#also!! got a little bit into ethics there for a minute!!!
talkfastromance4 · 1 year
If you still accept titles for the made-up fic title thingy:
"I wanna be that somebody for you."
This is very long! My imagination got away from me and I would LOVE to continue this story if you and others are interested!
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Also couldn’t help myself and made a lil moodboard.
You own a small flower shop inherited by your grandfather and you curated the floral arrangements for Penny and Maverick’s wedding. You were busy perfecting the bouquets and that’s when Jake saw you wearing a very pretty sundress with pink flowers on it. You even had a headband of flowers in your hair and he pictured you in a cottage with little woodland creatures surrounding you.
He admired your work ethic and the need for things to be exactly perfect with the arrangements.
“Excuse me,” he said approaching you, “could you help me with my boutonniere?”
You looked him over in his dress whites then glanced at the others behind him.
“Um, you don’t get them with your uniform.”
“Oh. I know,” he grinned, green eyes dancing.
“Then why would you ask–”
“I’m in another wedding. I’ll be wearing a regular civvy suit.”
“I see,” you nod gathering up the fallen stems and leaves from your work. “Shouldn’t the bride and groom be asking for those?”
“I’m the best man, they’ve entrusted me with it.”
“I see.”
He liked how curt you were with your responses.
“Well, I’d love to help but not while I’m in the middle of another wedding, sir.”
His eyebrows raised at the formality of ‘sir’ and only made his Cheshire grin widen.
“Wonderful, I’ll stop by tomorrow. When do you open?”
“Eight,” you sigh.
“I’ll see you at eight. And it’s Lieutenant, darlin’,” he winks then left you flabbergasted.
He’s already waiting outside the shop door by eight o’clock on the dot when you go to unlock them. He’s in his service khakis and you run through some options from most expensive to least. Then by category of flower and what season would be best for which flower. It wasn't until you pulled out a box of ribbon that he placed his hand over yours, you felt an electric current course through you.
He admits it was all a ploy.
“What? Why?” You ask then realization and anger clouds over your eyes. “So you can joke about it with your naval buddies? Get out of my store–”
“No, no, no, you misunderstand,” he holds up his hands in defense. “I have a proposition for you.”
“A proposition?”
“An arrangement,” he flashes a smile. “Come to dinner with me tonight and I’ll explain.”
“Like an arrangement of flowers?”
“No, sweetheart,” he shakes his head then slides his hands in his pockets. “I’ll have a car pick you up at seven. Wear something nice.”
He winks again then left.
Throughout the day you were thinking of the whole altercation. The smart, rational part of you knows you shouldn’t have dinner with him. But the curious part of you is intrigued by his cryptic meaning of ‘proposition’ and ‘arrangement’ and you wanted to know what it was.
It isn’t until your friend and coworker has come over with an armful of dresses for you to borrow that she jokingly suggests it might be a sex arrangement. You laugh along but the pit in your stomach and the warmth spreading in your ears signifies she might be right. You pick out a pretty black dress and the car arrives promptly at seven o’clock.
The Navy is prone to being good with time, you guessed.
A man named Reynolds opens the very sleek black SUV and asks what kind of music you’d like to listen to for the drive. Forty minutes later you’re in the Valley pulling up to the top five star restaurant in the state. A valet opens the door and gestures to you inside where a hostess greets you by name and leads you to the main room.
The Lieutenant is sitting at a white clothed table in a very nice suit. As soon as he saw you he stood up, eyes taking you and your dress in with a faint smile.
“Wow, as I live and breathe,” he drawls then pulls out your chair. He offers his hand for you to take as you sit down and he pushes you in a little bit. You murmur a thank you and take in the restaurant.
Men and women are wearing high-end clothes, luxury watches wink at you and diamonds sparkle amongst the candlelight. There’s a massive fireplace and chandeliers everywhere. When you look back at him, he’s already looking at you. You feel your cheeks warm.
“You look beautiful,” he compliments.
“Thank you. This is very…extravagant.”
He notices the nervous way you touch your hair and bite your lip. You take in how handsome he looks, his suit is crisp, his hair perfectly styled with a little bit of the bangs hanging over his forehead. There’s a start to a five o’clock shadow on his cheeks and chin but it looks anything but rough to the touch.
“Y/N?” he asks and you notice a waiter is next to you.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Red or white, madam?” the waiter asks.
“For what?” your brain is a little behind because of the circumstance.
“Wine,” the Lieutenant smiles patiently.
“Oh. Right. Um…white.”
“A bottle of your best white wine and I’ll also have a whisky. Neat.”
When the waiter is gone you lean in closer to the table.
“What is all this?”
“Dinner and drinks.”
“No. I mean…your proposition?”
“It’s not time to talk about that yet,” he shakes his head then hands you a menu.
The drinks arrive and you take a hearty sip to ease your nerves. You nearly choke on probably the best wine you’ve ever had when you notice the prices. Some of them are in the hundred dollar range.
“Please, call me Jake.”
“Jake. these are very pricey–”
“Don’t worry about the cost, y/n,” he shakes his head. “Anything that looks good, please order it. And don’t go for the cheapest one.”
You glance over the top of your menu to see him giving you a knowing look because that’s what you were honestly planning to do.
After you finally order and drink some more wine, he starts to ask many questions. Your birthday, where you grew up, schooling, your favorite classes, friends, family, siblings. So many questions about you. When dessert is finished you’re holding the mug of coffee between your palms.
“Why do you want to know all this?” you ask.
“Penny told me how caring and open-hearted you are, how much you do for others. And how you help your grandmother. She said no one has really taken care of you.”
His green eyes are smoldering in the candlelight.
“Okay…” that didn’t really answer your question.
“I wanna be that somebody for you.”
“Be what?”
“I want to take care of you. Anything you need. Pay off your house, expand your flower shop,a new car. Whatever you need.”
You stare at him blankly trying to absorb his words then it hits you.
“You want to be a sugar daddy?” You hiss and nearly spill your cup of coffee. “I’m very capable of taking care of myself, thank you very much. I get by. I don’t even have a house! And what, you’d want to pay for things in exchange for sex? I’m not a hooker and that’s illegal!”
“Shh!” he hushes placing his hand over yours. His eyes are wild as he looks at the other occupants but they were none the wiser of your accusations. “No. Of course not.”
“I won’t send you feet pics either–”
“Y/N, Y/N, stop,” he’s earnest. “This is not what that is, I promise.”
“Then explain yourself better.”
“What I’m suggesting is that, I help you with some financial things and in return–” he gives you a look when you gasp–”in return, I ask that you be a companion. A date to Navy balls, family gatherings. We can have dinner as frequently as you’d like, or coffee, or nothing at all unless it’s for a function where I need you.”
“So not a sugar daddy–you aren’t even that much older than me, by the way!”
“I’m aware,” he nods patiently while you visibly flip out on him.
“So, what then? A piece of arm candy? I’m not the greatest–”
“You are. From what I’ve heard you are exactly right for me.”
“How? Why do you need a companion? You can have any person you’d want.”
“I can’t disclose that with you right now unless you agree. I’ll have paperwork set up–”
“Paperwork! Wait,” you lower your voice, peeking at your neighbors to make sure they’re not listening when you ask, “is this like a…a Fifty Shades of Grey thing? Are you like a Christian Grey?”
“Of course not,” he snorts, “I’m not into that, I’m not going to ‘own’ you. You picture me as Christian Grey?”
“No! You’re way hotter than he–” you clap your hand over your mouth but he smiles. “So, no whips and chains or a play room?”
“No. Unless you’d want one,” he shrugs. “This is why I’m calling it an arrangement. You’re a good person who deserves to be taken care of.”
“You hardly know me, Jake. Or am I some kind of charity case? A means to a redemption arc you’re looking for? Have you murdered someone?”
“My, my, my, you certainly are entertaining,” he chuckles. “And quite the imagination.”
“I watch a lot of movies,” you sniff.
“You don’t have to make a decision right now, of course. But think about it. I have more than enough money and I give a good portion of it to charities I’m keen on. We can be as exclusive as you’d like or you can shoot a text and I’ll send money over for whatever it is you need.”
“And all you want back is for me to be a companion to you?”
“Like a fake relationship?”
“I suppose that’s one way to look at it.”
You side eye him dubiously.
“Are you sure this isn’t some sort of sex thing? Is this a new kink I’ve never heard of?”
“Oh y/n, if it was I would have already pleasured you at your shop.”
“What?!” you squeak but he just smirks.
“That’s a discussion for another time, sweetheart. If you choose. I want you to know the ball is entirely in your court. I’ll have Reynolds drive you home but leave you with my card…” he pulls out his wallet and slides a business type looking card with his name on it and a number underneath.
Your mind is racing, your palms are sweaty and you feel warm all over because you never in a million years would have expected this type of predicament.
“It’s late, I know you need to be up early tomorrow,” he pulls away from the table and you stand automatically following him out the restaurant in a daze.
Reynolds opens the door but Jake grabs your elbow and turns you around to face him. He’s wearing a very fresh smelling cologne, it clears your nose and makes your head swim because it gives off the aura of sophistication and wealth. Your head doesn’t even come up to his chin so you really have to move your head up to look at him.
“Think it over. I’ll send over the papers so you can examine it. Call or text or email if you have any questions. I want to be that somebody you can rely on and call on whenever you need it. Okay?”
“Okay,” you gulp.
“Good. Have a good night, Y/N,” he bends down to kiss your cheek then helps you climb into the car. “Reynolds will also be your driver. He knows where to bring you to me when and if you’re ready.”
He closes the door and your head is still swimming going in a million different directions. Your cheek is tingling from the softness of his lips, the insides of your thighs are burning because you’re thinking of what he said earlier. How he could have pleasured you in your flower shop. The curious part of you was very curious about that.
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a-confused-spoon · 2 months
TDP s6: Soren, Viren and missing the point (2/2)
(jesus christ did I write a lot for this one...)
I want to make a little disclaimer here: my feelings towards Viren were always a bit mixed- I loved the writing of him, but I loved to see him suffer more.
I would have been fine with him dying just as well as living, even if I didn’t love how quick his flip was in s4 (particularly ep2), the same way I’m not in love with how the most recent season seems to gloss over the weight of what the man did in book 1, 2 and 3, even in the scenes where he tries to take accountability: it’s not just the use of dark magic, misleading Claudia or the mistreatment Soren; he got 2 rulers killed, forced a fiery-transformation spell on thousands of soldiers who didn’t want to partake in it, was willing to put an egg before his son’s life, sealed the souls of people in coins etc.
Even if his redemption had continued (as in, had he kept breathing), I personally would have preferred for him to not get a happily forever after with his family, but something more of a "open ending" or whatnot.
I can't shake this feeling that The Mystery of Aaravos has a tendency of prioritizing very well-built and executed single scenes with intense emotion over overarching thematic consistency and overall character growth (the number of shenanigans that amounts to nothing in said two regards being exhibit A, but of course those two things don't exclude the other), and while it's a MASSIVE improvement over book 4 and 5, book 6 still has its issues.
While indeed apologizing to who he has hurt isn’t nearly enough for his journey to be (nor feel) “complete”, it’s also true that Viren isn’t given the possibility to do much else to begin with, despite being the first (and so far only) villain to do a complete 180 and check all the boxes of the ‘big no-no’ list the story presents us with when it comes to morality and/or ethics.
I want to explain my point of view the best way I possibly can, so stick with me for a minute:
The characters of the series (or, well, those who don’t belong to the cosmos) exist in a historical context led by a narrative of power that chains them to a never-ending cycle of violence; the use of dark magic plays a big role in said cycle, not only as an active part of it from the human side, but also because the very practice is on its own an incentive to use it more and more frequently, which is a very similar relationship people have with power in general.
What the “good guys” of the story do, as a matter of fact, is break the cycle by putting an end to the narrative of power and replacing it with one of love, ‘cause as we learn in book 2, real strength means being able to choose love, vulnerability and forgiveness, even if that’s not what they’ve been taught all their lives. Only then they can break free of the chains of history; additionally, for said history to not repeat itself, dark magic needs to be abandoned, even in tough circumstances (unless Sol Regem pulls up in Katolis, but I digress) given the detrimental effects on the long run- and with Xadia and humanity at peace with one another and ideally living in harmony, it wouldn’t be needed at all.
Therefore, the list of ‘big no-no’ here is: don’t do dark magic, don’t pursuit power as opposed to love, don’t let history define your perception of the world.
All the “bad guys” of the story are either unwilling or unable to do one or more of those things: Karim can’t for the life of him look past history, Claudia isn’t able to give up dark magic (for now, at least not without guidance), Finnegrin had no intention of giving up the power he held over his crew- and Aaravos deliberately chose to find purpose in the immediate anger he felt during Leola’s trial (consequently engaging in the centuries old cycle of violence in all its ugliness), instead of giving in to the love he has for his daughter and pass away alongside her, resulting in Leola being left alone and scared throughout the horrible process (and also the whole world going through some crazy shit).
Then there’s Viren, who used to rely on dark magic (unlike Karim), pursue power (unlike Claudia) and look at things through the lenses of history (unlike Finnegrin), so he was a bad guy in all possible aspects.
Eventually though, he manages to successfully give up dark magic and choose love over power and refuse the chains of history (as shown both in his relationship with Terry and his willingness to serve King Ezran), with no expectations of mercy or forgiveness... and literally nothing comes of it because the other characters don’t give him the possibility to act on any of said changes, aside from doing one thing that gets him killed.
So it’s “we gain nothing if we don’t give the chance to learn and grow” (or whatever Amaya said in s4) until...? It's "it's never too late if you quit" or whatever Rayla says in ep3 unless...?
I’d love to agree on the “it’s too late” argument, but aside it going against the very principle of the story, even the awful things he did that I mentioned don’t really matter by the time s6 ends: Lain and Tiadrin are happly together and got to say goodbye to their daughter, and she herself chose to save Runaan instead; the fiery-transformation turns out to be temporary, no one seems to even remember that Eveneere and Del Bar exist etc. The only thing that still has an effect is Lux Aurea becoming unhabitable, yet the only character who gives some weight to said tragedy is portrayed as an idiotic bitter nobody (aka Karim) who should just look past it and take a chance on the elven-human camp. So exactly how am I supposed to care? *
I already talked extensively about the theme of forgiveness in part 1 of this essay (if I can call it that), but the point is that the story shouldn't pick and choose who gets rewarded and understood when acting according to the moral of the story and who doesn't even get a chance at getting a second chance while trying to do the exact same thing, not when the very thematic premise of said story automatically puts EVERYONE into perspective- because if it's the lies of history that chain them to a narrative of power, misleading them, and those started way before the characters were even born, then the conversation unfortunately but necessarily needs to include the perpetrators of violence too; they too were misled, therefore they too can unlearn what they've been taught (which Viren does) and should get a chance to really live a life spent on being a better person, not because they may “deserve it” or because it might not be "too late", but simply because they have the CAPACITY to do good, if they choose to.
A show that really nails this point (to me) is She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, which frankly I'm not even that big of a fan of... speaking of which, if Viren was always meant to die sacrificing himself without no one's recognition, it probably would have been better for him to pull a Shadow Weaver ftom the beginning.
