#all of these books have scenes that are written into my brain lol
mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
Do you think it’s important to read Mila Finelli’s mafia series in order? I was very intrigued by your descriptions :) thanks!!
Oh yay! Everyone who is okay with mafia books should read them imo (no judgment to those who aren't--if you're open to it, though, I think they're a great intro, especially if you read historicals; for those who haven't heard yet, Mila is Joanna Shupe).
As for reading in order, the only two books you MUST read in order are Mafia Mistress and Mafia Darling. Those are Fausto and Frankie's books, and they are a duet. Mistress ends on a cliffhanger and leads directly into Darling, Fausto and Frankie are the POV characters.
Reading them in order... I am always a completionist so that's my preference, but you don't have to other than the duet, no. You will be "spoiled" obviously for things that happen. Mafia Madman follows Darling and the hero of that book is a main villain of the other two; you do get context into why he is a nutter butter based off reading the other two, but it can be read alone. (Madman is my ULTIMATE favorite, but again these really are all 5/5 reads for me, overall. Madman is just an all-timer for me. I've reread it multiple times lol. Once I have them all in paperback I'll probs reread the others and they may also enter the All-Timers Club lol.)
Mafia Target is the only book that isn't m/f; it's m/m and one of the primary heroes is Fausto's (hero of the first books) son from his first marriage. You do get spoiled about where his (Giulio's) subplot from those books goes, as well as some other stuff, but it can be read alone.
I think Mafia Virgin is probably the most separate...? Of the books. Just because there is a lot of political interplay between the heroes of the first four books, and the hero of this one is more separate (though all the heroines in the series are sisters). It can also be read as a standalone, though you do get cameos from everyone, especially book 3's couple.
So the short is: yes you can read them out of order, aside from Mistress and Darling, but I would recommend all of them.
More specific moods recs:
Mistress/Darling is very "dom daddy"/"bratty heroine", super classic, a lot about the age gap, she was originally brought over to be forcibly married to the son and ends up with the dad, she's independent but does have more of a traditional arc.
Mafia Madman is, along with Target, probably the darkest of the series, but it's a ROMP. The hero is a villain and again, a nutball; the heroine is this very defiant, very sexually liberated girl who he literally puts in a cage in the beginning, only for her to respond by doing naked yoga, knowing he's watching her on a camera. They have a VERY true enemies to lovers arc, a lot of her topping from the bottom, claims of hatred while clearly falling in love. I adore it.
Mafia Target is an assassin/target romance, a lot of cat and mouse, a lot of the two of them literally fighting before giving in to this magnetic, inevitable attraction and falling in love. It's the most "oh my god this is fucking romantic" romance of the series, imo. It has a love at first sight, fated mates vibe. They're both wacky, but they fucking LOVE each other.
Mafia Virgin is the softest, gives strong "Beauty and The Beast", "teach me how to be gentle with you" vibes, forced marriage, huuuuuge emphasis on breeding kink because they need to get her pregnant within six months. Hero is big and has been told he's stupid (he's so not), heroine is delicate but strong and super smart.
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jcollinswrites · 4 days
How the fudge are you writting so fast??? I sit down to write and end up with nothing or reworking plot instead of writing 😭Have any tips you want to share? Perhaps the ingredients to the dark ritual you perform to get the motivation and remain focused 👀👀👀
So, first of all, you'll need half a newborn, shaken, not stirred…
lol jk (don't shake babies)
Believe it or not I'm the same as you, so here are some stuff that helped me tremendously, especially with my squirrel ADHD brain:
NUMBER ONE that I needed 20 years to learn, is that… forget editing, man. You can't edit if there is nothing to edit, so first you have to sit ya ass down and just fuckin' do it. It doesn't matter if it's shit at first. It's called work in progress for a reason. Who cares if it's shit? You can edit it LATER when the whole thing is already done. What you're reading in my game is literally my first draft. Lots of scenes might change later. In fact, I'm already changing scenes in the background, I'm just not always telling you. It doesn't matter. If anyone gives you shit for it, tell them to kindly fuck right off.
Have a plan for the book (written down. Not just in your head). Don't even start writing until you have a plan for the entire book. It doesn't have to be detailed. Mine is just bulletpoints, but you should know which chapter will contain what, including plot points, character development, relationship progress etc, otherwise you'll get lost, especially in a big IF. And then as you get closer to the next chapter, you can work out more details in the plan to help the actual writing.
If you don't feel like writing a scene, then don't write it. Leave a placeholder word there (I use 'mandarin' because that word likely won't come up anywhere else in the text), and instantly move on to another scene that you have inspiration for. Later, you can just search for 'mandarin' and add the scene when you feel like it. If you accidentally come across any MANDARINs in my game, that's the reason lol.
If you are writing an IF, it helps to start simple. Write the story until a choice comes up, then write the title of the choices, and continue ONLY with the route you feel the most inspired for atm (use mandarin for the rest). Don't let your momentum die by getting bogged down in choices. That's why I have so many greyed out choices when I start a new origin or chapter. I just write write write until the end of the chapter, THEN I go back to whatever choice is the simplest to add, and put the variations in the already-existing text if needed. Repeat until all the choices are written and coded in. This way, the text might feel more organic too, because you already have a pre-written skeleton that you can just add variations in.
Keep notes. It helps to have them on paper, next to you, so f.ex. when you make 9 different deities to choose from, you don't have to go back to the beginning of the chapter every single time to look up which deities those were and what they mean, you can simply turn your head to the side lol.
Take regular breaks. Exercise, stretch. Keep a daily schedule. Eat and drink enough. Try to keep a good health. Your brain won't work if it's starved.
Know yourself and your habits, and be honest with yourself. I know of myself that once I start working on the big plot points, I won't have any motivation to come back to the beginning again. That's why I'm writing all the origin stories first, because I know that if I start going into chapter 2, I definitely won't feel like coming back to start yet another route from the very beginning. So if you don't feel like doing something, then just… don't do it. Or do it simpler. Do it smarter. Trick that asshole brain into cooperating.
Last but not least, guys, 90% of my motivation COMES FROM YOU! Your engagement, your messages, your feedback, every little interaction is what keeps me going! So write me! I will answer! (if you aren't a dick). Literally, about anything. Even if it's just "hey I really liked this small detail here", that will already make my day, seriously. I LOVE talking about my work, and I'm pretty sure every author is like that, so keep engaging with writers, because that's 90% of the reason when a novel gets finished! I'm writing for YOU! Your enjoyment, your fun, because I love telling stories, but those stories don't mean anything if no one is reading them.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 month
React: A Late-Canon Reviler Gives the Revival a Try (My Struggle I), Part I
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For David Duchovny’s birthday, I put out a poll asking Tumblr which of his projects I should watch for the first time. 
The Revival won. Welp. 
I then, fool that I am, put up another poll wherein I doomed myself by including an option to watch the whole thing. 
And here we are. 
My Struggle I. 
Oh, boy. 
This post will be long because I'm laying the groundwork for the rest of the series.
I don’t care how cute or cuddly or happy or heartfelt individual MSR moments are, popcorn will be thrown if those scenes are achieved through incomplete, inane, or nonsensical plot points. Give me 1+1=2 or give me death.
The Revival is part of a whole that includes all of Seasons 1-9 and Fight the Future and I Want to Believe. As much as I prefer to distance this series from canon, the reality that it functions as a direct follow-up remains; and it needs to be judged accordingly.
And, as always, I separate the art from the artist~.
...WELP. It’s time to face my doom. 
Let's go!
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The intro’s… fine. Engaging, even. 
I did notice, though: the last series and Fight the Future and I Want to Believe began with the same formula: glimpses from what will be an x-files case, then straight to Scully’s perspective. Usually Mulder’s narration and POV didn’t feature until the tail-end of a two or three parter, i.e. Redux or Amor Fati or… well, even then, it was juxtaposed against Scully’s. 
Scully was the voice of The X-Files-- even Chris Carter noted that her report of each episode’s casefile became a motif of the show. Mulder’s narration was rare, very rare, even in episodes that were written to focus on him. 
A definite and purposed choice, to be sure. Mulder as an active agent in his own story. …OR a story that focuses on Mulder’s voice instead of Scully’s. 
We shall see. 
The intro continues; and it’s still engaging, possibly gripping (too bad I know where this leads)... but the music got a bit LOTR there. Is that just me? Seems… mellow, orchestral, a little more fantasy than sci-fi. Am I nitpicking? Maybe. 
The BIBLE references UFOs?? Lol, no. (Unless you count the objects described in Revelations-- the book, not the episode-- but even then, those are largely considered to be drones, not UFOs.)
Chris Carter, I see you. 
(Note from the future: NOW I see why the Bible bit was included-- lots of heavy-handed "God means this, Scully" in order to get her on-board to join the files. Ugh.)
…They’re really doubling down on the UFO lore, huh. All of which evaporated because of global warming, I guess. 
GUYS, why couldn’t this have been about life on Earth after Colonization?????
It fits with the disaster footage, it fits with Mulder’s voiceover, it fits with the character progression from Season 9 (I GUESS), it fits with a whooooooooooole ton of other factors. 
I’ve never been one for wanting Colonization in canon, but it literally would have worked for this series. There wouldn't need to be a complete wipeout of humanity, maybe just a “disaster happened, but the humans are fighting back” scenario. 
And that would fit with Mulder and Scully’s "breakup", PERHAPS-- they spent so much time working, trying to save the world (she in science, he on the ground or with untainted factions who coalitioned post-Colonization) that their relationship cracks would need to be actively worked through. Not broken up so much as together and repairing.
It would also help CC and co. to avoid the tempest of modern US politics and the more mainstream conspiracies that were taking hold at that time-- a broader reach to all audiences, a "bigger picture" for everyone to unite under.
(Guys, they should have let me write for this show. …I take it back, I’d have quit after three days.) 
Also: The show writers spent all their brain power on this sequence and this sequence alone, didn’t they? 
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Obiwan Kenobi and Military Man are going on a bus somewhere.  
...On closer inspection, neither man looks like anything like Obiwan Kenobi, but the nickname is staying.
We’re back to Scully at a hospital-- not unlike I Want to Believe’s opening.
Skinner called? Oh. Didn’t know he was “here” this early. 
Wait, wait, wait. 
Scully just called up Mulder like nothing’s a big deal? He answered like nothing’s a big deal? She’s smiling over his joke from the get-go?
…And we’re supposed to believe they’re seriously broken up. Which the show will insist is the case. 
David and Gillian really said, “Script? What script?” and did what they wanted. I salute them. 
Also, “What’s happening out there, Scully?” is a great line to point to Mulder’s continued isolation… which the series will IMMEDIATELY toss aside because he’s, apparently, not been as much of a hermit lately? (Granted, this could be a joke at his own expense because he’s no longer claimed by ~the darkness~, but…. I don’t think the writing’s gonna be that clever, I’ll be honest.)  
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Fine, I admit it. 
I’m loving this so far. 
And that’s gonna make me even angrier later on. 
“Why doesn’t he [Skinner] just call me?”
“He doesn’t know how to reach you, Mulder. I barely know myself.”
Mulder is baffled and a tinge annoyed, Scully is amused and straight shooting. 
THERE IS NO HINT, BEHAVIOR, OR MANNERISM SUGGESTING THEY’VE BROKEN UP. None. At all. He’s isn’t reluctant to answer her call, isn’t sad or withdrawn, isn’t affected by anything she’s saying other than to be teasy or poky. She isn’t hesitant to call, isn’t sad or depressed, isn’t anything other than a little pleased to dangle a juicy tidbit in front of Mulder’s face. 
This is gonna follow IWTB’s ping-pong writing-- they’re fun and in-character, they’re suddenly out-of-character, they’re fun and in-character, they’re suddenly out-of-character, etc. etc. etc.-- isn’t it?
(Mulder taping over his laptop’s webcam is a great touch and not something at all that I’ve done before. At all.) 
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“I thought you were done with UFOs-- the ‘stranglehold they put on your very existence’, I believe you put it.” 
“I’m just the messenger, Mulder.”
That’s GOOD, that’s necessary writing. That’s planting the seeds of what happened between them, what led to a cooldown or a breakup or a whathaveyou. AND STILL neither character acts as if they’ve broken up: no melancholy, no sadness, no nothing. 
Mulder’s timbre became a little sardonic while quoting back her words, but that doesn’t mean they’ve broken up. If anything, that points to a bicker and line-in-the-sand between them-- him bringing up UFOs at the dinner table and her reminding him to talk to someone else about it before turning the topic to how the lettuce is growing or something.
Neither actor is performing like one would if pain and trauma and heartbreak and distance were placed between them; and that really complicates things because the breakup is built on top of the aforementioned list of struggles. 
Would Mulder have dug his heels in post 2012, seeing it as a sign that “the aliens” just changed their plans? Yes. 
Would Scully have seen a pursuit down that rabbit hole as a waste of time? Debatable. The Truth S9 Scully wouldn’t have-- the aliens are still out there; and they cost her months of her life, months of Mulder’s abduction, months of Mulder’s death, months of Mulder’s separation, and the ultimate cost: William’s adoption and their life on the run. Post The Truth Scully would have seen this as her quest, too: she won’t give up, she says in the finale, because he won’t. 
IWTB Scully, however, would- and that's a problem. 
I’ve already discussed, at length, how out-of-character Scully was in I Want to Believe (posts here.) Although Mulder doesn’t escape from the same writing blunders, she is really, really scalped: of her courage, of her will, of her determination. 
Whenever Scully gave up, in canon, it was only because she thought she was holding Mulder back, or when she felt Mulder had lost his faith and trust in her. That held true in Season 9-- despite the appalling writing choices there, too-- but didn’t in IWTB. 
The Revival had the perfect opportunity to factory reset the writers' mistakes: portray a wiser duo who continue to fight the fight according to their strengths, like they always have before Mulder ever met Scully. (When Mulder tells Scully to set up a meeting with Skinner, he adds, “Don’t pretend I’m going alone”-- which reinforces my point.) 
