#also daisy mother fucking johnson
abuckygirlarchive · 2 years
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results of the poll are in and we have a winner ! as such, have a compilation of highlights from the winning comic run ' bucky barnes: the winter soldier (2014 - 2015) ' by marco rudy and ales kot.
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Hey if you wanna do the thing too, here goes:
❤️🧡🤍🩷💜A WLW ASK MEME❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 List the top 10 ladies you’ve been obsessed with Ever Of All Time! Then send this on to 5 sapphic mutuals 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
I VERY MUCH want to do the thing, thank you!!!
This list is not gonna be in a preference order because if I tried to do that I wouldn't ever stop crying. Also I have been documentedly obsessive about IRL women hello Mackenzie Davis I am free on Thursday but to avoid sounding creepy this list will be composed of fictional characters. I burst into tears writing every single entry on here because I am so normal about women lol.
tl;dr here is the list:
Laura Kinney (Marvel Comics)
Princess Amelia "Mia" Mignonette Thermopolis Grimaldi Renaldo (The Princess Diaries)
Elizabeth Swann-Turner King of Pirates (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Myka Bering (Warehouse 13)
Bennett Halverson (Dollhouse)
Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Agents of SHIELD)
Natasha Romanov (Marvel Comics / Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Rogue (X-Men / Marvel Comics)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb series)
Cinderpelt (Warriors)
with honorable mentions to Cameron Howe (Halt and Catch Fire) and Amelia Pond (Doctor Who) because there simply was not enough room!
Laura Kinney (Marvel Comics) - I started reading superhero comics at 16, when a friend at school gave me access to her collection. I have also, since I was too young to articulate it, been drawn to stories about "human weapons," particularly women. (Literally only a couple of years ago it occurred to me that perhaps growing up in fundiegelical culture, which is prone to calling its congregants "warriors for Christ" and using a lot of rhetoric about "God's soldiers," might have had an influence on this preference! I May Be Stupid etc.) Laura Kinney is the female clone of Wolverine, but she has two claws on each hand and a foot claw (yes it’s the kid in Logan, though they changed some stupid shit in that version). I first met her at 16, randomly picking up X-23: Innocence Lost at a Borders one evening and immediately being sucked into the story of a teenager who knows nothing but violence, except for the sole person who sees her as human (Sarah, her surrogate mother). Laura’s comic backstory is fucked-up in a way Marvel really leaned into with their 00s characters - she was forced to slaughter her own mother! then she was a victim of child sex trafficking! then she tried to have a normal life but her past came back to haunt her and she was forced to leave behind everyone she loved to keep them safe! - and I don’t think most of it holds up great, except for Target X which is cute because she and her cousin skip school and steal a car to be normal kids for a day. Anyway! I loved her immediately because in my teen brain, this character was one I could truly read EVERYTHING about, and ever since she has been my daughter. Marjorie Liu wrote an amazing series for her in 2011-12 which had her become Gambit’s little sister and Jubilee’s girlfriend bff, and Liu is to this day the writer I have seen do the most interesting stuff with her. She at one point was using Wolverine as a code name and she got a little sister, Gabby, and that was also good. Anyway, she’s the ur-example of “child weapon learns how to be a person” and also she’s angry and sad and doing her best and I love her the most.
Princess Amelia "Mia" Mignonette Thermopolis Grimaldi Renaldo (The Princess Diaries) - While I very much enjoy and am fond of the films, my Mia Thermopolis is the one in the book series. I first read these at 13, and immediately I recognized Mia as a kindred spirit. Mia in the books is riddled with anxiety and self-doubt, prone to people-pleasing but will push back if she reaches her limits, passionate and loyal to sometimes self-sabotaging degrees, and a connoisseur of pop culture. Every time I open a Princess Diaries book, I feel like I’m hanging out with my best friend, and to me she is. A dream of mine is to make a character that feels as real and dear to readers as Mia feels to me. I am not and never have been great at doing “girl” (hi, butch), but Mia was and is a glimpse into a world that I always felt on the outside of. The books are certainly not perfect but I will never get tired of hanging out with Mia.
Elizabeth Swann-Turner King of Pirates (Pirates of the Caribbean) - I got into these movies kind of late, just before the third one came out, but Pirates was one of the most significant fandoms I have ever been in. It taught me about meta, how to analyze subtext, and how to multiship. Elizabeth was a big part of that, being a cool bitch who got to fight and did not take shit from anyone and was also part of a ship full of Yearning. I used to think I had a crush on Will and that’s why I was so into the ship but…no it was Elizabeth. I wanted to be in Will’s place so I could kiss Elizabeth! She’s smart and capable and passionate, and when you’re 16 that corset line sounds really cool, sorry. And she’s the Pirate King and gets a badass rallying speech. Also she gets to wear a sick pirate coat in At World’s End, which is less questionable for me, a Chinese person, to be wearing, and my mother-in-law made a dream come true and made it for me. As far as I’m concerned she was only stationed on that island for as long as it took for baby Liam to be transportable, and then she put him in a sling and ran around being a fucking awesome pirate king again. (Movie 5 does not exist to me, nor does “Henry,” his name is Liam, thank you for understanding.)
Myka Bering (Warehouse 13) - I actually did NOT start watching this show for the gay content, I started because one of my college roommates/best friends was enjoying it and we both found it deeply charming. I actually thought Claudia was going to be my favorite, but Myka quickly took that spot in my heart. I found her deeply relatable, as someone who tends to keep myself pretty emotionally distant until I trust someone, and as a fellow Bad at Being a Girl sufferer. Myka starts the show wary of everyone, but wanting to do her best, and she slowly begins to let her new team in and start to trust them. One of my favorite Myka things is how well she knows herself and what she wants. And of course there's the HG of it all - her insistence on saving and trusting HG even after she betrayed them the first time is so indicative of how much she wants to believe in people. I really hate what this show did to her by the end, because to me it was devastating to watch this incredible, self-assured woman turn into somebody who apparently had feelings for her self-admitted brother figure and whose entire arc was about that now?? It sucked!! But anyway, that's not what I think of when I think of Myka. I think of her hitting Pete with a snowball and then doing a little hop of joy.
Bennett Halverson (Dollhouse) - Bennett is the reason I met my wife, and she is also played by Summer Glau, who I rarely post about anymore but who is involved in multiple shows that are part of my heart, so Bennett had to go on this list. She was one of the most significant characters that fell into my "angry and sad" women niche, as her whole thing is that she's out for revenge against the girl who broke her heart. AND YES SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH CAROLINE I HAVE RECEIPTS. (god this essay is TWELVE years old?? nobody @ me if it's bad) I love Bennett because she's me, or at least, a really stark portrait of the kind of person I could have become in a similar situation. Bennett feels like an outcast and Caroline seems to be the first person who ever showed her positive attention, to a degree that clearly turned romantic on Bennett's side. She's also devoted to Caroline to a degree that is objectively unhealthy ("You're not pissed because I used you?" "I'm hurt that you wont") and her memories of Caroline leaving her are colored by her misunderstanding of why she did it; Caroline was trying to protect her and take the fall for what happened, but Bennett didn't see it that way at all. I am very...dramatic...in my head and 1000% I would've been like that in a similar situation. It's really good B and I met each other and are obsessed with each other exactly the same amount because we would be terrible partners for anybody else. Anyway, Bennett's fucked up and I love her so much and Bennett/Caroline is why I'm like this now.
Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Agents of SHIELD) - If I were pressed to pick one favorite character, period, it would almost certainly be Daisy. SHIELD and I have had a special relationship from the moment it was first announced; if you look I still have a few posts tagged "s.h.i.e.l.d." and a minor regret of my life is that I was too late to get into the pilot screening at SDCC '13. Anyway, similarly to Myka, Daisy wasn't my immediate pic for favorite, but she quickly became my favorite, especially when I found out Chloe Bennet is also a "Chinese dad white mom" girl like me. I called it from the first character bio that she would be divisive, and she was, because fandom is horrible, but to me she is the best character. I wrote an entire essay about how much it means to me that she's biracial, even if I do not love the Inhumans stuff necessarily. But I remember spending the first season and a half desperately wishing for her to be biracial, and then she was! And she's also so funny and brave and kind and angry and sad and good above all else, she does her best to be a good person. I recognize a lot of my worst tendencies in some of hers; B and I joke that sometimes I will "drive off in emotional van" when I try to shut down and process big shit by myself. But I also relate to her in a lot of positive ways as well: we're both deeply loyal, passionate and hopeful. When they teased someone being killed off in the s3 finale, I literally had a panic attack the morning of the finale at the thought of losing her. When the show finally ended, I was happy she survived and even happier that they had her reconcile with her mom and her surprise sister, and now she and Kora and Danny are hanging out in space and sometimes Daisy goes home to hang out with her girlfriend Jemma. If she never comes back in MCU canon, I'll take that ending for her.
