#all my ocs are on the aro/ace spectrum because of me
distressedwalnut · 1 year
#1 Day of asking random ahh questions to the blogs I follow
Ever made your madcom OCs lore too relatable to the point you just wanna,, hug them like- I'm sorry that you went through that omg- 😭
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This is well after day one but I still want to answer asjhdakjda I guess I really haven't? I think the most relatable thing I've done to an oc is give them one of my likes or one of my mannerisms, but not anything to do with lore. I feel a bit weird if an oc shares a bit too much with me-
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arklay · 2 years
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tagged by @risingsh0t @indorilnerevarine @shadowglens & @swordcoasts to do this picrew for some of my ocs – this was a super cute one, thank you all so so much! ♡
🐺 ithrenil (tes; they/them) // 🚁 dani (re; she/any) 🐍 diana (re; she/her) // 👑 reina (sr; she/her) ⛓️ damien (re; he/they) // 🌻 mehlia (da; she/her)
tagging: @aartyom @aelyosos @brujah @cultistbase @denerims @faarkas @florbelles @girlbosselrond @leviiackrman @liurnia @morvaris @narshadda @nocticulas @noonfaerie @nuclearstorms @reaperkiller @shellibisshe @solasan @steelport @voerman @windupcharibert @wrymbloods & anyone else who'd like to do this, feel free to say i tagged you! ♡
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Hii! Can I requests ur Yan-ocs with an Ace reader? That doesn’t exactly like physical touch or any of that sort?
YEP Absolutely, I needed to fulfill this request because I want to finish a full fic for another person but feel a little burnt out. As someone who might be acespec I get it (more so ace than aro).
People under 17 fuck right on off (politely of couse)!
Also, not all the yanderes will be super accepting, just a heads up because I think that their personalities determine their level of openness to darling being ace.
Hates this as a stage five clinger. She will never blame you for being this way though, she loves you too much! Doesn't care about sex as long as you are comfortable being with her. She will try and find out what touch you are comfortable with and smoother you with that kind of touch. Will also be fine cuddling the crap out of a pillow as long as it smells like you. One of the better ones in my opinion.
Is the best one to have in this situation because I believe Espresso is ace himself. Never was one for touch and would only endure it if you wanted it. Since you don't like physical touch Espresso will focus on any other love language you might like. He personally is fond of gift giving and quality time (both giving and receiving).
THE. FUCKING. WORST. Worse than Macchi, Matcha and Cocoa. What do you mean you're ace? Isn't that not real? After some explaining Donut does understand but that doesn't mean he likes it. How else is he meant to show he cares when his beloved doesn't want to touch him? He thinks it cruel to deprive him of your loving touch. Bends as many boundaries as he can without you getting fed up and leaving. However, when it comes to others touching you, he screams at them about you hating touch. Very much 'touches for me but not for thee' mentality.
One of the most mature with handling this situation, will sit down and discuss boundaries and comfort levels. She adores you and would never want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. Will even discuss in an age-appropriate way to Cookie and Muffin why Baba doesn't like to be touched. Sugar knows better than anyone that sex doesn't equal romance as she got pregnant from a one-night stand. Doesn't have the highest sex drive but if you are willing to do it, she will guide you in a night of pleasure. Will find other fun activities that both of you enjoy, let her love you and everything will be fine.
Cookie and Muffin:
Legit children and don't understand asexuality at all. When you explain you don't like being touched, they say okay and continue holding your hands. Sugar does get them to somewhat understand why you don't like being touched but the kids still mess up from time to time. Kids are clingy mofos and Cookie and Muffin are no different. They will bite adults that touch you in a way they deem incorrect, they're feral but lovable.
Researches everything about the ace spectrum and asks tons of questions. What kind of touch is acceptable? How long have you known? Do you still feel comfortable around him? Biggest and dorkiest ally to be found. Will share asexual facts with you that you might not know (you probably do). Will ask for consent before even entering your personal space. If you feel less comfortable with skin-on-skin contact, Croissant will start wearing more sweaters even in July. He will suffer if there's a slight chance you will embrace him.
Damn that's rough buddy but directed at her. Clingy Mcgee will have to modify her approach a bit. She would never want to make her best friend uncomfortable in any way, shape or form. Will catch herself trying to grab your arm to get your attention and apologize profusely. Hopes you still want to hang out with her even though she slips up sometimes. Will shield you from any unwanted touches from the other cafe workers and curse them out.
Completely understands you not wanting to touch them, I mean they're so gross and you're so perfect. A deity such as yourself should not be worried about the common people, no you should be untouchable. Makes it weird real fast, like good you understand but quit moaning each time you get a head pat. May break your boundaries in hopes of being hurt but respects your wishes in general.
Is neutral to it as they love you as you are. They would think it was adorable if you did cling to them but aren't devastated that you don't like touch. I personally think Shopkeeper is demi sexual, so they understand you not experiencing sexual attraction (even if they are sexually attracted to you). May tease you about being so "cold" to their advances. People who violate your minimal touch policy will end up in Shopkeeper's kitchen, and not come out.
Does not care, just not in a good way. Not about the asexual bit just the touch bit. They will nap on you whether you like it or not, you are their pillow. They will sit on you if it means you will stay (They're chonky so good luck getting out of there). Otherwise, they still want you by their side. Also not wanting sex is a win for them since they are too lazy to do anything.
Butch would be concerned. Did someone traumatize you in childhood? Has someone touched you? You explain that's not the reason you're ace, and he relaxes. He does miss the idea of holding you close but knows he's not worthy of it (especially if he kidnapped you). You may have made this guard dog more overprotective over you as anyone who tries to touch you will receive a warning growl.
