#alphabet Jonas
Since Tumblr has limits to how many photos you can have in a post I thought I will turn this into a video  
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hungryfan45 · 9 months
Pred or Prey:
N (Whyphabet Lore)
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Thanks to his Nefarious plan Nick Jonas' Navel Nightmare will Never be Negated.
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plumbogs · 5 months
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simcity high school yearbook (sans townies) but the monty twins and bottom are absolutely slaying. a whole row of serving after the second row and their unwashed faces (i'm not clearing their acne. this is the high school experience they need to suffer just as i did) and nobody is looking into the camera except for desdemona and hal who are plotting the demise of the photographer (just capp things) and melody has a row to herself
they all are unposed aside from sitting because i forgot to slap the box down before this and was too lazy to go back over. most of them are looking to the same side because the rest of the students were just standing there. i wanted headshots of these guys without extracting the basic ones from simpe (plus i used the in game camera feature so now they can all shamefully take their school pictures home to hang on the living room walls just like real life after i force mary sue to order prints of all of them and pass them out). they all had to wear formal clothes and truly capture the school picture day spirit :) i want to make it more interesting but idk what else to do i was never in a yearbook club
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sn0wbat · 1 year
J for the ask game? Or maybe S
a double one, huh???
haha i might as well do two mortal regular humans from low stakes just because... eh, it felt appropriate for this letter combination.
so here's the second J: jonas.
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he's in the slayer club, he has no art yet (besides a tiny concept doodle), and his room is a mess. he has a younger sister and married parents. in his free time he plays stuff like fortnite and soccer and is overall kind of a jock.
he's technically in the vampire slayer group chat, but he rarely pays attention to it, and even more rarely attends the meetings. honestly he joined it as a joke because lmfao vampires aren't real amirite bros
while i'm on the topic of the slayer club, here's solfrid too, for the S.
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honestly, her toyhouse page puts it better than i can right now:
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scribblesofagoonerr · 3 months
How can we help you? | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, H- How can we help you?
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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"Come on. It's not gonna be as bad as you think it'll be" Leah tries her luck to get you out of her car after you arrive at London Colney.
You can't help but scoff at the older blonde, "Easy for you to say that" You mumble, somewhat loud enough for her to still hear.
"I promise you it won't be. It's all in your head, Bubs" Leah chuckles as she turns the ignition off on her car.
The familiar feeling of nerves begins to return, biting your lip and instinctively tugging at the sleeves of your hoodie, "I don't want to go in there" You speak quietly.
"Well you can't sit in the car instead" The blonde chuckles amusedly, shaking her head, "Come on, I'm with you, every step of the way" she states.
"Nuh uh I don't want too" You stubbornly tell her, crossing her arms as you try and put up a fight.
You don't know why you're reacting like this, it's only a meeting but as soon as you step in that building, it'll be a reminder of what is happening.
Leah resists urge to groan inwardly, "Well you can't sit here in the car and sulk, can you?" she asks.
"Why can't I?" Your quick to fire back at her.
"Stop being difficult, Y/N" Leah leans across you and unbuckles your belt, "Come on, we need to go in before we're late" she adds.
"Nah I'm alright, I'd much rather stay here thanks" You state as you try and plant yourself in your seat, you really don't want to go inside of that building right now and have a meeting with everyone.
"That's not an option, Y/N" Leah huffs and shakes her head, "I'll do you a deal, alright? How about after had this meeting then I'll buy you ice cream afterwards. Hows' that sound?" she bargains with you.
You can't help but eye her suspiciously, "It's the middle of Autumn. What's the catch?" You ask her, curiously.
"No catch, we just need to go into that meeting and sit through it without kicking off, think you can do that?" Leah raises her eyebrow, questioningly.
Shrugging your shoulders, you weigh up your options; You really don't want to go in but you sure do love ice cream, "Dammit, why'd you have to bring ice cream into it? You know how much I love it" You whine dramatically.
Leah can't help but chuckle amusedly, "What can I say, I just know the way to your heart?" she jokes as she ruffles your hair, "We just need to go in there and see what is said, easy as that" she adds.
You narrow your eyes at her waiting for her to say something else, "Fine, alright but I want ice cream afterwards... with sprinkles" you state, like it's the most important thing.
"Okay fine deal,  ice cream with sprinkles but first, we need to go in there so you need to get your ass out of the car" Leah nudges you playfully to get out of the car.
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"Thanks for joining us today girls" Jonas shakes your hand and guides you inside of his spacious office.
"Well it's not like I have much choice to be here unfortunately" You can't help but mutter as you slump down into one of the empty chairs around the table.
Only taking a few seconds to realise there's more people in here than you realise; Jonas, Kim, Leah and the rest of the coaching staff, along with some of the medical staff.
You can't help but feel like your suffocating already.
"Y/N" Leah gives you a look that all but tells you to knock the attitude down and you've only just walked in the room.
"What? It's true, you bribed me with ice cream but it doesn't mean I can't be honest about my feelings" You speak honestly, shrugging your shoulders.
"You bribed her?" Kim looks at Leah in disbelief.
"She refused to get out of my car, I had to get her out of there somehow. What else was I supposed to do?" Leah questions the older women.
"Hey, I kept my end of the deal so now you have to keep yours. I want ice cream with sprinkles" You declare, shifting back to lean in your seat as you cross your arms.
"After the meetings' over" Leah reminds you with an amused smile on her face, "Lets' just listen to what Jonas and the rest of the guys have to say first" she adds.
"We've missed your sense of humour around here, Y/N" Jonas chuckles, listening to you stubbornly demand ice cream, "Anyways I think we're getting a little of topic here with what we need to discuss about what's best going forward and how we can help you" he tells you.
You huff and narrow your eyes at your head coach, "Cut the small talk, Jonas. Am I being sidelined or not?" You ask, not wanting to beat around the bush about things.
"Y/N just let him talk" Kim states, giving you a disapproving look.
Trying to resist the urge to groan inwardly and shake your head, "I can't deal with the small pauses or the suspensful waiting, I need to know what's going on. So am I or not?" you wonder.
"Well based on everything that has happened, the club feels that it might be best to maybe, take some time--" Jonas' words were cut short.
"I knew it, I knew it!" You exclaim aloud, taking everyone off guard as you feel the anger and upset to coming to light, "I can't be benched, I can't... I need to play football, it's my passion!" you insist.
"Y/N we think it'll be best so you're able to take that time, take a step back and focus on yourself" Jonas explains.
You glance around the room, looking at the rest of the coaching and medical staff who all have the sort of facial expressions.
They were all in agreement with this decision.
"This will be good for you do this, Y/N" Kim states.
Shaking your head in disagreement, you try and keep your emotions in check before you say something you will regret, "No it's not" you disagree with your captain.
"I know you don't like it Y/N but this will be good for you take a break away from football" Leah tries her luck to get you to understand this better but you're feeling too upset about this to even want to hear them out.
"It won't! I can't do it!" You grit your teeth and shake your head.
"You need this break Y/N" Kim tells you.
"No, no. What I need-- What I need is to be on the pitch! What I need is to be able to play football, it's my hobby, it's my career, it's something... it's something that I love!" You shout aloud as you look mainly in the direction of Leah, Kim and Jonas, "Why am I being punished for this?!" you exclaim.
"Bubs, this isn't a punishment. We're doing this as a way we can help you" Leah tries to reassure you.
"No, like hell it is! This isn't helping, none of you guys are helping me!" Your not willing to listen to any further conversation as you bolt up from your seat, "This isn't helping me, this is killing me and well if so then you guys' might as be the one to hold the blade to my wrists!" you all but scream as you dart out of the office.
"Y/N wait--" Leahs' quick to try and follow after you.
"Let her go and calm down Leah. I can understand that this is a lot for her to take in" Jonas tells the blonde, shaking his head as she sits back down, "We let her calm down and then we can try and talk to her again, we will be there for her" he adds.
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"Kiddo?... Shit, kiddo!" Katie gasps in shock as she finds you taking your anger out on a nearby brick wall, quickly springing into action and taking a hold of your knuckles, which are now bloody and she's pretty sure broken too, "You're okay. Calm down, I've got you" she states gently.
"I hate this, I hate this... I hate this!" You break out into sobs as you cling onto the older girl, "I hate this" You repeat your words as you bury your head in Katies' chest.
