#also I hc noise as poly
sunw13d · 1 year
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thepepsislvt · 5 months
-🌷 the Eustass and Killer (and barto ofc) obsessed Tulip
nobody will understand how much i miss the pre time skip killer fit like he looks good in post timeskip but GOD.
Warnings: Cursing, kid being a dick
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dating both Kid and Killer there will never be a dull moment
Kid is loud and rowdy and Killer is quiet
you and Kid bicker and poke fun at each other like you’ve known each other your whole life
When you and Eustass are at each other's throats it's Killer who comes and steps in to break the fight
Acts like a mom and is like “I don't care who started it I'm going to finish it”
Because you're too damn stubborn and Kid has such a thick skull Killer has to separate you more than not
Kid may not seem like he cares but he does
he shows it awfully though
he pull up to your bedroom door at an ungodly time of night before going to bed himself
he barges in and bangs on the open door just to wake you up
after your initial reaction which was to grab a weapon and hide under your bed you finally realize its just him
you crawl out and give him a nasty glare
“What is it Eustass? cant it wait until morning?”
“i made this for you asshole”
he gives you a new bracelet or necklace he made himself before leaving without another word
he leaves your door open just to annoy you
you slam the door before returning to bed
the noise from the door being slammed woke Killer awake and he knows exactly what happened
when you all wakeup you get an earful from Killer about being quiet at night because the crew needs to sleep in order to function properly
Killer is almost the exact opposite from Kid
any fights you have with him he will resolve in a normal, calm manner
he lets you sit in the kitchen with him while he cooks
you can talk his ear off and he wont butt in or interrupt you
he does get his piece in when you pause for a moment
most nights he cuddles with you since Kid stays awake pretty late
and if you do stay up late like Kid, Killer will sleep on whatever furniture available and just hold you in his lap
Killer is insecure about his laugh and face so when you first started dating he would only let you kiss his hands or mask
but slowly he warms up to the idea of you seeing his face and every now and again he moves his mask up his face more when you want to give him a kiss
when he does eventually remove his entire mask you cover his entire face in kisses and tell him hes perfect to you even if he doesnt think so
Killer loves it when you play or brush his hair
you help him style it and always puts it into a ponytail for him when hes cooking
Kid lets you kiss him only if you can reach his face
he will make you climb on furniture and jump around just to do so
when hes done making you work so hard he squats down only to tease you even more
“can you reach now, Tiny?”
“well now youre not getting a kiss for that”
“Im not giving it to you for that!”
hes so demanding
when Killer sees Kid giving you shit for being shorter than him Killer will push the back of Kid’s head down so you can reach him
You kiss Kid’s cheek and then go hug the blonde while Kid complains that having Killer help is cheating
on nights where Kid is just worn out and actually decides to go to bed when you and Killer do its an amazing cuddle session
Killer has to separate sleep in the middle which he doesnt mind but only does this because you and Kid will Bicker about anything and everything
“STOP laying on me you big red asshole”
“well youre cutting off my oxygen when you lay on my chest” (you dont he just wants to have the last word)
“God you act like you cant bench triple my weight”
“you two fight like children just shut up and go to sleep” Killer had to physically move either one of you to the other side of him just so the poor guy can sleep
there are some nights you and Kid can sleep next to each other without fighting but you two are always up till 4 in the morning giggling and laughing about the most random ass things
“okay would you rather spend 24 hours in an abandoned mall with 10 cobras or 1 gorilla but you cant use your metal arm or devil fruit”
“Well obviously the gorilla because i feel like i could fight it without those”
“i didnt know youre that dumb”
“oh really what would you pick?”
“the snakes obviously”
“you dont know where they are though! one could drop from the ceiling and theyre harder to hurt! at least you can see the gorilla”
“Snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them if you leave them alone you will be fine”
“But if they bite you youre done for”
“Youre done for if you try and fight a gorilla!”
“i personally think i would intimidate it”
“Kid you cannot intimidate a gorilla, you would be better off with the snakes like they said now shut up”
you and kid do shut up for exactly 4 minutes and 56 seconds then start yapping again
Killer and Kid are the best boyfriends that anyone could ask for
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plsdonttakemyname · 1 year
You dont have to feel like you gotta do this, bc i know sm ppl r too out of their comfort zone with it, but would you consider:
Poly!Soukoku? Like Dazai / reader / chuuya?
Fluff HCs?
Ig if you wanted more fun stuff (pls dont do it this is too much!) What do you think would be a good ability for an S/O of them to have?? :0
I have this one idea where their just a sort of puppet master and have strings that they can latch onto ppl and physically move them around, or even mess with memories (the non-passionate/deep seated ones) bc i thought Dazai would like the different ways it could be applied, and Chuuya would think it's badass to watch you just, lower the glowing strings coming out of fingertips attached to like a group of armed enemies and they just like, drop their guns and bow.
Feel free to have fun with this however you want, or delete the request if its too much!
Also the ability i talked abt doesnt have to be readers ability, and these could just be chill headcanons abt their relationship! Whatever works!
Hope youre having a great weekend so far, and I really like your writing!!
Poly Anon ☢️
Poly!Soukoku X G!n Reader
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A/n; Hi Anon! Tysm I really appreciate it! I'm glad you like my writing! I hope you're having a great weekend so far too :D
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Genre; Fluff, Hcs
Pairings; Chuuya X Dazai X Reader
Warnings; Mentions of Suicide(Dazai), my bad writing, Might has some grammar mistakes 😭
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Now how do I start with this chaotic relationship...
Chuuya would try to kill Dazai from time to time and you have to be there to stop them because of it 😭
I feel like s/o would toy with their opponents with the use of their ability
Mori had assigned you three on another mission together even though one was already enough since the three of you were strong enough but who knows why he assigned you three on a mission like this
Chuuya would be surprised and amazed at the same time when he first saw your ability with his own eyes, sure he has heard about this ability before but he’s never actually seen it for himself before.
Chuuya thinks that his s/o is so badass when they puppet the enemies, making them bow down and drop all of the weapons carried to the battle.
Dazai on the other hand would not really get surprised since this is his first time actually seeing this ability with his own eyes and not hearing it from some stupid book, but he still knew from the beginning
But when the three of you are all bored and out of missions to carry out, you'll all hangout in a bar to spend some time with each other
It's either one of yall ended up drunk OR you all ended up drunk and passed out in the bar 😭
The three of you will always go out to the mall or on expensive dinner dates
You all share the same apartment and that's where things are starting to get really wild
When getting into bed, there is never peace...The three of you would be kicking each other off the bed and slapping each other in the middle of the night 💔
Chuuya Is the kicker,Dazai is the pusher and you're the one that's suffering 😢
Just imagine this, suddenly you woke up at an ungodly hour because you felt a hand slapping your face just to find out it was Dazai slapping you in his sleep and Chuuya is almost on the floor still dead asleep after a long day in the Port Mafia.
You had enough one night and decided to kick them both off the bed and acted as if you're still asleep 😭
It's legit 4am and suddenly you just kick them off the bed "OW" "what...the..fuck..." *Y/n fake snoring noises*
Besides that when it's really peaceful it's either they're both on a long mission or they're ACTUALLY not kicking or pushing each other off the bed.
The three of you likes to cuddle and fall asleep in each other's warmth
"Will you,Y/N L/n, Come double suicide with me?" "no." "OI MACKEREL IF YOU WANNA DIE I CAN KILL YOU NOW STOP ASKING Y/N TO SUICIDE WITH YOU JACKASS" "YOU HURT MY FEELINGS CHIBI.." while you're just busy typing up a report and also trying to calm down
When one of you are on a mission alone you all definitely give each other a goodbye and goodluck kiss before heading out
Besides all of those chaotic stuff happening in your relationship, You all are an unbreakable trio
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That's all I hope you like it </3
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matchbet-allofthetime · 2 months
Hi again! I melted over the Boone hcs—the way you write him is so good. Can I request your nsfw ramblings about Boone too? I just know his trigger finger could be put to good use…elsewhere 😩
VERY good use anon, you've read my mind 😉
Enjoy my excited horny rambling about Craig Boone below the cut ✨
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Boone NSFW HCs:
-this man has a damn quick and steady trigger finger, and that extends to how he can fuck you with his fingers.
-he's a big boy by all accounts, and that gives him thick fingers, thick thighs and arms, and a thick dick.