Natasha Romanov (Marvel Comics / Marvel Cinematic Universe) - WELL SPEAKING OF CHARACTERS WHO GOT FUCKED OVER LOL. Never mind the Scarlett Johansson of it all, I love Natasha with a tenacity approaching lunacy. (Not as much as my friend Amy, because Nat is her most special blorbo, but almost that much, I think!) Once again: Natasha is a living weapon character who is emotionally closed off and snarky and also very angry and sad, and also she was one of like 3 women in the MCU in the beginning so of course I became obsessed with her. Her comic counterpart is a little different, of course, but the same notes are there, and once again Marjorie Liu wrote the best arc for her (The Name of the Rose, which deals with themes of motherhood and infertility way better than some films I could name). Some of my love for her is me truly putting my hard-earned fandom analysis skills to work with the pittance of canon information I have to work with, and some of it is the five months I spent writing an AU where she didn't die in Endgame and also she and Laura Barton were polyamorous that whole time. (I did a lot of sobbing in the car when I found out about her death, and I'm resolved to never watch Endgame again.) That fic is my tribute to her, so I guess if you want to know all my feelings, go read it.
Rogue (X-Men / Marvel Comics) - Rogue was the X-Men character I imprinted on when I watched the movies at 16 (hey is that a pattern I see here?) because she was sad and emo and, although I didn't know it at the time, I wanted to kiss it better. I affectionately refer to Anna Paquin Rogue as "Diet Coke Rogue" because she's a very bad interpretation of the character, but also I love her. My favorite version of Rogue is actually in the X-Men: Evolution cartoon, where they made her an angry and sad goth (again: pattern) but with her usual reserve and level of sass. But I love every version of her, and I can't wait to watch the new cartoon because I have been sorely lacking in Rogue lately and I miss her. If I can't pick Laura, Rogue is my favorite X-Men character always and forever. Also, I felt so strongly about her and Gambit that I made a 40-part powerpoint presentation to explain their love story to B, while I was on a road trip with my family. This was one of our notable courtship gifts because she had also imprinted on Diet Coke Rogue and I needed her to understand how epic Rogue and Gambit's relationship is. Someday we will cosplay as them.
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb series) - The newest entry, but she made it on here by dint of being, well, so intensely relatable. I too am an awkward butch with a praise kink raised in a weird dead-end religion who falls to pieces in the presence of a pretty girl, whose brain is completely full of jokes and memes to cover up my various damages, and who is so bad at expressing my feelings to the object of my affection that I spent literal years pining after them only to do something exceedingly reckless to try and prove my love (I did not kill myself so they could use my corpse, but it was equally stupid and dramatic, and I have a 1/2 success rate - one of them was a guy, long story). Gideon Nav is Weird Girl turned up to 1000 and I love her for it. I am very short and chubby and not at all muscly, but I love cosplaying as her because in our souls we are the same. If we never see her again I will not recover.
Cinderpelt (Warriors) - I am genuinely not sure if I've ever explained Cinderpelt on this blog, so here's a quick summary: Cinderpelt is the first apprentice of the POV character Fireheart, and quickly endears herself to everyone by being enthusiastic and clever. She wants to be the best warrior ever. As an apprentice, she is hit by a car and survives, but her leg is injured severely enough that she is unable to continue warrior training, so she pivots to becoming a medicine cat. (Yes, Warriors is very ableist and this is not even in the top 5 worst examples.) We don't get a ton of insight from Cinderpelt on her thoughts about this until she's a bit older, but basically she determines that she will ensure the Clan is protected and cared for just as valiantly as she would have as a warrior. She becomes one of Fireheart/star's closest friends, and a constant source of comfort and wisdom throughout the first two series. Somewhere in there, I decided she was my favorite character. Enter series 2 book 5, Twilight (I am almost 15 when it comes out), which features a climactic battle as badgers invade the ThunderClan camp while Cinderpelt's best friend Sorreltail goes into labor. The way I remember it is Cinderpelt kicking absolute ass to protect her friend and maybe killing at least one badger, but I think I may have edited this to be more epic in my mind. ANYWAY she dies from her wounds and I cry for like an hour. In the next book, it is revealed that StarClan (cat heaven) thought Cinderpelt was so cool that they wanted her to have a second chance, and she got reincarnated as Cinderkit. I think this is maybe where the mythology really went off the rails objectively, but you won't convince me it was anything but beautiful. Now she lives as Cinderheart, who had her own journey through rehabilitating an injury but has become a badass and respected warrior herself. (There is also some bullshit about Cinderpelt having been in love with Fireheart lalalala I do not care she is a cool bitch and more than her relationships!)
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canonskyrissian · 1 year
🔥 the sequels? Anything about them tbh, I just wanna hear your hot takes about them 😂
oh boy do I have Thoughts™. some of these are unpopular, some are popular, but I'm not here to discriminate
the entire thing should've had at least a rough plan before they even started to make tfa. the problems that the cursed movie and tros had were mainly caused by the fact that no one planned anything for shit beyond tfa
the problems the shitshow trilogy had reflect directly to the problems everything made after it has
ruin johnson is a hack writer and hack director who doesn't understand star wars for shit
I will never understand why they felt the needs to separate the original squad like that
if you're gonna write a sequel, don't just recycle what came before. I still love tfa but can agree it was too much of an anh rehash
speaking of recycling, don't recycle every single mistake made in the earlier installments jesus fuck
if they wanted rey to be a nobody then don't give her all those luke parallels!
lando was criminally underused
rose tico deserves better now and forever
kyle ron did not deserve any kind of redemption, especially not by hallucinating his father who he killed after his mother dies for him
speaking of, han and leia deserved a better child and I wish kaydel ko connix had been their canonical daughter
poe had a canonical backstory in the comics that could've easily been referenced with a line or two, why the fuck did they feel the need to retcon it???? and make it worse?????
finn's storyline in the cursed movie is just his storyline in tfa with some extra steps
rey's storyline in the cursed movie is just her storyline in tfa with some extra steps
finn should've lead a stormtrooper uprising
I love parallels and callbacks but they have to mean something. don't just slap them in and call it a day
if you're gonna boast about having a diverse™ cast then don't make the white male villain your main character and actually treat your characters of color well
lucasfilm didn't do shit to protect john boyega and kelly marie tran from bigoted harassment and I will forever hate them for it (I know daisy ridley and oscar isaac also got some but john and kelly were especially targeted throughout the run)
all the characters, even the villains who I hate, deserve a better story
send me a 🔥 for unpopular opinions (please give me a topic)
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g--on--e · 2 years
Leo Fitz 🤝 Daisy Johnson
Family Line by Conan Gray
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magecrafts · 3 years
below the cut you’ll find summaries and links to all of my one-shots and headcanons, organized by character and ship. warnings for each fic can be found in the individual posts.
those marked in red are 18+ and not welcome to minors.
mobile nav.
❦ sfw , ✰ nsfw/¹⁸⁺
last updated : 22 january 2024
✰ requiem for a hex — agatha x fem!reader — agatha thinks she’s stronger than wanda, you disagree, and agatha doms the hell out of you.
✰ mother knows best — agatha x trans male reader — your mother told you to stay away from agatha. you absolutely did not listen.
✰ headcanons — agatha x trans male reader — directly following mother knows best.
❦ love languages ; physical touch — daisy x reader — the first of five.
✰ headcanons — harley x reader — in which you are a toy for her to use and abuse. that's it.
✰ headcanons — kate x reader — congrats! you're dating a sort-of avenger!
✰ headcanons — maya x reader — is your girlfriend a puppy or a brawler? yes.
✰ defenseless — maya x reader — until you can beat her in a sparring bout, maya’s going to keep taking what she wants from you.
❦ headcanons — natasha x reader.
❦ natasha starts a thing. neither of you know how to finish it. — natasha x fem!reader — tony stark hires you as his assistant. one of your coworkers is more than you bargained for. spoiler: it’s natasha.
✰ gonna kill you if you don't beat me to it — natasha x fem!reader — you never wanted to be an avenger. now that you’ve been one (quite reluctantly) for a while, things are changing. and natasha’s finally starting to figure you out — for better or for worse.
✰ home of blood and bone — natasha x fem!reader — part two of gonna kill you if you don't beat me to it. natasha pries her way into your past, into your biology, and into your future. and you let her.
✰ menace — natasha x reader — you've never been more helpless. nat likes you best like that.
✰ america's ass — steve x fem!reader — cap likes getting his ass fucked. he's also a little shy about it.
❦ headcanons — wanda x reader.
❦ headcanons — yelena x reader — pet names, friendship bracelets, meeting the family, and apple picking.
❦ like clockwork — yelena x reader — from the tumblr prompt: you don't know how to use the coffee maker and i always help you but i saw you using it perfectly by yourself and yet you still ask me for help.
✰ headcanons — wandanat x fem!reader.
✰ crashing here tonight — wandanat x fem!reader — bringing you into their litle arrangement is perhaps the sweetest thing wanda and natasha have ever done.
✰ power and praise — wandanat x nb!reader — nat's soft. wanda, incredibly, is anything but.
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laufire · 4 years
Top 10 ships Involving POC in 10 different fandoms (🌟friendship edition🌟)
I was tagged by @donnas-troia (ty!)
Like she did I tried to pick pairs where no part of me goes “okay but I could also ship them romantically a little bit, js”, which is hard for me because that’s how my mind operates with a lot of my brotps LOL.
