#also in this au the timeline is different.
brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
Talon Dick via Tim AU
@hisaribi came up with the initial AU and helped flesh this idea out!
To start out, most of the timeline is the same up to just before Jason comes back as Red Hood. Here are the two main differences to the OG timeline:
Before Dick's parents died, the Court of Owls experimented slightly on Dick. He was a candidate they were considering for the Talon program. They injected him a few times to monitor results before deciding whether to initiate fully. They brainwashed him with some latent codes and were planning to take him after his parents' deaths. Obviously, Bruce stopped the second part of their plot. The codes and serum still existed in him as he grew up, though.
Tim's parents were invited to the Court of Owls. Due to their travels, though, they weren't able to meet membership requirements. Tim thus knew about the CoO but wasn't a part of it.
Here's where the timeline starts to diverge. Tim's been Robin for at least a year now. Bruce and Dick are somewhat talking again. Everything is okay (not necessarily great, but Tim hopes one day it could be).
Then Bruce causes Dick to die (dealer's choice on how deliberate it was).
A second son of Bruce (and perhaps the last child he actually considers as his own) dies. Obviously, this man tries to reenact his brutality boogie through Gotham.
Tim believes it's his fault that Bruce caused Dick to die (if Tim had done his self-assigned job better, if he had healed Bruce more, if he kept a tighter leash on that man, maybe Dick wouldn't have died).
The techniques Tim had used before to pull Bruce from that ledge aren't working. The teen is barely able to restrain the Batman's more violent tendencies. He's trying, in the midst of his own grief and self-blame, to do what he became Robin for. He's really really trying.
Tim, the lovely little rascal, gets the brilliant idea to use the CoO resources to bring Dick back to life. Perhaps he can fix his failures, prevent Bruce from drowning, and have his brother back.
It somewhat works.
Due to the shit in Dick's system before he died, more injections are able to receive Dick. It changes him, but he's alive. That's what Tim cares about.
Yet, the CoO find out about their shit being used and steal Dick away.
Tim then spends almost a year rescuing him from the CoO, trying to fix all the brainwashing, and reforming Dick's sense of identity. Dick isn't fully himself, he follows orders too readily, and he spends a lot of time dissociating. He has some physical traits of Talons, but he also has more autonomy and resistance than the others.
Tim can't quite present Dick as a fresh Talon to Bruce. That wouldn't work and might make Batman even more violent. Thus, Tim spends that year juggling his mentor and Dick's wellbeing. That poor kid is stressed and going through it (he's also fighting off the CoO alone and has to hide Dick). At the very least, Talon!Dick cares for Tim. They are close, and Tim gets showered in affection by the older one.
Unfortunately for the teen, a certain red helmet starts popping up in Crime Alley.
Jason is high key pissed at Bruce. He is raging and foaming at the mouth because Dick died (and no one but CoO and Tim know otherwise). Jason has let go of some of his hatred for Dick. He's able to remember the better times and that the man was his brother. They didn't have a perfect relationship, but they were siblings.
Bruce killed him (Jason's perspective on it regardless of how purposeful Bruce was in orchestrating Dick's death). Bruce killed Dick, the original Robin, and he's got a placeholder still prancing around in stoplight colors.
So, Jason goes to beat the shit out of Tim to prove to Bruce that he obviously can't protect anyone.
When he gets to Drake Manor guns blazing, a very angry and protective Talon!Dick starts beating the shit out of him. Only by the grace of Jason's helmet being removed mid-battle is Jason saved.
Later, when a cold Dick refuses to stop hugging Jason, Red Hood raises an eyebrow in Tim's direction and asks what the fuck is going on.
Tim wants to ask him the same thing.
More snippets for this AU:
Because Dick is immortal as a Talon, he's forever as he is. One day, all of his younger siblings will grow older than him
Jason and Tim will teach each other not to base so much of their life off of Bruce. From opposite ends of the spectrum (devotion vs malice), they base their choices, demeanor, and paths according to Bruce.
Dick oscillates between the two during their arguments about Bruce (especially due to his Talon state being more or less present)
Dick struggles with his memory. Both recent and pre-Talon memories can be harder to recall some days
Jason is chill with killing, but Dick despises it. He doesn't want to kill, but, due to his programming, he's been forced to.
