#also I can't draw a gun to save my life but i think this one came out ok!!!
chiscribbs · 1 year
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Updated Future Donnie Concept Art!!!
So, I've been hesitant to try my hand at designing an Apocalyptic Future version of Donnie for a while, for a number of reasons - mainly that I just didn't have a clear idea of him in my brain yet and the thought of attempting to update his already pretty perfect design was highly daunting - but I finally caved and decided to take a crack at it. A couple months and several revisions later, I'm actually genuinely happy with the result. I'd still consider this "concept art" more so than a final design, elements of it could definitely be improved, but I really do like the concept as a whole - I think it could work!
The main goals I had in mind while working on this were: A. Must fit the character/look like something Donnie would canonically wear and still be easily recognizable. B. Must work in the Rise world & style (i.e. not be overly detailed or have too complex a silhouette.) C. Must fit in with the other (canonical) Future Rise designs.
I was also thinking about what problems Donnie might be trying to solve, which is what inspired the belt (more info on that below). All-in-all, although there might still be a few kinks to work out, I think I managed to come up with a pretty solid base design for my favorite Warring Warrior Scientist (Jr.)
Some additional character tidbits under the cut.
Also, I can't draw mechanisms to save my life, so just pretend those vague ninpo-gun-things make sense lol
Donnie has a mechanical prosthetic leg. How'd he lose that leg? Up to interpretation - my working theory is that it was a minefield accident that occurred when he was trying to blow some Krang dogs to Timbuktu. Naturally, since it's Donnie and they are in the midst of an alien apocalypse, he designed the leg to do a whole lot more than just help him stand without falling down. It's a multifunctional tool that contains a plethora of secret uses - including, but certainly not limited to, sawing off ugly Krang faces. It's essentially his new tech bo.
Bonus leg tidbit: Casey Jr. saw him deploy the saw blade in battle once when he was little, he then proceeded to beg for a saw-leg of his own to fight the Krang with. Donnie, realizing that amputating a perfectly healthy child's leg is probably not that most morally acceptable option, instead made him his own "sawing stick"(AKA, his motorized hockey stick)...which the others then made him wait until Casey's 10th birthday to give him.
The belt that Donnie's wearing here is a prototype of his latest invention. Its intended purpose: to deflect the Krang's mystic-blocking attacks, allowing them to use their ninpo in close combat. It took a lot of risk-taking to collect the necessary information to create such a device, and he experienced a number of way-too-close calls (one of which may or may not have resulted in that large gash across his plastron), but he finally managed to crack the code and pinpoint the frequency of the Krang's sound waves. He's testing it out right now to make sure that it works and is safe to use, but once it's out of beta, he plans to mass-produce them for every mystic-wielder in the Resistance to use in battle. He believes it could turn the tides of the war...unfortunately, the device never makes it out of beta, as he dies before its completion.
Donnie's gloves are fashioned after the ones his dad used to wear in his Lou Jitsu days (with some modifications, for comfort and to make working with screens a little easier and less annoying.) The material they're made out of is far more durable, of course, since he's working with them near-constantly and under varying conditions. But maybe he designed them to look like this as a way of keeping his dad's memory close, similar to Leo's sword hilt?
Ironically, Donnie uses his ninpo probably the most consistently out of all the brothers (even though Mikey uses his to the greatest extent, hence his rapid aging). He's constantly using it to check on the base's security status and multitask while working on other projects. Because his ninpo takes a good deal of brain power to operate, it puts a significant amount of strain on his nervous system and this causes frequent complications. Seizures, spasms, and blackouts become a semi-regular occurrence - especially in the latter part of his life. Donnie does his best to manage them, but the workload makes it almost impossible to do so properly. Mikey is able to help with these attacks when they happen, but Donnie - not wanting his brother to overuse his powers any more than he is already - usually opts to just ride it out and save the mystic healing for people who need it. The exception to this rule being when he's in the middle of an extremely important procedure and can't stop long enough to let the attack pass naturally, then he has no choice but to accept Mikey's aid.
This is probably needless to say at this point, but much like Leo and his other brothers, he is a giant. Equal in height to Leo (if not slightly taller, even without the goggles.) The doodle in the top-left corner of the sketch page where he's next to April is meant to be them sitting, so don't take it as anywhere near an accurate representation of their height comparison. It is not, he dwarfs her by several feet, lol.
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extasiswings · 5 months
Post-4x13 Fics
I was going to go on a reblog spree, but instead figured I would just put all of my S4 finale spec/post-4x13/S5 spec fics in one handy list.
some things you just can't speak about
A collection of S4 finale spec fics.
a flower in a gun (a bird in flight)
Even if Buck felt the same—and Eddie isn’t convinced of that, doesn’t have the arrogance to assume—what right does he have to say please, to say wait, to ask Buck to put his life on hold indefinitely while Eddie sorts through the tangled mess in his head in the hope that one day he’ll finally be ready? He can’t be that selfish. Especially not with Buck. [Or: in the aftermath of the shooting, love endures.]
mark me like a bloodstain (or a tattoo kiss)
Eddie finds words difficult. So he comes up with other ways to show how he feels. [For the prompt: "You've always felt like home."]
stars choose their lovers (save my soul)
Most of the time, Buck feels like there’s no one in the world who understands Eddie as well as he does. Most of the time. Because there are still some other times when he’s completely in the dark.
safety and home
The thing Eddie remembers most about the shooting isn’t the shot itself, or the pain, or even the fear—it’s the cold. [Or: Eddie dreams of drowning]
burning like a slow flame
For the prompt: "I felt it shelter to speak to you." “With all due respect, Mr. Diaz,” the doctor says, “you’re in the emergency room because of an acute stress response in which your brain tricked your body into believing you were in danger to such an extent that you thought you were dying. I’m not sure you’re as fine as you think.”
slipping away (call on me)
For the prompt: "I exist in two places, here and where you are." Buck feels like he lost part of himself when he watched Eddie being rolled through the emergency doors and he hasn’t gotten it back. There’s a hollow space in his chest crowding out his lungs so he can’t draw a full breath, squeezing his heart so his blood isn’t circulating properly. He’s a shade. Half-alive. And the other half left on a city street, in an ambulance bay, in a hospital room.
paint me a heaven with your bloodied mouth
Buck. Four letters. One syllable. Eddie knows it’s a nickname. He doesn’t know why Buck picked it or why Buck seems to use it exclusively, but he figures it isn’t really his business. And also that it probably isn’t that deep—all of them use nicknames at work or otherwise in their daily lives. Eddie himself might find it weird if anyone outside of his immediate family suddenly started using his full name regularly after so many years of only rarely hearing it from anyone else. So. Eddie calls Buck "Buck." And he doesn’t think anything of it. At least…not at first.
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ratsandfashion · 5 months
Okay, so you're in France in the 1760s. Specifically, you're a peasant in the Gevaudan province.
It's described as being "like a wolf, yet not a wolf" and these people, they're shepherds, they see wolves ALL THE TIME, so if they say this thing WASN'T a wolf, I trust them. But the problem is, we don't know WHAT it was. Descriptions vary a LOT, probably owing to the people who saw it being terrified and trying to get away, combined with a typical "game of telephone" deal where the thing got changed each time someone told someone else about it, combined with people just lying and SAYING they'd said it, combined with the fact that if it was an exotic animal (more on that later) people just had no idea what they were looking at. But some fairly consistent traits are that it's BIG, it's got a long tail with a tuft, and it's a reddish color with a black-striped back and white underbelly.
