#also he's the original saeran
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Why the hell we only have 1 CG for this
beautiful, adorable, precious, human being huh?!?!?! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
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We have like 948474th CGs for AS Saeran, even Suit Saeran has couple of CGs and you just abandoned this precious broken baby of Saeran SE (OS Saeran). He doesn't even have his own opening CG! 👊🏻 I WOULD FOREVER BE SALTY ABOUT THIS.
Now we know with whom Cheritz took a favor with just because the new "remake" Saeran would benefit them in term of profit. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They "sold" him well huh .....
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issacballsac · 3 months
Wishes to Unknown
Unknown/Saeran Choi
Male Reader
Joining the RFA had been nothing short of a fever dream to you
To anyone with an ounce of sanity even
So the <<Hi!>> of the very person responsible for your forceful recruitment into this organisation wasn’t exactly welcomed
<<Long time no see. We chatted before, remember?>>
With reluctant annoyance you did the very thing that got you in trouble at the start, responding.
<<Yep, what exactly are you messaging me for now?>>
<<Thanks to your help back then, I could preform my task without trouble.>>
<<Glad I could help🫂; you wouldn’t happen to be telling me what said task is/was?>>
<<Anyways. I told you I’m studying abroad, remember? But if you don’t it can’t be helped.>>
<<Yes I understand but why should I care about any of this?>>
<<Well—um…I’ll be back in Korea today. Remember I told you I’ll make it up to you if you help me? :)>>
<<I’m not sure if I’m liking where this is going..>>
<<Do you have time today? Why don’t you join me to see the sky tonight? I have what I like to call a haven of sorts where I come whenever I visit Korea.>>
<<I’d love to go there with you.>>
<<Honestly, today is my birthday and you’re the only one who could properly congratulate it for me.>>
<<I promise you won’t regret it.>>
<<You have such a way with words—I almost forgot what happened last time you invited me to a mysterious location.>>
<<If you come to me. I’ll make it a VERY pleasant day for you. I even made you a crown with red roses. :)>>
<<Still not convinced dude. Bc if I get added to another group chat after this I will delete this app.>>
<<Okay ok; I’ll bring ice cream, Yk with summer it’s getting hot. We can also watch popular films? I’ll get everything ready I promise.>>
<<Youll join me, won’t you? I’ll be waiting for you.>>
UNKNOWN has left the chatroom
Every instinct in your body spiritual and physical told you not to go to the location sent to your phone.
Curiosity couldn’t kill the cat twice, could it?
Simply walking out of the apartment with your current attire as the event wasn’t that special to you; you began your search of the park.
The park was sparsely populated from the locator position the greatly mysterious UNKNOWN had graciously granted you
None matched the original picture he sent all those weeks ago
“Brown hair, green eyes. Brown hair, green eyes. Brown hair and green eyes.” You repeated as if it were a mantra looking over the same groups of people.
“Looking for me, my prince?”
“Indeed I was my dearest catfish. That’s obviously not you in the pictures.”
Almost unbothered by the comment he maintained eye contact, “Yes, well my identity is somewhat of a secret. Please try to understand, I can’t simply go throwing my image everywhere.”
“Sure sure. Anyways, happy birthday…Unknown? Got a name I can call you?”
“I’m a bit reluctant to say—no, it should be fine. Call me..”
“Shall I call you my stalking prince?”
His eyebrows furrowed towards his eyes, “If you’ll let me finish.”
“Yeah yeah, go ahead.”
Firmly clearing his throat, “It’s Saeran. But don’t go yelling it everywhere and definitely not to the RFA.”
“I won’t, I promise. But I really like your name, it’s nice to actually learn something about you.”
“Well you already know a lot. I’m not the guy from the photo, I hacked your phone on certain occasions, I like ice cream, and now you even know my name.”
“Yes we could almost get married with how much I know about you.”
“Though you are beautiful if you don’t mind the compliment. You’re not such a weirdo either, even if you did trick me into joining a strange charity.”
“Yes you make me sound SO amazing and dreamy.”
Taking a bite from out of his ice cream cone, “Yes, because you are, and I am totally not speaking out of my ass when I say this.”
“Enough of the chatting, I was promise a nice a pleasant day, so, show the way.”
Snickering slightly, Saeran stopped himself from reaching for you hand and opted for a follow-the-leader route.
On a secluded hill, a blanket lay bare with a singular unbranded laptop at the centre. A brown woven basket sat not far from the main attraction.
“Birthday picnic?”
He sat down calmly on the blanket. Lightly yet rapidly clicking on the keys of the keyboard.
The soft white light beamed against his already pale face, “Any suggestions for a movie?”
“I thought we were starting gazing.”
He quirked a brow at your remark.
“The constellation I want to see isn’t out yet. In the meantime won’t you accompany me?”
A small rotation of movies was shown before you both ultimately decided to just wait.
“Sae look! Isn’t that the constellation you wanted to see?”
His eyes snapped up as the stars aligned perfectly. A small smile was rapidly tugging at his face. “Sae?”
“A—sorry, it was just shorter.”
“I don’t mind it.”
Readjusting yourself on the mat, you took another spoonful of the mass amount of mint ice cream your newly acquired partner brought.
“Hey, so do you like—wish on the constellations? Or is it just the individual stars?”
“I’d call you stupid, but, I don’t know myself.”
“Here. I’ll wish you another happy birthday for each one of the stars in the constellation.”
“That’s a lot of stars you know?”
“I have all night and tomorrow morning.”
An actual laugh escaped from him, a laugh that had been held in for years it seemed. A pure and genuine expression.
“You know…there are better ice cream flavours than mint.”
“Don’t ruin my birthday. Please.”
This was based off of his 2019 birthday event
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Hi Kait! I saw that you had theorized that the flowers in MC's hair in the new Unknown CG might be peach blossoms, and I wanted to get your take on the other meaning that I've seen for peach blossoms. On top of good fortune and spring/new beginnings, they can also mean "I am your captive," which is a wildly specific thing for someone to say with a flower but honestly so fitting for Unknown and MC! Especially with your analysis about their relationship slowly changing and evolving and the CG being set after they've already been around each other for a long time... and alongside the other meanings... I just feel like there's definitely some symbolic potential there lol
I was torn between Camellias and Peach Blossoms! They look sort of similar at certain angles so I wanted to present both options to see if one might be more favorable over the other one. Peach Blossom left and Camellia right. As you can see, these flowers share bright yellow filament and anther. The layers of petals also stick out quite a bit with volume! So, it's really up to personal interpretation.
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Peach Blossoms made me think of renewal and rebirth. They survive in the harshest winter and are the first to blossom out of many of the flowering plants that bloom around that time. If you see them, it's the best sign to tell yourself that a new year means you get to start again and again and again—Because, you are not bound to repeat things all the same year after year. A new year, a new blossom, and the new you can exist if you decide to see it that way.
I particular love the way it's used in Hanakotoba. The importance of cherishing every moment. It lends itself to the idea that we need to live in the moment and not be afraid of the winter storms that come before our time to bloom. We can survive whatever comes our way in the winter, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the winter. Even if it is harsh and unruly, you can love the frost and snowflakes that caress your buds.
Now, I don't I've ever heard this particular meaning used for Peach Blossoms before, but I'm not surprised you came across something widely specific. Floriography can be both specific to the ninth degree and as vague as it gets. It depends on your intention and what you're trying to convey to others.
So, if we were to take the idea you shared as, "I am your captive." We could do a few things with it to get some different interpretations. If you ask me how I would interpret it, I would add it to the way that it made me feel originally. So, I framed the image as one where this is beyond the confines of Deep Story and Unknown was able to find a Good Ending for himself somewhere along the lines with his MC in tact.
If we take the line about being a captive, you could expand this as his MC formerly being his assistant. Meaning that they got close to him over time in Mint Eye, and as they built up that trust together, there was a moment when something changed for Unknown. He started to see things differently, not as quickly as Ray or Suit Saeran did, but in his own way. They were once his captive in the worst way imaginable, but now, things have changed.