"Easy there, easy" Katie guides you to crouch down against the wall as she holds your hands in her own, "Talk to me. What's going on?" she asks once you've calmed down enough.
"They're forcing me to take a break from football" You cry aloud, not willing to accept it just yet, "I can't... I can't do that" you add.
Katie frowns in confusion, "Who is?" she asks.
"All of them in the office-- Leah, Kim... Jonas, all the coaches and medical. They're sidelining me, it's not fair!" you tell her upset.
"Oh, okay I see" Katie nods in understanding and smiles sympathetically at you, "Listen, I know it's a lot to take in and it might not seem like it but this will help to take the time away from all of the pressure" she explains.
You pull away and frown at the older girl, "Seriously, not you, too? Whys' everybody against me" You shake your head in disagreement.
"Nobodys' against you, kiddo. We just want to do what we can to help you" Katie tries to reason with you and explain it better, "When you were in the hospital, it killed us all to to see you like that again-- It killed me to see you like that, selfishly I thought  you being hospital wasn't a good decision but I was so scared and angry to realise that it was done to help you and keep you safe" she tells you honestly.
"You and Leah fought about that the whole time though" You remind her as you felt your knuckles begin to throb from the impact of punching the wall, "I think I did something stupid here" You mumble as you glance down at your knuckles.
"Your upset and you lashed out, it's normal to do things without thinking" Katie chuckles as she stands up and offers you a hand up, which you take as she slings her arm around you, "Come on, lets' take a trip to medical and see if they can help, aye?" she suggests, leading the way to that said place.
You love football, it's your passion but maybe hearing Katie say that, made it made some kind of sense that you need this break to take a step back and focus on other things.
Relieve the pressure of being expected to be so great, switch off and ignore the fans.
You can just ignore the rest of the world around you.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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these mashups really make me feel like maybe Taylor *is* her own Taylor Swift. like when she’s feeling something, sometimes she does turn to her own songs for comfort, and right now she’s using her own words to create new stories that mean something different or are more relevant to her feelings now (whether that’s about something happening in her life right this moment, or retelling stories from the past in a different light)
as a songwriter myself (just for fun) I often play my own songs to reflect on the memories of writing them/get those feelings out again, and thinking of Taylor doing the same just makes me so 🥹🥹
Yes absolutely. Her even talking about how she's never needed songwriting more than she has in the last year imo is not just about her writing out the story of what she's been through the most recently but also turning to her own body of work and mining it for new metaphors, new meanings, new ways to communicate. She has specifically said 'metaphors' and 'creative' in her surprise song speeches and I absolutely think as part of the re-recording experience and going deep deep into herself that having her archive of songs documenting the evolution of her thoughts on life and love have been immensely helpful.
And this goes as far back imo (I have brought it up before) of her "retconning" songs that she wrote about other experiences like "White Horse" to be about something new she was feeling in that moment a la the 2008 AMAs and pointing to Joe Jonas in the audience. That song very likely was not about that breakup but it was a useful carrying device to get her through the heartbreak she was experiencing in that moment.
And now with the mashups, she's able to go through her oeuvre which has always inherently 'talked' across albums and documented her changing views based on experience because they all come from her and use this as another communication tool that goes one step further to communicate. Like A song may be about X but when you mash it up with B song which was about Y you get a multi-layered and faceted new thing that becomes the whole alphabet. The mashups give her the opportunity to use song as a language - like elevating from the basics to becoming fluent. They become greater than their parts, more complex and nuanced to reflect how more complex and nuanced adult feelings become when you turn things and experiences and emotions over in your mind.
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This is my list of (IMHO) genuinely heroic people. I keep this list so that when I'm feeling uninspired I can pick a name at random, look them up, and be inspired. My memory kinda sucks so I've usually forgotten about them in the interim so it's like hearing some inspiring story for the first time. Please feel free to use this list for that purpose or for whatever purpose helps you. This is a private thing I've been absent-mindedly curating for years, so it's a little discombobulated; maybe I should put it in alphabetical order, for example. Since it works for what I use it for, though, I've never had the need for that, although there may be some duplicates specifically because of that.
If you have any additions, I'd love to hear them.
If you know of a reason somebody should not be on here, I'd love to hear that too. There are some controversial choices here, some people I've hemmed and hawed about, but in the end they're still on the list.
In no particular order:
Rachel Corrie
Aaron Bushnell
Sophie Scholl
Irena Sendler
Eugeniusz Łazowski
Mary Schweitzer. I know who she is but I'm including her anyway. Takes guts to do what she did
Temar Boggs
Juan Pujol García
Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson
Temar Boggs
Henrietta Swan Leavitt
Aitzaz Hassan Bangash Shaheed. Might already be on here; I need to alphabetize this list
Sal Khan. Yeah, I'm including him
Irena Sendler
Neerja Bhanot
Iqbal Masih
Tank man
Stephen Ruth. The guy with the cameras. He's no tank man, but why not, he's on the list
Narendra Dabholkar
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Sophie Scholl
Charles Hazlitt Upham
Wang Weilin
John Rabe (? ... Kind of questionable for obvious reasons. He saved a couple hundred thousand Chinese people though. I don't know. He was what he was.)
Baron Jean Michel P.M.G. de Selys Longchamps, DFC
Aitzaz Hasan Bangash
Daniel Hale
Hannie Schaft
Reality Winner … I guess
Aki Ra
Norman Borlaug
Neil Armstrong
Stanislav Petrov
Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov
William Kamkwamba
Donald A Henderson
Freddie Oversteegen
Daryl Davis and his collection of robes
Jacinto Convit
Sir Nicholas Winton
August Landmesser
Jonas Salk
Carl Lutz
Giorgio Perlasca
Derrick Nelson, principal of Westfield High School in New Jersey
Giles Corey
Chiune Sugihara
Sophie Scholl
Ronald McNair? Why not
I'm not sure how to phrase "the opposite of this list," so I'm just going to call it the opposite of this list. Genuinely villainous people? Too easy, and honestly not what I'm going for. Anyway, I'm going to leave out the obvious like Hitler, Trump and Gaddafi because they're, well, obvious. Actually I'm not really sure what the goal of this list is so I'm just kind of winging it. People not to emulate?
Marvin Heemeyer
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Joyce 'Joy' Foxworth (daughter of Nibs Darling and Jenny Foxworth)(Oc) Playlist;
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"Thank You For Being A Friend" by Andrew Gold.
"Girls Just Want To Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper.
"Primadonna Girl" by Marina.
"Die Young" by Kesha. 
"You're on your own kid" by Taylor Swift. 
"Choose your fighter" by Ava Max.
"Who I Am" by The Score.
"Strangers like me" by Phil Collins. 
"No Friends" by Cadmium.
"Hot Mess" by Cobra Starship. 
"Artemis" by Lindsey Stirling.
"Second Child, Restless Child" by The Oh Hellos.
"This Is Me" by Keala Settle and The Greatest Showman Ensemble.
"This Is Me" by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas.
"Perfect" by P!NK.
"Try" by P!NK.
"Just The Way I Am" by Skye Sweetnam.
"That's Not My Name" by The Ting Tings.
"Mean" by Taylor Swift.
"Mama Said" by Lukas Graham.
"Everything That Isn't Me" by Lukas Graham.
"Seven Years Old" by Lukas Graham.
"Werid Kid" by Rosendale.
"I Tried To Be Perfect" by Sum 41.
"You Got A Friend In Me" by Randy Newman.
"Lost Boy" by Ruth B.
"Bad Child" by Tones and I.
"Secrets" by Mary Lambert.
"Problem Child" by Simple Plan.
"I'm Just A Kid" by Simple Plan.
"Welcome To My Life" by Simple Plan.
"Anti-Hero" by Taylor Swift.
"Piggyback" by Melanie Martinez.
"Alphabet Boy" by Melanie Martinez.
"Detention" by Melanie Martinez.
"Young Volcanos" by Fall Out Boy.
"Children's Work" by Dessa.
"All My Friends Are Fake" by Tate McRae.
"Fix Me" by 10 Years.
"Brave" by Sara Bareilles.
"Drama" by AJR.
"Adventure Is Out There" by AJR.
"If I Killed Someone For You" by Alec Benjamin.
For @casinotrio1965 as a thank you.
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(047) Die drei ??? und der giftige Gockel
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»Millionen werden sterben!« flüstert das Unfallofper. Wer ist der Täter? Die drei Detektive schalten sich ein, und ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit beginnt! Schon bald merken die drei Freunde, dass sie auf der richtigen Spur sind, denn ihr unbekannter Gegner schlägt zurück ...   
