#also im sorry if any of the captions are wrong
mshroom1e · 1 year
Hi! Could i request Ortho finding out that Idia's online friend and eventually crush is the reader? And eventually he tries to matchmake them?
Hello!! Sorry for disappearing for a whole 2 weeks 💀 I've been busy with life and I ended up writing this fic way longer than I ppanned to. I hope you don't mind! Also, I got really stuck on some parts and wasn't sure which direction to go with the story. Apologies if it feels a little rushed.
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Pr0ject Cupid | Idia x GN! Reader
type: fanfic
Summary: A pair of painfilly awkward people get set up by a member of the said pair's little brother.
5.8k words
tags: silly fluff, mutual crushing
Warning(s): very mild swearing
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no way u acc saw me
bruh i couldve seen you with my eyes closed
you dumbass u just contradicted yourself
no shit
im gonna shave your eyebrows
Idia stifled a laugh and couldn't hide the cheesy grin that grew on his face as his eyes read over the pixelated letters on his monitor. About 3 weeks ago, he met you on a random server, and you instantly clicked. He wasn't one to form bonds with people so quickly, whether it was online or in person, but with you, how could he resist?
You got along like Q and W on a keyboard, plus you always reciprocated his nerdy comments and never got the wrong idea about any of his intentions. The only problem was, however, that you had no idea who each other were irl.
So, one day, Idia got curious about who you really were. He ended up searching for you on Magicam using the username he knew you by. There wasn't really much he was expecting as people usually used different names for their social media compared to the more nerdy online stuff.
Idia nearly fell out of his chair when a search result popped up, and a profile with quite a few posts showed up. It was you. There was no way it wasn't you.
His heart began beating faster than usual just at reading your captions, posts of your random thoughts, and the pictures you posted. You were definitely cute, maybe the prettiest person Idia had ever seen. Even though your facial features were pixelated, you somehow managed to make them look soft and warm, like an angelic version of yourself. There were also many pictures of foods you made in the Ramshackle Dorm, selfies with your friends, and a few pictures with Grim.
Okay, now Idia was panicking. He'd never felt the way he felt right now, but from the way his heart was running a marathon and he could feel warmth slowly creeping up his face, there was only one explanation. The description matched how the characters in dating sims would feel, and this was bad. He couldn't have a cru- no no no, a c-word. No way! He didn't even want to think of the word because it would only solidify his predicament in his head.
From his panic, his finger slipped and accidentally liked one of your posts. Idia's eyes widened as he saw the damage he'd already done as his brain went into full panick mode. There was no way to undo it, even if he un-liked the post. The notification must've already gotten to your phone and you would've noticed most likely and you'd block him, think he was a stalker and never speak to him again then he'd be become even more emo and-
He changed from his usual question mark posture in his chair to sitting in a fetal position in the corner of his room, hoping for the atoms in his body to slowly merge into the wall.
His phone in his pocket vibrated, and when Idia pulled out the device to see what the notification was, his heart nearly collapsed on itself. A flinch of his arm caused his phone to be launched across his room, and for some reason, he jumped to catch it, landing on a large, disorganised pile of manga with a loud crash. He hastily unlocked his phone to see what the alert was.
'Your EP has been restored!'
There was a smooth sliding of the door to Idia's dorm room. Ortho stood? floated? levitated? at the entrance with a confused, yet worried expression in the visible part of his face.
"Idia? I heard a loud crash, and I was worried you got injured," Ortho floated closer to his brother.
"I'm f-fine!" Idia yelped.
'Hair tinted pink, increasing heart rate, flushed cheeks,'
Ortho's eyes drifted over to Idia's several monitors until he focused on a certain one.
"Yuu's Magicam profile?"
The little robot pieced two and two together before he said, "Oh, you like [Name], don't you?"
This was a really, really, really bad idea...
Idia's internal panick only escalated as he was dragged walking through campus with Ortho. Leaving his dorm room usually resulted in a one-sided fight for his life as every dialogue scene he had with another person besides his brother was set to hard mode by default.
Speaking with you in person was the best way to get to know each other better, Ortho would say. The problem was, Idia knew that you didn't know who he was, so it would probably be strange to suddenly have him speaking to you.
He was lost in his panicky thoughts when he felt someone bump into him, and he felt his body tipping back. (So unique and never seen before, I know.)
A hand quickly grabbed his wrist, hoisting him back upright. Ortho sent you a beaming smile with his eyes before quickly disappearing and leaving you alone with his brother, leaving the beanstalk to fend for himself.
Idia's heart nearly flipped in his stomach as he met your eyes. You let go of his wrist when he regained his balance, he almost fell over again.
"Careful," you smiled.
In his eyes, you looked like a panel from a manhwa where the love interest was introduced with flowers, sparkles, and glitter radiating around them.
"S-sorry," He managed to spit out, somehow sounding cohesive.
"It's okay, I just hope you didn't get hurt, I tend to grab onto stuff a little too tightly," you said with a sheepish chuckle.
Your laugh. Idia's ears felt blessed with such a delicate angelic sound. Like bells chiming in his ears, more harmonic than the songs from his favourite idol group's no.1 album. His heart was sent into overdrive, and he couldn't take it anymore and decided on the most rational option in his currently mushy brain.
To run.
So he ran.
You watched his retreating form with a fond look before you turned to face Ortho, who hid in a nearby bush and sent him a thumbs up.
This was progress, at least.
- A few days ago -
You had a crush on Idia. A huge one at that. There was no debate. You didn't even bother denying it.
You knew he rarely left his dorm room, so you barely saw him during the day. Seeing a flash of flamey blue hair dart around a corner just before you could fully get a look at the twitter logo-coloured candle always managed to make your heart squeeze and an undefeatable grin etch itself on your face.
Of course, a few days into talking to your new online friend, you already knew of his true identity but chose not to inform him of the fact. From what you'd seen on campus, he was the type of person to prefer engaging with others through the comfort of a screen rather than conversing face to face. And honestly, you couldn't blame him at all. It must've felt so stifling to always be conscious of the way you carried yourself, while choosing words carefully to not offend the person in front of you or make them think badly of you while simultaneously looking like a sane, functioning person.
So, you talked to him like an online friend would. After a few days of getting to know each other through public servers and direct messaging, you soon shared your interests and found common ground in a few of them. For example, you both were addicted to gacha games with diabolocal pity systems. He also started to open up to you, though you thought it was a little fast, but people tend to share a lot when speaking to someone through pixels on a screen as they felt more at home. He talked about his struggles when interacting with people and his constant anxiety about how people perceived him.
Being someone of minimal social intelligence, the most you could do was offer some general words of comfort about how everyone was different in their own way and some people are just more advantaged in certain aspects of life, social interaction being one of them.
As your feelings grew, you couldn't help but feel like your relationship was a little one-sided. You knew who exactly you were talking to, but as far as Idia knew, he was talking to and building a relationship with a person who could've been miles and miles away and he also barely knew who [Name] was.
Man, this really sucked.
- Yesterday -
Ortho was smart. It was only obvious since his mechanical brain had the efficency of a computer with infinite RAM. He knew his brother had met a new friend online, which explained his less gloomy aura and his anxious glances at his phone whenever they were in his room together.
It didn't take long for Ortho to learn that the person Idia was talking to also attended the same school. In his mind, he viewed finding out things about you as a way to further protect his older brother from harm.
Fast forward to later that day, Ortho cornered found you in the courtyard after you'd lost a bet with Grim and had to buy him a drink from a nearby vending machine.
He called out to you enthusiastically as he practically teleported to you, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
Long story short, Ortho figured out how you felt about Idia, and he was over the moon. His brother finally had someone who he could happily spend time with, and he couldn't be happier for him. He knew Idia better than anyone, and it was certain that getting close to Idia in face-to-face terms would take a lot for him to get used to and he decided it would be best to slowly ease your way into making conversations with him without being forceful or overwhelming him.
Thus began your joint conspiracy to rizz up get to know Idia better.
- Present -
It took about a day for you to come to the conclusion that you'd most likely never see Idia during school hours whether he was on campus or not. Your schedules were so unmatched that it was ridiculous. When you had a lesson in the alchemy labs, he'd be in a P.E lesson and when you were in the history of magic, he'd be in some classroom that might as well be at the other side of Sage's Island.
Luckily for you, Ortho informed you about Idia's current whereabouts. He was in the Board Game Club's classroom, probably playing- you guessed it- board games. It felt like some sort of secret stealth mission, plotting where to catch Idia with Ortho so sneakily. You just hoped that this silly plot would work.
Now that you were in front of the clubroom's door, you had no idea what to do. Your brain already left your body shortly after your heart that was beating a mile a minute and had long since jumped out of your chest to who knows where. You'd worked so hard to get to this point (not really) and now that you were here, what were you going to do?
Showing up at his clubroom unannounced totally sounded like stalker behaviour from some poorly written fanfic, and you definitely were not about that life. What if you just entered casually? Did you have a friend in the board game club? Probably not since you didn't even know the names of the people in your homeroom class, save for Adeuce and Grim.
Deciding to swallow your nerves and whatever other anxiety that was clogging your airways, you calmly slid open the door. Surprisingly, the club had quite a few members present, but it wasn't too densely populated. Your eyes immediately lit up when familiar floaty blue flames caught your attention. He was alone on a table next to one of the room's walls. His usual board gaming partner, Azul, was nowhere to be seen. It was safe to assume he was somewhere exploiting some poor unfortunate soul of all their mortal possessions with his buy-one-get-one-free pair of henchmen.
You approached Idia, more nervous than a turkey the day before Thanksgiving. He noticed you and almost jumped out of his own skin.
Was he dreaming? If not, why else would you show up at the board game club? Before he knew it, he started to sweat. Every step you took closer to him made his poor heart run laps. The confident (Idia's POV. This does not accurately reflect current events.) stride in your step, and the smile you gave him as you approached made his face heat up, and the tips of his hair grow warmer. His flight- please there is absolutely no fight- instinct almost took over as he considered running out of the room at full speed.
