#all about survey
prfm-multiverse · 1 year
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Perfume was ranked as the idol with the highest expectations for global success
The All About editorial department conducted a survey on "Female Idols of All Generations" from March 2 to 8, targeting 500 men and women in their 10s to 60s nationwide. This article presents the results of the survey, in which respondents were asked about female idols of past generations whom they would like to see become world-famous or active on a global scale.
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guiltyidealist · 5 months
On your MOST FOLLOWED blog on Tumblr,
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smashwolfen · 2 years
I noticed something really REALLY cool about Legends arceus while looking up references, and it's so little, I don't know how many other folks have noticed it!!
The pokedex you get at the beginning of your journey;
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Perfect, crisp and brand new! So many pages to fill! Untouched by anyone ever, the first to ever exist! The original pokedex.
But at the end, with a completed pokedex;
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The title of the book is all ripped and damaged! It's been through so many surveys and treks out in hisui's wilderness! The edges of the blue cover are faded and dulling, maybe got wet a few times with run ins with outbreaks, being jostled around in a pack exploring around the region. The black binder holding it together after all this time is equally as banged up, probably barely keeping the stuffed pages inside safe and tucked away, but still doing its job.
This is the first ever pokedex, this is the one that began the understanding of pokemon as we know it, bringing humans and pokemon together as friends in the distant future. Before technology advanced and made the pokedex we were first introduced to in Kanto so many years ago.
It's falling apart and has been waterlogged a few times, it's recorded so much and survived raging lords, hordes or pokemon, alphas, an exile, gods of time and space, a banished deity, and faced almighty sinnoh.
And it was written, filled out, carried and protected all this time, by a kid who did their best to help the professor who first met them in Hisui.
And it survived.
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egophiliac · 11 days
have you seen the new nightwear groovy? alas, the dream of the animal onesies or the pillow fight groovy are dashed 😞 - i have yet to see the card's story but i assume that yuu is interviewing the boys again this year like the birthday boy cards cause there's no other characters in the card (?)
I too am disappointed that we didn't get a big full-on pillow fight. 😔 but he DOES battle by throwing his pillow, so at least we get some cushion action in there!
it looks like this round of birthday cards aren't going to be interviews/conversations, at least not for most of it -- the first part was Jamil talking to Ortho (who he duos with) about what his dormmates are doing for his birthday (they're setting up a surprise party/parade (because Kalim) but they're doing an extremely bad job of it and he's having to go around making sure that they don't screw it up) (being Jamil is suffering). second part was Jamil talking to his (unvoiced mob) roommate and answering Crowley's School Improvement Survey (he wants bigger bathrooms) (also a fridge in his room) (actually, make that a whole kitchen) (but mostly bigger bathrooms). then third part was his ~morning routine~, aka talking to himself about his hair and makeup, as one does in a visual novel. it's less cohesive than the previous birthday stories, but it's all pretty chill and there's some fun stuff in there! (Najma sent him hair stuff for his birthday that's way too fancy and he can't decide if she did it to annoy him or not. truly, being Jamil is indeed suffering.)
if all the cards are going to be about nightly/morning routine though, we're going to absolutely melt when we get to Vil, brace yourselves
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boredlime · 2 months
when you're Probably Not Cis but you present as it anyways because you're too lazy to do anything about it
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margle · 1 year
Always Sunny Fan Survey
Hello, this post is coming to you from the Bureau of Always Sunny Statistics.
We, at the bureau, are dedicated to delivering the answers to your burning Always Sunny questions. Have you ever wondered who the silent Charlie majority are that sweep every poll? Do you want to know who the public think the funniest/most attractive/most pathetic member of the gang is? Would you like to know what the most loathed and loved ships and episodes are? Would you like to pretend to be surprised when Charlie turns out to be the most popular character and macdennis the most popular ship?
Most importantly, would you like to spend way too much time (around 30-40 minutes) filling out a survey?
When I have received enough data I'll make a post going over all of the Bureau's findings. There are probably too many questions but it should autosave and so you can take breaks and complete it over a few days. Please reblog and share among IASIP fans so the Bureau can obtain lots of data.
