#all new hilux
2024 Toyota Hilux 3.3 L V6 Diesel Startup Animation
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Two - Milo's Momma
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
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Olivia Ricciardo had hoped her father would be home in time to take her to daycare. But her grandparents comforted her as they drove her. With that attitude every five year old had, Olivia climbed out of the car and walked into daycare, without talking to anybody.
The first person she spoke to that day was Milo. She was clearly in a bad mood, but he gave it time, waited for her to cheer up. Maybe she was tired; Milo knew he was always grumpy when he was tired.
But Olivia wasn’t getting any happier. So, Milo got up from the floor and went to talk to the teacher.
As she watched him walk away, Olivia looked ready to cry again. Her bestest friend (of a whole week) walked away, leaving her on her own. Olivia shed a single tear, but the other children were watching, so she sucked it up.
But then Milo returned, dinosaur teddy bear in hands. He clutched it tight as he walked back over to Olivia and sat on the floor beside her. "This is Rexy," he said as Olivia hesitantly reached for it. "He's my favourite teddy in the whole wide world but you're sad so you can have him for today, but only for today okay?" He said quickly as Olivia squeezed the plush toy.
"Thank you," she said quietly and squeezed Rexy tighter.
Olivia didn't let go of the bear for the rest of the day. As she and Milo played with toys of chased each other around the yard, she always had Rexy.
That was exactly why Milo brought Rexy to daycare. Because, when he was having a tough day, nothing made him happier than having Rexy there.
At the end of the day Olivia handed Rexy back. Milo packed him into his bag and, together, the children walked out of daycare, heading to where the parents gathered. Olivia had no hopes of her daddy being there, waiting to pick her up and drive her home.
She still scanned the faces of all of the parents, and didn't see her own. "C'mon," said Milo, taking Olivia’s hand and pulling her towards his mummy, who was waiting by the gate.
As he walked over, his mother crouched down, pulling her into her arms. "And who have we got here, munchkin?" She asked him, taking his dinosaur backpack and swinging it over her shoulder.
"Momma, this is Olivia," Milo said.
Immediately Y/N noticed the tears in her eyes. "Hello, Olivia," Y/N said in a kind voice. "Milo has told me all about you," she said, trying to give the girl a reassuring smile.
Olivia levelled her a look. "Did Milo tell you about my famous race car driver daddy?"
"He did," Y/N replied, trying to stifle the small laugh she had at the little girls determination. "Well, if he or you mummy anywhere around here?" Y/N asked as she held Milo's hand in her own.
Crossing her arms, Olivia looked around the car park for her grandparents. Or their car. But it wasn't there. They weren't there. For the millionth time that day, Olivia wanted to cry.
But then she saw the 2006 Toyota Hilux.
And there he was, striding towards her in am AlphaTauri hat and sunglasses. "DADDY!" Olivia screamed at the top of her lungs and went running towards the man. He wasted no time in scooping her up and planting a kiss on her cheek.
"Hey, badger," he said, walking her towards where she had come from to thank the parent that was keeping an eye on his little girl.
Daniel walked over to a young woman, who looked as tired as he felt, holding the hand of a little boy. "That's Milo, daddy," she said into his ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
But she was walking away. "C'mon Milo," she said and tried to pull the five year old away.
Milo pulled away from his mother. "But Momma! That Olivia’s race car dad!" He insisted.
Trying to hide a sigh, Y/N picked Milo up and placed him on her hip. Milo had been wanting to invite Olivia over for a playdate for the last week, but had insisted his Momma wait until Olivia’s grandparents or dad were back, instead of her mum.
And now that Olivia’s dad was here, Milo was gonna get that playdate.
"Are you Olivia’s dad?" Y/N guessed as she approached.
Wearing his typically charming smile, Daniel held Olivia with one hand and held the other out towards Milo's mother (who couldn't do the same with her son in his arms). "Yeah I'm Olivia’s dad, Daniel."