When Dick is forced to follow an order, he has two reactions. He either blanks out and wakes up with no memory of what he's done, or he is mentally present the entire time as he screams at himself to stop :(
When Bruce gets lost in the timestream, Jason believes Tim. However, he wants Tim to let Bruce die
I think I covered everything we chatted about! If not, I'll add more ^^
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phantom-kicks · 1 day
Ken timeline :0
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I just wanted to draw a preppy and kid Ken but then I saw the opportunity to show Ken’s different phases in my AU
Nooo Ken what happened to your childlike cheerfulness after accepting yourself and overcoming your traumas noooooo T_T Shujin academy you will pay for this
Also yes Ken’s pre/post transfer look is based on the orange sweater vest and uniform combo everyone puts teenage Kens in lol we all agree he’d have that shit on
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somedecrepitcryptid · 6 months
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Ok hear me out... Samurai Morro.
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bigfatbreak · 6 months
What does Tom think of Emilie after meeting her?
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the only Agreste he's not massively disappointed with is Adrien himself. It's a good thing that's the only one he plans on sparing.
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the-meme-monarch · 8 months
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oh boy i sure hope this doesn’t ruin frisk’s perception of their place in the world and reveal horrible truths about the very nature of their existence and i really sure do hope this doesn’t cause them to perpetuate this cycle with beings deemed “less important” than they were
just kidding get strange someone’d idiot
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 84
Amity Park absolutely adores her little ghostling, her little Gatekeeper who was of her own ectoplasm, reborn from her own blood in the center of her new heart. She absolutely adores her baby, practically a newborn, being only a year dead! 
So of course she had to gush and boast about her little phantom to the other city spirits! They all got together to gossip sometimes after all. And both Smallville and Fawcett started to gush about their own little ones back! 
Gosh they should set up a playdate at some point, her little phantom could use some friends in the mortal realm. Well some more friends, three is obviously not enough. Oh, Gotham and Bludhaven have come over as well! It’s a playdate then! 
Now if only each of their world’s timelines were synced up, but at least everyone is around the same age! 
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soaked-ghost · 5 months
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sooooo I had the idea of nightmare being a merchant and I have a lot to say about it hihi (see tags)
(comic under cut cuz it was getting too long)
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yesokayiknow · 6 months
frequent questions i keep getting on the bigeneration au(s):
-why don't ten (point five) and eleven tear each other apart/beat each other to death with hammers/eat each other
eleventh hour starts like normal, since they can't exactly leave while the tardis is redecorating, and then rory's like but how can they be here?? how can the raggedy doctors be real?? they were a game?? you made me dress up like the funny one all the time?? and ten's like sorry what. the funny one? and rory's like yeah uh [points at eleven] the funny one and the uh. um. [looks at ten] the uh. hot one. and That's How It Starts. every single interaction is an opportunity to show eleven up. does he want to beat eleven to death after they've spent longer than an hour together yes of course but good god the spite of it all. the DRAMA. the whole of leadworth knows him as The Hot Doctor. the ponds and clara ADORE ten. they love him so much. like sure he's a massive dick but compared to eleven he's the nicest guy in the world. he's incredibly suave and incredibly smooth and is capable of dressing like a normal person and literally everyone keeps commenting on it. sometimes he goes off on his own just bc the ponds throw him a party when he comes back. eleven keeps trying to get him killed and he just keeps slipping out of danger and it drives eleven up the fucking wall
-why does twelve allow eleven to travel with them
he simply does not notice him. just constant white noise. he's not clara and therefore he's insignificant. the three of them keep going on trips and then clara and twelve leave before he gets back to the tardis and it's not even on purpose they just literally forgot he was there. one time they accidentally leave him in victorian london while visiting the paternoster gang and he gets a boat to new york and ends up spending ~50 years with the ponds and when he finally gets to modern day london a century later clara's like huh you look different did you change your coat. and then hell bent happens and twelve finally throws eleven out (eleven didn't get wiped and twelve isn't gonna live with that reminder) and eleven retaliates by showing up to every single one of his lectures. the only reason he isn't dead is because missy would definitely find out about it and twelve can't deal with how incredibly smug she'd be
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oblonger · 24 days
@sincerely-sofie I will try and make some more Shadow Virus or Body Swap AU chapters after this one. I promise. (Unless I have another good idea lol)
Grovyle is Tired
Keeping track of infinity is pretty difficult when the most formative years of your life were defined by finite things.
Grovyle walked through the ever-shifting, halls of the space between time. Yawning so hard that it made him feel light-headed.
Grovyle pulled out his notes from the satchel he wore. And yawned again. He irately pulled out a chesto berry to eat as well.
He stared at the notes while taking bites out of the berry. His vision was blurred from sleepiness, but it quickly dissipated as he took more bites of the disgusting, overripe fruit.
Ugh, he remembered a time when those were his favorites. But now he felt like puking whenever he even thought of the taste.
Still better than Lum berries.
