#already my favourite. pathetic loser i love him so much already
honeyviscera · 9 months
watching soul eater for the first time and seeing death the kid and Immediately going Oh this bitch is autistic
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
What are your first vs last impression of the demon brothers?
Ok Yan, since it's you asking of course I'll answer!
Disclaimer: these are just MY impressions. Don't take offence if I insult your favs. I won't give a fuck anyway (if I'm being honest I actually will give a fuck so please don't make me cry! I'm soft ok!)
Lucifer first impression:
Why does this chest clutching motherfucker think he's so fucking great, yeah he's good looking so what? Did he not choose me to be the exchange student? Why is he giving me so much fucking attitude then? Fucking annoying first born, oh you think your life is hard? Try being the first daughter, I look after my entire family including my older brothers. Unbelievable.
Lucifer last impression:
Daddy let me make you feel good, are you stressed? What am I saying you're always stressed! Let me give you everything you want/need. Let me look after your brother's for you, take a break, get some rest, wanna fuck?
Mammon first impression:
He's so pretty! But why is he always so mean to me? We could be friends man but you're ruining it by all the annoying pushing me away shit. I definitely don't think you're trash? I am also very down to steal from the rich. Bring on the shenanigans! Let's annoy the shit out of everyone!
Mammon last impression:
He's my precious babygirl! My favourite little dumby! My partner in crime! Does mammoney want to cuddle? A kiss? A dollar? Something shiny? He can have it all and more! Out of curiosity/necessity can we fuck on that pool table? Or is that like not in the cards for us? Because I have trick cards that we can use so it becomes in the cards?? Interested? No? Just me? Okkkiee!
Leviathan first impression:
My third crush. Angry little e-boy needs to get fucked, and I'm willing to take that one for the team. I instantly liked him. I love insecure losers, because I am one! Now continue your 3 hour speech about that new anime you're into, I am listening, I am interested, I am wanting to kiss that silly little face of yours!!!
Leviathan last impression:
See first impression, it has not changed. I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOUR. Is what I'd say if I was on trial. He's just such a pathetic nerd and I love that. And you know what, he's got a huuuuge dick and no one can convince me otherwise.
Satan first impression:
Book worm also likes cats. Ok I can dig that, personally I was not fussed on him to begin with, I was like where's the fire? Mainly because he wasn't very into the surprise guest shit and I didn't think it was worth it to spend my dp's on his favourite food for every surprise guest visit. And then I did the gold hellfire newt syrup arc and I was like oh damn there's the fire. Ok ok ok, I can get on this Satan train. I'll buy a ticket to ride.
Satan last impression:
I LOVE FLIRTING WITH HIM!! It's so easy and quite endearing to have him become a blushing mess. Proud member of the anti lucifer league, it gets me the punishment I neeeed 🙏🙏🙏 I also have like a fuck ton of cat pictures on my phone and I know he'd love that.
Asmodeus first impression:
He's pretty, and pink! But kind of full of himself. Originally I wasn't super interested in him, but he kept doing all this cute shit that kept drawing me back in. I want to pet his pretty little head and tell him he's the prettiest little being in all three realms. 🩷
Asmodeus last impression:
Besties! Fuck buddies! Dancing partner! He'll be seeing all of my naughty pictures before I send them because he's the one taking them. I still think he's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I'll be telling him that every second of every day.
Beelzebub first impression:
B I G. Like hello up there can I get a kiss? My second crush that took over first place. How could he not? He's so sweet, I want to take care of him. I want him to fuck me senseless every single night. My goodness, when he blushes I swear my coochie swoons. Did I say big already? I did? Ok well I'm saying it again! B I G!!!!!
Beelzebub last impression:
My one truest love. My favourite biggest boi. My sweet pumpkin pie. I love him. I love him. I love him. I love him. I'm completely not normal about him! I can't be, he drives me insane. Fucking BIG!
Belphegor first impression:
My first crush actually! He's just so pretty, and soft spoken and angry and he's so fucking romantic when he wants to be. He blows me away. And the fact that he is fine with me wanting his twin too? My god could he be anymore perfect.....
Belphegor last impression:
Hehe now my second crush! His twin takes first place. Still everything the same as first impression, but like X10 because he killed me. *Swoons* don't ask me to explain, it's obvious.
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Would love to hear your first/last impressions too Yan! Or anyone's actually 😂
@sassykattery @delphi-dreamin @attic-club-sandwich @kyungjoon-do @yourboyhack @yuujispinkhair
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jedinightsister · 4 months
2 qs :) 1) what’s your favourite slow horses duo/team up? shirley/anyone is always prime entertainment but in the later books lech and louisa have been surprisingly competent together. Also shirley/river/jk coe “huddling” (“it’s not touching its survival!!!”) was hilarious
2) what do you think of the casting for the new characters? Obvs will reserve judgment for when I’ve seen their take on the characters but the actor they chose for whelan for example I think is maybe…. Too conventionally attractive lol. Like I remember him being described as balding. Ofc a good actor can serve us pathetic realness regardless of their looks! I mean we already we have Jack lowden as river
Tysm for the q's anon! My answers under the cut<3
That is so hard... I think I love that they always mix it up, so we can see all kinds of dynamics between the characters y'know. Like, they have a go-to pairing (ex. Min and Louisa, Shirley and Marcus), but they also switch things up to bring out a different kind of interaction. Whether it's supportive, deprecating, etc. it's just awesome.
For my personal faves tho, there's a lot and I will name them all from what I can remember.
1. Shirley and Marcus. Even after Marcus is gone, the ripple of this friendship in Shirley's life is just so strong, it is both amusing and heartbreaking. That despite how much antagonistic Shirley is toward him, she grew to genuinely care about him in her own way, to reciprocate how he cared about her. I'm scared af for season 4 because this is coming. Part of me doesn't want them to push through with it, but again, I love the effect of his loss on Shirley, for better or worse.
2. Louisa and Min. Bit of a similar sentiment here. Min's loss really takes its toll on Louisa and how she interacts with everyone else. But when they were still together, I also enjoy how they balance each other out. Min really wears his heart on his sleeve and tries to get Louisa out of her shell. And we see Louisa's struggles with that.
3. Louisa and River. The "competent" ones of Slough House hahaha. A duo I'm glad because we will see more of. I love the parallel of both of them dealing with loss (Min and Sid) and again, being the "competent" ones compared to everyone else. River being his hero complex, loser self, and Louisa not letting him off the hook so easily. Ah, there's the word I'm looking for-- accountable. They hold each other accountable, especially for this next pairing.
4. Shirley and JK. I don't even know what to say for these two 😆😆 They are the outsider crazies, Shirley being the super noisy cuz she high on drugs, and JK being absolutely silent but having the darkest intrusive thoughts. Both however seem to really share this dark, violent streak, and the fact that their team up resolved the conflict in London Rules instead of River and Louisa, it always cracks me up 😆
5. That said, River-JK and Louisa-Shirley team ups also one of my faves. Gotta put them together in one because the dynamic is somewhat similar. River and Louisa trying to "babysit" JK and Shirley while they do the "adult" work of investigating. JK's paint accident and Shirley's stint with a bat...oh dear. 😆
6. Louisa and Emma. I know Emma doesn't technically count as a Slow Horse, but she might as well be in Joe Country. Their friendship was so precious to me and I wish we got more. 🤧
7. Agree with you anon, Shirley/JK/River is also top of my list. The comedic trio we never knew we needed, so of course Mick Herron said " can't let my readers have nice things" and k-worded JK 🥲 his final moments with Shirley are so devastating like... Grrr.
8. Unfortunately I dont remember Louisa and Lech's dynamic specifically, but I am pretty sure I loved it as well??? I know I liked that a bit of an unhinged fella took JK's place a lil bit lol. I just love the more chaotic Slough House is with their different personalities.
I quite like the new castings!
Emma Flyte looks great. And her brief interactions with Lamb were already iconic haha.
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We haven't seen JK Coe in the trailers or pics yet, but based on the actor himself, I can totally see him pulling off JK's isolative silence and eventual killer instinct madness lol.
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I'm not sure how I feel about Frank Harkness. I know the actor from his other roles, but I'd like to see more of how his interactions with River go.
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I have to agree that Claude Whelan casting feels off from the surface, but because of having seen him on Blood And Treasure, I actually think he's perfect given Claude's slimy personality haha.
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evansbby · 2 months
Hello, hope am not bothering you.
I've seen a video on tik tok that contained some.. questionable writing tropes. I've decided to ask what you think of them because one of them reminded me of your fics hehe.
1. Really nice guy who hates only you
2. Too many beds..???
3. Dating your enemy's sibling.
4. ..accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss..
Personally? I don't think that's exactly possible, like if you are a mafia boss you have to be smart you wouldn't just let idk, someone snatch you, but let's say the mafia boss would be idk drunk or anything, maybe even drugged? (Ew), then I think the kidnapping would be possible.
Once the person who did it finds out they kidnapped a mafia boss..? Oh well..
5. Academic rivals expect it's two teachers who compete to have the best class
Honestly my favourites gotta be 1, 4 and 5. What about yours? Have a nice day/night 🎀
You’re never bothering me, especially not with fun questions like this! Okay lemme go through this list one by one and give you my thoughts.
1. Really nice guy who hates only you. I like this one and I’d totally write it! Mainly bc it’s so obvious that the guy likes the reader and he’s trying to deny his feelings by hating on her😂 I love writing emotionally stunted males bc honestly the male species is so weird and interesting to write about. I could totally imagine writing this trope from the guy’s point of view, and he’s getting angry at himself bc he’s supposed to hate reader but he keeps daydreaming about her, or he freaks out when she accidentally brushes against him and can’t stop thinking about it… But then outwardly he’s like “hmph. fuck you” lmaooo. this is kinda like the poyt prequel which I wrote in Steve’s pov haha.
2. Too many beds. Idk about this one. I feel like I’m not creative enough to write a story based on this trope and actually make it interesting and sexy. All I can imagine is reader and Steve just hopping around on multiple beds playing “the floor is lava” 😭😭 which is like… not sexy. OH NO WAIT, as I was typing that, I got an idea. What if you and a few other friends are on a road trip, and you stay at one of their houses for the night. There’s more than enough beds, but not much heating. You get cold very easily, and Ari (oldest and sexiest in the friend group ofc) notices you shivering and offers to get in bed with you to keep you warm. “Cmon honey, I’m warm like a furnace and I don’t bite. It’s not a big deal, we’re just friends, right?” 😭😭😭
3. Dating your enemy’s sibling. I’m already writing one like this 😭😭 it’s rough, rugged and mean boxer!Ari who humiliates and beats down his arch nemesis opponent in the ring before setting his eyes on you, his opponent��s little sister, looking all cute and worried and completely out of place in the front row wearing a cute little sundress. Ari knows he’d eat an innocent little girl like you alive, and he also knows he’d have to chase you to get you, bc you’re his enemy’s sister and you hate him for beating up your brother so badly. But Ari loves a challenge 🥵🥵 (I’ve written like a few pages of this hehe I’ve been working on it for a while)
4. Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss. Okay so I would NEVER write this 😭 only bc what kind of pathetic, beta male, lame, loser mafia boss allows himself to get kidnapped? That’s if Andy Barber was a mafia boss! As yall know, I need my fanfic men to be as manly and as badass as possible, which means I would never write a mafia boss getting kidnapped 😭 it would make him look weak and then I wouldn’t find it sexy anymore 😢 Although you suggested the mafia boss could be drunk… that could have potential but honestly… to me it’s an ick when a man is so drunk he can’t keep his wits about him bc BRO?!? You’re literally meant to be in control 😭 how can you control me if you can’t control yourself???? Anyways… I wouldn’t write this one sadly. I’m not creative enough to make it work I think.
5. Academic rivals except it’s two teachers. This could be cute to read maybe but I wouldn’t write it bc teacher stories give me such an ick idk why. Like anything with a teacher in it, and I’m immediately bored but that’s just me! Although tbh the rival classes and trying to one up each other sounds cute, and the whole time their students would ship the two teachers together lol.
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bepp-ers · 2 years
3/3 MC: " He can annihilate you if he wishes to do so. He might be benevolent but I am not next time you talk shit about him you wont get away with just a broken nose" Demon runs away Lucifer*inwardly proud* " MC you should not do things like that ignore them like I do" MC :"You might ignore them but I wont let anybody disrespect anybody dear to me!!! I will throw hands if necessary."
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okay look. bro. I LOVE YOU THIS IS SUCH A FUNNY CONCEPT I WATCHED THESE ROLL IN AND I DROPPED EVERYTHING FOR THIS!!!!! tysm my lovely, im really glad someone likes my theme too!! love ya <3
mc throws hands cos someone insulted their man - brothers reactions (pure crack/fluff)
🦚 lucifer 🦚
luci knew that you weren't a doormat. you had spirit, as he'd seen for himself firsthand.
but this? it was hot as fuck, and funny as fuck to the prideful demon.
the two of you were arranging something for an upcoming event, walking along in the R.A.D courtyard, when it happened.
"hah. look at him, diavolo's simpering little lapdog. doesn't he look pathetic?"
one moment, you were calm and collected, pleasantly suggesting ideas.
the next, your head whipped around, glaring at the two demons.
"okay, which one of you just said that?" lucifer was a little taken aback, but he wouldn't stop you- not yet, anyway.
"what's it to you, human?" oh, so that's who said it.
"okay you miserable waste of space, clean out your filthy ears and listen-" you marched over, eyes fixed on the perpetrator before you.
"-you insult him again, and i'll slice your balls off and feed 'em to Cerberus! lucifer is a capable and formidable demon, not a lapdog, and if i hear one more thing from you i swear man. count your goddamn days."
you glared up at the demon, who steeled his gaze. a second passed, then two, then he chuckled.
"huh. human's got bite." he mumbled, and walked away.
oh shit. 'guess i should count my days, huh.'
"uhh- sorry, it just irked me the way he--" "thank you. now, what were we on about?"
the man is impressed. you might think he'd be mad, and if others were present he might pretend to be, but honestly? he's never seen the human do something so assertive, and he's down bad for it.
just try not to make a habit of it, cos between you and me, he doesn't want to set a bad impression of diavolo.
💰 mammon 💰
"hey look- it's the mutt, and his owner!"
you were in town with mammon, enjoying the day when your favourite demon was heckled right before your eyes.
he rolled his eyes and mumbled something, turning away.
"hey, aren't you gonna say something back?"
"nah, 's not worth my time." you shrugged. "okay, i'll do it then."
"okay then, wait - nonononono MC! what are you doing?!" he couldn't stop you though, as you were already heading over to the heckler.
"oi. wanna repeat what you just said, buddy?" you asked, a strange surge of confidence washing over you.
"oh? here to defend your pet?" "okay moron- that right there? that's the mammon. not a pet. he'd turn every bone in your body into gold and eat it for lunch if he wanted to! keep his name out of your filthy mouth, asshat."
"MC!! what are you doing??" mammon had ran over at this point, placing two hands on your shoulders to steer you away.
"u-uh... sorry bout the comment..." the demon mumbled, backing away slowly as you glared.
he glanced between you, a human with more fire than all 9 layers of hell inside you, and mammon, who looked more annoyed than anything, and then ran.
"jeez, what a loser. wanna go try that smoothie place now?" you turned back to mammon, your tone back to nonchalance as before.
"mc... that was really cool 'n all, but i don't want you to get hurt. please don't do that again- i mean, 's not like i care all that much but- but you know what i mean!"
he fumbled with his words as you walked, and you chuckled.
"aw, the great mammon cares about me. no promises, sorry."
🎧 leviathan 🎧
the one time you'd convinced him to leave the house, of course something had to happen.
"mc, i really don't think this was a good idea..." "nonsense! you're fine! i'm right here, don't worry."
you happily kept your arms linked, ensuring that you were calm enough for the two of you as you traipsed the anime convention.
"sheesh, that guy looks like such a loser, clinging on to the human like that. who does he think he is?"
oh. oh. oh they did NOT just insult your bestie, love of your life, yee to your haw--
you glanced up at levi, who was desperately trying not to focus on what he'd just heard.
'yeah. no. not on my watch.'
"hang on sweetie, stay here 'kay?"
"mc w-w-wait-! oh no! of course they'd leave a yucky otaku like me..."
you sidled over to the demon who had caused the offense, and tapped them on the shoulder.
"excuse me, i think you dropped something?" "huh?" "yeah, your goddamm standard of living? you fucking profiterole- do you have any clue who you're insulting??"
the demon, clueless and pissed, looked at you with a dumbfounded expression.
"that's the grand admiral of hell's navy. say one more thing and i won't hesitate to deck you." "what the fuck is wrong with you humans?? dear god..."
the demon glared and shoved past you, sauntering away.