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unganseylike · 1 year
even after all these years the gang learning about noahs ghostliness is so funny to me. like obviously they are freaked out that their friend is dead and was murdered. but no one is having a revelation about ghosts being real its not even mentioned. its like yea yea we all accept the existence of ghosts. back to the one living in our apartment.
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escapismblue · 11 months
literally blame @neometalsilver for this but here’s how fucking unwell I am about Sonic being Tails’ parental unit.
context: this is using my own timeline of the games/headcanons so yeah. if shit doesn’t register as canon refer to that.
Sonic just found a kid when he was 11 while living in the woods and took him in because what was he supposed to do? he’s not a social person, he doesn’t know how to keep friends, but that’s a kid. a scared kid that needs someone to look after him. he doesn’t think he’ll do a great job, but he has to at least provide the kid food and safety. at least until he can figure out what’s best for the kid.
he’s lucky Tails is a genius and can already read and write because he can’t talk. he doesn’t want to. the sound reverberates in his head and makes him sick he can’t talk. Tails is okay with that though. he reads whatever Sonic hastily writes on paper and he learns sign language faster than Sonic had.
food’s already tight. it’s hard to scavenge and Sonic can only steal so much food without locking himself out of every town or village on the islands. he’s already malnourished as hell himself and now he has to find more food.
Sonic eats even less. he has to. Tails is 4, Sonic is 11. he can deal with less food. Tails is growing and even though Sonic can’t run as much because he’s so tired. his metabolism eats through whatever food he manages to eat for himself. his body hides it though. he looks fine and Tails is looking better and the kid is okay and that’s. enough.
Mighty and Ray meet up with Sonic again and Mighty sees Tails and He Knows. because that’s what he did. Sonic doesn’t know what to do when Mighty gives him a look that’s knowing because he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he sure as hell didn’t know he and Mighty were still friends because he doesn’t know what friendships even are.
Sonic doesn’t understand people. he never has. he doesn’t trust people all that much. he can work with people when necessary but that’s… that’s all. people are scary and cruel but god there’s this kid that’s looking up to Sonic and maybe. maybe he should try and believe the world is good because he wants things to be good for his kid.
his kid?
the kid. he’s taking care of Tails but he’s not…
he “borrows” books from the library to read them. to teach himself about the world he’s bared himself from. he reads all the lessons kids are taught. he learns how the world works and then teaches Tails and sure he could just give the kid the books because god the kid is smart but he needs Tails to believe that he is capable.
Sonic needs to prove to Tails that he is reliable. that he’s gonna be there and get them out of whatever they get into. or whatever Robotnik forces them into.
he will do what he has to.
but he’s so scared. he’s not used to people relying on him or being attached to him. he’s so scared of that attachment he wants to run he has to be alone, alone is safe but Tails is there and he’s sleeping and he’s cuddled up to Sonic and Sonic cannot and will not be like the cruel adults that exist just to make his life worse.
when Sonic 2 happens he’s so proud of how capable Tails is. he’s not that nervous, Tails is doing great. sure, he doesn’t love Tails being dragged into stuff like this but it’s okay. it’s okay because Sonic will always be there to take the hit if Tails doesn’t dodge in time. and that’s fine. he’s a kid and learning. he can be clumsy. Sonic’s sturdy anyway.
when they meet Knuckles, Sonic is glad that the echidna seems to take a liking to Tails as a sort of older brother figure and it reassures Sonic that Tails would still have someone. Knuckles is not like Sonic, he is not going to take care of Tails like he does, but he's a protective figure, Sonic doesn't have to worry as much if he needs to be alone. which god he does. his skin is itching.
he loves Tails but he is itching to run.
when they move away from the islands, Sonic is quick to make sure Tails has shelter. he forges whatever he has to so that everything can be in Tails' name. both house and workshop. all of it. they're Tails', not Sonic's. Sonic can't have a house. he's been living in the woods so long that living in a house is so scary to him. he can't.
not yet.
when Shadow dies, Sonic mourns. death is not a foreign concept to him, but Shadow's sacrifice strings. Tails falls ill not long after and Sonic takes care of him. Tails has a high fever and in his delirium calls Sonic dad.
Sonic is aware of his own mortality, he almost died when he was 8/9. Shadow's death doesn't make him realize he will die someday, but it along with that keyword makes Sonic realize that when he dies he will be orphaning a child. his death will affect other people. he's not just some kid in the woods anymore. Tails will mourn like he does when he does.