-he can and WILL go commando, and that dick WILL be slung over the curve of his hip right where you can see it no matter what pants he wears
-he doesn't talk much unless you get him in a rare conversational mood at the best of times without fucking him. Despite that, he will absolutely mumble muffled praises and promises no matter how hard he's slamming his hips against your own
-definitely open for a poly relationship with you and a certain blonde doctor 👀
-casually constantly horny. Never stops.
-can and will keep going- like any other situation, puts both his endurance and strength to use
-puts that oral fixation and his habit of staying quieter to good use, because he WILL stuff his mouth with cock or cunt within moments of you telling him he can
-unnaturally long tongue, just a strange genetic trait. Serves him well when he pleasures partners
-dude will wilfully ignore arousal in lieu of his work but does get worked up if you tease enough to piss him off
-a touch possessive, mostly because he worries so much- leads often to him using a broad palm to press against your spine (or Arcade's, if he's also in on it all) to pin you down under him
-prefere giving over receiving, but if you do give, he certainly won't complain. It's one of few ways he gets vocal though, so be mindful
-takes as much as he gives. So if he ducks you hard, he expects you to fuck him harder right after
-silent touches and the holding of hands, even if he's rough
-only real exception to this is if he's pinned your hands or has both hands on your hips; he just loves being able to feel his partner(s) there with him
-king of aftercare tbh; despite growing up in the wastes, he's no less attentive of a partner. He is a sniper, after all, and he will notice every little wince or tightening of muscles even if you don't realize it.
-ultimately leads to him soothing kisses over soft bruising in the shapes of his fingers and teeth
-speaking of teeth, he likes to nibble! Not too hard, but he puts those sharp teefies to good use and thoroughly enjoys kissing into soft skin just to sink his teeth in a little bit.
-always makes sure to pay attention to all bites, bruises, and other aches and marks whenever it's said and done.
-regardless of gender, if he's fucking you from behind, spooning you to fuck you, or missionary- if his hand can support itself against your belly, it will 100% of the time unless he's preoccupied with something else
-likely stems from a need to protect that can and will get incredibly snippish toward those who aren't with him
-this man doesn't get jealous for the life of him, but he DOES get pissy when someone flirts with who he's with, primarily when they know he's with them
-leads to rough fucking just to be sure his partner(s) are marked fully. Followed quickly by tender, slow sex just so he can relax and worship
-he sounds he makes tend to be deeper grunts, and the sucking in of air in sharp, harsh intervals.
-but you can make him cry when it's tender enough, and you'll get soft whines and delightful noises of pleasure from him if you let him lose himself in it all
-switch, and can easily change that day to day. Most often a dominant bottom or a service top unless he's in a particular mood
-will happily get on his knees for a partner
-scrape your fingers through his buzzed hair- you can't pull it, hasn't been long in years, but it still riles him up
-bite at his wrist and kiss across his knuckles or kiss and suck little marks into his jaw and throat; that'll all have him worked up and anxious to bend you over just to see the arch of your spine
-the type of attentive to stuff a pillow under your hips but ignore the pain in his own knees
-prone to sub drops, so be very tender with him
-doesn't like admitting it for a long while, but he likes spanking to a lesser degree, and also has a thing for pain play
-it's NEVER enough to cause genuine damage, but he thinks reddened and swollen skin on a partner from the sheer size and weight of his hands is hotter than sin
-also likes sticking his fingers in a partner's mouth; the muffled sucking gets his brain hazy in the best way
-will put in HOURS when able just learning your body, learning what makes you tick and what has you teetering over the edge faster
-as per my much more sfw post, I expressed that I think he has nipple piercings. I think he'd have gotten them early into the NCR, likely as a dare or whatever, then found he liked them and never took them out
-I ALSO think he's the type of cheeky to have a Prince Albert. It's a hassle in the wasteland at times, but then, what isn't?
-shove a cock down his throat until he's sobbing with pleasure; he doesn't have a gag reflex and any choking that occurs is either by your hands, his own, or him struggling to breathe through tears of want
-likewise, he will choke someone lightly. It's mostly just his hand resting against a partner's throat and giving reassuring squeezes, but it makes him feel like he's protecting them in a way
-ride his thighs, PLEASE ride those thick ass thighs! He is not a small man by any means, and if you suck hickies into his throat and scratch at the tattoos on his broad back while rolling your hips against his thigh, hoooo boy, he will fucking ruin you
-is down for quickies when out and about in the wastes, but generally holds off unless he's angry, teased too long, or until you're back in a safe place (typically the Lucky 38, or if everyone else is gone for the time being, the Old Mormon Fort)
-is cheekiest when taking it up the ass, I don't make the rules. Can be a bit of a cocky tease, if not a downright soft brat
-ask him to keep the beret on and he'll cum in his pants in seconds.
-this dude fucks nasty AND sweet. Ends up with some curious but enjoyable experiences
-hates orgasm denial, but adores overstimulation every time
-he's patient but orgasm denial leaves him feeling more pissed off than eager
-but he'd like to be a shaking mess- or make his partner into one- or both! So make sure to use it
-will try to toy with partners under tables. He doesn't give a fuck, he will have a hand on your thigh and will stroke you then and there
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saltyjellyfishie · 2 months
HC thing that I also put on our twt but I expand on it here
Dewmizer: Fox, more a fennec tho. He/it demiboy, dating aether
Aether: Mainecoon, binturong. Trans lad, he’s everyone’s bf and phantom’s older brother. Amazing cook
Swiss: German shepherd but also a husky. He/it/xe, dating aeth. Very big sensory issues towards sounds and needs noise canceling headphones on occasion, which is why he freaks out during the Watcher siren. Doesn’t realize he’s constantly loud though
Rain: Blacktip Reef Shark. He’s not shy, just sort of anxious and cautious. He approaches things carefully and knows when to let himself vibe. Trans male princess 🫡🫡
Mountain: Deer-Elk guy. In love with cumulus and his bfs (phant n rain). Loves tea, he will make you tea that cures any of your issues. Huge awkward guy but he’s trying
Cirrus: Lioness. Dating all the other ghoulettes, they’re one big poly. Polyghouls is REAL. Transfem and probably one of the normalist ghouls besides aeth
Cumulus: Clouded Leopard or a Jaguar. Queen.. She’s amazing, probably the most chillest and second least likely to start a fight. She’s still a troublemaker
Sunny: Strawberry Leopard. Chaos. Transfem and hordes neos. She’s INSANE /vpos.. Her and Dew get into so much trouble together, Aeth can hardly keep up with them both
Phantom: vampire bat, a stupid house cat. THEE autism ghoul.. Transmasc anxious baby bat and Copia’s partner in vampire crime. He’s constantly sharing fun facts about bats and other things, especially with his older brother.
Aurora: Snow leopard, deer. Badass, a lot of piercings and probably wants Mist to give her tons of tattoos. Embodiment of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss tbh
Cirrus and Cumulus are also harpies because I’m a DND and mythology nerd
If anyone wants to draw these or add on to them please share!! I love HCs and such :3
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1800nosleep · 9 months
hii i have this idea about the lost boys with a reader their already in a relationship with (poly or not idm and any gender) but the reader gets hurt somehow and is like bleeding out and the boy/s are trying to help them but they are also struggling with the blood. idk if this makes any sense but i just had a thought. thank you!!