Unknown has become a better person and he is showing MC that even he, a man once wrought with apathy and hatred, could repent and do right by not only them, but himself, too. I think what sells it for me is the way the image itself is drawn. Unknown is laying down, he's on MC's lap, and he looks peaceful.
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Unknown: It looks like I'm your captive now, huh? MC: As if I would ever try to capture you, former bossman. Unknown: Hah! Don't tell me you wouldn't love to corner me and get payback for all the torment by making me confess every thought that ran through my head. MC: I don't need to corner you to for you to be vulnerable with me, Saeran. Unknown: ... MC: I'll know I could hold your heart captive for the rest of our lives if I wanted. But, I don't want to hold any power over your head like that. You might've hurt my feelings and done a few things wrong, but I've never once wanted to hurt you for it. I know why you did what you did back then, and I've forgiven you. You wanted to see proof of all those lies Rika told you by lauding your words over me, but all you ever did was realize that power was worthless in the end. MC: What is a paradise that doesn't made good on its promises and hurts someone you've come to trust more than the Savior who told you she'd never hurt them? MC: You and I both know you wouldn't have given me your heart willingly had I not treated you with more kindness than you ever thought you deserved. I don't fear how you used to be, I love you as you are, flaws and all.. and I know you feel the same way about me. Unknown: ...Don't get so damn sappy on me. MC: You're the the one who reached out for my hand first. Unknown, grumbling: Yeah, yeah. MC: But, I can't lie, it's nice to see you sprawl across my lap and tell me that I can do anything I want to you. There's a few things I'd love to do, you know that? Unknown: Oh, yeah? MC: Yeah, like ruffling your hair, you brat.
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sinnaminttoast · 2 months
Okay here are what I think all of the boys’ hair colors are to me and their length for some of them.
Now whether these hair colors were dyed or they were born with…🤷‍♂️ idk suspend your belief.
Wolf boys|
David: Black hair that reaches to his shoulders and he pulls into a bun like Aizawa from BNHA
Asher: Dark brown fluffy hair with some strands being a lighter brown.
Milo: Black hair (I can never decide his hair style but just know it’s fluffy and long to pull back) kinda like this:
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Vampire boys|
Vincent: I think he had black hair originally and then just dyed it silver white. Occasionally you can find strands of black hair.
Sam: Long blonde hair….i feel like there’s not much debate about that
Porter: fluffy light short brown hair!
Special mention Fredrick: brown hair with grayish blue eyes and freckles.
William: Long silver hair that reaches his ass.
Quinn: Messy Black hair
Also she’s not a boy but in my head Alexis has pink strawberry blonde hair
DAMN Boys|
Gavin: Bright red fluffy hair that he takes good care of.
Damien: Wavy long orange hair
Huxley: brown hair that he sometimes pulls into a little pony tail
Lasko: White/grayish hair that is super fluffy and there’s this one strand that never lays flat on his head.
Caelum: Pink hair :3
Kody 🙄😒: Blue
Xavier: White with almost like a light ombré blue at the tips of his hair.
D(a) emons |
Camelopardalis: teal/ light blue hair that has small petals from flowers
Vega: Black hair with strands of blonde/gold.
Avior: Black hair
Regulus: Black with teal highlights
Elliott: blonde hair. He’s my sunshine golden boy
Blake: white hair…he gave me Saeran from Mystic Messenger vibes kind of
Brachium: long white hair
Aaron: Black hair that he has slicked back with some strands falling in front of his face.
James: Light blue hair and the man wears black glasses….has nothing to do with his hair but he does. Trust me.
Marcus: Black hair….
Brian: Purple hair
Antón: Black wavy hair 😋
Hush: Almost like a desaturated blue green
Geordi: Purple hair!
Guy: Messy black hair
Morgan: Deep midnight blue that pretty much looks Black
Ollie: Pink hair that is just fluff 😁
Ivan: Blonde
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rfaromance · 2 years
Love her or hate her, no Mystic Messenger player can deny that she is central to the overarching plot of the game.
Depending on your view of her, her major role in Ray (Saeran) After Ending is either intriguing, exciting, frustrating, or infuriating.
Personally, I loved the portrayal, insight, and development in Rika during the RAE. Read below the cut for my Rika thoughts. Spoilers abound for Ray's route, RAE, Rika Behind, and even the Secret Ending. Also, uh, it's a long post. Longcat long.
(If you're interested in opinions on the RAE from a Saeran-loving POV, I'd suggest you consult @marshmallowprotection who pours her heart and soul into her analyses, especially regarding Saeran.)
If you're reading now, I'm assuming you have enough background in the game's lore where I don't need to explain the basics, so I'm going to dive right in.
At the start of Another Story, our well-intentioned but common-sense-challenged MC ends up being personally escorted to Mint Eye. And MC chooses to fixate on Ray and his mysteries and allure, ultimately trusting the not-so-honest rose boy instead of the highly mysterious V, who apparently is not an AI but also should not be anywhere near this cult.
In MC's defense, sometimes it's easier to choose the evil you know versus the evil you don't.
Rika doesn't have a problem with this, initially. She knows that she needs to throw Ray a bone. Allowing him to have a little doll like MC to dress up and pose and control and adore will appease him, and he has a plan to make MC useful for her goals, anyway. It's a win in her book, to keep Ray indebted to his Savior and also the possibility of luring the RFA members to her faster.
But a major distinction exists between Rika in Another Story (AS) and Rika in the original timeline (OS). Much like Saeran's mental state deteriorated further over the extra year and 6 months (give or take) between AS and OS, giving us Unknown, so did Rika's. In the SE, she explicitly tells Unknown that he was a failure and she wanted Saeyoung instead. She no longer valued Saeran's prior contributions to Mint Eye or her mental state--she wanted results now, and she would sacrifice anyone and anything to achieve them.
(Well, almost anyone. Turns out sacrificing V was not what she wanted, after all.)
But her goals are different in Another Story. She's still pursuing her dreams of making people happy by "saving" them from a tainted world of pain, but she's still itching for the personal happiness she has wanted all her life: love.
She wants a loving family. She has never known what it feels like to have a family that loves her, as her earliest memories are in the orphanage, and she was adopted by a vile, hateful woman who cursed her and subjected her to physical and emotional pain, verbal abuse, neglect, humiliation, warped "religious" cult ideas of sin and salvation, and the list goes on.
When she learned of two twin children who needed loving, protective parental figures... she became obsessed. She could save them. Nobody ever saved her, but she could save them.
That delusion of forming a happy family with V and the twins only became worse after Mother Choi's death. (I hesitate to call it a murder, because it was an act of imperfect self-defense, and thus I'd argue it was voluntary manslaughter under USA law. But if we're being technical, under Korean law it's murder under extenuating circumstances. Legal jargon differs across countries.) Having taken Saeran's mother away from him, Rika got the idea that she needed to be his mother now. They would both have a good family now--that's a win-win, right?
This is the Rika we still see in Another Story. That's why she gives him the name Ray, to eliminate his past and all traces of V and Saeyoung, molding him into her obedient, doting son. That's why she dresses him up in layers upon layers and forces him to study hacking, so she can control every aspect of her sweet child. That's why she swipes Ray after she catches wind of his kiss with MC in the garden. She doesn't know or care who instigated the kiss; all she needs to know is that MC poses a risk to her fantasy, her game of house.
So she tortures Ray until he can become her puppet-son again. Except she ends up with Suit Saeran, and for the time being she'll allow that because at least he isn't tripping head over heels for MC.
That backfires too, and when Saeran frees himself of that stuffy suit and allows his body to breathe, once Saeran makes his own decision to abandon those shackles, follow his heart, apologize and atone for his wrongdoing, and break out of his gilded cage with MC... Rika loses it.
She's lost everything. Mint Eye be damned, she's lost her illusion that she will reach a "happily ever after."
So when V blames himself and crawls back to her, not wanting to see her crumble alone, she locks a collar and leash onto him. Honestly, it's the worst possible ending for V. He can't shake his self-hatred and guilt complex, and he feels the need to stand by Rika even as she sends them both on a path of destruction, because he refuses to abandon her like his father abandoned his mother. He didn't even love her anymore, but he wanted to give her the peace that he never could when they were together. This was how he felt he needed to pay for hurting her, even if it meant destroying himself.
