#also hope you enjoy that horse because I worked really hard on it you guys lol
e-vay · 1 year
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Another scene from @beeextraordinary123’s story “What Was Stolen”
What do you mean you haven't read it yet? Go read it! I can't keep excusing you from work and school, your boss/teacher/parents are going to come after me!
I love this story so much. I need more ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ)
[Here's the other fanart I drew with an excerpt from the chapter]
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izuke-the-zombie · 10 months
🌸Sorry for the long ass absent guys 🫠 family and holidays have been crazy😮‍💨
I recently came across this short monkie kid wild West AU fanfic
It's short but it's really good, And it sort of got me in the mood to sketch or at least redraw the two mystic monkeys cowboy outfits again
I really wasn't sure whether to give Mac, purple boots or just black boots you can kind of see it in the first pick faded Mac.
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🌸🐎🐴✨But I don't think I've seen anyone draw them with horses or write something about it, so I'm going to be the first one to do it! (I don't know how to draw them sitting on horses, so bear with me here.)😗💦 I know I put the scar on the wrong side of the Smokey Horse. My bad, let's just pretend it's on the right side.LOL😅🪷
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😽💕I headCannon that when those two summon their horses together, they get really affectionate. The sheriff's horse is more like a big old golden retriever, playful and mischievous, and rarely ever listens to its owner. While over here, Mac's is more well-behaved and obedient, and they can get quite sassy sometimes. I'm not sure what to call it. It's hard to separate those two, so they try not to summon them at the same time.
They're also very affectionate to the monkeys especially the opposite ones.🐶🐎✨💕
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😄I want a scenario where they let the horses stay instead of just poofing them out of existence so MK/MEI can play with the horses just a bit longer since they were begging them by giving them the puppy dog eyes (especially on Mei's side; she's a horse girl fan), and after a long while, the sheriff notices that his horse Nimbus was acting a little more strange and protective over the Smokey horse, letting them eat first, and just never leaving their side. All sorts of strange behavior on the Nimbus side. All he ever notices from the shadow horse is that they were a little sluggish, but he doesn't think too much of it.😗🤠🐵
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🌟Until one day, BAM! This little cutie came into the world as a precious, adorable little cinnamon roll, prancing around like it owns the world.🧁😽🌎✨
🐎There's stupidly protective over this little guy.👿😡🦄🐴☀️🌙🌠
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🐴And there's a huge problem. This little guy is clumsy as heck. He's new and everything, so of course he is, but he likes to adventure out without his horsey parents knowing or anyone else, and he loves playing games like tag his favorite, but because he's so clumsy, he causes damage that MK or his mentors have to fix, so everyone has to be on high alert and watch over the little rascal. LMAO 🐎🍼💥💕✨
🌸I hope you enjoyed this, I certainly had fun drawing this I wish there was more wild West monkeys fics there's some freaking cute💕✨
💥Aaaah! I love these freaking cow monkeys 😆💖
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Walking Shell
Debut: Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Hello! This is not a pencil. I know it looks very much like one. Please try to keep pencil thoughts to yourself until the reception after the post, where we WILL be serving tiny hot dogs. If you didn't think this looked like a pencil before, I'm sorry that now you'll only be able to see a pencil. But this is a missile! Shell, like a bombshell! Get it? Yeah! Ok.
It is a very cute and lovable missile, too! This is what Mario does to us. It makes it normal for missiles and bombs and bullets to be cute. This missile even has a skull-style emblem of the Bad Guy on its back... but it has legs! It is Walking Shell, after all! And that's not even the best and most precious part...
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It has a DOGHOUSE!!! What the heck! This missile is literally an animal. Someone makes little houses for these missiles to sleep in. I think they are beloved! Even if they are just sort of like guard dogs, being Enemies stationed at certain points, I love to see such in-universe appreciation for a dawdling deathtrap.
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When a Walking Shell senses Rayman (I think it should have the ability to Smell), it becomes a Running Shell, and really books it with those funny little legs it has! And with every footstep a lovely tock-tock-tock sound. They're gonna getcha! Gonna getcha! Until they get tuckered out. They stop running and just stand there, bobbing up and down, like they're panting!
I'm sure you're familiar with the classic All Animals Are Dogs trope, where regardless of species, an animal in a piece of media acts like a dog instead of its actual species (unless it's a cat, I guess). And boy, does that get tiring. I love dogs! But they are the only animals that act like dogs, because they are the animals that are dogs!
Anyway, Walking Shell acts like a dog, but THIS is a missile with two legs and no other features whatsoever! It's such a novel thing to act like a dog! A real innovation in the Thing That Acts Like A Dog department! With its two legs and pointed front, I would think if anything it would act like a chicken, and "peck" the ground as an idle animation, or something. But don't worry, farmheads! Look!
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After it gets tired, Rayman can mount the Walking Shell, and it will rear up and neigh like a horse! Real dogs do not become horses. Yes, I do know many animal facts, why do you ask? Walking Shell will then cheese it and run over any terrain at high speeds! Sadly, the goal of these sections is to guide it into a wall so that it will explode on impact and destroy the wall. And that's so sad!!!
Yeah, this is a missile, it's destined to explode, but they also made a point of portraying it as an animal, a creature, one that can even be befriended. It's almost like if the Yoshi Dismount Jump was necessary to end every level where Yoshi was found. I think Rayman should adopt a Walking Shell, and walk it on a leash, and literally just let it be a dog. But be careful it doesn't bump into anything too hard!
Welcome to TOY CORNER. Toys are an important part of Walking Shell's history! Rayman is, obviously, a nightmare to design toys of. You could have strings to represent his floaty hands and feet, but then he doesn't look like Rayman, he looks like Ol' Strings Fer Arms Raym'n, who is not real! So, they had to get creative. And it worked, I think! In toy form, Rayman is always accompanied by some kind of prop that his hands and feet can be directly attached to. It may limit play possibilities, but it's better than the alternative, which is nothing. I hope you are getting excited reading this tangent on a post about Rayman's funny steed...!
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Here it is! Walking Shell McDonald's Toy, for you to enjoy! The legs are sort of sticking straight out, but it is still unmistakably our friend. The exhaust pipe can be turned to make it go forward and occasionally turn in circles!
Gee. What a great concept. They get to put Rayman's hands and feet somewhere secure, and we get to know there are Walking Shell toys out there! It would be great if they did this again.
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Wow! They did this again! This time in plush form! Walking Shell is truly just a creature so nice you gotta make a toy of it twice. This plush fascinated me for a few reasons. First, it's from Rayman 3, and Walking Shell is only in the GBA version of that game, which is absolutely not the Main version, and yet it gets toy spotlight again (this is a good thing). Second, it is directly modeled after the McDonald's toy, with the legs in the exact same position. I am intrigued by this, like, translating a McDonald's toy into a more "real" toy, if that makes sense.
Would you let Walking Shell sniff your hand? Be careful!
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mickimagnum · 10 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Three
*episode opens with a shot of Echo Valley Ranch and the sound of birds singing*
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*the next shot shows the five contestants lined up in front of Devin. they look excited to see her, but also a little apprehensive about what's to come*
Devin: "Hi, guys. Welcome to my horse training arena. I hope you all slept well. Like I told you last night, today is the official first day of the competition, and to kick it off, you get to try something that I do pretty much every day. In fact, it paid for the building you're standing in. But, you won't just be doing it for fun."
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Devin (continues): "Alright. I won't keep you in suspense any longer...who ever stomps out the best bottle of nectar will win a solo date with me!"
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Houston (voice-over): "Oh *bleep*. I've been dreading the possibility of this as a challenge. I've tried nectar making before and hated it. The way the fruit feels between your toes. Blleeccchhh. It's one of the worst feelings on this planet. I think I might be sick."
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Devin: "If you've never tried nectar making before, don't worry. I'll show you how to do it." *demonstration was performed off camera
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Albert (voice-over): "I'm really excited for this challenge. I've made nectar before and really enjoy it. I've got this in the bag...hopefully."
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Devin: "You'll all have 45 minutes to stomp out the best bottle of apple nectar you can. At the end, I'll judge each bottle and the best tasting wins. Alright guys, choose your station. You'll find your supplies already there."
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*next shot opens with everyone in their positions, waiting to begin*
Devin (seated at the judge's table): "Alright, fellas. Your 45 minutes starts....NOW!"
*the contestants eagerly scramble into their vats and begin carefully stamping at their apples*
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Stan (voice-over): "This is my first time doing something like this. I've never felt anything like that before. It was not pleasant. But, the whole time I'm doin' it, I just kept tellin' myself 'she's worth it' 'do it for her' 'I gotta finish strong so I can get that date'."
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Handra (voice-over): "I've got a new respect for Devin because nectar making is not easy. I think more of my nectar ended up on me than in my bottle. But, I wasn't going to give up. I want the date because I want more time with Devin."
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Houston (voice-over): "Every second in that vat was...terrible, frankly. But, every chance I could, I stole glances at Devin. Seeing her kept me grounded and helped me get through it. I would do anything for more time with her. If she asked me to make a hundred bottles of nectar, I would."
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Miles (voice-over): "Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall," *laughs* "That was basically all that was going through my head the entire time."
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Albert (voice-over): "Nectar making isn't easy, that's for sure. I mean, I'm not proud of it, but yeah, I wiped out once or twice. But, I'm confident Devin will be happy with the end product. I really hope so, anyway, because I really want to win that date with her."
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Devin (loudly): "Alright, guys! Your time is up! Time to step out of those vats and fill up your bottles. I'll be around to taste your work when you're done."
*Devin makes her way to the beginning of the line and begins to work her way down*
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*Devin pours herself a glass of Houston's nectar, holds it up the light to inspect and nods approvingly, before bringing it to her nose to inhale its apple tannin*
Houston (voice-over): "My heart is pounding as I watch Devin taste the nectar I just made. Why does it feel like my entire future is riding on this?"
*Devin sips at the glass of nectar. Her expression is hard to read as she sets the glass down*
Devin: "Not bad."
*Devin moves on to Handra*
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*Devin repeats the ritual. As she begins swishing Handra's nectar in the glass, Handra's voice comes on:*
Handra (voice-over): "All I can think as she's drinking my nectar is 'I hope she likes it. I really hope she likes it.' I know I tried my best and I really want this date."
*After Devin tastes the nectar, she smacks her lips once, gives a curt nod and sets her glass aside*
Devin: "Acceptable."
*Devin turns and approaches Stan's station*
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*Devin begins her evaluation of Stan's nectar. As she brings it to her nose, she winces slightly*
Stan (voice-over): "I hope I did alright. I'm nervous as hell for Devin to taste to it, but my fingers and toes are crossed she likes it. I really, really want to go on this date."
*Devin hesitates a moment before taking a cautious sip of the nectar in her glass. As she pulls the glass away from her mouth, she squints her eyes and makes a face as if she's tasted something sour. She sets the glass down and reaches for a nearby bottle of water*
Devin (hoarsely): "No."