Alec Lightwood & Maia Roberts (Shadowhunters)
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[Caption: Alec and Maia laughing at Luke’s antics during the celebrations of Valentine’s death. Source.]
Alphonso Mackenzie & Daisy Johnson (Agents of S.H.I.E.D.)
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[Caption: Mack draws Daisy into a hug, both of them with bruises and cuts on their faces.]
Bitterblue & Fire, with bonus Katsa (Seven Kingdoms Series)
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[Caption: drawing of Katsa, Bitterblue, and Fire. Source.]
Chrisjen Avasarala & James Holden (The Expanse)
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[Caption: in a message Avasarala tells Holden “do not put your dick in it. It’s fucked enough already” right before hanging up. He raises his eyebrows.]
Dutch & Jaq Kin Rit (Killjoys)
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[Caption: Jaq starts asking Dutch where babies come from, wondering about his two mothers, and an uncomfortable Dutch tells him he’ll have to ask his father. Source.]
Indra kom Trikru & Octavia Blake (The 100)
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[Caption: Indra telling Octavia, dressed as Blodreina, that she loves her.]
Jack Rackham & Max (Black Sails)
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[Caption: Jack and Max sitting in front of Marion Guthrie to convince her of their plan.]
Jason Mendoza & Michael (The Good Place)
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[Caption: Jason relates how he threw a Molotov cocktail in the Bad Place, and Michael says he’s afraid that Jason would watch 300 years of memories and that’d be his takeaway. Source.]
Jimmy McNulty & Kima Greggs (The Wire)
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[Caption: during a stakeout in the car, Kima tells McNulty “You just called the mother of your children a cunt.” and he denies that. Source.]
Klaus Mikaelson & Marcel Gerard (The Originals)
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[Caption: Klaus and Marcel exchange amused looks.]
tagging: @eizagonzalezs​ @grapecase​ @hizzieforbes​ @sienarosso​ @xxlionheartedgirlxx​ @zaritomaz​ and whoever else feels up for it ^-^
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
It's weird when only certain actors get side eye for nepotism but others don't. For example Lily Rose Deep gets a lot of those comments but everybodys ok with Dakota Johnson at the moment. I guess that depends on how famous the parents are but still. Also more then half of the industry is there through nepotism/connections. Not saying that's good but it's the reality.
I don't really care about nepotism as long as you have the talent to back it up--I think that in the case of Riley Keough that I referenced, it's a bit more glaringly obvious because it's a musical connection that segued into a TV role. I'm so sure that we'll hear plenty about it when Daisy Jones comes out. I also just don't like her face for Daisy, to be frank. Maybe she'll surprise me! I really hope she does.
I mean, everything is also so dependent on how you play it, right? So many people are connected to the industry in one way or another. Daisy Ridley's family has BTS connections, for example. But then there are people like Lily Rose, who I think has kind of always been in the public eye as a child? There was an interest in Johnny Depp settling down with this enigmatic French woman, and wow look at the bad boy with his kids (this would be played up even more at the height of POTC). I can remember seeing paparazzi pics of Johnny out walking with her; they didn't exactly hide her away from the public.
So while I don't think it's fair to give Lily Rose a harsher rap for benefiting from nepotism, she's just so much more visible so it happens more. And let's be real, she gets some of that "cringey gen z kid" judgment lumped onto her. Which also isn't fair.
Whereas with a Dakota Johnson, who arguably has FOUR relatives connected (her biological father, her mother, her grandmother, and her stepfather who she's apparently v. close to) I think what's probably in her favor is that she's older, so our generation doesn't really remember seeing Melanie out with her. Generally speaking, I think that the family has been a bit more private? Plus, she shares a last name with the parent who is probably least visible. You might know more about Don Johnson know post-KO, but for the average millennial/gen z kid I think that he's not as visible as Melanie (who also isn't super visible??? but hey working girl is a movie we've all seen) and definitely not as visible as Antonio.
I also think that Dakota became bigger a bit later. She was already a grown woman in her twenties when she did 50 Shades, which was definitely her breakout. I think that nepotism kids whose careers bloom later-ish receive less scorn than those who are doing very highly promoted projects when they're children (even though Dakota was working before 50, she wasn't doing anything prominent). Lily Rose was what? 18? When she did The King. Which may seem negligible (Dakota was like.... 24-ish when she did 50) but I think it's this idea of someone "taking their lumps" with bit parts as they work that affects the public perception. Like if you have 5 lines in Beastly 4 years before your big box office breakout, it's seen as more honorable than popping up in a hyped prestige~ (I mean The King SUCKED but it was hyped) pic when you're not yet 20. I mean, also, The King was Shakespeare-based, and Catherine of Valois is a role that had been played by the likes of Emma Thompson in the past so like. It was a tough breakoutish moment.
I mean, the reality is that a lot of people are way more connected than we think. Most? British actors are churned out of drama schools that their parents pay a fuck ton for; if they're not directly connected to the film industry, they benefit from their parents' connections, their privilege, and the connections they get at school.... which they're able to attend because they're privileged. In the States, it's more likely going to be a matter of you coming from an acting dynasty.
I think a lot of how people manage that perception depends on the kinds of roles they pick, how much they own it (Maya Hawke recently tried to combat the nepotism kid perception by blatantly acknowledging nepotism, for example) and how much natural ability is there. Because like..... I can forgive a lot re: nepotism if you're talented.
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kizzys · 4 years
personally, while what fitz did to daisy in season 5 is disgusting and im not making excuses for him, i think people really seem to dismiss the reason he acted like that. he didnt know that side of him existed until he was manipulated by aida to let it out. and when they left the framework, the team emphasized: it was another life, not a dream or memory. the fact that he chose to keep leopold buried emphasizes the whole point of the show: we are our choices, not our circumstances
I am very conflicted about my feelings for fitz. One thing I am absolutely sure of is that I hate s5 fitz in his entirety. For his actions, for his excuses and gas lighting. What conflicts me is that though we have nice fitz back, this is something he is capable of if put in that position, although he has tried to hold it back, keep it buried. Like you said - choices. He is capable of doing this hurt...
But what pissed me off even more about season five is the others responses to the event. I dont remember much about may and Coulson's so I wont comment on it. With this version of fitz, you can somewhat separate him from the actions of s5 fitz. But what about the others? Mack was the only one who stood up for daisy, locked fitz up after what he did. Jemma fucking stood by fitz's side through it all. I get that he's her husband but that is not an excuse. She agreed, along with deke, that daisy was being a hard ass even though they both fucking witnessed the trauma and violation that fitz put her through. Their responses were absolutely disgusting. Even yoyo, who stood by them through it all. Absolutely fucking disgusting.
And I get that the show hinted that reconciliations had been made in the background, behind the screens.
Fitz's psychotic split explains his actions, but it does not excuse them. Period. Once he realized what was happening, every decision he made was his. Not the doctor. Not the framework alter ego. Him. It was his choice to continue to cut into daisy rather than free her from the restraints. And the fact that it was just not acknowledged at all? The fact that her only other best friend also joined in on villainizing daisy?
(With jemma, we got a very very very minor fix-it in that kitson scene, but it still isnt enough.)
Season 5 was the fucking worst and Daisy Johnson deserved a mother-freakin apology
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anxiouslynumbme · 4 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., 7x01 (Warning: Spoilers.)
AoS had always managed to keep it fresh, even if they recycle a plot (Hydra), they always add a twist to make it interesting and engaging. My initial reaction to the episode was pure excitement and joy. I've missed these characters so, so, so much and seeing them in this brand new setting, embarking on one last mission, one last adventure - that we get to live with them - was so incredibly heartwarming and bittersweet. But I wasn't focused on the sadness, I was too busy watching the awesomeness of this episode.
I don’t think I’d ever been disappointed with an AoS season premiere and this one was no different. I fucking loved it! 
I understand the absence of May, Fitz. . .I mean, I was expecting it, so it softened the blow, plus, I trust the writers and I know we'll be rewarded with amazing reunions and great storytelling, they always know how to work the plot and know that certain things have to be earned.
I really can't wait to learn more about the Chronicoms, because I just feel like there's more to the story than just trying to save themselves, anyone else thinks that? They’re still a mystery and I hope there's more to them.
Saving Hydra, that's such an interesting concept. I can’t wait to see how that turns out!
Now let's get to the real good stuff. The title card, UGH, so cool! The set design, the costumes, the lighting, it was all so atmospheric. Everything was beautifully shot and accurate. Fantastic work, Crew.
Daisy Johnson, I missed you. I loved every scene with her. Especially when she put that sexist asshole in his place. The fighting Scene with the Chronicom was awesome. And of course the scenes with (Not) Coulson. I. Want. To. Know. What. Is. In. That. Letter. Now. Please.
Jemma Simmons, I missed you. Nothing is better than cold, calculating, scary Jemma. I loved the scene when she was trying to extract information from the Chronicom. That 'no' before she plugged. . .”a thing” in his skull was gold! I wanted the scene with her and Daisy to be longer, though. More Skimmons friendship moments, please.
Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, I missed you. I liked that they showed that she was hesitant about removing her mechanical arm, it showed the journey she went through to accept it and of course it's necessary to remove it, 'cause, you know, time-travel. That scene when she touched her face. Natalia was so great, I felt every emotion that’d crossed her face.
Melinda May, I missed you, especially this episode, acting like the mother from Hereditary. I'll admit, I laughed so hard when I saw her up there.
Enoch, I missed you, but you had one job, you adorable Chronicom.
Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie, I missed you. The scene with him and (Not) Coulson, the second time he woke him, was really sweet. Other than him being a bad-ass director, I don't remember any other scene particularly sticking out to me. But Mack is Mack, and he is just cool.
I was genuinely so happy with the Koenig appearance. And Freddy, from the moment he was on screen, I knew there was more to him, and of course he's a Malick, I liked that reveal. I’m kinda looking forward to see what they do with him, if he’s good or just like the rest of his family.
Deke, you're funny and I like you but I hope to God, they don't make Daisy and Deke a thing this season (I don’t think they will.) It's just so weird to me, personally. I mean, he's Fitz and Simmons’ grandson. . . 
Leopold Fitz, you're always missed and I'm sick of it. Come back, my love. For fuck's sake. 
Fitzsimmons, I. . .I don’t even know what to say anymore. You cause me pain.
And finally, Robot/LMD/Chronicom - Coulson. You see, I am beyond happy to see him again, even though it's not him. But It was super hard watching his memory overload session. I also know Coulson wanted to finally rest and how he felt about the whole LMD thing, but then I remembered that the real Coulson is dead and doesn't know about any of this and ... so yeah, confused emotions, but honestly, I don't care, it's the last season and Phillip J. Coulson has to be on screen, because I missed him so much; and I guess I'll just have to settle.
I really think by the end they'll shut him down to respect Coulson's memory and it'll be awfully sad.
As always, Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't disappoint. I'm so happy and excited for what's to come, but I also really don't want to think about the show ending.
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storytelers-arc · 4 years
masterlist of plots
this is my *wink wink nudge nudge* post.
featuring: christopher pike, catherine morland, flynn carsen, prince eric, daisy johnson, clara stahlbaum, the prince
like this and i’ll yell at you
1. christopher pike
season 3 but with christopher pike pls. gimme all the threads.
is your muse a teenager/young adult who needs a mentor/dad?? look no further, because christopher pike is the dad (tm) and would like to adopt all of the children. please give me all of the plots where he nurture someone.
honestly, gimme some discovery muses and we can add a little plot in the middle of the season, let them discover planets and be a science vessel (for once!). pike does not understand everything that is going on (he is a humanities major surrounded by a bunch of stem majors) but he is excited and willing to learn
2. catherine morland.
people should 100% be friends with catherine because she is a sweetheart but also very stupid -- so, you know, she is fun.
3. flynn carsen.
i also need flynn to fall in love with a villain asap. thanks.
also gimme more heavily plotted threads of flynn saving the world, we can create a magical object, a villain (we can have npcs in the threads pls!!) and an objective. we can just... create our own tiny movie. please, give me a heavily plotted adventure with flynn!
flynn carsen is a genius. i need someone to kidnap him to use his brain to do some scary stuff. i just... he would be a mess in this situation and there is untapped chaos here.
4. prince eric.
we all know the arranged marriage plot. but it doesn’t fit eric... you know what fits.... TRAPPED INTO MARRIAGE PLOT! let’s plot something out, either a family member that’s scheming, someone catches our muses in a compromising (completely accidental) position!!
gimme a matey. a crew member in eric’s ship that he is friends with!!! give this boy some friends!!!
someone make a sibling oc/a sibling verse for eric because he has the most chaotic big brother energy ever. let these two kids, who were raised by servants, be close friends. maybe she is an adventurer like him. maybe she thinks she would be a better queen than him (she would probably!).
5. daisy johnson
anything set in season 7 because it’s my fav (it’s time travel, y’all know I’m weak for that) -- so yes, gimme historical figures daisy can meet, gimme historical plots, gimme daisy getting stuck in the past for two months and having to invent a life for herself (gimme do.usy)
DAISY JOHNSON IS THE LEADER OF THE SECRET WARRIORS, A GROUP OF INHUMANS WHO WORK WITH SHIELD. thanks, the show forgets that but i don’t. Now, let’s see -- what if we play around with that? Who wnats to meet baddass superhero Daisy, who leads a skilled team and cracks jokes at every opportunity?
6. clara stahlbaum.
the four realms are connected to the rest of the disney world. give me clara opening her borders again, her kingdom is a land of wonder and she can get to know the other royals!! i’d love if some of the princesses’s got close to her??? clara is always looking for positive female influence in her life!
someone from the real world who follows clara into the four realms? preferred family connections or close friends (would need to plot as clara is not very outgoing!).
descendants stuff for her! the four realms still exist with magic but its closed off from auradon. it was technically supposed to be permanently closed off and emptied, but that would not be possible and her mother refused to. on a show of good faith, she sent her children to auradon. gimme the friendships, the rivalries, the loves!
7. the prince (the beast from beauty and the beast)
basically the same as the romantic plot 1 but instead of falling in love they become very good friends instead. and this other person can leave the castle so they bring the prince things from the real world -- news, letters from his mother, a shirt that smells like the sea!
gimme like an older sister relationship with him??? someone who constantly mocks him, who makes fun of him but would kill someone if they hurt him? someone the prince can lean on for comfort and love?
give me stuff set in an hp universe where the prince has a gang? not like a criminal gang more like a squad of other rich boys who are terrible but lovable??? also possible set in modern times... though a criminal gang... someone talk to me about it... oh wow...
a plot with a fellow royal where they are 100% platonic but pretend to not be so they can get their royal parent’s off their backs.
when the castle is cursed, all humans who were staying there are frozen in place, unable to leave (basing this off the villenueve version). the prince is all alone, or so he thinks. for reasons (a magical pendant, fairy blood, magic) someone else is able to escape the curse. they are both very happy to have found each other, thinking they would be forced to live inside that castle all alone until the curse was broken. until they fall in love, but that’s not enough to break the curse, because their love doesn’t meet the requirements set forth by the curse (he could only be rude and slow, the woman had to come willingly to the castle thinking she would be devoured). so yeah, angst.
a prior engagement. the prince was engaged to a princess from another kingdom and they were very much in love (probably a secret engagement). when the curse is broken, the princess rushes to see the prince again and finds him engaged to belle (if she got married during this time???? more angst?). years have passed, their lives changed, but when they see each other, its like they are eighteen again and plotting a secret engagement.
when the curse is broken in the villenueve version, his mother at first complains that Belle is not of royal blood and therefore should not be allowed to marry him. the fairy then reveals that belle is the secret child of another kingdom. BUT WHAT IF SHE WASN’T??? this applies to belle and any other muse of no royal blood that could fit -- the prince is forced to marry a princess (after all, the kingdom’s heir disappeared for years, they need to show strength now), but he keeps his relationship with the woman who broke the curse???
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mysterycheerio · 4 years
Ideas from my Instagram Followers: Part Two
accepting requests for au's
Instagram is @/mysterycheerio 🥺
Daisy (Johnson) as a mother of four children.
Tumblr media
Roses for Daisy - Every time, and then some.
Obviously they're Sousa's children.
She gives birth to quadruplets - three girls and one boy.
One girl is named Skye, she wanted to honour who she was when she found her family. She's the one who became obsessed with hacking - so much so that she was better than Daisy.
(Shield sometimes had to call her in if they needed something to be hacked.)
Another is called May, to honour her mother figure - but her middle name is Kora, after her sister. She loves her mother's powers.
The last girl is called Margaret, nicknamed Peggy. She's the one names by Sousa - the one obsessed with fighting, who wants to be a field agent.
The boy is called Lincoln. Daisy doesn't deny that she will always love Lincoln, despite the fact she loves Daniel more than anything.
Her son is peaceful, tranquil, calm. Although he's not an idiot and believes in western medicine (vaccinate your damn kids) he loves crystals, and likes biology and brain science.
He reminds Daisy a lot of her Lincoln - and how she thought Afterlife should have been.
They all go through terregenisis - much to Daisy and Daniel's dismay.
It's not like Daisy doesn't like them now that they're inhumans - but not being able to control your powers can cause a lot of pain (in some cases, trying to control your powers causes a lot of pain) not to mention the index. She didn't want them to feel as shitty as she did.
But she teaches them how to control their powers.
I hear you saying: Cheerio, you idiot, tell me what powers they have!
First of all, rude.
Skye has healing powers. Like Kara, she can heal people, but also animals, plants, and pretty much anything alive. Since getting her powers, she rescues dying plants, heals them, and keeps them as pets.
May has Pyrokinesis, meaning she manipulates fire. One time, the team was on a mission (May was on the quinjet) and surrounded by fire. She ran out, and saved them all.
Peggy has hydrokinesis - manipulation of water. She's the exact opposite of May, and when May uses her fire to get rid of the enemies, Peggy creates a wall of water to protect the team.
Lincoln has Gyrokinesis - manipulation of gravity. The first thing he does when he controls his powers is lift Peggy slightly off the ground. Daisy smiles sadly.