Veröffentlichungshistorie Buch (Random House): Crimebusters 002, 1989, Megan & H. William Stine, Murder To Go Buch (Kosmos): 048, 1990, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 047, 1990
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Schwester Elisabeth, Krankenschwester
Kelly Madigan
"Big" Barney Crown, "Chicken King" und Inhaber einer Fastfood-Kette
Julia Crown, Tochter von Barney Crown
Hauptkommissar Reynolds
Michael Argenti, Inhaber der Fastfood-Kette "Chickobello"
Don Dellasandro, Marktforscher für "Miracle Tastes" (😈)
Peggy Bennington
Sean Fellows, Julias ehemaliger Freund
Maria Gonzales, Julias Freundin aus dem College
Mr. Sweetness, arbeitet für Don Dellasandro
Pandro Mischkin, Spezialist für Geschmacks- und Aromastoffe (😈)
Dick Miller, arbeitet bei der Autoverwertung
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Chicken King, Fastfood-Kette
Chickobello, Fastfood-Kette
Miracle Taste, Firma zur Herstellung von Geschmacks- und Aromastoffen
Beverly Hilton, Hotel
Peters und Bobs Autos werden das erste Mal erwähnt
Bob wird langsam sehr sassy ...
Drippin' Chicken, Ein weißes Chicken-Crown-Brustfilet in einer Teighülle, die goldbraun und knusprig gebacken wird mit Soße.
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Barney Crown: "Hey, [Türöffnen] du gefällst mir, Junge! Hast ordentlich was auf den Knochen, genau wie meine Hähnchen! Hier, zwei Gutscheine für euch. Schönen Dank auch."
Peter: "Spinnst du?! Wieso zerreißt du die Gutscheine?" Justus: "Meine Diät! Gebratenes und Gegrilltes ist für mich streng verboten. Das solltest du doch wissen."
Justus: "Äh, keine Angst, Schwester. Wir ... gehen pünktlich." Schwester Elizabeth: "Das will ich hoffen." Bob: "Sehr freundlich, die Dame."
Schwester Elizabeth: "Allmählich ödet es mich an, dass sie jede halbe Stunde anrufen und nach Julia Crown fragen. Ich habe noch mehr Patienten." Bob: "Die ist ja glänzender Laune."
Peter: "Sag mal, was hast du da gesagt? Ich bin ein guter Fahrer? Wow! Ein Kompliment von Justus Jonas. Und ausgerechnet jetzt hab ich keinen Zeugen." Justus: "Na also, ich dachte eigentlich eher an die Kosten für den Druck neuer Geschäftskarten."
Justus: "Oh, die Dinger sehen fabelhaft aus!" Peter: "Sag mal, spinnst du? Da kann Gift drin sein!" Justus: "Hä?" Peter: "Stopf sie in deine Hosentasche." Justus: "Was?!" Peter: "Im Papierkorb würde man sie finden, also mach' schon!" Justus: "Und deine Hose?" Peter: "Die ist zu hell, das wird man sofort sehen."
Peter: "Na? Wetten, dass auch Sweetness hinter der Aktentasche her ist?" Justus: "Mann, das nenne ich eine beachtliche Schlußfolgerung! Hattest du irgend welche Gehirn-Nahrung zum Frühstück?"
Justus: "Es stellte sich nämlich heraus, dass diese Substanz möglicherweise karzinogen ist." Bob: "Was?!" Peter: "Was heißt denn das?" Bob: "... Krebserregend."
Don Dellasandro: "Jetzt müssen wir reinen Tisch machen." Bob: "Mit einem Revolver."
Happy Meal Justus macht Diät
Aufgelegt! Der Anrufer legt einfach auf und das wir kommentiert!
Tritt drauf! Peter muss schneller / langsamer fahren, je nachdem, was schlechter ist
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Barney Crown: "Das ist Pandro Mischkin. Er ist Spezialist für Geschmacks- und Aromastoffe. Er leitet die Abteilung Forschung und Entwicklung. Und wenn er sich in dem Job bewährt, bringe ich ihm die übrigen 24 Buchstaben des Alphabets auch noch bei, Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa!"
Justus: "Mister Sweetness arbeitet für Sie, richtig? Der Bursche in der Militäriacke." Don Dellasandro: "Mister Sweetness! Ein wahrhaft passender Name. Ja, er ist mein Mann. "
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snipetooth · 7 months
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welcome in! i'm fang, and this is my new xReader blog. feel free to send in a request when they're open :]
last updated: dec 14, 2023
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current list of fandoms and the characters i’ll write for:
COD: MW2 Remaster [Soap; Ghost; Price; Gaz; Alejandro; Rodolfo; Valeria]
Good Omens [Crowley; Aziraphale]
The Expendables 1 and 2 [Lee Christmas; Barney Ross]
Star Trek: AOS [James Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Khan]
Star Trek: SNW [Christopher Pike, Erica Ortegas, Spock, James Kirk, Nyota Uhura]
FNaF movie [Mike Schmidt]
The Meg [Jonas Taylor; Jaxx; Suyin]
¿ The Hunger Games [Gale Hawthorne; Katniss Everdeen; Peeta Mellark] ?
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requests are: OPEN ~//~ current requests: 0
i write: headcanons / 'drabbles' (very short stories) / one-shots
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Mike Schmidt - illness headcanons
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COD: MW2 Remaster
nothing here yet!
Good Omens
nothing here yet!
The Expendables
Lee Christmas - I'm Glad You're Home
Star Trek
nothing here yet!
nothing here yet!
The Meg
Jonas Taylor - Do Orcas is Whales? More at 11
Jaxx - SFW alphabet
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#x reader: catchall tag to make it easier to filter my posts for others
#sighted: original writing by me
#sniped: original posts by me (such as this, responses to asks, etc)
#word games: prompt lists!
#credits: anything that i use, used, or might use (like banners, pfps, dividers, etc.)! currently my dividers are made by me!
#not writing: anything that isn't a hc/drabble/one-shot
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WILL: romantic/platonic/familial relationship; poly (canon x reader x canon, for example); jealousy; some mental illnesses/disorders (ask!); some mental/physical disabilities (ask!); violence/gore (may not be the greatest but i’ll give it a go!); death of the reader/character/third party; suggestive content; kids (being adopted by/raising kids with/what they're like with kids); younger reader/older canon (18 is the youngest i'll go if romantic)
WON’T: pregnancy/miscarriage; smut; yandere; extreme gore/torture (i'm just not good at it); a/b/o; i may come up with others as i write
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the-lil-exorcist · 1 year
Sign Lessons|| Ariadne & Lil
TIMING : About two weeks ago
LOCATION:  A Coffee Shop
PARTIES : @ariadnewhitlock, @the-lil-exorcist
SUMMARY: Lil, having noticed earlier Ariadne practicing ASL offered to teach her more signs. The two meet up and talk and decide to make this a regular thing.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Very light Family disfunction warning.
Lil didn’t often offer people to teach them languages. One, she knew a suspicious amount of them which really couldn’t be explained by her schooling or anything else. It wasn’t magical though, Lil had just learned them the old fashioned way spending a lot of time with her head in books translating them. 
Still, Lil always found an exception, when she saw someone trying to learn ASL. Maybe it reminded her of when she was younger, learning it alongside Jonas and their mother so she can always talk to him.  She had spent a lot of her early life trying to get the other kids to learn it too, so Jonas wouldn’t feel alone. So, when she saw Ariadne trying to sign to her when she was absentmindedly ‘talking’ to herself she couldn’t help but offer to teach the other more. 
So now she was here, waiting patiently at a coffee shop hoping that the expresso she ordered would wake her up despite it being the afternoon. After this she had to go deal with a haunting - she was pretty sure it was a haunting at least. While pondering her eyes glanced at the other and Lil waved. “Hey - I hope you found me easily enough. I’ve got some of the books I was talking about too if you wanted to borrow them.” 
Her mother had spoken French to her ever since she could remember, but Ariadne found learning most other languages difficult. Except that signing had seemed good - something she could get a handle on more easily than Italian or Greek or anything along those lines.
When someone had come across one of her practice sessions and offered to help her learn more, Ariadne couldn’t help but agree practically without a second thought. Which wasn’t necessarily like her, but she needed something to do, and school wasn’t a very good distraction for her, so she figured that learning something she wanted to, something she wasn’t going to be graded on, was the best route to go.