Lovers Lust
the lost boys x reader
warnings; gn! reader, blood mentions, blood loss, vamp activities and duties, biting, can be read as platonic
(a/n) I'm having really bad writer's block so if this is bad or short, my apologizes, also b|c of that this is going to be hc's
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So, you got hurt? Here's how to deal with it
do NOT go back to the cave unless you want four grown ass men on top of you wondering where your bleeding from
also your best bet if you have nowhere else to go, go to michael and sam
i hc that lucy has a medical degree / shes a nurse
anyways, if you have to go to the cave, make sure that the boys are gone unless you're into them yelling at you for being injured
its mostly david yelling but whatever
if they are home, man your screwed, good luck
so... their home and honestly they won't notice the blood stain on your clothes or the smell until you sit down and let out noises
then they are literally on top of you trying to find out where you're injured
"babe, where are you hurt?" paul asks first, as marko is trying to gently raise your shirt to find out
them struggling to control themselves won't happen until they get your shirt off and see how much you're truly bleeding
"fuck, I can't, sorry dude," marko says softly as he backs off and gets far away from you
"yeah, sorry babe, I don't think I can handle so much blood," paul apologizes as he too backs off leaving dwayne and david to attempt to help you
at this point, whatever you were using to stuff your wounds is covered in blood and the amount of blood you've lost is probably enough for you to pass out from
dwayne covers his nose and he attempts to help you, he and david have some gauze and some hydrogen peroxide and some needles and thread just in case
"god, alright brace yourself, i'm gonna remove the thing stopping most of the blood," dwayne said softly as david got the supplies ready
dwayne gently removed the thing before david poured some hydrogen peroxide quickly, making you wince and cry out
"sorry, sorry, but we need to clean it," dwayne whispered as he quickly accessed the wound. "damn, what happened?" david is getting all of the stuff ready so they can pack and fix your wound
"some douchebags fuckin' attacked me when I was at the chinese food place," you winced out as dwayne poked around your wound, resulting in you slapping his hand
"sorry!" dwayne exclaimed as david gently and caringly packed your wound as dwayne tried to keep the bleeding to a minimum
"alright, i don't think we'll have to stitch you up," david said as he covered your wound with gauze before taping it to your skin
"thank god" you mumbled as you closed your eyes in relief
SO IN OTHER WORDS, don't go to paul and marko for help, they will not be able to control themselves
go to david and dwayne and get some half assed medical care
likes and reblogs are appreciated
please do not repost or steal my work as that is plagiarism and a crime !!
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writing-for-the-gays · 3 months
hi its me againnnn,,, ermm i would like to request poly billy x stu x (ftm, fat, hairy ect ect) reader again :3c but fluff HCs this time :3c
-🐛 anon
Ough these boys be home of sexuals in a world of homes of phobics , continuation of the other fic actually. Disk jockey reader. Again me and 🐛 anon are holding hands and frolicking through fields.
No pretty pic this time I'm reblogging this with memes I made for these fics
Fluff! Tooth rottingly sweet.
"catch my breath and hold it for me."
- you three are a power couple behind a closed door. Infront of people you have to pretend to be very straight with each other (as straight as you three can be, if you three were a line you'd be a circle.)
- to be blunt they're in love with you.
- you got custom rings for each other about a year into the relationship, to symbolize your dedication.
- and these boys take it very seriously. They keep the rings on a necklace they wear underneath their shirts when out , and wear them proudly on their fingers when around you.
- alone Stu and Billy are affectionate, Stu being more like a dog and Billy being more like a cat.
- Stu will run up to you and throw his arms around you I'm a big hug when you walk through the door of his house and Billy will wait until you're all sat down to come up and lay his head on your chest, and whisper to you Abt how much he missed you.
- in conjunction with this is their love language. Billy can be somewhat touch averse, especially after a rough day, or whenever, and has a tendency to pull away if the physical touch is too much, but he loves acts of service, and will often cook for you, and do whatever you ask of him including, but not limited to, murder.
- Stu's big on physical affection, and will hang off your arm whenever he can, hold your hand (he sometimes pretends to be measuring hand size out in public so he can have some more skin to skin contact even when it's not totally socially acceptable.), and kiss you often, but he prefers to do activities with you instead of for you, and tries to get you to do random things with him, it doesn't even matter what it is. You find yourself doing dishes with him more times than you can count.
- it can lead to some really tender moments, and you three really relish in these moments. It's one of your favorite parts of the relationship.
- Stu being trans means that when you're binding you get tons of reminders to take breaks, especially considering the fact that binding methods around this time aren't exactly safe. More often than not you find yourself in a stall with him while he massages your back and checks your ribs.
- Billy has an equal amount of worry, considering he's known Stu since forever and so is intimately familiar with trans topics, but he's less nice about it. He refuses to let you cuddle him or vice versa if you have your binder on. He also helps you take your T injections because Stu can handle a lot, but needles aren't one of them. He does T gel that's how bad it is.
- every night you all rotate who's the middle spoon (what else do I call it).
- Stu's absent parents mean that you've basically decided to move in with him. You don't have the most aware parents either. (Dead, probably.)
You laugh gleefully, worn down black and white shoes thud against the concrete as you run past Billy and Stu and onto the top of the playground.
"Fuck you two! I'm the god of this bitch." You shout down to them, slamming your hands on top of the plastic tube slide making a hollow thudding noise that echoes dully in the cool night air.
Billy lets out a snort while Stu lets out loud bark of a laugh. "What? You don't find me powerful enough? Fine you don't get to watch the shooting stars up here with me." You promptly stick your middle fingers up "Have fun on wood-chips!" You playfully sneer, the bright smile on your face portraying the playfulness.
"Not if I can get up there!" Stu says sprinting to the metal platforms that lead up to the playground. You let out a dramatic gasp and race to them as well, giggling the whole time.
Billy looked on with a soft smirk, he eyed the playground and tried to find another way up, spotting a rock wall he snuck around while you jokingly wrestled Stu.
Billy climbed up the rocks, quietly sneaking up onto the playground, tip toeing his way behind you and locked eyes with Stu who smirked.
Billy wrapped his arms around your middle and hauled you back, making you let out a genuine frightened yelp.
"Billy!" You scolded before giggling breathlessly "Fine you two can come up here with me." You say squirming out of Billy's arms you smile up at the starry sky.
Stu sets down a blanket, and sits down on it. You follow and sit next to him leaning your head on his shoulder. Billy lays his head in your lap.
You hum a soft tune and relax into your boys, you and Stu's rings clicking together when you join hands.
Not long after twinkling streaks of light begin to dot the sky and you sigh.
"I don't think there's anywhere else I'd rather be." Billy says softly, and you nod with an awestruck smile not losing your focus on the lights. "Same." Stu says.
You don't notice their gazes locked on you and not the sky.
-id be fucking dumb not to mention that you all regularly fuck with the radio station when you can.
- you like your job but it's funny to let Stu or Billy just say some dumb shit on air. Nothing too scandalous so you don't get taken off sir but enough to get a solid laugh out of you.
- Stu normally tells what I can boil down to 'haha funny penis joke' and Billy's a little more sophisticated. ('haha funny penis joke but less obvious' basically)
- let me be perfectly clear, Stu and Billy couldn't give less of a shit about what you look like, but the fact you're bigger than the both of them makes them all sorts of soft.
- they call you their 'big bear' and have accidentally called you that multiple times in public (mainly Stu going 'big bear!' when he sees you, he says it's an accident but it may be just to see the panic on everyone's face for a second.)
- Stu likes to wrestle you, especially if you're playing around or in general rough housing. He sometimes pretends it's just guys being guys but it's really just to be close to you in public. He also likes the feeling of trying to overpower you because he's definitely not in charge with Billy, but you're nice enough to let him pretend for a little bit.
- in an AU where they don't die, somehow aren't caught for their crimes, and don't do anything dumb enough to get them killed before 2015 they see the legalization of gay marriage across the entire united states. Billy and Stu have a big fight about who gets to legally marry you, of course you're all at the altar, but whoever legally marries you will get to change the last name of the entire polycule.
- you agreed on a hyphenated name but you can only have one of their last names and both of them aren't too keen on changing their name (Billy wins, meaning you're 'Y/n Loomis-L/n' Stu's 'Stu Loomis-L/n' and billy is of course 'Billy Loomis-L/n')
- by the start of the reception Stu isn't angry anymore and keeps repeating Mr.Loomis-L/n every time he has to say something to one of you two.
- for now you three have different last names but the exact same heart.
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Can u also do one where the tbp boys become obsessed with reader who has a dark past
Sure. I didnt know if you wanted poly so I just did individual hcs. Here ya go!
Finney Blake
He didn't know that seeing men yelling triggered you, so when he brought you over to his house and Finney got mad and was yelling, you freaked the fuck out
"M'sorry Finney. Gotta go home" you said, hyperventilating.
"Its OK, angel. it's OK. I'm sorry"
After that day, the obsession with you began.
He would always want to be with you constantly
He still made sure to not to trigger you
Vance Hopper
He brought you over to his house to meet his mom and sisters
His mom was making honey banana bread
What none of them knew was that the smell of honey triggered you
As soon as you walked in, you ran back outside to your car
You gripped the steering wheel hard, breathing heavy, trying to control it (been there, done that)
Vance got in the car about to scold you for running out like that when he saw you, panting and crying
"Doll. Shhh. I'm right here, I'm sorry"
After you calmed down, you apologized to his mother and asked politely if you could reschedule for another time.