Sounds like a tiger, right? That's a common theory. A lot of nobles kept zoos of exotic animals that peasants would never have seen before and have no reference for, so the fact it's a big furry predator on four legs was probably enough to make it "like a wolf but not a wolf" if it wasn't a bear (and we don't think it was a bear because people also knew what bears looked like) Some good candidates are a tiger for the aforementioned reasons, a lion (tufted tail, some drawings have a mane), and a hyena (wolf-like, has the bite force necessary for decapitation, as many of the corpses had the head removed from their bodies, another unusual feature)
So this thing just fucking runs around the countryside savaging peasants. And they can't do much about it because it's illegal for peasants to have guns. If you ever have to make an argument for the right to bear arms, bring up the Beast of Gevaudan, gurantee no one will see that coming!
Some peasants made do with what they had though. A group of boys managed to save their friend with, iirc, sharpened sticks, though they did not escape unscathed. One had his cheek basically TORN OFF, and as a result the king funded his education for the rest of his life, which was a big deal for a peasant boy who wouldn't ordinarily receive it. And a girl, Marie-Jeanne Valet, successfully fended it off with a homemade spear (she described the beast as a large dog) A statue still stands in her honor today.
Speaking of the King, the news about all this was reaching him. So he started sending out hunters and dragoons (a type of cavalry that would dismount to fight) to get the wolf. But, to no avail! They couldn't seem to kill it. And when they DID finally get a great big wolf, as well as a female wolf with unusually large pups that had traits not normally seen in wolves (ex: double dew claws, which some large dog breeds have, indicating wolfdog hybrids) the killings stopped for awhile. . .and then started again.
This became one of the first international news stories; other countries thought it was HILARIOUS that the King of France and all his men couldn't handle one little WOLF!
Eventually, it was brought down for good by a local hunter named Jean Chastel. Legend sprang up that the beast, which was said to be immune to ordinary bullets, had been felled by a bullet which had been made by melting down a medallion of the Virgin Mary. At the time, the fact it was killed by a holy icon was what was significant, as some people thought it was a werewolf and those were seen as creatures of the Devil at that time (rather than innocent people afflicted by a disease/curse as in modern media) but the fact the medallion was silver may be the source of the modern "silver bullet" myth which isn't from any real werewolf folklore and seems to be an invention of Hollywood.
The royal notary examined the animal after death and recorded in what is known as "The Marin Report" that "This animal which seemed to us to be a wolf; But extraordinary and very different by its figure and its proportions from the wolves that one sees in this country." and details a "monstrous head", unusual body proportions, aberrant morphological characteristics, and unusual fur colors. The report also includes the dental formula (number of molars, number of canines, etc) of the animal, which does seem to indicate a canid of some type. The report is preserved in The French National Archives.
So, this wasn't an unsubstantiated cryptid. It was pretty darn meticulously documented.
Unfortunately, photos didn't exist then, and by the time the corpse was taken to Versailles, it was so rotten and badly decayed that no one wanted anything to do with it, and it was in all likelihood dumped somewhere like garbage. I reckon everyone was just happy to be done with it.
While the beast was dead (or at the least, the attacks ceased) the speculation never has. Some people think it was just a big wolf or wolves, but like I said, I think these people knew what a wolf looked like. Other people think it was a wolfdog hybrid or family of such, which would account for the large size, unusual features, and lack of fear of humans. This, I think, is the most likely option. The escaped exotic animal is the next most likely imo; I remember that there's no records of. . .it was either of any such zoos themselves at the time or of no escapees, but like, if I was a noble and my tiger got out and it was eating people, I don't think I'd say anything.
Then there's more fringe theories. The werewolf thing, of course, but also the idea it was a conspiracy against the king, or some big political plot, often involving Chastel (the hunter who shot it) or his son, or that it was a serial killer dressed in animal skins, or a serial killer that had trained a dog to hunt with him as his method of killing. I...kind that pretty unlikely, just because I've never heard of a serial killer doing anything like that, like using an animal is just not 'intimate' in the way serial killers seem to like to be? But I'm no expert.
My PERSONAL favorite Unlikely Fringe Theory is that it was a mesonychid. See, some descriptions of the Beast claimed it had hooves. And while no modern carnivore has hooves, there is a prehistoric class of carnivores called mesonychids who are often described as "wolves with hooves" and whose appearance---monstrous head, longer tail---do match up pretty well with a lot of accounts.
Now, is it likely that a breeding population of huge prehistoric predators just...survived THAT long into the present and just NEVER got noticed by humans except this ONE time, and no other remains to indicate their survival have ever turned up? Yeah, no. But I really like the idea! That and the werewolf are my FAVORITE options, but in all likelihood it was a wolfdog(s) or escaped exotic.
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whiskydisky · 2 months
alright buddy you asked for those headcanons....
a lot of them are for rachel for some reason, or just me projecting, or really out of character, I thought of them in the shower, blah blah blah you don't wanna hear me yap.
some of them are also just "____ reminds me of _____", and they shift past and present tense cause I'm STUPIDD so sorry
Andre doesn't really have a definite music taste, he just listens to whatever Cal likes and whatever's on the radio (OR SO HE SAYS)
He was pretty much a straight A student, he probably would've even gotten a scholarship.
His family has had Mel since she was a kitten.
His favorite arcade games are those hunting simulators with the guns.
REPRESSED HOMOSEXUAL (obviously), but he probably would've never figured it out anyways.
If he was alive today he would've been one of those shitty misogynistic fortnite players that watch andrew tate and you can't change my mind.
His bed is the best thing you will ever lay on, it's so ridiculously comfortable.
out of character, but it's funny, so who cares. andre secretly LOVES pop music, but he never really gets a chance to listen to it.
cannot draw anything to save his life.
HATES musicals. absolutely despises them.
still sleeps with this one stuffed animal he's had since he was a kid. its a lamb.
THE HEAVIEST SLEEPER YOU WILL EVER MEET. it is almost impossible to wake him up unless he does it on his own.
he's red to me.
autistic. how many more characters will I project onto? only god knows.
necklace guy.
one of those white guys that punch holes in walls when they get mad.
pops his fingers a lot.
paranoid about balding. (AND FOR GOOD REASON.)
knew absolutely nothing about guns before andre started talking to him about them.
him and rachel were childhood friends.
had a MASSIVE cd collection. just shelves and shelves of cds in his room that him and andre would listen to when they hung out.
doesn't really like going out.
sonic fan. im not explaining he just seems like one.
his entire wardrobe is just black band shirts and jeans because black shirts "go with anything" (he isn't wrong).
bracelet guy.
a little spoiled, ends up spending money like an idiot because of it. (example, his massive cd collection)
the way he was bullied was either physically or those kinds of "my friend has a crush on you" type deals
huge music geek, and gets angry when andre doesn't keep up with all of the stuff he tells him about bands.
REPRESSED BISEXUAL. he probably would've figured it out.
middle school was the absolute worst for him.
says the absolute meanest shit about people and then says "but who am I to judge?" and thinks that covers it
absolutely loved chuck e cheese animatronics as a kid.
he's blue to me.
draws on himself a lot, just draws in general, it's a way for him to fidget.
definitely neurodivergent.
chews off the paint on his nails, and his nails.
hums a lot.
not exactly a "popular kid" but people do hang out with her.
air hockey god, nobody can challenge her, they will lose.
earing girl.
people sometimes look at her weird for hanging out with cal, but she defends him.
had a little crush on cal, but nothing would've really come out of it anyway.
her house is super nice, like those grandma homes with the glass figures and useless decor with lace everywhere and uncomfortable couches to sit on. I'll send a picture if u don't know what I mean.
really nice to hang out with.
fidgets with her hoodie strings a lot.
one of those people that can adjust their personality depending on who they're hanging out with.
doesn't like andre because of his reputation and how cal acts around him (like how he actually is), but she doesn't actively bully or talk about him. she isn't that kind of person.
absolutely loved prom but the ride home was so incredibly awkward that it almost ruined the night for her.
has naturally curly hair, but doesn't really treat it right so it's pretty frizzy.
