#also feeling terribly seen with the fact that you know i'm not gonna read some angst heavy shit. i fuck with happy endings ONLY
Hmm. Thoughts on... Okay sure, let's go with the one that I've been playing with in my head lately and maybe will eventually finish (although you personally will not read it because oh boy it's angst and dark and triggers), but I've been mentally playing with trans!Anthony and God it fascinates me
i've been flipping back and forth on being honest about this, but full disclosure, the less i think about anthony, the happier i am. ian too, if i'm honest. i have no actual reason to dislike either of them, neither of them have done anything wrong that i'm aware of, i just. have very little interest. i am not compelled. i've been kind of sketchy about any ian or anthony ship prompts bc of this, but if i'm being honest with myself, i'm likely never going to be happy enough with my writing of either of them to write something heavily featuring ian or anthony to publishable completion so,,, c'est la vie. on the specific concept, though, i do always fuck with some gender bullshit, so yeehaw
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v-anrouge · 2 months
Verryyy long ranting under this about vil and how this fandom treats him for absolutely no reason pls excuse any mistakes and feel free to correct me with any accidental misinfo i passed <3
Mentions of racism, fatphobia, eating disorders, elitism & ableism and also SPOILERS for Vil's character story (eng only)
Ever since this game started getting super famous in tiktok and twitter it seems that people just love to butcher literally every character in Twst and sometimes it's genuinely baffling how wrong some of the takes are, it really does make me wonder if some people just don't read the story and just skip every character who isn't their fave, and if they really do that, what makes them think they know enough about the rest of the cast to post in the character's main tag the most rancid read on a character, often accompanied by some accusations of literal crimes of bigotry that really should be taken more seriously instead of being terms thrown around.
I'm gonna be talking about Vil specifically but characters like Leona, Jamil, Sebek and a few others have it exceptionally bad as well (especially Leo and Jamil who's haters can even be quite racist)
I've been playing for a very long time (in eng) i remember being there to watch the Heartslabyul final release and the release of Savanaclaw's chapter and through these years ive seen the most horrific takes on Vil's characters, ranging from the accusations of racism (which have been debunked again and again especially by JP players) to accusations of supporting eds, fatphobia, elitism and ableism. The funny thing is that even with a very quick read of any of Vil's story you'll find out there is no support for any of such claims. They like to use the incident with Epel's accent when for years JP players have pointed out how this was strictly an error of localization since they couldn't find a situation similar to the one that is portrayed in the original game to put in eng twst, they went with the one we have where Vil asks Epel to "hide his accent" (he really doesn't he was talking about the way Epel is rude and disrespectful which would definitely end with him being beat up and then expelled bringing a bad fame to Pomefiore and also making Vil look bad for not properly guiding his dorm students) which is a terrible choice but alas it seems people prefer to ignore facts to stick with their claim that Vil is some sort of monster when this man is literally a teen. He's 18 years old and has to constantly look out for his image in and out of school since he grew up in front of the cameras.
Vil's character is all about beauty and self care and self acceptance yet for some people this seems to translate to "starve yourself if you don't want to be a disgusting fat pig" which is very weird to say the least considering all mentions Vil makes about diets he is talking about keeping a balanced diet to nurture your body and even has a voice line pointing out the importance of eating. Vil himself may be coded to have an ED in his overblot and Lab vignette but he has never and would never encourage one, he literally goes out of his way to annoy students to take care of themselves what makes anyone think he'd encourage them anyways? It's such a weird thing to assume of a character.
A lot of people seem to think that Vil is also the "beauty standart" king which doesn't even make sense considering vil is a gnc man, he already doesn't follow beauty standards and would definitely be against it, Vil's vision of beauty for himself may be twisted due to his traumas and troubles yet his vision of beauty for others is always exclusively on the person being their best version, this includes dressing how they want to and feel comfortable in, using whatever makeup they want (or just not using it at all) etc.
The way Vil speaks is often misunderstood as he tends to be strict and can be read as mean (I've already shared my theory on what may have caused this behavior here before so i won't be getting into too many details) but Vil is a famous and respected housewarden because if you actually stop and think about his advice the end result is always an effort to make the person's desires come true. (a good example is how Vil made Epel clean the windows and although Epel was displeased with the hard labor in the end he notices how the task may help with muscle growth and gets happy)
Vil's way of caring for others is often misunderstood and obviously that's understandable, not everybody may get his "rougher" way of handling advice, but also it's a bit weird how people react to it when in game all of the characters seem to be okay with it, Pomefiore has a lot of students and if they considered Vil to be a bad leader he would've been voted out a long time ago, no? And if i remember correctly wasn't it said in game they had very few transfers? (as in characters moving out of Pomefiore and into other dorms) That wouldn't make sense if Vil was really the cruel leader some people make him out to be. The truth is Vil is a nice caring person and his students recognize that which is why he is respected all across the school and not simply on his dorm (because ive seen people say Vil has brainwashed the Pomefiore students into thinking he is a good housewarden 💀)
Vil surely has issues he needs to work through, after all this game is literally about that, dealing with troubled teenagers and their internal struggles and the importance of asking for help (omg friendship is magic...) but Vil is also a teenager, and he is one of the characters that show the most desire to get better, immediately showing regret and apologizing to Yuu and his classmates for the danger he put them in, that is because Vil genuinely does care for them.
Another accusation people make is ableism, i remember seeing many posts saying Vil wouldn't respect disabled people and/or mentally ill people which is 1- extremely fucking rude to say? 2- absolutely wrong. Again just a quick read on Vil's character will tell you everything you need to know about how he'd feel about disabled people, he'd treat them like everyone else, and would adjust his handling accordingly to their needs, i really don't get where this claim comes from but it's quite ironic because a lot of Vil haters tend to be ableist themselves by claiming that Vil is a bad person mentioning traits that are often caused by mental illness and the effect of traumas, failing to analyze how their treatment of a character that displays common mental illness symptoms may affect people in real life who displays the same symptoms, and often being ableist themselves by judging these actions irredeemable and inherently evil/heartless, once again dehumanizing people with mental illness in real life who deal with the same symptoms.
Another common thing is the constant invalidation of Vil's trauma. A lot of people seem to read book 5 with their eyes closed and take away from the story that the reason Vil "got pissy and almost killed a guy" (wording of a terrible post i saw a few days ago<333) is because he's a "spoiled brat who couldn't handle getting the paper he wanted in a movie boo hoo" which is kind of funny with how terribly wrong it is, i really don't know what your thought process has to be to get his backstory this wrong but sure, let's start; The start of Vil's problems with being cast as a villain starts from when he was very very young, he was just a child when after being cast as a villain for a movie he was almost beat up by a group of boys for being an "evil guy" and by his reaction it wouldn't be impossible that this wasn't his first time dealing with that kind of thing. Vil also tells jack (who scared away the group) that he had trained so he would be able to deal with them on his own which again, could be a hint that this wasn't that uncommon in his life. In Vil's overblot dialogue is all we really need to know to debunk this claim.
What Vil wanted wasn't just to be a hero in a movie, he wanted to be seen, to be heard and cherished, he wanted to be more than a pretty prop they could put on the front to get attention only to be taken out of stage when he was no longer necessary in the next scene, do you get it? He wanted to be able to see his hard work pay off, to see his efforts of years being rewarded, to for once not be exchangeable for someone more favorable. Vil wanted to feel like all his pain was worth it in the end because finally he could shine in the stage, being himself instead of just another persona to attract people. In his overblot it's shown clearer than ever that Vil does not have a stable view of his own image unlike what he has trained himself to show, even calling himself ugly and begging them to not look at him. I don't think Vil is used to be being vulnerable, which would explain why he was so freaked out when the overblot happened, and why he cried when his beauty (the one thing about himself that was always recognized by others and therefore the thing he'd always been the most desperate to nurture) was taken away by aging in book 6 (note; the fact Vil sacrificed it for his classmates also just debunks the people saying he only cares for himself, if he did he wouldn't be who he is.)
I said i wouldn't give my thoughts again but i will, just briefly, i believe an easy explanation to Vil's behavior (the tough love he gives and his strictness) might be because of the industries he grew up in, we can't know for sure how similar twst's version of the movie and modeling industry is when compared to the real life one but considering the way Vil is, my guess it's that it's pretty similar, especially in the regard of their treatment towards children, in Vil's overblot he hears two staff members talking about how he'd never be able to pull off a relatable role because he is too perfect, and sure those may not look like insults, but to Vil who's only dream his entire life was to be seen in good light, those words stuck to him so deeply they'd come back to him during his overblot. (note; i have not seen a jp translation of the overblot scenes so i don't know if they also suffered from localization issues, if anyone has a link to one i could see id really like to see what the staff said to Vil)
The general point of Vil's overblot was how his efforts and hard work were always overlooked and ignored in favor of someone else, this happens with quite a lot of characters and happens as well with another overblot (Leona, who happens to be quite similar to Vil in many ways) and although i don't expect anyone to read it and think of analysing it more deeply even with a shallow vision of his overblot it's still incredibly insensitive to call it a "non-problem" especially considering the fact this is Vil's ENTIRE life, he's been working hard and failing for years again and again and that does get to you. I remember when i posted my first rant on Vil quite a lot of people who reported to be skilled at something (say for example music or dancing) as a child that any failures absolutely destroyed you inside, and that people who haven't passed through the same tend to call them dramatic and say they're overreacting to situations that can be classified as trauma depending on how much it mentally impacted said child. (and in Vil's case it's clear it had a massive one, after all he wouldn't have overblotted if he didn't have issues that had been bottled up until they finally exploded)
Mentioning Leona again, he and Vil share the same sentiment of anguish for being discarded and having their hard work be thrown away, the difference in them is the way they reacted to it, while Leona ended up not seeing any value in attempting to do anything because he assumes the outcome is always going to be the same, Vil overworks himself and forces himself to do things he might hate clinging to the hope that this time it'll work out.
Since we're talking about trauma ill already answer some things that may or may not come with this post (because in my first one i got this response a lot) "Vil's a fictional character it doesn't matter" and sure if you think like that cool, personally, when im talking about a fictional character that tackles real life traumas and issues, i talk about it as if referring to a real person because the character has been written with one (or multiple) in mind.
Twst may have issues but the character writing is undeniably about real life traumas and experiences, and the characters are quite accurate and good representation of the issues they tackle, so when you invalidate them, you are by result invalidating real life issues. Of course this won't stop anyone and i know that a few people will probably scoff at this and brush it off as being too sensitive but personally if you wouldn't dare invalidate say for example Riddle's traumas because you know it's a representation of mommy issues, which is a very real problem, to not go against your own morals you should also respect the issues of all the other characters, even if you personally think some are more "serious" than the other.
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chuuya-fan-page · 7 months
Soukoku is amazing and all that shit but if they become canon anytime soon I'm gonna be disappointed.
If they were to start dating right now it would go terribly. They have some very complicated feelings for each other and I don't think even they know what they are.
Do I want my ship to be canon? Yes but moreover I want my ship to be done justice and it being canon right now would do the opposite. It makes no damn sense unless Asagiri wants to give us some more background. And I know it's a popular headcanon that they hooked up already but my issue with people saying that they probably dated in the mafia but again it just doesn't make sense.
With what we know about both the characters and the timeline they'd have had to get together between the Dragon Head Conflict and Dark Era. And given how the characters are in that timeframe neither of them would have been able to hold a relationship, let alone one with each other. Also current arc Dazai would've boughten up the fact they used to date at some point even if only for shock value. Man would be bringing that up regularly.
Now some evidence to back up why that's the timeframe we have for that. Stormbringer is one of the best pieces of canon material we have for proving that Dazai cares for Chuuya. However Chuuya refers to Dazai as the person he hates most in Stormbringer, which so clearly they wouldn't have been together during that, because unlike his usual "I hate him"s that one seems like he meant it. Most likely due to Chuuya projecting his issues with himself onto Dazai.
Now you read Dead Apple and you get your proof that Chuuya cared about Dazai. (Also more Dazai caring for Chuuya but that dude's so obviously whipped I'm not going over it again) And obviously Dazai left after Dark Era. Theorize about them having seen each other during those four years if you want but if they had there'd be no reason to test each other like they do in the dungeon scene.
Now since they can't have already been together that means that they'd have to get together sometime around or after the prison. However for them to actually do well in a relationship, as they both deserve to, they both have to do some major internal work.
So in summary, I'd like them to be canon but not at the detriment of their complex dynamic.
And I know Asagiri said he won't make anything canon but I'm gonna play my hypothetical games.
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s4 episode 1 thoughts
ah, the first ep of a new season. it has such a fresh feeling to it each time! and according to that poll i reblogged, s4 is a fan-favorite (along with s3). well, i really liked s3, so i hope i’m in for more of that! 
overall, this was a wild episode. things just! kept! happening! so fast! in fact, i think it will take me a while to gather my thoughts on the stuff that was happening, because it was occurring so rapidly! but luckily, i am familiar enough with the monster of the week format by now to know that i have some time to process all these events, because most episodes will be entirely unrelated to the plot action that went down today. so good episode, but separated scully and mulder + so much plot so fast = not a GOAT ep for me. and with this being said, back to my liveblogging!
it feels that it has been so long!!! maybe even a full WEEK! or more!! since i watched the last episode! i recall, however, not being very impressed due to lack of scully. so let’s see if this episode can change my opinion.
so, reading the description, it seems this alien fellow is referred to as “Bounty Hunter”. i’ve been calling him "alien hit man" for 2 seasons now, so this will be an adjustment. the seriousness with which i take using his proper name is yet to be determined. and we get some alleged samantha lore here?!?! will it actually be true?!? i assume everything about samantha will be a lie forever
i want to know how jeremiah smith gets out of this sticky situation, so let us continue together and see what happens to our agents.
