#ahsoka and rex's relationship is everything to me
kopykunoichi · 3 months
Rewatching The Clone Wars and thinking about THEM
I don't know when it happened, but these two became the heart of Star Wars to me.
Rex - A ten year old boy speed grown and trained to look and act like a twenty year old man (who looks closer to forty thanks to the terrible animation of the first season).
Ahsoka - A spunky fourteen year old girl who thinks she's ready for war from day one.
In their first interaction, Ahsoka tries to establish their dynamic, assuming that because she is a Jedi and he's a clone, she outranks him. Sadly, she's not wrong. But when Rex tells her his opinion that experience outranks everything, she accepts his reasoning, and eagerly jumps in to gain experience so she can earn her place.
Jump forward three years and they have become equals in every sense. Their friendship and mutual respect for each other is unshakeable. This is what the best relationships are built on. They are timeless. Years filled with pain, hurt, and loss can stretch between them, but when they see each other, they pick up like not a day has gone by...always holding each other up.
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awkward-tension-art · 1 month
Darkness on Umbara Chp.1 (Rex x Reader)
Hey everyone! guess whose in too deep!? me! I've clung to these fictional copy-paste men so much, you can call me a fucking LEECH!
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Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Chapter 11. Chapter 12. Chapter 13. Epilogue
Landing on Umbara
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, swearing, death and battle, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, reader insert, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag LMK
This is very briefly proofread so I die like a man
Minors DNI, even if theres no smut
Umbara was dark. From what you gathered, it was extremely fucking dark. 
You prepared your supplies with Kix. As medics, you both needed to double and triple check every pack, case and box. 
Kix would be on the front. His expertise was more front line first-aid rather than your position behind the forces. He would keep the men alive long enough to get to your hands where you’d focus on the more intense medical care. While you would be armed to defend yourself, it was better if you stayed out of the line of direct fire.
Your safety and position were tied to the status you were given. As a natural born human in the GAR, your life was inherently seen as more important than the clones. This thought process was something you were vehemently against. You and your fellow soldiers were on equal ground. You’ve always tried to treat them with respect, kindness and patience.
On several occasions nat-borns would disrespect or belittle clones in your presence, which usually resulted in a verbal lashing from you. Much to the joy of your General Anakin and his padawan Ahsoka. 
And the affection of a certain Captain Rex.
You peered up from looking over the medical supplies you were supposed to carry. Currently your secret lover was across the hangar meeting with the Jedi generals, ARC troopers and commander of the 212th. 
Despite being in his helmet, you knew you caught his eye. Rex didn’t give anything away except a small movement of his hand. Something Fives didn’t miss, who gave you a small wave.
He knew of your relationship with Rex. So did Anakin. But other than those two, it was secret. All for his protection, as clones were forbidden from romantic partners.
There was a surge of energy in the hangar and you looked around. Your eyes met Kix’s before you nodded to him, “Showtime.” The first wave was loading up ready to get to Umbara’s surface. 
“I’ll keep Rex safe until you touch down.” Your medic friend winked at you before he stood, got his helmet on and got to his transport. 
Scratch that, Kix knew about you and the captain too. 
Several of the gunships lifted, flying from the hangar down to the planet below. The first wave of troops, including ARF troopers, were being sent down to clear the field. From there, a second wave of back-up, your wave, would join them. Your command was temporary. All you had to do was get them to the ground before they took orders from Rex and Anakin.
You adjusted your gauntlet with the communicator on it. T-minus 5 minutes. Your fingers danced over your supplies, double-checking everything you had. 
Bandages, tourniquets, laser cauterizers, laser scalpel, bacta, patches, emergency suture kits…
“Ready, doc?” A trooper, Ringo, took you out of your thoughts.
With a nod, you lifted your pack and stepped up onto the gunship, “Ready. Let’s load up.”
Others followed your orders and soon, you were in the sky above Umbara. 
Despite the first wave’s efforts, chaos still reigned. Almost immediately your gunship was assaulted by artillery fire. A shot exploded next to you, shaking the entire air vehicle. A ship to the west of yours burst into an explosion of flames.
In response, your second hand shot up for stability. A trooper had their hand on your shoulder to help keep you steady. After a moment, the transport stabilized and you let go, stepping to the back where a crate of supplies waited.
“Dare, how close are we?” You chimed on your communicator. Hopefully you didn’t startle the pilot.
“Landing in 30, I can’t get to the landing site, so you’ll have to walk some to the staging area,” he responded.
“Play it safe,” You commanded, “Land where you can. And try not to crash, I like living and I'm sure the other men do too.” A couple of clones snickers in their helmets. Your little quip helped ease the atmosphere it seemed.
You prepared a speeder. The small vehicle had been modified to carry a patient and allow you to transport extra medical supplies. It was outfitted with some extra armor and protection as well, so in an emergency you could activate a rayshield at the cost of the vehicle's speed.
“Doc, landing in 10.”
“Good job.” You spoke into your communicator before getting on the speeder. You counted down in your head, and just as you got to 1, the doors opened. 
The troopers unloaded, guns ready. Shots were fired, though it didn’t seem as concentrated. Explosions were going off, but at a relatively safe distance. Seemed the first wave did a better job than you originally thought. Your speeder got to the ground, and you made your way to the staging area with the rest of the men.
The battalion had established some trenches, allowing a brief moment of rest and preparation for everyone. You stopped right at the small medical area Kix had skillfully established. Already there were injured in the double digits. Without pause, you got to work.
“You nearly missed the party,” Kix snarked, handling a blaster burn on the thigh of a shiny.
“I’d call this fashionably late,” you quipped back, getting your hands on a different soldier. Blood was seeping from the bottom of his damaged helmet, staining his blue and white chestplate in red. Your mind kicked into training, “What's your name?” You asked, voicing a kinder tone. 
The poor clone was clearly in agony, responding with a tremor to his words, “S-Stag.” He swallowed, trying to control his mental state.
These damn soldiers liked to pretend everything was fine. 
“Alright Stag, I’m gonna remove your helmet.” 
He didn’t argue when you pulled it off revealing the extent of the damage. 
Severe blaster burn. Missing eye. Jaw visible. Shrapnel from the helmet had pierced his cheek and temple. Concussion possibly. 
His remaining brown eye looked wildly at you. You recognized fear. terror.
So, you gave him a reassuring soft smile, “Not too bad, I’ve dealt with worse.” Your fingers quickly wrapped around an injector filled with painkillers, “Here, I’m gonna give you something to help with the pain.” Your words seemed to have a positive effect because he nodded and let you treat him.
You worked quickly and efficiently, stemming the bleeding and getting him stabilized. When you were finished, he had calmed down considerably. Once Stag was stable, you moved on to the next trooper. 
By the fifth, you realized one of them couldn’t be saved.
He was a shiny. Barely off Kamino you guessed. The plastoid of his chest piece looked to be shattered and singed from a bolt to the chest. His breathing was shaky as he leaned against the dark trunk of a glowing tree. 
“I need a trooper.” you called taking the soldier’s hand in your own. You learned quickly into the war that the clones always wanted to die with a brother near them. A reminder that they weren’t alone.
“I hope I’m good enough.” 
That voice. 
“Rex,” Your head turned, looking up at him. You wished you could smile, but you had to keep your excitement under a mask. Plus, the situation didn’t call for it.
His warm eyes were on yours as he pulled off his helmet and knelt. There was clear sadness, knowing that this was the end for one of his men. So the only thing he could do was offer comfort.
“Fyre.” The captain spoke softly, “You did well.” He put one armored hand on the dying man's shoulder. 
Wordlessly, you gave Fyre a shot for the pain and held his hand, “Everything is alright now.” you whispered to him. This wasn’t uncommon, when you or Kix were too late to save someone. 
At the beginning you would burn through supplies trying to save everyone, only to fail and lose them anyway. Over the course of the war, you knew to recognize when all you could do was ease their pain and let them slip away. 
It was the grim reality of the war. You couldn’t save them all. 
Fyre coughed and squeezed your hand. His eyes closed and the clone took his last breath. 
“Damnit.” you swore, checking his pulse. You only felt stillness. He was gone.
Rex sighed, “You tried. So, thank you,” He stood and helped you stand. He couldn’t let his grief from the loss overwhelm him, “I wish you stayed on the ship.” The clone captain admitted, “I get the feeling Umbara is going to be brutal. More so than previous battles.”
“You can’t get rid of me so easily,” Your eyes quickly scanned around. No one seemed to be close enough or paying attention to the two of you, “My darling.” you added, interlocking your fingers.
Your lover looked around quickly before he responded quietly, “Mesh’la, be careful what you say.” Despite his warning, he made no move to pull away. In fact, he stepped closer, “For now, at least.”
Of course, you knew the two of you had to reign in your love and affection in front of others. On the battlefield he was the captain and you the field doctor. Trying to push those boundaries would stress him out. Afterall, if his romance with you got to Kamino, they’d call for a decommission. Something Anakin would never go for, but better safe than sorry.
However, he warmed to small touches and brief moments whenever the situation allowed. 
Your lips had a small smile, “I’m glad you're not hurt.” you raised one palm to stroke the side of his helmet. The battle wasn’t even an hour in and already his armor was dirty.
“Promise me you’ll be careful.” Rex murmured, keeping his voice down, “Please, ner kar’ta.” He was being protective again. Normally the captain was better at prioritizing. He was the leader of the battalion first and your lover second. But right now he seemed…spooked. Were things getting bad already? 
Umbara must be getting to him. After all this assault was much different than other battles.
“I’ll promise if you promise,” Your lips quickly pecked his visor. It was chaste and fast, so no one could see. Just a sweet kiss between the two of you.
He was about to respond when his communicator went off. 
“General Skywalker,” Your lover pulled back and raised his wrist up. 
“Come find me, I need the status of our men.” Anakin’s voice sounded on the other end, “and tell our good doctor I said hello.” 
You snorted.
“Right away, General.” the clone captain said, returning to his professionalism. He looked at you one more time before stepping away to find the jedi.
You sighed, “Back to work.” Without waiting a second, you found another injured soldier and began to treat him.
Your eyes glanced at the shadowy sky for a moment, unable to shake the pit in your stomach. It felt like something was deeply wrong.
The darkness on Umbara must already be getting to you too.
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daughterofthequeen · 8 months
Things Aren’t Always What They Seem and Sometimes They Are
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x padawan!reader
Summary: You’re Anakin’s padawan and after your master has a close call you develop nightmares of his death. Every time you close your eyes you see it, so you decided staying awake is the best way to keep your mind at ease and keep your master safe.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, platonic relationship, crying, nightmares, reader uses she/her pronouns, small mention of blood, reader has at least shoulder length hair, description of throwing up, description of death, light description of head being cut off, detailing insomnia, I made my own cw battle, I think that’s it let me know if I missed anything
A/N: I just needed this. Either Anakin can be used, but both Anakin’s are the same to me. Also readers nickname is stub btw due to her stubborn nature(gimme Ik). In this storyline Ahsoka is Kenobi’s padawan, but Anakin still uses Snips for Ahsoka since they’re still always around each other due to Ahsoka being readers best friend and Kenobi also always being around. This is also longer than I planned, sorry.
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No, no, no, no, NO!
This is not happening. This is not happening! It’s impossible, he’s survived far worse than this, right? A building exploding with him still inside it was a piece of cake when it came to my master. So why isn’t he answering his comm, and why can’t I feel him?! His force signature is gone!
He’s dead.
That’s why I can’t feel him. Everything around me was basically nonexistent to me, all I could focus on was the rubble in front of me that had my master trapped. He couldn’t be dead, he just couldn’t be, and I refuse to believe that he is. I wanted to go search for him, to help get him out of there because he needs me, but I couldn’t move and all I could hear was my heart beating loudly in my ears. Until a louder noise snapped me out of it.
“COMMANDER!!!” Rex yelled as he grasped me by my shoulders and was roughly shaking me, which snapped me out of my shock. “Commander the tank lifters are here to remove the debris.”
“Hurry, Rex.” After Rex leaves to go give the orders I turn back to the rubble as I tried to dig deeper into the force to try and sense my master’s force signature. I came up empty handed until I felt a pull towards the other side of the destroyed building. I followed it until I heard a voice. Dooku. I know that slimy voice from anywhere. I hurriedly hid behind a large rock, that I could tell used to be a wall, as I listened to Dooku’s conversation.
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“And you’ve found nothing?” Dooku voiced to a battle droid.
“Nothing. We’ve looked everywhere.”
“Hmm” Dooku wasn’t so sure, Skywalker wasn’t easily terminated, how ironic it would be for him to be taken out by a simple explosion. He closed his eyes to focus on any life signature, but the only ones he found were weak and they were all similar in some way, confirming they were just feeble clones. And he was about to call this a success until he felt a stronger force signature, and it wasn’t under the rubble, definitely a Jedi. Dooku opened his eyes and looked to his right, looking straight at the stone you were hiding behind, but before he could act his holoprojector went off. “Yes master?”
“Return to your castle, I have more important matters for you to tend to.” A blue tented hooded figure spoke.“Now.” The hooded figure quickly added sensing the hesitation his apprentice gave off.
“Yes, master.” The holoprojector cut off and Dooku called for all the battle droids to fall back, and they left taking their victory. And their victory? The termination of Anakin Skywalker.
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I quickly ducked behind the destroyed wall before Dooku could see me, even though I was certain he could feel me. But to my luck he was called away, I waited for the last separatist ship to fly away and that’s when I left my hiding spot. I started looking around the same area Dooku was to try to find any sign of my master, but there was none. A sickly feeling washed over me, I was close to letting the breakfast I had this morning back up, but was able to keep it down. Though I couldn’t stop my eyes from welling up with tears.
“Master?” I whispered fearfully, my voice not able to speak any louder without cracking.
“Master.” I said a little louder, as the tears started rolling over at this point.
“MASTER! WHERE ARE YOU??!!!” I finally screamed, the tears are now unstoppable and so were the sobs. The cries broke free. I was sobbing uncontrollably, and soon found that my legs were not able to hold my weight anymore as I dropped to my knees. The pain from the rubble that was made up of stone and metal went unnoticed. Bracing my hands against the ground to keep myself up and grounded as much as I could. I started pleading to the force to give Anakin a few more strings of luck, so he could make it out of this alive. So caught up in my own pain, I didn’t even hear the stones moving to my far left, let alone the foot steps.
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After Anakin no longer felt Dooku’s presence and when he was sure he wasn’t coming back he used the force to move the destroyed stones that were surrounding him and some of his troops away from them. And they started climbing their way out from the rubble. After he made it out and helped some of his men out as well he looked around making sure there was no danger as he was catching his breath. When he looked to his right, he spotted his padawan. His padawan who‘s supposed to be on the other side of the explosion sight. What is she doing here?! Dooku and his droids could’ve seen her and he wouldn’t of been able to get out from under the rubble in time. It’s like she does the complete opposite of what he says, to stress him out on purpose. He sighed and started his walk over to his padawan, and when he did he seen and heard the predicament she was in. She was crying? Why is she crying? He wondered if she was injured. She was clutching her hands to her chest, which made him worry even more. He hurried to her side, and as he dropped down next to her, he grasped her shoulders, turning her towards him to look her over.
“What is it? Where are you hurt?” Anakin’s heart was racing at this point as he panicked. All he knew is he needed to help her, but his padawan on the other hand had a different reaction upon seeing him. Regardless of his efforts to get her up she wasn’t moving, and she heard nothing he was saying. All she could do was stare. Her master was alive? How? His force signature was gone and that only means one thing. Death. So how was it her master was kneeling in front of her trying to make sure she was okay? For the second time that day she had to be shook harshly to snap her out of her shock. But it still did no good to help her understand what was going on.
“(Y/n)! What’s wrong?” Silence.
“(Y/n), talk to me!”
“Master?” Was all that she could whisper out.
“Where are you hurt? I can’t help if you don’t tell me.
“You’re alive.”
“Wha-? Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“The building- I mean you were still inside. Your signature was gone.” Having to explain what she thought happened only brought the tears back, unable to stomach the loss of her master, someone who’s like a father to her, and the closest she would get to having one. The thought of losing him was unbearable, and not to mention against the Jedi code. Attachment was forbidden, and she knew her attachment to Anakin was way more than it should be. She threw herself into him, much to Anakin’s shock. Her face buried in his neck, with her arms wrapped around it as well, as she let the rest of her tears out.
Anakin’s heart broke at the sound of her sobs, they sounded so broken. The original plan was to plant the bombs and get out of there which you were able to do successfully and get to the extraction point unscathed, but the separatists knew about their plan and next thing he knew hundreds of battle droids blocked them in. He was able to keep the ceiling from crushing him and his men around him, and was able to cloak his signature from Dooku. And that meant from everyone else as well, so he could see how that might have scared you. Wrapping his arms around his padawan, he made sure to keep a firm comforting grip, letting her know that he was here and not going anywhere. She cried harder at his promise, she could feel it, he was telling the truth.
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𝟺 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛:
It’s been 4 months since the incident, 4 months since I believed my master was dead, 4 months since I’ve had a good nights rest. Ever since the Battle of Aravion I haven’t been able to sleep. Every time I close my eyes my darkest fears come to life. So I do my best to stay awake as long as I can. Some would say that’s unhealthy or dangerous with me fighting in a war and all, but I’m doing fine . . . .mostly.
“Hellooo, Coruscant to Stubs.” I hear my master say as he comes into my line of sight, snapping his fingers in front of my face which I turns snaps me out of my daydream. “You with me?”
“Sorry, Master. What were you saying?” Shaking my head to clear and focus my thoughts.
“I said if you don’t focus you’re going to get stunned, and I’m sure you don’t want that to happen, right?”
“No, master. I’m sorry, master.”