"heyy, i'm back." "gah!! mc, you scared me- and that guy, what were you doing with him??"
you shrugged. "just letting him know what the 'human you cling to' thought of his comments. wanna find another stall now, or take a break?"
oh dear. you've 100% gone and broken the poor guy.
mc?? stand up for a loser like him??? impossible, a paper dream, never in a million years!! he had to be dreaming, right?
"hello? mr grand admiral, levi, you still with us?"
"u-uh-! yeah, sorry! you're so cool, mc..." "heh, glad to hear it."
📗 satan 📗
okay, it's probably going to be both of you trying to kill the poor demon who dared slander the 5th born.
on the off chance that satan isn't trying to throw hands, he'd probably just get seriously annoyed and try to drop it.
not you, though.
"...just like lucifer..."
the sharp intake of breath was like a gunshot next to you, and you gripped satan's arm tightly to calm him.
"heyyy. hey. focus on me, alright?"
he rolled his eyes, but made no effort to break away from your grip. good. that's what you wanted.
"let me handle this one. you find another book to read, i'll be right back."
you stood from your chair, leaving satan both curious and confused.
you knew for a fact that he'd follow you, which furthered your confidence even more.
"hey, you there- yeah, i'm talking to you." "ohh, you're that human right? the hell do you want? lost your little demon pet?"
now, normally you'd have tried to keep calm, smooth things over with words, or maybe plaster a smile and simply ignore him, but this time was different.
the demon paled as you grabbed him by the collar, keeping your voice low and malicious.
"try anything like that again and i'll... i'll invert your ribs and wear them as a crown. got it?"
the demon nodded, shivering, and you could feel your confidence begin to fade.
"good. don't you dare forget it, either."
with that, you decided to skedaddle, not wanting to tempt fate any further.
"i must say, mc, i'm pretty impressed. someone's been paying particular attention recently i see."
you settled back into your seat next to satan, leaning on his shoulder to read whatever he was reading.
"mm, it was nothing. the guy was being a jerk, 's all." "whatever you say, mc, whatever you say."
💖 asmodeus 💖
it's no secret that with fame comes fans, and also haters.
one of which you'd somehow managed to run into whilst shopping with asmo, it seemed.
coming back from searching for a particular jacket, your eyes widened as you saw asmo and an incubus toe-to-toe, deep in a wicked argument.
'uh oh... i've got a bad feeling about this.'
"-oh, here they are now! tell him, mc! tell him i'm not fake, tell him!!"
tears were threatening to spill down his perfect face, and you knew you had to act.
"what the hell did you say to him, you jackass?!"
"tsk, i only suggested the realistic possibility that he's only dating you to further his own fame."
"i- excuse me?"
"c'mon babe!! we've all seen the devilgram posts, it's black and white, everyone can see it."
"okay. alright. that's how it is, huh? what are you, jealous? he's not using me, he's a genuinely nice demon, that fucking cares about other people! what are you, jealous? can't find your own happy ending so you try to ruin others? get the fuck out of our sight before things get messy- now!!"
the incubus glowered at you before skulking away, mumbling something unintelligible.
"asmo, honey, it's okay. he's gone now." asmo sniffed and threw his arms around you, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
"you really mean everything you said??"
you laughed, gladly returning the hug.
"of course you loveable idiot. pay no mind, the guy was a prick." "oh mc, what did i do to deserve you?"
you shrugged. "could say the same about you, cupcake. how about we finish our shopping, hm?"
🍔 beelzebub 🍔
beel didn't even realise the other demon had insulted him until you ran off, questioning and berating him.
poor guy was far too hungry, but once everything was explained, he was grateful.
"he said you were gonna eat me alive, beel."
"oh. mc... do you think i'd eat you? i mean you do look tasty, but i wouldn't eat you." you giggled.
"no beel, i don't think you'd eat me. i swear though, if i ever see that demon again i'll eat him!"
he appreciated the incentive, truly. at first he was worried that you might actually start to believe that he'd eat you.
"so mr 'im gonna eat the human', your stomach is getting too loud. wanna grab a gigadeath burger?"
"i'd like that."
💤 belphegor 💤
look he's probably asleep when it happens. just- it's what he does, okay?
"jeez. why the hell are you babying a demon?"
it was another member of your class, a demon you didn't recognise.
"excuse me?"
you were letting belphie nap on the desk using your blazer as a pillow, when the offender came along.
"you heard me. why do you coddle him so much? you're only human. it doesn't make sense."
you stood up, unusually irate.
"okay. aight. firstly, it's none of your goddamn business what i do with my friends, and secondly, i'm not coddling him, i'm showing basic decency!"
at this point, the commotion had stirred belphie, who was looking between the two of you, disoriented and confused.
you glared at the demon, and he muttered something before glancing between the two of you.
"what was that about?"
you returned to your seat, calm once more and smiled. "nothing. go back to sleep if you wanna."
he shrugged and nestled back down, head buried in the fabric.
you ran a hand through his hair, not seeing the little hidden smile, as he had seen the whole event but chose not to make a fuss.
he'd just haunt that demon's nightmares later. and thank you properly when no-one else could bother you.
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cornholio4 · 3 years
Scarlet Lady Au: Two Halves of Marinette’s Heart
Author’s Note: Based on Zoe-Oneesama's Tumblr comic Scarlet Lady which is my fave Ladybug fan content or tied along with LadyBugOut. Only there and the amnesiac Adrien in the episode Oblivion do I ship Adrienette. Also happy birthday to Zoe.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was smiling as he was riding on the back of one of her boyfriends Luka Couffaine's bike as he had insisted on giving her a ride to school. He and Adrien Agreste had recently revealed their feelings to her and she was torn between them: the cute and nice Adrien and the cool but also dorky like her Luka. It was tough to think it through even after they had both assured her that they don't want to hurt their friendship with her no matter what she choose. It was Alya who stepped in after healing her dilemma had said that she can just date them both since she had two hands for the each of them. Luka and Adrien were fine with this as long as Marinette was happy and it was then their relationship happened over the weekend.
They had let their family know and they accepted it well: Anarka was quite over the top in her excitement, Marinette's parents and embarrassed her by saying that she had got them 2 sons in law; Juleka had likewise already claimed Marinette as her sister in law and Adrien's father... Marinette and Luka looked at him in sympathy when he just shook his head saying that he was too busy to get a chance to tell him. Marinette comforted him with a hug not really liking how her favourite designer was so cold to his own son. Pollen was more than happy about his Miraculous' owner's new relationship and said his queen deserved all the love that she gets.
Marinette kissed Luka on the cheek after she got off and Adrien was there to greet them as they posed together for a picture smiling which Juleka took with Adrien's photo. Luka and Adrien showed off their custom necklaces around their necks made by Marinette of two halves of a heart with "Marinette's heart" inscribed on them.
"Are you sure that you are ready for everyone to know about you three?" Juleka asked giving Adrien back his phone and they nodded without hesitation.
"I don't really care as much for father's opinion but he seems to like Marinette as an up and coming designer so I think he will give approval." Adrien said with a huffed voice which had them silent.
"I wouldn't want to hide being with Marinette at all; I would sing it with my soul." Luka said Adrien posted the picture on social media with the caption:
Me with Luka Couffaine and our amazing new girlfriend Marinette Dupain-Cheng!
They got in and as students saw the notice they began crowding Marinette and Adrien as they came in holding hands as they went to their classroom. There were students wanting to get a look at 2 3rds of the new couple as they heard the comments:
"Marinette scored herself with 2 cute guys!"
"Are you going to be modelling Marinette's designs now Adrien?"
"So are you going to be Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Agreste-Couffaine in the future?"
They ignored them and walked into class with Juleka not far behind them to see their excited classmates wanting to know the details.
"So Adrien, will you and Luka be fighting eachother to get the most out of Marinette's time?" Alix asked as Marinette glared at her while Rose was squealing about how romantic it was. Marinette was taken aback when she noticed Lila and Sabrina glaring at their direction while looking quite jealous.
She was shocked by this thinking that she was getting along with Lila and Sabrina was forming a good friendship with her while helping her start over from her toxic so called 'friendship' that she had with Chloe. Marinette's eyes widened when she noticed that Adrien went to get to his seat and their looks were going to his direction, so it was Adrien they were angry at?
"Can I please ask if Adrien has done something to anger you?" Marinette asked as they both shook their heads and there were laughter.
"Marinette, they are just jealous that Adrien and Luka got to you first!" Alya told her grinning as they ended up nodding slightly a bit embarrassed.
"You helped me be more truthful about myself and I still remember how in love that I felt when I heard you badmouth that terrible Scarlet Lady!" Lila said as Marinette was open mouthed wondering just could she possibly remember that since she was Volpina at the time. Marinette did remember that while she was telling the love struck Volpina that she hated Hawk Moth more than Scarlet Lady, that she a bit scared that Volpina was going to kidnap her as a bride for her comment alone.
"You've always been so nice to me Marinette and never held what I did for Chloe against me, even when I tried to steal your diary for her and lied my way into your room. You've been more of a friend to me than Chloe ever was and you are so amazing." Sabrina told her as Marinette didn't know what to say.
"I bet Luka and Adrien wouldn't mind if you wanted to date Marinette as well, if Marc is alright with Nathaniel wanting to go after Marinette as well." Rose suggested as Marinette, Sabrina, Lila and Nathaniel were now red in the face.
"Dupain-Cheng!" screamed an unwelcome voice as the entire class groaned in unison as they should have dreaded this reaction as Chloe came in looking angrier than they had ever saw her which was quite an accomplishment for her. "How dare you steal my Adrikins away from me! I could care less if you wanted to waste your time with that loser with the guitar as losers belong together, that do you think that I was going to sit back and let you keep them both for yourself when Adrien is mine!" Chloe thundered as the class glared at her.
"Watch what you say about Marinette or my brother!" Juleka said speaking up using courage that almost never comes to her.
"Adrien is not a prize to be won or yours to claim Chloe; it's his choice who he wants to be with!" Marinette told her as Chloe smirked getting out her phone.
"Managed to get a picture of your little notebook when you had it open and wasn't looking Dupain-Cheng." Chloe said showing off a drawing of a love heart around Chat Noir as Marinette was open mouthed at that picture being shown to the class and red in her face but while angry at Chloe, Adrien couldn't help but smile a bit at the picture. "So do you want to claim the mangy cat as well Dupain-Cheng with how pathetic you are?" Chloe snarked looking victorious but Adrien spoke up.
"Nothing wrong with having a celebrity crush Chloe, I have one on Marigold myself." Adrien said taking out his notebook and showing that it had a photo of the Bee heroine Marigold with a heart drawing around it as Marinette was redder in the face while Chloe was open mouthed.
"Nothing wrong with that dude, she is pretty much the best hero that Paris has now!" Nino said with everyone smiling and nodding in agreement besides Chloe and Marinette. Marigold has with her fighting tenacity, warm comforting words to Akuma victims after they were being freed and happy to help civilians in need made her a more popular hero. She had given interviews and how valued Chat Noir was as a partner and helped Paris realise how hard he had to fight against the Akumas.
"Excuse me but Scarlet Lady is by far Paris' best hero!" Chloe retorted by Alya got out her phone and showed the poll that the news station had made asking Paris citizens who they liked the best.
Marigold was in the lead followed by Chat Noir, Maotif the one time temporary Chat Noir was in 3rd place and in a very distant 4th place with barely 1% vote was Scarlet Lady. "Paris disagrees Chloe." Alya told her and Chloe was furious. People were being interviewed and the stories of people's interactions with Scarlet Lady were now circulating.
"Adrien, you can't seriously be okay with this! I'm your friend and we would be much better than stupid Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe told Adrien but he shook his head.
"'Were' your friend Chloe, 'were' as in we used to be and haven't really been friends for a long time but I am just making it official!" Adrien thundered and Chloe was open mouthed and this surprised the class. "Sorry Chloe, I have tried to give you some time to better yourself but you keep pulling these stunts while being a cruel bully to our classmates and treating me like a possession of yours. Calling my girlfriend and my new bro losers was me losing all patience and I can't pretend anymore. I am sorry Chloe but I can't be friends with you anymore, you are different from the friend that I used to have." Adrien said and Chloe furiously charged at Marinette.
Adrien caught her hand and glared at her hard before letting go, Chloe began ranting and shouting on the spot while kicking the desk and Ms Bustier had to tell her off and send her to the principal's office.
"Sorry about that Adrien..." Marinette said since as much bad blood as there was between her and Chloe, the bully did used to be a friend to Adrien.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, just keep being the girl that I love." Adrien told her and she smiled back.
Later in the week, after school they were at a park bench as Marinette was at Luka's lap and Adrien was in Marinette's as the three relaxed together. However they heard screaming and saw an Akuma attacking people in the streets.
Marinette jumped out of Luka's lap and helped Adrien up who was in a similar panic as her's. "Sorry guys, I hate to break up a perfect moment but... I have to get a cake to Nadja and I don't want to be earlier than I was last time since it didn't go so well..." Marinette said thinking on the spot.
"Don't worry... I just remembered an event that my dad would want me to be at..." Adrien said as they both ran off in separate directions.
Luka smiled as she dusted himself off and went home chuckling at them, after a few days of this did they really think that he would not pierce it together? No matter, this means that he could talk to Adrien about Marigold and bond over them crushing on her.
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Scenario: Shoji, Todoroki and Midoriya protecting their very shy s/o
Request: Would you be okay writing about Shoji, Shoto and Izuku protecting a very shy s/o? Maybe someone is mean to them or there's something falling from somewhere. S/o can't stand up to ppl (maybe s/o is also not in the hero course but in u.a.?) thamk so much and have a nice day ~the one you matched with shoji btw lol
oh hi there :D this request is so cute, I hope I did okay with writing it! You didn’t specify whether you wanted  a scenario or headcanon, so I went with scenarios, hope that’s okay. Have fun reading!
xxx Damla
Reminder that as of right now, requests are closed!
Warnings: none :)
words: 2670
If you’d like to give me a small tip, you can buy me a coffee! ^^
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Shoji Mezo
As soon as the bell rang, I pretty much jumped out of my seat and left the classroom. Finally, I can leave. This class isn’t particularly my favourite, which is due to the fact that I don’t have any friends here. Most of them, as well as my boyfriend, are in the hero course.
When I arrived at my locker, I was surprised not to find Shoji waiting as usual. Maybe he had to train? Right at that moment my phone beeped. I opened my bag and took it out. Shoji had texted me.
I’m sorry love, I was training in teams with Tokoyami and he got injured. I will be there in 10 minutes
A soft smile spreads across my face. He really is one of the most caring people I know. While I’m not exactly happy to be alone, it’s most likely that some of Shoji’s classmates can be found in the cafeteria, so I will just go there.
I open my locker and quickly take out the books I need after lunch. Luckily there aren’t many, since I only have English and then PE. I close it again and zip up my backpack before making my way to the cafeteria. Luckily it isn’t that far, and the halls are empty.
I look outside out of the large windows. The sun is shining brightly, and it's clear that it’s spring. Many flowers have bloomed, and I see a lot of birds. There are people having their lunch outside, some are even training. Wow, that’s some dedication… My eyes land on Jirou, who is sitting at a table with Yaoyorozu. Our gazes meet and she smiles before patting the spot next to her. Alright, I guess I’ll eat outside too.
I make my way towards the door. It’s pretty heavy, but thankfully I manage to open it. I’m about to run up to the girls, but I freeze when I hear what I think is the door slamming against someone.
“Oi! What the fuck!” I turn around wide eyed, to see someone whom I thought to be a student of my homeroom class. I don’t remember his name, but he has never been very nice to me. Something gives me the idea that I’m in trouble. I gulp and slowly walk backwards on the grass, but soon my back hits a wall.
“I-I’m so-”
“you’re sorry?” he interrupts, taking a step closer to me. I cower slightly. His closeness is making me way too uncomfortable. “Yeah, you better be! Maybe if you stopped daydreaming about your stupid boyfriend from class 1-A you’d actually notice your surroundings.” I’m speechless. A billion thoughts are running through my head. I want to curse at him for talking about Shoji like that, but my body isn’t doing anything. It’s like I’m glued to the brick wall my body is resting against
“You’re gonna pay for-”
“It was an accident.” An indescribable amount of relief comes over me when Shoji stands in front of me. His right hand reaches behind him for mine, and I immediately hold it. It’s only now that I realise my hands had been shaking the whole time, just like my legs. The guy who was almost yelling at me a second ago, now has a smirk on his face but I can tell he’s a little intimidated.
“Still, your partner should look where they’re going.” I can’t see any of their faces, but by his posture I can tell that Shoji remains completely calm and unfazed as usual.