She’d found the coffee shop without any sort of trouble, and spotted Lil sitting down. “I - yes, I do - did. I found you.” Great start, she thought to herself. “I’d love to see the books, but I’ve found that sometimes I learn better from practical, visual practice - experience - if that’s okay?”
Lil gave the other a smile which seemed easier than normal at least of late. She wasn’t usually particularly gloomy - something that might shock people seeing her appearance and job- but constantly thinking of her family and their fate had caused it to be harder to not show it on her face. Still, she figured for a little bit she was allowed not to think about all the people she needed to find. If she kept acting desperate to find them she was going to burn herself out and then Jonas would have to pick up the pieces. Again. 
Lil chuckled slightly and nodded, “Yes you did.” Lil tried to keep the other from feeling embarrassed moving the books over to her side of the table and nodding. “Of course. If you actually want to use ASL the books aren’t going to be as helpful then actually talking in the language .” Lil shifted so that her hands were now in front of her so she could start signing. 
“So - I think a good place to start is to sign the alphabet to me just so I can see your movements. Whenever you're confused or don’t know a sign you can always sign that way so it’s a good place to start.” Lil paused, realizing that the other might have already known that and continued hoping that she didn’t offend Ariadne , “I’m sure you already knew that - but I really like making sure the basics are taken care of.”  
“No, it’s okay. I really appreciate that you brought the books, still. It’s nice that you’re so thorough about this.” It certainly helped to calm her nerves. At least as much as was possible, which wasn’t necessarily saying all too much, but she’d take anything. Ariadne nodded again. “I’d love to practice actually talking. I think that might be why I like dance so much? I don’t have to read to understand what I need to do…” her voice trailed off.
“Yes, okay.” She offered a careful smile, “oh - please, no - it’s okay. I have heard that, but hearing it from an expert, like you, is extra wonderful. You can tell me if I’ve got the alphabet down.” Ariadne hoped that she did, at least. However, even if she made mistakes, Lil seemed to be the sort of teacher who would correct them kindly.
She began signing her way through the alphabet - “sometimes I got a bit messed up on Q, but I think I’ve maybe got a handle of it, now?” Ariadne looked up. “How am I doing? I can also sign the basic ‘Hello, my name is Ariadne,’ and some other stuff - I just like the idea of knowing sign. It’s such a beautiful language. So thank you, again, for taking the time to do this.”
“Ah I appreciate that,” Lil said, her hands moving to something close enough to what she was saying. Although Lil wouldn’t say she was perfect at signing and speaking, she did often do it for Jonas, if only the most consequential words so he knew what others were saying.  “Oh, are you a dancer then?” Lil said, tipping her head to the side a little not quite knowing what she might or might not expect from her would-be student. The other seemed graceful enough that she would believe it. 
Lil couldn’t help getting a little red at the ears being called an expert and she shook her head, “Ah - I wouldn’t say I’m an expert but that’s nice to say - Okay let's see.” She said trying to focus on the other’s hand movements and the nice words. After all, she was only this good because she wanted to talk to Jonas. 
“You’re doing well,” Lil said with a smile still focusing on her hand movements not looking at Ariadne. “I see what you mean for Q, especially going from P. Try moving your middle finger up while you bring your pointer finger down to transition that one smoother.” Lil said, showing with her hand what she meant, slower than she normally would go through the alphabet. “ It’s also okay not to have them go quickly either. It seems like you got all of them down though. Just slow it down a bit so it doesn’t blur into the next letter.” 
At the statement Lil nodded and said, “Sure. I can teach you some vocab. I also like the language a lot too. It’s my favorite thing that I’ve learned.” She said what she was saying although the signs were slightly delayed. “Part of it is knowing the sentence structure of ASL, it’s a bit different than a speaking language - so although it looks correct it can seem weird when you’re ‘listening’ to it if that makes sense? Also Hi Ariadne, I’m Lil.” She said laughing slightly, signing her greeting to the other slower then she would normally, carefully spelling Ariadne’s name. 
“Oh, of course.” Ariadne watched Lil’s hands - in awe of the ease with which she managed to sign and speak. “I - yes, I suppose I am? I’ve been dancing practically since I could walk, but I’m not like an actual professional or anything. It just makes sense to me, I guess?” She only wished that more of her life could make sense, but that was neither here nor there, right now. It certainly wasn’t helpful to let her thoughts travel in that direction when she was very much trying to focus on being in the moment.
“Relative expert?” A shrug, “you’re very good at this, is all I mean.” The other seemed to want to move away from talking about herself, which was certainly something Ariadne could appreciate. Or relate to, in the very least.
“Thank you,” she watched Lil’s hands. “That makes a lot of sense,” she copied the movement, making sure to take her time this time around. “Yes, I think I got a little nervous, but not rushing is important - though when you can speak it more, it makes sense to go quickly, right? At least sort of?” Ariadne let herself offer the other another cautious smile. 
“Do you know a lot of languages?” She nodded again, “it does make sense. It’s a different language, even if it uses some of the same words as English.” She hoped that didn’t come off as too uneducated, or rude, or anything like that. Hi, Lil - Ariadne signed back, pausing for a moment before she signed nice to meet you. Speaking, she added, “or continue to meet you, I suppose.”
“I mean you don’t have to be an expert in something to be it. I can’t say I’m an expert in knitting - but I would consider myself a knitter,” Lil said, her hands signing the words slightly after again, getting used to doing it. 
“Ah - My brother is Deaf, and well we talk everyday so I guess that’s more it. I can’t say I’d be like an expert translator,” Lil said, shrugging lightly. After all, she decided when she was a kid she wasn’t going to make Jonas read her lips. She always imagined it would be exhausting, and she just wanted to be able to talk to him freely. The fact that it made it easier to communicate with what ghosts were saying to her was honestly just secondary. 
“That’s it,” Lil said with a smile - stopping herself from telling the other not to thank her. It was something her mom had drilled into all of them not to do - and since Lil had a track record of working with supernatural it’s always been something she took seriously.  She wasn’t looking to be bound by a fae after all. “Yeah you’ll get a little faster when you get more comfortable, but like some people talk slower some people sign slower too. It’s more so that your hand signs and face convey the same thing.” 
“I know a few,” Lil said, being slightly vague knowing that some of the ones she knew weren’t exactly normal. She genuinely did love languages but her dad was more concerned about the utility of them. “Exactly. It’s near enough - but not the same.” Lil laughed and signed Nice to meet you too back. “It’s fun talking in ASL to people so it’s no problem at all. Do you have any topics you’d like to know vocab for?”
“Oh - yes, I think that makes sense. You have a nice way of looking at things.” She followed the other’s hands again, in awe as she spelled out words just as she continued to talk. Ariadne nodded.
“That makes sense. I know French because my mom’s family is French, and sometimes it’s easier to talk to my grandparents that way.” She shrugged in unison with Lil. “Oh - yeah, and I’m not going to ask you to translate - promise.” Ariadne nodded. “I don’t have any siblings - I - well, just a cousin. Can I ask you if you like having a brother? You don’t have to answer, if that’s too much of me to ask, since I’ve only just met you.” And she knew that too many personal questions would cause her to freeze up, so she didn’t want to risk inflicting discomfort on someone else, least of all someone who was so ready and willing to help her out.
“Yes, I remember hearing that - about how important it is to have facial expressions in addition to the actual signs, because the two combined are what really make it work, right?”
“I find that what I know so far is really fun to use, so I can imagine so.” Any topics that she wanted to know? Ariadne thought for a moment. “How do you sign ‘you’re safe’? Is - uh,” she signed out thank you for being my friend, “is that right, for ‘thanks for being my friend?’ I figure that might be nice to know. Um. Honestly, anything you want to teach me? Music, maybe?”
Lil smiled at that, not usually known for her general outlook being something to be proud of, and said, “I appreciate that.”  At the talk of French Lil’s eyes lit up a little, but she wondered if she should share that she also knew French. She probably didn’t speak it well enough for someone who spoke French to want to talk to her in it. Still she said softly, “I - actually know some French too. Not as well as ASL though.” 