"I'm Milo's mum," said Y/N as she nodded towards him. "Milo would like to know if Olivia would like to come to our house for a playdate," she offered.
Daniel let his smile falter. He loved that Olivia had made a friend, that somebody wanted to invite her for a playdate, but there was always doubt at the back of his mind. What if they were using her to get to him? It was incredibly sad that he had to think like that, but, with the life he had, he had to think like that.
“Can I, daddy?” Asked Olivia as she grinned. “Pleeeeaaaase!”
Daniel looked back at Milo’s mother. She was pretty, and she looked honest. But you couldn't tell what somebody was all about just from their face. "Do you mind if I come with her?" He asked. Milo might be been Olivia's friend, but his mum was still a stranger, and Daniel just wanted to make sure his badger was safe.
"Of course," said Milo's mother. "Say, this Friday after daycare?" She asked.
It wasn't a race weekend, so Daniel nodded his head. "Great," she said, adjusting Milo in her arms. "I'm Y/N, by the way," she finished.
The two said a quick goodbye, with the kids waving enthusiastically to each other as they went. Even as Milo got into his booster seat in the back of Y/N's Peugeot. Y/N offered Daniel one last smile as she put Milo's bag in the back and climbed into the driver's seat.
Daniel watched as Y/N pulled out of the daycare car park and made his own way out, driving Olivia home. "Are you excited for your playdate with Milo, Badger?" He asked as he looked into the rear view mirror.
Olivia was bouncing in her seat, cheeks red from smiling. "Yeah!" She shouted. But, mostly, Olivia was just happy to have her father home.
It was a Wednesday when Y/N met Daniel. The playdate was scheduled for two days time, so she immediately set about cleaning when she walked through the door.
If it was just Olivia coming for the playdate, she wouldn't have been cleaning so obsessively. Still cleaning, just not this obsessively. But, now that Daniel was coming too, sue wanted the house to be perfect.
With a house the size of theirs, it didn't take long to clean. She had Milo cleaning up his toys in the living room while she dusted the surfaces downstairs. "But Momma," Milo protested as he picked up a tray of lego. "'Livia and I are just gonna get my toys out again."
"Please, Munchkin," she said as she crouched down to gather up more of his toys. "I want Olivia and her daddy to see how nice our house is." She opened her arms and Milo collapsed into them, quietly muttering an 'okay momma'.
Y/N cleaned the entire house from top to bottom. She cleaned the two rooms that made up the downstairs and the bedrooms upstairs. She put Milo's shoes away in the cupboard and made sure the kitchen was clean, wiped the muddy cat paw prints from the wood of the stairs.
While Milo watched television, she cleaned his room, making sure it was perfect for when Daniel and Olivia came over.
"Momma, Olivias dad is gonna like our house," he said as she straightened up the rug in the living room. "Olivia said he's really nice."
"I'm sure he is, Munchkin. Momma just wants the house to be nice and clean, okay?"
"Okay Momma," Milo answered and went back to watching the television.
Taglist (OPEN): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1@layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lillians-world-is-f1 @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @stay1strongbeautiful @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal
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what cars i believe the batfamily drives. my only qualifications are that i work in an auto parts retailer. this is purely based off vibes realistically they probably all drive teslas.
dick drives an early 2000s toyota corolla that he loves to death. he refuses to get a new car until this one dies. (which will be never because it’s a toyota)
jason in my head doesn’t have a car license but if he did drive a car it would be a toyota hilux or ford raptor ranger.
tim drives a newish hyundai i30 or a mazda2. idk why but in my head he drives a cute little hatchback.
cass definitely drives a slick black sedan. maybe a lexus or a mazda6.
steph drives a sedan honda civic because i’ve never met a civic owner that wasn’t girly pop or a upper class asian man.
duke either drives a kia rio OR a mitsubishi lancer OR an older model RAV4.
damian when he gets his first car it’s gonna be a mercedes or a bmw. probably a hatchback or sedan. i’m not sure of model tho.
bruce drives a either a audi, lexus or mercedes. maybe he has one of each. they’re probably all sedans and then he owns like one SUV.