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justlarkin · 7 months
Would it be okay if I ask, how do you find Lifewonder's games and why do you play them despite it catering for gays?
I dont know anything about being aro/ace so it will be nice to understand them from their own individual perspective.
You're good lol. That's a fair question.
I will preface this by saying that there are other aro/ace people out there who play these games and how they identify under the Ace Spectrum and their reasons for playing are going to be different from mine.
So I still find some romantic and sexual things appealing, but not in a scenario that involves myself with someone else. I've never felt the desire to engage in a romantic or physical relationship myself. I don't like certain aspects of romance and have no interest in personally engaging in it. And I think some aspects of sex gross me out and I wouldn't want to personally engage with it. I think it's the intimacy of it all. Something about involving myself with other people in these scenarios puts me off, grosses me out, makes me feel uncomfortable.
I still engage with sexual and/or suggestive content because I do still find people attractive in that way and cranking it isn't one of the things I find gross about sexual content since it doesn't involve another person. Though I guess I still wouldn't find things appealing in the way others do since nudity/suggestiveness by itself is straight up meh and does nothing for me. It's the same with romance content. I still like reading/watching certain romances involving other people since it does not myself. I may not personally get it or desire it, but I still find some of it cute.
Ik Ik, I rambled. My bad. So why do I play these games when they're clearly marketed towards horny gays?
-I like LGBT+ media and was actively searching for LGBT+ games when I first started playing Housamo.
-I like furries.
-I like that their gimmick is lewding male characters unlike most gacha games.
-For Housamo, I like mythology.
-I like the lore, stories, and characters.
-Most importantly to the current topic, I like their gender selectable/neutral protagonists.
I prefer games with customizable or at least vague protagonists. With customizable protagonists, it's easier to just make a non self-insert oc to play as and detach myself from it. And with vague protagonists like the ones featured in Housamo and Live A Hero, they still have the detachability, but I mostly prefer how they're written and treated in the games. I don't know what it is, but most games that are targeted at a specific gender, especially dating games, are just ugh to me idk idk. The MCs' genders never being relevant in these games besides changing pronouns and labels is personally enjoyable for me.
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fanlovedlt · 3 months
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Before pride month ends, I did a redrew of one of my drawings in my sketchbook containing my four OCS and their pride flag! Each one having a distinctive reasoning for it based on my research about them:
Petra Miller: she got bad taste in men to the point where one can look like a hobo, and she still calls him hot, and yet when it comes to women, it doesn’t matter how they look like or what they do she immediately folds like origami so easily it’s so funny.
Symnles Lemonis: He’s the type where because of some trauma, which what character doesn’t have trauma, He rather be in a kind of relationship that is morally about comfort and support before taking it further. Doesn’t matter who as long as they make him feel safe and loved.
Jeans Garcia: Never had any great relationships at all other than her adoptive father who technically would be old enough to be her grandfather. Is the type to become confused when feeling emotions because she never fully expressed them well, but once she finds that right emotional bond with someone, she is clingy.
Lazzy: this is just a YouTube OC I made when I was like 12 and I’m surprised I even gave them a name let alone a much better design than before. I just love putting them in outfits that could either be for girl or a boy but for them, it’s just like whatever I can be both or either what’s the difference? I love them with all my heart, I swear.
( p.s not important but this makes me regret about the time that at my second job,is it’s like a thrift store or something but anyways, I found the skirt that had the colors of gender fluid and I regret never buying it because of the fact I didn’t know whether or not if I would be allowed to keep it let alone wear it even though I’m aroace but it was so cute I hope someone got it at least!)
So while those four are taken into account, I will also like to start off with thanking every person in the LGBTQ community that is on the ace spectrum, aro spectrum, or aroace for telling their stories and helping me realize more about myself than I realize. And I also like to thank every artist out there, who even though the art industry may be going through some trouble because of “AI” artists or companies who use AI for projects, and yet still continue to make art whenever and however they please. Thank you and I hope you all had a wonderful month!!!
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(P.P.S this was also a retrace of a selfie I took because I didn’t want to take a picture of myself and put the colors of my flag on it because I’m still self-conscious of my look so I did my best in the future. I’ll probably do a painting next time!)
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Here is all of the OCs in my sketchbook!
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lupuspluvio · 3 months
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈PRIDE THEMED OC ASK GAME🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery? How?
Ahhh so many! So generous friend! Tempted to answer them all as just one oc but what a nice challenge to choose a different oc for each question!
1. JJ—- JJ identifies as trans masc non binary, what this means to him is that his gender isn’t important but they tend to sway more masculine then feminine. Although because they are non binary he will occasionally try more feminine styles as he gets comfortable with himself. JJ takes testosterone and has had top surgery which immesenly helps any dysphoria and allows that exploration into feminine expression. Basically if JJ was born a cisgender male they’d still be non binarh.
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2 & 14. Lyle! Lyle is queer/questioning. He, Kian and Jj are just a few of my characters on the ace/aro spectrum. For Lyle he’s Demi sexual and rangers from hyper-sexual to sex repulsed! Lyle doesn’t think about it all that much because it’s never been an “issue” in a relationship.
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4. Luz’s family tries to be supportive but tends to fail, the impact means Luz doesn’t celebrate themselves as they should and feels awkward being openly queer around family and tends to hide away that part- although not literally they are out but without much queer cantered support.
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10. Bex goes all out for pride! The fit is picked months before, hair, nails, decor and clothes all chosen to give off the biggest lesbian vibes! She adores the parades but lives for pride nights in clubs. She’s always excited to see the drag queens and get inspo for more looks and loves talking their ears off!