There was no Ortho to help him communicate if he ended up having to talk to you. He was all alone for this pop-up Pokemon battle.
A random board game caught your eye, and you picked it up, deciding to use it as a shield to not let your conversation get stabbed in the chest by the painful spear called awkwardness.
"Hi, Idia." You said casually with your usual grin. 'Great start'
You failed to catch Idia's mortified expression as it disappeared as suddenly as it arrived. He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't get any words out. To his surprise, you didn't seem to mind his silence and just sat down in the chair across from his.
"Sorry to bother you," you continued, "If you want me gone, just say the word." The second part was intended to be lighthearted as you let out a low chuckle after you were done talking.
He quickly scrambled into his bag and pulled out a slim, grey tablet, and began to type.
"I don't mind you being here at all, [Name]." A voice from the device's speakers that sounded too much like Idia's said. You weren't all too shocked since you'd seen him use it around school a few times and had even seen the thing floating around campus by itself. You'd just never have a conversation with "it".
"Woah, is that a voice program?Did you make it yourself? I've only seen it being used for vocaloids, and even those mess up a few times. Did you use a sample of your voice? Is everything prerecorded? If you-" You blurted out, quickly smacking a hand over your mouth to shut yourself up before you could ramble any further.
Great job, [Name].
Idia's eyes lit up with surprise at your words as he quickly started typing something on his screen. His features moulded into a proud smirk, "Yeah, it's made with a sample of my voice. I made it using a vocaloid as a reference."
"Really?!" You almost jumped out of your seat, eyes practically shining with stars. Gosh, he really was so cool.
He nodded frantically as the tips of his firey hair faded into a warmer hue. Students in his dorm had the same base interests as he did. However, he was almost always too nervous to initiate a conversation with any of them. But with you, the nervousness he felt didn't try to suffocate him for once and instead felt like a sweet, comfy flutter in his chest.
"I found this when I walked into the room, and it looked fun. Wanna play?" Your short exchange feuled you with a little more confidence as you built the courage to ask him to play a board game with you.
You hadn't even looked at the game's cover before picking it up. Imagine your surprise at finding out you'd picked up "Monopoly Bass Fishing Edition".
Great job.
Now, Idia probably saw you as some weird fish-obsessed kid (no offence to Octavinelle) who probably looked up how to make bass fishing bait in their spare time. The cover was hideous. A massive bass fish was in the middle, surrounded by loops of smaller bass fish all saying things in speech bubbles where the letters were modelled to look like bass fish. To top it all off, there was a massive glittery title in the colour of neon orange that said, "Monopoly: Bass Fishing Edition." Underneath in equally as eye tormenting sentence bordered off by a wiggly pink line that read "Get ready to be schooled!" Get it? Coz groups of fishes are called schools-
This was going to be painful.
You liked to think you knew all the rules of Monopoly by heart. Especially after seeing relationships crumble over the neverending board game.
Idia didn't seem phased, so you assumed he already knew the rules of the game, too.
You played for a bit, taking turns to roll a double to see who could start first. The first to roll a double was eventually Idia, so he took the first turn.
You knew Idia was competitive from the way he would obliterate the opposition during your online meet-ups in matches. What you didn't expect was to end up going bankrupt after only a few loops around the board. It took a while for you to accept defeat, but after seeing the small, triumphant smile that gently made its way onto Idia's face, any loss was worth it.
Now that you looked around the room, most of the board game club members had long since departed, and it was only you and your blue-haired friend left in the room. A blanket of quiet and slight awkwardness fell over the two of you as you both looked at anything but each other.
"We should uh, but the pieces away," you suggested.
He looked at you, a little surprised at your sudden breach of silence, before he quickly nodded. "R-Right."
After stiffly putting the pieces away, occasionally flinching when the tips of your fingers made contact as you passed some game pieces between yourselves, there wasn't much else for you to do despite twiddling your thumbs. From an outsider's point of view, the aftermath was painfully awkward as neither of you had anything to say. Sitting in silence wasn't always a bad thing, but come on.
Your brain frizzled as you tried to think of something, anything to say to start a conversation.
"Nice weather we're having today." So creative.
As if the universe was saying a big "f*ck you", there was a loud rumble of thunder outside the window before massive raindrops began to smack on to the grass and pavement outside, each with a louder 'plap!' than the previous one each time.
Idia giggled before trying to hold back a laugh, which eventually turned into even more giggles. You stared at him for a few seconds, stunned. You hadn't actually heard him laugh before as he always looked so terrified around you. Sure, he was laughing at your stupidity, but this was a start, right?
It didn't take long for you to join in, laughing at yourself too.
Maybe coming to his clubroom on impulse wasn't so bad after all.
"Sam's store is releasing this SSR-tier set of trading cards today, and I have to go get it," Idia muttered to himself as he scurried down a hallway of the Ignihyde dorm. "No one's gonna that early, especially since it's not gonna attract any normies-"
"But what if there's a whole mob of NPCs there? Worst case scenario is a few of them showing up to do some early morning shopping, so grabbing what I need and skidadling outta there is gonna be ez."
Ortho was most likely in his room resting at this hour, so Idia decided not to bother him. Besides, it was only a trip to the school store. He should be fine, right?
It was not ez peasy.
It just happened to be that the same day Idia's treasured ultra rare cards were released on the same day as Sam's new mystery drink that the whole school went crazy for. By the time Idia was about to leave the store after paying for what he came for, the whole area was packed, and it was almost impossible to move. Waves of students rushing to the till after grabbing a bottle of the new beverage washed over the store grounds.
People, people, people, and more people. Sweaty teenagers seemed to fight tooth and nail just to get their hands on a bottle. It was like the kids from the UK when Prime was launched. (iykyk) Everywhere he turned, he seemed to bump into another 3 people and get elbowed by another five. The sheer power of the crowd almost swept him off his feet, and he felt himself being dragged to the opposite direction from where he was headed. He reached his hand out to grab at something, while the other held his cards close to his chest, but there was nothing to hold onto for support. The only option was to become one with the crowd.
As he was about to give up and accept his fate, his outstretched hand was tugged on by a familiar, gentle yet firm grip, which felt like he was being pulled ashore after drifting off into the ocean. Idia's body was pulled upright and into a much less crowded space. A pleasant warmth spread across his chest as he saw the face of his saviour.
A part of him felt mortified while the other felt relieved. He was glad to have been pulled out of the sea of people, but he felt a little lame to have to have been saved by someone else, as if he couldn't handle himself. Another reason, the more obvious one, was because it was you. In his point of view, you always showed up at random times and ended up helping him without realising how much of an impact your actions held.
"I'm getting this feeling of deja vu," you smiled, leading Idia to a bench opposite the store.
"You helped me again-" Idia muttered, his eyes downcast.
You tilted your head, a little confused, "Hm?"
"N-No, it's not that I have a proble-" He cut himself off, "I, um-"
How did he manage to talk himself into a corner like this? Trying to talk to you felt like a puzzle with the myriad of emotions all rushing through his head at once, and he was bound to mess up somewhere.
"Don't sweat it," you responded. Your smile unwavering.
For whatever reason, Idia's anxious jumble of words never phased you. Your willingness to let him take his time when talking to you gave him a sort of confidence, and he could hope to speak with confidence that he didn't even know he was capable of.
A ray of reflected early morning sunlight that bounced off the shiny packaging of what Idia held securely in his hands and it caught your eye.
"Is that (insert game reference here)?!" Your voice cracked as you said the name of the franchise.
The mood was instantly lightened at your change in focus, and Idia felt himself get giddy. He was so happy to share a conversation with someone who wasn't a so-called "normie."
His excitement faded though, a bit, when he looked up to find that you looked slightly disappointed. You looked at Idia in confusion, but shrugged.
You sighed, looking away.
Why were you disappointed? Was it something he did? Oh no, what if you thought he was lame for getting trapped in a crowd like that, and you actually thought he was such a bother the whole time-
"I still haven't managed to get my hands in a copy," you frowned.
"Oh," He sounded stunned, which confused you. "Um, I-" He swallowed, fighting the urge to pull his hood over his head and hide.
"I mean-" Idia's eyes seemed to glance at everything and everywhere other than at you.
His breath caught in his throat, and the feeling multiplied by a gazillion when he saw Ortho watching him from behind a tree. He almost choked on whatever air he'd just managed to inhale into his trachea.
To make matters worse, Ortho held a cute but terrible made neon blue glittery banner that said, "Talk to them, Idia!!!"
Wasn't he resting?
The poor nerd (affectionate) wanted to evaporate on the spot.
"What were you about to say?" You asked, not seeing the silliness behind you.
Idia glanced back and forth between you and Ortho, wishing with every single bone in his body that the 50/50 gacha in front of him right now would go his way and you wouldn't turn around at all.
Imagine his horror when you followed his worryingly mortified gaze, and he saw our eyes widen a fraction, and you slapped a hand over your mouth.
He panicked for a good few seconds before he did what he did best and bolted away from you with a stubborn blush creeping up his neck.
"Huh?Wait up!" You called after him, but it was futile.
Ortho soon waved happily at you as he followed Idia back to what you assumed was the Ignihyde dorm.
"Where did you-" Idia began, speedwalking to the Hall of Mirrors with more agility than he knew his G-fuel filled body could possess.
"I did some research, and it showed that people your age have a 60% more chance at talking to someone they like when they're encouraged by someone else!" Ortho chirped with the certainty of the sun rising in the east.
"I'm not- It's not-" Idia couldn't find the words to use to retort at his younger brother. The way his sunny amber eyes shimmered with glee was enough to punch the words of protest that Idia could ever muster right down the drain. "J-Just tone it own a notch next time..." He finished with a small frown.
"Okay!" Ortho sang, floating into Ignihyde's mirror after the older Shroud.
Idia signed and pulled the strings of his hoodie tighter to conceal his face more. Now that you were somewhat aware of how he felt about you, he had no idea how to face you the next day.