“last season on the x files…” yes yes, this was probably a vital refresher for those who had to wait a year in between seasons. and also for me who had to wait a week, which as i am sure you can imagine was JUST as excruciating!
in my absence, i seem to have forgotten how terribly beautiful this mulder fellow is. rest assured that i am now remembering as we get a little recap.
but oh! we do not begin in the fight scene where we ended last time. we begin in… a van? of a fellow who is fixing a power line? is this some more TV mind control stuff…..? (no, thankfully, it was not)
there is a bug by his ear and he slaps it. and then we see the bee on the ground struggling while a bunch of kids gather around. they all look the same and seem to be multiplying. which is very weird but i feel bad for the bee.
5 creepy blond identical children watch this man DIE after being stung??? he’s writhing up on the cable pole and then he FALLS and all the kids surround him like jackals... omg… very much gives the impression they are gonna eat him. but they just walk away after staring at this body for a bit which is maybe even creepier. hard to say. 
what do the children know…….?
(intro time) (<3)
HEY WHAT THE HELL? i interrupt making a heart emoji by hand to inform you that the words on the screen do NOT read “the truth is out there”, but today they say “everything dies”. this is NOT a good sign for mrs. mulder or jeremy smith omg… 
i know our agents aren’t kicking the bucket yet though because we have a few more seasons!!!
okay, NOW back to mulder and scully and jeremy and the bounty hunter. mulder tells scully to not get in the bounty hunter's way, and she immediately does and gets knocked over, which is a little comical- but you can’t blame a girl for trying!!!
mulder is now chasing jeremy and in turn being chased by the bounty hunter through some weird warehouse-y building, with scully not too far behind. the screen is very dark and it is hard to see things. mulder comes face-to-face with the bounty hunter but they just look at each other and then run after their real target, which is probably a good thing, because we have seen the bounty hunter kick mulder’s ass before, and i’m not really feeling a rematch at this point in time.
no, jeremy! the bounty hunter approaches, and to escape him, he jumps off of the roof. mulder is taking jeremy down to the car where scully shall be the getaway driver. i'm in the getaway car, i left you in the hotel bar, etc.
until the bounty hunter DROPS on their window like a spider!!!!! so she honks the horn for a very long time, which was deserved. 
okay, so back into the maze of the building. mulder and jeremy are running on foot. mulder hides in some bushes!!! then LEAPS out and STABS THE BOUNTY HUNTER in the base of his neck!! omg!! the one spot where these beings can be killed!!! i knew sneaky mulder was gonna set some sort of trap, i just didn’t think he would have such good luck with his aim! 
yes, he did it!!! the poison goop is coming from the base of the bounty hunter’s neck. but jeremiah is motoring away on a little boat, saying more killers will be after him. mulder yells after him that he needs help; his mother is dying. and i think it is fair to save a life after mulder saved his, so maybe, just maybe, they can buzz to the hospital reallllly quick before they let him go… back to space, or whatever. 
scully has found the dead bounty hunter, and is looking for mulder, who has gotten on the boat with jeremy and sailed away, i guess. rude as hell to leave her stranded there!!
she keeps going back to the body and i’m yelling NO GIRL, THE BLOOD GAS but NO! that is not even the biggest problem, for the bounty hunter is ALIVE! he grabs her throat and chokes her, which had to absolutely SUCK to film. 
he keeps asking where they’re going while he’s choking her, and that seems to be a bad way to get answers. she says she doesn’t know, but in my head i’m yelling, just say they’re going to the mall!! lie!! lie!!! they’re going to the mall. a dude in the food court claims to be an alien expert who knows information on samantha’s whereabouts. they want to see the guy at quizno’s knew about jeremy’s existence. send him on a side quest!!! but she just says she doesn’t know, which is fine, too.
anyway, back to mulder and jeremy disembarking from the boat. jeremy says that the government men will be waiting for them at the hospital in mrs. mulder’s room, but mulder tries to counter by saying that if the government men do anything there, they will be exposed. well! i think this is faulty reasoning because they might just kill all of you, but i see that he wants this to be true for the sake of his mother.
jeremy explains that they are working on colonization, and if they kill him, he sure can’t help his mother, which makes sense to me even if it is deeply unfortunate. or, he says... mulder can stop it! mulder, stopping colonization?! that is a large task for one guy...
OH! jeremy claims that he can take mulder to a place where there is a “work in progress” and SEE HIS SISTER??? how do we know that isn’t another TRICK!!!! i always suspect deception when it comes to his sister, because they know that claiming to have information on her can get him to do anything they please.
cutscene to the hospital, where CANCER MAN is holding mrs. scully’s hand (LET GO, FREAK!) and some lackey says that “he isn’t coming”
GASP! this lackey pulls out the pictures of cancer man at mrs. mulder’s house and suggests… a SECURITY LEAK! he proposes planting information to see where it flows… information that mrs. mulder’s life is in “unnatural danger”… oh no… will X see through the trickery?
back to scully cam. her phone is ringing. mulder wants to know where she is: “i’m right where you left me, mulder” OHHH! get him again for me. and when he asks why she is still there, she says it’s because he wouldn’t answer his phone and she didn’t know what to do :( which is so sad
but what about the bounty hunter……
NO!!!! he’s right behind her in the car, holding the needle up to her neck through the phone!! she’s trying to get him to stfu, but he keeps yapping about stealing a car in alberta, and revealing all his plans to the bounty hunter!!!!
so he just lets her go after hearing where mulder is, which is lowkey crazy, but she tells him that the bounty hunter is coming after him. and that he is in fact NOT dead. so now what do mulder and jeremy do about these plans they have made and just revealed to their enemy????
anyway, mulder and jeremy are in the hills of alberta where we earlier saw the dude who got stung by a bee drop dead. and mulder's face is all beat up and it’s kinda endearing... like aww, let me put a bandage on you.
scully is going to skinner’s office, who has summoned her. she lies that her and mulder are okay, and it’s a pretty visible lie in terms of body language, so i imagine skinner catches onto that. but he’s like, why tf are there 5 dudes at the social security administration all called jeremy smith and with the same face? and what do you know about them?
well she’s honest in this regard at least, and says idk. but the nerd down at the labs can see that each of the 5 jeremys had very weird data on their computers. 
“enough to fill seven ten-gigabyte hard drives” hold on. okay so that is, in modern terms, not a whole lot of stuff. like a 68 GB flash drive at target rn is $6, and it's even a nice blue color. so i’m wondering how much stuff you can stick on there but honestly i do need to get back to the plot at hand and stop looking up the differences between flash and hard drives. he says it’s “a billion entries” which is a lot!
scully thinks it might be a code!!! and she thinks she might be able to crack it!!!! wahoooo!!! code time! code time!! i love when she is in her sleuthing era!! and the lab nerd (revealed to be named "agent pendrell") says "seriously?" when she says she thinks she can crack it, but i wouldn't have said that, because i trust in her skills.
she says there is someone she wants to run it by… is it the lone gunmen? the navajo representative? her dad’s old friend? who could it be?
back to mulder and jeremy running through the hills of canada, arguably even frolicking. where they come across the dead guy!!! he is bubbling and covered in bugs…… so the death was yesterday. and jeremy knows what killed him!!! he’s being VERY WEIRD!!! 
gag… the body looks soooooo nasty... but as always, to cope with this, i give a shoutout to the props department. but i WILL gag. 
so they’re at their destination, which is… a “flowering shrub”? being grown for pollen? and worked by a bunch of kids like the creepy ones from before. what the hell do aliens want with some pollen...
MULDER THINKS ONE OF THE KIDS IS HIS SISTER??? but she’s still a child!!!!! how could this be?
i’m suspecting trickery here. either way, he goes right in after her, calling her name. NOOOOO- he gets on his knees, grabs her arms, and says “it’s me, fox, your brother” and she has no readable expression whatsoever NOOOOO omg WHAT SORT OF TORTURES HAVE THEY CONCOCTED TO PUT THIS MAN THROUGH???
(i’m operating under the assumption that it is Not Actually Her)
she just looks at him…. and jeremy says “she has no language”, and is a drone…. he says he has more to show him so that he might understand. YOU MADE A CHILD A DRONE? and you're supposed to be THE GOOD ONE, JEREMY?
(if this actually is samantha and they hurt her like that i’m going to choke slam this jeremy fellow into the core of the earth)
mulder naturally wants to know what tf is going on, and jeremy says the drones are stationed here as part of an agrarian workforce, where they take care of themselves, and “parenting is unnecessary”. oh i just KNOW that at this point if i were mulder and someone told me parenting his long lost sister "wasn't necessary”, i would have started throwing hands. what an insult to injury, taking her away and saying that she doesn't even deserve someone to look after her, when all he has wanted for so long was to do just that...
and a bunch of other kids come out ALL WITH HER FACE and the boys have the fact of that CREEPY BLOND KID FROM BEFORE!!! CLONING??? did they CLONE HER???? yes they did. so they’re clones but... where is the OG samantha??????
this is soooooo fucked up like WHERE is his REAL and ACTUAL sister and what can we do to free these identical children!!!!!
scully is going to mulder’s place to put an x tape on the window. oh no! but what if X HAS really been fed lies??? (she also bites the tape again which i still think is funny)
i am observing mulder’s apartment as she tries to crack the code whilst waiting for his arrival. sadly, i cannot work out the names of the books on his shelves.
someone knocks and she grabs her gun… but it is, in fact, X, our man of the hour. AND OH NO!!! he does say he has information concerning mulder’s mother!!! NOOOOOOO, i was hoping he would be more discerning than this and not fall for such a trap!!
scully doesn’t seem to be buying it… X refuses to talk to her, and says to get in contact with mulder, but she is insisting he gives her information on the code.
he knows what the various entries are… they’re about the smallpox eradication program. but X is telling her not to open doors she isn’t ready for. so what does THAT mean???? he leaves by saying “protect the mother” ummmm okay...
WAIT! if she goes there then they’ll think SHE is the spy, right??? or no… because they know she wouldn’t have access to information at that level, so someone would have to give it to her. lie and say krychek gave it to her. idk just lie!!!
back to this weird little town. mulder is trying to take the little girl with them, which pisses jeremy off (STOP… HE WANTED TO TAKE HER WITH THEM I’ll SOB 😭)
he’s all “she’s not your sister” and “you have a chance to understand something so much greater” but he won’t do any actual explaining. condescending fuck. and when explanation is requested, who rolls up but the bounty hunter!!!
now they’re sprinting off to a place… where the girl is taking them. a place filled with the bees who killed that guy earlier!! mulder learns that while jeremy and samantha clone have immunity to the killer bees, he does not.
so now he’s covered in killer bees and to protect himself he DOUSES HIS BODY IN GASOLINE and therefore cannot see a single thing and needs to be led along by this small child who looks like his sister but isn’t. they are in a building filled with evil evil evil looking bees and their evil honey... but they realize they have been trapped by the bounty hunter when they look up and see a hole in the sky. 
the bounty hunter is entering into this cavernous honey town, and sees only the gasoline can and many bees, but no people. until they break a wall of honeycomb they were hiding behind down directly on top of him, and the bounty hunter is swarmed by them!!!! he seems to be busy being hurt by them. so i guess they will hurt him, but not kill him? noted. need to keep track of the alien species rules.
okay, so back to the lab nerd, agent pendrell, who frantically adjusts his tie as scully walks in with a break on the data. yeah don't think i missed that. that actor wanted to make his 5 minutes of screen time count. i see you!
“you say a twenty letter code to any scientist, and they immediately think ‘protein amino acid sequence code’, which is what this turned out to be” <- i love her so terribly i can’t even form a decent sentence to describe it. it's actually embarrassing but whatever.
and it’s a code for cowpox virus, which was used to vaccinate people against smallpox! so why were they keeping vaccine records… besides for the obvious reason of making sure that smallpox is defeated?
well, that doesn’t matter right now, because the big question is: what is with this second alpha numeric string? each with an infinite number of variations?
she says it’s an inventory… of us… and pulls off her jacket to reveal a bandage on her arm. which i’m sure had that nerd sweating. 
(did she like get a shot in the time whilst mulder was MIA... i’m confused) (<- lmao sometimes i just do not understand wtf is going on and it is really funny reading these notes back)
she’s presenting her theory and an image created by “a confocal microscope” to some people in skinner’s office. and i’m not sure i’ve ever been more in love before, but whatever. she’s explaining it’s a protein’s location, a cowpox protein, number 6 to be exact, thank you!
OH! it came from her! she got a biopsy taken from her vaccination scar. which makes a lot more sense than getting your flu shot while doing important FBI work. although getting your flu shot IS important it’s just. you know. bigger fish to fry n all that.
she got this image “through a process called immunohisto chemical staining and through the addition of an antibody” <- unfortunately her saying all this is incredibly attractive to me
but there’s important business at hand. she thinks anybody who has been vaccinated over the past 50 years might have a marker in them!!
oh, low blow from the guy who said this sounds like something that would come from mulder….
but she performed the same procedure on agent pendrell i’m CRYING he is SOOOOOOO down bad for herrrrrr 😭😭😭😭
and his protein is different even though it should be the same as hers!! DEEPLY suspicious!