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19&20. For me it’s important to show the homo/transphobia that’s more hidden and quiet. It gets to you over time that those around you aren’t trying to support or understand. As well as how hard it can be to have a religious person in the family telling you that you are wrong. There’s lots of examples of transphobia that is in the public eye but I’d like to show it behind closed doors and just how subtle it can be. JJ is probably the oc that helps me the most, to accept my blackness and queerness without erasing the me of the past totally. I write them and feel inspired to follow their footsteps and try old “feminine” things that brought me joy but I stopped to “pass more”.
Thank you for the questions!!!!
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dross-the-fish · 10 months
"He falls in love easily and sometimes will project that there is an emotional connection when really all the other person feels is lust because Adam doesn't initially understand lust and love as separate concepts and tends to conflate the two."
I shake Adam's hand very happily. I'm greysexual myself, but the way you explained your OC's sexuality really resonated with me. Always wonderful to see some ace rep, especially in the world of goth lit, which likes to add unnecessary love interests and weird sexual subplots [glares at a lot of old Jekyll and Hyde media].
If you have anything else you'd like to share about your ace and/or aro characters, I'd love to read about it! Or perhaps a drabble of Adam holding up the demisexual flag would be cute. :D
This made me tear up a little. I feel like I repeatedly have to justify making Adam grey-ace to some people and while I know it's not a big deal it has been really disheartening to have people reject and ignore that part of the character. Thank you so much.
Some more about Adam: While he does enjoy it sex is not a requirement in a relationship, he is perfectly happy to just have a companion and gets as much fulfillment out of just spending time with them and cuddling them as he would a sexual relationship.
Other aro/ace characters and relationships.
Jekyll/Hyde is on the aromantic spectrum and if he does form relationships they fall under the queerplatonic umbrella and he is not interested in being exclusive or monogamous.
Watson and Holmes are also queerplatonic in my AU with Holmes being aro/ace but Watson is his most important relationship and Watson, despite having conventional hetero relationships has something with Holmes he's never had with anyone else.
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spacerangersam · 5 months
Could you tell me more about some of your ocs???? (Only if you’re up for it tho)
I’m always down to gush about my ocs! But I do have a lot of them, especially with the story I'm currently working on, and I don’t always know what to say, so sorry if this is a bit all over the place. This isn’t even everyone, I left out a few like the main antagonist, Irene and a few other side characters for the sake of this not being essay length but yeah. Here are some of the main guys:
(also, unless otherwise specified, they're all welsh)
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Simon Huw Taylor, 32, tenant of flat no. 6, he/they, bi and ace (maybe on the aro spectrum, but idk. It’s none of my business).
He’s the main character of my story, Where the Lost Souls Meet. He’s a pretty quiet guy who likes to keep to himself, much to his own detriment. He’s been travelling around all his life, never really interacting with people his own age, leaving him with mediocre socialising skills. He can see ghosts, has been able to since childhood, and is a mortician while doing psychic ghost stuff on the side. His mum could also see ghosts and she also did the ghost business, which is why he and his parents were moving around all the time, basically living in their van/hotels). To honour her, Simon uses her maiden name for ghost work (meaning his name is then Simon Huw Hughes, which I just thought was cute). She died a few years back, his father even earlier, leaving Simon the last of his family line and all alone in the world.
His whole life revolves around death, which isn’t healthy but Simon would rather die than go to therapy and actually address his problems, so it stays that way for a while. He does try to quit smoking though, so that’s something. He is also a liar. Dear god does he love to lie about everything and anything, to everyone. Well, I say loves to lie, he doesn’t really love it. He does it both to keep himself safe and to keep others from worrying about him. Honestly, he’s fine, he’s functional, and he definitely has family who loves him. Just don’t ask to meet his ‘sister’. He also tries to protect people by keeping a certain distance from them, not wanting to hurt them like he’s been hurt because of [REDACTED], which is why he kept moving around even after his mother died. But he desperately wanted top surgery and so stopped in this town with a well-known trans-safe doctor to get it done, and unfortunately for him landed in a manor turned flat filled with people who very much would like to be his friends, please.
He has no hope for the future, no plans, having a fairly pessimistic look on life because of [REDACTED], and is basically just waiting for the day he finally dies. Again, will he do anything about this? Maybe, eventually, at some point.
He doesn’t like / struggles to watch TV and movies, his ideal night involves doing puzzles and maybe a spot of reading, he loves puns and he’s a vegetarian. I love him and his terrible coping mechanism. Go king, communicate absolutely nothing and never let people share your burdens. 
Also, his neighbour dies in front of him during an argument one day, which isn't great, going on to haunt Simon in a distinctly violent fashion, which is the thing he's desperately trying to deal with in the story.
more losers under the cut
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Charlie Tops, 35, tenant no. 5, he/him, trans bi+ace. He’s a very sweet guy, very open, with major himbo energy, just without the muscles. He makes the best tea and the worst coffee. He writes kid's books in the vein of Winnie the Pooh / Peter Rabbit, taking over the job after his grandfather passed, now writing them for his own daughter, Lottie. But Lottie’s getting older and losing interest in those types of books, and so he’s losing interest in writing them and having a mild panic over what he’ll do next. He’s kinda obsessed with taxidermies. His flat is quite literally filled with them and no one likes it, nobody wants to be in there, and the vibes are way off (except Will for, who thinks it’s very interesting, actually).
He’s deeply in love with Simon and they have a thing. An unexplained, deeply intimate thing that neither talk about, mostly because Simon can’t communicate for shit (which he feels deeply guilty about, and he keeps telling himself that he’ll break it off but can never quite work up to it), and Charlie’s worried if he asks, Simon will end it. He really struggles with Simon’s whole silent martyr ordeal even outside their thing because even if he doesn’t know the extent to which Simon is trying to hide his problems, he knows there is something being hidden, but again, is worried about pushing too hard and losing him completely. It’s messy, but they’ll work through it. 
