainty mistletoe. The oni's crimson eyes locked onto the small plant while his jaw hung slightly jar. The light pink on his cheeks from the nipping cold quickly began to spread and deepen.
"I - ahhhh HAHAH. I mean I CaN- Do you uh?" Itto's words fumbled from his mouth in half formed thoughts. His wide eyes darted back and forth from you to the mistletoe. You chuckled and although you enjoyed the antics of the flustered boy, you were merciful enough to not let him flounder for too long. It was the holidays after all.
"Merry Christmas Itto." You whisper to him while using your newly gained height to lessen the distance. Your hands gripped onto the front of his ugly sweater to pull him closer until lips met. Itto's arms were quick to envelope you into a warm embrace which was nice in contrast to the chilling temperature.
It wasn't long before you were overtaken, Itto held you even closer and his lips lingered on yours. You broke, leaning back in his arms to breath and then giggle when the oni simply opted to start peppering kisses all over your face. Itto pulled back to look at you, his dopey grin held so much affection that you could practically feel your heart melting away in your chest. Okay, maybe putting up with the oni's crazy agenda was worth it..... sometimes.
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<A/N: I am sorry if this seems a little rushed. (please excuse any mistakes) I thought I'd have more time and wanted to get this out before Christmas lol. I LOVE ITTO SO MUCH OK.>
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I’m having sum thoughts rn
so imagine dahlia getting news that miguel is visiting her dimension (aka pixie hollow) and wants everything to be perfect and up to his standards, but ends up pressuring her friends to change who they are for him to be proud of her.
Miguel and Dahlia talk alone, and he talks about how every universe is diverse and unique and has their own rules and customs and traditions - something that shouldn’t have to be changed for anybody. He even admits that he wished he was a diary because everything in pixie hollow and neverland in general feels so much more magical than his technologically advanced and hyperaware society. Yeah he’s got amazing gadgets and high tech things but god pixie dust is so cool.
their conversation ends with Dahlia realizing her mistake and apologizing to her friends, and making it up to them and Miguel by giving a brand new tour of neverland, showing off everything it has to offer proudly.
Cause like!! NERD!MIGUEL!!
Miguel who's been picking through the multiverse, and he had no idea there were universes that could challenge almost everything he knows - that forces him to drop all his science and just observe and experience.
And to him - that's what makes the multiverse a beautiful and wonderful place.
Imagine Miguel asking so many questions! About the politics or the food or the style of dress. He wants to know all the customs and meet all of Dahlia's friends and how she lives because it's just SO COMPELLING to him.
He spends way longer there than he thinks, asking how things are made and if she can show him. Asking about the history of her people, Fully NERDING OUT.
He tries to play it cool at first but after a while he asks to come over to check more things out and learn more.
(I HC that Miguel is also really interested in sociology and learning cultures across the multiverse because it's SO INTERESTING.)
Also because I have nowhere else to say this but like -- Isn't Silvermist such a baddie? Like, Queen.
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I ain't arguing with a girl with big brown eyes. Whatever you say beautiful kjghjkgfjhfdh
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shannonallaround · 1 month
Knuckles Show Thoughts
This is just an overview but here we go. Spoilers ahead.
Parts were a fun experience. I cringed so much during this show though
Really liked all the ex-GUN bad guys 😈
Genuinely enjoyed the first two episodes for the most part—particularly the evil humans trying to get Knuckles, and Knuckles' interactions with the other Wachowskis.
We didn't get enough of the Wachowskis 🥲🥲🥲
Pachacamac—WHAT THE HECK. I mean it was funny in principle, but also so weird??? I didn't know how to feel about that. I'm just gonna say that Knuckles was meditating and that's what he experienced, and Wade's vision was a fever dream. Wades bowling alley vision was so cringe.
I loved Wade's mission-impossible vision of himself that was hilarious and awesome 😂 Honestly that whole episode was just fun and cool.
