#all the staff and cast interviews have been so good
hotwaterandmilk · 11 months
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Questions are being taken until after episode 8 airs!
Thank goodness someone already asked about the necklace so I don't have to do it myself. I enjoyed all the questions about Kongming's headwear logistics and Maezono Keiji's shorts too.
A+ great show, great fandom, great thighs on Sekiguchi Mandy.
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madebycloud · 1 year
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic
jenna ortega x director!reader — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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summary: in a special episode of a popular tv show, you were interviewed about your love life and the experiences you had with your ex-partner. warnings/themes: fluff & angst, not the ‘happy ending’ you're expecting ig, low-key based on la la land words: 3.5k notes: this song is stuck in my head, so i used it as the title 🙏
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“Can you handle it?” she paused for a beat. “This whole Valentine's Day thing? You've been like, “yep, yep” for 11 times today, but I just want to make sure you're not going to won't lose it or anything.”
You roll your eyes before putting the phone on speaker and sighing audibly. “Sadie, girl, I promise I'm okay, alright, fine, whatever. Stop asking or I'm going to scream,” you reply, letting out a few giggles.
“Well, I just want to make sure,” she says, clearly still concerned.
“Well, you can stop now,” you reply with a smirk. “I'll tell you all about it later.” The phone call ends, and you take a deep breath and prepare for the next interview. Not just an ordinary interview, this one is all about your love life.
You straighten your clothes, fix your makeup one last time, and open the door. The staff instantly calls your name as you enter the room. “Y/N! The interview room is right there!”, the staff greets you.
You nod and offer a friendly smile to everyone before heading to the interview room.
One of the staff is already waiting for you inside. “Zoe,” she introduces herself. “"And you must be...?”
“Y/N,” you say, holding out your hand for a formal handshake.
Zoe laughs and grasps your hand with hers. “I believe our interviewer is busy right now, but you may wait there for the time being,” she adds, motioning to the chair where the interview will take place. You nod and take a seat, waiting for the interview to begin. 
“You've prepared for the questions, right?” Zoe asks.
You shake your head and give a sly grin. “Questions? What questions?” 
“Oh, please don't tell me you weren't prepared for this.”
“I honestly wasn't,” you shrug. “But I'm sure the questions will be easy.”
The interviewer finally arrives, and you greet her with a charming smile.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N.”
“Likewise,” you say, offering your hand to the well-dressed woman. She shakes it firmly before taking a seat in front of you.
“Alright, before we start, are you ready?” She asks, double-checking that you're prepared.
You give a confident nod. “Absolutely.”
The interviewer counts down from three, two, one, and the recording begins. She introduces both of you to the audience, and you listen as she speaks, nodding along. 
When she finishes, she turns back to you. “Have you been in a relationship?” 
You let out a small chuckle. “Yes, I have.” The staff in the back let out an ooooh, and your smile widens. 
“Tell me everything,” the interviewer continues, her eyes locked on yours.
“The whole story?” You ask, raising an eyebrow in the interviewer's direction. “Like, I'll start from when we first met?”
She nods, giving you the green light to continue with your story.
“Okay, so I'm still in my third year of college, and she's an actress, and I was an intern, carrying around coffee on the set, you know, trying to make a good impression. I was holding my favorite camcorder and taking footage of my experience as the gofer. I'm glad the director approved my request to do this,” you say, letting out a small chuckle. “Oh, yeah, and he said the footage might be used as the behind-the-scenes footage for the film.”
You've captured everything—from the cast's interactions to the staff's busywork and even yourself buying coffee for everyone. You've dreamed of being a director, and maybe one day you'll be a director and film like this.
Right now, everyone's resting, and it's more like recess time, so you take the opportunity to record more footage. Mia walks up and wraps her arms around Brittany, and they begin to chat. You keep the camera on them, but they eventually leave, taking a break.
You turn back towards the set, scanning for anything else to film. 
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you spot a brunette girl holding a script, practicing her next line. Your lips curl into a small smile as you aim the camera at her. Her voice is soft, and her facial expressions are so animated as she goes through her lines. 
You find yourself forgetting about the camera and just focusing on her. Her body language, her tone, her facial expressions... everything just seems to blend together into one seamless performance.
Seconds later, she stops mid-sentence and looks at you, breaking you out of your trance. You put down the camera, feeling your face turn red. You look everywhere else but at her, hoping she doesn't notice. And then, she does. She makes her way over to you, the script still in her hand.
You turn to face her, feeling a bit sheepish. “Uh, hey,” you say, hoping to maintain some kind of composure. “I'm Y/N,” you add, offering her a small smile.
She notices your reaction and raises an eyebrow, clearly wondering what's got you so flustered. “Um, I was just filming the behind-the-scenes footage,” you blurt out, rubbing the back of your neck. 
“Oh, that makes sense.” She chuckles. “I'm Jenna Or-,” she introduces herself.
“I know,” you cut her off. She raises her eyebrows again, and you panic. You didn't mean for that to sound rude. “I mean, I know you're Jenna Ortega. I'm working here too.” 
She nods, fully understanding what you meant.
“I was just watching you act... you're amazing."
“Thank you,” she says with a smile. “I just practice a lot. It's important to me to give my best performance, you know?”
You don't know what to say. All you can do is nod, blushing like crazy.
“So, what do you do around here?” she asks, trying to make conversation.
“Oh, I'm one of the film set workers, an intern actually,” you say. “I basically help set everything up and make sure everything runs smoothly.”  
She tilts her head to the side, and your heart skips a beat. You can feel your cheeks turning red, and she seems to be enjoying the fact that you're blushing. 
“Are you an aspiring director?”
“Yeah… I've always wanted to make a movie, and I thought that this would be a good way to start.”
“Wow, that's awesome. I love movies too,” she says with a smile. “But being in them is another experience entirely.”
“Just trying to get a handle on things and see what I'm good at.”
“That's the best way to do it. Just try things and see what works. That's what I did with acting, and look where it got me,” she says, holding your gaze. You feel like you're melting into her eyes.
“So, why are you interested in filmmaking?” she asks.
“I've been studying and practicing filmmaking every day, and I hope to one day make something as great as what we're doing here.”
She smiles, and you notice how stunning her eyes are. They seem like the most beautiful, sparkly gems you've ever seen.
“Maybe we can work on something together someday.”
“Yeah, I'd love that. Maybe I can learn a few things from you. You're a really good actress, Jenna.”
She blushes and looks away, hiding a smile. “Well, I don't know if I'm that good, but thank you, Y/N. It means a lot coming from someone who's willing to learn more about the industry.” 
“I should get back to practicing,” she says, turning away from you. “But we should get together sometime.”
“Definitely,” you say, smiling. “I'd like that.”
“I told myself to play it cool, but man, I was a mess,” you admit. “I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach every time she was around, and my voice got all shaky. I felt like I was going to melt.” You hide your face in your hands, feeling the heat radiate from your cheeks.
“I'm sure she thought it was cute,” she says, giving you a warm smile.
“Oh, I hope so.”
She pauses for a moment, deep in thought. “Tell me, how did things go between the two of you after meeting?”
You ordered two scoops of your favorite ice cream, knowing that you'd need something to cool you down even in the middle of summer. You're minding your own business when you get a glimpse of Jenna seated on a bench, reading her script. You approach her, and instead of offering her coffee, you hand her two ice cream cones.
She accepts it and starts to unwind, licking the sweet, cool treat. You see a small smile spread across her face as she takes another bite.
“You're a true saint,” she says. 
“You need a break,” you say, taking a seat next to her on the bench.
“You know, I wasn't expecting you to be a summer ice cream salesperson.” She takes another bite of her ice cream and raises an eyebrow. “So what's your motivation for bringing me ice cream today? Did you just think I needed a treat, or were you trying to impress me?”
You grin at her. “Maybe a little bit of both.”
“Don't tease me, Y/N.”
“Well, it's not like it's every day that I get to share ice cream with a movie star.”
The ice cream melts, and it creates a sticky mess on her fingers, making her try to clean her hands on her jean shorts. You grab a napkin from your pocket, and you hand it to her to use. “Thanks,” she says, taking the napkin and cleaning her hands.
“It's so, so hot out here,” you say, fanning yourself. You look around at the sun-drenched set.
She nods in agreement, wiping a strand of hair out of her face. “I know. It's unbearable,” she says with a sigh.
“I'm more of a Christmas person myself. I love everything about it.” 
“Christmas, huh?” 
“It's the best! All the snow, the gifts, the Christmas songs—and of course, the food!” you say, getting more and more excited.
“Okay, okay, calm down. We get it, you love Christmas,” she says, grinning. “I love Christmas too.”
“Do you really?” you say, feigning surprise. “Maybe we should watch some Christmas movies sometime, you know, for ‘research.’”
She chuckles, looking at you with deep brown eyes that drill into your soul. “Sure, why not?”
You nod, feeling your heart race a little faster. You want to say more, but you're not sure if you should.  
She turns to her script once more. You can tell that she's focusing on reading her script, but the occasional glance she gives you makes your heart race. You have to remind yourself to breathe normally.
You glance down at the script she's holding, which she's still reading. “Can I read with you?” you offer. “I'm a bit of a movie nerd, so I'm happy to help.” 
She looks up at you, her eyes sparkling with a bit of surprise. “Really? You'll read with me?”
“Yeah, it'll be fun.” 
She hands you the script, and you start to scan the lines. “So, what scene are we reading?” 
She points to the page, pointing to a specific part of the script. “This one, right here,” she says, biting her lip as she watches you read.
You clear your throat, trying to focus on the dialogue, but it's hard to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. She's so close to you, and her warm, intoxicating scent fills your nostrils.
You begin to read aloud from the script, trying to capture the tone and energy of the characters as best you can.
You hear a light chuckle coming from her direction, and you glance up to see her smiling, her head shaking slightly.
“What's so funny?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing, it's just…” she starts, but then hesitates, “I didn't expect you to be this good.”
You're not sure what to say to that, so you just smile. “Thanks,” you manage, feeling a bit flustered.
“A year,” you say, the word dripping through your lips. “We've been friends for a whole year. We hung out often, but life got in the way for both of us.”
You shift in your seat, making yourself more comfortable. “As a fourth-year student, I've been slammed with academics, and she's, well, a celebrity, so it's hard to make time for each other.” you continue with a small chuckle. “We still stay in touch, though, sending each other texts of encouragement or just sharing a little bit about our days.”
“Our first date…” you trail off for a moment, tapping your foot on the floor and looking at your feet. “I saw her at a record store in New York while I was out Christmas shopping. She was trying to pick out a record for herself, and I helped her find the perfect one.” 
You smirk, crossing your legs as you sit across the table from the interviewer. “In fact, I invited her to my show that night.”
“What show?” the interviewer prompts, puzzled.
You shrug. “My little show was at a university theater, and with a limited run, it wasn't really a big deal.”
You take a deep breath, a small grin spreading across your face. “I was nervous because it was my first time directing, but the cast was incredible, and she showed up! I didn't expect her to, but she did.”
“The show was amazing! You're a total genius, Y/N,” Jenna says, while walking with you on the sidewalk.
“Don't flatter me too much, or I'll start growing a big head,” you reply with a half-smirk, giving Jenna a sidelong glance.
“Oh, we wouldn't want that, now, would we?”
