#also because this photo is so funny to me
weebsinstash · 1 day
Really like the idea of a yandere Vox who is so ride or die for his overconsumerist capitalist Musk-esque lifestyle UNTIL he sees it negatively affecting his darling and does a complete 180
like take that poly red string soulmate Vox x Reader x Alastor concept and, you've got Alastor KINDA warming up to technology and willing to watch TV and do other things with you but he's still not a fan of you being on your phone constantly and some of the video games and movies you consume. He's on the couch reading a paper and (affectionately) rolling his eyes as you and Vox take turns headshotting each other in a video game and hollering "hell yeah, suck my fucking dick!!"
Meanwhile Vox is just 200% chronically online and loving it until one day he asks you why you wear baggy clothes all the time and you're ever so casually replying "because my body is fucking icky, duh" and Vox has absolutely no idea what you're talking about until you break down on a tangent about it
I was watching a clip the other day where someone was pointing out that Marilyn Monroe was considered the 50s icon of beauty and there are plenty of photos with her with thick thighs or a visible belly pooch and, imagine Vox sitting there, the disbelieving 'are you joking?' smile falling off of his face as you just, go OFF, "why would I wear anything other than sweatpants? I have fucking CELLULITE VOX, I'll NEVER have leggings legs no matter how thin I am, and look at my hip dips, they're so fucking GROSS, and my butt isn't shaped right, I have banana rolls, and, do I have siren eyes or doe eyes?! Am I bunny cute or am I frog cute?! And look at how bad my facial balancing is! Ugh, where's my gua sha?! I'm so tired of being UGLY!!"
Later that week Alastor is looking up from his paper to see Vox just, slowly entering the room, sloooooowly shutting the door behind him, looking to his old friend, "so hey! Funny idea, stop me if you've heard this one before but, I was thinking we could uh, maybe take their phone away annnnnnnnnnd... not give it back?" and here's Alastor, "oh, funny story! So earlier today they asked me if I 'wouldn't like them anymore' if they got COSMETIC SURGERY, yeah, ON THEIR FACE BELIEVE IT OR NOT, so, naturally, I'm already one step ahead of you :)" as he just casually gestures to the smashed wifi router in the garbage can in the corner of the room
You just get home from work one day and Vox has his CRT head back on and you're told 'if you want to look something up online, you can use the desktop in the computer room, and only 3 hours of screen time' and it all but blasts you 15 years into the past 💀 no more nights where you're gaming for 5+ hours straight and ruining your sleep. No more skipping meals because you're hyperfocused and binge-watching an anime while also playing an idle game on your phone. No more Alastor and Vox finding out you're just smoking bowls for hours literally nonstop because you need some sort of extra stimulation while you doomscroll and watch 3 hour long roast reviews for shows you've never watched
Alastor catches you swiping through an app and you get a divisive video thrown in your face from some alpha dude bro podcast, "yeah, a real man knows how to protect his lady! She should be at home cooking and keeping the house clean, not running around like a tramp and doing dumb chick stuff! All women need to focus on is marriage and being good wives, you know, a TRADITIONAL relationship!" and Alastor is just, swiping that shit out of your hand, "he DOES have a bit of a point, repulsive as he is! I suppose I'll have to start looking at potential dwellings that can fit you, me, and, I SUPPOSE Vox too 🙄" and little do you know he's already got a cute little home in the 'burbs set up already. He's just... you know! Waiting for the right moment to let you and the annoying TV bastard know that you'll be moving! Maybe he'll just... wait until the day of! Nothing beats a fun surprise, right? ^^ he doesn't want either of you... trying to run away or anything after all haha!
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diningchairs · 2 days
dewmac thesis? please? for the sake of the people of course
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i am going to be so annoying, so for all the dewmac enjoyers (hi taylor and katie) and dewmac-curious people, let me explain
some people may ask WHY i ship them and the answer is simple: i am a freak enjoyer, delusional and these are my barbie dolls.
first, i’m gonna go over the lore…which is very limited but when had that EVER stopped me from shipping??
