#how the hell are they gonna cut him out of the mc part though… his story about sleeping naked in his hotel room…
hiyojun · 16 days
the editing to not show ikeda (mitsuru’s old va) even once is crazyyyy😭
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ankiebitez · 13 days
Mpreg with kings? I think mammon can lactate with those big milkers
Whb kings pregnant
gn mc, no warnings really except mentions of pregnancy and slight mentions of nsfw
note: not gonna lie i dont know much about mpreg so this is really short and mostly just thoughts on how i think the kings would act while pregnant lmao, i tried though but i really have like no idea how to write mpreg 😭
more under the cut
definitely wants kids, ghenna has the most romantic demons so its no surprise that he wants to start a family with you
he would be the best dad when they're born, but while he's pregnant he is probably the second to worst
mood swings, constantly. he's constantly pissed off and very protective of you even though he's the one who's pregnant. think about how animal moms get territorial when they have babies and that is 100% him
i feel like his depression would also get a bit worse bc pregnancy hormones are hell
he's so happy to be having your kid though
handling it really well honestly. he's very gentle and cautious for you and the baby now, he doesn't want to hurt either of you and will protect you by any means
his greed has gotten a bit more powerful too because now he has both of his greatest treasures
buying the best of the best stuff for the baby, clothes, a crib, toys, etc. that baby is going to be spoiled when they're born.
you try to say that a baby probably cant use solid gold toys but he just said that since the baby is half demon and part of him they'll naturally be strong enough
honestly he might be right because when the baby starts "kicking" in his belly you swear it looked like a imprint of a version of his gold fists
now you understand why its the demons that get pregnant instead of the human.
his titties somehow get bigger while he's pregnant too
pregnancy cravings. he will crave the weirdest shit you've ever heard of. and in the biggest portions you could imagine. you'd think he was eating for 300 instead of 2
he actually doesn't wander as much while pregnant since he wants to protect you and the baby, though he does still dissappear out of nowhere sometimes much to baels dismay
he gets sick and nauseous pretty often though in the later months. you know the phrase butterflies in your stomach? well he just gets flies in his stomach since the baby is too young to control that power yet. kind of horrifying tbh but he's handling it okay
right after the baby is born bael locks down the entire palace until you get beelzebub pregnant again. his argument is that its the only way to keep beel in avisos
he is the actual worst. he doesn't just get mood swings he is constantly pissed off while pregnant. would probably also be the type to cry while pissed off for no reason while in private.
hangs anyone in hades for the smallest things. shoes untied? hang. came to talk to him while he's in a bad mood? hang. breathed too hard? hang.
very very protective of you and the baby. no ones allowed to even look at you or his baby bump at this point. even when the babborn no one is allowed to hold them besides you two. they're not even allowed within 6 feet
he gets the baby the most beautiful stuff for their nursery though.
he also feels very prideful while pregnant, knowing that many of the other kings and demons are jealous that he's the one having your child. he's feeding off their envy
he is handling it the best out of everyone. you wouldn't even be able to tell he's pregnant if it weren't for the baby bump.
he was very skeptical about having a child though especially during this war. much less with the descendant of solomon. nonetheless, he is happy to be having a child.
stays in paradise lost the whole time unless absolutely necessary. he will not let anyone harm you or his child
still doesn't talk much, and stays in his garden most of the time to relax. you are welcome to come and sit with him though as long as you're quiet. he does get a bit more agitated by a lot of noise
the seraphim are seething and will definitely try to attack you more often though. they see you as evil incarnate for not only making lucifer sin but also getting him pregnant. lucifer wont have any of that
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It Fucks with me that straight up
Purgatory hall, the new characters and basically people in Mc//ourlives don’t know what Belphie did in chapter 16 and esp in Nightbringer, like we 100% habe trauma and like straight up makes me wanna write angst but I’m Shitty with it and always fuck it up
So I’m just….gonna ramble under cut about it? //spoilers for both games I suppose!
So to start, there’s several instances of the brothers (and in one occasion Barbatos and Diavolo separately) get aggressive towards reader and I like imagine they must have some kinda PTSD since they’ve literally died and honestly I self project and I act nothing like Mc…I’d be in fucking tears miserable over the fact I just got warped in the past without anyone but my mentor
Like I cant see my family, friends or PETS for who knows how long???
Just imagine how it would feel….
You’re already living in a worn down old building since the moment you’ve arrived in the past, where else can you go?? The brothers aren’t friendly, you have not a cent to your name, just what’s on your person the second you’re dropped off and left. You WANT to think things will be ok, Solomon is here to help you so at least you’re not alone but…
You will die eventually, what if this takes too long, and you die here? Will anyone from your timeline ever find out?
Would you family know? Your friends?
Solomon keeps reassuring you that it’s fine, but he’s a sorcerer who’s immune to everything…his own stupidity gave him immortality…maybe if you’re unlucky enough he’d make you immortal and you’d…wait till you could see the brothers ‘normally’ again. Well them and everyone else.
As time goes on you ultimately are forced to continue to try to re friend them. Solomon is equal parts helpful as he is a problem, but it all seems to work out.
Until they find out your human. Why does it matter? You never said you were a demon! You TOLD THEM YOU WERE HUMAN. They laughed it off…why is it your fault…your not like them?
Belphegore was the aggressor, just like before. You don’t know if he was going to hurt you and you didn’t want to find out. You saw his hand reaching towards you, almost like they were going for your throat…
“Not again!”
You screamed as you collapsed on the ground, hand instinctively going to protect your neck. You’re gasping for air even though you haven’t been touched yet, you’re terrified. Is this really it? Is he really going to kill you again? Did you really think…this would end well, Solomon? Diavolo? Barbatos?…Anyone?
Now you are where you are, trembling and in tears on the ground. But you didn’t feel anyone grab you, you did however feel like someone walked in front of you. To your relief, Solomon had come to your rescue…
You wanted to appreciate it, but all you wanted to do was go home now.
You let out a broken sob, you honestly didn’t care anymore if they saw you like this. You have been through hell and back for these idiots and yet, you still love them so much, so much so that all you want to do is see them again, but the version of them you know.
You love them, they are worth it, but why do you have to suffer for it? Your time in the human world after Devildom…nothing bad happened…maybe…you’re the problem?
With your mind spiraling, you don’t even hear everyone shouting, you don’t hear your name, you don’t hear who says it.
All you can do is cry and hope whoever sent you here shows mercy and let’s you go home.
(Ok now it’s done sorry)
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woneuntonzz · 2 months
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torn and folded .ᐟ (2/2)
📞 ; “respectfully, you're disgusting.” | 💿 part 1...
𖹭 : bully!seunghan x bl reader, amab!reader
💭 you loved your free time in manga reading websites, not him though, he thinks you need your senses sorted out for you, and so he would...
⤷ contains: mlm pairing (this is pure fiction and is in no way
made to assume the idol's sexuality!!), angst, bullying,
homophobia towards mc (i myself have struggled with), fluff,
humor (kys/kms jokes), mention of other idol names for world
⤷ wc: 11.2k!! (not proofread :3)
-ˋˏ under the cut .ᐟ ✄┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
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hey bunz
can i ask u a question
what do u do when u like someone?
why’d u even ask if you can ask me when you’re gonna ask either way
idk either
do u like someone rn?
You sighed, deleting what you have previously typed: you.
who is it? 👀
u don’t even know him
idk why ur even asking
ur right
so what
ur just out being a loser all day and not do anything about it?
You could only laugh silently at your screen. 
he hates me
sucks for u ig
kys lol
ur so sweet
dw u have me
fuck that guy
You rolled your eyes, you couldn’t believe you were smiling over everything despite the somber truth behind it all.
i thought ur not gay
that’s a conversation for another day
come on
tell me to kms
um, okay????
something’s missing
kys :3 (hope u dont wake up tomorrow)
i will :> (i have to wake up so i can actually kms)
You don’t think twice before shutting down your computer the second you’ve read his reply. Looking at the time, you had once again spent two hours of your night chatting. It’s crazy how far you’ve gone when it comes to talking, it would always be just about the games you’ve played, sometimes complaining to each other about school. It was him who’d start talking you into revealing more about yourself, and he’d do the same without even asking. That’s how you found out that he was definitely Seunghan. 
At first, his messages made sense for the guy you saw him to be in school, then he’d change, it’s very gradual but it’s there for your eyes. You’ve played the waiting game before, longer than anyone, you just hope waiting for him would amount to something. 
You’d spend your next days with Matthew tailing behind you, and like what you agreed upon, you two would read that manga you were currently reading, next to each other on your phone. Somehow he got you to feel comfortable enough to stay in the library with him instead of that desolate room. Of course, he’d ask you why you liked it there, and you’d tell him everything. Despite your attempts of flailing his attention towards the manga on your phone, he’d continue to ask you if you were fine with not being in your safe space. 
“I’m really okay.” he kept his eyes on you, as if urging you to keep talking. “For now at least.”
“You know, actually followed you there because I thought you were up to something bad —but I didn’t know it was you either since all I could see was your backside.” it was the first time he’d hear you laugh audibly, and he’d smile. 
If you were being honest, you felt like you still had to keep your guard up. He’s told you himself that he’s heard about you, probably seen you at your most piteous state. It just boggles your mind that him approaching you was purely arbitrary, and like others, he didn’t care much about you being bullied before. But you gave him the benefit of the doubt, he had a life of his own and he was most probably concentrated with what he had going on in it, after all, you were mere strangers to each other.
You quickly learned that you were only spared when you’re with him, but back in your class, you still suffered the same hell.
“Seunghan, why aren’t you responding at the group chat?”
Or maybe not quite the same. 
You vowed to yourself to never let your eyes wander around without care, but you felt so anxious, you could feel it at the back of your head. With some shameful guessing, you thought you might know whose eyes it is that pricked you. You braced yourself once you stood up from your seat, hearing the bell ring for the last time that day, it was tradition for them to push you around before going home.
And they did just that. You’d be on the floor hurrying to gather your belongings that were scattered on the floor, by chance —and because of your cluttered mind— you looked up to the door, and Seunghan would pass by. You caught his eyes looking right into yours for a very brief moment before he completely vanished from your sight. 