You roll your eyes, but you can't help the grin on your face. “Nope, that would be my worst nightmare.”
You realize that the cold winter air is making your hands feel stiff and numb. You keep them in your coat pockets, trying to stay warm. You feel a flutter in your chest as Jenna walks next to you, her shoulder brushing against yours.
After a beat of comfortable silence, Jenna looks up at you with a smile, her hair framing her face in the soft glow of the streetlights. “So... you got any Christmas plans?”
“No, I'm just planning on spending the holiday with myself,” you shrug casually.
Jenna's smile falters for a moment, but she soon regains her cool. “That's boring. What about your family?” 
You shrug again and glance at her, wondering where she's going with this. “Eh, they're all busy,” you say with a nonchalant air.
She narrows her eyes at you, and you can practically feel her brain working overtime.
“We're here,” you say as you reach the front of your house. “I'll see you around.”
“Wait,” she says, suddenly interrupting your internal monologue, causing you to jump.
“What is it?”
“I'll be spending this Christmas with my family,” she begins. Her hands fidget, her eyes darting around as if she's trying to find the right words to say.
She takes a breath, and you hold yours, not daring to interrupt her as she speaks.
“Do you... do you want to spend Christmas with me?” she asks, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “I mean, with us. If you want to...?” There's a moment of silence following her response, and she starts to wonder if she said too much.
You blink in surprise, catching a glimpse of your reflection in the windows of some of the nearby houses. The lights inside cast a warm glow on your face, highlighting the rosy hue that crept into your cheeks.
“I'd love to.”
“Really?” The corners of her mouth turning up into a grin as she looks up at you.
You nod again, unable to trust your voice to speak.
A delicate white snowdrop lands on your hair, and you tilt your head back to catch the flutters of powdery white. You smile, your teeth blinding white against your flushed cheeks.
“It's…” she starts, but the words seem to be stuck in her throat, as if the moment is too perfect to be interrupted with conversation. 
“I know.” Your breath created a small cloud of frost in the air.
She looks up at you with a slight smirk on her lips, her eyes darting between yours and the falling snow. 
The only sound coming from your lips is a soft ‘wow’ as the snow settles on the ground. She can't help but notice your cute grin that stretches from ear to ear, almost like a child on Christmas morning.
She reaches for your hand, and your heart skips a beat. Her touch is colder than the winter air, but the warmth of her presence sets your heart on fire.
You turn to face Jenna, a smile creeping across your face as you take in the soft snow falling like a gentle caress on your cheeks. 
Jenna looks at you with such intensity that you can't remember how to breathe. “You're cold,” you state, and she nods, her eyes still locked on yours. 
She swallows, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. She can feel the warmth of your hand on her forehead, and the mere act of being in your presence makes her feel warm all over.
Her lips parted slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't. The silence stretches on and on, and you've never wanted to fill it more.
And just like that, the moment is ruined when you sneeze. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, turning red. 
She chuckles. “It's okay, I've got a tissue.” 
You accept it gratefully, wiping away the redness around your nose.
“Thanks,” you say, your voice a little hoarse. 
She nods, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Anytime,” she replies, before turning back to the snow, watching as it falls around you.
“...after we spent the holidays, we started dating.”
“How long have you been dating?”
“Two years. We've been dating for two years.” You smile softly. “Time was the one thing we couldn't control. I feel like we've just been going in different directions.”
“While I'm trying to make my name as a director, she got into a major franchise as a supporting actor. We both have such busy schedules, and we would barely see each other,” you continue. “The busy schedules, the fights, the doors being slammed, the screaming, the distance—it feels like we've spent more time apart than we have together.”
“It got so bad that we almost broke up, but in the end, we chose to fix things. I supported her career, and she supported mine.”
“But then, as if the universe was playing a cruel joke on us, our schedules clashed over and over again,” you say. “We had a massive argument, with both of us shouting at each other. We could never see eye to eye on anything, no matter how much we tried. I reached my breaking point, and I made the decision to break things off.”
“We both know it's over,” you say, sighing heavily.
“I can't deny it; we've achieved so much. But we're both so busy and caught up in our own careers that we can't focus on each other.”
The interviewer waits for a moment, letting you gather your thoughts. “Do you still love her?”
“I used to, but not anymore.”
The sun sets over the studio as the interview comes to a close. 
“Well, that's all the time we have for today, Y/N. Thank you so much for joining us. We wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors.”
“Oh, I bet you say that to all the guests. But seriously, thanks for having me, Jenna.” You share a laugh and shake hands as she delivers her final line in front of the camera.
Once the cameras stop rolling, you join the staff in cleaning up before walking out. You spot Jenna and make your way over to her.
“Let me walk you out,” you offer with a smile.
“Sure,” she accepts, grateful for the company.
After a few minutes of walking, Jenna breaks the silence. “Your latest movie is a total hit. You must be so proud.”
“I am, thanks. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it to see how well the movie was received.”
You both continue to stroll in silence, the silence only broken by the chill of the night air seeping through your clothes.
But it doesn't last long before Jenna speaks up again. She stops in her tracks and turns to face you. “Thank you, Y/N,” she says. “Thank you for everything.”
You can only manage a small nod in response, unable to put into words what you feel.
Just as you're about to head out, the sound of a car honking catches your attention. 
“That's him.” Jenna turns towards the parking lot, where an attractive guy is waiting for her. You watch as she runs over to him, burying her face in his chest as she wraps her arms around him.
She turns back to you and gives you a look that says everything. You wave goodbye one last time, a small smile etched on your lips.
Even if things didn't work out between the two of you, the connection is still there. You remember the journey you've had together, grateful for the part you've played in her life. 
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jihyoruri · 9 months
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cib!yn, placed third in produce 48
cib!yn, is known as a barbie and even is a brand ambassador for barbie mattel like even THE WOMEN THE PLAYED BARBIE called yn barbie when the barbie cast did press in korea
cib!yn, she’s also a dior ambassador
cib!yn, is an actress and has been in sweet home, all of us are dead, 20th century girl, the glory (young yeonjin), my demon
cib!yn, is known for her miniskirt cover by aoa
cib!yn, gets a butt load of hate for having a attitude and not respecting her elders during verity shows especially to the asshole male interviewers (“just get on with it already.” “oh you’re going to the military soon? can you go now?” “you’re honestly not that good looking.”)
cib!yn, has deep rooted obsession with the colour hot pink and is known for her early 2000s y2k style
cib!yn, comes from a single mom that’s a rich business woman that taught her daughters to never let love get in the way of your success and that it’s not important compared to the riches (which sorta explains why she is the way she is)
cib!yn, is very close friends with ningning from aespa and yeji from itzy
cib!yn, is known for her outrageous fan boys
cib!yn, she has a tattoo on her lower back (tramp stamp AND IT EATS)
cib!yn, is the biggest once to exist
cib!yn, is known for that one live that she did with when they played a horror game and after the first jumpscare she left sakura and went to chaewon’s room leaving sakura to finish the game alone.
cib!yn, is known for her solo lives because fans feel like it’s like having a ft call with her (she gossips, does makeup, plays music and giving her fans tips about things “always flirt your way out of situations, doesn’t matter how ugly you are.”)
cib!yn, forced chaewon to dye her hair pink with her during iz*one days
cib!yn, is known for her funny ways of answering questions in interviews(“so what do you need to see in a man for him to be your boyfriend?” “boyfriend?” “do you envy any other idols beauty?” “no”)
cib!yn, during iz*one days and the girls were at the airport and yn left her id accidentally so when the staff at the airport asked for it she just told them to search up her name on the internet.
cib!yn, got an insane amount of hate when she played young yeonjin in the glory because people got suspicious of how she played the role so well
cib!yn, has an expensive pink car even though she can’t drive
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Order as Antagonist in TDP
So how about that trailer, eh? I was so excited I didn't notice this text up top on TDP's tweet for like. An hour.
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We haven't heard anything about this Cosmic Order before. Is it a specific group? Is it a vibe? Is it a Startouch thing? Hard to say, yet. But there are some vibes from the Starscraper shots we've gotten in the trailer and teaser that may point us in the right direction:
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This place has eight pillars, each with a recess that holds a relic staff seemingly identical to the one Viren's been toting around. It's not unique, and Aaravos didn't craft it. He stole it.
This is the Prometheus part of Aaravos' character. This is the fire that he stole for humans, from the gods. The relic staff. A relic staff, one of many.
Why did he, a godlike elf himself, feel the need to commit this act, for which he was cast down, exiled, and stripped of much of his power? Why?
Hard to say yet, but knowing all that he is capable of, I think it comes down to one thing: stealing it was the only way to get it. Nothing else he could think of would work. And he's pretty imaginative. But the system, the Cosmic Order, had him, too. He's a magic elf, bound by the same forces as everyone else up there. Breaking the rules was his only remaining option.
Aaravos chose Chaos over Order and put his money where his mouth is. He did get exiled and cast out, but humans have magic now. Somehow, that's not a thing the Order can take back from them, once it's out - rather like Pandora's Box.
But I want to look at this Order, and how pervasive it must be. How else would a powerful elf like Aaravos be reduced to petty thievery to accomplish his ends? Surely he tried other ways, other options, other persuasions. Why didn't they get him anywhere? Why did he have to take such a - for lack of a better term - human approach to the problem?
Let's back up a second and look at a seemingly random list of likes for one specific elf: Runaan. (no of course it isn't random, this is why this theory post exists. but shh, it'll make sense I promise)
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Runaan likes four things in this list. Two of them are his immediate family. One is his favorite food. And the last item on the list?
I used to think this was just a bit of a wink to him being autistic-coded and liking his patterns. And I still do think that's accurate. But my third eye got pried open by the Cosmic Order text, and I think it's more than that now.
Runaan is a tiny cog in the grand engine that is the Cosmic Order. He goes where he is told, he kills who he is told to kill, he obeys without question, no matter how heinous his acts would be - he would have killed Ezran without blinking, because that's what the Dragon Queen told him to do.
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Runaan is the most Moonshadow Moonshadow, according to the Deluxe Elf Interview. He's the epitome of what it means to be a Moonshadow elf. His devotion, sacrifice, and adherence to the rules are what makes him a good Moonshadow elf.
How convenient for the Order.
Runaan is still an individual, inside his own rules. He chose to become an assassin, and he did it to spare others from having to take lives and live with the weight of those acts. But that does imply that if he hadn't chosen this path, someone else would have, and people would still be dying.
And I think he's right. Maybe his love of order actually lets him perceive the great gears grinding over his head, up in the stars, turning the wheels of fate for everyone they control. Maybe he knows full well that he's part of a grand system - but there's nothing he can do about it except stay alive or die, because he is trapped inside it. He cannot change his fate because he is locked into it, just like everyone around him.
The Book 1 novelization tells us Runaan always expected to die on a mission, and that he meets that fate with a calm resignation on the balcony. He surrenders to his fate, because he cannot fight it.
What could lock Runaan into a fate that ends with him dying on a mission?
His own choices? Think bigger.
His society, then. Obligation, honor, guilt. Hmm, bigger than that.
It's been there the whole time - something that all the elves and dragons possess, but humans don't. Something which caused the imbalance in the first place.
Magic is the Cosmic Order.