But I know that's not going to happen.  
Scully goes without argument-- THAT’S GOOD, THAT’S GOOD CHARACTER WRITING. At this point in the game, of course she would-- they trust each other, they have for years, they’d have reached even deeper levels after going on the run for [insert math] years. All good things! 
The problem: this will create a huge conflict with her actions later.
(I’m already so disappointed.) 
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“Uber?”/”Hitchhiking. Relax, Scully, I’m kidding” was a fun modernization of their humor, I’ll take it. 
This scene is starting to highlight the distance between them, which is all well-and-good, but feels tonally different from the previous scene. As in, their two scenes were definitely filmed on different days, in different moods, and with different intents. 
She’s worried about him, with tears in her eyes; he has his walls up; there’s distance, as previously noted. 
“Good for you to get out of that little house every once in a while”/”Certainly was good for you” is followed up with knowing, indulgent, pleased smiles and you expect me to believe these two are seriously broken up. Nope. I’ve seen Scully sad but amused, I’ve seen Scully too sad to be amused, but these two? This moment? Nah.
Tonally dissonant-- the IWTB problem: at-ease and close one minute, at-odds and distant the next. Hoorayyyyyy....
None of this makes sense for a long-term, permanent (as Scully infers later to someone else) breakup. Nor for a short-term, semi-permanent one. Math doesn’t math. 
“I’m always happy to see you,” she says, implying he's the one who permanently pulled away… which will be contradicted later this very episode. 
“I’m always happy to find a reason [to leave the house],” he says, somberly. 
Both of which are odd lines. 
If he’s happy to leave the house to see her… why hasn’t he? 
If she’s happy to see him, always, but says a relationship between them was "impossible" (which she will later), why is Scully staring at him with heart eyes, hoping he gets better so they can continue their relationship? (And mark my words, this tone underscores her interactions with him the rest of this series.) 
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Tad’s here. He’s... fine. He represents the overly cautious very well. At least he hasn’t gone full Alex Jones mockumentary (...yet.) 
I’ve heard criticisms that Mulder and Scully don’t act like themselves in this series, but based off the few minutes I’ve seen here… I don’t agree. 
The essence is the same. Truly. Scully’s got the same face that lights up the same way, Mulder’s got the same expressions and young-at-heart humor. Neither are really melancholic. Neither are David or Gillian esque. 
Perhaps that will change. 
(Note from the future: OH BOY. Which Mulder and Scully are we talking here-- OG Mulder and Scully? Nope. IWTB Mulder and Scully? Yep. David and Gillian? Once or twice.)
But, again, their interactions feel… wasted. Hollow. They’re supposed to be broken up, but their breakup doesn’t contribute to their interactions or the plot. They’re supposed to have suffered and are working back to each other… but they aren’t really separated, haven’t seemed to suffer (note from future: except for one scene which comes outta nowhere), and won’t collapse back together on-screen.
They’re supposed to be wiser and more mature, but they’ll still engage in a silly will-they-won’t-they while Mulder eats up the latest UFO or conspiracy slop he’s either already engaged in or debunked [insert math] years ago and Scully clings to her cowardice like a leech. 
First nagging problem: Scully smiling at Tad, Scully excusing Mulder’s mannerisms when he becomes briefly jealous, Scully making nice with a conspiracy nut. 
…Isn’t that Mulder’s job? Didn't she leave because conspiracies were consuming her life? Does this mean she actually does want this life back but is she playing coy or elusive because...?
Furthermore, when Mulder popped a comment off to a witness or informant in the past, Scully never excused him-- just breezed over it professionally with another question. She’s only saying “excuse him” here because she’s taken a shine to Tad. WHY, on this post-2012 global warming green Earth, WOULD SHE?
Tad says Mulder is the X-Files, Mulder says that “book is closed”... WAIT. Wait, hold up--
Pause. Stop. Rewind. 
Mulder wants to believe. Actual proof is hard to come by. 
Tad thinks Mulder is the X-Files. 
MULDER SAYS… *ahem*... Mulder says, “I’m afraid that book is closed.” …Which means he’s no longer into UFOs or aliens, too. SO. why did Scully LEAVE.
If that’s behind him, why aren’t they together again???? Mulder didn’t know who Tad O’Malley was a minute or so ago, meaning he’s been outta the conspiracy scene for a bit. That MEANS his departure from Conspiracyville's been long enough to patch-up his obsession and ensuing depression, I guess.
But then... what about Scully??
Because Mulder wants her to come back (already subtly established in each scene), and Scully is concerned for his welfare; but Scully thinks he’s still into UFO conspiracy and hasn’t come back because of it? BUT SHE ISN’T SHOCKED WHEN HE SAYS “I’m afraid that book is closed” MEANING SHE KNOWS HE’S PUT THAT BEHIND HIM... BUT STILL HASN’T RETURNED?
And both of them aren’t acting as if they’ve broken up, anyway, except for a pointed line of dialogue here and a brief reaction there before they yeet back to the status quo.
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They’ve left that behind them, Scully says, for better or worse. And Mulder latches onto that better or worse, making a pointed barb at their breakup, but…. There’s no writing glue, just suggestion and inference; and the suggestions themselves don’t add up. 
Here come the bullet points. 
Season 10 posits Mulder became depressed after the aliens didn’t invade in 2012-- that’s reasonable and logical, his nature is depressive when his expectations are subverted or smashed or etc. 
Season 10 also posits Scully left because Mulder became too much to deal with. That’s… not logical, since her nature is to rescue and nurture, even when Mulder’s being an actual boil on her sittin’ cheeks (ala Demons, etc., etc.) 
Season 10 posits Mulder’s hard to get a hold of-- despite being in the same house the FBI helicoptered to in IWTB-- and posits it might be hard for Scully to get a hold of him-- despite the fact both characters easily got in contact, knew it was each other, and even joked about the fact it’s hard to get in contact with Mulder… which means it really isn't. (The script doesn’t catch these discrepancies, of course, pretending Mulder is very hidden away at the same ol' house he'd been discovered at in 2008.) 
Season 10 says Scully doesn’t want UFOs to be part of her life anymore, that it was a stranglehold… yet she came along on a conspiracy gig without question to… what? Be around Mulder? But then, why warm up to the conspiracy guy-- an embodiment of what drove her and her partner apart?
Season 10 posits Mulder chased Scully off with his conspiracy spiraling YET ALSO states he’s put that part of his life-- conspiracies, UFOs, the X-Files-- behind him. Which implies: A. Mulder’s aaaaaaall better now and B. he put that all behind him but Scully never came home and C. Scully shouldn’t know he put that all behind him if that’s what’s keeping her away; but she does know because his declaration doesn’t take her by surprise, which means she’s still driven away and concerned for him for no discernable reason.  
Season 11 posits Scully didn’t leave because Mulder became too much to deal with but because she, too, had issues to deal with. This point wasn't mentioned or hinted at in the episode that introduces their breakup, which makes that line of reasoning a complete rewrite. (Whatever. I’ll judge how well that’s executed when I get there.)
It doesn’t add up. 
Are we surprised. 
Five seconds after this, I had to listen to a back-and-forth between Tad O’Malley and Mulder on conspiracies and Conservatives and alien beliefs and the O’Reilly Factor and….
This seems out of touch, I’m not sorry. 
When this show aired, Conservatives already had their miles-long conspiracy theories. For Mulder to be ignorant of that fact while allegedly knowing exactly who and what Tad believes while also alleging….
More bullet points!
Fox “I’m afraid that book is closed” Mulder has, supposedly, been out of the conspiracy scene. 
Fox “I’m afraid that book is closed” Mulder isn’t aware that not only did 2015 Conservatives believe in aliens-- despite the fact Tad is a watered-down copy-paste of Alex Jones-- but that there were also Conservative believers in the 90s (who were a fringe in their own group, but.) This was Mulder’s expertise; and his eidetic memory isn’t likely to have tossed that info because it was no longer relevant to his life. 
Fox “I’m afraid that book is closed” Mulder has supposedly not been out of the conspiracy scene-- despite saying he is-- because he does know who Tad O’Malley is-- despite not knowing who he was two minutes ago. 
Mulder is assuming that Conservatives “of your credentials” don’t believe in UFOs or “9/11 false-flag conspiracies” despite people from the Left, Center, and Right publicly believing those conspiracies in 2015. 
Fox “I’m afraid that book is closed” Mulder is supposed to be dismantling Tad’s grift; but he (and the writers) sound uneducated and incredibly out-of-touch during this dialogue-- as if all Conservatives were still Bush-era believers. Most were suspicious of the government by this time (they helped elect a man who ran on a “drain the swamp” campaign, after all.) Mulder’s bewilderment here is old and tired, even by 2015 standards. 
This writing is flashy-- long sentences, quick back-and-forths-- but poorly constructed and badly executed. 
This is also the first segment where David Duchovny is peeking through Fox Mulder; where Scully is swinging wildly between absolutely-fine-with-Mulder and we’re-no-longer-together; and where we, the audience, are being force-fed that only one side of the political aisle believes in aliens-- or the Bigger Question or whatever-- on a show that wants to poke at unfounded conspiracy beliefs.
Oh, look! Scully made a Scully-face, so everything’s good now! 
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Sveta. Aww, I like her--
“You don’t remember me.”
“No, I think I’d remember.”
Show writers, STOP with the romantic triangulation, it’s NOT. GONNA. HAPPEN. David doesn’t even TRY to make that romantic-ish. Yet you angle on Scully’s face as if she’s supposed to be out-of-the-loop and a tinge jealous. 
WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, hoooooooooooooooooooold up. 
Svetta was a dark-haired little girl Mulder interviewed after her first abduction, meaning she’s set up to be another Samantha. 
So…………………. What’s with the murky jealousy issue, CHRIS. You wedged it in solely so Scully would feel jealous over Mulder? Y’know. Like I Want to Believe? 
And I say Chris Carter because he wanted to play the breakup angle:
"We do it in an interesting way," Carter told The Hollywood Reporter. "We put some of the tension back in that was relieved by them being together. It added to the storytelling opportunities. It's something that I came up with; I had been thinking about it. There was always talk of [breaking them up] if we did another movie."
The first shot canon takes right between the eyes:
Scully being “familiar” with the “screen memories” abductees are given was a cool touch… except she’s never been given “screen memories.” The abductees in Jose Chung’s From Outer Space were given screen memories-- she was returned a blank slate. (Even Mulder didn’t have “screen memories” after his abduction.) 
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Scully poking Sveta about aliens taking her unborn fetuses seems a tad (heh) strong except all the alien-related pregnancies have been the result of government testing, not alien probes. So. If this scene followed canon's rules, her skepticism would be warranted.
But this skepticism is still odd. 
Two seconds ago, she was making nice to Tad O’Malley in the car, and now she’s leading the questioning for Sveta. The odd icing on top of this odd cake is that Scully left because she didn’t want UFOs to have a stranglehold on her life, yet here she is leading an interview with an abductee.
Sveta: “I have alien DNA, for sure.”
Scully: “Have you had a doctor confirm that?”
Sveta: “No.”
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Me, too, Mulder. Me, too. 
Scully doesn’t question the alien DNA bit, so that’s good. 
…I’ll bet everyone forgets she and Mulder have a bit lingering in their systems from the black oil and his brain thingy and residue from when she touched the ship and and and. 
“Something you can test. Dana.” 
What… what was that. 
Honestly, what was that. Whatever mood David was conveying through Mulder, it didn’t match anything from any previous scenes, let alone this one.
Is he poking at Scully? Why? He’s not jealous anymore (if he even was.) The way he says it and her expression in response implies they have a tense back-and-forth going on, but they don’t. THEY DON’T. 
We’re 13 minutes in and I could make another numerical list. But I won’t. Yet.  
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Back to not-Obiwan Kenobi and Military Man. 
That alien’s stupid bad-looking. 
That’s not how canon said Roswell unfolded. 
And the first alien shot on Earth was by Deep Throat’s hands-- that was his whole turning-point backstory. 
(Note from the future: All of that past canon? Fake. Faked. All lies. None of that happened.)
“What have you done??” Not-Obiwan Kenobi yells… and what have they done? 
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Back to Scully and Sveta. 
Sveta can move things with her mind-- not all the time-- but at least Scully is listening to her claims without automatically shutting them down. 
But also…
“I can move things. With my mind,” should have IMMEDIATELY had a greater impact on Scully, up-close-and-personal as she was to her son’s abilities. But nope! No reaction! Of course! 
Sveta “You were together but now you’re not” is asking the right questions. I don’t even mind Sveta. I’ll bet this episode’s the last time we see her, though. 
Does she contribute to anything? No. But she’s nice, so. 
Scully diagnosed-- wait, hold up, list time. 
Scully diagnosed Mulder with depression. 
That killed their relationship. 
…THAT killed their relationship? After everything? 
The writers are going to have to explain, in detail, why that killed it. 
Why does canon need to explain? Because we have a history of Scully sticking by Mulder during the worst periods of both their lives-- leaving him would have to require a very, very good reason.
And there is no indication, thus far, that Mulder’s depression drove a humungous wedge between them, forcing her to walk away. In fact, there is no indication a wedge exists between them, AT ALL-- only the odd, inconsistent word or phrase here or there that bears no weight on the plot or their ultimate decisions.
Whenever Scully left in canon, it was because she could no longer help Mulder. Season 11 will rewrite Season 10’s initial explanation but setting that aside: we’re not given any indication that she did try to help him; or that his depression was so deep and so dangerous that it drove her away.
And if it were that deep or that dangerous enough to drive her away, Scully leaving would have been the last and worst possible action she could have taken. If Mulder's mental state was in such a massive nose-dive that she couldn’t handle what he was going through, Scully-- a medical professional-- would have had him hospitalized, even temporarily against his will, because she would know (per Demons or Gethsemane or Amor Fati) that this level of depression always manifested in suicidal tendencies for her partner.
But Mulder, as per the rules laid out in this episode, never went that far in his deterioration. (Note from the future: We'll get to that.)
