#ahhhhh it’ll be fine :)
ssreeder · 1 year
May I ask how the next chapter is going/ if you‘ve started writing it yet? (Don‘t wanna stress you, I‘m just interested)
have a nice day:))
Hiiii I have absolutely started the next chapter lol. I’m actually trying to finish the damn thing. I have 13k and 1 1/2 POVs left then the editing soooo I’ll probably post next weekend? (I gotta give my lovely beta time to do her thing)
It’s going pretty good all things considered… Better for some lol. Zuko is kind of making things difficult, & Sokka is absolutely making things difficult & Jee is just trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.
(Toph knows exactly what’s going on)
:) :D
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arlo-rose · 1 year
About to start ripping and tearing and killing cause anatomy and figuring out cool poses/neg
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chronicplay · 4 months
Yk some of my weirder kinks really hit different when you’re Hint O’ Suicidal over a work fuckup
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hiddenlife-manager · 1 year
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Dazai Osamu NSFW
Dazai x Fem reader
Extra: drug usage, slight suicidal mentions, Dazai slightly being him, slight inability to consent, mention of blow job, floor sex, simple sex, dazai in a robe, blood, biting, and more
Author's note: So I had this like experience, and it made me just ahhhhh, I freaking love being bit till I bleed. So tmi, but like if a man or woman does it, I am like drooling. Also, I am thinking of getting a new car, but I haven't decided hehe. I really want to go out and eat dinner with friends.
Good Reads
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You stared at the lines of cocaine on his desk. Another day, you came home with him high out of his mind. 
"Dazai, you need to be careful with cocaine." You shook your head as the man you cared for laid on the floor, hair tangled, bandages everywhere, and in a robe that covered his lower half while his chest was exposed. There sat a book on his face, a book titled "The Complete Manual of Suicide."  
"I don’t feel like it." He laughed softly, pain in his voice, and your body crouched down to his frame, picking up the book on his face, closing it, and placing it beside his body.There was a line of white powder on his nose. "Don’t lose my page." You sighed, shaking your head. 
 "A little late, love," he groaned. 
"Come down here with me." He pulled your arm, forcing you to fall against his chest. Your legs quickly moved to straddle his legs. "God, you are so perfect. Join me in a double suicide, please." He begged, holding you tightly. His abs flexed slightly as he moved his upper body up to hold you, his head down between your breasts. You shook your head towards him, chuckling at him. "I tried, might as well enjoy the pleasures of being alive." He bit your left breast, causing a yelp to echo through your shared bedroom. Dazai kept sucking at the bite mark and finally he pulled away blood dripping down his chin and your breast. 
"Dazai, we can’t do this, you are under the influence of drugs." He chuckled. 
"Then be drugged out with me, then it’ll be even." You laughed a bit till it turned into another cry of pain, and there he bit into your right breast once more leaving a bloody mark. "Do it with me; it makes everything pleasurable. Make me want to live." He begged. 
"Fine." You took a deep breath in, and he simply pulled out a small bag. He dug his fingers in the open bag and placed his finger towards your nose. This was not your first rodeo, but it simply wasn't an enjoyable one at first. You hated how it stung to snort it and you quickly did. The room began to spin, eventually settling on the man you were straddling. Dazai was not one to react normally to cocaine; he wasn't alert as usual; if anything, he was hornier.
"That's it, baby." He grabbed you tightly, flipped you over, and slammed your back against the floor. His bandages were loose as they wrapped around you gently. "I’m going to ruin you." He grunted his arms pulled at your pants, finally your pants were off and your ass was exposed. Your panties covered your clit leaving everything for the world to see. 
"Osamu I’m cold." Your body shook at the temperatures, and he laughed at you. He could care less. He couldn’t even care about the fact that the drugs in your system weren't fully settled.
"Sensitive." He groaned as he pushed his unclothed cock to your entrance; the only thing keeping it from entering you were your panties and his robes. "I’m so hot." He pulled his robes off his body, his abs glistening from the heat he felt from the drug in his system. 
His cock sprung out harder than normal. He placed his cock at your entrance, pushing aside your panties. He slapped your clit causing you to yelp, there you felt it the drugs you consumed in your system. Your body was trembling from him slapping your clit. 
"F-fuck!" You cried out at his motion. Your hips buckled as you wished to be closer to him, to have him inside you.He pulled you closer, sliding your ass on the wooden floor. His body leaned over you; he placed his mouth on your nipple and sucked. Your back arched quickly at the sudden pleasure; his cock slammed into you tightly, distracting you from the pain as he sucked at your breast. His balls slapped against your ass while your hips shifted slightly. Your breast bounced at the sudden movement. 
"Even better." He let go of your nipple to groan those words. His mouth once more bit you, and the pain turned into pleasure rapidly. Your mouth opened due to the pleasure.He held you tightly, his bandages lightly grazing your skin. Your tank top was lowered at your breast and lifted, not covering your stomach. 
Your hips rocked at his cock, feeling him hit you harshly in your cunt. He always hit the sweet spot, leaving you dumbfounded by the sensation. The drugs overwhelmed your body as you attempted to hold onto him, and he simply grabbed your arms and slammed them above your head with one hand, his other still on your hip.
His mouth once more went straight to your breast, attempting to draw some blood from it. It was clear he loved your breast, the scars he left were obvious, and he wanted to bite you till you bled down your cleavage. He was succeeding in causing blood to slide down your breast, which made your head spin at the pleasure.
"I’m-mmmm so close!" You cried, and he laughed at you and nodded. His body jerked tightly into you, thrusting harshly at a slow pace. His hips pulled back and buckled into yours. With one last thrust, your body shook at the running orgasm. He continued to thrust into your hole as he got closer to his upcoming orgasm.
He thrusted into you his balls once more slapping your ass, there he pulled out of your cunt and placed his hand that rested on your hips onto his cock. His hand twisted at his cock, and the sound of your slick echoed through the room as he jerked off his cock. A cry of pleasure left him as cum spewed onto your stomach. You were able to calm your breathing despite his heavy breathing and moans spewing from his lips.
"How about another?" You got up, the cum dropping down to your lap while you pulled him closer placing his cock into your mouth, as you tasted yourself and him.