(I don't mean this as a comparison, it's just a way for me to lay down all the elements that I belive ultimately don't work or don't help)
For those who aren’t familiar (MAJOR SPOILERS), Shadow Weaver in She-Ra is for the most part what a lot of Viren haters think Viren is in The Dragon Prince: a magic user that loves power, traumatizing the children she grows and nothing else. She doesn’t even have a greater good she intensely believes in to explain her actions and behaviors like Viren does- she’s just a massive bitch. And she doesn’t really grow or learn during the series, it’s just that at some point hanging around the good guys becomes more convenient for her... if I’m not mistaken, she doesn’t even do much unless someone comes to her spontaneously, aside gardening. At no point in time she becomes really trust worthy or good, and it’s always looming in the air whether or not she’s even beginning to be, or will ever be for that matter.
This goes on for like, 3 seasons, until at the very end- and I mean the very end (like, last episode very end) she does one good thing, sacrificing herself to save the two girls she abused the most throughout the series, which leads to her death.
What really sells the scene (leaving out the music, the animation, the dialogue, the voice acting- all of it is just *chef’s kiss*), it’s the fact that:
Her final words to Catra, who she abused the most, really feel like they put a period at the end of a sentence; it feels like closure, you feel that both her and Adora can now move on;
It’s a deliberate choice, because she had the option of staying safe and not do it, and still did;
She dies at peace with herself, and seemingly proud of herself for making that good action too;
Her death isn't the conclusion of an arc nor it comes out of nowhere, because of the general uncertainty regarding her character that precedes that moment
I talked about closure and 'moving on' in the first part of this essay when talking about Soren (which I'm now realizing was a lot shorter, lol), so I’ll move on to everything else.
The point of him dying can’t be about being selfless, because Viren always was selfless for what he thought was right: he was willing to swap bodies with Harrow, he went back to fight Avazandum when the Queens of Duren went to face the dragon alone, when Aaravos tells him he might die going in Lux Aurea he went anyways etc. Not to mention how Soren, of all people, asks him to do dark magic, of all things, so that he can… help… people… mh, now where have I heard this before? I’m sorry- wasn’t using dark magic for the sake of protecting humanity literally what got most problems started? The source of so much conflict and pain and death? A practice that wasn’t worth doing due to the detrimental effects on the long run, even when if people were going through tough times? Literally what Viren did and received a lot of shit for when he was a full-on villain? By all means, if you find it poetic, that’s great! In my opinion it’s a bit weird: if the show wants to make a point, then it should stick to it;
Viren's literally a shell of his former self, from the very moment he steps into the castle. Sure, knowing about Claudia’s state and the part he played in it wouldn’t make anyone sleep at night, but to have him so desperate, unseen and unheard once he finally picks a path "of truth" as opposed to one of darkness really wasn’t... the best. Like, my own bias against the “redeemed character dying/character searching redemption dying before getting to the end of it” trope aside, not even while dying he seems to reach some kind of inner peace. And when Soren comes into his cell, even then, when it’s his chance to prove that he is committed to this new life path he’s still unsure and scared- Soren had to insist for Viren to step in and help. As if he didn’t really know what to do with himself;
I didn’t hope Viren could build a better life for himself because the idea felt right to me, but because for two whole seasons and a half that’s the direction his character was taking, and the fact that his journey ultimately doesn’t come to a proper end isn’t even drìirectly on him just pisses me off. So much time spent on showing Viren’s progress for what feels like nothing... if not setting up Claudia to be Aaravos's new daughter and giving Soren even more trauma to deal with :D
I didn't want Viren to receive a mere slap on the wrist of course, but I also didn't want his journey to be... this. It feels incomplete, partial, and we didn't even get the final conversation he has with Soren about sacrificing his own heart instead of his son's before saying goodbye- which may have single handedly fixed most of what I said (in part 1 more than here, but still).
[ edit: I’m adding this part because I’m only now thinking about this, and I believe it’s worth mentioning.
As I said at the beginning, I do take issue with how Viren’s journey only considers the damage he made on an interpersonal level as opposed to what he caused on a macro-scale. Had his progress continued only with what the second act of the show bothered to explore so far, I’d still have many complaints, just of different nature.
Because of what I mentioned here though (*) and, again, after two seasons and a half of giving all the impressions that there was a light at the end of the tunnel for him after all, I think that it would have been nice for said things to at least be acknowledged once he got back to Katolis, instead of just making a vague matter of deserving or not deserving mercy, as this is the very logic that keeps cycles of violence going. I do know that’s what they are referring to of course, but I still think it should have been an actual part of the conversation; I briefly mentioned this in part 1/2: I would’ve loved for Soren to be the one to call him out on it, especially the ‘leaving Claudia behind’ bit, in a “You can fool yourself into thinking that you’ve changed, but you can’t fool me, not anymore” fashion of sorts.
This still doesn’t mean that a redemption was impossible to begin with imo. I think that there might be a common assumption that redeeming a character means having them join the main team, which isn’t always the case, it just happens to be the most recurring one.
Idealistically, what I think could have been an ‘okay’ solution (I am talking only in utopistic terms here, though I don’t think it would’ve been impossible to pull off in the actual show- but it would have been admittedly very difficult considering the number of episodes per season) would have been for 2 episodes to be mostly focused on choosing how to go about it:
The first one having the main team arguing with each other before coming to the agreement of sticking to their principles despite not liking the situation one bit (but you know, had it been an easy choice then the efforts at peace would’ve started a lot sooner than the actual events of the show);
The second where the pentarchy, the Sunfire Queen and the Dragon Queen have a meeting, so that they can all have their say on the matter, given that they too were directly or indirectly affected by the man; the meeting is full of tension, there’s shouting, there’s calling each other ‘traitors’ and ‘hypocrites’- generally it really puts to the test how much of the world really is committed to the cause and how much of it isn’t ready to move on, but ultimately they begrudgingly come to the conclusion that there’s obviously a series of restrictions that need to be imposed on the man, while still not completely preventing him from doing his part if he truly means to prove his change. Things like: he cannot put foot into Xadia without the surveillance of dragons (preferably Phyrrah plus a couple more) and/or maybe the drake tamers of s4 lead by Rayla (who Viren is terrified by, so she’s perfect for the job), and when he’s in the human side of the land he still must be guarded 24/7 by at least 5 trained guards; he must find a spell to try to undo the corruption of Lux Aurea, but he’s not allowed to touch any source of magic without being openly granted the possibility to by Callum (who’s now in a higher position); anything he might suggest will be discussed among the council etc… how much of this changes in the course of time and how much people are willing to trust him can either change or not change, depending on whatever follows (even if this list is just hypothetical).
Also, in light of this very recent interview:
I want to be very clear: all I’m saying in these two posts is limited to the immediate effect of s6, and if the following season (or, hopefully, seasons) manages to handle things in such a way that it’ll make me eat my words, I’ll be unbelievably happy. This show means so much to me, and I’m only critical of it only because I feel like the second act of the story doesn’t do quite justice to all that the first one laid out: TDP used to be a hyper-fixation for me and it was the saving grace that got me out of the depression loop after Voltron’s ending, so anything that can get me back into that level on investment will make me cry happy tears.
This being said
I do wonder what the whole point of Viren’s journey of this season and the prior two was if the character is deemed irredeemable by the creators themselves, especially since Soren doesn’t get closure, Claudia only gets more trauma, and Viren doesn’t even die somewhat proud knowing that he did what he could manage to in the little time he had in Katolis after so long (as I said earlier), so no one gets much out of it if not more angst… which is always welcomed, if done with a valid point.
If said purpose was just so that his passing could influence his children’s arcs and therefore being there in function of other characters, the entire thing in retrospect feels like a bit of a waste of time, given that the same exact outcome could have been achieved without him being around in this last season at all: just have Claudia come back home to figure what to do next instead of seeing her dad again; she even has the Sunfire scepter thingie to do the spell from s3, so no one needs to die of poorly executed surgery. And then she can just, find the pearl and cave to Aaravos’s temptation, as he does claim he can revive him again anyways. That, plus I’m dying to have Claudia and her brother talk again after in s4 ☹.
…so yeah, like, on a scale from a VLD Lotor frustration to an MLB Chloe Bourgeois frustration, I’m sort of in the middle with Viren. But I do like that there’s a lot of conversation on the topic ]
CONCLUSION: Despite everything, s6 is the first season I actually enjoyed since s3, though it is still not quite at the same level to me, and while I have my problems with it and I'm very saddend that the Viren and Soren thing is among those, I'm acutally very happy that a lot of people enjoy it and that the fandom is ecstatic. It just wasn't for me- but I still had a fun time writing this two parter :)
Thanks to anyone who got 'till the end of this, I really appreciate it! <3
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devilfic · 7 months
Saw the previous Matt Murdock post and I can’t help but think of him as college professor dynamic???!
❝criminal law professor!matt murdock❞
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cw: law school professor matt being everyone's wet dream, brief mention of alcohol, brief suggestive content. words: 1.3k.
AHHHHHHH criminal law professor!matt who never set out to teach but got invited to a lecture held by an old lawyer friend of his and built up such good rapport with the students that when one of them came up to him after class and told him they'd sign up for any class he'd teach, the cogs started turning
only teaches one class a semester, probably one class a year
one of those professors that almost everybody wants to get in with but is prone to several dropouts after the first two weeks because of his teaching style
he's very casual most of the time but very much hands-on and will not let up on you for a second if he thinks it's a teaching moment
he's relentless. he is not an easy A but you will come out of his class better than you went in
his favorite part of the job is getting into ethical debates with the students
likes to do a lot of mock trials and very regularly stick his students with cases that test their moral judgment
it's not to make them feel bad or play at having the higher moral ground if they make a "wrong" decision, but more so to force them to consider what they're willing to compromise on to win a case
and whether winning cases is the best thing for them or for their client
he's the type of professor who will gladly stay an hour or two after class just chatting it up with students over cases he's done in the past or answering questions about practicing law professionally
he grades hard but he always offers ample feedback to make his students do better next time
has a saying that he'll never turn down a coffee from a student trying to butter him up
and immediately follows up with "it won't make me change your grade but it will help me remember your name"
this motherfucker definitely likes to sit on the edge of his desk while teaching, too
undoes his tie a bit when he gets passionate about a topic, rolls up his shirt sleeves to his elbows, has to stop himself from pacing the room without his walking stick when he feels particularly excited about a discussion
does not care about late work like at all
as long as you get it to him before the end of the semester, you'll be fine
you'll be panicking, emailing him about how you're so sorry but your laptop got stolen on your way home and that you'll have to rewrite your entire paper from scratch in the school lab tonight so it'll be a day late and you'll get a response back in 4 minutes that just says "No problem, stay safe - Sent from my iPhone"
and... your laptop is mysteriously returned a few days later. apparently whoever stole it had a serious change of heart. you also got a 98 on your paper
(he may not be swayed to change your grade with coffee but he is a bit of a softie when it comes to stuff like this)
he's also just the hottest professor on campus. do I even have to say it at this point
comes to class everyday in a nice button-up, very form-fitting trousers (none of his students have ever seen him in a pair of jeans nor will they), glasses perched on the tip of his nose, a leather messenger bag at his side that is mysteriously well-stocked with first aid supplies, and a loose red tie around his throat
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do you see the vision
cancels class often because of daredevil business and treats these as days to work on papers
tries not to cut class short because of daredevil business
it actually makes him a bit sad when he has to, and so he makes it an open invitation that if students catch him out in the wild or walking around campus, they can bother him as much as they want
his TA is a little (a lot) exasperated with him but he makes up for it by buying them food. it has actually put a dent in his budget at this point but their appeasement makes it worth it
he has an office on campus but he very rarely uses it for office hours, you can pretty much find him anywhere BUT his office
he likes to meet in coffee shops or lecture halls or parks on campus because he feels like it's less daunting for students to just sit and talk out in the open
he's very popular on valentine's day
students and faculty alike will shower him with chocolates and mini bottles of wine and roses and proposals to go out for drinks sometime and he always accepts the gifts graciously
and then passes them onto his TA, karen, or foggy
although he'd be lying if he said he didn't keep some of the wine for himself
he has a strict rule against dating within the university, he'd just rather it not be awkward
now,,, a one night stand with a fellow professor maybe? no strings attached? he's not opposed to that
let's just say that tie and office are getting put to good use-
if you're a student and want a piece though, you're gonna have to wait until you've gotten your degree, sorry
he happens to like his one class a semester/year and he'd very much not like to deal with the legal repercussions of getting caught with a student. repercussions of which he is well-versed in
but alright. I mentioned that he sometimes has to cancel class because of daredevil business and so I MUST tackle the big question: does anyone suspect him
yes and no
it starts out simple. sometimes he shows up to lectures with cuts and bruises, some bandaged but fresh, and swears that it's nothing to worry about. you might catch him wearing the rare sweater on those days, even
when he gets questioned about it, he sort of spins some half-baked lie about boxing being his part-time hobby
and then people start noticing that he's never around when there's a daredevil sighting
now, he doesn't always cancel class for daredevil business. sometimes it's because he's got a client to take care of!
but he also loves to invite his students to sit in on the less serious cases so. what gives
one student starts a rumor and then it kind of becomes a joke in class that professor murdock is secretly daredevil
most of them don't take it seriously because how could their sweet, chill, blind professor murdock be a crime-fighting vigilante? it just wouldn't make sense!
and you know what this bitch does? he feeds into it
student: yeah, professor murdock is daredevil. that's a good one
matt: what do you mean?
student: oh, it's just a joke! we know you couldn't be daredevil
matt: but I am
student: hahaha that's funny
matt: no, I really am daredevil. haven't you noticed? same build, never in the same place at the same time, devilishly handsome
student: uh-huh, sure thing professor
matt: is it cause I'm blind? that's pretty insensitive, don't you think? you don't think blind people just read braille all day and get walked across the street, do you? is that what you think?
student: well I mean no but like... I mean.... uh....
matt: nahhh I'm just fucking with you. I am daredevil, though
student: hahaha for sure man, definitely
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he does fly too close to the sun one day though when one of his students tries to debate him in class about it for shits and giggles and accidentally comes up with such a compelling argument for why he could definitely be daredevil that he sort of just nervously laughs and stops making jokes about it for the next four weeks
also keeps a flask in his desk drawer to pour into his mug after a rough night on patrol. but if anyone asks, no the fuck he didn't. mind your business. you have a C in his class
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @marina-and-the-memes
106 notes · View notes
maliciouslove · 1 year
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NSFW—college AU, aged up characters (21+) || minors, ageless and/or empty blogs DO NOT INTERACT!
pairing // itadori yuuji x professor!reader 
summary // you’re having a particularly rough week and your student yuuji’s childish and nonchalant behaviour towards his failing grades and missing assignments is simply the last straw, forcing you to snap and teach the brat a lesson. for some extra credit, of course. :)
word count // 5.1k
tags // power imbalance, mean dom!reader, sub!yuuji, dubcon (tagging non-con just in case), forced masturbation (m!receiving), blackmail, recorded masturbation (m!receiving), cockwarming a dildo (m!receiving), little to no preparation penetration (m!receiving) sexual favours for extra credit, oral (f!receiving), dacryphilia, slight degradation, humiliation, praise, use of the title ‘professor’,  hair pulling, spit as lube, cum play, unprotected sex, creampie
AN // and the reposting continues! reading this again reminded me that i love writing submissive men. a very long time ago @/cyancherub beta read this for me, and I am still eternally grateful :) <3
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You’ve been having a very shit week so far—your car broke down on Monday and the guys at the repair shop told you it’s going to be at least three days before it’s fixed, and the price they charged for their services also didn’t help with your mood. 