He can’t see ghosts but does know about them, unlike the other Woodward tenants, and feels a bit left out /awkward about the whole thing. He had an amicable divorce from his wife Irene after he realised he was ace, she realised she was aro, and that they were both trans, the two staying friends and her staying on as the illustrator for his books. And as I mentioned earlier, he does have a daughter, Lottie.
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William Isaiah Beaton, 30, tenant no. 7, he/him, gay, English. An archivist for the local museum who moves into the manor in chapter one, and comes off as a tough, rude ex-vet.  And that is true, to a certain extent. He is rude, and an ex-vet. But he wasn’t in the army for long, he got mowed down by a car on base like, two weeks after arriving, leaving him with a permanent injury to his leg. He feels he failed to live up to his father’s expectations, and in shame, never told the truth to his father about having to leave the forces. Will has… a lot of complicated feelings about that, and his relationship with his father, and his relationship with his religion. He works some of that last one out with help from Penny.
It’s a bit of a spoiler, but whatever- he can see ghosts. He doesn’t realise that’s what’s happening though and instead is fully convinced he’s just losing his mind, and that crash did irreparable damage to his head. Nah though, just ghosts. Has a guilty love of werewolf media and cake, and cares a lot about bugs and plants (he even ends up taking Simon’s plants off him, because Simon kills every plant he owns, without question). He has limited zero social skills and finds big groups overwhelming, but nevertheless, he will be dragged into this friendship group (if Penny has any say in it, at least). He came to Hangar for a reason, though he doesn’t say why.
He also definitely fancies Simon and has no idea how to handle that. It’s the first time he’s fancied a man (or at least, a man-adjecent person) who isn’t straight, and that coupled with the fatc Simon actually seems to like him is just a lot for him to process. The two of them bond over their shared loved of history / interest in the history of the manor.
I should make it clear: this isn’t a love triangle, this is poly thing.
The ghouls:
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Florence Blossom (left), 40, and Gwenllian Baker (right), 42. Both were performers in a small acting trope who died in 1941 (though not at the same time or in the same way, funnily enough) in the manor Simon lives in. They love each other very much.
Florence is a bit judgy, loves a good moan, and is very anxious about everything and everyone, always. Her anxiety tends to make her come off as a bit snappy. She can control the lights.
Gwen is a bit vacant, with her head absolutely in the clouds at all times. She struggles a bit with empathy and reading the room, leading her to be mindlessly cruel sometimes. She never means it though and genuinely cares about Simon and Florence, and will look after them both in her own weird ways. she can lock, unlock, close and open doors
Now back to the living:
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Agatha Jeorme, 55, tenant  no. 1. She’s kinda like if an angsty teen was stuck in the body of a middle-aged woman, and we love her for that. She’s the daughter of the landlord and hates it. If she had any other skills / if her father had helped her get a better opportunity elsewhere like he did with her brothers, she would have jumped on it. But instead, he gave her the job of looking after Woodward. She hates him, deeply. She often shovels off small jobs onto Simon because she knows he won’t say no, and is having an affair with the next-door neighbour’s wife. I kind of made her sound like a bastard, and she is kinda, but a fun one I hope, and she does learn to be less of a bastard as the story goes on. 
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Gwynfor Geraint Jones, 34, tenant no. 2, he/she, bigender, aroace. Just a chill guy who loves rock music and slasher movies. She’s in a QPR with Adam, them being the first two to move into Woodward. this isn't entirely related to his character, but he's called gwynfor geraint after two twins i went to primary school with. their names always stuck in my head, in so i thought i'd put them to good use.
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Adam Diana Keats, 36 tenant tenant, no.3, she/her, aroace trans woman, Scottish. She’s a librarian with a love of reading, especially poetry, and a bit pushy, a bit bossy, but ultimately well-meaning. She’ll drag Simon out of his room but with the intent to encourage him to mingle and hang out with the Woodward crew, you know. She hates Will on sight. There’s more I could say, but that would be spoilers. also, despite her dark academic vibes, she does love a good animal print
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Penny Sion Seagrove, 29, no.4, she/her, lesbian. A tired, friendly gardener who would love it if everyone would get along and be friendly. She sometimes sticks her nose in places she shouldn’t to figure out people’s beef with each other (cough, Adam and Will, cough) to see if she can find a way to squash it for them, which doesn’t usually work. She tries anyway. She’s Catholic, shares Simon’s love of puns, and is dating Alice.
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Alice Rhodri Blackwood, 30, she/her, trans lesbian. She lives in town with her best mate Mickey. She’s a loud, cheery, extroverted goth with an interest in witchcraft who can also see ghosts. She has slightly different opinions about ghosts and how they work from Simon, but she’s still his go-to when he’s having ghost issues. 
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Mickey Dolores Palmer, 29, she/her, English (Yorkshire). Idk what her deal is, and she just is, you know. A very nervous, clumsy, mousy person who works at the local museum. She tends to jump to conclusions and is not a fan of ghosts. Unfortunately, she can also see ghosts, so that’s not great for her. She's doing her best.
god i wrote way too much for this, sorry asdfghj. but uh, also, i did a voice claim video for some of these losers, if you're interested. also,t hank you so much for asking. i do love talking about these idiots
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that-starry-freak · 22 days
Okay, wow. Uhm.. I'm honestly kind of tired of all the fandom discourse. So i- I want to talk about it.
 This is honestly about to be really personal. So CW for mentions of hypersexuality and grooming(that ones at the very end), as well as mentions of harassment and aphobia. I also vaguing a bit, but its not too explicit (I do name 2 people at some point but im defending them and talking about how they dont deserve to be harassed, so-) and I'm not talking negatively about anyone!