Tails will be alone again when Sonic dies.
it doesn't matter how many of Sonic's friends take on a role in Tails' life, Sonic will be abandoning the kid in death. the thing he promised himself he wouldn't do. but what can he do? he's going to die young. it's only a matter of time.
he weeps amongst the trees. he is helpless to do anything besides prepare the kid.
things go on as normal. more adventures, more fights, more injuries, more fussing. it’s as normal as it can be. and sure maybe in the back of Sonic’s head he’s constantly trying to prepare Tails for when his only parent is going to leave him, but it’s minor. it’s fine.
when Sonic finds Emerl on that beach he knows the feeling that fills his heart. he knows that he’s gone from one kid to two.
everything about raising Emerl is rushed and a little different, but Sonic’s never had a normal experience raising a kid. weird is his home base.
there are a couple moments that get Sonic’s anxiety pumping. when Eggman says he has both Emerl and Cream hostage Sonic can feel the fear fill his veins, but of course Emerl gets both himself and Cream out of the situation. that’s his kid.
and it warms Sonic’s heart when he sees Emerl and Tails interact. something about Emerl brings out the childlike qualities of Tails and it’s endearing and so so heartwarming.
but nothing stays good forever.
Sonic had a choice. the world or his child. it wasn’t fair. but he couldn’t let Emerl destroy the planet. if only because he couldn’t force Emerl to deal with that amount of guilt. that wouldn’t be something the robot could live with. he prayed that he would be lucky and that Emerl would survive but…
“This was Gerald's final program... Should a weapon go out of control, the weapon will terminate itself...”
stupid fucking Gerald programming a self-destruct into a being with thoughts and feelings. stupid fucking Eggman gloating as if he won. as if this was something this was something to celebrate. stupid fucking Robotniks. stupid fucking world.
he didn’t regret the burning hot rage that took his over. he didn’t regret regret breaking Eggman’s jaw. he didn’t regret letting the dark energy blind him. he was blinded by tears anyway.
and god, Tails sounded like such a kid when he asked if Emerl would come back if the world was peaceful and Sonic couldn’t crush a kid’s hopes. especially not his own. his only. Sonic could barely keep it together as he agreed with Tails.
he made Tails stay the night at Vanilla’s house, too heartbroken to comfort the kid. tomorrow. he would do it tomorrow. when he had time to grieve on his own first.
turns out grieving was fighting with Shadow until they were both crying. Shadow lost his last connection to the Ark and Sonic? Sonic lost just about the worst thing he could’ve.
it wasn’t fair.
Sonic didn’t mean to be so much more protective of Tails going forward, hell of any kid he interacted with, going forward he just… he could deal with a lot of things. he had been through hell and back. pain was something he had learned to accept as part of his life. hell, maybe part of him would be lost without it. but he couldn’t lose Tails. for god’s sake if he was doomed to an early grave why was it so damn hard to have his kids outlive him?
he noticed Tails starting to doubt himself and that’s the last thing he wanted, Tails was so much better than him in so many ways, but he couldn’t… he couldn’t get over his fears.
was having Tails alive more important than him having a good self-esteem? Sonic was so lost. he had no frame of reference. Sonic had never had parents. no one to look after him. to show him what to do or what not to do in raising his own. he wanted Tails alive but he didn’t want Tails to have a miserable life. how was Sonic supposed to show Tails that he was more than capable without risking the kid’s life?
he didn’t know.
he tried but everything kept getting worse and Sonic didn’t know what to do and-
6 months of torture gave him plenty of time to think. too much time, really.
Sonic thought about plenty of things. but his mind always went back to golden fur and blue eyes. was Tails okay? sure, Sonic ran away a lot to do his own things, but never this long. had anyone taken up on taking care of Tails? did Tails blame himself? he shouldn’t. he’s just a kid.
safe to say he was not happy when he heard that Tails was missing when he got back. he was already upset with his boyfriend, and now his kid was just alone in an active war zone. Sonic knew Shadow had probably watched the kid from a distance but that wasn’t enough. Tails was 12 for fuck’s sake!
