#also i'm. not satisfied at all with this but i don't want to look at it anymore take it out of my sight
marigoldendragon · 2 days
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I did an oil painting of Jade! I wasn't sure who I wanted to paint, so I rolled a dice and Jade was the lucky winner. I had a lot of fun doing this one, I need to use my paints more often.
And I took a whole bunch of photos of the process, so you guys can see how it came into being!
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First things first. Planning. Traditional painting doesn't have the luxury of being able to make sweeping changes as you go like you can with digital, so if you generally want to plan ahead.
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Next I printed out my lineart onto some watercolour paper and taped it to a board. I then sealed the print/paper with some clear acrylic medium and painted my tape white because it was bright fucking green and would throw off my colour mixing. My set up is pretty simple. I have a jar of mineral turpentine with a strainer at the bottom to clean my brushes on, my palettes are just boards with wax paper clipped onto them (easy cleanup) and a roll of paper towels and some rags for cleanup. And I also use an medium that both thins out my paint and helps it dry faster, otherwise oils can take months to fully cure.
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I planned out all my colours in advance, so all I had to do was mix up the appropriate shades and then pretty much play paint by numbers.
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The general process is block out each colour and then do whatever blending is required. If you want a harsh shadow you dont do too much blending, if you want a soft shadow you use a fluffy brush and go over the area multiple times.
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And then you just go around area by area filling it in as you go. Of course there's a whole lot of different techniques and processes for completing a painting. This is just what I did for this specific painting.
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And he's done! He took a few days to dry, even with the added fast drying medium. There's a few areas I'm not happy with, but I would cannibalise any colour on my palette by mixing it into the next colour I was going to use. So sans re-mixing that exact specific paint, I couldn't go back in to touch up anything.
The digital planning stage was done the evening before, and the painting stage was about 6 hours? So all in all anywhere from 8-10 hours total for this.
If you guys have anymore questions (this was a pretty brief overview) feel free to dm me or leave a comment or whatever. I don't bite and am happy to help anyone out there looking to improve thier skills, or satisfy anyone's curiosity.
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Birthday Event: Francis Drake
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
Not proofread. Rush translation.
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Still holding her in my arms, I started untying her corset.
With each layer I removed, Mitsuki's bare skin became more exposed.
Drake: "Haha! I never thought taking off the clothes I put on you would be this fun."
Mitsuki: "Don't make it sound like a game. Ah, mnn!"
Tempted by the sight of her exposed breasts, I rolled my tongue over them.
Taking off my shirt, I laid her down, and Mitsuki, feeling shy, wrapped her arms around her shoulders.
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Drake: "Alright, let's move those hands."
Mitsuki: "Ah, geez."
I grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the sheets, and her eyes looked up at me with a hint of confusion.
Drake: "There's no point in hiding now."
Mitsuki: "That's true. But still, being completely naked in front of you feels a bit…"
Drake: "Haha, that's so like you."
I glanced down and saw the petal-like marks from last night were vividly scattered across her skin.
(I'm definitely being greedy here.)
(But seeing Mitsuki, who looked like a princess, in this state after removing her dress is exhilarating.)
Drake: "Mitsuki, don't hide anything from me now."
Drake: "I love seeing your face even when you're trying to hold back your pleasure, so show me everything."
Mitsuki: "Francis. Ah! Wait. Nmm."
I moved my fingers against her sensitive spot, and a relentless stream of wet, lewd sounds filled the air.
Her efforts to hold back her moans and the way she tightened around my fingers were so adorable.
(I'm so into her that it's making my head spin.)
Mitsuki: "Ahh, Francis."
She sweetly called my name, and my last bit of reason snapped.
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Drake: "Haa. Mitsuki, I love you."
Mitsuki: "Ah! I'm so happy."
She clung to me like she was seeking support and pressed her body against mine, her sweet fragrance almost overwhelming me.
Mitsuki: "I'm happy to be with you. Both yesterday and now. Stay by my side forever, Francis."
Drake: "I'm here. See? We're connected."
I thrust inside her to make my presence felt and gently stroked her head.
When she lifted her chin, I kissed her, and her expression of pleasure turned into a tender smile.
