#also i feel like his part when they all said their goodbyes will be cut too which makes sense but dude
The English Client — Twenty-three
— PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: The year is 1952. Tom is working for Borgin and Burkes. He is sent to Rome to acquire three ancient books of magic by any means necessary. One in particular proves challenging to reach, and the only path forward is through a pretty, young bookseller. A foreigner like him, she lives alone, obsessed with her work... until Tom comes into her life.
— WARNINGS: angst, fluff, smut
— TAGLIST: @esolean @localravenclaw @slytherins-heir
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He walked her home that evening. They closed up earlier than usual as Ambrogio ostensibly wanted to be left alone. “Still not used to working during daytime hours,” Tom said, “it makes him tired and reclusive and crankier than usual. You know how it is.” He parted from her with a kiss on the cheek. She had felt alright when they said goodbye but as the night advanced she started to get that feeling again, that emptiness in her chest and fogginess around her head and numbness all across her body. She missed him. Missed holding him, and being held…
It came naturally to go to bed early — as if, by magic, she could find him waiting for her in her dreams. To keep her loneliness at bay she put a record on. It hardly helped because when the song called Ne me quitte pas began to play it made her even more yearnful. The pillow was hardly a substitute for Tom’s long, thin body, although it smelled a bit like him by now. And her weighty duvet, no matter how she wrapped it around herself, could not feel like his arms. She buried her face into the pillow and heaved a trembling sigh. She wanted him, she wanted him quite selfishly, and for one mad moment thought about getting dressed and going out to him just to see him for a bit and hear his voice. The record wavered on reciting its sad melody while outside the strong winds that had cleared the sky earlier battered at her window.
She squeezed her eyes once tightly and sighed, then rolled out of bed disentangling herself from everything and went over to the armchair.
“You’re so stupid,” she mumbled as she picked up the phone. “So stupid and needy…”
Tom was gloating, albeit privately, about the outcomes of the day. He’d eliminated Oso, gotten the symbolic revenge over the parasite by throwing him into the trash, and found his little secret stockpile too as a result. He was lucky his unwitting partner in crime had found that key in the vampire’s remains, although he’d likely have found it as well if he’d bothered to look. With the rest of his afternoon free he had set to looking around for any place the key could fit. It didn’t look like a normal key, that was for sure, with half its body being cut through with indentations rather than teeth. He looked around Oso’s bedroom, inside his coffin, the auction room — before finally coming upon a little orifice in the desk in the office across from their shared one, which at first glance looked rather like a hole where a screw had gone loose.
In the organised chaos, Tom found lists of all past auctions and what had been won by whom. He also found a few books of curses which he initially thought were part of the collection, but soon realised they were Ambrogio’s own. Most conveniently of all, however, he found details of the security charm Ambrogio had set on the books. Tom left most of his findings back in the undershop to study later, but that notebook, he took with him.
He wasn’t even half done deciphering its arcane scribbles, ancient languages, and profane geometry, when the phone rang.
“Hello?” he answered with a groan, holding the receiver between his ear and shoulder.
Of course it was her. No one else would call him.
“Sweetheart,” he smiled.
“I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“Not at all. And how come you’re still up?”
“I couldn’t sleep…”
“I just missed… talking to you. I guess I thought I’d feel better if I heard your voice.”
Tom grinned and put the dry old tome down to hold the phone up properly. “And do you?”
“I can’t tell yet,” she said, sultry and tired. “Talk some more.”
“Is that… sad French music you’re listening to?”
“It’s Belgian.”
“Pardonnez-moi,” he scoffed.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with the French, quit sneering.”
“So you’ve said…”
“And you know I love Paris and want to go someday.”
“Sadly, yes, I remember.”
“What were you doing, anyway?”
“Reading,” said Tom, pushing the notebook away as if she could have seen it. He had to remind himself this was nothing like a floo call.
“At this hour? Good grief, Tom.”
“It’s only midnight. Perfect time for reading.”
She said nothing, but he thought he heard her giggle.
“What were you doing?” he asked.
“Listening to sad music. And missing you.”
He found himself smiling and asked something rather foolish. “Do you want me to come over?”
“No, no, certainly not. It’s so cold out, and late…”
“Are you sure? I can be there quite quickly,” he grinned. He hadn’t tried it yet, but he was sure he could Apparate directly inside her building if he focused.
“Yes, I’m sure… It’s enough to be able to talk to you.”
Tom hummed thoughtfully.
“Do you want to go to work together tomorrow?” she asked.
“Alright. I can wait for you outside your building.”
“I’d like that…”
“And I’ll be the one to treat you to tea this time. I still have your… large bottle,” he stumbled.
“The thermos?” she laughed. “I forgot all about it… I’d love it if you brought tea. You’re always so good at making it.”
His face fought back a big, proud grin. It felt awkward to be complimented for something so plain.
“I’ll see you in the morning, then,” said Tom, already thinking of what he’d wear tomorrow.
“Until morning, then… Good night, Tom.”
“Good night.”
“Sweet dreams.”
“And stop listening to that whiny music.”
He was left with his mouth open when she hung up.
She wasn’t joking when she said the night was cold. Tom could see it in the little icicles that formed on the overgrown grass by the road rather than feel it for himself. He had been more than simply cold since his second Horcrux… There was a numbness, even, outside as well as inwardly. He pulled his coat tighter around himself and looked up. Her window was dark. It would have been, at three AM. The decision to visit her came more easily to him than he expected… They were partners in crime for two murders now, and that was more than he could say of even his Knights of Walpurgis. There was a magic in taking a life, of forcing it between the worlds. Magic they had done together even if she was a muggle — whether it applied to vampires was merely a philosophical question.
And while Tom had considered Apparating right to her, he quickly realised it would have cheapened the act. That did not prevent him, however, from forcing her lock open with Alohomora. Her flat was as silent as a crypt and just as dark. He tiptoed into the bedroom and found her sleeping on her front, and on what Tom considered was “his” side of the bed. Moving slowly, he took his clothes off and piled them blindly on the armchair. The only risk to waking her up was when he’d crawl into bed — but to his surprise, she didn’t wake. Tom felt quite smug about his gift at sneaking, and all without resorting to any muffling spells. He’d half looked forward to surprising her and hearing the shift in her voice when she realised he was there… But that could wait until the morning. For now, he allowed himself to enjoy sliding beneath her blankets and wrapping an arm around her to warm his naked body.
Everything felt quieter than usual, heavier, like a dream pulling her back. She really didn’t want to wake up but she knew her alarm would start ringing in a moment. She stretched and her feet peeked out of the blanket, but when she tucked them back inside they came across something hard and cold and smooth. It took her a moment to realise it was a body.
“Tom?! W-what are you doing here?”
“Surprise,” he mumbled while he held his nose.
“Oh no, did I hit you?”
“No, you just have very sharp elbows…”
She giggled and moved a little closer, lifting the duvet to cover them both up to the neck. “Let me kiss it better,” she said, reaching out to cup his cheek.
“No thank you.”
“You’re so adorable when you pout… Like a little kitty. My own Tomcat.”
He mumbled something but didn’t protest when she eased his hand away and pecked a kiss on the tip of his nose. It was only a little red.
“Who did you expect?” he grumbled.
“Nobody! That’s why I was scared. What are you doing here?” she asked as she parted from him, stretching toward the bedside table to check the time.
“I thought you’d be happy to see me…”
“And I thought we agreed to see each other in the morning.”
“It is the morning.”
“Tom, it’s six thirty AM.”
She fell back onto her pillow and sighed but soon she started laughing. One look at Tom fussing over his pretty face, his hair a mess and eyes all bleary, was enough to calm her heart and put a smile upon her face.
“You really did scare me,” she said as she curled up beside him. “How did you even get inside?”
He paused at her question then answered plainly, “I picked your lock.”
“I locked it back up afterwards.”
She frowned and shook her head but couldn’t stay upset with him for long. “Did I hurt you badly?”
“It’s nothing.”
“You’re cute when you’re trying to be manly. Let me kiss it again.”
“So you slipped into my bed why…?” she asked with a cocked brow. “Fine then. No kisses for you.”
Tom sighed and rolled his eyes then leaned forward to cage her in his arms. He tried to frown menacingly but she gave him that calm, confident look she had when she guessed exactly what he wanted. It didn’t happen often, as Tom was quite unlike everyone else she knew, but in those moments it was like she spoke his secret language and saw into the heart of him. And while signs of motherly affection were foreign things to Tom he responded well to other kinds of love. He leaned down slowly and kissed her lips. She sighed — he was so much softer in the morning. She laid back and smiled into the kiss, keeping her eyes closed and her hands nice and warm beneath the covers, and let him taste his fill of her. When his lips travelled to her jaw and neck she couldn’t help but giggle.
“Did you get much sleep?” she asked in a pleased and purring voice.
“A few hours,” he mumbled against her skin.
“You should sleep more.”
“I’m in no mood for that again.”
He sighed. “Went too hard last time, did I?”
“A bit.”
“Don’t worry,” he said with a tilted smile. “I won’t try to convince you to leave with me again.”
And as his kisses travelled lower she felt a little disappointed that he had given up on trying to persuade her, although grateful as well in a strange twist of heart. It made her all the more determined not to tell him that she had already begun to change her mind, to plot her own escape with him.
He pulled the duvet back from her chest then eased her gown away, leaving her skin open to the morning air. She shivered for a moment until Tom lowered his head and covered her with more kisses. His right hand curled around her waist and he covered her body with his, pulling the duvet above both of them. With gentle pressure, his lips began to move. He nipped at the flesh of her breast with a smile, then circled and circled around until his lips landed on her nipple. He affixed his lips to it and suckled. He moved gently with her every trembling sigh and purred when she threaded her fingers through his messy hair. Her head fell back onto the pillow as his tongue began to play, lapping at the underside of her bud until it puckered, greedy to be back in the warmth of his mouth. Tom grinned and flicked it with the tip of his tongue a little more then closed his teeth around it, gently, just enough to hold it still while his lips covered more and more between them as if he wanted to swallow her whole.
“Tom,” she moaned, needy for his name in her mouth.
He smiled and raised himself from her, leaving her trembling and cold, and moved onto the other breast to give it some attention too. Her caressing of his head encouraged him and he suckled on her a bit harder, playing with her nipple like a pebble in his mouth. He pressed it with his tongue against the roof of his mouth and nursed on it, sucking the taste of her skin. His wet and noisy drool dripped down along the curves of her breast. And when she whined, pulling on his locks and arching her back into his mouth he went back to kissing down her chest, its soft undersides and top, moving to her warm neck for a while before going back down again. She was sighing heavily by then and groaning in that airy way she knew Tom understood as pleasure. It only encouraged him to tease her more and he moved from one side to the other with a smile.
“My darling,” she whispered, dizzy with the feeling of her whole body growing hot. “My Tom…”
And just as he was pulling on her nipple, bringing it as high as he could before letting it go from his mouth, a shrill sound cut the air around them, stopping him mid-motion in shock.
She sighed and turned to her nightstand. It was the alarm clock. She reached out and fumbled for a bit until she could turn it off then fell back to the bed and sighed. Tom crawled up and rolled onto his side, looking none too pleased at being interrupted. His lips were still soft and warm because of her.
“Do we have to?” he grumbled.
“It’s seven. We’ll be late for work...”
He sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Well, I’m hardly in a mood to leave while in this state too, you know.”
“Oh? A state of what exactly?” he grinned, his hand slipping around her middle. “Would you care to show me? Perhaps I can take care of it.”
“Bad Tom. You’re a bad, wicked boy.”
“If only you knew just how bad I can be,” he chuckled, covering her once again to kiss her.
She curled a hand around his shoulder and clung to him, revelling in being so completely covered by his body.
“You’re horrible,” she smiled into his mouth.
He only grinned more proudly.
The first day of freedom — in the sense of having the undershop all to himself — was spent with an activity that reminded Tom of his school years: experimentation. In the morning hours, with a clearer head and a warm cup of tea, he finished deciphering Oso’s notebook that he found the day before. A large part of it was mere references for brevity’s sake to books and ancient curses. Fortunately for Tom Oso was thorough in his citations, as any antiquary would be. By the time he could go on his lunch break, he had tracked down the most important tomes they stocked there and knew which others to look for.
He didn’t even notice it was lunchtime until his phone rang. That infernal trilling of the telephone never failed to startle him.
“Yes?” he answered, rubbing his forehead.
“Tom? I’m hungry…”
“Oh. What time is— Ah, yes, let’s go.”
The weather had cooled such that there was no outside seating at their favourite restaurant, so they sat inside squeezed side-by-side at a little table in the corner. Even with her warmth pressed into him, Tom ate distractedly, his mind still on those books. He was eager to go back of course and finish solving the mystery of the spell that bound the books to the building before anyone noticed Ambrogio was gone. He hadn’t even found where he’d placed Torchia yet. It wasn’t stored with all the others… Tom distantly feared he’d given it to Malfoy already. If so that was another hurdle he’d have to overcome, one that might make it all not worth it in the end.
But still, he took the time to kiss the corner of her mouth once they were back — just inside the shop, but openly; the scandal! — and brewed another cup of tea for them while she tried to control her blushing. She didn’t ask him where his thoughts went, but then, when he managed to pay attention she seemed a bit lost in her own thoughts as well. He did her the kindness, as she had done for him, not to pry.
After he was back downstairs he thought it might be prudent to build up some hints of Oso’s absence. He went to his room and preemptively Dissapparated several of his clothes, shoes, and a few of the books by his coffin. The coffin itself, he put up by the wall and took the pillows out of it, as if it was just another eccentric decoration.
He didn’t phone upstairs until the evening came.
“Yes?” she answered in a tired, dreamy voice.
“Hello, my sweet. Have you seen Ambrogio all day?”
“No? He should be down with you. He hardly ever comes up here.”
“Strange. I haven’t seen him since yesterday.”
“Oh… Maybe he’s back to his night schedule?”
“But, since he’s not around…”
“Do you… maybe want to go home early?”
She asked it in such a guilty and playful voice that Tom could not refuse.
He had enough of the papers at home to keep him busy but he knew he was approaching a breakthrough. It was time to direct his attention to Mr. Malfoy and his “secretary”…
Oso’s allegiance to Malfoy was not something Tom had ever anticipated. One solution seemed now to lead to another problem and while killing a vampire leading a double life among muggles was one thing, doing away with Burke’s best client was another.
Tom was amused, however, that Mr. Malfoy was stuck now with his “payment” to Oso tagging along uselessly… Poor boy.
Halfway through the tram ride home, he noticed she was holding his hand. It was the buildup of warmth that distracted him, that made him feel like something was wrong. He looked down at their hands, then up at her, her drawn face perked up by a mysterious smile.
“What?” he asked.
“I like that look you get when you’re so lost in thought… And that way your lips curl, like a cat up to no good.”
“Ah yes, I almost forgot. I’m your Tomcat, right?” He sighed and rolled his eyes, but kept his hand in hers.
It took three days for the Baron to notice Ambrogio was gone. It came about from a series of telephone calls Tom was only marginally involved with. First, Donatien called the upstairs shop, inquiring about Signor Oso. Tom had to hear about “that pretty French boy” again when she called him asking if Ambrogio was available.
“I can call Frenchie myself and tell him,” said Tom. “What’s his number?”
“No, I promised I would get back to him. So, is Ambrogio there?”
Tom frowned at her eagerness to talk to that boy again. “No,” he said firmly. “He’s missed work today as well.”
“Strange… You don’t suppose something’s happened?”
“It’s Rome, my dear. Anything is possible.”
“Well, alright then, I’ll let him know…”
“Do you think the Baron is informed?”
She paused. “I don’t think so. S-should I…?
“Unless you want me to…?
“Would you?”
“No,” laughed Tom. “Neither should you, in fact. Let Malfoy do it.”
“Tom, that’s a terrible idea! He’s a client.”
“So what? Oso’s being a lout, missing days of work, leaving us to deal with things… Let the old men figure it out between themselves.”
“You have a horrible work ethic.”
She still liked his idea enough to follow through because sure enough within the hour the Baron rang the shop, sounding calm but angry in his typical way. Tom eavesdropped on the conversation by tactfully picking up the phone in his office and listening in.
“I don’t know, sir. Tom hasn’t seen him either.”
“And why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well, we thought he spoke to you —”
“Never mind,” the old man growled. “Come to my office tomorrow at ten o’clock.”
“Y-yes, sir.”
And that, Tom knew, was when his plan could finally be set in motion.
“Oh my goodness, Tom, he called me in. What am I going to do?! He’ll sack me…”
“No he won’t,” smiled Tom, leaning casually against the desk while she paced up and down. She’d called him upstairs in a frantic summons right after the Baron hung up.
“He’s so mad about Ambrogio…”
“Exactly. And now he’s forced to rely on us.”
“What if Ambrogio turns up again though?”
“He won’t,” said Tom a little too quickly. “And even if he does, he’s already fallen out of favour.”
She kept on fretting, her little shoes clipping on the wooden floorboards as steady as clockwork. Tom pushed himself to his feet and walked up behind her, embracing her to keep her still. Immediately, her head leaned back and rested on his shoulder.
“Everything will be alright,” he whispered. “The Baron will depend on you more than ever, and then you can ask for all the things you’ve never dared to ask before. And he shall give them to you. Because he’ll have no choice.”
“He can just hire someone else…”
“Not in time for the next auction.”
“He has you, though.”
“I will not be a more appealing option to him,” Tom grinned. “Trust me.”
Whether she did or not, she turned to face him and wrapped her arms around him, hiding herself in his chest. Tom embraced her, feeling more sorry than ever that he’d have to leave her behind.
14 notes · View notes
hiyojun · 1 month
the editing to not show ikeda (mitsuru’s old va) even once is crazyyyy😭
1 note · View note
keravnous · 1 year
bathroom b!tch; tangerine/fem!reader (smut; 18+)
part two | part three | part four
playlist: train quickie with tangerine
Tangerine meets you in one of the bathrooms on the bullet train. He just wants to clean up after his tussle with Ladybug and get rid of the blood, but he could use you to blow off some steam as well. You know: he has to take it if he sees it.
word count: 5,9k
warnings: mirror sex, bathroom sex, semi public, fingering, oral (female receiving), blood (it's tangerine's), squirting, dry humping, rather rough sex, unprotected sex, light choking, confined spaces, dirty talk, name calling, kinda a quickie?, tangerine's a little rude but surprisingly gentle too idk he's just like that, he just needs to fuck the adrenaline outta himself, i have very strong feelings about this angry man
title is from the song of the same name, bathroom bitch by holychild
also thank you v for a) helping me out with Japanese and b) by telling me what being a passenger on a bullet train feels like
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You knew it was a bad idea.
Starring at yourself in the impressively clean mirror of the small bathroom, you try your best to hold back any fresh tears.
You knew that a long-distance relationship wouldn't work. You fucking knew it and yet you accepted your fiancés pleas to Just try it. Maybe, it indeed would've worked out if he wasn't fucking his bloody secretary.
You regret leaving London. You miss your home.
You're not even that heartbroken, you just feel exhausted, like you wasted an awful lot of time.
You take a long, good look at yourself. Bloodshot eyes and a sad hue resting over your pupils, turning the colour dark and deep. The dress, that you bought for your anniversary brunch – a surprise, quite as much as the one he gave you, when you walked in on him, balls deep in his secretary – now looks oddly strange, out of place on you. You feel overdressed and ashamed, foolish.
But there’s something else, too: the loneliness that followed suite after your screaming, after fighting with him - after breaking up with him. It's been there since you boarded the train to Nagoya but now it rolls over you like a wave of-
Thump, thump.
"What the fuck", you mutter, taking a ragged breath, before yelling out, "Occupied!"
You just want to be left at fucking peace, not being watched by other passengers as you're bawling your eyes out. All you want is to get off that train and burn some of that fucker’s money on a spontaneous vacation. All you want is for the remaining days in Japan to be good ones.
Another sharp knock follows. This one rattles the door.
It takes a moment for you to scramble for the right words, the ones you have picked up when visiting your fiancé before. "Shiyouchu!"
Another knock. And another.
You clench your teeth - saying goodbye to the precious moments of crying in silence for the year you've lost to the most useless relationship of all fucking mankind - and wipe away the wetness below your eyes to open the door. "I said-"
Oh shit.
There's a very handsome man waiting outside the door. He is towering over you, impatience plastered on his face and seeping through his every movement, with the way he's leaning against the door frame.
He's hot.
Also, he's dripping in blood.
His light blue shirt, once crisp and clean, is now disshelved and just as stained as his expensive looking dark-blue vest.
"Jesus, fuck, are you alright?", you blurt out.
The man's raising an eyebrow. "Could be asking you the same, love. Now, would you please get the fuck outta there."
He's moving towards you, closing in the last few inches separating the two of you. Your gaze is focused on the nasty cut on his arm.
"You're bleeding", you say dumbly.
His eyes shoot up at you and for a split-second you feel like you are face to face with a predator. The anxiety, that the blood and his rude behaviour sparked in your chest, sends adrenaline pumping through your veins and has the muscles your legs preparing for fight or flight. He blinks.
"I know", he says and his lips curl up to something, that you're convinced is supposed to be a smile, "Now, if ya'd be so kind?"
He gestures behind you, towards the empty bathroom.
"No?", you say, voice shooting up a little, which immediately has him cautiously throwing a glance down the hall to his right, "No, I won't! You need help, how the fuck -- what the fuck happened?"
"You're starting to really get on my fuckin’ tits, pretty thing. Would y'just let me the fuck inside?", he growls, tilting his head towards you. His tone has the hairs on your arms rising, as he is starring you into the ground.
You back up, colliding unpleasantly with the doorframe, that nearly drills itself into your left shoulder.
"Thank you, Lady", he's squeezing past you and then turns around again, giving you a quick one-over. You are unable to move, mesmerized by the way he's looking at you.
The corners of his mouth tilt up again and one of his hands, a little sticky and red with his own blood, comes up to his face, straightening his moustache, as his gaze runs over your body once more. You should leave, you should run - clearly, something is awfully and so not right but you just can't, being glued to the spot by his eyes.
It shouldn't make your loins grow hot, but you can't help it. You feel your belly tingle, shooting sparks down down down between your legs. He is very attractive and the aura of pure fucking danger that wafts around him doesn’t do what it normally should do – instead, it pulls you in. Oh, aren’t you just fucked.
"What were y'saying about help, again?", the man murmurs, gaze locking with yours.
"Uuuh", it's a very stupid sound you make and his eyes spark up at that, lips giving room to flash some teeth, "I-I just said you look like you might need some help?"
"Well, maybe I do."
He licks his lower lip and you blink, gaze following the movement.
This is very stupid. This is risky, dangerous, and most likely something you are going to regret.
It's not only the situation, it's him, too. He seems dangerous. It's not only the blood, mind you. It’s the way he moves, how his eyes dart through the room, over your body. It’s the aggression in his voice that he’s trying to hide, cover up but ultimately fails, something that seeps through every pore of him.
But he's also just ridiculously hot, walking with his crotch first, heavy northern British accent swirling the words around his tongue and, fuck, it's mostly the way he's looking at you.
And you're just so fucking full of anger and grief and your life feels strangely directed and determined by your shitty-ass fiancé and there's so much rage and sadness -
You take a step into the bathroom and the door slides shut behind you.
"Good", he hums, "Because you do look, like you could also use some help."
The door locks behind you and take another step forward, approaching him. "You have no fucking idea", revenge sex is a very stupid concept but now, it seems very tempting. It's exciting and makes you feel oddly alive.
"Did'ya get dumped?", and you don't know why you trust him with that information but you can hear yourself say: "Cheated on. Fiancé of twelve months." There is a hand sneaking around your waist, pulling you in closer. You can smell him now, the blood on his skin and clothes, the heavy scent of his perfume – it’s warm and thick, vanilla and fruit, like an orange grove.
"Allow me the comment - that's one bloody stupid bastard."
You look up at him and blink. That man's insanely pretty and you swallow as he pulls you in even closer, your hand connecting with his chest. It is firm and warm and your fingers get a little sticky with the fresh blood on his shirt. They splay out, feeling the firm muscle flex beneath the expensive fabric.
"How much time d'we have, sugar?", he hums, runs his thumb across your lower lip.
"I have to get off in Nagoya."
"Gonna get you off alright now, sweetie", you roll your eyes at that and he chuckles, "Bit more than half'n hour I'd say. Think we can manage that?"
You nod while biting your lip, adrenaline thick and heavy in your veins, pumping your blood down south and making you wet wet wet, and he laughs at that, runs his tongue along his bright, bright teeth.
It's sheer excitement that has your belly tingle and you lock your eyes with his, the darkening blueish green pulling you in and then he leans down, locks his lips with yours.
They are soft and warm and his moustache tingles a little. You hum against his lips, one hand fisting his vest as the other sneaks up his muscular arm, runs over and through the blood, up up up next to the cut and comes a halt on his neck. The hand on your waist holds you close, fingers spread out delicately as he starts to feel you up.
His tongue darts out and licks over your lips and you gladly give him more room, parting your lips slightly. He's pushing in, licking into your mouth. You hum deep in your throat, pressing against him, tasting the cigarette smoke on his lips.
You can feel the bulge in his pants, his dick pressing hotly against your lower belly. It ignites your loins, pleasure shooting through your abdomen.