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yes it has eight points and yes I'm back on my bullshit
Quick aside: The Cosmic Order is turning out to be the big magic version of King Harrow's Narrative of Strength, which he contrasted with the Narrative of Love - and we'll get back to that at the end of the post.
Alrighty, back to magic: The worst offenders seem to be the primal magics, which have locked the elves and dragons into very tight little boxes as far as what they can and cannot do, think, and imagine. An elf with a single arcanum can only think in terms of that primal source. It's as bad as an irl human who only knows one language, and so their brain literally cannot conceive of concepts that exist in other languages. (Learn more languages, guys, it's genuinely good for your brain, I am not kidding)
This helps explain why Aaravos was able to think a little bit outside his box and consider giving magic to humans when the Order said they didn't deserve any. He is an archmage, and he speaks many magical languages. He knows all six primal magics, as well as the ancient blood magic and dark magic. That's eight different ways of looking at a problem.
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(is this why elves only have 8 fingers, because they literally cannot grasp anything outside of magic?)
From his multifaceted viewpoint, Aaravos can see the inherent unfairness in humans being forced to abide by the Order without getting any magic for their trouble. It's basically taxation without representation.
The Americans among us can attest to how well that went over in our own history.
Aaravos: Prometheus, Lucifer... Che Guevara... Guy Fawkes?
Aaravos really does love revolution.
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Further thought: this post about Ethari's design has reminded me again about his lower-than-average magical ability and how that has manifested in his unique design and in his character. And I'm looking directly at how Ethari's lesser magic power may be the reason he's so mentally flexible. If he can challenge Runaan directly about how Rayla is not ready for that mission when everyone else is going along with it, isn't that lack of narrow-mindedness the thing that sets him apart?
What else might that freedom of thought do for him? Is this the reason he is actually able to invent at all? Because he is capable of envisioning that which does not yet exist? How rare that must be among Moonshadow elves!
tldr: Ethari is actually bad at being a Moonshadow elf, and that could very well be what saves him.
Contrast Ethari with Karim, who is a powerful Sunfire mage, and very much locked into his traditional views of elf vs human. He's willing to go to war in order to impose his views on all of the Sunfire elves if he can, because he genuinely believes he can see the Order of things better than anyone else can.
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He believes in the superiority of the elven ways, while Janai has let her heart change her mind. Janai fell in love with a human, and it broke the Order's hold on her. She makes history now - it does not make her.
Side note: Is this... is this the formula, then? Is this how enduring ships work in TDP? An elf with a normal arcanum, paired with either a human or an elf with a "flawed" connection to the Order inside them? One who can anchor, and one who can imagine?
Let me make a quick list:
Well. How bout that.
Ironically, this is a different path to what was going to be my final point in the first place: Order may be the default for elves and dragons and the way they are supposed to follow the rules of the universe, but love still exists, and they can always choose to embrace it. They can all be saved by love, in the end. It's their choice. In fact, choosing Love over Order is an act of defiance in itself.
Terry chose Claudia over fear. Janai chose Amaya over war. Rayla chose Callum over vengeance. And Runaan, my poster boy for stubbornness and suffering, chose Ethari over Order itself.
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Saved by love.
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alleunwalk · 1 year
because of how sad jujutsu kaisen has been i've been thinking what if they were just all actors and this was just one big drama series/movie.  I CAN DREAM OK?!
jjk actor au 
itadori: he's pretty much the same off-camera and on-camera. just generally so nice and kind to everyone on set. extremely good at remembering his lines last minute (gg photographic memory). always buys the hair/makeup and stylists coffee.  megumi: extremely loud, bubbly, and a total goofball. often breaks character just from laughing so much.  nobara: shes more soft-spoken, dainty and gentle off-camera but she's still a girlboss in her own way. shes a popstar/idol when she's not acting.  gojo: he's surprisingly a lot more reserved off-camera than on-camera but he can be goofy with his castmates, especially geto's actor. loves mentoring and giving advice to rookie actors.  geto: he's a lot louder and extraverted off-camera but put him in a room with gojo and they will literally pop off. the directors and crew groan when they see them together tbd. he and gojo's actor actually used to hate each other back in the day but they became the best of buds during the first tableread. their chemistry on-screen though constantly blows everyone away.  nanami: another goofball off-camera. known for his superior range. played in movies ranging from comedy, horror, and heart-tugging romance. put him in a room with gojo and geto and it ends up being immense chaos that the staff loses their minds. 
*the three of them can not take an interview seriously but they're all known to be extremely A-list top of the top actors in the industry who all have won awards. 
utahime: consider her like the 90s superstar actress of her generation. she started acting since she was a child. just superior all around and an absolute legend. cares for the younger cast very dearly.  shoko: another legend to walk among the set. was also a runway model. she's extremely smart off-camera too and was known to go to a prestigious university. hangs out with utahimes actress a lot.  *all of the cast get shook when they come on set-- the power these women hold is just unmatched. the beauty, grace and class they hold.... 
you can basically think that gojo, geto, nanami, utahime, shoko, sukuna, and toji are all just academy award winning legends among their generation. 
sukuna: his personality is pretty similar to yuji off-camera. just super sweet and kind. was amazed the casting directors found someone who looked just like him as a kid. loves joking around with yuji. breaks character a lot too because yuji keeps making him laugh.  toji: the cast tends to joke about how he could look like megumis real dad. loves telling dad jokes-- which only megumi ends up laughing at for real. (he calls him dad as a joke during cast interviews.) 
maki: a lot more reserved off-camera. gives off really chic vibes and everyone is intimidated by her cool, suave personality. started her career off as a model.  mai: also reserved, just like her sister. they're both pretty introverted off-camera and tend to keep to themselves but hangs out with nobara's actress a lot on the weekends as a trio. they love shopping and going to cool restaurants together.  inumaki: loves pulling pranks on people and filming tiktoks behind set. this kid doesn't take anything seriously but that's what people love about him.  panda: under the panda costume/CG effects is a guy who's just stellar at voice acting but people get shocked by how handsome he is when he doesn't have the costume on. super silly with inumaki and often joins his pranks.  yuta: similar to itadori- his character is the same on/off camera that people can't tell if he's acting. really famous for acting in a lot of melodramas.  todo: HUGEEE nerd and softie off-camera. is the biggest scaredy cat on set hence he's the main target for all the pranks when the cast pulls them (cough* inumaki). loves collecting plushies as a hobby. would not hurt a fly. him and yuji really did become best friends irl. miwa: down-to-earth, just very sweet. pretty much the same on/off camera. she's good at crying on command.  muta: he's very talkative and just loves chatting with anyone and everyone on set. he wants to know everyones life story. just super genuine. like his character, he has a huge crush on miwa.  kamo: SUPERRRR clumsy off-camera. he's always accidentally slipping on the fake blood or dropping something. it's okay though, he just laughs it off.  momo: tends to sit in her trailer and plays video games when it's downtime. very laissez faire about everything but that's what makes her so easy to work with.
mahito: extremely serious off-camera. only keeps things professional. doesn't mess around when it comes to work. doesn't have any bloopers when it comes to his scenes. he's a really nice guy though when you get to know him. choso: golden retriever energy. super talkative and loves getting to know people just like muta. he remembers really endearing memories about people. asks staff members how they're doing and checks up on them. loves hanging out with yuji on the weekends. 
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mirai-e-jump · 7 months
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TV Guide & TV Life, March 2024 Issues ft. Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below)
TV Life 3/15 Issue, Publication: February 28, 2024
Iuchi: When you first heard the title, "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger," were you surprised?
Suzuki: I said, "Huh?" in response. I also said "Is that true?" (laughs).
Hayama: For sure, I kept wondering what it meant (laughs).
Iuchi: Did it mean "to cheer up" or "the sound of a car's engine"? I wondered which one "Boonboom" was, but it ended up being a double meaning for both.
Hayama: It seems that "Explosive (Bakuage)" also incorporates the staff's desire to make Super Sentai even more "bakuage" than ever before.
Suzuki: It's upbeat and outlandish in a good way, and leaves an impact.
Saito: Other than the title, I was also surprised by the visual impact of Boonboomger.
Soma: They have tires on their faces.
Saito: These forms have a past, nostalgic feel to them. The more you look at them, the cooler they get.
Soma: When I see them fighting, I get alot more attached to them.
Saito: I think they'll be easier for children to draw pictures of.
Soma: I want them to draw alot.
Iuchi: Genba's hairstyle too. All you have to do is go around in circles a bunch.
Soma: No, no! My hair isn't yakisoba! (laughs).
Iuchi: When I was a kid, I liked miniature cars and played with them alot. However, I never really knew how cars were made. Taiya in particular is a master of development and modification, so I first made sure that I knew about cars, and then I'll try to make him look mature and calm as I play him.
Hayama: What I'm most conscious of, is being cool. I was told that "Red" and "Blue" have always appeared in every Super Sentai production. When I heard that, I felt more responsible. I want children to think that Boonboomger is cool even after they grow up. Especially since Ishiro is the coolest of cool, I try to be like that in the way he stands, and even in the way he speaks.
Suzuki: Mira is a bright, energetic, and innocent kid who enjoys everything. I try to be like Mira from the moment I enter the set. I also try to express myself clearly so that the viewers can understand what kind of emotions Mira is feeling when she speaks and moves.
Saito: Since Jou's a police officer, I started by researching the profession. I watched alot of footage and close up interviews at police academies and learned what it was like to be a police officer. While maintaining the seriousness of a police officer that I felt, at the same time, I want to show him as the cheerful and lively Jou that's eccentric when he needs to be.
Iuchi: Also, the angle of his salute.
Saito: Yeah. I'm careful about that too.
Iuchi: When I imitated it alittle, he said, "It's wrong!" (laughs).
Saito: There's a proper way of doing it. Such as it being with your right hand, not left.
Soma: Genba's rather mysterious and doesn't show his true feelings. He's a unique character that hasn't been seen before, so I try to play him freely without being restrained by anything. I try not to make it too elaborate. I think it'll make it feel more "Genba like."
Iuchi: All five of them are unique. Let's "bakuage" through the whole year so that as many people as possible can enjoy it! _
How would you describe yourself in terms of "Explosive(ly) XX"?
Iuchi Haruhi is: Explosively Stubborn It's fine to be particular, but I've been reminded to listen to the opinions of those around me. I think I've gotten alittle better at this compared to in the past. However, I'm still stubborn in some areas.
Hayama Yuki has: Explosively Long Legs All the small, medium and large sized pants at clothing stores are so long that they don't fit. I thought it was fine, since Ishiro often crosses his legs, which makes him stand out. I'm also prideful (laughs).
Suzuki Miu is: The Explosive Mother Everyone calls me "Mother" on set. This is because I'm the one who arranges everyone's shoes and puts away our lunch boxes. I'm Boonboomger's mama (laughs).
Saito Ryu is: Explosively Extreme I take what I like to do seriously, but I never do anything that I don't want to do. I'm either at 0 or 100. That's why I'm serious in some strange ways (laughs).
Soma Satoru is: Explosively Fun I love anything that's fun, and I like to enjoy everything, whether it's having fun at work or in my private life. I try to keep my spirits as high as possible.
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TV Guide 3/8 Issue, Publication: February 28, 2024
Iuchi: When I heard that I was going to be apart of the Super Sentai series, my mind went completely blank. The first time I really felt it was at the introduction meeting. When I saw the documents on the desk, I thought, "Ah, so this isn't a joke" (laughs).