There was something about him that day, he didn’t walk up to you, he didn’t steal your phone and threw it around, he was just there. It was like back in middle school, you knew he could see you, but he chose to not give any of his attention. 
aaa sorry my play was ass
i can’t believe i’m bot frag
i was ass too
we’ll get it next time
ig it’s not a very great idea to play with a lot of things on ur mind
what is it for you anyways?
i’m gonna be 18 soon
technically i’d be an adult by then 
why ask?
r u planning to commit felonies rn be fr
i just wanted to be 
from my parents
what is it about this time?
i’m just tired of it all
they’re too controlling
and what for? lmaoooooooo
i feel like i’m gonna burst
i can’t even pursue my dreams because of them
talking abt “you’ll end up–” 
idc where i end up as long as it’s not with them
if ur confident enough that u can survive out there on your own
do it 
this is your one chance with life, do what you can to live it to the fullest
could’ve just said "YOLO and embrace your FOMO"
i was totally just jk
just just kidding
enough abt me
it’s the same thing pretty much
my dad would kill me if he found out
that ur gay?
nahh u have to escape 
i’ll help
that’s crazy tho
u dont even know where i’m at
oh but what if i do
then u can be a private investigator
or a psycho stalker
my saesang <33
bunz stan 😋
kys :3 (idk kinda hope u sleep w/o that shit in mind)
i will :> (thanks ik u want me fr)
The days that followed, you could see his messages reflecting through the way he behaved at school. He was no longer one you had to be careful around, still, he seemed to be just as indifferent towards you. There’d be moments where you’d catch his eyes, but in them was something you haven’t seen before —or more likely, in a while. You’d cross paths outside the classroom often, and seldom times he was in the library too, and you would try your best to see what he was doing without completely turning your head towards him. He just studied, by himself. 
It wasn’t a rare, once in a lifetime type of event, he was still quite the grade-conscious student because of his parents —he’s told you before— it’s just that he was always by himself. It should be for the best, getting away from those people, maybe he’d get his old self back, maybe you’d have him back in your life. The memories you shared then weighed more than anything else in your life, and even after everything he’s said and done to you, you would continue to carry it, still missing him behind the malignant persona he had created. 
In the meantime, you would have your usual routine with Matthew, and it immediately crossed your mind —if he had ever grown tired of these little hangouts, so you end up paying every little action, every little sound your consciousness, seeing if he was any different from the previous day. He’d never change, there was nothing that you could see, so you granted him your trust, even if it was hard giving it away again after a long while. 
“The guy is crazy, don’t you think? If he really loved the main character, why would he make him suffer through it?” —he was talking about the manga you two were reading. 
“I mean, it’s for the storyline.” you laughed at his sour face. “You read it anyway.”
It felt wonderful to let yourself breathe in every moment, not having to hold it to block off the torturous stench of your classmates’ perfumes. You hoped that this would last, at least until you had to graduate. He made school a bit more bearable for you.
However, with his absence, you’d shift back to your usual self, leery towards everything. You’d go back to that room, but it would not be the same as when you left it. 
You were that cautious boy all over again, taking light steps to the place that in your world, you owned, carrying most of what you could, even the items you knew you wouldn’t need. Your eyes scanned left to right, keeping your vision’s periphery clear for any threats, or anyone who could be following you.
When you got there, you stood outside of the room for a while. It wasn’t possible to peek without opening the door since the glass was blocked off by black tape —and it was probably there to keep students out. You convinced yourself that you had no reason to be nervous, it was your room, your sanctuary. You took a hold of the doorknob, very carefully turning it so that it makes very little sound. Every second that passed, you’d open it a little wider, and wider, until you could take a full view of the room. 
“Sorry.” you had turned your heel, ready to take speedy steps away from your comfort, but he who seconds ago was lax and seated, would rush towards you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you inside the room. 
He’d close the door, but you could only hear the sound it made, you couldn’t take your eyes off him, especially when he was that close. His eyes slowly made their way to yours, you could feel your heart racing, recalling the last time you were in his proximity. He felt you subtly trying to move yourself out of his grasp, so he’d release you from it, keeping his eyes on you. When he let go of your hand, you’d look around, feeling anxious about everything. You were thinking about what he was going to do next and what he was going to say. 
You’d withdraw yourself from where you stood, backing away because of his sudden movements —he had raised his hand with his palm facing the ceiling, holding it up in front of you as if he was asking for you to give him something. You were unsure of what he wanted, and he took notice of that, his other hand reaching for his nape. 
“I didn’t know you’d be back in here.” his voice was impossibly soft, you were sure you looked like you had seen a ghost. “This was so sudden, I know.”
It was like your body had a mind of its own, and you would shake your head without being fully aware, pulling on your own fingers as your eyes went all over his face. You could feel the heat creeping up your face, so you’d look away to the side. 
“I’m sorry.” he’d lower his hand at a painfully slow pace, still keeping his gaze at you, and soon his eyes were glossed, “For everything.”
That day wouldn’t be as bad as it’d usually be, even without Matthew’s presence. That day, old feelings would resurface, with much greater magnitude. That day, you held his hand again, and it was like the first time all over again, where you gave it your all to not give off how jumpy your heart got. The two of you were just in that room, till the last bell sounded. You were sitting on the floor against the wall near the door, and your hands would remain entwined. You were so close to each other, like how you used to be, like those times under that big tree at that old park. His hands would move towards your head again, but this time it wouldn’t be to get rid of a leaf that landed on your hair, he’d lead your head on his shoulder, and his grip on your hand would be a little tighter, but somehow still gentle. You waited for him to talk, but he didn’t utter another word. All you could hear was his breathing, that at some point would falter when you moved after hearing the bell. 
“We should go back.” your voice was as quiet as the wind, yet he felt like he’d melt from it. 
“We could.” he’d let his tongue swipe against his top lip before he spoke again, “But we don’t have to.”
So you didn’t. You were there for hours, but somehow it still felt like very little time. You still had to ask him why he was being like that. What changed?
this is a sign
pursue your love
r u being fr
what’s up with you?
don’t you ever just go
huh 😭😭😭😭😭
yea so
i’m basically gonna risk it all now
maybe not all
not all at once
what is bro yapping about 💥💥
how’d u find out that you’re gay?
excuse me?
serious question btw ☝️
☝️🤓 well actually
ok wait 
serious face on
gay ghosted
i’ve known this boy for so long since we were kids typa beat and idk i never really liked any girls, i mean sure they're pretty and cute and all but i never pictured myself with any of them
but i did with this boy 
u have to tell me everything
kys :3 (go to sleep freak)
no :< (wait plz)
that’s crazy
you know who i am don’t u
i know u
ur actually tweaking
ok fine u win
ur scaring me
go kys fr
The hand that held yours and led you back to his haven.
bro who’s that 😭
don’t be like that now :((
it took me this long to realize
i’m stupid
i’ve told u a lot of things
even mentioned chaeyoung
that name is so awful to look at 
i’m sorry
i’m gonna go
you’ll come back, right?
You took a sharp inhale, deleting every single reply you had thought of and typed out. You left him on read, not really knowing what to do from then on, yet, you were so eager to find out how this night would affect tomorrow. 
Slipping into the soft sheets, your eyes would swell with tears looking back at how he turned against you then. Your eyes would end up swollen, you felt so drained that you dreamt of nothing but the dark. 
Your thoughts went running fast, he owed you an explanation, and you believe he could give it to you soon enough after everything that unfolded from yesterday. 
“You seem to have a lot in mind.” you jumped at Matthew’s query, your consciousness being drawn out of your clouded head.
“You’ve been re-reading that panel for ten minutes now.”
You sighed, feeling betrayed by your cognition. You ran your fingers through your hair, thinking about how you’ve been stealing glances from each other all day, and how he walked past you a little slower, mouthing “Let’s meet, room.” He had no room to be careless, he knew his sister still had her eyes on him.
“I’ll be busy later, you can keep reading, you really don’t have to wait for me.” you utter when your mind flies to the image of your hand in his. 
“Got it.” you just hoped Matthew wouldn’t spot you and follow you into that room again. 
You went there after your first afternoon class, after you’ve seen him leave first —not before calling you to follow with his eyes though. The door was only slightly open when you got there, and you’d poke your head in first, before finally letting yourself in.
“So you’re bunz.” he said once you were seated next to him. You’d only nod at him, and once again your eyes were stuck to each other. “When did you figure out it was me you’re talking to?”
“It took a while too. I had to piece together the things you were telling me. Then, like you said, you mentioned your sister.” he had to bite his lip to hold himself back from beaming, he felt as if your voice was enough to take him out of this earth. 
“And I had to tell you her name too huh.” he softly laughs at himself, “I got too comfortable I guess, no wonder why.” 
His eyes would trail down, tracing every detail of your face, and you’d follow his eyes, wondering what lies behind the darkness of those orbs. It had driven you to finally ask him what you’ve been longing to know, “What made you change back then?”
You swore you heard his breath hitch, and his eyes would slowly start to water. “Chaeyoung. She was going to tell on me.”
His parents, now you could understand a bit more clearly. What was it that his sister had against him that she’s got him backed up in a corner? And why did he have to add to your suffering?
“She forced me into… everything.” he’d open his hand as a means to ask for yours, and you’d give it to him, “If my parents knew, they’d move me away.”
You stared at your clasped hands, watching his thumb lightly graze over your hand, “Knew what?”
He felt a lump in his throat forming after you’ve sounded your question, and with a light squeeze to his hand, he answered, “That my eyes are only for you. You know I like you, right?”
It was nothing but a hunch then, but you felt crazy because for others it might fall in line with the normality of some friendships. It all meant something after all.
“I always have, but it did take a while for me to grasp on it.” now he had a grasp on you. “I know what I did to you was irredeemable, but, now that we’re older, would you give me a chance?”
You looked at each other like nothing else in the world mattered, you thought everything else around you was fading into dust when you caught a glimpse of your own reflection in his eyes.
“You don’t have to answer now.”
“Do I have to answer? you got me, Seunghan.”
Before he could take another breath of air, the door would open, and there he saw your friend whose face would display shock. You’d turn around, only to be met with Matthew who’d soon repeatedly utter his apology before pacing away. 
“Shit. I should talk to him.” you stood up, breaking the contact of your locked hands. 
“I’ll go with you.” you stared at Seunghan for a while, taking his words into serious consideration. 
“No. Chaeyoung might see you.”
“I don’t care. Let her see me. I’m more than ready to run away from that house.” —the truth is, he wasn’t much prepared, but he was firm that mentally, he was ready.
“We’re only graduating. It’s too risky. What about the dreams you want to pursue?” your tone sounded of worry, and it made his heart weak, wanting to just run into you so you could take him in your arms. 
“It’s you. I want to pursue you, Y/n.” his voice was a bit shaky, and it almost cracked, his eyes lured you to him, and he’d let himself melt in your embrace. 
You’d eventually have a talk with Matthew, but it would be the next day. He was surprised to see Seunghan following behind you. He had many questions, and they were all answered, indirectly at most. He didn’t even bother asking most of what he wanted to, he could already see it from the way you looked at each other, or how close your faces were and how your hands brushed against each other, feeling too bashful to just hold one another —though you’d argue that you were only that close because you had to whisper, you were in a library after all.
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It’s been two weeks, two weeks of exchanged glances and secret signals to meet each other in that room. It’d be after the first week when he’d let his guard up when you were being messed with by his sister or the others, for the first time, he’d walk in between you and another guy who was causing you trouble, and he’d grab for your hand, dragging you out of the room with him. You expressed your worry, telling him that you were used to it, that he shouldn’t have done that, especially when his sister was there to see everything. He told you he’d handle everything, and he did.