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theorphicangel · 5 months
Ahhhhh congrats my dearest Angel!!! I'm so happy for you 💖 can I request for 'you got me flowers?' and 'your heart is beating so fast right now.' from the fluff prompts? Thank you and I love everything that you do <3
— Rei <3 @levi-supreme
hiii rei tysm for sending in an ask for my event ahhh! also I’m sorry this is like five months late…but I hope you like it nonetheless mwah mwah ❤️
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You’ve had many bad days at work. Not an overwhelming amount, but you’ve experienced a few that’s made you want to curl up in bed for the rest of your life and not want to interact with a single human being ever again.
You’re not really sure what sin you’ve committed recently for the universe to have it out for you as soon as you woke up this morning. But you think it was bad enough to have you on your knees begging for mercy by the end of the day.
Bitter coffee, burnt toast and an annoying stain on your work clothes is the limit that you could cope with. Unexpected rain without your emergency umbrella, having to refill your car suddenly and a mountain of paperwork to deal with, is enough to definitely set your nerves on edge. But dealing with that one bitchy coworker, as well as constant complaints and backhanded compliments about your work from your manager was enough to set your emotions astray.
The worst of it all was forgetting your lunch that you took the time to prep the night before. You let out a groan, your palms covering your face in complete surrender. You’ve just had enough of this day already.
Just before you rose from your office chair to go grab an emergency lunch from the deli down the street, your phone vibrated with a text message. With a sigh, you had immediately planned not to respond at all but that was before you saw that it was from Levi.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:36pm]
- You left your lunch in the fridge.
That reminder was enough for your anger to rebubble on the surface again, despite that not being Levi’s intention.
You: [sent 12:37pm]
- I figured that out thanks.
It wasn’t like you to respond that way at all but given that you’ve been rushing around on your feet all morning without a single break and had been given a mountain pile of paperwork, you figure that there would be no one on earth who would be the happiest right now.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:37pm]
- Are you alright?
That question alone was enough to have your eyes watering. You hesitate in your reply, biting down on your bottom lip as you look at the screen, your thumbs frozen over the keyboard.
Should you be honest or lie about it?
But who would you be kidding? This is Levi after all. A man who knows you inside out, who can tell your mood based on the amount of emojis you send when you text.
You: [sent at 12:40pm]
- No, I’m not. Work is so shitty right now. I want to go home.
It doesn’t take long for him to reply; one of the many, many reasons as to why you love this man so much. Reading his text, your heart practically swells at his words.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:41pm]
- Want me to pick you up? Or drop off your lunch?
Instead of tears, your lips tilt into a smile. God, you’re so happy that you’re married to him.
You: Sent at 12:41pm]
- No, no it’s fine, I have a shit ton of work to do and if I don’t get it done today it’ll just pile on for next week and that’ll stress me out even more.
Your thumbs click send before typing out another text.
- Also, I’ll grab lunch at the deli xx :)
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:42pm]
- If you’re sure?
You reinforce that you are with a message of simple thumbs up emoji.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:42pm]
- Take out and movie tonight?
You: [sent 12:43pm]
- I would love that. :)))))
You reply, a real smile now stretching across your lips. This immediately brightens up your mood and gives you something to look forward to. With a positive outlook, you stand to get your lunch. Only five more hours of this shit and you’ll be free.
You can do this.
You quite like the way it sounds.
Home. It’s your safe place. A place where you can truly let go and be who you are without judgment or stress surrounding you constantly.
Your shoulders droop as you come to stand in front of your apartment door, your key in hand, positioned over the lock. Inserting the key, you twist. and when you hear a click, simultaneously push the door open.
“I’m home.” You announce breathlessly, not hesitating in slipping out of your shoes.
The sound of slippers shuffling on the oak hardwood floor grows louder as Levi approaches you. The first thing that catches your eye as he rounds the corner is a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand.
Your face lights up immediately, an inaudible gasp leaving your mouth. “You got me flowers?” And if you thought your heart bursted earlier today at his actions you were sure that it had completely gone to ruins by now.
A light blush reaches Levi’s cheeks and stretches all the way to the tips of his ear. “Ye-yeah.” he coughs a little shyly. “I was passing by the florist and I saw them on display.”
Your lips pout in complete affection for him as you take the flowers into your hands. “You really didn’t have to.”
He merely shrugs.“You were having a bad day, it’s the least–
Levi doesn’t get the chance to finish off his sentence as you randomly wrap your arms around him, your head landing on his chest. You take him by surprise at your sudden energy and he stumbles back a few steps before regaining his balance.
You squeeze him tightly, eyes watering as you mumble your thanks, “I really don’t deserve you y’know?”
You hear Levi tut and feel his hand pat your head softly. “Don’t be stupid.”
“It’s true. “ you say. “I do not deserve you, Levi Ackerman.”
“Don’t get over sentimental about it, brat.”
“Your heart begs to differ.“ you point at his chest. “Your heart is beating so fast right now.”
“No it’s not.”
“I can hear–”
Levi pulls you away from his chest, clearly embarrassed. You miss the pink tinge on his cheeks deepen in shade as he turns around. “Go shower, you stink.”
“Awh, don’t be embarrassed, Le’. I really love them. Thank you.”
He says nothing more and trails off to the kitchen, the sound of his slippers smacking against the hardware floor again. You chuckle to yourself as you head towards your bedroom.
Today was a bad day.
It was until you were stuck with your lover on the couch, forcing him to watch your favorite soppy rom-com to cheer you up. Boxes of unfinished takeout lay on the coffee table ahead of you, a temptation to save them for tomorrow’s leftover.
Tilting your head, you turn to face him, a soft smile across your lips.
“What?” Levi grumbles. “Don’t look at me like that, I hate this movie.”
“But you watch with me everytime.”
“Yeah, because you get all soppy and cry at the ending.”
“So you act as my emotional support?”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, something like that.”
You let out a chuckle at his words, completely unaware that he was serious. Little did you know that he held a pack of tissues in his left hand, that would magically appear to you as soon as the credits would roll on the screen and tears would roll down your face.
“I love you, Levi.” you say, resting your head on his chest.
Once again, you heard his heart rate increase. Yet this time you won’t mention it, sparing him from embarrassment.
“Unfortunately, I love you too.”
“Hey, don’t be mean!”
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angel’s 500 event masterlist.
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lildrabbles · 7 months
Chapter 8: Poptarts for Breakfast
2007! Raph x Reader
Warnings: Swearing as per usual
Tag list: @xnorthstar3x
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When you woke up, you were laid down on the couch with the blanket tangled between your legs. You glanced around, rubbing your eyes to unblur your them. You were just about to panic about where you were before you remembered about last night. You slumped back down on the couch before hearing a voice.
