#already crying to the mutuals in my dms about it but its not enough
bennygotmilk · 8 months
so sorry to everyone on the dash but, mitch marner. "too small not good enough can't take a hit" mitch marner. "locker room cancer soft player will never win anything trade him for a dman" mitch marner, just got to 600th career point - fastest leaf to ever do so in 45 years - mitch marner. heart of the team mitch marner 💙
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0w0tsuki · 1 year
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Finally making an about me:
Hey all I'm getting big enough to where I'm getting people following daily and I feel like I should have let people know what this blog is.
I go by Rozlin on here and am a transfem lesbian. I'm @rapturebones 's girlfriend 🥰🥰❣️.I think I'm mainly known for Bridget posting (I check out the latest on the Bridget tag daily and am usually one of the first people to reblog anything that comes up on it and I reblog Bridget posts that I already have if it appears on my mutuals dash) and being one of the meanie trans girls who uses TME/TMA and doesn't feel the set to conform to respectability politics. But this is just my personal blog.
I don't have anons open and I have my replies to mutuals only because transphobes are cowards and I don't want to give them something to hide behind. My ask box otherwise and DMs are open to my mutuals. Speaking of which I'm big enough to where I have mutuals who interact with me but not big enough to where I get the daily harassment that most big transgirl blogs on here have to put up with and I would like to keep it that way. I'm looking for mutuals not followers. So I kindly ask you not to follow me unless you're looking to be mutuals or are just interested in the aforementioned Bridget posting. Also if you ARE looking to start shit with me, be prepared to say your piece in one go because the most "interaction" you're going to get from me is me making fun of you before blocking.
Having been a transfem in the daganronpa fandom and currently in the GG fandom I hope you can understand why s*ssies, tr*ps, fEmBoYs and their apologizers have no place on this blog. Also this in addition to transmisandry babies crying about trans women who use TME/TMA being the "enemies of TransUnity" while inventing new slurs for us and painting us as TERFs; I also hope you understand that I'm VERY weary of transmen. If you're a transman and I follow you it's probably because I saw you disavowing these guys.
If you are a mutual please tag you're gore/guro posts I have heavy visceraphobia far beyond just being squeamish. I will occasionally horny post and am not interested in keeping it on a sideblog its tagged under #rozlin horny hour if you need to filter it or just wanna scroll down it for a good time.
Also if we're mutuals I will probably go down your blog like it's my dash cause that's how I interact
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camgoloud · 2 years
a couple days ago the lovely @nancywheeeler​ tagged me to do an ao3 wrapped here! i have had a Very busy weekend so i am only now getting to actually posting, but here are my belated responses:
Works published: 5 at the moment (with at least 2 more i’ll be putting up before the end of the year; possibly one or two more than that if i can get my act together and finish up the treat(s) i’ve been chipping away at in exchange to my main assignments in a couple holiday exchanges. busy end of the year for me!)
Words written: 41510 posted this year so far—more than i thought!
Hits: 3647 on my 2022 fics
Bookmarks: 118
Most popular by kudos: Do my friends think I’m dying? (or do I just need to go to sleep?), my singular to-date contribution to the ted lasso/colin hughes fandom and first foray into redditfic (which by the way was SUCH a blast to write that i think i’m going to have to do it again sometime soon. i ought to be more sorry about that than i am)
Most hits: look at the desperate man (omg rip to this fic... worked on it for a little bit this summer when i was feeling particularly angsty about Some Stuff i was dealing with. ran out of angst steam halfway through the final chapter because my life improved lol, got re-possessed by various locked tomb wips around nona release day, and now i kind of just don’t ever want to look at it anymore. maybe i’ll finish it someday?)
Longest: same as previous
Shortest: shovel talk (in f major) (most of which was hurriedly written in one day as a last-hurrah before nona came out to smash my entire life into bits!)
Most comments: inside problems which people have been VERY nice to me about agghhhh
Fic that made me cry: any discussion about the fics that did maximum emotional damage to me MUST mention syntheseas’ INCREDIBLY ambitious and well-written nothing but dark and sound, which i reread following its most recent update. if you’re a locked tomb fan and you’re not already keeping up with this fic... well you need to be. basically. shoutout also to @forjodssake​’s feeling good was easy when he sang the blues, which i just read this thursday and have STILL not recovered from—AMAZING character work!!!
Fic that made me smile: so many! but my favorite comfort read for the last year and change has been @nancywheeeler​‘s four weddings and no funeral. melts my heart every time! cannot recommend highly enough :)
Gifts: does this mean gifts given or gifts received? unclear. anyway in terms of gifts given—do my friends think i’m dying was my tribute to @nancywheeeler​‘s excellent good old-fashioned lover boy, and i’ve got exchange fics i’ll be posting for a few people shortly. for gifts received, there’s whatever comes out of those exchanges!
Collaborations: none this year—or ever before, actually! BUT i am very very interested in the prospect… 👀 friends/mutuals/likeminded individuals active in any of my fandoms, if you’ve ever got an Idea you want to bang on about together or are particularly interested in fleshing out any of the half-formed Concepts i toss out into the void, hit me up and maybe we can make something happen! (well, hit me up whenever my dms are working again, anyway… the shadowban glitch which i’ve been living under for going on a MONTH now is a curse upon this earth)
Events taken part in: yuletide 2022, and the 2022 locked tomb holiday exchange!
thanks again em for the tag! in turn i will tag @aberfaeth​, @rnanqo​, @palamedes-sextus​, and anyone else who’s interested! (and who actually sees this—unsure if any of you will get a notification when i post this, due to the aforementioned shadowban :/)
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snow-in-the-desert · 4 years
Dramione Recommendations
Ok so, 2020 has been A LOT but on a personal note one of the most surprising things to happen was me discovering Dramione fanfiction and becoming unashamedly obsessed with it. I really didn’t see that coming but I’m here now and I’m here to stay. 
I think I started reading in the Dramione fandom around mid July last year?? (In all honesty I’ve lost any true sense of time’s progression at this point so I could be well off the mark with that) And I’ve decided to compile a list of all my favourite fics I’ve read so far. Why? I really just want to gush over all the amazing writers I have found through this fandom because y’all deserve it. 
Side note: If any of the authors actually sees this post just dm so I can buy you coffee or post you writing supplies or something idk I feel like that’s the least I can do for all your amazing work x
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing
Ok I have to start with RN because this fic is pretty much the sole reason I decided to create an account with A03 or a tumblr or just decided to get involved with this fandom at all. 
I headcannon this story hard. But I think even if you aren’t a fan of Dramione you should just read this because it is so unbelievably good and well written and poignant and Draco’s sarcastic personality in this is truly a thing of beauty in this - I relate to his inner monologue’s on a deep personal level. 
I could rave about this story any time, any day of the week, just ask me. In fact, maybe I’ll just start a HeyJude19 fan club to fulfill that urge.
There are so many elements that I love but for the sake of brevity, RN is a beautifully told story of Draco and Hermione finding love and healing in a post-war HP setting. Heyjude19 had the very special ability of making me want to simulatenously laugh, cry and swoon with the power of her words. Just stop what you are doing and go read it now if you havent already, ok?  
I also really enjoyed reading Bells on a Hill, Beers, Potions and Unwise Notions and A Shift in Focus, if you are looking for smaller fics, definitely give these a go. They are all funny and heartfelt stoires that will make your tippy toes wriggle with glee. 
The Rights and Wrongs Series by @lovesbitca8
The Right Thing To Do, All The Wrong Things and The Auction are the holy trinity of Dramione writing. I have christened it thus, so mote it be. And frankly I’m not interested in any other opinion than that one, thank you very much!
After reading this series I don’t think I’ll be able to look back on the orginal HP books without thinking of Hermione’s and Draco’s memories of their time at Hogwarts in these fics as anything other than strictly cannon. 
So many things to love about this series but I think one of the major highlights was Hermione and Draco’s use of occlumency. LoveBitca8 created such beautiful visuals with how occlumency works as a magical practice and seeing Draco and Hermione so devoted to eachother to the point of safeguarding their inner most feelings to protect eachother was unbelievably romantic and poetic. 
Also the smut is divine ;)
Manacled by @senlinyu​
My heart will never be the same after reading this story. Like I actually can’t think about this fic without getting a lump at the back of my throat. I have never felt so emotionally ruined after reading anything, compared to the likes of this fic. Just please, please read it. To badly quote HP, reading Manacled will make you suffer but you’re going to be happy about it.
The flashbacks are a rollercoaster in of themselves but the way Hermione inadvertently refers to them when she is still in a state of memory loss was so heartbreaking to read. My heart still aches for them both. Also its a truly satisfying to see Draco and Hermione written in a way were they are both so fiercly protective of one another. They make my insides go soft. 
I also really enjoyed Snow Fall, Now Is A Gift and All You Want by the author but to be honest anything written by Senlinyu is always thoroughly enjoyable and worth a look. 
The Erised Effect by @adaprix​
Ada is QUEEN of dramione smut but ‘The Erised Effect’ is top tier. Its equal parts funny, romantic, sentimental and oh so sexy. Ada really knows how to build and build on sexual tension and doesn’t disappoint on the final delivery. I’m a big admirer of her writing style and just veraciously read whatever she posts but ‘The Erised Effect’ is just golden. A must read. (Also Pansy’s sexual fantasy in this story is a visual I don’t think I’ll ever be able to remove from my brain so thanks for that Ada)
Also quick side note: Adaprix’ stories were the first I read when I was looking into this fandom and it was enough to get me hooked on the pairing from the get go so I have that to thank Ada for too. I remember devouring all the stories she had posted to A03 and when I was done I was like... now what am I supposed to do with my life?? And that’s basically when I began to look deeper into the fandom and thus the course of my life in 2020 changed for the better. 
Some other stories I love by her are Break for Me, All My Sins, The Big 4-0, The Fucklust Series and The Flat in Bath. 
Clean by @olivieblake​
This 6th Year AU where Draco and Hermione work together on a class assignment and end up falling in love had me feeling all kinds of ways when I read it. I almost don’t know where to start but I think one of the stand out things for me was how immersed I felt in reading it. 
Hogwarts is captured really well, you get a good sense of class atmospheres, character nuances and behind the scenes of events that happen in HBP but from a Draco and Hermione’s perspectives. It’s well executed and intricate tapestry of a fic. With an excellent plot twist ending! 
Also Hermione and Draco’s relationship in this is equal parts fluffy and smutty and it just ticks all the right boxes that you want to see for those characters ;)
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by @onyx-and-elm​
The angst in this one is just *chef’s kiss*
God I love this fic. The way Draco is portrayed is very true to his defensive and tetchy character in the original books but he is also given so much more depth. The way his diary entries are written are just so well executed. It’s a true testament to the author’s creative writing skill. And I LOVE how even though Draco is clearly in such a messed up place, he still has a basic level of self respect and dignity that he won’t tolerate being used or undervalued in his relationship with Hermione. 
Yep, I really love Draco’s characterisation in this one if you can’t tell.  But Hermione is also well written too. Her stuggles and trauma of returning to Hogwarts after war is described in a believable and grounded way. And my heart definitely ached for them both. I just wanted to wrap the pair of them in a big fuzzy blanket and tell them that everything will be alright. 
WANDS OUT! by @persephonestone​
This murder mystery / Dramione / Theo x Harry / AU crossover is everything I didn’t know I wanted until I read it. I felt like I was picked up and plonked right into an alternative dimension where all the characters of HP are just living it up in an Agatha Christie novel. 
It’s a funny and clever story that I found refreshing to read amongst all the other fanfics that are usually cemented in the HP timeline or universe. Theodore Nott in this fic is perfection he should be written like this in every fic from now on in my opinion. I couldn’t stop giggling any time he had a scene in the story.
And the ‘only one bed’ trope in this fic is 10/10. I don’t want to give spoilers but ohmygod. It hits all the right notes. 
The One With Technical Difficulties by cassielassie 
Cassielassie has an excellent three part series of Dramone called ‘The One with...” but I have to give special credit to this story in particular for one main reason. ELEVATOR TROPES. I can’t get enough of em. I think I have my early childhood viewings of NCIS to thank for my obsession with elevator tropes they just do something to me that simply cannot be explained with mere words. The palpable sexual tension of being in a broken down elevator with an ‘enemies to lovers’ pairing, a heated arguement breaks out followed by a discovery of mutual feelings and a romantic embrace...
Eugh. It gets me everytime. And this fic is no exception. I loved it for all the reasons I’ve already stated above but also for the attention to detail in Draco and Hermione’s careers makes this one particularly immersive. The dynamics between them established in this one-shot are convincingly portrayed and the chemistry between them is so undeniably hot. 
The Light is No Mystery by @masterofinfinities​
Yooo if you want to read a dramione fic that is a deep dive into Pureblood culture and Post-War recovery but is also a perfect allegory for discrimination and today’s political landscape of moral grandstanding for votes then look no further than this one. 
This story has a bit of everything. Intrigue, mystery, ptsd and recovery, enemies to lovers / secret relationship, government conspiracy and humour, to name a few. I eargerly await every update to this story and am anxious to know how it ends!
The Eagle’s Nest by HeartOfAspen 
Finally! A fic that gives me the Ravenclaw representation I crave. I think I could recommend this fic on the lore depicted of Ravenclaw house alone. ‘The Stacks’ and Rowena Ravenclaw’s own ‘come and go room’ are just such cool details that I could see being real in the HP universe. 
This fic is so cosy and makes me feel like I’m just popping back into Hogwarts for another year. You get to see all the usuals like prof. Mcgongall, Nearly headless Nick, PEEVES, Hagrid, as well as learn more about minor characters from the other school houses. The story follows Hermione going to her day to day classes and there are interesting concepts about magic and alchemy that are explored. 
Draco and Hermione’s relationship in this one is of course very fluffy and heartfelt. But it’s the attention to detail that really makes this fic outstanding and the experience of reading it feels fleshed out and true to HP universe.
A shorter fic by HeartofAspen that I recommend is one called Set in Stone, it has an adventurous, Indianna Jones vibe to it, that I am so down for. 
Teachable Moments by @purplesugarquills
In this fic Hermione is an innocent little virgin determined to learn everything about sex. And Draco Malfoy is her tutor. If that isn’t enough to get you on board then I don’t know what is. Both Heartfelt and Steamy. PurpleSugarQuills writes smut so well but it’s the progression of their growing attachment and the nervous treading of new uncharted waters of romantic relationships for both of them that just adds a whole other level of feels to the story. Also chapter 9 is like reading poetry - its so good. Eugh just give it a read if you haven’t already.
Les Pèlerins by @pacific-rimbaud
This story is high art. It’s transcendent. Reading this story feels like the emotional equivalent of standing around a hundred glowing fairy lights, sipping hot cocoa and being wrapped in the loving embrace of a s/o. I can’t speak my praises highly enough or even become passably coherent in my words when I try to articulate a review. 
From the very first paragraph I felt like I was just whisked away on a Parisian holiday and I’ve never even bloody been to Paris but damn it if this story didn’t make me feel like I was there. The writing style is just so tactile and intense it’s like I could feel the cold winter air brush against me as I read it. Eugh I just completely fell in love with the story and the writer. 
New Year’s resolution. Read everything PacificRimbaud has ever posted online. 
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eskewcity · 2 years
is the shitty undergrad storytime an offer to your friends/mutuals over dms, or the general public of ur followers? i dont mean to be overfamiliar, but if you wanna post it for the general public id love to hear it lol
no literally it's for anyone because I hate him so much that the offer is open for the general public. I usually am not comfortable with sharing super personal information but in this case I am the one who said anyone could ask so its cool :)
so to begin his name is trent. and yes that's his real name because I can't be bothered to make a fake one and he deserves to be blasted. i would like to state as a bit of background info that I am unintentionally a darling of the history department at my school. I don't know how it happened because I wouldn't necessarily call myself a model student but my one professor offered me a research job for the summer of my freshman year and I have worked close with him on various projects ever since. this has also made me close with the other professors and yes to brag I did win an award because of it :} anyways we are besties blah blah blah it gave me an ego blah blah blah
in comes Trent my sophomore year. he immediately wants to get in the good graces of the department and is just a general kiss ass to everyone there. he does a lot of things to really get professor s. (the professor i work with) to like him but he doesn't really buy into it because he can see through bullshit including mine while I'm writing my capstone lol.
anyways Trent already doesn't like me because I took his spot as a friend to the faculty even though I was there a year earlier. add on the fact that I was (briefly) the treasurer of the history club on campus (I didn't do anything because pandemic and then I went abroad) which is the position he wanted but I got elected.
okay sorry that was a lot of build up for the thing he did that made me cry. so last year, prof s. approached me to essentially work as an online monitor for his class which was half online and on person. basically, I was to watch anyone that raised their hands via zoom and call on them since my professor was in the classroom and couldn't always spot them. I was told explicitly to first pick anyone who doesn't often speak and not necessarily go in the order that people raised their hands. if im honest, it was a really frustrating job for something so simple. I could see students roll their eyes at me when I wouldn't call on them first and it was overall an uncomfortable experience for me because I consider myself a rather reserved person who now has to interrupt almost every class.
so one day I'm calling on people and Trent raises his hand. however a lot of other people also raise their hand that don't often speak so I have to go to them first. I could tell he was getting antsy but I didn't think much of it. when it gets to him, instead of answering the question he decides to berate me endlessly. he goes on to talk about how if my professor's "helper" had picked him earlier that he would have been able to answer and just is insulting me. mind you this is in front of a 30 person class. then he mutes himself looking smug and i was shocked. thankfully the class was almost over so it ended and I just cried after that. like the job was difficult enough but he just made me feel like total shit. I ended up sending him an email to tell him to come to me privately if he has a problem with me instead of announcing it in front of the entire class. needless to say he never emailed me back instead he apologized to MY PROFESSOR for interrupting class. my friend who was even in the class talked to professor s. about it because people were just so rude to me when I did this job <3 anyways professor s. took my side but I have not forgiven Trent for being such an asshole and not even being apologetic about it like I’m not a human being with feelings
idc if seems like im overreacting and overly sensitive but literally terrible terrible time I hope he rots and his entire bloodline is cursed xoxo
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This is well overdue, but better late than never right?
Why you should follow me
My tumblr will
Hi, I am a weird person behind a weird blog. You can call me Sunset or Sunny or Sunshine (I don't mind nicknames, so you can give me one if you want. @theburningocean likes to call me Tiny Piggy. You can too if you want. Other nicknames also include Sunhoe and Sunny The Bard.) I am 20 years old and my pronouns are she/her. I've recently started ruining desiblr's childhoods and am quite proud of that 😎
tracking #user.sunshine
I am kinda socially anxious and overthink and am bad at picking up hints, so just dm me if you ever want to talk to me (there's like a really big chance I think that you hate me or I've offended you somehow, so I'd probably stew in my own negative thoughts and not talk to you first). I am an ISFJ-T, if that is something you care about.
I jump from hyperfixation to hyperfixation on this blog, so buckle up for a wild ride. I also enter these depressive phases, so sorry if it gets a little dark around here from time to time. Fair warning: there's also quite a lot of mood swings and bursting into songs spontaneously. Also, if you haven't noticed already, I kinda tend to overshare and ramble 😬.
I have met absolutely amazing people here and feel absolutely blessed to be able to call them my mutuals. Still working on expanding my tumblr family. If you're a mutual or a follower, you're already part of it, whether you want it or not. Sorry.
Some special mentions to provide insight into specific roles in my tumblr family:
@agnesandmina - my archaeoweirdist who I love dearly and my twin (my literal twin, same year and all. Also, my first friend here) 🥰
@ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped - I've recently adopted her after we sang a couple songs together. We are now soul siblings. 💙
@reyna-herondale - my mother-in-law (who is younger than me, but nevermind that) 😍
@matthias-is-alive - my homegirl. Absolute crackhead energy, always putting a smile on my face 🤩
@dharanidares - my parabatai!!!! One of the kindest and sweetest people ever. She just radiates good vibes. ✨
@niastormsanctuary-bolastairkanej - my adorable cinnamon roll, though you wouldn't guess she's older than me by the way she acts. Nia is my lob, nia is my storm and I'm her sunset ❤🧡💛
@clarys-heosphoros - my lovely, lovely first wife <3
@kazoo-the-demjin - my beautiful second wife 💙
Part of The Hoely Trinity with @linedmund. yes, the both of us have enough personality and thirst to fill three entire people. cry about it.
I am the cool aunt and/or tumblr adoptive parent to: (Co-parenting with @anotherteenageroninternet is the cool dad)
@grangerstarkid @darkshadowqueensrule @just-here-to-escape-from-realit @reyna-herondale (she's also my mother-in-law, we know it's messed up but whatever) @bookavert @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped (soul sibling, but as I said, we know the family tree is messed up) @adamariasmith @ninas-waffles @d4nkug0 @kaz-hawthorne @satanshairycoochie @kanshah @cecilyisthebest6096 @aliceisntinw0nderland @iambecomeyourvillain @alonlyfangirl @bxbygirl-adley @book-dragon-not-worm @chrysalism-sonder @doritosandbluethings @cocoakitty1839 @neo-lightchild-decafineator @psychosociogentleman @lightwood-di-angelo-hargreeves @shays-shenanigans @a-flowery-sideblog @ji-wooandfriends @leestillyeetschappal @badtameeez @niastormbolastairkanejsambucky @dragon-slayer-fairy1 @im-someone-i-guess @neil-perry-the-platypus @ddepressedbookworm @gold-russh @the-axewielding-herondale 💙💛
Hurt any of them and I will hunt you down with a hatchet
Will add more people once my brain decides to clean up its internal mess.
