#al tariq
warhead · 2 months
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thamacaveli · 1 month
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Al Tariq, 1996
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docpiplup · 8 months
As I promised, let's start with the bookscans:
(Al Andalus. Historical figures)
Concepción Masiá
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Introduction.................................. 9
The precursors of al-Andalus.....13
Count Don Julián....................13
Tarif ben Malluk. ....................15
Musa ben Nusayr and Tariq ben Ziyad: the conquerors of Spania...........16
Abd al-Aziz: a good governor with an unfortunate fate ..........................25
The Odyssey of Prince Abd al-Rahman the Immigrant......................................29
Abd al-Rahman was only twenty-five years old.........................................36
Sulayman ben Yaqzan ben al-Arabi: Charlemagne's deceived "deceiver" ........................... ...........41
Amrus ben Yusuf: the muladí of Huesca
The “rabadies”: adventurous spirits.. ..............................................53
Ziryab: the singer of Baghdad........61 Tarub: the favorite of Abd al-Rahman II...............,...........................................67 Abbas ben Firnas: the first aviator............................ ......................73 Yahya ben Hakan al-Bakri: the miserly poet.....................................................77
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Abd al Chabbar and Sulayman ben Martin: the rebels of Mérida..........................81 Eulogio and Álvaro de Córdoba: pursuing martyrdom..........................85 The Andalusian Vikings..................... 95 The emir Abd Allah distrust and death...............................….................... 101 Musa ben Musa ben Qasi: the third king of Spain.......................................................107 Ibn Hafsun: the unredeemed rebel.....115 Abu Alí al-Sarrach: the Andalusian missionary. ...........................................125 Ibn Masarra: a freethinker in Spanish Islam.......,...........,...................................131 Abd al-Rahman III: the first independent caliph of al-Andalus. ...........,................................137 Hasday ibn Shaprut: the Jewish doctor of Abd al-Rahman III............ ....... ...................... ................... 145 Andalusians in France: the “Moorish kingdom” of Fraxinetum....................... 151 Rabbi ben Zayd: Bishop Recemundo............................................. 157 Al-Hakam al-Mustansir bi-llah: passion for culture.................................. 161
Ibn Abd Rabbhi, the encyclopedist, and Ibn Futais, the collector.................. 167 Al-Mansur “the Victorious” ...................171 Hisham II and Sanchuelo: misrule. .......191
Abu Muhammad Ali ibn Hazm: The pigeon neackle................................209
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Hisham III al-Mu'tadd: the end of the Umayyad caliphate...............................215
Ibn al-Wafid: the gardener doctor.....221
Avempace. The supreme good: wisdom...................................................225
Zaida: the Moorish Queen of Leon and Castile........................................................227
Ibn Tufayl of Guadix: the best disciple of Avempace................. ............................ .231 Averroes: the universal Andalusian....233 Moseh ben Maimon: Maimonides..... ..239 Abu Yusuf Yaqub: the winner of Alarcos......................................................243 Ibn Arabi: the Sufi mystic.....................249 Avenzoar: a long dynasty of doctors. ...................................................253 Al-Ahmar: Abenámar, Moor of the Morería. ...,...............................................255 The Abencerrajes. ..................................261 Boabdil the Younger: the last Moorish king ............................................................267 Aben Humeya: the last Muslim leader of Spain................ ..........................................275 Bibliography .............................................285
Note: The spelling of Muslim names is taken from the works of: Levy Provençal, Muslim Spain, and González Ferrín, General History of al-Andalus.
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In the long eight hundred years that the Muslims remained in Spain, there were many personalities who, in all the fields of knowledge, sciences, letters and arts, stood out unequivocal, marking a milestone not only in the culture of al-Andalus, but that had a relevant character in universal culture.
On the other hand, the almost constant struggle between Christians and Muslims would also generate a whole series of great warriors who, for example, the infante Don Juan Manuel considered the best gifted for the war of all those who existed in the East and the West of their time.