“Sorry?” Anakin mumbled to himself, you never say sorry to anyone even when you are, unless it’s in front of the council or something, you show your apologies more so with actions, not words. And there’s usually a snappy comeback by now. What’s going on with you?
“It’s fine, what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing.” I’ve might’ve said that a little too quickly. Oops.
“Stub, I know you. What’s wrong?” Anakin knows how to get me to crack. It’s just something about his soft voice that makes me feel like he could fix whatever’s going on with me. No matter how big or small. But not this time, my problems will go away on their own. I just hadn’t got the incident through my system is all. After all, part of becoming a Jedi is being able to let go of your personal feelings, and that’s not something that you can’t rely on people for, it’s a matter of you.
“There’s nothing wrong, I was just wondering when our next mission would be. We never stay here at the temple for very long. I guess I’m just a little anxious.”
“Yeah, I was like that too at the beginning of the war, but I just learned to relax whenever I’m given a peaceful moment. It keeps your head clear and it helps keep you balance.”
“I will try.” I took a deep breath as I turned away from my master and walked back to the where the 501 boys were waiting. I got into my starting position, lighting my lightsabers. I had to focus, that was the only way to get Anakin to believe me, so I had to last my usual time or he would know something was definitely up. I gave Rex a nod, letting him know that I was ready. He gave the signal, and for the next three minutes it was going well. Until I was hit in the back, then everything went dark.
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I groan as I sit myself up. I must’ve been stunned about 5 or 6 times, my body isn’t usually this stiff after waking up due to growing a tolerance. But wait a minute. Stun shots don’t sound like explosions. I quickly stood up to scan my surroundings only to see I was in the middle of a battle field. I must’ve been hit with a blaster shot, but I didn’t feel any pain besides the stiffness. How did we get onto a battle field, we were just in a training room a few minutes ago.
I turned towards the front and could see nothing but fog. I lit my saber and started deflecting the blast that were coming my way. Maybe they couldn’t wait on me to wake up. What was the mission again? Wait. My master would never leave me behind, regardless of the mission, unless it was safer somehow. So where is he? I looked around again and heard a groan this time. I turned to my right to see a trooper. I quickly ran to help in any way I could.
“Trooper! Are you ok?!”
“I’m fine as I can be commander.” He groans.
“What battle is this? What was the mission?”
He coughs harshly. So harsh blood comes up. “The plan was to blow the factory. Groan. I suspect the others have made it there already.” He cuts himself off due to coughing more.
“Help will be here soon trooper stay awake.” I tried comforting him as I squeezed his hand. Trying to keep my emotions at bay.
“They knew we were coming. Gasp. We didn’t stand a chance. But you insisted we go on with the plan. General Skywalker agreed, trusting your judgment. Gasp. Half of us were wiped out. You walked us to our death.” All of a sudden the comms in his helmet we’re getting louder. I heard the screams of the troopers in pain. The yells of orders being thrown out by Rex. The explosion that seemed closer than it should’ve been in the comm, like it was right next to that poor trooper that was unlucky enough to get hit. I back down towards the trooper I was comforting only to see he was deadly still. And I knew he was. His eyes were staring straight up towards the sky. Like he embraced the call of death on his life. I heard the sobs and even looked around to see where they were coming from, but they were coming from me. I did this, all this was my fault. This was my mission, the troops were following my orders, I lead them to their deaths knowing it was a trap to begin with. I hurriedly stood up and started running forward. I moves as fast as I could until I could see the building and could hear the explosions more clear. I ran until I got to the front of the lines using my saber to block incoming blasts, and thankfully as always Rex was there.
“Commander, you’re alright!”
“Yes. Where’s General Skywalker?!” I had to yell for him to be able to hear me over the sounds of battle.
“He went to set the bombs, he should be back by now.”
“I’ll go help!” But I was stopped, a hand gripping my arm.
“The bombs are about to detonate any second!”
“Anakin is still in there!”
“I’m sorry sir, but I can’t let you go in!” After that statement the building collapsed in a fiery blaze. We were far enough away to feel nothing but the strong wind the explosion put off.
“Rex, hurry and get the tank lifters here. I’m going to find Anakin.” And I took off regardless of Rex’s yells. I made it to the blast sight, but upon arrival Dooku and his mindless droids were there. I hid behind a large rock when I was struck with a hard case of deja vu. This has happened before, maybe the first time was just a vision. The force letting me know everything was going to be ok. I peaked around the corner seeing Dooku talking through a holoprojector to a cloaked figure. After their conversation ended, Dooku ordered all the droids to load up and evacuate. After he left I ran to where I was last time waiting for my master to unmask his signature. When he did I hurried to that area and helped with moving the debris that was around them. After getting him and the troops out safely I walked to my master to check and see if he was ok.
“Master, how are you feeling?” I was a lot calmer then last time, a little too calm. But he’s fine maybe for once things will actually go our way.
“I feel fine, but where were you stubs. We could’ve used your help.” He was out of breath, but still managed to be sarcastic. He was fine. I let out a light laugh.
“Come on master, let’s get you back to the transports so we can get you checked for any brain damage. Well, more than usual.” I smirk and turned to walk off, but felt he wasn’t following, so I turned only to see him standing really stiff.
“Master, what’s wrong?” I was so close to him. My hands were on his shoulders just in case he might fall. Suddenly, a red light pierced through my masters chest and would’ve passed through the top of my head if I hadn’t of moved just in time. Only to realize it wasn’t just a light, it was a lightsaber!
As my master dropped to the ground Dooku was standing right there over him. The color of his lightsaber reflecting on his wrinkled face. I paid him no attention though, I ran to my master hoping by some miracle he was still breathing. I lifted him up and moved myself behind him, so he could lean on me, hoping it would give him some kind of comfort. But maybe it was just to comfort myself.
“Master! Master, get up! Get up!” I was trying to pull him up, help him stand, so we could get out of here, but the only response my master gave was falling to the side, hitting the ground. “No! Master, get up. No, no, no, no. Let’s go. Please, let’s go.” Rows of heavy tears rolled down my closed eyes as I was sitting on my knees praying that this wouldn’t be true. I grabbed my masters ungloved hand, still warm though it has only been a couple minutes since it happened. It felt like hours. Dooku didn’t even have the courage to give my master a fighting chance. What coward stabs someone in the back, and calls it a honorable victory. Falling forward, I hugged my masters dead body as I sobbed so loud the stars could hear me across galaxies. My voice coming out in squeaks as I try to tell him how sorry I am, how sorry I was of failing him, how I didn’t see Dooku coming, hoping he would believe me, or at least hear me in the afterlife.
“Feeble child.” Hearing his voice only made me angry. I gripped my sabers and ignited them, quickly turning around striking Dooku down where he stood. And of course he was able to keep himself up, all he did was drop to his knees. But what I planned next no one could walk away from. I slowly stood, and walked towards him tauntingly, I wanted him to know what was coming. Before he could even attempt at grabbing his saber, I made sure to cut through his useless hands. I then lifted my sabers, crossing them at his neck as I looked him in the eyes, pulling my sabers apart. The body dropped and I watched as the severed ball rolled in the opposite direction. I looked down and seen a red lightsaber, but it wasn’t Dooku’s. I looked over to my other saber seeing that they were identical. The red I was seeing was coming from my lightsabers, but I couldn’t find it in myself to care. And unbeknownst to me, my eyes reflected the damage I’ve done as well. A piercing yellow with red rimings, the eyes of a sith.
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I gasped as I quickly sat up, looking around. I was able to slow my heart enough and calm my raging brain to notice I was in my room. How’d I get here? Was everything that just happened a dream? There’s was only one way to find out, find Anakin. Fearfully, I got up and walked out of my room, cautiously but quickly searching for my master, too riled and unfocused to use the force. I walked straight across the hallway to his quarters and knocked. It went unanswered, taking it upon myself to open the door, only to find he wasn’t there. Everything left untouched his messy bed from yesterday still in the same state it was, saying he’ll fix it later. I took off to the training room, still nothing. Then to the cafeteria. Nothing. At this point I was starting to worry. I didn’t want the grand masters to see me like this knowing they would sense my fear and unease, but this was Anakin, I’ll risk it. I went to the council room, also empty. This sickly feeling washed over me, and I ran to the closest bathroom. Passing Obi-Wan and Anakin padawan in the process.
“I thought you said she was resting?” Obi-Wan crossed his arms at his former padawan’s ability to keep up with his own padawan.
“She was. Why is she up this late?” He mumbled, his confused frown deepening as well. Even if she was up, why was she running through the halls? Either her and Ahsoka were sneaking around in the pantries again or something was wrong. Without so much as a warning to Obi-Wan, Anakin took off to follow his padawan. He caught up to her only to see her burst into the women’s restroom.
“She had to use the bathroom.” Obi-Wan stated the obvious.
“Why not just use the one in her room? I think somethings wrong master. She’s been acting strange lately.”
“Anakin, your padawan is your responsibility. You should know why she’s been acting differently.” He scolds.
“I know that, Master. But-”
“But what?”
“She usually comes to me when she’s ready, so I don’t push it.”
“Anything could be going on with her Anakin, whether she wants to or not it’s your job to find out what’s causing her trouble.”
“That’ll just push her further away. I know Stubs, if I push to hard it’ll just delay the progress of her telling me. I know because I’m the same way.”
“You’ve never been that way with me.”
“That’s because I knew you years before I even became your padawan. Stubs and I are only a year in.”
“And you both are already so much alike that you would think the two of you share the same brain.” Anakin rolled his eyes at his masters comment and walked up to the women’s bathroom door, but when he did he could sense waves of fear going through you. He almost walked into the room, turning towards Obi-Wan seeing if he would stop him. It’s not like anyone else was in there, they only felt her.
“I’ll keep watch to make sure nobody else goes in. Go.” Anakin nods, closing his eyes as he walked into the bathroom just in case you were actually using it.
“Stub?” He calls out softly, his voice echoing throughout the walls. His only reply though was the sound of soft gagging. “Stubs?!” He called again this time his eyes are open as he ran and found the stall you were in. It wasn’t even locked. He found you on your knees, head above the toilet dry heaving into it, while also trying to catch your breath. He went to get some paper towels from the dispenser, wet them, then came back to keep your hair out of your face. Once he was sure you were done, he knelt down in front of you and turned you towards him, brushing your hair behind your ears to keep it out the way and started cleaning your face. He was worried, yes, but he knew you didn’t needed him playing 20 questions right now.
“Can you stand?” He spoked as softly as he could.
The whole time you didn’t know who was helping you, you barely noticed someone was there helping you at all. But when your eyes focused as you looked up, a small gasp came from you.
“Master.” A sense of deja vu washed over him.
“Are you able to get up?” He started to panic because tears started rolling over your cheeks. He was about to ask what was wrong but your body slamming into his stopped him, again. Confused? Way more than he was before. Worried? Even more so. Anakin maneuvered you so he was able to pick you up, and carry you out of the bathroom, simultaneously throwing away the paper towels. The door opened and he came face to face with Obi-Wan. Who only gave him a ‘take my advice’ kind of look. Receiving a tired sigh from Anakin.
“I know. I’ll see you tomorrow Master. Good night.” To which Kenobi responded back with a good night of his own.
He made his way back to your room as he constantly looked down at you to check and make sure you were ok. Your eyes were barley open, you looked exhausted, as your head laid in his chest. You should be, he wondered how long it was going to take you to break after not sleeping for months. He was hoping his heartbeat would’ve put you to sleep by now. He knew you thought you were keeping it a well kept secret. That’s the whole reason you both haven’t been on a mission yet, he asked the council to give the both of you a few days off, refusing to let you put yourself in anymore unnecessary danger. He was surprised the council agreed, chalking it up to Obi-Wan putting in a word for him. He could’ve just banned you from coming on missions until you told him what was wrong, but that would’ve just made you retreat and hide your restlessness better. This was the best choice. Making it to your room, the door slid open, and he gently laid you down on your bed. He was about to let you rest and get to the bottom of this in the morning, but your hand quickly grabbed his, keeping him from leaving.
“Don’t go.” You whimpered, breaking his heart of what felt like the thousandth time that night. He complied and released a heavy sigh.
“You have to tell me what’s going on with you Stubs. I’ve given you enough time to figure this all out and tell me what’s going on, but this has gone to far.” He kept his voice low to let her know he wasn’t upset with her just worried. You sat up regardless of him trying to lay you back down but true to your nickname, you’re just stubborn. He stayed where he was kneeling in front of you, letting you have the height of the conversation, physically and metaphorically.
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I couldn’t look him in the eye knowing that I would start crying again.
“I just had a bad dream, that’s all.” Trying to play it off as nothing.
“Yeah. One among the many for the past few months, right?” That caused me to lift my head involuntarily. How did he know?
“Look Stubs, I understand what it’s like to have constant nightmares, ok? I just don’t understand why you won’t tell me about them.” He chuckled, an unamused one with a confused frown on his face.
Looking back down towards my bare feet, trying to keep the tears at bay. But failing at that too, a breathless sob breaks out.
“I just- I just don’t understand why they keep coming back! I mean I’m starting to think-” I cut myself off not wanting to speak into existence. Instead, I shoved my face into my hands. I’m not sure I can keep going with these nightmares, they keep getting worse.
“You’re starting to the think they’re visions.” To which I nodded to. “Are they the same dream or is it a different one every time?”
“It’s a different one ever time, but they always have the same outcome. You said you’ve had nightmares before. How did you stop them?
“Tell you what, if I tell you about my dreams, will you feel comfortable enough to tell me about yours?” Anakin didn’t like sharing his past with anybody, but for the sake of getting his padawan to trust him completely, he would do anything. You gave him a nod, to which he nodded back.
“It wasn’t that long ago actually. It was around the very beginning of the clone wars. They were about my mother.”
“And how she died. I didn’t understand it at the time, but they weren’t nightmares. They were visions.”
“I’m sorry, master.”
“I’m not telling you this so you could feel sorry for me. I told you so you would understand when things like this happen you should talk about it to someone not hold it in, because one day you might be able to save a life.”
“But if it is a vision. . .I fail.”
“Not all visions are set in stone. And they can be almost impossible to understand by yourself.” As he explains he reaches out to gently grab her hands giving them a gentle squeeze.
“They’re about you.” Going back to looking down at my feet.
“What about me?”
“You die. And I’m always to slow to save you.” Looking up to see his expression, he doesn’t look scared if anything he looks amused. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask confused.
“Is it ok if I see it?”
“How can you do that?”
“Easy. Hold still.” After he says that his hands move to the side of my head, our eyes closed , and our foreheads laying on one another’s as he searches for the memories. When he finds them they suck him in deep, so deep he has to take a deep breath to keep himself grounded. Your fear, your pain, your anger. But right before he pulled away, he was able to see where they all started. Guilt flooded through him. He didn’t realize how much he scared you. He pulled away and moved to sit next to you on the bed. He paused for a moment trying to figure out the best way to reassure you.
“Listen, Stubs. I’m not going anywhere. And I’m sorry I frightened you. Why didn’t you come to me?”
“I was afraid. Everything I was feeling, everything I am feeling is forbidden for a Jedi to feel. And I didn’t want you to look at me any different.” I replied, looking the opposite way shamefully.
“Stub. I am the last person to judge you. I have your back, just like I’m sure you have mine. Whatever I can do to help you, I will do. But I can promise you, I’m not going anywhere. And you don’t have to be scared of that happening anytime soon, or at all for that matter. Understand?”
“Yes, master.” Not giving him time to reply. I threw myself into his side, wrapping my arms tightly around him. He returned the gesture, pulling me into him even more.
“Bed time.” He pulled away, lightly pushing me to lay down, and pulled the blanket over me.
“Master? When’s our next mission?”
“We don’t have any, and we won’t until you’re well rested.”
“Oh yeah, you don’t know. We won’t be completing any assignments for a while. I requested to take some time off, due to my padawan deciding it’s ok to go into battles with little to no sleep.” He smirked knowingly.
“You knew.”
“Of course I did. Now get some sleep, please.” He replied as he turned to leave.
“Thank you.”
His playful smirked turned into a soft smile. “Good night, Stubs.”
“Good night, master.” I responded as I laid down already half asleep, ready to catch up on all the months that were missed.
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A/N: The longest fic I’ve completed, but it had to be done🫡. Proofread, just let me know if I missed an error, I hope you guys enjooyyy.
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antianakin · 4 months
Is it just me or do you get a little exasperated/tired with how everyone seems to let Anakin do whatever he wants and there’s no repercussions?
Like when R2 got lost and Anakin admitted that he never wiped R2’s memories, ignore his mission to blow up Grievous’s spy post to look for him on the off chance he was there. All Obi-Wan seemed to do was sigh and shake his head.
I just wish he got more pushback and punishments instead of everyone letting things slide.
Oh definitely, sometimes. Like I get it, generally, in universe, that most of the time when Anakin does something sort-of stupid that it tends to work out anyway and the Jedi seem to work from a position of "let them learn from their own mistakes rather than punishing them for making a mistake" which is good and I like that. But Anakin so rarely sees any real CONSEQUENCES for his choices, even if it's just natural consequences as opposed to an imposed punishment, that he never seems to ACTUALLY learn anything from said mistakes and instead just continues to believe he was in the right.
With the R2 example, the listening post blows up in the end and he gets R2 back. Some of his men die, but Ahsoka and Rex (who are the only ones he actually cares about of the group he brought in) both live, so while there ARE consequences to his choice, they aren't consequences that matter TO ANAKIN. So what Anakin learns from this mission isn't that he needs to have better security regarding his droid, or that sometimes he needs to let go of the people he cares about in favor of the larger mission, but just that he was RIGHT. He CAN do it all, he CAN save the people he loves AND get the mission done, so why SHOULDN'T he try to have everything he wants and assume it'll just... work out for him.