Mitsuki: "I love you."
(Ah, damn it.)
(That's yet another perfect smile.)
That night, I kept exchanging warmth with the woman I loved.
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I heard the quiet sound of the door closing.
(Hmm. Mitsuki?)
The warmth that was supposed to be in my arms was gone.
As I dozed off, the door opened again, and I felt a person's presence return.
The person who approached the bed gently stroked my head.
Drake: "Caught you."
Mitsuki: "!"
When I grabbed her hand, she looked wide-eyed as if her prank had been discovered.
Drake: "Where did you go, little fawn?"
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Drake: "Wait. Did you change?"
In the dim light, I noticed she was wearing her familiar white blouse.
Mitsuki: "I put the dress in the closet so it wouldn't get wrinkled."
Mitsuki: "I also changed clothes while I was at it. Sorry for waking you."
Drake: "No, it’s fine."
(After spending such a satisfying birthday with her by my side, I really don't feel like going back to my normal life.)
I found myself reluctant to let go of this moment that was almost over.
Mitsuki: "It's almost dawn. Someone might be coming back soon."
Mitsuki tried to move away from the bed, but I took her hand.
Drake: "Nope."
Drake: "I still want to stay like this for a little longer."
(The truth is, I don't want to let her go, even for a day.)
I muttered my honest thoughts to myself.
Mitsuki: "Hehe, what should I do? I think my happiness just got rewritten again."
Drake: "Huh? From that?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah. Because you’re acting all cute and sweet, Drake."
(You're the cute one.)
(That's what I want to say, but she seems to be having fun.)
Drake: "Well then, how about I rewrite your happiness even more?"
I held her hand, gazing deeply into her eyes.
(If only my feelings alone could keep her smiling and happy.)
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Drake: "Mitsuki, I love you."
Mitsuki: "----!"
Drake: "You're my one and only. The princess I want to steal away more than anything in the world."
Mitsuki: "Hehe, you're being so generous with your words of love."
(But none of them are lies.)
Drake: "You're so cute that it's making my brain short-circuit."
Mitsuki: "Haha! What kind of confession is that?"
Mitsuki: "If you keep confessing like this, I won't be able to stop feeling happy."
Like a bud blossoming, her smile bloomed into a radiant flower.
And again, that smile was the most beautiful thing.
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Drake: "Mitsuki, I love you."
What spilled from my heart was pure, unfiltered love.
I kissed the back of her hand, pouring all my heart and soul into it.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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Zestmilla tickle fights with the girls?
Nice idea, can do! (Hope you enjoy, is a silly little thing 💜)
《Clara, no 》 warned Carmilla, but it was all useless, as her daughter got ready to pounce on her
《Clara yes! 》 The kid screamed, jumping from the top of the wardrobe and onto her mother, her little hands busy tickling her 《I got you! Mum is my prisoner now! 》
《Stop it! I'm serious! 》 scolded Carmilla between laughters, carefull to move herself so that both her and her daughter would hit a soft surface when they would inevitably fall 《No TV the whole weekend! No spicy chips! No... No skateboarding! 》
《Worth it! 》 giggled the child, well aware that none of those threats would be followed by action. Her mum liked to act as she didn't enjoy their surprise attacks, but truth was, she could always see them coming from a mile away and never did anything to stop them from happening
《Stop! 》 She ordered again, as they fell on the bed and her dearest friend entered the room, alerted by the noise but not particularly panicked
《Zestial, a little help, please! 》 She pleaded, but Zestial, her oldest friend, the almost father of her daughters, her lighthouse in the storm, simply watched her with a knowing smirk, as he made his way towards them
《Thou doth not seem to particularly mind, mine dear 》 he noted, simply standing as her hyperactive child had the time of her life tickling her and undoing her neat updo.