“so what you’re saying, agent scully, is we’re being catalogued, tagged, and inventoried?” well yes skinner, i do believe that is what she is saying!
by who and for what purpose? she doesn’t know. but jeremiah smith probably does!
skinner wants to talk to scully ALONE! he looks MAD and asks “do you realize what you are promoting” and she cuts him off with “i am a SCIENTIST, sir” OHHHHHH YES!!! shut him up!!!!!!!!!!! and isn’t that why she was assigned to the x files in the first place?!?!?! YES EXACTLY!!!!! TELL HIM!!!!!!!
pained skinner expression as her phone goes off. it’s mulder, and she needs to meet him. she says “just tell me where” (ohhh my god the way they’d do anything for each other…)
he explains that he and jeremiah smith and “someone else” need to be at mrs. mulder’s hospital room, where she has to wait and keep her safe. 
she says a lot of people want to talk to jeremiah smith and will be there, but who comes barreling down the road to get mulder and the squad as she says this, but the damn bounty hunter!!!! omg!!! can this dude just die already!! damn!!! 
the bounty hunter runs his van STRAIGHT into the car with jeremy and “samantha”!!! and when the bounty hunter picks mulder up by his throat, he begs for jeremy and his sister’s life, while bounty hunter says “he shows you pieces, but tells you nothing of the whole” which i do feel is deeply true. but jeremy being a “traitor to the project” isn’t really feeling as damning as having a crop of brainwashed clone children harvest killer honey to me personally.
so mulder says “kill me, and let them go”, and that he would TRADE HIS LIFE FOR HIS MOTHER’S!!!!!! the bounty hunter says that “everything dies” while jeremy tries to make an escape.
(omg is he really willing to sacrifice his life… or is he just saying anything to buy jeremy more time???)
bounty hunter TOSSES mulder into a truck, picks up the needle to go after him, while samantha clone starts screaming... NOOOO that poor girl😭
back at the hospital, scully, skinner, and the guys have been waiting for five hours, with nothing to show for it. it’s starting to compromise the treatment of patients, says a random nurse. but in walks mulder!!!
“oh my god, mulder!” scully says, running to him, while he mumbles “i can’t, there’s nothing”, and other nonsensical phrases, which begs the question: WHAT HAPPENED IN THOSE FIVE HOURS????
she’s feeling him, saying he’s freezing and in shock, and he can’t even stumble to the right hospital room door to find his mother without scully’s help. but he gets there and looks at his mother while scully wraps a blanket around him, and he mumbles that "she’ll never know". 
and he’s CRYING, and he LEANS DOWN so scully can hold him while he sobs into her shoulder (height difference height difference oh my GOD its so painful and terribly tender)
just when i expect an emotional climax, we change scenes to mulder’s place, where footsteps are approaching. X lets himself into the apartment, but seems to realize that something is… afoot. 
he goes for the elevator to escape, when a man FIRES TWO SHOTS INTO HIM!!! NOOOO X!!!
we had a rocky relationship but i never wanted it to end in this fashion……….
(is it inappropriate to wait until he’s dead to say that i’ve always thought he was handsome….)
well. um. we don’t get a lot of time to linger on that.
back to mrs. mulder. mulder has his head in his hands, saying they could have saved her, that he had once chance. and he tells scully that he saw his sister. and she was just a little girl. 
it’s not clear if scully can tell he’s speaking the truth or if she thinks he is still saying random stuff in shock, but he says that he’s seen too much to not believe. she counters that she believes they have a place to begin in looking for answers.
“you put such faith in your science, scully, but… the things i’ve seen, science provides no place to start” 
“nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it- and that’s a place to start”
OOOOOH BANGER LINE!!!!! such hope there is in understanding the world that seems impossible to comprehend, if only we seek out the knowledge to grasp it!!!! if we admit what we don’t know and start where we do until we reach the Truth!!!
this line coaxes a smile out of him, and she adds “that’s where the hope is”, and i think i understand scully on a molecular level. 
but he is still in agony over there. he feels he came close, and she feels it too.
and as she says she was warned by X about his mother being in danger, and that he is who can lead them to a place to start, we see him dragging himself down mulder’s hallway, gasping for breath, before finally collapsing, having written “SRSG” in his OWN BLOOD???????? HOLY HELL??? that was very metal in a fashion i was not expecting…….. rip X :(
as much as i feel like we need some time to linger on that we really aren't given any in terms of the episode’s pacing. but like. damn. its MY writeup and i can give us a moment of silence for X as i choose.
okay, jump to a month later, at the UN building in NYC. we see someone open a door to the special representative to the secretary general- OMG... the SRSG!!! and mulder is there to visit!! he must have pieced together the horrific clue… the special representative won’t see him. but his secretary, marita covarrubias, will.
he’s trying to get answers on the farmland in canada, but only getting dead ends. however, maria says the farm was abandoned, but the crops were identified as ginseng. 
GINSENG? making killer bees? press F to doubt. and she says there no evidence of bees. YEAH RIGHT,,, I SAW THEM!
she asks why this is so important to him, and he starts to say that he’s suffered some very personal losses recently, but he can’t seem to get it out (oh my gosh, it is so sad) but he opens the file she hands him and sees A PHOTO of the CLONES OF HIS SISTER doing farm work!!!
and this assistant says “not everything dies, mr. mulder” (which at this point i had to rewind and get her name because i realized she might KNOW THINGS and be a RECURRING character with INFORMATION…. OMG….)
back to the hospital, where THE BOUNTY HUNTER is visiting????? is he gonna hurt mrs. mulder OMFG???? stay away from her?!!!!!
but he goes in there and looks at her. “i need to know the reasons why this should be”, he asks CANCER MAN??? who seems to have SET UP OFFICE IN THERE??? he says it’s so that the project may continue, and this will remove an obstacle. and that obstacle is AGENT MULDER???
HELLO??? so DID cancer man do this to her??? “if his mother were to die….” NO NO, KEEP ON TALKING CANCER MAN, SHARE WITH THE CLASS WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY
“the fiercest enemy is the man who has nothing left to lose, and you know how important agent mulder is to the equation” <- SO THIS WHOLE COLONIZATION PLAN WAS DRAFTED WITH HIM IN MIND???? how would that even be possible... how far back does this plan even go?
bounty hunter closes the door and locks it behind him, then proceeds to lay his hand on mrs. mulder- so ALL of these aliens can do the healing thingy? and she opens her eyes!!!! and sees cancer man!!
imagine that being the first thing you see when you wake up omg….
and thus concludes the episode.
okay, so i have a lot to say, but yesterday i saw a video that said “think of the character you hate the most in the world” and i thought of cancer man. then the video said “now imagine all your negative self thoughts in that character’s voice and you won’t listen to them ever again” and damn, if cancer man TRIED me i would find new and exciting ways to cause him suffering. in ways that i shan’t describe, for i haven’t even thought of them yet. i imagine an entirely empty room with nothing but that one “i’m good and i’m feeling alright” song on loop for years, with his ears in protective gear that make them impossible to self-deafen when he’s lost it.
BUT. we got a lot in this episode. and i’m not sure how i’m feeling. 
well, first, we lost X. this is a major L for our heroes. even though he could be a bit insufferable in his vague hints, he seemed to have some sort of positive feeling toward mulder, at least part of the time. but how much of what he was doing was furthering cancer man’s agenda? it might be impossible to ever tell.
second, jeremy. he was a great dude in episode 1, saving all those lives, and then it turns out he knew about the clone children slavery which makes me think much less of him and i find it hard to mourn his death. because seriously WTF kind of evil creature uses cloned kidnapped kids to harvest evil killer bees. and no parents because they are “unnecessary”. and poor mulder was tortured by seeing her again but it not actually being Her. and despite it not actually being Her, he wanted to save this clone samantha, who had been deprived of any language. what the hell. jeremy is supposed to be RESISTING to the alien’s plan for colonization but he knew about this so like???? which side is he on?????
i mean, i guess knowing about atrocities committed by your people doesn’t mean you endorse them, but he was SO condescending about the whole matter, all “oh you don’t understand” in a way that makes me think he WAS endorsing it. so if he’s down with their evil plans, why the hell is he resisting them bad enough to be hunted by this bounty hunter for???
i am puzzled on that front, but it feels that it was designed to be this way. either way, jeremy is dead now too, so no answers on that front, either.
so, we know that there is this plan at colonization of earth by this alien species, and that jeremy claimed mulder had some way of stopping it. and the colonization plan involves evil bees and pollen and cloned children and inventorying every person who ever received a smallpox vaccine. and also kidnapping people and performing tests on them that will slowly kill them. and this is a plan set in place by a certain group at the UN to which cancer man belongs, but somehow this plan stretches back to mr. mulder, and was drafted with the younger mulder in mind. and we also know that they took samantha as "insurance" so that mr. mulder didn't betray the plan, because he was not in agreement with the ethics involved.
other things that we know but are not clear how exactly they fit in: the whole oil alien that turns people into flashbangs found in the sunken submarine deal, krychek's escape arc, exactly who the little grey dudes that look like stereotypical aliens are, and if the bodies found in the train car back in anasazi were actual aliens, or alien-human hybrids- because they had smallpox vaccine scars. also, we still do not know to whom X pledged his loyalty, and the exact purpose of the disease center in west virginia where that one dude claimed the government was testing on vulnerable populations.
so somehow we have some known aliens in here, people being catalogued and experimented upon, possibly in an attempt to create alien-human hybrids to accelerate the plan of alien colonization. but also some mystery aliens of uncertain relevance to the plot.
okay, i think... i have it all in order.
there was a lot that went down here, so i will need some time to process it all. but, we did get more scully, which is ALWAYS a good thing, especially when she is cracking codes and being a scientist. and poor mulder... they are just torturing him for fun at this point...
there was a lot of plot, but not a ton of time to process it. so this episode was good, but i don’t think it would make my top 10 ranking. this is also a consequence of our agents being separated for most of the ep.
so, where do we go from here? i have no idea! i am just glad to begin a new journey with these characters, even if things are still very murky in terms of plot! in fact, there was so much plot crammed into a short space of time, i'm almost looking forward to a few monster of the week episodes to try and give my brain a break from unraveling all that.
now... i know that the next episode has a reputation for being quite spooky. and i shall face this challenge with bravery and honor. wish me luck…
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changetyre · 2 years
Not the last time
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SUMMARY: You're stuck in a complicated love triangle with 2 of your closest friends, you decide that you're not gonna pick either and that's how you'll get out of this situation. Except it seems it only takes one night to change everyone's minds. Daniel Ricciardo x Reader x Max Verstappen.
WARNINGS: Terribly written intense smut, threesome, fem!oral, male!oral, face fck, PinV, an*l.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing Smut so forgive me for the mess but hope you enjoy ;) Also this isn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes.
Realizing that you could in fact be in love with two people wasn't as fun and dramatic and interesting as it appeared in the movies. And what makes things more complicated is that the two men you're in love with completely reciprocate your feelings.
You, Daniel, and Max had been best friends ever since the boys become teammates. You were Max's new P.R. manager and you hit it off with Max straight away, both realizing that although you should get along, what you had was a little more special than that.
Given your proximity to Max, you quickly began forming a friendship with Daniel too, what made this all the more fun was the fact that you were in between them both when it came to ages which meant you connected with them both on different levels.
It didn't take long before you three became inseparable, even after Dani left Redbull and even after you'd been offered a better job in a different team and took it.
However, the feelings between the three of you started becoming clearer as the increased time apart became more apparent. And it all came into understanding when you realized how much you despised seeing the boys being way too friendly with any woman and the boys felt exactly the same way about you with other men.
You were never one to wallow around with your feelings, being the kind of person to just face them up front so pulling the boys aside at the club one night after they were both practically throwing daggers at you for dancing with another man you finally revealed your feelings.
You were in love, with them both. BUT you didn't want anything to be ruined between the three of you. The boys revealed they felt the same way about you and you agreed the best approach would be for everyone to ignore the feelings and they would eventually go away. That way non one would get hurt. Right?
2 weeks later:
You'd be lying if you said things between the three of you didn't get slightly awkward. There was now a weird tension in the atmosphere and you all took notice of the lack of contact with the opposite gender from all sides.
You thought the best medicine to get you guys back to being your usual selves would be for one of your movie nights like you had in the old days. You got the boys to clear their schedules for a weekend so they could spend 3 nights at your place, a slumber party if you will.
After scrolling through countless movies for too long and not coming to an agreement you decided to simply close your eyes and scroll until you landed on a random movie.
Secretary (2022), was the title of the movie. None of you had seen it and you decided to watch it.
It all started out okay, until you started realizing what this movie was about. Was this some kind of cruel prank form the universe?
You were at what was maybe the 4th sex scene in the movie, you were extremely horny at this point and little did you know the boys felt exactly the same.
The tension in the room was almost making it hard to breathe. You squeezed your thighs together and your mind wandered to the last time you had sex only now noticing how long it had actually been and now realizing how much you need a relief right now.
The boys take notice of your shifting and almost imperceptible whimpers as they start shifting uncomfortably in their seats trying to tame their need for you.
You can't take it anymore.
"I can't do this I'm so f*cking horny, I need one of you to fuck me right now." you blurt out, knowing damn well there's a possibility you might regret it later but all logic is out of the window right now, your wet core doing all the thinking right now.
Although the next thing that came out of Max's mouth took you by surprise.
"How about both of us?" he asked.
You looked at him waiting for any sign of a joke to which you find none. You turn to Daniel who already had a smirk on his lips.
"I've never been one to turn a threesome down baby." He bit his bottom lip already undressing you with his eyes. That's all the confirmation you need of what you're about to do.
You get up and start walking to your room the boys exchanging confused looks. "What the hell are you waiting for?!" You turn around to ask them both.
They jump up immediately following behind you.
You're not sure where to start but to yours and Max's luck Daniel chooses to take the lead. He pulls you in kissing you softly as he starts pushing your clothes off you fumbling with his belt.
Max stands awkwardly unsure of how to follow but Daniel finally unlatches from you starting to kiss down your neck, and then your body nods for Max to come over.