*she then gulps down the water before making her way over to Albert. Stan looks crestfallen.*
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*As Devin moves through her initial evaluation, she looks impressed with the quality of Albert's nectar*
Albert (voice-over): "I'm confident she'll like what I've got. I just hope I did better than the other guys here. That solo date is so close I taste it."
*Devin samples the nectar, sets the glass down, glances at Albert and says:*
Devin: "Passable."
*Albert looks slightly bewildered*
*Devin's eyes smile at him as she walks toward Milo*
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*Devin begins to pour a glass of Milo's nectar. It plops out into the glass, more the consistency of applesauce than nectar. A mixture of confusion and disgust pass across her face*
Milo (voice-over): "I am so nervous watching Devin inspect my nectar that I feel like I might throw up. I really need this date with her."
*Devin looks at the pink sludge in her glass a moment and sighs before tipping it up and slurping at it. After getting a taste, she lowers the glass, wipes her chin, and shrugs*
Devin (setting her glass down): "Confusing."
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*Devin crosses her arms and makes her way back to the head of the judge's table*
Devin: "Not bad overall, guys, especially with it being most of your first time doing this. Nectar making is an art and it's definitely not something you can master your first time in the vat. With that being said, there were definitely some clear leaders in the group."
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Devin (continues): "The top nectars, in both quality and taste, belonged to..."
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Devin (continues): "Houston, Handra, and Albert. Good job guys."
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Devin (continues): "I'm sorry, Stan and Milo, but your nectar just wasn't where it needed to be.
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Devin (continues): "But, this is a solo date, and there can only be one winner. And, at the end of the day, taste is everything, and the best tasting nectar belonged to..."
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Devin (continues): "Handra!"
*weak applause can be heard in the background*
*winner chosen by random name picker due to three-way quality tie
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*Handra makes his way up to Devin and gives her a quick hug*
Devin: "Yep. You are...so sticky."
*Handra chuckles*
Handra: "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry."
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Devin: "Handra, I"m looking forward to our date. As for the rest of you, don't worry. There will be other opportunities to win solo dates with me. But, for now, you guys should probably take some showers."
*the contestants chuckle in agreement*
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Handra, in diary room: "I can't believe I won the first solo date. Honestly, I'm over the moon and can't wait for more time with Devin." *smiles and looks off to the side* "I can't wait."
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Devin, in diary room: "I have to be honest. Having five guys literally compete for a date with me was kind of weird. I mean, not that this whole experience hasn't been kind of weird. But, it was fun watching them try nectar making. It felt special to share that with them. I'm also really excited about my solo date with Handra. I feel like we have a good connection so far, so I'm looking forward to getting more time with him and seeing what all is there."
Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen Albert submitted by @bakersimmer James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims Milo submitted by @belsasim
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layalu · 8 months
OC Summary
Woo look i'm finally making an oc intro post on here! This is def non exhaustive and a lot of these guys are old/inactive, but i tried to include the ones that are the most likely to come up xdd Might add more in the future, but this is them for now :]
[continues under the cut]
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first of, some og kiddos! most of these originated in rpg/growing species groups on dA but are just unaligned ocs now
the only exception to the above statement xd She's my avatar/mascot, essentially! There isn't much else to her honestly. Fun fact about her name origin though: My warriors.. sona, i guess? was called Morgenröte, or Dawnlight when i used her in english contexts, so Dawn's name is a callback to that c: I also considered naming her Morgan as a reference to "Morgen"
Used to be a very spunky kid before Trauma TM happened and depression beat her ass. She's been getting better though! Used to be best friends with Lacrima but they've since grown apart. Loves animals and started working on Sam's farm partime.
Smart, self-sufficient, maybe a liiittle fucked up by when she god hellbent on vengeance oops. Lost her closeness with a bunch of her childhood friends during that time. Still a bit all over the place but has found she enjoys administrative work.
Local theatre kid, and a freelance artist. Which art? That changes with the wind. He has trouble committing to things but that's because so many things in this world are interesting!
Bit softie with abandonment issues. Loves his family and LARPing and his asshole horse named Sir Samuel II. Works on his farm full time but tries making as much time for his friends and family as possible. Childhood friends with Tumble.
A gentle giant who practically lives in the water. Life motto: motto: can't be disappointed by life if you don't expect anything! Works as a life guard and swim instructor. Childhood friends with Sam
The swetest potato, but has trouble making friends. A casual but enthusiastic collector with a love for tinkering! Has a workshop together with Flora where he does repair work on mostly on non-mechanical things
Timid, but inquisitive and creative. Original founder of her now shared workshop which started as a mech repair shop and now entails "anything we can fix!"
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One of my oldest ocs! She's been (re)used a bunch and has been through some shit but always managed to keep finding beauty and love in life. She is. Very near and dear to my heart <3
Tbh i have not used him in a hot minute but i wanted to include him cos he's pretty u.u Also a very old oc; his og name was Schattenjäger (shadowhunter) lol. The first version of him drowned though rip.
Another fave :] Spunky and full of wanderlust. Her cat version has been inactive for a long time but i love reusing iterations of her cos she is fun and i love her.
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Smug little shit who is equipped with an ego that is way too big for his tiny body. Despite this he is not as bad as he seems! Mostly. He does mean well.
Big arms, big heart, big hopes. Grew up in a family of fishers and hopes to win lots of money at the coliseum for her family. Turns out that is Really Hard though.
Is here to avoid responsibilities out of boredom and because adventurers get paid well, right? Well wouldn'tcha know, adventuring is dangerous! oops.
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(Ex-)entertainer, professional bullshitter, and apparently a hero now? Ugh. Really just wants to get rid of the worm in her brain, please. Would love to say she doesn't care about anything but unfortunately for her she cares A Lot.
The Cooler Sister, bestie of Cove, aspiring marine biologist. If you see me call her Stormy, it's because she is an iteration of Stormyrain xd
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hazbinhappy · 6 months
If you wouldn’t mind doing a matchup for me, I’d appreciate it. Only characters I would like to avoid would be Adam & Valentino.
I am on the aroace spectrum. Demi for both. I am bi-oriented. My pronouns are they/them.
I am autistic so I have sensory issues. I also have social issues and would like to get a service dog specifically for DPT (deep pressure therapy, applying pressure to the body to help ground & regulate heart rate) and social interactions.
I am a big animal person. I have four pets in total right now but have had many and will have many more. I’ve had animals of all kinds, birds, reptiles, dogs, cats. I’ve even worked with horses before. Very big on animals. I prefer them to people.
I wouldn’t say I’m shy necessary, more so just traumatized. When I’m in a space I feel comfortable I’m very loud, very opinionated. I tend to use bullying as a form of affection but never let it go too far. I’m petty as fuck. I’m also very blunt and brash. In spite of that I do try to be kind and help people but if you ask me for my opinion I’m going to give you my unfiltered opinion. Yes, that dress washes you out give it away.
I enjoy writing, reading, drawing, and theater. I cook and bake a lot. I like to have things organized, obsessively so. I also enjoy dance. I specifically would like to try pole dancing but for a while I hyperfixated on swing dancing. Of course, I never had a partner though. I do try to maintain an active lifestyle by going on walks with my dogs among other things. My goal is to build up enough muscle to carry dogs of all sizes and a future partner.
My clothing style tends to lean alternative. I like blacks, purples, blues, and greens. I’m not a fan of warm toned colors but I will wear maroons. I like wearing tight fitted clothes and crop tops but I also have a special interest in historical fashion so I’ll wear just about anything.
In terms of a demon form for me specifically. . . I feel like I’d be a moth, a thylacine, or a bobcat type demon. I honestly don’t really care which as long as I get fangs because fangs should be gender affirming care.
Anyway, hugs and kisses if you want them.
- @am-i-interrupting
Your Matchup is...
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This was a bit hard because it was either him or Vaggie, but I landed on him! Mainly due to how you described your personality and I think you two would get along great and just :) i made it up to your interpretation if it's romantic or platonic! @am-i-interrupting
y'all would meet either through the hotel or during Alastor's seven year absence! most likely the latter so let's run with that for this
he was probably on his way TO the casino (as if he shouldn't just live there with how much he frequents it) when you guys bumped into each other!
one of your dogs who was a bit too friendly today decided to run up to the grump and ask to be pet
Husk being Husk immediately backs up while you're trying to apologize for the dog's action and explain it away, but Husk also isn't a complete asshole so he lets it go
but it's on his mind for the rest of the day.... and so what does he do? he takes that same path every day at the same time hoping to bump into you
after like the fifth time he finally pets the dog and you two maybe share a few words. maybe several dozen times later you two start to hang out a bit
once Alastor's back though you're sad to not have you're walking friend anymore
but when you heard Alastor was back and at a hotel you suspected that is somewhere where Husk bit be (good thing for hunches!)
i wouldn't say you'd frequent the hotel because it looks very far out, but on your more free days you might take the dogs out for a longer walk for them to see their grumpy friend
(As for the other pets, they do get to occasionally come, but only if Nifty is super busy. Only the dogs and cats aren't scared of her. Honestly I'd just be scared of her period)
"Well look who showed up here."
"You say that every week, fool. You should expect me at this point. Where is everyone?"
"Charlie and Vaggie are attempting to campaign this whole failure again, Angel is working, Sir Pentious is in that weird blimp, and Alastor is fucking somewhere."
"And Nifty?"
"Haven't figure it out."
"Good things I did not bring over the little guys then. Just the dogs."
You unclipped them from their leashes to let them roam around the main floor of the hotel, though they stuck behind the bar with Husk.
"Alastor still has you stuck here? Not even a little break?"
"Convincing that bastard to give me a break is like pulling teeth outta a bear. Never gonna happen."
"Man, fuck him. He's a weirdo asshole."
"One that owns my soul."
"Fuck you."
"Love you toooo."
A/n: Thank youuu XOXO (You also did my matchup which I really loved!)
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transman-badass · 5 months
WIP Questionnaire
Tagged by @bee-barnes-author, thank you!
Gently tagging: @slenders1ckn3ss @kmlaney @bardicbeetle @astras-rambles @meerawrites @musingsbycaitlin @andromedaexists @dyrewrites and an open tag! Blank questions below the cut
For "Farewell Vesperos":
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created? For the Runner Owen series as a whole, it was all spawned by a single image of a gothic city floating in the sky. It's changed a lot since then, over five years ago I think. I don't remember the first part I came up with for Farewell Vesperos itself, but it was probably the Vesperos family it's named after.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? For Runner Owen? Instrumental, for sure. Owen, my protagonist, walking through the foggy, crystal-lit streets of Theris. Being watched by people in brighter windows, or following him in the darkness. He turns around and lifts his lantern to see... Cut to the title screen.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why? I adore Owen and his two enemies/LIs, Aurum and the Scarred Man. Explaining why is hard, but they and their chemistry just make me happy. There's also Locke and Nora, who are dear to my heart - I think some people I've talked about this with like Locke a little too much, but I don't blame them. For Farewell Vesperos in particular, GOD, I am loving how Lawrence Rhyne is shaping up. He's such a charming fuck.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share? Kind of a confusing question. But uh, I've been told [combining the comments of different people] that Farewell Vesperos reads like Jane Eyre with an Agatha Christie type plot, so if you like either of that, you might like Farewell Vesperos. People who like darker fiction - hell, maybe even dark romance specifically! - might enjoy the dynamics between Owen and his two LIs. We'll see how that shapes up though.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP? Settling on the plot. This is the third edition of this story I'm writing and if it evolves on me again I might just scrap the whole fucking thing.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! Not at this point, but the vampires in it can turn into animals. The Scarred Man in particular can become a raven.