The writing quality REALLY dropped in the third and fourth episodes. They felt like filler and much more amateur in terms of acting direction and pacing. It felt like the human actors were asked to improv, but they were given way too little direction within which to improv, and then their stuff wasn't cut or edited through enough afterwards. The pacing was very off as a result, especially in the third one.
Genuinely hated Wade's sister for the entirety of the 3rd episode. However, I think a lot of her character's despicableness was again a symptom of too much improv and not enough thinking through her character's behavior in advance by the writers.
I totally thought Wade's sister was gonna end up having lied about her position in the FBI, or was gonna end up being a janitor there or something, because she wanted to impress her family and suffers from the same self-doubt Wade does. I think that actually would have been way cooler for her character growth.
The one part I truly loved in the 3rd episode was the Jewish folk music during the epic fight around the candles! :D That was by far the best part of the episode.
Wade's mom really grew on me by the end. I like her a lot.
Overall I enjoyed the last two episodes. THE BAD GUY LORE WAS SO INTERESTING. It was really cool worldbuilding! I wish we could have gotten more of that. The bad guys talking to each other about their motivations relating to GUN was one of the neatest parts of the series and it lasted for about 5 minutes.
I really liked hating Wade's dad (as I was supposed to). I was very suspicious of him from the beginning and honestly did not want him to have a redemption arc, and I was not disappointed. Westley my beloved he was fantastic.
LOVED how Knuckles secretly knew about the bad guys' plan to have Wade betray him through using Wade having him use his earpods that was so genius and made me happy
The rings becoming an endless loop void thing was cool.
Knuckles' fire abilities were not nearly as cool to me as they probably were supposed to be. I get they were a reference, but it changes things a lot in this universe lore-wise and I'm not sure I like that.
The ending was kinda cool, but it felt very rushed. Wish we could have seen that cool battle mec for longer, and that guy could have been a direct opponent for longer. And Knuckles passing out was angsty and dramatic! But it felt like that moment deserved a lot more time.
KNUCKLES' ARC WAS NOT FINISHED. Whyyyyyy did we not get a scene at the end where Maddie, Sonic, and Tails are frantically looking for Knuckles and they're super worried about him?? Knuckles should have come back to them all freaking out that they can't find him anywhere and it's been like THREE DAYS, and he goes up to Maddie and humbly explains to her where he's been (helping Wade) and that he's sorry he's left, but that he realized that he had somewhere to return to. That he has a home. That the Wachowskis are his new home. And he is sorry; he will go back to being grounded. And there should have been a sweet sibling moment and momma moment between them all where they hug or something ahhhh. Again, WHY did we not get this??? I must write a scene to fix it.
More about the previous point because I'm not done. In the first Sonic film, the climax of Sonic's arc was when Tom said "he was my friend", but the actual completion of that arc was when Tom and Maddie invited him to live with them and be their kid. With Knuckles, we only got the climax of his arc (Wade saying he had a home) and not the conclusion (returning to his family and home). We were cheated!
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
heyyy, loved reading your thoughts about Miles' concert! Did you go by yourself? I will go to one of his concerts on my own and it's gonna be my first time alone in the crowd and I'm a bit worried about moshpits etcetera. Do you have any tips? :)
hii sweetheart 💓 aww thank you so much, it’s lovely to know you enjoyed my giddy ramblings!