Sonic kept up the smiles, of course he did, but it only reinforced that Tails would be alone when Sonic actually passed and that… maybe Sonic was more mad at himself than anyone else.
or maybe the cruel workings of Fate. but no… that couldn’t be it. Sonic had defied fate before. but…
he didn’t know what he was mad at anymore. it didn’t matter.
Tails was in his arms again and maybe, just maybe, Sonic would teach Shadow about parenting.
just in case.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i respect folks who hc Nico as being tall but I love making him short because a.) it’s funny for everyone to be creeped out/super intimidated by a guy who’s not even 5′5″, b.) he’s only 14 as of TOA, so for basically all of the series it makes sense for him to be absolutely tiny especially compared to everybody else (please picture 12 year old Nico, barely 5ft even, sassing Kronos during TLO. you’re welcome.) c.) I usually make Reyna like over 6ft and the mental image of her carrying around tiny Nico like a purse dog is very amusing. Same goes for any character really carrying around Nico like a purse dog.
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shovson · 7 months
hi!! this isn't anything srs but i'm just very curious since i see some ppl talking about their partners on this site ^_^
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heartoflevi · 3 months
currently sobbing thinking about the 104th cadet corps
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some-stars · 2 months
sure do love reading posts about how zionism is a special, different kind of colonization that makes it actually fine and okay :)
like there were a LOT of antizionist jews in the early 20th century. there are a lot of us now. and it’s not because we just don’t Understand the Complexities of the israeli political situation. it’s because all forms of zionism, from their inception and to this day, have all always been morally wrong. israel was founded with a massive act of ethnic cleansing and murder because there is no other possible way to move large amounts of people into a place where other people already live that ensures the people arriving have all the political power. there was never a Good israel and there was never a Good zionism. it was rotten from its inception and it cannot be fixed or repaired or cleansed of the blood it demands.
you can dress up your explanations in lots of long paragraphs but the actual definition of all zionism is simply “we get to force everyone who was already living in this place to leave or be subservient to us or simply be killed.” there is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time.
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smashwolfen · 4 months
Hfodkejrbdjskskkr getting myself hyped to go to my first convention ever tomorrowwwww!!!!
Mind you its small and local but a con is a con and I am both so nervous and excited XD
Not going as a character or anything in particular but I am going to go out all gussied up! Just enough to show the PLA favoritism
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Just a lil bit XD (I would have tried to smoosh my Ingo plush in somehow but he kept sliding out of wherever I put him, and Im worried of just letting him dangle by his keychain piece ;w;)
If I remember to ask my buddy I'm going with to take some pics of me decked out, I will maybe share what was up and seen if I even got the nerves for that XD
Wish my introverted butt luck because this is SO NERVE WRACKING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Sweater was made by @cecilioque btw credit for the amazing sweater goes to them! And the Joltik keychain was made by @imfluentinfangirlandgay a while back!
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lalalychee · 1 month
i'm gonna give away where i work with this status lol but i feel like way more people need to be aware of what the national immunization survey is.
the national immunization survey is a survey conducted on behalf of the CDC via phone. it's the CDC's primary source of immunization data in the country, and it's been going on since 1994. random phone numbers are called to make sure that people from all backgrounds are being fairly represented, so it's a totally random deal if you're selected to participate. i know there's a ton of weird scam calls out there, but if you get a call from someone about an immunization survey and the caller ID says CDC NATL IMMUN, it's 100% legitimate.
you can read more information about it on the CDC's website.
even if you have never been vaccinated, are against vaccinations, etc, your response is important so the survey results aren't biased and so your voice is also heard. the survey is not trying to convince anyone to get vaccinated; it's just collecting numbers. it's also about more than just covid vaccinations. (like i said, the survey has been conducted since 1994, so it far predates covid.)
even if you don't want to participate, please don't be mean to the interviewer who called you. we're just trying to make a living. you would not believe the things we get called, and it's so beyond unacceptable. literally all you have to do is ask the interviewer to remove you from the list. you have to say those exact words and then we'll leave you alone. please for the love of god stop cussing us out. just say take me off the list. it's that easy.
tl;dr if you get a call from the CDC about a survey, it's NOT a spam call. be nice. we're tired.
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rooksunday · 1 month
the first time a clone has to interview for a job they suddenly yearn for the clarity of purpose decanting brought
sure freedom of choice is great and all but at what cost
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