I don't have a parabatai because my two best friends decided they like each other better than they like me. In this regard, I kinda feel like George Lovelace. Oh well, I'm happy for them.
Edit: I now have a parabatai!!
1. How I met your mother
2. New Girl
3. The Office
4. Julie and the phantoms
5. Modern Family
6. 9-1-1
7. The Resident
8. Shadow and Bone
9. Bridgerton
10. B99
11. Euphoria
12. 9-1-1 Lone Star
13. Sex Education
(and there's a great many that I literally forget about all the time)
1. Percy Jackson (basically the entirety of riordanverse except for the kane chronicles)
2. The Shadowhunter Chronicles (if you say shit about any Herondale, get ready to fight me)
3. Divergent
4. Khaled Hosseini books
5. Red, White and Royal Blue
6. Grishaverse
7. All for the game
I am also forgetting other books. Will add them later on when my memory is a little better.
I have a very, very, very specific taste in music and I listen to just a few artists, who sometimes feature heavily on my blog. I like to listen to:
1. Shawn Mendes
2. Ed Sheeran
3. Charlie Puth
4. One Direction
5. Niall Horan
6. 5SOS
7. Maneskin
8. Taylor Swift
9. Dua Lipa
10. Cloudy June
11. Conan Gray
12. Emeline
13. Mother Mother
14. Lewis Capaldi
15. Joshua Bassett
16. Louis Tomlinson
17. Harry Styles
18. Zayn
19. Arctic Monkeys
20. Jeremy Shada
21. Badflower
22. Omar Rudberg
Random facts about me:
- I love the colour blue 💙
- I hate eggs and cucumbers
- Weirdly obsessed with soft drinks and lemonade
- Hate tea
I'm a muslim. And I wear a hijab. So if you have a problem with that, or, in other words, are a racist, kindly fuck off. If you are a terf, pedophile, homophobic, queerphobic, pro-life, transphobic, or in any other way hateful towards anyone, this is not the blog for you.
If you're lurking around my blog, please say hi to my emotional support ghost himbos 👋👻
My Discord server
My spotify
My Ao3
My sideblogs
Tumblr year in review: 2021 2022
I also love to make friends, but my anxiety can cause the convo to become stilted at times. Apologizing in advance for that. With that being said, come say hi if you want to be friends!
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missinghan · 5 years
time lapse ⤖ seo changbin
❖ genre : idiots to lovers! au; long-distance relationship! au; fluff; a teeny tiny bit of angst
❖ word count : 14,9k.
❖ warning : explicit language, suggestive remarks & mentions of alcohol
❖ summary : you used to see Changbin as a friend until you realized that you both don’t look at each other the way best friends are supposed to. 
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Apparently, people like you and Changbin don’t look forward to spring breaks, ever, because you simply cannot see the point in getting pumped for the very few days of sleeping in only to dread every last moment of it. Hence, he keeps FaceTiming you every day and night with such ridiculous reasons it actually boosts your ego into thinking that he misses you. 
Oh, boy were you wrong.
But this time around, he seems so flustered and burnt up all of a sudden it makes a smirk creep its way up to your lips. Seeing him in such a vulnerable state, you’re more than satisfied like a sadistic predator. You can really use some tea right now, it’s been a little boring without any dramas other than Hyunjin being dramatic over how his hair does not look good in any way, shape or form. That alone is enough for you to throw him off a cliff because since when does Hwang Hyunjin not look good?
Changbin asks. “Have you eaten?”
“Yes, I have. You’ve been asking the same question for five minutes straight.” You roll your eyes at him in the bitchiest way possible. 
He questions subconsciously, only to have you narrow your eyes at him. “You have work tomorrow, right?”
“Bin, you have my schedule. Of course, I have work tomorrow.” You utter in disbelief. 
“Can’t I just make up excuses to call my favorite girl?”
You make a gagging noise. “Cut the bullshit. Spill or I’m gonna whip out the big gun.” 
“And what is that?” He drawls the question in boredom. 
You grin at him coyly. “I’m gonna tell Chan to poison you with cilantro.” If Changbin had to choose between eating cilantro and jumping into a tank full of sharks, he’d definitely, without a second thought, sleep with those horrifying fishes with ridiculously deadly teeth. He hates cilantro with an ignited passion, and he’s entitled to that decision for the rest of his life. He’s sworn that he would never eat cilantro as long as he lives. 
“Fine,” Changbin huffs in defeat as he holds his phone up while lying on his bed. “I need your help.”
You twirl the end of your hair dreamily and acknowledge his request. “I like the sound of that, go on.” 
He shoots you a dirty look, proceeding to continue. “How do I get a girl to notice my feelings for her?” 
His words strike through your eardrums like a lightning bolt. You don’t know whether you should be crying or laughing because 1) Changbin was never the kind of guy to be interested in having a girlfriend, he has always kept his hands to himself since forever although girls were more than ready to throw themselves at him anytime, anywhere; 2) How come he has never talked to you about this? You feel utterly betrayed because the key to having a long-distance relationship is to not hide anything from each other. And he’s doing the exact opposite of that; 3) You don’t feel as happy for him as you’re supposed to and now you feel like a horrible friend. 
“Oh-my-god.” You gasp scandalously. “I’ve been waiting for this day to come my entire life! And it’s happening right in front of my eyes! It’s actually happening! Wait… did you already pop your cherries or…” When Changbin looks like he’s about to put your head on a stick, you quickly realize that you should have just focused on the topic. 
He fakes a smile. “And what day is that?” 
“The day that my best friend asks for relationship advice from me! To finally embrace the most amazing thing to happen in life, called ‘love’! Duh.” You prop your head onto your hand, blowing a few strands of hair out of your face. “So, who is she?” 
“I don’t know if you can really help me Y/N but she’s like 5,000 miles away from me right now—“
“What did you just say?” You cut him off unintentionally. “Is she an exchange student?”
“Yeah? You can say so..” He trails off and scratches the nape of his neck sheepishly. “We met on Tinder and got to see each other later at a uni conference, and she’s really—“
You cut him off again, this time, it’s intentional. “Run, just run away.”
“Why?” He looks at you weirdly. “You’re not making any sense right now.”
You chuckle creepily, making him shudder. He’s never seen you laughing in such a dark tone it makes him wonder if you’ve been possessed or not. “Running away is actually a smart move, my friend. Just get yourself out of the war before there’s blood on those precious fingers of yours. Exchange students get all the attention. Guys or girls, doesn’t matter. Students are gonna be attracted to them like a bunch of moths to a tiny spark of flame.”
“But, but—“
You stop him before he can even say something stupid. “No but. And a long-distance relationship too? Not ideal. You can’t just slide into her DMs and ask her to be with you when you’ve only met twice. Unless her feelings aren’t necessarily not mutual. But yeah, I doubt that.” 
“Whatever, I might as well just gonna fly home and watch some shitty movies with you instead.” Changbin purses his lips in boredom and runs a hand through his hair. “Do you wanna watch that zombie movie still? Zombieland right?” 
You nod eagerly because gosh, after months and months, he still remembers. It’s one of those little moments which perfectly showcases how much Changbin cares about you. Because unlike some people, he actually pays attention to what you’re saying. And you would be lying if you said that those little actions of his never made your heart tingle. They do, and it sucks. 
“Damn right, I’m pumped for the sequel, never really got the chance to watch it since college has been nothing but a bitch to me.” 
“You’re so fucking spoiled, Beastie.” He snickers, biting back a smile. But deep down, you can clearly see right through his facade and feel the slight disappointment in his brown eyes. Exchange student or not, if it’s what makes him happy, then you fully support his decision. And if that girl ever tries to pull a dirty move on him? You’ll hunt her down and sell her off to some random mafia organization. 
You laugh wholeheartedly, trying to lighten up the mood. “Listen, if you kept scrolling through Tinder, having a girlfriend wouldn’t be a problem. Because I’m pretty sure there’s not gonna be a single person who’d not swipe right.” 
Changbin cocks a brow. “Why not?”
“Because you’re hot as shit!”
He groans loudly at your bold statement, cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment. “Shut up, mom.” 
You smile cheekily at him. “Love you too, honey boo.”
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As much as you clown Changbin for using Tinder since the day he asked you for dating advice, you can’t help but think that you’re a little bit lonely without his company. Funny enough, you also found yourself scrolling through the infamous app for hours and hours until there’s a match. 
The only thing that’s funnier than Changbin asking dating advice from a total fetus than you is you talking big games to him when you haven’t even got laid, not even once. So obviously, you’re so close to pissing your pants as you dread the drive to your date, tremendously. 
“Since when did you even start using dating apps?” Yeji scrunches her nose in disapproval as she starts the engine. You both just finished watching ‘Dolittle’ since Robert Downey Jr. is an icon and you’re not planning on missing out on any of his movies. But that’s not the point because the point is, your roommate knows your impulsive ass too well. Meaning, she’s not letting your day end without giving you something to feel better about it. More straight forward-ly, she’s trying to lighten up your mood before your date can piss you off. 
You singsong, trying to wiggle yourself out of the situation. “Since Seo Changbin asked me about a girl.” You know Yeji just as well as how she knows you, so you’re taking advantage of her carelessness to bring up a whole new topic before she can lure you into ‘the talk’. 
Yeah, ‘the talk’, sounds scary enough if you’re thinking about that one awkward, intimate conversation with parents about how babies are made. You think it’s utterly useless since society is basically corrupted and kids these days are all over the place, watching porns left and right with their parents’ IDs. So having ‘the talk’ with Yeji is definitely not gonna be full of questionable statements in replacement for making love. 
As far as you know, she only forces someone into ‘the talk’ with her when they suddenly have some kind of romantic interest in another human being. Upon hearing that, she’s gonna be out and about, playing the role of God and telling people all of the do-s and don’t-s along with a detailed description of how she’s gonna drag that person to the very bottom of hell if they end up breaking their heart. You’re sure as hell that you’re not ready to talk about it with her. In other words, you’re not ready for her to torment you about some boy that you haven’t even met. 
“Seo Changbin, dating someone?” Yeji fakes a gasp. “Wow, tell me all about it.” 
You roll your eyes at her. “So you knew?” 
You don’t know why you’re even surprised anymore since Changbin tells Hyunjin everything who’d spill everything to Ryujin for their midnight gossip session who’d complain about it to Yeji later on. The cycle is fully completed before you even know it and that does not make you feel any less of a dumbass. 
“Duh,” She purses her lips before making a turn at the second intersection. “Listen, just enjoy your date, I’m not gonna tease you about it until you tell me how much of an asshole that guy is.” 
You sigh in relief, drowning into your seat like a jellyfish. “Thank God.”
“But,” Your roommate drawls the word for a painfully long time. “Can we just talk about how it’s such a shame? You and Changbin would make an extremely adorable couple, right? I kid you not.”
You choke on your own saliva, coughing furiously as your hand desperately tries to roll down the window for some fresh air, mainly for the heat that’s slowly creeping up on the apples of your cheeks. “Who would ship me and my best friend together? That sounds like every drama to ever exist. Ew.” Hissing at her like a snake, you repeatedly fan your face with the hope to rid off the annoying coral tint. 
Yeji narrows her eyes at you and quickly diverts her attention back on the road because no one is getting pulled over on a gorgeous Saturday night, at least not her. She still has to finish the last episodes of the drama she’s been fangirling over. “So you’re telling me that you’re not jealous when Changbin told you about other girls? You’re totally, absolutely, entirely okay with him hanging out with some random chick in Italy?” 
It makes your blood boil even more when she mentions the fact that yes, Changbin is having fun with someone who’s probably ten thousand times hotter than you in Europe, but you’re more pissed off at the fact that she’s always right. Of course, you’re fucking jealous, why wouldn’t you? You can’t even fathom the sheer fury that’s running through your veins. Your heart is pumping pure exasperation into your brain. Even your liver can’t filter such anger. You hate the idea of Changbin wrapping his arms around someone other than you so much you’d rather choke yourself to death than even glance at such sight. 
But, for the sake of a completely normal conversation, your mouth says otherwise. “Why not? He’s not my property, I don’t get to decide who he falls in love with. Moreover, he deserves someone he truly adores. That’s not my business for all I know.” 
“Liar,” Yeji smirks. “Enjoy your date all you want, Y/N. Try not to think about Changbin too much or your date’s gonna flip.”
Again, you can’t stress enough how annoying Hwang Yeji is because somehow, in which you still don’t know how, she can read your mind in a snap of a finger. So it’s no surprise for her to know that you’ve actually thought about dating your own best friend before. It sounds so cliché you might bury yourself alive if you accidentally slip one day and confess your stupid feelings for him. As if on cue, your sixth sense is currently tingling, trying to tell you that you will definitely make a fool of yourself as you try to elaborate on how you feel about Changbin. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” You sneer sarcastically at her as she parks her white Rover right in front of the restaurant. 
The moment you step out of her car, Yeji tosses you a look. “Don’t you dare trip on me Lee freaking Y/N, don’t even try it.”
“I’ll have Minho pick me up, now skittle outta here.” You grimace before shutting the door close. Turning on your heels, you inhale sharply and push the glass door open to enter what seems like literal hell on Earth for the next four hours or so. 
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Being on an actual date reminds you of why you never even use dating apps in the first place. 
The only part that prevents you from running away is that Yeji has his dating profile. She knows his number, his occupation, his face, and all that jazz because meeting strangers for the very first time and already eating out with them gives you every right to be paranoid. But you’re not gonna tell him that because you still respect him just fine. And in case he’s acting all sketch, you’re gonna make sure that he’s not going home in one piece. 
Okay, you can’t just blame Jaemin because he’s not an asshole. He really isn’t. He’s a nice guy in general: respectful, confident, and outgoing with a good sense of humor. Respectful? Checked. Confident? Checked. Good sense of humor? Checked. Outgoing? That’s the dealbreaker right there. You don’t hate him for it, it’s just he’s too outgoing for an introverted potato like you. 
Both Jaemin and Changbin have very strong personalities like every Leo should. You’re most definitely not an astrology nerd but you’re educated enough to know that Leos are dramatic, warm-hearted, passionate and impulsive. 
In which, Changbin makes you laugh your ass off until you can’t even breathe whenever he’s whining about you waking him up at 9 a.m. But you gave Jaemin nothing but a scrunch of your nose when he yelped out loud as his mashed potato was too hot. And you kindly offered to finish it for him after knowing that he can’t have dairy products. Changbin’s managed to get you out of the house every weekend even when it’s a simple trip to the mall and whereas, Jaemin makes you feel more of a voiceless being when he continuously brings up one topic after another at the literal speed of light. You almost miss how you can just throw out the most random sentence without being afraid of someone judging you. 
Clearly, Jaemin isn’t the one to blame here. 
Admittedly, it’s just a ‘you’ problem. 
And even more admittedly, it’s just because Na Jaemin is being himself, and will always be himself. He’s never gonna be, and will never be Seo Changbin. 
Seriously, what’s up with Changbin taking over your mind today?
“Do you perhaps wanna watch a movie after dinner— you’re not listening to me, aren’t you?” Jaemin stops mid-sentence when he catches your dreamy expression, for the fifth time that night. 
You quickly regain your composure and sigh in defeat. “Fine, you got me. Again.” Burying your face into your palms, you’re practically choking on your own frustration because you don’t wanna lash out on him just because he’s not your type. “Ugh, I’m sorry, okay? I’ve never been on a date with a stranger before. Who’d have thought talking on texts was so much easier?” 
Jaemin props his head on his hand and makes eye contact with you. He breaks it after a good five seconds to catch you off guard, slowly processing his current thoughts like a lawyer in court. “Let me guess, you’re in a long-distance relationship with someone but since they’ve been away for quite some time, you got bored. So that leads to you, drum rolls, hopping on Tinder to find a one night stand.” He closes in proudly, a triumphant smirk painted on his slightly chapped lips. 
For the first time after hours of dreading Minho to come and pick you up as soon as possible, you can finally let go and have a good laugh. It’s like the pressure of being on a date is gladly lifted off your shoulders and you feel like you’re just catching up with an old friend. Which is weird because Changbin— Would it kill to stop thinking about Changbin for once in your life you dumbhead?
“And how did you know that?” You smile at Jaemin, deciding to focus on him for the rest of the night so that he doesn’t think you’re disrespecting him. A date is still a date. Even when the feelings aren’t mutual, the amount of respect should be.
He slowly takes a sip of his water and chews on his steak after. “Not to be creepy but when you went to use the restroom, a notification showed up and I saw your lock screen. He looks like one of those hot SoundCloud rappers who manages to stay anonymous under their stage name even when they’re mad famous. You know, cool people making dope music without being too problematic like ‘real’ celebrities.” Jaemin says it with such admiration you’re nearly more than ready to rant about how talented of a music prodigy your best friend is. But for the sake of him being your best friend, you’re not gonna do that. Yet. 
“We’re not dating, just childhood best friends.” 
He wiggles his eyebrows at you with mischief laced in his brown eyes. “You have a thing for him then. Aha! I knew it! All best friends are obligated to be together, it’s an unwritten norm of the universe.” Wow, just when you thought that no one would know about your feelings for Changbin other than your annoying, chaotic friend group. 
“In my defense, he was the one who set that photo as my lock screen.” You grunt under your breath but don’t even try to hide it. “I shouldn’t have swiped right.”
“Be grateful that you did.” Jaemin inhales the last bits of his dish with satisfaction, dabbing the sauce on his lips away with a napkin. “Because not only am I paying for the meal, I’d love to meet up again to hear you ramble about the boy on your phone. As friends. Also because you totally saved my lactose intolerant ass back there.” He declares loud and clear, smiling from ear to ear. 
You roll your eyes at him in slight annoyance. “Fine, but I’m paying for the movie tickets.”
Jaemin extends his fist. “Frozen 2? I know a place that’s having it tonight.”
“You got it, broski.” You chuckle and bump your fist with his while your heart is yelling at you to get the fuck out of this restaurant because you’re about to suffocate yourself with the amount of painstakingly awkward silence that this place possesses. 
Before you even know it, you’re walking out of the Hilton Hotel with an empty bucket of popcorn in your arms as Jaemin hogs two cups of Coke which are left with nothing but ice cubes right beside you. It’s like the whole being too cautious thing that’s been driving you insane has disintegrated into literal dust. Watching a movie with Jaemin feels like you’re babysitting your non-existent little brother while your parents are out of town and Minho is bar-hopping with the guys. Except for the fact that he gave you his hoodie because the cinema’s ACs are ridiculously cold as always. But it’s really nice, actually, because although the date didn’t turn out how you expected it to be, you did make a new friend. 
That rarely happens so you’re definitely giving yourself a pat on the shoulder. 
“The plot was kinda messy, don’t you think?” You ask him after tossing the bucket into a nearby trash can. 
Jaemin nods in acknowledgment and swings an arm around your shoulder. “It was all over the place, I’m with you all the way. And Elsa in that purple dress too? Yikes.”
You laugh with him, continuing the conversation with much less ‘watch what you’re saying’ and more ‘actually enjoy the date for the sake of it’ until you both reach the parking lot. “Drive safe and text me when you’re home, okay?” You remind him like the bossy person that you are as you pull out your phone from your purse. 
“You’re not my mom.” Jaemin snickers and his fingers hover above the tips of his keys inside his pocket. “Wait, your brother’s picking you up right?”
[9:35 p.m.]
y/n | hey, pick me up already. 
meanhoe | sorry sis, I’m a bit occupied over here. 
meanhoe | just call a ride home or smth.
[9:36 p.m.]
y/n | do you have the slightest idea about how many serial killers are lurking the streets, waiting for girls like me to fall right into their traps?
meanhoe | paranoid.
[9:37 p.m.]
meanhoe | let me tell you about how Han Jisung is taking a nap on my lap rn.
meanhoe | in graphic details.
[9:38 p.m.]
y/n | or I can just tell you about that time when mom and dad found you right next to a trash can on a sidewalk instead? 
y/n | it’s a very lovely story, trust me.
[9:39 p.m.]
meanhoe | ugh, what do you want?
y/n | nothing, Jaemin will drive me home.
y/n | goodnight.
[ 9:40p.m. ]
meanhoe | hey! I can make it up to you still!
You toss your phone back into your purse in pure disappointment. And with a prolonged sigh, you turn to Jaemin. “He abandoned me. Can you give me a ride home?”
He cackles at the scowl on your face and gestures you towards the seat next to the shotgun window. “Hop in.”
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“Wow,” Minho utters. “Just wow.” 
“It’s you again, why am I still surprised at this point?” 
He grins coyly and slips the keys into his pocket before running a hand through his bed head. Chuckling creepily, he watches as Changbin struggles to roll both of his suitcases across the bumpy surface of your front porch. “You left my sister crying with a bucket of ice-cream for Italy. How does that feel? You know, to finally be free from her ?” Minho inquires with an amused smile. “But on a serious note, she missed you, very much so. Did you even tell her about this?
“Minho, it’s supposed to be a surprise. Do I have to translate ‘surprise’ into whatever the fuck of a language that all snakes speak in general or you’re fully capable of doing that yourself? Also, it would be so incredibly kind and generous of you to actually comprehend my messages.” 
Minho chuckles and leans back against the wall comfortably. “Why not move back here then? Aren’t you done with your degree already? Or did Italy blind you with their good food and hot girls? You’re quite qualified to be my roommate.” He drags the last part. “Just wish you didn’t have to give me that attitude whenever I’m trying to start a civil conversation.” 