Daisy pretty much retires from Shield work, but has Shield on speed dial - just in case.
And, if needed on a mission, she'll step in. She still finds it weird (but not unpleasant) that everyone knows her - Quake.
The family of six set up a new afterlife, guiding the transformed into a safer lifestyle, and eventually, allowed back into the world. (Although some choose to stay and be transitioners).
It's funded by Shield - no one but Daisy, Mack and Melinda May (cause she's the bus driver) know exactly where it is to ensure the safety of the inhabitants.
"Every Shield facility has a memorial to the agent's lost in the line of duty."
Among those names are Trip, Rodriguez (the insufferable person from s3), Lincoln Campbell, Kora, and in big bold letters, Director Phillip J Coulson.
(She seriously debated on putting Ward's name down, but Framework!Ward, because she has massive respect for that Ward. She doesn't do it, cause the real Gr*nt Ward is a sonofabitch)
Skye, May and Peggy trained at Shield Academy, oh, my bad, Coulson Academy. Skye goes to the Science Academy, studying computer science and ecology, while May and Peggy go to operations - but May also studies biology.
Lincoln goes to MIT, and studies Brain and Cognitive Sciences as his major, Biomedical Engineering as his minor.
He rooms with Alya, Fitzsimmons daughter, who majors in Electrical Engineering, and minors in Biochemistry.
They all watch Hamilton (2020) religiously, and if you said any line from that show, they'd recite the part perfectly.
Daniel likes to sing as Washington/Hamilton, Daisy: Eliza/King George/Maria. Lincoln is Phillip, Laurens and Lafayette, May is Jefferson/Burr/Mulligan, Peggy is Madison/Peggy and Skye is whoever the fuck she wants to be.
(During "The Schulyer Sisters" Skye is Angelica, May is Eliza, Peggy is Peggy, Lincoln is Burr and Daisy and Daniel are the ensemble)
((Skye, May and Peggy know the dance inside and out))
Thanks for reading: have a lovely day, stay safe, and remember to always stan Coulson 💞💖
And if you meet someone who doesn't stan Coulson...
S̵̡̝̯͎̄͜l̶̢̞͙̺̗͈̱̪͉̎̔̂͑̇̈͊̋͜ư̷͕̖̊̇̈͐̃̆͘͝ͅr̴͍̣̦͓̻̦̜͓̎͆̀̊͘p̵͈̫̹͍͎̮̠̫̓͆͛͝ͅ ̵̛̲̣̫̫̰͎̒̈̀̑̓͛̈́͝ţ̵̢̳͊͂́͂̉͑͜h̴̳̱͗̾͊͒̔̋̐͝ė̷̩͈̦̯̗̻̦͌͛͊͌̈́͝i̶̮͗͌͗̍̚r̵̨̛̞̘̗͓͉̺̩̻͋̌̿̔͘͜ ̶̆͊̒͌̏͝ͅẻ̴̡̯̯̤͍̯̼͎̂̆̎l̸̬̝͉̯̂̍͂b̷͈͍̯̪͕̜̈́̉̔̈́̇͑̉̾̆͝o̷̥̗̺͔̤̽̔w̴͇̮̖̻̩̘͓͗͒̀́̂̌̐͛̑ŝ̴̡̛̱͔̩̰͉͕͖̬̇ͅ.̷̛͈̀̀̒̇̅̆̕͘͝
Bye Guys 🥺💞❤🍋
(Title from Harry Holland production: Roses For Lily)
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I did not get around to this yesterday but, a short selection of fictional things that meant a lot to me over the last decade! ...it is going under a cut bc it is Too Long sorry lmao.
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng: this book came out in September 2017 and I have read it four times already. It’s the kind of book I want to write but I’m not sure I’m clever enough to: every event and every character is so purposeful and you won’t catch everything the first time through. Every time I reread it I find something new to marvel at. I hope the Hulu series is half as good
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng: this was the first piece of fiction I ever found with a family with a Chinese father and a white mother. This family is a lot less functional than my family, but I've read this three times because that means the world to me. 
Ash by Malinda Lo: I discovered this in 2011 and it was the first f/f novel I ever read, and as I would later learn, one of a handful with a happy ending at the time, particularly in YA fiction. For a long time, I reread it every time I felt hopeless. I just reread it again last month and it is still as beautiful and meaningful to me as in 2011.
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan: This is an Asian-inspired fantasy (becoming more common now, but still irritatingly rare) written by a queer Asian woman, with f/f. I think it is only the second one of these, after Ash? It is frustratingly rare, anyway. The worldbuilding is incredible also.
The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X.R. Pan: We are getting more stories about biracial Asians, but they are still pretty rare and I treasure every one. This one felt so real to me.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth: The first half of this book captures so beautifully what it’s like growing up queer in a religious environment when you don’t even have the words or self-awareness to know what you’re feeling. This was another one I read over and over again when I was feeling low.
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater: this is just a book for horse girls. I don’t know how else to describe this lol. I also feel like the romance is super downplayed until the very end, and honestly barely feels like a romance to me, so that’s refreshing!
Pacific Rim (2013): I remember having this weird feeling when asked to give my top 3 movies once in high school, like maybe my favorite movie hadn’t come out yet so I couldn’t answer properly. I was right; this is the movie I was waiting for. This is my favorite movie. The feelings this movie gives me is the standard I hold all movies to.
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019): but Megan, didn’t this just come out? Yes, and it’s my other favorite movie now. I love (almost) every second of this movie. This movie made me feel a way that I thought maybe I might never feel again, after a certain other franchise movie this year took a dump on my heart. I don’t care that we’re never getting a sequel, we got this and that’s enough for me.
Thor (2011): Those of you who have been around awhile know that I really love this movie. I loved it before we all jumped on the Thor train after Ragnarok and I will continue to love it probably my whole life. It just makes me happy.
Aquaman (2018): This is Thor but underwater and with a biracial hero. It made me cry in the theater and I do not want to hear any negative opinions about it, I find them personally wounding.
Belle (2013): The fact that Gugu Mbatha-Raw isn’t a superstar is tragic, and this movie is gorgeous and lovely and made me feel a lot of things as a biracial person.
Mad Max Fury Road (2015): I remember seeing the trailer for this in the theater and going “yikes that looks like a thing I would never watch.” Joke’s on you, past me!!!! I find this a deeply stressful but glorious film that I can only watch like, once or twice a year.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010): I do not need or want to hear about how this movie is Problematic, I know all of its issues, and yet. It brings me joy and it was one of the first movies I saw when I was just starting to break out of my religious upbringing and I laugh until I cry every time I watch it.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015): I am starting to realize that I am not and never really was a Star Wars Fan, which is to say that like...I love this movie specifically, I love the characters, I love the interactions, I love the stuff that happens. I do not so much love Star Wars as a whole? I like it fine! But this movie is the only part of the franchise to really make me go “oh, I get it.”
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017): This was a weird little movie that nobody saw and nobody talked about, but I adore it because it’s so gentle and romantic. I don’t know how accurate it is to history and frankly I do not really care.
Big Hero 6 (2014): are you tired of me mentioning I’m biracial yet? This movie has biracial protagonists and a cute squishy robot and no romance and superhero stuff and I love it so much.
F8: The Fate of the Furious (2017): I went to go see this on a whim with my wife and it was one of the most joyous theater experiences of my life. I don’t know, I just love everything about it.
TV shows:
Community: This only kind of counts because it started in 2009 but I started it mid-s2 so eh. Seasons 1-3 of this show are written on my heart, I can quote a ridiculous amount of dialogue from them and these characters will stay with me forever. Warts and all, this is my show.
Dollhouse: Another technicality but like, I met my wife because we both loved Bennett Halverson so I gotta put this on here. It’s pretty significantly affected my life! Also I find that it holds up fairly well, if you’re down for the admittedly iffy premise and an ending that’s a bit of a mess narratively due to sudden cancellation.
Agents of SHIELD: I would never claim that this show is “good” but I do think that it has mostly figured out what the hell it’s doing. And it has been a pretty significant part of my fandom life for the last 6 years, so to leave it off this list would feel wrong. It gave me Daisy Johnson, first canon biracial superhero as played by a biracial actor, and for that i will always be grateful.
Warehouse 13: I could not tell you why I fell so deeply in love with this dumb, badly written show that shit the bed in the final episode more spectacularly than I could have imagined, and yet I did! I think probably it is because I love found family so much, and also I find goofy camp charming more often than not. And of course, there is Bering and Wells, the femslash ship that fandom forgot. I will never be over how no one knows what we have suffered!!!!!
Runaways: wow was this a surprise! The Runaways comic is my favorite comic besides Marjorie Liu’s X-23 run, and this show has basically nothing to do with it, and normally that would piss me off but they got my kids’ personalities down so well and all of the actors are so perfect that I really can’t complain. And also, this show has canon f/f and neither of them die at the end! Which is...better than some other shows I could mention!
Doctor Who series 1 and 5: I had a very intense Doctor Who phase in college, and after all was said and done and I quit the show for a time, I realized that although I love a lot of the characters, and Thirteen’s run is pretty good so far, what I really loved was Nine’s run and Eleven’s first season. That is the show at its best to me. Eccleston is my Doctor and Amy is my favorite companion.