And from the Jedi's perspective here, the mission is, essentially, a success. There isn't necessarily any good reason for a "punishment" of sorts. Obi-Wan makes it clear he doesn't approve of Anakin's choices regarding R2 and he DID try to order Anakin to do certain things regardless of his feelings, Anakin just didn't follow them and technically Obi-Wan got the result he wanted anyway, so there's very little Obi-Wan can really say or do other than what he already has. In AOTC, Obi-Wan's entire arc is about recognizing that Anakin is an adult now and that the next step in both of their journeys is to learn to let Anakin make his own mistakes and just hope that Obi-Wan has trained him well enough to both avoid particularly catastrophic mistakes and allow him to learn from the mistakes he DOES make so he can continue to be a better Jedi as a result. Obi-Wan has to let go, step back, and LET Anakin make those mistakes and just have faith that he's done enough. We see that continue in TCW, not just with Obi-Wan, but with some of the other Jedi as well, like Mace and Yoda and Plo sometimes. They all KNOW Anakin's doing stupid shit sometimes, they KNOW Anakin struggles with a lot of things, and we do see them coming up to try to talk to him and give him advice more than once, but their philosophy isn't to punish him for struggling, but rather to have faith that he'll make it THROUGH the struggle and do better.
So while I don't necessarily wish he got more punishments in canon, because I do think the Jedi are actually making the right, healthy choice regarding the choices they KNOW ABOUT, I do wish he had more NATURAL consequences for his actions that involve things that are actually meaningful to him.
For example, while this would never have happened for obvious narrative continuity reasons, I wish Padme had actually stuck to her guns about staying broken up/separated during the Clovis arc. I wish that his response to what happened with Clovis had frightened her enough to actually cause the relationship to end because she doesn't honestly know when he'll turn that anger on her.
In an AU version of events, I feel like the Jedi learning about the Tusken massacre might've caused more natural consequences in the sense that the Jedi would suddenly see Anakin VERY differently and lose a lot of that faith they're choosing to have in him by this point because holy shit that is a MASSIVE loss of control that DOES require more of a response than a slap on the wrist. Like they wouldn't necessarily punish him, but they might remove him from the front lines, they might remove Ahsoka as his Padawan (even if it's just temporarily), they might insist that he go to some sort of meditative retreat and see some mind healers until they can be sure that he's stable enough to take up certain duties again. I imagine Ahsoka's view of him might change pretty drastically if she learned about that, especially with how young she is at the time, and maybe she chooses never to return to his tutelage even if she ultimately does forgive him.
And of course none of this even touches how I feel about consequences for his choices from Order 66 and beyond. People more sympathetic to him would probably say that losing three limbs and being forced into the Vader suit and "losing Padme" are all natural consequences and that these are all "enough" for what he's done. But I just... can't agree. But he also manages to get his son's unconditional love and forgiveness. He manages to get OBI-WAN AND YODA'S unconditional love and forgiveness. He manages to be considered SO REDEEMED that he becomes a Force Ghost and CHEATS DEATH just so he can... what? Say goodbye to Luke for a second time or something? As a reward for doing the BARE MINIMUM of being a decent person and just not letting his son get murdered in front of him? Cool, great, give him the "not as big of a jerk as he could've been" award. He manages to get Ahsoka's love and forgiveness for everything he's done as per the Ahsoka show, and even gets almost completely exonerated for his choices by having them get brushed off as "meant to be" or whatever. Rex never seems to get told the truth about him as of current canon so Anakin gets to live with the nice knowledge that Rex presumably died thinking he was a hero.
So, sure, he gets a few consequences for his choices, but he ends up getting nearly everything he wants in the end. The loss of the Jedi doesn't actually matter to him, the loss of the Republic DEFINITELY doesn't matter to him, he can deal with pain, he's still ridiculously powerful, and while he lost Padme he gets Luke. The consequences he gets are almost all entirely meaningless, and he gets more rewards that DO mean something to him for the absolute bare minimum than he gets real consequences for the absolutely horrific atrocities he commits.
This is why I love the Kenobi show so much because that show gave me THREE WHOLE PEOPLE who chose to leave him behind. Reva, obviously, hates him and never actually forgives him for what he's done even though she ultimately has to let go of her anger so she doesn't become him. Leia obviously never meets Anakin and isn't letting go of him because she doesn't want to associate herself with someone like him, but she DOES go through an entire arc where she decides that the only parents she needs are the Organas, and even when Obi-Wan tells her what gifts she's inherited from Anakin and Padme, she clearly intentionally chooses to associate ALL OF THOSE THINGS with Bail and Breha instead because THEY'RE the parents SHE chose. And of course, then there's Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan who feels so guilty still for what Anakin's become and the part he played in it and who tries to apologize for the things he does and doesn't know about, but who ultimately realizes that he never failed Anakin, Anakin failed HIM, and the best thing Obi-Wan can do is walk away and leave Anakin behind for good. Anakin made his choices and nothing Obi-Wan can do will keep him from CONTINUING to make those choices now, so it's better to focus on the people he CAN help and leave Anakin to wallow in his own darkness. There is no forgiveness for Anakin in this show, not once. Obi-Wan's reaction isn't "there's good in him still" but "what good might still be there isn't something he's acting on so it doesn't really matter anymore."
And, if we believe that this was a real confrontation that happened, means that Anakin finally got a REAL FUCKING CONSEQUENCE in that show. He spends the ENTIRE SHOW hunting for Obi-Wan and obsessing over Obi-Wan and in the end, not only does he lose to Obi-Wan AGAIN, not only does Obi-Wan NOT get broken down into darkness, but Obi-Wan WALKS AWAY FROM HIM. Again. And this time it's not because Anakin is dying but because Obi-Wan is deciding that Anakin NO LONGER MATTERS TO HIM. Obi-Wan cannot forgive the person Anakin has chosen to become. Obi-Wan isn't going to waste his time and effort on Anakin anymore, he isn't going to waste his LIFE feeling guilty for the choices ANAKIN MADE anymore. He's cutting Anakin out of his life from now on and just... leaving him behind. And of course at the end, Palpatine tells him he's not allowed to hunt for Obi-Wan anymore at all. So Anakin ultimately gets NOTHING THAT HE WANTS in this story, the one thing that seems to mean something to him gets ripped away from him in more than one way, and I LOVE THAT.
I just wish we GOT more of those kinds of stories outside of this one show. Because I get people letting things slide during the clone wars era, most of his mistakes there are comparatively smaller, but uh. Genocide and mass enslavement aren't things that I think ANYONE should let slide and too many people are doing so in canon at this point, which is why I want more stories about the people who DON'T or CAN'T forgive him for what he's done. More Revas, please.
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skygirlstars · 8 months
I have a lot of gripes with the Ahsoka series but probably the biggest is that the only relationship of Ahsoka’s that the show-runners seem to give a shit about is her relationship with Anakin. yes, of course, their relationship is incredibly important and it’s very special to me, but it’s not the only one Ahsoka has. don’t get me wrong, I love Hayden Christensen, I love Anakin, the Clone Wars flashbacks were my favorite part of the series.
but what about all of Ahsoka’s other relationships? what about Rex and Barriss and Plo Koon and Padmé and Obi-Wan? we got a very very brief Rex appearance, but not so much as a mention of any of the others. do they just not matter? it was an 8 episode series, so of course I didn’t expect them to address every single person Ahsoka has ever known, but no one aside from Anakin? really?
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Rex is literally her only close friend still alive at this point and he only appeared in flashbacks. where is he? (is he safe? is he alright?) there’s a part of me that’s thankful they didn’t mention Barriss because I don’t trust any of these mfs not to do her dirty. but she still played an important role in Ahsoka’s life and we don’t even know what happened to her. Barriss’ role in TCW is literally why Ahsoka says she’s not a Jedi in Rebels, but apparently now she’s a Jedi again? huh???
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it’s not just the lack of other relationships, it’s also how they dealt with Anakin and Ahsoka’s relationship. I know some people were expecting an apology, which I wasn’t because I interpreted Anakin’s appearance as a manifestation of Ahsoka’s subconscious, but the fact that she wasn’t even mad at him in the slightest rubbed me the wrong way. “oh but Jedi aren’t supposed to get mad!!!” 1. that’s an egregious oversimplification and just not true, 2. Ahsoka isn’t a Jedi anymore anyway, and 3. in Rebels, Ahsoka felt more guilt than anger, but that was before Anakin literally tried to kill her!!!! Ahsoka in TCW (and in Rebels, too, though she’s mellowed out a bit as she’s matured) just has so much fire, so where was that in the series? even if she does still feel guilt for Anakin’s fall, she should still be at least a little pissed at him!! I loved seeing them together again. I loved it so much. Hayden and Ariana were phenomenal. but grown-up Ahsoka should not be acting like everything’s all good between them because it’s not. there was so much good angsty potential that completely went to waste.
I could say that about the whole series. it had so much potential. but the lack of mention of any of Ahsoka’s other relationships, plus her interactions with Anakin… it’s all a whole lot of missed opportunities that shouldn’t have been missed.
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orchestraytedkhaos · 9 months
Rexsoka. Yeah, it's my ship. Still.
I mainly just lurk here, reading fanfic and enjoying the memes. But the angst of the last few has given me the courage to dive in and say a few words.
First, let me clear the air: Rebels was when I started shipping Rexsoka. Prior to their reunion on that show, it had never ever occurred to me to ship them. Despite having read the novels.
So, yeah, look, I totally get the opposition to shipping early Clone Wars Rex and Ahsoka. She's a child. He's a child too, arguably, although his accelerated maturation makes everything super messy. The military structure and fact that Rex is basically a slave means its got power issues galore. Then for those in the US, there is the whole 18 year old age of consent thing (noting, for good or ill, it's 16 most other places). I get why this squicks people. It's the SanSan of Star Wars.
But people grow up. Even on TV.
Season 7 Ahsoka is 17 going on 18, and effectively an adult. She's commanded armies, and just spent a year living and working independently. She is also obviously mature and, frankly, animated that way. Rex is a long term friend, they love and care for each other, and by the end of the season, she basically risks everything for him, and he for her. The episodes are also written in a very obviously shippy way, with the gazing, the chats, the meaningful converstions, the hand holding and the tears. Not to mention that sad, moonlit reunion in Tales of the Jedi.
And although I dont think it matters much, by this time, even taking Rex at double chronological age, the gap is pretty mild by fantasy standards. 17-18 and about 26, roughly the same as Buffy and age-corrected Angel, and way less than Han and Leia.
Fast forward to Rebels, and we have two mature adults with a shared history and goals, who love, trust and admire each other, share common interests, and are amongst the most important people in each other's lives. It's a believable and natural thing for that to progress to something more. The challenges to their relationship are things like, for Ahsoka, the lingering memory of the Jedi code and Anakin and Padme's destructive passion, and Rex's rapid aging, status and limited life experiences. It is those kinds of emotional and external barriers and their shared trauma that make the romance so interesting.
Season 7 + and Rebels Rexsoka is classic friends to lovers, and one of the nicest, softest and most realistic relationships in Star Wars. The opposition to it, and moraliatic shaming of those who like is, is something I simply don't get. It's bizarre. There are heaps of ships that are far, far more problematic (including Anakin/Padme) that don't get this hate.
Like, anti dudes, what exactly *is* the problem here? I suspect the it's that some people just want to get their hate on.
The recent flashbacks? Yeah, that one on Mandalore complicates thing, but I doubt they had stomping on shippers in mind when they cast Ariana, as I have seen suggested elsewhere. The more likely scenario is that - at about 14 yo when this was filmed - Ariana was totally perfect for the first flashback, and is perfect for playing young Ahsoka going forward. Even setting aside that she is an amazing actress, she's insanely athletic and can duel weild light sabres while knee walking though a twist. She's also already tied to Disney. She wasn't quite right for the part, and, I agree, that does make watching it in light of the fanfic a bit uncomfortable. But, it's not just a shipper issue. Putting an Ahsoka that looks and sounds like that in the episodes with the Martez sisters and Bo Katan is weird af too, and doesn't work. I doubt it is meant to.
Story-wise, the best and only real take is that the flashbacks aren't live action replays. The Mandalore scene doesnt even chronologically match what happened (Ahsoka is so fighting Saxon in that scene, which never happened). They are visions about Ahsoka and Anakin and their relationship, not live action replays. Both remember her as a child caught up in a war. Smoke, the fog of war, flashing lights and dying, faceless clones.
And Anakin and Rex.
What I take from these is that in Ahsoka's mind, and Anakin's too for that matter, Rex is always there for her. Standing in the chaos, calm and confident in himself and in her, and looking badass as heck. With an older Ahsoka it would have absolutely been smoking scene from her pov, and no way was it written otherwise. As an older Ahsoka remembering, it's hot. As younger Ahsoka, he's there as her protector and friend.
Do I do ever think this ship will play out on screen? Not, no explicitly. And, yeah, it probably is harder now because of that vision (although if they ever do film a younger Ahsoka series, they will undoubtedly be casting a young actor for Rex, and Ariana will, by then, be 18). But I don't think that was intentional, and I don't think that much has changed. It was always intended to be an "open for interpretation" relationship, written with the possibility not excluded. And I am good with that. Perhaps I even prefer it. Star Wars has a truly dreadful record with romance and, besides, too often cementing subtle or ust-based ships kill them. I just hope this hasn't, because it's still my ship and I love it.
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Worth the Risk: Chapter I - Before
Chapter Summary: You've known Anakin ever since you were a youngling. It was hard to see one of you without the other. It's different when the Clone Wars start. But then, you're finally paired together for a mission and you're almost always together again. However, an argument after you almost die, may ruin your relationship. Or maybe it will do something completely else?
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker/Reader
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Reader, Shaak Ti (only mentioned), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ahsoka Tano, Rex, Jesse, Sketcher, Bunker, R2-D2
Word Count: 4338
A/N: This was supposed to be a one-shot. Once again, I'm proving myself I can't write those. Oh well. Anyway, I've got into "Star Wars" a few months ago and this is the result. I haven't watched everything yet, but I couldn't stop myself. I hope you will enjoy this. Happy reading! P.S.: The gif is not mine! Same as the Star Wars franchise. Nor you, for that matter. Oh, and I didn't know if the people on the tag list wanted to be only in my fanfictions about Aleksander Kirigan or in all my works. So, I address you guys now: if you're not into the Star Wars or this pairing, let me know in the comments and I will remove you from the tag list and won't tag you in the next chapter.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
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Anakin Skywalker has been your best friend since you were little. When he arrived to the Jedi Temple, the rumors about him being the Chosen One quickly spread. Other younglings were a bit afraid of him or treated him as someone amazing already. You were having none of that. During your first training together, you beat him up. He may be the one to save you all, but you were here longer. He was not going to get any special treatment from you.
However, after the training was finished, you hurried to him and took him on a tour of the Jedi Temple. You didn't want to treat him like he was better than you, but you didn't want him to be your enemy either. He was a kid, like you. And you could tell he appreciated that.
Ever since that, you spent every free moment together. Everyone knew that wherever you two showed up, chaos followed. He was advancing quicker in the Order, but you were an apt student and were close behind. After the Initiate Trails you were honored to be chosen by Master Shaak Ti. She's a good mentor and you really valued everything she had to teach you.
Then, the Clone Wars started. Your Master was asked to oversee the Clone production and training. You accompanied her and also took part in some battles, sent as a Commander. Soon after, you took your Jedi Trials and the Council granted you the title of the Jedi Knight. It was time to leave your Master and become a General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Of course, Anakin has been one already for some time, having passed his trials before you.
Because of the war, you and Skywalker have been spending less time together. But wherever you two manage to meet, you always try to take the most of it. But for some reason, the Council have never asked you to go to the battle together. Until now.
Anakin is walking through the Jedi Temple with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda. They're discussing the new mission Skywalker has been given. He needs to free another planet from the Separatists.
'Don't worry, Master Yoda,' he says, as they exit the Temple. 'Obi-Wan and I will not fail you.'
'Go with you, Obi Wan cannot,' Yoda says, surprising them both. 'A different task, he has. Send someone else with you, we will.'
'Who?' Anakin asks, frowning. At the same moment they notice Master Mace Windu approaching with you. He's saying something to you and you nod, absolutely concentrated. Until your eyes fall on your best friend. Then, you grin. He does the same. But Obi-Wan's face falls.
'Master Yoda, are you sure about this?' he asks. 'The two of them together…'
'What is needed to save this planet, exactly is,' Yoda finishes.
'We'll be fine, Obi-Wan,' Anakin says, already heading your way. Kenobi sighs.
'This is gonna end badly,' he murmurs. 'Or at least in an explosion.'
You and Anakin meet halfway. At once you start talking strategy amatively. Windu passes you and joins other Masters, eyeing you skeptically.
'Are we sure about this?' he asks. 'There is a reason why we haven't paired them up together for a mission. They tend to be… destructive together.'
'To put it lightly,' Obi-Wan adds. But Yoda smiles.
'Trust them, we must,' he says. 'Powerful together, they are. Win the battle, they will.'
And so, an hour later you're at the docks, getting ready to board the Resolute, Anakin's Venator-class Star Destroyer. Anakin's Clone Legion, 501st, is to join you, same as yours, 98th. They greet each other and chat, waiting for you and Anakin to declare you're ready to fly. Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's padawan, stands a bit to the side, talking with Captain Rex, one of the clones.
'Ahsoka, do me a favor and keep an eye on these two,' Obi-Wan says, glancing at you and Anakin.
'Why?' Tano asks, puzzled.
'Wherever they go together, chaos follows,' Kenobi explains and pats Rex on the shoulder. 'Good luck to you all.'
'Thank you, sir,' the Clone says, already fearing his future.
'All set?' Anakin asks, joining the group.
'We were waiting just for you,' Ahsoka answers and smiles at you, as you approach them. 'And [Y/N]. Hi!'