HATES it when car windows are down, her hair gets in her face a bunch.
also doesn't like putting her hair up unless it's really hot out.
paints cals nails. she knows he's a little 💅💅💅 but doesn't say anything.
really liked cal.
i do think she moved on, but it definitely took her a long time.
I'm very sick and tired of the "lesbian best friend" trope in caldre fics, she just doesn't seem like it to me.
falls asleep unnaturally quick.
absolutely loves going out, especially to malls or the park where she can walk and talk with people.
really good in school.
freshman year was horrible for her.
really likes reading and writing, she has a journal that she keeps to herself, it's one of those that have keys to them and stuff.
absolutely obsessed with unicorns as a kid. wanted them to be real so badly.
worried about how she'd look on her college application.
hung out with cal AND andre one time. did NOT like it and absolutely still talks to cal about how bad it was.
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voldrinofthenorth · 16 days
@vexwerewolf So we played In Golden Flame tonight and damn, I did not expect to show up at the end of somebody else's cowboy movie, only to realize we were g-men.
Now that Blacksmith guy, head of the local worker's union, he hired us to kill a "thief". We find the thief, but let him say his peace. If I'm hired to kill someone, I'd like to know who the target is, and the Blacksmith wouldn't give us any info.
The Thief tells us the Blacksmith is a corpo plant, and he's got evidence. Sends us multiple files. Screenshots, data logs, audio and video. Correspondence between the Blacksmith and SSC. Now, I understand having to work with the corpos in order to get shit done out here. We've got no Blinkgate and Union doesn't give two shits about the Boondocks of the Galaxy. Shit, half of us are piloting SSC chassis. We cut our own deals, even got into their "VIP Pilot Program", or whatever. I get it. But icing somebody to keep your reputation intact? I don't like that. You can say it's for the "greater good" all you want, but the only life anyone has any right to sacrifice is their own damn life. I ain't gonna shoot a man for fucking whistleblowing. No corpo could ever pay me enough to stoop that low.
Now, I'm firm in my beliefs here. The squad as a whole, however, are of differing minds. I voice my opinion. Redline isn't having it.
"We were hired for a job, we should finish it."
Charlie pipes in. "Guys, remember our mission? We're trying to save those people who are literally being enslaved and forced to fight each other to the death by Steele. We need the Blacksmith's transport ships. If we trade one life to save all of them, I think it's reasonable."
Christ the Buddha, did this bastard just bring up the fucking Trolly Problem? But shit... He's making sense. We need those ships for evac. We don't have enough room on the Dragon's Tooth for all of those civilians. Still...
Redline pulls his pistol onnthe Thief. "I'll finish him off if you won't."
In that moment, I make my decision. I draw my blaster and point it at Redline. He looks indignant when he turns to me.
"Really, Al? You'd point your gun at me? Over this?"
"I ain't gonna kill an innocent man, Red."
"Oh, so you get to decide who's innocent, now? Who made you judge and jury!?"
"Who made you executioner!?"
While we're having our shouting match, Lamplight is frozen. He can't decide. We need to save all those people. But, killing this man in cold blood is wrong... Right? Lamplight always wanted to be a hero, like Jessie. This doesn't seem very heroic...
Redline's face is red. He turns to the Thief and I can see his finger squeeze the trigger. I'm faster. My blaster goes off first. (I roll for Assault. 23.) I aim for his hand. The plasma bolt sunders his pistol, sending molten slag flying. Redline can feel the reverberations through his hardsuit. His arm goes numb, and falls limp to his side. He doesn't cry out. He just grits his teeth and pulls out a stim with his good hand.
I just stand there, realizing what I've done. Red looks up at me.
"I always knew you were a coward."
I square my jaw.
"I've got nothing to prove to you."
"Hesitating at the end of a job like this? It's weakness."
"I don't fucking care. I'm not a corpo shill."
Lamplight suddenly realizes something. "I can just do both." He looks to me and communicates though Witness, into my mind. "We can just do both."
I understand what he's communicating in an instant. With the images, I can also hear the old Witch's words. "Now, you may find another way..." With a thought, I activate my dataplate visor and send a message to Charlie. "Make it look like we killed him."
Redline's eyes are wide from the stim. He's shouting louder now.
"You're fucking weak!"
I shout back at him.
"I don't fucking CARE!"
I whip around and aim my blaster at the Thief. (I roll for Assault. Natural 20.) I aim for his head and make eye contact with him. I put the plasma bolt right next to his head. Close enough to singe him, but not enough to kill. Charlie is recording the evidence to send to the Blacksmith. Redline jumps on the Thief, veins pumping with a cocktail of stimulants. He beats down on him with his good hand.
Lamplight opens his slate and, as the video is recording, makes a few minor adjustments. Just enough not to be noticed, to be a bit more convincing. He looks up and shouts "Alright, he's dead already! Templar, pull him off!"
I grab Redline and yank him back. "Christ the Buddha, come on! He's dead, and we aren't fucking savages!" I drag Red off, back to our mechs. Charlie cuts the video feed and Lamplight leans down to the Thief. Into his mind, Lamplight speaks to him. "He won't come for you for a while."
The Thief looks up, bruised and burned and bleeding. His voice is horse. "I... I don't know how to repay you."
Lamplight noded. "Wait to send your broadcast until our mission is complete. That's all we ask. We need those ships.
The Thief closes his eyes. "Al... Alright. I'll wait. I'll wait..."
Lamplight put a a chitinous claw on his shoulder. "Thank you. I believe in you. I think you're a hero."
*Apparently the GM didn't expect our conversation to go the way it did. Since the book only has two outcomes, he had to improvise a bit. We're going to get to use the Blacksmith's ships for the mission, but afterwards we will gain "Enmity of the Blacksmith", but we'll also gain "The Thief's Honor". This session was great. We all gained several points of pilot stress and extra pilot EXP. Love Space Cowboys.
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poison-nekomimi · 2 months
Look I can't draw fast so I'm just going to share my current ideas of some GD levels that I either haven't drawn yet or I sketched but don't have their final design so keep in mind that none of the images I share are the final design.
Starting with the main game levels:
Electroman adventures: a superhero who goes around the city trying to save people and stop local supervillains from doing evil. He uses a bo staff like weapon that glows when he touches it as it channels his electricity (I'm trying to restrain myself from sharing too much. There's a lot I could say about him. I'm getting these ideas from the vocal mix waterflame made of the song. It's like an intro for if electroman adventures was a tv show (electroman is seen as an actual character in that video) I'll explain more when I actually get around to drawing him :] )
Blast processing: The local supervillain. He has a rivalry with electroman adventures. He doesn't actually want to hurt anyone though and just does it for fun. He uses a crossbow with fire along with various supervillain technology. (Also had to restrain myself from talking too much with this one)
Polargeist: An ice ghost who was a polar bear in her previous life. She uses an icicle as her weapon (I sketched out her design before actually. This isn't final though)
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Theory of everything (1 and 2):
Fairies that use wands and have the knowledge of the universe because it makes sense.