October 30, 2021 - nate goes after dewey after dewey lays a dirty hit on bo byram. they’re both bad at fighting, so it’s funny. love the quote, “down he goes, duhaime on top of him”. (x)
now all the way too
March 7th, 2024 - Brandon Duhaime gets traded to the Colorado Avalanche
March 12th, 2024 - Attack Dog. During a game against the Calgary Flames, Dewey goes after a player who was bothering Nate. NOW THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!! That is exactly what you’re supposed to do, Dewey, good boy. Connor McGahey had this say about it in an episode of Peak Access:
“There was a Calgary player who was wacking at Mackinnon and immediately, Duhaime recognized the situation and went to the Flames player and tried to track him down and made sure that he was leaving Nathan Mackinnon alone and then went back on the bench and gave Nathan Mackinnon a little tap on the knee and said, ‘I got you, I got your back’ and that’s the time of player Duhaime is, he’s got you back” (x, 5:53 is the bit about Dewey)
SO FUN, RIGHT?!?!?!!!!
March 30th, 2024 - I have no videos for this but just know that I saw them laughing on the bench together and everything felt right. Now as a Nate supporter first, human being second, I felt very protective over Nate and certain people claiming that he was going to “ruin” Dewey. So when I saw them laughing and having a good time, I was just happy because believe it or not, Nate isn’t some evil person devoid of fun, happiness, and sugar.
April 8th, 2024 - DEWEY’S FIRST GOAL AS AN AV! And guess what… he points to Nate RIGHT after (x)
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Okay so now onto my thesis.
Obviously a big reason for shipping them is seeing two freaks and thinking, “ooo, they should fuck nasty” but there’s a little more to the narrative here.
Dewey was traded away from HIS TEAM, from his team that meant to much to him. He even said in the Peak Access episode I mentioned earlier that he was excited to play for Colorado but sad to leave Minnesota. He was also RIPPED AWAY from his best friend, Connor Dewar, who was then ripped away from Minnesota. Not to mention, Dewey was brought here because we needed a physical player for our playoffs roster.
So. Dewey’s now in Colorado, all alone. (Yes, we’ve all seen the arrival and airport photos where he looks miserable, which i’m not denying he wasn’t but also: That’s Just His Face)
And just a few games after being traded, he becomes an attack dog for Nate. And GOD, it was just hot and kind of unexpected?
Dewey takes all of his anger/frustration/sadness from the trade and puts that into defending his new team—especially Nate—by getting physical and going after other players.
In my mind, they’re friends with benefits. And they absolutely know that they are NOT each other’s first choice. But they still fuck nasty. And Dewey was never intimated by Nate at all. He was so pissed from the trade that he just doesn’t GIVE A FUCK. And then he plays with the Avs and is like, “ohhhh okay, I will lay down my life for Nate I guess. Also I want to fuck him to fuck me.” And so he’s using Nate as someplace to put his emotions again.
And Nate is all for it. Another fun thing is that, *slaps Nate*, you can fit so many terrible love situations into this bad boy! Is he fucking Dewey because his love for Sid is unrequited? Is Cale ignoring his texts? Was he reminded of his thing with Tyson Barrie? Or Burky?
More on their relationship dynamic:
So yeah. In conclusion, dewmac nation NEEDS TO RISE because they are so mean and nasty to each other yet they need each other to balance out their emotions from stupid trades and playoffs and other hockey related problems.
I hope you enjoyed! It’s kind of hard for me to explain ship dynamics sometimes because I will just keep rambling. And ships are always evolving in my head as I get more comfortable with writing them.
Okay, now i’m gonna go write something about these freaks
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There's no doubt in my mind that Madagio will use that energy to destroy the Federation. But today's Tazercraft tweet made me remember an old thought I had. I know the white figure in that photo is probably Cucurucho, but wouldn't it be interesting if it was Madagio who saves Pac?
[ Also on Ao3 ]
Madagio felt empathy for Fit, in the end.
They understood what it meant to be robbed of purpose because of factors outside of their control. Although they felt remorse for leaving Fit in the dark (figuratively and literally) for so long, they finally had what they needed, and Fit was no longer a required part of their plan. Success demanded sacrifice, and it was one only Madagio could pay.