So, apparently that was how he wanted to play, this time
《Traitor 》
《At least thou art getting cuddles 》 he comforted, and Clara stopped her assault to look at him dead in the eyes, a fanged smile brightening her round little face even more
《Don't worry jefe*, we won't make you feel left out》
《We? 》 asked Zestial, starting to look around the room, but it was already too late
《Odette! 》
The child threw herself from the chandelier, successfully managing to knock Zestial to the ground and climb on him to deliver her own ticklish assault
《I'm speed, I'm stealth, I'm grace, I'M THE INVISIBLE TICKLER! 》
《I see thee perfectly, little lambkin 》 he laughed, still a bit out of breath, as he tried to rise, but his daughter was of a different opinion, and climbed on his chest as she pulled a long feather out of her sleeve
《Not for long! Feather attack! 》
《No! Not the feather, my only weakness 》 he played along 《show some mercy, I beg thee! 》
《No! Clara, I need help, dad is too tall to tickle alone! 》
《Reinforces are coming! 》
Assured the other, climbing off of her mother and joining her twin in her endeavour.
As his two beloved little menaces went wild on him and his poor clothes, Zestial noticed his dearest swiftly recomposing herself and preparing to slither out of the room
《Carmilla, mine dear... 》
He tried in his meekest voice, but this time it was her turn to smirk as she watched from above
《Na-ah. You were ready to leave me to my destiny, I'm leaving you to yours. Good luck, dear friend! 》
With a satisfied smile, she made her escape and closed the door behind her.
"Oh well, I deserved it." He thought "Yet, I shall nonetheless have my own ticklish revenge on mine loveliest lady... after our little ones are settled for the night, without a doubt."
*"Jefe" is the Spanish word for "boss", but is also affectionately/respectfully used for one's parents. I have a whole headcanon around it -used in my main fanfiction "You bring back my Springtime"-, but long story short, it's Clara's way of indirectly recognising Zestial as her dad, where Odette is more explicit.
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tare-anime · 3 days
Hi, your posts about Spy X Family are real good. I see chapter 105 as improvement of Franky's role and character. Wheather he'll get lucky - or not - on the Finding a Girlfriend case is a hot one. I wonder,when will Anya she's fed up with Damian's disdaineful,toxic world? I posted my thorough stydy upon this case. I've ceased to believe for a friendship(or romance between them). Unpopular truth:All these (old and new) cruel and awfull insults of Damian to Anya, in the end reflect and represent his Papa(: So in my opinion she and Papa "Twilight" will get the documents of Donovan's scheme by an other source.By the way, if government officials and the SSS are not his lackey's ,associates for his scheme then who they might be? And when WISE uncovers it what will be their actions against him and his network? Are we ready to see how Sylvia has killed people,real villains say Ostanians similar the assassins yor has killed? See you :)
Oh wow, thank you so much. I'm glad you find my rambles to be enjoyable 🥰🥰
As for chp 105, yes it's one of my favorite kind of "side character building up" type of chapter. And this time, we got to see Franky's character building. For me, Franky is such an amazing character that know how to enjoy his life. He has his princips and stays true to that, and didn't stop being kind, while at the same time he has a very smart view of the world and very logic in thinking process. I do hope he will find a woman who will appreciate him as who he is. But first, he has to decide when he want to settle down before doing it.
As for Damian. Yes, unfortunately if I have to be honest, I don't like Damian very much if he is showing his tsundere side and keep pointing and hurting Anya. But, he is still a boy, who tried too much. I hope he will one day learn to accept that there's nothing wrong by enjoying the process of growing up, and not too focused on the goal. And the fact that his Dad IS NOT someone he has to look up to. I believe Damian has good heart though, as we already seen in so many occasions. And just like every kid, in the growing process, the influences from other people particularly their peers are huge. And I hope Anya (with her own problems and difficulties) alongside with Ewen and Emile and Becky, can help Damian grows into a fine man. This is why, my fave chapter of Damian will always be where he can act like a boy of his age.
And I do agree. I do hope Twilight will find some other way to approach Donovan. And not pushing it through Anya and Damian friendship. Let these kids be friend without ulterior motives other than being friends.