(I've only ever drawn ToE 2. The final design will look better, I swear. Also 3 and 4 do exist too)
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Jumper: The easter bunny child. She carries around a basket and uses a wand.
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Some random world levels:
Space pirates: A kid in a Halloween costume who uses a gun.
Round one: Previous leader of the toxic factory but got overthrown by space pirates. He is now a guard. He uses a gun (I'm looking forward to telling you the full story, it's funny)
Striker: A knight who is a part horse inspired by the chess piece. He uses a sword.
Frontlines: A guard who is part dog (maybe a fluffy white one) He uses a gun and I also ship him with striker.
Now for some random demons:
Duelo maestro: They're twins because of the 2 player thing. One is a witch and the other is a magician. They both use wands.
Tidal wave: A dolphin mermaid. Probably uses a trident or staff.
Congregation: Some kind of nightmare spirit or something having to do with dreams/nightmares (that idea came from the whole jumpscare meme and also because the level feels ominous and the music reminds me of a nightmare sequence) (this is the one character I don't have a weapon for yet) (he also got rejected by tidal wave once)
Limbo: The classic half angel/half devil and she uses a staff that symbolizes that. She's good friends with congregation and also hates tidal wave but I secretly ship her with tidal wave. (I'm still working on how to work the actual lore from this level like how I did with electroman adventures. These were just scattered ideas from before I read it)
Nine circles: He uses bright flashy lights and carries a scythe around (I just think the scythe would be cool)
I really hope I can draw them soon. I might also do a part two if you want to see that. Also feel free to steal these ideas or take inspiration, I don't mind ^^ I hope you enjoyed reading my silly rambles :3
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starsurface · 7 months
RAHHH I love your work it's so hjhjhjhjhj
Can I request cg Kotal and regressor Erron Black pretty please?
AHSNFBSH!!!! Yes of course!!!!! They're a bit more focused on Erron though, but don't worry!! I have some CG Kotal Hcs coming out soon!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kotal Kahn w/ Regressor Erron Black Hcs
🐮 Erron regresses from about 3-7
👑 More of a bigger kiddo, but also has some small days
🐮 Kotal Kahn was never really supposed to find out that Erron regressed
👑 He only found out because they were arguing about Erron’s performance one day and it made Erron slip and have a hissy fit
🐮 Repeatedly stomping his foot, finger pointing, whiney voice, and arm crossing
👑 Kotal very quickly realized that he wasn't arguing with the famous Erron Black, he was arguing with a seven year old
🐮 Kotal wasn't new to age regressing, regressing a bit himself and watching Jade back in the day, so he kinda just scooped Erron up, and offered him ice cream he had stashed away
👑 Pleased to say, Little Erron was over the moon, but big Erron was skeptical (and worried he'd lose his job)
🐮 It was kinda that that day forward, Kotal became Erron's main CG
👑 Mostly because Kotal was ‘worried of Erron regressing too small without someone’ (he also just missed having a little or a little friend)
🐮 Once knowing that Erron regressed, Kotal started noticing that he slipped quite often
👑 Kicking his feet during work, hiding his paci under his mask, but always making sure it didn't affect his work
🐮 . . . Kotal wasn't having it, and Erron got a big scolding >:(
👑 He helped coax Erron to a more regular, and safer, regressing schedule (which honestly helped Erron a lot more in his daily life since he was no longer struggling trying to be big and little at the same time!
🐮 Little Erron is very bossy
👑 He knows what he wants, and he knows he runs this show 😎
🐮 (^ He doesn't, but Kotal will let him think he does)
👑 Erron doesn't throw hissy fits, but he’ll stomp his foot and pout and accuse Kotal of being a big meanie on purpose >:(
🐮 Although honestly, Kotal either just has to soften his voice, or give Erron that one look, and Erron will grumble and calm down
👑 All weapons are put into a safe place that Erron can't get into
🐮 And if he slips during work, Kotal will switch his workload to come be his ‘personal guard’ and put both their weapons away
👑 Erron doesn't like touching his actual guns while he's small, but he has these little toy guns that he absolutely adores!!
🐮 He'll randomly tell Kotal to draw and Kotal will hold his heart and fall to the ground (it makes Erron giggle every time)
👑 Erron doesn't exactly break rules, but he's definitely a patient tester (lovingly)
🐮 Yeah, he could pick up his toys. Or, he could whine and pout and huff and make Kotal give him a few more minutes of playtime and- Oh wait, he's walking over with a mean face- Gotta clean up!!!
👑 Also doesn't like it when Kotal yells or scolds him, so he doesn't try to prompt it
🐮 If Erron does do something to get in trouble, no amount of ‘🥺’ will save him because Kotal’s a big meanie >:( (and because he puts his foot down on certain things and Erron gets to grumble in the corner for a few minutes)
👑 Likes getting piggy back rides (will call Kotal ‘Horsey’ and finds it hilarious)
🐮 Luckily Kotal doesn't mind, since he enjoys spending time with little cowboy (he tried calling Erron his little prince once and Erron claimed that he wasn't a silly prince >:(
👑 (^ But he makes sure Erron doesn't say that to anyone else. Not that he ever has, but just in case)
🐮 Doesn't really like others babysitting him and will run to hide behind Kotal because Kotal is huge and he can easily hide behind him
👑 His favorite babysitters are Kung Jin (I think they're friends :3) and Jade (that's his new Mama and no one can tell him otherwise)
🐮 Kotal really likes using more royal names on Erron, like Little Prince, my Little Warrior, his Majesty (he's use to using then for himself and for Jade so they come a bit more natural)
👑 ^ Erron doesn't. . . hate them, but he does prefer ones like Sweetheart, Little Sugar, Baby Boy, Tough Guy, Little Cowboy
🐮 (Although let's be honest, he'll melt at anything Kotal calls him, he really likes having a CG)
👑 If Erron’s smaller, he'll call Kotal Papa or Daddy
🐮 If he's bigger, Ko-Ko or Bubba (maybe Papa too)
👑 If he could watch Toy Story, he so would (I am leaning HEAVILY into the fact Erron’s a cowboy, I really like cowboys)
🐮 Johnny showed him the movie once, and Erron was so tempted to steal his tablet
👑 (Don't worry, Kotal got him one, he likes to spoil Erron)
🐮 Kitana knitted him a horse stuffie and thats his new best friend and they're partners in crime (yes crime, he doesn't wanna play the good guy >:(
👑 Has definitely stolen Kung Jin’s cow stuffie (that he actually bought for Jin) and doesn't understand why he's in trouble
🐮 The cow looked all lonely, Papa, he couldn't leave him!! All alone on the bed . . . No one to cuddle him . . . He just wanted to give him a little bit of snuggles 🥺
👑 Unless Jin is also small, he'll usually let it slide (steals a pouty Erron’s hat in response)
🐮 His hat stayed with HIM and no one can make gim part from it >:(
👑 However, Erron also really likes to have his hair brushed and played with so it stays with his horsey stuffie (Horsey is the name of it btw, Erron was very little when he named her and it kinds just stuck)
🐮 Erron does have a cow onesie with a hood for when he's feeling really tiny and a bit sleepy
👑 But only Kotals allowed to see him in it because he's too scared to wear it otherwise
🐮 Actually adores cuddles, but hated Kotal’s face paint because it'll get on him and excuse me Ko-Ko, he didn't ask to have blue face paint all over him >:/
👑 Kotal just laughs and rubs their cheeks together (making Erron pout more but also hold back giggles because he actually does find it kinda funny)
🐮 Erron has tried to curse once and only once when he was small
👑 Kotal shut it down extremely quickly and explained that a little boy his age shouldn't be using those naughty words while he's tiny
🐮 Luckily though, Erron didn't push it any further and grumpy accepted the new rule
👑 Although Kotal was now named a Mr. Big Meanie for life!! >:( (he's okay with that, he gets why Erron’s fussy but that won't change how he babies him)
🐮 Erron didn't like the new rule that much, especially since before Kotal, he didn't really have any rules for when he was small
👑 Very rarely, Erron will feel really small and vulnerable and hide in Kotal’s side
🐮 It especially helps that Kotal’s super big and he can easily pick Erron up and Erron gets to feel all small and tiny 🥺
👑 Erron has a habit of steal coins while he's small and suddenly, Kotal has no pocket change -_-
🐮 Erron had some regression items already but Kotal was one of the first to ever get him regressing items as a gift and it actually almost made Erron start sobbing
👑 Kotal’s kinda a protective CG and doesn't like it when Erron cries or gets hurt
🐮 He'll over fuss and kiss his boo-boo and get a band aid and require at least twenty minutes of cuddling
👑 Erron doesn't mind the fussing, but also really likes his freedom
🐮 If Erron gets sleepy, Kotal will let Erron sleep on top of him (he makes an amazing pillow)
👑 Erron is a fussy, cranky baby to wake up though, and will required his own time to wake up
🐮 Rubbing his eyes, yawning, nuzzling up to Kotal as he tries to wake himself up
👑 . . . Demands Kotal to make pancakes too, even if it's the afternoon or midnight, he wants pancakes 🥺
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Stop, I love Erron. <3
He's one of my mains, ngl. I don't know a bunch about him, but I think he's really cool. :3
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Thanks for the accidental recommendation! :P
Ok I know NOTHING about anime, okay? Anything I say was great or not so great might refer to Trigun Stampede specifically, or it might just be an anime thing in general because That's What An Anime Is. I can't tell the difference.