You moan into his mouth and he responds by pushing you back, heaving you up the small sink, deepening the kiss. Your back presses against the mirror as you clutch onto him, hand running up his neck and into his hair, slick with product and a little sticky with sweat. Your knees hit his hipbones and the man starts to roll his hips into yours, having his hard dick rubbing against your crotch and your eyelids flutter with the feeling. He's rock-hard and so so hot through his dress pants and you can't fucking wait to get to it.
He eventually breaks the kiss, breath ragged as his eyes roam over your face, hands feeling your thighs up. You decide that you need more of him and thus, your free hand roams over his chest, fingers making quick work of his vest. As soon as you pop the last button, he hastily tears it off of himself, throws it to the ground where it lands with a quiet thud.
"C'mon sweetheart, I know you clammin' to touch me", he says, voice deep and raspy and you do - like you're on fucking autopilot. Your hands dart out, roaming over his defined chest. He feels nice and firm and makes you want him more, want to feel all of him, all at once.
He hums quietly, as you open a few buttons of his shirt and run your hands over the sweaty, warm skin, through the dust of fine chest hair, making his chain rustle. He feels nice and it makes you want him.
The man looks up from your hands and you don't know what has come over you as your hand glides up further, cupping his neck, thumb on his jawline. "Fuck me", you breathe, "Fuck me 'til I can't walk."
He grins and leans in even closer, his clothed and hard dick pressing against your wet panties, as he's kissing a wet trail from your jaw to your ear. "Who would've thought - such a naugh'y lil'mouth on such a pretty woman."
You hook one leg around his waist, tugging lightly at the hair that's curling in his neck as he starts to suck on your neck. The slight pain ignites your lust, has arousal blooming and wetness pooling between your legs. You want to tell him to stop, before he marks you up for good as --
"Name's Tangerine", he suddenly rasps, as his tongue rubs over the spot he has been sucking on and you're pretty damn sure that he just gave you a hickey.
"Like the-"
"The fucking fruit, yeah. 'M gonna burst you more like something of a cherry, though", he rumbles, quietly laughing to himself with his fingers digging into your hips.
Your breath hitches in your throat as he presses himself flush against you - all firm muscles, perfume, and hot skin - tongue licking over your throat like the hot blade of a knife, dancing over your jaw.
It's most likely not his real name and that should really, really alert you. But it doesn't - instead you surrender yourself to him, letting your head fall back and parting your legs, inviting him in.
And the man -Tangerine - follows suite and shoves your dress up up up, runs his hands over your now exposed thighs. You lean forward a little, until your lips brush over his. "Name's Y/N", you whisper and his eyes glint a little at that, "Pleasure to meet you."
"Oh, you gon' be a fun one", he grins and you do too, before leaning in and kissing him again. He is less gentle now, keen on getting you hot, his kisses turn sloppy quickly, biting your lower lip and licking into your mouth until you lack air. The thumbs on your legs dive in deeper, until they connect with your crotch. And then, one of them gently runs over your soaked panties.
Tangerine breaks the kiss, wet lips brushing over the corner of your mouth, only to inhale sharply - keeps his cheeks puffed theatrically for a short moment, then exhales just as sharply, eyeing you up and down. "Jesus Christ, that pussy of yours s'fucking wet, innit?", he rumbles and two of his fingers run over the wet fabric once more, slowly starting to rub your clit.
You gasp, hips bucking a little and you watch the way his hand vanishes under the hem of your dress. "Fuck", you moan quietly as he quickly finds the spot that makes your thighs clench. He rubs you through your panties, soft lace turning wet wet wet and dampening his skin. Your mouth falls agape seeing his wrist twitching between your legs and the way he's looking down at it, a little mesmerized, makes your head swim. Then, he stops.
"Yeah, let's get those off", he mutters, more to himself than to you and then he's tugging at the straps of your panties, riiips the lace and tears them apart. "Oh-", you gasp unintelligently as he carelessly drops them to the ground and you really don't fucking mind at all.
It's the first time in a long time that you feel wanted, like someone's actually hungry, greedy for you. And it turns you on. A lot. It is like Tangerine has flipped a switch and you want him just as much as he seems to want you. And you want it now.
You blink at him through your lashes. "You gonna touch me now?"
"Easy, love", he chuckles, genuinely amused and then his fingers are slooowly creeping back over your legs, until his index finger finally touches your exposed cunt. The touch is cold, but not unpleasant and you suck in a sharp breath, one that hitches in your throat.
He watches you, as he runs it over your pussy, quickly joined by a second, digits running up and down, spreading your slick. You hum, pleasure building up in your abdomen and then, finally, his fingers return to your clit.
Slow, wide circles spread your lips apart, making you moan and throwing your head back in pleasure. His bracelet clinks as he quickly picks up a faster rhythm, keen on seeing you coming loose, circles growing smaller.
"Oh shit, yes that's fucking it", you can feel arousal building in your stomach, shooting through your body. Tangerine laughs under his breath and his lips are onto you again, licking and sucking over your straightened neck. You don't give a fuck anymore, the slight pain of him bruising your skin makes your hips buck and rolling against his digits.
"Such a good girl, ain't ya?, he groans against your neck and it sends shivers down your spine as you're moaning and gasping, nodding frantically.
Your body feels like it has been ignited, with the way his fingers rub your clit, teasing your pussy and then there's one finger circling your hole and fuck, you really fucking need it. You spread your legs farther and Tangerine puuushes in, sinks one rather cold finger in your hole, your hot hot skin meeting the cold gold of his ring.
Tangerine starts to fuck you slowly, finger pushing in and out of you, until you're loose enough to take a second one. His rings thrust against your hole every time he pushes them back inside and the sensation has you whining, his lips still glued to your neck, occasionally moving down down down to you cleavage, licking fat stripes over your warm, sweaty skin.
A flood of very good, very dangerous emotions has one of your hands abandoning the sink, instead running up his arm, splaying across his shoulder. You can feel the muscles working slightly beneath the light blue fabric, a little dampened by his sweat. "Fuck, you make me so hot, shit, that feels so good", you whimper quietly, gasping as his fingers push even deeper. It seems to kick Tangerine off, moustache grazing your skin as he’s picking up an even faster rhythm - rubbing, circling your clit faster, adding more pressure - obscene squelching sounds filling the air of the small bathroom. You moan as pleasure shoots up your spine, has you rocking on and against his fingers.
You can feel your walls clenching around his fingers, hole fluttering against the cold, golden rings and then --
He breaks from your throat and whistles lowly as fresh wetness pools around his fingers, your squirt dampening his golden bracelet and the cuff of his shirt.
Tangerine pulls his fingers out of you slowly, slick with your juices and looks at them for a few seconds, the way your wetness is glistening on his skin in the dim lights. He brings them up up up, gaze connecting with yours and then -
They go past his lips, as his tongue darts out and licks them clean. You blink - once, twice. "Fuck", you breathe, and he chuckles.
"You taste like a fuckin' dream, love", his hands push your legs further apart and before you know it, he sinks down to his knees. You blink at him, as he lifts the hem of your dress up, "Might wanna hold that f'me", and you do, pulling the fabric as high up as you can, exposing yourself to him further.
Tangerine tsks as he takes the sight in and you can feel your cheeks growing hot, burning red, as his fingers dance over your pussy.
"Don't ya just have the prettiest cunt?", he hums, running his fingers through your folds, "'M gonna fuck ya so good."
"Jesus, Tangerine", you huff out, legs shaking a little as his thumb carefully rubs over your clit.
Tangerine looks up at you, smirking a little and then he's leaning in, hands coming to rest on your thighs, forcing your legs apart. He's not breaking eye contact, keeps your gazes chained together, as he dives in and licks a long, fat stripe from your hole upwards to your clit.
You fucking mewl, as his moustache rubs over your sensitive skin, tongue circling your clit for a short moment. His eyes gleam up at you, watching your reaction as his tongue swipes down, over your folds to your hole, teasing it. It has your legs kicking a little and you grab the sink with both your hands, as your thighs give a quick shake.
You can hear him chuckle deep in his throat and it makes you hot hot hot all over, with the way his tongue crawls back up, lips grazing your cunt and then he's onto your clit once more, gently lapping at it, placing soft kisses on the sensitive skin.
A strangled noise escapes your throat as arousal rushes through your abdomen and up up up your whole body, has your chest heaving with a ragged breath and rolling your hips forward. It's so so good, but not enough - you just need more.
"Don't ya move, love", Tangerine rasps and one of his hands grabs your hips forcefully, dress sliding up to your navel as he's holding you in place. The other crawls up your lower leg and thigh, teasing your folds and then one finger presses against your hole, pushes in roughly.
You moan as he immediately starts to fuck you with it, pumping your wetness in and out of you with a rather merciless rhythm, keen on having you come for him, having you squirt once more.
His eyelids flutter, long and dark lashes against his pale skin as his tongue licks over your folds, tasting your wetness and taking your scent in. You're tasting so so sweet to him, like a fucking forbidden fruit that he's going to devour anyways, because he can and he will and because fuck the rules he had set himself for this job.
He closes his eyes as he pushes a second finger into you, pumping them in and out of you, while his tongue laps at your cunt, lips closing in around your folds, gently sucking. His fingers are fucking you fast now, pushing you further and further.
"Oh god", you gasp, one hand still holding your own weight, the other now fisting his hair, pulling it. It seems to spur him on, hooking one of your legs over his shoulder and placing wet, open-mouthed kisses on your cunt, gently nibbling at the soft skin as his finger pumps into you. It's even better than before, with his beard scratching you and his tongue and lips gliding over your cunt as if it were a riddle he's going to solve without his hands. The heel of your shoe digs into his back - desperate for any leverage, to just feel him - as you are nearing your release.
"Shit, fuck fuck fuck", your voice sounds strange in your ears, high-pitched and far far away, between the squelching sounds that his rapidly moving fingers pull out of your pussy, "I'm gonna-"
He hums and then, after a short moment, pulls his digits out of you and grabs your hips hard, holding you in place, not stopping his tongue from rubbing over your cunt hard.
It tips you over the edge, has you breaking loose. You gasp loudly, throwing your head back against the mirror, incoherent rambling leaving your lips as you come - riding your orgasm out on his face as he licks you through your orgasm, your hips bucking wildly with it.
As your orgasm rolls over you, you already know that this isn't over. Usually, you would be spent for now, calm and a little tired but right now - you're not at all, lust still rolling over you, fresh wetness pooling between your legs again. "Mhm, shit", you breathe, feet kicking a little as Tangerine's tongue continues to flick over your clit. You are still wet, already desperate for more, more of him.
All you can think about is his hard dick, that you've felt earlier pressing against your crotch and pure want tingles in your stomach. Tangerine's lips close in around your throbbing clit, overstimulation making your head swim.
"Please, fuck, please", your hip bucks against his iron grip that holds you steadily against the sink. Tangerine looks up at you again and let’s go of your clit with an obscene pop. His moustache is dampened by your wetness as he grins up at you. "Please please", he mocks your high-pitched whines and then smirks, "Wan'it that bad, love?"
"Need you - ah, fuck - inside me. Oh, shit", you whine, as your hole clenches around nothing, desperate for more than his fingers. You are so turned on by this stranger, lust crashing over your body like waves - you can feel its tingle in your chest, your legs, feeling your pussy desperate for another touch.
Tangerine blinks for a moment and you're sure, that you saw his eye twitch and then he, very dramatically, takes a deep breath, closes his eyes. "Shit, love, you make me feel all sorts o'things", he says quietly and then quickly gets up, wipes his lips with the back of his hand.
He leans in and his lips lock with yours again and you can taste yourself on his tongue, as he licks into your mouth, grinning against your lips, damp stache rubbing over your upper lip. He licks over it, groans deep in his throat, while his hands brush over your legs, before he commands, whispers against your lips: "Bend over the sink f'me.”
"What?", you blink, words not really reaching you through the lustful haze that has wrapped your brain in like cotton candy. All you can do is look at him, at this very handsome stranger with the very fake name and he has your head swimming, brain giving in and surrendering to lust once more.
You take the hand he offers you as he helps you down the sink, your legs a little wobbly. "Alright c'mon now, girl, don't keep me waitin'", Tangerine gives you a light pat on the cheek, rings barely connecting with your skin - a patronizing gesture that has your knees going ever weaker for a moment as you try to turn around, hands gripping the edges of the sink.
You watch him in the mirror, as he makes quick work of his belt and the fly of his trousers. As he pulls his dick out, your mouth waters. It's long and big and has just the right girth, a drop of precum glistening on its tip. You'd really like to suck that cock, like right motherfucking now.
Tangerine looks at you. "Got all hungry fo'it?", and you nod - breathing out Fuck yeah - arching your back for him, "Alright love, just a minute."
He spits in his hand and rubs the saliva over his dick, giving himself one, two strokes. You arch your back, keeping your eyes on him as he grabs your hips hard, lines himself up, head of his dick resting against your hole - all hot and hard - and then he finally, finally pushes himself in. The stretch is nice and has you squirming a little with the dull pain, excitement lighting your nerves up.
"Jesus Christ", his head falls forward a little, "You're so fuckin' tight."
He bottoms out, forcing himself in deep, holding still. You can feel his dick twitching inside of you, but he doesn't move and you can see his chest heaving, hear him grunt. His hand roams over your bare ass, shoving the dress even higher, until your back is partly exposed and his hand creeps around your body, over your stomach and under the dress, slips beneath your bra and cups one of your tits.
Tangerine squeezes it, feels you up and then pulls his dick back out only to quickly push himself back in. The sound that leaves your throat is nothing but desperate and your hand grips the sink harder, knuckles slowly turning white. His jaw is going a little slack as he rolls his hips into you, fucking you slowly.
"Ah shit", he groans, a deep and coarse sound, that makes you shiver, "Doesn't that just feel lovely?"
He watches the way his dick pumps into your pussy, eyebrows drawn together, lips slightly agape - until his gaze meets yours in the mirror once more and there it is - a shadow that dances over his eyes, turning the mesmerizing blue and green dark dark dark. One of his hands suddenly darts forward, rings glimmering in the dim light, only to roughly grab your chin, forcefully holding your head in place. It hurts a little, but the pain feels good, the way it stretches your back and intensifies the arch of it, forces you to look at him and yourself. Your mascara is pooling beneath your eyes, pupils blown wide and cheeks reddened.
"Would'ya just look at yourself", Tangerine groans, "Ya might be the hottest fucking thing I've seen in a long fuckin' time --" He groans again, thumb catching your lower lip and you moan as you watch his face coming a little loose with pleasure.
Tangerine picks up a faster rhythm, thrusting into you and you push your hips back, meeting him - desperate for more more more. He grins at you in the mirror and his hand creeps a little lower, until it rest riiight below your jawline and then -
Then he squeezes.
It has you gasping, choking a little at the sudden loss of air and the feeling of your windpipe being closed. Your hip bucks against his and he licks his lips.
The lack of air has adrenaline rushing through your veins once more, as his dick pushes against your spongy hot walls and you feel your body surrendering to him fully, the small voice in the back of your head remembering you that You are at his mercy has you growing even wetter.
The hand lets go off your throat, now gently holding your head in place and you suck in a few deep breaths, gasping, greedily sucking in the air, as --
There must be a bump on the rails, as the wagon suddenly lifts a little and has you thrown forward towards the mirror, shoves his dick deeper into you. You moan, instinctively catching his eyes in the mirror.
His lips are slightly parted, eyes darkened by lust and his fingers dig into the flesh of your hips. The train speeds up just as he leans forward, throws his chest against your back. His body is so so hot against yours and your walls flutter around his dick, as his scent wraps you in once more.
Tangerine lowers his head, until his forehead rests on your shoulder, cock twitching inside of you. "Ya have no bloody idea what'cha doin' to me, Lady", he says, voice coarse and dark and your eyelids flutter, "'M gonna ruin ya."
He lifts his head a little and your gazes connect in the mirror once more. A shiver runs down your spine - he means it.
And you feel it, too, as he thrusts into you once, knocks the air out of your lungs with the sheer force of it. The tip of his dick hits the spot perfectly and you nearly cry out in pleasure, hands gripping the sink tightly. There are small lines forming around his eyes as he's grinning against your shoulder, pulls out a little only to force himself back in, even deeper this time. The hand that was toying with your tit leaves, crawls back down and his arm wraps itself around your waist, holds you close.
Your legs shake as Tangerine picks up a faster rhythm, starts pounding in to you like a starved man, like an animal gone wild. It's in his eyes, hunger hunger hunger and you feel pleasure shooting through your body, pooling in your abdomen. You squirt against his dick, wetting the trimmed pubic hair as his balls slap against your wet skin.
You suck in a sharp breath, a strangled high pitched whiny moan escaping your lips, as he hits your walls again, tip of his dick brushing over your g-spot, having you seeing stars. Your eyelids flutter, gasps escaping your mouth with every one of his thrusts.  
"Be fuckin' loud, you lil'slut, I don't care - one - bit", he says through gritted teeth, each word one thrust, "If they come knockin'. I’ll kill’em."
It shouldn’t – really, it shouldn’t – but it has your head swimming, rocking back against him, obscene sounds filling the small bathroom and you moan loudly. His jewellery rustles and clinks as he ruts into you, huffing against your shoulder. The force of his thrusts has your body moving back and forth like a ragdoll, hipbones bouncing against the sink, one of your hands coming loose and pressing flat against the mirror, desperate for any sort of leverage.
You can feel yourself clenching around him, white hot pleasure building on the edges of your brain, until there's nothing left but him him him.
"Fuck", you cry out, "I'm gonna fucking cum, shit shit shit", lips falling agape with pure pleasure. It’s too much and you can feel your muscles tensing.  
The hand around your throat tightens a bit more and that’s all you need – has your eyes falling shut, your second orgasm rolling over you. It knocks the air straight out of your lungs, has you going limp, while the muscles in your thighs and abdomen clench, holding and squeezing his dick inside of you.
You can hear him moan deeply, sounding far far away and then his cum hits your walls, paints it as he buries himself deep deep inside of you. You gasp, desperate for air and he lets go off your throat.
You suck in a few breaths and feel him doing the same, chest heaving against your back. "Fuck", he says and slowly straightens back up, looking at you in the mirror.
"Y'good over there, love?"
"Uh-huh", you hum, unable to speak, and blink at him. His hair's a mess and his cheeks are a little reddened, glistening with sweat.
Tangerine fucking winks at you and then slooowly, very carefully pulls out of you. You inhale sharply as you feel some of his cum following suite, dripping down your legs. You want to straighten up, too, clean it up, but he's quicker, taking one of the disposable towels and gently sweeps along your cunt.
"'S good, I can do that too, y'know", you say and take it from him, cleaning yourself up. For a long moment, while you can hear him putting himself back in his pants, there's silence between the two of you. Only, as you carefully put your dress back in place, does he look at you again.
"Be careful tonight, sweetheart", he says nonchalantly while tugging his shirt back into his slacks. He says it like it's nothing but it has the hairs on your body standing up.
I’ll kill’em. I’ll kill’em. I’ll kill’em. You look on the slight stains that his blood left on your fingers, that soaked his shirt.
"Make you sure you get out of that train in Nagoya, y'hear me?", his gaze is soft as it lands upon you. Your brain goes numb with anxiety.
"Y-yeah, yeah sure. I'm meeting a friend there, wouldn't miss her for the world."
He smiles at that. A genuine, warm smile. It does something funny to your stomach. "Alright love, gotta dash", he's straightening his vest and giving himself a glance in the mirror, running his hands through his hair, "There's this chap I gotta get rid of. Gimme a call, when you're in London, would'ya?"
You just nod and take the slim, white card he hands you. The numbers on it are orange.
"Very fucking funny", you huff and he grins, leans down towards you, and places his lips on your cheek. The kiss is feather-light but it'll haunt you late at night in the weeks, months to come after the story of the crashed bullet train breaks the international news. But right now, it makes your chest tingle in all the right ways.
"Tis'a good girl, eh?", Tangerine whispers and then, throwing one last look at you, struts out of the door.
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marvelsmylife · 3 months
We’re going to be ok
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Plot: when word gets back to Azriel that you’re planning on leaving the night court after the kitchen incident, Azriel will stop at nothing until he convinces you stay and confesses why he’s been avoiding you.
A/n this is part two to Jealous Mate. I made a movie reference in this part. Five points to anyone who catches it and writes the movie I’m referencing.
*Correction* There are actually two references in this part. One is a movie reference the other is a book reference.
Part one
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Azriel refused to be around you for two weeks after the kitchen incident. He was too ashamed that he just left without saying a single word to you. He knew what he was currently doing was making things worse, but he couldn’t face you after he heard you say you were giving up on him. It wasn’t until Rhysand called him into his office to scold him for his actions that he realized how badly he messed up: “Rhys, I know-.”
“No, you don’t know,” Rhysand cut Azriel off: “You avoiding your mate is causing nothing but problems within our inner circle. Do you ever plan on talking to her?” Azriel was so ashamed of his actions that he refused to speak. 
Taking his silence as an answer, Rhysand spoke up again: “Very well. Since you won’t give me the decency to respond. Then this news I’m about to tell you won’t bother you.” Rhysand inhaled sharply before adding: “Y/n is leaving the night court. She asked if she could stay at the day court with Helion, and he happily agreed. If you’d like to say goodbye to her, you better do it fast. She’s at the house of wind packing as we speak.”
The color drained from Azriel’s face at the news you were leaving the night court. He couldn’t believe that he had driven you to not only leave the home you shared but also drive you out of the night court entirely. “You can’t allow her to leave !” panic was laced in Azriel’s tone: “She belongs here with us, with me. I’m her mate, and I’m not allowing this to happen, Rhysand !! !”
“She has free will. She can do whatever she pleases. Let her go and let her live her life in peace.”
Azriel felt his chest tightening at Rhysand’s words. He knew Rhysand was right, but he couldn’t let you go, not when he’s yet to tell you how he truly feels about you. “No,” Azriel said firmly: “I’m not letting her leave. At least not until I talk to her.”
Not giving Rhysand a chance to respond, Azriel fled to the house of wind to see if he could catch you before you left.
Luck was on his side. Your smell lingered in the house when he arrived and immediately walked towards your room. He had no idea what he was going to say. He was never really good with words. Not bothering to knock, Azriel entered your room and noticed that more than half of your stuff was already packed. “Can I help you?” you asked while you packed your clothes. 
Azriel remained silent as he looked around and spotted something from the corner of his eye: “Is that?” Azriel swallowed hard when he noticed a pressed flower on your desk.
You looked toward where Azriel was staring and sighed: “The rose you gave me when I first moved in? Yes. Yes, it is.”
You were about to throw it in the trash when Azriel stopped you and took your hands into his: “Please don’t go,” Azriel begged: “I know I haven’t been a good mate, but I can’t let you go.”
“Azriel, don’t.” you said firmly: “You’re being mean.” There was hurt in your eyes when you registered what Azriel had said, and all Azriel wanted to do was comfort you. “You do not have the right to ask that from me. Not when I’ve tried to get close to you, but all you’ve done was push me away.” You tried to get out of his grip, but he only held you tighter. “Do you know how excited I was to meet and get to know you when we first met? I was so excited to share everything about my life and was eager to get to know you, but after the first week, you started to ignore me. I just wanted to talk, but you wouldn’t even acknowledge my existence while we live together,” you paused for a moment, trying so hard not to cry in front of Azriel but failed miserably. “Look, if you’re not going to put any effort into our relationship as mates, then I’m going to leave because being around you while you ignore me hurts me physically, mentally, and emotionally ! ! !”
It was Azriel’s turn to feel the way you’ve been feeling for the past couple of months, feeling rejected, and he’ll never forgive himself for making you feel this way for so long. “No! !” Azriel looked at you in disbelief: “I just- you can’t go. I’ve been avoiding you because I thought you were better off without me. You deserve better than me. I-” Azriel paused to contemplate if he should continue explaining. “I didn’t want to accept the bread you made with Cassian because if I did that would’ve meant you accepted the bond between us, and I didn’t want you to feel shackled to me for the rest of your life. But seeing you pack and saying you’re leaving makes me want to be selfish and tell you to stay. Stay with me and I promise I’ll be a better mate. I’ll eat whatever you make so I can accept the bond.”
“Azriel-“ you paused: “I didn’t and still don’t care about your past. You can’t allow your past to dictate your future.” Azriel knew you were right, and he was going to tell you when you continued: “Look, I’ll stay, but I’m not going to bake or cook you anything, not yet. You have to earn my forgiveness, and maybe then I’ll accept the bond in the future.” 
“I’m ok with that. I’ll wait a thousand years if I have to, just as long as I still have you in my life.” You found yourself crying again at Azriel’s words.
Azriel looked down at you and wiped away the tears that were running down your cheeks: “No more crying, especially over me,” before he placed a kiss on your forehead: “You’re ok. We are going to be ok.”
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harleehazbinfics · 3 months
Cookies for Everyone!
--- cannibal chef m.list a/n at the end!
"Everyone! I got all of you something!" You excitedly bounded to them with a covered round tray in your hands.
Everyone turns to you curious as to what you're holding, except Vaggie, who narrows her eyes suspiciously at the tray crossing her arms.
"What's in the tray?" She asks, voice laced with hostility.
"Oh, Vaggie. I'm sure it's something harmless," Charlie tries to mediate with a smile.
"Harmless? From her?" Husk retorts with a snide grin. "I'd believe it when snakes and pigs fly."