Hayama: Ever since I started acting, it's been my dream to be apart of the Super Sentai series, and this was the third time I auditioned for a role. I felt like I had taken the baton from the blue's of "Avataro Sentai Donbrothers" and "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger", both of whom I know very well. If I was going to do it, I wanted to be blue, so when the decision was made, I immediately asked, "Which color?" and was very happy when they said blue.
Suzuki: I went to the audition thinking, "I'm definitely going to be picked," but when I was finally chosen, I felt a great sense of responsibility and pressure. I strongly felt that since my name would be etched into this historic series, I had to be prepared to take on the challenge.
Saito: I've admired heroes since I was a kid, and I entered the entertainment industry to be apart of the Super Sentai series, so I was very happy when I was chosen. When I put the suit on at costume fitting, I realized that I could finally become a real hero.
Suzuki: You say you entered the entertainment industry because of the Super Sentai series, but what will you do when this is over?
All: Are you going to disappear? (laughs)
Saito: No, the Super Sentai series was just my first goal.
Suzuki: It's a production you absolutely had to do. I'm glad (laughs).
Soma: I've had multiple auditions for the Super Sentai series, but this time I was chosen, so I was very happy. Just like Miu-chan said, I felt pressure behind this happiness. But, on the other hand, I hope to enjoy the pressure and do my best together with my wonderful friends.
Saito: Many of the recent Super Sentai's have a flashy look to them, but Boonboomger has an old fashioned coolness, it's as if, in a good way, we're back in the Showa era. It's very appealing.
Suzuki: Ryu-kun, you're always mentioning the names of various Super Sentai series.
Soma: He's the most knowledgeable out of all of us. He's the Sentai master! (laughs).
Saito: I'm from the "Engine Sentai Go-onger" generation, but thanks to the influence of my sister and mother, I've also seen some of the older ones.
Suzuki: When I heard the title, I thought it was an interesting one, but at the same time, I thought it would be an uplifting and upbeat work.
Iuchi: I'm very happy that I'll be involved in the memories of today's children through this production.
Soma: I think it's a production that focuses mainly on smaller children, so I hope alot of children will watch it.
Hayama: I didn't play with toy cars that much as a kid, but even I think it's cool to see singers turned actors appearing in dramas. Cars are a theme that's easily understood by smaller children, so I feel explosive (bakuage) every day when playing the role (laughs). _
Q: What's the moment when your mood explodes?
Iuchi: I like to write lyrics and compose music with my guitar as a hobby. When I think things like, "I've got the chorus" or, "I've finished a whole song," I feel an explosive sense of accomplishment. But, I haven't let people listen to it…(*The other members then say, "We want to listen to it!"), Well then, I'll play it for you sometime over the next year.
Hayama: I like to appreciate music as an art form, and I'll use music apps to play music randomly by genre depending on my mood. During that time, if I happen to land on a song that I like, at that moment, my mood rises dramatically.
Suzuki: I have the biggest blast when I eat ramen! I really like noodles, but I especially love ramen. Even when I'm exhausted after filming all day long, I've still got energy after eating some ramen. Truthfully, I post the ramen I eat on a secret account with zero followers that no one sees. I write my impressions of what I eat for my own record.
Saito: I like to do muscle training, and I get excited about it. I get more excited when I can actually see my muscles growing after my workout is over, rather than during it. I'll look in the mirror and be like, "Nice~ My muscles are growing~" (laughs).
Soma: I'm from Shizuoka, where I used to play soccer, so the moment I kick a ball is the best moment for me. When I'm playing soccer, I get the biggest rush out of it when I get to play the way I want to play and when punting the ball. It's a great feeling. I put all my stress into the ball…but, I don't have that much stress, so my plays are weak (laughs).
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merrybloomwrites · 3 months
Welcome to Smosh
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Summary: A salary increase isn't the only benefit when you leave your old job to work for Smosh.
Word Count: 663
AN: Wrote this a while ago and wasn't going to post but decided, why not? Enjoy a little Sunday night random blurb.
When your friend Mika said she was applying for a job at Smosh, you had to ask her what a “Smosh” was. After making fun of you for living under a rock, she explained the history of the youtube channel. She then told you there was another job opening on their social team and you should apply for it.
While you were nervous, you had to admit your current job was subpar at best, and really a shitshow if you told the truth. And working with your best friend? Well at least you’d have one person there you knew.
So, you submitted the application and the process began. And then it moved rapidly. So rapidly that you barely had any time to do research before the interview, leaving you feeling awkward and unprepared. You first meet with Lisa from HR, and are asked to stay once it’s over. You hope it’s a good sign.
You then meet with a few other staff members. You don’t recognize them from your quick study of the channel, but you figure the more corporate people don’t tend to be in videos frequently, if at all.
After that conversation is over, you’re asked to come back the next day.
You get there and find out your meeting is with Lisa, as well as Anthony, one of the owners of the channel. After a short conversation they offer you a job, surprising you with how quickly this whole process went.
After seeing the offer you immediately sign the contract and upon arriving home, send your resignation for your current job.
Two weeks fly by and it’s your first official day at Smosh. Though Mika also got hired in the editing department, that process took longer and she won’t be joining for a few more days. Leaving you to go and meet all these new people alone.
You still hadn’t had much time to watch many Smosh videos. So while you could put a face to a name, and knew cast versus crew, that was about the extent of your knowledge. 
Lisa shows you around and introduces you to everyone, just quick introductions but even spending just a moment with everyone has you realizing a problem. 
Everyone here is attractive. 
Not just physically, but they seem kind, and friendly, and funny. All things that draw you to a person. A few of the guys stood out to you, but you try to ignore that and remain professional. 
But they don’t exactly help. Because the three guys you were interested in, all seem to be constantly around you. Even though they really have nothing to do with your department. 
Even worse, you are terrible at picking up when people are into you, constantly thinking they just want to be friends. So it takes the help of others for you to realize what is happening. 
Ian often stops by your desk, but his pretense of “seeing how you’re settling in” gets a little less believable the longer you’re there. You’re confused when Erica starts giving you looks after his visits. 
Damien is no better, asking you to join his table at lunch nearly every day, even when it’s been weeks and you’ve sat nowhere else. He’s always turning to you, getting your opinion and asking questions. You don’t think too much of it, not until Courtney pulls you aside and asks if you like him back. 
And then there’s Spencer, bringing you tea multiple times a week, sometimes more than once a day, just so talk to you. Tommy’s the one giving looks and asking questions this time. 
You brush off Erica, Courtney, and Tommy, saying that they’re just friends, nothing more. But then the pattern continues and you finally admit it may be something more. 
And when all three boys ask you on a date, on the same day, you know you’ve gotten yourself into quite a predicament. This was definitely not how you imagined your Welcome to Smosh to go.
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grissomesque · 2 months
i saw your tags on a post about questions to ask as a job applicant and you said only 3 job applicants reached out to you directly and that it really helped them. i was wondering how an applicant should reach out? i never really know what to say
Hi Anon! I love this question, because good hiring practices and quality of work-life are things I'm pretty passionate about. To give a little extra context for whether I know what I'm talking about, in addition to being a hiring manager I am also c-level at a mid-sized production company, where I hire for everything from entry-level contract jobs to specialized creative positions.
We post our job ads on Indeed, and we are able, through their system, to toggle on/off direct messaging and/or phone calls. We keep the phone calls off because we're inundated as it is, and really need to redirect those inquiries to whoever is on point for this hire, usually the department head. That leaves applicants with the option to send our Indeed account a direct message, which reroutes to my email inbox.
Rarely, some highly motivated applicants will go to our website, find our main email address, and send a message that way. I actually prefer the first option because then I don't have to get my admin staff to forward me the emails, but I operate on the assumption that not everyone knows Indeed as well as I do, may not know that direct messages are being closely monitored, and so I appreciate the effort even so.
What kind of things do I love to hear? NOT that you've wanted to work in my entry level position since you were a kid. I do not want my ass kissed. That's a waste of everybody's time. Work is work, and we all get that here. So the best introductory message is short and sweet and no-bullshit, and its primary function is just to get your name top of mind when I'm looking at a pile of thousands of probably-mostly-qualified* applicants:
Hi, my name is [X], I've just applied for [position], and I wanted to take a minute to reach out to you directly and introduce myself. I think I'd be a great fit for this position and would love to talk more about my experience with [x]**. My availability for [time period given in ad] is [x, y, z]. Thank you [or your preferred sign off here]!
When I get a message like that, I stop sifting through the pile and go look at their application right away. Because it tells me several things:
1) They're paying attention to the jobs they're applying to, and their requirements - many people are casting a wide net, whether or not they're truly qualified, and expecting hiring managers (or AI, which we do not use, ever) to weed them out.
2) They're interested enough in the job to take a few extra minutes to get my attention. I'm less likely to be wasting my time offering an interview to someone who's going to ghost me later. If I'm hiring, it's because I'm very, very, very busy and need someone ASAP.
3) **Just a couple of keywords or phrases here. Whatever the job is, vs whatever your transferable experience is. Leadership, creative skill set, efficiency and organization, whatever. This demonstrates attention to detail, an understanding of the job on at least a surface level, and that you actually read the job description (yes: people don't read it).
4) Offering availability in advance helps so, so much with scheduling interviews, but also tells me, again, that this is a motivated applicant.
*Always, always, always submit everything you've been asked to submit. The first thing I do is filter out any missing fields. That's usually the cover letter. A full half to 2/3rds of applicants drop off immediately when I filter out missing cover letters. I know that's unpopular. I have reasons for wanting a cover letter, on which I'd be happy to expand, but I won't here since this is already so very long.
Bonus round: It's important to me that I hire someone who wants to be here. I don't mean you want to be at work all day more than you want to do something else. I would rather be writing outside on my deck. I mean you need a job, because we all need a job, and I don't want to hire someone who is going to hate this job. That's bad for everyone - you most of all! That's more likely to come up during the interview than here, but still worth keeping in mind.
I hope this helps! Good luck out there!
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widowromanova · 2 years
From across the room
hello everyone, i got this idea from those smut prompts you can find (really useful if you're stuck on ideas btw)
warnings: smut
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You had been working as a teacher at Nevermore for a couple of months now. It was a great job: good pay, good colleagues, (most of the time) good students. Before coming here, you struggled with finding suitable jobs, all of them being in another region of the state.
You'd lived in Jericho for a couple of years now after finishing your studies. You were sitting in the Weathervale. You watched the reflection of the door against the espresso machine while taking small sips of your latte.
A tall, silver-haired woman walked through the door, having to duck a little as to avoid hitting her head on the top of the doorframe. She was dressed rather elegantly: a knee-length dress, a scarf and a long coat.
You turned your head around slightly to get a better look at her. She looked like the embodiment of divine femininity. You were completely drawn to her.
The waiter approaching her had greeted her, "Hello, Principal Weems, always nice to see you here, what can I get for you?" Your eyes widened slightly. You had heard a lot about Nevermore, but never thought it suitable for you as you didn't possess any.. supernatural qualities.
The waiter left, having uncovered you. She could no see you staring directly at her. She met your eye and gave an uncomfortable smile in return. You quickly snapped out of the gaze and made your way to her.