Now he's obsessed
Robin Arellano
He didn't know that seeing blood triggers traumatic events from your past
So when you walked into the bathroom to see a bloody body
As he looked over at you, he saw you having a panic attack and crying and hyperventilating he was confused
He didn't know what to do because every time he walked over to you, you freaked out again seeing the blood on him
"B-b-blood. N no blood"
"OK, princesa." He said rushing to clean himself off
You guys talked about it and he began to be even more obsessed with you with knowing that you felt comfortable enough to open up to him
Bruce Yamada
Loud noises triggered you
So when he invited you to his baseball game, when the bat met the ball, a loud crack sounded throughout the field
You flinched, got up and left
Bruce was, to say the least, really upset that you left in the middle
He lost the game because he was so focused on why you left
The next day, he asked you why you left in the middle of the game?
"Sweetheart, why did you leave in the middle of my game last night?"
You explained to him that you don't like loud noises and you told him why you didn't like them
He understood and bought you some noise canceling headphones for when you go to his games
Billy Showalter
He didn't know that slapping hard surfaces and yelling at you triggers you
When you were in a heated argument and he yelled and slammed his hand on the counter, you used your defense mechanism
You shut yourself down completely
Like you were asleep or empty, emotionless
He held you for hours throwing apology after apology at you
You accepted the apologizes and talked it over with him
He was very understanding
After that, he began to never leave you side as to always keep you from getting triggered
It developed into an obsession
I AM NOT NORMALIZING TRIGGERS AND PTSD OR ANYTHING! These are triggers that I have and how I sometimes deal with them. I'm not fantasizing trauma or anything like that. Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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pink-tk-a-latte · 4 months
Day in the Life of the Nakajima Household
Aka Atsushi’s tiny dorm at the ADA that he is forced to share with 3 murderous individuals.
Tickle fic!! Lee!Atsushi, Lers!Lucy, Kyouka, and Akutagawa + a little Ler!Atsushi, Lee!Lucy (romantic Akuatsulucy and platonic Kyouka addition)
It’s the orphan poly + fellow orphan Kyouka!!!! ❤️🤍🖤💙 I wrote this a while ago so it’s all in present tense LOL. When I first had the idea, I was hesitant, but then I started actually watching the BSD anime and got to know all their characters better so here it is!! They make me SO EMOTIONAL
Also bonus mini HCs at the end!!!!!!!!!
(Ignore the cringey ahh emoticons LMAO it’s just that all of them are so creature-coded)
ᓚᘏᗢ ♡ ≽^•⩊•^≼ ♡ ૮(˶• ༝ •˶)ა ♡ /ᐠ •̀ ˕ •́ マ ♡ ՞ↀ - ↀ՞
Atsushi’s dorm at the Agency is certainly not made to house four people. It’s hardly big enough for two. Kunikida looks one noise complaint away from bursting a vein in his forehead, but, well, nothing has ever gone to plan as long as Atsushi’s involved.
Despite their statuses as Port Mafia operative and former Guild disciple, Lucy and Akutagawa come over so often that Atsushi’s colleagues hardly bat an eye. The two have even taken to calling it “their place,” which Atsushi thinks is kinda unfair — both for his living situation and his heart.
It’s a peaceful kind of day today. Kyouka’s inside journaling, Aku’s at the store — because he has the most stable paycheck — getting groceries, and Atsushi and Lucy are outside, watering the plants around the building.
“Someday you should get us a garden,” Lucy says while she sprinkles water over the tiny blossoming daisies. “So we can take care of our own plants instead of these ugly trees.”
Atsushi sends her a playful glare from where he’s watering said trees with a hose, smiling. “Do I have to do everything in this relationship? My pockets are crying thanks to you guys.”
Lucy scoffs. “Shut up, you! I give you discounts at the cafe all the time. I put my life on the line for you.” She tosses her hair and places a hand on her chest, and Atsushi holds back a laugh.
Maybe it’s his apprenticeship under Dazai, but Atsushi feels a bit mischievous today. In a move that he’ll probably regret later, he lifts the hose and rains fire over his life partner.
Gasping and spluttering, Lucy throws up her hands to block the spray. Her sundress soaks through and her braids quickly start to droop. She turns a murderous gaze on Atsushi through dark, sticky bangs, and he feels sweat run down his back.
“Atsushi Nakajima, you’re dead!” He spots a certain intensity in Lucy’s turquoise eyes.
Uh oh. He knows what that means.
Atsushi yelps and drops the hose, not even bothering to switch it off before he sprints. He employs his tiger strength, probably cheating, but Lucy could easily drag him away from reality and into Anne’s Room if she wants. Noticeably, she doesn’t, probably to drag out the anticipation. But she will have him. Atsushi is sure.
He races into the building and up the stairs. He doesn’t trust the elevator, but he has hope of escape if he continues on foot. In a blur, he spots his apartment number and pushes through the door, thankfully unlocked. Atsushi lunges for the closet, throws open the door and slams it shut behind him. He’s been on so many stealth missions; Atsushi knows how to be quiet. But he’s giddy from the chase and can barely restrain the frantic giggling he breathes out.
“Where are you, my cute little kitty? Come out, let’s play~!” He hears with his heightened senses. A shiver runs up his spine even while his face feels like an oven. He needs to remember that Lucy worked for the Guild, and their first meeting was a gamble for his and his coworkers’ lives. “Isn’t this a fun game! But you can’t hide forever.”
He really can’t, because there’s only so many places he can hide in his tiny apartment. He wonders what his chances are of getting out the closet and jumping through the window without Lucy noticing.
Just as he thinks this, though, the door flies open.
“Found you!” A grin full of metal shines through the darkness, and Atsushi screams. He tries to leap past her, but the wind is knocked out of his lungs as she tackles him onto his futon. Where did she get this strength from? Yet he doesn’t match her force with his own, mostly because, now that he’s caught, he’s found he doesn’t want to be free.
“Such a bad kitty,” she pulls him onto her lap with her elbows under his arms, and Atsushi feels her wet clothes press against his back. His ears are already pounding, hot. “I’ll show you what happens when you go up against Lucy Maud Montgomery!”
Suddenly there are fingers pressing into his sides. Atsushi yells out a panicked laugh. “A- Ahahaha! Luhuhucyhehehe I’m sorryhehehe!”
She huffs. “Well, you should’ve thought about that before you drenched me!”
This is just the consequences of his actions, isn’t it? Her nails tease under his shirt and he throws his head back. “Stahahahap! Stop Ihi yeheheheild! Lucyehehehe!”
She toes the line between unbearable and gentle. The feeling runs through Atsushi’s every nerve, frying his brain until he can’t do anything but kick and flail around on his sheets. Lucy holds him firmly, a satisfied smile on her face that he can’t see.
She is doing this for revenge, but gosh is Atsushi cute. His cheeks are full and red, his fangs peeking out from under his lip. His giggles are nervous and flighty but ingenuous, the purest kind of happiness. Warmth runs through her face without permission; she really wishes she didn’t have such an embarrassing ailment.
When Lucy digs her fingers into his ribs and Atsushi squeals loud enough to echo off the walls, Kyouka pokes her head in from the other room.
“Oh, are we getting Atsushi?” she asks with a small blink. Lucy grins and Atsushi pleads.
“Ky- Kyouka plehehease! Hehehelp! I’m gonnahahaha dahahahie!”
“We are indeed, Kyouka! And he deserves it. I’m sure he would love if you assisted me.”
Kyouka’s expression doesn’t change, but her eyes twinkle. She strides over and seats herself on top of Atsushi’s legs. He cracks open his eyes to give his little sister a look of betrayal.
“Kyouka! Youhaha’re supposed to help mehehehe!”
“No thanks,” she says blankly, before drilling into his hips with an assassin’s precision.
“KYOUHOHOKAHAHAHA!” Even Lucy is a little terrified by the focus in Kyouka’s eyes, as if she were performing a surgery. But mostly she’s just pleased. She takes her hands off Atsushi’s ribs to clap, then repositions them in his underarms.
“This is discipline,” Kyouka states very seriously, and Lucy too laughs at that. Kyouka reaches forward and pokes Atsushi’s cheek. “You’re so squishy. Like a bunny. Squish.”