Legends of Tomorrow: Look, I am as shocked as anyone that this, the scrappy underdog of the DCTV lineup, is the one that’s most emotionally competent and has the best character arcs! But here we are. Season 4 was some of my favorite TV I’ve seen, uh, ever.
Dirty Computer by Janelle Monae: I listened to this for basically a year straight after it came out. It’s just ridiculously good.
Something Fierce by Marian Call: This was my on-repeat album in college. i drew a lot of strength from it, and I think that it’s still the best album to recommend to people who ask me about her.
Standing Stones by Marian Call: I heard most of these songs live at concerts before they were quite done yet, so it was really special to get to hear them all collected together like this. I’m going to get a tattoo with a lyric from one of these songs because no one’s quite been able to put my basic philosophy into words quite like Marian.
Heartthrob by Tegan and Sara: Hot Take, I know, because a lot of people hate this album, but it was so affirming to go out and buy A Lesbian Album from A Lesbian Band in 2013.
The Rent movie soundtrack: I know, I KNOW, but in my defense, my parents got me this for my birthday my first year of college and I needed it so desperately. I can definitely still do “La Vie Boheme” from the beginning and probably most of the other songs too.
In the Heights OBCR: I can only listen to this when I want to cry, but it’s my favorite musical. I got to see the show in 2018 and it was incredible. I think it’s better than Hamilton and I can’t wait for the movie to come out.
Trouble by Natalia Kills: this album is really great and also it says fuck a lot, which I used to be very nervous about hearing or saying, and this helped immensely!
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lgbtqfandom · 5 years
What about daisys mental trauma finally being addressed and cared for
so i don’t know how long this has been in my inbox for whoops (so sorry) but abso-fucking-lutely. in this house we love and respect daisy johnson’s mental wellbeing.
also, she has too much unresolved trauma for this one ask, but i might try working on a more extensive skimmons project starting from s1 to build their relationship up when i have more caffeine.
but i digress and hope this turned out ok
Pairing: Daisy x Simmons (Skimmons)Time: post s5/pre s6Theme: angst/hurt/comfortRating: PG
Mack is waiting for them as they make their way inside, but his face falls when he sees there is no Fitz with them. Whatever he had planned to say dies on his lips as the weight of the world pressures down on his shoulders. Still, he manages a smile and a hug when Daisy approaches. “It’s good to see you, Tremors.”
“You too,” says Daisy, withdrawing a little. Being back was both a relief and a curse. Out there, in the endless expanse of space, she could focus on what needed to be done. Here, the grey walls were filled with memories, closing her in.
Jemma appears at their side next. “We have to go back out there.”
“Simmons...” Mack trails off under the scrutiny in Jemma’s eyes. They all know she won’t stop; convincing her otherwise is simply not an option. Daisy wants to help, but she’s just so tired. They all are.
“Give yourselves time to rest first.” Daisy whips around at the familiar voice and finds May standing in the doorway as if she never left.
But if she was here that meant... “Coulson’s gone, isn’t he?”
While her expression never changes, Daisy watches the pain dance in her eyes, and knows it to be true before she can even say it. “He died peacefully.”
But those walls kept creeping closer regardless.
Several hours later, there’s a knock on her door. Jemma sticks her head hesitantly around like she’s afraid Daisy will tell her to leave. She almost does, but decides she doesn’t have the energy to fight her right now.
“I’m sorry,” she says as she perches on the edge of Daisy’s bed. “For dragging you off to space when-” she stops, gesturing around her.
Daisy understood. “It’s okay. I didn’t want to be here when it happened.”
“But we missed the funeral.”
“I know,” she said quietly. Clutching the blankets tighter, she swallows the lump starting to build in her throat. The walls whispered at her, Coulson’s voice echoing in her head, but she would never see him again. Like she wouldn’t see Lincoln, or her father, or her mother.
“Oh, Daisy.” Jemma gently pulled Daisy into her arms; allowing her to bury her head into her neck; away from the whispering walls. And Daisy finally allowed herself to cry, hot tears stinging her eyes.
She pressed herself closer to Jemma. “I’m so tired of losing people I care about. I just want it to stop.”
“I know, love,” says Jemma as she kisses Daisy’s forehead.
They stay like that, Jemma just holding her, and Daisy finds she appreciates that more than words. She knows it won’t change the past or make the future any less uncertain, but they’re here now.
It won’t stop the ache in her heart, but it makes the memories in the walls a little bit more bearable if she doesn’t have to face them alone.
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Has anyone done a comparison between what VF has said aboit the movies previously and what ended up happening in the movies for real? Could be interesting
Not that I’ve seen, Nonnie,
But I gave it a quick scan and it’s pretty spoiler light lol.  Below the cut are some of the quotes I found interesting. As a direct comparison, the 2019 edition is longer and got some stunningly specific content concerning the relationship between Kylo and Rey, and more upfront “spoilers” than 2017 (we have more of an idea of where the movie’s starting at than in 2017 at the same point). There certainly weren’t any will they-won’t they/Star Crossed comments in the VF article from 2017. In fact, there’s not much mentioned about them together at all (which I’m sure is intentional because many people were surprised about them having a bond and not immediately killing each other). This year, they’re really deliberately setting the tone of what’s to come, which I appreciate.
We also heard a lot more about F/nn and P/e than in the 2019 article too; all in all, we got a fuck of a lot more in 2019, which is probably due to this being the last one? Pulling out all the stops? Making it super obvious?
They also talk a lot about Carrie and her passing, as well as spend a great deal of time talking to Mark, which is understandable.
Closer to the release of TLJ, there was this article from Anthony Breznican which delved more into the idea that maybe there’s more going on between these two than people realize (that maybe Rey was at risk for falling to the dark side, specifically).
In October 2017, there was this interview where Adam interviews Daisy that was both cute and kind of made it clear that they possibly spent more time filming together than some people realized, meaning that their characters would likely have much screentime together. 
Additionally, there were some interesting updates to the SW Database that made us all freak the fuck out (specifically talking about a connection between Rey and Kylo) as well as a shitton of Reylo-centric covers.
I honestly think they’re intentionally being obvious here, because.... some people don’t seem to be getting the direction of this story, or don’t want to believe certain relationships/stories are going to be a huge focus of tRoS.
Anyways, quotes after the cut, but I linked the article up top if anyone is interested.
This quote really resonates:  
Adam Driver, alluding both to Finn’s state and the scar seen on his own face in the trailer, told me, “I feel like almost everyone is in that rehabilitation state. You know, I don’t think that patricide is all that it’s cracked up to be. Maybe that’s where Kylo Ren is starting from. His external scar is probably as much an internal one.”
And this one concerning Rian Johnson and his headspace when writing the script:
But Johnson, in drawing up his screenplay, decided to raise the stakes further. “I started by writing the names of each of the characters,” he said, “and thinking, What’s the hardest thing they could be faced with?”
Rian on Luke training Rey:
The Last Jedi is to a large extent about the relationship between Luke and Rey, but Johnson cautions against any “one-to-one correlation” between, say, Yoda’s tutelage of young Luke in The Empire Strikes Back and old Luke’s tutelage of Rey. “There’s a training element to it,” he said, “but it’s not exactly what you would expect.” 
Ha ha ha, a lot can change during the time between movies:
The final film of the trilogy, due in 2019 and for the moment assigned the simple working title Episode IX, will be directed by Colin Trevorrow, who did not yet have the big-budget feature Jurassic Worldunder his belt when he crossed Kennedy’s radar; he came to her attention via his first feature, the 2012 indie comedy Safety Not Guaranteed, and a recommendation from her friend Brad Bird, the Pixar auteur.
On the story group and their role during production:
The story group, which numbers 11 people, maintains the narrative continuity and integrity of all the Star Wars properties that exist across various platforms: animation, video games, novels, comic books, and, most important, movies. “The whole team reads each draft of the screenplay as it evolves,” Hart explained to me, “and we try, as much as we can, to smooth out anything that isn’t connecting.” 
More on the story group and how Rian worked with them:
What the story group does not do, Hart said, is impose plot-point mandates on the filmmakers. Johnson told me he was surprised at how much leeway he was given to cook up the action of Episode VIII from scratch. “The pre-set was Episode VII, and that was kind of it,” he said. If anything, Johnson wanted more give-and-take with the Lucasfilm team, so he moved up to San Francisco for about six weeks during his writing process, taking an office two doors down from Hart’s and meeting with the full group twice a week.
I really miss Carrie:
Isaac, who filmed several scenes with Fisher, said that, like Hamill, she delivered a rich performance, giving her all as an actor, rather than treating Leia’s part as an exercise in feel-good sentimentalism. “We did this scene where Carrie has to slap me,” he said. “I think we did 27 takes in all, and Carrie leaned into it every time, man. She loved hitting me. Rian found such a wonderful way of working with her, and I think she really relished it.”
For his part, Johnson quickly formed a deep bond with Fisher as a fellow writer, spending long hours with her at the eccentric compound she shared with her mother, Debbie Reynolds, in the Coldwater Canyon section of Beverly Hills. “After I had a draft, I would sit down with her when I was working on re-writing,” he said. “Sitting with her on her bed, in her insane bedroom with all this crazy modern art around us, TCM on the TV, a constant stream of Coca-Cola, and Gary the dog slobbering at her feet.”