“Okay,” he calmly responds. “I’m sure you’ve given them enough of a scare, so they’ll be more careful in the future. Still, I don’t think it was okay for you to talk to them like that. That wasn’t exactly behaviour fit for a UA student.” he didn’t even comment anymore, but just bowed to us both and apologised, his tone shaky. Before I knew it he was gone. He was all talk, I knew it.
Shoji turns back to me, still holding my hand and I smile. “Thank you, Shoji.” I can see his eyes moving upwards a bit, which shows he’s smiling too.
“No need to thank me. I guess it isn’t always bad to look scary to people.” I can’t help but laugh at that. Shoji’s appearance is something that he’s insecure about, so knowing that he can joke about it a bit makes me happy.
However, I can’t help but feel bad for not being able to have said anything to that guy when he was insulting Shoji. And I was sure he heard it too…
“I’m sorry.” I sigh, looking down in shame. For a moment, there's silence. Then I see Shoji’s feet taking another step closer to me. His other hand grabs mine as well.
“Can you look at me, please?” his tone wasn’t demanding, rude, or angry. He’s calm, it’s a simple request. He gives me the idea that even if I said no it would be fine, but I look at him nonetheless.
“Y/n, I really don’t care that much about people like that. He doesn’t know me, or you. I only care about what you and the other people in my life think. You don’t need to defend me. I know people like that don’t change minds easily.” I have to admit that he’s right. I mean, I don’t even know his name, so why did I care that much?
“Let’s go, I saw you were on your way to Jirou and Yaoyorozu, right? Tokoyami is there too now.”  I nod and Shoji is about to walk, but he stops when he realises I’m still standing. I smile and walk over to him, stand on my toes and kiss his cheeks. A giggle leaves my mouth when I see his eyes have widened. Even though I would usually have the same reaction, today is different.
“Yep, I’m ready now.”
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Todoroki Shouto
Of course, as soon as one person found out I’m dating Shoto, the news spread around the school like fire. Of course I notice the glances at me in hallways, the quiet whispers, the way that people approach me now. Some act nicer, but there also some that seem to suddenly dislike me. And I can’t do anything about it.
In theory I can, but I’ve never been able to even tell someone that their tone was rude, or that something was uncalled for. I’ve even been called names sometimes, and when people see my flustered face, they laugh and throw more insults at me.
Despite all this, Shoto isn’t aware. I never told him, and I’m not planning to. He already has enough going on for him and what has been happening to me just seems like a mild inconvenience at this point. It’s times like this where I’m glad that he isn’t the type of person to keep pushing if he wants to know something.
And of course this happens today too, as I’m walking to the hero course department of UA. I can already hear some people snicker at the fact that I’m even here. I ignore it, because as usual, I don’t want to cause a scene.
My eyes scan the hallway. His classroom is supposed to be somewhere here, but where? Idiot, y/n, you had to ask him what class he currently is in. Now I have to check everywhere.
I don’t see any students from 1-A so he definitely has a class right now. At least I know something. I look through the windows in the doors, but every classroom is empty. Why are there even so many classes here? Maybe I can ask a teacher what subject 1-A has right now. Wait, but isn’t that weird? No, they probably know that I’m looking for Shoto.
In my train of thought, I completely forget my surroundings. So it’s no surprise that I bump into someone and fall on the ground. I hiss when my knees graze the floor, but then remember that that was a person that I bumped into. I look up and my eyes widen when I see Monoma from class 1-B. He looks down at me with a smirk and laughs at my confused state.
“Look who’s here. Looking for your boyfriend?” Without thinking, a billion apologies leave my mouth as I place my books that had fallen earlier back into my bag. My knees feel like they’re burning but I’m more worried about what just happened.
“Wow,” Monoma chuckles. I can feel his eyes on me as I finally zip up my bag and get up. “Can’t even walk properly. I knew that the other departments were losers, but this?” My grip on my bag tightens as he speaks.
“Well, at least you’re kinda good-lookingI guess. Still, I would’ve thought someone from 1-A would go for a person who’s way better than you.” In surprise, I lift my head up. Of course the thought of Shoto deserving better has crossed my mind before. He’s the son of the current number one hero, of course people expect someone who’s the opposite of me. I always try to tell myself it’s amazing I even got into UA at all, but at times I cannot help but wonder if it would be better for Shoto to leave me.
“You know it too, don’t you?” Monoma continues. “No need to tell me, I can see it in your eyes. You want to say so much, but you’re way too much of a coward to do it.” he laughs and looks away for a moment.
“That’s why everyone picks on you and your sweet prince charming has no idea. You can’t even stand your ground, how pathetic. Nobody understands what he even sees --” his voice trails of. Monoma moves his head to his side, and his grin widens.
“Ah, there he is, just as I was speaking about him!” I turn around and gasp when I see Shoto walking in our direction. Shit. He saw it all, didn’t he?
“Your prince charming just knows when to save you, huh? I mean, with such a weak significant other, I probably-”
“My classes are done, let’s go y/n.” Todoroki says, completely ignoring Monoma’s presence. He grabs my hand and is about to walk away.
“One more thing.” he says as he turns around and looks at him.
“Y/n is the best partner I could ask for, and if all you care about is what their education is, you are the disappointment here.” he glances back at me and grabs my hand with a small smile. “Let’s go.”
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Midoriya Izuku
The silent aura of the library usually brings me at peace, but today, as I’m entering it by myself, I feel uneasy. A part of me feels like everyone’s eyes are burning through me. So, I keep my gaze down and just walk over to a random bookshelf. As I lift my head again and look through some books, I try nonchalantly scanning the library for any sign of my boyfriend, but Izuku is nowhere to be found.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I quickly grab it and see that Izuku texted me.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I had to help Kaminari with something related to Hero Studies. I’ll be there soon. I love you ❤︎.”
He’s too sweet. I text him back, assuring him that it’s okay and put my phone back in my pocket. Maybe I should pick one book and read it until Izuku comes here, or else I’ll be bored doing nothing. Also, I feel like people keep whispering about me here.
Izuku may not be the most popular student of this school, but people definitely know of him. I mean, he’s a class 1-A student, he worked at Nighteye’s agency, and has done more impressive stuff. So obviously, when he gets in a relationship people will talk about it. While I do get it, I also hate the attention it brings. People have been mostly nice to me luckily, so that’s a relief.
I decide to take a seat at a table with only a few people. It’s also close to the entrance door, so Izuku will be able to spot me easily when he gets here. After also placing my bag on the ground, I finally start reading. After what feels like a few minutes, but probably is a lot more, I’m already halfway through the thing.
“Y/n?” a familiar voice whispers. A smile can’t help but grow on my face as I turn my head to find Izuku standing next to me.
“Hi.” I reply. He smiles and kisses me cheek, to which my eyes widen. We’re in public, what is he doing? I quickly cover my face with the manga I was reading earlier, so people don’t see my embarrassed expression. Izuku only giggles softly.
“Babe, there’s almost nobody here.” he reassures me. “and I missed you.” he adds with a small pout. Ugh, I can’t be mad at him when he makes that adorable face.
“O-okay.” I close the manga and get up. “I’ll just put this back, and then we can start studying.” he follows me to the shelf.
“So, how was your day?” I ask as my eyes scan for the right manga series. Izuku starts telling me about his day, making me almost laugh a few times when he mentions some silly moments, like Sero and Kaminari trying to prank Bakugou but only failing and angering him as a result.
“Oh, and we will get to work with the other departments of the school for some projects, I’m really excited about that.” I smile. Yeah, that sounds fun.
“What is it for?”
“Well,” I accidentally bump into the bookshelf behind me and yelp quietly. “Mr Aiza-Y/n careful!” I squeeze my eyes closed, preparing for anything falling on top of me, but I feel nothing. My eyes open again and I look up. Izuku is holding some books that would’ve landed on me if he wasn’t here. His expression shows that he was a little scared, but soon relief takes over.
“I thought something was going to happen to you..” he sighed as he placed the books back on the shelf. I awkwardly stand up straight and fiddle with my fingers, mumbling a soft apology. Of course I had to be stupid and not take in my surroundings
“Hey, it’s okay.” he grabs my hands and smiles. “I’m not upset, I’m just glad you’re alright. Just be a little more careful next time, okay, honey?” I nod, trying to hide how flustered the nickname makes me feel and squeeze his hands softly. I look at his hands, and rub my thumbs over them. There are a few new bruises on there.
“Did you get hurt again?” I ask, examining his knuckles. Izuku chuckles awkwardly.
“I-It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. I already went to Recovery Girl for it.” he lets go of one of my hands and wraps an arm around my shoulders.
“I-Izuku, there’s people here…” I say hurriedly, hoping that nobody will see us. I’m not embarrassed by him, of course not. It’s just that I always feel a bit nervous when it comes to PDA.
“I have an idea. How about we study in my dorm room? Can I have cuddles then?” he asks sweetly while removing his hands from me. I nod softly.
“That sounds nice..”
“Okay, let’s get some of your favourite snacks first and then go.” my face lights up and I nod again.
“Let’s go.” I hear him giggle before we both leave the library.
“Oh, we can also get dinner together somewhere if you want, I’m sure there’s food in the kitchen or we can get take-”
“Izuku.” I stop him. “L-let’s get those snacks and study first.” he chuckles and nods.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m just really happy we get to hang out again. Let’s go then, the grocery store is only a few minutes away from UA.”
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
UC Sunnyhell: Part Two
Hell is a place on Earth
Previous Part // Next Part
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: College AU where Spike is the campus bad boy who secretly is a softie that writes poems and reader is the new transfer who just moved into Spike's apartment since it was the only available room on campus (no one wants to willingly live with Spike). Spike constantly having one night stands over, reader always trying to study. Things appear to go from bad to worse.
Originally requested by: @sunflower-stan​ 
Other tag: @fictionalhoomanofnowhere
Warning: Sex references. Swearing.
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The first semester had been and gone by this point. You were settling into life at UC Sunnydale, found your friendship group in Buffy and the others. But one thing you still weren’t accustomed to, was living with Spike. He was hard to get along with at the best of times but living with him was a whole different thing.
He appeared to stay up most of the night and sleep well into the afternoon. He played loud punk music almost every waking hour and he smoked like a chimney. He never appeared to listen to a word you said and he pretty much did the opposite from whatever you said or thought anyway.
It was becoming really hard to live with him. Especially when he seemed to do everything he could to make you want to move out. He found it easier to live alone. To hide in the depths of what he knew than
Because of your current living situation you had started to branch out and pursue some of your interests. It beat staying in all the time and you really wanted to find someone that you could relate to.
You were a fan of musicals and the theatre. Poetry and literature. You liked reading and the way a writer could weave such intricate feelings. Scenes and spoken word able to explain your own feelings better than you ever could.
Your new friends didn’t really share your enthusiasm – even Willow was more into science and computers. Although your friend group were kind enough to listen to the way you spoke about your interests. They certainly didn’t make you feel bad about expressing your passions. But they just didn’t share your love and so you began to try to search out people that you could connect with. On some kind of deeper level.
You had been frequenting different bars that held open mic nights. Watching plays and listening to monologues. Letting the intricate wordplay wash over you. It could make you feel so many emotions. So many feelings were conjured.
Your favourite were the open mic nights. You pretty much never got up yourself, you usually would just listen. You were working yourself up to performing something of your own. You wrote things too it was just a matter of working on your performing skills. You were thinking of joining the clubs, maybe to improve your confidence in your writing. In your performing.
You walked back home from a play you had watched (and cried at) to find Spike sat there scribbling something. It was the first time you had ever seen him actually writing or appearing to do any work.
You were about to make a snide comment about it and then he noticed your presence. He almost jumped five feet in the air in surprise. He then hid the notebook behind his back and immediately got up to leave now you had returned. He left muttering something about you being a nosy bitch.
Spike had taken the opportunity, while he finally had time where he felt comfortable since you had actually left the house for once to write. This was something he didn’t like people knowing about. He wiped his eye as he stormed away. Hoping to God you hadn’t seen that. He couldn’t bear you knowing him that way. Laughing.
It was Friday evening and you had some friends over. There was a sudden knock at the front door. Spike had taken a baseball bat from his room and held it up as if he was ready to swing it.
Willow and Buffy’s eyes bulged at the object in his hand as they peaked from your bedroom doorway. Buffy was pleased they had convinced you to come to self-defence class now.
He walked slowly to the door, meeting you in the hallway skipping happily past him. He grabbed you back looking at you as if you were mad. He was expecting debt collectors. Again.
“Spike, it’s the pizza guy” You moved your shoulder from him before carrying on back to the door with the dollars in your hand, “What is wrong with you?” you muttered.
He scowled, jaw tensing as Buffy and Willow giggled at the way he had been so tense and he stormed away smacking the edge of the bat against the wall in his frustration. Leaving a small hole there.
You brought the pizzas back into your room (so you didn’t have to face spike again) and shared them out with your friends.
After you finished your meal and managed to calm yourselves down from whatever had just happened, talk of course turned back to Spike.
“So how is it… y’know…” Willow asked before mouthing “with Spike”. You hadn’t realised how much built up rage you had inside until you launched into your conversation.
“Well, I can tell you that Hell really is a place on Earth”
“That bad?”
“I can’t believe I’m stuck with him – if I even breath in his direction he has a problem with it!”
“Yeah, he’s always been a complete pig. Some people are just born evil” Buffy shrugged.
“Buffy! He’s not evil! He’s just… mean spirited”
“In the most evil way” Buffy added. She had never liked Spike. He was cruel and treated her as if she was dumb just because she was in a sorority and enjoyed cheerleading.
What you and the two girls didn’t realise, was that Spike was eavesdropping. You had all been laughing really loud and he was about to take his chance to kick Buffy and her little loser friend out. Until he found he was interested to hear what you all had to say about him.
You groaned, thinking about the way things had been. You needed to vent. So, you took the chance while you were in the company of your now closest friends.
“He’s inconsiderate and rude and also I’m pretty sure he never washes his clothes... but he always smells good. Weird”
“Totally weird”
“Well, we did like, warn you”
“And oh my God! He walks around naked all the time! There’s always some stranger he’s brought home and they are always so loud! He never studies and the plates are always piled high in the kitchen! It’s disgusting – he’s disgusting!”
“He’s always been so arrogant and gross”
“Hey, don’t wig, next year we can find a place. The four of us – right Buffy?” Willow offered, including her girlfriend. She comforted you as you caught your breath from your outburst. Willow rested her hand on your shoulder to reassure you.
“Really?” You asked with a smile as Buffy nodded. She was going to move out from her sorority so she wasn’t distracted for her last year she had already decided.
“Don’t worry, y/n. We’ll keep you sane” Buffy insisted.
Spike scoffed. The way Buffy acted as if she was saving you from him. As if he was a fate worse than death. You angered him. The way you had determined his character over a few fleeting conversations. The gossip your silly little friends told you.
You became enemy number one. Even more so than you had been before. He hated gossip and the way people would laugh behind his back. You reminded him of this every time he looked at you now, not that you knew this.
The annoyance for the other just kept growing. Yours had originally been fuelled by your friends rumours, but his actions were now getting worse. Spike was seething at your dismissive tone against your character. He didn’t even want a roommate, he only agreed the landlord to put the room up so he didn’t put up the rent again.
So he decided to try and make you leave. Properly this time. He didn’t care anymore, you reminded him of everyone out there. Everyone that he hid himself away from. Distanced himself from.
The tension rose uncomfortably. He was more rude. More gross. And he made sure to do everything he knew that he could to annoy you. It was petty, he knew it, but he knew it would get a rise out of you.
One afternoon, you had been scraping off some congealed red liquid that you had been concerned was blood. He hung out with a weird crowd, you only hoped some poor thing hadn’t been exploded in there. Although, upon further inspection it appeared to be tomato soup. But you would probably embellish the story a little to your friends.
You washed your hands and scowled at him. He had moved to lean against the doorway and just watch you clean.
“God, Spike, you’re so lazy”
“’Scuse me?”
“You don’t clean, you don’t study – what exactly do you do with your life?”
He was affronted by this. By the way you spoke to him. How he felt like you acted like you were better than him. In your frustration you didn’t care what he thought. He just didn’t care. You were trying to live your life.
He could hear Buffy or even Angel’s voice through your own. The way they had always berated him.
“And what? I should be like you? You’re not exactly making a proper go of it are you? Haven’t seen you do much of anything ‘cept follow them brainless bints around the shop. When you’re not doing that you sit in your room as life passes you by, livin’ through your little Musical shows rather than living in the real world - You’re boring. You’ll live your pathetic little life, stuck in your lame little ways until you die”
“You’re all the same! You and your preppy little band of misfits looking down your noses at everyone and yet you can’t see the obvious, can you? You’re so bored with your pathetic, frigid little lives that you have to make it my bloody problem!”