At the question Lil couldn’t help but be a little taking aback and thought for a moment, “No that’s fine. Yeah I love having my siblings. My brother - he’s actually my twin - and I are really close. The other two - well we were really close and I love them a lot, but it can be hard.” Lil thought about it for a moment and wondered where Jude and Jane were now, and if they thought the same about her. They must still love her - even if she made Jane upset when she left. Jude always kept their feelings off of their face, but surely they still thought about Lil as their little sister right? Hopefully when they reunited Lil could confirm that. 
Focusing back on Ariadne, Lil nodded and said, “It’s not exactly like how you think about tone with speaking languages - but it is similar. It’s how you can figure out if someone’s being serious or joking -you know.” 
Lil, tilted her head at the question and signed You are safe - slowly so the other could see the signs. At the question and signing Lil nodded signing You’re welcome - I’m glad to be your friend. “Yes you did it right!  And sure I can do that. Do you mean lyrics to songs or how to sign words like ‘music’?” 
“So basically, you’re a language genius, is what you’re telling me?” Ariadne offered her companion a small smile. “I - in case that sounds like I’m making a mean sort of joke, I’m not - that’s just - English class was hard enough in school for me, and again, the French is just because of my mom, so I’m just extremely super impressed by you.”
Ariadne listened carefully to Lil’s response. “My cousin and I are - were super close. We - well, he goes to college here now, but we’re not quite as much like siblings as we used to be.” Her face fell for a moment, though she did her best to quickly shake herself out of it, focusing back on the present moment. Because right now was a time filled with excitement - when she could learn just for learning’s sake, without having to worry about grades or other classmates. She could still remember begging her parents to homeschool her once, briefly, though that possibility have never been especially feasible, given both of their jobs.
“Oh, yes, okay. I think I get it.” She nodded. “It makes sense, since there’s no talking in the way we are right now, but tone of voice is still wicked important.” Ariadne pressed her lips together for a moment, deep in thought and concentration.
You are safe, she did her best to copy Lil’s movements. Thank you. Ariadne offered her a small smile. “Oh, how to sign words like music and stuff like that. If that’s okay?”
“I- I mean I don’t think so. It's not really odd in my family. Well I might know a few more than the others now, but a lot of them are polyglots.” Lil said, stuttering through the compliment, shaking her head slightly and laughing. “You’re fine. I think it’s impressive when anyone knows more than one language no matter how they learned it.” 
Lil frowned slightly listening to Ariadne, and specifically what she didn’t seem to be saying. She wanted to say something, about how siblings sometimes go through it. After all - her and Jane’s relationship was more akin to being strained then what it was before. Still, she didn’t want the other to feel like she was prying, poking at something tender. “Even when - I don’t see eye to eye with my big sister, I know she still loves me and I love her. I think you might see the same thing with your cousin. I don’t want to pry - but if you ever want to talk about it and come up with a plan I’d be happy to help.” 
Moving back to learning Lil nodded and said, “Exactly. That’s how you can tell if something’s a joke or if the other person is mad or something.”  Lil thought for a moment and started moving her hands. “This is how you sign ‘music’. And funnily enough Song kinda looks like you're leading an orchestra.” Lil said with a bit of a smile again, singing slightly after she spoke, “What’s your favorite kind of music? Pop? Country? Classical? Rap?” After each choice Lil paused a second so Ariadne could follow.
“I still think language genius works.” Ariadne nodded, “even if it’s common in your family, it’s not so common for most of the rest of us, so…” you are a genius, and I mean that. Except she didn’t want to put too much pressure on Lil, or make any part of the situation awkward or uncomfortable. “Well, thanks. It makes talking with my grandparents easier, and that’s worth everything to me…”
She looked up at Lil, “oh?” The last thing Ariadne wanted was to bring up something difficult. Even if she had her difficulties with her cousin, causing someone else pain from it left a sour feeling in her stomach. “You’d want to help me?” That was unexpected. Not because Lil seemed anything but entirely wonderful and lovely, but rather because Ariadne didn’t want to ​​foist her problems onto someone else. But if Lil wanted to help… “I might. Is it alright if I keep that in mind, maybe bring it up again at a later point?” She fiddled with her hands. “It’s okay if not, though - there’s no pressure of anything.”
They’d moved back to discussing signing and she kept her gaze on the other woman, carefully listening to every bit of her explanation. “Right, okay - perfect.” Ariadne copied Lil’s hand movements. “That’s pretty cool. Then - uh, conduct? What would that be, if song sort of looks like that?” She paused at the next question. “Classic Rock? Indie? Uhh… I like ABBA and Fleetwood Mac and Patti Smith and people like that. But really, again, anything you want to teach me is wonderful.” ‘It makes me very happy.’ She signed.
Lil chuckled at the insistence raising her hands slightly as if to give in to the idea. “Fair enough. I won’t fight you on it.” Lil nodded at the idea saying, “Same with me and my brother - he can read lips really well, but I wanted to actually talk to him you know? Where neither of us were struggling to understand the other. I think it’s awesome you learned to talk to them.” After all, no matter how well Jonas adapted to the world- learning how to speak slowly or read lips - there was always an inherent struggle there. Jonas wouldn’t admit it, but she was pretty sure he was uncomfortable.  Lil didn’t want that, at least when it came to him talking to her. 
Lil nodded and said softly, “Yeah if I can - I didn’t mean to jump into any conclusions, but if I can I do want to help. So yeah, bring it up anytime you need to.” Maybe part of it was the guilt Lil felt in the back of her throat. Maybe if she had tried harder with Jude and Jane they would have called her before - but Lil didn’t want to think about herself right now. After all, not every family was like hers and Ariadne deserved help not because of Lil’s guilt, but that she ought to be helped. 
“Yeah like a little conductor,” Lil said smiling. “ Conductor would be bigger like this.” She said showing the sign, making it bigger then it had been previously. Signing slightly after Lil said, “This would be the sign for classic rock and Indie. - That’s some pretty great music. Mostly with music I try to explain what the lyrics sound like if it’s different then the beat. Jonas usually can feel the music itself when I have it on - he’ll put his hand on the speaker, but sometimes the beat is different - at least I think so.” Lil smiled at the sign and replied “I’m glad. I’m happy to teach too.” 
“I mean, I don’t want to cause a fight, I just think people who do good things should be appreciated for that.” She took a small sip of her drink. “That’s all.” Ariadne nodded as Lil moved back to the discussion about her brother. “I mean, again, I don’t really think it’s, like, noble or whatever. Just something to do for people who I love.” Still, a smile couldn’t be helped. There was something about someone like Lil (someone who seemed so effortlessly cool) being in agreement with something she was doing that continued to make her feel more at ease.
“No, it’s okay - I think I was just a bit surprised at the offer, is all.” Ariadne looked down at the table. “I appreciate it. A lot. You’re very kind, and this is probably overselling all of this but - the offer’s nice, even if I don’t follow through.” Which she knew she might not, but she’d think about that at a later date.
“Oh.” Ariadne smiled back. “I like that -” she copied the signs, ���but that makes sense. All of this.” More than a lot of things made sense right now, and so she was grateful to have something like this to hold onto. ‘You’re a better teacher than most people at the college,’ Ariadne signed back, a small, mischievous smile appearing.
Lil chuckled at the thought that they were actually fighting. “Fair enough.” Nodding at the thought she couldn’t help but agree. At the end of the day, she really only cared to learn languages because she wanted to talk to people. Jonas had been the most important of the people she wanted to talk to, but the fact remained it was that simple instinct that made her keep on the studies even when they got hard. She might not be the best conversationalist, but there was something in her that did want people to feel heard. 
“That’s no problem at all,” Lil said with a softer smile. “- But really if you ever need anyone to just listen even. I’m not always good at solutions, but sometimes you just gotta let it out.” It didn’t feel exactly like kindness to Lil, but she didn’t want to elaborate on it. After all, there was no actual proof that Lil could resolve anything any better than Ariadne could alone. Even so, she would try her best. 
“Great. I’m glad it’s making sense,” Lil said, feeling pretty happy that it was going well. At the signed compliment Lil chuckled and signed back ‘I will be sure to keep that in mind if I ever enroll that I will have to teach them first.’ 
“I mean, even having you offer to listen means pretty much the world to me, so.” It did - there was not a single piece of exaggeration in her words. “Just - knowing someone else cared.” Ariadne sighed contentedly for a moment, “and if you ever want to talk to me. I can - also listen. If you want. I like to think I’m decent at it.” Plenty of people had talked to her for a long while when she was little, in her dad’s store.