She looked up at you as you stood at her table, "I'm really sorry if I was staring, I just.." You trailed off, not wanting to give your whole life story, "Sorry. I've just heard a lot about you and.. the school and I've also been looking for a job for a couple of weeks and it's just.." You looked down at her. Her gentle smile. She made you feel comfortable, "I'm really sorry for bothering you, hah."
You began walking back to your original seat before she called out to you, "Hey! Sorry, I never got your name.."
You smiled a bit in surprise, answering, "Y/N."
"Well, Y/N," she gestured to the seat across from her, "how about you sit down?"
And that's how you got to this moment in time. One simple interview in one simple coffee shop.
Every week, the staff had a regular meeting, discussing new opportunities, planning new events, deciding what to do about certain students who would not listen to instructions.
You always found it entertaining to watch Larissa's thought process. She was always so engaged with her staff and her work. You had never met someone so dedicated to bettering the life of so many cast out from everyday society. Not to mention, you had been harboring a massive crush on her ever since she introduced you to this new job. After all, you have only her to thank for (basically) giving you a new life.
Not that you knew, but Larissa always noticed your prolonged gaze on her when she had already finished talking. She watched you from her peripheral. Though you and her were not alike (in the way that she had abilities that you could not imagine to ever possess), she thought you were perfect. Perfect for her. In every. Single. Way. She longed to be yours. The only thing stopping her were the views about workplace relationships.
This week's meeting had finished and everyone began to file out the room - you leaving with a faster heart rate than when you entered.
"Ms L/N!" Larissa called out just as you were at the door. You swivelled around, eyebrows quirked, "Yes?" You held your hand on the door knob, clenching it to keep yourself under control. Larissa flicked her eyes over to your hand, looking down to better hide her subtle smirk.
She paused for a while, looking back up at you and walking in front of her desk, to sit on it, "Close the door." Her slight demanding tone made you quiver. You slowly turned back around, composing yourself and gently shutting the door with both hands, turning back around to lean on it slightly.
"How can I help you, Principal?"
"Let's stop with the formalities for a second, Y/N."
You corrected yourself, "Alright.." you walked towards her a bit, feeling a bit more confident in yourself, trying to test the waters a little, "how can I help, Larissa?" You stressed her name. Larissa's pupils started growing with lust. She stood up from her desk making her way over to you to loom over you.
She stood by your side, gently guiding you with a hand behind your back, to one of the two armchairs that stood in front of her desk. She put her hands either side of your shoulders and 'placed' you down onto one. Then, she again approached her desk, taking her original seat on it.
"May I ask you a question, Y/N?"
Your face remained neutral, not thinking much of it, "Sure." Larissa smiled at you gently before taking a breath and leaning in closer to your face, "Do I make you nervous?"
Your face lit up a bright red, your throat running dry. Your words stumbled, "W-" You moved back on your chair slightly, "What?" Your voice had come out a higher pitch than you had meant it to.
She gently smiled at you, laughing to herself a bit, before asking you again, "Do I make you nervous?" You opened your mouth, looking for words.
"It's a very simple question, Y/N." She stood back up, walking over closer to you. With two fingers, she raised your chin, "Do I make you nervous, Y/N?"
You had sat in pure shock, feeling your heart pumping through every morsel in your body. You held eye contact with her, eventually deciding to play along. You stood up, coming up to her chin in height whilst holding eye contact. You were still nervous as hell, but you wanted to see where this would go.
"What makes you think you do?" Larissa was taken aback by this a bit, her eyes widening subtly. Suddenly, she grabbed you by the face, crashing her lips against yours. You moaned into the kiss, your hands looking for anything to hold onto, eventually finding place on her hips.
You pulled her closer to you, pressing your whole body against hers. The kiss was sloppy. Heated. Teeth clashing. She began moving you to take a seat on her desk, picking you up with her hands underneath your thighs.
She ran her hands along them whilst bringing her mouth down your jaw to your neck. You panted.. alot. Your head was tilted back to allow Larissa more space to do her.. handiwork as you desperately tried to regain your breath.
She had found the pressure point on your neck that forced you to let out deep groans, having to contain them by biting your lip. She eventually came back up to your face, looking at your dishevelled state while you looked at hers, her lipstick smeared all over her face (and yours). You both started laughing.
Suddenly you hear a knock on the door, both snapping out of your situation with a look of horror painted on your face, and a look of frustration painted on Larissa's. She motioned for you to go into a seperate room connected to her office which you scurried to.
Larissa wiped the smeared lipstick whilst approaching the door. She opened the door, standing at the doorway to indicate that she didn't want the person to come in, "Ah, Wednesday.. what brings you here?"
You had sat in the secluded room for what felt like hours (but was probably actually 15 minutes) until you heard a handle start to open. Your eyes flicked over to the door with excitement. Larissa walked in, her eyes searching for you and finding you tucked away in the corner.
She smiled at you. You slowly stood up, walking towards her again, patting down her dress. You reached up to her lips, wiping the remaining lipstick clean, "You missed a bit, Larissa." Her eyes widened, "God.." She looked down in embarrassment.
You laughed, biting your lip. You walked away from her, looking about the room, "What is this room?" You looked at her for an answer.
She approached you, also looking around, "It's just where I go if I want to be.." she came up to you, wrapping her arms around your wsist, "truly relaxed." She smirked down at you, "God, Larissa, what ever do you do in here?!" you responded in mock shock.
She leant down to your ear to whisper, "It's soundproof," your cheeks heated up yet you smiled up at her, her lips were inches from yours, "and I'd like to do a little more than kissing right now."
With that, she roughly attacked your lips again. So much so you stumbled back with the abrupt force. She had you pressed against the wall, slowly lifting your dress up to rest on your hips, "You're so much fun to touch." You giggled, bringing your lips to hers again.
It was as if you were in a rush. Her tongue entered your mouth without hesitation, licking across your bottom lip. You moaned and pulled her closer by her hair.
She slowly started descending her hand into your underwear. You intook a sharp breath as you felt her hand against your core, biting your lip. She watched your face as she slowly started rubbing gentle circles on your clit.
You started sliding down the wall a bit, "Y/N, I've barely touched you. Surely you can hold your own ground for a bit longer." She chuckled slightly, but you were already too blissed out to properly focus on her words.
Her fingers started making their way to your entrance. She slowly inserted them, listening to your exaggerated moan as she bottomed out in you. She held her fingers there for a bit, letting you catch your breath and adjust. Then, her fingers began to pull out. You elicited a drawn out moan, grabbing onto her shoulders, pulling her closer to you, "Go faster.
She smirked at your profile, speeding up slightly, hearing the sound of her fingers against your insides. You laced your fingers through her hair, pulling harshly. Larissa seemed unphased though you were pulling hard enough for her to maybe feel it tomorrow.
She had continued this torture, having reached a phenomenal speed already. You had wrapped your arms around her whole body, desperately clawing at her back, "Oh god, Larissa don't stop." She captured your lips in hers, running her tongue along yours.
"I'm gonna cum, oh god, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop." She grabbed you harshly by the neck and pulled you in to whisper, "Well then do it."
You let go, feeling pure ecstasy course through your veins. Larissa let you ride out your bliss, then slowly pulling her fingers out of you. You fell down against the wall, panting. Beads of sweat had formed against your temples.
After regaining your strength, you asked for Larissa's hand to help you stand up. She was clearly proud of herself for making you weak in the knees. You fluttered your eyes open, looking at her, "Larissa," you pulled her down by her neck, closer to your face, "that was the best orgasm I've ever had." She chuckled into the kiss as you pulled her in again, bringing out moans from her.
You abruptly stopped and pushed her against the opposite wall and dropped to your knees. You rolled her dress up and pulled her underwear off. You looked up at her, "And now I'm going to give you the best orgasm you've ever had." You smirked before licking a long stripe against her core and feeling her fingers lace through your hair.
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I think this one is cute I made it up of the spot for you🤭
I was thinking like matt dillon x reader we’re the reader are on the cast of the outsiders and during the filming of the movie bts they were flirty and stuff and kinda like touching each other (non sexual ofc😟) and towards the end of the movie he asks her out and that go out on a date and like some time later there in interviews they talk abt each other and it’s all cute and shit
Idk if you don’t like it ignore it if you do then cool!
You were more than thrilled when you found out you got the role for "The Outsiders"
You have been waiting for them to call you and you were so nervous.
You sat in your dressing room, as the staff did your makeup and hair.
Once they were finished, you went outside to meet everyone.
Tommy (Ponyboy) was so sweet to you and he made you feel very welcome.
When you met Matt. God, your heart just almost stopped. Same for him.
You talked to each other the most.
You did the first scene and you walked with pony , Johnny and Dallas.
Matt couldn't keep his eyes off of you. They had to do many retakes becaause he was so distracted.
"Jesus, Matt. Gotta crush on the lady? Get it together" Ralph said, nudging his shoulder.
He blushed harshly.
"N-no. I don't, hush and mind your own role" He said playfully
y'all did a few scenes at the drive in and he threw his arm over your shoulder as y'all sat in y'all's seats. (def was not scripted)
The last scene took many takes but you definitely got it down.
You cried as johnny's heart rate went flat, hugging Ponyboy and Dallas ran off.
"Dally!" You screamed as he ran out the hospital.
You looked at pony then at Johnny, making you cry more.
The scene cut and you wiped your "Tears" before Matt came back into the room.
"You did so good Y/n" He complimented, rubbing your shoulder gently.
"I honestly thought you were really sad." Tommy said.
You all laughed and filmed the last scene.
When it was over, Matt walked up to.
"Hey y/n. Do you think I could talk to you in private?" He asked, smiling nervously.
"Sure tthing, sweets." You smiled, taking him somewhere private.
"Whats up?" You asked, sorta scared.
"Well, um I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out sometime. I uh really like you." He said, trying his best to hide his blush. He was scared he might have ruined a very special friendship.
You smiled brightly, kissing his cheek, before nodding and walking off.
A month later, Matt was in an interview. The rest of the cast was backstage, watching him, waiting for their turn.
"So the fans wanna know if there is something going on between you two. They have suspected you looking at Y/n like you were in love, that true?" The interview host asked, the crowd going silent waiting for Matt to respond.
"Um" He chuckled, a pink tint on his cheeks as the crowd laughed.
You were as red as a stop sign as the rest of the cast teased you.
"Yeah actually, um. I asked her out when we were done with the movie and she said yes and here we are." He said as the audience went "aw" and some laughed as he tried to play it cool.
"What made you like her?" A fan screamed.
"Yes that's a good question what made you like her?" The host asked Matt.
He blushed some more and went on to tell everyone.
"Well you know, she was there for everyone and she was just very sweet and very very pretty and I don't know, it just made me feel somethin I guess." He said as the audience screamed at how cute his response was.
"Why don't we get Y/n out here, hm?" He said, calling someone to bring you to the stage
Matt hid his face in his jacket, intensely embarrassed.
You walked onto the stage and sat right next to him, wrapping your arm around him smiling brightly.
The audience squealed and hollered.
Matt smiled to himself.
"That's so cute you guys. Y/n, what made you fall in love with Matt?" The host said, asking you the same question as Matt.