You decided, seeing as that’s how he viewed you that you would treat him exactly like that. Like he treated you. Things got worse.
He started to invite people over all the time. You would call it a party but there was nothing celebratory about it. You were confined to your room most of the time as they all laughed and screamed along to their music. They were always drinking and playing music no matter what time of the day you saw them.
You usually avoided them, locking your door, but you had needed to slip out of your room for a moment.
“Who’s this?” One of the guests pointed you out as you tried to make it to the bathroom without anybody noticing you. Now everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Oh don’t mind them, they’re just for show hasn’t had an original thought their entire life” Spike shrugged.
“Aw, no, Spike. Another mindless automaton” One of his friends spoke up and he laughed. It was a cold laugh, there was no humour in it.
“Do you, like, want to-”
“Don’t, love. They’re nobody” Spike stopped the blonde girl from speaking to you more kindly than the rest. They all laughed at this and began to tease you.
You left, slamming the door and you heard them laughing, jeering at you for your reaction. It made tears sting the back of your eyes. You collected yourself, shrugging on your jacket. You walked to a place you knew you would be welcome.
You knew that you weren’t going to get on. But this was getting out of hand. You hated him. Hated the way he treated you. The way he judged you, despite him knowing exactly how that feels.
As you thought this, he appeared to be thinking the same thing. Which made Spike scoff and frown. Was he really better than any of the people he hated? He shook that thought away. Downing his beer and looking for another rather than reflect.
You had called Buffy on your way over and she had been quick to contact the entire group to tell them there had been a major incident. Everyone piled around to her dorm room so that they could support you. You had sounded upset on the phone.
You explained everything that had happened and they all comforted you the best that they could. Xander then showed you the stack of films he had brought to try to cheer you up. He had even found some Musicals just for you.
Buffy explained that she had called Angel but he says he’s sorry but he’s busy right now. Buffy appeared disappointed and when you asked her about it she explained. They used to date when they were seniors in college but they had broken up despite still both having feelings for each other.
She explained it had seemed the right thing to do at the time, but now she wished they were back together. You insisted that you would make it your mission to help them get back together which made Buffy grin at you. She really did value your friendship.
As the night wore on your friends began to discuss the idea of you taking your revenge on Spike. It had made you laugh as they suggested ridiculous pranks and ideas that wouldn’t bother him at all. But then they began to take it more seriously. Insisting that you should get even.
You said you weren’t sure. And left it at that. But they thought you had better do something or he wouldn’t stop.
You eventually went back to a trashed house after staying for the weekend with Buffy. You stared at the mess. Maybe you would have to do something.
It had been unusually quiet the few days prior and you should have known better than to hope he had stopped. You had heard a girl, one of Spike’s partners that came around more than most (Harmony but her sex noises were nothing close to harmonious). She explained that if they were to have a threesome it would have to be boy-boy-girl. Apparently, neither of them had been able to swing Charlize Theron.
You had overheard this conversation over breakfast one morning on. A rare occasion they were both awake (they hadn’t gone to sleep yet). You had immediately spat out your food in disgust of their blunt discussion.
It had been perhaps in slight exaggeration but you felt like you were allowed. You were fine with people having sex and having fun but you really didn’t want to have to hear about it over your breakfast. They could have at least let you rub the sleep from your eyes first.
He had scoffed at you at the time and now he had set this up seemingly just to rub you up the wrong way. As opposed to the right ways he was rubbing his partners.
He tried to push the thought down that this had been solely planned because of you. With you in mind. To get a reaction from you. Because that would start him questioning his intentions. His actions. How you made him so angry it was now near obsessive.
So, it appeared they had finally agreed on the logistics of it. And were now giving you a live audio performance. On some random Thursday afternoon just as you had settled down to study.
You swore they were doing it on purpose. Being as loud as possible just to get a rise out of you.
You pounded on the door. You could smell sex from where you were stood out on the landing. He opened the door and stale cigarette smoke appeared to pour out of the room with him. He had opened the door almost immediately. As if he had been waiting.
“Problem, pet?”
“I don’t care that you’re having sex, the walls are just so thin – I have an exam coming up can you just be quiet? Or go to one of your, uh, friends’ houses…”
“Mm, someone’s jealous”
“I’m not-”
“Just ‘cause you’re not bloody gettin’ any” He prodded before he thought about it a moment, changing tac, “Oh no. I know what this is… You want me, you need me…” He teased, knowing it would make you flustered.
“I just- I just want to-”
“If you wanted a taste all you had to do was ask” He smirked, moving his hips slightly and moving his head smugly along with his words. Drawing your attention to his naked form. The people in his bed were calling him back and you were just staring at each other. All he was wearing was a single silver chain around his neck. He was attractive, you couldn’t deny this and he knew it too. 
You were both furious at each other. Silently trying to gain the upper hand.
“You’re a pig, Spike!” You suddenly screamed, stepping towards him angrily. Which made him smile and just close the door in your face. That was what he had wanted. To get such a big emotional response from you.
You were so angry you threw one of your precious book at his now slammed shut door. He winced at the name you had used, one often used against him by people like Buffy. She even managed to get to him in his own home. You angered him. You angered him.
But he turned back and the noises started up again and you knew for sure that they were doing it on purpose now. It was getting louder and louder. He couldn’t be that fucking good, you were sure of it.
You ran into your room and rummaged through the stack of CDs you had brought with you, selecting the perfect accompaniment. The soundtrack from your favourite musical. You turned the volume up fully and let the entire score play out.
You never wanted to see his stupid smug face again.
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danicarosaline · 4 years
Just My Type | JJ Maybank x Kook!Reader | Ch. 1
Summary: You may perhaps have this tiny attraction to a certain flirty pogue that works for your step dad. All the while your mother is trying to set you up with boys who she thinks are your type.
Authors Note: hello my loves heres chapter one💛 i’d like to apologise for saying the readers face went red from blushing in the Prologue! Im gonna remove mentioning that from my fics so my women of colour will avoid cringing! Instead of using sentences like that, im gonna use the words “cheeks heating up” because anyone can physically feel that happening to them!
Also- this gon’ be a slooow burn (; hope y’all like it🥺🦋✨
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Laying face down in your pillow in a plank position, you twist your head towards your balcony when you hear the faint sound of the lawn mower running outside. You sprung up from the Queen sized bed and walk towards your full body mirror to check your reflection.
Not quite liking what you see though so you rush to the bathroom quickly to wash your face and apply a bit of moisturiser to your pretty skin to get that glowly “hey i woke up like this” look. You cringe at the glimpse of your hair. Looking like a lion whose sleeping schedule got rudely interrupted. You start to ease your crazy hair into place with your hands to try and smoothen it out. Throwing up gang signs(peace signs) in the mirror afterwards once done, feeling yourself. Yep, good enough.
Putting on your favourite silk robe (just to be extra) you start to make your way towards the balcony door, sliding it open and walking out slowly. Feeling the morning sun on your skin, you sigh in comfort and flutter your eyes closed. Trying to casually seem like you just wanna get some air and not a certain pretty blond boy’s attention. You throw your hands up in the air, stretching as you do and then smoothly running your ring clad hands to your hair. After a few minutes of trying to look cute by flipping your hair around, you purposely fail to notice the eyes that has gazed upon you.
“Looking beautiful as always Miss L/N!”
Eyes widen and casting down at the familiar voice, you tilt your head and give a kind smile to the foreign man who isn’t the blond boy you thought that was mowing your lawn this morning. Lifting up your right arm to give a wave to the man below you. “Hey there sir Chrisanto! How’ve you been? How’s the wife Miss Marisol?” You ask curiously.
Though you are just a tad bit disappointed to see someone else doing the blond’s every friday—morning job, you can’t help but feel joy at seeing the middle aged man with the funny mostache beeming up at you with the sweetest smile on his face. Chrisanto is one of the best, most dedicated worker you know and has been working for your stepfather for almost 20 years now.
Your step father’s respect for Chrisanto has grown consistently over the years for the man’s kind demeanour, loyalty and the amazing job he does to your lawn and garden. Without him, the outside front and outside back of your house wouldn’t be as impressive as it would’ve been.
Chrisanto is also the reason why that handsome blond works for your dad aswell. The blond was recommended by Chrisanto to take over the days he couldn’t make it to work because of some back problems that he’a gained through the years of over working for other people. Knowing this, your parents make sure Chrisanto gets plenty of breaks and days off, thus calling in the younger male to take over the shifts of Chrisanto’s.
“Oh you know, bitchy as always!” The man lets out a loud laugh at his own joke which you can’t help but laugh too.
“She still complaining bout’ that knee?”
“Everytime dear, everytime” he sighs with a shake of his head and a little smile to his face to the thought of his beautiful, whiny wife annoying him every morning about her knee.
“Do not marry yet Y/N! You too young, too young” he hollers at you with a wave of his hand.
“Damn sir Chrisanto if only you warned me that sooner, a wedding for me is already being planned by my mum as we speak!” You holler back at him.
“Who the future husband? Blondie?” He cackles at the weird expression you made with your face. Oh he definitely knows about your crush on the blond. He was young and inlove once too. He saw the way you stumbled on your words when he conversed with you and your step father, and the attention not being on him, but on the boy who was cutting away at a bush in the back yard.
You tried to joke with Chrisanto during that time but was so distracted by the pretty blond fellow you just couldn’t form a proper sentence and Chrisanto knew what was up. Eventually snapping out of it when your step father asked if you were okay.
“Chrisanto you play too much man! but hey ill catch you later yes?” Making your way back inside your room, your actions came to a halt when he suddenly said-
“Okay see you later Mrs Maybank!” Turning around abruptly you begin to ask who?? But his attention is already back to mowing the lawn, the loud sound of the lawn mower cutting off your voice from reaching his ears. Shrugging it off, you walk away. Keeping in mind to ask him about that later.
“That was your second bowl of cereal honey are you okay?” Your mother asks, slight concern written all over her face. Placing the empty bowl in the sink, you place your hands on your hips and grin at her.
“Ah yes, now its time for pancakes!” You cheer whilst doing a little dance. She gives you an eyeroll at your enthusiasm but smiles nonetheless.
“Want some mama? I promise not to burn them this time!” Already shaking the bottle pancake mix with your hands. She shakes her head at you and resuming back to the pamphlet she has on her left hand and taking a sip of her coffee in the right.
After watching the butter melt in the pan, you start to pour the third batch of pancake onto it. You plan to eat atleast 4 pieces of pancake because why not? all the weight goes to your boobs and ass anyways.
“Oh almost forgot mum, Kie will be coming over soon!”
Hardly glancing up at you, she hums a little ‘okay dear’ and resuming back to a completely different pamphlet to the ones she had before, all the while walking out of the kitchen. You giggle at her. Heh, mum and her weird pamphlets.
Singing along to the song thats blasting from your Alexa, you flip the pancake with a spatula and letting out a whoop of approval at the sight.
Deciding to ignore the sound of the doorbell and letting your mother get the door, you resume back to flipping your pancake in peace. After the second sound of your doorbell ringing throughout the house your mothers calls out to you.
“Oh honey can you please get that?” Your mother speaks from the living room.
“Sure ma, cause its not like im cooking or anything” you sass.
With the click of your tongue, you begin to make your way to the front door but moving faster at the thought of it being Kiara on the other side.
Turning the door knob you were left speechless at the sight of the person standing before you.
“Hey! Ive got deliveries”
Oh dear god.
The sound of his charming voice causes your stomach to do flips and your hands to sweat a little from the nervousness. Your heart begins to pick up its pace the longer you stare at him.
Observing the little deep dimple that formed on his right cheek when he smiled down at you.
You watch him place down the 2 bags he held in his toned arms onto the floor while he removes his red cap, fixing his blond locks into place before setting the cap on backwards on his head. Smiling at you again.
God he looks so good in his uniform.
You can’t help but stare into those heavenly eyes that pierced right through your own. The softest of blues, reminding you of the clear sky almost. His eyes held excitment and mystery, making you curious of the things he’s seen on the side of the Cut. Maybe blue is officially your favourite colour.
“Uh hello?”
The voice snaps you out of your daze, causing your face to heat up from embarrassment. You lick your lips and smile up at the smirking handsome blond infront of you. Waiting patiently for you to say something. Obviously noticing that your checking him out.
“What? Oh uh- yes! Hey there” you answer pathetically making yourself cringe.
“Yeah, so here are the deliveries for the week, everything should be in there already and if theres a problem just let me know yeah?” He goes to pick up the bags and handing them to you but before he could say anything else, you lose the grip on the bag when you feel the brush of his calloused hands on yours, causing some things to fall out of the bag.
“Oh-“ “oh no-“
When you both go to pick up the items that fell, you accidentally bump heads with the blond, causing you both to groan loudly. Both muttering out apologies, you go to pick up the items again.
You peek up at him through your lashes, seeing him shake his head at the funny encounter with a little smile forming on his lips. You bite your own to stop that little grin from making its way on your face. Atleast you know he wasnt annoyed at what happened just then.
After placing the last item back into the bag, you stand back up quickly as you watch him do the same. Clearing his throat he hands you back the other bag and this time you grab it with ease, keeping your hands firmly on the bag to avoid embarrassing yourself infront of the cutie again.
“T-thank you..” you stutter out like a sore loser.
“Yeah all goods” he smirks, hand scratching the back of his neck then bringing it back down and sliding both hands into his pockets.
“See ya later then Y/N?” He adds, eyeing you up.
Your eyes widen at the mention of your name slipping pass the gorgeous boy’s lips. Leaving you frozen from where you are. Feeling your heart beat louder in your chest, you’re scared he might hear it. You’re a stuttering mess at this point.
Who fucking knew the blond saying your name would leave you speechless just as much as his mere presence would?
He takes his leave but not before giving you a cheeky wink making you squeal quietly at the action. Your eyes dont leave the boy until he’s fully out the gate. He looks over his shoulder one last time to give a small wave of his hand. smirking as he does so.
You wave goodbye with a shy smile, giggling to yourself when you watch him hop into the company van and takes off.
“Oh my gosh ive never been so close to him before”
“wait how does he know my own name and i still dont know his?” you wonder out loud to no one in particular.
Taglist: @alotbnouf @elhopqer @arthiriticcricket
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otterskin · 3 years
Loki Episode #1 Thoughts
Well it’s 5AM and I still can’t sleep. Surely the safest thing to do is go on social media, right?
Anyway, time to spew some brainwaves on the digital page.
I loved it. I knew I’d love the TVA - I’m a big fan of all its influences and even took some time out to watch some films about fantastic bureaucracies to prime me for it (recommendations: The Trial (1962), Beetlejuice, Brazil, Ikiru, Naked Lunch, University of Laughs, aaaand Astérix and the Twelve Tasks - thanks for attending this brief perusal of my taste in film). I loved the little characters there, and wish we had more time in some scenes (no way was that little stack of paper all that Loki had ever said, it must’ve been an index for it). Casey especially. I want more Casey. Möbius, of course, was always destined to be my new favourite character - affable personality hiding a quietly calculating mind, soft, fluffy moustache you could nestle in during stormy weather, world-weary eyes but a spring in his step. It seems Loki hasn’t quite escaped his habit of finding father figures everywhere he does.
The other best thing was the constant, beautiful, vigorous, creative, slapstick, ridiculous beat downs and humiliations they put Loki through. This show definitely gets the most important thing about Loki’s character - he’s a complete loser. A poseur, an actor in a poorly reviewed show, a wimp, and sadly aware of all of that. Loki is not a dignified character, he’s not a mastermind or a Machiavellian manipulator. Simply put, he’s not cool. He is the designated punching bag of the universe, and anything or anyone that he cares about gets punched because of him. This is what I’ve always loved about Loki since I was tiny kid reading my first books. This is what I’ve enjoyed seeing play out in the MCU most of all. I can’t tell you how important it is to me to see Loki repeatedly punched in the face, thrown to the floor, told hard truths, see his dreams reduced to paper weights and his universe contained in a snowglobe, to be made to feel small and pathetic and worse to reveal that he feels that way to someone in a position of power over him. And here, it’s for a purpose, rather than a quick one-off gag (although I do still love the Hulk Smash like everyone else). Of course I loved this when it happened in Ragnarok as well, but that film was more focused on humiliating Thor until he felt a bit like Loki had (as well it should), although that pride-beating and Thor finally ‘getting it’ did help Loki take off a lot of his false airs. Here we see the same done again in record speed, made possible thanks to Ragnarok’s good work, but nonetheless I do cherish any opportunity to see Loki mortified.