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.) There are trains, powered by crystals, a la Victorian steam trains. Most people get around with the draconics that humans have allied with, those being small dragons that cooperate with humans for their own reasons. They function like horses, except some of them can fly.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now? Right now, I'm trying to figure out the villain's motivations. I have a terrible habit of imagining awesome things happening and then going 'but wait - I know this character would do this, but why?' Kind of annoying at this point.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in? Well, there's the murder mystery! Lost heirs, arranged marriages, malicious vampires with dreams of conquest, wicked vampire hunters led by callous royalty who will do whatever ruthlessness needed protect humanity, enemies to lovers extreme slow burn [I'm talking over several books], spooky Victorian houses, lots of racially diverse characters, a transmasc protagonist navigating a society with specific gender roles for trans people... And just. Gothic fantasy in general.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP? I don't expect to get a lot of money writing this lmao, but I'm not writing it just for the money. I'm writing it because I know there's guys like me out there who want and need to see themselves as wanted - both as men, and as romantic and sexual partners. I want transmascs like me to feel desired. And I want people that aren't transmasc to really get that we are desirable, and attractive, as any other person. Ultimately though? I just hope people enjoy reading the damn thing and don't rip it to shreds over some stupid plot hole I missed pffft
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
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allylikethecat · 3 months
Hi Ally!!! How are you? How’s your day been?
Girl I was STRUGGLING today I think I’ve built a caffeine tolerance because I had two energy drinks and was yawning ALL. DAY. Anyway, I think I’ll take a caffeine break and hopefully my celsius will work its magic again haha
ATKH: the update was wonderful I’m always rooting for Fictional!Matty and George in every fic but this fictional!Matty to not immediately forgive and/or beg for Fictional!George back.. I’m so sad for our sweet Matty because I’m sure he’s trying so so hard to not disappoint everyone and do good at the competition but the fact that he’s SELLING SALLY and MOVING BACK HOME??? I really hope we get to see how this is going down from Mattys pov and I need both George and Mattys reactions povs in the next chapter because GEORGE IS SURPRISING MATTY IN PERSON??? (I hope Matty punches him lol not really but maybe) 😭
MWFD: I’m also so sad for this fictional!Matty too :(. I’m happy he’s decided to work on self healing to be a good parent and I hope he can do it with George in his corner as well. I can’t wait for the other guys in the story to come back hopefully and everyone talks and everyone is happy (if that’s the path this story takes) I just wanna say again that I love this fic sm and I had never read mpreg before because I never thought it would be something I was into. Soooo infinite kudos to you for writing this I’m so glad I found it!!!
Talk shop Tuesday!
What’s does Infection!Verse George and Mattys wedding look like? Do they elope and have it be private and quick? Did they go all out and have a wedding? How would that work w the best man situation? Who asked Ross and who asked Adam to be their bestmans?
Which side of the bed do your George and Matties sleep on?
AHHH Hello My Dearest Smoothie Anon!! As always it is an absolute joy to hear from you!! I'm sorry to hear that today was a struggle 😭 I think I would actually cry if my Celsius stopped working... with how early I have to wake up to ride Pop before it gets too hot it is sometimes the only thing getting me through the day 😭 I hope tomorrow is better!!
ATKH: Poor Fictional!Matty he really tried his best and just couldn't get a break. He's trying SO HARD at the show, he doesn't want to disappoint anyone but he really is crumbling emotionally and physically. He's hit his breaking point and even though it's absolutely destroying him, horses are expensive and he doesn't know what else to do - Sally deserves more than he can provide at the moment and he needs to go crawl back to his father and regroup LOL sometimes I wonder if I should write a few one shots / a prequel of this universe from Fictional!Matty's POV but I know this fic is super niche so the fact that anyone is reading it in the first place is wild to me (and I feel like I can only have one super niche self indulgent fic at a time and em... I have another one of those in the works...) BUT AH Fictional!George is flying to Canada, we will see how Fictional!Matty feels about his arrival...
Ducklings: AHHH thank you so much for giving this fic a chance, especially if mpreg isn't your usual thing! Hey, Fictional!Matty might be really sad at the moment BUT at this point it can only go up from here right? Everyone knows now... which means Fictional!Matty (and everyone else...) can focus on healing! It's really gotten away form me and has turned into much more of a beast than anticipated and I'm so grateful for everyone that has stuck with it (and me!!) I hope you continue to enjoy how it all unfolds!
Talk Shop Tuesday: They have a small wedding, close friends and family (minus most of Fictional!George's family) only! It was very them. Fictional!Matty was slightly hungover after getting drunk the night before and showing up at Fictional!George's hotel room door sobbing that Fictional!George needs to leave while he still can, before it becomes official. Fictional!George obviously just tucks Fictional!Matty into bed because he's never leaving Fictional!Matty again if he can help it. Fictional!Hann originally stood with Fictional!Matty and Fictional!Ross originally stood with Fictional!George but because this is a fictional wedding and rules don't have to apply they switched halfway through. WOW this is making me really want to write the wedding oneshot...
I feel like I answered this already before a while ago but I can't find it or remember what I said 💀 BUT they don't necessarily have *sides* but rather Fictional!George sleeps closest to the door so that if someone where to break in he would be in the way to protect fictional!Matty. Fictional!Matty doesn't realize THAT'S why fictional!George always insists on sleeping closest to the door... he thought it was so he couldn't sneak out.
Thank you SO MUCH for sending me this ask, and for reading and for the continued support and being so all around wonderful!! I always smile so wide when I see you in my inbox!! I'm so grateful that you take the time out of your day to not only read my fics but to send me these kind of wonderful asks, just thank you SO MUCH. I hope the rest of your week goes better than today did, and that you're able to get some rest!
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hettiesworld · 2 years
Name of fic: Sacrifice
Pairing: Mike McLusky x OMC (Jacob)
Plot summary: Jacob Stevens used to work for Milo Sunter and was known as the Winter Soldier. When Mike finds him on a farm to help him capture Milo. When he agrees to it, he finds Iris who he used to guard her when she was working. Throughout this stressful situation, Jacob develops feelings for Mike. What will happen when Milo meets Jacob again?
Faceclaim for Jacob: Pedro Pascal
Word count: 4.5k 
Warnings: Strong language, sexual content, smut, potential spoilers for Mayor of Kingstown season 2, trigger warnings for just about everything…
Author’s note: The title of this fic is inspired by the song Sacrifice by The Weeknd. I just watched the first 2 episodes and they are SO good! Can’t wait for the rest of them. I feel like Mike is at least bisexual and his relationship with Iris is NOT going to turn out romantic at all. Mike and Evelyn however? They will do. Anyways I had Mike get with a male OC, so I hope you will enjoy this fic!
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Kingstown was a small town, but with a high crime rate. Everybody wanted to get out, but had a hard time doing that. Was it because they were scared?
That’s what Jacob thought.
He was currently on the outskirts of Kingstown, where he was on a farm. He loved horseback riding, so whenever he had the chance, he would escape the town and do what he loved. Even though, drawing and painting was also what he loved, it was his job. 
And he needed to escape that too.
He was putting away his favourite horse, Buttercup –which is what he called it– until he heard the sound of a car pulling up on the muddy path. He didn’t recognise the model of the car or the number plate on it either.
“What the-?” He mumbled to himself as he closed the stable door behind him.
His dark brown eyes stared at the guy, who was getting out of the drivers seat. The man was wearing a navy-coloured suit with dark sunglasses. He had dark brown hair that was quite short. Jacob didn’t see the colour of his eyes.
“Can I help you?” He called out to the man as he slowly walked over to him.
“Yes… are you Jacob Stevens?” The man replied.
“Perhaps. Who’s asking?”
The person then took off his sunglasses and put them in his pocket.
His eyes were grey, he just realised.
“The name’s Mike McLusky. I help keep the peace in this town.” The guy – who he now knew was named Mike – said to him, putting his hands in his pockets.  “I heard you used to work with Milo Sunter?”
“Yeah… what is it to you?” He muttered.
Mike sighed as he put his hands in his trouser pockets.
“Look. There is chaos inside and outside of the prison. Of course I don’t blame the gangs for what is happening-” Mike started to explain.
Jacob raised an eyebrow at him.
“Okay that’s false, but I do need your help.” Mike finished his explanation.
“If it’s to do with Milo, count me out. I’m not dealing with that fuckin’ bastard.” Jacob exhaled. Milo was a dick, he would say to himself every single day of working with him. It felt like he was working for him and not working with him.
“I know about your father, Brody. He’s currently in the male prison at the moment-” Jacob interrupted him.
“-not for much longer if the guards decide to torture everyone in there for fuck all.”
Mike hesitated his words as he looked at his surroundings, licking his lips. Jacob’s eyes following the movement of Mike’s tongue. He was proudly gay, even though when he was younger, his father hated him revealing his sexuality. He would always say to his son, 
“You are never going to live in this town, with people thinking that you are gay. Bad people are going to attack you, physically, emotionally and mentally! You. Are. Going. To. Die. Here.” 
But now that he had grown up, he didn’t really care what everyone was thinking about him. He had the right skills, as an ex-assassin, to handle anyone that gets in his way. And was this Mike guy making him fall in love with him?
He wasn’t sure yet.
“Okay, fuck. Look, I’ll cut you a deal.” Mike sighed.
“What deal?” Jacob crossed his arms as he looked at him.
“I’ll get the guards to stop all this shit. I have this plan in my head involving the leaders. That way I can protect your father in prison. In exchange, you can help me with Milo.” Mike explained.
All that Jacob could do was laugh. He shook his head as he noticed Mike raising his eyebrows at him.
“You really think I give a shit about my father after everything he has done to my life?” Jacob retorted, gesturing with his hands. He then took a flask out of his jacket pocket and twisting the lid off of it, sipping it. Inside of the flask was whiskey.
It was his guilty alcoholic drink. It was only 12 in the afternoon so he was technically allowed to drink.
“He was a disgrace of a father. I don’t care if he fucking gets murdered in that shithole.”
“What was he in for exactly?” Mike asked him.
Jacob chuckled silently. It was ironic how and why his father was in prison.