It had been over a week, and you'd gotten no contact from Idia or Ortho. It was safe to assume that Idia probably didn't leave his room a single time in that time frame. A metaphorical banner was built between you as he had practically gone AWOL on everything you could use to contact him. So, you couldn't even talk to him with your online persona and try to understand how he felt by hoping he'd confide in his online bestie even a little. Not that you wanted to intrude on his privacy, but the fact that things seemed to be falling apart between you two before you properly even got to know each other hurt a lot more than th fact that you convinced yourself of- the fact that it looked like he didn't want to see you again. You sighed, closing your computer.
This was pointless. No doubt, he doesn't feel the same way towards you, and you really should start accepting it. Maybe he thought you were strange? Or it was creepy that you always seemed to be around when he was in trouble? Maybe he thought you were a stalker? He'd probably figured out your online identity and blocked you, hence the lack of activity on any of his accounts over the last week and a bit.
But you couldn't accept it. Not until you know more, and you don't think it'll help if you keep prying at the subject, especially since it won't do any good in the end. It was useless to keep trying. You grabbed your phone and checked the screen for any messages, but there were none. You put it back on the nightstand and turned on your side, burying your face in your pillow.
You lay there for what felt like forever and eventually fell asleep.
Morning soon arrived, and you woke up to a series of knocks at the main door of Ramshackle Dorm. The quick thuds of knuckles striking wood resounded throughout the whole bottom floor of the building, probably enough to alert your cat roommate out of his venture into Dream Land.
The perpetrator was definitely unexpected. It was a fine weekend, and you hadn't been expecting a visit from anyone at all, especially not the younger Shroud brother.
Rubbing your eyes and letting out a yawn as you opened the door, you had to squint to see something else other than a mop of flickering blue and a white block.
"Ortho?" You blinked. Your statement sounded more like a question to yourself than to the other party.
"Good morning!" Ortho said cheerfully, waving with one arm while balancing an assortment of books and various games under the other. He was carrying four plastic bags full of stuff, including a large bowl with some cereal, milk, eggs, toast, fruit, and orange juice inside it.
"Err..." you replied.
"We came to hang out!" Ortho cheered, which confused you even more.
"What? And who's 'we'??" You questioned all at once, not even knowing where to begin.
"Idia wants to apologise for running away from you for the past week. He said he's really sorry and did it because he was scared," he rambled on with his usual cheery tone and pointed to a nearby tree, "And we brought food!"
Behind said tree stood said Idia, holding onto the tree's bark with a grip for dear life while only the top half of his face peeked out.
- Flashback to earlier -
"Now, what do I do? This is demon mode difficult- I'd rather fight Absolute Virtue from the original release of FF11 all over again for 16 hours straight than face them again... Can I get an F in the chat for this one..." Idia mumbled to himself in a string of incomprehensible gibberish as he sat in a fetal position at the corner of his room while his hood covered his entire head, and he rocked back and forth.
"This is the worst-"
"Cheer up, Idia!" Ortho handed him a charger, "You can always talk to them online if it helps!"
"At this point, they've probably forgotten about me. People's online friends get Men in Black'ed from their brains all the time. I'll just look like some weird guy that goes,'Hey kids!wanna to get free RAM for your computer?' or something-" his rampant thoughts only dug him further into his self-made pit of despair.
"Hmm," Ortho pondered, "Let's go see them!"
"Are you kidding?! No way!" He shook his head rapidly and started rocking himself even faster, "If they don't see me, maybe they'll even forget I exist and I can become one with the void..."
"Don't be ridiculous, Idia. We can go see them right now!" Ortho hovered around, gathering a bunch of gaming equipment and books, "Hanging out like friends will get rid of any tension in the air!"
"No!" Idia protested, but it was too late.
He'd already been picked up by a robotic arm, and off they went.
"That's pretty much what happened," Ortho recalled as you lead the pair the lounge.
"Right... But I still don't get how that means he's sorry..." You muttered.
"Why don't you tell them, Idia?" Ortho looked at his brother, "I'll leave you two to talk here while I make some snacks!"
The older Shroud twiddle his fingers and stared at the floor, his hood still covering his head.
It took a few seconds of silence before Idia began talking.
"Uh," he spoke quietly and cleared his throat twice before proceeding, "I was so stupid."
"Huh?" You said, gaping at Idia.
"I know I've done stupid things, but this was beyond stupid. Like, way too stupid! Noob at Subway Surfers level of stupid!" He babbled on, his voice cracking with uncharacteristic emotion.
He took a deep, shaky breath and closed his eyes, attempting to compose himself. His hair turning pink. "I kept telling myself it was okay for us to keep being friends online even though I found your Magicam page and accidentally liked one of your posts and knew who you were but you didn't know who I was and I felt guilty and then you suddenly showed up then I realised I l-l-like you and then that thing at the shop happened and you probably thought it was so cringe-"
Then it clicked. So he thought you thought he was weird? He didn't hate you.
It felt like a huge weight was lifted off your chest.
Then, you chuckled, snickered, giggled, then let out waves of laughter. Idia stared at you, dumbfounded.
"This whole time, haha, I thought I was the one who did something wrong."
"No! You didn't," He quickly jumped in.
"Wait, you just said that you like me...?" You pointed to yourself, and you felt your face grow warm.
Silence landed like a wall of pure steel between the two of you.
He gaped at you with wide eyes. Dang it! He seriously didn't mean to blurt that part out loud. Curse him and his tendency to blab everything he thought aloud as soon as he started talking!
Idia covered his reddened face with his hands.
"What a coincidence," you smiled, "Since I like you too."
You gently pulled his hands away from his face and gave him your brightest grin. He froze as soon as your skin made contact, and his breathing quickened, his hair turned a full, passionate pink.
"Ahahahaha...!" He stammered.
A sudden noise filled both the room, followed by a long silence, causing the both of you to turn towards the source. Your heads turned in sync to see Ortho standing at the door with a camera after it let out a painfully loud 'click!'
He gave the pair of you a huge smile with his eyes.
"For memories' sake!" He cheered.
After you'd made breakfast together with the ingredients that the brothers brought, you, Idia and Ortho, sat in a triangle on the floor, while Grim watched lazily from the sofa. It was more of a joint interrogation performed against the little robot with Grim serving as an audience.
"So, Ortho, you knew Idia already knew who I was?" You raised an eyebrow, "And you knew about how he felt??"
"And you already knew that they liked me? And you knew they knew who I was and didn't tell me??" Idia squeaked, "And you told them to come to the store that day?!"
Ortho picked up a controller and was suddenly immersed in gameplay.
"Haha..." He sweatdropped.
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423 notes · View notes
kindestofkings · 11 months
photography era [3]
elijah hewson x reader
reader is childhood bestfriends/ who doubles up as their occasional photographer, who is currently touring with the band!
authors note: hahahah I litch was like im gonna make a short little part 3 just to wrap this idea off and then next minute im reaching the pic limit, anyway I think it turned out cute so enjoy !
I really appreciate all the love i've received with my last insta au's y'all are the best <3
(PS: Picture credits to whoever took them)
yourusername posted on their story:
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inhalerfan1 feeding us ryan girlies off the bat, appreciate you <;3 lewevans hahaha wait until they get moody and tired.. -> they're gonna get WORSE??
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
inhalerdublin Thank you Lille for kicking off our EU tour.
We’re back in Amsterdam tonight for our biggest show so far at @afaslive
📸 yourusername
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inhalerfan1 AMAZING SHOW!! the post concert depression is too real rn..
inhalerfan2 hiring yourusername was your best decision yet boys these pics are so hot
inhalerfan1 inhaler through the female gaze has righted all the worlds wrongs (liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
inhalerfan3 bobby girls we're being FED
yourusername I got you girlie xx
yourusername great evening !! but I am realising im touring with 4 boys for two months.. @nieveella y'all need a photographer??
(liked by nievella) bobbyskeetz why are you always tryna get rid of us.. yourusername try listening to your 12 year old boy humour 24/7 this is a hardship !
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liked by evehewson and others
yourusername guys i'm a failure, E still hasn't agreed to cover I'm Just Ken 😭 What is the point of having friends that can sing if they wont take my requests 💔
view all 200 comments
inhaler1 you are the gift that keeps on giving
inhaler2 for real get a girl who can do both
joshjenkinson_ I was gonna be pressed but i'll let it slide cause of my caption
bobbyskeetz you need to be stopped. @elijahhewson MAKE HER STOP
yourusername wah wah wah hush elijahhewson love come on yourusername heyyy its funny!
evehewson hahah you are the best ever
yourusername and you are my favourite hewson! inhaler3 inlaw bonding? inhaler2 girl chill
yourusername posted on their story:
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(liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
-filling this dramatic fella with drink to get back in his good books
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liked by inhalerdublin and others
yourusername please take these photos of the boys as an apology for my last post. they are very serious musicians and are very handsome. again sorry for any upset caused.
view all 100 comments
inhalerfan3 hahahahahhah who is holding the gun to your head rn girl?
yourusername im sure I dont know what you could possibly mean (totally unrelated robert keating can be kinda scary)
bobbyskeetz now that is more like it
yourusername @bobbyskeetz @elijahhewson am I forgiven yet? can I come for pints now
ryanmcmahon_15 I think your last post ..slayed? yourusername THIS is why your my favourite and why you had first spot in the post 🖤 inhalerfan3 hahah did you choose the order based on who you like the most rn yourusername @inhalerfan3 👁👄👁
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liked by inhalerfan2 and others
inhalerfanupdates GUYS I'm just back from my inhaler show and im shaking look at this pic yourusername took of my friend and I with eli! BEST. NIGHT. EVER.
view all 10 comments
inhalerfan 1 no way that is adorable, yourusername is one of us with the 0.5
inhalerfanupdates she was literally so nice aswell! they had walked by us so fast and I think I was so visibly upset, which she spotted and made eli come back over to us! inhalerfanupdates she was also chatting to us for a little while after, talking about tour and all she comes across real genuine <3
inhalerfan2 they're dating right??
inhalerfanupdates I really think so after seeing them walk and interact together. its been so hard to tell cause shes always joking and is so close with them all. inhalerfan3 they have to be dating they're my parents.