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A small fly in the ointment - I’m not a fan how the name ‘Laufeyson’ is just dropped casually upon him by the TVA. The name has never before been used onscreen in the MCU, thanks, I thought, to Loki’s backstory changing so drastically from the comics, making that name no longer work emotionally or even logically (it was Odin and Frigga who named him Loki afterall, so why is he bereft of the other name they gave him? If the TVA records only his birthname, how could it be Loki? I doubt two different sets of people gave him the same name, unless Loki is the equivalent of William or something). To see him not so much as protest its use was strange and out of character, and that the TVA would tell an adoptee their ‘official name’ is something they’ve never used is cruel. I would hope that’s a part of establishing the TVA as an uncaring bureaucracy, but nonetheless it’s an unwelcome, shrieking note that makes me a little nervous. I know Hiddleston has been referring to the Main-Timeline-Loki-Arc as the ‘Odinson Saga’, so it’s possible this is just a way of differentiating the two Lokis, although I do not care for it. Still, I can be patient, and I am willing to see if they will address this possibly insensitive plot point. Maybe it’s something foisted on Loki that he eventually rejects (I’m fine with him forgoing any last name at all if they need a different one) or if it’s a sign the writer might’ve confused the comics canon with the MCU’s. I don’t think that’s the case, since the rest is so well done, if a little...hand-holdy.
This is my other quiet fear.
I loved WandaVision...until episode 4. I went to film school, I excelled at English class, part of the fun for me was always being given a piece of media and deciphering its myriad meanings and interpretations. WandaVision was a Disneyfied Lynch series at first, and I had such fun pulling apart the visual metaphors, deciphering the dialogue, searching for meaning.
And then.
Dammit, they did her dirty.
“It’s about grief,” she says. 
From then on, WV spent a significant portion of every episode not only telling you what every little thing meant, but how it should make you feel.
Falling out of love at 9.18 m/s allowed for some serious acceleration by the time we hit the infamous finale.
Loki has not exactly been a difficult puzzle to solve compared to some obtuse pieces of media I adore, but by god, it was easy to take his limited screen time and talk and talk and talk about the guy. While I could fill five pages about Tony Stark, I could write a book about Loki (and it seems like I am with Finnesang, damn it). I liked interpreting, I liked using my limited knowledge of Shakespeare and Mythology to glean insight into creative choices, I even kinda liked arguing with people about who this character was. A part of me is scared that this show will just...say it. Like Monica did. And that takes something away. There was a little of that here, but I’m torn on whether it was necessary to get the people who are way off on Loki’s characterization on close to the same page as everyone else, or whether it was a little too...explain-o-vision. At the same time, speaking frankly about a character we’ve supposed about for years is refreshing, lets us clear out the old air, and maybe gives us permission to open the windows and let new things in.
That’s what I really want from the show. Some old things, plenty of new things, and lots for me to dig into and play with. I suppose I’ve already done so with material from the trailers, which means I definitely do still have something to play with, but...I just want to avoid taking the specialness out of a very special character to me.
It definitely means something that I am so exhilarated after watching it that it is now 5:30 AM and I’ve still no desire for sleep. This is gonna be an...intense six weeks.
I guess I’ll just watch Valhalla again while I chew on this first episode.
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skye-huntress · 3 years
RWBY V8 Episode 13 “Worthy” Reactions
There is so much going on in this episode and naturally because it’s the penultimate episode, so much conflict still in progress. I may miss or forget things and this will take me a while to get out because I have so much nervous energy it took me half an hour just to start typing. So keep that in mind as you read on
People were saying the plan went so smoothly but as I pointed out in my last reaction, local comms going down was and has thrown the evacuation into disarray, we can see it. So already we have Jaune and Nora splitting off from their team to spread the message, leaving less people to secure the gathering point in Vacuo
Second complication, a sandstorm that cuts off local comms and makes it impossible to know where Vacuo is. And a growing number of terrified refugees just out in the open with less than a handful of fighters to protect them. No way back to relative shelter or to even warn the rest either because true to his nature Ambrosius built exactly what they ask for.
Third complication, I wondered why Cinder seemed to be prepared for their plan. I thought Watts somehow also intercepted comms between Winter and Weiss but it seemed a stretch. Using the last question is going to bite her in the arse later, but I suppose she is in a damned anyway if she can’t give Neo Ruby before Salem respawns
And now we can also confirm she knows of Emerald’s “betrayal” but unless she leaves or gets knocked through the Vacuo portal, we may not get a confrontation this volume. Hard to say what she makes of this, she’s only shown to treat Emerald as someone she can use, much like how Cinder herself was and is being used.
Also Jinn definitely looked remorseful, but just like Ambrosius and the other spirits, she has rules to follow. BTW, I thought of a possible loophole for Jinn’s question limit. She can only be asked three questions every 100 years but I find it curious one question was already used. So my question is would it be possible to ask Jinn the same question twice. Technically it would not be a fourth question, but is that technicality enough to at least allow Jinn to repeat information for new ears.
Watts has access to the Command Centre. Jimmy’s need to control everything has once again backfired and given the enemy everything they could possibly want to do as much damage as they desire
All those people that Cinder blasted off the edge just to get RWBY’s attention, this has always been who she was, which is why there will not be any form of redemption for her. Even if she turns against Salem, it will be for her own selfish reasons and it is why she’ll never truly be able to escape from her fate
Our first RWBY vs Cinder fight (and probably not the last). Not many places worse for them to fight (if at all), with little ground (not a problem for a flying enemy), no cover, civilians in the line of literal fire (and glass). Got knocked off, game over. Speaking of which...
And Neo. Fucking Neo. And of course, protective big sister to the rescue. And she is the first to fall.
I did find it interesting that she seemed to vanish at a certain point on the way down. I interpret as proof, it’s not some endless void, there is something down there. And of course, there has to be a way back. We’re talking the Y of RWBY here, not to mention half the show’s most prominent LGBT+ couple. Contrary to what some individuals claim, RT do not do “Bury Your Gays” or “Queerbaiting”, at least not intentionally. As I said for Penny when she got hacked, Yang is going to be just fine, eventually. She’s not fine right now, obviously, but this isn’t the end for her. RWBY isn’t that type of show.
Ruby seems to be just surviving, no time to think or process what happen unless she wants to end up dead-dead by her sister’s supposed murderer. In this case, it is somewhat fortunate that Ruby’s coping mechanism is through actions, but when she stops it’s going to catch up with her
As for Blake, who got over repressing all her emotions several volumes ago, is not only the one to lose it the most but has gone absolutely feral. Still, she is not so far gone that she isn’t completely unaware that Penny and Weiss are unless in danger. Dilemma, exact vengeance on Neo, or lose another person you love?
While I’m on this point though, this is an excellent example of the destructive nature of the cycle of vengeance. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. In her pursuit of vengeance, Neo has naturally made herself the target of the same type of vengeance. Precisely why killing often not actually a final solution, it also has consequences as well.
I fear for Penny but I’m still confident she’ll survive this somehow. She is something new and unique, a whole new chapter of her life has just started and it would be anti-climatic and a huge waste for the show not to explore that. Besides, if Cinder has learned anything than she knows the relics must take priority over her power lust. All the power of Maidens won’t save her from Salem if she doesn’t return with both of them.
Weiss seems to be the one in most trouble right now, and in most danger of falling next. Still, I’m curious to see if her Nevermore summon will come into play again. A finale seems like the best time for it, and could potentially be a tide turner, perhaps more so than the Queen Lancer summon in Volume 5. She could use more wins.
Back to the Loser Ops. Hoping Marrow is okay. But of course, Harriet is still set on delivering that bomb. Much like her boss, she seems incapable of admitting she is wrong or has lost. I don’t think most people expected Vine to be the next one to concede that Jimmy was not the one to follow, but it makes sense. At that point, blowing up a city for man who has already lost is the furthest thing from logical. It’s just spite at that point, and just a way to make sure everyone loses.
So the bomb is back in play, thanks to Harriet. And while everyone is focused on her, no one will notice Watts pulling the strings from behind the curtain. But what is his target? He wouldn’t waste such a thing on mere civilians. It could simply be to occupy and/or eliminate several powerful combatants, given the villains are currently outnumbered. Still, he’s in his element and the last person we want to underestimate now. If this is truly the end of Atlas, this may probably be his last great act of villainy before he truly falls into irrelevancy and expendability
Lastly, Jimmy F@#$ing Ironwood. Forcefield prisons are such a bad idea. And of course, we can’t forget Chekhov’s gun-gun-gun. We had to see it in action and what it can do to a person. He recovered extraordinarily quickly, but then his body is more machine than man at this point. Also, as I predicted, shattering his aura did not snap him out of it. Atlas the city, the idea, is everything to him. He stopped seeing the people in it a while ago. He’ll kill them all if it will keep the city afloat.
I have complicated feelings about Jacques Schnee. I don’t need to tell anyone how much of a terrible person he is but I can’t ignore the truth that not everything he touched turned to shit. Weiss is perhaps my favourite character in the show, and she would not only not exist if it weren’t for Jacques, she wouldn’t be the person she is that I love now if Jacques was any different as a father. Same goes for Whitley and Winter. It’s a reminder that some good can come from even the shittiest of people acting in the shittiest of ways. He was also right about Ironwood all along, can’t forget that.
That all said, Jacques did not deserve to be murdered like that, whatever his crimes. The man had nothing left, no threat to anyone anymore. He should have lived for the rest of his pathetic existence knowing what he lost.
So now Winter is facing Ironwood again, this time she is alone and he is armed. Neither are in the best shape. I only see this ending with one or both of them dying.
One final note, Yang may be gone but... what if instead of the others also falling... those still standing take a leap of faith to jump after her and whoever else falls
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
You Set My Heart Ablaze Pt11/25
The gym stank of sweat and the air was thick with testosterone and fragile masculinity. Renfri snarled as one of men wolf whistled at her and she punched the bag in front of her harder and then spun round to hit the bag with a flying kick, imagining it was the idiot’s face. She loved the gym. She loved the feel of her muscles burning. She loved being strong and knowing she could crush any one of these pathetic losers in a fight.
But they only saw her as a woman.
They saw her as weak.
They saw her as a potential conquest.
She screamed and let a sequence of punches and kicks loose on the bag and then half collapsed onto it. Her gloves wrapped around the back of the punching bag and she hugged it close as she caught her breath.
She heard the sound of laughter behind her and she spun round to yell at the poor person who had underestimated her.
The shout caught in her throat.
It was Lambert.
His long ginger hair was half tied up behind his head and dripping with sweat. He’d clearly already started his workout before deciding to bother her instead.
“Whoa there.” He put his gloved hands up in front of his face to defend himself from her obvious ire. “I was laughing at the poor bag! I promise.”
Renfri glanced over to where the other men in the gym were standing at, ogling at her like she was a piece of meat, and then back to Lambert. “You’d be the first one.”
Lambert raised an eyebrow and looked over at the other men. He scoffed. “You could take them easily, Shrike.”
“Oh I know.”
“Want to test the theory?” His eyes danced playfully.
She punched her gloves together. “Fuck yes.”
Lambert flexed the muscles in his arms and waved the guys over. “Oi! Care for a little competition?”
The men ambled over, grinning lecherously at her. She rolled her eyes and stretched her muscles before pulling off her gloves. She wouldn’t need them for the type of sparring that Lambert had in mind. It would be less boxing and more street fight. Her hands were still wrapped up under the gloves to offer her knuckles enough protection and the heavy weight of the boxing gloves would only slow her down.
“Yeah. We’re interested.” Moron number one said.
Lambert tilted his head. “Two on two. Me and Shrike versus you two. First team to both tap out loses.”
“Standard rules?” Moron number two asked.
The gym’s boxing ring meant that sparring was not unusual and there was a set of rules drilled into the wall after one memorable fight where one the boxers had been bitten and had had to go to hospital.
Lambert nodded. “Keep it clean.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll go easy on your girl.”
“Not his girl.” Renfri growled.
“Whatever, sweetheart.”
Lambert smirked and cuffed Renfri lightly round the head. She retaliated with a quick swipe to his side. “Bit of advice fellas? Don’t hold back. She won’t.”
They howled in laughter as they took in Renfri’s smaller form.
She grinned.
This was going to be so much fun.
She’d sparred with Lambert enough times to know his style, his strengths, his weaknesses, and he knew the same about her so they easily slipped into a dancing rhythm as they dodged and attacked their partners. When Lambert got caught in the stomach by a well time blow, Renfri was there to pull him back out of danger and block the next punch before spinning round and knocking the other man round the head. Lambert yelled as he launched his next attack on the poor pitiless men who had underestimated her. The man didn’t manage to get his hands up in time before he was thrown towards the ropes under the sheer weight of Lambert. He tapped out shortly after that. Lambert winked at her and tapped out, dunking under the ropes to help the other man out of the ring and leaving Renfri alone against their final opponent.
“Is that all you got, girl?” He spat at her.
Renfri rolled her eyes and beckoned him forward. He lunged at her like the brute that he was. She easily side-stepped the attack and kicked the man as he passed her, propelling him into the ropes. He grunted and spun round to attack her but he was too slow, she’d already caught him in the stomach with another punch and a quick swipe at his ankles sent him crashing to the ground.
He groaned as he struggled to catch his breath.
Renfri pouted down at him.
“Aww. Is that all you got?” She laughed and Lambert whooped from where his was now resting his arms on the ropes on the other side of the ring.
“Fuck you!” The man spat and went to grabbed her but she’d already predicted the attack and she leapt back. He crashed onto his stomach and she straddled his waist to pin him down. She pressed her palm against the back of his neck.
“Never gonna happen, sweetheart.” She pressed harder against his neck.
The man writhed under her trying to get free but Renfri had had far too much practice in the ring.
The man yelled but reluctantly thumped his hand twice against the mat. Renfri was off him in a heartbeat, not wanting the pervert to get the wrong idea. Lambert was already in the ring to give her hug. It was sweaty and disgusting but she laughed all the same.
The normal fight etiquette was to help your partner up at the end. She glanced back at the man who was practically whimpering on the mat and then turned to his friend. “You can take care of that. We’re done here.”
She ducked out of the ropes and made her way to the shower rooms to clean off, agreeing to meet Lambert outside so they could grabbed some lunch together. She was starving after all the exercise, she felt like she could eat a horse!
“Sorry Roach!” She laughed to herself as she grabbed her gym bag.
After her shower she changed and towel dried her hair before going outside to meet up with Lambert. His hair was still damp, from the shower this time instead of sweat, and he’d changed into an oversized hoody. She bumped her shoulder against his as the walked down the street.
“Where to Wolf?” She asked as her stomach rumbled.
He shrugged. “Thought maybe some sandwiches and coffee?”
She hummed in agreement. “Coffee is always good. I thought you were hanging out with Eskel today?”
He scoffed. “Yeah. We were supposed to. The bastard goat of his got sick and had to go to the vets.”
Renfri frowned. Eskel adored his pet goat like it was his child. “That’s rough. Is he alright?”
Lambert laughed darkly. “Eskel or the goat?”
Renfri grinned. “Both?”
“The bastard ate something he shouldn’t have. Eskel is just being paranoid. That goat eats anything and everything.” Lambert drawled and opened the door to the coffee shop that they’d stopped outside.
Renfri grimaced at the pink streamers and confetti in the shop window. She’d forgotten it was nearly February already. St Julian’s day was coming up, a celebration of the saint of love and music. It always drove Renfri insane. She hated it. People became sick with love and romance, and in all honesty she’d never understood the fuss. Romance had never been something she’d experienced nor particularly wanted. She was more than happy with her friends and the little family they’d become.
Still, that didn’t mean she enjoyed having other people’s romantic bliss being shoved down her throat in the build up to St Julian’s day, the constant questions of when she was going to get a husband and settle down, or when are you going to have kids, Renfri?
How about never?
She wasn’t broken and she didn’t need a romantic partner to feel like a success in life.
If she told herself that enough she might start to believe it.
Yeah, St Julian’s day was not her most favourite day of the year.
She took a deep breath and went inside. The bell chimed as they stepped through.
Renfri froze and Lambert almost crash into her.
“What the fuck, Shrike?”
Renfri spun round and clapped her hand over his mouth . “Shut it!” She pointed to a corner of the coffee shop where Geralt was sat with Ciri’s teacher.
Lambert mumbled something and licked her hand. She grimaced and pulled her hand away, wiping the saliva down Lambert’s hoody.
“What the fuck?” Lambert repeated more quietly. “What’s he doing with the teacher?”
“I don’t know!” She hissed. “Now move, you prick!” She tried to shove him out of the door but he didn’t budge.
“I’m gonna go talk to them.” Lambert decided and Renfri groaned.
“This is a terrible idea.”
“You go then!”
“I’m not leaving!”
“Then come on!” Lambert tugged her towards Geralt and Jaskier.
Jaskier spotted them first.
“Oh shit!” He cursed and leapt up from the table. “Ah. Hello!” He waved cheerily. “Geralt your friends are here!”