This time you're the one taking the lead as you grab Max's collar pulling him into you with desperation to get your lips onto his. You're so distracted kissing Max and trying to undress that you don't realize when Daniel had left you completely exposed from the waist down now wearing nothing but your black lace bra.
The next thing you feel is as Daniel has found his way in between your thighs gliding his tongue over your folds making you tremble with surprise and let out a moan into Max's mouth.
You look down grasping onto Daniel's hair and pulling him back in between your legs indicating for him to keep going. His tongue covers you whole licking back and forth in slow swipes before he starts picking up the pace and occasionally sucking on your clit making you moan loudly.
Max getting incredibly turned on hearing your moans of pleasure. He guided your hand to his now exposed dick and you begin stroking him. Max starts kissing your chest, unclasping your bra before he starts sucking on your already hard nipples, showing equal praise to them both.
You bring your hand up gathering spit and licking it before bringing your hand back down to Max's shaft as you kept stroking him at a good pace hearing him groan in pleasure.
Once Daniel had given you your first orgasm all gentleness seem to go out of the window from there. Daniel picked you up throwing you down onto the bed before climbing over you.
He scooted all the way up before hoovering over your face, tapping his dick on your chin indicating for you to open up which you gladly do. You take him and Daniel lets you go at your pace at first.
Max now has full view of your dripping wet core, he wants a taste of it too. He kneels down between your legs locking his arms over your thighs as he takes his turn eating you out.
Your strangled moans being enough indication of how much you're enjoying this as well as the fact that he has to use a slight bit of force to keep your legs open for him.
Daniel grabbed the headboard behind you as he angled himself slightly to start thrusting into your mouth, the glint in your eyes letting him know you're more than okay with this as you open your mouth wide for him to face fuck you.
You're taken by surprise when Max has now lined himself up with your entrance and started thrusting into you causing an overwhelming amount of pleasure to course through your body.
You bring your hand down rubbing circles on your clit as the boys keep their pace going.
"Fuck y/n!" at this point it's hard to distinguish which of the men it's coming from with how much they've repeated the phrase tonight.
You all uncoil at the same time, Daniel cumming into your mouth, Max spilling all over your folds and you trembling at the 2nd orgasm of the night.
The boys take turns fucking you in different positions, you have your 3rd, 4th, 5th orgasm and you're not sure how much longer you can go.
Max is now under you as you bounce on his dick, barely able too from your trembling legs but the need for pleasure being enough strength for you to keep bopping.
Daniel licked your ass adding to your enjoyment and takes a step back as he takes in the view of his best friends fucking. But now he can't resist his urge to fuck you too watching as Max's dick thrusts deep into your pussy.
"Sweet," he whispers.
"Hmm." You only hum in response as your breathlessly moan.
"Can you can take us both?" he asks as he's rubbing circles over your asshole.
You've never tried it before. The question takes you by surprise.
But you accept being in a high unlike anything you've ever felt before and knowing if anyone's going to take care of you through this it's them.
"Yes." You finally give him a vocal agreement.
Daniel approached you and Max slowed down his pace giving you time to adjust to what was about to happen. Daniel lined himself up with your second hole starting to push in slowly as he can feel you clenching.
The stretch from their both massive lengths had you wincing at first but as Daniel kept pushing in slowly you almost felt your body shut down at the new and immense pleasure that filled your body.
"Faster!" You tapped Max's chest feeling a new feeling arises in the pit of your stomach that needed to be explored immediately.
Daniel didn't move until you indicate to him to and it doesn't take long before you're also reaching back and tapping Daniel's arm telling him to speed up.
You thought the pleasure these boys had already given you couldn't get any better but oh how wrong you were when they were both thrusting into you at the same time making you completely lose control of your body.
It only took a few minutes of this before the wave finally hit, fireworks in your entire body, seeing starts, ringing in your ears, collapsing atop Max's body trembling in complete ecstasy letting out loud cries of pleasure.
Both boys moderately slowed their pace letting you ride out your explosive orgasm.
Daniel gave you a few seconds then was the first to start pulling out of you and as he did you squirmed over Max's chest as he rubbed circles on your back. Max then gently placed you beside him as he began pulling out too, making you squirm once more.
The boys had literally fucked the living daylights out of you as you were still trying to catch your breath occasionally shaking at the remnants of pleasure left in your body, barely able to move at how weak they'd left you.
You were barely aware as Daniel went to the bathroom starting a warm bath as Max lay next to you still rubbing soft circles on your skin, your back, your cheeks, and your legs which had you letting out soft huffs at how sensitive your entire being felt right then.
A few minutes later Max got up and scooped your naked body into his arms, you're too weak to even protest at wherever it is he's taking you so you only loop your arm around his neck knowing damn well you trust the man to take you anywhere anyways.
He carried you into the bathroom where Daniel was adding oils into your bath before Max very slowly with Dan's help started placing you down into the bath letting your body adjust to the very warm temperature of the water.
The bath certainly helped you relax especially after the boys started helping you wash up. Max massaged and washed your hair while Daniel gently scrubbed your body.
You had asked the boys to join you needing to feel them with you. Max sunk in behind you spreading his legs on either side of you as you leaned your back against his chest. Daniel then sank in front of you as he picked your legs up placing them over his, you comfortingly rubbed circles over Dan's chest.
"Please don't let that be the last time boys." You hummed as your head laid back into Max's shoulder in comfort.
You felt so at peace in their arms conscious of the fact you were completely vulnerable. Naked and raw in front of them but they were your safe place, your happy place. You were completely surrounded by love.
Max and Daniel shared a smile, not answering you right now but knowing they could get used to making you feel like this. Being so head over heels madly and deeply in love with you they couldn't let you go.
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Hello hello! I finally caught up on DFF a few days ago and have been reading a bunch of meta ever since, but there are some things I can’t follow. Maybe you can help me?
First off, we keep talking about there being a Final Girl, but why is everyone so sure that there will be one? I could see more people surviving or the story going in a different direction entirely. Where does this conviction come from?
Then, I’m on board with the idea of hallucinations, but one thing that always bothers me is the question of how you could make sure that they all hallucinate the very same thing? I don’t know how hallucination-inducing drugs work, but that seems kind of weird to me.
Also, who is Tan and who is Perth again? This is such a dumb question, but I’m terrible with names and faces, and I know most of the characters now, but I keep mixing up these two.
Thank you so much for your time!
Anon, let me answer your last question first:
This is Mio who plays Tan in the series. Tan is part of the friend group but came along after Non disappeared.
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This is Perth but it is unknown who he is playing in the series. He was only in the background of this scene in the dark jacket with the grey shirt.
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As for the other questions, unfortunately, I cannot help you because unlike the rest of these perfectly normal people watching Dead Friend Forever, I'm crazy.
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And because I'm crazy, I do NOT care about "reasoning" when it comes to my wack-a-doodle-doo theories. Therefore, White will be the Final Gay simply because I want him to be, and because none of these other motherf*ckers deserve to live.
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Yeah, Fluke hasn't actively done anything, but he knew all of this was happening and turned a blind eye, so if Por is dead, why not just kill all of them? Well, expect for the actual killers, Tan and Phi, and the Final Gay White.
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Por's death could have just been an accident, and everyone else will get out of this alive, but . . . I don't want it. I want Fluke to shoot Top, Tee to wrestle the gun away from Fluke only for it to go off and kill Fluke, White to kill Tee and run off scared, Tan to "die" because of an asthma attack (but he won't be dead), which will leave Jin and Phi as the only survivors, only for Jin to be stabbed by Phi right before White shows up with help.
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Do you feel the crazy? Do you see what I was saying about myself? You cannot ask me logical questions because I am not using deductive skills. I'm operating off of vibes and vibes alone, which is why I felt Phi was sus in episode one. It's also why I don't like Jin. It's a vibe.
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Which brings me to your drugs question - The vibes are off!
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I think that Non is still alive and running around scaring them all, so not everything is because of the drugs, but if the energy isn't right, if the mood isn't chill, if the vibe isn't good, the drugs are going to hit different. The figurative trip will be bad. So if the literal trip involves the boys talking about Non and seeing videos of Non while they run through the woods for their lives, whatever drugs are in their system aren't going to be happy in a body with that amount of stress, and their brain will focus on Non and the masked killer. In fact, a common side effect of most party drugs is paranoia.
Hell, even some known prescriptions for depression and anxiety can cause these side effects.
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Then again, I just do drugs. I don't know the actual science behind them, but I do know if the vibes ain't right, you're not gonna have a good night.
And these boys seem to be having a really shitty night.
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But also, the boys haven't all seen the same thing. Fluke saw Por's eyes bleeding and attacking him. White saw a rash on his skin. Jin saw Mr. Keng. Top saw the masked killer trying to axe him (I think part of this was real) and thought he saw a masked killer in the road, so he scared Tee going on about it. Top also might be having a reaction to it which is why he was seizing.
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PSA: Test your drugs, kids. Even Amazon, which I think is the devil, sells drug testing kits.
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In case you have no idea what this image is about, the joint in her hand is laced with cocaine and was probably one of the reasons her ass was going through endless time loops, so don't do coke. Or things laced with it. Unless you wanna go into other dimensions and DIE every single time. Okay? M'kay!
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So to wrap up my special brand of crazy:
White will be the Final Gay because like the Backstreet Boys, "I want it that way."
Everyone deserves to die because Phi is a cop's kid, and if the cops are good for anything, it's covering up the truth, so let this work in our favor for once.
Drugs be drugging, and sometimes people will think of the boy they tried to kill when under the influence, but it's a toss up. Who can predict what a person will see? So, like, don't betray people and you won't hallucinate being stalked by your own guilt *cough* Judas *cough*
Oh, and always test your drugs.
I hope this helped you, but it probably didn't. Either way, I'll see you in the tags in a few hours after Non finally loses his shit.
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Slay, Non, slay!
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kennyomegasweave · 4 months
My live thoughts on The Sign Special Episode
Let's go!
IS MY BABY DEAD IN THE FIRST GODDAMN TWO MINUTES AND THE HOT CAPTAIN TOO??? Oh wait, it’s one of Tharn's dreams that hasn't come true yet.
I'm dying at Tharn waking up from a terrible dream where three of his homies are dead/hella fucked up, and Phaya's just like "what about some dick to start the day?" I know he's stayed on that man every day since he came back.  FUCKING RIGHT UP ON THE DOOR??? NASTY ASS. I love that for Tharn. I love that for Phaya. I love that for me. 
OH A FINE ASS WOMAN CAPTAIN HAS SHOWN UP ACCUSING THE FINE ASS MAN CAPTAIN OF STEALING HER CASE They have ~tension~ are they exes? Cause damn the fine ass Captain is reading her down. No matter what happens, I am choosing to believe they're exes cause like this feels ~personal~ 
Aww there's a cute little baby here. And everyone is just watching her cry and talking about her like she's not right in front of them. Can someone act like they've seen a child before? Damn. lol Oh fuck my boy is gonna talk to her, and I love him, but I know he’s about to make it worse. Well I guess Thongthai ain't getting a baby anytime soon cause Khem just made this little girl cry. lol At least Mayris hugged the baby. But I am crying at the fact that the room was obviously full of Team No Kids cause they had no idea what to do with a crying kid. 
Yai being all "aww don't be worried about me, I got people looking out for me" is, in fact, making me worried. lol Not Phaya getting jealous of Yai. That is his brother!
Khem and Thongthai coming up with the gossip! I love one messy ass couple. That's how you know they've been together too long cause they're just here for the mess. Not Tharn and Phaya going in on gender inequality and KhemThongthai standing there like ...well we just wanted to gossip but now we feel bad. 😬😬😬
As always, I'm crying that Khem and Thongthai are not only allowed to work together, but on the same team. Khem is just touching him all the time and calling him baby. That's not professional in the office, not at all. And they've been like that for 14 years, I know this in my spirit. At least Phaya and Tharn handle their shit better. lol
Okay. Phaya. Tharn is telling you how sad he was when all his people died and he mentioned his asshole bestie and you're just trying to fuck away your jealously. Phaya please. Also, there is a traumatized baby girl in the next room? Let's not. And okay. I get what Phaya means, and I absolutely hated how stupid Tharn was about Chalothon, but that man was in his life for like two decades. He's gonna come up and it's really not that cute for Phaya to be mad about it. 
Phaya is really out here trying to get his dick wet while this traumatized little girl is locked in an unfamiliar house with unfamiliar people. Not the time bro. lol
PLEASE DON'T POINT GUNS AT THE CHILD. Thank you Tharn for having sense. So far it seems like Tharn and Mayris are the only two people who have ever been around a child before. Which is wild cause Phaya has a baby sister that I thought was significantly younger than him. 
Okay that was a good move to bring the cat in. Cats make everything better. One point to Phaya.  Aww this little baby. She's only speaking English. So she's even more out of her element. 
Phaya was just watching Tharn with that baby and def wants that man to have his babies now.
Aww poor sweet baby girl. She doesn't want to sleep alone. If y'all don't get in that bed and sleep with her.
GET HIM THARN YOU CAN BE THE DAD AND HE'S THE MOM Oh Phaya pulled the uno reverse and said "that's cool, I can be the mom and you can be the dad." And honestly yeah. Phaya would have Tharn's babies if he could, I believe that. He just wants Tharn with a baby now however possible. JELLYFISH NICKNAME MENTIONED YES
I appreciate Phaya's garuda brother being like "I did help you but you caused these problems, so you have to deal with them the most." A beautiful representation of an older/younger sibling relationship.
Phaya's phone be ringing for eight years. It should have gone to voicemail by then.
Oh the hot lady Captain is in a leather jacket. My god. I'm so gay.