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Okay, screenshot is a good place to wrap up the backstory and dive into the RAE itself.
I've seen complaints that Rika's character was inconsistent in the RAE, but candidly I think the fluctuations in her goals, emotions, and actions represent her fragile mental state in a phenomenal way. She was highly sensitive and susceptible to emotional influence, whether positive or negative. The seemingly smallest, most trivial events could send her reeling. She clearly has a lot of mental health issues and trauma that have never properly been addressed. Instead she turned to the worst possible coping mechanisms: comphet, making a cult, and brainwashing folks into being your make-believe family.
She didn't team up with Saejoong because she likes the guy. She sees him as a means to an end: getting the twins to live with her in her game of house.
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The "he" that Rika refers to in this chat is Saejoong. He's a horrendous parent, but he managed to capture Saeyoung, and therefore Rika sees him as a tool. She also is adamant that the younger twin is "Ray", not Saeran, because the boy she needs for her happy ending is the submissive one with pruned wings, not the independent one who flies away on his wings of love.
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If MC tries to inquire into Rika's motivations, she simply says she chooses happiness and to focus on the small joys in life. She's no longer as guarded and high-strung, because she has much less to lose. She doesn't feel the need to be perfect, to be a Savior. She's at peace with herself, instead of constantly seeking approval. Part of that cab be attributed to V's (reluctant) acceptance of Rika for who she is, instead of trying to fix her.
She's trying to be more open and honest, and with that attempt we get a Rika who is less guarded and poised, and rather a Rika whose mask is off and is trying to navigate what it means to simply "exist." She just wants her family of 4 to live "happily" together, and a lot less scheming is required. She almost has the energy of "I'm going to be the fun, cool mom. :)"
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I bet she's awful at stacking chairs, though.
Now, many characters AND players have wondered, "Why in the WORLD would Saejoong team up with Rika?" He thinks she's nuts. We know that Rika is using him, and I'd venture that he's doing the same. He knows he's caught between a rock and a hard place, but he also knows that this woman is desperate to take his troublesome bastard sons and disappear with them. She can't exist in public, after all, or she'd risk her secret of being a cult leader getting exposed. It's a weird solution, but he was in no place to refuse her offer. Coerce Saeyoung into making false broadcasts to bolster Saejoong's public image, and then let Rika, V, and the twins run off into the sunset.
A special insight that you only get during the Normal Ending is that Saejoong thought he and Rika were similar, which is likely another reason he was willing to collude with her. And the Normal Ending is the reason that I felt inspired to write this post at all.
On day 3, Rika accuses Saeran of hating her. She's furious that she doesn't have Ray anymore, because Ray needed her and gave her a purpose. Saeran doesn't need her, and that sends her into a panic. But he chooses to be compassionate and to try to sympathize with her.
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On day 4, we get this exchange between MC and Rika:
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Rika breaks down in MC's arms. She didn't know what love was, and she didn't know how to reach it herself. Her solution was to control, to manipulate, to clutch desperately onto people who showed her even a shred of warmth... but always staying just distant enough where she could withdraw or flee if she felt threatened, or worse, sabotage the connection herself.
She didn't know what love was because she'd never experienced it. Her mother was a malicious, cruel woman. Mika sacrificed and manipulated her. Her priest assaulted her. V did his best, but he kept pushing his ideals and methods onto her instead of listening to her. She kept Saeran through control. She brainwashed and gaslit believers, smooth-talking her way into their minds and pockets. She even kept V bound to her by blinding him; we can only assume he got treatment after his trial.
MC and Saeran showed her what love is. It's about kindness for the sake of kindness, not to curry favor. It's a willingness to step out of your comfort zone to help those you care about. It's being brave when you're terrified. It's communicating in more ways than one, always listening and considering the other's thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions.
For the first time in her life, she saw love. She saw love in Saeran, who'd lured her and V away so that his lover and brother could be free. She saw love in MC, who'd always been gentle but firm with Rika, expressing genuine intrigue and concern for her. She saw people who didn't immediately demonize her for her worst mistake: the death of Mother Choi.
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She's being honest with herself, too, acknowledging and understanding that her actions were wrong. And she starts bawling, because she's been repressing herself, her fears, and her needs for so long. She laments that she yearned for love like a child, but her body was too big now... and that made the void feel larger and emptier.
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She finally got the answers she'd been trying to find for her entire life: What is love? And is she worthy?
So when the opportunity comes for her to set Saejoong straight, she tears into him. Now, she only does this in the normal ending. In the good ending, Saeran is the one who talks to Saejoong, says his piece, and gets his peace. Clearly that's the best possible ending for Saeran, because it allows him to put his last demon to rest. Now he can focus on healing and finding happiness on his own accord.
But in the normal ending, Rika shows that she's not just a sob story for MC and Saeran to pity. She's taking their lessons and her new convictions to heart and putting them into action.
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And Saejoong truly loses his cool when he hears that the investigation team is coming. He knows he's toast, and so he tries to appeal to Rika one last time: "You know that you'll be going down, too."
To which Rika says: "Yes. It's long overdue."
Rika has a long, difficult road ahead of her, but it'll be a surprisingly peaceful one. She wants to heal. She wants to live a better life. She wants to be honest and true, and that means atoning for her crimes.
But then, she's going to devote her life to love.
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The RAE Normal Ending is, in a bizarre way, the best outcome for Rika that Mysme canon gives us. (Because seriously, shipping her off to Alaska to GTFO was the laziest and most unsatisfying ending for her that I can imagine.)
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mystic-headcanons · 1 year
hi this is the same anon who just sent the message about the recent saeran fic and then a saeran request, i just saw your jumin autism headcanons, and I LOVE!!! i also have autism and you are right, autism recognize autism and jumin is autistic through and through <3 jumin with an autistic mc would be so cute, he’s so bad at taking care of himself despite how well functioning he seems so someone who understands would be so good for him!! hope you don’t mind the spam lol i just wanted to let you know your writing is appreciated :3
THANK YOU!!! i’m veeeery excited to write ur saeran request 🥰
also i’m using this to push more autistic jumin and mc hcs because i could talk for daaays about them <3
you and jumin can and HAVE talked for hours about special interests. he’ll often repeat the same fact a few times, but it’s so endearing and he is visibly excited when someone listens, so you never point it out.
if either of you collect anything, it’ll be proudly displayed on a shelf that you call the tism corner when jumin isn’t around (definitely not at all based on what my bestie does with me)
the absolute funniest miscommunications happen between you two
jumin is absolutely horrible at taking care of himself, but is really good at taking care of you. he'll forget to do basic self care with himself-- he can and has before gone a full day without eating because he just. forgot.
but when it comes to you, jumin is asking like every three hours if you ate. if you wanted a snack. if there are certain foods you wanted that day.
