#almost forgot to post this here too oopsies
daclium · 4 months
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c00kietin · 4 months
Oopsies I almost forgot about this I drew today-
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Stacy!! She has appeared on this blog before (and @kraang5 drew her hee hee) but I honestly kinda wanna talk about her more- sooo here ya go! :D
She/they/most other pronouns, pretty much anything but he/him-I generally will refer to Stacy with she/her the most :D
Stacy is a human(??) who has been trapped in the chaotic world that is the internet since she was around 12.
Her body is strange in the way that it is made up of pixels, yet can touch physical objects no problem.
She is able to come in and out of technology, for instance she could jump out of your phone and climb back in again if she wanted to.
But she won't do that. She just wants to be your friend! :D
she just wants to have friends-
Stacy can surf the internet and pretty much find anything in a matter of seconds, whether that's an article, a video, or your online shopping list.
She can see and have access to pretty much anything.
However, she doesn't use this ability much and just spends her time watching videos and reading fanfiction.
Imagine the fandoms you're in? She likes them too.
Even those little niche ones you don't think anyone knows about. She does.
She has all the time in the world! She has spent countless hours simply discovering new media to consume just so she can interact with more people and cure her boredom.
She sometimes disguises herself as fictional characters just so she can talk to others, but these can be faulty and don't work in the real world.
Speaking of, she's a lot weaker out of technology. She always needs a good source of mobile data or wifi connection, otherwise all her actions will be significantly slower, and she can't go anywhere near water.
she is another old oc of mine, and nothing much has changed since I first made her :]
Stacy is self aware that I exist, as well as everyone here. She's looking forward to saying hello! :D Once I draw her more often-
But, uh, yeah- she's probably more aware of the fourth wall than any of my other ocs are so that's why I talk about her like this if that makes sense-
thank you for reading this far (if u did)!! I might post more info about her someday since she has quite a bit more but ya know-
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Reborn Again (and again and again)
(Sanzu's bday fic with tones of angst)
(Bonten HaruMai)
It's been a while since I posted my fics here bc no spoons kept my away of tumblr ( I'm gonna try to post all of them and they are always on ao3!)
But.... Sanzu Haruchiyo birthday seems like the perfect occasion for this!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LIL PINK GREMLIN, I LOVE YOU DEARLY AND YOU DESERVE THE WORLD! (but I'm gonna give you angst and a lap full of Mikey, oopsie?)
(link to ao3 in case someone wants to read it there)
Summary: Sanzu remembers his last birthday, bittersweet memories that keep his delusions afloat.
And of course, he'll never lose his faith in his king.
(even when Mikey's eyes are completely devoid of all emotion)
Warnings: Manga Spoilers (Bonten timeline, so yeah), Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Implied Suicide, Mental Health Issues (issues is an understatement xD), Toxic Codependent Relationship, Heavily Depressed Mikey, Burn Out Sanzu, Unrequited Delusional Love, and idk, is Bonten they are so totally not fine and it shows, okay?
Yeah, this fic is an emotional roller coaster, it felt like it writing it and is not less of it as a reader (or I've been told that). Oh, Sanzu is sad and horny bc you can't tell me Bonten Mikey has energy to fuck (or live)
There is a part of the fic inspired on this art, bc Mikey sleeping on Haru's lap is for some reason precious to me 💜
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Sanzu was bored, his feet kept tapping the ground, his mind drifting far away from here. He should be paying attention to his surroundings, guarding the building where his king was. 
Instead, he was lost in the memories of his last birthday, almost one year ago. Wondering if it would be different this time, if Mikey remembered his promise. He shook his head, immediately feeling guilty for daring to doubt it. Of course he did, Sanzu was only feeling insecure, nothing new. 
(He had to repeat it as many times as necessary, to convince himself that Mikey’s eyes had not been completely devoid of all emotion for more than a month)
To be fair, the fact that Hangaki didn’t represent any type of threat to his king, wasn’t helping him focus on the present or to keep his thoughts from wandering back to the previous year.
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Sanzu was having a shitty day. That wasn’t exactly unusual lately, he had become more and more tired during the last years few months. Exhausted would be the right word, but he couldn’t afford to rest, to even entertain the possibility that he should delegate some of his responsibilities to others if he didn’t want to end up completely burned out. But of course, he couldn't trust anyone else to perform his duties, so Sanzu was forced to continue stretching himself thin.
(If he was more honest with himself, he could admit that he had been falling apart for way too long. But he wasn’t, he couldn’t)
Whatever. He was used to it. He’s handled this weariness before — today wasn’t unique. He was a grown ass man, who definitely wouldn’t throw a tantrum just because everyone forgot it was his birthday. And twenty-seven wasn’t a memorable number either, so who cared? 
This was just Sanzu being salty, tonight's job took up more time than he anticipated, so he had to see Takeomi’s ugly face for way too long. Yeah, it was totally unrelated to the pang of jealousy he felt when he overheard the older man explaining to Kakucho how this week was special, since the anniversary of Senju’s death was close. He wasn’t that pathetic, to hold a grudge because, even now, his sister kept hogging all the attention.
(What sister? Sanzu was an only child, his own mind was playing tricks to him again)
He sighed, using his own set of keys to open the door of Mikey’s penthouse and trying to be as silent as possible. He was fully aware his king wouldn’t be sleeping — it was getting harder each day to convince him to even try it.
It was better to be quiet anyway, at least, until he had a clue of which mood he was going to find. Would it be one of those days of empty glares and cold words, where he was only ‘Sanzu’? Or…
A weak whisper, but more than enough for him to quickly locate the source. Mikey was sitting on the sofa, completely in the dark except for the dim light that came through the window, proving the outside world was still there, uncaring and merciless. 
“Hey… I’m back.”
His heart sank when he got closer, finally noticing Mikey’s puffy eyes and his tear-streaked cheeks. He wanted nothing more than to comfort him, caress his beautiful face and erase any trace of pain in it. But he knew better. Years of walking on broken glass around his lover taught him better.
(Was ‘lover’ the right word? When he had to repress his own feelings, pretending there was no love in order to stay by Mikey’s side? Probably not)
“What’s wrong?” 
He asked cautiously, sitting on the nearest armchair. Mikey blinked a couple of times, looking at him in awe, almost like he was processing that Sanzu was really here.
“I thought you wouldn’t come tonight.” 
There was no point in reminding him that he could just text or call —that no matter what he was doing, Sanzu would leave it in a heartbeat to run to his king's side. Mikey was fully aware of it, but he refused to show this type of weakness.
“I’ll always come back to you, Mikey.”
He gave him a soft smile, hoping it was somehow reassuring. It seemed to work, considering the next moment he had a lap full of Mikey, wrapping his arms around Haruchiyo’s neck and hiding his face in it. He didn’t have to think twice before hugging him back and gently pulling the thin body closer.
“I’m sorry, the deal took longer than I thought.” 
A noncommittal hum was the only answer he received,  another sign that Mikey cared less every day about his own organization. It was fine, Sanzu could keep the gears turning and perfectly greased, waiting until his king was ready to step back in the game and take what was rightfully his. 
“But I’m here now, I’m right here…” 
His voice dripped with affection, his touch conveying the same feeling as he started to play with the white locks. The soft caresses spoke louder than the words he’ll never say. It was fine — he was good at hiding parts of himself, burying it with all his secrets.
(So many secrets, weighing him more every day, slowly drowning him until he couldn’t recognize his own reflection)
“You are.” Mikey finally lifted his head, looking at him like he was trying to figure out something. “Even if this morning…”
“No idea what you’re talking about.” 
It was a lie, they both knew it. Of course he remembered how detached his king had been, how disgusted he looked by his weak attempt at cuddling. The cold voice, clearly commanding him to disappear from his sight. ‘Don’t you have work to do, Sanzu?’
It was a lie, one of the many he carefully crafted for Mikey’s sake. There was no need to dwell on it when Sanzu wanted to comfort him, not burden him with guilt. Especially when the cause was his own inability to hide his stupid hopes and desires. 
“Apparently about nothing.”
“Yep, nothing at all.” He repeated, softly brushing a strand of hair out of Mikey’s eyes and kissing his forehead, earning a simper in return.
Wait, what? A smile? A coy one, small and probably easy to miss for anyone else. But not for him, Sanzu was able to spot the most subtle change in his king’s expression, and this wasn’t subtle. A genuine smile on Mikey’s face? And thanks to him? 
Sanzu’s inner turmoil disappeared. The fatigue that he constantly carried with him was gone too. Just like that, a simple gesture from his king, made everything better, all the problems more than worth it as long as it meant protecting these rare moments of happiness.
(A necessary reminder of why he kept fighting, always so restless, refusing to let go, reinventing himself over and over)
He leaned in to cross the small distance between their lips, kissing him slowly, wanting to savor the moment. There was no rush for once, and even if he longed for more, even if his body reacted to the closeness and the familiar taste, he knew too damn well Mikey’s libido had been practically nonexistent lately. 
No matter how much he yearned to go further, he’d take whatever his king offered to him without presumptions. For now, Sanzu was content with the way Mikey’s lips parted, allowing his tongue to explore freely. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning inside the kiss, realizing he sounded too desperate. 
Damn it, when was the last time they actually had sex? He couldn’t recall when it was, but he could clearly see the memories – the way Mikey whimpered in his ear, his body pressed against the shower wall… 
Fuck, he had to calm down before his own neediness tarnished this moment doing something stupid — Like pressing Mikey’s warm body down onto his growing erection, bucking his hips slightly, rubbing himself just enough to feel the friction against that tight ass he adored so much… Stop it, brain!
Sanzu pulled away from the kiss with a flustered face, looking at Mikey with glossy eyes and pressing their foreheads together, still catching his breath. 
“Why are you apologizing, Haruchiyo?” There was a sad undertone in his voice that didn't go unnoticed. “It’s me, I can’t even give you that, you should…” 
“Don’t go there.” He gently placed a finger in front of the other’s lips. “I don’t need it, okay? I can live perfectly fine without fucking.”
“But you want it.” Mikey deadpanned. 
“Of course I do, because you’re gorgeous and I can’t help feeling attracted to you.” He gave him a soft peck. “And that’s on me, you don’t owe me anything, alright? Having you in my arms like this is already the best birthday gift I could ever wish for.”
“Nothing.” It was too late — he knew as soon as he saw Mikey’s eyes widening in a mix of surprise and clarity.
“Fuck, it’s July… That’s not nothing!” He groaned in frustration. “Did you get to celebrate it at least?” 
Judging by the way Mikey looked at him, the answer to this was probably written in his face. That was the exact reason why he didn’t tell him, to absolve him of the guilt, to prevent him from falling deeper into self-loathing. 
“It’s okay, we can still celebrate it together if you want-”
“It's not even your birthday anymore.” 
His rage was icy cold, Sanzu was sure the temperature of the whole room dropped a few degrees. Suddenly he was freezing, despite the anger not being directed at him for once. 
“Then we don’t? It’s not a big deal, really, there will be other occasions. It happens every year, right?” His gaze stared at him with disbelief. “What? I’m serious, I don’t need some fancy ass shit, this is already perfect.”
“Haruchiyo…” Whatever his king wanted to say, the way Sanzu hugged him tighter seemed to change his mind. Instead, he sighed, burying his face on the crook of his neck. “Fine. Next year?”
“Next year it is.” 
He started to stroke his hair once again, wanting to leave this conversation behind. It was true, his day got infinitely better the moment Mikey sat on his lap and hugged him. Sanzu couldn’t ask for more, because there was nothing but him.