“Morning, sleepyhead!!” The orange-banded turtle greeted you. “We have poptarts for breakfast! Or cereal! Or pizza!”
You chuckled a little, sheepishly brushing the bed head out of your face. “I'll just have a poptart, thanks..” You yawned and stood up, folding the blanket back up to not be rude.  Mikey threw you a poptart, and to your surprise, you actually caught it. You laughed a little. “Thanks, Mikey.”
“Of course bro!” He smiled as he chomped on some leftover pizza.
“Hey, um, where's the bathroom?” You asked, awkwardly smiling.
He grinned and pointed you in the direction you needed to go. You thanked him and headed that way, before stopping in your tracks when you heard grunting (get yo mind outta the gutter, it's already occupied with mine).
You peaked inside the room you were passing to see Raph doing push ups. 
You stared for a minute before you heard him scoff without looking up.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
You blushed and fully stepped in. “Sorry, I was um.. looking for the bathroom.”
He looked over at you and raised a brow. “Well, this aint the bathroom. It's the one beside this room.”
You nodded and sheepishly laughed. “Yeah, I need to get home after this anyway, because I don't have any extra clothes or a toothbrush or anything. My breath probably reeks right now.”
He shrugged. "You really think I'll be bothered by that? I hafta live in the sewers for God's sake, let alone live with Mikey."
You giggled a little. "I guess.. but what about clothes?" 
He sighed before standing up. "I have an old shirt you can use… I never really wear it, cuz well I don't need it. I also have some jogging pants too," Raph led you out of the room and to what must have been his bedroom.
It was a decent sized tunnel that was sectioned off with a curtain, with a sign that read “get lost” beside it. You chuckled.He rustled around for a minute beside his makeshift bed, before throwing an oversized AC/DC shirt and a black pair of joggers at you.
You caught it before it hit the floor, and grasped it in your hands.  "Thank you, Raph. I'll go change in the bathro-"
Raph held his hand up. "No it's fine, I'll get outta your hair and you can change in here.. i-if you want."
You giggle a little and nod. "Okay, sure."
He lets out a small laugh, before leaving and making sure the curtain gave you the privacy you needed. You looked around, and sat on his bed. It was really creaky, assuming from it being overly stuffy down in the sewers.
You took a last glance to the curtain, before starting to change. You moved quickly, just in case one of Raph's brothers came in without realising. Little did she know was Raph right outside of the room to make sure that exact thing didn't happen.
When you were done, you pulled the curtain back, holding your pile of clothes. You jumped when you saw Raph right there. "Jesus, what the fck?!"
He let out a snicker. "You really are jumpy arentcha?"
You rolled your eyes. "Shut up… you don't happen to have a bag I could put my clothes in could you?"
He thought for a minute before walking around you back into his room, before he threw a fabric bag at you. He chuckled when you playfully glared at him, shoving your clothes in the bag.
"Are you.. leaving?" Raph asked, not looking at you as he walked up beside you. 
You shrug. "I could stay for a little bit if that's okay?" You ask looking up at him.
He smiled a little. "Yeah, okay. You workout?"
"Uh…" you smiled sheepishly
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usuallynerdyfeminist · 8 months
okay where are my jim/olu/archie/zheng polycule people?!?? i have seen so little posts about them and omg can we talk about it?? the sad quiet look jim got when they thought olu was leaving?? the excitement when he said there’s room on the ship 🥺🥺
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and when they said they have all been sharing already!!! ahhhhh i just love that they all stay together and have no problem communicating about others!! i’m just so curious how they are gonna handle this, i keep being scared the season will end with them being different couples and that’s fine yes i love all of these characters but i just would hate to see all the clearly more than friend feelings from season one almost be disregarded? but feelings change so i’m curious how it’ll go!
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atomic-thomas · 15 days
(Fake ASMR Commission) Yandere Giantess Kidnaps You [REMAKE]
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*giant footstep sounds right out the gate until specified stopping point*
“Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum! How much longer are you able to run?”
“You know I’m just toying with you, right? I’m walking slowly on purpose. I can end this silly game whenever I want.”
“It’s a game to me. I find it quite entertaining to watch you try & flee, futile as it is. By all means… Continue running as fast as your little legs can carry you. It amuses me. Ahaha~”
“Aww, what’s the matter? Slowing down already? Tiring out so soon? But I was having so much fun.”
*footstep sounds stop*
“Pity… It appears that you’ve tripped over a tree branch. Such a shame. Now you lay there… Exhausted… And helpless. Now it’s my turn to strike.”
“Here comes my giant hand~ Hehe~”
“Now… To firmly wrap my fingers around you… And clench my fist shut.”
“You’re all mine now. Mine to do whatever I want with. What shall I do? Hmmm… Perhaps I could… Crush you~ Or maybe even… Eat you~ You’d probably taste delicious.”
“You really want me to just get it over with already. My, my… I didn’t think you’d be so eager to meet your fate. Very well. If you insist.”
“Mmm~” *kiss sound*
“Ahahahahahahahaha~! I wish you could see the look on your face right now! I’ve never seen such a stark expression of shock & confusion on anyone before.”
“Ahhhhh… Well, I suppose the jig is up now. I’ll just go ahead & say it.”
“All of that… Was a jest.”
“Hehehe~ You certainly look delighted to hear that. I never had any intention of hurting you. I would never do that to you.”
“I did all that because… It’s just fun acting like a storybook fairytale giant. With that poetic catchphrase & the menacing facade. Flaunting my incredible size & awesome strength.”
“But it was all just for show. A bravado. A spectacle. In reality… I’m actually quite the soft-hearted individual.”
“Don’t mince words, little one. Being soft-hearted doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m ‘Pure’-hearted. Despite everything… I have a confession to make.”
“There’s another reason why I did this.”
“My reason for picking you up is because… I’m kidnapping you now. Not exactly something a pure-hearted person would do.”
*giant footstep sounds continue until specified stopping point*
“I know that sounds alarming seeing that I just spared your life. But I shall explain where I’m taking you & what my plans are. I think it’ll be of great interest to you. So please remain calm & hear me out.”
“I’m very deeply in love with you.”
“Do I really have to justify myself? What do you want me to say? ‘Oh, darling~ I love you because X, Y & Z~! I’d go to any length to show you my dedication~! I’ll destroy anyone who does so little as breathe in your direction~!’ Or other such ridiculous Yandere stereotypes.”