LOVED the intro song (Tombi by Kvi Baba). Constantly listening to it right now. It's hauntingly beautiful yet so easy-going and chill. I looked up the lyrics and they're about being a light in the darkness, I dig that theme!
LOVED Meryl from the start. A level-headed young lady who craves the truth, justice, and knowledge beyond herself because it's the right thing to do. She cares so much. She doesn't steal any spotlight by interfering or by being dramatic. She simply observes, listens to instructions that will save her life, and draws her own conclusions. I'm glad we got to experience the plot through her perspective first! A "journalist investigating a story" may seem like such a dumb start - could be Hallmark. But in this Space Western setting, it's perfect.
VASH MY BELOVED. I hated his intro because it made him seem so dumb and silly. There's a difference between making a character seem naive so that he gets underestimated (bringing in the - surprise! - big guns later), and making him outright ooc to create a false first impression. Idk I knew that his FIRST scene where he needed a bullet was not how his character would remain.
HIS CHARACTER DESIGN IS SO COOOOL!!! Idk from the outfit down to his martial arts skills matched with radical forgiveness and pacifism - DUDE. He's very complex. Idk yeah he lets himself get shot in total surrender but there is the part where one bullet won't immediately kill him and he knows it. There's also the part where Wolfwood challenges him on his beliefs, saying that for all his "peace and love on planet earth" talk he sure does not clean up after the messes he creates. The thing is - it's not so much about taking responsibility for the bounty on his head or something, but rather for the fact that his behavior evokes confused, angry and frightened reactions because it comes unexpected to a human society that is drilled on survival. As much as he CHOOSES not to use violence time and time again, I think he needs to cultivate some awareness that this is unusual behavior and that it triggers people to do crazy things (based on insecurity) around him. On the positive side, he confronts each and everyone with their personal tolerance for violence and tests their hearts that way. Beautiful.
The team is so well balanced! Vash, Wolf, Meryl, and Roberto - Dream Team!
The actions scenes take my breath away. They are so so so so good. I am noticing the attention to detail and the accuracy to skill that everyone is describing. I am also highly enjoying the ingenuity of new moves and awesome use of weapons, physical strength and surroundings. I'm sorry, I can't explain the brilliance of these moves well - but you already know what I mean.
I didn't quite get the in-depth explanation of the conflict I think??? Like, I'm still not quite sure what a Plant is, why Vash and Nai are more intelligent than the rest of them, why they were in space to begin with and what exactly Knives was trying to achieve by traveling to a higher dimension? I really didn't get the angel theme and why Vash suddenly developed a wing and became dark (I like his darker look tho). I also don't quite understand Nai as a character. To ensure the survival of Plant seems like an understandable cause for his actions, but why be so cruel and uncaring about it? It doesn't explain his maniac barbarity. Explanations are more than welcome!
What is your obsession with Livio about?? I mean I know, he was epic in that one scene he appeared in, and his bond with Wolfwood was genuine and deep. But he literally took himself out like a light, so... where's all that additional Livio content coming from? It's also really sad. Like... he never even gave himself one minute after waking up. That was a bit morbid.
Oh my gosh Vashmeryl is the og canon? I'm happy there wasn't any forced romance between anyone in this season. Only platonic connections for once. Amazing. Whatever Vash and Meryl end up as, I'll support both.
If there comes a Season 2, I will watch it!!! I don't know how far I'll take Trigun Stampede in fandom, but believe me, watching this has positively altered me forever. It's so FRESH.
Again, thank you for the unintentional recommendation!
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rubykgrant · 1 year
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Just thinking about my RVB character Poppy... I'll eventually get her in my story-line, there's just all the other plot stuff that needs to happen first. I do have some pictures of her, though! I can't draw armor to save my life, but hers would be white (with tan accents, styled a bit like Florida's during Project Freelancer). When I started absorbing RVB, my brain sparked several potential story concepts and characters... eventually, I refined what I wanted, and combined a few ideas into Poppy! She's going to be part of Red Team; for one thing, they almost never get new people (true, this is because their current members don't... die... as often as SOMEBODY, but still. even though Carolina isn't technically on either team, she and Wash kinda gravitated toward the Blues. The Reds "unofficially" have Doc, because he hangs out with Donut, and Grif caught Locus in the friendship net, but we need a REAL "New Red!"). For another, they've got exactly zero girls. Blue Team gets all the ladies (*finger-guns from Tucker*). Somebody needs to even this out. Finally, with white armor, the prophecy of Red Team being the lesbian flag has been fulfilled!
Her name was chosen because I wanted to use a flower, but not one I've named a character before. I was also re-watching Little Nemo, so I borrowed the name McCay
Some more info about her below~
Poppy didn't actually "join" the army. At least, not in a traditional sense. She was "selected" to be part of a "special training program", which turned out to be tricking poor and homeless people into working at dangerous outposts. When one area was getting attacked, a lot of the people running the show took escape ships for themselves. Poppy was able to find a set of armor, and now looking "official", she helped guide all the people who would have been abandoned to safety. When she got them all to a rescue ship, a soldier asked if she had been in charge of that outpost. She basically pretended that yes, she TOTALLY was the boss. Yep. Hired herself, and gave herself a promotion. Before she could back out or escape, she was congratulated for saving all those lives, and then thrown into a new "assignment". Whoops.