Angel gasps hugging Fat Nuggets closely. While Sir Pentious does the same with an offended look hugging his eggbois.
"Too far, my bad."
You waved them off with a laugh, and said, "Oh, goodness no! I could never! I just wanted to give you guys a little something for inviting me to do stuff with you recently. I never had proper friends before, so I made you..."
You drag the suspense and slowly lift the cover making them hitch their breaths anticipating the worst.
What was it? Mutilated body parts? Teeth bracelets? Their stinkiest undergarments?!
You finally presented the gift with a proud look on your face, while their tense faces deflated in relief to see...
"PEOPLE SHAPED COOKIES! LOOK IT'S ALL OF US!" Charlie screams elated grabbing her cookie.
"I think those are called Gingerbread Men," Husk remarks at Charlie cynically making Vaggie glare at him.
"Woah! These look great, doll!" Angel complements inspecting the cookie with a smile.
"They also taste amazing!" Pentious adds, melting from the taste of your baking.
"Not gonna lie. I thought you'd give us eyes or nails of our loved ones," Vaggie confesses before eating a bite out of her cookie, "These aren't half bad."
You smile and reply with a shrug, "I'm crazy but I'm not a monster."
"I think we've already passed that, dear," Alastor notes appearing by your side.
"Sir Alastor! I wouldn't dare forget to make you some!" You said giving him a little bag of his own cookies, giving the rest their own goodie bags.
"Well, everyone. We'll be heading out. Can't be late for our reservation," Alastor announces cutting through everyone's conversation taking their attention.
"Reservation?" You ask tilting your head rather cutely, but Alastor would rather die than say that out loud, "I never arranged a reservation for you, Sir."
He grins holding your shoulder, and replies, "I made it for you, of course! Seems like you've already forgotten about your own birthday, sweetheart."
Your head explodes into a red color looking very embarrassed and excited, both at his endearment and plans for you. It made you feel very appreciated that he remembered something you've barely told anyone.
Your brain runs around in delusions. Thinking so far into the future where you'd live together with Alastor, sleeping in the same room being woken up by your pet cat and being a family.
"We can't be late. See you in a while, chums!" The radio demon bids goodbye holding your lovesick form in his arms in a princess carry while you short-circuited.
"Should we name our cat after you, sir? 💕"
saw this goin around while i was gone wtf, its oddly and scarily cute ew? /aff LMAO
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livingemkayde · 1 year
neighbor!joel miller/dbf!joel miller x f!reader
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Warnings: Rated 18+. Minors please dni. Smut. Oral; f!receiving, fingering; f!receiving. Semi public fingering. Pet names. Not proof read.
a/n: guys. the love on ride literally changed my life. like actually. thank you so much for the support. due to the love on the one shot, consider this part 2 (and also my token of deep gratitude). if you haven't already, please check out my masterlist! im writing a din fic so if you want to read more of me, you know where to find it. last thing, my shit keeps getting community labeled so spread the word to change ur settings i guess?? dont really know how to fix that, i give warnings at the top of every fic. really really last thing, i live and breathe for your comments/asks/submissions, i will consider your requests for future parts if you guys want one. love you all tysm
edit: gonna continue with this and make it a small series. comment or message me if you would like to be added to the tag list!!!
wc: 4.5k
this is apart of my small dbf!joel mini series, read the previous parts here:
part i
if you would like to read more of mine: masterlist!
The ride back is silent.
He just kind of pushed you off his lap and back into the passenger’s seat—then started to drive you home without another word. You were too scared to say anything—you sat, body completely facing him—mouth hanging open like you wanted to say something, but you had no idea what to say to that. 
To rejection. 
Your dad’s call had really killed the vibe. Whenever you looked over at Joel he had a certain scowl that told you he didn’t want to talk about it—didn’t want to talk to you. 
But you wanted to talk to him. 
You really did—like you worship the ground he walks on because he’s Joel Miller, and he just pushed you off his lap after sticking his fingers inside you, and you seemingly can’t get enough. 
“So are we gonna talk about—” you look over at him but he cuts you off in an instant. 
“No? Joel—” 
“I said no,” he gives you a quick glance then turns back to the road. 
That shut you up. You feel kind of dejected. Like maybe it was a heat of the moment type thing. But it didn’t feel like that to you, if the quiet heartbreak settling in your chest is any indication. 
You turn to look out the window when you feel tears prick your eyes—your throat becoming heavy. 
All he gives you is a long sigh that pushes through the car. 
When he pulls into your driveway, he doesn’t even put the car in park, just switches gears to reverse so he can back out just as quickly. 
You mumble a quick thanks and exit—if you slammed the door—you didn’t notice over the ringing in your ears. 
You enter your house, rubbing your hands over your face. When you shut the front door, your head is spinning. You rest your forehead against it but a voice—your dad’s voice—snaps you out of it. 
You spin around to look at him. 
You have to keep it together.
“Yeah,” you reply. But even to your ears, you sound a little breathless. 
“That Joel?” He tries to peer out the window of the front door—you know he can see the pick-up pulling out of the drive and into Joel’s across the street. Your dad doesn’t look skeptical—more confused than anything. 
“Yeah. He was nice enough to give me a ride back,” you remove your shoes and start to walk towards the stairs. You need to leave before your cheeks turn beet red. 
You think he’s about to let you off the hook. You’re halfway up the stairs, giving him a small smile goodbye, and he slips in his last question—
“No books?” 
“N-nothing good there. I need…special—books for my research,” you try to take one more step but he raises his eyebrow at your response and you freeze. 
Special books? What the fuck are you thinking? What does that even mean? 
You wait, breathless. And he kinda scowls at the floor then takes one more look up at you.
“Alright then,” he says and stalks off towards the living room —you let out a staggered breath.
Thank god. 
The next few days roll into one long sleepless night. You toss and turn when you remember what happened in the truck. You aren’t embarrassed—but you’re hurt more than anything. 
Joel Miller. 
The last time you saw him, 2 summers ago, he was teaching you how to drive—you asked your dad, but he had said something about how he'd get too frustrated if he tried to teach you. 
He asked Joel to give you your first lesson that night.
You remember sitting in the same truck, but in the driver's seat. He reached over to point out something on the speedometer, and you kept staring at his face instead of the dash—when he looked over and saw you weren’t paying attention he teased you. 
But it was different. 
Not like the teasing from a couple days ago. 
You knew it was playful—this new teasing felt flirtatious. Like he actually cares if you’re seeing someone. 
You admittedly cried about it. A lot. And didn’t get out of bed much in the days since. 
Your dad miraculously pulled through with the barbecue. It's actually funny how the one time you want him to forget something—he’s way too enthusiastic about it and somehow ends up inviting the whole neighborhood and then some.
Your dad asks you if you want to invite Liam as you lie in bed, you give him a shrug—not really hearing him. If Liam comes, who cares. If Liam doesn’t come, who cares. You certainly don’t. Liam isn’t really anything compared to a certain forty something year old who just rejected you in possibly the worst way imaginable. 
Pathetic is probably the right word. You feel pathetic. Like maybe you’re just another woman in the neighborhood who has a crush on Joel that he would never go for. Like you were a mistake.  
It's certainly what he made you feel like. 
The day of the barbecue comes around and you haul yourself out of bed and into a sundress. Your dad is freaking out downstairs about the logistics of being able to feed the—honestly horrific—amount of people he’s invited. How they’re all going to fit in your backyard is a mystery to you.
You know Joel’s gonna be there—and you don’t know if you can stomach seeing him. The thought makes you a bit dizzy. 
People start flooding in, all giving you a smile, hug, and congratulations as they walk through the house. You try to put on your best face but when every knock or doorbell ringing could be Joel, you bite your lip and furrow your brows. 
There’s a lot of people. And by a lot—there’s probably close to 60 people in this house—spread through the backyard—and you can only really name 20. 
Your phone buzzes and your heart drops a bit. You don’t know why. Joel doesn’t text you. 
Sarah Miller: on our way soon
You like the message and go to turn off your phone when a certain notification catches your eye. 
Liam Moore: excited to see you :)
So your dad had invited him. You groan a bit, but you can’t be too mad.
You slink to the backyard, saying hi to everyone as you move to find your dad. He’s standing with some men you recognize from the neighborhood. They all congratulate you again and you give them a smile and a thank you in return. 
“You invited Liam?” you say under your breath when the group of men go back to talking. 
“Yeah? I don’t really know what this—” he shrugs his shoulders dramatically “—means so I invited him just in case.” When you don’t respond he continues. 
“That a problem sweetheart?” He looks at you, worried. 
“No, no—I—thank you, dad. I mean it, really. This is awesome,” you give him a small smile and hug. 
You turn towards the entrance of the backyard and see Joel and Sarah walking through the sliding doors. He catches your eye almost immediately—then drops your gaze.
He looks—good. Sporting a couple 6 packs of beer in each hand, Sarah carrying one more behind him. He moves through the crowd easily, saying hi to everyone in passing. God, he looks like a celebrity. It makes you roll your eyes a bit and chug down some of the beer in your hand. 
When he arrives you move past him and greet Sarah. She screams (which makes everyone look at the two of you) and gives you a hug, jumping into your arms. It’s nice to see her. She congratulates you and starts telling you her entire life story that has been the past two years in response to your simple “How’ve you been?” 
You missed her. And you should have stayed in touch more—but you were extremely busy—your dad was lucky to get a phone call once a week. 
“But, he’s not important anymore—isn’t it crazy how fast men can move on? God. Anyways, congratulations again!” She really does move a mile a minute, “Dad, did you say congrats?” 
Her words hit you like a truck—her story, very—ironic—considering your situation with the man she’s pulling over by the bicep. 
“Uh yeah. Hey kid,” he says, not really meeting your eye. 
“‘Hey kid’? Dude—” Sarah gives him a knowing look and pushes him towards you. 
Joel wraps his arm around you—you feel like you can’t breathe. Your face touches his chest and you retract back from the hug like you’ve been burned. It sure feels like it. 
“Congrats,” he gives you a nod and clears his throat. 
Sarah rolls her eyes and gives you a look, her face saying; ‘god why is my dad so weird?’ You try to laugh it off and hope no one notices your blush. 
Thankfully, she pulls you away from him, you toss a look over your shoulder and see him staring back at you. 
Liam arrives shortly after. You leave Sarah with some neighborhood friends and make your way to the front door. 
When you open it, you’re pleasantly surprised. 
Liam is—hot? 
You only remember his 12th grade image—sporting hair that was a bit too short for his head and some ill fitting clothes but this is—different. 
He looks nice. Polished. 
Different from what you remembered, or what you expected. 
“Hey!” he says and brings you into a hug. 
“Hey Liam,” you chuckle into his arm.
“Good to see you! I didn’t know if we would ever get together. Have you been getting my calls?” he pulls back and gives you a soft look. 
You feel bad. 
“Uh, I think my dad is like super bad with the phone. I didn’t know you had been calling the house till like yesterday,” you reply sheepishly. God, starting this out with a lie. 
“Hey no worries, anyways, congratulations!” His hand lands on your back as you move to let him inside. It trails a bit lower and you try not to think too much about it. 
“Yeah, you too—Princeton right?” You hope that’s right—you haven’t been keeping up with him. 
“Oh uh Yale, but close enough,” he chuckles and accepts the beer you hand him. 
“Shit. Sorry, I—you know—my brain,” you touch his arm, gently, in apology—and you can’t help but notice the muscle underneath his shirt. “You enjoyed it?” 
“Oh yeah. It was great. Going to Columbia for law school.” 
Hm. Smart. 
“Wow! That’s—wow. Congrats. Really, Liam, that’s awesome,” you say, and you mean it. He’s impressing you. And he’s not so hard on the eyes either. 
It almost makes you forget about your dad’s best friend. Almost. 
Liam pulls you into small talk—you walk him around the house while introducing him to the people you do know—while purposefully trying to avoid the backyard until he suggests getting some air. 
Your dad is the first to greet you—drunk. He’s standing next to Joel. 
“Hey! You made it!” He slurs. Oh god. 
“Yeah thanks for the invite sir,” Liam extends his hand to shake your dad’s. 
“Yeah, yeah…this is Joel,” your dad says as they drop hands. 
Liam extends his to Joel and you bite your lip and almost have to look away out of embarrassment when he takes it. 
“Liam,” he says while shaking. Liam’s eyes turn down to their hands joined and grimaces a bit.
“Nice to meet you sir,” Liam says. You can tell he’s trying to drop Joel’s hand. 
Joel lets the handshake go on for far too long. An awkward cloud blankets the air. Liam looks at you and when you meet his eye, you drop his gaze and peek over at Joel. Your dad hardly seems to notice in his drunken state but Joel seems mad—and Liam seems scared. 
When Joel finally lets Liam’s hand go, Liam shakes it out a bit like it’s been crushed. 
You give Joel a glance and he’s looking back at you—though you can’t read his eye. You shake your head a bit and try to brush it off. You can feel his looks through your father’s conversation. He remains silent—just the occasional scan at Liam when his hand comes to rest on your lower back again. A flick in his jaw is the only indication he might have any emotions towards this situation. 
After some small talk you attempt to pull Liam away. Your dad is way too drunk and Joel is way too brooding for you to witness any longer. 
When you both walk away, you can feel Joel’s hardened gaze bore into the back of your head. It sends shivers through you. 
“You know that guy?” Liam whispers when you exit.
“Yeah, he’s uh—he’s my neighbor,” you stutter. 
“Thought my hand was gonna fall off,” he mutters, looking down at it. 
You smile and just try to laugh it off. 
You’re sitting on some lawn chairs with Liam. It's been nice catching up with him. He’s really grown up since the last time you spoke. You wanted to ghost him because he seemed immature. Like the kid you knew four years ago. But this was nice. He was more your speed now. 
And he wasn’t fingering you then pushing you off him in the next instance—which was nice. 
 “I had a good time today,” he says, leaning back on the chair and looking to the side towards you. 
“Me too. Thanks for coming,” you say, smiling back at him. 
“Would you want to—like—get dinner sometime? I know you just got back but…” 
That kind of throws you for a loop. Sure, talking to him at a party is one thing. Dinner—a date—is another. But when your gaze catches Joel standing behind Liam’s head—talking to some woman you don’t recognize—it’s like your mind's made up for you. 
“Sure. That’d be nice,” you say. Liam gives you a smile back. 
You walk him to the door after a bit more talking. Liam said he had something he had to do—you didn’t really hear much after you saw Joel talking to that lady. The kitchen area is still busy with guests—it almost seems like people are still coming in. 
He gives you a kiss on the cheek as he bids you goodbye. You don’t blush. You don’t really do much of anything. 
When you shut the door you let out a huff. This day has been entirely too much and you’re already tired from the thought of seeing your dad drunk again and Sarah’s hyperactive love life she still has to fill you in on.  
“You dating’ him?” 
You whip around to find Joel entering your space. His hands shoved in his pockets. 
You scoff. He doesn’t get to do this. He doesn’t get to weave in and out of your life when it’s convenient for him. 
“Just leave Joel,” you say, defeated. You don’t want to play this game with him anymore. 
“Smart kid,” he notes but he doesn’t sound that genuine and you really can’t deal with this right now. 
“What’s your problem?” you say, hushed, but no one seems to be paying attention to your conversation. 
“I ain’t got one.”
“The handshake, Joel? C’mon,” you say, shaking your head while looking down at the ground “Fucking asshole,” you mutter under your breath.
“What’d you say?” He asks—angry. 
“I said you’re a fucking asshole,” you meet his eye. That doesn’t surprise him, but you definitely surprise yourself. He looks angrier. If that’s possible. 
He lets it simmer for a bit before speaking again. 
“‘S none of my business.”
“Yeah. It’s not. So stop shooting daggers at him and trying to break his hand.”
“So he’s gonna be comin’ around more often?” 
“Do I need your permission?” 
“No. Just curious," Jesus christ. He’s making you furious. 
“You know why.” 
That makes your eyes go wide and you stare back at him in shock. How could he be throwing this back in your face after he ignored you?
“No—” you scoff “—I really don’t.” 
He pauses—like he was about to say something snippy—but after hearing your response he falters. He almost looks hurt. Good. You want him to hurt as much as you were. 
“Hey! There you are!” a neighbor you recognize—a younger man, Mason, accompanied by the same woman Joel was just talking to, “C’mon over—lets me get you guys a drink.”
You follow Mason, Joel follows suit. His brooding energy feels uneasy from behind you. 
You and Joel come around to the empty side of the kitchen island and watch as Mason makes you both a drink. Your hand comes down to play with the hem of your dress but Joel’s standing so close to you that his fingers brush yours, you retract away. 
You and Joel stand in between the kitchen counter and the island. Mason and woman opposite you on the other side of the island. 
“So? School was good?” Mason asks like he’s been keeping up with you. 
“Yeah! Yeah, finished up some research—I’m back for the summer but I need to get a job,” you reply sheepishly with a chuckle. He starts talking about how he went to Texas Tech, and you stop paying attention. 
You peek over at Joel beside you, sipping his beer while looking at Mason talking. You doubt Joel is listening. 
“Anyways! A toast! What a smart kiddo—your dad should be really proud,” Mason says while leaning over the island to meet your glass, you and Joel both do the same. 
When you’re coming back from the toast, lips curling around the rim of the glass, Joel's hand lands on your lower back. 
No one can see—the counter coming up to your waist, with no one nearby except for the pair standing across the counter. Joel's standing so close to your side that they don’t even bat an eye when his hand starts to drift lower. 
You choke on your drink—looking at him from the corner of your eye. 
“You okay sweetheart?” The woman asks.
“Yeah—y-yeah. ‘M fine,” you say through a couple of coughs. 
She looks at you, then back at Joel, giving him a smile—then starts talking with Mason again. 
You bite your lip to keep from bursting. You peak over at him again but he remains cool, unmoving, nodding his head every once in a while at the conversation. 
Your dress is short and it rides up with his hand, moving across your backside. 
You bring your cup to your lips, attempting to hide your mouth when you let out a small—
“What the hell are you doing?” under your hushed breath. 
Of course, he doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even look your way. 
You know you could just walk away. Just excuse yourself from the conversation, leaving him and this woman who obviously wants him, behind. But something deep inside you doesn’t want to. Even through all the hurt he put you through—the heartbreak. You still want him, even if this is wildly inappropriate—and you don’t know how much longer you can go before you break. 
His fingers toy with the hem of your dress, eventually threatening to your panties after he hikes the dress up over his hand. 
The pair in front of you are now talking about some raccoon who keeps terrorizing the neighborhood trash cans and you really couldn’t care less. 
You couldn't care less when he pushes your panties to the side to nudge his fingers through your slick. 
His breath hitches at the feeling of you already soaking. His pointer finger catches on your clit, and you forget how the day started. 
“You sure you’re okay sweetie? You look a little pale,” she continues. God. Annoying. 
“Yeah—sorry. Just a bit tired. Long d-day—” the tip of his finger pushes into you. The pair gives you a confused look and you smile back in the hopes they drop it—and they do—thank god. 
“So that kid Liam, your dad said?” Mason gives you a teasing look. 
“Yeah—Liam. I knew him in high school,” you try to keep your wavering voice to a minimum. 
“You guys look good together. Cute couple,” the woman says and you almost choke.
Not because you and Liam are definitely not dating but because at her comment, Joel sinks a finger deep into you and you try not to conceal your whimper with a cough. 
You can feel him huff and let out a small chuckle beside you. 
“Oh we’re not dating, just friends,” you reply with a breathy laugh. You grip the counter so hard it might break.
“Just friends huh? Looked cozy though,” Joel quips from beside you. His tone is teasing like he’s talking to a friend. The pair in front of you laugh. 
“Yeah just friends, Joel,” you try to chuckle with them but it's hard when his finger begins to pump in and out of you while a second nudges at your entrance. 
The thickness of his fingers leaves you breathless while your head spins. 
You can hear your dad from outside—starting to come in and you know you need to leave.  
Joel hears it too, and his fingers slow. 
You reach behind you when the pair isn’t looking, and carefully but quickly, pull his hand away. You almost moan at the loss of his fingers. 
“Excuse me,” you look at the pair, raising your glass to them and give Joel a meet me upstairs look while you slink away quickly. 
You enter the guest bedroom—you don’t want him to see the messy state of your room from unpacking. 
When you shut the door, you let out a small scream—he’s driving you up the walls—and you keep coming back for more. But he needs to know you’re not just for the taking.
The door opens and shuts as you stand with your back facing it, but you know it’s Joel.
“What the fuck Joel?” you turn, exasperated, “What the fuck are you doing?” 
He doesn’t say anything. Just stands there with a hand on his hip. 
When he doesn’t respond you continue—“You can’t just fuck with me whenever you feel like.” 
“I ain’t fuckin’ with you.” 
“You have got to be kidding me,” you say, hands coming to run over your face. “Then what was that downstairs?” No response again. “Is this about Liam?” 
Finally he breaks—“I don’t care about that kid.” 
God, it's like pulling teeth. 
“You don’t care?” you let out a breathless laugh, “Right. Okay. Really seemed like it when you almost broke his hand."
“What?” He steps closer to you, you take one back, “You want me to care?”
“No—I—Jesus, Joel.” You feel like crying, but you bite your lip instead. 
He takes more steps towards you, and you take some more back. Your back hits the wall with a thud and you gasp. 
“You want me to care?” he repeats his statement, a dark, husky drawl wrapping around his words. “‘Bout your little boy toy?” 
You can’t find your words. 
The air is different between you. It’s like he knows that no matter how hard you try, you can’t ever get away from him. That he swirls through your thoughts despite your hardest efforts.
You begin to nod your head before you know what you’re doing. 
His hand comes up and runs his thumb over your bottom lip. 
“Open,” he says while pushing his thumb into your mouth—and you do. 
He eyes your mouth, taking his thumb, instinctively sucking on it as he pushes it down on your tongue. 
“Good girl,” he breathes out.
He takes his thumb out of your mouth, running it over your bottom lip—then he moves—and you think he’s going to leave, but he drops down to his knees instead. 
“I do care. Care quite a bit,” he mumbles into the skin of your legs as his hands roam the backs of your thighs. 
He trails kisses up the inside of your legs—his nose disappearing under your dress—but his eyes stay trained on you. 
He reaches up to push your dress to your stomach, and you hold it for him on instinct. 
His nose rubs against your clothed cunt, placing soft kisses there—you let out a strangled moan. 
“Joel…” you let out in a staggered breath. 
He shakes his head like he’s trying to say don’t, and the movement rubs against your clit and your head hits the wall behind you. 
Joel’s hand comes down to push your panties to the side, holding it there. You squirm when the air hits your dripping core. 
He throws one of your legs over his shoulder so he can access you better. Your heel digs into his back in attempts to bring his mouth closer. 
“Fuck, angel,” he says when he sees your wetness. “Always so wet.” 
“Please Joel, I—” his lips come to wrap around your clit, you’re cut off with a strangled moan. 
He sucks and his tongue darts out to flick your clit, then back down to taste your dripping entrance. He groans against you, and the vibrations shoot through your core. 
“Fuck Joel—I—” you know this isn’t right. You asked him up here to put him in his place, but when his tongue does that on you and your orgasm is quickly approaching, you can’t seem to remember what you wanted to talk to him about, “—God. Please—” 
You’re not even sure what you’re begging for. Maybe it’s your sad attempts to try and get him to stay with you.
His hand comes up between your legs. His fingers dance over your entrance, soaking it in your wetness. 
The tip of his middle finger prods, but doesn’t sink in like you expect. It makes you squirm and whine nonsense to him. 
“You want him, baby? You wish it was him instead?” He says when he pauses and looks up at you. 
“No—no. God—I—you. Joel, want you,” you whine, and moan even louder when he pushes two fingers in at your response.
“That’s it, good girl,” he says when your walls stretch around his fingers. You feel like you might come just from the feeling of them pushing in—and you get even closer when he pumps them at a slow pace. 
It feels like an apology. Like he’s on his knees begging you to forgive him. But you know him better. It’s more like he’s proving he’s gonna be the only one for you ever. Even when you have boys thinking about you 24/7, and you can’t even spare them a single thought. 
His lips return back to your clit, sucking and flicking and it pushes you over the edge. He can feel you pulsing around him, whispering a soft, “fuck are you coming?” his shock, evident in his tone. 
You push his head back to your clit, and he works on it, pushing you into white oblivion as you slump against the wall. 
You stand there, panting, for a bit. His own breath coming hot onto your skin while he looks up at you. 
When he slowly removes his fingers and lets your leg down from his shoulder, you moan quietly.
“Kiss me,” you plead, still writhing from your orgasm. 
“Get back to your party,” is all he says while straightening out your dress, and leaving the room. 
part iii
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tinkerbelle05 · 11 months
How about a 1016 miles x fem reader where his mom catches them kissing in his room 😭😭 I feel Rio would not play
Caught Red Handed
Characters: 1610!Miles Morales x Black!Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff & slight Angst
Summary: (Requested) Thanks beautiful ♥️
Warnings: awkwardness, snooping parents, Rio’s rage
A/N: Omg Rio would never play like that. I think it took a lot of convincing for you and Miles to be in the same room. Welp that's gone now. Also for my own peace of mind, Miles and Reader is 16+
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You loved kissing Miles. You loved leaving a trail of kisses on his jaw, traveling down to his neck, and traveling further down into the depths of his collarbone.