“Fuck!” Geralt swore and spun round to glare at them.
Unfortunately for the White Wolf both Renfri and Lambert were well acquainted with his death glare and ignored it without a second thought.
“Geralt!” Lambert pulled the other fireman into a sideways hug. “We didn’t know you had a date!”
“Not a date!” Jaskier chimed up. “Right Geralt?”
“Not a date.” Geralt agreed. “Mr Pankratz was just telling me…”
“Oh it’s Mr Pankratz now is it?” Lambert asked with a smirk. “What happened to Jaskier, or should I say Dandelion?
“Oh a fan! Geralt mentioned you were a fan! I’ve never met a fan before. Did you want an autograph? Or is that too presumptuous.” Jaskier blushed and fidgeted with his hands.
“He doesn’t want an autograph.” Geralt answered, ignoring Lambert’s protests.
“So if it’s not a date?” Renfri quirked an eyebrow at the very date like setting.
“I… I was just passing by you see.” Jaskier stammered. “The lemon drizzle cake in this shop is just to die for!”
“And I was already here.” Geralt added.
“Getting coffee!” Jaskier agreed. “We all love coffee. That’s why we’re here! Coffee!”
“I think you might have had enough caffeine.” Renfri muttered and crossed her arms.
Jaskier laughed almost hysterically at that. “But I couldn’t just leave without saying hello! It would be rude of me.”
Geralt grunted in agreement.
“So I thought what’s the harm in popping over for a quick chat and then you came in and here we are!” Jaskier finished.
Lambert chuckled and smirked at her. “He knows I was only joking right?”
Renfri shook her head. “I don’t think he does. So where’s your lemon drizzle cake?”
Jaskier looked back at the table. Between the two coffees, one black and one covered in what looked like caramel syrup, was a large slice of chocolate cake.
“Did I say lemon drizzle cake?” Jaskier blanched.
Lambert laughed and patted the teacher roughly on the back. Jaskier yelped and his fingers were twitching nervously at his side. “Relax. We don’t care what you do.”
“It’s not a date.” Geralt growled. “Leave him alone.”
“Then why are you lying, Ger-Bear?” Renfri asked as she sat down in Jaskier’s vacated seat, helping herself to the chocolate cake.
“We’re…” Geralt paused, obviously struggling to find the right word.
“Friends.” Jaskier finished looking back at Geralt apparently not noticing Geralt’s frown at the word. “We’re friends but some people might find it a bit strange given that I’m his daughter’s teacher. If it got back to my boss…”
“Then why bother at all?” Lambert scoffed. “How did you even become friends any way?”
Geralt opened his mouth to speak but Jaskier cut him off. Renfri rolled her eyes. How did Geralt put up with this idiot? The way Geralt had described him, Renfri had pictured some cool but slightly dorky plaid wearing nerd… not this… this… whatever this was?
“That was my fault! Geralt mentioned about Ciri wanting to learn an instrument and well that’s sort of something I love and I just talked his ear off about it for, gods, it must have been hours.”
“It was half an hour after school.” Geralt corrected.
“And well after that it sort of just became a habit. Geralt would pop in after work every so often to ask if everything was going alright with Ciri.” Jaskier continued. “We were all worried about her when she first started and when the holidays were approaching we knew it would be hard.”
“Her first solstice without her real family.”
“Geralt! You are her real family now. We’ve talked about this!” Jaskier chided him and patted the other man on the shoulder. “But umm… after a while, we sort of stopped talking about Ciri and just talked about, well, life! And…” Jaskier paused as he suddenly focussed on Renfri. “Hang on! Is that my cake?!”
“Our cake.” Geralt added. “Don’t take it personally. She does it all the time.”
“But I was really looking forward to that!” Jaskier whined.
Renfri smirked and looked the teacher steadily in the eyes as she took another mouthful of chocolate cake. It was deliciously moist and rich. “Is that chocolate fudge icing?” Renfri mumbled around her mouthful of cake.
Jaskier gaped at her and put his hands on his hips.
“Geralt!” He pouted.
“Renfri, leave the cake. Otherwise I’ll never hear the end of it.” Geralt said giving the teacher a soft smile, one Renfri had rarely seen before. “He talks enough as it is.”
“We hadn’t noticed.” Renfri drawled sarcastically but put her fork down on the plate reluctantly.
“I had.” Lambert argued and Renfri punched him in the arm before peering at Jaskier’s coffee.
The teacher lunged for his cup, knocking into the table and spilling both his and Geralt’s coffee over the table. “Oh no. No no no!” He picked up the mug and cradled it to his chest. “You stole my cake. You are not stealing my coffee too!”
Renfri cackled at his possessiveness over the drink. “Is there even any coffee in that monstrosity? It looks like pure sugar!”
Jaskier rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Do all firefighters drink their coffee black as smoke?”
Geralt smirked. “It’s on the application form.”
“Fuck off.” Jaskier glared at him. “I know you’re all laughing at me. Honestly, I thought we were friends Geralt!”
Lambert laughed hard at that and Renfri rolled her eyes at him. “That was your first mistake.”
“We should move tables.” Geralt suggested as he tried to mop up Jaskier’s mess with some napkins. “This one isn’t big enough for four.”
Jaskier’s expression changed from one of horror and offence to fondness in a heartbeat.
Well wasn’t that an interesting development.
Geralt had never mentioned that his crush on the teacher was requited. Although all that talk of friends was probably throwing the white wolf off.
“Well seeing as my seat and my cake have both been stolen.” Jaskier huffed and narrowed his eyes at Renfri. “I’ll get us more coffee and cake whilst you guys chose a new table. Any requests?”
“Not cake.” Lambert said. When Jaskier gave him a questioning look he shrugged. “I’ll come with you. I want a sandwich.”
The pair of them shuffled over to the counter to order whilst Geralt and Renfri gathered up their belongings from the smaller table and moved it to a double one in the centre of the room. One of the staff looked wearily at the mess of coffee soaked napkins that were left behind. Geralt tried to scooped them up to put in the bin but he was shooed away as they picked up their cleaning supplies to get to work. It was a battle not worth fighting so both firefighters mumbled an apology.
Renfri was watching Geralt carefully as they sat down. He was too busy looking over at Jaskier to notice, sipping what was left of his coffee. Geralt frequently spoke about Jaskier at work when they were in between jobs, mostly in reference to Ciri and the wolf pack would always laugh and joke about his attachment to the teacher but it was completely different seeing it in person.
She hadn’t realised how close the two men had become.
Geralt had never mentioned going to see Jaskier after school and now outside of school too. Regardless of what tales Jaskier spun, Renfri was certain that this little coffee date was not an accident or a spontaneous affair. She felt bitter that Geralt felt like he couldn’t trust them with the truth. Yes, they’d teased him about Jaskier but he should have realised that the wolves would support him no matter what.
They were family.
But what if Geralt was starting to build a new family without them?
They’d already added Ciri to the mix, which really she didn’t mind. It was nice to have another girl around when they got together. The boys didn’t quite understand how draining it was to be the odd one out every single day, even if she was just one of the boys, but that didn’t mean she wanted another intruder into their tight family unit.
And come to think of it, it was always Geralt that brought new people into the mix. Yennefer, Ciri, Jaskier.
Were they not enough for him?
She pulled the chocolate cake back towards her. Jaskier was getting new cake anyway and she was still fucking hungry. The movement was more heavy-handed than she’d meant it to be and it drew Geralt’s attention.
He tilted his head at her.
“I’m fine.” She grumbled and stuffed a forkful of the delicious cake into her mouth.
“I said I’m fine.” She spat out, crumbs spraying the table. “Just keep mooning over the teacher.”
Geralt frowned. “I am not mooning.”
“You’re forgetting about us.” Renfri snarled.
“What the fuck, Renfri?” Geralt huffed. “Where would you get an idea like that?”
Renfri scoffed but didn’t say anything and Geralt didn’t have a chance to push for an answer as Lambert and Jaskier came back carrying trays filled with coffee and food. The teacher was chatting away without a care in the world about his band and the new album he was working on with Ciri’s ukulele teacher. Lambert was pestering him for the chords of the previous songs but Jaskier was reluctant to give up his secrets.
“Come on you bastard!” Lambert growled. “A favour for Ciri’s favourite uncle?”
Jaskier put his tray down and rested his hand on his hip with a smirk. “I thought Eskel was Ciri’s favourite uncle?”
Lambert looked like he wanted to wrestle the teacher to the ground. “Who told you that? Geralt? He’s a fucking liar.”
Jaskier just laughed and Geralt smiled fondly across at him like he’d hung the moon. “Ciri told me actually.”
“Bollocks!” Lambert growled.
“It’s true!” Jaskier argued.
“Fuck that!”
“I am wounded that you don’t believe me. Geralt, tell him!” Jaskier pouted.
“I didn’t say anything.” Geralt smirked.
Renfri watched the whole exchange as she pulled one of the sandwiches off the tray. Perhaps she shouldn’t have eaten the cake first but what was the point in being an adult if you couldn’t eat dessert first?
She was absolutely stunned and how quickly Lambert and Jaskier seemed to have bonded. Her friend was probably just a bit starstruck from meeting Dandelion. What was it about this teacher that had her friends acting all silly?
He was too chatty and annoying.
Ok so maybe she was jealous.
Maybe she was scared.
She sighed.
She just didn’t want to be left behind as her friends began to find partners. It wouldn’t be the first time it had happened. Geralt’s eyes flashed to her and he frowned and pulled out his phone. After a few seconds her phone beeped in her pocket.
G —You’re not fine.
Renfri looked up at him and rolled her eyes.
—Renfri. You’re not fine.
She sighed and frowned at him before tapping out a reply, zoning out of the conversation at the table.
R —He seems nice.
She tilted her head towards Jaskier who was bickering with Lambert and seemingly oblivious to their silent conversation.
Geralt just nodded and raised an eyebrow. She sighed.
— You’re family, White Wolf. I will not lose you
“Geralt!” Jaskier gripped the older man’s arm. “Geralt are you even listening to me?”
Geralt looked up from his phone at Jaskier like a man seeing the sun for the first time, and then smirked. “Not at all.”
Jaskier gasped and sat back in his chair. “Wow. I mean wow really. Here I am, singing your praises about how wonderful a father you are to Ciri and you aren’t even paying attention!”
“You didn’t miss much.” Lambert grunted.
“Rude!” Jaskier pointed a finger at the ginger. “All of you, rude! I should have just stuck with my kids. They love me.”
“Someone has to.” Renfri snorted.
“Renfri.” Geralt grumbled in a low voice.
“No. No she’s right.” Jaskier sighed dramatically. “I am destined for loneliness and heartbreak.”
Geralt rolled his eyes and punched Jaskier in the arm. “Shut up, Jask.”
Jaskier stuck his tongue out at Geralt.
“I can’t believe you’re friends with him.” Renfri groaned to Geralt.
“It’s a difficult task but I do my best.” Jaskier winked and to her surprise Renfri actually laughed.
She crossed her arms in front of her chest “Yeah well. Don’t go thinking you’re special just because you’re new.”
Jaskier smiled brightly. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
She narrowed her eyes at him and then patted him hard on the back. The teacher yelped at the sudden contact and she laughed. Perhaps he wasn’t so bad after all.
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carriagelamp · 4 years
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September Book Roundup, back-to-school edition aka The Season Of Red apparently?
Here is a selection of the books I’ve read this month. Summer is over, so the little bit of brain power I had managed to scrape together is quickly disintegrating, so enjoying the hodge podge of stories.
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This was probably my favourite book that I read this month. It’s a novella I first heard about hear on tumblr and went to find a copy in my library. I have since bought the collected trilogy so I can read book two and three at my leisure because it was honestly just that friggin cool. This is exactly my flavour of scifi and I tend to be very very picky about the scifi I consume. It’s about a girl named Binti, a member of the Himba people (a real group of indigenous people from Namibia). They are a people well known for their mathematical and technical prowess, but due to their strong connection to their homeland and the earth they choose not to travel through space like so many other humans do. However, when Binti secures a position at Oomza University, the greatest university in the galaxy, she chooses to go against her family’s wishes and traditions in order to set out into space to attend. Everything is ruined though when her spaceship is attacked by a hostile alien race and everyone is killed but Binti, who must rely on all her intellect and abilities if she wants any chance at survival.
A seriously cool book with great world building – it really successfully introduces readers not only to the fictional scifi world and races of the novel but also to the culture and traditions of the Himba people. It’s a quick read, and feels like a cross between Dead Space and Tamora Pierce. Would totally recommend a read.
Fake Blood
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A Canadian graphic novel. It was a goofy cute read. It’s about an awkward group of friends in middle school, and one boy with a crush on one of the girls in his class. Knowing her love for vampire stories, AJ decides, like any self-respecting middle schooler, to try to pretend he’s a vampire. Naturally nothing goes right and some things go wrong in unexpected ways. It’s funny and cute. Nothing amazing but it was a cozy evening read.
The Last Book On The Left
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I’ve been listening to this podcast a lot since my friend recommended it to me and finally decided to read their book. For those that don’t know, The Last Podcast On The Left is a immaculately researched comedy podcast that’s hosted by Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks, and Henry Zebrowski, and explores the darker realms of human nature. Ghosts, paranormal, aliens, cults, and of course serial killers. In this book they collected several of their biggest name serial killer series, did some renewed research, and put together a book that is both informative, irreverent, gross, and very funny, complete with some really amazing illustrations by Tom Neely. A very cool read (and listen, if you decide to check out the podcast instead), I really love how they tell these stories without idolizing or romanticizing the people they talk about. Their humour always makes sure you know exactly how much of a pathetic loser these people are. Fantastic true crime, from someone who has never really felt the need to read about true crime before.
Midnight Sun
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I won’t harp on this one, everyone is already going to firmly have their opinions here. I grew up on Twilight, I was reading them as they came out, and I still love them. Were they dumb? Oh my god yes. Did they have problems? Sure, they came out in 2005 it was part and parcel. Were they also a really fun for a thirteen year old to read? Absolutely, I don’t regret it. Sometimes teenage girls should just to get like things without being mocked.
Anyway, I am off my soapbox now (can you tell this is still a raw spot for me?) I unironically loved this book! Getting to see Edward’s perspective was really cool, and since he can read minds it essentially let you get the perspective of everyone else around him too. The Cullens family is a great set of characters so it was really cool to see more of them, and I was very impressed by how Stephenie Meyers took a YA romance she wrote in 2005 and was able to make it feel updated and more appropriate for a 2020 audience even though she couldn’t actually change any of the events themselves. So fans of Twilight, don’t be ashamed, go read Midnight Sun and have the shameless fun you deserve. Is there anymore appropriate book for the bizarre ass year that was 2020 than a return to this goofy nonsense?
The Paperbag Princess
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(and Up, Up, Down, and Robert Munsch in general)
I’m back in schools so I’m back to reading children’s book! And honestly, and of you that don’t occasionally sit down and read a kids book out loud don’t know what you’re missing. Anyway, Robert Munsch is a Canadian author, and one of my all-time favourite children’s authors. It surprised me to learn he isn’t as well known in the States apparently? I don’t know if that’s changed or not, but he is a Canadian staple for a good reason, his books have ridiculous premises, are specifically written to be fun to read out loud, and have beautiful, involved, and hilarious illustrations. The Paperbag Princess is one of my absolute favourites, and as a kid it was one of the first stories I had ever read where a princess is the one saving the prince… and then telling the prince to piss off when it turns out he’s a jerk. Up, Up, Down is another favourite I reread this month, because it’s just hilarious funny and makes a fantastic read aloud with kids. Some other Robert Munsch I reread this month include: Mmm, Cookies, More Pies, Ribbon Rescue, Just One Goal, and Andrew’s Loose Tooth. You just cannot go wrong, for kids or adults.
Pit Pony
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Another Canadian staple while I was growing up. If you’re a young adult know who went through the Canadian elementary school system, you probably had your entire heart ripped out and stepped on by this chapter book. It’s a historical fiction that looks at the economic hardship, debt slavery, child labour, and animal abuse that was tied to coal mining in the Maritimes. Finding a copy was harder than I would have expected give how pervasive it was a decade or so back, but reading it again was a pure shot of nostalgia.
Seeking Refuge
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A graphic novel written by a German-born Canadian about a Jewish girl who flees Nazi-occupied Austria by way of Kindertransport to become a child refuge in England. It follows her as she is moved from host family to host family as the war continues to pick up and gradually makes it’s way to the United Kingdom as well. It’s very poignant and the pencil-sketch illustrations are an interesting change to a lot of the graphic novels that are out right now. This story is still aimed at a younger audience, so it never gets too brutal but it still is a hard hitting story, especially with everything else going on right now.