"Well he was very kind and he just has the most amazing smile and he is really handsome and he just makes me really happy and I wouldn't pick anybody over my sunshine." You said, fixing his hair gently, moving it out of his face as he smiled and blushed.
The crowd screamed as the host ended the show off on a great note.
(I'm so sorry if it's bad, I wanted to improve it but I didn't want to do too much and make it worse, I hope you like it, I was really excited to write this. Thank you for the opportunity bae <3)
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aestherin · 2 years
[name]'s (official)
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[Name] - a famous actress signed under narukami entertainment of inazuma. most people are also aware that you have a good singing voice, but actually, you have only sang in public once (the variety show gained tons of viewers after that so the staff and cast of that show treasure our dearest [name] very much). apart from that, the only way the people can hear you sing is when scaramouche sometimes features you in his songs. a fan of miss kamisato ayaka (highkey).
Lumine - our beloved best girl. she is a widely known vlogger and influencer, mostly focusing on travel and lifestyle. she and aether also sometimes does guestings in variety shows (viewers love their banters and chaotic energy very much). miss girl here is [name]'s closest friend and no. 1 accomplice when it comes to making fun of her dearest twin.
Aether - the loverboy. same as Lumine; they are travel twinnies <3. sometimes (a lot of times actually) does challenges for fun. is dubbed as 'mr. worldwide'. may or may not be the secret boyfriend of a famous artist, which is related to why he sometimes asks [name] to do stuff for him. may or may not be the reason why [name] gets linked to the love of their life.
Yae - miss ma'am is a very fun character, a famous variety show host. miss yae loves tea and gossip, some even wonder why did she just not work as a paparazzi instead. people either love or hate her because of her personality. might have actually been cancelled via multiple threads on twitter but our resident fox never gave a single damn. 'i'm too busy enjoying my sake to even bother caring,' she once said.
Ei - everytime [name] looks at her, all they probably see is a walking atm (jk). miss raiden is the richest of the friend group because of their family assets (she manages them all what a girl boss). she is scara's older sister and is the group's sugar mommy. even though ei is not in showbiz, she is still known because of her amazing reputation when it comes to handling business. can't cook for her life.
Scara - a famous artist. he might be emo but that's okay, people love him for it. this jerk will usually disappear after dropping an album and will have the audacity to be present again after months just to release another one without any prior teasers or even official announcements. fans beg him to have mercy because for archon's sake, mister balladeer here never gives them time to save up for his albums. he rarely posts photos of himself on social media but once he does, people (even non-fans) eat it up and become feral.
Childe - most famous ginger in teyvat. is actually not part of the friend group. he is [name]'s childhood friend! is a member of the world-famous band dckz, and his stans' love language is apparently acts of slander. may or may not have mentioned in an interview (aired live on national TV) that he has a tiny admiration for this vlogger named Lumine (dearest Lumi still hasn't forgiven him for the amount of dckz fangirls flooding her dms). no one in the friend group knows that childe and [name] are friends.
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anashins · 2 years
hi mina, happy new year! starting off 2023 good through sending u a request!! i dunno if you have done this but can i request idol!jaehyun x actress!reader? but rather than reader who's fangirling over him, it's the other way around. like jh has been watching reader's works, praised her acting n recommends few of her works n stuff on live. so when they get paired tgt for a drama, they make such a cute couple both off and on screen, constantly giving compliments to e/o, etc., the rest is yours to tell!! thank you!!
(this is my manifestation of actor jaehyun to make a comeback in 2023, hopefully 🥲)
Pairing: idol!Jaehyun x actress!reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1k
A/N: HNY, dear! Let's manifest actor!Jaehyun in a romantic role that makes us all swoon 😍
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“You did well - J.”
You twisted the card in your hands, inspecting the front and the back, but not much else information had been sent along with the flowers that had waited for you in the dressing room on your last day of shooting. 
It was normal for actors to get flowers and gifts once they finished filming, but you usually knew who sent them - staff, crew, friends, family members. There wasn’t a person in your narrow circle of acquaintances starting with the letter ‘J’ and not having written their full name on the cards except for the mysterious sender of the pink peonies. 
Out of all flowers, they were your favorite ones, that much they knew.
“Do you know who sent them?” you asked your assistant, but she also only shrugged.
“They got brought in with all the other gifts.” She paused and then widened her eyes as though she got hit by a sudden realization. “I bet it’s Jaehyun! How funny would that be?”
You blinked still in confusion. “Who?”
“Jaehyun from NCT. The one you’re shooting your next drama with? The lead? Hello?”
“Ah, you mean Jeong Yuno. I don’t perceive him as the idol he is. Under his real name, he’s only my co-actor.” 
You were only a casual listener to k-pop, but of course you knew NCT. When you had first gotten casted for this new coming of age drama, you were so happy to finally do something that wasn’t targeted to teens only that you didn’t care much about who the lead was, that was how much you trusted the respectful director. When it was announced that Jaehyun from NCT would do his second drama alongside you in this challenging project, you had been initially doubtful. He was an idol, not an actor, and idol dramas had quite the reputation you didn’t want to live up to. You hoped he too.
“I saw his Instagram live yesterday.” Your assistant was a certified fan with her bias being Doyoung. “He recommended your newest release and encouraged his fans to look forward to this one. He’s certainly such a fanboy of yours.”
“... he did?” You looked at the flowers and the card again. “He certainly got a lot of praise for his first drama.”
“I told you so!”
You allowed yourself to smile, getting caught up in a wishful thought that your assistant could be right and the flowers came from him, although you hadn’t even met personally yet. He was indeed very handsome, and from what you had seen, kind and respectful too, certainly a nice lead to act alongside with.
“Are we getting flattered, y/n?” she teased.
“No way!” you defended yourself. “Could be anyone else too. Quite a few celebs recommend my works, it probably has nothing to do with him.”
“Whatever you say, but that’s my guess.”
“Jaehyun, how was your experience working alongside y/n for your newest drama? She’s praised as the greatest actress of this generation.”
Jaehyun looked at the interviewer. He had been booked today for a photoshoot and an article with this magazine, of course questions about his latest work were inevitable. 
“She certainly is,” he answered. “She’s been in the industry since she was a child, so she has a lot of experience and could teach me many things since this is my second drama only. We practiced our scenes together a lot, so that the director would be satisfied and not many re-shoots were needed. She’s a capable and helpful co-actress.”
“What was an incident that stuck with you while filming?”
“One day, I came in sick, but we really needed to close this certain scene at the venue. Y/n waited for me with a thick blanket in which she wrapped me once I finished filming so that I wouldn’t be too cold. Aside from being a great actress, y/n is a great person too, always looking out for others.”
Jaehyun knew the last sentence was probably pushing it, but he got a kick out of it, wondering how much of it could make it through the editing process since he had read through the internet as well. Most of his fans were head over heels for such facts that supported their fictional ship. Truth to be told, he hadn’t expected such a positive reception, especially since they had quite a few kissing scenes too. 
“Okay…” The interviewer raised his brow over Jaehyun’s open attitude.  “You once admitted you were a fan of y/n or better say her works, even before shooting the drama. While filming, it was quite obvious that you got along well, not only during your scenes together, but also privately as you constantly talked and joked around. Would you say the fondness you had developed for each other on screen transferred to off screen? Fans would certainly be delighted. They even refer to you as the next Song couple.”
“This is not an appropriate question,” the manager interrupted. “I would ask you to stick to the questions approved beforehand.”
“Yes, but only this additional one… y/n recently got spotted wearing a shirt you once wore as well that wasn’t even produced by the designer anymore and was a bit too large for her. How can you explain this?”
“Please stick to the approved questions,” the manager chided again, obviously ready to throw hands.
“With an occupation in the entertainment industry, not as an idol but now also as an actor, I wouldn’t have so much time for a relationship,” Jaehyun cleared up. “In the future, I would like to continue concentrating on drama roles while simultaneously giving my best to contribute to the group. Please look forward to NCT’s comeback next month.”
“Thank you, Jaehyun.”
When Jaehyun had finished his last schedule for the day, he got into the car. It was already dark outside, but he still pulled out his phone to dial a certain number. She picked up right after the first ring.
“Listen…” he began and sighed, “I know you like wearing my clothes. But can you please not pick out one from years ago that people might recognize? They are sharp-eyed.”
She giggled at the other end of the phone. “I’m sorry, it looked so cozy. Are you already on your way?”
“Yes. See you in a few. I brought a gift.”
On the seat next to him, there was a bouquet of pink peonies.
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rikeijo · 1 day
Today’s translation #765
Spoon.2Di vol. 19, Toyonaga Toshiyuki's interview
Part 8.
-- What was your impression of Victor's voice actor, Suwabe Jun'ichiro's or Yuri's voice actor, Uchiyama Koki's performance, when you heard it?
Toyonaga: At first, Suwabe-san was experimenting a lot to get his role of Victor right, but I've heard that through discussions with Director Yamamoto and Kubo-san, gradually he started to get it right. When I'm standing in front of a mike, playing my role as Yuuri, I tend to forget that it's Suwabe-san who is standing next to me, and feel like it's Victor by my side, who I'm talking to - his performance is really this incredible...! Ucchii (Uchiyama-san) is very good at adjusting his performance according to how other actors play their roles. I feel that even though he haven't discussed this at all, for him it's something like: 'If that is how he plays his Yuuri, I'm going to play my Yuri in this way'. So I'm impressed, because that's something that only Ucchii can do.
-- The other day, I watched the talk show that was a part of the pre-screening event. I've felt that staff members and cast members alike love this show very much. How the atmosphere at the recording studio was like from your perspective?
Toyonaga: In case of Yuri!!! on ICE, it takes us a lot of time to record the voice-over, but it only shows how serious everyone is about it - I mean, I really feel that we all together create this show, going through trials and errors. Everyone is really kind, and when we talk it's just a lot of fun, but when it's time to get serious, everyone gets serious, so I think that we all can keep a very good balance, when working at the studio. Recently, I've been working a lot with younger voice actors, and it's a very fun and stimulating experience. On the other hand, I still think of myself as being in the middle of developing my skills, so when I have less opportunities to work with senior voice actors, who have gathered much more life experience, my desire to learn from them, and steal their techniques grows stronger (laugh). I think that Yuri!!! gave me the opportunity to fulfill this desire, and I once again, it made me realize how important it is to be at the studio and work with senior voice actors.
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roryparis · 2 months
Saw your post regarding Leonard and Sheldon at the beginning of the show and what they were like versus how they became… and I definitely do agree that the writers and creative minds behind the show definitely did fudged a few things over the course of the show not just with our 4A duo turned 4th floor trio once Penny’s more established in their lives, but a lot of characters and relationships.
As a person who has read and watch a lot of interviews with the folks behind the show and read the behind-the-scenes book by Jessica Radloff… Unfortunately, it’s a too common occurrence with sitcoms that have both a large main cast and it being a series that becomes so popular that it has multiple seasons.
Add the fact that Chuck Lorre - one of the minds that birthed TBBt - has personally admitted to not being the type to plan ahead, which can cause storylines/plot/canon to suffer along with character development/growth, and he’s more known for his classic mean-spirited humor and drama gags than anything else… And you have the cons and hiccups of Big Bang explained.