Atsushi turns pink; Lucy really wishes that didn’t make her flustered. “He is, isn’t he?” She pokes his other cheek. “Just as a tabby cat should be.”
Then Lucy worms her fingers into his neck and he scrunches up. “EHEHEHEE nohohoHO!”
While Lucy’s methods are soft in an evil way, Kyouka attacks with honed, concentrated energy, deadly in her efficiency. And with both of them on opposite ends of his body, Atsushi has no room left for thought.
And then the front door shuts with a bang.
Perhaps Akutagawa is too aggressive with his actions, and he squints apologetically at the door he slammed. Setting down the grocery bags on the counter, he winces at the ruckus in the apartment. Is that the Jinko’s screaming?
He walks into the main room to find what he’d expected to see: Atsushi pinned to the floor with Kyouka and Lucy dissecting him.
“This is just like you, Jinko,” he scoffs with a note of fondness, squatting beside the squirming, laughing Atsushi. “You’re not even fighting back.”
“RYUHUHAHA dohohon’t!” Atsushi shakes his head, his face a deep pink and his eyes crinkled shut. His smile is just as blinding as the light of the sun. Gross, Akutagawa thinks with a mini smile.
“Akutagawa.” Kyouka turns to him with that river-like gaze, clear but acute. “Join us.” Lucy cackles.
He smirks. “If that is what I must do.”
Though she calls out to Ryuunosuke now, Kyouka hasn’t forgotten how his words kept dragging her down as she swam desperately toward the light. But then he said he was proud of her. Plus, well, he’s involved with Atsushi. Kyouka’s grown to trust him, at least as long as Atsushi’s around. The same goes for Lucy, who Kyouka resented at first for endangering Atsushi, and for her harsh personality that pushes everyone away. That was before though, before she learned that Lucy is genuinely kind, only a girl at heart, and she’s really fun to talk to, and hug, and go shopping for plushies and clothes and crêpes with.
Kyouka would defend Atsushi’s happiness with the blade of a katana and the might of a demon. Because he’s the one who saved her, because he’s her older brother. He has a way of bringing out the light in those with the blackest of blood. Though he’s made many enemies, he has twice as many friends, Lucy and Aku included. She’s never been more sure that they care for Atsushi than now, engaging in something so purely affectionate. That’s why Kyouka pitches in, because her heart is full to the limit.
Speaking of which, Atsushi seems to be reaching his limit.
Akutagawa is rough and awkward as he claws at the center of Atsushi’s abdomen. Even Rashoumon is crawling up and down his sides. Still sitting on his legs, Kyouka is moments away from flying off, and it’s only through sheer determination that she remains in place. Lucy has slowed her assault out of pity (because she is soft for this man and terrible at hiding it), slowly dragging her fingers across Atsushi’s jaw. Kyouka copies her: Akutagawa really is ruthless. Atsushi’s floundering and screaming is amusing though, and she can’t hold back the soft giggles escaping from her own chest. Though his laughter is desperate and embarrassed, it’s also bright and overwhelmed with love.
“You should learn to take this, weretiger. If you wish to help people, endurance and inspiration of the soul are necessary skills to have.”
Which is basically fancy talk for: Your joy could cure the world’s suffering and you should show it more often.
“How foolish of you to sass me in your position.”
Atsushi’s chest barely gets the chance to rise and fall before another laugh is forced out. He probably needs a breather. Lucy, despite being the one to start this, is also the first to end it.
“Now now, Aku. Give him a break. We were at this for a while before you came.”
Akutagawa hums, but he retracts his hand and his ability. Lucy and Kyouka let up, and Kyouka removes herself from Atsushi’s legs. Finally free, Atsushi collapses into Lucy’s lap with an inhale that could rival a tornado. He tries to regulate his breathing with giggles interrupting, and he buries his face against Lucy’s thigh, turning to his original assailant for comfort. Lucy blushes even redder than Atsushi himself had because his tiny exhausted closed-eye smile is the cutest thing she’s ever seen, but settles her hand on his back for a massage.
“You hahall… ahawful,” he titters. “Lucy, I’m sohorry for hosing you.”
Kyouka appears beside Lucy and pats Atsushi’s head. Lucy sighs as if she’d just been hit with the force of all the love in the world. “I suppose I can forgive you. I’m a little less soaked now, thanks for asking.”
“Sorry, sorry.” His chuckles turn to sleepy mumbles. “That’s good, though. I’m glad.”
“Quit apologizing.” Lucy covers her face with her equally red hair and turns away. “You’re such a sap.”
“Far too soft,” Akutagawa adds, leaning down to press a kiss to Atsushi’s upright cheek. Kyouka moves her hand so Lucy can kiss the cat’s head too, instead throwing her legs over him and leaning on Lucy’s shoulder. Akutagawa is a clumsy distance from the cuddle pile, hunched over Atsushi, so the tiger throws an arm around his other life partner’s shoulders and drags him down to rest on his back, maneuvering himself so he’s on his stomach, chin on Lucy’s lap. She runs her fingers through choppy white hair and shifts one leg to lay on Akutagawa’s arm and establish a point of contact with everyone. She laughs quietly as she looks over their entangled position, like some kind of Tetris puzzle.
And then she starts laughing for a very different reason.
Kyouka flinches as Lucy’s shoulder jolts her off and blinks rapidly. Then she catches sight of Lucy’s hysterical expression and wide open mouth, someone’s fingers scribbling up her sides, and understands. Screeching, Lucy kicks and shoves at the boy in her lap, the culprit, and realizes that with all the bodies piled on top of her, there is no escape.
Atsushi, the ever perseverant hero he is, grins up at her with teeth white as an angel but pointy as a beast. “Revenge.”
And this is what happens when you go up against Nakajima Atsushi.
ᓚᘏᗢ ♡ ≽^•⩊•^≼ ♡ ૮(˶• ༝ •˶)ა ♡ /ᐠ •̀ ˕ •́ マ ♡ ՞ↀ - ↀ՞
Ryu may have the most money but he has near-zero social capabilities. They all lack people skills actually, but Aku lost the last video game tournament. So he’s doing the grocery shopping.
Also they love each other <3
I don’t know why I got so emotional with Kyouka’s POV but it’s probably because I adore her to the ends of the earth. Two paragraphs of just Kyouka reflection bc I think she’s the type to start daydreaming in the middle of an attack.
Relationship HCs:
Atsushi and Lucy — like lonely little children in love, so desperately it hurts
Atsushi and Akutagawa — It’s Complicated™️ (it isn’t)
Akutagawa and Kyouka — it is actually complicated, but they’re getting there
Kyouka and Atsushi — the purest form of connection, siblings <3
Kyouka and Lucy — sisters who give each other the freedom to just be girls
Lucy and Akutagawa — from strangers to not so much so, united by their love for one special tiger (they’re still getting used to each other)
This is a long-ahh footnote I’m sorry
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whispering-woodlands · 2 months
What are your Tron/Yori/Able head-canons? So nice seeing other people pairing them!
Anon I don’t know who you are but I love you, I’m spinning you around happily. Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about them!
(For context I hc Tron Yori and Able as bi and poly ((and Tron being on the ace spectrum)))
I think it took awhile for Yori to be transferred over to the Grid, so Tron was without his primary/first counterpart for awhile. Being on the Grid was lonely at first, Flynn made it well known about Tron’s past achievements on the Encom system and about being the Grid’s primary protector. So most programs saw Tron as a figurehead or tool rather than an individual program.
This left Tron with really only having a few close genuine relationships. One with Flynn, his third counterpart who was a User that was away for several cycles at a time. And with Clu, which was a complicated relationship at the very least. Tron cared for Clu as a friend (Clu wanted more but Tron was firm in seeing Clu as only a friend), but also had to balance supporting Clu’s continued building of the Grid and being the only one who could stand up to the Admin.
Tron did care deeply about his security team but it took awhile for him to get used to working in one as he mostly worked by himself in the Encom system. Team bonding was also cut short at first because in the beginning it was only Shaddox and Oracle, but Oracle was derezzed after a particularly large nest of Gridbugs got into the main city. Tron blamed himself for Oracle’s passing, seeing it as a failure in his leadership.