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liked by inhalerfan2 and others
yourusername Europe 1 Three amigos 0
view all 200 comments
inhalerfan 4 you are literally traveling around europe, freeloading off your famous friends. so so ungrateful god
inhalerfan2 hate to break this to you but being mean to one of his best friends / photographer is not going to get Eli to date you! inhalerfan3 haha girl no need to be so meannnn
elijahhewson I told you we should've skipped drinks
yourusername it was for the plot hotstuff (liked by bobbyskeetz)
bobbyskeetz why is the world so loud??
ryanmcmahon_15 *three idiots
(liked by joshjenkinson_ and others)
lewevans told you they get tired and moody
yourusername oh wise man 😭😭 you were so right
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liked by elijahhewson and others
inhalerdublin she loves to joke around and despite what bobby says, its the very reason we love her.
but our photographer for the europe leg/ our bestfriend yourusername is flat out working, making sure we look our best and coolest, we remind you to be kind in your comments towards her - eli, ryan, bobby and josh <3
comments have been restricted
yourusername BOYS im so unwell this is so sweet
joshjenkinson_ the GOAT
ryanmcmahon_15 ❤️‍🔥
elijahhewson our girl!
bobbyskeetz also she plays taylor swift on repeat when shes sad so please, i can't hear this is me trying again
yourusername we can't listen to the strokes all the damn time robert! yourusername also you asked about the folklore love triangle so stfu
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername been great annoying bobby with pda for the last 3 years with you <3
have loved tagging along on my superhot boyfriend on tour and taking super hot (and super not) pictures of him! only a few more shows left xx
tagged: elijahhewson
view all 400 comments
elijahhewson 3 years but i'm still not your favourite singer 💔
yourusername write an album like notes on a conditional form and you can take that top spot baby <;3 inhaler1 babyyyyy i love them your honour
bobbyskeetz great the world knows, can you stop kissing in front of us now.
yourusername just say you're lonely, it'd be quicker xx inhaler2 LMAO i love their friendship
evehewson wait I thought I was your favourite hewson...
yourusername course you are, this is a pr xx elijahhewson 🙃🙃 yourusername 😅😅
inhalerfan3 brb just gonna go take a bath with my toaster xx
joshjenkinson_ the hardest of launches
yourusername litch dont have the energy to lie anymore loll
---- finito----
if you made it this far I love and appreciate you so much! all the forehead kisses xx
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Some replies!
Also, a reminder: since we haven’t watched ch7 yet, I can’t comment on the events or characters related to it in any way deeper than “I love this character’s design”.  Sorry! I’ll keep your asks until we actually watch it.
I’ll also try to write some longer replies tomorrow, so please bear with me.
Anonymous asked:
Sinful. Sinful. Sinful. Sinful. Sinful. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.
We are so excited about his club card, let’s fucking go.
Anonymous asked:
Small question... Did a lot of your older art get deleted from Twitter...? I was scrolling down looking for some of your old Azul/Idia works, and it stops at an illustration of Azul and Jamil?
I don’t think it did (from Katsu’s account everything is still in place on the desktop version), but twitter has been very weird with scrolling in general; sometimes the older posts just don’t load as if you’ve reached the first posts. Sometimes doing an advanced search helps (i.e. searching the posts from this specific account during this specific time period).
Unfortunately, other than that I can only suggest looking through my pixiv, it should be easier to find our older stuff there…
Anonymous asked:
your new twitter header!! i actually gasped when i saw it, absolutely gorgeous and of course, the only fitting true love's kiss for our sleeping beauty <3
You noticed! Thank you, Anon <3 I’m glad you like it.
Unfortunately, we had to let go of our previous header (the last kiss one) because of all the blood (someone finally reported it), but no one is going to stop us from having a Lilisil header hehehe
You’ll see the full image soon! I’m going to post it today. You've guessed the caption as well...
Anonymous asked:
I just saw your female Silver art and it got me curious; would a male Lilia still sleep with a female Silver if there was a chance of pregnancy? Likewise, would he still let a male Sebek sleep with her?
You know, Anon, it’s hard to say. I think I can picture Lilia managing to somehow sit his tiny butt on two chairs at the same time: he would have sex with her, he would train her body well in that regard and teach her all kinds of endurances, but the possibility of her getting pregnant would sound horrible because this is his little girl, that’s just wrong. As if doing all this other stuff isn’t… and you’re still risking it, Lilia…
(But honestly who knows, maybe Lilia is the daughter-breeder)
When it comes to Sebek, I think Lilia would be stricter than usual and mostly because he would really enjoy acting like a tough father of a beautiful young lady with a lot of suitors. This is such a ridiculous spectacle, and such a fun way to tease Sebek who is already super overwhelmed and confused about how he should treat Silver, who would still be his brother in arms even if it is fem!Silver…
In general though, I don’t think Lilia would mind these two having sex and unfortunately would probably tease them endlessly for that. And instead of saying anything about protection, he would sigh and complain about how he isn’t ready to become a grandpa, which would work even better: now they don’t want to have sex at all.
Anonymous asked:
I love Kokichi Ouma too, he and Nagito Komaeda are my favorite DR characters, I even have their figurines. But now Im imagining both working for Azul and driving him insane with Jade and Floyd enjoying/encouraging them.
Oh no, Kokichi and Komaeda working for Azul is an absolute nightmare, please, we don’t want Azul to overblot again..!
Komaeda is going to start ruining every dish because then the customers would be filled with hope that the dish they got isn’t as shitty as the other ones… isn’t hope beautiful?
Anonymous asked:
Okay so, in Vil's Playful Land vignette, i find it so funny how Jade kept making excuses not to ride the rollercoaster and then when they did he was just 🧍 frozen. Given how Jade is, it's interesting how it's implied that he's uncomfortable with heights- in flight lessons, Azul and him are kinda bad at it + Jade in shaking voice says: At least i'm better then Azul, right? HDNSGENS Does Jade Leech have a weakness-??
ANOOOON THIS VIGNETTE! It should be studied under the microscope, this is such a good example of Jade being Jade in such an unusual situation for him…
Jade being invincible is a great concept, but this teeny tiny little sprinkle of fear or uncomfortableness makes him so much better. He really is a fish out of water when it comes to heights…
What I also loved is that one of his voice lines when he basically does the “at least I’m better than Azul, right?” thing AGAIN. I guess this is his reaction to discomfort: to throw Azul under the bus ASAP…
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I am so happy Vil got to experience this side of Jade. He deserved it…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Since now you've seen Playful Land, I can share some opinions/headcanons:
Fellow Honest for certain did some sexy stuff to get by for him and Gidel. Prostitution, stripping, adult videos, whatever he did it and we don't judge him for it.
In the live action Pinocchio it's implied in a carving on Giddy's mallet he and John are lovers so that's something!
I know you're set on tops and bottoms but I personally see Gidel and Fellow Honest are switches who do some fun play
I am 85% sure none of those rides were safe from sexy times even if you want to excuse any of them as sexy video calls on the farries wheel or Fellow and Gidel having fun before hand.
The first one is pretty much a fact, yes, absolutely agree.
Oh god you are right about Giddy’s malled, I had no idea… they really Richie+Eddie’d him, huh.
Can’t comment much on the third one, but when it comes to fun play, they have a lot of fun…
And the last one is also 100% true. They rode every ride in more ways than one. Even the crazier ones that Fellow wasn’t very sure about, but Gidel was so stubborn that he just couldn’t say no; he spoils him rotten after all…
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unknownteapot · 5 months
I didn’t like Tommy’s story either. I’m currently listening to the episode and so far I love it. You can tell they put a lot of time and effort into it, specially the background sounds. But fans can be disappointed that the format of a series was changed after months of not hearing from it. I don’t think people are ungrateful, they’re upset with how Smosh dealt with this. I think it’s unfair to completely disregard people’s concerns
hiii anon <3
i agree with you, completely honestly, i really don't want to seem ungrateful or like i'm being too negative about this whole thing, i'm going to try my best to listen to the sword af 2 episodes when i can and obviously i understand there's immense hard work and dedication that goes into making something like this, from what i've seen here on tumblr it's great so far- im not intending to disregard that!!
similar to you, though, i'm not too happy the way this was dealt with & announced - my major gripes are that their considerations for people who are deaf/hard of hearing/have auditory processing issues were only made after the backlash of the first announcement? like wdym you're making it into a whole podcast but didn't even think about people who can't listen to it? like not once in the entire process of shifting mediums? as far as i know (please correct me i'd love to be corrected, i hope i'm wrong) there haven't been any steps taken so far about that- i haven't seen any captions/transcripts posted by smosh games or any statements after the 2nd community post on yt where they addressed the backlash on what their further steps are to make this more accessible
it also feels strange to me that they were so silent about it for so long- maybe if they'd made the announcement earlier/gave at least a little info we'd already have had this conversation about inclusivity and captions would be available along with the 1st Ep so everyone can keep following the story they absolutely love as it releases
lastly (and i'm sorry this is an essay anon and anyone reading but i really need to say all this) the community of sword af fans are one of the most dedicated & talented communities i've seen tbh, they have to know the support is there right? i'm so surprised they're not posting any parts of the podcast on youtube (the literal home of smosh), it's so strange to me, it really feels like it's being pushed to the side slightly- but hey what do i know, i'm a silly gal on tumblr pls dont come for me
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suneeater · 2 years
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the haikyuu guys + their icks
➳ushijima, oikawa, iwaizumi, daichi, asahi, sugawara, hinata, kageyama, semi, bokuto, kenma, kuroo, shirabu, terushima, tsukkishima, tanaka, nishinoya
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✎a/n: this is supposed to be silly, we need things to post until we get some requests rolling in and this was fun to write so!
✰warnings: n/a
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he is completely socially unaware and cannot tell when people are flirting with him so he just lets it continue and accidentally leads people on, REGULARLY
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he still follows instagram models and regularly likes all of their photos. he also responds with "why" when someone asks if he's single instead of just saying no
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he has a man complex. im obsessed with this man but he is rude to strangers in public bc he thinks you'll think it's hot when really he's just embarrassing you. he also manspreads severely.