“It is.” Her smile turned just slightly mischievous. ‘You really would.’ “But in all seriousness, yeah, you’re miles better of a teacher than most I’ve had. Except maybe my mom, but I never had her as a teacher, so…” Ariadne let her voice trail off. ‘Again sometime?’ she attempted to sign. ‘Us. This. Teach and learn?’
Lil smiled at the thought. She wasn’t sure what to make of the feeling, but it was nice that someone wanted her to listen and even offered to listen to her. Lil wasn’t exactly known for her friends, so even the offer touched her. “That sounds nice. I appreciate that.” 
Lil laughed and replied, “ I’m glad. That seems like a great short list to be compared with.” At the sign languages Lil nodded and responded “Yes. I would love to teach you more.” After all, Ariadne seemed like she would be a wonderful friend, and while it probably shouldn’t be the focus of her time right now, it was just nice to have a potential friend. 
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What do you think are the hidden talents of each of the main characters?
I had to call in reinforcements for this one. @lylilorden
Cammie can do a handstand
Macey can hold her breath underwater the longest. She can also do that singing/talking with your mouth closed thing
Liz is really good at impressions. Celebrities, crying babies, random sounds, whatever. She's really good at it
Bex is the best photographer of the group
Zach is really good at origami
Preston can do sleight of hand magic tricks (someone remind me to come back to this idea) and he can sweet talk machines into running correctly
Grant can do bird calls according to my answer in a previous ask lmao
Jonas is really good/fast at spinning pens and doing little tricks with whatever he's fidgeting with
Rachel great at throwing small snacks (m&m’s, grapes, etc) across the room into someone’s mouth. If you’ve ever wondered what Joe, Matt, and Rachel did in their free time it’s this
Abby is our flexible queen
Joe is really good with animals. Or rather they just all really like him. He doesn’t know why. Matt get the deer away from him.
Townsend can say the alphabet backwards. The freak.
Matt is really good at doodling flamingos specifically
Catherine can walk on ice in street shoes without slipping
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artbdt · 8 months
Tracks Heard On DI.FM On Saturday, September 23rd, 2023
My first post on this new blog :)
New di.fm tracklist update for 2023.09.23.SAT:
Wet Fingers - Like This (Burn Original Remix)
Zedd Feat Matthew Koma & Miriam Bryant - Find You (Syn Cole Remix)
Dominatorz Bassmonkeys Feat Amanda Wilson - Don't Throw It Away (Dominatorz Extended Club Mix)
Tiesto Pres Allure Feat Christian Burns - On The Wire (Original Mix)
Ava Max - My Head And My Heart (Jonas Blue Extended Mix)
Ben Neeson - Is This Right (Radio Edit)
Martin Tungevaag - Vidorra (Extended Mix)
Alan Morris & Sarah Lynn - Take Me On A Journey (Extended Mix)
Medina - Lonely (Svenstrup & Vendelboe Remix)
Morgan Page - I've Had Friends (Jean Elan Extended Remix)
Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World) (Rosabel's Only Club In The World Mix)
Kenny Dope, Alok, Ella Eyre, Never Dull - Deep Down feat. Never Dull (Extended Mix)
Desperado Feat Play And Win - Inside I Want You (Da Brozz Remix)
Ariana Grande & The Weeknd - Love Me Harder (Noodles Remix)
Quentin Mosimann Vs Tara Mc Donald - All Alone (Extended)
ONEDUO & TwoWorldsApart - It's Not You
Steve Aoki - Lie To Me feat. Ina Wroldsen (Blue Brains Steve Aoki Remix)
Antoine Clamaran - This Is My Goodbye (Extended Mix)
Mohombi - In Your Head (High Level Club Mix)
Matisse And Sadko Feat Ollie James - We're Not Alone (Hi Scandinavia) (Original Mix)
Lange feat. Stine Grove - Crossroads (Estiva Remix)
Patrick Hagenaar - Another Chance (Original Mix)
Lost Frequencies & Zonderling - Crazy (Dash Berlin Remix)
Sahara feat Mario Winans - Mine (Scotty Remix)
Borgeous feat. M.BRONX - Souls (Extended Mix)
Showtek - How We Do
Dj MEG Feat Bk - Make Your Move (Original Mix)
Alok & Daniel Blume - Rapture (Extended Mix)
Ferry Corsten - Check It Out (Original Extended)
Cosmic Gate & Jes - If Not Now (Extended Club Mix)
Super8 & Tab feat Jan Burton - Mercy (Club Mix)
DONS & Maurizio Inzaghi - Searching For Love (Original Club Mix)
Axwell & Ingrosso - Something New (Robin Schulz Club Mix)
Leon JD - Supersonic (2010 Radio Edit)
Maor Levi Feat. Angela Mccluskey - Pick Up The Pieces (Original Mix)
Calvin Crew - I Can't Get You (Out Of My Mind) (Extended Version)
Heart Of Space - Free to Love (Extended Mix)
Eric Chase - A Night Like This (Original Mix)
Andrew Rayel & JES - From This Day On (Ben Gold Extended Remix)
Mr Da-Nos Feat The Beatrockers - Dr Beat (Original Mix)
Carlos - Guitaro (Original Mix)
Armin van Buuren - Not Giving Up on Love (Dash Berlin 4AM Mix)
Justmylord & Patrick Moreno - Move It Like That (Original Mix)
Funkstar De Luxe - Do You Feel (Kill The Rocket Remix)
Above & Beyond - Blue Monday (Extended Mix)
Markus Schulz Feat Seri - Love Rain Down (Dabruck & Klein Remix)
Adam Ellis & Michele C - Don’t Disappear (Kismet 333 Extended Remix)
Armin van Buuren feat. BullySongs - Freefall (Extended Mix)
Jayceeoh & The Oddictions feat. Britt Daley - Alright (Kue Remix)
Remady - Do It On My Own (Mike Candys Remix)
Dua Lipa Feat. Dababy - Levitating (Don Diablo Extended Remix)
Christopher S - Star (Club Mix)
Zedd Feat. Selena Gomez - I Want You To Know (Marc Benjamin Remix)
Andy Moor & Michele C - We Can Be Free (Evan Pierce Remix)
Otto Knows - Million Voices (Extended Version)
Bosson - Guardian Angel (Bodybangers Remix Extended)
Sander van Doorn Feat Carol Lee - Love Is Darkness (Original Mix)
AXSHN feat. Sofia Reyes - Tell Me (Sak Noel Remix)
Amelia Lily - You Bring Me Joy (Steve Smart & Westfunk Club Remix)
Enlight & Komodo - I'm Feeling You (Movetown Remix)
NOTE: These track listings will eventually be reorganized into a master alphabetical list and put on my website at www.artbdt.com
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Songs in Alphabetical Order
Our Quarterback- “Wait, this is the moment in those romantic comedies where I kiss the you”- Finn Hudson (Glee)
Tumblr media
525,600 Minutes- Christian
All I Want- Kodaline
All I Want- From “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series”- Olivia Rodrigo, Disney
All of Me- John Legend
Another Man’s Jeans- Ashe
Bad Omens- Live from The Royal Albert Hall- 5 Seconds of Summer
Be Alright- Dean Lewis
Before You Go- Lewis Capaldi
Best Years- 5 Seconds of Summer
Bigger Than Me- Louis Tomlinson
Black and White- Niall Horan
Can’t Help Falling in Love- Elvis Presley
cardigan- Taylor Swift
Carolina- Harry Styles
Castle on the Hill- Ed Sheeran
Chicago- Louis Tomlinson
Cough Syrup (Glee Cast Version)- Glee Cast
Count on Me- Bruno Mars
Dandelions- Ruth B.