“I won’t forget it, I promise.” 
Sanzu gasped at the honesty in those words, a lump in his throat that threatened to make him cry, touched by his king making a promise to him. It wasn’t going to happen, he couldn’t put his own burden on Mikey, it was his to bear alone. 
(Alone and isolated inside of his own mind)
“I know you won’t Mikey, I believe in you.” 
He whispered with raw devotion. He will never lose his faith in Mikey, because as long as his king kept breathing… Everything was possible. 
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Sanzu smiled softly, melting slightly with the memory of how Mikey ended falling asleep on his lap, of how he made sure to stay still, to not interrupt the other’s dreams. If he closed his eyes, he could see how perfect Mikey looked when he woke up hours later, well rested for once. The way his face lit up when he saw that Sanzu was still there, hugging him for hours and making sure he was comfortable. He could even feel the lingering sensation of his lips on his own… Damn it, how could he miss Mikey so much when they were almost living together?
(It was due to Mikey fading in front of him, disappearing somewhere out of his reach. No, he couldn’t admit that)
He sighed, frustrated with himself. He was doing it again, yearning instead of being grateful for what he was given. 
A sudden change in the white noise from nearby pedestrians forced him to snap out of his inner turmoil. He lifted up his head, scanning the surroundings to find the source of the commotion. 
Sanzu’s eyes widened with panic, the world went silent. Except for the echo of his own delusions shattering into thousand pieces, ringing in his ears for a split second that lasted for ages.
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iantimony · 1 month
oopsie, two missed tuesdays!
and i almost missed this one too!!!! i was moving apartments. ough. this is a random mishmash of everything i remember of the past .. three ?? ??? weeks.
listening: finished s1 of the silt verses! faulkner is my poor little meow meow etc. i am rotating it in my brain. will have more thoughts next week probably.
some fugazi because they were referenced in a mina le video on merch and i was intrigued. they're good!
fugazi waiting room
brat charli xcx on recommendation of beloved mutual png jpeg. i liked it, i don't normally go for her style but there's some good earworms in here. really good gym album. not sure which specific song to drop here because it was a Full Album experience imo.
in terms of relistening/older stuff, the dear hunter antimai, more franz ferdinand. finally listened to sound & fury by sturgill simpson all the way through, it's really good. boyf also got me to listen to die antwoord and ohhh i do like this. a lot.
i fink u freeky (die antwoord)
also more bionicle playlist. it's just a dose of early 00's-10's music delivered via iv directly into my bloodstream. sorry.
reading: this was from a few weeks ago actually but i forgot about it. we stopped over in pittsburgh for a night and briefly entertained the idea of going to a museum or something road-trip style and found this museum review. surprisingly she is not a lesbian.
and then related to the watching, wikipedia pages for victor ninov and darleane c hoffman!
watching: mina le: the merch industry has gone too far, WAGs, blokecore, and the “feminization” of sports
swell entertainment: the marketability of celebrity eras, how to destroy your audience's trust
started dangelo wallace's ozempic video. the fatphobia had me tapping out pretty quick tho. also watched about half of joy achill's "the george r r martin problem" about asoiaf stuff, gonna finish it tomorrow i think
watched "the man who tried to fake an element" with the boyf, really fascinating, i knew a little bit of it from one of my undergrad classes but this was a really good deep dive.
also watched two episodes of space dandy with the boyf. so much to unpack there.
playing: more dnd but otherwise fallow. made a little dungeon crawl type thing so that's pretty straightforward.
making: coasters mostly right now! the main ones are a Surprise so i will not be posting them yet. instead look at my worm
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i've also started knitting a magic the gathering card sleeve as a semi-gag gift for a friend. it's really really stupid i love it so much. it is just ten rows of a rectangle in stockinette right now but i'm going to mock up a little texture work to get the swamp land symbol in the back.
eating: did a lot of takeout right after moving because, Yeah, but i finally started settling back in to home cooked meals. made my favorite orzo salad for a temple potluck, an ungodly amount of gyudon, and a garlic butter shrimp pasta thing.
misc: my new apartment is good!! the insulation isn't great, i know i'll have to shrinkwrap some windows this winter for Sure, but overall i'm settling in. i have a lot of organization and purging to do, especially of my House Clothes, craft supplies, and makeup/beauty shit, and i need to get one or two pieces of furniture still (like a couch......i have a funny little bachelor chair in front of the couch right now which is very funny). i got myself some fun plants from the farmers market as a housewarming gift to myself. i am finally the owner of a monstera, yippee, she Really needs a repot though. i also got a hoya lisa because i liked the name and it was cute and cat friendly and i got a vaguely labia-adjacent succulent. i have so many little household Needs and Tasks (mat for in front of the sink! blackout curtains because i have to sleep with an eye mask right now because the blinds dont do shit! etc!) and also every grocery bill i do is like $100 because of getting kitchen essentials that will not run out any time soon but that i do need (white vinegar. aluminum foil. flour.) so everything is so expensive. this is a big wall of text. at least the spare mattress is out of my weird haunted hallway now <3 i'm very excited to start hanging up my art.
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sugarpuptard · 29 days
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waaaaaahhhhhh im gonna go insane i miss my boyfriend too much i need it to be october already so i can have him all to myself again ITS NOT FAIR I NEED HIM!!!!!!!! i keep thinking about earlier this year when i went to his state to visit in person for the first time i wish it was longer 3: i want more pics with him too i don't have enough, one of my favs tho i'll share hehe, i don't think he wants his face here but the pic below is still perfect and cozy >w< leg reveal i guess? xD
i love this pic so much i stare at it every time i miss his touch (pros of too vivid imagination + too much vr training phantom senses = i get to feel it almost enough again yippie! but its not the same) thought i should edit it to look extra cute here <3
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i was only there for like 5 days but he's staying longer when he comes for my birthday and im too excited omfg. traveling is much more new to him than me since i've been to plenty of states but he hasn't left his state really so i get to show him new stuff hehehe i like that, imma show him the city!!
i also wish i wasn't a little nervous but i think its just some past trauma with relationships in this situation ( ; w ; ) but i dont actually have anything to worry about since its not like that anymore (reminder to myself: its not like that anymore) and i think its more excited nerves than anything, things will be good!
another thing i am also nervous-excited about is that he's gonna be proposing to me!!! (๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱ like HUH??? ME????!!??? u choose my weirdo NEET mentally ill and crippled ass to be yours forever?? ;w; i don't know how i found someone like him he makes me feel so safe and happy and genuinely cared about, he's everything i wanted and everything i didn't realize i needed, and to think we met as middle-schoolers on ROBLOX?? specifically in the robloxian highschool rp game (∘︎>▽<。) we had quite a long and intense roleplay over multiple days and weeks possibly we were hella invested, i forgot most of the plot tho my memory of back then is so blurry
we didn't talk for quite a few years because of my mental issues getting me put into places that kept me away from online too much sadly, but he never left my mind so in june of last year i finally messaged him again with the help of some alcohol and my friend saying DO IT DO IT DO IT and thank God i did. he replied pretty quick too because luckily he was still signed into his old account on his phone and he woke up to my texts at like 3am xD oopsies
im just so lucky to have him, i feel so unsafe so much for so fucking long and finally i have someone that gives me that sense of safety and security, i dont have to be scared or stressed i can just love and i love him too much and i'll do anything to have him forever. my journal rambling for today is fitting the theme of my yandere blog posts ngl ( ̄▽ ̄;) but i didn't know i was gonna ramble like this and i dont feel like logging out sooooooo this go here instead teehee
i genuinely didn't mean to ramble so much but my new med is a stimulant so i've been a bit wired all day lmao, i gotta get the ramble vibes out somehow, if u read all this damn :o
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momowho34 · 3 years
Time for another naruto au post that so long and complicated it might aswell be a fic in and of itself. Why am I like this :,) Naruto au where Itachi runs away from the village with Sasuke in tow and doesn’t leave him behind. Also Itachi is a little older then a teenager because it makes more sense. Buckle up this is a long one.
Itachi refuses to kill his family and runs to warn them but when he gets there everybody’s dead except for Sasuke, (who witnessed the whole thiNG OOPSY-) so he takes him and runs for their lives.
Itachi joins the akatsuki but uhhhhh now there’s a four year old tagging along and Itachi’s too scary for anybody to mention it.
Imagine the fluff and angst potential with the akatsuki oooooof there’s so much omg
At first they all think it’s super annoying but within like two days they would all gladly die for this kid. Seriously they were pretty sure their hearts were made of stone at this point but apparently not.
Kisame is surprisingly really good with kids, partly because he appears fairly calm on the outside without being too standoffish so Sasuke likes him best. Also Kisame could happily play peek-a-boo for the rest of his life he likes the small things
Kakazu is awful with kids but sasuke likes him anyway and he hates it (not really) Hidan.... really doesn’t know what to do. He’s never cared about another person in his life, okay? He kind of wants to kill the small child but he knows Itachi would steal his fucking knee caps and bury him at the bottom of the ocean so he doesn’t even mention it ever
Sasori is the mom when Itachi isn’t around. They would all feed him candy until he fucking died if Sasori didn’t stop that. Sasori is also the one to go “oh my GOD Deidara you can’t dare him to climb that mountain he could fall and hit his head no I don’t care about that deidaRA HE IS SEVEN YEARS OLD ITACHI IS GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN HE GETS HOME MARK MY WORDS—“
Tobi likes to blame all of his mistakes on Sasuke as a joke. Also they all teach Sasuke bits of their fighting styles so he becomes even more formidable and all of them are kind of freaked out by how quickly he masters their techniques
When he’s too young to tag along on missions he has to stay with Konan and Pain. He really values Konan because she’s really the only one of them who treats him like a person instead of a stupid child that needs protection.
“He costs too much,” Kakazu says. “He shouldn’t be here, what about how much it costs for him to stay with us” all while consistently finding room in the budget to get the kid anything and everything even though he’s fairly low maintenance to take care of
When Itachi arrives, everybody tries to disregard the rumors paired with Sasuke being there. Because of Itachi’s overall demeanor and Sasuke’s refusal to talk about it, they assume that he killed his family but didn’t kill his little brother for some reason
...And then Sasuke starts having nightmares. Like loud, screaming and crying in the middle of the night nightmares. Every time it happens, Itachi wakes up, calm and collected, and holds him until he falls asleep again. They all start having doubts about Itachi really killing his family.
Itachi doesn’t really hold a grudge against Konoha, but he didn’t see the whole family die like Sasuke did. Sasuke wants revenge, and he’s dead set on it.
Okay yeah but what abt the actual plot and stuff??? Don’t worry I’m there.
So a while later after that during Naruto’s three year journey (which he still takes with Jiraiya because he needs training to fight Orochimaru who is still a big threat btw) he meets this weird black haired kid staying at the same hotel he is.
Turns out they’ve both got caretakers who are absent (Jiraiya’s at a brothel somewhere and Kisame and Itachi are off killing some guy) which sucks so they bond over that and compare abilities and beat the shit out of eachother a little and develop a mini rival complex all of that but then
“Wow you’re so cool! You fight just like a ninja! You should come back with me!” Naruto laughs one day. Sasuke asks “Back to where?” And Naruto’s like “back to the leaf village of course! I’m a leaf village ninja, I’m out here training with my sensei! I forgot that I left my headband in the room, I can show it to you.” But Sasuke just gets really pale and runs off and Naruto doesn’t see him for the rest of the trip.