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he has a weird amount of back hair which isn't a problem itself because it's just the human body except he tries to shave it by himself so now his back is just weird uneven patches of hair and he insists he doesn't need help. he also mansplains really bad
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gives unprovoked and backhanded compliments all the time for literally no reason, also uses large amounts of your nice soaps
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i genuinely cant think of any icks for him i love him so much he's perfect sorry. his ick is that he cannot make a mistake ever
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he moans like a fucking blobfish. he also always has a tummy ache because he's a grown man who consumes too much dairy, and he gets indigestion and is always BURPING. watches family guy at full volume and cackles at it
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can only fall asleep if bluey is on
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he leads you on and then rejects you, then after a few months hits you up again acting like nothing happened
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constantly tells people 'actually, that's DR to you'
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he talks down to you like a child sometimes and insists on doing tasks for you not out of the goodness of his heart but because he's convinced you'll do it wrong by his standards
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he only listens to rap music and thinks you don't know who tupac is. every gift he gets you is stolen from the dollar store
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does the 'he ain't got no money' hold
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he captions all of his instagram posts with emo quotes because it's not a phase, y/n. it could literally be your wedding photos and it would say 'ILL BURN YOUR NAME INTO MY THROAT I'LL BE THE FIRE THAT WILL CATCH YOU' and just ruin everything
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he has skid marks lol, he at least has no personality icks if that helps. idk this one's pretty bad but at least it can be fixed. he'd sob if you brought it to his attention though
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he does not regularly shower and it's noticeable. he also stockpiles dirty dishes, like deadass never brings them back to the kitchen. he'd also just throw the rest of his food away instead of putting it up because 'he doesn't like leftovers'
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throws basement shows at his grandmas house and doesn't stop if there's a fight in the audience
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leahivr · 1 year
ʷʰᵃᵗ ⁱ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ᵐʰᵃ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ᵒⁿ ᵗⁱᵏᵗᵒᵏ
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characters: bakugo, deku, todoroki, denki, kirishima, uraraka, mina, and jirou warnings: swearing summary: what i think mha characters would post on tiktok
definitely would post him playing drums or something. or would post if he was pissed or smth. after class he would go to a bathroom stall and turn on his camera and vent he would be like "tell me why dunce face aka denki if u don't know thinks its sooo fu-king funny (insert creepy ass giggle and moment of silence.) when i say the wrong answer in class... who does he think he is?! DENKI IF UR WATCHING THIS FU-K YOU, YOU DUMB FU-K!!! deff would post something like that. i feel like he wouldn't post often tho.
example 1 he'd be playing with more aggression tho
he would say something like this
idk why i feel like deku is a guy who secretly loves skincare. so i feel like sometimes he would post men skincare vids or smth like that. he's more like a reposter though. he would also post the most uplifting motivational tiktoks. he would say smth like "once... i was a reject i was quirkless no one liked me, and neither did my classmates. but i knew who i wanted to be! i wanted to be a hero! someone who saves people lives. someone's hope when they don't have any! and one man who had faith in me helped me succseed. so the message of today is to keep trying no matter how hard life gets!!" he would probably say something better than that but u get the idea hopefully.
example 1
example 2
i hate to say it, and im sorry to the todoroki luvers but bro wouldn't have tiktok, if he did then he probably wouldn't use it or just reposts the weirdist sh2t like "top 10 prettiest places in the world." but thats my just my opinion&lt;3
im sorry he would repost this
he would totally be the new mr.prada and baylen of tiktok. if u don't know who that is hes one of those funny relatable tiktokers. or does those tiktok dances and stuff. records school fights and posts them and the caption saying "that one was crazy fr bro should be in the wwe👀💪🏻."
example 1
example 2
would be the baylen levine of tiktok with denki. baylen is like those ppl that play pranks in store. he would deff do the stupid stuff with denki and force bakugo to come along. i feel like he would do protein shake tutorials he would be like "this is how to make a chocolatey protein shake🤓🤯" and bro would actually be kinda profesional abt it. if he's not doing that then he would be posting gym tiktoks.
example 1
example 2
exclusive one him and denki would do this fr
would post cute grwm's aka get ready with me. or like how to style a basic tank or something cute like that. and she would play the cutest music in the background too. like cupid, or like taylor swift. idk why i feel like shes a swiftie . or she would do lip sinking to like song she likes and eats it up everytime. idk shes the type to be tiktok famous imo.
example 1
example 2
i love her so much!!! anyways she would post dancing tiktoks with the girls uraraka tsuyu jirou and momo. or cute hairstyles for girls with short hair, and deff fashion tiktoks. she would also do like the funny realatable tiktoks too.
example 1
example 2
would diffently post sped up audious and her faviorte music. or like "if u like this artist u would like this one." i feel like she would post the sad real tiktoks the ones that make u cry at like 4:30 in the morning. also she would post clothing tiktoks with uraraka and the music in the background would be immaculate.
example 1
example 2
i would appreciate i u share what u think the would post and tell me if u want a part 2 and tell me the characters<33
but ofc u don't have too
have a good day/night!!!
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mooniladragon · 24 days
1 for every time you reblogged that post
the signless
haha Uh Oh. this is gonna be long. putting it under a cut.
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this is the post in question. putting for reference (so i dont have to flip between this and my gallery a bunch)
also this post will be a formatting mess. be warned.
fave thing about them? idk really. dirk is my favorite character. actually? probably design. yeah i like his design :)
least favorite thing? uhhh hm. idk this question is gonna be tough every time. i have a hard time picking least favorites. wait no i got this one. hes kinda relatable :/
favorite line? also a tough question. theres a lot of good ones. i think "2024. The last free election the world would ever see." is up there though
idk what a brotp is. cant risk swapping apps and losing the whole post so this question will be skipped.
otp? i like dirkjake. they have such a Dynamic (most of the shipping ones are gonna have pretty milquetoast answers. i dont do a lot of shipping really)
notp? uhhh idk dude idrc
random headcanon? um. hmm. he would enjoy heathers the musical i think
unpopular opinion? i dont know whats popular really sorry guys :/// this is gonna be a common answer for this question.
song associated? oh no by marina. (unknown if diamonds are included. im dumb) it has the vibes i guess
fave picture?
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i turned it into an emoji on my discord server. extremely usable 10/10 would recommend
fave thing? i also like his design. favorites are reeeeally hard though so idk
least fave thing? uhm. difficult again. cant answer :/ ohhh wait hes kinda relatable too :///
favorite line? the jupiter thing from act 1. really funny and also referenceable
brotp skipped
otp? i like davekat. boring i know, but again, dynamics good :thumbsup: also its funny
notp skipped too
headcanon? he would like hamilton. lots of musical theater headcanons here but its like one of five things i think about so :/ sorry
opinon skipped
song? telekinesis by lemon demon. it just feels right
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good panel
fave thing? i like her design too
least fave thing? i dont like her. just in general. but i get why people do like her. i get it i just dont that much. she does have the Complex Character Appeal, however.
fave line? uhm uh uhh hm. i dunno guys
brotp skipped
otp? vrisrezi as a Fucked Up Messy Relationship. they are messed up
notp? idk again
headcanon? if she were a human highschooler shed be one of those asshole drama kids. as opposed to the normal ones. i think that makes sense? idk i can picture the type of person in my mind
song? world burn from mean girls i guess idk
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no caption necessary. its just funny
fave thing? at this point everyone knows im a sucker for a good design. which she has.
least fave thing? i still cannot answer these questions properly. i think i know the reason now too. i think most things that could qualify for like.. a "bad trait" to me just makes them more interesting, so i dont count it as a negative. huh. not really related to roxy though i just wanted to write that down
favorite line? the miss zuipperpips bit maybe? i dunno its late and my computer is dead and i cant risk swapping apps :( sorry :(
brotp skipped again :pensive:
otp? okay i like callierox. plus john. i think thats fun (not sure about what the ship name for the three of them is tho)
notp? time to say that i only kind of half knoe what a notp is anyway. anyway idk again
headcanon? she would enjoy wings of fire. terezi would too but this isnt about her
song? fine by lemon demon. its fun! it has roxy vibes to me. maybe not the best candidate, but i cant check my playlists rn either :(
opinion skipped so much that i put it in the wrong spot
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party hat roxy!!!! woo!!
the signless:
fave thing? idk i dont really think about the ancestors that much. design ig
least fave thing? again nothing to report.
fave line? does he have any????
brotp, otp, and notp skipped because i have no opinions
headcanon? idk if he read warriors i think he would have mixed feelings about moth flight.
song? idk i dont have a playlist for him
opinion skipped
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we are going to beat you to death
congrats on making it all the way through. you get a little gold star sticker. good job.
i love receiving asks! keep it up. this did take a long time to write though because: 1. i am Bad at Formatting and 2. Typing on Mobile is Hard. (also 3. It was Bedtime and I Couldn't Use my Computer)
thanks for the ask!!
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dannywashere · 1 year
This is my first ask and all so I'm sorry if it's ass but ummm I guess some thoughts on rvnb00 cause I've been thinking of power bottom rvnboo for SO LONG YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! But everything I see is about him being a bottom WHICH I LOVE DON'T GET ME WRONG! BUT! ALSO BUT!! I'm very here thinking of him riding some of s00ry b0ys when he was a cop in that one episode OR them being a fem dom where they are dressed in lingerie. do you have any thoughts on that or am i stupid to ask that🥲 have a nice day i guess bye💕
SHUT UP. I HAVE NO THOUGHT ON THIS. SHUT UP. All of my writing was just gone in a flash, I had 7 paragraphs. 7 PARAGRAPHS. AND I WASNT EVEN DONE.
sorry, I’ll give you like a summary
while crying
So my thoughts on the S0rry thing, Rvnboo was a slut, his outfit and all. Tight jeans, crop top, all of it. But what caught my eye was the scene where Rvnboo and Charl1e switched around, like, they had to get dressed infront of each other, like, there was a cut when he started to, wonder what that’s about. And the two had fun with the gunplay and the cop and criminal roles, Charl1e thought he was the Dom at first until Rvnboo switched it around, telling him he had to earn the role of a cop, he rode him after standing up and telling him to sit with his legs spread. He called him a good boy and all, calling him sheriff aswell, until he came, Charl1e was confused, he dint get to cum. And Rvnboo gave him the embarrassment of going out on his own with the boner, throwing the clothes at his face, putting his own on and walking out like nothing happened. Then I’m not gonna go into detail again but he was seducing wilbvr and they all fucked afterward. Like always
then the lingerie.