You were doing it right now. Both of you laying on his bed with you draped over his body and his hands on your thighs for stability. You heard a chuckle under his breath and you paused to look at him.
“That made you tickle,” it was more of a statement, an observation really, than a question. He didn’t answer, just avoided your eyes. You took your finger and lightly trailed leaving goosebumps in it’a wakes, leaving him a laughing mess.
“You're such a tease,” he grumbles and kisses your lips.
The both of you were so entrapped in your own world that you didn’t hear Miles’ door opening, and you most definitely didn’t notice Rio standing at the doorway with lunch in her hands.
“What are you two doing?!” You hear a yell. It sounded too much like Ms. Morales for your liking.
Both of you froze with fear and slowly turned around to see a fuming Ms. Morales. She was gripping the tray for dear life and fierce glare on her face.
You practically jump off Miles, white hot embarrassment fills every part of your body. You avoid her line of sight as you brace yourself for the inevitable verbal lashing. You don’t even dare to look at Miles, not even a secret glance in his general direction.
“So this is why y’all wanna keep the door closed all the time huh?” She questions and laughs in a mocking tone.
“Don’t,” she cuts him off harshly. She closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose. She opens them and they land in the space between you and Miles. “Have you two..?”
“No, we haven't,” Miles answers quickly, and somehow your embarrassment grew deeper.
She gives out a sigh and pinches her nose, “Okay, okay that's good because I will not become a grandmother right now, do you both understand?”
Both of you nod in unison. There was something more terrifying about her calm rage. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in anxiety.
She clears her throat, “Since neither of you clearly paid enough attention during sex-ed in school, I will re-teach you.”
“Huh? Mami please no. You really don’t have to,” Miles protested while you sink further into despair.
She ignores Miles and grabs a chair to sit in, “Okay so when..”
This was going to be a long night but it could definitely have been worse.
“Oh and you both are severely grounded for at least a month,” she adds before she continues on.
It was one of the worst 30 minutes of your life. Ms. Morales went really in depth on every subject related to sex education. The diseases you could catch, different methods of practicing safe sex, and the consequences of failing to do so. She painted horrifyingly graphic demonstrations too.
By the end of it, all you wanted to do was go home and erase this idea from your memory forever.
And at the end, she said, “Now maybe a month from now, after some reflection I can trust you two to be in the same room with the door open. But not right now. Do you need a ride home?” She turned to you, her gaze and voice softer than it was a moment ago
You quickly shake your head no and grab your things. As much as a car ride home would beat the 2 trains and a bus commute you had, your already cringing at the thought of how awkward and tense the car ride would be.
“No, no it’s fine Ms. Morales, I can get home on my own,” you tell her and with a quick goodbye to both of them, you were out the door.
Halfway through your train ride home and the Renaissance album you get a text from Miles. You were surprised he still has his phone.
“I’m sooo sorry for that. Shoulda locked the door next time. I'll make it up to you, promise 🙏🏿”
“I'll hold it to you Morales”
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vanteguccir · 3 months
Long live | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where the Cut The Camera Podcast comes to an end and Matt feels emotional about it, but Y/N is there to comfort him.
Warning: Sad talk, crying.
Requested?: Yes, by anon.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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The time had come to say goodbye to the Cut The Camera Podcast.
If Y/N said her eyes weren't filled with trapped tears that she was fighting so hard not to spill, she would be lying.
The girl was sitting on the floor on one of the fluffy pink cushion that decorated the Podcast studio, her back was pressed against the door next to the stairs as she silently listened to what the boys were saying, looking up to them from time to time.
That was a habit she had created months before, practically since the beginning of the Podcast, where she would simply enter the studio with the boys and accompany their filming while sitting in the same exact place on the floor with her phone in hand, not being seen by any camera, nor heard by any of the high-resolution microphones.
It was always a different adventure to be there. If her mood was down, the boys' jokes made her laugh until her stomach hurt. Sometimes, she herself attributed a different fact to one of the topics that Nick brought up or gave them an idea when creativity ran out before they reached the one hour mark.
She lost count of how many times she turned on the air conditioning when Nick felt too hot or brought Matt and Chris a hoodie when they were too cold. Many times having left the studio quickly to get water or some drinks from the kitchen for one of the three when noticing their voices hoarse from thirst and the amount of minutes spent talking without a pause.
With all this being said, the brothers could say that she actively participated in the podcast and its environment without necessarily appearing in it.
So, it was no surprise that in that episode she was without her phone in hand, sitting in her usual spot, with her head practically completely covered by the hood of her hoodie and a sad look resting on her face.
Her eyes traveled between the triplets at all times, ready to jump in and console them if she noticed any tears appearing, knowing how difficult it was to finish that cycle - despite also knowing how necessary it was for their growth.
The recording was coming to an end, and Y/N felt her chest heavy, even though she was extremely happy and looking forward to the three's new individual and group projects.
Part of her scolded herself for being so emotional, maybe because she didn't feel she had the right to, since she wasn't even part of the channel. Or maybe because the boys seemed perfectly fine and happy with its ending, but she knew they were just resigned to it.
"It feels like just yesterday we started it." Chris began the ending, turning his face to Nick while playing with his microphone with his right hand. "I actually can't believe how long we've been doing this. I'm happy it's over, but I'm happy it happened."
"Oh my God... I'm happy it's over, but I'm happy it happened." Nick repeated, focusing his eyes on the ceiling for a few seconds, and Y/N was almost sure he was holding back his tears.
"That was good, right?" Chris chuckled, crossing his arms on the table and tilting his head.
"I did like it." The oldest of the triplets nodded, a thoughtful look resting on his face. "But, before we continue ending it, I think we should call a special person, who is as much a part of this podcast as we are." He brought his lips closer to his microphone, his eyes quickly meeting Y/N's. "Come here."
The girl took a deep breath, getting up from the floor and patting her pants lightly, uncreasing the slightly wrinkled fabric from her previous position.
Matt turned his head in her direction, looking at her with an almost imperceptible smile on his lips. He opened his arms, silently asking her to sit next to him, and she did.
Y/N settled down on the white and pink vintage couch, resting her back against the backrest and crossing her legs on the upholstery. Her left hand automatically found home on Matt's right thigh, stroking the covered skin lightly.
"All these months of Cut The Camera, Y/N has been with us. She literally sits on the floor, leaning against the door, right there..." Chris began, pointing his index finger towards the door, even though the camera couldn't reach the indicated space. "And listen to an hour and a few minutes of us talking about literally everything."
"She gave us ideas during some podcasts, complemented some topics with new information... In other words, she technically participated without appearing." Nick agreed with his brother, raising his index and middle fingers at each item mentioned.
"Yeah... Well, hi guys!" The girl glued her upper body against Matt's, bringing her face closer to the microphone, offering a small smile to the camera that looked back at her. "I'm sorry about my condition-"
"She was crying, I can tell." Nick interrupted her loudly, raising his right hand for a few seconds before lowering it again, receiving an eye roll from the girl in response.
"It's just..." Y/N closed her eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath before opening them again. "It's incredible to see it from my perspective. I've been in the boys' lives for a little more than 7 years, I've been accompanying them since before the Sturniolo Triplets channel began, especially since before Cut The Camera Podcast. I saw this dream born in their hearts more than two years ago..." She swallowed hard, feeling her eyes sting with new tears while clearing her throat slightly.
Matt moved his right hand up to her back, lightly caressing the covered skin before wrapping it around her waist firmly, pulling the microphone in his direction, giving her time to compose herself.
"It's true guys, she helped us build this whole studio, design it, decorate it... She had most of the ideas with Nick." The brunette pointed his head at his brother, who was watching him with his lips pressed together, nodding. "And she kept us company through the whole process."
Y/N sighed, lightly squeezing the skin of Matt's thigh still under her fingers, reassuring him that she was okay.
"Yes, exactly. But despite all that, I have no right to come and cry rivers and say words as if the world is ending. I mean, I'm not even in the channel." She let out a nasal laugh, shaking her head and fixing her eyes on the table, frowning before starting to talk again. "But I just wanted to say you guys did a great fucking job."
Her eyes lifted from the white wooden surface, traveling over Nick, who had his lips pressed into a thin line, looking at her with soft, attentive eyes; Chris, who was arranging his pink cap on his head in an act of nervousness, keeping his head low; and finally Matt, who had his eyes fixed on his own lap, without letting her see his face completely, but she knew he was listening to her words carefully.
"I'm sure that, like the Sturniolo Triplets channel, this podcast was a safe place for many people, perhaps an escape from life's problems or a moment to relax. Although you..." She quickly pointed to Nick. "Having said that many episodes didn't get you three anywhere, I'm sure they were still as important as the others for some people."
The sound of sniffing caught her attention. Y/N turned her head quickly towards her boyfriend, who still had his head down. Her eyes soon caught the small tears running down his cheeks and dripping on his blue hoodie, leaving a wet trail behind, which shone below the bright light of the expensive illumination.
The girl adjusted her posture, pulling him carefully so that her arms circled around his shoulders, hugging him close to her body. She arranged the microphone so that the support held it directly to her without her having to let go of Matt.
"I'm proud of you, boys. I know why this podcast is coming to an end, and I completely understand, just as I know they will, too..." Y/N pointed to the camera in front of her with her chin, not taking her hands off her boy for even a moment. "I know about the future plans of each of you, I helped you with some ideas, just like I just supported others, and I'm sure that all of them will give incredible results in the near future, which the entire fandom will be able to enjoy as much as they enjoy the current projects." She finished, her voice sounding weak.
She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, biting it hard in an attempt to hold back the sobs. Out of the four, Y/N was the most emotional, having been called a cry baby many times throughout her life since her crying came easily with any situation that made her heart sting.
Matt sighed, finally lifting his head and resting it against his girlfriend's one. Feeling comfort surrounded his body with Y/N's arms still securely wrapped around him, opening a small smile at the camera.
"I... I will be forever grateful for all these months, thanks to all of you." Chris's watery eyes searched Y/N's, receiving a nod in response, which gave him enough confidence to open a tearful smile.
"Goodbye campers, and good night." Nick finished slowly, as if he had been avoiding that moment during the entire 1 hour of recording. His fingers played with the support of his microphone nervously as his eyes traveled over his brothers and his best friend.
"Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs eat your feet." Matt brought his right cheek closer to Y/N's left one, murmuring into the microphone softly.
"Come here, lovie." Y/N whispered to Matt as soon as Nick did the small gesture he always did when they came to the end of recording.
Her arms - which were still around him - pulled him closer to her body, allowing him to lay his head on her left shoulder.
"I'm so proud of you." She sealed her lips over the brunette curls for long seconds, closing her eyes tightly as she felt his hoddie-covered shoulders tremble slightly under her grip, low sobbing sounds echoing through the pink walls.
Y/N swept her eyes around the studio, seeing Chris already standing and walking towards the stairs, his hands wiping away aggressively the thick tears that were flowing down his cheeks freely. Nick was still sitting, his arms resting on the table as he stared at the wooden surface intently, seeming to still process everything.
"It's okay, you did the right thing. Good things are coming."
Extra - comments:
"how come we never noticed that Y/N was there in every podcast? 🤯🤯"
"omg this is so sad but so exciting at the same time, I'm looking forward to the new projects 😔"
"Y/N being the emotional support of the three of them was the cutest thing I saw today 😭😭"
"honestly, if we put together the tears of the four and all the fans who are crying right now, we could make the planet overflow 😫✋🏻"
"on no, matt crying made my heart sting so bad ;(("
"I love how Y/N is always there with them, giving the right support and being an amazing girlfriend and best friend, they're a real family 🥺🥺"
"Y/N spill some spoilers about the new projects, we beg you 😭😭"
"Y/N and Matt are so beautiful together, they're really made for each other 🥺"
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yninstagram you will be remembered ♡
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My asks are always open. My requests are closed at the moment since I have many to work in, but you can always send questions or simply talk to me 🩷💋
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
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dovkss · 1 year
Dumb Bitch
word count: 5.8k
summary: after you pine after him for so long with no luck, Katsuki finally decides to take you as his; thanks to his best friend.
warning: 18+; mean dom! katsuki; dirty talk (ish); oral (m receiving); rough sex; spitting; choking; breath play; degradation; hair pulling; manipulation; dacryphilia; edging; size kink; misogyny; yandere tendencies; kinda ooc, I was having a lot of fun with this one; kinda dubcon-ish?, reader is drunk for the most part; katsuki is an ass; poor eijiro won’t take no for an answer and ends up getting fucked over bc of it; katsuki and ei are basically frenemies
all characters are aged up !!
a/n: my first published fic on this blog omg !! sorry for any mistakes or anything, I kinda rushed this but I enjoyed making this, hope you enjoy reading it :)
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Kirishima stood in the middle of his room with his phone in his hand as a mischievous grin tugged at the corners of his lips. He knew of your little crush on his best friend and he couldn’t help but want to play cupid. He had the perfect plan, all he needed to do now was execute it. Sure, he knew Bakugou's disdain for you ran deep, but he also couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there could be something more.
Dialing your number, he chuckled to himself, imagining the reaction he’d get out of you. It wasn't long before the ringback tone was cut off by the call connecting. Immediately you greeted him with a voice filled with joy, as usual.
“Hi, Kiri!” you greeted.
“Hey hey! How’s it going?” he asked.
You hummed in delight. He heard tiny giggles in the background. “Great,” you exclaimed. “The girls and I are having a sleepover right now… if you wanna talk to Mina, she’s right here- fuck!”
From the sound of it, you were hit as a sign to shut up. Kirishima chuckled at your guys’ antics. “Well, this is easy enough knowing you’re all in one place! I’m throwing a little get-together this weekend, I want you all to be there!”
It got a little quiet on the other end of the line, the only thing being heard is some shuffling and slight whispers.
“Hmm, who’s all gonna be there?” you asked curiously.
Kirishima smiled. “He’s gonna be there.”
He could almost hear the collective gasp that came from you and your friends. Then it went dead silent. You muted yourself. The redhead imagined your guys’ squeals.
You cleared your throat, going back to trying to act normal, and unmuted yourself. “Count us in, Kiri!” you exclaimed. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
Everything was going to plan. You and he said your goodbyes before the call ended. Kirishima couldn’t help but wear a satisfied grin. He knew he had sparked a glimmer of hope within you. The idea of igniting a connection between you and Bakugou excited him. But it was soon dampened when Bakugou stormed into the room with a couple of cans of soda in his hands.
“What the hell was that about?” he asked.
Kirishima knew he couldn’t lie to him. Bakugou knows when he lies. Bakugou set the sodas on the wood floor and grabbed two cans. He tossed one to his friend and opened up his own. He sat on Kirishima’s bed, facing him, awaiting an answer.
Kirishima popped his soda open and took a sip. The room was filled with tense silence, even if it was for only a moment. “I just invited some last-minute people to the party,” he said.
Bakugou’s vermillion eyes narrowed. His intense gaze radiated intense annoyance. “Who?” he questioned some more.
Kirishima winced playfully at Bakugou’s usual harsh response. He would rather intend to pique the ash blonde’s curiosity rather than ignite his ire.
"Don't worry about it, bro. We'll see everybody there!"
For the first time, Bakugou wanted to be wrong. He shook his head in disapproval before chugging down some more of his soda. "You're a fucking idiot, Kirishima. I thought you knew better than to invite her."
Kirishima squinted at Bakugou. "I get that you don't like her, but you're also being way too quick to judge. Get to know her a little better, she isn't who you think she is."
Bakugou scoffed, his voice filled with disbelief. "You think I would waste my time on someone like her? You should know me better than that."
"I just think that maybe-"
"That fucking shallow, attention-seeking whore. I have no interest in girls like her."
Kirishima's expression softened, his voice gentle but firm. "Not cool, man. She's still my friend," he started, "and I think you watch too many movies. Not every girl that cares about how they look on the outside is some dumb bitch."
Bakugou's scowl deepened, frustration etched on his face. "I don't need you playing matchmaker, Kirishima. I can take care of myself."
Kirishima sighed and raised his hands in defeat. "Fine! I'll let it go!" He then offered a small smile to defuse the tension. "Let's focus on getting this shit ready. We need to go out and buy some cups and food and... whatever else I can't think of on the spot right now!"
Bakugou grumbled in agreement. "Whatever. Let's get this shit over with."
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Your shoes clicked softly against the polished floor of the library as you anxiously scanned the aisles of the bookshelves. You were searching for Kirishima and you were in a bit of a rush.
Earlier that morning while you were packing your purse, you realized your beloved wallet, adorned with sparkling rhinestones, wasn't on your vanity. You would never dare forget it; you relied on it because it had every card you could think of in there. And some backup cash.
You rummaged through other bags and drawers, panic rising within you. It was one of your most treasured possessions, something your mother gave you as a gift before you left for college. You desperately needed that wallet, especially now, with an important event just hours away.
Realization struck you like a bolt of lightning. You remembered opening it to pay the pizza delivery man at Kirishima's house the previous day when you were studying with him and the girls. You must've left it behind. You were so stupid!
With a sigh of frustration, you dialed Kirishima's number from your backup flip phone since your main phone was dead. Your fingers trembled lightly as you held it up to your ear, you hoped beyond hope that he had seen it. You didn't expect him to pick up because he wouldn't possibly recognize the number but he did.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Kiri! Hi, how are you? Good? That's great," you greeted eagerly, "um, do you by any chance know if I left my wallet at your place?" You rocked back and forth as you shoved your purse into the front seat of your car, putting your key into the ignition.
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line. "Oh, that's yours? The one with a bunch of glitter… crap on it? Yeah, I have it on me right now actually." he said.
You let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "Great, can I pick it up from your right now? I'm kind of in a hurry..."
He chuckled. "Of course! I'll be on campus for a couple more hours, just swing by the library."
With a renewed sense of purpose, you drove to campus. It took you way longer than usual due to traffic, but you made it nonetheless.
You made it to the library and began scanning the room, looking for your friend. The scent of old books filled the air, and the hushed whispers of students studying added an aura of calmness.
You spotted Kirishima in a corner, engrossed in a thick textbook, writing down notes as well, and you made your way toward him. As you approached, your eyes inadvertently fell upon a figure sitting next to him doing the same.
A slightly taller man with spiky blonde hair. You could tell by the way he sat, he was undeniably arrogant. Katsuki Bakugou.
Your heart skipped a beat and a nervous flutter ran through you. You'd heard rumors of his fiery personality. His ability to put anyone who dared to cross his path in their place. You were very curious about him.
"Kiri!" you chirped, flashing a bright smile.
Kirishima looked up from his book and returned the kind gesture. He put his finger up to his lips, reminding you that they were still in a library. You quietly apologized and laughed at yourself.
"It's in my bag, hold on," he whispered. He picked up his backpack from the floor next to him, unzipping it to go through the contents inside.
Your gaze wandered across the library. You tried your best to not look at Bakugou. It was hard not to, though, he was very handsome. Finally, you gave in and turned your attention to him.
You offered a tentative smile. "Hi there! I don't think we've met before."
Bakugou's piercing gaze met yours. He was unimpressed and regarded you as if your presence irritated him. Unbeknownst to you, it did.
Your smile faltered for a moment, but you refused to let his cold demeanor deter you. "I'm a friend of Kirishima's-"
"I know who you are," he responded curtly, his tone laced with thinly veiled contempt.
You felt your cheeks heat up. His voice was so intimidating and so attractive. "Katsuki Bakugou, right? I've heard a lot about you."
His dirty look became more prominent. "Yeah, I've heard enough about you too."
Your heart sank a little at his words. What did he hear? You weren't aware of any rumors of you or anything, and you were kind to everyone. The dummies, weirdos, everyone!
Kirishima chimed in. "Be nice, man," he said as he got up with your wallet in his hand. He handed it to you and you took it from him.
"Thanks so much, Kiri," you said, a sense of relief washing over you. "You have no idea how much I rely on this thing."
He shook his head, his smile showcasing his sharp teeth. "Don’t we all!"
You nodded, your gaze fixed on your reflection in your little compact mirror. "You saved the day, yet again, Kiri. I owe you one."
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Ever since then, you got to know more about Bakugou thanks to Kirishima. How despite what many would believe, he's organized, and a clean freak. How much he hates being around kids yet are so great with them. Just how well he can play the drums or cook.
You thought you were subtle but it was obvious that you longed for Bakugou. It wasn't your fault he was everything you wanted in a man.
He had it all. Hardworking, determined, and confident. It was so sexy. The only problem was that he didn't seem interested at all. If anything, he seemed to despise you. To him, you were just an annoying bug that kept coming back even after being swatted at.
You wanted to win him over. When you knew you would be around him, you purposefully dressed a little sexier. Bending over to grab things even while wearing the shortest skirt that barely covered your ass and tight shirts to enhance your chest and waist.
Bakugou didn't even spare you a sympathetic glance. But you kept going. Tonight was the party and this was your last chance. If you couldn't even do as much as strike up a conversation with him, you told yourself you'd give up. You were too pretty for all this effort to be put into a man. But god, he was so hot.
Your anticipation grew as you and your friends approached Kirishima's house. The usually quiet neighborhood was transformed into a hive of activity. Cars lined the streets and the sound of laughter and music spilled from the open windows. What was meant to be a "get-together" had turned into a Project X party.
"Todoroki, could you go any damn slower?" Mina complained, her seat belt already off.
"You want me to run over these people?" he asked. You giggled, knowing his question was literal.
Mina groaned in annoyance, mumbling a small 'no.' Momo was in the front seat next to her boyfriend. "Don't listen to her, she's just a little impatient."
Finally, Todoroki got you guys to the front of the house. You were the first to get out, followed by Mina coming out behind you. Momo kissed her boyfriend. Then gave him another kiss. Then another.
Mina whined loudly. "Oh my god, Momo! He's just going to park the car! He's not leaving you, come on!"
You leave them behind in silence. As you pushed open the front door, the energy hit you like a tidal wave. Every inch of the house was packed with people, bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. The air was thick with alcohol, weed, and the hum of people trying to converse over the loud music.
You looked around, mouth agape. You didn't even notice Mina and Momo by your side. Their eyes widened at the sight before them.
Mina leaned in closer to be heard above the noise. "This place is insane!" she exclaimed, her voice barely audible amidst the chaos.
Momo nodded in agreement. "I don't think any of us expected this. Kirishima sure knows how to throw a party."
Your eyes scanned the room in search of the boy. You caught a glimpse of his familiar red hair through the crowd and motioned for your friends to follow.
It was a challenge to move through people. Your face scrunched up in disgust as the air grew warmer. The smell finally getting to you, it was gross. Sweaty bodies rubbed against you as you made your way through. You gagged. The once cozy house had transformed into something completely unrecognizable.
Finally reaching Kirishima's side, you tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and greeted you. It took you a moment before realizing he was shirtless. And his hair wasn't done how it usually was. It was messy and wet.
"What happened here? This was supposed to be a small get-together!" you asked, evidently in disbelief.
Kirishima laughed. "I know! It got a bit out of hand! But hey, more people, more fun, right? By the way, you look gorgeous!"
You wore a corset dress. The bodice was designed with pretty lacing and the mini skirt boasted a slit on each side. The white set was complete with thick stilettos and makeup that accentuated your natural features.
You felt your face get hot and you smiled, giving him a little twirl to show off your outfit. Kirishima dog whistled playfully and handed you a plastic red cup. You looked inside and sniffed it. Alcohol. Strong, strong alcohol.
Taking what Kirishima said, you and your friends were immersed in the lively atmosphere of the party. You all danced; twirling and spinning, laughter blending in with the melodies as you lost yourself.
With a drink in each of your guys' hands, your inhibitions further dissolved, and you found yourselves caught in a whirlwind of euphoria. You clinked cups, toasting to the night, and gulped down the concoction.
Your mind was no longer consumed by thoughts of Bakugou. The weight of your infatuation was lifted, replaced with a sense of liberation. You reveled in the present moment, finding comfort exactly where you were.
Time lost its grip and you were having fun. By the time you were worn out, your cheeks were flushed and the warmth of the alcohol coursed through your veins, the effects beginning to take a toll on your mind and body. What was just an exhilarating atmosphere now seemed overwhelming, your energy dwindling with each passing moment. Your giggles faded and were replaced with yawns that you couldn't stifle.
Kirishima approached you with a concerned look. He gently placed a hand on your head, stroking your forehead with his thumb. "You are exhausted..."
You closed your eyes for a tiny bit of rest and your ability to hold yourself up became harder and harder. Kirishima shooed away some random person off the couch to make some room for you. He helped you sit up and made sure you were comfortable before going to look for his blonde best friend.
"Bakugou!" Kirishima called out over the music. He approached the guy who sat in the corner of the party, a group of people Kirishima had never seen before was surrounding his friend.
He pushed through the small crowd. "I need your help."
Bakugou blinked at the lack of explanation. "With what?"
Kirishima nudged his head toward where you were sitting. Bakugou's eyes followed only to see your state. You looked sick and stiff, almost as if you were dead. He groaned, taking a swig of his beer. "Not my problem-"
"She's fucking tired! Just help me take her to my room so she can get some rest!" Kirishima's expression didn't waver as he pressed on. "I know we aren't exactly getting along right now, but I can't do this alone."
A mixture of irritation and reluctance flickered across Bakugou's face. His jaw clenched, the internal conflict was visible in his tense posture. After a brief moment, he finally relented.
"If she pukes on me, I'm killing both of you," he grumbled.