ahhhh that’s SO EXCITING you’re going to see miles soon too 😍 i went to the one on thursday with a lovely friend, but i have been to plenty of gigs by myself in the past and it’s actually something i love doing! i totally understand your worries (i remember being similarly worried the first time i went to a gig alone!) but in my experience of the crowd with miles everyone was really chilled out and lovely and supportive. if you’re a bit nervous about mosh pits then i’d recommend either being right at the front or near the back or at the sides - you’re much less likely to get caught up in anything there! but in my experience the crowd with miles wasn’t rough at all, there was a really nice supportive atmosphere 🥰 and also the second miles stepped into the room it was hard to imagine anything bad could possibly happen while he was there - he has such a lovely presence, and it’s totally captivating ☀️
ultimately you want to make sure that you do everything you can to enjoy yourself the most you can - so if there’s anything that you know will make you more comfortable, eg standing somewhere that it’s easy to leave if you need to, having a friend to message during, making sure you have water etc then do that. and ultimately: be kind to yourself, it’s TOTALLY normal to feel nervous, so don’t feel bad about it if you do 💗 (but i’d hazard a guess that the moment miles starts playing you’ll forget all your worries and just have the most amazing time 💫✨🌟)
i don’t really know if that’s helpful or not, but i hope it is! my dms/asks are always open if you’d find it reassuring to talk more about anything 💗 wishing you the most wonderful time at your gig!! 😘💖
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Just finished Sleuth Jesters in a one night binge and hoo boy I wasn't ready, wept into my pasta and Everything!! I was surprised when things got Serious and Eclipse filled my soul with a burning Love/Hate that I couldn't make heads or tales of. My favorite part was the dancing, when Y/N cut in and danced with Everyone, it was so good!!! The entire bunker bit was actually the cherry on top, I loved how when Y/N had the best of Everything, Silk Sheets, Good Food, a Fireplace; they were Miserable. Even though the things around them were expensive and luxurious, the entire area filled them (and me!!) with Unease and Disgust. But when they had Nothing, not Clean Clothes or Good Food or a Bed with more than One Blanket, they were Happy because the company they were with made it all worth it, and I think that's the underlying theme throughout the whole fic!! Having nice things won't make you or your surroundings any more pleasant to be around, people will want to escape you however they can if you're an Actual Nightmare; if you're a good person, it doesn't matter if you're surrounded by bad people, because those worth their salt will see you for who you are, and you'll make a dance or a dinner into something magnificent even if you're only eating scraps and dancing in a dark basement. Truly a wonderful fic, wish I could experience it for the first time all over again!!! You should be very proud of yourself :) /genuine
Ahhhhh, I'm so happy! Not that you wept into your pasta, your poor food, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!! Ahhhh, yesss!!! Y/N would honestly give up everything, power, money, and position, for their boys ♥
Thank you so much for reading!!! ♥
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flimflamfandom · 1 year
Mordecai Heller’s Perfectly Normal Stroll Through the Park.
in which Mordecai walks through the park and doesn’t meet anyone who could make things awkward in any way, shape, or form.
Maybe it was the warmth of the day that did it. That got Mordecai to finally leave the apartment, and just...walk for a moment. Maybe it was the fact that none of his good jackets were left, so he had to leave the house in a shirt and vest without one. Maybe it was the small songs of birds.
Maybe it was just that it was a Saturday, and he couldn’t work, and he couldn’t focus, and he had to do something to occupy the time so Asa Sweet wouldn’t forget what Shabbat meant.
So, Mordecai walked. He paced, almost, before finally settling into a decent rhythm of steps - not too fast, or too anxious. Just...walking.
It was calm.
It was the most calm he’d been in ages, really. He softly smiled. The breeze was nice, and cooling, and the sound of children playing was, remarkably, not as annoying as it typically was. Perhaps there was something to be joyous about these day-
Mordecai’s peaceful experience was shattered by his name. Not a lot of people around named Mordecai, probably - must’ve been him.
The voice was light, and soft. It belonged, very clearly, to-
“Miss Pepper.”
“What’re you doing out?” Ivy Pepper asked.
“I don’t work Saturdays.”
“I thought you didn’t do ANYthing on Saturdays.”
“Beg pardon?”
“Is that...not the point?”
“The point is to rest. This is...restful.”
“You look restless.” Ivy said. “I’ve never seen you in the park before! Or dressed down.”
“Well...” Mordecai looked at his outfit. “...it’s quite suitable, isn’t it?”