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Wilbvr was at an event when he sees texts from rvnboo, pictures and videos on Snapchat with the caption “come home soon ;)” he looks at the video first, not expecting the moans and words to come out, he had his phone at full volume, he quickly turned it off and lowered his volume before watching and seeing the pictures, he knew his texts was an order. He got home to Rvnboo with a buttplug with a pink heart on it, and his dick hanging from the gap on the bottom, Rvnboo pinned the desperate boy to the bed, grinding back and forth on his boner as he fucked his dick into Wilbvrs hand, loosely wrapped around his dick. He flips them both to the side and orders Wilbvr to fuck his thighs and jack him off, and he gladly does, Rvnboo doesn’t let him cum until he does, but he does anyway, he couldn’t hold it, and it showed from his desperate whining and begging. “P-please Rvnboo I- I can’t.. I can’t.” he said, fucking his thighs desperately, wanting to cum badly and Rvnboo not letting him, all while making him keep a quick pace. “Please- Rvnboo- Im gonna cum. Rvnboo, cumming- fuck~!!” he let out a whine as he came between his thighs, panting as he knew he was going to get a punishment. Ranboo ended up tying his hands and ankles together and put a vibrator on his dick for a full two hours, not giving him a break as he non-stop came, squirmed and moaned next to Rvnboo, who was watching a movie on their tv, the screen being the only light in the room as Wilbvr begged for it to stop, he couldn’t help but let him after 1 hour and 30 minutes hit, he saw the tears streaming down as he hiccuped and sobbed between pleads, the vibrator wasn’t even on a high level and that’s what told him he needed to let him stop. Wilbvr was such a subby top in his opinion, he could say the exact opposite about himself. He was a power bottom with cute lingerie on. What more could wilbvr ask for?
also I appreciate the lot of you that send in asks, they motivate me.
and you, I don’t know what to call you. But I admire your work and talent. Mostly your drawings.
and I’m glad you sent your ask, and I’m proud of you darling <33 there’s no need to be nervous at all while sending one in, at least on my page, everyone’s welcome. Mostly. LMAO, but ofc you are <33
I also love your art you should draw like all the time yup.
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idledreams4 · 1 month
Im trying to read this article talking about Jensen's involvement in the Rust trials, and I want to take this seriously but every picture of Jensen is actually just pictures of Dean 😭 plus this one random Soldier Boy pic
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like y'all
That's Michael!Dean, random picture of Dean with a gun that could be any given episode, Michael!Dean again, and Cowboy!Dean from when him and Sam went back in time for the Pheonix ashes
And then Soldier Boy
I can understand why you would use those pictures with the context of the article, but if you want to be taken seriously as a journalist and not look like a fanboy: consider using pictures of Jensen on the Rust set (if you have/can get any), pictures from the trial, hell recent pictures of him just out and about if you have to, literally ANYTHING other than supernatural.
And the section about his other work? Unnecessary.
Sorry I'm just critiquing this poor guy's article now
But yeah, the section that talks about Jensen's other work isn't relevant to the article. If you were discussing it with the context of the scheduling conflicts that caused him to leave Rust, that would be one thing, but the fact he was on Supernatural and The Boys wasn't relevant to the article. Not with the way it was done.
If the title is "Jensen Ackles' Prop Involved In Rust Shooting Trial" you give context for the trial, you explain how Jensen and his prop were involved, and you explain how things will look moving forward for Jensen, the other parties involved, the trial overall, and the film itself. (Which was done, more or less)
If you wanted to give context to who Jensen was by discussing his past roles, you would do that when you explain his involvement. The first sentence would be something to the effect of "Jensen Ackles, known best for starring in the long running CW show Supernatural and his more recent role on Amazon's The Boys, was also on set the day this tragic incident took place...."
And if you wanted to talk about what scheduling conflicts caused him to leave Rust, you would include that at the end where you talk about what's next. (Which the writer did not do, for the record. He simply mentioned Jensen had to leave due to scheduling conflicts.)
In my opinion, the structure of the article should have been like this:
Section 1: the shooting
Who was involved? What happened? When did the shooting take place? Where did the shooting take place?
Section 2: the trial
What parties are being prosecuted? What are the charges? What are the arguments coming from the defense? What evidence has been submitted? Etc.
Section 3: a closer look at Jensen's involvement
Who is Jensen Ackles? How was he involved in this? Is he facing any charges?
Section 4: moving forward
This is where I'd talk about the trials being dismissed, if the film is still happening despite the shooting, if any charges have stuck/will stick, and Jensen leaving Rust because he had other commitments
And then let's talk about photo placement
The author had a photo at the top of every section in their article, nothing wrong with that, the format is totally up to the author. But none of the photos were captioned, and for the most part irrelevant to what the section was talking about.
So if we followed my structure, but kept the author's format: here's what photos I would use, and when.
Section one: a photo of the gun Baldwin fired, captioned as such
Section two: photos of each of the defendants, captioned with their names, and photos throughout from the trials to support what is being discussed in this section
Section three: a recent photo of Jensen at the top of the section, captioned with his name, the date it was taken, and the location or event (if known). Then after the introduction, a photo of Dean and/or Soldier Boy, captioned with the appropriate character's name, the season and episode number it was taken from, and, ideally (though this I could take or leave), the year the episode aired
Section four: headline with a promotional photo from the film, and include any appropriate photos when discussing how things look for Alec Baldwin, Jensen Ackles, Hannah Guttierez-Reed, and anyone else who was brought up in the course of the article
Side not about captions: All photos should be properly credited to the photographer who took them, and screen caps should be captioned with the show name, season, and episode number (as I said) or, if it was being done for a more professional site, properly cited using MLA formatting.
But I don't do this professionally or anything, journalism is just a hobby, so maybe the author knows better than me *shrug*
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httpiastri · 3 months
maybe he’s afraid of being seen as a bad driver or whatever but cmon look at how christian (thank u for bringing him up bc i love talking abt him and pepe) did it? and look at how pepe has worded his captions on instagram to not blame anyone even if it could’ve been their fault?
it’s so easy to talk about a situation without blaming anyone, and in can be done in a manner that doesn’t attack or criticise others— and doing so is not going to immediately downplay what has happened, so you can still say “yeah i had a shitty day today,” but at least its not “i had a shitty day because of YOU”
yeah and that one insta story where pepe congratulated a new guy for joining mari boya’s team —> idk but to me i just think it says a lot abt character that hadjar won’t even acknowledge the efforts of his own team
the one thing that actually angers me is his lack of consideration for his team’s feelings and his lack of gratitude (on a personal level, those are also things that i dislike the most so this is just 😶)
you’re an F2 driver, but it doesn’t make you better than your team in any way?? like at all
like your team has actively chosen to spend days and weeks away from family and home just to work on YOUR car, what makes you think they aren’t even trying??
- 🪷
yeah god it frustrates me so much
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THIS (^^^^) is the way to go!!!! support your team and they will support you back!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry if i bring up paul too much but im a bit biased here... but he's insistent on saying "we" in a way that it makes me a little stupid sometimes. HOWEVER, it does have a point; you understand that it's you and the team at all times. you are one.
he has a bad strategy call from the engineers? "we made a choice that didn't work out". paul makes a mistake (last race) that costs him a possibly win? "we simply didn't execute as well as we could have".
but it's ALWAYS "we did what we could today" or "sorry that i couldn't do better because we had a lot of pace". and well...
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quite a difference to isack's caption, huh? 🙃 my point: it's not that hard to be kind (to not be an idiot, i mean)!!
like yes i understand being scared of looking like you're a bad driver, but dude... everyone can see it.... and if you don't want anyone to see what you're doing, you've chosen the wrong sport lol? team sports (as i would consider this) is special in that way that ofc it's a team effort, but it can also be individual in a way. an individual team player can ruin everything for the team, but they can also be the star and save the day. you depend so heavily on your team, but again, you're all in it together.
in an individual sport, you're the only one behind your success, but you also only have yourself to blame. in a team sport, you're all responsible for the win, but you also all take part of the blame. isack is trying to make it look like he's in an individual sport where someone on the outside is sabotaging him, and he has no idea what he's doing
your last part is soooo important, these engineers and everyone sacrifice sooo much time and energy and life on you, and this is how you repay them??? oh go home
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inkedmyths · 2 years
S1: E12 "Faith"
Brought to you by Crepe bribing me with Flight Rising money
[ Kayla asks if it was worth it to sell your soul to capitalism. Crepe said yes. I agree. I may have to endure on but now I have more money for my dragons. This will, unfortunately, always work on me. ]
Cuz you gotta have faith-uh faith-uh faith-uh
Oh we're starting out with the Winchesters? No mysterious deatb if some random person?
[ Kayla interjects with Carry On My Wayward Son. I get flashbacks to playing it on repeat when I initially began this journey. ]
Oooough closeeeet Dean I'm sure you're scared of that
[ Kayla asks Crepe if Dean does any homoeroticism in S1 aside from being too happy about getting pinned to a car. Crepe says no. This does not matter to me, I will make the joke anyways. ]
There are children! Hello children!
Ew what is that
UH Dean buddy that canNOT be healthy
Hi Dean! You look like shit!