I do love how Phaya earlier was like THARN IT'S JUST A DREAM and now Tharn is like "your dream MIGHT be important but let's just WAIT." Like these two men aren't reincarnated gods and Tharn didn't spend a whole year in the naga world. 
NOT YAI AND KHEM. KHEM WHY WOULD YOU EVER SAY YOU WERE A SWIMMER. Like I know he is but like. Baby. Why would they have sent Khem for this mission? That is my baby but he is not bright. Like. What the fuck was this plan. Also they're talking all kinds of shit about the plan knowing the building has cameras? Like. I'm sorry my stomach is IN KNOTS.
This is WAY TOO TENSE for me okay. Why on god's green earth did they send the dumbest two in to do recon??? I assume it's cause they're the strongest but like. I don't like this. Not at all. They’re dumb! And not good actors! They're gonna get caught out!
(But damn at least I get to see Gap's body. Cause that man is fine as fuck and fit as hell.)
NO WHAT DID THAT MAN GET ON HIS PHONE. Like okay I'm not scared for Phaya, Tharn, and Deeni cause they're not gonna kill a baby. But my babies Khem and Yai, however, those are grown ass men so you know. I don't want to dance, I'm scared to death.
HE JUST TURNED OFF THE LIVE FEED. Oh my fuck. They know they're cops. I am fighting for my fucking life.
Okay so this crack team is just gonna go in three deep? God this team really just has no brain cells, it should be the hot lady Captain leading cause Captain Akk just like. Doesn't have the best plans. You gotta bring more than THREE dudes against a tio in that shirt. Cause now everybody is disarmed and captured. 
Captain Akk is standing there stuck and restrained looking dumb. Like yeah baby maybe you shouldn’t have a damn married couple of like 14 years on your team? Especially when it was already shown that they can't really be objective about each other. (See: Khem getting shot and Thongthai useless for the last battle)
Okay now we're at the start. Those three aren't dead but Yai and Khem are still captured. But damn these three are all beat. So Khem had to see his man get shot AND beat? Guys. Thongthai can't be rational about this. I'm glad he called Phaya out about that. Captain Akk still sitting there like "maybe I shouldn't have picked a married couple for my team."
Okay Captain Akk. Baby. Let Captain Achara help. I don't know what your beef with her is. But it's not noble babe.
I'm sorry not Thongthai standing there beaten with a shot leg. He really wouldn't be much help here. But I get why he's there. He NEEDS to not only see his man, but get him back himself.
Oh yes god. Is she gonna switch the flash drives? MY QUEEN.
Phaya's garuda brother FTW!
I'm sorry. Yai got his ass beat like ten hours ago and is now hand to hand fighting. Yes Khem! Kiss your man and then go kick some ass!
Is this man and his turtleneck a tiger man (never 4get)??? Why is he growling? Phaya, please. It's time for your garuda powers to activate babe. Get those wings boo.
Yes! He has his wings! Or his brother's wings, I don't know which. But still. Wings baby! Wings!
Of course Yai is calling Sand. I love that.
Aww, Deeni hugging and saying goodbye to Tharn and Phaya. 
I don’t like kid fic, but in my HEART, I know these two adopt a baby at some point. I know in my SPIRIT.
Did Singh just call Mayris a box bitch? That’s why he’s the single pringle cause my girl was looking fine as hell in that swimsuit.
(GAP'S DICK IN THESE SWIM TRUNKS. I eagerly await that gifset.)
This Avengers Assemble ass ending shot. It's so cheesy. I love it so much.
And on that note, we are done. I had a very good time during this episode. Did the plot make any sense? Not really. But it didn’t really in the show either so I mean. I got everyone looking great and everyone happy and in love and shit at the end. I got Thongthai losing his shit over Khem and, to me, that was worth my $16. I also got a hot ass lady captain running around in a leather jacket. I won.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Thanks for the tag, @ominous-feychild (here)!
I'm gonna do this tag for Pyerce Ophyria and Tarah Ryllar from Supernova Initiative and Josh Aleta and Gwyn Whitewood from Scrapyard Boys!
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Pyerce: Fear of being manipulated or being stuck in a situation that is out of his control; fear of making a terrible mistake/failing his kids; fear of clowns.
Tarah: Fear of being kidnapped or drugged (because she saw the same happen to her best friend, Eos); fear of the uncanny valley or things that seem normal but feel off; fear of being a disappointment to herself
Josh: Fear of being trapped (claustrophobia, but also fear of being contained by others); fear of being unredeemably evil (he wasn't exactly The Perfect Cousin - in fact he was quite the... complicated and annoying angsty teen, sometimes toxic but not more than any regular teen - prior to his abduction by the PHANTOM Industries, plus he has what they call an "evil power" because he controls fears/nightmares, so the constant pressure by his captors that "he is inherently evil and needs to be fixed" kind of broke him in a way)
Gwyn: Being unable to protect the ones she loves and herself; fear of being found and recaptured by the PHANTOM Industries; fear of Zander Corelli (the mob boss - and pimp - Adrien works for, who basically haunts his and the twins' lives for most of the duration of the WIP); fear of being trapped in the heat.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Pyerce: Corrupt governments to lie to their affiliates and discard their assets once they're no longer useful to them once that person isn't "useful" to them anymore. Not being fully aware of a situation. He also can't stand people who legitmatelly make excuses to be lazy and who leech off of others instead of trying to be proactive.
Tarah: She doesn't really like loud and repetive noises. Tarah also hates bureaucracy - with a passion - especially when it gets in the way something she has a time crunch on succeeding or when it prevents active change in an environment.
Josh: People who are nosy and try to pry on other's private matters - on another hand, he can't stand people who care too much about what others will think and have that constant "but what will the neighbours think?!" mindset. It gets on his nerves.
Gwyn: Being pressured - especially when there's something time sensitive involved - which usually makes her panic and spiral rather than to figure out what to do faster. On a sadder note, she doesn't like people who get too handsy with others in an uncomfortable way - she's seen Adrien's patrons do that all too often and now she has a "touch (me/my siblings/my friends) and you won't fucking have hands" mentality.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Pyerce: Coffee candies, hidden weapons of all kinds (remember he's a retired assassin, and the most dangerous assassin there ever was at that), and probably some messy crayon drawings that Gabi and Morgan made when they were kids (because he's their dad and cherishes the memories)
Tarah: Her best friend's unfinished woven bracelet, protein bars, hooded cloaks and generally oversized hoodies that can help her hide her features when on the run.
Josh: Weights (to stay fit), a radio playing vintage rock music, a nightlight (he's afraid of the dark but doesn't want anyone to know)
Gwyn: Cheesy potato chips, tickets for a comedy show or for the movies, a giraffe plushie she won at a fair
What do they notice first in a person?
Pyerce:... Everything. He's the ultimate secret agent/assassin - so I think he'd pretty much have a clear picture of that person with just a quick once over or a glance. Black Widow/John Wick-style, like a very meticulously detailed analisys of that person.
Tarah: If they look like they're trying to deceive her, catch her or if they're generally a threat to her or her friends. She is also pretty good at reading people's feelings from their facial expressions.
Josh: If he can take them in a fight or if he needs to run. How imposing they are or if that person is trying to intimidate him. Because of his powers, if he tries to, Josh can immediately see/find out what that person's worst nightmare/fear is (his power is Nightmare Manipulation) and choose to do with that information whatever is more relevant.
Gwyn: If they seem nice or friendly. She's bad at navigating social cues because she has spent the past three years locked up in a lab and the years before that in an isolated household, and generally just wants to make friends.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Emotional: 8, but pretends its a 10
Physical: +11
Emotional: -1 (squishy, kind hearted, anxious baby girl)
Physical: 6
Emotional: Before his capture = 5, but didn't let it show too much; After his capture = -4 but pretends its a +10 in really extreme ways
Physical: 9 (before and after), unless some kind of psychological trickery is also tied to it - in that case its a 0
Emotional: 7, sometimes too oblivious to stuff though tends to overthink
Physical: 8
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (I'm also including freeze and fawn)
Pyerce: Goes "Scorched Earth" kind of Fight Reflex - especially when it involves protecting his daughters. And because he is the most lethal assassin of his generation, whoever is threatening/pressuring him better run - though that will only stall the inevitable.
Tarah: Usually Flight 100% - she's the embodiment of deer in headlights and will bolt at any sign of danger even if that just a misunderstanding. However, if the danger is too overwhelming or too similar to her past traumas, she tends to freeze.
Josh: Before his capture - his first instinct was Fight. He is and was a very angry and stubborn person, who tends to have fits of rage when scared or frustrated and who often lashed out in ways he later regretted but was too headstrong to apologize for, often in a bully-like way but not fully - much like Billy Hargrove from Stranger Things. After his capture - if the pressure is psychological or triggers him, he tends to go into an "unique" Freeze mode in which he acts as if in a trance - his conscience feels distant and detached, but his powers are lashing out in Fight mode to protect him from whoever is triggering him. If his former captors are specifically involved, he tends to go into a complete Fawn reflex to appease them.
Gwyn: Fight, especially if she has to protect herself and her loved ones, or when she wants revenge. If there's absolutely no other choice she may choose Flight to Fight another day.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Original Family unknown
After he quit being an assassin, he dedicated his life to raising his two adoptive daughters Gabi (the one he adopted first) and Morgan (the second one he adopted), so I would definetly say he is a family kind of guy, despite his murderous past.
Her father was killed when she was a little girl and though she was saved by her godmother, Tarah ended up having to flee the Junction galaxies all alone with Eos (her godmother's son) after her godmother too was truck down by the Junction.
Tarah is fiercely devoted to those she calls family, especially Eos, who is her best friend and who is like a brother to her.
He was orphaned at a young age, and his original parents are a mystery. Currently, before his capture, he used to live with adoptive/foster parents (Erin's uncle and aunt) but they weren't very close at all, and he was kidnapped by the PHANTOM Industries shortly after.
Not really. He used to be very troublesome, rude, brutish and often harsh towards anyone that tried to show kindness to him, because he saw it as a scheme and feared he didn't deserve it. That lead him to have a bully kind of behavior to pretty much everyone for years and to be a certified rule breaker who often made things worse than they needed to be. However, deep down, he was developing some semblance of a friendship with his adoptive cousin Erin, but they still argued a lot and he was kidnapped before he could truly have a sibling bond with her. After escaping, he was so conditioned by the Industries to believe he is evil that he thinks he is unworthy of love and respect and that he is a dnager to anyone who tries to get close to him, so he takes a skittish approach to others now.
Her mother was a troubled, but kind, young lady who had many boyfriends in her youth and didn't really know how to handle parenthood yet and wanted to find out more about herself first. So Gwyn, her twin - Rhys - and their half-brother Adrien (from their mom's first boyfriend) ended up living most of their childhood with their toxic grandparents. A few years after Adrien was kicked out of home at 15, Rhys and Gwyn developed superpowers after coming into contact with a chemical factory leak, and were sent by their grandparents to the Spectre Academy. After they tried to escape at first, they were sent by the Academy to be lab rats of the PHANTOM Industries.
She is - especially when it comes to her twin brother Rhys and their half-brother Adrien. They're the only family each other has ever had, so they kind of have a "us against the world" kind of mindset, though they still have a lot of getting reacquaintted to do with Adrien since they were apart for so long.
What animal represents them best?
Pyerce: A black wolf
Tarah: Hummingbird
Josh: Either a raccoon or feral cat
Gwyn: Arctic fox
What is a smell that they dislike?
Pyerce: The smell of rotten things - especially rotten blood or flesh (a.k.a he is an assassin who hates the smell of corpses)
Tarah: Scent of alcohol and the smell of a lot/too much of perfume.
Josh: Laboratory smells and also the smell of mold.
Gwyn: She generally hates the smell of sweat and unwashed things.
Have they broken any bones?
Pyerce: Yes, many times in his former career, but not once since he quit it.
Tarah: Not really, just a sprained ankle once when she was a kid
Josh: A couple times, most when he was being experimented on.
Gwyn: Not really, probably.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Pyerce: A quiet and introvertedly serious man who wants to just live his life and do his own thing, who most people don't know much about but who is a genuine benefactor to many and is also a doting father.
Tarah: That skittish kid with the woven bracelets and the multicolored nail polish who never stays in one place and always feels like she's too scared or too anxious to talk to anyone she doesn't fully know.
Josh: A troublemaking, brutish and angry teenager who is always looking for new ways to cause chaos, who doesn't obey any rules and doesn't give a fuck about anyone, and is also rude to most people he doesn't know and harsh to those he does know. The weird kid that is always causing grownups a headache.
Gwyn: It depends on the stranger. If the stranger is with Zander's mob, they'll probably address her as 'Ametrine's' sister (Adrien's stage name is Ametrine) or if they're keen on being especially rude, they'll probably call her "the stripper's brat" or "that girl who is always walking around with Zander's plaything". Yeah. They're not... kind to them. But most other strangers would describe her as a lively, bright headed, kind young lady with a big heart who wants to have fun and has a sparkling laughter.
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
Pyerce: Probably both?
Tarah: Night owl in an unsettling (looming) way
Josh: Night owl - poor boi has insomnia and night terrors
Gwyn: Morning bird, also in an unsettling (but giddy) way
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Loves: Well cooked, refined meals with rare spices
Hates: Painfully sweet desserts, like the nauseatingly sweet ones
Loves: Spicy fried food
Hates: Alcohol
Loves: Comfort food (pizza)
Hates: Bland food or sticky food
Loves: Ice Cream; Cheesy Potato Chips
Hates: Spicy food
Do they have any hobbies?