Together, Kirishima and Bakugou made their way through the crowded room. Bakugou downed the last of his drink before tossing it somewhere he couldn't see. He watched Kirishima pull you up from the couch, your tired form leaning on him for support and your eyes struggling to stay open.
Bakugou's mind wandered back to all the instances when you had made your attempts to catch his attention. He'd seen your efforts, dismissing them as frivolous and uninteresting. But up until recently, recognition stirred within him.
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“F-fuck! Katsuki!”
The boy groaned in response. His thrusts didn’t let up even for a moment. He had her in doggy style, making sure to go deep inside her with his long strokes. His hands pressed down on her hips to keep her in place as her upper half wriggled around in pleasure.
Bakugou was turned off by her horrible acting. It was worse than a pornstar’s. At this rate, he knew he wouldn’t cum at all despite her already cumming for the first time.
The girl wasn’t ugly, she just wasn’t his type. Too vanilla for someone like him. He needed to rough someone up without worry. To grab someone by the neck and push their head into his pillow. To make someone take his big dick in full as they plead for mercy.
You were that someone.
He imagined pulling your hair and lifting you against him, your sweating bodies pressed against each other. How he’d throw you back down and pound into you from behind relentlessly. How you’d look back at him, unrecognizable with your makeup smudged and messed up, his hand rubbing along your back, up and down.
“Please… too big!” you’d bed.
He wanted badly to shake those thoughts away but he couldn’t. He closed his eyes to imagine more of what he’d do to you. Before he knew it, the thoughts set him off.
He pulled out of the girl and stroked a bit before cumming on her backside. She breathed in and out heavily, trying to catch her breath. She also began to touch herself so she can cum a second time
Bakugou didn’t help. He was busy thinking about you. Thinking about your lips, eyes, curves, and smell. You. You. You. He wanted you all for himself. But he knew your type; sweet on the outside, secretly hoping to be given a chance to play others to get what you wanted. He wasn’t going to play that game.
That night haunted him for weeks. When you came around, he went out of his way to avoid coming in contact with you. In his room, he would hear your voice ask: “What’s wrong with him?”
Kirishima would respond: “He’s been this like for a minute, but I’m not pushing it.”
Later that night, after you left, Kirishima knocked on Bakugou’s door. In one of his hands, he had a bowl of food that he cooked the day before.
“You’ve been in your room all day, bro! You need to help me set up!” he said.
Bakugou examined the boxing glove on his left hand. He wiggled his fingers only to realize it was way too stiff. Now he needed new gloves.
“M’ not hungry.”
Kirishima opened the door anyway and approached the boy, putting the dish on his desk. He looked at Bakugou and crossed his arms. "Something botherin' you, man?"
Bakugou huffed. Kirishima may have been a little slow, but he wasn't stupid. He could tell when his best friend is off.
Kirishima sighed. "(Y/n) and I noticed that you've been kinda distant lately. You barely come around anymore."
"Why is she always mentioned whenever we talk?"
Kirishima was taken aback. He raised an eyebrow.
Bakugou finally stood up, looking him dead in the eyes. "It's obvious you have a thing for her.
Kirishima stammered, unsure of how to respond. "I mean- I care about her as a friend, just like I do you. There's nothing more to it."
"You're always by her side, looking out for her, protecting her. Like you're fucking obsessed with her! It's pathetic!"
Kirishima shook his head in disbelief. "Just because I'm being a good friend doesn't mean I have ulterior motives. If you can't see that, then maybe you're the one with the problem here!"
Bakugou's body blazed with irritation. "You're fucking jealous that she pays more attention to me than she does to you."
Kirishima's jaw tightened. Immediately Bakugou knew he struck a nerve.
"Face it, Kirishima. She isn't interested, so back off. You're nothing compared to me."
Without another word, Kirishima turned on his heel, standing tall and steps firm as he walked away from the blonde. "Party is in three hours. Be ready."
Bakugou couldn't help but get another jab in as he listened to Kirishima mumble insults before slamming the door shut behind him.
"Stop worrying about me and start worrying about how you're gonna get your bitch off my dick!"
A wry smile formed on Bakugou’s lips as he recalled the telltale signs that hadn’t gone unnoticed before. Kirishima’s subtle glances in your direction, the way his eyes would light up whenever you entered the room, how his cheeks turned pink whenever you laughed at his jokes.
Bakugou knew his friend wouldn’t admit that he liked you, but he also knew you didn't know. You were nothing but a dumb bitch.
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As they reached Kirishima's room, Bakugou held the door open, allowing Kirishima to guide you inside due to your unsteady steps. The room was untouched, bathed in a warm, inviting glow like it always had. It offered a haven of tranquility, opposite of the chaotic activities going on downstairs.
Kirishima led you to his bed, helping you settle down with gentle care. "Thanks. I'll stay with her for a bit. You can head back to the party if you want-"
He was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking. His eyes widened. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He got up and rushed out the door without an explanation, only a ‘be right back!’
Bakugou watched him go and contemplated leaving himself. Then he looked at you, your chest softly rising up and down and you breathe. He sighed and went to close the door before sitting down next to your resting body. He traced his fingertips down the side of your arm.
“You want me so bad, don't you?" he asked. But it was more of a rhetorical question.
Suddenly you nodded softly. "Y-Yeah..."
Oh, you were awake. Bakugou's eyes furrowed.
"More than anything..."
"Then prove it," he growled. "Prove to me that you're worthy of my attention."
Barely conscious, you didn't understand what he meant, but as the alcohol faded, your sense came back to you. Your willingness to do anything to win Bakugou over was back and took over your mind in an instant.
You began to unbutton your shirt, revealing your lacy bra. Bakugou watched you with a cold, calculating gaze.
"You think that's enough?" he scoffed. "You really are a dumb bitch who doesn't know anything."
Your eyes filled with tears. You'd never been spoken to like that before. Yet, something about it made you hot. His coldness and brutality made you rub your thighs together.
"Please, Bakugou," you pleaded.
Bakugou then shook his head as he began to knead your thigh. "Call me Katsuki."
You smiled. Finally, you were getting what you wanted. He saw you. He noticed you. He's into you.
"Please, Katsuki," you whispered. "Tell me what you want me to do..."
His hand kept moving all over your body. Your heart pounded in your chest, scared of what his response may be. But he never said anything, he just eyed you.
Looking you up and down, his index and ring fingers grazing over your lips. Suddenly, he popped them into your mouth. As if it was a reflex, you wrapped your lips around them, sucking on them sightly. He caught you off guard when he pressed against the bottom of your tongue, making you gag. You turned your head, hoping he'd pull away.
Bakugou chuckled. "Get up for me, baby, and strip."
He let you sit up but not before wiping your saliva off his fingers onto your cheek. You slowly stood in front of him, holding onto his shoulders for support. He leaned back, trying to get a better view of your full body.
Slowly you began to remove your clothes. You felt exposed. Way more vulnerable than you ever had before. You avoided his hungry gaze.
"You know..." he began.
You looked up at him, not stopping the motions of getting undressed.
"Kirishima likes you."
You smiled. "I like him too. He's a good friend."
Bakugou wanted to laugh in your face. Your naivety was cute. He decided to be nice and only nodded in agreement. He watched intensely as the article of clothing dropped to the floor. His eyes studied your undergarments. It was a matching set, in pink. Of course. He felt himself twitch.
He sat up and extended his arm out to your cheek, lightly caressing it. "That's not what I meant."
In a flash, he let go of your face to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling it back roughly. You whimper, your eyes shut tight. Your hands follow his actions, trying to pry him off.
"Aah! Katsuki, it hurts!" you winced in pain.
"Awe. Awe, it hurts? Yeah?" he mocked your tone before chuckling. "Can't even handle a little hair pulling."
He stood up, towering over you. He pushed you down slowly to your knees, praising you for your compliance. You shivered due to your bare body being exposed to the cold air.
With his other hand, he unbuckled his pants and unzipped himself. You listened to his pants fall and lightly bit your lip. Suddenly your face was pushed forward, being pressed into something hard.
You opened your eyes and looked up at Bakugou. You could see his rock-hard cock through his clean underwear. It curved slightly to the side and he was awfully big... and long... and thick.
You weren't a virgin but you weren't very experienced either. You'd never seen one so big before. You doubted that you were able to take that in any capacity. Not in your mouth, not in your pussy either, but you wanted so badly to impress him.
You rubbed your cheek against his dick, making him breathe out slowly. Bakugou pushed your head aside, harsher than he expected, and pulled down his underwear. He grabbed you by your cheeks and looked you in the eyes.
You were so beautiful like that. On his knees for him. Under him, below him; where you were meant to be.
Grabbing his cock, he slaps it against your face before pressing it to your lips. You open up, allowing him to smoothly slip it in.
"Ahh... shit..." he groaned as the warmth of your mouth took in his cock. You try to work your tongue around him as best as you could, his cock barely being able to fit in your mouth.
He gripped your hair in his fist as he began to move against your face, making you choke. The lipgloss you wore had been smeared, staining your mouth; your mascara ran down your cheeks as your eyes watered every time his cock slammed the back of your throat.
"Look at you. Eagerly swallowing my cock- fuck! Such a slut," he sighed.
Bakugou began to go faster, not giving you any time to take a break. You'd never been face fucked before, let alone roughly. Your gagging became more audible whenever your nose brushed against his pubes. You needed air, but he didn't give you any time to take a break.
You slapped his thigh a couple of times, trying to signal him. He understood; he just didn't care. Finally, he showed some mercy and pulled your hair back to allow you to breathe.
You gasped and cough. You let out unsteady breaths and it was hard for you to catch up to your normal pace of breathing. This didn't last very long though as Bakugou pried open your jaw, shoving his fingers in your mouth once again, this time reaching your throat. You choked again, more tears falling from your face. He kept his hand there for a few seconds, studying your pathetic attempt to please him. When you began to cough again, he pulled out.
"Impressive. Where'd you learn that?"
You felt your body growing even more tired than it was before. You opened your mouth to breathe, only for him to spit directly into it.
You obeyed. His saliva slid down your throat with ease as you swallowed, and then you opened your mouth to show him. He smirked and stood up. You watched him lift you onto Kirishima's bed, positioning your head to dangle off the bed, facing the closed door.
You felt his tall, strong body leaning over yours as his mouth explored every inch of your skin. His fingers, still soaked with your saliva, slid off your panties and ran along your entrance. You were undeniably wet, and it was embarrassing. How easily you got wet. Bakugou thought it was adorable.
At first, his fingers rubbed just on top of your throbbing clit. You moan out softly, your hands moving down to his hair, playing with it a little. Your back arched at the sensation, causing him to push down your hips to keep you still.
"Look at yourself whoring out for me. You should be ashamed," he said.
He was right. You should have been ashamed. But... you weren't. You couldn't think straight, all you wanted in that moment was for him to be inside of you.
You lifted your head to watch him only for it to be put back down as his lips came up to kiss your neck. His fingers went faster, and you felt yourself squeeze around him. More moans came out of you as you concentrated.
His kisses, his fingers, his hot breath, his body.
His kisses, his fingers, his hot breath, his body.
Kisses, fingers, hot breath, body.
Kisses, fingers, breath, body.
Kisses, fingers, breath-
"M' gonna cum!" you cry out.
Bakugou faced you, his sharp canines showing as he laughed at you. You threw your head back and he lowered his face to nibble on your neck. You mumbled out incoherent words, on the verge of cumming.
A loud moan comes out of your mouth and immediately Bakugou pulls out. Your eyes widen, looking at him.
"No, no, no," you whined.
He ignored you and slapped his juices-covered hand over your face, pushing your head down yet again. It was too much for you. The pain of the bite on your neck went unnoticed when he forced his hips in between your legs, pulling you against him. He lined up his swollen cock with your cunt, slapping it a little. You moaned as he got himself wet with your juices mixed in with his precum.
He entered you without a warning and you screamed at the discomfort. You put your hands on his chest, whining. "Go slow, please!"
His gaze at you visibly softened. "You want me to be gentle, hm?"
You nodded, swallowing thickly. "Y-yeah... yeah..."
He whined just like you did. "Yeah? You want me to be soft with you? Help you adjust to my big dick?"
You repeated yourself. He smiled, carefully moving some strands of hair from your face. "You're so cute."
He slammed into you, instantly making you wail. His thrusts were slow, but hard. It hurt so bad. You whine in pain as his fingers went down to play with your clit again, laying a couple of smacks on your cunt.
Tears streamed down your face. The pain was excruciating, unlike anything you'd ever felt before. Your cunt was already sensitive, now paired with Bakugou's hand around your throat, and the pain slowly letting up, you felt so good. You were in heaven.
Bakugou's groans mixed in with your moans filled the room along with the sound of his balls slapping against you as his thrusts became even harder, you couldn't help but be loud, it wasn't like anybody could hear you. Your pussy throbbed around his cock and your back began to arch. You felt yourself coming closer and closer to your orgasm. And he noticed it.
He slowed down a bit. You were a little grateful as you were finally able to take him comfortably. But you questioned his change of pace.
"You know," he panted, "Kirishima wants us together."
You continued to moan, only murmuring over and over again how big his dick was, barely listening.
"He always talked about me and you- ugh...! Getting together..." he revealed. "Probably something he wants the most..." He lifted your head, putting his forehead to yours. "Let's do him a favor, yeah?"
The tightness on your throat grew tighter, cutting off your airflow, and his thrusts started to become harder again. Your eyes widened as your body struggled under his.
He whispered in your ear while increasing the pace of his strokes. "Be mine, baby. Cum all over my cock."
So you did. Your legs began to shake as your lungs begged for oxygen. Your orgasm was intense, your body squirming uncontrollably. He groaned as your pussy clenched around him for the last time. To be fair, he let go of your throat and your head went flying back over the edge of the bed.
You were officially head over heels for him. You would do anything to stay with him, even if it meant sacrificing your happiness and well-being. And you had a feeling he knew this.
The doorknob of the bedroom turned and the door opened. "Someone broke the damn vase with the-"
He examined the scene before him, his breaths slowly becoming inaudible and his heart pounding in his chest.
Bakugou’s gaze snapped towards Kirishima, a smirk flashing across his face. "Kirishima. We didn't expect you to come in."
Kirishima ignored him, only focusing on you. His eye twitched as he took note of your cock drunk daze. You smiled innocently at him, your chest pumping up and down deeply.
"Kiri... I don't owe you one anymore."
He clutched his hands together, his knuckles turning white.
"You dumb bitch."
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lipglossanon · 1 year
With Devils Inside Me
꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸
Dark Stepdad!Leon S. Kennedy x Virgin fem!reader
For the anon who asked for virgin reader! Leon is very dark in this compared to my others so I hope you like it!! 🫣
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, dark Leon, stepcest, creeper Leon, mean Leon, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (f receiving), Leon has a dark breeding kink, unwanted pregnancy kink ? not sure how to label it lmao
Not proofread ✌️
Title from Christmas Kids by Roar
part ii
꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸ ꒰ ͜͡➸
The new husband your mom acquired while you were gone over the summer is a huge surprise to you. You stayed with your dad over the course of few weeks since he’ll be gone on a business trip during your birthday. So here you are now, standing at the arrival bay in the airport closest to home waiting for your mom. You wave when you see her, but you also notice the tall, muscular man standing directly behind her. 
“Honey!” She smiles and pulls you into a hug, “oh it’s so good to see you again! I have some big news to share.”
You smile confusedly as she grabs the man’s hand. Your gaze moves from their clasped hands to his face, feeling a thrill of surprise at his dark blue eyes staring straight at you. 
“This is Leon! We eloped a few weeks ago,” she gushes, showing you the new ring on her finger, “he moved in with us so no worries on having a new room,” she titters, completely missing the heated way his eyes drag down your body.
You smile awkwardly, “Oh uh that’s great, um, congrats mom. A-and it’s nice to meet you, Leon.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, sweetheart,” his low voice gives you goosebumps, “your mom talks about you nonstop.”
“Oh, stop, I do not,” she giggles, patting his wide chest, “can you grab her bags, Leon?”
Your mom links your arms together as Leon brushes past you to grab your luggage. You catch a whiff of his cologne then your mom is tugging you along, chattering about her summer and why she wanted to keep her new marriage a surprise for you. 
“I hope you had fun with your dad, honey,” she sighs happily, “I know how much you miss him.”
You smile softly, “Yeah, we had a great time. He said when he gets back from this trip that I can come stay for a while again.”
“Oh that’ll be nice,” your mom coos, patting your cheek. 
She leans in a little closer, “I know it’s not the same, but Leon’s around now so—“
“Mom,” you cringe a little, “I don’t even know him that well and—“
“But you will,” she states firmly, “all I’m saying is he’s so excited to have a daughter in his life. He said he’s always wanted someone to take care of.”
Your eyes cut back behind you to see Leon scanning the airport as you three walk out; feeling your gaze on him, his eyes snap over to you. He tilts his head and gives you a strange smile. Hurriedly, you drop his intense gaze and face the airport exit. You feel anxiousness fizzing in your chest at his behavior.
“C’mon, once we get home and you get settled, you’ll see how nice it can be.”
After that first day back home, you make sure to avoid being with Leon—alone or otherwise. His vibes are off as your friends would say. He’s always staring at you, no matter what you’re doing. You’ve subtly brought it up to your mom, not wanting to make things weird cause Leon hasn’t actually said or done anything to you. Well, outside the niceties of things like ‘how was your day?’ or ‘dinner’s ready’. He’s perfectly normal, but something about him just squicks you out.
Unfortunately, you can’t avoid him forever. Your mom rarely travels for work, but there was an emergency at a satellite branch in the next state and so she packed up her bags, kissed you on the cheek, and bid Leon goodbye at the door with a hug and a kiss. The door closing felt like the lid on a coffin snapping shut. You felt small and alone.
Leon watches your mom pull out of the drive and then turns to face you, “Guess it’s just us, huh sweetheart.”
You laugh nervously, “Guess so.”
His unnerving blue eyes just watch you with that strange smile hovering over his mouth. 
“Well, I’ll go get started on dinner. I’ll call you when it’s finished,” he walks past you to the kitchen, brushing his fingers along your arm, “don’t be late, sweetheart.”
You hold your breath until he’s out of sight and then let it go in a shudder. Walking over into the living room, you curl up on the couch and put some mindless show on the tv. You scroll through your phone, browsing through your friend’s updates and random news until the hair on the back of your neck raises. You jerkily turn your head to look behind you and see Leon leaning in the doorframe, staring—always staring—at you.
“Was just about to let you know dinner’s ready,” he smiles crookedly, eyes empty, “wanna go wash up while I set the table?”
“S-sure,” you clear your throat and shakily stand on your legs, “I’ll be there in sec.”
He hums and turns back into the kitchen leaving you to anxiously make your way to the bathroom to wash your hands. You gaze into the mirror and see your wide eyes peering back, anxiousness written all over your features. You pat some cold water on our cheeks and dry them off. Cutting off the light, you head back over to the dining room.
You frown as you see your normal seat is empty; Leon has you sitting beside him, where your mom would usually be. You walk over to the seating arrangement and jump when Leon brushes your arm.
“Here,” he murmurs next to your ear as he pulls the seat out for you.
“Uh, t-thanks,” your voice shakes as you sit down.
His fingertips graze the back of your neck as he situates your chair. You shiver and lean forward, pretending to fiddle with your glass. Glancing from the corner of your eye, you see a smirk flicker over Leon’s face before he schools his expression. You can feel your heart in your throat.
“I hope we can get along the few days your mom will be gone, sweetheart,” he speaks, his voice low as he sits down next to you.
You give him a weak smile, “I-I’m sure we will.”
He hums noncommittally, ignoring the food on his plate to take the hand you have closest to him.
“You’re trembling, pretty girl, you feeling okay?” His voice is all rough concern but his eyes are wicked.
You softly try to tug your hand back, but he has it in a firm grip.
“Oh uh, yeah, I-I haven’t been f-feeling too well. Think I got a headache,” you wince a little as he squeezes your fingers, “maybe I should go lay down or something.”
You watch with sick fascination as you see his demeanor shift from lax to alert. His eyes are dark and his lips twitch into a smile.
“I think that would be best, sweetheart. C’mon let me take you to bed.”
You stand up quickly, nearly tripping over your chair, “Ahh, no I’m fine really.”
You laugh but it sounds a little manic even to your ears, “I uh I’ll be just fine, but thanks.”
He frowns at you and stands from his chair too. You feel cornered but try your absolute best not to show it. 
“I really think I should help you, sweetheart,” he looks at you with hungry eyes, “you know, I’ve always wanted a babygirl to take care of.”
“O-oh? Mom m-mentioned you always wanting t-to have a d-daughter to take care of,” you smile shakily, swallowing at the way he’s tracking your every move.
The smile is slow to overtake his features, but it makes your heart rabbit in your chest.
“She did? Well, I did say babygirl. I guess you could infer daughter from that,” he chuckles, no mirth in the sound, “always wanted a pretty girl of my own, a sweet babygirl who just needs daddy to take care of her.”
You can’t hold back the gasp as you push away from the table and back into the living room, not taking your eyes off of Leon.
“Aw, don’t be that way sweetheart,” he coos, slowly stalking forward, “you can’t imagine how lucky I feel at finding your mom; I almost dumped her, but then she springs your picture on me. Such a sweet little thing, but sadly wouldn’t be back til the end of the summer.”
He continues to slowly follow you as you make your way to the front door, afraid if you turn around and run that he’ll grab you.
“So I bid my time til that sweet looking girl comes home. And if I fix it to where I’m more of a permanent figure in her life, all the better,” he smirks, “no offense, sweetheart, but your mom is only a means to an end.”
Your eyes are wide and panicked, darting to the couch you can see where you left your phone not thinking anything of it. 
“Well as much fun as this is, think it’s time to wrap it up,” he pauses and rolls his shoulders back. 
You turn and run for the door, but Leon catches you in next to no time. Wrapping his bulky arms around you, he easily lifts you from the ground. You scream but it’s cut short as he moves one hand to cover your mouth.
“Nuh uh, sweetheart,” he clicks his tongue, “I’m afraid none of that.”
He scents your hair and groans, “So fucking sweet. Now I’m going to ask you something and you better answer me honestly cause it can get very nasty very quick.”
You nod your head, tears leaking from your eyes blurring your vision.
He chuckles, “Good girl, god I knew you’d be perfect. You a virgin, baby? Daddy needs to know how to treat you.”
Sobbing harder, you nod.
You feel his hold tighten around you, “Fuck. I’m just the luckiest daddy in the whole world, huh.”
Your legs kick as you feel yourself hyperventilating. Twisting your head you try to move his hand, nostrils flaring as your breath quickens. 
“Shh, shh, baby, it’s okay,” he soothes you, “I’m going to move my hand but if you try to yell, I’m gonna be very upset.”
Nodding you agree, tears and snot running down your face. He moves his palm away but doesn’t let up on the hold he has on your waist. You breathe in a deep, gasping wheeze trying to calm your racing heart.
“There’s my good girl,” he pets your hair away from your face, “now we’re gonna go upstairs. I’ll put you down once we make it to the bedroom.”
A sob slips past your lips but you don’t do anything to fight his hold as he carries you upstairs to his room—the room he shares with your mom. A whole new slew of tears stream from your eyes, breath hitching on every exhale. He enters the room, shuts and locks the door behind him with an actual lock and key. You feel defeated looking at the heavy ornate lock. 
He walks over to the bed and sets you down on it carefully. He tucks the key away in the nightstand, eyes watching you watch him. 
“Don’t even think about it, sweetheart,” he pats your cheek softly, a hard look in his eyes, “it won’t end well.”
Sniffling, you nod yes.
“Good girl,” he purrs, eyes glinting, “really such a sweet, perfect girl for daddy.”
He slips off his shirt and jeans leaving him bare chested in a pair of briefs. You hate yourself for gawking, but you’ve never seen him in such a state of undress. His abs flex as he shifts his jeans down his thick thighs; you drag your gaze down further and see the outline of his cock filling out his briefs. God he wasn’t even hard and he’s already so big. A sick thrill of arousal pulses in your clit. Flushing, you can’t stop staring at his muscles flexing as he folds his clothes and sets them aside.
“C’mon, baby, let’s lay down to help with that headache,” the low timbre of his voice makes your nipples tighten.
You use your palm to wipe your nose and then dry the tears off of your face, feeling disgust war with your arousal as you lay down with Leon pressed along your side.
He doesn’t do anything more than hold you, running his fingertips over the bridge of your nose, across your cheekbones, then lightly across your lips. After a few minutes, your muscles start to relax in his hold, the heat from his body seeping into your thin shirt and shorts. 
He tugs you closer until you’re tucking your face under his chin. His hands now running up and down your back, broad palms soothing you. 
Without consciously realizing it, you sigh and press closer to him, nuzzling into his neck. 
“Such a sweet girl,” he rumbles, chest vibrating against yours, “gonna take good care of you, sweetheart.”
You’ve cried all the tears you can and numb acceptance has taken its place. You don’t want to make things worse for yourself so you nod. 
“Okay,” your quiet voice mumbles in his neck. 
Surprisingly, this is the most he does to you for the rest of the evening. Just pets you softly and murmurs praise into your hair, dropping a kiss every now and then to the crown of your head. In some dark, messed up part of your brain, you’re preening under the attention. 