The mystery of Donovan ascossiates are still there. This man has so much power, and yet, we know he is not with the incumbent of Ostanian govt. He is not directly leads the SSS, though without a doubt there will be fractions of SSS who is loyal to him up until current timeline. So where did his power came from? This remains a mystery until Endo decides to move forward with the plot, I guess 🤭
Tbh, I don't think WISE is 100% good either. It is possible that Op Strix be WISE's own plot to overturn Donovan because this man dares to oppose WISE. Anything is possible in politics after all 🤣 so how will WISE reacts when they finally got the information on Donovan? That will also depends on further information given to us by Endo himself.
Come on Endo!!! Give us more plot development 😫😫
Regarding Sylvia, Oh yes, through her speech during Inu-san crisis arc, we know that Sylvia has killed people during her life. This has eating her soul, but she has to carry on with her life. The same goes to Yor. Yor must know that not all of her clients are guilty per se, but she has to numb her soul because that's how she carry on with her life.
Thank you so much for the asks. I hope I manage to give satisfying answers 🥰🥰🥰
Good day to you too!
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originalartblog · 1 year
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I want drama!!! give me DRAMA!!
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transmandayoung · 27 days
I think John doesn't select Just Anyone Who doesn't Value Their Lives for his traps. considering his vast deliberation into the various outcomes based on behavior, I think he has to determine that they meet the right threshold for Possibility To Change
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kuromi-hoemie · 11 months
kinda wanna try hunting down all the lynels in totk. ever since i killed that silver one in the depths I'm just like wait omg i wanna go back and find those mfs who were giving me a hard time 😤🤺 ← she wants 2 dance !!!
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NPD culture is "if I don't get attention now I will literally die"
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liketwoswansinbalance · 5 months
Excuse the semi-personal post if I bore anyone; it seemed tangentially-related, so make of it what you will:
Yesterday, I discovered that I had somehow devised a formula or a partly unintentional “uniform” for dressing for semi-formal events, on the occasions when I don’t bother wearing a dress. It’s happened thrice so far this year, and I’ve only caught onto the pattern now: item one is some kind of formal, black top (it’s been a different one every time—that could be why I didn’t catch onto to this at the start), item two is usually pale, grey pants, for high contrast and low-effort/thought, and then, there's silver jewelry.
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slippery-minghus · 10 months
i want to paint, but autism is hungry and needs to be fed 8hrs of skyrim a day
#i'm trying to set up to paint bc i want to!! but every bone in my body says no#i'm gonna feel sad and disappointed in myself if i don't paint because i want to actually *do* something#and not spend this whole weekend having barely even scraped the surface of what i truly genuinely wanted to do#and instead just burn away the time looking at skyrim#i'm not even really having all that much fun playing it!!! but i can't break away from it#which isn't always a bad thing especially on week days but? on a long weekend where i want to enjoy myself??#and i can't because my brain won't let me??? not fun!!!#painting is so boring and understimulating and my brain is way too foggy right now to think about mixing colors and layering#(secretly i don't even want to paint i just want to feel satisfied at creating a thing!!) (my brain is too fried to hold a thought long#enough to do the physical action of painting! it sounds wayyyy too daunting and taxing right now!!)#but if i spend this whole weekend having sat on my ass doing nothing will i feel rested? no!!!#but if i spend all my energy doing A Hobby will i feel rested? also no!!! but then i'll at least have something to show for it#i'm riling myself up and i feel like i ALMOST could make myself paint right now#but as soon as i think of what it will feel like to sit here and focus and move my hands to do the painting my brain screams NO#and sure i can argue i'll feel better if i do it i'll be glad if i do it and it'll be easier once i start#but this isn't the walk i took yesterday (that i was glad i took but still felt like garbage after)#i WANTED to take a walk. i was just struggling with the level of exertion i could manage (walk my neighborhood or drive 30min to the park?)#my brain is latching on to 8hrs a day of skyrim bc that's all i have the energy for#work has been killing me#and it's so painfully bright in my apartment but i can't close the curtains bc i need all the sunlight i can get#i WANT to have the energy to paint and enjoy it but i just don't.... (but i feel like if i Give In to the exhaustion then i'm#no better than my mom who just sits around all day refusing to live her life bc she refuses to take care of herself.#and calls sitting perfectly still—instead of actuvely managing her condition—'not letting her disability win')#(so i don't want to be that. i don't want to waste away like my mom bemoaning how i Just Can't when i totally can!!!#i could push through this exhaustion and hype myself up but the only thing i'm going to be thinking about is Am I Done Yet? Can I Rest Now?)#and i can't convince myself that 'just paint for 30min' is worth it bc mixing paint and setting up is Just So Much#enough that 'just 30min' is a lie and not a legitimate out if i need it to be#i need to commit or not do it. and i just can't......... my eyes hurt and i'm tured and i just wanna play my game#and all this indecision and feeling like i'm wasting time is just making me want to cry. im gonna close the curtains and boot up the xbox;(#personal
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iero · 2 years
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Tagged by the very lovely @amaranth (Thank you so much Elena! This was a lot of fun! ❤️) to do this before and after gif coloring challenge! Sorry that this is just about 2-3 days late! The coloring is on top, the original is on the bottom if that wasn’t already apparent. 