If he had, Skinner would have been aware of his hospitalization and wouldn’t have asked for his help; Scully would have been aware and wouldn’t have passed on the information; and Scully wouldn’t have called from the hospital with a degree of buoyancy when relaying Skinner's request to Mulder. 
In short: Scully leaving = very big, very drastic measure. Mulder suffering from depression = very big, very bad consequences. Scully's nature and past actions = getting Mulder help, even if he resists at first (i.e. shooting him in the shoulder to save his life.) Mulder and Scully's partnership = unbroken, except through distrust or botched writing.
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“And you have a child together.”
Wow, that wasn’t clunky at all. 
I’m… so disgusted. Like, eck. Urk. Awful. 
Telling Sveta to back off, strongly, would be in-character; USING PAIN TO DO SO is…. So wrong on so many levels. Scully never utilized medicine to inflict pain or injury on her enemies.
Wow, this grossed me out. You know why?
Scully diagnosed Mulder with depression and left. At first glance, that seem like an out-of-character action that the writing can salvage later by this or that means.
BUT THEN, Scully inflicts pain on Sveta for mentioning William, leaving the audience with the impression that she’s vindictive. 
Which then connects the dots between “vindictive” and “left Mulder when he was diagnosed with depression.”
And since we, the audience, haven’t been given a stronger reason for how Mulder’s depression got that bad or why she didn’t help him through it, we’re then left with a sour impression of Scully’s character. 
The writers then try to imply Sveta was spilling out Scully’s personal secrets to prove that her powers were real, but that still doesn’t give Scully the right to abuse her power. Especially because a traumatized woman was trying any method possible to be believed.
And the fact that Sveta is also victim of the government weaponizing science and medicine makes me even angrier at Scully.
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, BOY, another helicopter outside the Unremarkable House, my favorite part of IWTB....
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Mulder’s never seen… an alien replica vehicle. 
Oh, my mistake: “No. Never. Not like that.” Covering all the bases, I see. Y’know, in case the writers FORGOT MULDER SAW ONE in SEASON 1, EPISODE 2. 
OH, LOOK, he’s got his wonder face back, everything’s aaaaaaaaaaaaall better now!
Running on free energy they’ve had since the 40s, sure Jan. Whatever you say. 
This just feels so old. Like. Tech we haven’t had since the 40S, GUYS, GET IT, BIG MONEY CORPOS KEPT IT FROM US. Yeah, we got it. 
And the flashbacks to Not-Obiwan Kenobi just walking off with an alien corpse because Military Man didn’t… see… value in studying… it. I guess. 
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Scully doing “God’s work” giving kids ears because their biology neglected it.
I admit, that’s an intriguing window into her perspective of God vs. science, and how she sees a person’s biology separate from God messing them over or messing them up just because. I dig it.
(Note from the future: This will be used as a plotline club rather than a nuanced discussion of her faith.)
Mulder being the most challenging relationship she’s ever had-- “and the most impossible”-- is a weird line. Because yes, it’s true that their relationship is challenging; but her fervor at impossible is the only time in this episode we see an adversarial tendency, DESPITE My Struggle I trying to drum up moments to prove TENSIONS still LINGER (they don't.) 
It’s IWTB all over again. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. 
“Yeah. I got that impression.” Tad says, and Scully’s hurt because she thinks Mulder gave Tad that impression of her. 
So. So. Wait. 
Scully lied when she stated “It’s impossible” because she didn't like Tad poking into her private affairs?
But she sounded truly convinced their relationship was "impossible" while saying it.
So, she was either angry or still confused about her emotions-- which is fine, Scully's not always in-tune with her inner workings-- when Tad replied, "I got that impression."
Which explains why she was so hurt at Mulder's seeming rejection.
Because she thinks Mulder’s behavior led Tad to that conviction.
Which means CC just wants Mulder and Scully to be caught in a miscommunication fic.
Also, why is Tad so sad about this? Were they his OTP, or is he pretending to sympathize to get in Scully’s pants? Because that’d be crummy, Chris, to have her be overly nice to Tad only for him to try to twist that into an opening as the new conspiracy guy on the block. 
On a lighter note, Chris Carter said Mulder and Scully could still get it in their 50s, so there’s that.
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Poor Sveta. She’s gonna be butchered in this script, isn’t she?
The series is EATING up vast amounts of time with very little scale or grounding. For all I know, a day or a week could have passed. 
It’s so, so badly paced. 
Mulder’s investigating now, without Scully, because he noticed Sveta had a tell during the interview. 
Sure, that’s a Mulder thing to do.
Oh, wait. This is the “work of men” realization.   
The dialogue between Mulder’s questions and Sveta’s answers are really disjointed, as if they’re mildly talking past each other-- another aspect of IWTB I couldn’t stand. 
Welp, at least it’s easy to prove they were both written by the same people. 
The second shot-in-the-head for canon: 
“Sveta, who took your babies?” 
“Men? Humans? You saw their faces.” 
Also, Sveta’s babies are referred to as her babies, but William-Jackson isn’t Scully’s baby despite sharing half her DNA but Emily Sim was Scully’s baby despite also only sharing half her DNA.
It’s a mess. 
Well… Mulder doesn’t seem too surprised here that men were involved in her abductions (I mean, he's long since been aware the government was involved from day one, so.) It’d be really stupid if the writing made him surprised about this later, wouldn’t it?
…Wouldn’t it?
Another poorly constructed set of lines:
“I haven’t worked for them [the government] in years.” 
“But you always wondered… if they were lying to you, too.” 
No, he didn’t wonder-- he believed it.
A wonky way to address his old skepticisms, for sure. 
I knew this was coming, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan that was so, so poorly handled.
I thought Scully had dated Tad O’Malley in the past (sometime after the breakup) but this is worsefarworse. 
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“Mulder, where are you going?” sounds exactly like Scully, and now I’m mad Gillian didn’t use that voice for the rest of the show (voice recovery aside....)
I KNEW SKINNER WAS BEHIND GETTING THEM BACK. He just calls up Scully to call Mulder up, then just unlocks the old office when Mulder wants to get back in. 110% Skinner thought this would help his buddy Mulder. And he’s not wrong. 
Did Skinner put in more effort to save Mulder from his mental health struggles (per this My Struggle I episode) than Scully??????
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- my brain is broken. 
The hold on Skinner’s face while he says “Can you tell me what this is about” was way too long. 
Also, don’t try to play coy with me, Skinman. 
Now the camera’s zooming around and losing its “X-Files” feel by being too… modern. 
Skinner telling Mulder to calm down is the only time in canon where I agree with him. Mulder’s just spouting and demanding and not really making clear sense and this is why you don't let Mulder back into his basement without Scully by his side, Skinner-- don’t you remember that lesson?
Skinner telling Mulder to calm down then saying he doesn’t take orders from him only for Mulder to say “Who do you take orders from?”, ugh.
I’m not even 25 minutes into this, help. 
“Why do you think I called you? Because I was looking out for you, because I’ve always looked out for you.” Is… is Skinner the only character who’s progressed? That’s exactly what he would do-- he’s acting sensibly, rationally, and in-character... and more mature, more veteran, than his agents.
I know the Revival is supposed to be “Mulder and Scully all grown-up” but none of their actions have been intelligent, measured, or informed by their age or life experience. It’s a farce that I hope future episodes will rectify. 
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“A decade of my life--” Mulder rants and kicks his poster like a toddler AND YOU KNEW ALL THIS INFORMATION FROM SEASON 1, MULDER. NONE OF THIS IS NEW. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWHAT IS THIS. 
I can’t imagine how disappointed philes were when they tuned into this episode. Well... I can because of how I feel; but at least I knew, roughly, how bad it would be going in. 
This is worse. 
Skinner: “You’re blaming me for that?”
Mulder: “No, I’m blaming myself. I’m sure they lied to you, too.” 
This isn’t a revelation, chump. 
At least Skinner confirms my theory: “There hasn’t been a day since you’ve left that I haven’t reached for my phone to call you, Mulder, wishing you were still down here.” 
Feral Mulder is touched. 
“Since 9/11--” OH NO, WHY ARE WE GOING THERE “--this country’s taken a big turn and in a very strange direction.”
Guys. Guys. This isn’t… this… what. 
“Now they police us, spy on us, and tell us that makes it safer--” CAN THE WRITERS GET OFF A SOAP BOX FOR FIVE SECONDS. Of course it isn’t safer to be unnecessarily policed or spied on, but the answer isn't just "boo, the government!" What… why… my brain’s melting, I feel it deteriorating. 
This, again, feels so Bush-era. Like, whoever wrote this didn’t update their mentality. 
Also, the camera shots and cuts are weird. Holding too long, zooming out at “pause and take THAT in” moments, focusing on Mulder’s phone while he silently calls up Skinner to prove a point… it’s supremely unsubtle.
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Back to Tad, I don’t care. You did this to yourself, Scully, cozying up only to be used as a name drop on his show. Stupid. 
Is Scully gonna be shocked she has alien DNA? She shouldn’t be. 
But then again, Mulder shouldn’t be shocked this has all been a work of men, so. 
She’s expecting-- no, hoping-- for a call from somebody named Mulder. 
Sure, they’re broken up with hard feelings. Sure. Absolutely. 
Is this old man Not-Obiwan Kenobi?  
Of course.
At least Mulder seems old hat at this informant business. 
But of course, he’s “not even close” to putting it all together. 
The countdown was WRONG-- Mulder states it began, not ended in 2012, meaning he's believed this theory for some time. Meaning... why was he so depressed after 2012? Why are there still depression concerns in 2015?? Seriously, what's with his depression if the 2012 Colonization was allegedly the cause of it but there is no Colonization and the clock's simply been reset????
Mulder: "Not by aliens, not with aliens, but by a conspiracy of men--"
“You’re wasting my time.” Tell him, old man Not-Obiwan Kenobi!
“Ten years ago, you came to me--”
Wait, ten years ago? What, 2005? The guy showed up while Mulder was on the run? And Scully never… knew about this?
There were no aliens lighting each other on fire??????????????????? WAIT, I NEVER HEARD THIS INFORMATION. 
THERE WERE NEVER ALIENS, AT ALL???????????????????? Like, AT ALL????? 
The writers are saying that Scully's experience on Ruskin Dam in Season 5 was not two warring alien factions BUT TWO GROUPS OF MEN LIGHTING EACH OTHER ON FIRE, OR GIVING EVERYONE FALSE MEMORIES OF ALIENS LIGHTING EACH OTHER ON FIRE, OR...??????
Let's be real specific for a second: Chris Carter expects us to believe that the ENTIRE mytharc from the original show was ALL faked; that there were no aliens, ZERO, ZILCH; and that CSM and Deep Throat and all the others created elaborate schemes JUST to manipulate MULDER because the aliens weren't a threat from the start????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? DON’T BELIEVE YOUR LYING EYES. THEY WERE ALL MEN IN SUITS.
Like… do you realize how stupid that is? How actually, unfathomably stupid that is? It’s not just “the aliens didn’t invade because of global warming,” no, it’s “they were never a problem to begin with, we just manipulated Mulder into believing they were because… because he’s so important, I GUESS.”
Roswell’s also a smokescreen, of course. 
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Y’know how, during the 90s, DD thought The X-Files was a stupid sci-fi show? If he thought each mytharc plot was as bad as this one, no wonder he wanted to bail. 
Oh, by the way, the global warming explanation is part of a theory: the fascist elites will dominate the world and escape from consequences into space, leading the rest of humanity to die by a globally warmed planet. The aliens weren't chased off by global warming because they were never a factor to begin with.
Scully shows up at his place in her uniform from yesterday, panicked, like she’d just run from Tad’s side to see what happened despite her saying over a day has passed.
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Going to ignore his “What are you doing here, Scully?” because we’ve ping-ponged back to the out-of-character Mulder that the writers use when it’s time to remind everyone he and Scully are broken up. 
It’s IWTB all over again, I’m so tired. 
They’re talking past each other and he’s touching her shoulders now because he needs her to trust him and yadda yadda yadda. 
It’s soooo, sooooo, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo highschool, I’m sorry. This is Riverdale. This is [insert whatever teen series you want to watch.] These are teenagers masquerading as adults, for the angst.
None of this holds up, their emotions shift left and right without provocation, things just happen, and there is no strand of continuity stringing anything together.
Scully trying to talk Mulder down from further pursuit doesn’t make sense because, AGAIN, she’s the one who's always gone back to the files even when he walks away; and every time he’s given up, or wanted to, SHE'S called him back and held him accountable and kept him going. 
This is the Scully from IWTB with no gumption of her own, who denies her leaps forward because of plot, plot, plot. 
Guys, I’ve been religiously dosing myself with caffeine (via chocolate), but my body keeps trying to make me go to sleep because it’s so uninvested. I don't even need sleep.
“This is my life, this is, this is everything I believe in--” HOW. MANY. TIMES. Has he said this before. WHEN HAS THAT LINE EVER WORKED ON SCULLY.
But that's beside the point: "this" was no longer his life after Amor Fati, by his own choice. Closure brought him closure, but he was already spittin' walk-away talk by Requiem, chose to leave in Vienen, and insisted Scully stay gone in Alone. In Season 9, it was Scully who had to beg him into hiding to pursue the Truth or whatever; and it was Scully who brought him the case in IWTB and Scully who relayed Skinner's request and tagged along both times until she got uncomfy and decided never mind, too hard.
Y’know? This claim gets to me because it’s a lie. A lie so blatant that 90s Mulder would have thrown hands over it, a lie so baseless that it erases his declaration in the hallway:
“I don’t know if I want to do this alone. I don’t even know if I can.” And every time Mulder yells his “THIS IS MY LIFE”, he erases that part of his past, the part that willingly left the files or the big Truth or the next chase to save Scully’s life or to keep her by his side. 
Chris Carter said Mulder and Scully were The X-Files post The Truth… but I guess he keeps conveniently forgetting that. More accurately, he keeps making MULDER forget that, in spite of all evidence in Mulder’s history and personality to the contrary. 
It infuriates me. 