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bokettochild · 2 months
Opera house AU, I feel like Twilight's truck is a Toyota Hilux (or the Hyrule equivalent to one). Those monsters are honestly immortal, Top Gear firmly established this by;
Setting it on fire
Drowning it in the ocean for a day
Hitting it with a wrecking ball
Dropping a camper trailer on it
Demolishing a skyscraper on top of it
Seriously, that beast was still driveable after all that
It was originally Rusl's, but he let Twilight take it when he moved out. His reasoning was simply "Uli, you know that thing's indestructible. Least if something goes wrong, he'll be unscathed"
Yes! It is the most beat up rust bucket of a vehicle ever, and he loves it. The entire opera house hates it (minus Legend who doesn't think twice because, well, that's Twi's Car) and have been begging him to get a different vehicle because they're convinced that it'll stop working some day out of the blue. They've even offered to help him buy a new one if he's struggling for the funds, but he always turns them down. this thing has been running thirty years and he can still tear down the backroads as fast as he wants, and as a bonus, ain't nobody gonna mess with that kinda vehicle!
Four is in begrudging awe of the thing. He hates how beat up it is but also knows there's nothing better for their ranch boy. Sometimes Twi will ask him for help to service it, or bring it to Grandpa's shop, but Four always begrudgingly helps him with it. He'd like to see Twilight drive something in better condition at least, but he can respect the fact that it's still running strong if nothing else.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 9 months
omg a māori f1 writer! not a request, but genuine question - who’s someone you can see being with a māori girl 👀 like who can you see being taken to a marae and learning how to hongi and meeting all the aunties and uncles
Haha omg it would be such an eye opener for all of them!
Lewis: he would be the type to ask to come with you because he wants to know more about where you come from. He is eager to learn and inquisitive, feeling prepared when he arrives at your ancestral land to a pōwhiri. Lewis has tears in his eyes when he sees the beautiful brown woman welcoming him with a karanga and from there he falls in love with the culture. He loves that there are always dozens of kids hanging around the marae and he never has a chance to sit down as he plays games with them for hours - they also teach him the haka. He would particularly like those hours after dinner where someone brings out their guitar and everyone sings along, the aunties harmonising perfectly, and he feels connected even if he doesn't understand the words.
Daniel: for obvious reasons 😂 being an Aussie, he’s laid back and it probably wouldn’t be the first time drinking a crate of beers in a paddock in the middle of nowhere. It would feel like a second home to him once he remembers to take his shoes off before he steps inside the marae. He doesn’t mind kissing every aunty on the cheeks but takes a bit of practice going in for a hongi without missing the uncles nose. After the formalities are done he is in his element and charms everyone which his infectious smile and constantly makes them laugh.
Oscar: another Aussie that is chilled af so he wouldn’t cause any drama at the marae. He is polite and helpful so the aunties love him and try to coax him out of his quiet state while recalling stories of you as they peel hundreds of potatoes. He is strong too so the uncles would steal him to dig the hangi pit and take the moment to threaten him if he hurts you. He can't hide his surprise when you explain the sleeping arrangements but after all the mattresses are laid out in one cavernous room he warms up to the idea and even feels nostalgic for the nights his family/cousins/friends would all sleep over and they would all drag their mattresses to the living room.
Lando: he’s lived/raced in NZ when he was younger so there would be a sense of familiarity coming back. He likes learning about different cultures (like his recent trip to the temples in Bali) so he would pay attention to the rundown given about customs. Unfortunately he has a terrible memory and may make a few mistakes with what’s tapu like snacking in the marae or sitting on the table. Also, he would fall in love with the food because there’s nothing spicy, something he cannot handle. Known to giggle at inappropriate times with the little cuzzies like when someone says whakapapa. Wakes up to find he rolled the wrong way in the night and is spooning an uncle not you.