Furthermore, on Tuesday you found out your health insurance claim didn’t go through, adding yet another expense that you have to worry about. Your poor wallet can’t handle all the damage it’s taking. 
You would think you could’ve gotten some peace and quiet when you got home on Wednesday, but no—you walked into your apartment only to find your new couch and all the pillows completely destroyed by your dog. Pillow filling and pieces of cloth scattered all across the living room as your dog was now laying in his bed, looking up at you innocently, as if he didn’t just destroy an extremely expensive couch. 
Thursday was no breeze either, as you started your day by spilling a venti sized caramel macchiato all over your white dress shirt. Walking into your meeting with the dean of the school covered in coffee was embarrassing enough, but when he started chewing you out for the low grade point average in your class, you were just about ready to cry. 
But you clenched your fists and bit your tongue, refusing to show weakness to anyone. It was just a bad week, it too would pass. 
There is only one day of the week left, and after that, you can indulge yourself over the weekend and take time to relax and de-stress. Only Friday left… but boy, you’re not looking forward to this Friday. Why?
Because you have to teach a class with him—Itadori Yuuji, your most annoying student. Yuuji is by no means unintelligent or incapable, no—but he is, however, an asshole. A petulant child that firmly believes he can get away with anything simply because he is handsome and charming. He is the type of guy to enter the classroom 20 minutes late and simply smile and wink at you; no apology, no explanation. Just a cocky 24-karat smile. He talks loud, voices all of his opinions, and doesn’t really care about anyone or anything. 
Now apparently he has decided to stop handing in his assignments, which in turn creates another problem for you. You could, of course, choose to ignore him and simply let him flunk, but that would mean two things: first, he would have to repeat the class, meaning you would have to see more of him, and second, it would give the dean one more reason to be angry with you and punish you for “bringing down the grade average of the entire institution”. 
So this Friday you’re planning on pulling him aside after class and having a serious discussion with him about his grades and work ethic. You have been lenient enough with him over the past few months, choosing to ignore his attitude and simply focus your attention on the students who actually wanted to be there, but that has to come to an end. What you’re less willing to admit to yourself, is that you’re very anxious about the conversation you’ll have with him. What will you say? What if he mocks you? What if he keeps that irritating everything-is-a-joke attitude? But the scariest thought of all: What if I finally snap? Maybe I should teach that little brat a lesson. 
So here you are, laying in your bed awake way past your bedtime, anxiously pondering over the events that might unfold tomorrow. It’s going to be a long day. 
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2:37 PM
The days are surely growing shorter and colder. Grey clouds are hanging heavy over your head, ready to rain down on you any moment now. There are 23 minutes left until class begins, so you grab a quick cup of coffee to go and you head on over to the classroom, mulling over what to say to Yuuji, practising different scenarios in your head. For some reason, the majority of these scenarios end up with Yuuji tied up and sobbing, spanked raw and begging for forgiveness. You shake your head, trying to get rid of these thoughts. Trying to shake away the urge to break the strawberry-haired man. He would look so cute crying though. 
By the time class starts at 3:00 PM you’re halfway through your coffee, slightly starting to regret having more than two cups that day because it’s making you antsy. You take a final sip and greet your students, making a mental note of the fact that for once Yuuji is on time. The lesson goes smoothly, but you can’t help noticing that Yuuji never seems to be paying attention; never really even looking towards the big screen behind you where important slides containing assignment details were shown. Almost like he’s avoiding looking at you. 
Finally, class is over, the room filling with the sounds of chairs being pulled and students chatting amongst each other. You call Yuuji over, secretly glad that none of the other students are paying attention and simply rolling out of the classroom one by one. Itadori slings his backpack over his shoulder and saunters over to your desk, hands in his pockets, a certain pep in his step. 
“Whaddup, Y/N?” he grins, not a care in the world.
“It’s miss L/N to you. And I need to speak with you about your last assignment, the one you never handed in.” You don’t even look up from the pile of papers on your desk that you were busying yourself with in an attempt to remain composed. 
“Oh yeaaah, there was an assignment, wasn’t there? Oops.” His stupid smile never falters. The irritation is bubbling in your chest and it tastes bitter in your mouth; the papers in your hands crinkle under the force of your fingers. 
“Yup, there was, and it was worth 40% of your final grade. That means you are facing the possibility of failing this class, Mr. Itadori.” Your voice is cold and calculated, all traces of irritation erased—you’re all business. You are his teacher, you need to keep things professional, no room for emotions, especially emotions that will not improve the situation in any way, such as anger. 
You finally look up at the strawberry-haired boy, only to find him staring, but not at you. His brown eyes were fixated on the collar of your tight shirt, the top two buttons undone, showing off your soft skin and collarbones. The shirt itself doesn’t reveal a lot, but it’s tight, the outline of your bra quite visible up close. He swallows and looks away quickly, but not fast enough for you to not notice his quite obvious interest. 
“I’m sorry Mr. Itadori, are my breasts more interesting to you right now?” You arch an eyebrow, the irritation that was growing inside of you finally reaching your voice too. The audacity this brat has.  
“I- no... I- m’sorry” he stutters. Yuuji Itadori, Mr. Charming and Almighty, was flustered. How interesting. The scenarios your mind conjured earlier are suddenly flooding your brain again and you can’t help but wonder… could you make him even more flustered? 
“Listen here Yuuji, this is basically sexual harassment, you know. I’m trying to help you here, have a serious conversation about your situation, yet all you can do is stare at my tits. Now, what do you think I should do about this, hm?” 
He opens his mouth in an attempt to say something, to argue, to come up with some witty comeback—yet no sound comes out. After a long, uncomfortable pause he finally mumbles a barely audible m’sorry, fixating his gaze on the floor. Some sick, twisted part of you finds this adorable. The corners of your lips curve upwards just barely. 
“What exactly are you sorry for, Yuuji?” There is a teasing lilt to your voice, the use of his first name completely throwing him off guard. He looks at you with big eyes, once again unable to form a response.
“For, uh- … for always staring at you inappropriately.. a-and fantasizing.” He gulps loudly, mouth suddenly feeling all too dry. His little confession is a surprise to you, but you don’t let it show. You maintain a neutral face, studying him closely. You can see him get even more nervous under your gaze. 
“Always?” you pause, eyebrow raised quizzically. “Fantasizing?” tilting your head slightly to the side, your eyes never leave his. Your presence only grows, asserting its dominance over his. The boy that usually towers over you and always has a carefree, happy-go-lucky attitude, suddenly looks very small to you. A blush is creeping up his neck and cheeks, proof that he really is feeling flustered. 
“Huh.. so you fantasize about your teacher?” you smirk, several sinister ideas flooding your brain as you look at the boy in front of you shrink even more. “You can get in a lot of trouble for this… Mr. Itadori.” Gracefully you get out of your chair, moving to sit at the end of your desk, shortening the distance between you and your student. “If word got out, administration would have to remove you from my class—you would lose all credits you’ve obtained thus far in my class and you would have to pick a different course in order to obtain those credits again.” Your eyes travel up his body, slowly, undressing him in your mind. “That would be a lot of work, Mr. Itadori. Don’t you think?”
Not trusting his ability to speak right now, he simply nods. There is apprehension in his eyes, but also curiosity.  
“Perhaps we can work this out? Resolve our… conflict, as to avoid getting administration involved.” 
You hear the gears turning in his head, mulling over all the possibilities, mind racing and his heart pounding loudly in his chest. “Resolve… how?” 
You can barely contain yourself at how small his voice is, how unsure. The boy that usually gleamed with confidence and strides down the corridors as if he owns them is suddenly unable to look you straight in the eye. 
“Well, Mr. Itadori, I am a teacher after all. I think it would be best if I teach you a lesson about how it feels to be objectified. To be seen as nothing more than a pretty face, or hot body.” Your hand darts forward, now toying with the hem of his shirt. Yuuji is holding his breath as if the tiniest movement could drive you away. “Relax, Mr. Itadori, it’s just a lesson. You will benefit from it. Just do as I tell you and this little incident will be forgotten.” You pull him in by the collar of his t-shirt, his face now inches away from yours. A coy smile plays on your lips as you practically feast over the expression painted on his face at this moment. Surprise, desire and fear mixed all together, making his coffee-coloured eyes water slightly. But a breathy okay leaves his lips, eyes transfixed on yours as you push him backwards to sit in a chair. 
“Clothes off. Don’t talk unless I ask you a question. Understand?” 
Yuuji mutters a quick “yes,” fingers already hooking under his sweats, pulling them down as you lock the door to your classroom and make sure there is no way to peek inside the room. Lucky for you, most classes also end early on Friday, so the building is surely almost completely empty by now. 
Yuuji’s heart rate picks up with each clank of your heels against the wooden parquet as you head on over back to the desk, once again sitting on its edge, arms crossed over your chest. Here he is, strawberry hair dishevelled, chest exposed and if you look closely enough, you can see the vibrations on his skin as his heart hammers wildly against his ribcage. All he has left on were his over-the-calf white Nike socks and his banana print boxers. The outline of his dick making your mouth water, already semi-hard even though nothing has really happened so far. 
“Show me what you do when you fantasize about me. Tell me what you think about. I want to know how exactly you objectify me… how often.” Your voice is quiet but commanding, distant yet curious. It takes him a moment to gather the courage to go through with what you ask of him, but he finally palms himself over his boxers, not daring to look at you, but opening his mouth to speak. 
“I- I often imagine what you look like under your clothes. What kind of l-lingerie you wear...” his voice falters at the end, the blush creeping up his face betraying him. But quite visibly, blood isn’t rushing only to his face. His eyes are shut and eyebrows pinched together, but he keeps on talking, just like you asked him to. “I think about you masturbating… Like I do almost every night. I-I think about eating you out and I imagine how you taste, what you look like.” He is gripping his now fully erect cock under the cloth of his boxers, and the whole view is just so delicious. His little confessions go straight to your clit, desire taking you over. You take your phone out and quickly open your camera, switching to video and turning it on.
“Go on, don’t hold back.” 
He keeps his eyes shut, but his hand movements get braver. In an instant, his big calloused hand dives under his boxers to pull out his heavy cock, the elastic band of his underwear resting under his balls. He’s already leaking, a pearly bead of precum sliding down his shaft, right next to a big juicy vein. You zoom in with your camera, making sure to catch all the details. 
“I imagine how tight you’d feel when you cream around my cock.” At these words he squeezes his length harder, a tiny whimper escaping his lips and it makes your heart twist and your insides burn. You just know the stretch of his cock will be delicious. You know he’d feel so good. The thought alone has you clenching around nothing and you slide a hand under your skirt, fingers pressing over your clit as a shudder travels your spine. 
“Yeah? You wanna do all those things to me, Mr. Itadori? You want to see me naked, taste me, feel me? Tell me how much you want it.” You’re focusing the camera on his face now, capturing his face contorting in pleasure and need. Hand stroking his dick faster now, smearing the pre all across his length. He doesn’t really need to say how much he wants that as it becomes evident from the vigour in his strokes, but you want to hear him anyway. “Tell me, use your words, baby boy.” The nickname sets him off, all the moans he’d been staving off finally surfacing. 
“S’much… it’s all I can think about. Every time I come to class my mind… w-wanders, mmgh.” His chest is heaving, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he fucks his fist wishing it was you, eyes still tightly shut. “Even now… I really am imagining that you’re jacking me off… it’s so fucking h-hot.” 
It would be a lie to say that your hands weren’t itching to touch him, to make him writhe and squirm and beg. But that would have to wait. Right now, you just want to see him cum. 
“Mmm, and how do these little daydreams of yours end, hm? Wanna show me?” It takes Yuuji only a few more strokes before his orgasm washes over him, abdomen muscles tightening, hot thick cum spurting over his chest and tummy, some even landing on his chin. His breathing is erratic and his heart feels like it's trying to break a hole through his ribcage. Finally, he cracks an eye open, gaze immediately landing on the phone in your hands. 
Stopping the video and tossing the phone aside, you stride over to him and card your fingers through his hair, slightly pulling his head back to look him in the eyes. Amongst all the emotions he’s feeling, fear is the most prominent right now. His eyes are watering again, and you quiver at the sight. 
“Call it an eye for an eye. One video for me to keep in exchange for all the times you’ve stared at me, imagining how good I would actually feel. If you behave, the video stays in my possession only. So be good f’me Yuuji, yea? Can you do that?” 
He nods his head quickly, too quickly for his own liking, but he dares not to disobey. His submission pleases you so you ease your grip on his hair, deft fingers sliding down the side of his face and tracing his sharp jawline. 
"You know Mr. Itadori, we’re not quite done here yet. I still need to discuss the possibility of you failing my class. I was thinking of assigning you some extra credit work to make up for the assignment you didn’t hand in… if you’d like to stay in my class-" 
He cuts you off. “P-Please… I want to do the extra credit work. Please, I-I’ll do good, I’ll make up for my bad grades, ‘promise.” The puppy eyes he gives will simply be the death of you. You smile and rub soft circles with your thumb on his cheek. 
Straightening up,  you walk away from him heading towards your desk, fingers running through the wooden surface and landing on your briefcase. "I really, really dislike brats, you know. And I absolutely will not tolerate more mistakes like this from you, Mr. Itadori. No more attitude. No more slacking off."
There’s an edge to your voice, a coldness emanating from it, and it sends shivers down his spine. Unconsciously he swallows, tongue darting out to swipe at his bottom lip. Even for him, it’s hard to tell if he’s scared or aroused. Or maybe both. But what he is sure of is that you’re commanding all of his attention right now. He would do anything for your approval.
“To ensure you actually complete the assignment and don’t flunk out of my class, I will be monitoring your work. And you will do it right here, where I can see you.” The briefcase is now open, your hands rummaging in it, fingers wrapping around the object you’re looking for. “You’re going to use some tools to further… motivate you.” Your grin is wicked as you pull out a pink silicone dildo from your briefcase. Smiling at your student, your tongue presses itself flat against the dildo, licking a slow stripe from shaft to tip.
"You said you’ll be good, right? Promised you’ll do the extra credit… Still feeling up for the task?" You're now walking back to him and his eyes grow wider with fear. He's never done this before. He tries to swallow the lump in his throat as you sit down on his lap but to no avail. His mind is going completely blank, but his dick is acting on its own accord, becoming hard again pressed up against your ass.
“I want to do the extra credit, professor. Please?” The words are almost a whisper, the sound of his heart drowning out the sound. You chuckle and present the dildo to his lips in a silent command which he obeys, wrapping his lips around the tip of the dildo. 
"Ah, so you can obey orders, well that's a relief. Because I have a tall order coming for you." You shove the dildo all the way down his throat, tears immediately pooling in his eyes, the only noise coming from him being muffled moans and gagging. "So listen up, brat—you're going to take this dildo like a big boy and cockwarm it for me as you write your assignment right here, right now. Where I can see you." 
He can’t verbally give you an answer with the dildo shoved down his throat, so he nods, trying to hold off his gag-reflex, a single tear rolling down his cheek. 