“Yes… I am a Yandere. I’m well aware of that fact. Although… To be honest… I barely qualify. I’m more of a Soft Yandere.”
“Tell me, little one. What comes to mind when you think of Yanderes? Crazed obsessive girls who’ve driven themselves insane over their romantic interests & build shrines for them? Blood-stained knives? Black-mailing? Other such criminal activity?”
“Yeah, you see… None of those apply to me. I’d much rather not bring harm to others. It’s wrong. And it would also make me a huge target. I know better.”
“I’m surprised that I was willing to go as far as kidnapping you. This hyperfixation I have towards you is hard to resist.”
“The reason I chose you instead of anyone else… Let alone a fellow giant… Is for the same reason why I love you.”
“There is no reason. It’s unconditional.”
“Do you finally realize the situation you’re in? A beautiful, powerful giantess has decided to dedicate her time & energy to you. And devote her entire life to loving you. Just because.”
“Okay, well… Fine. You got me. It’s not JUST because. I admittedly don’t like being lonely. I was just torn for so long as to whether or not I was willing to kidnap a human for my cause. And well… Here we are.”
“Yes… It IS selfish. I won’t defend my imperfect behavior. But then again… I wasn’t trying to be perfect anyway. And I don’t think you’d do that either. Most people probably wouldn’t.”
“So tell me… How do you feel about getting kidnapped now that you know all of this information?”
“Still unsure. Well… Since you are to be my partner for life… It’s out of love & respect that I should listen to your concerns. What are you worried about?”
“No… You’re not going to be my ‘Pet’. That would be so degrading. Imagine… Locking you in a cage… Feeding you unfulfilling crumbs of my food… And watching as you wallow in a prison of boredom for the rest of your life. You’d surely go mad. You deserve better.”
“I don’t want you to feel restricted or restrained in our relationship. I want you to feel free. To feel as if you were never kidnapped in the first place.”
“I want this relationship to feel normal… And equal.”
“You want that to… Don’t you? Do you understand now? We’ll be so much better off together. It’s mutually beneficial.”
“Just say that you love me… Please…”
“Haaaaahhhhhhh~ My heart feels like it’s fluttering! Thank You so much, darling.”
“Mmm~ *kiss sound*
“Oh! Yeah.. Haha… I still haven’t told you where we’re going. It’s just my home. Plain & simple.”
“Well… Maybe it’s not so plain & simple. I actually live in a hollowed out mountain. I didn’t feel like settling for a traditional giant home. They take up so much real estate. So I went for something more natural. And… Bonus… It has a clean waterfall in it. So I have a perpetual shower that’s active all the time. It’s great!”
“Well… Yes. I still need giant furniture & other various utilities. Can’t really survive without the essentials, you know?
“Anyway, we’ll be there soon. I know exactly what we should do when we arrive. You’re going to love it. And I know I will to.”
*footstep sounds stop*
*door opening & closing sound*
“Here we are. Quite spacious, isn’t it? This mountain is enormous. Perfect for a giantess such as myself. And the luminous mushrooms make for great natural lighting. It’s so cozy.”
“Speaking of cozy… Would you like to cuddle on the couch? Twas what I had in mind.”
“Well, obviously we can’t cuddle in the traditional sense due to our drastic size disparity. But that’s okay. I know just the thing.”
“I’ll lay down… Place you on my bosom… And cover you with my hands. You know what that means, right?”
“Indeed. You’re going to be in the softest, warmest & most loving embrace that you’ve ever experienced in your entire life. So let’s do it.”
“Alright… Now… To place you on my chest… And rest my hands over you.”
*heartbeat sound for the rest of the audio*
“There we go. Hahhhhh~ This is so nice.”
“You can hear my heartbeat, right? It must be booming for you. Mighty, yet soothing. Good for the mind, body & soul.”
“I’m going to brush your hair with my thumb now, okay? Just want to make sure that you aren’t surprised by it.”
*swedish fish kun or grennifer intensifies for the rest of the audio*
“No matter how small you are compared to me, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still a person. I promise to always show you utmost respect.”
“Of course you can venture out & do your own thing. I’m not your captor. I’m your partner. If you want to visit your friends & family then that’s perfectly alright. In fact… You should introduce me to them sometime.”
“Well… Yeah. They might be afraid & bewildered at the sight of me, but… You’ll put in a good word for me, right?”
“Hehe~ I knew you would.”
“I love you, darling~”
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koqabear · 3 months
i was rooting for soobin the whole time and his betrayal and giving into his primal urges just cuts me so deep like when she's getting fucked by gyu and she looks into soobin's eyes and it's the first time he's ever looked at her like prey.... mic drop hardest fuckin line to ever im a mess
i love love love darker fics from u sm like the smut always gotta be the hottest feral heat inducing stuff ever but is this okay?? like should i enjoy this?? 😭 still feel bad for mc when she woke up omg poor baby
OH absolutely adore how u write the freeze fear response in a prey hybrid mc god that was insane, like even before gyu got to her i felt that rush of adrenaline and the tension!! ugh how do u write them so good anw the part where mc's so frightened she literally submits and presents herself 🤯 blended my brain i fear
ALSO WHN GYU CALLED SOOBIN A GOOD DOG!!!!! AAAAAAAA UR CRAZYYY!!!!! 💥💥💥 gyu's insane in this he literally drove mc to submission in pure fear and basically brainwash soobin into following orders like ugh i im obsessed im in distress
u said that ur not letting us forget they're hybrids AND U DELIVERED!!!! tbh there's so many hybrid aus that's just ears and tails but u went deep in it, make them actually animals with instincts and behaviors (i sound like a furry omg 😭)
also kinda off track but the way mc's so naive and independent like yeah no it's fine ik the woods i'll be fine alone ^_^ and soobin's like babe ur a prey hybrid reminds me a lot of the trend of ppl posting their pets w proof they won't survive in the wild 💀
HIIII i’m super sorry that i took so long to answer this (but when do i ever answer asks on time 😕) BUT THANK YOUUUU SO MUCH!!! i love ltts so much it’s seriously one of my fav fics i’ve written so far and. your review literally means everything to me
(the rest is under the cut ! 🫶)
AGH THANK YOU THANK YOU it makes me so giddy to see that you liked that internal conflict as much as i did… like the build up to it was so intense and as soon as i wrote that “im sorry.” line i had to do a victory lap bc damn!! i really liked how soobin’s character turned out!!! (thank you sm for noticing that detail mwah) 
i mean….! that’s kind of the appeal of dark fics for me personally… if it’s written well enough it’ll make you question everything. but again thank you hehe i will be honest and say that i like to take pride in my dark fics 🤗
AHHHHH im happy you pointed that out !! my favorite thing about hybrid aus that i don’t think people take advantage of is all the new and heightened senses they have… im insane and i loved leaning into it and making it aide the characterization and idk. very happy you enjoyed it 🫶 (and if you sound like a furry… what does that make me… /j)
beomgyu master manipulator >>> i had a little too much fun with the name callings, can you tell…. is it obvious…. he is feral and insane and will do anything to get his way. my favorite ! 