Pyerce: Sharpshooting, listening to music, growing poisonous flowers, reading cheap romance books
Tarah: Dancing, rollerskating, helping stray animals, learning new languages, talking about her favorite movies
Josh: Reading comic books, weightlifting, driving around aimlessly on stolen cars, listening to rock, watching rom-coms (hates horror movies)
Gwyn: Going to ice cream shops, watching stand up comedy shows, walking around the city at night, making ice sculptures on the window with her powers,
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Pyerce: Calm happiness and a bit of surprise. After so many years out of the field as an assassin, he's learned to enjoy the joys of regular life, and honestly is always glad to do so.
Tarah: Initial panic but it would then turn into awkward joy as she realizes the situation is harmless. She would probably not know how to properly navigate it and be confused at how to proceed.
Josh: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS - (almost has a heart attack out of fear, needs three cups of water and a cookie to calm down then is like). Oh, fuck yeah I like this, let's party! Just... don't scare me next time.
Gwyn: "Omg, yay, this is literally so cool guys!!!! I wanna try all the candy, and dance to the music and have fun, oh gosh there are so many gifts this is so cool -!" (rambles on)
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Pyerce: Not really. Likes some nice silver rings though.
Tarah: The woven bracelets she and her best friend made for each other.
Josh: Yeah kinda. Loves rings and necklaces with funny designs of cartoonishly styled ghosts or skulls, and wears some necklaces.
Gwyn: Doesn't really understand the concept of how to style jewelry into a daily outfit but digs it nonetheless
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Pyerce: Neat
Tarah: In between, tends towards messy.
Josh: Messy & adds too much pressure to it
Gwyn: In between and scribbles doodles and cute heart shaped designs around it
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Pyerce: Calmness and The Need To Protect
Tarah: Anxiety and awkward joy
Josh: Anger and Fear/Dread/Panic
Gwyn: Love for her family/friends & giddy happiness of experiencing the real world
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Pyerce: Anything that is stylishly black and also comfortable, practical and probably bulletproof
Tarah: Flannel, cotton, yarn
Josh: Leather, jeans, soft cotton
Gwyn: Light polyester, cotton and fluffy jackets
What kind of accent do they have?
Pyerce: A soft, more neutral version of a "Junction" accent
Tarah: Central Junction accent that has faded away into a mismatched Khosmonian Accent
Josh: Probably some mix of accent Detroit and New York? (The city of this WIP is based on IRL ones but is also very much fictional)
Gwyn: Not sure but probably similar to Josh's (same city) but with a very slight Northern lilt to it? (The city of this WIP is based on IRL ones but is also very much fictional)
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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shkika · 1 year
[RECORDED BROADCAST : 1681.662] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, Chasing Wind
CW: Have you had any contact with Five Pebbles recently?
SRS: Not in a long while actually! Unless worrying about him counts.
CW: One of his neighbors, Unparalleled Innocence, sent an overseer to his can and got some images. They were made public in the local group, in an effort to be mean I suppose. There's no other way of putting it he looks awful.
SRS: Tell me.
CW: He's got the rot, very badly. Big cysts have become mobile and are scattering down the west and middle legs. He does listen to you, and few others by now, so you should talk to him.
SRS: I will try to contact him. Does Moon know?
CW: Moon has been unavailable for some time.
[Pending upload to local group records by dispatched Overseer. Unit will enter read only state in 432 cycles.]
UI leaked pebbles rot images in the local group, but suns didn't know until CW told them, which might imply that they are not part of the local group
THIS DISCUSSION IS GOING!! I've gotten a bunch of asks about this along with tags and replies oh my. Just gonna state that Suns to me and in my ask-blog is part of the local group and honestly at this point even if James himself came up to told me I'm wrong I can't change that cause I set it up already ..? SO UHH hm
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I honestly think the strongest pointer to the implication that SRS isn't part of the local group is the fact they didn't know about Pebbles' situation first. So Chasing Wind had to tell them!
I see it! I've always made the assumption they just weren't active in the local group messages (just like how we haven't seen a single word about Innocence in the game even if she's canonically closest to Moon and Pebbles out of the others)
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^ Especially, because I assumed this meant that UI spread the information further than just the local group. Which! I don't know!
I don't think my assumption is FULLY baseless, just because of how the approach the conversation with NSH is?
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They're being vague about hurting someone. If the chats were in the local group, which NSH has access to, but SRS doesn't it feels so bizarre to me they'd try to vague point at it as if there's any chance NSH wouldn't have already seen. Like what hopes do you have buddy?? The fact that Pebbles has the rot and is in such a terrible condition is like uhm... well yeah.
Still they've never been active in a local group chat and it was through Chasing that they found out about the rot situation so I don't know!
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Also a good point!! Once again I read it differently! I thought the "She's very close to Five Pebbles" wasn't a descriptor, but more so a reason on why he's worried about her. "She's close to him (rot infested doofus) and I'm her friend man"
Them not knowing Moon very well isn't too much of evidence for either statement. What they did not understand about Moon is why she wouldn't force Pebbles to stop dead in his tracks and save her life. Which is an extremely valid question, because as his administrator she had the power to do so. NSH is a close friend of hers group or not and explains.
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They do still call her Big Sis Moon which is rather weird if you're not part of her local group? Aside also shortening her name to just Moon. (which could be either familiarity or convenience, no solid evidence)
They also got into contact with Five Pebbles VERY soon after he was put online according to SRS themselves which is possible both ways! Just felt more likely if they were part of the local group.
We don't know what "local group" means, but I always assumed, because of the name it partly meant distance.
Iterators are VERY far from each other, usually. Like quite far even local group wise. I assumed that for a slug cat like Spearmaster to have been capable to make the journey to Pebbles and back... and then do the same AGAIN, it meant that SM made a long journey, but one that was like... y'know not from one part of the continent to the other big.
I assume distance plays a role, because in a cream pearls..
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The implication is that Local groups held out together the longest.
I can't imagine this poor creature covering a such a massive worth of land on foot..!
SM was given the pearl inside their chest mainly for it to be hidden, but also as an instinct that's true! So they know where to go.
Hunter doesn't have that not because it isn't needed, but because NSH was rushing. As implied by these lines.
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NSH was rushing them so much they ended up with the rot, I doubt there was any time left to perfect a homing instinct or do much of anything really. I think NSH is probably closer than SRS (just for poor Hunter's sake honestly), but I don't know by how much really- iterators seem to be built PRETTY far from each other. The only other closest neighbor is UI. Which means NSH is farther than her.
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But either way yeah. I've dug info for a WHILE now I can't seem to find any super solid evidence for either. I'm just sharing my interpretation as always. You can headcanon either one of these and call them canon in my book really.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
hi. tried to reblog and leave a bunch of tags but made a mistake and tumblr wouldn't let me edit the post SO i took a screenshot because I WILL NOT REWRITE ALL OF THAT BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY TERRIBLE TO TRY AND GO BACK TO MY NOTES TO INCLUDE THEM INTO THE TAGS BECAUSE THE APP WOULD ERASE EVERYTHING so here you have a long ass pic with a ton of tags. love u u fucking mastermind 💋
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I'm so glad you think it could standalone and make sense because I went into posting this like "so many people are not gonna be able to keep up with the tense changing and the time skipping, i'm being incoherent" thank you all for proving me wrong. My writing profs taught me to believe everyone does not have reading comprehension. Perhaps we should be giving more credit to readers, me thinks.
Man, I wish Carmen in The Bear canon aligned with CK not particularly because I wish he was better but because watching S3 I was like oh,,,, did I get all that wrong? Because to me, yeah does Carmen run away from things? 1 fucking million percent. At the same time, however, Carmen is an artist and I think like,,,, he's taught, yknow? He takes direction and critique, is always how I took him-- And so like, he just compartmentalizes criticism of his character the same way he would his craft; and he fucking likes making shit better, so he transfers it to life.
I considered massively pivoting from this choice for him to accept that he needs to be better, and instead like, Bojacks it, basically, but like, I'd already done this in CK canon:
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Did I emulate my own previous scene to call back to the beginning of their relationship in chapter 13? Yeah 100% I did but back on topic--
I'd already decided that this was how Carmen went about things, and to be fair, I think honestly if everyone had just let each other finish sentences in S3EP01, that entire season I think would've gone an entirely different route, but c'est la vie, that's the tragic comedy of it all.
NOW ONTO MIKEY! I think some have said they prefer this Jimmy negotiation to canon-- And to be fair, though the sobriety aspect may not have been a part of it, Mikey did say he wanted to franchise with Carmen, and that's what the money was for. Or at least that's what Carmen affirms:
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god fucking jesus christ he was so much more charming in S2 what the FUCK moving ON
But anyways, I think the 10k/week thing honestly is something Uncle would do, and I guess this is me staking my bet on it. I'd like to believe Mikey was climbing his way out-- Or maybe that's more tragic? I dunno. Regardless, I adore him, so, yknow. he's the guy!
regardless, thank you for enjoying i'm so glad that my interpretation of Mikey was enjoyed. I tried to be as like,,, accurate as possible to what I feel he'd act like out of the small scenes we've seen of him, but I also absolutely had to pull from my own oldest brother. so. i don't have issues idk what all of you are talking about.
also, I will put this in a master post of like, bits I was doing, later, because there's a fucking lot, but this is the last post I'm making before bed and I wanna get yelled at about this in my inbox in the morning nothing makes me happier:
Chapter 1! Tony Terry Tommy!
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Chapter 13! Two Steps Back.
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I know I'm a bitch, aren't I? I'm sure rereaders noticed this but I wanted the whole class to know.
While I'm at it, Chapter 12! Hit em with it!
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YEAH BABY SHE'D BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT THE WHOOOOLLLEEE TIMMEEEEE YEEEEAAAHHHHHHHH I'm fucked up for this one. I had the Cold thing planned since chapter 1 I'm so SICK with it. Yell at me in my inbox I do love to make everyone mad ngl call me Carmen cause I'm a fucking shit starter baby
thank you for your thoughts and thank you for giving me a place to yap for WAY too fucking long GOOD NIGHT OR GOOD MORNING PENDING WHERE YOU ARE!!
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dirtbra1n · 5 months
that quote you called krisnix is soooo fascinating to me bc, they really had dinner together most days, like that’s a level of commitment we didn’t even see from most of the ppl who phoenix considered important and that whole time on kristoph’s end it was to keep an eye on Phoenix and on phoenix’s end it curiosity bc kristoph voted against him losing his badge and also it was to find out the reason why he lost his badge and kristoph was just this name that kept popping up, and for Phoenix and kristoph it was so many red flags bc kristoph knew phoenix wasn’t the type to let something rest and Phoenix knew there was more to kristoph then at first glance but somewhere along the way it become genuine, but at the same time kristoph still kills shadi after a single convo with phoenix and phoenix still pressed record before even asking kristoph to be his lawyer, it’s Phoenix recording every single one of those convos with kristoph but still (probably) having him meet truck, but it’s kristoph keeping himself at arms length from Phoenix but Phoenix taking it bc he’s never been the type to give up on a person, whether it’s to their doom or his and for better or worse he wouldn’t want anyone else to really see him the way he currently is besides kristoph, now what the hell could that possibly mean?
(that quote I called krisnix)
anon you will never know the extent of the joy I felt seeing this initially and the extent of it I still feel now. but I’d like you to. Thank You For Biting. and for waiting a little over a month Sorry about that. I'm gonna ask you to forgive me if this doesn't make any sense or hold up to scrutiny. the demons have got hold of me and I'm making do
because I get to talk more about krisnix. Ha ha. pulled out all my silly little suppositions to review again I think I was waiting for an opportunity like this. like my hubris is getting me. I recklessly called that quote krisnix and now a little over a month later I'm completely sick about it.
I'm going to reiterate that I'm very sorry if this reads like shit, and I'll apologize just this once that this post got as long as it did. go fish
you ever think about how kristoph's a dog guy. guy who has a dog, guy who brought a photo of his dog into solitary confinement with him. also a caged blue bird which alive or not happened to contribute significantly to the krisnix breakdown of dec. 2023 There are really some very bright minds in krisnix pit. me and you included anon. that's a tangent. I'm sick. I'm drafting this in a terribly disorganized fashion. I'm reading transcripts. I'm getting dizzy.
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this fucking room haunts me
vongole, though
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a man's best friend, who's known to bite if handled roughly. her name means clams.