He thought he’d never see him again but then Sasuke gets separated from the Akatsuki members reeeaaaallly far away from their base and Konoha. As he’s trying to figure out what to do, a certain ninja crew happens to be in town. Naruto is like “omfg I know this kid!!!!!!!! Hey Sasuke!!!!! Hey Sasukeeeee!!!!!”
Sasuke is like o-o but then he starts to consider his options. If anybody figures out about his sharingan, he’s straight up fucked. His eyes are gone, he probably gets murdered. Naruto is like “what r u doing here????” And sasuke spins a fairly convincing story
He’s like “oh yeah and I know my way around this place so I can help you out could I maybe seek asylum in your village maybe??? I could be helpful” just so he can head in the general direction of Konoha and hopefully get closer to his base along the way.
So Kakashi begrudgingly agrees and Sasuke tries not to burn alive because he’s in the general proximity of leaf soldiers that he fucking hates and he will not grow attached to any of them at all no siree, not at all, no way!
Sasuke begins to grow close to them, of course. Sai and Sasuke do goth shenanigans and he fights with Naruto and tries to get Sakura to leave him alone (what is up with her why is she being so weird?)
Oh bonus angst: Tobi used to talk in his sleep sometimes, and at some point Sasuke drops “those who break the rules are scum, but those who leave their friends behind are worse then scum” casually and Kakashi almost has a full blown panic attack.
This is when he first realizes something is seriously up with this kid; and his first name sounds... familiar. His suspicions are just suspicions until they run into Orochimaru. Now Orochimaru could just out Sasuke as akatsuki, instead he plays with his feelings a little bit. He keeps saying things like “how does it feel to fight on the same side as your enemies for once?” And “have you forgotten already?” They defeat him without Sasuke revealing his sharingan but the jig is up in Kakashi’s mind.
Kakashi doesn’t quite connect the dots; but he’s almost there. Whoever this kid is, they’re coming back to the village for sure. It’s the safest thing to do. Meanwhile the Akatsuki are freaking out. Itachi is unhinged and almost grieving, they have no idea where Sasuke could be. The team is out in full force; including Tobi
And you know, Obito doesn’t care. He shouldn’t care, nothing matters in this false reality. It just doesn’t. Tobi might have given a shit about Sasuke, but Tobi isn’t real. He’s just a front, Tobi doesn’t exist. So why is he looking so hard for this stupid kid that he shouldn’t give a shit about? Obito convinces himself it’s just a front, it’s just part of Tobi’s act, but it’s not. What’s happening to him? Why is starting to feel things now, so deep into the plan?
Annnnnndddd that’s as far as I got with it lmao. That’s still pretty fucking far tho
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trans-reader-fics · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice: Criminal Minds(Boys) x Reader (they/them) - Bakery Headcanons!
TW/CW: Food, spoilers for s5 (in the Hotch part), super mild swearing (uncensored)
Summary: Just some bullet pointed little thoughts about you being the owner of a bakery. Because I want to be in a bakery AU. Who wouldn’t? Admittedly this is much more coffee shop than I had planned, but oopsie. As for the Spencer part, one of my interests is Greek mythology, so I inserted that. 
**This is just the BAU boys, the post with the girls is here!
Aaron Hotchner
He started to drop by after Haley died. He needed something to look forward to; a weekly coffee and muffin did the trick.
He takes his coffee black, with one sugar, and he always gets a muffin. Most weeks, he would get a fruit muffin, but he wouldn’t complain if they only had chocolate chip ones.
He first started to notice you in the spring. The air smelled sweet, sweeter than usual, as he walked in. You turned with a grin, promising to help him as soon as you got the croissants out of the oven. All he could do was stand there, smile, and nod.
“Sorry about that,” your voice was smooth as honey, and your demeanor was just as sweet. “So, what’ll it be?” Hotch almost forgot his own name when you asked for it.
He started coming around to the bakery more often after that. The two of you became friends, since he always came early. You would hear the door jingle at the crack of dawn, and immediately start pouring a black coffee with one sugar.
He stumbled in one afternoon, surprising your crowd of high schoolers. “(y/n),” he maintained composure, despite being an anxious mess. “I’m so sorry to impose, but my regular babysitter— I’ve told you about my son, right?— had to cancel, and I just got called to work, would it be too much of a bother to ask you to pick him up from school?”
You blinked a few times before leaning across the counter to place your hand over his. “Yeah, I can do that.” You scribble your number on a napkin, handing it to him. “Text me instructions, and I’ll take care of him. Should I take him to my place or yours?” He hands you a key, clearly indicating that you’d be going to his apartment. You nodded, stepping out from behind the counter to give him a light hug. He returns it gently, before his phone rings and he backs away. You wave him off with a reminder to text you, and he runs through the door with an apologetic wave.
True to his word, he texts you the address of the school, his address, the security code to his apartment, and what time school gets out. You were thankful that your shift would be ending soon enough, and you texted your coworker to come in a little early so you could take off. “You know you’re literally my boss, right?” You laughed at their text. Technically, you were the owner of the bakery, but you didn’t like pulling the boss card.
You picked Jack up, explaining to him that his daddy is at work, and you’re there to take him home. Hotch had showed you pictures before, and he was just as cute in person. 
When the regular babysitter came, she thanked you profusely. You brushed it off, genuinely not minding. You had given Jack a muffin, and that seemed to make you his new best friend.
In a few days, when Hotch next came into your bakery, he seemed calmer. He thanked you for watching Jack, and when you insisted that it wasn’t a big deal, he offered to take you out to dinner. 
“As a thank you?” You quirked your eyebrow. “Sounds like a date to me, Aaron.” His face flushed for a moment before he regained composure.
“If you want it to be a date, then it is. Does Sunday at 7 work?” He asked, and you nodded. “Then it’s a date.”
Derek Morgan
He first came to the bakery for the cheap but drinkable coffee. You knew he was an FBI agent from the copious jokes about how bad the bureau coffee is. 
He always calls you sunshine. Without fail, he’d come in a few times a week at around 8 in the morning with a “hey sunshine” and a cocky smile. You’d pour him his coffee-- black, with a little milk and sugar-- and slid it across the counter. He always tipped, usually two dollars, but on occasion, he’d give you a bit extra. 
He was endearing. You found yourself starting to get excited about hearing his voice. You would never admit it, but you started to tease back. He’d come in with his “hey sunshine” and you’d retort back with “hey hot stuff,” or whatever witty compliment you came up with first.
He came in with a blonde girl once. She was covered in colors, and he called her baby girl. She got a sweet drink, you recalled. Mostly, you remembered the way he looked at her. They were close. Hell, he called her baby girl. 
He whispered something as he took the coffees from the counter. “We’re just friends. Nothing more, sunshine.” He almost looked nervous. Apologetic, even.
He kept coming in after that. Never bringing another person with him. Occasionally, he’d get a second coffee, usually something sweet, and you’d feel yourself getting jealous.
Jealous. You didn’t like it. You kept telling yourself that he was just a customer, he was only flirting because there’d be no real responsibility to it, no commitment. 
But you flirted back.
One day, he slipped a business card in with your tips. Call me, it had written on it.
Well, he asked. And besides, maybe it would be nice to hear that “hey sunshine” at times other than eight in the morning.
Spencer Reid
He absolutely loves your bakery. He loves it. It’s always warm and smells like home, and you don’t force people to leave once they’ve ordered. He’d sit in your window nook for hours writing papers and sipping his extra sugary mochas. Occasionally, he’d ask you to recommend him drinks and he’d ramble on about the origins.
Since he sometimes spent ages in the shop, when he was the only one left, you struck up conversation. “Hey, Spencer?” you called hesitantly, not wanting to bother him. His head shot up, but he didn’t look mad, so you continued. “Hey, I just slightly overcooked this batch of cupcakes. Want to try one and see if it’s still edible?” You looked embarrassed— you were embarrassed— but he stood up joyfully.
He deemed them safe to serve, as long as you scraped the particularly browned parts off of the top. “They’ll be covered in frosting anyways,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Hey, did you know the first recorded cupcake was written about in 1828? It’s in Eliza Simmons’s cookbook, titled ‘Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.’ Before that, the idea of a cupcake came from ‘American Cookery’ by Amelia Simmons, written in 1796, but she called it a ‘light cake to bake in small cups.’” He rambled, pausing to look up at you, his face a light shade of pink. “Sorry, I’ve been told that I ramble.”
You grinned, looking up from your frosting. “I don’t mind! I do it too, don’t worry. Tell me when you’re done, then it’s my turn.” His eyes lit up, and he continued.
“And the concept of icing stems back to roughly 1600, where cakes would be covered in sugar then baked, and it would make a hard coating. Like ice. Although it wasn’t used as a noun until 1683. And frosting comes from around 1750. Okay, your turn now.” He looked at you excitedly, watching you pipe pink swirls onto your definitely-not-burnt cupcakes.
“Have you heard of Plato’s origin of soulmates?” You glanced up, brushing your hair out of your face with the back of your hand. You saw him perk up slightly, showing that he recognized it, but he knew that you were about to tell him anyways. “Okay, well, this may not be word for word, but I like it. The idea is that the gods originally created humans with double the limbs. When they saw the potential strength of these early humans, Zeus separated them down the middle, reducing them to what we look like now. Besides the fact that we’re literally half as strong, we’re also distracted. We want to find that other half of ourselves. Our soulmate.” You finished your cupcakes, gingerly placing them in the display case.
He was a brighter shade of pink when you looked back up at him. “Speaking of other halves,” he mumbled. “Would you want to maybe meet up sometime? Like, when you’re not working. I have this old copy of The Odyssey-- and some Euripides too-- at my apartment and if you’re interested I could read it to you, but only if you want to. And it’s no big deal if you don’t-” You cut him off by handing him another sugary coffee. Instead of his name, however, there’s just a phone number.
“It’s mine,” you grinned. “Text me. I’d love to listen to you read some classics.”
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xbladekitkat85 · 3 years
Why Clint is on Tony’s Sh*t List
Word count: A bit over 3k.
Chapter summary: Peter and Harley are brothers and the children of Tony Stark. Which is highly classified knowledge that nobody outside of the Avengers knows. Until Clint Barton accidentally spills the secret with a technology related mishap.
Warnings: A bit of language here and there. Tony threatening Clint’s life because he did an oopsie.
Peter's POV
In the school that is Midtown School of Science and Technology, everyone is basically a genius of some sort. You have biology geeks, math geeks, chemistry geeks, robotics geeks. You name a branch of STEM subjects, there are guaranteed to be at least 5 masters in every subject.
That being said, being a master in a subject doesn't mean that you would be instantly popular. Sure you might get hounded for homework help, but it doesn't mean you actually make friends as easily. It's more like people want to leech off of your knowledge and don't bother to get to know you.
There's a social pyramid in all schools and let's just say I'm towards the bottom of mine. I build Lego sets, I love Star Wars, I'm a whiz at chemistry and math. But people ignore the fact that I'm 'somewhat' intelligent and focus on the Lego and Star Wars part of my image. Which sucks big time. At least I'm graduating this year.
But at least I have my brother Harley to confide in. We argue over stupid stiff but we both enjoy poking fun at each other.
3rd person POV
Peter was sitting at his usual table with his small group of friends. Ned, MJ, and Betty made up this small group of people.
"So, what are you guys doing this weekend?" Ned asked the group.