HATES even numbers. they "have bad vibes" according to jumin
he also hates big utensils for that reason
jumin has a daily routine that he meticulously follows. if it's disrupted, he gets this Look on his face like he's about to commit a crime
there exists, somewhere on his phone, a very shaky video of you vocally stimming. jumin is 100% sure if you ever found it he would probably get murdered
i feel the need to reiterate again that jumin has a personal vendetta against crushed velvet <3
jumin has THEEE best poker face. sometimes he'll fuck with you and you genuinely can't tell if he's serious or messing around
jumin has every single cat statistic memorized
jumin has and probably will again ruin a mood by voice a random thought and then the conversation will spiral until it's been two hours and both of you forgot what you'd originally wanted to do
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goofbell · 5 months
ok idk if you wanna answer this because you posed it on your priv but I'm DYING to know your rationale on your oso/mysme matchmaking post. how did you reach those conclusions 🎤🎤🎤
OMG HI yes i would love to explain my rationale for this i will never deny an opportunity to yap . technically this was a collaborative effort between me and my roommate so I cant take all the credit for the list
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ok so:
osomatsu and yoosung: to be honest we mainly picked these 2 because i cant reasonably see any of the other mysme characters tolerating osomatsu LOL. the comedic potential of worlds biggest shit disturber and Worlds most gullible guy is unmatched also. theres a wild and obsessive side to yoosung too that i think would actually throw oso off under the right circumstances. tldr itd be funny
karamatsu and saeran: this one was interesting because originally i was team kara zen but they are too similar in style to come out of it unscathed. i think saeran deserves a loser boyfriend and who else could fit the bill. i also think karamatsu is one of the only brothers who is emotionally available enough to be able to have any sort of camaraderie with saeran without bringing him down - i think his willingness to just put himself out there would make saeran feel comfortable. plus i think they both have....eclectic taste
choromatsu and zen: classic nerd x prep dynamic. choromatsus interest in idols is similar enough to the nature of zens career so him growing to appreciate zens work is not too huge of a leap to me (if im being generous to this guy). i just think itd be so enemies to lovers like they would argue so hard
ichimatsu and seven: i think this was the first one we decided? beyond the love for cats I just think they could influence eachother in interesting ways - sevens energy might force ichimatsu out of his shell and ichimatsu can relate to seven's facade and could make him feel comfortable dropping it sometimes. i just think they have a lot in common
jyushimatsu and jaehee: no one else deserved jaehee. Also i just think that jaehee deserves some whimsy and joy in her life and who better than jyushimatsu to bring it . methinks its hard for jyushimatsu not to like someone but i think he would be endeared by how earnest jaehee is and would be full of glee when he gets her to loosen up a bit
todomatsu and jumin: can you just imagine them interacting. we picked this duo because the potential here was too great. Todomatsu is such a little ass kisser and would try to manipulate the hell out of jumin to get what he wants. something something they both end up learning how to Be Real idk how to explain it. just feel it
bonus osomatsu and V: i think V just needs to be put in a room with someone who would not be afraid to tell him he has problems
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stormflypirateskin · 2 years
hi!! I just came across your account but I'm yet to read anything! I noticed you have quite a few fics and I'm thinking of saving them all up so I can binge them
anyways, can I request a fluff with ray or saeran about making flower crowns? I feel like he'd make one for MC and she'd just melt. soft ray is so cute and he warms my heart 🥺
I originally wrote this idea down in my notebook to write myself, but I think you'd probably do a better job at it!
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Ray Making A Flower Crown For The Reader!
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Hey hey! Welcome here! I hope you like this request~! If I remember correctly, I did one with GE Saeran here! But I can always write it once more for you, just say so.
It's been months since I did Ray's route so I hope I got it right for this one SKDHSJDH I don't remember much^^"
I'm sure you'll be able to write it well!! I also really love your art skdbsjdh
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"Here we are. This is my garden, I.. tend to come here to take walks and take care of the flowers here." Ray shyly admitted. Taking a good look around, it was filled with stunning flowers that managed to take your breath away. Ray observing your reactions nervously.
"Do.. Do you like it, Y/N..?" The nervous boy besides you gulped. He wanted everything to be absolutely perfect so he tried his best to make everything better only for you. Eagerly waiting for this moment where you would witness this giant garden.
Looking at him with a smile calmed him down quite a lot, his eyes literally sparkling with some hope that you would love his garden, enough to make you happy, satisfied. He felt his heart racing as he watched you.
"Yeah..!! It's really pretty. I can feel the love and care you put into your flowers, Ray!" You beamed happily. You slowly walked closer to the area and approached the first field of flowers your eyes laid upon.
Ray's shoulders visibly relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief. He was so happy and glad that you seemed to like all the work he has put into this beautiful place.
He kept following you around like a lost puppy as you got lost in how cool this big garden was. You could really tell from up close that Ray was amazing at taking care of every flower around here, all of them in great shape.
"I.. spent a lot of time here when I don't have work or.. I can't go to your room yet." He shakily exhaled as he started to play with the petals of any flower his shaky hands could grap on.
"I'm just.. I'm really, really happy you like them." He showed you a smile, blush painted over his cheeks. Ray's heart was racing as you had this soft look on your face, making him silently gasp as his blush widened. You are so precious to him.
Your giggle was enough to make his heart jump and anxiously turn his back on you as he was trying to calm himself down. He felt like he was losing himself whenever you were around him. Making him feel so happy and in a way no one has ever made him feel like. You were too good for him.
While you were looking around to see more of his garden, Ray couldn't help but stare at you in awe. He didn't think he deserved this happiness when he was around you but.. he was happy to be close with you.
"Ah.. Y/N! Could.. you wait here for a bit? I want to give you something.." He hurried up and tried to find what he was looking for a little bit away from the spot you two were just now. When he found it, he hid it from you as he made his way back to you.
"Can you close your eyes for a little bit? I really hope you'll like this.." He sighed shakily, his heart beating faster as he got closer to you. Going along with him, you felt like something was being placed on your head, it felt soft and smelled really good.
You sensed Ray taking a step back, waiting for you to open your eyes and see if you like the little gift he placed on you.
"Is this.. a flower crown..?" You reached out to gently ran your fingers through the soft petals. A warm grin making it's way to your face as you thought that it was adorable.
"I actually learned recently on how to make one. I thought that making one.. for you would make you feel happy." He sheepishly admitted as he looked away, red on his cheeks from how stunning you looked right now.
"Ohhh, I should make one for you too, then!" You snapped him out of his thoughts and it took a few seconds before he registered exactly what you said. "F-For.. me..?"
"Yes, i think it would be nice if you have one too." You giggled and reached out for his hand which surprised Ray a lot before you gentle dragged him more deeper into his garden. You wanted to find what flowers would Ray like!
And then he smiled, letting you bring him anywhere you wanted. Even though he didn't feel like he really deserved your touch, he couldn't help but cherish this moment.
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password-door-lock · 5 months
I see you out there tagging posts with "#me and all my gummy worms ideas". You better write those, mister. I reread that fic on the regular.
Lol okay so the thing about Gummy Worms is that I started writing a sequel in like October and it’s basically just Saeran introspecting about his time as an idol and remembering specific interactions that he had with Rika interspersed with a "present day" narrative where he and MC are preparing for a Halloween party that Yoosung is holding, but then Rika shows up at the party and she and Saeran kind of come to terms with the general weirdness of their creative relationship, but then a) I realized that it would be out of character for Yoosung to allow that to happen... like he would not invite Rika and Saeran to the same event... like I don't think he would cut Rika off completely but especially without any context for her actions (outside of what he got from Saeran's album), I don't think Yoosung would want Rika at his Halloween party with his friends whom she victimized like 2 months ago b) I really struggled to make the sequel and the original seem like two parts of the same cohesive set... I think part of this is that Gummy Worms is MC's linear narrative of events that take place over the course of a few month and Gummy Worms 2 [Working title] is Saeran's very non-linear narrative of events that take place over the course of several years. But also, Gummy Worms is generally a pretty fun story and what I've written of Part 2 is a lot angstier and heavier in general, since it's largely dealing with a professional relationship between two deeply troubled people c) While I was dealing with (a) and (b) and also Mystictober, Halloween came and went and every time I think "maybe I should think about reworking Gummy Worms 2" I open it up and see that hALLoWeEN is central to both the past and present narratives, which I feel like would be a pretty weird thing to post at any time other than October
But, all that being said, I feel bad to tease content about Gummy Worms Unknown and Rika without delivering, so my favorite scene from Gummy Worms 2 [working title] is under the cut.
He slept and ate when he was forced to, and filled the rest of his time up with live streams. Life was so easy, a metronome in the background of whatever dance number Rika insisted on playing when tugging at his puppet strings. Saeran didn't know much about himself; he didn't know what he could do outside of what he was already doing. He had no idea who he wanted to be, let alone who he was. All he knew was that he was creating and destroying for Mint Eye, earning them money with every breath he took. That was his job: to make content, not art.
And it was so easy. It must have been the third Halloween that he went to get the tattoo— it was not a sign of defeat. It was pure rage, rage transmuted to become ink as if through an alchemical formula, rage penetrating his skin and leaving its mark on him forever. He was branding his likeness as a product distributed by Mint Eye Entertainment. He had no choice but to live as Unknown, and Mint Eye owned Unknown— so Saeran had no choice but to be a tool, a hit-maker under the discretion of Mint Eye. Easy, easy. Saeran didn't even flinch when the logo was added to his person, didn't cry, didn't register the feeling of it. He was numb to pain already, too familiar with it to care much about the needle carving out a home for itself under his skin.