The date that we all know as the arrival of the Muslims to Gothic Spania dates back to the year 711. Its expansion throughout the territory was so rapid as had been the conquest of the Persian empire and its presencein large areas of Asia or North Africa, but from a cultural point of view, the 8th century was totally sterile. The new conquerors who arrived from beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, were men at arms, mostly illiterate, who could do little contribute to a Christian Spania whose culture continued to develop under the dictates of the wisdom of Saint Isidore of Seville. Still they were left on the Peninsula
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many areas where Christianity had not taken root and its importance regarding the assimilation of Islam.
The first governors of al-Andalus, dependent on Caliphate of Damascus, during the first years of occupation had to face many enormous internal problems, originated by the different origins of their own people, Arabs and berebers, mostly, while cultural issues occupied a very secondary level. But, possibly for purely practical reasons, Arabic as a language was introduced into the Christian field. According to Juan Vernet, it is possible to find some codices from times as early as the 9th century, that in its margins appear apostilles or comments in Arabic, and it seems that this language was already rooted among the Mozarabs, that is, the Christians who continued to live and preserve their religion in Muslim-dominated territories, in times before Abd al-Rahman II.
But it will be Abd al-Rahman I the Immigrant, who arrived in al-Andalus from Syria as the only survivor of the exterminated Umayyad dynasty, the one who will be concerned with introducing the principles of oriental culture in Spain, limiting itself to the legal-religious sciences that, in those moments, were the most important for the newly Muslims arrived. It was during the time of Abd al-Rahman II that the first wise men, who can be called that, enrich the cultural landscape of al-Andalus.
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Poets, doctors, philosophers, mathematicians, geographers, undefeated generals...All of them will give al-Andalus and Europe a series of works that, by their importance will be translated, searched, accepted and will serve as a basis for the western culture and Renaissance ideas, in such a way that many of the great sages of the Italian Renaissance considered that all knowledge of the time came from Muslim Spain, which all the wise men were of Andalusian origin. And when the political decline and the disintegration of the caliphate, will not stop birth, grow and develop distinguished minds that will continue to maintain,for a long time, the prestige of al-Andalus. Curiously, this situation will be repeated throughout the history of Spain, when the Arab occupation just be a memory. The Spanish Golden Age will coincide with decadence of the Austrias, when the country loses its pre-ponderance in Europe, and with the disaster of '98, with the loss for Spain of its last colonies, will produce a cultural and scientific renaissance that has been called the Silver age.
Through the pages of this book we want to highlight those figures who occupied a predominant place in the history of al-Andalus, although not all of them were necessarily Muslims, since that in that cultured and tolerant al-Andalus, many Jews and some other Christians showed their genius, and of those who, often, we know more about his works than about his biography. But whatever religion they had, they were all, after all, Andalusians, born and raised in the extensive lands of al-Andalus. As a matter of curiosity we will include some groups of characters anonymous people who, due to their surprising
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actions, on occasions dictated by necessity, they reveal the ingenuity or character of the Andalusians. Such would be the case of the "rabadíes", of the Moors who, for a time, established a small kingdom in France, or those Normans who ended up becoming Andalusians and Muslims to save their lives.
Perhaps this way we will learn a little more about that crossbred Spain, in which despite so many years of struggle, truces and battles, mutual loves and hates, numerous characters belonging to the three cultures, Moors, Christians and Jews shared knowledge, affinities and forms of life, making al-Andalus the cultural beacon of the West.
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The precursors of al-Andalus
Count Don Julián
The conquest of Morocco had been carried out quickly, but shallow. The Berbers were only subdued after a fierce resistance, defeated by an ambitious general who had just been appointed governor of Ifriqiya and Maghrib. His successes in these lands They would prepare the ground for him to be the one to set his eyes and, also his troops, over Gothic Spania. It was Musa ben Nusayr. Musa, with the help of one of his sons, took possession of Tangier, and demanded that the subjugated tribes hostage to educate them in the new faith, which in turn, became propagandists of Islam, leaving in the conquered Morocco Arab lieutenants, including General Tariq ben Ziyad, he turned to Ifriqiya. But it seems that the Ceuta square remained in the hands of a Christian, the so-called Count Don Julián, who would have a determining role in this entire story. We could consider it as a precursor of that al-Andalus that was about to be born.