“Tad O’Malley is a charming man--” get outta here. 
Now Scully’s been played the fool so she’s going to think Mulder’s being toyed around with by a social media sociopath. You’re an idiot, Scully. 
You’re an idiot, Mulder. 
You expect us to be idiots, writers. 
Here’s some ham-fisted “Fate” dialogue for you, *ahem*:
Scully: “How do you know he’s not playing you, he’s a player!” (You would know, Scully.) 
Mulder: “He’s a Godsend!”
Mulder’s not a believer in God, BUT this is also supposed to refer to the God conversation Scully and Tad had in the hospital, which will inadvertently make Scully ~believe~ again.
“What are you talking about?” I’m with ya there, Scully. I’m with ya, there. 
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Scully’s trying to insist Mulder's on a verge of a breakdown, which… UGH. 
This scene implies Mulder hasn’t had a breakdown or a break from reality YET-- Scully spends the episode constantly concerned for his health and begging him, here, to watch what where he's stepping because he’s on the verge of spiraling. 
Which means he hasn't spiraled, because she's afraid of what would happen to him IF he did.
MEANING that there wasn’t an inciting factor that made her leave: no alcoholism, no outbursts, no nothing. He just became depressed, probably withdrawn, and wouldn’t change; so, she left. 
Do you realize what that means, per this episode? It means Scully ANTICIPATED a breakdown and left BEFORE it happened. Then hoped he’d get better before it did. 
Which breaks the established morals of her character. If she had been able to help, she would have stayed. If she hadn’t been able to help, she would have found another way to help him, even if it involved calling in a third party against his will. Instead, she withdrew and hoped he would get better BEFORE he reached a breaking point-- essentially, leaving him to an impending breakdown while hoping and praying against it.
This makes her decision to leave a mark of weak character-- not because she was a woman who left her depressed husband, but because Dana Scully, whose character we amply know, left. It checks none of the boxes she'd have to clear first before choosing to take one step out the door.
All the fic I’ve read to justify their breakup-- and make no mistake, CC wrote her to say “as your friend” intentionally--  or time apart or whathaveyou had Scully reach a breaking point. Because, of course! That's logical. But here, in canon-- in black and white-- that didn’t happen. 
We, the audience, have to create a plausible scenario in our minds to justify the steps she took. Because. it. Is. not. In. canon (as per this episode.) 
Now Scully’s gonna get jealous of Sveta, I’m so done. Riverdale, uuuuuuuuugh. 
Mulder just lets Scully walk away because Scully thinks he wants Sveta but “Sveta is the key to everything” and if Scully wants to misunderstand that she should have more trust in him, I guess, and I NEED A RESPIRATOR.
He just says “Scully” once  and lets her huff off.  
Mulder: “I would have invited you, Scully, but I didn’t think you would come.” 
Let’s break down this stupidity: 
Scully shows up. 
Mulder had Sveta in the house because he was calling her and O'Malley for a group meeting. 
When Scully becomes nearly hysterical over his safety, he doesn’t reason with her, just spouts like a lunatic. 
When she misreads the Sveta situation and stomps off, he lets her go with a weak, “Scully"--
--because he knew Tad was right behind her and was pulling in to stop her from leaving. 
Because Tad and Sveta were invited but Scully was not. 
And Scully was not invited because.  
Because she might not show up. 
I’m just preaching to the choir at this point, continuing on. 
Scully gave in, just like that. Guess she’s not leaving, anymore. 
She’s so, so… spineless. Has been since Season 9, has been a BIT since Season 8 (though that was at least justified and kept to a bare minimum.) 
I’m just. So sick of passive Scully. 
It’s always, “You can't let this information out because these men work in secrecy”/”What is it?”/”You’ll see”; then stinger; then we, the audience, are immediately shown what it is.
No suspenseful build-up.
Tad: “Then why are you [Scully] here?”/”Scully: “Mulder, what are you up to?”/Mulder: *knowing look*/stinger/next scene.
“Implanting of alien embryos”-- so Sveta’s babies weren’t her babies. 
So Scully’s baby wasn’t her baby. 
But Emily was her baby but William isn’t. 
Sure, Jan. 
In spite of this information, the Revival will paint William as their son until it doesn’t; despite, again, stating from day one that the alien babies are implanted embryos and not biological babies.
So, these two boneheads should have suspected that William wasn’t theirs, anyway. 
Even though William is theirs because the CSM timeline doesn’t add up, which they would have mathed in their heads by the time little William was snuggled in their arms. 
It’s all so stupid. 
Why does this feel so fearmongery about the government? And I’m not going to sit here and say the government should be trusted-- it has a VERY bad history, I'm aware. But this is “my first conspiracy” level of worldbuilding.  
Did the writers think it was clever to set O’Malley up as a bad actor then reveal he was a good actor, modeling him after the notorious Alex Jones only to point and jeer, “HAH, you assumed! He’s actually on Mulder’s side!” 
Because that’s not genius, that’s laziness. 
Scully only now decides to inform everyone Sveta has no evidence of alien DNA? So, what, she was never going to tell them unless Mulder kept being, what, crazy? 
“They got to her” says Mulder about Sveta, but Scully LITERALLY SAID she had no alien DNA, so what was Sveta supposed to believe???????? That Tad O'Malley wasn't using her for as a hoax???
Mulder ran all the way to her house, or ubered then ran, or whatever… and she’s gone, of course. 
Poor Sveta. 
Tad O’Malley’s Truth Site is gone, oh, noooooo. 
Look, I’ll always be against censorship. But this is sending so many odd and mixed signals that it’s creating craaaaaaaaaaaaazy levels of dissonance. 
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Mulder wrote “Don’t Give Up” in Scully's car dust…. 
Mulder presents the global warming = no aliens theory? 
I’m so tired. 
“We need to find her [Sveta], Mulder,” Scully insists. 
Hold on, prediction time: Scully only changed her mind because this case now involves her-- i.e. only extending empathy to Christian (a boy that reminded her of William) and not to the string of missing, possibly murdered, women in IWTB.
OF COURSE. Her results for Sveta ended up being wrong AND HER OWN GENOME HAS ALIEN DNA IN IT, TOO. 
You selfish, self-centered clone of Dana Scully. 
Scully truly hasn’t recovered since… Season 9, let’s be real, where she told Mulder to leave then spent the whole year crying over his absence. In IWTB, she brought Mulder a case then left him when he wouldn’t stop his pursuit (to SAVE. LIVES.) And in the Revival, she called Mulder and the gang crazy until her own genome showed alien DNA. 
Hate this, hate this, HATE this. 
Also, yeah, she already knew she had alien DNA in the OG series, moving on.
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Oh, and now they get a call from Skinner just when Scully says someone has to stop the bad guys. 
Remember the God convo from earlier, guys???? GOD. FATE. SOMETHINGSOMETHINGSOMETHING. 
You had ONE good idea to explore-- how Scully views God vs. the aberrations of biology-- and then just... used it as a convenient club to beat in the “God/Fate means for us to do this” instead. 
“Scully, are you ready for this?”
“I don’t know there’s a choice.” 
Can’t someone PLEASE just explore her faith with nuance? PLEASE? 
Sveta's DEAD???????? I’M SO MAD, I liked her!
Skipping the CSM scene because I don’t care, the END. 
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How does Scully’s mischaracterization keep reaching new lows? 
How does Mulder become less wise with age? 
How is Skinner the only mentally mature character here?
I’m so tired.
67 notes · View notes
socgf · 2 months
the outsiders bts tea from rob lowe's book: part 1 (casting)
okay i am reading rob lowe's autobiography and taking notes on anything the outsiders related! this first part is some personal background as well as the casting for the outsiders.
i know some of this is already common knowledge about their audition process but i thought rob had some interesting insights/ways of describing it so thought i would share. 😁 also i am recording every word he says about matt dillon because that's my man
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ch 1-8: early life and acting idrc
at 15 rob gets a role in a tv sitcom, "a new kind of family” - this is when he first starts being seen as a teen idol, he's only 15 and getting fan mail from men in jail asking to see him shirtless :( and girls chase him around and basically jump him, they steal his shoelaces (?) he writes a lot about how he hates this ear piercing scream of teenage girls
he moves to santa monica and becomes friends with the LA actors crowd, mostly through his high school - he’s friends with the sheens and penns, robert downey jr, emilio estevez
charlie sheen is a freak and sometimes wears a bulletproof vest to school and is a huge conspiracy theorist but we knew he was a weirdo
but the tv show flops and he has trouble landing acting gigs for a while, he feels like a has been at 17, thinks of doing something else with his life, is ready to go into usc
in december 1982, he’s told he can audition for the outsiders - it’s basically his last chance
ch 9: the audition process part 1
LA auditions: tom cruise, emilio estevez, tommy howell
every male actor in hollywood between ages of 15 and 30 were being asked to audition
coppola didnt even know the outsiders existed until one middle school liked the book so much that they petitioned it to be made into a movie and he was like okay
rob says s.e. wrote the outsiders set in the 50s? maybe a writing mistake but i think that’s so funny if he actually thought it was in the 50s this whole time
rob sees emilio at the soundstage for the audition among 25 other actors, the audition is nothing like he's seen before, emilio is wearing a ‘ridiculous looking pompadour’ and rob asks him wtf is going on, emilio is like “hey what can i say it’s francis” - his dad genuinely almost died of a heart attack working for coppola on apocalypse now
side note the filming process of apocalypse now is absolutely INSANE - sickness everywhere, a tapeworm coming out of martin’s driver’s mouth at one point, playboy bunnies were just written into the film etc
everyone is leaving the auditions miserable except for this one guy who comes out all happy, telling rob and emilio that francis sent all the actors away except for him - rob describes him as friendly and funny but having a robotic, bloodless, focused intensity (tom cruise btw)
francis keeps switching everyone’s parts and having them read each others parts in front of the other actors
tom reads for sodapop randy darry and dally!
rob reads for sodapop and randy
emilio reads for sodapop and darry
the auditions have this insane setup of a table with a small light and 4 chairs in the middle of a dark room, everyone who’s not in the scene is circling around watching- he describes it like a boxing match
he says tom looks like he wants to bash his brains in and steal his role from him
1st lineup: dennis quaid as darryl, scot bayo as sodapop, tommy howell as ponyboy
tommy is so lowkey he doesn’t seem like he’s trying, but also seems very real and authentic, he looks like a baby
tommy is stonefaced and cool the entire time he’s watching others, they can’t believe he’s only 15
mickey rourke comes in and rob says he looks dirty and homeless lol francis worships him
2nd lineup: rob and tommy play their respective roles with john laughlin as darry
robs entire career lowkey rests on the soda crying monologue, he’s only able to cry because he sees tommy’s eyes water for him (aw)
francis gets mad at some of the actors for pronouncing soc as sock LOLLLL
the role of sodapop is most coveted after ponyboy, it’s supposed to be huge, romantic, with the big breakdown scene at the end - he will bring this back later i assume with how he was upset about it being cut
NYC auditions: matt dillon, ralph macchio
they fly to new york for the next round of auditions
on the flight together rob tommy emilio and tom are ‘working a cute stewardess for alcohol’ lol and become friends - this is like the LA squad
the new york actors make up the other group which is kinda fighting for roles against this LA group, they’re tough, intense, serious
the actors stay at the plaza hotel and they’re told they need to share rooms
as soon as tom hears this he calls his agent and rob literally does an impression of him “uh paul? they’re making us share 😠” he is certain this is not right and wants this fixed asap, he’s already a diva
the boys go out to times square and get super drunk
next morning is what rob calls the east coast vs. west coast acting brawl (screentest time)
rob’s impressions of the other actors below:
matt dillon
matt is already a huge teen idol, he’s pretty intimidated by him
he’s reading the part of dallas - “and by reading i mean reading, he’s holding the entire script with his eyes locked on the text” - idk what he means by this i thought this is what they’re supposed to do.. whatever
after a while he puts it down and is paraphrasing completely, adlibbing, making up dialogue while the other actors try to keep up with him
he can’t tell if francis told him to freestyle it or not - if so, he’s got the part locked in and if he didn’t, then matt dillon has “dangling, clanking, scary big elephant balls”
ralph macchio
he recognizes ralph because they were competing for a part in ‘eight is enough’
describes him as a tiny kid, bro is 21
he says it’s clear he’s the front runner for johnny
ralph says him and matt have only been reading for their respective parts and have been doing so for days (together btw) (it’s clear the dally-johnny dynamic is very important to francis)
this is very interesting to me!!! how everyone else was so in between parts and matt and ralph were just. locked in from the start. and paired.
tom comes in and is asked to do sodapop, he is nailing the breakdown and rob’s like ‘i’m done that’s it’ - he is a force to be reckoned with
then tom stops in the middle of the scene!! and says “this just isn’t working for me i’m sorry”, francis lets him try again but it doesn’t hit so that’s how he loses the role basically
rob does the scene and crushes it
that’s all for chapter 9, no one is casted yet. the only greaser not mentioned at auditions at this point is patrick, i assume he will get to that + diane lane + others in the next part though, and it’ll also cover the dynamic between the cast once they already get the roles
pt 2 coming soon hopefully some more juicy stuff 😋
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The Evolution Of A Wolfstar Girlie
(with my fic recommendations)me aged 10-23: there will never be a book I like more than Harry Potter. I love books and read all the time but Harry Potter is above anything. Reread HP everytime I am feeling down.
me aged 24-30: I lost the ability to read for pleasure. Just read to my kids and A LOT for work.
me at 31: *after a random tiktok video* Sirius and Remus were TOGETHER together?! Never even crossed my mind!!!
But... I get it.
But like... JKR didn't write it. Fanfic is just amateurs writing, right? I have enough of reading as is, I have to read for my job (I'm a translator).
But... They promised it's a HP experience. And I do have an eReader... It costs nothing to try it.
But... What the hell is ao3? What is smut??? Fluff??? HEA? MCD??? Cannon?? AU? Excuse me, is this English?!