"Uhhhh, I was planning on going to see that new movie coming out." Betty answered. "You know, the one with Emilia Clarke and what's his name."
"Oh yeah, I know which one you're talking about." Ned replied.
"You losers can go see a movie, I'm going to a protest outside of Oscorp." MJ replied, sipping her thermos of coffee.
"What did Oscorp do?" Peter asked curiously.
"They're trying to cover up an employee getting severely injured, the safety protocols are shitty, and HR is as usual, the worst part of it all in addition to the censorship of the incident online."
Peter nodded his head, eyes widened.
"Gotcha. I definitely understand why you're going."
MJ set her thermos down and opened her latest book, Speak.
Ned turned to look at Peter.
"Stark internship all weekend?" He inquired.
Peter shrugged and took a sip of water.
"I'm gonna hang out with Harley. Probably do some stuff in the lab. Usual stuff."
Betty shook her head in disbelief.
"I still can't believe you're friends with him." She said. "He's pretty high on the social ladder here. I mean I know you guys have the internship together but it's still kind of baffling that I never see you interacting in school."
Ohhhhh, if you only knew Betty. Peter laughed to himself on the inside.
Nobody at school knew that Peter and Harley were half brothers and the children of Tony Stark. Not even Ned or MJ knew although he suspected that MJ somehow knew or was close to figuring it out. She's scarily perceptive and freakishly good at knowing things about other people that she definitely shouldn't.
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch.
The four friends parted ways and headed to their respective classes.
*After school*
Peter arrived at the tower straight from Delmar's after picking up snacks for the weekend. He had grabbed an assortment, ranging from potato chips to pretzel M&Ms.  He waved at Ms. Maldonado, the lady who commanded the reception area and dashed to the elevator, scanning his pass when prompted.
FRIDAY greeted him when the doors closed.
"How was your day Peter? Harley is already waiting for you. He told me to tell you, and I quote, "Peter, I hope you remembered my PRETZEL M&Ms not PEANUT M&M's like last time. If you forgot, I'm going to steal that new Lego set you were planning on building tomorrow. And I WILL hide it somewhere you'll never, ever, find it. Insert maniacal cackling, blah blah blah."
Peter stifled a laugh at Harley's message.
"Uh, well my day was the usual, you know. And tell Harley I got his stupid M&Ms. And I grabbed him something else too if he promises not to threaten the Legos again."
"Sure thing, Peter."
He exited the elevator to the floor which housed the labs he shared with Harley. There were multiple as the duo tended to accidentally blow things up and would need to have another place to work while repairs were being done. Needless to say, Tony was more than a little annoyed that his kids needed multiple labs because they kept blowing them up. But whatever, he loves them and will pay for it as long as he gets to blackmail them with all the ridiculous stories of what blew up and how it happened.
Harley looked up towards the door Peter walked through and lifted his welding mask off his face.
"Hand over the merchandise, blockhead." He said, his arm stretched towards the bag of goodies Peter was carrying.
"Only if you promise to leave the Legos alone, biotch." He replied.
Harley rolled his eyes and dramatically lifted his hand in the air as if he was testifying in court.
"I promise not to touch the Legos." He said in a half joking tone.
Peter handed him the pack of M&Ms as well as a container of Oreos.
"I still don't understand why you like pretzel M&Ms." Peter remarked. "There's too much pretzel and not enough chocolate."
Harley stared directly at him as he tore open the M&Ms and popped a few in his mouth.
"I don't understand why you don't like pineapple on pizza." Harley shot back as he swiveled around in his chair
Peter groaned.
"We are not having this discussion again."
"Peter you're an idiot if you don't like pineapple on your pizza."
"Harley, you're a disgrace to the entire state of New York if you do. Fruit is not supposed to go on a proper pizza."
Harley chucked a bolt at Peter's head.
"Hey!" He protested as he turned to look at Harley. And then he saw a glint in Harley's eyes.
"Pizza is a dish with everything from the food pyramid. You have grain, dairy, meat, vegetables, fats, and oh, wait, you don't like pineapple so you're missing out. You could be getting every nutrient from the food pyramid but you're an idiot so you miss your daily serving of delicious pineapple on your pizza."
"Oh my god, stop."
The boys busted out laughing for a full 3 minutes, eventually with Harley falling out of his chair. Tony walked in to find his kids cackling at who knows what, and one on the floor, almost incapacitated by his laughter. He sighed before clearing his throat to gain their attention.
The boys sobered up and finally stopped laughing but they had unshed tears left from the fun.
"What on earth were you two dying of laughter over? Should I call a therapist? Do I need to be concerned? Did you eat something that you shouldn't have?"
Harley sniggered as Peter was trying to keep a straight face.
"He was eating pretzel M&Ms!" Peter said, holding back his laughter. "The type that should be illegal!"
"Peter, you don't diss Pretzel M&Ms, they're an underappreciated member of the M&Ms family. If you think pretzel M&Ms should be illegal, you clearly haven't tried the raspberry ones." Harley replied while doing his best to keep his face straight. "If anything, you should call a therapist for Peter and help him overcome his aversion to pineapple on pizza."
Tony looked even more lost than he was before.
"Ok, I don't know what I'm supposed to make of this. FRIDAY, show me footage of what the hell happened while I wasn't here."
"Sure thing boss."
Friday pulled up security footage of Harley and Peter's conversation. Tony watched it as the two teens were snickering behind him. After he understood the situation he turned to his kids and let out a tired sigh.
"Ok, I don't understand your sense of humor, but I came to tell you that we're having Italian for dinner."
Peter pumped his fist and Harley just shrugged.
"Italian is fine by me I guess."
"All right kiddos, be in the dining room by 7ish or else I'll cut the power to these labs. We eat as a family."
*Time skip*
It was 2 am, Monday morning and everything was silent except for the faint noise of shuffling towards the ceiling.
Clint Barton was crawling around in the vents, obviously on his way to do something he probably shouldn't be.
He had lost a bet with Nat earlier and the punishment was that he had to steal something for blackmail off of FRIDAY's databases.
He quietly dropped out of a vent shaft into an important looking office. He didn't bother checking who it belonged to but he was already too far gone to ask.
"Ok Nat, what do you want me to look for?" He whispered into his earpiece.
"Check the computer on the desk. The password is written on a sticky note in your pocket."
He checked his pocket and there was indeed a post it with a password on it.
"Ok, what am I supposed to find?" He asked once he logged in.
"Look for footage from the labs." She said. "Check labs CTS2 and IAI1."
"CTS2 and IAI1, gotcha." He reaffirmed.
He browsed around until he found the cameras he needed.
"Ok, found em. What dates should I look at?"
"Look at this past Friday," She answered, "around 4:45 to 6:15 pm. Tony drank from a can of motor oil instead of his coffee cup. I would like this footage in my posession. For my entertainment, and possibly blackmail to pull on him."
"All righty, ok, uhhhh." He muttered as he searched through that window of time.
He watched snippets of the footage and fast forwarded a few times until he glimpsed footage of Harley swiveling around in his chair as Peter looked exasperated. He paused and rewound to see what the situation was.
As Clint watched the whole argument play out and the aftermath, a shit eating grin began to spread across his face. He emailed himself the whole interaction for his own entertainment (blackmail, cough cough) and went back to searching for what he originally came for. He eventually found it, sent it to Natasha, logged out of the computer, and climbed into the open vent.
"You get it?" Nat asked suspiciously.
"Oh yeah, I got it." He said, trying to hold back the mischievous laughter that was threatening to let loose. He checked his phone to see whether he got the email he sent to himself. But to his surprise and sudden panic, it was not there. His social media, however, was blowing up with comments about the two kids and who they were and theories people were spouting.
"Oh shit."
"What did you do, Clinton?" Nat asked in a threateningly monotone voice.
Clint banged his head on the vent, forgetting that he still had his comms on.
"I may or may not have accidentally exposed Peter and Harley as Tony's kids."
Nat was silent for a moment before she finally responded.
"Tony's probably going to kill you for this, so you should pack your bags right now. Make funeral arrangements as well and update your will."
"Ah shit."
*Monday morning, 6:45 am*
Peter woke up to his phone ringing. He groaned and turned on his side to ignore the call. The phone rang again and he sighed before reluctantly sitting up and grabbing his phone.
What the hell, who's calling this early?
He looked at his notifications and saw multiple missed calls and texts from Ned and MJ. Something must have happened because Ned had typed in all caps, 'PETER EVERYONE KNOWS! CALL ME NOW!' MJ's text just said, 'I knew already. Don't try to hide it from me whenever you come to school.'
Instantly, Peter was wide awake. Did the whole world know he was Spiderman? But how did this happen, who would leak that information and how did they get it?
He called Ned and before he could even say, "What's up?" Ned butted in with a sentence he was not expecting.
"Peter, when were you going to tell me your dad was Tony Stark?! This is even bigger than Spiderman! As your Guy in the Chair, I think this knowledge might have been missing in our conversations."
Peter was at a loss for words as he stood up.
"It's all over social media and people are going apeshit over this!"
"Ned, you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet." Peter replied in a nervous tone as he began pacing back and forth in his room. "How do you know the source is credible? Remember what Ms. Hernandez said about credibility when giving information in an essays or whatever?"
"But Peter, Hawkeye was the one who posted it. You know, the Avenger who shoots arrows?"
Peter stopped pacing and froze midstep.
Uncle Clint was behind this? But why?
"You sure he wasn't hacked?" Peter asked as he feebly attempted to get out of this confrontation.
"No, it's security footage from a lab. Tony said in the video that you guys were a family."
Peter then realized that he couldn't worm his way out of this situation. The whole world knew he and Harley were brothers and the sons of Tony Stark. Of course this happened, why wouldn't it?
"I'm going to call you back, I need to talk to Clint." Peter said.
"Ok, just let me know if you and Harley are going to be ok or not." Ned replied.
"Bye Ned."
Peter hung up and took a deep breath before leaving his room to go find Clint.
He entered the kitchen and almost everyone was there except the one person he wanted to talk to.
"Hey, uh, where's uncle Clint?" Peter asked.
Uncle Steve looked up from his breakfast.
"He left last night. Family emergency."
"Uh huh, so correct me if I'm wrong but Clint left because dad was going to kill him, right?"
Suddenly everyone was avoiding eye contact with Peter. Yup, everyone knew what happened.
Just then, Tony walked in with a very irritated expression.
"I don't think you and Harley are going to be able to go to school today. Some kid from your school, Dash or something posted you go to school with him and know you both. So there are multiple news stations outside the tower and surrounding your school. Might be best to just stay home today."
"Is Uncle Clint still alive?" Harley asked as he walked in, yawning.
"He is alive," Tony responded "Not for much longer though."
"Dad, you can't just kill him." Peter protested. "It's not like he actually did anything that warrants his death."
"I don't think he meant to do it." Harley added. "He deleted it maybe 10 minutes after he posted it but other people recorded it on their own devices and re shared it. He probably realized what he had done and tried to delete it but of course, once it's out there, it's out there."
"Don't kill Uncle Clint, he's got a wife and kids. Besides, we need him on the team." Peter said.
"We don't need Clint," Tony said, waving his hand. "I already got a replacement set up."
Peter had not heard of this new team member that was apparently going to replace Clint.
"Who is it?" Harley asked curiously.
"Kate Bishop. She's already on her way here. Clint trained her to take over the mantle of Hawkeye anyway so it shouldn't be that big a deal." Tony shrugged. "She's a bit older than you two, 18 or 19, I can't remember at the moment."