You don’t even think about it as you lean closer, tongue darting out to collect the stray tear, the salty taste of it making you hum in delight. You remove the dildo from his mouth, a clear string of saliva connecting his lips and the pink tip of the dildo, which you simply hand to him. It’s his extra credit work after all, he should do all the work himself if he wants a good grade. 
This time you drag your chair from behind your desk and position it across Yuuji’s, giving you a perfect view of the show he’s about to put on for you. With shaky hands he positions the dildo on the chair, making sure the suction cup at the bottom is well attached. You could see him think through every move he makes, taking his laptop out, positioning everything so that he could attempt to write while he cockwarms the dildo. 
The strawberry-colour haired man takes a final unsure look at you as if seeking confirmation, but even he can’t deny the excitement he feels deep down. The primal need to please you, show you he can be a good boy too, for you and you only. Lifting one leg over his desk, he gives you a perfect view of his round ass, puckered hole already clenching in anticipation. Two of his long fingers push past his lips, tongue sloppily covering them in saliva that he plans on using as lube. Those same fingers, now covered in a layer of spit, rub soft circles over his puckered hole, lightly teasing and prodding while he gets used to the sensation. 
One finger finally pushes past his ring muscle, a wanton moan escaping his pretty lips. The sound is heavenly and you just want to hear more. To see more. Slightly parting your legs, you let your right hand travel up your thigh and toy with the hem of your lacy panties, enjoying Yuuji’s reaction. The little display you’re making for him is really fuelling him further. Not even a minute later, he’s sinking a second finger in his greedy hole, sounding more and more desperate, each moan and whimper a treasure for you. 
Spitting on the dildo again, this time nasty and unabashed, mind hazy from lust, Yuuji finally positions himself over the pink dildo, the tip resting right over his hole. One more glance in your direction and he sinks down an inch, the tip pushing past his muscle, the stretch immediately filling his eyes with more tears. But he ignores the weird feeling, ignores the pain, and simply focuses on the pleasure. The more he sinks down on the dildo, the more you toy with your pussy, panties now pushed aside to give him a better view. Fingers sliding up and down the slit, collecting your essence and smearing it all over, gentle circles with your middle finger over your clit. 
Halfway down the dildo, Yuuji opts to slide back up, and then down again, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, mouth hanging open in pleasure. He was not expecting it to feel this good, the fullness making him slightly dizzy. One hand gently strokes over his sensitive cock, the feeling making him shiver. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” In response to his puzzled look you simply nod over to his laptop, reminding him that he is supposed to be writing an assignment. “Just write an essay on any topic that we’ve covered in class… or did you not retain anything from our classes because you were too busy being a pervert?” At these words, you slide two fingers inside you, knuckles deep, pumping them in and out slowly. 
After staring dumbfoundedly for a few seconds, his shaky fingers pull the laptop closer and he begins to type. It’s adorable to watch him struggle to remain concentrated on the task at hand, with the dildo filling him up perfectly and with the sounds you’re making as you fuck yourself on your fingers… poor Yuuji can barely keep it together. Even though he’s sunk all the way down on the dildo and knows he’s supposed to stay still, he can’t help the little thrusts of his hips against the silicone cock. 
Around 10 minutes has passed since Yuuji started his attempt at writing an essay, but it’s becoming more and more difficult for him to focus, not with the tip of the dildo pressing up against his prostate, making his thighs quiver and his breath hitch. He needs relief; he can’t write like this. And you know this all too well, your own desire taking over you completely, temporarily forgetting how you got in this situation in the first place. Screw it.
“P-please, professor.. I need..” 
Before he can finish his sentence you’re already on his lap, lips pressed to his in a heated, sloppy kiss. You can’t hold it in anymore; you want to feel him. His lips feel soft against yours, but his tongue feels sinister as it dances against yours. Moving his laptop to the side, you sit on top of the desk and spread your legs for Yuuji, pussy glistening with your slick and on full display for the boy. 
“An orgasm or two might put you in my good graces?” you suggest and spread your pussy lips with two fingers, watching as Yuuji practically drools over the sight. He doesn’t need to be asked twice, still impaled on the dildo he bends forward, tongue darting out to lick a stripe from your entrance to your clit. The taste of you drives him feral, lips latching onto your clit and sucking hard, mouth hard at work to coax more moans out of you. To taste more of you. To him, you’re truly intoxicating. As his tongue works feverishly against your folds, constant praise falls from your lips. That’s my good boy, fuck yes, right t-there. 
“Move your hips, ride that cock baby boy.” You’re so close to your own release, it’s suffocating you. A few more flicks of his tongue over your sensitive bud and you’re coming undone under him, legs shaking violently as your mind floods with overwhelming pleasure and your pussy flutters. Yuuji’s greedy mouth is ready to swallow all your slick, hungrily lapping at your cunt, the obscene squelch of his tongue against your wetness filling the room. 
Pushing him away just enough to sit back in his lap, your hands wrap around his length, pumping it languidly. His hips slow down but he doesn’t dare stop moving up and down the dildo, he doesn’t dare disobey you. Catching his lips in another kiss you guide his cock to your slit, rubbing it up and down, collecting all your arousal. Slowly you sink down on his cock, eyes rolling back at the feeling of his fat meaty cock stretching you out, your tight hole hugging him perfectly. 
And Yuuji could cum from this alone, from finally feeling your warmth and wetness around him, squeezing him for all he’s worth. You feel so much better than he could ever imagine. With you hovering over his lap enough to give him space to bounce up and down, impaling himself on the silicone cock, and simultaneously drilling upwards into your welcoming heat. The feeling is so overwhelming; his movements are sloppy, and he’s constantly babbling incoherent words, hands gripping your waist tight enough to bruise. And as you look down at him all you can think about is how gorgeous he looks all fucked out.
Your hand snakes down your body, middle finger expertly rubbing tight circles over your clit, pussy immediately clamping down even harder on his dick. A second orgasm was approaching and Yuuji can feel that, the way your walls flutter around him, how much louder you’re getting. All he has to do is hold off his orgasm for a while more. He angles his hips and pistons up into your cavern, the tip of his leaky cock ramming against your cervix in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Right there is all you can repeat, teetering on the edge of your second orgasm, a few good strokes being the last push you need before you stumble over and drown in the pleasure once more. Yuuji follows right after, sinking all the way down on the dildo and pushing you down his length to completely bottom out inside you as he empties his balls, thick cum spurting right against your cervix. You can feel how full of cum you are, the thick sticky substance dribbling down your thigh. 
After a few moments of silence, the two of you just staying close and trying to catch your breath, you finally speak. 
“You know, you will actually have to write at least one essay for me for that extra credit, consider this just your… motivation to actually get it done. At the end of the day, I’d rather you not fail, Yuuji.” 
You did it again, you used his first name. The softness to your voice makes his heart twist, and he knows he has to live up to the promise he made. 
“And this stays between us.” 
You didn’t really need to tell him that, he knows how badly things could turn out if anyone found out, but he gives you his word. He doesn’t dare say anything else out of fear that anything he says might ruin the magic. One wrong move could sully this moment forever, and this is a memory he’ll cherish for a long time. So he tucks his flaccid cock in his boxers and puts on his clothes, gathering his things and heading for the door. He pauses for a second and turns around for one last look. 
“Miss L/N.. uhm, thank you for giving me an opportunity for that extra credit. And uh, I don’t mean the sex. The actual extra credit. I know I can be difficult, so I appreciate this a lot.” 
You smile and wave him off, telling him there’s nothing to be thankful for. You remind him to hand in his essay before the following Friday and you say your goodbyes. 
There’s a slight empty feeling budding inside you, missing the attention of the younger boy, but ultimately you realize you had completely forgotten about the stress of the week; and there was an undeniable pep in Yuuji’s step as he made his way home that night... Today was truly a good day, for both of you. 
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑! I do not own any of the characters or people mentioned in my work. these are works of pure fiction that do not reflect the views, opinions, or actions of any person, real or fictional. Furthermore, all characters I write for [thirsts, drabbles, fics, etc.] are aged up to 21 or older – they are adults with adult characteristics presented and written in adult contexts.
all rights reserved © by maliciouslove. my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate nor repost the fics or files seen above as this is strictly prohibited.
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preciadosbass · 2 months
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woke up at 9:30. when i wake up naturally early i always say good morning to boris so i did that and then decided that i’m not exhausted to the point i should go back to sleep. i just doomscrolled the entire morning and saved a few max green edits along the way. i looked through a few pin sharing urbex groups on facebook and saved a couple videos to my watch later on youtube. its a pain there’s not actually much around where i live, like, that’s why i cant go out on my own. as much as woods are beautiful and nice to be around/at there’s not any shops or town in walking distance.
the next time my family go on a road trip hopefully i’ll be able to explore a few places then. there was an abandoned housing estate about 40 minutes from where i live but apparently it’s being demolished soon, plus i’m not allowed to go there anymore. as for any of the other stuff close-ish, it’s not really anything you can explore. however, i did find an abandoned plane graveyard online and it turned out it was decently close by to me. when i went they didn’t even let me take photos but they did email saying someone could tour me and show me the planes if i arrange a date which is exciting. although i’ll most likely have to wait until october so the plants around it die down.
when it got to about 10/11am my dad came down so i said goodmorning to him and had breakfast as he made me it and i’d feel bad not to. luckily i’ve found breakfast option which has a lot less cals than that bagel so i feel a little, tiny bit more relaxed about having food in the mornings. at 1 i went outside with boris and cuddled him on the driveway. he seems a lot more energetic today. i was sitting on the sleepers across from the front door with my feet outstretched and he layed down leaning against my leg/shoes it was so cute i just had to record it. while i was outside i also fixed the lighting of a picture of jaime and changed my layout and things on all my socials.
i also followed lots of cool people in hopes of become their mutual or something. i stayed out there until 2:20. when i got back inside asked my mum about that list of things on depop that i want to buy and she sent offers on all of the uk items for me. with the rest, i just had to wait until people got back to me about shipping. since yesterday i added one more item to my wishlist, a frank iero tattoo poster from an old magazine, i sent an order regarding this aswell. my mum was getting frustrated and didn’t really understand why i wanted the stuff that i did. but she did see my point about buying the funko pops second hand from depop rather than the official website.
i think i had a nap and woke up at approximately 4/half five but i’m not too sure about times. i saw an informative video about taxidermy and how to tell if things are ethical or not and remembered i was texted a mutual and they kept asking for advice regarding stuff like that, so i sent it to them. at around 5 my hairdresser came round so i got dressed for once [i hate departing from my onesie don’t judge me 🤫] and had my ends touched up. having my hair cut is always kind of awkward for me because i have to stop myself from asking to get it cut short. my parents are fine with it, im just terrible with change. but i have been wanting it short for 4+ years now. its just scary that once it’s done, if i don’t like it, there’s pretty much nothing anyone can do. i’m fine with dye.
before she was about to leave i found out that she’s going to be looking after boris when me and my family go to butlins. she’s really nice and talked me through everything/asked me to text her if i have anything particular i want her to do but i’m scared about leaving him. i think i have a few weeks until we go. i feel guilty saying this, but i am excited, i think. i haven’t been away with my whole family before. that dosent take away the worry though. once my parents had payed and she’d driven off i went outside with boris again.
i was out there up until 7:20 when i went back into my room and put on coraline. i finally found the dvd after looking everytime i watch something for weeks. i’ve watched it so many times i know everything that happens so while i was listening to it i wrote this before i’d forget everything about my day. my phone was blowing up at the same time because some rando keeps submitting anonymous messages harassing me over making music my personality loll — anyways, i watched up until the scene where the other mother gives coraline the box with the buttons in it until i went on a walk with my mum.
we left at almost exactly 9 and went to that same field i’ve spoken about before where you can see london in the distance. the person who owns it must’ve just mowed everywhere so we were just walking on really thick piles of dead grass so it was 10x more tiring. it left like i was walking through snow. obviously it was even more tricky because we walked down and then up the really steep hills. we got home at 10ish and was out for at least 40 or 50 minutes.
when we got back my mum handed me an envelope. i immediately knew what it was; since i’ve been young [7] i’ve had this youth thingy send me and my sister arts and crafts stuff related to the stuff going on at the time. i took it into my room i continued listening to coraline while i made a collage out of the zoos map from yesterday. i opened the envelope once id glued in half of the stuff i wanted to and used this wooden flower from it. i finished it at 11, and i cant tell if i despise it with every fibre of my being or if it’s tolerable. ive never made a collage with so much untouched and plain space [photo at the end]
coraline conveniently finished when i’d completed the collage so i went out to the kitchen to see boris. my mum started arguing with me about how the questions don’t affect me at all and they only have a negative affect on her and my dad when i asked when i should come up. i’m gunna admit, this kinda hit really hard because nobody knows how much it truly affects me and i’m too far gone to even be able to speak about it/write about it. because if i do then it’ll make something bad happen. but i do appreciate that it’s really draining for them too. i just cant stop.
boris went into the living room so i sat out there while finishing the rest of that mcr 2011 concert and updated this at 12 while listening to fall out boy’s folie á duex. once i’d written what i needed to i rewatched a few videos i took at my pierce the veil concert back in april. i’m still not over seeing jaime. i went up to my parents at 12:50 because thats when my mum said they’re ready for me to ask questions about boris. it took about an hour because it was on and off and i kept on getting sidetracked. afterwards i went downstairs, had some breadsticks [and found this huge ass spider living above our food cupboard], did my teeth, and said goodnight to boris.
i cant recall how long i was speaking to him, but i finished at 2:50. i told him about my day and what’s going to be happening tomorrow so he knows i might not be able to be with him as much as id want to. [my prevision is coming round tomorrow]. i got into bed directly after id finished speaking with boris, and listened to three days grace + the used while wrapping up this entry. went to sleep at 3. i usually get to sleep the second my head touches my pillow but it took me a few minutes more today because all i could focus on was the sound of electricity and my radiator. it isn’t even that whirring sound you’d hear at your grandparents when you sleep over, it’s high pitched and inconsistent and weird. also my stick insects were being noisy.