Dandelions- slowed + reverb- Ruth B., sped up+ slower, slater
Daydreaming- Harry Styles
Diana- One Direction
Electric Touch (feat. Fall Out Boy) (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)- Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy
Everybody Wants Rule The World- Tears for Fears
Everybody Wants Rule The World (Glee Cast Version)- Glee Cast
Fifteen (Taylor’s Version)- Taylor Swift
Fireproof- One Direction
Flicker- Niall Horan
Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)- Frank Sinatra, Count Basie
fOoL fOr YoU- ZAYN
Forever & Always (Taylor’s Version)- Taylor Swift
Getaway Car- Taylor Swift
Ghost Of You- 5 Seconds of Summer
Ghost Of You- Live- 5 Seconds of Summer
Girl Almighty- One Direction
Good Years- ZAYN
Greased Lightin’- From “Grease”- John Travolta, Jeff Conaway
Green light- 5 Seconds of Summer
Medicine- Harry Styles
Heart-Shaped Box- Ashton Irwin
Heavenly Kind Of State Of Mind- Lewis Capaldi
Hey Angel- One Direction
Hey There Delilah- Plain White T’s
High In California- Louis Tomlinson
Hold On- Chord Overstreet
Holiday/ Boulevard of Broken Dreams- Green Day
Hopelessly Devoted To You- Olivia Newton-John
Hopelessly Devoted To You (Glee Cast)- Glee Cast
If I Could Fly- One Direction
If You Leave Me- Niall Horan
I Love You- Alex & Sierra
Islands In The Streams- Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers
It’s Been a Long, Long Time (with Harry James & His Orchestra)- Kitty Kallen, Harry James
iT’s YoU- ZAYN
I Want- One Direction
I Will Always Love You- Dolly Parton
Jessie’s Girl (Glee Cast Version)- Glee Cast
Juke Box Hero (Glee Cast Version)- Glee Cast
Just the Way You Are- Bruno Mars
Keep Driving- Harry Styles
Kiss You- One Direction
Kiwi- Harry Styles
Let Me Down Slowly- Alec Benjamin
Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) (Glee Cast Version)- Glee Cast
Levitating- Dua Lipa
Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery
Live While We’re Young- One Direction
London Boy- Taylor Swift
Look After You- The Fray
Losing My Religion- Glee Cast
Love Shack (Glee Cast Version)- Glee Cast
Love Story (Taylor’s Version)
Meltdown- Acoustic- Niall Horns
Midnight Memories- One Direction
Mine (Glee Cast Version)-Glee Cast
Mine (Taylor Version) - Taylor Swift
Mr.Loverman- Ricky Montgomery
Must Be Love- Niall Horan
My Life Would Suck Without You- Cover of Kelly Clarkson- Glee Cast
Never Ending Song- Conan Gray
No Control- One Direction
Not Alone- Darren Criss
Not In The Same Way- 5 Seconds of Summer
On My Own- Niall Horan
Ophelia- The Lumineers
Our Song- Taylor Swift
Out Of My Limit- 5 Seconds of Summer
Paper Rings-Taylor Swift
Perfect- Ed Sheeran
Raise Your Glass (feat. Darren Criss)- Glee Cast, Darren Criss
Red Desert-5 Seconds of Summer
Rewrite The Star- Zac Efron, Zendaya
Rock Me- One Direction
Safety Pin-5 Seconds of Summer
San Francisco- 5 Seconds of Summer
Save My Life- Niall Horan
Say You Won’t Let Go- James Arthur
She’s Kinda Hot- Alternative Version- 5 Seconds of Summer
Soldier- Gavin DeGraw
Someone You Loved- Lewis Capaldi
Somewhere Only We Know (feat. Darren Criss)-Glee Cast, Darren Criss
Starving- Hailee Steinfeld, Grey, Zedd
Strawberry & Cigarettes- Troye Sivan
Sucker- Jonas Brothers
Summer Nights- From “Grease”- John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John
Superstition- Single Version- Stevie Wonder
Sweater Weather- The Neighbourhood
Sweet Creature- Harry Styles
Take Me To Church- Hozier
Take My Breath- Love Theme from “Top Gun”- Berlin
Take My Hand- 5 Seconds of Summer
Teenage Dream (feat. Darren Criss)-Glee Cast
Teenage Dream- Live- 5 Seconds of Summer
Thousand Years- Christina Perri
Till Forever Falls Apart- Ashe, FINNEAS
Treat People With Kindness- Harry Styles
Until I Found You- Stephen Sanchez
Up All Night- One Direction
Valentine- 5 Seconds of Summer
The Very First Night (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)- Taylor Swift
Water Fountain- Alec Benjamin
We Are Young- Glee Cast
When You Love Someone- James TW
Wildflower- 5 Seconds of Summer
Woman- Harry Styles
Worlds Smallest Violin- AJR
Yellow- Coldplay
You Being With Me (Taylor Version)- Taylor Swift
you broke me first- Tate McRae
You Don’t Go To Parties-5 Seconds of Summer
Young And Beautiful- Lana Del Rey
You’re The One That I Want- Remastered 2022- Olivia Newton-John, John Travolta
You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’- The Righteous Brothers
Playlist Masterlist
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Alphabet lore HeadCanon names
A: Aaron(male,he/him)
B: Bailey(demiboy,he/him or they/them)
C: Cameron (male, he/him)
D: Dylan(male,he/him)
H:Harlem (genderless even before death, it/it’s
J: Jonas(he/him)
K:kretos(genderless, any pronouns)
L: Logan(male,he/him)
M: Maxwell/Maxi(male.he/him)
O: Otis(male,he/him)
P: Paris(mtf,she/her)
Q:qabil (unlabeled, anything but she/her)
R:Rory (male, he/him)
U:umer(male, he/him)
W:winne and Winona (both female,both she/her)
X: Xoán (male,he/him)
Y: yuna (female, she/her)
Z:zoro(genderless,he/him,or it/it’s )
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scribblesofagoonerr · 1 month
Ice cream might as well cure my depression | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, I - Ice cream might as well cure my depression
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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"There you are," Leah exhales a sigh of relief as she walks into the medical room where she found you lay on the one of the medical beds with Katie sat beside you, as one of the medical staff accessed the damage on your bloody and bruised hands. "Oh my God, what happened?!" she questions, horrified as she sets her eyes on the scene in front of her.
"Found the kiddo taking her anger out on the wall," Katie chuckles slightly and shaking her head.
"Spoiler alert, the wall won," You murmer sarcastically from where you lay on the bed, trying to inject a bit of humour into the tense atmosphere, although the pain in your voice was still evident.
"What?" Leah repeats in atonishment at the news of what happened before she crouches down to kneel in front of you. "Oh bubs, why would you do that?" she questions, her initial shock turning into concern.
"Don't know, guess I just felt angry about everything. I feel like I'm not even allowed to make my own decisions now," You admitted your true feelings about things. "I guess I just didn't think and just lashed out."
Leah exhales another sigh and lightly brushes her thumb over your broken skin, "That must hurt a fair bit, huh?" she wonders.
Trying to not flinch at the contact, you bite your bottom lip and shake your head, "Nah, it barely hurts at all," You mumble, gritting your teeth.
"Liar," Katie chimes in amusedly, moving her hand to try and poke your hand to get your reaction.
"Okay, alright. I lied, it hurts like a mother--" You start to say as you're cut off.
"Don't even think about finishing that sentence the way I think you're about to do, Y/F/N!" Leah tells you in a stern tone of voice, but its' one that you're all too used to now.
"Trucker," You playfully grin at the older blonde.
The blonde pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head, "You really are insufferable sometimes, bubs," she mutters before she turns her attention to the medic in the room. "So, do we know what's the damage then?" she questions, her voice sounding more serious than previously.
"Well, the x-ray shows it's not broken, but just bruised instead," The medic reports to Leah. "My recommendations are ice and elevation to reduce the swelling." They add on.
"Great, now I really can't play football after all, can I?" You question, sighing in frustration but you know you only have yourself to blame for this happening now.
"Guess not, I'm afraid bubs," Leah replies sympathetically in agreement.
"Wonderful," You mumble under your breath, now you really didn't have any choice but to not be able to play football.
"I'm sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted kiddo," Katie sympathsises with you, gently resting her hand on your shoulder.
"My own fault though, weren't it?" You ask rhetorically, although you still can't help but huff in annoyance about the situation.
Leah's gaze softens, "You know we're gonna need to go back in there and speak to Jonas, Kim and the rest of the staff still, don't you?" she reminds you.
"Yeah, I sorta guessed that," You mumble, exhaling a sigh.
"And you need to apologise for running out of there, as well, please?" Leah requests gently.
"Seriously?" You raise an eyebrow and resist the urge to scoff, however, seeing the look that Leah had on her face, it made you back down. "Fine, alright, whatever. Can we still get ice cream after this though?"
The blonde rolls her eyes at the mention of food, "Just as long as you don't go back in the meeting and blow up, then yes we can still go and get ice cream" she tells you in agreement, a small smile playing on her lips.
"Relax, I won't. I'm much more calmer now," You reassure her, shrugging her shoulders carelessly.