Plus, while having a lot of creative minds in the writers room can be a good thing as you have people that you can soundboard off and help you figure out potential ideas. It can quickly become a too many cooks in the kitchen situation where in that analogy the ideas or “dishes” either get scrapped entirely, burned, or under satisfying/could have been better prepared. 
Lorre also has a reputation in the industry for being a bit of a control freak and in the behind-the-scenes book, he mentioned trying to adopt a more hands off stance and being more willing to listen to others opinions, which worked out with a lot of decisions in certain episodes, but also didn’t pan out too well when folks were trying to… I guess the word would be emulate his style in the writing once he stepped back from directing to let others take the reins… and well… 🤷🏻‍♀️ We got great episodes, good episodes, and depending on your mood episodes out of that.
anyway, now I’m rambling, but I just thought I’d go ahead and share what I know along with my opinion.
However, going back to the situation with Leonard and Sheldon, I do think it could’ve been handled differently, and if they wanted to go ahead and show like say… Sheldon being stuck while Leonard and the rest of the guys are moving forward with their lives and sort of learning to grow emotionally and socially, then it would better explain Sheldon‘s behavior since we know Sheldon is notoriously known for not liking change as he frankly is scared of it.
I certainly think there was a bit of a missed opportunity of having Leonard eventually understand just why Sheldon is responding this way - like a scared animal - and confronting his roommate/best friend in a way that reminds him that change isn’t bad but this behavior is out of line. We did see early on in the early seasons that Leonard - Howard, Penny, & the staff at CalTech too - was able to reach Sheldon through the use of logic that even Sheldon could deny their arguments no matter how much he pouted or sulked.
It’s part of the reason why I kind of love and hate that episode way later on where Sheldon makes a big stink about Leonard getting a dining room table for the apartment - Leonard makes a very solid argument about the good of change, but of course since it’s Sheldon and Sheldon is the breakout fan favorite… 🫤 plus, I know it’s to keep the iconic scene of them all eating takeout 🥡 dinner together around the coffee table.
oh that’s interesting about the behind the scenes stuff! i didn’t know any of that, thanks for sharing!
and then about leonard and sheldon, i think that they did show leonard moving while sheldon stays in place. like, i think that the central conflict in their relationship in later seasons was that leonard is changing his life and therefore their lives and sheldon is unhappy with that. and i think the reason for that is. sheldon in season 1 kind of already has his dream life. he’s passionate about his job and he’s free to pursue his hobbies and interests and he has friends who understand and are also passionate about both of those things. and then leonard i think is happy in the day to day for the same reasons that sheldon is. but unlike sheldon, leonard’s always had this picture of what he thinks life should look like and it isn’t the life he had at the time. so leonard was always going to make changes in his life and therefore their lives and it makes a lot of sense that sheldon would be upset about that both because he loves their life as is and because, as you said, he’s afraid of change. i personally didn’t mind the way that was handled. (i might have had issues with some individual storylines but those stemmed from the fact that it irritates me that sheldon was flanderized.)
and then i also tend to think that leonard did understand why a sheldon reacted that way to him changing their lives. and he argued the point a lot for small things but for big things, he empathised and always tried to help. like when he and penny stayed with sheldon after they got married instead of moving away. like i think that for me, the issue isn’t that leonard didn’t understand or love sheldon. he very clearly did. but i feel like later seasons did a bad job of showing that he liked sheldon. that they were best friends and had fun together. i feel like that started to feel less true and they more were saying that leonard views his love for sheldon as a burden.
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the1trueanon · 11 months
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Fun fact! Actor AU is currently the only WH AU to have a version of Sage instead of Rosemary! :D
Her intro stuff is really long, so I'll put it under the cut (AAAA IM SO EXCITED TO SHARE HER)!!
So, for the Actor AU, Sage actually isn't an actor at all! She's a singer and songwriter who has pretty recently (like, within the past year or two before meeting the WH cast, maybe?) become very popular. Sage's personality and music draw a lot of inspiration from AURORA and MALINDA -- songs that tend to have a lot of deeper meaning behind them. She's eccentric and honestly a bit weird, but she's most known for being open and honest about herself and her music, and for being very caring and sweet. She's able to immediately connect to people and help them see different points of view, which is part of why she's gotten so popular with both puppet and human audiences.
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Wally, of course, doesn't really trust it, considering how he thinks and what he believes. He assumes she's probably just another attention-hungry diva, thinking they're the shit, using the whole "lets all be best buds!" schtick to sell out. So he doesn't really pay attention to her or what she does too much, besides taking note of her rising popularity.
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That is, of course, until he meets her.
Due to Sage's rising popularity, the show executives decide to have her come on the show as a sort of guest star. Wally doesn't really like this, but they're able to negotiate him to at least try it out for an episode and they'll decide what to do after that. Wally reluctantly agrees, but he's not too optimistic about it. He's really just expecting another one of those "rising star" types, y'know? (Which, fair enough, when you consider what all he's probably had to deal with in his time, plus the fact that all he's probably ever seen or heard of her is in interviews, and he puts on an act well enough for his, so.)
I have a whole actual comic planned detailing this that I'll hopefully finish and get out soon (sitting and writing comics is hard when you have near-zero focus QwQ) but essentially he's outside, before filming for the first day of this, just to get air before having to go back in and start directing things and getting ready and she approaches him and just starts talking with him. And he has no idea who the fuck this is??? (Honest to god, he'll never admit it now but he thought she was an intern or something at first XD) But slowly he goes from just answering her shortly to actually participating in the conversation?? And not just a "how's the weather" sort of thing, but like. Actual deep conversation, about what he's doing out there and talking through a little bit of the stress and stuff. And eventually he kinda like, comes to and realizes he's been talking way too much about way too deep stuff and he's like "hold up who tf are you again?" Which is about the same time her manager (who has been named Savannah and she's also a sweetheart) comes out looking for her and before Sage heads in she fully introduces herself to him, and he's just. Stunned. Absolutely blown away.
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Here he was, expecting some diva he'd have to give the shake down to, but instead he's met with just. A girl. An honest, strange, caring girl.
This continues throughout that week of filming, Sage subverting every expectation Wally previously had of her. The whole time he's just more and more startled by Sage and who she is. Her whole team is super sweet and she obviously has very deep trust in them, and jokes with them like friends. She treats his staff with utmost respect (which, admittedly, makes him act on his best behavior every time she's around. He doesn't wanna look bad in comparison XD). She seems to genuinely enjoy her time there and what she's doing. Even more than that, Sage honestly has a very poor filter, so she talks a lot about everything lol, but it can be good! Because this is how Wally learns about her drive to create and how much she genuinely wants to bring people together. He finds out that really, the two of them have very similar visions, just for different audiences. Later, he and the executives and director and stuff are all discussing if they wanna keep doing stuff with her and her team and he's just immediately like "Yes. Absolutely. She has a similar vision to me. We either keep doing stuff with her or I'm personally helping fund her, capiche?" and they're all like "👀Got it" XD
And then, of course, there's her music. Which, after that first day of filming, he searches up as much of as he can and listens to it. And is again absolutely blown away lmao (there's another little comic idea I have for this too hehehe but its much shorter than the other one)
And thus begins Wally's journey of self-improvement, led by Sage's example /j XDDDD
ANYWAY HRGHRGHRGHRHGR THATS ALL THE EXPOSITION IMMA GIVE HERE CAUSE THATS A LOT AND THERE'S STILL A TON MORE STORY IN MY BRAIN BUT AUUUGGGHHH I'M SO NORMAL ABOUT THIS AU (also Frills, I have no idea what spell you've put on me with this thing but I have never made such cinematic art before O-O don't stop XD)
As always, Welcome Home belongs to Clown (partycoffin) and Actor/Diva Wally and the Actor AU belong to the wonderful @frillsand!! 💖💖💖
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Beautiful Catalog Vol.3 ft. Kamen Rider Ryuki Cast Members Takashi Hagino x Ryohei Interviews & Photoshoot (translations below)
Publication: September 30, 2003
Takashi Hagino (Takeshi Asakura/Kamen Rider Ouja)
-I no longer make impulse purchases, like when it comes to snake print clothing (laughs)-
With a bright smile on his face, Hagino-san entered the studio. His pure white, rough style was perfectly balanced with the grass zori (sandals) on his feet, which was a unique choice! At first glance, it looks loose, with only the innerwear fitting to his body, but, it gives off a masculine feel. Against the natural materials, his silver accessories stand out.
Hagino: Fashion…..I'm not too picky about it~
He mutters to himself. His style is modest, contrary to his seemingly carefully coordinated choices.
"First off is the staff's favorite, here he is wearing a fluffy knit sweater."
Hagino: Uwah, who's that, me? My hair's all curly (laughs).
"We were most interested about this one. The growing reactions from those around you saying, "Cute~!," caused you to look nervous, which in turn made you look even cuter."
Hagino: During the time of that shoot, I was asked, "Please hold this plushie." Do I have to? It seems that stuff like that is becoming pretty common these days (laughs).
"What's your favorite fashion to wear?"
Hagino: Last year, all I wore was black. Black tanktops and such. Right now, I really want to wear whites. It's nice isn't it~? White! The other day, I saw Beckham wearing white on the cover of some magazine. He was also wearing pants like the ones I wore today. I thought, "Let's do this! I have the same fashion sense as Beckham" (laughs). From now on, I want you to call me Beckham (laughs).
"B-Beckham?? You want us to…..? Next, a jacket with fur that gives off an affectionate big brother feel. It's a very refreshing look!"
Hagino: I feel like I've never worn something like this either. It has a natural feel, like when you go out to walk your dog. By the way, the other day, for two days straight, I went to this pet store and was obsessed with this half chihuahua and papillon breed. When I looked at them, they hid in embarrassment. It was so cute! I was really hesitating whether to buy them or not, but the price for such a small and cute dog was 380,000 yen ($2,500)! The store is open until late in the morning, so I spend alot of time there. The shiba inu's and all the other dogs are just so cute to look at.
"Do you ever make impulse purchases?"
Hagino: Not anymore. Due to the "advice" of some store employees, I no longer buy snake print clothing (laughs). At the time, clothing with snake patterns were hard to come by, so when they saw me looking they said, "That'll look good on you~." They said, "We'll lower the price (alot)~." I thought, "Alright then~," and bought it. If you go shopping with friends, you'll have someone to stop you, but if you don't and go alone, you'll end up getting stuff that you can't afford. It's dangerous (laughs). I had to learn that recently.
"I'm not very particular when it comes to brands, but, the ones I like are Jil Sander and Dolce & Gabbana."
Hagino: I can't afford to buy all that because it's expensive, but, I do think it's really cool. Lately, I've been thinking that it would be nice to dress in a more formal way for such occasions. Wouldn't you want to try it? A dinner party on the roof of a building with a swimming pool. I'd even prepare business cards with a alot of lies on them (laughs).
"With fashion, Hagino-san says, "It's fun, it's like playing a game." What do you wear when you go to bed or to just relax?"
Hagino: It's either denim shorts or cargo shorts. I'll wear a T-shirt or tank top on top, which I'll take off when it's hot. The rest of the time I wear tracksuits (laughs). When I go to work, I'll wear either a T-shirt and jeans or tracksuit. I like to be able to change into my costume quickly and then take it easy.