Poppy was later sent to a group of Red and Blue team Flag Zealots (during the Blood Gulch days, but they never interacted with anybody from there). She was supposed to evaluate their efficiency, and order more supplies as needed. The Blue Team contained Lou, Drew, and Hue. The Red Team was made up of Ted, Jed, and Fred. Obviously, they weren't very efficient at ALL, but were suprisingly endearing. Because Poppy wasn't technically on one side or the other, both teams decided she was off-limits when it came to fighting; nobody hurts Poppy! She's everybody's friend. At most, they would fight over who was her favorite~
Eventually, they ran out of ammo, and Poppy just... didn't order more. The fighting turned into more harmless pranks, and they perhaps would have eventually reached a point of shared friendship if things had continued like that. Unfortunately, something terrible happened. It started when Poppy was injured saving the others from a mine they forgot they planted. She was hurt and knocked-out, but recovering. That wasn't the terrible thing; while she was out, Somebody from Temple's group came looking for new members. These Reds and Blues refused to join. They were killed, and when Poppy woke up, she was alone.
For a while, Poppy had to stay hidden and keep a low profile. A lot of stuff was happening in the background. By the time she got discovered by UNSC soldiers again, she was still recognized as part of the Flag Zealots (even though she literally DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE FLAGS), and Temple just tried to pull his big plan... so they decided this made her a criminal (ha! when she does something illegal, it's on purpose, and she's less annoying about it, thank you). Somebody at the UNSC thought the best thing to do with left over Flag Zealots was to use all their "devotion" for a different cause... which is INSIDIOUS AS HECK. The person called in to handle training these soldiers is somebody very LOYAL and PASSIONATE, the Reddest Red to ever Red; Sarge.
At first, Sarge is very happy to be back in his comfort-zone. However, well... he might always be seeing red, but he doesn't quite have the rose-colored glasses when looking at the military that he used to. In particular, when he hears about the life of one particular trouble-making smart-mouth named Poppy, it reminds him of the people he's been spending the last couple of decades with. The way the military chewed them up, spit them out, and told them it was a good idea to take other people down with them. Papa Warcrimes has some things to think about!
One thing he knows for sure, he's adopting this little firecracker! Although she's introduced to the Reds (and the rest of the group) through Sarge, once she's in there, Poppy is meant to sort of mirror Simmons. Just like the Reds rarely get new people, Simmons rarely gets new friends. She has things in common with him, like rattling off random trivia she knows, and she's also very different from him. The fact that Sarge likes her, and she's a nerd, SHOULD make Simmons hate her guts, and he was about ready for that... but after one conversation with her, he internally just clicked with her- "Oh, sibling? Sibling!". This is extra symbolic, because the one who killed her Reds and Blues was, in fact, Gene. Poppy really doesn't care for him very muchly, but she likes Simmons a lot, and that makes him very happy (she DOESN'T think he's the same as Gene? She LIKES all his nonsense nerd chatter? SIBLING!). Also, she and Simmons are trans in opposite directions~
Some of my favorite little lines I have for her-
(after being ordered to inspect a dark area in the woods) "I'm not going in there. It looks like the Blair Witch is in there!"
(somebody rudely tells her what to do) "Hey, how about you try asking me again, but this time, get that tone out of your mouth when you talk to me~" *sarcastically cheerful*
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belunajester · 5 months
Promised Death
About Ann -part 2
Ann's past was so long that I will now explain her on-base.
1. Birth
She's actually a story based on me. I couldn't help liking Creepypasta for having a tragic past like me because it didn't feel like a light.
I think Ann as my dream and hope, and I can't stand of making her using the word ;miracle.
And Ann’s narrative and life can change over the course of my day, and it can be disastrous.
2. Age
Ann is now 14years old. Ann's real birth, or the age of becoming a Creepypasta, is 18 years old.
3. Appearance
Ann is quite chubby, contrary to the description. In addition, Ann has a lot of stress from her thighs and belly fat. And even though Ann is native Korean, she is often mistaken for mixed race. Although Ann has light brown hair and eyes (lack of pigmentation), she also has light ocher-colored skin, giving her a summery look. However, her facial expressions and eyes are usually quite sharp and cold, but the truth is that life is just tiring and bruising. She is 168cm tall, which is quite big in Korea and weighs about 60kg, which is quite chubby but muscular. Ann has a wide shoulder and a mole on her face which is another complex. She also has a little scar on her arm, which is produce by her habit, self harm.
4. Name
Her name is Ann, as we have explained a lot before. She can't remember her Korean name, which is ,her old name. It is Ann in English, and nobody knows her by her last name, and it is just one word. Ann is called Ann Reaper by people's alias, or, in long description Ann of the Grim Reaper. But she tends to be just her name.
5. Personality
Ann has had a strange personality since she was a little girl. She is curious, but on the weird side, for example, she wants to know how a person died if they died, how the body remains, and even more, to see it. She has thoughts of not crying even if life dies, but not even if her parents die, and if she cries, she cries at the thought that she will be scolded because she cannot save her mother. She also often spaces out due to delusions. Because of that, there is always a void in her eyes and heart. Ann often does not feel love, grew up to not even love her family, and had unrequited love before ,but the spark of love has quickly cooled off. So she still waits for someone she can love truly. Ann seems cold at first, but when she gets close to her by being polite, she is more outgoing and playful than expected. She is also very depressed, so she relieves her pain while cutting herself, and is afraid of making eye contact with Anthropophobia and Scopophobia, which are afraid of bipolar and multiple people. So, because of this problem, she often had nightmares and tears because she had severe anxiety.Wristcut syndrome.It's one of those mental illnesses where you repeatedly use a knife to cut your wrist, and Ann also has severe Wristcut syndrome.
6. Ability
Ann is endowed with the blood of Zalgo. So her skin turns black and the red crystals grew on top of it power used, her blood crystallizes to form the shape they want or rises from the ground, but the more you use it,since it is blood ,the more you lose your breath, the more you lose your mind the more blood you leak from the marks of Zalgo and the scars on your arms and legs.
Other weapons, she includes guns, big needles (like Spy Family Yor's) and sometimes she likes to use bombs.
7. Features
Ann's birthday is August 13th
Ann likes red very much.
Ann has a cat, so her eyes turn on when it comes to cats
The scent from Ann feels like the aura of bright red roses.
Ann has a crush on Eyeless Jack, but she's afraid of the feelings she feels and the harm Zalgo's coming to him, so she can only express it and can't speak.
Ann is good at making voices such as other characters.
Ann often draws, sing songs, and watches the Internet and takes a rest.