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* ughh i hate this page sm it’s probably my least fav one i’ll ever do here’s a picture of boris to make up for it
have a good day/night O_o
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in s2e1 izzy and the whole crew are dressed in their blackbeard getup to crash the wedding of course, and then the crew goes to go chill out below deck while izzy goes up to talk with blackbeard. the crew discuss their troubles and coping mechanisms, while izzy gets called a lightweight and dismissed, and then the next time we see all of them again, the only person who has clearly put effort into cleaning off the blackbeard getup is izzy. the rest of the crew look like they’ve just been sitting in it and haven’t bothered to wash it off, while izzy’s hair is grey again and it looks like the kohl around his eyes is intentionally lessened. compare the amount of black still in fang’s beard— izzy clearly put more effort into washing it out
to me, this speaks to the kind of comfort a community provides. the crew sit and talk with each other, eat and discuss the ethics of their cake, discuss ways to cope with their trauma and just unwind in general. it’s not an incredibly safe space, as they’re on blackbeard’s ship, but he’s not there and they have the solace of each other. with this time together, they can tolerate a few more moments of their blackbeard outfits, can tolerate a few more minutes of blackbeard discussion without further breaking down
izzy also didn’t take off the kohl immediately, but rather than go below deck and chill out with the crew, he went up to talk with blackbeard. he didn’t get to sit back in their relative refuge, but rather subjected himself to potential pain for all of their sakes, to tell him that they’re looking a tad worse for wear, and was ultimately dismissed for his inability to keep up with ed. i commend him for his effort, even if it didn’t accomplish what he was aiming for. but the next time we see him, he’s cleaned off the blackbeard makeup. even if he were expressionless, the toll of the conversation is obvious on him. it made him uncomfortable enough he had to wipe his skin of it before trying to get back to his duties, before he had the chance to have a seat below deck with the rest of the crew
izzy likely doesn’t spend much time “chilling” with the crew, but likely much more time now than he does with ed. it’s clear to me that the crew had a reprieve from the onslaught of blackbeard, enough to make them comfy enough to sit with it a little bit more, while izzy was so physically uncomfortable with it he had to take it off. maybe that’s a personal thing, maybe the crew doesn’t have the access to water at that moment, whatever, but i choose to believe that if izzy had gone below deck to hang out with the crew, he wouldn’t have broken down crying in such a jarring way after he returned.
can see him going below deck and further listening to the crew’s gripes while they all eat cake and then discussing how he’s been pushing through all this time “we do what we must, it’s about surviving when you can’t thrive” type shit and then talking with him about how maybe he needs to step back. really think it would’ve emboldened him to act against ed sooner. not that it wasn’t much sooner, but i think if he had some community time in his safe space, he wouldn’t have had to wipe off all his blackbeard attire as soon as he did. he likely took it off because he was already subconsciously distancing himself from blackbeard after he didn’t have the same break that the crew got. clearly got a break long enough to take it off, but instead of talking with the crew, he sits and thinks in silence before trying to get them all back to work and breaking down. his lack of community, as it were, contributes to his inability to moderate his emotions
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phantasmiafxndom · 5 months
Out of all the animes you’ve watch what ones are your favorites
...you know what, you get the serious answer. I used to track my anime watching, so out of the 450+ completed ones on my list, here are some of my top recommendations! (In terms of quality, more so than what I've spent the most time dwelling on.)
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One Piece — I haven't technically watched all of this one, but after falling back into the fandom after an 8-ish year break, I really can't understate the quality. One Piece's story is amazing, and I'm consistently impressed by the author's characters/worldbuilding.
Dominion Tank Police (1988) — I have FEELINGS about the villain in this one... Overall, 80s sci-fi vibes mix with themes of ethical responsibility and societal peacekeeping, and the "don't you just want to go apeshit? :)" protagonist (who's also extremely aromantic-coded) is a hilarious, yet wonderfully earnest little menace!
Kyousougiga — I've been rewatching this one recently, and the sheer detail in every scene is STUNNING. I keep having to pause to mentally scream about the symbolism, and tbh, knowing the plot from my original watch is only improving the experience.
Tekkon Kinkreet — This one's a movie, not a series, but SKLJKHS IT HAUNTS ME. Absolutely chilling, by the time the big plot twists roll around... Beyond that, the overall aesthetic/vibe is impeccable, and the exaggerated, messy art style only adds to that.
Kemonozume — Monster/human forbidden romance with stunning art and a great soundtrack. The plot started out a bit confusing, but all of the scattered story elements came together nicely in the end!
The Tatami Galaxy — The "get your shit together and start enjoying your life" anime. It's plenty good as just a story, but I got some excellent life lessons out of it too. Solid mix of comedy, drama, and charismatic-yet-extremely-bizarre characters interacting.
Monster — Excellent slow-paced, psychological horror packed with ethical dilemmas, traumatic backstories, and so many Extremely Depressed Men. In other words, there's a very good reason why Johan Liebert used to end up on so many "best anime villains" lists.
Paranoia Agent — I have nothing but praise for Satoshi Kon's work, in general, and Paranoia Agent has been my favorite of the ones I've seen so far. Compared to his movies, it really benefits from the extra space for plot development, and the big emotional twist hits hard.
Revolutionary Girl Utena — A true classic. <3 There are enough tumblr essays about this tragic yuri masterpiece that I won't go into detail myself, but yes, it's every bit as good as you've heard.
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail — The entire Black Lagoon series is excellent, but Roberta is my special girl. Unfortunately, the OAV adaption compresses the manga's version of her arc pretty heavily (and the altered ending is kind of dumb), but I still have to recommend it. Babygirl's breakdown is a REAL mess kjshghs
Claymore — Excellent pseudo-medieval fantasy with badass female characters, lots of body horror, and top-tier monster design. The manga is MUCH better than the anime after a certain point, however.
Kuuchuu Buranko — An episodic series about an eccentric psychiatrist interacting with his troubled patients. The mixed-media animation style and bizarre characters are what sold it for me, along with the exploration of mental health through storytelling tropes.
Cannon Fodder — An artistic short movie that's twenty minutes of aesthetic experience and fascinating worldbuilding implications. I love the vibe, and the "one, long horizontal frame" style is neat.
Flowers of Evil — The art style. The VIBES. The whole thing is incredibly eerie and off-putting, with a plot that's pretty much: "congrats! two shitty teenagers are tearing each other's lives apart!".
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tsukihimeyfan · 1 year
Just finished watching Wendigoon's video about Hisashi Ouchi and had a terrible, awful, no-good DP prompt idea come into my head. Come suffer with me.
So the Fentons constantly threaten to tear ghosts apart "molecule by molecule" right? What if they managed to make an anti-ghost weapon that made good on that threat? One that tore apart ghostly DNA or ectoplasm, and just straight-up turned any ghost hit by it into green goop, melted within seconds like Danny's clones?
So I imagine that at some point after destroying a couple of ghosts with this new weapon, Jack and Maddie finally manage to corner Phantom somehow. Terrified, Danny is left with no choice but to try to explain who and what he is, hoping to all the Ancients that it will be enough to stop them from hurting him.
Unfortunately for him, the Fentons don't really listen at first and shoot him point blank.
Danny puts his arms up to protect himself and closes his eyes, trembling in abject fear, imagining himself melting away into a pile of goop right in front of his parents. He desperately hopes it's quick and painless. He waits for the end.
...and waits
... and waits
The Fentons and Danny both feel shocked, but Danny eventually laughs (a bit hysterically) and continues explaining his accident, intensely relieved that his half-human nature had protected him from this weapon.
Once he explains everything, the Fentons apologize with tears in their eyes for how they had treated him. They accept him for who he is, and promise to do their best to learn more about ghosts' true natures. They decide to use their inventions in an actually scientific, ethical way, to learn more about this culture and people. Danny and Jazz are both ecstatic. Everything seems perfect. Sure, Danny might have thrown up and passed out the minute they got home from that little talk, and sure, his skin turned a bit red and painful where he got hit, but that was the extent of it, right? His human half purged the effects of the weapon from his body, no harm no foul.
But they all forget that while Danny's DNA is half human, it is also half ghostly in nature, and the weapon just tore through those parts of him like bullets through paper.
A week later, Danny's skin starts to feel like it's burning
#danny phantom#dp prompt#prompt#basically the Fentons accidentally give Danny extreme radiation poisoning and have to deal with the consequences#maybe Vlad could get a redemption arc in this#finally realizing that Maddie is not as perfect as he imagined her to be#and using everything in his considerable power to help save his Little Badger#could also be#DPxDC#dp x dc#if they end up reaching out to the justice league for their resources and expertise on non-human biology and radiation exposure#and of course every single one of them would end up loving Danny and wanting to take him away from these people who hurt him so bad#or at least help him recover and watch over him after#they wouldn't be fans of the Fentons to say the least#if anyone writes anything on this you can take it anywhere you like#but I'm personally a sucker for Angst with a Happy Ending#so in my imagination Danny manages to make it through the almost 3 months of suffering and eventually recovers#with a ton of new friends (and maybe a lover) for his troubles#but he'd never be the same#and I don't think he'd ever look at Jack and Maddie the same either#don't look up pictures of Hisashi Ouchi btw#only made that mistake once#danny fenton#btw for those who don't know but don't want to watch a 90min video about it#Hishashi Ouchi was a poor man who was exposed to so much radiation that his chromosomes were torn to shreds#**READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES AT YOUR DISCRETION CW IT'S NOT PRETTY IF YOU DON'T LIKE THINKING ABOUT NASTY STUFF/BODY HORROR DON'T READ#then his skin started to slough off#then the lining of his lungs. then the one on his intestines. then on almost every one of his organs#He lived for 83 days bc the best doctors in the world were trying to save him#but Yes it was probably as excruciating as it sounds especially bc his mind was intact for most of it
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Messy Christmas: The Perfect Hallmark Christmas Movie Fanfiction
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(so sugarsweet/crazy you might want to rethink what you’ve done with your time)
(aka a pretty realistic summary of all Hallmark movies as a whole)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, Ransom Drysdale x reader
Summary: imagine all Hallmark movies but then with Bucky and a little bit of Ransom...I seriously don't know how to summarize this. Just sit back read, and let the magic of Christmas flow through you.
Word count: 1680
No Warnings 👍🏻 (technically cheating, because; Hallmark🤷🏻‍♀️.) Also confusing options because I had to capture most tropes in one.
Notes: this was written last Christmas in fun and is therefore silly and not meant to be taken serious in any way. It was caused by a Hallmark challenge, and this just popped out. ... And then I also made that picture above🤦‍♀️👍🏻
Only for the most hardened readers... You might regret this but you are an experience richer... Not a good experience but let's face it, can it get worse then this? It can only go up from here. 🫣
You had forgotten how small the town was. 
You had left 10 years ago for a reason, you needed to get out of there. Spread your wings and have opportunities you'd never get there. Sure, you loved your family, but you could do that at a distance, only a phone call away. Besides, they weren't going anywhere, no one was down here. Except you. 
Sometimes you felt a little guilty, it wasn't your fault you were amazingly talented at business, unlike the rest of your town, but you realized they just missed you, because you were a really nice person. No one in your new town thought so, because everyone else was also busy with business, and not busy with people, but luckily you had met the second love of your life, Ransom.
Ransom and you had met at his business, when he tried to make a deal with yours, and it was love at third date. He was a little boring at times, with the routine he kept at all times, but his hair and clothing sense was spectacular! You really fell for *insert haircut* and his perfect white teeth. In return he liked your work ethic and your cozy but clean apartment that didn't have any personal decorations.
It all went perfectly, he had even proposed, just before the phone rang and informed you of an emergency in your old town. It was a shock to find out your dad got sick/your family tree business was failing/cookies needed to be baked for charity/the Christmas Parade needed to be handled, and only you had the skills to pull it off/you got fired at your job and had to go home to lick your wounds/your parents lied to trick you to come back/you needed something from someone else to succeed more at your current business. There was barely time to say yes to your now fiance, before you booked your ticket and went straight to the airport.
The trip only seemed to be about 10 minutes, which was lucky because you needed to be home soon, but you had just enough time to reminisce about your past. All the faces of old friends popped up inside your brain like a weird montage reminding  you of all the things you had tried to forget.
Then you arrived home.
Nothing changed, including your bedroom. Everyone had remembered what an amazing person you were and was very glad to see you back, almost like they'd been stuck in time waiting for your arrival. This made you feel warmer than ever, a feeling you had forgotten all these years, but you also reminded yourself you had business to return to.
Oh and a fiancee. But you hadn't told your family yet, surely there was time for that later? You weren't even sure if you were going to invite everyone to the wedding. They would probably not fit in with the rest of the well dressed people, so they probably didn't even want to come.
After walking through town - which took about 30 minutes and you basically met everyone right away who started bringing up old random, but cute, memories with you, causing you to smile so much it hurt the corners of your mouth and made you look slightly insane - you finally bumped into your old flame, Bucky.
Like literally bumped into him. It was weird because he hadn't been there a second before, but you might've been distracted by warm cozy feelings.
It was awkward at first, but also because all your old feelings caused you to have more feelings now! And you shouldn't because you were engaged, but no one knew that.
So when Bucky invited you for coffee/baking with his niece/helping with a show for the school/ice skating, you accepted.
Just like old friends!
Who used to fuck a lot. But just because you've seen him naked a lot, didn't mean you couldn't see him as a person, so you would see him exactly like that. A person with a brain and interests and feelings…just like the feelings you had for each other when you were younger…before you left town to grow up.
During the date, you kept gazing into his beautiful eyes, and smiling every time he said something funny. And you were genuinely happy, because it was so easy to be around Bucky, even if his hair was stylishly disheveled, and he wore a very simple sweater and boots that showed he wasn't paying 6 months paychecks for business clothes, but he was so kind and giving.
It seemed all his time was spent helping others! He was such a good person. You’d forgotten what it was like to not only be a nice person, but a giving person, and he had this sense of community you only ever had in this old town of yours.
And then you tripped and he caught you/you and him were left alone after family dinner he was also invited to - even if it was your parents house - and they were suddenly gone/you went outside to say goodbye while snow was falling around you, and he kissed you!
And you kissed back because you suddenly realized all those old feelings had come back.
And just when you were going to make a confession (perhaps about your fiance, but maybe just confess your eternal feelings; you didn't know), Ransom showed up.
It was so very awkward. Not even because of the kiss, but because he clearly didn't fit into the family. Suddenly he was rude and uncaring, said things you had also said before, but suddenly sounded worse coming from his mouth! And he seemed to look down on your family, perhaps because you had as well all these years, but now you were here and just been kissed by a hunk, this behavior was unacceptable!
You told him off, but he didn't get it. Even if you were very clear, suddenly his intelligence had left him and he had forgotten his manners too!
And then Bucky stepped in telling him off when Ransom was kind of slightly raising his voice - because you had been acting weird and weren't answering his questions what was going on - it wasn't like you were in danger since Ransom kept a good distance, and had never been violent and just seemed a little frustrated. But he figured out instantly what was going on. So he asked to talk to you privately.
And you two went alone, 2 meters away, so Bucky could listen in on the conversation, but also didn't seem to hear anything that was being said. He could see your expressions of heartache clearly though. The tears in your eyes, and eventually the hugging you did with your fiance.
He left with a very sad expression on his face while he walked home, where he soon arrived even if the distance should’ve been farther, and then sat alone in the living room, staring at a picture from when you were much younger and clearly happy.
But meanwhile you were looking for him because your fiance had just broken up with you, since he didn't know how to handle the fact you had feelings in general, but especially for Bucky. He left without saying goodbye to your parents, even if he only just arrived 2 hours before.
You found Bucky easily, because there had only been 3 settings where he could be. And when you arrived, your nose was so red from the cold, but in a cute way, not with snot running down your face and watery eyes. But in a glowing beautiful kind of way?
And Bucky was hesitant, because you had just broken his heart all over again, but your hopeful small smile gave him hope anyway.
You admitted to having been engaged, but you were not engaged anymore because you loved Bucky!
Then you were worried. What if he didn't love you back?
He had kissed you, but people did that all the time! Like when your boss’s assistant kissed him when he made a good deal. That didn't mean anything either, because he was married, so…
But then Bucky stared into your eyes from really uncomfortably close, and told you he had always loved you, since you were kids.
You wondered for a moment if he had even been with anyone else, with how intense he was speaking. If he had always only loved you, and was kind of hoping you came back all this time…jeez he was going to pop as soon as you grabbed him!