It was later when Tron had been sent to a less well known bar on a low priority alert for noise disturbances that he met Able. Clu and his team had recommended that he go on leave for awhile but Tron refused to stop working, so they compromised with having Tron do less dangerous civilian work. After sitting there for at least a milli with no excessive noise at all Tron was grateful for the suprisingly candid and enjoyable conversation Able had with him.
Then, Able excused himself, went up on the bar’s stage, and played the loudest music Tron had ever heard in his entire runtime. All the while Able had the most satisfied and smug look on his face, like he was daring Tron to shut down the show that had now attracted a large amount of programs for such a small bar.
Tron didn’t. Instead he found himself going to each of Able’s shows. Trying to convince the program to find a better place that could fit a larger audience and not produce so many angry neighbors. Able seemed to only take that as a challenge, his shows grew more and more more popular until people sat on the sidewalks outside the bars just to hear his music. And Tron continued going to each show, even as Able teased him relentlessly. They began to spend time together afterwards and Tron learned Able was a mechanic. As time passed they began to meet with each other completely seperate from the shows.
One day construction began on a stadium, one that once completed had Clu personally invite Able to play at as the first ever show. Tron said nothing, but Able knew he had something to do with it. After the show Tron asked Able if he would be his counterpart. Able happily agreed. (Musician Able inspired by Wynandcore!! Look at his art!!!)
When Yori was finally transferred to the Grid, Tron introduced her to Able. Tron had spoken of Yori to Able before, the two were surprisingly alike and they established a relationship as well. It wasn’t long before all three were living together.
They had many cycles of being happy together. All of them working to help make the Grid a safe and prosperous place.
Unfortunately all three started drifting apart a bit when the riots between Basics and ISOs reached their peak. Able abandoned being a musician and became a mechanic full time. Moving to Argon to make a garage there that would be a safe working place for betas and other programs seeking a place away from Clu’s primary place of power, in hopes that it would help prevent some of the innocent bloodshed. Yori focused on helping make hidden sanctuaries for ISOs and leading as many as would follow to them. Tron continued to try and make peace between the two groups while struggling to find common ground between Flynn and Clu so the two could work to fix the situation and the instability of the Grid’s system.
After the coup both Able and Yori thought that Tron was dead. Able buried himself deeper in his work and became even more protective of the family he had built at the garage. Yori basically dropped off the map entirely, continuing to help the remaining ISOs move from sanctuary to sanctuary as the Admin’s forces scoured the system.
Able was the first Tron reconnected with after he was back to as best health as he could with just Cyrus’ help. In turn Able was able to contact Yori through an old meeting place that they were to only ever use in case of emergency. Together Yori and Able built the healing tank Tron had in the Spire.
The three of them along with Cyrus began to establish a network of anti Occupation programs. Unfortunately it didn’t last long. Cyrus began to change, and the entire network collapsed. Trust was shattered, lives were lost and Able left the network as well as his counterparts. Yori invited Tron to leave with her to try and start again, form a new rebel network. But with Tron’s scars steadily worsening and his own trust in himself shattered after his failure with Cyrus he elected to stay on his own so he wouldn’t be a liability to anyone else.
The second time Tron was captured, due to the circumstances Yori (and if we are going with a canon divergence where Uprising ep didn’t end like that) and Able both assumed that Tron was dead. That time they were mostly correct, Tron was gone. But Yori would connect with Rinzler a few times pre Legacy and Yori and Able both would establish a relationship with Rinzler post Legacy.
Okay anyways uh… the hcs yeah. The thing the whole ask was about. These Hcs are all pre-coup.
-Able was very adventurous and a trouble maker when he was younger. He didn’t have the hero worship most programs had for Tron, which Tron both loathed and appreciated. Appreciated because Able saw him as an individual and loathed because Able would not hesitate to call Tron out on self destructive or stupid behavior. When Able first met Tron he would enjoy teasing/messing around with him especially when Tron was on duty or around with his team (both of which reminded him a LOT of Yori before she was transferred onto the Grid as well.)
-Tron likes dropping off energy and treats for Able and Yori at their jobs whenever he knows they have long shifts or if they’ve been stressed lately. If he isn’t able to drop it off personally one of the members of his team will, and Tron will always make sure there is a loving note attached. Gifts are his most common form of showing affection.
-Able and Yori keep all the notes that Tron writes for them in a special jar.
-Yori will drive Able around town sometimes to help him sleep. The sound of the engine helps and it’s a nice silent way for them to both just relax. In turn Able will also help talk through any issues Yori is having with projects when she has trouble relaxing or sleeping. They usually get through at least two or three before falling asleep against each other on wherever they sat.
- Yori also enjoys taking Tron and Able on Solar Sailer trips and talking about how the whole transport system works. She’s very proud of it after all.
-Tron likes to show off (extra) in the Games whenever Able and Yori are watching.
-Cuddle piles!!!! After a long day they will all curl up together with at least four blankets that will likely all end up on the floor by the beginning of the next work cycle. Able and Yori are both responsible for all of Tron’s (very few) late days. How can he say no when his two wonderful counterparts look at him like that? Maybe he can stay recharge with them for just a few more nanos….
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noahzanehethey · 2 years
Loved your breagan + inside job HCs!, was wondering if you got any more to share?
Always do! (Season 2 spoilers + poly Reagan headcanons) -After Reagan found out about Brett's love for puppet making, she gave up part of her home office for Brett to use. -And Gigi let him help on some of the shows they control, so he can put his puppets to use so they don't just sit on a shelf all the time. -I feel like Andre would slowly help Glenn realize that he's not entirely straight. (In s1 e1 Myc said 3 people in the room were attracted to Brett and Glenn got really defensive about it.) -Brett was there for Reagan after the whole Ron situation, he might not have entirely liked him at first but he knew how Reagan felt about him. -Brett and Reagan's apartment is covered in Brett's favorite boy band posters, and there's like one bill nye poster he got for Reagan. -Their apartment is covered in fidget toys, weighted blankets, and so many fucking stuffed animals(mainly squishmallows). Brett was the one who suggested they get this stuff at first, and obviously, Reagan was hesitant at first because she didn't want to waste money on things she didn't think would work for her, but they ended up helping her a lot. -They do not have metal silverware, they have those rubber ones made for toddlers and stuff because neither of them can stand the noise of it scratching against the plate. -They also have those plates with separate parts on them, it helps Reagan get full meals in her instead of just eating a bag of Deli meat for lunch and dinner.
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vyrxz · 1 year
Heyy I just started Dragon Raja a few months ago and I lovved it 😫💗 !! And because I’m a bisexual simp I was wondering if you can do a headcanon for the couple nono and ceaser where they are in a poly relationship w/ g/n reader like imagine being hot w/ your hot fiancée and fiancé’s 😩😩💖. Y’all doin a amazing job keEp GoiNg u can do this 😚💗💗
im an unmotivated author, BUT YEAHH HEADCANONS BABYYYYYY
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suggestive themes up ahead, but no smut yall, never im a child of christ!! (totally)
this is probably some scenarios rather than hc, sorry yall
let's pray first yall, sa ngalan ng ama, ng anak, ng espiritu santo amen.
since nono is like a bit harsh most of the time, and probably is busy with being a senior stuff and having no time to look in relationships, she probably agreed on having reader in the relationship (caeser's literally horny most of the time when it includes relationship)
caeser intitiating the request
"nono, i know your my fiancée, but you have to take in consideration in what i am about to say."
nono sighs knowing she had no choice but to listen to her fiancée's blabbering. she initiated a sign for him to elaborate.
"so, remember that new s-rank?"
"the one with luminous at that time they called off the alarm for a 'dragon'?"
"yeah, have you ever looked at them and think what if th-"
nono already seen this coming.
"-ey're so cute that they're in a relationship with us"
. . .
both caeser and nono convincing [reader] to be in a poly relationship
he's probably the type to send letters with chocolates and roses CAUSE HES A PUS-
[reader] turned to finger once again flabbergasted.
"finger. you CANNOT believe what happened again. caeser sent one of his letters again-"
and with that finger took the chocolate and ate it,
"just say yes broski, if he's doing it, nono agrees."
[reader] looked at him baffled.
"i digress!-"
. . . a week later
she's face to face when convincing you to join them probably cause she may have badussy, but she aint a puss-
"you are my junior, yet i find myself to fancy you too. will you accept this token from me and caeser to be in our relationship?"