Ivy giggled. “Sure it is. Mind if I walk with you?”
“People will get ideas.”
‘Pfft, please. You look like my dad or older brother or something. Let’s catch up!”
“We are from rival firms.” Mordecai said.
“Ahhhh, that sounds like work talk.” Ivy crossed her arms, and smirked. She leaned in. “Please? Been itchin’ t’hear about stuff!”
And so, Mordecai, who was planning on a peaceful walk, let Ivy tag along. He spoke.
“How are your studies?”
“Fine. Math’s getting to be pretty interesting! We’re doing non-linear algebra these days.”
“I see...” Mordecai smirked. “I’m glad you’ve gone into a more enterprising field than my sister Esther.” He sighed. “Entertainment.”
“...hehe, yeah.” Ivy, who was taking acting classes and even considering switching majors, tugged her collar. “Eeeeentertainment.”
“...oh, goodness, you’re not considering it, are you?”
“Well, I...i really like acting! I enjoy it, it’s fun!” Ivy protested. “Besides, it’s not gonna end up being my main thing...just...community theater and such. It’ll probably be nice...something to do when I inevitably end up as a stupid housewife.”
“I fail to see you ending up as a housewife, Ms. Pepper.” Mordecai said. “You’re far too...” He stuck his hands in his pockets, “far too...aggressively yourself. Wife, sure. Housewife, no. Absolutely not.”
“Heh, well...who knows?” Ivy shrugged. “...say, Mordecai, you never told me if you were married or not?”
Mordecai blushed. “There was...a girl. At one point, in Brooklyn.” He said.
“Ooooo,” Ivy cooed, “:She have a name, this girl, in Brooklyn?” She asked.
“She was named Alte.” He said.
“It’s Yiddish.” He said. “...then I found I was...not particularly keen on women. Or any sort of marriage or relationship at all. By that time, i had come to St. Louis.”
“You sound disappointed.”
“Well,” Ivy laughed, “I just like the idea of there being a cute little Miz Heller running around the place.” She chuckled a bit more, and spoke, “ ‘evenin’, dearie, how was work?’ ‘oh, terrible, Asa is a chump and I wish i worked for the Daisy again.’ ”
Mordecai...laughed a little. He tried hard to hide it.
“Hah! I made you laugh!”
“You...” He laughed a little more. “You did not.”
“Did too!”
“Did not.” “Did  too!” She stuck her tongue out at him. He sighed, and smiled. he put his hands in his pockets. “...I...I will admit, the idea of a spouse has been...entertaining. But truth be told, I think I am far too specific and peculiar a person.”
:”Nah. You just know what you like.” Ivy said, patting his back. “And that’s not having a spouse.”
“Hmm.” He walked.
“...I gotta get going...speaking of relationships.” Ivy checked her watch. “I gotta meet Calvin.”
“...Ivy.” He spoke. “About the Daisy...” Mordecai turned to face her as she walked away. She saw him, the sun peeking over his head. She looked.
“Yes, Mordecai?”
“...nevermind. I...lost it.” He said. He waved. “Stay safe. It is a dangerous business, yours and mine.”
“Will do, Mr. H!” With that, she was off.
Mordecai stood for a moment, and sighed.
He walked back home.
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lunawish · 19 days
its a pity i lost my incredibly, obnoxiously detailed poetic analysis of the lyrics of edge of dawn because ahhh.... just the opening lines ....