He briefly reminisced of a time when his notes were much more specific. Diving into excruciating detail of when and ‘where’ timelines were located. Taking note of every possible danger he might face.
Nowadays, it was just a few, hastily written bullet points.
He figured he didn't need to write down the ‘where’ of the timelines, he only messed up one other time. And that also led to another timeline being fixed, so whatever.
This timeline had something written down about an apocalypse that turns mortals into mindless monsters? He didn't really care that much. It's just another job.
It's not something Grovyle likes. Far from it. He hates it.
It's rotten work, but it needs to be done.
Grovyle yawned again as he approximated where the timeline was. His thoughts briefly shifted to wondering if he could take a nap with how all the timelines in danger of crumbling have a while before he needed to fix them.
The passage between times opened. Grovyle stepped in, briefly thinking of sleep and of how Twig would take naps near him. Back when he wasn't a legend.
Grovyle stepped out. Late at night. His eyes took a moment to adjust.
He's standing near the entrance to Sharpedo Bluff. Right on the edge of Treasure Town.
But, things weren't what he expected. The town looked a lot bigger than what he would have expected from a timeline plunged into an apocalypse.
The passage closed behind him. The lack of a light source from it lent better to his vision.
In fact, from this far away, he could see lights in some of the windows.
He'd learned a long time ago to never assume anything, but seeing Treasure Town in a similar state to how it was when he left his original timeline, in a timeline that had supposedly been ruined beyond repair…
It didn't make any sense-
“Clover?” A soft, shaking voice asked behind him.
Grovyle's heart leapt in his chest. He spun around and was face-to-face with a mega Charizard.
Why was she mega evolved? Was she wanting to fight him? Why was her tail flame a dark maroon color? Were those spikes around her neck?
… Why were there tears in her eyes?
“Clover? Is- is that really you?” She asked. Her voice shaking, tears started streaming down her face.
He'd recognize her voice anywhere.
This is Twig. Or someone with Twig's voice at least.
Why did she look like this?
… On second thought that's not any of his business.
“Look. I'm-”
Grovyle barely got started when she bolted forward and wrapped him in a tight hug.
“Oh Arceus! I've missed you so much!" She sobbed.
Grovyle stood there for a moment, letting her hug him. Before he pushed her away.
Grovyle stared at the ground, even though he knew the way she was looking at him.
Grovyle folded his arms and sighed. “I hate explaining this.” He muttered under his breath.
He looked at her.
“Twig, right?” He asked.
She blinked in surprise. Then nodded.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Right. Of course you are.” He whispered under his breath.
He hated how she flinched. Grovyle looked back up. Sighing deeply.
“Look. I'm not your C- Grovyle. I'm from a different timeline.”
Twig pulled her head back in surprise. “But. Celebi told me that she can't move people to and from different timelines.”
Grovyle huffed. “I’m an exception.”
Twig's eyes widened. The two stared at each other for several seconds. Grovyle then sighed, and turned so his side faced her.
“Now with that out of the way, I realize that I came to the wrong timeline. So leave me alone for about ten minutes to recharge, then I can leave and you'll never have to see me again.”
The two stood in silence. A growing sense of worry rose in Grovyle's chest the longer he looked at Twig's expression through the corner of his eye.
Eventually, he looked at her. “Do you have any questions?”
Twig pursed her lips. “Did you-... Did you kill your Celebi?”
Grovyle flinched so hard he stumbled backwards. “How did you- Did Celebi tell you? ” He breathlessly asked.
Twig closed her eyes, a few tears escaping, and shook her head.
“No. I just- I figured it out myself, just now.”
Grovyle stared at her like she had just grown a second head, before his brow furrowed. “Why on earth would you assume something like that about me?” He growled.
Twig paused for a moment, then huffed. She lifted her arms and motioned to herself. “Have you ever heard of a legend named Darkrai?” She asked.
Grovyle's eyes widened as he pieced together what had happened to her. His vision fell to the ground.
“Oh.” He voiced.
The two stood in an awkward, mournful silence.
“Do you… Do you want to talk about it?” Twig asked.
Grovyle pursed his lip. “Not really, no.” He responded.
Twig stood there and stared at him. “Then… Do you just want to like, hang out?” She asked. Her voice shook slightly.
“No.” He said. Turning around so his back was facing her.
Twig's breath caught on itself briefly. Sending a pang of guilt through Grovyle.
“Clover. Please. I-”
“Can you stop calling me Clover?! I'm not Clover!” He snapped.
Twig paused for a moment. “Right. Sorry…It's just-” She hyperventilated. “It's been so long since I've seen you- um, Clover. That I- I just-.” She choked up on her tears and couldn't finish.