“Are you seriously choosing to be this stupid Hong Seunghan?” That night his sister bursts into his room with this query, evidently enraged, “You really want me to tell mom and dad?”
“Yeah, go ahead, and while you’re at it, I’ll tell them about your boyfriend too and how he fucked you into failing three of your classes.” his stare was daring her to snap back.
“You have no proof of that, do you?”
“I can get proof if I ask him, it’s not like he knows how much of a good girl you are at home, you pretentious fuck.”
“You can’t talk to me like that!”
“Oh shut the fuck up. You’ve been shit to me and Y/n ever since we were children. Grow the fuck up. Y/n didn’t do shit to make your life as miserable as you’ve made his.” Now he was no longer afraid.
It was only a year ago when he had thought about what he truly wanted, and then he’d realize that he was close enough to start fixing himself up, thinking of ways on how he’d go about everything, starting with moving away from his family as soon as he could —if they didn’t threaten him first. He had to secure his chances, cause now he was sure that his future plans involved you.
It was quite a surprise that the torment would stop, though you would still receive glares and you could still hear them muttering under their breath, they would never get too close to you again. You were even more surprised when Seunghan had approached you at your desk, and you could see the stunned expression on the faces that scowled at you. 
“You’re not in trouble are you?” you quietly asked.
He places a hand on your shoulder, lowering himself to whisper to you, “I’m not, but I’m still not sure how long this will last. Let’s talk about it in our room later.” when he rose from your ear, he’d give you a light smile, walking out of the classroom. 
When you were back in your room, he proceeded to tell you about his plans moving forward, he also told you about the fight he had with his sister. He was quite set on what he wanted to do, wanting to get a scholarship, moving out of his parent’s house, getting a job while still attending college, and in his own words, the most important of all, to be with you along the way. 
“But, you know, you can tell me if you have plans that go against mine. It’s okay, I know you have goals of your own.” but if you were being honest, you were under so much pressure and fear for the future that you didn't even know what you wanted to do with your life. 
“I want to be with you.” It took him great effort to not close the distance between your faces right then and there. 
But of course, it was all easier said than done. 
Your relationship would remain the same till you graduated, following the same pattern everyday, keeping things as discreet as possible for the both of you. After graduation, you were talking to each other every other hour of the day, thoughts about the next phase of your life spilling out.
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You were nervous to finally receive the results of your entrance exams for all the universities you were able to apply for, out of five, you were able to get into two, both offering scholarships.
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You were high up in the clouds, thinking about preparing for college. You actually had a life ahead of you now, and you were glad that you ended up with the same boy you had started your journey with. 
You packed your stuff nicely in an old travel bag owned by your mom, who was no longer around, not dead, just decided she had enough of your mentally abusive father. You made sure to clean very diligently, so that your dad wouldn’t grumble about it after you’ve left. 
You wanted to leave this life behind you, the redundant pressure you’ve pushed to yourself, just to please your father who had given you more pain than help. So that morning before you left, you made sure you were leaving for good. 
“I’m gay.” 
You had expected him to throw his cup of coffee at you, but he’d just chuckle, his raspy voice made you flinch. “I know.” he’d laugh even more when he saw the expression on your face, “I’ve looked through your computer. You know, there’s really not much I can do. You’re not hurting anyone for being with another man, so go, live your life.”
It was nothing you could have foreseen, but before you left, you just had to give him one last hug, uttering a soft little thank you.
“He really said that?” Now you sit in a park near campus, under a tree, smaller than the one from your cherished memories, but just as beautiful. 
“I was surprised too. I’m not even sure if I heard him correctly.” Seunghan wrapped an arm around your shoulder, and you would do the same, wrapping an arm around his waist.
Your head laid on his shoulder, and his lie on top of it. He’d very gently rub circles on your shoulder with his thumb, and you could feel him sigh, chest going into a labored rise and falling back with ease. “I guess we could start with your idea.”
“The webcomic?” he’d hummed a response to your question. You sat up and faced him, your hand enclosing his own. “Our story would make for a good webcomic, don’t you think?”
“Hmm, you’re not wrong.” his lips would grow into a smile once he’d seen your beaming face. 
It wouldn’t take much time before he let his eyes wander down your lips, and you’d take notice of it. You beat him to it, and it was you who would close the proximity, sending heat waves throughout his entire body. When you pulled away, he’d blink a couple of times. He was only about to hold the back of your head to pull you in closer. You laughed at his bewildered face, and he’d become shy. 
“We can continue, my dorm room is probably empty, my roommate said he’d be out for a while.” you tell him, and he’d wear a smug grin making you cringe a little. 
“Yeah. Let’s do that.” he couldn’t help but take a pause, taking in how ethereal you looked at the moment, or how soft your hair was that he found all excuses in the book just to touch it. “And while we’re at it, I should start making concept art, sketches and all that. I’m gonna need a full body reference.”
Your face would wrinkle at his words, lightly pinching at his cheek. “Respectfully, you’re disgusting.”
His sweet chuckle almost made you forget you were in a public space, in a park. Though there were not many people there at that time, you were quite wary, something that would take time for you to adjust. 
So where did your ambitions take you?
After a year of college, you were both successful in selling your webcomics to a well known publisher —you could say you took longer than you should, given that most of your work time consisted of half-hour make-out sessions— and soon it would boom, and most people loved it, some were of course, a little less tolerant. 
Other than that, Seunghan had to deal with his parents who’d eventually find out about your relationship, and to that he replied, “What do you mean ‘shame on you for dating a gay man’? I am gay.” 
He’d make sure to add it to his bio in your favorite game. 
21 / male and gay AND i have a boyfriend @bunzshh
Disgusting, you mean, disgustingly adorable? People could call you disgusting all they want, but it’s the twenty-first century, people should be worrying about climate change and the things that are actually causing harm to the world. Don’t worry though, your story could only end on such a sweet note, and if people hated you, you still had your man (and no other).
boyfriend (legal)
fuck u
my man (and no other)
u already did like 12 hours ago???
boyfriend (legal)
ur sick
kys 🤍 (come over plssss)
my man (and no other)
i will 🖤 (hehehehhehehehehe open the door veronica)
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melonba11s · 11 months
Freshly Cleaned (Strade/Gender Neutral MC)
Fic 2 of 31 for my July Writing Challenge! 31 fics for the 31 days of the month!
Contains: Strade, Gender Neutral MC, Water boarding, torture, MC is implied to have the beginnings of stockholm syndrome.
“There’s a Water Conservation Notice out, Schatz! Let’s shower together!” 
That’s what Strade had said, holding you by the shoulder with one hand as he stripped you of your pants and underwear in one fell swoop. Maybe the part about a water conservation notice was true, but you still didn’t trust him. This was the man who had kidnapped you, dragged you into his basement and tortured you before  deciding he was too attached to get rid of you. 
Now you had to wear a heavy metal collar unless you were bathing. You had just asked him if you could shower… and you had seen his eyes light up with an idea. Now you were pressed against the wall of the shower, trying not to make eye contact with him… or his dick. 
Just because you didn’t trust him didn’t mean you didn’t find him attractive. And you would be lying if you hadn’t enjoyed some of the times you’d spent with him after he’d let you out of the basement. Strade was funny, talkative, charming, and very cuddly. He constantly had you sit with him while he looped an arm around you like you were long time lovers, rubbing your arm as he talked your ear off about the logistics of barbecuing a good rack of ribs. 
You were getting distracted though, you just needed to wash up as quickly as you could and- 
“Here liebling, let me wash your hair for you.” He had you by the shoulders as he pulled you close to him. You let out a sputtering wheeze as you bounced against his chest and stomach, fighting to not grab onto him as you slid over the tile. 
“I-I can do it myself!” you yelled louder than you meant, pushing yourself off of him. You’re already unsteady feet slid out from under you, though. You could just see Strades amused expression as you fell to the floor, cracking your head against it. 
“Now what’d you go and fall over for?” he was snickering, towering over you. You opened your mouth to spit back something witty, but instead coughed as you just received a mouth full of shower water. 
You shook your head, groaning as you rubbed the back of it. There was definitely gonna be a bump… But what a more pressing matter was the sudden silence. Strade only got quiet when he was thinking about something that he really liked the idea of. And you didn’t want to be in his vicinity when he was thinking like that. 
But you couldn’t escape him like this. So step one was to try and calm him down. 
“Strade… Help me up, I-I’ll let you wash my hair.” Strade didn’t respond, he only got down on his knees, straddling you. Step one wasn’t working… Step Two… 
Step Two was, you were fucked. 
“You just gave me a really fun idea, Schatzi.” Strade had both of your wrists in his grip now, pinning them above your head. Before you could ask what he was going to do, your world got a hell of a lot darker, and a bit more damp. 
He’d thrown a wash cloth over your face. There was the noise of the shower turning off, as Strade adjusted your placement a bit. You were beginning to hyperventilate. 
“St-Strade-” You were cut off as the bathtub faucet was turned on. Instantly there was water up your nose, in your mouth. It felt like your airways were burning as water gushed through them. In your panic you could only scream, which only served to cause more water to rush in, and the pain to grow worse. 
And just like that it was over, as Strade turned the faucet off. 
“Alright, Buddy? You seem a little panicked.” His voice had a gleeful edge that it only had when he was tormenting you. You opened your mouth to speak again but could only catch your words just in time as he turned the faucet on again. 
No matter how you closed your mouth though, held your breath, it didn’t stop the water from going up your nose. It felt like each blood vessel within your nostrils was bursting open, you were thrashing underneath Strade but he used his weight to his advantage, holding you still. 
Again the faucet was off, and you were coughing and choking. You thought maybe you were crying too, but it was too hard to tell. You puffed out your cheeks as you blew your nose as hard as you could, trying to clear your sinuses- 
The faucet was on again, getting rid of all the progress you had made in clearing your airways. Your head was pounding, it felt like the water was filling your skull cavity, like your eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. 
Turned off again, you opened your mouth for a grateful breath- and it was on again. Razors were piercing your throat, your lungs, you threw your chest out as if that would help anything. You were dimly aware of frothy saliva and water coming out of your mouth, dripping down your chin. 
It still hurts, but the world seems so far away now. Lights were dancing in front of your vision. The water had stopped, someone was speaking to you. There was a light slap across your cheek. You couldn’t react to it. You were in too much pain to think about doing anything but lay there. 
The darkness that awaited you was comforting, so much more comforting than what Strade had just done to you. You wondered if this was death. You had your regrets, and you wished it hadn’t come like this, but you supposed now that you were gone, all you could do was accept it. 
Until you were aware of a familiar voice. Someone yelling… About shortcrust pastry. A TV show you’d watched a lot with Strade. You stirred, opening your eyes slowly. 