Reach for my hand I’ll soar away Into the dawn Oh, I wish I could stay Here in cherished halls In peaceful days I fear the edge of dawn Knowing time betrays
we know it's from edelgard's pov. we know this. and it opens with a line that's just her yearning for someone to just be by her side — to see her, all of her and not just the emperor or the heir to the throne. she yearns it so much but even if she does, she must keep going. she has to keep moving forward ... dawn, being the beginning of a new day and her, struggling to sleep and thinking about the people in her past and her trauma (in her c, c+ support with byleth)
i just ... she's such a well written, incredibly complex traumatized character. so much of her decisions are informed by her traumatic experiences and this constant struggle of "the edelgard who shed tears died years ago" (her, as el) vs her wishing she could be that girl again because that girl felt kinship, felt connection, and edelgard as she is right now struggles with that (because again ... trauma lmao)
i just ahhhh edge of dawn is such a fantastic insight into the inner workings of her mind
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nancyheart11 · 1 month
I wish I had more to offer but I can offer you some Ordon Fam that’s been sitting in my drafts:
Rusl always knew that whenever he came home, there would be warm food and an even warmer hug waiting for him. Whether it was from working in the forge, delivering something to Castle Town, the more covert affairs of the Resistance, or more recently the shroud of darkness that had engulfed Hyrule, Rusl could always rely on Uli to hold the fort at home.
Of course, he tried to pitch in as best he could. When he wasn't doing any of the aforementioned activities, he at least tried to maintain cleanliness in the house, and of course he always looked after the children when he had time to do so. Uli generally managed the home happily on her own, though, and he thanked her for it every day.
So it was a strange and concerning thing when, one evening, Rusl returned home to find Uli sitting on the sofa, no fire crackling in the fireplace, no food to be seen or smelled, and a general dark atmosphere to the space.
"Uli?" he questioned, walking towards her. "Are you alright?"
Uli jumped, startled, having been lost in thought. "Oh! Dearest, I--I'm so sorry, I just--"
His wife paused, sighing and sagging a little in the sofa. Rusl knelt in front of her to be at eye level and looked her over. She seemed very out of sorts. "What's wrong?"
Uli shook her head. "I'm just tired. I'm sorry. I'll work on dinner."
Rusl laid a hand on her knee. "If you're tired, then rest. I'll take care of dinner."
Uli's posture changed, stiffening a little as she shot him an uncertain, questioning glance.
Rusl tried not to be offended by the look. "Just because it didn't quite go that well last time doesn't mean I can't make something for you. Go rest in bed. I'll take care of everything."
Uli watched him a moment longer before sighing and nodding. Rusl kept an eye on her until she vanished into the bedroom, and he nodded to himself, setting to work. The cleaning could wait until after dinner. As for the children, he knew Colin had Hana as he usually took babysitting duty around the evening. He saw them outside just a moment ago. So that just left dinner.
And a bit more from that story…
Colin paused, expression growing worried. "Is Ma okay?"
"She'll be fine," Rusl assured his boy. He had to smile at the child's concern; Colin had such a big heart. Although it was a valid question since Uli usually never faltered, Rusl did know his wife had her slumps just as much as anyone else. He was more than happy to take care of her and the family until she recovered. "But we can make the load easier for her for a little while."
"Where are we going?" Colin questioned next.
"Well..." Rusl paused as they found their way to the last house in the village. "I figured I'd recruit some help."
Rusl and Link had both been on their own journeys now, after the attack on Hyrule. Rusl usually got by with scrounging together something somewhat edible, but he could just as well go a day without eating until he reached a settlement. Link might have better experience - the boy used to help Uli cook when he was younger.
Rusl was humble enough to admit he was a terrible cook, after all. But he was certain they could make something together.
Link was inside munching on a carrot (Rusl sincerely hoped the boy wasn't just going to eat that for dinner). After a brief explanation and another assurance that Uli was, indeed, going to be okay, the three put their heads together on the matter.
"What about an omelet?" Link offered. "It's better than just boiling them."
"How about egg stew?" Colin picked up a glass of milk and shook it. "Ma always says milk is great for stews."
"I've never heard of egg stew, I'm afraid," Rusl laughed. "Is that something you had in Kakariko?"
Ahhhh Lofty you're so sweet!!
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I love how Rusl wants to help Uli, but isn't afraid to ask for help in the kitchen.