"Really? Cos' you just take your anger out on a wall. That doesn't really scream out 'fine' to me," Katie snickers, reminding you ever so kindly about the disagreement you had with the wall.
"I had my reasons!" You defend yourself over what happened.
"Right, come on. Lets' just head back in there and see what else needs to be said," Leah steers the conversation back on track with a firm but supportive tone of voice.
"No chance to escape out the side door?" You attempt to crack a joke with the blonde.
"Nope, not a chance. Come on bubs, it'll be fine," Leah reassures you, sending you a gentle and warm smile as you both head back to the room where you previously bolted before.
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"We're back, sorry about that," Leah is the first to speak up and address the room of people that are awaiting your return.
You feel awkward walking into the room, you really hadn't mean to storm out in the way that you did.
Completely forgetting that you needed to apologise, you feel a slight nudge in your ribs, "Ow. What the--" Seeing the stern look from the blonde makes you remember what needed to be said. "Oh yeah, uh... I... I uh, I'm sorry for storming out like that. It weren't right and I apologise," You muster up the courage to apologise to them all sat around the large table.
"That's okay, Y/N. We can understand it's a lot to take in so far," Jonas nods in understanding, motioning to an empty chair. "Please, take a seat and we can continue with the meeting." he states.
Kim's eyes immediately are drawn to your knuckles as she furrows her eyebrows in concern, "Kid, what happened to your knuckles?" she questions.
"Oh uh that was just a disagreement with the wall," You give your captain a wry smile as you hold up your bruised hand. "Let's just say that the wall won this round."
"Y/N, we can understand what you're going through must be difficult and we want you to have the time to step back and focus on that," Jonas speaks up with a gentle tone of voice, his concern being evident.
You wonder if Leah can sense your uneasiness about the topic of conversation as she reaches out to gently take a hold of your hand, "It's okay, bubs. I've got you." she whispers quietly to reassure you that she's still there.
"What you've been through-- What you're going through is a lot to deal with, a challange, especially at your age." Jonas continues to speak his thoughts aloud. "As a club, we want to be able to help you in way that we can. So we have brought in a therapist, someone that you will be able to talk too--"
"Whoa, whoa, hold up!" You hold up your hand to cut your coach off from his concerned speel of speech. "A shrink... You want me to talk to a shrink?" You stutter in disbelief.
"Y/N--" Kim attempts to speak.
You whip your head round as you stare at the unfamiliar women in the room, "Wait, is this who this woman is?" You question, looking between all of the adults in the room.
"Bubs, just calm down," Leah chimes in, sensing your upset feelings very clearly right now.
"I'm a therapist actually," The unfamiliar women cuts in the conversation. "My name is Helen, it's nice to meet you properly, Y/N." she introduces herself.
You can't help but scoff lightly and shake your head, "You can call yourself whatever you want, I'm not talking to you," You state stubbornly, a bad trait of yours but who were you to just open up your feelings to this women? You didn't even know her, and now everyone thinks they have an opinion of what to do, who you should speak too?
It's your life, why can't people just let you live it the way that you want?
"It's bad enough that I already had to go through this talking to someone bullshit when I was on my spontaneous holiday," You snap in anger, you really didn't like this one bit.
"Holiday?" Jonas questions, confusion evident in his voice.
"She means when she was detained," Leah deadpans, shooting you a look.
"Yeah, sure, whatever, I was held in a psych ward against my own will, call it whatever the hell you want!" You fling your arms around in the air, feeling yourself getting worked up and you really fight hard against the idea of bolting out the room again. "I don't care who you are, shrink or therapist, I'm not talking to you."
"Y/N, come on. Please at least try and be open with Helen," Kim tries to reason with you. "You know that we just want to help you."
"Bubs, it might be good for you to talk to her," Leah chimes in with a gentle but still firm tone of voice.
"I'm only here for you to talk too," Helen, your new therapist pipes in with her ever so cheerful voice and that's something you are definitely not a fan off.
"I guess I don't have much choice, either way, do I?" You slump your shoulders in realisation about the whole situation.
"Well..." Jonas hesitates to speak.
"Cut the bullshit, Jonas," You cut him off as the frustration begins to bubble up to the surface.
"Y/N!" Kim chides you.
"Language, Y/N!" Leah adds in.
"Geesh, calm down, Captain America," You mutter, rolling your eyes as you slump back against the chair you're sitting on.
"Y/N," Leah reprimands, shooting you a stern look.
"In order for you to return to the pitch, we as a club believe it's important that you attend these therapy sessions," Jonas continues his explanation, giving you all of his attention. "Until you have attended them, we think it might be best if you step back from training and games until you're in a better place."
"Right, so I really don't have much of a choice then after all," You mutter, the realisation hitting you clear on. "How many?"
"How many?" Kim repeats, confused.
"How many sessions of therapy do I need to partake in before I'm cleared to take part in training and games again?" You wonder, curiously.
If that's what it took to get you back on the pitch, then you'd fake a smile and spill whatever words that this so call shrink wanted to hear you tell her, if it meant getting back on the pitch then what's you would do.
"As many as it takes, Y/N. Healing has no time limit," The ever so annoying therapist in your opinion spoke up at the moment. "Once you attend the first session, we can begin to work and create a plan with set goals for your future." she explains in a irritating perky voice.
"Yep, so I really don't have much choice at all, that's wonderful," You murmer under your breath as you try and slump down further in your seat if that's at all possible.
Kim pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head, "Your sass is too much right now," she states.
"Haven't you missed me? I'm a delight to be around!" You cheekily grin at your captain, trying to mask your true feelings about it all.
"We get that you may not be happy with the decisions, Y/N, but as a club, we all believe this is what will help you the most," Jonas explains to you, trying to defuse the tension in the room.
"What would help me would be allowing me to play football," You remark, letting your frustration show.
"Anything apart from that," Another member of the staff chimes in, amusedly.
"I think when I preffered in I was in the pysch ward after all," You can't help but make the sarcastic comment about things, like your usual way to cope with things head on.
"Y/N!" Leah exclaims in disbelief, scowling at you.
"What? I like dark humour, sue me," Shrugging your shoulders carelessly, you turn and look at the blonde women. "So, can we go and get ice cream now? Cos' you promised after all."
Leah let's out a small laugh and shakes her head, ""Seriously, bubs? You and your obsession with ice cream." She states in amusement.
"You can't go back on a promise, Le," You remind her, having the blonde wrapped around your finger.
You were happy enough to sit in a small shop, enjoying the ice cream as promised, although your attempt to lighten the mood with a joke didn't go a miss with Leah, she noted the pain behind your eyes straight away.
The blonde frowns in concern as she sits at the table opposite you, "Bubs, I know you're trying to mask how you really feel. I can tell that you're holding back. Tell me how you really feel, please?" she asks.
You swirl your spoon around the pot of ice cream in your hand and do your best to avoid Leah's gaze for a moment before finally sighing, "I guess... I guess that I'm just frustrated, Le. The whole therapy, I hate talking to people like them, but it's like I don't even have a choice now when I can't go back on the pitch until I speak to her," You admit your feelings, exhaling another sigh. "I guess I didn't help matters either by lashing out at the wall."
"I get how you feel bubs," Leah nods sympathetically, reaching out to gently place her own hand in yours. "I know it hurts, but just remember that we're all doing this because we care about you so much-- I care about you so much, your like my own kid, you know despite the age difference, but you know, finding you like that in the way that I did, I felt scared and I thought I was going to loose you. I don't ever want to feel like that again."
Swallowing the lump that forms in your throat, you peer up slightly to try and hold off the tears from escaping, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I scared you like that," You whisper quietly, never fully realising how other people must have felt to see you that way. "I... I love you, Le. I'm glad that I have you around to take care of me."
"I love you too, bubs... So, so much!" Leah replies as she squeezes your hand reassuringly, "Even if I have to put up with your obsession with ice cream and dark humour. I know it's hard to accept the help, but you're not alone in this. I'm here with you every single step of the way, okay?" She tells you.
"Thanks, Le," You manage a small smile, feeling a bit lighter with the blondes' support and words. "I guess I can try and keep an open mind about this therapy thing." You state, shrugging your shoulders.
"That's all I ask my girl," Leah replies, smiling warmly at you. "I know it'll be hard, but you're strong enough to handle it and you're not ever going to be alone." She adds.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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