I don’t have much to say about my colorings except the selective color adjustment is my best friend and FUCK coloring the Upside Down. All my homies hate coloring the Upside Down. 
Gonna tag some friends here... Uh, @ofalltheginjoints, @houseofwolvesv2, @greatpartymp3, @reysorigins, @dracs, @userparamore, @rickyolsen, @joseph-quinns and any other gifmaker that possibly wants to do this! :) 
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moonkhao · 9 months
the urge to redo every single gif you've ever posted every time you have a breakthrough while playing around with your colorings
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conspiracydawg · 8 months
got around to reading nona the ninth and I think I finally have to concede that I'm just not picking up what these books are putting down. there's some cool concepts but it feels like the author is actively avoiding them most of the time. also finding the constant quips and references annoying, and not really sold on the central relationship of the series, which leaves very little for me to be happy about. I'll read alecto because I'd like to know what happens next, but I can't help but feel I'll also be relieved when it's over
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buckleydiazmp4 · 3 months
do you mind if i ramble in the tags about my weird relationship with making art in fandom for a second
#as someone who is studying art as a career one thing i have realized and also been explicitly told by various teachers#is the fact that having a 'consistent' art style is so overvalued sometimes that it ends up limiting you as an artist#literally i'd say 99 percent of the stuff we do in uni doesn't require consistency. it's actually valued when there isn't one#after all it is about learning and honing skills isn't it#so it has kind of put my personal conflicts in a different perspective#because before i started this degree i used to struggle so much with creation in non-academic spaces (which is pretty ironic. i know)#because the ppl and art i admired was mostly composed of art in fandom spaces#and the most appreciated artists in these spaces tend to be the ones who have a nice defined unique style#which isn't bad. i actually do still wish i could reach something like that#but it made me not want to create as much as i desired because i felt 'inconsistent' and i took that as a negative quality in my art#and it was so frustrating because nothing i tried seemed to 'stick'#which was also due to the fact that none of the varyingly different styles of drawings i posted seemed to reach many people#and yes i have heard time and again the whole schpiel of 'creating for yourself is better and quantity of likes/notes shouldn't mean as muc#to you as long as you're satisfied with your art blah blah blah'– c'mon. we all want our creations to be admired i'm tired of pretending#like i don't. i put it out there for a reason and it is for people to at least acknowledge it. it's the point of fandom. it's community#it's interaction. or at least it should be. that's another conversation though#so anyways since i started uni some time ago this frustration has been receding but it's very much still present#even more so when i get excited about doing/drawing something and then halfway through i get that pull in my chest of like. i'm actually#starting to hate it bc i can't reach what i want to#and so there's this disconnect that happens because i have many ideas and desires to create but i feel (even if it might not be true)#that i don't have the skillset to meet those ideas#which literally happens to almost if not everyone i know i'm not alone in this. it still sucks though#so i end up with about a dozen unfinished works monthly bc i start it/i reach halfway and hate it/i look at art and get inspired bc artists#in fandom are SO talented/i go back to it/i still can't reach the skill level i desperately want/i abandon it indefinitely#it's a horrible cycle that i really haven't been able to escape lately#it's also worse when you're at a time in your life when you don't actually have the opportunity or the time to try to achieve consistency#because you really just physically don't have the time to practice. which is the number one advice every good artist will give you#i am running out of tags but the point is. i hope we stop subconsciously putting consistent art styles in a higher pedestal bc it can be#very stressful for artists who struggle to find that in their creation#art related
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adore-gregor · 3 months
my perception of grades totally changed since i started uni