"Ok, then, as long as she's trusted by you." Peter relented.
"Don't know what she might be like, but if Clint trained her, and they share similar personalities, whatever spirits above help us." Harley said solemnly.
Peter smacked Harley's arm.
"Hey!" He complained.
"She's not even here yet and you are badmouthing her already. Have some manners, dude."
"It doesn't matter at the moment right? You said it yourself, she's not here yet and I will 'have some manners' when she does."
All of a sudden, Peter heard a nearly imperceptible shuffling coming from above. He felt a shiver go down his spine and the instinct to get into a defensive position.
"He's right, you should have some manners young man." An unfamiliar voice boomed from above.
Harley looked around wildly in confusion.
"Who's there?! Are you a spirit from above???" He asked.
All of a sudden, a figure dropped out of the vent directly above Harley and tackled him to the ground.
"And that is Kate Bishop." Tony said, answering the question in everyone's mind.
Kate released Harley from her grip and she helped him up.
"Clint was right," She said, smiling. "Crawling through the vents to prank people is fun."
She looked up to the open vent and held out her arms, to everyone's confusion.
"Lucky, come on down!" She called.
To everyone's shock, a dog with one good eye poked his head out from the vent and jumped into Kate's arms.
"Oh crap, nobody has allergies to dog dander, right?" Kate asked, looking at everyone.
"Maybe? I'm not sure." Peter replied.
"Damn, I should have checked before bringing him, huh." Kate muttered.
Tony waved his hand at the dog.
"As long as he's potty trained, we should be fine." He said, trying to reassure her worries. "We're all fine with dogs."
Peter thought back to all the dogs he's pet on patrol. They always seemed happy to play with him and now there was a dog in the tower. Huzzah, he didn't get to only pet dogs on patrol now!
"Well, all's well that ends well, right?" Peter said.
"How about everyone gets acquainted with Kate?" Tony suggested. "It's not like you two are going to school today anyway."
Peter and Harley agreed and that day became a get to know the new team member day.
Peter texted Ned to let him know he was going to school the next day and invited him to the tower after school to meet someone. Oh the look on Ned's face when he found out would be priceless.
Send an ask if you would like to be tagged!
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 years
Henlo! 👻 can i ask for a reaction to txt when his girlfriend gives them skimo kisses? Please 🙏🏻
°ꍈ。 𝐍𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐍𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐥𝐞𝐬 °ꍈ。
➶  TXT’s Reaction to Eskimo Kisses
Genre: Just 5 cups of fluff ~
Warnings: None
(Uh... I hope I got this right??? It was such a cute idea to do !! I loved writing this one hehe, and you can clearly tell i want fruit)
☆* Yeonjun ☆*
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。。 He didn’t want to be exaggerating, but he had the worst day ever :((
。。 Poor baby kept messing up on his dance moves that he would usually ace due to lack of sleep, forgot to take the lunch you packed for him the night before, as well as 
。。 When he came home that night with a deep frown on his face,
。。 you thought it would be best to just cuddle him after he ate some of the food you prepared earlier
。。 He told you about his day and how he was so disappointed in himself
。。 but honestly, you found much more galaxies in him than he could ever see
。。 So you just decided to tell him how much you appreciated his efforts
。。 You rubbed your nose against his lovingly as you moved even more closer to him
。。 Yeonjun did the same back, but he was freaking out from how sweet you were being
。。 He melted into a puddle when you kissed his forehead after that sweet eskimo kiss~
☆* Soobin ☆*
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。。 Guess what !! October season was getting pretty chilly despite all the sweaters you stole from Soobin 
。。 He was nagging you to put on something warmer for the fall season, but he couldn’t help but feel proud when you put on something oversized !
。。 And it’s from him ! That makes it even better :))
。。 You just rolled your eyes at his indecisiveness
。。 You went inside the house with him as he chased you endlessly to put some warmer clothes like pajamas on
。。 After that, you both wrapped each other in the same blanket while you were scrolling on your phone
。。 He had you on his lap, so you could turn around to see him easily
。。 You swore he looked so concentrated in it, biting his lips in anticipation at what was next to come
。。 Not being able to stand it anymore, you just nuzzled your nose against his in an eskimo kiss before he looked up in endearment
。。 “Hey! You made me lose my place in this book,” he whined. You just giggled, shaking your head at his childishness. “Uh, oopsies? I guess?” He pulled you back in that tight embrace he had you in earlier. “That doesn’t mean I’m complaining though... I love when you randomly do that.”
☆* Beomgyu ☆*
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。。 every week you would go to a picnic with beombeom here
。。 you would usually cut up some fruit with him while he put in some of your favorite snacks.
。。 this week was different though !!
。。 and not to mention pretty adorable 🥺🥺
。。 the weather was especially terrible on this day, after weeks of the golden sun you both had thought that it wouldn’t be all melancholy
。。 rain was pouring hard down on the streets, there were frightening claps of thunder, and the lightning was so bright and sudden !!
。。 because he was disheartened that you couldn’t see his surprise today, he had this cute, little pout on his face
。。 but what cheered him up the most was when you booped your nose against his
。。 uwu a little eskimo kiss !!
。。 i guess i can say that now he acknowledges the fact that everything will turn out fine as long as you’re by his side
☆* Taehyun ☆*
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。。 Taehyun was working hard on one of his assignments !!
。。 Although on this one, he kept messing up since he couldn’t grasp it well
。。 You wanted to help him, but you were at peak laziness rn
。。 But Hyun was upset !! You needed to help him somehow
。。 And by that somehow, you decided to make him a fruit platter to stock up on some energy again 
。。 After like... 15 minutes, you were finished making his snack and went up to the room to see him 
。。 He was stretching after sitting a lot so when you suddenly wrapped your arms around him to turn him around, he was nonetheless surprised
。。 You nuzzled your nose against his while smiling widely
。。 No but like 🥺🥺 homeboy was so weakkk
。。 He took a much needed break with you, cuddling ofc
☆* Kai ☆*
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。。 Alright, so this was the first stage of the relationship
。。 Not too touchy, but not so awkward either
。。 You both wanted to respect your boundaries, so the most things you did were holding hands and cuddling on the couch where he would rub your belly <33
。。 Secretly, you had been planning on asking him for a kiss because let’s face it,
。。 It had been almost two months of your relationship but you haven’t experienced the euphoria that your friends keep going on and on about in their relationship
。。 You understood that affection wasn’t the only thing needed to make love work, and you didn’t want to mess up everything
。。 So when the two of you were watching a movie together, 
。。 you just leaned up to give him an eskimo kiss on the nose during a commercial break
。。 Can I just say you both died of fluffiness on that night...?
Posted: 10/10/20- 2:45am (because girlie here procrastinated~)
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Sunflower Dreams | pt II
Aaron Davis (Spiderverse) x Reader
word count: 1332
a/n: hey ya’ll so sorry for the delay, I know somebody asked about a part II. I’ve decided that this is gonna have a LOT of parts, I’ve just been caught up w life (depression, mom fired me n threw me out bc I called her out on her homophobia so I had to figure out where I was gonna live, school, more depression, Amino, I got a kitty and more), but I’m gonna try and put out chapters semi-regularly. ultimately I’m gonna need inspo for them, so it’ll happen when it happens, but yakno. I’m gonna try to be inspired more often. I’ve had this chapter finished for 6 months, just was extremely preoccupied w all my other shit n forgot to actually post it. oOpSiEs? anywho. enjoy
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I heard the familiar knock on my door again - Aaron Davis. I doubt he would’ve realized how exhausting it is for me to see him. Or any human being, really, but I would never tell him that. Not when he would check up on me just to be nice.
I dragged myself out of bed and pulled the door open, letting him in as routine. “Good morning, Aaron.”
“Good morning, y/n, want to take a look at what Miles made you today?” He said as he walked over to the base of wilted sunflowers on my table and replaced them with fresh ones. He says it brightens up the room, and that yellow is the color of happiness. Sunflowers happened to be my favorite flower, which he didn’t know. Yellow also happened to be my favorite color, which he also didn’t know.
“Sure.” I accepted the tiny canvas painting Aaron handed to me and studied it for a minute before placing it down, to later be hung on my wall with the rest of the pieces he’s made for me so far. Yellow tones around Spider-Man. Miles knows I take a special interest in his art. It’s the one thing that I could genuinely invest myself in a conversation for those days.
“Not very talkative today?” Aaron asked. I looked at him, and he nodded in understanding. “I know,” he said, “It’s hard. But you’re gonna be okay.” I shrugged, not knowing how to respond.
He stayed long enough to make me breakfast, then left for work. When he was standing at the door, he looked a little different. I didn’t quite care enough to put my finger on it. He said, “If you need anything, just call me, okay? My boss won’t kill me for taking a break to make sure you’re okay.”
Quietly, I said, “I’m fine. But.... thanks.”
He got a look in his eyes, but walked away without saying whatever thought had crossed his mind. I shut the door after him and returned to my bed to sleep some more.
It was a mistake. And inevitable.
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I dreamed about him again. I ran to him, hugged him, kissed him. I cried. I told him how much I missed him and why didn’t he ever call me when he landed, why did he leave me in the air like that, I was so worried, but it’s okay because he was here and everything was fine again.
I held his hand for a long time, like we did in college, just saying nothing. Walking somewhere together, sitting down, sleeping when it was too hot to cuddle. We didn’t need words.
And we still didn’t need them now, except for wait, wait, he was leaving again, going on a plane, I knew how this would end, I knew how this would end. I screamed for him to stop, I warned him about what was to come, come back, come back, but I must have lost my voice because no sound came out of my mouth, and he didn’t stop. Come back, come back, come back.
He never came back.
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I woke up with tears on my face. My throat felt raw, like I’d been screaming again. I probably had been.
It was dusk out. Suddenly, I didn’t want to be alone. I climbed up the fire escape and knocked on Aaron’s window. It took awhile, but he answered.
“Y/n? Are you okay? Are you- are you hurt? What’s wr-“
“Can I sleep here tonight?”
He looked surprised, to say the least. “Ummm... yea...” He held his arm out to help me in, politely ignoring the tear stains on the shirt I’d been wearing for three days straight. He’s nice like that.
A few minutes later I was curled up on his leather sofa, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket with a bottle of aloe juice to drink.
“So...” Aaron said, “What is it that brought you to me?”
I almost didn’t say, afraid it would come back too big and hurt again. But I figured, he’s been here for three months. Probably won’t press me that much given my track record for sharing things. “Bad dream. About....” I didn’t need to finish the sentence. He got it.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“No it’s not.”
I wanted to argue that yes, it was fine, but I knew I would get nowhere, so I left it there. He turned on the TV, put in a Planet Earth movie. We both watched quietly, and eventually I drifted off to sleep.
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This time, I woke with a dry face. No dreams. I stretched out in my bed, and yawned. I opened my eyes, and - I wasn’t in my bedroom.
My mind was still foggy, so it took me a minute to remember. I was able to recollect my thoughts enough to realize that Aaron must have carried me to his bed and tucked me in, still wrapped in the fuzzy blanket. I felt tired again, so I decided to doze for awhile longer before I got up.
When I finally climbed out of his bed (which was hard - it was extremely comfy), I tiptoed out to his living room, and found him nowhere. I looked around and saw an imprint of his body on the couch with a pillow and blanket - he must have slept there.
I saw a note in the kitchen. In a pretty script, Aaron said:
Gone for a couple days. You can stay here if you want, but if not, make sure you lock the door on your way out.