I THINK I KNOW WHAT TREND UR TALKING ABOUT LMFAOOO and you’re so right too…. this poor mc was just unfortunately too trusting and naive for her own good :(
and if i say that im so in love with ltts that i feel like i could……. add more to it….?
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nocoffee-notea · 2 years
TWST as things said by me and other 11
Grim: *rolling in grass like a dog*
Ace: I did.
Deuce: What?!?
Ace: You heard me.
Sebek: Gross
Epel: What? Y’all don’t pee on the grass??
Deuce/Yuu/Sebek: NO
Ace: Dude your acting passive aggressive.
Deuce: I’m not being passive aggressive, I’m being aggressive!!!
Floyd: When I become a tree I’m going to slap the shit out of the electrical lines.
Kalim: That’s mean
Floyd: I’m gonna slap them like a fine ass and cause a blackout.
Yuu: Tonight we dine
Yuu: but not like rich people
Ruggie: We’ll dine like poor people
Ruggie: It’ll be a feast
Rook: Are you my wife?
Trey: What?
Student B: I told him I couldn’t read his wifes’ hand writing and he went to you.
Trey: ahhhhh
Rook: So are you?
Trey: I plead the fifth
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brianwashere · 1 year
Ahhhhh I’m so sorry I fucked this up 😭 I accidentally posted the draft then panicked and deleted it and thus deleted the official ask. It’s ok tho bcc I took a screenshot of it so we’re good
Ask: (aos anon again hi:)) i know you usually do romantic or parent/son relationships but imagine reader and fitz are brothers and fitz finally gets to see him again while taking a break from working at shield… reader helps convince him to confess to gemma (fitzsimmons is real and it Can hurt you) also just them being silly little brothers because fitz deserves a break
Hadhsjsfjsjdk ahhh I love this
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from Marvel or Disney or Agents of SHIELD**
Pairing: older brother!Leo Fitz x younger brother!reader
Genre: family shit let’s goooo
Summary: look at req
Tw: implied bad childhood
It had been a long time since Leo—Fitz—had come home. You still weren’t used to calling him by your last name. You found yourself excited to see him again after what seemed to be decades of not seeing each other and minimal contact. You knew his job kept him busy but sometimes it felt like he was purposely ignoring your family.
The doorbell rang and it pulled you from your racing thoughts.
“I’ll get it!” You yelled to your parents from upstairs practically tripping on the stairs to get to the door.
You took a deep breath and pulled open the door. You grinned at your older brother.
“Fi..tz.” Your enthusiasm turned to surprise.
He looked so different than he did the last time you saw him.
He looked stronger. There was more muscle on his arms and he now wore a leather jacket instead of his usual sweaters. Not to mention he had a whole beard now.
“Woah…” You gaped and blinked several times.
Fitz’s eyes brightened at seeing his younger brother.
“Hey, Quizno!” Hey laughed some.
You just kept staring at him in surprise.
“You look…different.” You hesitated.
For a second he looked startled then his brow hardened.
“Well I could say the same for you, you’ve got twice as much acne as when I last saw you.” Yup there it is.
You sputtered a laugh suddenly, wheezing and hunching over. He opened his arms and hugged you and you hugged back; a rare tender moment between the two of you.
“So am I gunna get to go inside or am I being forced to stand here in the cold?” Fitz asked.
“Well I was thinking at least 20 more minutes out here before I let you in.” You playfully shoved him off but stepped out of the doorway to let him in.
He took one step in and sighed.
“Something wrong?” You looked to your older brother.
“No no it’s just…strange to be here again. Been so long since I’ve been here….” He trailed off.
You nodded.
“So what’s that sick ass job about? I heard it was for some American agency.” You nudged him with your elbow, trying to get him out of his own head.
“Ya know, I’m not supposed to talk about it. And it’s not American.” He stated with a high lilt in his voice.
You rolled your eyes.
“Is your boss American?”
“Well, yes, but—“
“So then yeah it’s American.” You used your flawed logic just to mess with him.
“What? That doesn’t even make sense—!” Fitz continued to argue how just because his boss was American did not mean that the agency he worked for was.
You just smiled to yourself, knowing you distracted him from the not so good memories of this house.
“Oh look at that! Mum says it’s time to eat!” You interrupted your older brother suddenly.
Fitz hesitated then straightened himself, bracing to see his parents again. You noticed his anxiety.
“Hey, it’ll be fine. You’ve got a good job and a…major glowup.” You nudged his side with your body to which he shoved you back to the other side, grinning again.
“Ready for the mine field that is a family dinner?” You smiled light heartedly at him.
He sighed, nodding and brushing a hand through his hair.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
After dinner went smoother than expected you and Fitz migrated up to your room. You were hanging upside down from your bed, arms wresting on your stomach while your older brother was laying on the ground, throwing a ball into the air and catching it.
He’d asked you about any school crushes to which you’d blushed and told him about someone you were interested in but weren’t sure if you wanted to be friends or lovers.
“So what about you? You got a special someone back at your fancy job?” You questioned.
That seemed to take your brother by surprise and the ball fell on his face. You immediately burst into laughter while he rubbed his nose and shot you a playful glare.
“You’re a little wanker you know that?” His nose was turning red.
“So? You never answered the question.” You persisted.
He groaned dramatically.
“Yes, ok? There is someone I’m interested in.” He admitted.
You perked up immediately.
“Who? Are they smart? Are they attractive?” You questioned in rapid-fire.
Fitz let out another dramatic groan, cheeks turning red.
“Her name is Jemma…” He let out.
“And?” You pressed.
“And she’s smart and kind and beautiful and way out of my league.” He sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
“Oh I wouldn’t say that, c’mon you work with her right? That must mean you spend a lot of time together. Has she ever friend-zoned you?” You questioned.
“No but…I just—-it’s hard, ok?” He sounded exasperated and frustrated. Not with you but with himself.