“You won’t believe it…” He smirked to himself.
“Try me.”
“...sexual assault of a minor. And the minor was a 13 year old boy.”
Jacob saw Mike’s eyes open wide as he exhaled with the information that Jacob just gave him. 
“Shit. Wow.” Is all that Mike could say as he licked his lips again. Jacob’s eyes was again following the movement of Mike’s tongue yet again. He couldn’t help it. “Is there… anything else I can do then?” Mike asked him.
Jacob hesitated for a moment.
If Mike’s idea was to put Milo away for good, maybe he could help him. All Jacob saw was Mike sighing and walking away. This was the only opportunity to take revenge on the second man who ruined his life.
“Wait!” He called out to Mike. He then saw Mike turn back around and just stand in his new spot.
“What?” Mike replied, sighing.
“I’ll help you, okay?” 
Mike just chuckled and shook his head. “Okay then.” He then walked back towards Jacob and took out a business card. His assistant probably made them to gain more customers. Mike exhaled quickly as Jacob just stared at him.
“My… business card. So you know where my office is.” Mike cleared his throat.
“Mh-hm.” Jacob hummed as he took the card out of Mike’s left hand. “Got it.”
Jacob arrived at Mike’s new office on his motorbike. He put it on standby as he stopped the engine and climbed off of the vehicle. He then walked through the front door and his eyes were on the woman behind a desk. She had black hair and unmistakably round eyes.
“Hi? Are you here for an appointment with Mike?” She asked him.
Jacob exhaled, putting his hands on his hips.
“Uh– I don’t really have an appointment with him…” Jacob was about to explain until Mike came out of his office.
“Rebecca, it’s fine. He’s helping me with the Milo situation.” Mike acknowledged, nodding at Jacob.
“Uh, okay that’s fine. Well Mike, you’re done for the day.” Rebecca said to him.
Mike just nodded.
“Don’t worry, I’ll lock up the office when I’m done.” Mike reassured her. “Go. I’ll take care of this okay?”
Rebecca just nodded as she gathered up her things and headed for the door. That left Mike and Jacob alone in the waiting room. Jacob then watched as Mike wandered to his office and he couldn’t stop staring at his ass as Mike walked away.
He had to admit that Mike did have a great ass.
Jacob eventually got out of his daydream and slowly followed Mike to his office. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he then saw the very woman he was not expecting to see.
“Iris? What the fuck are you doing here?” Jacob exclaimed.
Iris’s eyes widen as she got up from Mike’s sofa and stood there, frozen as hell. She couldn’t believe who was in the same room as her.
“Jacob?” Is all that she could say.
Mike was standing on the other side of the office, confused as to the situation that was happening in front of him.
“How do you know each other?” Mike asked the both of them.
“Milo.” Both Iris and Jacob said together; Iris in her Southern accent and Jacob in his Spanish accent.
Mike sighed. “Of course it’s Milo.” 
“How-how have you been?” Jacob asked Iris.
“I should ask you the same thing.” Iris retorted. “How have you escaped him?” She asked him.
“I haven’t. He still thinks I’m with that Joseph bastard and protecting you. But of course, what he doesn’t know, is that I haven’t seen you since you went to New York.” He said to Iris.
Iris just nodded.
“You were her… bodyguard?” Mike asked Jacob.
“I guess you can say that.” He shrugged.
Mike went over to the coffee jug and poured himself a cup of coffee. He then sipped it and went over to his desk, sitting at it.
“Okay then. Iris, I would suggest going somewhere safe. Me and Jacob will handle this. I have a plan.” He would say, but of course Iris would defend herself.
“I don’t need protection Mike. Don’t take me to Witness Protection again!” Iris said to Mike.
“Iris… you remember my brother Jonathan?” Jacob would chime into the ‘argument’ as he saw Mike sigh, putting his head in his hands.
“Hmm… yeah I do. Why?”
“If you want, you can go visit him. Milo doesn’t know him, I’m assuming Mike took the tracker out of you, right?” Jacob asked her, to which Iris nodded.
Mike’s head perked up from his hands, quite interested in Iris and Jacob’s conversation.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother-”
“Iris. Milo is a dickhead, you know that. You will be safe with Jonathan, okay? And don’t get any ideas of escaping.” Jacob told her.
“...okay.” Iris mumbled under her breath.
After Jacob sent Iris to his brother’s Jonathan’s house, which was on the outskirts of Kingstown, Jacob and Mike were standing nearby Mike’s car and Jacob’s motorbike. They were both parked in the car park, just outside of Mike’s office.
“So what should we do first?” Jacob asked him.
“Well, I gotta go and see Bunny and tell him the plan.” Mike said to Jacob.
“Bunny? You mean the leader of the Crips? What is your idea exactly?” Jacob crossed his arms and leaned against his motorbike, his helmet on the handlebars.
“I’m putting every single gang leader in the Kingstown prison. The chaos outside the place is influenced by the chaos inside of the place. They need to regroup and pick new leaders.” 
“Are you fucking insane? What the hell are you trying to do here? What if they all get killed in there?” Jacob shouted at him.
“Do you have a better idea?” Mike retorted.
Jacob sighed as he put his hands on his hips, shaking his head.
“I guess not, but-”
“Okay good. It’s getting late. We should… stay in the same place tonight so we can talk about how we’re going to do this in the morning.” Mike suggested. “If you keep your motorbike here, you can carpool with me to Bunny’s place and then to the cabin.”
“Are you sure it’s safe here?” Jacob said.
“Yeah don’t worry.”
Jacob just nodded as he walked up to Mike’s car. They both jumped into his car; Jacob in the front passenger seat and Mike in the drivers seat, and they both drove to Bunny’s new territory.
They both got out of the car and they walked toward the abandoned dry cleaners. Mike then knocked on the garage door and one of Bunny’s gang members let them both through, much to Mike’s surprise.
They got up to the rooftop and saw Bunny sitting on the edge of the balanced roof.
“Bunny.” Mike called out to him. The guy got up and nodded at Mike. He then saw Jacob and was surprised at seeing him. He hasn’t seen him since he asked Jacob for a self-portrait of himself.
“Mike. Jacob.” Bunny faltered on his words.
“Hey Bunny. Haven’t seen you for a while.”
Bunny went over to Jacob and pulling him into a handshake, then giving him a hug.
“You too. So Mike, what are you doing here man?” Bunny asked Mike.
“I have an idea. It’s a bold move, but it’s the only idea that might work.” Mike explained to Bunny.
Bunny crossed his arms as Mike explained to him the idea that he said to Jacob. Jacob just stood there as Mike finished explaining his idea and then Bunny getting a bit agitated at it.
“Mike. What are you trying to fucking do to me, man?” Bunny snapped at him, nearly pressing a finger against Mike’s chest.
“I’m giving Kingstown a chance Bunny! There is people getting killed every single minute and I don’t want this to happen any more!” Mike shouted back at Bunny.
“And you think putting me in a fucking prison is going to do anything?”
 “If there are new leaders inside of the prison, there’s gonna be peace outside. The prisoners won’t be killed every single day by the guards. And I won’t stand by that. Do you have any other idea other than that?” Mike asked him, still a bit taken aback from Bunny’s reaction.
Jacob decided to intervene and placed both hands on Mike’s shoulders. “Mike, just calm down. Let him take this idea into his head for a moment.”
Mike just sighed, slowly calming down and sighing.
“Bunny. I was against this idea as well. I don’t want you to get killed in there. But Mike might be right. This is might be the only chance of bringing peace here in this shitty little town.” Jacob calmly explained to Bunny.
Bunny considered Jacob’s words and sighed slowly.
“Fine. But if I’m in the shit, you’re done for.” Bunny pointed at Mike as Mike walked away, opening the rooftop door and making his way downstairs.
“Yeah, yeah…” Mike trailed off as he walked off. “I’ll send you details okay?”
“Fuck you Mike!” 
Jacob just nodded as he followed Mike.
Once back in the car, Mike’s hands were on the steering wheel. Jacob was looking out of the window at the beautiful scenery outside. Of course, just like the farm, Mike’s cabin was on the outskirts of the town. 
So before they came up to the steep hill, Mike sent some messages to Bunny and the police department about the idea he had.
“Why are you texting them back now? Why don’t you wait until you get to your cabin?” Jacob asked him.
“You’ll see.”
Mike just smirked at Jacob as the car went up the hill. Mike pointed at his phone, nodding at it. Jacob’s brown eyes as he looked over at Mike’s phone.
“Keep an eye on the signal.” Mike simply said.
Just then, the signal went from full bars to none. There was no signal whatsoever.
Jacob began to chuckle under his breath. “No signal huh?”
“Nope. Won’t get any messages until we go over the hill again, back into Kingstown. So we can get some peace and quiet.”
“Finally some fucking peace and quiet from the chaos in this town…” Jacob mumbled.
“Agreed.” Mike finally chuckled softly as he turned the corner to the dirt path, leading to his cabin. “Definitely fucking agree with you there.”
As they arrived at the cabin, they had a few moments to settle down. Mike asked Jacob to go out and get some firewood. Jacob did just that and came back to see Mike, smoking on the deck outside of his cabin. He was still in his suit and was leaning against a wooden pillar. He also had a glass of something liquid in his other hand.
Jacob was wearing a lumberjack top –which was red, green, white and black colours in a tartan pattern – with tight denim jeans, thick winter boots and gloves that he wore to chop down wood. His sleeves were rolled up as he was carrying at least 4-5 big logs in his arms. Once he got to Mike, he placed the logs down on the ground and sighed, wiping his head from the sweat.
He noticed Mike was staring at him and he thought to himself, ‘Was he checking me out or…?’  Nah. Why would this handsome 50-something year old man fall for a 32 year old man who used to be a silent but deadly assassin for Milo Sunter and now is a freelance artist, who is willing to forget about that experience?
“Jacob. Can I ask something?” Mike said as he sat down on the nearby chair.
“Yeah sure.”
“What were you doing when you were working for him?” Mike asked him, Jacob knowing he was on about Milo.
He just sighed as he dropped down to sit next to Mike, on the deck.
“I was an assassin. Killing people for him. The silent but deadly type. I specialised in firearms and hand-to-hand combat. I was also known as the Winter Soldier, cause of my amazing talent of fighting.” Jacob began to explain. “My main duty was protect Iris. But once she went to New York, I decided to not to follow her. I stayed here, not letting Milo know where I was, hiding out in the farm you met me in.”
“Did he put a tracker in you?” Mike asked him.
“No. He trusted me enough not to do that. So he didn’t have no idea that I was still in Kingstown… wish I could leave this place, but- I feel like I can’t.”
“Why can’t you?”
“I feel like I’m trapped here…” Jacob trailed off before looking up at Mike. “What about you? Are you stuck here?” 
Mike just shook his head.