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avemstella · 7 months
so that archon quest, huh. Would be absolutely thrilled to hear what u have to say about fontaine act V :] i love all your takes on furina & neuvillette & fontaine as a whole, and of course childe [pretty much an honorary fontanian with how he unintentionally got wrapped up in everything whoops]
Oh boy, I have so many thoughts. To start with some non-spoilerly stuff: I loved it so much. I'm not sure if I'll say it's my favorite Archon Quest yet (I think I would have to go through some of the older ones), but I think it's safe to say Fontaine overall as an arc is my favorite. Even its weakest part (the prison stuff, tbh it was a pacing issue) was still really solid and the ending, while not perfect, really landed. Genshin continued the trend from Sumeru of having the playable characters really take the stage and god there were some great standouts (Navia/Neuvi/Furina to name my favs, but I also loved my fatui and there really isn't anyone I've disliked). And well, the quest (and Furina's chara quest) made me cry like a baby, so that's a win.
Tbh, I think my biggest issue, wasn't even really an issue with the story but just a case of I had a very clear idea of what I wanted out of it (the woes of writing speculative fic pfft) and when it wasn't that I'm like "awww darn". Thats on me, and I genuinely really loved what we got, but it do be like that sometimes haha.
Spoilers below, oh boy (also my Furina fic spoilers too lol).
Eldritch abomination Furina I'll mourn u forever. I can't complain because Furina splitting herself in two to go fuck u to the heavens is such a boss ass move I can't haha. Okay, but I will say, even if I'm probably the only one, I do wish they brought some Remuria stuff up in the main quest. They had the perfect set up with Ajax being there with his Greek myth references and just ahhhh, one can hope they do something with it later. But yes, just know it's my silly headcanon that Focalors just lied about being an Oceanid to Neuvi and is one of King Remus's fucked up Primordial Sea experiments that maybe caused the Abyss rift at the fall of Remuria.
But yes, Furina, Furina, I'm crying. She really destroyed the girl failure accusations in the most glorious way possible. She literally didn't fail once (either of her), she plotted out a plan to trick the heavens, give back what was stolen, and save her people and she did it perfectly. As you're probably well aware, I'm a big fuck u Celestia gal, so it was just so satisfying to see her just obliterate the throne (even when I was crying haha). And honestly, super relevant to the state of the real world, but her giving back sovereignty to Neuvi in my mind is a very clear decolonization metaphor. Ages past descenders came to Teyvat, killed the dragons and created their own order, and now Focalors is returning that power back to said dragon (or well, the dragon's heir, it's a bit vague if Neuvi's literally the old dragon's soul reincarnated or just the body).
The entire scene between Neuvi and Focalors was great, though I will admit I have one issue with it (and even then I go back and forth on it haha). Neuvi in that scene doesn't have a big attachment to Focalors. What I mean is that ultimately Neuvi only ever knew Furina (which side note I'll get into this next, but I do view them as the same person, but still), and with Focalors' 'death' he's not technically losing anything, the person he's sad over will still be there. Like don't get me wrong, he's very empathetic and can be sad over this person who is dying for them, but I feel like it could have been even more heartbreaking if he had met Furina/Focalors before the split, or he had interacted with Focalors somehow in the past, and so in this moment he wasn't just watching Furina's sacrifice, but the sacrifice of someone he shares memories with. But that's me being picky haha and not really a critique on the writing.
But yes, Furina! Focalors! As I previewed before, I'm going to come out swinging with a possibly hot take. They are, and always were the same person. Yes, Focalors is the divinity, but as we see after Furina is allowed to rest her persona, Furina is also super mature and knowledgeable. In Neuvi's flashback quotes of Furina, it's her softly giving important advice about living with humanity, which is what Focalors was all about. And much like Furina, Focalors loves preforming, she loves humans, she gets all excited about Furina and her future, and is sad she won't get to experience it.