The power of Vacuus Island surpassed that of Quesadilla Island's, and once Madagio was willing to utilize it, it was easier to jump Islands than they'd anticipated. The Federation was weaker than before, based on their observations, and the slowly fraying defenses against outsiders only confirmed their suspicions. Infighting and Islander revolts both had a hand in it, but like a cockroach, the Federation always found ways to survive. It was only a matter of time before its leaders stepped in and restored order — through any means necessary.
Madagio planned to deliver the final blow before they could recover.
The sterile white halls were sickeningly familiar. Even after all this time, the Federation's concept of "perfection" remained as stagnant as it ever was. Only a faint beeping and a blip of blue and green on a small heart monitor spoiled the monotonous tour of the Federation's labyrinthine base.
The sight of a familiar figure lying in a hospital bed made Madagio pause as they passed the Federation's hospital ward. Although they'd never stepped foot on Quesadilla Island before now (at least, not in their current form), they'd spent months watching Fit and the other Islanders. They could easily recognize Pac, after so many weeks spent by Fit's side.
(And it was hard to forget the way he'd seen Pac treat his cats with such gentle loving care. It was hard to forget the way his voice sounded when he cooed sweetly at them, or the way he lay still for hours whenever one fell asleep on his chest or lap, purring contentedly. It was hard to forget, because Madagio knew what that love felt like, once. They outlived all others on Vacuus Island, but Madagio could never forget the love that bound them there, or the grief which bound them to their mission.)
The reason for Pac's hospitalization was clear: a failed respawn. It happened sometimes, even on Federation-controlled Islands like this. One could even argue accidents like that happened especially on Federation-controlled Islands.
Sometimes residents died, and they didn't come back.
Sometimes they didn't want to come back.
Madagio's mission required speed and stealth, but time is a funny thing when one has lived as long as they have, and they found themself in the hospital room before the impulse could even fully form in their mind.
It was funny – or maybe not funny, but ironic – how Pac looked almost as bad-off as Fit after Madagio freed him. Old bruises and poorly-treated injuries littered almost every square inch of bare skin, and likely didn't stop there. Dark shadows rimmed his eyes, and he looked skinnier than the last time Madagio saw him. He was lacking his usual vibrant blue hoodie, instead sporting black clothes which made him look even more desaturated, as though he hadn't seen the sun in weeks.
Technically, Pac was still alive.
A failed respawn just meant something was preventing his consciousness – or "soul" as some people called it; Madagio wasn't one to ponder the metaphysical – from returning to his body.
But Madagio had seen corpses better off than Pac.
The reason for his soul's reluctance to return was hardly a mystery. Even without their surveillance, Madagio knew first-hand the kind of suffering the Federation inflicted on those under their control. The loss, the grief, the brief hope followed by crushing anguish. Madagio knew that.
And they'd watched history repeat itself as Fit searched vacant houses where familiar faces once resided, desperation bleeding into dread before he found something that stopped him dead in his tracks.
Madagio granted him 24 hours to say his goodbyes.
They sent him back to his world after 5.
It was the only mercy they could offer.
But standing there in that sterile white hospital room in front of the cot that would surely become Pac's deathbed, Madagio realized there was one final act of mercy within their power.
Pac's hair had grown in the last two months. Madagio was careful not to let their claws snag the unkempt tangles as they brushed it out of his face. His skin was cooler than it should be. Madagio could hardly remember the last time they came into physical contact with a person, but they remembered that much.
(They remembered lying with someone they loved, curled tight into a ball on their chest and slowly feeling their heartbeats fade and their skin grow cold. No matter how desperately Madagio tried to warm them, they never woke up).
But that was not the memory they were searching for.
They sorted through nearly a year's worth of memories – memories of others' lives seen through Madagio's eyes. Birthday parties, festivals, a summer wedding under cherry blossom trees, hugs from children and friends tight enough to steal one's breath away, gifts that spoke feelings people couldn't give voice to, confessions over coffee, and promises made were speakers thought no one else could hear. Madagio condensed all these memories and emotions into their purest form as though polishing a gem; hope, joy, compassion, and above all else: love.
...And one final memory of a man standing before five graves (empty graves, though Madagio hadn't known it at the time), enveloped by a grief so powerful it was burned into Madagio's own memory.