“I guess so? I was going to do a cooking class in Wyoming until all hell broke loose. My mother isn’t very proud of me. I had to take over my brother’s job after he got shot by one of Milo’s thugs.”
“I heard. I’m sorry for your loss. Milo shouldn’t have done that.” Jacob said sadly, looking down at his hands, that were fidgeting with each other.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.”
Jacob then also shook his head.
“No, no. Mitch shouldn’t have been killed by that fucking bastard. If I was there, I would’ve killed that guy who killed your brother. I would’ve been in that prison for life for that, but I wouldn’t have cared-” Jacob explained to Mike.
“-and I wouldn’t have let you.”
Jacob was surprised at Mike’s words. “What?”
“I wouldn’t have let you. Don’t think Mitch would’ve let you either.” Mike admitted to him. “I was… upset that he got shot, but this would’ve happen either way.”
Jacob just nodded.
A few moments later, they were both in the cabin. Mike was sitting on the bed whilst Jacob was in the bathroom, standing in the shower. Mike took off his suit jacket, tie and white tight Oxford shirt, leaving a loose white tee. He also took off his shoes as well.
Mike then got up and leaned against the doorway between the bathroom and the bedroom, of course he wasn’t looking at Jacob’s naked form.
“You okay?” Jacob heard Mike’s deep voice as he scrubbed himself with a loofah and some mint body wash.
“Yeah. It’s been a while since I’ve had a shower. I normally have baths back at my place.” Jacob acknowledged.
Mike just hummed. “Do you want any tea?” He asked him.
Mike nodded, even though Jacob couldn’t see it, and went into the kitchen to make some cinnamon tea for the both of them. Afterwards, he grabbed both cups and paused as soon as he got to the bathroom. He then cleared his throat to try and get Jacob’s attention.
“I got your tea. You decent?” Mike asked him.
“It’s fine Mike. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before, right?” Jacob chuckled softly. “You can come in.”
Jacob watched as Mike slowly walked into the bathroom and placed down Jacob’s cup of tea on a nearby counter. He kept his own cup in his own hands as he sipped it gently before placing it down next to Jacob’s. 
Mike realised that he could see all of Jacob’s naked body and visibly gulped at the thought of what he could do with that body.
“Thanks.” Jacob slightly smiled at Mike. “Is that… cinnamon?”
“Mh-hm. You like cinnamon?”
“I love it.”
Mike smiled at Jacob before sitting on the toilet seat, which was directly opposite the shower. 
“Am I sleeping on the couch or..?” Jacob finally said after a moment.
“If you want. We’re both grown men. We can share the same bed without it getting awkward.” Mike responded.
Jacob just stared at him, slightly smirking and tried to splash Mike with the water.
Mike didn’t get splashed with any water but chuckled at the failed attempt. 
“You don’t want to start that darling, seriously.” He beamed at Jacob. “I just suggested that, that’s all.”
Jacob slightly blushed at the nickname that Mike had given him, especially in his American accent. “And I asked if I should sleep on the couch cause I don’t think I can contain myself in that king-sized bed of yours.”
The light-haired man noticed the dark-haired man staring at him. Was it lust in those blue-grey eyes? Jacob didn’t know, but he did watch Mike get up from his seat and walk over to him. He then went in the shower, standing underneath the shower head, getting his hair, shirt and trousers wet.
“Of course… unless you want to make it awkward- that was a bad pickup line, I’m sorry.” Mike laughed, closing his eyes and shaking his head. He wasn’t really expecting Jacob to laugh as well. 
Mike then felt a hand on his face. His face was slightly bruised after the last conflict he had. Apparently, it was still kinda there. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Jacob’s hand on his left cheek. His thumb was caressing the place where his bruise was.
“That was awkward, but… you tried your best I guess.” Jacob chuckled. “Where’s this bruise from?” He then asked him softly as his Spanish accent was as clear as day.
“You heard about the riot in the prison that happened recently, right?” Mike told him.
“Of course.”
“I guess it was from that. Or… I don’t know. Don’t know where it’s from, to be honest.” Mike shrugged his shoulders. “It just stayed there.”
Jacob slightly smiled as he kept caressing his bruised cheek as his brown eyes stared into Mike’s blue-grey ones. 
“I don’t know how you’re gonna react with what I’m going to do here, but hopefully you’re not gonna punch me or anything like that.”
Mike raised his eyebrow confusingly as he looked at Jacob.
Jacob took a deep breath before deciding to move closer towards Mike, placing his other hand on his other cheek. It looked like Mike wasn’t moving away anytime soon, so Jacob then went for it. His lips brushed Mike’s; softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale Mike’s breath. 
It felt like Mike enjoyed it. He had kissed men before, or he kissed women like this before.
Of course Jacob wasn’t expecting Mike’s lips mashing against his, as if he was trying to flatten and destroy it. Jacob hungrily pushed back, his mouth open. The bristles of Jacob’s goatee scratched against Mike’s soft cheeks. Mike gripped his head firmly, as if to keep him from escaping. He worked Jacob’s mouth against his, their tongues battling back and forth like wrestlers, each trying to pin the other.
They both pulled away, breathing heavily as they looked at each other.
“I-I didn’t know that you were…” Jacob hesitantly said to Mike.
“Well, you never ask, did you?” Mike smirked at him.
“I guess so.” 
Jacob chuckled. He felt Mike’s hands still on his face. He blushed as he also felt his thumb on his bottom lip, stroking it softly.
“Does this mean-?” Jacob murmured to himself.
Mike only hesitated a second before taking off his trousers and boxers. He didn’t even bother to take off his short-sleeved t-shirt. He then went closer to Jacob, feeling his erection and pressing their lips together.
Jacob found the hem of Mike’s shirt and clumsily pulled off his shirt, and somehow it came off. 
Mike’s skin was extra sensitive everywhere; he felt everything. The smooth texture of the warm water against his back. The pressure of Jacob’s hand on his knee as he pushed his legs open, Jacob’s breath on his neck before he kissed him there, tonguing and sucking gently.
Mike moaned and pushed Jacob against the shower wall, trying to brush their cocks together. “Fuck sweetheart...” He muttered under his breath. “You should know who’s the dominant one in this relationship.” Mike told him.
That made Jacob froze for a moment. 
Relationship? Mike thought they were in a relationship with each other?
He wouldn’t expect Mike to turn things around and flip Jacob onto his front. Mike took Jacob’s wrists and pinned them above his head. “Keep them there darling, okay?” He whispered in Jacob’s ear as he placed the tip against Jacob’s hole. When it breached him, Jacob let out a gasp of pain.
“Jacob, sweetheart, you okay?” Mike asked him.
“Mhm. It’s okay. Keep going.” He shuddered.
Mike began slowly pushing himself inside. His hand gripped Jacob’s hips as his cock went deeper. Sensing Jacob’s tension, he began to remove himself just as gently.
“Don’t worry darling, I just want you to enjoy this.”
“Maybe I do, but I don’t mind you being dominant.”
Mike smirked as he slowly rocked in and out of him. He heard Jacob’s moans turning into screams of pleasure, causing him to speed up. He felt Mike’s balls hit his ass with every deep thrust he delivered. He then began to kiss Jacob’s neck, putting his dominant left hand on Jacob’s wrists.
“Mike!” Jacob called out.
“That’s not my name sweetheart. What’s my name?” Mike said to him.
“That’s better sweetheart. There it is!”
Mike heard Jacob shakily gasp behind him. He continued thrusting, making sure to hit that one spot. Jacob’s skin prickled as his head began fuzzing out. He felt a hand wrap itself around his dick. The arm around his throat tightened until Jacob was gasping.
“Sir,” The arm around his throat moved to push him all the way down his dick as both hands gripped his hips. Mike’s rough thrusts became more erratic.
Jacob felt the warmth of Mike’s cum spill inside him.
“Fuck…” Jacob sighed as he felt Mike’s dick leave him. He heard his breathing as he turned around to look at Mike. “I was- not expecting that so soon.”
“You liked it though, right?” Mike smirked.
Jacob just laughed. “I guess you can say that. But my legs are killing me…”
“From the sex or from standing up in the shower the whole time?”
Jacob didn’t answer that question as he got out of the shower, slapping Mike’s ass on the way. All he said was “yeah” to him, making Mike smile to himself and chuckling softly as he turned off the shower and got out, closing the glass door behind him. 
He looked over at Jacob, who was in his bedroom, putting one of Mike’s shirts on. It was quite tight, but it didn’t cover Jacob’s dick. Mike’s own dick twitched at the sight of him in his shirt, basically naked.
“Fuck sweetheart, you’re doing things to me you cannot believe.” Mike mumbled, to which Jacob actually heard and smirked a little.
Jacob then sat on the bed, leaning back slightly on his hands. His legs were wide open and he smiled at Mike. “What are you waiting for? I don’t mind doing a round two, Mr McLusky.” 
@navybrat817 @yavanna80 @cavillanche @pegasusdragontiger @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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blizzardsuplex · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @sublightsleeper <3 Answers under the cut!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? That I claim as Mel? 10. In total? 18.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 88,469.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Exclusively wrestling that I claim on here, but I've also written for comic fandoms, a single Fire Emblem: Awakening gift fic, and...other things I'd rather not name.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1.) Moon Knight fanfic 2.) be my sunshine and sing (Max^2) 3.) Embarrassing fandom fic 4.) another embarrassing fandom fic 5.) mad that I gave half the day to last night (also Max^2)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do respond to comments - or try to, at least! Sometimes I just don't know what to say LOL
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Either when your prized possessions start to weigh you down OR i'm no good, I'm here for lust. Pick and choose between "cheating on each other with your respective exes but probably not going to leave with them permanently either" and "fellas, is it an asshole move to leave the guy who just sucked your dick to escape a genius loci?"
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Either mad that... (where Caster successfully gave the other Max his gift) or make those rainbows in my mind (because it was literally written to be non kayfabe compliant fluffy goodness).
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not yet. I hope I never have to.
9. Do you write smut? Very tentatively.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I've only written one crossover. It's a comic book fandom one crossing Stephanie Brown from the Batfam with a very specific Marvel Z-lister. Never finished it but it was fun while it lasted!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nah.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hell yeah I have #PBPRPexperience - I in fact literally just posted one a few days ago with @spaghettisaurusrex (grown on the edge of the ocean)!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Hmm. In fandom? IDK if I have an all-timer, TBH. I write a lot of shippy stuff but...
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There was this MK fanfic I had a great idea for that never got past chapter one. Oops. Wrestling-wise I only have two, but they're definitely both things I'd love to pick up in the future: angels scream, searching for some love and understanding and heat it up (never live it down).