'Hey,' you say, grinning at the young padawan. 'Shall we?'
'Let's destroy some droids,' Skywalker says, smirking at you. You smirk back and board the ship with him.
'May the force be with you,' Obi-Wan calls after you. You and Anakin turn and salute him.
'And with you!' you say at the same time and head inside. Kenobi sighs.
'Please, be careful,' he asks.
'I'll keep an eye on them, sir,' Rex promises.
'Thank you,' Obi-Wan says. Ahsoka smiles at him and boards the ship with others. She can't wait to see you and Anakin in action together.
When Obi-Wan returns from his mission, you and Anakin are still away. The task is going well, but he hears there are some complications. Still, you return not long after him. The Clones from your legions are the first to get out of the Resolute. They all look weary.
'How did it go?' Kenobi, who is there to greet you, asks. The Clones look at him. Rex walks forward and brings his hands together.
'Please, sir, please, never put the two of them on a mission together again,' he begs. Obi-Wan raises his eyebrows.
'That bad?' he asks.
'They were crazy,' Jesse, a Clone from 501 says with wide eyes.
'That bad?' Obi-Wan sighs.
'It was quite fun, actually,' Ahsoka says, joining them with a small smile, also looking tired. 'But… they are something else together.'
'They're chaos, that's what they are,' Jesse mumbles. Just then you and Anakin show up. You're having a bacta patch on your forehead.
'And what happened to you?' Kenobi asks.
'Skywalker,' you answer, but don't sound angry.
'Yeah, well, it worked, so I'm not sorry,' Anakin says. You roll your eyes.
'But we're not doing it again,' you say.
'How about next time you can throw me into a swarm of droids?' Skywalker suggests. Your eyes light up. Obi-Wan's go wide.
'You did what?!' he demands from his former padawan.
'She had two lightsabers!' Anakin defends himself. You grin and decide to quickly evacuate yourself, not wanting to be berated by Kenobi as well. Ahsoka and Clones take that as their cue as well.
While you retreat, Skywalker glares at you, feeling betrayed. You wink at him and walk away gracefully. Until you hit a droid and trip over him. You can hear Anakin's laughter very clearly.
'Damn you, Skywalker,' you murmur and stand up. You stick out your tongue to Anakin and walk away.
'How can one change their personality so quickly?' Jesse asks Rex. 'On the battlefield they both have been professional, focused and very scary. And now they are…'
'Young people having fun,' Rex finishes with a small, sad smile. They observe you walking away in silence, pondering about the cruelty of the war.
A few days later the Clones from 501st and 98th legions get bad news. The Senate and Jedi Council were so impressed and satisfied with how the mission went, they want to pair you, Anakin and your legions for more missions. All Clones groan in unison at the news. Some actually cry.
However, with time it changes. Yes, you and Anakin can still be crazy, not only on the battlefield. But 501st notices that you tend to have a calming influence on Skywalker. And 98th notice that you seem to thaw around Anakin. They're used to see you calm, collected and serious. Sometimes even a bit too much.
501st Legion takes a quick liking to you, not only because you calm down their general's temper. You are fun, compassionate, kind and you are a very warm person. Sometimes, Anakin even thinks they like you more than him. He is probably very right.
98th Legion is fast to warm up to Skywalker, too. They admire his skills, intelligence and strategies. They also love his fun side and to joke around with him. And annoy you with it.
Both Legions have a chance to see more than anyone, maybe with an exception of Ahsoka, the chemistry between you and Anakin. While others see it as some sort of connection, good sync in the Force, they see it's something… more. And they're determined to see what exactly it is. The opportunity for that comes with one of the missions.
The Clones stand awkwardly outside the medic bay. They look at each other. No one dares to speak. They wince, hearing something clattering inside.
'So… they expect a report,' Sketcher, one of the Clones from 98th, says.
'Do you want to go in and tell them that?' Bunker, his companion, asks. Sketcher gives him a horrified look.
'None of us does,' Jesse murmurs. Just then Ahsoka, who had to take a shower because she was completely covered in slime, shows up. Everyone looks at her with hope.
'Commander, the Jedi Council expects a report,' Rex quickly says. Tano raises her eyebrows.
'Shouldn't Master Skywalker and Master [L/N] do it?' she asks. All Clones look at the door to the med bay. As on cue, Anakin's and then your voices can be heard:
You could have died!
But I didn't!
'I see your point,' Ahsoka sighs. 'I'll get right to it.'
She turns to go and contact the Council. The Clones hurry after her, no longer feeling guilty for not stepping in. Only Rex and Sketcher stay behind, ready to assist you and help if necessary.
Inside the med bay, you and Anakin are glaring at each other. You're covered in bacta patches. But you don't see why your friend is making such a fuss. You're fine. Nothing serious has happened to you.
'But you could have,' Skywalker says. You roll your eyes.
'What's your deal?' you ask, putting a hand on your hip. 'Usually, you don't hesitate to do things like that. You do even more dangerous stunts.'
'You're supposed to be more responsible one,' Anakin argues. 'Besides… you're not me.'
'I know, but what's that supposed to mean?' you ask, narrowing your eyes. Skywalker clenches and unclenches his fist.
'It's less risky when I don things like that,' he says after a tense moment. 'Dangerous things.'
'And why is that?' you ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
'Because I'm a better Jedi,' he blurts out. 'I've always progressed faster than you.'
He regrets his words the moment they leave his mouth. You look as if he's slapped you. For a long moment you stare at each other. Finally, you huff.
'You can be a really unsensitive jerk, Skywalker,' you snap and march out of the med bay.
'[Y/N], wait, I didn't-!' Anakin starts, panicked. But you push past Rex and Sketcher, and hurry away. The Clones stare after you, then look at Skywalker judgingly.
'What?' he asks. Rex sighs and Sketcher shakes his head.
'What?' Skywalker repeats, annoyed, crossing his arms. 'Come on, spit it out.'
The Clones exchange a look. Sketcher waves his hand and walks away. Anakin and Rex stare at each other. Skywalker raises his eyebrow, waiting. The Clone sighs again.
'You should have just told her you were worried, sir,' he says and the Jedi quickly opens his mouth to protest. 'You and me know she's just as good as you. You're angry with her, because you were scared. You know that, I know that, but she doesn't. So, give her time to cool down and talk about it. But calmly now. And explain your reasoning. And apologize.'
'Are you giving me orders, Rex?' Anakin asks, a bit amused.
'Just a suggestion, sir,' the Clone answers, salutes and walks away. Skywalker sighs and runs a hand through his face. He knows Rex is right. But how to talk to you?
Nevertheless, he gathers his courage, and once you're getting close to Coruscant, he searches for you. He finds you in one of the storages, checking for supplies. The furrow of your eyebrows tells him you're still angry. But he has to clear the air now, before it's too late.
'[Y/N],' he says, walking inside. 'Can we talk?'
'Talk or yell at each other?' you ask after a beat.
'Talk,' Anakin answers, walking slowly to you, and scratches the back of his neck. 'I… I owe you an apology.'
You finally look at him, raising your eyebrows at him. You clearly haven't expected that.
'I am not a better Jedi than you,' he says. 'And I have no right to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. I'm… I'm sorry.'
'I'm sorry, too,' you say after a pause, looking at him with sorrow. 'I… I shouldn't have stormed off like that. You… I… Truth is, I've always been a bit jealous of you being promoted quicker than me. Because I was in the Temple longer than you. Ever since I was a baby. I've tried to get over it, but I guess a part of me is still angry about it. But the truth is, the time spend on the training doesn't matter, but talent does. And you're a natural, Anakin. I just… I just wish you'd trust my skills as well. I may be not as good as you are, but I'm capable of doing risky things, as well.'
'I do trust your skills!' he hastily says, taking a step toward you. 'And you are as talented as I am. I just… I… You…'
'Yes?' you ask when he trails off. He gulps and looks into your eyes. His pulse speeds up. He can do it. He can.
'I was worried about you,' he confesses softly, surprising you. 'When I saw you jumping into that fire… for a moment my heart stopped. I thought… that you're not gonna come out of it. I feared I had lost you. When you emerged, I… I was so relieved. But then I became angry. For you to putting yourself in such risk and for making me so scared. I… lashed out at you and I'm sorry for it. But the thought of losing you is…'
You eye him warily, your heart beating fast. He looks at you like a kicked puppy. There's deep sadness in his eyes and… and something else you don't dare to name. Probably, if you reached out, you could read him. But you don't. And you beg him in your mind not to speak.
'It was unbearable,' he finishes softly anyway. You gulp. His eyes are begging you to say something. Your heart screams at you to answer him. But you can't.
'Well… I'm still here,' you say and smile nervously. 'Still in one piece. But I promise to be more careful. And as responsible as usual at least.'
You stare at him, expecting him to smile back. To finally get rid of this tension between you two. So everything could be back to normal. But he doesn't. He stares back at you, his eyes serious and… Oh, no. Determined.
'What if I do lose you one day?' he asks. You quickly put your guard up.
'You'll move on,' you answer, softly but sternly. He scoffs and looks at you with disbelief.
'Do you really think I can do that?' he asks. 'Could you move on if something happened to me?'
'Yes,' you answer with difficulty, forcing the tears back from your eyes.
'Seriously?' Anakin huffs, narrowing his eyes at you. You gulp, feeling a burning sensation in your throat.
'I'm not saying it would be easy,' you say. 'But I'd have to. That is the Jedi way. No attachments. Letting go of those we lost. Moving on.'
You give him a pointed look and walk past him. You press the button to open the door, but suddenly Skywalker grabs your wrist and presses the button again, closing the door. You stare at it, stunned. Your breath hitches when you feel his chest pressing into your back.
'What if we weren't Jedi?' he asks quietly, straight into your ear, causing you to shiver.
'Then… I'd mourn you,' you answer, also quietly. 'Openly. Letting everyone know how… hurt I am.'
'No, that's not the word you wanted to use,' he says, gently squeezing your wrist.
'Heartbroken,' you whisper. 'I'd be heartbroken.'
Anakin lets go of your wrist. But his hand moves to your waist, his other landing on its other side. He starts to turn you around. You panic and press the button to open the door. But it doesn't budge. You frown, confused. You can't wonder about it, however, because your eyes meet Skywalker's.
'Let me go,' you plead, for both your sakes. But he leans toward you, allowing his eyelids to drop a bit. You want to give in. Oh, you want it so much. But…
'What about Padmé?' you ask. He freezes. He looks at you with a frown.
'You've been going on about her ever since I met you,' you huff. 'And then you were reunited and… you always wanted to be on the missions that were connected to her and I always felt… how much she means to you.'
'She's just a friend,' he says, but you give him a skeptical look. 'Truly. Yes, I thought Padmé is… someone more for me. But then I met you and I realized… She was the first beautiful and kind girl I've ever met. What I felt for her was a childhood crush. Nothing more. I'm certain of it. Because what I feel for you is stronger than what I've felt for her.'
'Don't,' you say harshly, attempting to move away. 'Stop it here, Anakin.'
'No,' Skywalker says sternly, looking at you with passion. 'I've been hiding my feelings for too long. I almost lost you today and I can't… I can't continue without you knowing about them. Without knowing about yours…'
He reaches out and cups your cheek. He wipes out a stray tear you weren't even aware of. You open your mouth to protest more, but he quickly leans to you and your lips touch… and it's everything you've ever dreamt of and so much more.
You've been in love with your best friend for years. You've tried to deny and hide it. Because you are both Jedi and you also believed he has some feelings for Senator Padmé Amidala. But now he's kissing you. He's almost devouring your mouth and you just want more. You don't even realize when you put your hand behind his neck and pull him closer to you.
'[Y/N]…' he groans, deepening the kiss.
'Anakin…' you whisper and finally get enough clarity to push him away. 'We… we can't. The Jedi code…'
'Is wrong,' Skywalker says strongly and cups your face, looking at you pleadingly. 'It must be. Because how can this be wrong? Kissing you is the rightest thing I've ever done. I was made to love you, I'm sure of it. How can this be wrong?'
'Attachments lead to fear,' you say, forcing yourself to ignore what he said. 'Fear leads to hatred. Hatred leads to the Dark Side.'
'I'm certain that if I ever was tempted by the Dark Side, you'd beat that idea out of me.'
'Ha. Maybe. What if I turned to the Dark Side with you?'
'You couldn't. You're too strong for it. Too good.'
'I don't know. I've already broken so many rules for you.'
You look at him softly. His breath hitches. For the first time he can see past your walls. He can see the depth of your feelings for him. He opens his mouth to say something, but then voices destroy the moment:
What are you all doing here?
Uh… nothing! Everything is fine!
Yes, perfectly fine, General! No need to worry!
Alright… Where are Anakin and [Y/N]?
… They're in there, aren't they?
No, General, don't!
They need to clear some things out!
The door start opening and Anakin quickly lets you go, stepping away from you. Once it's open, you're met with Obi-Wan, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. Next to him is Ahsoka, looking at you with curiosity. Behind him are the Clones, looking at you sheepishly. You huff.
'Seriously, guys?' you ask, putting hands on your hips.
'We were just trying to make you up,' Sketcher says, grinning. You roll your eyes.
'Did we at least manage that?' Jesse asks hopefully.
'We're good,' you answer and look at Anakin. 'Right?'
Skywalker nods without a word, staring you in the eyes. You turn your gaze to Obi-Wan.
'You didn't have to come and get us,' you say.
'You've been docked here for minutes and no one was getting out,' he explains. 'I was beginning to get worried.'
'Seriously?' you ask, annoyed, glaring at the Clones. They grin at you. You huff and head toward your room. Kenobi shakes his head and follows you. Ahsoka looks at her master. He snaps out of his reverie and walks away, his padawan close behind him.
Not much later he's getting his things, when Rex shows up in his room. He closes the door behind himself. Anakin raises his eyebrows at him.
'What is it?' he asks. Captain straightens up.
'I just wanted you to know, sir, that none of us is going to tell anything about it to anyone,' he says seriously. Skywalker looks at him, confused.
'About what?' he asks.
'Exactly, sir,' Rex says and gives his supervisor a pointed look. 'We also erased all the recordings from the camera in the storage room.'
Anakin's eyes go white and his face goes pale. He opens his mouth to say something, but the Clone interrupts him by saluting.
'Sir,' he says and turns to leave.
'Uh, thank you, Rex,' Skywalker quickly says. Captain turns his head and smiles.
'To be honest, sir, we all have been waiting for that for a long time,' he says and has an audacity to wink, then chuckle at the dumbfounded look on Anakin's face, and walks out.
'Those Clones,' Skywalker huffs after a moment, running a hand through his hair. He quickly gathers his things and leaves.
He finds you in the docks, talking to R2-D2. He hurries to you. You frown at his flushed cheeks.
'What's wrong?' you ask and look at him alarmed. 'Does Obi-Wan know about…?'
'No, and unless one of us says something, he won't,' Anakin denies. 'Rex and others deleted the recordings from the camera in the storage room.'
'The… camera, oh sweet Maker,' you groan, hiding your red face in your hands.
'And they won't tell anyone either,' Skywalker adds and huffs. 'Apparently they ship us.'
You let out a nervous laugh. But you uncover your face. Anakin looks at you softly.
'I meant what I said,' he says. 'I-'
'Don't,' you interrupt him, looking around. 'Not here. Besides, I got the message.'
'What about your feelings?' Skywalker says and grabs your wrist. 'I won't let you go until I hear about them. Please. I need to know.'
You could tell him you don't feel the same. You'd break his heart but maybe it would allow you two to move on. But you know he'd recognize you're lying. Especially since you kissed him back…
'It has always been you, Anakin,' you decide to say softly and look him in the eyes. 'My heart has always belonged to you.'
'Can we… give us a chance, then?' he asks hopefully, moving his hand so he could hold yours.
'I'd like nothing more,' you admit, your heart literally hurting. 'But you know we can't.'
'If I ever try to turn to the Dark Side, you have my permission to beat me out of it,' he quickly says. You snort.
'What if you already turn to it?' you question.
'I know you'll never let that happen,' he answers, grinning. You scoff and roll your eyes. Anakin takes your other hand in his and looks at you pleadingly. In the corner of your eye, you see your Legions discreetly observing you with bated breaths.
'If the Council finds out, I'm the one taking the blame,' you say after a long moment. 'You're already a controversial figure in their eyes. While I am their favorite.'
'Works for me,' Skywalker says, starting to smile.
'And you also have to let me take risks sometimes,' you insist. 'Trust in my abilities.'
'I will,' Anakin promises hastily nodding. You sigh.
'I can't believe I'm agreeing to this,' you murmur. Skywalker smirks and squeezes your hands.
'I'm that good of a kisser, huh?' he teases.
'Oh, you are,' you confirm, loosing yourself in the memory of his lips on yours… You quickly shake yourself out of it and pull your hands away.
'We will have to be careful,' you say. 'I'd like to remain a Jedi at least until the war is over. And you're needed, oh the Chosen One.'
'We will,' Anakin assures you softly, leaning toward you. 'But can I kiss you again?'
'Someone can see,' you protest.
'There are only Clones and R2, they're not going to tell,' Skywalker says. 'I saw Ahsoka walking away somewhere with Obi-Wan. Please. So I would know you're serious and this is not a dream.'
'Fine, but only one,' you give in after a moment. Anakin quickly cups your face, before you change your mind, and joins your lips for a short, but passionate kiss. He leaves you breathless when he pulls away.
'Damn you, Skywalker, you'll be the death of me,' you say weakly. Anakin chuckles and lets you go.
'I'll come to your room later and take you out on a date,' he says, winks and walks away. You blink and turn after him.
'You'll what?!' you call, but he doesn't stop. 'What have I done?'