Not to remotely downplay Furina's suffering (because holy shit my poor girl), but Focalors too played her role. Unlike Furina who had Neuvillette and all her friends post this, Focalors was all alone in the Oratrice, waiting for the day she had to kill herself. Furina, has the promise of a future, despite all the suffering she endured to get there. She gets the reward of a happy life as a human surrounded by people who love her, and while it was touch a go for a bit, she was told one day her play would end. In contrast, while Focalors didn't have the same anxiety that Furina had, Focalors knew from the beginning she would never get to see her people saved. Technically she, like Furina, didn't even know if it would even happen. She put her faith in Neuvillette to follow through, and while she had the utmost faith in him, she could never know for certain. But much like her mirror Furina, Focalors weighed her suffering over the people of Fontaine's, and never once faltered. Furina was willing to possibly kill herself via primordial seawater in order to keep up her ruse, whose to say Focalors wasn't the same. Smiling at Neuvillette until the last moment because she couldn't risk him interfering, hiding away her anxieties and sorrow, so he wouldn't look so sad. Furina's performance ended, Focalors' never will.
Focalors was so certain she couldn't be human, but as we see from the Oceanids it was totally possible. And even more vitally, we see from the other Archons it's possible. They might fumble around a bit (some more than others, looking at u Ei), but they are learning and immersing themselves with their people. While not an Archon, it's the same with Neuvillette. Focalors should have had the same opportunities as Furina and the rest (mostly because she is Furina), but the world isn't kind, and that's why her sacrifice hurts.
If u can't tell I have a lot of feelings about Focalors/Furina and while I can appreciate a joke about Focalors giving Furina anxiety, I'm also like, they are literally the same person working together, she deserves the world (all of her).
But yes, I can go on and on about Furina, but for now I'll move onto our boy Childe. To get it out of the way, a little disappointed that we really got no answers about him. Poor guy didn't really have any lines. Also, not big on Skirk's design, mostly the outfit. Putting her next to Dain and uh, yeah (like don't get me wrong don't mind the color scheme and all, but could she not have gotten some kind of armor. Or look more like Foul Legacy or something idk).
But onto more happier notes, I'm so happy to see Childe finally getting to do well in a fight. I know it's a meme for him to get beaten up, but my dude is the Vanguard, let him win sometimes (he doesn't technically win here, but he was fighting an eldritch whale monster for ages and helped save Fontaine, I'm giving it to him). And Skirk, while her design is mostly less to be desired, I'm winning on guessing her hair and eye color haha. Also, while I'll always love my version, I'm liking her personality so far. Her yeeting Childe, while I admit took me out a bit (I thought she threw him farther into the Abyss and was like, "uh guys, yall worried about my poor boy here???" and then was a bit baffled at them saying he was fine) was so fucking funny. It's cool to learn "Foul Legacy" refers to a literal person, and I found the fact that Skirk's relationship with Foul is basically the same as her relationship with Childe very amusing. And it seems she's Khaenri'ahn, maybe? Also, I thought she was listing off her master's other names at first, so when she said Gold I got super hyped that I guessed correctly about the narwhal being Rhine's in my fic, but then they were like nope pfft. I'll take it as a win.
Sidenote, Alice and Rhine where are yoooouuuuuu.
Ultimately, while I enjoyed the Childe and Skirk stuff, it really just feels like a set-up for later stuff. Which isn't really a problem, but I was hoping we'd get something a bit more concrete. Like, I thought we were going to get answers about the "it" that Skirk saw in him, and it would have to do with the Narwhal, but now it seems those were mostly unrelated??? While I did find baby Ajax accidentally waking up a big world eating monster up kind of hilarious, it did feel a little incidental, if that makes any sense. Like, Fontaine's doom was an accident and not the result of anyone's choices. But that might just be a me thing. (and the quest needed more Arle, where was she??? my not really based on anything theory is that whenever we get Furina (or maybe Nevui's) 2nd character quest, Arle will be the boss fight. A reverse of the normal final Harb boss fight during the Archon quest)
Okay, because I really don't want to end on a downer (as I said uptop, I genuinely adored this quest haha), here are some minor spoilers from the Narzissenkreuz Ordo quest that have me by a chokehold.