16. What are your writing strengths? I have no idea. Once an RP partner told me my sentences are like puzzles/gifts you have to unwrap with delicacy but not with difficulty, so I guess that! I also enjoy really getting into the POV character/s' heads and psyches so I'd hope that my attention to detail re: the narration feeling like a specific person is good.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing things, or its inverse of trying to push too hard to finish a work and getting burnout. Stringing events together in a way that doesn't feel uneven or abrupt in its transitions is also something I struggle with.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Usually do italics translations, but if I ever have the chance to slip Tagalog in I would! :)
19. First fandom you wrote for? Warrior Cats, baby!
20. Favorite fic you've written? Can't choose, really. I really like the MK fic, grown/the collaborative fairy tale AU, prized possessions, and the dark horse pick of never been so divine in accepting your defeat.
I tag El, @shes-a-voodoo-child, @limbreaper, @scissormedaddyass, and @pleasantpastels!
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silkythewriter · 2 years
Hi! Just saw your requests are open and that you write for BoJack! Could you write some romantic hcs for Flip? I know he's a bad character but he kinda..
🎭romantic Hc for Flip📺
Summary: romantic Hc for Flip!
 category: Angst? I’m not really sure how to describe this one
Fandom: Bojack horse man
Daily song suggestion:
Hi! Thank you for requesting anon! I’m sorry if this isn’t very romantic, since they made him a bad character on purpose so he might not be the best boyfriend material so yea it was a bit hard to make
Also I don’t remember him much so sorry about that 🧑‍🦯
Sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes and if he’s OOC!
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Don’t disagree with him on something, as shown on Ep.1 season 5 he doesn’t really take criticism well and will probably just dismiss you but he is still caring of your your words a bit at least and will take it into consideration but most likely not listen to it
He has a passion for the shows he’s creating so he most likely loves talking about his ideas for it and his brainstorming ideas
Sometimes he spends hours on end just thinking of idea for shows or current shows he’s working on so it kinda concerns you
Sometimes he’ll let you join on set when their filming a movie, you can talk to the crew or actors and just chill out really!
He’s really soft spoken sometimes like he talks low so sometimes you gotta ask him to repeat cause you can’t hear him-
Loves when you praise his works or take his side when one of the actors complain I mean he’s right at the time why wouldn’t you? At least that’s what he likes to think
I feel like he doesn’t do good in social settings other then movie sets cause he cat control what people do or say so you’ll have to do most of the talking most likely
He’s one of those guys who doesn’t trust the government so good luck with that
You probably have to defend the girls in the movie sets even if your a guy non-binary, or a woman your self ( or all whatever pronouns you go with ) because he kinda treats them sucky and he only really listens to you
You guys pull all nighters together while he works on stuff and you just chill or help him with something if he asks
Overall a very interesting character? Not the best but I mean he try’s
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This was an interesting request but fun either way! As I said sorry if it’s not very romantic but I still hope you enjoy!
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Ok, no one asked, but here are my thoughts / impressions of the DWTS 32 cast, and I’m going to be honest, I had to google more people on this cast than any other season before so 😬:
Excited for:
Ariana Madix: I am obsessed with all things Bravo and the #Scandoval was literally my entire life for about for 4 months. She has dance and performing experience, and I think she’s going to be really good. Plus, having Pasha as a pro, the choreography he is going to give her 😍 (not to be morbid, but this is actually the couple I’m most sad that Len won’t get to see 😢)
Alyson Hannigan: I was a Buffy fan and loved HIMYM (until that god awful finale 🤮) so I am so happy (but very surprised tbh) to see her on the cast. Idk how much of a natural mover she’ll be, but I think she’s going to have a really great attitude and just enjoy the experience. I am expecting typical Sasha so…yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️
Jason Mraz: I’m mostly excited for him because he’s with Daniella tbh 😂 she always does such great work with her partners and is able to pull the very best out of them. I can see him being a good performer and them being a very strong team. Also, yay to new mommy, Daniella! 💗
Mira Sorvino: Romy! I know she has had a rough time (fuck you H*rvey W*instein🖕🏻) and I hope this journey brings her happiness and joy and she sees how much support she has and why, oh why did they have to partner her with Gleb 😩
Intrigued by:
Tyson Beckford: Wow. He is 😍 isn’t he? And apparently his only dance experience is a guest performance with Chippendales (shocking 😂) which will be interesting because we all know how Jenna is as a teacher 😬. I predict a lot of shirts being taken off 🙄 (but also 😏) And again, yay to new mommy, Jenna! 💗
Matt Walsh: Seen him guest star on almost every sitcom ever 😂 and I see his trajectory going one of two ways: he’s terrible and voted out early, or he’s the lovable guy the GP falls in love with because of his dedication and journey. He’s either low hanging fruit or a dark horse and with Koko as his partner, I would lean towards dark horse.
Mauricio Umansky: So…(separated?) husbands of Real Housewives are stars now? Whatever 🙄 and honestly out of all the House Husbands, I am unbelievably grateful this is the one they chose. (istg if it was any of those misogynistic animals from RHONJ, I would not have watched this season) but anyway, I think he’ll work hard but not take it too seriously (not in a bad way) and he’ll have fun with it. Plus, it will be a cold day in hell before I don’t support Emma Slater. And aren’t they both single? 😏 I want an entanglement in the ballroom! 😂
Barry Williams: I’m only intrigued because we’ll probably get some sweet Florence Henderson mentions / memories because of him 😢. And Peta is definitely the designated first out partner atp. But it probably works for her so 🤷🏻‍♀️ and yay to mommy x2 Peta! 💗
Have heard of them, but don’t know them:
Charity Lawson: I know she was the Bachelorette but other than that, I got nothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I always root for Artem, and he’s pretty consistent with his partners and choreography. That combined with Bachelor Nation, very possible they make the Finals unless she is absolutely, undeniably terrible (which I doubt) or if shenanigans happen
Xochitl Gomez: I’ve heard her name before, but I always thought she was a singer 🥴 my bad 😂 I haven’t watched anything Marvel related in almost two years, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’ll probably go far especially because of the Disney / ABC connection as well as Val being the most production assisted pro in DWTS history (sorry, but y’all know how I feel about Val 🤮 😂) but I do think she’s going to be fun to watch and actually be a good dancer, I just don’t have faith her partner will give her good choreography. We’ll see how (or if) that effects things (probably not)
Had absolutely no idea who they were:
Lele Pons: Influencer? I guess? She seems nice and I love how excited she is to be on the show. I think she’s going to be a lot of fun and maybe this can be a breakthrough season for Brandon🤞🏻
Harry Jowsey: Reality Star? Dating show? Youtuber? I have no idea tbh. And, not to go all Karen Smith, but if he’s British, why isn’t he on Strictly? 🤨 But very much looking forward to Rylee as a pro. I always enjoyed Lindsay as a teacher / choreographer, so let’s see if it runs in the family 😂
Adrian Peterson: I WISH I STILL DIDN’T KNOW WHO HE WAS. WTF 🤬 Poor Britt. To go from Daniel to this? The ultimate downgrade 😔
Don’t give one single fuck about:
Jamie Lynn Spears: I have made my feelings on this vile creature known 🤮 Apologies and best of luck to Alan (not really tho because I want her foul ass eliminated asap)
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I am going to try to write this fast so that I can go to sleep because I feel very unwell. I had fallen asleep and I want to go back to sleep very badly. Today was hard to get through. I hate how I am feeling.
And it made me really snippy today. I didn't like it. Last night James got home and we would go to sleep. I didnt sleep bad. But when my alarm went off I was not feeling great. My mouth felt raw. And after talking to the nurse's they believe it is an allergic reaction. And then I just felt like I deteriorated throughout the day.
I thought food would help me. So after I got washed and dressed, I left here and went to get breakfast. And while I enjoyed it it didnt really help as much as I hoped. I would continue to feel dehydrated and uncomfortable.
And I just had a very short temper. I was glad when I got to camp to find that my art building wasnt a mess but I already felt exhausted and putting away the materials that were used for color wars, and the paint Annabelle borrowed was already tough. I took a little walk but I was just to tired to edo much.
I would work on the beanie baby wreath mom had collected beanies for for me. And I am very pleased with it. And I would make my examples for the groups. I made a horse.
But my first group came and Freya, the counselor, really understood and knocked it out of the park with her sheep. And she would leave it with me to use as an example and I'm thrilled. She wants it back to give to her mom so I will do my best to keep it safe. But it's so good.
And everyonr today did really well. It wasn't perfect. Explaining the XYZ idea was tough at times. But overall they did really good.
The biggest issue was I felt bad and wanted to be anywhere but there.
I also had Louisia hanging out which was fine except I was having trouble chatting with her and working with my group. I had to get her to go do something else. I would send her with my wagon to find more cardboard. And she did such a good job, plus brought us chocolate bars. I felt bad that I had sent her away but I also didn't want to accidently snip at her so I needed the space.
I had brought soup for lunch. And was happy they had rolls at the salad bar. I sat with Celia and told her how bad I was feeling. And we decided I needed to go home ASAP. And lucky me there was no group 10 and so I was done at 315.
I would go to arts and crafts, after teasingly leaving my plate with Celia (I keep telling at everyone to clean up after themselves, she was like!! You are leaving a mess?? For me?? I was like yes!!! Taste of their own medicine!!), I went to lay down.
I was almost in tears laying in the dark. I was so tired. I felt miserable and very unwell. The little lay down helped at least keep me in one piece fory day camp group.
I was short with them at times. With all my groups. I just kept going "Jesus Christ guys" because they were getting on my fragile nerves. And I hate it because usually I have infinite patience. Not today. Today I just wanted everyone to go away. I tried my best to turn up the kindness but it was really tough when a little group of girls was being very mean to each other and then begging me to cut their pieces. I was helping them but they weren't listening and asking me for more and more and I finally was like. No. Ask someone else. There are 4 other counselors. Please. I had to go sit away for them because I was so frustrated with them being mean.
Eventually things calmed down. I helped the girl they werent being nice to. Everyone made good pieces. And then they left.
I went to the office to let them know how unwell I felt. And that's when I learned their were bad storms coming in and that daycamp was heading home early again. I was for sure getting out of there ASAP.
I also clowned on Chris for being old. He's not actually old but it was just so good. We were chatting about wedding gifts and how much they cost and he pipes up that his wedding w as only $3000 and I quickly said well that was in 1776 and you have to account for inflation and it was hilariously mean. He was like no!! I'm not that old!! I actually mean to joke 1976, no idea why 1776 was what I said but still hilarious.
Celia walked with me back to arts. And then it was time for my last group.
Bontkirchen was small and very sweet. Their councilor Maria was funny trying to ask to make a beach. I was like a beach? And she was like yes with the beads. I should point out English is not her primary language. So I'm I like with the beads? Bracelets? Weaving? No and no. So we go into the art building and she keeps telling me the thing with the beads!! And we go around and eventually I figured out she meant the mosaics from last week! And she did for sure make a beach scene with them but it was very funny sussing that out.
And her girls did good. And let me sit in the sun and knit and just enjoy their company.
Tyler came by and told.me he's getting his stuff charged before the storm. And how he also doesn't feel well. He didn't blame me going home.