You quirked an eyebrow.
“Well you should shoot your shot.” You stated matter-of-factly. “You never know what may happen, especially in your super-duper classified line of work.” You shrugged. “I say you do it.”
Your brother stared at the ceiling, thinking. He knew you were right. His work was dangerous; Jemma’s was too. He couldn’t keep hiding from his feelings.
“Yeah…yeah ok. You’re right…” Fitz said quietly.
“Damn right I am.” You grinned at him. “Tell me how it goes next time you visit.” Your grin melted to a smirk.
Your brother just rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at your face.
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sl-newsie · 1 month
Behind Masks (Dr. Jonathon Crane x OC) Ch. 9: Separate Ways
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“Bat! Giant bat!”
All around me I see the effects of Dr. Crane’s catastrophic plan emerge into a feeding frenzy. The gun is still in my hand; I’m not sure to think of that as a comfort or pleading temptation. No. Only as self-defense. Just because I’m guilty of justifiable homicide does not mean sporadic killing is called for. So instead I head to where opportunity lurks best- in the shadows. 
No one bats an eye to a calm, collected woman in a prisoner’s uniform. All the terrified citizens scream in fear as they point to the winged figure in the sky. Is that really Batman? I’d be lying if I thought seeing the masked vigilante for the first time was not accelerating. The cops are useless. It’s refreshing to see someone finally taking action.
“Callie! Hon, what are you doing here?”
Is that-? Oh!
“Hey, Ivy.” I hold out a hand in greeting to the green botanist. “I see you also took advantage of the prison riot. Is Nigma out too?”
She rolls her eyes and points to the bridge. “He jump-started a car and sped off.”
“He just left you here?”
Ivy chuckles. “I don’t need help, hon. I’m on my way to the abandoned Gotham Nursery. Care to join me? It’ll be fun!”
The idea of vacationing in a greenhouse doesn’t exactly sound as enticing as Ivy spells it. I just got out of Arkham. I can’t just run and hide while all this corruption is poisoning Gotham!
“Sorry, Ivy. But I have work to do.”
She takes in my words and seems to understand. “If that’s what you think is best.” Ivy squeezes my hand. “You’re sure you’re alright? Crane’s treatment hasn’t shaken you up too much? I mean, how have you not gone crazy yet?”
I… I have no idea. “Maybe… I’m already insane. Who defines sanity, Ivy? I just had to shoot someone. I’m not the same person now. Maybe I am crazy… But I’m still me, I think. Or at least part of me. What I do know is that one way or another I’m going to get back at those bastards that put me in here.”
Ivy nods. “Be careful, Callie. Stay in touch.”
With that she walks off to a nearby cop car, no doubt to seduce an officer to let her escape. Now I need to figure out where I should go. 
No. That’s not just random screaming. It’s Crane. 
“Ahhhh!” The doctor screams in pain and now I see the horse trot through the fog.
Why is he limp? He’s only been gone for almost an hour and he already needs help. I did tell him not to go. It’s his problem. I need to get out… 
“Ugh,” I sigh deeply and look back at the horse, where Crane is barely conscious. Why do I still feel compelled to help? Because I still care. As much as I hate myself for it there’s still a sliver of empathy for the fear doctor. 
“Alright, fine. Come here girl.” I slowly approach the tense horse and stroke her nose to calm her down. “You’re going to take me to freedom.”
As gently as possible I mount the horse behind Dr. Crane. He’s still wearing that ridiculous mask. While trying to keep him from falling I grip the reins and urge the horse towards the bridge. Fear-ridden riots scream and crowd around us but thankfully the horse doesn’t spook. Now I see- Uh-oh. They’re going to raise the bridge! Warning lights flash as the police clear the area and begin the process.
“Please let this work!”
I nudge the horse with my feet and send her into a gallop. Closer… closer! Almost there-!
“Dear Jesus!” I cry as we miss falling into the churning water by a hair. 
The cops on the other side scatter like mice as the horse takes me into the dark streets of Gotham. I’ve gotten past this road block, now I just need to avoid the rest of the police. My mind flashes through a million different options. I’ll have to find a new job, a new apartment… But all of that can wait until I’ve dealt with the sleeping psychiatrist on my lap.
Right. Let’s go somewhere no one will look for two inmates: the morgue. Thankfully before I came to Gotham I was instructed about the city’s medical facilities, which included where most of the crime victims find new homes. Where the dead are kept. It’s far after hours and the dark windows that greet me when I steer the horse into the empty parking lot offer a strange sense of relief. For now I have a place to get a plan together.
“Crane, can you hear me?” I ask. The limp body merely slumps over and I see Dr. Crane’s eyes start to show he’s awake.  “I’m going to get you a wheelchair and then take you inside. I’ll be right back.”
Crane slouches against the horse and I slide off. With a little luck- Yes! Someone left a window open! And it’s just big enough to squeeze through. I grip the flagpole and inch up to the mode of entry. Just barely… I can reach it! I swing over and slip into the dark building. Obviously there are security cameras but I’m already a runaway prisoner. No use hiding my face. 
I sprint downstairs to the main floor and grab a wheelchair from the lobby; pushing the doors wide open and quickly sliding Crane off the horse into it. I give the noble horse a pat and send her off into the streets. Crane’s low weight makes it much easier to push him through the hall. We get to the back laboratory and I lock the door behind me. We have an hour at most until an alarm goes off. Time to wake him up.
“Dr. Crane, wake up,” I say bluntly and shake his shoulder. He doesn’t stir. “Crane! Up and at ‘em!”
He jolts from his sleep and in surprise nearly falls out of the chair. His eyes try to scan the dimly-lit room while also trying to stand- though failing miserably.
“Where the Hell-?” His frantic eyes flash to where I’m standing. “Dr. Prentiss? What- Where- How-?”
“Whoa whoa, calm down motormouth. You’re safe, for now. Mind telling me what happened so I know what to treat you for?”
Crane doesn’t answer right away. He just keeps staring at me. Not always directly, though. Almost as if he’s seeing into another reality. Or maybe it’s just the drugs he’s been on this week.  Eventually he looks down at his chest and feels through the tan poncho covering him.  
“I was… tasered. By Ms. Dawes,” he mumbles.
I stifle a laugh. “T- Tasered? The Scarecrow was taken down by a taser? Someone should have gotten that on tape!”
He glares through the burlap mask and I snatch it off to see his annoyed frown. “You try getting tasered, Dr. Prentiss! Try to walk after that! I guarantee it’s not as pleasant as you think-!”