The following then happend over 2 months time:
📖 Reading All the Young Dudes
OK, this is really very much like HP. I am getting hooked. This is ACTUALLY what happend, right? Like this is amazingly written. How is this not a real book? (What IS a real book and how do I not know this being a book translator?!) Are Sirius and Remus getting together in this one?
Oh my!
Actually, I've not been this obsessed with a book in like 10+ years.
Reading all through the night (with three kids, mind you, so a very stupid idea)
🎶Love this music!!! Have always loved rock, Queen, Beatles, Bowie, led Zeppelin… You name it. But this makes it better!!!
Finishing ATYD: OMG! OMG! I AM OBSESSED. They need to be together forever. I need to re-read it.
A SEX SCENE in Harry Potter?! EXCUSE YOU! Like… Didn't know I needed that. Thank you.
Of course they had teenage sex at that school. Yes to a giant snake killing people with its sight and no to some friendly petting? Yeah, sure, JKR! Be for real! Never thought about it like that before. And of course they had parties. And smoked (weed) and did drugs. Like… It's a boarding school for heaven's sake! this is much more realistic. Finally know what smut is and I am here for it.
I want a cigarette SO BAD right now (haven't smoked for YEARS)
googling specifics of gay sex because I never thought about it (and I live in a very conservative country) (and like I had QUESTIONS, excuse you, like can you just do butt stuff without prep?!)
finding 📖 explicit one-shots from ATYD
📖 Reading ATYD sirius's POV:
This is ALSO good. So... fanfics on the internet can just... be amazing, right? How has this existed for years and I did not know about it?? Sirius is obsessed LOL. He fell first and he fell harder, the poor boy.
My husband is SO MUCH like Remus. (personality-wise). Guess I know my type, lol.
These fanfics are written better than majority of books I've read. I'm utterly amazed.
📖 Reading Out of the Blue and Bootleg Tapes:
OK, I needed some healing. Happy for Grant and all. But I need wolfstar more.
📖 We could be heroes (finding out what a "fix-it fic" is)
Yes! Wolfstar endgame! A happy ending! Yes!!
Intrusive thoughts: Is ATYD wolfstar like… toxic?
Are they ever happy?
Don't go there, brain!!
Trying to heal with 📖Manacled, then DMATMOOBIL.
Like Dramione. But wolfstar is far superior.
Also have to note that Draco is amazing in bed.
Not a sentence I've ever thought I utter or think. Ever.
Finding 📖 Cadence Of Part-time Poets
How can muggle AU be good? Don't I like all this because of the magic?
Reading it, re-reading it.
Buying an e-cigarette (cause I have to DEAL ffuck's sake and they smoke in like every second scene and ecigarrete is the least of all evil)
Cannot get enough.
Best. Thing. Ever. Written.
Somehow more magic than magic U.
Seeing the possibilities of Jegulus (is everyone gay in the end? Excuse me, Am I GAY at this point ?)
THE MUSIC OMG THE MUSIC IS MUSICING!!! I am in love with the music! How are Marauders not a band in cannon?! Like that's obviously what they were always supposed to be! Lottie, Simon, Tonya, Tomny… They ARE cannon for me lol. They were there and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Cannot read more, afraid I will lose this Cadence feeling. Just re-reading the best scenes over and over. Stalking motswolo's tumblr. Consuming all there is about Cadence out there. Trying to talk to people about it but noone reads fanfics here!
Can we like start a gofund me for them to get therapy??? I want to see them diagnosed, aware of their traumas and forever together.
Also, why is Remadora a thing? Thank god it wasn't in Cadence (yet) but sometimes i remember it exists and like… vomit internally. Gosh, I rly hate JKR. She just did it to discourage Wolfstar.
getting to read 📖 Black Mass Over Highway 90:
Very sceptical at first.
It's American… and Marauders are essentially English. Remus somewhere in Texas… of all places? Afraid this won't be my cup of tea... Cowboy Remus?! wtf
This scene basically porn… right? Why do I LOVE THIS?!
Remus is DADDY! Officer Moons!!! He can get it. Like omg. Cowboy Lupin FTW!!
THIS IS the SMUT, RIGHT?! Like do I even want to watch porn at this point? How am I - a cis female in a hetero relationship of 14 years with 3 kids - finding this SO HOT?!
📖 Reading Blends
Also very sceptical.
But... it's so sweet! Is this fluff? Am I discovering fluffy fics? Now, this is comfort reading! Coffe-shop AU? Like, this is where I want to die, my friends! This is so sweet, so incredibly sweet, and I DO NOT miss Voldy and his stupid war one bit, like to hell with him, he can order an Americano and Remus will decaf him at this point!
I am in LOVE!
📖 Reading Names (Blends sequel) because can you do anything else at this point?
Now this is... a whole other thing. It is fluffy, yes. But it goes deeper. And... wider somehow?
It's the first WIP I give a chance.
Cluster headaches are an AMAZING parallel to lycantrophy.
HOW exactly are people this talented just out there publishing fanfics?!
And this "slice of life" thing IS doing it for me. Like really.
📖 Reading Crimson Rivers
Is there anything else besides angst in this?
Wait, James likes... Regulus?!
discovering Jegulus -
wow. I am utterly amazed... cannot put this down at any point of the day. Reading while breastfeeding, reading all through the night. Reading all through the day. Learning how to read and braid my hair at the same time.
I keep thinking - why DO I love gay man/boys stories? How did it come to this? How is this FREE? How do I GIVE BACK to these AMAZING authors that are just doing incredible things for me? Like this is everything I've ever wanted from a book... and they're not even getting paid for this?!
📖 Reading a bunch of short fics inbetween (honorable mentions: Like Real People Do, That's the Art of Getting by, Led by Light of a Star Sweetly Gleaming, Pages of You - discovering Drarry, thinking Drarry is less angst because there's less homophobia in the 90s,
📖 Reading Only the Brave
OK, it's Jegulus, let's give it a chance...
I feel like ever since getting into this fandom, I'm just falling and falling and falling. Falling... In love.
This is so good, you guys. I love JEGULUS!
But as long as WOLFSTAR are together, I can deal (took them half a fic to get together, so please don't do anything stupid!)
In every universe.
Wolfstar & fanfic taught me not to have any prejudice. And I also discovered that I was quite prejudiced without being aware of it!
I can read anything with those two... just don't break my heart and just let them be together.
Wolfstar made me read again and actually enjoy it. It's been several thousands of pages in a couple of months and I don't regret the lack of sleep…
They are soulmates. In every universe. I don't know what this fetish is called but I need them to be together, see them together, read them together. Love them both. Just need them to be happy.
I am completely amazed at the sheer power the internet has, that an online community has. This is my new obsession and I am utterly devoted to it. It taught me and gave me SO MUCH. I will forever be learning how to give anything back.
Thank you.
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separatist-apologist · 2 months
At this point I just like your posts with just skimming through it because I know your big, mature brain won't let me down with your opinions
And I need people know sjm is NOT a good writer lol. Just because she's famous doesn't mean she's the best one out there. Acotar is a missed opportunity at best. And most people who are hard-core fan of these book thinks these books are perfect and not because sjm keep retconing and changing and forgetting her own goddamn plot so they take everything for what it is. I've seen people criticised Mor and Feyre for leaving some dreamers at CoN and they don't care about them. No babes sjm just forgot about it all fkn together!!!
Okay I have thoughts about this. I'm once again slapping it under a cut just because its long. These are just my thoughts, feel free to disagree
There is nothing wrong, just to be clear, with SJM being a person's favorite writer. I think she is an entertaining writer and I think begrudgingly everyone in this fandom needs to admit that. I think she creates very interesting characters and places that people want to know more about and her writing is very accessible which feels like a burn but I swear isn't.
I don't think she's a bad writer, personally, but I do think she's just not interested in her own details or worlds the way her fans are, and I think this is true across every book series she's written. I think her problem is she writes the way I do- she knows how her stories end, she has a few key scenes in mind, and she figures the rest out as she goes.
This felt pretty evident in TOG, too- you could watch in real-time as her plots changed and she undid things it felt like she'd been building toward. ACOTAR isn't any better in that regard because I GENUINELY do not think she knew what she was doing plotwise when she started the series and it came to her as she went which is why the whole Amarantha things feels so ?????????
Even in TOG, SJM is not interested in the political maneuverings of her characters, the governing process, her political landscape or ANY of the things that a lot of people get frustrated by, to circle to your CoN plot. I think she relies very heavily on "x says they care and I'm telling you they're a good person, so the assumption is they're also a good ruler and we don't need to explore that any further". SJM drops these little pieces of lore like about Mor's cousins or the women of Illyria or whatever and then doesn't do anything with it or even recognize, in my opinion, the conclusions her readers are drawing.
And I think its because to her, she's told you what you need to know. Rhys is a GOOD ruler because the people of Velaris love him AND because she tells us so. Tamlin is a bad ruler because he exacts taxes on his decimated population AND she tells us so. And when people examine those statements, it starts to crumble, in my opinion, which is why I think people get defensive. They don't CARE about the political workings of this world, they just want to read about hot people doing hot people shenanigans.
I do think that going to a SJM book for thoughtful worldbuilding and an interesting magic/political system is a mistake. Having read every series she's ever written, I do not think this is her strong suit and I'm tired of being told I only think so because of internalized misogyny. I think SJM is a good character writer- her characters are compelling, and even anti's typically have a favorite character they wish had been better fleshed out or had been done more with or would be better explored in future books.
This is all over the place- I'm just writing my thoughts as they come to me. Ultimately, I think SJM's books typically don't stand up to heavy scrutiny and that depending on what you're looking for in a book, you're going to come away with different levels of enjoyment. For me, I hadn't read anything fiction in like, six years because I'd been knee deep in academia and it was the first thing I read just for fun and it WAS fun. It IS fun, even now. It's a brain off read. For better or worse, ACOTAR isn't complicated or hard to understand- SJM tells her readers what to think AND feel all the time, so you don't really need to think about any of it.
But when you read other fantasy in her genre, it becomes clear that like...oh. This is just mediocre. In some places it feels like a poor retelling of other stories (TOG has HEAVY LOTR moments, for example) and thoughtless culture stealing that feels offensive in places (CC feels especially bad in this regard given how she's stitched together like, 3-5 different cultures without a good understanding of any of them).
I'm not saying anti's shouldn't still discuss their issues with it. But I will say that if you're looking for a well fleshed out world and a political system that is interesting to read and characters who are consistent and don't bow to the whims of the author and plot, you're probably going to have a hard time with ALL of SJM.
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Ahem *puts on best "ok people listen up" tone*
Good Omens (and everyone else) fandom! It seems we have regressed a bit....somehow? On the definition of Asexual! Let's clear this up!
Yes the actual literal meaning of the term: A=no sexual =....sex....well but actually no, which is the point of the post
Dictionary definition is why we are here!
Asexual: a person who experiences no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to anyone.
Note the last line please!
Asexuality is a spectrum.
On one side you have: I cannot become sexually aroused by anything, and in some cases I do not want to
And on the other you (might) have: Literally any other stimulation other than A Face will do just fine!
Asexuals can be turned on by: the written word, a comic, a scene in a movie/show/porn/irl/etc, physical contact, etc!
There is a difference between attraction and desire! Allosexuals usually have that lumped into one thing, to them there (usually) isn't one without the other! If you're attracted to someone it means your body is uh...also good to go. For a lot of asexual people you can be attracted to someone, but your body's just off reading a book or something
Asexual people have crushes, fall in love, comment on how aesthetically pleasing someone is! But they probably don't want to jump their bones like right now (or possibly ever! Depends where you fall on the spectrum!)
You might say: no but! You're talking about demisexual people!
Maybe! Probably not! Demi is just a place way to one side of the spectrum. Where, after getting to know someone really well, you may actually look at them one day and go...."oh shit! Hi down there when'd you wake up??" Your attraction and desire have fused for this person/s...congrats!
An asexual person may never ever want to have sex with their partner. This is fine! But it needs to be discussed between everyone near the start of a relationship. And people need to acknowledge that "once you've found The One everything will click!" is pretty deeply internalized. Be sure you truly understand that that's not (necessarily) the case before commiting to a relationship
An asexual person may absolutely want to (awesome!), but have a hard time getting things moving (put down the damn book there are things to do!!) In which case it's good for all parties to see if they can figure out what sorts of things do turn you on, (as long as you're both willing and able), and how to approach letting your partner/s know they'd like to initiate fun times. (Without it coming across as awkward or pushy!) This makes for a healthy relationship!
"I'm doing this only to please my partner" is not healthy! It's also a really condescending thing to say about all asexual people! Please stop!!
And yeah an asexual person may indeed realize they're demi after starting a relationship! Neat!
Sexuality is like gender. It's all made up because we like labels! Your bits know what they want, when they want it! (Your brain ofc has the final say, I'm very well aware that bits go way off the rails sometimes, that's an entire other post lol)
Other people do not get to dictate how you feel, and like gender it can take a while to realize what your orientation may be. And that label can change so many times over the course of your life!!
Love who you love, have sex with who you (and they) want to have sex with, or don't!! But stop telling other people what they are and are not, simply because your definition or experience is different from theirs
(Please let me know if I've left out something crucial or gotten something horridly wrong! My research is personal/others experience + tumblr explanations + a google search here and there. Please do not come in my replies/comments/inbox telling me the whole post is wrong.....that's petty)
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lutawolf · 10 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 3
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I'm saying fuck it and doing this commentary anyways, even though it's way late. (my kid got into a car accident. Fuck this year.) Anyways I think I'm hilarious so here we go.
Home dude really just let Tharn get kidnapped and looks so lost about it. Hahah! The friend group drinking at the idea of Phaya and Tharn having sex. So dead.
The way these coconuts are stirring up Phaya. And why did his brain go straight to shower. He is so obvious and doesn't even care. Then races out to call the man. Like, are you just now realizing what is going on. This is real life drunkenness, I swear. When Chalothon shows up in the camera feed, it's a total audacity of this bitch moment.
Good news, Chalothon is not having any luck controlling Tharn either. The faces Phaya makes at his phone.