Grovyle bit down on the inside of lip. Then sighed.
Curiosity got the better of him.
“How long has it been since you've seen him?” He asked.
Twig took in a shaky breath. “I think like, a hundred years?”
Grovyle pinched down on his arm.
“I'm sorry.” He said gently.
Twig sighed. “It's okay. I'm sorry for assuming you were him.”
Grovyle felt a bitter anger well up inside him. Not unfamiliar, but different from what has been driving him for so long.
The two went back to standing in silence. One that he was more uncomfortable with the more time that passed between them.
Grovyle's arms dropped to his side, and he sighed. Then walked past Twig to the entrance of Sharpedo Bluff.
He turned back to look at her after stepping down a stair. “Are you coming?” He asked.
Twig flinched a bit. “I thought… I thought you didn't want to talk to me?” She asked innocently.
Grovyle bit down on the inside of his lip again.
“Frankly I don't really want to. But I need to wait to recharge so I can open another passage between times. Not a whole lot else I can do…”
Twig stared at him, and then nodded. Following him inside.
Gosh, when was the last time she'd cleaned in here? It was a mess of old decorations and mystery dungeon gear. He could see dust gathered on just about everything, save for the couch cushions, and a clean path, one that was noticeably smoother than the rest of the floor, in straight lines between the couch, kitchen and exit.
“Sorry it's such a mess. I haven't had guests for a while.”
Grovyle looked at her. “Why? Aren't you friends with Celebi?”
Twig shook her head and forced a smile. “Oh no! We are friends! I just, visit her, and not have her visit me. You know?”
The two stared at each other for a moment.
“Uh-” Twig started. “Why don't you have a seat? I'll go make us some tea.” She briskly trudged into the kitchen.
Grovyle slowly walked towards the couch. Looking through the various piles of stuff strewn about. Some corners had pots of dirt that were so dehydrated, that no weeds were growing from them. Even in Grovyle's presence.
He sat down on one end of the couch and was startled by just how far he sunk down. It had a noticeable dip near the middle seats, but he didn't think it would sink down this far.
How many years has she been sleeping on this thing?
Wait, if she took on Darkrai's powers, then she can't sleep.
If that's the case then does she just, lay on it?
Grovyle glanced around in silence as he could hear the clattering of dishes in the other room. He spotted a glass frame with several lunar feathers inside. He counted four. Maybe five?
He sat on the couch and waited for several seconds. Tension grew with each moment as he thought about just how much time he was wasting by being here.
He repeatedly tapped a claw against the armrest.
He'd experienced a small eternity before, but this felt even longer.
Eventually, Twig stepped out from the kitchen.
“Sorry it took so long! I had to clean the dust off the kettle… and the cups and tea leaves. You don't mind Oran leaf tea right?”
Dust on the leaves??? Well now he doesn't want to take it.
“I don't mind.” He responded. She nodded and handed him his cup as she sat down on the opposite side of the couch. The wood inside it creaked in such a way that he was worried it would fall apart.
The two sat there and sipped on their tea in silence.
Well the tea was better than that berry he ate.
Not much better, it still tasted awful, but it didn't make him want to vomit so that's a positive.
They finished their drinks.
And then continued sitting in silence.
Deafening silence.
The only sounds being their breathing, and the distant crashing of waves on Sharpedo Bluff.
Grovyle glanced over at her multiple times.
He wasn't sure what her expression was.
The silence continued. Dragging on and on.
Were it not for the occasional crackling of Twig's tail flame, and the rhythm-less sound of waves outside, he would have assumed they were somehow put in a loop.
Grovyle's thoughts start to run in their own loop. Thoughts of how this won't amount to anything. How doing this is so much less important than going and helping other timelines get fixed.
“So… Uh… You wanted to talk?” Twig finally broke the silence. Her eyes continued to stay locked to the floor.
Grovyle sighed. Right.
“I'm sorry for getting angry at you.” Grovyle responded, then paused. Deliberating over what to say next. “I… know how you feel.”
Twig huffed. “Right… How long has it been? Since, uh. You know…”
Grovyle rubbed his eyes. That Chesto berry was starting to wear off.
“I dunno.” He mumbled. “A couple of centuries at least. I think. Too long.”
Twig sadly hummed in acknowledgement.
The silence fell between them again.
It was starting to get infuriating.
Like, what is he supposed to say!? He hated it. It's been so ridiculously long since he's talked to anyone, much less any Twigs, like this that he didn't even know if he could talk to her.
Should he be talking to her? It's not like he can fix her. His whole thing is fixing timelines. Not other people's problems.
Then what about other you's that were about to commit to what you did?