Also please ignore my terrible grammar/spelling. This is kind of just me ranting and in no way is meant to be an actual well written essay or anything
Okay- so- god I was writing this all in my head but now I'm trying to type this out im coming up short
Okay, lets try this- there's no way to really neatly and perfectly segway into what I want to talk about, but I'll try my best
I just really want to talk about the harassment that's been going on in the fandom. Because its really just.. frustrating.
First is the allegations of aphobia.
Yes, aroace people can be aphobic! But can we please learn the difference between projecting and aphobia. 
There are aroace people in this fandom seeing Moon and Nexus and deciding to make them not sex repulsed because they arnt. Ive seen people get called aphobic for making them demiaroace, or aceflux, or just non-repulsed aroace. And I've seen people make fics of awful acts, "correcting" their asexuality, and being purposely tagged wrong.
Which one of these is actual aphobia, hm?
Should have started with this but, yknow, it's too late for that now- ehem, 
Hi! I'm Astro, a aceflux lesbian who struggles with hypersexuality. I, personally, am actually really uncomfortable with people making Moon not aroace and shipping him, even in aus. Im uncomfortable with them even making him not repulsed most of the time. What do I do though? I dont harass people. I just don't interact with the content!
And I have no problem with people making Nexus not repulsed/aroace. Why?? Because canonical hes confused and unsure about if he's aroace or not! And I know a lot of people on the ace and aro spectrum(s), including me, can relate to that feeling. The unsureness of if you are, and even if you know you are, not knowing where you are in the spectrum. I personally love making Nexus somewhere along the lines of demi or gray, because that would add more representation! Especially with Old Moon back now, we have our repulsed rep. That doesn't mean they can't both be repulsed! I'm just saying that having another character be another side of the spectrum (whether its non-repulsed aroace, demiaroace, demiaro and alloace, etc.) Would be nice. 
Personally, I've been tempted to make an au where Nexus started experimenting with sex and it starts clogging his mind. Because I enjoy his character, and I want to project my own experiences onto his character. There's nothing wrong with it?? Self inserting into canon characters is a tale as old as time, just as old as ocs.
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to have more representation or have a character that represents you. That isn't ace or aro phobic- i don't get how people don't understand that. I know multiple aroace people who like dating, or who are dating. I also know aroace people who just like qprs and can't stand dating. I know aroace people who have been confused and have fluctuated with their sexuality as I've known them, trying to figure themselves out. There are different types, and people want to see themselves in a character that is similar to them. Whats wrong with that?
Now, I am not defending the people who constantly are like "well aroace people can date too", completely ignoring the fact that some are repulsed. I'm not defending the people that say that whenever you mention that a character doesn't like to date because they're repulsed. I've seen it happened to people who literally have aus and are talking about their versions if the character and how they never want to date, and people say that. It's fucking annoying. And ya, pretty aphobic.
But non-repulsed aroace people saying that about their own au versions of characters isn't the same thing. Defending their headcanons of a character because it helps them better connect to it isn't the same thing- im like, so confused about how we don't understand this already??
Another this is- and I can't believe I have to say this -can we NOT fucking harass people??? Like holy shit why do I have to say this?
Yes, this includes people who support terrible things. This includes people who just don't like the same things as you. Yes, this includes people that don't like you.
Because, fun fact, that just makes the situation worse. Someone saying something bad about somebody, and then a bunch of people swarming them and telling them their wrong, isn't going to change their mind. It'll actually just make them have an even more negative view of the person.
Now, spreading awareness about a person who is actively harassing people is different. But that also doesn't mean you should see that awareness and go harass that person. Again, its going to make it worse.
Instead, report. Block. Do whatever you can to keep yourself and others safe. Please don't harass people though. Please.
And yes holy shit this includes if they ship things you don't like! Holy fuck why do I even have to say this- if you disagree with someone, block them. Don't fucking spread rumors. You fucking people keep complaining about all the discourse and then attack shippers. What the fuck?? Stop it. The ones you are attacking don't even do shit, they're just chilling. Some people Eccpecially!! I feel bad about mentioning directly, but people like @/kuuchaos and @/zthesheep (not tagging because I don want to bother them and also im a coward. Wishing them all the support in the world tho) haven't even done anything! They're just getting harassed because they're associated with people these harassers don't like.
Hell, i- who has barely done anything but support people -am terrified of getting harassed. Because I'm associated with these "big blogs", I'm at risk of being harassed. Its ruining my mental health, which was just finally getting better- its frustrating. I literally had to take a break from tumblr because I was so anxious, and I felt sick to my stomach and was shaking a bit. I just want to make friends and have fun and post art, but I'm scared of being yelled at literally becuas elf people who I associate myself with.
I know im at risk just because I'm mutuals with two of these blogs. Just because I post and reblog ship things, and reblog things from these "big blogs". Im- augh. I luckily haven't been harassed, and have blocked the harasser in question, but that doesn't stop the crippling anxiety of the fact that i may be in the future. That's not okay. Its awful that this fandom is so fucked up that people who havnt even done shit are afraid of being harassed- or are actually being harassed!
Can I remind everybody that the VAs literally asked everyone not to harass each other and to just chill out? Sure, I'm all for death of the author, but thats not what that is. You can't just take canon and use it to harass people, but completely ignore the people who made that canon. That's fucked up. Either ignore canon all together, or listen to the VAs. Either you, you have no reason to harass people.