Ann has a surprisingly good voice. A dark, glowing voice. For example, a sexy, beautiful voice
Ann’s sexual preference, as I said, is Pansexual
Ann’s appearance is in my next story
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34saveme34 · 8 months
Time to make a post about 3 to riot the masses
Right now, I am thinking about how self sacrificing he is
It kind of started with Terrence
So it's within my theory that it was the Graveyard that started his softening, so him sacrificing something from there of all places is hugely significant
He really cared about his lil guy and yet he still did it, he gave that up to save the world
But it's really interesting how after that, it slowly focused in on 4
The way how in the 100 hour live stream he was the one sticking around the longest, sacrificing a lot of his money and time for 4
How with his last breath (at least he thought it would be) he decides to let go of his tendency of denying his feelings, something that's absolutely hard for him to do and tell 4 just how much he matters
Then when the demonic keyboard doesn't want to let go of 4, he chooses with little hesitation to RISK HIS LIFE to SAVE 4
That sticks out to me so much
And it's slowly turning into a pattern
In You Used to be Cool, you can clearly see it again. Clearly pointed out even
When the gun is pointed at him, he doesn't give a shit but when it's pointed at 4? He is shocked and immediately jumps in to stop Eggman from hurting 4
But not himself
And that is scary. It is scary to think about
Especially after his drawing in wotfi 2023, which I think is the biggest evidence of their relationship not just being a joke
Because a lot of the things that you see them do together, you can through either more or less explanation write them off as baseless or you can make it look platonic
But that drawing? Something that only happened with a pairing that turned canon? Also with one being quite self sacrificing? You can't just write this shit off, doing so is just denial at that point
It's just in no way a bit or joke or a throw away reference, that is basically 99% solid proof of their relationship being something more (that 1% is for the possibility that they might fuck this up even with such a solid evidence backing up their connection)
What I'm saying is, I hope with my whole heart that we don't end up with a scene that replicates the scene with the 2 and Eggman but genuinely and 3 actually taking the hit instead of 4. It is a possibility, which is scary
Like I know peope were already catious with that gay ass drawing so I'm here to make that worry worse 👍
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miniimapp · 2 years
Gen. ;; Incorrect quotes - Fluff + Crack
Warnings ;; Swearing + mention of weapons
Proofread + Edited ;; Yessir
Auth. Note ;; I've been saving this for a rainy day :)) Everything has been so busy in my personal life so take this while you wait for my wonderful hcs !! :DD
Enjoy !! <3
Aaron Z: Don't even try it, I've already sent good vibes your way. They're coming. And there's nothing you can do to stop them.
Aaron T: Well if that isn't the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up-
Aaron Z: Be prepared.
Jesse: Just be yourself.
Aaron Z: "Be myself" ?? Jesse, I have one day to win the new manager over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me ??
Aaron T: Couple weeks.
Tae Young: Six months.
Robaire: Jury’s still out.
Aaron Z: See, Jesse ??
Aaron Z: "Be myself'". What kind of garbage advice is that ??
Robaire: I CAN'T DO IT !!
Tae Young, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER !!
Robaire: ...
Robaire: I appreciate it
Jesse: Robaire-
Jesse: Robaire we gotta-
Robaire: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today ??'
Robaire, motioning to Aaron Z: NOT FUCKING THIS
Tae Young: What time is it ??
Aaron T: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
Aaron T: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
Aaron T: It’s 2 am
Aaron Z: We need more help...maybe I should call my friends
Jesse: ...Your what ??
Aaron Z: My friends
Tae Young: Is he saying “friends” ??
Robaire: I think he's being sarcastic
Aaron T: No, no, no, this is delirium, he's cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Z! All of your friends are in this room.
Aaron Z: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
Robaire: What’s something you guys are better than Jesse at ??
Aaron Z: Mario Kart
Aaron T: Yeah, video games
Tae Young: Emotional vulnerability
Aaron T: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff
Aaron Z: I witnessed the dumb stuff
Robaire: I recorded the dumb stuff
Tae Young: I joined in on the dumb stuff
Tae Young: Bye Jesse !! Bye Robaire !! Bye T !! Bye Z !! Bye Jesse !!
Robaire: You said "bye Jesse" twice
Tae Young, smiling innocently: I like Jesse !!
Tae Young: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Aaron T: This knife is actually a magic wand
Tae Young: Meet me in the car park for a wizard duel
Aaron Z: *cocks gun* Magic missile
Jesse: What the fuck is wrong with you people !?
Robaire: How did we get to this ??
Jesse: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works
Aaron T, drinking toast: Why do you say that ??
Hope you enjoyed these silly little incorrect quotes, kudos to the incorrect quote generator for generating a fair few of these and also to me for changing and/or making up my own <3
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Interesting question (and one that honestly might get an answer with some sort of crossover in the future) but what would the family think of there AFAC counterparts: their differences and what some of them are doing
The most interesting I think could be
Azerian and maverick
Ariel and hermen (I can’t spell to save my life)
And exriels General reaction 
Oh this will be something interesting. I know we'll be having a crossover with ACAF at some point, not sure about @askfriskandcompany, so if you want the AFAC character's reactions, go to TQ.
But for Azerian and Maverick, I still can't help but imagine the Drew and David meme. Or also
Azerian: Traumatizing face scar? Maverick: Traumatizing face scar. Both: *Finger guns* Eeeeey.
I feel the Sans's would be chill. Though I can totally see AFAC Sans just being like Sans.exe has stopped responding when he finds out about Sariel (which, TQ, btw I know you've been discussing the stuff with a hypothetical Soriel baby with your askers. If you come up with an idea for said hypothetical kid, I'd love to draw them with Sariel.)
Arial and Hermann would get along. I once drew a picture of them singing Starships.
Exriel would just watch the likely ensuing chaos and be like. "Yep. Figures that I don't have a counterpart. Just like every other AU."
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scover-va · 2 years
Generally when you reblog things I feel like I ask for ???/Carla/Chandrelle a lot. So I’m going to switch it up and say Rust for the ask meme
My favourite old man!!! And my favourite, dare I say, babygirl
Favourite thing about them:
His fucking CHAPTER oguhgguughggugh i could talk about him and his experiences for HOURS OGUGHGUGUH. Hi. I am NOT normal about him. Tho genuine, less vague answer is probably just. Like. His personality? Like he is SUCH a good dad and i just wanna see him and Weasel Kid bond post-game yknow??? But also like. His entire life is the wastes, people wanting to kill him and his son around every corner, yet he still tries and avoid violence whenever possible?? I dont know if it's more of a genuine pacifist thing or if he doesnt want his son to experience all this death, but like. I kinda wanna lean towards the second option considering how quickly he resorted to killing and shooting on sight when Rocky wasnt there. And I know thats mainly bc of trauma and determination to get to his kid but. I mean. Shooting Jeremiah in the chest was NOT necessary. Anyways also hes silly and goofy and I love him <3
Least favourite thing about him:
Maybe not about HIM specifically but like. I wish the mind control serum was explored more?? Like it kinda feels like a useless plot. Yes it triggered Carla's hardcore mod, but unless she or Sado were in contact with Reggie and Jeremiah somehow, then that mod could've just...been triggered differently. And like. It's mostly Sado's actions that drive him to that brink of insanity. I cant remember if Jeremiah told him to go to the inn, but the ONLY reason i can see the MC Serum being important is just to get him to the inn. other than that. He joins in on the ritual because he thinks it'll get Rocky back. He's already a player character, he doesnt NEED to be controlled by the player. And also I think the potential of him being the dead body up during Junior's lil assistance section of VG2 is unexplored
Favourite Line:
Not even the full line, but. Mayhap. I quote it all the time. (Full line is something like "Can't fit in there. Someone smaller, mayhap" idk I'm not pulling up the game to find it) Mayhap mayhap mayhap. Hes so silly I love him <3333
Again, I think he and Weasel Kid should have a father-son dynamic, as seen in one of my fics. They both lost what the other is, and I just mmmmm!!!!