He went and found Rika afterwords— she was working late, as always, blond curls falling in her face as she bent over some impressive pile of very important paperwork. Her champagne-colored blouse had a coffee or tea-ish stain on the collar, and Saeran wondered if she wasn't really just the same as him— somebody who took advantage of the music charts to claw their way out of a bad situation. Of course she needed to exploit him, he thought, deflating as she greeted him with that familiar cool smile. How else would she stay ahead? How else would she survive? If their positions were reversed, could he really say that he'd be any better than she was?
But he was already in her office, wearing her label's logo on his skin. It was permanent, part of him forever, just like every sacrifice that either one of them ever made in the name of all this. "Rika," he breathed her name, and she looked up, eyes red. From crying? From lack of sleep? Or maybe it was just a trick of the light. Saeran still isn't sure to this day. "I hope you're happy." The words tumbled out, unfair and bitter and entirely justified.
"Oh?" She took some time to process his words, not looking half as horrified as he wanted her to be. "Thank you, Saeran." She didn't even notice the tattoo. The conversation did not comfort him, and he left her office feeling just as angry and guilty as he did when he came in.
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lawtistic · 2 years
my ranking of mystic messenger main outfits except i know nothing about fashion and have really bad opinions
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10; Ray
minor spoilers ahead also i dont know how to work tumblr apparently so the keep reading is going after the first ranking label
i have more to say under this im just currently mentally absent right now
what the fuck is that. what. did he forget what century we are in? i like the magenta on him but girl who let you leave your cell looking like an elizabethan
i prefer ray over saeran but not if hes wearing this because to ellys smelly ass litterbox and back i will burn that ruffled collar if it the last thing i ever do in my life
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9; Casual & Deep Story V
why is bro built like a stripper pole??? hes just unnaturally long and its disturbing to a point that i cant not take it into consideration even if this is an outfit ranking
that haircut is not it for you man and get new sunglasses i know why you have them but pick something else theres something off
the outfit is so overwhelmingly basic and void of color and its really a spoiler for how hes blind because he could not have consciously put this together
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8; Yoosung
again hes built like a stripper pole but to a much lesser degree
ive always felt uncomfortable looking at yoosung and his big beady eyes. do not get me wrong i love yoosung but i always feel like he knows my sins
those shoes are hideous, get rid of them. get a better haircut because this one does not make me feel any better about him and its so horrenously big that i know his hair is full of secrets
the shirt is fine, i guess, and i like the jacket, i also have nothing to say about the pants. i like the color palette but thats it. i would have ranked it higher if he didnt give me carpal tunnel with a single glance
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7; Jumin
i have little to nothing to say about this. its a basic suit
i like the little bit of purple because thats his color and its cool
his legs are oddly skinny and long in comparison to the rest of him tho and its making it to where i want to classify him as built like a stripper pole but its just his legs so i cant
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6; Jaehee
same with Jumin but she's less basic due to the accessories and the tights
i fucking live for those tights. those are great tights. people need to talk about her tights.
i have nothing else to say except justice for jaehee kang's tights i love those on her
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5; Zen
he was originally switched with jaehee but then i realized hes wearing his own damn logo and i could not ignore that
only he would wear his own logo on his jacket like that and pose in the such a way to flex it the best he possibly could. i didnt even realize he had a logo but hes literally wearing it what
the rest of the outfit is bland and mid but wow hes wearing his own logo
also rat tail
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4; Another Story V
he looks physically functional!! wow!!
this is such an upgrade, i love the haircut on him now he looks like a wet dog and its amazing
the outfit is kind of mid but it looks better on him and its still okay i would let him leave the house in this
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3; 707
by most standpoints this outfit isnt that fantastic and hes only this high because i said so
its overall kind of basic but i like the hoodie and i love his funky glasses and for some reason cross necklaces make people hotter despite the fact im wiccan
the jeans are so... eh? but you cant really put anything better with this??? im a certified jean hater but i literally cannot think of anything else to put on him instead
also those shoes are fucking horrendous
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2; Vanderwood
this is why i have bad opinions because i like leopard print. fight me.
this is such a fancy suit that i have nothing negative to say about it
you can tell hes a whore just by looking at him. i wish he had a route
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1; Saeran
ah yes i have one alter in last place and the other in first. this isnt that funny i just think its ironic
"youre biased!!! you dress like this youre so biased!!!" yes i am. i am so biased. why do you think 707 is number 3?
the leather jacket is iconic as well as the black and red combo
the bracelet and??? choker thing??? what is that??? looks very nice on him and i like the tattoo (even if it means something i do not like)
"where is rika?" between my steel knuckles would you like a visit
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kusukixcrystal · 1 year
Zen & Rika are Trapped in The MM World Part 1
I’m splitting this into 2 parts because it would just be too long. This is sort of a continuation of my “Zen is A Prince From Grass” theory and “Saeran/Ray created Another Story” posts. In one of them, I suggested the possibility that Zen is a bunny prince who is trapped in the Mystic Messenger world. In the other, I do talk about Saeran, but I added a follow-up delving into Rika, Saeyoung, and V and how Rika is trapped in the MM world, too.
In this post, I will focus mainly on establishing background information.
Pocket Universes/Dimensions
First, I have to establish that I believe that the world of MM is a pocket universe. Basically, it's a new universe completely different from a real universe. For example, characters from Nameless and Dandelion all live in a real universe. Dandelion is where the term ‘pocket universe’ first comes up in the franchise, and refers to a new universe created by The Wizard by using a large amount of his power. He did this because he wanted to be with a woman named Heejung, but couldn’t descend to Earth because he couldn’t leave his dimension. So, he created a pocket universe where he can enter it and brought Heejung along.
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So, why do I think MM is a pocket universe? Well, basically pocket universes don’t operate under the same rules as a real universe. See the example I gave above with The Wizard and Heejung. In a real universe, The Wizard couldn’t physically be in her presence. In this pocket universe, it's different. Because he made it and probably established the laws of how this universe works, he physically can be with Heejung.
In my previous posts, I mention off-handedly how the MM world is ‘fabricated’ or ‘fake’. This is what I mean. It's not a ‘real universe’ but a ‘pocket universe’, operating under different rules and created by wizards.
I hope that makes sense. Now let’s get into all the signs of why MM seems to be a pocket universe.
These signs mostly manifest as the 4th wall breaks or references we see throughout the whole game. It’s not just a “hehe haha this is a videogame” thing from Cheritz. It's diegetic. No, it’s the characters literally realizing that they are living in a pocket universe. As for the references, I will go deeper into their relevance. First I will list the most relevant of these instances, and then break down why it's all important in part 2.
I won’t list all examples of 4th wall breaks, but here are some big examples:
1. Casual Story Common Route Bad-ending (4th Wall Break)
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I discussed this ending extensively in another post, so I won’t get into too much detail. Basically, this ending shows how the RFA members might be machines, following an algorithm/script, and being controlled by V and Saeyoung. Yoosung says that the messenger is fake and that their only purpose is to hold the RFA parties. I also talked about how I think that V and Saeyoung are wizards who created this pocket universe. 
Just a tiny addition to this point is that Jaehee breaks the 4th wall in this ending as well. After Zen and Jaehee visit Yoosung, worried about him after he started raving about how they are machines. In the screenshot above, at first, Jaehee treated Yoosung like he was delusional, and sent him to get a mental health examination. Despite saying this, her last 3 messages indicate her true thoughts. She believes him and chastises the MC/player for getting this ending. You only get this bad ending if you either don’t participate in enough chats or don’t get enough hearts to get into a character route. Jaehee is directly telling the MC/player to choose a route next time. Some people can get this ending if they try to balance getting hearts with characters, too. That’s actually how I got this ending originally because I was indecisive and kinda wanted to see what would happen.
2. Another Story Common Route Bad-ending (4th Wall Break)
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I went into detail about this one in my Saeran/Ray made Another Story post. In this ending, Saeran says that the RFA are AIs. In the surface story, this turns out to be a lie. Here in this bad ending, though, Ray talks about the RFA as if they actually are AI, even going as far as to mention Saeyoung (’that redhead’), asking if we played ‘his version’. I speculated that what he means by this is the Casual and Deep stories.