You were completely dry, wrapped in only a fluffy white towel. You could feel Strade next to you, his body vibrating with a laugh he was keeping in his chest. His arm was around you, and he seemed to sense that you were awake, because he gave you a firm squeeze. 
“Awake, huh Schnecke? Feels a lot better being clean, doesn’t it? I may have spent a little too much time washing your face though.” 
You could only groan in response. Everything still hurt, but at least it was over. Strade had had his fun, you could relax now. Relax against him, as he rubbed your arm in that familiar, comforting way.
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rockintapper · 1 month
i say stuff about rh characters part 2two
becuase. teehee
the fir1st one
rhds tiem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!readmore jumpscare
yuka: wair i already d
that frog doll from the tutorial: I give!
note: the jumperrrr
widget: oh its you. yknow your older brother /gn akai mono likes to piss people off sometimes /silly
conductor: jj rpcker questions why you dont move and im glad i can answer her with "he does in megamix"
chorus kids: hi elleon the screaming screamers. theyre ltierally so sikly. but Watch Out
robots (fillbots): the snall one reminds me of coxmo. yall know cozmo? the lil guy and he had cubs that he plays with. and you cn like. and he. cost 200 dolar. the snall rovoNow i feel nostalgic
pop singer (erina): shhehehjdubdmyedrjguexrguderjugdexkvguuggxrwguvvjgkzhdvjgwxd
monkey (fan club): boy stop staring at me your judgemental ass lyour fuckin We're the best fanclSHUT yo stupid ass up fuckin banana lookin headasss i suppose you should jump off a cli
paddler: scare the shit out of me /half sily
blastronaut and shoot-'em-up radio lady: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
inturders: l + ratio + get blasted
captain blue bird: when i heard this lil shit go "STRETCH OUT YOUR NECK" the firsttime i was like WA IT THAT REMINDS ME OF SOMETHIGNG,,, WHHWHAHAYTFAFYA
the blue birds: ok actually. the enitre minigame takes me all the way back to the we are number one rh remix imm so df. s SADDACGFHEVVHG /POS
moai kids: doo-womp womp
moai bird: wait i though you were called seagullx
love lizards: Wonderful cnaracters, HHHHHHORIBBLE minigame. that is all. unles you uh. i mean. listen. leans c,oser to you. what if you flicked for each shake.
oh god the vegetables again: ok!
moles: pats your head. i know. hes very mean to you guys. i mean. like. i misse dlike One of oyu and stomp farmer gave me A GOD FORSAKEN ok. i know its not his fault its the games. judgement system. but the way he
tj snapper: me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic
tj snapper's girlfriend: me and the goofy guy i pulled by being autistic
the dazzles: stop staring at me im trting my best,,
munchy monk: i call him munchy in my head. he smiles SOOO WIDE in the battle of the bands audience hes so goofy i lov
dj yellow: SCRATCHO
dj blue: i. the lips. the lips. what have the done to you. its gonna be okay. i sure as hell am not drawing you with those big ass lips. hily s
taiko rally squad: DON DOKODOKODON DOKODOKODON kinda unfair how in the try again and ok screens this guy Loses. but in the superb screen BOTH SIDES WIN. PARTICIPATION TROPHY-ASS SHIT
research scientists of love lab: bi4bi. and if youre willing, bi4bi4bi.
the three synchrettes: alley-oop!
dolphins: oh cool dolphins :)
ecto: omg hiiiii helloo litle guyyy i wuv youuu ^_^ kises your snall tiny forehead
booboo: FUCK you FUCK you FUCK you FU
spooky: honestly? i fw him
dog ninja: i wanna cook soup wjf youbyoure soawesome and cool and i lpve you hii doggyyy hi dogy. dohyynkkgunnbuyrctib
mister eagle: thanks for telling me to cut the fruits. i was gonna do that anyway but like. shoutout to you man. props
the frogettes: jj rocker really likes you huh. cant get enough young love rock and roll even
stepswitcher: love these thangs. i have several of my own thangs. the one i (mc) adore most is the purple thang. his name is mo
JJ ROCLEKEKRKMJ &*;*;&;&$-$×<;^<^<^$ UBGDEBGSCXUGBUSDXGBBHG my eif ei lvoe her so so sp sososososoos muuch foreverrr aheehee giggle. kicks my feet twirls my hair. i think i hauve covid
airboarder: yeeeeaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHH LETS GO
seals: wait. whatd you do with the dolphins. where are they. say somethign . Where are thr DOLPH
smiling coin: do i know you
thr cnaract3rs from tunnel the endless game: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i gues. but like. do you really ned a cowbell to keep driving? i mean. just record yourself playing a cowbell and like play it on the radio. just do that. why am i holding a cowbell anc playing the cowbel for YOU. do it yourselfIs she even listening to. m
glass tappers: ths Glass Tappers J SWEWR EVERY TIME I READ THR WORD "TAPPERS"
the thing from rhythmove dungeon: youre. okay. i guess. i only played your endless game once. uh it 's fine. i mean.
clodhopper pickens: youre so full of glee,, id be happy too if my business card made music,,
slot monster: tjen scdrunkly. scdunkyl. scrunkly. sc
beat machine: i barely messed around with this one. it's fine . wish the crowd wasnt so judgemental thogu
beatbag I dont know this one
kappa dj: ive seen you on davidmismol thumbnails and thats basically it lel
okaye wow owwowow owowowo WOWWOWWOW
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fateinthestars · 7 months
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You know what Karno? You probably are one of the few I'd actually trust to do that. You'd listen to what MC was saying for a start.
Thaaaat said, this has got me thinking on how the others would handle this so...
What would happen if MC asked [God] to help redecorate her apartment? (Thoughts under cut)
Karno: Well he's the one that bought it up so lets start with him. As I said he'd actually listen which would be a help for a start, and no doubt his amplification power will come in handy here too. You want slgihtly brighter lighting? Easy.
Aigonorus: Did you mean redecorating as in fill the place with pillows and maybe get a larger bed? Because honestly that's what I'd imagine Aigo doing. If you wanted to decorate other parts of the apartment, like the kitchen, I don't think he'd get why. Maybe if you can persuade him it'd help you make better marshmallows?
Leon: Oh good God, no. Even if MC is with Leon, whatever the hell you do don't let her ask him to do this. If IF he can even see the point in why he should bother to do this, I can imagine him getting the completely wrong idea. I guess it might be alright if you offer Meatballs and stick to decorating the kitchen. If I talk about other areas I'm gonna end up having to put this under the mature label aren't I?
Tauxolouve: Lou, hon, I love you but he can't even work out what to put in his own room even now. If MC has a clear idea what she wants though, he'd arguably be second choice over Karno from the Wishes Gods... although, that said:
Huedhaut: If you want some input from someone other than yourself and some brainstorming, then yeah Hue's probably gonna be more use than either of them. Trouble is I can also imagine him somewhat stressing MC out by saying "Are you sure THAT is the right colour?" when he doesn't even mean it. How much teasing is MC up for? Hue's end result could be the best but I can't see it being the smoothest journey (even if that is why we all love him). On the other hand, as I have already seen several posts here on tumblr mention - Hue's room is full of books and a pool! Maybe he's somehow made the books waterproof else he's probably not the one to go for for functionallity.
I'm missing someone... oh, oh dear...
Teorus: Uhh... I cannot imagine this at all. I guess maybe he would cycle through a load of different designs but not give MC a chance to really see any of them and then get upset when she can't seem to chose one.
Oh... oh boy. Where the heck to start with this?
Partheno: Well he might be able to utilise his beauty skills to work out what would look good but... you know I said don't ask Leon if MC is with him and definitely not if not? With Partheno I feel it's the other way around - it'd be worse if he was the one with MC. If not you might just get away with it as long as whoever MC is with is intimidating enough... or better yet doesn't leave you on your own with him. (No I still don't want to make this a mature post get out of my head)
Dui: Dui is actually the only one of the punishments Gods I'd expect to 100% listen, though it might be a bit awkward if both sides of his personality have slightly different feelings. That may make for a better end result though.
Krioff: I... I dunno really... like there's listening and there's not giving any clue about what you think back? Like with Lou, MC would have to be 100% sure what she already wants the place to look like because I absolutely cannot imagine Krioff inputting anything at all. At least not to the colours or objects he's already seen. Maybe if you add something new he'd be curious about that at least.
Scorpio: You want it done quickly but maybe with some shouting? Yeah Scorpio could probably do this. He wouldn't really get why you're trying to alter your filthy human place but he'd change it. Again you'd really need to know exactly what you want... although if it doesn't come out exactly as you'd envisioned, Scorpio will at least be able to tell if he's touching you. Which in this scenario he probably would be holding onto your hand or arm because if MC isn't with Scorpio, he would have told her in no uncertain terms to go and bother somebody else.
Ichthys: Oh... oh no. What are you doing? No really, what are you doing? Not only would Ichthys have ideas of his own, I can easily imagine him persuading MC to at least keep a few of his more outlandish choices.
That said, there's a reason I didn't leave him till last... no much as I love him dearly the avoid on this one has to go to...
Zyglavis: MC has a clear idea what she wants the redectorating to be like? Well she's clearly wrong, things would be more efficient if instead it was x, y, z. And it would be easier to dust and keep tidy if there was less knick-nacks not more. I feel like with Zig MC might get the apartment she needs but not actually the one she wants. Oh and for christ's sake don't ask Zig if MC is dating anyone else - depending on who that is there may be something added to deliberately wind them up. If MC is dating Zig, she might be able to get through to him... eventually.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 7 months
What Loss Feels Like
Book: Bloodbound Characters: Lily Spencer, Jax Matsuo, Kamillah Sayeed, Adrian Raines, MC - Samantha (mentioned) Rating: E Word count: 867 Reading time: ~3min Summary: After Samantha's passing, Lily pays a visit to her friend. Based on the prompts: @lilyspencerappreciationweek day 5 - Lily's Friendships/Relationships/Family / @choicesnovchallenge: Dia de Los Muertos
Author’s notes:
Samantha is a creation of this author. The other characters are owned by Pixelberry Studios;
This piece is set between the end of book two and beginning of book three;
I apologize in advance if Lily's characterization seems off. It's been a while since I played Bloodbound.
Warning: This piece contains descriptions of blood and death. Reader discretion is advised.
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"No! No! No!" Jax cries out. Hot tears stream down his face torn between anger and pain as he holds Samantha in his arms. 
He isn't alone though. The same pain begins to spread from her chest to her entire body. And it's also on Kamillah's and Adrian's faces as Samantha's blood pools down the floor. A pain so intense, worse than any physical pain she ever had.
"It can't be..." Lily tells herself as she sinks on the floor next to her best friend's body. But reality hits her hard as her pants get soaked by Samantha's blood. The pain somehow grows stronger. 
Her hand touches Samantha's. "She's still warm," she murmurs. But for how long? Who knows... Does it even matter at this point?