But your thoughts halted when he kissed you again. He was a very good kisser, and there was a lot of kissing and did you hear music somewhere??
Next thing you knew it was a year later and you and bucky were at your parents for another Christmas. Hadn't you just celebrated Christmas? Bucky was again kissing you, and then finished with a very sweet kiss to your ringed hand, showing you had gotten married. And your kid looked just like Bucky. You just hoped it was going to have the same caring helping personally their father had! And his baking skills. And his handyman skills. And his ice-skating skills. And his Theatre skills. And his Christmas trees selling skills.. And his- your mother put a cookie into your mouth unexpectedly, causing you to focus on nibbling on it, without ever really eating it.
And you were very happy with your love. You'd given up your business to start a bakery/run for mayor/start the same business in this town/working for prosperity for the whole town/be a family woman.
With Bucky by your side you'd never want for anything, and now you always kept smiling this wide smile, a smile that hadn't yet reached your eyes.
The End.
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callmearcturus · 5 months
writer questions meme: 8, 13, 20 if you please
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
It wasn't explicitly writing advice, but I can tell you where I learned what my specific style would be. There was a fic in the Dresden Files fandom called "Cross" by LightGetsIn. LGI was a tremendous writer and a very kind mentory-friend who I attended my first fan convention with. Extremely accomplished adult who I looked up to when I was barely an adult.
"Cross" is a story about the limitations of perspective. It was the first story that really drove home the idea that Character A would not have the same knowledge and understanding of the world as Character B.
In "Cross", the POV character is John Marcone, a non-magical mafia boss who is deeply entrenched in the magical world. He has a lot of factual knowledge of how magic works, but he's an Italian-American Catholic. So when he's pulled into doing magical rites to bring another character back to life, he specifically doesn't pick up on the more pagan symbology of what he's doing, but filters it through a Guilty Catholic filter. Hence the name of the fic, "Cross."
And that story, which isn't even my favorite LGI story, probably taught me the most about how to write Close Perspective Third Person, which is my default style. When I'm writing in a characters POV, I rigorously limit what the POV character knows and picks up on. I will plant clues and information that the audience will understand, but the connections a character makes, the reference pools they pull from, their morality and ethics, all of those inform that POV, and what you and I know does not.
That is probably the most important lesson I've ever had in creating my own writing method.
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
8 hours of sleep, small breakfast snack like a croissant, decaf beverage, one dextroamphetamine, and no one fucking talk to me for about 2 - 4 hours. I will write 4,000 words.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Lets put this under a cut, and I'll give you some DVD commentary. This is from chapter 2 of you'll need a new name to survive this. It's the point where Benji realizes Ethan is stalking him and does that trick to lose him in the bookshop, then sits outside waiting for him.
Only five minutes later, the door opened, and Bell took one step out before freezing, his eyes falling on Benji.
Got you, Benji thought with a sharp little smile. "You didn't even buy a book? Bit rude."
One of the goals of the early chapters of PT AU was establishing Benji's character as boldly as possible because we were essentially telling a story that canon does not. This is YEARS before MI3, where Benji gets two gd scenes.
To me, the tightrope walk was that I wanted Benji to have a reasonable grip on authority, to be shiny and new and out of his depth but still empowered because of his accomplishments. He has managed to land a good job working for the US government, he successfully emigrated before he was 30 years old, he has an apartment and a cat, he's new to everything in the spy world but he also has a steel spine that frankly he's fucking earned.
Which is a long-winded way of saying that Benji is a bitch and I love him so much.
Bell's face was blank, but Benji could almost feel how fast his brain was moving, weighing his options. Eventually, he settled on huffing out a little chuckle and stepping closer to Benji. "Hi."
Meanwhile, Ethan. MI1-era Ethan is very very smart but very very traumatised. His skillset is rooted in controlling people and predicting them. So Benji, a fucking civilian, catching him off-guard like this is like waving a red flag at a bull. Or dangling a steak over a lion enclosure. Benji doesn't know it yet but he's setting himself up to be a tasty treat for Ethan Hunt circa the late 90s.
"Are you going to kill me or something?" Benji asked. "Is that your spook job, are you a hitman?"
The flash of expression on Bell's face was offended. (This makes me laugh every time. Ethan Hunt is not a killer unless he absolutely must be and he will go out of his way to avoid it. Being an assassin is gross and he doesn't want to be perceived at all bc he's a spy but if he MUST be perceived jfc don't assume he's a HITMAN) "What, no. I just…" Grimacing, he looked away, eyes scanning the other pedestrians around them. "Okay, I'm screwing this up, I can admit that. Can we talk somewhere private?"
Benji didn't even have to think about it. "We can talk somewhere public."
Benji is never going to be an IMF agent but his instincts are wildly correct. And that knowledge comes from a different place! He was a gay punk rock vagabond who dropped out of law school, he knows how to keep out of trouble. He is probably the guy who told his other punk friends "if you are arrested do not say a goddamn thing, just ask for your public defender, don't joke, don't be a smartarse, keep your mouth shut."
The smile that took over Bell's face was lovely, transforming his whole face from storm clouds to something more seasonal. "That's honestly a very smart answer, doc. C'mon, there's a bakery nearby. I'll buy you a coffee. Least I can do."
It really was, so Benji nodded and followed him.
They didn't speak until Bell opened the glass door to another shop and held it open for Benji.
"Wrong hand," Benji said, noticing the small wince Bell let out.
"Inside, doc."
If it isn't obvious, all of the observational skills Benji has canonically have been funneled into his preternatural observation of patients.
Basically, if Benji as a character has a specific set of SPECIAL stats, all of those are the same, he just has different tagged skills in this universe.
Canon Benji is probably.... Guns, Science, and Repair. PT Benji has Medicine, Barter, Speech.
"Not a doctor," Benji said. "You know I'm not a doctor."
"What do you want to drink, doc?"
Ethan is being purposefully annoying and I could write a whole post about Ethan's soft power and the way he manipulates people, but that'd be another post. Short version: some people you seduce, some people you act like a wounded gazelle at, and some people you annoy.
Inside the bakery was loud. It was a strangely open floor plan. A long pastry case cordoned off the seating area for the customers. On the other side was just… the bakery. There were ovens and industrial mixers and rolling racks of cooling bread. In the corner, the espresso machine howled with noise as the milk frother worked.
It smelled divine, like living inside a baguette during a spring shower of dark roast coffee.
It also was a constant racket, which Benji mentioned to Bell as he sat down and slid a dark tea with vanilla syrup across to Benji.
"That's the point," Bell said, slouching back in his chair. "It's very difficult to eavesdrop in here."
Well, he wasn't wrong. Looking to another occupied table nearby, Benji briefly tried to pick out a word of what was being said by the woman seated closest to him. Nothing.
"Right, then," Benji said, attention back on Bell. "Why are you following me?"
"Why?" Bell seemed taken aback.
One of the many moments in the early chapters that establish that Ethan's perception of Normal is not anything approaching actual normal.
"Yes, why."
"Normal intelligence collection."
"On your physical therapist?" Benji asked with a barked laugh.
"Yeah." Bell leaned on his elbows, one hand cupping his own jaw and holding his head up as he made uncomfortably direct eye contact. "You really don't know who I am? Or why some of the appointments on your calendar come with no information?"
Pursing his lips, Benji shook his head.
Blowing out a whistle through his teeth, Bell grinned. "Sorry, that's just… it's new. I'm surprised Dr. Falsion didn't clue you in, but I guess she's not technically supposed to." Lifting his mug, he looked down into it. "People do shit they're not technically supposed to all the time in this town."
Ethan's major trauma at this point is being targeted by Kittridge and the Mole Hunt, and his trust in people to do their jobs is at a critical low that it'll never recover from.
"I don't even know your name," Benji sighed, sipping his own drink. It didn't taste at all like iocaine powder, so he was probably safe for the moment.
Bell rested his temple against the knuckles of his hand, his gaze so intense that Benji didn't know how to look away without making it patently obvious he was unsettled. Whatever Bell saw, it made his lips curve up slight. "Alright. Yeah. My name is Ethan. I work for an organization that shouldn't legally exist, so that's why you don't get anything on me. Even CIA jackboots manipulating local governments are realer than I am." He blinked once. "Also, I was an unprofessional shitheel last session, and I apologize."
Ethan apologizes here because Benji has earned his respect. And also by earning his respect, Ethan is also aware that Benji is not going to be so easy to maneuver around, so he fesses up that he was a prick, softly setting up a different tactic with Benji.
Benji felt his eyes going wider and wider with every sentence until it was a little hard to breathe. So his patient wasn't the American equivalent of an MI5 or MI6 so much as an MI8?
That did sort of start to explain what a pain in the ass he was.
"Shame," Benji managed after a moment of sitting fairly gobsmacked. "I was getting attached to 'Bell.' But I appreciate… all that. Thanks." He frowned. "Are you saying all this because you're actually sorry or are you sick of being stonewalled?"
Benji has a much more cynical mind than Ethan is the funny thing. Benji gets arguably more accurate reads on people than Ethan does. Or, Ethan gets accurate reads but he is continuously poisoned by the hope that people will be better than he expects. So FUNCTIONALLY, Ethan is an optimist and Benji is a realist.
Bell— Ethan— grinned. "That's a very good question. You actually have great instincts, doc. You did a surprisingly good job of shaking me when I was tailing you, especially for a civilian."
One of my favorite running gags is Benji being impossible to tail, so I'm glad we really drove it home the first time it happened. I love consistency in longfic.
"Again: thanks. Don't suppose you'll answer my other question?"
Ethan sipped his coffee, his smile visible around the edge of his cup.
"Right," Benji sighed. At least this felt like progress. And at least he probably wasn't going to be disappeared by a government assassin. That was a relief.
So this entire bit is Ethan reassessing Benji and pivoting his methods and tactics, setting up for a better way of handling Benji. And also being kind of charmed by him.
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unholyverse · 9 months
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waterparks // alternative press issue #341
(full article text under cut)
Awsten Knight knows what you're thinking: This time last year, his band, Waterparks, were veritable nobodies. You'd probably not heard their two EPs (2012's Airplane Conversations and 2014's Black Light), and the band's SEO was likely so suspect, there's no way a Google search would place the Houston-based trio above their hometown Wet 'n' Wild.
What a difference a trip around the sun. makes. Since late last year, the group scored a record deal with Equal Vision, picked up Good Charlotte's Benji and Joel Madden as their managers, performed at the 2016 APMAS and even graced the cover of AP's Warped Tour issue-all before releasing their first album. Along the way, they've cultivated a passionate (and ever-growing) fanbase, thanks to an irreverent sense of humor, insatiable work ethic and saccharine-sweet pop-rock sound. But as their star has grown, so have the rumors and confusion about just how they ended up on a collision course with success.
"I saw somebody online say, 'Isn't this that industry-plant band? Like we were made by a label or something." Knight remarks from Los Angeles, where he and his bandmates are putting the finishing touches on bonus tracks for their debut full-length, Double Dare, and filming a video for the album's first single, "Stupid For You." "People are always like, "Where'd this band come from? This band blew up overnight! That's really not the case."
Indeed, it's been a grind for Waterparks, who formed back in 2011 and, after years of hustle and hard work, got signed last year after a demo serendipitously ended up in Equal Vision's online submission box. Even today, as Waterparks—Knight, guitarist/vocalist Geoff Wigington and drummer Otto Wood-seem to have an indefinite amount of momentum and a limitless future, there's always some humbling experience to remind them the big time is still a few steps away. Look no further than their method of transportation for this summer's Warped Tour: a modified Sprinter van handily equipped with sleeping quarters- but no air conditioning.
"The van didn't have A/C until we got to the North, Knight remembers. "We did Texas and Florida, the whole South, with no A/C. People thought we were in a bus. It'd be like, 'Oh yeah, when you guys go back to your bus…" He laughs. "How can you be egotistical when you're sitting there in a sweaty van going, 'Fucking kill me?'"
Lifestyles of the rich and famous it isn't, but that's fine with Waterparks. They're used to surprising people, whether it's with their origin story or their music. A testament to both their artistic vision and desire not to be pigeonholed as just another pop-punk band, Double Dare sounds like an album made by three men raised in iPod shuffle culture. The album opener "Hawaii (Stay Awake)" skews toward more standard pop-punk fare (a sound that definitely provides a backbone for the 12 tracks that follow), but the band are quick to add bits of pop, electronica and (surprisingly) hip- hop to the melting pot, leaving Double Dare feeling instantly reminiscent, yet wildly unpredictable. There's the unabashed pop charm of "Take Her To The Moon," a DeLorean ride back to the scene's neon days that's awash in glassy synths; the biting "Little Violence," which takes aim at "fake-ass band guys," along with the now-defunct site AbsolutePunk; "Stupid For You," a roller coaster of vocal runs mixed with razor-sharp hooks; and the jittery "Dizzy," which combines mile-a-minute rapped verses with a towering half-time chorus.
Knight, a textbook over-writer, wrote and demoed more than 40 songs for the album, which the group whittled down to the 17 or so they actually tracked in Los Angeles with producers Courtney Ballard and Benji Madden. What makes Double Dare such an engaging listen is not just the songwriting, but the way Waterparks dress it up. Throughout the album, Knight's voice serves almost as a third guitar, cutting in and out and swirling around the mix to give things added depth and a secret sonic weapon their peers lack.
"Listen to Kesha," Knight implores. "People have heard a lead guitar a billion times-no one gives a shit about a sick guitar lead. What's going to sound sonically cooler to the average human: a lead guitar- which people have been hearing for the longest time- or the literally unlimited sounds I can cut my voice up into and make it [serve the same purpose]? It just sounds cooler."
As a teenager, Knight studied raps by the likes of Busta Rhymes and Ludacris (he even performed a cover of Fergie's "Fergalicious" at an early show), and he thinks it would be "sweet" to be in a boy band. "You have to stand out, otherwise there's nothing interesting about what you're doing," he explains. "We've always tried to do different shit. A lot of our songs are a pop-driven thing, but it's a band. Girl-pop, to me, is the best genre [in music]. Even if you don't speak English and you hear a Kesha song or a Katy Perry song, it's going to sound so good. The melody is everything: It sounds so happy. Put those songs next to whatever progressive metal band and their fucking guitar sweeps. That's the difference between being a band people like and being a musician's band. [Adopts nerdy voice] 'Oh, that time signature change, blah blah! No one gives a shit except nerdy dudes, and nerdy dudes aren't going to buy your record, anyway. I want to make shit my little sister and her friends would be into."
If Knight is that unabashedly honest about his musical intentions, the words he writes take it a step further. At its core, Double Dare is the antithesis to the public image Waterparks have cultivated over the years. From their irreverent music videos to any number of off- the-rails interviews (including some from this summer's Warped Tour where Knight donned a wedding veil), the band's public persona is that of perpetual Peter Pans. While that might be true (Knight frequently drops words like "butthurt" in conversation), the open-book nature of his lyrics here reveals life isn't all fun and feces jokes.
As such, the songs on Double Dare read like pages ripped from a personal journal. Whether he's dealing with crippling insecurity ("I wish I was as brave as my last name"), self-doubt ("And I'm doing all right/ But is 'all right' enough?/Because I'm living my dreams, but I live at home") or true love ("If you died, I'd hope you'd haunt me"), Knight's words are blunt, painstakingly detailed and instantly relatable. He might project as a court jester, but he's deadly serious about his art.