Changbin scoffs at him, clearly uninterested. And Minho’s definition of a civil conversation just concerns him even more. “I have enough qualities to be your roommate? Let me guess, smart ?” 
“Secretly a nerd.” Minho tuts. 
Changbin shoots him a dirty look. “Composed?”
“I’d say indifferent and stubborn.” 
“Brave enough to kill some stupid bugs for you?” 
Minho rolls his eyes. “More like painstakingly reckless.”
“You literally fell off the couch when Jeongin accidentally popped a balloon with his pen.” 
A smirk blooms on his lips. “But you gave him an entire lecture about why he shouldn’t bring pens to a party. Inspiring leadership.”
“Looks good in black?”
Minho looks unimpressed. “Everyone looks good in black you moron.”
“Then why the fuck are you trying to pull me into your system?!” Changbin throws his hands upwards, a frustrated groan escapes his lips. “You know I hate commitments. They give me anxiety. Especially when it involves you.” Which is not entirely correct because he did have a date last week or should have had a date last week. He was so close to pissing himself in the middle of a Michelin rated restaurant. But lucky him, his date flaked out on him before he could start having a full-on mental breakdown inside the restroom. 
A glint of curiosity ignites in Minho’s orbs. “Because you absolutely have no life whatsoever.” He starts calmly, going back and forth within the limited space of the hallway. “And don’t even get me started about your love life. It’s drier than Chan’s attempt at making macarons. Oh and remind me, did your goldfish die or did you kill him? Did he die or was he killed? Or was it both?” He taunts further, and further, and further until he’s hanging on that weird borderline between having Changbin lunge at him like a predator and succeeding at luring him back to Seoul. “I’m being as kind as my mind can possibly allow without a drop of caffeine so you better take it while you’re at it.”
Changbin is fuming with nothing but pure anger. He’s so fucking close to crush every single strand of liveliness left inside of the man in front of him until he turns white like a complete ghost. But he’s also convinced that Lee Minho is just a non-biological heir of the Angel of Death. Hence, getting rid of him is impossible. “Come over here and make me.” Crossed arms, he’s determined to not leave the city without at least throwing a punch at Minho’s ridiculously perfect face. 
“What are you? Four?”
Changbin stops himself from throwing hands at him and turns on his heels. “Nothing, it’s just that I don’t really like you all that much.” He makes his way to the kitchen, tossing his black beanie onto the counter. 
“Yeah, me neither.”
He protests triumphantly. “See?”
“Listen up you man child,” Minho grits and walks behind him through the living room, passing by a hungover Jisung with Woojin on top of him at an unusually persistent pace that seems to cover up the bubbling anger inside his stomach. “Would you stop what you’re doing and listen to me when I’m trying to prove my own point? I’ve known you for all my life—“
Changbin interrupts him. “Those times when you passed by me at the library and made fun of me for studying for finals in high school? Doesn’t count.”
Minho hides behind a rather cheerful voice, his stare colder than an ex-wife’s fighting for custody over her child in court. “That doesn’t matter! Y/N went out with some guy last night and even let him drive her home. I don’t even know if she’s okay or not since she wouldn’t pick up for the past hour. And I just can’t let those two idiots at home alone, completely unaware of their surroundings.” Changbin shoots him a weird look and he quickly brushes it off with a click of his tongue. “Don’t ask.” 
Changbin chokes on the can of Coke that he just grabbed from the fridge. “Wait, so she’s not here?”
“She moved in with Yeji months ago in an apartment near college, didn’t she tell you ?”
“No?” He raises a brow. “And what date? Who? How? Where? When?” 
Changbin’s starting to panic a little bit because if you were to be on a date, you’d most likely hide in the restroom just to text him for a good five minutes. Very much like him. Anyway, he’s also quite concerned about the fact that you didn’t reply to Minho’s texts all morning. Maybe he’s overthinking again but he knows that you’ve forced yourself to be a morning person even when it’s the holiday since you don’t wanna dread bringing back your old habits when a new semester hits. 
Minho drums his fingers against the dining table. “Who? Some boy called Jaemin? How? Tinder. Where? The Hilton Hotel. When? Last night until almost 10 I believe.”
Now Changbin’s fully entered panic mode because since when did you even use Tinder? And not tell him about it too? What if you’re already kidnapped and sold to some creepy people from China to make profits off your organs? “That’s it. Give me her address, I’ll go.” He drops his backpack onto the floor and grabs his coat, downing the last few drops of his beverage in a rush. As soon as Minho texts him your address, Changbin dashes straight through the front door like a tornado to the point that it has Woojin facepalming himself on Minho’s dad’s old carpet. 
“My job here is done.” Minho cracks his knuckle and takes a seat at his family’s dining table, picking up his phone only to receive a text from you. 
[8:23 a.m.]
y/n | ugh, is your friend gonna come over to pick up the speaker or what? it’s been fifteen minutes.
y/n | and what’s his name again? Jackson?
meanhoe | yeah, he’ll be there in ten.
meanhoe | eat a chill pill sis, I’m in charge.
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You frown furiously at the series of messages that you and your brother have been sending each other for the past ten minutes. Something smells fishy, and you can already see that stupid, self-indulging smirk spread across his face without him being right next to you. But then again, no one really knows what’s going on inside that disturbing glimpse of thing called ‘a brain’ inside his head because magically, and spontaneously, everything works out whenever he’s in charge. 
Except when he’s in the kitchen with Jisung and Hyunjin as his cannot-be-anymore-useless vice-cooks, aka when they’re holding onto each other for dear life the moment Minho cracks an egg onto a heated pan with oil boiling along the edges. 
“Ugh, Yeji! It’s supposed to be your turn to do laundry, you ass.” You repeatedly hit your roommate’s sleeping figure with a pillow, slightly mad at the fact that she’s still in bed when you’re done with grocery shopping. Sometimes you wonder if her only talent is sleeping through earthquakes. Maybe that’s how she has mad stamina and can still do a decent thirty minutes of cardio after dance practice. 
Yeji mumbles nonsense into her pillow and slaps your hand away only to bury herself under the wool blanket again. It takes every strand of energy left inside of you to pull the soft fabric over her head and onto the floor it goes. “Why are you making such a fuss out of me forgetting to do laundry ?” She sits up grudgingly like a zombie digging itself up from its own grave and yawns obnoxiously. 
You blink numerous times at her in disbelief. “Uhm, hello? Because I don’t have anything to wear? And also, FYI, it’s almost ten, okay? Wake up Sleeping Beauty. Prince Charming isn’t available today.” 
“Shut the fuck up!” She whines loudly before dropping onto her backside in defeat. “You’ve never binge-watched any dramas before, you’d never get it.” Hey, it’s not your fault she chose to stay up until 3 a.m. for a stupid drama. You’re not gonna tolerate her complaints about migraines after having lunch, not this time. 
“Besides,” She glances at you before throwing an arm over her head dramatically. “You look good in that hoodie, where did you get it?” 
You grab various pieces of clothing dangling off of her bed and her beige-colored computer chair as you ponder about your life choices. “Na Jaemin, who else? God, and I need to give it back to him too.” 
Yeji teases. “Are you making an excuse to meet him again?”
“We didn’t click, that’s all I have to say.” A smirk finds its way to your lips. “I basically adopted him now, so yes, I am making an excuse to meet him again because a mother has every right to see their son.” 
“You’re so weird.” Your roommate purses her lips before turning her back against you. 
You scroll through your feed in pure boredom. “What do you want for lunch? Wait, it’s too early for lunch, what about brunch?”
“Anything will do.” Yeji shrugs, not even trying to get out of bed when it’s already 9 a.m. So naturally, you’re already facepalming yourself at her questionable sleeping habits. 
Now, where is that guy Jackson?
As if on cue, your doorbell rings. You’re dead meat to me. You roll up your sleeves and put on your ‘formally serious’ face before grabbing the tote bag right beside your couch. Without even checking who’s there through the peephole, you swing the door open in a rush. “Look, Jackson, I’m really not in the mood to invite you inside for tea nor biscuits so just take the speaker and—“
“Y/N, I don’t need a speaker, stop bombarding me with information that my brain can’t even comprehend. And who the hell is Jackson?” Changbin puts his hands up as if you’re holding him at gunpoint. And you almost laugh out loud at how he looks like he just found out Trump is president, he— wait, Changbin’s here?
You subconsciously drop the speaker without noticing that you might break something before Jackson actually gets here. “You came back?!” Your mouth automatically goes agape, utterly speechless. 
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” He chuckles when you crash yourself into his embrace as an attempt to hide your teary eyes. Meeting Changbin in person again feels like a rollercoaster full of mixed emotions, you have so many things to say but nothing comes out right. Maybe it’s best if you just keep your mouth shut for the time being. 
And thank God he still smells the same and doesn’t shower himself in ridiculously expensive cologne like other guys because you’d disown him if he starts smelling like a Tommy Hilfiger store. Changbin gently wraps his arms around your waist, rocking you from side to side. “You missed me that much huh?” Suddenly tongue-tied, he’s officially lost the ability to form a proper sentence when you hold onto him so tightly, so desperately. 
When you pull away, you don’t even know what to say when so many things are running through your mind at the speed of light. After all those years, he’s changed. Yes, people change. But Changbin changed, for the better. He looks impeccable even in a simple black t-shirt with a grey bomber jacket thrown over his figure. Wait, has he been hitting the gym? You swear, last time you saw him he was five times smaller. His jawline can now cut you too apparently. Years of friendship and you just found out your best friend is an actual health freak. 
“As if..” You sniffle into the crook of his neck, tears continuously streaming down on your cheeks. Eventually, you give in. “Fine, I did miss you.” 
Changbin laughs wholeheartedly, sending vibration throughout your entire body. “Missed you too, Beastie.”  And it’s there again, that fuzzy feeling tickling the pit of your stomach. It feels wrong, and your heart knows that too well. To the point that you’re afraid of your own feelings for him, that you’d hurt him, or he’d hurt you. You just can’t decide if confessing to him is worth the risk of destroying your friendship forever. But it’s most definitely not. Maybe it’s better this way. 
“Wait,” Changbin scrunches his nose and pulls away. “You smell like a guy.” Then something rings a bell inside of him. “Right, you went on a date with some cute boy without telling me? Explain yourself.” 
You scratch the nape of your neck sheepishly, slightly embarrassed. “Well… long story short, I got bored and downloaded Tinder. He was cute, but not compatible.” 
“There you are, what took you so long?” Yeji pops her head out of her bedroom, almost giving you a heart attack. 
You toss her a look. “What do you mean ‘what took you so long? Did you know? Again ?” And she nods apologetically. “Why the fuck do I feel so left out right now? Are you guys setting me up for something sketchy? Who’s in charge?” 
“Your brother, obviously.” 
You step aside so that Changbin can walk into your living room before shutting the front door closed. “Zip it, he’s adopted.” 
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Kim Woojin, as always, throws his annual ‘welcome back’ BBQ party whenever someone returns from a long trip for a fairly long time. Of course, he would never leave Changbin hanging. 
Which, also means you’re obligated to accept the fact that he just single-handedly dragged you out of your apartment with the most minimal of physical effort. So now you’re stuck inside his stupid kitchen, with your siblings (no not Minho, not that heathen), potatoes. You look so incredibly alike your brother might actually be whatever with the harsh truth that you can’t stop taunting him about how he’s adopted. 
Anyway, because you’ve always been terrified about the thought of accidentally having your sleeves caught on fire, Chan just shooed you back inside to work on the potato salad. And the worst part of making a potato salad? Peeling the skin. Seriously, you’d marry someone who invented an automatic potato peeler, that’d be godsend privilege. 
The saying goes : ‘When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade’. Likewise, but in your case, it’s : ‘When life makes you cook, get yourself a best friend who’s good at it instead’. Problem solved. Changbin might not be as great as *snorts* Minho, but he did manage to survive multiple months in Italy without spending too much money eating out when he’s very, absolutely, entirely financially capable of doing that for the rest of his life. He appreciates home-cooked food because of the process, the time, the effort, the love that every family member (or one family member) put into the dishes. And it may not be something that’s Gordon Ramsay-approved, but gathering around at the same table gives people the chance to catch up, to communicate, to care more. 
And what does that mean? Well, that means when Changbin, fortunately, makes it out of the war zone in Woojin’s backyard where Hyunjin is chasing Jisung with a dead spider between his metal tong, he finds out that he just, in fact, got himself into another disaster. Bits of potatoes’ skin is everywhere, scattered randomly from the kitchen aisle to the wooden cutting board. Bottles of mayonnaise and mustard are lying lifelessly across the dining table, saucing dripping from the opened caps. And jars of different spices look like they just got dumped into one big bucket, mixed together, and then carefully divided them evenly into each one again. Changbin is utterly alarmed right now and he can’t decide whether he should be helping you or just run away. But since it’s you, he can’t simply turn on his heels and leave because chances are, you’re gonna fucking stab him in his sleep. 
“Woah, who did you kill ?” He gasps, taking slow strides toward your figure standing at the kitchen aisle. 
You blow a few strands of loose hair out of your face, crying dramatically. “My sanity, it’s long gone.” You tell him as you try to stir the mixture of mayonnaise, paprika, apple cider vinegar, celery seeds, mustard, and sweet pickle relish in a stainless steel bowl with a wooden spoon, trying hard not to ruin Jaemin’s favorite hoodie. “And if you’re not planning on giving me a hand, then the exit is right that way. No one’s stopping you.” 
Changbin shakes his head at you in disapproval for a hot minute before pulling your hair free from the loose bun, accidentally dousing himself in the more than familiar scent of your shampoo. Fresh, and a bit pepperminty, he missed this so much it’s starting to get creepy. Basically his heart just swells, but he’s gonna choose to be in denial like usual. “Better get your hair out of your face first.” He says and effortlessly puts your messy, black mop of hair into a high ponytail. It’s not like he hasn’t done this before because Changbin tends to play with your hair a lot while you’re both on a Netflix marathon. But this time, you didn’t know what it was, but the moment the tips of his fingers brushed past your bare skin, they sent electricity down your spine and goosebumps rose on your skin. The fact that your little heart feels like it’s running on a treadmill for hours doesn’t make it easier to deny how much he can affect you without even trying.
“Why are you still wearing that hoodie ?” Changbin points out, confused. 
You answer monotonously, still mad at your roommate. “Because Yeji forgot to do laundry. So I have nothing to wear.” You hate her even more now because she’s probably gonna be out and about, going to questionable parties with Ryujin until dawn and asking for a cup of water when she gets back home on your bean bag chair. “I’m gonna have to return it to Jaemin soon.” 
Changin snickers. “Yeah, you better.” He finishes chopping up the hard-boiled eggs, celery, sweet onions, and fresh dill, dropping the ingredients into the dressing that you just made. 
“So,” You walk over to the dining table to grab the bowl of chopped potato. “How did your date go? Was she cute or did she look like a potential serial killer? Wait, serial killers can look cute.” You shiver at the thought of losing your best friend in some foreign country because someone can literally be kidnapped in a span of fifteen to twenty seconds. So you don’t see the point of being ashamed about always being paranoid. 
Changbin helps you pour the dressing over the potato before stirring the goodness together with a wooden spoon. “Ah, that,” He scratches the nape of his neck sheepishly. “She’s okay I guess. But you never know, talking over text is always easier.” 
You decide to let Changbin finish up the dish and grab some paper towels to wipe down the table and counter. “So you guys never met up ?”
He looks hesitant to tell you. “Technically, we were gonna see each other every day because of the internship but I guess no? Our schedules aren’t exactly compatible. Maybe I’ll just ask her out again when I fly back.” 
You stop cleaning up the mess on the kitchen aisle and turn your attention onto your best friend. He’s nibbling on his bottom lips, guilt is evident in his eyes. 
“What internship?” You ask. 
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Seo Changbin used to have ( and still has ) a soft spot for you. And everyone knows that all too well. 
He wasn’t kidding when he said that you’re his favorite girl. He wasn’t kidding when he said that he’d take a bullet for you. But you kinda wish that he was because falling in love with your childhood best friend just sounds so wrong on so many levels altogether. Jaemin night be right, it is written in the stars for some people to fall in love with their best friend but that life is not for you. There’s just something about the idea of Changbin and you as lovers that twists an immediate knot in your stomach. Sometimes you wish he doesn’t have to be so affectionate towards you so that you can give up on the one thing that’s holding you back : false hope. 
He would always drag you out of bed in the middle of the night to watch the stars and talk with him even when you guys were practically inseparable. Your group of friends constantly tells you that Changbin could never keep his hands to himself when it comes to you but realistically, he’s just a secretly clingy person who loves cuddling. But those little moments where you guys were sharing the same bed, snuggling into each other’s presence like it’s the last sense of comfort in the entire world were the ones you cherish the most. They can make you smile stupidly to yourself all day. 
And Changbin never failed to surprise you too. He once made the whole fancy breakfast in bed with flowers that only happens in movies and you couldn’t stop talking about it. Even ‘till this day, you still can’t shut up about it. He only brushed it off and told you that he wanted to spoil you since it’s your birthday but you took it as something much more than just a birthday present. Because those little actions of his are what set your heart on fire and you feel like it could combust anytime if he keeps looking at you so tenderly all the time.
Changbin isn’t a man of many words because he truly believes that actions speak louder than words. At least for him, his actions are much more powerful than his words. But that doesn’t mean his words never had any kind of effect on you. Because they did, greatly. You still remember how you’d always wake him up in the middle of the night because your stupid brain cells decided to give you a mental breakdown after bottling feelings up for so long. But Changbin didn’t just scold you for keeping everything to yourself, he did something else much more magical and much more comforting than any advice you could ever have. 
He’s written plenty of songs for you before, and you can still vividly hear the familiar melodies every now and then whenever you’re in a really dark place. 
It felt like a tight hug when you were all alone and in distress. But what sucks is that it makes you miss him even more. Where in the world is he? What is he doing? Does he have a decent life? Moreover, is he happy? You were always worried sick about Changbin because he’s that type of guy who works his ass off for things that he’s passionate about but he’d be willing to do something else for others because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone. Hence, upon hearing about him turning down an internship just to fly back, you didn’t know what to say or think. 
You yell at Changbin. “Are you out of your mind?!” 
He huffs in disbelief. “I’m a fully grown man who has every right to make my own decisions so I chose to visit my friends instead of torturing myself inside a studio. Yeah, sue me!”
“Do you have any idea how many opportunities and chances that internship would bring? There’s no need for you to do that just because of us!”
Changbin points out snarkily. “Well, you were the one who decided to call me at 3 a.m. every single day, complaining about your insomnia and shit.”
You gasp scandalously. “Why are you even saying that? It’s like you don’t even know me! I’m trying to put your benefits before mine, why is it so hard to understand that? Are you trying to say that I’m the bad guy in this conversation?”
“Maybe you are,” He says through gritted teeth. “Likewise, I’m trying to put my friends first instead of locking myself up within four soundproof walls twenty-four hours a day, five days a week, until spring break is over. You are being fucking ridiculous!” 
You’re slightly taken aback when Changbin had the audacity to say such things. Why is he still so fucking stubborn? “I’m the one who’s being ridiculous? Me trying to not get my best friend's talent wasted, me trying to not have my best friend make the rest of his break go wack because all we do here is apparently get drunk, eat, sleep, and repeat. That, is being ridiculous ?” You let out a humorless laugh. “Well, if I need to keep on doing that in order to keep you on track with your dream, then I fucking will.”
He hisses at you. “What are you? My mom? I’m a fully grown adult for fuck’s sake!” 
“Yes, I am technically your mom since the day you threw up on my dress in kindergarten. I even wiped your puke off of your face, you ungrateful brat.” 
“Uhm guys, you might wanna tone it down..” Felix tries to cool off the situation since he doesn’t really enjoy eating dinner while two people are continuously throwing daggers at each other with their eyes. 
Another thing, no matter how whipped you are for Seo Changbin, there’s still this little demonic part in your heart that screams to strangle the light out of his eyes every single day. Even back then, you guys bickered like there’s no tomorrow without a care in the world. Fortunately, your problems were always quick to be resolved because you just could never bring yourself to hate him even when you wanted to. He’s just that contagious, never fails to put a smile on your face nonetheless. 
So naturally, it’s ten minutes into the BBQ party in Woojin’s backyard and you’re more than ready to fight him. Metaphorically, not literally because you’re too utterly soft for him anyway. 
“Shh, shh,” Minho easily shushes Felix up with his index finger over his lips. “Lix, keep it down, the Petty Olympics is just getting started.” 
Jeongin purses his lips. “You’re such a snake, did you know that?” He’s obnoxiously chewing on the slices of grilled steak that Chan just took off the iron rack. Like Felix, he wishes to enjoy dinner in peace but that has not happened for quite some time and he’s already sick of it. 
Minho rolls his eyes at the younger boy with nothing but disgust in his eyes. “Wow, what a truly shocking revelation, Jeongin. It’s for the irony, sarcasm is needed in order for my joke to work.” He sips on the glass of whiskey in front of him like how he simply sips on his coworkers’ complaints about their relationships every morning. “Now run along, grab your monthly paycheck and buy yourself a sense of humor.” 
Jisung snickers. “Wow, is he mean today—“ 
You cut Jisung off unintentionally, huffing with such determination. “Don’t ever talk to me again.”
Changbin says casually. “It’s not like I want to.”
“I will break you.” You give him your best death glare.
He tips his imaginary hat with a smirk tugged on his lips. “If that’s what makes you happy, then I certainly cannot wait for it, Little Mistress.”