While Adrian goes feral trying to punch Gaius's tree and Kamillah holds him back, Lily hears something strange. Using his sword, Jax cuts his arm and holds Samantha’s head towards the gash on his wrist
"Dude, what the hell?!" Lily says as she slaps Jax’s arm.
"She needs my blood. It’s the only way…" Jax mumbles.
"Stop it right now!" Kamillah shouts.
"Jax, stop it! You can't do that!" 
Lily tries to shake him away to no avail.  
Jax ignores everyone else and presses his wounded wrist against Samantha’s parted lips. 
"You don't know if that's what she wants," Kamillah tried to reason.
"I'm not gonna lose her! I can't lose her!" Jax croaks. 
"Let him do it," Adrian says.
Kamillah and Lily look back at Adrian, who somehow seems as calm as usual, despite the bloodshot eyes. One can't even imagine he was furiously kicking a tree a minute ago.
"But we don't know if—"
"She asked me to turn Lily. Maybe she thought about being Turned at some point," Adrian affirms.
Lily looks at Samantha's body as Jax attempts to feed her with his blood. Samantha wanted her to live so badly she got Adrian into a messy fight with the Council. Sam fought tooth and nail for her to be part of a clan. Maybe she would've considered. She just didn't have time to talk about it.
"Keep feeding it," Lily says.
"Not you too..." Kamillah grumbles.
"Maybe she wanted this! She wanted it for me. Why wouldn't she want it for herself?"
"She asked Adrian out of desperation!" Kamillah snaps.
"And so are we!" Lily wails.
Kamillah turns away as she discreetly wipes a tear from her cheek with one finger then says. "Fine."
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Two days later
A crescent moon lights up the graveyard as Lily walks calmly towards Samantha's grave carrying a vase of flowers and a large bag. She doesn't know anything about how Samantha wanted to be buried. It never crossed their minds to talk about such things, but Samantha certainly would appreciate having her favorite flowers on her grave.
"Hey, bestie..." Lily smiles ruefully as she puts down the vase and sits. "I brought you some violets."
Taking a trowel out of the bag, she starts digging a small hole on the floor and takes the flowers off the vase.
"I know what you're thinking, but I did my research on gardening. I know what I'm doing." 
Taking a small box of fertilizer from the bag, she opens the box, mixes it with the sand then places the flower roots on the small hole.
"I don't know if this is what you wanted, but you like violets. It's gonna look nice, right?" She says, covering the flower roots with her hands and using a small watering can to water the soil.
"We never talked about this stuff. We barely had time to talk about normal stuff lately..." Lily looks down as she washes her hands. "But we should have, you know? We should have talked about death, bucket lists, final wishes, memorials... We should have!"
Her eyes well up as she looks at Samantha's picture. "Maybe then I would know if you wanted to be Turned."
A gentle breeze brushes her skin as she collects herself. "Jax tried, but we don't know if it worked. That's killing him. He's a mess, by the way. Adrian and him are emptying Raines Corp drink supply. You'd hate it to see them like this." 
"Kamillah said Turning takes time, that we have to wait a while... But the waiting is just..." Lily shakes her head as she cries once again.
"It shouldn't have been you... I don't know how much it'd hurt to lose anyone else, but... Would it be this painful?" Lily croaks. "It hurts so much, bestie..."
As she cries out, the wind blows stronger, rustling the leaves. A sweet yet spicy smell seeps through the hair, as though it rustled some flowers nearby or somebody sprayed perfume in the air. The scent kind of reminds her of Samantha.
A few minutes pass by until she finally calms down, finding some comfort in the silence of the night and in the smell. 
"Well... That's pretty much it. We're all a mess. Everything is a mess. I don't know what's going to happen next. But I'll keep fighting with the gang. We'll fix this. For you."
Lily then stands up, cleans up the dirt from her pants and gathers everything, placing it back in the plastic bag. 
"I hope you do wake up eventually. Luckily, not as a feral." She crosses her fingers. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting." She then smiles at Samantha's picture on the grave. "Good night, bestie."
With that, Lily takes the plastic bag and walks away.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
-egg anon (dumb bitch anon)
This is the ask I was talking about Egg
GN!Reader, NSFW under the cut, we'll count this as one of the Alternate Events so it doesn't play into the main canon (parts 1-3), this happens during part 3, You Are Aware Of What's Happening, cussing (for flavor)
Part 3 (Beach Day)
Just how oblivious does everyone think you are?
It all started the day of the trip. Rime had shoved your car keys into a potted plant and assigned you to sit on Sage's lap. Okay. Cool. You can wiggle your butt against him a little and maybe he'll get the hint.
But then he fucking doesn't.
No biggie. You're patient. You've only had a crush on this idiot for months now, you can wait a little longer.
And then Tulsi handed you a golden opportunity. She wanted to have a girls night with Anisa and Elowen so you and Sage were sharing a bed. And you think, hey! You'll snuggle up with Sage a little, drop a few hints, he'll have to get it.
Welp. He doesn't. And he ends up in the shower while you're laying awake questioning what the Hell you have to do to get your point across.
Well... Maybe you should stop dropping hints and just go for it? I mean, you already know he has a thing for you. You just need to be bold and do something about it. And yeah, it's a little scary to be the one to make the move - that's why you were hoping Sage would do it - but that's okay!
You'll have to be brave for the both of you.
So the next day is the beach. And you spend the better part of the morning trying to get your mind off what it is you're gonna do. Confession, confession... Ugh it's so difficult to plan out a confession! Especially when Sage looks so good in his swimming trunks,, hair in a ponytail,,, bouncing around,,,,
Maybe you oughta take a walk to clear your head? Probably best that you're calm and focused when you do this.
So you slip away from everyone and head down the coast, trying to plan out what exactly you... Want to... Say...
... huh. There's a cove here. It's far enough away from the main beach that people probably won't hear you and probably won't come by on accident. It's pretty, and the stone overhang keeps the sun off you.
What is it they say about actions speaking louder than words?
... :)
You head back to the rest of the group. Tulsi is engineering a sand castle, Anisa is boogie boarding, Elowen is taking a cat nap, and Rime and Felix are reading. And Sage?
Sage is only half-awake, laying on his stomach and enjoying the sun. He perks up when you come over. His tails wags when you ask him to come on a walk.
He gets to his feet and playfully bumps your shoulder, teasing you for wanting him to come along.
You roll your eyes and lightly shove him along, unable to keep the nervous excitement from giving you a buzz.
The cove is as empty as you left it. That's one crisis averted.
Sage whistles lowly as you guys come upon it, looking around with ears perked for maximum surveillance. He relaxes after a long moment and looks at you with a grin.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you brought me all the way out here just to fool around."
That might sound more like teasing if he could stop swishing his tail around.
With no fanfare or wasted words, you step forward. Put your hands on his shoulders.
And kiss him.
It's not making out. Really you just press your lips sweetly against his for a few moments before leaning back to judge his reaction.
His golden eyes are big and wide, pupils dilated and ears big and fluffed and tail gone completely still. His face is red (though that might be the sunburn) and when he opens his mouth, no sound comes out. He's sort of just... Awe-struck.
You can't help but laugh a little as you watch the realization of what just happened - of what it means - light up his face.
"Technically I did bring you out here to fool around," you admit. "But we can just enjoy the view."
Of course there's one specific view you wanna be enjoying right now. And Sage finally gets it.
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"Y-you're..." Sage shakes his head, a laugh deep in his chest putting a pleasant purr in his words. "You're really something else. Y'know that?"
"I'll take it as a compliment."
Which is good, because that's how he means it.
Anyways you hop onto one of the boulders, sitting so that you're at about eye level with Sage. That makes it easier for you to grab his hand and drag him over for a proper kiss. And maybe it's a little shy and a little over-eager and he nicks your lower lip with his fangs a bit, but it's warm and full of sparks and you can feel his tail wrapping affectionately around your waist and his hands pulling you closer so your chests are flushed and, honestly, isn't that all that matters?
Whether it's because Sage has been bottling his feelings (read: horniness) up for so long that he can't stand it anymore or he's simply more accustomed to being on the rough side, he's certainly not wasting any more time. He grips you by the hips and kisses you until you have to pull away for air, then nuzzles into the crook of your neck and starts biting until you whine.
He keeps going regardless. His hands are all over you like he's a sloppy teenager, and you find yourself snickering a bit when he hits a ticklish spot. With the way he's all over you, you're at least 75% sure he's scent-marking you. Must be his cat brain acting up. You're about to coo and tease him for it when he slides his hands up your inner thighs and nips at your collar bone.
By now you're a little bit of a panting mess. When he looks up at you from under his bangs (teeth still scraping against your skin), his pupils are big and wide and he's breathing hard. You can feel his hard-on pressing against your lower stomach.
When he takes a second to catch his breath, it also lets him reset his brain. He leans away just enough so that his dick isn't pressed against you.
"Sh-shit, sorry! I just..." He looks away, one hand still on your hip and the other rubbing the back of his neck. "I've wanted to do that for a while..."
You grab the waistband of his swimming trunks and tug them down enough so his erection springs out. He's practically leaking in your hand. He growls softly in surprise, bucking his hips instinctively against you.
You scratch behind his ears. "I know, Kitty. 's okay." He whimpers softly, tail brushing against you. You soothe him with a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. "I've been waiting ages too."
He sighs in relief and slips his hand inside your swimsuit, returning the favor you're giving him. When you start to moan he quickly kisses you again as if he can taste them.
You two grope and rub and whine like teenagers at a house party. And somewhere along the way the silliness of it all creeps in - two idiots with massive crushes on each other, both too afraid to confess but apparently horny enough to overcome that fear and have sex on a (semi) public beach.
Yeah. You're both snickering.
It doesn't take much longer for both of you to become tense and sloppy and oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck-
You cum together.
And now you're both dripping with cum in a public place. Excellent job guys.
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turnthepagevn · 1 year
Gonna enter the restricted section for a moment here aka mild nsfw ahead.
But the true form/blindfold asks are holding me hostage so my brain is providing scenarios.
One being that MC lets Robin do his thing. It may feel or seem safer that way, they don't know how many appendages he has or if touching one of them might hurt him or turn him off or cause anything weird to happen (What if it's tentacles. What if they grip one too tightly and it just. Comes off???) No, it's just easier to trust in Robin and let him lead. Let him touch and nibble and kiss and guide MC's hands to where Robin will know it'll feel good for him and they can be assured that, yes, if they kiss this part of him, touch it or take it into their mouth, it'll be fine.
And for Robin, it would all just make him fall even harder? The genuine faith and trust. For all MC knows, if they put something of Robin's in their mouth, it could kill them or cause damage or worse. But no, MC trusts Robin to treat them gently, to treat them right, to make it good for them both. So they open their mouth or kiss or lick or nibble, let Robin guide their hands, believing that they'll be left intact. That he, in his big scary form, won't accidentally break or bite a finger off. Hell, even the fact that, ah, he might be too big for MC to take. But that he'll make sure to prepare and care for them or find an alternative if it truly doesn't work out.