#in school i just did the bare minimum a pass was fine and a 3 great#it's insane to think about it how little i did like for a lot of subjects not at all and if i did i'd study like 2 hrs the day before 😭#and i thought this was studying hard or if i studied 3 hrs at least whaaat#well for some subjects i did a bit more#but like it is no comparrison#at uni i also did study the day before a few times but then i did an 8hr session#(i might just need to do that tmrw but the thing is the exam is one you can't study for so literary idk what i'd study so long for??)#(or how to study... it's translation but how tf do you study translation it's highly subjective and there are no practice exercises)#(i will probably just look at the notes)#but anyway for my last exam i spent 5 hrs in the library a day and i already started 2 weeks before (altough just in smaller bits)#but bumped it up exam week i did like 2-3hrs on average a day#even if i start too late like i did for one of the hardest test of my studies i only studied for 2 days but like all day or 10hrs sth a day#it by far exceeds the 2hrs lmao and even that was very little for this exam many studied 2 weeks but like i got a good grade so it's okay#but my point is now that i get better grades good one's a C is a massive disappointment for me 😅#unless it was a really difficult one then i'd take it but like it upsets me#a teacher once told me when i got a c on an exam quite a few failed that many would be happy to have that grade well true tbh but i can't#and once i almost cried because i got a C because i thought it was an easy course but it was an oral exam and i'm worse in these#(because in written i often remember the answer later in the exam and then go back but in oral i can't do that)#well that was embarrassing😭 i'm trying to never do that again so if i get asked how i feel abt it say it's okay ig#but sometimes even a B is meh 😅 especially if an A was possible and it was an easy course/exam#i want more A's less B's tbh B's also because i really want to go abroad and raise my grade average for that#i want to go from a B average to an A something average to improve my chances#but yeah younger me wouldn't believe this 😂#i really want to study harder to make that step up to more A's than B's like uni does come quite easy to me#and while i study way more compared to others i still get away with less effort and good results but i could have excellent grades#on the one hand it's good that i improved so much on the other those expectations might not be because i'm almost never satisfied anymore 😅#and i know it's kind of really unimportant because there are real problems and also many uni students struggle to pass their classes#it's maybe even a bit disrespectful because they'd be happy to have these grades and i should be more grateful#but i swear i don't look down on anyone with worse grades i know how difficult it can be and also how outside factors play a role#some have it more difficult some have to work a lot next to uni or really suffer from mental illness besides no one's brain is the same
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chuluoyi · 11 months
✎ treasure
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- gojo satoru x reader
the strongest sorcerer meets his match in his petulant son, who inherits his six eyes and is having trouble with them
genre: taking care of your son with dad!gojo, fluff/comfort
note: AAAA i love this waaay too much!😭 this brilliant idea gave me baby fever so bad came from an anon who so energetically dropped by my askbox, thank you! and seeing this artwork by Yoon in twitter definitely gave me more ideas too!
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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"Why? This helps—"
"That's ugly! I don't want to look ugly—like you!"
Satoru blinked in utter disbelief, and you broke into the most satisfying fits of laughter. In front of him, standing tall and sullen and very much like him was his own son, now barely five years old.
Your boy mentioned that he had been experiencing discomfort in his eyes lately, which also caused him to become dizzy. And Satoru attempted to persuade him to use a blindfold like he did because it was effective.
However, as we can see, his son didn't take his suggestion well at all. His bright blue eyes, ones your husband passed down, bore an intense glare aimed squarely at him.
"I..." Satoru sputtered, his eyes twitching. The sight was comical as no one had ever managed to elicit such a reaction from him. And no one ever considered him an unattractive person too! "I'm not—"
"You are!"
Once again, you let out a triumphant cackle, and this time your husband shot you a glare. But you didn't care. All those years of tolerating his antics had paid off. His son had finally put him in his place!