Grovyle killed the thought. That wasn't just his problem. It would be everyone’s. That's an exception.
Grovyle's thoughts swirled in spirals. It's a good reason.
“So… um…” Twig voiced. Grovyle glanced at her. Her lips pursed, brows furrowed, and her eyes looking in every direction except towards him.
Grovyle waited for a few seconds then sighed. “Say it.” He grumbled.
Twig paused for a moment. “What's it like? Looking ahead in the timeline I mean.”
Grovyle shot her an angry look, one he was hoping she was looking away for.
She wasn't. Their eyes locked. Her's widened.
Grovyle sighed and leaned back before she could apologize. He then began.
“It's… Hmm. It's like you're given a…”
He pondered for a moment. Trying to think of a way to conceptualize this. He briefly thought of a Human Twig he had adopted once, and how she explained her math homework to him…
Until she grew up, and then…
A wretched feeling twisted in his gut. He pushed the thoughts away.
“Number line of sorts.” Twig looked at him with a strange sort of surprise.
“There aren't any kind of markings on it, but you can see yourself moving along it.” He continued. “But you can like, zoom into it. And then it branches out from that point, and you're given a list of things that can happen.”
He paused again. “I guess it's more like a combination of a sideways family tree and a list, than a number line.” He paused again. “What about you?”
Twig pulled back a bit. She forced a grin and raised her hands. “Oh, I never really tried to use my powers. Those lunar feathers Celebi gave me, meant I didn't need too! So, it's fine, really.”
Grovyle narrowed his eyes on her. He's met Darkrais from before they tried to end the world. He knows for a fact that what she's referring to is that nightmare aura.
So, it's fine, really.
He was thoroughly convinced at this point that Twig is a terrible liar in every timeline.
He was about to call her out on that when she hurriedly spoke.
“Well, if it shows you every possibility all at once? Doesn't that get super overwhelming?”
Grovyle shelved the thought. It's not like he was going to see this Twig again after this anyway. He was just waiting to leave.
“Well, not really.” He responded. Twig tilted her head in confusion.
“It's like… how to phrase this…” he mumbled. “Like, you pick a specific thing to think about. Then you can see a list, I guess? Sorted from most likely to least likely. In other words, we only see the two or three most likely possibilities and their consequences at any point. Significant ones that split the timeline being 'highlighted' so to speak."
“Ohhh. Okay. That actually makes a lot of sense…” Twig's somewhat satisfied expression fell. “So is that how it works for you?”
Grovyle nodded. “Not the first time. But yeah. It is.”
Twig flinched a bit. “What… What was it like the first time?”
Grovyle shrugged. He leaned back in his seat and folded a leg, to rest his foot on his knee. He stared at the wall to his side.
“I didn't know about all that stuff about lists and branching timelines and stuff. Turns out that's more of a rule that Celebis’ follow than how it works. So the first time I did it, I saw everything.” He casually mentioned.
“... wwwhat was it about?” Twig asked.
Grovyle sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “I wanted to see what would happen to my Twig. So I tried looking ahead. I watched her live long, fulfilling lives, and die peacefully in her sleep. And watched her die from a random heart attack milliseconds from when I did that. I watched her die countless times in countless ways. All in the span of a few seconds.” Grovyle stopped for a moment and took in a breath. Twig was silent.
Grovyle shrugged again. “Obviously I'm okay now. In fact, it's better that I did that since I do it all the time now. It's a whole lot faster than cherry picking which branches to look down. I got used to the flood of information. So, yeah. It's fine, really.”
The silence returned. Grovyle continued staring at the wall as his skin started to prickle.
The tension felt absurd. Why was the air so heavy?
“Twig?” Grovyle asked. He turned his head to face her. “Are you oka-”
He stopped when he saw her face. Her eyes wide, and her mouth hung open in complete and utter horror. Tears silently ran down her face and fell onto the couch.
Twig stood up off the couch and stepped towards him, and then wrapped Grovyle in a tight hug, as she repeatedly took in shaky breaths.
He then realized he just told her what he'd never told anyone before.
Grovyle felt wrath rising in his chest
He tried to push her away. Her arms tightened.
“Twig!? What are you doing!? Let me go! I need to leave!” He demanded.
He kept trying to push her away. He even tried using his legs. It didn't work. She was shockingly strong.
Grovyle stopped struggling after nearly a minute of this.
“Twig?” He asked.
“I'm so sorry that happened to you.” Twig sobbed.
Grovyle felt a bolt of shock run through his heart.
To hear her say what he knew the Celebi would say if he told them. He dreaded hearing them say it.
But her?
Twigs arms wrapped tighter.