"wh- hah.. hahaha... i- i'll think.."
[reader] accepts the token, and runs away straight to finger. leaving a confused nono but a bit cocky because she wasn't a pussy, she talked to [reader] not send letters.
"i told you didn't i??????"
"yeah yeah, fuck you. here's your 20,000 gold. you win the bet!"
🎺knee momints with caeser salad
BRO. this man looks fucking dominant, but i swear to god. he's probably sub, or a switch HELPPPPP.
agree or disagree 🤨
caeser comes in the dorm without knocking looking helpless. (like lustfilled helpless.)
"wh- hey! i told you i didn't want you going in again without knocking on th-"
[reader] gets cut off by a rough kiss. caeser never ever has looked so helpless. he missed the warmth of his other fiancée. moreover now his other fiancée was busy.
"mm-" [reader] raised a brow, they couldn't help it. caeser letting out a whimper? a submissive noise? THE caeser himself??
after a while, [reader] breaks off the kiss. but ever so gently caressed caeser's face before standing up from their chair and kissing anywhere, but not on his lips.
caeser was getting a little impatient, but also enjoying it. he would let out whimpers from time to time.
as much as they both liked it, [reader] stopped.
before caeser could finish, [reader] pinned him to the wall close to their closet and motioned to keep silent.
🎺knee momints with no-no, i disagree
(same case scenario)
*insert loud bang of a door*
"[reader]. why weren't you answering our- my calls and texts?"
[reader]'s head swiftly turned their head and body towards nono as they stand up.
"nono.. i've told you both i'm albeit busy in the moment and i sti-"
"that still doesn't change the fact you haven't seen our texts."
they were trying to think of what to say next, i mean who could blame the literal errand side character workaholic?
when they were about to open up for a response, they were met by an aggressive yet passionate kiss.
nono's hands roamed around [reader]'s body.
she pulled apart, "now, let's teach you a lesson, shall i?"
🎺knee momints with the both of them
okokok. but. NONO AND CAESER BEING NOT ASHAMED IF THEIR BEHAVIOUR IN PUBLIC. bro, caeser character development. he aint no pussy no more YEAHHHHHH
originally, nono and caeser were invited to attend a party, they didn't have a chouce but they both knew they wouldn't go without their beloved other fiancée.
after a shit-ton of time convincing [reader] to come with them, they finally agreed.
"are you both sure??.."
"yes, it's not like they didn't allow any other guests to follow in."
the three of them went inside and found a place to sit. gosh, both of them couldn't even put to words how their fiancée looked like.
after some while they were served drinks. [reader] was in the middle, caeser on the left and nono on the right.
nono was easily intoxicated by the drink, she swore that she had a high tolerance with alcohol but it seemed off.
next was caeser. then by that, [reader] felt a bit woozy. later on, they suspect it may be aphrodisiac since it was mostly couples and fiancées there.
yikes, nono and caeser's actions were the ones to prove it was.
"w-woahhhhh.. nono.. caeser.."
[reader] was a bit overwhelmed since they were out, it was because nono grabbed onto [reader]'s waist and caeser?
he was whispering sweet nothings to their ear meanwhile also nibbling onto it. gosh, they swore they felt caeser going down.
"[reader].. we both have.. been waiting for this.."
nono said while slurring some of the words.
"please... let me and nono.. be.. be within in.. you."
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trashfandomwriting · 7 months
Hi! Could you write poly romantic relationship headcanons for Garmantuous, Nipulon, and Douglas with a fem!human S/O please? Thank you!
Hey, thanks so much for the request! I hope this is okay! :o) -MJ
warnings: cannon typical violence/mention of weapons and death, drugs, slight possessive behavior (not yandere), fem reader intended but its vague, you/your used for reader.
-all three of them are interesting and pretty complex on their own, so all three of them with a Human? you've got yourself into a tough situation.
-given the fact that humans are generally regarded as a product and not as living things with non-monetary value, they most likely had a hard time dealing with their feelings for you but once you're with them, they will keep you safe from anyone that might view you like that.
-that doesn't mean that they stop their business of course, just that they normally keep you far away from the rougher parts of it. they all use and are in the business of selling humans as drugs.
-Douglas is the one who's generally okay with the fact that you're human. there was definitely a learning curve but compared to the other two, he had the easiest time with it. the other two took longer to come around to the concept.
-none of them fully understand humans so it's up to you to remind them that you're not like them. though you are more physically fragile than them, you have certain abilities that they don't. besides being more temperature resistant then a lot of other folks in space, things that are poison to any other species are fine for you, the first time you had human liquor around them it was like the world was ending. (I HC that alien liquor is different depending on the species/planet, but they generally view our alcohol the same way we view rubbing alcohol)
-human foods are also a mystery to them, our spices and cooking techniques are different than theirs. you could make instant ramen and they'd be enthralled.
-since you're the only human they like, they are fascinated by almost everything you do, it's a bit odd but somehow endearing. in their eyes you're soft and cute, even if you're not by human standards.
-speaking of soft, they are very protective! you are always with one of them.
-your time with Nipulon is usually spent in his office, you sit on one of the couches while he works. you both do your own thing, or you talk to him while he does paperwork. he enjoys the background noise even if he doesn't know what a 'stormtrooper' is or why the grunts remind you of them. sometimes you sit in his lap and lean your head on his shoulder so you can watch him work, sometimes you fall asleep like that, and he refuses to move. like when a cat lays on you and you legally can't move.
-Douglas on the other hand is a bit of a toss-up. sometimes you go with him when he's training recruits, he uses it to show off to you though that tends to backfire when half the trainees end up dying in the most ridiculous ways. other times he might be out of his suit (normally while high) and just hangs on to you while you go about your day, occasionally commenting on what you're doing.
-Garmantuous doesn't have a lot of time off but sometimes he'll pull you along on missions, you end up following him to different planets. since he's been so many places, he knows what places are the most fun (at least in his eyes) and which ones would be safe for you to wander in.
-though you somehow managed to be with all of them, that doesn't change how jealous they are. Nipulon in games is said to be very jealous and aggressive towards anyone that gets close to Garmantuous, though this doesn't mean that he's jealous of you (since you're his Aswell) it does mean that he doesn't like anyone going near you or Garmantuous. he already doesn't like Douglas and he hates how close he is to you, but you're happy and he knows you'd be devastated if he killed him, so he just keeps his distance from Douglas and stands closer to you. but luckily you tend to spend time with them individually rather than all together so there usually isn't any conflict.
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want a personalised work? check this out my lovelies ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(payment via paypal - here's the link!)
• these often take on average 1-3hrs to complete due to my chronic illness/being bedridden, but i love to write them and enjoy giving them to you!
• i'm also a uni student, so if it helps, all this goes to like buying potatoes and coach trips back to my family over school break ehhe
• if you want a super chill one, just msg me and we can vibe; below is more to cover all the areas, but not obligatory :)
generally speaking a type of writing, kink, chosen character and fandom are the basics any extra kinks, people, niche things or personal vibery is extra cherry stuff fyi!
dm/msg me with:
form ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• drabble - this lengthish! (£6)
• hcs - this lengthish! (£9)
• oneshot - this lengthish! (£13)
style ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• any specific names, characters, kinks, fandoms, etc
• if you'd like this posted publicly or privately (any personal names can be edited out!)
time ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• asap, therefore usually aorund 2-3 days, 4-5 max (have a chronic immune disorder, therefore i'm either writing on my laptop or bedridden sipping soup thru a straw lmao)
req inspiration ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• stranger things
• avatar (cameron's)
• star wars
• marvel
• other (+£2)
kinks ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(other +£2!)
K1. fangs/biting kink
K2. somnophilia
K3. size kink
K4. fingering
K5. mutual masturbation
K6. bondage
K7. age gap
K8. breast/nipple play
K9. choking
K10. cockwarming
K11. vehicle sex
K12. cum play
K13. exhibitionism
K14. dry humping
K15. poly (1-2 extra people besides reader)
K16. mommy/daddy + babygirl/babyboy kink
K17. degradation kink
K18. oral sex/oral fixation
K19. praise kink
K20. morning sex
K21. fem!dom reader
K22. thigh riding
K23. face sitting
K24. pussy spanking
K25. corruption
K26. jealous sex
K27. spit kink
K28. rough sex
K29. soft sex
K30. noise/vocal kink
K31. mirror sex
K32. overstimulation
K33. edging
K34. dumbification
K35. shower/bathing sex
K36. voyeurism
K37. impact play/spanking
K38. thigh fucking
K39. foodplay
K40. humiliation/patronization/condescention
K41. sloppy/messy sex kink
K42. weight gain/plus size
K43. whispering/intimacy kink
K44. cnc/rape kink
K45. heat/breeding season kink
K46. tail tink
K47. tsaheylu/queue mating (tendrils and/or gential sex)
K48. na'vi/avatar + human!reader
K49. primal/feral kink
K50. chasing/predator+prey kink
dialogue prompts ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(other +£2!)