You sigh, troubled. You know this is wrong. You should resist the temptation. But you can no longer deny yourself what you've wanted for years. Anakin Skywalker.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could. Every comment makes my day!
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898226/chapters/136425739
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thecleverqueer · 1 year
Hear me out:
I need a season two of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
In the first half of the season, Obi-Wan goes that same trippy journey with Qui-Gon that Yoda takes in season 6 of The Clone Wars where he learns to become a force ghost.
In the second half, he returns home to a distraught Cody who is overly apologetic about everything that happened (Rex will get Cody’s inhibitor chip out… it’s inevitable). They become “roommates” because f*^% Disney, their queer-phobia and their kowtowing to foreign audiences that are against homosexuality… though Cody and Obi-Wan’s relationship will be clearly coded enough (much like Vel/Cinta’s or Trace/Ahsoka’s) that it’s obvious that they’re more than just shack mates.
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ooops-i-arted · 9 months
ahsoka still calling anakin a 'good master' after everything he fucking did to her oh my god, ENOUGH!
cowboy hat man won't give it a rest. he wants to throw ahsoka in everything and have her ascend to glorified creator's pet status, but he still can't figure out how to feature her without making her whole worth and existence about anakin. a two year relationship that ended with the master nearly murdering his padawan gets to be highlighted repeatedly, as if it was the most emotionally resonant thing to ever happen to ahsoka and anakin. instead of literally any other relationship that could be explored more.
screw ahsoka's other relationships from the jedi temple or the clones. she can hang out with rebels characters who are reduced to hollow husks of themselves while she has the charisma of a plank. but let's remind everyone how special and awesome she is because anakin was assigned to her for a short time. ahsoka is almost fifty years old now, were the options really that limited? screw respecting anakin's kids who achieved their own legacies and played important roles in the rebellion, defying what he chose to become. luke and leia are barely present in these galactic events and it's rare for their names to be mentioned at all. and who the hell is padme at this point?
ahsoka's writing has been unimpressive for a while now and i haven't cared about her story beyond fandom osmosis. but her show probably isn't even servicing people who actually liked her from tcw anymore, it's about whatever caters to filoni's warped perception of these characters.
Not only is it egregious because we know Anakin is a child murderer, Ahsoka NEVER moves on or comes to terms with it! She just keeps wallowing in it so Filoni can wank off to Anakin licking Ahsoka's butthole. Also: two years. There's no way she's near as speshul to him as Padme (the woman he was in love with for 10+ years and his wife) or Obi-Wan (his Master who was like a brother to him, again for over a decade) or Shmi (his freakin' mother and likely his one point of stability in a chaotic childhood as a slave). Don't even tell me that if Anakin was dropped in the World Between Contrived Time Travel he would save Ahsoka over any of them lmao. Or drop her like a hot potato if he had to choose between Ahsoka and Luke, his son and the last remnant he has of Padme (her son), Obi-Wan (guarded and trained by), Shmi (her grandson) and pretty much the one person he was able to commit an act of true, unselfish love for (killing Palps).
I do feel bad for the fans since I've seen plenty of comments that it's "not her" and that RD's portrayal is just so flat and devoid of smirky smugness/cheekiness/whatever. I personally may hate it but it is part of her character. And you're right, why is it only people she isn't connected to? She barely knew the Rebels crew and mostly as Fulcrum, so a professional relationship, not a friendship. Not to mention Sabine being forced into a Jedi Padawan role despite NEVER showing Force sensitivity or any interest in being a Jedi, and she lived with two of them for years. She had plenty of opportunity to ask Kanan if she wanted to be trained! But nah, we gotta give Ahsoka a Padawan and throw in some forced girl power stuff on the side. (As a former little girl who deeply craved female representation in the male-dominated stories I loved, I can tell you, little girls can tell when it's forced.) (Also Sabine choosing to force herself into a Jedi role out of grief for missing Kanan and Ezra instead of actually being into it or confronting her feelings of loss could've been a really interesting character moment. But nah.)
Side note but I also find it interesting that Rex is barely in this show. Wasn't Rex Ahsoka's clone counterpart? They're very close friends? He's still alive and kicking and could help her out? That would be a really cool relationship to explore? Or did Filoni realize he can't whitewash a real Māori man the way he can animated clones?
(Also I saw this ask before bed and woke up thinking about Mara Jade and Jaina Solo, a female teacher-student relationship that was so badass, and now I want Mara Jade being Rey's teacher and helping her confront her relationship to Palpatine and Rey having the guidance of someone who Gets It, can you imagine. We could've had it alllllllll)
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zoeykallus · 1 year
How've you been doing? Love how amazing your writing always is btw. I was wondering, if you wanted to, if you could make something for the batchers (post order 66) finding out their kid has the force / is force sensitive. I don't remember seeing if you'd done something like that before so sorry if you have. I just love your headcannons for the boys reactions to stuff with their kid. Only if you want to do this though. Hope you have a good day / night!
Aloha! Nice to read you again 😊 Interesting thought, it's probably angsty for them, considering the empire hunts down force sensitive beings. Let me see what my mind comes up with 😁
The Bad Batch HCs - Force-Sensitive Offspring
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Warnings: Angsty
When he notices it for the first time, he looks around hastily. Hunter fears someone may have seen his child just levitate the toy. He vacillates between pride and panic, not really knowing how to handle it at first.
One thing is for sure, he must keep the child hidden, away from strange, prying eyes. He will tell his brothers, but no one else. Protecting his child is his main mission now, he will not compromise that mission at all, no matter what may come.
Hunter is a loving Dad through and through, he'd die to keep his kid safe and sound.
There are moments when he feels so proud and fascinated, while watching his kid growing up, but his deeply worried and scared moments are probably just as often and intense.
One thing is for sure, his child can always be assured of Hunter's love and protection, no matter what.
He panics, very much so. For the sake of the child, however, Echo keeps his wits together. His first impulse is to seek help and advice. His first thought in this regard, is Rex, an old friend he has always looked up to and trusted. He may be with CF99 now, but Rex is still his first port of call in such a situation.
Of course Rex, along with Gregor and Wolffe would immediately offer shelter and protection. Since CF99 in a way always moves in the focal point, Echo would probably be urged to accept just by his concern for the child. It would not be an easy decision, as he now has a close relationship with the guys from the batch.
Should he accept the offer, Uncle Gregor will probably be the favorite uncle who regularly makes the child giggle.
Rex will also contact Ahsoka, who agrees to help the child with the Force side of his/her existence.
He is so incredibly proud. However, Wrecker is also well aware of the dangers. He talks openly with his brothers about the matter, including his worries and fears. He can be sure that Hunter, Tech, Echo and even Crosshair are ready to adapt and protect the child.
Omega will have her true joy in taking care of the little one, the two will have a close relationship in the future. Omega is smart and kind-hearted, a great role model for the growing child.
Wrecker is a force of nature when it comes to protecting his family. He does everything to ensure that his child grows up safe and in a loving environment. He doesn't have to worry about that with his brothers, each one of them is willing to give everything to ensure that.
Worry or not, Wrecker is a lively, loving guy, he will be a very good, loving father and adapt to the circumstances as best he can and do everything to make sure his child has a decent childhood.
He is extremely fascinated, of course, with the awareness of the dangers of this development. Tech will tap every source of information at his disposal to learn everything about the Force in minute detail.
So he knows about the dangers that emanate not only from the Empire, but also from the Force and its abuse. So Tech is also focused on protecting his child from themselves, and not only from outside influences.
It is important to him that his offspring is decent and kind-hearted. Tech knows that Rex has contact with Ahsoka and will put out feelers in that direction, hoping Ahsoka is willing to help.
Tech is a very loving, protective father, but he is always fully aware of all circumstances and takes them on to help his child on the right path. His mind is extraordinary, but even he has his mental limits, and he is not too shy to ask his brothers for help and advice when he is at a loss.
This child is lucky to have Tech as a father.
He is desperate. Crosshair remembers all too well how willingly, loyal to his position, he condemned the Jedi. Here and now he is ashamed of it, plagued by nightmares, coming to terms with all his past decisions that are eating away at his existence. Now there is this child, his child, his flesh and blood.
He will try not to let it show, but he is in agony. He loves his child, wants to do the right thing, and at the same time he is plagued by a deep guilt. Crosshair needs his brothers, now more than ever. Fortunately for him, Hunter, Tech, Werecker, Echo and Omega, too, willingly and resolutely reach under his shoulders to support him.
He is never alone, with any of his worries, when he needs someone, there is always someone there.
"You're family, Crosshair, no matter what happened in the past," Hunter says firmly, reaching for his brother's shoulder, "We'll protect and care for your child together."
A nod goes around, his brothers agree, all for one and one for all. This child has a very protective father, one who will never neglect his duties and is willing to put his heart and soul into ensuring their safety.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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sarcastic-sketches · 1 year
I think the thing I like about Anakin Skywalker so much is the relationships he has with other people - because they’re all different. They all have their own little niches. Character interaction and the dialogue they share is my favourite part of a character.
Obi-Wan is his brother/dad figure he can have banter with and who is trying to balance the line between mentor and friend, but is still looking out for him (even if he doesn’t appreciate it half the time!), while Anakin has this desparate want to be closer but fear also doing so because then Obi-Wan will know too much and leave. Plus, there’s the banter, my god these two chucklefucks.
Anakin: Everything I learned, Master, I learned from you Obi-Wan: Oh, if only that were true
Obi-Wan, where else would he have gotten that much audacity.
Ahsoka is his sister/daughter, similar to Obi-Wan he can relax with her but he has to at least try to reign himself in on his more bullshit antics to set a good example (if she doesn’t enable him first). He obviously cares for her, it’s just that his way of expressing he cares is a bit more intense than what other people are used to. Especially other Jedi.
Padme is obviously w i f e who is just as insane commitment wise as he is (literally, I will help you hide the body(ies)) and they are a source of escapism for each other. It’s juxtaposed by Anakin obvious awe of her whilst having a very jaded view of the Galaxy (for good reason admittedly).
Rex is his bro, his main man, his good time boy (this guy knew about Anakin’s marraige ffs, he was actively in on the secret) and you can tell that trust goes both ways. Don’t even get me started on Rex still carrying that torch well into Rebels, he clearly respected Anakin a lot. They probably raced each other to see who could enter a skirmish first. Unfortunately, it’s all undercut by the fact that Rex is a clone and Anakin is his superior.
Then there’s Palpatine, who for Anakin is the older mentor/grandfather role, someone with an ‘outside perspective’ he can go to for advice or just someone impartial who won’t reprimand him for venting/bitching about his current grievance... and it makes me want to scream. Anakin, you dumb fuck. Palps is literally telling him everything he wants to hear, he is enabling all of his worst traits, actively encouraging them and making them worse. Not to mention the casual dismissal of everyone else around him (who would have been able to protect him from Palpatine’s manipulations) playing on his insecurities - including the doubts he has about himself so that his own judgement can be skewed - only to play the ‘woe is me, I am but a humble old man, not a threat at all’ card. It’s a horrendously abusive relationship and the reason it works as well as it does is because Palpatine has gotten Anakin to defend it, to defend him. Anakin won’t hear a bad word about the man so no-one can make him realise just how vulnerable he is. You sick fuck, A+, game well played.
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padawanlost · 5 months
Warning, long message.
Hi, so this isn't really a question. I just wanted to thank you. I've been checking your posts for a bit and because of you I decided to give a try to the Clone Wars Karen Miller novels. Wouldn't have done it other wise. Honestly I didn't enjoy Wild Space much. Felt like there was some sporadic brightness between a lot of stuff that bored me. The interactions between Obi-Wan and Bail didn't really made it for me. Gambit though. I'm right now in chapter 9 of Stealth and I'm loving everything. It's exactly what I wanted the way I wanted it. So many good moments so far. So many good interactions. So many nice paragraphs of inisght into both Anakin and Obi-Wan.
I liked that talk they had in the Archives so much. Anakin expressing his worry for Ahsoka, Rex and his soldiers while not really wanting to express it fearing Obi-Wan will give him another lecture about attachment and then Obi-Wan admitting to Anakin that knowing him has made him a better Jedi, and after that regretting that he should've said that earlier because there should be a place for praise too and not just for lectures.
And then on their way to Bail's house, Anakin mentioning his mom and how he built 3PO to apolgize to her when he was late... Ah, it's so good. Wish The Clone Wars show had more moments like this.
I love that show, it's what made me a fan of Star Wars and their banter there is wonderful. But honestly, that little moment in Stealh was honestly better than any funny moment or sassy line that those two have in the show (not saying those moments between them aren't good or their relationship isn't well portrayed. Just saying this stuff in the novel is more of my thing)
This novel is so good. So underrated. 100 % an obligatory reading for anyone who calls themselves and Obi-Wan and/or Anakin fan.
I'm just so glad this novel is allowing Obi-Wan to be so human and Anakin so... Vulnerable.
It's like Padme says. He takes it personal. He feels responsible. He wants to fix everything that's broken. That shit gives me life lol.
I like the badass cool Anakin from The Clone Wars but the real man behind General Skywalker, the real person behind the Hero With No Fear facade it's more interesting and relatable.
So yeah, thank you!
You’re welcome! It makes me so happy discovering some of the awesome content the EU has to offer. And let me tell you, Karen Miller is one of the very best when it comes to writing prequel Era, specially Padmé, Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi-wan. She’s not as ….dramatic…as Stover but oh boy she’s written some of the most beautiful moments in star wars.
And the Gambit Series is a must-read! #chefskiss
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sun-roach · 11 months
tag game: (star wars)
thxuuu for tagging me @captainrexshusband & @thestarwarslesbian 🧡
1.ride or die ship (your otp): codywan
2. most annoying ship: reylo
3. second favourite ship: errr hmm Fox x caf
4. favourite platonic relationship: Rex and Ahsoka
5. underrated ship: obirex <- agreed
6. overrated ship: Imao reylo <- also agreed
7. one thing i would change in canon: nothing, because i like the pain and fix it fics
8. something canon did right: how they showed order 66 in the s7 finale. <- yessss T.T
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom
PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: i guess the few lil fox fics and incorrect quotes I posted
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): I want to say Fox but his personality is fanon canon and not canon canon so hmm I guess I will go with Rex here. There is nothing I would want to change about him. He is a kyutie
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Fox, but instead of caf i am an energy drink junkie, done with everyones bs, want only some peace and look at the stars, would bite ppl who hurt my friends/family, 24/7 tired af
12. character(-s i hate the most and why: palpatine. for fucking everyone over and breathing. <- that
13. something i've learned from the fandom: that people are so small minded that have to hate on everything they don't even need an opinion on. <- kinda true, kinda true
14. three tags i seek out on a03: i don’t look for any tags lol
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/ favourite character: in the end - tommee profitt for Fox
NPTs: @dukeoftheblackstar @vodika-vibes @commander-sunshine @star-burned @metalatl @techs-stitches @kimiheartblade @orange-twilek-guy @obligatorytropeinsert @insertmeaningfulusername & many more
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kalevalakryze · 6 months
Blood On The Ice
Chapter One: Muun Nynir
Characters: Sabine Wren, Shin Hati, Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger, Tristan Wren, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-5576-39 | Gregor, CT-6116 | Kix,Bo-Katan Kryze, Koska Reeves, Axe Woves, Paz Vizsla, Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Reva Sevander | Third Sister, Grand Inquisitor (Star Wars), Baylan Skoll, Hera Syndulla, Morgan Elsbeth, Fifth Brother (Star Wars) Relationships: Shin Hati/Sabine Wren, Alrich Wren/Ursa Wren, Ezra Bridger/Tristan Wren, C1-10P | Chopper/Marrok, Hera Syndulla/Ahsoka Tano, The Armorer (The Mandalorian TV)/Bo-Katan Kryze, Reva Sevander | Third Sister/Trilla Suduri | Second Sister, Shin Hati & Baylan Skoll, Ezra Bridger & Ahsoka Tano & Sabine Wren, Alrich Wren & Sabine Wren & Tristan Wren & Ursa Wren Tags: Alternate Universe - Hockey, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Blood and Injury, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Build, Hockey Fights, Hockey Injuries AO3 Link: Here! Word Count: 3,125
Notes: It's finally here! I've been working on this one chapter for the last two months! Gosh, so happy to get here right now! So some things to note, this series will take place across 3 acts, with a currently undefined chapter count on all, with obviously as seen in the series, some loose snippets floating around. This world was built by @thegirlsinthecity and myself, and while neither of us know everything about hockey, I think it's more about the fun we had putting this together over exact accuracy. (And yes, there are plans to return and update tags soon) So just some basic team lineups so it isn't all lost (And yes, more will be added slowly as I expand on the lines) Lothal Spectres: Sabine Wren, #5, Right Wing, Two-Way Forward Ahsoka Tano, #32, Center, Playmaker Ezra Bridger, #6, Left Wing, Grinder Tristan Wren, #60, Right Defense, Offensive Rex Fett, #51, Left Defense, Enforcer Gregor Fett, #39, Goalie, Hybrid Kix Fett, Team Medic Axe Woves, #17, Right Wing, Sniper Koska Reeves, #29, Left Wing, Playmaker Bo-Katan Kryze, #42, Center, Grinder Chopper: #00 Mascot Hera Syndulla, Coach/Owner Mercenaries: Shin Hati, #64, Left Wing, Enforcer Baylan Skoll, #87, Center, Playmaker Reva Sevander, #66, Right Wing, Two-Way Fifth Brother, #23, Right Defense, Offensive Trilla Suduri, #74, Left Defense, Enforcer Grant Inquisitor, #85, Goalie, Standup Cad Bane, #32, Center, Grinder Boba Fett, #1, Right Defense, Two-way Fennec Shand, #9, Left Defense, Enforcer Aurra Sing, #48, Right Wing, Playmaker Bossk, #54, Left Wing, Sniper Marrok, #26, Mascot Morgan Elsbeth, Owner
“You ready to get back out there, Sabine?” Ahsoka called from the other side of the locker room, securing her lekku in the padding so they wouldn’t risk injury or swing about and hurt someone. 