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It’s the second time you’re hanging out with Jaemin and still, you can’t bring yourself to develop any non-platonic feelings for him. Do you really want to date him? Not really. Again, he’s not a bad guy. In fact, girls can just pass by you both walking by the Han River and they’re already eyeing him up and down like an expensive piece of steak. 
Maybe it’s something about trying to push Changbin out of your mind for once in your life. Or it can be something about the fact that he actually has some kind of romantic interest in his Tinder date. Or you’re just being ridiculous and totally overthinking the situation. 
It’s sad, but you’ll have to accept it sooner or later. You see Jaemin as nothing but a friend, and a little brother because he’s funny, respectful, and everything you can ask for in a guy. But, at the end of the day, he’s just not Changbin. 
And although you’re madly in love with your best friend, it seems like Jaemin gets you and manages to keep your mind off of him for the day so that you don’t end up crying alone in one of the bathroom stalls. You can’t be any more thankful. 
“You seriously didn’t have to watch ‘Dolittle’ twice just because of me,” Jaemin tells you as you both stand at the front door of the movies, hugging his bucket of popcorn closer to his stomach. 
You smile at him. “Robert Downey Jr. is worth watching any movie twice. That’s why I’m still not over the Endgame depression phase because I may or may not watch it one too many times.” 
He rolls his eyes at you and proceeds to throw his garbage away. “Crybaby.” Then, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and walks you towards the entrance. “I had fun tonight. Thanks, Y/N, it means a lot. Should I walk you home?”
“I don’t see why you shouldn’t.” You answer cheekily. 
Jaemin teases, “Because your boyfriend might show up and punch me in the face?” 
“Shut up! He’s not my boyfriend!”
“Woah, I didn’t even say who it was. You’re so whipped for him.”
You elbow him in the stomach, earning a low grunt from him as a response. “I shouldn’t have given you your hoodie back. I should have burnt it or something.”
He wiggles his eyebrows at you, holding onto the paper bag that you brought tightly. “No, keep it if you want to. You look good in it.” 
Before you can even clap-back at him with a witty retort, your phone vibrates inside your pocket. “Sorry, someone texted me.”
[ 9:23p.m. ]
meanhoe | Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!
meanhoe | I’m upstairs rn, but there were some sketchy sounds earlier. I think they’re in our kitchen.
meanhoe | Bin’s still in the living room!
meanhoe | COME HOME!!
Oh. My. God. 
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“Changbin, pick up, pick up,” You murmur and keep pacing back and forth at your parents’ front porch, frantically fumbling with your phone in your hands. “Goddamnit just pick up!” You groan out of frustration when you can’t even open the door because it’s locked, and Changbin’s not doing a great job at responding to your calls either. Which can only mean one thing, he’s being held hostage inside along with your brother and the intruder’s probably confiscated their phones. 
You’d take a bullet for Changbin if that’s the last thing you could do for him. There are no words to fathom how important he is to you, so now instead of thinking of how to save his ass, you’re stupidly, foolishly thinking back to high school where he would always eat lunch with you whenever Minho’s too caught up with practice, where you both would lie under an ugly tree at the very back of your school’s enormous backyard, trying to do homework and dozing off five minutes after. Changbin’s been with you through thicks and thins, with all of your ups and downs. His lack of doubt for you was what helped you survive those horrendous years and you’ve decided that you’re not gonna let go of him, not in this life. 
Therefore, you’re about to do something dumb. That something is going to prevent your best friend from getting murdered. But the chances of getting your head blown into bits are undeniably high too. That wouldn’t matter now, would it? If the intruder dares to tick you off, he best believes that you’re gonna fucking take him down with you. 
Mustering all of the courage you have left, slowly, your fingers hover over the doorknob, the other on the wooden surface, ready to bang on it like a crazy person. You inhale sharply and close your eyes. 3..2..1..
The door suddenly swings open, causing you to stagger forward and your eyes widen in panic. “Y/N? What the hell?” Changbin catches you in time and frowns furiously at your soaked figure. Your hair and clothes are doused with rain, the tips of your fingers as cold as ice from staying outside for so long. You flutter your eyes open at his words, mouth grows agape when you find out that your current position can’t be any more awkward. 
Great, now what?
Wait, where’s the intruder? “Are you okay?!” You mindlessly throw yourself at him, holding onto him so tightly like he’s gonna disintegrate into thin air once you let him go. Blood is roaring inside your ears, your heart is picking up its pace as you have so many questions, so many things to say but.. he seems pretty okay? “Is Minho okay too? Where is he? Why didn’t you pick up my calls? Why was the door locked?” 
Changbin pulls away softly to prevent you from hearing his heart thumping vigorously inside of his rib cage, eyes as wide as a goldfish’s. “What? Minho’s downtown today to meet up with his old friend who’s studying abroad. Didn’t he tell you?” 
“No?” You knit your brows together and take a full ten seconds to process what just happened. Why do you feel like you just got played? 
He closes the door and walks you inside. “And why the hell do you look like a wet rat? Did you just walk home? Weren’t that Jaemin guy supposed to drive you instead?” You purposely ignore his questions and continue to piece the little amount of information that you have together. But once you throw a glance at your parents’ living room, you see a box of fresh, piping hot Hawaiian pizza with ‘Fast and Furious’ playing on the forty-eight inches TV. With that, everything makes sense. 
You ran home as fast as you possibly could, under the rain when it’s dark outside all alone and this is how your brother repays you? 
“Wow,” You utter, somewhat lightheaded. “I need to sit down.” You tell Changbin when he comes back with a white fluffy, towel. He clicks his tongue in annoyance, wordlessly bringing the towel to your head as an attempt to dry off your hair. You’re startled by his sudden affection, cheeks growing pink as you avoid eye contact. 
Changbin caresses your cheekbone gently as if you’re far too fragile for him to touch and you just play dumb by batting your eyelashes repeatedly to shake the droplets of rain away. He quickly snaps out of it, taken aback by his own action. “Would you care to tell me what happened before I put you on trial?” He says with his arms crossed.
Your blood slowly boils as you choke on your own exasperation.“Minho told me that someone broke into our house and basically held you hostage. So I rain-checked on Jaemin, ran home only to find you in one piece with a pizza while watching ‘Fast & Furious’.” You hide your face behind your palms in sheer embarrassment as Changbin cackles his ass off in his annoyingly adorable laughter that makes you crack up every time. 
He throws his head back and continues to laugh wholeheartedly, holding onto his stomach for dear life. “He got you good, wow. So much for supporting his sister’s second date. I’m sure he just wants to make sure that you’re home before twelve.” 
“HE COULD HAVE JUST PICKED ME UP HIMSELF! HELLO?” You throw your hands in the air, huffing. You swear to God, Minho’s dead meat to you tomorrow morning. Your brother knows your feelings for Changbin all too well and he’s just doing everything he can to kick Jaemin out of your love life but the irony here is Jaemin was never there in the first place. But, Minho’s an evil mad genius so he still succeeded in pushing you back to Changbin when you’re trying to avoid him the most. Props to him, you’re now stuck inside a house with your best friend because your parents are currently going on vacation in Bora Bora. 
That wouldn’t be a problem unless you’re madly in love with him. But you are, and it sucks. 
You exclaim, smacking Changbin’s arm, causing him to whine loudly. “Would you stop laughing? I was scared that you’re gonna get murdered!” 
In a split second, he pulls you flushed against him, rocking you back and forth as he ruffles your hair. When the vibration of his chuckle emits from his chest just makes your heart skip a beat. Changbin’s never been the cheesy, romantic type like Hyunjin but sometimes he does these things that just messes up your heart more as if it’s not already all over the place. 
“Come on, Beastie, go change your clothes. I wouldn’t wanna cuddle with a sick person.” 
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One shower and five minutes later, you’re on the sofa right beside Changbin with your head rested comfortably on his shoulder. The first episode of ‘The Umbrella Academy’ is blaring clamorously on your dad’s TV as your eyelids grow heavy, hanging on the edge of shutting before your favorite character even pops up. 
Changbin notices your sleepiness and pulls the wool blanket closer to your body, high enough to cover the rest of your shoulders as you snuggle into the crook of his neck. He pouts at the box of pizza and two empty bottles of Henny before playing with your hair, braiding a small section of it in boredom. He’s definitely not the type to rewatch any shows but since you’re just so pumped for the second season, you insisted that you two should binge-watch season one all over again. Obviously, he doesn’t see the point because he already knows everything, how does rewatching it has anything to do with getting him ready for the next season? Besides, you’re already falling asleep when it’s only ten minutes into the episode. 
But is Changbin gonna let you sleep in peace just like that after all those years of you waking him up at an ungodly hour? Nope. 
“Hey,” He nudges you with his elbow. “They said there wouldn’t be a second season.” 
You jolt up from your sleepy state, eyes shooting open in utter surprise and disappointment. “Wait what?! Why not?!” You cry out dramatically, hands batting in midair like a madwoman as if they’re looking for something to hold onto. Soon enough, you plop yourself back onto the couch in defeat, letting the alcohol take over your entire body. You can already feel it kicking in as your limbs grow lighter and so does your mind. Gosh, you just wish you weren’t so lightweight. 
Changbin chuckles at you, caressing your hair softly. He pulls you closer to him by your shoulder and takes in your scent like it’s the last sense of comfort on Earth. “You’re so cute when you’re drunk, did you know that?” He studies your features closely, quickly realizing how much he must matter to you for you to show this vulnerable side to him so casually. Giddiness is an understatement for the way that his heart just beats ten times faster, the way his arms hold you close so gently but so tightly at the same time. In this cracked darkness with the insufficient source of light from the TV screen, you’re so beautiful it takes the breath right out of his lungs. You seem too serene to be true, eyes closed, lips slightly agape it makes him wonder how it feels to seal his with yours. 
As if on cue, your favorite character appears on time and you swat the sleepiness away, pointing at the screen with half-open eyes. “Five! He’s so cute, can I adopt him, please?” You giggle and show him those infamous puppy eyes. Changbin can never resist it’s actually frustrating. 
“Yes, you can adopt a serial killer who knows how to travel through time, absolutely.” Changbin facepalms himself. “Honestly, what do you even see in him?” 
“He’s smart and funny, and a total badass. I like how he never sugarcoats things and stays true to himself. But, he also puts others before himself without expecting them to do the same thing back. His actions speak louder than his words because there are countless times where he saved his siblings although he talks to them as if he sees them as nothing more than a bunch of assholes. I admire him in so many ways although he’s just a fictional character. And you know why?” You cock your head sideways, leaning closer. “Because he kinda reminds me of you.” 
Changbin tenses up at the last part. “W-What?” 
The ‘sober Y/N’ would never be brave enough to tell him what you’re planning on saying next. “I love you, Bin. I know that I might not act like I give a fuck, but I genuinely care about you. You mean the world to me.” You blurt mindlessly, hiccuping into his ears. “I really do love you. I just never got the courage to say it.” You hum and toppling over his figure on top of the couch, your legs straddling his. 
“We can’t.” Changbin places his index finger on your lips to stop you from decreasing the distance. “You’re not thinking straight right now.” 
You pull back, frowning. “Why? Because I’m not sober? What do my feelings for you have anything to do with alcohol?” You’re not mad, but rather curious. Either way, you can’t seem to get mad at Changbin for more than ten seconds. 
“I- I don’t wanna hurt you.” He stutters and stops as he sees the heartbroken look in your eyes. It hurts even more because deep down, the sober part in you knows that you’d never fathom enough courage to actually tell him how you feel. And you also know that you’ve just potentially fucked up more than ten years worth of friendship. Changbin’s warm brown eyes stare at you with nothing but pure sincerity. “It’s like I’m taking advantage of you in this kind of state. It’s not right. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.” He brushes your hair out of your face and sighs. 
“Bin, you respect me like no one else does. You know it. I know it. We know it. You’re my best friend.” 
“That’s the problem.” He pulls you closer while rubbing little circles on your back. “Promise me that we’ll never change, yeah?” 
You wrap your hands around his neck, a tear threatening to fall from the corner of your eye. “Yeah..promise.” 
“Y/N, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He reassures you as a confirmation, standing up from the couch that he’s been occupying for too long. You keep your gaze low, unable to meet his eyes as you’re ashamed of your own action. You shouldn’t have done that. What were you thinking for fuck’s sake?
Changbin turns off the TV before guiding you towards the stairs in the dark, holding onto your waist tightly enough so that you won’t slip. “Don’t blame yourself on this, okay?”
You voice quietly, almost a whisper. “Okay.” 
“Come on, let’s go to bed.”
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That night, you held onto Changbin like he’s the last thing you’re ever gonna see although you knew too well that it’s meaningless. What’s the point anyways? He just slapped your confession away and that alone was enough for you to understand that he sees you as nothing more than a friend. However, it’s still better than being stuck in that weird gray area that just keeps messing with your mind. You wouldn’t want to get in his way either. So when Changbin tried to peel your hands away from his torso gently in the middle of the night, your eyes remained closed as you rolled on the other side of the bed. 
When you woke up in the morning, he was already gone. 
It’s like he’s never been there all of those years as if he’s just an illusion that your delusional self made up to comfort yourself when things get hard. All of his belongings were nowhere to be found, his bed in the guest room was neatly made, something that he’s never done before. Changbin left no traces, no notes, no messages, no nothing like it’s a natural implement for ‘Don’t bother looking for me, I’m not gonna come back’. But to you, it feels more like ‘You fucked up our friendship, Y/N. I will never speak to you again’. 
Losing a best friend of a lifetime is way worse than going through a breakup. But it hurts more when you’ve unintentionally developed feelings for him when you know too well that it’s not right. It’s not right. And you seriously screwed up. You just hurt the one and only person that’s so incredibly close and special to your heart. Therefore, you’re distraught, unable to do anything right for some of the following days. Utterly destroyed, you can’t seem to stop blaming yourself for what happened. 
Changbin’s done so much for you and you can’t be any more grateful to have him in your life. There was this time where you totally lashed out on him because you were just having a ‘bad day’. He didn’t even get mad at you, he never gets mad at you. Instead, Changbin let you lock yourself up in your room for an hour until he came back with a box of chocolate and flowers. Everything fell right back into its place again and you really don’t know what you did to deserve him. He always goes out of his way, prioritizing others’ benefits rather than his own. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone at all because, in your heart, you know that he can be hurt easily too. 
So it’s no shocker that you’re madly in love with him. You like how he smiles and looks at you like you’re the only person that’s existing in this celestial sphere. You like the sound of his laughter because it reminds you of Spongebob sometimes, it’s ridiculously adorable in the best way possible. You also like how he clings onto you and lets you be the big spoon whenever he’s having a long day, you can’t stop smiling knowing that he finds comfort in your presence. 
The only flaw about him is that he’s all about that healthy life, which is good for him but you’re not adapting that any time soon. And he doesn’t talk about himself enough as he’s always used to listening to others’ problems instead. He’s flawsome, but you’re willing to embrace it all. Yes, as cheesy as it sounds, you love all of him. 
Just because he’s Seo Changbin. 
You stay up for many days, thinking an awful amount and flashbacking to when you’re on top of him, staring at him so tenderly as those idiotic words slipped out of your lips. All of because of one single beer. You just wish you could take it all back. If so, maybe you wouldn’t have lost the person you care about the most. 
“No, she won’t eat no matter what I say.” You can hear Yeji’s voice echoes from the living room as you throw an arm over your eyes. “I don’t think you should see her right now, not when she’s on the verge of breaking down every two seconds.” You don’t even have to look to know that your brother’s outside, probably worried sick about you. Minho might not be the type of person to show affections on a regular basis, but he genuinely cares about the people around him. He just doesn’t know how to express that he cares. 
The front door closes with a small ‘click’, making you jolt up from your bed. Your roommate pushes the door to your bedroom open and runs a hand through her hair. She practically grimaces at the current state of your room : curtains closed, clothes scattered all over the place with you still in your PJs. It’s funny because normally, you’re the one who complains whenever she’s being messy, now Yeji has the perfect reason to pay back. “Jesus Christ,” She frowns when her hands open the beige-colored curtains. “Get yourself together, will you?”
“Leave-me-alone.” You hiss at her like a snake when the light comes flooding in, blinding your eyes in the process. “What do you want? Am I not depressed enough to be at peace?”
She shakes her head and sits down next to your reclined form on the bed, a hand finds its way to your back. “No, you’re just in denial.” Yeji pulls your figure closer, embracing you with as much sincerity that she can muster. She might as well have you scream at her for forgetting to do laundry and waking up late rather than seeing you barely alive like this. If this goes on for too long, you might end up in the ER. And she can care less about whatever you’re planning on doing next because clearly, you’re not emotionally stable enough to make your own decisions right now. 
You look down. “About what?”
“About the fact that Seo Changbin likes you too.” She says softly. “Only a dumbass can’t see that he’s completely head over heels for you.”
You chuckle dryly. “He’s not, he probably hates me.”
“He never hated you, he never hates you, and he will never hate you.” Yeji sighs as you snuggle closer to her chest. “Why would you think that Changbin hates you?” 
Your eyes widen in terror as the night before when he left replays in your head over and over again. The more you think about it, the more you wanna kick yourself for not controlling our own feelings. Three words and your best friend’s gone. He was right, you guys could never, you weren’t thinking straight. Even down to that moment, Changbin put you before him and treated you with nothing but respect. “Because I ruined our friendship. Things are never gonna be the same again. I shouldn’t have fallen for him, I’m so stupid.” You let out an audible groan and bury your face into your palms. 
Yeji peels your hands away and forces you to look at her. “I don’t see why falling for Seo Changbin is considered stupid. You see things in him that no one else does, and you even had the courage to confess how you truly feel, even when it’s because of a bottle of Henny. Not everyone can accept that because people are cowards when it comes to commitment and their own feelings.” She keeps looking you dead in the eye as if she’s testing you. “Look, even if Changbin doesn’t feel the same way. He can never hate you.”
“And why should I believe you?” 
Your roommate laughs in disbelief, shaking your shoulder forcefully. “Are you blind? Do you even hear yourself right now? Haven’t you seen the way that he looks at you, eyes sparkling like puppies and all? If that’s not love, then I don’t know what is. Even if it’s not the love that you wanted him to return, he still loves you as a friend. He just ran away because, well, he’s human too. He might need some time to himself and make up his mind.” 
You stare into the distance this time, eyes empty. “True love doesn’t count if it’s not returned, don’t you agree?” 
Yeji rolls her eyes at you, she looks like she’s about to personally drag your ass across the planet, straight to Italy just to make up with Changbin. “Oh-my-god, you’re impossible! Of course, it counts! So what, you’re telling me that your feelings for him after all these years would mean nothing if he doesn’t say those three words back? I know that you’re sad and angry about what happened, but I think it’s much better than bottling everything up all to yourself. You were brave for doing that, Y/N.”
Your lips stay sealed as you decide to listen to her lecture obediently like a child. “Do you think Changbin would want to see you like this? No, no one wants to see you all depressed and miserable. Do you have any idea how worried Minho is? Have you checked the notifications on your phone? It’s not like you can’t move on with life without Changbin, you can and you will if that’s what you have to do.” 
“Are you gonna step up and get your life back again or what?”
You groan internally, because gosh, you hate it whenever she’s right. 
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From then on, Changbin’s like a phantom in your life, not because he’s constantly popping out of nowhere to scare the living daylight out of you, but because he’s constantly on your mind. Everything feels a little bit emptier without him. You don’t have to worry about having cilantro in your daily meals because he’s not there to complain about it. And there’s no longer a random cup of chai tea in the fridge on Sunday mornings because he can’t buy you one anymore. 
But at the same time, everything reminds you of him. Like how his pairs of designer shoes aren’t laying around at your front door, how his favorite hoodies aren’t being forgotten at your place intentionally, and how the Stitch stuffed animal he gave you last year still reeks off his significant scent. Everything gives you a hard time to finally let him go, but ultimately, you know that you’ll pull through. And you did. 
You move on with a college degree waiting for you at the end of this dark, bumpy road. Changbin, on the other hand, you can’t say much because his SoundCloud account is currently empty. He deleted every single song, every mixtape, every demo possible as if he’s trying to wipe his existence out of your life completely. Which makes it more difficult for you to muster up some courage and reach out to him again. 
It’s almost a year, and you wish he could have just given you a sign about whether he’s fine with being friends or not. But as always, leaving notes is definitely not his department. The thing is, you feel like you both didn’t just grow apart. You also grew up. 
“Y/N, did you ask me to go to the movies just because you didn’t feel like studying for finals?” Jaemin nudges you with his elbow and you smack his arms in return. Okay, technically you did grow up but old habits die hard, and you’re still procrastinating. Nothing new, but the occasional non-dates with Jaemin somehow helped with the aching part in your heart. You can’t say that he’s your new best friend because gosh, no one could ever replace Changbin. But ever since you found out that you guys go to the same college, you kept running into him on campus. Hence, hanging out with him is practically unavoidable. 
You laugh, letting him swing an arm around your shoulders. “Nope, it’s because I love hanging out with you.”
“Does that naturally imply as you love me?” He grins coyly before approaching your car at the very end of the parking lot. You’ve talked about this before. ‘Love’ is an overstatement for the love that you have for Jaemin. Of course, you love him, just not in a romantic way and he accepts that. Although he does sometimes pull you in as a stunt just to get a discount for buying a couples’ combo. You let him, only because you’re both broke college students who are dreading your own student’s loans. 
“Sure, I just love you so much I can’t even bring myself to say it without doing this.” You slowly feed his ego and your right hand quickly grabs the right side of his ears, dragging him into the driver’s seat of your car. Jaemin stops wincing once you let him go, pouting when you enter through the back door. “Serves you right.” You scoff, throwing him the key to start the engine. 