Fisher completed her part in Episode VIII late last summer, when principal photography on the film wrapped. “She was having a blast,” said Kennedy. “The minute she finished, she grabbed me and said, ‘I’d better be at the forefront of IX!’ Because Harrison was front and center on VII, and Mark is front and center on VIII. She thought IX would be her movie. And it would have been.”  [Okay, crying a little bit--my comment]
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butididnottried · 5 years
“The Rise od Skywalker” spoilers.
So, i saw it. I was on a whole night marathon and saw all three movies one after another. I actually like “The Last Jedi”. Like, i really like it. I know all issues and problems that people have with this one, i understand it, and it’s still Very Good to me and there will be some comparisons. Also, i’m not sure if this is important, but SW is not a part of my childhood and i have no nostalgic feelings toward those movies. Hi there, i’m an average fan?
Tbh i expected a pile of thrash on fire after what i read about this movie, because people are only complaining, without really recalling anything good (but i also avoided big and long and detailed reviews to avoid as much information as i can xD). And there are good thing in it, and i had surprisingly a whole amount of fun while watching it. But still, at the end, overall this whole movie can be summarize into CONFUSED WHAT.
Good stuff:
- J. J. Abrams know how to invoke a fell and spirit of grand adventure. At the beginning this move has a crazy amount of it, until Rey split from Finn and Poe. They just need to go after this mcguffin dagger to find another mcguffin, they need to go to this palce to find that or someone, they need to go somewhere else and there are problems but there’s a solution, but they need to go to third place to again find someone. I would be kinda annoying if we wouldn’t have all three of them together - Rey, Finn and Poe. Finally! I really like them all being together, being friends, bantering, being dumbasses and smartasses and me gusta very much those dorks.
- They do not conform that, but let’s face it - Finn and Poe are married. There’s no heterosexual explanation for their relationship in this movie. I’m aware that in script they weren’t particularly wrote like that, and maybe it’s because actors were playing their character in this way, but there’s another explanation. A few months ago in review of “X-Men: The Dark Phoenix” i read that Hollywood just don’t know how to wrote real male friendship, full of emotions, and they end up using romance tropes and cliches. And Finn and Poe are perfect example to uphold that theory. Like, really, look at them, they’re bantering like an old couple.
- I really like Reys path in this movie. Seeing all three movies together shows how much she grow with every next installment. In TFA she is nice and joyful character, but kinda basic; in TLJ she learn more about how world works, about herself and choose her own path. And now in TROS she is very conflicted, torn apart and sacred of her own powers, while trying to stay herself. And Daisy Ridley really hit the spot with her performance.
- Leia had an lightsaber? And was training with Luke? And now she was teaching Rey? Like... FUCK YEAH?! And also Finn? Force sensitive? YEAH BABY!
- Rey and Kylo fight on ruins of Death Star surrounded with raging ocean and those exquisitely animated giant and heavy waves. So good? SO GOOD.
- Palpatine went full Thor and every cell in my body was hollering with laughter. As soon as it’s possible someone need to edit this “unlimited power!” yell to this scene. Please.
- ahahahahaha, Hux, you magnificent, pathetic, petty asshole, ahahahahaha.
- this is not about movies, but there was a fake fanboy at my screening. Between TLJ and TROS this dude behind me was explaining sequels to his friend and i was typing a message to my friend, so the only thing that i heard was “the first movie did Abrams, you know, the one that made LOTR, and the second one did Johnson , and he is ooold.” I have no idea what to do and think about this.
- new ways of using force. Hell yeah. Force the shit out of this. Stronger force skype? Totally. Teleportation things on purpose through force? Absolutely. Being almost in two places at once through force. I’m totally here for that. Rey being probably the most competent person in force? Kick their asses baby, i’m holding yo flower!
- MERRY!!!???
??? stuff:
- apparently reylo is incest, because Rey and Kylo are related. Really? How? Is there in any movie any, even smallest, hint that Skywalkers and Palpatines are blood related? I have no idea.
- The way how droid are treated in those movies is troubling. Are they alive? Are they self-conscious? Or they’re an artificial intelligence so developed that they can with no problems fake that?
- sooo... Kylo. I love this problematic asshole. Well, in case of genocidal murdered word “problematic” is very mild, but whatever. What i read about this movie, people were raging because woman (Rey) exist only to heal a man (Kylo) that was abusing her, but i don’t see that this way. Like, not at all. And how i see how Rey and Kylo plot is developing makes it hysterical, especially after TLJ where Kylo was established as main villain. Because in this movie with every scene Kylo exist more and more as support to Rey story, he’s an walking exposition for Rey and motivation for her to doing things. He was less and less his own character, and was more and more existed for Rey. Like, he totally could be put in the fridge. xD When Rey stabbed him i thought “oh, so they’re killing him now? When were not even close to the end? Well, ok, i do not see a more purpose for him in this plot, so yeah, kill him” but then Rey saved him and i was like ??? because what more you want him to do? And then he disappears for a big chunk of time and show again at the end and he even wasn’t needed here and don’t do that much? Just... lol. Ok, he did That, because it’s “Star Wars” and SW just Works. Like. That. or it’s not Real and True “Star Wars” boo-frikin-hoo. But on that later.
- as a example for Kylo being a lesser character and more of a tool for the sake of the plot is fact, that in TROS Darth Tantrum is weirdly collected and put his shit together. At the beginning when he finds Palpatines lair and learns that this dude was behind all of this, behind forming First Order and all voices in his head, Kylo should lost his marbles and just murdered Palpatine. But even if somehow not, at the news that Rey is emperor granddaughter he absolutely should throw the biggest tantrum in all history of tantrums and not only obliterated Palpatine but also this whole place. But no, he made A Plan and decide to once again to “propose” to Rey. Like she didn’t rejected him definitely in previous movie and like they both not decided that when they meet next time, only one of them are going to survive. But hey, let’s go with this “i want you by my side to rule the galaxy” plot again. :/
- and there they go with that helmet again. In TLJ scene where Kylo destroys his helmet it’s a very powerful moment. Not only for him, but for direction with which the story would go. Because he is not Darth Vader. Because we do not need another Darth Vader. Buuut, on the other side i can let this a pass, because since he agreed to join Palpatine and once again is going to lead The Knights, he needed to wear this helmet again to prove this loyalty and make them trust him. So, hard pass on that. And tbh, that ugly mask looks a lot better with those bright red cracks.
- And also Leia, that was also there only for her son, because as a mother she can’t be anyone else. Aaand... idk about that. Leia force connected to Kylo so he could turn back to the light? She sacrificed herself for him? Eeeeh... it was weird scene. And there’s no clear explanation why? Only Kaz Manata said that this will use Leias all life force that she has? Did i missed something? Did movie forgot about something? For me it looked like Leia was distracting Kylo, because it look like Rey was going to loose this fight, she was more and more angry, and in this moment she would fully go on the dark side. So Leia saved Rey, she felt Reys struggle. At least i it’s how i interpreted this scene, because it’s one of the most baffling one. Just ???
- there’s whole sith culture. Just. There is. But if there’s only two of them at most at a time, they probably exist for far longer to develop all of this, and to build all of this, and to be cooperative with each other? Which is not their strongest trait? And all these people in emperor throne room were past siths force ghosts or real people?
- apparently being a sith and making lightning came out of your palms is genetic? At least i understand that like this. Because the reason why Rey shot lightning while trying to rescue Chewie was not because she was angry and mad and doubting, but because shes Palpatine? What?
- this is a very minor thing, but when Rey enters Death Stars ruins there’s stormtroopers armors lying almost everywhere, but there’s not even a one bone?
- oh wow, a planet get blow up with even more miniaturized death star ray. And they have hundreds of these. And hundreds of destroyers. And no one notices there was whole space army built. How? I can understand that they ignored the space nazis rising again because, well, just look what is happening in real life, but using money and resources at this scale is however something else, very expensive and i can’t believe no one noticed this.  
Bad stuff:
- Rey is Palpatine. What. I mean... what? It’s just... uuugh... Why are you making me thinking about Emperor having sex? I only hope that was some crazy nazi fangirl that totally wanted to fuck him. Or maybe it was artificial insemination? Well, doesn't matter, it’s BIG EEEW in every option. And i don’t want to think about other way. :/ At least it makes sense why Emperor procreate? In other stories al these evil dudes that want to live forever and rule everything are having children just... because they have children. For drama or something, because story needs someone to betray this evil dude, or some other eye-rolling stereotypical reason. Like, having offspring especially to posses their bodies and live forever in this way is not very original, but it’s something.
- TLJ was like “you can be from nowhere, you can be from the bottom of society, you cen be the poor and miserable, without family or amazing heritage, and you can still do amazing things, you can climb up and make a difference, you can be better and better, you can make your own story despite your awful background” and TROS be like “fuck that, viva la royalty, you need a powerful heritage, you need a powerful and important bloodline or you’re nothing”. Oh, how nice is that. :/
- that opening crawl. It’s bad. Just bad. Even worse than “The Phanom Menace” babbling about economy.