HAHAHA! Phaya's face when he gets back to the table and sees all the guys. He went from being on top of the world to a no good, shitty day real fast. Poor baby, lol.
Phaya's book collection has me jealous. The music playing while he is visualizing the girl. Especially with those subs (mysterious music playing). 🤣🤣🤣 The whole scene with the sister, omg. (mysterious music) (footstep sounds) (footstep sounds) (mysterious music) Phaya's eyes shifting as if in panic. All very dramatic.
Grandma is so pretty!!! She's hilarious too.
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Somebody got romance on the brain! I mean, I'm only guessing, between the closeness and the subtitles telling me that romantic music is playing. Then dreams of cuddling Tharn. Cute! I like how the lighting makes them look like they are underwater.
Boy woke up so confused. "I must have thought about him too much." Ya think?!?
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Phaya is a talented artist. He has a lot of art of a boy also a side profile of a female. The one we can't see clearly makes me think of the dragon from the water. Is the cat a Cha Kla? Cha Kla is a mythological cat from Thailand.  Legend says that the Ch Kla are terrified of humans and will hide from them, but if they are seen or touched, that person will eventually die. However, they are usually black, where this is white with black surrounding it.
Grandma, "Are they twins?" Then Phaya goes on to fill her in on everything. These two have a very close relationship.
"Did I do anything weird last night?" Boy, that is a loaded question. Ya'll Yai is adorable. He is for sure one of my favorite side characters.
Doc... I'm having doubts that I'm gonna like you. You've barely talked, but you have slime ball written all over you. And what is up with Tharn saying that him and Phaya aren't that close??? Clearly he isn't that close to the Doc if he is hiding stuff.
Nong Khai!!! Nong (low area like a swamp) Khai (lost) is situated on the banks of the majestic Mekong River, one of the world’s longest and most iconic rivers. It's also a very important pilgrimage for Buddhist because of a revered Buddhist stupa that dates back to the 16th century and is believed to contain relics of the Lord Buddha. You know what else it's known for?? Nagas. These mythical creatures are semidivine beings that are serpent shape-shifters. Whether it is a human form, full serpent, or half serpent, half-human form, the Nagas can take up whatever shape they prefer. They are a strong and attractive species, who are regarded as guardians of treasure which resides in the underwater kingdom of Patala-Loka or Naga-Loka, a stunning place decorated in gems.
Now I'm really excited!
💜💜💜 I'm dying. "She's gorgeous." "I know that, but she's also very scary. I'm afraid of her." This honestly makes me like him even more. NGL. They are pretty close with the Abbott. Aww, poor Yai getting ganged up on. *Snickers*
Clues! "While you’re staying here. Let me warn you about something. Make sure you often meditate and dedicate the merits to those whom you have wronged in the past. So that it would help lighten the consequences of your karma. Got it?"
"Is he still not free from them? They’ve been after him since when he was born. That’s why he had to live at the temple. What do they want from him? Why are they so vengeful?"
Shot to sad Abbott and sad Tharn.
Phaya asking the Abbott if he remembers him. Give me answers! Give me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Finally!!! It's come out that he is the boy that was saved by him!
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And we crash again. That's so fucking sad, is this why he thinks the people he loves dies??? "Everything has already been destined. His life is written by the karma he did in his past life." This is so fucking sad. But wait! There is hope! "His destiny has been entwined with someone since his past life. That person will lead him to experience bad things. But it is also that person who would be able to free him from his karma."
Okay, so the Rocket Festival they are talking about and why the date is significant. The Rocket Festival is usually celebrated on the weekends in the middle of May, just before the start of the crop plantation period (the rainy season). This ancient festival is a merit-making ceremony which involves firing home-made rockets towards the heavens to captivate the rain gods and hope for a good monsoon season before the crop plantations take place.
"Whether you’d be free from those whom you have wronged in the past... depends on whether you’d be able to find the owner of this amulet tonight." Damn, that's not ominous. Poor fucking kid.
Ahhhhh, this is when his visions started! No thoughts, he just dives in. This boy does not deserve to have to pay for his past life! I absolve him! You live by a river, and you're just shaking him? Fucking turn him over and smack his back!
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Past, Phaya is so puppy dog.
Wait! You forgot to give him the amulet!!! Dumbass kids. Always forget the important part. I mean... Well, I guess saving a person from drowning is the important part, but you know what I mean! Oh good, Phaya found him.
"So, he would probably live for a very long time. But you have to be careful though. If both of your destiny are entwined like what I think... You would eventually find each other again."
And clearly, Yai has always been the way he has been since forever.
Naga! He dreams of Nagas! Usually the festival associated with Naga is the Naga Fireball Festival. Which is celebrated in the fall or Buddhist Lent period. In this festival, people gather along a certain stretch of the Mekong River, to witness glowing red 'fireballs' shoot up into the sky. The number of fireballs sighted can range from hundreds to thousands. The local people attribute this phenomenon to the mythical 'Phaya Nak', a giant serpent that they believe resides within the river.
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Okay, I'll shut up now and get back to the show.
"He doesn’t know how to swim. But he still wants to go and play near the riverbank."
"Grandma, I really heard someone calling me there last night."
That's just a great kid. We almost saw the Darwin Theory in action. The stupid shall not inherit the earth. Gee wiz, I hear disembodied voices, let's go investigate near water where I can not swim. This is like me hearing a gun shot and going to check it out. No, I don't want to die, I'm not that noisy. The unknown can stay unknown. Phaya as a kid was so soft and shy. Boy has he changed!
WTF is not wanting to take the amulet. Don't be an ungrateful asshole, kid. Tharn takes no shit, even as a kid.
"What you saw wasn’t a dream. It was your karma." "Are you saying that... they are those whom I have wronged in my past life?"
We're getting closer to answers! Ahhh, we're talking more about the Naga!!! So Tharn was a Naga in a past life??
"You both are destined to help each other Trust each other. Only then, you would be able to free yourself from your karma. Your kind hearts are your best weapon. And remember to always trust each other. Help each other. And you both would live a happy life, like you’ve always dreamt of." Sounds simple enough... (dumdumdum aka thunder sounds)
Oh snap! We got some bad weather! Okay, so Naga have different classes. From the general Nagas who have large bodies like great serpents with a crest on the head and strong poison to the celestial ones who have several heads with lethal poison and supernatural power such as disguising themselves more than just as a human being. Furthermore, certain ones can effect rain. The power to bring rain or cause drought by stop giving it. Some beliefs say they can disguise themselves as rain clouds and/or rainbows. That is why the quote for the Rocket Festival is "How much water will the Naga give this year."
Ohhh, who could this be? The king of Naga? There are a few options, so I won't hazard a guess just yet.
Can I just say that I'm loving that Phaya is chasing after scared Tharn. Yai and Phaya hugging like they didn't just get drunk together the night before. 🤣🤣🤣
"It was quite dark, so I didn't know he actually looks like this." OMG, I'm Dead. Hahaha Yai... I can see why you and your gf fit together.
Ahhhh I'm loving this so much!! You see the Naga decorations on the bridge?? This is in association with their connection to rainbows. The rainbow signifies the bridge between earth and the underworld. Sorry if this shit is boring, you guys! Like I said earlier, I'm way late, and so I'm just writing about what I find interesting. Because I refuse to force beliefs on my children, I give them books on world religions and beliefs. I read it so that I can help them as they read what they are interested in. I find all this stuff so captivating.
The way Yai looks at his girl. So sweet.
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Okay, I see what they are doing here with the dream, but I'm dead. That hair and his facial expression. Like he is seconds away from laughing at himself. I would love to see BTS of this part right here.
Look at Phaya just calling Tharn out. Like Bitch, try and run from me. "Why didn't you want to tag along with us."
Isn't that where he was sitting when he had the vision? Phaya, you wish he was hitting on you, lol.
Not matching clothes!!! Tharn bitching all the time but damned if he didn't put on the matching clothes.
He left her cause she was naga! What!
Yes, he is telling you that you are the cause of his bad dreams. But he still wants you to stick around so nevermind.
I love these fools. I love grandma. Now everyone knows that Phaya is the boy that was saved.
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I like Sand.
"If what you said is true, Yai and I both love you like our own brother... but we’re still safe and sound."
"Don’t let what the Abbot has predicted come true." Grandma come back! Explain this to me...
Hahah! Tharn is so sassy. "Did you use this kind of story to hit on the girls in France?"
See, no hiding for Phaya. He just straight up tells Tharn that he likes him. I think evil jellyfish is a new favorite nickname for me. I really want to read this book but it's like 15 bucks. Crazy!
AHHH! They finally kiss!!! "And this is called a goodnight kiss."
Tharn's face when Phaya says goodnight. Bless the poor boy. Well fuck, we getting stormy weather over a kiss? What the hell is gonna happen when they do more!?! I think I liked it better when the sex just woke up the evil twin, not cause destruction of humanity. Tharn is cute but I don't know that he is Noah Arc worth it kind of cute. Just saying.
Running scared! But that's okay cause Phaya is very willing to chase. Even tackle.
"Do you want to get hurt?" Phaya over here like, yes please. With a cherry on top. I love the cockiness of both of them. I adore when Phaya puts his tongue in his cheek. These two! Thank you Saint! You are a blessing amongst men. I really enjoy this kind of foreplay. No punches were pulled. Noticed Phaya is wearing the talisman.
Ahhh, it's the forcing him to submit and then telling him he is a good boy for me.
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I’m Police Major Akkanee Assawawaisoon, your team leader. Yay! He is back!
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I love these coconuts. Tharn going and sitting by your brother, Phaya is going to kick your ass again.
Ahhhhhh. I'm so excited for this saturday!
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spngirlpolls · 8 months
Hi, I have a poll idea!
What is your favourite accidental foreshadowing in spn?
The Chronos ep from season 7 foreshadowing November 5 (Your future is covered in dark goo, letter written on Nov 5)
The trickster as Gabriel (does this count as accidental foreshadowing?)
The behind the scenes “we’re missing the gay angel” - “you mean gay like happy right?”
The monster at the end of this book and Chuck as final boss
“Angels are watching over you” (all early seasons mention of angels)
these are the ones that came to my mind
sorry this one took me a minute to respond to, i was trying to rack my brain for further examples. such a good idea!
i probably could do another one of these so keep an eye out for that
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ms-moonlight-inn · 1 month
“Shame-proof” DVD Commentary
Thank you to @shamelessdvdcommentary & to the anon to requested us (whoever you are, we love you!). My bestie @notherenewjersey & I are here to answer all of your burning questions (do you have the syph? why's it burning? it's not supposed to burn.)
Anyway, here's our stuff... hopefully it'll help with that itchy burny.
Which fanfic is your DVD commentary about?
“Shame-proof” is about two childhood actors who lose contact with each other after their series wraps. Quickly, we find out that Ian had been harboring a deep crush on Mickey, who had basically been bullying Ian the whole time. Confessions & apologies ensue.
Also, a friend called it an undercover RPF... and if that’s how you choose to look at it, well we’re not gonna stop you.
NJ–  it COULD be RPF but that’s not how it was written. We weren’t imagining Cam or Noel’s childhoods here, aside from what we stole of Mickey’s back canon that Ian watches as he pines.
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc)
The outline started on 4/16/24. 22887 words posted. Posted for the Summer Camp project on 8/3 but we were done before that.  Moonlight was convinced it would be 10k but I knew it was bigger. And this was without us going down every rabbit hole we saw. It’s 8 chapters, most of the chapters start with a flashback to the past and then jump to the “present.”
Moonlight– seriously, NJ dragged me away from some other HC I had kicking around, & we dove into this one instead.
What was the initial inspiration for your story?
I read Jeanette McCurdy’s book, and as with any time I read anything, my brain said “What if this was Gallavich?” I know Moonlight is an L.A. girl, so I knew I wanted her input. I think I had a rough outline already when I looped her in, but she immediately took what I had and expanded and deepened it, as she always does.
Moonlight– God it’s so much fun to talk trash about all the things you grew up with & around. Los Angeles is filled with opportunities for trash talking. LOL 
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character?
This didn’t start out as either of us deciding to stay in Ian’s POV, but in order to keep Mickey’s motivations a little more opaque, we landed there. Until the latter chapters, at least. For the drama.
Moonlight– No further comment.
What was your favourite scene to write?
All of them? I like Sue so much, and I love writing Frank’s bullshit. RuPaul is fun, too. 
Moonlight– I’ve got two favorite scenes. The first is the scene where they’re kids doing the campground episode. I adored the moments of discovery Ian had there –figuring out that trees existed in southern California, figuring out that he had a serious crush on Mickey, and then the boy he meets on set as he’s running away from his problems. (BTW, 10 punk rock points to anyone who knew the song before I remembered to add a link).
The other scene I loved writing was the rimming scene. In the outline NJ said, “they get together in the sexiest and most romantic way.” And I wanted to throw my laptop at her face. SERIOUSLY, what the actual fuck?! So I got them all the way up to the part where Ian’s naked and stalled out for, like, two weeks. I was on a call with @mybrainismelted saying, “I’m stuck on this scene. I’ve managed to get one dick out, but I haven’t quite figured out how the other one’s gonna get naked AND STILL KEEP THIS BULLSHIT SEXY AND ROMANTIC.” Needless to say, I figured it out. 😁
NJ– Yup! That was, I think, the entire outline for that chapter, originally. One line. I knew that’s what happened at that point in the story, why bother with details? LOL
How did you come up with the title?
Oh geez. Trying to come up with both an AU of Shameless AND a reboot name, both of which would sound semi-natural was tough! But Shame-proof is more than just the title of a fake TV show. It also speaks to how Ian and Mickey were able to finally live wholly as themselves. No more hiding, nothing left unsaid. Without shame, shameless in the very best ways.
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice?
I always throw things in. We both do. But hopefully, readers who haven’t read either our individual or joint back canon can still enjoy the story.
Moonlight– See easter egg question.
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this?