Silver Spoon #9/10
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I know I’ve talked about these books before, but my library got some more since I last read them, so I’m continuing my way through the series. It’s about a teenaged boy who, after having a breakdown from the pressure he was feeling to study and succeeded, decided not to attend an academic, urban high school, but rather to apply for an agricultural high school so he could live in the dorms, far away from his parents. The series just gets more and more heartwarming as it continues. It’s all about failure and overcoming and how worth can be measured in different ways, and about family and understanding each other and coming together… but also about the realities of farming which aren’t always very nice, especially when it comes to finances and survival. It’s written by the mangaka behind Fullmetal Alchemist but I’ll be honest… I think I like this series more. It is honestly one of my all time favourite manga series, it just has so much heart.
Ruby Finds A Worry
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aka Ruby’s Worry apparently? I can’t figure out why this has more than one title. I actually read it in French not English, so for me it was Le Souci de Calie. Regardless, this was a nice little picture book for talking about worries and anxieties with children… especially with the amount of Covid stress a lot of kids are dealing with. It explains in a really nice way how talking about anxieties are often the best way to make them more manageable, and how pretending nothing is wrong can just let it grow bigger and bigger. A good explanation for kids and possible a good reminder for adults.
War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery
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I read this because the Mcelroy family wrote it so I figured Hey! Why not give it a go! And I’m glad I did. Their brand of humour was all over it, and it made the story a delight to read. I don’t follow all of Marvel’s weirdness, so I didn’t actually know most of the characters (Miles and Kate were actually the only two I was familiar with) but they do a great job of introducing the characters and making them all feel distinct and interesting. I absolutely adore the Dog of Gods (God of Dogs) who is a very very good boy. And Miles is absolutely always a delight so you can’t really lose. It’s a single book that I think is a part of a larger plotline that I have zero interest in. This book is a fine one to read though if you don’t mind jumping into the middle of the action and just getting swept along for the ride. Also Mcelroys!
Witcher Omnibus
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Bleh. Absolutely not worth it. All the misogyny and Dumb Bullshit that I hate in the original books and from video games in general. Honestly, Witcher III did way better by its characters than most of these short stories. The only one worth reading in it is Curse Of Crows – that one was actually really enjoyable, probably because it was about Ciri and had an actual fucking woman on the writing team. (Seriously guys what were you thinking with Fox Children that’s literally just a story from Season of Storms but done worse. Fuck off.) If you like The Witcher, go read Curse of Crows and skip every other story in this book.
Billy Stuart: Les Zintrépides #1
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Another French (Quebecois) book I read, though I believe you can get it in English as well (Billy Stuart and the Zintrepids). It’s a chapter book / graphic novel hybrid, and was honestly a fairly fun little read. It’s in a similar vein to Geronimo Stilton but done much better in my opinion. The humour was funnier, the characters felt less like caricatures, and while it still used stylized fonts it was also less intrusive and eye-strainy than the Stilton books. Also when the story suddenly pivots into the main adventure and mystery of the series? Fantastic. Was not expecting a hell-beast to appear part way through the story. Very interested in reading more.
Over all, it was cute and funny, and I can see it being a good next step when children have read their fill of the Stilton series and want something similar but possibly a bit more involved and coherent.
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ccatskies · 4 years
soarinfleetfire | we're in this together
this one's the normal length, haha.
okay, this is choco's request for her ultimate brotp. i love that sweetheart sooo much. although i'm kinda anxious if i did a good job or not, bc i NEVER did spitfire, nor fleetfoot (i love her sm). but yeah, hope i don't disappoint as much as i think i will.
The younger cousin ran a hand through her fiery locks, vexed, as she spits out an anxious chain of words to herself. Her short orange hair reaching a little above her shoulders was undoubtedly soaked in sweat and a rainfall of anxiety. She brought her palms together over the bridge of her nose, only to feel the drastic heat generated on her skin.
"It's okay, you know?" Fleetfoot put forth, prior to tittering as she sits next to her younger cousin. "We can do this. It's not a big deal!"
"Did you even see that?" The former girl quickly snapped at her, sweat tricking down the side of her forehead, as she continued with an accidental voice crack, "that's an article, Fleetfoot, which probably diminished our careers already! Our reputation — " she groaned, throwing her head back on the headrest of the furniture, scrunching her nose up in despondency, "fuck, I can't."
The latter sighed, prior to glancing at the boy, directing him to come forward. Soarin was sat across the table, brows furrowed as he watched his cousin lose her sanity over the recent fuss. It wouldn't have been much of a deal for him and Fleetfoot but seeing their youngest gal about to break apart was rather a little frustrating for the both, making him want to throw a fit himself.
But he couldn't. He had a damn cousin to comfort, but approaching Spitfire in such a situation was quite a challenge. Either she'd freak out or freak out more. There was absolutely no in between.
"I tried everything, didn't I?" She gritted her teeth, her exhaustion getting the best of her with every passing second. The back of her hand flew up to cover her eyes as she laid her head back, proceeding to blurt out, "all these years, I've tried maintaining the image of the Wonderbolts like a pathetic loser. . . that must be their main point, to shame my ass."
"That freak of a reporter might be right. Heck, all of what he said must be true, fucking word to word," she enunciated, having her older cousins frown at her choice of words, "fuck, I never had a reputation to begin with! Captain of the Wonderbolts, bull. Extraordinary leader, bull."
"The way he said that I was incapable of keeping my teammates on track, even going to the point I harass them with mental pressure and whatnot," her voice cracked for the fifteenth time, as she put her hand down, sitting straight back and eyeing the girl next to her, "you guys must feel that way too. . ."
Fleetfoot's pupils dilated as she attempted to word her opinion prior to shutting her mouth back like a helpless goldfish, being cut off by the girl once again, "I wouldn't be surprised if you guys lied to me all this time. I know you care for me, which is the exact evidence I need to state that you two pity me."
"What? No — "
"Soarin, I know." She spat, snapping her body weight towards his direction to the right, as she eyed him across the table, "they said that the Wonderbolts were a joke, didn't they? That we snuck in fake players all along after watching High Winds fail last game, which again is my fault — I pressured her! He said that the other members keep failing, falling sick and get traumatized because of my incapacity to comfort them as the leader. That I only let my personal favourites get the spotlight. And, that I'm just a lame excuse for a leader."
"I know for a fact that the last statement is the truth, whether he snuck in some shitty lies or not," Spitfire sighed out in frustration, resting her elbows on the surface of her knee, as she proceeded to stare down at the ground, "I really did fail you guys."
"Hey, that's just an article," Soarin came forward to sit next to her, offering a hand next to his cousin's shoulder, "one out of a million that states some crap. You know what the rest of them say? That you're anything but a lame excuse of a captain. You're our pride, buddy."
"Well, that was before. . ." she sputtered, hanging her head further down with her palms scattered across her heated face, streams of tears threatening to course down and drown the strong front she put up, "I got outed. Not just to the public, but to myself. I never knew how terrible of a person I was until he read out his words in front of me during that event. I couldn't hold my head high, knowing that what he said about me being incompetent and ruthless. . . was the damn truth!"
"Hey, that reporter is the incompetent one!" Fleetfoot protested, bringing herself down on her knees in front of the youngest as she stared at her with a smile, "you know you're not what he thinks you are, right? If you don't, then allow me to specify that you, my friend, are the most responsible and deserving leader ever."
"If that doesn't justify," Soarin smiled, leaning in for a side hug, as he proceeded to pat her shoulder, "know that the Wonderbolts love you like nuts. Every one of them."
"Including that jackass — "
"You think so?" Spitfire brought her attention to her the older boy, drained of the fury and tension that victimized her for an entire week since that event, "that they don't feel the smart way?"
"Of course not!" Both of her cousins objected in unison.
"We've seen these false articles go by, haven't we?" Soarin articulated, "and this particular one is lame, so no matter how much it wants to defame our team, it can't."
"Simple as that." Fleetfoot smiled, pinching the bridge of her cousin's nose.
"I. . ." she bit her lip, caressing the back of her neck simultaneously, "I'm sorry for raging out."
"No, it's okay," Soarin chuckled, "you have every right to. You were anxious and that's fine."
"Thank you," she sighed, a small lighthearted smile tugging at the corner of her lips. It wasn't really a thing she put much thought to, but they were quite literally everything to her, starting from calming her down to always having her back. They weren't just cousins, but best friends to the end. 
Heck, she loved them more than anything.
"Don't mention it," Fleetfoot grinned, nudging her shoulder.
"We're here for you, okay? Always remember that."
At the spur of moment, there came an unanticipated growl, startling the three.
Soarin squeezed his eyes shut, an aggravated groan slipping past his lips as he proceeded, "I swear to fucking God, Fleetfoot — "
"That article talk got me hungry, you dumb kid."
"Right NOW?"
"Fucking hell, Fleetfoot, aren't you the oldest — "
"Doesn't mean I can't get hungry and LANGUA— "
They're they go, again.
Spitfire sighed out loud, pushing her head back on the headrest, as she muttered to herself discreetly, "I don't get paid enough for this shit."
fun fact: i hc spitfire as the oldest, but since this was for choco, i followed hers 💜
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fymagnificentwomcn · 4 years
Women of Ottoman make me so sad especially when people hate on them. Those women lived horrible lives. Most of them were kidnapped, sold, thrown under a psycho Padisah. How can you wait for them to care for your kingdom? Of course they were going to survive for themselves and for their children. None of them deserves the hate they get. I hope God put all of them in peace. No human should go through such terrible things.
Totally agree Anon.
Women from Ottoman Empire cannot be for example compared with women from the West – first and foremost, they were slaves that at the very beginning lost their families, homes and even had to change their name and religion to have any chance at making a new life. Some lost their families very early, and often it also affected them emotionally when they grew up without having familial bonds. Even as consorts, they were one of many, and they had no legal status outside their children, Even mothers of princes other than hasekis were referred to as “Mother of Prince X” in records, and mothers of daughters were even more invisible. They had a very limited access to outside world, there was no way a woman could ascend the throne as a ruler in her own reign, other than as regent. Not to mention all matters connected with fratricide and kafes, it was living in constant fear. It’s hard to compare them to European queens, who had more stable and safe position even if they also had to face misogyny and oppression .
It was no fairytale, even in the show that didn’t show a lot of atrocities involved in slave trade and focused on those women who still somewhat “succeeded”.
I will use this opportunity to discuss some double standards about those who succeeded vs. those who didn’t pertaining to the TV show, but will later come to the crux, I promise.
The faux feminism in this fandom is astounding to me,including the glaring obvious double standards depending on who fan favourite is - and fan favourite is often who is simply “the coolest”, “most victorious”, “most stylish”, “most lucky”, generally young, beautiful, badass, and successful, not sad or depressed. We all know reactions to Hürrem and Mahidevran doing the same things back in original MY - when Mahidevran did awful things to Hürrem, she was just pathetic jealous woman, but when Hürrem did multiple times the same or worse things to other women it was “yass queen” and she ‘fights for her love, so touching, so strong, so great, self defence”. Suddenly Hürrem is allowed to do so because she”s “not like other girls, so not like these pathetic dumb losers”. Hürrem was strong, cunning, and smart, but she also had one clear advantage over all her “enemies” - the love of the most powerful man in Ottoman history. She made multiple mistakes too, but could always count on Suleiman turning a blind eye or forgiving her - something that Mahidevran or others could never count on.
Frankly, even Hürrem vs. Mustafa was often treated more as Hürrem vs. all this “pathetic” women that fought for Mustafa’s case aka Mahidevran or Suleiman’s sisters in fandom. Suddenly Mustafa cannot even defend his own mother because he immediately had it coming for “choosing the wrong side”. Even if you disapprove of him defending/not abandoning his mother, e.g. choosing to poison him sounds a little disproportionate, don’t you think? I said it and I will repeat it again – Hürrem is a character very similar to Cersei – yes, she suffered a lot because of a system devaluing women and yes she’s a survivor and a strong woman who managed to make life for herself in that system – but she’s not a feminist character because she actually only uses the system to her own advantage (and often perpetuates it), and actually displays a lot of traits of internalised misogyny, voicing multiple times how she is different from other girls and this is why she must be the only one by Suleiman’s side, while other women aren’t even entitled to dream about such things. She condemns Mahidevran for wanting to be the only one and being jealous, but then when Suleiman is with other woman she’s all “I’m not like pathetic Mahidevran, I must be the only one”. Same with multiple comments that she often makes… Hürrem was sassy &sarcastic, and had many good comebacks, but it makes me sad how people often cheered on and applauded those worst ones that again display internalised misogyny, like her mocking Mahidevran why she cares about her appearance so much when she doesn’t have a man to share a bed with? Or her again being all “I will give birth to many boys, and you won’t even give birth to a girl”. Again, that whole society was misogynistic and other women also were influenced by it, like they all wanted to give birth to a boy mostly…but often it is about status and wanting to raise/maintain rank, while Hürrem boasts the fact that she gives birth to many boys as again a trait to show how special&strong she is, even part of her reaction to Mihrimah’s birth is her unable to accept the fact that she could give birth to a girl and being disgusted by the fact.. yes, she accepts her later on and her reaction does also stem from being aware of how misogynist the system is, but it shows precisely that – yes, she is influenced by the system and suffered because of it, but at the same time she begins to display same behaviour that she suffered from, tries to cut herself from others in disadvantaged position. And yes, not all characters had similar reactions to giving births to daughters, and mind you Hürrem already had a son&became sultana, plus was Suleiman’s clear fave that could hope for more children. She wasn’t in the worst situation, even Hafsa and Suleiman were very happy at birth of a girl and nobody criticised her for it. Conversely, in MYK Kösem states multiple times that she wants to give Ahmed both sons and daughters, and when she’s pregnant with her second child, she says she wants a girl now for a change. Even when Ayşe hopes for a boy so that Murad’s anger may be melted, she’s happy about Kaya’s birth&clearly loves the baby from the start & is distraught when she is taken from her. Hürrem was never intended to be viewed as feminist, always justified heroine.. this is why instead of making her first bad deed be a revenge on Mahidevran, who had treated her horribly and unfairly, she attacked the person who was most kind to her of them all and who recently went through the same exact shit. Some people hate Gülnihal, but then say Hürrem wasn’t a homewrecker because she had the right to make life for herself in harem.. true, but so did Gülnihal, and it’s not like she could refuse to go to Suleiman’s chambers pls. It wasn’t to be seen as right, it was clearly shown that Hürrem can be both the oppressed and oppressor at the same time from the start. If they had wanted to make her character only all about revenge, they would have again made her gone after Mahi, not innocent Gülnihal, her “best friend”. And people going how Mahi is irredeemable, but with Hürrem it’s so okay because she’s cool while she slays..eh. I admit I never liked Hürrem because personally she never appealed to me, but I totally get why people stan her because she’s an interesting, three-dimensional character (and yes she does have a softer side too), I’m just bothered by some making her some empowered heroine who is excused for everything by the fact that she was a slave and suffered a lot because of it – because you know she is not the only one who went through the same shit – the harem is full of such women, for start. Even statesmen like Ibrahim or Rüstem are slaves (of course as men they have more opportunities for a career etc.), eunuchs attending ladies are slaves… This whole system is based on slavery, yet she often behaves & talks like she’s the only one who lost her family, was kidnapped & mistreated.
And even Nurbanu becoming her successor was accidental because she actually wanted her dead later, though of course Nurbanu was still clearly inspired by her. She never intended for anyone to follow her example and to make her elevation become a permanent element of Ottoman system, and it’s symbolised by her decision to bury the “ring of power” (lol) with her (though of course what Nurbanu did with taking it anyway was plain disgusting).
I think that trying to examine why this character behaves like that is more interesting than simply go YASSS QUEEN.
Thus said, I hate these reductive“takes” calling these women “bitches” because yes there are complex reasons why some of them have become pretty cruel, so while there are no excuses for some of the behaviour, the simple word “bitch” does not cut it at all.