He rubs his now swollen, red ear in pain, whining out loud like a kid that’s not allowed to buy popcorn when their parents bring them to the movie theatre. “This is domestic violence, I’m suing.” He complains but still hits the gas and starts backing out of the overpacked parking lot. People go wild during the weekends. That’s why you’re letting him drive because you suck. 
You smile satisfactorily. “Ah, enslaved child labor at its finest.” If looks could kill, Minho would probably find your corpse in the car, limbs spread wide open because Jaemin is occasionally tossing you dirty looks through the rear-view mirror as he finds a way to hide a body while driving towards your neighborhood. 
When you get home, you politely offer Jaemin to stay for dinner but he said he’s got a date to catch up with so you just let him be. Yeji isn’t gonna be home until nine because of her shift at the café so you basically have the whole apartment to yourself until your roommate returns from work. 
Exhausted from spending all day on campus and going to the movies after, you quickly get rid of your long coat and plop yourself onto the couch. You waste absolutely no time and automatically hang yourself upside down on the cushioned surface while scrolling through your feed in boredom. You like to change up your position every ten minutes so that you feel less like a potato while your blood circulation isn’t gonna get blocked anywhere. 
The moment you’re about to accept a video call from Jisung, you’re interrupted with a rather strange notification. You decide to text him, saying that you’re busy with a presentation and open the email from an unknown email. The email doesn’t have any specific title and you don’t think it belongs to any of your classmates. However, there’s a file attached to it which makes you even more confused. Who’d send a random video to someone they don’t even know? What if this is some kind of trick that people use for human trafficking? Like once you tap on it, there’s an automatic tracker on your phone and soon enough, you’ll go missing. 
It makes your heart skip a beat as realization hits you like a truck. Deep down, you know, you know who it belongs to and you’re even more terrified to watch it. But you have to, you have to watch it. With a sharp inhale, your index finger trembles until it comes in contact with your screen, opening the file. 
“Is this thing on?” 
You immediately burst into tears as soon as Changbin appears. You’re stupidly, foolishly crying as he awkwardly adjusts the camera angle, checking himself in the monitor and runs a hand through his hair. Changbin’s wearing that one fitted black t-shirt that he probably bought in big bulks, warm brown eyes peeking through his messy bangs. He’s never looked better to the point that you’re tongue-tied, unable to scream even when you have so many questions, so many things to say. Yet only tears come streaming down your face. You missed him dearly, and here he is finally. 
“Y/N?” Changbin quirks a brow and smiles. God, you missed his smile too. “If you’re watching this video, don’t..post it on social media. It’s gonna be a real tearjerker.” 
You chuckle, wiping your tears away with the sleeves of your hoodie. He didn’t change, at all. “I don’t know if you can still forgive me for what I’ve done, but I still owe you an apology. I’m sorry for running away. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. I’m sorry for not treating you right. It’s just when you said that you loved me, it sparked so much skepticism inside my head that even I couldn’t understand what I was thinking. Next thing I know, I was out the door, straight to the airport. I was an asshole and I know that. I hope you’re taking good care of yourself right now because you did nothing wrong. In fact, there’s something that I’ve been wanting to tell you too. I can’t seem to be complete without you. You’re it. You’re my endgame.” 
When Changbin takes in a deep breath, so do you. You nervously scratch onto the black nail polish that’s starting to chip off on your pinkie, waiting for him as he fiddles with his fingers. Suddenly, he looks straight into the camera and laughs. “Why are you still here? You didn’t see the notification, did you?”
What notification?
Your trains of thoughts are once again canceled when your phone buzzes. You’ve just got a notification from an app that you barely touched since Changbin left. “SpearB just posted a new track. Check it out!”
“Neverending Story ( Demo ).” 
Faster than a tick of the clock, you start playing the track, fingers drumming impatiently on one of your throw pillows. “Be mine, yeah?” His raspy voice sounds ten thousand times more attractive because it’s been a while since you’ve heard it and chills run up your spine. Adrenaline is pumping through your veins, your heart hanging on the verge of exploding. The soft instrumental blends in with the piano in the background perfectly, drowning out every other sound in the entire world. But what throws you off is that Changbin starts singing. It’s the first time you’ve ever heard him sing and it’s truly breathtaking that you can do nothing more than sitting there with a hand over your mouth, letting the melody guide your mind. 
“Whenever you smile, whenever you struggle
I'll always protect you
For you,
I can even go against time
Just to appear in front of you
I believe, I believe
Even if the world changes
Can you promise that we won't?”
The first verse bleeds into the pre-chorus, then the chorus itself and Changbin starts rapping, spilling the feelings that he’s been struggling with saying out for you. Every word, every sound, every note hits differently and you feel like you’re already on cloud nine, drifting off into a daze. You can fully acknowledge and feel the ignited passion that he has for you even when he’s more than five thousand miles away, on the other side of the planet. But that’s all you need honestly because what more can you ask for? 
As if on cue, the song ends and there’s a knock at your door. 
Heat rushes up the bridge of your nose as you wobble towards the front door, head still slightly lightheaded from the mixture of emotions. You quickly fix your hair, straightening your hoodie and your toes curl from the nervousness. The moment you twist the doorknob, Changbin backs you up against the wall, shutting the door with his feet. He stares you down intensely, making you feel extremely small in comparison. But those eyes of his are filled with nothing but adoration for you and only you. “I’m in love with you, the same way that you meant it back then. I’ve been in love with you for even God doesn’t know how long. I booked a plane ticket and wrote the song as soon as that thought clicked in me. You’re all that I need. I want you to be my one and only. And I still want you back, so what do you say?” 
Your lips curl upwards softly into a smile. “You’re really outdoing yourself, aren’t you? I confessed to you when I was drunk and not only did you film a video, but you also wrote a song for me?”
“Only for you, Beastie.” Changbin chuckles and pulls you closer, sealing the gap between your lips. He’s done it, he did what he’s been wanting to for his entire life : to know what being in love actually feels like. His kiss isn’t even somewhere near as those movie stars’ that you both used to make fun of every weekend. It’s one that steeped into a passion that flickers at the very pit of your stomach, one that makes you feel like home, like he’s your safe place. Changbin’s said everything that he wanted but he kisses you as a silent promise that he will do stupid things just to be with you, to have you right by his side for the rest of his life. 
He’s the first to pull away, resting his forehead against yours as you both exchange shallow breaths. Smiling at you, Changbin can’t help himself but peppers small kisses all over your face from your forehead to the tip of your nose. 
Life likes to toss you around and fuck you up sometimes but somehow, magically it always puts everything back in its place. The amount of tears that you’ve shed feels like payment for what you’re holding in your arms right now but there’s nothing that you won’t do to be here, in his embrace. Technically, Changbin didn’t have to say those three words back and he only did because he could, not because he needed to. 
Even if he’s five thousand miles away, no one else is closer to your heart than he is. He loves you with all of the madness in his soul.
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
The Royal Romance.
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A/N: I’ve decided to go into my own little TRR world and create an AU. This will be fun! So; Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Explicit. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Dawkins (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 1,980 words.
I made a Drabble! Woooooohoooooo! Go me!
Prompt Time! Today I’m using @wackydrabbles Prompt #73 “Why Did You Do It?” It’ll be in bold in black.
Tag List: @lifeaskim @choiceslady @texaskitten30 @bebepac @glaimtruelovealways @kingliam2019 @txemrn @pixie88 @lucy-268 @hopelessromanticmonie @secretaryunpaid @shanzay44 @choicesfannatalie @wackydrabbles @choicesficwriterscreations
As always if you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or DM me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
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Chapter 18.) The Declaration.
(Italicized words are King Marquise’s POV)
I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. Tariq SaVion, someone I once considered a good friend, had just announced his intention to take the crown. On the day of my father’s funeral, no less.
“Now I’m sure many of you think that I’m being insensitive to his majesty and The Royal Family. I assure you that is not the case. I too mourn the death of King Father. He was a great man. An impeccable leader. Someone who gave his all for and to Cordonia and her people. May he rest in eternal peace. And I do sincerely extend my heartfelt condolences to them in their time of grief.”
“Unbelievable.” I heard my brother say. I stayed silent, holding Shanelle close to me as I listened.
“I’m not saying that his majesty is or has been a terrible person or monarch. But what I am saying is that his choice in queen has left much to be desired. The court doesn’t approve of nor do they trust her. And with good reason. And if they can’t, then my fellow Cordonians neither can you.”
“Excuse me?! Who the fuck does he is?!” I hear my love say out loud. I love her passion and especially her anger.
“I understand that many of you must be saying the same of me as I am of her. Duchess Shanelle wasn’t the only one involved with the scandal. I was as well. It ruined me. And you have every right to question me. But I can at least say this for myself. I’m a fellow Cordonian. She’s not.”
My grip on Shanelle’s hip tightens ever so slightly. No one talks about my future queen like that.
“Duchess Shanelle is not only not a noble but she’s an American. An absolute outsider! One who thinks that, she can just waltz in and take the monarchy for herself! She knows nothing about Cordonia, her customs or her people. For all we know, she’s a devil in a ball gown.”
“Nuh uh! Compared to him, Shanelle’s an absolute angel!” Maxwell quips. He’s right. My love is an angel.
“We as Cordonians can’t trust her. She’ll lead us to ruin! We must stand up! We must revolt! We must throw her out! Because I can guarantee you that his majesty won’t. He’s too blinded by love to get rid of her. Which is why I am challenging for the throne. Per Legitima successione nobilium, I challenge for the crown. Again, I have no ill will towards King Marquise. This has to do with what is in the best interest of the crown, the people and the country.”
“He can’t do that!” I hear Hana blurt out. She’s standing next to my brother who has a weary look on his face.
“As many of you know I am not a noble. But my future queen is.”
“Future queen?! Who’d be dumb enough to marry him?” Drake asks.
He’s a good man that one. Always loyal. Even to a fault. But Drake was right about one thing. No woman would be stupid enough to marry Tariq. Even if it was for political reasons. Or so I thought. Because a woman did take his side.
“Ladies and gentlemen, my future queen: Duchess Kaitlyn Winslow of House Fierro. Because of her noble house being one of the Great Houses, we will be your next king and queen.”
To say I was shocked is an understatement. I’ve always known that Duchess Kaitlyn was always ambitious but, never in a million years did I think she’d align herself with someone the likes of him. He was always someone I figured that she’d consider beneath her. Joke was clearly on me.
We watched as he turned to her and asked, “my dear would you like to say a few words?”
My jaw clenched as I watched her take to the podium.
“Thank you, my future king. As Tariq mentioned we are challenging for the throne and the crown. And I would like to reiterate that this is not a personal attack on his majesty or The Royal Family. This is a battle for you Cordonia. We can’t have some common foreigner ruling our country. It would put us at great risk as a nation. Our enemies will continue to consider us weak! We can’t have that! So when Tariq reached out to me about a mutually beneficial relationship between us, I instantly agreed. I love our country and her people and I, like my future king would do anything to protect it. Which is why we are calling on all of the great houses to hold a parliamentary election, as they did when King Fabian was crowned.”
“Ohhh you gotta be fucking kidding me! That law hasn’t been used or thought of in 500 years!” Leo said with clear anger and aggravation in his voice.
Although my brother was right, the law no matter how outdated, is still on the books and sadly is still valid. And as king there was nothing I could do to stop them from using it.
“My future king and I will be hosting our own debut at my family’s estate. And we cordially invite all nobles, including his majesty and friends to attend. I can promise that it will be a night that no one will forget.”
I felt Shanelle nuzzling my neck. I could tell that she was extremely upset.
“My future queen and I want to thank each of you in the press for attending our joint press conference and we’d especially like to thank our fellow Cordonians for watching. And to his majesty, may the best man win! Even though I already know that the best man is me.”
After turning off the TV and throwing the remote down, it was over. I couldn’t believe it. I just couldn’t believe it. How dare they challenge me? What’s more, how dare they speak that way about Shanelle?! My angel?! My Goddess?! My Queen?! To say that I’m angry is an understatement. My love still hadn’t said anything about what we just saw and I was beginning to feel concerned.
“Will you all give us a moment?” I ask my friends. With nods they walk out of my study, leaving just me and my queen.
“You’re quiet, my queen.” I say to her.
I could feel her trembling body against my chest. I knew then that she was beyond upset.
“Talk to me, Shanelle.”
She shook her head no.
“Please say something, my love. Don’t let what they said about you, get to you.”
That’s when I felt tears on my left shoulder.
“My queen please don’t cry!” I say as I try to soothe her.
“But they’re right about me.” She says as her voice breaks.
When I tilt her chin up to look into her eyes, I see those beautiful brown eyes filled with tears. I’m both hurt and enraged at that point.
“No they aren’t! They don’t know you like I do. They don’t know your passion, your fire, your drive, your willingness to do and be better than before. They certainly don’t know your incredibly large heart. They don’t know your intelligence. They don’t know your adaptability to changing situations. They don’t know your determination. They don’t know your compassion. My love, there’s more to bring a queen than just ruling.”
“But Marquise the court…the court hates me! They don’t want me here! Your mother said it herself, if they can’t and don’t trust or like me, they won’t be compelled to get their people to like me!” She says as she cries in my arms.
“The court is a fickle thing. One minute they love and embrace you and the next, they hate you with the fury and power of 1,000 suns. That shouldn’t stop you my love.”
I rub her back in an attempt to soothe her cries.
“I don't want to be the reason why you lose everything you have worked for!” She cries to me.
“Shanelle look at me! I want you to know and hear me when I say this, you are not the reason why I could or would possibly lose everything! They are! This is solely on them! Not you! Do you understand?” I ask her.
Irrational as her fears may be to me, they were real to her. And that’s all that matters.
“Yes I understand.” She whispered to me.
“Good. Now we have to go on the offensive. Because unfortunately I can’t stop them from calling on that law.”
“Even though you’re the king?” She asks.
“It may be an ancient and decrepit bylaw but it’s a law. And I as king am forbidden to use my power to go against it.” I reply to her.
I see her cries start to dissipate then eventually they stop. I kiss the remaining tears that fall away.
“Why did you do it?” She asks me. I’m a little confused.
“Do what, my queen?” I ask her.
“Stand here and comfort me, knowing that someone wants to take your crown.”
Damn she’s good.
“Because that’s what a king does. He gives comfort and protection even in his own pain, anger and misery. My father taught me that.”
She smiled at me. God that damn smile. I would do anything just to see it.
“Do you feel better, mon amour?” I ask her.
“Yes or at least I’m trying to be.” She replies.
“That’s all I ask. Listen to me. We will fight this. I promise you that. I will not just lay down and let someone take everything I have earned. This is nothing more than a power grab. They don’t care about the country or its people. The crown and the throne are more than just a birthright to me. They are my responsibility to my family, to my people, to my country, to my own honor and duty and especially to you, my love.”
“I don’t understand. What do you mean to me?” She asks.
“As a king, I have a responsibility to my queen. I am your servant before I am a servant of the people. It is up to me to make sure that you are always fulfilled in every way.” I tell her.
She smiled softly at me. Saints give me the strength to not take her on this desk right here right now.
“I’d say that you’re off to a good start, my king.”
There she is. There’s my queen.
“Good. I’d hate to think I’ve been failing in my duties to you, my queen.”
She had this thoughtful look on her face.
“I wouldn't say that you’ve been failing in your duties. Buuuuuuut you have been slacking.”
“Who?! Me?! What?! How?! When?! Where?!” I ask her.
There it is again. That smile that makes me want to scale an erupting volcano. Okay that’s it, dear God if you’re listening: Help! Me! Before! She! Winds! Up! Being! The! Reason! That! I! Don’t! Make! It! Into! Heaven!
“You never finished kissing me.” She replied.
Phew! Crisis of biblical proportions averted.
“Ohhh my! You’re right my queen! Allow me to rectify this egregious oversight on my part at once!”
God I love the taste of her lips! They much like the rest of her, are always soft, supple and decadent. And that kiss…God forgive my sinful thoughts!
“Much better, my king.”
“Good. Now I have to ask you my queen: are you ready to go to war?” I ask her.
“For you? For us? For our people? For our kingdom and country? Hell yeah!” She replied.
“Excellent! Now I believe we’ve been invited to a farce of a debut. And you know how I just love a good party.”
“Well then it’s settled my king. We have a debut to crash.” She said to me with a sly wink.
God I love this woman!
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oftheredmoon · 4 years
my abuser abused me. after 10 years i broke my silence and told my childhood friend. i didnt want justice or anything bc i didnt want to destroy my family, i just wanted to confide in my closest friend. she immediately ran around town and told everyone. 2 years later, i found out random people knew about my trauma and were threatening my abuser as well as on the verge of involving my family. so i lied. and said i lied about the abuse. a lot of people in town hate me. ex-childhood friend hates me and victimizes herself; everyone takes her side. my abuser hates me and rather than be grateful that i took one for the team (since we both know what he did) he uses it against me. tells me he hates me because “you know what you did” on party chat in front of the handful of people who still speak to me.
i can never confide in anyone about this due to cultural reasons. i’m stuck living in a looped hell. people think im some mentally ill wacko who went off the deep end and tried to drag innocent people down with me. i dont do drugs. i dont drink. i dont have an escape. i dont have friends anymore. suicide is not an option. confiding in people is no longer an option. coping mechanisms dont work anymore. self-harm never worked and just made me feel stupid. moving out/running away is not an option. therapy didnt help, neither did meds.
i think the most painful thing is the blatant fact that i will never truly be happy.
i’m expected to get married and have children. i want to get married and have children. but how am i supposed to let my husband lay a finger on me without screaming and crying? how am i supposed to explain that the reason i breakdown everytime he compliments me is because nobody has ever paid attention to me before? how am i supposed to be a good wife and have a good job when im completely talentless and stupid because i spent my whole childhood in a locked room neglected? how am i supposed to a healthy partner when the very thought of him becoming slightly annoyed with me or ignoring me is enough to send me into a psychotic breakdown? how am i supposed to explain why im so mentally ill? why i have psychosis, ptsd, depression, anxiety, adhd, and borderline personality disorder. why im constantly dissociating. how am i supposed to explain why im so physically ill? my heart, my blood sugar, my ulcers, the migraines, the potential cysts, crohns disease, the fact that i can hardly eat without throwing up, the fact that my body has dealt with so much stress that its already giving up at 20 years old. i could keep going, but i wont.
its getting hard to feel anything anymore. i’m no longer in touch with reality. when i try to think about myself my appearance, my name and all the things that once defined me do not come up. im hardly human at this point. i wake up, eat, stare at the wall for 8 hours, eat again, maybe do some homework, and play xbox for a few hours before my abuser inevitably makes a comment and i get triggered and leave before i breakdown in front of everyone.
“just tell ur future husband!!” cant, its not that simple, im not from the west.
“find a supportive/understanding man!!” see above plus: no man is going to put up with a complete emotional trainwreck who can hardly function: thats a receipe for creating a cheater.
“find a friend group that your abuser doesnt hang out with!!” cant, everyone hates me, this friend group is the most successful one ive ever had, im scared of making new bonds, theyll all leave eventually.
“make online friends!!” i have very negative experiences with online friends, id rather not.
“seek professional help!!” already tried, didnt work, they would call the cops if they knew half the shit that happened to me, therapy is not the solution to everything.
“why did u say u lied in the first place...?” bc my abuser going to jail/being confronted by all of this wouldve destroyed my family. i couldnt let that happen.
“why did u expect ur abuser to be understanding and grateful..? they’re an abuser lol...” bc after the whole thing blew up and everyone hated me, we had a mutual agreement and understanding to make it water under the bridge in order to protect our family. guess i was wrong to think he cared about them.
“what do u want me to say then lol... ur not willing to help urself” i cant help myself. “my hands are tied” is the biggest understatement of the century.
this post is not to find my cure. i didnt make this post because i want people in my dms showing me that they’re concerned.
if ur concerned about me harming myself, dont be. you have my 100% guarantee that i will not self-harm or attempt suicide. i gave up on that years ago.
this post is to vent.
this post is for people who are in similar situations as me. people who cant find a way out. people who cant turn to escapes such as drugs. people who protect their abuser whether out of love or for the sake of others.
you’re not the only one. i understand. i know. its hard. you’re drowning. no one will grab your hand no matter how much you reach out. in the rare cases that someone does come you pull away. you’ve lost the best years of your life to trauma and mental illness. it feels like theres no point. nothing helps. nothing works. you’re practically a zombie. you often trigger yourself to cope. you just want the pain to end. you dont want to feel anymore. you want to feel something. you dont want to remember. you want to be loved. you want a sign that you belong here. you want to enjoy life. you want to die. you’re afraid of living but you’re afraid of death.
i’m so sorry you’re hurt. i hope you find peace and salvation in a safe manner. i hope you heal and enjoy life to the fullest.
dont really know how to end this. i hope we’ll all be okay. i hope everyone whos been traumatized can find peace on earth. i hope breathing can start to feel a little easier. sorry this is so long. take care of yourselves.
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For my bean and friend @therealsilentlyfangirling I hope this helps make your day just a little bit better and your pain a little bit easier even for a moment. I was initially going to do something for you in the Dm’s but I wanted to write something for you instead; so I hope you enjoy and that I haven’t completely failed at writing Levi as it’s my first time writing for him, I probably have, but still, I wanted to do s o m e t h i n g so I hope you like it. Sending you an endless amount of super hugs.