Once the girls were packed up I took down the hammocks and brought everything inside. I closed up the building and headed out.
There was a lot of traffic on the way home. But I got back here around 4. I felt bad. I laid on the couch with James. I opened my mail. I got a book I'm looking forward too. But very soon we were heading out. I wanted to try to get dinner before the storm.
We went to Mathews. It's so nice to be a regular somewhere. The waitress is super nice. And she told us about the roofer who was sleeping (very drunk) on the sidewalk outside. We were all a little worried for him but she brought him some water. She said the other roofer he was with said to just leave him there. I was worried about him when the storm started.
But our dinner was good. Me and James started working on a list for projects for next summer based on some conversations with the groups and Louisia today. And I'm not committed to anything but I'm excited to already be thinking about it. We made a list and talked about that. Plus talked about camping and our evening.
It started it rain. And would get worse and worse. We left there and decided to stop to get donuts. But it was pouring. So when we finally got there after a slow drive across the city, we got very wet just walking inside.
But we got out donuts. And I got accidently hit with the door on the way out. But we were heading home.
When we got here I rushed inside because I was wet and cold. And would pretty quickly take a shower. James did a few chores and started painting their nails. And I fell asleep.
I woke up around 8 and still I feel bad. I am sitting in the bathtub because I thought it would keep me from being to distracted. And it did work. But I am very thirsty and very tired. I really hope I feel better tomorrow.
I hope that there wasn't so much scary tree damage at camp. I heard we were in storm location but the wind wasn't as bad in the city so it's hard for me to tell. Fingers crossed for just regular rain issues.
I hope tomorrow is a good day. And I can have a better day. I hope you all sleep well. Take care of yourself. And send me good vibes
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nancypullen · 1 year
De Fence
We did it! It’s finished! The weather was perfect and Pullen Construction got it done.  Okay, it was hardly a construction job, but it was quite a project.  But it’s finished and it’s pretty.  Pretty is important to me.  I can’t wait to do a little landscaping to dress it up.  
The mister did a wonderful job and I was a capable assistant.  We managed to mark spots for sinking posts and find every rock hard tree root at the same time.  Six inches left or right, no roots, but the spot where the post needed to go - petrified wood.  Still we persevered and got it done. 
Here’s droopy drawers at the beginning.
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and here he is when we finished!
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Isn’t it just the cutest little fence you’ve ever seen?
The yard slopes down toward the neighbor’s property line and thanks to his math-capable brain we kept it all even and not one bit wonky.  I’m amazed when stuff works. Those lovely shade trees back there actually belong to the town of Denton, though they’re happy for us to trim and pick up after them.  Inside the fence we’ll have our two Jane Magnolias and we’re considering a Dogwood way down at the right end of the fence.  We’ll see.  By the time I’m drawing Social Security it’s going to be gorgeous back there. I’m tempted to put some Lady Banks roses back there, but I really don’t want anything climbing on that fence that will look scraggly in the winter.  I may just plug in some pretty bunches of Black-eyed Susans.  That’s a start. That’s also the state flower of Maryland, so surely it would thrive.  I can’t help but think a pretty hydrangea would do well in that dappled light.  Hmmm.  I’ll probably peck away at it this summer, finding plants on the orphan table at Lowe’s.  It’ll happen. In other news, my dang Kentucky Derby pick has scratched!  Glad I hadn’t placed my bet already. Honestly, I think it was the universe nudging me to look deeper.  You guys, I always look for a gray horse.  If that doesn’t pan out, I look for a jockey in pink silks.  This year there’s a gray horse whose jockey is wearing pink.  Did the stars align for me? Maybe. I’ve placed my bet on Tapit Trice to win.  Cross your fingers. I’m due.  Mama needs to buy plants. I’m off to soak my weary bones and head for bed.  IT’s about to get really busy around here.  I need to make a grocery run because the Edgewater gang is coming for the weekend.  Originally they’d planned to come out so that Tyler could help Mickey get the fence up.  But I opened my big mouth and asked my husband, “Couldn’t the two of us do it?”  I really regretted that after he hit my toe with the post pounder thing.  So now they can come and just relax.  I never know what to cook when they’re here.  You’d think someone who enjoys cooking would just whip stuff out, but Jamie is a much better cook than I am and they eat amazing dinners all the time.  I look at my tried and true stuff and it seems pretty boring.  I’ll probably do a sheet pan supper one night - kielbasa sausage, taters, green beans, and a side of corn muffins.  For Derby Day I‘ll just make pulled pork in the slow cooker.  Add some good buns, maybe broccoli salad (should I do baked beans?) and a dessert, and we’re good.   Do you have a favorite recipe that feeds a crowd and is semi-healthy?  If so, send it to me! 
Okie dokie, I’m out.  If you need me I’ll be in a bubble bath. I hope things went your way today, if not, I hope it wasn’t too bad.  Have a cookie, watch a sweet show, paint your nails, read a good book.  Little things can turn a day around. Sending out loads of love.  Stay safe, stay well. XOXO - Nancy
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musicisforthesoul · 9 months
The "YEG" Experience (Summer 2023)
This is Part 1 of my 2023 Year-End Blog Series. Hope you enjoy the read! :)
Having visited Edmonton in the Winter of 2022, I was very eager to go back simply for the fact that there were just so many fond memories made the first time I was there. From all food adventures and starting a shared food IG account (which really needs to be updated since it be lacking food posts lately…), to the super fun (but often painful) attempts at learning how to downhill ski, cross-country ski, and skate, and everything else in-between, it was the definitive highlight of 2022 for me. While it was an eventual goal of mine to one-day come back, career goals and aspirations took precedence over planning a trip to Alberta. Since starting a Master of Financial Economics at the University of Western Ontario in the Fall of 2022, it has been a constant grind of studying, completing assignments, writing exams, preparing job application documents, applying for (co-op) jobs, networking, preparing for interviews… all for the hard work and preparation to end with a ‘thank you for your interest in this role, but we have moved on with other candidates… don’t forget to fill out this survey about your application experience!”.  As futile as it felt to painstakingly rinse and repeat the job application process, only to have 9 out of 10 of your applications get rejected, there will always be an opportunity out there. Even if it may be 1 interview out of 99 rejection letters, that 1 chance can be the golden ticket for you to achieve great things… so take the opportunities you get and prepare for them as if its your last.
Aside: Although this blog post was not meant to be some sort of inspirational TED Talk, may this small little tangent be a light of inspiration for those who are dealing with similar circumstances. Please remember to never give up and keep giving it your all! Your hard work and dedication will be rewarded 😊
The ‘one’ opportunity I had led me to a summer internship at a company based in Edmonton. Killing two birds with one stone, not only was this an opportunity to build my career, but it also gave me the opportunity to visit Alberta… this time, in the Summer. And so, this began my 4-week Alberta Adventure: Summer 2023 Edition.
Week 1: Calgary Stampede
The first week in Alberta started with a visit to Calgary to experience the Calgary Stampede. It definitely felt like a bigger, better, more extravagant version of the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE). The shows were quite nice to watch (such as the motorcross, dogs how, and miniature horse show) but I suppose the most interesting thing was seeing an EDM concert in the evening. I guess I can check-off seeing a bunch of attendees wearing cowboy/cowgirl attire vibing to techno music from my bucket list.
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Week 2: Banff
One thing to note whenever you plan to visit Banff National Park is to plan ahead, especially during peak times when kids are out of school or when families are booking their vacations. Case in point? Not having the foresight to book the reservations needed to visit Lake Louise and Moraine Lake… since personal vehicles are no longer allowed to visit Moraine Lake and parking is now super limited at Lake Louise (to preserve and protect the surrounding wildlife). Major major major shoutout to Jenny and Stephen (who will be mentioned a lot in this blog because they are the most amazing people ever) for dealing with my shenanigans and be willing to wake up at 3am to drive all the way from Calgary to Lake Louise so that I can at least see Lake Louise. You guys are truly the best <3
Day 1 was spent in Banff Town (or the Town of Banff), since we could not go to Lake Louise or Moraine Lake (since a reservation was needed and everything was already fully booked the day-of when checking for availability while trying to get into the national park). Nonetheless, it was still a fun experience to hike around Bow Falls, bask in the surroundings of Tunnel and Sulphur Mountain, and feeling like a tourist by buying good deals at the now-liquidated Hudson’s Bay in the town. The highlight of the day had to be relaxing in the Banff Upper Hot Springs after a day of hiking… Nothing feels better than relaxing in a natural hot spring after a tiring day. Definitely wished I could have experienced the hot spring in the Winter, but I guess all the more reason to come back again in the Winter!
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Day 2 was action-packed, starting at 3am with the hopes of getting one of the limited parking spots at Lake Louise. Despite arriving as early as 6am, we probably nabbed the 3rd or 4th available spot… so, if you ever decide to drive to Lake Louise, go early! (otherwise, you might be waiting a while for people to leave) Our efforts to beat the crowd was rewarded with a stunning view of Lake Louise during sunrise.
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In an attempt to find better views (and to enjoy the area while we were there), we decided to embark on a hike that was supposed to be somewhat quick, not too difficult, and would end with nice scenery to take pictures of. Instead, my small brain decided to take the trail that said “Louise” not knowing that it went the OPPOSITE DIRECTION of where Lake Louise was.
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A 3-hour, 6km hike in the wet marshes without hiking boots later… we were back to where we parked the car filled with as much regret as the amount of water that seeped through our shoes. Despite this blunder, we still ended up hiking the short but nice Fairview Lookout trail, where it gave a beautiful view of Lake Louise and the historic Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.
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Overall, ‘twas fun and rewarding visit to Banff National Park. Though the absence of snow may take away from the magical atmosphere of the Canadian Rockies, experiencing Banff in the Summer has its own unique charms filled with gorgeous sunsets and a plethora of fun and rewarding hikes.
Week 3: Chasing Summer
When Jenny had asked me a few months before my Alberta trip, whether I was interested in going to Chasing Summer, I didn’t even hesitate in my response. I simply said “Sure, I’m down” without even realizing what I was actually signing up for. Only after I got confirmation that tickets were bought and plans were being made, did I realize that I agreed to going to a 2-day EDM festival. Had I ever gone to rave before? Nope. Was I nervous about the experience? Not going to lie, yeah, I was a bit anxious. Do I have any regrets? Absolutely not. Would I do it all over again? Definitely.
Before the weekend of Chasing Summer, the rave crew got together to make kandi. Honestly, it was a fun night of making really unique and well-designed bracelets while also having the chance to get to know the people I would be raving with in a few days time. I really should’ve made more generic bracelets to actually give out since I swear, I put too much thought and effort that I felt obliged to keep most of the ones I made… the ‘SOJU’ one especially.
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At this point, I was still a little nervous leading up to the weekend of the rave, but at least I knew who I would be going with… and knowing that they’re super chill and quite fun to be around, I felt quite at ease.