Dean you are too chill with your mortality but also Sam is WAY too not chill about it
Sam. Sam no
I mean I know Dean is still sround for however many fucking seasons but
Why are you both stupid
[ Kayla says this is the parentified child vs child he parentified effect. Which. Yeah fair. ]
Dean: Sam what kinda crazy religion place are you bringing me to
[ Kayla says that he's a whore and to leave him alone. That the sluttiest thing a man can do is be an older brother. Kayla is this some kind of kink for you. ]
LAUGHING im sorry watching Dean get throwm on the spot. Poor dumbass
Go up Dean this is your personal hell now
[ Crepe says no, wrong season. Lovely. ]
Dean having that face that I feel so deeply in my soul whenever someone tries to preacg Christianity to me
FUCKING. HAND AGAINST HIS HEAD poor Dean's face shshshs
Oh. Oh my god it traded his life for his
O h n o
This is interesting and good but its also so fucking spooky the vibes
Ohhhh something. Something wanted Dean to live.
[ Kayla and Crepe go back and forth about how Supernatural is technically a horror show, though this is dropped somewhat in later seasons. What the fuck did I get myself into. ]
What the fuck is up w/Layla (Leilah?)
Oh :( poor girl
And Dean was the one who got healed so he's :((
"Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter?" man
Dean's like 😟
Chick in the woods? Girl whats up?
Girl is abt to die for this old guy
The music shdhdhdhsh
Thats pretty banger ngl. Whats this song anywas.... Death In The Valley?
SCREAMS the guy handing out pamphlets "Roy is a fraud"
Dean: Amen brother
Sam: You keep up the good work!
Man: Thank you
God its so interesting storywise but also the vibes are Upsetting
Sam committing breaking and entering all by himself good for him
GOOOOOD SHIT FUCK nooo i dont wanna watch anymore I don't like confrontation and oough BAD VIBES
Im turning on captions hold on
Noooooooooooo besties I Cannot
Guys this is UPSETTING
I keep pausing 😭
I'm like stop starting bc I would rather read than hear WHASGSFAFAF
[ Crepe is grinding in Coliseum on Flight Rising to pay me more so I watch more. I can't tell if I'm genius for this or not. ]
Oh the poor guy screaming and Sam being like WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT
Oh I stopped started so much Netflix crashed LMAO
Hrrrgh yeah yeah ok compelling but I want to crawl up a tree
Oh shes still praying
Ohhh its his wife.... his wife couldn't stand to lose him.... oh.......
"God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." hey who gave this show the right
[ Kayla says "Remember when I told you this show was sometimes really good?" I tell her to fuck off. She says I'm only proving her point. I call her a bitch. This has no effect. ]
A+ plan buddy
Godddd the vibes are so ick and tragic but man
Dean buddy get ready to run again
"The Lord chose me" NO IT FUCKIN DIDN'T
Sams gonna like smack her huh
Oh that Reaper did NOT like being bound
Something something metaphor for controlling death
Winchester Patented Guilt Complex
Oh she still has faith even when she's got a bad diagnosis :(
; - ;
So like Dean Winchester Aetheist Extraordinaire saying "I'm not much of a praying type... but I'll pray for you" is something that can be so personal actually
Don't. Don't touch me go away
Fuck you guys for making me watch this show I'm tearing up I hate you all
In conclusion: OKAY DEAN WINCHESTER LIKERS MAYBE I GET IT. But also fuck off fuck all of you I hate it here goddamn you AUGH I WASNT EXPECTING TO TEAR UP OVER THIS FUCK YOOOOOOOU
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noctualagenaria · 1 year
Choose violence 1-25
all in one? ok you asked for it buddy
1) the character everyone gets wrong
- most if not all of the men, even itto he is Not a himbo im sorry hes literally a twunk,, or as much of a twunk as hoyo can make them hes also jus awful in general 2) a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom - my top fave is baizhu and he's 100% a switch hes both at the same time so this is difficult for me to argue-- alhaitham and ayato however !!! paragraph incoming sorry--
alhaitham is 100% a bottom not because he wants to be but because he doesnt wanna put any work into the act, he just wants others to do things to him, others doing the work for him basically dfsfsd so ofc that reflects here ( also flushed alhatiham expression >>>)
ayatoooo isss s s s i think also a switch but i dont think too much abt it sjhdf he could be a service top and a power bottom at the Same Time 3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
-- every diluc x fem!reader im sorry they are all so bad and also the unironic use of "yandere!(guy)" is,,, never done right or like,,, isnt good sdfsdf at all 4) what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
-- there was this artist i found bc i wanted to look for more diluc artists, right, as one does ! and then after like a couple weeks of tolerating the chiluc bc it started to get on my nerves, they posted a komi cant communicate diluc au thing, and in the caption they had literally said "i thought it fitting considering diluc deserves to be worshipped <3" liKE DID YOU WATCH THE SHOW???? diD YOU PLAY THE GAME?? ?? ? diluc doesnt deserve that nor Want that and the show character komi has a mental illness that makes it awful its not something to be romantisiced at All and they were romantisicing it AND diluc like aughhhh
5) worst discord server and why
-- main genshin server or the keqing main one bc i think the main one jus is Hoyolab part two (derogatory) and the keqingmains is just meta fighting over numbers n shit orz orz orz
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
-- any and all popular ships but mostly the popular mlm shippers bc they are,,, practically if not Exactly ,,fujos basically (the popular wlw shippers are either Cis Het Men or also sapphic ppl 7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? -- itto for sure, tho the more i saw abt canon the more i hated him, i jus saw a buncha fanon that i hated so sdfsdf 8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about -- most if not all of them, most specifically kazuha/beidou family and zhongli/xiao family i fucking Hate that SO much because WHERE did it come from????? the infantalising short guys bitches??? fucking stop it
9) worst part of canon - ugh too much to fit here it could be a2 hour long video essay atp but mostly the colorism fucking Sucks 10) worst part of fanon -- also a lot, but the part that irks me the most is that No One thinks outside of the box, and im not pretending like im special or anything bc of certain things but like,,, at the mere mention of a rarepair they just go "oh no but i like (popular ship) better!" like ughhhhh stop it think differently 11) number of fandom-related words you've filtered - too many to count on twitter but here ive been spacing it out ;> 12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them - baizhu for SUREEEE and like look at the everything about him literally WHY after his release whyyyYyyYyyyYY is he STILLLLL unpopular why is he STILL lacking in fancontent im ehrgehrgeehrgere upsET 13) worst blorboficiation - childe,,,,, who made him a fuckboy 14) that one thing you see in fics all the time - they/them pronouns for baizhu ( not a bad thing but not rlly a good thing im getting sick of it a little bit ) 15) that one thing you see in fanart all the time - diluc with a Bow WHY 16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) - a LOT a fucking LOT mostly ships and the Collective Dynamic of the ships bc aughhh they are so boriinnnnnnggggggggggggggggg g g g g g and again the "found family" that comes out of NO WHERE
17) there should be more of this type of fic/art
-baizhluc 18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
-baizhu,,,,,, 19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
-,,,,,, tighnari-- and i used to absolutely HATE him bc the voice was so just IRked me so Badly it rubbed me the complete wrong way and ruined the character for me, yes i play in eng and ever since the recasting my view of him is much nicer now he doesnt irk me anymore 20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
-ayatos story quest he deserved better still 21) part of canon you think is overhyped
-,,,,,raiden and yae content 22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
-- the fact that diluc is 1) BANNED from snehnyaha 2) got WASTED in snezhnya 3) was part of a secret underground organization WE STILL know NOTHING about??? it was never brought up again and 4) Killed his Own Father out of his misery 23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
-uhhhh is i bad i dont know, 24) topic that brings up the most rancid discourse -- "are kaeya and diluc brothers " and to that i say they are exes fuck both sides of the argument 25) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
--"genshin fans need to touch grass" "genshin fans are the worst fandom ever" literally look at every other fandom, any big hit anime fandom ,, (ahem mha) are like 100x worse then genshin fans, like yeag we're ruthless sometimes sure and will chew each other out thanks to most of the fanbase being on twitter of all places but we wont put glass in cupcakes
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gemsofthegalaxy · 2 years
Im sorry the psychic damage i took from hearing Ryan state that he thinks Jim and Pam from the Office started shipping. Nobody told him about star trek???
These boys were utterly disgraceful when it comes to the shipping top 5. Tbh the only props I'm giving was Shane putting Reylo on his list. Ive never seen any star wars ever, i just think it was funny and bold of him.
Also they spelled Castiel and Destiel wrong in the captions like my GOD tumblr you have one job gsjsgks.
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harryfeatgaga · 1 year
welp i guess i’ll tell everyone about what’s going on in my life since we’re bored it’s definitely going to make me sound like a bitch since it’s been like two weeks since i graduated but i’m still pissed at this girl who i was working on a semester long final project with like she literally suggested the topic of our project and was like “yeah i’m super passionate about this issue and i’ll do most of the work” in january which was super cool because i was super straight up had told her beforehand i was taking 5 classes and worked a full time job and i’m taking care of my family and stuff and if she wanted a different partner i’m okay with telling the professor and changing but she was okay with it and i worked on it consistently but when it came down to the last two months and i asked her why she hasn’t even started her part she kept on being like “oh i’ll work on it when i get home” or “i’ll look at the google doc” etc and then conveniently she decided to foster cats in may and told the professor that she wouldn’t be available to come in and didn’t want to work on the project anymore because she didn’t like the topic EYE (allegedly aka a lie) had picked while still fully messaging me telling me that she was working on it on a separate google doc and that she was still committed to the project and stuff so that when i brought it up to our professor (who i admire and contacted earlier for a letter of recommendation from) i looked fucking crazy and controlling in front of because he straight up said “why are you asking me about her? she’s not doing the project anymore and she told you that” and dismissed me and he later emailed me telling me that he no longer wanted to give me a letter of recommendation because of how i “acted out” and was “being demanding” and “not sensitive to my partner’s situation” (aka fostering cats) and told his friend/professor that i had asked for my second letter of recommendation from to NOT write it for me and i know that because she literally copy-pasted the email HE sent to me even though i literally have done nothing wrong and worst of all the cat bitch literally asked me at the beginning of the semester to follow her on THREE instagram accounts and i feel guilty and can’t force myself to unfollow them even though one of them is a “portfolio” for the major that we’re both in for the class that we met in and she keeps posting pictures of her cats on the “portfolio” account with captions like “i haven’t had any time to work on anything because of these cute kitties” LIKE ARE YOU INSANE like i like cats i think they’re cute but also you cannot be serious fostering cats is not that much of a time commitment also this is the only class she is taking she “runs her own business” (she makes a cake a month when she goes to her hipster friend’s parties i know because i follow THAT instagram too) and has a family that pays for everything for her (she openly admitted this) plus she’s ten years older than me like (22 and 32) and has been at the same community college since she was 18 like she needs to get serious quick
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sunookkii · 3 years
hey i know request are closed but this idea just got stuck in my mind and i wanted you to write sum about it if you like it 😭 so basically its an enha reaction/scenario ? where they forget your birthday, (maybe not in a bad way but i dont mind if its angst) hope ur good btw !! <3
a/n : OMG WAIT SRY TO ALL THE OTHER REQUESTS BUT THIS ONE FOR SUM REASON REALLY STUCK OUT TO ME i hope you enjoyyy ;) also I wrote so much I’m so sorry- [not really read proof~]
Also i am well ty for asking >.<
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Enhypen forgetting your bday~
Genre : angsty ish
Warnings : mentions of food, crying, one swear word??