Your eyes were red and puffy from the shed tears while your heart remained in broken tatters. Today had not been kind to you, or, at least it had been until you went into the shelter that you had been helping out at for your school’s work experience only to be given the heartbreaking and bittersweet news. Perhaps it was selfish to cry over something like this, you know you should’ve been happy and glad that your two little friends had been adopted and were going to good homes but..With how attached you had gotten to the two little darlings, how much you cared for them, it was hard to feel happy when you felt so crushed. The memory alone was almost enough for you to begin crying once more, as you could feel the sorrow welling up inside you as fresh tears came to your sore red eyes... You missed them already. 
As you heard the familiar sound of a notification on your phone, you couldn’t bring yourself to glance at the device as the desire to even look to see who it was from was hard to focus on and so you simply left it where it was on your nightstand as the pain from your loss gripped at your heart like a painful vice, each jab of pain that came with even thinking about it feeling like a stab more than a prod. 
The length of time you sat there on your bed with your legs held close to your chest as your chin rested on the top didn’t register to you until the sound of a loud and extremely impatient knock resounding from your door pulled you from your thoughts, causing your eyes, dull, red and puffy to look up at the door 
“ Oi oi! Bronwen are you in there?? The premiere of that new anime we were going to watch together is starting! “
The new ani-oh. That’s right, you had made plans a few weeks ago to watch the premiere of the new anime that you had been excited to see and as it was mutual between you and your fellow Otaku Levi, it had led you both to make plans to watch it together with snacks, soda and everything else you needed. Guilt only added to the pain in your heart as you realized that you had not only forgotten about it due to your current state but had also broken your promise to Levi. With little surprise to you, the door opens, but you didn’t find yourself caring for your appearance and instead only watched as the door opened, revealing Levi who looked like he was about to burst with impatience as he now stood in your doorway, that much being obvious due to his lips which were set in a disgruntled and displeased frown of annoyance. Judging from how annoyed he looked you knew he was about to give you an earful but you knew it was one you deserved so you resigned yourself to it. 
And he was, Levi was moments away from giving you an earful as he had half a mind to tell you if you planned on just ditching him for doing something else you shouldn’t have made plans with him in the first place, regardless of how much that inwardly hurt. However, every single desire to do so came to an abrupt halt as he saw the heartbroken look in your eyes, it was one that nearly broke his own as concern instantly fills his amber hues, using his tail to close the door, his body moves on its own and in a short moment, he was beside you on the bed, hands gripping your shoulders in a gentle and comforting hold as his eyes searched your face for anything to help him figure out what had gotten you in such a state. 
“ H-Hey, what’s wrong? “ 
When no answer came from you it only pushed his worry further as his concern became frantic, one that was evident in every syllable of his words.
“ H-Hey come on, talk to me...Please I want to help, tell me what’s wrong. “
Maybe it was the resounding but quiet plea that filled his voice or the gentleness that you could feel in his fingers as they continued to keep a grip on your shoulders but you couldn’t stop yourself from speaking as your words broke heavy silence that had filled the air, you couldn’t...Not when Levi looked so desperate to figure out why you were like this right now. 
“ My two boys Keegan and Kinsley were adopted. I just feel empty and I can’t stop crying..” 
Your voice sounded so broken as you spoke the words...And you knew he thought so too as the concern in his amber hues only seemed to increase and even when those same eyes full with realization sadness was something that he couldn’t help but feeling the loss himself as he had known the very same cats you were talking about too, you had taken him to meet them as a means to get him out of his room. He didn’t know them for as long as you did, but he had come to care for the little bundles of fur himself so if he was feeling the loss, he could only imagine what you must’ve been feeling right now. Unable to stop himself, his grip on your shoulders tighten as he brings you closer to him, one arm wrapping around your torso while his hand gently settles on the top of your head in a warm embrace. He wasn’t the best at giving hugs, he was completely aware and for just a moment he hopes that he’s not hurting you by how sudden the hug must’ve been to you, but even so, his arms stay around you as he makes no move to end it and thankfully neither do you, though that was mostly because you were stunned that the Introverted Otaku was suddenly embracing you in such a gentle and warm way. As heat quickly rose to your cheeks it was a warmth that you needed and instead, you only let yourself relax within his embrace, before the more pressing matter of the premier causes your eyes to narrow in confusion
“ What about the premier? Didn’t you want to watch it? “ 
The light thwack that came to your back from what must’ve been the tip of his tail in a silent reprimand came before the mutter of his voice. 
“ Baka, that’s not important right now, I can always watch it online later..I’m not leaving you alone, not like this. “ 
Those words, even if they sounded so simple were ones that made tears well up in your heart again as a weak smile came to your lips, as you knew the full gravity of what they meant. Burying your face under his chin you closed your eyes once more and as you felt his fingers lightly threading through your hair in a comforting gesture, you finally allowed yourself to cry again, unaware that tears were filling Levi’s own.
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jbjsflower · 5 years
Always - Hyunjin x Reader
Pairing: SKZ Bad Boy!Hyunjin x Reader
Genre: soft
Warnings: none
Requested: Yes
A/N: Okay so this was requested by a lovely Hyunjin stan through dms so I hope u like it sweetie <3 
Trouble was his middle name and everybody knew that. By the time, Hyunjin had already conquered the hearts of every living creature that sorrounded him, and the first semester was just starting. His long black hair had everyone sighing as he walked down the corridors. His simple white t-shirt tugged in his tight ripped jeans were more than enough to make his beauty shine on its own. He barely needed to dress up to impress, he was just naturally beautiful. He could have literally anyone, but clearly had no intention to do so since he rudely rejected every single person that had asked him out so far, making more than one of them cry for days at the embarrasing situation. Everyone wondered why would he reject so tactless all of those pretty girls, but only one person knew the answer to that question. - You should give it a chance.- Y/N reiterated. - It won't go well... - Hyunjin replied. - But how do you know if you never try?- she asked. - I have indeed tried, don't you remember? And I got so hurt that I'd rather die alone.- he explained, running his hand through his black locks. - You won't die alone, don't be so melodramatic.- Y/N added with a shigh. Y/N and Hyunjin had been best friends since they were basically babies, and they knew absolutely everything about each other... except for their feelings towards each other. They had both been mutually liking each other since their second year of high school, soon after Hyunjin's first and only relationship came to a terrible end. His now ex-girlfriend turned out to be playing with his feelings and cheating on him for almost a whole year without him knowing and had been using him to gain popularity in high school. He knew his feelings for Y/N but didn't want to admit them, he was too afraid of getting hurt again and also didn't want to lose his best friend. Y/N on the other side just thought he'd never like her back and prefered to keep her feelings to herself. But even though they tried to hide it, everyone had noticed that they had a very close relationship. Maybe a little too close to be just friends. They slept together a bunch of times, went out for "dates" that they called "just hanging out", gave each other presents for Valentines day, had matching silver rings... As said before, a little too close to be just friends. Y/N was the only person to whom Hyunjin could never lie, he could never hide a thing from her... That's why, during one of the parties they joined, the situation got a bit complicated. - Hyunjin truth or dare?- a girl asked with a smile. - Truth.- Hyunjin answered. - Okay um... have you ever had feelings for Y/N? The room got quiet and the only thing that could be heard was Hyunjin's heartbeat. He looked at Y/N, who was equally anxious about the question and his upcoming answer. - Yes. I have...- Hyunjin said. Everyone gasped at his answer, including Y/N, whose eyes were wide open. They looked at each other, ignoring the rest of the people around them. - When have you...- she started talking. - Always.- he interrupted.- I have always liked you. - Me too.- she whispered with a nervous smile. - You... like me?- Hyunjin asked in shock. - I guess we were both too busy managing our own feelings to notice that, huh? - Yeah I guess... - Why don't we get out of here, go to my place and watch some movies together? - Like, hanging out?- Hyunjin asked, pretending not to know what Y/N was trying to do. - No, like a date. An actual date. Hyunjin smiled at her words. His strong and rude image finally broke in front of everyone, showing his true loving self, and it was all because of Y/N. He hugged her tight, making everyone cheer them and applaud, but for Hyunjin, it was just the two of them. It had always been just the two of them.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Jim Mason+Influencer! Reader:
(A/N): Hello lovelies!
I am very happy to have you back in this last episode of this miniseries, which I really hope you’ll like, alongside, again, if you have more ideas and want to send asks about this verses... I AM READY FOR IT, BRING IT ON BITCHES!
Also... I have said that this fic might be a bit self-indulgent and it is because, although I am not an influencer of any kind, I am very active on my social medias (mostly instagram, if you want to follow me or anything, and we are mutuals, just DM me) and this July I ended up hitting a very bad kind of exhaustion from that platform.
I honestly ended up feeling extremely shitty, alongside discovering many fake people who were around me, and for this reason I am happy that I managed to get here on tumblr (although there are some fake people on here, but like I don’t have to interact with them).
So, although the cyberbullying part of the story is only fictional, the exhaustion that took over reader, ended up being a reality for me, a bit ago, and although I am all better (better than before), I just wanted to remind you to take healthy pauses from social medias.
Also please don’t shame people who work on them, alongside use them as an outlet for anxiet and stress (like me).
I really hope you won’t judge me too badly, after this...
Also I’ll just remind you to show some love, if you like this, with hearts, reblogs (possibly saying something) and if you have anything to say about these, my DMs and asks are always open!
Much love!
SUMMARY: Jim Mason takes care of his social media exhausted girlfriend.
WORDS: 1,7 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Cyberbulling And Exhaustion from Social Medias (I WASN’T CYBERBULLIED, although I had my fair share of assholish comment, NOT HERE, but the cyberbullying was only fictional, whereas exhaustion is something I experienced back in July)
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Jim knew of his girlfriend’s social media fame.
Although he wasn’t informed about the entire thing and how it worked, being more focused on staying in the moment and living it, he was proud of what she achieved with her photos and captions, even going as far as helping her shot a few.
He still remembered the way she smiled gently meanwhile he tried to take photos of her, meanwhile she pointed out each cheap tip she knew, starting with “shoot from a lower angle than my height, so that I might appear taller” and “make sure to take the right light”.
She might have seemed shallow to others, but whenever Jim cried his heart out in her arm, she only had the sweetest words for him, calming him down enough that they fell asleep calmly, next to each other in her simple pull-out.
She cuddled closer to him, whenever she understood he needed it and made sure to always be there, next to him, her entire attention focused on him.
He had never checked her profile, mostly because she had pleaded with him not to give it a look.
“It’s silly” she had mumbled, meanwhile she had tried to get his phone off his hands “… and embarrassing!”.
And Jim had respected her wishes, offering just his help with photos or ideas, but whenever they were together, the entire social media thought was off the rack between them, preferring a direct conversation, although sometimes she got in overload and at that time social medias were her outlet.
But sometimes they were also her damnation.
Jim had noticed the difference in his girlfriend’s mood, since the start of the week: quieter and definitely less happy, a mumble being her way to speak, if she spoke up, clearly not energetic in the slightest and definitely not focused.
His knowledge of drugs and their effects had made him think that she might have been under those, but slowly the unfocused glaze had moved from rage to sadness: one day she was moping on the beach and another she almost got into a rage-filled fight with whatever was not working.
Jimmy had tried his best to understand her, but she didn’t want to talk about it with him so he tried to stay close to her, but the bad week moved to two bad weeks and there Jim had thought about searching through her social, mostly due to the fact that she focused on them more, even neglecting herself and him a bit.
“I just need to write the last paragraph” she had mumbled, meanwhile she had refused to stop writing to sleep a bit or “I will eat after I edited this photo, I mean… I don’t need food”.
It all got Jim worried, more and more.
And then he had decided that he had only one chance to discover what was going on.
He had opened Instagram, her major social network, and then had moved to her profile, the public one (she had a private one, full of photos that made Jim’s heart jump: candid of them together, not professionally taken but… Jim loved them all the same) and had gone through it.
He had first seen that she hadn’t any stories going on, which was unusual since she did her best to try to at least show a bit of her everyday life each day.
“So, my followers don’t feel left out” she had mumbled and although Jim had thought it was a strange voyeuristic idea, he had just hugged her and called her “angel”.
“Angel” was also part of her username on Instagram, due mostly to her followers, which had started calling her “angel”, because of the intrinsic sweetness of her posts and the personality she showed on the social network.
The stories thing had been already strange, but also her follower count had diminished, nothing too bad, but he had heard his angel protest about that.
“I just can’t believe that these people unfollow me just because I don’t follow them back and you know what is worst… I have talked to them… I felt like… we were friends”.
But he had soon discovered the true reason behind his girlfriend’s sadness: the comments honestly made him angry.
The most recent ones were ruthless: “you are fat”, “kill yourself” “you are annoying”…
And they went on, although some were sweeter, clearly (Y/N)’s true fans.
He had honestly hoped it was a troll, nothing but a joke.
But those comments had been serious, since he hadn’t been able to recognize the familiar path of a troll, instead they were real people, under fake accounts or their real accounts sharing that hate.
He honestly hadn’t been able to stop himself from feeling furious now that he understood what was going on, and meanwhile he had signaled each negative comment, he had seen the stories light up, the first one of the day.
A photo with a writing on it: “guys I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a pause, due to all the hate I have been getting, I don’t know when I will get back”.
Although the text has been intelligently written and concealed her emotion, he had clearly known she was crying meanwhile writing it.
He knew how much work she put into the social media, although it never was her job, she had started, long before meeting him, using it as a relief method from her own problem, so to be let down this way….
… it obviously hurt her.
After he had signaled enough accounts he had just tried to let the rage burn down, meanwhile he had created a plan to make his angel feel better: his first idea had been to go out, knowing that an expensive dinner and a few dances might get her distracted, but this would just push just the argument further.
So, he had just organized a home-made dinner (which meant him ordering take-out), bribing her to attend it with the promise of a lot of cuddles and a make-out session and most importantly to watch for the umpteenth times her favorite movie.
She clearly felt a bit better, when she finally walked in his house, being swept off her feet by an ecstatic Jim, who gently kissed her forehead, before he had put her down, leading her to the little kitchen of his apartment, the one his father had gotten him once he had gone out of rehab.
It was nice, although pretty small, but Jim loved it all more, and since he had met his angel it had all been better.
They had made so many memories, alongside she had helped perfecting it all.
“Ma’am, please sit down” he helped her to the dinner table, taking her jean jacket and her bag, coming back with an open bottle of wine, which he poured in their inadequate glasses, and with the first course, (Y/N)’s favorite course.
“Oh, you went all out” her smile didn’t reach her eyes, but she was indeed grateful, holding out her hand to grab his, which was kept tangled with his for the entire dinner
She talked about her day, chirping happily meanwhile she avoided carefully the social media argument and Jim didn’t pressure her, just watching her eat, in peaceful silence and only when they moved to wash the dishes he grumbled lowly:
-… sweetie, I checked your page on Instagram- he felt her grow stiff next to him -… I know that it embarrasses you, but I thought that you had been so gloomy these past weeks and I thought that your social media might have been bothering you, extremely… so I had to do something…-.
-Oh Jimmy! – she was avoiding his eyes, clearly ashamed -… I am so sorry you had to see all that… it…-.
-You are getting hate thrown your way for nothing, (Y/N)- he wanted to make sure she knew it wasn’t her fault In the slightest -…I can’t honestly fathom people doing this to you, whereas you have been nothing but an angel with them-.
-I am not sure… I mean…- a sad smile was on her face -… I am pretty sure that many people will call me a bitch with no problem…-.
-… well I am gonna fight them all, babe- he brought her closer and smacked a sound kiss on her head -… you don’t deserve this hate, believe me, I spent two hours trying to ban each asshole-.
-That is incredibly sweet, Jimmy Boy- she giggled, but a few tears shone on his eyes -… but I don’t think that it will stop the hate from spreading; that’s why I decided to take a holiday-.
Jim saw that an honest smile shone on her face and moved the rag onto its hook to hug her better, bearhugging her and gently caressing her back, gently, and shushing her cries.
-Angel of mine, I am so so sorry I was not able to know more about this- he mumbled, feeling a low protest -… I honestly thought it wasn’t that bad-.
-I didn’t even talk about it with you- she justified softly, getting a bit of distance between them to be able to watch him in the eyes -… I wanted to handle on my own, because, at first, I thought it wasn’t anything worrying, and then… I just felt like social media were a thing I needed to solve alone, my thing-.
He knew this came from all the prejudices linked with her passion for social medias: he had heard about some of her friends annoying her saying not only she was asocial, but also self-absorbed.
She hadn’t been very open about her life on them with him, also because of this, thinking that he would be making fun of her, exactly like her “friends”.
-I know that you take pride into your profile, but… you can lean onto me, I am here for you- he promised her looking at her in the eyes with extreme seriousness, before hugging her close, keeping his lips on her forehead, a comforting gesture -… I am still extremely proud of you for recognizing that you were having troubles and deciding to distance yourself from that… you are one smart angel-.
She giggled at the nickname, before freeing herself from his hug, although she still felt extremely bad, a smile shone on her face.
-Now you better get in your comfortable pajama, because this smart angel wants to watch for the umpteenth time (Y/F/F), with a lot of cuddles- and she turned around, getting a slight slap on her ass from Jim.
-… don’t forget the make-out session! -.
Hello lovelies!
Thank you for coming this far, in my self-indulgent mumbling and thank you for sticking me all through this series, I really hope you enjoyed it, and in case some of you want to read the previous chapters, you might find them here! (Duncan) (Michael)
@so-langdon @1-800-bitchcraft @emmyrosee @blakewaterxx @rocketgirl2410 @ladynuwanda @w0nder-marie @bitchchatter @eternalnostalgia @chirpdesu @dreamxcollide @head-full-of-thougts @lonely-cloud @im-the-music-whore @orendamill @ayeayecaptaingally @loveofmonstersandroses @kleineshaschen @dramapenguinthe3rd @drama-penguins @vampirefairyestelle @ @hplotrfan @a-exmrie @meandmystrangehabits @lovelylangdonx  @britishmoonchild @michael-langdon-appreciation (I keep tagging you and please let me know if it is fine, but I know that you liked the previous chapter!) @mega-combusken @frenchbread4ever  @confettucini @what-the-hecku @langdonsplaytoy @saviorinsilk @cherrysoda-com@loveableasshole @sona-blues  @xoxocrystal17 @bish-ima-clown  @idespac  @annielovebug22 @literary-monster @g4ost  @rubyeru @breakingsupernaturlbad101 @dyns33 @hadeslittlewhore @ lsutgurxb @kelncurls @lathraios @rosegoldrichie @ohlookheather @ softyash @honeylavender-bombshell @ swinginfestivalhoagieflap @lotsofhunny @ ashleyallen-queen-carter @ uniquepandaeagleparty @ elviradamien23
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insideoutstory · 5 years
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Inside Out → Chapter Twenty-Five
summary: Christmas 1983. All things change, some people too. But they all remember. word count: 3.5k warnings: Immaturity and fluff at its finest A/N: This is the final chapter of the first installment! Thank you everyone for reading and please, reblog or send me a message if you enjoyed!
[ masterlist ]   [ FF.net ]
December 24, 1983 
“Something is coming. Something angry. Hungry for your blood. It is almost here.” 
Mike paused dramatically, making the boys around the table fidget in anticipation. 
 “What is it?” asked Will. 
“It’s the thessalhydra,” said Dustin. “I’m telling you…” 
“It’s not the thessalhydra,” Lucas dismissed. 
“I’m telling you, it’s the thessalhydra!” 
“THE THESSALHYRDA!” Mike slammed a figurine down onto the board, effectively ending the argument and sending a wave of groans around the table. “It roars in anger! Will, your action!” 
“What should I do?” Will asked in a panic. “I don’t…” 
“Fireball him!” Lucas insisted. 
Everyone turned to Dustin for his opinion. He stroked his chin, then grinned in agreement. “Fireball the son of a bitch.” 
Will grabbed the dice, shaking them fervently and then throwing them down onto the board. There was a split second of fear as they all counted. Then the basement erupted into screams once more. 
“Direct hit!” 
“Will the Wise’s fireball hits the thessalhydra! It makes a painful—eeeryaaaaagh! And then, it crumbles to the ground! Its clawed hand reaches for you one last time and, and, and, and…” 
Mike reeled around the room, staggering across the basement and falling to his knees. He trembled, one hand stretched toward his friends. And then his head collapsed to the table. 
The way the boys screamed, it sounded like they were celebrating the damn moon landing. They jumped out of their chairs, arms thrust in the air, and began to circle the table with rhythmic chanting. Mike grinned, returning to his DM chair and referring to his notes.
“Lucas cuts off its seven heads, and Dustin places them into his bag of holding. You carry the heads out of the dungeon, victorious, and you present them to King Tristan. He thanks you for your bravery and service.” 
The cheers stopped abruptly.
“Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah,” Dustin said, shaking his head. “That’s not it, is it?” 
“No, there’s a medal ceremony…” 
“Oh, a medal ceremony? What are you talking about?” 
“Yeah, man,” Lucas butted in. “The campaign was way too short.” 
“Yeah!” agreed Will. 
“It was ten hours!” Mike cried. 
“But it doesn’t make any sense!” Dustin argued. 
 “It makes sense!” 
“Uh, no! What about the lost knight?” 
“And those weird flowers in the cave!” added Will. 
“And the proud princess!” added Lucas. “No way you wrote Christine in for a couple measly lines. Right, Chrissy?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lucas. I just came for the snacks.” 
Christine was sitting on the couch, a book open in her lap. She’d been reading in the basement for most of the day, taking breaks to watch the boys and offer the occasional character voice. Even Nancy had come down to pitch in—a true Christmas miracle. The two of them had played cards on the floor until Steve showed up to join the Wheelers’ for a traditional viewing of It’s a Wonderful Life. It just proved how seriously he was taking his new title as “boyfriend.” 