And now, it was burned into Pac's memory too.
A long-forgotten instinct prompted Madagio to gently nuzzle against Pac's forehead, barely brushing against the skin as they felt Pac's consciousness return, and with it, his grief. They continued passing memories to him, and although Pac didn't stir, a tear slowly rolled down his cheek and onto the pillow beneath his head.
Pac was a man who loved so dearly and deeply that losses hurt him as severely as a physical wound. Madagio could feel that, and felt Pac's exhaustion as acutely as if it were their own. But they could also feel the hope beneath that grief, the hand reaching up out of the darkness, the desire to live as he clung to the lifeline of memories Madagio offered him. Pac still had a family left. He still had children and friends, loved ones and people who loved him in turn. He still had a reason to live.
The next tear fell from Madagio's own eyes. It rolled from Pac's temple to his cheek, gravity dragging it down until it was indistinguishable from Pac's tear tracks. Memory sharing was a two-way road, though Madagio had hoped Pac's lack of consciousness might mitigate that.
They refused to acknowledge any other explanation for their lapse of composure.
Madagio brushed the evidence away, straightening up as color slowly returned to Pac's face and his breathing became more consistent. He'd likely sleep a while longer, but Madagio had no plans to linger. They'd delayed the inevitable for far too long.
As Madagio stalked the Federation halls, they found their thoughts being drawn back to Fit and Pac. With the Federation weakened as it was, and soon to be destroyed, Madagio had no doubt Pac and his little son and partner would be able to leave the Island. The Tazercraft pair were clever – maybe even clever enough to track down Fit and escape to a different world altogether with him.
Madagio almost smiled at the thought.
They would never see a resolution to Pac and Fit's story, for Madagio had their own ending to write, and each step through the marble white halls brought them closer to their finale.
Perhaps there was no ending for Fit and Pac; only new chapters waiting to be told.
And maybe, just maybe, their future could be a happy one.
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mahodraws · 2 years
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while everyone is stopping by because of the pitiful varre art i’m gonna drop my cosplay WIP, which is also technically my first time sculpting something in forever too -- did not get the actual clothes done in time for halloween but i will aim for AB... (which also, so wack that the last time i did this was in 2014 for a very different white faced boy!!)
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Do you know this queer character?
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Dax is Queer and Genderfluid and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
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Heyo! ( not me having to look up eastern time cause I'm not in that ) (((if I sent this at the wrong time just ignore I'm so sorry)))
Okie (also sorry if I don't format this completely correctly) May I request Sebek with the prompt rainy night? (Romantic please, and for emojis maybe 🍁✨️, and if possible fluff) and for backup characters ummm Vil with prompt 1 and Epel with prompt 7.
Gosh I hope I did that right. Anyways thank you Dove! I hope that you have a great rest of your day. Also, make sure to be taking breaks and time for yourself! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Thank you! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Rainy Night; Sebek Zigvolt
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship
Word Count; 700+
Author's Note; No need to worry, everything looks great, Faye! I completely forgot about the emojis, but I tried my best to fit them in. Enjoy some Becky content! WOE, CROCODILE BE UPON THEE!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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So much for a perfect seaside getaway, but Sebek could not account for a freak storm, so the two of you were stuck inside for the night, and reservations at the restaurant were cancelled due to the downpour. So, he was in a bit of a sour mood, hanging above him much like the dark storm clouds in the sky. Yet you weren’t in such a dire mood, and that helped take his mind off of things… somewhat.
“Aren’t you upset that our reservation was cancelled,” he huffed, turning his glare to the storm outside which seemed to mock him, slapping large leaves against the glass, which was like the storm slapping him in the face. “You were looking forward to it more than me.”
You looked over your shoulder, taking in the rare sight of Sebek in comfy clothes. To be fair the only reason he was wearing the fluffy pyjama pants and a white tank top was because you had gifted them to him. Even though it was something as simple as sleep clothes, Sebek treasured them.
“We can always go another night, sweetie,” you hummed, “besides, I would rather eat your cooking any night.” 