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A few days later, Aaron knocked on my door, and I opened it tentatively, seeing his eyes light up when he saw me.
“Y/n! You changed your clothes! And showered! And washed your hair!”
Rubbing the back of my neck, I said, “Well, I figured I couldn’t wear the same outfit for a week straight.”
As per usual, he gave me a new cluster of sunflowers, and had another painting from Miles.
“Miles is starting school, y’know,” Aaron mentioned casually. “When are you starting?”
“Not til the end of the month,” I replied, “University and grad school students go back later normally... if they’re on the quarter system, that is.”
He nodded. Then, “Why are you going to school? You’ve never told me anything about it, other than the degrees you already have and the one you’re going after now.”
“I’m opening a business.” Saying it made me cringe. Why did I ever think it was a good idea? Why was I still committed to it?
He said nothing, hoping for me to elaborate, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to.
“Okay, lil’ mystery lady,” he joked. I knew it bothered him that I didn’t share, but I also knew he likely wouldn’t press me for more detail. I was right.
He got to work making the perfect breakfast - chocolate chip waffles with bananas, chocolate syrup and whipped cream. He never let me eat healthy breakfast. I think he thought the sugar would make me happier, which I won’t deny. Science works like that. I’m also pretty sure the reason he came over almost everyday to make me breakfast was to make sure I ate, which was probably the only reason I ate.
We sat down on my loveseat sofa and turned on a movie. Comedy. He laughed out loud and I let a smile or two slip, but anything more than that was no-no.
When it was time for him to leave, he asked me, “Hey uh, my family is having a reunion lunch this Sunday after church. Miles is gonna be there, and I’m worried about you being lonely, so you can come if you want. Just show up on my doorstep at 11:30 and I’ll take you with me.”
I nodded, said I’d think about it, and shut the door after him.
There was no way I’d be going to it.
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moody-by-nature · 6 years
Rescue Me | Twenty-Three
A/N: Happy new year everyone! Hope it is going well for you all so far.
Jared stood on the edge of his hotel suite balcony under a parasol pine tree, noting how the notes of blue-grey in the sky resembled his lover's eyes. Sunsets were always something they enjoyed together, and he knew she would appear soon to witness the luminescent glow of St. Tropez.
Andrea watched him from the open doorway, enjoying her view. She loved watching him, a majestic vision standing under the painted sky. Unable to resist the need to touch him, Andrea snuck up behind him, wrapping her arms around Jared's middle and kissed his bare shoulder.
Burrowing her face between his shoulders, she inhaled his scent and smiled. He smelled like sea salt, sunshine and a hint of dark chocolate, a short story of their day playing tourists.
"Hey, wifey," Jared elicited her favorite breathy laugh, "are you sniffing me again?"
Andrea could almost hear his smile. "Maybe," she answered, "you shouldn't go around smelling so good. I want to lick you right now. Bite too. Mmm.."
"Yeooouch!" Jared groaned, feigning pain, "You really bit me!" Turning in Andie's arms, smiling at her as he cupped her face in his hands.
"Oopsie." Her giggle morphing into a moan when Jared slid his arms down her back, gripping her bottom firmly.
"Just remember, I bite back babygirl." His raspy voice sent shivers down her spine.
"Bring it on, handsome." Andrea replied, wiggling her eyebrows and shimmying out of his embrace. Lifting her shirt over her head, she tossed it at her husband and laughed as his jaw dropped realizing she didn't have a bra on. A low growl emanated from his chest, making her squeal and run inside.
"This is going to be so fun! I've always wanted to go on a ..." Andrea paused, seeing a tall, impossibly thin brunette sitting on their small boat. The girls short light brown hair and sharp jawline a dead giveaway as to whom she was. Anger boiled through Andrea as she turned around to glare at Jared with her arms crossed aggressively against her chest. Jared halted, looking at her with a confused expression.
"What's wrong, Ace?" Jared asked, searching her face for clues.
"Why is she here."
"Why is who here, babe?"
"The nondescript toothpick on the boat! Your ex friend with benefits!"
The venom laced in her tone had Jared glancing over her shoulder to see the model he previously messed around with sitting next to Emma on the boat and cringed. He had long forgotten he'd extended an invitation to her.
"Fuck." Jared started, quickly reaching for Andrea's arm, barely missing as she swung away from him and walked toward the boat. A heavy sigh escaped him as he tried to figure out how he would get out of this.
"You're in deep shit, bro." Shannon laughed darkly as he walked by.
Andrea stepped on board with a huff. The other brunette peering up over the top of her designer white framed sunglasses at her. Andrea rolled her eyes, turning to her left, and sat next to Emma.
"It'll be ok, Andie. I think he honestly forgot she was coming. I know I did. She just showed up." Emma whispered as she arranged her bags, granting a sympathetic smile as Andrea sat next to her.
Maybe Emma was right, maybe he did forget. But Andrea was feeling everything except forgiving right now. She was upset that he ever even considered inviting someone else. This girl had too much access for her liking.
Stepping onto the boat, Jared met  Andrea's gaze. His ice blue eyes silently begging her to talk to him. She tore her eyes away from his instantly.
"Jared, so good to see you!" The model mewled, sending a pang of nausea through him as she quickly stood and wrapped him into a hug.
He quickly removed her wispy arms from his waist, his eyes again on his wife. However, Andrea wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of one of their silent conversations right now. She knew she was being a little childish, but she didn't care. Wrapping her arms around her middle she gazed out at the turquoise water.
"Why are you here, we haven't spoken in months." Jared's abrupt tone taking the younger brunette by surprise.
"You invited me, I thought.."
"You thought wrong. I don't want you here. I'm happily married now."
"Married!" She laughed, "Yeah right. You'll never get married." Her giddy laugh causing him to roll his eyes, completely annoyed by her presence.
"You're wrong, I am. That beautiful woman is my wife." He stated nodding at Andrea.
"You married your assistant?" Sure," She cackled, "Why don't I see a ring?" She questioned, her eyes dropping to his left arm, her voice full of sarcasm as she lifted his left hand into the air. Jared retracted from her so quickly it was as if her touch burnt his skin. Refusing to grant her a response, he crossed his arms over his chest staring silently, pondering his next move.
"I'm not going anywhere. I flew all the way here to be with you!" A look of worry crossed the models face but she seemed to stand her ground.
The tension on the small vessel was palpable. Shannon looked between his brother and Andrea, noticing her flinch at the conversation. He stood and tapped his brother on the shoulder, pulling him to the side.
"J, this isn't the best place to talk about this. She's here, let's just go on as planned." He whispered into his little brother's ear.
Jared groaned, "I don't want her here. She's going to cause problems."
"She won't if you don't let her. Talk to Andie when we get on board. She's upset, but I would be too if I were her."
Turning back to the model Jared said, "I don't want you here. Nothing will be happening between us, so get that thought out of your head now." his words firm and harsh, making the thin woman glare at him.
Unable to let her stubbornness go, Andrea continued to ignore Jared, refusing his attempt to help her onto the yacht.
"I'm more than capable of helping myself, go find another damsel, oh knight in shining armor."
Shannon chuckled at her sass, the anxiety visible in Jared's eyes, and him muttering under his breath as he stomped off. He offered his hand to Andrea as she hopped aboard the massive yacht they rented for a couple of days. Pulling her into a hug, fully enveloping her in his strong arms, he squeezed his favorite soon to be sister-in-law tightly. A smile crept across her lips as Shannon hugged her, he always had the ability to make her smile.
Shannon released her and leaned against the railing of the large vessel watching Andrea look out on the ocean.
"I love you and your ability to completely unravel my baby brother. He tries so hard to control every aspect of our lives and then you came along. Like a sassy little firecracker and fucked him up. You give him a run for his money!" He laughed, leaning in to nudge her shoulder, he waited for her to look at him, knowing she would fully understand his next comment."
"Give her hell, Dee."
Andrea laughed, "I'm so mad at him. I don't even want to go to our room right now. But I also want to go up there and pick a fight with him so we can have loud, aggressive sex to make up. Only if she can hear us though."
"Andrea, the whole yacht will hear you two." Shannon deadpanned.
"Asshole." She chuckled, smacking him on the arm before laying her head on his shoulder. "I missed you brother bear. So glad to have you back."
"I missed you too, Dee." Shannon whispered, kissing the top of her head. "You ready to go find your favorite idiot?" He asked, leaning back to look at her.
Seeing her nod her head with a giggle, Shannon picked up her bag, lifting it over his shoulder motioning for her to follow him.
Rounding the corner, almost to their room on the third story of the yacht Andrea stopped in her tracks. The sight before her reigniting her anger.
Jared once again stood wrapped in his ex lover's arms. Andrea's eyes fell to where their bodies connected, her heart in extreme distress seeing their intimate proximity. Her legs, unsteady as she saw the love of her life with another woman, gently caressing her face the way he does her. Shannon gently placed his hands on her arms to steady her wobbly frame.
"Un-fucking-believable."  She growled, rushing into their room.
Hearing her voice, Jared quickly pulled away from the model and chased after Andrea as she stormed into their suite.
Shannon dropped Andrea's bag just inside the door and pulled it shut. Locking eyes with the model as he turned, she smirked.
"Stay away from them." He threatened, walking away. Shaking his head thinking about how stubborn the couple was. Both madly in love with each other, but letting a random ex hook-up get in their way.
"Get out! I don't want to talk to you." Andrea yelled.
"If you'll just listen and let me explain.." Jared started. Trying his best to defuse his riled up bride.
"Explain what? Huh? Because I don't want to hear it. That's twice now in less than an hour that you two have had your arms around each other!" Throwing her arms in the air dramatically as she spoke, she rolled her eyes at Jared as he stood in front of the bed.
"You're my wife Andrea! Nothing is going to happen."
"Oh, so a Post-it note is going to stop you from fucking her?" She yelled incredulously.
"No! The fact that I'm in love with you is! What's the difference between the kind of paper it's on? That's all we will have when we're back home and in front of a judge! You have to trust me!" Jared racked his brain trying to figure out why she was being so uncharacteristically insane.
"I don't want one of your ex hook-ups  here Jared. Ugh! I cannot believe you would have ever considered inviting her in the first place! Knowing how I felt about you even back then!" Her emotions getting the best of her making her voice crack.
Andrea felt like she was going insane. She didn't understand why she was making such a big deal out of this. Trusting him was easy, he was with her all day every day practically and she had his phone often to post videos of the shows to social media. Why was she doing this? She was ruining their day, but couldn't seem to control herself.
"I didn't know how you felt Andrea! You had me so confused. One minute you wanted me, the next you shut me out! Pushed me away! You wanted to me my 'friend' remember?!"
"Yeah, but you had to have known I was in love with you Jared. I opened up to you! The sparks when we kissed... That had to be on your mind!" Picking up her bag, she brought it back to the bed unzipping it to busy herself with unpacking.
"Of course it was until you told me you didn't want this. So I did my best to move on." Jared took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, pacing across the room as he watched her unpack.
"Yeah, by fucking her when you knew I'd be around to hear it."
"We weren't together Andrea!" Jared felt himself losing his temper, he hated that she knew exactly what to say to push all of his buttons.
"You're just like Ross on that episode of Friends, 'WE WERE ON A BREAK!'" Hastily throwing her clothes in the top drawer of the dresser.
Jared sighed, his hands pulling at his long hair in frustration.
"You're being impossible! This isn't like you, will you please tell me what the actual problem is?"