They’d invited Christine to join them, but she wasn’t that masochistic. Nancy had returned upstairs, and Christine had instead stepped into her role as the proud princess. 
“I didn’t write Princess Pallantia for Christine,” Mike said in irritation. “She was side character to persuade Sir Lucas into going on the quest. It needed to be justified in the plot.” 
“Wow,” Dustin snorted. “Lucas doing something just cause it’s Christine.” 
“Just like real life,” Will giggled. 
“Shut the hell up!” 
A riot probably would have broken out had it not been for a sound at the top of the stairs. The door to the basement swung open, and a few seconds later, Jonathan peeked his head into the room. 
“Geez, what’s that smell?” he asked. “Have you guys been playing games all day or just farting? Seriously, Christine, how do you even breathe down here?” 
“Reluctantly,” she replied without looking up from the page. 
“It’s probably Christine’s fault anyway,” scoffed Dustin, sweeping up his bag. “It never smells this bad, and she’s the only new one around here.” 
“No way!” Christine said in protest. She jabbed a finger at Jonathan. “You know the rules. He who smelt it dealt it.” 
“He who rhymed it supplied it,” Dustin shot back. “Or should I say she?” 
The boys burst into giggles and applause, and Christine rolled her eyes. She grabbed her crutches from the end of the couch, and hoisted her bag up onto her shoulder. 
“Fine. If you wanna be like that, guess I won’t tell you what Mike and I planned for Princess Pallantia.” 
“CHRISTINE!” Mike screeched angrily, while the others nearly lost their minds. “I told you that was top secret information!” 
“I knew it!” Dustin was screaming. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!” 
“We’re definitely gonna have to save her,” Lucas practically sang. “And when we do, I’m gonna roll for charismaaa!” 
“I’m not gonna let you romance Pallantia,” Mike groaned. 
“Yeah, that’s boring,” said Will. “I bet it’s something exciting! Like she’s really an assassin!” 
“With what weapon?” Dustin laughed. “Acidic farts?” 
“I’ll show you a damn weapon.” 
Christine raised her crutch, and with practiced precision, knocked his hat off his head. The boys jeered and laughed, and Dustin tried to wrestle the crutch out of her hands. Christine hopped on her good leg and whacked him in the knees with the second crutch. 
“Alright, enough!” Jonathan called over the clamor. He handed Dustin back his hat, and forced Christine’s weapon back to the ground. “You have been spending way too much time with them.” 
“Yeah, well it’s them or you, so…” 
Jonathan snorted, the jab rolling off his back. It was becoming the norm for them, trading half-hearted insults instead of having genuine conversations. They were still a far cry from being friends. Christine had yet to fully forgive Jonathan for the mysterious pictures. Even if she did, there was still the problem that she found him pretentious. At least the feeling was mutual. She didn’t need Nancy’s insight to know Jonathan thought she was petty and shallow with bad taste in guys. It was clear he didn’t like her very much. But as Nancy had pointed out, that put Christine in the vast majority. 
Still, they’d been through enough in the last month to make being enemies impossible. Jonathan had saved her best friend’s life. Christine had risked her own to save his brother. They both spent too much time looking after middle schoolers, and had dangerous secrets they could never share with the rest of the world. So for now they were testing out the awkward line of acquaintances. They’d just have to take it from there. 
“Ready to go?” Jonathan asked his brother, nodding toward the stairs. 
“Yeah,” said Will. “Just a sec. We have to do the thing.” 
“What thing?” Christine asked. 
The boys ignored her, hurrying into a huddle so they could whisper to each other in private. Christine rolled her eyes, and went to share a commiserating look with Jonathan. But Jonathan wasn’t there. He was already jogging up the stairs. 
“Hey!” she called after him, affronted. “Are you still driving us home?” 
“Yeah! Just let me know when you’re done!” 
Christine was about to yell that she was very much done, and didn’t need to wait on the boys. But Dustin had grabbed her by the arm, tugging her adamantly toward the table. 
“Come on! Move it! Sit down, Christine!” 
Her crutches were seized from her as she was forced down into a chair. Each one of the boys ignored her mounting protests. Mike and Will resumed their seats at the table, while Lucas ran to rummage in his backpack. Dustin took the liberty of clapping his hands over her eyes. 
“Dustin, knock it off.” She tried to beat his arms away, but he just clamped his elbows over her ears and held on tight. “I’m serious, Dust! What’s going on?” 
“Hold on! Jesus Christ, just be patient! DM, some atmosphere?” 
Across the table, Mike started a drumroll. Will joined in, and a few seconds later there was a large thud in the middle of the table. 
“Ta da!” Lucas sang. 
Dustin removed his hands. Sitting in the middle of the table was a box, about the size of a loaf of bread. It was poorly wrapped, not with actual wrapping paper, but with drawing paper all taped together. It only took one look to guess that Will had taken the liberty of drawing the pictures, and someone had stuck a blue bow on top. 
“What is this?” 
“It’s a present,” Lucas laughed at her. “You’re supposed to open it.” 
“You got me a present?” 
Christine was still hesitant to reach for it, but Dustin had begun his own drumroll on her back. 
“Open it, open it, open it, open it…” 
“Alright! I’m going, I’m going…” 
She grabbed the package, trying to be as gentle as she could with the paper. Her jaw dropped the moment the first piece fell away. She could already see the Radio Shack label, the Realistic brand name, the picture on the side of the box… 
The boys giggled as she started moving faster, pushing away the rest of the drawings so she could get to opening the box. 
It was a radio. A Realistic TRC-214 supercomm, just like the boys had. Three channel, squelch control, range-boost side panels. She was itching to get to the schematics, but she was still stuck staring at it. 
“Oh my God, this—this is crazy,” she giggled, turning the walkie over in her hands. “This is gorgeous! Where did you get this?” 
“We all chipped in,” said Mike. “If you’re gonna be part of the party, we need a way to communicate. You know, for emergencies.” 
Christine beamed, and then froze. The reality setting in, she shook her head frantically. 
“Wait, wait, wait…you four bought this for me?” 
“Duh,” said Dustin, smacking her on the shoulder. “That’s why we had you open it. How dumb are you?” 
“No. No way, guys.” 
“Why not?” asked Will. 
“Because this—this is way too expensive! I can’t take something like this from you guys! How much did this even…?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Lucas assured her, and she glared at him. 
“Of course I’m going to worry about it! You’re all in middle school! Where did you even get this kind of cash?” 
“Alright, so we may have had some financial assistance from your friends,” Dustin admitted. “But don’t go thanking Jonathan or Nancy or Steve Douchington for this. It was our idea.” 
Christine bit her lip. She stared down at the radio, a battle of wills raging inside her chest. She wasn’t entirely comfortable accepting such a pricey gift from the party. The problem was, she wanted it. She really, really wanted it. It was a pretty grand gesture after all, and she didn’t want to seem rude by refusing. And if Nancy and Steve had chipped in…  
Her fingers delicately circled the antenna. 
“Are you sure?” she asked one last time. 
Will smiled brightly. “Definitely.” 
“Besides, none of us could use it anyway,” said Dustin. “It’s for rogue use only.” 
“Yeah,” Mike confirmed. “It’s your D&D class.” 
“No, I—I know what it is but…me? A rogue? Really?” 
“Totally,” gushed Lucas. “It makes so much sense!” 
“Like how you lied to Mr. Clarke on the phone,” Dustin supplied. 
“Or how you found the other door to the Upside Down,” said Will. 
“And you hid Eleven at your house without anyone finding her,” added Mike. “The bad men didn’t find her, or your neighbors, or the cops.” 
“Your deception stats are off the charts,” Dustin said proudly. 
“But you stay on that channel!” Mike warned. “We preset it for you. You can’t listen into our conversations or anything. This is a gesture of trust.” 
“No, I get it,” Christine agreed, giving him a small salute. “Yes, sir, DM, sir.” 
“So you’ll keep it?” Will asked, excitedly. 
“Yeah,” she said, allowing herself to grin again. “I mean it’s insane, but…yeah. Thank you, guys. Seriously.” 
“We love you Christiiine!” Dustin sang in the most obnoxious voice imaginable. The he proceeded to jump on her from behind, smothering her in a hug. 
“Okay, knock it off.” 
But Dustin’s hug was clearly meant to be as annoying as it felt. Lucas collided with her on her left, then Will from her right, all of them doing their best to strangle the life out of her while they laughed. 
Mike was above showing such affection, even to be a pest. He rolled his eyes, and looked from the radio in her hands to the corner. Christine followed his eyes to the blanket fort, still set up in memoriam. If she had to guess, it had been a huge part of the reason they’d bought the walkie. If anyone was going to reach her besides Mike, it was Christine. 
She fought off the rest of the boys and grabbed her crutches. She wouldn’t suffocate Mike with a hug, but she did ruffle his hair appreciatively. He slapped her hand away, but was hiding a smile. 
“Alright,” she sighed, turning back to her bag. “Say your goodbyes. Someone still needs to help me up these stairs.” 
Will carried her bag while Dustin carried her crutches, and Christine did her best to crawl her way up the staircase. They helped her wobble to her feet at the landing, and then they headed out together. They stopped in the kitchen to say goodbye to Mrs. Wheeler, busy making dessert for a family banquet the next night, then paused by the living room to wave goodbye to Nancy and Steve. They were cuddling on the couch in front of the TV. They probably would have gotten up if she’d asked, but Christine didn’t want to bother them. Pointing to the sleeping Mr. Wheeler as an excuse, she just waved and kept walking. 
Jonathan was waiting for them by the front door. He was also carrying a small box, wrapped much more carefully than Christine’s had been. Christine hid a smile and averted her gaze. 
They headed out to the car, Christine moving a little more slowly than the rest as she tried not to slip on the ice. She and Dustin slid into the back seat. He snapped at her as her crutches threatened to smack him in the face, mostly inadvertently this time, and Jonathan had to diffuse the argument again. But Will had other concerns. 
“Can I open it?” he asked, pointing to the gift Jonathan had left on the center console. 
“When we get home,” said Jonathan starting up the car. 
“Please?” Will begged. 
Jonathan exhaled, and caught Christine’s eye in the rearview mirror. She shrugged. “Hey, I’ve got mine already.” 
“Yeah,” Dustin agreed. “I wanna see what it is!” 
“Alright,” Jonathan sighed, nodding to the box. “Sure. Go ahead.” 
Will grabbed for the gift, ripping off the paper much less delicately than Christine had. Inside was a small box, Pentax logo on the side, and picture of his new camera on the front. 
The boys cooed over it, jabbering about all the cool pictures Jonathan would be able to take. Christine watched Jonathan carefully in his mirror for a reaction. He was shocked, mostly. But there was a definite smile on his face as he glanced between the box and the house. 
He caught her eye in the mirror again, a questioning look in his eye. She raised her hands to feign innocence. She’d donated a few dollars to the cause, but had been sworn to secrecy. Personally, she wasn’t sure how she felt about gifting Jonathan a new camera. But Nancy would be glad to hear he liked the gift. Steve would probably be ecstatic. It’d been his idea, after all. 
Jonathan dropped them off on Dover Avenue, he and Christine sharing a stunted goodbye while the boys happily wished each other a Merry Christmas. Dustin took Christine’s bag for her, and walked beside her up to her house. He waited until the Byers’ beat up car had pulled away from the curb to say anything. 
“Are you gonna start dating Jonathan?” 
 Christine nearly choked. “What?” 
“I was just wondering,” he said with a casual shrug. “Since Nancy’s dating Steve again, and you guys spend so much time with us.” 
“Gross. I’d date you before I dated Jonathan.” 
“Ew! That’s disgusting!” 
“My point exactly.” 
“Then why are things so weird with you guys?” Dustin asked. “It’s like you’re both pining and constipated.” 
Christine sighed, fumbling with her house keys. She was not going to have this conversation with Dustin. She hated how insightful he was sometimes. Yes, she and Jonathan were dejected and pining. But not for each other. 
“The only constipated one around here is you,” Christine shot, swinging her front door open. “Ask me about it again, and I’m not bringing you your Christmas gift.” 
The threat wiped Dustin’s brain clear of any previous conversation. 
“Is it Mario Bros?” he demanded. “Did you get me Mario Bros for the Atari?” 
“I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t get you anything.” 
She grinned and slammed the door in his face. She could still hear him cursing, and he banged a fist against the side of the house. 
“Real mature, Christine! Merry Freaking Christmas!” 
“Merry Freaking Christmas!” she called back. Laughing, she withdrew into the house. 
To many, it would have looked like the Walcotts hadn’t finished decorating. Moving around for so many years, they hadn’t had the luxury of amassing a collection of ornaments and trinkets like some others. They had a basic tree with some obligatory baubles. Most of them were hanging lopsided, or were grouped unevenly, a side effect of her father being in charge of decorations while she was in her cast. They’d purchased one wreath for the door, hung the minimum amount of lights, and called it a day. Christine didn’t mind in the slightest. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to look at Christmas lights the same way again. 
 She crept carefully past the living room. Like Mr. Wheeler, her father had fallen asleep in front of the television. She’d wake him up in a couple minutes so he could go to bed. They had to be over at the Hendersons’ at nine o’clock tomorrow for Christmas breakfast, courtesy of Claudia, which meant getting up early to open their own presents first. But there was one thing Christine wanted to do before her dad woke up. 
She snuck into the kitchen and popped two waffles into the toaster. While they cooked, she pulled out the box she had stashed in one of the cabinets under the counter. She’d already packed it, but she just wanted to double check. One pack of Pop-Tarts, one can of whipped cream, an apple and banana she was sure would go untouched, one pair of mittens and a card written out in her own loopy handwriting. Most of the note was dedicated to a simplistic explanation of what Christmas even was. Who knew if the scientists at the Lab had explained anything about Christmas or birthdays or any other holiday? She didn’t think she’d done a very good job describing it, but she supposed it was the thought that counted. 
The waffles cooked through, she added them to the package and taped the box shut. She headed down the hallway and out into the backyard, where a light coating of snow was already beginning to dust the grass. 
Christine carefully stepped down the steps and limped her way over to the tree line. She had to go several feet into the trees, making sure the package was out of sight. She laid it amongst the fallen branches, and placed a flat rock on top to keep it in place. Pulling a Sharpie out of her back pocket, she drew two straight lines on the rock. 
A cold wind blew through the yard, and she quickly retreated inside. She knew the chances of Eleven finding the package were low. She was a smart girl, and if she was out there, she’d know not to return to any of the party. Most likely, the package would be torn apart by a raccoon, or become an early Christmas present for Mews if she was feeling adventurous enough to wander into the next yard. But putting something, anything, out there for her to call her home made Christine feel a little more at peace. It was the thought that counted. 
She stared out the back door, and after several minutes of staring, finally flipped the switch for the porch light. It flickered. And then went out.
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rileyyxkim · 5 years
Intro &&/ Riley Kim ♕
( Brian Kang, cismale ) hey ! have you seen RILEY KIM around ? HE works as an ESTHETICIAN at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 25 years old & they’ve been working here for TWO YEARS. they tend to be +PLAYFUL & +CARING, but can also be -DRAMATIC & -FORGETFUL. the other employees have labeled them THE DRAMA KING. thanks a lot ! ( fingers in soft hair, post-it notes on a mirror, aromatic candles in a minimalist room & paragraph long text messages ) [Backy, 25, MST, She/Her]
Hey friends! My name is Backy and this is my brand new muse Riley ★ Let’s get started, shall we? 
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♕ The Basics ♕
★ Full Name: Seyeon “Riley” Kim ★ Age: 25 ★ Birthday: December 19 ★ Languages: English, Korean, minimal Japanese & French  ★ Education: Certified esthetician & nail technician  ★ Occupation: part-time esthetician @ Arabelle Spa, full-time drama king  ★ Hobbies: Guitar, snowboarding, singing, shenanigans, chaos 
♕ The In-Depth ♕
★ MBTI: ENFP ★ Blood type: B+ ★ Zodiac: Sagittarius  ★ Sexuality: Bisexual ★ Drinking, smoking, drugs: Yes, yes, yes (all socially)  ★ Talent claim / Faceclaim: Brian Kang ★ Likes: Fashion, working, his face, stargazing, candles, small animals, coffee (black), being dramatic, cuddling, napping, spicy food, alt. & rock music.  ★ Dislikes: Nit-picky clients, being cold, an empty bed, overly sugary food, children, itchy sweaters, crocs, being ignored, & country music. 
♕ The Personality ♕
★ Playful: Riley is spontaneous and like most, he enjoys having a good time around the people he likes. Hardly says no to anything and is always joyful and happy - unless he starts being dramatic of course (usually in good fun). Sasses with a smile and jokes around - sometimes at the expense of others, never at the expense of himself. Will turn around insults in a heartbeat and rarely actually takes things personaly (despite what he says). He’s too full of himself to do it and likes to praise himself with a joking tone (probably started as a joke but he actually believes it now).  ★ Caring: Despite being full of himself and having a generally pompous attitude, Riley does actually care about his friends and is always reliable to be a strong shoulder to cry on when things get serious. He has infinite comfort items (the life of a spa worker) and always knows how to make someone feel better. He gives good hugs and always has snacks on hand for such occasions, even if he dramatically hands them over like you’ve taken his kidney. Riley secretly loves doting on other people, even if he’s the one demanding attention most of the time. He likes to think he’s good at giving advice and is definitely good at keeping secrets (mostly because he keeps forgetting what people have told him). 
★ Dramatic: Dramatic might as well be his middle name. It’s his thing. We’re not talking your run of the mill gossipy drama, he doesn’t care much about that. What he does care about is how dropping his coffee is the end of the world or how he’ll die if he doesn’t get his hands on a burger right this damn minute. Also, get your ass over here and cuddle him or he swears he’ll explode. Everything is a show and the show must go on. Was probably a theatre kid in his past life. Although not his original intentions, he can’t deny the fact that it also gets him a fair amount of attention (good or bad, he doesn’t really care) and has been known to use it to his advantage.  ★ Forgetful: Not only forgetful, but also leaves his things everywhere. Someone should ducktape his valuables to him. The only thing he manages to consistently keep on him is his phone. How else can he take selfies or send paragraph-long text messages about how cruel the world is? Once found his keys in the fridge and a packet of ketchup in his pocket and frequently “loses” his wallet when drinking at the bar. Has post-its on hand always to write things down. He’s not your typical idiot, he has common sense, just lacks the brain cells associated with memory. Reliable in the here and now but will probably forget if you ask for a favor and can’t be expected to remember small details. He frequently mixes up names and forgets the order of events. Did it happen yesterday or two years ago? It doesn’t matter he already forgot. 
♕ The History ♕
★ o1. Riley grew up in your average Korean household with a smattering of siblings, only moving to the states in his late teens. He’s been attending, and now working at, the resort for many years and it has since become his home. He used to avidly snowboard at the resort when his family spent time there and he enjoyed most of the activities the place had to offer. Although young, excited, and learning the ways of being dramatic, he found himself spending more and more time at the spa questioning the ladies on skincare and other beauty-related tips. Even now, he’s never felt like it was really that feminine of a thing. Gender norms be damned, when you look like your best self you also feel it too. 
★ o2.  Although his parents were the ever-loving and doting type, they were strictly traditional and life was wholly unexciting. Cue the dramatics. Riley wasn’t just interested in the spa, but also every aspect that came along with beauty and self-care. He wanted to learn it all. Of course, his parents weren’t exactly supportive of his decision but he made absolutely sure to put in the right amount of pouting and speeches to make them come around and get his ticket to an esthetician school. Besides, he had an older sibling taking over the family company and his parents had the funds to toss at his hobbies, even if it was just to shut him up. His only regret is taking so long to learn that being dramatic has a certain pull on people.  ★ o3. It wasn’t that Riley ended up on bad terms with his parents or anything. He just doesn’t find the excitement in living simply or following societal rules. As soon as he finished school he got the work experience and eventually became a renowned esthetician and beautician. Despite being a drama king, he was exceptionally talented at getting people to relax and giving beauty advice to clients so he took that opportunity and ran with it. As soon as the job opening at the resort opened, Riley wasted no time in applying and laying on the charm to get it. He still visits his family on occasion and they can be seen around the resort from time to time. 
★ o4. These days, Riley can mostly be found working at the spa but has also recently taken up guitar and singing to occupy himself when he’s bored. Though not into snowboarding as much as he used to be, he still takes the odd spin on the slopes in his free time (he kind of hates the cold though, go figure). He manages to turn off the dramatics long enough to do his job and actually quite enjoys it since he can dote on his clients and make people feel like their best selves on the outside, but on the inside too. Besides, even though he’s giving his attention to the clients, they may or may not give him a little attention in return.  