D1. “Let me see those eyes.”
D2. "Open your mouth for me.”
D3. “Please kiss me.”
D4. “Use your words.”
D5. “Tell me what you want.”
D6. “You look so good beneath me.”
D7. “You can take it.”
D8. “I can take it.”
D9. “You take me so well.”
D10. “Spread your legs wider.”
D11. “Louder. Let me hear you.”
D12. “Keep your eyes on me.”
D13. “Touch yourself.”
D14. “Do you want my fingers?”
D15. “I can’t get enough of you.”
D16. “You taste so good.”
D17. “Hands behind your back.”
D18. “Swallow.”
D19. “You are doing so well.”
D20. “Breathe through your nose.”
D21. “Don’t hold back.”
D22. “Show me how much you need me.”
D23. “Say my name.”
D24. “You can do better than that.”
D25. “Does that feel good?”
D26. “I want you to ruin me.”
D27. “Do you think you deserve this?”
D28. “I want to have my way with you.”
D29. “Touch me there. Right there.”
D30. “I will never get enough of you.”
D31. "Mhm, so wet and sticky for me."
D32. "Stop acting like you're better than that. You're not."
D33. "Slurp it up, that's right."
D34. "Aw, are you crying? Too bad."
D35. "No, no, let me check. Show me your other hand."
D36. "Oh, really? Well what's that behind you then?"
D37. "...were you doing what I..think you were just doing?"
D38. "Stop it. Behave."
D39. "Louder, I want everyone to hear you."
D40. "How does that feel? Does that feel good?"
D41. "Ah-ah...there, there it is, there we go sweetheart."
D42. "Stop gagging, stop those theatrics..I know you can take it deeper."
D43. "Well, since I already saw you anyway.."
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gingersforeverbox · 2 years
Can u do the nsfw hcs for poly w sevika and silco? Please?
A/N: Sure thing! Thank you so much for the request anon, and enjoy! Forewarning that this is kinda all over the place lol
Warnings: 18+ MDNI!!! smutty smut smut- choking, hitting, bondage, DP, exhibitionism, aftercare, free use?, Silco's voice is warning enough, and Dirty talk. I think I got everything but let me know if I missed anything!
Headcanons on what I imagine being in a poly relationship with Silco and Sevika would be like (NSF-W):
I feel like it may be an obvious statement, but I definitely agree with the fandom’s consensus of them both being kinky mofos.
I definitely feel like they would enjoy the midrange kinks such as choking, bondage, and various styles of hitting.
Ok but just imagine Sevika’s metal claws around your throat while Silco is going down on you.
Just think about the light slaps you get to your cheek to bring you back to the reality of  Silco’s cock down your throat while Sevkia plows into you from behind.
But I also think that they would enjoy the soft stuff too. Bring on the feather-light touches after a long strenuous day of work. Bring on the gentle kisses with you sandwiched in between them.
I personally think that Silco would never shut the fuck up during sex. He can monologue up and down outside of the bedroom, so just imagine the dirty talk this man can spin (much to Sevika’s amusement and interest. You can’t tell me this woman doesn’t like to hear her partners dirty talk in any way shape or form.)
I just know Sevika has big strap game. It is a hill I will fucking die on.
You down to DP? They’re down to DP for sure babes. I bet they’d both get a kick out of seeing you take them both at the same time like a good little toy just for them.
I think Silco would hate flavored lube on principle (and it's not safe anyways) and Sevika would hate it because she tasted it once and promptly was disgusted and has hated it ever since.
Sevika would absolutely have you warm her strap during a card game if you were comfortable with it. I can picture her chastising you when you wiggle to try and get some more pleasure from it. 
Silco would love to watch you and Sevika together. I can easily see him getting off to the thought of it in his office when he is particularly frustrated. 
Speaking of which: his go-to fantasy is Sevika sucking him off while you caress him and dirty talk them both in that pretty little piece you look so so good in. You know the one.
 Sevika’s go-to fantasy is one where you sit on her face while Silco fucks her. She enjoys the thought of pleasing and getting pleased at the same time.
These two are fucking menaces. Period. They will tease you from dusk till dawn and revel in every little noise you make in the process. 
Sevika is not above flashing a tit at you from behind someone when you're talking with them. You don't do anything but blush because no one would believe you if you told them.
Silco knows you like it when he uses his "Boss voice" and so he makes you sit in on a few of his meetings every now and again just so he can watch you get flustered in the corner.
If you're down for it, they would both love to tie you to the headboard for the day and just come in to do as they please with you whenever they want.
They'd of course take care of you during that time, and the aftercare would be even more attentive than usual. They would go the full nine yards to ensure that you feel safe and content with what happened that day and what they can do differently for the next time you want to do something like that again if you do.
Sevika would make light threats if you ever said you'd tell anyone but Silco about this, but she loves a good glass of wine and a bath with candles after sex when it was an intense night. But she loves it even more if you and Silco join her in the enormous bathtub that Silco had imported from Ionia.
That's all for now, but let me know if you'd like me to elaborate on anything in here! ;)
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Dating HCs with poly Rush x Ambush x Reader?
Okay I gotta add tw's here because again, these are two literal demons you are dating and are very much feral. tw//Cannibalism, gore.
It would probably be a sorta "look at the bad bitches I pulled by being autistic" kind of scenario.
I'd also like to imagine that you'd have to be the polar opposite of the two or just as nuts as them. Or just..interesting enough for both to like you as a person?
Take Halt for example, an absolute neat-freak (/affectionate) and definitely the opposite of the two but both really like the guy because it's just so friend-shaped despite it being such a meanie.
Okay okay now on to the fun stuff. You better have a strong stomach because their cooking is a 70/30 on either it's good or Rush has no idea what the fuck its doing and you end up with food poisoning. Usually Ambush helps because it's more tactical in nature.
HOLY COW RUSH IS A HUGE SNORER! Like you know that one tik-tok? "AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH" levels of loud. It's not as loud as when It's hunting but still quite loud!
Ambush is eerily silent while it sleeps. The only way to tell it's actually asleep is when it stops glowing and even then it can still do that voluntarily so it just stares at you the whole night.
They are such good cuddlers though..Rush purrs while it sleeps or when it's happy. The fog that surrounds it can feel so soft and smells faintly of charcoal. The staticky mess that surrounds Ambush feels so warm. Rush has big hands and they are for holding Y O U.
Entities emotions can be ambiently broadcasted around them so imagine the glitches and buzzes around those two quiet to soft brown-noise like static.
Both do the biting/preening thing to each other and to you AND both have to be gentleness supreme.
A Casual date consists of them eating an actual fresh corpse or hunting someone though so be prepared to eat another human being or get Seek/Halt to set something up.
Okay but imagine Rush handing Y/N off to Ambush in it's gorilla glue grip like "Be gentle with them they are so..so very squishy.." and Ambush carefully receiving so it may hold it's partner for a little while.
You are a little human. These are big entities. They will hold you like a cheeseburger.
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Both of them would love sweet things imagine Y/N brings home oreos one day and they both just start swarming like "Can you give us some? "Pleaaase?" "Just a little oreo?"
THESE TWO SWEAR!! ALOT!!! Seriously man I had to hold off in "cutest shit I ever heard" because literal children follow me. But their foul mouths bring the funniest jokes ever.
...Zero restraint these two.
Rush's eyes go so big and so do Ambush's so chances are they'll both have those massively outstretched peepers watching you with excitement.
These two enjoy eachother so much hhjsdgjdjghj It doesn't really take much for both of them to fall in love with you.
Help these two don't do dates they rip someone apart and eat it together. I was so excited to do this ask but the autism simply did not kick in but in spite of this I still love it.
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