No blog is complete without some food pics. Here are some pictures of sushi taken from Ari Sushi the evening before the festival:
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Day 1 of the festival arrives, and we all made our preparations. The theme of the day? Neon and black. After an hour or two of pre-drinking baijiu and vodka, we were ready to attend the festival.
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The lineup for Day 1 included the likes of ARMNHMR, Gryffin, James Hype and Tiësto (the headliner). From when the sun was up to when it set, the atmosphere was electric. It really felt like how I imagined an EDM festival would be: people screaming, dancing, vibing to each and ever single beat and bass drop. The pre-drinking really did help as I don’t know if I would’ve felt the same vibes if I didn’t feel some sort of buzz. It definitely helped that we somehow ended up near the stage which made it all the more intense to be vibing while being blasted by the music in full force. I feel like the amount of cardio I achieved from one day of raving was equivalent to the amount I would normally get in a week… just pure jumping and dancing in sea of ravers who were looking for a good time. With the completion of Chasing Summer Day 1, I felt thrilled to do it all-over again the second day.
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The theme for day 2 was Pastel and White. Compared to Day 1, I turned up my drinking game (since I opted out of doing weed or molly). In a 7-hour span, I left no opportunity to sober up as every chance I got, I chugged soju, Smirnoff Ice, or vodka, as if I was drinking water. It was probably smart not to chug the Baijiu since that thing burns you like any hard liquor would.
The second day was definitely a bigger blur for me given how particularly drunk and tipsy I was the entire time. Nonetheless, I know for sure that the vibes were at an all-time high with nobody slowing down even after an intense day 1. I probably can’t describe in words how amazing the experience was, but luckily the photos that were taken will hopefully suffice. As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”
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To cap off a weekend of raving, we visited an alpaca farm before heading home!
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What made this experience so incredibly memorable were the people I had the privilege of going with. To Jeremy, Amy, Josh, Jasmine, Johhny, Jenny, and Chuulie, thank you all for making my first-ever rave experience one that I’ll never forget. Feeding off all your energy and vibes, I had the time of my life dancing, screaming, and shouting to the electric lineup of ARMNHMR, Gryffin, Tiësto, and Zedd. Thank you for also being so kind and super fun. I know that I was simply a guy from Ontario who was ‘just visiting’ but you all made me feel included and for that, I’m eternally grateful. I hope that one day we can reunite, and you would allow me to join you guys again to dance and scream the night away at another rave/EDM festival. Miss you all <3
Week 4: Drumheller
The final week of my Alberta Adventures took me to Drumheller, the Dinosaur Capital of the World! Visiting the Royal Tyrrell Museum and the Hoodoos, it was stunning to see how pretty the landscape was despite being considered an area where things scarcely grow.
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As 2023 comes to a close and I reflect on the many great memories made this year (particularly during my trip to Alberta), I want to thank all the great friends that I was able to spend time with. To LJ, thank you for many sports talks and the one time we were able to play tennis… in the rain. To Jeremy and Amy, it was super nice to see you two again and thank you oh so much for the many fun memories! From being able to help out for the Delish Cup, to making kandi, to Chasing Summer and of course, the weeks of playing ultimate frisbee, a huge part of why my Alberta trip was amazing was because of you two! To Josh and Jasmine, thank you for being such kind-hearted souls and super fun people to be around! Playing ultimate frisbee and going to Chasing Summer will always be something I’ll cherish! To Johhny, thank you for your loveable energy and vibes and for making my first-ever rave experience one I’ll never forget (also thank you for keeping me alive when I was drunk out of my mind). Last but not least, to Jenny and Stephen, thank you so much for your amazing hospitality and the many great adventures we went on while I was in Alberta. Through all the good and sometimes not-so-good times, thank you for being such amazing amazing people. I hope to visit your new house one day!
With that, looking forward to what adventures await in 2024!
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metalandmagi · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Worth Watching!
Since 2020 basically sacrificed itself to give us the most stacked anime season of all time, I’m currently buried under the weight of almost 20 shows airing per week. So for anyone who’s looking for some anime to watch this winter, here’s some first impressions! I’m speed running my list this time by only talking about the new shows...because otherwise this would be my great American novel. 
If anyone’s interested, I have master lists for both 2020 anime and 2019 anime, because there’s no shortage of fun things to find. 
New Shows!
And before anyone asks, So I’m A Spider, So What? isn’t on here, because CG spiders freak me out.
Cells At Work Code Black: This...less comedic spin off of Cells At Work (made by a different studio) takes the wholesome concept of Osmosis Jones meets cute anime girls and turns it on its head. In this much more depressing version, we follow a rookie red blood cell who works in the body of an overly stressed, alcoholic smoker who puts every strain on the body imaginable. I love Red Blood Cell AA2153 and his co-workers, but man am I glad we get the regular Cells At Work airing this season too, because I need something fun and uplifting after seeing my sweet son go through hell every episode. 
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*Heaven’s Design Team: Have you ever wondered how God came up with some of the weird ass animals that live on this planet? Like, what’s the deal with giraffes? And why can’t we have dragons and flying horses? Well this is a comedy about the engineers and designers in heaven creating the new animals that are going to inhabit the Earth. That’s it, that’s the show. It’s kind of in the same vein as Cells At Work, having comedy blend with a surprising amount of educational information. If you want something light and funny, this is the show for you (though I don’t think it needs to have full length episodes). I’m just hoping there’s an episode about how the hell the platypus was created. Also it’s the only new one available on Crunchyroll.
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Horimiya: A romantic comedy about a girl named Hori who fits the image of a perfect queen bee and a quiet bespectacled boy named Miyamura who never makes an impression at school. When the two meet by chance outside of the classroom, we see that Hori is practically raising a younger brother by herself, and Miyamura is actually a sweet guy who happens to be covered in tattoos and piercings. This show is an exercise in breaking down the images people have of others in their minds, and it’s a concept that really hits home in a fun and meaningful way. Honestly, this has become one of my immediate favorites. The characters have great chemistry, and I can’t wait to see more of them!
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Monster Incidents (Kemono Jihen): When big shot Tokyo detective Inugami is called to a rural town to investigate a series of strange animal deaths, he finds a mysterious boy with the nickname Dorotabo who has been shunned by the other children in town. As the detective gets closer to Dorotabo, he discovers that there may be more...inhuman secrets to the boy than he realizes...and Dorotabo discovers that Inugami has some secrets of his own. This is a hard show to sell without spoiling the first episode, but it had twists and turns that kept me engaged from start to finish. I’m really interested to see where the plot goes, because I thought this was going to be something totally different just from the PV and series summary. If it plays its cards right, this could be a great paranormal detective show!
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Wonder Egg Priority: A psychological drama about a girl named Ai who starts having dreams about a mysterious egg that promises to give her what she wants most in the world...a true friend. Before long, she begins to see how the dream world and reality are tied together, and trippy antics ensue. It’s hard to say more without spoiling anything, but I had to go back and add this one in because I made the mistake of thinking it was an OVA when it’s actually a full series. And what a series it’s starting out to be. This anime has all the psychological discomfort of a Satoshi Kon product with the beauty and style of something from Kyoani (even though it’s made by Clover Works). It’s really one of those anime you just have to see to understand.
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Sk8-∞ (Skate the infinity): An original skateboarding anime from Bones, featuring a typical sports anime protagonist who takes a new transfer student who has never skateboarded in his life under his wing. Together they compete in dangerous races and take the skating community by storm. The character designs rival Appare Ranman’s in outlandish creativity, and I can smell the main characters’ ship dynamic a mile away (considering they’re exactly the same as the protagonists from Robihachi). If you’re looking for some wild and crazy fun with top notch skateboarding animation, don’t skip this!
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2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu (Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Club): Yes, it’s another volleyball anime. And no, it’s not just a clone of Haikyu. This story follows Yuni Kuroba, a physically built but emotionally weak teenager who finds out his childhood friend Hajime is moving back to their hometown for high school. Yuni discovers Hajime has become an exceptional volleyball player and they join their school’s volleyball club hoping to turn the unknown team into a rising star. If anything, this anime is much more like Stars Align or Free, where the sport is a backdrop for letting the characters explore their personal problems. Or at least it seems that way after the first episode. I went into this show ready to throw it in the trash because how could anything compete against my beloved Haikyu, but I found myself really enjoying the dynamics of the main duo and I’m curious to see what the rest of the team is like.
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And speaking of sports anime rip-offs…..I can’t believe I’m including this but…
Skate Leading Stars: The show where the animators clearly wanted to design another throw away idol anime but saw how popular Yuri On Ice was so they decided to make whatever the hell this show is instead. It revolves around a fictional team sport called skate leading, and we follow the world’s most insufferable main character, a former figure skater named Kensei who wants to return to the ice and join his school’s skate leading team after he finds out his childhood rival is going to compete in the sport. Look, this show is just trashy enough to get a certain type of audience hooked, and it mainly has to do with the best boy of the winter season, Hayato Sasugai, the aspiring team “coach” who pulled most of us into watching this show with his punk appearance, snide comments and smug personality. He’s basically the lovechild of Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima in a high school sports anime setting. The show treats itself with the perfect amount of sincerity to get away with being absolutely ridiculous most of the time without making you feel like you’re watching it from a dumpster...like Try Knights. You will know after one episode whether this show is for you. All I can say is, Hayato is worth the watch, and I haven’t seen any 3D animation used for the skating scenes (yet) so that’s a win for me. 
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Honorable mention:
Jobless Reincarnation ( Mushoku Tensei): Yet another isekai where the main character is hit by a car (big surprise) and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world...but he happens to remember his previous life and narrates himself growing up as a jaded adult. I’m only including this because it looked amazing animation wise, and I love the opening where getting hit by a car and dying is actually traumatic. And I love the protagonist’s parents (who are retired adventurers who just want to bang all the time). But honestly...the main character is the fucking worst, and I don’t know if I want to keep watching it because of how creepy and weird he is. Like...he’s the hit on your fantasy mom as a baby kind of creepy and weird. But for anyone who wants a cool looking isekai that had an amazing PV, it’s worth checking out. 
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Continuing Series!
Because the real gold of the season is in all the established anime getting their next seasons, I’m just going to list some of the things that are also amazing and definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already (because I’ve already talked about most of them at some point and don’t know what else to say).
Attack On Titan season 4
The Promised Neverland season 2
Beastars season 2
Log Horizon season 3
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 2
Re: Zero season 2 (second cour)
Dr. Stone season 2
Cells at Work season 2
Osomatsu-san season 3 (second cour)
Higurashi New (second cour)
Jujutsu Kaisen (second cour) 
Not to mention all the shows I don’t watch that everyone else loves...like World Trigger (which I have seen quite a bit of, but long shounen shows are too much for me now) Quintessential Quintuplets, and Non Non Biyori. 
So there’s just some of all the anime airing this season. Hopefully, someone can find something they like. Here’s to a great year...well, of anime at least...
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