"The problem," Andrea spat angrily, tossing her now empty luggage to the floor spun around and glared coldly at him, "is her presence on this yacht."
"I was just talking to her! Telling her yet again that I don't want her here, that we are together." He replied, moving his index finger back and forth between them.
"That's not what I saw. Those words don't require you to stand the way you were or to touch her the way you were!" Stepping closer, mimicking the way she saw Jared holding the other woman, she softly spoke, "I am yours and you are mine. Forever." Her tone sarcastic as she rolled her eyes and turned to walk away.
Jared growled, so fed up with her tantrum. Pissed at her for mocking the words he promised her a month ago. He lunged toward her, gripping her upper arms, spinning her back toward him. The generic art on the wall crashing to the floor as her body collided roughly into the wall. Wrapping his hand around her throat, his eyes bore into hers in a silent challenge.
Andrea felt Jared's hard body flush against hers. Her mind instantly hazy with lust, her anger suddenly forgotten. She found herself surprisingly aroused by his anger and wanted him to take it out on her.
"Fuck me, Jared." She panted, reaching between them to palm his hard cock. Desire laced in her voice as she repeated, "Fuck me." Crashing her lips against his in a possessive kiss.
Jared thrust his hips into her hand groaning. Quickly lifting her loose dress over her hips, Andrea lifted her left leg; her long legs and flexibility allowing her to extend it up to his shoulder as he pushed her panties to the side, slipping two fingers into her pussy.
Andrea dug her nails into his shoulders, dragging them down his back, pushing his track pants down enough to free his thick cock. A scream of pleasure escaping her lips as he harshly entered her.
They expressed their anger with each other against the wall. Andrea's leg slipping sent a lamp crashing to the floor and shattering loudly.
Jared became less aggressive with each thrust as his anger subsided. Pulling away from the wall, he wrapped his arms securely around Andie as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carefully walked to the bed and laid her down.
"I want to fuck you senseless, but also make slow, sweet love to you. Seems I'm all over the place just like you today, baby."
Andrea's legs fell open allowing Jared more room. Kneeling between her thighs, Jared positioned his cock at the opening of her soaked core and gripped her hips; snapping his into hers so roughly she cried out, arching her back as she moaned his name.
Her eyes rolled back into her head in pleasure as Jared ground his hips once more, so slowly it drove her mad. He repeated the process of fast and rough then slow and sweet for what felt like forever. Unable to take the blissful torture anymore, Andrea dipped her hand into her wet folds, playing with her clit as Jared fucked her.
"I will make you cum when I'm ready." Jared snapped, pulling her hand away. He lowered himself flush against her body, slowly fucking her, kissing her passionately. Looking into her eyes as he sped up his thrusts, Jared felt his orgasm nearing.
"Cum for me, babygirl. Scream for me!"
Coming down from their high, Jared lay on his side next to Andrea. Kissing her forehead, he pushed her hair out of her face.
"Andrea, I don't like how you threw the words I promised you in my face. I know you're upset with me, but that was too far."
Feeling overwhelmed with emotions, Andrea pulled away from him and covered her face.
"I'm not trying to make you cry sweetheart, but I'm not sure what's going on with you the past couple of weeks. You've been all over the place. And today was the worst so far. Talk to me baby, what's wrong?"  Jared asked, leaning over her sweetly kissing her cheek.
A wave of nausea rolled through her suddenly. She bolted upright, pushing Jared away, rushing to the bathroom and emptying her stomach in the toilet. Sinking to the ground, she put her head between her knees, and focused on breathing deeply. Jared wasn't far behind her, wringing out a warm wash cloth, he knelt down beside her running his hand up and down her spine soothingly.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
The next day the group spent the day sightseeing, walking through the streets of Italy and had settled in a small cafe to eat.
Andrea hadn't been able to keep much  down since yesterday. At first she thought she'd eaten something her stomach didn't agree with. That was always a probability with their touring schedule, but this felt different.
The sight of the food being placed around the table had her stomach churning again. Making a quick exit from the cafe, she leaned against the brown rock wall, bending to put her head between her knees. She created a mental checklist of her symptoms, calculating where she was on her current cycle.
"Babe?" Jared called out. Spotting her, he rushed to her side. "Do we need to find you a doctor?"
Andrea shook her head no. Her heart aching because she couldn't stop thinking about the way she treated him the previous day.
"I think I know what's wrong, but I need to find a pharmacy."
"A pharmacy?" Jared repeated, a confused look on his perfect face.
Looking at their surroundings, she spotted one just up the street.
"Just go back in and eat, I found one and I'll go get what I need. I'll be back before you even miss me."
"No way am I letting you walk down the street alone in a foreign country. I'm coming with you!"
"Okay. Chill out, Liam Neeson. I'm just not sure you've figured out why I'm going and doubt you want to possibly be photographed buying what I need."
Waiting for his other shoe to drop, Andrea braced herself for his reaction. Unsure if it would be anger, panic or a hybrid of emotions.
Confusion still etched all over his face, Andrea sighed. "I'm fairly positive I'm pregnant."
Tag list: @nikkitasevoli @lostinletoland @spillinginkwithlove @conceptuallyloud @branded-with-a-j @callmeasyoulove 
 Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the tag list!
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boyslaughplus · 6 years
Devlog #35 - Narrative Structure & Dynamic Personality
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(This same devlog has been posted on the 7th March already, but Pectin forgot to share it here, oopsie! >-<’’) Hello! It's time for another devlog, this time about Brassica's narrative structure and the way you can influence the protagonist's, Saffron's, personality (and all the consequences this has). PECTIN had to take a break from this devlog due to scheduling complications, but he'll be back with more character design insights next time!
Before we begin though, we just wanted to quickly announce that we'll be at the A MAZE. festival in Berlin in just over a month! This will be our first time attending such an event without also exhibiting one of our games so we're excited that this time around we'll get to see more of the event itself and meet lots of new people. So if you're there as well, feel free to say hi to us!
But on to the main part of this devlog:
Narrative Structure
As I explained in the last devlog, visually Brassica's presentation is very much inspired by puppet theaters. Just as the UI and the text box size had an influence on the writing itself, the overall presentation did, too. To further reinforce this idea that the player is like the audience of a play, we decided to make the narrator their own character this time. In the narrative, they're technically the one pulling the strings and telling the story but for most of Act 1 this isn't very apparent yet. From the beginning it's clear that the narrator is separate from Saffron, but the first time they actually address the player directly is at the very end after the curtain has already fallen again.
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Since the narrator doesn't appear in the story itself, we had thought about other ways to include them in the narrative since it wouldn't make much sense to make them a character but not give them any significance outside of telling the story. In the context of a theater performance it made the most sense to us to let the narrator (or performer) and the player (or audience) interact with each other. Especially in children's theater it's fairly common that the actors will ask the audience to do something or ask them a question to keep them engaged in the play. In the format of a visual novel this seemed like a great parallel for the choices so we decided to treat them similarly.
Aside from improvisational theater, the audience usually doesn't have much say in the actual course of a play though, so this was another issue we had to address. The most interesting idea to us was to create a rift between the story the narrator wanted to tell and the story the audience wants to see. Initially we had planned to treat this more like a conflict and almost made the narrator the antagonist. Because the player would basically force the narrator to change their story, they would in turn expect the player to take it in a direction that is coherent and makes sense. With this idea, in-game choices would have been a lot more stressful and we would have had to include various forms of a fail-state at all branching points so even if it might have been interesting in theory, we quickly realized that for the kind of lighthearted story we wanted to tell with Brassica, it didn't really fit and actually took away from the experience.
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So instead we decided to keep the basic conflict but make the narrator and player collaborate in telling a story both of them are happy with. This immediately made everything more positive and while there's definitely less conflict now, we have planned a few things to still make the most of the theater concept...
Since Act 1 serves to introduce the actual story of the "play" so to speak, the parallel narrative about the narrator is mainly in the background. In the beginning of Act 2 you can already see a few more instances where they directly turn to the audience (or vice versa) but our main focus will still be with the story of the princes. In the coming Acts however, there will definitely be more of these moments to make sure the theater concept isn't just a visual gimmick. But I'll go more into detail on that once you could actually see it all in-game!
Dynamic Personality
Something else we had planned fairly early on, was the fact that Saffron is our first protagonist whose personality the player can directly influence. Because he still takes part in conversations this is only to an extent, but on top of his base personality, there are three distinct nuances of Saffron that you can go for:
Internally we call them "lawful", "daring", and "soft" and pretty much every choice in the game (that isn't just between the narrator and the player) is recorded to keep track of whichever of these is the most prominent in any given playthrough.
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So at various points in the script, we check Saffron's current personality and depending on the result, the story can change. This varies between minor wording differences, whole unique sections of dialogue or narration, or actually different events although the latter is also the rarest case.
In practice, moments in the script where this becomes relevant can look like this (slight spoiler alert for Act 2):
if checkSafAlignment("daring"):    saf "Actually, I think I disagree.{w=0.3} You're not just anybody else to me." elif checkSafAlignment("soft"):    saf "A-actually, I don't treat everybody like this..." else:    saf "Well, everyone deserves respect, regardless how strange they may be."
Essentially Saffron always says the same thing here but when he's daring, it is kind of one of those "This isn't good, it's great" kind of sentences, while his soft version mostly sounds nervous and the lawful one rather rational.
An example for greater variations due to different personalities would be this (also Act 2 spoilers):
menu:    saf "W-well uh...{fast}"    "I suppose it might be interest~":        [...]    "I uh, was just checking on you":        [...]    "*faint*":        $setSafAlignment(2)        if checkSafAlignment("soft"):            "On the spot Prince Saffron fainted, overwhelmed by the other prince's question."            [...]        else:            "Prince Saffron tried his hardest to faint in order to escape the predicament of answering the question."            "But unfortunately he only managed to feel a little dizzy."
This second example also shows that even though the choices themselves already have an effect on Saffron's personality, the actual results could still vary depending on previous choices. So in this case, going for the "soft" answer might only work out as expected if Saffron is already soft.
Of course either of these variations have to fit into the general flow of the dialogue and narration and eventually have to return to the main branch, but even so they should make the overall experience more interesting and hopefully also add some surprises to the same events on different playthroughs!
Aside from script variations, Saffron's personality also influences the romance aspect of the game as both Hans and Ode have different preferences and might take more of a liking to a certain version of Saffron. We don't intend it to be very difficult to romance either of them (after all this is a Marry Tale!) so this takes the form of a bonus and Saffron's personality isn't the main deciding factor for which route you will get.
So yeah, those are about all important things to say on the matter! We are still in the process of finishing up Act 2, which was a little delayed this week due to administrative work we had to take care of at the studio but we will let you know when we have the release date for it!
We'll be back with another devlog in two weeks, so as always, thank you so much for reading and for your interest in our games <3
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abkdkzine · 6 years
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Did we mention we’re doing bi-weekly updates? This counts as the second one this week, right? (Oopsie! Blame Mod Ari if she forgot the second one!) Gosh, finals definitely kicked our butts, and we hope that everyone got out mostly unscathed, but good news is: it’s getting super close to the holidays! 
We hope that everyone has settled down after final examination weeks, and we hope that you've been taking care of yourself too! The moderator team has been pretty busy with IRL stuff such as reunions, trips away from home, and more, so we hope that the slight lack of activity won’t bother anyone! It’s a time to spend with family and friends to celebrate Christmas and the upcoming New Year! Is anybody excited for their gifts this year? 