I've been doing some web surfing. I can't move in one straight line to save my life so I've been doing some web surfing. kristoph doesn't say what kind of retriever vongole is, which is fine. retrievers are dogs bred to retrieve game, tasked not to break skin, to be gentle, to keep soft mouths. vongole is a retriever who bites (literal) when bitten (metaphorical); a clam that clasps shut.
kristoph's a dog guy and sometimes he's the metaphorical dog. not One straight line to save my life. it's funny that seven years have passed without phoenix meeting vongole. held at arms length but indisputably held. a man's closest friend. besides his dog.
a lot of the time phoenix is the metaphorical dog. putting all tangents aside A lot of the time. phoenix is that metaphorical dog. what is seven years of companionship, eating dinner after dinner together, and being seen at your worst... worth? indulge me: this guy, you pieced together pretty quick, was behind the forged evidence that lost you your badge. this guy, as you saw happen in real time, was the one person on that committee to vote against that "strictest punishment".
this guy, as an indisputable fact, is a big fucking weirdo. you'll need to snare him eventually, for the forged evidence, but--you're kind of in the habit of liking weirdos. is the thing. he sunk your career, he lost you your badge. he's kind of an asshole, also.
he has bought you and trucy dinner more times than you could ever hope to count. there's a curve in your sofa from all the times he's sat in the same spot, wrinkling his nose at greasy takeout boxes and your grape juice breath. he talks to trucy in a voice slightly less haughty--warm, if a gun was held to your head about it--than the one he plays up with you, and she completely eats it up; thinks he's real fun to tease. his eyebrows wrinkle, an almost nothing frown, when she puts on a show with a trick that he can't immediately come to some conclusion about. he'll put on obnoxious rubber gloves to wash your dishes, to protect his manicured nails, as he goes down a dozen rabbit holes trying to reason out what he's missing. you've seen him doing casework. he's seen you delirious and half out of your mind. his mouth, in your experience, is soft.
you're kind of in the habit of liking assholes, too.
neither of these guys can be vulnerable for shit. over the course of seven years, they've seen each other as close to vulnerable as they can get, which isn't very, because this span of time especially--phoenix stubbornly keeping a little girl's head above the water, kristoph, for reasons we will never, ever understand, constantly looking over his shoulder--really doesn't see either of them in a place to get through any skin-flaying conversations about what they want with or from one another.
kristoph really does want control, though. he wants to be in control of things, have a handle on things. and he probably figured out something like immediately that phoenix wright really isn't the sort of guy you go to for that kind of thing. and yet! sunk cost fallacy's a bitch, kristoph! what good does a beautiful bluebird do you if you don't keep it with you on display heavy-handed. I know. don't I know it.
gonna rein myself in a little. because I'm off the deep end and you're posing really interesting ideas. kristoph couldn't rest for seven years because "shadi smith" was unaccounted for, out there somewhere. kristoph couldn't rest for seven years because he was scared for his life. "shadi smith" played a game of poker against the best and got whacked. and then murdered! tough luck!
really it's my curse. that so much of krisnix is personalized person to person, because of real aa5 shaped smoke and mirrors. because it gives me the space, the soapbox, the platform, microphone, and spotlight, to ask, In that trial, of the murder of Shadi Smith, where Kristoph Gavin was supposed to defend Phoenix Wright, what verdict was he looking to see through?
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because I'm sick, you see. kristoph had just, finally, gotten rid of the man he spent so long being scared of, just clawed his way to the path out of the woods, and all he had to do was--
Have you ever stood at a crossroad. the decision laid out in front of you's not actually that tough, if you can believe it. even space for you to completely rationalize any attachments away: you get phoenix wright off (haha), you keep your reputation as the best defense in the west (opinions on the name notwithstanding), and you could, as a possibility to consider on occasion, maybe even learn how to have a slightly more-vulnerable-than-usual conversation.
or you could lose.
pretty simple choice to make, right?
and then phoenix goes and fucks it up, of course. dogs get restless with nothing to do. they want to be of use to you, kristoph, did you ever think to fucking ask phoenix for help? you come when called, you let yourself be persuaded, generously, to help keep food on the table. to keep a warm body company, one way or the other. to be some fucked up psychosexual approximation of a friend. but phoenix comes running when called, too, and you haven't once given him the chance.
big fucking stink you're in, kristoph! You didn't just brain a guy with a juice bottle for no reason. Tell me why you did it.
the big question you won't answer. five black psyche locks pulsing with a despair you don't have the tools to register. you said it already: I killed a man named "Smith" with a bottle because I am an evil human being.
what does phoenix hope to get out of this. motive for a murder, then what?
you really get me anon. phoenix never the kind of guy to give up on somebody he loves, up against someone who's finished with even arms length, stubborn as all get-out, and, even to himself, completely unsalvageable. irredeemable. an evil human being who killed a man named "smith" with a bottle.
it's not that phoenix would help kristoph hide a body. he pretty evidently did not do that. and it's not that phoenix would just forgive kristoph for trying to poison a twelve year old girl either. but there were seven full years between the disappearance of zak gramarye and the murder of "shadi smith", and vera misham hadn't been poisoned yet, and phoenix wright is an awfully loyal, terribly stubborn man himself.
I don't really know what the hell the lot of this means to tell you the truth. but I think now as much as ever that phoenix should chase kristoph's chance at life to the death, and I think that regardless of the stopping point on the line of time kristoph's last words to phoenix should be ...Later, then.
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pileontheyears · 6 months
“So Ryan and Laura...” (Lovers Card Analysis)
I know people talk about Ryan and Laura not having any romantic chemistry and it’s bizarre to say that there was any romance between them. And while I agree about they're not really being chemistry, I do think the writers were trying to make them love interests (and did a terrible job). So I decided to do an analysis of their relationship (this is what I'm using my English degree for) and I thought I’d share my thoughts because boy I’ve got some stuff to say.
And of course feel free to take this all with a grain of salt, these are just my interpretations and I'm also by no means an expert in tarot (I'm really not all that familiar and any familiarity comes from a google search). Just wanted to make those quick notes so that if you don't agree I totally get it! I do try to address the most common points for why people don't see Ryan and Laura in a romantic light and while I agree I try to show what I think the writers might have been Attempting to do.
The more obvious points are of course from the script itself. How there’s “sexy sparks” between the two, how Laura begrudgingly says trauma can bring people together (as if to say it didn’t bring her and Max together), how Laura brings up Ryan’s relationship to Kaitlyn and his reply of “maybe neither” to whether he likes Kaitlyn or Dylan perhaps insinuating his choice is going to be Laura.
And it's... bad writing. For instance, Laura pins Ryan as a “brooding loner” when she’s known him for an hour and in that time he’s been talkative/around people/acting as leader. How would she know he's a brooding loner? Not to mention her saying Kaitlyn seems to look up to him when it’s the opposite of what she’s seen? (Ryan potentially asking Kaitlyn what he should do, her scolding him for pointing the gun at Laura). But all of that is not the point of this post. I’m bringing these moments up to say this relationship is a lot of tell with little show, (and what we're told we've already been shown the opposite).
If you didn’t pick up there was “chemistry” then Dylan and Kaitlyn will tell you that. If you think Ryan is interested in Dylan because you chose to grow that relationship, Ryan is going to say no. (Of course you could interpret the "after tonight I don't know" line that Ryan is understandably not sure of anything given the circumstances, I myself interpret it that way however the "maybe neither" definitely is this additional "Ryan chooses neither Kaitlyn nor Dylan" and perhaps there is an unasked question of will he then choose Laura?) That being said, I don't think if any of the “these guys are into each other” lines were in the script people would have even thought they were flirting/interested in each other (it would still be a ship some people like based on how they work together to survive akin to Sam and Mike but again at least that script didn't constantly point out romantic/sexual tension in between horror scenarios).
So when people say there’s no chemistry and the relationship is more “we have to work together but I’m gonna bitch at you the whole time" I agree, but the game kind of throws Laura at Ryan (her literally falling on top of him) after revealing the Lovers card depicting Laura biting Ryan’s arm. We know it, we hate it, but this is where my analysis comes in.
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Aside from the obvious fact that Ryan and Laura are labeled as the lovers, the card itself has a few layers to it that I’ll go through.
The first being choices, specifically choices in relationships/partners. Now when I first read that I thought “Great, that doesn’t mean Ryan is her choice perhaps he just is one choice.” But the context makes it so he’s kind of her only choice if Ryan is going to survive. The context being Ryan can let Laura bite him in order to save him from blood loss, or he can refuse which leads her to reuniting with Max. There is no way for her to reunite with Max without Ryan dying. What that insinuates with the context of choice of suitor is... yikes. Basically Laura “choosing” Max comes from Ryan dying, and the implication that in order for Ryan to survive that he and Laura are somehow bonded romantically from that point on. Hate both of those, actually.
Now we move onto the next meaning of this card, temptation. This is where we go full analysis mode. The original Lovers card depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. After all what better example of temptation than Adam and Eve biting into the forbidden fruit. And what does Laura do? She bites Ryan. He is her forbidden fruit. And where does this scene take place? The Hackett greenhouse.
A garden.
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It’s not exactly subtle. There’s also the parallel of Ryan being stabbed in the ribs, Eve being made from the rib of Adam. 
So alright, they’re drawing parallels between Adam and Eve and Ryan and Laura (bringing about the downfall of humanity/the Hacketts). But does this mean that Laura is “giving into temptation” by saving Ryan’s life? I mean that sounds stupid. And maybe her "temptation" is more-so the werewolf curse and giving into that but then why point out "sexy sparks?" Why have Laura ask if Ryan is flirting with her? Why label them lovers? It may just be that stupid because I also found this in Chris’s office when playing as Dylan. This book is right by Ryan, right where Dylan asks if he has a girlfriend or boyfriend. 
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Maybe it's a reference to the love triangle between Ryan, Dylan, and Kaitlyn. But the title? ...The King of My Gardens?
Not looking like a coincidence anymore. They were planting this seed early on. And the fact that the only foreshadowing of Ryan and Laura is this book cover that no one is going to see (unless they scower through each corner of the game like I do) that’s not even writing.
I love nothing more than when writers put in extra effort with little things like this that a casual viewer won’t see but it just goes to show that even if you do that it can’t make up for bad writing and a lack of chemistry. I’m sure some people like the pairing but to me it’s introduced way too late after the player has invested time in other relationships.
Perhaps Dylan and Kaitlyn aren't reliable when they talk about Laura and Ryan, and if that was the Only instance the game tries to put Ryan and Laura together I would agree but twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern and man is there a pattern here.
As for Laura yes she is going through all of this for Max but it depends on the players choices how that relationship is going. After all, she could have left him at the very beginning of the game. While Laura's choice to save Max is always the same in order for the story to stay on track, her motive could be from love or perhaps a sense of loyalty/duty (Ryan's and Laura's loyalty being what brings these two together, be it romantically or out of admiration but I can see that's probably why the writers were trying to put them together because they respect how far they're willing to go for the people in their lives).
So if the player's choices hurt Laura and Max's relationship and she starts bonding with Ryan, the camera lingering on her smiling after Ryan says "maybe neither" could be read as her being interested. After all she asks (curiously? hopefully?) how close he is with Kaitlyn, insinuating she's trying to figure out if he's available. Maybe that's not the case or maybe it's due to her werewolf infection but the game doesn't show her fighting back against it so it seems to be presented as genuine. Regardless of the viewer's interpretation the relationship as a whole could have been presented better (let their be an option if the player really doesn't want Ryan with either Dylan or Kaitlyn to turn them both down early on and if Laura's relationship with Max has also plummeted then sure add another relationship path, but let the player choose which relationships will become romantic).
And I know these games aren’t dating sims, the point of these horror survival games is, well, survival. But literally every other Supermassive Game puts just as much emphasis on character relationships (and a lot of emphasis on romantic relationships) as they do survival (Chris and Ashley, Alex and Julia, etc.) And for a game to be all about how your choices matter and then have them not really matter when it comes to the relationships they bring attention to? When they do in every other game? 
It feels like Supermassive just told me “It’s Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.”
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cherphadetseuk · 1 year
I'm doing a rewatch of the first episode of Only Friends (for giffing purposes) and now after having seen 7 episodes of this show it's just such a clear sign how bad this friend group is for Ray. I'm not saying they're bad friends but they're not very observant and in general just very judgy. Like in that game night scene at Yo's club they did that drinking game with the shots. They drink a lot. I know they're young and live life but sometimes I feel like the drinking is way too much. For all of them. But knowing Ray's past I feel like the friends should be more observant and supportive. I mean, I know not everyone knows everything about everyone's past. I understand that most of them don't know Ray's past. But Mew does, or at least a part of it. As we know in later episodes. So we know Ray has a drinking problem but yet here they are drinking all the time and nobody even thinks about maybe taking it down a notch. Ray wants more rounds and everyone just calls him a burden when he's drunk. Say he's just gonna throw up again. Even Mew out of everyone. I know you can't just stop drinking and I know probably even if they tell Ray to stop drinking or just all of them to stop drinking, Ray might just yell at them and drinks anyway but at least that means they were observant enough to try and support Ray. To know the problems and try to help. But nobody lifts a finger. They just insult him. Sand (I know I'm biased but objectively seen it's true) comes in later as an outsider who knows literally nothing about Ray and his past and yet here he can read the signs and sees the problems or at least that there must be some sort of problems and he tries to be supportive and helpful. Ray has money and he's not afraid to use it and he talks about it all the time and in all honesty I wouldn't be surprised if people hang around him for that reason and that reason only. I know Mew is his friend, his emergency contact and the one that saved him that one time but other than that none of them actually show true emotional and supportive friendship. They more seem like friends from school who just hang out because they work together on a project. I don't know. I just have a lot of thoughts and I'm trying to see behind the characters. I know most of them are red flags and I don't say they aren't but there are always reasons behind that and from a psychological point of view Ray's support system is terrible. There's literally none. Until Sand. And I feel like it's hard for Ray to see that because it's unknown to him. Sand IS in fact the only one so far who showed actual support that would be good for Ray and his problems. He needs help. Professional help at that but he also needs friends who stand behind him through that help and support him and none of those friends (except Sand) would fall into that category which is sad. Sad for Ray because he has no actual true friends. I'm not here supporting his behaviour towards Sand or anyone for that matter but I can tell when it's defence mechanism.
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intertexts · 5 months
GMORNING !!!!! u know what time it is
- the big monster they fought in the beginning was called a Crawling Apocalypse which looks like this. terrifying !!!
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- bizly really liked that william banished it. he was originally not gonna let him do that but then "i realized your character can do so little and that was cool so i said fuck it" we love william pity points he is such a loser and he rolls so terribly <3
- they start talking about one piece because grizzlys saying things abt how certain parts of dakota are inspired by luffy and bizly goes "ive never watched anime" which is the biggest lie in the world
- grizzly: "yknow we were about an hour into the episode before i realized wow i havent done anything productive yet"
condi: "you just hit on vyncents mom for like 20 minutes!!!!"