"Finally, this last outfit is a multi striped suit with a strong sense of personality. With his hair up, he's transformed into abit of a bad boy. The manager said he looks like, "A respected elder brother." Hikawa Kiyoshi-kun from our office wore a similar suit for his "Zundoko Bushi" MV, but the vibe is totally different."
Hagino: It's so cool, the look reminds me of Lenny Kravitz! He's fashionable and looks good in fur, T-shirts, and all kinds of strange stuff. Compared to when I was first wearing the knit sweater, I feel like I've relaxed abit. It feels like I'm back (laughs).
"By the way, I hear you're very particular with your eyebrows."
Hagino: If I forget to draw my eyebrows before going out, I feel very uncomfortable (laughs). When I draw it myself, it's like a straight line. I'm not improving at all. I don't check my whole appearance in the mirror before going out, but I always pay attention to my eyebrows (laughs).
-I'll be a prince! But before that, I'd like to play a dirty role-
"He started doing karate about 3 years ago because he was attracted to the civility of the sport after playing many detective roles in the past. He takes time out of his busy schedule to attend karate, which he says helps him maintain his health and improve his voice for stage plays."
Hagino: I'm currently a yellow belt (6 kyu). I hope to be green this year, and brown within the next two years. Even before shooting for the photobook, I ran a marathon, went to karate, and did push ups when I'd wake up in the morning……that all I keep doing (laughs). Surprisingly, I don't mind doing these things.
His photobook, "Actor, Takashi Hagino," is filled with emotional and sensitive words that resonate with the heart.
"You say so many wonderful words."
Hagino: I wondered, "What can I do with this photobook?" I thought maybe I could include some words or afew sentences. But, it felt like, "As soon as you add color to a painting, it's ruined." I thought it'd be more interesting to write down what I was currently thinking, like a time capsule, so that later on I can say, "This is who I was!" I personally really like the poem "Confirmation."
"What's your favorite outfit in the photobook?"
Hagino: I liked the denim jacket~. That guy near the swingset, he may have been more offended by the unlikely setting of swings, rather than the fashion I was wearing (laughs).
"How was the stage play, "Yokosuka Dobuita Story," in which you played the leading role?"
Hagino: I really enjoy the stage experience. I also like the live feel of it. Since the foundation of a play is the stage…..I fully felt the determination of everyone around me, and while it was fun, I also fully enjoyed the live conflict that only a stage play can bring. I thought that as the rehearsals continued, I could feel so much of the warmth, cheerfulness, and sadness coming out of them.
"What do you think of Joji, the role you played?"
Hagino: In the beginning, he wasn't a nice guy…..but, he was a good guy. I think I was able to show him having fun and being sincere, so I'd like to add more variety if I ever play a role like that again.
"What scene was most memorable?"
Hagino: In the proposal scene with Kaori, played by Junko Mihara-san, she changed the way she spoke each time we performed it, and did so with different tricks, such as sulking or teasing. Gradually, our rhythm and breathing become the same, and my lines came out without being conscious of it. The scenes with Mihara-san were alot of fun to do.
"It's been announced that you'll play the role of the prince in the Cinderella musical. A bad prince…what's that about?"
Hagino: Quiet! (laughs). I don't think that's it, I think it's just a regular prince, but the script hasn't come in yet, so I don't know all the details. I am looking forward to the dancing in the musical. Although, I'm worried about singing. You know how the dialogue suddenly flows into a ballad like song with, "Why~"? I become nervous the moment, "Why~," comes up (laughs). But. I'll keep practicing and show you the fairy tale prince in all his glory.
"Will the prince's costume be……white tights?"
Hagino: My manager told me that if I wore white tights, right here (his crotch), would look really cool (laughs). No, rather, it's a wonderful fairy tale like costume. The show will be held in more than 20 locations across the country, so please look forward to it!
"What kind of roles do you want to play in the future?"
Hagino: Since I've already decided to play a prince, I'd like to play a serious and grim role before that. Something like a dirty role.
In his photobook, Hagino-san affirms that he loves humans, as he wrote, "Are you a human being? If you're a human, then you must be a wonderful one." This love for people is what makes his acting so refined, as he focuses on the essence of humans. We're really looking forward to seeing him as a fairy tale prince and in serious roles.
Ryohei (Shuichi Kitaoka/Kamen Rider Zolda)
-Is this too subtle? When it comes to this coordination, I think I should do my best.-
In a quiet studio located in a certain part of Tokyo, the sound of a camera shutter clicking resonates. The sounds are followed by rhythmical changes in facial expressions, poses, and overall atmosphere, creating the rich and colorful, "Ryohei World," almost like a perfectly beautiful picture were being painted.
Within the light, he strikes perfectly balanced poses that'll take your breath away, while occasionally trying to make us laugh by crossing his eyes and saying, "This is what real coordination looks like!"
While casually flapping his white coat, he says:
Ryohei: About 2-3 years ago, I used to wear clothes like these all the time during the Fall and Winter, but now, I don't wear them anymore. It's exhausting to wear them all day, don't you think? These days, I think it's better to dress comfortably. I wonder, have my shoulders become more relaxed as I've gotten older? Well, it's nice doing something like this once in awhile! It makes me feel motivated to strike the perfect poses.
"You picked out that coat."
Ryohei: The length is perfect! This half coat actually is a half coat. For some reason, usually, a half coat is a short coat, and a long coat is a half coat (laughs).
"Were there any problems with the size?"
Ryohei: No matter how big the clothes are, when I wear them, I always think, "These are way too small!" I do adore more loose fitting clothes. I can't pull off the look though (laughs).
"While not being particular about brands, Ryohei-san says, "I don't think something being expensive makes it better." He enjoys buying secondhand clothes, with sneakers making up half of his collection. He also claims to have about 50 pairs of unopened shoes. Today, he's wearing stylish leather sneakers."
Ryohei: I love sneakers. I sometimes think, "Even if they last a lifetime, I wonder, do I have enough?" I'll also put them in their box and stack them, it's really cool to look at (laughs). I don't really do it anymore, but there was a time when I used to pick out clothes that matched my shoes.
"Do you check your whole appearance in the mirror before going out?"
Ryohei: That's essential. Sometimes I'll dress in a way that makes me think, "Is this too subtle?," Although, I'm usually pretty ok with it. Fashion is like an extension of my hobby, so I think I should be doing my best at it. During the times I go on a date with a girlfriend, I think I should only make decisions when I really have too.
"Do you make snap decisions for a date??"
Ryohei: It depends on how long we've been together, but in the early stages of a relationship, a man wants to make a big impression (laughs). Well, if you've been together for 3-4 years, I think, "Alright, who cares~."
"That's terrible?!" (said by the entire female staff)
Ryohei: I don't think you have to be so cool in front of your partner all the time……I think it's okay to just look natural. So, it's not terrible, it's really not (laughs).
"What if after 3-4 years, she's wearing something she doesn't really care for?"
Ryohei: Well, that's exactly who I am. That's why I think we'd be compatible (laughs). You do your best at first, and once you're familiar with them, it doesn't matter what you look like.
"Do you care about your hairstyle?"
Ryohei: For me, I'm not particular with hair, so everyday my hairstyle is slightly different. When I go for a straight perm, my hair loses all its volume and flattens, regardless of how thick my hair is. A tip I can give, is to only use your hair dryer on areas that are particularly annoying and have strong frizz. It's easier to set up the look that way.
"Your eyebrows have a nice shape to them."
Ryohei: I don't do anything with my eyebrows. I don't want them being thin. It makes me lose the "impact" of my face and causes my appearance to change (laughs).
During the chair sitting shoot, the chair was too low compared to Ryohei's height, so he brought out a stepladder by himself, making it a very interesting shoot. Wearing a knit hat, Ryohei's beautiful face looked even more attractive, and he looked like a European college boy with an unfamiliar expression on his face.
"What is key to dressing well?"
Ryohei: I don't have any particular stances…..but, I don't want to be outdone by clothes. I want to make an effort to wear them, and even if I think they don't look good on me, I'll try and find a way to make them look good.
"You seem to be very good at posing."
Ryohei: During my time staying at motels, I studied my poses by looking in the mirror, so I wouldn't have to do them on set and feel embarrassed. It's like it's already been ingrained in my head. If I don't do them properly, the photographer won't be able to take any photos.
"While at Hagino-san's house, the two of them once practiced posing together while looking in the mirror. During the shoot, Hagino-san laughed and said, "Posing by Ryohei!," and he did the same pose Ryohei did, showing that they seem to get along really well. What advice do you have for for making your appearance look more beautiful?"
Ryohei: Pose standing slightly diagonal…doing so will make you look thinner. Always think of ways to make your appearance more slim (laughs).
"When did you first discover your style?"
Ryohei:…..I still haven't found it (laughs).
"Normally, wouldn't you discover fashion in the same way a girl would?"
Ryohei: Hmmm……It think it's alittle different from that (laughs). Rather than about clothes, I was thinking more about how to make people laugh and how to entertain them. When it comes to the clothes I'm wearing now, I don't think I can say whether they're good or bad. I might say later, "Why did I think this was cool to wear?" Fashion is an indifferent thing for me, but it's like a time capsule that reflects that moment in time……It's something that reminds me of who I was at one point.
-The action was difficult. Since my reach is different, it's difficult to get the timing right.-
"How was it working with veteran actors (Natori Yuko, etc) on "The Woman Prosecutor of Kyoto"?"
Ryohei: There was alot to learn just by listening and watching. The way they said their lines, it was so natural, me on the other hand, I'm still trying to perform well. In my head, I can see it all very well. But, it's hard to actually do it. On set, we called her "Professor Natori," since we had alot to learn from her.
"You made your first attempt as a voice actor in "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," correct?"
Ryohei: Actors can make facial expressions while speaking, right? It's easy to tell when someone's "angry" because they speaks in an angry tone and has an angry expression on their face. I looked at the voice actors and thought that they're skilled at manipulating their voices. They do whatever they want. The way they react, the way they breath…..as an actor, I've learned alot from them.
"I heard that the shooting for the upcoming film, "Bird's Eye," in which you play the lead role, was difficult due to wire acting."
Ryohei: It was quite difficult. But, it was something of a challenge for myself.
"Please tell us some highlights of the film."
Ryohei: It's an action film. But, I only had 3 days to practice. I couldn't even meet the person I was going to be working with until the day of filming. Being so tall, I had a different reach from my partner, so it was very difficult to find the correct timing. When you punch, you take a step forward, right? But when I step forward, I get too close, so I end up performing a limp punch (laughs). I'm sure there must have been a better way to do it, but unfortunately, I didn't have time to do any research.
"The way you beat them up was impressive though."
Ryohei: I was mostly on the receiving end (laughs). RIKIYA-kun (Kawaguchi Rikiya), who played Tsuyoshi, used to box, so as expected, his punches were excellent.
After the photo shoot, Ryohei-san went to the waiting room. Among the outfits there, he found a pair of yellow pants with purple square patterns on it, and his eyes started to sparkle.
Ryohei: This, it's amazing! I want to wear it right now! Can I try this on?
Just as Ryohei enjoys fashion with a carefree attitude, and takes on challenges with an open mind, while also exploring new areas as an actor one after another, absorbing them naturally and without hesitation. His sincere attitude to cherish every moment and his mischievous spirit of challenge expands "Ryohei's World" endlessly, by giving off a refreshing charm. We won't take our eyes off his future challenges.
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