Max: takes everything too seriously and is worried about messing up so he buys a book on Maori culture as soon as he lands at Auckland Airport and finishes by the time he reaches the marae. Is pleasantly surprised to find that after the formalities the entire atmosphere relaxes and he is treated like he has always been there. The aunties shoo him out of the kitchen when he tries to help, handing him a drink and sending him to the uncles who are all inspecting the new 4x4 someone bought. Surprisingly, he learns a bit about cars from them and wants his own Ford Ranger or Toyota Hilux now, despite Daniel trying to get him to convert to one for years.
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sea-salted-wolverine · 3 months
Saw your post appropriately mourning the availability of the Hilux. American-titled ones can be found on bringatrailer and other sites :)
too late I've already committed to my fantasy of smuggling Toyota Hilux importing the all new Hyota Tilux to a market of Alaskans who are desperate for that hyperbolic mileage and in general unkillableness of a light duty diesel pick up.
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There's some trans-esque quality about those truck caps that cover the beds of pickup trucks sometimes. They really change the silhouette and transform it into a different vehicle to my brain. Do you have any thoughts on that?
I sure do! For one, see my post on the most genderfluid car. And for two, that's literally actually happened to one of the biggest names in off-roading!
At the start of the 80s, Toyota sent over a handful of their Hiluxes (1500, to be exact - mainstream automakers have very big hands) to Winnebago, and no, not to make them into trucks, they had Chinook for that, but to make them cut the rear wall, install rear seats and a rear canopy -able but not really meant to be removed- and send them out the door as a Toyota Trekker.
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When all of them sold, Toyota decided to make some of their own when the next Hilux came around.
Thus, the Toyota 4Runner: literally just a Hilux...
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...with the rear wall removed for access to the rear seats and a rear roll bar to pretend they'd survive a rollover...
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...with a rear canopy protecting it all.
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Now, I personally don't really get this - this Hilux generation was sold with four doors, and why you wouldn't you rather tack a canopy onto that than have to shove your kids through the front doors? Maybe for the ability to fold the rear seats down and use that room for cargo?
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Whatever it was, the 4Runner was extremely successful, successful enough to motivate Toyota to make the new one an actual different body instead of tacking shit onto a pickup... and to popularize the word SUV. Yup.
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Oh, you could also still get this one as a three door, for some reason!
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The 4Runner has since evolved away from the Hilux to the point of sharing nary a panel, and has become one of the biggest names in off-roading in its own right.
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Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question: if you liked this post, you might like those - or the blog’s Discord server, linked in the pinned post!
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mightyflamethrower · 3 months
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You have probably not heard of the new Toyota HiLux Champ pickup. Probably because they don’t want you to know about it. “They” being the people who control the federal regulatory apparat, who don’t want you to know that people in other countries can buy a brand-new pick-up for $13,000 or so to start – something no American has been allowed to do (in America, at any rate) for more than 20 years.
And it’s more than just that. The ’24 HiLux Champ is a mid-sized pickup – not a compact. The latter was the last kind of truck you could buy here for around $13k or so brand-new, about 20 years ago.
You can guess why not – and it has nothing to do with “emissions.”
But hang on for just a second while we take a look at the truck you won’t be allowed to buy, if you’re stuck living in America.
The HiLux Champ is everything a truck used to be, beginning with affordable. It costs about half what you’d spend to buy the least-expensive new truck you’re allowed to buy in America – the Ford Maverick – which stickers for $23,920 to start. And unlike the Maverick – which looks like a truck – the Champ is a truck. Put another way, it isn’t based on a FWD/AWD layout (as the Maverick is) and it features body-on-frame construction rather than unibody construction, which is how almost all new cars are put together.
That means it’s tougher and simpler. Easier to fix – and less likely to break.