Anyway, I hope soon we can all be a lot nicer to each other. Seriously, I dont care about disagreeing with ships. I dont even think we should all be friends, im not a fucking elementary school teacher. But I think we should all at least be respectful to each other and not literally harass and send fucking gore to people. Eccpecially fuckimg CHILDREN like im sorry whos idea was that?? Those gore anons need to be put in prison because that is one of the most disgusting things I've heard in a fandom- and I've been in some pretty horrific fandoms (*cough*dsmp*cough*)
So uhm- yeah
Please dont harass me for speaking out against harassment, like seriously. I'm not promoting harassment or aphobia, or incest or anything. Especially grooming, considering i may have been groomed by one of my friends in 3rd grade??? Idk, the more you know-
Im also not inviting an argument. Please dont argue with me, please. Or even disagree with me in reblogs or comments or tag me or anything. It may seem childish, but I instinctively want to argue back and I just want to avoid that. Please.
But yeah, let's just be decent to each other pls. Use that nifty block button more, please and thank you <3
(THIS WAS NOT REREAD OR EDITED! plus I was having extreme pain at the end cause of cramps- and I was emotional and frustrated at the beginning. So this all may be a bit incoherent/rude, but im trying
Again, please don't harass me- especially over me talking about my hypersexuality and things- its hard for me and personally <3)
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amusingmusie · 7 months
Hello! I'm a big fan of your work "Yours Truly" on Ao3 & your character Penelope, probably like the rest of us here!
So, as we all know, Alastor is someone who is on the asexual spectrum– a real shocker, I know! [/s] But there's a question that's been bugging me for a while, and that is 'what sexuality is Nel'? Because I SWEAR on my life I saw a post saying that she is bisexual, but I cannot seem to find it– so I don't know if that's a fragment of my imagination, and I have entirely made that up... Or that's an actual thing that has been stated and I simply forgot lmao!
I hope that isn't something weird to ask! And, if I really DID make that up, then I'm sorry for bothering you with all those questions!
BUT ALSO, just in case my mind isn't actually playing tricks on me- would you say that Nel is 'aware' of her attraction to women? That she recognizes it as the same attraction she feels towards men, as we see with Alastor– or does she pay it no mind? Not in a "actively ignoring it" way, just a "I've never really thought about it for various reasons"– because we do see Nel being quite open minded in your work, like when she confronts Alastor about the altar for his ancestors without any real judgement! She seems very tolerant and willing to learn about the 'unknown'! Did she have a very sudden realization that 'oh shit, (unspecified lady) is HOT what the hell-", or did her attraction manifest in more subtle ways throughout her life? Obviously, I doubt she would ever put a label on her feelings, simply because of the realities of the times in which "Yours Truly" takes place– similarly to how Alastor (even in Hell) isn't aware of the more 'modern' labels for his sexual attraction, or rather the lack of it!
All in all, Nel is an amazing character, no matter her sexuality– you really made her feel like a real person! She doesn't feel shallow or flat like some characters in fanfiction often do– she has both positive and negative aspects of her character, which make her interactions with the people around her all the more entertaining to read! Especially with Alastor– but I must say, I am also a big fan of her relationship with Grace! I am a sucker for siblings that genuinely care & love each other, but who also can be jokingly mean, and well... Act like real siblings would! I find that most fanfictions follow either the "siblings who absolutely despise each (especially if they are both women, for some reason)" trope, or the "siblings who are sickeningly sweet with one another".
I see that I have written quite a long wall of text– I hope I didn't completely bore you out of your mind! Have a nice day/night, and remember to prioritize your health & mental wellbeing! Toodles! <33
I rub my hands together like a grubby little fly.
You didn't make it up! Nel is technically bisexual (and on the aro/ace spectrum). It's not something I've explicitly written in my fic since she's not even aware of it- that lady grew up in the backwoods in the early 19th century USA. Not saying she couldn't figure it out, she just really doesn't think about it? Like you said, Al is like "huh" when his sexuality is labeled, so is she lol. Eventually she might kinda blink and go "oooooooh" but I don't think it's a big spoiler to say she found her person with Alastor, so while it's an important discovery that's part of her identity, she's happily unhappy with that fucker.
But that's not to say she's unaware of the LGBTQ community or that she's discriminatory towards them! Part of her defining personality is that she is very accepting and if Grace came home with a girl she would not bat an eye. Bonus points if the girl can't get her pregnant lmao. Nel thinks a win is a win.
All in all, I'm a lesbian, and the majority of my OCs have a little sugar in their tanks whether they realize it or not (even if they're unhappily/happily stuck with a stinky deer man) <3
Also, I'm glad you like Grace! I know sibling characters can be hit or miss, but she's integral to the story so I couldn't get rid of her.
Thanks for the cool ask :)
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hello and how are you, fellow Wanderer?
Happy Pride Month! We came and wanted to send an ask for the Pride Themed Oc Ask Game!
Fourteen | Eighteen | Twenty-One
Hope this month is filled with fun and joy for you! :D
☕ Natsume Rune, @365runesoftheamalgamations
OMG Hi I think I recognize you, did you change up your blog? I wasn't active for a hot minute so I don't know, but I think I have met you before. Let me know <3
Pride OC Asks~
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
I absolutely do! and they're all over the spectrum too. Most of my characters end up aro or ace coded because I'm AroAce myself, but I'm gonna focus on the several I have that I intentionally wrote as aro, ace, or both!
Princess Snow is the main character in my Snow White retelling, she's AroAce and in a QPR with her best friend Lan
Lan is Snow's best friend, they're also Arospec and Acespec, and they're also Nonbinary/Genderqueer
Princess Sapphire is one of the two main characters in my Sleeping Beauty retelling, she's Demisexual. She also has ADHD and is in love with her bodyguard (his name is Raven and he's bisexual and autistic)
Triveya is the magic expert in my dark fairytale retellings series, she's AroAce and Genderqueer. She's also AuDHD, and going through a burntout gifted kid arc right now.