3. Dandelion and Nameless (References)
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The first screenshot is from day 3 of the Casual story common route, the next 2 are from the April Fool’s DLC. 
Zen is dressed up as Jisoo from Dandelion in the first ss, which is apparently a play that is being adapted from a book. The other reference to Dandelion is in the 2nd ss, an animal hospital named Dandelion is mentioned by Jumin and Jaehee. The characters from that game were part cat/rabbits, so this ref goes deeper than just a name drop.
Nameless: The One Thing You Must Recall is referenced too. Tei’s Tea Leaf is one of the plays Zen starred in. This is a reference to Tei from Nameless, Cheritz’s game before this. (I don’t know where this is mentioned in the game). Another example is in the last screenshot, the password that Jaehee mentions is from the title of the game. There is also a big reference to Nameless in Deep Story that another Tumblr user named smol-grey-tea has brought to my attention.
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The story that Jumin reads to MC directly references Nameless’ backstory, which is revealed in the true route in secret ending 2. Nameless is the character pictured above as ‘???’ and he is a stuffed bear. The scene that Jumin reads is when Eri’s grandfather buys Nameless for Eri. The person who gave this book to Jumin is Rika. I will talk about the significance of this later.
EDIT: Here’s part 2 btw
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asterjennifer · 2 years
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© soyyues on Twitter
Loveless Collection
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: SE Saeran & Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: X
Word count: 1247
Summary: You convinced Saeran to decorate his blank room with something that expresses his personality.
“What is this for…”
He mumbled under his breath as he let his eyes wander over the fabric in both his hands. With the nails between your teeth you turned your head to him; finding he's still scanning the flag inside his hands like it's going to jump at his face any minute. Quite amusing, you thought.
“Iw a flawh.”
You said through gritted teeth, only earning a raised eyebrow in response. The redhead gazed back at you with something resembling confusion inside the ocean eyes; yet you're aware he's rarely truly confused. More often than not he simply accepted his fate without questioning. Or even understood intentions depsite having not shaded light on those.
“I can tell, Sherlock. Thanks for that.”
His sarcastic tone cracking at the edges of his rough voice, as if he'd screamed around for hours on end. But you knew it's due to years of resentment and fear being caught in the back of his throat. You shurgged your shoulders before turning back to the naked wall of his room. Saeoyung once mentioned how impersonal the room of the younger twin appeared, although he's been living in the bunker for over two years. You agreed almost desperately, however, it didn't seem to interest Saeran any further. Considering he's out in the near by park if not spending his time reading. On one hand it made sense he didn't feel the urge to decorate much given his attention's rarely on the surface. On the other though, it's quite sad he's having no personal touch to his own room. Therefore you convinced him to finally change some structure.
“These colors don't even match the blue carpet.”
He pointed out like he's looking for excuses not to hang up the flag. There's no weight to the points he made which let you know, in the end, he's not entirely against the idea. You positioned the nail at the corner, lifting the hammer carefully before knocking the head into the concrete.
Mouth full, you only hummed softly. Overshadowed right afterwards when getting the nail secure. Even though you're facing him with the back; the way he rolled his eyes reached into your consciousness regardless.
“Great. Also… I keep forgetting what this flag means anyway.”
You couldn't tell if he's lying or just didn't remember. Later option seemed fishy because you'd explained the meaning numerous times by now. His fingertips dug deeper into the ridiculous thin piece of fabric. It looked abstract to him. Perhaps it's been abstract in nature, but humans owned talents for giving unidentifiable things a meaning. People were seeking connection, this was an easy example creating said longing.
“Why does it have a black triangle at the left side.”
In spite of it being a question, the way he kept mumbling made it sound more of a mocking comment. You shurgged your shoulders a second time; it's not like you designed the flag. There's not much thinking for the composition needed in your eyes, surely that's something you're able to look up online. Did these kind of flags got history to their looks in the first place? Finally you took the other nail out of your mouth.
“I don't know, but I'm sure you can research the origin story.”
The sigh he gave so very serene, you didn't miss it. Whether he appreciated that or not.
“No need… I just want this to be over.”
The redhead fronwed his brows by the deafening sound of the hammer hitting the nail's head. Once you're satisfied with their angle, you jumped off the ladder.
“I like this one, though. It suits you somehow.”
You smiled at the man across the room. The corner of his lip twitched with uncertainty, checking out the flag for the countless time today.
“How? It's black, white and gray with a single green stripe. Where does that suit me.”
He's right in regards to his looks, if that's what he was going for. He didn't have gray hair, his was a shimmering fire red. Neither green nor black eyes. They glowed a birght blue resembling the sky. You chuckled shortly after taking the flag out of his warm hands.
“It looks minimalistic and clean. I just think that fits you well.”
Without another response, he only crossed his arms over the chest. Watching you attaching the item onto the wall next to his office table. He almost did it himself considering the unstable ladder you're climbing onto mindlessly.
“What purpose does it serve.”
“Hm… To bring out your identity more?”
The groan vibrated inside his throat by your obvious answers. Tapping his foot onto the floor a few times in order to gather his thoughts.
“I don't care about expressing myself. Besides,”
He lifted his hand to the flag.
“Nobody will ever see this since my room's off limit for everyone but you and my brother.”
You licked over your licks when going through the options, rather counters. That's true as well. His room was like a cage you're unable to enter unless the lion itself grants you entry.
“It's more for yourself anyway!”
You chimed back to him and successfully shut him up. Saeran titled his head to avoid your eyes, blinking at the bookshelves on the other side of the room instead. You noticed his shoulders going stiffer as a result, the cream colored sweater slipping down slightly.
“They call it 'pride flags' for a reason, you know?”
You put the edges of the flag into the nails and stumbled back down the ladder again.
“You should be proud of every part defining you, Saeran. This too. Even if it doesn't mean so much to you, it's still a part of you.”
Silence continued ghosting your justification while rubbing your hands clean off the dust. Satisfied with your work you took a step back; such a luck the nails had been symmetrically by gut feeling. Now the flag practically lightened up thanks to the lamp on the ceiling. It even threw some reflection back onto the ground, a nuance of back and green to be seen.
“Woah! It looks great and it harmonizers with your room just great.”
You seemed more proud than him. He followed your stare to the wall; not reacting in any form for a good moment. Having you wonder what thoughts wandered through his mind. Then he took his heavy steps towards the flag, much to your surprise. He stopped in front to reach out and rub the end of it between his index finger and thumb. A small hum filling the calm atmosphere.
“What was it called again?”
He asked genuinely, thus you made no sour impression and instead crossed your own arms.
“What does it mean by definition?”
“It's someone who only develops romantic feeling when they have a strong emotional connection.”
Saeran nodded his head, becoming slowly but surely acquaintanced with these endless labels that people claimed for themselves. If to feel more understood, figuring out their true selves, wanting to connect or discuss it… At the end of the day it didn't matter. You could hear the fainted smile coming alive on his lips, then.
“Thanks for hanging it up. It's not so bad as I first suspected.”
You made eye contact; half lidded blue threatened to get covered by chaotic, red strands meeting your smile. Much wider than his in comparison. You couldn't help the short giggle falling over your lips.
“You are welcome, dear Aromantic emo.”
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stepswowdsen · 5 months
【KagePro】 -from the darkness- 🖤💛🐍
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Outer Science is the 14th song of the Kagerou Project series, and Kuroha's main appearance. You can check out the Outer Science MV here!
Intro rambles
Kuroha/Saeru (Me ga Saeru Hebi, "Snake of Clearing Eyes") is my fave KagePro chara. Murderous mad man!
Inspired by the Outer Science MV, and my fave Kagerou Daze (LN) cover: Vol. 7 -from the darkness-
I'll clean this up later 🙏
Outer Science: Intro rambles
This rearrange cover ft. Kagamine Len is my fave Outer Science fan-cover~ I honestly prefer it over the OG cuz the tuning is better and the adlibs and robotic tones/voice effects really add sm. Has so much more oomph than the OG.