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dusksimulacre · 16 days
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The Caliente Family
Back: Pollination Technician 7/ Dulcinea Caliente/ Nestor Caliente/ Benazir Al Mahmoud/ Tariq Al Mahmoud
Middle: Dr Tango Caliente/ Flamenco Caliente/ Nighat Caliente
Front: Michael Bachelor / Dina Caliente/ Nina Caliente/ Katrina Caliente/ Don Lothario
My headcanon for the Caliente's is that:
In TS2 Nighat Caliente died as an elder when Nina and Dina were children therefore, there is/was time for Nighat and Flamenco to have had an adult daughter (Katrina) who abandoned her babies with them. It does further dilute the twins' alien blood though.
Anyway, Tango Caliente is a Cardio Surgeon at Willow Creek Hospital and the ex-husband of Doreen Caliente [My other headcanon is Dulcinea Caliente and Agatha Crumplebottom's mother were part of a prominent spellcaster family in Magic Town before the Vampire apocalypse. So Tango has some dormant magic abilities, which is what drew Doreen to him]
I aged up my TS1 Michael Bachelor for this picture because I don't like any of my other iterations
Fun Fact: Don Lothario and Nina Caliente are/were married in the TS4 canon, the Plan a Wedding Event photo is from their wedding.
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vyorei · 10 months
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Journalists in Gaza are climbing to rooftops trying to connect to the Internet and thus inform us, the world, on what atrocities are being committed on the ground.
What you see here are heroes.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Islamic conquest of Hispania: Moorish troops led by Tariq ibn Ziyad land at Gibraltar to begin their invasion of the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus) on April 27, 711.
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Genocide in Gaza: Global Culpability and Ways Forward, by Yara Hawari, Tariq Kenney-Shawa, Fathi Nimer, Alaa Tartir, Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network, November 7, 2023
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thyeternalhunger · 10 months
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Tariq and Tyndarus, my PCs in Grim Harvest trilogy and From the Shadow
And hood off
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dk-thrive · 5 months
“I am accused of words, / my pen the instrument. / Ink – blood of the heart – bears witness / and reads the charges.”
— Dareen Tatoour, from "A Poet Behind Bars". Translated by Translated by Tariq Al Haydar. (Arablit.org, Sept 1, 2016) (via Read a Little Poetry)
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fish-champ16 · 2 years
idc what y’all say i blame Tariq for Rahim’s death 100%
bro wants to act on his own impulse? fine, go ahead, but don’t risk others while you go pull that stupid shit. 
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thamacaveli · 2 years
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Al Tariq, 1996
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docpiplup · 7 months
If anyone wants to read new historical fiction related to the Abd al-Aziz chapter of the Al Andalus. Historical Figures book, recently a novel has been published. This novel is Egilona, Reina de Hispania (Egilona, Queen of Hispania), writen by José Soto Chica. The bulk of the story is based on the texts of the Mozarabic Chronicle and Arabic sources such as the Fath al-Andalus codex, the anonymous Ajbar Maimu'a or the works of the historian Al-Maqqari and the caliph Al-Hakam. In fact, all chapters begin with a fragment of these writings.
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Egilona, the last queen of Hispania, a powerful woman between two cultures, between two eras, the Gothic and the Arab, fascinates us in this memorable historical novel.
Don Rodrigo, Duke of Bética, returns to his lands after being forced to pay homage to the new king of Hispania, Witiza, the murderer of his brother Favila. Now the smart thing is to lower his head; There will be time for revenge. Near Córdoba, he stops to rest in a noble house and there he sees for the first time Egilona, a fifteen-year-old girl with reddish hair, white skin and amber eyes, who that same night will become his wife.