NJ– if one of us is stuck, the other usually isn’t or can jostle the other into being unstuck. We’re good like that.
Favorite line in the story?
NJ– @gallavichgeek pointed out two of my favorite lines, but I will repeat them here because … yeah. 
“Hey, come back,” Mickey says softly.
“I’m still here,” Ian answers, a little confused.
“Yeah, but all of you. M’ not ready to let any of you go a moment sooner than I hafta.”
“I’d say,” he hesitates, then goes on, “that someday you’re gonna get everything you ever wanted. That all the bad shit, the bullshit, and the pain, it’ll all be worth it.” 
If I crash, I’m coming back to haunt you, Ian had answered.
If you crash, I’m diving in after you.
Moonlight– “What the fuck? How ‘bout double-dutch no with a cherry on top.” Mickey steadily refuses. (Anytime Mickey is being creative with his cursing & curses is a good time. Bad language & mockery are his love languages.)
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc) 
All of it? It’s a great story. 
Moonlight– I’m also proud of the structure we used. It was NJ’s choice to do what basically amounted to two mini chapters in one –past & present colliding, if you will. And it worked so well for this storyline. 
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story?
Not deleted, so much as we had ideas that didn’t make it to fully fleshed for the final draft.
Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share - e.g. what’s going on in a character’s head in a certain scene or how you came to write a certain line?
NJ– It’s important for people to know that Mickey in the past was protecting Ian so much more than he was protecting himself, with his bullying behavior. 
Moonlight– God, yes. 
Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add?
NJ– I want more of Ray, more of Sue, more of the Random Studio Infant now grown up. More of Sheila and of Kermit. I want the world to be fuller. And maybe it will, eventually.
Moonlight– Def’ more Ray, he’s funny & I’m sure he & Ian had so many stupid adventures. I think I’d like to see a few of the conversations between Ian & Mickey, but I struggle with that ‘cause I love when there is that air of mystery to a storyline. I don’t necessarily want to be told everything. But I think at least one of those late night conversations we reference would be nice to see.
NJ– yeah, we did have a time limit so some of the scope got condensed. I agree, those conversations would be incredible to see/hear. 
Would you ever write a sequel to this story?
Well…. This story has legs. It has scope beyond what you’ve seen. I have believed, since the outline began, that this was the fic that would make the leap to traditional publishing. Moonlight and I are hoping to expand it and bring it to a publisher. “It’s a crossover between Shameless, I’m Glad My Mom Died, and RWRB.” Who wouldn’t wanna read that? LOL The Gallagher family will shrink a little, Terry will still be his monstrous self. So no, there won’t be a traditional fic sequel. But if we’re all very, very lucky, there will be an expanded version that scratches the same itch.
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc?
The Saint Christopher’s medallion that Ian receives from Mickey? Yeah, the person I wrote that for knows it was for them. 🫶 
If you’ve chosen your most popular story, are you surprised by the popularity?
By far NOT our most popular story. Yet.
Were you nervous or excited to post this story?
I HATE waiting to post- posting a fic like this where it’s all done upfront is hard for me, emotionally. So I was beyond excited for people to read it and love it as much as we do!
Moonlight– NJ really hates not posting immediately. Like, really hates it. This fic was written for the @gallavich-fic-club Summer Camp Event & we had to wait our turn. Which she HATED. 🤣 
Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote?
Can we count each other? I’m a genuine writing freak- fast, thoughtless, and I rarely edit beyond typos. (many of which elude me and still end up in the final draft.) Moonlight is the opposite- she’s incredibly deliberate and also deeply and passionately devoted to the editing process. When we edit together, it can look a little argumentative, but we trust each other, so a lot of those conversations end up like, “I don’t see the issue, but I trust your judgment.” We both say it all the time.
Moonlight– D’aw, bb. You’re making me blush. You’re right, I am a meticulous asshole, but your brain is fast & witty. Together, we write good shit. 
NJ-- Also, god the verb tenses in this story gave me fits. I am a grammar nerd, so is Moonlight. But skipping between tenses for the past and present when we wrote straight through- she never had an issue but I regularly was in the wrong tense and had to go back and fix, cursing my own self the whole time. Loudly. Often on the phone with Moonlight. 
Moonlight– 🤣🤣🤣 yeah…
If any one has any comments, words of praise, complaints you’d like to register with our headquarters, please let us know. 
NJ - in the greatest detail, if you’d be so kind.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story?
Moonlight– Yes, the cheese sledding story is based on semi-true events. The guys at my high school used to carry large blocks of ice to the top hill of the local golf course & ride them down. Years later, a dorm mate I knew in grad school told us about his Vermont cheese tour where he saw “giant wheels of cheese” that he swore he could use as a mode of transportation. And so, the cheese sledding story was born. 
NJ-- And I made sure it was at Trump’s golf course because a few years back, a man in New Jersey did some fun vandalism like that and I find it deeply satisfying.
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goodlucktai · 2 months
tagged by @bobtheacorn like...... 3 weeks ago 😭 my bad
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
which seems.......excessive
3. What fandoms do you write for?
actively, one piece and tmnt, but that is ruled by the demons in my brain that control the hyperfixation machine.
fandoms ive posted 3 or more fics for:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Natsume Yuujinchou | Natsume's Book of Friends Good Omens Final Fantasy XV Undertale Mumintroll | Moomins Series Harry Potter Young Justice 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 陈情令 | The Untamed King Falls AM Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rise of the Guardians Voltron: Legendary Defender
4. Top five fics by kudos?
Exclusivity - 11,116
walk straight through hell with a smile - 9,152
Inanition - 9,039
there is thunder in our hearts - 8,161
trouble is a friend of mine - 7,842
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do try to but i can't always :'( and i feel terrible if i manage to reply to most and then forget someone and only realize it months later. but i read every single comment and i appreciate them more than i have words for
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i tend to veer away from angst, but off the top of my head....
where the good men go or if i go i'm going on fire
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99% of my fics have a happy ending because thats my BRAND but i suppose give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around or the weekend we were in love OR put your empty hands in mine
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not often, but i recently had someone who REALLY disliked the way things change because i 'villainized' raph. which is definitely news to me, since raphael is the love of my life
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
i wrote a tmnt/one piece crossover once ? but now that we are actually getting a tmnt/naruto idw run it doesnt feel that weird to me anymore
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
only once if i'm remembering right ?? it was a long time ago and wattpad related, which is a site that i dont really understand and therefore tend to avoid
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes ! i'll often have people request to translate my stories and it blows me away every time
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Devil took your hand was written by myself and @moogsthewriter
14. All time favourite ship?
ineffable husbands, wangxian, or leosagi
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
how much time do you have 😭
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16. What are your writing strengths?
i want to say characterization and narrative voice. i'm also pretty good at maintaining a throughline, even if it sometimes gets a little wobbly
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
conflict ! i hate it ! i will avoid writing it at all costs ! i also tend to struggle with writing fight scenes, especially when there are several characters involved :') staging any kind of choreography is my opp
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i try not to but if it feels unavoidable i google the heck out of it
19. First fandom you wrote in?
honestly it was either digimon (which also inspired my og penname) or xiaolin showdown lol
20. Favourite fic you've written?
i'm stealing bob's idea and going top 5:
there is thunder in our hearts - this story came together so easily for me, like i knew exactly how i wanted to tell it from start to finish
the only hoax i believe in - a kfam fic in my top 5s why yes and i'll tell you why. because i poured so much of myself into this fic that they could probably read it at my funeral instead of a eulogy
traveling so far to get there - after party au raph and mikey continue to take up so much real estate in my brain and for what
now the darkness comes alive - this one is more recent but im so happy with the way it turned out :')
if we could stay all day in the sun - it was a lot of fun reimagining one of my favorite fairy tales and doing a bunch of unnecessary research for this story i will stand by it until the day i die !!
i'm tagging @mykimouser, @owletstarlet, @portgas-d-aroace, @mad4turtles, @camsthisky, @remedyturtles, @pickledcarrotsandradish, @swordsmans, @mangogreent, and anyone else who wants to !
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razornioccam · 5 months
elibarra comic with 19k likes on twitter LETS GOO ELIBARRA NATION!!! this just reactivated something dormant in my brain
you guys dont get how important elibarra is to me personally. filipino has consistently been my lowest subject since elementary and i rarely ever spoke tagalog (typical 'englishera' lol got teased for it relentlessly). you know what sparked my love for the language??? fucking elibarra . OF ALL THINGS .
i got so invested in them that i started to seriously learn and speak my native tongue because i wanted to fully analyze their interactions. i wanted to have enough knowledge to be able to compare the filipino texts to their english translations, to see if there was any nuance lost (or gained) in their conversations with each other. i hunted down every translation i could find of the boat scene and when i found the one that translated one of the lines to "because you are not made to suffer" i went batshit insane. i had all of their scenes together (and all of the elias scenes bc i love him) fully tabbed and annotated, highlights and side comments and everything. read my first fic written in tagalog because i desperately needed more of them.
got my highest grade in filipino in grade 9 and have since gotten better at speaking the language both formally and casually. from there, i learned to love the overall history and culture because it stopped feeling like a chore. because thats what elias wouldve wanted for me!!!
tldr doomed yaoi so good it sparked a personal revolution within me
now we wait for the annual boost in popularity whenever the grade 9/10s reach their 3rd and 4th quarter. noli me tangere is an incredible book you guys!! if focusing on elibarra is what it takes for yall to lock tf in and really get into it (like i did) then do it! you'll eventually learn to appreciate what jose rizal had to say in the story (and that he really Really loves elias LMAO)
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linnetagain · 3 months
Hello! I never sent an ask before but I thought I might. For writing, do you have a chapter count your are planning on reaching or are you just writing till you feel like you've reached an end. I know some people have their whole fic planned out and stuff and some people write until they've decided they're done. I'm just curious about the process fanfiction writers go through while they are mid book.
I love The Seasons btw that last sentence was gut wrenching, thank you
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Hello!! Thank you for your kind words!!
I generally start with a few notes, an idea of a theme and an arc, and see where it takes me. I did have a proper outline for Season but it was a whole nine chapters long, so. You can see how well that went!
I would love to talk about my writing process but I don't know if I have one? I just. Write. Or I don't. Currently these two idiots are occupying my brain and sometimes it feels like they're having conversations and scenes and I'm just trying to write it all down before I forget it
That said, I do like to write with an idea of where it's going. I actually have a fairly clear outline for the epilogue chapter and I have had The Scene TM written for months already, because there are some things that I need to know to be able to work towards it properly. There's a couple of scenes I have written or outlined that will be in later chapters, too, but I write the vast majority of it chronologically because I can't keep my head straight about their character development otherwise, and they've both been through a LOT in the last 250k words lol
I think the one thing I do that's weird is not read a lot of other fanfic while I'm writing. I actually don't read at all when I'm writing, I've read like two books in the last six months. I'm not sure why, exactly? It might be an ADHD thing? But it's actually really motivating because I know there's so much incredible fanfic out there and I can't wait to be done with Season and Good Men and And All Things End so I can dig my teeth into some!
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chaosheadspace · 3 months
For the writer asks, for Library Boys!
2. How'd you get the idea, what kicked this off?
24. How did you celebrate finishing?
25-27 I would love to hear some favorite lines, details, and lore
28. Write a summary for it but badly
Hi TJ, thank you so much for asking! I apologise beforehand, this is almost 2.5K :)
2. How'd you get the idea, what kicked this off?
Originally, @notallsandmen asked me if I would write another enemies to lovers fic after Ill-advised things. By that time I had written a library sex scene for @staroftheendless's smut prompts (yes, the very one where Hob has Dream against the shelf, at least part of that). And I just couldn't stop developing headcanons about them in this AU, how they'd look, what they'd be like, what their background looks like.
I am very much a pantser, and in the beginning the plot was clear to me up to where Dream loses Orpheus and Hob tries to console him. Everything after that was loose points I was trying to connect. I remember having written most of it up until that point and the last chapter and thinking, "not much left now, I think I can start posting". Lol.
Everything that happens between those two points came to me after that, all of Hob's backstory (I struggled with that, he's been kinda hazy in my head), the very thorough dip into the mental illness theme (the bulletpoint in my brain sounded something like "make Murphy feel better and figure out what it is exactly—and see where it took me, two fights, a sex scene and a whole chapter focused on it), Orpheus's journey. This is precisely why I don't like outlining—I do better without. The pacing might be shot to hell, but tbh I don't care about that very much, I care about having put down all I wanted you to see, all I wanted you to know about these two.
24. How did you celebrate finishing?
By taking a break, by finishing the blanket that came with the fic (lol) and by going "I don't think they're all that happy yet" and writing a bunch for the sequel. I'm also gonna commission some art from my Christmas money this year (don't know who yet, but I've got a few scenes I'd like to see).
25-27 I would love to hear some favorite lines, details, and lore
Biggest fun fact that hasn't found it's way into readers focus (hopefully "yet"), is that Matthew is Jessamy's younger brother. At the very start I had a plan about Hob and Murphy being oblivious about that and them getting into a big fight only for those two getting them back together via shenanigans. But then Murphy demanded therapy, and Orpheus demanded screen time, and Hob begged for backstory, and suddenly it didn't fit anymore, tone wise. I'm hoping to fit more Matthew into the sequel.
Favourite lines is rather…uh… I mean, it's 90K 😬
I loved writing them kiss, every single time.
The opening to chapter five holds a special place in my heart (the description of campus on the day of the summer festival), as does the poor philosophy faculty member that keeps calling the stacks for books (this is really not how it works lol). A lot of what happens in non-Dreamling plot is taken from my personal experience. A lot of it happened to me, or to my coworkers. The library I picture them working at is the library I did my apprenticeship in. (I also detest Gorgonzola.) There really are people every year accidentally ordering a cart full of bound journals because they thought they'd get single issues. I always loved doing those and brining them up personally to see the face of the person that ordered them. Was worth the three quarters of an hour of work before and after every time. What I did not include is the small railway system we had. There were little waggons to put the books into, and they'd bring the books upstairs via rails on the ceiling. It's one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life.