Ty vgperson for carrying the Vocaloid, KagePro, and RPG Maker games communities. Their TLs are so good.
KagePro: Intro rambles
KagePro is a multimedia project/franchise that originally started as Vocaloid songs. It also has a light novel, manga, and (shitty) anime adaptation. These music videos would tell the story of a group called the Mekakushi Dan (Blindfold Gang), teens who died on August 15th and entered the never-ending world called the Kagerou Daze (Heat Haze Daze) and came out with an eye ability.
Kuroha (Dark Konoha) or The Snake of Clearing Eyes (Me ga Saeru Hebi), is the series' big bad antagonist. He is one of Azami's snakes who possesses humans' vessels. He usually possesses Konoha's body, and kills everyone in the Mekakushi Dan to force Marry, the current holder of the Queen Snake (and granddaughter of the original Medusa, Azami), to reset the timeline, thus, forever repeating the "never ending tragedy."
I'm still amazed by Sidu's MVs. Outer Science is still my fave KagePro song and MV. Sidu's art style is so nice and their MVs are gorgeous. Sidu really appealed to my aesthetic tastes when I first saw this MV in 2013 as a 12 year old, I was immediately enamoured with it. They have such great aesthetic sense.
The colours and chosen visuals… How every single scene has so much attention to detail and connects to the story…
My origins with KagePro
I first got into KagePro when I was 12, so Kuroha was my 12 year old self's big fave~ KagePro was my kid self's first fandom interest.
12 ~ 16 y/o me was OBSESSED with this mf and the KuroEne ship 😭 Ene my wife… 🥺💙 Cuz I shipped them when Kuroha was originally thought to be a dark alter ego of Konoha/Haruka. That got debunked but the ship brings such great angst fuel
The Kuroha liker in me coming out with the unhinged anime man / meow meow mf core taste, HAHA.
I love smug evil bitches with black/white design aesthetics 🐈‍⬛ I love his expressions ✌️ And Kuroha has a great song and MV too~
The Kuroha (2013), Saeran (2016), Judar (2022) pipeline!
Art Inspiration
I did a quick Kuroha doodle. God the lowkey buff-ification is happening just like with Unknown/Saeran, but oh well LOL
Oh I think I also want the KagePro LNs 🙏 Sidu's gorgeous Kagerou Daze VII (7) cover with Kuroha on the cover 🖤💛 This will always be my favourite cover. Sidu's art style is IMPECCABLE I love their aesthetics sm… The pose and blood splatters and Kuroha and Azami's expressions… AHHH IT SLAPS SO HARD
I thought of a composition where all the "Keep out" tapes bind around his hands and arms just like in the LN cover.
It's based on the "Welcome to my womb" (Youkoso waga tainai he) line in the Outer Science MV and my fave Kagerou Daze (LN) cover -from the darkness- 🤭✨
I remember drawing fanart of it when this LN first got announced and came out in 2016, but my old art looks like frigging doodoo so I did a quick doodle redraw of it. I wanna draw JuAli, Saeran/MC, and KuroEne, soon, but grrr school!
Sen's KuroEne AU 🖤💙
The first ship I was obsessed with as a 12 year old was KuroEne cuz it was based off the popular fan-theory that Kuroha was a dark alter ego/corrupted form of Konoha, and so, that would've given the ship a connection (due to HaruTaka and KonoEne)
It got debunked by MCA (Mekakucity Actors), the KagePro anime, in 2014, since Kuroha was revealed to be Saeru, the Snake of Clearing Eyes, so ever since, I preferred dealing with KuroEne in lighthearted AUs instead.
But I also like thinking of KuroEne in canon-verse angst AUs where Kuroha messes around in the routes (timelines) and pretends to be Konoha. He decides to befriend the Mekakushi Dan members before k*lling them this time, and Ene projects her feelings for Haruka and Konoha, onto Kuroha (who she thinks is Konoha…)
2 years ago, before Ene lost her human body and became a cyber girl, she was Takane, a special needs student who had a chronic illness that would cause her to constantly faint and feel tired no matter how much she slept.
She was put in the same special needs class as Haruka, her friend and classmate who she eventually fell in love with. She never got the chance to tell him her feelings before she died. When she entered the Kagerou Daze and gained an eye ability, she gained a body that never needed sleep in response to her wish back when she was alive.
Haruka was an artist, and designed game avatars for them back then - Ene and Konoha. In the present day, 2 years later, when she meets Kuroha, she recognizes his appearance, and thinks he's Konoha. After seeing Kuroha, who she thinks is Konoha, she's surprised to see "Konoha" in the flesh...
In my KuroEne AU, Ene thinks that Kuroha is Konoha with Haruka's memories, because Kuroha/Saeru remembers previous routes (timelines) and thus knows her true name (Takane) and context.
I'm insane LMAO. I love angst!
I'm just thinking about how much I mellowed out over the years, cuz my ship AUs for LimGuda (Douman/Ritsuka), IdaTatsu (Idate/Tatsumiya), XanLena (Xanxus/Selena), JuAli (Judar/Alibaba), etc., are super fluffy and focused on the characters' relationship development and moments of emotional intimacy, building rapport and connection... These AUs are overall happy/have a happy ending! I want my faves to be happy <3
But the ship AUs I made when I was a kid, like for KuroEne (Kuroha/Ene), were angsty as hell. I think it's just cuz Kuroha's setup and role in KagePro's plot, as the big bad murderer that kills the entire Mekakushi Dan, just makes it so that any KuroEne AUs (and Kuroha ships in general tbh), that take place in canon-verse, will always end tragically. Good thing I still got it in me to be able to write angst/tragedy... hehe.
Ofc, I will delve into light-hearted AUs with them too that take place outside of canon~ I want to write/draw KuroEne in a much more fluffy and lighthearted setting too.
My fave screenshots from the Outer Science MV!
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
Hear me out. Savior Saeran x reader dynamic where mc doesn't have to become Rika 2.0 and this horrible dynamic isn't in play at all. Instead consider:
1. Unknown who finally snaps under all of the abuse, broken promises, and lies, and takes the place of the Savior on his own, as his own!! A reader who comes to ME afterwards, becomes a Believer, and falls for him as the Savior. Or-
2. A already existing Unknown assistant who worships him and would do anything to protect him, helping him realize what Rika is doing to him and helping him fight against her to take that power for himself!!! Or-
3. A already existing Believer who was also suffering under Rika's hand seeing Unknown take the throne and yearing to be by his side, fighting to earn his praise and approval amongst the other Believers who are terrified of him...♡
There are so many other ways to write this than those three examples, but those are the main ones that play in my head on repeat. I want so desperately for a Savior Saeran x reader that isn't based on how you get that ending in the game. Maybe one day I'll have to sit and write it myself or get a commission.
I'm so sorry I'm just here to ramble about the brainrot. Anyways. Unknown in Savior robes with power and confidence that isn't constrained to being used as a tool by Rika & MC is so chefs kiss!!!!
See, I've actually written that second option with my MC before in a Bad Ending. She helps him undermine Rika's leadership, they work to undo everything she's done and place Unknown in charge. The RFA's no match for the two of them, and after my MC convinces Jihyun to give his undeniable support, it causes Rika to lose control and that's the end of the Savior.
She's tucked away in the basement, Saeyoung's captured, and the rest of the RFA enjoy a cult that no longer has cleanings or drugs. It's merely a place for the betterment of others, unless your name is Saeyoung Choi.
Arguably, that's not a Good Ending because Mint Eye isn't going to make Saeran happy and no amount of changes to the horrible thing that hurt him are going to bring him what he wants. Hurting his twin won't bring him peace, but the denial might last for a while. I think it's an interesting concept to explore though, and that's why I wrote that Bad Ending. So, I totally understand the appeal of exploring that one.
I see the appeal of the first and third options as well. Though, I don't know how well things would be under the leadership of the first one. Unknown is made of apathy. Something bad would have to hit him in tandem with a cataclysmic event. If he learned something about his brother that shattered him and Rika confessed she wanted Saeyoung instead of him back to back? Yeah, I could see him destroying every little thing in his path.