“W-what happened to you wasn't okay.” She choked out.
Grovyle froze. Then he returned her hug.
It felt so nice.
He was finally hugging Twig again.
What happened wasn't okay.
The phrase repeated itself in his mind over and over.
He was barely holding back tears.
It wasn't okay.
And then the tears started running down his face.
Grovyle was choking back his sobbing. He would allow tears. But not sobbing. He won't cry like that in front of her.
It wasn't okay.
It's not okay.
None of what happened, should have happened to you.
A sob escaped Grovyle's mouth.
You're not okay.
In an instant, all of the walls Grovyle had standing for hundreds of years came crashing down.
Then he sobbed some more.
And then he sobbed and wept and wailed and screamed.
That ugly, bloody viscera that had been pulsing, filling him with a dull ache for so long had just been torn out of his chest for her to see.
And despite that, she was holding him in her arms like a crying child.
The way he would comfort the abandoned Twigs he used to search for.
He clutched at her. Pulling her closer to him crying even harder at the thought.
He cried for hours. Releasing centuries of pent up sorrow out for her to hear.
You're not okay.
But, maybe you will be.
Grovyle's eyes stung badly as he tried to open them. The sun shining across his eyes was what woke him up. His stomach ached with sharp pain.
The memories of what happened last night returned as he pushed himself into sitting upright. Groaning at the effort it takes. His entire body has never felt so heavy.
He barely remembers anything after crying for so long. Did he pass out?
He glanced up to see Twig holding a plate of food. Smiling at him.
Grovyle pursed his lips, tears once again filling in his eyes as he nodded.
Tears silently ran down his face as he ravenously ate this, his second, and his third servings of this food. He didn't know what was in it, but it tasted greater than anything he could imagine.
He almost started sobbing again when he realized he truly did forget just how good real food can be. Not that grimy food or the chesto berries or the occasional apples.
Real, genuine, cooked food.
Twig began talking after he finally told her that he wasn't hungry anymore.
“Gosh Grovyle. When was the last time you ate or slept? You've slept for an entire day.”
Grovyle tilted his head, and glanced backwards into the timeline.
It was morning, but the day after. He'd slept for nearly twenty-seven hours straight.
Grovyle weakly chuckled. “I dunno. I've been going this long just by eating Chesto berries.”
He tried to chuckle again, and it sounded like it was mixed with a sob.
He glanced around to avoid Twig's gaze, and saw that most of the clutter in the room was missing. It was far from perfect, but it actually looked like a living space now.
Twig sat down on the couch next to him. It creaked, but didn't seem like it would give up the ghost just yet.
The two sat in silence for several minutes.
This time, he didn't want to leave. It wasn't uncomfortable. He wanted to stay here forever…
But he had work that needed to be done.
“Twig.” He started.
“I know.” She responded. “I wish you could stay here too.”
He pursed his lips again. That wasn't what he was going to say. But it was what he wanted to say.
She gently pulled him towards her, and he leaned towards her. Resting his body on hers. She slowly rubbed her hand in circles between his shoulder blades.
“I'm going to miss you Grovyle.” She broke the silence eventually.
He glanced up at her eyes, then looked at the ground.
A few tears escaped his eyes as he choked out; “Can you… Can you call me Clover?”
Twig leaned towards him and pulled him into a hug. “Of course I can, Clover.” She responded.
He hugged her back, and they stayed like that for a few minutes.
Clover eventually spoke. “I'll miss you Twig.”
Twig sighed. “I will miss you too, Clover. Promise you will come and visit me?”
Clover pulled her in tighter. Tears fell down their faces.
“I promise.”
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bonefall · 11 months
Are you going to keep Goosefeather's curse? If so are you going to change anything about it? From my memory the book was... depressing.
It will probably get rolled into Pinestar's Crusade, building it up into an SE rather than just a novella. There's actually a lot going on in that specific moment, and it makes sense to go over it all at once.
So to answer your question, yes, most of Goosefeather's Curse is staying. Most of the Crusade Generation have depressing stories to tell. If the Thistle Period is defined by the fact that Thistle Law metastasized and went terminal, and if the Campaign Era was when it was newly born, then the Crusade Era was when it was first conceived.
I've been thinking about Pinestar's Crusade idly and mentioned it a few times, but here's my fragments so far;
PINESTAR'S CRUSADE (Fuses Pinestar's Choice and Goosefeather's Curse)
We start in the Crusade Era; there is now more focus on 3 major characters, though it's still built around Pinestar as the POV
Pinestar, Goosefeather, and eventually Pinepaw's apprentice Speckletail.