/Yes, I discussed Hürrem here because out of all MY/K characters she seems to be the least hated among major female characters & biggest fan favourite,/
Anyway, the point is that neither Hürrem nor Mahidevran are the villains of the story. The show makes it clear in its last episodes that Suleiman is the true villain – he was the most powerful man at that time, when the padisah’s position was truly strong, as Gülfem put it in the finale “even leaf cannot fall without your approval”. He’s not as dumb or passive as it may seem at first glance -of course he needs to pretend to be objective and just, but he has his own agenda just as everyone else. Moreover, he pretended to be the one trying to ease conflicts… yet he was often the one enhancing them. Even from the start when he gave the ring he had promised Mahidevran to Hürrem&and in many ways humiliated her… then he did the same with giving Isabella necklace he had promised Hürrem. Bah, it was clear he often enjoyed making Hürrem jealous because it flattered his ego. He ultimately even enhanced the conflict between Selim and Bayezid to get rid of the latter, who was “the more dangerous son”. He was always pulling the strings.. he allowed Selim to buy Bayezid from Tahmasp by the way he conducted negotiations because he knew Bayezid would get rid of his brother on the road. It’s practically what Gülfem says to him in last episode again. He knew what backlash was directed at him following Mustafa’s death and he didn’t want another son killed in front of him. As Mahidevran said in the final episode to Mihrimah “It was your father who chose the lives we lived for all of us”. He was the one that determined the fate for everyone. And even if Mihrimah did not want to admit it in any way in front of her mother’s enemy, she pretty much understood then that Selim was also her father’s puppet in a way and it’s my guess why she ultimately decides to leave the palace instead of plotting revenge for Bayezid (and we know she would eventually be back). It was Suleiman who was pulling strings all along throughout the whole show, even sometimes by choosing to refrain from acting.
In MYK, the situation is different that we deal with incompetent, weak or even tyrannical sultans, who are also sometimes danger to ordinary people or break the Imperial law. Kösem acts here like the protector of sultanate and again we see different standards. Can you imagine how criticised Kösem would be if she had used similar methods to Murad’s or even once had gone to on “night spree” and executed people for banning all these dumb prohibitions? Yet for many Murad is the “cool guy” and “poor misunderstood Murad”. Calling Kösem a tyrant.. please you have an actual tyrant here. Look how much criticism she gets for saying “I’m the state”, while Murad calls himself “shadow of God on Earth” , “sole owner of the Ottoman Empire”, “I’m the justice” , “true death” etc. all the time and he’s “badass”. Or how she’s criticised because she dared to try to influence the Divan to convince Murad to change punishment for his prohibitions. She’s an “usurper”, not the guy who enacts unjust law and oppresses his subjects.
And here we come to crux – look at how Suleiman is treated in MY, everyone is flattering him, he’s the one who for most time isn’t blamed for what is happening, everyone strives to be in his good graces, his sons step on their toes around him and idealise him even when he behaves like a total asshat. Even when he dies people try to remember him for his “magnificence”
Now look at Kösem, a female ruler, who was turned by scapegoat by people when something went bad and she had far less freedom to make choices and yet far more criticism, blame shifting and insults thrown her way. Suleiman is credited “for making sacrifices for the Empire”… but he really didn’t have to execute all the people he decided to kill, and his decisions truly affected everyone badly and led to further mess, starting from Ibrahim’s.. It was especially visible in case of Mustafa – he was obviously innocent and didn’t intend to rebel, but after what happened rebellions did begin.Conversely, each difficult decision that Kösem made led to stabilisation in Empire and prevented unrest, yet what she does is interpreted by some as “wanting power for sake of power” because woman cannot act in favour of state nation or dynasty – there’s only personal interest or power hunger. Her life is clearly framed as tragedy both by the “curse” of her witnessing the death of everyone she loved and her death being a parallel scene to her capture - because she was never truly free.
Interestingly, IMO Suleiman for all his talent and his achievements, fucked up the succession issue – succession by combat truly began to run its course during that period & no longer even fulfilled functions for which it was practiced – to put on the throne “the strongest” contender, one with the biggest support, also most successful military commander – while it’s true that era of conquest was naturally over and Empire had to become more sedentary, it still doesn’t make Selim the strongest or best suited candidate for the throne after Suleiman – his not going on campaigns etc. and being more of palace sultan had nothing to do with him recognising the transformation, but simply lack of interest in state matters and preferring to have fun than to rule. He wasn’t some demon, but he was terribly passive & lazy. And him not being a warrior was the least of his problems. Suleiman had extreme power and authority, he introduced first law reform after Mehmed the Conqueror – the fact that he allowed such contest (and well his sons didn’t even wait for his death to start a civil war) was a bad decision when it came to long-term planning. Some may say maybe he would have done something concerning move to seniority if one of Hürrem’s sons had been the eldest… maybe, but we will never know. Contrary, while all Ahmed’s sons died during Kösem’s lifetime, we know her legacy connected with anti-fratricide law lived on – after her death fratricide was a rare occurrence with only a few special exceptions in specific circumstances.
Of course there’s also the matter that Suleiman’s era and Kösem’s era were totally different – here it was even a success to manage to stabilise Empire. And here we need to stress how important context is – I always stress how important it is to assess historical figures in context – for me it’s hard to even compare, let’s say Kösem and Hürrem, because they lived in different ages and fulfilled different roles, let alone comparisons between historical figures from other parts of the world, perhaps even from different age. I can’t understand e.g. why Peirce compared Kösem and Turhan to Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart in Empress of the East – both situations were completely different, the only thing they had in common was that there was a power struggle between two powerful women, which ended with one of them executing the other (and we don’t even have 100% confirmation of Turhan ordering Kosem’s execution because such thing wasn’t officially in her power). I appreciate Peirce a lot, but TBH this comparison was just dumb for a professional historian.
Kösem’s case really shows how loss of innocence may be used as weapon against you – very early on, she gets the lesson even with Ahmed – the moment she first became involved with scheming following the death of her father, he got mad at her for the duration of her whole pregnancy – he didn’t ask why she had done it or any other details – she wasn’t his “ideal fantasy” from the portrait anymore and this was what mattered – and only then changed his mind when after so many futile attempts made by Kösem to talk to him, she finally forced him to listen to her explanations & motivations, and subsequently he became all “I will make everyone pay for every tear of yours & for making us endure pain of separation”. Ah okay, but don’t forget about yourself ;) And once Kösem stopped being “şehzade’s dream” with death of Ahmed and was truly her own political leader, she became to be more and more exposed to this with the passing of time and once she acquainted more and more power.
And don’t forget some male historians praising Turhan for “giving the power back to the rightful hands aka men”… it tells you all, and it’s false anyway, since it didn’t mean Turhan losing interest in state affairs and only caring about the harem (and honestly, “Köprülü was “her man”, she didn’t choose someone she had no influence upon). That was what she decided the Empire needed at that particular moment, not because she realised that politically involved women sucked lmao.
- Joanna
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rubberducky-jrr · 5 years
Be My Saviour - Part One
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Summary: Peter tries to save you from Flash’s continuous flirting with you at school.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: Slight angst, arguing and very bad flirting 
A/n: Sorry it’s taken me a while to post this, life is very busy at the moment but I hope people are still wanting to read this. We’re starting off quite tame for part one, no near death experiences or major angst... Not just yet anyway but wait till you read part two (which might be a while, give me time) 
Series Masterlist General Masterlist 
You quickly walked down the corridor to your locker, fumbling to open your backpack. You were running slightly late due to missing your alarm this morning and sleeping in. You were completely flustered and knew you looked a mess, not having brushed your hair or had time to put makeup on.
You finally got to your locker, hiding away from the crowd of students making their way to class. You switched your books over for the day’s classes with a sigh, thankful you had made it in time.
“Hey, Stark!” You heard Flash call from down the corridor causing you to roll your eyes. You began to mentally prepare yourself for the following conversation.
“Hi Flash,” you replied, shutting your locker door to see him leaning up against the lockers next to yours. A small smirk was plastered across his face, his eyes quickly looking you up and down. “What do you want?” You asked, walking past him and in the direction of your first class.
“Just wanted to check up on my favourite girl,” he said, arm going to wrap around your shoulder. You glanced at his hand in disgust before looking at him. He was completely oblivious to your discomfort and annoyance.
“Favourite girl? Please, that’s clearly your mother,” you replied and he glanced at you with a small shocked expression on his face.
“Well excuse me, I’m like the only guy around here who pays you any genuine attention, so don’t you think it would be polite to be nice to me,” he replied and you rolled your eyes, walking into the classroom.
You caught Peter’s eyes in a heartbeat, seeing a small frown appear on his face when he glanced at Flash’s arm around you.
“Be nice to you? Just like you are to everyone else, no thanks,” you replied to Flash, shrugging off his arm and walking over to the seat in front of Peter, who sat next to Ned.
“What was that about?” Peter leant forward, his voice close to your ear. You just shrugged, having gotten use to Flash’s inappropriate closeness and remarks, it’s not like you couldn’t handle it.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” you simply said, taking out your notebook and pencil case. You really didn’t care about Flash’s attempted advancements on you, he wasn’t hurting anyone and you kind of enjoyed making fun of him with your comebacks.
“It sure didn’t seem like it, you looked really uncomfortable.”
“It’s alright, I can handle-“
“Quiet please in the back, thank you,” the teacher called out before starting the lesson.
You could feel Peter watching you throughout most of class, glancing a few times at Flash who kept giving you winks, which you just ignored.
The bell for the end of first period eventually rang and everyone began to pack away. Before Peter could even think to come and talk to you, Flash was by your side, holding out his arm as if waiting for you to take it.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you heard Peter grumble behind you. “Flash just leave her alone already, it’s kind of pathetic,” he then said loudly and Ned gave him a slight shocked look from the sudden confidence to stand up against Flash.
“Wow, look at penis Parker standing up for once,” Flash teased and you glanced at Peter who didn’t seem to be backing down. He was glaring daggers at Flash, about to snap, shocking you slightly with how he was reacting.
“Just leave her alone,” he said, trying to save you from Flash. He rolled his eyes at Peter, ignoring him and turning to look at you.
“Are you going to let this loser tell you who you can and can’t hang out with?” Flash asked you and you just sighed in annoyance. Flash went to take your arm in his, making you step back slightly with a frown on your face.
“I said leave her alone,” Peter practically growled at Flash, pushing his arm away from taking yours. The look on Flash’s face caused Ned to pull Peter back slightly. Before Flash or Peter could think about throwing a punch at the other, MJ stepped in.
“Hey, Y/n, walk with me,” she quickly said, suddenly appearing by your side and slipping her arm into yours, pulling you out of the classroom. “Your welcome,” she said once you were out in the corridor and walking to second period.
“Did you see how Peter reacted?” You asked, mainly to yourself. MJ simply shrugged, her arm dropping from around yours.
“I’m just surprised you’ve not punched Flash in the face yet.”
“Oh believe me, I’ve wanted to but he’s not worth detention,” you said and MJ let out a small laugh.  
You met up with Peter after school to walk back to the tower together, just like you normally did when you knew he was going to be in the lab with your dad for the evening. You greeted him with a casual smile but was thrown off slightly when he simply replied with a grunt. You began to notice he was being closed off with you, giving you one or two worded answers as you walked home.
You sighed as you walked into the Avengers Tower, not holding the door open for Peter since he was being rude to you.
By the time you were in the elevator you were bickering with each other, Peter bringing up Flash once again and making you wish he resorted back to not talking to you.
You stormed out of the elevator onto the shared floor, slamming your backpack onto the kitchen table and making Sam jump out of his skin.
“Whoa, what’s up, little Stark?” He asked before glancing at Peter who walked in, following after you. “Oh.” He added, seeing the equally angry expression you had mirrored on Peter’s face. He slowly slipped from the chair and wandered over to the sofa in the living room, giving Bucky an “oh shit” expression.  
Bucky glanced behind Sam and over to the open kitchen as you let out what sounded like a strangled sigh.
“Please stop following me,” you snapped, turning around to face Peter.
“Not until you listen to my side of all this,” he said and you slammed you jacket onto the table, taking a few steps towards him.
“Alright, go on then,” you snapped, causing Peter to take a step back at your sudden outburst. “Tell me why the hell you thought I needed your protection, like little old me couldn’t handle myself with Flash. I grew up as Tony Stark’s daughter, you learn a few things about how to stand up for yourself. I don’t need you to save me,” you exclaimed, practically shouting towards the end of your rant.
Peter seemed to switch, suddenly becoming unfazed by your harsh expression and strong stance. His jaw clenched and eyes harden on you. You suddenly felt yourself cracking under his look, heart rate picking up slightly as you tensed.  
“Then why did you not stand up for yourself, he was all over you,” he growled, his arms flying out to the sides as he tried to express everything he was feeling.
Sam glanced at Bucky, raising an eyebrow at him to which Bucky just smirked. They both knew exactly what was going.
“Is this some sort of lovers spat?” Natasha suddenly asked them, climbing over the back of the sofa to flop down next to Bucky and watch the argument unfold.
“It’s cute, they have no idea how much in love they are with each other,” Sam said and Bucky breathed a laugh as you replied to Peter.
“And? Why do you all of a sudden care if Flash is all over me? Last time I checked you were practically drooling over that Liz chick,” you snapped, catching Peter off guard. His expression changed, a look of hurt shining in his eyes as a blush rose to his cheeks.
“I-I don’t... I don’t even like Liz anymore,” he said in his defence and you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms.
“Oh please,” you scoffed.
“He’s telling the truth,” Nat called over, breaking you both away from your argument to realise there were other people around. “I mean, it’s pretty obvious who he likes now, isn’t it.” She glanced at Bucky and Sam who hummed in agreement.
“You could even say he is drooling over her right now,” Sam commented, all three of them looking back at you. You frowned, completely confused to who they were taking about.
“They mean you,” Peter suddenly said. His voice was quiet this time, wavering slightly as he looked at you.
You frowned at him, seeing how his voice reflected his expression. Your mouth was open slightly, unable to say the words that your mind was screaming at you to say.
“You like me?” You asked instead of admitting you felt the same way about him.
He grabbed his bag from off the floor, his cheeks turning red. You noticed his eyes were glazed over as if he was about to cry.
“Just leave it,” he grumbled. “I’ll not stand up for you again, okay... You win.”
You were left in the kitchen, staring after Peter’s retreating form. You quickly became aware of the eyes on you, a look of pity on their faces. You swallowed down the lump forming in your throat before sniffing, trying to act as if everything was fine. You turned to the three avengers, all giving you a knowing look and causing you to let out a tired sigh. You moved over to flop onto the couch next to Sam.
“I’m an idiot,” you grumbled out before leaning into Sam. He lifted his arm to wrap it around you, pulling you into a side hug.
“Yeah, but so is Peter,” he said and you just closed your eyes, letting out a groan.
“How long has he liked me?” You asked, not really wanting to know the answer.
“My guess is from the moment he set eyes on you,” Nat simply said, causing you to open your eyes and look at her in shock.
“So like a year and a half now,” Bucky clarified, making you groan once more.
“Yep, it’s official, I’m a complete idiot,” you said, leaning back up to sit and rest your head in your hands.
“That was already official years ago,” Bucky teased and you sent a harsh glare in his direction.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, Y/n,” Sam said, a hand coming to rest on your back in reassurance.
“I should probably go talk to him,” you began, looking up from your hands.
“I’d wait on that if I were you,” Steve’s voice called from behind as he walked into the room.
“He didn’t look like he was really in the talking mood when he bumped into me back at the elevator,” he answered, coming up to stand behind the sofa you were sat on.
You let out a deep sigh, feeling guilt wash over you. Why hadn’t you just told him earlier that you liked him too, then none of this would have happened. Your best friend wouldn’t be mad at you, he wouldn’t be running off with tears in his eyes and you wouldn’t be here currently getting counselling from the worse counsellors the world had to offer, well, except for Sam.
“I take it they found out they like each other?” Steve asked and Bucky nodded.
“You missed the whole show and everything,” he replied with a smirk.
“Ok, I’m leaving now,” you said, standing up and walking over to grab your backpack before heading down to Bruce’s lab, hoping you could hide out there for a while with him.
Part Two
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@missmulti @rocknrollqueenie @astoldbydanid @roserrys @bbkaikes @avengersazemble @thesmolgreek  @spider-starry @thatfangirl77 @elena-amethesyt-rose @bobblewonka @musicalmarvels @britishbutnotbritish @tom--hollands @fandomfreak1000000 @daddyswitchygirl0621 @spideydobrik @icantevenanymore1 @spxcedxdddy @relatable-trxsh @fallingstar95 @blushinglite @loking99 @youvebeenlizzed @fangirling12566 @makowoh @ilovelilies @http-peter-parker @jwolfesblog @thebestkindofchocolate @tiktok-spideyy @babzsworld2001 @aimeera-a @mcuavengex @android-313-248-317-51 @dark-magic-phoenix @nadazkr @nagasamii @fantastic-fans @tryingmybest-lol @theclarissewhocriedwolf @summerbbygirl @justcallmehitgirl @panda-duuu @sporadicvoidzippereclipse @hipstermalik3 @dreaumville @anecdoteaddict @kathleenbriar @kye06 @nicole-michelle8 @lovelyspiderman04 @omeliaslexie @stargazingholland @honeymarvel @kissingtruth @bisexual-child03 @toro-bell @imagine-avengers-harry-potter @spideygirl2003 @taylorswiftloverforever13 @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @admirablegranger @herondalism @jarvis-play-despacito @gabby913 
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