Nickelle is the heroes team leader in my teenage superhero wip, she's AroAce, and she's also Japanese American. She has ice powers and gets a villain arc followed by a redemption arc
Kylee is the youngest teammate in my teenage superhero wip, and she's PanAce! She's also non-speaking autistic and has superspeed and invisibility powers
Chase is the team Tech Genius and inventor in my teenage superhero wip, and he's PanAro! He's also Jewish Romani, and struggles with a lot of mental health issues and his cluster B disorders (he has OCD, Bipolar Disorder, and a psychosis Disorder). He also struggles with anxiety, depression, and insomnia. (he's my favorite of this wip)
Corie is one of the main characters in my space cowboy wip, she's AroAce. She's also a cyborg bounty hunter and thinks she doesn't need people but she'll learn
18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
Not really, unless it feels applicable, or the setting would have specific labels (my fantasy wip for instance, I mostly leave things pretty vague)
21. Free ramble card wee
The reason I wrote Kylee as PanAce and Chase as PanAro is because while we are starting to get a bit more aspect representation in media recently- which is great- there's more asexual characters than anything else, and if there are aro characters (which there are almost none), aromantisicm gets conflated or immediately lumped with asexuality.
While it is true that a person can be both aro and ace at the same time- there are a lot of alloace or alloaro people, and there's almost no representation for those people in media, or the internet in general. Aromantic is rarely even said outside of a couple of social media posts.
So I created two character that were kind of opposites on the aro and ace spectrums. One that's alloace and one that's alloaro- and they have a pretty close sibling like relationship as well (though neither will ever admit it).
We need more characters that are just aro! Aro people need more care and representation (and if they want it, love).
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gerhardtz · 2 months
Anon from the previous Hanzee ask again! Thank you for answering, I was super happy to see that you responded! It’s cool being able to just dump out my long festering Fargo questions lol. Honestly that makes sense about him being an ally, and of him probably not having many other people to be around (Ive thought about that too), not farfetched at all! (Also the emotional constipation is so true, which is currently making me sob over figuring out how to navigate making a slow burn) I’d like to see your other headcanons about him, if that’s ok! Always interested to hear stuff about him!
Hi again, I'm glad I could help! Writing a slow burn is really tough – I've also been struggling, especially with pacing, while planning out my own OC x canon fic with Rye. I think depending on their personality, it might end up making the most sense for the OC to take initiative if Hanzee is refusing to budge emotionally :P this helped me in writing my own because god knows Rye has the emotional aptitude of a pea TwT Just a suggestion though of course! It's entirely possible to write it either way – just something that helped me out personally. The fun thing about emotional constipation is that it all has to come out eventually (:
As for my other headcanons, a lot of them have something to do with his relationships with the other characters. For example, I like to think he's been aware that Rye is gay for a long time (and that Simone is covering for him by acting like he's girl crazy) but chose not to say anything for Rye's sake because he didn't want to make Dodd's treatment of him even worse. I literally just woke up so I can't think of many more off the top of my head, BUT I've always read him as somewhere on the ace or aro spectrum but not fully aroace. Whether that's projection or grounded in the text is up to you :P
Tumblr user gerhardtz answer an ask not related to Rye without bringing him up challenge FAILED MISERSBLY lmao my bad!
I hope this was an interesting read nonetheless – absolutely feel free to send more questions if you have any, I love rambling about The Characters :']
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🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Imma colour-code some of this cos I have a lot to talk about. So buckle up, y'all are gonna get another novel of an answer from me 🤣.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For themes, I would say a lot of the stories I've written up to this point, alongside Into the Dark Night of the Soul, always had coming of age themes, whether my protagonist is a young teenager struggles to learn the ways of the world and the people living in it or a young adult struggling to figure out how to navigate through said world on their own.
Also, I always love me a good ol' classic good versus evil story, and I guess learning from playing video games like the Soul Calibur series, Star Wars the Old Republic, Legacy of Kain, etc. made me want to write these kinds of stories from certain point of views and that's not an exception with Into the Dark Night of the Soul. It's told from the perspectives of my Conduit OC Kasta, my other OC Ezra Fontaine of the Qualifiers, and sometimes we even get mysterious POVs of Grøh and the Aval Organization.
I don't often write love stories cos I've learned that I'm more on the aro/ace spectrum (can't decide whether I'm asexual or demisexual) and love of the romantic kind always seems to escape me IRL. But when I do write it, there's always some form of love triangle involved of varying degrees (Platonically? Romantically? Lustfull- *slaps* No, cut it out, Ryn!). Sometimes even love...squares?...and sometimes even the villain gets involved. Call me cringe, but yeah, I'm a sucker for stories like that.
Probably another favourite theme to write about in my fics are of power and corruption, like how to wield such great power responsibility vs how it could destroy you in the end if you let it rule over you. Twilight Princess is my favourite Zelda game for this reason and several others.
For feels, I dunno. I write angst a lot. I was an angsty kid that grew up an angsty adult.
Sometimes it's awkward, sometimes I get too deep into it as a way to vent my frustrations (I'll admit that Into the Dark Night of the Soul is a bit of a hot mess because of this), but either way it's cathartic when I get things off my chest and alchemize said feelings into story material.
I guess it also helps when I set up music playlists for how each chapter plays out.
Either way, it's so worth it.
For scenes and imagery, I literally started my fic off with analogies of fire and how responsibly/irresponsibly people use it.
I'll admit I'm more of an artist than I am a writer, so I try to keep my stories as sensory as possible.
This is all I have to say for now. Thank you for the ask!