My number of Rust ships is. Low. Admittedly. But him with Bryce and/or Lazarus <3
Obviously The Hex has like 10 fans, and the number of Rust ships is. Low. But I'm just gonna say the obvious notps; Weasel Kid, Sado, or Rocky. Thank fucking god this fandom is small because weirdos would use Lionel's voice line about never figuring out Rust and Rockys exact bond as an excuse for proshitting. So. Yay small fandom moment <3
Random Headcanon:
I dont know how random BUT while in the Wastes, he's fairly thin and doesn't eat much, only eating up to half of their food rations, often less, saving the rest for Rocky. But he had slight muscle to make up for it, because I'm sure carrying around supplies and a bigass shot gun all day every day + walking all day every day at least builds up SOME muscle. Once he gets to the inn, however, he loses his gun and doesn't walk around too much. After all, the inn is MUCH smaller than the wastes. So, he ends up losing muscle. Not to mention he's probably eating less (especially after the possibility of fully coming to terms with what happened to his son), so. He grows thinner. Though he DOES go down a road of recovery (probably with Bryce's help tbh, knowing how Bryce is) and ends up regaining some body fat! He eventually gets healthy enough that he slowly develops a bit of a dad bod :-) I wanted to draw out this hc but couldn't get the anatomy to look right so I forgot about it, but I am VERY happy I get to ramble about it now <3
Unpopular Opinion:
There are like 2 or 3 other people who talk about Rust enough for ANY sort of 'popular' opinion to form. So. That sucks. Does him being the skeleton in the GameWorks base count? Can I say he's smart just not conventionally smart? Like he can hotwire a car and picked up some German thanks to a certain nuclear sandworm and can aim with perfect accuracy despite having poor vision, but he can't read or do math or write or-
Song I associate with them:
I. Have an entire playlist for him. Whoopsies. ANYWAYS. Grief from The Devil's Carnival (ive never listened to the musical i just found it in a playlist a while back) and Still Here by Digital Daggers. Mostly Grief tho. But like. It's from Sado's perspective about Rust. If that makes sense
Favourite Picture of them:
His steam emoji <33333
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It looks even goofier on my phone bc of how blurred it is
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neon-pink-leitner · 2 years
Ask Game: A, B, E, K, L, N, O, P, R, V, Z.
Anon, send me "Z" in its own ask. I got a plan for that one and I've already written enough here. This needs its own post.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot.
V/Johnny is probably one of my main ships right now. Same with Johnny/Kerry but one that I love and don't talk about much is Cletus Kasady/Carnage Symbiote.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
V and Takamura, at first, I just did not get it at all and while its not a main ship for me, I see why ya'll ship them.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Oh god. Okay so ummm...I wrote a crack fic that ships Thanos from the MCU with Knull the God of Symbiotes. Its fucking great, its terrible, I want to burn it, I should frame it, you can read it here
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
I got two here. First being Johnny Silverhand. We get glimpses of his past self being a total fucking asshole and we know from others that he wasn't always a good person but we get to watch this slow change with V's help as he grows into a person that you could sit in the same room with. At the end even willing to give his life for V's which I feel like is something that past Johnny would not have done at all. My second one would be Eddie Brock. He went from being one of Mavel's top villains with a grudge to kill Spider-Man to somewhat healing his wounds and ends up, no joke, not kidding, being a fucking God who wants to save the world from Knull. Its really stunning to see.
L- Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your fave
I'm very middle of the road with River Ward. His personality is a little, I don't know, I can't really find the word. But his quest? One of the most interesting in gaming and I said it once and I'll say it again, DO NOT run his quest at the farm if you are not sober, you won't have a good time. Also Mickey Jones from Doctor Who didn't deserve to be led on so much by Rose. He might have been a bit annoying, but The Doctor and Rose didn't treat him like they should have
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Really the only thing I wish that was a different is I feel like fic writers don't get the credit we deserve. I understand why visual art gets the attention it does and it should! Drawing of any type if hard as fuck! I don't see this as much in the Cyberpunk fandom because everyone is really happy to get any type of content but I saw this in the Marvel fandom where most often drawings would get praised way more than fics. Honestly on that topic, the Cyberpunk fandom is one of the chilliest fandoms I've ever been in. If I had to pick a second one I'd say I wish people would post more about their OCs!(I say this while pointing at a mirror) I love love seeing ya'lls lil guys! I always wanna see more!(Again, still pointing at the mirror)
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Oof, okay, here we go, loading up my liked songs on Spotify and hitting random. Here were go
Sparks Fly • Taylor Swift (spotify.com)
Had to think of this one but I feel Kerry and V would fit this. I've read alot of MaleV/Kerry stuff where they are both hopeless romantic mushy types and this just feels like something they would dance to in the living room when it was just them. Judy/V also popped into my head but I'm not sure why.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom
AU in which Johnny is a devil hunter in Devil May Cry. He's got the vibe for it, the gun, and the guitar. In fact he's modded his guitar in such a way that he can use it as a weapon (think Nevan from Devil May Cry). I could see Samurai being both a rock band and a band of devil hunters as well. Not sure where V could fit in. Maybe they got, I dunno, bit by a demon and know they got fucked up powers?
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
We really don't get to see enough of V and Misty and that's a damn shame. I would have loved maybe a little side quest thing with the two of them, more so than just Jackie's funeral. I also love Jackie's and V's friendship. I know some people ship them but I just see them as friends. Its really driven home that you can't trust anyone in Night City and here's Jackie willing to take V under his wing after they lost everything. A real choom, good guy, truly.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
In Cyberpunk 2077? Despite her not being one of faves, Judy. Much like her I also a friend to suicide. It was that quest that prevented me from playing the game for two years because I didn't know how I would handle it. Only to find that when I played, and V comforts Judy, It felt like comforting myself. I understood her feelings of loss and guilt. Its a type of feeling you only get when someone close to you takes their own life and its hard to put into words. Recently my grandparents sold my childhood home, my forest and my safeplace. Seeing Judy explore the flooded remains of her childhood home made me cry after this. I understand now. The longing for a place you'll never go back to and even if you do, it won't be the same. The feeling of watching memories play out before your eyes. Its not something you really get over and it changes you.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Hi this is shrimp and this is my first ask!
Hope you’re doing well! So excited to read the upcoming work!🥹💛
Shriiiiiimp 🥺❤️ I'm excited for the next works too hehe
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
Yes! I have six for now. I'm planning on getting the seventh soon! I won't go into many details but I'll tell you what's the meaning behind them:
The very first one is on my wrist. It's from one of my ECGs (yes, it's a heartbeat line from my very electrocardiogram). My heart doesn't have a normal rhythm so it made the tattoo more personal. At the end of the heartbeat line, the word 'hope' appears. For me, this means that even if my heart didn't beat like it should, at least it was still beating. There was hope in every heartbeat
The second one I have is a small potion tattoo! It's in my other wrist, and my mom has the same matching tattoo.
Third one is the word 'Always' but changing the 'A' for the symbol of the Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter. Harry Potter saved my life in my many ways (we don't talk about the author here, just the books, that woman can burn in hell) It was my safe place to go when life was overwhelming. It still is, and I'm sad that I don't get to see more of the Fantastic Creatures world :( (thank you warner)
Fourth is another Harry Potter tattoo. It's a wand and a Patronus. It's a doe. Lily's Patronus. Due with that information whatever you want.
Fifth is a stack of books (7) and they slowly move up and turn into birds flying away. Reading can make you fly to other worlds. It also has some watercolor splashes on it. It's beautiful. I have it on my back.
Last, but not least, the word 'resilience' in my forearm, right above of the antecubital fossa. If you've been around long enough, you know my life has been a shit. Looks like I lack healthiness but I am the most resilient human I've encountered.
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Nope. And I actually can't bc of the pills I take for my heart.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Apart from writing? Let me think... I like drawing and painting. Reading. And I have a lot of hyperfixations every year so... Who knows. Maybe Top Gun is the newest one 😂
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