♕ The Wanted Connections ♕
★ Ducktape. - Someone who stops him from forgetting things. Has to remind him about basic things like putting on shoes before leaving the house or straight up taping everything to him so he doesn’t leave it somewhere. His metaphorical and literal ducktape.  Taken By Ian (Kit) ★ Vibe Check. - Someone who not only handles his dramatic ass but also knows how to take him down a notch when he needs it. Reminds him to chill tf out because tbh he’s extra always. Taken by Aylie (Hailz) ★ BFFL. - Someone who’s equally as chaotic or even more so than he is. Drama level over 9000. Like adding rocket fuel to fire.  Taken by Leo (Miki)  ★ The Confidant. - Someone he can spill his secrets to. He’s generally an open book but doesn’t always openly say how he’s feeling either, just about his experiences. Someone he actually talks about emotions to even if it’s not mutual or a friendly type of relationship.  Taken by Cleo (Jocey) ★ Platonic Cuddles. - He might be kind of a hoe but he also just really likes cuddles and hugs. He has infinite comfort items so come abuse them. No one is safe tbh ★ Friends. - Open to multiple of all types (unlikely, one-sided, childhood, mom, etc.). Taken by Callie (Simran), Ivan (Jude), Ian (Kit), Aylie (Hailz), Charlotte (Diana), Rumor (Hannah), Marco (Dana), Roman (Iris)  ★ Flings, Hookups, FWBs. - Open to multiple. Taken by Leo (Miki)  ★ Romance. - A hoe, but now a hoe with feelings. Potentially open to multiple and different types (one-sided, crush, hookups with feels, etc.). Taken by Leo (Miki // Endgame), Charlotte? (Diana // Tinder match), Wren (Reed // Flirty enemies) ★ Enemies. - Riley is dramatic but not to the point he’s actually mad about something. It would take a lot to make him your actual enemy but I’m open to suggestions or different types! Taken by Jo (Jude), Wren (Reed // Flirty enemies) ★ Family. - Open to multiple with appropriate fcs (siblings, cousins, etc.). 
And that’s it!! If you got this far kudos. Looking forward to plotting with everyone. Drop me a DM on discord or like up this post and I’ll get back to you.  Cheers! 
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dearlinong · 6 years
pain ; chen linong
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[hi! can you please make a hanahaki au with linong? thank you! ♥︎]
(a/n: hey guys im backkkk! so sorry that this took so long to make bc i made this before i went to hk, so when i got back i completely forgot the plot i was going for. soooooo i might have winged it but hey, i still think its okay and i hope you guys will too :) )
genre: angst + i added a little bit of bants here and there just to lighten the mood, soulmate au if ya squint hard enough
requested: yes!
*The Hanahaki Disease: an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.
your whole life is what you would say ‘normal’, you’ve lived a normal life in a normal town with a normal family and normal friends
but everything changed when when you met a guy named, chen linong, he was the guy who changed your whole life
you met him through twitter, basically you two were twitter mutuals
he’s a really sweet and caring mutual who always sends you ‘enjoy your day!’, ‘remember to eat and stay hydrated okay!’ messages, but then he also sends you ‘i love you, you know that right?’, ‘can you be my ‘pretend’ girlfriend, this one mutual is hitting on me and i don’t like it’ messages
which was also the reason why you have a secret crush on him
after a few months of having a crush on him you started to feel that your throat is being a little itchy, but you didn’t mind it and just thought that you were gonna have a cough
the next day you woke up and now your throat feels really really itchy, so you let out a little cough
your eyes widen because of what you saw
white flower petals came out of your mouth
you panic because you didn’t know what to do
so later that day you went to the hospital and when they checked the doctor said something about a disease called *hanahaki, you went home an cried all night and processed everything the doctor had said
you didn’t want to tell anyone about your condition, even your parents
so you opened twitter and tried to look for something to be happy about
let’s say it was a mistake to open your dms bc linong sent you a message
‘hey y/n i just found out that if my soulmate likes me or like loves me or anything like that, they’ll cough flowers like wTF IS THIS HARRY POTTER SHIT AHAHAHA’
you immediately turned off your phone and paused for a moment to think and process everything that was happening
so first, you you’ve caught a disease which makes you cough flowers
second, apparently this is all because of linong
wtf life
then the next day you learned that linong’s was moving out out of their house
and apparently he’s moving in to your neighborhood
so after learning that linong was technically going to be your neighbor you started coughing even more and, eventually, when linong arrived into the neighborhood you now also started vomiting flower petals along with some thorns
since linong is new to the area and the school you two had to be together all the time, which means extra baggage for you
you had to wear face a face mask if you were with him so that when you cough the petals just stay there, inside the face mask
you also had to constantly go to the bathroom to cough or vomit
during saturdays, you and linong go to the park to help him catch up on the lessons and sometimes to hang out
but this saturday was different 
you forgot your damn face mask
you cant get it back since you were already so far away from your house and also civilization where you could get a new one
so you thought that you could just wait until you arrive in the park and you can just go to the bathroom
adding that to the ‘reasons why your area is a shit place’ list
needless to say, you were trying not to cough for about 30 minutes now
until the time came where you couldn’t handle it anymore
to be honest, you almost didn’t care anymore if linong sees and tells you that he doesn’t have mutual feelings, because getting rejected by him will be as painful as your condition right now
so,,, you went near some bushes and coughed everything out
it also wasn’t JUST a cough
you also vomited out petals
you were crying so much because of the pain
you felt linong’s hand pat your back and then slowly stopping
after you felt like you’ve coughed and vomited out enough you turned to linong and you saw his face and he looks so shocked
‘look, t-the disease you told me about, the one where your soulmate coughs out flower petals, i have it, and you know why, it’s because i’m your soulmate and i love you so fucking much chen linong, and i know you would never like me back, so please just leave me here.’ your tears won’t stop falling
but then he cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears with his thumb
you looked at him in the eyes and you saw that he was crying too, he smiled at you then kissed your forehead
‘why would i leave the love of my life all alone?’
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tozier-boy · 7 years
Is there somewhere
Chapter one: Colors
Summary: Richie didn’t belong in boring, old fashioned, small Derry, that was for sure. Richie Tozier wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. Richie Tozier had his ear pierced and he painted his nails black. Richie Tozier wore combat boots and let his curls grow wild and messy. Richie Tozier always had headphones around his neck and sometimes he wore eyeliner. Richie Tozier smoked weed on the school ground and told teachers to shut the fuck up. Richie Tozier was tall and skinny and he wore bands tank tops. Richie Tozier was the reason why Eddie had started biting his lower lip way more frequently than he did before. 
Hey everyone! I know I still have my Hogwarts AU in progress, but this idea came to my mind and I just had to write it down. 
I’m not tagging anyone because there will be smut in this (there is already, kind of), so I don’t want to make uncomfortable anyone who’s not okay with that.  If you want to be tagged/added to the tag list, just say so :D 
(Each chapter will be named after one of Halsey’s songs, just in case you will be wanting to listen to something)
Any kind of feedback is appreciated and my ask and DM are always open!
“If- if my mom finds out you’re here…” Eddie was breathless. Richie Tozier was kissing his neck and fucking him relentlessly, holding his hips and breathing hot against his neck. “Oh god.”
“As much as I like your mom, Eds, you gotta stop talking about her.” Richie panted, squeezing Eddie’s hip and bringing his other hand to cup the boy’s face, stroking his bottom lip with his thumb. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”
Eddie clutched Richie’s shoulders as he felt getting closer and closer to his climax, moaning high and desperate like he never imagined he would have. “Harder, faster!” He pleaded, digging his nails into Richie’s back and dragging them down. “Oh yes! Right there!” His voice had turned a few octaves up and his hips had started stuttering in the attempt of meeting Richie’s thrusts.
The boy’s dark, chocolate curls were falling on Eddie’s face and their eyes were locked together as they panted into each other’s mouths. Eddie knew his eyes were open wide, because he didn’t want to miss the look on Richie’s face, the way he was looking at him. His heart was about to burst, he could feel it, because, as Richie came inside him with a loud cry of Eddie’s name, Eddie knew he was utterly, completely, deeply in love.
Five months earlier
“I just don’t see what’s the appeal, you know? A bunch of sweaty, drunk teenagers grinding against each other? It sounds like a punishment, not a party.” Eddie was putting his books back in his locker, while gesturing dismissively at Bill’s attempts to convince him to go.
Eddie wasn’t kidding when he said that he didn’t see any appeal in a party. He was 17, and he had only been at one party.
It had been more than enough.
After only three hours someone had thrown up on his new shoes and Mike had accidentally spilled beer on his favorite shirt. He had been grounded for three weeks and, to be honest, he wasn’t looking forward to it again.
“But  A-A-Audra’s going to be t-t-there!” Bill protested, resting the back of his head against the lockers.
“How is this going to convince me to go to a stupid party? She’s your crush, not mine.” He pointed out, raising his eyebrows. “Besides, I have a test on Monday. I have to study, and you should too.” He added, adjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.
“I’ll g-g-give you 50 b-bucks.” Bill said, very seriously.
“I’m not an escort, Bill.” Eddie chuckled, closing his locker. Behind its door was standing Richie Tozier, and Eddie nearly had a heart attack.
“Jesus, Tozier! You scared the shit out of me!” Eddie gasped, putting his hand on his chest and feeling how hard his heart was beating.
“I thought the palpitations were a side effect of your crush on me.” Richie said, wiggling his eyebrows. Eddie snorted and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, you wish.”
Richie pouted dramatically, but Eddie knew he was just mocking him. Richie and him had never been friends. Not just acquaintances, either, but they weren’t friends. They teased each other in the hallways, they bickered when they were in the same room, but they weren’t friends.
They couldn’t have been. They lived on two different planets.
Eddie was, alongside Stanley Uris, one of the best students of the Derry High School. His grades were perfect, teachers adored him and he was never late for school. He joined two clubs for extra credits and he would have killed for a scholarship at Harvard. He knew what he wanted, and he had his goals clear in his mind: graduate from high school, go to college, take medicine and become a nurse in New York.  He liked having a plan, it made him feel safe and focused.
Richie, on the quite contrary, was a living train wreck. He wasn’t stupid, oh, not at all. Eddie knew he was extremely fucking smart. In fact, Richie managed to get straight A’s with a upsettingly small amount of studying. He was always late, and when he wasn’t late he wasn’t at school at all. The first time he saw him, during their 9th grade, Eddie thought Richie didn’t belong in Derry at all.
Richie had just moved there from California, and that immediately lighted a spark of curiosity in the small town of Derry.
Who were these people? Why did they move from California? Can we trust them?
Richie didn’t belong in boring, old fashioned, small Derry, that was for sure.
Richie Tozier wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. Richie Tozier had his ear pierced and he painted his nails black. Richie Tozier wore combat boots and let his curls grow wild and messy. Richie Tozier always had headphones around his neck and sometimes he wore eyeliner. Richie Tozier smoked weed on the school ground and told teachers to shut the fuck up. Richie Tozier was tall and skinny and he wore bands tank tops. Richie Tozier was the reason why Eddie had started biting his lower lip way more frequently than he did before.
Everyone at school was impressed when he first came around. He was different from the people of Derry. He was different from the cardigans and the polo shirts, from the shirts tucked in the jeans and the brushed hair.
Eddie didn’t even know boys could paint their nails the first time he saw Richie.
“Are you coming to the party, Eds?” He asked, checking with his fingers if the cigarette he had tucked behind his ear was still there.
“Don’t call me that, for fuck’s sake.” Eddie hissed, glaring at him. “And no, I’d rather lick a gas station’ toilet clean.”
“What a vivid image.” Richie laughed, and Eddie wondered if he knew he wasn’t joking at all. “Come on, it’s gonna be lit. Bev knows how to throw a party.”
Beverly Marsh was the only person Richie really talked to. They were similar under many aspects, so anyone could have seen why they clicked together.
Eddie was still wondering why Richie bothered talking to him at all, since they were different under all the aspects.
“I’m sure she does.” Eddie said simply, and Bill huffed beside him.
“But this one’s different. We’re going to the quarry for a bone fire.” Eddie didn’t know that. He thought it was going to be a lame house party with fifty teenagers squeezed together behind four walls. A bone fire did sound nice. Nicer than a house party, anyway. He would have had room to breathe fresh air, and sitting in front of a creaking fire with his friends was a nice prospective.
Eddie glanced up at Richie, who towered over him, being the lanky motherfucker he was. “I’m going to give it a long, hard thought.”He said, and Bill almost squeaked by his side. He knew him far too well not to know he had basically said yes.
Richie’s lips curved into a crooked smirk, as their eyes were still fixed on each other. “Maybe I’ll see you later, then.” Richie said lowly, and Eddie tilted his chin up.
“Maybe you will.”
“S-S-Seriously, Eddie, w-what’s going on b-b-between you and R-Richie Tozier?” Bill asked. He was currently lying on his stomach on Eddie’s bed, flicking through the pages of a comic book distractedly as Eddie chose what to wear at the bone fire.
“What are you talking about?” Eddie frowned, looking at his friend through the mirror. “Nothing’s going on.”
“It m-most certainly l-l-looks like s-something’s g-g-going on.” Bill giggled, and Eddie turned towards him with his hands on his hips.
“Something like what?”
“Something like a b-b-big, f-fat, mutual c-crush.” Bill said, wiggling his eyebrow, and Eddie’s cheeks heated up.
“Shut the f-“
“Eddie bear? Where are you going?” Sonia Kaspbrak had opened the door to her son’s room without knocking, making the two boys jump in surprise. “Isn’t it a bit late to go out?”
“Eddie’s c-c-coming to mine. We’re g-gonna study and watch a m-movie, mrs K.” Bill said quickly, smiling up at the woman.
“And you can’t do that here?” She questioned, and Bill’s smile only grew faker and wider.
“I’ve g-got a new DVD.”
“Very well, but no sleepovers. You’ve got to be home by 11.30.” Sonia said, pointing her finger at Eddie.
“Sure, ma.” Eddie stood on his tiptoes and kissed his mother’s cheek, grinning sweetly.
There was no other way but lying, Eddie knew it far too well. His overprotective, manipulative, controlling mother would have never let him go to a party, let alone one with a bone fire involved.
Especially if she knew Richie Tozier was going to be there as well.
Ever since the Tozier family had moved in their neighborhood, Sonia Kaspbrak had been sulking about it. She didn’t like Maggie Tozier one bit, because “she smiled way too much” and “no woman was supposed to wear skirts that didn’t reach the knees”, but truth was Sonia was extremely jealous. She never had a valid reason to smile, while Maggie Tozier was cheerful most of the time. Plus, Maggie was a beautiful woman. She was tall and slender, had round hips and beautiful curly hair  that framed a regular face and pretty, big hazel eyes. Eddie knew every single man in town fancied her and that every single woman in town desperately tried to find her flaws.
Derry was not the kind of town where a woman could have been happy about another woman’s beauty. In Derry, women despised each other.
She didn’t trust the fact that they came to Derry all in a sudden and that no one knew why. She started speculating about the reason with Eddie’s aunt, and every theory was more ridiculous than the last.
Then, Sonia had to complain about mr Tozier and his “way too loud new car”. Mr Tozier was a dentist, which Eddie always found curious, considering that Richie’s front teeth were slightly too big and they were usually resting upon his lower lip.
Eddie always thought it was cute, because those teeth, along with the freckles on Richie’s nose and cheeks, made him look younger.
But most of all, Sonia Kaspbrak despised the loud, foul-mouthed, vulgar, punk Tozier boy more than anything else in the world and she didn’t want him anywhere near her beloved, well mannered son.
“Don’t eat candies or chips or you’ll get a stomachache!” Sonia reminded Eddie as the boys were running down the stairs.
“Yes ma!” Eddie called back, before the front door slammed shut.
It wasn’t terrible, Eddie considered. The bone fire had been lighted up and it was burning high, there were a lot of students around it, mostly from the 12th and 11th grade and Eddie wasn’t hating it. He had a can of soda in his hand, while Bill had decided to go for a bottle of ice cold beer. There was music, nice music, and Eddie couldn’t deny that Beverly Marsh had a pretty fucking great idea.
“This is n-n-nice, isn’t it?”  Bill said, glancing around the crowd, desperately trying to spot Audra.
“I’m not hating it.” Eddie conceded, and Bill smiled.
“Hey guys.” Both of the boys turned their heads to look at Stan, who was holding a can identical to Eddie’s. “Didn’t think you would have come.” He said with a tentative smile that was entirely directed at Bill.
“I didn’t think that either.” Eddie shrugged, sighing as Bill ignored completely Stan’s glances, too busy to try to gain Audra’s attention.
Eddie was well aware of the crush Stan had on Bill. Everyone was well aware of that. Bill was a handsome boy: he was tall, he had ginger-ish hair and a charming smile. Eddie could see why Stan liked him so much. Bill, though, despite his stutter, was more outgoing, while Stan tended to hide behind his books, like an admirer from afar.
“Well, I’m glad you decided to come. It was a bit awkward without actual people to talk to.” He said, pressing his lips into a thin line.
“Yeah, me too.” Another voice said from behind them. Eddie twirled on his heels to find Richie standing in front of him. He was wearing a black tank top and a denim jacket with some pins on it, black and ripped skinny jeans and his combat boots. Eddie found himself staring for a couple of seconds.
“You smell weird.” Eddie said, well aware that, mixed to Richie’s cologne, was the smell of weed.
“That’s what I told your mom last night.”
“You’re fucking disgusting.”
“That’s not what you said last night.” He winked.
Stan rolled his eyes. “I’m not following. Were you with Eddie or with his mom last night?” He said flatly, not really asking a question.
“Maybe both.” Richie laughed. Eddie shrugged past him, shouldering him but not too hard, and walked away. The last thing he needed was to hear to Richie’s awful mom jokes.
He just didn’t understand. Richie was a real fucking trashmouth, but he seemed particularly keen on addressing his annoying jokes toward Eddie. Sure, he was friends with Beverly, but he never heard him being so loud around her. He leaned his back against a tree, taking a deep breath away from the crowd. His mind ran back to what Bill had said.
What’s going on between you and Richie Tozier?
Eddie had no idea. He truly, honestly had no idea of what was going on.
He didn’t know why Richie bothered talking to him, he didn’t know why he bothered answering. He didn’t know why his heart beat a little faster whenever he heard Richie’s voice near him, and he was too afraid to asking himself why.
Nothing was going on between Richie Tozier and him.
It wasn’t that great, after all. It was just like a regular party, but outside. There were people grinding in rhythm with the music, people making out and people way too drunk to function. Bill had finally managed to talk to Audra, and they were currently kissing against a tree. Eddie’s eyes immediately went for Stan, who was sitting with his head down and Mike Hanlon’s arm thrown around his shoulders. Eddie knew Mike, he was in the football team and he was probably one of the kindest person he had ever had the pleasure of knowing. If Stan was with Mike, he knew he was in good hands.
“Are you cold?” It was almost time for Eddie to go. Last thing he wanted, was to piss his mother off and being grounded for a month. He looked to his left, where Richie had sat down. They were in front of the bone fire, but the air had cooled down and gave Eddie goose bumps down his arms.
“I’m fine.” Eddie shrugged, looking back at the fire. Two seconds later, Richie’s warm denim jacket was around his shoulders.
“There you go.”
“I said I was fine.”
“Your body says otherwise.” Richie ran his index finger over Eddie’s arm, which only caused more goose bumps. He swallowed hard, gripping the grass under him as he looked up at Richie’s chocolate brown eyes.
“Thank you. You shouldn’t have,  but thank you.” He said, wrapping Richie’s way-too-big jacket around himself. They looked into each other’s eyes for a couple of seconds, and Eddie felt his stomach knotting and then filling with something that fluttered. With the fire’s light hitting his face, Eddie could clearly see every single one of Richie’s freckles. He could admire the way his curls fell on his forehead and the way his front teeth rested on his lower lip when he wasn’t thinking about hiding them. Eddie knew he wasn’t supposed to think about another boy’s freckles, eyes,  hair and mouth, but when it came to Richie he just couldn’t help but wonder. He had so many questions he wanted to ask, and yet he was afraid of the answers. It was like looking at an unsolved mystery, and it fascinated Eddie beyond any measure.
“Anytime.” Richie replied softly, and his lips curved into a relaxed smile that made Eddie wonder if that was a perfectly normal thing to do.
He was even about to ask him that, when some girl screamed.
“The cops are here!”
Eddie didn’t even have the time to think or react. Before he could even look at what was going on, he was being pulled on his feet by a warm hand firmly holding his and then he was running. The woods that surrounded the quarry were not a place you would have wanted to find yourself lost in at night, but Richie seemed to know what he was doing and where he was going as he held Eddie’s hand and dragged him away. Eddie heard the music being shut down and then voices, loud voices and sirens.
He felt like he couldn’t breathe, but the last thing he wanted was being dragged back home by the police. He wasn’t even drunk, he hadn’t touch a single drop of alcohol, but she wouldn’t have cared. He had lied, and that would have been a reason valid enough for him to be locked home for god knows how long.
“Rich! Stop!” He panted, planting his heels to the ground once they were far away enough. He leaned his back against a tree and tried to catch his breath.
He hoped that his friends managed to ran away as well.
“Are you okay?” Richie asked as he tried to catch his breath. Eddie nodded, panting, and looked up at the taller boy with wide eyes.
“Thank you…” He breathed, and Richie chuckled.
“This is the second time you thank me tonight.” He pointed out, resting a hand beside Eddie’s head as he looked down at him. They were really close. They were really close and they were alone in the dark woods, and Eddie shouldn’t have felt as comfortable as he did.
“Well, you deserve it.” Eddie bit his lower lip as he looked in his eyes, then looked back down at the ground with a blush on his cheeks. “I was supposed to be home five minutes ago. Shit, my mom’s going to kill me…”
“Well, we better get going then, am I right?” Eddie nodded slowly, watching as Richie took a step back from him. “Come on.” He offered Eddie his hand, and the smaller boy frowned a little. “It’s mad dark in here, I don’t want to lose you in a wood.”
“Are you just looking for an excuse to hold my hand, Tozier?” Eddie teased, thanking the darkness that was hiding his blush as he slipped his hand into Richie’s.
“Shut up and follow me, Kaspbrak.”  
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