Suddenly his eyes go feral and Crane cuts himself off to stare at the corner. Has he totally gone off the deep end or is-? Ah. I see. He must have breathed in some toxin earlier. Like me he must be building a tolerance but can still see things. 
I kneel down next to him and lean in. “What do you see?”
Crane hastily attempts to remask his boldness but the damage is done. His wide eyes do little to convince me. “Hm?”
My eyes narrow with slight delight and mockery. “What do you see when it’s your turn to face fear? What is it that keeps Dr. Crane up at night?”
He bares his teeth and grips the chair’s arms. “If I wasn’t still recovering I would seriously consider giving you another dose of toxin!”
His words slide off me like water on oil. Still not too bonkers to crack, I see. The idea of knowing the Scarecrow’s fear still itches at my brain but that will have to wait. In terms of good spirits I pass him his glasses, which he stiffly yanks out of my hand. “Smart, Dr. Crane. You remember that the threat of dying will not provoke me.”
Crane scoffs. “No joke. Your idea of using a morgue as a hideout says enough about that. Have a taste for the dead, Dr. Prentiss?”
I shrug and pull out a scalpel. “You could say that. Before majoring in psychology I thought of becoming a mortician. My own death anxiety is very low so the job seemed tempting. In this society today younger people see growing old as a bad thing, that it degenerates your health and limits your daily life. Staying young and young-looking is encouraged by ads and social media, while looking aged is more frowned at. However in other social groups, such as native tribes, growing old and becoming an elder is a position of honor and respect. For whatever reason we chose to think it’s bad. After my parents died I discovered that if one is at peace with their current life and stays connected to that inner peace throughout their life, then growing old and dying will come as less of a fearful experience.”
Throughout my small lecture Crane never interrupts, all the while regarding me with an introspective expression.
“If you are so passionate about death, why major in something that leans against it?”
I twirl the scalpel in my hand. “Too many… regulations. I did not wish to waste nearly a decade in a school that was going to lecture me about rules that are constantly changing, constantly making my job… harder.” 
He knows I’m holding back. We both know I’m not saying everything. But he doesn’t pry further. By now he’s fully standing and leaning against the counter for support.
“Now for the million-dollar question, Dr. Prentiss: Why did you bring me here? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen into a case of Stockholm syndrome-”
“Let me stop you right there.” I hold up a hand to cut him off. “Remember our agreement. We get each other out, we go our separate ways. My conscience is clear, nothing can guilt-trip me into helping you anymore. I may be a killer but I’m still capable of feelings. I got you out, Crane. Now I will leave you to whatever chaotic agenda you have planned.”
He tilts his head and walks over with somewhat stable legs. “Is that all?”
I fight the urge to bite my lip (my nervous tick) and decide to give the best-explained answer for my actions.
“I told you that you helped me grieve. But you did more than that. You never took advantage of me. You had me drugged and delirious and could have done anything to me. But you never did.”
The doctor keeps a straight and serious face. “I respect my patients’ personal space, Dr. Prentiss. All those perverted doctors who abuse their patients are on a whole new level of sickness. I do my experiments purly to inspire fear, not for my own amusement. To paraphrase your words, I may be insane but I’m still capable of… feelings, If that’s what you call it. I’m just not as soft as you are.”
At the same time I want to roll my eyes and beam in admiration. “Well… Thanks, anyway. I’ll leave you to your freedom then. Here, you’ll need this.”
When I hold up Crane’s mask to him he gives me a skeptical look before taking it; almost as if I’m allowing my permission for his shenanigans. We both walk back through the lobby and into the parking lot. Sirens ring throughout the cold night and I see more of the toxic mist drifting through the city; though Ra’s al Ghul’s plan seems to be apprehended because the mist is fading away. I’ll hear about it on the news tomorrow.
Dr. Crane and I continue to stand and stare into the night; avoiding each other’s glance, each calculating our next move.
“Will you stay in Gotham?” Crane asks after a while.
I sigh deeply and nod. “We both know why.”
“Very well.” He gives me a stiff mat on my back. “Best of luck, Dr. Prentiss.”
I don’t stop staring at the buildings ahead of me until I know he’s long gone, disappeared into the city to spread fear once again. Have I helped out a complicated acquaintance or aided in perhaps releasing another monster into Gotham’s streets? The other tugging question is if I will see him again.
Who knows. My priorities lie with smoking out the corruption in this city anyway. Now that I have been given a new chance I can’t take it for granted. In order to learn and infiltrate this city’s political and economic criminals, I must become one of them.
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good morning/evening! i do have a request if theyre still opening but first i wanted to say-i love your writing!
as for the request;; would you be able to do king dice x trans!masc reader? my gender dysphoria has been really bad recently. you dont have to do it right away! feel free to take all the time you need! just some general headcannons like helping the reader with dysphoria n' stuff.
regardless i hope you have a great day/night! :))
A/N: Ahhhhh thank you so much for the kind words! And I’m so sorry for getting to this so late!! While this may not seem like a whole lot from some stranger on the internet– I hope you’re doing a lot better now!
(Read more placed due to lengthiness!)
King Dice helping his TransMasc s/o with gender dysphoria:
Mind and Body are partners in an ever evolving dance of the soul. When one falters or takes a sudden dip, everything is thrown off balance. And though his boss is the one with all of the know-how with souls, King Dice will do everything he can to help you out of your dysphoric dilemma. 
Whenever he’s feeling down about his own appearance and body– shocking, he knows, but even a king like him has struggles– Dice usually distracts himself from the discomfort with clothes shopping. It’s a bit silly, certainly, but as the saying goes: “Clothes Make the Man”. And if it works for him, maybe it could work for you too? 
After he’s certain that the casino will be fine without him, King Dice will whisk you on an impromptu shopping date. And with a man of his status, you’ll never have to fret over a budget. 
Before you know it, Dice has you in front of a mirror and trying out a menagerie of outfits! From the classic yet formal three-piece suits, the casual yet rugged charms of a pair of slacks and a tailored dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, the soft elegance of a frilled blouse and cinched waist trouser– your beau will coo and clap over how handsome you are. 
He’ll even ask you to spin and try out various poses, all the while cheering and eagerly handing you more outfits to try on. It could be embarrassing if you’re not used to such energetic company, but King Dice will do everything he can to coax a smile from you. And if it means he’ll have to aggressively compliment you until you do, it’s a cross he’ll gladly bear. 