- and then they start talking about how dakota and chip (bizlys pc from riptide) would either be best friends or hate each other which is really funny bc there are now MULTIPLE what if crossover episodes where they meet and interact and thats exactly the dynamic . i love them
- condi wasnt expecting his dad to be dead, he thought theyd have to fight him
- he kind of hesitated taking the sword !! vyncent doesnt really know how to feel about using something that belonged to his father
- he wasnt entirely Present for the part where his dad betrayed the party, he was sort of fading in and out of consciousness so theres a chance he didnt actually get the full picture. condi knows this out of character and vyncent knows it in the back of his mind somewhere that his dad might not actually be fully evil but hes too angry to come to terms with that yet
- hes struggling a lot with the fact that his mom.doesnt know about the betrayal. he doesnt want to tell her because "its not his fathers pride at stake, its his mother's memory of him" and that makes me so . :(
- THE GREATS!!!!!!!! THE GREATS ARE HERE i love the greats. surely nothing bad is happening to them
- they have a couple theories as to whats going on with the greats:
-- condi: theyre in this state because vyncent took too long getting them back here out of his head
-- condi: they were killed when they got transported to the other world and there was no way to get them back completely
-- charlie: something happened in the time where vyncent was transported to prime and the greats had died, so someone did something to keep them alive by putting them in his head. maybe they could only be kept alive by being in vyncents head
- grizzly tries to insight check bizly irl to see if any of their theories are close so far. this does not work . he rolled a 17 btw
- none of them trust minerva they think she might be secretly working with the lich. bizly defends her by saying "shes also in the middle of basically an apocalypse i think shes allowed to be a little mean to you"
- le frog is the only french person ever. this is brought up with NO context no explanation
- bizly is sharing some of the thumbnail art from youtube because this was right around the time the first few episodes were being put up publically !! most of them are just the same as the official refs but the most important one is le frog bc im not actually sure if youve seen his offical design yet . also tide used to be white. we dont have to talk about white tide
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- bizly says pd feels more like a DC comic than a Marvel comic. hes right about this
- charlie starts talking about marissa meyer books and this is important 2 me because the lunar chronicles was an extremely formative piece of media for me . she apparently has a book called renegades thats superhero themed and i have not read it yet but i put it on my list specifically because of this. wahoo!
tgis is SUCH good trivia for this ep thank u dude... ouagh. really solid meal here. i love these last couple episodes so much.. there's so much fun stuff happening here i'm enjoying all of the greats stuff & getting like a solid Vyncent Moment for a while.
i LOVE the william pity points its great! it WAS cool as fuck!! also i gain +5 hp every time a gm goes "who give a shit if this isn't technically how the game mechanics should work, it's fun for everyone at the table & makes for something cool and makes sense narratively."
that being said. i DID take SO MUCH PSYCHIC DAMAGE from how long dakota spent hitting on his fucking mom. Please. Please king !!! sob.
I ALSO WAS EXPECTING THEM TO FIGHT VYN'S DAD???? still not unconvinced that some lich undead bullshit isn't going to happen with that. god i'm so invested in figuring out what HAPPENED there... i love this type of murder mystery situation. & i also was genuinely unsure if he would take the sword or not!! really kind of an ohhh shit! moment when he did. imo. vyncent virion sol i love u.... also it's still INCREDIBLY funny 2 me that he's still in his normal clothes. i have not forgotten that he is just doin his fantasy bullshit thing in the just some guy drip. (<- i might have forgotten something but i've been assuming they no longer have/wear Official Hero Drip since they're no longer really sanctioned or on great terms w/ them? also i've been assuming that the episode-specific clothes & shit isn't really permanent... now that im thinking about it though please tell me wiwi hardcore blue flame black leather kickass spiky biker jacket remains. it's too cool for him. but. still.)
I LOVE THE GREATS SO MUCH... i hope nothing permanently bad happens to them :( i like them so dearly..... you know they r really solid folks because they spent a YEAR and change living in a teenager's brain & came out of the experience still bein so nice 2 him.... augh. also in general big fan of the system-adjacent bullshit :] i love it when theres. guy with guys in his head. etc. will b sad ab their departure but i hope they r OKAY and return 2 Being Alive & shit!! nervous laughter. also god i can't wait to find out what Actually Happened with them. hhrhrghghgghh.
THIS IS SO TRUE ALSO???? free my girl minerva she did nothing but have Literally Normal Reactions to TERRIBLE things happening!!!
I DON'T LIKE THAT LEFROG FACT. it raises the question of is he actually even french or like, is there even a point of reference for his behavior. like. What is going on there. Horrifying thank you!!!! also man this entire degree im working on would be useless! well. maybe prime quebec exists. somehow. independently of a hypothetical europe. HIS DESIGN IS SO FUN BTW. its so cute.. i WAS kind of imagining a mutant Big Real Fucking Frog situation but i think this is a lot more reasonable. also literally ignoring white tide I Do Not See it. It Does Not Exist.
ALSO. NOT GOING TO START TALKING AB COMICS FOR EVEN MORE PARAGRAPHS. BUT. he is so so so right. (<- dc comics guy with Opinions. well. technically im not even much of a dc guy im just a vertigo guy. but. still.) hghghghbhgh.
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quietbluejay · 25 days
Fulgrim 1
put on your hazmat suits folks
okay I wouldn't call this a strong beginning but it's not terrible we're describing the marble sculpture dude and his friend
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this is at least not gross like the ATS version veered into
we also get a comment about "she'd be prettier if she didn't wear makeup" (about a different woman) which like, in isolation isn't that bad it's just combined with everything else Ostian (sculpture dude) isn't a fan of her (bemakeuped musician lady)
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so he likes her fine now
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sdjkflhsdjf a guy whispers to his partner and Becqua stops the entire concerto in a huff he tries to pull rank but she's unmoved nope she's not gonna play any more today! noooo cries the audience in despair
but lo! a hero has arrived to save the evening
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I did a dramatic reading of this whole bit once for my dnd group if anyone's interested I can record some dramatic readings from this book
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also like, i guess we know why Ostian isn't really into Becqua or able to tell she's hitting on him
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the next bit cut to a battle on Laeran and it was…actually pretty decent prose wise we get a little Laer description and background on the EC
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every time you think a primarch has hit the depths of jackassery you always find out they can keep digging pffff they named a ship "Fulgrim's Virtue" also, Fulgrim wants the system compliant within a month
the protectorate thing is interesting because it's literally the only case in the entire Heresy I've seen such a thing discussed the Roman inspiration of the EC is also being super played up, Julius Kaesorion is wearing a toga, and just, a lot of the general vibe well the marble busts lining the corridors lol the way they're fighting huh you know the prose hasn't gone over the edge into silliness that much, ATS was a lot worse by this point we've really only had Fulgrim's entrance
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marble benches? uncomfy the EC are talking about the arts
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they really do feel like kids lol
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also lmao Mr Stop Worshipping Me
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"manifest destiny" take a shot oh it's time for someone to bring up some inconvenient facts
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i like Fayle already, but I always do for people who stand up to primarchs
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lmao anyways Fayle is right and should say it
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so like given what I've seen of EC tactics and strategy so far how are any of them alive lmao
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if i took a shot every time fulgrim throws off his robes in a mcneill novel i'd…well i probably wouldn't have alcohol poisoning but i'd most likely be feeling pretty nauseous
Solomon is fighting the Laer, and really really wants to kinkshame them also dudes i know you're being invaded but it's super uncool to involve people in your being stabbed kink without consent solomon: we've never turned around before so onwardsss!
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well im glad we don't have solomon in charge of the iron warriors lmao we go to another officers POV and he's taking high casualties but did win
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lmao the helmet thing again
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definitely healthy! back to the remembrancers and Serena self harms in public it's funny it cuts from the brutal fights back to these guys flirting on the deck (Ostian and Serena)
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to quote a dude I knew on discord, slitherslither they wish to go hither
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this is a very funny mental image just imagining snakemen going BOING
Solomon goes a bit kill happy reminds me of Kharn here lol
Solomon is an idiot -takes helmet off so can't communicate -completely isolated from everyone and no clue where he is -keeps losing men because he's got a thing about not retreating
luckily he gets found by someone else
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gag me
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well i guess i was wrong about Ostian and yep we have a love triangle on our hands im also squinting a bit here since McNeill's a weeb (also: Bequa has blue hair)
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if i have to read this so do you
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i don't think the word "extremities" means what you think it means ostian, lying: uhhhhh not really bequa then is like: ok let's have sex on the deck I'm never going to make fun of Khayon having a not-girlfriend again in my entire life bequa kabedons him
hm. don't like this
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well, at least bequa actually let him go after he said he and serena were involved why was this necessary, mcneill
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given the casualties i saw on the EC side [citation needed] oh boy we get to meet Fabius so Fabius has been studying Laer bodies
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oops fabius is getting a little too close to heresy
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 7 months
Okay so the entirety of the WEBTOON is out and so is the KDrama. Both have, in fact, been out for a bit, but I needed to get my thoughts together. Obviously, if you haven't interacted with either piece of media, this is going to be a spoiler it. I'm specifically going to be talking about suicide and the way it's used in the WEBTOON as this particular character backstory and subsequent original death were both changed a lot. If you don't want to read about suicide, fictional or otherwise, or you don't want spoilers, please don't read on.
And if you want to know what's going on or want to know the full context of the WEBTOON because you've either never engaged with the material or have only watched the show? I recommend reading the comic on manhwa instead of WEBTOON since manhwa seems to be totally free. And in order to not take a while (plus lot of ads since you get 1 free chapter per day + 3 ad chapters that last 3 days) to read it there, you'll need the webtoon app and 15 bucks. And no matter what WEBTOON is gonna really yell at you if you do even a single screenshot.
Okay, to start off with, there are some things that don't change for Mr. Yu regardless of medium. No matter what, at the beginning he's seen as cold and distant. He's also extremely buttoned up and more than a little bit awkward around Jiwon to the point where he actually seemed suspicious to me at first because he was just always around when something was about to happen, and Jiwon did not know why that was happening, so neither did I.
It takes until chapter 46 of the WEBTOON for it to be revealed that Jihyeok also traveled back in time and died before. Up until that point, his goals and motivation are still somewhat mysterious. Even though they are like, fully dating by that point. But I don't consider that the biggest change. After all, the WEBTOON is from Jiwon's POV mostly, and the show took a much more widespread approach, which made sense. Also the show had to condense the entire comic into like, 16 episodes. That's a lot to get through.
So here are the things that I actually consider the biggest changes to his character and I promise I'll explain why those lead to the writer's choice of death for him making way more sense for that version to me.
1.) Jihyeok has known that he was romantically interested in Jiwon since before they officially spoke to each other in college. He even specifically saves Pang (the cat) because Jiwon liked that cat and he saw her interacting with that cat. He even saved the cat for her after Jiwon's ex poisoned the cat (yeah, she's literally always had terrible taste in men before Jihyeok).
2.) He quit his job at U&K after Jiwon married Minhwan in an attempt to move on because he still loved Jiwon. Probably wouldn't have been good to be the boss over the newlywed couple you're secretly like jealous over.
3.) The day Jiwon dies, Jihyeok goes to visit her because he learned she'd fallen ill. He sees her take a cab away from the hospital and isn't sure if he should go talk to her. And then he hears a scream and arrives just in time to see her die. He is devastated and arranges and pays for her entire funeral while wishing he could give his own life to go back to fix his own mistakes. Like literally. We get this information extremely clearly.
I think all of this combined with the fact that otherwise in his life, he's made no other choices for himself, makes Jihyeok killing himself make a sort of tragic sense. And also I've seen people say that there was 'no reason' for him to kill himself, and I've just got to wonder if the people who said that read that chapter at all. He literally says multiple times across 2 flashback chapters why he wants to die. Like I don't agree with suicide, but as someone who has battled, and is still battling, depression my entire life, and knows what it's like when it feels like your life has been kind of chosen for you? Going through a situation that he did has got to be devastating. Like in a completely soul crushing way. And if you have nothing to anchor you in life, it's not surprising when that life ends in heartbreak.
And from a literary standpoint there is something deeply tragic about a man who didn't truly make a decision for himself until it was too late and so the only choice he actually makes is how and when to die. The show has a different sort of tragedy in that he never decides how he lives or dies in the show for his first life. I believe my interpretation is further supported by the webtoon making his new life filled with choice. Like a lot of choices.
He is constantly making actual decisions in his new life.
He actually pursues Jiwon, he stands up for himself and others more at work, he actually ends things with Yura and gets her sent away pretty quickly (she doesn't die in the novel and straight up isn’t in the WEBTOON), and then he actually quits for the right reasons. He quits because he never wanted to run U&K in the first place, so he goes off to run his own company and leaves his sister to run it since she's the one who wanted that life. And she's better at it.
And I honestly think the show makes his character a little weaker for not having his arc focus on his choices, both good and bad. That's not to say he doesn't start making choices in the show, but it's more along the lines of 'I'll actually commit to this choice other people made for me'. Well, with the big exception being marrying Jiwon.
Jihyeok's decision to take his own life wasn't a good decision. It's not one I can agree with in real life, but from a writing choice, I like it for the story way more than a random car accident. I like the implications for the character and his arc way more if it's intentional. I think it's a stronger choice if this time he chooses to live and not to die. And also I really liked how it got then mirrored in Minhwan inadvertently killing himself with what was supposed to kill Sumin. I feel like overall the deaths in the WEBTOON in general, but especially with Jiwon, can be governed by the idea of choice, and the show lost that a little bit.
Also in the comic he literally opens his eyes and the first thing he hears and sees in his new life is Jiwon and you cannot tell me that's not the cutest fucking thing.
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