Requested : yes ty beautiful person ;)
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Heeseung :
Okay okay so its your birthdayyy and you were really excited for what to happen because you wanted to see what kind of surprise your boyfriend did for your birthday
But to your luck he forgot :(
So you spent all day giving him hints like ‘what day is it’ and at one point you gave up and started pouting really hard
And your face was just overall sad everyone else had remembered your birthday including the members, but for your boyfriend to forget it lowkey hurt
Almost half the day passed and he still didn’t remember
So you ended up going into the room by yourself and started to cry
Your whimpers got louder and louder even though you were trying your best to stay quiet so he doesn’t hear
A few minutes past by and heeseung started looking for you because he sensed something was wrong.
He looked on the calendar really really carefully and FINALLY he came to his realization that it was your birthday but it was kinda too late cuz you hid yourself in your room to cry.
He came into your room to wish you a happy birthday but he sees you curled up into a ball crying to yourself
He hugs you so tight as if your life depended on it, won’t leave you out of his sight for the rest of the day. You’ll be hearing a lot of hbds and ilys for the rest of the day~
^ so yeah 🤕
Jay :
I feel like it’s rare that he forgets these type of dates buut for the sake of tumblr lets pretend he completely forgot 😧
You woke up in a great mood because it was your birthday of course
You were expecting to be receive a hbd wish from your boyfriend, but nope nothing all morning.
You received a bunch of hbd wishes on Instagram and other platforms mentioning you, but none of them were from jay :(
You quickly got frustrated and because it was your birthday and your bf the person you love most didn’t remember really hurt
So gradually your face became wet from heated silent tears. But unlike heeseung he would super quickly notice because he’s on his phone a lot and he dates things like ‘y/ns bday’ (idk but I imagine him dating things on his phone)
He’d then be like OH SHIT ITS YN’s BD
Runs to you soooooo quick just to see your face red and a bit wet.
Once your eyes connected your tears started to come out quicker
After he said that he ran away from you leaving you alone, which made your heart drop thinking that he didn’t care.
But once you finally came out of your room you were greeted with a homemade delicious cake your boyfriend made for you that looked like this
You could tell he felt really bad bc usually he always had a smile on his face while cooking but this time it was a ‘I’m sorry’ face
“I’m really really sorry please forgive me”
All was forgiven bc the cake tasted so mf ing good
Jake :
It was your birthday today, a day that only came once a year so like any other human being it’s a special day for you
You were super excited to see what Jake did for you, because every birthday you had with him was always such a surprise
But today was sort of… different? :(
You saw jake in the living room on the tv and went straight up to him with a smiley face. “GOOODMORNINGGG” 😁
After cuddling for a while on the couch you lifted up your head and asked him If he knew what day it was, he just replyed with a simple Wednesday? With a confused face
I’m pretty sure that one word was enough to make you pretty upset 😅🥲
You started to pout and went back into his chest with a disappointed face.
“Ahh what what, what day is it tell me?” He said playfully, not realizing it was your birthday.
You stayed silent as he checked his phone, ‘y/n’s birthday don’t forget’
When i tell you he gasped he GASPED.
You were already in the verge of tears “IM SO SORRY HBD BABY”
You were still a bit upset at him so you replied with ‘did you really need your phone to tell me what day it was’ 😕
He hugs you tighter while mumbling ‘hbd hbd hbd’
Suddenly let you go of his arms and said he had an errand. Without any explanation he got his car keys to go somewhere leaving you and your thoughts by yourself.
‘Does he not love me anymore that he doesn’t even want to spend time with me on my birthday? ☹️😭”
A while later he comes back and you’re luckily still on the couch where he left you
^^this dude came back with three beautiful cakes from your local cake stores. “I’m bacccckkkk!! please forgive meeeee you know i love you with all my heart 🥺” (okay i hate to use this emoji but there isn’t any other way to describe it TT)
You obviously forgave him because you know it was never his intention to forget,,, “you owe me hugs and kisses for the rest of the day :(“ kindly accepts your request because that is something he’d never complain about #freecuddlesfromyn
Sunghoon :
Okay but like hear me out he’s the type of boyfriend that would ‘pretend’ he forgot your birthday but he actually didn’t
So when he ACTUALLY forgot you just thought he was joking until…
“Hooonieeee, stop joking around I’m seriouss”
“I’m serious too i seriously don’t know what day it is”
You leave him for a bit alone with his thoughts, not even gna lie if he did end up forgetting your bday it would take him a while to remember it
But once he remembers he feels so bad 😭
Tackles you with so many hugs and bday kisses and showers you with I’m sorrys and hbd wishes
genuinely ask himself how he forgot the lohls birthday (love of his life’s) literally beats himself for it
And you have to tell him that it’s fine and that you forgive him~
Brings out the birthday cake and sings you a happy birthday song while clapping and laughing.
Puts cake on your nose
Sunoo :
Idk if he’s the type to forget but like jay I don’t think he’d forget
I feel like to him birthdays are the MOST special thing/ date for a person
Like obviously the rest of the members think that but especially sunoo really like sticks to this
So if he had forgotten your birthday you were sooo hurt you ignored him the whole day keeping your distance until he finally remembered
Once he remembered he went to go find you ASAP where you were hiding int he corner of the bedroom moping
He showers you with hugs cuddles kisses pecks, you name it he does it
He feels so bad that he could forget smtg like this, literally asks himself how he could forget such an important date
If the convenience store was still open he’d run to the nearest store and surprise you with a birthday cake. But not just any cake it’d be a cake that was decorated by the one and only Kim Sunoo
Would prepare it so nicely and even have a lit up candle so you can wish on it.
the type to surprise you with it even though he forgot. Brings it to your room while singing the hbd song.
Puts cake frosting on your nose #2, takes lots and lots of pictures to post on insta later
caption : “happy birthday sunshine~”
Jungwon :
he was on the couch as per usual just scrolling through his phone to keep himself occupied but also updated
Not knowing what day it was,,,,,,,
you come outside of your bedroom excitedly to expect a wishful happy birthday wish from the person you love most
But for some reason it oddly seemed like a normal day
“Wonnniiieee my loveeee, guess what day it is!” You said with a sheepish smile
“Hmm wednesday?” He said looking up at you with a calm face
Your happy smile soon became a little pout
“You really don’t know?”
“Isn’t it just a regular Wednesday? Why is there something special?”
oh my- he broke your heart right then and there
You run back into your room because you feel heated tears about to fall, even though it was something small the thought of him not remembering your birthday the day of your birth hurt. A little.
Jungwon was actually super clueless he genuinely didn’t know what day it is but something about you seemed off and the way you ran to your room was quite odd to him so he went and followed you
Before he opened the door he already heard small whimpers from the corner of the bed, and that immediately triggered him and he was about to beat up anyone that made you feel sad 😠 little did he know it was him who made you feel that way
“Baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying”
He holds your chin and turns it to get a better look
wiping your tears with his thumb, you were being a dramatic his giggles make you feel a bit better even though you were mad at him for forgetting
“You forgot my birthday.” You said to him while crying
You can literally see the gears in his brain start to turn when his face went from 😄 -> 😳
“IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY” hugs you so tight that you literally can’t breathe
Doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better, “I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday, I don’t really know what got into me, please forgive me.”< cue the cutest kitty puppy eyes
He kept on rambling on abt how he was sorry and deserves your forgiveness you literally had to shut him up, he was sorry please forgive him >~<
Cuddles you for the rest of the day
Niki :
He was playing video games normally on his phone, until you excitedly stormed into his room “hiiiii babbbbyyyy”
“Well someone is happy today :)”
“Well of course bc u know what day it isss ;)”
😧😦 < that’s what you looked like when he didn’t know, “you really don’t remember?”
“hmm I’m not too sure” he said before going back to his game
you slowly became disappointed and just ‘celebrated’ your birthday by yourself in the kitchen. :,((
he didn’t notice that you were sad at first bc he was busy playing on his phone, around an hour later he went to the kitchen to get a snack when he sees you in the kitchen staring into space rested your chin on you arm.
‘Are you okay? You seemed fine earlier’
You decided to play the silent game and just avoided him... so he tried to get you to talk to him but after a while it didn’t work so he sort of gave up and went to ask his hyungs what’s wrong with you.
“Niki,,, it’s y/n’s birthday omg did you forget??????” Jake said texting niki
and that’s when the lightbulb in his brain turned on
He rushed to the kitchen and back hugged you so tight and gave you so many cheekie kissies to try and make up for ‘forgetting’
But to his luck you were still mad at him
Soooo he came up with the idea of going to the convenience store really quick to get you a bunch of flowers and a nice cake to surprise you~
You ended up forgiving him because he was tickling you threatening you to forgive him
N knowing Niki he’s not a person you can be mad at for long <3
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horrorlesbion · 7 years
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queer black sails characters + colours
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