When he was a baby, you thought your son was Gojo Satoru incarnate. He was the spitting image of him—with all gaits and expressions too. And you had worried if he would turn out to be just as much of a menace as he was.
But apparently, life has other sweet plans because like you, he was a relatively calm boy, diligent, and didn't like to make a fuss. Satoru argued that it was definitely in his genes—claiming he had also been a sweetheart when he was a child, but you couldn't quite imagine him being remotely as reserved as your son.
That aside, the cause of this hilarious exchange did actually make you worry a bit.
"Look, I know it probably looks odd," Satoru gestured at the blindfold in his hand, but your little boy still didn't seem convinced by the pout he displayed. "But it will help you, I promise. If only you would—"
Oh, but it was almost like karma because besides his appearance, the other trait your son inherited from your husband was his strong sense of winning.
His face reddened from sheer indignation, and he once again screamed, "I don't want to! I'll just cover my eyes with—" he took a nearby napkin and pulled them over his eyes, "—this!"
Satoru sighed in annoyance, and you decided to jump in. Crouching down next to him, you gently pried the napkin from his hand.
"Papa just wants to help you, okay?" you reasoned, cupping his plump cheeks. Gods, he used to be this round thing in your and Satoru's arms and now he was already this big. "He uses it everyday and he has no problems, see?"
"But it doesn't look good..." Your son drooped his head in disappointment, and you could feel Satoru rolling his eyes beside you, evidently miffed at the thought of him being less than good-looking.
Parenting is challenging, especially when your husband still holds onto some of his childlike tendencies. So you decided to end the discussion here.
It was later at noon, while you were in the kitchen preparing lunch when you heard your son's scream and something crashing. Your heart was in your throat as you rushed to the backyard, only to see something that made your heart lurch even more.
Your sweet boy was wailing on the ground, clutching his head, and Satoru—
His expression was as horrified as yours if not more, as he ran and caught your son in his arms, pressing him tightly against his chest as if shielding him from the sun altogether. "Shit. Hey, hey—buddy, you okay?”
Satoru lifted him up and carried him inside. You were right beside him as he settled on the sofa, gently hushing your son, who was still shaking and had his eyes covered against his chest.
"M-My head..." your son whimpered, tears streaming down his chubby cheeks. "...h-hurts..."
"It's okay, it's okay..." he murmured, caressing the child's hair in a soothing manner, and it reminded you so much of what he would do to you in the early mornings. "I've got you now, nothing’s going to happen to you. Hang on a little longer, yeah?"
You felt warm tears threatening to well up in your eyes at the sight. It was heart-wrenching to see your son in such torment, and the way your husband was consoling him deeply touched you. It served as a poignant reminder of just how many years had passed from when Gojo Satoru was still that brat who used to mess with you during high school.
Soon, your little boy's breathing became even, and he went to sleep in Satoru's comforting embrace.
You looked at him while biting your lip, undiluted worry in your voice. "What should we do? He's been experiencing pain often lately..."
Satoru really wanted to wipe that expression from your face, but with his precious child clinging onto him for dear life, even he didn't have the heart to.
"Don't worry, I'll be with him," he assured, a plan already forming in his mind. "If he hates blindfolds that much, then I'll get him some pairs of glasses just like the ones I have—for kids. We'll start with that."
Bearing the weight of his clan's revered eyes was a heavy burden, and honestly, he would prefer it if none of his children had to inherit them. After all, he went through it all too as a child—the manifestation of the six eyes' powers marks the beginning of life as a sorcerer. The perilous world he was still trying to keep away from his son.
Nonetheless, he would be there for him every step of the way. It was what he vowed to himself on the day he was born. He wouldn’t let anything befall him—or you.
You had calmed down after hearing his plan, and as you gazed at your precious boy’s innocent face in his protective grip and the gentle pats he gave him, you suddenly found yourself in a mischievous mood once again.
"Heh, quite the doting papa, aren't you, Satoru?" you winked, a teasing smile on your face. You could have sworn his cheeks slightly flushed as he retorted:
"Hmph. He is my personal little body warmer, after all."
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