Sabine looked up from the yellow and blue jersey in her hands, the Firebird emblazoned on the chest, and the number five stamped across the back and shoulders. 
“You’ll figure it out, verd’ika,” Bo-Katan’s hand was heavy on her shoulder, warmth seeping through the thick shoulder pads as the older Mandalorian dropped to her side. “Shoot straight, don’t get hit. Rules haven’t changed on your way up to the big leagues.”
“But you need to be mindful of everyone on the ice,” Ahsoka cut the redhead off with a shake of her head as she settled on Sabine’s other side. “The Mercenaries are… better equipped than us. They’ve also had more time to train their rookie,” 
“Run that one by me again?” The younger woman shrugged off Bo’s hand to tug the jersey over her head, brushing her fingers through her hair to fix it once the material was settled over all the padding. 
“Shin Hati, some kind of college star, Merc’s Captain, Baylan Skoll, has been training her since she was a kid, I guess.” Sabine scoffed at the mention. Some kid whose connections got them the job, typical. 
“Don’t underestimate your opponent, Sabine.” Ahsoka reprimanded gently as she started to lace up her skates. “Hati made a name for themselves in the pre-season, a dangerous one at that. You’ll need to keep your head out there.” 
“Ahsoka, if anyone can keep their head out there, it’s Sabine,” Bo stood to her defense immediately, bringing a small smile to the younger Mandalorian’s lips. “You just gotta trust her, and also, hurry up. Clock’s ticking-” The redhead motioned to the loudspeaker announcing their time left before they needed to make their first appearance on the ice. 
Grabbing her helmet, Bo offered Sabine one last look of mild sympathy. “You’ll be alright, ad’ika. Your aliit is with you,” 
Trilla and Reva were laughing. The first game of the full season, and they were sitting there laughing. Shin was trying their best not to give them a moment of their time as she adjusted the light away uniform on her body, making sure the padding was covered and everything fell perfectly. 
Stepping out into the hallway, Shin was greeted by Baylan exiting the men’s locker room as well. Their head dipped in a silent greeting as he fixed the chin straps of his helmet. “The Spectres have had a roster change since we last faced them,” He informed them as a  greeting as they made their way down the hall towards the tunnels where the pounding feet and heavy bass made it hard to hear him properly. 
Taking the sticks as they were handed out by Morgan who was working her way down the line of their emerging teammates, Baylan rested his hands on the top. “Their newest addition, Sabine Wren; has countless connections to many on the team, including her little brothers, Tristan Wren, and Ezra Bridger. Keep an eye on her, but be mindful of the positions on the ice.”
“Of course,” Shin nodded, silvery eyes glancing through the doors to catch the shining lights all over the yellow and blue arena. Lothal. If they never had to come back, it would be too soon. 
There was no meeting or chant, nothing said between the players as the clock ticked by; not like the teams Shin had played for in college, which she was grateful for, really, the team bonding thing just wasn’t their vibe, and this team respected that quality in them all, but there may have been some part of them that itched at the lack of any acknowledgment from Morgan, who’s career counted on their wins. 
The speakers thundered in their ears as the doors were pulled open to the ice. “Everybody welcome to the ice, your Lothal Spectres!” It was an older man on the intercom, someone who sounded as if he genuinely loved his job, like everyone at this blasted arena. The cheering grew tenfold as skates hit the ice. From behind Baylan, Shin could see the flashes of blue and yellow on the rink as the players took a lap. 
“And your opponents for tonight, the Seatos Mercenaries!” Balanced on his blades, Baylan led their line down the tunnel. There wasn’t a big fanbase willing to travel across the galaxy to watch them. Still, they had a handful of devoted regulars reaching their hands into the tunnels, as well as some children and Spectres fans who didn’t seem to care, as long as somebody acknowledged them.
Shin paid none of them any mind, ducking out of the way of reaching hands, even as Baylan offered a tap of his glove into each one. The crushing feeling of anxiety melted the minute her skates touched the ice and she was allowed to break away. The music and screaming were still deafening, but now they had their favorite distraction in the form of muscles burning and the cool air in her face 
“Well kid, there they are.” Bo-Katan called as she zipped past, sinking a puck into the empty net while Gregor caught up on his stretches to the side. “They’ve been calling ‘em Wolves, Kurs’kadedse.”  Sparing a look to the opposing side of the ice, Sabine caught a pair of silver eyes locked onto her, eyes that continued to stare even as the Mandalorians caught them.
“That’s the one we were warning you about, Hati.” 
“What the krif is she looking at?” Sabine huffed as she passed a puck between her skates before sending it flying towards the net, hitting the post before bouncing right into the netting. 
Bo-Katan’s gaze drifted back to the ever-present stare on the other side of the ice. “I don’t know, but girl; please blink.” The redhead shook her head and turned her attention to the filling stands around them. “Seriously, I don’t think she’s blinked this entire time; could be something to use to our advantage.” The older Mandalorian clapped Sabine on the shoulder before taking off to the glass by their box to flick pucks over for the group of kids gathered on the other side. 
Sabine dared one last glance back towards the Mercenaries side before shaking her head, she could deal with a little staring for be’gotal’ad sake, you didn’t look like she did and did not get used to all kinds of stares, this creepy… animalistic stare was nothing… Everything was fine….
Through the entire anthem, Sabine could feel the icy stare, determinedly, the Mandalorian focused on the ice, etching a groove with her skates as the anthem pulled to a close. 
“So, she’s got some kind of staring problem,” Tristan was quick to announce, making Ezra laugh and nod his head.
“Yeah seriously, ‘bine, you’d think you personally went over there and insulted her mother, she didn’t look away from you once.” Ezra crossed his arms over his chest, the tip of his colorfully taped stick pressing under his chin and against the strap. “Be careful… Something feels off about them.”
“Seriously guys, I’ll be fine, it’s only the first game. I seriously doubt anyone will be out for blood,” Sabine shook off their worry with a dismissive wave of her hand as she glided to start. 
Sabine didn’t have a chance to give the wolf on the ice much more of a single thought once they returned; The eyes on her were in the back of her mind the second the puck had dropped at center ice. Besides, she had plenty enough eyes on her the second she’d taken control of the puck and sank it right past the Inquisitor’s glove, sailing past his shoulder and smacking into the goalpost before finding a home in the white netting as the horns blared not even thirty seconds into the game.
Tristan was the first one on her, arms tight around his older sister as the rest of the team crowded her against the boards in celebration. The crowd was screaming, though it was dulled by the beating of her heart in her ears. “I knew you could do it!” Ezra shouted in her ear as Ahsoka’s hand pressed against the top of her helmet. Even Rex offered the Mandalorian a proud punch to the shoulder before finally allowing her some room. 
The eyes on her from the other bench were deadly and predatory, as Sabine glided past, she watched a short woman leaning over the wall to talk to psycho-eyes. It was… disconcerting, but really, not her problem. As Sabine rolled into her first shift, Hera’s hand clamped down on her shoulder proudly. “That was a good run, we’re gonna send you on the next shift, watch for Bo-Katan’s signal.” 
“Got it!” Sabine called over the roar of fans in the stadium, offering a smirk towards the camera when she glanced to the screens to see her name flashing on the humongotron, progressing to full laughter at the increase in noise from the crowd, before the cameras flipped back to the game. 
“They love you, ‘bine!” Ezra called as he hopped the board, letting his shoulder bump into hers as he grabbed a bottle of water, nearly missing entirely when he squeezed the thin plastic to squirt it into his mouth.
 Rex jumped over the boards then, smacking his gloved hand into Ezra’s hand for good measure. Sabine couldn’t hear his comment, but Ezra flipped him off anyway as the old timer went into the frey, catching Suduri in a hit that sent the behemoth of an enforcer to the ground. 
There was a flash of the mirrored tint from Bo-Katan’s helmet as she turned her head towards the bench. There was no other signal to be sent her way, but as Wedge glided to the bench, she knew it was her time to jump back in. 
Almost immediately, the Wolf was back on the ice, shifting as Sabine was crossing the neutral zone. Their head lowered, shoulders tilting forward as they streaked down middle ice. Sabine caught the puck as it was shot to her, clear for the moment in the breakaway. The puck smacked off the hook of her stick, pulling it in close to her body as she stuck to the wall. The wolf was gaining ground on her, fast.
Golden eyes flashed across the ice. Ezra was almost clear… If he could just catch her gaze; Blue met gold, the puck soared across the ice, missing gloves and sicks as it went. It hit the edge of his skate as he broke away from the towering defense. Sabine didn’t get to see what he did with the puck, catching a heavily padded shoulder square in the chest that sent her down to the ice. 
“Learn to take a hit,” Her attacker growled from above as the play was called dead. One of the linesmen pulled to the wolf as Tristan rushed over to help her up. As the penalty animation played on screen and zoomed in on the wolf for roughing, Sabine could swear she saw a flash of teeth as the Keldorian ref pulled her to the box. 
“Gotal’ad, verd’ika!” Bo-Katan exclaimed as she pulled to Sabine’s other side, gloved hand pressing into her back and fixing the bright jersey. “What did you do to them?”
“Literally nothing!” The purple haired woman groaned dramatically, shaking out muscles they knew would be overly sore the next day. “She’s fucking insane!.”
“It was a valid hit though, little Wren,” Rex called as he pulled into the circle, shrugging his shoulder nonchalantly as the Mercenaries penalty killers lined up. 
“Shut up, old man,” Sabine grumbled as she settled in. 
The ref dropped the puck, backing out of the two spitfires that were Bo-Katan Kryze and third-line center, Moff Gideon. Shoulders smashed together, skates scratched into ice, and sticks smacked into each other, until at last, Bo managed to kick the puck free, passing it to Ezra, who swung it across to Koska, then Axe. As the Spectre’s raced down the ice to take advantage of the five-on-four, the Mercenaries fought like hell to stop the assault. 
Sabine was streaking up the middle with Reva on her tail, pushing her closer and closer to the boards. Reva was bigger, but Sabine was faster, pushing the puck between her skates every time a black and red taped stick reached across to poke the puck from her unrelenting control. Rex pulled in next, pushing his way between the offensive right defense and the two-way forward.
Getting Reva off her back was everything Sabine needed as she pulled into the Goalie’s space, Axe swinging around the left side goalpost to screen the Inquisitor, taking that half a second of attention away from her as she kicked the puck from where it sat between her feet. The windup was fast, sending the puck flying from the toe of her stick. 
The Inquisitor dropped into a butterfly, but it was too late, the puck sailed past the closing edges of his pads and sank into the net, the loud goal horn echoing through the arena, quickly drowned out by the explosion of cheers from the crowd as Sabine’s arms went up into the air. “Yes! That’s how you get it done!” She shouted, her voice unheard with all the noise. 
Gleaming golden eyes turned to the crowd as Bo-Katan slammed into her, arms wrapping around her as Axe, Koska, Tristan, and Paz all joined in, almost slamming their huddle into the boards in their celebration. The only thing that altered the high of her joy was the heavy weight of predatory eyes, their weight intensifying as the Mercenaries winger was released from the penalty box. 
Eleven minutes left in the period, Spectres up by two, the crowd was electric, and Sabine’s heart was thumping comfortably in her chest, each time she glanced back at Hera, the beaming smile only made her light up more. As they pulled back to center ice, Sabine spared one last glance at the crowd, lips twisting when she caught sight of Ursa’s familiar yellow and grey coat in the stadium’s loudville level, phone raised, no doubt zoomed in to catch her kids on the ice. 
“Tristan!” She called as he came into his position at her right. “Buir is taking a picture, stop looking dumb,” This earned a barking laugh from him as Ezra and Koska switched out. 
“Yeah yeah, don’t hog all the limelight, ‘bine!” 
A growl from the opposing side had Sabine looking away from her brother. “You got a problem, kurs’kaded?” Sabine shot to the enforcer that sat on the other side of the blue line. The blonde only sneered and settled in, shoulders hunched forward and silver eyes breaking away from Sabine for probably the first time all day. “That’s what I thought,”
The next break came with a renowned intensity. Whatever the small coach on the Mercenaries lines said must have been particularly seething, with each forward all but bowling the spectre line over the moment the puck dropped. 
The puck was passed between wolf, to Sudari, Sevander, Skoll, then wolf again. Hera signalled for Sabine to shift, though it went ignored as the young Mandalorian managed to get her stick out, shoving the puck out of the wolf’s grasp. She slid carefully, hearing their skates scrape and grind as she spun around to take control. 
The race back to the Mercenaries goal was intense, a five on one break away that had Sabine already tensing up to get hit the further she pushed it, legs exhausting as she worked; Bo-Katan had already shifted, and Koska had switched with Rex this time. 
“Wren is breaking away! All alone crossing into Mercenary ice!”
“Here comes Hati, closing in fast-”
“Ohhh that one has got to hurt!”
The wolf’s shoulder smacked into her, their stick tangling in her skates in an illegal hook that sent her to the ground. Sabine hit the ice hard, sliding into the boards as they released their hold. The shrill whistle was sharp and skull splitting, but still, Sabine managed to get up, catching the venomous heaviness in dark eyes that tracked her recovery. The wolf turned away from her, igniting a spark of anger in her stomach. 
“Seems like Wren isn’t going to let that hit stand!”
The cheers that followed Sabine throwing her gloves and stick to the ground were loud and thunderous, but no more than her own heart as the almost bored look in Hati’s gaze turned into one of excitement. The scouts had noted that the wolf played with her food, and right now, Sabine was a four course meal. 
Her knuckles connected with their jaw almost as soon as her glove bounced off the ice. Heavy hands shoved into her to keep her back, though she could tell already that the bony knuckle of her middle finger had managed to split skin, red bubbling up onto a pale canvas quickly.
There wasn’t much time to focus on the renowned look in their eyes when a gloved hand launched into her face, smacking her head back off the glass hard enough to bring black spots to her eyes, though the second hit, ungloved, and right into the sliver of space between the pads right into her kidneys was the one that sent her to the ground, knees hitting the ice hard enough to make her bones ache. 
The crowd was screaming and cheering at the fight, smaller fights broke out on the ice around them, and Sabine could just barely see Skoll, shouting past the line of refs and yellow and white jerseys as he tried to call them off of her as Ahsoka and Kix struggled to rush through the traffic. Fans were throwing things onto the ice, and a cold hand bashed into her face at least two more times, the skin of her lip splitting under torn knuckles,  even as hot blood raced down the back of her head, staining her own jersey an almost orange color as the ichor bled into the bright yellows. 
Sabine’s vision swam, fists swinging weakly out, hands grasping at the white of their jersey, staining it with her own blood, trying to keep them from swinging any more. By the time Baylan managed to drag them off of her, Sabine’s vision was just a pinprick, barely managing to catch the look on Ahsoka’s face as she and Hera raced to try and catch her, darkness enveloping them in the hazy warmth of blood loss and the deafening sound of fans screaming. 
Translations: Muun Nynir - Hard Hit verd'ika - little warrior ad'ika - little one aliit - family Kurs’kadedse - wolves for be’gotal’ad sake - for the sake of the maker Gotal’ad, verd’ika - Maker, little warrior
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fanfictasia · 6 months
I adore your fics and have been feverishly devouring them for years, but I was catching up and was SO confused by these tags at all, but especially in a non-time travel fic (I saw it in the tags for a couple of others):
'Parental Rex CT-7567 | Rex and Anakin Skywalker Adopt Ahsoka Tano, i will make that an official tag even if i have to write a bazillion fics to do so lol'
I just...please help me out lol. Even in a time travel fic, the traveller is generally visiting the clone wars era, not prior to the clone wars. Why would two men in their early twenties adopt or need to adopt a 15-17 year old and why would she want that? (Since a lot of fics are season 3-5 and she was 15 by season three and 17 when she left the order, or even ROTS era when shes on the cusp of adulthood)
Rex doesn't have a parental relationship with Ahsoka and was the biologically the same age as Anakin on Christophsis, despite the questionable choice to visually depict 18-26 year old young men as 45+, seeing as they age at twice the rate but canonically leave Kamino physically twice the age of ten, or even younger as the war continues like we saw with Domino squad being deployed early, making some clones the equivalent of being in their late teens.
Plo Koon had a very parental relationship with Ahsoka, which is a clear contrast to her working relationship with Rex and eventual close friendship.
Sorry, I'm just so confused! In a modern universe, it would be like a high school student working at McDonald's having a father-daughter relationship with their college night manager, which would be so inappropriate 😅
Anakin is her older brother-mentor and Rex is her equal, which is made so clear in season seven and they weren't close prior to that and them being close at all seemed to be a retcon.
Is it meant to be lowkey Rexwalker shippy? Am I missing something?
This isn't meant to be rude at all, I just don't understand it, so hopefully you won't mind answering 😅
Anakin might have been very close in age to Ahsoka, but he was still her master, and that in and of itself is a very parental role. He protected/took care of her during the war and taught her everything she needed to survive, in a way that a parent would. That’s especially clear after seeing the flashbacks in the Ahsoka series. They might be too close in age to call them anything but siblings, but they’re also far more than just siblings because Anakin is still her caretaker and she’s his responsibility.
For Rex, it wasn’t really until seeing Tales of the Jedi, that made us realize how much Rex helped Anakin with training Ahsoka. Rex was like Anakin’s first friend since TPM (excluding Padme) and also based on the 7th Season, they obviously supported each other a lot in everything they did. So no, definitely no Rexwalker shipping, but a very close brotherly bond, so they both helped “raise” Ahsoka together, even if Rex is also so close in age to Ahsoka. (Technically, younger.)