Pinepaw is born into the start of the Crusades, a bloody period where the Clans are invading Chelford and brutalizing cats in the hopes of appeasing StarClan. He only begins to learn the full story of what happened in Darkstar's Commandment once he begins going to Gatherings as a warrior
The truth being that Oakstar came up with this idea because he couldn't take an L
But even as an apprentice, it becomes quickly apparent to him that what they're doing is evil. They were brutalizing kittypets who aren't trained to fight back.
During his first raid as an apprentice, he allows a ginger-and-white mother and her kittens to escape
This came back years later, when that queen, Crystal, forms BloodClan in response to the Crusades.
Pineheart watches Oakstar die barely a year later to the queen he saved, using early claw extenders to cut right through him. Even if he hadn't been on his last life, it would have ended him.
But, Crystal lets Pineheart go, recognizing the Clan cat who had saved her life.
Watching his dad die along with several friends, and countless more innocent Chelford, plus being released by Crystal, is a Formative Moment.
Doestar continues the Crusades in the name of revenge for Oakstar, but now that BloodClan exists and is ARMED, the easy raids become bloodbaths.
They slowly peter out, not with a bang but with a whimper. She never announces an official end, eventually she just stops organizing them. No one gets closure, especially not Pineheart.
But the 'peace' doesn't last. Just before Heatherstar takes power from Smallstar and begins the Campaign to take the Mothermouth Moorland, ThunderClan deals with the Great Hunger
Pineheart and Goosefeather become very good friends, part of a little buddy group that also included Tawnyspots and Pheasantfeather (who will become One-eye later)
Pineheart was given his first apprentice, a rowdy little one and the niece of Doestar, Specklepaw. He's tasked with helping her fill the pawsteps of greatness she's destined to walk in.
Just like canon, Goose predicts the Great Hunger... though, he is an adult this time around because of some timeline changes.
And, like canon, it fails. They couldn't stockpile enough food to last an entire year of famine, a scorching summer and a frozen winter, they end up losing a huge stock of their food as if it was destiny.
Goosefeather was forced into a role he hates, given horrible visions of the future, and argues ferociously with Pineheart; if they hadn't tried to stockpile, they wouldn't have lost all that food to begin with.
It is in this moment, he comes to realize that every time he's fought back and used his visions like a warning, it's backfired.
So, perhaps, they are instruction.
But, meanwhile, Pineheart can't loose his apprentice or his friends. While others were hunting desperately, he was keeping cats alive through scouting for grubs, foraying into other territories, and...
Every bite of kittypet food he took for himself was a morsel in someone else's mouth. But this... this he kept quiet.
It started a "bad habit" he could never break.
Having lost the previous deputy to starvation and on her deathbed, Doestar nominates Pineheart to the position. He was shocked and upset by this, but he was the obvious choice.
Son of Oakstar, Hero of the Hunger, the cat who had kept Specklepaw alive when all the other kits and apprentices starved.
But, Pinestar took the helm to extreme controversy.
Everything Pinestar's ever done that worked was nonviolent. He's never seen battle do anything but bring harm, and the thought of leading people into war... it makes him feel sick.
But the rest of the Clan can't see what he sees. They yearn for the glory days (even though they were not glorious at all), itch to die for a cause, and leave this old, disgusting subsistence survival behind them. ThunderClan wants blood and Pinestar just wants peace.
Taking back Sunningrocks is an example of this. To avoid losing Clanmates, he proposed to Hailstar that they would have a Joust, instead.
ThunderClan's strongest against RiverClan's strongest. Adderfang vs Mudfur.
It didn't go well.
The problem with those sorts of situations is you have to abide by the deal. RiverClan took Sunningrocks for 6 months. It was humiliating for ThunderClan.
Even the cats he'd saved from the famine were furious with him
The only things that DID seem to please the Clan was when he would throw them fully into battle. Such as Goosefeather's prophecy that WindClan's herbs needed to be destroyed...
Every time a situation like that happened, where Goosefeather would phrase things as a Holy Struggle, Pinestar was thrown right back to the Crusades
Terrified eyes, screeching, cats begging for mercy, his father dead at his paws and feeling horror and relief swirling
Sitting vigil for old friends killed in these horrible fights, like Moonflower, it made him feel like how he felt the day he buried Oakstar.
And the bile rose in his throat, remembering that Oakstar was not there at his Leadership Ceremony, damned to the Dark Forest.
A thought was born, here. What does StarClan truly want? What do they expect of him? If they will send the architect of the Crusades there...
What of a cat who stayed fed on human food and fed grubs to his Clanmates? Or a leader who never knows the right thing to do?