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I wasn't ready for a sudden Ajax. What does this mean??????
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And this one just makes me laugh. Whichever Ordo member wrote this, I vehemently disagree with u and am on Khaenri'ah's side with this one. I'd much rather have bread then some higher power nonsense. In my fic I tend to write Khaenri'ah more akin to a modern nation than a fantasy one, and its nice to see me vindicated pfft.
Other random notes, enjoyed that the Fatui weren't just cartoonishly evil in both the main and world quests. I like some nuance. I saw that Sandrone hint, that was fun. Though it makes me wonder when we'll get Columbina lore (especially because if the theory about Harbinger boss fight order based on the Constellation circle is true, she should be showing up soon. Though also I half think that order will break because if it doesn't, it means Sandrone will probably be the final Harb boss which is an odd choice.) As revealed on Furina's weapon, Egeria being around during Remuria raises so many questions around the timeline of events. Genshin pls tell me when the Archon war takes place in all this pls (if they tell us in some lore I haven't read yet, whoops). (also on egeria, I mourn my version but hey, she exists in my heart and in my fics pfft. I can't wait to write her in smfwtwd and venti fic, though she's getting a new name for confusion and better symbolsism)
the contrast between Neuvi and Furina after the quest is so funny and sad. Neuvi "Furina is the best, I want her to be happy". Furina, "Every hates me Neuvillette most of all, I can never face him again." And the other Archons, they are all like Furina, wow u are so cool (which just highlights Neuvi's utter disdain for them other than Nahida haha).
And most vitally, Furina and Venti should be best friends. Musically inclined performers who definitely aren't plotting to overthrow the heavens. I think they are neat (they also both have Latin names!).
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my-1heart · 2 years
I hope you’ve been well.
Vil Schoenheit x GN Reader
Angst I think?
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Here he sits another sleepless night, seeing the sun through his curtains and sighing.
It hurt to sleep. It hurt to move. It hurt to even be near the bed. It felt empty. Cold. Lonely.
It’s been 2 months since they went home. 2 months since Vil made the biggest mistake of his life.
How could he just… let them go like that? A question that frequented his mind like a plague.
Getting out of his bed and getting ready for the day became a hassle. He’d never be able to leave his room to experience their surprise visits anymore.
He missed them dearly. More then he had thought he would.
But alas, he had to be productive. An episode like this will pass. Except, it’s been well over a month since his mental state began deteriorating.
Looking in the mirror for the umpteenth time this week, he applied a few layers of concealer to at least hide the bags under his eyes.
After they left, everything began to dissipate within him and his life. He no longer chastised Epel. No longer payed attention to Rook’s comments on his looks. No longer put in the equal effort he once would put in.
The only thing he could think of was if they’d been okay. Had they been eating properly? Had they been sleeping enough? They weren’t crying too much were they?
To many questions of them filled his head as he laid his head down on his arms.
“Please…” he pleaded. Vil was never below begging, but perhaps this once someone above would pay no mind to how low he’d put himself to beg for them to come back.
“Please, give me another chance..” he’d cry out, but the truth is cruel. And he knew all too well.
The truth was, he made this choice. He made it with no hint of hesitation. And this was his punishment for it. But even through his punishment, he could only wish for one thing.
“I hope you’ve been well.” He’d whisper, before closing his eyes and hoping to meet them in the dream realm.
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Hi!! Sorry for being gone for so long! I missed all of you so much ahhhh!!
A simple sum up of me disappearing and re-appearing every blue moon or so would be highschool is hard! And well my motivation goes well into my studies a lot of the time!
I try to have posts ready in advance and to have at least 1 post per month though!!
Also, Happy Halloween (it’s tmr for me!!)
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