And the cherry on top is that they feel all of him. They know he's not human, that he is something incomprehensible and yet they still gasp so prettily and tell him that they love him. They still reach for him and try to tuck themselves close to him and kiss him in the sweetest way possible. Lips curved into a helpless, joyful smile.
They're, in a roundabout way, seeing him naked, without layers, and yet they choose to love him and accept him.
Another idea could be that MC is a little more proactive in the exploration. Maybe there's this giddy kind of glee to them, this spark of curiosity. Yes, they can't see shit but they would like to know what happens if they straddle this part of Robin. What happens if they were to hold this and kiss it? What if they run their hands over him and find something which makes them go 'Oh?' and lean in. Lean in to kiss it or run their tongue over it. Map his entire body, as much as they can reach, with their hands and mouth and file away every gasp, curse and bitten-off noise. Every twitch and quiver. Maybe they find his mouth and it's all sharp teeth and tongue(s) and yet they cuddle close, grip his jaw/cheeks so he cannot turn away and kiss him on the mouth? Kiss all the sharp and jagged and pointy bits he might be worried about?
And if MC ends up hurt, a cut or a bruise, and Robin mutters an apology, they simply laugh and ask him to kiss it all better. This vibrant, happy energy, the lack of regret, just love. Just love and happiness, despite the potential for pain or discomfort or accidents.
Hell, maybe in this kind of scenario, MC is determined to make Robin come before they do. Might take some time, they don't know if there is a lot of Robin or not, but they are down to find out which spots feel good for him!
Leaving their burning touch all over his skin, little motes of ember of their wake. Adoring all of him even though they cannot see, tell him that he feels amazing, that he's incredibly, all while beaming at him. Cherished and appreciated, every inch of him.
Whichever scenario, he gets to show himself and is adored, loved and accepted. And trusted, above all else.
rip, robin
I am going to kiss you on the mouth
AaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA I love this I love this I love this!!!!
Fucking Robin 101!
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carcharsaur · 5 months
I like doing my little rant posts 2 people read so I'm doin it again this year :] this time I finished something way sooner too
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fatamoru... took me half a year to get myself to actually read it but well it's a classic and it's good as hell what can I say (spoilers under cut)
gonna link my longass livetweet thread here for posterity so it's not completely lost in the mire
this felt so targeted though it's legit dumbfounding. I went into it only recalling 1 and a halfish spoilers of 1) michel is the MC and 2) he had trans stuff going on and honestly if anything my jumping at shadows and going HUH WAIT ? the whole time knowing that kinda heightened the experience for me early on. I was about to say at first it was hard to know what parts of the story I should really sink my teeth into but I think that was the intended experience... these stories aren't yours etc... the atmosphere and ost especially is also like soooo crazy good I was worried it'd be hard for me to stay focused on this game without voice acting but I was surprised how well it stuck even if some of the sfx are very obviously old and scuffed none of them took me out of it much (this has been a legit issue for me with some games.. the otomate sound library is really scuffed sometimes LOL) and even when the game was going over the same events, in different contexts etc it never started grating on me so that is a huge W. too many fucking games act like you just weren't paying attention when you were reading and it not only pisses me off but it's just so boring. so this avoiding that entirely was really good. GRIPPING. some of it was so edge of my seat I think I played for like 10 or more hours straight I thought I was gonna die but in a good way LMAO I don't think I have anything interesting or poignant to say about the actual story itself other than despite everything I want jacopo dead, I totally get the point about letting go and moving on and a cycle needing to be broken and it was visceral and moving and so real to me. but also. jacopo deserved all that shit. everything else though I'm just sitting there yelling TRUE AS HELL!!!!!! really loud. I love you michel I love you giselle I'm gonna get u outta there morgana. wait I lied. morgana as the white haired girl. it's not fucking fair.... I wanted to save her... I do think 'she' truly did become part of morgana again though, based just on how scared morgana was of didier at the end, at the cries of being called an unholy witch... a fear that only she held, morgana sort of reveled in being a witch in the course of carrying out the cruelty. but the saintly part of her feared that fall, that complete inversion of her self and the hatred it pointed towards her as well... man : ( ........... : (
I could write an essay specifically on the ways I relate to michel to a like genuinely scary degree the overlap made me sick to my stomach in the best way. but honestly I would be a weepy mess at the end of it so I don't wanna do all that. as an aside though apparently the author(s) have said he's "only intersex, not trans" but man I think that's a stupid as hell delineation to make. he's both. he was assigned 'female' at birth and was raised as a woman and chafed against the social role of 'woman'. IF ANYTHING I relate to him more about not necessarily feeling dysphoric/lacking in regard to his genitals on his own but more about the fact that that somehow invalidates his status as a 'man' being something that torments him. it's a topic that overlaps imo. but the fact the game handles it with as much tact as it does while being as old as it is surprised me. though I could see it being still too upsetting for some because the depiction of the trauma is kind of like. viscerally too real almost. when giselle described her abuse... it wasn't even descriptive in the disgusting voyeuristic way it so often is in other places, but the representation of how it just feels to be subject to that was so real that it really really fucked me up... I'M DOING THE THING I JUST SAID I SHOULDN'T AAHHH but well. it's really good. it's like eating a heavy but hearty meal where it's so good but I can feel it sitting in my stomach and the weight of it just makes me groan. does this even make sense anymore. man.
ok a selection of my fav screengrabs to play me off before I continue in such a manner.
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find the word tag (again)
tagged by @the-stray-storyteller <33
sorry this is so long i cant edit lmao
Wilder: ok i literally wrote a book 2 years ago with a mc with the last name Wilder. So. also this writing is traaashhhh but whatever we evolve
I cleared my throat and leant into the microphone. “This is Delta Foxtrot One, Wilder speaking. We’d like to bribe you to-”
“Woah! Okay.” Wren appeared beside me, pushing himself towards the mic. “Hey, Reggie, it’s Wren. We’re in a tough situation here, and we’re hoping you can help us out.”
“Wren! Man, the screens are blaring about you guys all day here. The hell you do?”
“It’s not important, dude. I don’t wanna get you any more involved than I have to. What’s it gonna take to make the questions not happen, Reg?”
“I don’t know, man,” the guy, Reggie, answered. A hearty sigh shook the speakers. “I could get in a lot of trouble for this. Y’all are criminals. How do I know you’re not gonna blow us all up?”
Wren took it upon himself to take a seat in my captain’s chair. Another strike against him in my book. “Listen, we’re the good guys here, I swear. You know there’s something up with Wright. You can believe it, can’t you, Reg? Just let us through. Nobody has to know. We’re prepared to pay.”
“Look, kid, I like you, but I don’t how how I feel about-”
I bumped Wren out of my seat and grabbed the mic. “Five grand.”
There was a heavy pause. “Deal,” Reggie said.
Empty/ Tight: from current project. very unedited
From nowhere or possibly hell, Gwen had apparated in front of me. She was wearing the sort of scowl that could burn your skin off and a satiny black dress so tight I truly worried for her organs.
“Gwendoline.” I let Elodie take Lois off into the crowd. Gwen was my dragon to slay. “Can I help you?”
She grabbed me by the arm, suddenly and violently, her deadly acrylics bearing into my skin. I tried to wrench my way out of her death grip to no avail and found myself being marched through the crowd, which parted with the sheer force of her fury, and straight into the women’s bathroom.
It was still loud in there, but muffled, the singer’s pounding synonyms blurring into one. There were a few girls huddled around the mirror, and they all looked up on cue as we entered, mascara wands frozen midair. Gwen pulled me into the empty stall and released me with a force that sent me stumbling, yanking the door locked behind us.
She spun to face me dead on. “What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?”
I rubbed my sore arm. “Partying?”
“You need to back off my boyfriend,” she said.
I stared at her. There were a lot of words springing to mind, approximately none of them appropriate. “You-- are you saying that you think I want your assface boyfriend?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid, Frances--”
“Beg to differ!”
“--I know Cal is kind of the hottest guy in school.”
“Gwen, I’m a hotter guy than Callahan Huxley is.”
She pursed her lips. “Look, I don’t really give a shit if you like him, because at the end of the day, he’d never go for you.”
“God, I’m devastated.”
Gleam: from backburner project which is sitting in the abandoned complete first draft phase. maybe ill pick it up again one day idk.
Reza stepped closer. I tightened my grip on my gun, the leather of the holster bearing into my hip. He looked around, surveying the windows above us for prying eyes. He dropped his voice. “Is there somewhere more private we can speak? It’s a rather… sensitive matter.”
I cut my eyes towards his, sharp. “Absolutely not.” I stepped around him, forcing him to turn his back to the wall, entrapping him between myself and the dead end. “This isn’t Claw turf, Ansari. You come to my town, you play by my rules.” Not to mention that there were at least three heavily armed girls in my office at that very moment who would rip a Black Claw to shreds on sight.
He huffed out a staccato breath through gritted teeth, as though he had been struck suddenly. Reza Ansari wasn’t used to being told no. “Fine,” he spat. His countenance was slipping. “We’ll play your way. I want to get out of this shitthole as soon as possible, anyway.” I bristled at the words. Lower Persepolis had a fine membrane of ash that clung to every surface, the water here running a little cloudier and the alley cats more scarred. It was certainly a far cry from the gated Claw estate. But it was my home.
I nudged my coat aside to allow the gunmetal to gleam in the grim light. “Careful, Ansari.”
He laughed quietly, more to himself than anything, and drew his gaze from my hip to his foot. He pulled at the fabric of his trousers, exposing his ankle and the glistening silver blade strapped to it. He let the fabric drop and met my eyes, his lips tugged into a wry smile. “That’s one of five I have concealed on my person. Can we talk now?” 
Bruise: current project againnn
“Tell me about it.” I pulled myself up to standing to meet her eyes. “I--”
I froze.
Those eyes.
I’d seen them before.
Sharp. Darkly intelligent. Smudged with jet-black liner and eyelashes invented for batting. Teetering on the knife-edge spark of life you didn’t get from pictures.
I stumbled backwards blindly, the edge of the well hitting the small of my back hard enough to bruise.
She tilted her head at me, cropped, obsidian curls tumbling like a crawling nest of ratsnakes, the pitch-black ones you found in the canyons back home. The moonlight bounded off her smooth, marrless skin. 
My breath quickened because hers couldn’t.
I was face to face with a dead girl.
The words slithered out of me. “Margot Aoki.”
tags: @calloumii @minutiaewriter @avocado-frog @moondust-bard
Your words: spider, jaw, fang, detective
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anonymeqaupdates · 29 days
Now I'm gonna ready your Obey Me fanfics although not sure what the story is about. I'm not planning to play the game and I can't find any full story in YouTube. I know there's an anime but it's mostly side stories I think?