And it is affordable because it’s basic as it comes – which is how trucks used to come before a tag-team combo of government-mandated “safety” features that don’t make a vehicle less likely to crash (and in some cases, arguably, make them more likely to end up crashing) and a culture of living-beyond-our-means turned even “base” trim trucks into what would have been considered loaded trucks back when trucks were still trucks.
The HilLux Champ is like those trucks – the ones we used to be able to buy in America, some of them made by American companies. But that was a long time ago.
It is available in standard and long-wheelbase versions and with a diesel or either of two gas-burning four cylinder engines and a standard manual transmission – the latter once-upon-a-time being the standard transmission in pretty much every truck sold in America.
Ditto the regular cab – which has all but disappeared from the American truck market.
It even comes standard with AC – something that used to be optional in pretty much every truck sold in America back when trucks were still trucks and cost less rather than much more than cars, as they do now.
Just not climate-controlled, three-zone AC.
And just one air bag.
It also comes standard with configurability. Toyota designed it with pre-drilled attachment points to easily mount various types of beds, state kits, boxes – pretty much whatever the buyer would like to add to the truck. And Toyota will help the customer do that, by putting them in touch with aftermarket companies and suppliers that can help with that.
Instead of one-size-fits-all (and take-it-or-leave-it) and the price tag that comes along with it, here’s a truck that anyone who can afford a new motorcycle can afford to buy.
“Our ultimate goal,” says a Toyota spokesman, ” was to make this (vehicle) affordable and accessible. If people can afford their first car, which they can use to run a business and generate income, it will enhance their quality of life and provide new economic opportunities.“
It is unimaginable in America – what has become of America – because the American government is not interested in enhancing the quality of life of Americans – much less providing them with new economic opportunities made possible by their being able to afford a truck like the HiLux Champ. The government that rules Americans wants Americans to be endlessly struggling just to make ends meet, a goal that is achieved by making everything cost more than they can afford. Picture a gerbil wheel and you will have a sense of the plan.
The object being to prevent the accumulation of capital by average people, so that they never become capitalists. That being a threat to state capitalism – i.e., the ownership of essentially everything that matters by the government and the corporate lampreys that feed off of it.
This is achieved by arranging things in such a way that most people spend whatever they earn just to keep up with their debts. This serves the corollary interests of the government and the financial system that bought the government more than 100 years ago (if you’re interested in learning more about that, Edward Griffin’s Creature from Jekyll Island is an excellent primer).
And that is why Americans aren’t allowed to buy a $13k pick-up like the HiLux Champ.
Not because of “emissions” – which are just another bogey. The Champ’s engines do not pollute. But they aren’t compliant – with the very latest American emissions standards, which is not the same thing (or even in the same ballpark) as “polluting.” The Champ meets “Euro5” emissions standards, which allow for almost no emissions. But that is not good enough for the American regulatory apparat, which uses the pretext of “emissions” and the lie that trucks such as the HiLux Champ “pollute” to keep them out of the hands of American buyers.
So as to assure that American buyers aren’t able to buy – as opposed to endlessly make payments on – a truck like the Champ that they might be able to pay for in cash. Or pay off in a year or two.
And so be able to accumulate capital (wealth) rather than live hand-to-mouth.
And there you have it.
Or – rather – there you can’t have it. And now you know what – and why.
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aggravateddurian · 1 year
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CYBERPUNK 2077: Thorton Colby "Vulture"
A modified Thorton Colby CX410 Butte, designed for death races in the Badlands. Uparmoured, ruggedised and equipped with a pair of well-concealed machine guns, as well as a far less well-concealed guided missile launcher, the Vulture is a mean opponent, and might even keep you safe in Pacifica!
On another note, the Vulture has become my favourite variant of the Colby, though I prefer the Little Mule's paint job. The 'Vulture' would look supreme with a .50 on the back as well, either a CROWS setup or operated manually like a Hilux technical, it might even be in competition with Panam's rig for most dangerous thing on the ground since the Abrams tank.