Sebek grumbled but didn’t argue with you, knowing full well that you would just shower him with sweet yet incredibly embarrassing praise for what he deemed as mediocre cooking at best. To be fair, you did call him your ‘pookie-bear’ in front of Malleus and Lilia — yeah, he nearly died that day, and Silver brings it up every now and then. 
“Besides,” you blew off the dust from a book, “I would rather read with you!” 
So that’s what you were searching for? A book? Sebek raised an eyebrow. You would rather read a book with him? And Sebek felt his face heating up. The two of you had been together for quite some time now, but Sebek always went warm when you did something simple, small, yet sweet. Those would leave him more pink and more warm than any grand gesture, because they weren’t planned. They were just something you naturally did, and that flustered him like nothing else.
Sebek cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. “And what has caught your attention, love?” Even with his terms of endearment, he was formal, respectful.
You waddled over, and showed him the cover. “Crocodile Knight!” 
“A children’s picture book?” Sebek hadn’t seen that book since he was a kid, and it did bring back some fond memories for him, but he still wondered why you looked so excited.
“Mhm!” You plopped next to Sebek on the couch, worming yourself next to his side until you were practically trying to merge with him. “Plus you’re my knight, and a crocodile, seems fitting! So, can you read it to me? Pretty pleaseeeeeee? My big, strong, scaly, knight?”
Sebek felt himself grow warm in the face and knew his ears must have been glowing from your giggling. He knew that he should have saved showing you the itty bitty scales that he had until later, but you had insisted on seeing them. “I-I guess I can read you a bit,” he surrendered, knowing that you would win this one.
He started reading, his voice steady and strong, only wavering when he felt you shift beside him. But he stopped reading when he felt your head rest against his shoulder. Glancing at you from the corner of his eye, he made direct eye contact with you; you were looking at him and not the book.
“I thought you wanted me to read this to you,” Sebek restrained himself from letting his loud nature win, making his voice crack a bit. “But you’re looking at me instead of the book?!”
You sighed, and placed a kiss to his jaw, which made him get quiet real fast. “Because you’re my crocodile knight, my beautiful crocodile knight,” you murmured.
Sebek closed the book, putting a bookmark in place so the two of you could revisit it at a later time. There was no chance that he could focus on reading when you were looking at him with hearts in your eyes.
So, instead, the two of you got into a comfortable cuddling position, got cozy under some blankets, and fell asleep in each other’s arms with the sound of rain and thunder aiding you to sleep.
Tags; @xxoomiii @twistwonderlanddevotee @savanaclaw1996 @ryker-writes [come get ur mans]
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retrofalsettos · 4 months
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went down a rabbit hole about the Trinity College production of In Trousers (the one with the slide that's on youtube) and found these newspaper articles! apparently it was done at least twice, once in January 1992 and once in November with the rest of the Marvin Trilogy. recordings of both In Trousers and Falsettoland can be found online, but unfortunately, a recording of March doesn't seem to exist.
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seahdalune · 11 months
Papa Louie fan starter pack
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heartofalifer · 2 months
sometimes I lay at night thinking what exactly did daisy write in the description of alec hardy's tinder profile and what pictures did she use that made her think that could get women to swipe right on him. was it selfies? was it candid photos she took? was alec wearing that blue jumper on and reading a paper with his legs crossed in the photos? I need to know
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smile-files · 11 months
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if you vote, please reblog! and i'd love to hear your reasoning for your choice. i'm very curious :)
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dizquized · 1 month
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FOR YOUR OWN SANITY, do not look in the tags, dont do it. its not worth it. a demon possessed me or something, i dont know.
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currentlyonstandbi · 9 months
making vegan cheesecake with a lemon curd topping please send positive vibes only
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kelean · 1 year
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ni-kol-koru · 4 months
Hi❤️ 2, 4, 12, 14 for Hayama. ✨
Hiii! Thank you so much for sending the numbers, and thank you for sending me numbers for my favorite boy! ✨️
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Well, I can't really pick one favorite thing, because I literally aodre everything about him! However, one of my favorite canons about Kotaro is actually something that I rediscovered recently: it's that when he sees someone is taking a photo he has to get in on action! We had him do that once in an Audio Drama when he photobombed Seijuro's photo for Shintaro. In that one official art (that I think was supposed to picture that exact moment from the Audio Drama) we can see Reo trying to take a photo of Seijuro and Kotaro just hugging him and excitedly smiling and showing the peace sign to the camera! I think that was an adorable moment!