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gravity-what · 4 months
For the pride OC asks:
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
I’ll answer 18 first because the answer is, simply: it really depends on if their orientation is relevant to the plot. For a lot of OCs that show up in my fanfics they don’t really have an orientation just because it really isn’t relevant.
Buuuut sometimes it is fun to take the time to actually sit and think about it. I do have a lot of personal characters that are aro/ace and also some characters whose whole point was to just create random aro-ace spectrum characters and see how creative I could get with things! (Yay random dice-roll characters! Always a great way to practice creativity!)
As for characters that I actually mess with often: I don’t tend to change romantic orientations all that much (especially if the character is aro), but I will play around with sexual orientation and gender identity just for fun and to explore different aspects of a character.
As for current OCs that you wouldn’t already know ah my silly robots … (I’m sticking with Xiaolin Showdown here because it’s easier than trying to dig out all my non-relevant play-characters):
Hao technically counts I suppose. But besides him I…am shocked that I don’t @_@. I have a whole cast of Celestials just in case I need them but I haven’t flushed them out enough to give a definitive answer. And then I have a whole three generations back of past Dragon’s in the Heylin Omi AU (two generations of pure OCs and only one of which actually appears in the story but others do appear in art) but none of them are, shockingly, aroace (mostly just to torture Chase).
I…ya. I’m actually pretty surprised by that answer myself 🤣. Knowing me I really expect more…but then again I really haven’t flushed a lot of these characters out purely because they are all just names in my pocket in case I need X, Y, or Z for a specific story.
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si-cucumber · 6 months
Oh that aspec post has me fuming. Rantings of an AroAce artist below
I have been lucky enough irl to have never gotten the "oh you've never met the right person" talk when I tell people I'm AroAce. I find the "let ace/aro people have sex/relationships" infuriating for obvious reasons. If someone does not want to have sex/be in a romantic relationship, we need to fucking listen to them.
But as a Horny-But-Sex-Averse Ace™, I'm in a weird position. Do I enjoy writing about my incubi getting it on? Yeah! Do I personally want to do the same? Nah! I'll pass!
I feel like people see asexuality as an all or nothing thing. You either are ok with having sex or you don't want anything to do with it at all. Being...in the middle of the spectrum makes you feel very invisible at best, and treated poorly at worst.
I often fear that people don't believe I'm ace because I enjoy engaging with adult subjects, especially in my own art/writing.
And on the opposite end of the spectrum, I have felt incredibly infantilized when in adult spaces. When it came to RPing with my OCs, when I told my partners I was ace, all of the sudden, we would just...never write about adult subjects again. I was never asked "hey, you're ace, are you comfortable with writing smut?" or anything. They just assumed my uwu soft boi self couldn't handle writing dirty things or didn't want to.
While we do absolutely need to respect those who are sex repulsed and listen to their boundaries, every aspec person is different. They should be the ones calling the shots about what they engage in or with. Not you.
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cyanide-latte · 6 months
5 & 23 for copper ren and chrys :)
5: How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
For Copper and Ren, I'd say in both their cases it really depends on what it is. Copper can be tenacious as hell and he's willing to go pretty far to get what he wants, but he's also got a code of honor and morals he's developed that he tries really hard to stick to. Which is probably going to deteriorate over time in his adult years as he starts to realize that maybe those things are holding him back from his goals, leading to him becoming more morally gray. But he is very determined to get what he wants by the sake of his own efforts and merits. Ren is slightly different; it does really depend on what it is he wants and how badly he wants it and whether or not he trusts anyone else to accomplish it. But if he wants that something bad enough, he's pretty cavalier about outright destruction, threats, and making other people's lives hell to meet his goal. He dislikes lying or manipulation, but if he feels he has no other choice, he'll resort to it. He's also quite willing to die for some things and he's absolutely considered killing for yet others (though he's not sure he's ready to cross the line of that extreme yet.)
Chrysanthos is usually more relaxed and not willing to sweat the small stuff. Isn't worth stressing over. But if it's something he really wants or feels needs to happen, Chrys throws his all into getting it. Typically that's ensuring the safety of those he cares about, and you'd better believe he's going to stop at nothing to protect what he loves. Second-guessing goes out the window and, also, people do crazy things when they're in love.
23: What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Copper- For a long time, expressing any emotions is difficult. Growing up in the situation he did, it was rarely safe for him to express his feelings, so he didn't. Adjusting to being able to do that is quite a journey. Grief is probably the thing he has the most difficulty processing, because I think it might be the one he understands or recognizes the least. Not that he doesn't experience it, but recognizing it for what it is, how it impacts him and what he then needs to do with it doesn't come easy.
Ren- I've been struggling with Ren on this particular aspect of him since creation, and I do think the emotion he has the most difficulty processing is romantic love. A big part of this is probably tied to the fact he's on the aro/ace spectrum in the weirdest way possible: he's demiromantic and graysexual. He's also polyamorous in that he's open to potentially dating multiple people because he thinks that it might help him to figure out more about himself and that different partners may help him to grow in different ways as a person. But the fact remains that he's still demi/gray, and he's genuinely worried that he might be aromantic (I promise you he isn't) and fooling himself and that he may never actually know how it feels to have romantic feelings for someone. I think the emotion he has the most difficulty expressing is fear. He struggles to express it in a way that he feels is taken seriously by most other people, who are probably used to him seeming to not be afraid of anything.
Chrys- ...this jackass is just knife cat meme smiling at me like "lol take your best shot, honey" and being an absolute pain. Going to have to go wrestle him into compliance like he's a gator and I'm Steve Irwin.
Thank you for the ask!
Taglist: @tixdixl @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @simons-twsted-children @blithesharem @elenauaurs @rainesol @distant-velleity @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for my TWST OCs!)
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