I loved this part:
He can suddenly see right through the thick layer of animosity like glass, and underneath it is a beaten, bloody, hurt thing."
And this one, because it's my Murphy, condensed into a paragraph, in all his confusion and hurt and love:
It feels good to have someone's attention on him, regardless of the kind. Murphy sometimes thinks he shouldn't encourage Hob's temper like that, should maybe apologise, and on his most lonely, sleepless nights he fantasises guiltily about making amends and asking Hob out. But what would Hob gain from that? Murphy has failed at marriage, the most long-term emotional commitment there is. And there is also Orpheus. Murphy loves him more than anything, but he knows that most single people consider children from previous, failed marriages baggage. It's the last thing Murphy wants for Orpheus, to feel secondary because of a relationship.
I also loved writing Orpheus deciding to go with Calliope, just because of how raw it is, and how true it feels. As a patchwork family kid myself, while not having been in the exact situation, I feel very deeply about all of this, and exploring why someone would let their child go, and why someone would encourage them to go, helped me tremendously.
This part I love because it shows the security that Hob gives Murphy even back when they were on bad terms, and just how wrong Murphy is and how deep his self-deception goes:
He starts to taunt Hob again. It's easy, so easy to fall back into it, almost as if they never stopped. Murphy carefully sharpens his tongue again and tries it out on Hob's thick skin. It feels safe. Neither of them mentions the closet and the hugs and Murphy's tears, and he is grateful. It's not real. This is.
This part is a feeling I have very often about emotionally charged situations bc I'm shit at them (the "oh fuck, the jig is up" feeling):
This is it, he realises, this is going to resolve things one way or another. Suddenly Hob wishes Dream had called in sick for a day longer, or two, or had stopped him two days ago when he'd walked out of his office. He can't stand it. He can't face it, either. But he must.
I'm also very proud of this, because it's the turning point of the whole story and I think I executed it rather well. It's the most revised part of the whole story, and the one that took the longest, writing wise:
"Wait wait wait," Hob interrupts him and all blood leaves his face. "What's this about deserving? Did you—Have you used me to punish yourself because you don't think you deserve basic kindness?!" He is so tense that he feels his muscles might spring out of his skin, so angry that he thinks his blood might boil out of his ears. And then. And then all the tension melts out of Dream as he sees him getting angry, relief etched into his face and rimming his eyes with red, and something in Hob breaks. This is the part of Hob he is used to. This is the Hob he knows and is comfortable with. Shame and grief so profound it settles in his bones creeps up from his toes and into his heart. He doesn't want that. He wants, needs it to be different. "Oh love," he says, voice thick with sorrow, and sits down next to Morpheus on his kitchen bench, taking his hands into his own. "Oh darling, no."
I'm throwing this one in, too, because I think I was really fucking funny:
The only positive effect this information has on Hob is that it makes his erection wilt like a candle in front of a blowtorch.
I also loved doing the phone screenshots of their texts with the secret emoji story from the evening before that played out during the phone call chapter, but I don't think anyone picked up on that. It was fun regardless, a nice little easter egg.
I am skimming the story for this and am only on chapter 16. I think I have to reign myself in a bit. Chapter 16 is also kind of a companion chapter to ch13 (where they get their shit together) in terms of emotional intensity. While in chapter 13 they had to painfully try and pull themselves together, to be honest and open even if it hurt, chapter 16 is the culmination of the new start they made for themselves, a little bit of "what if we hadn't been like that from the start" but better, because of course they have been like that, and imo dropping a weight like that lets people fly higher. A tender start would have been sweet and nothing else, but here they're conscious of quite a few of each other's flaws, and know the other is earnestly trying to put the work in, and that makes it as delicious as an overripe peach eaten over the sink, sticky and ecstatic and glorious.
The giggle Hob has been suppressing bubbles up his throat, and he moves quickly to tap his index finger to the soft wet redness. Scandalised, Murphy pulls his head back, smacking his lips. "Bah," he says, taken aback. "Who does that?" "I do," Hob says, still giggling. "Worked, didn't it?" "You," Murphy proclaims, swaying back to him and holding onto his hips, "are the worst." And then he licks a long, wet stripe up the side of Hob's face.
I just love their silly. They need the silly. Even if I forget, they demand it themselves.
All the house/home metaphors I did for Murphy's life, and the sea metaphors I did for his mental health journey.
Also proud that I managed to still keep them real and make them fight and make up and not have them be happy lovey doves all the time (which may seem surprising considering all I put them through, but still). I wanted to be conscious of making their relationship equal, to not have Hob carry Murphy's issues but have him lean on him, too (although he's certainly the stronger one of them, emotionally. Carrying wise, I mean.), to have them give and take in equal measure.
There was also a short snippet of Hob meeting Jessamy, that would originally go into chapter 20. But it didn't fit the tone, and the chapter did better what I wanted from it without it, so it got cut. Generally speaking, there's very little scenes that got cut. I don't care about pacing that much, and even less if a scene is necessary or not. If it's something I want to tell, I'm gonna include it. But there's a few that took the story in a direction that I didn't like, and that I wrote quite early on, that didn't fit the story as it progressed. (notably, for the sequel, Orpheus finding a dog while playing with his best friend and Hob and Murphy adopting it.)
This one, for me, is the best sentence from the recovery chapter:
He needs—no, he wants to take it into his own hands, so that his happiness stops being a thing that other people need to give him."
(I also asked notallsandmen if the sex scene at the end is over the top, and they told me that not only is Murphy on antidepressants, he's also in love, and at that point I threw caution out the window and decided they can as happy and as schmoopy as I want them to be.)
Chapter 22 was entirely unplanned. At one point I realised that while readers have an approximation of Murphy's past, Hob still has no idea what happened :D
I also loved doing the Christmas chapter. I put a lot of thought in what celebrations like this might look for Orpheus as a kid of two cultures. I think some traditions would have been quite important to Calliope, not because I picture her as particularly religious, but because I think she would have liked to keep them while living in England. And I think Murphy would have agreed with her, because he wanted her to be happy, and I don't think that he's got particularly happy memories associated with family celebrations until Calliope, and he might even have seen it as a way to break away from his own family and his own past, just like his marriage in general had been. So the abundance of greek Christmas traditions is very much on purpose.
I also love any and all interactions between Hob and Orpheus.
This one, because it always makes me cry, even when rereading my own story:
“Hello, little sparrow.” He’s sure that his relief bleeds through into his tone, softening his voice to a sweet, velvety caress. Orpheus makes an indefinable sound at the endearment. “You've called every day for a week,” he says, unsure. “I did,” Murphy assents. “Thank you for speaking to me today. I missed you.”
Also loved reusing this one, even if it might be too sugary:
“D’you think it'll work out?” He finally says. “All of it?” Turning his head slightly, Murphy kisses Hob's temple, his cheek, his neck. “We try,” he says, gently. “We try and try, and sometimes that means we fail. But Hob, it also means that more often than not, we make it work.”
I also love the last chapter and the conclusion to bits, but sometimes I worry that it might feel like a haphazardly slapped on bandaid to some readers (which it it very much not. It's another testament to both of their stellar decision making, and it will come to bite them in the ass :D).
This turned into a very long and convoluted ramble, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
28. Write a summary for it but badly
I cannot decide, so you're getting all of them (yes, I crowdsourced):
Library 4.0: parkour edition
Dr. D. M. Olympiou's and R. Gadlings guide on how to regulate your behaviour in library spaces using real life negative examples, now with annex detailing the consequences for your private life
'In which library assistant Hob finds himself the prime subject of new subject librarian Dream Olympiou's study onwhether you're being checked out of the library or checked out at the library.' (courtesy of @sleepsonfutons)
Two insecure idiots fuck around and find out…that they’re actually really good together (courtesy of @edgedancer77)
Surrounded by idiots: The four types of human behaviour and how to effectively fumble all of them when it comes to your hot but asshole coworker (based on: Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each in Business (and in Life))
How to hatefuck your way into better mental health (courtesy of @reallyintoscience)
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cerseimikaelson · 6 months
It is such a funny book, my fav jokes being the 'shrek, fiona, donkey' joke and an underrated classic in my mind, the scene where percy is like "There was screaming, crying and running in circles, and that was ✨just me✨" when talking about blanche's story (its so brutally honest and funny in a vulnerable way, which I will expand later on with the vulnerable part of it). It had so many iconic moments
It was a very low stakes, slow plot. You can tell Rick wrote it for the experience of reading our fav characters again (adding on to the fact that rick was made to write it by disney as additional marketing for the show, you can tell the plot wasnt thought of much), and ive seen people get mad over it, id love to know what you think!
This is a bit of a touchy topic. I've seen the people on the internet calling percabeth abusive with the constant name calling and the physical ??violence?? ( i obviously dont agree, but thats another topic), but something I've observed that everything that anti percabeths pointed out was toned down in the book?? Another post confirms that the majority of seaweed brains in the book was from percys pov and not annabeth actually saying it (like when hes looking at her expression and saying things like 'she looked like she was trying to say,....') and also when it comes to physical 'violence' (it feels so wrong to say bc i cant find another word lolol), the only things i found while rereading were 'lightly pinched my arm' and 'nudged me with her toe' which is wayyyy more toned down than ricks usual 'swatting my arm' or 'punching me' or 'judoflipped me'
One thing I admire so much about this book is the way he's written the characters vulnerability. percys way more open when he talks about crying whereas in the books its brushed over a lot, which is something the lovely @demigods-posts pointed out. annabeth tearing up when sally compliments her on something small like a cupcake, grover scared of percy and annabeth leaving him, and ofc percy. i saw someone interpret the river god scene as a ptsd induced panic attack, and i admire how rick has written it with so much angst, but still kept it light for the tone of the books.
another thing i love is how the characters dont revolve around percy as a main character (which is probably something rick learned while writing the tv show). annabeth has hobbies of her own, she's in her dream school, she is a busy woman and good for her. grover regularly goes to camp, and has his own conflicts with his gf and stuff. sally and paul are on their own arc with the baby on the way.
the fluff needs a special mention. every moment is so cute and sweet, there are way too many instances, especially with grover and percy which there was a severe lack of in hoo. them turning to seven year olds, percy and annabeths daily night iris message routine, the domesticity of the jacksons family
As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions too, im so happy i get to talk about it with you :))
Heyyy friend, how are you? Thanks for the ask!
Since you mentioned her, I LOVED Blanche. Iris is one of my favourite goddesses, so it was great seeing her. And I loved watching a god actually be ignored by their teenage child for once instead of the other way around. Blanche being a propel rebel with the monochrome was golden. (also, pink hummingbirds? lol)
It is obvious there wasn't much in terms of an actual plot with real structure, but it was fun and light-hearted and it does set the foundation for something in the future. Not all quests need to be high stakes, all-hands-on-deck, the world is coming undone. I liked watching the trio have semi normal lives (meeting up for smoothies after school) instead of constantly being on hero mode.
I genuinely had no clue people were upset about Percabeth's interaction in this. But seriously, violence? Did those people forget Annabeth judo-flipped Percy in New Rome, or was it okay then because it was a grand romantic gesture? How is punching someone in the arm to tell them they are being an idiot (provided you don't turn them black and blue of course) abuse? Percy and Annabeth are in a relationship, obviously they are going to be tactile with each other. Not to mention, people often nudge each other in real life and nobody shouts abuse then. I am rambling now but honestly this is the first I've heard of this and I have opinions.
I know Rick wrote the PG version, but can we talk about Zeus literally objectifying Ganymede at brunch and nobody but Hera (and Percy silently) batting an eye? Honestly, I am not a hardcore Zeus hater (although he is an a**hole) but the way Rick writes him he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I officially volunteer to be Hera's divorce attorney.
I really liked the idea of Annabeth having a secret fan club and having dinner with Sally, Percy and Paul every night. That was excellent.
I am already brainstorming theories about what the third book is going to be. Does it matter that WOTG isn't even out yet? Absolutely not. I kind of want it to be about Athena because her interactions with Percy are always 10/10, but that probably won't happen.
Feel free to send me asks about your favourite gods and goddesses, any headcanons you may have or anything you wish to discuss about PJO. You can also find me on ao3!
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Wip game questions! A Thrill of Hope and whisky convention ☺️☺️
Hello! 🥰
I told myself this last December that I would not write a holiday fic bc I didn't have the stamina or an idea, and then an idea plopped itself right into my brain 🥲 I still v much did not have the stamina, which is why nothing was posted over the holidays lol, but A Thrill of Hope is a Beside the Seaside one-shot taking place a few years beyond the current timeline. There were like two scenes that wouldn't leave me alone, so those are written but the rest will wait until this next holiday season, most likely. Here's a wee snippet:
“Ye sure she should be reading that Agatha Christie novel, Sassenach?”  Jamie’s voice was scarcely above a whisper, and Claire noticed how neither of the children in the backseat so much as twitched; she and Jamie might as well have been alone in the car. “She saw Fergus reading it and she insisted she wouldn’t get scared by it. Tried to make her wait, but she’s stubborn.” Her thumb traced over his knuckle where their hands were still laced together. “She learned that from you, I think.”  Her husband shot her a quick, incredulous look. “Me? She learned that from you.”  “Agree to disagree.”  Jamie exhaled a smile. “And what if that book does give her nightmares? She’s getting too old to be crawling into our bed.”  “Don’t say that, she’s only nine.” He arched an eyebrow at that, and she sighed, unprepared for how this conversation had poked at an open wound. “And she won’t be nine forever. Are you so ready to leave that stage behind? You won’t miss those moments with her when they’re gone?” 
The whisky convention au is a modern au where Claire is hired to plan a major whisky competition/convention, and the new Board President of the organization that hired her is a large, Scottish pain in the arse! They sort of start out as antagonistic towards each other which changes into a begrudging respect - all of this is developing over emails and zoom meetings and such, and they meet for the first time in person at the event that they've been working so closely together on planning, and of course they are staying in the same hotel for it and also, you know, whisky is involved so 👀👀
[ask me about my wips]
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