Nine years later, in 711, near Tarifa, the hosts of the now king Rodrigo prepared to prevent the entry into Hispania of the new conqueror of the world: the Umayyad empire. In command of his army is Tariq ibn Ziyad, a freedman whom his patron Musa ibn Nusayr, vali of Africa in the new order of the caliphate, has sent on a raid. With this old soldier, ugly, cross-eyed and red-haired, hardened in a thousand battles, travels his concubine, Umm Hakim, a fascinating young woman, with doe eyes and magical knowledge, and Abd al-Aziz, one of Musa's sons. In and out, that's the order. But, in the heat of battle, Abd al-Aziz kills Rodrigo and sets his sights on Egilona, the most beautiful and haughty woman he has ever seen.
Woe to his eyes! They have just begun a story in which the sorceress and the queen will cross paths to end an empire, and for which Egilona, queen of Hispania, will be remembered "as the hand, the mind, the powerful spirit that sowed the "seed of a new era."
Some comments from the author of the novel about the historical figure of Egilona, the historical setting, the conquest and her marriage to Abd al-Aziz, from this interview:
"Events that have usually been told very poorly"
"She was a transitional character who was everything with the Visigoths and is everything again in the new world of the Muslims, but a lot of nonsense has been written about her"
"I have opted for an intermediate solution in the novel"
"After Rodrigo's death it stands as a symbol of resistance, but after the second defeat of the Visigoths in Écija I made Al-Aziz capture it. Let's think about Aztec Mexico: the Spanish were a very small force and they relied on the nobility. The Arabs did the same. This marriage was not the exception, but the norm, and there are the examples of Teodomiro's daughter or Witiza's granddaughters. It was a time when collaboration was needed"
"If I put on my historian's suit and limit myself to what the sources say, I am tied hand and foot. Now, a novelist does have licenses and I imagine that story of hate and love with Al-Aziz" "But I think the result is very coherent: it is a novel by a historian who specializes in the period and which, literary speaking, proposes psychological solutions to the 8th century."
"For me, her forgetfulness is intentional from her own time: for those who resisted in Asturias she was a traitor; for the Arabs, she was responsible for the perfect Muslim warrior falling into the conspiracy. She was guilty for going over to the enemy or subverting the order, and this has greatly influenced nineteenth-century and current Spanish historiography"
"This novel, at the level of people who seek to learn history with fiction, is the story of the Islamic conquest of Hispania based on what we really know, which has changed a lot in the last twenty years"
"It's not about good ones and bad ones, but about people like us who have to survive by accepting that the world has changed or by rebelling against it."
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“Lovely how Sultan Haitham always brings his (stunning btw) wife to official engagements.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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onheirpodcast · 2 years
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There are very few existing absolute monarchies, systems of government where a monarch has unlimited power over their country. At present there are six identified absolute monarchies: 
The Vatican (led by Pope Francis 2013)
Brunei (under Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah since 1967)
Oman (controlled by the newest absolute monarch, Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, since 2020)
United Arab Emirates (the UAE is made up of seven emirates, led by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum since 2006)
Saudi Arabia (King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has reigned since 2015)
Eswatini (formerly Swaziland; led by King Mswati III since 1986)
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visiting Oman and meeting with Haitham bin Tariq, Sultan of Oman, 20 February 2023
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marcogiovenale · 4 months
oggi, 17 maggio, a roma: concerto e reading per l'infanzia palestinese
cliccare per ingrandire Venerdì 17 maggio, ore 18:00, Concerto per l’infanzia e la Pace in Palestina presso l’aula Magna dell’Università Valdese di Roma. A cura di Yousef Salman. Letture di Ilaria GiovinazzoFatena Al Ghorra Dunia al-Amal IsmailYousef Elqedra Alaa al QatrawiRefaat AlareerMosab Abu Toha Muhammad Tariq al KhadraTraduzioni a cura di Simone Sibilio e Sana Darghmouni Prenotazioni…
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