When Mumblefoot retired and Sunfall became deputy, the Clan seemed to love him more than Pinestar. He found himself just... sitting back, and allowing Sunfall to call the shots.
It was towards the end, when Leopardfoot proposed an Honor Siring. He was from a glorious legacy, she wanted kits... and on his end, he wanted the peace that raising kittens could bring.
The warmth of human dens was calling him, but perhaps the warmth of love for children could keep him home.
UNLIKE CANON; Nothing about Tigerkit was born evil.
There was no StarClan vision of Tigerstar; Goosefeather knew full well that Thistlestar was the Leader of Prophecy.
But Pinestar would never give Thistleclaw an apprentice in time. Nor would he ever give his own little son to a cat as vicious as him.
Goosefeather never hurt anyone... but Pinestar just needed a push.
Pinestar was already anxious, unhappy, clinging to the goodness that was his little kits. Even as two of them were lost to minor illnesses, shortly after receiving their names.
It wasn't a lie. It was just half of the truth.
"Pinestar... you have a choice to make. StarClan has given me a vision of blood and war, and Tigerkit will have a role to play in it."
He DID have a vision... of Thistlestar. Not Tigerkit. But that was enough for Pinestar, his fear and trauma took the helm from there.
He'd seen his friends, his apprentice, the kits who had been born and died in his rule, all of them turn into the monsters Clan Culture demanded
Nothing he did ever seemed to work, why would THIS moment be different?
How could he prevent Tigerkit from becoming like that too?! Was StarClan telling him to KILL his son??
Pinestar's never had a vision from StarClan. He doesn't have the aptitude like a Cleric... what he has is a nightmare, of Tigerkit growing so large he crushes the whole camp under his claws
After a week of agony, Pinestar unknowingly creates a prophecy of his own,
"Can only the death of a child break fate?"
Sensing he was close to victory, Goosefeather dipped his head, not denying his question.
And it's the last straw.
And that is the climax of Pinestar's Crusade. Broken from his experiences, every turn taken for peace causing him more pain, the idea that he might have to hurt his own son plaguing his mind, he makes the choice to leave.
It wasn't hard, he'd still had that old bad habit of taking bites of kittypet food, a couple friends on the other side. But what he doesn't know is that by leaving with his life... he prevents Sunstar from acquiring his own.
Sunstar had ONE single life, StarClan was not able to give him more with the previous leader still alive. For leaving his Clan, for unknowingly preventing the transfer of power, and for dismissing the Warrior Code, Pinestar is sent to the Dark Forest after his death.
He can choose to walk there, or spend time in the mortal plane as just a spirit, but StarClan offers him no place in the cosmos.
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pocket-prosecutor · 1 year
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There's something about subverting the inherent imbalanced power dynamic in g/t. Technically speaking, Phoenix always has control* over any physical situation. But Miles has discovered that he has more to say over Phoenix than he thought he could. One sneaky kiss and his "giant" boyfriend is completely paralyzed.
*Everything they do in this AU is within reason and with consent
Full sketch is under the cut!
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
Drew one of @solazu1's funny lil guys from their The Devil's Lapdog/THDPH AU!!
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The AU is very very good & I love it sm
[Denise deserves so much better & a lotta therapy]
Alt. Lighting versions + some extra stuff/lore things added to it! Warning however, for VERY very bright colors!!!!
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Funky lil brightly colored demons are so fun yk. Definitely making everything better
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a-dose-of-memphis · 6 months
idol au but its inspired with debut or die and old man dain doesnt want to die (shocking you know)
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thedeafprophet · 2 months
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Ms Penelope hastings Levy i am so sorry u never got to see ur kids grow up you wouldve done a great job,,,
anyway i have this au in my head so much ;-; au where she survives Alex's birth, sees the growing issues with her husbands, and decides its worth it to take the risk and protect her kids. She packs up with her kids in the middle of the night, and ends up coming to the Neath, where she knows her brother went a long time ago....
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bigfatbreak · 7 months
Must be insane for Adrien to be living with a murderer and what is essentially a walking talking corpse lol
Sorry if you've already answered this but is the reason Adrian remembers everything because he's a creation of the miraculous?
If so does Felix remember everything? How is Felix in this au by the way?
Sentimonsters remember the last timeline for the most part~ and Felix is doing fine, doing his... best?
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Kagami is around too, she's just trapped by circumstance.
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luxu-loveskh · 3 months
Got another drawing for my NG+ au
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This time its traditional art and a bit after the first calling card,after his tantrum kamoshida tasked akechi who was the only student still standing there to take the calling cards off
sumire wants to help him out but sadly she got some... "joker vibes" which irritates akechi
she also wants to befriend akechi
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