Speaking of which, I have to post that thing about the homebrew Nomad clan called the 'Ironsides,' a Nomad clan of 'forgotten' US Army troops (read: went AWOL during the 4th Corpo War) from the 1st Armoured Div who drive around the Badlands in souped up HEMTTs, FMTVs, Bradleys and Abrams, as well as whatever other vehicles they've picked up over the years. Of course, by 2077, all but the clan's elders are new blood, joining the clan from the streets, or 'vets', the descendants of the original unit.
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rametarin · 5 months
A theory
People would be more enthusiastic about electric cars if they were more stupid technology.
And what I mean by this is: The approach to electric cars comes from a more Tech Futurist, Brave New World, "The tech singularity will evolve humanity!" mentality, not designed for the homesteading truck driver.
That's not going to attract Farmer Ned who needs a cheap, reliable way to bring lots of heavy, rambunctious loads from A to B and survive like a Toyota Hilux. That's not going to attract the 16-19 year old boys that want to have a sweet ride with a lot of power to show off their youth and potential and power on the road and ability to drive. That's not going to attract the diesel loving woman that likes the power and efficiency of the engine.
If you want to attract people to electric cars and get people more enthusiastic about them, you need to make the cars dumber. You need to make it so you can TOTALLY OWN the cars and not need a million software updates. You need to make it so some fellow named Bob can institute a clever repair of the mechanical parts with clever use of welding and a few ordered parts.
The mentality that people shouldn't be able to OWN their own vehicles as property has to die, if you want people to drive electric cars. The end user needs to be able to just get in, turn the key and drive with as few digital computer bits as an I.C.E. from the 1967.
But that's not the direction Brave New Worlders want people to go. They aren't trying to sell a car, they're trying to shoehorn people down a path they may not necessarily want to go. Where the software makers dictate and gatekeep on if your car runs or not, it can be shut off externally via a signal, or the data accessed without your awareness or permission.
The first people to be able to make Absolutely Dumb electric cars that just run with the torque and energy efficiency of a standard EV but have all the personal privacy and private ownership of a classic automobile, will make a mint.
Electric vehicles do not need a lot of potentially carcinogenic lubricants and oils in the engine because magnetic fields and electricity do most of the driving for them. They don't need expensive chemical fuels, even if electricity expenses may grow as more people use them. They don't need expensive catalytic converters with rare metals, because they don't produce noxious fumes out the exhaust pipe. They can be stripped down powerhouses.
You just need batteries or capacitors big enough to store the charge that'd give you as much work as a tank of gasoline or diesel. And that's it. Outside that, it's all brake pads and non-ICE engine stuff. Maybe some electronics for luxury.
Design an electric car for the stiff who has to buy a cheap A-to-B vehicle and doesn't NEED stuff like self-warming seats, that's just a powerful body so they can pick up and move shit and not spend a fortune repairing and replacing things, or maintenance and repair is so easy that the mechanics can get in, switch out parts, get out, and get people on their way. ICE engines are very complex and complicated, electric motors are nowhere near as complicated or should be that expensive.
But the Brave New World people don't WANT this sort of availability, they want it too expensive for the poor layman to afford, because they don't like the idea people can just get up and move thousands of pounds of vehicle and belongings so easily.
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ierotits · 10 months
my new controversial take is they should have stopped making new types of truck after they invented the toyota hilux. thats all we need. thats peak design. thank you and goodnight.
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toyotaoforlando · 2 years
Best Toyota cars outside of the U.S.
Here in the U.S., we know which Toyotas are the most popular. The Toyota Camry, Corolla, RAV4, Tacoma, and Highlander are all consistent best-sellers. However, some of these models aren't as popular - or even available - outside of the U.S. Toyota of Orlando is here to give you a brief rundown of some of the best Toyota cars outside of America - check it out!