"There's a time when Awsten can be serious, and that's when he's talking about his music, Benji Madden offers. "In order to sell records or magazines, people feel like they have to be sensational or play a funny game. If you talk to Awsten about anything other than music, you'll get totally jokey, bullshit answers-which I love. But if you talk to him about music, he's a really smart, intentional, thoughtful guy."
"Being honest about it is the best way to go about it," Knight says of his songs. "I've never liked the vague lyrics, like, [jokingly sings] "I've gotta find my way. I've gotta get out of this place! All my favorite lyricists are killer with metaphors or are able to uniquely describe things. I like getting into things and being specific." He references the acoustic ballad "21 Questions," easily one of the album's highlights, but a song slated for the cutting-room floor until Madden stepped in. ("I feel like that song could be one of those scene classics," the Good Charlotte guitarist offers.) It's hard to imagine the album without it.
Outside of being a steady hand in the studio, the Maddens are the perfect mentors for Knight, Wigington and Wood. After all, it was 15 years ago that Good Charlotte went through everything Waterparks are currently navigating, claims of being a test-tube band and all. They've learned everything is cyclical, and they're passing on the lessons they learned to the bands they manage.
"They're so wise," Wigington explains in a separate interview. "You shut up and listen. They've told us, 'Hey, things are going to start getting weird. There will be things you haven't been used to, especially if you're out on the road! But they've told us to look out for each other and have each other's back and helped instill a sense of camaraderie so we can deal with whatever weird shit comes our way."
If their current career trajectory continues, things will be getting weirder and weirder in the Waterparks camp soon. The band have secured the opening spot on Sleeping With Sirens' fall tour, and they're already making plans well into 2017. With a new album ready and the furthest reaches of the scene at their fingertips, it seems like there's really no limit to how big this thing can get. It's already surpassed their wildest dreams in the past year; imagine what one more could bring. Not that it would change their demeanor, of course.
"I'd like to be able to live comfortably to the point where I could ride a bike into a swimming pool filled with Jell-O and have it not be a big deal," Knight says unflinchingly, when asked what success would look like for him. "I was thinking blue or purple because I like cooler colors. Red seems messy. Not yellow or orange, because I don't like those flavors as much. I used to be allergic to blue dye when I was younger, so I'd probably pick that just so I could be like, 'Fuck you." alt
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thegeminisage · 9 days
okay it's star trek update time. saturday we watched voy's "demon" and "one" and last night we did voy's "hope and fear" and ds9's "tears of the prophets."
demon (voy):
this one was so fun. i kept yelling THE GOOP IS ODO and it wasn't ofc but it was fun to imagine
a y class planet...i feel like we only ever see m class...this was very exciting
always exciting when they break out the space suits too
the ship landing is so silly and ridiculous. only slightly less ridiculous than the saucer splitting from tng
for a few minutes there i thought we were gonna have the tom paris/harry kim version of 2.25 resolutions. like because they could only breathe the planet's air. really really really funny
i love that the solution was to just let them clone everybody. imagine after voyager leaves and you can choose any crewman and all the little slimes want tuvok so you just have a bunch of tuvok slimes running around. 10/10
one (voy):
MY GIRL SEVEN....................
this one was soooososososo good
first of all, wtf at chakotay like talking to janeway about her bond with seven...that was gay as hell
i loved also she and the doctor eventually getting tired of each other. their scenes are so funny because they're both really autistic but in different directions
i love also when she gets put through the fire and succeeds...there is nothing she can't do. she really ran that whole ship on her own WHILE HALUCINATING i'm so proud of her
how clever to kind of leave it up in the air whether or not that guy was real, also. i went back and forth on it a few times and finally landed on not real only second before the reveal
her dream about being alone in the snowy tundra...damn. she like hates other people but also hates being alone. what a way to be
hope and fear (voy):
i had to physically pause this one multiple times to collect myself re: janeway/seven
the holodeck game. the argument where they both hit below the belt. the bit in the brig where they reference the first thing that happened in the brig and janeway had to touch seven's little eye thingy in the soft mood lighting wwwwow
i think the ethical dilemma here was a little silly though. like, my guy, you were banking on the ruthless guys who were stronger than the borg and also wanted to eat everyone else for lunch on helping YOU? like everybody say thanks janeway for getting rid of something even worse than the borg! not fuck you janeway for not letting the borg get killed by them
idk. i don't see that she did anything too awful. she sent them back home and saved them from the borg and saved the borg from them and then also got her people thru borg space AND got a gf out of it. leave her alone
i did like all the stuff about intuition vs borg knowledge though...janeway and her intuition remind me of kirk, but janeway and seven both fighting in the brig and then making up in the brig (complete with the touching) is very spones bread and circuses of them.
tears of the prophets (ds9):
man, sorry to say this, but...this script sucked bad. i dont think avery brooks is capable of phoning it in but we probability saw him get pretty close here. that final monologue, which should have ben about dax and was instead about the prophets, was poorly written
and dax's last words being about a baby - come on.
and kira and odo's argument - he is not so stupid he would do this without expecting her to be mad
and the scene between dukat and damar...where was the tension?? crazy dukat great but he's been better
even the thing with quark and bashir moping around in the holodeck because of dax was bad on paper
like, all of these things were saved (well, some of them were saved) by admirable performances from a charming and talented cast, but whew! like, julian looked so sad this became funny. kira and odo kissing to make up was so charming i forgave the premise
but dax's death was a bad death and her final arc being about a FUCKING baby was really sexist. sisko leaving not sure if he is coming back bc of some prophet thing right when bajor needs him most seems ooc. and his monologue to dax not being ABOUT. DAX. was a crime. poor terry farrell.
overall s6 has been great so far aside from a couple of bumps but man did it end on a sour note. i have heard season 7 is divisive so i guess we will see!!
TONIGHT: ds9's "image in the sand" and "shadows and symbols."
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copicube · 11 months
sunday breakfast!
summary: you and cardinal copia making scrambled eggs together while someone a little smaller makes a brief appearance!
tags: fem!reader x cardinal copia > fluff, mentions of smut. [18+ MDNI]
The Cardinal was strolling down the stairs, drying his damp hair with a towel as he had just gotten out of the shower moments ago. He could hear you whistling happily from the kitchen, and immediately smiled to himself.
"Buongiorno, amore." He greeted you kindly as he entered the kitchen to find you preparing breakfast.
You felt your heart swell with love the minute you heard his voice. You turned around to meet his gaze, locking eyes with one another and you grinned. "Good morning, baby." You said with a soft voice as you turned around to continue preparing the ingredients in front of you.
You had woken up before your boyfriend and decided that this morning that you would make some scrambled eggs and fresh fruits for you and Copia. You were hoping that you could have prepared breakfast completely before he had woken up, as you wanted it to be a little surprise for him as you knew he had been going through a rough patch lately regarding some business with the Clergy. However, he seemed to wake up a little earlier than usual, which shocked you a little bit.
Copia set down his towel on a nearby chair and walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he hugged you from behind. "What's a Cardinal 'ought to do to get a good morning kiss from his sweet girl, hm?" You heard him whisper playfully into your ear, sending chills down your spine.
You giggled as you felt him press a soft kiss behind your ear before you leaned over to meet his lips with your own. "Sorry, honey. I was just arranging all this." You apologized and gestured to the carton of eggs and milk on the counter in front of you.
"Mhm.. I can see that. What are you making? Looks good. I'm already hungry, tesoro." He asked, still smiling all while continuing to hold you close. "For more than just the food." He suggestively added on, snickering lightly against your skin.
"Silly boy." You laughed once again at his words. "I was going to surprise you with breakfast, but you woke up before I could." You responded as you cracked an egg into the pan. "It's okay, though."
Copia stroked your waist with his thumbs. "Ah. Mi dispiace, amore." He said as he watched you continue to cook. "Anything I can do to help? I feel bad, just standing here and letting you do all the work."
You cracked a second egg into the pan, hearing the yolk sizzle. "No no, Copia, it's okay. You rest, I've got it."
He bit his lip, letting go of your waist before moving to stand beside you. He admired your work ethic and how determined you were to do things on your own. Not that he doubted you at all, of course. He slicked back his hair with one hand before picking up a banana from the basket of fruits that also rested on the counter. "Cara mia, I insist." He persisted before beginning to peel it. "The least I could do is cut some fruits up, I'm pretty good at it, you know. Sister Imperator taught me a long time ago."
He was so stubborn, but yet then again, so were you. You sighed and smiled up at him. "I'm sure she did, your mother." You chuckled as you handed him a knife from inside the drawer. "Alright, fine, I guess you can do that." You teased as you cracked the last egg into the pan and began to pour the milk into the mix before stirring the contents.
The Cardinal sliced up a few bananas and pineapple and placed them into a fancy plate in a decorative manner. He was having so much fun. "Where did you get all of this fruit?” He asked as he began to peel a bright red apple before slicing that as well and placing them in the middle between the two other fruits.
"Primo dropped some off at the door last night after you headed upstairs to do your paperwork." You explained as you added some salt and pepper to your now nearly scrambled eggs. Your breakfast was coming together and you were secretly very happy that you were doing it with Copia, despite you wanting to originally do all of the work. You loved when the two of you were together, being able to bond while doing any simple activity that entertained the both of you.
Copia nodded. "Ah, I see. Mio fratello didn't notify me that he was stopping by, otherwise I would have made some espresso for him and his wife." He rambled as he worked, before he slipped the knife a little too much to the left and nicked himself with it. "Cazzo.." He hissed, dropping it on the counter before quickly heading to the sink to run it over cold water.
Your eyes widened and you opened your mouth to speak, but before you could do so, he had cut you off. "Non preoccuparti, amore. Just a tiny cut is all." He didn't want you to worry about him and accidentally burn yourself while not paying attention to the eggs. He breathed deeply as he played it off, trying to convince you as well as himself the pain wasn't as bad as it actually was.
You set the spoon in your hand down, closed the burner, and opened the cupboard just above you before grabbing a small bandaid which was littered with small pictures of cartoon rats. They were his all-time favourite ones that supposedly helped wounds much better than regular bandaids, and you knew he'd likely need it based on how sharp the knife was. "Here, honey. Let me see." You walked over to him, lightly stroking his arm.
He lifted his finger out of the cold water and pointed, allowing you to inspect the small but slightly deep cut. "See? It's nothing." He shrugged.
You tilted your head to the side, pointing at it as well. "You're bleeding quite a bit, Copia. Here, let me put this on okay?" You dried his bloody finger with a paper towel before discarding it as well as the bandaid wrapper, wrapping one around his skin. "I don't want it to get infected, especially if you're handling food." You stated as you leaned down to press a light kiss on top of his wound.
He lifted your chin with his other hand to have you face him. "Grazie, amore. I feel much better already." The Cardinal smiled as he bit his lip, looking down proudly at you. "You always take such good care of me, and I love you so dearly for it, cara mia."
"I'm your girlfriend, it's my job to take care of you." You mumbled as you looked into his orbs with pure love. "I love you too." You whispered as you stood on your tippy-toes to give him a kiss.
His heart began to beat a little bit faster. It always did whenever you told him that you loved him. "Indeed. Yet still, I am very grateful to have you in my life." He said before placing another light kiss on your lips and wrapping his arms around your waist again and squeezing you against him, it was his favourite spot on your body for him to hold and touch. "I can never get enough of you, I never will."
Before the two of you got too carried away in each other's embraces, the two of you heard a small squeak come from the other side of the counter. Both of your heads shot toward the noise , spotting Copia's young pet rat nibbling on a piece of pineapple on the fancy plate.
"Oi, Milo!" Your boyfriend exclaimed as you started to laugh against him, resting your forehead on his strong chest. "Get off of the counter, coglione!" He snapped his fingers in an attempt to get the distracted little rodent's attention. "Those are not for you!"
Milo blinked twice, staring at Copia before stealing the giant piece of pineapple and running off with it. Despite the Cardinal being irritated, he couldn't help but eventually begin to laugh while hearing the sound of yours. You just couldn't stop and couldn't help but slump all of your weight against him. "Sathanas, that was hilarious." You snorted as you hugged Copia. "You should have seen your face."
"Yes, well. That little shit is lucky enough to have all of the wonderful human food that I already give him." He huffed. "Greedy little fucker." He shook his head, kissing your forehead before letting go of you and dividing the warm scrambled eggs into two plates, along with the fruit.
You crossed your arms, still standing in front of the sink as you admired the view of his perfect build. He turned around and handed your plate to you, thus snapping you out of your short daydream. You loved him so much. You wanted him. Perhaps after your breakfast, you thought to yourself, you'd take him straight back to bed and drive it down to him.
However, before your mind could continue on any further into the gutter, your boyfriend posed with his plate of eggs in an awkward, dramatic manner and bowed his head to you. "Shall we commence our meal, amore?"
You chuckled and nodded before sitting down at the table. "You're too much, Copia." You simply said as you finally took a bite into a slice of fresh mango.
Copia licked his lips and sat down beside you. "Ah, but you love me, si?” He pointed at you with a fork in jest and began to dig into his plate like a starved man.
You chewed on your food contently and swallowed. "Of course I do, baby." You responded with a smile. "Of course I do."
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romirola · 1 year
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack Co-hosting a Red Moon Association Blood Drive
Another blood donation, another day I lowkey hope that the nurse who takes my blood is named Vincent, Sam, William, or variations thereof. I didn’t see any Solaires at the drive today, but I’m sure they were around somewhere.  
I’ve posted about my headcanon that Sweetheart donates blood both on tumblr and in a fic called Cross My Heart. Then, I ended up fleshing out a little bit more about vampiric blood drives that the Red Moon Association, a charity founded by William and run in part by Sam, in a fic called Packed with Love. In that fic, David expressed the Shaw Pack’s commitment to supporting the RMA’s mission to provide a constant supply of blood to vampires living outside of cornerstone cities who don’t have access to blood bags or live donation events. I started thinking about what that support might look like… 
David: David serves as the recovery area attendant. He ensures that after people donate, they feel well and are provided ample hydration (water and a variety of juices) and snacks (including pretzels, peanut butter crackers, fruit gummies, chocolate-chip mini muffins, and more.) David selects the options with care, always making sure that everyone will like something. Occasionally, donors get shy about helping themselves to food and drinks. David, however, is not shy about informing donors of the importance of eating and drinking afterwards. Likewise, if a donor tries to skip out before they recover for  the recommended 15 minutes, David will persuasively remind them to sit down and wait for their own good. If someone begins to feel faint or dizzy, David will be at their side and call over a healer/healthcare provider to evaluate. When there is a lull or a no-show for an appointment, David rolls up his sleeve and provides his own blood through the traditional donation method, even though he detests medical procedures.  
Angel: Angel volunteers to give blood, though as an informed unempowered person, they actually opt to provide a live feeding as their donation. They had a vampire phase when they were younger and never really got over it. Angel likes to assure the vampires, especially the ones who were turned recently, that the process can be enjoyable for the donor and that a vampire should never feel guilty for taking blood ethically, because that’s how they survive. Their friendly, extraverted nature not only helps the vampire who feeds on them that day, but also encourages vampires to return for future live feedings. Angel’s preferred biting spot in the left side of their neck. 