King Dice makes sure to make up for all the time and clothes you went through by treating you to whatever food you want! It’ll be his treat! Good food with even better company does wonders for the mood!
However, if you’re not exactly the type to enjoy being dragged around in public in that state, he understands! If you want nothing more than to curl up in a nest of blankets and hide yourself away from the world, then King Dice will be with you all the way. If you want to vent your frustrations, then do it— he’ll listen. 
It makes him feel powerless to see you like this; that there are things that even he can’t fix. It only motivates him further to try and help you with the same vigor and care he puts into his work.
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ssreeder · 1 year
I'm finally out of lurking yeeyy!!! I don't usually leave comments on AO3 cause I tend to side track a lot and then i feel a bit annoying but i figured here it would be fine <33
I've been reading liab for a loooong wile and just wanted to let you know that in my 10+years of reading fics your work is definitely on my top 3 and one of the coolest thing I've read in general. (Even tho you always update on the weekends prior to my exams week, but i have my priorities in order and Zukka is always more important than an oncology exam 😤)
Buuuut I'm on vacations now so my liab brain rott is high again, and i can think non stop about the great characterization of your fic (especially zuko's i think you do an amazing job writing him).
Last chapter has to be one of my favorites in the whole series fr, it mayy had to do with Zuko being super touchy feely and extra emotional honestly, but they needed a bit of love before they start giving explanations to literally everyone. I'm honestly a bit ( or a lot) worried about Sokka and Iroh's relationship, I'm sure that with time Iroh will warm up to him but with Sokka being as protective as he is right now i don't know if he would take kindly of him to try and push Zuko into the throne ☠️ but we'll see.
Lastly I'm sure we all love the 20k words chapters so don't even worry about it hahaha
I'll go for now, byeee 💕
Oh please don’t ever thing you’re annoying,,, have you seen my authors notes? I’m the most annoying person in the room & i would be thrilled to have you join me.
OMG TOP 3?!?! I fucking love you ahhhhh!! (& I do somehow always update during busy times - don’t worry I plan it that way just to mess with y’all ;)))
(Haha jk I’m not that smart)
Touchy feely Zuko with Sokka is going to be a bit more of a new norm for them and it’ll get kind of explained sort of introspected at some point but yeah Zuko WENT THROUGH IT & now he just wants to be comforted which is understandable.
Dudddeeeee yes. Iroh & sokkas relationship can go so many different ways. It’ll be interesting how they fit into each others lives especially knowing that Sokka knows Zuko who he is now and Iroh knows who he used to be and those two versions of Zuko are VERY different. I think it’ll also depend how much Zuko opens up to Iroh? Idk, Zuko can add a lot of unintentional tension there if he isn’t careful.
Thank you for this ask & i swear my next chapter will be under 20k BELIEVE IT!!! (Sorry I’ve been watching fucking Naruto so now I wanna say BELIEVE IT after everything)
I ALREADY adore you 🕸️ anon
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Okay finally I’m gonna talk about Yue Kan Shao Nu aka The Comic Bang aka C-Drama GSNK.
Shen Yue as Zuo QianDai (Chiyo)
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Ahhhhh she’s so cute!
Look at the bows!
Also I found a video of her interacting with Jackson Wang and if the show is like a QUARTER as cute as that video I’ll be happy
Wang JingXuan as Lu YeQi(Nozaki)
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This is such a random thing but he’s so pretty? Like I always expected Nozaki’s face to be hella generic but this guy is so nice looking. Not complaining though.
The grey blazer. It persists!
The videos of him and Shen Yue interacting are so wholesome! They have a good vibe together I think that’ll be super good for onscreen chemistry.
Zhou YanChen as Chai ZiYu(Mikorin)
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HI SORRY REAL QUICK I KNOW THIS GUY HE WAS ON IDOL PRODUCER. I was rooting for him he had to perform when he was hella sick and you can’t tell.
Okay back to the show.
It doesn’t look like they’re doing the whole “bad boy” image thing he seems like a nice young man.
Their dedication to keeping the looks fairly realistic and still having red hair is commendable it looks good.
Jenny Zeng as Zhao JieYue(Seo)
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I’m curious if they’ll keep Seo’s personality the same or change it. Idk enough about C drama character types to say for sure.
She was on Youth With You season 2. She’s very talented I hope they have her actually sing as Lorelei.
She really does look like Seo like her face is very Seo I can’t explain why but she does.
Wu Yu Heng as Jiang Ruo Song(Wakamatsu)
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Look at him! Studying manga! He looks so into it.
I always forget that canonically Wakamatsu is REALLY hot bc he’s such a dork but if they keep that personality this is going to be so freaking funny.
Zhao Yi Qin as Gu Zheng Xing(Hori)
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I have no explanation as to why but like. This is Hori. Like his face. He looks like Hori. That’s Hori.
His acting is so cute and sweet in the one drama I’ve seen by him(it was called sweet sweet it was about magic ice cream it was fun) so if they keep the personality from the manga this is going to be SO FUNNY.
The ONE downside is that he’s not short. Like he’s 5’11 that isn’t short especially compared to Kashima’s actress who’s only like 5’6 so I’m curious what joke they’ll replace the short jokes with.
Rachel Wang as Luo Dao(Kashima)
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She’s so pretty.
Apparently she’s very fierce/confident so it’ll be interesting to see how she plays Kashima everyone’s favorite airhead genius.
Seriously she’s got like an e girl aesthetic she’s so chic.
Also I love her outfit? Like I know it’s simple but idk it just really fits.
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dancefloor · 2 months
Okay what do you mean by you hope we hate it?? Ahhhhh also what vibes would you say it has? Is it similar in sound and feel to previous albums ? What genre is it? I wasn’t prepared for midnights to be all pop synth so I wanna be prepared for this one
answer under the cut
i’d say lyrically she’s going absolutely insane on this album. there’s a lot of swifties with zero media comprehension skills and i think it’ll make them very angry! but that’s fine with me because i think they’re annoying anyway<3
i think you could compare it to speak now, 1989, reputation, folklore, evermore and midnights. i realize that sounds very random but there’s a brutal honesty to it that we’ve seen on the sn and rep, combined with the lyrical skill of folkmore and the synthpop of 1989 and midnights. it should be said that i am a midnights hater but i LOVE this album and i’d say ttpd feels more mature than midnights when it comes to the sound of it. you’d be fighting for your life a little but i think you could almost call it indie pop
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