- PALPATINE IS NO FUN AT ALL!!! HOW DARE YOU NOT MAKING IAN MCDIARMIND NOT ENJOYABLE AT ALL???!!! SHAME ON YOU ABRAMS!!! SHAME ON ALL OF DISNEY!!! ...well, ok, this was this one small thing, BUT STILL!!! AUGHR!!! I’m so mad about this. I was expecting not a very good movie, but at least i was hopeful that emperor would be such a treat.
- pulling emperor out of nowhere was an mistake. They should stay with what TLJ established and made Kylo main villain. No redemption, no bullshit like “there’s still light in him”, no Ben Solo, no forgiveness, no nothing. Just Rey beating the shit out of him and killing him. End of story. But no, “Star Wars” can’t be like that, it’s not how this world works, THIS IS NOT REAL “STAR WARS” WAAH WAAAH WAAAH. You’re a genocidal murdered? A space nazi? You’re ruling a regime that is weltered in blood of the innocence? Doesn't matter, there’s always hope. Just do one small, good thing and you will be at peace. Fuck off with that. At the end of TLJ when Kylo entered that mine, and rebel survivors entered deck of Falcon, and Rey and him were still force connected, and she cutted off him because she understands that there are things that can’t be forgave, and there are people that do not want help and just don’t want to be better and fuck “Steven Universe Future” did that a lot better on eleven minutes, and SW series is struggling with this since beginning. Because there’s white and black, good and evil, and there’s nothing in between, and when someone comes from one side to another they become a completely different person because yes that how it works. And people are totally here for this because it’s for kids and it needs to be simple and we can’t let this story grow beyond that stupid absolute duality. I know that there are people that were on far right but they changed and become better and good for them, but if you want to do that in your story, show the struggle of this difficult path and let this scum survive and face the consequences. Take at least a minimum of responsibility of what you’re showing to kids. :/ But nooo, he was stabbed, his mom died, his dad showed up and said... something, and now Kylo is dead, and Ben alive again. Sarcastic yay. Also, if you’re repeating dialogue from first movie, in almost this same situation, but in a different context, EARN IT. Second also, that kiss. Eeeeh... If you really need to be Like That and made some weird understanding between them, maybe just make they touch their foreheads? And oooh, yes, i almost forgot. At my screening when Kylo flopped at the ground, died and vanished, the whole audience laughed. But it wasn’t a loud, merry laugh, but a nervous and awkward, like “did i just saw this cringy shit?”. Amazing.
- they remembered about Knight of Ren. And did nothing with them. They just were showing up here and there through the whole movie without any purpose. But that’s Johnson fault, that he did not include them in TLJ. No wonder that they did not have time for them in TROS. Just waste.
- the amount of fanservice is killing me. I have nothing against it, if it’s just a nice treat for fans here and there, but when a whole movie is dedicated to it it’s just not very bearable. And plot suffer from it, because instead of write a good story they’re focusing at how to connected these thing from original trilogy.
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dillydedalus · 5 years
what i read in may
how is it may lmao... anyway i went thru a bit of reading slump this month and i’d like to pretend it’s bc i had a lot of uni stuff to do (i did) but tbh it’s bc game of thrones infected me with Vintage* ASOIAF Feels & i didn’t really care about reading anything else
celestial bodies, jokha alharthi (tr. from arabic) quiet and evocative novel about a network of families in a village in oman, told over three (?) generations, but centred on three sisters, mayya, asma and khawla (but not as focused on them as i would have liked). interesting to get some insight into omani society, class relations (& especially slavery and the now-free slaves), gender, tradition and westernisation, but it’s also really lovely and sad. ultimately a bit scattered and vague tho. 3/5
the taming of the shrew, billy shakes (uni) academia and assorted shakespeareans like bending over backwards to explain why this is not misogynist but actually subversive/farcical/ironic/meta or whatever and that’s a fine & worthy endeavour i’m sure but the only valid reading of the taming is that kate is actively plotting to murder petruccio in every single scene so... that’s that on that. misandry stars/5 
vinegar girl, anne tyler (uni) y’all i don’t have high expectations for hogarth shakespeare entries (tho shylock really won me over last month) but fuck this was bad. staggeringly BAD, both as a book and as an adaptation of shrew. it starts out with a completely declawed & detoothed kate, who on the scale of ‘timid wifey’ to ‘shrewish firebrand’ is uh ‘apathetic & slightly sour’.... which is a choice i guess. in the beginning i hoped we were seeing a kate who was repressing her rage (and there is one genuinely great line where the bianca annoys kate while she’s gardening and ‘kate stuffed a snarl of vine into the trash bag’ like okay anne that’s cool) and that the taming would be reverse, i.e. would free kate to feel & act on her rage. but instead... honestly i can’t even tell you what the arc was instead? there’s no real taming, kate (who is very stuck in her life and job) just chooses this green card marriage to become a little bit less stuck and i guess pyotr (petruccio) likes her the way she is, that is sour and Not Like Her Dumb Blonde Sister. and then in the end we get a speech about how men have it really hard bc they never learn how to deal with feelings (when kate throughout the book has herself struggled w/ social skills). can’t wait to rip this apart in class. 1/5 (ALSO how did hogarth have atwood on their roster and not give her the shrew wtf)
doctor wooreddy’s prescription for enduring the ending of the world, mudrooroo (uni) for my postcolonial australia course; it’s about the colonisation of australia and genocide against indigenous australians from the pov of tasmanians and an englishman who’s never seen a white man’s burden he didn’t immediately pick up (all based on real historical people). lots of interesting stuff in there (i’d love to read something about gender roles/gendered spaces in indigenous australian culture) but tbh it’s a bit of a slog (at 200 pages...) 2/5 embassytown, china miéville cool scifi novel about weird alien languages (the ariekei, who speak with two mouths at once and cannot lie - apparently their language doesn’t signify so...uh. linguistically not particularly sound at all but a) it’s a cool concept, b) they’re aliens so like whatever) and what happens when humans, not possessing two mouths and very much capable of lying, communicate with them. there is a lot of really original & fascinating concepts here but some problems w/ the execution (pacing/characters mainly) - not as much as with city&city tho. 3.5/5
the little prince, antoine de saint-exupéry (tr. from french) i wanted something short & bittersweet & this is it. anyway i have these vague & but very vivid memories of seeing like. a slide show of this w/ narration at the berlin planetarium when i was a kid & that is the best way to consume this story. 4/5
the year of the death of ricardo reis, josé saramago (tr. from portuguese) took me nearly 2 months to finish this & it’s under 500 pages which should already say a lot. i enjoyed this while reading mostly, and saramago’s style is beautiful, but it is a bit of a drag & reis honestly is not particularly sympathetic or interesting. the undercurrent of the rise of fascism is the best thing about the novel & makes the end really work but there’s too much tangential meandering about how old dude ricky reis is obsessed with a mucher younger girl and like... yawn. i will try again w/ saramago tho. 2/5
follow the rabbit-proof fence, nugi garimara (uni) story about three young girls with indigenous australian mothers and white fathers escaping from the residential school they were abducted to as part of the stolen generations, based on the author’s mother’s own life. it’s an impressive story of resilience and survival, but perfunctorily written. we’re also going to watch the film & that should be interesting. 2/5
everything under, daisy johnson i find it quite hard to talk about this bc there’s something quite vague and uncertain about it, something elusive. some things i will say: vivid, lyrical prose; the setting (oxford canal boat community) is great, the monster is genuinely creepy, and i really like the three (or 4?) narrative strands and how they interweave. i kind of wish i hadn’t known which greek myth it was a loose adaptation of (so i won’t say here) bc i definitely spent too much time trying to map the myth onto the book - and the ‘reveal’ might have been better w/o that knowledge anyway. 3.5/5
the sparrow, maria doria russell wonderful wonderful warm & human & tragic scifi novel about JESUITS IN SPACE!!! told in two timelines: in the first, set mainly in 2019 (which is great) music from another planet is transmitted to earth and emilio sandoz, jesuit linguist + multilingual (@hbo or netflix: cast oscar isaac please & thank), and his closest friends are chosen (by god?? MAYBE) to go on a secret space mission to make first contact bc jesuits.... have a lot of.... experience... with that. everyone is hopeful, curious, excited, and our guy emilio is literally radiant with god’s love or whatever. in the second timeline, 2060, emilio has been sent home by a second expedition, who have since gone radio silent, the only survivor, disturbingly (!) mutilated, broken in mind and body and unwilling to talk. all we know: the 2nd expedition found him in a brothel & he immediately killed the alien child who led them to him. so... what went wrong? (how could... first contact.... possibly go wrong...?) what did emilio do? was whatever happened god’s will? sorry i’m not super coherent about this but IT’S GREAT MY DUDES. also between this & canticle my scifi subgenre really just is ‘scifi but make it religious’. 4.5/5 
on the whole, not a great reading month, but the sparrow... *chef kiss* & i’m currently reading the artifical silk girl (relatable hot mess in weimar berlin) which is.... AMAZING... alfred döblin who???
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