I used to consider Plo as Ahsoka’s parent, but looking back, he’s really not. They might be close and he might be a mentor to her but he’s **not** a parent. If he was, he wouldn’t have just told Anakin to stop searching for her in the Padawan Lost arc, because she’s “responsible enough” to “find her way back to him”. Like come on. That’s not what you say about your child. Ever.
Anakin is the one who always worried over Ahsoka and protected her, and looked out for her. That’s why we consider him a parental figure to her. And Rex is just along for the ride.
Does that make sense? :) 
And thanks for the ask!!! :D
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danceswithsporks · 1 year
Warm- Part 7
Part 1 of 6 in the Complete Series!
Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tech x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Order 66
About: Cal and Ahsoka help Tech retrieve his memories where he meets someone unexpected.
Authors notes: Thank you everyone for your continued support! So sorry this took so long but I wanted it to be perfect! So much work and emotions went into this! I really hope y’all enjoy it!
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Warm, the feeling of Ahsoka's hands on Tech's face as the clone laid on a pillow in her lap. His brown eyes looked up at the young Jedi as she spoke with the redhead next to her. She was going over the plan once more with the younger Jedi, a plan that Tech still didn’t fully understand, nor did Echo and Kix.
“Rex, are you sure this will work?” Echo stood with his back against one of the walls in your room. Ahsoka and Cal had been clear that your room was the best place to attempt this. The scent of you that hung in the air would work as a guide to get your memories back.
Rex nodded carefully as he moved to the side of your bed and passed Tech the thermos now filled with one of your teas. “You know as much as I do that the force does some amazing things. The Commander was able to find the chip using it. If it can find a small chip in my brain, then I trust that it can put his memories in order.” Looking at Tech carefully, Rex motioned for the spectacled clone to take a sip. “Drink, it’s the same one she made for you the first time you went to her shop.”
Ahsoka looked down at Tech and smiled softly as Cal spoke. “My Master and I did a lot of research on memory recall for those with amnesia. He’d hoped my sense echo could be used as a healing ability. We found that important memories hold the most power. So something like your first date with her could be enough to trigger the dam to finally break.”
“Recreating the Tea she first made you, her scent, anything to help stir that memory will be our starting point.” Ahsoka watched carefully as Tech sipped the tea before laying back in her lap. “I’ll be working as an amplifier for Cal. This could take more force ability than even he has.”
Tech swallowed the tea carefully and savored the familiar taste. It was delicious and cooling, a nice hint of citrus dancing on his tongue. First date? Was that what it had been? His mind wandered to the video on the datapad, you and him kissing, how you told him you were just friends. “I’ll do whatever it takes to remember everything, to remember her.”
A hum came from Ahsoka as her hands returned to the clone's face. She’d helped so many clones escape the empire with their beloveds. Watched as families were formed and saved. Cuts' family had been one of the first ones she and Rex had helped. After the Batch helped them leave their home planet they’d found their way to the Path. Seeing a clone with a wife and children renewed something within her and helped to drive her efforts. Now they’d assisted more clones than she could count. Helping Tech, the clone that had found Echo and freed him from the stasis chamber, return to the one that made his heart happy would be an honor. “She’s stunning. I hope we can help you.”
“And if it doesn’t then you just start over with her.” Echo watched as everyone’s eyes shifted to him. Letting out a breath he decided to elaborate. “ Think about it, you two were brought together for a reason. If it’s meant to be then you two will end up together again.”
“So we were together then? I asked her what we were and she told me we were friends.” Tech closed his eyes and let out a defeated sigh. “Why would she lie?” A tap on his cheek from Ahsoka made him open his eyes and look at the young Jedi.
“She probably wants you to remember on your own. From what she told me, your relationship was unique. I think remembering on your own would be a good thing and if you don’t then you make new memories with her.” You’d told her everything the moment you met her. The air of comfort she gave off was enough to get you talking.
Tech chewed his lip as she spoke. How special had your first meeting really been? “She told me she’d tell me how we met after five months if I couldn’t remember.”
Ahsoka smiled softly as she ran a hand over Tech's eyes, closing them. “Then let’s get to work.”
A nervous breath was released from the clone as he nodded. “Tell me how this works one more time.”
“Sure.” Cal rubbed his hands together before taking Techs in his hand once more. “Ahsoka will help me focus on your memories that are still blocked. The goal is to open them slowly and methodically. We do this too fast and you could go into total shock. Be down for weeks.”
“What should I expect?” The last thing Tech wanted was to be surprised and go into shock that way.
A hum came from Cal as he thought back to his studies. “I’ve only tried this one other time with a clone who had been hit on the head with a crate back when I was with my Master. The clone said it was like being in a long hallway with a lot of doors. Doors that were locked and light guided him to each important memory.” The ginger shrugged carefully. “According to the ancient texts, it could be different for each person though.” Who knew what it would be like for Tech?
Tech opened his eyes and glanced at the child from the side. He’d only done this one other time? “Did it work? Did he get his memories back?”
Cal looked away from them and towards his lap, a dark memory pulling its way to the front of his mind. “Yeah, just in time for him to try and kill me.”
Everyone in the room froze at the child’s words. A dark memory for every one of them. Rex had taken the bullet in the group and sat Tech down to explain what had happened. This wasn’t a memory the clone should remember suddenly. It was only right he understood what was truly happening in the galaxy and what had happened to so many of their brothers, and the Jedi.
Tech gave Cal's hand a gentle squeeze. A silent apology for the trauma they all lived through. Hearing what had happened, what his brothers had been forced to do, had been heartbreaking for Tech. The clones had given their lives for the Jedi and had stood on the battlefield beside them as friends, as family. Now they’d all but been wiped out, because of the clones. Very few Jedi remained now, somehow surviving the purge, Cal and Ahsoka being prime examples. It made him happy to know they’d survived and he hoped that countless more were out there.
Cal appreciated the silent apology. He’d heard so many apologies over these last few months on the run. It was odd. Like the more time passed, the more the chips began to wear off and more clones understood what had happened. He’d heard so many apologies now. The words became hollow after a while. But coming from Tech, a clone who didn’t remember the event, it meant more. “Just promise not to attack me.”
“Heh, I won’t.” The dark joke made the clone smile, glad to know the kid didn’t hold it against them and was able to joke about the event.
“Then let’s begin,” Ahsoka spoke softly as she closed her eyes and began to focus. “I am one with the force and the force is one with me.”
“Hello?” Tech looked around the calm and empty island. It was like a tropical getaway. A name flitted across his tongue carefully and a breathy “Pabu” left his lips as he turned in place. All the doors to the homes were closed tightly. Locks hanging from their doors in an almost comical way. When was the last time locks like these were even used?
“Tech.” Your voice was airy and danced across the wind to him.
Tech spun on his heels and looked at you quickly. The same gown you had worn in the video from before now on your lovely body. There was an almost glow to you as you moved down the cobbled path toward him. He watched as you smiled softly at him, happiness in your eyes that he hadn’t seen before, or maybe he had but couldn’t remember. “W-what are you doing here?”
The sound of a ceramic spoon spinning in a teacup filled the air as you laughed softly. “I’m here to guide you, of course.”
“Ah, you are my mind's representation of a guide then?” Of course, you weren’t actually there. He watched as you shook your head before stopping in front of him.
“I am not your mind, sweet Tech. Your friends, the Jedi, know me as Ashla, the force.” The force bowed its head carefully, your eyes twinkling back at him.
“I thought the force was a Jedi-only thing. Why are you appearing to me?” Tech was barely wrapping his head around Order 66 and having amnesia. Now he needed to figure this out?
A light chuckle came from Ashla as it motioned to a house at the base of the hill. “The force is within everything. Some are just attuned to me more than others. They are called Jedi.” It began its walk down the path and toward the structure. Time was of the essence. “Come, we have minimal time.”
Tech followed behind obediently, more questions than he could handle filling his mind. “There’s a time limit to this?” He honestly thought he’d have all the time he needed.
Ashla hummed softly as your fingers danced across the lock. After a moment a quiet click could be heard and the lock disintegrated into stardust. “We have until the sun rises. You must remember everything by then, or risk never remembering.”
“So if I don’t remember now, I’ll never remember?” That wasn’t exactly what he wanted to hear. His hand ran through the mess of curls on his head and he let out a long sigh. “I just want to remember you, her, you know what I mean.”
A hum came from Ashla as Tech neared. “The longer it takes for the memories to return, the more likely they will never return. Our time together is limited but important.” Its hand raised and ran across Tech's cheek. “Allow me to give you some hope.”
Your hands, its hands, this was getting confusing for Tech, felt like Karlini silk as it glided across his cheek. Tech's eyes fluttered shut and for the briefest of moments he had a memory of you flit across his mind and for once he was able to pinpoint it, feel it, and remember it.
“Here, I brought some water, kinda hot today.” You stood next to him with a flask of water in your hand. On the pier next to your feet was a basket with a few sandwiches inside. One of the boats had broken down and Tech had been sweet enough to offer his skills with fixing it.
“Ah, thank you.” Tech took the container from you and drank from it. After a moment he pulled the bottle away and raised an eyebrow. The water was…sweet.
“Do you like it?” You smiled brightly at him, your lip between your teeth as you waited for him to reply.
Tech looked at you carefully as he mulled the taste in his mouth. He saw the way you anticipated his response. How you bounced on the balls of your feet in excitement. “I do. It is a unique taste.” Resting his hand on the mouth of the bottle he slowly unscrewed it. “May I take a peek inside?”
You nodded excitedly. “It’s water with a mix of berries. You said you didn’t find the appeal. So I wanted to test if that was true.” Shrugging playfully you took the water from him and took your own sip, putting the feelers out to see his reaction. Another experiment of yours. But he didn’t need to know about that one.
He watched as you sipped the drink before returning the original mouthpiece. The way your plump lips wrapped around the top of the bottle made something stir in him. It wasn’t right for him to have these inappropriate thoughts about you. Not when he wasn’t sure about your feelings for him. “A-are you saying that you experimented on me?” You smiled at him slyly before nodding. A laugh left him as he shook his head. “Did you perhaps pick that idea up from me?”
With a shrug, you took a seat on the pier next to him and dangled your feet towards the water below. “Maybe I took a note from when you tested Wrecker's sense of taste last week. Or maybe I’ve been doing some of my own research.” A smile played on your lips as you looked at him. This was nice, relaxing.
Tech really liked how you were currently looking at him. How the glow of the setting sunset surrounded you in a warm hug. Sitting back he hummed softly as a breeze hit you both. “ I must say, I was surprised that he did not notice the Trandoshan spice pepper in the macaroon you prepared.”
“You’re telling me. My brother tried one and started crying they were so spicy!” You laughed brightly, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you did so. Beside you, Tech smiled softly at you, living the way your laugh sounded. Clearing your throat, you hummed softly. “Thanks for letting me be a part of that.”
Tech nodded as he looked down at the space between you two. If he moved his fingers just a little to the right he’d be able to touch your hands. Hunter's words rang in his ears once more and carefully he adjusted himself. “Of course. You make exceptional pastries and I knew he would not suspect anything if you offered them up.” His hand moved carefully and rubbed the side of yours. When you didn’t move it, he felt wings flutter within him once more.
“Anytime you need help with another experiment, just ask.” You smiled at him and the feeling of his hand next to yours. If you weren’t so much of a chicken then perhaps you’d snake your fingers through his and get it all in the open. But that’s what you were, a chicken. So instead you reached into the basket and pulled a sandwich out for Tech. “Here, eat up before you get too focused on that engine.”
Tech felt something within him lighten as the memory fizzled away. That memory had happened a few days before he left. A sigh left him as he finally remembered something that you were a part of. “I never realized she had listened when I mentioned not eating when I worked on projects.” Another sigh left him as the memory of him explaining how he tended to hyper-focus hit him. Another memory was back. Already he could feel more small ones hitting his body. Behind his eyes, the pain began to form once more and he found himself worrying that he’d collapse again.
Ashla reached forward and placed a delicate finger between his eyes. “Calm yourself, as we traverse larger memories, smaller ones will fill in the missing pieces. Do not worry. You will not go into shock, I will not allow it.”
The pain that had begun to form behind Tech's eyes dissipated slowly. As it did more small memories danced their way through his mind. How you liked your tea, the way you always hummed when a breeze went by. The smell of the ocean air and the smell of your perfume. This was a start. There was still something pulling at Tech though as Ashla moved its hand away. “I still don’t understand why you are helping me, a non-force sensitive.”
“Because.” Ashla moved its hand in a circle, stars spun around its fingers for a moment before an image of you sleeping formed. “Across the Galaxy, on a warm paradise planet. A pure heart is reaching for you with more strength and love than I’ve ever felt. I am inclined to see that heart not break any more than it already has.” Ashla wasn’t one to normally step in with these matters. But the way your heart begged and pleaded was enough to move its own heart if it had one.
Tech reached his hand out and hovered over the sleeping image of you. His brown eyes took in the way your brow was furrowed, how you tossed and turned in your sleep. Were you having a nightmare? Or were you just restless? He wished he could help you, calm you, or at least wake you up from whatever was distressing you. “Is she ok?” His voice was soft as he tried to remember the feeling of your hug.
“She has many nightmares, her mind is constantly filled with worry and fear. Though she puts on a warm smile and a brave face, within her is a cold fear that binds her heart.” Ashla could see the way Tech worried for you.
“I wish I could help her. Fix everything quickly so she could be happy once more.” Seeing you like this and hearing how hurt you were was painful for him. To his surprise, Ashla took his hand and pulled it toward the image. His fingers were pushed into the cool image and he watched in surprise as you woke up.
With a gasp, you shot up in your bed with your hand over your heart. The nightmare already becoming a distant memory for you as your hand ran over your face and through your tangle of hair. You couldn’t believe you’d woken up so quickly. Usually, the nightmares plagued you all night and held onto you tightly. But this time it was like someone had forcibly pulled you from your nightmare. A sarcastic laugh came from you as you moved the blankets on your bed around as if someone could forcibly wake you up while not being there.
“What just happened?” Did he have something to do with you waking up suddenly? Tech watched as you moved blankets around before letting out a sad sigh. “How long has she been having nightmares? Why is she having nightmares?”
Releasing Tech's hand, Ashla hummed softly before ending the image and instead replacing it with an image of him on the bed in your room. The others were now gone and he laid in a peaceful sleep on your bed. “When she left you and returned to her family, she left behind an item of importance that assisted her in handling her grief.” Tech gave it a confused look and Ashla decided to continue. “I believe you call the device a datapad.” With a spin of its hand, the image moved to you with Techs datapad in your hands.
“My datapad?” Tech watched as multiple images of you with the datapad flashed in Ashlas hand. “She spent every night with it, didn’t she?”
“Indeed.” Ashla willed the image back to your room. “The device was left behind when she left. Without it, it seems that the nightmares she kept at bay have returned.”
“But why did she leave it behind?” None of this was making sense to Tech. If the datapad had been helping you, why did you leave it behind? You didn’t seem like someone to forget something so important. While Tech pondered why you’d leave it behind, Echo's voice caught his attention. Turning towards Ashla, he found another image playing out.
“Cyare, are you sure you have to go? I’m sure your brothers are more than capable of taking care of him.” Echo watched as you moved around your room, packing everything into a small bag as quickly as you could.
“My brothers need to focus on the shop and honestly, I need space from all of this.” You sighed as you took the datapad in your hands and sat on the edge of your bed. Echo took a seat next to you and looked at Tech's datapad. “I thought I could handle this, work through all of this slowly and rebuild what Tech and I had. But after last night, I just…I think I still need time to process him being alive.”
A sigh left your lips as you passed the datapad to Echo. “When he remembers enough, make sure he gets it. There’s…some files on there I made for him.” Your hands shook slightly as you passed the datapad over. It felt like a part of your heart was being given away.
Echo nodded and carefully took the datapad, his hand resting on yours as he did so. “Will you come back?” When you shook your head he sighed while placing his forehead against your shoulder. “What do I tell the others?” You were the heart and soul of this place. Your warmth and caring smile helped all those that came through feel safe.
“For now, tell them I went home to help my dad. Then in two weeks, tell them I’m not coming back.” Your head tilted to the side and you rested it on top of Echos. “I’m sorry, Echo. I guess I’m not as strong as you all thought I was.”
Echo squeezed your hand gently. “Don’t say that. You’re stronger than any of us.”
“Thanks, Echo.”
“She’s not coming back?” No, you had to come back. You being around was what he needed. The memories were coming back finally. “I need to wake up. I need to get to her.”
Ashla closed the image and placed both hands around Techs. “Remember, if you wake now. You run the risk of losing all the memories.” Tech let out a long breath. “Stay and retrieve your memories. It will be worth it. That I can guarantee.”
Tech stared at Ashla in silence for a while as he tried to make a decision. Leave and possibly lose all memories or stay and get them back. If he left now he could hopefully build new memories with you. Start fresh and make something new for you both. But his mind went back to the night with you in front of the window and how hopeful you’d seemed. Looking at the door in front of him, Tech swallowed and stepped forward. “Let’s begin.”
“It’s been two days. When do we start to worry?” Echo chewed his lip as he stared at Tech's sleeping form on your bed. One of your blankets had been pulled over hun to keep him warm.
Kix checked Tech's pulse once more, as he did every hour, and shrugged. “He’s not in distress. I think it’s safe to say things are fine…for now.” Moving across the room, Kix sat in a chair and wrote his notes down quickly. He was anything if not diligent when he came to his medical notes and research. “Have you heard from her? How is her father doing?” His eyes never left his datapad. It wasn’t like you to not check in with everyone, he was beginning to worry.
Echo swallowed at the question. “Uh yeah, she’s been a bit busy with her family's shop. She sends her love.” Nope, he couldn’t tell any of them you weren’t coming back. He couldn't destroy all of their hope like that, not now at least.