Man the Toboso family has a thing with being isekai.
Yuki: Oh yeah, I have hots with an angel.
Yuu: And I have hots for the dragon.
The anime is just filler for the games between seasons. Also Yuki isn't part of the family, she's a childhood friends. There is a manga being published though!
Anyway if you don't know the story then to make it short and under the cut because spoiler:
the MC ends up summoned (on purpose) in the Devildom (demon realm above hell) by the prince of Demons Diavolo. Diavolo wants to improve relationships between the realms and has organized an exchanged program. So a demon went to heaven another one went to earth and meanwhile you have two angels in the devildom and two humans too. AKA the MC and Solomon, yes the one from the Bible, don't ask. He sticks you under the supervision of Lucifer and his brothers. They're all fallen angels (except Satan who was born out of Lucifer's anger) and avatars of the seven sins.
now they used to have a sister Lilith who was the youngest and had fallen in love with an human, broke the rules to save said human, got sentenced to death for it so brothers rebelled but they all fell and Lilith died anyway so
And Belphie held a huge grudge and hatred towards humanity and went a little murder hobo when he was told about the exchange program so Lucifer decided that the best way to handle it is to follow the Madwoman in the Attic trope and didn't tell anyone about it because he was afraid of loosing Diavolo's support and seeing another siblings being condemned.
Problem is Belphie has dominion over sleep so he communicates with the MC and manipulates them in freeing him by striking deals with his brothers. Lucifer though that his magic was enough to keep the MC away from the attic but magic isn't super effective on them. Anyway truth comes out, Belphie is freed you don't really know how, Lucifer is arrested for hiding him and to fix it the MC let's Barbatos, Diavolo's butler/nanny/last braincell/overpower madhouse/friends send you back in time to figure out how Belphie got out and convince Diavolo to free Lucifer. Turns out you were the one who freed Belphie, and to thank you for that nice time paradox, he murders by pushing you down the stairs because why break away from victorian tropes now? thankfully you survives as your respawn in your past self, it's reveal that the reason Lucifer is so loyal to Diavolo is because on top of everything else he did for them, he also saved Lilith by reincarnating her as a human and surprise, you're one of descendants! That's somehow fix everything and it's season 1 for you. If you know that you keep up with the rest.
Now for my fics in particular you need to check up 'One too many insults' On Youtube. It'll give you a good look into Mammon (my fave) and it's relationship with his brothers.
So yeah, good luck!
0 notes
extrasweetcoffee · 11 months
Just got the Heartslabyul manga. I'm pogged~ Gonna ramble about it. (spoilers under the cut)
The manga is doing a stellar job of endearing me to this version of Grim. Like I love this gremlin cat already whereas in the game I was eh about Grim until chapter 4 (and arguably still on the fence about him)
I think the manga trims the fat of the prologue nicely. It’s so refreshing to not have to go through the chandelier and the ghost fight this time around.
Though at the same time they skipped great bits like Deuce throwing Ace and Grim working with MC at Ramshackle.
Ruining the Great Seven statues is treated with greater severity here; worthy of expulsion rather than the window washing in game. On one hand I'm thinking that's overkill when they have magic to clean it anyway whereas you can't easily replace a valuable magestone. But then again everyone stopped to mourn the statues when they were knocked over on Halloween so maybe it's not too out there of a punishment(?) This is an abridged version of the prologue so I guess my expectations are more generous. Catch me on another day and I'll probably think something different.
It’s super cute how Ace and Deuce are already acquainted and on their BS in this retelling. "stop following me >:(" "I'm going to class, idiot >:(" It's great.
They kept the Juice joke, I'm happy.
Riddle plays a bigger part, most certainly because this is about Heartslabyul, but damn he’s serving.
That shoujo as hell shot where Riddle gets tackled to the floor lmaoooo I wouldn't be surprised if people started shipping Riddle and Yuken.
There’s a few funny faces here I’m dying lol look at that scuffed Trey.
Kalim didn’t get burned in this one. Good for him. :D
The way Azul is drawn, he looks like a wine-drinking aunt. I mean, he always does, but the vibes are a lot stronger.
Boy's def got a longer face than his in-game appearance. He looks older in a sense.
Look at Kalim eagerly watching the events awwww.
It’s neat to see how the mirror hall is supposed to look. I'd always thought it was just a big round room, but here its layout is similar to a church. Makes sense because of the coffin motif.
Idia wearing his robes even in his room is a nice touch (calling back to his ceremonial robes vignette)
Yuken is hella huge holy shit. I heard he was built but seeing it in person is something else lol
IDT they mentioned Malleus by name at all like the game prologue did (and Lilia didn’t appear either). So you see the panels of him earlier in the book and like oooh whos' that???
Overall the housewardens presence at the ceremony is less pronounced. Vil and Idia only said like one line each lol I kinda forgot they were there. I guess that's the trade-off for having Cater and Trey being introduced this early.
Crowley: "You're the protagonist." Yuken: "I got kendo, dawg. No I ain't".
Yuken is such a based protagonist I love him. Just happily rooms with ghosts and accept the janitor job like it’s nothing.
I like how they gave that one dude his own character card in the beginning as if it was going to mean anything. Nice subversion lol
I wonder how confusing it would be to find this manga on a bookshelf or online with no prior knowledge of TWST, looking it up and learning it’s a whole ass gacha game that’s currently on its 7th chapter (chapter 6 for the localized versions) and there’s a bunch of side stories and stuff. Because the book doesn’t say anything like “adapted from the game of the same title” or something.
Ok, they kinda do, but it’s in the blurb by the storyboard artist.
Deuce is great, I don't remember if he took this much initiative in the game (then again, it's been a year since I went through the prologue).
Ace is also less of a lil' shit in this version. He's pretty chill all things considered.
Yuken’s just carrying Deuce like a bag of flour lol
Holy shit Riddle’s here. CANON DIVERSION MY BELOVED. Oh and Trey and Cater are there too lol
YOU FUCKERS MISSED GLEE CLUB PRACTICE. You're gonna lose at nationals.
Dawg, who's the narc that told Riddle about the hedgehog sneezing? Like bro could've said nothing and saved everyone the headache.
Cater and Trey look hella good in this panel at least.
Hell yeah model sheets.
Yana Toboso drew Yuken’s character sheet. That's neat.
0 notes
writer-akihiko · 3 years
Hi! If that's okay could i request some angst for the first years (+Grim, Crewel and Crowley? Platonic only for them)
MC/Yuu runs away from NRC due to all the shit they've been put through because of Crowley not doing his job, they do finally find them some days later but MC refuses to go back to NRC and tells Crowley that they despise him.
First Years + MC Running Away [+Plat!Crewel & Crowley]
I love the angst for this, and planning the emotions that they would feel! The dorm leaders also make a cameo in Crewel and Crowley's part. Cut for length.
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Emotional Manipulation, Curse Words, Wounds and Mild Violence. Please read at your own discretion.
"I'm not going back."
"Wh... What?" He was astonished. "YN... I've looked far and wide for you- please-"
No words left his mouth as you stepped away from him, tears in your eyes and you were going to make a run for it again.
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek was in a dilemma. He wanted to go back to NRC because of Malleus, but you refused to. You still meant a lot to him of course, but he still wanted to stay in NRC. He reached out to you, holding you in place with his Fae strength.
"YN, we have to go back. Please don't be unreasonable," He begged. There was no way he wasn't going without you.
You shook your head, trying to tug against Sebek as much as possible. There was no way you could fight against him, and you wouldn't want to hurt him either. "Sebek... Sebek just let me go. I'm just a human and..."
The moment was ruined with Crowley showing up, yelling at Sebek to bring you back. You mustered as much of your voice as you could. "No! Don't take me back!" You screamed at Sebek, who was holding you in a lock. "I hate him! I hate him, don't do this to me Sebek!"
His grip almost loosened at you saying you hated Crowley. Actually, he thought it was directed at him. It took a lot of effort for Sebek not to cry because he knew. He knew how much you didn't deserve the things you faced. The Overblots, the treatment and sheer alienation from other students, Crowley's neglect... He knew.
He blamed himself for getting so caught up in what his Master was doing that he forgot to care about you. When he found out that you ran away, he felt as if he deserved it. He pulled you in, tucking you against his chest and allowing you to cry.
He didn't bring you closer to the others, neither did he bring you away. He kept you close to him, as your tears stained his perfect uniform. Not a word came from him when you cried into him. It was kept that way, as the half-Fae dared to growl at Crowley and anyone else that took a step closer to you.
"YN... You're safe with me, alright?"
Ace Trappola
He told himself that he wouldn't get mad, but your refusal just rubbed salt in wounds as he remembered the sleepless nights of trying to find you. Beneath all of it, he was scared. He was scared that he lost you to some one else. He was scared that this world never suited you, and you finally went to your own, leaving him alone.
"What do you mean you're not going back?! YN, stop screwing around with me!" He screamed, throwing his magic pen to the ground. At this point, he was pissed about anything relating to magic. Magic was useless when it came to finding you.
"I'm not going so leave me alone Ace..." You told him, tears nearing at your eyes. "I don't want to. I don't want to. I'm done with Crowley's shit and I'm done with NRC."
You took a running start, but Ace caught you, pushing you to the ground. His expression caught you off-guard. He was crying, eyes puffy and tired as his face was pale, as if he hadn't gotten enough sleep.
"You're done?! How could you... I..." He didn't know what to say. You were right. You had dealt with enough. You never deserved it... If it weren't for him and his troublemaking ways... Maybe you wouldn't have to suffer...
"I'm sorry..." He coughed out, his voice strained. He kept you pinned on the ground, as his tears flowed with yours. "I'm sorry for being an idiot. I'm sorry for dragging you into trouble. I know you don't deserve it but I'm an asshole that does anyway..."
"But!..." He went on, his eyes glossing over as he admired you once again. Oh... you were beautiful to him, even if you were crying in his arms. "But I'm selfish. I didn't want to let you go so I went after you instead... So hit me if you want, scream or punch me... I don't care, just don't leave me."
He sat up, pulling you into his lap, his chin under your head. "I was so lonely without you YN..."
"Godammit I love you..." He choked out, his tears never-ending. You both sat there, hugging each other as if it were your last days. You didn't dare to let go of him this time.
Deuce Spade
He didn't know how to respond. All he knew was that he had to hold onto you before you ran away from him once again. "YN... Wait... Don't leave!"
He wondered if he even made the right choice to stay on the side of bringing you back. From just the look of you, he knew you were tired. He knew those responsibilities were never yours. Your suffering just proved to Deuce how powerless he was. Maybe that's why he wanted to bring you back... as proof that he could do something for you.
"YN... I'm sorry..." He said, holding you close to him. There wasn't a thing he could do for you. All you went through... It was Crowley's irresponsibility. He did this to you. Deuce's grip tightened on you, as he though of what it could've done to your psyche. "YN... YN... I'll make sure he doesn't touch you. I'll make sure that he never comes near you again... YN, you trust me right?"