Now, I think he would just hug and intentionally get into the frame only when it is his friends or classmates or skating buddies taking photos. He probably wouldn't jump onto a stranger just like that... If he was aware that he was getting into a frame of a stranger's photo, I think he might just smile at the camera, wink or show some hand sign! He would just feel the need to subtly photobomb them, and that would be a respectful and non-invasive way to do so! Imagine being a tourist and looking back at your photos from Kyoto and finding a blond teenager smiling, winking or showing hearts or peace signs in the background while looking at the camera? I would find it hilarious, and very endearing and sweet! He sure made a lot of people smile like that, I just know it!
I wouldn't be me if something seemingly minor didn't tell me something deeper about the character. Of course, Kotaro's love for being in photos can be interpreted in a couple of ways and reveal something about his personality!
There is one very obvious reason why Kotaro would like to jump into people's pictures: because it's fun, it can turn out to be very funny, it creates a unique and fun memory to look back at and he is just the type of a guy to chase the fun things and fun activities! That would just prove of how lighthearted, fun, playful and upbeat his personality really is, and I love that for him!
Now, onto another perspective!
When someone loves having their photos taken, it can show just how comfortable they are with the cameras and with what they look like in photos! That can be a very obvious sign of confidence right there. Maybe Kotaro is naturally very photogenic and always looks good in photos, whether they are candid or posed, so he likes being pictured. Or maybe he thinks he always looks good because humans are always beautiful and perfect and thinks he doesn't need to look like a perfect doll to look good in a photo. So yes, maybe Kotaro's love for being in photos shows how comfortable he is with being human and how confident he is in his looks!
Still, if we look at the original canon, Kotaro doesn't really stand still and let people take pictures of him. He jumps into them! If he isn't doing it for fun, he might just do it because he wants attention. He might also do it because he is self-centered and narcissistic and wants to appear everywhere. He wouldn't really care if he was potentially ruining a photo, just as long as he was in it!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I often wonder about this actually! I could always see him as a part of anything I was reading or watching. I recently started re-watching Marvel movies, so, let's say I would put him in a superhero movie! He could be both the hero and the villain. In both scenarios I would give him some power with lightnings and thunders and speed and people would, of course, know him as ''The Raijuu''!
If he was a hero, he would be that goofy, unserious, lighthearted, High School boy that just somehow got superpowers and is now responsible for the safety of his city while having loads of homework and studying to do! His movies as a hero would be comedic, because of his own funny nature. Reo and Eikichi would be his best friends and classmates and the only two people in his life who would know about his superpowers. They would always freak out when Kotaro has to do his superhero business, but still do their best to cover for him when he is saving the city instead of doing an exam! If you watched Spider-Man movies with Tom Holland, that is the exact type of movie for superhero Kotaro!
If he was a villain, he would be one of the few villains that the main antagonist created to get rid of the protagonist and help them fulfil their evil plans. He would be nothing but someone's puppet and obey someone's orders. I can't really see him as independent villain, because I don't really see a reason for Kotaro to be evil. Even when speaking of his role in KuroBasu you can't call him evil, and he is an antagonist just because he plays in the same team as the main antagonist. In the movie where he is a villain, he would be in that kind of a situation as well. Matter of fact, he might just be kind enough to reveal to the protagonist how they could defeat the antagonist, because he doesn't like the ideas and plans of his boss, the main antagonist.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I have a lot of headcanons for my favorite boy, but here is one that I developed most recently: that he is a picky eater. I always wondered why his favorite dish (kappamaki) was something so simple. For those of you know don't know what kappamaki is (because I had no idea what it was for a while), it is sushi roll that consists of a piece of cucumber in the middle and rice around it, wrapped in dried seaweed. Japanese cuisine is really rich and has a lot of really unique dishes, and yet this boy decides cucumber, rice and a piece of dried seaweed is the best thing there is! I know a lot of picky eaters aren't really fond of Japanese cuisine because of the combination of different food textures and the fact that you can't separate the ingredients and eat them separately. Then there is kappamaki: you can easily take the dried seaweed off, take the cucumber from the middle and eat the three ingredients independently. He might love kappamaki because of that!