Asher: Asher is responsible for deciding on and distributing the incentive for donors. He takes this job seriously, spending hours designing an exclusive T-Shirt, a trendy thermos, a handy tote bag, or something else, plus a matching sticker set, that sports the Red Moon Association logo. Once he finishes creating the product, Asher also ensures that he orders enough items for every appointment (plus extra in case there are walk-ins) in every size available so all donors can feel excited to show off their new merchandise. Asher will also donate, as long as Babe reminds him to schedule an appointment in time. He is open to donating either through a traditional method or as part of a live feeding. 
Babe: Babe serves as the one who checks donors in when they arrive. Babe has the job down to an art. Armed with two touchscreens/scanners, their trusty calendar, a mug for of pens, a stack of informational pamphlets about donation options, best practices, and the RMA’s mission, Babe makes sure everyone knows exactly what is happening, when it is going to happen, and where to sit as they wait for it to happen. Like David, Babe will also donate via the traditional method to fill in any gaps, though sometimes, their high blood pressure level prevents them from donating. 
Milo: Once the drive date and time is set, Milo is the one who gets the word out to all of Dahlia. He designs and disseminates ads that promote the drive to reach potential donors and potential live receipts. He also keeps a listserv of all past donors and periodically sends email updates about the upcoming drive, which means that Milo must also be responsible for any questions people might have about donating or scheduling an appointment. For those not comfortable with technology, Milo also will schedule them for a donation on the phone and then manually input the information into the system. Milo has tried to give blood in the past, but after being turned away due to his hemoglobin levels repeatedly, he has realized that a successful blood drive requires all types of support, and that he plays an important role even without giving blood. 
Sweetheart: Sweetheart has been a regular donor since they began their career at D.U.M.P. to support the vampiric community, so they are a pro when it comes to hydrating and maintaining a healthy iron level pre- and post-donation. They always make sure to time their donations so that they will be eligible for the RMA drives that the Shaw Pack hosts because they love the chance to spend time with their pack while helping others. Sweetheart has a collection of incentive gifts they have earned over the years. They prefer to donate through the traditional methods, though if asked, Sweetheart will agree to a live feeding (preferably via their wrist.) 
Darling: Darling, too, is a frequent donor as they want to do all they can to support Sam’s work with the RMA. Darling has found that when they donate, they prefer to do so in their wolf form. They claim that being in their wolf form prevents any bruising, but Sam suspects they just like the chance to show off. When they finish their donation and can move freely about the area, Darling will often check to see if anyone is nervous or scared at the sight of needles/blood. If someone is struggling, Darling likes to offer their services as an emotional support wolf to help distract them until the donation is complete. Afterwards, they might shift into their human form for a moment to remind the donor that their fear doesn’t undermine the courage they showed by making the donation or the gift they’ve provided to vampires in need. 
Sam: Sam serves in a leadership position for the RMA, so Sam organizes the drive. He arranges for the proper funding so that empowered healers and informed, unempowered healthcare providers are present and fully staffed. Sam also oversees that the donated blood is delivered safely to wherever it needs to go and coordinates transportation so that vampires living in non-cornerstone cities can attend the drive to participate in a live feeding. It’s a lot of constant work, but nothing makes Sam happier to see everyone come together to help and to support those in need. 
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khloecanread · 4 months
one more thing about being a barista
summary - there are many things Nico loves about being a barista.
cw: mostly none, use of Y/N, grammar errors, might be a little silly or cringey
barista x gn!reader, 1.8k words
a/n: hi everyone!! this is my first time posting on tumblr of something that is my own, so i am very excited and a little nervous hehe. this also may or may not be based off of my friend, but i'd never tell you that... anyways, i hope you enjoy!!
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Since becoming a barista 2 years ago, Nico has found many things he loves about his job.  
It was a learning curve at first, but once he got the hang of it, he started to see the joy that being a barista brought to his life. There’s the familiarity of what each drink needs and the satisfaction of completing every order with his best efforts, or the routine of preparing drinks that makes it easy to get into a steady rhythm of work. Then there is also the other end of the spectrum, where someone will come in with something unique that he’s never made before, ready to take on the challenge of creating their order exactly to the customer’s liking.   
Nico has also found that a drink can often tell a lot about the person who is ordering. Caramel frappes are usually ordered by young, pre-teen girls, cold brew dudes are like the cool uncles/cousins we all wish we had, iced chai lattes are down to earth people, and anything with matcha are immediate green flags. But no matter the order, Nico puts his all into creating his drinks because that’s just how he is. Ask any of his coworkers and they’ll praise him for his work ethic, for always doing his job with his best efforts. Nico also likes to think that he pours a little bit of his own love into every drink that he makes, crafting each one meticulously. It’s one more thing he enjoys about being a barista – if a single drink can brighten someone’s day, he’ll make sure it’s perfect for them.  
So that’s what Nico found himself doing, like any other day at his job. It was getting close to rush hour, so he was relishing the lack of chaos in the cafe while he could. He was cleaning up around his station when the bell rang, notifying that someone walked in. His coworker was already making a drink, so he said over his shoulder, “I’ll be with you in just a minute.”  
He finished up and walked over to the register, preparing the kiosk to take the next order. He greeted the customer, saying the usual, “Hello, welcome to Starbucks. What can I get started for you today?” At “today,” he finally looked up at you and suddenly found his eyes going a little wide.  
You started looking for a job a couple of months ago, trying to make money while you were finishing college and not be so greatly indebted before you graduated. You applied everywhere you thought you were fit to work – only for you to be turned down in almost every store.  
Right when you were coming to terms with spending your entire life trying to pay off your loans, one manager called you back saying that you might get a chance to work at their store. You went back to interview with them, and you were hired on the spot! You do think they were a little bit desperate because they had to let one of their employees go on short notice. Apparently, it was something about how workers within the mall should never meddle with each other (Isa, your coworker, said the previous employee slept with another worker from a different store and they got caught. Yikers!).  
Nevertheless, you secured a job that you thought was enjoyable. It paid well and you had a schedule that worked around your classes. Your coworkers were kind to you, and they never failed to keep you entertained with the mall lore that was around before you arrived. You quickly warmed up to them and now consider them to be people you’re quite close with. And though retail can be draining sometimes, you thought that you were sufficient when it came to dealing with customers and providing them with your service. Overall, you were grateful that you got the job and even more grateful that you’ve met new people you could call friends.  
It’s been about a month and a half since you first started, and you finally felt comfortable enough to go outside of the store and explore the mall. Your manager was keen on not letting some form of “meddling” happen again, but everyone believed that enough time has passed for you guys to leave during your break and go grab some food or a quick drink.  
You decided to go for a drink, preferably coffee. It’s always right before when school ends do professors decided to dump hellfire on you and keep you up late at night to complete all their projects and assignments! You never appreciated that fact but it’s something you couldn’t change. 
 So you walked to Starbucks, the cafe not being as busy as you usually see it. You were happy it wasn’t very full because ordering already gave you enough anxiety by itself. Add a full line of people behind you that were desperate to get caffeine in their veins, and you were a complete stuttering mess. 
The bell rang as you opened the door, and you were immediately greeted with soft conversation and the smell of coffee beans. The soft lightning made the environment even better, giving off a cozy and safe atmosphere within the cafe. Maybe Starbucks isn’t so bad when there aren’t people trying to kill each other for a drink, you thought to yourself. 
You heard the barista say that he’ll be with you in a moment, and you took that extra time to yourself to look at the menu and memorize your order. You found it a little funny how you were able to work in a retail store and interact with all sorts of people but get so nervous when having to order a drink. You just don’t want to inconvenience anyone, and you never know what to say when they ask you what kind of milk you wa- 
“Hello, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get started for you today?” the barista asked, interrupting your thoughts.   
“Oh, uh- hi. I’ll take a Brown Sugar Iced Shaken Espresso,” you replied a little too quietly for your liking. “Please,” you added with a smile.  
You waited for some response, but the barista just looked back at you with wide eyes. 
Nico likes to think that he’s seen his fair share of beautiful people in his life. Not that he goes around claiming so, but many people stop by the cafe, and he’s certainly found some of them attractive.  
But he was sure you took that title out of all of them.  
Beautiful wasn’t a fair word for him, you looked to be much more than that. It was like someone knocked him in a stupor and left him in need to find his wits again. He doesn’t know what it was, call it his allergies or his lack of sleep, but Nico was confident that you had stolen the air right out of his lungs. 
He looked at you some more and he saw the way your smile made your eyes crinkle around the corners, or the way your hair just seems to lay perfectly around your face. How your voice seems to sound like a soft melody he could listen to forever, only drawing him further in his trance. He wishes to hear your voice again and-  
Wait. He heard your voice?  
That’s when he realizes that you’ve spoken. And that he was staring.  
How embarrassing.  
“I- I’m sorry, could you repeat that for me?” Nico let out a nervous chuckle.  
“Oh no, don’t be sorry, that’s completely my fault,” you replied, reciprocating the energy back with an awkward laugh. “I’m not very good at this y’know, I usually just get whatever I see first on the menu, haha. But don’t worry, I know what I want this time. Uhm, I’d like a Brown Sugar Iced Shaken Espresso, please.” You smiled at him again and Nico somehow felt his knees go a little weak, but he was sure to not lose his senses this time and entered the order into the kiosk.  
“And what kind of milk would you like to add to that?” Nico made sure to smile too because he was pretty sure he’s been looking a little stupid these past couple of minutes. 
That’s when he noticed your smile faltering a bit. You looked down at your fidgeting hands, then you looked back up at the menu, trying to figure what goddamn milk you should put in your drink. You were hoping he wasn’t going to ask, but that was a silly wish because they always ask. It was then that Nico decided to step in to help, taking note how you seemed a little nervous to be ordering. 
“Oat milk is a popular choice amongst customers! It’s good for making coffee creamier and it’s vegan friendly as well,” he offered. 
You felt a grateful smile grow on your face as you replied, “Yes, I’ll take that. Thank you.”  
Nico asked you if you would like anything else and when he completed your order, he was sure to make your drink with extra care. More care than he already does. And it wasn’t because you were insanely attractive (although he did think you were and he wasn’t afraid to admit it), but because of how you seemed a little timid while ordering. Nico’s heart goes out to those kinds of people because he used to be a shy person himself when he was younger. He knows how it can feel when asking for something, let alone to a stranger, and he felt proud of you for going up and doing something that might’ve been out of your comfort zone.  
Maybe he should’ve felt more concerned about his feelings for you when you’re literally a stranger he’s likely to never see again, but he’s just going to ignore that and call it his compassion. You can never go wrong with a little compassion for others, especially when it comes to being a barista.  
“Brown Sugar Iced Espresso for Y/N!” Nico called out. He had to look for you a little in the cafe because rush hour was just starting. He felt a little protective of you for some reason and wanted to make sure you were okay, when he saw you out of the corner of his eyes. 
As you went up to grab your drink, you replied, “Thanks Jericho, I really appreciate it!” You thought you saw a little blush creep up on the barista’s face, but you didn’t think anything more of it as you walked back to the store.  
Nico was a little confused as to how you knew his name, but he then realized that he decided to wear his nametag this morning. He was glad that he did because if he didn’t, he may have never known how his name sounded on your lips. And as Nico watched you leave; he was once again filled with pride to have the title of his job. It’s just one more thing he enjoys about being a barista – the beautiful customers and the way they leave him blushing. 
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joanofarcbutsilly · 1 year
this is just a simple drabble about hobie being a menace when you paint his nails!
reader is gender neutral, ask to tag for warnings if necessary!
rn i'm thinking about hobie letting you paint his nails, because of course he would! it's pretty, another way to express himself, and he will take ANY excuse to hold your hand even though he knows he doesn't need it.
he also just loves that it is another excuse for him to be a silly little goose :)
when you ask him if you can paint his nails, he makes a little show of thinking about it,
"i d'know love," he'd murmur with a lazily masked smile, "wont be able to use m' hands for a bit'
he's got the tiniest little smirk on his face while he's turning his hands over and over and looking intently at each and every one of his fingers
it's only after you beg for a bit that he laments and sits himself down with a sigh, positioning his arm on the chair's side and turning his head away from you, "do what you have to, but i want the works, yeah?"
his silliness will NOT end there. he
REFUSES to stop being a goofy guy. (although he makes sure to stay very still and not fidget while you apply the base coat)
you've got his hand curled around yours where he has it resting, lightly blowing on the drying paint when you ask what color he thinks he'd like to have. he scrunches his face up and hums while tapping his fingers on his free hand. this goes on for AT LEAST two minutes before he shakes his head, "i jus' don't know..”
you ask him EVERY POSSIBLE QUESTION, whether he'd like a color that is warm or cool, bright or more subdued, maybe a neutral, something natural, etc etc. eventually you just gotta bring out the stash for him to inspect
picking a color is the biggest issue during the whole debacle.
he picks up EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE to turn over in his hand, hold up to the light, and asks sooooo many questions
he's got a bottle in each hand, a dark plumish purple in his right, and a black paint with iridescent sparkles in his left. he's spun them both around countless times, he periodically frowns and holds one up towards the open window before doing the same with the other. you've got your head resting on your hand staring off into the abyss because you KNOW he is doing this on purpose and there is NO WAY he is thinking this much about such a little decision.
hobie loves that he can sense your exasperation coming off of you in waves, and cannot resist poking the bear, "hard decision luvie," he speaks lowly with a shit eating grin, "gonna be a permanent part of me for a bits
"hobie it's gonna last a week at MOST, maybe less"
he sighs and shakes his head and drops the two bottles in the chair next to him,
"big decision big decision, that's a commitment love"
you tip forward with a groan and your head lands on hobie's knee, "please for the love of god just pick one"
he snickers a bit before he taps your head, “fine. i have a few questions first. which one matches my skin tone?"
"hobieeee i don't knoooow," you moan, "i just got them cause they're pretty"
"that brings up another issue," he tents his hands together, "we have to consider the ethical ramifications of where these came from, don't we?"
you let out a fake sob and lean back up so you can see what he's talking about, and hopefully reach a decision faster, "if we have to”
he grins and nods matter of factly,
"right love," he leans forward to reach onto the side table that is holding the rest of the polishes grabbing some in handfuls before dumping them in the seat next to him along with two previously discarded
he gently picks up one of the bottles and holds it up to your face, "where'd this come from"
"christmas gift from my sister"
he grabs the next
"got it from a friend who was a nail tech for a bit"
"how 'bout this?"
"stole it from somewhere, don't remember, big chain"
a big grin breaks across his face and he nods approvingly before grabbing the next, "this?"
"same story"
this goes on for much longer than necessary, before he makes it to a dark navy blue polish, holding it up with an expectant look on his face.
"uhm, amazon i think"
his nose crinkles and he sets the bottle on the floor and kicks it a good distance away, "not a chance," he's got a grimace on his face.
he does this with EVERY SINGLE ONE.
at some point you just have to put your foot down and demand he chooses. he's got a little frown on his face cause his little game has finally been put to an end, but he quickly recovers and grins before reaching through the pile to grab a plain black polish
he's got a toothy grin on his face as he thrusts it out to you, "goes with everything, yeah?"
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