Tech was tired, oh so tired. He’d experienced so many memories, so many moments in his life that made him think about everything. He’d relived order 66, Cross turning on them and leaving. Meeting Omega, the fall of Kamino, and the discovery of the chips. He remembered Cid and all the hard work the batch had done for her and how she’d left them stranded on that damned planet. Almost everything was back now, all that was missing was his time with you.
Over the course of getting his memories back, he’d slowly made his way up the large hill of Pabu. Now the top was in sight. Behind him, the night sky was beginning to brighten as the sun began to rise. Time was running out. Above him, Ashla sat on the stonewall near the top of the island. Feet dangling over the side, it watched as Tech wiped his hand across his forehead. “Time is almost up, I still need to remember her.”
With a wave of its hand, a rope fell from the top of the mountain towards Tech. Beside him, a barrier blocked his path up. “Then climb.”
A tired hand ran over the rope carefully. It wanted him to climb a rope the rest of the way. Tech's eyes shifted to the barrier and with a defeated sigh he began to climb. “Why am I climbing?”
Ashla hummed in thought, going over all of Tech's memories in its head. What was blocking the rest of his memories from coming in? Below it, the sound of Tech slipping and gasping showed what was wrong. “Your final memories of your beloved are blocked by a memory you refuse to remember.”
Tech clung tightly to the rope as it swayed back and forth above the island below. What did Ashla mean? How could something block his memories? “What is it?” He could see something shift in Ashlas eyes as it looked down at him. After a moment of silence, a dagger appeared in its hand and before he could react or say anything, the rope was cut.
And he fell.
“No!” Tech sat up with a gasp. His hand held his chest tight as the memory of him falling finally finished. Tears threatened his eyes as he tried to handle seeing his supposed death all over again. A shaky breath left his body.
“Tech, I’m here.” Echo rushed to his brother's side and wrapped an arm around him, letting him know he was safe. “You had us worried.”
Across the room, Kix moved to grab Tech a drink and inform the others that the clone was finally awake.
“How long was I down?” It felt like simply a day. But something told him it had been far longer. The sound of the door opening drew his attention. Kix, Ahsoka, and Cal all stepped into the room. Relief on all of their faces.
Kix crossed the room and passed Tech the thermos as he began to take the clone's vitals. “A week.”
Tech began to open the thermos but stopped at Kix's words. “A week? It felt like a day.” Sighing he took a drink and hummed at the taste of your tea. It wasn’t exactly like how you made it, maybe something was missing, but it was still good enough to trigger the rest of his memories of you. It all rushed back to him like the tsunami wave that hit your village. He could remember you holding onto him tightly as the waters pushed you two around. The look on your face as he kissed you to force air into your lungs. The way you looked at him after he kissed you a second time. “Where’s my datapad?” Tech looked around the group. He needed to see what you’d left him.
Echo placed a calming hand on his brother's shoulder. “Calm down. One thing at a time.” How did Tech know about the datapad? “What do you remember?”
He didn’t have time for this. “Everything. I remember everything. Now please, my datapad”
Sighing softly, Echo stood and moved to your dresser. He carefully slid the top drawer open and pulled out Tech's shirt. “Here.” He passed the shirt to Tech who unwrapped it carefully. Inside was the datapad that Tech was so desperately in search of. “There’s something you should know Tech, that all of you should know.” He looked at the group now assembled in the room.
“She’s not coming back.” Tech tapped at the screen and watched it prong to life. Instantly he began to search through the programs for anything you may have left behind.
“What?” Kix looked at Tech and Echo quickly. “Is this true, Echo?”
Echo ran his hand over his face. “It’s true.” His eyes shifted to Tech. “How did you know that though?”
There was something here in the messages section that he hadn’t seen before. Echos question reached his ears and nonchalantly he replied. “Ashla told me.”
Ahsokas head whipped away from Cal and to Tech. “What did you say?”
Tech fought the sigh that struggled to escape. He needed to focus on the current task. Placing the datapad down he looked at the ex-Jedi. “Ashla, the force, told me. Well, she showed me actually.”
“The force talked to you?” Ahsoka struggled to believe this. But only Jedi knew the force's ancient name.
“It did.” Tech quickly explained how it had taken on your image to speak to him. How it guided him through his memories and kept him from going into shock. He explained how Ashla had only appeared because your heart begged for help.
“I need a moment.” Ahsoka sat on the edge of the bed with her fingers against the bridge of her nose.
He really wanted to look through his datapad in peace, find what you left behind and then find you. “I understand your surprise on the matter. But I must request that I have some time to catch up on things I have missed.”
A chuckle left Echo as he motioned for the others to leave. “Glad to see you’re almost back to normal.” Only once the room was cleared, to the argument of the others, did Echo close the door and look at Tech. “So you’re back to normal?”
“As normal as I can be, Echo.” Tech could now see the message log between you and him, the missed messages sent after the mission. Placing the datapad down he decided to get questions answered before delving into the datapad more. “Did you find Cross? Is everyone ok?”
Echo nodded as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, Cross is safe. He’s on Pabu with the others.” He watched as Tech visibly relaxed at the information. “Tech, things didn’t go so well after you fell.”
“I had a feeling. Where’s Cid?” He watched as Echo visibly made a face of disgust. “That must explain why Phee owns the building now.”
“After you fell, we crashed into the terminal. No one was seriously injured, but it was enough that we were down and needed a place to lay low. The tracker? It didn’t hold. Cross blames Saw Gerrera.” And so did he. “We came back here to rest up and think of a new plan.” Echo felt venemon begin to rise in his throat. “Cid turned us in. Because of her, we lost Omega.”
Tech's fists tightened as he continued to listen to Echo explain what happened. How they managed to get a tracker on Hemlocks ship as the scum left with their precious sister.
“With the help of Rex and Gregor, we were able to infiltrate the base.” Echo shuddered as he thought about Mt. Tantiss. “The things we saw there. It was like walking into hell. Clones were being experimented on in the worst ways possible. That’s where we found Omega and Cross….and Cody.” A defeated sigh came from Echo as he remembered the state Cody was in. How Omega looked when they finally found her cell. The way she’d sobbed finding out that Hemlock had killed Nala Se because the Kaminoan had refused to experiment on Omega. “We got everyone out. But Hemlock had already evacuated his more top-priority experiments. A program called the Dark Trooper. We’ve been trying to work through those files. But the encoding is trickier than I expected.” With Tech back though, maybe they’d have better luck.
“So Hemlock escaped?” That was disappointing and concerning to hear.
“Tried to. Cross took care of that problem.” Echo had wanted to be the one to do it. Hell, there had been a line of people ready to do the honors. But Cross was their sniper for a reason. One shot was all it took to bring his shuttle down and into the side of the mountain.
Tech made a face before nodding. “Good. And Cid?”
“Hemlock had her assassinated shortly after he got Omega. Didn’t want any loose ends. Honestly, she got lucky the Empire did it. Hunter was out for blood. I honestly don’t know what would have happened if Hunter had gotten to her instead.” He sighed as he fell back and laid across the bed. “That’s the long and short of it all. Omegas on Pabu with the others, she’s doing better. Hunter says she still has some nightmares here and there. But she’s getting better.”
“Wow.” That was all Tech seemed to be able to say. A lot had happened while he was…gone. “Do they know about me?”
Echo turned his head and looked at his brother carefully. “Cross and Hunter do. You know Wrecker can’t keep a secret to save his life and we didn’t want Omega finding out before you remembered everything. The last thing the poor kid needed to know was that you didn’t remember her.”
It made sense. Omega had been through so much in her young life, it was only right to keep him a secret. At least now they’d be able to let the child know. “You should probably contact them then. Let them know I’m back to myself.” Or as close as he could be. He felt different, looked at things differently, and even thought differently.
“Yeah. That will definitely brighten her day.” Echo tiredly moved his body off the bed and stretched his arm above his head. Perhaps he’d do it in the morning after he finally got some decent sleep. Over the last week, they’d each taken turns staying by Tech's side. Too many nights he’d fallen asleep in the chair. Even with his enhanced body parts, he was getting too old for this. “I’ll drop some food off for ya in a bit, Tech.” He stopped by the door and looked at his brother who was already buried in the datapad. “Tech? It’s good to have ya back.”
Tech looked up at Echo and nodded. “It’s good to finally be back.” He watched as Echo smirked before closing the door.
It took Tech time to actually read through the messages. For the time being he took in being in your room. The way your perfume hung on the pillows and blankets. He could make out the little trinkets you’d acquired scattered across your room. An old clone doll rested on the table beside the bed and Tech wondered if you cuddled with it every night. His fingers ran over the material of his old shirt and he realized it was the only thing in the room that didn’t smell like you. It had no smell at all. Did you never wash it? He recognized it as one of the shirts from his laundry pile, he knew it hadn’t been cleaned before the mission.
Taking a deep breath, Tech pulled the datapad back into his lap and opened the screen to his messages.
“I hope the mission is going well.”
“My dad is cleaning up the boat. I think he’s more excited about our date than we are.”
“You’re never gonna believe what my brother just did. He left a pack of condoms on my bed with a note saying ‘Make sure your soldier puts a helmet on his soldier.’ I’m gonna kill him.”
“It’s been a few days. Are you ok?”
“I hope your mission has been a success so far. That tea I was telling you about is finally here. I’m waiting for you to get back so we can try it together. I was thinking about trying to learn mando’a. There's a protocol droid here that knows over fifty thousand languages. I asked and he knew Mando’a.”
“I miss you, Tech. Come home soon.”
Tech wondered if you ever tried that tea. He could tell you’d learned mando’a. You spoke it wonderfully, as did the others. He thought about what Kix had said to you his first night there.
“It’s ok, my angel. I’m here.”
It hadn’t seemed like you and Kix were an item. But maybe the emotions of everything had covered that? Had he taken too long to find you? Had he lost you to one of his brothers?
“Angel, please, get some sleep. For me?” Echos words played in his mind from when he’d overheard the two of you from his room. Hopefully, the nickname was just that, a nickname they all used for you and nothing more.
Tech scrolled through the programs on the datapad as he tried to find what you’d left for him. It couldn’t have been the messages, those were old and it seemed like you had something to say to him.
It took Tech hours to find the files you’d interacted with the most. He knew about the videos you’d repeatedly listened to. Those were still cued up in a playlist you’d created. His fingers hovered over a private file and he wondered if you’d found it. Opening it he sighed at the realization that you had. There in the margins of the file where your notes.
‘I always had a feeling they didn’t survive.’
‘I can see why you spared me the truth.’
‘They didn’t deserve to die.’
‘I wish I could have thanked them one last time.’
It was a file he’d hoped you hadn’t found. A file that laid out the last mission of a unit of clones known for their pink and white armor that was completely wiped out on a rescue mission for an outer rim planet. Tech wondered about your state when you found it. Were you mad at him at first? Were you scared? Were you distraught? It was hard to tell from your notes. Pulling up the file information he saw that you looked at the file multiple times. Perhaps it helped you somehow?
It was only a few moments later that he finally found what you had left for him. A video in a private file that you’d hidden. Something he’d taught you how to do. He chewed his lip as he wondered if he should watch it. The date on it was days before he’d returned. Back when you thought he was dead. What if what you had to say didn’t matter anymore? A shaky breath left Tech's lips as pressed play and watched your face fill the screen.
“Kix said I should record a goodbye message. Help me get closure. I don’t know. It feels wrong doing this. Like if I do then that means you're actually gone.” A sigh left as you ran a hand through your hair. “Maybe that’s why I’m avoiding this. Tech…I didn’t expect to fall for you the way I did. I knew that if I ever fell for someone I wanted it to be like my parents. That seemed impossible to me. What they had was one of those one-in-a-million kinds of love. Where you felt a warmth through your fingers and toes and to the tip of your nose. My mom used to say she could almost feel my dad's emotions before he even entered the room. That they could just look at each other and know what the other was thinking. I envied them for that love but I was also jealous. I knew that the chances of me finding that would be impossible.” You chewed your lip carefully. “But then I met you. You came into my life and swept me off my feet.” A little laugh left you. “Literally. Ever since that moment, I’ve had this feeling inside me. A feeling that made me warm all over. It made my fingers and toes tingle and even my nose. I never thought I’d feel that.” A smile spread across your face as you fought back tears. “I thought about you every night and when you started coming to the shop. Stars. It made me excited every morning. But I didn’t think you actually felt the same. But then as we spent more time together I began to second guess that feeling.” Your face dropped slightly. “Then you kissed me…again and everything felt…warm. So unbelievably warm. You did that to me and I couldn’t believe it. And then you died. It felt like a bucket of ice water was dumped on me.” Tears pulled at the corners of your eyes. “I’ve been trying my best to stay strong. Put on a face and keep everyone around me happy and safe. Guess I’m not the best at hiding it though. Kix noticed pretty fast and while he’s been helping me try to work through this, I still just…miss you so much Tech. If I could go back in time I’d tell you sooner how I felt. Let you know how wonderful I found you and how you made my entire body feel warm. If you were to walk through the door tomorrow and apologize for being late it would be the happiest day of my life and I’d never let you go again.” You wiped your face of the tears that had begun to run down your cheeks. “But I know that’s impossible. So this is goodbye, cyare. Maybe we’ll meet again in a future life.”
Tech watched as you leaned forward and ended the video. Your lips pursed in a blown kiss as you did so. Warmth ran down his cheek and he quickly wiped at it. Pulling his hand back, he realized he’d been crying. Your words had confirmed the feelings he’d been struggling to understand himself. You made him warm. You made his fingers and toes tingle. When you looked at him and smiled it made his ears heat up. For so long he’d tried to figure out how to describe what you did to him and here you were, naming it perfectly.
You made him feel warm.
Cool, the feeling of the evening sea air on your skin as you moved around the tea shop. Ever since you’d come home the shop had been chaos. It felt like everyone on the island wanted to be there and to see you. The children always followed you around, asking for stories of the world outside their little island. Women asked you about the latest fashions, though you had to constantly break their hearts by informing them that you didn’t go to any of the wealthier planets. And of course, the men just wanted to see you. You’d lost count of the number of times you heard “You look good.” Or “Wow going off the planet really worked for you.” It was draining.
But because of everyone’s curiosity, the shop stayed open later into the night. You’d just returned from your break where you had run home to pull on a soft pink sweater over your cream dress when you heard the gate bell ring. Looking over your shoulder you nodded to Phee, glad to see the woman was back on Pabu. You sent her a nod before turning back to the table you were currently at. Even with your brother's help, it was hard keeping up with everyone’s orders. You were behind at least three tables. In the kitchen, your eldest brother tried his best to make the pastries your father usually made, but you always found yourself being the one to get the batters done.
“Baby sis? I think somethings burning?” Your middle brother moved by you with a bin in his hand, ready to clean up a table that had just emptied.
A sigh left you as you finished taking your current tables order and shoving your datapad into your pocket. “On it.” It was most likely the cookies you’d put in the oven. No doubt you’d spent too long at this table and now they were burnt. The sooner your dad healed up the better. As you walked towards the kitchen, a shuttle flew by overhead and towards the top of the island. Perhaps a new shipment was finally in? It was a bit late but who knew what problems they most likely faced coming in? With a shrug, you continued into the kitchen while your youngest brother went out to take more orders.
By the time you’d cleaned up the burnt mess of cookies, remade the batter, and personally watched the cookies bake until completion, the shop had cleared out a bit. No longer was every table packed and the overflow of people lined up against the wall. Now only a few people filled the tables. The air had become cooler and one of your brothers had lit the fire in the center of the patio. It was the calm nights like these that made you happy to be home. Did you miss the boys? Of course. The amazing street food and the unique vendors? No doubt. But being home had given you that clarity you had needed after the interaction with Tech.
You’d realize that even if Tech did remember you, you wouldn’t force him to be with you. A lot had changed for you both during those six months. Even with his memories back, would he still feel the same way? Would he want to be with you still? Or did he already find himself in a different place mentally?
Walking to a table that needed clearing, you found yourself lost in thought. So many different scenarios began to run through your mind. Tech never remembering you and you both moving on. Him remembering you but no longer feeling the same way. More and more scenarios like that continued to run through your mind as you stacked the plates and cups into your arms.
*ding* *ding*
The sound of the gate bell drew your attention as you placed the dirty dishes into the wash bin. “Be with ya in a minute. Go ahead and take a seat wherever.” You’d mentally taken count of how many people were currently in the shop and where each one was sitting. It wouldn’t be a problem figuring out who the new person was.
Moving quickly, you made your way to the kitchen to wash your hands and grab a tray of cookies. The least you could do for the new customer was give them some warm cookies while you made the wait. Looking around the darkened patio you noticed a new figure sitting against the wall overlooking the sea. So many times you’d sat there with Tech during your breaks and chatted. Seeing someone else there was always hard.
“So sorry about the wait.” You pulled your datapad out of your pocket while placing the cookies down, your eyes focused on the datapad that was snagging your apron. Warm calloused hands ran across yours as the person took the tray from you and placed it down carefully. You hummed thanks as you finally managed to get the device free. With a tired smile, you looked at the customer finally.
“What can I get yo…” Your words trailed off as you took in Tech sitting in front of you. He’d cleaned up a bit and it looked like his goggles had been fixed. “Tech.” His name left your lips in a breathy sigh. “It’s good to see you back on Pabu.” The way he was looking at you was making that warm feeling spread inside you once more.
“Cyar’ika, I’m so sorry I’m late. I hope I didn’t offend you.” The way your eyes widened at his words, how your bottom lip began to tremble and your hands squeezed the datapad tightly, made Tech lose his breath. You were as gorgeous as the day he’d left you behind.
Words failed you as you understood what he was referencing. Your eyes burned as tears broke through like water being freed of a damn. “L-like you could ever offend me.”
Then his lips were on yours.
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