You’ve always shied away from attention that boys gave you; always told they’re only ever out for one thing. Your friends have come to you with tales of heartbreak or horror stories of how their boyfriends treat them. To have this older man so obsessed with you, wanting to take care of you, makes you ache with want at the same time it frightens and disturbs you. 
The argument that dark part of you has put forth is what can it hurt? Your mom will eventually come home and this whole thing is going to fall apart for Leon. Why not indulge in this sick fantasy while it lasts? Let him take care of you just to see what it feels like.  
You fall asleep on him like this, pulled under from the thoughts swirling in your head and Leon’s steady heartbeat in your ears. A loud buzzing sounds in the quiet and the warmth surrounding you disappears. You reach out and only touch empty space. 
Groggily, you raise up on your elbows to look around. Leon is talking softy on the phone on the other side of the room. You shiver, missing the warmth of his arms. Rubbing at your eyes, you stand up from the bed. Leon’s eyes narrow at you and he walks back over to your side. 
He pauses for a second as he sees you pull back the covers and then climb back into bed. 
“‘m cold,” you whisper to him, pulling the blanket up to your chin. 
“Let me call you back, okay? Yeah, you too. Bye.”
Setting the phone down on the nightstand, he tugs the covers up and slips underneath to lay next to you. 
“Sorry, baby, had to take a call,” he smooths a thumb under your tired eyes, “didn’t know you’d get cold.”
“S’okay,” you mumble, letting him wrap his arms around you again, enjoying the warmth they bring. 
“Such a good girl,” he praises, “I wonder if you can do me a little favor?”
You hum in reply. 
“Can you call me daddy, sweetheart?”
Your breath hitches and that dark part you keep hidden is excited at the prospect. 
“Yes, daddy,” you whisper, a hot flush of arousal making your toes curl under the covers. 
“Good girl,” he kisses your forehead, “such a good girl.”
He continues to kiss you, pressing one on each cheek, on one of your ears, across your jaw, and lastly on the corner of your lips. 
“Daddy,” you whine, eyes fluttering in embarrassment as you squirm from the attention. 
“Shh, babygirl,” he coos at you, kissing the other corner of your lips, “let daddy treat you for being such a good girl.”
Your hands press against his pecs, not pushing or pulling him away, as he kisses across your face again. His lips move closer and closer until he’s ghosting them across your own. With your bottom lip trembling, he presses your mouths together softly. 
You mewl and lightly scratch at his chest. This time he kisses you heatedly, tongue dragging across the seam of your lips. You pull back, eyes widened in surprise. 
“Uh uh, sweetheart, don’t be rude,” he tsks at you, eyes narrowed in disdain.
“I’ve n-never kissed anyone,” you duck your head, “I h-haven’t done anything.”
“Baby,” he croons, hand coming up to cradle your jaw, making you look back up, “I’ll show you, teach you what daddy likes best.”
You clench your thighs together, “Okay daddy.”
The side of his mouth ticks up in a grin, “We’ll go slow, don’t want to scare my sweet girl.”
Warmth pools low in your stomach. 
You’ve already decided on letting this thing happen between you two, so steeling yourself you whisper, “I’m not scared, daddy. We don’t have to go slow.”
“Oh?” his hands drag down your body until they settle on your lower back, “such a brave girl huh?”
You nod, biting your lower lip, “I can handle it.”
His cold, blue eyes crinkle at the corners when he smiles crookedly, “You will one way or another, sweetheart.”
Expecting him to push for more, you’re surprised when he just goes back to kissing you. This time you let him slip his tongue inside your mouth; it’s so hot and wet, it makes you whine, rubbing your thighs together. He lets his hands drift from your lower back down to cup your ass and pull you flush against him. He pulls back for a second then greedily licks back into your mouth when you chase after his lips.
You pant against his mouth, trying to copy what he’s doing, letting your own tongue slide against his into his mouth. He coaxes you to taste him, stroking your tongues together before pushing yours back into your mouth, chasing after you to eagerly plunder your mouth. A low whine builds in your throat and his grip on your ass tightens, his hips rolling into yours. 
He grabs your leg and hikes it over his hip, pressing up against you more intimately. You pull your lips away and moan at feeling his half hard cock pressed against your cunt, feeling the heat even through your thin shorts.
“Like that, babygirl?” He grins at you, swiping his thumb over your swollen lips, “we’ll get there, don’t worry.”
Your eyes flutter as he rolls his hips into you again, grinding against your damp center.
“Got you so wet already, sweetheart,” his eyes drop down to your splayed thighs, “already soaked through your cute little shorts.”
You feel embarrassment clawing in your chest, “S-sorry, daddy.”
“Don’t apologize, honey,” he coos, “just means daddy’s taking good care of you.”
He rolls you over onto your back while he raises up, “Let’s get you out of those clothes. You can’t be feeling too comfortable with it rubbing against that sweet little cunt.”
You gasp and press you palms to your face as more wetness fills your panties.
“Oh I know,” he chuckles, low timbre making your clit pulse, “take off your shirt too so daddy can see your tits, babygirl.”
You whine but do as you’re told, hands shaking as you pull your shirt off and fumble with your bra. While you’re doing that, Leon’s slowly tugging your shorts and panties down your legs. Your thighs are wet with slick, pussy throbbing and leaking.
“Mmm, good girl,” he praises, dark eyes taking in your trembling thighs and wet cunt, “got a juicy little pussy don’t ya, sweetheart?”
“Daddy,” you whimper, closing your thighs as you put your hands down to cover yourself. 
“Uh uh,” his eyes narrow down at you, pulling your hands back with one hand while opening your legs with the other, “daddy’s looking at your hot little cunt, so behave and sit there, baby.”
You feel more slick dribble from your hole at his mean look and dirty words. He lets go of your hands and you tangle them in the sheets. Your hips jump when he strokes his broad palms across your legs and up your thighs, pinning them down.
“Daddy just wants a little taste, sweetheart,” he hums, dipping his head down and kissing your hip bones, “wanna see if you’re as sweet as you look.”
When he swipes his tongues through your wet folds and across your clit, stars spark behind your eyes as you cry out.
“Sorry, baby, didn’t get a good enough taste so I’ll have to do it again,” his dark eyes watch you hungrily.
Even though you know what to expect this time, it still sends white hot pleasure pulsing throughout your cunt as he laps at your slick hole and throbbing clit. You moan and thrash your head, fingers gripping the sheets tightly.
“Mmm, you taste so good baby, knew you would,” his slick shiny lips hover over your clit, breath teasing across the sensitive bud, “want daddy to keep kissing your pretty pussy?”
“Y-yes, daddy,” you choke out, hips arching against the hold he has on your thighs.
“Good, so good for me, honey. This virgin cunt hasn’t been touched has she?” He thumbs across your clit, “you ever play with your cute pussy, baby?”
“No, I don’t— it’s embarrassing,” you whisper, eyes watering.
He groans, pressing a sloppy kiss to the hood of your clit, “Don’t worry, daddy’s gonna show you how to feel so good.”
He kisses your pussy lips, running his tongue through your wet folds until he’s pressing his face fully into your cunt. His tongue thrusts in and out of your leaking hole as his nose rubs against your clit. Feeling so much at once has you moaning loudly, heels digging into the bedding not able to move from the firm grip Leon has on your thighs.
He groans, the sound vibrating in your cunt making you scratch at the sheets before shakily grabbing onto his hair. His eyes flicker open and stare at you, pupils blown so wide you can barely see the blue. He greedily laps up the slick dribbling from your clenching heat. He presses his nose firmer against your clit and moves his face back and forth, rubbing his chin against your spread pussy lips while his nose bumps and grinds against your sensitive clit. 
“Daddy,” you mewl, petting through his blonde strands, “feels good.”
The whispered praise makes your heart race with anticipation and nerves. Leon pulls away from your pussy, face wet with your slick. 
“Yeah?” his gravelly voice makes you shiver, “seems like this juicy pussy needed some attention.” 
You whine, hips bucking, “Y-yeah, daddy, needed your attention.”
“Mm,” he hums, eyes dropping back to your throbbing clit, “she sure does. Gonna taste you some more, babygirl. Then we’ll see if daddy can fit some fingers in you.”
Gasping, your back arches. 
“Then he’s gonna taste those pretty nipples that are so hard for me,” he rumbles, “think I’ll give’em some love while I finger this tight kitty.”
“Daddy!” you feel slick gush from your hole, wetting the sheets, arousal burning hot in your blood. 
“Baby did you cum?” His dark eyes look back down at your thighs, a mean chuckle leaving his mouth, “god, you’re so easy sweet girl.”
 With a groan, he goes back to shoving his face into your cunt, tongue eagerly lapping into your fluttering walls. It feels like your orgasm never wanes, only continues to climb higher and higher until you’re crying out and cumming a second time against Leon’s tongue. 
When he finally pulls away from your oversensitive pussy, his lower jaw and chin are coated in your slick. 
He runs a thumb across his lips, tongue licking the excess slick off, “Taste so good, babygirl. But as much as I wanna stay down here, I really need to feel you cream your virgin pussy on my cock.”
Dread and elation make you feel dizzy with nerves, hands shakily running through your hair, “I-I’m nervous, daddy.”
He smiles at you, all sharp teeth and hard edges, not even trying to instill any comfort in you, “It’s okay, baby, daddy’s gonna make you feel so good. You’re gonna want my dick all the time.”
He moves up to lay between your spread thighs, mouth eagerly latching onto a hard nipple. He slips a finger inside your tight cunt and slowly thrusts it in and out. You cry out and scratch at his back. He swaps to suckle at the other nipple as he continues to loosen up your clenching hole. 
“Open up for me, baby,” he murmurs against your breasts, lazily sucking marks into your skin, “just relax and feel good.”
You squirm, but settle against the bed with a low moan; Leon takes a moment but then slips another finger into your pussy, using both to gently stretch your hole. He pulls his fingers out to spread your pussy open, mouth suckling at your puffy nipples. 
“D-daddy,” you gasp, eyes wide as you look down at him. 
Leon slowly circles your swollen clit, teasingly dragging his first and middle finger down to your leaking hole. He slips them in just a little and then drags the wetness back up to slide over your pulsing clit. You whine and buck into the feeling, guilt and arousal swirling through your thoughts. 
“Your mom called earlier,” Leon’s voice pulls your attention down to his serious gaze, “said she’ll be gone all week, baby. That I need to take care of you.”
He presses a kiss on your areola, lips dragging against your hard nipple. Your pussy leaks more slick out onto his fingers, dizzy with the thought of being trapped in this house with Leon for a whole week. 
“Told her it would be my pleasure,” he smirks at you, feeling your walls clench down on him, “daddy’s going to take very good care of you, sweetheart.”
Too many thoughts and images of Leon and you at home, all alone, flitter through your hazy mind. You’re sick excited at the prospect—all the things he’s going to do to you, things you want him to do to you— it leaves you dizzy and breathless. 
“Daddy,” you sigh, eyes drooping, “so good to me.”
His eyes narrow at you before a slow smile spreads across his handsome face, almost gleeful at your new tone, “Of course, baby. You’re my sweet, sweet girl.”
The tension in your body melts as his fingers continue to thrust and rub against a spongy spot in your cunt that makes you whine and roll your hips down into his hand.  Leon notices and his fingers speed up from their slow, steady movements to rough strokes until he slips his fingers out to rub against your wet, swollen clit. He pinches lightly before tapping his fingers wetly against the bundle of nerves then goes back to rubbing your clit softly. 
You mewl when he stops fingering you only for Leon to dip his fingers back into your pussy and scissor you open. Moaning, you lift your hips off the bed to angle your pussy to fit his fingers better. Having Leon take you apart across his marriage bed is making you feel dirty and desperate. 
“Good girl,” he whispers to you, eyes watching your blissed out face, “almost there, sweetheart.”
Leon goes back to mouthing and sucking at your breasts, his other hand moving down to rub and flick your clit as he stretches you open. He fucks his fingers into your soppy cunt a few times then takes his hand away. 
“Noo,” you whimper, eyes watering in frustration, “daddy, please.”
“Shhh, babygirl,” he soothes, lifting himself up until he’s kneeling over your naked body, “daddy’s about to make you feel so good.”
You watch as he slides his underwear off and tosses them to her floor. He then grabs his dick in one hand and presses the head to your leaking hole. Tears slip from your eyes as he pushes more of his fat cock into your virgin pussy. He groans, stilling to give you time to adjust and stretch around his dick. 
He brings a hand to wipe the tears away from your cheeks, “Doing so good for daddy. So wet and tight. Gonna love popping this cherry, baby.”
You whine up at him, head feeling cottony from the arousal swallowing your thoughts. He presses more and more of his cock inside your tight cunt, making you hiss from the pinching displeasure when he breaks your hymen.  
Your nails break skin, digging your fingers into the muscles of his biceps. 
“God, that’s it,” he murmurs down at you, stormy blue eyes practically black with want, “this virgin pussy’s all mine now, sweet girl. Gonna stay that way too.”
You only gasp and pant, eyes rolling back in your head as he keeps bullying his cock deeper and deeper into your cunt. 
“That’s right, baby,” he coos mockingly at you, “just need me to take care of you, show you what you need.”
He grinds his cock deep into your spasming walls, the fat leaky tip kissing the opening to your womb. You whine, static filling your brain at the pain the head of his dick causes as he keeps pressing against your cervix. 
“Daddy, h-hurts,” you wheeze, voice thin and reedy, “too much.”
“Hush,” he growls, a low rumble in his chest, “you just have to get used to it. Daddy’s gotta be this deep to feel good.”
Your legs kick out and he settles his weight down on you more, pressing your body firmly into the mattress. His pelvis pushes onto your swollen clit making you buck upwards with a low cry. 
“There you go,” he praises, slotting his  fingers with yours so he can press your hands above your head and hold them down, “just gotta train this cute pussy to take daddy’s cock.”
He chuckles as he noses along your hairline and drops a kiss to your forehead, “And look at that, you take daddy so well.”  
You blearily look down your body and see the bulge in your lower belly; you watch as Leon pulls out halfway and the bulge disappears before reappearing when he pushes back into your cunt. 
Your head drops back down to the bed as you moan loudly, tears streaming from your eyes as the pain and pleasure blend into a kaleidoscope of feelings. 
“Daddy,” you hiccup, “daddy, d-daddy.”
“I know,” he purrs in your ear, smoky and dark, “daddy’s going to cum in you, baby. Give you a little brother or sister. Wouldn’t you like that, sweetheart?”
At those words, your pussy spasms around his throbbing cock; you hiccup a sob as tears slip down your face, “C-can’t, that’s w-wrong, daddy.”
He licks the salty trail of tears on your cheeks as buries his cock into your pussy again making you squeal at the sharp pleasure.
“Aww my stupid sweet girl,” he huffs a mean laugh into your ear, pressing his dick as deep as he can inside you, grinding it harshly against your cervix, “just so fucking dumb. Daddy does whatever he wants.”
With a throaty growl he presses all the way into you, bottoming out in your wet, silky heat, “And you’re not even on birth control, sweetheart. So if I want to give you a baby, it’ll be easy for it to take.”
His thick cock splits you open, pussy greedily sucking him into your body as you cry harder because of Leon’s treatment. That dark part of you loves how he’s treating you—using you, breeding your pussy how he wants. 
You draw a deep shuddering breath, hands clawing at his biceps, “Noo, daddy, can’t—“
He’s thrusting into you still, making you feel split open. Your cunt feels raw and overstretched, his cock bullying deep into you on every thrust to the point it feels like your cervix will be bruised later.
“Knocking you up would be perfect, baby,” he growls burying himself balls deep and stilling, “keep you tied to daddy for the rest of your life.” 
You keen high in your throat, a broken moan slipping from your lips as your walls flutter and grip Leon’s cock. Clit throbbing with wanton disgust at how hot that makes you feel. 
He goes back to slow deep thrusts, dragging his cock all the way out until his fat tip is spreading your hole open then rocking deep into your cunt; you can barely breathe with how deep he’s fucking you, tears still slipping from your eyes. 
Leon moves each of your legs up over his shoulders, ramping up his pace to drill his cock harshly into your squelching pussy. 
“So fucking juicy, babygirl,” he pants, hips humping down into you roughly, “just listen to that fucking pussy cry for me.”
His pelvis presses onto your clit just right with every thrust while he rails you into the bed. You feel your orgasm ramp up with every thrust and slow drag across your swollen clit. 
Your thighs spasm where they’re pressed against Leon’s shoulders and your toes curl as your orgasm starts to hit you; a tidal wave drowning all your senses, your pussy clamping down on his cock like a vice. Your blood rushes to your head, dampening any noise, as you thrash underneath Leon’s body; a low, keening cry from your panting mouth has Leon growling in satisfaction. 
“Good girl, so sweet for me baby,” he groans, grinding himself into your clenching hole, “so god damn tight.” 
You choke out a moan, hands squeezing onto his until your joints creak, feeling overwrought as you keep cumming around his cock. 
“Fuck,” he hisses into your ear, hips stuttering, “going to make me cum early, sweetheart. Squeezing me too fucking tight.”
He presses your hands down into the bedding as his hips rabbit into your puffy cunt; half a dozen thrusts like that and he groans, cumming deep in your raw pussy. 
“So good,” he presses a wet kiss on your cheek, “love filling you up, babygirl.”
He drags his mouth from your cheek to kiss you, tongue licking into your panting mouth. You kiss back messily, feeling his cock kick and throb as he steadily spurts rope after rope of hot jizz in your pulsating cunt. 
Leon’s dick finally starts to soften and he slowly lets himself slip out of your wet heat. He sits back on his haunches and watches hungrily as his cum leaks from your hole, pussy looking swollen and puffy.
Your brain is empty, sick satisfaction radiating from your used body. Whimpering, you lay there as Leon swipes his fingers through the mix of cum and slick dripping from your cunt and feeds it slowly back into your drippy hole. 
His empty smile makes you feel small as he pets your hair back, “Daddy’s going to take such good care of you, baby. I promise.”
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adoregojo · 3 months
↬ two paths 一 ⦁ nagi.s, reo.m
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▶︎ sooooooooooooo... this is some rotting dabble i abandoned, and since Im kind of desperate for any glimpse of motivation, i finished it. and surprise, surprise! its a reo and nagi fic lmaolmao.
▶︎ summary: reo have had a crush on you for a good long two years, and when it's the time to word his love to you, but a obstruct of your part says otherwise. ▶︎ context: nagi is your childhood friend, jealousy, idk if this counts as a love triangle? it's more like your a brick head, some angst (ofc) kind of a plottwist !!gn reader!!
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"i like you, I've liked you ever since you stepped into my world, i like everything about you, your smile, your eyes, your gentle hands, your laugh, and most of all your soul that kept me hostage. and i-"
the hang up sound cut him off.
silence fell upon the other side of the phone, only the stillness of the disconnected tone nudging him back to reality. his hold on the phone was a robust one, so stout to the point of a crack to echo. the compound of bitterness, remorse, frustration, all were hefty on the little pinning heart of his.
and with that, you rejected reo, without even saying a word.
and the next days were nothing but a grievous duration, to him the most. as much as reo didn't want to see you for a while, there was no escaping you when you were in the same school, classroom, 一hell, even club. you were in every corner and every ditch, and he'll be a dead lier if he said that your appearance alone wouldn't tiptoe on his heartstrings. reo can stay still ever so firmly and yet you'd still be able to prod him out of his ground as convenient.
reo wanted to be mad at you, to hate you even, but he couldn't, he sincerely couldn't. even when the strain was tense, unbearable, but somehow it also felt pitifully suffocated, graciously. it was you after all, where he felt like a fragile creature under your spell, gosh一 you had reo warped around your finger with cement.
nevertheless, what drove him to the edge was how you operated it. while reo handled it by immersing himself in two blankets and eat ice cream to pacified him to crying himself to sleep. however, you on the other hand was having the time of your life. greeting him good morning to saying goodbyes, even asking him how his day went, did his confession meant that little to you?
reo wondered if you bat an eye, you just denied him after all, but some acknowledgment would've been great. or at least have a talk about it. but instead you acted like it never even happened. the idea of you skipping over his feelings made him sick to his core, it sounded so ill-suited, you above all if not the most considerate, thoughtful person he'd ever met. that's how reo fell for you in the first place.
he wasn't gonna apologies for being selfish, he wanted you to himself. reo kept all his feelings for you bottled up for a good old two years, and he just cannot bare with the fear of someone else stealing you anymore 一something that kept him on trails of restless nights一
maybe that's what herd him away from you, the decedent between the two grew by each day. yet reo loved you too much to live with the consequences of his actions, he can't even look at you without screaming 'why don't you care as much as i do', your sudden unfamiliarity stings him slowly and most of all painfully.
for you to blow him away like a dust that burdens your clothes felt it was caused by a clone, or did he just never knew you like he thought he did?
it ached to see you asking him if he's okay, if you did something wrong to drive him away. and goddamn it hurts seeing you like this, he would rather bang his head to the wall repeatedly than see that anguished expression ever again, and worst of all, reo was the reason for it.
you were heavy on his mind 一as if you weren't already一 the recollection of you standing with your sweaty palms rubbing against each other, a bad habit you do when you get uneasy, he really fucked up to the point where you have became a nervous wreck in his presence. your utter was light, questioning if he even wanted to be your 'friend' anymore.
you weren't the one to blame, reo was the one who stopped talking to you, stopped sitting with you for lunch, he even withdrew the club you two shared 一he didn't even have a liking for it, just joined because you were there一 all that and you still tugged on the last tie of faith reo would walk back into your life with open arms.
but reo didn't want to be your 'friend', not anymore. he wanted to be the one to protect you, to understand you, he wanted to be your man, your other half more anything, for him to be your everything just like you are his. you can't just make heaven a living place on earth then walk away when he was on knees for you.
he left you at halt, saying that he needed some time. you never knew time for what because he walked away before letting you word anything out. so now, his hands buried deep in his pockets, he felt heavy, mind and heart on a race track. he felt awful, the image of you standing in confusion, lost on what to do will hunt him to his grave. he tried running his fingers throughout his violet lockes, he was petty, selfish, and reo knew he could've worded it better instead of this.
from the corner of his eye, he could spot a bunch of flowers fluttering under the rush of air, hit by the sunlight to outshine any other plants besides. he could've think of how beautiful they looked, but no, the first thing that popped out his mind was the image of how bliss you'll be seeing them flourish just the way you liked it.
reo contemplating his actions, the pure, straightforward out of his heart gates confession and how far it had driven him. how beyond it had tossed what you two had. something blended with bittersweetness squeezed within his chest, envisioning of your smile made it a challenge to breathe.
so he keeps on strolling, trying to straighten himself until a familiar tall white headed form comes to his view. ranking ahead of a vending machine, nagi was too busy searching for what it appears to be a coin to even notice reo.
nagi was your friend, the one who watched the two of you downfall in silence. he didn't say a thing about it, didn't get involved and much rather concentrate on his phone-games. but there was something else, nagi have been your friend for what reo have been told since childhood. it was something anyone can figure out in the first glance, nagi doesn't leave your side for what it seems like eternally, he remained as your sidekick for decades. he witnessed all your phases, your growth. and he wasn't planning on departure his spot. it was a rare sight to see nagi not glued to your side, did the sky spare him? did his desperation reaches the empyrean?
"hey," reo announced his presence, nagi's bored eyes soaring over him. so the purple head flipped a coin to his direction, nagi tamed it halfway, staring at the single coin then back at his friend. "need another one." he uttered flatly as ever, so reo push out a sigh as he tossed him another one. the snowy head mummers a low thanks.
"listen, i need to tell you something." reo enunciates after a moment of hesitation, caressing the back of his neck as his lilac hues kept on swirling around. his friend just humming in acknowledgment, supporting his chin with his hand while still examining over the endless optionals of drinks.
"it's about yn."
nagi rattled momentarily, your name was like a cold water on his senses.
well, that was easy. reo thought. "i did something a few weeks ago, and i think i fucked up everything." he says, undertone. as if he was admitting an unforgivable crime.
"what did you do?" there was something off about nagi's tone, his grip on the coins was merciless. but his face still seemed boarded, nonchalantly but oddly firmed for some reason.
"i kind of admitted my feelings to them..."
nagi's daze expression shattered in an instant, not anything crazy, but his eyes grew obscure, casing over reo like a giant blacked cloud.
for nagi to carry that kind of aura was eccentric, that face would only arise every time an unnamed got a little too close to you. at that time, reo convinced himself that he was imagining that, because nagi out of all people stood his ground when it comes to dating, he'd always say the same thing 'dating sounds like a hassle'. and sometimes something wild like 'don't need someone else around, I already have yn.' reo wasn't a backstabber, he only confessed to you because he lived under the roof that his friend wasn't even able to handle anything intrigued with romance.
"i just, been liking them for ages. and i found the strength to finally say it to them, they-"
"hung up on you." the snowy head finished his line, which made reo eyes widen a bit.
he shifted awkwardly, "haha, did they tell you? how embarrassing.." he tried laughing it off, trying to avoid nagi's gaze for his sake.
"they didn't." nagi spoke quickly, voice strained than usual.
"oh? so how did you?.."
"because i did it. i was the one who hanged up."
there was a moment of lull, where not even the waves of wind could sooth over the tension. reo stood still, waiting for nagi to stick out his tongue playfully and shout 'gotcha!', praying for whoever might've fell upon to this to be a sick prank.