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Mexico: In Mexico, the best Toyota cars boil down to just one - the Toyota Hilux truck. This versatile truck is similar to the Orlando Toyota Tacoma in its capabilities but is even more durable than its American counterpart. It actually used to be for sale in the U.S. but was retired and isn't in production here. It's actually one of the most popular Toyota cars in Latin America altogether, especially in Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina.
Australia: The Aussies also love the Toyota Hilux, but that's not the only best Toyota car in the country. Other popular models include the Toyota Corolla and Toyota RAV4, giving people a nice blend of versatility.
Europe: Many of the best Toyota cars in America aren't even available in European countries. Over there, Toyota fans flock as a whole to the Toyota Yaris hatchback (especially the new GR hot hatch) for its speed, sporty performance, and eye-catching exterior.
Canada: Our neighbors to the north love the Toyota Camry, Toyota Prius, and at the top of the list, the Toyota Corolla. The best-selling car in Canada is the Honda Civic, but the Corolla is only 333 units behind and closing the gap fast.
Want more info about the best Toyota cars in America? Call Toyota of Orlando today. We're open seven days a week at 3575 Vineland Road and you can reach us at (407) 298-4500.
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allenmarco · 11 hours
Best Wedding Cars for Rent in Islamabad
When it comes to making your wedding day truly unforgettable, the right vehicle can add an extra touch of elegance and sophistication. Safari Rent a Car Islamabad is here to turn your dreams into reality with the best wedding cars for rent. Specializing in luxury vehicles for weddings, we now offer an exclusive wedding package designed to meet the unique demands of your special day.
Premium Wedding Package
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Our new wedding package is tailored to make your day as smooth and glamorous as possible. With Safari Rent a Car, you’ll have access to a Mercedes S-Class, six Prado TX SUVs, and as a bonus, you’ll receive a free Toyota Hilux Rocco. This fleet ensures your wedding party moves in style and comfort. While the bride and groom enjoy a luxurious ride in the Mercedes S-Class, a car that epitomizes class and sophistication.
Why Choose Safari Rent a Car for Your Wedding?
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Luxury Fleet: Our high-end wedding vehicles are meticulously maintained to ensure you enjoy a flawless experience. From the Mercedes S-Class for the bride and groom to the Prado TX SUVs for the wedding party. For every ride is a blend of comfort, elegance, and prestige.
Free Toyota Hilux Rocco: We include a free Toyota Hilux Rocco in this exclusive package to cover all your transportation needs.
Customizable Packages: Whether you need a single car or a full fleet. We customize our packages to fit your specific requirements.
Professional Chauffeurs: All our vehicles come with professionally trained chauffeurs. They ensuring that you arrive at your destination safely and on time.
Affordable Rates: We provide competitive pricing without compromising on the luxury experience. With transparent pricing and no hidden fees, you can plan your budget with confidence.
Book Your Dream Wedding Car Today
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Safari Rent a Car Islamabad ensures exceptional service, meeting all your wedding transportation needs with dedication and professionalism. With our best wedding cars for rent, you can make your big day even more memorable. Book early to secure your vehicles and take advantage of our latest package.
Contact us today to learn more about our wedding packages and reserve the luxury vehicle of your dreams.
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majalatsalsabil · 3 days
Ttweej Automotive: A Review of Key Models
**Ttweej Automotive** is one of the leading Saudi companies in the field of selling new cars, offering a comprehensive range of services that passionately and professionally meet customer needs. With a specialized team possessing high expertise, the company consistently aims to achieve uniqueness and excellence in providing the best vehicles from global brands, aligning with the goals of **Vision 2030** in Saudi Arabia.
In this article, we will highlight some popular models offered by Ttweej, including the **RAV4**, **Highlander**, **Prado**, and **Hilux**.