When I thought about Kotaro being a picky eater, it somehow made sense to me, and I wanted to explain it somehow.
I think it might come from his childhood. Hear me out, please. We know that teenager Kotaro can't sit still. Imagine how impossible it was to get mini Kotaro to sit still. Mini Kotaro likely couldn't really sit still for a while, even if it was for a meal. He just had more important matters to attend to, he was a kid and just wanted to play and run all the time. When it was food he liked, he could sit still for a while and enjoy. On the other hand, imagine how hard it was making him eat something that he didn't like. Hellish. Considering he is the third child and his parents were likely tired of parenting, I can just see his parents giving up and giving him food he likes so he just sits still and eat. They gathered all of their patience and made sure he was fond of foods that provide the most necessary nutrients. The rest of the foods and textures? Noup. He might warm up to them when he grows up.
When he came to Rakuzan and started living in the dorms with Reo and eating in the canteen, I can see him warming up to some foods and textures. After all, you can't really pick too much in the canteen. Reo would sometimes cook for him and he would try something new, and Eikichi would also make sure to inspire him to try something new. So he kind of expands his horizons a bit in High School. Still, you can't teach an old dog how to bark. Kotaro still gets shivers down his spine if he accidentally puts two different textures in his mouth, he will never eat fries with ketchup and will keep ordering chicken nuggets in restaurants.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character?
I am not so into fashion and I don't really know the terminology, but I can see Kotaro wear the colorful 80's inspired clothes! The looks I have seen on Pinterest when I searched for '80's inspired fashion colorful men' look very pretty and bold! They look like something that would suit Kotaro and his personality! He loves being spotted and unique, so 80's inspired fashion probably does the trick since it's not something you see every day. He would have sweaters and jackets and Hawaiian shirts in so many wild colors and patterns, he would always wear colorful sneakers and socks and, of course, wear them all with the wide legged jeans! Sometimes he would have some accessories like sunglasses of unique shapes or colors, colorful bracelets and belts!
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doctorwhoisadhd · 3 months
who in the torchwood team would hate nardole the most.
#torchwood#doctor who#nardole#dr who#dw#cannot figure it out#the one (1) thing im sure of is this: andy and nardole would get along SO well. they would LOVE each other. they meet like‚ ONE time in the#presence of at least one torchwood team member & like INSTANTLY hit it off in the background while whoever it is investigates smth and when#theyre done they come back to find nardole nd andy having a very quietly intense discussion abt smth extremely mundane & the team member#is like that photo of ben affleck with a cigarette. & then gwen finds out later that nardole and andy meet up every week to play mah-jong#also nardole would NOT fuck andy theyre just friends. and both of them get defensive if anyone ever suggests it.#in particular nardoles response is: (in a high and mighty tone of voice) 'actually. i dont sleep with cops thank you.' andys like 'whats#that supposed to mean' (a little offended) and nardoles like 'no a-dog its just a bit too messy for me‚ what with the legal system and all.#i dont do lawyers either. beyond clingy you know how it is' and andys like 'yea you know what thats reasonable i guess'#ari opinion hour#also andy DOES NOT KNOW THIS but thats the only thing preventing nardole from trying to fuck him like a bird doing one of those#weird ass mating displays. thank god for this also because it means we are all spared from whatever That would be (which‚ awkward‚ mostly)#ALSO YES NARDOLE WOULD HAVE A NICKNAME FOR ANDY BY THE END OF THAT FIRST CONVERSATION. IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY.
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coniferouskiddo · 2 months
Did you see Jeff Vandermeer is making a new souther reach book?
yes ^_^ i knew he was working on it but theres a release date now i think? october this year? also saw the cover reveal + rerelease of the original trilogy. im not sure what to think yet, not sure how i feel (nervous) about extra things getting added onto something i like but also vandermeer makes interesting stuff so ill for sure be reading it
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