"you what?" he doesn't even realize he spoke before the words had already slipped.
nagi sigh tiredly, his fingers still at halt to press the numbers of his wanted drink, he didn't like focusing on two thing at the same time. "i thought you'd figure it out already. man, do i have to explain myself now? what a hassle." he let out softly.
"nagi, you-"
reo doesn't get get the chance to speak, to think, before nagi cut him off swiftly handling the conversation, like he knew this was coming. "listen, reo. i like being your friend, but i can't let you have yn." his words kept hurtling reo, it all poured down at his like a sucker punch.
"i don't understand."
"it's not that hard, i liked them first, i found them first. so they're basically mine."
oh, oh.
it all made sense now. reo felt like an idiot, why is he seeing this now? this is why you were clueless, because you didn't answer it in the first place. why, why was he so rushed to say it and not letting what he thought was you speak first.
every time when nagi would drink from the same bottle of yours, when he would twirl around a piece of your hair randomly, when his head would rest on your shoulder in every ride home, when he would shut down every time reo rambled about you, he just got it. why was he just connecting the puzzle? was his feelings for you so blinding that he couldn't see this?
reo wanted to say something, in fact things. but the lump in his throat clogs his attempts to protests. leaving his mouth agape.
and it was like nagi couldn't get a hold of concern about this, in fact he found waiting for his drinks to make it way down more interesting. yet he sensed a blazing breeze from his friend's direction, it was hard not to when they were on the same burden as an elephant. so the snowy head swiftly retorted, "plus, you already are the standard, right? I'm pretty sure you can find someone else, it'll be better if you found one quicker."
after that, nagi bent over to grab what was supposed to be his lemon tea alongside your favourite one. boredom eyes doubled-dyed at the cans, mostly at yours before blowing out a vague breath一did he just scoff?
"why you.."
"sorry, don't like sharing."
and with that, nagi walked away. head empty with the only maintenance thing was a picture of you as he handed you your favourite flavour with the money that wasn't even his. leaving reo dumbfounding at his back, he didn't get a say on this, like this wasn't even meant for him.
this wasn't a stage he can purchase to himself, not even to earn a role. he felt like a third-wheel in you and nagi's love tale.
it loathes him, brings him to edge even. but most of all, reo now wanted you more than anything.
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
Ellie with a gf who has baby fever? she likes to visit Dina and Jesse to see JJ and maybe one day r finds a baby outside of Jackson and r is like “it’s fate were keeping her”????
Baby Momma
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Pairings: Ellie Williams x Reader, Jesse x Dina
Pronouns used: None mentioned but reader is female!!!
Word Count: 1,487
Warnings: Joel never went to play golf in this!! Jesse is also alive :)
A/N: No one proofread this so if it’s completely shit please don’t blame me 🙏
Part 2 | Rest of series here
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“Oh you’re just the cutest, aren’t you?” You coo at JJ, bouncing him on your knee.
“Don’t let him fool you, he’s the antichrist.” Dina says with a groan. You shake your head.
“How could someone so cute be the antichrist? Doesn’t work like that.” You make a face at JJ causing him to giggle.
“It definitely works like that.” Jesse argues as he struts into his living room. He places a kiss on top of Dina’s head. “Look who’s here!” You pry your eyes off of the baby to see your girlfriend, Ellie, walking in. You grin. She was visiting Maria and Tommy.
“Hi babe!”
“Hey sweetheart, Dina.” Ellie walks over to you and sits down besides you. JJ immediately reaches his arms out for Ellie. “Hey little man!” She takes him from your arms and you frown, already missing the baby.
“How was seeing Maria?” Dina wonders. Jesse sits down besides Dina.
“It was fine, she tried to convince us to come back, all the usual. We have to head out in a few, it’s movie night at Joel’s and we already have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” You nod sadly.
“I’m gonna miss you guys.”
“We miss you too! Hey next time we’ll come visit you, about time we see this farmhouse.” You nod.
“There's an extra room so you guys are welcome any time.” You reach over and grab JJ. “Only if you bring this one though.” You smile at the baby and bounce him up and down causing him to giggle. You sigh and stand up, gently handing JJ over to Dina. “We’ll see you guys soon I guess.” Ellie stands up too and says her goodbyes, soon you and her are walking hand in hand to Joel’s house.
“How was your day with Dina?” Ellie asks as she raises your hand to her mouth and presses a kiss on it.
“It was great, I really enjoyed seeing her and JJ.” Ellie laughs.
“Yeah it looked like you did.” You furrow your brows and glance at her.
“What do you mean?” She shrugs.
“Just that you seemed more happy to see JJ than Dina.” You sigh.
“Cut me some slack, I’ve always loved babies.”
“I know, never said it was a bad thing. It’s kinda hot.” You give her a pointed look. “What? I’m just saying, you’d make a great mom.” You smile.
“I always wanted to be one.” You mumble.
“Maybe we could take in one of the parentless children here one day.” You raise your eyebrows and look at your girlfriend.
“Els, that’s a big responsibility, I don’t want for us to adopt some child just because I want to. I want you to want it as well.” She stops walking and grabs your other hand.
“I want everything with you.” Your heart swarms and you avert your eyes, suddenly feeling nervous.
“I want everything with you too.” She places her hand on your cheek and kisses your forehead.
“Then we can work on childproofing the house when we get home and maybe next time we visit Jackson, we can talk to Maria.” You beam at her.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You peck her lips.
You and Ellie left the following morning, although your house wasn’t far from Jackson, it was still a few hours drive. You had made the drive many times before without a problem, but for whatever reason, your truck decided to break down halfway to the house.
“Dammit.” Ellie groans as she pulls away from the smoking engine. “It’s out of coolant, no way it’ll make it two hours in this heat.” You put your head in your hands as you try to think of a solution.
“There’s that gas station off of the highway, maybe we could stop there to see if there’s any coolant? Shouldn’t be too far.”
“Yeah, that’s probably the best idea. Grab your stuff, don’t leave anything valuable.” She instructs. God she was hot when she took charge. You grab your things and then take the time to admire her as she shut the hood and brushed off her hands. “What?” She asks when she catches you staring. You shrug.
“You’re hot.” She walks over to you and places her hands on your hips.
“You’re hotter.” She dips down and kisses you passionately before abruptly pulling away. “We have to get going.”
“You’re finishing that when we get home.” You say, pointing at her.
You were on high alert as soon as you were near the gas station. It was evident that the reason you had never gotten out of the truck around here was because of the sheer amount of clickers around. You and Ellie had at least killed five each already, and you could still hear the sound of some coming, along with a cry coming from the gas station that you couldn’t quite decipher.
“Stay close.” Ellie whispers before walking into the gas station. As you follow her inside, you can hear the cry louder, you quickly realize it was a baby. Ellie seemed to come to this conclusion too and she followed the sound to the backroom.
“S-Stay back!” A woman yells as you open the door to the backroom. She’s disheveled, and her side is bleeding. She’s bouncing the baby in her arms trying to get it to stop crying.
“Woah hey, we aren’t gonna hurt you.” You say, putting your gun down. “Watch out for clickers.” You tell Ellie she nods and leaves the room. “How were you hurt?” You take off your backpack and fish through it for your first aid kit.
“It’s no use. I was bit.” She murmurs. You frown and put it back in your bag. “Who are you?”
“I’m Y/N.” You sit down in front of her. “Are you alone? Is there anyone I could find for you?” She shakes her head.
“Everyone’s dead.” She looks down at the baby who stopped crying. “I’m Alice. This is Sarah.” You smile.
“Nice to meet you. I wish we would have found you before, we could have taken you to a safe spot.” A tear slips down Alice’s face.
“Will you take Sarah?” She asks abruptly. You furrow your brows. “Get her to that safe spot?”
“Of course.” You reach out and put your hand on her arm.
“I have a journal in my bag. It’s over there. Give it to Sarah when she’s older, please?” You nod. “There’s some pictures of me and her Dad, Cole. Give those to her. Please.”
“Of course.” Tears well up in your eyes as you agree to the requests the weeping lady gives you.
“Y/N, I have the coolant, you ready?” Ellie says, waving the coolant at you. Alice hands you the baby. You stand up.
“Yeah, we have an extra passenger.” She nods after a second. “Where’s your bag?” Alice points at a tattered bag in the corner. Ellie goes and grabs it.
“Go wait in the other room, I’ll take care of.. her.” Your girlfriend whispers to you. You frown more but nod. As much as you wished the woman could live, it wasn’t possible. She was already infected. You cooed at the baby in your arms. She couldn’t be that old, maybe a couple months.
“Hey sweetheart.” You stroke the baby’s face. You hear a gasp from the other room and after a moment, Ellie walks out with blood covering her shirt.
“What’s the baby’s name?”
“Sarah.” Ellie’s eyes snap to yours and she nods.
“That was Joel’s daughter’s name.” Your eyes widen. Ellie walks over to you and smiles at her. “She’s cute.”
You and Ellie— and Sarah— make your way to the truck and make it there just a little after noon. Ellie adds the coolant and turns on the truck, thankfully, it turns on.
When you get back to the farmhouse, you hand Sarah off to Ellie, your arms aching from carrying her the entire walk and drive.
“So.. should we bring her to Jackson?” You ask Ellie quietly as you sit down on the couch beside her. She was making faces at the baby who was smiling. You feared her answer, you were already so attached to the baby, and her mom had entrusted her with you.
“We could.. or.. we could keep her here.” You glance at the girl. She’s smiling softly at you. “We’d have to go get some supplies for her first thing tomorrow, but.. we could make it work.” You lean over and kiss her softly.
“We will make it work.” You move the hair out of her face. “I love you.”
“I love you too, momma.” You grin and kiss her again before leaning your head on her shoulder and staring at the baby.
“She’s so damn cute.” You and Ellie giggle.
“She really is.”
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
If you liked this please leave a comment/reblog!! It helps motivate me and it gives me more reach <3
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flowerandblood · 24 days
Play with my heart (Sneak Peek)
The Fall from The Heavens Universe Mini-Series
[ modern actors • Aemond x Strong • female ]
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[ description: He gets the main role in a series about a great family and dragons, which could change his career. He is set to play the uncle and love interest of his childhood friend. When he meets the actress who plays her role, he begins to lose track of what is an acting and what is his real feelings. Sexual tension, grumpy, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: Yeah. I talked about it and I did it. You don't even know how much fun I had doing this. Of course, my characters play in a series whose script is an exact copy of my story The Fall from the Heavens. In this universe, Aemond (playing the One-Eyed Prince) and Rheanys (playing the Princess) are of course not related – the other characters are also just actors. This three-part series is my gift to all fans of the original series, thank you so much for your support. "Rheanys" in this story is her artistic pseudonym which she use instead of her real name.
The door opened, but the girl who stood in it looked at him for a moment with big eyes, as if she didn't recognise him. There was something endearing in that gaze. She turned behind her, as if she was afraid of being seen, and immediately closed the door, breathing loudly.
At last, real acting.
She turned towards him, as if she was afraid of him, and he pressed his lips together, involuntarily looking at her body hidden only beneath a thin nightgown, her slightly wavy, long dark hair falling freely over her shoulders.
Her face was gentle, warm, her eyes large, her lashes and eyebrows dark, accentuating her charm.
She was silent for a moment, her lips trembling, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't.
"Did you received my letters?"She muttered softly in a hopeful voice, from which he felt goosebumps pass along his back.
"Yes." He whispered, his voice soft and low.
Yes, he thought, give me something I can work with.
She swallowed loudly and clenched her hands into fists, shifting from foot to foot. She shook her head, her eyebrows arched in pain as if asking how he could do this to her.
"Have you read them?" She asked, and he pressed his lips together, tilting his head back and snorted under his breath, turning the blade in his hand. She jumped up, horrified when he slammed it suddenly into the armrest lying beneath his hand.
"Yes, my Lady Strong. I have read them all. Many times, here, in this chair." He murmured mockingly, looking at her with slightly parted lips, lifting his chin in a gesture of superiority.
He was sure the director would interrupt, but he let them continue.
The girl lowered her gaze, her body quivering as if she was about to cry, an expression of humiliation, pain and shame on her face from which he felt heat in his heart.
Her gaze suddenly changed. She swallowed hard, as if she had also swallowed his insult, and moved ahead of him, pretending to walk towards the bookshelf.
He pressed his lips together and looked at her over his shoulder, measuring her with a furious, cold stare.
"Do you often visit men like this?"
She turned to him with a look as if she wanted to kill him, her hand dropping as if she had run out of strength after what she had heard.
"Have you no shame?" She asked coolly, the way she said it, the look in her eyes made him feel a cold sweat on his back.
"Cut! That was fantastic, thank you!" Said the director, and she blinked, the expression on her face turning from cold and disgusted to a wide smile full of joy, her gaze warm and welcoming.
"– you were amazing – I had goosebumps –" She whispered as she walked past him and giggled, waving goodbye to him, disappearing out the door a moment later.
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Tavern: knight!price x princess!reader
this part is a little longer but it had to be. it's under 3k!
You and your ladies in waiting sat in the solar after lunch. You had spent the better part of the day speaking with your mother about suitors and delegating other potential kingdoms for trade, effectively draining you of most of the energy you had.
A new suitor was to show in a week or so. You tried your hardest to not let it ruin your mood so instead of thinking about it at all, you decided to preoccupy yourself with your embroidery with your ladies in waiting.
"Did you see Sir John training the squires the other day?" Lady Katherine said which piqued your interest. "Normally he lets the other knights do it."
"Maybe he did it to impress you." Another lady teased and you watched Katherine's face turn pink.
"Don't be ridiculous!"
Despite her chiding she smiled bashfully at the thought. You could only imagine what was going through her mind about her and Sir John if he ever decided to court her.
How his touch would be gentle and leading with the same softness he had shown on the day he had tended to your wound. How effortlessly he would protect you with a practiced hand that wouldn't make any mistakes. The way his gruff voice would sound as he spoke with you about anything and the way his blue eyes stared with perfect attention. 
You could only imagine how his beard would feel against your fingertips or how it would feel against your face-
"Your highness," Lady Katherine's voice brought you out of your thoughts and you quickly had to hide the way they had made you feel breathless. ''Did you ever find out who your secret admirer was?"
"O-Oh, no." You composed yourself. "But I haven't received another gift, so I assume they've given up."
"It's for the best."
You nodded, not at all bothered by it. In fact, while you hadn't forgotten the gesture your mind had moved on from an unknown admirer to someone much more tangible, though no less unattainable.
"If only Sir John would send you flowers." One Lady teased Katherine.
"Oh hush!"
There was a knock at the door and Sir John stepped into the room after you called out to let him in.
He froze when he realized that all of the ladies were there. He shuffled uncomfortably in his spot when he realized that everyone was staring at him, especially Lady Katherine who could hardly hide the love look in her eyes.
His eyes snapped to yours and he sucked in his lips before he bowed.
"Your highness, I was under the impression I'd be accompanying you today." He said and your eyes widened.
You had planned to go to the fields today for another chance at distracting yourself yet you had completely forgotten about it because of the circumstances but also because of him.
"Oh yes, now would be a good time for that."
The ladies in waiting all took their leave, bowing to you and then saying goodbye to Sir John as they left the room, hiding their coy smiles the best they could. Even Lady Katherine found it  difficult to hide her bashfulness while he only stood there awkwardly, sucking his lips in as he gave them all a stiff nod.
He shut the door when they left and you raised an amused eyebrow at his expression.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted something." He cleared his throat but you shook your head with a smile.
"No, I'm glad you came when you did." You're not sure if the relief came from the conversation being cut off or because you were going to your favorite place. "I've looked at this enough, I'm quite sick of it."
"Why's that?"
You gave him the piece that you were working on as you tidied up the solar. You suddenly felt shy, so you kept your back to him while you tried to find the necessary items you wanted to take with you to the fields.
"It's better than anything I could do." Price said and you chewed on your inner lip. "The colors look nice."
"The others are better." You shrugged but he scoffed.
"I like yours."
You caught yourself before you could smile and scolded yourself for feeling so foolish over something so small. What were you, a child? You had never known a man, no matter the status, to care about something like embroidery so you were sure he was just saying it to flatter you...even if he sounded genuine.
"It's a good way to pass the time when you have it." You picked up a book before a thought crossed your mind and you looked back at him. "What do you do for fun, Sir John?"
"Follow you around." He said immediately without looking up from your embroidery piece.
You laughed, thinking he was joking until he looked up at you, his eyes full of sincerity. Your smile fell and you tapped your fingers against the book.
You hadn't thought about how you took up most of his time. You assumed that he had time to himself when you were busy but the more you thought about it them more you realized that he was most likely busy even when he wasn't by your side.
"You're serious?"
"On the rare occasion I'll play cards or have a pint at the tavern on the days you decide to stay put and I have nothing else to do." He explained and you frowned slightly.
"Do I really keep you that often?" You couldn't help the slight guilt you felt.
"I'm not complaining, your highness."
You hummed, not convinced but you honestly didn't blame him if he actually was. You forced him to go everywhere you wanted to go, though only because your mother wanted it, and considering he was busy often it was no wonder you two bumped heads as often as you used to. 
You wanted to change it up this time, to give him a chance to enjoy something he liked doing and the perfect idea came up in mind. Not only would he get his chance but you would also get the chance to have some real fun and a better opportunity to ignore the looming responsibilities.
Price was about to say something when you grinned.
"I've thought of something even better than the fields." You said and he almost looked concerned. "We'll go to the tavern tonight for drinks."
"Pardon?" His eyes widened and he stared at you as if you had grown three heads. When you repeated what you said he shook his head. "No, you're not going to the tavern."
"Why not?"
Price's face scrunched up slightly and he sucked in his lips as he shook his head with disbelief. He couldn't believe you would want to go to the village tavern, a place that was the complete opposite of what you called fun.
"It's not a place for a princess," he began and you gave him a look. 
"That's never stopped me before." You pointed out and he looked almost in pain. 
"It could be dangerous-"
"Then bring the other knights. I'm sure they'll enjoy a couple drinks as well."
Price sighed heavily, knowing that you weren't going to back down from this idea even if he tried his hardest to make you see that it most likely wouldn't end well. However, when he saw the twinkle in your eyes and the way that you seemed more excited about it than just going to the fields, he relented.
"An hour." He bargained and you placed your hands on your hips. "It's for your safety, your highness."
"Fine." You sighed. "We'll leave tonight, when everyone's gone to bed."
"As you wish."
Price helped you down from the horse before he glanced at the bustling tavern. Of course you had to choose a night when it was busy and of course he couldn't give you a firm no.
It wasn't that the villagers were bad people but alcohol did things to folk's minds and the last time he was here a fight had broken out over a game of cards.
Simon, Kyle, and John all walked in first with varying degrees of excitement. They were happy to get a couple drinks especially after having worked hard for the entire week.
"You're still on duty," Price had told them with a firm look. "Her safety is the top priority."
"Aye, but I doubt you'll be far from her." John had winked despite the glare he received. 
He left it at that and hoped that despite everything, they would at least try to stay vigilant for any potential assailants. 
Price had to stop himself from keeping some sort of hold on you. He barely touched you as it was but as he walked protectively behind you towards the tavern he couldn't help the growing urge to grab your hand, to hold you close to him so he could make sure you wouldn't get hurt.
When the two of you stepped into the tavern, all eyes went on you and it grew deathly silent. All of the villagers were wide eyed, a sort of uncertainty falling across them as they stared at you.
He clenched his jaw and his hand rested on the dagger he brought with him.
However, you were undeterred as you gave them a polite smile.
"No need to stop because of me." You told them before you walked towards the bar.
Price followed close behind you, his eyes on the patrons who slowly went back to what they were doing despite their confusion. Soon the noise began again and the familiar lively atmosphere returned.
He stood close to you as you gave the bartender a smile, who bowed to you in return.
"Unfortunately, I don't carry any wine for you, your highness." He said but you shook your head.
"That's fine, just give me what everyone else is having." You said and Price raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure your highness?" He wondered and you tilted your head. "It might be a more bitter than what you're used to."
The bartender put two pints on the bar and you carefully grabbed one before you nodded for Price to take the other. You stared at the liquid inside it before you looked up at him with a twinkle in your eyes.
"I think I'm quite used to bitter, I'm around you often." You teased and he rolled his eyes.
"Cheeky." He clicked his tankard against yours and waited for you to take the first sip.
When you did he had to hide his smile behind his tankard as you struggled to stop your nose from scrunching up. He puffed out a few laughs when you frowned and failed miserably to hide the disgust on your face. 
You sighed heavily and gave him a weak smile when you swallowed.
"We can leave." He offered genuinely but you shook your head.
"I'm trying new things." You took another drink and forced it back. "I wouldn't dare back down now."
And you didn't. Before Price could stop you, you had drunk two pints and were already working on your third. He tried to stay close to you as you drunkenly visited with the villagers, speaking to them as if you were old friends, but you were too fast for him, even drunk.
He sat himself down at a table in the corner where he could watch everyone and you at the same time. He kept his eyes on you and watched your every move. He was on edge even when Simon gave him another drink.
The tavern got more lively and eventually someone asked you to dance with them.
And when you began to dance, it seemed like nothing mattered anymore.
Price watched you dance with warm cheeks and a warm chest. There was something in the way that you were smiling, the absolute joy on your face that made his shoulders loosen and made a smile of his own spread across his face. The life in your movements and the lack of the usual poise was enough to have him imagining things he probably shouldn’t.
Things like how it would feel to be the one dancing with you, to be the one who held you close and felt your fingers caress his skin. The one who knew what your lips felt like against his own, to know that he was yours and you were his.
They were dangerous thoughts, ones that gave him a feeling he knew but didn’t dare name. Not when the law forbade it, not when he couldn’t have it.
“Play a round, old man.” Simon sat across from him and slid over a deck of cards. 
A soft sigh escaped his chest and he grabbed the deck. He relaxed more, knowing that the other patrons in the tavern weren’t dumb enough to cause trouble, though he kept his eye on you, and began to shuffle the cards.
After a few rounds and a couple more drinks, you finally made your way over to him out of breath but a dazed look in your eyes. Simon gave you his seat, which you thanked him for before your eyes lit up at the cards.
“Oh! How many have you won?” You looked at Simon who grunted with a frown, which made you laugh. “I should expect nothing less, Sir John.”
“It’s nothing but luck.” He told you and you smiled.
“Teach me.”
“It’s a lot different than chess.”
“I know, so teach me.”
Even if you were safe within the tavern, Price liked that you finally sat across from him. He tried his hardest to explain the rules to you, though the two of you were a little too drunk and the tavern was too loud to properly play, you both still had fun. Well, Price had more fun since after the first round, he couldn’t stop winning.
“You’re cheating!”
“I’d never cheat you, your highness. You’re just awful at the game.”
As the night went on you slowly found yourself unable to ignore the problem at hand. Even if you weren't sober and even if this had been one of the more enjoyable nights you've had, you couldn't escape your fate. 
The tavern was a lovely distraction and you were happy that Price had enjoyed himself too, but now as things slowed down your mind wandered.
"Another suitor is coming." You told him softly and his face hardened. "A prince. He sounds nice, better than the king."
"Yet you sound upset." He watched you.
You weren't as upset as when you were going to be married to the king but he could still see the hidden overwhelmed feeling in your eyes. He knew that your mind was racing, that no matter how much you tried to distract yourself it was there.
"Suppose I'm just nervous. I know how it's going to go."
Price remembered what you had told him and couldn't the slight anger in his stomach. Again the queen had failed to tell him, especially after the last time, but it was more than that. He hated how upset it made you, he wished he could take it away or at the very least make it easier for you.
His loose tongue spoke before he could control it, the ale making it easier for him to say his thoughts even when he normally wouldn't say it.
"Then I'll get more violets."
Your eyes widened and you stared at him with an unreadable look. You were drunk, so maybe you had misheard him but the more you thought about it the more you realized that it made perfect sense and you couldn't believe you hadn't thought about it before.
Sir John was the only one who knew the fields and the violets made  you happy before you were given the bouquet. He was the only one who went to the fields with you, the only one who actually listened to you.
He gave you the flowers the first time.
Your chest warmed and you blinked away any tears before he could see. An overwhelming feeling washed over you, one that you weren't sure you had a name to as you watched him shuffle the cards. It was soft, warm but also so violent as you realized it would spell death for him if you were ever to indulge in it.
"Are you tired, your highness?" He asked softly, noticing the way you got quiet.
"Yes." You sighed because truthfully the alcohol was making you sleepy but selfishly you didn't want to part from him even when you'd see him tomorrow. "But let's play one more round. Then we can leave."
Price nodded a small smile stretching across his face.
"Maybe you'll win this time."
"Play me in chess and you won't gloat anymore."
a/n: to be seen is to be loved and knight!price is the only one who sees you
Tags: @deadbranch @makayla-666 @glitterypirateduck @dumbbitchgalore @m0chac0ffee @dragonbe-writing @sleepyoriana @twismare @blush-haze @waiting-so-long @sofasoap
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ We Made It, Huh?