2024 Toyota RAV4
The **Toyota RAV4** is one of the most popular vehicles in the SUV category, thanks to its modern design and excellent performance on the road. The RAV4 comes equipped with a powerful 2.5-liter engine, providing high fuel هايلاندرefficiency and outstanding performance on both highways and rough terrain. It offers spacious room for passengers and cargo, making it an ideal choice for families and long-distance travel enthusiasts.
Additionally, the vehicle is equipped with advanced safety features such as the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) and Vehicle Stability Control (VSC), ensuring safe and smooth driving in various conditions.
 2024 Toyota Highlander
For large families or individuals looking for a vehicle that combines luxury with strong performance, the **Toyota Highlander** is an ideal choice. The Highlander features a hybrid engine that offers powerful performance and fuel efficiency, making it both environmentally friendly and economical.
The **Highlander** is equipped with an intelligent all-wheel-drive system that ensures stability on different road types, as well as a luxurious interior that accommodates up to seven passengers. The vehicle also offers a range of advanced safety technologies, including a forward collision warning system and adaptive cruise control.
2024 Toyota Prado
If you are an adventure enthusiast and enjoy off-road trips, then the **Toyota Prado** is the right vehicle for you. The Prado is known for its high durability in the toughest conditions. It comes with a powerful 4.0-liter engine, giving it the capability to handle mountainous and desert roads efficiently.
The **Prado** also features an advanced suspension system that provides great comfort while driving, along with advanced safety features such as traction control and electronic stability control.
2024 Toyota Hilux
No discussion of practical vehicles is complete without mentioning the **Toyota Hilux**, one of the best-selling pickup trucks in Saudi Arabia. The Hilux is known for its high load-bearing capacity, making it an ideal choice for farmers and هايلاندر  business owners who need a vehicle that combines strength and reliability.
The **Hilux** comes with a 2.4-liter or 2.8-liter diesel engine, featuring all-wheel drive that allows it to handle various types of terrain efficiently. It also offers a comfortable cabin equipped with modern technologies to ensure a comfortable and safe driving experience.
Whether you are looking for a luxurious family vehicle like the **Highlander**, a versatile SUV like the **RAV4** or **Prado**, or a robust truck for heavy-duty work like the **Hilux**, **Ttweej Automotive** provides these options and more. The company guarantees the best services and competitive prices, making it the top choice for many customers in the Kingdom.
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niconiconwo · 11 days
Re: cars and tech - it is the great struggle of my life that diesel 4Runners and Land Cruisers were never imported to the US. You can get one now, but it’s comparatively expensive and can’t be registered in certain states. Sure, if I had $15-35k in cash to buy a 28 year old used car, it’d be a diesel Hilux Surf (JDM 4Runner) or a Cruiser, but I don’t have that lol
alternate option - diesel Merc wagon or sedan. The w123 wagons and w126 sedans were both legit, admittedly getting harder to find these days. Real question: can a midwest guy from a lower middle class background pull off an ‘87 S Class without seeming like a larper or a doofus
The thing is people will clown on you for the old S Class no matter what. It looks nice with that late-century German boxy aesthetic, other Germaboos will love it, especially if you get the diesel.
These cars are always gonna make you live in like a twilight zone of larpy; they look too 90s while not shaking off the latter-days of the 80s. Oldheads will scoff at your classic car because it isn't a shit ass 1967 Wifebeater Deluxx with a slushbox three and enough bondo to hold their desperate marriage together. Newheads will think it looks kinda ugly or hate it because it doesn't fit their ideal of what a new-classic is.
What makes or breaks it is if you are genuine. If you love it do it. Don't care about other enthusiasts, they are all wrong anyways. I get hard for subcompact utility vehicles, people think I'm fucking weird that I scoff at "muscle" and "performance" and all the geeked out shit. It's cool but not the entire thing. Doesn't bother me. If you think you can "pull it off", then you can. I believe in you anon. But do me a favor and make sure you get someone in your orbit that has diesel experience if you don't because they are something of a different beast and I'd hate for sneaky surprises to bum you out.
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