⚔  — Moderator Introductions
Not to worry, guys, moderator intros are coming next week! We will be introducing ourselves as a collective, and then we’ll be doing individual introductions after that.
⚔  — Upcoming Short Event: Ask the Mod Team
After the mod intros, we will be hosting a short event where anyone and everyone can ask specific moderators anything they want: from interesting facts about themselves to silly facts—the sky’s the limit! It will be held right after individual introductions are done. This event will be open here in our Tumblr blog and on our Twitter where we have set up a Curious Cat account to answer any questions you may have for us. We promise we’re not scary at all, we just prefer to exhibit a professional behaviour when we make official updates or posts! This is your chance to get to meet us all and see how we really are!
⚔  — Mini Zine
We have finalised most of the details about the Not Safe For Work mini zine! The contributors will have first priority to sign up for contribution; however, if there are open spots left to fill, then we will open applications to everyone interested to join. More information on this will come on our next update post!
⚔  — Other Upcoming Events
We have two other events coming up, but we won’t be mentioning it here for now. We want everyone to know that we’re currently brainstorming ideas on how to let everyone feel involved! There are 2 other ideas brought up for discussion aside from the two events already discussed, so there should be a few ways for you to become involved. We don’t want to be only a project, but we want to give everyone a sense of community as well! We consider each and every single one of our followers to be absolutely important to our project, so we’re making sure that you know just how appreciated you are. Which is why we’re currently discussing something that a lot of you would probably like to join in; but, more information will come on our next update!
♕ — Contributor Applications Reminder
There are almost 3 weeks left to apply, guys! Please help us in reblogging and retweeting to spread the word! The link is going to be down below. If you haven’t applied yet, please be sure to read the guidelines—and do take the portfolio guide with a grain of salt. That guide isn’t very strict as it only aims to help, but in the end, you decide on what you feel best shows your skills. 
Just like our main two characters in BNHA, we hope that you aim for the top, and show us what you got! Until next time, adventurers. Plus Ultra!
About — Schedule — Twitter — Ask — Applications
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ariskandi · 3 years
okay so i totally forgot about tumblr and forgot i was gonna be avidy posting on here but oopsie i forgot!! anyways quick update on the kandi situation: i now have 19 peices (almost 20 im making a choker rn) of kandi and OIJUHYGTFDREFGHJ theyre so fun and i love giving them to friends and plur is so fun aswel!!! i bought some beads and two things of elastic string last weekend and because hobby lobby is stupid and homophobic THE STRING DIDNT TIE BECAUSE IT WAS TOO SLIPPERY AND BIG!!! anyways i got more beads and better string on amazon and ive made like three regular bracelets and two 3d (?) peices (the rest of my kandi @l3nk1 and my friend luke made 4 me <3 them both) thats it 4 now <3 <3 <3
0 notes
8/ Nothing in the Mirror
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine
Summary: A lot can happen on a late spring day, especially on a bus. A lot more can happen if the ride ends before you’ve reached your station. If you end up in the Avengers Tower without memories, things have either taken a very good or a very bad turn of events. Too bad you have no clue who you are. Apparently, that’s not the case for everyone. Scarily, not all your secrets are hidden within your head, but you have two men by your side who swear to figure everything out with you.
Warnings: not sure if you can take all the fluff
Word Count: 1583
_Author's Note: Sorry for posting so late (I know, it's probably not that late for you, but to me, it feels like Wednesday is already over and I forgot to post.) I miss you, @buckyslion (and you too, @@aubzylynn) . 
I promise we'll get back to mystery and violence soon. :)
Bucky woke up in the middle of the night, with a smile on his lips. Some moonlight dared to tickle his face and he closed his eyes, listening for the soft breathing of the adorable girl next to him. His smile faded and he shot up in an instant. Nothing. She wasn’t here. The bed was empty. Bucky groaned. Not again. He grabbed the handgun from a special holster underneath his bed, glad that he still kept it there every night. Who knew what the nameless girl was doing right now? The nameless girl who knew how to fight. He didn’t even bother to turn the light on, just rushed directly into the living room, pacing to reach Steve’s door, when he heard some clattering. Someone is in the kitchen. He tiptoed around the corner, counting on his advantage of surprise. Behind it, she stood, in his shirt and boxers, with messy hair and flour all around her. He grinned. She is crazy. What is she doing at - at 2 am? Baking!? He wasn’t sure if watching quietly would be considered stalking or creepy, so he cleared his throat and stepped into the warm room, the gun lowered.
The scent of sugar and sweetness filled his nose and he heard the last tones of the song you hummed. Then, you noticed him and a shock went through you, making you drop one of the eggs in your hands. He was still shirtless. „Oopsie.“ „Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. What are you making?“ You kneeled down, cleaning up the mess, trying to not look at him and his - body. „Um, I’m not sure what it’ll look like in the end, but-“ „Don't you have a recipe?“ „I - no, but I know… pieces. Now I’m just… trying to make something out of it.“ Buck’s face lit up at that and he moved a little closer in an attempt to catch your eyes. You weren’t sure if he’d be able to read what they expressed, so you kept them on the ground. „That’s awesome! So you are remembering things.“ „I don’t know. This memory feels like a basic, like tying your shoes.“ He didn’t understand this girl and her story yet, but she was extraordinary. What else he couldn’t figure out was why she wouldn’t look at him. Something is wrong, he assumed. Maybe they had lost her yesterday, with the book. They hadn’t meant to confuse her. Maybe there was more stuff going through her head and she didn’t know how to deal with it. „Starting with the basics doesn’t sound too bad to me. Although I really think we should go back to bed. Have you realized how late it is?“ He sensed the resistance in her, how she looked at the clock, then eyed the batter she’d created. „Just put it into the fridge. Write down what you need to do. You can finish it tomorrow.“ „Later, you mean.“ „No“, he smirked, „tomorrow is when I wake up.“ She grinned, putting everything away. If he was honest, the sight made him feel ticklish in his stomach, bringing up feelings he’d thought long lost and buried. This girl was beautiful and hadn’t even realized it yet. Now Steve would see what he would get for reminding him of his earlier days, for the ladies’ infatuation with him. It warmed his heart to see her smile, because he knew which smiles were real. Losing your memories was a harsh fate, but he’d make the best of it for her.
The next morning introduced itself pleasantly, sending rays of sun into the bedroom, waking everyone up. While the man next to you got up, you snuggled deeper into the warmth of the covers, getting lost in them. You breathing was gentle and steady and you could’ve slept for at least an hour more. A hand touched your shoulder, but didn’t quite shake you, so, unconsciously, you leaned into it. Someone whispered sweet words into your ear, but you wasn’t sure what it meant. The bed was sweeter. All of the sudden, cool air touched you in places where the blanket covered you before and your eyes opened immediately, meeting laughter. There stood Buck, holding your blanket, with a smirk on his face. But you shot up, sending him into a sprint out of the room. You were right on his heels, even in the living room, but he was fast. „Traitor!“, you yelled and he just laughed, loud and bright. „You shouldn’t wake Steve up“, he grinned, face full of mischief. „Well, I don’t care about him. I care about my blanket.“ Both of you were standing on opposite sides of the table. You groaned; you weren’t gonna get him like that. So you jumped over the table, gaining maybe a second on him. He gasped but ran. „I want my blanket!“ „Well, I want you to come and get it!“ His eyes blazed with joy when you took after him. You didn’t blame him. Boys always needed their games and you were almost sure Steve didn’t chase after his blanket, so you’d have to endure this for a while. Speaking of Steve, you were so caught up in running, you didn’t notice him coming out of his room. You crashed full force into him, him half naked and half asleep. „Good morning“, he rumbled. You blushed. You hoped running into naked men wasn’t all you achieved in life. Well, if that was the case, you could call yourself  an overachiever.  „Help me“, you whispered, looking up to meet Steve’s eyes. Buck came up behind you. „Who’s the traitor now!? You can’t catch me and throw yourself at Steve?“ He grinned and full of mischief, wrapped the blanket around you from behind. He had you in his arms and carried you back into the bedroom like a battle trophy. Although you felt more like a sushi roll. Someone should write books about that instead of cheesy love stories. „Should write what, sweetheart?“ You blushed, then groaned. This was embarrassing, from beginning to end. This whole thing, with him chasing you, calling you pet names and you being wrapped in a blanket you couldn't escape. Oh, let’s not forget you running into naked men (only two so far, luckily) and doors at the sight of the former. „I wanna know“, he teased and slowly began to free you. You couldn’t fathom your luck at your chance to escape but shook your head, not wanting to tell Buck the sushi thought. „I have my ways of getting the information I want, you know“, he began, „I am an assassin, after all.“ „No, you’re not.“ He chuckled. Suddenly, he pulled you onto the bed, starting a tickle war. And man, he was strong. Captured in his arms once again, his chest heaving against your back, you felt his laugh reverberating through your entire body. He rested his chin on your neck, carefully observing your eyes in the mirror, making sure you weren't uncomfortable with him so close. But you smiled, cheeks still flushed from that tickle game you were sure would count as an exercise when performed with Buck.
He quieted down, like you, softly pushing a strand of hair back behind your ear so he could see your face better. „Buck, what do you see when you look into the mirror?“ For a moment, there was only his soft breath against the back of your ear as he thought, but his hands sneaked around your waist, he pulled you a little further against his front. „Something I haven’t seen in a long time, I guess. Joy. What do you see?“ „When I look at myself, nothing. There is a face and a heart, but they are masks - hiding the emptiness. There’s nothing in the mirror.“ You sighed, realizing how fast all the happiness had vanished, like someone had opened a window and let all the warm air out. Buck turned you around in his lap, touching your cheeks with his hands. His blue eyes focused on yours, searching for words you didn’t dare to speak out. „I know how you feel. But I’m here, okay? I’ll help you find yourself. When I look into the mirror, I see a girl who overcomes whatever falls in her way. Look, this has a good side too. Nobody expects anything from you, you’re free to discover yourself here.“ His mouth pulled into a smile that soon became a smirk, with that one corner lifted. „Also, you get to wear my shirts. Which, by the way, you look great in.“ You weren’t sure if he was doing this on purpose, making you blush, but it worked. Every single time. Man. „Yeah, they’re all the same kind of ugly“, you teased and he gave you a playful hit on the back of your head. „And then she says I’m crazy.“ „Can’t handle the truth, huh? That’s even worse, Buck.“ Steve suddenly stuck his head in, agreeing completely. „My exact words. You are the worst, actually, still sitting in bed and all. Get your lazy ass up and into the kitchen. I’m sure Tony wants to announce something, we shouldn’t miss that.“ „Just pull the plug of the coffee maker. It’ll slow things down.“ You stood up nonetheless, grabbing big clothes from Buck who was way more muscular than you. Although, your body did feel strong and your belly was toned. Athlete, but too many scars. What am I?
Masterlist | Please let me know what you think about this chapter! Message me directly, use my Ask Box or comment/reblog!
Permanent Tags: @buckyslion, @aubzylynn, @inappropriatepirate, @buckysmusculararm, @coffeeismylife28, @mitra-k-w, @captainmomofoshosho
Tag list for NitM: @naenae87, @xllxni, @aquabrie, @canumoveyourseatup-no, @borderline-person, @avengingnights, @secretlypleasantlover, @harleyhiddleston, @bailieinabottle, @chipilerendi, @bibitchalicia, @blacwings-and-bucky-barnes, @aoimidzu, @ek823
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