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader fic warning: fluffy af with minor mentions of nightmares, cuteness overload, painfully non-canon but also like i make canon myself yall stfu author's note: okay okay im a sucker for a soft family. could be seen as a part ii to coloring pages and baby fever and that's how im gonna put it on the masterlist, but honestly could be read as a stand alone. also, i need to know if you guys like the name i picked for sweet babygirl and if you don't do NOT say anything i will cry okay gg bye bye
many years later, after prophecies were fulfilled and many quests were completed, a pile of camp half-blood shirts lay dormant in the back of a closet, only to be brought out every now and then to reminisce but nothing more. y/n would have fulfilled her duty of the great prophecy on her twentieth birthday. two years later, she became an editor for a surfing magazine. leo would lay his life down to complete the prophecy of seven, though he came back a few months later to y/n a complete mess, which he made sure to fix. four years after that, he got a masters degree in engineering and opened his own firm. in the midst of those years, leo would propose and y/n would obviously say ‘yes.’ they would move out of camp half-blood into a house of their own - y/n shared a soul-crushing goodbye with chiron, someone she’s known and been raised by since she was seven. and, they’d have a little girl, amara esperanza valdez. which is why leo was currently standing outside a ballet studio, twisting and contorting a piece of metal into a little flower without even looking. the doors swung open and leo brought his attention to it, a smile settling over his lips at the little girl that ran towards him. he kneeled down, holding his arms open before scooping her up into them, her giggles contagious.
“daddy!” the girl giggled into his shoulder, clinging onto him. leo held onto her tightly, pulling back to fully take her in. she was still in her little tutu and leotard, her wild curls that she got from him slicked back into a bun that y/n had done earlier in the day. 
“hey, princesa,” leo mused back, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before blowing a raspberry against her cheek. the girl squealed, trying to get out of his grasp. 
“ah! daddy!” she screamed, wiggling in his arms. leo stopped, partially because he was concerned she was gonna fall and also because they had to start heading home. 
“okay, okay. come on, girly, we gotta get home to mama,” he cut in, carefully opening the back doors to the truck and beginning to strap her into her car seat, amara all but a passive character in all of this. she was practically buzzing in her seat, something leo and y/n both worried were early signs of adhd. some nights, y/n would be unable to stop crying at the thought of their daughter going through what they did, her chest heaving with sobs. leo always tried his best to comfort her through these episodes, but he’d be lying if he said that the thought didn’t cause his blood to freeze up. 
“how was ballet, amara?” asked leo once they were on the road, glancing in the rear view mirror at her before swiftly returning his eyes to the road, his fingers rapping against the wheel like always. 
“good. we learned about pointe shoes today. and- and ms. hart brought in her own tutu from when she was a ballerina! it was sooo pink!” the girl squealed excitedly in the backseat, searching for her dad’s eyes in the mirror. 
“really, amorito? super cool,” he replied, nodding his head enthusiastically. they were only a few lights away from home now and leo could feel the stress of work and life ease away from his bones at the thought of seeing y/n, like it always did. 
“amanda tried to do an advanced move that ms. hart explained and her mommy thinks she sprained her ankle,” amara added, her eyes going to the views out the window, trying to wiggle in her seat to see better. leo frowned slightly at this news and what she was doing. 
“amara,” he warned, lightly, as he flicked his directionals on. the girl stopped her movements and slumped into her seat before realizing they were home, at which point she started buzzing again.
“daddy, daddy, daddy! i gotta get out! come on,” the girl whined, fighting against the seatbelts. leo laughed, moving quickly to free her.
“you’ve got time, babygirl, breathe,” he told her as he lifted her out of the seat and set her down on the ground, reaching back into the car for her pink backpack as she bounced up to the front door. amara reached up with her tiny hand and managed to open the door, swinging it wide open. leo managed to jump forwards and save it from smashing against the wall, knowing y/n would not have been happy. 
“mommy!” amara shouted as she ran into the house, almost falling as she tugged her shoes off. y/n leaned around the corner that led to the kitchen, a grin covering her face. her hair was pulled back with a braid and she had an apron wrapped around her waist, clearly making dinner. 
“my baby!” y/n shouted back, scooping the girl up into her own arms. leo closed the door, feeling his heart melt at the sight of his little family. he felt like he’d earned it; for every single tragedy he lived through, he got his dues with his girls. 
“mommy, mommy, amanda sprained her ankle today,” amara told y/n, excitedly laying her hands on her mothers cheeks. leo noted the small panic flare in her eyes.
“What were you guys doing in ballet today?” she asked, holding the girl against her hip as she stirred something in a pot.
“amanda was doing something she wasn’t supposed to,” clarified leo as he made his way into the kitchen, calming his wife’s nerves. he watched her release a small breath at the information before smiling warmly at her husband. she reached up with her free hand, setting it against his cheek and pulling him down for a kiss. 
“eww!” amara squealed, wiggling in her mothers grasp as she tried to escape. y/n rolled her eyes as she set the girl down, wrinkling her nose at her daughter. 
“one day, you’re not gonna find it so gross,” y/n stated, in a sing-songy voice, bopping the little girl’s nose. 
“a day that is very, very, very far away,” leo insisted, nearly growing pale at the thought of his daughter having her first kiss. 
“yeah, keep telling yourself that, hot stuff,” y/n mused, turning as she chopped up some carrots. leo came up behind her, setting his hands flat against her stomach like he used to when they were teenagers, his lips finding home on her neck. 
“how was your day, y/n?” he asked, swaying them back and forth to an unknown rhythm. 
“perfectly bland,” she smiled at him, the kind of day they grew to appreciate after their teens, “jason called. Wants to stop by sometime this week. he’s traveling about to see everyone right now since the airlines are giving him a pretty long vacation.” 
“hmm. i’ll call him back later, pick a day,” leo replied, smiling at the thought of one of his best friends. 
“uncle jace is coming over?” amara questioned, peeking her head into the kitchen. y/n hummed in response, giving her daughter a warm smile. 
“you need a bath before dinner, little girl,” y/n added, pointing a wooden point at amara, who squealed and ran out of the kitchen. leo pressed his lips to her cheek before patting her hips. 
“i can finish dinner. go rangle the beast,” he told her, tilting his head with a bright smile. 
“just like old days, huh?” y/n mused with a smile, walking backwards. leo rolled his eyes, pointing the spoon at her now. 
“don’t even start with me. you would have ran out of shields and swords years ago had it not been for me. how’d you win then, bubble brain?” he mocked back and y/n laughed, waving him off before managing to grab amara as she tried to run past. 
“What’s daddy talking about?” amara managed to get out between her squeals. y/n shared a small look with leo before pressing her lips to amara’s head. 
“dumb grown up stuff, babygirl. i’ll tell you when you’re older,” y/n hummed, swinging the girl around in her arms as she made her way up the stairs towards the bathroom. it was hard, keeping so much of their lives secret from amara but she was just too young to understand. she wouldn’t understand why family trees were hard. she wouldn’t understand why her parent’s were littered with scars, both visible and invisible. she wouldn’t understand why all of photos of her parents as teens had weird horses in the background and only orange shirts as far as the eye could see.
leo finished the soup, quite proud of himself for doing so without a recipe. he was on the phone with jason, leaning back against the counter as he portioned out the correct stuff onto amara’s sectioned plate. her bowl of soup was in the fridge, cooling down. as much as leo insisted amara had some kinda heat resistance, y/n was always too scared to test anything yet. 
“i’m telling you, she’s growing like a weed. you’re gonna see her and not recognize her,” leo spoke into the phone, a wide smile on his face as jason laughed. 
“i doubt that. those curls are hard to miss,” jason replied and leo could just hear the smirk on his face. 
“hey! she got those from her daddy i’ll have you know!” 
“yeah, she’s definitely your kid, no mistaking that,” jason laughed on his end, before there was a minor pause, leo having a feeling he knew where this was going. 
“did you…did you hear about travis?” jason whispered into the phone, gently. this type of conversation is becoming more common these days. leo sighed, leaning back and looking to make sure y/n was still occupied with amara. 
“yeah. connor called me. i haven’t told y/n yet,” he muttered back, running a hand through his hair. connor called him earlier in the day, telling him travis had been nearly killed by a couple of fury’s that caught him off guard at his job.
“i just- i thought we were done with this shit, you know what i mean?” leo continued with a huff. 
“i’m just worried that one day, i’m gonna get that call from you and y/n, or piper, or reyna, or percy and annabeth,” jason replied, his voice heavy, and leo could feel his tension through the phone.
“i know, trust me, i know. the amount of sleep y/n and i have lost over guardianship of amara is crazy. she’s in danger with every person that we love,” leo breathed out and jason hummed on the other end. 
“i’d take her in a heartbeat,” jason joked, trying to lighten the mood. 
“percy’d kill you for her,” leo laughed. 
“he’s got his hands full with their kids. i’ve got the high ground here!” jason argued his case and leo just laughed harder. amara then came running into the kitchen, her curls free from the bun and bouncing and lightly dripping water. 
“daddy, daddy, daddy, is it uncle jase?” amara excitedly asked, tugging on his pant leg and looking up at him with excitement. 
“uncle jase? no, no, this is just the weather man i know,” leo mused into the phone a flabbergasted noise coming from jason as leo put the phone on speaker. 
“don’t listen to him, mara!” jason called, causing amara to squeal excitedly and made grabby hands for the phone. 
“be careful, baby, i’m serious,” leo told her before handing his phone off, excitedly blubbering to jason as she walked towards the living room. y/n walked into the kitchen with a different shirt on and some suds on her face still. leo laughed lightly as he raised his hand, softly rubbing the bubbles away. 
“is she on the phone with jason?” y/n questioned, peeking into the living room. leo hummed in response, pouring her a bowl of soup. y/n took it from him with a kiss before setting it on the dining table, something she was adamant about. leo followed, also setting up amara’s seat as y/n grabbed the little girl and phone.
“say goodbye to uncle jase, baby, you gotta have dinner so you grow big and strong like him,” y/n mused into the phone, earning a chuckle from jason, before amara cried her goodbyes. jason called back similarly before y/n took him off speaker and held the phone up to her ear. 
“did leo pick a day for you to come over?” she asked as she moved around the kitchen, pouring drinks and grabbing the little girl a napkin.
“yeah. thursday. he said something about amara having the day off,” jason replied. 
“perfect! We love having you over, jason, you know that,” stated y/n, smiling widely. 
“i love being over. Well, i’ll leave you guys to your night,” he added and y/n nodded even though he couldn’t see it. 
“yeah, of course. see you soon. love you, sparky.” 
“love you too, y/n.” 
y/n hung up, passing the phone off to leo before pressing a kiss to his cheek as she took her seat next to him. they ate their dinner, amara excitedly talking about her day. she told leo about how mommy made waves with the water of her bath, causing leo to shoot her a pointed look. y/n was quick to explain it away as ‘mommy magic,’ wiggling her hands at the little girl, who couldn’t stop the giggles from coming out of her mouth. y/n cleaned up dinner as leo took amara to the living room, allowing some kiddy show to play while she curled up on the couch next to him. once she was asleep and drooling all over leo, they gently picked her up and took her into her room. y/n tucked her in, pressing a long kiss to her forehead before getting up, allowing leo to do the same before they left, leaving the door open just a crack. the couple then made their way downstairs, laying back down on the couch, y/n’s legs draped over leo’s lap, her head resting against his arm, which was slung on the back of the couch. 
“connor called today,” leo whispered out, easily gaining y/n’s attention, her brows furrowing. 
“during my lunch. travis, he- he got hurt pretty bad today,” leo continued, trying to ease into the conversation, rubbing his hand over y/n’s, “While he was at work, a couple of fury’s managed to get the jump on him.”
“oh, gods…is he okay?” y/n breathed out and leo could feel her hands start to shake. 
“he’s okay. just a little banged up,” leo instantly soothed, giving her hand a squeeze and giving her a comforting look. y/n instantly moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around his torso as leo replied in a similar fashion. 
“...will it ever end?” y/n asked in a small voice, which shook, “haven’t we given enough? i’ve spent my whole entire life on this crap and it still won’t leave us alone.” 
“it’s gonna be okay, sweetheart. nothing’s happened yet and if something does happen, we’re prepared,” leo muttered against her shoulder, pressing a kiss there once he was done.
“i know, i know…i just- i worry about her,” replied y/n, both of them knowing exactly who they were talking about.
“she’s a lot like you. she’ll be okay,” leo stated, smiling softly at his wife who rolled her eyes at him. 
“please, she’s your mini-me. don’t patronize me,” she joked, shoving him off her as she got up off the couch, subtly wiping away her tears, hoping leo wouldn’t notice. he did, but knew better than to point it out. 
“fine. but she looks just like you!” leo argued and y/n gave him a look, causing him to laugh. 
“liar! you’re just trying to make me feel better that i carried her inside of me for nine months just for you to steal all of her genetic code,” y/n huffed, locking the front door while leo locked the back door, the pair turning off most of the lights in the house, leaving little ones on for amara if she woke up to get water or use the bathroom. 
“no, no, no. she’s got your nose and your hair color! and when she wrinkles her nose, it’s got you written all over it,” leo raved and y/n laughed, shaking her head at him as they moved up the stairs towards their room. 
“she may have my hair color but she’s got your curls. and your ears and she’s got your stupidly cute thinking face,” y/n insisted, flipping the light on in their room and heading towards their shared bathroom. 
“so, what i’m hearing is that our daughter is a perfect mix of us?” leo questioned with a wide smirk as he followed after her, tugging off his shirt. 
“yup. sounds about right to me,” y/n mused, turning around and throwing her arms around his neck as she looked him up and down, a wide smile on her face, “hmm. what were we even arguing about again?” 
“can’t seem to remember,” leo added with a laugh, both of them quickly undressing before hopping into the shower together.
it wasn’t anything crazy intimate; at least, not in the sense you're thinking. they talked about their days, adding details they couldn’t exactly say in front of their five year old. y/n liked to wash leo’s hair, always huffing about how he didn’t take care of his curls. though he'd never admit it, he did notice his hair was better once he moved in with y/n and started this ritual. leo did make a comment about trying to make another kid that looks more like y/n while running his hand up her thigh but she gave him a kiss before shoving him off with a light laugh. she reminded him of their agreement to wait until amara was in school, to which leo pouted and cuddled up on y/n with an exaggerated sigh. the two moved under the covers of their bed, cuddling up to each other before losing their fight against trying to stay awake.
“mommy?” y/n heard, instantly forcing her eyes to open and focus as she looked at the edge of her bed, being met with her daughter’s blonde curls and bloodshot eyes. the girl hiccupped a cry and y/n was instantly awake, reaching over and pulling amara into bed with her, setting the girl in her lap. she cupped amara’s tear-stained face, her heartstrings pulling as she continued to cry.
“What’s wrong, baby?” y/n whispered, leo starting to stir awake next to her. he sat up on his elbows, looking over and taking in the scene before waking up more at the sight of his daughter crying. amara just continued to blubber, unable to get words out through her tears.
“baby, princesa, you’ve got to breathe,” leo muttered, reaching over and running a hand over her back, calming her down like he would y/n. amara started to take big breaths, trying to calm herself down. 
“good girl. tell mommy what happened, amara,” y/n begged, pushing back the girl’s curls so she could see her face better. 
“t-there’s monsters in my room,” amara hiccupped out, y/n’s face falling and her blood running cold. leo just stared, feeling his heart and mind working overtime.
“what?” she gasped out, her normally soft voice she’d use with amara lost. 
“i saw- i saw monsters in my room, mommy, they- they- they were out to get me!” amara continued, her breathing turning heavy again. y/n hugged amara to her body, shushing her and trying to calm her breathing again. she looked over at leo, who was already getting up and reaching into his bedside table, pulling out a knife that he quickly hid from amara’s view. 
“leo,” y/n begged, shooting a hand forwards to grasp his. he pressed a kiss to her head. 
“i’ll be back. stay here, y/n, stay with amara,” he whispered against her head. y/n squeezed her eyes shut and let go, even though everything in her body was telling her not to. she let him leave, waiting with bated breath while she tried to occupy amara and get her to stop crying. 
“baby, what did they look like, these monsters?” y/n whispered, rocking the two of them back and forth, the girl snuggly held against her chest. 
“like the ones from uncle nico’s books,” she replied and y/n’s heart clenched, partially because now they were running real risks and leo was taking his damn sweet time and because she was going to kill nico for showing her daughter those drawings. finally, the door swung open and leo came back, shaking his head at y/n, who let out a breath and managed to just barely keep her tears at bay. 
“i just scared them all off, amorito. no more monsters,” leo told her, pressing a kiss to her head with a shaky breath. amara and y/n both seemed to sag in relief, for two different reasons. leo slid back into bed next to them, wrapping his arms around his little family in hopes of keeping them this safe forever. 
“you wanna stay here with daddy and i?” y/n offered, though her tight hold on her daughter indicated that she wasn’t letting go anytime soon. 
“yes, please,” amara whimpered, snuggling into the space between the two. 
“always, babygirl, always,” leo replied, pulling the blankets up to her chin and tucking her in. they both stayed up, waiting for amara to fall asleep. she was a lot like percy, a deep sleeper that was constantly drooling all over their pillows. it never failed to bring a smile to y/n’s face, seeing her little brother in her daughter.
“i didn’t see anything out of place. i think it was just a nightmare. though, i have no idea where she got this idea of monsters from,” leo whispered to y/n, running his fingers through amara’s hair. 
“apparently, nico showed her some pictures last time he babysat,” y/n muttered back, sniffling as she tried to stop herself from crying. 
“i’m gonna kill him,” leo groaned, half tempted to hunt the goth down now. 
“i think it was an accident. you know he wouldn’t do that on purpose,” y/n reasoned and leo huffed, glancing over at his wife, realizing the state she was in.
“oh, y/n.” 
“i- i honestly thought you’d find something. i don’t want to live like this, leo, constantly scared something is just gonna swoop down and take her away from us,” reasoned y/n, the tears slowly trailing down her face she kept her eyes on her precious daughter.
“I know, honey, me neither. but, we’ll be okay,” hummed leo, reaching over their child and setting a hand against her damp cheek, forcing her eyes to him.
“how can you know that?”
“because i’ve got you. and you have me. nothing will ever be too bad that we can’t face it,” leo insisted, giving her a small tilted smile.
“together?” y/n offered, returning his smile with one of her own
“together,” leo confirmed, nodding his head in a way that couldn’t be argued with.
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luimagines · 7 months
Super excited you opened requests! If possible could you do one where the chain (individual or together dealers choice) ends up in the readers time after the adventure ends and thinking they wouldn't see each other again? (Maybe a sprinkle of confessions that they didn't get the chance to say before)
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Secret conclusion to Leaving before he confesses? o.o Yes, no? Maybe so? Doesn't have to be. Take it as you will. :D
Part one will include Time, Twilight and Warriors!
Content under the cut!
Time was about to lose his mind. Wasn't he suppose to be done with this whole adventuring thing? He's getting too old for this.
Why doesn't he know where he is? Why is he so far from home? He doesn't even remember walking through a portal this time. All he knows is that he was walking home after his shift on Lon Lon Ranch, then the world melted and he was in the middle of a forest.
This is getting obnoxious. He doesn't even have any of his weaponry nor does he have his armor. If he were to be attacked at this very moment, he would have to get creative. It's unfortunate that he's not as young as he used to be.
There's a trail he can follow at least. Maybe it can lead him to civilization and he can get some answers and start to figure out what he's supposed to do now.
Thankfully, he finds a town. It's small and quaint but it would suffice. Time isn't particularly picky about his options right now.
He walks into the town, glad that he's arrived before sunset when he spot a familiar face walking into a nearby house. He calls out your name in the hope that he's not fully lost his mind.
He sees you freeze before shaking your head and turning the doorknob to your house.
Time takes off running, calling your name again. This time you turn around and you drop the items in your hands. You scream but also star running toward him.
He can't help it. When you collide, he lifts you into the air and spins. It gets the stares of many people around and he can already hear the whispers but he finds that he couldn't care less.
He can smell your hair and whatever perfume you have on. It's nice.
You start crying.
Concerned, Time leads you back to the house you were about to enter, guiding you inside and picking up the items you've dropped in the process.
You don't seem to want to let him go. He feels the same, but he doesn't need to make a public spectacle of you. Although it takes a hot second, you both enter the house. You latch onto him again and this time he holds you firmly and tightly against his chest.
"I thought I would never see you again." You say with a broken voice.
"You and me both." Time admit with a sigh. He kiss the tears from your eyes and runs his hands over your face and hair and shoulders- trying to memorize and refamiliarize himself with your shape, your feel- your presence. "I've missed you."
You nod and nearly break down into sobs again.
He shush you gently and holds you close. He can't find it in himself to speak any more- less he start crying as well.
"I loved you." You blurt. "I still love you. I haven't stopped. I don't care if you don't feel the same- but I can't keep this inside me. I need to you know-"
Time kisses you.
He's been meaning to say the same but he finds this gets the message across quicker.
Twilight felt like he had taken this one a little better than he did the previous one. Once again someone he had felt like he loved left without much of a goodbye. Things were left unsaid, things he wanted the other party to know- with the idea that there was no way for them to see each other again.
It hurt, but it wasn't like he hadn't gone through this before.
That being said, he kept to himself nowadays. With the children growing older, they were being put to use as extra hands around the village. They were starting their apprenticeships and were learning the tricks and trades of the generation before them. Ergo, they didn't need someone like him to watch after them as often anymore.
Which wasn't so bad. It was quieter around his place, sure. But it gave him time to think. Time to heal. time he didn't know he needed.
He still misses you though.
The idea of what could have been still sits in his mind. He sighs and cleans his house for the first time in weeks. You always seems to be cleaning something when you traveled together. Whether it be their clothes, their weapons, their equipment- it just became your job whether they acknowledged it or not.
He can already hear you yelling at him in the back of his mind for letting his home fall to the state it has.
He personally doesn't care all that much- but a clean house is still nice to have.
Suddenly the reflection in his mirror changes. He's no longer looking at himself- but at the inside of another house entirely. He stares at it for a good moment before putting his hand to the glass.
It goes through. It's as if there wasn't any glass to begin with.
Ever curious, he climbs onto the table and through the mirror. He looks through the other, still not wanting to step all the way through just in case.
"Weird." He mutters to himself. "Well this has never happened before."
Someone screams.
Twilight jumps and hits his head on the railing before ducking back into his house for safety.
"Wait, wait, wait!" You scream before he can retreat and haul him through the mirror completely. "Is it really-? Tell me it's truly you! Link! It's me! How did you get here?"
Twilight rubs his head and looks in you in quiet awe. "...The mirror shifted..."
You sniffle, almost instantly bursting into tears and hug him around the neck. "Oh my goodness! I thought I would have lost you forever!"
Twilight hugs you slowly. His limbs don't seem to keep in pace with his mind. Can it be-? It is really-?
Twilight says your name slowly and lifts your head up to look him in the eye. You smile, tearful but beaming. You put your hand over his and lean into his touch. "I have no idea how you got your mirror to connect to my house, but I'm not complaining."
"It wasn't in my plans." Twilight feels like laughing. It is! It is you!
He picks you up and spins you around. "It's you!"
"It's me." You laugh.
Twilight puts you down gently and cups your cheeks. "I think I'm in love with you."
You blush fiercely but snort. "I've been in love with you, Link. I'm glad you caught up finally."
Warrior didn't to let himself get too lost in his heart ache. If you didn't know how uselessly in love her was with you, then you didn't know. You weren't worse off because of it. If anything, you were blissfully unaware of his emotional turmoil and therefore, living happily without a single thought of him in your head.
Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. Although more so for you than for him.
And maybe he could take solace in that. You were living your life as you did before, so why can't he? It's not like anything will come from it now.
He sighs and puts the outgoing documents into the bin. He has a head ache now too. Not only can he not stop thinking about you, but the issues with the castle staff and the monster beyond their borders have been keeping his candle burning at both ends.
He needs a break.
Warrior stands up and walks out of his office, rubbing his temple as he goes.
He misses you. It's the only thing he can think about. Even if it's selfish at this point. He wishes he could have told you how he felt. Granted, he wasn't sure if that's knowledge that he should drop on you, and realistically he's glad that he didn't but the issue remains. He would feel better if you knew.
You might feel worse though.
What a pickle.
He walks through the castle with no destination in mind until he trips and falls down the stairs. He's already cursing himself in his head- hoping that there's no one around to witness this.
He hits the bottom and almost considers laying there to further the embarrassment.
He hears something shatter and he looks up in shock.
The first things he notices is that he's no longer in the castle. If anything, he looks like he's in a small house. He's still at the bottom of the stairs though. He pushes himself up, half in a daze and half aware that something having to do with more magical shenanigans has just happened.
His blood goes cold. Oh how he's longed to hear that voice again- to hear you say his name. But this could be a trap.
He turns towards the sound cautiously. You're standing there, shattered plate by your feet with your hands over your mouth.
Warrior can feel himself tense up. You're stunning. Even now- "You look just as beautiful as the day you left."
You scramble over to him and hoist him onto his feet, breaking down into sobs before kissing him.
His eyes go wide as his hand land on your hips.
Well, this is certainly unexpected. But he's not complaining.
It takes him a moment to regain the use of his brain but he slowly kisses you back.
You pull away before he can get into it, wiping your face and running your hands over his upper body, taking him in. "...I missed you."
Warrior has to laugh. "Clearly... But it's ok." Warrior takes a chance kissing you once more. "I missed you too."
You bite your lip and blush a beautiful shade of red. You cough and play with the lapels of his uniform. You both stand there in silence, taking each other in.
Suddenly, as if the bubble pops, you both look each other in the eye a quiet breath passes between you both as you both speak in unison.
"I love you."
Part 2
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