I don't know if he would become the Savior willingly. When he runs into obstacles, he tends to... get rid of himself. He doesn't want to be the Savior. You would have to find a reason to make him the Savior in the first place. There has to be something pushing him to become a Savior in the first place, and even then, you have to find a goal to give him that drives him forward.
The original plan was to get rid of his big brother and then himself.
What's the plan now?
Where is Saeyoung?
What can he do to use the cult to take down his brother?
Those are important to understand if you're going to place him in charge of Mint Eye. If you can work out what's driving him, and what he'll do when he catches Jihyun because he's not just going to let the guy run around like Rika did. Rika knew he was there, she just let his ass get away with it. Oh, yeah, that's another thing. What does he do to Jihyun? What did he do to Rika to get power? These are important. They help us understand what drove him to this point. If Rika's in the dungeons, will Jihyun try to save her?
Is Jihyun in the dungeons with her because he tried to do that? Is he trying to take down Unknown now? What's guiding Jihyun? Like, the idea of Savior Unknown is compelling, but we have to think long and hard about all of these pieces, I'm afraid. Unknown can't just be the Savior for no reason.
MC is usually what drives him in these AUs. But, if the MC was someone who didn't know him until after he came into power, I cannot imaginable how they get there. What is he new Mint Eye? What's the goal? What charmed MC? What made them want to believe in him? I bet removing the elixir would make everyone in that place want to follow him, but what would be offered in its place? Is he not afraid of his father finding him? What's going to happen with that in his future?
I can't deny that I don't love the idea of exploring an MC worshiping him but I would need to sit down and figure out the logistics. There's ways to make this work but God, there's a lot more factors than just Unknown being the Savior and MC being his favorite believer.
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goofysocks3 · 7 months
so, I'm currently on day 3, and I have a couple mixed opinions.. LETS GET INTO IT!
for starters, V.
I'm not sure why I came into another story with a large amount of resentment towards, him; he hasn't exactly done anything suspicious story-wise so far, once again this may or may not age poorly!
Though I do find it a bit weird how he instantly trusts MC seeing as she seems to have some sort of association to the Rika in his memories. I think it's that sort of concept where you latch onto anything that reminds you of a loved one who was lost. I'm also seeing the same type of thing with Yoosung; who decided that MC is safe, seeing as she has some type of connection to the Rika of his memories, and yada yada. In short, I'd call it 'blind love'.
Blind love in my terms is similar to when you have a crush on somebody; you overlook their flaws because to you, their good features override whatever it is that they may turn off an onlooker. Essentially V and Yoosung seem to be sort of 'overlooking' MC's suspicious origins seeing as she seems to know of Rika after her supposed passing.
So as I was saying, V. I don't really know how to feel about his personality; I mean, Ray's little façade of V freaked me out a little and I actually believed it, not sure if he really does have a side like that to him but I guess I'll find out soon?
Next on my list is Ray.
I kind of spoiled a bit for myself through the CG's and a short summary of Rays 'personalities' that I just so happened to read the day I was planning on starting another story.. anyways! Ray's current 'Prince Charming' persona is really putting me in a whirlpool of emotions, thinking; when's he gonna switch? whats gonna happen? is he gonna hate MC by the end of this route?... and much more.
I'm not sure exactly how these personalities come about, but I do know that: 1. Suit Saeran seems to be him off the 'drug' that he's being 'poisoned(?)' with, where he has a semi-violent and controlling personality (I think, once again I still dont know why he'd be violent or if I'm even close) 2. I don't remember what Unknown was, 3. Saeran Choi would probably be himself without anything (I'm probably wrong) and of course, 4. Ray, who is being 'drugged'. I didn't think another story would actually have such dark content like this, (despite the warning lol) especially not with Ray, seeing as I knew near to nothing about him! I'm so surprised and honestly for once I can actually say I basically have no clue whats coming! which is new, since I somehow always seem to spoil things for myself :0
Anyways, let me know your thoughts! am I close to the actual plot points? or am I just yapping a whole lot? avoid spoilers if you can :3 maybe give it 9 more days lol
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aetirnum · 7 months
#AETIRNUM. a selective, private, low-activity multimuse featurng original characters, hoyoverse, reverse:1999 and etc. by saint. ( 21. they/vamp. ) no icon, minimal formatting, second-person prose. exploring the themes of love and its dangers, darkness of the human soul, lost of self, the importance of death and the like.
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i. i interact with all mutuals. i will post prompts, starter calls, etc etc if you wish to interact. i reply very slowly, as i run my own roleplay server and i have mental issues(tm) and can run out of battery. ooc wise, feel free to talk to me and whatnot! i can just be a bit slow, my apologies. you don't need to match my length: just put in the same effort as i do.
ii. i can write dark themes such as horror, gore, violence, cannibalism, toxic relationships etc. obvs i dont do taboo shit like incest, pedophilia, etc. go away. i don't mind shipping but prefer to do it with close friends. while i am fine with fade to black and suggestive themes i do not write smut with anyone other than my boyfriend. this is non-negotiable.
iii. i block who i want. i don't want prosh*ppers anywhere here. ideologies such as transmeds and being anti-self dx are also not welcome, esp if youre white youre very funny. idc about rp drama just dont be weird don't bring me into it and as long as you're not fucked up i gen dc. i won't always be here... i am a tired something-woman. please respect that.
other notes.
if i follow you, it means i want to interact with you, and i'd love to write with you! just please be patient with me. i study graphic design, but funnily enough im very tired of making tumblr gfx... not on anyone, just a preference! so i don't do heavy formatting or icons. if you write with me though, all i ask is to not make your text extremely small. i'm dyslexic, so it makes it very hard to read. thank you!
i write a lot of systems here, and i will mention if they ever switch, no worries. i am a system myself, so i really love them!
the writer.
hello! i am lucifer, or call me saint. i am a system host and multimedia student. i'm an artist and writer. i love slowpoke a lot. please show me slowpoke. i have been on the tumblr rpc for a loong time ( since i was... 12 at best... #veteran ) and i just recently came back, but only plan to do light activity. i'm 21 and i'm filipino. read more about me here! my discord tag is #loveits !
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some of these don't have a link/carrd; it's a wip. edited from time to time... sawry.
ayato. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. 30. she/they. androsexual. isolde. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 29. she/her. lesbian, did system. tartaglia. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. she/he. 23. tmas butch lesbian. diluc. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. he/him. 25. tmasc butch lesbian. ada mesmer. ⎯⎯⎯ identity v. 28. she/they. lesbian
arcana. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. ???. she/it. lesbian. mahiru. ⎯⎯⎯ milgram. 23. she/they. bisexual. johann. ⎯⎯⎯ eternal return. 28. he/him. butch. lumine. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. ageless. she/he/they. bisexual. vertin. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 16. he/they. lesbian. sonetto. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 16. he/they. lesbian. ena shinonome. ⎯⎯⎯ project sekai. 18. she/he. lesbian. kevin kaslana. ⎯⎯⎯ honkai impact 3rd. ???. he/she. thing. kafka. ⎯⎯⎯ honkai:star rail. 28. she/her. bisexual. kaalaa baunaa. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 28. she/her. heterosexual. kujou sara. ⎯⎯⎯ genshin impact. he/she. 25. bisexual transmasc. otto apocalypse. ⎯⎯⎯ honkai impact 3rd. she/they. nonbinary. hysteria. aromantic: saviorsexual.
blade. ⎯⎯⎯ honkai:star rail. ??. he/she. transmasc lesbian. emil. ⎯⎯⎯ identity v. 25. she/he. transfem lesbian. tooth fairy. ⎯⎯⎯ reverse:1999. 25. she/her. lesbian. saeran choi. ⎯⎯⎯ mystic messenger. 21. he/they. transmasc. did system.
shaira tiriza. ⎯⎯⎯ 28. she/they. did system. fides. ⎯⎯⎯ ageless; billion. she/he. star. amon. ⎯⎯⎯ ageless; 21 billion. she/he/they/it. star. fallere.⎯⎯⎯ ageless; 21 billion. she/they. star. celeste.⎯⎯⎯ ageless; older than us. she/her. the concept of ‘devotion’
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