For all the times he wasn't with you, he was determined to make up for it. Deuce wasn't going to let you suffer through this alone, even if it means he gets hurt. It was better for him to get hurt than you, even though he was so desperate to ask Crowley to find you.
You nodded, hiding into Deuce's chest. His heart was beating so fast, most likely from the never ending search for you. You never regretted running away, but you missed Deuce and your other friends, and Grim too. The one thing you regretted was accepting Crowley's offer to stay here.
"I don't care what you do to me," You told him. "Just don't take me back. I don't to go back. I don't want to go back to NRC..." Your body trembled at the thought of moving back to NRC, but all thoughts of it were abandoned as you saw Crowley approach you.
You screamed, but he never touched you. Deuce stood in the way, as he shielded you with his own body. He pushed you back, as he grabbed tightly onto his magic pen. Abandoning all morals of propriety, he glared hard at the principal.
"...Don't touch her."
Jack Howl
He wasn't going to let you run away this time. "Don't move."
Jack couldn't believe that he found you so quickly. No, that wasn't it. He couldn't believe that you were still here. Despite him having a scent on you, you could've been miles away without him knowing. He thought you went back to your own world. He thought you hated him, but by the way you hugged him, it reassured him of any thoughts he had.
There was not single part of you that did not tremble when Jack told you he wanted to take you back. Your sheer refusal turned into an argument quickly, as you listed all the sufferings you went through. It was confusing and agonising for Jack to listen to you. He knew you needed this, but some of the things you said sent shivers down his spine.
"It's okay YN. You don't have to go back," He whispered to you. Jack's ears flattened as yours tears made your eyes puffy. He got flustered since he didn't know how to comfort you any further, busying himself with wiping away your tears instead.
Jack was sharp. He knew Crowley was out to get you, even if you didn't want to. He wanted the easy way out, but Jack wasn't going to give him the chance. There was no reason why Jack shouldn't help you… but he'd be lying if he weren't scared of what would happen if you both were caught.
You and Jack had the same train of thought, so you shook your head. "No Jack… I have to…" You told him, your voice raspy. "You already found me and there's no use. You… You can't outrun him with me…"
Jack growled, baring his teeth at the person who caused you such misery. His claws were out, as he hid you behind him. You didn't make a sound, paralysed by the very person that pulled you in this hell. You only met eyes with Crowley for a moment, as the world swirled around you.
"I know I can't… But I'm sure as hell am going to try…" Jack ran away from the principal, with you tightly in his arms as he made a run for it.
Epel Felmier
He was more than angry. He never understood why you and him but now it was evident. It was because both of you were stubborn. You both always tried to grasp what you wanted, and in the light of attaining it, you both always made a run for it. For him it was power… and for you, it was freedom.
"Damn it!..." He cursed underneath his breath, quickly removing his jacket and covering your head in it. You were probably hungry and tired. You were probably scared. What was he supposed to do?...
How did it come to this? He was supposed to be the one that supported your desires, no matter how big or small as you did the same to him. But now, with him using Crowley to get to you… What was he doing? This was hurting you, not helping you.
He moved away from you, ripping off the magical tracking device off of him. "You damn liar!" He screamed. "How dare you hurt her like this… Do you think I'm some stupid puppet?! Like hell you're gonna reach her with my help!"
Epel stomped and tore the device apart, grunting at every time the magic deflection hit him. He didn't stop, ripping further into the grass as he cried for your sake. He never meant to do this to you. He got up, taking you by the wrist and pulling you much deeper into the forest.
"YN… YN we have to go. They were tracking me and they- they might…"
You stopped in your tracks.
You hugged Epel, holding him tight. He snapped out of his delusions, turning to panic about your well-being. "Are you hurt? If you can't walk I'll carry you, but we have to get away-"
"Stop Epel," You said, taking his hands into yours. "Stop… It's okay… I'm okay… I can't make it any further and I don't blame you… I just… wanted it to not hurt for a bit."
He broke down in your arms, as you both collapsed to the ground. Filled with exhaustion, you could only grip to his hands weakly. Before your eyes darkened, you remembered his last words.
"I'm sorry…"
Divus Crewel
He's horrified at your state. All his emotions were bottled for the time being. There was no reason for a puppy like you to be exposed to such horrid emotions from him. He shrugs off his fluffy coat, covering you in the coat, as he carries you in the coat.
Dire was quick to catch up to him, but alas, all that Divus had for him was disappointment. Even from teacher to teacher, no… even from magician to magician… all respect for Dire that he had vanished. The dorm leaders caught up with the principal, and from the looks of it, they were horrified.
"For this puppy to end up like this…"
No, he couldn't get angry now. He had to be the example to other students. Rosehearts, Al-Asim and Ashengrotto were in tears, while Draconia and Kingscholar were murderous. If it weren't the difference of authority, Divus would bet those two would maul Dire where he stood.
"Draconia. Schoenheit. Take YN away and treat her wounds," He commanded. Still wrapped in his coat, Malleus brought you to the others, as Vil observed for any of your wounds. Divus signalled the other students away as he took off one of his gloves, glaring at Dire. "I need to talk with the principal."
Dire was still, as Divus delivered a clean punch across his face. There was no need for further violence. It'd be an insult to what you suffered. Divus grabbed Dire by the collar, almost sneering at him. "Did you realise what you've done to that puppy? She's scared, she's suffered all because of you."
He left Dire alone. It's what he deserved. There was nothing to be done. If he further pummeled the crow man, he might just kill him right then and there. Divus, for now, had to be by your side as your father figure and welcome you back safely to NRC as you were meant to be. Before leaving, he picked up his sullied glove from the floor, saying his last to Dire.
"You don't deserve to be her father."
Dire Crowley
He was ashamed to use his magic on you, but he had to prevent you from running. It was a necessary measure, but the real thorns were your words that pierced through his heart. You yelled insults, curses and cusses at him as if you were held at gunpoint, your lungs exhausted from the constant shrieking.
"No no! Let me go," You begged. "I hate you, I hate you I hate you!" You chanted it as if it were a spell. "I wish you never took me in. Don't touch me!"
The words were enough for the magic to weaken, granting you your escape. Dire was not swift enough, but the Dorm Leaders were. They heard everything, every complaint you threw at Dire and every insult you had for him. Malleus caught you, but as soon you knew it was him, you pushed him away.
"No… NO! I am NOT GOING BACK!" You cried, holding your head in your hands, crouching into a ball. Leona quickly knocked you out. If you went on, you would've hurt yourself and the injuries you sustained from running away was concerning enough.
Against all odds, those seven turned to the principal, with faces of betrayal. All you had been through… They did not realise what burden Dire, and subsequently, they placed on you.
"Crowley… you were never gracious."
Dire was hopeless. He couldn't comfort you, he knew he couldn't be forgiven. He stood in his place, accepting his fate at the moment. He couldn't ask for your mercy nor forgiveness, and perhaps that was his fate. To be cursed by whoever he neglected.
"Please, take care of her for now."
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infraaa · 2 years
Hi! Can i please request some threesome headcanons for Epel x fem s!o where he calls vil or Rook to them him how to get better at giving head? (Sorry if its too specific!) Thank you 💕
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Customer’s Notes: Fem!MC
tw// oral suggestions, chances for poly stuff
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A nervous Epel realizes that he is in for a real game changer when he gets to the point in his relationship where his partner wants to excel forward in other areas, however, he’s unsure… luckily, he knows of a few people that can help… hopefully.
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Epel Felmier > Vil Shoenheit
“Baby Potat- Epel. What.”
“look look listen it’s not as bad as you think please help me”
Vil thought he was gonna have an aneurysm when Epel asked him that question, hell he wasn’t even sure whether or not he wanted to assist his dorm mate.
But when Epel insisted, and kept insisting, Vil caved.
After asking what Epel knew what he was going to do and what it entails, he continued on after knowing that he had general knowledge of what the fuck giving head was.
Would instruct him to look up female anatomy?? And follow him through the beating path of organs and stuff, like the vulva and that kinda thing.
“And then there’s a little button at the very top. You see it? It’s small.”
“Button? Oh wait yeah this thing?”
“Yes, right there. Stimulate that little button, it will cause her to become very… quirky.”
“e-excUSE ME-“
“Just listen and stop whining.”
But he learned that you can actually go at stimulating that part of a female in many different ways. He learned from Vil that it’s about experimenting for the most part—testing the waters slowly and with interest.
Brought up what he had learned with his lover (albeit very dryly over conversation) bc nervous apple man is nervous.
All the while, he doesn’t even know if Vil has ever given head either, so he has to assume that everything that Vil tells him is sure fire.
His partner still had a wonderful time though~
Vil secretly went in the journey with Epel to make sure he didn’t fuck up.
When he saw that Epel was actually taking his advice into account it made him smile, shamelessly acting as a voyeur to his dorm mates performance.
Did he tell Epel that he was there and that he saw everything? Nope. But he really wanted to.
He brought it up over dinner just out of the blue peas I g up to a very angry and flustered Epel and a laughing Rook, a proud Vil standing idly waiting for Epel to attempt to punch the crap out of him, not that he would though. 😉
Epel Felmier > Rook Hunt
“Ah, Monsieur Cherry Apple! You wish to learn such delicate procedures from me?”
“Listen if you’re going to make this weird please just no.”
“Oh ho ho! Fear not, my friend. I shall show you all the ways of love!~”
Unlike Vil, Rook is more... physical, when it comes down to anything related to love.
And teaching it too!
He told Epel to invite him to their little session. At first, Epel quickly (and violently) declined but after a little bit of convincing from the frenchman, he gave in and threw Rook a bone.
When Epel invited Rook over, at first, y/n was stunned to see him, seeing that he actually came. They had spoken beforehand, and everything seemed consensual.
When Rook started teaching Epel, he got a nervous feeling in his chest, the poor lavender haired man wondered if Rook would outdo him.
He wondered if you would leave him for Rook if he gave better brain... he didn't want that from you, so he made sure to pay close attention to whatever Rook did, despite it feeling incredibly weird to him to watch someone else go down on his lover.
After Rook finished his ministrations, it was Epel's turn. And he went at you with fire on his breath.
Whatever Rook did, Epel did too, only he managed to try to do everything better than Rook, making you shake in pleasure.
Look, Rook basically taught Epel that if she isn't struggling to breathe and is contorting in the bed like she's getting ready to morph, you aren't doing it right.
Rook watched Epel work, looking for things to comment on, a smile curling onto his peach toned lips.
If Rook is lucky, he may be able to work with Epel after he's done, tag teaming with his dormmate.
At the end, you're a dizzy mess, still high from all the orgasms that you encountered.
Rook gave him feedback afterward. Poor Epel feeling awkward again hahaha-
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